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BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan


Lead Teacher: Katelyn Hartley

Ideas to be Emphasized:
1. Veterinarians are animal doctors.
2. When are pet is sick we take them to the vet.


Literacy Activities/ Books:
My First Book of Animals from A to Z by Christopher Egan E13
Doctor Dan: The Bandage Man by Helen Gaspard G2
Pet Care by Betsy Chessen P C21

Activity Name Description/Activity Objective Materials

*Creative Art: Activity Description: Children will glue cat, dog, Yellow construction paper
Animal Food and bird feed to yellow construction paper. (RR1)
Collage(5) @ There will be watered-down glue in containers Glue (21)
and children will coat a layer of glue and stick Baby food jar lids (beautiful
their materials to the paper. Set up: Tape junk)
newspaper to the tabletop. Arrange animal food Brushes (RR1 art)
in plastic bowls. Place 5 chairs around the table. IWP cat, dog, and bird feed

Manipulatives: Activity Description: Children will use fine motor Legos (37)
Lego Land (4) skills to construct various lego masterpieces. Set
up: Place lego bucket on floor.
Math: Keys (4) @ Activity Description: Children will count how Keys (148)
many keys of each color there are. Set up: Place
basket of keys on table.
*Science: Brain and Activity Description: Children will mold the brain Brain and Heart Molds (86)
heart molds(4) @ and heart molds. They will learn that animals
have a brain and a heart just like humans Set up:
Have molds on the table in an attractive way.
Place 4 chairs around the table.
Sensory Table: Play Activity Description: Various play dough toys will Play Dough Toys(124)
Dough (4) be set out with play dough. Children can Play Dough (IWP)
construct what they wish. Set up: Set out play
dough and toys on sensory table.
*Blocks: Animal Activity Description: Blocks will be provided for Large Pet Animals (B168),
House (5) children to construct animal houses. Stuffed Foam blocks (B189)
animals will be provided as well. Set up: Set out
blocks and stuffed animals on floor.
*Dramatic Play: Vet Activity Description: A Veterinary clinic will be set Cat and Dog Care (DP240)
Clinic (6) up by the loft. Children will pretend to be a vet. Doctors (DP247)
Doctor toys and clothes will be set out along with Stuffed animals (unknown)
stuffed animals. Set up: Place stuffed animals
and various pet tools by the loft.
Creative Art: Finger Description: Paper and paint will be on the table Finger Paint (paint)
Paint 4 @ for children to finger paint with. Set up: Place White Paper (3)
newspaper over the table secured with tape.
*2nd: Animal Description: Children can put them on their hand Animal Puppets (WRC
Puppets (3) @ and practice making the animal sounds. Teacher Cabinet 2, shelf 1)
can ask questions, Where do rabbits live? What
does a dog say? Set up: place puppets on the

ROTATING SNACK 9:00-9:50 a.m.

Water, pretzels and canned peaches

OUTDOOR PLAY 9:10-9:50 a.m. Location: North or South Playground

*Gross Motor: Activity Description: Children will practice Velcro Catchers (GG)
Fetch! (3) @ throwing by throwing dog biscuits and try to hit Dog biscuits (IWP)
the velcro catches Set up: Place velcro catches
on the grass. Have children a few steps away,
move velcro catches farther back when child
hits it.
*2nd: Dog Park (4) Activity Description: Children will pretend to be Tunnels (GG)
dogs and run through the tunnels. Set up: Place
tunnels on lawn.
*3rd: Outdoor Activity Description: Children will feel the Sensory Table (GG)
Sensory Table (4) different texture of the animal skins. Set up: Place Animal Skins/Furs (128)
furs in sensory table. Put sensory table in the
middle of the playground.

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