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To Be A Leader In Maritime Education & Training

Topic :

E. Vapour

E. Vapors DNS Semester 1 / Heat & Optic / CKM / July 2014 / 1

To Be A Leader In Maritime Education & Training

Evaporation Gives Rise to Cooling

• Average kinetic energy increase with temperature.

• Molecules near the surface can escape and jump out of

the liquid. This process can be faster if
i. a current of air is passed over
ii. bubbling air through the liquid

• Liquid losses higher kinetic energy molecules. The

average kinetic energy drop resulting fall in
temperature of the liquid.

E. Vapors DNS Semester 1 / Heat & Optic / CKM / July 2014 / 2

To Be A Leader In Maritime Education & Training

Saturated & Unsaturated Vapour, S.V.P.

• A saturated Vapour is one which is in a state of

dynamic equilibrium with its own liquid or solid.
• Dynamic equilibrium: state which the rate at which
molecules leave the liquid = the rate at which others
return it.

vapour-liquid vapour-solid

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To Be A Leader In Maritime Education & Training

Saturated & Unsaturated Vapour, S.V.P.

• Unsaturated vapour is one which has not reached the

• Any enclosed space above a liquid is always saturated
with the vapour of that liquid.
• Under state of dynamic equilibrium, the pressure
exerted by the saturated vapour is called Saturation
Vapour pressure (S.V.P.)

E. Vapors DNS Semester 1 / Heat & Optic / CKM / July 2014 / 4

To Be A Leader In Maritime Education & Training

• Different vapours exert different S.V.P.
• S.V.P. increase with the rise of temperature.
• S.V.P. at any given temperature, is independent of the
volume of the vapour.

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To Be A Leader In Maritime Education & Training


• When S.V.P. is increased with the increase of

temperature and become equal to external atmospheric
pressure, further addition of heat will cause bubbles of
vapour to form inside the body of the liquid and rise to
the surface. > Boiling
• The boiling point (b.p.) of a substance is defined as the
temperature at which its S.V.P. become equal to the
external atmospheric pressure.

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To Be A Leader In Maritime Education & Training

Effect of Pressure on boiling temperature

• Boiling point of water increase about O.O37°C per mm

Hg increase of pressure.

• Water begins to boil when Atmospheric pressure =

S.V.P . The latent heat of vaporization comes from the
water itself.

E. Vapors DNS Semester 1 / Heat & Optic / CKM / July 2014 / 9

To Be A Leader In Maritime Education & Training

Dew Point & Relative Humidity

• The temperature at which the water vapour present in
the air is just sufficient to saturate it. Condensation will
start when the temperature is less than dew point.
• The dew point is associated with relative humidity.
• A high relative humidity indicates that the dew point is
closer to the current air temperature
• Relative Humidity =

mass of water vapour in a given volume of air

mass of water vapour required to saturate the same
volume of air at the air temperature.

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