Adverbs of Frequency Lesson Plan

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Adverbs Of Frequency Lesson Plan - Daily

Routine (A1)

Teaching adverbs of frequency and daily routine –

A1 ESL Lesson Plan
*The following lesson plan is suitable for ESL teachers working with students of A1 (beginner)
English level. The Answer Sheet for the lesson is available for download below.

Lesson Goals: At the end of this lesson the students should be able to use some of the basic adverbs
of frequency. They will be able to talk about their daily routine in a general way, and will become
familiar with some phrases related to people’s daily life.

Target Grammar: Adverbs of frequency – always, never, often, sometimes, usually

Target Vocabulary: Daily routine

Lesson Presentation:
1. Listen to Tom’s daily routine. Fill in the blanks.
You want to………………… my daily routine? Well, I have a very ………………. I wake up at 5:45 a.m.. I
have a large cup of coffee and a sandwich …………………… At about seven I go to work. I
………………… talk to my colleagues about what we have to do. Later, I go to ……………………. and
interview people or just report the news. Often, I have to run from one place to another and don’t
have …………………………… I never come home …………………. in the evening. Being a reporter is
very tiring. But I really love my job because it is ………………………
We have made a video about Tom’s story. If you prefer, play the video to your class.*It does not fully
match the text above, so you might need to adjust it a little.

2. Mark the statements T for true and F for false.

1. Tom is not very busy.
2. He wakes up at 6 o’clock.
3. He has tea for breakfast.
4. He goes to work at about 7 o’clock.
5. Tom usually goes to different places for interviews.
6. He never has time for lunch.
7. He doesn’t like his job.
8. Tom sometimes comes home before 7 in the evening.

3. Match the phrases.

1. brush a) dinner
2. wake up b) the shopping
3. have c) breakfast
4. do d) to work
5. cook e) early/ late
6. go f) my teeth
7. wash g) the dishes

Lesson Practice:
1. Read to the dialogue. How often do they…? Fill in the table using
adverbs of frequency.
Paul: Hey Raile! I am going shopping. Do you want to come?
Raile: Sorry, Keiko is coming. We will do the English homework together.
Paul: I see… Well, I never do that homework…
Raile: I do it sometimes but Keiko is very serious, she always has homework.
Paul: OK, but I am cooking dinner tonight, so you and Keiko should come.
Raile: You are so nice, always cooking dinner for me.
Paul: Well, you sometimes wash the dishes and Keiko almost always does the shopping…
Raile: I know you hate washing the dishes, so you never do it.
Paul: Yeah, so tonight will you wash them?
Raile: Hehe, sure.

Paul Raile Keiko

Wash the dishes
Go shopping
Does homework never
Cooks dinner
2. Answer the questions for yourself.
1. How often do you wash the dishes?
2. How often do you wake up at 10 a.m.?
3. How often are you late for work?
4. How often do you cook lunch?
5. How often do you watch TV in the evening?
6. How often do you go to bed at 9 p.m.?
7. How often do you wash your clothes?
8. How often do you study English?

3. Put the adverb of frequency on the correct place.

E.g. I go to the park. (often) – I often go to the park.

1. Joanna washes the dishes. (sometimes)

2. Philip is late for work. (never)
3. She wakes up at 6 a.m. (always)
4. Tim comes home late. (often)
5. Roxanna cooks nice dinner. (always)
6. Paul does his homework. (never)

Lesson Production:
1. Ask the class about their daily routines.
(E.g. Ask “When do you get up?”, “How often do you wash your clothes?”, etc. )

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