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Social media and human behaviour

Social media and human behaviour

Group 13CNADL02
English for Specific Purposes Department
Da Nang foreign language university
1. Introduction

1.1 The problem of statement:

Today, social media has created new styles of communication

with social networks for us. These social media has made huge
impact on everyday life in today’s society. The number of
people using social media are growing in millions every year.
Social media has helped people link to each other with common
interests and expand personal idea and support worldwide. But
people are getting too friendly with them which are slowly
injecting an inflection into our behaviour.

1.2 A rationale for the research:

In this technology age, social media has been increasingly

popular throughout the past decade . Many people have
tendency to use social media for study , work, entertainment
because we can find out all necessary information on internet
and there are many activities to relax. Nevertheless, the
information on the internet isnt selective, so it is considered if
social media has positive effects on people, especially human’s

1.3 Statement of the scope of the study:

We examine this research in universtity of foreign language
studies-The university of Da Nang.
The research includes 100 students, both male and female.
1.4 Statement of the research aim & objectives:
Objectives:This study is done with intention is to know
whether the effect of internet on human behaviour is good or
bad, positive or negative.
Aims: This study’s purpose is to investigate people often do on
social media in general and social network in particular and if it
affect their decision, their opinionand if yes,how and how much
it affects on them.
1.5 Research question and hypothesis:

Hypothesis 1: Specific human need influence the use of social

Hypothesis 2: Social media influence on human behaviour.
Main research question : How social media impact human
Research question 1: What specific human need influence the
use of social media?
Research question 2:What specific social media media influence
on students behaivour ?

2. Literature review:
Durukan et. al. - influencing customers and being influenced by
others consumption related to social media.
The Role of Media Violence in Violent Behaviors (2006), a
research by L. Rowell Huesmann from Institute for Social
Research, University of Michigan and Laramie D. Taylor from
Communication Department, University of California.
Nadkarni and Hoffman - Facebook use is motivated by two
primary needs to belong and need for self-presentation.
Cheung et. al. - explores the factors that drive students to use
online social networks.
Kim et. al. - self-construal construct provides a good instrument
for measuring the relationship between people's understanding
of self as a predictor of social computing (Facebook use) and

3. Method:

3.1. Research design:

This study will focus on the human behaviour and look at the
question of “How social media impact on human behaviour”.
To answer this question , it require feedbacks from samples
collected.The responses have to come from univeristy or
college where many people use social media in a different
purpose. For these reason, it is appropriate to use a quantitative
research approach.
3.2. Research methodology:
A quantitative research survey will be conducted through
questions form that will give surveys that are sent to the
randomly 100 selected students in this university. This survey
are run to find the impact of usage of social network on human
behaviour .
3.3. Description of population and sample:

The general sample is composed of 100 participants in a foreign

languages university who use frequently social media. They are
from different department in this university.
For the purpose of this phase of the study, participants who can
give most useful information how they use social media so that
we can analise how network media impact on human behaviour.

3.4. Data collection:

According to the study, the primary data is used. The primary
data for this research will be collected through questionnaire in
a form, the data of questionnaire are collected from 100
3.5. Instruments:
Questionnaires are useful instrument for collecting data.
3.6. Data analysis:
After collectting important data, we will sum up all the impact
of social media in general on human behaviour.And analise the
way that people use social media in order to know how social
media affect their behavior.

4. Limitation and delimitation:

5. Time line: Try to summit this proposal in time.
6. Tentative thesis chapter outline
7. References:

(1) Abu-shanab,E & Al-Taraweneh,H (2013).How Jordanian

Youth Perceive Social Networks Influence? Computer science
and information technology, Vol. 1(2),pp. 159-164.
(2) Alloway,T., & Alloway, R. (2012). The impact of
engagement with social networking sites (SNSs) on cognitive
skills. Computers in human behavior,Vol.28, pp. 1748-1754
(3) Rouis, S. (2012). Impact of Cognitive Absorbtion on
Facebook on students’ Achievement . Cyberpsychology,
Behavior, And Social Networking, Vol.15(6), 2012, pp. 296-
(4) Tuan, N. & Tu, N (2013). The impact of Online social
networking on students’ Study. VNU journal of education
Research, Vol. 29(1), 2013, pp. 1-13.
(5) Stein field, C., Ellison, N. & Lampe, C. (2008). Social
capital, self-esteem, and use of online social media: A
longitudinal analysis. Journal of Applied Development
Psychology, Vol. 29(2008), pp. 434-445.
(6) Tariq, W., Mehboob, M., Khan, M., & Ullah, F.(2012).The
impact of social media and social networks on Education and
students of Pakistan. IJCSI International Journal of Computer
Science Issues, Vol. 9(3), pp.407-412.

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