Zoro Attacks

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Mutōryū Attacks (no swords style)

• Tatsu Maki (龍巻き, Dragon Twister): The same as Santōryū's Tatsu Maki, but
without swords, only with the arms. Zoro's lack of swords means the technique is
not a cutting technique, and is more used to send the opponent flying. However,
getting hit by one of Zoro's arms as he performs this move could also send the
unlucky recipient several feet skyward.

Ittōryū Attacks (one sword style)

• Ittō-Ryū Iai: Shishi Sonson (一刀流 「居合」 獅子歌歌, One Sword Style Draw
and Resheath Technique: Lion's Song): Placing the sheathed sword upright and
listening to the "breath" of his opponent, the attack rapidly unsheathes, attacks, and
sheaths the sword. Although Zoro can cut anything with this technique up to the
hardness of steel, he cannot, as of yet, cut through a Pacifista Cyborg, although
using Sandai Kitetsu instead of Wado Ichimonji or Shuusui may have been a factor
for the technique. An interesting note is that Zoro does the technique back-handed
as opposed to from the waist with a standard grip on the sword. This was first seen
being used to finish off Mr. 1. Zoro uses this technique only when he needs to cut
metal like Mr. 1's steel body or Kaku's Tekkai technique. This move was his very
first Ittō-Ryū attack. This attack is as powerful as Kaku's Rankyaku Roudan. In the
FUNimation dub this is called One Sword Style: Lion's Strike.

• San-Jū-Roku Pound Hō (三十六煩悩(ポンド)鳳, Phoenix of the 36 Earthly

Desires (Kanji) 36 Pound Phoenix/Cannon (Furigana)): This attack uses the air
itself to slash the target from a distance. To initiate it, Zoro first holds one of his
swords horizontally above the shoulder of his sword arm, and then performs a
circular swing that launches the air compressed projectile spiraling towards the
target. Zoro introduced this technique as a very powerful Flying Slash Attack. This
was first seen being used to finish off Braham in Enel's Survival Game. The attack's
name is actually a very heavy pun, it's written out as "Phoenix of the 36 Earthly
Desires" in the Manga with a skewed reading attached that makes it "36 Pound Hō"
when read out. Hō means both Cannon and Phoenix, however the attached Kanji is
for Phoenix, making that the literal translation and the "Cannon" reading a Pun on
that, both of which are correct. The "Pound" part is a skewed reading of the Kanji
"Bonnou" for Earthly Desires, and it is referring to the Caliber of a Cannon. (a 36
Caliber Cannon would fire a 36 Pound Ball) This technique is known as 36 Pound
Phoenix in the Viz Manga, 36 Caliber Phoenix in the FUNimation dub (and
sometimes the Viz Manga) and Single Sword Rising Phoenix in the 4Kids dub.

• Hiryū Kaen (飛竜火焔, Flying Dragon Blaze): Using one sword wielded in his left
hand with his right hand gripping his left wrist for support (or vice-versa), Zoro
jumps high up into the air and slashes his opponent. After slashing them, Zoro's
opponent then bursts into flames (in the anime, the color of the fire is blue instead)
from where they were slashed. This was first seen being used against Ryuuma. The
animal or creature, that usually accompanies Zoro in the background when performs
powerful techniques, in this technique, is an occidental dragon. The dragon bares an
uncanny resemblance to the dragon slayed by Ryuuma the King from Oda's earlier
work, Monsters. The scene where Zoro slashes Ryuuma with this technique also
resembles the scene from Monsters, in which Ryuuma slays the dragon. In the Viz
Manga, this is called Flying Dragon Blaze, a translation of the original name.[7]

Nitōryū Attacks (two swords style)

• Taka Nami (鷹波, Hawk Wave): While airborne, creates a powerful gust of wind to
knock opponents over. First used to wipe out some Baroque Works agents at
Whiskey Peak. The pun here is that takana can also mean 'mustard leaf' and 'mi' can
refer to ingredients in soup. It can be done while standing on the ground. Zoro says
this attack is very useful against a group of weak enemies. Takanami can also mean
"high waves" in Japanese. This attack was the first non-Santōryū technique Zoro
uses in the series. This is called Hawk Wave in the FUNimation dub.

