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Temporal Resolution of Auditory Perception and Verbal Working Memory in 15 Children with Language
Fritjof Norrelgen, Francisco Lacerda and Hans Forssberg
J Learn Disabil 2002 35: 540
DOI: 10.1177/00222194020350060501

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Temporal Resolution of Auditory

Perception and Verbal Working
Memory in 15 Children with
Language Impairment
Fritjof Norrelgen, Francisco Lacerda, and Hans Forssberg

We investigated temporal resolution of auditory perception (TRAP), verbal working memory, and speech perception in 15 children with
language impairment (LI) in comparison with a control group of 99 typical children. A computerized two-choice test was used to assess
these three abilities. No deficits in TRAP were found in the LI group, and the thresholds were similar for both study groups. It was in-
teresting that the variability was high for both groups and that the control group’s performance was poorer than reported in some pre-
viously published studies. There were significant differences in the two groups’ performance on speech perception and verbal working
memory. Working memory was the most sensitive of these two measures.

for ISIs ≥ 428 ms, but for shorter ISIs,

hree auditory abilities that have possible because speech is produced
raised interest in connection the performance of the SLI group chil- and perceived as gestures or articula-
with language impairment (LI) dren lagged drastically compared to tory acts rather than as concatenated,
are temporal resolution of auditory that of the control group. This finding isolated speech sounds (Liberman,
perception (TRAP; Tallal, Miller, & led Tallal and Piercy to hypothesize 1993). In other words, the movements of
Fitch, 1993), verbal working memory that the problems with speech percep- the articulators (tongue, jaw, and lips)
(Gathercole & Baddeley, 1990), and tion could be the result of impaired during the production of fluent speech
speech perception (Bird & Bishop, TRAP. An experiment was set up in has been demonstrated to be produced
1992; Reynolds & Fucci, 1998). which two sets of synthetic speech and perceived in wide segments (artic-
Children with LI have been reported stimuli (/ba/, /da/ syllables) with ulatory acts) rather than as isolated
to have marked deficits in their ability typical and prolonged critical seg- movements that have to be put to-
to process rapid auditory events (Tallal ments were used (Tallal & Piercy, 1975; gether. This implies that TRAP is not so
& Piercy, 1973; Wright et al., 1997). see Note 1). The hypothesis expressed important for the discrimination of
Their detection thresholds for rapid in the first study was confirmed: The phonemes, such as the consonant in a
acoustic events and speech perception SLI group children perceived the pro- consonant–vowel syllable. In fact, be-
have been tested by using nonverbal longed speech stimuli much better cause of the articulatory gesture, the
stimuli (clicks or tones) and verbal than the stimuli with typical length of information about the consonant is ac-
stimuli (synthetic syllables), respec- critical segments. A conclusion of these tually spread over the entire syllable
tively. In one of the earliest experi- and other studies has been that im- (Diehl & Kluender, 1987). From this
ments, children with specific language paired TRAP causes language impair- point of view, it is difficult to explain
impairment (SLI) were tested in a ment (Benasich & Tallal, 1993; Tallal, how extending the transition duration
same–different task to determine their Stark, & Mellits, 1985; Tallal et al., of a consonant–vowel syllable could
ability to discriminate between two 1993). However, this hypothesis is con- dramatically improve discrimination,
steady-state tones presented with dif- troversial, and others hold the view as it did in Tallal and Piercy’s (1975) ex-
ferent interstimulus intervals (ISIs; Tal- that problems in underlying language- periment. In several studies, no deficits
lal & Piercy, 1973). The results revealed specific abilities cause language im- in TRAP were found in SLI (Bishop,
no difference in performance between pairments. The late Alvin Liberman ar- Carlyon, Deeks, & Bishop, 1999; Hel-
children with SLI and a control group gued that perception of speech is zer, Champlin, & Gillam, 1996; Suss-

