Ug Curriculum

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Curriculum for B Tech/ Dual Degree and Int.

Academic Programs

Vison of Institute:

To become an internationally acclaimed institution of higher learning that will serve

as a source of knowledge and expertise for society and be a preffered destination for
undergraduate and graduate studies.
Mission of Institute:

To advance and spread knowledge in the area of Science & Technology leading to creation
of wealth and welfare of humanity

Guiding Principle

* Build an environment that is conducive to academic pursuit, nurturing creative thoughts

and inculcating a spirit of inquiry.

* Promote free exchange of knowledge and experience with others, while respecting each
other’s right to intellectual property.

* Ensure quality, speed, economy and transparency in all spheres of our activities.

* Create a truly multicultural community and promote cultural bonding and teamwork
among all.

* Provide opportunity to every member of the Institute for achieving academic excellence,
developing all round personality and realizing his or her full potential.

* Adopt state of the art technology in all endeavors.

* Serve the society around, using the knowledge and expertise of the Institute.


SL.NO Subject Subject L-T-P Credit

1 CE1000 Engineering Mechanics 3-0-0/3-1-0 4/3
2 CE1500 Environment & safety Engineering
3 MA1001 Mathematics-I 3-1-0 4
4 PH1001 Physics-I 2-1-0 3
5 EE1000 Basic Electrical Engineering 3-0-0 3
6 EC1000 Basic Electronics Engineering
7 LS1001 Biology 2-0-0/ 2/3
8 CY1101 Chemistry 2-1-0
9 HS1300 Communicative English 2-0-0/1-0-2 2
10 CS1000 Basic Programming
11 WS1151 Workshop practice 0-0-3 2
12 CE1701 Engineering Drawing

13 PH1070 Physics Lab 0-0-3 2

14 CY1170 Chemistry Lab
15 EA 1171 NCC-I 0-0-3 0
16 EA 1173 NSS-I 0-0-3 0
17 EA 1175 Physical Education-I 0-0-3 0
Total 24/25


SL.NO Subject Subject L-T-P Credit

1 CE 1000 Engineering Mechanics 3-1-0/3-0-0 4/3
2 CE1500 Environment & safety Engineering
3 MA1002 Mathematics-II 3-1-0 4
4 PH1002 Physics-II 2-1-0 3
5 EE1000 Basic Electrical Engineering 3-0-0 3
6 EC1000 Basic Electronics Engineering
7 LS1001 Biology 2-0-0/2-1-0 2/3
CY1101 Chemistry
8 CS 1000 Basic programming 1-0-2/2-0-0 2
HS1300 Communicative English
9 CY1170 Chemistry Lab 0-0-3 2
10 PH1070 Physics Lab
11 WS1151 Workshop practice 0-0-3 2
CE1701 Engineering Drawing
12 EA 1172 NCC-II 0-0-3 0
13 EA 1174 NSS-II 0-0-3 0
14 EA 1176 Physical Education-II 0-0-3 0
Total 22/21

Details course Syllabus

CE 1500 Environment And Safety Engineering 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Environmental Engineering:
Introduction to Environmental engineering Nature and scope of environment problems;
Ecosystem; Local, regional and global environmental challenges, Basic concepts of biodiversity
and its significance.

Water Pollution: Fundamentals and Control Strategies: Water quality-physical, chemical &
biological characteristics, Drinking water standards; Effluent quality requirements; Water and
wastewater treatment processes-treatment train, physical, chemical and biological unit
Air Pollution: Fundamentals and Control Strategies; Air pollution - sources, classifications and
regulations; and their effects, Monitoring Principles and instrumentation for particulate and
gaseous pollutant measurements; Air pollution control strategies: physical, chemical and
biological methods.

Noise standards and criteria, Noise pollution measurement in ambient air and industrial
complex, Control methods for noise pollution; Engineering principles in waste management,
Case studies on industrial applications of cleaner technologies in industries.

Environment Management and Sustainability Tools for sustainable management including ISO
certification, environment audit, EIA;

Safety Engineering:
Introduction: Background, Benefits of safety in Industry, Safety Terms and Definitions. Safety
Mathematics and Reliability Basics: Basic Statistics, Set Algebra, Probability, Reliability.

Workplace Accidents and Safety: Accident Causation Theories (Domino Theory, Human Factor
Theory), Accident Investigation and Reporting. Legal Aspects of Safety: Factories Act 1948,
Other International Codes (OSHA Laws & Regulations).

Hazards Related to Various Industries: Chemical, Electrical, Mining, and Construction Safety
and Risk Management: Safety Management Principles, Safety Program Plan, Safety
Committees, Safety Performance Measures, Risk Assessment, Risk Management. Safety
Analysis Methods: FMEA, FTA, Markov Method, HAZOP, JHA,

Control Charts. Human Factors in Safety: Job Stress, Ergonomics, Human behaviour; Personal
Protective Equipment; Safety Costing; Safety Cost Estimation Methods, Safety Cost

Essential Reading:
1. M. L. Davis and D. A Cornwell, Introduction to Environmental Engineering, McGraw Hill
International, 2005

2. B. S. Dhillon, Engineering Safety: Fundamentals, Techniques, Applications, World

Scientific. 2003

Supplementary Reading:
1. G. Kiely, Environmental Engineering, McGraw Hill Int. 2004

CE 1000 Engineering Mechanics 4 Credits [3-1-0]

Statics: Introduction: Basic Concepts of Force, Moment and Couple; Equilibrium of Coplanar
force systems; Friction, Belt friction and Screw Jack; Internal forces in Members of Trusses and
(Method of joints, Method of Sections) and Analysis of Frames (Method of Members);
Properties of Surfaces: Centroid and Moment of Inertia of plane figures, Principle of Virtual
Work and application;

Dynamics: Kinetics of Rectilinear motion and Curvilinear motion of a particle: D’Alembert’s

Principle, Linear Momentum and Impulse, Moment of Momentum, Work and Energy, Impact;
Rigid Body motion - Kinematics of rotation; Equation of motion of a Rotating rigid body,
D’Alembert’s Principle for rotation, Resultant Inertia force in Rotation, Compound Pendulum,
Angular Momentum, Energy Equations for rotating bodies, Plane Motion: kinematics of plane
motions, Instantaneous Centre of Rotation, Equations of Plane Motion of a rigid body and
Energy equations for Plane motion, D’Alembert’s Principle for rotation and plane motion.

Essential Reading:
1. S. P. Timoshenko, D. H. Young, and J. V. Rao: Engineering Mechanics (Fourth edition),
Tata-McGraw Hill, Special Indian Edition, 2007.

2. R. C. Hibbeler, Engineering Mechanics (Statics and Dynamics), Pearson Education

Asia Pvt. Ltd, 2000.

Supplementary Reading:
1. A.K. Tayal, Engineering Mechanics, Umesh Publications, Delhi, 11th edition, 2001.

2. F. P. Beer and E. R. Johnston, Mechanics for Engineers (Static & Dynamics), 7th
edition, McGraw Hill International Student Edition, 2003

3. J. L. Meriam and L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics (Static & Dynamics), John Wiley,

CS 1000 Basic Programming & Data Structure 2 Credits [1-0-2]

Introduction: Basics of a computer, Introduction to C, Language evolution (Machine, Assembly,

High-level), Assembler, Compiler, Interpreter, Problem solving and Algorithm, structure of a C
C Fundamentals: Character set, Identifiers and Keywords, Data Types, Constants and
Variables, Declarations, Expressions, Statements, Symbolic constants;
Operators and Expressions: Arithmetic Operators, Unary Operators, Relational and Logical
Operators, Assignment Operator, Conditional Operator, Bitwise Operator, Operator
Precedence and Associativity;
Input and Output: Library functions for data input and output
Decision Statements: if, if-else, nested if-else, if-else-if ladder, break and continue, goto, switch
Loop Control: for, nested for, while, do-while
Array: Declaration, Initialization, 1-D array and Operations (Searching, Sorting), 2-D array and
Operations, Multi-Dimensional arrays, String array declaration and initialization, String standard
functions and operations;
Pointers: Address and Pointer, Pointer Declaration, Pointer Arithmetic, Pointers to Arrays,
Array of Pointers, Pointers to Pointers, Pointers and Strings;
Functions: Function Declaration and Definition, Parameter Passing Mechanisms, Passing Array
to a Function, Nested Functions, Recursion;
Storage Classes: Scope and Lifetime of an identifier, Automatic Variables, External Variables,
Static Variables, Static External Variables, Register Variables;
Structure and Union: Declaration and Initialization of Structures, Structure within Structure,
Array of Structures, Pointer to Structure, Passing Structure to Functions, typedef, Bit Fields,
Enumerated Data Type, Union;
Files: File Streams, Opening a File, File I/O, Closing a File, Command Line Arguments,
Write/Read Structures from/to Files.

Reference Books:
Byron S. Gottfried, Theory and Problems of Programming With C, McGraw Hill Education, 3 ed,
Ashok N. Kamthane and Amit A. Kamthane, Programming in C, Pearson Education, 3 ed,

EE 1000 Basic Electrical Engineering 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Sources of energy, steam, hydro and nuclear power generation, general structure of electrical
power systems.

DC Networks:
Kirchoff’s laws, node voltage and mesh current methods, delta-star and star-delta conversions,
superposition principle, Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems, Maximum Power Transfer

Single phase AC
circuits: Single phase emf generation, average and effective values of sinusoids, solution of R,
L, C series circuits, j operators, solution of parallel and series-parallel circuits, series -parallel

Three-phase AC circuits:
Three phase emf generation, delta and star connections, line and phase quantities, solution of
the three phase circuits with balanced voltage and balanced load conditions, phasor diagram,
measurement of power in three phase circuits, three phase four wire circuits.
Magnetic circuits:
Review of fundamental laws of electromagnetic induction, transformer and rotational emfs,
Solution of magnetic circuits.

DC machine:
Construction, emf and torque equations, speed control of DC motors.

Single Phase Transformer:

Construction, emf equation, phasor diagrams at no load and full load, equivalent circuit,
regulation and efficiency.

Induction Motor:
Introduction to three-phase induction motor, construction, principle of rotating magnetic field,
starting; single phase induction motor, principle of operation.

Measuring Instruments:
Introduction to basic instruments, voltmeter, ammeter and wattmeter, principle of analog and
digital measurements.

Essential Reading:
1. E. Hughes, Electrical Technology, ELBS, 1997.

Supplementary Reading:
1. V. D. Toro, Basic Electrical Engineering, PHI, 2000.

EC 1000 Basic Electronics Engineering 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Module-I: (Analog Electronics) 10 Hrs

Part-1: Introduction to electronic Systems; Part-2: Diode circuit models and Applications: -
Introduction to circuit models, Clippers and Clampers.Part-3: Transistors –BJT and MOSFET: -
BJT construction and operation, BJT configurations, BJT current components BJT
characteristics, Transistor as an amplifier and switch, MOSFET.

Module-II: (Digital Electronics Fundamentals) 10 Hrs

Part-1: Brief on Digital Electronics: - Review of logic gates, Number systems;
Part-2: Combinational Circuits: - Combinational logic (4 variables K-map), Flip flops (T, D,
JK), Counters and Registers;
Part-3: Data Converters: - Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC), Analog-to-Digital Converter
Module-III (Special Topic in Electronics) 16 Hrs
Part-1: Operational Amplifier (Op-amp) and application: - Op-amp: Introduction, Internal Block
diagram of Op-amp, Op-amp Characteristics;
Part-2: Linear operations using Op-amp:- Inverting amplifier, Non-inverting Amplifier, Voltage
follower, Summing and Difference amplifier, Integrator and Differentiator, Comparator;
Part-3: Miscellaneous Electronic Devices:- SCR, LED, Photodiode, Laser, Solar Cells, Opto-
Part-4: Sensors:- Introduction and describing sensor performance, Temperature sensors, Light
sensors, Force sensors, Displacement sensors, Motion sensors, Sound sensors, Sensor
Part-5: Introduction to basic Communication systems/principles: Fundamentals of Analog
communication (AM, FM), Introduction to digital communication (Sampling,
PAM,PCM,PPM,PWM, Modulation and demodulation techniques ), Communication Networks,
Introduction to Mobile Communication (Lecture notes to be provided)

Text Book (Essential Reading):

1. Microelectronic Circuits, Oxford University Press, S. Sedra and K. C. Smith; Sixth
2. Electronic Devices and Circuit, Boylestad, Robert L., Louis Nashelsky, Pearson
Education India; 11 editions (2015)
3. Digital Fundamentals, Floyd, Pearson Education India; 10 edition
4. Electronic Devices and Circuits: David. A. Bell; Oxford University Press, 5th Edn.
1. Electronics A Systems Approach, Neil Storey 4th Edition, Pearson
2. Electronic Principles, Tata McGraw Hill, Albert Malvino and David J Bates; 7th
3. Morris Mano “Digital Computer Design”, PHI 2003
4. Digital Principles and Applications, Leach , Malvino, Saha, McGraw Hill
Education; Eighth edition

WS 1151 Workshop Practice 2 Credits [0-0-3]

Carpentry and Fitting Shop

Carpentry Practice; Use of hand tools for holding drilling, cutting, marking and mixed tools such
as vice, clamps, saw, hammers, mallet, screwdriver, etc.; Different carpenter joints and their
application (Mortish and Tanon, Dovetail, Half Lap) etc.
Importance of fitting operation such as chipping, sawing, filling, scraping, drilling, reaming etc;
Functions, classification of tools, work holding and clamping specific tools for example File
(length, type, grade of cut etc.) vices, cold chiesel, hand tools etc.; Fitting Practice and Jobs:
Male-Female Joint; Chipping; Filling; Scraping; Marking; Fitting.

Machine Shop
Introduction to metal cutting; Machine Tools; Different types of machining operations: Straight
turning; step turning; taper turning; thread cutting; milling; drilling; CNC machining
Welding and Foundry Shop
Understanding of difference between gas welding and arc welding; difference between welding
and soldering; Introduction to gas welding; Use of welding equipment and tools and
accessories including Personal Protective requirement such as Boot, Gloves, safety goggles,
Apron, etc.; Welding Practice: Butt Joint; T – Joint; Introduction to brazing process, filler
material and fluxes; application of brazing.
Introduction to pattern; casting process; mould making; Practice on different types of mould

Electrical Electronics and Computer Shop

Soldering and Desoldering Practice; To Make Halfwave and Full Wave Rectifier Circuit and
Analyze The Wave Form By Using A Cathode Ray Oscilloscope; To Make An Electrical Wiring
Connection of A Flourescent Lamp; To Make An Electrical Wiring For Controlling Two Lamps
From A Switch Board; To Make An Electrical Wiring For Controlling Different Loads From A
Switch Board; To Make Electrical Connection For Controlling A Lamp From Two Positions And
From Multiple Positions.

WS 1151 Workshop Practice 2 Credits [0-0-3]

Carpentry and Fitting Shop

Carpentry Practice; Use of hand tools for holding drilling, cutting, marking and mixed tools such
as vice, clamps, saw, hammers, mallet, screwdriver, etc.; Different carpenter joints and their
application (Mortish and Tanon, Dovetail, Half Lap) etc.
Importance of fitting operation such as chipping, sawing, filling, scraping, drilling, reaming etc;
Functions, classification of tools, work holding and clamping specific tools for example File
(length, type, grade of cut etc.) vices, cold chiesel, hand tools etc.; Fitting Practice and Jobs:
Male-Female Joint; Chipping; Filling; Scraping; Marking; Fitting.

Machine Shop
Introduction to metal cutting; Machine Tools; Different types of machining operations: Straight
turning; step turning; taper turning; thread cutting; milling; drilling; CNC machining

Welding and Foundry Shop

Understanding of difference between gas welding and arc welding; difference between welding
and soldering; Introduction to gas welding; Use of welding equipment and tools and
accessories including Personal Protective requirement such as Boot, Gloves, safety goggles,
Apron, etc.; Welding Practice: Butt Joint; T – Joint; Introduction to brazing process, filler
material and fluxes; application of brazing.
Introduction to pattern; casting process; mould making; Practice on different types of mould
Electrical Electronics and Computer Shop
Soldering and Desoldering Practice; To Make Halfwave and Full Wave Rectifier Circuit and
Analyze The Wave Form By Using A Cathode Ray Oscilloscope; To Make An Electrical Wiring
Connection of A Flourescent Lamp; To Make An Electrical Wiring For Controlling Two Lamps
From A Switch Board; To Make An Electrical Wiring For Controlling Different Loads From A
Switch Board; To Make Electrical Connection For Controlling A Lamp From Two Positions And
From Multiple Positions.

Essential Reading:
1. Shop Theory: Anderson/Tata McGraw Hill

Supplementary Reading:
1. Workshop : Practice Chapman

CY 1101 CHEMISTRY 3 Credits [2-1-0]


Spectroscopy: Interaction of molecules with electromagnetic radiation, rotational, vibrational

and electronic spectroscopy, selection rules, basic concepts of emission, absorption and

Chemical kinetics: Rate equation, order, molecularity, methods of determination of order of a

reaction, examples and rate equations of zero, first, second and pseudo first order reactions,
temperature dependence of rate constants, Arrhenius theory, concept of activation energy,
significance of catalysts.

Electrochemistry: Oxidation-reduction reactions, electrochemical cells, Nernst equation and

its significance, standard reduction potential, calculation of solubility product, mean ionic
activity coefficient and pH of aqueous medium, commercial dry cell batteries (alkaline) and
hydrogen fuel cells (basic idea).


Atomic, molecular chemistry: Schrodinger wave equation (origin of quantization),

Interpretation of wave function (radial and angular), Hydrogen atom: concept of atomic and
molecular orbitals, Structure, bonding and energy levels of diatomic molecules. Examples N 2,
O2, CO and HF. Chemical bonding: VB, VSEPR, MO theory, Werner’s coordination theory,
Chelate Effect (Metal-EDTA complexes), Crystal field theory: splitting of tetrahedral and
octahedral complexes, structural concepts of Ni(CO) 4, Fe(CO)5 and Mo(CO)6 complexes,
Importance of metal ions in biological systems (Mg, Fe & Cu).

Organic reaction mechanisms & reactive intermediates: Introduction to Organic

compounds, Reactions of aliphatic compounds, Carbocations, carbanions and free radicals
(Generation, stability and reactions), substitution (SN1, SN2, SNi, neighbouring group
participation, factor affecting SN reaction), elimination (E1,E2, E1CB) and addition reactions
(C-C double bond).
General methods of polymerisation, common types of polymers and their application in daily

Essential Reading:
1. P. W. Atkins, Elements of Physical Chemistry, 4th Ed., Oxford University Press,
2. F. A. Carey, R. M. Guuliano, Organic Chemistry, Mcgraw-Hill, 6th edition, 2006.
3. J.D. Lee, Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 5th edition, Blackwell Publishing, 2008.
4. Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy, C. N. Banwell, E. N. McCash Tata
McGraw-Hill Education, 1994.
Supplementary Reading:
1. J. Singh, L.D.S. Yadav, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Pragati Prakashan, 2009.
2. J. E. Huheey, E. A. Keiter and R. L. Keiter, Inorganic Chemistry, Principles of structure
and reactivity, Harper Collins, 1993.
3. Clayden, Greeves, Warren and Wothers, Organic Chemistry, Oxford, 2001.
4. B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, M. S. Pathania, Principles of physical Chemistry, Shoban Lal
Nagin Chand & Co., 2001.

CY 1170 CHEMISTRY LABORATORY 2 Credits [0-0-3]

Determination of Hardness of water, Determination of the amount of Dissolved oxygen in water

sample, Estimation of Iron content in the given Iron salt solution, Estimation of Calcium in given
lime stone sample, Reaction kinetics of Hydrolysis of Ester, Kinematic viscosity of Oil by
Redwood Viscometer, Determination of Optical rotation of Sucrose, Partition coefficient of a
binary mixture, Conductometric titration of strong acid vs strong base, Potentiometric titration of
weak base vs strong acid.

HS 1300 Communicative English 2 Credits [2-0-0]

Course Contents:

1. Language and Communication: Nature of human language, Misconceptions

about language, General introduction to English language
2. Sign, Image, Symbols and Text: Word formation, Foreign words, Loan words,
Varieties of English
3. Remedial Grammar: Parts of Speech, Subject-Verb-Agreement, Punctuation,
Frequent errors; Practical Evaluation
4. Business Communication: Introduction, Verbal and Non-verbal Communication,
Creativity in Communication, Interpersonal and Impersonal Communication,
Formal & Informal Communication in Organizations, Developing Cultural
Sensitivity, Working and Communicating in Teams, Business English, Case
5. Writing: Emails, Letters, Reports, Documents/Memo, Paragraph writing,
Practical Evaluation
6. Neologisms, Political Correctness, Vocabulary Building Exercises, English
Idioms and idiomatic expressions

Course Outcome:
The course will help the learners acquire the necessary skills essential for successfully
communicating both in personal and professional situations, along with improving their general
English knowledge that can assist them towards achieving their goal of effectively
communicating in English.

Essential Readings
1. Mukerjee, H. S. (2013). Business Communication: Connecting at Work. New Delhi:
2. Kumar Sanjay and Pushp Lata (2011), Communication Skills, New Delhi: OUP.

Suggested Readings:
1. Hart, Steve, Nair, A. R. & Bhambhani V. (2016). Embark: English for Undergraduates.
New Delhi: Cambridge University Press.
2. Clark, S and G. Pointon (2004). Word for Word, New Delhi: OUP.
3. Nurnberg, M and M. Rosenblum (2000). All about Words: An Adult Approach to
Vocabulary Building, New Delhi: W.R. Goyal Publishers & Distributors.

HS 1270 Language Lab 2 Credits [0-0-2]

The Digital Language Lab provides resources and facilities for language instruction and
learning. It is an interactive, software based, multimedia learning system that is used for
imparting effective language learning skills, with the potential for learning independently at
required pace and convenience.

Course Contents:
1. Conversation Practice, Vocabulary Building and Role Playing

2. Improve advanced reading and writing skills: Increase ability to negotiate through texts
of a complex or technical nature. Summarization /forming a gist, writing argumentative
and narrative essays and paragraphs,

3. Group Discussions

4. Oral Presentations on contemporary topics – prepared and extempore

5. Business communication games and activities

6. Group Projects

LS 1001 Biology 2 Credits [2-0-0]

Cell Theory, Structure and function of the Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell. Cell division, Cell
cycle. Structure and Function of Proteins, Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Nucleic acids. The
Central Dogma of Molecular Biology – DNA Replication, Transcription and Translation. Disease
Biology, Applied Biology.

Essential Reading
1. Taylor DJ, Green NPO, Stout GW. Biological Science. 3rd edition (1997).
Cambridge University Press. ISBN - 978-0521684170
2. Scott Freeman, Biological Science, 5 th edition (2014). Pearson, Boston. ISBN
3. Reece JB, Urry LA, Cain ML, Wasserman SA, Minorsky PV, Jackson RB.
Campbell Biology: Global Edition. 9 th edition (2011). Pearson. ISBN 978-

Supplementary Reading
1. Engner E, Ross R, Bailey D. Concepts in Biology. 11 th edition (2005). McGraw-
Hill Education.ISBN - 978-0070607484
2. Reece JB, Taylor MR, Simon EJ, Dickey JL. Campbell Biology: Concepts and
Connections, Global Edition, 8 th edition (2015), Pearson, ISBN-9781292057804
3. Satyanarayana U, Chakrapani U. Biochemistry. 4 th edition (2013).


Differential Calculus: Real number system, Completeness axiom, Sequence (monotone,

bounded and Cauchy sequences), Limits, Continuity and Differentiability of functions, Rolle’s
Theorem, Mean value theorems, Series of real numbers, Tests for convergence of Series,
Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s theorems with remainders, Indeterminate forms. Functions of several
variables-Partial Differentiation, Total Differentiation, and Change of variables – Jacobians,
Maxima and minima of functions of two and three variables – Lagrange’s method of Multipliers.

Integral Calculus: Riemann integration, Introduction to improper integrals, Beta and Gamma
integrals, Differentiation under integral sign; Double and triple integrals.

Vector Calculus: Scalar and Vector fields, Vector differentiation, Gradient of scalar
field, Directional derivative, Divergence and Curl of a vector field, Laplacian operator. Vector
integration- Line, surface and volume integrals, Green’s theorem in plane, Gauss divergence
theorem, Stokes’ theorem.

