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Section IV I Transfer of Technology and Training

The consultant believes that shearing of knowledge is very important among the designers and supervisors.
Use of advanced knowledge in software in designing is also vital part. So we commit fully on the use of
technology in design by giving trainings of Engineers. Challenging in design of the bridges and their
components will be discussed with the client and a solution arrived at so that valuable experience is
transmitted from one to another. As is evident from the consultant’s expression in many of the foregoing
Chapters, we recognize the need and hence attach very high importance to the aspects of transfer of
knowledge/training through various means and method.
The main objective of the Transfer of Technology and Training will be transfer of knowledge, training and
attitude between the organization of client, and Consultant enhancing the capabilities of each party so as to
provide guidance for undertaking similar works in future.
The concept of the training can be varied from organization to organization. However, it is always directed
from organization’s business plan and strategy.

The Consultant’s approach will encompasses on:

 Understanding of existing institutional framework and their capability
 Problems associated with bridge analysis and design, selection of the site, type, materials and its
construction, maintenance, management and quality assurance
 Policies and strategies for sustainable operation and maintenance of bridge.
 Output expected
 Future directions desired from the transfer of knowledge/ training
The expected output will be the availability of well-trained and capable personnel within the organization of
client and Consultant.
Method of Transfer of Knowledge
 Collaborating together
 Regular discussion on various aspects of project implementation-contract administration, construction
supervision and Quality Assurance
 Regular discussions in the progress review and coordination meetings.
 Monitoring and evaluation of the designing activities
 Conduct on the job training
Plan of Transfer of Knowledge and Training
The transfer of knowledge, technology and training will be define during the preliminary design period of the
project and modified during the implementation in consultation with concerned people. At this moment, the
consultant anticipates the following components. Following are the outline of the programs to be conducted
during the consulting services.
Transfer of knowledge and training is one of the tasks to be covered by the consultant. Human Resources is
one of the most important aspects for the successful implementation of any project. The main objective is to
promote transfer of knowledge, training and attitude between the organization of DoLIDAR, and Consultant
enhancing the capabilities of each party so as to provide guidance for undertaking similar works in future.

The concept of the training can be varied from organization to organization. However, it is always directed
from organization’s business plan and strategy. Training is the formal or informal procedures, which an
organization like DoLIDAR uses to facilitate employees learning, so that resulting behaviour contributes to
the attainment of its goals and objectives. In other words, training is necessary to keep pace with rapidly
changing technology and benefit, qualified and proficient for achieving the best results.

The Consultant will pay particular attention to approaches that inspire confidence and a desire to produce
sustainable results. All involved project authorities, individual personnel, have to recognize themselves as an
important, clearly defined and integral part of the development machinery. The approach of the Consultant
will be to maximize this sense of teamwork by ensuring appropriate and regular inputs from all concerned.

EEC/SHREEYA/SEDS JV Transfer of Technology and Training

Technical Skill Transfer Program
The approach and methodology proposed in each section of this proposal requires the Consultant to work in
close consultation with the concerned personnel of the stakeholder organizations that will be involved in the
implementation of the project activities. In this sense, the program for transfer of necessary knowledge and skill
to the concerned is built in each section of the proposal. However, realizing the importance placed by the RFP on
this particular aspect of the consulting services, following approaches and methodologies are spelled out in this
proposal. The specific programs and approaches described in this section will constitute the regular activity of all
Consultant team members and will be planned and carried out at the appropriate stages of the project design
Approach of the technical skill transfer program
The Consultant will use the following approach and principles of learning in carrying out the above activities.
All these activities are conceptually interwoven to have an effective skill transfer program as schematically
presented below:
Orientation Sessions
By which Consultant will organize discussion sessions to orient the project personnel on the process, approach,
and objectives of the study activities and their implementation.
On-the-job Training
By which Consultant will involve the concerned member of the project personnel in their regular work where
learning will take place in informal and working environment.
Experience Sharing
By which Consultant will organize regular group meetings to enrich the project personnel with the experience of
Consultant’s team members.
Work with and not for Counterpart Team Members
By which Consultant will plan and discuss their regular work program with the concerned member of the team.
This process would introduce an interactive learning-by-doing approach in the technical skill transfer.
Experiential Approach to Learning
By which the concerned project personnel will be provided with the opportunity to go through some of the
important stages of project design process as an exercise for learning. The experience thus gained will be put into
practice by working together in the field. The lessons learned through this process will be shared among the
wider circle of the professionals involved in the project preparation.
Problem Solving Sessions (PSS)
The Consultant will organize PSS where team members will be required to deal with “representative problem
situation” faced by the Consultant in carrying out their regular job responsibilities. Such session will improve the
skill of team members to deal with difficult situations that arise during the study period.
Updated Pool of Knowledge and Skill
The Consultant will maintain project related documentation/information Centre that will ensure prompt access to
the concerned person of information for the type of skill and knowledge required at any given point of project
study. Guided by the above approaches, the Consultant will plan specific activities that will contribute both to
the quality of the design work and to the transfer of necessary skill to the designated project personnel. The
specific timing and the content for each of such activities will depend on the stages of project study and the
knowledge and skill level of the team members. This program (transfer of knowledge program) will be
continued throughout the project design period.

EEC/SHREEYA/SEDS JV Transfer of Technology and Training

Involving the Client Personnel
At all stages of work, like study, data collection, analysis, program formulation, etc., two authorities from
concerned department or division office will be involved. The cost of including the authorities and other
overheads will be borne by the consultant.
Consultation with Stakeholders
The whole process of the data collection, settlement selection, plan preparation will be done with due
consultation with stakeholders.
Involving the Local body staff
At all stages of work, like study, data collection, analysis, program formulation, etc., local body staff will be
involved. The cost of including the authorities and other overheads will be borne by the consultant.
Reporting will be done in Client and Stakeholder at study area on different time frame for valuable comments
and suggestions.
Organization of Presentation
The Presentation will be organized to present the draft report with planning method which are used in the study.
We will organize the Presentation to the Client personnel and Stakeholder at study area.

EEC/SHREEYA/SEDS JV Transfer of Technology and Training

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