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man, 1993; Trehub & Henderson, 1996). ory in children with LI in parallel with assessed because transfer to a suitable
Recently, we investigated the relation- the two auditory parameters, because school setting was being planned.
ship between TRAP and language abil- this has not been done before. It would Of 40 children in five out of seven
ity in 119 typical school children (Nor- provide information about the distri- language preschools, the parents of 15
relgen, Lacerda, & Forssberg, 2001). bution and the degree of problems in children declined to participate. Of the
The results did not support a causal re- auditory perception in a group of chil- remaining 25 children, 15 could partic-
lationship between TRAP and lan- dren with LI. In two earlier studies, we ipate in all three computerized tests of
guage abilities in typical children. It is used a two-alternative forced-choice TRAP, speech perception, and phono-
possible that the discrepancy between paradigm to assess verbal working logical working memory (see Note 2).
the results in different studies was memory in children (Norrelgen et al, This group consisted of 11 boys and 4
caused by the different types of test 1999, 2001). As children with LI fre- girls, of whom 5 were 5 years old, 8
methods used. However, it could be ar- quently have phonological/articula- were 6 years old, and 2 were 7 years old.
gued that if deficits in TRAP have such tory problems and often are shy about A psychologist assessed cognitive
severe consequences on language de- speaking, there are possible advan- ability in the LI group with the Leiter
velopment, the effect must be very ro- tages to this method because the chil- International Performance Scale–Revised
bust, and a wide variety of test meth- dren are not required to speak. We (Leiter-R; Roid & Miller, 1997). Their
ods should be able to detect it. In this wanted to see if we would get results IQ scores were between 87 and 121
study, we tested TRAP in children with similar to those in Gathercole and Bad- (M = 103, Mdn = 101.5, SD = 9.96).
LI using a method similar to Tallal and deley’s (1990) study with this method. Records from the preschool speech–
Piercy’s 1973 study—a forced two- Altogether, we addressed four ques- language units were scrutinized for
choice paradigm with two steady-state tions in this study on children with LI: data on the children’s language abili-
tones, only varying the ISIs. ties according to different tests per-
Another aspect that we wanted to 1. Do children with LI have a dis- formed by the speech pathologist dur-
investigate was whether these children tinctly lower TRAP than typical ing the children’s preschool days. The
had speech perception problems and, children? assessments were not uniform, but the
if so, whether the perception of prob- 2. Do they have problems with available data were compiled. Eleven
lematic contrasts would depend on speech perception? children had combined receptive and
TRAP (i.e., if problematic contrasts 3. If they have such problems, can the expressive difficulties, 3 were charac-
contain brief segments supposedly problematic phoneme contrasts be terized by primarily expressive diffi-
critical for temporal resolution). Peo- related to TRAP? culties, and 1 had primarily receptive
ple working with children with LI have 4. Do they have deficits in verbal difficulties. At the latest assessment,
observed that they often have prob- working memory? 1 child was considered to have a mild
lems with speech perception. There are LI of an expressive type, and 1 child
surprisingly few studies in which this had a mild LI of combined type. The re-
issue has been investigated, but some Method maining 13 had moderate or severe LI.
researchers have shown that children These children were also partici-
with LI have problems in this area Participants pants in another study in which data
(Rvachew & Jamieson, 1989; Stark & on medical background factors had
Tallal, 1980). In this study, we applied Children with LI. The LI group been collected (Fernell, Norrelgen,
a method used in two earlier studies to consisted of 15 children from pre- Bozkurt, Hellberg, & Löwing, in press).
assess speech perception in children schools for children with LI in the A pediatrician examined the partici-
(Norrelgen, Lacerda, & Forssberg, Stockholm area. The target group for pant’s medical records from the child
1999, 2001). the language preschools are children health centers and interviewed the
Verbal working memory capacity with moderate to severe LI without parents. No child had a history of any
has been examined in children with LI other significant functional impair- neurological disorder. In 7 of the chil-
by using a nonword repetition task ments, such as hearing problems, dren, a definite hereditary trait for LI in
with varying memory loads (Gather- mental retardation, autism, attention- a first-degree relative was found. Thir-
cole & Baddeley, 1990). Gathercole and deficit/hyperactivity disorder, emo- teen participants were born at term
Baddeley found severe problems with tional disorder, or neurological disor- (gestational age > 37 weeks), 1 boy was
working memory in an LI group and der. Before entry, a speech–language born moderately preterm (gestational
proposed that a deficit in the phono- pathologist and a child psychologist age = 35 weeks), and for an adopted
logical storage component of working assessed the children. boy, the gestational age was unknown.
memory was the source of this effect. The children were 5 to 7 years of age. One mother had been treated for thy-
They also proposed that this deficit All of them were well known to the rotoxicosis during pregnancy. No other
might play a central role in LI. We were teachers and the speech pathologists. pre-, peri-, or postnatal complications
interested in assessing working mem- Their language status had been recently were known.

