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Version 1.

September 2005–2009
This project was supported by Grant No. 2007-NC-BX-K002 awarded by the Bureau of
Justice Assistance. The Bureau of Justice Assistance is a component of the Office of
Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute
of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and the Office for
Victims of Crime. Points of view or opinions in this document are those of the author and
do not represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Copyright 2005–2009 Institute for Intergovernmental Research ®.

All rights reserved. For additional information, please contact IIR at

In order for criminal justice professionals to effectively combat

symbols, events, organizations, and individuals have particular

Investigating Terrorism and Criminal Extremism—Terms and

Concepts is a glossary designed primarily as a tool for criminal

conducting criminal investigations or prosecutions of members of

groups, organizations, movements, and publications that are

publication is the likelihood that investigators and prosecutors

entry appears in this publication does not imply a connection to

in the glossary. Investigators may hear reference to this location

and names appear under one or more individual entries. For this

Guide to Common Terms Used by Antigovernment


state of continual revision. Suggestions for terms and names to

: A violent separatist group operating
in the southern Philippines that engages in kidnappings,
assassinations, and

A term used by sovereign citizens to refer to

most jurisdiction over them.

clandestinely as a team to perpetrate direct attacks on a

targeted enemy.

Attacks on
of land and raising of crops and livestock.

spiritual leader, Sheik al Rahman, is in jail in the United States

also attempted to assassinate President

U.S. citizen or facility, but


emerged at the outset of the current intifada in
is to establish a Palestinian state, and they have committed a
number of terrorist attacks, including suicide
Israel, the Gaza.

A form of property title originating in the early

the transition from Roman to

property immune from

An alternative currency
promoted by
silver held
in a

progun organizations in the

A magazine edited and published

by sovereign citizens and
articles discuss jurisdiction,

fuel oil.

notorious terrorist attacks.

bombs, committing sabotage, making booby traps, conducting

surveillance, tapping telephones, and making drugs.

anarchist movement provides

property damage
and violence could be attributed to
traveled from around the country to participate in the protest.

gatherings of punks and anarchists.

regulation or political authority and in the premise that a person

is a citizen unto himself, not accountable to others.

A group that has claimed credit for

pipe bombings in northern
Chiron Corporation and

A clandestine animal rights

perpetrated under the guise of protecting animals.

A violent, clandestine animal

Canada and the United States. In


has been involved in several

in Canada and

Radical Islamist group attempting to establish

a fundamentalist state in

to have produced chemical

strength in the United States, but they do have support from
other international jihadists.

An often fatal and highly

infectious bacterial pathogen that occurs naturally in organic
materials, including soil and diseased cattle and sheep, but
terrorist attack agent.

A very large movement dedicated

to stopping the practice of
foremost political issues in the
assassinated abortion physicians and their employees in the
United States.

A political position in opposition to capitalism

and government control, corporation or group, and supportive
of decentralization and autonomy; generally, a libertarian

hate crimes. Its mission

anarchist movement


A magazine published in Alfred Adask,

an advocate of the
magazine is directed largely at the legal/judicial system.

Alfred P.
Oklahoma City, antigovernment

compound in

Arkansas authorities for murdering a

black Arkansas state trooper,

events in history relating to the United States have taken

the removal of U.S. currency from the

the secular government in

assassinations and
hijacking of an Air
destined to be crashed into the center of
operations have been in Algeria and
United States connection.

kidnapped abortion
doctor Illinois,

and their employees have used the name. A manual entitled


United States, shall

be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts
as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.”
Patriots” often claim that some or all judges are not legitimate
Article III judges and thus may not preside over cases.

A term loosely used by

presumably due to
master race.”


activities, it resembles organized crime more than it does a

hate group or


the most prominent Christian Identity ministers in the country.


car bombings, and most of their activities have taken place

in southern United States

federal government. Sovereign citizens claim that if

social security
numbers, zip codes,
become sovereign citizens no longer under the jurisdiction of
federal or state governments, but subject only to

established in sarin
gas attack on the


separatist group has attempted to establish an independent

terrorist attacks
against Spanish government security and military forces, as

operate outside of France and Spain.

Gold and patriot”

movement believe that the
money consists of gold and silver coins.



Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, one of the

three groups targeted by

provide solidarity in opposition to the repressive government

a continuing entity.

Unmarked dark helicopters allegedly

claim that the helicopters are part of some vast conspiracy,

perhaps involving the

of the sightings, but the term has since entered the popular
vocabulary and is often used as a generic, sometimes satirical

Illegitimate churches used largely to evade

Posse Comitatus, a

avoid paying



A term used by nonracist skinheads to refer to racist


A type of skinhead
skinheads gang up to attack a victim. Often this involves kicking


A fractured

A chemical used by
abortion clinics, by anticapitalist anarchists to shut

it can render a building uninhabitable, necessitating costly and

commit and do actually commit violent attacks.

from Israelism that has come to dominate much of the

descent are actually the descendants of the ancient Israelites of

chosen people.”

A theology common among

patriot” movement. It essentially argues that


A document issued by
courts or individual sovereign citizens that purports to be an


various rationalizations—but one major concern regarding

them is the fear that sovereign citizens may actually attempt to
court of the 1990s. Posse Comitatus
grand juries to
hear cases and ensure that

A type of paramilitary group often started to

federal government.
See also Unorganized

patriot” group



recording/storage of unanalyzed information, typically from

an original source and using both human and technological
means, for input into the intelligence cycle to determine its
strategic intelligence

A sovereign

court established by sovereign
citizens. Sovereign citizens claim that these courts are the

court system has no

by a tyrannical,
of the movement claim they are only subject to a form of

authority of the federal or state governments. Adherents refer



A political statement issued by a terrorist group to

have targeted Filipino security forces, politicians, judges,

military presence in the

to operate outside of the Philippines.

