Sakurai Solutions 4-7 4-8

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4 Chapter 4 Solutions 7a) Plane wave: yi(x. t) = e'™P/* Thus, Yt(z—t) = fe rik — gen tv)iR Let pf =—p and we obtain Wl, —#) = eer" which is a plane wave of form ¥(z.), but with momementum reversed. ib) eae TM Te — my nz tiny Th, with mn, = sinfoosy, my = sin f sitzsmma; and n, = cos, we get in Be-i? a-a=| cos J sin fe ) sin fe —cos Eigenvalue equation is: ( cos singe“ nae neg ) MA) = axle) Let x(#t) be a two component vector with values a,b: Cia Steen) (a) = singe? —2c0s?2 Jib —2sin? ba +sin feb =0 Let & = 1, then a = ¢-""4 Including the normalization factor of sin 2, we obtain: 2-7 cos 2 sin & 2 xt Using the eigenvalue equation to check if —iegx"(#) is eigen spinor with spin direction reversed, we can evaluate: Fe (—tonx" (h)) and find that this equals — (-ionx'()) the minus sign showing that the spin direction is reversed. Useful formulae: 2sin?$ = 1 — cosJ, 2cos?? = 1 + cos f, sin J = 2sin§ cos 4. Ba) Harniltenian invariant under time reversal and we have a spin- less nondegenerate system: (@.H] OH |r) = E,O|n) = Heln} o Yet we also have: Flr) = E, ln} so [n} must equal @|n} (up to a phase factore) as we have a nondegenerate systern. |} = f dela} fel) On) = f dele} (e (elm) = taln)* Therefore, the wavefunction can always be chosen to be real for spinless nondegenerate system which has a Hamiltonian invari- ant under time reversal. 8b) viz, t = 0) = geP=* why does this not violate time-reversal invariance? Qulz.t = 0) = eer ips /h e'P=/* can be degenerate with <'?=/* (sce Sakurai page 277, top)

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