Work Log

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12/1/18 Did the learning I came up with the life span of guinea pig and
record that based hamster. The guinea pig can live about 5-6
on the pre years while hamster can live only 1-2 years.
knowledge what I Furthermore, I reviewed about the foraging of -----------------
have known animal which I learned in quarter 2. This
before and information I will use for the experiment.
designed which Nevertheless, I also have some question which
animal that we will lead the experiment.
will use for the
15/1/18 Starting research Today, I started to do the research about
and put the behavior and life of guinea pig and hamster. advice/hamster-or-guinea-pig-which
information into For example, their life span, where are they -would-be-best-for-you.html
the sheet. life and also what food are they eat.

16/1/18 Use E-database I learned to use e-database. It is the website

that search for the academic paper or the databases/
conclusion from the experiment that some
scientist or researcher have done.

17/1/18 Finish research In this class, I finished doing the research in
source 1 and 2 source 1 and complete the research sheet. Also, s
I started research the source 2 and finish fill in eq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
the research worksheet at home.

18/1/18 Finish research Today I tried to finish the researching process
source 3 and 4 as soon as possible but I can finish only the /article/pii/S0031938410004385
research for source 3 and 4 because it was very
hard to find the resource that different from my
friends in my group. May be because we /article/pii/0031938479902944
needed to research in the academic paper, so it
takes too long time.

19/1/18 Finish fill all of I finished to fill the research work for source 3
the information and 4. After that I start to research the last 58/BF03209377
from source 3 academic resource. I think this source is very
and 4 , then hard to find because there are 4 people in my
research the last group each person has to search for 5 sources
source. and the academic research the related to my
topic in very few, so I took too long time to
finished again.

22/1/18 Finish the source I already found the all of the resources already,
sheet. so I filled the summery of the fifth resource
and check all of the source that did I completed
it all or not.
23/1/18 Start doing the The matrix worksheet is the work sheet the
matrix. compare and contrast the source that we mumg5ygW3VS0OQy5MjX47QY50C
already found as a group. I put the information Oup2apmEJ18uVaAl4/edit#heading
into the matrix sheet. =h.gjdgxs

26/1/18 Complete the We gathered the information into matrix sheet
matrix sheet. and see what we can applied into our project. mumg5ygW3VS0OQy5MjX47QY50C
Then, finished it. Oup2apmEJ18uVaAl4/edit#heading

29/1/18 Start doing the After we finished the matrix sheet, we started
literature review to do the literature outline. wSSPCd6G5MBHbOdI531ODfqpk56

30/1/18 Finish the I choose the topic about memory if the guinea
literature review as one of topic the write on the literature wSSPCd6G5MBHbOdI531ODfqpk56
outline. My topic was in the first topic. Today I mJGcJDmzCvEgreA8/edit
tried to finish the analysis the difference and
the conclusion. However, I cannot finish it
during the classroom, so I finished it as a home
2/2/18 Check and finish Because this is a group worksheet, so we have
all of the part in to wait until everybody in my group finish wSSPCd6G5MBHbOdI531ODfqpk56
literature review their own part. Then, we move on the research mJGcJDmzCvEgreA8/edit
outline. proposal.
12/2/18 Plan and share Subsequently, we finished the literature review
the work equally outline, we started to work on the research
for the research proposal. Research proposal is the one that I
proposal. think it was the hardest work because we have
to write it in academic way.

19/2/18 Create google In this work, my responsibility in this work is

doc to do writing an introduction. I researched more BzIDRMjJxK0RjhqO8e54FrE4WSOk
research information of the conditioning that we will GgE9lGPQkPkhkGA/edit
proposal, and use for training the animals.

05/3/18 Continue doing I gathered the information that I have learned
the introduction. during the classroom and writing it as the BzIDRMjJxK0RjhqO8e54FrE4WSOk
introduction. Furthermore, I started to research GgE9lGPQkPkhkGA/edit
more about the classical conditioning and
operant conditioning. Finally, I wrote about the
purpose of this experiment.
12/3/18 Plan to do the In this process, we need to make 2 maze. We
mazes. decided to use the 8 arms radial maze. Then,
we started to buy a material for making a

19/3/18 Started building a One for the guinea pig and the another one is
maze. for the hamster. The one that for the guinea pig
is twice the size of the hamster as a result of
the size of their bodies.
20/3/18 Continue Today, we started buy separated into 2 teams
building the again for making a maze. I and Earth build a
maze. maze for hamster, Pat and Peach made it for
the guinea pig. We started by cut the center.
Then, cut the arms.

21/3/18 Finished the After, I finished the arms, then we stick the
maze wall of each arms, this process is the hardest of
building maze because the future board is not
stick with the glue, so we have to hold it until
it dry and stick it again with the tape. This took
too long time. My maze finished first because
it smaller, therefore I help the guinea pig’s

26/3/18 Training the During the weekend, I and my friends went to

animals JJ green market for buying the guinea pig and
hamster. We have 4 animals which is 2 guinea
pigs and 2 hamsters. My friends who took the
animals back home during the weekend, they
brought to the school. Then, we started to
touching the animals first.

27/3/18 Training the Firstly, I felt scared of it because I thought that

animals they would bite me. I started familiar with the
guinea pig already, so I can play with them and
can train them easier than yesterday. I also
clean the cage and took them some food and
28/3/18 Made the animal Today, we did the same things as yesterday
be familiar with because the animal is a lot, I need the clean the
the people. cage everyday. Furthermore, I brought the
vegetable from the canteen for feed them. I let
them to play around the classroom and hold
them to made them familiar with ourselves.
The animals seem to be more familiar than the
first day.

02/4/18 Continue train the We tried to let the animals play around the
animals. maze that we have already built to make them
familiar, so the animal, will not be scared
when they are doing the experiment. Same as
yesterday, we cleaning the cage and feed then
with food.
03/4/18 Training the We decided to started doing the experiment
animals again. tomorrow, so we let the animal familiar with
the maze again and feed them with food but
less them yesterday because we the plan of
experiment is do not give the food to them
before taking an experiment.

04/4/18 Started to do the Today, in the morning, I came to school very

experiment with early to prepared the animal and did the
both animals. experiment with them 2 time. First trail took
about 15 minutes and let them rest about 30
minutes then started the another trail with the
same time. The food that we gave to the
animal is special than the normally day,
because we went to test their smell ability. We
gave corn as a food during the experiment and
record the experiment.

24/4/18 Experiment day We continue doing the experiment with the

animals, we need to do 5 trial for each animals.
Today, we did 3 and 4 trail for each animal.
Also, keep every method as same as the first
and second trial.

25/4/18 Experiment day Today, we decided to made it as the last day of

experiment because we had only 1 trail left.
This is the fifth trail of both of guinea pig and
hamster and also keep the same things as the
day before.

26/4/18 Gathered the I am the person who edit the video for my
information and group, so today we gather all of the photo and
clip videos video into my computer for made it easier to
edit and making film. There are a lot of video
because we did 5 trail for each animals.
01/5/18 Edit the video Today, I started edit the video.

02/5/18 Edit the video Continue edit the video

03/5/18 Writing a After that, I started to writing a reflection.

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