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Running Head: Telling My Story 1

Telling My Story
Assignment 1

Erika Medina
National University
Professor Levy

TED 690
May 13, 2018
Running Head: Telling My Story 2


In this assignment I will talk about the process in creating my Professional

Development Quest Portfolio (PDQP). This assignment is for TED690 for my Capstone

Class. It is a personal assessment of my progress in achieving competency in the

Teaching Performance Expectations (TPE). I will be talking about Domain B- Assessing

Student learning. I will be evaluating my strengths and weakness related to this domain.

As well as a discussion of TPE’s 2 and 3 associated with the domain. Finally a rationale

of why I chose this Domain.

Running Head: Telling My Story 3

"The e-portfolio, just like the paper portfolio, is a carefully selected collection of

exemplary evidence that highlights a teacher’s best work and accomplishments.

However, unlike the paper portfolio, the e-portfolio is a multimedia approach that allows

the teacher to present teaching, learning, and reflective entries in a variety of formats

(audio, video, graphics, and text) (Costantino, De Lorenzo & Tirrell-Corbin, 2009, p.31).

The most important factor in creating a portfolio is representing the ability to implement

the standards, assessing student knowledge and reflecting on their instruction for further


Achievement of TPE competencies in Domain B

When I started my credential program I had no knowledge of the Teaching

Performance Expectations. When I learned about them I had a hard time putting the

Expectations together with what I was learning. How did these Expectations fit in?

Before my student teaching experience they were just theories that I had read

about. There is nothing like being in the classroom and living the expectations.

Being in the classroom has given me the opportunity to practice the performance

expectations and more importantly to reflect on my mastery of them. Of course

mastery would be exceptional however as educators we must constantly be looking

at how to better ourselves. That is where the TPEs come into play because they give

us the expectations by which we can self evaluate and grow as educators.

I chose Domain B, which is assessing student learning. This includes TPE 2:

monitoring student learning during instruction, and TPE 3: Interpretation and use of

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Strengths and Needs within Domain B: Assessing student learning and

TPE 2 &3

I chose this Domain because I feel that I need to be more consistent with my

assessment strategies. I have used both formative and summative assessments and

have had experience with this in the classroom. I feel that I do a good job of

informal assessment during lessons. I ask for quick feedback that will relate to me if

the students understand. I have asked questions and also taught the students signs

to tell me if they understand such as, thumbs up or down. I have also done

summative assessments and worked on differentiation in this area. I feel that

differentiating and adaptation in assessment is an ongoing area for growth. Every

year depending on the students I will have to reevaluate my differentiation for my


My weakness in this area would be In TPE 3 which is the use of the

assessments. Once I have my assessed my class I need to work on how I will use the

data. How the information will benefit my instruction in the class and allow me to

differentiate for my students.

Potential TPEs competencies that can be used in my PDQP

Throughout the process of outlining my Professional Development Quest

Portfolio I have been forced to think about potential artifacts to display and as such have

been required to reflect on my competencies within the TPE’s. One competency that I

will seek to improve is my ability to use data from assessments to best direct future

lesson plans. I am a very strong believer in first best practices but having said that, if the

end result is not where it is expected then a day of re-teaching might be necessary.
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Rationale for selecting the TPEs in Domain B

I think that Domain B is extremely important because assessment is what is going

to lead my teaching. Through assessment I am able to analyze my data and rationalize if

my students understand a lesson and are ready to move on or if they need further

intervention. In order to be an effective teacher I have to have great assessments and

know how to use the data. I have used assessment data previously in order to organize

my students in learning groups. Going forward I will work on using the data I collect to

further develop my lessons and differentiate for my students.

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