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Control Group. The control group stimulus in pairs and to classify the pseudoword pairs (e.g., a 5-syllabic
consisted of typical children (see Note pairs as same pairs or different pairs. different pair, /ki-ga-bo-ti-do/–/ki-
3) from schools and day care centers in In this training phase, the test leader ga-bi-ti-do/), to enable the discrimina-
a socioeconomically representative triggered the stimuli presentations tion performance to be assessed under
area of Stockholm. These children had manually at a pace adjusted to each increasing memory loads. Vowels were
participated in an earlier study (Nor- participant. The participants had to used as target phonemes because they
relgen et al., 2001). From that sample, meet a criterion of seven correct re- are presumed to be easier to discrimi-
we selected all participants in the age sponses within eight successive trials nate than consonants (Borden & Har-
range from 6 years to 7 years (n = 74). before proceeding to the test. Data ris, 1984), allowing us to attribute
To match the age range of the control from this phase were not recorded. The errors in performance to memory defi-
group with the LI group, we collected stimuli used in this phase consisted of ciency. Care was taken to minimize se-
data from an additional 23 five-year- four monosyllabic stimulus pairs— mantic cues by avoiding similarities
olds and 2 six-year-olds (n = 25) in a two same pairs and two different pairs. with any frequently encountered Swed-
day care center from the same Stock- The target phonemes were vowels. Be- ish words, as suggested by Dollaghan,
holm area as the previous sample. The fore the TRAP test, the child was Biber, and Campbell (1993). To prevent
control group thus consisted of 99 chil- trained again with tone pairs of 250 ms the participants from developing the
dren. tones (878 and 1350 Hz) with 500 ms strategy of always focusing on the
ISIs. same syllable, target phonemes were
Once the participants had passed located in the second, third, fourth, or
Auditory Test Procedure
this stage, the tests were presented in fifth syllable. Contrasting phonemes
A two-alternative forced-choice para- the same order for all participants: occurred in unstressed syllables. On
digm implemented by a computer pro- each block, there were 12 trials—in all,
gram (Lacerda, Eismann, Öberg, & 1. speech perception test, 48 trials. The stimuli were presented
Norrelgen, 1993) was used. The partic- 2. phonological working memory with ISIs of 3 s to encourage partici-
ipants sat in front of a computer screen test, and pants to use subvocal or vocal re-
and wore headphones. Before the ses- 3. TRAP test. hearsal. Phonological representations
sion began, the sound volume was set within the store are known to fade
The test procedures in these three test
according to each participant’s request. within 2 s unless refreshed by rehearsal
conditions were fully automated once
Stimuli were presented in pairs, and (Baddeley, 1966).
they had been started. A full test ses-
the task was to categorize the pairs as
sion took around 45 minutes to com- TRAP Test. To test TRAP, two 20-ms-
same pairs (e.g., /ka/, pause, /ka/) or
plete. long tones presented with varying ISIs
different pairs (e.g., /ka/, pause, /ta/).
Two knobs to signal decisions were lo- were used (see Note 4). The frequen-
Speech Discrimination Test. To test
cated in front of the participants. Cor- cies of the two tones, generated by
speech discrimination, pairs of mono-
rect responses were visually reinforced computer, were 878 Hz and 1350 Hz. In
syllables with consonant–vowel com-
by some action on the computer screen a first step, the tones were paired into
binations were used. The following
(e.g., an animal appearing in jungle the four possible combinations, 878
contrasts were used: /pɑ/–/bɑ/, /kɑ/–
scenery). Incorrect or missing re- Hz–878 Hz, 1350 Hz–1350 Hz, 878
/gɑ/, /dɑ/–/gɑ/, /kɑ/–/tɑ/, /ɑ/–
sponses produced no action on the Hz–1350 Hz , or 1350 Hz–878 Hz. The
/çɑ/, /fɑ/–/sɑ/, /ɹɑ/–/lɑ/, /jɑ/–
screen. The stimuli were presented in first two pairs were defined as same
/ɹɑ/, /stɹɑ/–/stɑ/. For the purpose of
random order in each test. To ensure pairs and the latter two as different
comparison between the performance
this, the original computer script of the pairs. In a second step, we used these
on this test and the phonological work-
stimuli was randomized three times, four combinations and created five
ing memory test, the same ISIs and re-
and the resulting lists were appended subsets with different ISIs between the
sponse times were used. In all, there
to each other. This procedure guaran- two tones: 256, 128, 64, 32, and 16 ms.
were 18 stimulus pairs presented three
teed that no more than two identical The subsets were always presented in
times each—altogether, 54 stimulus
consecutive pairs would be presented. this order. In every subset, the stimulus
presentations. After each stimulus pre-
Two identical consecutive pairs were pairs were presented four times each—
sentation, the child had a maximum re-
presented only if one randomized list altogether, 16 stimulus presentations.
sponse time of 3 s. This response time
happened to end with the same pair The whole test thus consisted of 80
cutoff was also used in the verbal
that occurred in the first position of the trials.
working memory test and the TRAP
next list. test.
Data Analysis and Statistical
Training Phase. In the training Verbal Working Memory Test. The Methods
phase, the participants learned to listen stimuli for the working memory test Before statistical analysis, performances
to and compare the first and the second consisted of 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-syllabic on the three auditory tests were con-

