Non-Relevant The Journal 3

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How Was Alcohol Used in Your Family?

- My father used too much alcohol which cost Agression, anger.. via violence.

How did your parents behave when they drank

- My mom drink a little . So do grand mother and father� But my father from too
much alcohol was with violent behavior.

How did that make you feel?

- Feeling miserable!

What did you do about it? (Maybe you left the house. Or you might have hidden
yourself from them. You might have found some porn to occupy you)

- I was keeping it in myself � all the horror and when I found about jerk off that
was the way of relaxing and calming.

Do you drink too much now?

- No

But I still feel the

- Trauma

- I am very stressed and depressed

- And sometimes I get upset and angry - It gets on the extreme levels.
Does Your Social Networking Relate to Your Sex Addiction?

- Before 1-2 years I was around porn chat rooms, as for now .. Just being around
pornographic material.

- Images/Pictures

- Videos

- Films


Tip: When my clients hear about men imitating women online, it helps to break down
their fantasy world. I�ve had clients tell me, �George, you�ve ruined it for me.
Now every time I go to a chat room to talk sex with a woman, I wonder if I�m really
talking to some screwed-up dude.� So the next time you�re on a chat line thinking
you�re talk ing to a sexy woman, remember that it�s entirely possible that you�re
engaging with a man.

DeYtH: So same logic applied�

The porn is with two males� it's not really a hot woman� but a man in a green

Do You Feel Guilty About Sex?

- Yes, I feel guilty from doing it.

How was the topic of sexuality treated in your family?

- "One day your girlfriend is going to do you that favor."

- "You gonna return that favor."

- "One day you gonna have girlfriend� wife� children."

What role does guilt play in your life?

- I could be doing something better than self-destructing myself.

I�ve had gay clients who�ve internalized society�s homophobia. If you are gay, how
long did you have to keep your sexuality a secret?

- No for that question

Has your sexual orientation influenced your sexually compulsive behavior?

- Yes it has

Did you internalize homophobia?

- No

Did your parents tell you they loved you whether or not you were gay?

(Did you talk to them about it)

- I have never talked with them about my compulsive addiction.

DeYtH: But my addiction makes me do things which aren't really desirable... and
aren't in my best favor.

Do You Have Abnormal or Scary Thoughts?

- No

Have you had any thoughts of harming yourself or others?

- Yes, but thoughts� like killing somebody and making the people who know him to
feel the pain and even to kill myself and leave the note:

- Life Sucks,

-I want better life

DeYtH: I am famous plenty people in the internet know me.

Compared to the people you know at work or in your social circle, how abnormal is
your thinking?


Do you wish you were dead?

- Yes
Do you have other addictions or behaviors that are self-destructive?

- No

Are you overdoing drugs and alcohol to the point of blacking out?

- No

Are you overeating to the point where you are morbidly obese?

- No

Note: Hello George the thought about masturning doubles the count and the period in
other words 2-3 times in a day� create something which to remove this fucked up

Note: George the system has sonw kinda gay style protection�

DeYtH: Hello Addiction

Mr. Addiction: Hello, Nice Jerk (Off)

DeYtH: It Hurts. � it's like trigger_hurt brush entity.

Mr. Addiction: You like it.. and it ain't hurts.

DeYtH: It hurts my penis doesn't work� pornography is a bitch� just "I CANNNNNNN
Mr. Addiction: So what, you like it.. don't YAAA

DeYtH: Yhooo� cock sucker

- It hurts

- It's bad shit

- It ruins life's

- It creates self-depression.

Mr. Addiction: Yo man that's BULLSHIT.. .

DeYtH: No it's not.. you are sick bullshit fulfilled self doubt fucked up sucker
with no other friends.

Mr. Addiction: That's BULLSHIT

DeYtH: Naah, man� it's the truth.

Broken penis.. . Diseases.. . Self-plagatory disease by self conscious.

Mr. Addiction: That's BULLSHIT man�

.what we are doing is replicating sex� so you are say ing that�
DeYtH: Yooooo Silence

Mr. Addiction: That sex is bad thing

DeYtH: Yeah sure� you use weak people + You hide behind masks � self-lavatory
creature ravenous that's what you are Mr. Addiction. It's time to end once and for
all� bitch� bitch�

Note: Put the gay shield�

DeYtH: But remember within you� you are a gay� not me� you ard not me� me is not a

Mr. Addiction: You like it� we all know about desires� publish it on internet to
give powers.

DeYtH: Stop with the shit!

Mr. Addiction: SHIIIIITTTTT LAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAH!?

DeYtH: You are angry� aren't ya?

- Keep silence join ravenous�

FUCK ravenous

Oavendery� is your bitch and you ain't nice ouraaaaaa friendship is over� Don't
shot me.. . Energy doesn't have within it a Addiction� Mr. Addiction isn't there.

Mr. Addiction: Ohhh yeah I am there�

DeYtH: No you ars nothing� just ravenous air� air bitch.

Mr. Addiction: I am your friend.

DeYtH: Penises

- Disease

- Zombies

- Aids

And Vampires

A ravenous lavenderorh creature fuck ravenous.. . Use gay shield against ravenous.

Mr. Addiction: For god sake stop the shit.. man.. grow up.
DeYtH: You manipulating shitty fucked ruin my life � God has nothing to do with ya.


Mr. Addiction: But Xoca-Cola has me� and fireworks�. And so on and so on� I am

DeYtH: Ravenous sticker�. RAvenous STICKER�

You are pressure and depressive little fucked.

Mr. Addiction: You can't destroy Me � you like that�

DeYtH: Not any more

Broken penises




DeYtH: Come on� sucker tell me what you offed me?

Mr. Adduction: Pleasure� better life

DeYtH: Bullshit man (got chocolate spoils on the cock�mhm burning sensation�)))

1) Rule ?1 Friends never lie

2) Rule ?2 Pleasure is just spoiler Alert

You are ravenous fucke r.. . Fucler you deserve to die.

Amx_slap Mr. ADDICTION 200000000000 (damage????)

Boom Dead Mr. Addictiom

Boom Dead Mr. Addiction

Boom Dead Mr. Addiction

Where are you?

Mr. Addiction: Here!

Boom Dead Mr. Addiction

Boom Dead Mr. Addiction

Boom Dead Mr. Addiction

And he is dead forever and ever dick is a multipiple violation of law.

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