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Job Training
Putri Diah Ekowati
NIM 12306030

Proposed to:
PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia
Geophysical Engineering Department
The Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering
Bandung Institute of Technology

Job Training, TG4067, is a variable credit course in the Geophysical Engineering
Department, Bandung Institute of Technology, which is design to combine scholarly
research, practical experience, academic activities, and community service. The purpose
of the Job Training is to provide specific and necessary learning that is nor reasonably
available to Geophysical Engineering students in the traditional college classroom.
We, the students choosing to enroll in TG4067, are expected to quality studies,
research outcomes or projects that provide appropriate field-based work experiences
related to geosciences and industries. These skill and the experiences should be in
settings unrelated to current and prior activities. This experience is expected to focus on
student’s participation in exploring activity including data acquisition, data processing,
and data interpretation. In other words, it emphasizes on case study and problem
solving. These are intended to study particular condition found in the world of
exploration, which will be further studied and analyzed to actually and academically find
the solutions. Thus, job training in a company is one of the ways where student can get
some working experience simultaneously.
PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia is one of the world’s leading energy companies in
Indonesia that is engaged in every aspect of the oil and natural gas industry, including
Geology and Geophysics application, and also Geosciences, either in exploration,
production, or after production stage. Hopefully, with university partners based
program like job training, PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia can support to continuously
develop the Indonesian students’ skills on energy exploration.

The purposes of this job training are:

 To enable us as geophysical engineering majors to apply what we have learned in

the classroom to job situations, especially about Seismic Data Processing.

 To gain job experience in industry to broaden our geophysical engineering


 To be familiar using the software used for seismic data processing.

Proposed Topic
The topic we would like to propose is “Seismic Data Processing”.

Further, if the topic proposed is not available, the topic may be changed depends on

your company.

Time & Location

We propose this job training to be done on January 2009. The location of job training is

at PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia.

The student who willing to do this job training is:


Thus ends this Job Training Proposal. With this proposal, I also attach my academic
report, curriculum vitae, and recommendation letter from Geophysics Engineering
Department. Thank you in advance for your consideration of this proposal. I look
forward to hearing from you.

Bandung, August 2008

With kindest regards,

Putri Diah Ekowati

NIM 12306030

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