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verted to d’ (d prime) scores (Kay, 1998), tive problems or attention problems

as this score takes into account both did not cause the group differences, be-
hits (i.e., correct answers on different cause such problems most likely would
pairs) and false alarms (i.e., errors have affected performance on the same
on same pairs). For comparisons of pairs as well.
between-group differences in perfor-
mance, nonparametric statistics were
used, namely, the Mann-Whitney U
test, using 2 × 1–sided exact p values. There were no significant differences
in overall performance between groups,
U = 640.5, z = –0.86, p = .396, ES = 0.204,
Results or in performance on any of the five in-
terstimulus intervals: 256 ms, U = 702,
Speech Discrimination
z = 0.34, p = .740; 128 ms, U = 630, z =
There was a significant difference in –0.95, p = .351; 64 ms, U = 628, z = –0.96,
overall performance between groups p = .343; 32 ms, U = 630.5, z = –0.94, p =
on the speech discrimination test, U = .351; and 16 ms, U = 654, z = –0.74, p =
430.5, z = –2.62, p = 0.008, ES = 0.610. .465. Table 2 shows the percentage of
FIGURE 1. Distribution of scores in
The overall performance in percentage correct responses by type of stimulus
percentage of correct responses in the
of correct responses for the control (same pair vs. different pair) for each speech discrimination test for the lan-
group was 90% (SD = 11%) and for the ISI by group, and Figure 3 shows the guage impairment (LI) group and the
LI group, 85% (SD = 12%; see Figure 1). overall performance for each ISI. control group. Boxes represent the 25th
To examine which particular contrasts to the 75th percentile scores, and error
contributed to this difference, we com- bars represent the 5th to the 95th per-
pared the performance between groups Discussion centile. The square in each box indi-
for each phoneme contrast separately. cates the median. Outliers are repre-
This analysis revealed significant dif- Our results did not reveal separate sented by colored triangles and are
ferences for the contrasts /pa–/ba/, thresholds in TRAP for the LI group defined as data point values > upper
box value (UBV) + 1.5 × (UBV – LBV)
U = 432.5, z = –2.9, p = .010; and the control group. As Figure 3
or data point values < lower box value
/da/–/ga/, U = 439.5, z = –2.96, p = shows, the performances of the LI
(LBV) – 1.5 × (UBV – LBV).
.015; and /stra/–/sta/, U = 466.5, z = group and the control group were sim-
–2.62, p = .020). There was also a ten- ilar and declined steadily from around
dency to a systematic difference for the 80% correct at 256 ms ISI to around Thus, we could not replicate Tallal’s
contrast /fa/–/sa/, U = 529.0, z = 50% at 16 ms ISI. Moreover, the pattern findings, and our data do not support
–2.19, p = .074. of a higher performance on same pairs the notion that children with LI have
than on different pairs disappeared for deficits in TRAP.
both groups by the ISI of 64 ms (see A consequence of this finding is that
Working Memory
Table 2). From this lack of a response the problems that were found in
There was a significant overall differ- bias and the low performances at an ISI speech perception in the LI group
ence between the LI group and the con- of 64 ms, it is evident that the TRAP could not be explained by deficits in
trol group on the verbal working mem- task is very difficult already at this TRAP. On three phoneme contrasts, we
ory test, U = 398, z = –2.89, p = .003, level for both groups. We also infor- found group differences in perfor-
ES = 0.685. Separate analyses of the mally compared the performance of mance. Two of these contrasts con-
group differences in performance on our participants with that in Tallal and tained segments (formant transitions)
the four memory loads (see Figure 2) Piercy’s 1973 experiment. In our exper- that have been suggested to be criti-
revealed that they were all significant: iment, 47% of the children with LI and cally dependent on TRAP (/pa/–/ba/
two syllables, U = 489, z = –2.20, p = 61% of the control group reached a and /da/–/ga/), but the third contrast
.033; three syllables, U = 450, z = –2.5, score of 75% correct responses at the (/sta/–/stra/) does not. For the con-
p = .013), four syllables, U = 434, z = 128 ms ISI. At an ISI of 16 ms, the mean trast /fa/–/sa/, there was a tendency
–2.6, p = .009; and five syllables, U = scores for our LI and control groups to a group difference ( p = .07), but this
479, z = –2.22, p = .026. In Table 1, per- were 48% and 52% correct, respec- contrast does not contain any formant
formances on the working memory tively. In contrast, in Tallal and Piercy’s transitions. In another study, it was re-
test are shown separately for responses experiment, no participant with SLI ported that children with LI had prob-
to same pairs and different pairs. The managed 75% correct at ISIs of 150 ms lems with discriminating contrasts
high performance on the same pairs or shorter, whereas all controls man- (fricatives) that did not contain for-
for both groups indicates that execu- aged 75% correct at an ISI of 8 ms. mant transitions (Tallal & Stark, 1981).