Essential Readings:
1. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition, John Wiley and Sons,

2. T. M. Apostol, Calculus, Volume I and II, 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 1967.

3. Thomas and etc. , Thomas Calculus 12 th Edition, Pearson, 2015.

4 credits [3-1-0]

Matrix Theory:
Gauss elimination method, Gauss-Jordon method for finding inverse of a matrix, Vector space,
subspace, linear span, linear dependence and independence, Basis and dimension of vector
space, Row and column spaces, Rank and nullity of a matrix, Rank and Nullity Theorem, Inner
product spaces, Gram-Schmidth Orthogonalization, Matrix representation of Linear
Transformations, Solvability of systems of linear equations, Eigen values, Eigen vectors,
Diagonalization of matrices, Reduction of a quadratic form to canonical form.

Ordinary differential equations of first order:

Geometrical interpretations, Separable equations, Reduction to separable form, Exact
equations, Integrating factors, Linear equations, Bernoulli equations, orthogonal trajectories,
Existence and uniqueness of IVP (Picard’s Theorem), Applications to physical problems.

Ordinary linear differential equations of higher order:

Fundamental system and general solutions of homogeneous equations of order two,
Wronskian, reduction of order, Solution of non-homogeneous equations by method of
undetermined coefficients and variation of parameters. Extension to higher order differential
equations, Euler-Cauchy equation, Power series method, Applications to physical problems.

Laplace Transform:
Laplace and inverse Laplace transforms, existence of Laplace transform, first shifting theorem,
transforms of derivative and integral, second shifting theorem, differentiation and integration of
transforms, Convolution theorem, Solution of ordinary differential equations with constant

Essential Reading:
1. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition, John Wiley and Sons,

Suggested Readings:
1. G. F. Simmons and S. G. Krantz, Differential Equations: Theory, Technique and
Practice, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2006.
2. G. Strang, Linear Algebra and its applications, 4th Edition, Cengage Learning,
3. K. Hoffman and R. A. Kunze, Linear Algebra, Prentice Hall of India, 2002.
4. Kawk And Hong, Linear Algebra
5. N. Piskunuv, Differential and Integral Calculus

PH 1001 Physics-I 3 Credits [2-1-0]

Galilean relativity and Galilean transformation, Special relativity, Michelson Morley experiment
and postulates of relativity, length contraction and time dilatation, twin paradox, Doppler effect,
Lorentz transformation & velocity addition, relativistic momentum, mass-energy relation, brief
introduction to general relativity.

Quantum Mechanics:
INADEQUACIES IN CLASSICAL PHYSICS: Black body radiation, photoelectric effect, X-ray
diffraction, Compton Effect, pair production, photon and gravity, Davisson-Germer experiment
WAVE-PARTICLE DUALITY: Particle nature of wave, Wave nature of particle, de Broglie
waves, group waves, phase velocity & group velocity, uncertainty principle and its application.
WAVE FUNCTION: probability & wave equation, linearity and superposition of wave of wave
functions, expectation values SCHRÖDINGER EQUATION: time dependent and time
independent Schrödinger equation, eigenvalue & eigenfunctions, boundary conditions on wave
function, APPLICATION OF SCHRÖDINGER EQUATION: Particle in a box, Finite potential

Essential Reading:
1. A. Beiser, Concept of Modern Physics , Tata-McGraw Hill, 6th edition (2009)

Supplementary Reading:
1. R. Resnick & R. Eisberg, Quantum Physics: Of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei And
Particles, 2nd Edition
2. K.S. Krane, Modern Physics, Wiley, 3rd edition (2012)
3. D.J. Griffith, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Pearson (2007)
4. R. Resnick, Relativity, Wiley Eastern Pvt. Ltd. (2007)

PH 1002 Physics-II 3 Credits [2-1-0]

Statistical Mechanics: Statistical distributions, Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics, molecular

energies in ideal gas, quantum statistics: B-E & F-D statistics, Rayleigh-Jeans formula,
Planck's radiation law, specific heats of solids, free electrons in metals, electron-energy
Solid State Physics: Crystalline and amorphous solids, crystal structure, point defect,
dislocations, ionic crystals, covalent crystals, van der Waals bond, metallic bond, band theory
of solids, classification of solids based on band theory, Impurity semiconductors,
semiconductor devices (Junction diode, tunnel diode) photodiode: LED, semiconducting
LASER and solar cell. Introduction to superconductivity, Meissner effect, Type I and type II
superconductors, Bound electron pair (elements of BCS Theory) and high temperature
Particle Physics: Fundamental interactions, Leptons, Hadrons, Gluons, Elementary Particle
quantum numbers, conservation laws.
Essential Reading:
1. A. Beiser, Concept of Modern Physics , Tata-McGraw Hill, 6th edition (2009)
Supplementary Reading:
1. R. Resnick & R. Eisberg, Quantum Physics: of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei &
Particles, 2nd Edition
2. K.S. Krane, Modern Physics, Wiley, 3rd edition (2012)
3. A. J. Dekker, Solid State Physics, (Prentice-Hall of India).
4. M. A. Wahab, Solid State Physics: Structure and Properties of Materials, Narosa
Publishing House


Curriculum of B.Tech (Biomedical Engineering)(BM)

Vision :
To become a globally recognized department of higher learning by producing quality engineers
and technologists in the field of Biomedical Engineering.

Mission :
To advance and spread knowledge in the area of Biomedical Engineering through
multidisciplinary teaching and research contributing to healthcare, food, energy and

Program Educational Objectives :

i. To understand and apply the concepts of Engineering and Sciences including Biology in
Medicine that will build career and pursue higher studies in Biomedical Engineering.
ii. To identify, analyze and solve the problems with novelty and updated knowledge in the
development of product/process/technique related to healthcare to meet the societal
iii. To make graduates proficient in written and oral communications in their professions
and to impart value added continuing education for sustained growth.
iv. To apply the acquired practical skills and training for effective teaching, research,
development and entrepreneurship in biomedical field.

Program Outcome :
i. Graduates will be fundamentally strong in solving mathematical, engineering, scientific
problems related to healthcare.
ii. Graduates will be able to identify, formulate and analyze complex problems related to
biomedical and their solutions using principles of mathematics, science and
iii. Graduates will be able to design and develop biomedical devices that meet the desired
specifications for industrial and medical applications.
iv. Graduates will be able to use research based knowledge and research methods
including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data to provide valid
v. Graduates will be able to develop, select and apply feasible techniques, resources and
software tools with an understanding of the limitations in biomedical applications.
vi. Graduates will be able to apply contextual knowledge to assess societal, health and
safety related issues relevant to biomedical field.
vii. Graduates will be able to dispose professional, ethical and societal responsibility.
viii. Graduates will be able to recognize the need for health issues, and engage themselves
in life-long learning in the broadest context of technological changes in biomedical field.
ix. Graduates will be able to function effectively as an individual, entrepreneur and as a
member or a leader in multi-disciplinary streams including tissue engineering,
biomaterials, biomechanics, medical equipments and instrumentation.
x. Graduates will be able to effectively communicate with the society, make reports,
design documents and presentations.
xi. Graduates will be able to participate and succeed in competitive examinations like
GATE, NET, Civil services, etc.

Process for defining the Vision and Mission of the Department and PEO of the program :
i. Discussion and feedback of experts from academy and industry
ii. Brainstorming session conducted by the department internally with department faculty
members, students and faculty from other departments in relevant areas.
iii. Following other institutes and universities website.


Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 HS1337 Introduction to Society and Culture 3-0-0 3
2 EC2001 Analog Electronics 3-1-0 4
3 LS2401 Cell and Molecular Biology 3-0-0 3
4 BM2001 Medical Science- I 3-0-0 3
5 Elective 3-0-0 3
6 EE 2700 Electrical Engineering Lab 0-0-3 2
EC 2700 Electronics Engineering Lab
8 BM2701 Medical Science Lab 0-0-2 1

Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits
1 MA 2305 Numerical methods/ Diff. Equation 3-1-0 4
2 HS 1318 Literary Foundations: Approaches and Applications 2-0-0 2
3 EC2002 Digital Electronics 3-1-0 4
4 BM2500 Biomechanics 3-0-0 3
5 BM2502 Thermodynamics And Biochemical Reaction 3-0-0 3
6 HS 1270 Language Lab 0-0-2 1
7 BM2700 Biomechanics Lab 0-0-2 1
8 BM2702 Cell And Molecular Biology Lab 0-0-2 1
9 EE 2700 Electrical Engineering Lab
EC 2700 Electronics Engineering Lab 0-0-3 2

Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits
1 BM3601 Biomedical Instrumentation- I 3-0-0 3
2 BM3201 Biomaterials 3-0-0 3
3 Elective 3-0-0/ 3-1-0 3/4
4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 BM3603 Biomedical Signal Processing 3-0-0 3
6 BM3701 Biomedical Instrumentation Lab 0-0-3 2
7 BM3703 Biomaterials Lab 0-0-3 2
8 BM3705 Biomedical Signal Processing Lab 0-0-2 1
TOTAL 20/21

Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits
1 BM3000 Medical Diagnostic Techniques 3-0-0 3
2 Elective 3-0-0 3
3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 SM 1605 Business Enviroment 3-0-0 3
5 Elective 3-0-0 3
6 BM3700 Programming And Simulation Lab-I 0-0-3 2
7 BM3702 Medical Diagnostic Techniques Lab 0-0-2 1
8 BM3704 Microprocessor And Microcontroller Lab 0-0-3 2

Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits
1 BM4601 Medical Imaging And Image Processing 3-0-0 3
2 BM4603 Measurements, Sensors And Transducers 3-0-0 3
3 BM4605 Rehabilitation Engineering And Robotics 3-0-0 3
4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 Research Project-I / Elective X-X-X/3-0-0 2/3
6 BM4701 Health Informatics And Telemedicine Lab 0-0-2 1
7 BM4703 Medical Imaging And Image Processing Lab 0-0-3 2
8 BM4905 Short Term Industrial/Research Experience 0-0-0 0
TOTAL 17/18

Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits
1 BM4200 Tissue Engineering 3-0-0 3
2 Elective 3-0-0 3
3 Research Project-II / Elective X-X-X/3-0-0 4/3
4 BM4700 Tissue Engineering Lab 0-0-2 1
5 Elective Lab: 0-0-2 1
6 Elective Lab 0-0-2 1
7 BM4904 Seminar & Technical Writing 0-0-0 0
8 BM4906 Comprehensive Viva-Voce 0-0-0 2
TOTAL 15/14


Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-PCredits

1 BM2003 Medical Science- II 3-0-0 3
2 BM2005 Biochemistry 3-0-0 3
3 BM2007 Microbiology 3-0-0 3
4 BM2009 Biostatistics 3-0-0 3
5 BM2011 Analytical Techniques 3-0-0 3
6 BM2101 Cell And Molecular Biology 3-0-0 3
7 BM2300 Bioprocess-I 2-0-0 2
8 BM2401 Environmental And Safety Engineering 3-0-0 3
9 BM2502 Thermodynamics And Biochemical Reaction 3-0-0 3
10 BM2504 Transport Processes In Biological System 3-0-0 3
11 BM2701 Medical Science Lab 0-0-2 1
12 BM2703 Biochemistry And Microbiology Lab 0-0-2 1
13 BM2704 Transport Processes In Biological System Lab 0-0-3 2
14 BM3001 Analytical Instrumentation And Techniques 3-0-0 3
15 BM3002 Clinical Science 3-0-0 3
16 BM3003 Fluorescence Techniques In Biotechnology 3-0-0 3
17 BM3004 Biotechnology In Medicine 3-0-0 3
18 BM3006 Nanobiotechnology 3-0-0 3
19 BM3100 Applied Cell Biology 3-0-0 3
20 BM3101 Genetic Engineering 3-0-0 3
21 BM3102 Cell And Tissue Engineering 3-0-0 3
22 BM3103 Immunology 3-0-0 3
23 BM3104 Immunotechnology 3-0-0 3
24 BM3105 Recombinant DNA Technology 3-0-0 3
25 BM3106 Biomolecular Engineering 3-0-0 3
26 BM3107 Animal Biotechnology 3-0-0 3
27 BM3109 Fundamentals Of Genomics, Transcriptomics And Proteomics 3-0-0 3
28 BM3200 Biopolymers 3-0-0 3
29 BM3202 Biocomposites 3-0-0 3
30 BM3301 Nanotechnology In Bioengineering 3-0-0 3
31 BM3302 Bioprocess Instrumentation 3-0-0 3
32 BM3303 Biochemical Engineering 3-0-0 3
33 BM3305 Bioprocess Optimization 3-0-0 3
34 BM3400 Environmental Biotechnology 3-0-0 3
35 BM3401 Agricultural Biotechnology 3-0-0 3
36 BM3402 Biotechnology In Agriculture And Natural Products 3-0-0 3
37 BM3403 Bio-Resources And Technology 3-0-0 3
38 BM3404 Biosensor Technology 3-0-0 3
39 BM3405 Food Technology, Safety And Quality 3-0-0 3
40 BM3406 Biological Waste Treatment 3-0-0 3
41 BM3408 Green Energy Technology 3-0-0 3
42 BM3500 Biofluid Mechanics 3-0-0 3
43 BM3501 Transport Phenomena In Unit Operation 3-0-0 3
44 BM3502 Biotransport 3-0-0 3
45 BM3600 Occupational Safety And Hazards 3-0-0 3
46 BM3602 Medical Imaging 3-0-0 3
47 BM3604 Biomedical Instrumentation- II 3-0-0 3
48 BM3706 Bioprocess Optimization Lab 0-0-2 1
49 BM3707 Biochemical Engineering Lab 0-0-3 2
50 BM3708 Analytical Techniques In Biotechnology Lab 0-0-3 2
51 BM3709 Bioprocess -I Lab 0-0-2 1
52 BM3710 Environmental Biotechnology Lab 0-0-3 2
53 BM3711 Genetic Engineering Lab 0-0-3 2
54 BM4000 Statistics And Physiological Modelling 3-0-0 3
55 BM4001 Medical Embedded Systems 3-0-0 3
56 BM4002 Hospital Management 3-0-0 3
57 BM4003 Metabolic Engineering 3-0-0 3
58 BM4005 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 3-0-0 3
59 BM4100 Structural Biology 3-0-0 3
60 BM4102 System Biology 3-0-0 3
61 BM4103 Metabolic Engineering 3-0-0 3
62 BM4202 Surface Engineering Of Biomaterials 3-0-0 3
63 BM4300 Enzymology And Protein Engineering 3-0-0 3
64 BM4301 Downstream Processing And Bioseparation 3-0-0 3
65 BM4302 Bioseperation Techniques 3-0-0 3
66 BM4303 Bioinformatics 3-0-0 3
67 BM4400 Plant Secondary Metabolites Engineering 3-0-0 3
68 BM4401 Plant Biotechnology 3-0-0 3
69 BM4403 Solid And Hazardous Waste Management 3-0-0 3
70 BM4405 Bioenergy And Biofuels Engineering 3-0-0 3
71 BM4407 Industrial Plant Tissue Culture Engineering 3-0-0 3
72 BM4501 Biomems And Biomicrofluidics 3-0-0 3
73 BM4600 Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning 3-0-0 3
74 BM4602 Laser And Fiber Optics In Medicine 3-0-0 3
75 BM4607 Communication and Telemedicine 3-0-0 3
76 BM4702 Computational Methods In Bioengineering Lab 0-0-2 1
77 BM4704 Soft Computing Lab 0-0-2 1
78 BM4705 Bioinformatics Lab 0-0-2 1
79 BM4706 Enzymology And Protein Engineering Lab 0-0-2 1
80 BM4707 Plant Biotechnology Lab 0-0-2 1
81 BM4708 Food And Fermentation Biotechnology Lab 0-0-2 1
82 BM4709 Downstream Processing And Bioseparation Lab 0-0-3 2
83 BM4710 Computer Aided Drug Design Lab 0-0-3 2
84 BM4712 Computer Programming For Biotechnology Applications Lab 0-0-2 1
85 BM4714 Modelling And Computation In Bioengineering 0-0-3 2
86 BM4716 Matlab Programming For Bioengineering Analysis 0-0-3 2
87 EC 3301 Control System Engineering 3-0-0 3
88 EC 3303 Instrumentation Devices 3-0-0 3
89 EC 3305 Process Control 3-0-0 3
90 EC 3501 Principles of Communication Systems 3-0-0 3
91 EC 4201 VLSI Design Techniques 3-0-0 3
92 LS2101 Basic Biochemistry 3-0-0 3
93 LS2601 Basic Microbiology 3-0-0 3


Not offers Minor Degree.


Curriculum of B.Tech (Biotechnology)(BT)

Vision :
To become a globally recognized department of higher learning by producing quality engineers
and technologists in the field of Biotechnology.

Mission :
To advance and spread knowledge in the area of Biotechnology through multidisciplinary
teaching and research contributing to healthcare, food, energy and environment.

Program Educational Objectives :

i. To understand and apply the concepts of Biology, Chemical Engineering and related
aspects of science and technology to build career and pursue higher studies in
ii. To identify, analyze and solve problems with novelty and updated knowledge in the
development of product/process/technique to meet the societal demands and to impart
value added continuing education for sustained growth.
iii. To demonstrate professional and ethical attitude with awareness of current issues and
think about the social entailment of their work, especially its impact on safety, health
and environment
iv. To apply acquired practical skills and broad biotechnological training to excel in service
to industry, R&D and entrepreneurship.

Program Outcome :
i. Graduates will be able to plan, act and perform in consonance with set of career goals
and objectives in Biotechnology.
ii. Graduates will be able to apply the fundamentals of basic sciences and different
engineering principles in biotechnology to solve complex problems related to
healthcare, food, energy and environment.
iii. Graduates will be able to effectively communicate with industry and solve live industrial
iv. Graduates will be able to design and develop processes, products and plants of
industrial importance.
v. Graduates will be able to assimilate knowledge across disciplines and to carry out
interdisciplinary research in Biotechnology.
vi. Graduates will be able to dispose professional, ethical and societal responsibility.
vii. Graduates will be able to venture entrepreneurship in biotechnology and related fields.
viii. Graduates will be able to participate and succeed in competitive examinations like
GATE, NET, Civil services, etc.
ix. Graduates will be able to cope up with the global standard of higher education and
x. Graduates will be inquisitive in understanding cutting edge areas of Biotechnology.

Process for defining the Vision and Mission of the Department and PEO of the program :
i. Discussion and feedback of experts from academy and industry
ii. Brainstorming session conducted by the department internally with department faculty
members, students and faculty from other departments in relevant areas.
iii. Following other institutes and universities website.

Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits
1 HS1337 Introduction to Society and Culture 3-0-0 3
2 LS2101 Basic Biochemistry 3-0-0 3
3 LS2601 Basic Microbiology 3-0-0 3
4 LS2401 Cell and Molecular Biology 3-0-0 3
5 Elective 3-0-0 3
6 EC 2700Electrical Engg. Lab 0-0-3 2
7 EE 2700 Electronics Engineering Lab
8 BM2703 Biochemistry And Microbiology Lab 0-0-2 1

Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits
1 MA 2305 Numerical methods/ Diff. Equation 3-1-0 4
2 HS 1318 Literary Foundations: Approaches and Applications 2-0-0 2
3 BM2504 Transport Processes In Biological System 3-0-0 3
4 BM2300 Bioprocess Engineering-I 2-0-0 2
5 BM2502 Thermodynamics And Biochemical Reaction Engineering 3-0-0 3
6 HS 1270 Language Lab 0-0-2 1
7 BM2704 Transport Processes In Biological System Lab 0-0-3 2
8 BM2702 Cell And Molecular Biology Lab 0-0-2 1
9 EC 2700 Electrical Engg. Lab
EC 2700 Electronics Engg. Lab 0-0-3 2

Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits
1 BM3303 Biochemical Engineering 3-0-0 3
2 BM3101 Genetic Engineering 3-0-0 3
3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 BM3103 Immunology 3-0-0 3
6 BM3707 Biochemical Engineering Lab 0-0-3 2
7 BM3709 Bioprocess Engineering-I Lab 0-0-2 1
8 BM3711 Genetic Engineering Lab 0-0-3 2

Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits
1 Elective 3-0-0 3
2 Elective 3-0-0 3
3 BM3400 Environmental Biotechnology 3-0-0 3
4 SM 1605 Business Enviroment 3-0-0 3
5 Elective 3-0-0 3
6 BM3706 Bioprocess Optimization Lab 0-0-2 1
7 BM3708 Analytical Techniques In Biotechnology Lab 0-0-3 2
8 BM3710 Environmental Biotechnology Lab 0-0-3 2


Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 BM4301 Downstream Processing And Bioseparation 3-0-0 3
2 BM4303 Bioinformatics 3-0-0 3
3 BM4401 Plant Biotechnology 3-0-0 3
4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 Research Project-I/ Elective X-X-X/3-0-0 2/3
6 BM4705 Bioinformatics Lab 0-0-2 1
7 BM4707 Plant Biotechnology Lab 0-0-2 1
8 BM4709 Downstream Processing And Bioseparation Lab 0-0-2 1
9 BM4905 Short Term Industrial/Research Experience 0-0-0 0
TOTAL 17/18


Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 BM4300 Enzymology And Protein Engineering 3-0-0 3
2 Elective 3-0-0 3
3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 Research Project II/ Elective X-X-X/3-0-0 4/3
5 BM4706 Enzymology And Protein Engineering Lab 0-0-2 1
6 Elective Lab 0-0-2 1
7 Elective Lab 0-0-2 1
8 BM4904 Seminar & Technical Writing 0-0-0 0
9 BM4906 Comprehensive Viva-Voce 0-0-0 2
TOTAL 18/17


Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T- Credits

1 BM2001 Medical Science- I P
3-0-0 3
2 BM2003 Medical Science-II 3-0-0 3
3 BM2009 Biostatistics 3-0-0 3
4 BM2011 Analytical Techniques 3-0-0 3
5 BM2401 Environmental And Safety Engineering 3-0-0 3
6 BM2500 Biomechanics 3-0-0 3
7 BM2502 Thermodynamics And Biochemical Reaction 3-0-0 3
8 BM2700 Biomechanics Lab 0-0-2 1
9 BM2701 Medical Science Lab 0-0-2 1
10 BM3000 Medical Diagnostics Techniques 3-0-0 3
11 BM3001 Analytical Instrumentation And Techniques 3-0-0 3
12 BM3002 Clinical Science 3-0-0 3
13 BM3003 Fluorescence Techniques In Biotechnology 3-0-0 3
14 BM3004 Biotechnology In Medicine 3-0-0 3
15 BM3006 Nanobiotechnology 3-0-0 3
16 BM3100 Applied Cell Biology 3-0-0 3
17 BM3102 Cell And Tissue Engineering 3-0-0 3
18 BM3104 Immunotechnology 3-0-0 3
BM3105 Recombinant DNA Technology 3-0-0 3
20 BM3106 Biomolecular Engineering 3-0-0 3
21 BM3107 Animal Biotechnology 3-0-0 3
22 BM3109 Fundamentals Of Genomics, Transcriptomics And 3-0-0 3
23 BM3200 Proteomics
Biopolymers 3-0-0 3
24 BM3201 Biomaterials 3-0-0 3
25 BM3202 Biocomposites 3-0-0 3
26 BM3301 Nanotechnology In Bioengineering 3-0-0 3
27 BM3302 Bioprocess Instrumentation 3-0-0 3
28 BM3305 Bioprocess Optimization 3-0-0 3
29 BM3401 Agricultural Biotechnology 3-0-0 3
30 BM3402 Biotechnology In Agriculture And Natural Products 3-0-0 3
31 BM3403 Bio-Resources And Technology 3-0-0 3
32 BM3404 Biosensor Technology 3-0-0 3
33 BM3405 Food Technology, Safety And Quality 3-0-0 3
34 BM3406 Biological Waste Treatment 3-0-0 3
35 BM3408 Green Energy Technology 3-0-0 3
36 BM3500 Biofluid Mechanics 3-0-0 3
37 BM3501 Transport Phenomena In Unit Operation 3-0-0 3
38 BM3502 Biotransport 3-0-0 3
39 BM3600 Occupational Safety And Hazards 3-0-0 3
40 BM3601 Biomedical Instrumentation- I 3-0-0 3
41 BM3602 Medical Imaging 3-0-0 3
42 BM3603 Biomedical Signal Processing 3-0-0 3
43 BM3604 Biomedical Instrumentation- II 3-0-0 3
44 BM3700 Programming And Simulation Lab-I 0-0-3 2
45 BM3701 Biomedical Instrumentation Lab 0-0-3 2
46 BM3702 Medical Diagnostics Techniques Lab 0-0-2 1
47 BM3703 Biomaterials Lab 0-0-3 2
48 BM3704 Microprocessor And Microcontroller Lab 0-0-3 2
49 BM3705 Biomedical Signal Processing Lab 0-0-2 1
50 BM4000 Statistics And Physiological Modelling 3-0-0 3
51 BM4001 Medical Embedded Systems 3-0-0 3
52 BM4002 Hospital Management 3-0-0 3
53 BM4003 Metabolic Engineering 3-0-0 3
54 BM4005 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 3-0-0 3
55 BM4100 Structural Biology 3-0-0 3
56 BM4102 System Biology 3-0-0 3
57 BM4200 Tissue Engineering 3-0-0 3
58 BM4202 Surface Engineering Of Biomaterials 3-0-0 3
59 BM4302 Bioseperation Techniques 3-0-0 3
60 BM4400 Plant Secondary Metabolites Engineering 3-0-0 3
61 BM4403 Solid And Hazardous Waste Management 3-0-0 3
62 BM4405 Bioenergy And Biofuels Engineering 3-0-0 3
63 BM4407 Industrial Plant Tissue Culture Engineering 3-0-0 3
64 BM4501 Biomems And Biomicrofluidics 3-0-0 3
65 BM4600 Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning 3-0-0 3
66 BM4601 Medical Imaging And Image Processing 3-0-0 3
67 BM4602 Laser And Fiber Optics In Medicine 3-0-0 3
68 BM4603 Measurements, Sensors And Transducers 3-0-0 3
69 BM4605 Rehabilitation Engineering And Robotics 3-0-0 3
70 BM4607 Communication And Telemedicine 3-0-0 3
71 BM4700 Tissue Engineering Lab 0-0-2 1
72 BM4701 Health Informatics And Telemedicine Lab 0-0-2 1
73 BM4702 Computational Methods In Bioengineering Lab 0-0-2 1
74 BM4703 Medical Imaging And Image Processing Lab 0-0-3 2
75 BM4704 Soft Computing Lab 0-0-2 1
76 BM4708 Food And Fermentation Biotechnology Lab 0-0-2 1
77 BM4710 Computer Aided Drug Design Lab 0-0-2 1
78 BM4712 Computer Programming For Biotechnology Applications 0-0-2 1
79 BM4714 Lab
Modeling And Computation In Bioengineering 0-0-2 1
80 BM4716 Matlab Programming For Bioengineering Analysis 0-0-2 1
81 EC3305 Process Control 3-0-0 3
82 FP3501 Dairy Process Engineering 3-0-0 3
83 FP3601 Food Packaging and Storage Engineering 3-0-0 3
84 FP3105 Food Analysis and Quality Control 3-0-0 3
85 FP3204 Food Process Equipment and Plant Design 3-0-0 3
86 FP3603 Food Refrigeration and Cold Chain 3-0-0 3


Do not offer any Minor degree.


