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List of Project in ADP 2017-18

Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)

Parliament Affairs Secretariate
Ministry's Own
0201-5000 ‡÷ªs‡`wbs cvj©v‡g›Um K¨vcvwmwU BbUz ccy‡jkb GÛ 292.00
†W‡fjc‡g›Um Bm¨yR

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Prime Minister's Office
Prime Minister's Office
0301-5012 Access to Information (A 2 I). &G¨vK‡mm Uz Bbdi‡gkb (2)| 8,031.00
0301-5822 Lump provision for development of special areas we‡kl GjvKvi Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ (cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg 3,000.00
(except Hill Tracts) e¨ZxZ)
Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions
0305-5011 Support to Capacity Building of Bangladesh mv‡cvU© Uz K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae evsjv‡`k BKbwgK †Rvbm 2,599.00
Economic Zones Authority. A_wiwU|
0305-5012 Bangladesh Economic Zones Development Project evsjv‡`k BK‡bvwgK †Rvbm †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (†dR-1)| 23,292.00
National Security Intelligence
0321-5010 Construction of 10-storied Office Building for NSI KÝóvKkb Ae 10 (‡Ub) ÷i‡qW Awdm wewìs di 3,518.00
with 20-Storied Foundation & a Basement. Gb.Gm.AvB DB_ 20 (Uz‡qw›U) ÷i‡qW dvD‡Ûkb GÛ G
Export Processing Zone Authority (BEPZA)
0325-0006 Construction of Factory Buildings in EPZs under ‡ecRvi Aaxb Bwc‡RW mg~‡ni KviLvbv feb wbg©vY| 10,304.00
0325-5020 Capacity Building of the Bangladesh Export K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ad evsjv‡`k G·‡cvU© cÖ‡mwms †Rvbm 1,384.00
Processing Zones Authority. A_wiwU|
Board of Investment
0329-5010 Construction of 14 Storied Building with three KÝUªvKkb Ae 14 †÷v‡iW wewìs DB_ w_ª †eBR‡g›Um di 2,000.00
Basement for Head Office of Board of Investment †nW Awdm Ae †evW© Ae Bb‡f÷‡g›U (weIAvB) G¨vU
(BOI) at Sher-e-Banglanagar, Dhaka. Gm.we.bMi. XvKv|
Asrayan Projects Implementation Agency
0331-6530 Asrayan Project - 2. AvkªvqY-2 29,200.00
Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority (BEZA)
0305-5000 Establishment of Jamalpur Economic Zone. Rvgvjcyi A_©‰bwZK AÂj ¯’'vcb 6,000.00
0305-5001 Acquisition of Land for Establishment of Economic A_©‰bwZK AÂj ¯'vc‡bi wbwgË f'wg AwaMÖnY (AvovBnvRvi, 8,000.00
Zones (Araihazar, Narayangonj and Mirsarai bvivqYMÄ I gximivB, PÆMÖvg A_©‰bwZK AÂj|
Economic Zone).

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Cabinet Division
Ministry's Own
0401-5000 Building Capacity for the Use of Research Evidence wewìs K¨vcvwmwU di w` BDR Ae wimvP© Bwf‡WÝ 330.00
(BECURE) in Bangladesh. (weBwmBDAviB) ABb evsjv‡`k|
0401-5015 Social Security Policy Support Programme (SSPS) ‡mvm¨vj wmwKDwiwU cwjwm mv‡cvU© †cÖvMÖvg (GmGmwcGm)| 1,083.00

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Bangladesh Election Commission Secretariate
Ministry's Own
0601-5130 Identification System for Enhancing Access to AvB‡WbwUwd‡Kkb wm‡÷g di Gbn¨vwÝs GK‡mm Uz mvwf©‡mm| 71,096.00

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Public Administration
Ministry's Own
0701-5002 Construction of Rangpur Divisional Headquarters iscyi wefvMxq m`i `ßi wbg©vY| 2,000.00
0701-8431 Strengthening Government through Capacity ‡÷ªs‡`wbs Mf‡g©›U _ªy K¨vcvwmwU †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae w` wewmGm 33.00
Development of the BCS Cadre Officials. K¨vWvi Awdwmqvjm&|
0705-5000 BPATC's upward expansion of the International wewcGwUwmÕi AvšZR©vwZK cÖwkY Kg‡cø‡·i DaŸ©g~Lx m 3,923.00
Training Complex ¤cÖmviY|
0705-5001 Upward expansion of the International Training wewcGwUwmÕi †Kvi †Kvm©mg~‡ni mgZv e"w×KiY| 2,783.00
Complex of BPATC.
0705-5011 Improving Public Services through Total Quality BgcÖ“wfs cvewjK mvwf©‡mm _ªy †UvUvj †KvqvwjwU g¨v‡bR‡g›U 639.00
Management (IPSTQM). (AvBwcwUwKDGg)|
Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Academy (BCSAA)
0707-5000 wewmGm cÖkvmb GKv‡Wwgi mÿgZv e"w×KiY 1,099.00
0707-5001 Strengthening of BCS Administration Academy and wewmGm cÖkvmb GKv‡Wgx feb m¤cÖmviYGes cÖwkY myweav 2,248.00
Increasing of Training Facility. e"w×KiY|

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Public Service Commission
Public Service Commission
0801-5000 Construction of Bangladesh Public Service evsjv‡`k miKvix Kg© Kwgkb K‡¤cø· wbg©vY (7g †dvi †_‡K 2,752.00
Commission Complex (7th Floor to 10th Floor) (3rd 10g †dvi) (3q ch©vq)|

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Finance Division
Ministry's Own
0901-5003 Inclusion of public expenditure management in Rjevqy SzuwK †gvKv‡ejvi A_©vqb‡K miKvwi e¨q e¨e¯'vcbvi 578.00
funding to combat climate risk. AšZf©yw³KiY|
0901-5014 Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP) w¯‹jm di Bgc­q‡g›U Bb‡f÷‡g›U †cÖvMªvg | 36,700.00
0901-5016 Strengthening Capacity for Child Focused Budgeting ‡÷ªs‡`wb K¨vcvwmwU di PvBì †dvKvmW ev‡RwUs Bb 184.00
in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k|
0901-5017 Strengthening Public Financial Management for ‡÷s‡`wbs cvewjK dBb¨vwÝqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U di †mvm¨vj 5,125.00
Social Protection Under SGP. cÖ‡UKkb AvÛvi GmwRwc|

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Internal Resources Division (IRD)
National Board of Revenue
1103-5012 VAT & Supplementary Duty Act, 2012 f¨vU GÛ mvwc­‡g›Uvwi wWDwU G¨v±, 2012 Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb (f¨vU 16,023.00
Implementation (VAT : Online) Project. AbjvBb) cÖKí|
1103-5030 Construction of National Renenue Bhaban RvZxq ivR¯^ feb wbg©vY| 676.00
1103-5040 Strengthening of Governance Management Project : ‡÷ªs‡`wbs Ae Mfv‡b©m g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖ‡R±t Gt AbjvBb wdwjs 2,355.00
a : Online Filling and Digitilization of Tax Returns; c: GÛ wWwRUvB‡Rkb Ae †U· wiUvb©m wm G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae
Establishment of Taxpayers Information and Service †U·‡cqvim Bbdi‡gkb GÛ mvwf©m †m›Uvi|

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Bank and Financial Institution Division
General Insurance Corporation
1205-5016 Pilot Project on Weather Index Based Crop cvBjU cÖ‡R± Ab I‡q`vi Bb‡W·-‡eBRW †µvc BbwmI‡iÝ| 277.00
Bangladesh Bank
1205-5019 Financial Sector Support Project (FSSP). wdbvwÝqvj †m±i mv‡cvU© cÖ‡R± (GdGmGmwc)| 11,275.00
Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB)
1205-0002 4-‡eR‡g›Umn 40 Zjv wewkó AvBwmwe feb wbg©vY 2,887.00

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Economic Relations Division (ERD)
Ministry's Own
1301-5010 Strengthening External Aid Management Capacity ‡÷ªs‡`wbs G·Uvibvj GBW g¨v‡bR‡g›U K¨vcvwmwU 260.00
(SEAMC). (GmBGGgwm)|
1301-5012 Support Implementation of the Revenue Mobilization mv‡cvU© Bw¤“‡g›Ukb Ae w` †iwfwbD gwejvB‡Rkb †cÖvMªvg 633.00
Program for Result: VAT Improvement Program. di †iRvë: f¨vU B¤“ª“f‡g›U †cÖvMªvg|
1301-5013 Knowledge for Development management (KDM) for b‡jR di †W‡fjc‡g›U g¨v‡bR‡g›U (†KwWGg) di BAviwW 210.00
ERD UN Wing. BDGb DBs|
1301-5030 Central Co-ordination Unit of the Private Sector ‡m›Uªvj †Kv- AwWbkb DBwbU Ae w` cÖvB‡fU †m±i 152.00
Development Support Project (CCU Project). †W‡fjc‡g›U mv‡cvU© cÖ‡R± (wmwmBD cÖ‡R±)|
1301-5151 Japan Human Resources Development Programme Rvcvb wnDg¨vb wi‡mv‡m©m †W‡fjc‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg (†RwWm)| 2,414.00

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Planning Division
Ministry's Own
1401-5001 Construction of Residential Building for Officers/ cwiKíbv wefv‡Mi/Kwgk‡bi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ AvevwmK 7,945.00
Employees of Planning Division/commission at feb wbg©vY|
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka
1401-5003 Display of development activities of Bangladesh. evsjv‡`‡ki Dbœqb Kg©KvÛ cÖ`k©b| 168.00
1401-5005 Enhanceability of NEC-ECNEC and Co-ordination wWwRUvj WvUv‡eR wm‡÷g I AvK©vBf cÖwZôvi gva¨‡g 800.00
wing by establishing digital database system and GbBwm-GK‡bK I mgš^q Abywefv‡Mi mgZv e"w×KiY|
1401-5006 Adaptation of Climate Change in the National and G¨vWv‡Þkb Ae KvB‡gU ‡PÄ BbUz `¨v b¨vkbvj GÛ †jvKvj 1,700.00
Local Planning. cøvwbs|
1401-5007 cwiKíbv Kwgkb PZ¡‡i gmwR` I MYc~Z© Dc-wefvMxq 2,278.00
cÖ‡KŠkjxi Awdm feb wbg©vY
1401-5008 ‡cÖwÿ‡Z cwiKíbv (2010-2021) Gi ga¨eZ©x g~j¨vqb Ges 372.00
evsjv‡`k iƒcKí 2041 cÖYqb
1401-5016 Implementation of Digital ECNEC. Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb Ae wWwRUvj GK‡bK di wgwbw÷ª Ae c­¨vwbs| 320.00
1401-5017 Preparation and Monitoring of Midium Term ga¨‡gqv`x Dbœqb cwiKíbv (7g cÂevwl©K cwiKíbv I 300.00
Development Plans (7th Five Year Plan & cwiex¶Y)|
1401-5019 The Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100 Formulation `¨v evsjv‡`k †WjUv c­¨vb-2011 digy‡jkb cÖ‡R± 376.00
Project (BDP-2100). (wewWwc-2011)|
1401-5022 Strengthening Public Investment Management ‡÷«s‡`wbs cvewjK Bb‡f÷‡g›U g¨v‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g cÖKí| 2,181.00
System (SPIMS).
1401-5024 Urban Resilience Project (URP): Project Avievb wiwRwj‡qÝ cÖ‡R± t cÖ‡R± †Kv-AwW©‡bkb GÛ gwbUwis 865.00
Coordination and Monitoring Unit (PCMU) Part BDwbU (BDAviwcwmGgBD) cvU
1401-5090 Special Purpose Development Assistance. we‡kl cÖ‡qvR‡b Dbœqb mnvqZv| 106,583.00
1401-5130 Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and Restoration Bgvi‡RÝx 2007 mvB‡K¬vb wiKfvix GÛ ‡i‡óªv‡ikb cÖ‡R± 500.00
Project (ECRRP): Project Co-Ordination and (BwmAviAviwc)t cÖ‡R± †Kv-AwW©‡bkb GÛ gwbUwis BDwbU
Monitoring Unit
1401-5170 Extablishment of BCS Economic Academy wewmGm BKbwgK GKv‡Wgx cÖwZôv| 500.00
National Planning and Development Academy (N.A.P.D)
1405-5000 Increasing institutional capacity of the National RvZxq cwiKíbv I Dbœqb GKv‡Wwgi cÖvwZôvwbK mgZv 1,000.00
Planning and Development Academy e"w×KiY|

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED)
Ministry's Own
1501-5000 Enhancing Institutional Capacity of IMED. Gbn¨vwÝs Bbw÷wUDkbvj K¨vcvwmwU Ae AvBGgBwW| 25.00
1501-5019 Strengthening Monitoring and Evaluation ‡÷ªs‡`wbs gwbUwis GÛ Bf¨vj~‡qkb K¨vcvwmwUR Ae 2,467.00
Capabilities of IMED (SMECI) (1st Revised). AvBGgBwW (GmGgBwmAvB) (1g ms‡kvwaZ)|

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Statistics and Informatics Division
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
1631-5011 Economic Census-2013 Project. A_©‰bwZK ïgvix-2013 cÖKí| 800.00
1631-5013 National Household Database (NHD). b¨vkbvj nvDR‡nvì WvUv‡eBR (GbGBPwW)| 30,469.00
1631-5024 Monitoring the Situation of Vital Statistics of gwbUwis w` wmPz‡qkb Ae fvBUvj ÷vwUmwwUKm Ae evsjv‡`k| 1.00
1631-5040 Optical Data Arcrive and Networking (2nd Phase). AcwUK¨vj WvUv AvK©vBf GÛ †bUIqvwK©s (2q ch©vq) cÖKí| 603.00
1631-5041 Improving of Labour Statictics and Labour Market BgcÖywfs Ae †jevi ÷¨vwUKwUKm GÛ †jevi gv‡K©U 85.00
Information System through Panel Survey. Bbdi‡gkb wm‡÷g _ªy †c‡bj mv‡f©
1631-5044 Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) nvDR‡nvì BbKvg GÛ G·‡cwÛPvi mv‡f© | 637.00
1631-5045 Project on Digitization of BBS Publications and wWwRUvB‡Rkb Ae weweGm cvewj‡Kkbm GÛ AbjvBb 336.00
Online Secondary data collection. †m‡KÛvix WvUv Kv‡jKkb

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Commerce
Ministry's Own
1701-0005 Eradication of Rural Poverty by Extension of Small GivwW‡Kkb Ae iæivj cÖfvwU© evB G·‡Ukb Ae ¯§j †nvwìs 50.00
Holding Tea Cultivation in Lalmonirhat. wU Kvwë‡fkb Bb jvjgwbinvU
1701-0006 Extension of Small Holding Tea Cultivation in G·‡Ubkb Ae ¯§j †nvwìs wU Kvwë‡fkb Bb b`©vb© evsjv‡`k 83.00
Northern Bangladesh.
1701-0007 Construction of 11 & 12 Storied TCB Bhaban at KvIivb evRvi¯' wUwmwe fe‡bi 11 I 12 Zjv wbg©vY 1,000.00
Kawran Bazar.
1701-5000 Promotion of Social Environment Standards in the cÖ‡gvkb Ae †mvm¨vj GÛ Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj ÷¨vÛvW©vm Bb `¨v 1,440.00
Industry (PSES). BÛvw÷ª (wcGmBGm)|
1701-5002 Strengthening Institutional Capacity and Human ‡÷s‡`wbs Bbw÷wUDkbvj K¨vcvwmwU GÛ wnDg¨vb wi‡mvm© 231.00
Resources Development for Trade Promotion. †W‡fjc‡g›U di †UªW †cÖv‡gvkb|
1701-5003 Social and Labor Standard in the Textile and ‡mvm¨vj GÛ †jevi ÷¨vÛvW© Bb `¨v †U·UvBj GÛ Mv‡g©›Um †m 230.00
Garment Sector in Asia. ±i Bb Gwkqv|
1701-5004 evsjv‡`k wiwRIbvj Kv‡bKwUwfwU cÖ‡R±-1: GgIwm 1,457.00
1701-5012 Agribusiness for Trade Competiveness Project GwMÖweR‡bm di †UªW KgwcwUwUf‡bm cÖ‡R± (GwUwmwc)| 1,680.00
Export Development Bureau
1705-5011 Construction of Bangladesh-China Friendship evsjv‡`k-Pvqbv †dªÛkxc Gw·wekb ‡m›Uvi wbg©vY 33,200.00
Exhibition Centre.
Bangladesh Tea Board
1705-5000 Extension of Small Holding T Cultivation in G·‡Ubkb Ae ¯§j †nvwìs wU KvjwU‡fkb Bb wPUvMvs wnj Uªv 197.00
Chittagong Hill Tracts. ±m|

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry's Own
1801-5001 Infrastructure Development of Foreign Service d‡ib mvwf©m GKv‡Wgxi (myMÜv) AeKvVv‡gvMZ Dbœqb| 3,540.00
Academy (Sugandha)
1811-5000 Construction of Bangladesh Chancery Complex in Zzi‡¯‹i AvsKviv‡Z evsjv‡`k P¨vÝvwi Kg‡c­· wbgv©Y 2,065.00
1811-5010 Construction of Bangladesh Chancery Complex in †mŠw` Avi‡ei wiqv‡` evsjv‡`k P¨vÝix Kg‡c­· wbg©vY (1g 2,224.00
Riad, Soudi Arabia. ch©vq)
High Commissions
1812-5010 Construction of Bangladesh Chancery Complex in cvwK¯v‡bi Bmjvgvev‡` evsjv‡`k P¨vÝvix Kg‡c­· wbg©vY| 4,821.00
Islamabad of Pakistan.

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Defence
Ministry's Own
1901-5011 Modernization and Expansion of Dhaka CMH (2nd wmGgGBP XvKv m¤cÖmvi I AvaywbKvqb (2q ch©vq)| 3,520.00
1901-5012 Establishment of BASB Automation System. G÷vewjó‡g›U Ae we.G.Gm.we A‡Uv‡gkb wm‡÷g| 784.00
Survey of Bangladesh
1911-5011 Strengthening the Digital Cartographic Capacity of †÷«s‡`wbs w` wWwRUvj Kv‡U©vMªvwdK K¨vcvwmwU Ae mv‡f© Ae 400.00
Survey of Bangladesh. evsjv‡`k|
Meteorological Department
1913-5000 Strengthening Meteorological Information Services AvenvIqv Z_¨ †mev I AvMvg mZK©evbx c×wZ †Rvi`viKiY 8,000.00
and Early Warning System (Component-A). (K‡¤cv‡b›U-G)|
1913-5001 Development of weather radar in Dhaka and XvKv I iscyi¯' AvenvIqv ivWv‡ii Dbœqb| 3,752.00
1913-5013 Improvement and Extension of DMO Sylhet and BgcÖyf‡g›U GÛ G·‡Ubkb Ae wWGgI wm‡jU GÛ wcweI †dbx 750.00
PBO Feni. |
1913-5017 Strengthening of meteorological observatories 13wU b`x e›`‡i 1g †kªYxi AvenvIqv †hvMv‡hvM 2,943.00
located at 13 River Port Areas of Bangladesh. kw³kvjxKiY|
Bangladesh Army
1931-5000 Establishment of 99 Composite Bridge for Security cÙv eûg~Lx †mZz cÖK‡íi mvwe©K wbivcËv weavbK‡í 99 15,000.00
and Technical Support of Padma Multipurpose K‡¤cvwRU weª‡MW ¯'vcb|
Bridge Project.
1931-5001 Establishment of Academic Building (5 Storey with 8 evsjv‡`k ‡bŠevwnbx bvivqYMÄ WKBqvW© GÛ BwÄwbqvwis 510.00
Storied Foundation) for Dockyard & Engineering IqvK©m I we`¨vj‡qi Rb¨ (8Zjvi fxZmn 5 Zjv) GK‡WwgK
Works High School, Narayangonj. feb wbg©vY
1931-5002 Officers' Més complex and residence building, XvKv ‡mbvwbev‡m WvB‡i±‡iU †Rbv‡ij Ae †dv‡m©m B‡›Uwj‡RÝ 5,500.00
including work related to the Directorate General of (wWwRGdAvB)Gi Rb¨ AvbylswMK KvRmn †gm Kg‡c‡j· I
Forces Intelligence (DGFI) in Dhaka Cantonment. evm¯'vb wbg©vY|
1931-5003 Construction of junior commissioned officers and XvKv †mbvwbev‡m †cÖwm‡W›U MvW© †iwR‡g›U (wcwRAvi) Gi 1,800.00
other office-bearers of the President Guard Rywbqi KwgkÛ Awdmvm© I Ab¨vb¨ c`avix‡`i evm¯'vb wbg©vY|
Regiment (PGR) in the Dhaka Cantonment.
1931-5004 Establishment of Sylhet Cantonment Public School wm‡jU K¨v›Ub‡g›U cvewjK ¯‹zj GÛ K‡jR ¯'vcb| 800.00
and College.
1931-5006 Expansion of Physical Facilities for Military Institute wgwjUvwi Bbw÷wUDU Ae mv‡qÝ GÛ †UK‡bvjRx 2,490.00
of Science and Technology (MIST) at Mirpur Canntt. (GgAvBGmwU), wgicyi †mbvwbevm Gi AeKvVv‡gvMZ myweav m
1931-5007 Construction of Bangabandhu Military Museum e½eÜz mvgwiK hv`yNi Kg‡cø· wbg©vY, weRq miYx, XvKv| 4,000.00
Complex, Bijoy Sarani, Dhaka.
1931-5008 Alikadam Cantonment Public School and College AvjxK`g K¨v›Ub‡g›U cvewjK ¯‹zj GÛ K‡jR ¯'vcb| 800.00
1931-5009 Establishment of Ramu Cantonment Public School ivgy K¨v›Ub‡g›U cvewjK ¯‹zj GÛ K‡jR ¯'vcb| 800.00
and College
1931-5011 Construction of Dhaka CMH Cancer Center XvKv wmGgGBP G K¨vÝvi †m›Uvi wbg©vY| 3,500.00
1931-5018 Establishment of English Version Cantt. Public G÷vewjg‡g›U Ae Bswjk fvm©b K¨›Ub‡g›U cvewjK ¯‹zj GÛ 1.00
School & College under National Curriculum at K‡jR AvÛvi b¨vkbvj KvwiKzjvg G¨vU knx` mvjvDwÏb
Sheed Salauddin Cantt. Gatail, Tangail. K¨v›Ub‡g›U, NvUvBj|
1931-5019 Construction of Corps of Military Police Centre and Kb÷ªvKkb Ae †Kvim& Ae wgwjUvix cywjk †m›Uvi GÛ ¯‹zj 2,000.00
School at Savar Cantonment. G¨vU mvfvi K¨v›Ub‡g›U (mvfvi †mbvwbev‡m wgwjUvix cywjk
†K›`ª I ¯‹zj) wbg©vY
Bangladesh Navy

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Defence
Bangladesh Navy
1933-5011 Constraction of BNA Bangabandhu Complex, weGbG e½eÜz Kg‡c­· wbg©vY, c‡Z½v, PÆMÖvg| 3,000.00
Patenga, Chittagong.
Bangladesh Air Force
1934-5000 Establishment of BAF Radar Unit Shahin School and weGGd ivWvi BDwbU e¸ovq kvnxb ¯‹zj I K‡jR ¯'vcb 800.00
College at Bogra.
1934-5015 Construction of BAF Bangabhandhu Complex, weGdG e½eÜz Kg‡c­· wbg©vY, h‡kvi| 3,000.00
Inter Services Departments
1935-5014 Modernization of Military Farm. wgwjUvwi dvg© AvaywbKvqb| 3,035.00

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Law and Justice Division
Ministry's Own
2101-5000 Enhancing capabilities of sub-breeding courts Aa:¯Zb Av`vjZ e¨e¯'vcbv kw³kvjxKiY AvBb I wePvi 1,499.00
management and the capacity of the justice wefv‡Mi mgZv e"w×KiY|
2101-5020 Construction of Chief Judicial Magistrate Court evsjv‡`‡ki 64wU †Rjv m`‡i Pxd RywWwmqvj g¨vwR‡¯UªU 46,000.00
Buildings at 64 Districts of Bangladesh (1st phase). Av`vjZ feb wbg©vY (1g ch©vq)|
2101-5023 Justice Reform and Corruption Prevention Project. Rvw÷m widg© GÛ Kivckb wcÖ‡fbkb cÖKí| 952.00
Directorate of Registration
2161-5000 Construction of Registry and Sub-Registry Office ‡`‡ki wewfbœ †Rjvq †Rjv ‡iwRw÷ª I mve-‡iwRw÷ª Awdm feb 1,500.00
Bahabn in Several District (2nd Phase). wbg©vY (2q ch©vq)

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Public Security Division
Ministry's Own
2201-5012 Construction of own office building of NTMC GbwUGgwmÕi wbR¯^ Kvh©vjq feb wbg©vY| 1.00
Bangladesh Police Directorate
2211-5000 Construction of ASP office-cum-residence in 50 cywjk wefv‡Mi 50wU mv‡K©‡j GGmwc Awdm Kvg evmfeb 1,200.00
Circle of the police department (25 in1st phase ) wbg©vY (1g ch©v‡q 25wU)|
2211-5001 Construction of 9 Police Superintendent office 9wU cywjk mycvi Awdm feb wbg©vY (wmAvBwW I wcweAvB 1,500.00
buildings (CID and PIB office) Awdmmn)
2211-5002 Upward Expansion of 7th -11 th floor of SB / CID Gmwe/wmAvBwW fe‡bi 7g-11Zg Zjvi DaŸ©g~Lx m¤cÖmviY 800.00
2211-5003 Construction of 12 barrack in different unit of evsjv‡`k cywj‡ki wewfbœ BDwb‡U 12wU e¨vivK wbg©vY 3,000.00
Bangladesh Police
2211-5004 Construction of Dhaka Special Branch Training XvKvq †¯ckvj eªv †Uªwbs ¯‹zj wbg©vY| 1,000.00
2211-5005 Construction of 19 Arsenal in 19 units of the Police cywjk wefv‡Mi 19wU BDwb‡U 19wU A¯ÎvMvi wbg©vY| 1,200.00
2211-5008 Capacity increasing and purchase of inquiry aids of wcweAvB Gi Kg©KZ©v‡`i mgZv e"w× Ges Z`šZ mnvqK 2,500.00
PBI officers. hšÎcvwZ µq|
2211-5009 19 Naval Police Outpost and Barrack Construction 19wU †bŠ cywjk dvuwi I e¨vivK wbg©vY| 2,500.00
2211-5013 Construction of 101 Dilapidated Thana Building Typecywjk wefv‡Mi 101wU RivRxY© _vbv feb UvBc c­¨v‡b wbg©vY| 7,500.00
Plan of the Police Department.
2211-5014 Construction 5 nos RAB Complax and One RAB 5wU i¨ve Kg‡c­· Ges GKwU i¨ve †Uªwbs ¯‹zj Kg‡c­· wbg©vY| 3,000.00
Training School Complex.
2211-5016 Modernization of existing police hospitals. we`¨gvb cywjk nvmcvZvjmg~n AvaywbKxKiY| 4,000.00
2211-5017 Increasing efficiency and efficiency of the operation XvKv †g‡UªvcwjUb cywj‡ki Acv‡ikb mgZv I `Zv e"w×KiY| 4,500.00
of Dhaka Metropolitan Police.
2211-5018 Construction of RRF Police Lines and APBN Police ewikvj I wm‡jU Avg©W cywjk e¨vUvwjqb (GwcweGb) Ges †iÄ 2,500.00
Lines in Barisal and Sylhe. wiRvf© (AviAviGd) cywjk jvBb wbg©vY
2211-5019 Construction of Barisal Metropolitan and Khulna ewikvj †g‡UªvcwjUb I Lyjbv †Rjv cywjk jvBb wbg©vY 1,050.00
District Police Line.
2211-5021 Construction of Bangladesh-India Friendship evsjv‡`k cywjk GKv‡Wgx mvi`v, ivRkvnx‡Z evsjv‡`k-fviZ 50.00
Bhaban at Bangladesh Police Academy, Sharda, ˆgÎx feb wbg©vY I AvBwU †m›Uvi ¯'vcb
Rajshahi and Establishment of IT Centre
2211-5060 Construction of 7 Rab Complex. 7wU i¨ve Kg‡c­· wbg©vY| 5,000.00
2211-5070 Construction of 50 highway polish post of polosh evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ ¯’v‡b cywjk wefv‡Mi 50wU nvBI‡q cywjk 1,200.00
division in different places of Bangladesh AvDU †cvó wbg©vY|
Boarder Guard Bangladesh
2231-5000 Completing the remaining construction work of eW©vi MvW© evsjv‡`‡ki Rb¨ cZœxZjv eW©vi MvW© Gi Aewkó 726.00
Patidola Border Guard for Border Guard wbg©vY KvR m¤cbœKiY|
2231-5001 Strengthening border security through modern AvaywbK hšÎcvwZi gva¨‡g mxgvšZ wbivcËv kw³kvjxKiY| 1,615.00
2231-5002 10 magazines and seven quarter gard construction / wewRwei wewfbœ e¨‡Uwjq‡b 10wU g¨vMwRb Ges 7wU †KvqvU©vi 954.00
reconstruction work in different battalions of BGB. MvW© wbg©vY/cyb:wbg©vY|
2231-5003 BGB headquarters, Peelkhana, Dhaka, officer / otherwewRwe m`i `ßi wcjLvbv, XvKvq Awdmvi/Ab¨vb¨c`avix Ges 16,275.00
policy holders and residential buildings for Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ AvevwmK feb wbg©vY|
2231-5014 Construction of 60 BOP of BGB Border Area. mxgvšZ GjvKvq wewRweÕi 60wU weIwc wbg©vY| 909.00
Department of Ansars and Village Defence

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Public Security Division
Department of Ansars and Village Defence
2241-5000 Expansion of physical facilities of Barracks of Ansar ‡Rjv m`i I e¨v‡Uwjqvb m`‡ii Avbmvi I wfwWwci 1,500.00
and VDP of District Sadar and Battalion Sadar. e¨vivKmg~‡ni ‡fŠZ myweavw` m¤cÖmviY|
2241-5011 Construction of Anser & VDP's Battelian Avbmvi I wfwWwcÕi e¨vUvwjqb m`i `ßi Kg Kg‡c­· wbg©vY 5,256.00
Headquarter-cum-Complex (1st phase 15 Anser (1g ch©v‡q 15wU Avbmvi e¨vUvwjqvb)|
Coast Guard
2271-5000 Construction of the Administrative building and Kb÷ªvKkb Ae GWwgwb‡÷ªwUf wewìs GÛ †mBjim eªvK di 3 2,025.00
seilarasa Brac for 3 Coast Guard Station. †Kv÷ MvW© ‡÷kb
2271-5001 Increasing the infrastructure of Bangladesh Coast evsjv‡`k †Kv÷ Mv‡W©i AeKvVv‡gv cwimi ewa©ZKiY| 1,013.00
2271-5002 Construction of various types of vessels for the evsjv‡`k †Kv÷ Mv‡W©i Rb¨ wewfbœ cÖKvi Rjhvb wbg©vY| 5,010.00
Bangladesh Coast Guard.
2271-5012 Purchase of sea Going Vessels and Construction of evsjv‡`k †Kv÷Mv‡W©i Rb¨ mgy`ªMvgx Rjhvb msMÖn I 9,098.00
Other Infrastructures for Coast Guard Bangladesh AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY|
2271-5013 Procurement of vessel, Motor Car and other evsjv‡`k †Kv÷ Mv‡W©i Acv‡ikbvj `Zv e"wׇZ Rjhvb, 11,000.00
Mechinery to increase operational efficiency of gUihvb I Ab¨vb¨ hšÎcvwZ µq
Bangladesh Coast Guard.
Department of Passport and Immigration
2275-5000 Construction of 17 regional passport office buildings. 17wU AvÂwjK cvm‡cvU© Awdm feb wbg©vY| 2,000.00
2275-5011 Construction of Passport Personalization Complex. cvm‡cvU© Z_¨ msi¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb| 1,414.00
2275-5020 Introduction of Machine Readable Passport (MRP) B‡›UªvWvKkb Ae †gwkb wi‡Wej cvm‡cvU© (GgAviwc) GÛ 467.00
and Machine Readable Visa (SRV) in Bangladesh †gwkb wi‡Wej wfmv (GmAviwf) Bb evsjv‡`k

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Primary and Mass Education
Department of Primary Education
2431-5001 Demand-based Government Primary School Pvwn`vwfwËK miKvwi cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq Dbœqb| 90,000.00
2431-5003 Primary Education Stipend Payed (3rd phase). cÖv_wgK wkvi Rb¨ Dc-e"wË cÖ`vb (3q ch©vq) 35,448.00
2431-5006 Demand-based new nationalized government Pvwn`vwfwËK bZzb RvZxqKiYK…Z miKvwi cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq 50,000.00
primary school development. Dbœqb|
2431-5011 English in Action. Bswjk Bb G¨vKkb| 582.00
2431-5014 Reaching Out of School Children (Rosc) Project (2ndwiwPs AvDU Ae ¯‹zj wPj‡Wªb (i·) cÖKí (2q ch©vq)| 18,600.00
2431-5180 Establishment of 1500 Primary School in we`¨vjqwenxb GjvKvq 1500 cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq ¯’vcb| 5,227.00
Un-schooled Areas.
2431-5200 School Feeding Programme in Poverty Prone Area. `vwi`ª cxwoZ GjvKvq ¯‹zj wdwWs Kg©m~Px| 51,245.00
2431-5260 Establishment of PTI in 12 Selected District SvjKvwV, kixqZcyi, bvivqbMÄ, jvjgwbinvU, †MvcvjMÄ, 2,798.00
Headquarters having no PTIs (Jhalkathi, Shariatpur, XvKv, †kicyi, bovBj, †g‡nicyi, ev›`ievb, LvMovQwo I
Narayangonj, Lalmonirhat, Gopalgonj, Dhaka, ivRevox †Rjvq wcwUAvB ¯’vcb|
Sherpur, Norail, Meherpur, Bandarban, Khagrachari
and Rajbari).
2431-5380 Primary Education Development Project (IDB). cÖv_wgK wk¶v Dbœqb cÖKí (AvBwWwe)| 173.00
2431-9437 Primary Education Development Project-3. cÖv_wgK wk¶v Dbœqb Kg©m~wP-3| 408,544.00
Directorate of Non-formal Education
2450-5014 Basic Literature Project (64 district). ‡gŠwjK ¯^v¶iZv cÖKí (64 ‡Rjv)| 17,500.00

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Secondary and Higher Education Division
Department of Secondary & Higher Education
2531-5000 Fostering Opportunities of Science Education for miKvwi K‡jRmg~‡n weÁvb wkÿvi my‡hvM m¤úªmviY 2,000.00
Government Colleges.
2531-5001 Development of Government Secondery Schools. miKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjqmg~‡ni Dbœqb 2,000.00
2531-5002 ICT for Education in Secondary and Higher AvBwmwUi gva¨‡g gva¨wgK I D"P gva¨wgK ¯Í‡i wkÿvi 2,000.00
Secondary Level (2nd Phase). cÖPjb (2q ch©vq)
2531-5012 Teaching Quality Improvement-2 (TQI-2) in wUwPs †KvqvwjwU BgcÖyf‡g›U-2 (wUwKDAvB-2) Gb †m‡KÛvix 5,936.00
Secondary Education. GWy‡Kkb|
2531-5014 Establishment of 7 Government Secondary Schools wm‡jU, ewikvj I Lyjbv kn‡i 7wU miKvix gva¨wgK we`¨vjq 3,541.00
in Sylhet, Barisal and Khulna Metropolitan City ¯’vcb|
2531-5015 Development of the Selected Non-government Z_¨ cÖhyw³i mnvqZvq wk¶vi gv‡bvbœq‡bi j‡¶ wbe©vwPZ 150,000.00
Colleges for Improvement of Education through (†emiKvix K‡jRmg~‡ni Dbœqb)|
2531-5026 Secondary Education Sector Investment Program. ‡m‡KÛvix GWz‡Kkb Bb‡f÷‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg (‡mwmc)| 100,000.00
2531-5028 Establishment of an Autistic Academy. AwUw÷K GKv‡Wgx ¯’vcb| 6,000.00
2531-5031 Generation Break through: A Multi-pronged ‡Rbv‡ikb †eªK _ª“t G gvwë-cÖÛW G‡cÖvwPs Uy cÖvBgvix 431.00
Approach to Primary Prevention of Gender Based wcÖ‡fbkb Ae †RÛvi †eRW fv‡qv‡j›m GÛ wgwUs
Violence and Meeting SRHR Needs of Adolescent GmAviGBPAvi wbWm Ae GW‡j›m GÛ DB_ Bb evsjv‡`k
and youth in Bangladesh. cÖ‡R±|
2531-5032 Higher Secondary Stipend Project. D“P gva¨wgK Dce„wË cÖKí| 4,987.00
2531-5033 Maddomik Shikkha Upabitty (2nd Phase) Project gva¨wgK wk¶v Dce„wË cÖKí (2q ch©vq)| 10,903.00
2531-5050 Establishment of 11 Secondary Schools & 06 XvKv gnvbMix‡Z bZzb K‡i 11wU gva¨wgK we`¨vjq I 6wU 5,681.00
Colleges (Government) in Dhaka Metropoliton City. gnvwe`¨vjq (miKvix) wbg©vY|
2531-5460 Secondery Education Quality and Access ‡m‡KÛvix GWy‡Kkb †KvqvwjwU GÛ GK‡mm Bbnv݇g›U cÖ‡R± 36,646.00
Enhancement Project (SEQAEP). (GmBGwKDBwc)|
2531-8064 Development of Post Graduate Government wk¶vi gvb Dbœq‡bi j‡¶¨ †Rjv m`‡i Aew¯’Z 70 miKvix 24,767.00
Colleges at the District Headquarters for Improving †cv÷ MÖ¨vRy‡qU K‡jRmg~‡ni Dbœqb|
Quality of Education.
University Grants Commission
2561-5000 Academic and Infrastructural Development of h‡kvi weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi GKv‡WwgK I AeKvVv‡gv 3,060.00
Jessore University of Science and Technology Dbœœqb|
2561-5001 Eablishment of Chittagong Veterinary and the PÆMÖvg †f‡Uwibvwi I Gwbg¨vj mv‡q‡Ým wek¦we`¨vj‡qi 2q K¨v 3,000.00
Second Campuses Animal Sciences University, ¤cvm ¯'vcb
2561-5002 Enhancement of Physical and Academic facilities of ‡bvqvLvjx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi †fŠZ I GKv‡WwgK 1,480.00
Noakhali Science and Technology University. myweav e„w×KiY|
2561-5003 Further Infrastructure Development of Khulna Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 2,000.00
2561-5005 Further development of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural ‡k‡i evsjv K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb| 2,500.00
2561-5006 Special development of Haji Mohammad Danesh nvRx †gvnv¤§` `v‡bk weÁvb cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi we‡kl 1,093.00
Science Technology University Dbœqb|
2561-5007 Further development of Dhaka University of XvKv cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb| 1,500.00
Engineering and Technology
2561-5009 The College Education Development Project. K‡jR GWz‡Kkb †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R±| 26,021.00
2561-5011 Strengthening of Maulana Bhashani Science and gvIjvbv fvmvbx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq kw³kvjxKiY| 1,500.00
Technology University
2561-5012 Strengthening the physical facilities and research e½eÜz †kL gywReyi mingvb K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi ‡fŠZ myweavw` 1,500.00
capabilities of the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Ges M‡elYv mgZv kw³kvjxKiY|
Rahman Agricultural University. of

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Secondary and Higher Education Division
University Grants Commission
2561-5013 Physical infrastructure development of Rajshahi ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vj‡qi ‡fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 2,000.00
2561-5016 Construction of academic and residential buildings ofXvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi GKv‡WwgK I AvevwmK feb wbg©vY| 2,500.00
Dhaka University
2561-5018 Improvement of Chittagong Engineering and PÆMÖvg cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb 1,748.00
Technology University.
2561-5025 Further Development of Bangladesh University of evsjv‡`k cÖ‡KŠkj wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb| 2,000.00
Engineering & Technology.
2561-5028 Development of Comilla University-1st phase. Kzwgj­v wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb (1g ch©vq)| 1,485.00
2561-5029 Further Development of Islamic University (2nd Bmjvgx wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi Dbœqb (2q ch©vq)| 2,128.00
2561-5052 Molecular Characterization and Identification of gwjwKDjvi K¨v‡i±vivB‡Rkb GÛ AvB‡Ww›Uwd‡Kkb Ae 90.00
Important Genetic and Infectious Diseases of B‡¤“v‡U©›U †R‡bwUK GÛ Bb‡dKkvm wWwR‡Rm Ae jvBf÷K
Livestock and Poultry in Bangladesh. GÛ †cvwëª Bb evsjv‡`k|
2561-5058 Development of infrastructural facilities of Khulna Lyjbv cÖ‡KŠkjx I cÖhywv³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AeKvVv‡gv myweavw` 2,090.00
University of Engineering & Technology (1st Dbœqb|
2561-5059 Development of National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam RvZxq Kwe KvRx bRiyj Bmjvg wek¦we`¨vjq Dbœqb| 6,500.00
2561-5065 Special Development of Begum Rokeya University, ‡eMg †iv‡Kqv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi we‡kl Dbœqb| 3,000.00
2561-5073 Establishment of Rangamati Science and iv½vgvwU weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb| 2,692.00
Technology University.
2561-5074 Construction of two Academic Buildings and an wm‡jU K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi `ywU GKv‡WwgK feb Ges GKwU 1,636.00
Auditorium Building at Sylhet Agricultural University. AwWUwiqvg feb wbg©vY|
2561-5077 Infrustructural Facilities for the Department of Bbdªv÷vKPvivj d¨vwmwjwUR di w` wWcvU©‡g›U Ae 1.00
Industrial and Production Engineering & the BbWvw÷ªqvj GÛ cÖWvKkb BwÄwbqvwis GÛ w` wWcvU©‡g›U Ae
Department of Architecture in DUET. AvwK©‡UKPvi Bb Wz‡qU|
2561-5078 Development of Bangladesh University of Textiles evsjv‡`k †U·UvBj wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb| 1,515.00
2561-5079 Further Expansion and Development of e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi 2,000.00
Bangabandhu Sheik Mujibur Rahman Science and AwaKZi m¤cÖmviY I Dbœqb|
Technology University.
2561-5081 Further Expansion and Development of Chittagong PÆMÖvg cÖ‡KŠkj I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi AwaKZi m¤cÖmviY I 2,221.00
Science and Technology University. Dbœqb|
2561-5087 Resource on Disasters Prevention Mitigation wimvP© Ab wWRv÷vi wcÖ‡fbkb/wgwU‡Mkb †gRvm© G‡MBb÷ 800.00
Measures against Flood and Storm Surges in d¬vWm GÛ ÷g mv‡R©m Bb evsjv‡`k|
2561-5088 Creating the Residential Facililties for the Buddist & PÆMÖvg wek¦we`¨vj‡qi ‡eŠ× I Ab¨vb¨ msL¨vjNy wk¶v_x©‡`i 1.00
other Minorities Students of Chittagong Univeristy. Rb¨ AvevwmK myweav m„wóKiY|
2561-5089 Construction of a 20-storied Sheik Rasel Tower XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Awdmvi‡`i Rm¨ 20 Zjv AvevwmK knx` 2,971.00
Building for the Officers' of Dhaka University. †kL iv‡mj UvIqvi feb wbg©vY|
2561-5090 Creation of Physical and other Facilities for the e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi K…wl A_©bxwZ I 774.00
Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Rural MÖvgxY Dbœqb Abyl‡`i †fŠZ I Ab¨vb¨ myweavw` m"wó|
Development at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU)
2561-5091 Construction of 120 Bedded Female Dormitory with BmjvwgK BDwbfviwmwU Ae †UK‡bvjRx (AvBBDwU)-Gi 1.00
Common Facilities Building at IUT, Board Bazar, AvbylswMK myweavw`mn 120 Avmb wewkó QvÎx wbevm wbg©vY|

