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GATE 2016 Solved Paper

Electrical Engineering
Set - 2
Number of Questions: 65 Total Marks: 100.0

Wrong answer for MCQ will result in negative marks, (-1/3) for 1 Mark Questions and (-2/3) for 2 Marks

General Aptitude
Number of Questions: 10 Section Marks: 15.0

Q. 1 to Q. 5 carry 1 mark each and Q. 6 to Q. 10 carry (B) R2D2 is the only robot which can repair
2 marks each aeroplane
(C) R2D2 is a robot which can repair only
Question Number: 1 Question Type: MCQ
The chairman requested the aggrieved shareholders to (D) Only R2D2 is a robot
_______ him.
Solution:  As per option (A), R2D2 cannot do any-
(A) bare with (B) bore with
thing to an aeroplane apart from repairing. This is not
(C) bear with (D) bare in the scope of the given statements.
Solution:  To bear with someone or something is to be As per option (C), R2D2 cannot repair any other thing
patient with somebody or something. except aeroplanes. This is also not in the scope of the
Hence, the correct option is (C). given statements.
Option (D) contradicts the given statements.
Question Number: 2 Question Type: MCQ
From the given statements it is clear that R2D2 is the
Identify the correct spelling out of the given options: only which can repair aeroplanes. Hence, option (B)
(A) Managable (B) Manageable can be inferred.
(C) Mangaeble (D) Managible
Hence, the correct option is (B).
Question Number: 5 Question Type: MCQ
Hence, the correct option is (B).
If | 9y – 6 | = 3, then y2 – 4y/3 is ______.
Question Number: 3 Question Type: MCQ (A) 0 (B) +1/3
Pick the odd one out in the following: (C) –1/3 (D) undefined
13, 23, 33, 43, 53 Solution:  We are given that
(A) 23 (B) 33
| 9y – 6 | = 3
(C) 43 (D) 53 1
9y – 6 = –3 ⇒ y =
Solution:  We know that except 33, rest are all prime 3
numbers. 9y – 6 = 3 ⇒ y = 1
Hence, the correct option is (B). 4 y 1 4 −1 4 −1
\ y2 – = − = or 1 − =
Question Number: 4 Question Type: MCQ 3 9 9 3 3 3
\ In either case,
R2D2 is a robot, R2D2 can repair aeroplanes. No other
4 y −1
robot can repair aeroplanes. y2 – =
(A) R2D2 is a robot which can only repair 3 3
aeroplanes Hence, the correct option is (C).

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GATE 2016 Solved Paper Electrical Engineering: Set – 2 | xxxix

Question Number: 6 Question Type: NAT Solution:  Option (A) cannot be inferred because the
The following graph represents the installed capacity given passage brings out the opinion of students with
for cement production (in tonnes) and the actual respect to mechanical engineering only.
production (in tonnes) of nine cement plants of a Option (B) cannot be inferred because the statement
cement company. Capacity utilization of a plant is does not make a specific reference to the opinions of
defined as ratio of actual production of cement to men with advanced degrees in mechanical engineering.
installed capacity. A plant with installed capacity of at Option (C) can be inferred because the research result
least 200 tonnes is called a large plant and a plant with indicates that nearly all the women with masters
lesser capacity is called a small plant. The difference or higher degrees in mechanical engineering were
between total production of large plants and small successful.
plants in tonnes is ______
Option (D) cannot be inferred because the passage
250 220
does not provide any information about the number
200 200
190 of women pursuing higher degrees in mechanical
200 180 190
150 160 160
150 140
150 120 120
100 Hence, the correct option is (C).
50 Question Number: 8 Question Type: MCQ
0 Sourya committee had proposed the establishment of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sourya Institutes of Technology (SITs) in line with
Solution:  As we know that plants 1, 4, 8, 9 are large Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) to cater to the
while 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 are small. technological and industrial needs of a developing
The total production of the large plants is country.
160 + 190 + 230 + 190 = 770 Which of the following can be logically inferred form
The total production of the small plants is the above sentence?
150 + 160 + 120 + 100 + 120 = 650 Based on the proposal,
The difference is 770 - 650 = 120 tonnes. (i) In the initial years, SIT students will get
Hence, the correct Answer is (120). degrees from IIT
Question Number: 7 Question Type: MCQ (ii) SITs will have a distinct national objective
A poll of students appearing for masters in engineering (iii) SIT like institutions can only be established in
indicated that 60% of the students believed that consolation with IIT
mechanical engineering is a profession unsuitable (iv) SITs will serve technological needs of a
for women. A research study on women with masters developing country.
or higher degrees in mechanical engineering found (A) (iii) and (iv) only (B) (i) and (iv) only
that 99% of such women were successful in their (C) (ii) and (iv) only (D) (ii) and (iii) only
Solution:  Neither (i) nor (iii) is in the scope of the pas-
Which of the following can be logically inferred from
the above paragraph?
(A) Many students have misconceptions regarding Since, SITs are being established with a specific
various engineering disciplines purpose, (iii) can be inferred.
(B) Men with advanced degrees in mechanical (iv) is a direct extract of the given passage. Hence, only
engineering believe women are well suited to (ii) and (iv) can be inferred.
be mechanical engineers Hence, the correct option is (C).
(C) Mechanical engineering is a profession well
suited for women with masters or higher Question Number: 9 Question Type: MCQ
degrees in mechanical engineering Shaquille O’ Neal is a 60% career free throw shooter,
(D) The number of women pursuing higher meaning that he successfully makes 60 free throws out
degrees in mechanical engineering is small of 100 attempts on average. What is the probability

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xl | GATE 2016 Solved Paper Electrical Engineering: Set – 2

that he will successfully make exactly 6 free throws in (0.0256) (0.046656)

10 attempts? = 0.2508
(A) 0.2508 (B) 0.2816 Hence, the correct option is (A).
(C) 0.2934 (D) 0.6000
Question Number: 10 Question Type: NAT
Solution:  The probability of exactly 6 successful
The numeral in the units position of 211870
throws is + 146127 × 3424 is ______.
10C (0.4)4 (0.6)6
Solution:  The units digit of the given expression is
10 (9) (8) (7) 256 46656
= = 210 1 + (6) (1) = 7
2 (3) ( 4) 10 4 106
Hence, the correct Answer is (7).