A type of
reclusive, cultlike, and semicommunal. Compound groups
typically live in isolated areas and tend to be survivalist in

sort of coming collapse that they intend to survive. Compound

they often act as a haven or safe house for people of like

function but has a hidden code introduced into the command

computer by
spreading through its memory and/or operating system and

media or via a communications medium.

or already built by the United States government, according to

conspiracy theorists.

A minor,

patriot” movement.

A multistate

including Arizona, Utah, Idaho, and

Congress demanding
the establishment of a separate court system and recognition

Arizona. It claims to have around a thousand

members, although this number is almost certainly highly

Gold or silver. Ignoring judicial
interpretations of the Constitution and
gold and silver are the
only constitutional forms of money in the United States.


sovereign citizen or court movement. Sometimes

through his conduct or actions, even though such actions

not recognized by the United States, though some other

patriot” movement

not like.

of anarchist and antiauthoritarian

convergence center serves as a gathering place for

coordination of protest tactics, information, and planning.

One segment
patriot” movement believes that some or most levels of

governments but corporations.

states to hold religious property or the



key groups that conspiracy theorists claim operate behind the


styled legal advisors, usually members of the

legal counsel.” Such

individuals virtually never have any actual legal background.
In most instances, the
individuals to serve as legal representation.

keeping track of
patriot” movement,
particularly among

An alternative,
Covenant Communities.” Such communities tend to be
reclusive and survivalist in nature.

Christian Identity

named paramilitary in nature,

to survive the coming apocalypse.

the system, plant a virus, alter the system and/or its processes
unarresting, is a tactic

environmental movement

or chosen by God, they see us as integral threads in the fabric


A term often used by environmental and animal

the tactic of attacking the properties of repressive capitalist

ventures or those of individuals and entities that harm animals
or the environment.
the name of a terrorist group that functioned in


clandestine terrorist groups functioning in the United States,

this group has claimed credit for a number of attacks that have

of the founders of Ecodefense made Foreman

book provides instructions on methods to sabotage companies,

farmers, and ranchers in order to save the environment.

E A term often employed by animal rights

business, university, or farmer.

constructing homes in areas they believed should not be
stakes, sending threatening letters, and attacking construction

A term often used by the

enforcement to describe the kind of violence perpetrated by


: A number used by

theme is 14/


A Christian Identity compound group started along

the Arkansas border by a former

meeting ground and

A term for members of

intended to save the environment.

A religious/ antigovernment group in

Paul Revere,” the alias of a former
computer analyst named
started the

continue to make and sell the bogus license plates and other
paraphernalia. Committed

patriot” terminology, the term is often used to

refer to

An early clandestine environmental

group named after an impeached

Resort in northern

conspired to damage

of the United States determines the conduct of business in the

authority is derived from

Congress and subvert the

gay bashing.”

A retaliatory tactic used by

usually against
IRS Form 1099, alleging having paid a

Yasser Arafat, this group became the



can hold land free of

United States government grants to a claimant,” they note that

under this Act shall ... become liable to the satisfaction of any
debt or debts contracted prior to the issuing of the patent.”
land patent,
then their land cannot be taken for debts incurred prior to the

for just debts is the ultimate end. Courts routinely reject this
argument. See also

component in an

A series of Final Nail 1, a supplement,

and Final Nail 2

through attacks on fur Final Nail

numerous criminal actions.

distress because of an illegitimate or tyrannical government;

protest. Interestingly, groups ideologically far removed from the

patriot” movement, such as


braid, balls, tassels, eagles,

Patriots believe that any other
that denotes military
do U.S. citizens receive their constitutional rights and due
years in prison for the murder of

According to sovereign citizen

ideology, a citizen subject to the jurisdiction of the federal
and state governments. Sovereign citizens claim that they
themselves are subject only to the
allege that the Fourteenth
of citizens—citizens of the

A tactic used by some


Free Speech is a monthly publication for

supporters of American Dissident Voices , a radio program
conducted by the

Generally, a term used to describe sovereign citizens.

Freemen, a group

skinhead movement.
in most courtrooms in the United States. Sovereign citizens

such a fringe are military or court in

over them.

have originated in 1994, provides regular reports concerning

actions carried out by

environmental and research groups.

: An acronym used by anarchists as

a coded instruction for activists to be prepared to engage
in destructive actions during the course of a protest
One target of environmental

environment. In their
attacks against laboratories, and universities,

other overt organizations opposed to genetic engineering.

Claiming it does not carry out any underground actions and
does not advocate illegal acts, the center announces illegal
actions taken against genetic engineering and provides an

A term used by anarchists and other

oriented activists to refer to the deliberate or ad hoc urban

accompany such changes, including the opening of Starbucks

denationalization of economies, markets, products, and

populations brought about by ever faster travel, improved
communications, and advances in technology.
militia movement. It

millions of
supremacist movement.

computer systems and alter such systems, processes, and/

no theft or damage results.

A term used to describe the act of hacking into a

for political resistance purposes.

that desires that the nation of Israel be eliminated and an
independent Palestinian state be established.

group in the United States. Hammerskins divide themselves
by geographic regions; thus, there are
Confederate Hammerskins,


for United States, much

of the music concert scene is dominated by
Hammerskins. Hammerskins are violent,
and active in prison recruitment.
Islamic militant group is based in
Pakistan and has been linked to
conducted a number of operations against Indian troops and
civilians in kidnappings,

has come from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf and Islamic
ads and
United States.

Hezballah is a

Iran. Hezballah is zealously Islamic and seeks to

rid the Hezballah
Israel, often targeting Israel for

the Holocaust never occurred and/or that the

millions of

Fear and/or loathing of

An intellectual society and social club formed by a
university professor,

believe Illuminati conspiracy theories believe the society never

persons, evidence, or events or illustrate processes that

evidence of a criminal event.

An integrated and secure

offenders, crimes, and/or events in order to enhance prevention

processes, information systems, and

achieve advantages over military or business adversaries.

See National Criminal

Intelligence Sharing Plan.
information related to crimes or crime patterns to ascertain
offenders and trends.

of an

Field Intelligence Groups.


