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Travel Brochure Rubric

3.1.1  Does not  Begins to  Demonstrates  Demonstrates

Demonstrate an describe any demonstrate an awareness (individually)
awareness of and interest awareness or a limited of interest an extensive
in the beliefs, traditions interest in awareness of and beliefs of awareness of
and customs of groups other groups and interest groups and interest and
and communities other or in the beliefs communities’ beliefs of
than their own communities of groups other than groups and
other than and their own. communities’
their own. communities Including other than
other than giving an their own.
their own. example to Gives many
their own life. examples to
their own life.
3.1.3  Does not  Begins to  Describes  Describes
• Describes how the describe how describe (with limited (Individually)
physical geography the physical (with assistance) how the
influences human geography assistance), how physical physical
activities in the influences how physical geography geography
communities. human geography influences influences
X2 for points. activities in influences human human
the human activity activity
community. activities in including includes
the multiple multiple
community examples examples
includes an
3.1.3  Does not  Begins to  Describes  Describes
Describes how people in describe how describe (with limited (individually)
the community depend people in the (with assistance) how people
on, and change the community assistance) how people in the
environment to how they depend on, how people in the community
live and work. and change in the community depend on
the community depend on, and change
environment depend on and change the
to how they and change the environment
live and work. the environment to how they
environment to how they life and work
to how they live and work including
live and work. including multiple
Includes an multiple examples.
example examples.
Travel Brochure!
As you have learned, places around the world are very different from
each other! India, Peru, Ukraine and Tunisia each have their own
specific climate and environment that makes their community and
way of life special and unique.

I want you to work individually within your table and make a

brochure for either PERU or INDIA and then UKRAINE or TUNISIA
to demonstrate the different climate and environment that is within
each community. You will include both text (words) and visuals
(pictures) to showcase the community and its environment!

By the end of the unit, you will have created a brochure of each


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