No Deck No Problem

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COMMENTS No deck? No problem! Mechanic (iredd.i) submitted 14 hours ago by 1Randomizer 54 comments share save hide give gold report crosspost all54comments sorted by: best = content [+] RougesRGross 363 points 14 hours ago Why don't these actual decent cards be put more into the spotlight. This is pretty good card in the right circumstance permalink embed save report give gold reply [-]Human_zombie 44 points 11 hours age That's what the new rule hopes to fix permalink embed save parent report give gold reply [-) Coolboypal age Rag: HAHAHA! 6 points 6 hours amen to that! NonflammableKoto (1) 1 | pref this post was submitted on 18 May 2018, 1,685 points (96% upvoted) short ttps://redd. at /akgekq Submit your cards Submit a new text post customhearthstone 46,481 Card Designers 275 Brainstorming Cards (show my fair on this subreddit. It looks tke: NonflammableKoto (edit) elcome to /r/CustomHearthstone Welcome to /r/CustomHearthstone! This is a growing community to share and discuss cards and ideas for Hearthstone. If you love Hearthstone and game design, you've ‘come to the right place! Make Your Hearthcards Own Card Thanks to /u/DNikko for maintaining this site. Rules and Guidelines + All posts must relate to Hearthstone card design or be of similar creative works. + Posts and comments should be constructive and civil, * Posts of political nature are not allowed. + Low effort posts and spam will be removed. + Be mindful of Reddit Rules and Reddiquette, Further details can be found here, If you find any posts or comments breaking these rules, please report them. Notable Links Our Discord Server ‘Our Subredait's Wiki Permalink embed save parent report give gold reply [-] Dakonz 5 points 2 hours ago Whats the new rule permalink embed save parent report ive gold reply [-] Human__zombie 5 points 1 hour ago No joke cards on weekends permatink embed save parent report sive gold reply [+] fresh_tommy 108 points 14 hours age ‘Awesome idea! permalink embed save report give gold reply [-] Germansew22 111 points 13 hours ago 1’m not well vested in HS, but “steal” sounds a bit odd. Maybe “transform”? permalink embed save report give gold reply [+] S4ge_ 95 points 13 hours ago It's steal because it gets taken out of the "deck" and added to your hand when this card is played. You don't draw it on the next turn (in which case it would be transform). perma reply 1k embed save parent report 9) [-1ioshburnsy 1 point 20 minutes ago Not quite. Perhaps you didn't mean this exactly but this card itself does not cause you to draw the fatigue spell. The battlecry of this card doesn't have any impact until you next draw a card in fatigue. When you do next draw a card - which could well be the draw at the start of your next turn - only then will you add the token to your hand in place of taking the fatigue damage. Your next drawn fatigue effect is transformed in to a spell. The wording should be ‘transform’ Permalink embed save parent report give gold reply [4] ARandomizer [5] 65 points 13 hours ago Where to find card art /r/Hearthstone Jr/Custommagic Hearthpwn Fan Creations Message The Moderators MODERATORS Coolboypal Rag: HAHAHA! Warch SlipB 2016! GetJukedM8_ Meme Mod Infinite_Bananas 60/00 kittenguin about moderation team » RECENTLY VIEWED LINKS No deck? No problem! Mechanic 1692 points | $4 comments The Cop is the real MVP here, 20.6k points | 537 comments Free Download: Fender's Riffstation ‘Shows You Chords For Any Song 533 points | 33 comments BEST D.LY. ACOUSTIC PANEL HOW TO VID 3 points | + comment Recently had one of those "oh shit" breakthrough moments which are super satisfying Studying 212 points | 27 comments ‘account activity It's more for flavor, but I chose steal because it's not a widespread mechanic. "Steal" is basically saying "draw" without implying that you'll take damage from the card itself. "Transform" doesn't imply that you put it in your hand, but rather it's in your deck. I guess I could change the card text to combine both, but I think this makes it more simple and flavorful. permalink embed save parent report give [+] Germansew22 4 points 13 hours age 1d reply Ohhhh, I see, sorry for my own confusion, I’m pretty new to the game. I like that idea & Permalink embed save parent report give gold reply [4] Brodioos 6 points 10 hours age Kind of like how “steal” is used in [[Death Grip]] perhaps? permalink embed save parent report give gold reply [-J hearthsean-bot 1 point 10 hours ago * Death Grip Deathknight Spell Token KFT & MP) HH, Wiki 2/-/- | Steal a minion from your opponent's deck and add it to your hand. Call/eM me with up to 7 [[cardname]. About. permalink embed save parent report give gold reply [+] ehromag1_ 34 points 13 hours ago Reddit post like these make blizzard job to easy at making new cards permalink embed save report give gold reply [-] Sageinthes05. 