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Q1: Do you have a procedure to document a requirement?

Who is the main responsible peron for documenting requirements?.

What are the sources of requirements?

Q2: it is thought that its better to use a template for documenting requirement; do you happen to have
a common template?

Is a template used? Is it helpful?

If the requirement are not documented, how they are conveyed across team?

What is the process used to bring all on board then?

Are requirement complete?

How do you know when they are complete?

Q3: Are requirements base lined?

What happen If the change in base line is required?

Are review meeting schedule?

Do all stake holder agree on what is produces?

Q4:How are changes to requirement are handled?

2.Software project planning

Q1: if a project plan is created and documented for every project

Q2: Are you choosing template for project planning?

Is it helpful?

Who is responsible for creating and maintain the plan?

What happens in absence of that responsible person?

Q3:how are tasks and responsibilities conveyed to other teams if a plan does not exist in your company?

Do you think this communication is efficient?

Are there any lags that you often have to face?

Q4: if a documented plan exist is it followed?

How do you enforce a plan?

What happen if someone is obsessed to function differently?

If your key guys do not stick to the plan how does you cope with them?

Q5: if a document plan does not exist how does work proceed?

How are task start dates established?

Are you having problems with current communication mechanism?

How do you know if or when task are complete?

Do all stake holders agree on their responsibilities?

How are the assignments of resources with responsibilities on multiple projects schedule?

Q6: how are changes to the plan handled?

Are risk assessed when changes are requested?

are all stake holders informed about changes? How are they communicated?

Does someone with authority approve budget or schedule increase?

3. Software project tracking

Q1: how is the project tracked?

Is there amy documented plan that is monitored and alterd as needed?

Who is responsible for monitoring the project?

What tools does he use to monitor it?

Q2: are status meetings held?

How do the project managers and other stakeholders know the status of the project?

What reporting is required by upper management?

What information is contained in that reporting? And how is it obtained?

Q3: how is project budget tracked?

What if there is a difference in anticipated cost and the cost incurred till time?

Q4:any mechanism adopted to analyse ogoing activities percent completion or just the end date for
activity is always focused?

Q5: are risk considered? How are they accesed?

What method use to mitigate risk?

What are the stratigies when a potential risk identified?

Q6: what if there is a need to change a plan?

Who changes it?

Who are taken on board before it?

Is there a defined procedure to change a plan?

Is the plan available to all stakeholder?

4. Software subcontract management

Do you intend to subcontract in future?

Would you establish criteria upon which outsourcing decision will be made?

Would you be responsible for sub contracting?

Which kind of project do you forsee to be outsources?

5. Software Quality Assurance

Q1. What are the quality assurance process in organization?

Is there a quality control team?

Are software reviews and incpections part of every project plan?

Q2.Are specific work products design for periodic inspection for compliance at predetermined stages
during the project life cycle?

Are testing personnal involved in project from the earlier stages of requirement phase?

Q3. Is periodic recording of quality assurance activities made to upper management?

Do people charged with the quality assurance activities have a specific ascalation procedure?

Q4: what happens if there are variations from approved quality levels?

Who has the authority to prevent release of a product if it does not satisfy the basic requirements?

6. Software Configuration management

Q1: Do you create and follow SCM plan?

Is there SCM plan template?

How is version controlled handeled? Is a tool used? If so has everyone, who needs to use it been

Who approved and reviews the plan?

Q2: is there a formal method of based lining documents? If not, how do people with a need to know find
out what versions are the most current?

Is the SCM plan accessible to all?

Q3: are there specific reporting milestones?

What happens if a configuration is found to be defective? Is it easy to trace it back to its source?

Q4: is there a standard documented change request process?

If not, then how do u cater for change requests?

Q5: how are changes to base lined documents made?

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