Curriculum of B.Tech (Civil Engineering)(CE)

Vision/Mission :

To generate quality manpower, carry out innovative research and consultancy projects to
design, build and maintain Civil Engineering Infrastructure ensuring environmental health and
quality life.
Program Educational Objectives :
1. To provide the students with a comprehensive and balanced understanding of various
disciplines of Civil Engineering in depth and breadth to create solutions for real life
2. To provide students with sound knowledge of fundamentals with mathematical acumen for
a clear understanding of Civil Engineering as a whole
3. To provide opportunities to students to study associated subjects and work in
interdisciplinary projects across allied branches of Engineering in order to impart ability to
work in multidisciplinary teams.
4. To provide students with academic environment that is aware of excellence, leadership,
entrepreneurship and ethical responsibility.

Program Outcome :

1. Graduates will be competent in all disciplines of Civil Engineering with a clear

understanding of underlying principles of engineering.
2. Graduates will produce Civil Engineering designs based on strong fundamentals
considering cost effectiveness and sustainability.
3. Graduates will relate Civil Engineering knowledge to field practice involving many allied
4. Graduates will be leaders in their profession as well as in other activities with highest
ethical standards.

Process for defining the Vision and Mission of the Department and PEO of the program

Sl. No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credits
1 HS1337 Introduction to Society and Culture 3-0-0 3
2 MA 2305 Numerical methods/ Diff. Equation 3-1-0 4
3 CE 2001 Civil Engineering Materials and Construction 3-0-0 3
4 CE 2003 Mechanics of Solids 3-0-0 3
5 CE 2005 Surveying 3-0-0 3
EE 2700 Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory
6 OR 0-0-3 2
EC 2700 Basic Electronics Laboratory
7 HS 1270 Language Laboratory 0-0-2 1
9 CE 2701 Mechanics of Solids Laboratory 0-0-2 1
TOTAL 24 20

Sl. No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credits
HS 1318 Literary Foundations: Approaches and 2-0-0 2
2 CE 2202 Structural Analysis 3-0-0 3
3 CE 2502 Fluid Mechanics 3-0-0 3
4 CE 2302 Transportation Engineering 3-0-0 3
5 CE2102 Mechanics of Soil 3-0-0 3
EC 2700 Basic Electronics Laboratory
6 OR 0-0-3 2
EE 2700 Electrical Engineering Laboratory
7 CE 2702 Building Drawing Practice 0-0-2 1
8 CE 2704 Surveying Field Work 0-0-3 2
TOTAL 23 19

Sl. Sub. Subject L-T-P Credits
No Code
1 CE 3401 Water Resources Engineering 3-0-0 3
2 CE 3203 Reinforced Concrete Design 3-0-0 3
3 CE 3505 Environmental Engineering 3-0-0 3
4 CE3107 Foundation Engineering 3-0-0 3
5 Elective - I 3-0-0 3
6 CE 3701 Highway Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
7 CE3703 Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines 0-0-2 1
8 CE 3705 Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
TOTAL 25 20

Sl. Sub. Subject L-T-P Credits
No Code
1 CE 3202 Design of Steel Structures 3-0-0 3
2 CE 3004 Disaster management 3-0-0 3
3 Elective - II 3-0-0 3
4 Elective - III 3-0-0 3
5 Eelective - IV 3-0-0 3
6 CE 3702 RC Structures Design Practice 0-0-2 1
7 CE 3704 Structural Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
8 CE 3706 Environmental Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
TOTAL 23 20

Sl. No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credits
1 CE4001 Estimation & Construction Management 3-0-0 3
2 Elective - V 3-0-0 3
3 Elective - VI 3-0-0 3
4 Elective - VII 3-0-0 3
Research Project-I/Elective XI 0-0-0/3- 3
5 CE 4701 Geotechnical Engineering Design Practice 0-0-2 1
7 CE 4703 Steel Structures Design Practice 0-0-2 1
8 CE 4705 Environmental Engineering Design Practice 0-0-2 1
9 Short Term Industrial Research Experience 0-0-0 0
TOTAL 20 18

Sl. No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credits
1 SM 1605 Business Enviroment 3-0-0 3
2 Elective - VIII 3-0-0 3
3 Elective - IX 3-0-0 3
4 Elective - X 3-0-0 3
5 CE 4702 Water resources Engineering Design Practice 0-0-2 1
CE 4704 LaTransportation Engineering Design Practice 0-0-2 1
6 CE 4706 Computer Aided Design Practice 0-0-2 1
7 CE 4902 Research Project – II / Elective 0-0-3 3
8 CE 4904 Comprehensive Viva-Voce 0-0-0 2
9 Seminar & Techinichal writing 0-0-0 0
TOTAL 20 20


Sl. No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credits
1 CE 2002 Elements of Civil Engineering 3-0-0 3
Remote Sensing and Geographical Information
2 CE 3003 3-0-0 3
3 CE 6000 Operation Research 3-0-0 3
4 CE 6001 Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering 3-0-0 3
5 CE 6003 Applied Elasticity and Plasticity 3-0-0 3
6 CE 6005 Bridge Engineering 3-0-0 3
7 CE 6007 Optimization Methods in Civil Engineering 3-0-0 3
Probability and Reliability Methods in Civil
8 CE 6008 3-0-0 3
9 CE 4101 Ground Improvement Techniques 3-0-0 3
10 CE 4103 Advanced Foundation Engineering 3-0-0 3
11 CE 4106 Soil Structure Interaction 3-0-0 3
12 CE 6104 Rock Mechanics 3-0-0 3
13 CE 6105 3-0-0 3
14 CE 6106 Earth Retaining Structures 3-0-0 3
15 CE 6107 Dynamics of Soils and Foundations 3-0-0 3
16 CE 6108 Environmental Geotechnics 3-0-0 3
17 CE 6109 Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering 3-0-0 3
18 CE 6110 Ground Water and Flow through Porous Media 3-0-0 3
19 CE 6111 Strength and Deformation Behaviour of Soil 3-0-0 3
20 CE 2201 Concrete Technology 3-0-0 3
21 CE 3201 Advanced structural analysis 3-0-0 3
22 CE 3204 Finite Element Method 3-0-0 3
23 CE 4203 Adv. Design of RC Structures 3-0-0 3
24 CE 4205 Advanced Mechanics of Solids 3-0-0 3
25 CE 4206 Design of Industrial Steel Structures 3-0-0 3
26 CE 6202 Advanced Steel Design 3-0-0 3
27 CE 6204 Structural Dynamics 3-0-0 3
28 CE 6205 Composite Structures 3-0-0 3
29 CE 6208 Pre-stressed Concrete 3-0-0 3
30 CE 6209 Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures 3-0-0 3
31 CE 6210 Design of Offshore Structures 3-0-0 3
32 CE 4301 Advanced Transportation Engineering 3-0-0 3
33 CE 4302 Traffic Engineering & Transportation Planning 3-0-0 3
34 CE 4303 Pavement Design 3-0-0 3
35 CE 4304 Pavement Materials 3-0-0 3
36 CE 4305 Planning and Design of Airports 3-0-0 3
37 CE 4306 Railway and Tunnel Engineering 3-0-0 3
38 CE 6301 Transportation Systems Planning 3-0-0 3
39 CE 6302 Transportation Systems, Analysis and Modelling 3-0-0 3
40 CE 6303 Highway and Airport Pavement Materials 3-0-0 3
41 CE 6305 Geometric Design of Highways 3-0-0 3
42 CE 6306 Evaluation and Strengthening of Pavements 3-0-0 3
43 CE 6308 Mass Transit Systems 3-0-0 3
44 CE 6309 Road Safety Engineering 3-0-0 3
45 CE 6310 Low Volume Roads 3-0-0 3
46 CE 6311 Pavement Management System 3-0-0 3
47 CE 6312 Pedestrian Dynamics 3-0-0 3
48 CE 6313 Transportation and Environment 3-0-0 3
49 CE 6314 Economic Analysis of Transportation Systems 3-0-0 3
50 CE 6315 Advanced Railway Engineering 3-0-0 3
51 CE 3402 Advanced Fluid Mechanics 3-0-0 3
52 CE 4400 Hydraulic Engineering 3-0-0 3
53 CE 4401 Irrigation Engineering 3-0-0 3
54 CE 4403 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3-0-0 3
55 CE 4404 Engineering Hydrology 3-0-0 3
56 CE 4405 Open Channel Flow 3-0-0 3
57 CE 4406 Water Resources Planning and Management 3-0-0 3
58 CE 6404 Hydraulics of Surface Water 3-0-0 3
59 CE 6407 Water Quality Modelling and Management 3-0-0 3
60 CE 6408 Ground Water Assessment & Development 3-0-0 3
61 CE 6410 Design of Hydraulic systems 3-0-0 3
62 CE 6411 Integrated River Basin Management 3-0-0 3
63 CE 6412 Fluvial Hydraulics 3-0-0 3
64 CE 4502 Advanced Environmental Engineering 3-0-0 3
65 CE 4503 Environmental Impact Assessment 3-0-0 3
66 CE 4504 Air Quality Management 3-0-0 3
67 CE 4505 Environmental management in Industry 3-0-0 3
68 CE 6500 Advanced Wastewater Treatment 3-0-0 3
69 CE 6501 Principles of Environmental Management 3-0-0 3
70 CE 6502 Advanced Air Quality Management 3-0-0 3
71 CE 6503 Water and Wastewater Engineering 3-0-0 3
Industrial Pollution Prevention and Clean
72 CE 6504 3-0-0 3
73 CE 6505 Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment 3-0-0 3
74 CE 6506 Environmental Legislation and Policy 3-0-0 3


Sl. No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credits

1 CE 2202 Core Course-IV: Structural Analysis 3-0-0 3
2 CE 3203 Core Course-IX: Reinforced Concrete Design 3-0-0 3
3 CE2102 Core Course-VII: Mechanics of Soil 3-0-0 3
4 CE 2302 Core Course-VI: Transportation Engineering 3-0-0 3
5 CE 3505 Core Course-X: Environmental Engineering 3-0-0 3
CE 2502 Fluid Mechanics
6 OR 0-0-3 3
CE 3401 Water Resources Engineering
TOTAL 18 18


Curriculum of B.Tech (Chemical Engineering)(CH)

Vision :
To become an internationally acclaimed department of higher learning to address major
societal issues and solve technical challenges faced by chemical and allied industries through
ecofriendly technologies.

Mission :
i. To inculcate students with a strong fundamental knowledge to meet the needs of a
rapidly changing technological environment in process development and equipment
ii. To carry out vibrant interdisciplinary research programme that can creatively shape the
undergraduates and graduates to address the needs of chemical engineering
profession in particular and society in general.
iii. To develop leadership qualities to solve scientific and environmental challenges
keeping in mind the safety and ethical concerns.

Program Educational Objectives :

i. To prepare students to achieve professional engineering competence.
ii. To acquaint with the principles of basic science and engineering and utilize them to
formulate, solve and analyze engineering problems as well as to prepare them for
advanced studies both in core and multidisciplinary research area.
iii. To take initiative and demonstrate ability towards independent learning and introduce
professional ethics and codes of professional practices.
iv. To function effectively in the complex modern work environment with the ability to
assume professional leadership roles.
v. To develop effective communication skills.
Program Outcome :

i. Function effectively as an engineering professional, individual, and member or leader in

diverse technical teams.
ii. Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to identify, formulate & solve
engineering problems.
iii. Design and conduct experiments individually as well as in a team.
iv. Apply engineering techniques with modern engineering tools necessary for designing a
system, component or process.
v. Demonstrate excellence in ethical standards, safety practices, and environmental
vi. Effectively communicate through technical writings and presentations
vii. Develop interest in multidisciplinary research activity and higher studies and engage in
life-long learning process.

Process for defining the Vision and Mission of the Department and PEO of the program :

i. Regular interaction with the stakeholders, more frequently with employers, alumni and
other institutes of higher learning.
ii. Inclusion of courses based on industrial demand through course modification as
suggested by industry experts.
iii. Modifying the course contents as per the directives of American Chemical Society
(ACS); American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and experts from institutes of
higher learning and various research organizations.
iv. Feedback from the students.
v. Discussion in the senate of the institute.


Sl.No. Sub. Subject L-T-P Credit

1 HS 1337 Introduction to Society and Culture 3-0-0 3
2 MA 2305 Numerical methods/ Diff. Equation 3-1-0 4
3 CH 2211 Chemical Process Calculations 2-1-0 3
4 CH 2411 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 3-1-0 4
5 Elective 2-0-0 2
6 EE 2700 Electrical Engineering Lab 0-0-3 2
EC 2700 Electronics Engineering Lab
7 HS 1270 Language lab 0-0-2 1
8 CH 2451 Biochemical Engineering Laboratory 1-0-2 2
Total 21


Sl.No. Sub. Subject L-T-P Credit

1 HS 1318 Literary Foundations: Approaches and 2-0-0 2
2 CH 2110 Fluid Dynamics 3-1-0 4
3 CH 2112 Mass Transfer Operations – I 2-1-0 3
4 CH 2114 Heat Transfer Operations 3-1-0 4
5 CH 2410 Fuels and Combustion 3-0-0 3
6 EE 2700 Electrical Engineering Lab 0-0-3 2
EC 2700 Electronics Engineering Lab
7 CH 2150 Fluid Dynamics Laboratory 0-0-2 1
8 CH 2450 Fuels and Combustion Laboratory 0-0-2 1
Total 20

Sl.No. Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credit

1 CH 3113 Mass Transfer Operations– II 2-1-0 3
2 CH 3111 Process Equipment Design 3-1-0 4
3 CH 3213 Chemical Reaction Engineering 3-1-0 4
4 CH 3215 Processing And Handling of Materials 2-1-0 3
5 CH 3217 Chemical Process Technology 3-0-0 3
6 CH 3151 Heat Transfer Operations Laboratory 0-0-2 1
7 CH 3250 Materials Handling Laboratory 0-0-3 2
8 CH 3251 Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory 0-0-2 1
Total 21


Sl.No. Subject L-T-P Credit

1 CH 3310 Process Dynamics and Control 3-1-0 4
2 CH 3116 Transport Phenomena 3-0-0 3
3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 Elective 3-0-0 3
6 CH 3152 Mass Transfer Operations Laboratory 0-0-3 2
7 CH 3350 Process Dynamics and Control Laboratory 0-0-2 1
Total 19


Sl.No. Sub. Subject L-T-P Credit

1 Elective 3-0-0 3
2 Elective 3-0-0 3
3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 CH 4153 Process Equipment Design Laboratory 1-0-2 2
6 CH 4351 Process Plant Simulation Laboratory 1-0-2 2
7 CH4692 Shot Term Industry Research Experience 1-0-0 0
8 CH 4690 Research Project – I / Elective 3-0-0 3
Total 19


Sl.No. Sub. Subject L-T-P Credit

1 SM 1605 Buisness Enviroment 3-0-0 3
2 Elective 3-0-0 3
3 CH 4680 Seminar and Technical writing 0-0-0 0
4 CH 4352 Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory 1-0-2 2
5 CH 4691 Research Project - II / Elective 3-0-0 3

6 CH 4670 Comprehensive viva-voce 0-0-0 2

Electronics Engineering Lab 3-0-0 3
Total 16

1 CH 2311 Process Instrumentation 2-0-0 2
2 CH 2413 Fundamental of Biochemical Engineering 2-0-0 2
3 CH 3210 Petroleum Production Engineering 3-0-0 3
4 CH 3212 Principles and Applications of Nanotechnology 3-0-0 3
5 CH 3314 Chemical Engineering Mathematics 3-0-0 3
6 CH 3316 Process Modeling and Simulation 3-0-0 3

7 CH 3317 Process Plant Safety 3-0-0 3

8 CH 3414 Environmental Biotechnology 3-0-0 3

9 CH 3415 Coal Processing Technology 3-0-0 3

10 CH 3416 Environmental Engineering 3-0-0 3

11 CH 3510 Petroleum Refinery Engineering 3-0-0 3

12 CH 4117 Fluidization Engineering 3-0-0 3

13 CH 4118 Particulate Science and Technology 3-0-0 3

14 CH 4212 Colloidal and Interfacial Science and Engineering 3-0-0 3

15 CH 4216 Polymer science and Technology 3-0-0 3

16 CH 4313 Applied Statistics for Chemical Engineers 3-0-0 3

17 CH 4315 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3-0-0 3

18 CH 4317 Project Engineering 3-0-0 3

19 CH 4318 Optimization Techniques in Process Design 3-0-0 3

20 CH 4418 Disaster Management in Chemical Industries 3-0-0 3

21 CH 4419 Energy Conservation and Renewable Sources of 3-0-0 3
22 CH 4511 Separation process in Chemical Engineering 3-0-0 3


Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits
1 CH 2124 Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer 3-0-0 3
2 CH 2125 Introduction to Fluid Dynamics 3-0-0 3
3 CH 3223 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics and Reaction 3-0-0 3
4 CH 3426 Fundamentals Fuels and Combustion 3-0-0 3
5 CH 4126 Introduction to Process Equipment Design 3-0-0 3
6 CH 4522 Fundamentals of Separation Processes 3-0-0 3
7 CH 2156 Unit Operation Laboratory -I 0-0-2 1
8 CH 3253 Unit Operation Laboratory -II 0-0-2 1


Curriculum of B.Tech (Ceramic Engineering)(CR)

Vision :

To become nationally and internationally acclaimed center of higher learning and research in
the field of ceramic and materials engineering that will serve as a source of knowledge and
expertise for industry and academia and be a preferred destination for undergraduate,
postgraduate students as well as research.

Mission :

• To produce highly qualified graduates possessing strong foundation in ceramic engineering

worthy of serving industry, academia and research organization in India and abroad.

• To develop strong liaisons with industries and academia fostering multidisciplinary activities.

• To pursue fundamental and creative research in the science and engineering of novel
ceramic materials and publish enduring scientific literature.

Program Educational Objectives :

a) To prepare graduates for successful careers in industry and research meeting the needs of
industries, academia and research organizations.

b) To provide a strong foundation in mathematical, scientific and engineering fundamentals

with an emphasis on the synthesis-structure-property-application relationship in ceramic

c) To develop the ability among the graduates to comprehend, analyze, and solve industrial
processes, product development problems through proper training relevant to the general
practice of Ceramic Engineering.

d) To develop strong interaction with industries through collaborative research, student training,
consultancy and to work on multidisciplinary and real life industrial problems.

e) To impart training in design and computational skills, and provide opportunity for specializing
in specific areas of interest and broad knowledge in multi-disciplinary engineering subjects.

f) To develop strong communication skills, ability to work as an effective team member, and for
providing an awareness of life-long learning.

Program Outcome :
Graduates shall have the ability

I. To apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering in ceramic industrial

and research.
II. To design, conduct experiments, interpret and analyze data.
III. To design a system, component, or process for meeting the needs of ceramic and allied
IV. To identify, formulate and solve engineering problems as leader/ team member.
V. To use modern techniques, skills, and latest engineering tools in industrial and research
VI. To communicate effectively, to appreciate the need of professional and ethical
responsibility as well as life-long learning.
VII. To participate and succeed in competitive examinations like GATE, GRE, TOEFL.
Process for defining the Vision and Mission of the Department and PEO of the program :
1. Regular assessment of the student through class test, quiz and term paper.
2. Counseling of the students.
3. Use of multi-media teaching.
4. One to one interactions between faculties and students.
5. Industry and academia interaction on regular basis.
6. Industry collaboration research work.


Sl. No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credit

1 HS1337 Introduction to Society and Culture 3-0-0 3
2 MA 2305 Numerical methods/ Diff. Equation 3-1-0 4
3 CR-2401 Unit Operations in Ceramic Processing 3-0-0 3
4 CR-2403 Ceramic Raw Materials 2-0-0 2
5 CR-2101 Materials Thermodynamics 3-0-0 3
EE 2700 Electrical Engineering Lab
EC 2700 Electronics Engineering Lab 0-0-3 2
7 HS 1270 Language Lab 0-0-3 1
8 CR-2405 Unit Operations Lab 0-0-2 1


Sl.No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credit

1 HS 1318 Literary Foundations: Approaches and 2-0-0 2
2 CR-2102 Structure and Phase equilibrium in ceramics 3--0-0 3
3 CR-2104 Process Ceramics 3--0-0 3
CR-2408 Fuels & Furnace Technology 3-0-0 3
5 CR-2106 High temperature processes in ceramics 3-0-0 3
EE 2700 Electrical Engineering Lab 2
7 EC 2700 Electronics Engineering Lab
8 CR-2108 High temperature processing lab 0-0-2 1


Sl. No Credit
Sub. Code Subject L-T-P
1 CR-3101 Physical Ceramics: Properties 3-0-0 3
2 CR-3401 Refractory Technology 3-0-0 3
CR-3201 Instrumental Characterization 3-0-0 3
Elective 3-0-0 3
Elective 3-0-0 3
6 CR-3203 Instrumental Characterization Lab 0-0-3 2
7 CR-3403 Refractory Lab 0-0-3 2
8 CR-3205 MATLAB and Simulink Lab 0-0-2 1
Sl.No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credit
1 CR-3402 Glass technology 3-0-0 3
2 CR-3404 Whiteware Technology 3-0-0 3
CR-3406 Cement Technology 3-0-0 3
Elective 3-0-0 3
Elective 3-0-0 3
6 CR-3408 Glass Lab 0-0-3 2
7 CR-3410 White ware technology Lab 0-0-3 2
8 CR-3412 Cement Technology Lab 0-0-2 1


Sl.No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credit

1 CR-4101 Structural Ceramics 3-0-0 3
Elective 3-0-0 3
Elective 3-0-0 3
Elective 3-0-0 3
5 Research Project-I/Elective 3-0-0 3
CR-4103 Mechanical Testing Lab 0-0-2 1
CR-4105 Ceramography and microscopy lab 0-0-2 1
8 Short Term Industrial Research
Experience 0-0-0 0


Sl.No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credit

1 SM 1605 Business Enviroment 3-0-0 3
CR-4302 Electro ceramics 3-0-0 3
Elective 3-0-0 3
Elective 3-0-0 3
5 Research Project-II/Elective 3-0-0 3
CR-4304 Electro ceramics Lab 0-0-2 1
CR-4202 Finite Element Lab 0-0-2 1
8 Seminar and Technical Writing 0-0-0 0
9 Comprehensive Viva-Voce 0-0-0 2


Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 CR-3103 Application of phase diagram 3-0-0 3
2 CR-3105 Heat transfer and fluid flow 3-0-0 3
3 CR-3301 Functional Materials and devices 3-0-0 3
4 CR-3414 Unshaped refractories 3-0-0 3
5 CR-3416 Metallurgical processes 3-0-0 3
6 CR-3202 Interface Science & Sol-gel processing 3-0-0 3
7 CR-4201 Nanoceramics 3-0-0 3
8 CR-4203 Bioceramics 3-0-0 3
9 CR-4401 Industrial Applications of Refractories 3-0-0 3
10 CR-4205 Composite materials 3-0-0 3
11 CR-4207 Porous ceramics 3-0-0 3
12 CR-4403 Ceramic Equipment Design 3-0-0 3
13 CR-4402 Waste management of ceramic industries 3-0-0 3
14 CR-4102 Tribology of Materials 3-0-0 3
15 CR-4204 Ceramic coating 3-0-0 3
16 CR-4306 Ceramics in energy sector 3-0-0 3
17 CR-4308 Optical Ceramics 3-0-0 3
18 CR-4404 Industrial furnace design 3-0-0 3


Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 CR-0001 Introduction to ceramics 3-0-0 3
2 CR-0002 Properties of Ceramics 3-0-0 3
3 CR-0003 Ceramic fabrication 3-0-0 3
4 CR-0004 Industrial Ceramics 3-0-0 3
5 CR-0005 Ceramic testing and characterization 3-0-0 3
6 CR-0006 Advanced Ceramics 3-0-0 3
7 CR-0007 Industrial ceramics processing lab 0-0-2 1
8 CR-0008 Ceramic characterization lab 0-0-2 1


Curriculum of B.Tech (Computer Science & Engineering)(CS)

Vision :
The vision of the department is to prepare its students for professional employment and
graduate education through study and implementation of the fundamental principles of
theory, abstraction, and software design, while at the same time presenting the ethical and
social issues associated with computer science

Program Educational Objectives :

I. To establish a fruitful engineering career in industry, government, or academia and
contribute in the socio-economic growth of the nation by developing innovative ideas,
and translating them into commercial products and services that benefit the society.

