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[CONCEPT PROBLEMS @] 1. Show that the perimeter of a regular polygon of asides is given by P(O) 2n isthe central angle subtended by one se of the polygon. Hence show that a circle of radius R has circumference 2nR. 2. A straight line AB moves so as to include with two fixed straight lines OX, OY a triangle AOB of constant area, Prove that the limiting position of the intersection of two consecutive positions. of AB is the middle point of AB. 3. Find the limit of the sum of the lengths of the ordinates of the curve y=e™cos nx, drawn at the points x = 0, 1, 2, way My 88 0 4, Find the limit of the sum of the arexs of the squares constructed on the ordinates of the carve y = 2!*as on bases, where x = 1, 2, 3, zn, provided that n> &. [A ctraight line AB moves so that the sum of its, intercepts OA,OB on two fixed straight lines OX, OY is constant. If P be the ultimate intersection of Iwo consecutive positions of AB, and Q the point where AB is met by the bisector of the angle XOY, then prove that AP = QB. 6. A segment AB = 2 (see fig.) is divided into n ‘equal parts, each part serving as the base of an isosceles triangle with base angles a= 45°. Show that the limit of the perimeter of the broken line thus formed differs from the length of AB despite the fact that in the limit the broken line “geometrically merges with the segment AB”. {t+} wnere i isthe proportionality factor (law of compound interest); Q, = Qe" PRACTICE PROBLEMS © 7. The point C, divides a segment AB ein halt; the point C, divides a segment AC, in half ; the point C, divides a segment C,C, in half the point C, divides CC, in half, and so on, Determine the limiting position of the point C, when n = & The side ofa right triangle is divided into n equal patis, on each of which is constructed an inscribed rectangle (sce fig). Determine the limit of the area of the step-like figure thus formed if ne, 9. A weight hanging by a spring is made to vibrate M1. 12. by applying a sinusoidal force, and the displacement at time tis given by Cc =o a sinat-: it) o- ppegetsinatsinb where C, ¢, f are constants such that 01% 8. What happens tc the displacement as fc ? You may assume that 0. is fixed. 10. A certain chemical process proceeds in such a fashion that the inerease in quantity of a substance during each interval of time + out of the infirite sequence of intervals (it, (+ Dt) (i= 0, L, 2, ..) is proportional to the quantity of the substance available at the commencement of each interval and to the length of the interval Assuming that the quantity of substance at the initial time is Q,, determine the quantity of substance Q® alter the elapse of time ¢ if the increase takes place each nth part of the time t lim(Q)” interval Find Q, AA straight line AB of constant length moves with its extremities on two fixed straight lines OX, OY which are at right angles to one another. Prove that if P be the ultimate intersection of two consecutive positions of AB, and N the foot of the perpendicular from © on AB, then AP = NB. If PCP’ be any fixed diameter of an ellipse, and QV any perpendicular to this diameter ; and if the tangent at Q meet CP produced in T, prove that the limiting valne of the ratio TP : PV, when PY is, infinitely small, is unity.

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