24 points 12 hours ago Wording is extremely funky but the concept is awesome. Permalink embed save report give gold reply [+] Repigitican 39 points 12 hours ago “Next time you would take fatigue damage, add a 0 cost spell to your hand equal to the damage instead” permalink embed save report give gold reply [4] KipsandDip 16 points 11 hours ago This doesn’t convey that the fatigue card is taken out from the fatigue draws you can draw. And it ruins the flavor. permalink embed save parent report sive gold reply [-] Repigilican 8 points 11 hours ago I don’t quite understand the first part of your response but I think the flavor of the card is the effect itself, not the way it’s worded. If Grommash Had “whenever this minion is damaged, gain 5 attack” instead of just “enrage +5 attack” it would still have the same flavor, that he was a fearsome warrior that never gave up on the battlefield, but the latter wording is more efficient and is based on pre-existing game mechanics. Permalink embed save parent report give gold reply [-1KipsandDip__9 points 13 hours ago By “steal”, I’m guessing that you will not draw that card as fatigue. For instance, if you're about to draw your fifth fatigue turn next turn, and you play this guy, you get a “Deal 5 damage” card now and will draw your sixth fatigue card (for six damage) next turn instead. That way, the OP fatigue-burn card is balanced by accelerating your fatigue. ‘And it might not change flavor, but OP's wording is more concise than yours. permalink embed save parent report give gold reply [-] Repigitican 0 points 11 hours ago I don’t think this card is op at all, if you're drawing that “OP” fatigue burn card, you've already taken 10 damage from fatigue permalink embed save parent report give gold reply [+] Yonio 6 points 10 hours ag0 "OP" in this case means "Original Poster’ permalink embed save parent report give gold reply [+] alesuki 9 points 12 hours ago Would Brann make you draw two of the same fatigue cards? permalink embed fe report give gold reply a [5] 5 points 8 hours ago Nope. If you drew one with 5 damage first, you'll be getting one with 6 next because that's the next fatigue card you'll usually draw. permalink embed save parent report give gold reply [4] John Depends on if it skips the fatigue or not ick 3 points 12 hours ago permalink embed save parent report give gold reply [-lJshenpai 2 points 11 hours ago Depend on whether the keyword steal copy the next fatigue or remove next fatigue completely permalink embed save parent report give gold reply [-]28agelMan 6 points 12 hours ago Would your next fatigue draw be +1 in damage? permalink embed save report give gold reply [+] oh_that_is_neat 4 points 10 hours ag0 Dr Boom powercreep Permalink embed save report give gold reply t [S12 points 8 hours age better’ > permalink embed save parent report give gold reply [+] KrowskiNall 2 points 9 hours ago I disagree on seeing the fatigue prompt as a "card" but I like the idea none the less. permalink embed save report give gold reply [-] Taxouck 2 points 8 hours ago Waaaay too niche. This is a war golem in 99% of games. permalink embed save report give gold reply ie [51 2 points 8 hours age I worded this card for a minor secondary purpose: I said "the next fatigue card you would draw." That means you don't have to be in fatigue to get the effect from this card, you'll be getting a moonfire if you play this with cards left in your deck. I might change this though, since not a lot of people acknowledge that side effect. The reward, of course, is getting deep enough into fatigue that you can use this as a finisher or a safety net. permalink embed save parent report give gold reply [-] Taxouck 3 points 8 hours ago No but even then, a moonfire on a war golem is not what I call a legendary-worthy card, The most common case is a poor effect on a poor body for a low flexibility mana cost, and the best case scenario is when you're deep in fatigue, but if you're deep in fatigue you're probably dying to it and it's not a free fireball that’s gonna help you. No matter from which angle I try to look at it, it's just way too niche and underpowered, even in its best case scenario, Permalink embed save parent report give gold reply iS [5) 4 point 8 hours age and it's not a free fireball that's gonna help you If you've played Miracle/Kingsbane Rogue