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a broad spectrum of language prob-

lems can be related to deficits in verbal
working memory. Our findings con-
firm the link between LI and working
memory problems previously reported
by others.
The finding that the verbal working
memory test could detect problems
without requiring the child to speak is
interesting. This indicates that the
method we used may well be useful for
detecting verbal working memory
problems in individuals with articula-
tion problems.
Possible confounding factors in the
three tests include fatigue, inattention
problems, and executive problems,
particularly in the LI group. Such ef-
fects could have been accentuated by
the order in which the tests were pre-
sented (i.e., TRAP, working memory,
FIGURE 2. Distribution of scores in percentage of correct responses for each speech perception). However, from our
memory load in the verbal working memory test for the language impairment (LI) pilot participants we learned that
group and the control group. Boxes represent the 25th to the 75th percentile, and TRAP was the most difficult task and
error bars represent the 5th to the 95th percentile. The symbol in each box repre- speech discrimination the easiest task.
sents the median. Outliers are represented by colored triangles and are defined as
Because we wanted to minimize fa-
data point values > upper box value (UBV) + 1.5 × (UBV – LBV) or data point val-
tigue effects in the participants’ perfor-
ues < lower box value (LBV) – 1.5 × (UBV – LBV).
mance on the whole test battery, the
children with LI were offered breaks
between the three tests, which several
Correct Responses on the Verbal Working Memory Test by Memory Load, of them accepted. In the TRAP test,
Stimulus Type, and Group there were natural pauses because it
was divided into five subtests. Further-
LI groupb Control groupc
more, during the testing, the speech–
Same pair Different pair Same pair Different pair language pathologist for each child
with LI was always present. The
Memory loada M SD M SD M SD M SD
speech–language pathologists knew
2 81 22 79 20 85 18 87 22 the children well and monitored them
for signs of fatigue and suggested
3 86 17 76 18 82 18 86 21
breaks when indicated. In the working
4 82 18 39 19 62 18 56 24 memory test, we found strong indica-
5 86 19 19 20 54 20 37 32 tions that fatigue or attention problems
did not play a role in the participants’
Note. LI = language impairment. Values represent the mean percentage of correct responses relative to the performance, because the false alarm
total number of responses. rate (errors on same pairs) for both
aNumber of syllables in stimulus. bn = 15. cn = 99.
groups was much lower than the true
error rate (errors on different pairs) on
Finally, it should be pointed out that in memory problems in children with LI all memory loads (see Table 1). If at-
spite of the between-group differences have been demonstrated in other stud- tention problems or executive problems
in speech discrimination, the overall ies (Gathercole & Baddeley, 1990). caused the lower performance of the LI
performance was high for both groups, Moreover, verbal working memory is a group, a higher false alarm rate would
which makes the clinical relevance of good predictor of lexical development have been observed in comparison to
this finding uncertain. (Gathercole, Willis, Baddeley, & Em- the controls.
Working memory was evidently the slie, 1994) and is involved in language We are aware of the drawbacks asso-
most sensitive of the three auditory pa- comprehension and expression (Adams ciated with the relatively small size of
rameters tested in this study. Working & Gathercole, 1995). This suggests that the study group. However, given the