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Secondary and Higher Education Division
University Grants Commission
2561-5092 Development of Bangladesh University of evsjv‡`k BDwbfviwmwU Ae cÖ‡dkbvj Gi Dbœqb| 3,500.00
2561-5093 Establishment of Ship Model Testing Centre (Towing evsjv‡`k cÖ‡KŠkj wek¦we`¨vj‡qi wkc g‡Wj †Uwós †m›Uvi 1,284.00
Tank) at Buet ¯'vcb (†Uvwqs U¨vsK)|
2561-7100 Further Development of Patuakhali Science cUzqvLvjx weÄvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Awa`KZi Dbœqb| 501.00
&Technology University (PSTU)
2561-7410 Molecular Epidemeology of Micro Bacterium Bodies gwjKzjvi Gwc‡WwgIjwR Ae gvB‡µve¨vK‡Uwiqvg ewWm 169.00
Induction in Animals and Man in Bangladesh. Bb‡WKkb Bb G¨vwbgjm GÛ
g¨vb Bb evsjv‡`k|
2561-7430 Improvement of Salt and Sub-mergence Tolerant BgcÖyf‡g›U Ae më GÛ mvegvi‡RÝ Ujv‡i›U ivBQ _ªy 115.00
Rice through Genetic Engineering Approach to Ring †R‡bwUK BwÄwbqvwis G¨v‡cÖvP Uz wis dzW wmwKDwiwU DBL
Food Security with Environmental Safety in Gbfvqib‡g›Uj †mdwU Bb evsjv‡`k|
2561-9102 Establishment of Barishal University, Barishal ewikvj wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb, ewikvj 1.00
2561-9137 Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project nvqvi GWy‡Kkb †KvqvwjwU Gbn¨v݇g›U cÖ‡R±| 39,132.00
2561-9152 Estalishment of Jagannath University (Phase-2) RMbœv_ wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vcb (2q ch©vq)| 3,000.00
2561-9155 Academic & Infrastructure Development of PÆMÖvg wek¦we`¨vj‡qi GKv‡WwgK I †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 3,967.00
University Chittagong
2561-9158 Development of Sylhet Agricultural University (1st wm‡jU K…wl wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Dbœqb (1g ch©vq)| 1,925.00
Facilities Department
2571-5007 Infrastructure Development of Sayed Abul Hossain gv`vixcyi †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvi ˆmq` Aveyj †nv‡mb K‡jR 1,500.00
College at Sadar Upazila of Madaripur District. Gi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb
2571-5021 Strengthening the Education Engineering m`i `ßi I †Rjv Kvh©vjh ¯’vc‡bi gva¨‡g wk¶v cÖ‡KŠkj 13,936.00
Department by establishing head Quarter and Awa`ßi kw³kvjxKiY|
District Offfices.
Department of Education Engineering
2571-5000 infrastructure development of Ideal D.K Syed Atahar wW.‡K AvBwWqvj ˆmq` AvZvnvi Avjx GKv‡Wgx GÛ K‡jR, 846.00
Ali Academy and College, kalakini, Madaripur KvjwKbx, gv`vixcyi Gi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb|
2571-5001 Improvement ofmaligamo Ideal High School at Kzwgõv †Rjvi `vD`Kvw›` Dc‡Rjvi gvwjMvuI Av`k© D"P 1.00
Daudkandi Upazilain Comilla district. we`¨vjq Dbœqb
2571-5002 Infrastructure Development of Lalmai Degree Kzwgõv †Rjvi jvjgvB wWMÖx K‡j‡Ri AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 1,500.00
College in Comilla District.
2571-5006 Infrastructure development of 3 private colleges of mybvgMÄ †Rjvi 3wU †emiKvwi K‡j‡Ri AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 1,000.00
Sunamganj district
2571-5019 Establishment of Paikgacha Agriculral College, cvBKMvQv K…wl K‡jR ¯’'vcb, Lyjbv| 1.00
2571-5020 Infrastructure Development of Sheikh Hasina ‡kL nvwmbv GKv‡Wgx GÛ DB‡gb K‡jR, KvjwKwb, gv`vixcyi 760.00
Academy & Womens College, Kalkeni Upazilla, Gi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb|
Madaripur District.
2571-8072 Construction of Academic Building to Selected wbe©vwPZ †emiKvix gv`ªvmvmg~‡ni GKv‡WwgK feb wbg©vY| 4,150.00
Non-Govt. Madrashas.
2571-8074 Development of Physical Infrastructure of Selected wbe©vwPZ †emiKvix gva¨wgK we`¨vjqmg~‡ni †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv 45,000.00
Non-Govt. Secondary Schools. Dbœqb|
2571-8080 Development of Mohammedpur Central College, ‡gvnv¤§`cyi †K›`ªxq K‡jR, jvjgvwUqv gwnjv K‡jR Ges 270.00
Lalmatia Women's College and Agargaon Taltala AvMviMvuI ZvjZjv miKvix K‡jvbx ¯‹zj GÛ K‡j‡Ri Dbœqb|
Government Colony School & College.

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Secondary and Higher Education Division
Department of Education Engineering
2571-8092 Enhancement the Learing Environment of Selected G¨bn¨v݇g›U w` jvwb©s GbfvqiY‡g›U Ae wm‡j‡±W gv`ªvmv Bb 2,435.00
Madrasa in Bangladesh. evsjv‡`k|
Bangladesh Scouts
2505-5000 Construction of scout extension and scout building ofevsjv‡`k ¯‹vDwUs m¤cÖmviY I ¯‹vDU kZvwã feb wbg©vY| 7,110.00
Bangladesh Scouts
2505-7010 Establishment of International Mother Language AvšZR©vwZK gvZ…fvlv Bbw÷wUDU ¯’'vcb (2q ch©vq)| 1.00
Institute (2nd Phase).

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Science and Technology
Ministry's Own
2601-5190 National Oceanographic Research institute (Phase- RvZxq mgy`ª M‡elYv BÝwUwUDU ¯’vcb (1g ch©vq) 900.00
2601-5538 Bangabandhu Fellowship on SICT. e½eÜz †d‡jvwkc Ab GmAvBwmwU| 572.00
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission
2605-5000 Modernization of Food and Radiation Biological evsjv‡`k cigvb~ kw³ Kwgk‡bi Lv`¨ I wewKiY RxeweÁvb 2,186.00
Services of the Bangladesh Atomic Energy myweavw`i AvaywbKxKiY|
2605-5002 RUPPUR Nuclear Power Plant iƒccyi cvigvbweK we`¨yr †K›`ª wbgvY| 1,018,675.00
2605-5003 Increasing the Capability of Physics Department of cigvby kw³ †K›`ª XvKv Gi e¯'weÁvb wefv‡M b¨v‡bv Ges 2,461.00
Nano and Nano-biotechnology laboratories of the b¨v‡bv-‰RecÖhyw³ M‡elYvMv‡ii mgZv e"w×|
Atomic Energy Center Dhaka.
2605-5063 Establishment of Institute of Nuclear Medical G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae Bbw÷wUDU Ae wbDwKqvi †gwW‡Kj 469.00
Physics. wdwR·|
2605-5096 Establishment of Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant (1st iƒccyi cvigvbweK we`y¨r †K›`ª ¯’vcb (1g ch©vq)| 8,848.00
2605-7500 Establishment of Pet-City with Cyclotrine Facilities. mvB‡K¬vUªb myweavw`mn †cU- wmwU ¯’'vcb | 1,800.00
Bangladesh Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
2605-5001 Strengthening of leather research institute. Pvgov M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU kw³kvjxKiY| 727.00
2605-5004 Improvement of IMS for dairy and dairy products `y" I `y"RvZ c‡Y¨i M‡elYvMv‡ii Rb¨ AvBGgGmwU Gi mgZv 1,570.00
laboratories e"w×KiY|
2605-5114 Creation of Physical Facilities toTechnology hand wewmGmAvBAvi-Gi cÖhyw³ n¯ZvšZi I D™¢ve‡bi j‡¨ ‡fŠZ 963.00
over and innovation of BCSIR. myweavw` m„wó|
National Science and Technology Museum
2605-5108 Construction of a National Science and Technology RvZxq weÄvb I cÖhyw³ feb wbg©vY| 10,060.00
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Novo Theatre (BSMRN)
2605-5084 e½eÜz †kL gywRei ingvb b‡fvw_‡qUvi ivRkvnx ¯'vcb 980.00

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Ministry's Own
2701-5002 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 1,200.00
(†m±i IqvBW †cÖvMÖvg g¨v‡bR‡g›U gwbUwis)
2701-5003 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 3,130.00
(‡nj&_ B‡KvbwgKm GÛ dvBbvwÝs)
2701-5004 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 640.00
(wnDg¨vb wi‡mvm© †W‡fjc‡g›U (GBPAviwW))
2701-5005 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 148,784.00
( ## wdwRK¨vj d¨vwmwjwUR †W‡fjc‡g›U (wcGdwW))
2701-5006 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 350.00
( BgcÖæfW dvBb¨vbwmqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U (AvBGdGg))
2701-5200 Establishment of National Institute of Laboratory G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU Ae j¨ve‡iUix 7,657.00
Medicine and Referral Centre. †gwWwmb GÛ †idv‡ij †m›Uvi|
2701-5220 Establish of the 3rd Plant of the Essential Drugs ‡MvcvjM‡Ä G¨v‡mbwmqvj WªvMm& †Kv¤“vbx wjt Gi 3q kvLv 6,051.00
Company ltd in Gopalgonj. ¯’vcb|
2701-5300 Convertion of Bangabandhu Shekh Muzib Medical e½eÜz †kL gywRe †gwW‡Kj wek¦we`¨vjq (weGmGgGgBD) †K 7,590.00
University (BSMMU) into Centre of Exellence (2nd †m›Uvi Ae Gw·‡jÝ G cwiYZKiY (2q ch©vq)|
2701-7080 Establishment of 250 bedded National Institute of 250 kh¨v wewkwó RvZxq P¶z weÁvb BÝwUDU I nvmcvZvj 339.00
Opthalmology & Hospital. ¯’vcb|
2701-7110 Upgradation of National Institute of Cancer 50 kh¨v wewkó RvZxq K¨vÝvi BbwówUDU I nvmcvZvj‡K 2,330.00
Research and Hospital from 50 bedded to 300 300 kh¨vq DbœxZKiY (1g ch©vq 150 kh¨vq) |
bedded (1st Phase 150 bedded)
Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions
2705-5011 Safe Motherhood Promotion Operations Research ‡mBd gv`viûW †cÖv‡gvkb Acv‡ikbm wimvP© Ab †mBd 1,150.00
on Safe Motherhood and Newborn Survival. gv`viûW GÛ wbDeb© mvf©vBfvj|
2705-7040 Development of National Centre for Cervical and ‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj †m›Uvi di mvwf©K¨vj GÛ †eª÷ 1,246.00
Breast Cancer Screening and Training. K¨vÝvi mvwf©s GÛ †Uªwbs|
Department of Health Services
2711-5000 Establishment of Manikganj Medical College and gvwbKMÄ †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I nvmcvZvj ¯'vcb| 18,104.00
2711-5002 Establishment of a Medical College in Tangail and Uv½vB‡j GKwU †gwW‡Kj K‡jR ¯'vcb Ges 250kh¨v wewkó 20,000.00
Upgradation of a 250 beded General Hospital into †Rbv‡ij nvmcvZvj‡K 500 kh¨v wewkó nvmcvZv‡j
500- beded Hospital. DbœxZKiY|
2711-5003 Establishment of Shaheed M Mansur Ali Medical knx` Gg gbmyi Avjx †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I 500 kh¨vi 20,000.00
College and 500-beded hospital, Sirajganj. †gwW‡Kj K‡jR nvmcvZvj ¯'vcb, wmivRMÄ|
2711-5004 Establishment of Jamalpur Medical College and Rvgvjcyi †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I nvmcvZvj Ges Rvgvjcyi bvwm©s 10,000.00
Hospital and Jamalpur Nursing College. K‡jR ¯'vcb|
2711-5005 Establishment of Patuakhali Medical College and cUzqvLvjx †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I nvmcvZvj ¯'vcb| 10,000.00
2711-5006 Strengthening Public Health Action Events in ‡÷s‡`wbs cvewjK †nj_ G¨vKkb B‡f›Um Bb evsjv‡`k| 1,113.00

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Department of Health Services
2711-5007 Development of Newborn, Infant and Maternal beRvZK, wkï I gvZ…¯^v¯'¨ Ges ¯^v¯'¨e¨e¯'vi Dbœqb 20,075.00
Health and Health System (Component 2: (K‡¤cv‡b›U-2: †`‡ki 8wU wefv‡M Aew¯'Z †gwW‡Kj K‡jR
Modernization of Diagnostic and Imaging Systems of I nvmcvZv‡ji WvqvMbw÷K I B‡gwRs e¨e¯'vi AvaywbKxKiY|
Medical Colleges and Hospitals Located in 8
Divisions of the country.
2711-5008 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 1,287.00
(cø¨vwbs, gwbUwis GÛ wimvP© (wcGgAvi))
2711-5009 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 8,700.00
(‡nj&_ Bbdi‡gkb wmm‡Ugm GÛ B-‡nj&_)
2711-5011 Establishment of a Kushtia Medical College. Kzwóqv †gwW‡Kj K‡jR ¯’vcb| 5,000.00
2711-5012 Establishment of a Trauma Centre at Gopalgonj. G¨vmUvewjk‡g›U Ae Uªgv †m›Uvi G¨vU †MvcvjMÄ| 212.00
2711-5014 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 13,500.00
(‡cÖvwKDi‡g›U, †÷v‡iR GÛ mvcøvBm g¨v‡bR‡g›U-GBP.Gm
2711-5015 Establishment of a Shaheed Syed Nazrul Islam knx` ˆmq` bRiyj Bmjvg ‡gwW‡Kj K‡jR nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb, 452.00
Medical College Hospital, Kishoregonj. wK‡kviMÄ|
2711-5016 Extention of National Institute of Orthopadic Hospital RvZxq A‡_©v‡cwWK nvmcvZvj I cybe©vmb cÖwZôvb (wb‡Uvi) m 14,191.00
and Rehabilitation Center (NITOR). ¤cÖmviY|
2711-5017 Establishment of Sheikh Lutfar Rahman Dental G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae †kL jyrdi ingvb †W›Uvj K‡jR, 2,500.00
College. †MvcvjMÄ|
2711-5018 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 129,000.00
( g¨vUvibvj, wbD‡bUvj, PvBì GÛ G‡Wv‡jm‡m›U †nj&_ †Kqvi
2711-5019 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 13,600.00
( b¨vkbvj wbDwUªkb mvwf©‡mm (GbGbGm))
2711-5021 Establishment of Institute of Pediatric Neuro-disorderG¨v÷vewjm‡g›U Ae Bbw÷wUDU Ae †cwWqvwUªK 1,445.00
and Autism in BSMMU. wbD‡iv-wWmAW©vi GÛ AwUmg Bb weGmGgGgBD|
2711-5022 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 22,400.00
(KwgDwb‡Kej wWwR‡Rm K‡›Uªvj (wmwWwm))
2711-5023 Establishment of National Institute of Advanced G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU Ae GWfvÝW 3,000.00
Practice Nurses in Bangladesh. cÖ¨vKwUm bv‡m©m Bb evsjv‡`k|
2711-5024 Sheikh Hasina National Burn and Plastic Surgery RvZxq evY© I c­vwóK mvR©vix BbwówUDU| 34,965.00
2711-5025 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 25,910.00
(wUwe-‡jc‡ivwm GBWm/GmwUwW †cÖvMÖvg (wUweGj GÛ
2711-5026 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 18,500.00
(bb KwgDwb‡Kej wWwR‡Rm (GbwmwWwm))
2711-5027 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 1,400.00
(b¨vkbvj AvB †Kqvi)

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Department of Health Services
2711-5028 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 70,000.00
(## KwgDwbwU †eBRW †nj&_ †Kqvi)
2711-5029 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 70,000.00
(### nmwcUvj mvwf©m g¨v‡bR‡g›U)
2711-5030 Establishment of Faridpur Medical College and dwi`cyi †gwWK¨vj K‡jR I nvmcvZvj ¯’'vcb| 1,500.00
2711-5031 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 3,000.00
(jvBd ÷vBj GÛ †nj&_ GWz‡Kkb GÛ †cÖv‡gvkb)
2711-5032 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 7,500.00
(Aëvi‡bwUf †gwWK¨vj †Kqvi)
2711-5230 Establishment of Satkhira Medical College and mvZ¶xiv †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I nvmcvZvj ¯’'vcb| 3,052.00
2711-5240 National Institute of Digestive Diseases Research b¨vkbvj Bbw÷wUDU Ae WvB‡Rw÷f wWwR‡Rm wimvP© GÛ 10,000.00
and Hospital. nm&wcUvj|
2711-5250 Sheik Saira Khatun Medical College & Hospital and ‡kL mv‡qiv LvZzb †gwW‡Kj K‡jR I nvmcvZvj Ges bvwms 4,185.00
Nursing Institute. Bbw÷wUBU|
2711-8680 Extension of Shaheed Sheik Abu Naser Specialized G¨v·‡Ubkb Ae knx` †kL Avey bv‡mi G¨vm‡cwkqvjvBRW 997.00
Hospital, Khulna. nmwcUvj, Lyjbv|
Directorate of Drug Administration
2715-5000 4_© ¯^v¯'¨, RbmsL¨v I cywó †m±i Dbœqb Kg©m~Px 569.00
(†÷ªs‡`wbs Ae WªvM GWwgwb‡÷kb GÛ g¨v‡bR‡g›U)
Directorate of Nursing
2716-5011 Establishment of Nursing Institute of Pabna (ADP). G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae bvwms© Bbw÷wUDU Ae cvebv | 176.00
2716-8681 Expansion and Quality Improvement of Nursing G·cvbmvb GÛ †KvqvwjwU BgcÖæf‡g›U Ae bvwm©s GWz‡Kkb| 200.00
Department of Family Planning
2781-5001 Completion of Incomplete Work of Maternal and jvjKzwV gvZ… I wkï ¯^v¯'¨ †K‡›`ªi Am¤c~Y© KvR mgvßKiY| 1,692.00
Child Health Centre of lalakuthi.
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU)
2705-5000 Construction of Super Specialised Hospital under e½eÜz †kL gywRe †gwW‡Kj wek¦we`¨vjq (weGmGgGgBD) Gi 35,226.00
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Aax‡b mycvi †¯cwmqvjvDRW nmwcUvj ¯'vcb

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Social Welfare
Department of Social Services
2931-5000 Establishment of Special Schools for the Autistic Kzwgj­v †mbvwbev‡m AwUw÷K I Ab¨vb¨ cÖwZeÜx‡`i Rb¨ we‡kl 1,077.00
and other Disabled in Comilla Cantonment. we`¨vjq ¯'vcb|
2931-5001 Development and expansion of the Proyash of XvKv †mbvwbev‡m Aew¯'Z cÖqvm Gi Dbœqb I m¤cÖmviY (2q 1,610.00
Dhaka Cantonment (2nd phase) ch©vq)|
2931-5002 Establishment of National Heart Foundation G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae b¨vkbvj nvU© dvD‡Ûkb nmwcUvj, 400.00
Hospital, Brahmanbaria. eªvœYevoxqv|
2931-5003 Construction of Jamalpur Diabetic Hospital Rvgvjcyi Wvqv‡ewUK nvmcvZvj wbg©vY| 726.00
2931-5004 Establishment of Shahid ATM Jafar Alam Diabetic G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae knx` GwUGg Rvdi Avjg Wvqv‡ewUK GÛ 1,100.00
and Community Hospital, Ukhia, Cox's Bazar. KwgDwbwU nmwcUvj, DwLqv, K·evRvi|
2931-5005 Hostels for visually impaired children (Girl-06, Boys`"wó cÖwZeÜx wkï‡`i Rb¨ †nv‡÷j wbg©vY (evwjKv-06, evjK 1,812.00
05 and Expansion 20 units). 05 Ges m¤cÖmviY 20BDwbU)|
2931-5006 Avgv‡`i evwo: mgwš^Z cÖexb I wkï wbevm 200.00
2931-5007 cÖwZeÜx e¨w³‡`i Rb¨ GKwU KvwiMix cÖwkÿY Ges cybe©vmb 500.00
†K›`ª wbg©vY-wmAviwc, gvwbKMÄ
2931-5008 cÂMo Wvqv‡ewUK nvmcvZv‡ji Dbœqb I AvaywbKxKiY 752.00
2931-5036 Construction of 5-Storied Tribal Welfare Association Kb÷ªvKkb Ae 5 †÷vi‡qW UªvBevj I‡qj‡dqvi G‡mvwm‡qkb 185.00
Central Office-cum-Community Hall at Balaspur, †m›Uªvj Awdm-Kvg KwgDwbwU nj G¨vU evjvmcyi,gqgbwmsn|
2931-5041 Establishment of Laxmipur Diabetic Hospital. j²xcyi Wvqv‡ewUK nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb| 100.00
2931-5051 Establishment of Munshiganj Diabetic Hospital. G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae gywÝMÄ Wvqv‡ewUK nvmcvZvj| 1,167.00
2931-5052 Establishment of Diabetic Hospital in Netrokona. G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae †b·Kvbv Wvqv‡ewUK nvmcvZvj ¯'vcb| 547.00
2931-8001 Extension & Modernization of Dharmarajika G·‡Ubkb GÛ gWvb©vB‡Rkb Ae ag©ivRx †eŠ× gnvwenvi 875.00
Bouddha Mahabihar Auditorium Complex for the AwW‡Uvwiqvg Kg‡c­· di w` Ad©vbm GÛ AvÛviwcÖwj‡fRW
Orphans and Underprivileged Community Members KwgDwbwU †g¤¦vm© Ae w` †mvmvBwU|
of the Society.
2931-8015 Construction of a Hostel for the Government Shishu Kb÷ªvKkb Ae †nv‡÷j di w` miKvix wkï cwievi (8 1,988.00
Paribar (8 Unit). BDwbU)|
2931-8021 To Establish Modern Medical Service & Uz G÷vewjk gWvb© †gwWK¨vj mvwf©m GÛ wi‡nwewj‡Ukb di 191.00
Rehabilitation for Diabetic, Daibetic Related & Wvqv‡ewUK, Wvqv‡ewUK wi‡j‡UW GÛ bb-Wvqv‡ewUK †c‡m›Um
Non-diabetic Patients at Rajbary GU ivRevox|
National Handicapped Development Foundation
2905-5001 Construction of Swed school building in Jamalpur Rvgvjcyi †Rjvq myBW ¯‹zj feb wbg©vY| 560.00
2905-5010 Construction of a National Handicapped Building. RvZxq cÖwZeÜx Kg‡í· wbg©vY | 4,946.00

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Women and Children Affairs
Ministry's Own
3001-5000 bvix wbh©vZb cÖwZ‡ivaK‡í gvwë-‡m±ivj †cÖvMÖvg (4_© ce©) 2,680.00
3001-5015 Investment Compronent for Vulnerable Group Bb‡fó‡g›U Kg‡cv‡b›U di fvjbv‡iej MÖæc ‡Wfjc‡g›U 143.00
development programme. ‡cÖvMÖvg|
Department of Women Affairs
3021-5000 Establishment of working women hostels and child MvRxcyi †Rjvi KvwjMÄ Dc‡Rjvq Kg©Rxex gwnjv †nv‡÷j 812.00
day care centers in Kaliganj upazila of Gazipur wbg©vY I wkï w`ev hZœ †K›`ª ¯'vcb|
3021-5001 Mirpur and Khilgaon women working hostels wgicyi I wLjMuvI Kg©Rxex gwnjv †nv‡÷j DaŸ©g~Lx 1,837.00
upstream expansion. g¯cÖmviY|
3021-5002 Establishment of 20 children day care centers 20wU wkï w`ev hZœ †K›`ª ¯'vcb| 1,210.00
3021-5004 BbKvg †Rbv‡iwUs GKwUwfwUm Ad DB‡gb G¨vU Dc‡Rjv 8,595.00
3021-5015 Establishment of Carrer Women's Hostel Cum bvwjZvevox Dc‡Rjvq Kg©Rxwe gwnjv †nv‡÷j Kvg †Uªwbs 33.00
Training Centre at Nalitabari Upazilla. †m›Uvi ¯’vcb|
3021-5022 Uttara Endrocrins and Metabolics Hospital. DËiv G‡Ûvµxb I ‡gUvewjK nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb| 151.00
3021-5034 Generation Breakthrough: A Multipronged Approach ‡Rbv‡ikb †eªK _ªt G gvwëcÖ½W G‡cÖvP wewìs †nj_ 149.00
Building Health Relationship for Primary Prevention wi‡jkbwmc di cÖvBgvwi wcÖ‡fbkb Ad †RÛvi †eBRW
of Gender based Violance and Meeting SRHR fv‡qv‡jÝ GÛ wgwUs GmAviGBPAvi wmW&m Ad G‡Wv‡j‡RÝ
Needs of Adolescence in Bangladesh. Bb evsjv‡`k
3021-5039 Establishment of Vocational Training Centre and †mvbvBgyox, KvjxMÄ, AvovBnvRvi I gVevoxqv †U«wbs †m›Uvi I 1,699.00
Hostel at Sonaimuri, Kaligong, Araihazar & †nv‡ój wbg©vY|
Modhbaria Upazilla.
3021-5041 Establishment of Nurses Hostel in National Heart b¨vkbvj nvU© dvD‡Ûk‡b bv‡m©m †nv‡÷j ¯'vcb| 456.00
Foundation of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Shishu Academy
3005-5550 Early lrarning for Child Develoment (2nd phase). wkïi weKv‡k cÖviw¤¢K wk¶v (2q ch©vq )| 852.00
National Women Agency
3005-5001 Urban-based marginal women development project. bMiwfwËK cÖvwšZK gwnjv Dbœqb cÖKí| 2,133.00
3005-5020 District based Women Computer Training Project †Rjv wfwËK gwnjv Kw¤cDUvi cÖwk¶Y cÖKí (64 †Rjv)| 1,273.00
(64 district).
3005-7219 Promotion of Women Entrepreneurship for A_©‰bwZK ¶gZvq‡b bvix D‡`¨v³v‡`i weKvk mvab (2q 2,379.00
Economic Empowerment (Phase-2). ch©vq)|

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Labour and Employment
Ministry's Own
3101-5003 Promotional Social Dialog and Harmonium Industrial ‡cÖv‡gvwUs †mvwmqvj WvqvjM GÛ nvi‡gvwbqvm BÛvw÷ªqvj 1,733.00
Relations in Bangladesh Ready Made Garment wi‡jkbm Bb evsjv‡`k †iwW †gBW Mv‡g©›Um BÛvw÷ª|
3101-5004 Implementation of National Injury Insurance Scheme Bgwcø‡g‡›Ukb Ae b¨vkbvj BbRywi Bbmy‡iÝ ¯‹xg Ae 515.00
of Bangladesh. evsjv‡`k|
3101-5230 Nothern Areas Reduction of Poverty Initiative bi`vb Gwiqvm wiWvKkb Ae †cvfvwU Bwbwk‡qwUf 3,876.00
(NARI). (GbGviAvB)|
Directorate of Labour
3141-5012 Construction of Sromo Bhaban. Kb÷«vKkb Ae †jevi UvIqvi| 3,550.00
Inspector of Factories
3143-5010 Modernization & Strengthening of Factories & 5wU †Rvbvj I 4wU wiwRIbvj Kvh©vjq ¯’vcb I KjKviLvbv I 677.00
Institutions Inspection Directorate and Establishment cÖwZôvb cwi`k©b cwi`ßi AvawbKvqb I kw³kvjxKiY|
of 9 district offices.

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Housing and Public Works
Department of Urban Development
3235-5000 Preperation of Development Plan for Kustia Sadar wcÖcv‡ikb Ae †W‡fjc‡g›U cj¨vb di Kzwóqv m`i Dc‡Rjv| 100.00
3235-5001 Preparation of development plan in Mirsarai upazila PÆMÖvg †Rjvi gximivB Dc‡Rjvi Dbœqb cwiKíbv cÖYqbt 300.00
of Chittagong district: Risk Sensitive Land Use Plan. wi¯‹ †mb‡mwUf j¨vÛ BDR cøvb|
3235-5015 Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen wcÖcv‡ikb Ae †W‡fjc‡g›U c­¨vb GÛ di diwUb Dc‡Rjvm| 799.00
Public Works Department
3251-5001 Construction of Residential Flats for the 1064 XvKv¯’ wgicyi 6bs ‡mKk‡b miKvwi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ 15,000.00
Government Officers / Employees at section 6, 1064wU AvevwmK d¨vU wbg©vY
Mirpur Dhaka,
3251-5002 Construction of Residential Flats for the 608 XvKv¯’ wgicyi cvBKcvovq miKvwi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ 10,000.00
Government Officers / Employees at Pikepara, 608wU AvevwmK d¨vU wbg©vY
Mirpur Dhaka,
3251-5003 Development. of Public works, electrical and RvZxq msm` fe‡bi c~Z© KvR, ˆe`y¨wZK I hvwšÎK wm‡÷‡gi 5,052.00
Instrumental systems of the National Assembly Dbœqb
3251-5004 President abhyantatare President's Residence e½fe‡bi Af¨šZ‡i ivóªcwZi †iwm‡WÝ e­K msjMœ c~e©w`‡K 645.00
purbadike swimming pool adjacent to the myBwgs cyj ¯'vcb
established block.
3251-5005 Construction of residence for honorable Ministers at XvKv †eBjx †iv‡W gvbbxq gšÎxe‡M©i Rb¨ evmfeb wbg©vY 3,970.00
Bailey Road in Dhaka (Ministers apartment 3) (wgwb÷vm© GcvU©‡g›U-3)
3251-5006 Construction of multi-storied buildings for public gv`vixcyi miKvwi Awd‡mi Rb¨ eûZj feb wbg©vY 2,000.00
office in Madaripur.
3251-5007 Construction of 288 Residential flats for the officers / XvKv¯’ wgicyi 6bs ‡mKk‡b MYc~Z© Awa`߇ii 3,000.00
Employees of the Department of Public Works at Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ 288wU AvevwmK d¨vU wbg©vY
section 6 , Mirpur, Dhaka,
3251-5008 Construction of residential flats at Eskatonin Dhaka XvKvi B¯‹vU‡b wmwbqi mwPe, mwPe I †MÖW-1 Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ 15,000.00
for Senior Secretary, Secretary and officials of AvevwmK d¨vU wbg©vY
Grade -1.
3251-5009 Construction of 456 flats for the Government XvKvi gvwjev‡M miKvwi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ 456wU 4,000.00
Officials / Employees at Malibagh, Dhaka . AvevwmK d¨vU wbg©vY
3251-5013 Building Protection Projects in the Town bMiv‡j feb myiv cÖKí 7,365.00
3251-5015 Construction of multistoried residential building at XvKvi AvwRgcy‡i miKvwi K‡jvbx‡Z eûZj wewkó AvevwmK 7,382.00
Azimpur Govt. colony, Dhaka. feb wbg©vY|
3251-5016 Construction of multistoried residential building at XvKvi gwZwSj miKvwi K‡jvbx‡Z eûZj wewkó AvevwmK feb 13,140.00
Motijheel Govt. Colony. wbg©vY|
3251-5017 Construction of 672Residential Flats Eight 15 storied bvivqYMÄ AvjxM‡Ä miKvwi Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ 8wU 15 Zjv 5,000.00
building for Govt. Officers at Aligonj Narayangonj. fe‡b 672wU AvevwmK d¨vU wbg©vY
3251-5021 Construction of multi-storied residential building for XvKvi AvwRgcy‡i wePviK‡`i Rb¨ eûZj wewkó AvevwmK feb 2,000.00
judges in Azimpur of Dhaka. wbg©vY|
3251-5022 398 residential flats in 20 abandoned homes in XvKv kn‡i ¸jkvb, avbgwÛ I ‡gvnv¤§`cy‡i 20wU cwiZ¨³ 4,000.00
Dhaka city, Gulshan, Dhanmondi and evwo‡Z 398wU AvevwmK d¨vU wbgv©Y|
3251-5024 MYc~Z© Awa`ßi `y‡h©vM SzwK n"v‡m feb myiÿ DbœwZKiY 200.00
3251-5025 Construction of Government Residential Flats & PÆMÖvg kn‡i cwiZ¨³ evox‡Z miKvwi AvevwmK d¨vU I 2,000.00
Dormitory at Abandoned House in Chittagong. WiwgUix feb wbg©vY
3251-5111 Establishment of A Garden located in Chittagong PÆMÖv‡gi AvMÖvev‡` Aew¯'Z Rv¤^ix gv‡V GKwU AvaywbK 1,465.00
jambari gardens with Modern Facilities. my‡hvM-myweav m¤^wjZ D`¨vb ¯’vcb|

18/09/17 Page 33 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Housing and Public Works
Chittagong Development Authority
3205-0050 Construction of Dormitory for working women and më‡Mvjv Kg©Rxwe bvix‡`i Rb¨ WiwgUix I evwYwR¨K feb 1,500.00
commercial building at Saltgola (for Women garment wbg©vY (wmBwc‡RW mswk­ó gwnjv kªwgK‡`i Rb¨|
labors involved in CEPZ).
3205-0053 Extension & Renovation of CDA Bipani Bitan . wecbx weZv‡bi AvaywbKvqb I my‡hvM myweav e„w×KiY| 500.00
3205-0076 Construction of CDA Squire at Nasirabad, Kb÷ªvKkb Ae wmwWG ¯‹qvi G¨vU bvwmivev`, PÆMÖvg| 2,000.00
3205-0089 Construction of 10-Storied Apartment Complex at Ki÷ªvKkb Ae 10 †÷vi‡qW GcvU©‡g›U Kg‡c­· G¨vU 500.00
Dewanhat, Chittagong. †`IqvbnvU, wPUvMvs|
3205-0120 Abb¨v AvevwmK GjvKvi Dbœqb (2q ch©vq) 110,000.00
3205-5004 Construction of link road from Sirajuddaula road to wmivRD‡ÏŠjv †ivW n‡Z kvn AvgvbZ eªxR ch©šZ ms‡hvM 1,000.00
Shah Amanat Bridge. moK wbg©vY|
3205-5018 Construction of Link Road from Dhaka Trunk Road Kb÷ªvKkb Ae jyc †ivW Uz †dwmwj‡UW KgywbK¨vkb Ae 6,500.00
to Baizid Bostami Road including Loop Road at the Gwkqvb BDwbfviwmwU di DB‡gb GU wPUvMvs|
outer pheriphery of Asian University for Women
(AUW) at Chittagong.
3205-7260 Construction of Flyover in Muradpur, 2 no. Gate and gyiv`cyi, 2bs †MBU I wRBwm Rsk‡b d¬vBIfvi wbg©vY| 16,342.00
GEC Junction.
3205-9991 Chittagong City Outer Ring Road (from Patenga to PÆMÖvg wmwU AvDUvi wis †ivW (c‡Z½v n‡Z mvMwiKv ch©šZ)| 47,000.00
Sagorica ).
Khulna Development Authority
3205-0057 Development of Ahsanabad Residential Area. Avnmvbvev` AvevwmK GjvKv Dbœqb cÖKí| 2,669.00
3205-0058 Construction of KDA Rest House Project. ‡KwWG †i÷ nvDR wbg©vY cÖKí| 593.00
3205-5002 Reconstruction of The main Roads in the Saromani k‡ivgwb wkí GjvKvq cÖavb moKmg~n cyb:wbg©vY| 789.00
industrial area.
3205-9860 Widening and Improvement of Khulna Shipyard Lyjbv kxcBqvW© moK cÖk¯ZKiY I Dbœqb| 1,000.00
Rajshahi Development Authority
3205-0063 Development of Barnoi Residential Area. evibB AvevwmK GjvKv Dbœqb| 5,800.00
3205-0064 Development of PRANTIK Residential Area. cÖvwšZK AvevwmK GjvKv Dbœqb| 10.00
3205-5006 Various Functional Master Plan and Detailed Area wewfbœ Ae dvskbvj gvóvi cøvb GÛ wW‡UBì Gwiqv cøvb Uz 311.00
Plan to Make Rajshahi Metropolitan Development †gK ivRkvnx †g‡UªvcwjUb †W‡fjc‡g›U cøvb (AviGgwWwc)
Plan (RMDP) Disaster Risk Sensitive. wWRv÷vi wi¯‹ †mb‡mwUf |
3205-5014 Widening of Road from Natore Road to (RUET) to bv‡Uvi †ivW (iy‡qU) n‡Z evBcvm †ivW ch©šZ iv¯Zv 5,000.00
Bypass Road Project. cÖk¯ZKiY|
3205-9862 Widening of Road from Court to Rajshahi Bipass ‡KvU© n‡Z ivRkvnx evBcvm moK ch©šZ moK cÖk¯ZKiY| 4,189.00
Rajdhani Unnayon Kartripakhya
3205-0040 Purbachal New Town (Yousufgonj) Project. c~e©vPj bZzb kni (BDmydMÄ) cÖKí| 40,000.00
3205-0041 Uttara Model Residential Town (3rd Phase) Project. DËiv Av`k© kni (3q ce©) cÖKí| 10,000.00
3205-0044 Construction of Residential Flats in Sector-18 of DËiv¯’ 18bs †m±‡i ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi Rb‡Mvôxi Rb¨ 150,000.00
Uttara for low and middle income group people. GcvU©‡g›U wbg©vY cÖKí|
3205-0045 Construction of Apartments for rehabilitation of "†e¸bevox Lvjmn nvwZiwSj GjvKvi mgwš^Z DbœqbÓ kxl©K 4,000.00
affected owners and selling of Integrated cÖK‡íi ¶wZMÖ¯Z‡`i AvevwmK feb gvwjK‡`i cybe©vmb I
Development of Hatirjheel Area including Begunbari weµ‡qi Rb¨ GcvU©‡g›U wbg©vY|
3205-0097 Construction of a Multistoried Green Office Building XvKv¯’ gnvLvjx‡Z eûZj MÖxY Awdm feb wbg©vY| 2,600.00
at Mohakali in Dhaka.

