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Note taking Unit 6

English I

Amro Ismail Kasht --------- 200802124

 Black, white and worm holes are three mysterious phenomena's.
 These phenomena's promise to tell us a good deal about the origin of our
universe and the nature of space and time.
 The term black hole was first use in 1969 by an American physicist named
John Archibald Wheeler.
 Black holes have a very strong gravitational force that even light can't escape
their gravity,
 Scientists know that they exist although we can't see them because they see
their effects on nearby objects.
 Cause of black holes: Black holes is the final stage of the life of a very large
star, the gravity of big stars is stronger because there is more mass and
therefore the gravitational force is stronger and as it gets stronger the star gets
smaller until all energy and mass is compressed into one tiny point called
 The tiny point called the singularity is extremely dense object.
 The event horizon is the area immediately surrounding the black hole, once
you crossed this area you can't go back, the gravity is so strong that you
wouldn't be able to escape the black hole
 There are two kinds of black holes
1. Rotating black holes.
2. Nonrotating black holes.
 The difference between them is that scientists believe that if you across the
event horizon of a nonrotating black hole you will die, and that won't happen
if you crossed the event horizon of a rotating black hole because the hole
rotates, you may be able somehow to avoid entering the singularity and you
may be even transported to another part of the universe and forced out of a
white hole.
 We know much less about white holes and worm holes and they are far more
 White holes is the opposite of black holes, instead of matter being pulled into
it , matter is pushed out of it, matter includes light, so if the light enters the
black hole it exist through white hole, this causes that white hole do appear as
a bright white object and that’s where it gets its name.
 A worm hole is the actual tunnel through which the matter passes from the
black hole to the white hole.
 The idea of white and worm holes is still very uncertain. There is no empirical
evidence of their existence, it is only theoretical.
 Traveling through time using worm holes is only in science fiction.
 Worm holes have been proven mathematically that they could exist but that
doesn't mean that they actually exist in nature.
 If the white hole and the worm hole were shown to exist one day, there will be
at least two problems for travelling through time:-
1. They wouldn't be stable.
2. You would be killed by the radiation inside the worm hole.

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