II. To function effectively as a team member and/or leader in multidisciplinary and

multicultural environments, to promote entrepreneurial skills and to practice their
profession with high regard to legal and ethical responsibilities.
III. To pursue lifelong learning through such activities as higher studies , distance
education, professional training and membership in professional societies and to be
able to adapt to new engineering tools and technologies.

Program Outcome :
I. To provide necessary background in basic engineering for pursuing studies in
Computer Science and Engineering.
II. To provide a strong background on theoretical computer science.
III. To develop the ability among the students to analyse and solve real world engineering
problems using computer technology.
IV. To impart knowledge on hardware technology to the undergraduate students to have an
insight of the computer.
V. To impart knowledge to the students on high speed communication network, networking
technology and security related issues.
VI. To equip the students with adequate technologies and theoretical background of
software development that will help them to pursue a career in software industries.
VII. To provide experience to the students with advances in computer science and
engineering through two semester project work & learning from experts time to time
through interactions.
VIII. To educate students to stick on professional ethics and to solve societal needs.

Process for defining the Vision and Mission of the Department and PEO of the program :
I. It is in the line of Institute’s Mission and Vision with special emphasis to implementation
of advanced and emerging techniques in various streams of Computer Science and
Engineering. In fact, emphasis is being given for proper dissemination of Vision and
Mission to stakeholders considering recent developments and better mechanisms.
process for establishing the PEOs
I. Keeping the needs of the society in mind and the need of the industry, the process of
establishment is given below
II. Industry-department based interactions at various levels on regular basis,
III. Induction of courses based on industrial needs and modification in curricula.
IV. Induction of courses based on recent developments being studied globally.
V. Formulation and implementation of projects for government agencies, Public sectors
Units (PSUs) and Industries.
VI. Capacity building by organising short term courses, workshops, conferences and
training programs at various levels.
VII. Providing training to the students in Industry or industry based projects.
VIII. Regular evaluation and revision by Curriculum Advisory Committee
IX. Interaction with alumni and incorporating their suggestions
X. Encouraging novel ideas by support and funding through Entrepreneurship cell.


Sl. No Sub. Subject L-T- P Credits

1 HS1337 Introduction to Society and Culture 3-0-0 3

2 MA 2305 Numerical methods/ Diff. Equation 3-1-0 4

3 CS 2001 Digital System Design 3-0-0 3
4 CS 2002 Discrete Structures 3-0-0 3
5 CS 2003 Data Structures & Algorithms 3-0-0 3
6 HS 1270 Language lab 0-0-2 1
7 CS2022 Data Structure &Algorithms Lab 0-0-3 2

8 CS2023 Digital System Design Lab 0-0-3 2

9 Innovation Projects Lab [Optional] 0-0-0 1


Sl. No Sub. Subject L-T- P Credits

1 HS 1318 Literary Foundations: Approaches and Applications 2-0-0 2
2 CS 2004 Formal Languages and Automata Theory 3-0-0 3
3 CS 2005 Computer Organization & Architecture 3-0-0 3
4 CS 2006 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3-0-0 3
5 CS 2007 Database Engineering 3-0-0 3
6 CS 2024 Database Engineering Lab 0-0-3 2

7 CS 2025 Computer Organization Lab 0-0-3 2

8 CS 2026 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab 0-0-3 2

9 Innovation Projects Lab [Optional] 0-0-0 0



Sl. No Sub. Subject L-T- P Credits

1 CS 3008 Data Communication 3-0-0 3
2 CS 3009 Object-Oriented System Design 3-0-0 3
3 CS 3010 Microprocessors & Microcontrollers 3-0-0 3
4 CS 3011 Compiler Design 3-0-0 3
5 CS 3012 Operating Systems 3-0-0 3
6 CS 3027 Operating Systems Lab 0-0-3 2
7 CS 3028 Microprocessors Lab 0-0-3 2

8 CS 3029 Compiler Design Lab 0-0-2 1

9 Innovation Projects Lab 0-0-0 1



Sl. No Sub. Subject L-T- P Credits

1 CS 3013 Computer Networks 3-0-0 3
2 CS 3014 Software Engineering 3-0-0 3
3 CS 3015 Distributed Systems 3-0-0 3
4 Elective 3-0-0 3

5 Elective 3-0-0 3

6 CS3030 Data Comm and Computer Networks Lab 0-0-3 2

7 CS3031 Software Engineering Lab 0-0-3 2

8 Elective Lab 0-0-2 1

9 Innovation Projects Lab [Optional] 0-0-0 1


Sl. No Sub. code Subject L-T- P Credits

1 SM 1605 Business Enviroment 3-0-0 3
2 Elective 3-0-0 3

3 Elective 3-0-0 3

4 Elective 3-0-0 3

5 Elective Lab 0-0-2 1

6 Elective Lab 0-0-2 1

7 Elective Lab 0-0-2 1

8 Research Project-I/Elective 0-0-0/3-0-0 2/3

9 Short Term Industry Research Experience 1-0-0 0

10 Innovation Projects Lab [Optional] 0-0-0 1

TOTAL 17/18


Sl. No Sub. Subject L-T- P Credits

1 Elective 3-0-0 3

2 Elective 3-0-0 3
3 Elective 3-0-0 3

4 Elective 3-0-0 3

5 Elective Lab 0-0-2 1

6 Elective Lab 0-0-2 1

7 Elective Lab 0-0-2 1

Research Project-II/Elective 0-0-0/3- 4/3
9 Comprehensive Viva voice 0-0-0 2

10 Seminar & Technical writing 0-0-0 0

11 Innovation Projects Lab [Optional] 0-0-0 1

TOTAL 22/21


Sl. No Sub. Subject L-T- P Credits

1 CS3101 Principles of Programming Languages 3-0-0 3

2 CS3102 System Analysis and Design 3-0-0 3

3 CS3103 Real Time Systems 3-0-0 3

4 CS3304 Computer Graphics 3-0-0 3

5 CS3305 Digital Signal Processing 3-0-0 3

6 CS3406 System Software 3-0-0 3

7 CS4107 Optmization Techniques 3-0-0

8 CS4108 Advanced Data Structures 3-0-0 3

9 CS4109 Advanced Database 3-0-0 3

10 CS4110 Internet and web Technology 3-0-0 3

Software Project, Process and Quality
3-0-0 3
11 CS4111 Management
12 CS4212 Cryptographic Foundation 3-0-0 3

13 CS4213 Network Security 3-0-0 3

14 CS4214 Information Theory and Coding 3-0-0 3

15 CS4215 Number Theory 3-0-0 3

16 CS4216 Wireless Sensor Networks 3-0-0 3

17 CS4217 Data Warehousing and Mining 3-0-0 3

18 CS4318 Bioinformatics 3-0-0 3
19 CS4319 Graph Theory and Network Algorithms 3-0-0 3

20 CS4320 Image Processing 3-0-0 3

21 CS4321 Artificial Intelligence 3-0-0 3

22 CS4322 Soft Computing 3-0-0 3

23 CS4323 Pattern Recognition 3-0-0 3

24 CS4324 Machine Learning 3-0-0 3

25 CS4325 Natural Language Processing 3-0-0 3

26 CS4326 Robotics 3-0-0 3

27 CS4327 Human Computer Interaction 3-0-0 3

28 CS4328 Information Retrieval 3-0-0 3

29 CS3429 System Software 3-0-0 3

30 CS4429 Ad-hoc and Wireless Networks 3-0-0

31 CS4430 Distributed Operating Systems 3-0-0 3

32 CS4431 Multi-core Architecture and Programming 3-0-0 3

33 CS4432 Advanced Computer Architecture 3-0-0 3

34 CS4433 Embedded Systems 3-0-0 3

35 CS4434 Cluster, Grid and Cloud Computing 3-0-0 3

36 CS4435 Parallel Algorithms 3-0-0 3

37 CS4436 VLSI System Design 3-0-0 3

38 CS4437 Mobile Computing 3-0-0 3

39 CS4438 Cloud Computing 3-0-0 3

40 CS4439 Internet of objects 3-0-0 3

41 CS4440 Fault Tolerant Systems 3-0-0 3

42 CS4441 Low Power Systems 3-0-0 3


Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 CS2003 Data Structures & Algorithms 3-0-0 3
2 CS2007 Database Engineering 3-0-0 3
3 CS2005 Computer Organization & Architecture 3-0-0 3
4 CS2006 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3-0-0 3
5 CS3012 Operating Systems 3-0-0 3
6 CS3014 Software Engineering 3-0-0 3
7 CS3013 Computer Networks 3-0-0 3
8 CS2004 Formal Languages and Automata Theory 3-0-0 3
9 Elective-1 3-0-0 3
10 Elective-2 3-0-0 3
11 CS2022 Data Structure &Algorithms Lab 3-0-0 3
12 CS2024 Database Engineering Lab 3-0-0 3


Curriculum of B.Tech (Electronics & Communication Engineering)(EC)

Vision :

To be globally recognized as a seat of learning and innovation in Electronics for

application to Communication, Transportation, Defence, Industry, Health Care,
Entertainment, and many other consumer products.

Mission :

1) To produce quality engineers in the field of Electronics and related domains.

2) To conduct research and develop products in the fields of Chip design,

Communication Systems, Electronics Instrumentation, Signal Processing and other
related areas with strong emphasis on critical state of the art applications.

3) To grow in the area of Design and Manufacturing of chips, boards and systems.

Program Educational Objectives :

I. To equip graduates for a successful career in electronic industry that
meets the national and International needs.
II. To develop the ability among graduates to synthesis data and technical
concepts for application to electronic product design and in solving real
life problems in the industry.
III. To equip skills to graduate engineers to work as part of a
multidisciplinary project.
IV. To Provide sound foundation in mathematical scientific and engineering
fundamentals necessary to formulate, solve and analyse complex
engineering problems and prepare for graduate studies.
V. To promote awareness of lifelong learning and introduce professional
ethics and codes of professional practices.
VI. To prepare graduates for taking of higher studies in electronics,
communication engineering ,management and related areas.
VII. Promoting educational support-unities for ethnic minority, mature and
alternatively qualified students and traditionally qualified students.
VIII. To equip graduates for a successful career in electronic industry that
meets the national and International needs.
Program Outcome :
a. To gain necessary background in fundamental engineering concepts to pursue
undergraduate studies in Electronics and Communication Engineering.
b. Learn Electronics system design so to be part of ever growing electronics industry.
c. Acquire through knowledge in Tele-communication, Wireless commu-nication
systems, data communication techniques, satellite communication which form the
backbone of current communication technology for a sustainable development.
d. Learn to use digital signal processing, embedded systems and VLSI techniques
for different engineering applications.
e. Develop the ability to analyze and solve real world engineering problems related to
electronics and communication systems.
f. Gain adequate technical and theoretical background on programing techniques
pursue career in software industries.
g. Design and implement complex systems as a part of Research Project over two
h. Gain broad knowledge in multi-disciplinary subjects and domain knowledge to be a
part of growing group of managers for industry through higher education studies
leading to MBA
i. Gain ability to understand patents, write term papers on advanced techniques in
the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering.

Process for defining the Vision and Mission of the Department and PEO of the
program :
A. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialisation to the solution of
complex engineering problems.
B. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyse complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
C. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering
problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified
needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the
cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
D. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based
knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and
interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid
E. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and
modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the
F. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual
knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the
consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
G. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate
the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
H. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
I. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a
member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
J. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities
with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make
effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
K. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding
of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own
work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in
multidisciplinary environments.
L. Life-long learning: Recognise the need for, and have the preparation and
ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of
technological change.


Sl. Sub. Subject L-T- P Credits

No code
1 MA 2305 Numerical methods/ Diff. Equation 3-1-0 4
2 EC 2601 Signals and Systems 2-1-0 3
3 EC 2001 Analog Electronics 3-1-0 4
4 EC 2005 Network Analysis & Synthesis 2-1-0 3
5 HS 1337 Introduction to Society and Culture 3-0-0 3
6 EC 2703 Analog Electronics Laboratory 0-0-3 2
7 HS 1270 Language Laboratory 0-0-2 1
8 EC 2701 OR
Circuit Simulation Laboratory 0-0-3
0-0-2 2


Sl. Sub. Subject L-T- P Credits

No code
1 EC 2502 Electromagnetic Theory 3-0-0 3
2 Electrical Machines 3-0-0 3
3 EC 2002 Digital Electronics 3-0-0 3
4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 HS 1318 Literary Foundations: Approaches and Applications 2-0-0 2
6 EC 2704 Electronics Design Laboratory 0-0-2 1
7 EC 2702 Digital Electronics & HDL Laboratory 1-0-2 2


Sl. Sub. Subject L-T- P Credits

No code
1 EC 3001 Semiconductor Devices 3-0-0 3
2 EC 3501 Principles of Communication Systems 3-0-0 3
3 EC 3601 Digital Signal Processing 3-0-0 3
4 EC 3301 Control System Engineering 3-0-0 3
5 Elective 3-0-0 3
6 EC 3701 Microprocessors Laboratory 1-0-2 2
7 EC 3703 Communication Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
8 EC 3705 Digital Signal Processing Laboratory 0-0-2 1


Sl. Sub. Subject L-T- P Credits

No code
1 EC 3502 Digital Communication 3-0-0 3
2 Elective 3-0-0 3

3 Elective 3-0-0 3

4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 EC 3712 Product Development Laboratory 0-0-2 1
6 EC 3704 Digital Communication Laboratory 0-0-3 2
7 Elective Laboratory-I 0-0-3 2


Sl. Sub. Subject L-T- P Credits

No code
1 EC 4201 VLSI Design Techniques 3-0-0 3
2 EC 4509 Microwave Engineering 3-0-0 3
3 Elective 3-0-0 3

4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 EC 4715 VLSI Design Laboratory 0-0-2 1
6 Elective Lab. 0-0-2 1
EC 4901 Research Project – I / Elective 0-0-0/ 2/3
8 EC 4905 Short Term Industrial/Research Experience 1-0-0 0
TOTAL 16/17

Sl. Sub. Subject L-T- P Credits

No code
1 Elective 3-0-0 3

2 Elective 3-0-0 3

3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 SM 1605 Business Enviroment 3-0-0 3
5 Laboratory 0-0-2 1

6 Laboratory 0-0-2 1
EC 4902 Research Project – II/ Elective 0-0-0/ 4/3
8 EC 4904 Seminar & Technical Writing 0-0-0 0
9 EC 4906 Comprehensive Viva-Voce 0-0-0 2
TOTAL 20/19


Sl. No. Code Subjects L-T- Credi
P ts
1. EC 2302 Electrical and Electronic Measurement 3-0-0 3
2. EC 2700 Basic Electronic Laboratory 0-0-3 2
3. EC 3002 Advanced Electronics Circuits & Applications 3-0-0 3
4. EC 3003 Power Electronics 3-0-0 3
5. EC 3201 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 3-0-0 3
6. EC 3202 Embedded Systems 3-0-0 3
7. EC 3302 Electronic Instrumentation 3-0-0 3
8. EC 3303 Instrumentation Devices 3-0-0 3
9. EC 3304 Process Control 3-0-0 3
10. EC 3306 Foundations of Electronic Instrumentation 3-0-0 3
11. EC 3503 Probability and Random Variables 3-0-0 3
12. EC 3702 Embedded Systems Design Laboratory 0-0-3 2
13. EC 3706 Instrumentation Devices Laboratory 0-0-3 2
14. EC 3707 Communication System Design Laboratory 0-0-3 2
15. EC 3708 Control System Laboratory 0-0-3 2
16. Special Topic in Electronics & Communication
EC 3901 3-0-0 3
Engg – I
17. Special Topic in Electronics & Communication
EC 3902 3-0-0 3
Engg – II
18. Special Topic in Electronics & Instrumentation
EC 3903 3-0-0 3
Engg – I
19. Special Topic in Electronics & Instrumentation
EC 3904 3-0-0 3
Engg – II
20. 0-0-
Special Laboratory in Electronics &
EC 3905 2/ 0- 1/2
Communication Engg– I
21. 0-0- 1/2
Special Laboratory in Electronics &
EC 3906 2/ 0-
Communication Engg – II
22. 0-0- 1/2
Special Laboratory in Electronics &
EC 3907 2/ 0-
Instrumentation Engg – I
23. 0-0- 1/2
Special Laboratory in Electronics &
EC 3908 2/ 0-
Instrumentation Engg – II
24. EC 4202 Embedded Computing System 3-0-0 3
25. EC 4203 IoT and Applications 3-0-0 3
26. EC 4205 Reconfigurable System Design 3-0-0 3
27. EC 4301 Industrial Instrumentation 3-0-0 3
28. EC 4302 PC Based Instrumentation 3-0-0 3
29. EC 4303 Biomedical Instrumentation 3-0-0 3
30. EC 4305 Analytical Instrumentation 3-0-0 3
31. EC 4306 Optical Instrumentation 3-0-0 3
32. EC 4308 Virtual Instrumentation 3-0-0 3
33. EC 4309 Advanced Process Control 3-0-0 3
34. EC 4501 Antenna Engineering 3-0-0 3
35. EC 4502 Coding Theory and Secured Communication 3-0-0 3
36. EC 4503 Antenna Analysis and Synthesis 3-0-0 3
37. EC 4506 Optical Communication 3-0-0 3
38. EC 4507 Information Theory and Coding 3-0-0 3
39. EC 4508 Mobile Communication 3-0-0 3
40. EC 4510 Satellite Communication 3-0-0 3
41. EC 4511 Computer Communication Network 3-0-0 3
42. EC 4512 Radar Engineering 3-0-0 3
43. EC 4513 Optical and Satellite Communication 3-0-0 3
44. EC 4514 Telecommunication and Switching Networks 3-0-0 3
45. EC 4602 Digital Image Processing 3-0-0 3
46. EC 4603 Soft Computing 3-0-0 3
47. EC 4701 Soft Computing Laboratory 0-0-2 1
48. EC 4702 Advanced Process Control Laboratory 0-0-2 1
49. EC 4703 Communication Networks Laboratory 0-0-2 1
50. EC 4704 Advanced Communication Laboratory 0-0-2 1
51. EC 4705 Soft Computing Laboratory 1-0-2 2
52. EC 4708 IoT Laboratory 0-0-2 1
53. EC 4709 Virtual Instrumentation Lab 0-0-2 1
54. EC 4710 Digital Radio Laboratory 0-0-2 1
55. EC 4711 Optical Fiber Communication Laboratory 0-0-2 1
56. EC 4712 Image Processing Laboratory 0-0-2 1
57. EC 4713 Reconfigurable System Design Laboratory 0-0-2 1
58. EC 4714 DSP Processor Laboratory 0-0-2 1
59. Analytical and Biomedical Instrumentation
EC 4716 0-0-2 1
60. EC 4717 Mobile Communication Simulation Laboratory 0-0-2 1
61. EC 4718 Antenna Design Laboratory 0-0-2 1
62. EC 4719 Process Control Laboratory 0-0-2 1
63. EC 4720 Microwave Engineering Laboratory 0-0-2 1
64. EC 4721 PCB Design and Fabrication Laboratory 0-0-2 1


Sl. No. Code Subjects L-T-P Credit

1. EC 2010 Digital Electronics 3-0-0 3
2. EC 2610 Signals and Systems 2-1-0 3
3. EC 3210 Embedded Systems 3-0-0 3
4. EC 3310 Electronic Instrumentation 3-0-0 3
5. EC 3510 Principles of Communication Systems 3-0-0 3
6. EC 3610 Digital Signal Processing 3-0-0 3
7. EC 2710 Electronics Design Laboratory 0-0-2 1
8. EC 3710 Communication Engineering Laboratory 0-0-2 1
Total 20


Curriculum of B.Tech (Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering)(EI)

Vision :

To be globally recognized as a seat of learning and innovation in Electronics for

application to Communication, Transportation, Defence, Industry, Health Care,
Entertainment, and many other consumer products.

Mission :
1). To produce quality engineers in the field of Electronics and related domains.

2) To conduct research and develop products in the fields of Chip design,

Communication Systems, Electronics Instrumentation, Signal Processing and other
related areas with strong emphasis on critical state of the art applications.
3) To grow in the area of Design and Manufacturing of chips, boards and systems.

Program Educational Objectives :

I. To provide students a successful career in industry that meets the needs
of national and multinational companies.
II. To develop the ability among students to synthesize data and technical
concepts for application to electronic product design and to solve real life
problems in industries.
III. To provide opportunity for students to work as part of teams on multi-
disciplinary projects.
IV. To provide students with a sound foundation in the mathematical,
scientific and engineering fundamentals necessary to formulate, solve and
analyze engineering problems and to prepare them for graduate studies.
V. To promote students awareness of the life-long learning and to introduce
them to professional ethics and codes of professional practice.

Program Outcome :
To provide necessary background in basic engineering for pursuing studies in
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
To acquire the knowledge on general measurement systems used in various fields
in industries and laboratories including medical area and different sample testing
To provide the knowledge on computer based control system, PLC and virtual
instrumentation system.
To develop the ability among the students to analyze and solve real world
engineering problems using instrumentation technology.
To impart knowledge on hardware technology to the undergraduate students to
have an insight of the computer.
To equip the students with adequate technologies and theoretical background of
software development that will help them to pursue a career in software industries.
To provide experience to the students with advances in Electronics and
Instrumentation Engineering through two semester project work & learning from
experts time to time through interactions.
To develop the knowledge about the different sensors and data acquisition system
for acquiring the data in real time environment and its proper analysis for
To provide a broad knowledge in multi-disciplinary engineering subjects and latest
technological advancements in computing and applied domains of engineering.

Process for defining the Vision and Mission of the Department and PEO of the
program :
A. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialisation to the solution of
complex engineering problems.
B. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyse complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
C. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering
problems and design system components or processes that meet t h e specified
needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the
cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
D. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based
knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and
interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid
E. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and
modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the
F. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual
knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the
consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
G. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate
the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
H. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
I. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a
member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
J. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities
with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make
effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
K. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding
of t h e engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own
work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in
multidisciplinary environments.
L. Life-long learning: Recognise the need for, and have the preparation and
ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of
technological change.