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Housing and Public Works
Rajdhani Unnayon Kartripakhya
3205-5001 Development and Excavation of 100-foot-wide Canal Kzwoj c~e©vPj wjsK †iv‡Wi cv‡k¦© (Kzwoj n‡Z evjy b`x ch©šZ) 50,000.00
beside Kuril Purbachal link Road (Kuril to sand river 100 dzU PIov Lvj Lbb I Dbœqb
3205-5020 Uttara Lake Development Project. DËiv †jK Dbœqb| 0.00
3205-5025 Urban Resilience Project (RAJUK part). Avievb wiwRwj‡qÝ cÖKí (ivRDK Ask) 6,000.00
3205-8050 Hatirjheel Area Integrated Development Project ‡e¸bevoxmn nvwZiwSj GjvKvi mgwš^Z Dbœqb cÖKí| 1,184.00
Including Begunbari.
3205-8080 Development of Gulshan-Banani-Baridhara Lake. ¸jkvb-ebvbx-evwiaviv †jK Dbœqb| 5,000.00
Housing and Building Research Institute (IHBR)
3205-0101 Update the National Building Code. RvZxq wewìs †KvW nvjbvMv`KiY| 20.00
3205-5007 ‡UKwbK¨vj †W‡fjc‡g›U Uz Avc‡MÖW ÷ªvKPvi Ad wewìs Bb 700.00
†Wbmwj cycy‡j‡UW Avievb Gwiqvm GÛ BUm ÷ªv‡UwRK
Bgwcø‡g‡›Ukb Uz&IqvW©m †iwRwj‡q›U wmwUBm Bb evsjv‡`k
National Housing Authority
3205-0001 Construction of 1020 Residential Flat at ‡gvnv¤§`cyi ÓGdÓ e­‡K mxwgZ Av‡qi †jvK‡`i wbKU weµ‡qi 8,000.00
Mohammadpur "F" Block for Sale to the People of Rb¨v 1020 wU AvevwmK d¬¨vU wbg©vY cÖKí|
Limited Income Project.
3205-0019 Construction of 14 storied 1250 sqft 100 flats at wgicyi 15 bs-‡mKk‡b 14 Zjv wewkó 1250.00 eM©dzU 300.00
Section-15,Mirpur. AvqZ‡bi 100wU d¬¨vU wbg©vY cÖKí|
3205-0020 Construction of Flat at Shahjalal Housing wm‡jU †Rjvi kvnRvjvj nvDwRs G‡÷‡U (9-Zjv wewkó 3wU 500.00
Estate,Sylhet (9 storied 3 buildings 1500 sqft 88 fe‡bi 1500.00 eM©dzU AvqZ‡bi 88wU) d¬¨vU wbg©vY cÖKí|
3205-0021 Construction of 10 storied Residential cum w`bvRcyi nvDwRs G‡÷‡U (10-Zjv wewkó AvevwmK Kvg 1,985.00
commercial building at Dinajpur Housing Estate evwYwR¨K feb Ñ1298.00 eM©dzU AvqZ‡bi 72wU d¬¨vU)
(1298.00 sqft,72 flats). wbg©vY cÖKí|
3205-0028 Construction of 1230. 75 sqft.676 residential flats for XvKvi wgicyi 15bs †mKk‡b RqbMi miKvix/AvavmiKvix 10,000.00
Govt/Semi Government officers at Joynagar, Section Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ 1230.75 eM©dzU AvqZ‡bi 676 wU AvevwmK
15,Mirpur,Dhaka. d¬¨vU wbg©vY cÖKí|
3205-0034 Development of Sites & Services Residential Plots atwm‡j‡Ui mybvgM‡Ä mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK c­U Dbœqb 700.00
Sunamgonj of Sylhet. cÖKí|
3205-0066 Construction of Storied Residental Building in K·evRvi miKvix Rwg‡Z AvevwmK feb wbg©vY| 2,000.00
Government Plot in Cox's Bazar.
3205-0070 Development Residential Plot at sadar Upazila in wSbvB`n †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvq mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK 5.00
the District of Jhenidah. c­U Dbœqb|
3205-0073 Development of site and services Residential Plot ‡MvcvjMÄ †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvq mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm 5.00
(Second phase) at Sadar Upazila in Gopalgonj AvevwmK c­U Dbœqb (2q ch©vq)|
3205-0084 Development of Residential Site and Services of w`bvRcyi †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvi mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mi AvevwmK 700.00
Sadar Upazila of Dinajpur District. c­U Dbœqb|
3205-0086 Plot Development of Fultala Upzilla of Khulna Lyjbv †Rjvi dzjZjv Dc†Rjvi c­U Dbœqb| 500.00
3205-0091 Site & Services Residential Plot Development of cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi evDdj Dc‡Rjvq mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm 5.00
Boufal Upazila of Patuakhali District. AvevwmK c­U Dbœqb|
3205-0093 Site & Services Residential Plot Development of PÆMÖvg †Rjvi gximivB Dc‡Rjvq mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm 200.00
Mirsarai Upazilla of Chittagong District. AvevwmK c­U Dbœqb|
3205-0096 Construction of 132 Residential Flats for the Govt. XvKvi †gvnv¤§`cyi jvjgvwUqv nvDwRs G‡óU miKvix 4,000.00
Officers at Lalmatia of Mohammedpur in Dhaka. Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ 132wU AvevwmK d¬¨vU wbg©vY|

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Housing and Public Works
National Housing Authority
3205-0102 Construction of Residential Flats (1040) in ten wgicyi¯’ 9bs †mKk‡b 10wU 14 Zjv fe‡b ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi 15,000.00
14-storied building for the small & medium income †jvK‡`i Rb¨ AvevwmK d¬¨vU (1040wU) wbg©vY|
people at Section-9 of Mirpur.
3205-0103 Improvement of sound services residential and PÆMÖvg †Rjvi wgimivB Dc‡Rjvi wKmgZ Rvdivev` ‡gŠRvq 600.00
commercial plot for the small & medium income wb¤§ I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm
people at Kismat Jafrabad Moza of Upazilla Mirsarai AvevwmK I evwYwR¨K c­U Dbœqb
in Chittagong.
3205-0104 Construction of Residential Building at Firozshah & PÆMÖvg¯’ wd‡ivRkvn I nvwjkni nvDwRs G‡÷‡U AvevwmK 2,000.00
Halishar Housing Estate in Chittagong. feb wbg©vY (3q ce©)|
3205-0105 Construction of Residetial 120 Flat at lalamatiyaya XvKv¯' jvjgvwUqvq wbDK‡jvYx GjvKvq cybe©vm‡bi j‡ÿ¨ 1,000.00
Newoaloni in Dhaka for Rehabilitation. 120wU AvevwmK d¨vU wbg©vY
3205-0106 Development of Bangabandhu sub-city cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi MjvwPcv Dc‡Rjvq e½eÜz Dckni Kvg 5.00
cum-residential area at Galachipa Upazila in AvevwmK GjvKv Dbœqb
Patuakhali District.
3205-0107 Development of Sites and Services Residential PÆMÖvg †Rjvi ivDRvb Dc‡Rjvq PÆMÖvg-iv½vgvwU gnvmo‡Ki 200.00
Plots for the Low and Middle-income people beside cv‡k ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ mvBUm GÛ mvwf©‡mm
Chittagong-Rangamat highway at Rauzan upazila in AvevwmK cøU Dbœqb (2q ch©vq)
Chittagong district, (Phase- II).
3205-0108 Development of Sites and Services Residential ewikvj †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvq (Rv¸qv †gŠRvq) ¯^í I ga¨g 5.00
Plots for the Low and Middle-income people at Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ mvBUm GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK cøU
Barisal Sadar upazila in BarisalDistrict. Dbœqb
3205-0109 Development of Sites and Services Residential SvjKvwV †Rjvi bjwmwU Dc‡Rjvq c~e©Pi `c`wcqv †gŠRvq 5.00
Plots for the Low and Middle-income people at at ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ mvBUm GÛ mvwf©‡mm
Purbachar mouja, Nolcity upazila in Jhalokati AvevwmK cøU Dbœqb
3205-0110 Development of Sites and Services Residential Plots Kzwóqv nvDwRs G‡÷‡U mvBUm GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK cøU 451.00
in Kushtia Housing Estate (4th Phase). Dbœqb (4_© ch©vq)
3205-0112 Development of site and services residential plot for †kicyi †Rjvi kÖxe`©x Dc‡Rjvq ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i 5.00
small and middle-income people in Shravadi upazila Rb¨ mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK c­U Dbœqb|
of Sherpur district.
3205-0113 Construction of 10-storey residential flat at PÆMÖvg wd‡ivRkvn I nvwjkni nvDwRs G‡ó‡U 10-Zjv wewkó 500.00
Chittagong Firoz Shah and Halishahar Housing AvevwmK d¨vU wbg©vY|
3205-0114 Site & Services Residential Plot Development in ivRkvnx †Rjvi †ZiLvw`qvq mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK c­U 575.00
Terakhadia of Rajshahi District. Dbœqb|
3205-0115 Construction of NHA Commercial Complex at h‡kvi nvDwRs G‡ó‡U GbGBPG evwYwR¨K Kg‡c­· wbg©vY| 1,000.00
Jessore Housing Estate.
3205-0116 Site and Services Residential Plot Development for nweMÄ †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvq ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i 5.00
small and middle-income people in Sadar upazila of Rb¨ mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK c­U Dbœqb|
Habiganj district.
3205-0117 Site & Services Residential Plot Development for VvKziMuvI †Rjvi wmsMxqv †gŠRvq ¯^í I ga¨g Av‡qi †jvK‡`i 300.00
small and middle income people in Singaiya Mauja Rb¨ mvBU GÛ mvwf©‡mm AvevwmK c­U Dbœqb|
of Thakurgaon district.
3205-0118 Construction of 15 14-storeid residential flats XvKvi wgicyi¯' 9bs †mKk‡b 15wU 14 Zjv wewkó AvevwmK 7,500.00
(second phase) in section 9 of Mirpur, Dhaka . d¨vU wbg©vY (2q ch©vq)|
3205-0119 XvKvi jvjgvwUqvq nvDwRs G‡ó‡U RvZxq M"nvqb KZ©"c‡i 5.00
wbR¯^ Kg©Pvix‡`i wbKU weµ‡qi Rb¨ 54wU AvevwmK d¨vU

18/09/17 Page 36 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Housing and Public Works
National Housing Authority
3205-5005 Improved living arrangements for low-income ¯^í Av‡qi †jvK‡`i Rb¨ DbœZ Rxeb e¨e¯'v| 6,000.00

18/09/17 Page 37 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Information
Department of Films and Publications
3333-5000 Mechinery set up for digital filmmaking of Films and Pjw"PÎ I cÖKvkbv Awa`߇ii wWwRUvj Pjw"PÎ wbg©v‡Yi 1,000.00
Publications Department. hšÎcvwZ ¯¯’vcb|
3333-5014 Construction of anTotthya Bhaban. Z_¨ feb wbg©vY| 2,500.00
Bangladesh Betar
3351-5000 Establishment of 1000 kilowatt Medium Wave evsjv‡`k †eZv‡ii gnvkw³ †cÖiY †K‡›`ª 1000 wK‡jvIqvU 4,000.00
Transmitter of the power transmission center in ga¨g Zi½ UªvÝwgUvi ¯¯’vcb|
Bangladesh Betar.
3351-5001 Establishment of modern and digital broadcasting RvZxq †eZvi fe‡b AvaywbK I wWwRUvj m¤cÖPvi hšÎcvwZ 2,000.00
Mechenary in NationalRadio Building. ¯'vcb|
3351-5014 Establishment of self contained 10 K.W. FM Radio evsjv‡`k †eZv‡ii gqgbwmsn I †MvcvjM‡Ä `yBwU ¯^qs m¤c~Y© 3,224.00
Stations at Mymensingh and Gopalgonj of 10 wK‡jvIqvU Gd Gg †eZvi †K›`ª ¯’vcb|
Bangladesh Radio.
Bangladesh Television
3353-5000 Construction of Transmitting Tower, Building and evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfkb PÆMÖvg †K›`ª cvnvoZjx‡Z UªvÝwbwUs 914.00
Installation of Transmiting on Equipment at UvIqvi feb wbg©vY Ges UªvÝwgwUs hšÎcvwZ ¯'vcb|
Bangladesh Television Chittagong Centre, Pahartoli.
3353-5001 Increasing media capacity to create television evsjv‡`k gvbe m¤c` Dbœq‡b †Uwjwfkb Abyôvb wbg©v‡Y 1,422.00
programs for the development of human resources wgwWqvi mgZv e"w×|
of Bangladesh.
3353-5002 evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi 5wU wefvMxq kn‡i c~Y©v½ wUwf †K›`ª 35,200.00
¯'vcb (ivRkvnx, Lyjbv, ewikvj I iscyi)
Bangladesh Film Development Corporation (BFDC)
3305-5020 Construction of Bangladesh Films Archives Bhaban evsjv‡`k wdj¥ wmwU wbg©vY| 584.00

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Cultural Affairs
Ministry's Own
3401-5000 Setting up research centers for genocide-torture and MYnZ¨v-wbh©vZb I gyw³hy× welqK M‡elYv †K›`ª ¯'vcb| 300.00
liberation war
Department of Public Libraries
3435-5011 Development of the Public Library in Six Districts. QqwU †Rjv cvewjK jv‡B‡eªix Dbœqb| 2,406.00
Bangladesh National Museum
3405-5001 Conservation of cultural heritage through modern AvaywbK cÖhyw³i gva¨‡g mvs¯‹…wZK HwZn¨ msiY| 474.00
Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy
3405-5013 Construction of a Cultural Academy for Enthnic nvjyqvNvU, w`bvRcyi Ges bIMvu †Rjvi z¶z`ª ‡Mvôxi mvs¯‹…wZK 764.00
Minority of Haluaghat, Dinajpur and Naogaon GKv‡Wgx wbg©vY|
3405-5014 Construction of Divisional and Zilla Shipakala wefvMxq I †Rjv wkíKjv GKv‡Wgx wbg©vY cÖKí| 10,768.00
3405-5016 Renewal, Renovation and Repairs Arts Academy 15wU †Rjv wkíKjv GKv‡Wwgi bevqb, ms¯‹vi I †givgZ| 548.00
in15 District .
Tribal Cultural Institute, Khagrachari
3405-5000 Infrastructural development of the cultural institute of LvMovQwo y`ª-b"‡Mvôxi mvs¯‹…wZK Bbw÷wUDU Gi AeKvVv‡gv 749.00
Khagrachari small-tribe community. Dbœqb|

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Religious Affairs
Islamic Foundation
3505-5000 Islamic Book Publishing Program (2nd phase). Bmjvgx cy¯ZK cÖKvkbv Kvh©µg (2q ch©vq)| 455.00
3505-5014 Mosque Based Child and Mass Literacy Program gmwR` wfwËK wkï I MYwk¶v Kvh©µg (6ô ch©vq)| 31,597.00
(6th Phase.
3505-5201 Expanding book extension and reader service BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb RvZxq ch©vq I †Rjv jvB‡eªix‡Z cy¯ZK 641.00
activities at Islamic Foundation National Level and ms‡hvRb I cvVK †mev Kvh©µg m¤cÖmviY|
District Library.
Hindu Religion Welfare Trust (HRWT)
3505-5013 Pagoda Based Pre-Primary Education Project. c¨v‡MvWvwfwËK cÖvK&-cÖv_wgK wk¶v cÖKí| 86.00
3505-5015 Strengthening the Religious and Socio-economic agx©q I Av_©-mvgvwRK †cÖ¶vc‡U cy‡ivwnZ, †mevBZ I mswk­ 548.00
Capacity of Purohit & Sebait. ó‡`i `¶Zv e„w×KiY|

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Youth and Sports
Department of Youth Development
3640-5000 Capacity building of Youth Development Department 64wU †Rjvq Z_¨ cÖhyw³ cÖwkY cÖ`v‡bi Rb¨ hye Dbœqb 1,368.00
for providing information technology training in 64 Awa`߇ii mgZv e"w×|
3640-5013 Innovative Management of Resource for Poverty `vwi`ª we‡gvP‡bi j‡¶¨ e¨vcK cÖhyw³ wbf©i mgwš^Z m¤c` 1,681.00
Alleviation through Comprehensive Technology e¨e¯’vcbv (2q ch©vq)|
(IMPACT) (2nd phase).
3640-5019 Strengthening and Modernization of Sheikh Hasina ‡÷ªb‡`wbs GÛ gW©vbvB‡Rkb Ae †kL nvwmbv BD_ †m›Uvi| 388.00
National Youth Center.
3640-5022 Technology Empowerment Centre on Wheels for ‡UK‡bvjwR GgcvIqvi‡g›U †m›Uvi Ab ûBj di 260.00
Underprivileged Rural Young People of Bangladesh AvbwcÖwfjvBRW iyivj Ae evsjv‡`k (wUBwmBDIqvB)|
3640-5110 Establishment of New Youth Training Centre in 11 Aewkó 11wU †Rjvq bZzb hye cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb| 6,173.00
Rest of the Districts
3640-5150 Strengthening Training Programme at Upazilla Level Kg©ms¯nvb I AvZ¥Kg©ms¯’'vb m„wói j‡¶¨ Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q 1,273.00
for Creation of Employment and Self-employment. cÖwk¶Y Kvh©µg †Rvi`viKiY|
Bangladesh Krira Shiksha Pratisthan
3605-5003 Development of Sports Facilities and Infrastructure evsjv‡`k µxov wkv cÖwZôv‡b bZzb AšZ©f'³ 5wU †M‡gi 913.00
of new 5 games in Bangladesh Sports Educational AeKvVv‡gv I µxov myweavw`i Dbœqb |
3605-5008 Development of BKSP Regional Training Center we‡KGmwcÕi AvÂwjK cÖwkY †K‡›`ªi Dbœqb (ewikvj,w`bvRcyi 2,211.00
(Barisal, Dinajpur and Khulna). Ges Lyjbv)|
3605-5009 Establishment of BKSP's hockey turf and replace we‡KGmwcÕi nwK Uvd© ¯'vcb Ges we`¨gvb wmb‡_wUK 2,031.00
existing synthetic athletic trucks. G¨v_‡jwUK UªvK cÖwZ¯'vcb|
3605-5033 Extensive Training Tjrough Talent Hunt Program at we‡KGmwcÕi we`¨gvb µxov myweavejxi AvawbKxKiY I Z…Yg~j 359.00
Grass Root level and Modernization of Sports ch©v‡q µxov cÖwZfv A‡š^lY I wbweo cÖwk¶Y cÖ`vb|
Faxilities at BKSP.
3605-5034 Establishment of Sports School under BKSP at we‡KGmwcÕi AvIZvq PÆMÖvg I ivRkvnw‡Z µxov ¯‹yj cÖwZôv| 3,391.00
Chittagong and Rajshahi.
National Sports Council
3605-5000 Establishment of Ivy Rahman stadium at Bhairab wK‡kviMÄ †Rjv ˆmq` bRiyj Bmjvg †÷wWqv‡gi Dbœqb Ges 1.00
upazila and Development of Syed Nazrul Islam ˆfie Dc‡Rjvq AvBwf ingvb †÷wWqvg wbg©vY|
stadium in Kishoreganj District.
3605-5001 Construction of Indoor Stadium in Natore and bv‡Uvi I MvBevÜv †Rjvq Bb‡Wvi †÷wWqvg wbg©vY 263.00
Gaibandha Districts.
3605-5002 Development of Shaheed Dhirendranath Dutta Kzwgj­v ax‡i›`ªbva `Ë †÷wWqvg (Kzwgj­v †÷wWqvg) Dcbœqb 1.00
Stadium (Comilla Stadium) and Construction of Ges myBwgs cyj wbg©vY|
Swimming pool at Comilla district head quarter.
3605-5004 Construction of Swimming Pool at Sadar in PÆMÖvg wefvMxq m`‡i myBwgs cyj wbg©vY| 328.00
Chittagong Division.
3605-5005 Construction of mini stadium at upazila level (1st Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q wgwb †÷wWqvg wbg©vY (1g ch©vq 131wU)| 3,654.00
phase 131).
3605-5011 Construction of Shooting Range Mymensigh, gqgbwmsn, iscyi, cUzqvLvjx, e¸ov, ei¸bv †Rjvq ïwUs †iÄ 956.00
Rangpur, Patuakhali, Bogra and Barguna District. wbg©vY
3605-5012 Establishment of Flood Light at Maolana Bashani gvIjvbv fvmvbx nwK †÷wWqv‡g dvW jvBU ¯'vcb I †Wª‡bR 1,048.00
Hockey Stadium and Mordinaization of Drainage wm‡÷g AvaywbKvqb

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Youth and Sports
National Sports Council
3605-5032 Development of Nilphamari, Netrokona District bxjdvgvix I †b·Kvbv †Rjv †÷wWqvg Dbœqb Ges iscyi 356.00
Stadum & Construction of Rangpur Women Sports wefv‡M gwnjv µxov Kg‡c­· wbg©vY|

18/09/17 Page 42 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Local Government Division
Ministry's Own
3701-5002 Improvement of Women Ability to Perticipate in Drcv`bkxj m¤¢vebvgq K‡g©i my‡hvM MÖn‡Y bvixi mvg_©¨ Dbœqb 1,700.00
Productive Potential Action (Sapna). (mcœ)|
3701-5004 Strengthening Municipality Governance Project. ‡÷s‡`wbs ‡cŠimfv Mf‡b©Ý cÖ‡R±| 410.00
3701-5005 Upazila Management and Development. Dc‡Rjv cwiPvjb I Dbœqb| 13,857.00
3701-5006 Support to Urban Health and Nutrition to the mv‡cvU© Uz Avievb †nj_ GÛ wbDwUªkb Uz w` Avievb evsjv‡`k| 3,685.00
3701-5008 Activating the village court of Bangladesh (2nd evsjv‡`‡ki MÖvg Av`vjZ mwµqKiY (2q ch©vq)| 8,818.00
3701-5009 Third Local Governance Support Project (LGSP-3) Z…Zxq †jvKvj Mf©b¨vÝ mv‡cvU© cÖ‡R± (GjwRGmwc-3)| 114,587.00
3701-5010 Block allocation for development assistance to Dc‡Rjvmg‡ni Rb¨ Dbœqb mnvqZv †_vKeivÏ| 50,000.00
3701-5019 Urban Primary Health Care Services Delivery Avievb cÖvBgvix †nj_ †Kqvi mvwf©‡mm †Wwjfvix 5,700.00
(UPHCSDP). (BDwcGBPwmGmwWwc)|
3701-5020 Block allocation for development assistance to ‡cŠimfvmg‡ni Rb¨ Dbœqb mnvqZv †_vKeivÏ| 44,000.00
3701-5028 Income Support Programme for the Poorest BbKvg mv‡cvU© †cÖvMªvg di `¨v cyI‡ió 16,700.00
3701-5080 Block allocation for Zilla Parishad. ‡Rjv cwil` eve` †_vKeivÏ| 50,000.00
3701-5110 Block Allocation for Union Parishad. BDwbqb cwil‡` Dbœqb mnvqZv| 1,000.00
3701-7460 City Corporations Development Assistance. wmwU K‡cv©‡ikb Dbœqb mnvqZv| 35,000.00
3701-7479 Urban Public and Environmental Health Sector Avievb cvewjK GÛ Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj †nj_ †m±i 7,078.00
Development Project . †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R±|
Local Government Engineering Department
3731-5012 Rural Infrastructure Development Project: Greater cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí: e„nËi XvKv, UvsMvBj I 10,000.00
Dhaka, Tangail and Kishoreganj District. wK‡kviMÄ †Rjv|
3731-5017 Infrastructure development in the Greater Jessore e„nËi h‡kvi †Rjv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (h‡kvi, wSbvB`n, gv¸iv 12,553.00
(Jessore, Jhenaidah, Magura and Narail district). I bovBj †Rjv)|
3731-5018 Expansion of Upazilla Complex. Dc‡Rjv Kg‡c­· m¤cÖmviY| 30,000.00
3731-5019 Sustainable Rural Infrastructure Improvement mvm‡UB‡bej iyivj Bbd"v÷ªvKPvi BgcÖyf‡g›U cÖ‡R± 3,400.00
Project (SRIP). (GmAviAvBwc)|
3731-5022 Important Urban Infrastructure Development Project. ¸iyZ¡c~Y© bMi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| 29,000.00
3731-5024 Rural Infrastructure Development Project:Bauphal cõx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKít evDdj Dc‡Rjv, cUzqvLvjx| 1,367.00
Upazila, Patuakhali.
3731-5026 Development and Expansion of Bypass Road from ‡g‡nicyi †Rjvi AvgSzwc n‡Z †K`viMÄ ch©šZ evBcvm moK 1,387.00
Amjupi to Kedargonj in Meherpur District. cÖk¯ZKiY I Dbœqb|
3731-5045 Infrastructure Development of Greater Kushtia e„nËi Kzwóqv †Rjv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (Kzwóqv, PzqvWv½v I 8,000.00
District Project (Kushtia, Chuadanga & Meherpur †g‡nicyi †Rjv)|
3731-5046 Development of Important Rural Infrastructures ¸iyZ¡c~Y© MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| 6,000.00
Project (DIRIP).
3731-5054 Haor Infrastructure and Livelihood Improvement nvIo A‡ji AeKvVv‡gv I Rxebgvb Dbœqb cÖKí| 21,000.00
3731-5057 Rural Transport Improvement Project-2 (RTIP-2). iyivj Uªv݇cvU© BgcÖyf‡g›U cÖ‡R±-2 (AviwUAvBwc-2)| 80,000.00
3731-5058 Coastal Climate Change Resilient Infrastructure ‡Kv÷vj K¬vB‡gU †iwRwj‡q›U Bbd«v÷ªvKPvi BgcÖyf‡g›U cÖ‡R 26,000.00
Improvement Project. ±|
3731-5072 Capacity Development Project for Participatory K¨vcvwmwU ‡W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± di cviwUwm‡cUix IqvUvi 314.00
Water Resources Management through Integrated wi‡mv‡m©m g¨v‡bR‡g›U _ªy BbwU‡MÖ‡UW iyivj †W‡fjc‡g›U|
Rural Development.

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Local Government Division
Local Government Engineering Department
3731-5073 Northern Bangladesh Integrated Development b`©vb evsjv‡`k Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R±| 44,000.00
3731-5079 Gopalgonj Paurashava Drainage Improvement ‡MvcvjMÄ †cŠimfv †WªB‡bR Dbœqb| 1,675.00
3731-5084 Rural Employment and Road Maintenance iyivj Ggc­q‡g›U GÛ †ivW †g‡›UB‡bÝ †cÖvMÖvg-2 20,000.00
Program-2 (RERMP-2). (Avi.B.Avi.Gg.wc-2)|
3731-5088 Barisal Division Rural Infrastructure Development ewikvj wefvM cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| 12,500.00
3731-5089 Construction of 950 m. PC Girder Bridge over DharlaKywoMÖvg †Rjvi dzjevox Dc‡Rjvq aijv b`xi Dci 950 wgt 3,670.00
at Fullbari Upazilla of Kurigram District. `xN© wcwm MvW©vi ‡mZz wbg©vY|
3731-5091 Development of Bhangura-Noagaon GCM Road cvebv †Rjvi fv½yov Dc‡Rjaxb fv½yov-bIMuv wRwmGg moK 2,000.00
under Bhangura Upzilla of Pabna District. Dbœqb|
3731-5093 Rangpur Division Rural Infrastructure Development. iscyi wefvMxq cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí| 18,000.00
3731-5094 Construction of 1490 m. Long PC Girder Bridge on MvBevÜv †Rjv my›`iMÄ Dc‡Rjvaxb cvuPcxi evRvi-wPjgvix 7,500.00
Panchpir Bazar to Chilmari Upazilla H/Q. Road over Dc‡Rjv †nW †KvqvU©vi mo‡K wZ¯Zv b`xi Dci 1490 wgt
Teesta River at Sundargonj Upazilla under `xN© wcÖ-‡÷mW KbwµU MvW©vi eªxR wbg©vY cÖKí|
Gainandha District.
3731-5096 Greater Noakhali (Noakhali, Feni & Laksmipur e„nËi †bvqvLvjx(†bvqvLvjx,‡dbx I jxcyi †Rjv) cj­x 22,000.00
Districts) Rural Infrastructure Development Project AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (cvU©-2)|
3731-5098 Bangladesh Agricultural Infrastructure Development. evsjv‡`k GwMÖKvjPvivj Bbdªv÷ªvKPvi †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R±| 2,960.00
3731-5102 Construction of a 650 m. Long PC Girder Bridge cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi Kjvcvov Dc‡Rjvaxb 4,000.00
over Boro Baliatali Andhermanik River on Kalapara- Kjvcvov-evwjqvZjx-M½vgwZ mo‡K eo evwjqvZjx
Baliatali- Gangamati Road under Kalapara Upazilla Av›`vigvwbK b`x‡Z 650 wgt `xN© Aviwmwm †WKhy³ wcÖ-‡÷ªmW
of Patuakhali Dist. MvW©vi weªR wbg©vY|
3731-5103 Construction Cleaners' Colony of Dhaka City XvKv wmwU K‡cv©‡ik‡bi cwiPQbœZv Kgx© wbevm wbg©vY| 8,092.00
3731-5106 Greater Mymensingh Rural Infrastructure e„nËi gqgbwmsn cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 11,800.00
3731-5107 Construction of 4 Bridges at Boxigonj and Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi e·xMÄ I †`IqvbMÄ Dc‡Rjvq 4 wU eªxR 5,017.00
Dewangonj Upazillas of Jamalpur District. wbg©vY|
3731-5111 Coastal Towns Environmental Infrastructure DcKyjxq kni AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 16,688.00
Development Project (CTEIP).
3731-5113 Municipal Governance and Services Project wgDwbwmc¨vj Mfvib¨vÝ GÛ mvwf©‡mm cÖ‡R± (GgwRGmwm)| 29,200.00
3731-5118 City Governance Project. wmwU Mf‡b©Ý cÖ‡R±| 31,532.00
3731-5122 Rural Infrastructure Development Project (Comilla, cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (Kzwgj­v, we-evoxqv Ges Puv`cyi 17,000.00
B-Baria & Chandpur District). †Rjv)
3731-5123 Third Urban Governance and Infrastructure Z…Zxq bMi cwiPvjb I AeKvVv‡gv DbœwZKiY| 53,000.00
Improvement (Sector) Project (UGIIP-III)
3731-5124 Banapole Pourashava Infrastructure Improvement ‡ebv‡cvj †cŠimfv Bbd«v÷ªvKPvi BgcÖ“f‡g›U cÖ‡R±| 415.00
3731-5128 Haor Flood Management and Livelihood nvIo A‡ji eb¨v e¨e¯’vcbv I Rxebgvb Dbœqb cÖKí 11,500.00
Improvement Project.
3731-5129 Establishment of 9 Important Bridges. ¸i“Z¡cY© 9wU weªR wbg©vY 9,000.00
3731-5131 Establishment of Multipurpose Disaster Shelter eûgyLx `y‡h©vM Avkªq‡K›`ª wbg©vY cÖKí 30,137.00
3731-5133 Project Design Advance (PDA) for the Result Based cÖ‡R± wWRvBb GWfv›m (wcwWG) di `¨v †imvë †eBRW 1,392.00
Rural Connectivity Programme. i“ivj Kv‡bKwUwfwU †cÖvMªvg|

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Local Government Division
Local Government Engineering Department
3731-5141 Development of Rural Infrastructure at Naria Upazila kixqZcyi ‡Rjvi bwoqv Dc‡Rjvq MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 1.00
of Sariatpur District.
3731-5142 Development of Rural Infrastructure of the cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKít cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg (2q ch©vq)| 6,000.00
Chittagong Hill Tracts (Phase II).
3731-5143 Important Rural Infrastructure Development Project AMÖvwaKvi w_wˇZ ¸i“Z¡c~Y© cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí-2| 150,000.00
on Priority Basis-2 (IRIDP-2).
3731-5144 Protection of Bhola Pourashava Master Plan with ‡fvjv †cŠimfvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqbmn gvóvi c­¨vb cÖYqb| 1,060.00
Infrastructure Improvement Project
3731-5145 Borhan Uddin Pourshova Flood Next Infrastucture, ‡evinvbDwÏb †cŠimfvi eb¨v cieZ©x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 26.00
Development Project.
3731-5147 Construction & Improvement of Road & Drainage cUzqvLvjx †cŠimfvi †hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯'v Dbœqb I Rjve×Zv 930.00
System to Improve communication facilities and `~ixKi‡Y moK I †Wª‡bR e¨e¯'v wbg©vY I Dbœqb|
mitigated water logging probemin Patuakhali
3731-5148 Infrastructure Development in the Greater e„nËi PÆMÖvg †Rjv cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (PÆMÖvg I 8,000.00
Chittagong (Chittagong and Cox's Bazar Districts). K·evRvi †Rjv)|
3731-5151 Important Rural Infrastructure Development of wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi m`i I †nv‡mbcyi Dc‡Rjvi ¸iZ¡c~Y© cõx 1.00
Kishorgonj Sadar and Hoshenpur Upazila in AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb|
Kishorganj District.
3731-5152 Rural Infrastructure Development of Greater e„nËi cvebv-e¸ov †Rjv MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 15,000.00
Pabna-Bogra District.
3731-5153 Rural Infrastructure Development of Faridpur Sadart dwi`cyi †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvi MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 675.00
Upazila in Faridpur District. cÖKí|
3731-5154 Important RuralI nfrastructure Development of ‡MvcvjMÄ †Rjvi ¸iyZ¡c~Y© cõx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 12,500.00
Gopalganj district.
3731-5155 Rural Infrastructure Development of Fakirhat Upazila ev‡MinvU †Rjvi dwKinvU Dc‡Rjvi cõx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 1,283.00
in Bagerhat District.
3731-5156 Rural Infrastructure Development of Mollahat ev‡MinvU †Rjvi †gvj­vnvU Dc‡Rjvi cõx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 1,027.00
Upazila in Bagerhat District.
3731-5157 Rural Infrastructure Development Kuliarchar and wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvaxb KzwjqviPi I ˆfie Dc‡Rjvi cj­x 400.00
Bhairab Upazila in Kishoreganj District. AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb|
3731-5158 Rural Infrastructure Development of Panchagarh, cÂMo, KzwoMÖvg I jvjgwbinvU †Rjvi (wejyß wQUgnj) MÖvgxY 8,000.00
Lalmonirhat and Kurigram districts (extinct AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb|
3731-5159 Rural Infrastructure Development of Akkelpur, Kalai RqcyyinvU †Rjvi Av‡°jcyi, KvjvB I †Zjvj Dc‡Rjvi 1,008.00
and Khetlal Upazla in Joypurhat District. MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí|
3731-5165 Development of the Rural Road of Sadar upazila of Kzwóqv †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvi cõx moK Dbœqb| 1,171.00
3731-5166 Rural Infrastructure Development.of Greater e„nËi ivRkvnx †Rjvi MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 8,000.00
Rajshahi district (Rajshahi, Naogaon, Natore and (ivRkvnx,bIMuv, bv‡Uvi I PuvcvBbevMÄ) cÖKí|
campainabaganj) project.
3731-5167 Development of Sylhet Division rural access roads. wm‡jU wefvM MÖvgxY G¨vK‡mm moK Dbœqb| 7,000.00
3731-5168 Road Improvement Works in Jamalpur & Maderganj Rvgvjcyi I gv`viMÄ †cŠimfvi moK Dbœqb| 1,500.00
Paurashava, Distt. Jamalpur.
3731-5169 Urban Regeneration and Cultural Hub Development Rvgvjcyi kn‡ii bMi ¯'vc‡Z¨i cyb:ms¯‹vi I mvs¯‹…wZK †K›`ª 2,000.00
in Jamalpur Town. Dbœqb|
3731-5171 Gournodi Paurashava Infrastructure Improvement ewikvj †Rjvi †MŠib`x †cŠimfvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 1,764.00

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Local Government Division
Local Government Engineering Department
3731-5172 Bauphal paurashava Road network and physical evDdj †cŠimfvi †hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯'v I ‡fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb 1,766.00
Infrastructure Improvement Project. cÖKí|
3731-5173 Infrastructure Development of Bagha Municipality. evNv †cŠimfvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 2,161.00
3731-5178 Kasba and Akhaura Upazila in Brahmanbaria District eªvþYevwoqv †Rjvi Kmev I AvLvDo Dc‡Rjv| 730.00
3731-5181 The Development of Rural Roads at Galachipa and cUzqvLvjx †Rjvi AšZM©Z MjvwPcv I `kwgbv Dc‡Rjvi cj­ 1,673.00
Dashmina Upazila in the District of Patuakhali x moK Dbœqb|
3731-5185 improvement of rural infrastructure and evDdj D‡Rjvi cj­x AeKvVv‡gv I †hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯'vi Dbœqb| 1,451.00
Communication System of Bauphal Upazila.
3731-5186 Development of Important Rural Infrastructure of wK‡kviMÄ †Rjvi ¸iyZ¡c~Y© MÖvgxY Ae KvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 10,000.00
Kishoreganj District.
3731-5187 Rural Infrastructure in Bakshiganj and Dewanganj Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi eKkxMÄ I †`IqvbMÄ Dc‡Rjvi cj­x 450.00
Upazila of Jamalpur District. AeKvVv‡gv
3731-5188 Rural Development of Laxam, Manoharganj and Kzwgõv †Rjvi jvKmvg, g‡bvniMÄ I eiyov Dc‡Rjvi cõx 1,387.00
Barura Upazilas in Comilla Development AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb|
3731-5191 Rural infrastructure development in Brahmanpara Kzwgõv †Rjvi eªvœYcvov I eywoPs Dc‡Rjvi cõx AeKvVv‡gv 1,661.00
and Burichang upazila of Comilla district. Dbœqb|
3731-5192 Rural infrastructure development of Barisal district ewikvj †Rjv †MŠib`x I Av‰MjSiv Dc‡Rjvi cõx 1,900.00
Gournadi and Agolhajra upazila. AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb|
3731-5196 Rural infrastructure development in Sadar South and Kzwgõv †Rjvi m`i `wY I jv½j‡KvU Dc‡Rjvi cõx 3,496.00
Langkalot upazila of Comilla district (2nd Phase). AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (2q ch©vq)|
3731-5197 Roopganj Jalsiri Housing Connector Infrastructure iƒcMÄ Rjwmwo Avevmb ms‡hvMKvix AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKít 5,000.00
Development Project: Rupganj Upazila Narayanganj.iƒcMÄ Dc‡Rjv bvivqYMÄ|
3731-5198 Important infrastructure development in Munshiganj gywÝMÄ †Rjvi m`i Ges MRvwiqv Dc‡Rjvq ¸iyZ¡c~Y© 1,838.00
district and Gazaria upazila. AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb|
3731-5199 Faridpur district's important rural infrastructure dwi`cyi ‡Rjvi ¸iyZ¡c~Y© cõx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 15,000.00
3731-5202 Development of Gondamara power plant connectionPÆMÖvg †Rjvi euvkLvjx Dc‡Rjvaxb MÛvgviv eªxR n‡Z 1,522.00
road from Gondamara Bridge under Banskhali MÛvgviv we`y¨r ‡K›`ª ms‡hvM moK Dbœqb|
upazila of Chittagong district
3731-5203 Development of Rural Roads in Dohar and XvKv †Rjvi †`vnvi I beveMÄ Dc‡Rjvi MÖvgxY moK Dbœqb| 1,823.00
Nawabganj upazilas of Dhaka district.
3731-5204 Development of flood-related infrastructures in ‡PŠgynbx †cŠimfvi eb¨v cieZx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 2,080.00
Choumahani municipality
3731-5206 Rural infrastructure development of Jamalpur and Rvgvjcyi I †kicyi †Rjvi cõx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 8,000.00
Sherpur districts.
3731-5207 Development of rural roads in Patnitala and bIMuv †Rjvi cZœxZjv I avgBinvU Dc‡Rjvi MÖvgxY moK 2,055.00
Dhamirhat upazila of Naogaon district. Dbœqb|
3731-5208 Gaugandha municipality's Ghagat Lake MvBevÜv †cŠimfvi NvMU †jK Dbœqb| 755.00
3731-5209 Rural Infrastructure Development: South Sunamganj cõx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb t `wY mybvgMÄ I RMbœv_cyi Dc‡Rjv, 3,000.00
and Jagannathpur Upazilas, Sunamganj District. mybvgMÄ †Rjv|
3731-5211 Important infrastructure development in Pirganj iscyi †Rjvi cxiMÄ Dc‡Rjvaxb ¸iyZ¡c~Y© AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 1,900.00
upazila of Rangpur district.
3731-5213 Construction of Important bridges on rural roads. cõx mo‡K ¸iyZ¡c~Y© †mZz wbg©vY| 20,000.00
3731-5214 The important rural infrastructure development of Lyjbv wefv‡Mi ¸iyZ¡c~Y© MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 20,000.00
Khulna Division

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Local Government Division
Local Government Engineering Department
3731-5215 mportant Rural Infrastructure Development, Bhola ¸iyZ¡c~Y© MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb, †fvjv †Rjv| 6,000.00
3731-5216 Climate Resilient Rural Infrastructure Development. Rjevqy mnbkxj MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 8,000.00
3731-5217 Development of Rural Infrastructure of Islampur Rvgvjcyi †Rjvaxb Bmjvgcyi Dc‡Rjvq cõx AeKvVv‡gv 1,200.00
Upazila under Jamalpur District. Dbœqb|
3731-5218 Development of rural infrastructure at Nandail gqgbwmsn †Rjvi bv›`vBj Dc‡Rjvi cõx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 1,500.00
upazila in Mymensingh district
3731-5221 Nangalkot Municipality Infrastructure Development bv½j‡KvU †cŠimfvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 1,500.00
3731-5222 Charfashion Municipality Infrastructure Development Pid¨vkb †cŠimfvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 1,340.00
3731-5223 Infrastructure Development of Lalmohan Municipality jvj‡gvnb †cŠimfvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 700.00
3731-5224 Development of Langalband Mahashtami Purnyan jv½je›` gnvógx c~b¨¯œvb Drm‡ei AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 3,000.00
festival infrastructure
3731-5225 Rural Infrastructure Development: Araihazar upazila cõx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb t bvivqYMÄ †Rjvi AvovBnvRvi 1,597.00
of Narayanganj district. Dc‡Rjv|
3731-5226 Improvement of important rural infrastructure at ‡b·Kvbv †Rjvi AvUcvov I ‡gvnbMÄ Dc‡Rjvi ¸iyZ¡c~Y 2,000.00
Atpara and Mohanganj upazila in Netrokona district. cõx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb|
3731-5227 Improvement of Rural Roads in Sadar Upazila of wmivRMÄ ‡Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvi MÖvgxY moK Dbœqb| 1,000.00
Sirajgonj District.
3731-5228 Improvement of Rural Roads & Bridge/Culverts in wmivRMÄ ‡Rjvi KvwRcyi Dc‡Rjvi MÖvgxY moK I 1,000.00
Kazipur Upazila of Sirajgonj District. eªxR/KvjfvU© Dbœqb|
3731-5229 Improvement of Rural Roads in Kamarkhand UpazilawmivRMÄ ‡Rjvi KvgviL›` Dc‡Rjvi MÖvgxY moK Dbœqb| 1,000.00
of Sirajgonj District.
3731-5231 Sirajgonj Paurashava Katakhal Improvement and wmivRMÄ †cŠimfvi KvUvLvj Dbœqb I cvk¦©eZ©x ¯'v‡bi †mŠ›`h© 100.00
Surrounding Area Beautification. eשb
3731-5232 biwms`x †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvaxb MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv I 2,467.00
Rxebgvb Dbœqb
3731-5233 Sustainable small scale Water Resources ‡UKmB y`ªvKvi cvwb m¤c` Dbœqb| 100.00
Development Project
3731-5234 Rural Ifrastructure Development Project: Sadar, cõx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí t †bvqvLvjx †Rjvi †bvqvLvjx 3,000.00
Companigonj & Kabirhat Upazila of Noakhali District. m`i, †Kv¤cvbxMÄ I KweinvU Dc‡Rjv|
3731-5235 Greater Patuakhali Important Rural Infrastructure e"nËi cUzqvLvjx ‡Rjvi ¸iyZ¡c~Y© MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 7,000.00
Development Project (Patuakhali and Barguna
3731-5236 Infrastructure Development of Muradnagar Upazila Kzwgõv †Rjvi gyiv`bMi Dc‡Rjvi cõx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 100.00
under Comilla District
3731-5237 cÖ‡R± wcÖcv‡iUix †UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›U di wmwU wiwRqb 175.00
B‡KvbwgK ‡W‡fjc‡g›U Bb‡fó‡g›U ‡cÖvMÖvg
3731-5238 ‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›U cÖ‡R± †cÖv‡cvRvj di cÖ‡R± wWRvBb 1,305.00
GWfvÝ (wcwWG) di wmwU wiwRqb B‡Kv‡bvwgK †W‡fjc‡g›U
Bb‡fó‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg
3731-5239 Construction and Improvement of Municipal KvwRicyi †cŠimfvi †cŠi AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY I Dbœqb 100.00
Infrastructure of Kazirpur Pourashava
3731-5400 City Region Development Project. bMi AÂj Dbœqb cÖKí| 13,000.00
3731-5500 Greater Faridpur District Rural Infrastructure e„nËi dwi`cyi MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (2q ms‡kvwaZ)| 30,000.00
Development (2nd Revised).
3731-5550 Greater Barisal District Rural Communication and e„nËi ewikvj †Rjv MÖvgxY †hvMv‡hvM I nvU-evRvi AeKvVv‡gv 6,181.00
Hat-bazar Infrastructure Development (Barisal, Dbœqb (ewikvj, wc‡ivRcyi, †fvjv I SvjKvwU †Rjv)|
Pirojpur, Bhola & Jhalkati Disctricts).