Electrical Engineering
Number of Questions: 55 Section Marks: 85.0

Q. 11 to Q. 35 carry 1 mark each and Q. 36 to Q. 65 Solution:  The circuit given in question is a practical
carry 2 marks each integrator therefore it will act like a low pass filter.
Question Number: 11 Question Type: MCQ Hence, the correct option is (A).
The output expression for the Karnaugh map shown Question Number: 13 Question Type: NAT
below is: The following figure shows the connection of an ideal
transformer with primary to secondary turns ratio of
  BC 1 : 100. The applied primary voltage is 100 V (rms),
A 00 01 11 10 50 Hz, AC. The rms value of the current I, in ampere,
     0 1 0 0 1 is ________.
     1 1 1 1 1
XL = 10 R = 80 kΩ
(A) A + B (B)
(C) A + C (D)
A+C 100 V
XC = 40 kΩ
Solution:  The output expression for the Karnaugh
map given is Solution:
f = A + C
XL = 10Ω
Hence, the correct option is (B). R = 80 kΩ

Question Number: 12 Question Type: MCQ

The circuit shown below is an example of a:
100 V
I XC = 40 kΩ

On transferring the secondary parameters to primary side.

R1 +15 V 2
Vin Vout V 
R1 = R  1 
 V2 
–15 V 2
 100  80 × 1000
= (80 K)   =
(A) low pass filter (B) band pass filter  100 × 100  100 × 100
(C) high pass filter (D) notch filter = 8W

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GATE 2016 Solved Paper Electrical Engineering: Set – 2 | xli

 1 
2  54 54 
X C1 = 40 K  Y  (s) =  −
 = 4Ω 1 1
 100  s + s+ 
 6 3
Y (t) = 54e−t/6 u (t) − 54e−t/3 u (t)
j10Ω 8Ω –j4Ω Hence, the correct option is (D).
Question Number: 15 Question Type: NAT
100 V Suppose the maximum frequency in a band-limited
signal x (t) is 5 kHz. Then, the maximum frequency in
⇒I x (t) cos (2000pt), in kHz, is ________.
Solution:  The highest frequency component of
100 x (t) → f = 5 kHz {x (t) cos (2p × 1000t)}
I =
8 + j (10 − 4) 1
= [ x ( f − 1000) + x ( f + 1000) ]
100 2
I | =
|  = 10 A \ The maximum frequency in the product signal is,
f + 100 = 5000 + 1000 = 6 kHz
Hence, the correct Answer is (10). Hence, the correct Answer is (6).
Question Number: 14 Question Type: MCQ Question Number: 16 Question Type: MCQ
Consider a causal LTI system characterized by Consider the function f (z) = z + z* where z is a complex
dy ( t ) 1 variable and z* denotes its complex conjugate. Which
differential equation + y ( t ) = 3x (t). The
dt 6 one of the following is TRUE?
− (A) f (z) is both continuous and analytic
response of the system to the input x (t) 3e 3 u (t ) , (B) f (z) is continuous but not analytic
where u (t) denotes the unit step function, is _______. (C) f (z) is not continuous but is analytic

t (D) f (z) is neither continuous nor analytic
(A) 9e 3 u (t )
Solution:  Given

t f (z) = z + z*
(B) 9e u (t ) Let z = x + iy
t t
⇒ z* = x – iy
− − \ f (z) = z + z*
(C) 9e 3 u (t ) − 6e 6 u (t )
= (x + iy) + (x – iy)
t t ⇒ f (z) = 2x
− −
(D) 54e 6 u (t ) − 54e 3 u (t )
Clearly f (z) is continuous
Solution:  Taking Laplace on both sides Let f (z) = 2x + i0 = u + iv
\ u = 2x; v = 0
 1 ∂u ∂u ∂v ∂u
 s + 6  Y (s) = 3X (s) = 2; = 0; = 0 and =2
    ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂x

Y ( s) ∂u ∂v
3 =2≠ (= 0)
X ( s) 1 ∂x ∂y
6 \ The real and imaginary parts of f (z) fails to satisfy
 3  3  the Cauchy–Riemann equations.
Y (s) = 
1  1 Hence f (z) is not analytic.
 s +  s + 
   6  3 Hence, the correct option is (B).

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Question Number: 17 Question Type: MCQ Applying the inverse Laplace transform on both sides,
A 3 × 3 matrix P is such that, P3 = P. Then the −1  1 
L−1 [ y ] = L  2
 ( s + 1) 
eigenvalues of P are:
(A) 1, 1, –1
(B) 1, 0.5 + j0.866, 0.5 – j0.866  1 
⇒ y = L−1 
(C) 1, –0.5 + j0.866, –0.5, –j 0.866 2
(D) 0, 1, –1  ( s − ( −1) ) 

Solution:  Given that P is a 3 × 3 matrix such that = te −t = te −t u (t )
P3 = P. \ The solution of the given differential equation is
Let l be an eigenvalue of P. y = te–t u (t)
As P is a 3 × 3 matrix and Hence, the correct option is (A).
P3 = P Question Number: 19 Question Type: MCQ
We have The value of the line integral
⇒ l3 – l = 0
∫ (2 xy dx + 2 x
2 2
⇒ l (l2 – 1) = 0 ydy + dz )
⇒ l = 0; l2 – 1 = 0 c
⇒ l = 0; l = ±1 along a path joining the origin (0, 0, 0) and the point
\ The eigenvalues of P are 0, 1 and –1. (1, 1, 1) is:
(A) 0 (B) 2
Hence, the correct option is (D).
(C) 4 (D) 6
Question Number: 18 Question Type: MCQ
Solution:  We have to evaluate the line integral
The solution of the differential equation, for t > 0,
∫ (2 xy dx + 2 x
2 2
y′′ (t) 2y′ (t) + y (t) = 0 with initial conditions y (0) = 0 ydy + dz )
and y′ (0) = 1, is (u (t) denotes the unit step function), c
(A) te–t u (t)
along a path joining the origin (0, 0, 0) and the point
(B) (e–t – te–t) u (t)
(1, 1, 1).
(C) (–e–t + te–t) u (t)
Equation of the line joining (0, 0, 0) and (1, 1, 1) is
(D) e–t u (t)
x−0 y−0 z−0
Solution:  Given differential equations is = = = t, (say)
1− 0 1− 0 1− 0
y″ + 2y′ + y = 0 (1) ⇒ x = y = z = t
with the initial conditions ⇒ x = t, y = t
y  (0) = 0 and y′ (0) = 1 (2) and z =t
Applying Laplace transform on both sides of Equa- ⇒ dx = dt, dy = dt and dz = dt
tion (1), and t varies from t = 0 to t = 1
We have
∫ [2 xy
dx + 2 x 2 ydy + dz ]
L [ y ′′] + 2 L [ y ′] + L [ y ] = 0 c
⇒ s 2 y − sy(0) − y ′(0) + 2 ( sy − y(0) ) + y 1

= 0
= ∫ [2(t ) (t 2 ) dt + 2 (t 2 )(t ) dt + dt ]
t =0
where y = L [y]
2 1
⇒ s y − s × 0 − 1 + 2 sy − 2 × 0 + y
= ∫ [4t 3 + 1] dt
= 0 [from Equation (2)] t =0
⇒ ( s + 2 s + 1) y = 1 1
= t4 + t 
1 1  t =0
⇒ y= =
2 2
( s + 2 s + 1) ( s + 1) Hence, the correct option is (B).