Sl. Sub. Subject L-T- P Credits

No code
1 MA 2305 Numerical methods/ Diff. Equation 3-1-0 4
2 EC 2601 Signals and Systems 2-1-0 3
3 EC 2001 Analog Electronics 3-1-0 4
4 EC 2005 Network Analysis & Synthesis 2-1-0 3
5 HS1337 Introduction to Society and Culture 3-0-0 3
6 EC 2703 Analog Electronics Laboratory 0-0-3 2
7 HS 1270 Language Laboratory 0-0-2 1
8 EC 2701 OR
Circuit Simulation Laboratory 0-0-2 2


Sl. Sub. Subject L-T- P Credits

No code
1 EC 2302 Electrical and Electronic Measurements 3-0-0 3
2 Electrical Machines 3-0-0 3
3 EC 2002 Digital Electronics 3-0-0 3
4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 HS 1318 Literary Foundations: Approaches and Applications 2-0-0 2
6 EC 2704 Electronics Design Laboratory 0-0-2 1
7 EC 2702 Digital Electronics & HDL Laboratory 1-0-2 2


Sl. Sub. Subject L-T- P Credits

No code
1 EC 3303 Instrumentation Devices 3-0-0 3
2 EC 3301 Control System Engineering 3-0-0 3
3 EC 3601 Digital Signal Processing 3-0-0 3
4 EC 3001 Semiconductor Devices 3-0-0 3
5 Elective 3-0-0 3
6 EC 3705 Digital Signal Processing Laboratory 0-0-2 1
7 EC 3701 Microprocessors Laboratory 1-0-2 2
8 Elective Laboratory 0-0-3 2


Sl. Sub. Subject L-T- P Credits

No code
1 EC 3304 Process Control 3-0-0 3
2 Elective 3-0-0 3

3 Elective 3-0-0 3

4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 EC 3706 Instrumentation Devices Laboratory 0-0-3 2
6 EC 3712 Product Development Laboratory 0-0-2 1
7 Elective Laboratory 0-0-3 2


Sl. Sub. code Subject L-T- P Credits

1 EC 4301 Industrial Instrumentation 3-0-0 3
2 EC 4201 VLSI Design Techniques 3-0-0 3
3 Elective 3-0-0 3

4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 EC 4719 Process Control Laboratory 0-0-2 1
6 Elective Laboratory 0-0-2 1
EC 4901 Research Project – I / Elective 0-0-0/ 2/3
8 EC 4905 Short Term Industrial/Research Experience 1-0-0 0
TOTAL 16/17

Sl. Sub. Subject L-T- P Credits

No code
1 Elective 3-0-0 3

2 Elective 3-0-0 3

3 Elective 3-0-0 3

4 SM 1605 Business Enviroment 3-0-0 3

5 Elective Laboratory-IV 0-0-2 1

6 Elective Laboratory-V 0-0-2 1

EC 4902 Research Project – II/ Elective 0-0-0/ 4/3
8 EC 4904 Seminar & Technical Writing 0-0-0 0
9 EC 4906 Comprehensive Viva-Voce 0-0-0 2
TOTAL 20/19


Sl. No. Code Subjects L-T- Credi
P ts
1. EC 2502 Electromagnetic Theory 3-0-0 3
2. EC 2700 Basic Electronic Laboratory 0-0-3 2
3. EC 3002 Advanced Electronics Circuits & Applications 3-0-0 3
4. EC 3003 Power Electronics 3-0-0 3
5. EC 3201 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 3-0-0 3
6. EC 3202 Embedded Systems 3-0-0 3
7. EC 3302 Electronic Instrumentation 3-0-0 3
8. EC 3306 Foundations of Electronic Instrumentation 3-0-0 3
9. EC 3501 Principles of Communication Systems 3-0-0 3
10. EC 3502 Digital Communication 3-0-0 3
11. EC 3503 Probability and Random Variables 3-0-0 3
12. EC 3702 Embedded Systems Design Laboratory 0-0-3 2
13. EC 3703 Communication Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
14. EC 3704 Digital Communication Laboratory 0-0-3 2
15. EC 3707 Communication System Design Laboratory 0-0-3 2
16. EC 3708 Control System Laboratory 0-0-3 2
17. Special Topic in Electronics & Communication
EC 3901 3-0-0 3
Engg – I
18. Special Topic in Electronics & Communication
EC 3902 3-0-0 3
Engg – II
19. Special Topic in Electronics & Instrumentation
EC 3903 3-0-0 3
Engg – I
20. Special Topic in Electronics & Instrumentation
EC 3904 3-0-0 3
Engg – II
21. 0-0-
Special Laboratory in Electronics &
EC 3905 2/ 0- 1/2
Communication Engg– I
22. 0-0- 1/2
Special Laboratory in Electronics &
EC 3906 2/ 0-
Communication Engg – II
23. 0-0- 1/2
Special Laboratory in Electronics & Instrumentation
EC 3907 2/ 0-
Engg – I
24. 0-0- 1/2
Special Laboratory in Electronics & Instrumentation
EC 3908 2/ 0-
Engg – II
25. EC 4202 Embedded Computing System 3-0-0 3
26. EC 4203 IoT and Applications 3-0-0 3
27. EC 4205 Reconfigurable System Design 3-0-0 3
28. EC 4302 PC Based Instrumentation 3-0-0 3
29. EC 4303 Biomedical Instrumentation 3-0-0 3
30. EC 4305 Analytical Instrumentation 3-0-0 3
31. EC 4306 Optical Instrumentation 3-0-0 3
32. EC 4308 Virtual Instrumentation 3-0-0 3
33. EC 4309 Advanced Process Control 3-0-0 3
34. EC 4501 Antenna Engineering 3-0-0 3
35. EC 4502 Coding Theory and Secured Communication 3-0-0 3
36. EC 4503 Antenna Analysis and Synthesis 3-0-0 3
37. EC 4506 Optical Communication 3-0-0 3
38. EC 4507 Information Theory and Coding 3-0-0 3
39. EC 4508 Mobile Communication 3-0-0 3
40. EC 4509 Microwave Engineering 3-0-0 3
41. EC 4510 Satellite Communication 3-0-0 3
42. EC 4511 Computer Communication Network 3-0-0 3
43. EC 4512 Radar Engineering 3-0-0 3
44. EC 4513 Optical and Satellite Communication 3-0-0 3
45. EC 4514 Telecommunication and Switching Networks 3-0-0 3
46. EC 4602 Digital Image Processing 3-0-0 3
47. EC 4603 Soft Computing 3-0-0 3
48. EC 4701 Soft Computing Laboratory 0-0-2 1
49. EC 4702 Advanced Process Control Laboratory 0-0-2 1
50. EC 4703 Communication Networks Laboratory 0-0-2 1
51. EC 4704 Advanced Communication Laboratory 0-0-2 1
52. EC 4705 Soft Computing Laboratory 1-0-2 2
53. EC 4708 IoT Laboratory 0-0-2 1
54. EC 4709 Virtual Instrumentation Lab 0-0-2 1
55. EC 4710 Digital Radio Laboratory 0-0-2 1
56. EC 4711 Optical Fiber Communication Laboratory 0-0-2 1
57. EC 4712 Image Processing Laboratory 0-0-2 1
58. EC 4713 Reconfigurable System Design Laboratory 0-0-2 1
59. EC 4714 DSP Processor Laboratory 0-0-2 1
60. EC 4715 VLSI Design Laboratory 0-0-2 1
61. Analytical and Biomedical Instrumentation
EC 4716 0-0-2 1
62. EC 4717 Mobile Communication Simulation Laboratory 0-0-2 1
63. EC 4718 Antenna Design Laboratory 0-0-2 1
64. EC 4720 Microwave Engineering Laboratory 0-0-2 1
65. EC 4721 PCB Design and Fabrication Laboratory 0-0-2 1



Curriculum of B.Tech )Electirical Engineering((EE)

Vision :
It is the gospel truth that each entity in the world hopes to excel and with such
aspiration the Department of Electrical Engineering has also set goalpost to achieve. It
is aimed at becoming a promising player in imparting the relevant technical knowledge
and to be elevated to the global status in excelling in research and innovation of high
standard which will envy its neighbours. It sincerely plans to spread its credentials not
confined to the country but across the globe knowing fully that it is a Herculean task.

Mission :
In pursuit of realizing the vision, the Department of Electrical Engineering has following

 The Department is dedicated to inculcate in the students the culture of

independent thinking to unleash their potential to pursue high quality of
research leading to innovation, the clarion call of the day.
 The Department is deeply committed to deliver the basic educational
framework to create an academic environment of insatiable quest for learning
in the temple of knowledge that will give birth to future leaders who will place
the country in the pinnacle of success through their unfathomable
determination for global reckoning.
 The Department has developed an atmosphere wherein the students have
ample avenues to showcase their talents for creativity, fulfill their passion for
extra-curricular activities, learn the nuisances for entrepreneurial skills and
over and above able to crystallize their dreams to reality been guided by the
faculty mentors and truly the domain has no bounds.

Program Educational Objectives :

 To prepare students for successful career in industry and academia those meet
the objectives of Indian and Multinational organizations.

 To provide training to solve problems relevant to the general practice of

Electrical Engineering and System Design and to impart state of the art
technology in the areas of power, Drives, Control, Automation and
Communication sectors leading to wealth and welfare of Humanity.
 To provide training to be experienced with the multifaceted aspects of using
emerging software design and testing of electrical systems.
 To develop the ability among students to synthesize data and technical
concepts for application to product design and development.
 To provide students with a sound foundation in the mathematical, scientific
and engineering fundamentals necessary to formulate, solve and analyze
engineering problems and to prepare them for higher studies.
Program Outcome :
 Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of engineering
mathematics, physics, chemistry, electrical and electronics

 Graduates will demonstrate an ability to identify, formulate and

solve electrical engineering problems.
 Graduate will demonstrate an ability to design electrical and
electronic circuits and conduct experiments with electrical
systems, analyse and interpret data.
 Graduates will demonstrate an ability to design digital and
analogue systems and component.

 Graduates will demonstrate an ability to visualize and work on

laboratory and multidisciplinary tasks.

 Graduate will demonstrate skills to use modern engineering tools,

software and equipment to analyse problems.

 Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of professional and ethical


 Graduate will be able to communicate effectively in both verbal

and written form.

 Graduate will show the understanding of impact of engineering

solutions on the society and also will be aware of contemporary

 Graduate will develop confidence for self-education and ability for

life-long learning.

 Graduate who can participate and succeed in competitive

examinations like GATE, GRE.

Process for defining the Vision and Mission of the Department and PEO of the program :


Sl.No. Subject Subject Name L-T-P Credit

1. EE 2401 Signals & Networks 3-1-0 4
2. EE 2001 Electrical Machines-I 3-0-0 3
3. EE 2403 Analog Electronics 3-0-0 3
4. MA 2305 Numerical methods/ Diff. Equation 3-1-0 4
5. HS1337 Introduction to Society and Culture 3-0-0 3
6. EE 2701 Signals and Network Lab. 0-0-2 1
7. HS 1270 Language Lab. 0-0-2 1
total 19


Sl.No. Subject Subject Name L-T-P Credit

1. EE 2002 Electrical Machines-II 3-1-0 4
2. EE 2004 Power Electronics 3-0-0 3
3. EE 2202 Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation 3-0-0 3
4. EE 2402 Digital Electronics 3-0-0 3
5. HS 1318 Literary Foundations: Approaches and Applications 2-0-0 2
6. EE 2702 Electrical Machine Lab.-I 0-0-3 2
7. EE 2706 Analog Electronics Lab. 0-0-2 1
8. EE 2704 Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation Lab. 0-0-2 1
Total 19


Sl.No Subject Subject Name L-T-P Credit

. Code
1. EE 3401 Microprocessors & Embedded Systems 3-1-0 4
2. EE 3201 Principles of Control Systems Engineering 3-0-0 3
3. EE 3403 Digital Signal Processing 3-0-0 3
4. EE 3103 Power Generation, Transmission and 3-0-0 3
5. EE 3201 Electric Drives 3-0-0 3
6. EE 3701 Electrical Machine Lab. – II 0-0-3 2
7. EE 3703 Power Electronics Lab. 0-0-3 2
8. EE 3705 Digital Electronics Lab. 0-0-2 1
Total 21


Sl.No. Subject Subject Name L-T-P Credit

1. EE 3100 Power Systems Operation and Control 3-0-0 3
2. EE 3302 Advanced Control Systems 3-1-0 4
3. EE 3402 Communication Systems 3-0-0 3
4. Elective 3-0-0 3

5. Elective 3-0-0 3

6. EE 3702 Control Systems Lab 0-0-3 2

7. EE 3704 Embedded Systems Lab. 0-0-2 1
8. EE 3706 Electrical Machine Design 1-0-2 2
Total 21

Sl.No. Subject Subject Name L-T-P Credit
1. Elective 3-0-0 3

2. Elective 3-0-0 3

3. Elective 3-0-0 3

4. SM 1605 Business Enviroment 3-0-0 3

5. EE4701 Power Systems Lab. 0-0-3 2
6. EE4707 Communication Systems Lab 0-0-2 1
8. Elective Lab 0-0-2 1
9. EE4901 Research Project – I / Elective 0-0-0/ 2/3
10. EE4904 Short Term Industry Research Experience 1-0-0 0
Total 18/19


Sl.No. Subject Subject Name L-T-P Credit

1. Elective 3-0-0 3

2. Elective 3-0-0 3

3. Elective 3-0-0 3

Elective Lab 0-0-2 1

4. Elective Lab 0-0-2 1

5. EE 4902 Research Project – II / Elective 0-0-0/ 4 /3

6 EE 4903 Seminar & Technical Writing 0-0-0 0
7. EE 4906 Comprehensive viva voice 0-0-0 2
Total 17/16


Sl.No Subject L-T-P Credit
1. EE3404 Soft Computing Techniques 3-0-0 3
2. EE4405 Digital Communication 3-0-0 3
3. EE3308 Digital Control 3-0-0 3
4. EE4502 Statistical Signal Processing 3-0-0 3
5. EE4401 Digital Image Processing 3-0-0 3
6. EE4403 VLSI Technology 3-0-0 3
7. EE4301 Robust and Optimal Control 3-0-0 3
8. EE3006 Industrial Instrumentation 3-0-0 3
9. EE4004 Biomedical Instrumentation 3-0-0 3
10. EE4407 MEMS and Nano Electronics 3-0-0 3
11. EE4302 Robotics & Computer Vision 3-0-0 3
12. EE4602 Optimization Techniques 3-0-0 3
13. EE4101 Power System Protection 3-0-0 3
14. EE4103 High Voltage Engineering & HVDC Transmission 3-0-0 3
15. EE3102 Utilization of Electrical Energy 3-0-0 3
16. EE4102 Renewable Energy Systems 3-0-0 3
17. EE4601 Introduction to Machine Learning 3-0-0 3
18. EE4404 Information Theory and Coding 3-0-0 3
19. EE3406 Probability & Random Processes 3-0-0 3
20. EE4202 Switched-Mode DC-DC Converters 3-0-0 3
21. EE4402 Wireless and cellular communication 3-0-0 3
22. EE4105 Smart Grid 3-0-0 3
23. EE4406 Advanced Topics in Signal Processing 3-0-0 3
Modelling and Control of Power Electronic 3-0-0 3
24. EE4201
25. EE4501 Speech Processing 3-0-0 3
26. EE4503 Pattern Recognition 3-0-0 3
27. EE4602 Reliability Engineering 3-0-0 3
28. EE4002 Special Machines 3-0-0 3
29. EE4302 System Identification and Adaptive Control 3-0-0 3
30. EE3004 Electro Magnetic Field Theory 3-0-0 3
31. EE3011 Electrical Machines 3-0-0 3
32. EE3112 Power Systems 3-0-0 3
33. EE3412 Digital Electronics and Microprocessors 3-0-0 3
34. EE4705 Control & Electrical System Design Lab. 0-0-2 1
35. EE4707 Power Electronics Simulation Lab. 0-0-2 1
36. EE4702 Digital Signal Processing Lab. 0-0-2 1
37. EE4704 Soft Computing Lab. 0-0-2 1
38. EE4706 Power System Simulation Lab. 0-0-2 1
39. EE4708 Renewable Energy Lab. 0-0-2 1


Sl.No Subject L-T-P Credit
1. EE3301 Principles of Control Systems Engineering 3-0-0 3
2. EE3011 Electrical Machines 3-0-0 3
3. EE 2401 Signals and Networks 3
4. EE3004 Electro Magnetic Field Theory 3-0-0 3
5. EE3403 Digital Signal Processing 3-0-0 3
6. EE3711 Electrical Machines Lab 0-0-2 1
7. EE3712 Control Systems Lab (Minor) 0-0-2 1
8. EE2701 Signals and Networks Lab 0-0-2 1
9. EE2202 Power Electronics 3-0-0 3
10. EE3112 Power Systems 3-0-0 3
11. EE2004 Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation 3
12. EE3201 Electrical Drives 3-0-0 3
13. EE3412 Digital Electronics and Microprocessors 3-0-0 3
14. EE3713 Power Electronics Lab (Minor) 0-0-2 1
15. EE4711 Power System Lab (Minor) 0-0-2 1
16. EE2704 Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation Lab 0-0-2 1


Curriculum of B.Tech. (Food Process Engineering) (FP)


To addresses the modern issues related to food processing and implement changes that
incorporate cutting-edge research and technology to meet the challenges of today and the
future food industry as well as to invigorate the program, and the profession at large, by
redefining the practice of food process engineering for modern society.To addresses the
modern issues related to food processing and implement changes that incorporate cutting-
edge research and technology to meet the challenges of today and the future food industry
as well as to invigorate the program, and the profession at large, by redefining the practice
of food process engineering for modern society.


I. To execute basic and applied research that advances the state of the profession.
II. To educate the next generation of academic and industry leaders, and preparation of
students for successful careers in professional practice.
III. To contribute in selected services to institutions and government for assessing the
technical resources and promoting solutions to meet significant societal problems
related to food security, safety and processing.

Program Educational Objectives:

I. To develop knowledge and understanding about systems in the production,

processing and consumption of food and an appreciation of their impact on society.
II. To impart knowledge about the nature of food and human nutrition and an
appreciation of the importance of food to health.
III. To build up skills in researching, analyzing and communicating issues related to food
preservation, processing, storage and packaging.
IV. To enhance skills in experimenting with and development of food products and
equipment by applying theoretical concepts.
V. To develop skills in designing, implementing and evaluating solutions to food industry

Program Outcome:

I. Students will develop ability to identify and discuss a range of historical and
contemporary factors which influence the consumption of particular food product as
well as accounts for individual and group food selection patterns in terms of
physiological, psychological, social and economic factors.
II. Students will develop ability to explain and understand manufacturing processes and
technologies used in the production of food products, examine the nature and extent
of the food industry, justify processes of food product manufacturing and equipment
design in terms of market, technological and environmental considerations.
III. Students will develop ability to evaluate the impact of the good manufacturing
practices within the Indian food industry on the individual, society and environment.
IV. Students will develop ability to explain the role of nutrients in human health and
develop, prepare and present food products using modern processing, preservation
and packaging techniques.
V. Students will develop ability to evaluate the relationship between food production,
consumption, promotion and health.
VI. Students will develop skills in regulating food product manufacturing process,
storage, distribution, sale and import to ensure availability of safe and wholesome
food for human consumption.
VII. Students will be able to provide scientific advice and technical support to food
industry covered under Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, US FDA
regulations and other related food standards.

Process for defining the Vision and Mission of the Department and PEO of the program:

I. The vision, mission and PEO of the program were defined based on the need of the
society and food industry. Following parameters were considered.
II. The overall program should have the ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,
science and engineering in food processing.
III. The program should train the students how to design a food product, system,
component, or process to meet desired needs of food industry
IV. It should encourage the students to devlop the ability to function in a team.
V. The program should develop characters of professional and ethical responsibilities.
VI. It should impart knowledge of contemporary issues of food processing and food

Sl.No. Subject Code Subject L-T-P Credit

1 HS 1337 Introduction to Society and Culture 3-0-0 3
2 MA 2305 Numerical methods/ Diff. Equation 3-1-0 4
3 EE2700 Electrical Engineering Lab 0-0-3 2
EC 2700 Electronics Engineering Lab
4 HS 1270 Language Lab 0-0-3 1
5 FP-2101 Food Chemistry 3-0-0 3
6 FP-2201 Food Processing Operations-I 3-0-0 3
7 FP-2102 Principles of Food Technology 3-0-0 3
8 FP-2101 Food Properties Laboratory 0-0-3 2


Sl.No. Subject Code Subject L-T-P Credit

1 HS 1318 Literary Foundations: Approaches and 2-0-0 2
2 EE2700 Electrical Engineering Lab
0-0-3 2
EC 2700 Electronics Engineering Lab
3 FP-2103 Food Microbiology and Safety 3-0-0 3
4 FP-2402 Food Grains Processing 3-0-0 3
5 FP-2301 Horticultural Product Processing 3-0-0 3
FP-2202 Food Processing Operations-II 3-0-0 3
6 FP-2104 Food Microbiology and Safety Laboratory 0-0-2 1
7 FP-2403 Food Grains and Horticultural Processing
0-0-3 2


Sl.No. Subject Subject L-T-P Credit

1 FP-3501 Dairy Process Engineering 3-0-0 3
2 FP-3601 Food Packaging and Storage Engineering 3-0-0 3
3 FP-3105 Food Analysis and Quality Control 3-0-0 3
4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 Elective 3-0-0 3
6 FP-3203 Food Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
7 FP-3502 Dairy Process Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
8 FP-3602 Food Packaging and Storage Laboratory 0-0-2 1


Sl.No. Subject Subject L-T-P Credit

1 FP-3302 Processing of Spices, Condiments and
3-0-0 3
Plantation crops
2 FP-3204 Food Process Equipment and Plant Design 3-0-0 3
3 FP-3404 Bakery and Confectionary Technology 3-0-0 3
4 FP-3503 Processing of Livestock, Fish and Marine
3-0-0 3
5 FP-3603 Food Refrigeration and Cold Chain 3-0-0 3
6 FP-3604 Food Refrigeration and Cold Chain Laboratory 0-0-3 2
7 FP-3106 Food Analysis and Quality Control Laboratory 0-0-2 1
8 FP-3107 Food Product Technology Laboratory 0-0-3 2


Sl.No. Subject Subject L-T-P Credit

1 Elective 3-0-0 3
2 Elective 3-0-0 3
3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 Elective 3-0-0 3
6 FP-4205 Food Process Equipment and Plant Design 0-0-3 2
7 Research Project I/Elective 0-0-0 2
8 Short Term Industrial Research Experience 0-0-0 0


Sl.No. Subject Subject L-T-P Credit

1 SM 1605 Business Enviroment 3-0-0 3
2 Elective 3-0-0 3
3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 Research Project II/Elective 0-0-0 4
6 Comprehensive Viva Voce 0-0-0 2
7 Seminar and Technical Writing 0-0-0 0


Sl.No SubjectC Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 CH-2411 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 3-0-0 3
2 FP-4206 Emerging Technologies in Food Processing 3-0-0 3
3 ME-3301 Heat Transfer 3-0-0 3
FP-4207 Food Industry By-Product and Waste
4 3-0-0 3
5 FP-4303 Beverage Technology 3-0-0 3
6 FP-4208 Experimental Design and Statistical Methods 3-0-0 3
7 FP-4209 Separation Techniques in Food Processing 3-0-0 3
8 FP-4108 Food Laws, Regulations and Certifications 3-0-0 3
9 FP-4109 Food Ingredients and Additives 3-0-0 3
10 CH-2110 Fluid Dynamics 3-0-0 3
FP-4210 Food Business Management & Entrepreneurship
11 3-0-0 3
12 FP-4110 Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals 3-0-0 3
FP-4211 Process Control and Instrumentation in Food
13 3-0-0 3
14 FP-4111 Biochemistry and Human Nutrition 3-0-0 3
15 FP-4212 IT Applications in Food Industry 3-0-0 3
16 FP-4213 Food Process Modeling and Simulation 3-0-0 3
17 CH-2413 Fundamentals of Biochemical Engineering 2-0-0 2
CH-4419 Energy Conservation and Renewable sources of
18 3-0-0 3
19 SM-504 Production and Operations Management 3-0-0 3
20 CH-6119 Bioprocess Engineering 3-0-0 3