• Sai Kuru (犀回, Circling Rhino): Zoro holds his swords in front of him pointing
up, like rhinoceros horns, and spins quickly. This is called Rhino Cycle in the Viz
Manga and Rhino Rampage in the English version of One Piece: Grand Battle!
Rush! (dubbed by 4Kids). This was first seen being used against the Franky Family
when they "ambushed" Zoro on the Going Merry.[6] Pun with the Japanese
pronunciation of the English word "cycle".

• Nitō-Ryū Iai: Rashōmon (二刀流 「居合」 羅生門, Two Sword Style Draw and
Resheath Technique: Castle Gate): A dual sword drawing technique so powerful
that it can split large obstacles in half. Zoro draws his swords, and sheaths them
quickly, able to split a train carriage in half. Built in the year 789, the Rashōmon, or
Castle Gate was arguably the grandest and most famous gate in Kyoto. The name of
this move probably comes from the double-gate/double-sword connotation, as well
as being the 'grandest move' in his nitō-ryū lineup. This was first seen being used to
cut open a sea train carriage filled with Marines and World Government agents
(none of the passengers were harmed at all). In the Viz Manga, this is called Two-
Sword Style Castle Gate.

• Nana-Jū-Ni Pound Hō (七十二煩悩(ポンド)鳳, Phoenix of the 72 Earthly

Desires (Kanji) 72 Pound Phoenix/Cannon (Furigana)): Same principle as the 36
Pound Cannon. Holding his two swords horizontally above the shoulder, and then
performs a circular swing that launches two air compressed projectiles spiraling
towards the target instead of one, making it twice as powerful. This was first seen
being used against Kaku to counter his "Rankyaku: Hakurai" technique. The attack's
name is actually a very heavy pun, it's written out as "Phoenix of the 72 Earthly
Desires" in the Manga with a skewed reading attached that makes it "72 Pound Hō"
when read out. Hō means both Cannon and Phoenix, however the attached Kanji is
for Phoenix, making that the literal translation and the "Cannon" reading a Pun on
that, both of which are correct. The "Pound" part is a skewed reading of the Kanji
"Bonnou" for Earthly Desires, and it is referring to the Caliber of a Cannon (a 72
Caliber Cannon would fire a 72 Pound Ball). This is called 72 Pound Phoenix in
the Viz Manga, and 72 Caliber Phoenix in the FUNimation dub.

• Nigiri (弐斬り, Double Slash): A stance where two swords are held parallel so that
the tips are pointing to his right or left side, this move is like a pre-requirement to
perform: Tourou, Outourou, Hirameki, Samon and Maguma. The pun in this is
taken from sushi - the 'nigiri' in 'nigirizushi' roughly means 'hand-rolled'. This was
first seen being used against Kaku. This is called Nigiri in the FUNimation dub.

• Tōrō (登楼, Climbing a Tower): Two air-based projectile slashes are

sent upwards while jumping as Zoro swings his swords in an upward
motion. The pun in this is that 'toro' is an expensive cut of tuna for sushi; a
more fatty cut than the normal. This was first seen being used against Kaku.
In the Viz Manga, this is called Tower Climb, and in the FUNimation dub,
this is called Tohroh.

• Ōtōrō (応登楼 , Reply Climbing a Tower): Two air-based projectile

slashes are sent downwards while falling as Zoro swings his swords
downwards, with the gravity complimenting the force of the attack. The pun
in this is that 'ootoro' is an even more expensive cut of tuna for sushi; the
underbelly which is said to be the most flavourful flesh. This was first seen
being used against Kaku. In the Viz Manga, this is called Tower Climb
Return, and in the FUNimation dub, this is called Ohtohroh.