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GATE 2016 Solved Paper Electrical Engineering: Set – 2 | xliii

Question Number: 20 Question Type: MCQ From the above figure, we get
Let f (x) be a real, periodic function satisfying Vs2 = (VR + VC cos f)2 + (VC sin f)2
f (–x) = –f (x). The general from of its Fourier series Vs2 = VR2 + VC2 + 2VRVC cos φ
representation would be
∞ V 2 − VR2 − VC2
(A) f (x) = a0 ∑ ak cos (kx) cos f = S
k =1
∞ From the given options, option (D) gives f = 90°.
(B) f (x) = ∑ bk sin (kx) Hence, the correct option is (D).
k =1
∞ Question Number: 22 Question Type: NAT
(C) f (x) = a0 + ∑ a2k cos (kx) The voltage (V) and current (A) across a load are as
k =1
∞ follows.
(D) f (x) = ∑ a2k + 1 sin ( 2k + 1) x n (t) = 100 sin (wt),
k = 0 +1 I (t) = 10 sin (wt – 60°) + 2 sin (3wt)
Solution:  Given + 5 sin (5wt)
f (–x) = –f (x) The average power consumed by the load, in W is
∞ ________.
∑ a2k +1 sin (2k + 1) is an odd function. Solution:
k =1
\ The Fourier series expansion of f (x) consists of only 1000
Vrms =
sine terms. 2

i.e., f (x) = ∑ bk sin ( kx ) Irms =
k =1 2
Hence, the correct option is (B). f = 60
Question Number: 21 Question Type: MCQ Average power consumed
P = Vrms ⋅ Irms ⋅ cos f
A resistance and a coil are connected in series and
supplied form a single phase, 100 V, 50 Hz ac source as 1000 10
= ×
× cos 60° = 250 watts
shown in the figure below. The rms values of possible 2 2
voltages across the resistance (VR) and coil (VC)
Hence, the correct Answer is (250).
respectively, in volts, are:
Question Number: 23 Question Type: MCQ
A power system with two generators is shown in
the figure below. The system (generators, buses and
VS VC transmission lines) is protected by six over current
relays R1 to R6. Assuming a mix of directional and non-
directional relays at appropriate locations, the remote
backup relays for R4 are:
(A) 65, 35 (B) 50, 50 R1 R2
S1 R5 R6 S2
(C) 60, 90 (D) 60, 80
R3 R4
Solution:  Consider the figure given below:

VS (A) R1, R2
VC (B) R2, R6
VC sin φ
φ (C) R2, R5
VR VC cos φ (D) R1, R6

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xliv | GATE 2016 Solved Paper Electrical Engineering: Set – 2

Solution:  Consider the figure given below:

( 400 × 103 ) 2
Load impedance (ZL) =
R1 R2 300 × 106
S1 R5 R6 S2 = 533.33W
The receiving end voltage will rise more than sending
end voltage because the load impedance is more than
R3 R4 surge impedance,
\ VR VS ⇒ VR > 400 kV
An inductive compensation is needed to reduce the
If a fault was taken place b/w (3) and (4) R3 and R4
voltage to 400 kV.
must operate. If R4 is failed to operate, then to limit
I1 → R1 must operate and to limit I2 → R6 must operate. Hence, the correct option is (B).
Hence, the correct option is (D). Question Number: 26 Question Type: MCQ
Question Number: 24 Question Type: MCQ A parallel plate capacitor filled with two dielectrics is
shown in the figure below. If the electric field in the
A power system has 100 buses including 10 generator
region A is 4 kV/cm, the electric field in the region B,
buses, for the load flow analysis using Newton–
in kV/cm, is ____.
Raphson, method in polar coordinates, the size of the
Jacobian is: A B
(A) 189 × 189 (B) 100 × 100
∈r = 1 ∈r = 4 2 cm
(C) 90 × 90 (D) 180 × 180
Solution:  Load buses 11
= 100 – 10 = 90 → (m) (A) 1 (B) 2
Gen buses = 10 → n (C) 4 (D) 16
Size of Jacobian matrix will be
Solution:  For parallel plate capacitor electric field is
= [2m + (n − 1)] [2m – (n − 1)]
same for region A and region B, therefore the electric
= [2 × 90 + (10 − 1)] [2 × 90 + (10 − 1)] field in the region B, is 4 kV/cm.
= 189 × 189
Hence, the correct option is (C).
Hence, the correct option is (A).
Question Number: 27 Question Type: NAT
Question Number: 25 Question Type: MCQ
A 50 mVA, 10 kV, 50 Hz, star-connected, unloaded three-
The inductance and capacitance of a 400 kV, three- phase alternator has a synchronous reactance of 1 p.u
phases 50 Hz lossless transmission line are 1.6 mH/km/ and a sub-transient reactance of 0.2 p.u. If a 3-phase
phase and 10 nF/km/phase respectively. The sending short circuit occurs close to the generator terminals,
end voltage is maintained at 400 kV. To maintain a the ratio of initial and final values of the sinusoidal
voltage of 400 kV at the receiving end, when the line component of the short circuit current is ________.
is delivering 300 mW load, the shunt compensation
required is: Solution:  Immediately after the short ckt (During-
(A) capacitive (B) inductive transient period)
(C) resistive (D) zero
Surge impedance (ZS) =

1.6 × 10 −3
= = 400Ω 1.0
10 × 10 −9 ⇒ ISC = = 1 p.u.