Sl.No SubjectC Subjects L-T-P Credits

11 FP-2103 Food Microbiology and Safety 3-0-0 3
2 FP-2402 Food Grains Processing 3-0-0 3
33 FP-2301 Horticultural Product Processing 3-0-0 3
44 FP-3501 Dairy Process Engineering 3-0-0 3
55 FP-3105 Food Analysis and Quality Control 3-0-0 3
6666 FP-3601 Food Packaging and Storage Engineering 3-0-0 3
77 FP-3602 Food Packaging and Storage Laboratory 0-0-2 1
88 FP-3106 Food Analysis and Quality Control Laboratory 0-0-2 1


Sl.No. Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credits

1C FP-2101 Food Chemistry 3-0-0 3
22 FP-2201 Food Processing Operations-I 3-0-0 3
33 FP-2102 Principles of Food Technology 3-0-0 3
45 FP-2101 Food Properties Laboratory 0-0-3 2
5 FP-2103 Food Microbiology and Safety 3-0-0 3
6 FP-2402 Food Grains Processing 3-0-0 3
7 FP-2301 Horticultural Product Processing 3-0-0 3
8 FP-2202 Food Processing Operations-II 3-0-0 3
9 FP-2104 Food Microbiology and Safety Laboratory 0-0-2 1
10 FP-2403 Food Grains and Horticultural Processing 0-0-3 2
11 FP-3501 Dairy Process Engineering 3-0-0 3
12 FP-3601 Food Packaging and Storage Engineering 3-0-0 3
13 FP-3105 Food Analysis and Quality Control 3-0-0 3
14 FP-3203 Food Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
15 FP-3502 Dairy Process Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
16 FP-3602 Food Packaging and Storage Laboratory 0-0-2 1
17 FP-3302 Processing of Spices, Condiments and Plantation 3-0-0 3
18 FP-3204 Food Process Equipment and Plant Design 3-0-0 3
19 FP-3404 Bakery and Confectionary Technology 3-0-0 3
20 FP-3503 Processing of Livestock, Fish and Marine 3-0-0 3
21 FP-3603 Food Refrigeration and Cold Chain 3-0-0 3
22 FP-3604 Food Refrigeration and Cold Chain Laboratory 0-0-3 2
23 FP-3106 Food Analysis and Quality Control Laboratory 0-0-2 1
24 FP-3107 Food Product Technology Laboratory 0-0-3 2
25 FP-4205 Food Process Equipment and Plant Design 0-0-3 2
Courses and their caretakers

Sub. Code Course Name Course NameCourse Course Caretaker:

NameCourse Name Prof.Course Caretaker:

FP-2101 Food Chemistry Preetam Sarkar

FP-2201 Food Processing Operations-I P P Sutar
FP-2102 Principles of Food Technology Sabyasachi Mishra
FP-2101 Food Properties Laboratory R C Pradhan
FP-2103 Food Microbiology and Safety Preetam Sarkar
FP-2402 Food Grains Processing R C Pradhan
FP-2301 Horticultural Product Processing Sabyasachi Mishra
FP-2202 Food Processing Operations-II P P Sutar
FP-2104 Food Microbiology and Safety Laboratory Preetam Sarkar
FP-2403 Food Grains and Horticultural Processing R C Pradhan
FP-3501 Dairy Process Engineering Preetam Sarkar
FP-3601 Food Packaging and Storage Engineering Sabyasachi Mishra
FP-3105 Food Analysis and Quality Control Preetam Sarkar
FP-3203 Food Engineering Laboratory P P Sutar
FP-3502 Dairy Process Engineering Laboratory Preetam Sarkar
FP-3602 Food Packaging and Storage Laboratory Sabyasachi Mishra
FP-3302 Processing of Spices, Condiments and Sabyasachi Mishra
Plantation crops
FP-3204 Food Process Equipment and Plant Design R C Pradhan
FP-3404 Bakery and Confectionary Technology Sabyasachi Mishra
FP-3503 Processing of Livestock, Fish and Marine P P Sutar
FP-3603 Food Refrigeration and Cold Chain P P Sutar
FP-3604 Food Refrigeration and Cold Chain Laboratory P P Sutar
FP-3106 Food Analysis and Quality Control Laboratory Preetam Sarkar
FP-3107 Food Product Technology Laboratory R C Pradhan
FP-4205 Food Process Equipment and Plant Design R C Pradhan


Curriculum of B.Tech. )Industrial Design()ID(

Vision :
To create the next generation industrial designers and innovators who can provide
innovative design solutions to the complex challenges faced by the industry and society.

Mission :
 To perform research and to provide contemporary education in the field of industrial design
for creating useful and innovative products, systems and related services.
 To create innovative and thoughtful technologies with sufficient knowledge of art, culture
and technology.
 To provide different sections of the society with creative entrepreneurs and leading
industrial designers having a strong technological background with contemporary
knowledge of manufacturing.

Program Educational Objectives :

 To provide education and to develop leadership qualities required for industries by
nurturing multiple skills.
 To educate the students with engineering knowledge, innovation associated with designing
and development of industrial products effectively.
 To grow in the development of skills, knowledge and dispositions that enable graduates to
immediately function as entry-level professional industrial designers.
 To prepare graduates to design, develop, implement and improve integrated systems or
products that include people, materials, information, equipment and energy using
appropriate analytical, computational and experimental practices.
 To nurture new thoughts, philosophies and research into several aspects of design/design
related fields
 To provide education and to develop leadership qualities required for industries by
nurturing multiple skills.
 To educate the students with engineering knowledge, innovation associated with designing
and development of industrial products effectively.
 To grow in the development of skills, knowledge and dispositions that enable graduates to
immediately function as entry-level professional industrial designers.
 To prepare graduates to design, develop, implement and improve integrated systems or
products that include people, materials, information, equipment and energy using
appropriate analytical, computational and experimental practices.
 To nurture new thoughts, philosophies and research into several aspects of design/design
related fields

Program Outcome :
 Design a component, system or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints
such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability and sustainability.
 Independently develop design strategies, refine, detail and communicate design proposals.
 Interpret, represent and respond to the socio-economic and cultural contexts of industrial
design and the ethical responsibilities of the professional designer.
 Resolve and communicate technical and manufacturing facets of industrial design projects
using the conventions of the discipline.
 Contextualize, generate and apply aesthetic aspects of industrial design.
 Recognize and contribute to professional practice relevant to industrial design and develop
an ability to engage in lifelong learning.
 Function in multidisciplinary teams and to communicate effectively.

Process for defining the Vision and Mission of the Department and PEO of the program :
 Conduction of interactive practical oriented lessons for each of the courses
 Incorporating course projects in most of the courses
 Dedicated industrial design projects in last 04 semesters
 Create a truly multicultural community and promote cultural bonding and teamwork among
 Conduction of short term courses / workshops on design oriented themes
 Industrial visits, collaborative industrial projects
 Students participation in sponsored design projects, patents, etc.

Sl.No. Course ID Subjects L-T-P Credit
1 HS 1337 Introduction to Society and Culture 3-0-0 3
2 MA 2305 Numerical methods/ Diff. Equation 3-1-0 4
3 EE2700 Electrical Engineering Lab
0-0-3 2
EC 2700 Electronics Engineering Lab
4 HS 1270 Language Lab 0-0-3 1
5 ME2101 Strength of Materials 3-1-0 4
6 ME2103 Kinematics & Dynamics of Machines 3-1-0 4
7 ID2101 Elements & Principles of Design 3-0-0 3
8 ID2701 Design Workshop-I 0-0-2 1
Total 22


Sl.No. Course ID Subjects L-T-P Credit

1 HS 1318 Literary Foundations: Approaches and 2-0-0 2
2 EE2700 Electrical Engineering Lab 0-0-3 2
EC 2700 Electronics Engineering Lab
3 ID2102 Art & Aesthetics in Design 3-0-0 3
4 ID2104 Design Thinking 3-0-0 3
5 ID2202 Materials & Processes for Design 3-1-0 4
6 ID2702 Design Workshop-II 0-0-3 2
7 ID2704 Visual Communication Laboratory 0-0-3 2
Total 18

Sl.No. Course ID Subjects L-T-P Credit
1 ID3101 Communication Design 3-0-0 3
2 ID3201 Creative Engineering Design 3-1-0 4
3 ID3203 Introduction to Ergonomics 3-0-0 3
4 Elective 3-1-0 4
5 Elective 3-0-0 3
6 ID3701 Design Workshop-III 0-0-3 2
7 ID3801 Industrial Design Project-I 0-0-3 2
Total 21


Sl.No Course ID Subjects L-T-P Credit
1 ID3202 Interaction Design 3-0-0 3
2 ID3204 Product Design 3-0-0 3
3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 Elective 3-0-0 3
6 ID3702 Ergonomics Laboratory 0-0-2 1
7 ID3704 Product Design & Development Laboratory 0-0-2 1
8 ID3802 Industrial Design Project-II 0-0-3 2
Total 19
Sl.No. Course ID Subjects L-T-P Credit
1 SM 1605 Business Enviroment 3-0-0 3
2 ID4201 Sustainable Design 3-0-0 3
3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 ID4701 Design Workshop-IV 0-0-2 1
6 ID4703 Simulation Laboratory 0-0-3 2
7 ID4901 Research Project I / Elective 0-0-0 2
8 Short Term Industrial Research Experience 1-0-0 0
Total 17


Sl.No. Course ID Subjects L-T-P Credit

1 ID4302 Design Management 3-0-0 3
2 Elective 3-0-0 3
3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 Elective Laboratory 0-0-3 2
5 Elective Laboratory 0-0-2 1
6 ID4902 Research Project II / Elective 0-0-0 4
7 ID4906 Comprehensive Viva–Voce 0-0-0 2
8 ID4903 Seminar and Technical Writing 0-0-0 0
Total 18


Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 ID3207 Geometric & Solid Modeling 3-1-0 4
2 ID3208 Embodiment Design 3-0-0 3
3 ID3301 Manufacturing Process 3-1-0 4
4 ID3302 Instrumentation and Control 3-0-0 3
5 ID3303 Industrial Mechatronics 3-0-0 3
6 ID3304 Industrial Robotics 3-0-0 3
7 ID4101 Visual Design 3-0-0 3
8 ID4102 Photo Communication 3-0-0 3
9 ID4301 Computer-Aided Manufacturing 3-0-0 3
10 ID4303 Industrial Automation 3-0-0 3
11 ID4304 Rapid Product Development Technologies 3-0-0 3
12 ID4306 Design for Manufacture and Assembly 3-0-0 3
13 ID3901/4901 Special Topics in Industrial Design-I 3-0-0 3
14 ID3902/4902 Special Topics in Industrial Design-II 3-0-0 3
15 ID4702 Creative Automation Laboratory 0-0-2 2
Reverse Engineering and Rapid Manufacturing
16 ID4704 0-0-2 1
17 ID4705 CAM Laboratory 0-0-2 1
18 ID4707 Photography Laboratory 0-0-3 2
19 BM Bio-Mechanics 3-0-0 3
20 ME Finite Element Method 3-0-0 3
21 PA Interior Design 3-0-0 3
22 PA Theatre/Film Set Design 3-0-0 3
23 PA Visual Communication 3-0-0 3
24 PA Sustainable Architecture 3-0-0 3
25 PA Art in Architecture 3-0-0 3
26 PA Environmental Studies 3-0-0 3


Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits
1 ID2103 Design Elements 3-0-0 3
2 ID2106 Design Thinking for Engineers 3-0-0 3
3 ID2706 Design Practice-I 0-0-2 1
4 ID3205 Principles of Ergonomics 3-0-0 3
5 ID3206 UI/UX Design 3-0-0 3
6 ID3706 Design Practice-II 0-0-2 1
7 ID4203 Product Design & Development 3-0-0 3
8 ID4204 System Design for Sustainability 3-0-0 3


Curriculum of B.Tech )Mechanical Engineering( )ME(

Vision :
To provide the society and industry with Mechanical Engineers having superior
technical capability and ethical responsibility.

Mission :
To nurture its students (B.Tech., M.Tech. and Ph.D.) with fundamentals of the subject
and an up-to-date technological skill to meet regional as well as national priorities in
higher education. The program also strives to enhance learning skill, quality research
and scholarly activities to be integrated with teaching.

Program Educational Objectives :

I. The program provides excellent preparation for a career in mechanical engineering

and prepares students for a career at the forefront of technology.
II. To train students in the methods of engineering science and in the application of
these methods to conceive, organize and carry out the design of engineering systems.
III. To provide opportunity for students to work as part of teams on multidisciplinary
IV. To provide students with a sound foundation in the mathematical, scientific and
engineering fundamentals necessary to formulate, solve and analyze engineering
problems and to prepare them for higher studies.
V. To give students an experience with the multifaceted aspects of high end computers
with latest software to solve real problems for design and analysis.
VI. To encourage students to develop an alternative carrier as an entrepreneur.
VII. To promote student awareness of the life-long learning and to introduce them to
professional ethics and codes of professional practice
Program Outcome :
 Function effectively as an Engineering professional as individual, and as a
member or leader in diverse technical teams (term work, practical, mini project
and project)
 Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and core
engineering subjects to define and apply them to solve Mechanical engineering
 Identify, formulate, study literature, and analyse broadly-defined engineering
problems in reaching substantiated conclusions using analytical tools
appropriate to respective discipline or area of specialization like Thermal, Design
and Production engineering blended with interdisciplinary technologies( mini
project, project, industrial visits, guest lectures, workshops )
 Select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering
and IT tools (CNC machines, electrical discharge machines, electro chemical
machines, optical microscopy, surface profilometer, data acquisition system, and
softwares like Matlab, Ansys, Catia, Deform Solid Model etc.).
 Understand and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of
engineering technology and practice (T&P, co-curricular activity)
 Nurture the graduates to become effective communicators [Communicate
effectively on broadly-defined engineering activities with the engineering
community and with society at large, by being able to comprehend and write
effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and
give and receive clear instructions ] (Business communication, Project work,
Mini project, Seminars, co-curricular activity, extracurricular activity)
 To provide suitable environment and motivation for research activity.

Process for defining the Vision and Mission of the Department and PEO of the
program :

 Keeping the needs of the society in mind and the need of the industry
 Industry-department based interactions at various levels on regular basis,
 Induction of courses based on industrial needs and modification in curricula.
 Induction of courses based on recent developments being studied globally.
 Formulation and implementation of projects for government agencies, Public
sectors Units (PSUs) and Industries.
 Capacity building by organising short term courses, workshops, conferences and
training programs at various levels.
 Providing training to the students in Industry or industry based projects.


Sl.No. Course ID Subjects L-T-P Credit

1 MA 2305 Numerical methods/ Diff. Equation 3-1-0 4
2 HS 1337 Introduction to Society and Culture 3-0-0 3
3 ME 2301 Engineering Thermodynamics 3-0-0 3
4 ME 2101 Mechanics of Solids 3-0-0 3
5 ME 2103 Kinematics of Machines 3-0-0 3
6 Machine Drawing and Solid
ME 2151 0-0-3 2
7 EE2700 Electrical Engineering Lab
0-0-3 2
EC 2700 Electronics Engineering Lab
8 HS 1270 Language Laboratory 0-0-2 1
Total 21


Sl.No. Course ID Subjects L-T-P Credit

1 HS 1318 Literary Foundations: Approaches and 2-0-0 2
2 ME 2302 Fluid Mechanics 3-0-0 3
3 ME 2202 Primary Production Processes 3-0-0 3
4 Basic Physical Metallurgy 2-0-0 2
5 Electrical Machines 3-0-0 3
6 ME 2152 Mechanics of Solids Laboratory 0-0-2 1
7 ME 2252 Advanced Manufacturing Practice 0-0-3 2
8 EE2700 Electrical Engineering Lab
0-0-3 2
EC 2700 Electronics Engineering Lab
Total 18


Sl.N Course Credi

Subjects L-T-P
o. ID t
1 ME 3301 Heat Transfer 3-0-0 3
2 ME 3201 Metal Machining & Automation 3-0-0 3
3 ME 3303 Fluid Dynamics & Hydraulic Machines 3-0-0 3
4 ME 3101 Design of Machine Elements 3-0-0 3
5 ME 3103 System Dynamics and Control 2-0-0 2
6 ME 3151 Machine Element Design Practice 0-0-3 2
7 ME 3351 Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machinery Lab 0-0-3 2
8 ME 3251 Production Engineering Laboratory 0-0-2 1
Total 19


Sl.No Course
Subjects L-T-P Credit
. ID
1 SM 1605 Business Enviroment 3-0-0 3
2 ME 3202 Metal Cutting and Tool Design 3-0-0 3
3 ME 3302 IC Engine and Gas turbine 3-0-0 3
4 ME 3102 Dynamics of Machinery 3-0-0 3
5 Elective-I 3-0-0 3
6 ME 3352 I.C. Engine Laboratory 0-0-3 2
7 ME 3252 Production Engineering Project 0-0-2 1
8 ME 3254 Product Development Project 0-0-2 1
Total 19


Sl.No. Course ID Subjects L-T-P Credit

1 Elective 3-0-0 3
2 Elective 3-0-0 3
3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 ME 4351 CFD laboratory 0-0-3 2
6 ME 4151 Mechanical System Design Project 0-0-2 1
7 ME 4353 Heat Transfer and Refrigeration Lab 0-0-3 2
8 Research Project-I/Elective 0-0-0/ 3
9 ME 4603 Short Term Industry Research Exp. 1-0-0 0
Total 20


Sl.NO. Course
ID Subjects L-T-P Credit
1 Elective 3-0-0 3
2 Elective 3-0-0 3
3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 Elective 2-0-0 2
5 ME 4152 Design Engineering Laboratory 0-0-2 1
6 ME 4252 Industrial Engineering Project 0-0-2 1
7 ME 4154 Mechatronics and Robotics Lab. 0-0-2 1
8 Research Project-II/Elective 0-0-0/0-0- 4/3
9 ME 4604 Comprehensive Viva Voce 0-0-0 2
10 ME 4606 Seminar & Technical Writing 0-0-0 0
Total 20/19


Sl. Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credit
No. s
1 ME 3304 Power Plant Engineering 3-0-0 3
2 ME 3104 Automobile Engineering 3-0-0 3
3 ME 3306 Turbo-machinery 3-0-0 3
4 ME 3106 Composite Materials 3-0-0 3
5 ME 3108 Material Handling 3-0-0 3
6 ME 4201 Metrology, Quality Control and Reliability 3-0-0 3
7 ME 4301 Nuclear Power Generation and Safety 3-0-0 3
8 ME 4203 Rapid Tooling 3-0-0 3
9 ME 4303 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 3-0-0 3
10 ME 4305 Cryogenic Engineering 3-0-0 3
11 ME 4307 Gas Dynamics 3-0-0 3
12 ME 4101 Mechanical Vibration 3-0-0 3
13 ME 4103 Tribology 3-0-0 3
14 ME 4105 Experimental Stress Analysis 3-0-0 3
15 ME 4207 Decision Modeling 3-0-0 3
16 ME 4107 Industrial Machine Design 3-0-0 3
17 ME 4109 Numerical Modeling of Engineering systems 3-0-0 3
18 ME 4601 Project-I 0-0-3 3
19 ME 5101 Finite Element Method 3-0-0 3
20 ME 5303 Advanced IC Engine Technology 3-0-0 3
21 ME 5205 Quality Engineering and Reliability 3-0-0 3
22 ME 4202 Production and Operations Management 3-0-0 3
23 ME 4204 Advanced Manufacturing Systems 3-0-0 3
24 ME 4206 Concurrent Engineering 3-0-0 3
25 ME 4102 Mechatronics 3-0-0 3
26 ME 4104 Surface Engineering 3-0-0 3
27 ME 4106 Robotics 3-0-0 3
28 ME 4108 Computer Aided Design and Graphics 0-0-3 3
29 ME 4208 Entrepreneurship 3-0-0 3
30 ME 4302 Energy Conservation and Waste Heat 3-0-0 3
31 ME 4304 Renewable Energy 3-0-0 3
32 ME 4110 Advanced Mechanics of Solids 3-0-0 3
33 ME 4210 Advanced Manufacturing Techniques 3-0-0 3
34 ME 4212 Welding Technology 3-0-0 3
35 ME 4306 Aircraft and Rocket Propulsion 3-0-0 3
36 ME 4602 Project-II 0-0-3 3
37 ME 5104 Vibration Analysis and Diagnostic 3-0-0 3
38 ME 5306 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3-0-0 3
39 ME 5208 Modern Manufacturing Processes 3-0-0 3
40 ME 4252 Industrial Engineering Project 0-0-2 1
41 ME 4152 Mechatronics and Robotics Lab. 0-0-2 1
42 ME 4352 Thermal Engineering Design Project 0-0-2 1
43 ME 4254 Innovative Project 0-0-2 1
44 ME 4354 Air Conditioning and Cryogenic Engg. Lab. 0-0-2 1


Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credit

1 ME 2271 Basic Manufacturing Processes 3-0-0 3
2 ME 2372 Thermal Engineering 3-0-0 3
3 ME 3171 Mechanics of Materials 3-0-0 3
4 ME 3571 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory-I 0-0-2 1
5 ME 3272 Advanced Manufacturing Processes 3-0-0 3
6 ME 3572 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory-II 0-0-2 1
7 ME 4371 Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machinery 3-0-0 3
8 ME 4172 Dynamics and Design of Machines 3-0-0 3
Total 20


Curriculum of B.Tech )Metallurgical & Materials Engineering((MM)

Vision: We seek to develop in students, faculties, and staff of the department the ability and
passion to work wisely, creatively, and effectively in the area of Metallurgical and
Materials Engineering for the betterment of the nation in particular and mankind in

Mission: The mission of the Department is to advance the knowledge and educate students in
areas of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering and technology to meet national
requirements and challenges on academics, industrial and social fronts.

Program Educational Objectives:

I. To prepare students for successful careers in Indian/multi-national industries that

meets all the necessary needs of a perfect professional as well as to excel in post
graduate programs.
II. To make the students fundamentally strong in solving mathematical, engineering and
scientific problems.
III. To train students with good scientific and engineering breadth so as to comprehend,
analyze, design, and create novel products and solutions for the real life problems.
IV. To indoctrinate the students in professional and ethical attitude, effective
communication skills, teamwork skills, multidisciplinary approach, and an ability to
relate engineering issues to broader social context.
V. To motivate students to develop ethics and codes of professional and social lives as
well as to keep awareness of life-long learning.

