ST Saviours Newsletter - 20 May 2018 Pentecost

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St Saviour’s Church
20 May 2018 - Pentecost Sunday

By the sending of the Holy Spirit,

the disciples are given the power to This week:
forgive one another’s sins, or to Sun 20 Pentecost
choose to retain them. This power 9:30 Sung Mass (St S)
sets out clearly how members of the 11am Sung Mass (St G)
Church of Christ must relate to each Mon 21:
other. It is because we are forgiven 6:00pm Mass (St G)
so much by God, individually and Mary, Mother of the
corporately, that we receive a special Church
Tues 22:
A Pentecost Gift calling to do the same. God’s Holy
10am Mass (St S)
Spirit helps us love, helps us believe St Rita
and, finally, helps us to forgive. Wed 23:
10am Mass (St G)
Thur 24:
Parish Notes: 5:45pm Mass (St S)
Fri 25:
PCC - Next meeting of the parochial church council will be this Tuesday 22 6pm Mass (St S)
May at 7pm. At this meeting we will consider some review questions from St Bede the Venerable
Bishop June and confirming the officers of the PCC for the coming year. Sat 26:
News items to go into the newsletter or website please email Fr Phelim 11am Mass (St S)
St Philip Neri
Confirmation Classes - Next meets on Thurs 7 June at 6:20pm in St
Sun 27: Trinity
Saviour’s. This is now for children and young people. For adult faith
formation see Fr Phelim. St Saviour’s:
Baptism - On Sunday 3 June we will have a baptism during the mass. 9:30 Sung Mass;
Readers and Servers - If you’d like to join the readers or servers team please St German’s:
see Fr Phelim. 11:00 am Sung Mass
Glastonbury Pilgrimage Saturday 7th July. For more details speak to Liz.
Walsingham Pilgrimage - Final payment for this year’s pilgrimage to Parish Priest:
Walsingham should be paid by Sunday 24th June 2018. A few parishioners Fr Phelim O’Hare,
will be travelling to the National Pilgrimage at The Shrine of Our Lady of 02922 411229,
Walsingham on Monday 28th May. Intercessions to be prayed at the shrine (Day off - Friday)
can be given to David, Wendy or Liz.
Memorial Service for John Thomas this Friday 25 May at 12noon in St Churchwardens:
Recently Departed: John Thomas, Mary Debono, Ronald Oaten RIP
 Bill Eastwood
07800 946949
David Gibbins

Acts 2:1-11 Deut 4:32-34, 39-40 Send forth your spirit,

Ps 33:4-5, 6+9, 18-19, O Lord, and renew the www.saintgermanwith
Ps 104
Gal 5:16-25 face of the earth.
Rom 8:14-1
John 15:26-27;16:12-15 (3vv)
Matt 28:16-20


COLLECT: Send the fire today Praise to thine eternal merit,

Oh see us on Your altar lay Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
God, who at this time taught We give our lives to You today Amen.
So crown the offering now we pray
the hearts of your faithful
Send the fire today
people by sending to them the Send the fire today FINAL HYMN:
light of your Holy Spirit: grant Send the fire today
us by the same Spirit to have a The Spirit lives to set us free,
right judgement in all things Walk, walk in the light.
and evermore to rejoice in his He binds us all in unity,
holy comfort; through the
OFFERTORY: Walk, walk in the light.
merits of Christ Jesus our O thou who camest from above
the fire celestial to impart, Walk in the light,
Saviour, who is alive and
kindle a flame of sacred love Walk in the light,
reigns with you, in the unity
on the mean altar of my heart! Walk in the light,
of the Holy Spirit, one God, Walk in the light of the Lord.
now and for ever Amen.
There let it for thy glory burn
with inextinguishable blaze, Jesus promised life to all,
GATHERING: and trembling Walk, walk in the light.
to its source return The dead were wakened
O God of burning cleansing flame
Send the fire in humble prayer by his call,
Your blood-bought gift and fervent praise. Walk, walk in the light.
today we claim
Send the fire today He died in pain on Calvary,
Jesus, confirm my heart's desire
Look down and see this waiting host Walk, walk in the light.
And send the promised Holy Ghost to work, and speak,
and think for thee; To save the lost like you and me,
We need another Pentecost
Send the fire today still let me guard the holy fire, Walk, walk in the light.
Send the fire today and still stir up the gift in me.
We know his death
God of Elijah hear our cry was not the end,
Ready for all thy perfect will,
Send the fire Walk, walk in the light.
And make us fit to live or die my acts of faith and love repeat;
till death thy endless He gave his Spirit
Send the fire today
To burn up every trace of sin mercies seal, to be our friend,
To bring the light and glory in and make the sacrifice complete. Walk, walk in the light.
The revolution now begin
Send the fire today The Spirit lives in you and me,
Send the fire today Walk, walk in the light;
It's fire we want for fire we plead
COMMUNION: His light will shine for all to see,
Send the fire Walk, walk in the light.
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
The fire will meet our every need and lighten with celestial fire;
Send the fire today thou the anointing Spirit art,
For strength to always who dost thy seven-fold gifts impart.
do what's right
For grace to conquer in the fight Thy blessed unction from above
For power to walk is comfort, life, and fire of love;
the world in white enable with perpetual light
Send the fire today the dullness of our mortal sight.
Send the fire today
Teach us to know the Father, Son,
To make our weak hearts and thee, of both, to be but one,
strong and brave that through the ages all along
Send the fire this may be our endless song:
To live a dying world to save