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GATE 2016 Solved Paper Electrical Engineering: Set – 2 | xlv

At steady state I0
Eg = = 57.735 A
Hence, the correct Answer is (57.735).
Question Number: 30 Question Type: NAT
1.0 A buck-boost DC–DC converter, shown in the figure
⇒ ISC = = 1 p.u.
1.0 below, is used to convert 24 V battery voltage to 36 V
Initial 5 DC voltage to feed a load of 72 W. it is operated at
= =5 20 kHz with an inductor of 2 mH and output capacitor
Final 1.0
of 1000 mF. All devices are considered to be ideal. The
Hence, the correct Answer is (5). peak voltage across the solid-state switch (S), in volt is
Question Number: 28 Question Type: NAT _______.
Consider a linear time-invariant system with transfer
1 S Load
H (S) = + –

( S + 1) 24 V 2 mH +
36 V

If the input is cos (t) and the steady state output is A cos
(t + a), then the value of A is _________.
Solution:  The given transfer function is Solution:  Load power,
1 P0 =72 W
H (S) =

( S + 1) P0 = V0 I0
Now we have V0 I0 = 72 W
1 1 1 72
A = H ( s) = = = I0 = =2A
s +1 ω2 + 1 2 36

a = −tan−1 (w) = −tan−1 (1) = −45° V0 = × Vdc
1 1− D
A = D
2 ⇒ 36 = × 24
Hence, the correct Answer is (0.707). 1− D
Ripple voltage, can be calculates using
Question Number: 29 Question Type: NAT I
A three-phase diode bridge rectifier is feeding a DV = 0 ⋅ TON
constant DC current of 100 A to a highly inductive load. C
If three-phase, 415 V, 50 Hz AC source is supplying to I D 2 × 0.6
∆v = 0 = = 0.06 V

this bridge rectifier then the rms value of the current in

Cf 10 × ( 20 × 103 )
each diode, in ampere, is ________.
The peak voltage will be
Solution:  Diode current rms can be calculated using ∆V 0.06
relation, Vpeak = (Vo)avg + = 36 + = 36.03 V
2 2
2 Peak voltage across switch
IS 3 (VS)peak = 24 + 36.03 V = 60.03 V
[ID]rms = =
2 2 Hence, the correct Answer is (60.03).

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xlvi | GATE 2016 Solved Paper Electrical Engineering: Set – 2

Question Number: 31 Question Type: NAT 2Ω

For the network shown in the figure below, the
frequency (in rad/s) at which the maximum phase lag
occurs, is ________.
10 V 5A Vout

vin v0

2 Ff Solution:  From the figure given above, we get

Vout = 5[2] + 10 = 20 V
Hence, the correct option is (D).
Question Number: 34 Question Type: MCQ
 1
1+  The graph associated with an electrical network has
V0 ( s)  s  s +1 
= =  7 branches and 5 nodes. The number of independent
Vin ( s)
10 +
1  10 s + 1  KCL equations and the number of independent KVL
s equations, respectively, are:
T = 1 (A) 2 and 5 (B) 5 and 2
aT = 10   a = 10 (C) 3 and 4 (D) 4 and 3
1 1 Solution:  The number of independent KVL equation
w= w=
T a 10 =b−n+1
= 0.316 rad/sec = 7 − 5 + 1 = 3
The number of independent KCL equation
Hence, the correct Answer is (0.316).
= (n − 1) = 5 − 1 = 4
Question Number: 32 Question Type: MCQ Hence, the correct option is (D).
The direction of rotation of a single-phase capacitor
run induction motor is reversed by: Question Number: 35 Question Type: MCQ
(A) interchanging the terminals of the AC supply Two electrodes, whose cross-sectional view is shown
(B) interchanging the terminals of the capacitor in the figure below, are at the same potential. The
(C) interchanging the terminals of the auxiliary maximum electric field will be at the point:
(D) interchanging the terminals of both the
Solution:  By interchanging the terminals of auxil-
iary winding rotating magnetic field directions can be B
(A) A (B) B
Hence, the correct option is (C). (C) C (D) D
Question Number: 33 Question Type: MCQ Solution:
In the circuit shown on next column, the voltage and Hence, the correct option is (A).
current sources are ideal. The voltage (Vout) across the
current source, in volts, is ____. Question Number: 36 Question Type: MCQ
(A) 0 The Boolean expression ( a + b + c + d ) + (b + c )
(B ) 5 simplifies to:
(C) 10 (A) 1 (B) a ⋅ b
(D) 20 (C) a ⋅ b (D) 0

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Solution: Question Number: 38 Question Type: MCQ

f = ( a + b + cd ) + (b + c ) Let x1 (t) ↔ X1 (w) and x2 (t) ↔ X2(w) be two signals

f = ( a + b + c + d ) ⋅ (b + c ) whose Fourier Transforms are as shown in the figure
below. In the figure h (t) = e–2 | t | denotes the impulse
f = ( a ⋅ b ⋅ c ⋅ d ) (b ⋅ c) = 0
Hence, the correct option is (D). For the system shown below, the minimum sampling
Question Number: 37 Question Type: MCQ rate required to sample y (t), so that y (t) can be uniquely
reconstructed form its samples, is
For the circuit shown below, taking the opamp as ideal,
the output voltage Vout in terms of the input voltages X1(ω) X2(ω)
V1, V2, and V3 is ______.

ω ω
–B1 –B1 B1 B1 –B2 B2
1Ω VCC 2 2
1Ω x1(t)
V1 Vout
VSS y(t)
h(t) = e–2(t)

(A) 1.8V1 + 7.2V2 – V3 (B) 2V1 + 8V2 – 9V3 (A) 2B1 (B) 2 (B1 + B2)
(C) 7.2V1 + 1.8V2 – V3 (D) 8V1 + 2V2 – 9V3 (C) 4 (B1 + B2) (D) ∞

Solution: Solution:  The product signal x1(t) x2(t) has the highest
frequency component of B1 + B2.
\ As per the Nyquist principle,
fs = 2 [B1 + B2]
1Ω VCC Hence, the correct option is (B).
Question Number: 39 Question Type: MCQ
V1 ∞
 sin 2πt 
VSS The value of the integral 2 ∫
 πt  dt is equal to:
−∞  
(A) 0 (B) 0.5
(C) 1 (D) 2
By applying virtual GND concept, we get
Vx − V1 Vx − V2 Solution:
+ =0 ∞
1 4 sin 2πt
Let I=2∫ dt
5Vx = 4V1 + V2 (1) πt
Vx − V3 Vx − Vout −∞
+ =0
1 9  ∞ sin 2πt 
10Vx = 9V3 + Vout (2) = 2  2∫ dt 
 πt 
Solving Equations (1) and (2), we have  0 
8V1 + 2V2 = 9V3 + Vout
 sin 2πt 
Vout = 8V1 + 2V2 − 9V3 ∵ πt is an even function 
Hence, the correct option is (D).  