• Hirameki (閃, Flash): Two air-based projectiles are sent forward

after swinging both swords from the left or right side. This was first seen
being used against Kaku. In the Viz Manga, this is called Flash.

• Samon (砂紋, Sand Drawing): Two air-based projectiles are sent

diagonally down and to the left or right after swinging both swords from the
left or right. The pun in this is obvious; it sounds like 'salmon', a common
fish used for sushi. This was first seen being used against Kaku. In the Viz
Manga, this is called Ripple.

• Maguma (魔熊, Demon Bear): A simple downward pound into the

opponent with both swords. This was first seen being used against Ryuuma.

• Dai Gekken (大撃剣, Great Fencing Sword): Zoro carves two of his swords on
Franky's heavy nunchaku and hit the opponent with it. This was first seen being
used against Oars.

Santōryū Attacks (three swords style)

• Oni Giri (鬼斬り, Demon Slash): A three-way simultaneous slashing attack. Zoro
crosses his two swords across his chest and places the blade in his mouth
horizontally behind them. Zoro then approaches the target (usually at high speed)
and cuts through by swinging the swords across his chest, resulting in a descending
diagonal-crossing slash from both swords while the mouth blade performs a
horizontal cut from either the left or right, depending from which side of his mouth
did he positioned the sword's main blade at. The pun in the name is that Onigiri (お
握り) is also the name of a Japanese rice snack. This was first seen used to finish
Cabaji and the first technique he used against Mihawk. It should also be noted that
in that fight with Mihawk, the technique’s main weakness was discovered. There is
a single brief moment when all three of the swords are at the same point. If one can
block them at that instant, the entire technique will be rendered useless. Mihawk did
so by putting his necklace blade against the front most sword when Zoro tried the
technique. Doing so however, requires an enormous amount of strength, more so
than Zoro himself or else he’ll just push through the block and connect anyways, as
shown with Zoro's battle with Hatchan. This attack is as powerful as Luffy's Gomu
Gomu no Bazooka or Kaku's Bigan.

• Tora Gari (虎狩り, Tiger Hunt): Zoro puts his hand swords over his mouth blade
and swings forth a forward descending slash with them. At close-range, this can
incapacitate at least two average foes at once. The pun in the name is that "Tora
Gari" is also a type of Mohican haircut. Zoro first showed this attack to defeat the
Nyaban Brothers. In the Viz Manga, this is called Tiger Hunt. But in Vol.21 Utopia
it is called Tiger Trap. In the 4Kids and FUNimation dubs, this is called Tiger

• Zoro holds two of his swords at an angle against each other and rotates them
rapidly while running towards his opponent to create momentum; he then slices up
the foe with full speed and power. This attack was first used to try to defeat Juracule
Mihawk. According to the name of this attack, this is the ultimate and strongest
technique of the Santōryū. It was first used successfully against Oars after over 400
chapters since its first appearance, where Zoro dealt three enormous slashes over
Oars' body with the technique. It is seen again much earlier in the anime, when a
hypnotized Roronoa Zoro used it against Monkey D. Luffy in the Ocean Dream
filler arc. In One Piece Grand Adventure, the move is initiated by Zoro placing his
swords in an inverse triangular formation before spinning his two swords together
and is featured as Zoro's cinematic attack. In the 4Kids dub, this is called Ultimate
Three Swords: Three Thousand Worlds, and in the FUNimation dub this is called
Three Swords Style Secret Technique: Three Thousand Worlds. It is a reference
to the Nichiren Buddhism’s core principle Ichinen Sanzen, which literally means
3000 realms (sanzen) in a single moment of life (ichinen) experienced by a person’s
mind. In this case, three simultaneous slashes of his swords. When he used this
against Mihawk for some reason he spun the two swords in opposite directions.

