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Understanding Craniofacial Anomalies: The Etiopathogenesis of Craniosynostoses and Facial Clefting, Edited
by Mark P. Mooney and Michael I. Siegel, ISBN 0-471-38724-X Copyright © 2002 by Wiley-Liss, Inc.



1.1 INTRODUCTION (Stockard, 1941). This may be related to a

number of factors including the unique
As your knowledge and experience in mor- evolutionary changes in the primate brain
phology (i.e., shape) and dysmorphology and dentition (see Chapters 11 and 15),
(i.e., abnormal shape) increase, you will human biological adaptations and develop-
find yourself scrutinizing the craniofacial mental acclimatizations to extreme envi-
and somatic morphology of the people ronments (Steegman, 1970; Harrison et al.,
around you, noticing subtle and not- 1988; Bogin, 1988), and the fact that
so-subtle asymmetries, deviations, and humans are essentially a “domesticated”
abnormalities in everyone. Are these species (Brace and Montagu, 1977).
morphologies the result of normal genetic Humans possess culture or the ability to
and developmental processes or are they alter their environment through technol-
due to pathological conditions that pro ogy and behavior. This ability somewhat
duce morphologies outside the range of reduces natural selection pressures and
normal phenotypic variability? To answer morphological canalization and homo-
these questions, you need to appreciate the geneity, which may subsequently increase
normal variability of human facial form. phenotypic craniofacial and dental vari-
ability (Brace and Montagu, 1977; Chapter
18). One salient example of this process is
1.2 NORMAL CRANIOFACIAL the problem of cephalopelvic dispropor-
MORPHOLOGY tion (CPD) during parturition. Historically,
the mortality rate of mothers and/or fetuses
Biological variation is a natural conse- during parturition was extremely high,
quence of sexually reproducing organisms. and even today in some emerging coun-
Such variation has allowed populations tries infant mortality rates approach 30%
to genetically adapt to changing environ- (Kusiako et al., 2000). Although not all
ments. Enlow and Gans (1996) suggest that cases of infant morality can be attributed to
the human face probably has more basic, CPD, it is still thought to play a significant
divergent kinds of facial patterns than role in birth complications (Kusiako et al.,
most other species, save domesticated dogs 2000). In countries where populations have

Understanding Craniofacial Anomalies: The Etiopathogenesis of Craniosynostoses and Facial Clefting, Edited
by Mark P. Mooney and Michael I. Siegel, ISBN 0-471-38724-X Copyright © 2002 by Wiley-Liss, Inc.


increased access to medical technology cranial width-to-length index between 0.75

(e.g., cesarean sections, prenatal ultrasound and 0.80); to (3) brachycephaly (wide, short
scans, and so on), infant mortality rates globular head forms, cranial width-to-
are approximately 11% (Meirowitz et al., length index greater than 0.80) with a
2001). These findings suggest that, in part, euryprosopic (broad, flat, less protrusive
more individuals with large heads (and, facial form) face shape (Krogman, 1978;
conversely, mothers with small pelvises) Enlow, 1990; Enlow and Gans, 1996) (Fig.
are surviving. Thus, a greater frequency of 1.1).Traditionally, these morphologies were
large-headed phenotypes, which might associated with different human popula-
normally have died during the birthing tions and geographic regions: Subsaharan
process, remain in the gene pool. This African–derived populations were on
increases the range of normal phenotypic average more dolichocephalic, European-
variability and heterogeneity in facial form and Middle Eastern–derived populations
in these populations. It is also an example were on average more mesocephalic,
of domestication or artificial selection, and Asian-derived populations were on
which is a process that increases pheno- average more brachycephalic. However,
typical variability in a population (Brace the greatly increased genetic admixture
and Montagu, 1977). among these populations has increased
Normal human craniofacial shape phenotypic heterogeneity and created dis-
extremes range from (1) dolichocephaly tribution ranges of these head forms within
(long, narrow head form, cranial width-to- populations (Enlow and Gans, 1996). Other
length index less than 0.75) with a lepto- genetic factors that may also influence
prosopic (long, narrow, protrusive) face normal craniofacial morphology include
shape; to (2) mesocephaly and a meso- gender- and age-dependent growth pro-
prosopic face shape (proportional width- cesses (Bogin, 1988; Enlow, 1990; Enlow
to-length head and facial forms with a and Gans, 1996; Sarnat, 2001).