United States
government, including the military, that have the responsibility
of preventing breeches to U.S. national security and responding
to national security threats.

goals of the intelligence function—it is a method of performing

analytic activities and placing the analysis in a useable form.

to criminal offenders and terrorists and the order of probability

crime or issue that is subject to analysis.

agency responsible for some aspect of

criminal, or national security issue or threat.


concerning criminal or national security issues in a report

IIR may

and the Field Intelligence Groups.

Reports or documents that contain

assessments, forecasts, associations, links, and other outputs
from the analytic process that may be disseminated for use

hardening, apprehension of offenders, and prosecution.

Stored information on the activities

and associations of individuals, organizations, businesses, and

LEIU Guidelines , in Peterson,

for the development of records management policies and
federally funded multijurisdictional criminal intelligence

commodities, or threats for both tactical responses and

strategic decision making for resource allocation and/or
strategic responses.

by manipulating economies and governments from behind the

Palestine Islamic
creation of an Islamic Palestinian state and the destruction
of Israel through
governments and has committed many attacks, including
suicide bombings against Israeli civilian and military

attacks to inside
Israel, the Gaza, but they
Syria, and sympathetic

Islamic militants from Uzbekistan

on U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan and have engaged

in a number of
are scattered throughout South Asia in the area around
Afghanistan and
in the United States.

A term used by Christian Identity adherents

lost tribes” of Israel, thus,

the true Israelites described in the
Israelites but come from the

military or

and utilizing other military vehicles and gear.


kidnappings and
suicide attacks that have killed dozens of people. Pakistani
authorities suspect that they may have been involved in

donations, and their area of operation is in

have training camps in
connection to the United States.


bombings in October 2002. Several plots have been disrupted

by authorities in that region, and a number of their leadership
have been arrested. It is believed that they have cells that
span all of Southeast Asia, including Indonesia,

United States.
in the belief and practice of Islam;

media studies, threat

reporting, analytic tools, and mapping and imagery tools.

A Christian Identity bimonthly

in California, by
publication that caters to the
racist material and

A group similar to a court, though

as the county board of supervisors, and much more.”

A violent, clandestine animal rights

organization that started in
into Canada and then to the
the tactic of sending threatening and intimidating mailings to
people involved in handling live animals, including fur farmers
and laboratory scientists.

biblical state of
is the son of

Israel in 2000

in Israel and the

sympathizers in the United States and


ritual, and symbology. Among its symbols are numerical

establish an independent

government. Primary targets have been

security forces.

bombings and
arrested in

death, but his sentence has been commuted to life in prison.

the United States.

collection of various small, independent groups using variants

beliefs of Christian Identity.

organization and has targeted Indian troops and others in the

of terrorist attacks against Indian security forces and the

senior safe
houses, indicating that some other members may be facilitating
the movement of
operations take place in Pakistan, and they have support in that

connection to the United States.

offshoot of a Sunni group that specializes in armed attacks

and bombings. Some Pakistani authorities publicly named
them as being responsible for the kidnapping and murder of
U.S. journalist
bombings against Christian churches

connection to the United States.

of an analytic process that collects and assesses information

making judgments and inferences about community conditions,

pursue criminal prosecution or project crime trends.

Former Aryan
the formation of independent

leadership structure.

A term used by
free animals that are raised for
medical or other
fur farms and university and corporate laboratories.

for having a cadre of

have committed a number of political assassinations and have

they have not operated outside their region, they have large
communities in


For years it also sponsored

Barnes Review, a
revisionist publication named after the deceased revisionist,
Revisionism. In the past, The Spotlight ,
American Free Press, available online and in print.
individuals or groups.

A movement in the early nineteenth century in

that opposed the Industrial Revolution; more recently used to
technology and the effects
economy and environment.


loss of memory or data or cause erroneous instructions to be

given in a computer program.

Available in print or via the Internet, Media

Bypass is a magazine published in Indiana,
covering material of particular interest to those involved in the
patriot” movement.

rationalization that the

force to help defend themselves against an increasingly

presence on the far right admittedly eroded, currently describes

is open to citizens of any state, says cofounder

interest in its agenda.

gold and silver are money.

Glen Canyon
Colorado River.

to describe the actions they take against targets they believe

are harming the

property, not injuring


A term used to describe a variety of different groups,

espouse theories suggesting a variety of mythical doctrines,

such as that African Americans are actually indigenous peoples

have tended to appropriate sovereign citizen rhetoric and

sovereign citizen groups.

of the earth by adherents of Christian Identity. According to

Identity doctrine,




Iran after the

and a number of supporters in the United States. Its members

conducted a terrorist attack in the United States in 1992, a
takeover of a building in

support to the

A nebulous term referring to the use of

operations to continue or to convince a government to rescind

actions undertaken to combat drug



race and ensure its survival.

A formal intelligence sharing initiative, supported by the

securely links local, state,

the street, intelligence analysts, unit commanders, and police

kidnappings, hijackings,

have conducted attacks against the energy infrastructure

have received some safe haven from Cuba and Venezuela.

connection to the United States.

Media Bypass founder

main purpose is marketing Currency— silver

in Federal Reserve

patriot” distrust of paper

redemption centers” for the

of the

as the maintenance of the

group based in Chapel Hill,
Harold Covington, a.k.a.

descendant of the

groups, not

magazine of the

Attack . National Vanguard can be found online at

The Nationalist Times,

Nationalist Observer magazine and sold
books, The Nationalist

in federal court to civil rights violations in California,

prison. As part of his
agreement, Curtis formally apologized to four of his victims.

A term generally used to describe either

actual modern Southern secessionists or other forms of

Confederate States of America or establish a

symbols and venerate Hitler and the

United States.
based on a sovereign citizen ideology. Another, perhaps larger,

United States and form a nation

of Houston, and

and at the

to organize demonstrations that have been criticized for their

racial and

Illinois near

charges and sentenced to federal prison terms.
A term used by conspiracy theorists to
refer to a

A term used by anarchists and

food gardens in locations of public property or destroy

include the destruction of

pseudonym adopted during a time of crisis. In sovereign citizen

appear on a
name and not a legitimate representation of that
jurisdiction” must respond to such a name. One court case that
rejected this frivolous argument is

One of a variety of phrases placed on

A term that sovereign citizens often use

to refer to themselves, indicating that they do not consider
United States.” It is often used as
a sovereign citizens claim that anyone not living in

nonimmigrant, nonresident alien” according to

A term used to describe the area of
Oregon, Idaho, and

basis for a separatist enclave.