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Local Government Division
Local Government Engineering Department
3731-5660 Union Infrastructure Development Project (Khulna, BDwbqb AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKí (Lyjbv, ev‡MinvU I mvZ¶xiv 9,000.00
Bagerhat and Satkhira District) †Rjv)|
3731-5670 Greater Rangpur and Dinajpur District Rural e„nËi iscyi w`bvRcyi †Rjvi MÖvgxY †hvMv‡hvM I Ab¨vb¨ 12,462.00
Communication & other Infrastructure Improvement AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb|
Project (1st Revision).
3731-5700 Greater Faridpur Rural Infrastructure Development e„nËi dwi`cyi MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb (2q ch©vq)| 30,000.00
(2nd phase).
3731-5780 Infrastructure Development of 19 Important ¸iyZ¡c~Y© 19wU †cŠimfv AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 10,586.00
3731-5790 Development of Sylhet Division Rural Infrastructure. wm‡jU wefvM cj­x AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 1.00
3731-5800 Construction of Union Council Complex Building BDwbqb cwil` Kg‡c­· feb wbg©vY (2q ch©vq)| 8,000.00
(2nd Phase).
3731-6996 Char Development and Settlement-4 (LGED Pi †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ †m‡Uj‡g›U-4 (GjwRBwW K‡¤cv‡b›U)| 3,213.00
3731-8070 Construction of Large Bridge in Upazilla and Union. Dc‡Rjv I BDwbqb mo‡K `xN© †mZz wbg©vY| 30,000.00
3731-8081 South-Western Bangladesh Rural Infrastructure `w¶Y cwðgvÂjxq MÖvgxY AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 6,000.00
Develpment Project.
3731-8089 Union Parishad Connecting Road Development : BDwbqb cwil` ms‡hvMKvix moK Dbœqb cÖKí t cUzqvLvjx I 1.00
Patuakhali and Barguna District (2nd Phase). ei¸bv †Rjv|
3731-8116 Participatory Small Scale Water Resources Sector AskMÖnYg~jK ¶z`ªvKvi cvwb m¯c` †m±i cÖKí (3q ch©vq)| 9,374.00
Project (3rd Phase)
3731-8121 Union Link Road and Infrastructure Development BDwbqb ms‡hvM moK I AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb cÖKít e„nËi 9,252.00
Project : Greater Chittagong (Chittagong and PÆMÖvg (PÆMÖvg I K·evRvi) †Rjv (2q ms‡kvwaZ)|
Cox's-Bazar) District.
3731-8211 Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and Riyix-2007 cybiy×vi I cybe©vmb cÖKí| 16,060.00
Rehabilitation Project.
Public Health Engineering Directorate
3741-5000 Water Supply in Rural Areas. cjøx A‡j cvwb mieivn| 7,500.00
3741-5001 National Sanitation Project (3rd phase). RvZxq m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖKí (3q ch©vq)| 4,200.00
3741-5003 Re-excavation / renovation of pond / dighies / water cvwb ms msiY I wbivc` cvwb mieiv‡ni j‡¨ †Rjv cwil‡`i 2,000.00
bodies of the district council for water conservation cyKzi/w`wN/Rjvkqmg~n cyb:Lbb/ms¯‹vi|
and supply of safe water.
3741-5004 Survey project for preparation of feasibility study and K·evRvi kn‡i cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Uk‡bi Dci m¤¢ve¨Zv 147.00
development projects on water supply and sanitation hvPvB I Dbœqb cÖKí cÖYq‡bi wbwgË mgxv cÖKí|
in Cox's Bazar city.
3741-5005 Safe water supply in different upazilas of Bandban ev›`evb †Rjvi wewfbœ Dc‡Rjvq wbivc` cvwb mievivn| 1,000.00
3741-5006 Gopalganj and Bagerhat Pourashava Water Supply ‡MvcvjMÄ I ev‡Minvi ‡cŠimfvi cvwb mieivn I 2,000.00
& Environmental Sanitation System Improvement GbfvqiY‡g›Uvj m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯'vi DbœwZKiY
3741-5007 Project for Water Supply and Sanitation for Rural LvMovQwo †Rjvi wewfbœ Dc‡Rjvq MÖvgxY GjvKvi Rb¨ cvwb 500.00
Area of different Upazila of Khagrachari District. miv I m¨vwb‡Ukb
3741-5008 Project for Safe Water Supply and Sanitation for iv½vgvwU †Rjvi wewfbœ Dc‡Rjvi MÖvgxY GjvKvi Rb¨ wbivc` 500.00
Rural Area of different Upazila of Rangamati District. cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb
3741-5009 Safe Water Supply and Sanitation Project in mv‡eK wQUgnj GjvKvmg~n‡K we‡kl ¸iæZ¡ cÖ`vb c~e©K 1,000.00
Lalmonirhat, Kurigram, Panchangarh and jvjgwbinvU, KzwoMÖvg, cÂMo I bxjdvgvix †Rjvq wbivc`
Nilphamari District giving special emphasize on the cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb
Enclave Areas.

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Local Government Division
Public Health Engineering Directorate
3741-5028 Char Development and Settlement Project-4 (DPHE Pi †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKí-4 (wmwWGmwc-4) 752.00
Component). wWwcGBPB Ask|
3741-5032 Bangladesh Rural Water Supply and Sanitation evsjv‡`k iyivj IqvUvi mvc­vB GÛ †mwb‡Ukb cÖ‡R±| 4,900.00
Project (BRWSSP).
3741-5035 Environmental Sanitation and Water Supply with GbfvqiY‡g›Uvj m¨vwb‡Ukb GÛ IqvUvi mvc­vB IB_ cvBcW 7,500.00
Piped Network in Thana Sadar (Hqs.) & Growth †mUIqvK© Bb _vbv mMi GÛ ‡MÖv_ †m›Uvi ‡cŠimfv (2q
Centre Pourshabas (2nd Phase). ch©vq)|
3741-5042 Ground Water Investigation and Development of MÖvDÛ IqvUvi Bb‡fw÷‡Mkb GÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae Wxc MÖvDÛ 270.00
Deep Ground Water Source in Urban and Rural kqvUvi †mvm© Bb Avievb GÛ iyivj Gwiqvb Bb evsjv‡`k|
Areas in Bangladesh.
3741-5043 40 Pourshavas and Growth Centre Water Supply 40 †cŠimfv Ges †MÖv_ †m›Uv‡i Aew¯’Z cvwb mieivn I 3,500.00
and Environmental Sanitation Project (Phase-II). Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj cÖKí (†dBR-2)|
3741-5044 The Project for Improvement of Comprehensive `¨v cÖ‡R± di BgcÖ“f‡g›U Ad KgwcÖ‡nbwmf g¨v‡bR‡g›U 721.00
Management Capacity of DPHE on Water Supply. K¨cvwmwU Ad wWwcGBPB Ab IqvUvi mvc­vB|
3741-5046 Water Supply, Sanitation and Health Education. cvwb mieivn, m¨vwb‡Ukb I ¯^v¯'¨ wkv| 5,000.00
3741-5190 37 District Towns Water Supply Project. 37wU †Rjv kn‡i cvwb mieivn cÖKí| 10,000.00
3741-6000 Establishment of National Human Resources cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Uk‡bi Rb¨ RvZxq gvbe m¤“` Dbœqb 400.00
Development (HRD) Center of DPHE for Water †K›`ª ¯’vcb|
Supply and Sanitation.
Dhaka City Corporation
3705-5016 Widened and Development of East-West Link Road ‡iv‡Kqv ¯^iYxi e½eÜz AvšZR©vwZK m‡¤§jb †K›`ª n‡Z wgicyi 713.00
from Bangabandhu International Conference of †iv‡Wi MYfeb ch©šZ c~e©-cwðg ms‡hvM moK Dbœqb I
Rokeya Sarani to Ganabhaban of Mirpur Road cÖk¯ZKiY|
3705-5019 Development of Waste Management and Public XvKv `wY wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi eR©¨ e¨e¯'vcbv I Rb‡mevi 500.00
Services of Dhaka South City Corporation. Dbœqb|
3705-5045 Improvement and Widening of Jatrabari Intersection XvKv `w¶b wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AvIZvq hvÎvevox n‡Z wÎgyLx 4,825.00
and connecting 3 (three) roads under Dhaka South iv¯Zv m¤cÖmviY I Dbœqb|
City Corporation.
3705-5047 Construction of drainage and sidewalks along with XvKv DËi wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AvIZvaxb wewfbœ wZMÖ¯' 20,000.00
various damaged infrastructure under Dhaka North AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqbmn b`©gv I dzUcvZ wbg©vY|
City Corporation.
3705-5058 Aspalt Plant, related vehicles and purchase and XvKv DËi wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi moK Dbœqb Kv‡Ri Rb¨ 1,000.00
installation of equipment for road development worksG¨vmdë cøv›U, mswkøó hvb I hšÎcvwZ µq Ges ¯'vcb|
of Dhaka North City Corporation
3705-5062 Supply and installation of road development, LED XvKv DËi wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb GjvKvq moK Dbœqb, GjBwW moK 17,400.00
road lights, CCTV cameras and CCTV control evwZ, wmwmwUwf K¨v‡giv I wmwmwUwf K‡›Uªvj †m›Uvi mieivn I
centers in Dhaka North City Corporation area. ¯'vcb|
3705-5063 Development of road infrastructure and drainage XvKv `wY wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AvIZvaxb Ges mshy³ k¨vgcyi, 22,700.00
system under the Dhaka South City Corporation and `wbqv, gvZzqvBj Ges mviywjqv GjvKvi moK AeKvVv‡gv I
the linked Shampur, Dania, Matuail and Sarulia †Wª‡bR e¨e¯'vi Dbœqb|
3705-5067 Construction of 11 Nos. U-Turn from Dhaka Tejgaon XvKv DËi wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi XvKv †ZRMvI mvZiv¯Ív †gvo 1,000.00
Satrasta More to Uttara House Building at Dhaka †_‡K DËivi nvDm wewìs ch©šÍ 11 (GMvi)wU BDUvb© wbg©vY
North City Corporation.
3705-5072 Improvement of road, Drain and Footpath at Sector DËiv g‡Wj UvD‡bi 1, 3-14 bs †m±‡ii iv¯Zv, †Wªb I 200.00
no 1, 3-14 of Uttara Model Towns. dzUcvwZi Dbœqb I wbg©vY|

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Local Government Division
Dhaka City Corporation
3705-5079 Construction and Development of Roads, Drains and¸jkvb, ebvbx I evwiaviv KzU‰bwZK GjvKvi moK, b`©gv I 2,500.00
Footpaths of Gulshan, Banani and Baridhara dzUcvZ wbg©vY I Dbœqb|
Diplomatic area
3705-5081 Urban Resilience Project (DNCC part). Avievb wiwRwj‡qÝ cÖKí (wWGbwmwm Ask)| 21,200.00
3705-5084 Mordanization, Development and Afforastation of XvKv DËi wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi Db¥y³ ¯'vbmg~‡ni AvaywbKvqb, 5,000.00
Open Places of Dhaka North City Corporation Dbœqb I meyRvqb
3705-5085 Construction of Multistoried Cleaners Residential MveZjx wmwU cjøx‡Z XvKv DËi wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wKbvi 200.00
Complex at Gabtoli City Polli under Dhaka North Cityevwm‡`i Rb¨ eûZjv wewkó AvevwmK feb wbg©vY
3705-5086 Expansion of Matuail Sanitary Landfill Including LandgvZzqvBj m¨vwbUvix j¨vÛwdì m¤úªmviYmn 200.00
3705-5099 Development of Various infrastructure in Dhaka XvKv `wY wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wewfbœ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 20,000.00
South City Corporation.
Chittagong City Corporation
3705-5011 Development and Rehabilitation of damaged Roads PÆMÖvg wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wewfbœ GjvKvi wZMÖ¯' iv¯Zvmg~n 3,800.00
at different area of City Corporation and an cybe©vmb/Dbœqb I GKwU G¨vmdë c­¨v›U ¯'vcb|
Installation of Asphalt Plant.
3705-5065 Development of roads damaged by floods and PÆMÖvg wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AvIZvaxb eb¨v I Rjve×Zvq wZMÖ¯' 15,000.00
waterlogged under Chittagong City Corporation and iv¯Zvmg~‡ni Dbœqb Ges bvjv, cÖwZ‡iva †`qvj, eªxR I
construction / reconstruction of canal, resistance KvjfvU© wbg©vY/cyb:wbg©vY|
walls, bridges and culverts.
3705-5071 Excavation of Khal from Baddarhat Baroipara to enÏvinvU eviBcvov n‡Z KY©dzwj b`x ch©šZ Lvj Lbb| 9,000.00
Karnofuli River.
Rajshahi City Corporation
3705-5001 Sustainable Development of Rajshahi City through mvgvwRK mvs¯‹…wZK cwi‡ek Ges cÖZœZË¡ AeKvVv‡gvi DbœwZ 1,000.00
Archaeological Infrastructure Improvement & mvab I msi‡Yi gva¨‡g ivRkvnx gnvbMixi †UKmB Dbœqb|
Preservation and Social & Cultural Environment
3705-5005 Expansion and Development of a Road from ivRkvnx Kíbv wm‡bgv nj ‡_‡K ZvjvBgvix †gvi ch©šZ moK 2,000.00
Rajshahi Kalpana Cinema Hall to Turning poimt of cÖk¯ZKiY I Dbœqb|
3705-5041 Construction of Drains to Allevate Water Logging ivRkvnx gnvbMixi Rjve×Zv `~ixKibv‡_© b`©gv wbg©vY (3q 1,200.00
Problem in Rajshahi City (3rd Phase). ce©)|
3705-5064 Various physical infrastructure development of ivRkvnx wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wewfbœ †fŠZ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 1,500.00
Rajshahi City Corporation
3705-5087 Development of Different Important Road of ivRkvnx gnvbMixi wewfbœ ¸iæZ¡c~Y© iv¯Ívi Dbœqb 1,000.00
Rajshahi City
3705-7730 Construction of East-West Link Road Starting from ivRkvnx gnvbMixi ivRkvnx-bIMuv cÖavb moK n‡Z 400.00
Rajshahi- Noagaon Main Road to †gvnbcyi-ivRkvnx-bv‡Uvi moK ch©š ce© cwðg ms‡hvM moK
Mohanpur-Rajshahi-Natore Road in Rajshahi City. wbg©vY|
3705-7750 Widening and Development of Road Starting from Dckni †gvo n‡Z †mvbvw`Nx †gvo Ges gv‡jvcvov ‡gvo n‡Z 129.00
Uposhahor turning point to Sonadhigi Turning and mvMicvov †gvo ch©šZ moK cÖk¯ZKiY I Dbœqb|
Malopara Turning to Sagorpara Turning.
Khulna City Corporation
3705-5014 Development of Different Roads and Infrastructure ‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae wWdv‡i›U †ivWm GÛ Bbd«v÷ªvKPvi 1.00
Facilities in Khulna City Corporation. †wmwjwUR Bb Lyjbv wmwU K‡cv©‡ikb|
3705-5088 Lyjbv wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb GjvKvq Lvwjkcyi K‡jwR‡qU Mvj©m ¯‹zj 900.00

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Local Government Division
Dhaka WASA
3705-5002 Sayedabad Water Treatment Plant (phase 3). mv‡q`vev` cvwb †kvabvMvi (‡dR-3)| 4,000.00
3705-5015 Well Filled Construction Project at mvfvi Dc‡Rjvi †ZZzjSiv I fvKzZ©v GjvKvq I‡qjwdì 17,720.00
Tetulzhora-Bhakurta Area of Savar Upazilla (Part-1). wbg©vY (1g ce©)|
3705-5056 Padma (Jashaldia) Water Treatment Plant cÙv (Rkvjw`qv) IqvUvi wUªU‡g›U c­v›U (‡dR-1)| 82,100.00
3705-5057 Dhaka Environmentally Sustainable Water Supply XvKv Gbfvqib‡g›U mvm‡UB‡bej IqvUvi mvc­vB cÖ‡R±| 52,000.00
3705-5059 Development of Dhaka Water Supply Network XvKv cvwb mieivn †bUIqvK© Dbœqb| 24,036.00
3705-5061 Under the Framework of Dhaka WASA Sayedabad XvKv Iqvmvi mv‡q`vev` †dR-3 cÖK‡íi †d"g Iqv‡K©i 3,600.00
Phase-3 Project of Dhaka WASA, the Improvement AvIZvq XvKv gnvbMixi ¯^í Av‡qi GjvKvq XvKv Iqvmv
of Water Supply services by Dhaka WASA in the low KZ©"K cvwb mieivn †mevi gvb Dbœqb Ges XvKv Iqvmvi
income areas of Dhaka city and Development of dvBb¨vwÝqvj g‡Wwjs I KvwiMix mgZvi Dbœqb|
Financial Modeling and Technical Capacity of Dhaka
3705-5082 Interim urgent Water Supply Project. AšZeZ©xKvjxb cvwb mieivn cÖKí| 5,000.00
3705-5083 Daserakandi conduit refinery. `v‡kiKvw›` cqt‡kvabvMvi| 26,000.00
Chittagong WASA
3705-5003 Bhandal Jury Water Supply Project. fvÛvj Ryix cvwb mieivn| 2,730.00
3705-5031 Technical Assistance to move forward the initiatives PÆMÖvg Iqvmvi cÖvwZôvwbK Dbœqb Ges ivR¯^ Avq ewnf©yZ cvwb 100.00
of non-revenue Water Reduction and Institutional Kgv‡bvi D‡`¨vM GwM‡q †bqvi KvwiMix mnvqZv|
Development of Chittagong WASA
3705-5051 Karnafuly Water Supply Project Phase-2 (KWSP-II). KY©dzjx cvwb mieivn cÖKí (2q ch©vq)| 75,300.00
3705-7280 Chittagong Water Supply Improvement & Sanitation wPUvMvs IqvUvi mvc­vB BgcÖyf‡g›U GÛ m¨vwb‡Ukb cÖ‡R±| 22,912.00
Project (CWSISP).
Sylhet City Corporation
3705-5066 Construction of 11 Chara / canal and RCC retaining wm‡jU wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi ga¨ w`‡q cÖevwnZ 11wU Qov/Lvj 7,500.00
wall flowing through Sylhet City Corporation msiY I Aviwmwm wi‡UBwbs Iqvj wbg©vY|
3705-5069 Construction of Track Terminal in Sylhet City wm‡jU wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb GjvKvq Rwg AwaMÖn‡bi gva¨‡g UªvK 300.00
Corporation Area by Acquiring Land. Uvwg©bvj wbgv©Y|
Barisal City Corporation
3705-5008 Construction of Culverts including Development and ewikvj wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi wewfbœ ¯'v‡b moK Dbœqb I 2,200.00
Expansion of Roads in various Places of Barisal City cÖk¯ZKiYmn eªxR KvjfvU© wbg©vY|
3705-5009 Beautification Work including Infrastructure ewikvj wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb GjvKvi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqbmn †mŠ›`h© 700.00
Development in the area of Barisal City Corporation. ea©b KvR|
3705-5039 Construction of Servant Colony in the Area of Barisalewikvj wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb GjvKvq †meK K‡jvbx wbg©vY| 700.00
City Corporation .
Barandra Multipurpose Development Agency
3705-5043 Drinking Water Supply from Irrigation Deep Tubewell ‡m‡Pi Mfxi bjKyc n‡Z cvBc jvB‡bi gva¨‡g Lvevi cvwb 1,200.00
Project - phase 3. mieivn (3q ch©vq)|
Khulna WASA
3705-5004 Development and Expansion of Water Supply Lyjbv kn‡ii cvwb mieivn e¨e¯'vi Dbœqb I m¤cÖmviY| 1,424.00
System in the City of Khulna.
3705-7680 Khulna Water Supply Project. Lyjbv IqvUvi mvc­vB cÖ‡R±| 57,600.00
Rajshahi WASA (RWASA)
3705-5035 Renovated of Water Supply System in Rajshahi City ivRkvnx gnvbMix‡Z cvwb mieivn e¨e¯'vi cyb:ms¯‹vi| 1,400.00

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Local Government Division
Narayangonj City Corporation (NCC)
3705-5048 Infrastructure Development of Narayanganj City bvivqYMÄ wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 600.00
3705-5049 Tree plantation with the construction of roads, drains bvivqYMÄ wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi AvIZvaxb iv¯Zv, †Wªb I 5,000.00
and culverts under Narayanganj City Corporation KvjfvU© wbg©vYmn e"‡ivcY|
Comilla City Corporation
3705-5036 Development of Roads, Drains and Footpaths of Kzwgõv wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi iv¯Zv, †Wªb I dzUcvZ Dbœqb| 1,700.00
Comilla City Corporation.
Gazipur City Corporation (G.C.T)
3705-5046 Purchase of Vehicles and Equipment for Gazipur MvRxcyi wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi Rb¨ hvbevnb I hšÎcvwZ µq| 114.00
City Corporation.
Rangpur City Corporation
3705-5037 Construction of Drain cum Footpaths and Roads iscyi wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi iv¯Zv Dbœqb Ges †Wªb Kvg dzUcvZ 285.00
Development of Rangpur City Corporation wbg©vY|

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Rural Development and Co-operatives Division
Ministry's Own
3801-7310 One House One Farm Project. GKwU evwo GKwU Lvgvi cÖKí| 77,259.00
Department of Co-operatives
3831-5001 Improvement of the Standard of Living of DbœZ Rv‡Zi Mvfx cvj‡bi gva¨‡g myweavewÂZ gwnjv‡`i 2,500.00
Underprivileged Women through observing cows. RxebhvÎvi gvb Dbœqb|
3831-5002 Expansion of Dairy Co-operation in Gangachara Kg©ms¯'vb m"wó, `y" I gvsm Drcv`‡bi j‡¨ M½vQov 700.00
Upazila for Creating Employment, Production of Dc‡Rjvq †WBix mgev‡qi Kvh©µg m¤cÖmviY|
Dairy and Meat.
Bangladesh Academy for Rural development, Comilla
3805-5007 Physical Facilities Development of BARD ev‡W©i †fŠZ myweavw` Dbœqb| 1,000.00
Rural Development Academy, Bogra
3805-5000 Establishment of Rural Development Academy cõx Dbœqb GKv‡Wgx (AviwWG) ¯'vcb, iscyi| 3,500.00
(RDA) at Rangpur
3805-5005 Establishment of Rural Development Academy cõx Dbœqb GKv‡Wgx (AviwWG), Rvgvjcyi ¯'vcb| 3,000.00
(RDA), in Jamalpur.
3805-5013 Action Research Project on Extension and cvwe mvkªqx AvaywbK cÖhyw³i m¤cÖmviY I we¯Zvi Ges 1,000.00
Dissemination of Modern Water Saving e¨e¯’vcbvi gva¨‡g dm‡ji Drcv`m e„w× kxl©K cÖv‡qvwMK
Technologies and Management Practices to M‡elYv|
Increase Crop Production.
3805-5032 Making Markets Work for the Jamuna, Padma and ‡gwKs gv‡K©Um IqvK© di `¨A hgybv, cÙv GÛ wZ¯Zv Pim ( 1,178.00
Teesta Chars (M4C). Gg 4wm)|
3805-5062 Construction of Co-operative based Multistoried Palli MªvgxY Rb‡Mvôxi Rxebgvb Dbœqb Ges AvaywbK bvMwiK my‡hvM 9,000.00
Janapad Housing with Modern Urban Amenities for myweav m¤¦wjZ mgevqwfwËK eûZj feb wewkó Ôcj­x Rbc`Õ
Livelihood Improvement of Rural People. wbg©vY
3805-7260 Integrated Rural Employment Support of the Poor `wi`ª¨ gwnjv‡`i Rb¨ mgwš^Z Kg©ms¯’vb mnvqZv Kg©m‚Px| 2,800.00
3805-8487 Modernization Project of RDA Farm & Laboratory AviwWG Lvgvi I j¨ve‡iUix ¯‹zj GÛ K‡jR AvaywbKvqb 819.00
Schools & Colleges cÖKí|
Bangladesh Rural Development Board
3805-5001 Paricipatory Rural Development Project-3 (PRDP-3) Askx`vwiZ¡g~jK cõx Dbœqb cÖKí| 6,000.00
3805-7001 Employment Guarantee Scheme for Hard Core Poor DËiv‡ji nZ `wi`ª‡`i Kg©ms¯’vb wbwðZKiY cÖKí (2q 2,500.00
of Northern Region. ch©vq)
3805-8242 Rural Livelihood Project (RLP) (2nd Phase). cj­x RxweKvqb cÖKí (cRxc) (2q ch©vq)| 4,991.00
3805-8470 Expansion, Renovation & Modernization of e½eÜz `vwi`ª we‡gvPb cÖwk¶Y Kg‡c­·, †KvUvjxcvov Gi m 8,000.00
Bangabhandhu Poverty Alleviation Training ¤“ªmviY, ms¯‹vi I AvaywbKvqb|
Complex, Kotalipara,Gopalgonj.
Milk Vita, Bangladesh
3805-5008 Establishment of Milk Plant for Enhancing Milk `y" Drcv`b e"w×i j‡¨ PÆMÖv‡gi cwUqvq `y" KviLvbv ¯'vcb| 1,600.00
Production at Patiya, Chittagong.
3805-5034 Establishment of Buffalo Breeding Station for `y» Drcv`b e„w×i j‡¶¨ gwn‡li K…wÎg cÖRbb †K›`ª ¯’vcb 138.00
Enhancing Milk Production. cÖKí|
3805-5067 Extablishment of Super Instant Powder Milk Plant at wmivRM‡Äi evNvevox‡Z ¸‡ov `y" KviLvbv ¯'vcb| 3,037.00
Bangabarighat, Sirajgonj
Small Farmers Development Foundation (SFDF)
3805-5003 Small Farmers Development Fundation Assistance y`ª K…lK Dbœqb dvD‡Ûkb (Gm,Gd,wW,Gd) Dbœqb mnvqZv 3,700.00
Project (2nd Phase) (2q ch©vq)|

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Rural Development and Co-operatives Division
Rural Poverty Alleviation Foundation
3805-5004 Poverty reduction through fishery harvesting of jute nvRvgRv/cwZZ cyKzi cybtLb‡bi gva¨‡g msMwVZ Rb‡Mvôxi 950.00
produced by reproduction of hajama / fallen ponds. cvU cPv‡bv cieZ©x gvQ Pv‡li gva¨‡g `vwi`ª we‡gvPb|
3805-5006 The elimination of poverty through the subsequent cÖvwšZK Ges y`ª K…lK‡`i km¨ msMÖn cieZ©x mn‡hvMxZvi 1,200.00
collaboration of marginal and minor farmers to gva¨‡g `vwi`ªZv `~ixKiY|
collect grains.
3805-5028 Extention of Programme of Rural Poverty Alleviation `vwi`ª¨ `~ixKiY I AvZ¥-Kg©ms¯’vb m„wói Rb¨ cj­x `vwi`ª¨ 5,565.00
Foundation (PDBF) for Creation of Poverty we‡gvPb dvD‡Ûkb (wcwWweGd) Gi Kvh©µg m¤cÖmviY|
Alleviation and Self-employment.

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Industry
Ministry's Own
3901-0001 Progati Tower cÖMwZ UvIqvi 5,000.00
3901-5000 Establishment of National Quality Policy and RvZxq ¸YMZ gvbbxwZ ev¯Zevqb I evsjv‡`k RvZxq ¸YMZ 455.00
establishment of Bangladesh National Quality gvb I KvwiMix wbqšÎY KvDwÝj cÖwZôv|
Standards and Technical Regulatory Council.
National Productivity Organisation
3937-5001 Construction of Office Building for National AvaywbK my‡hvM myweavmn b¨vkbvj †cÖvWvw±wfwU AM©vbvB‡Rkb 2,500.00
Productivity Organization (NPO) and Department of (GbwcI) I †c‡U›U, wWRvBb I †UªWgvK©m Awa`ßi
Patents, Designs and Trademarks (DPDT) with (wWwcwWwU) Gi Awdm feb wbg©vY|
Modern Facilities.
Bangladesh Small & Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC)
3905-5000 BSCIC Industrial Park, Tangail. wewmK wkí cvK© UvsMvBj| 5,000.00
3905-5001 Construction of multi-storied buildings of BSCIC at ‡ZRMuvI-G wewm‡Ki eûZj wewkó feb wbg©vY| 2,200.00
3905-5002 BSCIC Plastic industrial Estate. wewmK c­vwóK G‡óU| 1,400.00
3905-5003 Reconstruction and Modernization of 4 craft wewm‡Ki 4wU ˆbcyY¨ weKvk †K‡›`ªi cyb:wbg©vY I AvaywbKvqb| 750.00
development centers of BSCIC.
3905-5009 Expansion of Narsinghdi BICIC Industrial Estate. biwms`x wewmK wkí bMix m¤cÖmviY| 950.00
3905-5012 Honey Cultivation Development through the AvaywbK cÖhyw³ cÖ‡qv‡Mi gva¨‡g †gŠPvl Dbœqb| 390.00
Application of Modern Technology.
3905-5013 Shrimongol Industrial Estate. kÖxg½j wkí bMix| 400.00
3905-5014 Integrated Support to Poverty Reduction and Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW mv‡cvU© Uz †cvfvwU© wiWvKkb GÛ Bbv‡KvqvwjwU 2.00
Inequality Reduction through Enterprize wiWvKkb _ªy G›UvicÖvBR †W‡fjc‡g›U
Development (INSIRED). (AvBGbGmAvBAviBwW)|
3905-5015 BSCIC Industrial Estate, Bairab . wewmK wkí bMix, ˆfie| 1,450.00
3905-5025 Poverty Reduction through Inclusive and Sustainable†cÖvfvwU© wiWvKkb _ª“ BbK¬ywmf GÛ mvm‡UUbej gv‡K©Um 1,245.00
Markets (PRISM). (wcÖRg)|
3905-5026 Extension of Rajshahi BSCIC Industrial Estate. ivRkvnx wewmK wkí bMix m¤cÖmviY| 8,450.00
3905-5027 BSCIC Industrial Estate Chuwadanga. wewmK wkí bMix, PzqvWvsMv| 10.00
3905-5031 BICIC Printing Industrial Estate. wewmK g~`ªY wkí bMix| 2,000.00
3905-5034 Expansion of Madaripur BSCIC industrial town. gv`vixcyi wewmK wkíbMix m¤cÖmviY| 2,250.00
3905-5035 BSCIC Industrial City, Raozan. wewmK wkí bMix, ivDRvb| 3,000.00
3905-5036 BSCIC electrical product production and light wewmK ˆe`y¨wZK cY¨ Drcv`b I nvjKv cÖ‡KŠkj wkí bMix| 5,500.00
engineering industrial city.
3905-5037 Shatranji Industrial Development, Rangpur (2nd kZiwÄ wk‡íi Dbœqb, iscyi (2q ch©vq)| 330.00
3905-7251 Control of iodine deficiency disorder through mve©Rbxb Av‡qvwWbhw³ jeY ˆZix Kvh©µ‡gi Av‡qAwWb NvUwZ 110.00
universal application of salt iodization (3rd phase). c‚iY (3q ch©vq)|
3905-7280 Expansion of Gopalgonj BSCIC Estate. ‡MvcvjMÄ wewmK wkí bMix m¤cÖmviY| 586.00
3905-7370 BSCIC Industrial Area, Kumarkhali, Kustia. wewmK wkí b`ix, KzgviLvjx, Kzwóqv| 10.00
3905-7380 BSCIC Industrial Park, Sirajganj. wewmK wkí cvK©, wmivRMÄ| 20,500.00
3905-7540 BSCIC Industrial Estate.Bargona ei¸bv wkí bMix| 250.00
3905-8330 Tannery Industrial Estate, Dhaka (2nd Revised) Pvgov wkí bMix, XvKv (2q ms‡kvwaZ)| 24,600.00
3905-8400 Active Farmacitucal Ingrediant (API) Industrial Park G¨vKwUf dvg©vwmDwUK¨vj Bb‡MÖwW‡q›U (GwcAvB) wkí cvK©| 1,400.00
Bangladesh Standard and Testing Institute (BSTI)
3905-5006 Establishment of testing facilities of air conditioning, G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae †Uw÷s d¨vwmwjwUR Ae Gqvi KwÛkbvi, 500.00
refrigerators, electric fans and electric motor in BSTI. †iwd"Rv‡iUi, B‡jKwUªK d¨vb GÛ B‡jKwUªK gUi Bb

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Industry
Bangladesh Standard and Testing Institute (BSTI)
3905-5032 Modernization of BSTI Regional Offices at gW©vbvB‡Rkb Ae weGmwUAvB wiwRIbvj Awd‡mm G¨vU 4,100.00
Chittagong and Khulna. wPUvMvs G¨vÛ Lyjbv|
3905-7490 Expansion and Strengthening of BSTI at Five G·cvbkb GÛ †÷ªs‡`wbs Ad weGmwUAvB G¨vU dvBf wWmw÷ª 2,600.00
Districts. ±m|
Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCIC)
3905-5008 Conversion of Wet Process to Dry Process of QvZK wm‡g›U †Kvs wj: Gi Drcv`b c×wZ I‡qU cÖ‡mm †_‡K 6,000.00
Chatak Cement Company Ltd. WªvB cÖ‡mm G i~cvšZi|
3905-5022 BSCIC Industrial Estate, Jhalakhati. wewmK wkí bMix, SvjKvwV| 650.00
3905-5023 Modernization and Strengthening of Training gWvbvB‡Rkb GÛ †÷«s‡`wbs Ae †U«wbs Bbw÷wUDU di 54.00
Institute for Chemical Industries in Bangladesh. †KwgK¨vj BÛvw÷«R Bb evsjv‡`k|
3905-5024 Extension of Dhamrai BSCIC Industrial Estate. avgivB wewmK wkí bMix m¤cÖmviY| 610.00
3905-7520 Shahjalal Fertilizer Project. kvn&Rvjvj dvwU©jvBRvi cÖ‡R±| 8,325.00
Bangladesh Industries Technical Assistance Center
3905-5005 Establishment of Tool Institute to Strength activities weUv‡Ki Kvh©µg kw³kvjx Kivi j‡¨ †Uw÷s myweavmn Uzj 877.00
with testing facilities of BITAC. Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb|
3905-7120 Poverty Alleviation and Self-employment through nv‡Z Kj‡g KvwiMix cÖwk¶‡Y gwnjv‡`i ¸iyZ¡ w`‡q weUv‡Ki 824.00
Expansion of BITAC Programme with the Emphasis Kvh©µg m¤cÖmviYc~e©K AvZœ-Kg©ms¯’vb m„wó I `vwi`ª we‡gvPb
of Women's Hands-on Technical Training
Bangladesh Sugar and Food Industries Corporation (BSFIC)
3905-5011 BMR of Carew & Co. (BD) ltd. weGgAvi Ae †Kiy GÛ †Kvs wewW wjt| 600.00
3905-5016 Replacement of Old Machinery and Addition of VvKziMvuI wPwbK‡j cyivZb cÖwZ¯'vcb Ges myMvi weU †_‡K wPwb 10,000.00
Machinery for Beet Sugar Production at Thakurgaon Drcv`‡bi cÖ‡qvRbxq hšÎcvwZ ms‡hvRb|
Sugar Mills
3905-5018 Production of Electircity by Cogeneration and b_©‡e½j wPwbK‡j †Kv-‡Rbv‡ikb c×wZ‡Z we`y¨r Drcv`b I 10,000.00
Establishment of Sugar Refinery at North Bengal myMvi widvBbvix ¯’vcb|
Sugar Mills.
Bangladesh Steel and Engineering Corporation (BSEC)
3905-5033 LED Light (CKD) Assembling Plant in ETL. GjBwW jvBU (wm‡KwW) G¨v‡mgwe­s c­¨v›U Bb BwUGj 2,400.00

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Textiles & Jute
Department of Textiles
4131-5000 Establishment of Shahid Kamruzzaman Textile knx` Kvgiy¾vgvb †U·UvBj Bbw÷wUDU ¯'vcb, gv›`v| 2,275.00
Institute, Manda.
4131-5001 Begum Amina Mansur Textile Engineering Institute, ‡eMg Avwgbv gbmyi †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis Bbw÷wUDU, 1,820.00
Kazipur, Sirajganj. KvwRcyi, wmivRMÄ ¯'vcb|
4131-5011 Establishment of Sheikh Rehana Textile Engineering ‡kL †invbv †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR ¯'vcb †MvcvjMÄ) 2,800.00
College, Gopalgonj . (1g ms‡kvwaZ)
4131-5012 Establishment of Gournadi Textile Institute. ‡MŠib`x †U·UvBj Bbw÷wUDU ¯’'vcb| 2,000.00
4131-5013 Establishment of Bhola Textile Institute. ‡fvjv †U·UvBj Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb| 2,840.00
4131-5014 Establishment of Sheikh Rasel Textile Institute, ‡kL iv‡mj †U·UvBj Bbw÷wUDU gv`viMÄ, Rvgvjcyi 2,000.00
Mathergonj, Jamalpur Project.
4131-5015 Establishment of Pirgonj Textile Engineering cxiMÄ †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR ¯'vcb| 4,000.00
4131-5016 Establishment of Jamalpur Textile Engineering Rvgvjcyi †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR ¯'vcb| 5,000.00
4131-5080 Up gradation of Barisal Textile Institute into Abdur ewikvj ‡U·UvBj Bbw÷wUDU‡K Ave`~i ie †miwbqvevZ 2,010.00
Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College . †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡j‡R DbœxZKiY|
4131-5160 Establishment of 4 Textile Vocational Institute. 4wU †U·UvBj †fv‡Kkbvj BbwówUDU ¯’vcb| 15,600.00
4131-5170 Construction of Jhenaidah Textile Engineering wSbvB`n †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR wbg©vY| 2,920.00
Bangladesh Handloom Board
4105-5011 Balancing, Modernization, Renovation and e¨v‡jwÝs gWvb©vB‡Rkb wi‡bv‡fkb GÛ G·cvbkb 429.00
Expansion (BMRE) of the Existing Cloth Processing (weGgAviB) Ae `¨v Gw·mwUs K¬_ cÖ‡mwms †m›Uvi G¨vU
Centre at Madhabdi, Narsingdi. gvaew`, biwmsw`|
4105-5012 Establishment of 3 Handloom Service Centres in G÷vewjk‡g›U Ae w_ª n¨vÛjyg mvwf©m †m›Uvim Bb wWdv‡i›U 3,375.00
Different Loom Intensive Areas. jyg Bb‡Ubwmf Gwiqv|
Bangladesh Sericulture Board
4105-7954 Integrated Plan for Expansion of Bangladesh evsjv‡`k †ikg wk‡íi m¤cÖmviY Rb¨ mgwš^Z cwiKíbv| 800.00
Bangladesh Sericulture Research and Training Institute (BSRTI)
4105-5000 Increasing productivity through the development of ‡ikg cÖhyw³ Dbœqb, we¯Zvi I ` Rbkw³ m"wói gva¨‡g 491.00
silk technology, expansion and creating skilled Drcv`bkxjZv e"w×KiY|