• Tō Rō Nagashi (刀狼流し, Bloody Flow of the Sword Wolf ): At a close range,

Zoro leans toward the opponent, using two of his swords to block the opponent's
attacks while twisting his body around as he is continuously moving to approach
and dodge other attacks (if there are any) and eventually cutting through the
opponent's stomach with the third sword. It was used in Zoro's battle against
Hatchan. Zoro performed an aerial version of this move against Bartholomew Kuma
when he used it to effectively evade the latter's rapid Pressure Cannon attack, and
would have succeeded to land a point-blank hit had Kuma not blocked his swords
with his "paws". In the Viz Manga and 4Kids and FUNimation dubs, this is called
Streaming Wolf Swords. Tōrō nagashi (灯籠流し?) is a Japanese ceremony in
which participants float paper lanterns (chōchin) down a river.

• Tatsu Maki (龍巻き, Dragon Twister): Zoro spins with his swords to create a
dragon-like tornado that both slashes and blows away the target(s). By the time of
the Enies Lobby Arc, Zoro achieved enough power to bust apart a tall establishment
all the way through the topmost ceiling with this move and able to break Tekkai.
This is one of Zoro's most powerful attacks. "Tatsumaki" means "tornado" in
Japanese, and is also a type of sushi. In the Viz Manga and 4Kids dub this is called
Dragon Twister, and in the FUNimation dub this technique keeps it name.
However, in the FUNimation dub of the Arlong arc, Zoro calls it Dragon Twister.
It was first put into effect by defeating Hatchan.

• Yaki Oni Giri (焼鬼斬り, Burning Demon Slash): A variation of the Oni Giri
where Zoro's swords are on fire. Should this attack connect, the opponent will also
be set on fire. The pun in the name is that "Oni Giri" can also mean "rice ball", and
adding "Yaki" to it would change its meaning to "grilled rice ball". Zoro first used
this attack to save Usopp from being blown up by Mr. 5. The main flaw of the
technique is that Zoro is also being burnt while using this technique. In the Viz
Manga and FUNimation dub, this is called Flaming Oni Giri.

• Ushi Bari (牛針, Bull Horns): Zoro executes a multi-hit running attack with two
swords held out like a bull's horns. This was first seen being used against Mr. 1. The
pun here is that an "ushibari" is a wooden beam used in Japanese homes. This is
called Bull Needles in the Viz Manga and FUNimation dub, and Bull Charge in the
4Kids dub.

• Gazami Dori (蟹(ガザミ)獲り, Crab Seize): All three swords are horizontally
parallel, suddenly clamping down on the target like a crab's claw for a guillotine
like effect that would normally cut a person's head off. In the Viz Manga and
FUNimation dub, this is called Crab Grab. This was first seen being used against
Mr. 1. The name is a pun off of "kazamidori", or "weather vane".

• Hyaku-Hachi Pound Hō (百八煩悩(ポンド)鳳, Phoenix of the 108 Earthly

Desires (Kanji), 108 Pound Phoenix/Cannon (Furigana)): Same principle as the
thirty six (36) version of the same attack. Holding his two swords horizontally
above the shoulder and the other in his mouth in the same direction, and then
performs a circular swing that launches three air compressed projectiles spiraling
towards the target instead of one or two, tripling the power of the technique, but
with Shuusui, the air compressed projectiles instead fuse and become a larger and
more powerful, compressed air projectile. This attack seems to be as powerful as
Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Cannon. This was first seen being used to finish off Ohm.
The attack's name is actually a very heavy pun, it's written out as "Phoenix of the
108 Earthly Desires" in the Manga with a skewed reading attached that makes it
"108 Pound Hō" when read out. Hō means both Cannon and Phoenix, however the
attached Kanji is for Phoenix, making that the literal translation and the "Cannon"
reading a Pun on that, both of which are correct. The "Pound" part is a skewed
reading of the Kanji "Bonnou" for Earthly Desires, and it is referring to the Caliber
of a Cannon (a 108 Caliber Cannon would fire a 108 Pound Ball). This is called 108
Pound Phoenix in the Viz Manga, 108 Caliber Phoenix in the FUNimation dub,
and Triple Sword Soaring Phoenix in the 4Kids dub.