A abortion
doctors and other providers, referring to them as baby

people to harm the listed individuals because the names of

through their names.

An oath patriots”

common charge leveled by

A set of religious beliefs centered around the ancient

some of the original

to them because it is a

of the sticky issues surrounding

number of members of

A form of Oi” is a cockney

like Hammersmith Gorillas,

and skinhead movement itself, Oi eventually
crossed the Atlantic and American Oi bands formed, including

: bombing
of the Alfred P. Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, on

and retaliation for the assault on

the compound at

A doctrinal split in the Christian Identity

their liaison came

advocates tend to be no less racist but do not accept the notion

Individual data,
records, reports, and assessments that may shed light on

obtained through means that meet copyright and commercial

1990s to stop fur farming through the use of attacks against

fur farms, began

in 1995.

A pamphlet published by
patriot” group, Police Against the
and active duty patriot” movement.

according to

comes from the sovereign citizen reading of the Constitution;

United States, shall be vested in one supreme
Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from
time to time ordain and establish.” According to sovereign
One Supreme
Court” in each county, since the county is the highest level of
from the

Achille Lauro U.S. citizen,

United States.

music label
that specializes in the production and distribution of radical

German handheld antitank

patriot” movement is a general term

used by its members to describe the collective movements and

superpatriots.” In

patriot” movement are sovereign

citizens, militia members, and sometimes
anti environmental groups.

A term used to describe those individuals

scams and frauds
money by selling

inspired by the book The Vigilantes of Christendom by

is to Islam, as the
Phineas Priest is to Christendom.” In essence, the Priesthood
is not an organized group, but rather a collection of those

Paul Hill, the

A tactic commonly used in support of arrested

is to get so many supporters to phone the police station,

as related people such as judges, prosecutors, etc., that the

sent out via Internet.

packing a potent antipersonnel punch, these illegal

a license from the Federal Communications Commission

such as

antigovernment philosophies.

A system that stores information

designed to identify individuals, organizations, and/or crime

agencies that have similar investigative and/or intelligence

this term in leading the Church of the Creator.
religion the

the group.

book provides instructions for making and using

international terrorist attacks, including airplane hijackings.

terrorist attacks in
Israeli and moderate Arab

has generally operated in the


of attacks in
including several against the United States military in Germany.
Israel using

today is in southern
Israel, the
Syria, but they have supporters

largely sponsored by the

generally used by Christian Identity adherents to refer to the

God before
mud people.”

A term sometimes used by sovereign citizens

to refer to themselves. Usually it is referred to in contrast to
Fourteenth Amendment Citizens.”

gold and

patriot” movement. Gold and silver dealers such as Viking

others sponsor
people to put all their money into gold and silver so they can

trade fairs designed

patriot” market.

Investment scams that promise high rates

asserted to be secret but lucrative forms of investment used

been used in the United States, including by some groups and

patriot” movement. See also
Patriots for

An anarchist theory that after illegitimate government

tribal arrangement.
One of the most notorious primitivist proponents is author
books on the topic.

A term often used by terrorists to

A term used by
against a business enterprise to prevent it from earning money.

gluing door locks, and disabling delivery vehicles.

are a notorious forgery, created in the late nineteenth century
by the Russia.

PIRA is the primary terrorist group involved in attempting to

Republic of Ireland. PIRA

has sought to rid all of

patriots” and others, generally

pure contractual trusts,” and a variety of

other terms.

because they are deemed to be of no further value or further

A court action to settle or establish the title to a

bogus lien. Some sovereign

motor vehicle
records be destroyed. See also Asseveration.

A legal document designed to pass titles or

interest to real property from one individual to another, as

Patriots” and con artists have developed a tactic of

property—often to avoid

A term used by
supremacists to indicate their racial struggle. It is often used
by skinheads and has even come to be the name of a popular
bombings, assassinations, and
robberies, and many members are Provisional IRA members

Ireland Protestant communities. Since October 1999, they

sympathizers in
U.S. gun dealers.

A sovereign citizen tactic that gained great

Apparently thought up by

in Oregon,

energy output of the people of the

someone is born and his or her
registered as a security—it is, in fact, collateral against the
bogus checks, to pay off

A term used by
sovereign citizens, apparently stemming from

they are irregular, unauthorized, incomplete, and void process.”

share intelligence information and have a clearinghouse for

information and resources for targeted crimes.


A sovereign citizen

United States and is, therefore, an independent



publication promotes

term used to describe
protest. Active resistance is any aggressive


founded by

Resistance Records stocks around 250 titles and maintains an

also distributes a magazine, Resistance

Resistance .

One of the prime

Constitution. Patriots claim that most actions of
the U.S. government are unconstitutional and illegal.


bombings, murder, mortar attacks, kidnapping,

military, government, and
economic targets. Foreign citizens have often been targets of

full range of narcotics

involved in
Colombia, but

connection to the United States.

leftist group is active in

Greece and is believed to be the successor to or offshoot of
another Greek terrorist group that has not been active since

bombings targeting a range


assassinations and added bombings to their repertoire in the

operations have taken place in Greece.

attacks against the U.S. military and diplomatic facilities.

primarily in Istanbul, but they do raise funds throughout

castor bean.

patriot” movement
members, especially sovereign citizens, claim that they have.

licenses, restrictions, or regulations, including

vehicle registrations, tags, and plates.

by the government but that private individuals can travel

completely freely; others simply claim that the
the right to travel freely.