M02_Gate_EE_2016_Solved_Paper-II.indd 47 7/15/2016 11:31:15 AM

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xlviii | GATE 2016 Solved Paper Electrical Engineering: Set – 2

∞ Question Number: 40 Question Type: NAT

4 sin 2πt
\ I=
π ∫ t
dt (1) Let y (x) be the solution of the differential equation
0 d2 y dy
sin 2πt −4 + 4 y = 0 with initial conditions y (0) = 0
Consider the Laplace transform of = 2 dx
t dy
∞ and = 1. Then the value of y (1) is ________.
 sin 2πt 
i.e.,  t  = ∫ L [ sin 2πt ] ds dx x =0
  s Solution:  Given differential equation is
 ∞ 
 f (t )  d2 y dy
∵ L 
  t 
= ∫ L [ f ( t ) ] ds  dx 2
+ 4 y = 0 (1)
 s 
∞ With the initial conditions

= ∫ s2 + ds
y (0) = 0 and
s ( 2π )2
dx x = 0

 s  Applying Laplace transform on both sides of Equa-
= tan −1  
 2π  s tion (1),

 s   d2 y   dy 
= tan −1 ∞ − tan −1   L
 − 4L   + 4L [ y ] = 0
 2π   dx   dx 
π  s  ⇒ s y − sy (0) − y ′(0) − 4 ( sy − y (0)) + 4 y = 0
= − tan −1  
2  2π  where y = L [y]
 sin 2πt  −1  s  ⇒ s 2 y − s × 0 − 1 − 4 sy + 0 + 4 y = 0
\ L  = cot  2π 
 t    ⇒ ( s 2 − 4 s + 4) y = 1

− st  sin 2πt  1 1
⇒ ∫e  t  dt ⇒ y=
0   s − 4 s + 4 ( s − 2)
 s 
= cot −1   Applying inverse Laplace transform on both sides
 2π 
L−1 [ y ] = L−1  
Taking s = 0 on both sides,
∞  ( s − 2) 
− oxt  sin 2πt   0 
∫ e  t  dt = cot −1  2π  ⇒ y = xe2x
The solution of Equation (1) is

 sin 2πt  −1
⇒ ∫   dt = cot (0) y = xe2x
 t 
0 Now y (1) = yat x = 1 = 1 × e2 × 1 = e2

 sin 2πt  = π
⇒ ∫   dt 2 (2) \ y (1) = 7.389
0  t 
Hence, the correct Answer is (7.389).
Substituting Equation (2) in (1), we get
Question Number: 41 Question Type: NAT
4 π
I= ×
π 2 The line integral of the vector field

sin 2πt F = 5 xziˆ + (3 x 2 + 2 y ) ˆj + x 2 zkˆ
i.e., 2∫ dt = 2
−∞ along a path from (0, 0, 0) to (1, 1, 1) parameterized by
Hence, the correct option is (D). (t, t2, t) is _________.

M02_Gate_EE_2016_Solved_Paper-II.indd 48 7/15/2016 11:31:17 AM

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GATE 2016 Solved Paper Electrical Engineering: Set – 2 | xlix

Solution:  We have to find the line integral of the vec- 1

tor field (C) an ellipse with major axis along  
2 2 1
F = 5 xzi + (3 x + 2 y ) j + x zk
along a path from (0, 0, 0) to (1, 1, 1) parameterized 1
(D) an ellipse with minor axis along  
by (t, t2, t) 1
i.e., along the path
x = t, y = t2 and z = t
3 1
⇒ dx = dt, dy = 2t dt and dz = dt Given P=
1 3 
and t varies from t = 0 to t = 1 
\ The required line integral is Given a2 + b2 =1 (1)
(1,1,1) (1,1,1) a  x  3 1  x   a 
and  b  = P  y  = 1 3   y   b 
∫ F ⋅ dr = ∫ (5 xzi + (3 x 2 + 2 y ) j
       
( 0, 0, 0) ( 0, 0, 0 )
2  3x + y 
+ x zk ) ⋅ ( dxi + dy j + dzk ) =
x + 3 y 
(1,1,1) 
= ∫ [5 xzdx + (3 x 2 + 2 y ) dy + x 2 zdz ] ⇒ a = 3x + y and b = x+ 3y
( 0, 0, 0 ) From Equation (1),

1 a2 + b2 = 1
= ∫ [5 (t ) (t ) dt + (3(t )2 + 2(t 2 )) 2tdt ⇒ (3x + y) + (x + 3y)2 =1
t =0
9x2 + 6xy + y2 + x2 + 6xy + 9y2 = 1
+ (t ) 2 (t ) dt ]
10x2 + 12xy + 10y2 = 1
⇒ 8(x + y )2 + 2(x – y)2 = 1
= ∫ [5t 2 + 10t 3 + t 3 ] dt
t =0 ( x + y )2 ( x − y )2
1 + =1
1/8 1/ 2
= ∫ [5t 2 + 11t 3 ] dt
Which represents an ellipse a < b
t =0
\ Major axis is x + y = 0 and minor axis is x – y = 0.
5 11 
= t3 + t 4  Hence, the correct option is (D).
3 4 t = 0
Question Number: 43 Question Type: MCQ
5 11
= + Let the probability density function of a random
3 4
variable, X, be given as:
= = 4.4167 3
12 fx (x) = e −3 x u ( x ) + ae 4 x ( − x )
Hence, the correct Answer is (4.4167). where u (x) is the unit step function.
Question Number: 42 Question Type: MCQ Then the value of ‘a’ and probe {X ≤ 0}, respectively,
3 1
Let P =  ⋅ Consider the set S of all vectors 1 1
 1 3  (A) 2, (B) 4,
2 2
 x  such that a2 + b2 = 1 where a x 1 1
 y  b  = P  y  ⋅ Then (C) 2, (D) 4,
      4 4
S is ________. Solution:  Given the probability density function of a
(A) a circle of radius 10 random variable X, is
1 3
(B) a circle of radius fX (x) = e −3 x u( x ) + ae 4 x u( − x )
10 2