FIRST READING May the glory of the Lord last for You also are to testify because you
ever! have been with me from the
The First reading is from the   May the Lord rejoice in his works! beginning.
book of Acts. May my thoughts be pleasing to ‘I did not say these things to you
him. from the beginning, because I was
  I find my joy in the Lord. with you. But now I am going to him
When Pentecost day came round,
Psalm 104 who sent me; yet none of you asks
they had all met in one room, when
me, “Where are you going?” But
suddenly they heard what sounded
because I have said these things to
like a powerful wind from heaven,
you, sorrow has filled your hearts.
the noise of which filled the entire
Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it
house in which they were sitting; SECOND READING is to your advantage that I go away,
and something appeared to them
A reading from the letter to the for if I do not go away, the Advocate
that seemed like tongues of fire;
will not come to you; but if I go, I
these separated and came to rest on Galatians.
will send him to you. And when he
the head of each of them. They were
comes, he will prove the world
all filled with the Holy Spirit, and If you are guided by the Spirit you wrong about sin and righteousness
began to speak foreign languages as will be in no danger of yielding to and judgement: about sin, because
the Spirit gave them the gift of self-indulgence, since self- they do not believe in me; about
speech. indulgence is the opposite of the righteousness, because I am going to
  Now there were devout men Spirit, the Spirit is totally against the Father and you will see me no
living in Jerusalem from every such a thing, and it is precisely longer; about judgement, because
nation under heaven, and at this because the two are so opposed that the ruler of this world has been
sound they all assembled, each one you do not always carry out your condemned.
bewildered to hear these men good intentions. If you are led by the ‘I still have many things to say to
speaking his own language. They Spirit, no law can touch you. When you, but you cannot bear them now.
were amazed and astonished. self-indulgence is at work the results When the Spirit of truth comes, he
‘Surely’ they said ‘all these men are obvious: fornication, gross will guide you into all the truth; for
speaking are Galileans? How does it indecency and sexual he will not speak on his own, but
happen that each of us hears them irresponsibility; idolatry and sorcery; will speak whatever he hears, and
in his own native language? feuds and wrangling, jealousy, bad he will declare to you the things that
Parthians, Medes and Elamites; temper and quarrels; disagreements, are to come. He will glorify me,
people from Mesopotamia, Judaea factions, envy; drunkenness, orgies because he will take what is mine
and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, and similar things. I warn you now, and declare it to you. All that the
Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and as I warned you before: those who Father has is mine. For this reason I
the parts of Libya round Cyrene; as behave like this will not inherit the said that he will take what is mine
well as visitors from Rome – Jews kingdom of God. What the Spirit and declare it to you.
and proselytes alike – Cretans and brings is very different: love, joy,
Arabs; we hear them preaching in peace, patience, kindness, goodness, This is the Gospel of the Lord.
our own language about the marvels trustfulness, gentleness and self- John 15-16
of God.’ control. There can be no law against
things like that, of course. You
This is the word of the Lord. cannot belong to Christ Jesus unless
Acts 2 you crucify all self-indulgent
passions and desires.
  Since the Spirit is our life, let us
RESPONSORIAL PSALM be directed by the Spirit.
Send forth your spirit, O Lord, and
renew the face of the earth. This is the word of the Lord.
Galatians 5
Bless the Lord, my soul!
  Lord God, how great you are,
How many are your works, O Lord!
  The earth is full of your riches.

You take back your spirit, they die, GOSPEL

  returning to the dust from which
A reading from the Holy Gospel
they came.
according to St John.
You send forth your spirit, they are
When the Advocate comes, whom I
  and you renew the face of the
will send to you from the Father, the
Spirit of truth who comes from the
Father, he will testify on my behalf.

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