Figure 1.1 Extremes in human head form shape (brachycephaly, mesocephaly, and dolichocephaly).

As can be seen, there is a wide spectrum multiple anomalies represent the earliest or
of human craniofacial morphologies that primary defect in morphogenesis and if all
are all within the range of normal human of the anomalies can be traced to a single
variation. This diversity is produced by an problem in morphogenesis. Knowledge of
interaction of normal genetic and epige- these relationships is instrumental in deter-
netic factors such as developmental mining the etiology of craniofacial anom-
acclimatizations to extreme environments alies, understanding the pathogenesis of
(Enlow, 1990; Steegman, 1970; Harrison et these conditions, assessing recurrence risks,
al., 1988; Bogin, 1988). It has also been sug- and designing therapies and managements
gested that populations with certain mor- for the prevention and treatment of these
phologies may be predisposed or at risk for cases (Ross and Johnston, 1978; Melnick
craniofacial anomalies based, in part, on and Jorgenson, 1979; Melnick et al., 1980;
facial, palatal, or cranial vault growth rates David et al., 1982; Marsh and Vannier, 1985;
and morphologies (Burdi et al., 1972; Vig and Burdi, 1988; Jones, 1988; Persing et
Juriloff and Trasler, 1976; Trasler and al., 1989; Sperber, 1989, 2001; Morris and
Machado, 1979; Ross and Johnston, 1978; Bardach, 1990; Gorlin et al., 1990; Montoya,
Siegel and Mooney, 1986; Johnston and 1992; Turvey et al., 1996; Cohen, 1997;
Bronsky, 1995; Vergato et al., 1997). This Cohen and MacLean, 2000; Posnick, 2000;
underlying phenotypic variability makes Malek, 2001; Wyszynski, 2001).
the study and treatment of human cranio- Craniofacial anomalies can be divided
facial pathologies and dysmorphologies into three categories: malformations, defor-
difficult and problematic but very exciting mations, and disruptions (Spranger et al.,
and challenging nonetheless. 1982; Jones, 1988; Cohen, 1997) (Table 1.1;
Fig. 1.2). Malformations are morphological
defects of an organ, part of an organ, or a
1.3 CRANIOFACIAL larger region of the body resulting from
DYSMORPHOLOGY an intrinsically abnormal developmental
process. Deformations are abnormal for-
An understanding of craniofacial anom- mations or positioning of a part of the body
alies involves an appreciation of both the caused by nondisruptive mechanical forces.
underlying, wide spectrum of normal cran- Disruptions are morphological defects of
iofacial morphology and the overlying or an organ, part of an organ, or a larger
interfering dysmorphology. Jones (1988) region of the body resulting from a break-
and Cohen (1997) suggest that craniofacial down of, or an interference with, an origi-
anomalies should be interpreted from the nally normal developmental process (Table
viewpoint of developmental anatomy and 1.1).
pathology (see also Chapters 4 and 5). It Depending on the developmental timing
is important to determine which of the and severity of the primary craniofacial

TABLE 1.1 Three Types of Dysmorphogenesis

Type of Anomaly Developmental Process Craniofacial Examples

Malformation Abnormal development of tissue Cleft lip and palate, microcephaly
Deformation Unusual forces on normal tissue Positional plagiocephaly, Robin sequence
Disruption Breakdown of normal tissue Hemifacial microsomia, rare facial clefts
Source: Adapted from Cohen, 1997.