M02_Gate_EE_2016_Solved_Paper-II.indd 49 7/15/2016 11:31:20 AM

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l | GATE 2016 Solved Paper Electrical Engineering: Set – 2

 ae 4 x V = − V1 + VS
; −∞ < x < 0
i.e., f X ( x ) =  3 −3 x −6V + 3VS − 24V1 = 0
; 0≤x<∞
 2 e 3Vs = 30V1
Vs = 10V1
we know that Vs = 10 [2IS]
∞ V
∫ f X ( x ) dx = 1 Zin = S = 20Ω
0 ∞ Hence, the correct Answer is (20).
3 −3 x
⇒ ∫ ae 4 x dx + ∫ 2
e dx = 1
Question Number: 45 Question Type: NAT
−∞ 0
The Z-parameters of the two port network shown in

a 4x 
3 e −3 x  the figure are Z11 = 40W, Z12 = 60W, Z21 = 80W, and
⇒ e  +  =1 Z22 = 100W. The average power delivered to RL = 20W,
4  −∞ 2 −3  0
in watts, is _________.
a 1 10Ω
⇒ + =1 I1 I2
4 2 + +
⇒ a = 2
0 +
20 V – V1 [Z] V2 RL
and P (X < 0) = ∫ f X ( x ) dx
−∞ – –
= ∫ ae 4 x dx Solution:
V1   Z11I1 + Z12 I 2 
0  =  
e4 x  1 V2   Z12 I1 + Z 22 I 2 
=2  =
4  −∞ 2 V2 = −I2 [R2] = −20I2 (1)

= I2 [10] + V1
Hence, the correct option is (A).
= I2 (10) + 40 I1 + 60I1
Question Number: 44 Question Type: NAT
= 50I1 + 60I2 (a)
The driving point input impedance seen from the source
Vs of the circuit shown below, in W is_________. V2 = 80I1 + 100 I2 (2)
From Equation (1)
V1 2Ω
−20I2 = 80I1 + 100I1
2Ω −120I2 = 80I1
Vs 3Ω 4V1
4Ω I1 = − I 2 (3)
Substitute Equation (3) in (a)
Solution:  From the given figure in question
 −2 
V = 50I1 + 60  I1 
IS = 1  3 
Applying KVL at 3W resistor, we get 20 = 50I1 − 40I1
V − VS V V 10I1 = 20
+ − 4V1 + = 0
2 3 6 I1 = 2

3V − 3VS + 2V − 24V1 + V = 0 I2 = −4/3

M02_Gate_EE_2016_Solved_Paper-II.indd 50 7/15/2016 11:31:21 AM

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GATE 2016 Solved Paper Electrical Engineering: Set – 2 | li

2 Question Number: 47 Question Type: NAT

4 16
PR =   × 20 = × 20 In the circuit shown below, the initial capacitor voltage

 3  9
is 4 V. switch S1 is closed at t = 0. The charge (in mC)
= 35.55 W lost by the capacitor form t = 25 mS to t = 100 mS is
Hence, the correct Answer is (35.55). ________.
Question Number: 46 Question Type: NAT
In the balanced 3-phase, 50 Hz, circuit shown below,
the value of inductance (L) is 10 mH. The value of the
capacitance (C) for which all the line currents are zero,
in millifarads, is ________. 4V
5 µF


C C Solution:
L VC (t) = Vf + (Vi − Vf) e−t/T
VC (t) = 0 + (4 − 0) e −t/25×10
Solution:  Consider the simplified circuit shown be- 4
VC (t) = 4e −t ×10 ×4
Q = cvc (t)
= (5 × 10−6) [4e−(t × 4 × 104)]
Charge lost (Q) from t = 25 ms to t = 100 ms can be
L/3 calculated as
Q = 5 × 10−6 × 4 [e−1 − e−4]
= 6.99 mC
Hence, the correct Answer is (6.99).

L/3 Question Number: 48 Question Type: NAT
The single line diagram of a balanced power system
is shown in the figure. The voltage magnitude at the
generator internal bus is constant and 1.0 p.u. the
p.u reactances of different components in the system
are also shown in the figure. The infinite bus voltage
magnitude is 1.0 p.u. A three phase fault occurs at the
Given, IL = 0 ⇒ capacitor must supply inductor current
middle of line 2.
V ph
IC = IL  Vph ( jwc) = Generator infinite bus
jω ( L/3) Infinite bus
wc = j0.5
ωL Line 1
⇒ w2 = j0.2
⇒ C = = 3 mF j0.5
10 × 10 Line 2
Hence, the correct Answer is (3). j0.1

M02_Gate_EE_2016_Solved_Paper-II.indd 51 7/15/2016 11:31:22 AM

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lii | GATE 2016 Solved Paper Electrical Engineering: Set – 2

The ratio of the maximum real power that can be 1.0 1.15
transferred during the pre-fault condition to the 1.0 PU
maximum real power that can be transferred under the
faulted condition is ______ 0.6656 0.221
Solution:  For pre-fault condition:

j0.6 1.0 PU
1.0 PU
The maximum power can be calculated using
(1.0) (1.0)
Pmax = = 0.869 PU
j0.6 1.15
The maximum power can be calculated using The ratio of the maximum real power that can be
(1.0) (1.0) (1.0) (1.0) transferred during the pre-fault condition to the
Pmax = = = 2 PU maximum real power that can be transferred under the
Xq j 0.5
faulted condition is
During the fault: Ppre-fault 2
= = 2.3
Convert ∆ to Y Pduring fault 0.869

Hence, the correct Answer is (2.3).
Question Number: 49 Question Type: MCQ
j0.6 1.0 PU
The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback
1.0 PU
control system is given by
j0.2 K ( S + 1)
G  (S) = , K > 0, T > 0
j0.35 j0.25 S (1 + Ts ) (1 + 2S )

The closed loop system will be stable if,
4 ( K + 1)
(A) 0 < T <
K −1
The above circuit can be drawn as follows.
4 (T + 2 )
(B) 0 < K <
1.0 j0.175 j0.125 T −2
1.0 PU
T +2
j0.2 (C) 0 < K <
T −2
8 ( K + 1)
(D) 0 < T <
K −1

1 + G (S) = 0
Convert to Y ∆
S (1 + TS) (1 + 2S) + KS + K = 0
(2T) S 3 + (2 + T) S 2 + (1 + K) S + K
j0.1 RH criteria
1.0 j0.375 j0.125
S 3 2T 1+K
S 2 2+T K
j0.072 ( 2 + T ) (1 + K ) − 2TK
S1 0
S 0 K 0

M02_Gate_EE_2016_Solved_Paper-II.indd 52 7/15/2016 11:31:24 AM

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GATE 2016 Solved Paper Electrical Engineering: Set – 2 | liii

