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Cruz, Justine S


Republic Act No. 10173 (Data Privacy Act of 2012)

An act protecting individual personal information in information and communications

systems in the government and the private sector, creating for this purpose a national
privacy commission, and for other purposes

It is the policy of the state to protect the fundamental human right of privacy, of
communication while ensuring free flow of information to promote innovation and
growth. The state recognizes the vital role of information and communications
technology in nation-building and its inherent obligation to ensure that personal
information in information and communications systems in the government and in the
private sector are secured and protected.

Child Internet Safety and Protection Act of 2017

It is hereby declared a policy of the State to promote and protect the physical, moral,
spiritual, intellectual, psychological and social well-being of children. Towards this end, it
shall vigorously promote the safety and protection of children in accessing the Internet
against harmful materials, such as, but not limited to, pornography, sex and violence by
adopting extensive public awareness programs and using appropriate and effective
filtering or firewall devices.
Discussion Questions:

1. There are six consumer rights that are considered mandatory. The six rights are:
 Choose - consumers’ may choose from a variety of products or services
based on quality and reasonable price desired.
 Safety - consumers’ right to use a product as intended safely, or with
sufficient knowledge of any unsafe effects using symbols or warnings.
 Be informed - consumers should be aware of the products they purchase,
which is especially important in receiving accurate nutrition facts on food
 Be heard - consumers may address their concerns through a good
customer service communication. It also refers to the responsibility of the
government to consider these issues.
 Redress - consumers’ right to pursue compensation when a product or
service fails to meet expectations as intended, while often resolved
through the company and some end in litigation.
 Privacy - consumers’ right of their information to be protected in the hands
of companies, especially in an age of high technology where confidential
data is often held in databases accessible to the internet.


3. A boycott is to refuse to buy items from a particular country, company or

organization. A boycott is a group refusal to deal commercially with a certain
organization (that organization might be a country). A boycott usually is a
manifestation of a protest against the organization's policies. I would consider
participating a boycott if a certain company overprice its products or services for
no particular reason and if they are violating any ethical or legal issues.

4. There are several possible ways in which a company can strive for a successful
and long lasting relationship with its consumers and stakeholders. CSR or
Corporate social responsibility is one such thing. CSR is not something that is
mandated by the law but is necessary to maintain a good reputation and a
positive perception of a particular brand.

5. I think consumer rights and activism over the next decade would continue to
increase. Through the emergence and innovation of technology, information can
widespread with the use of many social media platforms. Any movement or
petitions for such change can be read or affect not only within the community of
the concerned citizen but can also reach audiences worldwide.

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