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Energy and Mineral Resources Division
Geological Survey of Bangladesh
4245-5000 Economic Assessment and Determining the evsjv‡`‡ki b`xe‡i evwj‡Z g~j¨evb Lwb‡Ri Dcw¯’wZ wbY©q I 2,900.00
presence of Valuable Minera in the sand of river bed A_©‰bwZK g~j¨vqb|
of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation
4205-0008 Installation of Daily 4000 Barrel Capacity Condenset iwk`cyi K¨vUvjvBwUK widiwgs BDwbUmn ˆ`wbK 4000 20,000.00
Frackshnation Plant with Catalytic Reforming Unit at e¨v‡ij ¶gZvm¤cbœ Kb‡Wb‡mU d«vKk‡bkb c­v›U ¯’vcb|
4205-0009 Installation of 3000 Barrel Capacity Catalytic ‡c‡Uªvj‡K AK‡Ub-G iƒcvšZ‡ii j‡¶¨ AviwmGdwc‡Z 1500 6,454.00
Reforming Unit to in order to Convert Petrol into e¨v‡ij ¶gZv m¤cbœ K¨vUvjvBwUK widiwgs BDwbU ¯’vcb|
4205-0029 3-D Seismic Project of BAPX. 3-wW mvBmwgK cÖ‡R± Ae ev‡c·| 5,417.00
4205-0030 2-D Seismic Project of BAPEX. 2-wW mvBmwgK cÖ‡R± Ae ev‡c·| 280.00
4205-0035 Drilling of well no. Kailashtilla-9 ˆKjvkwUjv 9 bs Kzc (g~j¨vqb/Dbœqb K~c) Lbb| 1.00
(appraisal/development well).
4205-0036 Drilling of well no. Sylhet-9 (appraisal/development wm‡jU 9 bs Kzc (g~j¨vqb/Dbœqb K~c) Lbb| 1.00
4205-0045 Shahjadpur-Sundalpur (Sundalpur # 2) kvnvRv`cyi-my›`jcyi (my›`jcyi-2) G‡cÖBRvj/†W‡fjc‡g›U 468.00
Appraisal/Development Well Drilling Project, BAPEX.wWªwjs GÛ my›`jcyi-1 IqvK©Ifvi cÖKí|
4205-0050 Feasibility Study for Extension of Existing wdwRwewjwU ¯UvwW di G·‡Ubkb Ae Gw·wUs AvÛviMÖvDÛ 4,368.00
Underground Mining of Barapukuria Coal Mine gvBwbs Acv‡ikb Ae eocyKzwiqv †Kvj gvBb UzIqvW©m `¨v
towards the Southern and the Northern Side of the mvI`vb© GÛ `¨v b`©vb mvBWm Ae `¨v †ewmb DB_AvDU
Basin without Interruption of the Present Production. B›Uvivckb Ae `¨v †cÖ‡R›U †cÖvWvKkb|
4205-0051 Conctruction og Office Building of TItas Gas MvRxcyi-G wZZvm M¨vm UªvÝwgkb GÛ wWw÷ªweDkb †Kv¤úvbx 792.00
Transmission and Distribution Company Ltd. in wjt Gi Awdm feb wbg©vY
4205-0052 Workover of Titas Well no. 21. wZZvm 21 bs Kzc IqvK©Ifvi 792.00
4205-0058 Gas Supply to Shirhotto Economic Zone, Sherpur, kÖxnÆ A_©‰bwZK AÂj, †kicyi ‡gŠjfxevRvi-G M¨vm mieivn 2,968.00
Moulvibazar. cÖKí
4205-0060 Vision-1 excavation project: 3 search coups iƒcKí-1 Lbb cÖKí: 3wU AbymÜvbKzc (nviviMÄ-1, kÖxKvBj 10,000.00
(Hararganj-1, Srikail East and Salda North-1) and 2 Bó I mvj`v b_©-1) I 2wU Dbœqb Kzc (kÖxKvBj b_©-1,
development wells (Srikail North-1, Kasba-2). Kmev-2)|
4205-0061 Vision-2 excavation project: 4 search coup (Salda iƒcKí-2 Lbb cÖKí: 4wU AbymÜvb Kzc (mvj`v b`x `wÿY-1, 12,000.00
river South-1, Semutang South-1, Battichia-1 and †mgyZvs-`wY-1, evZwPqv-1 Ges mvj`v b`x c~e©-1)|
Salda River East-1).
4205-0062 Vision-3 excavation project: 4 search wells (Kasba-1,iƒcKí-3 Lbb cÖKí: 4wU AbymÜvbKzc (Kmev-1, Rvgvjcyi-1 10,000.00
Jamalpur-1, and Shailkupa-1). I ˆkjKzcv-1)|
4205-0063 Vision-4 excavation project: 3 search wells iƒcKí-4 Lbb cÖKí: 3wU AbymÜvbKzc (kvnevRcyi-1, †fvjv 22,300.00
(Shahbajpur-1, Bhola, North-1 and Savar-Shingir-1) DËi-1 I mvfvi wk½vBi-1) Ges 2wU IqvK©Ifvi
and 2 work-overs (Shahbazpur-1 and 2). (kvnevRcyi-1 I 2)|
4205-0064 Excavation with Bapex's John Rig supporting ev‡c· Gi Rb¨ wiM mv‡cvwU©s h¯ÎcvwZmn GKwU Lbb Ges 10,000.00
equipment and a WorkWork Rig collection. GKwU IqvK©Ifvi wiM msMÖn|
4205-0065 Anwara-Fouzdar Gas Transmission Pipe Line Av‡bvqviv-‡dŠR`vi M¨vm mÂvjb cvBc jvBb| 70,000.00
4205-0066 Feasibility Study for Development of Dighipara wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW di †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae w`Nxcvov †Kvj wdì, 1,916.00
Coalfield, Dinajpur w`bvRcyi|
4205-0073 wm‡jU M¨vm wdì wj: Gi wm‡jU (nwicyi), ˆKjvkwUjv I 1,300.00
iwm`cyi ÷ªvKPv‡ii 3 wW mvBmwgK Rwic WvUv I wi‡cvU©

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Energy and Mineral Resources Division
Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation
4205-5002 Installation of Wellhead Compressors in Titas Gas wZZvm M¨vm wd‡ìi †jv‡Kkb-G I‡qj‡nW K‡¤cÖmi ¯'vcb| 785.00
Field Locations.
4205-5003 Construction of parallel pipe line for transmission of PÆMÖvg-‡dYx-evLivev` M¨vm mÂvjb mgvšZivj cvBcjvBb 58,600.00
Chittagong-Feni-Bakhrabad gas wbg©vY|
4205-5016 Rehabilitation and Expansion of Existing Supervisorywin¨vwewj‡Ukb GÛ G·cvbmb Ae Gw·mwUs mycvifvBRvwi 4,800.00
Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System of K‡›Uªvj GÛ WvUv GKzBwRkb (¯‹vWv) wm‡÷g Ae b¨vkbvj M¨vm
National Gas Grid under GTCL (component- B of wMÖW AvÛvi wRwUwmGj|
Bheramara combined cycle power plant Dev.
4205-5017 Construction of Moheshkhali-Anwara Gas g‡nkLvjx “Av‡bvqviv M¨vm mÂvjb cvBc jvBb| 8,000.00
Transmission Pipeline.
4205-5018 Natural Gas Efficiency Project (Installation of b¨vPivj M¨vm Bwdwm‡qw›m cÖ‡R± (wZZvm wd‡ìi †jv‡Kkb-wm 6,800.00
wellhead Gas Compressor at Location-c of Titas Ges biwmsw` wd‡ì I‡qjnW M¨vm K‡¤“ªmi ¯’vcb|
Gas & Narsingdi Fields).
4205-5019 Natural Gas Efficiency Project (Installation of b¨vPivj M¨vm Bwdwm‡qw›m cÖ‡R± †KwRwWwmGj Gi AvevwmK 8,500.00
Pre-paid Metering System for the consumer of MªvnKM‡Yi Rb¨ wcÖ-†cBW wgUvwis e¨e¯’v ¯’vcb|
4205-5021 Dhanua-Elenga & West Bank of Bangabandhu abyqv-G‡j½v Ges e½eÜy †mZyi cwðg cvo bjKv ch©š M¨vm 18,500.00
Bridge-Nalka Gas Trasnmoission Pipeline (BD-P78: mÂvjb cvBc jvBb wbg©vY cÖKí (wewW-wc 78t b¨vPvivj M¨vm
Natural Gas Efficiency Project . B‡dwm‡qw›m cÖ‡R±)|
4205-5022 Installation of Pre-paid Gas Meter for TGTDCL B›mU‡jkb Ae wcÖ‡cBW M¨vm wgUvi di wUwRwUwWwmGj 24,985.00
(BD-P78: Natural Gas Efficiency Project. (wewW-wc 78t b¨vPvivj M¨vm B‡dwm‡qw›m cÖ‡R±)|
4205-5030 Installation of Compressor Station at Ashugonj and AvïM‡Ä I G‡j½vq K‡¤cÖmi ‡÷kb ¯’vcb| 4,856.00
4205-7260 Bakhrabad-Siddhirganj Gas Transmission Pipeline evLivev`-wmw×iMÄ M¨vm mÂvjb cvBc jvBb| 2,500.00
4205-9205 Gas Transmission Capacity Expansion Ashuganj to M¨vm UªvÝwgkb K¨vcvwmwU G·c¨vbkb cÖKí 1,139.00
Bakhrabad. (AvïMÄ-evLivev`)
Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (BPC)
4205-0056 Construction of 4 storied Chittagong Jamuna PÆMÖvg hgybv Uvwg©bv‡j 4 Zjv feb wbg©vY cÖKí, ¸ßLvj, 300.00
Terminal Project, Goptakhal, Potenga, Chittagong. c‡Z½v, PÆMÖvg
4205-0059 Project Mangement Consultency Services for cÖ‡R± g¨v‡bR‡g›U Kbmvj‡UwÝ mvwf©‡mm di BÝU‡jkb Ae 2,000.00
Installetion of ERS Unit-2. BAviGj BDwbU-2
4205-0067 FEED Services for the Installation of ERL Unit-2. dW mvwf©‡mm di w` Bbó‡jkb Ad BAviGj BDwbU-2| 15,000.00
4205-0068 Construction of 4 storied BPC Terminal Building Kb÷ªvKkb Ae 4 †÷vwiW wewcwm Uvwg©bvj wewìs G¨vU 300.00
Building at Bagabari, Shahjadpur, Sirajganj. evMvevw[o, kvvRv`cyi, wmivRMÄ|
4205-0069 Construction of 20 storied Jamuna Office Building Kb÷ªvKkb Ae 20 †óvwiR hgybv Awdm wewìs (hgybv feb) 1,000.00
(Jamuna Bhaban) at Katan Bazar, Dhaka (Phase-2). G¨vU KvIivb evRvi, XvKv (†di-2)|
4205-0070 Construction of 19 storied Meghna building with 03 Kb÷ªvKkb Ae 19 †óvwiR †gNbv feb DB_ 03 †eBR‡g›U 1,000.00
basement floor at Agrabad Commercial Area, †dvi G¨vU AvMÖvev` Kgvwm©qvj Gwiqv, PÆMÖvg|
4205-0071 The feasibility study of the fuel oil transportation PÆMÖvg n‡Z XvKv ch©šZ R¡vjvbx †Zj cwienY cvBcjvB‡bi m 100.00
pipeline from Chittagong to Dhaka. ¤¢ve¨Zv hvPvB|
4205-5000 Installation of Single Point Mooring (SPM) with a BÝU‡jkb Ae wm‡½j c‡q›U gywis (GmwcGg) DB_ Wvej 5,001.00
double pipe line. cvBc jvBb|

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Agriculture
Ministry's Own
4301-5002 National Agricultural Technology Program-2nd b¨vkbvj GwMÖKvjPvi †UK‡bvjwR-2q ch©vq (GbGwUwU-2) 1,542.00
Phase (NATP-2) (Project Management Unit). (cÖKí e¨e¯’vcbv BDwbU)|
Department of Agricultural Extension
4331-5001 National Agricultural Technology Program-2nd b¨vkbvj GwMÖKvjPvi †UK‡bvjwR-2q ch©vq (GbGwUwU-2) 18,218.00
Phase (NATP-2) (DAE Part). (wWGB AsM)|
4331-5002 Establishment of peasant service centers and BDwbqb ch©v‡q K…lK †mev †K›`ª ¯'vcb I cÖhyw³ m¤cÖmviY 4,158.00
expansion of technology at union level (pilot). (cvBjU)|
4331-5003 Agro-Meteorological Information Systems K…wl AvenvIqv Z_¨ c×wZ DbœZKiY (K‡¤cv‡b›U-wm)| 2,320.00
Development (Component-C).
4331-5013 Strengthening Phytosanitary Capacity in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k dvB‡Uvm¨v‡bUvix mvg_¨© kw³kvjxKiY| 1,155.00
(1st Revised)
4331-5019 Enhancement of Crop Production through Farm Lvgvi hvšÎxKi‡Yi gva¨‡g dmj Drcv`b e„w× cÖKí| 8,000.00
Mechanization (Phase-2).
4331-5022 Agricultural Support for Smallholders in evsjv‡`k `w¶b cwðgv‡j Pvlx‡`i Rb¨ K…wl mnvqZv cÖKí 2,490.00
South-Western Region of Bangladesh (DAE (wWGB A½)|
4331-5023 Transfer of Technology for Agricultural Production UªvÝdvi Ae †UK‡bvjwR di GwMÖKvjPvivj †cÖvWvKkb AvÛvi 229.00
under Blue Gold Program. e­y †Mvì †cÖvMvg|
4331-5024 Safe Crop Production Project through Integrated mgwš^Z evjvB e¨e¯’'vcbv †KŠk‡ji gva¨‡g wbivc` dmj 1,111.00
Pest Management (IPM) Approach. Drcv`b cÖKí|
4331-5025 Production, Storage and Distribution of Quality Pvlx ch©v‡q DbœZgv‡bi Wvj, ˆZj, imyb I †cuqvR exR 1,450.00
Seeds of Pulse, Oil & Onion at Farmers' Level Drcv`b, msi¶Y I weZiY (2q ch©vq)|
Project (Phase-2).
4331-5026 Citrus Development Project (DAE Component). mvBUªvm †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (wWGB A½)| 571.00
4331-5027 Enhancement of Crop Production through Improved Lvgvi ch©v‡q DbœZ cvwb e¨e¯’vcbv †KŠk‡ji gva¨‡g dmj 722.00
On-farm Water Management Technologies. Drcv`b e„w×|
4331-5029 Establishment of two Agricultural Training Institutes eªvþYevwoqv †Rjvi evÃvivgcyi Ges gvwbKMÄ †Rjvi mvUzwiqv 1,059.00
at Bancharampur Upazilla of Brahmanbaria District Dc‡Rjvq `ywU K…wl cÖwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb cÖKí|
and Saturia Upazilla of Manikgonj District.
4331-5032 Production, Storage and Distribution of Quality Pvlx ch©v‡q DbœZgv‡bi avb, Mg I cvU exR Drcv`b, msi¶Y 3,321.00
Seeds of Rice, Wheat & Jute at Farmers' Level I weZiY (2q ch©vq)|
Project (Phase-2).
4331-5033 Agricultural Support for Smallholders in evsjv‡`k `w¶b cwðgv‡j Pvlx‡`i Rb¨ K…wl mnvqZv cÖKí 2,195.00
South-Western Region of Bangladesh (LGED (GjwRBwW A½)|
4331-5034 Integrated Farm Management Part, Agricultural mgwš^Z Lvgvi e¨e¯'vcbv A½, K…wl Drcv`b I Kg©ms¯’vb 8,370.00
Production and Employment Program. Kg©m~wP|
4331-5036 Integrated Agricultural Approach for Ensuring mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g cywó I Lv`¨ wbivcËv wbwðZKiY 850.00
Nutrition and Food Security Project (DAE cÖKí (K…wl m¤“ªmviY Awa`ßi AsM)|
4331-5038 Increasing Cropping Intensity in Sylhet region (DAE).wm‡jU A‡j k‡m¨i wbweoZv e"w×KiY (wWGB A½)| 1,743.00
4331-5039 Development of nutrition through fruit production all eQie¨vcx dj Drcv`‡bi gva¨‡g cywó Dbœqb| 5,794.00
Agricultural Education and Training
4336-5000 Strengthening the National Agricultural Training RvZxq K…wl cÖwkY GKv‡Wgx kw³kvjxKiY| 1,167.00
Cotton Development Board

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Agriculture
Cotton Development Board
4339-5011 Expansion of Cotton Cultivation Project (Phase-1). m¤“ªmvwiZ Zyjv Pvl (†dR-1) cÖKí| 2,361.00
Department of Agricultural Marketing
4343-5013 Increasing grain plumpness in Sylhet region (DMM). wm‡jU A‡j k‡m¨i wbweoZv e"w×KiY (wWGGg A½)| 530.00
Barindra Multipurpose Development Agency
4305-5007 Production of low irrigation crops in Barind area due e‡i›`ª GjvKvq cvZK~qv Lb‡bi gva¨‡g ¯^í †m‡Pi dmj 1,000.00
to drilling of Pattukua. Drcv`b|
4305-5027 Rehabilitation of Old DTW in Rajshahi, Naogaon and ivRkvnx, bIMvu I PvcvBbeveMÄ †Rjvq cyivZb Mfxi bjK~c 791.00
Chapai Nawabgonj District. cybe©vmb|
4305-5038 Extension of Irrigation in Barind Area through e‡i›`ª GjvKvq Lv‡j cvwb msi¶‡Yi gva¨‡g †mP m¤“ªmviY 3,714.00
Conservation of Water in Canal. cÖKí|
4305-5046 Farmer training programs , supply and production of km¨ Drcv`‡b gvb m¤§Z exR Drcv`b, mieivn I K…lK 76.00
standard seed for crop production. cÖwk¶Y cÖKí|
4305-5049 Expansion of Irrigation Facilities by Increasing bIMuv †Rjvq f~-Dcwi¯' cvwbi cÖvc¨Zv e"w×i gva¨‡g †mP 3,000.00
Availability of surface water and removing water myweav m¤cÖmviY I Rjve×Zv `~ixKiY|
logging in Naogaon District.
4305-5051 Enhancement of Irrigation Efficiency Through f~-Mf©¯' †mP bvjv wbg©v‡Yi gva¨‡g †mP `Zv e"w×| 5,000.00
Construction of Sub-surface Irrigation Channel.
4305-7630 Deep Tubewell Installation Project (2nd Phase). Mfxi bjK‚c ¯’vcb (2q ch©vq) cÖKí| 2,054.00
4305-7790 Marketing the Agricultural Products through K…wlcY¨ evRviRvZKi‡Y MÖvgxY ‡hvMv‡hvM Dbœqb cÖKí| 1,521.00
Development of Rural Communication Project
4305-8041 Barind Rain Water Conservation & Irrigation Project e‡i›`ª e„wói cvwb msi¶Y I †mP cÖKí (2q ch©vq)| 1,952.00
(second phase).
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
4305-5000 Production and Development of High Quality seed of Mg I fzÆvi DbœZZi exR Drcv`b Ges Dbœqb (2q ch©vq)| 470.00
wheat and maize (phase II).
4305-5002 Research and development of oilseeds and pulses. evsjv‡`‡k †ZjexR I Wvj M‡elYv I Dbœ&qb| 784.00
4305-5005 Strengthening the Research of Gardener Crops and D`¨vbZvwË¡K dm‡ji M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY Ges Pi GjvKvq 2,446.00
the Spread of Technology in the Fields of D`¨vb I gvV dm‡ji cÖhyw³ we¯Zvi|
Horticulture and Field Crops.
4305-5023 Citrus Development Project (BARI Component). mvBUªvm †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (evwi A½)| 212.00
Bangladesh Agriculture Development Corporation
4305-5003 Construction of rubber Dam to Utilize Surface Water K…wl Drcv`b e"w×i j‡¨ f~-Dcwi¯' cvwb e¨env‡ii Rb¨ ivevi 4,000.00
for Enhancing Agricultural Production. W¨vg wbg©vY|
4305-5008 Increasing Hybrid rice research efficiency of evsjv‡`k avb M‡elYv Bbw÷wUD‡Ui nvBweªW avb M‡elYv `Zv 1,697.00
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute. e"w×|
4305-5025 Maintenance, Rehabilitation of BADC's Existing weGwWwmi we`¨gvb mvi ¸gv`mg~‡ni i¶Yv‡e¶Y, cybev©mb Ges 3,189.00
Fertilizer Godowns and Strengthening of Fertilizer mvi e¨e¯’'vcbv †Rvi`viKiY cÖKí|
Management Activities Project.
4305-5028 Establishment of Pulse and Oil Seed Multiplication †bvqvLvjx †Rjvi myeb©Pi Dc‡Rjvq Wvj I ˆZj exR ea©b 431.00
Farm and Seed Processing Centre at Subarnachar Lvgvi Ges exR cÖwµqvKiY †K›`ª ¯’vcb|
in Noakhali District.
4305-5035 Sylhet Division Minor Irrigation Development Project. wm‡jU wefvM ¶z`ª‡mP Dbœqb cÖKí| 3,000.00
4305-5042 Barisal Division Minor Irrigation Development ewikvj wefvM ¶z`ª †mP Dbœqb| 3,500.00
4305-5043 Agricultural seed development, enhancement, and Rxe cÖhyw³i gva¨‡g K…wl exR Dbœqb, ewa©ZKiY, gvb wbiƒcY I 533.00
value determination and spreading technology by cÖhyw³ we¯Zvi|

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Agriculture
Bangladesh Agriculture Development Corporation
4305-5044 Development and Modernization of existing seed weGwWwmÕi we`¨gvb exR Drcv`b, cÖwµqvRvZKiY I weZiY 6,000.00
production, processing and distribution e¨e¯’'vw`i AvaywbKxKiY I Dbœqb|
arrangements of BADC.
4305-5045 Increasing grain plumpness in Sylhet region (BADC).wm‡jU A‡j k‡m¨i wbweoZv e"w×KiY (weGwWwm A½)| 89.00
4305-5047 Production and Development of High Quality seed of avb, Mg I fzÆvi DbœZZi exR Drcv`b Ges Dbœqb| 5,000.00
Rice, wheat and maize.
4305-5052 Strengthening sustainable nutrition security through Wvj I ‡ZjexR Drcv`‡bi gva¨‡g †UKmB cywó wbivcËv 4,000.00
the production of pulses and oilseeds. †Rvi`viKiY|
4305-5055 Expansion of irrigation through utilization of surface Wvej wjdwUs Gi gva¨‡g f~-Dcwi¯' cvwbi mvnv‡h¨ †mP m 3,800.00
water by double lifting-3rd phase. ¤cÖmviY (3q ch©vq)|
4305-5056 Ashuganj Palash Agro-Irrigation (5th stage). Avk~MÄ-cjvk G‡MÖv Bwi‡Mkb (5g ch©vq)| 570.00
Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture
4305-7660 Strengthening Research Activities and Sub-Stations webvi M‡elYv Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY Ges Dc‡K›`ªmg~‡ni 2,340.00
Development of BINA. Dbœqb|
Bangladesh Jute Research Institute
4305-5039 Development and dissemination of Agricultural cvU I cvURvZ dm‡ji K…wl cÖhyw³ D™¢vem I n¯Zv¯Zi| 604.00
Technologies of Jute and allied fiber crops.
4305-8450 Applied and Basic Research of Jute Affairs. cvU welqK †gŠwjK I dwjZ M‡elYv| 1,255.00
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute
4305-5006 Increaseing of Research Activities and Physical evsjv‡`k avb M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU Gi ‡fŠZ myweavw` I 8,500.00
Facilities of Bangladesh Rice Research Institute. M‡elYv Kvh©µg e"w×KiY|
Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute
4305-5048 Strengthening of Integrated Research program of evsjv‡`k By M‡elYv Bbw÷wUDU Gi mgwš^Z M‡elYv Kvh©µg 1,500.00
Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute. †Rvi`viKiY|
Bangladesh Agriculture Research Council (BARC)
4305-5004 National Agriculture Technology- 2nd b¨vkbvj GwMÖKvjPvi †UK‡bvjwR-2q ch©vq (GbGwUwU-2) 12,885.00
phase(NATT-1) )BARC Part) (weGAviwm AsM)|
Bangladesh Institute of Research and Training on Applied
Nutrition (BIRTAN)
4305-5020 Infrastructure Construction and Strengthening evsjv‡`k dwjZ cywó M‡elYv I cÖwkY Bbw÷wUDU (eviUvb) 8,362.00
Training & Research Capacity of Bangladesh Gi AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY Kvh©µg kw³kvjxKiY|
Institute of Research and Training on Applied
Nutrition (BIRTAN).
4305-5034 Integrated Agricultural Approach for Ensuring mgwš^Z K…wl Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g cywó I Lv`¨ wbivcËv wbwðZKiY 160.00
Nutrition and Food Security Project (BIRTAN cÖKí (evsjv‡`k dwjZ cywó M‡elYv I cÖwk¶Y Bbw÷wUDU
Phase). AsM).
Agriculture Policy Support Unit (APSU)
4301-5001 Orienting Agriculture towards improve Nutrition and Iwi‡qw›U GwMÖKvjPvi UzIqvW© Bgcyªf wbDwUªkb GÛ I‡gÝ 103.00
Women's Empowerment . GgcvIqvi‡g›U |

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock
Department of Fisheries
4431-5000 Enhancement of Fish Production Through Rjvkq ms¯‹v‡ii gva¨‡g grm¨ Drcv`b e„w×| 7,000.00
Restoration of Waterbodies Project.
4431-5003 Greater Jessore Fisheries Devlopment Project e„nËi h‡kvi †Rjvq grm¨ Pvl Dbœqb| 1,035.00
4431-5004 National Agricultureal Technology Program-2nd b¨vkbvj GwMÖKvjPvi †UK‡bvjwR-2q ch©vq (GbGwUwU-2) 8,349.00
Phase (NATP-2) (Department of Fisheries Part). (grm¨ Awa`ßi AsM)|
4431-5005 Technical Support Stock Assessment of Marine ‡UKwbK¨vj mv‡cvU© ÷K G¨v‡mm‡g›U Ae †gwib wdkvwiR 118.00
Fisheries Resource in Bangladesh wi‡mv‡m©m Bb evsjv‡`k
4431-5006 mvm‡UB‡bej †Kv÷vj GÛ †gwib wdkvwiR cÖ‡R± Bb 772.00
evsjv‡`k (Gm.wm.Gg.Gd.wc): wcÖcv‡ikb d¨vwmwjwUR
4431-5013 Aquculture Development and Extension Project in cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg A‡j grm¨ Pvl Dbœqb I m¤cÖmviY (3q 614.00
Chittagong Hill Tracts (3rd Phase). ch©vq)|
4431-5014 Fresh Water Prawn Culture Extension Project (2nd ¯^v`y cvwbi wPswo Pvl m¤cÖmviY (2q ch©vq)| 1,100.00
4431-5018 Nimgachi Agriculture Development Project. wbgMvwQ grm¨Pvl Dbœqb cÖKí| 600.00
4431-5023 Brood Bank Establishment Project (3rd Phase). eª“W e¨vsK ¯’vcb cÖKí (3q ch©vq)| 1,000.00
4431-5025 Expansion of fisheries technology service at Union BDwbqb ch©v‡q grm¨ Pvl cÖhyw³ †mev m¤cÖmviY (2q ch©vq)| 6,205.00
level (Phase II).
4431-5034 Establishment of Beel Nursery and Fingerling Db¥y³ Rjvk‡q wej bvm©vix ¯’vcb Ges †cvbv Aegy³KiY| 800.00
Stocking in Inland Open Water.
4431-5038 Fisheries Development Project in Rangpur Division. iscyi wefv‡M grm¨ Dbœqb cÖKí| 1,220.00
4431-5041 Culture of Cuchia and Crab in the Selected Areas of evsjv‡`‡ki wbe©vwPZ GjvKvq KzwPqv I KuvKov Pvl Ges 417.00
Bangladesh and Research Project (Component-A: M‡elYv (K‡¤cv‡b›U-G: grm¨ Awa`ßi)|
4431-5043 Fisheries development of the greater Comilla district. e„nËi Kzwgõv ‡Rjvq grm¨ Dbœqb| 3,276.00
4431-5052 Enhanced Coastal Fisheries (Ecofish). Gbn¨vÝW †Kv÷vj wdkvwiR (B‡Kvwdk)| 2,235.00
4431-5310 Bangladesh Marine Fisheries Capacity Building evsjv‡`k †gwib wdkvwiR K¨vcvwmwU wewìs cÖKí 2,300.00
4431-5540 Rehabilitation and Development of Fisheries gvbm¤§Z grm¨ exR I †cvbv Drcv`b e„w×i j‡¶¨ grm¨ ¯’vcbv 1,500.00
Infrastructure to Increase Production of Quality Fish cybe©vmb I Dbœqb|
Seed and Fingerlings.
4431-8195 Establishment of Fisheries Diploma Institute at †MvcvjMÄ, wK‡kviMÄ I wmivRMÄ †Rjvq grm wW‡c­vgv 1,160.00
Gopalgonj, Kishorgonj and Sirajgonj Districts. Bbw÷wUDU ¯’'vcb cÖKí|
Department of Livestock
4441-5002 Establishment of Quality Control Laboratory for cÖvwYm¤c` Drcv`b I cÖvwYRvZ Lv‡`¨i gvb wbqšÎY 2,000.00
Livestock Inputs and its Food Products (EQCLIFP). M‡elYvMvi ¯’vcb|
4441-5003 National Agricultureal Technology Program-2nd b¨vkbvj GwMÖKvjPvi †UK‡bvjwR-2q ch©vq (GbGwUwU-2) 9,986.00
Phase (NATP-2) (Department of Livestock Part). (cÖvYxm¤c` Awa`ßi AsM)|
4441-5004 Food security and public health development evsjv‡`k †f‡Uibvix cwi‡mevmg~n my`"pKiY Ges bZzb 2,800.00
through regulation of Bangladesh Veterinary Avwef©ve‡hvM¨ msµvgK †ivMmg~n wbqšÎ‡Yi gva¨‡g Lv`¨
Services and new regressive infectious diseases. wbivcËv Ges Rb¯^v‡¯'¨i Dbœqb|
4441-5015 Establishment of Sirajgonj Government Veterinary wmivRMÄ miKvwi †f‡Uwibvwi K‡jR ¯’vcb| 1,500.00
4441-5023 Development and Conservation of Country Sheep in mgvR wfwËK I evwYwR¨K Lvgv‡i †`kx †fovi Dbœhb I 500.00
Social based and Commercial Farms msi¶Y (2q ch©vq)- K‡¤cv‡b›U- we : wW Gj Gm|
(Component-B : DLS)-2nd Phase.

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock
Department of Livestock
4441-5025 Establishment of National Livestock & Paultry RvZxq cÖvYx m¤c` I †cvwëª e¨e¯’vcbv Bbw÷wUDU I †ivM 1,500.00
Management Institute and Disease Research AbymÜvb M‡elYvMvi ¯’vcb|
4441-5026 Beef Cattle Development Project. exd K¨v‡Uj †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R±| 800.00
4441-5036 Establishment of Jhenidah Govt. Veterinary College wSbvB`n miKvix †f‡Ubvwi K‡jR ¯’vcb (2q ch©vq) cÖKí| 900.00
Project (2nd Phase).
4441-5037 Breed Up-gradation through Progeny Test Project. eªxW Avc‡Mª‡Wkb _ª“ cÖ“‡Rbx †Uó (3q ch©vq) cÖKí| 1,240.00
4441-5038 Establishment of Institute of Livestock Science and Bbw÷wUDU Ae jvBf÷K mv‡q›m GÛ †UK‡bvjRx ¯’vcb 6,000.00
Technology Project. cÖKí|
4441-5041 South-West Region Livestock Development Project. `wY cwðgvÂjxq cÖvYxm¤c` Dbœqb| 2,000.00
4441-5150 Establishment of Regional Duck Breeding Farm n¨vPvixmn AvÂwjK nuvm cÖRbb Lvgvi ¯’'vcb (3q ch©vq)| 4,247.00
along with Hatchary (3rd Phase).
4441-5170 Establishment of Upazilla Livestock Development Dc‡Rjv cÖvwYm¤c` Dbœqb †K›`ª (BDGjwWwm) ¯’vcb (3q 3,488.00
Centre (ULDC) Project. (3rd Phase). ch©vq)|
4441-6666 Animal Nutrition Development and Technology cÖwYxcyó Dbœqb &I cÖhyw&³ n¯ZvšZi| 471.00
Transfer Project (2nd Phase).
4441-7056 Artificial Insemination (AI) Activities Extension and K…wÎg cÖRbb Kvh©µg m¤cÖmviY I åyY ¯'vbvšZi cÖhyw³| 8,000.00
Embryo transfer (ET) echnology Implementation
project (3rd Phase).
Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute
4405-5001 Dairy Development Research. ‡WBix Dbœqb M‡elYv| 1,694.00
4405-5011 Conservation and Improvement of Native Sheep mgvR wfwËK I evwYwR¨K Lvgv‡i †`kx †fovi Dbœhb I 189.00
through Community Farming and Commercial msi¶Y (2q ch©vq)- K‡¤cv‡b›U-G : we Gj Avi AvB|
Farming (Component A : BLRI,)-2nd Phase.
4405-5014 Fodder Research and Development Project. dWvi M‡elYv I Dbœqb| 1,568.00
4405-5017 Scavenging (Deshi) Poultry Conservation and †`kx gyiMx msi¶Y I Dbœqb cÖKí 205.00
Development Project.
4405-7080 Research on Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and evsjv‡`‡k ¶ziv‡ivM I wcwcAvi M‡elYv| 200.00
Peste Des Petits Ruminants PPR in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute
4405-5002 Strengthening of Hilsa Research in Chandpur River. Pvu`cyi b`x †K‡›`ª Bwjk M‡elYv †Rvi`viKiY| 400.00
4405-5012 Development and Dissemination of Pearl Culture gy³v Pvl cÖhyw³ Dbœ&qb I m¤cÖmviY| 350.00
4405-5018 Culture of Cuchia and Crab in the Selected Areas of evsjv‡`‡ki wbe©vwPZ GjvKvq KzwPqv I KuvKov Pvl Ges 595.00
Bangladesh and Research Project (Component-B: M‡elYv (K‡¤cv‡b›U-we: we.Gd.Avi.AvB)|
BFRI Part).
Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation (BFDC)
4405-5013 Establishment of Fisheries Landing Centres with ‡`‡ki 3wU DcK~jxq †Rjvi 4wU ¯’v‡b Avbylw½K myweavw`mn 4,359.00
Ancillary Facilities in 3 Coastal Districts at 4 Selectedgrm¨ AeZiY †K›`ª ¯’vcb|
4405-5015 Establishment of Fisheries Landing Centre at nvIi A‡j grm¨ AeZiY †K›`ª ¯’vcb| 2,400.00
Wetland (Haor) Area.
4405-7040 Construction of Multi Channel Slipway Project. gvwë P¨v‡bj w¯­cI‡q wbg©vY cÖKí| 678.00

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Environment and Forest
Ministry's Own
4501-5000 Community Based Sustainable Management of KwgDwbwU †eRW mvm‡UB‡bej g¨v‡bR‡g›U Ae Uv½yqvi nvIo 260.00
Tanguar Haor (Bridging Stage). (weªwRs ch©vq)|
4501-5012 Strengthening the Environment, Forestry and ‡÷«b‡`wbs w` Gbfvqib‡g›U, d‡iw÷« GÛ K¬vB‡gU †PÄ 140.00
Climate Change Capacities of the Ministry of K¨vcvwmwUR Ae w` wgwbw÷« Ae Gbfvqib‡g›U GÛ BUm
Environment and Forests and its Agencies. G‡Rw›mR|
4501-5013 Promotion of Climate Change Unit in Co-ordinating cÖ‡gvkb Ae KvB‡gU †PÄ BDwbU Bb †Kv-Aw©W©‡bwUs `¨v 600.00
the Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Actionevsjv‡`k KvB‡gU †PÄ ÷ªv‡UwR GÛ G¨vKkb c­¨vb
Plan (BCCASP). (wewmwmGmGwc)|
4501-7240 Clean Air and Sustainable Environment (Ministry of wbg©j evqy I †UKmB cwi‡ek (cwi‡ek I eb gšÎYvjq Ask)| 54.00
Environment and Forest Component).
4501-7358 Clean Air and Sustainable Environment (Dhaka City wbg©j evqy I †UKmB cwi‡ek (XvKv wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb Ask)| 8,000.00
Corporation Component).
Department of Forests
4531-5000 Eco ristoresion of the Northern region of B‡Kv wi‡÷v‡ikb Ae w` b`©vb wiwRqb Ae evsjv‡`k| 578.00
4531-5001 plantations in the five coastal districts. evsjv‡`‡ki cvuPwU DcK~jxq †Rjvq ebvqb| 442.00
4531-5002 Strengthening National Forestry Inventory and †÷ªs‡`wbs b¨vkbvj d‡i÷ Bb‡f›Uwi GÛ †m‡UjvBU j¨vÛ 809.00
Satellite Land Monitoring System in Support of Red gwUwis wm‡÷g Bb mv‡cvU© Ae †iW Bb evsjv‡`k|
in Bangladesh
4531-5003 National Garden and ballad gardens, Preservation RvZxq Dw™¢` D`¨vb Ges ejav evMvb, XvKv Gi msiY I 603.00
and Further Development of Dhaka. AwaKZi Dbœqb|
4531-5004 UN-REDD Bangladesh National Programme. BD.Gb.‡iW evsjv‡`k RvZxq Kg©m~wP| 1,043.00
4531-5005 e½eÜz †kL gywRe mvdvix cvK© MvRxcyi Gi G‡cÖvP moK 6,125.00
cÖm¯'KiY I Ab¨vb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb|
4531-5006 Integrating Community Change Adaptation Into Bw›Uª‡MÖwUs KwgDwbwU †PÄ GWv‡Þkb BbUz G‡d"v‡Ukb GÛ 1,530.00
Afrotation And Re-Forstation Program In wi-‡dvi‡÷kb †cÖvMÖvg Bb evsjv‡`k|
4531-5008 evsjv‡`k d‡ió Bb‡fó‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg d‡ió Bb‡fó‡g›U cø¨vb 100.00
4531-5009 G·c¨vbwWs w` cÖ‡UK‡UW Gwiqv wm‡÷g Uz BbKi‡cv‡iU 654.00
Bgci‡U›U GKzqvwUK B‡Kvwm‡÷g
4531-5024 Establishment of plant gardens in the area of Lalmai jvjgvB cvnvo GjvKvq Dw™¢` D`¨vb ¯’'vcb| 269.00
4531-5025 Bengal Tiger Conservation activity. ‡e½j UvBMvi KbRvi‡fkb GKwUwfwU| 997.00
4531-5026 The development of training facilities of inastitiuta eb wefv‡Mi cÖwkY Bbw÷wUDUmg~‡ni myweavw`i Dbœqb| 893.00
tion of the forest department.
4531-5027 Climate Resilient Ecosystem and Livelihoods Rjevqy cwieZ©b mwnòz ev¯'ms¯'vb I RxweKvqb (eb Awa`ßi 249.00
(CREL)(Department of Forestry part ). Ask)|
4531-5460 Char Development and Settlement-4 (Department of Pi †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKí-4 (wmwWGmwc-4) eb 314.00
Forest Component). Awa`ßi Ask|
4531-7397 Bangabhandhu Shekh Mujib Safari Park, Gazipur e½eÜz †kL gywRe mvdvix cvK©, MvRxcyi cÖKí (1g 886.00
(1st Revised) Project. ms‡kvwaZ)|
Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
4535-5000 Establishment of Regional Bamboo Research and bxjdvgvix †Rjvi †Wvgvi Dc‡Rjvq AvÂwjK evuk M‡elYv I 1,130.00
Training Center at Domar Upazila in Nilphamari cÖwkY †K›`ª ¯'vcb|
Bangladesh National Herbarium

18/09/17 Page 65 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Environment and Forest
Bangladesh National Herbarium
4537-5011 Survey of the vascular flora of the Chittagong and mv‡f© Ae fv¯‹zjvi ‡dviv Ae wPUvMvs wnj Uªv±m| 436.00
Chittagong Hill Tracts.
Department of Environment
4541-5000 Climate Resilient Ecosystems and Livelihood in ECA KvB‡gU †iwRwj‡q›U B‡Kvwm‡÷gm GÛ jvBfwjûWm Bb BwmG 211.00
(CREL-ECA) Project. (†µj-BwmG)|
4541-5002 Strengthening Institutional capacity to reduce short cÖvwZôvwbK `ÿZv e"w×i gva¨‡g ¯^í¯'vqx Rjevqy `~lY 50.00
lived climate Pollutants (SLCP) n"vmKiY|
4541-5003 National Capacity Devlopment for Implementation b¨vkbvj K¨vcvwmwU †W‡fjc‡g›U di Bgwcj‡g‡›Ukb wiI 250.00
Rio Convetion through Environmental Govemance. Kb‡fbkb _ªy Gbfvqib‡g›Uvj Mf©b¨vÝ|
4541-5004 Development, Management and Conservation of the cÖwZ‡ekMZ e¨e¯'vcbvi gva¨‡g †m›U gvwU©b Øx‡ci Rxe‰ewP‡Îi 400.00
Biodiversity of Saint Martin Island through Ecological Dbœqb, e¨e¯'vcbv I msiY|
4541-5030 Clean Air and Sustainable Environment (Department wbg©j evqy I †UKmB cwi‡ek (cwi‡ek Awa`ßi Ask)| 8,581.00
of Environment Component).
4541-5031 Implemenation of National Biosafety Framework of Rxe wbivcËv welqK RvZxq Kg©KvVv‡gv (GbweGd)| 123.00
4541-5032 Implementation of HCFC Phase-out Management Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb Ae GBPwmGdwm †dR AvDU g¨v‡bR‡g›U c­ 80.00
Plan-UNEP Component (Stage-1). ¨vb-BD‡bc K‡¤“v‡b›U (†÷R-1)
4541-5036 Strengthening Monitoring and Enforcement in the ‡÷ªs‡`wbs gvbUwis GÛ Gb‡dvm©‡g›U Bb †gNbv wifvi di XvKv 281.00
Meghna River for Dhaka's Sustainable Water mvm‡UB‡b‡ej IqvUvi mvc­vB|
Bangladesh Forest Industries Development Coorporation
4505-0001 Establisment of Pressure Treatement plant to ivevi KvV cÖwµqvRvZ Ki‡Yi Rb¨ wm‡jU †Rv‡b †cÖmvi 1,504.00
Process Rubber Wood at Sylhet Zone wUªU‡g›U c­¨v›U ¯’vcb|

18/09/17 Page 66 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Land
Ministry's Own
4601-5000 Construction of Land Building Complex. f~wg feb Kg‡c­· wbgv©Y| 5,000.00
4601-5001 Construction of land and city land offices throughout mgMÖ †`‡k kni I BDwbqb f~wg Awdm wbg©vY| 20,000.00
the country.
4601-5002 Vertical Extension of Land Administration Training f'wg cÖkvmb cÖwkÿY †K‡›`ªi †nv‡÷j fe‡bi 6ô Zjv n‡Z 500.00
Centre from 6th to 12th Floor. 12 Zjv ch©šÍ EaŸ©gyLx m¤úªmviY
4601-5016 Land Survey, Record Compilation and Preservation wWwRUvj c×wZ‡Z f~wg Rixc I †iKW© cÖYqb Ges msi¶Y (1g 6,348.00
through Digital System (1st phase-Computerization ch©vq t we`¨gvb †gŠRv g¨vcm Ges LwZqvb mg~‡ni Kw
of existing Mouza Maps and Ledgers). ¤cDUvivB‡Rkb) cÖKí|
4601-5018 Construction of Upazila & Union Land Office (6th Dc‡Rjv I BDwbqb f~wg Awdm wbg©vY (6lô ce©)| 12,622.00
phase) project.
4601-5019 Cluster villages (Climate Victims Rehabilitation) ¸"QMÖvg (KvB‡gU wfKwUgm& win¨vwewj‡Ukb) (2q ch©vq)| 23,152.00
(second phase).
4601-5210 Char Development and Settlement-4 (Noakhali Pi †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKí-4 (†bvqvLvjx ‡Rjv 99.00
district administration). cÖkvmb) |

