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Bukidnon State University

Malaybalay City, Bukidnon

Graduates School
Master of Arts in Educational Administration

Name of Student:
Joseph Joshua A. Palapar

Prompt Paper
Utang na loob (debt of gratitude)- this is very widespread to us Filipinos even since the
Spaniards came into our homeland. Whenever somebody does something good to us, we feel obliged to
return the same favor thus creating a very biased system in the workplace. Even the person who has
performed the deed feels and sometimes expects something I return. It may not be in material form but
somehow it good be in respect or other thoughts of goods and means. This is often times seen in our
offices and workplaces and because of this people who do better than those of whom the head is
indebted are often compromised in promotion and recognition. In order to change the image of the
value it should be taken in moderation only however we must adhere to the black and whites in order to
create equality in the decision process especially when giving credits to other people. I am not saying
that we must remove this kind of value for it also gives us benefits in some way but it should only be
done when no office bias or matters are involved.

Ningas Cogon- this is the value when a person performs good and fine at the first pace of the
process yet he/she doesn’t do well as the time goes by and worse tends to rest until such time when
such work is needed to be done. This is somehow associated with procrastination. A common value
especially in the work place when we are too eager to such task yet end not doing fine along the way
may be due to the lack of motivation or discouragement or worst not finishing the work. In order to
change this one, we need to have a change of work lifestyle. Example of this is clearing your schedules
from unnecessary stuffs and escapades and also asking help, if necessary, from your co-workers. The
more hand work on this, the lesser the burden.

Pagmamay-ari- is a value where a person has a sense of ownership towards someone,

something, and his/her own achievements. This value, when taken too much, makes you feel more like
you have an edge towards others and the sense of pride grows in your heart. In order to make this
attitude into a positive sense we need to have that sense of ownership used in a nice manner like having
it to protect and promote the rights of every Filipino child take part in our cultural pride and patronize
and encourage our own creativity towards self-fulfillment.

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