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background information from the

broad investigation program recruit-
ing and selecting children for the
speech schools in Stockholm, we be-
lieve that the investigated LI group is
representative and that our findings
can be generalized. Nevertheless, the
absence of differences between the
study groups in TRAP could be due to
the small group size. However, it
should be noted that Tallal and Piercy
(1973) examined the same number of
children with LI in their original ex-
periment. On the other hand, the find-
ing that we could demonstrate signifi-
cant differences in verbal working
memory and auditory speech discrim-
ination in this small sample indicates
that those alterations are large and
FIGURE 3. Distribution of scores in percentage of correct responses for each inter-
stimulus interval (ISI) in the temporal resolution of auditory perception test for the
Fritjof Norrelgen is a speech–language pathol- language impairment (LI) group and the control group. Boxes represent the 25th to
ogist and postgraduate student at the Neurope- the 75th percentile scores, and error bars represent the 5th to the 95th percentile.
diatric Unit, Department of Women and Child The symbol in each box represents the median.
Health, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm. His re-
search project concerns working memory and
auditory perception in neurodevelopmental dis- TABLE 2
orders. Francisco Lacerda, PhD, is an associ- Correct Responses on the Temporal Resolution of Auditory Perception Test by
ate professor of linguistics in the Department of Interstimulus Interval, Stimulus Type, and Group
Linguistics, Stockholm University. His research
interests focus on emergent processes triggered LI groupb Control groupc
by associative learning. Hans Forssberg, MD, Same pair Different pair Same pair Different pair
PhD, is professor in neuropediatrics at the Neu-
ropediatric Unit, Department of Women and ISIa M SD M SD M SD M SD
Child Health, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm.
He is interested in neurodevelopmental disor- 256 88 13 81 20 85 20 79 21
ders. Address: Fritjof Norrelgen, Neuropedi- 128 78 14 67 29 82 19 71 23
atric Unit, Q2:07, Astrid Lindgren Children’s 64 58 22 60 24 62 26 63 23
Hospital, S-171 76 Stockholm, Sweden; e-mail:
32 52 23 45 25 54 25 55 25
16 48 17 48 25 52 23 51 25

Note. LI = language impairment. Values represent the mean percentage of correct responses relative to the
1. This research was kindly supported by total number of responses.
aInterstimulus interval in ms. bn = 15. cn = 99.
grants from Sunnerdahl Foundation, the So-
ciety Barnavård, the Foundation Frimurare
Barnhuset, and the Swedish Medical Re- enthusiasm and willingness to cooperate in ical syllable consisting of a stop consonant
search Council (Project No. K99-14X- this project; and psychologist Ingela Bozkurt followed by a vowel, the speaker essentially
05925-19D). for helping us with the cognitive testing. blocks the vocal tract, interrupting the vowel
2. We would like to thank the following people production. As a consequence of the articu-
for their help with this research: The chil- latory movements from the stop consonant
dren, teachers, and personnel of Stureby into the following vowel, the resonance fre-
school, Enskedefältets school, Tallkrogens 1. Vowels can be described as the result of a quencies of the vocal tract (technically called
school, and the day care centers Rothugget, voice source (created by the vocal folds’ vi- formants) change rapidly. These rapid
Kotten, and Långåkersvägen for their great bration) that is filtered by the vocal tract. changes, or formant transitions, convey
helpfulness and patience; the participants Thus, changes in the vocal tract’s configura- information about the specific consonant
and personnel of the language preschools tion resulting from articulatory gestures that preceded the vowel.
Bamse, Biet, Röda korsets Lidingöhem, Tal- lead to different acoustic output that is per- 2. Ten of the 25 children with LI could not com-
och språkcentrum, and Videgården for their ceived as different vowels. To produce a typ- plete the computerized tests. Six of them
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ing tests, possibly due to poor cognitive abil- Williams & Wilkins. thetic speech comprehension: A compar-
ity, as they all had IQ scores below 85. Two Diehl, R. L., & Kluender, K. R. (1987). On ison of children with normal and im-
participants were not willing to cooperate at the categorization of speech sounds. In paired language skills. Journal of Speech
all in the test situation. Both these children S. Harnad (Ed.), Categorical perception: The Language, and Hearing Research, 41, 458–
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