Some activists occupy a building rooftop

use this tactic to control a physically high vantage point for

may do so by initiating such actions as hanging banners,

creating street parties, or beginning hunger strikes.
GIA but has eclipsed them since

conducted operations aimed at government and military

a number of

in Algeria and northern Africa, but they are supported by a

Sarin, a colorless and odorless nerve gas, has

more deadly than cyanide gas and 20 times more lethal than

Aum Shinri
cult released sarin into the
and making thousands sick.

for the Colorado, Church of Christ, the Christian

Identity Church run by Pete Peters, one of the most
prominent leaders of the
SFA produces tapes, videotapes, books, pamphlets, and

virulently tape ministry”

Shining Path, is
based in Peru and is a
became one of the most ruthless terrorist groups in the

involved in narco kidnapping for ransom.


dissemination criteria to only those persons necessary to

further the investigation or to prevent a crime or terrorist act.

A term used to describe those

supremacists in an attempt to deny that they are racists by

claiming that they do not feel superior to other races, they just
separatist idea is
the plan for creating a
people in the


the divine path of duty, both ritual and general behavior for

faithfulness that
cash on delivery”—the issuer of the sight draft must pay

bogus sight drafts have repeatedly been used by members

of antigovernment

Redemption” schemes. See also Redemption.

patriot” movement.
Some members go so far as to refuse to use paper money,
conducting all of their transactions in silver or gold or through

amendment to
the United States Constitution permits the collection of an
Posse Comitatus and other
year of the great

believe the federal


shaved heads,
soccer hooliganism to
Smilies have been used by activists during protests

property, or
intimidate or assault people.
to use smilies and claim that the name comes from the shape

A term used to describe adherents to a

philosophy derived from the group Posse Comitatus that posits
Fourteenth Amendment
and state governments, and

they have absolute mastery over all their

freedom from

they are not citizens of the nonresident

jurisdiction to try them for any matter is a

court, and that they can never be arrested or tried

sovereign citizen include the use of

have a social security card or any paper, license, or document

codes; and the displaying on various items—from envelopes to
paper UCC

state citizens, freemen, preamble citizens, common

commits or conspires to commit violent terrorist attacks for a
very limited and special cause.

patriot” leader


or is doing prison time for committing a violent racial attack.

tattoo has gained in popularity and has been

nails or spikes, possibly even

railroad spikes, into a tree as a means of preventing logging

used ceramic spikes to avoid detection by metal detectors,

A term referring to vacant property that has been taken

over by anarchists. Since anarchists do not recognize the

place, or a

the premises.
legitimate title or right of access. Anarchists do not believe in
property rights.

An organization

campaign has developed the trademark of targeting businesses

to the

market makers, janitorial services, insurance companies, and

subsidiary companies. Another trademark of SHAC is the
focusing of attacks on humans rather than facilities. Arsons,
bombings, and physical assaults have been common in

protests, vandalism to private


A youth subculture that emphasizes abstinence

from drugs,
such as animal rights and vegetarianism. Its roots go back
music plays
an important role, especially variants of punk and hardcore.
Straightedgers are also often intolerant or even violent and

straightedge movement contains a

skinhead movement itself, most straightedgers are not racist.

An assessment of targeted crime

commodity transactions for purposes of planning, decision

A term used by advocates of the

Stickers placed on the back of street

signs, largely by manufacturers but sometimes by construction

stickers have become a major source of conspiracy theory


them in concentration camps.

A term used to mean possessing full civil rights,

sovereign citizens after their names in legal documents, as in

survivalist movement feared a coming

collapse of civilization, generally as the result of
and tried to prepare themselves to survive it. Survivalists
to childbirth to edible plants.

An anarchist theory that after illegitimate


northeastern anarchists
and labor unions are historical and strong.
immediate enforcement action can be based; intelligence

interpreting the

do not have to pay

information that is prepared in such a manner that data relating

to intelligence sources and methods are easily removed from
the report to protect sources and methods from disclosure.

releases information under the condition that the receiving

agency does not release the information to any other agency—

A political movement, present primarily in

both capitalism and communism. Although it claims to be


United States are concerned that

An assessment of the criminal or terrorist

potential targets of that presence and a statement of probability


potential individuals or groups that pose criminal or terrorist

inventory is simply to determine their presence.

Sovereign citizens

the person using the phrase has just signed his or her name,
used a zip code, or performed some other action under duress,

A term used by sovereign citizens to refer to

to the bar in


and the
patriot” movement as being one of the major organizations


politics, business, and academia. Conspiracy theorists claim
it is a group of elitists determined to promote a

A computer program, command, or procedure

patriots for

from the

gold and
gold and
sovereign citizens
advertise banking facilities on

A novel by the late

under the pseudonym of

has instituted gun control,

A provision in the Uniform Commercial Code that

performs or promises performance or assents to performance

in a manner demanded or offered by the other party does not

are UCC

bank signature cards, contracts, paper money, and similar

operating under jurisdiction instead of agreeing to

submit to federal or state jurisdiction.

Refers to a person functioning clandestinely.

either their true identities or under assumed names and

commit a violent act that they make an effort to conceal their


local communities that lack effective government security. It

assassinated suspected insurgent supporters of both FARC

and the
outside that country.

A phrase commonly used to designate

groups in the

compulsory militia service arose, largely on socioeconomic

grounds. State governments realized that they could not

the overarching


federal government

obscure passage in U.S. Code that mentioned the unorganized


from a tyrannical government.

A movement consisting

United States to control and

manipulate churches.

A term used to refer to kits sold by professional


animal rights activists prefer to call themselves

is better for the environment and reduces animal abuse. In

addition to avoiding meat, vegans do not consume anything

research is conducted involving living

laboratories have been

angry over their use of living creatures for research.