Figure 1.2 Different morphogenetic pathways producing normal and abnormal craniofacial morphologies.

anomaly, consistent patterns of multiple various growth centers of the craniofacial

anomalies may be observed. These are complex (i.e., brain, synchondroses, globes,
referred to as syndromes or sequences (for cranial nerves, and craniofacial muscula-
an excellent discussion of these two con- ture and vasculature) (Enlow, 1990) and
cepts, see Cohen, 1997). A syndrome is usually result in the most severe craniofa-
a pattern of multiple anomalies that are cial anomalies (Table 1.2; see Chapters 4
pathogenetically related and not known to and 5).
represent a single sequence (e.g., Down, Deformation sequences may occur fol-
Crouzon, or Apert syndrome) (Spranger et lowing unusual mechanical forces (such
al., 1982; Jones, 1988; Cohen, 1997). In con- as intrauterine constraint from malposi-
trast, a sequence is a pattern of multiple tioning or amniotic bands) on previously
anomalies derived from a single known or normal tissue, which may result in altered
presumed prior anomaly or mechanical morphogenesis, usually of the molding type
factor (e.g., Robin or amniotic band (Jones, 1988). These defects usually happen
sequence) (Spranger et al., 1982; Jones, during the fetal period, only affect growth
1988; Cohen, 1997). sites (sutures, cortical surfaces, and cra-
While syndromes are usually related niofacial musculature and vasculature)
to multiple localized malformations, (Enlow, 1990), and result in less severe
sequences can be associated with all three anomalies than malformations (Table 1.2).
types of structural defects (Table 1.2; Fig. Disruption sequences may be related to a
1.2). Malformation sequences may occur disruption of normal tissue (from mechan-
following a single localized poor formation ical, vascular, or infectious origin) and
of tissue that initiates a chain of subsequent subsequent dysmorphogenesis or degen-
defects. Typically these defects can affect eration of tissue. Disruptions may affect

TABLE 1.2 Comparative Features of the Three Types of Dysmorphogenesis

Features Malformations Deformations Disruptions

Time of occurrence Embryonic Fetal Embryonic
Level of disturbance Organ Region Area
Perinatal mortality + - +
Phenotypic variability Moderate Mild Extreme
Multiple etiologies Very frequent Less common Less common
Growth center disruption + - +
Growth site disruption + + +
Spontaneous correction - + -
Postural correction - + -
Surgical correction + ± +
Relative recurrence rate High Low Extremely low
Approximate frequency in newborns 2–3% 1–2% 1–2%
Source: Adapted from Cohen, 1997.

either growth centers or growth sites. The 1996; Jones, 1988; Montoya, 1992; Cohen,
resultant craniofacial dysmorphogenesis 1997) and specialized (Ross and Johnston,
and the ability to surgically correct it will 1978; Melnick et al., 1980; David et al., 1982;
vary depending on location. A comparison Marsh and Vannier, 1985; Vig and Burdi,
of the various features of these structural 1988; Sperber, 1989, 2001; Persing et al.,
defects is presented in Table 1.2 and Figure 1989; Gorlin et al., 1990; Morris and
1.2. Bardach, 1990; Turvey et al., 1996; Cohen
and MacLean, 2000; Malek, 2001; Posnick,
2000; Wyszynski, 2001) textbooks available.
1.4 CONCLUSIONS Instead, our intent is to provide an appre-
ciation of the interaction of these processes
Normal human craniofacial morphology as an adjunct to understanding the etio-
develops as a complex consequence of pathogenesis and research paradigms of
genetic and environmental interactions. In craniofacial anomalies as presented in the
contrast, craniofacial anomalies may occur following chapters.
as a result of early embryonic problems in
tissue formation or later biomechanical or
disruptive problems with normally differ- 1.5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
entiated fetal tissue. Subsequent, secondary
craniofacial anomalies are typically a con- This work was supported in part by a Com-
sequence as well. These dysmorphologies prehensive Oral Health Research Center
occur over a normal developmental of Discovery (COHRCD) program/project
substrate. grant from NIH/NIDCR (P60 DE13078) to
This chapter presents a short introduc- the Center for Craniofacial Development
tion into normal and abnormal craniofacial and Disorders, Johns Hopkins University,
morphology. It is not our intent to present Baltimore, and a publication assistance
an exhaustive discussion of these topics, award from the Richard D. and Mary Jane
since there are many excellent generalized Edwards Endowed Publication Fund,
(Melnick and Jorgenson, 1979; Melnick et Faculty of Arts and Sciences, University of
al., 1980; Enlow, 1990; Enlow and Gans, Pittsburgh.

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