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Water Resources
Bangladesh Water Development Board
4705-5000 Rehabilitation of Polder no. 36/1 in Bagerhat ev‡MinvU †Rjvi †cvìvi 36/1 cybe©vmb| 6,000.00
4705-5001 Protect of polders 56/57 from the erosion of the ‡fvjv †Rjvi ‡`ŠjZLvb I †evinvbDwÏb Dc‡Rjvq ‡gNbv 8,000.00
Meghna River at Burhanuddin and Daulatkhan b`xi fvsMb n‡Z †cvìvi 56/57 iv|
upazila of Bhola district.
4705-5002 Preservation of the left bank of the river Padma XvKv †Rjvi †`vnvi Dc‡Rjvq †`vqvBi evRvi n‡Z eªvnv 9,000.00
from Doairbazar, Doha upazila in Dhaka district to evRviNvU ch©šZ cÙv b`xi evgZxi msi¶Y|
Braha bajaraghata.
4705-5003 Bank Protective work against erosion of the Meghna ‡gNbv b`xi fv½b n‡Z †fvjv †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvaxb 6,500.00
River at Rajapur and East Ilisha Union of Bhola ivRvcyi I c~e© Bwjkv BDwbqb i¶vv‡_© Zxi msi¶Y|
Sadar Upazila in Bhola District.
4705-5005 Rehabilitation of Kashimpur Pump House under gby b`x †mP cÖK‡íi AvIZvaxb Kvwkgcyi cv¤c nvDR 6,516.00
Manu River Irrigation Project. cybev©mb|
4705-5006 River Bank Protection work for protection of b`xZxi msi‡Yi gva¨‡g †gNbv b`xi fv½b n‡Z †fvjv †Rjvi 7,500.00
Tajumuddin upazila Sadar in Bhola District from ZRygyÏxb Dc‡Rjv m`i msiY|
erosion of Meghna River.
4705-5007 Strengthening of Dumping Zone of Protective work & Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvaxb Rvgvjcyi kni msiY 1,224.00
Rehabilitation of embankment Road of Jamalpur cÖK‡íi AšZf©~³ Zxi msiY Kv‡Ri Wvw¤cs †Rvb
Town Protection Project in Jamalpur Sadar Upazila kw³kvjxKiY I evua Kvg iv¯Zvi cybe©vmb|
of Jamalpur.
4705-5008 Temporary Protection works on the left bank of the XvKv †Rjvi †`vnvi Dc‡Rjvaxb cwðg bvwikv evRvi Ges cÙv 100.00
West Narisha Bazar of Dohar upazila of Dhaka b`xi evg Zx‡i A¯'vqx cÖwZiv g~jK KvR|
district and the left bank of the Padma River.
4705-5009 Conservation of Charfashion Municipality of Bhola ‡gNbv b`xi fvsMb n‡Z †fvjv †Rjvi Pid¨vkb ‡cŠi kni 7,000.00
district from the breakdown of the Meghna river. msiY|
4705-5012 Armored work by CC block at the length of 2000 ‡b·Kvbv †Rjvi †gvnbMÄ Dc‡Rjvaxb †gvnbMÄ †cŠi 400.00
meters on both sides of the Mohangnagar municipal wkqvjRvwb Lv‡ji Dfq Zx‡i 2000 wgUvi ˆ`‡N¨© wmwm eøK
Sialzani canal at Mohganj upazila in Netrokona Øviv Avg©vW©KiY KvR|
4705-5013 Protecting from the Right Bank break of Teesta river iscyi †Rjvi M½vPov I iscyi m`i Dc‡Rjvq wZ¯Zv b`xi 9,000.00
at Gangachara and Rangpur sadar upazilas in Wvb Zxi fv½b n‡Z iv|
Rangpur district.
4705-5014 Protection from the breakdown of the Padma, from cÙv b`xi fvsMb n‡Z ivRkvnx gnvbMixi AšZf©y³ 8,500.00
Soni Kandi in Rajshahi city to Bulanpur area. †mvbvBKvw›` n‡Z eyjbcyi ch©šZ GjvKv iv|
4705-5015 Removal of Water Logging and Sustainable Water ‰fie wifvi †ewmb GjvKvq Rjve×Zv `~ixKiY I †UKmB cvwb 4,500.00
Management in Bhairab River Basin Area. e¨e¯'vcbv Dbœqb|
4705-5016 Rehabilitation of Ganga-Kapotaksha Irrigation MsMv K‡cvZv¶ †mP cÖK‡íi cybe©vmb| 450.00
4705-5017 re-excavation of Palashbari canal of Manda upazila AvÎvB b`xi fvsMb n‡Z bIMvu †Rjvi cZœxZjv Dc‡Rjvi 3wU 2,000.00
and conservation of the river bank of three areas of GjvKvq Zxi msiY Ges gv›`v Dc‡Rjvi cjvkevox Lvj
Patnitala upazila From the breakdown of the Atrai cybtLbb|
4705-5019 Development of drainage system in XvKv-bvivqYMÄ †Wgiv wWGbwW GjvKvi wb®‹vkb e¨e¯'vi 14,500.00
Dhaka-Narayanganj Demra DND area. Dbœqb|
4705-5022 Protection of of the right bank of the Matamuhuri ev›`ievb Avjx K`g †mbvwbev‡mi wbK‡U gvZvgyûix b`xi Wvb 1,900.00
river at Bandarban Ali Kadam cantonment. Zxi msiY|
4705-5023 Reconstruction of Bhadra and Salta river for Lyjbv †Rjvi Rjve×Zv wbimbK‡í f`ªv I mvjZv b`x 3,500.00
resolving the waterlogging of Khulna district. cyb:Lbb|

18/09/17 Page 68 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Water Resources
Bangladesh Water Development Board
4705-5024 Rehabilitation for the development of prevention, PÆMÖvg †Rjvi evcvD‡evÕi AvIZvq DcK~jxq A‡ji †cvìvi 5,254.00
drainage and irrigation system of the infrastructures bs 61/1 (mxZvKzÛ), 61/2 (gximivB) I 72 (m›Øxc) Gi
of the Polder no. 61/1 (Sitakunda), 61/2 (Mirsarai) wewfbœ AeKvVv‡gvmg~‡ni fv½b cÖwZ‡iva, wb®‹vkb I †mP
and 72 (Sandwip) in the sub-basin area under e¨e¯'vi
BPaubo of Chittagong district.
4705-5025 Polder no. 62 (Patenga), Polder no. 63/1a (Anwara), PÆMÖvg †Rjvi DcK~jxq GjvKvi †cvìvi bs 62 (c‡Z½v), 7,000.00
Polder no. 63/1 B (Anwara and Patiya) rehabilitation †cvìvi bs 63/1 G (Av‡bvqviv), †cvìvi bs 63/1 we
of Coastal Area of Chittagong district. (Av‡bvqviv I cwUqv) cybe©vmb|
4705-5026 Protection of Dhaka-Mawa-Bhanga-Khulna national Avwoqvj Lvu b`xi fv½b n‡Z nvRx kixqZDõv ‡mZz msjMœ 2,000.00
highway adjacent to Haji Shariyatullah Bridge from XvKv-gvIqv-fv½v-Lyjbv RvZxq gnvmoK iv|
the river irrusion of the Arial Khan river.
4705-5027 Rajoir Kotalipara Flood Control, Drainage and iv‰Ri †KvUvjxcvov eb¨v wbqšÎY, wb®‹vkb I †mP| 3,500.00
4705-5029 Protection of 465 meters from 0.430 to 0.895 kmOn evsjv‡`k †bŠevwnbxi Lyjbv (ev‡bŠR) wZZzgxi msjMœ ˆfie 1,616.00
the right bank of Bhairab river adjacent to the b`xi Wvb Zx‡i wK:wg: 0.430 n‡Z 0.895 wK:wg: ch©šZ
Bangladesh Navy's Khulna (Banoz) Titumir. 465 wgUvi b`xi Zxi msiY|
4705-5031 Mirsarai of Chittagong district Bangladesh Economic PÆMÖvg †Rjvi wgimivB evsjv‡`k A_©‰bwZK AÂj ‡eRv eb¨v 24,500.00
Zone Beja flood control, road and embankment wbqšÎY moK Kvg †ewoevua cÖwZiv Ges wb®‹vkb|
Protection and drainage.
4705-5032 Preservation and dredging of left bank of Madhumati dwi`cyi †Rjvaxb AvjdvWv½v Dc‡Rjvi w`MbMi/ceb‡eM 1,500.00
river of Dignagar / Prabonbhav area of Alfadanga GjvKvj gaygwZ b`xi evgZxi msiY I †WªwRs|
under Faridpur district.
4705-5033 Development of flood and drainage system for ‡bvqvLvjx GjvKvi Rjve×Zv `~ixKi‡Yi Rb¨ eb¨v I wb®‹vkb 4,000.00
discharging waterlogging in Noakhali area. e¨e¯'vi Dbœqb|
4705-5034 Flood Control, Drainage, Irrigation and Dredging of K·evRvi †Rjvi euvkLvjx b`x eb¨v wbqšÎY, wb®‹vkb, †mP I 5,590.00
Banskhali river of Cox's Bazar district (1st stage). †WªwRs (1g ch©vq)|
4705-5042 Sureswar canal re-excavation and drainage my‡ik¦i Lvj cybtLbb I wb®‹vkb| 3,500.00
4705-5043 Construction of integrated water containment `bvRcyi †Rjvi m`i †Rjvaxb ‡MŠixcyi G ﮋ ‡gŠmy‡g m 2,000.00
structures in Punarbhaba for providing ¤cyiK †mP cÖ`v‡bi D‡Ï‡k¨ cybf©ev b`x‡Z mgwš^Z cvwb
supplementary irrigation during dry season in wbqšÎY KvVv‡gv wbg©vY|
Gauripur, Sadar, district of Dinajpur district.
4705-5044 Jabail flood control, drainage and irrigation under bIMuv †Rjvi mvcvnvi I †cvikv Dc‡Rjvaxb RevBwej eb¨v 2,000.00
Sappahar and Porsha upazilas of Naogaon district. wbqšÎY, cvwb wb®‹vkb I †mP|
4705-5046 Construction of Water Bhaban. cvwb feb wbg©vY| 7,000.00
4705-5047 Protection from the River Irrusion the of the cÂMo †Rjvi †ev`v Dc‡Rjvaxb mv‡eK bvwRiMÄ I `BLvZv 1,500.00
Karatoya river from former Nazirganj and Daikhata wQUgnj GjvKv Ki‡Zvqv b`xi fv½b n‡Z Zxi msiY|
enclaves of Boda upazila of Panchagarh district
4705-5048 Reconstruction of the Kumar River. Kzgvi b` cyb:Lbb| 8,000.00
4705-5049 Protection of Ramnawaz Launchghat area under ‡fvjv †Rjv †gNbv b`xi fv½b n‡Z gbcyiv Dc‡Rjvaxb 8,000.00
Manpura upazila from Bhola District Meghna river ivg‡bIqvR jÂNvU GjvKv Ges †ZZzwjqv b`xi fv½b n‡Z
erosion and Ghoshcharhat Launchghat area under Pid¨vkb Dc‡Rjvaxb †Nv‡linvU jÂNvU GjvKv iv|
Charfashion upazila from Tetulia River.
4705-5050 Reconstruction of 83 rivers / canals in Bagerhat ev‡MinvU †Rjvq 83wU b`x/Lvj cyb:Lbb Ges gsjv NwlqvLvjx 7,500.00
district and increased navigability of Mongla P¨v‡b‡ji bve¨Zv e"w×|
Ghasiyakhali Channel.
4705-5051 River bank protection pilot project in Jamalpur e¨v‡¤^v e¨v‡Ûwjs Gi gva¨‡g Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi Ges †kicyi 1,200.00
district and Sherpur district through the Bamboo †Rjvi wewfbœ ¯'v‡b b`x Zxi msiY cvBjU cÖKí|

18/09/17 Page 69 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Water Resources
Bangladesh Water Development Board
4705-5052 River bank protection pilot project for the protection e¨v‡¤^v e¨v‡Ûwjs Gi gva¨‡g Rvgvjcyi †Rjvi cyivZb eªœcyÎ b` 1,200.00
of the area of Jamalpur Sadar Melandah upazila, I `kvbx b`xi fv½b n‡Z Rvgvjcyi m`i †gjv›`vn Dc‡Rjvi
due to the breakdown of the old Brahmaputra river GjvKv ivK‡í b`xi Zxi msiY cixg~jK cvBjU cÖKí|
and tenani river of Jamalpur district through the
Bamboo Bandeling,.
4705-5055 Reservation of river banks along the left and right jvjgwbinvU †Rjvi cvUMÖvg Dc‡Rjvaxb mv‡eK 119 bs 1,500.00
bank of the Dharla river in Ghosparha, Dualteri and evukKvUv wQUgnj Gi †Nvlcvov, `qvjUvix I †ev÷vix GjvKvq
Bostari area of Bamkakata enclave 119 in Patgram aijv b`xi evg I Wvb Zxi eivei b`x Zxi msiY|
upazila of Lalmonirhat district.
4705-5057 Climate Smart Agriculture Water Management KvB‡gU ¯§vU© GwMÖKvjPvi IqvUvi g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖ‡R± 355.00
Project (CSAWMP). (wmGmGWweøDGgwc|
4705-5059 evsjv‡`k eb¨v e¨e¯'vcbv cwiKíbv 1,422.00
4705-5060 Dredging of the Padma river in connection with the Kzwóqv †Rjvq wek¦ Kwe iex›`ªbv_ VvKz‡ii KzwVevwo I cvk¦©eZ©x 2,000.00
Protection of the " Kuthibari" of Great Poet GjvKv msi‡Yi j‡¨ cÙv b`x †WªwRs|
Robindranath Tagore and its adjacent area under
Kushtia District (01/07/2016-30/06/2020)
4705-5061 Protraction of the Both Bank of Halda River by Bank PÆMÖvg ‡Rjvaxb nvUnvRvix I ivDRvb Dc‡Rjvq nvj`v b`xi 6,000.00
Protective Work at Different Locations in Hathazari & Dfq Zx‡ii fv½b n‡Z wewfbœ GjvKv ivK‡í Zxi msiY KvR|
Rauzan Upzaila in Chittagong District.
4705-5075 Strengthening Hydrological Infromation Services and cvwb weÁvb m¤cwK©Z Z_¨ †mev I AvMvg mZK©xKiY e¨e¯'v 2,500.00
Early Warning System (Component-B) kw³kvjxKiY (K‡¤cv‡b›U-we)|
4705-5109 Protection of Atatuli Area of Chapainoabgonj District cÙv b`xi fv½b n‡Z PvucvBbeveMÄ †Rjvi AvjvZzjx GjvKv 3,150.00
from Errosion of Padma River. i¶v cÖKí|
4705-5122 Bhutiar Beel of Khulna District and Barnal-Salimpur- Lyjbv †Rjvi fzwZqvi wej Ges eY©vj-mwjgcyi-‡KvjvevmyLvjx 7,000.00
Kolabashu Khali Flood Control, Drainage Project eb¨v wbqšÎY,wb®‹vkb cÖKí (2q ch©vq)|
(2nd Phase).
4705-5123 Blue Gold Program (BWDB Component). e­y †Mvì †cÖvMÖvg (weWwe­DwWwe K‡¤cv‡b›U)| 13,760.00
4705-5124 Coastal Embankment Improvement Project †Kv÷vj GgevK‡g›U Bgcªyf‡g›U cÖ‡R± †dR-1 (wmAvBwc-1) 40,000.00
-Phase-1(CEIP-1) in Satkhira, Khulna, Bagerhat, Bb mvZw¶iv, Lyjbv, cUzqvLvjx, wc‡ivRcyi, ei¸bv GÛ
Patuakhali, Pirojpur, Barguna & Patuakhali District. cUzqvLvjx wWw÷ª±|
4705-5127 Utilization of the Bangladesh Water Rules, 2013 to mgwš^Z cvwb m¤c` e¨e¯'vcbv ev¯Zevq‡b evsjv‡`k cvwb 115.00
Implement the Integrated Water Resources AvBb,2013 Kvh©Ki Kiv|
4705-5130 Flood and Riverbank Erosion Risk Management d¬vW GÛ wifvi e¨vsK B‡iv‡mvb wi¯‹ g¨v‡bR‡g›U Bb‡f÷‡g›U 27,235.00
Investment Program (Tranche-1). †cÖvMªvg (U«v›m-1)|
4705-5131 Irrigation Management Improvement Project (IMP) Bwi‡Mkb g¨v‡bR‡g›U B¤“ª“f‡g›U †cÖv‡R± (Bwgc) (di 6,871.00
(for Muhuri Irrigation Project). gyûwi Bwi‡Mkb cÖ‡R± cÖKí)|
4705-5133 Protection of Ramgati and Komol Nagar upazila and j¶xcyi †Rjvi AšZM©Z ivgMwZ I KgjbMi Dc‡Rjv Ges 3,570.00
adjacent areas under Lakshmipur district from the ZrmsjMœ GjvKv‡K †gNbv b`xi Ae¨vnZ fv½b n‡Z i¶vK‡í
continuing erosion of Meghna River (Phase-1). b`xZxi msi¶Y cÖKí (1g ch©vq)|
4705-5135 Haor Flood and Livelihood Improvement Project nvIi GjvKvq eb¨v e¨e¯’vcbv I Rxeb hvÎvi gvb Dbœqb| 20,000.00
(BWDB Part).
4705-5136 Protection of Left Bank of Meghna River through eªvþYevoxqv †Rjvi bexbMi Dc‡Rjvi gvwbKbMi GjvKvi 716.00
Bank Revetment work at Maniknagar of Nabinagar †gNbv b`xi evg Zxi cÖwZivg~jK KvR|
Upazila in Brahmanbaria District.
4705-5137 Rehabilitation of Damaged polders undr the District K·evRvi †Rjvaxb wZMÖ¯' †cvìvimg~‡ni cybe©vmb| 8,000.00
of Cox's Bazar

18/09/17 Page 70 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Water Resources
Bangladesh Water Development Board
4705-5138 Rehabilitation of BWDB infrastructures Damaged by PÆMÖvg †Rjvi evukLvjx Dc‡Rjvi †cvìvi bs 64/1G, 64/1we, 12,000.00
Natural Disaster in the Coastal Area of Polder 64/1wm, Gi mgš^q ¶wZMÖ¯’ As‡k ¯’vqx cybe©vmb|
No.64/1A, 64/1B & 64/1C at Banskhali Upazilla in
Chittagong District
4705-5139 River Bank Protection work on both Bank of Sangu &PÆMÖvg †Rjvi P›`bvBk I mvZKvwbqv Dc‡Rjvq mvs¸ I 3,500.00
Chandkhali River in Chandanaish and Upazila of Pvu`Lvjx b`xi Dfq Zxi msiY|
Chittagobg District.
4705-5140 Protectioin of the "Kuthibari" and adjacent areas of wek¦Kwe iex›`ªbv_ VvKz‡ii KzwVevox I cvk¦©eZ©x GjvKv msi‡Yi 10,000.00
Great Poet Robindranath Tagore along the Right j‡¨ cÙv b`xi Wvb Zxi msiY|
Bank of Padma River under the Kushtia District
4705-5145 Shibpur Flood Control, Drainage and Irrigation biwms`x †Rjvi wkecyi Dc‡Rjvaxb wkecyi eb¨v wbqšÎY, 1,500.00
Project under Shibpur Upazila in Narsingdi District . wb®‹vkb I †mP
4705-5146 Re-Excavation of Titas River (Upper) under eªvþYevoxqv †Rjvi AšZM©Z wZZvm b`x (Avcvi) cyb:Lbb| 3,000.00
Brahmanbaria District
4705-5147 Development of irrigation and re- excavation of ‡mP I wb®‹vkb e¨e¯'vi DbœqbK‡í Kzwgõv †Rjvi KvR©b Lvj I 252.00
Curzon canals and adjacent branches of Comilla ZrmsjMœ kvLv Lvjmg~n cybtLbb|
4705-5148 Construction of Retired Embankment including e¸ov †Rjvi mvwiqvKvw›` Dc‡Rjvaxb Kzwb©evox n‡Z P›`bvBk 10,000.00
Protection of Right Bank of the Jamuna River From ch©šZ hgybv b`xi Wvb Zxi msiY I weKí evua wbg©vY|
Kurnibari to Chandanaisha at Sariakandi Upazila in
Bogra District.
4705-5149 Protection of the Rajshahi Cadet College and cÙv b`xi fvsMb n‡Z ivRkvnx K¨v‡WU K‡jR I msjMœ 1,400.00
adjacent important establishment from the erosion of ¸iZ¡c~Y© ¯'vcbv iv|
the Padma River.
4705-5151 Southwest Area Integrated Water Resources mvD_I‡qó Gwiqv Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW IqvUvi wi‡mv‡m©m c­¨vwbs GÛ 7,000.00
Planning and Management (Phase-2) g¨v‡bR‡g›U (‡dBR-2)|
4705-5555 Implementation of dam construction and defense K·evRvi †Rjvi †UKbvd Dc‡Rjv kvncixi Øx‡c †cvìvi bs 4,500.00
work in Sea-Dike part of Polder No. 68 on Shahpiree 68 Gi mx-WvBK As‡k evua cyb:wbg©vY I cÖwZiv KvR
Island, Teknaf upazila of Cox's Bazar district. ev¯Zevqb|
4705-6010 Buriganga River Restoration (New eywoM½v b`x cybiy×vi cÖKí (bZzb 6,000.00
Dholeshori-Pungli-Bongshi-Turag-Buriganga River a‡jk¦ix-cysjx-eskvB-ZzivM-eywoM½v wifvi wm‡÷g)|
4705-8050 Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and Restoration Bg †R©Ýx 2007 mvB‡K¬vb wiKfvix GÛ †i‡÷v‡ikb cÖ‡R± 17,860.00
Project (ECRRP) (BWDB Part) (BwmAviAviwc) (weWwe­DwWwe cvU©) (1g ms‡kvwaZ)|
4705-8200 Gazner Bill Link River Excavation , Development of cvebv †Rjvi myRvbMi Dc‡Rjvi MvRbvi we‡ji ms‡hvM b`x 6,000.00
Irrigation Facilities and Fish Cultivation Project at Lbb, †mP myweavi Dbœqb Ges grm¨ Pvl cÖKí (evcvD‡ev
Sujanagar Upazilla in Pabna District (BWDB part). Ask)|
4705-8260 Procurement of Dragger and Relevant Machine evsjv‡`‡ki b`x †WªwRs Gi Rb¨ †WªRvi I Avbylw½K hšÎcvwZ 15,000.00
Tools for Dragging River of Bangladesh. µq|
4705-8310 Char Development and Settlement-4 (BWDB). Pi †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ †m‡Uj‡g›U cÖKí-4 5,107.00
(wmwWGmwc-4)-evcvD‡ev Ask|
4705-9160 Tista Barage Project ((Phase-2). wZ¯v e¨v‡iR cÖKí (2q ch©vq)| 2,000.00
4705-9324 Kalani - Kusiyara River Management Project. Kvjbx-Kzwkqviv b`x e¨e¯’'vcbv cÖKí| 5,000.00
4705-9589 Pre-Monsoon flood Protection and Drainage nvIi GjvKvq AvMvgeb¨v cÖwZ‡iva I wb®‹vkb cÖKí| 7,500.00
Improvement in Haor Areas.
Water Resources Planning Organization (WARPO)
4705-5054 Feasibility Study and Detailed Engineering Design of wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW GÛ wW‡UBì BwÄwbqvwis wWRvBb Ae eªœcyÎ 950.00
Brahmaputra Barrage. e¨v‡iR|

18/09/17 Page 71 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Water Resources
Bangladesh Haor & Wetlands Dev. Board
4731-5000 Study for Investigation and Expansion of Ground ÷vwW di Bb‡fw÷‡Mkb GÛ G·cvbkb Ae MÖvDÛ IqvUvi 500.00
Water Irrigation in Habiganj , Moulavi bazar , Sylhet , Bwi‡Mkb Bb nweMÄ, ‡gŠjfxevRvi, wm‡jU, mybvgMÄ,
Sunamganj, Netrokona and Kishoreganj Disctricts. †b·Kvbv GÛ wK‡kviMÄ wWw÷ª±|
4731-5001 Impact Assessment of Structural Intervention in HaorBgc¨v± G¨v‡mm‡g›U Ae ÷ªvKPvivj Bb‡fbkb Bb nvIi 208.00
Ecosystem and Innovation for Solution. B‡Kvwm‡÷g GÛ G‡bv‡fkb di mwjDkb
4731-5002 Study of Interaction Between Haor and River ÷vwW B›Uv‡iKkb weUzBb nvIi GÛ wifvi B‡Kvwm‡÷g BKzwWs 2,000.00
Ecosystem Including Development of Wetland †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae I‡qej¨vÛ Bb‡fbUix GÛ I‡qUj¨vÛ
Inventory and Westland Management Framework. g¨v‡bR‡g›U †d"gIqvK|

18/09/17 Page 72 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Food
Ministry's Own
4801-5012 Institutionalization of Food Safety in Bangladesh for B›mwUwUDkbvjvB‡Rkb Ae dzW †mdwU Bb evsjv‡`k †mdvi 1,629.00
Safer Food. dzW|
Directorate of Food
4831-5015 Construction of Modern Food Godowns Project. AvaywbK Lv`¨ msi¶bvMvi cÖKí| 20,000.00
4831-6041 Construction of 1.05 Lakh Metric Ton Capacity New Kb÷ªvkb Ae 1.05 j †gt Ub K¨vcvwmwU wbD dzW †MvWvDÝ| 20,695.00
Food Godowns.

18/09/17 Page 73 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief
Ministry's Own
4901-5037 Project for Procurement of Saline Water Treatment cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae m¨vjvBb IqvUvi wUªU‡g›U c­¨v›Æ (2 Ub 60.00
Plant (2 ton truck mounted). gvD‡›UW) cÖKí|
Directorate of Disaster Management
4932-5001 Procurement of Equipment for Search and Rescue cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae BKzBc‡g›U di mvP© GÛ †imwKD Acv‡ikb 1,113.00
Operation for Earthquake and other. di Av_©‡Kv‡qW GÛ Av`vi |
4932-5002 Construction of Bridges/Culverts more or less 15 MÖvgxY iv¯Zvq Kg-‡ekx 15 wgUvi ˆ`‡N¨©i †mZz/KvjfvU© 90,000.00
meter long on Rural Roads. wbg©vY|
4932-5003 Construction of Multipurpose Cyclone Shelters in DcK~jxq I N~wY©So cÖej GjvKvq eûg~Lx N~wY©So AvkÖq‡K›`ª 25,000.00
Coastal Areas and Cyclone Prone Areas (2nd wbg©vY (2q ch©vq)|
4932-5004 Construction of Herring Bone Bond (HBB) Road for MÖvgxY gvwUi iv¯Zvmgyn †UKmBKi‡Yi j‡¨ †nwis †evb eÛ 15,160.00
Sustainable Rural Earthen Road (GBPwewe) KiY|
4932-5035 Strengthening of the Ministry of Disaster †÷ªs‡`wbs Ae `¨v wgwbwóª Ae wWRvóvi †g‡bR‡g›U GÛ wiwjd 5,040.00
Management and Relief Programm. (Gg. I. wW. Gg. Avi) †cÖvMÖvg G¨vWwgwb‡óªkb|
4932-5043 Urban Resilience Project (DDM Part). Avievb wiwRwj‡qÝ cÖKí (wWwWGg Ask)| 2,200.00

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Road Transport and Highways Division
Department of Roads and Highways
5041-5001 Development of Sonepur (Noakhali-Sonagaz (Feni) ‡mvbvcyi (‡bvqvLvjx-‡mvbvMvRx (‡dbx)-‡RviviMÄ (PÆMÖvg) 5,943.00
joraraganj (Chittagong) Road . moK Dbœqb|
5041-5005 Western Bangladesh Bridge Improvement. I‡qóvb© evsjv‡`k eªxR Bgcyªf‡g›U| 45,537.00
5041-5006 Bangladesh-Myanmar alliance road evsjv‡`k-gvqvbgvi ˆgwÎ moK (evjyLvjx-Nybayg) eW©vi †ivW 432.00
(balukhali-ghunadhum) Border Road Construction. wbg©vY|
5041-5007 Construction of Matarabari coal-based Power Plant gvZvievox Kqjv wbf©i we`y¨r Drcv`b †K‡›`ªi ms‡hvM moK 12,203.00
link Road. wbg©vY|
5041-5008 Turning Simplification from indrapula to cakrasala of XvKv-PÆMÖvg-K·evRvi gnvmo‡Ki B›`ªcyj n‡Z Pµkvjv 3,285.00
Dhaka-Chittagong-Cox's Bazar highway. ch©šZ evuK mijxKiY|
5041-5009 Expansion and Durable of ev‡KiMÄ-cv`ªxwkecyi-KvuVvjZjx-mywe`Lvjx-ei¸bv moK 11,079.00
Bakergonj-Padrishibpur-Khathaltali-Shubidhakhali-B cÖk¯ZKiY I gReywZKiY|
arguna Road.
5041-5048 Development of Faridpur (Badarpur) Muksudpur dwi`cyi (e`icyi)-mvj_v-‡mvbvcyi-gyKmy`cyi moK Dbœqb| 4,200.00
salatha-Sonepur Road .
5041-5052 Improvement of Nilphamari-jaldhaka Road. bxjdvgvix-RjXvKv moK Dbœqb| 2,000.00
5041-5062 Construction of Inter-district Roads: Mymensingh AvšZ:‡Rjv mxgvšZ moK wbg©vYt gqgbwmsn I †b·Kvbv| 6,000.00
and Netrokona.
5041-5066 Construction of 282558 meter PC girder at 7 th gqgbwmsn-MdiMuvI †UvK mo‡Ki 72Zg wK‡jvwgUv‡i evbvi 2,000.00
kilometer on the Baanar river of Mymensingh b`xi Dci 282.558 wgUvi `xN© wcwm MvW©vi †mZzwbg©vY|
Gafargaon highway.
5041-5071 Development of Jhenaidah - Chuyadanga - wSbvB`n-PyqvWvs&Mv-‡g‡nicyi-gywRebMi moK Dbœqb| 18,192.00
Meherpur - Mujibanagara Road.
5041-5115 Development of Sarail-Alfadanga-Kashani mmªvBj-AvjdvWv½v-Kvwkqvbx mo‡Ki Dbœqbmn dwi`cyi 7,000.00
along with development of Faridpur (Maijakandi) (gvBRKvw›`)-‡evqvjgvix-‡MvcvjMÄ (fvwUqvcvov) mo‡Ki
Boyalamari-Gopalganj (Bhatiapara) Roads. Dbœqb|
5041-5141 Support to mv‡cvU© Uz Rq‡`eci-‡`eMÖvg-fzjZv-g`bcyi moK (XvKv 6,000.00
Jayadebapara-Debgram-Bhulta-Madanpur Road evBcvm) wcwcwc cÖKí|
(Dhaka Bypass) PPP projects.
5041-5145 Development of Ashashuni-Paikgasa Road including gvwbKLvjx-‡mZz wbg©vYmn Avkvïwb-cvBKMvQv moK Dbœqb| 5,174.00
Construction of Manikkhali Bridge.
5041-5150 Development and widened the Road of National RvZxq gnvmoK Gb-8 Gi fziNvUv-iwekvj-‡jeyLvjx †mZz 4,500.00
Highway N-8 bhuraghata-Bariisal-lebukhali bridges . ch©šZ moK Dbœqb I cÖk¯ZKiY|
5041-5151 Development of Madaripur (Mostaphapur) - from gv`vixcyi (†gv¯Zdvcyi)- fvqv KvwRi‡UK eªxR n‡Z kixqZcyi 6,699.00
kajiratek Bridge to Shariatpur Road into 4 Lane. moKwU 4 †j‡b DbœxZKiY|
5041-5167 Construction of Satkhira City Bypass Road including ‡fvgiv ¯’je›`i ms‡hvMmn mvZ¶xiv kni evBcvm moK 7,233.00
Bhumra Land Port Link. wbg©vY|
5041-5170 mprovement of Ruma-Bogalake-Kaocaradong Road iygv-eMv‡jK-‡KIµvWs moK Dbœqb (1g ch©vq) | 1,936.00
(1st Phase).
5041-5171 Construction of Kushtia Town Bypass Road. Kzwóqv kni evBcvm moK wbg©vY| 1,500.00
5041-5175 Construction of 3rd Shitalakhya Bridge at Bandar bvivqbM‡Äi e›`i Dc‡Rjvq 3q kxZj¶¨v †mZz wbg©vY| 7,120.00
Upazilla in Narayangonj
5041-5178 Baniachang-Azmarigonj Road. evwbqvPs-AvRwgixMÄ moK wbg©vY| 5,816.00
5041-5180 Shibaloy-Noyarkandi-Balla-Horirampur Road wkevjq-bqviKvw›`-evj­v-nwiivgcyi moK Dbœqb| 864.00
5041-5181 Gaibandha-Phulchari-Bhatkhali-Saghata Road. MvBevÜv-dzjQwo-fiZLvjx-mvNvUv moK| 4,474.00
5041-5190 Construction of Sadullapur-Pirgonj-Madargonj Road. mv`j­vcyi-cxiMÄ-gv`viMÄ moK wbg©vY| 5,000.00
5041-5191 Construction of 219.456m PC Girder Bridge XvKv-wm‡jU gnvmo‡Ki 92Zg wK‡jvwgUv‡i 219.456 wgUvi 2,001.00
(Shahabazpur Setu) at 92th KM of Dhaka-Sylhet `xN© wcwm MvW©vi †mZz (mvnvevRcyi †mZz) wbg©vY|
Highway Road.

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Road Transport and Highways Division
Department of Roads and Highways
5041-5196 Devlopment of Ujanpur- Bajitpur-Austogram Road DRvbPi-evwRZcyi-AóMÖvg moK Dbœqb (evwRZcyi-AóMÖvg 1,845.00
(Bajitpur-Austogram). Ask)|
5041-5197 Development of Kishorgonj -Karimgonj-Mithamain wK‡kviMÄ-KwigMÄ-PvgovNvU-wgVvgBb moK Dbœqb 5,153.00
Road (Chamraghat-Mithamain Part) (PvgovNvU-wgVvgBb Ask)|
5041-5201 Sylhet-Sunamgonj Development Project. wm‡jU-mybvgMÄ moK Dbœqb| 4,000.00
5041-5206 Construction of Borotakia (Abu Torab) to Mirarshari eoZvwKqv (Avey †Zvive) †_‡K wg‡iimivB wBwc‡RW ms‡hvM 4,000.00
EPZ connecting Road. moK wbg©vY|
5041-5207 Expansion of Dinajpur-Chirirbandar-Parbotipur w`bvRcyi-wPwiie›`i-cve©Zxcyi moK cÖk¯'ZKiY| 2,450.00
5041-5208 Cross-Border Road Network Improvement Project µm-eW©vi †ivW †bUIqvK© BgcÖyf‡g›U cÖ‡R± (evsjv‡`k)| 36,748.00
5041-5209 Widening of the Magura Town Part of National RvZxq gnvmoK (Gb-7) Gi gv¸ov kni As‡ki ivgbMi †gvo 3,000.00
Highway (N-7) from Ramnagar Intersection to n‡Z Avevjcyi ch©šZ moK cÖk¯ZKiY
5041-5211 Improvement of Jatrabari Intersection (Including XvKv-Lyjbv (Gb-5) gnvmo‡Ki hvÎvevox B›Uvi †mKkb †_‡K 310,000.00
Equria-Babubazar Link Road) to Patchchar-Bhanga (BKzwiqv-eveyevRvi wjsK moKmn) gvIqv ch©šZ Ges
Through Mawa Road of Dhaka-Khulna (N-5) cvuPPi-fv½v Ask axiMwZi hvbevn‡bi Rb¨ c„_K †jbmn
Highway to 4 Lane with Separate Lane for Slow 4-‡j‡b DbœxZKiY
Moving Vehicle.
5041-5213 Chandpur-Nannpur-Chandra-Kamtabazar-Zod-1412 Pvu`cyi-bvbcyi-P›`ªv-KvgZvevRvi-ivgMÄ mo‡Ki †RW-1412) 1,140.00
of Ramganj Road) Residuary (Chandpur division Aewkóvsk (Pvu`cyi Ask)Dbœqb|
part ) Development
5041-5216 simpleness the dangerous turning of ‡mvbvnvU-KweinvU-‡Kv¤cvbxMÄ (emyinvU)-`vMbf~uBqv moK 930.00
Sonahat-Kabirhat-Companiganj (Basurhat) - Gi wec`RbK evuK mijxKiY|
Danganvuya road .
5041-5217 Strengthening and Expansion of wSbvB`n-nwiYvKzÛ moK Dbœqb Ges mvwK©U nvDR wjsK †ivW 3,759.00
Jhenaidah-Harinakund road development and circuit gReywZKiY I cÖk¯'KiY|
house link road.
5041-5219 Development of Itna- Baraibari -Chamraghat Road BUbv-eoBevox-PvgovNvU moK Dbœqb (†RW-3623)| 1.00
5041-5231 Construction of Paira Bridge (Lebokhali Bridge) over ewikvj-cUzqvLvjx gnvmo‡K cvqiv b`xi Dci cvqiv †mZz 27,956.00
the Paira River on the Barisal-Patuakhali Highway. (†jeyLvjx †mZz) wbg©vY|
5041-5234 Greater Dhaka Sustainable Urban Transport Project †MÖUvi XvKv mvm‡UBb¨ve&j Avievb Uªv݇cvU© cÖ‡R± (weAviwU 69,206.00
(BRT Gazipur-Airport). MvRxcyi-Gqvi‡cvU©)|
5041-5236 Horshpur Bypass road from Banlighariya upazila, nwikcyi evBcvm †gvo n‡Z eb‡ejNwiqv †gvo ch©šZ bv‡Uvi 1,500.00
including the main road of Natore city, expanding the kn‡ii cÖavb mo‡Ki wgwWqvbmn †cf‡g›U cÖk¯'KiY
5041-5238 Construction of Khulna Lyjbv (Mj­vgvix)-ewUqvNvUv-`v‡Kvc-bwjqvb d‡i÷ moK 1,777.00
(Gallamari)-Batiaghata-Dacope-Nalian Forest Road. wbg©vY|
5041-5241 SASEC Road Connectivity : Improvement of mv‡mK †ivW Kv‡bw±wfwU t BgcÖyf‡g›U Ae 85,000.00
Joydebpur-Chandra-Elenga Road to 4-Lane Rq‡`ecyi-P›`ªv-Uv½vBj-G‡j½v †ivW Uz 4-‡jBb nvBI‡q
Highway. cÖKí|
5041-5242 Rehabilitation of Existing Bridges and Construction 2q KuvPcyi, †gNbv, †MvgZx †mZz wbg©vY Ges we`¨gvb †mZz 179,100.00
of 2nd Kachpur, Meghna Bridge. mg~‡ni cybe©vmb|
5041-5244 Technical Assistance for Detailed Study & Design of ‡UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡UÝ di wW‡UBì ÷vwW GÛ wWRvBb Ae 750.00
Dhaka-Chittagong Express Way on PPP Basis XvKv-wPUvMvs G·‡cÖm I‡q Ab wcwcwc †ewmm|
5041-5249 Construction of Railway Overpass at Shasangacha Kzwgj­v kn‡ii kvmb MvQvq †ijI‡q Ifvicvm wbg©vY | 2,000.00
of Comilla City.