An assessment of possible criminal

A sovereign citizen group


and thus are the original sovereign citizens of the United States

A prominent
supremacist group headed by Californian
television repairman and former

advancement over the needs of all other races.

tute bianche,”
is a movement consisting of anonymous groups that commit

demonstrations, they carry pads, shields, helmets, and other

protective gear.

rock music, usually

derived from Oi or heavy metal and popular among young
supremacists in

A movement consisting of

A term used by

A term used to refer to a loose collection of

antienvironment and property rights groups that oppose
government regulation of natural resources and absolute

restrictions on timber cutting on public lands and mining and

drilling in national parks, the elimination of the
Species Act and similar legislation designed to protect

pollution controls, and government compensation of property

names that sound proenvironment, such as the

Conservation Organization and the Alliance for
and Resources.

: Programs that use

systems that are linked via communications lines, spreading

viruses or media.

violent protesters have used to propel rocks, ball bearings,

paint balls, and other objects. In addition, real and synthetic

God and
respectively, often used by

and is used by anarchists and other

zines are amateurist magazines often informally produced for a

limited audience.

Israeli groups or organizations

by many

supremacists and other patriot” movement

to refer to the
controlled or manipulated by international
Symbols Agriculture 5
Alaska 5
, 54
Alcohol 0
, , 2 , 0, 2, 0,
1099 29
9, 59
A Al Gama`a Islamiyya 5
Algeria 10, 5
Abbas, Abu Algiers 10
Abortion –9, 10, 15, 5 , , Allah
Abu Sayyaf Group 5 Resources 92
Accept for Value 0 , 0
Achille Lauro , , 40, 4 , 4 , 5
Acid 15, 92
Active Resistance 2 Amendment 1, , ,
Adam 50, American Dissident Voices 1
Adask, Alfred 9 American Flag 0
9 American Free Press 4
Admiralty 5, 2 ,
1 54
5, 21 55
Afghanistan , 40, 4 55
Africa 5 American Pistol and
African American 50

Action Plan for Stopping 5, 4 , 5 , ,
5, 4
Government Rule 1 Anti-Shyster 9
American’s Bulletin, The Apocalypse 2
, 1 , 15, 21, 25, April 19 9–10, 59
2, , 5 , , 9, 0, 2, Arafat, Yasser 29
92, 9 Arizona 20, 2 , 2
Anarchist Cookbook, The 2
,9 Arkansas 9, 2 , 2
Anarchist Punks
Anarchy , 9 Armed Islamic Group 10
Army of God 10
5 4
– Army of the Righteous 4
. 1
See also Arson , , , 0
Animal Rights , 25, 2 , 2, 10
44, 4 , 0, 9 Aryan 10, 11, 4 , 5 , 91
11, 4
Antiabortion , 10, 15, 11
Assassinate 5, 9, 55,
Antiauthoritarian 9, 21 Assassination 5, 10, 4 , 0,
Antigenetic 2, 5 Assault 14, 59, , 0
5 Asseveration 11, 9
Antigovernment 9, 21, 2 , 59, Atlantis 50
5, AUC
59 11, 5
Antipatriarchy 9 11

5, , , 10, 11, 1 ,
40, 4 , 45, 4 , 54, 59, 0,
, 4, 0
, 9
Barnes Review 4
, 1 , 2 , 50, 55, 4,
, 5–
5, , 5
9, 0
1 , 1 , 41, 59, 4, 91
Big Book of Mischief 1
1 , 22, 5
, 5 C
, 4
Cain 0
California , , 1 , 44, 55, 91
Canada , 22, 44
Candy Industry
Capitalism 9,
Cells 1 , 4 , 4
Ceramic Spikes 9
Chelsea 59
14, 1 , 9
Chemical , 15, 91
Chemical Suit 91
Chiron Corporation 1 ,1 ,
Chosen People 1 19, 21, 44, 1,
Christian 4 , 59
Christian Covenant 19, 21, 22
Communities 2 ,
Christian Identity 11, 1 , 50,
55, 0, , 5, 9
Christian Patriot 1 , 1
Christian Reconstructionism , 5
1 , 19
Christian 11 Communist 19,
Church of the Creator 5. Communist Party
See also of the Philippines 19
the Creator Compound 9, 19, 20, 2 , 2 ,
1 0
1 Computer 20, 2 , 2 , 4, ,
1 49, 5, 92
Civil Authority 44 92
2 Computer Program 49, 5
Civil Rights 55, 1 Computer System 2 , 4
1 Computer Virus 20. See
Claiming Skin 1 also Virus
59 Con Artist 9
1 Concentration Camp 20, 1
Colombia 54, , – Confederate Flag 4
Colorado 5, Confederate Hammerskins 4
5 Confederate States
Colorado River 50 of America 5
Congress 10, 20, 2 , 1
1 Congressional Authorization
11, 19, 1, , 2
5 Constitution 10, 1 , 20, 21,
5 2 , 1, 2, , ,
Constitution Party 20 Currency , 10, 54
Constitution Rangers 20 55
Constitutional Counsel 22
Constitutional Policemen 20 25
Constitutional Right 0 25
Constitutionalist/ 19
Constitutionist 21 19
21 4
Convergence Center 21, 9 20
Corporate States 21 4
Corporate United States 21 25
Corporation Soles 21
Council on Foreign Relations
1 , 22, 5 0
22 10, 5
Counterintelligence 22 92
22 9
Court 5, 10, 1 , 1 , 19, 20, 5 ,
21, 22, 2 , 0, 2, 44, 50, , 0
55, 5 , 1, , 0
Courtroom 2
Covenant Community 2
2 2 , 0
Covington, Harold 54 2
Cracker 2 2
91. See 4
also 2 –2
Creator Ecodefense: A Field Guide to
Monkeywrenching 2
1 2
Cuba 54 2
Cult 11, 19, 5 49
25 , 11, 15, 19,
2 ,2 20, 2 , 1, 40, 4 , , 92
5 20,
2 ,2 29
2 FARC ,
54, Farm/Farmer 2 , 0, , 44,
2 4 , 0
2 Fatah , 29
0 29
44 0, , 9
2 FCC 5
2 Federal Communications
92 Commission 5
2 Federal Government 11, 1 ,
, 44, 49, 0 19, 21, 1, , , 9
25, 2 , 2 , 2 , 2, , 49, 21, 0,
50, , 9, 92 Federal Regulation 9
Organization 92
25 1, 5
5, 10, 45, 4 , 4 , , Field Intelligence Group 0,
, 4, , , 5, 91 , 9
International Conspiracy FIG 0. See also Field Intel
2 ligence Group
2 Filipino 19
2 Final Nail 0
, 10, 1 , 45, 4, 0
5 Flag of Peace 0

