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What is data logger?

Data logger is a device that can be used to collect or store data from other electronic device
such as sensor. Application of data logger may include unattended weather and hydrographic
recording such as wind speed or direction, temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, water
level, water depth, water pH, water flow and also water conductivity. This data acquisition is
use in computers where the data logger collect transmits the data in electrical signal form and
then the data being transfers into the internal memory and later being download to the
computer. Data logger is usually compact, battery-powered equipped with internal
microprocessor, data storage and sensor.

When to choose data logger?

Some parameters must be considered when choosing data logger. The consideration includes
input signals, number of inputs, size, data rate and internal memory and also real time
operation. Apart from that, a few measurements such as temperature, light intensity, soil
moisture and dissolve oxygen also must be considered.

Why using data logger?

Data logger is more economical since users can save their time by leaving data logger
unattended to take time-stamped measurements rather than they have to be on site by
themselves. It also offers more flexibility regarding the data acquisition due to less time spent
travelling in order to download the data collected.

Where data logger can be applied?

Data logger have been used in broad range of environment such as indoor, outdoor even
underwater nowadays as long as the convenience of the battery power is preferred. However,
data loggers are extremely low-power devices and this make its battery-life longer.
How To Use Data Logger

First, connect the data logger to our devices such as mobile or computer. Then, by using the
accompanying data logger’s software to select logging parameter and activate the data logger.
Next, secure the data logger in a safe place. We can use a magnet or other waterproof elements
to protect the sensors from any disruption. After finish monitoring period, the data logger must
be reconnected to our devices so that we can launch the software to read the data collected.
Lastly, the data logger software will display the data in graph so that we can compare and
analyse the data.

Objective of Data Logger

1. To provide accurate picture of environmental conditions being monitored.

2. To measure different parameters as the alternative way in collecting data


Engage is the first step to attract student attention about the topic that you want to introduce.
For example, we want to carry out an experiment related to acceleration and velocity. Then we
diagrams (The Physic Classroom) related to acceleration, velocity and angle. The diagram 1
are shown as below:

Diagram 1: cycle up the hill and down the hill

Then, there will be a question for student which is “which cycler is faster and easy?”. From
their answer, we can find out their prior knowledge on the issue given. Then, we related with
the real condition follow by next step to prove our explanation. The problem statement is given
as below:
‘Does the inclined track with certain angle affect the acceleration and velocity of moving

At this stage, we planning and doing our experiment. We carry out an experiment using data
logger (motion sensor) to test the problem statement.

Title: Acceleration and velocity


1. To investigate the velocity and acceleration of the object when down the incline plane
at certain angle by using motion sensor.
2. To determine the angle of incline track for each of different high h.
3. To determine the graph of velocity against time and acceleration against time.

Acceleration is the rate change of velocity with time. Meanwhile, velocity is a vector quantity
that refers to the rate at which an object changes it position. Constant acceleration occurs when
an object experiences a constant net forces. Constant acceleration means that an object velocity
is constantly changing, but at uniform rate.

A cart is placed on the inclined plane. Due to the gravity, the cart is move down ward. The
direction of the acceleration due to the gravity is straight down as shown in the diagram 2. The
component of the acceleration which is parallel to the incline plane surface is 𝑔 sin 𝜃 where 𝜃
is the angle of the incline plane and the friction between cart and incline plane is negligible.
Computer USB interface Passport motion sensor

Cart Inclined plane Ruler Retort stand

Diagram 2: Component of gravity act on the object

Apparatus and materials:

Computer with USB port
PASPORT motion sensor
PASPORT USB interface
Incline plane
Retort stand

Procedure set up:

1. The PASPORT USB interface is plugged into the USB port computer.
2. The motion sensor is plugged in the USB interface. The PASPORT window is
automatically launched.
3. Appropriate DataStudio configuration is chosen.
Equipment set up
1. The equipment is set up as below.
2. The height is measured at (8cm and 12cm). The length of the incline plane and angle
between inclined plane and the surface is being measured.
3. The motion sensor is placed at the end of the inclined plane. At the top of the motion
sensor, the icon ‘Cart’ is selected before release the cart down the incline plane.
4. Cart is hold at the mark 15cm of the track. When the cart is released, the data is record
and experiment is repeated by changing the height.

Record data:
1. The button start is clicked and the cart is released so that it moves down the incline
2. The button stop is clicked before the cart hits the end of the incline plane.

Analyse data:
Velocity graph:
The smooth part of the velocity is highlighted. Then, linear fit is selected from the fit menu.
The slope for the cart (the value of m) is the recorded.

Acceleration graph:
The flat part of the acceleration is highlighted. Then linear fit is selected from the fit menu.
The slope (the value of m) for the cart is then recorded. The value for the velocity to the mean
of acceleration is compared

Length of the incline plane, l 85 cm 85 cm

Height, h 8 cm 12 cm
Angle of the incline plane, 𝜃 5.4° 8.1°
Acceleration (slope = 0) 0.6 m/𝑠 2 1.0 m/𝑠 2
Slope of the graph Velocity 0.43 m/𝑠 2 0.8 m/𝑠 2
(m) Acceleration 0.0 m/𝑠 3 0.0 m/𝑠 3

Calculation angle of the incline plane, 𝜃

sin 𝜃 = height / length of incline plane
8 cm 12 cm
Sin 𝜃 = 8cm/85cm Sin 𝜃 = 12cm/85cm
𝜃 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛−1 (8cm/85cm) 𝜃 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛−1 (12cm/85cm)
= 5.4° = 8.1°


1. Describe the situation where an object slide down at different incline angle and the
force that involve.
Object placed on incline plane will always slide down. The rate of object slide down
the surface depend on the angle of the incline plane. The greater the angle, the
greater the acceleration. Object are known to accelerate down the incline plane
because of unbalanced force. For the object on the incline plane, there are at least
two forces acting which are the force of the gravity and normal force. Normal forceis
always perpendicular to the surface.