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Road Transport and Highways Division
Department of Roads and Highways
5041-5251 Construction of Railway Overpass over the Maurail eªvþYevwoqv kn‡ii ‡gŠovBj †ijµwms-Gi Dci †ijI‡q 2,202.00
Railcrossing of Brahmanbaria City. Ifvicvm wbg©vY|
5041-5260 Construction of 44.02 meter long Sachar bridge and ‡MŠixcyi-KPzqv-nvRxMÄ mo‡K evuK mijxKiYmn 44.02 wgUvi 2,265.00
4 RCC culvert with turning simplification on `xN© mvPvi †mZz Ges 4wU Aviwmwm KvjfvU© wbg©vY
Gouripur-Kachua-Haziganj road
5041-5266 Construction of 4-Lane Flyover at Bhulta, XvKv- wm‡jU gnvmo‡Ki fzjZvq 4-‡jb wewkó dvBIfvi 10,164.00
Narayangonj on Dhaka-Sylhet National Highway. wbg©vY|
5041-5270 Zak-1405 of Lakshmipur-Char-Alexander-Sonapur jxcyi-PiAv‡jKRvÛvi-‡mvbvcyi †Rjv gnvmo‡Ki 2,090.00
district highway) Construction of Cheyukhi Bridge †RW-1405) 6ô wK‡jvwgUv‡i wcqvivcyi †mZz I 52 Zg
with 6 km to Pirojpur Bridge and 52 km in Chemukhi wK‡jvwgUv‡i †PDqvLvjx †mZz wbg©vY|
5041-5275 Shyangganj-Jaria-Birishiri-Durgapur district highway k¨vgMÄ-Rvwiqv-wewiwkwi-`~M©vcyi †Rjv gnvmoK‡K RvZxq 6,000.00
is the national highway development. gnvmoK gv‡b Dbœqb|
5041-5279 Replacement of 03 Bailey Bridge Replacements (2 e¸ov-mvwiqvKvw›` mo‡Ki 03wU †eBjx †mZz 1,463.00
Tents, 1 Culvert) and 1 Damaged RCC Bridge on cÖwZ¯'vcb(2wU‡mZz, 1wU KvjfvU©) I 1wU wZMÖ¯' Aviwmwm †mZz
Bogra-Sariakandi Road. cyb:wbg©vY|
5041-5280 Bridge Management Capacity Development. eªxR g¨v‡bR‡g›U K¨vcvwmwU †W‡fjc‡g›U| 1,329.00
5041-5282 Construction of bridge over Kushiara River at cvMjv-RMbœv_cyi-†KivbxMÄ-AvDkKvw›` gnvmo‡Ki ivYxM‡Ä 4,500.00
Raniganj Highways of Kzwkqviv b`xi Dci †mZy wbg©vY|
5041-5283 Construction of Matlab Bridge over Matlab River. gZje G abv‡Mv`v b`xi Dci eªxR (gZje †mZy) wbg©vY| 1,611.00
5041-5285 Construction of Madan-Khaliajuri submergible road g`b-LvwjqvSzwo mvegvwR©ej moK wbg©vY Ges †b·KvYv 2,706.00
and construction of PC Girder bridge over Balai g`b-LvwjqvRywo mo‡Ki 37Zg wK‡jvwgUvi evjvB b`xi Dci
River at 37th km of Netrokona-Madan-Khalijuri road. wcwm MvW©vi ‡mZy wbg©vY|
5041-5286 Widening and Improvement of Jamalpur-Madarganj Rvgvjcyi-gv`viMÄ moK cÖk¯KiY I gnReyZxKiY| 480.00
5041-5287 Construction of PC Girder bridge RCC Girder bridge LvMovQwo †Rjvi wewfbœ mo‡K wcwc MvW©vi †mZy, Aviwmwm †mZy 10,000.00
and RCC Box Culvert in different Roads in Ges Aviwmwm e· KvjfvU© wbg©vY|
Khagrachari Zilla under Khagrachari Road Division.
5041-5291 Improvement of Airport Bypass wegvb e›`i evBcvm B›Uvi‡mKkb-jvjevM-mvjywUKi-‡Kv 8,000.00
Intersection-Lalbagh-Salutikor-Companygonj-Bholag ¤cvbxMÄ-‡fvjvMÄ moK‡K RvZxq gnvmo‡K DbœxZKiY|
onj Road as National Highway.
5041-5293 Finishing the remaining works of the bridge over the ‡Mvwe›`MÄ-QvZK-‡`vqvivevRvi mo‡K myigv b`xi Dci QvKZ 3,500.00
Surma river on Gobindaganj-Chhatak-Doara Bazar ‡mZzi Aewkó KvR mgvßKiY|
5041-5295 Construction of Itna-Mithamain-Austagram Road BUbv-wgVvgBb-AóMÖvg moK wbg©vY| 15,000.00
5041-5296 Construction a478,171 m Long PC Girder Bridge at ‡mvbvMvRx-IjvgvevRvi-Pi`i‡ekcyi-‡Kv¤cvbxMÄ moK 6ô 2,247.00
6th km over Choto Feni River at wK‡jvwgUv‡i †QvU †dbx b`xi Dci 478.171 wgUvi wcwm
Sonagazi-Olamabazar-Chardarbeshpur-Companigo MvW©vi †mZz wbg©vY|
nj Road.
5041-5297 Construction of Mahipala flyover. gwncvj dvBIfvi wbg©vY| 2,589.00
5041-5298 Development of Dinajpur-Birol-pakura-Radhikapur w`bvRcyi-weij-cvKziv-ivwaKvcyi (weij ¯'je›`i) moK 2,660.00
(Birol Land Port) Road. Dbœqb|
5041-5299 Construction a bridge over the river Shitalakha. at MvRxcyi-AvRgZcyi-BUv‡Lvjv mo‡Ki Piwm›`y‡i kxZjv b`xi 4,731.00
carasindure ofGazipur-ajamatapur-Itakhola road Dci †mZz wbg©vY|
5041-5319 C onstruction of 93,644-m Long, 4-lane PC Girder eoevox-jvjgwbinvU-eyoxgvix RvZxq gnvmo‡Ki (Gb-509) 433.00
Bridge (Sharnamoti bridge) over theSati River at 20Zg w K‡jvwgUv‡i 93.644 wgUvi `xN© 4 †jb wcwm MvW©vi
20th km of Borobari-Lalmonirhat-Burimari Road.. †mZz (¯^Y©gZx †mZz) wbg©vY|

18/09/17 Page 77 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Road Transport and Highways Division
Department of Roads and Highways
5041-5323 Expansion and make strong of ebMvuI-bybœx-nvwZcvMvi moK cÖk¯ZKiY I gReywZKiY| 1,508.00
Bengal-Nunni-Hatipagara Road.
5041-5324 Technical Assistance for sub-rigional Road ‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ di mve-wiwRIbvj †ivW Uªv݇cvU© cÖ‡R 1,423.00
Transport Project Preparatory Facility (SRTPPF-2). ± wcÖcv‡iUix d¨vwmwjwU (GmAviwUwcwcGd-2)|
5041-5326 Construction of Cox's Bazar-Teknaf Marine Drive K·evRvi-‡UKbvd-‡gwib WªvBf moK wbg©vY (wkjLvjx †_‡K 1.00
Road- (from Silakhali to Teknaf) (3rd phase). †UKbvd) (3q ch©vq)|
5041-5327 Development of Khulna (rupasa) Lyjbv (iƒcmv)-kÖxdjZjv-‡ZiLv`v moK (†RW-7041) 430.00
Sriphalatala-Terokhada Road (Z -7041) . Dbœqb|
5041-5328 Development of Nazirhat-maijabhandara Road bvwRinvU-gvBRfvÛvi moK Dbœqb (†RW-1620)| 1,031.00
5041-5335 Sasek Road Link Project-2: Upgradation of mv‡mK moK ms‡hvM cÖKí-2 t G‡j½v-nvwUKvgiyj-iscyi 154,645.00
Alenga-Hatikamrul-Rangpur Highway in four lanes. gnvmoK Pvi †j‡b DbœxZKiY|
5041-5336 Construction of 03 PC girder bridges on Rvgvjcyi-gv`viMÄ mo‡K 03wU wcwm MvW©vi †mZz wbg©vY| 2,000.00
Jamalpur-Madarganj road.
5041-5337 The Kutubdia-Azam district highway (Z-1076) and NywY©So †ivqvby wZMÖ¯' KzZzew`qv-AvRg †Rjv gnvmoK 1,000.00
the Ektabazar-Pohrchand-pekuaabazar (†RW-1076) Ges GKZvevRvi-cniPvu` †cKzqvevRvi
Magnamghat district highway affected by the gMbvgvNvU †Rjv gnvmoK|
cyclone roanu.
5041-5339 Construction of 180.373 meters of bridge over T PÆMÖvg †Rjvi RivRxY© I msKxY© Kvjvicyj-Iwnw`qv †mZzi 1,000.00
Dilapidated and Narrow Colorful-Ohidia Bridge in ¯'‡j 180.373 wgUvi †mZz wbg©vY|
Chittagong District
5041-5341 Upgradation into National Highway from Shaheed U½x-KvwjMÄ-‡Nvovkvj-cvuP‡`vbv mo‡Ki knx` g‡qRDwÏb 2,931.00
Moyezuddin Bridge of †mZz n‡Z cvuP‡`vbv ch©šZ Ask‡K RvZxq gnvmo‡K
Tongi-Kaliganj-Ghorashal-Panchdona road to DbœxZKiY|
Panchadona .
5041-5342 Barisal-Jhalakathi-Rajapur-Bhandaria-Pirojpur road ewikvj-SvjKvVx-ivRvcyi-fvÛvwiqv-wc‡ivRcyi mo‡Ki (Avi 1,000.00
(R 870) 46th km: Construction of a PC Gerdar bridge870) 46 Zg wK:wg: G †cvbvb`xi Dci wcwm MvW©vi †mZz
on the river of Ponnadi. wbg©vY|
5041-5343 Replacement by permanent concrete bridge (1st gywÝMÄ moK wefvMvaxb SzwKc~Y© †mZzmg~n ¯'vqx KswµU †mZz 5,000.00
stage) of the damaged bridges under Munshiganj Øviv cÖwZ¯'vcb (1g ch©vq)|
5041-5344 Collection of Tools and equipment for construction, moK AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY, †givgZ I iYv‡e‡Yi Rb¨ miÄvg I 31,358.00
repair and maintenance of road infrastructure. hšGcwvZ msMÖn|
5041-5345 Re-Construction of Mahalchari- gnvjQwo-wm›`yKQwo-Rvwjqvcvov moK cybtwbg©vY (1g ch©vq)| 1.00
Sinndukchari-Zaliapara Road.
5041-5346 Panchdona-Danga-Palash (Ghorashal) road cvuP‡`vbv-Wv½v-cjvk(‡Nvovkvj) moK 10,873.00
development (Panchdona-Danga-Islampur ferry Dbœqb(cvuP‡`vbv-Wv½v-Bmjvgcyi †LqvNvU Ask)|
5041-5347 Improvement of Highway from Ramrail Bridge eªvœYevoxqv kn‡ii ivgivBj eªxR G‡cÖvP †_‡K cywbqU †gvo 1,500.00
aproach to Puniat intersection of Brahmanbaria ch©šZ gnvmoK RvZxq gnvmoKgv‡b I cÖk¯ZZvq
Town in to national highway standard and width. DbœxZKiY|
5041-5348 Improvement of Important Regional Highways to ¸iyZ¡c~Y© AvÂwjK gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I cªk¯ZZvq 7,000.00
appropriate level and Width (Gopalganj Zone) DbœxZKiY (‡MvcvjMÄ †Rvb)|
5041-5349 Development of Alikadam- AvjxK`g-Rvjvbxcvov-KiyKcvZv †cvqvgyûix moK Dbœqb| 8,515.00
Zalanipara-Kurukpata-Poamuri road.
5041-5352 Improving the Jessore-Benapole National Highway h‡kvi-‡ebv‡cvj RvZxq gnvmoK (Gb-706) h_vh_gv‡b I 4,000.00
to appropriate level and width cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY|
5041-5353 Improvement of Important Regional Highways to ¸iyZ¡c~Y© AvÂwjK gnvmoK h_vh_ gvb I cÖk¯ZZvq 10,000.00
appropriate level and Width (Dhaka Zone) DbœxZKiY (XvKv †Rvb)|

18/09/17 Page 78 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Road Transport and Highways Division
Department of Roads and Highways
5041-5354 Improvement of Hemayetpur- Singair-Manikganj ‡ngv‡qZcyi-wmsMvBi-gvwbKMÄ AvÂwjK gnvmoK (Avi-504) 4,500.00
Regional Highway Road (R-504) to Appropriate h_vh_gv‡b I cÖk¯ZZvq DbœxZKiY|
Level and Width
5041-5355 Improvement of Jessore portion (Palbari to Rajgha h‡kvi-Lyjbv RvZxq gnvmo‡Ki h‡kvi As‡k (cvjevox n‡Z 6,567.00
protion) of Jessore-khulna National Highway to ivRNvU Ask) h_vh_gv‡b DbœxZKiY|
appropriate level Standard
5041-5356 Construction of Bridge over Nabaganga River at bovBj-Kvwjqv †Rjv gnvmo‡Ki 21Zg wK‡jvwgUv‡i Kvwjqv 2,000.00
21th km of Narail-Kalia District Road bvgK ¯'v‡b beM½v b`xi Dci Kvwjqv †mZz wbg©vY|
5041-5357 Construction of a 500m Long Bridge over Changi eMvQwo-bvwbqviPi-jsM`y mo‡Ki 10g wKt wgt G †PsMx b`xi 4,485.00
River at 10th KM of Bogachari-Naniachar-Langadu Dci 500 wgUvi `xN© †mZz wbg©vY|
5041-9092 Construction of Third Karnaphuli Bridge. Z…Zxq KY©dzjx †mZz wbg©vY| 16,253.00
Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation
5005-5002 Bus collection for BRTC. weAviwUwmÕi Rb¨ evm msMÖn| 6,738.00
5005-5003 Truck collection for BRTC. weAviwUwmÕi Rb¨ UªvK msMÖn| 19,796.00
Dhaka Transport Co-ordination Authority (DTCA)
5005-5000 Dhaka Integreted Traffic Management Project. XvKv Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW UªvwdK g¨v‡bR‡g›U cÖ‡R±| 1,677.00
5005-5001 Technical Assistance to Dhajka Transport ‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ Uz XvKv Uªv݇cvU© †Kv-AwW©‡bkb 917.00
Co-ordination Authority. A_wiwU|
5005-5004 Dhaka Metro Project Preparatory Technical XvKv †g‡Uªv cÖ‡R± wcÖcv‡iUix †UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›U | 1,190.00
5005-5014 Estabalising of Clearing House for intigreting G÷vewjwms Ad wKqvwis nvDR di Bw›U‡MÖwUs Uªv݇cvU© 711.00
Transport Ticketing System in Dhaka City Area. wU‡KwUs wm‡÷g Bb XvKv wmwU Gwiqv|
5005-5236 Dhaka Mass Transit Development Project. XvKv g¨vm UªvbwRU †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R±| 342,583.00

18/09/17 Page 79 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Railway
Bangladesh Railway
5131-5000 Rehabilitation and Improvement of Estarn Gates evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi c~e©v‡ji †j‡fj µwms †MBUmg~‡ni 3,100.00
level Crossings of Bangladesh Railway . cybe©vmb I gvb Dbœqb|
5131-5002 Rehabilitation and Improvement of Western Gates evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cwðgv‡ji †j‡fj µwms †MBUmg~‡ni 2,500.00
level Crossings of Bangladesh Railway . cybe©vmb I gvb Dbœqb|
5131-5003 Construction of a 'B' class stations for Hi-Tech Park nvB-‡UK cv‡K©i Rb¨ wgR©vcyi I †gŠPvK ‡÷k‡bi ga¨eZ©x 909.00
Station in Mirzapur and middle Kaliakair Mowchak Kvwjqv‰Ki-G GKwU ÕweÕ Kvm ‡÷kb wbg©vY|
5131-5006 Collection Bangladesh Railway meter gauge and evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ wgUvi †MR I eªW †MR c¨v‡mÄvi 1,786.00
broad gauge passenger carriages. K¨v‡iR msMÖn|
5131-5008 Collection of Bangladesh Railway locomotive relief evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ ‡jv‡Kv‡gvwUf wiwjd †µb Ges 13,800.00
Crane and locomotive Simulator. †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf wmgy‡jUi msMÖn|
5131-5009 Technical Assistance for Dhaka-Chittagong-Cox's XvKv-PÆMÖvg-K·evRvi †ij cÖKí cÖ¯'wZg~jK myweavi Rb¨ 2,763.00
Bazar Rail Project Preparatory Facility KvwiMix mnvqZv|
5131-5011 Sector Development Bangladesh Railway under GwWwe'i †m‡KÛ wcGdAvi -Gi AvIZvq evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi 2,460.00
ADB's 2nd PFR (Upgrading of Signalling at 11 †m±i Dbœqb (`k©bv-Ck¦iw` ‡mKk‡bi 11wU †÷k†bi wmMbvwjs
Stations between Ishwardi-Darshana). e¨e¯’vi gv‡bvbœqb K‡¤“v‡b›U)|
5131-5012 Sector Development Bangladesh Railway under GwWwe'i †m‡KÛ wcGdAvi -Gi AvIZvq evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi 795.00
ADB's 2nd PFR (Technical Assistance for †m±i Dbœqb (mycviwfkb civgk©K †mevi Rb¨ KvwiMix mnvqZv
Supervision Consultancy Services). K‡¤ov‡b›U)|
5131-5013 Replacement and Modernization of the Existing evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi ce©v‡ji wPbwK Av¯vbv-PUªMÖvg †mKk‡bi 6,537.00
Railway Signalling System at 11 Stations of Chinki 11wU †÷k‡b we`¨gvb wmMbvwjs e¨e¯’vi cÖwZ¯’vcb I
Astana-Chittagong Section of Bangladesh Railway inAvaywbKxKiY|
East Zone.
5131-5014 Thorough renewal of WORN-OUT RAILS and allied evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi wPbwK Av¯vbv-AvïMÄ †mKk‡bi ¶qcÖvß 1.00
works in Chinki Astana-Ashuganj Section of †ij m¤“Y© bevqb Ges Ab¨vb¨ Avbylvw½K KvR|
Bangladesh Railway.
5131-5015 Construction of 3rd and 4th Dual Gauge Line of evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi XvKv - U½x †mKk‡bi 3q I 4_© Wz‡qj 13,565.00
Dhaka-Tongi Section and Dual Gauge Double Line †MR jvBb Ges U½x - Rq‡`ecyi †mKk‡b Wz‡qj †MR Wvej
in Tongi-Joydevpur Section of Bangladesh Railway. jvBb wbg©vY|
5131-5017 Replacement and Modernization of Signalling evsjv‡`k †iI‡qi AvïMÄ AvLvDov †mKk‡bi 3wU †÷k‡bi 852.00
System of 3 Stations between Ashugonj-Akhaura wmMb¨vwjs I B›UvijwKs e¨e¯’'vi cÖwZ¯’vcb I AvaywbKxKiY |
Section of B.R. in East Zone.
5131-5018 Expansion of existing Computer Based interlocking evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Ck¦i`x-Rq‡`ecyi †mKk‡bi 4wU †÷k‡b 2,660.00
Colour light signalling system to the newly bewbwg©Z 3q jvBb¸‡jv‡Z Kw¤“DUvi †eBWR B›UvijwKs
constructed third line at four stations of e¨e¯’vi m¤“ªviY|
Ishwardi-Joydevpur Section in West Zone of B.R.
5131-5019 Procurement of 120 nos Broad Gauge Passenger evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 120wU eªW‡MR hvÎxevnx K¨v‡iR 2,339.00
Carriages for Bangladesh Railway. msMªn|
5131-5020 Construction of Dual Gauge Double Rail Line and AvLvDov †_‡K jvKmvg ch©š Wy‡qj‡MR Wvej †ijjvBb wbg©vY 109,060.00
Conversion of existing rail line into Dual Gauge Ges we`¨gvb †ij jvBb‡K Wy‡qj‡M‡R iƒcvši|
between Akhaura and Laksam.
5131-5022 Technical assistance for SASEC Railway mv‡mK †ij †hvMv‡hvM wewb‡qvM Kvh©µ‡gi Rb¨ KvwiMix 455.00
Connectivity Investment Program. mnvqZv|
5131-5023 Construction of a Dual Gauge Line parallel to the XvKv bvivqbMÄ †mKk‡b we`¨gvb wgUvi †MR †ij jvB‡bi 12,362.00
Existing Meter Gauge Line in Dhaka-Narayangonj cwie‡Z© mgvšZivj GKwU Wy‡qj †MR Wvej jvBb wbg©vY|
5131-5025 Rehabilitation of 50 nos MG and 50 nos BG evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi cwðgv‡ji Rb¨ 50wU GgwR I 50wU 1,380.00
Passenger Coaches. wewR hvÎxevnx K¨v‡iR cybe©vmb |

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Railway
Bangladesh Railway
5131-5026 Technical Assistance for Capacity Development of cÖKí ev¯Zevq‡bi Rb¨ evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi `Zv Dbœq‡bi 247.00
Bangladesh Railway for Project Implementation. KvwiMix mnvqZv|
5131-5028 Rehabilitation of 100 meter gauge passenger evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 100 wgUvi †MR hvÎxevnx K¨v‡iR 1,547.00
carriages of Bangladesh Railway. cybe©vmb|
5131-5029 Padma Bridge rail link. cÙv †mZz †ij ms‡hvM| 760,981.00
5131-5030 Feasibility Study for the Construction Activities of bvivqbMÄ-Rq‡`ecyi †mKk‡b Ifvicvm/AvÛvicvm wbg©v‡Yi 581.00
Narayanganj-Joydevpur Section overpass / Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgx¶v Kvh©µg |
5131-5031 Construction of Akhaura-Agartala Dual Gauge rail AvLvDov-AvMiZjv Wz‡qj‡MR †ij ms‡hvM wbg©vY| 7,927.00
5131-5032 200 meter gauge passenger carriage collection for evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 200wU wgUvi‡MR c¨v‡mÄvi K¨v‡iR 1,015.00
Bangladesh Railway. msMÖn|
5131-5033 Feasibility study for constructing a railway line from wek` bKkv cÖYqb I `icÎ `wjj cÖ¯'Zmn fv½v Rskb 7.00
Baranga to Baridhara (Faridpur) to Paira port with (dwi`cyi) n‡Z ewikvj n‡q cvqiv e›`i ch©šZ †ijjvBb
detailed design preparation and preparation of wbg©v‡Yi Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxv|
tender documents.
5131-5034 Construction of Bangabandhu railway bridge e½eÜy †ijI‡q †mZz wbg©vY| 11,100.00
5131-5035 Feasibility study for the construction of the Dual RvbvjxnvU ‡÷kb-Pz‡qU-KvßvB ch©šZ Wz‡qj‡MR †ijjvBb 600.00
Gauge railwayline till Janihat Station-Cuet-Kaptai. wbg©v‡Yi Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxv|
5131-5036 Feasibility Sstudy and Detail Design for Construction XvKv-PÆMÖvg fvqv Kzwgõv/jvKmvg `yªZMwZi †ijc_ wbg©v‡Yi 13.00
of Dhaka-Chittagong via Comilla/Laksharn High Rb¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxv Ges wek` wWRvBb|
Speed Railway
5131-5100 Construction and Rehabilitation of cvuPzwiqv-dwi`cyi-fv½v †ijc_ cybe©vmb I wbg©vY| 501.00
Pachuria-Faridpur-Bhanga Railway.
5131-5200 Construction of Single line MG Railway Track from ‡`vnvRvix n‡Z ivgy n‡q K·evRvi Ges ivgy n‡Z gvqvbgv‡ii 156,124.00
Dohazari-Ramu-Cox's Bazar and Ramu to Gundum wbK‡U ¸b`yg ch©šZ wgUvi‡MR wms‡Mj jvBb Uª¨vK wbg©vY|
near Mayanmar .
5131-5400 Rehabilitation of Kalukhali-Bhatiapara Section and evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi KvjyLvjx-fvwUqvcvov †mKk‡bi cybe©vmb 56,530.00
Construction of Kashiani-Gopalgonj- Tungipara New Ges Kvwkqvbx-‡MvcvjMÄ-Uz½xcvov bZzb †ijc_ wbg©vY|
Rail Line.
5131-5500 Construction of New Railway Line from Ishwardi to Ck¦i`x †_‡K cvebv n‡qi XvjviPi ch©šZ bZzb †ijI‡q jvBb 16,023.00
Dhalarchar Via Pabna. cybe©vmb|
5131-5530 Rehabilitation of Laksam-Chandpur Section of evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi jvKmvg-Pvu`cyi †mKk‡bi cybe©vmb| 1,002.00
Bangladesh Railway.
5131-5540 Construction of 2nd Bhairab and 2nd Titas Bridges evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi †ijI‡q G‡cÖvPmn 2q ˆfie Ges 2q 308.00
with Approach Rail Lines. wZZvm †mZz wbg©vY|
5131-5560 Construction of Khulna-Mongla Port Rail Link wdwRwewjwU ÷vwWmn Lyjbv n‡Z gsjv †cvU© ch©šZ †ijc_ 24,600.00
Including Feasibility Study. wbg©vY|
5131-5700 Rehabilitation of Sholoshahar-Dohazari and evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi †lvjkni-‡`vnvRvix I 4,150.00
Fateabad-Nazirhat Section of Bangladesh Railway. d‡Zqvev`-bwRinvU ‡mKkb cybe©vmb|
5131-6020 Rehabilitation of Kulaura-Shahbazpur Section of evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi KzjvDov-kvnevRcyi †mKkY cybe©vmb| 9,188.00
Bangladesh Railway.
5131-6040 Procurement of 70 Nos. MG Diesel Electric (DE) evsjv‡`k †ijI‡qi Rb¨ 70wU wgUvi‡MR (GgwR) wW‡Rj 1,576.00
Locomotives for Bangladesh Railway. B‡jKwUªK (wWB) †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf msMÖn|
5131-6536 Remodeling of Khulna Railway Station & Yard and Lyjbv †ijI‡q †÷kb I BqvW© wig‡Wwjs Ges †ebv‡cvj 252.00
development of operational facilities of Benapole †ijI‡q †÷k‡bi Acv‡ikbvj myweavw`i Dbœqb
Railway Station.
5131-6538 Dhaka-Chittagong Railway Developmet XvKvÐPUªMÖvg †ijc_ Dbœqb cÖKí (cvnviZjx IqvK©kc Dbœqb 1,688.00
Project--Improvement of Pahartali Workshop Part. Ask)|

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Railway
Bangladesh Railway
5131-6640 Dhaka-Chittagong Railway Development Project XvKv-PUªMÖvg †ijc_ Dbœqb cÖKí (jvKmvg Ges wPbwK 1.00
--Track Doubling between Laksham and Chinki - Av¯Zvbvi g‡a¨ Wvej jvBb Uª¨vK wbg©vY Ask cÖKí)
Astana 1st Revised Component.
5131-9040 Bangladesh Railway Sector Improvement Project - evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q †m±i B¤“Ö“f‡g›U (cÖ‡R±-wmMb¨vwjsmn 1.00
Construction of Double line Track from Tongi to U½x-ˆfie evRvi ch©š Wvej jvBb wbg©vY Zsk)|
Bhairabbazar including Signalling (2nd Revised)
5131-9050 Bangladesh Railway Sector Improvement Projects -- evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q †m±i B¤“Ö“f‡g›U cÖ‡R± (evsjv‡`k 4,650.00
Reforms of Bangladesh Railway Component. †ijI‡q ms¯‹vi Ask) cÖKí|

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Shipping
Ministry's Own
5201-5011 Establishment of 4 Marine Academy in Bangladesh evsjv‡`‡k 4wU †gwib GKv‡Wgx ¯’vcb (cvVbv, ewikvj, wm‡jU 11,523.00
(Pathna, Barisal, Sylhet & Rangpur). I iscyi)|
Department of Shipping
5231-5000 Development of Maritime Legislation of Bangladesh. †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae †gwiUvBg †jwRm‡jkb Ae evsjv‡`k| 200.00
5231-5010 Installation of GADSS & Integrated Maritime wRGwWGmGm I Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW †gwiUvBg †bwf‡Mkb wm‡÷g 5,400.00
Navigation System. ¯’vcb|
Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA)
5205-0520 Construction of port facilities at various landing `w¶Y A‡ji wewfbœ j¨vwÛs ‡÷k‡b e›`i myweavw` wbg©vY| 1,272.00
stations in west regions.
5205-5005 Modernization of three DGPS stations, including K‡›Uªvj †÷kb I gwbUwis †÷kbmn wZbwU wWwRwcGm †÷kb 1,000.00
control stations and monitoring stations. AvaywbKxKiY|
5205-5009 Bangladesh Regional Inland Water Transportation evsjv‡`k AvÂwjK Af¨šZixY †bŠ-cwienY cÖKí-1 1,800.00
Project-1 (Construction of related facilities including (PÆMÖvg-XvKv-AvïMÄ I mshy³ †bŠc_ Lbb Ges Uvwg©bvjmn
excavation of Chittagong-Dhaka-Ashuganj and AvbylswMK ¯'vcbvw` wbg©vY|
connected waterways and terminals.
5205-5011 Feasibility Study for Development of Teknaf, Cox's wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW di ‡W‡fjc‡g›U Ae †UKbvd, K·evRvi 498.00
Bazar (Kasturaghat), Chhatak, Faridpur, Ghorashal (KmUziv NvU), QvZK, dwi`cyi, †Nvovkvj wifvi c‡q›Um;
River Points: Ferry Ghats & Jetties at Various ‡dixNvUm GÛ †RwUm G¨vU †fwiqvm †jv‡Kkbm|
5205-5012 Re-construction of RCC Jetty at Guptachhara, m›`xc¯' ¸ßQovq Aviwmwm †RwU cybtwbg©vY| 1,500.00
5205-5016 Establishment of Ship Personnel Training Institute, kxc cv‡mv©bvj †Uªwbs Bbw÷wUDU ¯’vcb, gv`vixcyi| 2,000.00
5205-5026 Capital Dredging of 53 Route of Inland Water Ways uAf¨šixY †bŠ-c‡_i 53wU i“‡U K¨vwcUvj †WªwRs (1g ch©v†q 22,800.00
(in 1st phase, 24 Route). 24wU †bŠ-c_)|
5205-5062 Collection of Helpful Machinery and Equipment 20wU †WªRvimn mnvqK hšÎcvwZ Ges miÄvgvw` msMÖn| 53,000.00
along with dredger.
5205-7320 Establishment of Ashugonj Internal Container River AvïMÄ Af¨šZixY K‡›UBbvi †bŠ e›`i ¯’vcb| 1.00
5205-7490 Dredging of 12 Important Waterways. 12wU ¸iZ¡c~Y© †bŠc_ Lbb| 10,000.00
5205-9738 Procurement of 10 Dredgers, Craneboats, Tugboats, 10wU †WªRvi, †µb‡evU, UvM‡evU, Awdmvm© nvDR‡evU I 6,288.00
Officers Houseboat and Crew Houseboats with other µz-nvBR‡evUmn Ab¨vb¨ mnvqK miÄvg/hšÎcvwZ msMÖn|
Bangladesh Land Port Authority
5205-5001 Sonahat land Port Development. ‡mvbvnvU ¯’j e›`i Dbœqb| 2,300.00
5205-5002 Construction of the head office of Bangladesh Land evsjv‡`k ¯'j e›`i KZ…©c‡i cÖavb Kvh©vjq feb wbg©vY| 100.00
Port Authority
5205-5013 Improvement of Balla Land Port. evõv ¯'j e›`i Dbœqb| 700.00
5205-5029 SASEC Road Connectivity Project: Development mv‡mK †ivW Kv‡bw±wfwU cÖ‡R±t †ebv‡cvj I e„wogvix ¯’j 3,589.00
land port of Benapole & Kurigram e›`i Dbœqb |
5205-5044 Development of Tamabil Land Port . Zvgvwej ¯’j e›`i Dbœqb| 2,900.00
Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation (BIWTC)
5205-0027 weAvBwUwmi Rb¨ 2wU wgwb BDwUwjwU ‡dwi msMÖn 781.00
5205-0517 Construciton of High-Rise Head Office Building weAvBWwe­DwUwmÕi 5bs w`jKzkv¯’ Rwg‡Z eûZj wewkó Awdm 500.00
Complex of BIWTC at 5, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka Kvg evwYwR¨K feb wbg©vY|
5205-0523 Replacement of 2 Dump Ferry by Improved K Type weAvBWweøIwUwmÕi cyivZb Wv¤^ †dwi cÖwZ¯'vcbK‡í 2wU 1,252.00
Ferry. DbœZgv‡bi †K UvBc †dwi wbg©vY

18/09/17 Page 83 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Shipping
Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation (BIWTC)
5205-0526 weAvBWweøDwUwmi WvK-3 G †gwib IqvK©kc ¯'vcb I 760.00
AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb
5205-9728 Construction of Passenger vessel for providing PÆMÖvg-m›`¡xc-nvwZqv-ewikvj i“‡U `¶ hvGx mvwf©m 1,000.00
efficient services in cwiPvjbvi j‡¶¨ hvÎxevnx RvnvR wbg©vY
Chittagong-Swandip-Hatiya-Barisal Coastal Route..
5205-9730 Procurement of 2 New Traveller's Ship for XvKv-ewikvj Af¨šZixb †bŠ-i“‡U cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ 2wU bZzb 1,500.00
Dhaka-Barisal Inland Water Rute. hvÎxevnx RvnvR msMÖn|
Mongla Port Authority
5205-5003 Collected ship carrying vessel for Mongla port. gsjv e›`‡ii Rb¨ wbm"Z ‰Zj AcmviYKvix Rjhvb msMÖn| 1,400.00
5205-5004 Capital dredging in the channels from Mongla port to gsjv e›`i n‡Z ivgcvj we`y¨r †K›`ª ch©šZ P¨v‡b‡j K¨vwcUvj 5,500.00
Rampal power plant. †WªwRs|
5205-8190 Dredging at the Outer Bar in the Pashur Channel. cïi P¨v‡b‡ji AvDUvi ev‡i †WªwRs| 1.00
Chittagong Port Authority (CPA)
5205-0515 Constructuon of CPA Hospital Complex inplace of Kb÷ªvKkb Ae wmwcGnmwcUvj mg‡c­· Bb‡cÖm Ae Gw·mwUs 560.00
existing Hospital nmwcUvj|
5205-0518 Procurement of Equipment for New Mooring cÖwKDi‡g›U Ae BKzc‡g›U di wbD gywis Kb‡UBbvi Uvwg©bvj 24,000.00
Container Terminal (NCT) (GbwmwU)|
5205-0524 Shifting and Re-construction of service Jetty located WK Awd‡mi wbK‡U Aew¯'Z mvwf©m †RwU 1bs †RwUi DRv‡b 2,500.00
near dock office to the upstream of Jetty no.1. ¯'vbvšÍic~e©K cybtwbg©vY
5205-0525 Collection A toga board with high-performance (3200D"P gZv m¤cbœ (3200 weGBPwc) GKwU UvM †evW© msMÖn| 2,000.00
Bangladesh Shipping Corporation (BSC)
5231-0003 Procurement of one Oil Tanker in 3400 DWT. 01wU AbyaŸ© 10 eQ‡ii cyivZb 31,000 wWWwe­DwU m¤cbœ 31,500.00
†cÖvWv± I‡qj U¨vsKvi µq|
5231-5064 collection of 06 (six) new ships (03 new oil product 06wU (Qq) bZzb RvnvR (03wU bZzb †cÖvWv± I‡qj U¨vsKvi I 40,500.00
tanker and 03 new bulk carriers) each almos 03wU bZzb evé K¨vwiqvi) msMÖn cÖwZwU cÖvq 39.000 wW.Wwe­
accomplished 39,000 DWT D.wU m¤cbœ|
Payra port Authority
5205-5066 Payra Deep Sea Port Operations Infrastructure / cvqiv Mfxi mgy`ª e›`‡ii Kvh©µg cwiPvjbvi j‡¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq 40,000.00
Facilities Development. AeKvVv‡gv/myweavw`i Dbœqb|

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism
Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation
5305-5000 Parki and Potenga Tourism Facilities. cviwK I c‡Z½vq ch©Ub myweavw` cÖeZ©b| 500.00
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh
5305-0001 Construction of CAAB Headquarters Complex at Kb÷ªvKkb Ae wmGGwe †nW †KvqvU©vim Kg‡c­· G¨vU nhiZ 1,000.00
Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport, Kurmitola kvnRvjvj B›Uvib¨vkbvj Gqvi‡cvU©|
Dhaka (1st revised)
5305-0004 Construction of Cargo Apron in front of Cargo Kb÷ªvKkb Ae Kv‡M©v Gdib Bb d«›U Ae Kv‡M©v Uviwgbvj 4,000.00
Terminal Building at Hazrat Shah Jalal (R:) wewìs G¨vU nhiZ kvnRvjvj B›Uvib¨vkbvj Gqvi‡cvU©|
International Airport.
5305-0006 Airport Safety and Security System Improvement in nhiZ kvnRvjvj AvšZR©vwZK wegvb e›`‡ii wbivcËv e¨e¯'vi 1,935.00
Bangladesh. Dbœq‡b civgk© I †mev cÖ`vb
5305-0007 Consultancy service for Development of Sayedpur ˆmq`cyi I ewikvj wegvbe›`i Dbœqb I LvbRvnvb Avjx 1,000.00
and Barisal Airport and Construction of Khanjahan wegvbe›`i wbg©vY cÖK‡íi civgk©K †mev (wWRvBb †dBR)
Ali Airport (Design Phase).
5305-0008 Detailed study of the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib e½eÜz †kL gywRe AvšZR©vwZK wegvb e›`i cÖK‡íi we¯ZvwiZ 5,000.00
International Airport project. mgxv|
5305-0009 Expansion of Apron (2nd phase) on the north side of nhiZ kvnRvjvj AvšZR©vwZK wegvb e›`‡i we`¨gvb G·‡cvU© 2,000.00
existing export cargo at Hazrat Shahjalal Kv‡M©vi DËi w`‡K G‡cÖvb m¤úªmviY (2q ch©vq)|
International Airport.
5305-0010 nhiZ kvnRvjvj AvšÍR©vwZK wegvbe›`‡i †Rbv‡ij Gwf‡qkb 4,000.00
n¨v½vi, n¨v½vi G‡cøvb Ges dvqvi †÷k‡bi DËi w`‡K
G‡cøvb wbg©vY
5305-5001 Construction of Khan Jahan Ali Airport . LvbRvnvb Avjx wegvb e›`i wbg©vY| 6,680.00
5305-5003 Supply and Installation of Necessary Equipment for evsjv‡`‡ki AvšZR©vwZK wegvb e›`img©‡ni wbivcËv e¨e¯'v 4,167.00
Strengthening of Bangladesh International Airport ‡Rvi`vi Kivi j‡¨ Riyix miÄvgvw` mieivn I ms¯'vcb|
Security Sistem .
5305-5004 Strengthening of Existing Taxiway, Runway of Sylhetwm‡jU Imgvbx AvšZR©vwZK wegvbe›`i we`¨gvb ivbI‡q I 5,000.00
Osmani International Airport. U¨vw·I‡qi kw³ e""w×KiY|
5305-5005 Development of some Places of Tourist Attractions ch©Ub el© Dcj‡¨ †`‡ki KwZcq ch©Ub AvKl©Yxq GjvKvi 1,500.00
in Country During Observance of Tourism Year. ch©Ub myweavw`i Dbœqb|
5305-7100 Development Project of Cox's-bazar Airport (1st K·evRvi wegvb e›`‡ii Dbœqb cÖKí (1g ch©vq) 29,782.00

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Post and Telecommunications
Bangladesh Postal Department
5431-5000 Strengthening the Postal Transportation System. WvK cwienY e¨e¯'v kw³kvjxKiY| 632.00
5431-5001 Construction & Reconstruction of Dilapidated Post RivRxY© WvKNimg~‡ni wbg©vY/cybtwbg©vY (2q ch©vq)| 2,100.00
Offices in Bangladesh (2nd Phase).
5431-5002 Construction of Residential Building for the XvKv kn‡ii WvK wefv‡Mi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ AvevwmK 10,000.00
Employee of Postal Departmen feb wbg©vY|
5431-5013 Construction of Head Quarters Building of evsjv‡`k WvK Awa`߇ii m`i `ßi wbg©vY cÖKí| 2,158.00
Bangladesh Postal Department.
Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission
5405-5020 Launching of Bangabandhu Satellite. e½eÜy m¨v‡UjvBU Dr‡¶cb cÖKí| 38,617.00
Bangladesh Telecommunication Company Ltd. (BTCL)
5405-0001 Preparatory Function and Supervision in Launching KwgDwb‡Kkb GÛ eªWKvw÷s m¨v‡UjvBU Dr‡¶c‡bi cÖ¯‘wZgjK 2,206.00
a Communication and Broadcasting Satellite. I ZZ¡veavqK Kvh©vw`|
5405-5010 Development of Optical Fibre Cable Network at Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q AcwUK¨vj dvBevi K¨vej †bUIqvK© Dbœqb | 5,070.00
Upazilla Level.
5405-5019 Installation of Wireless Broadband Network for wWwRUvj evsjv‡`‡ki Rb¨ Iq¨vi‡jm eªWe¨vÛ †bUIqvK© ¯’vcb 75,648.00
Digital Bangladesh. cÖKí|
Bangladesh Submarine CablecCompany Limited (BSCCL)
5405-5022 Regional Submarine Telecommunications Project, AvÂwjK mve‡gwib ‡Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM cÖKí, evsjv‡`k| 2,696.00
Department of Bangladesh Telecommunications
5451-5000 Cyber Threat Detection and Response mvBevi †_ªU wW‡UKkb GÛ †imcÝ| 1.00

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs
Ministry's Own
5501-5000 Construction of Chittagong Hill Tracts Complex at XvKvi †eBjx †iv‡W cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg Kg‡c­· wbg©vY| 10,000.00
Baily Road Dhaka.
5501-5010 Development Assistance to Chittagong Hill Tracts. cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg Dbœqb eve` †_vK eivÏ| 26,000.00
Autonomus bodies and others Institution
5505-5001 Electricity supply to remote areas of Chittagong Hill cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi cÖZ¨šZ GjvKvq †mvjvi c¨v‡bj ¯'vc‡bi 1,356.00
Tracts.through the establishment of Solar panels gva¨‡g we`y¨r mieivn|
Chittagong Hill Tracks Development Board
5505-5000 Mixed Fruit Cultivation at Remote Areas of cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi cÖZ¨šZ GjvKvq wgkÖ dj Pvl| 1,266.00
Chittagong Hill Tracts.
5505-5005 Construction of connecting roads in remote areas cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi AbMÖmi Rb‡Mvôxi Av_©-mvgvwRK Dbœq‡bi j‡¨ 1,998.00
from the upazila headquarters of Khagrachari district LvMovQwo ‡Rjvi Dc‡Rjv m`i n‡Z cÖZ¨šZ A‡j ms‡hvM
for socio-economic development of the moK wbg©vY|
disadvantaged population of CHT.
5505-5006 Construction of master drain from Nayanpur mosque cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi LvMovQwo ‡Rjvi m`i Dc‡Rjvq RbM‡Yi 985.00
to Bottali for improvement of the standard of living of RxebhvÎvi gvb Dbœq‡bi j‡¨ bqbcyi gmwR` n‡Z eUZjx
people in Sadar upazila of Khagrachari district of ch©šZ gvóvi †Wªb wbg©vY|
Chittagong Hill Tracts.
5505-5007 Rural Infrastructure development of Bandhban Hill ev›`ievb cve©Z¨ ‡Rjvi wewfbœ Dc‡Rjvq MÖvgxY moK 1,230.00
District AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb|
5505-5008 Construction of Rural Road Infrastructure for iv½vgvwU cve©Z¨ †Rjvi Dc‡Rjv m`‡ii mv‡_ †hvMv‡hvM 1,381.00
Improving Connectivity with the Upazila Dbœq‡bi j‡¨ MÖvgxY moK AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY|
Headquarters of Rangamati Hill District.
5505-5009 Rural Infrastructure development of Bandhban Hill ev›`ievb cve©Z¨ †Rjvi cõx AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb| 1,188.00
5505-5010 Integrated Social Development Project in Chittagong cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg GjvKvq mgwš^Z mgvR Dbœqb cÖKí (3q ch©vq)| 1,481.00
Hill Tracts Area.
5505-5011 Construction of rural road infrastructure to build up LvMovQwo cve©Z¨ ‡Rjvi wewfbœ Dc‡Rjvi cÖZ¨šZ Rbc‡`i 2,000.00
the upazila headquarters of different upazilas of mv‡_ Dc‡Rjv m`‡ii †hvMv‡hvM †bUIqvK© M‡o †Zvjvi j‡¨
Khagrachari Hill District MÖvgxY moK AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY|
5505-5012 Production of Quality Bamboo for Livelihood Support cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi AbMÖmi Rb‡Mvôxi Avqea©K Kg©m~wP wnmv‡e 428.00
of Backward Communities in CHTs Area. DbœZ Rv‡Zi euvk Drcv`b|
5505-7020 Lump provision for three local Government cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi ¯’vbxq miKvi cwil‡`i Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ| 8,000.00
Parishads of Chittagong Hill Tracts.
5505-7030 Development Assistance to Chittagong Hill Tracts cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg Dbœqb †ev‡W©i Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ| 11,000.00
Development Board.
5505-7100 Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq)- wcGgBD Ask| 2,512.00
(2nd Phase)-PMU Component.
5505-7110 Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg cj­x Dbœqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq) - GjwRBwW Ask| 6,980.00
(2nd Phase)-LGED Component.
Chittagong District Council, Khagrachari (H.T.Z.P Khagrachari)
5505-5002 Safe Drinking Water Supply & Sanitation system LvMovQwo †Rjvi ¸iyZ¡c~Y© evRvimn cvk¦©eZx© RbemwZ‡Z 960.00
Development at Different Important Bazar with wbivc` cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯'vi Dbœqb
Surrounding Locality under Khagrachari District.
Chittagong District Council, Bandarban (H.T.Z.P. Bandarban)
5505-5004 Development of safe water supply and sanitation ev›`evb cve©Z¨ †Rjvi wewfbœ ¸iyZ¡c~Y© evRvimn cvk©¦Ze©x 570.00
system in neighboring habitations including the RbemwZ‡Z wbivc` cvwb mieivn I m¨vwb‡Ukb e¨e¯'vi
important markets of Bandhban Hill District. Dbœqb|