2 GIA 10, 5
Food Poisoning 50
29 2
Foreclosure 9 Global Conspiracy 5
2 Globalization
2 , 1
Fourteenth Amendment 1 GOA 4. See also
Fourteenth Amendment
Citizen 1, , God 10, 1 , 25, 5, 50, ,
France 10, 1 , 25 ,9
Paris 10 Gold 1 , 21, 50, , , ,
1 5
5 2
Free Speech 1 Gold Standard 10, 0
Freemen 1, 1
Freshcut 1 , 9
0, 2 Gun Control
Frontline Information Service , 4
Fuel Oil Hacker/Hacktivism 4
Fur 15, 0, 44, 4 , 0 Hadiths
Hall II, Paul 44
29 Hamas 4
Gaza , 40, 4
Hammerskins 4
,5 Hammersmith Gorillas 59
Genetically Altered Hang Gliders
,5 5
Hate Crimes 9,
Hate Group 11
Germany 15, , 5

91 Indiana 49
Helicopter 14 49
Hezballah/Hezbollah 5 Indonesia 4
Hill, Paul 4 4
Hitler 2 , 55, 5 Industrial Revolution 49
Hizballah 5 Informant 19
0. See also Huntingdon Information 1 , , , 9,
44, 4 , 5 , 54, 0, 5, 1,
5, , , 4
4 Information/Intelligence Shar
40, 44, 9 ing. See National Criminal
29 Intelligence Sharing Plan
Homophobia 5 Information Sharing System
29, 5, 4

Hunger Strikes 2 , 4 Intelligence Assessment

0 Intelligence Community
Intelligence Cycle 1 ,
Idaho 20, 54, 5 Intelligence Gap 9
54 Intelligence Information
IG 5 Report 9
IIR 9 Intelligence Product 9
Illegitimate Church 14
Illegitimate Government 19, 9
0, , 2 Intelligence Records
1 Guidelines 9
Illinois 10, 5 1
10 40
Illuminati 40
Immigration 4
Incendiaries 5 Conspiracy 40
, 11, , , 9 4

Internet 49, 4, 40
5, 40, 44
Investment Scam
Iran 5, 40, 51 44.
, 51, See also
Ireland , 0 , 9, 44
IRS 5 Jubilee 44
IRS Form 1099 29 59
10, 19, 4
5, , , 10, 5, 40, 4
Islamic Group 5 United States 10, 1
5, 40 44
5, , 11, 19, 0,
of Palestine 5 1, 2, 5 , , 4, , 9

of Uzbekistan 40
40 44
Islamic Revolution 51 45
Islamic State 10, 5, 40, 4 44
Israel , 1 , 4, 5, 40, 41, 44
44, 45, 5, , 9 4
5, 4 , 4
4 45
4 5, 10, 1 ,
11, 4, 5, 5 5, 40, 4 , 45, 4 , 54, ,
11, 5 5,
4 45
4 4 . See also
9, 5, 40, 41, 44, 45, 4 , 4 , 91
0, 4, , 4, 9 45

45, 9
5, 91 4 ,

45 49
45, 4 , 4 . 91
See also 91
45 4
45 49

44, 4 , 9 , 9, 5, 49, 55,
2 2, 9
0 4
29 49
1, 59 4
4 19,
4 51
45, 54, 5, , 4
9, 4 45, 54, 5,
1 , 50 4
4 11
11, 5, 59
25, , ,9 0
5 5
22 0
22 59
92 20, 2 , 44, 5, 92
45, 54, 5, 4 Media Bypass 49, 54
, 9 44
, , 2 , 29, 5, 4 , 4
54, , 5, , 4 51
4 91
2 Intelligence Systems 40
9, 1, 4 ,
5, 5, 45, 4 , 5, 9, 59
4, 59, , 2, , 0,
1 , 19, 0, 2, , , 91
40, 4 , 5 , 1, , 0, , 5,
4, 5 4
, , 9, 1 , 22, 4, 49,
, 4, 5,
49 25
4, 49, 9
2 5
2 ,5 ,
5 1, 5 , 55,
4 , 2,
50 5–
1 , 21, 29, 50, 54, 4, National Criminal Intelligence
, , , 5, Sharing Plan 5
Monkey Wrench Gang 50
2 , 50
1, 49, 5 Colombia 54
50 Repeal of the Federal
9 Reserve Act and the
5 Internal Revenue Code
50, 54. See also
5 92

Organization 51 54

54–55 4 , 50, , ,
National Vanguard 55 5, 91
5 54
55 Chapel Hill 54
Nationalist Observer, The 55 4
55 , 0
Nationalist Times, The 55 5 ,

11, 5, 54, 55, 5 , 59, 19

11 2
5 1
55–5 5
11, 54–55, 5 See
5 , 1
5 1 , 59
5 Ocalan, Abdullah 45
19 Odin/Odinism 59
14, 22, 49, , 9
5 , 0, 5 5
44, 51, 5 Ohio 0
44 Oi 59, , 91
44 Oklahoma 9, 2 , 59
59 Oklahoma City 9, 59
59 59
5 0
5 One Supreme Court 10, 1
5 0,
5 5
14 Open Source Information or
5 , Intelligence 0
50 0
, 54

0 ,
15 Pharmaceuticals 0
Oregon 2 , 5 , 0 Philippines 5, 19, 4
Organized Crime 11 Phineas Priesthood 4
Our One Supreme Court 1 Phinehas 4
, 4
Pakistan 5, 4 , 4 PIRA
40 Pirate Radio 5

