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This is an informational exchange and adherence to standards of play agreement.

This document is in no way legally binding and should not be construed as such.

The following are guidelines regarding character creation and player decisions to
consider when deciding to join the Project: Sentinels Mutants & Masterminds

The backdrop to this

campaign could be
Modern Age: Modern Age comics draw upon a long
categorized under
history of comic
Age comics. book publishing, and the previous ages, especially the

This world does have Silver Age. The Modern Age has a sense of tradition and

an alternate history familiarity; superheroes aren’t something new, but have

that already
been around for a long time. The rich background and
Metahumans. You history of the setting is a source of inspiration for stories
will not be the first,
about the present.
sorry. At the same
time it does allow for Modern Age comics go beyond some of the simple
more options when themes of the Silver Age. While they’re not as gritty as
creating your origin
story. While a very the Iron Age, they’re also more mature and sophisticated.

minute percent
(.01%) of the world’s
So modern-day issues show up and characters are better
population carry
enhanced genetics, rounded and less stereotypical. Modern Age stories deal
rarely do these
with social issues, politics, terrorism, poverty, and the like
manifest as powers,
so please feel free to alongside alien invasions, world-conquering supervillains,
be more creative
and magical menaces from beyond.
then the catch-all
“Mutant Gene”. While heroes often adhere to a more Silver Age code of

ethics, there are reasons for them to do so; it’s a choice

If the sidebar has
left you with more rather than simply the way things are. In some ways, this
questions than
can make Modern Age characters even more heroic (or
answers let me try
pulling a few villainous) than their Silver Age counterparts. They’re not

blindly following an ideology; they’re making conscious

decisions about right and wrong.

examples of poor character choices with explanations:

The Punisher – The epitome of an Iron Age Hero, he’s gritty and sadistic. Murder is still a felony in this
universe and killing people is sort of Frank’s bread and butter. Additionally Frank has never been on a
team where he hasn’t killed at least two of its members. While a character that is a gun toting vigilante
is workable, perhaps one that’s less likely to want to eat his own weapon.

The Crimson Chin – This is the exact opposite problem, this guy is just too darn silly. The idea is that it
is a character with some grounding in reality. Granted there is magic and time travelling cave-men, but
your character is part of every game session and thus helps establish a tone, so bright spandex and puns
are fine, just keep them in check. You’re not likely to tell a mugger to watch out for your cleft hook while
he’s pointing a gun at a toddler.

Down not Out Clause: One thing that cannot be stressed enough in the Platinum
Era is the moral fiber of its protagonists. Unless extenuating circumstances present
themselves, it is rare that a villain is killed with intent by the hero. In story and
game terms it comes down to it being difficult to build up a memorable bad guy if
he’s gunned down during his opening act. That’s not to say you, as a player, are not
allowed to kill, but use your character’s judgement on a case by case basis, you’re
heroes, and they might see a villain’s death as the only solution, just know the
consequences it may carry with it.

Nemesis Commitment – Some of the most memorable and fun parts of a hero are
their villains. That being said, during character creation the GM would like to
discuss your hero’s rogues gallery or if they’re new to the costumed crime-fighter
scene, perhaps just one nemesis that featured in a solo adventure

.Hanging your Cape up at Night – During character creation please give some
thought as to what your character does when not using their powers to thwart evil.
Do they have a job, is their hero persona a secret, do they have family or a
significant other they see frequently? These things can make your character feel
more alive, fit better into a breathing world, and maybe make them a little
Fun and Forgiveness Addendum – Whose got two thumbs and is still learning
the rules, your GM! With all the fun movies and media out there, the power fantasy
of superheroes just seems like a good time to be had, so hopefully we can focus more
on fun, and less on how to break the system under the GM’s nose.

Thank you for reading, if you require any assistance in understanding the above or
would like a copy of Project: Sentinels campaign setting history, please see your
GM. Additionally, should you have questions regarding character creation or ideas
your GM is more then willing to speak with you.

I ______________________________, hereby acknowledge that I have read and

understand the details of this completely non-binding contract. Failure to comply
with the above suggestions may result in loss of a good time and a penalty of forced
snack sharing. Please be advised.

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