• Karasuma Gari (鴉魔狩り, Demon Crow Hunt): Zoro performs a flying multiple
slash technique. This was first seen being used against the Franky Family.[2] The
pun is that "kasumagari" is slang for a leg cramp in several regions of Japan,
including the one that Eiichiro Oda is from. This is called Raven Hunt in the Viz
Manga and the English version of One Piece: Grand Battle! Rush! (dubbed by

• Gyūki Yuzume (牛鬼勇爪, Cattle Demon Brave Hoof): The swords are positioned
pointing at the enemy. Zoro lunges forward and hits the enemy with great impact.
This was first seen being used to shatter T-Bone's sword. In the Viz Manga, this is
called Bull Demon Courageous Talons. The ushi-oni (牛鬼 ox oni?), or gyūki, is
a a horned, bovine head creature which appears in the folklore of Japan.

• Enbima Yonezu Oni Giri (艶美魔夜不眠鬼斬り, Charm Demon Sleepless Night

Demon Slash): A stronger variation of "Oni Giri" where the swords are twisted
during the slash for added force, resulting in this attack striking multiple opponents
instead of one. The pun in the name is that since "Onigiri" can mean "rice ball";
when "Enbi Mayonezu" is added, the name can also mean "rice ball with
mayonnaise added" in Japanese. This was first seen being used used against several
marines in the Enies Lobby courthouse. During its use, he generated a steam which
made his swords look like they were bending. In the Viz Manga, this is called
Charming Demon Sleepless Night Oni Giri.

• Ichi Gorilla (一剛力羅, One Gorilla): Zoro flexes his left or right bicep, in
preparation for Nigori-zake. "剛力" (gori) means 'herculean or great strength'. The
pun is of course, 'one great strength' and gorilla. This was first seen being used
against Kaku. In the Viz Manga, this is called One Gorilla.

• Ni Gorilla (二剛力羅, Two Gorillas): Zoro flexes his right or left

bicep, in preparation for Nigori-zake. As above, the pun is 'two great
strength' and gorilla. This was first seen being used against Kaku. In the Viz
Manga, this is called Two Gorilla.

• Nigori-Zake (二剛力(ゴリ)斬, Two-Arm Strength Slash): After

using both Ichi and Ni Gorilla, Zoro swings his swords so that the tips meet
when they hit the opponent, with the swords in his mouth and left hand
being held at the same level and the right's hilt dropping at an angle. The
pun here is that nigori zake also means 'unrefined sake (Japanese Rice
Wine)'. The literal translation of this move means 'two great-strength
decapitation'. This was first seen being used against Kaku. This attack is
powerful enough to disperse Kaku's Bigan. When he use these attacks, his
biceps seem to get almost 2 or 3 times bigger, being it similar to Urouge's
ability of increase his muscle mass. His arms also bulk up likes Chopper's
while using Arm Point. In the Viz Manga, this is called Two Gorilla Cut.

• Hyō Kin Dama (豹琴玉, Leopard 'Kin' Ball): Zoro jumps forward while spinning
in the air, forming a ball shape with his blades. This is basically a feinting
maneuver, so even if the target manages to read the pattern of this attack and move
out of Zoro's trajectory, they will still be cut as Zoro careens past them. This was
first seen being used against Kaku. In the Viz Manga, this is called Leopard
Spinning Balls, and in the FUNimation dub, this is called Hyokindama. The kin or
koto (琴 or 箏) is a traditional Japanese stringed musical instrument, can be read as
Kotodama ("The Power of Words"), but pun is that it can be misread as "Hyō
Kintama", "A Leopard's Balls.":

• Daibutsu Giri (大仏斬り, Great Buddha Cut): A series of horizontal sword slashes
that are powerful enough to cut apart a small building. This is the first new
Santōryū technique Zoro has used since losing Yubashiri. This move can also be
performed vertically. This was first seen being used to provide Sanji with
"ammunition" for his "Jenga Hō" technique.[3] This can be misread as dai ("big")
and butsu-giri ("roughly chopped").