2. Draw the diagram and label the force that are acting on the accelerating object. State
how the acceleration is formed?

The gravitational force component perpendicular to the plane is directed opposite the
normal force and such balances the normal force. While the parallel component is
unbalanced. Because of that the object accelerate down due to the unbalanced force.

3. From the result, describe how the acceleration is affected by different incline angle.
The acceleration due to the gravity, g has constant value which is 9.8 m/𝑠 2 . Gravity
accelerates object down the incline plane. The angle of incline can affect the
acceleration of an object. As the angle increase, the component of force parallel to the
incline plane increase.
4. What are precautions step you took while handle the experiment?
Motion sensor is used to measure the movement of the object. It is very sensitive to the
motion. To be careful, the cart is hold away from the sensor where it can detect the
movement of your finger. The motion sensor must directed parallel with the plane. To
get more accurate result, experiment is repeated for several time.

Experiment Conclusion:

The acceleration of the cart is affected by the angle of the incline plane. The bigger the angle,
the greater the cart acceleration. The angle of incline plane is determine by using Pythagoras


This stage is about how the concept has been applied. The concept of the experiment above
explain how thus happen in our daily life which we can applied. For example, cycling down
the hill or driving down the hill without energy being waste. Most of time, we can even stop
using energy when down the hill. However, the speed is being control as a result, the
acceleration increase due to the gravity. Another application is the flow of river water at the
upstream is faster compared to the down stream.

Other than that, the application of incline plane also being used in the simple
machines. For example, moving object up an inclined plane required less force than lifting it
straight up, at a cost of an increase in the distance for the object to move. The concept of
increasing acceleration is wildly used in our life such as playground sliding.

Benefits of data logger

There are abundance of benefit and advantage of data logger in teaching and learning
process, especially for student. Besides students can perform their experiment and collect data
in simple yet systematically way. First, students can monitoring fast changes in a physical
quantity, such as changes in movement of an object or changes in light intensity. For example,
the application of Tracker Software in Physics subject which student can monitor the fast
changes of the velocity, acceleration of the fast movement object to get the data. Then, by the
data collected from the software, the formula for acceleration object was been automatically
set by the software, the output from the moving object can be presented by graph, table and
comparison between graph.
Data collection can be automatic so no human presence is necessary, there will be no
silly mistakes or human error during conduction and the data are respectively accurate to the
experiment. It will help student and teacher to get a authentic and reliable result from the
experiment conducted. Therefore, there is no chance of somebody especially students
forgetting to take a reading during the experiment. Readings can be taken very quickly [several
readings every second from a number of different sensors] such as the sensor from the Tracker
software which can detect the velocity of the movement object. Humans could not achieve this,
which is the reading taken with high degrees of accuracy.

The other side of the advantages data logger is that the software such as Tracker can be
set to take many readings in a short period of time. Students and teacher can conserve more
time for teaching and learning process rather than wasting time waiting and counting the result
manually during the experiment. The best part of this software to student is that the data
collected from the science experiment such as physics experiment by using the Tracker
software can be processed by specialist software or put into a spreadsheet. Thus, data logger
provide better processing and presentation of results. Lastly, the benefit of data logger by using
Tracker software is that student can measuring changes accurately with the sensor and
interpretation of result from the experiment.


Initially, the main purpose of data logger in education especially for science experiment
is the real-time data collection capability. However, now with the advancement in computers
and software, data logger technology offers various technological advantages. For example,
the new generation of data logger systems enable users to watch events (through video capture)
and collect data simultaneously which perform time and event-triggered data collection, and
carry out live data presentation thus analysis with the use of remote controlled sensors and
wireless data interfaces. Through these technology, data logger in education are also said to
have many pedagogical benefits in science lessons. These advantages include encouraging
students to become actively involved in science lessons, by making them engaged with ideas
and processes rather than mere data collection. Therefore, students will have more time to
discuss ideas, opportunities to suggest explanations for their observations from the result
achieved, and also to test their ideas through the experiment.
In a nutshell, the usage of data logger in order to conducting science experiment is a
helping tools for student and teachers throughout their teaching and learning process. There are
many benefits of using data logger during science subject experiment while the application was
advanced technology that provide a reliable and accurate data according to the science theory.
It is also a combination of ICT in education in order to implement technology and innovation
of multimedia and ICT during teaching and learning process during lab session or in the class.


Force on experiment sensor motion of acceleration on inclined plane - Google Search.

(2018). Retrieved 24 March 2018, from
Lajium, D. (2016). Science Teachers’ Acceptance towards. International Journal on E-
Learning Practices (IJELP), 84-89.
The Physic Classroom. (n.d.). Retrieved 23 march, 2018, from

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