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Topic: Form Project

Professor: Don Brigham
Student: Dalia Devera Cerna
Faculty of Art and Architecture
University of Idaho
October 2015
FIRST PHASE-Critizicing spaces
• FORM Case one:
• The space formed by the building on
the left, the one on the right and the
Church (as visual culmination or focal
point in this case) is well defined.
• The building on the left has a
horizontal predominance. This building
is made up of different volumes, but
the whole volume is horizontal.
• We can observe that there are vertical
volumes (expressed in the blue lines),
and also we can see Case thatone:
there is
repetition of these forms along the
path towards the tower. The
monumental sizes of the London
plane tress keeps harmony between
them and the building's sizes. This
special relationship is emphasized in
the tree that is in first plane of the
image. In other words, there is
repetition and balance between the
horizontal lines and the vertical ones.
FIRST PHASE-Critizicing spaces

Case one-continuation:
• Accompanying this horizontal form
of the Commons Building, toward
the focal point (the church), are the
trees-demarked in magenta lines-,
which play a role of repetition
which together form an horizontal
form toward the focal point too,
thus emphasizing path to the to the
focal point.
• In the image of the right, we can
observe the tower of the library, in
the first plane, harmonizes with
the vertical trees and the tower of
the church.
• The triangle forms of the pines
harmonize with the pinnacle of the
tower’s church. Also, we can
observe the rounded forms of
some trees that harmonize among
FIRST PHASE-Critizicing spaces

FORM Case two:

The entrance towards the faculty of Art
and Architecture. This could be a good
space but, unfortunately this entrance
does not keep harmony between the
elements of the building’ form and the
trees that are in front of the building.
The pointed triangle form of the pine
does not fit with the square-rectangle
main form of the building.
The pine tree impedes the visual point
of the entrance. This tree (demarked
with magenta color) does not keep the
appropriated scale. It has a
monumental size in comparison with
the building.
Thus, these forms compete (the
building and the pine) among and with
their sizes and proportions because
the trees are too close to the building,
specially the pine.
To summaries, this space is not
SECOND PHASE-Proposing forms

Case one:

We can observe in the design of this building that is made up of several

square forms. The intention of my proposal is to repeat those forms in the
landscape architecture design, trying to not compete with the form of the
building. For this reason, the forms go as a subtle way, next to the building,
emphasizing the entrance.
On the other hand, there is a form that has contrast with the building, seeing
from the distance, the form which is the first plane of the image. This will be a
future tree with have the rectangle form, but slightly vertical, imitating the big
volume that is over the entrance.
SECOND PHASE-Proposing forms

Case two:

This is the house whose drawing (not

design) I have developed in
Architecture Representation and Media
3 course, and I like its design, for that
reason I am trying to propose a
landscape design beginning with the
forms and scales.
This house is located in Priest River,
hidden by enormous trees that do not
fit with the little house, a mean, they do
not have proportion with the scale,
although they have certain harmony
with the forms. In the next sheet it is
the development of forms proposed.
SECOND PHASE-Proposing forms

Case two-continuation:
As this house is in a corner, the
majority of the volumes
proposed in its facades are
short, so that the building can
be seen. The short volumes are
grouped, so that they can form
ascending and terraced shapes,
so that the can be similar to the
triangle forms that has the
house 'roof.
All the shapes or forms (future
plants) are integrated by
elongated and flat platforms.
Also it is proposed an elevated
volume, imitating the roof of the
entrance, so that we can have
repetition in that sense (this
volume is similar to an umbrella
in white color-first picture).
THIRD PHASE- Proposing Plants

Inspiration from the Architecture

1.-The Cathedral of Lima:
• To make a proposal for landscape design
based on forms, I have inspired in the
Cathedral of Lima.
• This building has clear forms as triangles,
rounded forms and rectangles. Such
repetitions is observed in the pinnacles-
triangle forms and the rest of the building-
rectangle forms.
• I have tried to demark the different volumes
with different kind of trees.
• The cathedral’pinnacles are expressed through
the Crimson trees, which are talls and
columnar forms. The main entrance are
defined by the Prunus cerasifera-purpleleaf
plum. The rest of the building is expressed by
smaller trees like the Viburnum lantana-
wayfaringtree. As the cathedral has an atrium,
this is defined with the Anthony waterer plant,
which will emphasize the horizontal form.
THIRD PHASE- Inspiration from the Architecture
THIRD PHASE- Proposing Plants

Inspiration from the Architecture

2.- The Taj Mahal:
This proposal inspired by the Taj Mahal
building is mainly because of its
symmetry. The main volumes are being
represented by the Red oak tree and the
Purpleleaf plum trees.
The main form of the building is its
rounded shape in the center place, which
joined to the entrance form the focal
point. The Red oak tree is rounded too,
also the big proportion of the entrance fits
with the big one of the Red oak.
Next to the building there are four slender
columns, which emphasize the
importance of the building, like “guards”.
These are being represented by the
Lombardy poplar trees, which are slender
and tall too.
All the whole building, including the four
columns keeps a harmony in proportion.
THIRD PHASE- Proposing Plants

Inspiration from the Urbanism

3.- Tower of Toronto:

This image captures my eyes because of its contrast of shapes between the tall
and slender tower and the rest of the shapes that conforms the base. For this
reason, the focal point is the tower. A main curve and rectangle forms define the
image on the base. Such part of the image, has different kind of forms that are
integrated among themselves. Apparently the predominant line is the vertical, but
because of the rest of the forms are joined, they form one dimension that is the
same dimension of the vertical line.
The forms and proportions of plants chosen, are determined according to the
image given. See the image on the upper right corner.

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