For the system is to be stable, first column elements Question Number: 51 Question Type: NAT
should be positive The power consumption of an industry is 500 kVA, at
Given T > 0, hence 2 + T > 0 0.8 p.f. lagging. A synchronous motor is added to raise
2TK the power factor of the industry to unity. If the power
(1 + K) >
2+T intake of the motor is 100 kW, the p.f. of the motor is
K > 0
 2T  Solution:
1>K − 1
2 + T  PL = (500) (0.8) = 400 kW

QL = (500) (0.6) = 300 kW
T − 2 
1 < K   \ Qmotor = 300 kVAR
T + 2 
Qmotor = 100 kW
T +2 Pmotor
\ 0 <K <
T −2 P.f. of the motor =
P 2 + Qm2
Hence, the correct option is (C). m
Question Number: 50 Question Type: NAT 100
At no load condition, a 3-phase, 50 Hz, lossless power 100 + 300 2

transmission line has sending-end and receiving-end = 0.316 lead

voltages of 400 kV and 420 kV respectively. Assuming Hence, the correct Answer is (0.316).
the velocity of travelling wave to be the velocity of
light, the length of the line, in km, is ________. Question Number: 52 Question Type: NAT
The flux linkage (l) and current (i) relation for an
VS electromagnetic system is l = ( i ) /g. When i = 2 A
cos hnL = A = and g (air-gap length) = 10 cm, the magnitude of
VR no load mechanical force on the moving part, in N, is ________.

YZ 400 Solution:  The mechanical force will be
1+ =
2 420 F = (i3/2)/ 2g2 = 23/2/(2 × 0.1 × 0.1) = 141.4 N
( jωc) ( jωc) 400 Hence, the correct Answer is (141.4 N).
1+ =
2 420 Question Number: 53 Question Type: NAT
20 ω LC 2 The starting line current of a 415 V, 3-phase, delta
= connected induction motor is 120 A, when the rated
420 2
voltage is applied to its stator winding. The starting
1 ω2 l 2 line current at a reduced voltage of 110 V, in ampere
= is ________.
21 2U 2
21 2 2 Solution:  The starting current of a 3-phase IM is
u2 = ω l V
2 Ist =
Rq + X q2
u = ωl
2 Ist a V
I1 V1
3 × 108 =
l= = 294.847 mm I 2 V2
314 ×
2 V 
⇒ I2 =  1  I1
Hence, the correct Answer is (294.847).  2

M02_Gate_EE_2016_Solved_Paper-II.indd 53 7/15/2016 11:31:26 AM

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liv | GATE 2016 Solved Paper Electrical Engineering: Set – 2

 110  Question Number: 55 Question Type: NAT

=  (120)
 415  A full-bridge converter supplying an RLE load is shown

in figure. The firing angle of the bridge converter is
= 31.80 A 120°. The supply voltage nm (t) = 200p sin (100pt) V,
Hence, the correct answer is 31.8. R = 20W, E = 800 V. The inductor L is large enough
Question Number: 54 Question Type: NAT to make the output current IL a smooth dc current.
Switches are lossless. The real power feedback to the
A single-phase, 2 kVA, 100/200 V transformer is source, in kW, is __________.
reconnected as an auto-transformer such that its kVA
rating is maximum. The new rating, in kVA is _______. Load
I1 I2

R = 20Ω
T1 T3
V1 V2
vm Bridge

E = 800 V

T4 T2

Primary voltage V1 = 100 V,

Secondary voltage
V2 = 200 V
Now primary current will be
2 × 1000
I1 = = 20 A Solution:
Given E = 800 V
and secondary current will be
R = 20W
2 × 1000
I2 = = 10 A Output voltage, can be calculated using relation
200 V0 = −E + I0 R
If it is connected as an auto transformer V0 = −800 + I0 × 20 (1)
We also know that output voltage can be expressed as
V0 = m cos α
2 × 200π
= cos 120
300 π
(I1 + I2)
= −200 V (2)
200 From Equations (1) and (2), we get
−200 = −800 + I0 × 20
I0 = 30 A
Power feedback to the source,
VA rating = (300) (20)
P0 = V0 I0 = 200 × 30
= 6000
= 6 kVA = 6 kW
Hence, the correct Answer is (6). Hence, the correct Answer is (6).

M02_Gate_EE_2016_Solved_Paper-II.indd 54 7/15/2016 11:31:26 AM

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GATE 2016 Solved Paper Electrical Engineering: Set – 2 | lv

Question Number: 56 Question Type: NAT V

V0 = dc
A three-phase Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) as shown 1− D
in the figure is feeding a delta connected resistive 360
load of 30W/phase. If it is fed from a 600 V battery, 400 =
with 180° conduction of solid-state devices, the power 1− D
consumed by the load, in kW, is ________. D = 0.1
Output power can be expressed as
+ P0 = V0 I0
4000 = 400 × I0
I0 = 10 A

Average current across the inductor

600 V
30Ω I 10 10
(IL)avg = 0 = = A
1 − D 1 − 0.1 0.9
RMS current across the inductor
– (IL)rms = ( I L )avg + ( I L ripple) 2rms

Solution: ∆I
(IL)ripple rms = L
Vdc = 600 V 2 3
R = 10 Ohms By neglecting ripple current,
Output power, Po = VL IL cos f IL(ripple rms) = 0
VL2 2Vdc 2 × (600)2 (IL)rms = (IL)avg =
== =
3R 3 × 10 0.9
= 24 kW (ISW)rms = D ( I L ) rms
Hence, the correct Answer is (24). 10
= 0.1 × = 3.513 A
Question Number: 57 Question Type: NAT 0.9
A DC-DC boost converter, as shown in the figure below, Hence, the correct Answer is (3.51).
is used to boost 360 V to 400 V, at a power of 4 kW.
Question Number: 58 Question Type: NAT
All devices are ideal. Considering continuous inductor
current, the rms current in the solid state switch (S), in A single-phase bi-directional voltage source converter
ampere is _______. (VSC) is shown in the figure given on next page. All
devices are ideal. It is used to charge a battery at 400 V
10 mH with power of 5 kW from a source Vs = 220 V (rms),
50 Hz sinusoidal AC mains at unity p.f. If its AC side
interfacing inductor is 5 mH and the switches are
Load + operated at 20 kHz, then the phase shift (d) between
360 V
S 1 mF 400 V AC mains voltage (Vs) and fundamental AC rms VSC
– voltage (Vc1), in degree, is ________.