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Power Division
Ministry's Own
5601-5026 Technical Assistance for Wind Resource Mapping. ‡UKwbK¨vj G¨vwmm‡UÝ di DBÛ wi‡mvm© g¨vwcs| 148.00
5601-5027 Capacity Building and Project Implementation K¨vcvwmwU wewìs GÛ cÖ‡R± Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb mv‡c©vU di cvIqvi 1,115.00
Support for Power Sector Agencies. †m±i G‡RwÝR|
5601-5029 Technical Assistance Project for Development of †UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡U›m cÖ‡R± di †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae 1,091.00
Sustainable Energy Power Generation (SREPGen). mvm‡UB‡bej wiwbD‡qej GbvR©x cvIqvi †Rbv‡ikb
Bangladesh Power Development Board
5605-0001 Bibiyana South 400+10% M.W. Gas Fired Kb÷ªvKkb Ae weweqvbv mvD_ 40010 †gt It M¨vm wfwËK K 10,000.00
Combined Cycle Power Plant Project. ¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi c­¨v›U|
5605-5002 Rampal power plant project in the second block of ivgcvj we`y¨r †K›`ª cÖKí GjvKvi wØZxq e­‡Ki f~wg Dbœqb, 100.00
land development, conservation and the boundary msiY I evDÛvix Iqvj wbg©vY cÖKí|
wall construction project..
5605-5007 Rangpur Zone Power System Development Project. cvIqvi wm‡÷g †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± iscyi †Rvb| 14,000.00
5605-5014 Construction of Bibiyana-3 400 M.W. Combined Kb÷ªvKkb Ae weweqvbv-3, 400 ‡gt It K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj 64,283.00
Cycle Power Plant. cvIqvi c­¨v›U|
5605-5019 Re-powering Project of Ghorashal 4th Unit . ‡Nvovkvj-4_© BDwbU wi-cvIqvwis cÖKí| 64,500.00
5605-5039 Installation of a 5 M.W. Solar Photo Voltic Grid BÝU‡jkb Ae G 5 †gt It †mvjvi d‡Uv †fvjUvBK MÖxW 7,085.00
Connected Power Plant in Kaptai. Kv‡bK‡UW cvIqvi c­¨v›U Bb KvßvB|
5605-5043 Solar Street Lighting Programme in the City ‡mvjvi ÷ªxU jvBUs †cÖvMÖvg Bb wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb| 15,110.00
5605-5053 Power distribution system development project, we`y¨r weZiY e¨e¯'v Dbœqb cÖKí, wm‡jU wefvM| 15,000.00
Sylhet division
5605-5061 Conversion of 150 MW Sylhet Gas Turbine Power Kbfvikb Ae wm‡jU 150 †gt It Uz 225 †gt It K¤^vBÛ 215.00
Plant to 225 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant. mvB‡Kj cvIqvi c­v›U|
5605-5062 Conversion of Shahjibazar 2*35 MW Power Plant to Kbfvikb Ae kvnvRxevRvi 2*35 †gt It cvIqvi c­v›U Uz 3,205.00
150 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant. 105 †gt It K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi c­v&›U|
5605-5063 Conversion of Baghabari 100 MW to 150 MW Kbfvikb Ae evNvevwo 100 †gt It Uz 150 †gt It K¤^vBÛ 5,000.00
Combined Cycle Power Plant mvB‡Kj cvIqvi c­v›U|
5605-5064 Construction of Ghorashal 365 M.W. Combined Kb÷ªvKkb Ae †Nvovkvj 365 †gtIt K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj 50,000.00
Cycle Power Plant. cvIqvi c­¨v›U|
5605-5067 Construction of Shikalbaha 225 M.W. Dual Fuel wkKjevnv 225 †gt It Wz‡qj dz‡qj K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi 16,500.00
Combined Cycle Power Plant. c­¨v›U wbg©vY|
5605-5094 Pre-payment Metering for Distribution, Comilla and wcÖ-‡c‡g›U wgUvwis di wWw÷ªweDkb Kzwgj­v GÛ gqgqwmsn| 1,500.00
5605-5095 Construction of Khulna Coal based Power Plant Kb÷ªvKkb Ae Lyjbv †Kvj †eRW cvIqvi c­¨v›U Kv‡bKwUs 5,000.00
Connecting Road. †ivW|
5605-5101 Khulna 330 MW: Construction of Dual-Fuel Lyjbv 330 †g:I: Wz‡qj-dz‡qj K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj we`y¨r †K›`ª 71,000.00
Combined Cycle Power Station wbg©vY|
5605-5110 Development of Power Distribution System in Three wZb cve©Z¨ †Rjvq we`y¨r weZiY e¨e¯'vi Dbœqb| 5,000.00
Hill Districts
5605-5129 Power Distribution system Development Project PÆMÖvg †Rv‡bi we`y¨r weZiY wm‡÷g Dbœqb| 14,000.00
Chittagong Zone.
5605-5134 Re-powering Project of Ghorasal 3rd Unit. ‡Nvovkvj-3 wi‡cqvwis cÖ‡R±| 101,300.00
5605-5135 Rajshahi Power System Development Project. ivRkvnx cvIqvi wm‡÷g †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R±| 14,000.00
5605-7330 Pre-payment Metering Project for Distribution wcÖ-‡c‡g›U wgUvwi© cÖ‡R± di wWwóªweDkb mvD`vb© †Rvb 2,400.00
Southern Zone Chittagong. wPUvMvs|
5605-9733 Extension of Boropukuria Coal Fired Thermal Power G·‡Ubkb Ae eocyKzwiqv †Kvj dvqviW _vg©vj cvIqvi †÷kb 40,000.00
Station by 275 M.W. (3rd Unit). evB 275 †gt It (_vW© BDwbU)|

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Power Division
Power Grid Company of Bangladesh
5605-0008 Amnura 132/33 kv Grid Sub-station with Associated Avgbyiv 132/33 ‡Kwf MÖxW mve‡÷kb DB_ A¨v‡mvwm‡q‡UW 1,500.00
Transmission Line . UªvÝwgkb jvBb|
5605-0009 Mongla-Khulna (South) 230 kv Transmission Line. gsjv-Lyjbv (`:) 230 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb| 4,000.00
5605-5000 Network development projects in the western grid. cwðgvÂjxq MÖxW †bUIqvK© Dbœqb cÖKí| 6,800.00
5605-5026 Aminbazar-Maowa 400 kv Transmission Line AvwgbevRvi-gvIqv-gsjv 400 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb| 5,000.00
5605-5029 Institutional Strengthening of PGCB. Bw›UwUDkbvj †÷ªs‡`wbs Ae wcwRwmwe| 225.00
5605-5036 National Power Transmission Network Development b¨vkbvj cvIqvi UªvÝwgkb †bUIqvK© †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R±| 50,000.00
5605-5052 400/230/132 KV Grid Network Development. 400/230/132 †K wf MÖxW †bUIqvK© †W‡fjc‡g›U| 35,000.00
5605-5076 Grid Network Skills Development Project MÖxW †bUIqv‡K©i `Zv Dbœqb cÖKí| 5,500.00
5605-5082 Dhaka-Chittagong Main Power Grid Strengthening XvKv-PÆMÖvg †gBb cvIqvi MÖxW †÷ªs‡`wbs cÖKí| 27,600.00
5605-5084 Materbari Ultra Super Critical Coal Fired Power gvZvievwo Avëªv mycvi wµwUK¨vj †Kvj dvqviW cvIqvi 110.00
Project (II) (PGCB Part: "Materbari-Madunaghat 400 cÖKí(2) (wcwRwmwe Askt gvZvievwo-g`ybvNvU 400 †Kwf
KV Transmission Line") mÂvjb jvBb|
5605-5097 Power Grid Networking Strengthening Project Under cvIqvi MÖxW †bUIqvwK©s †÷ªs‡`wbs cÖ‡R± AvÛvi wcwRwmwe| 24,300.00
5605-5111 Construction of Patuakhali-Paira 230 KV cUzqvLvjx-cvqiv 230 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb wbg©vY| 4,000.00
Transmission Line
5605-5133 Ashugonj-Bhulta 400 KV Transmission Line Project. AvïMÄ-fzjZv 400 †Kwf mÂvjb jvBb cÖ‡R±| 6,500.00
5605-5137 Capacity Upgradation (500 mw) of the Existing evsjv‡`k (†fovgviv)-fviZ (enigcyi) we`¨gvb MÖxW 68,000.00
Bangladesh (Bheramara)-India (Bahrampur) Grid AvšZtms‡hv‡Mi ¶gZv ewa©ZKiY|
5605-9680 132 KV Grid Network Development Project in 132 †K wf wMÖW †bUIqvK© †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± Bb B÷vb© 10,700.00
Eastern Region wiwRqb|
5605-9767 Enhancement of Capacity of Grid Sub-station and G¨vb‡n݇g›U Ae K¨vcvwmwU Ae MÖxW mve‡÷kbm GÛ 16,000.00
Transmission Line for Rural Electrification. UªvÝwgkb mvBb di iyivj B‡jKwUªwd‡Kkb|
Rural Electrification Board
5605-5003 Establishment of pre-payment E-meter in Dahaka cõx we`¨~Zvqb Kvh©µ‡gi AvIZvq XvKv wefvMxq A‡j 1.00
DIvisionUnder the rural electrification program (1st wcÖ-‡c‡g›U B-wgUvi ¯’'vcb (1g ch©vq)|
5605-5005 15 million Customer Connections through the cõx we`¨~Zvqb m¤cªmvi‡Yi gva¨‡g 15 j MÖvnK ms‡hvM| 175,400.00
Expansion of Rural Electrification.
5605-5033 Replacement of 70,000 Overloaded Distribution cj­x we`¨yZvqb Kvh©µ‡gi AvIZvq 70,000 Ifvi‡jv‡WW 60,000.00
Transformer under Rural Electrification Program. weZiY UªvÝdigvb cÖwZ¯'vcb|
5605-5041 Electrification activities of Sylhet division, and wm‡jU wefvM cõx we`¨~Zvqb Kvh©µg Ges weAviBweÕi m`i 30,000.00
Development of physical facilities of BRUB `߇ii †fŠZ myweavw`i Dbœqb|
5605-5044 2.5 lakh Subscribers connection through Rural cõx we`¨~Zvqb m¤cªmvi‡Yi gva¨‡g 25 j MÖvnK ms‡hvM| 76,000.00
Electrification Expansion.
5605-5083 Upgradation of Rural Distribution System (Dhaka, Avc‡MÖ‡Wkb Ae iyivj B‡jKwUªwmwU wWw÷ªweDkb wm‡÷g (XvKv, 90,000.00
Chittagong and Sylhet Division). PÆMÖvg I wm‡jU wWwfkb)|
5605-5087 Power distribution, rehabilitation and intensive weZiY e¨e¯'vi gZvea©b, cybe©vmb I wbweoKiY 88,200.00
distribution system (Dhaka, Mymensingh, Chittagong(XvKv,gqgbwmsn, PÆMÖvg I wm‡jU wefvM)|
and Sylhet division).

18/09/17 Page 90 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Power Division
Rural Electrification Board
5605-5088 Power distribution, rehabilitation and intensive weZiY e¨e¯'vi gZvea©b, cybe©vmb I wbweoKiY 85,000.00
distribution system (Rajshahi, Rangpur, Khulna and (ivRkvnx,iscyi,Lyjbv I ewikvj wefvM)|
Barisal Division).
5605-5105 Rural Electrification Expansion Dhaka Division cj­x we`y¨rZvqb m¤cÖmviY XvKv wefvMxq Kvh©µg-2| 43,500.00
5605-5106 Rural Electrification Expansion Chittagong-Sylhet we`y¨Zvqb m¤cÖmviY PÆMÖvg-wm‡jU Kvh©µg-2| 43,500.00
Division Program-2
5605-5107 Rural Electrification Expansion Rajshahi-Rangpur cj­x we`y¨rZvb m¤cÖmviY ivRkvnx-iscyi wefvMxq Kvh©µg-2| 40,000.00
Division Program-2.
5605-5131 Rural Electrification Expansion Barisal Division cj­x we`y¨rZvqb m¤cÖmviY ewikvj wefvMxq Kvh©µg-2 23,000.00
5605-5132 Rural Electrification Expansion Khulna Division cj­x we`y¨rZvqb m¤cÖmviY Lyjbv wefvMxq Kvh©µg-2 28,000.00
5605-5139 Technical Assistance Project for Institutional ‡UKwbK¨vj Gwmm‡UÝ cÖ‡R± di Bbw÷wUDkbvj †÷ªs‡`wb Ae 630.00
Strengthening of Rural Electrification Program. iyivj B‡jwUªwd‡Kkb †cÖvMÖvg|

Dhaka Electric Supply Company (DESCO)
5605-5035 Augmentation and Rehabilitation of Distribution AM‡g‡›Ukb GÛ win¨vwejvB‡Ukb Ae wWw÷ªweDkb wm‡÷g Bb 21,000.00
System in DESCO Area. †Wm‡Kv Gwiqv|
5605-5037 Installation of Supervisor Control and Data Aquisition‡Wm‡Kv GjvKvq mycvifvBRvi K‡›Uªvj I WvUv G¨vKzBwRkb 500.00
(SCADA) System to DESCO Area (¯‹¨vWv) wm‡÷g ¯’'vcb|
5605-5049 Construction of 132/33/11 KV Grid Sub-station in Kb÷ªvKkb Ae 132/33/11 †Kwf MÖxW mve-‡÷kb Bb †Wm‡Kv 23,000.00
DESCO Area. Gwiqv |
5605-5073 Dasko Uttara and Bashundhara 132/33/11 KV ‡Wm‡KvÕi DËiv I emyÜiv 132/33/11 †Kwf Dc‡K‡›`ªi 2,400.00
Upvendra Central uprising and rehabilitation. gZvea©b I cybe©vmb|
5605-5074 Underworld cable conversion, capacity building and ‡Wm‡Kv GjvKvq we`¨gvb 33 †Kwf Ifvi‡nW jvBb‡K 4,100.00
establishment of existing 33 KV overhead lines in theAvÛviMÖvDÛ K¨ve‡j iƒcvšZi, gZvea©b Ges ¯'vcb|
DESCO area.
Dhaka Power Distribution Company (DPDC)
5605-0013 Pre-payment Metering System for 03 NOCS Division wcÖ-‡c‡g›U wgUvwis wm‡÷g di 03 GbIwmGm wWwfkb AvÛvi 3,000.00
under DPDC on Turnkey Basis (Satmosjid Shere wWwcwWwm Ab Uvb© wK ‡ewmm (lvU gmwR`, †ki-B-evsjv bMi
Bangla Nagar, Mugdapara). gyM`vcvov)|
5605-0014 Design, Manufacturing, Supply, Installation, Testing wWRvBb ‡gbyd¨vKPvwis mvcøvB, Bbó‡jkb, †Uw÷s GÛ 1,500.00
and Commisioning of Pre-payment Meters at NOCS Kwgkwbs Ae wcÖ-‡c‡g›U wgUviÕm GU GbIwmGm AvwRgcyi GÛ
Azimpur & NOCS Lalbag with 3 Year MAintenance GbIwmGm jvjevM DB_ 3 Bqvm©, †gBb‡U‡bÝ mv‡cvU© mvwf©m
support Service on Turnkey Basis Ab Uªvb©wK †ewmm|
5605-0020 Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and wWRvBb, mvcøvB, Bbó‡jkb, †Uw÷s GÛ Kwgkwbs Ae wbD 33 300.00
Commissioning of New 33 kv GIS and 11 kv AIS †Kwf wRAvBGm GÛ 11 †Kwf GAvBGm myBP wMqvm© GÛ
Switching and Shifting of 33 kv & 11kv Feeders from wmdwUs Ae 33 †Kwf wRAvBGm GÛ 11 †Kwf wdWvm© d"g
Existing Indoor and Outdoor Installation at Gw·mwUs Bb‡Wvi GÛ AvDU‡Wvi Bbó‡jkb G¨U k¨vgcyi
Shyampur 132/33/11 kv Sub-station to the New 132/33/11 †Kwf mve-‡÷kb Uz w` wbD wewìs Ab GÛ UªvswK
Building on Turnkey Basis. Breaker at Dhanmondi †ewmm|
132/11 kv Grid Sub-Station on Turnkey Basis.
5605-0021 Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and wWRvBb, mvcøvB, BÝU‡jkb, †Uw÷s GÛ Kwgkwbs Ae wbD 300.00
Commissioning of New 33/11 kv GIS Sub-station at 33/11 ‡Kwf wRAvBGm mve-‡÷kb G¨U Kvgivw½i Pi wewìs
Kamrangirchar on Turnkey Basis. Breaker at Ab U¨vswK †ewmm
Dhanmondi 132/11 kv Grid Sub-Station on Turnkey

18/09/17 Page 91 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Power Division
Dhaka Power Distribution Company (DPDC)
5605-0022 Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and wWRvBb, mvcøvB, Bbó‡jkb, †Uw÷s GÛ Kwgkwbs Ae wbD 1,000.00
Commissioning of New 33/11 kv GIS Sub-station at 33/11 †Kwf wRAvBGm mve-‡÷kb G¨U wewRwe Ab U¨vswK
BGB on Turnkey Basis. †ewmm|
5605-0023 Installation of 1 no 20/28 MVA Transformer at Bbó‡jkb Ae 1 †bv.20/28 GgwfG UªvÝdigvi GU †ZRMvuI 600.00
Tejgaon 33/11 kv S/S Maintenance & Energization of33/11 ‡Kwf Gm/Gm †gBb‡U‡bÝ GÛ BbviwR‡Rkb Ae
Mogbazar-Tejgaon Existing gMevRvi-‡ZRMvuI Gw·wUs (Ifvi‡nW + AvÛvi MÖvDÛ ) 33
(Overheed+Underground) 33kv Line and One Floor †Kwf jvBb GÛ Iqvb †dvi (KbóªvKkb †m‡KÛ †dvi)
(Construction of 2nd Floor) Vertical Extension of fvwU©‡Kj G·‡Ubkb Ae †ZRMvuI 33/11 †Kwf Gm/Gm
Tejgaon 33/11 kv S/S Control Building. K‡›Uªvj wewìs|
5605-0028 Survey, Design, Manufacturing, Supply, Installation, mv‡f©, wWRvBb, ‡gbyd¨vKPvwis, mvcøvB, Bbó‡jkb, †Uw÷s GÛ 5,000.00
Testing and Commissioning on Turnkey Basis Work Kwgkwbs Ab Uvb©wK ‡ewmm IqvK© Ad 132 †Kwf AvBwm G·
of 132 kv ICX 800 mm2 XLPE under Ground 800 GgGg2 G·GjwcB AvÛvi MÖvDÛ Kcvi †Kej jvBb
Copper Cable Line from Lalbag Grid to Dhanmondi d"g jvjevM MÖxW Uz avbgwÛ MÖxW fvqv wRMvZjv wm‡½j
Grid Via Zigatola Single CKT. wm‡KwU |
5605-0029 Consultency Service for GIS BAsed Distribution Kbmvj‡UwÝ mvwf©m di wRAvBGm †eBRW wWw÷ªweDkb 800.00
Network System and Preparation of a 20 Year †bUIqvK© wm‡÷g GÛ wcÖcv‡ikb Ae G 20 Bqvm© wWw÷ªweDkb
Distribution System master Plan for DPDC. wm‡÷g gv÷vi cøvb di wWwcwWwm|
5605-0030 wWRvBb, mvc­vB, BÝU‡jkb, †Uw÷s GÛ Kwgkwbs Ae wbD 200.00
33/11 †Kwf wRAvBGm mve-‡÷kb G¨vU jvjevM Ab Uvb©wK
5605-0031 Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and wWRvBb, mvc­vB, BÝU‡jkb, †Uw÷s GÛ Kwgkwbs Ae wbD 200.00
Commissioning of New 33/11 kv GIS Sub-Station at 33/11 †Kwf wRAvBGm mve-‡÷kb G¨vU gv`vi‡UK Ab Uvb©wK
Mathertale on Turnkey basis. †ewmm|
5605-5032 Construction and Expansion of Distribution Network Kb÷ªvKkb GÛ G·cvbkb Ae wWw÷ªweDkb †bUIqvK© Ae b_© 2,500.00
North and South Zone under DPDC. mvD_ †Rvb AvÛvi wWwcwWwm|
5605-5085 G·cvbkb GÛ †÷ªs‡`wbs Ae cvIqvi wm‡÷g †bUIqvK© 20,500.00
AvÛvi wWwcwWwm Gwiqv|
5605-5092 Construction of 11 kV Switching Station at e½feb, MYfeb Ges cÖavbgšÎxi Kvh©vj‡q 11 †Kwf myBwPs 535.00
Bangabhaban, Ganabhaban and Prime Minister's †÷kb wbg©vY|
5605-5099 Pre-Payment Metering Project for 5 NOCS Divisions wcÖ‡c‡g›U wgUvwis cÖ‡R± di 5 GbIwmGm wWwfkb AvÛvi 2,000.00
under DPDC. wWwcwWwm|
5605-9691 Pre-paid Metering Project of Six NOCS Division wcÖ-‡cBW wgUvwis cÖ‡R± di wm· GbIwmGm wWwfkb AvÛvi 1,000.00
under DPDC. wWwcwWwm|
5605-9692 Construction of New 132/33 KV and 33/11 KV Kb÷ªvKkb Ae wbD 132/33 †Kwf GÛ 33/11 †Kwf 84,450.00
Sub-station under DPDC. mve-‡÷kb AvÛvi wWwcwWwm|
Electric Generation Company of Bangladesh Ltd. (EGCBL)
5606-5001 New Haripur Power Plant Development Project wbD nwicyi cvIqvi c­v›U †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (js Uvg© mvwf©m 3,600.00
(Long-Term Services Agreement for Support GwMÖ‡g›U GÛ Avcvi mv‡cvU© mvwf©‡‡mm di nwicyi 412 †gtIt
Services and the upper 41 mehoh Haripur CombinedK¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi c­v›U|
Cycle Power Plant.
5606-5009 Land Acquisition, Re-setllment, EIAS Feasibility BwRwmwe wj: Gi AvIZvq K·evRvi †Rjvi †cKzqvq 2*600 12,000.00
Study for Implementation of 2*600 MW Coal Based †g:I: Avëªv mycvi wµwUK¨vj KqjvwfwËK we`¨yr †K›`ª wbg©v‡Yi
Power Plant Project, at Pekua, Cox's Bazar. j‡¨ f'wg AwaMÖnY, cybe©vmb, BAvBG Ges m¤¢ve¨Zv hvPvB|
5606-5013 Land acquisition and rehabilitation for Establishment gywÝMÄ †Rjvq 300-400 †g:I: mycvi wµwUK¨vj Kqjv wfwËK 15,000.00
of 300-400 MW: Super Critical coal based power we`y¨r †K›`ª ¯'vc‡bi j‡¨ f~wg AwaMÖnY I cybe©vmb|
plant in Munshiganj district.

18/09/17 Page 92 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Power Division
Electric Generation Company of Bangladesh Ltd. (EGCBL)
5606-5066 Land acquisition for the establishment of a wind ‡dbx †Rjvi †mvbvMvRx‡Z 100 †g:I: †mŠi I 100 †g:I: 1.00
power plant at Sonagazi of Feni district: 100 MW: evqyPvwjZ we`y¨r †K›`ª ¯'vc‡bi j‡¨ f~wg AwaMÖnY|
Solar and 100 MW.
5606-9636 Construction of Shiddirganj 335 M.W. Combined wmw×iMÄ 335 †gtIt wcwKs K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi c­¨v›U 6,500.00
Cycle Power Plant. wbg©vY|
Ashugonj Power Station Company Ltd. (APSCL)
5605-5004 Ashugonj 400 (+ -5%) mwCombined Cycle Power AvïMÄ 400 (+-5%) †gtIt K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi c­v›U 21,500.00
Plant Construction Project (East). wbg©vY cÖKí (b_©|
5605-7500 Construction of Ashugonj 450 m.w. Combined Cycle AvïMÄ 450 †gt It K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj cvIqvi c­¨v›U wbg©vY 700.00
Power Plant (North). (b_©)|
West Zone Power Distribution Company Ltd. (WGPDCL)
5605-5068 Extension and upgradation of electricity distribution I‡q÷ †Rvb GjvKvq we`y¨r weZiY e¨e¯'vi m¤cÖmviY I 14,000.00
system in the West Zone area Avc‡MÖ‡Wkb|
5605-5102 Pre-payment Metering Project for Khulna City wcÖ-‡c‡g›U wgUvwis cÖ‡R± di Lyjbv wmwU ( †dBR-1)| 551.00
5605-5109 Strengthening Power Distribution System Project. ‡÷ªs‡`wbs cvIqvi wWw÷ªweDkb wm‡÷g cÖ‡R±| 15,000.00
North-West Power Generation Company (NWPGC)
5605-0002 Shirajgonj 225 MW Combined Cycle Duel Fuel wmivRMÄ 225 ‡g:I: K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj Wz‡qj dz‡qj cvIqvi 40,000.00
Power Plant (2nd Unit). cøv›U (2q BDwbU)|
5605-0003 Shirajgonj 225 MW Combined Cycle Duel Fuel wmivRMÄ 225 ‡g:I: K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj Wz‡qj dz‡qj cvIqvi 45,000.00
Power Plant (3rd Unit). cøv›U (3q BDwbU)|
5605-5075 Land and Infrastructure Development for 660*2 MW j¨vÛ GKzB‡Rkb, j¨vÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ cÖ‡UKkb di cvqiv 9,000.00
Coal-Fired Tharmal Power Plant Project at 1320 †gt It _vigvj cvIqvi c­¨v›U|
5605-9667 Bheramara Combined Cycle Power Plant (360 MW). ‡fovgviv K¤^vBÛ mvB‡Kj c­¨v›U| 46,500.00
Coal Power Generation Company Ltd.(CPGC)
5605-5008 Bangladesh Singapore 700mw ultra super critical evsjv‡`k wmsMvcyi 700†gtIt Avëªv mycvi wµwUK¨vj Kqjv 10,000.00
coal-based power plant acquisition and protection of wfwËK we`y¨r †K‡›`ªi f~wg AwaMÖnY I myiv Ges wdwRwewjwU
land and feasibility study. ÷vwW|
5605-5093 Matarbari Coal Fired Power Plan Project. gvZvievwo 2*600 ‡gt It AvjUªv mycvi wµwUK¨vj †Kvj 222,000.00
dvqvW© cvIqvi cÖ‡R±|
5605-5100 Feasibility Study for Installation of Wind Form in gvZvievwo Øx‡c evqy we`¨yr ‡K›`ª ¯'vc‡bi j‡¨ m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxv| 130.00
Materbari Iland
Power Cell
5601-5031 TA for Implementation of Bangladesh Power Sector wUG di Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb Ae evsjv‡`k cvIqvi †m±i widg© (2q 1,700.00
Reform (Phase-2). ch©vq)|
Rural Power Company Ltd. ((R.P.C.L)
5605-5089 Land Acquisition and Land Development for j¨vÛ G¨vKzBwRkb GÛ j¨vÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U di Bgwcø‡g‡›Ukb 30,000.00
Implementation of Patuakhali 1320 (2,660) MW: Ae cUzqvLvjx 1320 (2* 660) †g: I: †Kvj dvqvW© _vg©vj
Coal Fired Thermal Power Plant. cvIqvi c­v›U|
5605-5091 Land Acquisition and Land Development for Impr. Of j¨vÛ G¨vKzBwRkb GÛ j¨vÛ †W‡fjc‡g›U di Bgwc&i‡g‡›Ukb 10,000.00
Gazaria 350 (+ -10%) MW: Coal Fired Thermal Ae MRvwiqv 350 (+-10%) †g: I: †Kvj dvqvW© _vg©vj
Power Plant. cvIqvi c­v›U|
Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Power Division
Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority
5605-5069 HouseHold Energy Program Program in nvDR‡nvì GbvwR© cøvUdg© †cÖvMÖvg Bb evsjv‡`k| 57.00

18/09/17 Page 94 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
MInistry of Liberation War Affairs
Ministry's Own
6301-5011 Construction of Housing Landless and Under f~wgnxb I AmPQj gyw³‡hv×v‡`i Rb¨ evm¯’vb wbg©vY| 5,625.00
Privileged Muktizjodhas Project.
6301-5013 Construction of Upazilla Muktijoddha Complex Dc‡Rjv gyw³‡hv×v Kg‡c­· feb wbg©vY| 27,000.00
6301-6190 Construction of all Districts Muktijoddha Sangsad mKj †Rjvq gyw³‡hv×v Kg‡c­· feb wbg©vY (1g ch©vq)| 2,620.00
Complex Building in Bangladesh (2nd Revised).

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List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Expatriates' Welfare and Overseas Employment
Ministry's Own
6501-5000 Application of Migration Policy for Dissent Work for Gwcø‡Kkb Ae gvB‡MÖkb cwjwm di wW‡m›U IqvK© di 1,624.00
Migrant Workers gvBMÖv›U IqvK©vim
Manpower, Employment and Training Bureau
6531-5001 Establishment of 40 (forty) Technical Training Centre40wU Dc‡Rjvq 40wU KvwiMix cÖwkY ‡K›`ª I PÆMÖv‡g 1wU 26,500.00
(TTC) at Upazila Level and 01 (one) Institute of Bbw÷wUDU Ae ‡gwib †UK‡bvjwR ¯'vcb
Marine Technology (IMT) at Chittagong.
6531-5002 Capacity Development Programme of TTC, K¨vcvwmwU †W‡fjc‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg Ae wUwUwm, ivRkvnx| 2,000.00
6531-5003 XvKv KvwiMwi wkÿK cÖwkÿY Bbw÷wUDU ¯'vcb 1,500.00
6531-5012 Establishment of Five Institute of Marine Technology gywÝMÄ, dwi`cyi, Puv`cyi, wmivRMÄ I ev‡Minv‡U 5wU 1,300.00
( 5-IMT) at Munshigonj, Faridpur, Chandpur, Bbw÷wUDU Ae †gwib †UK‡bvjwR ¯’vcb (1g ms‡kvwaZ)|
Sirajgonj and Bagerhat (1st revised)
6531-5013 Establishment of 30 Technical Training Centre (30 wewfbœ ‡Rjvq 30wU KvwiMix cÖwk¶Y †K›`ª ¯’vcb| 3,800.00
TTC) in Different District (2nd Revised).
6531-5017 Stipend Program for the Trainees of Institute of evsjv‡`k Bbw÷wUDU Ae †gwib †UK‡bvjwR Ges KvwiMix 700.00
Marine Technology and Technical Training Centers cÖwk¶Y ‡K›`ªmg~‡ni cÖwk¶Yv_x©‡`i e„wË cÖ`vb Kvh©µg|
(7th Phase).
6531-5018 Modernization and Renovation of Bangladesh evsjv‡`k Bbw÷wUDU Ae †gwib †UK‡bvjwR bvivqbMÄ ms¯‹vi 2,000.00
Institute of Marin Technology (2nd Phase). I AvaywbKvqb cÖKí (2q ch©vq)|

18/09/17 Page 96 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Anti Corruption Commision
Anti Corruption Commission Own
6701-5000 Construction of the Office Building for Rangamati, iv½vgvwU, Kzwóqv Ges gqgbwmsn mgwš^Z †Rjv Kvh©vj‡qi Rb¨ 800.00
Kustia and Mymensing Integrated District Office Awdm feb wbg©vY|
6701-5012 Construction of the Office Building for Noakhali and ‡bvqvLvjx I nweMÄ mgwš^Z †Rjv Kvh©vj‡qi Rb¨ Awdm feb 942.00
Habiganj Integrated District Office wbg©vY

18/09/17 Page 97 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Bridge Division
Bangladesh Bridge Authority
7105-0012 Consultancy Services for Hydrological & e½eÜz †mZz GjvKvq hgybv b`xi nvB‡WªvjwRK¨vj I 100.00
Morphological Condition of Jamuna River of gidjwRK¨vj ÷vwW|
Bangabandhu Bridge areas.
7105-0022 Feasibility Study on Construction of Bridge on Paira cUzqvLvjx-AvgZjx-ei¸bv-KvKwPiv mo‡K cvqiv b`xi Dci, 2,000.00
River of Patuakhali-Amtali-Barguna-Kakchira road ev‡KiMÄ-evDdj mo‡K KviLvbv b`xi Dci Ges
on Karkhana River of Bakerganj-Baufal Road and on fzjZv-AvovBnvRvi-evÂvivgcyi mo‡K †gNbv b`xi Dci †mZz
Megna River of Vulta-Arihazar-Bancharampur road. wbg©v‡Y m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxÿv cwiPvjbv
7105-0024 XvKv-PÆMÖvg Gwj‡f‡UW GK‡cÖmI‡q wbg©v‡Y m¤¢ve¨Zv mgxÿv 3,000.00
7105-5015 Construction a multi-lane Road Tunnel under the KY©dzjx b`xi Zj‡`‡k eû‡jb moK Uv‡bj wbg©vY| 157,397.00
Karnaphuli river.
7105-7000 Support to Dhaka Alleviated Expressway PPP mv‡cvU© Uz XvKv Gwj‡f‡UW G·‡cÖmI‡q wcwcwc cÖ‡R±| 80,518.00
7105-9030 Construction of Padma Multipurpose Bridge cÙv eûgyLx †mZz wbg©vY| 552,436.00

18/09/17 Page 98 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Ministry of Information and Communication Technology
Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC)
2805-5000 Establishment of IV Tires National Data Centre. ‡dvi Uvqvi RvZxq WvUv †m›Uvi ¯'vcb 64,158.00
2805-5002 Bangladesh e-Government ERP evsjv‡`k B-MfY©‡g›U BAviwc| 1,983.00
2805-5003 Innovation and Founding of Entrepreneurship D™¢veb I D‡`¨v³v Dbœqb GKv‡Wwg cÖwZôvKiY| 4,205.00
Development Academy
2805-5004 Preparation of e-Government Master Plan for Digital wWwRUvj evsjv‡`‡ki Rb¨ B-MfY©‡g›U gvóvicøvb cÖYqb| 1,113.00
2805-5005 Establishment of Software Quality Test and mdU&Iq¨vi †KvqvwjwU cixv I mvwU©wd‡Kkb †m›Uvi 1,845.00
Certification Center. cÖwZôvKiY|
2805-5006 National Information and Communication RvZxq Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb, 130,622.00
Technology Infrastructure Development, Bb‡dv-miKvi (3q ch©vq)|
Info-Government (3rd phase).
2805-5007 Enriching Bengali language through information M‡elYv I Dbœq‡bi gva¨‡g Z_¨ cÖhyw³‡Z evsjv fvlv 5,200.00
technology through research and development. mg"×KiY|
2805-5010 Leveraging ICT for Growth, Employment and ‡jfv‡iwRs AvBwmwU di †MÖv_, Ggc­q‡g›U GÛ Mf©‡‡b©m| 25,839.00
Ministry's Own
2801-5000 Development of mobile game and application skills. ‡gvevBj †MBg I G¨vwcø‡Kkb Gi `Zv Dbœqb| 10,132.00
2801-5001 Enhancement of PKI (public key infrastructure) wc‡KAvB (cvewjK wK Bmd"v÷ªvKPvi) wm‡÷‡gi gv‡bvbœqb 824.00
system and capacity building of CCA office. Ges wmwmG Kvh©vj‡qi mgZv e"w×KiY|
2801-5013 Learning and Earning Development Project. jvwbs GÛ Avwbs †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R±| 4,636.00
Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority
2805-5001 Construction of the primary infrastructure of nvB‡UK cvK©, wm‡jU (wm‡jU B‡jKUªwb· wmwU) Gi cÖv_wgK 12,000.00
High-Tech Park, Sylhet (Sylhet Electronics City). AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY|
2805-5008 Establishment of Bangabandhu High-Tech Park, e½eÜz nvB-‡UK cvK©, ivRkvnx (e‡i›`ª wmwjKb wmwU) ¯'vcb| 6,753.00
Rajshahi (Barind Silicon City)
2805-5009 ‡kL Kvgvj AvBwU †Uªwbs GÛ BbwKD‡ekb †m›Uvi ¯'vcb 7,572.00
2805-5016 Support to Development of Kaliakoir Hi-Tech Park. mv‡cvU© Uz †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae Kvwjqv‰Ki nvB‡UK cvK©| 3,000.00
Directorate of Information and Communication Technology
2811-5010 Establishment of Computer and Language Training mviv †`‡ki wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b Kw¤“DUvi I fvlv cÖwk¶Y j¨ve 1,249.00
Lab in Educational Institutions all over the Country. ¯’vcb cÖKí|

18/09/17 Page 99 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Technical and Madrasa Education Division
Department of Technical Education
7231-5000 Skill and Employment Prograrmme of Bangladesh w¯‹j GÛ Ggc­q‡g›U †cÖvMÖvg evsjv‡`k (†mc-we) cÖ‡R±| 6,588.00
7231-5001 evsjv‡`k ˆZwi †cvkvK wk‡íi Rb¨ †m›Uvi Ae Gw·‡jÝ 500.00
cÖwZôv Kiv
7231-5015 Estalbishment of Technical Schools in 100 Upazillas.100wU Dc‡Rjvq 1wU K‡i †UKwbK¨vj ¯‹zj ¯'vcb| 43,205.00
7231-5016 Bangladesh Skills for Employment and Productivity. evsjv‡`k w¯‹jm& di Ggc­q‡g›U GÛ †cÖvWvw±wfwU| 4,000.00
7231-5030 Skills and Training Enhancement Project (STEP). w¯‹jm GÛ ‡Uªwbs Gbn¨v݇g›U cÖ‡R± (GmwUBwc)| 22,912.00
7231-6597 Establishment of Barisal Engineering College. ewikvj †Rjvq GKwU BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR ¯’vcb| 1,338.00

18/09/17 Page 100 of 101

List of Project in ADP 2017-18
Project Description Allocation (in Lakh)
Security Services Division
Department of Prisons
7351-5000 Construction of Prison Training Academy, Rajshahi. Kviv cÖwkY GKv‡Wgx, ivRkvnx wbg©vY 500.00
7351-5001 Modernization of Prison Security. Kviv wbivcËv AvaywbKvqb| 1,500.00
7351-5002 Construction of houses for female prison guards. gwnjv Kvivix‡`i Rb¨ Avevmb wbg©vY| 1,000.00
7351-5007 Modernization and Expansion of Mymensingh gqgbwmsn †K›`ªxq KvivMvi m¤cÖmviY I AvaywbKxKiY 1,000.00
Central Prisoner
7351-5011 Expansion and Modernization of Sylhet Central Jail. wm‡jU †K›`ªxq KvivMvi m¤cÖmviY I AvaywbKxKiY| 3,607.00
7351-5012 Improvement of the Real Situation of Overcrowding BgcÖyf‡g›U Ae w` wiqvj wmPz‡qkb Ae Ifvi µvDwWs wcÖRb 5,443.00
of Prisons in Bangladesh. Bb evsjv‡`k|
7351-5020 Construction of Central Zail for Accused under judge XvKv †Rjvi †KivbxM‡Ä wePvivaxb Avmvgx‡`i Rb¨ †K›`ªxq 5,000.00
at Keraniganj in Dhaka city KvivMvi wbg©vY|
7351-5040 Transfer of Khulna District Prison House. Lyjbv †Rjv KvivMvi ¯’'vbvšZi| 3,000.00
7351-5300 Construction of Infrastructure of 3 Districts Jail and 3wU †Rjv KvivMv‡ii AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY Ges 2wU †Rjv 5,660.00
Completion of Incomplete Work of 2 District Jail. KvivMv‡ii Amgvß KvR AmgvßKiY|
Department of Fire Service and Civil Defence
7361-5010 Establishment of 156 Fire Service and Civil Defence ‡`‡ki ¸iyZ¡c~Y© Dc‡Rjv m`i/¯’v‡b 156wU dvqvi mvwf©m I 46,501.00
Sations at Important Upazilla Head Quarters/Places wmwfj wW‡dÝ †÷kb ¯’vcb|
of the Country.
7361-5012 Extension of Ambulance Services of Department of dvqvi mvwf©m I wmwfj wW‡dÝ Awa`߇ii G¨v¤^y‡jÝ †mev m 1,464.00
Fire Service and Civil Defence . ¤cÖmviY|
7361-5014 Modernization of Fire Service & Civil Defence. gW©vbvB‡Rkb Ae dvqvi mvwf©m GKW wmwfj wW‡d›m| 3,443.00
7361-5441 Establishment of Fire Service and Sevil Defence ‡`‡ki ¸iyZ¡cY© 25wU Dc‡Rjvi dvqvi mvwf©m I wmwfj 5,644.00
Stations at Important 25 Upazilla Sadar/Places of thewW‡d›m †ókb ¯’'vcb|
7361-5870 Establishment of Fire Services & Civil Defence ‡`‡ki ¸iyZ¡c~Y© 78wU Dc‡Rjv m`i/¯’v‡b dvqvi mvwf©m I 4,742.00
Stations at 78 important upazilla HQs/places of the wmwfj wW‡d݆÷kb ¯’vcb|
Narcotics Control Department
7373-5011 Construction of Head Office Building for Department gv`K`ªe¨ wbqšÎY Awa`߇ii cÖavb Kvh©vj‡qi Rb¨ eûZj 1,376.00
of Narcotics Control. feb wbgvY|

Total Number of Projects 1,357 ADP Total: 15,429,504.00

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