Organization 29 5

Authority 29 0
Palestinian State , 4, 40 5
Pamphlet 5, 0, 5, 9 Poor Man’s James Bond 5
Panzerfaust Popular Front for the
14 5
Paramilitary 1 , 2 , 4 , 49 Popular Front for the
Party of God 5
Passive Resistance 2 General Command
10, 1 , 21, 22, 2 , Populist Party
29, 0, 49, 54, 59, 0, , Posse Comitatus 14, 1 , 19,
, , 9, , 9, 1, 5 , , 4,
, 1 , 14,
1 , 20, 21, 22, 2 , 2 , 29,
0, 49, 1, , , , 2,
4, , 5, 9 Preamble Citizen ,
– 4, ,
4 2
Peters, Pete 5
Primitivist Q
Prison 11, 1, 4, 45, 55, 5 ,
Prison Gang 11
Prison Recruitment 4
Private Property 9

21, – 4, , 5
Racist 14, 44, 0, , 1
Progun Organization Racist Skinhead 14
Property , , 21, 1, 50, 5 ,
, 9, , , 9, 0, 92 Radio Program 1,
Rahman, Omar Abdel 5
Prosecutor 4 9
Protest , 1 , 21, 0, 2, 5 , Rangers 20
Real IRA 0
2, , 0
Reclusive 19, 2
Redemption 54, 0, 1
Redemption Center 54
Provisional Irish
Republican Army , 0 Redemption Scheme
14, 1 , 1 , 21, Refused for Cause
22, 2 , 29, 1, 59
Public Property 5 Regional Information
Publication 1 , 0, 1, 44, 4 , Sharing Systems 1
Regional Intelligence Centers
55, 2
Punctuation 1
Punk , 59, 0 Religion 59, 5
Republic of Ireland
Purging Records
Research 21, 2, 4 , 0, 9
Resistance 2
2 Russia 11,
Resistance Records 9, 2
Restoring the Government/
Constitution 2 Sabotage , 2
Retaliation 59 Safe House 20, 2 , 4
Revere, Paul 2 Sagebrush Rebellion 22
Revisionist 5, 4
Revolutionary Armed Forces and Combat 5
of Colombia . Sarin Gas 11, 5
See also FARC Satan 0
Saudi Arabia 5
Revolutionary Organization 5
, 9, 44,
Scam ,
4 Scriptures for America 5
Secret Police
Ricin 4 2
4 Semicommunal 19
9, 1 , 14, 1 , 20,
29, 4 , 0, , , , 4, ,
92 . See also
RIRA 0 Separatist 5, 1 , 5 ,
RISS 1 Serpent 0
, 9 SFA 5
Ritual 45, SHAC 0
Shaklee Corporation
Robberies 1 , 0, 4 59
, 91
5 Shaved Head
55 Shi`ite 5, 4
Shining Path
Rooftop Occupation 4 4, , 5
1 1,
15, Spotlight, The 4
1, 59 9
Silver , 1 , 21, 50, 54, , 0
, , 5 State Citizen 19,
Simulacrum Candidus State Government 11, 19, 21,
1, ,
Skinhead 14, 1 , 29, 1, 4, 14,
59, 9, , , 9, 0, 1 Stickers 1
1, 59, Stop Huntingdon
1 Animal Cruelty 0
54 0– 1
9 Strategic Intelligence 1 , 1
Socialism 5 0, 1
Social Security 11, Street Sign Stickers 1
Southern Cross Hammerskins Subpoena 5
4 1
55 ,
Southern Secessionist 55 40, 4 , 4
5 Sunni 11, 4
5, , 9, Superpatriot
11, 14, 1 , 1 , 19, 1, 2, 5
50, 5 , 5 , 1, , , 9, Survey Stakes 2
0, 1, 4, , 1, 4, , Survivalist 19, 2 , 1
, 91 1
19, 21, 22
9 Sympathizers 45, 0
Specially Prepared Individuals Syndicalist 2
9 Syria 40,
Spiking 9

T 4

and Coercion 4

, 9
5 , , ,
, 14, 22, 29, , ,
, 5. See also Income
4 , 9,
21, 1
5 , , 9
9, 5 ,
, 22, , 4,
1 , 22,
4, 9
5, 92
, 5
, 49
, ,1 ,4 ,
51, 5, 0, , 9
45, 4 , , 4
25, 2 , ,
Istanbul 45, 4
9–10, 5 , 0, 0, 1
Houston 5
Turner Diaries, The
Huntsville 5
9–10, 0
5 U
UCC 0, 1, ,
Unarresting 25
Under Protest
– 4
Underground ,
Unevaluated Intelligence 9
Uniform Commercial Code

0 Vehicle Registration 4
14, 1 Venezuela 54

Group of Colombia 91
United States 5, , 9, 10, 11, Video 55, 5, 9
1 , 19, 20, 21, 2 , 2 , 29, Vietnam 5
1, 2, 4, 5, , 40, 4 , Vigilantes of Christendom, The
44, 45, 4 , 4 , 49, 51, 54, 4
5 , 5 , 1, , , , 0, Viking International –
1, , , , 0, 2, 4, Virus 20, 2 , 92
, 9, 91 Vivisection 9
5 54
1 , Vulnerability Assessment 9
Unregistered Church
9 91
0 20, 5
U.S. Citizen 5, 0, 1, 4 , 5 ,
U.S. Code 5 ,5

44 91
5 5. See also
U.S. Government 0, . See Church of the Creator
also Federal Government , 14, 4 , 5 , , 4,
20 0, , 1
20 0, 1, 55, 5 , ,
Utah 20, 5 5, 9,
Uzbekistan 40
Vandalism 0 , 4, 40, 45,
Vegan 9 4
Vegetarianism 0

5 , 2 Y
Hillsboro 5 , 2

White Man’s Bible 91 Z

4, 2, 91 10
5 4, 9
9, 10,
11, 15, 2 , 4, 50, 55, 5 ,
59, , 9, , 9, 0, ,
91, 92, 9 America 9
11, , 4
2 ,
4 , 5 , 91 9

4, 44, 5, 92



5, , 91



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