DC power PDC = 5 kW = 5000 W
AC power PAC = Vsr1 Isr1 cos q
Solution: = 220 × Isr1 × 1
Output voltage, V0 = 400 V Now we know that
DC input voltage PAC = PDC
Vdc = 360 V
Output power P0 = 4 kW = 4000 W Isr = = 22.73 A

M02_Gate_EE_2016_Solved_Paper-II.indd 55 7/15/2016 11:31:28 AM

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lvi | GATE 2016 Solved Paper Electrical Engineering: Set – 2

 λ1t 0 
α 
X (t) eAt x (0) =  e λ 2t   0 
 
0 e 
5 mH
(t) = e λ1t α
1 mF +

400 V
Hence, the correct option is (A).

220 V

AC Question Number: 60 Question Type: MCQ

A second-order real system has the following pro-
(a) the damping ratio d = 0.5 and undamped
natural frequency wn = 10 rad/s
(b) the steady state value of the output, to a unit
VS step input, is 1.02.
The transfer function of the system is
ISXS 1.02 1.02
(A) (B)
2 2
S + 5S + 100 S + 10 S + 100
Xs = wL = 100p × 5 × 10–3
100 102
I x (C) (D)
sin d = sr s 2 S 2 + 5S + 100
Vs S + 10 S + 100

sin d = ( 22.73) (100p × 5 × 10–3)/Vs Solution:  Second order characteristic equation is
d = 9.21° S2 + 2dwnS + w2n = 0
Hence, the correct Answer is (9.21). Now we have d = 0.5 and wn = 10 rad/s. Substituting
Question Number: 59 Question Type: MCQ the values, we get the characteristic equation as
S2 + 10S + 100 = 0.
Consider a linear time invariant system x = Ax, with
initial condition x (0) at t = 0. Suppose a and b are 102
DC gain = = 1.02
eigenvectors of (2 × 2) matrix A corresponding to 100
distinct eigenvalues l1 and l2, respectively. Then the
Hence, the correct option is (B).
response x (t) of the system due to initial condition
x (0) = a is: Question Number: 61 Question Type: MCQ
λ1t λ 2t
(A) e α (B) e β Three single-phase transformers are connected to from
(C) e λ 2t
α (D) e λ1t
α + e λ 2t β a delta-star three-phase transformer of 110 kV/11 kV.
The transformer supplies at 11 kV as load of 8 mW
Solution: at 0.8 p.f. lagging to a near by plant. Neglect the
x (t) eAt x (0) transformer losses. The ratio of phase currents in delta
side to star side is ________.
λ 0
A =  1  (A) 1 : 10 3 (B) 10 3 : 1
0 λ
 2
(C) 1 : 10 (D) 3 : 10
and x (0) = a
EAt = L–1 (SI – A) – 1 Solution:  D/Y connection [110 kV/11 kV]
Load on Y side
 λ1 1 
=  e λ2  11 kV, 8 mV, 0.8 p.f. log
 
0 e  ⇒ D side MVA rating is also 10 MVA

M02_Gate_EE_2016_Solved_Paper-II.indd 56 7/15/2016 11:31:29 AM

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GATE 2016 Solved Paper Electrical Engineering: Set – 2 | lvii

D side line current will be ( 2 − 1) ( 2 − 4)

10 mVA = 3 * 110 * 103 * IL
K=− =1
10 × 106 Hence, the correct option is (A).
IL = = 52.48 A
3 × 110 × 103 Question Number: 63 Question Type: NAT
52.48 Two identical unloaded generators are connected in
⇒ Iph = = 30.30 A parallel as shown in the figure. Both the generators are
having positive, negative and zero sequence impedances
Y side: of j0.4 pu., j0.3 pu., and j0.15 pu., respectively If the
10 MVA = 3 * 11 × 103 * IL pre-fault voltage is 1 pu., for a line-to-ground (L – G)
fault at the terminals of the generators, the fault current,
10 × 106 in pu., is _________.
⇒ IL = = 524.86 A
3 ∗ 11 × 103
⇒ Iph = IL = 524.86 A
I ph ( ∆) 30.30
The ratio = = = 0.0577
I ph (Y ) 524.86

10 3
Hence, the correct option is (A). Solution:  Two generators in parallel

Question Number: 62 Question Type: MCQ

The gain at the breakaway point of the root locus of a Z2
unity feedback system with open loop transfer function
G (S) = is:
( S − 1) ( S − 4 ) G1 G2

(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 5 (D) 9
* Equivalent positive sequence impedance.
Solution:  Open loop transfer function
KS Z1eq = = 0.2 PU
G  (S) = 0.8
( S − 1) ( S − 4)

Characteristic equation is
1 + G (S) = 0 Z2 Z2
⇒ (S − 1) (S − 4) KS = 0
( S − 1) ( S − 4)
* Equation negative sequence impedance.
Break away point occurs at a point (0.3)(0.3)
dK Z2eq = = 0.15 PU
=0 0.6
dK  S ( 2S − 5) − ( S 2 − 5S + 4) 
= −  Z0
dS 
 S2  Z0

2 2
2S – 5S = S – 5S + 4
S = ±2

M02_Gate_EE_2016_Solved_Paper-II.indd 57 7/15/2016 11:31:31 AM

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lviii | GATE 2016 Solved Paper Electrical Engineering: Set – 2

* Equation zero sequence impedance is Conductor is parallel to and at 1 m distance from the
Z0eq = 0.15 PU z-axis. The speed of the conductor in r.p.m. required to
( First generator neutral is disconnected form ground)
\ induce a voltage of 1 V across it, should be ________.
Eg z
\ Ia1 =
Z + Z 2eq + Z0eq
= = 2 PU
0.2 + 0.15 + 0.15 1m

If = 3Ia1 ( L – G fault) \
= (3) (2) = 6 PU
Hence, the correct Answer is (6).
Question Number: 64 Question Type: NAT Solution:
An energy meter, having meter constant of 1200 Flux density (B) = 1 Tesla
revolutions/kWh, makes 20 revolutions in 30 seconds Length l = 1 m
for a constant load. The load, in kW, is ________. Distance r = 1 m
Solution:  Energy meter constant, Now using the relation
rev E = Blv
K = 1200 1 =1×1×v
v = 1 m/s
Load power (in kW) v = rw
20 × 60 × 60 1 rw
P = = 2 kW
1200 × 30 w = 1

Hence, the correct Answer is (2). 2πN
= =1
Question Number: 65 Question Type: NAT 60
A rotating conductor of 1 m length is placed in a radially N = (60/2p) rpm
outward (about the z-axis) magnetic flux density (B) = 9.54 rpm
of 1 Tesla as shown in figure given on next column. Hence, the correct Answer is (9.54).

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