for long enough, you'll find that extra damage, especially unconditional damage, can be the difference between loss and victory. To most mill/draw-happy rogue players, this could be a flexible tool to seal a game with, especially with Valeera the Hollow. Also I'm not sure how you think a 7 Mana 7/7 that gives you a combo enabler/ping is poor. permalink embed save parent report give gold reply [-] eookiesareprettyyum 1 point 7 hours ago Its poor when you only get the combo enabler at the very end of the game. permalink embed save parent report give gold reply a [1 1 point 7 hours ago Did you read the first reply? I worded it so you don't have to be in fatigue to get a Moonfire. permalink embed save parent report give gold reply -] eookiesareprettyyum 1 point 7 hours ago Oh oops skimmed over that. permalink embed save parent report sive gold reply {-]Captsitiva 2 points § hours ago This is alright, but unless the game goes to Fatigue it is just a War Golem. I don't think it will come up enough to be worth it in rogue. permalink embed save report give gold reply [+] Karmie-Chameteon 1 point 4 hours age war golem with a free moonfire - could be useful to enable combos. Though you're right, the utility increases dramatically once you reach fatigue. permalink embed save parent report give gold reply [-] Brodioo9 3 points 19 hours ago Love the card! It's very strong since it has the potential to save a ton of life and deal a ton of damage but it could be dead in your hand not during fatigue, which in my opinion puts it at 2 sweet spot for balance. Nice card! Edit: Also not sure how this fits as rogue, but still a sick card Permalink embed save report give gold reply ie [S11 point 8 hours age It's a rogue card because Rogue has a huge history with mill, and in a way, self-mill. Fatigue with Kingsbane was a thing and Miracle Rogue draws like half their deck in a single turn. Thus, Rogue usually reaches fatigue quicker than most classes. permalink embed save parent report give gold reply [-} Brodioo9 1 point & hours 290 Alright, that’s makes sense, thanks permalink embed save parent report give gold reply [+] Vayee 1 point 8 hours ago Does it prevent the fatigue damage you take or do you still take the damage but you also get a card? If you still take the damage it would probably make a lot more sense as a warrior card or for a class that can get armour. permalink embed save report give gold reply [5) 4 point 8 hours ago Prevents the fatigue damage. It steals the card as the spell itself. permalink embed save parent report sive gold reply [-] blacktiger226_1 point 7 hours ago It needs to be a constant effect not a battlecry in my opinion. permalink embed save report give gold reply [+1 dfarbs 1 point 7 hours age Feels really strong as a 0 cost spell. Malygos shenanigans and all. Why not make it a 3 cost spell to curve out the turn? permalink embed save report sive gold reply [-] Zanect 1 point § hours ago Make it 10 cost permalink embed save report give gold reply [+] Fuzzy227 1 point 5 hours ago ‘As someone who likes to play control decks and win in fatigue, I love this card permalink embed save report give gold reply [-]Jackthestryker 1 point 4 hours age MIRACLE ROGUE IM COMMMINNNGGGG Permalink embed save report give gold reply [-] NotYourDay123 1 point 44 minutes ago You've missed a chance to call him the Zodiac Bandit. permalink embed save report give gold reply [+] Grocketts2 i point 42 minutes ago This is honestly broken you should definetly up the Mana to 9 permalink embed save report give gold reply [-] pm_me_gorgon_nudes -2 points 11 hours 260 What good is a bit of damage when you're deep into fatigue? This is a vanilla 7/7 in Rogue almost all of the time and most likely negligible even when it activates. Crappy card. permalink embed save report give gold reply [+] GreySage2010 5 points 11 hours ago Taking 1 turn less of fatigue while you opponent takes double will decide the game pretty much every time if you both get to fatigue. permalink embed save parent report sive gold reply {-] hugepwner 1 point 11 hours ago this would never be worth it though, even in a mill deck. having this card in your ‘opening hand would lose you more games than you win. it's a cool idea, I just think it should have stats that make it somewhat good outside of fatigue Permalink embed save parent report give gold reply [-] pm_me_gorgon_nudes 0 points 11 hours ago Oh, mill rogue, true. Still, it’s nearly useless in standard, When was the last time you and your opponent both went to fatigue, sans getting a death knight off Burgle? 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