• Yasha Garasu (夜叉鴉 (やしゃガラス), Night Yaksa Crow): Zoro spins like a
rolling wheel at an enemy with his swords, eventually coming to a head with a
tornado-like move while continually thrusting the swords at the opponent. This
attack leaves cuts shaped like crows' feet. This was first seen being used to carve up
Oars' arm. Yaksa is the devil which embraced Buddhism.[4]

Kyūtōryū Attacks (nine swords style)

• Kiki Kyūtōryū: Ashura (鬼気 九刀流 阿修羅, Demon Spirit Nine Sword Style:
Asura): The technique that allows him to use Kyūtōryū. While being relentlessly
attacked, Zoro's anger, and frustration manifests itself from a dark aura emanating
from himself into a being with six arms and three heads known as an Asura [1]. In
the anime, the full activation of this technique actually caused the ground to darken
several meters diameter from where Zoro stood and blow away a gust of wind from
Kaku's attack. The first time he transformed was an inadvertent semi-transformation
due to his agitation and only manifests as a dark aura with six arms being the only
definable feature, but when he transformed a second time, he had full control over it
and is shown as it is now. This is first seen being used against Kaku. This attack is
powerful enough to disperse Kaku's Rankyaku Amanedachi. The true nature has yet
to be determined. "Ashura" is the Japanese pronunciation for Asura. This is called
Deadly Nine Swords Style: Asura in the FUNimation dub, Demon Aura
Kyutouryuu's Asura in the FUNimation subs, and Demon Aura Nine Sword
Style: Asura in the Viz Manga.

• Ashura: Ichibugin (阿修羅弌霧銀, Asura: One Mist Silver): Zoro's

first technique with this style, holding the swords so the blades are pointing
towards the victim, Zoro leaps towards them, powerfully slashing them with
all nine of his swords at once afterwards ending in a position where all the
swords are held in a way to make them look like they're fanning out. This is
first seen being used to finish off Kaku. In the Wii videogames, the
"Unlimited" series, this move doesn't charge against the opponet, but is like
an expanding shockwave from Zoro's nine swords that slashes the opponent.
In the Viz Manga, this is called Asura: Silver Mist, and in the FUNimation
dub, this is called Asura Ichibugin.

• Ashura: Makyūsen (阿修羅魔九閃, Asura: Demon Nine Flashes):

Zoro approaches his target and slashes them up using all nine swords and
ends with a stance where all nine swords are in a wheel shape with his
Kyūtōryū a few metres away from the opponent, the wound is similar in
shape to the sword stance, it is similar to Brook's signature attack in that the
actual effect isn't seen until a few seconds later. This is first seen being used
against a Pacifista. In the anime and in the game One Piece: Unlimited
Cruise, the move has a rotating effect, but it is not certain in the manga (it
seems that he charges against his opponent like with "Ashura: Ichibugin".
This is called Asura's Nine Lightning Slashes in the FUNimation subs.[5]

• Ashura: Ugui (阿修羅穿威, Asura: Menacing Drill): Zoro charges

towards his opponent and slashes with all nine swords in a spin motion, like
a drill, and ends in a stance similar to Makyūsen. This move was used
against Indigo after Zoro blocked his Chemical Juggling techniques and had
all 9 swords covered in said chemicals, similar to Yaki Oni Giri, in the
movie One Piece Film: Strong World.

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