Program Outcomes:

i. Graduates can demonstrate basic knowledge in metallurgical engineering and

materials science.
ii. Graduates can reveal the ability to design and conduct experiments, interpret and
analyses data, and generating correlation of obtained results.
iii. Graduates can execute their aptitude to design a metallurgical process that meets
desired specifications and requirements of industrial applications.
iv. Graduates are able to visualize and work on laboratory and multidisciplinary tasks.
v. Graduates can demonstrate the ability to identify, formulate and solve metallurgical
engineering problems.
vi. Graduates can represent them in understanding their professional and ethical
vii. Graduates are able to communicate effectively in both verbal and written forms. They
are familiar with modern engineering software tools and equipment to analyses
metallurgical engineering problems
viii. Graduates possess the confidence to apply engineering solutions in global and
societal contexts.
ix. Graduates are capable of self-education and understanding the value of lifelong
x. Graduates are broadly educated and in understanding of the impact of metallurgical
engineering on society and made capable to demonstrate awareness of its
contemporary issues.
xi. Graduate who can participate and succeed in competitive examinations like GATE,


Sl. No. Subject Code Subject L-T-P Credit

1 MM2301 Metallurgical Thermodynamics and Kinetics 3-1-0 4
2 MM2302 Transport Phenomena 3-0-0 3
3 MA 2305 Numerical methods/ Diff. Equation 3-1-0 4
4 HS 1337 Introduction to Society and Culture 3-0-0 3
5 Elective 3-0-0 3
6 HS 1270 Language Lab 0-0-2 1
7 EE 2700 Electrical Engineering Lab 0-0-3 2
EC 2700 Electronics Engineering Lab


Sl. No. Subject Subject L-T-P Credit

1 MM2303 Iron Making 3-0-0 3
2 MM2101 Principles of Physical Metallurgy 3-0-0 3
3 HS 1318 Literary Foundations: Approaches and 2-0-0 2
4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 Elective 3-0-0 3
6 EE 2700 Electrical Engineering Lab 0-0-3 2
EC 2700 Electronics Engineering Lab
7 MM2321 Mineral Dressing Lab 0-0-2 1
8 MM2322 Process Metallurgy Lab 0-0-3 2


Sl. No. Subject Subject L-T-P Credit

1 MM3102 Phase Transformation 3-0-0 3
2 MM3201 Deformation Behaviour of Materials 3-0-0 3
3 MM3304 Steelmaking 3-0-0 3
4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 Elective 3-0-0 3
6 MM3521 Characterization of Material Lab 0-0-2 1
7 MM3121 Metallography Lab 0-0-3 2
8 MM3421 Computational Metallurgy Lab 0-0-2 1

Sl. No. Subject Subject L-T-P Credit

1 MM3103 Heat Treatment of Metallic Materials 3-0-0 3
2 MM3202 Mechanical Properties of Materials 3-0-0 3
3 MM3203 Manufacturing Processes 3-0-0 3
4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 Elective 3-0-0 3
6 Advanced Welding and Foundry Practices 0-0-2 1
7 MM3122 Heat Treatment Lab 0-0-2 1
8 MM3221 Mechanical Testing Lab 0-0-2 1


Sl. No. Subject Code Subject L-T-P Credit

1 MM4204 Mechanical Working of Metallic Materials 3-0-0 3
2 MM4501 Corrosion and Environmental 3-0-0 3
Degradation of Materials
3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 MM4521 Electro Metallurgy and Corrosion Lab 0-0-2 1
6 MM4422 Design and Calculation Lab 0-0-2 1
7 Research Project I / Elective 0-0-0/3-0- 3
8 Short term Industry and Research 0-0-0 0

Sl. Subject Code Subject L-T-P Credit

1 MM4401 Modeling of Materials Processes 3-0-0 3
2 MM4104 Design and Selection of Materials 3-0-0 3
3 SM 1605 Business Enviroment 3-0-0 3
4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 MM4423 Atomistic Modeling of Materials Laboratory 0-0-2 1
6 Comprehensive Viva-Voce 2-0-0 2
7 Research Project II/Elective 0-0-0/3-0-0 3
8 Seminar & Technical Writing 0-0-0 0


Sl. No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 MM2305 Fuels and Refractories 3-0-0 3
2 MM2306 Non Ferrous Metal Extraction Principle and 3-0-0 3
3 MM2105 Physics
Practice of Materials 3-0-0 3
4 MM2502 Powder Technology 3-0-0 3
5 MM3503 Material Characterization Techniques 3-0-0 3
6 MM3504 Non-Metallic and Composite Materials 3-0-0 3
7 MM3307 Advances in Steel Making 3-0-0 3
8 MM3505 Advances in Materials 3-0-0 3
9 MM3402 Molecular Modeling of Materials 3-0-0 3
10 MM3506 Vacuum Technology in Materials Engineering 3-0-0 3
11 MM4106 Casting and Solidification of Metals 3-0-0 3
12 MM4107 Joining of Metals 3-0-0 3
13 MM4205 Fracture, Fatigue and Wear of Metals 3-0-0 3
14 MM4507 High Temperature Materials 3-0-0 3
15 MM4508 Surface Engineering 3-0-0 3
16 MM4509 Nano-structured Materials 3-0-0 3
17 MM4206 Metallurgical Failures: detection and analysis 3-0-0 3
18 MM4510 Advanced
analysis Processing of Materials 3-0-0 3
19 MM4511 Texture of Materials 3-0-0 3


Sl. No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 MM2108 Structure and Properties of Materials 3-0-0 3
2 MM2308 Iron and Steel Making 3-0-0 3
3 MM3109 Fundamentals of Physical Metallurgy 3-0-0 3
4 MM3207 Mechanical Metallurgy 3-0-0 3
5 MM4208 Manufacturing Processes 3-0-0 3
6 MM4512 Materials Characterization Techniques 3-0-0 3
7 MM4123 Physical Metallurgy Lab 0-0-3 2
8 MM4222 Mechanical Metallurgy Lab 0-0-3 2


Curriculum of B.Tech (MINING ENGINEERING)(MN)

Vision :
To become a global leader of higher learning in the field of eco-friendly exploitation and
utilization of mineral resources for the welfare of the society and to be a preferred
destination for undergraduate and graduate studies

Mission :
To carry out research and create human resource for developing and adopting appropriate
technology towards sustainable development of mineral resources

Program Educational Objectives :

a) To provide necessary basic knowledge of science and engineering for pursuing studies
in Mining Engineering

b) To provide a strong background on theoretical knowledge of Mining Engineering

practices and advancements.

c) To develop the ability among the students to evaluate and analyze different practical
aspects of mining and related activities.

d) To equip the students with the application of computer knowledge/software to solve

mining problems.
e) To train the students to develop prototypes of mining methods, equipments,
environmental and safety monitoring devices etc.

f) To provide a broad knowledge in multi-disciplinary engineering subjects in order to

equip them to cope with the demand of industries other than mining

g) To develop among the students self learning and research ability through field
experience and two semester project work to solve real life problems faced by the
mining industry

Program Outcome :
I. To provide necessary fundamental and applied knowledge of science and engineering for a
career in Mining and related Industries

II. To train the students to analyze problems, design, or develop models, conduct tests and
experiments, evaluate information, and communicate results effectively

III. To enable the students to pursue advanced studies and other creative and innovative
efforts in science, engineering, and technology, as well as other professional careers
benefiting the society at large

IV. To understand, appreciate, and practice the issues of safety, hygiene, and sustainable

V. To imbibe the habit of performing to the highest standard of professional practice with

Process for defining the Vision and Mission of the Department and PEO of the program :
Input is considered from multiple entities as academic experts from other institutions of higher
learning both in India and abroad, leaders from industries, government regulatory and policy
making agencuies, alumni, students as well as parents.


Sl. Subject Subject Name L-T-P Credit

No. Code
1 HS 1337 Introduction to Society and Culture 3-0-0 3
2 MA2305 Numerical methods/ Diff. Equation 3-1-0 4
3 MN 2001 Mine Development 3-0-0 4
4 Mining Geology 3-0-0 3
5 MN 2103 Rock Mechanics 3-0-0 4
6 EE 2700 Electrical Engineering Lab 0-0-3 2
EC 2700 Electronics Engineering Lab
7 HS 1270 Language Lab 0-0-2 1
8 Mining Geology Lab 1-0-2 2


Sl. Subject Subject Name L-T-P Credit

No. Code
1 HS 1318 Literary Foundations: Approaches and 2-0-0 2
2 MN 2004 Mine Surveying 3-1-0 4
3 MN 2206 Mine Ventilation 3-1-0 4
4 MN 2102 Underground Coal Mining 3-0-0 3
5 Thermodynamics/Mechanics of Solids 3-0-0 3
6 EE 2700 Electrical Engineering Lab 0-0-3 2
EC 2700 Electronics Engineering Lab
7 MN 2704 Mine Surveying Lab 0-0-3 1
8 MN 2702 Rock Mechanics Lab 1-0-2 2


Sl. No. Subject Subject Name L-T-P Credit

1 MN 3001 Mining Machinery 3-1-0 4
2 MN 3203 Underground Hazards and Rescue 3-0-0 3
3 MN 3005 Mine Economics 3-1-0 4
4 MN 3121 Underground Metal Mining 3-0-0 3
5 MN 3207 Coal and Mineral Processing 3-0-0 3
6 MN 3703 Mining Machinery Lab 0-0-2 1
7 MN 3705 Mine Ventilation Lab 0-0-3 2
8 MN 3707 Coal and Mineral Processing Lab 1-0-3 2


Sl. No. Subject Subject Name L-T-P Credit

1 MN 3002 Mine Legislation and Safety 3-0-0 3
2 MN 3104 Surface Mining 3-1-0 4
3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 MN 3708 Geomechanics Lab 0-0-3 1
6 MN 3710 Hazard and Rescue Lab 0-0-3 2
7 MN 3712 Coal Characterization 0-0-3 2


Sl. No. Subject Subject Name L-T-P Credit

1 MN 4201 Surface Mine Environmental Engineering 3-0-0 3
2 Elective 3-0-0 3
3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 Elecative 3-0-0 3
6 MN 4901 Research Project I/ Elective 0-0-0 3
7 MN 4709 Mine System Lab 1-0-2 2
Short Term Industry Research Experience 1-0-0 0


Sl. No. Subject Subject Name L-T-P Credit

1 SM 1605 Business Enviroment 3-0-0 3
2 Elective 3-0-0 3
3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 MN 4902 Research Project II/ Elective 0-0-0 3
5 MN4904 Comprehensive Viva Voce 0-0-0 2
6 MN 4801 Seminar & Technical Writing 0-0-0 0
Sl. No. Subject PROFESSIONAL L-T-P Hrs/week
1 MN 3121 Underground Metal mining method (in 3-0-0 3
2 ER Mineral Exploration 3-0-0 3
3 MN 3222 Solid Fuel and clean coal Technology 3-0-0 3
4 MN 4021 Mine Planning and Design 3-0-0 3
5 MN 3207 Coal and Mineral Processing Technology 3-0-0 3
6 MN 5021 Bulk Material Handling 3-0-0 3
7 MN 5022 Computer Applications in Mining 3-0-0 3
8 MN 5138 Advanced rock mechanics 3-0-0 3
9 MN 3023 Strata Control Technology 3-0-0 3
10 MN 3024 Ground Control Instrumentation 3-0-0 3
11 MN 5025 Remote Sensing and Its Application 3-0-0 3
12 MN 4026 Clean Coal Technology 3-0-0 3
13 MN 5144 Geographical Information System (GIS) 3-0-0 3
14 MN 5121 Longwall Mining Technology 3-0-0 3
15 MN 6123 Mine Subsidence Engineering 3-0-0 3
16 MN 3025 Blasting Technology 3-0-0 3
17 MN 5026 Underground space technology 3-0-0 3
18 MN 5027 Novel and innovative mining practices 3-0-0 3
19 MN 4132 Tunneling 3-0-0 3
20 MN 5031 Advanced Surface Mining 3-0-0 3
21 MN 6120 Mining of Deep Seated Deposits 3-0-0 3
22 MN 6122 Advanced Coal Mining 3-0-0 3
23 MN 6126 Advanced Metalliferous Mining 3-0-0 3
24 MN 6122 Rock Slope Technology 3-0-0 3
25 MN 4223 Eco-friendly Mining 3-0-0 3
26 MN 5234 Environmental Pollution and Control in Mines 3-0-0 3
27 MN 5231 Mine Fires and spontaneous heating 3-0-0 3
28 MN 5033 Mine Management 3-0-0 3
29 MN 3023 Strata Control Technology 3-0-0 3
30 MN 3024 Ground Control Instrumentation 3-0-0 3
31 MN 4132 Tunneling 3-0-0 3
32 MN 5031 Advanced Surface Mining 3-0-0 3
33 MN 6120 Mining of Deep Seated Deposits 3-0-0 3
34 MN 6122 Advanced Coal Mining 3-0-0 3
35 MN 5241 Environmental Management 3-0-0 3
36 MN 5231 Mine Fires and spontaneous Heating 3-0-0 3
37 MN 5242 Advanced Mine Ventilation 3-0-0 3
38 MN 5237 Noise Impact Assessment And Control 3-0-0 3
39 MN 5238 Hazardous Waste Management 3-0-0 3
40 MN 5240 Safety Risk Assessment & Management 3-0-0 3
41 MN 4233 Eco Friendly Mining 3-0-0 3
42 MN 5032 Mine systems engineering 3-0-0 3
43 MN 5025 Remote Sensing & GIS for Mining Applications 3-0-0 3
44 MN 3025 Drilling and blasting 3-0-0 3
45 MN 5236 Land Reclamation and Eco-restoration 3-0-0 3
46 MN 5244 Coal Bed Methane 3-0-0 3
47 MN 6124 Rock Fragmentation 3-0-0 3
48 MN 5034 Mine System Engineering and Optimisation 3-0-0 3
49 MN 6126 Rock Excavation Enginering 3-1-0 4
50 MN 6231 Environmental Control and management 3-1-0 4
51 MN 6036 Project management 3-1-0 4
52 MN 6068 material handling sytem 3-1-0 4
53 MN Resource Evaluation and Geostatistics 3-1-0 4
54 MN Geoscience of Petroleum Engineering 3-0-0 3
55 MN Environmental Impact Assessment 3-0-0 3


Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 MN 2001 Mine Development 3-1-0 4
2 MN 2206 Mine Ventilation 3-1-0 4
3 Mining Geology 3-0-0 3
4 MN 2102 Underground Coal Mining Method 3-0-0 3
5 MN 3104 Surface Mining 3-1-0 4
6 MN 2103 Rock Mechanics 3-1-0 4
7 MN 2702 Rock Mechanics Lab 0-0-3 1
8 Mining Geology 0-0-3 1


Curriculum of B.ARCH (PA)


To provide every citizen of India a proper habitat with appropriate facilities and services


1. To provide socially responsible architects who would be leaders in the field of design,
implementation, and management of human habitats and ancillary services, and also
become experts in application of state-of-the-art technologies
2. To create planners for Contemporary India who are in tune with evolving socio-cultural,
political, and techno-economic milieu and would be capable drivers of responsible
3. To carry out original research that would contribute to the existing body of knowledge in
architecture, planning, and allied disciplines.

Program Educational Objectives:

1. To impart understanding on the relationship between human, the built, and the natural
environment, and heir evolution through time
2. To enable understanding and appreciation of experiential (visual, sensory, spatial) aspects,
and to equip with skills for visualization and representation
3. To provide knowledge on the latest technological aspects of building sciences, including
focus areas like illumination, acoustics, building services, building automation, etc.
4. To impart suitable design, technical, and managerial skills and know-how that are required
to deal with user’s requirements through proper investigation, identification of issues,
This does not relate to the B. Arch. Programme per se; it has been articulated for the post-
graduate course on urban planning, to be introduced by the Department in due course
proposal of suitable solutions, and implementations, in compliance with regulatory

Program Outcome:

1. Ability to identify needs, analyse issues, conceive and frame requirements, and provide
appropriate architectural design solutions
2. Skills to use appropriate tools, software, and equipment for analysis and synthesis
3. Ability to represent and communicate effectively in both verbal and written form, using
appropriate media and technologies
4. Understanding of impact of architectural solutions on the society and awareness of
contemporary issues
5. Ability to work in a multidisciplinary environment and incorporate knowledge from various
disciplines to improve design solutions
6. Knowledge of professional and ethical responsibilities
7. Necessary training to go in for higher academic programmes, employment in industry, or
Process for defining the Vision and Mission of the Department and PEO of the

The Department of Planning and Architecture, NIT Rourkela, presently offers a five year
undergraduate programme in architecture, and doctoral research programmes for both
architecture and urban and regional planning. In due course, the Department also intends to
introduce a two year postgraduate programme in urban and regional planning. The
undergraduate programme of the Department follows the guidelines set by the Council of
Architecture, India (herein after referred to as the Council or CoA), and is subject to regular
inspection, review, and approval by the Council. On successful completion of the course, the
graduates are eligible for registration with the Council as ‘Registered Architect’s. Considering
all of these, the vision and mission of the Department have been articulated by conducting a
curriculum revision workshop with three external experts.


Sl.No. Course Course Name L-T-P Credits

1 PA1201 Architectural Graphics I 0-0-3 2

2 PA1401 Visual Arts I 0-0-3 2

3 PA1403 Basic Design 0-0-3 2
4 PA1901 Non-Graphic Computer Applications 0-0-3 2
5 Workshop Practice I 0-0-3 2
6 Extra-Academic Activity I 0-0-3 2
7 PA1405 Principles of Architectural Design 3-0-0 2
8 PA1501 Evolution of Architecture I 3-0-0 2
9 PA1701 Building Materials I 3-0-0 2
10 Communicative English 2-0-0 2
11 Engineering Mechanics 3-1-0 4


Sl.No. Course Course Name L-T-P Credits

1 PA1102 Architectural Design I 1-0-3 3
2 PA1202 Architectural Graphics II 0-0-3 2
3 PA1302 Building Construction Sessional I 0-0-3 2
4 PA1402 Visual Arts II 0-0-3 2
5 PA1902 Model-Making Studio 0-0-3 2
6 PA1304 Building Construction Lab 0-0-2 1
7 Extra-Academic Activity II 0-0-3 2
8 PA1304 Building Construction I 3-0-0 2
9 PA1502 Evolution of Architecture II 3-0-0 2
10 PA1702 Building Materials II 3-0-0 2

Prerequisite: Basic Design for Architectural Design I


Sl.No. Course Course Name L-T-P Credits

1 PA2101 Architectural Design II 0-0-6 4
2 PA2201 Architectural Graphics III 0-0-3 2
3 PA2301 Building Construction Sessional II 0-0-3 2
4 PA2303 Building Construction II 3-1-0 3
5 PA2501 Evolution of Architecture III 3-0-0 2
6 PA2601 Building Services I 3-0-0 2
7 PA2801 Climate-Responsive Architecture 3-0-0 2
8 CE2003 Mechanics of Solids 3-0-0 3
9 Elective Minor I 3-0-0 0

Prerequisite: Architectural Design I for Architectural Design II


Sl.No. Course Course Type and Name L-T-P Credits

1 PA2102 Architectural Design III 0-0-6 4
2 PA2202 Computer Aided Design and Simulation I 0-0-3 2
3 PA2302 Building Construction Sessional III 0-0-3 2
4 PA2902 Architectural Tour and Field Study I 0-0-0b 1
5 CE2704 Surveying Field Work 0-0-3 2
6 PA2304 Building Construction III 3-1-0 3
7 PA2502 Evolution of Architecture IV 3-0-0 2
8 PA2602 Building Services II 3-0-0 2
9 PA2904 Acoustics and Illumination 3-0-0 2
10 CE2202 Structural Analysis 3-0-0 3
11 Elective Minor II 3-0-0 0

Prerequisite: Architectural Design II for Architectural Design III


Sl.No. Course Course Type and Name L-T-P Credits

1 PA3101 Architectural Design IV 0-0-9 6
2 PA3201 Working Drawing I 0-0-3 2
3 PA3203 Computer Aided Design and Simulation II 0-0-3 2
4 PA3205 Advance Rendering Studio 0-0-2 1
5 PA3901 Interior Design 0-0-3 2
6 PA3801 Landscape Design 3-0-0 2
7 PA3903 Housing 3-0-0 2
8 PA30xx Professional Elective I 3-0-0 2
9 CE3203 Reinforced Concrete Design 3-0-0 3
10 Elective Minor III 3-0-0 0

Prerequisite: Architectural Design III for Architectural Design IV


Sl. Course Course Name L-T-P Credits

No. Code
1 PA3102 Architectural Design V 0-0-9 6
2 PA3202 Working Drawing II 0-0-3 2
3 PA3902 Architectural Tour and Field Study II 0-0-0 1
4 PA3904 Estimation, Costing, and Specification 0-0-3 2
5 PA3906 Estimation, Costing, and Specification 2-0-0 1
6 PA3908 Human Settlements and Vernacular 3-0-0 2
7 PA3910 Building Bye-Laws and Codes of 2-0-0 1
8 PA3912 Theory of Design 3-1-0 3
9 CE3202 Design of Steel Structures 3-0-0 3
10 Elective Minor IV 3-0-0 0

Prerequisite: Architectural Design IV for Architectural Design V


Sl. No. Course Course Name L-T-P Credits

1 PA4101 Architectural Design VI 0-0-9 6
2 PA4701 Seminar and Technical Writing I 0-0-2 1
3 PA4901 Academic Portfolio 0-0-3 2
4 PA4301 Advanced Building Materials 3-0-0 2
5 PA4303 Advanced Building Construction 3-1-0 3
6 PA4501 Project Management 3-0-0 2
7 PA40xx Professional Elective II 3-1-0 3
8 PA40xx Professional Elective III 3-1-0 3
9 Elective Minor V 3-0-0 0

Prerequisite: Architectural Design V for Architectural Design VI


Sl. No. Course Course Name L-T-P Credit

Code s
1 PA4802 Professional Training 0-0-0 6
2 PA4902 Documentation of Architectural Details of 0-0-0 2
3 PA4904 Field Observations 0-0-0 3
4 PA4906 Site Supervision 0-0-0 2
5 PA4908 Critical Appraisal of an Architectural Project 0-0-0 3

Prerequisite: Architectural Design VI for each course

1. Professional Training Involves 100 days of off-campus training under a Registered

Architect (refer Training Manual for details).
2. Components for evaluation of Professional Training:
a. Trainer’s Feedback
b. Training Portfolio


Sl. No. Course Course Name L-T-P Credit

Code s
1 PA5101 Architectural Design VII 0-0-5 3
2 PA5201 Architectural Thesis Research 0-0-6 4
3 PA5601 Advanced Building Services 0-0-3 2
4 PA5701 Seminar and Technical Writing II 0-0-2 1
5 PA5401 Advanced Structural Systems 3-0-0 2
6 PA5501 Professional Practice 2-0-0 1
7 Professional Elective IV 3-1-0/1-0-3 3
8 Professional Elective V 3-1-0/1-0-3 3

Prerequisite: Architectural Design VI for Architectural Design VII


Sl. No. Course Course Type and Name L-T-P Credit

Code s
1 PA5202 Architectural Thesis Project 0-0-15 10
2 PA5902 Comprehensive Viva-Voce 0-0-0 3
3 Elective Minor VI 3-0-0 0

Prerequisite: Architectural Design VII for Architectural Thesis Project


Sl.No Course Course Name L-T-P Credits

1 PA3001 Architectural Heritage Conservation
2 PA3003 Passive Solar Design 3-0-0 2
Elective I
3 PA3005 Universal Design
4 PA3007 Cost-effective Architecture
5 PA4001 Architectural Theory and Criticism Professional
Elective II
6 PA4005 Energy Efficient Architecture 3-1-0 3
7 PA4009 Tall Structures
8 PA4013 Introduction to Urban and Regional
9 PA4003 Architectural Research Methodology Professional
Elective III
10 PA4007 Green Certification Systems 3-1-0 3
11 PA4011 Disaster Management and Mitigation
12 PA4015 Visual Communication
13 PA5001 Architectural Documentation Studio Professional 1-0-3
Elective IV
14 PA5005 Building Information Modelling Studio 1-0-3 3
15 PA5009 Earthquake Resistant Architecture 3-1-0
16 PA5013 Architectural Photography Studio 1-0-3
17 Review of Contemporary Global Professional
PA5003 Architecture Elective V 1-0-3
18 PA5007 Parametric Design Studio 1-0-3 3
19 PA5011 Seismic Strengthening and Retrofitting 3-1-0
20 PA5015 Architectural Journalism Studio 1-0-3


Not offered.



Curriculum of Integrated M.Sc. )Chemistry( )CY(


To be a globally-recognized department committed to quality teaching and cutting-edge

research in chemical sciences.


1. To help every teacher and every student achieve his/her academic potential by providing
appropriate scholastic environment.
2. To network with industry for the development of chemical science based technology.
Program Educational Objectives:

The Chemistry program at NIT Rourkela has the following educational objectives:

1. To prepare graduates with mastery of the basic chemical principles, and with the analytical
problem-solving and communication skills, requiring the application of those principles.
2. To prepare graduates to become successful in their chosen career path, whether it is in the
practice of Chemistry or in other complementary disciplines.
3. To produce graduates who are familiar with research design methodology and are able to
organize and present the chemical information/results coherently through oral and written
4. To prepare graduates who are life-long learners.
5. To prepare graduates who will consider the broader context of social, political,
environmental, economic, health and safety issues.
6. To demonstrate high standards of professional and ethical responsibility to become
responsible citizens and leaders in the community and in the field of chemical sciences.
Program Outcomes:

Our Chemistry Program attempts to inculcate the following outcomes in its graduates:
1. To have a firm foundation in chemical principles as well as a higher level of understanding
in each of the chemistry sub disciplines.
2. To have a firm knowledge on analytical instrumentations and laboratory techniques and be
able to use those skills to design and conduct independent work, as well as to analyze and
interpret data.
3. To know how to search primary chemical literatures, follow, and learn from scientific
presentations, and give effective oral and written reports on various research topics.
4. To communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.
5. To function on multi-disciplinary teams.
6. To understand the professional, social, environmental, and ethical responsibility.
7. Life-long learning to meet the professional and personal goals.
8. To have knowledge of contemporary issues.


Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T- P Credits

1 CY 2101 Hydrocarbons and their Functional Groups 3-0-0 3
2 CY 2201 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry 3-0-0 3
3 CY 2301 Physical Chemistry: Equilibrium and Changes 3-0-0 3
4 MA 1003 Introduction to Numerical Analysis (Math-III) 3-1-0 4
5 HS1337 Introduction to Society and Culture 3-0-0 3
6 CY 2701 Functional Group Identification Laboratory 0-0-2 1
7 HS 1270 Language Laboratory 0-0-3 1
8 EE 2700 Electrical Engineering Lab 0-0-3 2

9 EC 2700 Electronics Engineering Lab



Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 CY 2102 Organic Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity 3-0-0 3
2 CY 2202 Structure and Bonding in Inorganic Chemistry 3-0-0 3
3 CY 2302 Physical Chemistry : Structure 3-0-0 3
4 Introduction to Waves and Oscillations 3-0-0 3
5 HS 1318 Literary Foundations: Approaches and Applications 2-0-0 2
6 CY 2702 Basic Physical Chemistry Laboratory 0-0-2 1
7 CY 2704 Functional Group estimation Laboratory 0-0-2 1
8 EC 2700 Electronics Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
9 EE 2700 Electrical Engineering Laboratory


Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 CY 3401 Fundamentals of Materials and Nanochemistry 3-0-0 3
2 CY 3201 Chemistry of the Elements 3-0-0 3
3 CY 3301 Physical Chemistry : Matters and Surface 3-0-0 3
4 Electricity and Magnetism 3-0-0 3
5 Elective – LS Department 3-0-0 3
6 CY 3701 Basic Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory 0-0-2 1
7 CY 3703 Chemical Biology Laboratory 0-0-2 1

Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits
1 CY 3102 Bio-organic Chemistry 3-0-0 3
2 Professional Elective I 3-0-0 3
3 Professional Elective II 3-0-0 3
4 SM 1605 Business Enviroment 3-0-0 3
5 Mathematical methods 3-1-0 4
6 CY 3702 Natural Product Isolation Laboratory 0-0-2 1

7 CY 3704 Quantitative Analysis of Inorganic Compounds 0-0-2 1



Sl. Sub. Code Subjects L-T- P Credits

1 CY 4101 Stereochemistry and Reaction Mechanism 3-0-0 3
2 CY 4201 Main Group and Organometallic Chemistry 3-0-0 3
3 CY 4301 Quantum Chemistry 3-0-0 3
4 CY 4103 Spectroscopic Methods of Analysis 3-0-0 3
5 CY 4303 Chemical Applications of Group Theory 3-0-0 3
6 CY 4701 Organic Preparation Laboratory 0-0-3 2
7 CY 4703 Physical Chemistry Laboratory 0-0-3 2


Sl. Sub. Subjects L-T- P Credits

1 Code
CY 4102 Reagents, Name Reactions and Rearrangements 3-0-0 3
in Organic Synthesis
2 CY 4202 Advanced Topics in Inorganic Chemistry 3-0-0 3
3 CY 4302 Molecular Spectroscopy 3-0-0 3
4 Professional Elective III 3-0-0 3
5 Professional Elective IV 3-0-0 3
6 CY 4702 Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory 0-0-3 2
7 CY 4704 Mathematical and Computational Methods in 1-0-3 2


Sl. Sub. Subjects L-T- P Credits

No Code
1 CY 5101 Methods in Organic Synthesis 3-0-0 3
2 CY 5201 Bioinorganic Chemistry 3-0-0 3
3 Professional Elective V 3-0-0 3
Professional Elective VI 3-0-0 3
4 CY 5701 Material Synthesis Laboratory 0-0-3 2
5 CY 5703 Environmental Chemistry Laboratory 0-0-3 2
6 CY 5801 Seminar & Technical Writing – I 0-0-0 0
7 CY 5803 Short term Industrial/ Research Experience (SIRE) 0-0-0 0
8 CY 5901 Research Project – I 0-0-0 5
9 TOTAL 21

Sl. No Sub. Code Subjects L-T- P Credits
1 Professional Elective VII 3-0-0 3
2 Professional Elective VIII 3-0-0 3
3 CY 5802 Seminar and Technical Writing – II 0-0-0 0
4 CY 5804 Comprehensive Viva-Voce 0-0-0 2
5 CY 5902 Research Project – II 0-0-0 8

Minor in Chemistry

Sl. No Sub. Code Subjects L-T- P Credits

1 CY 3111 Basic Organic Chemistry 3-0-0 3
2 CY 3213 Basic Inorganic Chemistry 3-0-0 3
3 CY 3315 Basic Physical Chemistry 3-0-0 3
4 CY 3711 Analysis of Inorganic and Organic 0-0-2 1
Compounds TOTAL 10

Sl. No Sub. Code Subjects L-T- P Credits

1 CY 4112 Organic and Polymer Chemistry 3-0-0 3
2 CY 4214 Inorganic and Materials Chemistry 3-0-0 3

3 CY 4316 Physical and Computational Chemistry 3-0-0 3

4 CY 4712 Physical and Computational Chemistry 0-0-2 1

Professional Electives

Sl No. Code Course Title L-T-P Credit

1 CY 3302 Chemical Kinetics and Electrochemistry 3-0-0 3
2 CY 3104 Fundamentals of Polymer Chemistry 3-0-0 3
3 CY 3402 Properties of Solid 3-0-0 3
4 CY 3106 Purification and Characterization Organic 3-0-0 3
5 CY 4104 Pericyclic Reactions and Photochemistry / 3-0-0 3
6 CY 4402 Solid-state Chemistry 3-0-0 3
7 CY 4304 Statistical Thermodynamics 3-0-0 3
8 CY 4306 Biochemistry 3-0-0 3
9 CY 4308 Colloids and Surface Chemistry 3-0-0 3
10 CY 4106 Supramolecular and Macromolecular 3-0-0 3
11 CY 5203 Organometallic Chemistry 3-0-0 3
12 CY 5401 Environmental Chemistry 3-0-0 3
13 CY 5103 Heterocycles and Natural Products 3-0-0 3
14 CY 5205 Analytical Chemistry 3-0-0 3
15 CY 5302 Computational Chemistry 3-0-0 3
16 CY 5402 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 3-0-0 3
17 CY 5404 Chemistry of Industrial Materials 3-0-0 3
18 CY 5102 Medicinal Chemistry 3-0-0 3


Sub Discipline: Core Courses

CY 101 Chemistry 2-1-0 3

Sub Discipline: Organic Chemistry

CY 2101 Hydrocarbons and their Functional Groups 3-0-0 3

CY 2102 Organic Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity 3-0-0 3
CY 3102 Bio-organic Chemistry 3-0-0 3
CY 3104 Fundamentals of Polymer Chemistry 3-0-0 3
CY 3106 Purification and Characterization Organic 3-0-0 3
CY 4101 Compounds
Stereochemistry and Reaction Mechanism 3-0-0 3
CY 4102 Reagents, Name Reactions and Rearrangements in 3-0-0 3
CY 4103 Organic Synthesis
Spectroscopic Methods of Analysis 3-0-0 3
CY 4104 Pericyclic Reactions and Photochemistry / 3-0-0 3
CY 4106 Supramolecular and Macromolecular Chemistry 3-0-0 3
CY 5101 Methods in Organic Synthesis 3-0-0 3
CY 5102 Medicinal Chemistry 3-0-0 3
CY 5103 Heterocycles and Natural Products 3-0-0 3

Sub Discipline: Inorganic Chemistry

CY 2201 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry 3-0-0 3

CY 2202 Structure and Bonding in Inorganic Chemistry 3-0-0 3
CY 3201 Chemistry of the Elements 3-0-0 3
CY 4201 Main Group and Organometallic Chemistry 3-0-0 3
CY 4202 Advanced Topics in Inorganic Chemistry 3-0-0 3
CY 5201 Bioinorganic Chemistry 3-0-0 3
CY 5203 Organometallic Chemistry 3-0-0 3
CY 5205 Analytical Chemistry 3-0-0 3

Sub Discipline: Physical and Computational Chemistry

CY 2301 Physical Chemistry: Equilibrium and Changes 3-0-0 3

CY 2302 Physical Chemistry : Structure 3-0-0 3
CY 3301 Physical Chemistry : Matters and Surface 3-0-0 3
CY 4301 Quantum Chemistry 3-0-0 3
CY 4303 Chemical Applications of Group Theory 3-0-0 3
CY 4302 Molecular Spectroscopy 3-0-0 3
CY 3302 Chemical Kinetics and Electrochemistry 3-0-0 3
CY 4304 Statistical Thermodynamics 3-0-0 3
CY 4306 Biochemistry 3-0-0 3
CY 4308 Colloids and Surface Chemistry 3-0-0 3
CY 5302 Computational Chemistry 3-0-0 3

Sub Discipline: Environmental and Materials Chemistry

CY 3401 Fundamentals of Materials and Nanochemistry 3-0-0 3

CY 3402 Properties of Solid 3-0-0 3
CY 4402 Solid-state Chemistry 3-0-0 3
CY 5401 Environmental Chemistry 3-0-0 3
CY 5402 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 3-0-0 3
CY 5404 Chemistry of Industrial Materials 3-0-0 3

Sub Discipline: Laboratory Courses

CY 170 Chemistry Laboratory 0-0-2 1
CY 2701 Functional Group Identification Laboratory 0-0-2 1
CY 2702 Basic Physical Chemistry Laboratory 0-0-2 1
CY 2704 Functional Group estimation Laboratory 0-0-2 1
CY 3701 Basic Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory 0-0-2 1
CY 3702 Natural Product Isolation Laboratory 0-0-2 1
CY 3703 Chemical Biology Laboratory 0-0-2 1
CY 3704 Quantitative Analysis of Inorganic Compounds 0-0-2 1
CY 4701 Organic Preparation Laboratory 0-0-3 2
CY 4702 Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory 0-0-3 2
CY 4703 Physical Chemistry Laboratory 0-0-3 2
CY 4704 Mathematical and Computational Methods in 1-0-3 2
CY 5701 Material Synthesis Laboratory 0-0-3 2
CY 5703 Environmental Chemistry Laboratory 0-0-3 2

Sub Discipline: Project, Seminar and Special Courses

CY 5801 Seminar & Technical Writing – I 0-0-0 0

CY 5802 Seminar and Technical Writing – II 0-0-0 0
CY 5803 Short term Industrial/ Research Experience (SIRE) 0-0-0 0
CY 5901 Research Project – I 0-0-0 5
CY 5902 Research Project – II 0-0-0 8
CY 5804 Comprehensive Viva-Voce 0-0-0 2


Curriculum of Integrated M.Sc. )Life Sciences()LS(

Vision :
To become a centre of excellence in teaching, research and extension activities of basic and
applied biology, agriculture, health care and environmental protection.

Mission :

 To nurture and train young minds to deal with biological problems, and to understand
the underlying mechanisms/rules of unsolved puzzles of nature.

 To establish state-of-the-art laboratory facilities to fulfil the needs of our academic and
research programs and extend these facilities to other institutes and industries.

 To foster collaboration with major institutes and industries of repute involved in R&D
activities related to biological sciences and healthcare.

 To open new employment opportunities to our students by giving rigorous and excellent
training comparable to academic and industrial standards.

Program Educational Objectives :

 Students will be equipped to communicate scientific ideas orally and in writing

 Students will take up a leadership role in academic and industrial sectors related to
basic and applied biology, agriculture, health care and environmental protection.

 Students will be able to think critically and evaluate, design, conduct, analyse and
quantitatively assess the impact of innovative research in biological sciences.

 Students will be trained to adhere to scientific ethics while practising the profession.

Program Outcome :
 Students will be able to apply their knowledge of life science, to design, conduct,
analyse and interpret experimental results.

 Students will be able to identify, formulate and solve the problems related to biological

 Students will be able to work professionally in academic and industrial sectors.

Process for defining the Vision and Mission of the Department and PEO of the program :
Views of all the stakeholders of the department like students, faculty members, parents,
employers and alumni were initially considered. Vision and Mission of the Department and PEO
of the program was then formulated and discussed again at the departmental level meeting.
The vision and mission of the department and PEO of the program were then analysed and
reviewed by the external experts from institutes of higher reputation. Then the finalised vision
and mission of the department and PEO of the program was approved by Senate of the
Institute subsequently by the Board of Governors of the Institute.


Sl.No Subject
Subject L-T-P Credit
1 HS1337 Introduction to Society and Culture 3-0-0 3
2 EE 2700 Electrical Engineering Laboratory
EC 2700 Electronics Engineering 0-0-3 2
3 HS 1270 Language Lab 0-0-3 1
4 LS 2101 Basic Biochemistry 3-0-0 3
5 LS 2601 Basic Microbiology 3-0-0 3
6 LS 2401 Cell and Molecular Biology 3-0-0 3
7 LS 2091 Life Science Laboratory I 0-0-3 2
8 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry 3-0-0 3
Total 20

Sl.No Subject
Subject L-T-P Credit
1 HS 1318 Literary Foundations: Approaches 2-0-0 2
and Applications
2 MA 2305 Numerical Analysis/Diff. Equation 3-1-0 4
3 EE 2700 Electrical Engineering Laboratory
EC 2700 Electronics Engineering 0-0-3 2
4 LS 2402 Animal Science 3-0-0 3
5 LS 2403 Plant Science 3-0-0 3
6 LS 2092 Life Science Laboratory II 0-0-3 2
7 Organic Chemistry: Structure and
3-0-0 3
Total 19


Sl.No Subject
Subject L-T-P Credit
1 Elective 3-0-0 3
2 LS 3404 Evolutionary Biology 3-0-0 3
3 LS 3405 Genetics 3-0-0 3
4 LS 3406 Molecular Basis of Development 3-0-0 3
5 LS 3093 Life Science Laboratory III 0-0-3 2
6 Physical Chemistry: Matters and Surface 3-0-0 3
Total 17


Sl.No Subject
Subject L-T-P Credit
1 SM 1605 Business Enviroment 3-0-0 3

2 LS 3501 Basic Immunology 3-0-0 3

3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 LS 3102 Physiology 3-0-0 3
6 LS 3094 Life Science Laboratory IV 0-0-3 2
Total 17


Sl.No Subject
Subject L-T-P Credit
1 LS 4301 Bioanalytical Techniques 3-0-0 3
2 LS 4103 Biochemistry 3-0-0 3
3 LS 4407 Cell Biology 3-0-0 3
4 LS 4602 Microbiology 3-0-0 3
5 LS 4408 Organismal Biology 3-0-0 3
6 LS 4391 Bioanalytical Techniques Lab 0-0-3 2
7 LS 4491 Cell Biology Lab 0-0-3 2
8 LS 4691 Microbiology Lab 0-0-3 2

Sl.No Subject
Subject L-T-P Credit
1 LS 4201 Bioinformatics 3-0-0 3
2 LS 4409 Developmental Biology 3-0-0 3
3 LS 4603 Enzymology and Metabolism 3-0-0 3
4 LS 4104 Molecular Biology 3-0-0 3
5 LS 4410 Molecular Genetics 3-0-0 3
6 LS 4191 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Lab 0-0-3 2
7 LS 4291 Bioinformatics Lab 0-0-3 2
Total 19


Sl.No Subject
Subject L-T-P Credit
1 LS5604 Ecology and Environmental Science 3-0-0 3
2 Elective 3-0-0 3
3 LS5502 Immunotechniques 3-0-0 3
4 LS5591 Immunology Lab 1-0-2 2
5 Short-Term Industrial / Research
LS5002 1-0-0 0
6 LS5004 Project-I 0-0-0 4
7 LS5006 Seminar & Technical Writing – I 0-0-0 0
Total 15


Sl.No Subject
Subject L-T-P Credit
1 Elective 3-0-0 3
Elective 3-0-0 3
3 LS5003 Comprehensive viva voce 0-0-0 2
4 LS5005 Project-II 0-0-0 8
5 LS5007 Seminar & Technical Writing – II 0-0-0 0
Total 16


S.No. Subject Subject L-T-P Credit

1 LS5202 Applied Biology 3-0-0 3
2 Aquatic Biology and Marine 3-0-0 3
LS5605 Biotechnology
3 LS3302 Bioinstrumentation 3-0-0 3
4 LS3303 Biophysics 3-0-0 3
5 LS5411 Cancer Biology 3-0-0 3
6 Chromatin Dynamics and Gene 3-0-0 3
LS5105 Regulation
7 LS3606 Food Science 3-0-0 3
8 LS5304 Genomics and Proteomics 3-0-0 3
9 LS5412 Molecular Evolution 3-0-0 3
10 LS5503 Nanobiology 3-0-0 3
11 LS5413 Neuroscience 3-0-0 3
12 LS5607 Parasitology 3-0-0 3
13 LS5203 Recombinant-DNA Science 3-0-0 3
14 LS5204 RNAi and Oncogenomics 3-0-0 3
15 LS5106 Structural Biology 3-0-0 3
16 LS5414 Systems Physiology 3-0-0 3


S.No. Subject Code Subject L-T-P Credit

1 LS2107 Biomolecules 3-0-0 3
2 Cellular Architecture and
LS2415 3-0-0 3
3 LS3608 Microbes and Environment 3-0-0 3
4 Life Science Minor
LS3095 Laboratory – I 0-0-2 1

5 LS3504 Infection and Immunity 3-0-0 3

6 Bioinformatics and Genome
LS4205 3-0-0 3
7 Molecular Biology of
3-0-0 3
LS4416 Development
8 Life Science Minor
LS4096 Laboratory - II 0-0-2 1

Total 20


Curriculum of Integrated M.Sc. )MATHEMATICS(

Vision :
To produce highly qualified and well-rounded mathematicians and researchers, technologists
and engineering professionals having skills in mathematics, who can provide leadership and
service to the nation and to the world.

Mission :

1.To pursue creative research in mathematics and related disciplines in order to serve the
needs of society, scientific community and industry.
2. To develop partnership with industrial and government agencies, and other engineering and
science professionals.

Program Educational Objectives :

1. To give the fundamental knowledge of mathematics and its application in various science
and engineering problems.
2. To provide the opportunity to specialize in various areas and career aspirations related to
mathematics and beyond.
3. To give rigorous training in practical problem solving and laboratory skills.
4. To provide an exhaustive education that includes communication skills, ability to function
well on a team and ability to engage in academic achievements.

Program Outcome :
(a) Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics in various science and engineering problems.
(b) Ability to analyze and interpret data.
(c) Ability to design models for various mathematical problems.
(d) Ability to function in a multi-disciplinary team.
(e) Ability to communicate effectively.
(f) Recognition of the need and an ability to engage in life-long learning
(g) Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern mathematical tools necessary for practical
(h) Knowledge of different mathematical software and systems for various problems
(i) Knowledge of fundamental mathematical structures.


Sl. No. Subject Subject L-T-P Credit

1 MA 2103 Introduction to Real Analysis 2-1-0 3
2 MA 2305 Introduction to Numerical Analysis 3-1-0 4
3 PH 2003 Electricity and Magnetism 3-0-0 3
4 CY 2301 Physical Chemistry )Equilibrium and 3-0-0 3
Changes (
5 HS1337 Introduction to Society and Culture 3-0-0 3
6 EE 2700 Electrical Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
EC 2700 Electronics Engineering Laboratory
7 HS 1270 Language lab 0-0-2 1
8 PH 2071 Electricity and Magnetism Lab 1-0-2 2
Total 21


Sl. No. Subject Subject L-T-P Credit

1 MA 2104 Introduction to Complex Analysis 3-1-0 4
2 MA 2106 Introduction to Number Theory 2-1-0 3
3 PH 2004 Introduction to Classical Mechanics 3-0-0 3
4 CY 2102 Organic Chemistry )Structure and 3-0-0 3
5 HS 1318 Literary Foundations: Approaches and 2-0-0 2
6 PH 3071 General Properties of Matters and Thermal 0-0-3 2
Physics Lab
7 EE 2700 Electrical Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
EC 2700 Electronics Engineering Laboratory
Total 20


Sl. No. Subject Subject L-T-P Credit

1 MA 3101 Introduction to Algebra 2-1-0 3
2 MA 3203 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 3-1-0 4
3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 CY 3201 Chemistry of Elements 3-0-0 3
5 SM 1605 Business Enviroment 3-0-0 3
6 CY 3701 Basic Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory 0-0-3 2
Total 18


Sl. No. Subject Code Subject L-T-P Credit

1 MA 3202 Linear Programming 3-0-0 3

2 MA 3304 Mathematical Methods 3-1-0 4
3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 MA 3106 Elective 2-1-0 3
5 MA 3370 Computing Laboratory 1-0-2 2
6 CY 3704 Quantitative analysis of inorganic 1-0-2 2
Total 17

Sl. No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credits
1 MA 4101 Advanced Real Analysis 3-0-0 3
2 MA 4103 Advanced Complex Analysis 3-0-0 3
3 MA 4305 Advanced Numerical Analysis 3-0-0 3
4 MA 4107 Linear Algebra 3-0-0 3
5 MA 4371 Programming Practice Laboratory 1-0-2 2
6 MA 4373 Numerical Methods Lab 1-0-2 2


Sl. No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credits

1 MA 4102 Measure Theory 3-0-0 3
2 MA 4104 Advanced Algebra 3-0-0 3
3 MA 4106 Topology 3-0-0 3
4 MA 4208 Stochastic Process 3-0-0 3
5 MA 4272 Statistics Laboratory 1-0-2 2
6 MA 4092 Research Project – I 0-0-0 2


Sl. No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credits

1 MA 5101 Functional Analysis 3-0-0 3
2 MA 5303 Partial Differential Equations 3-0-0 3
3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 Elective 3-0-0 3
5 MA 5091 Research Project – II 0-0-0 6
6 MA 5093 Seminar and Technical Writing – I 0-0-0 0
7 MA 5095 Short term Industrial / Research Experience 1-0-0 0


Sl. No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credits

1 Elective 3-0-0 3
2 Elective 3-0-0 3
3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 MA 5092 Research Project – III 0-0-0 6
5 MA 5094 Seminar and Technical Writing – II 0-0-0 0
6 MA 5096 Comprehensive Viva Voce 0-0-0 2


Sl. Course Subject L-T-P Credit

No. Code
1 MA 2305 Introduction to Numerical Analysis 3-1-0 4
2 MA 2104 Introduction to Complex Analysis 3-1-0 4
3 MA 2106 Number Theory 3-0-0 3
4 MA 3303 Mathematical Methods 3-1-0 4
5 MA 3204 Introduction to Probability and 3-1-0 4
6 MA3206 Discrete Mathematics 3-0-0 3
7 CS 2003 Data Structure and Algorithm 3-0-0 3
8 CS 2006 Design and Analysis of Algorithm 3-0-0 3
9 Theory of Computation 3-0-0 3
10 PH 4005 Quantum Mechanics – I 3-1-0 4

11 PH 4004 Statistical Mechanics 3-1-0 4

12 PH 4006 Quantum Mechanics - II 3-1-0 4

Total 40


Sub. Subject L-T-P Credits

MA 5110 Fourier Analysis 3-0-0 3
MA 5111 Differential Geometry 3-0-0 3
MA 5112 Differential Topology 3-0-0 3
MA 5113 Commutative Algebra 3-0-0 3
MA 5114 Homotopy Theory 3-0-0 3
MA 5115 Rings and Modules 3-0-0 3
MA 5117 Representation Theory 3-0-0 3
MA 5116 Operator Theory 3-0-0 3
MA 5118 Lie Algebra 3-0-0 3
MA 5119 Differential Manifolds 3-0-0 3
MA 5120 Combinatorics 3-0-0 3
MA 5121 Distribution Theory 3-0-0 3
MA 5222 Operations Research 3-0-0 3
MA 5326 Fuzzy Logic and Set Theory 3-0-0 3
MA 5327 Fractals 3-0-0 3
MA 5128 Graph Theory 3-0-0 3
MA 5129 Convex analysis and Variational Analysis 3-0-0 3
MA 5331 Foundations of Mathematical Finance 3-0-0 3
MA 5332 Fluid Dynamics 3-0-0 3
MA 5333 Finite Difference Methods 3-0-0 3
MA 5338 Advanced Mathematical Methods 3-0-0 3
MA 5140 Geometry of Normed Linear Spaces 3-0-0 3
MA 5142 Tensor Analysis 3-0-0 3
MA 5144 Category Theory 3-0-0 3
MA 5148 Wavelet Analysis 3-0-0 3
MA 5250 Probability and Statistics 3-0-0 3
MA 5251 Discrete Mathematics 3-0-0 3
MA 5252 Statistical Inference 3-0-0 3
Sampling Techniques 3-0-0 3
MA Statistical Decision Theory 3-0-0 3
MA 5360 Finite Element Methods 3-0-0 3
MA 5158 Advanced Number Theory 3-0-0 3
MA 5261 Regression and models 3-0-0 3
MA 5262 Optimization 3-0-0 3
MA 5263 Combinatorial Optimization 3-0-0 3
MA 5264 Network Flows 3-0-0 3


Curriculum of Integrated M.Sc. )Physics & Astronomy) (PH)

Vision :
The department's goal is to establish itself as one of the most sought-after destination for
highly motivated and curious young minds ready to undertake the fascinating journey of
discovering the fundamental laws of nature.
Mission :
Our mission is to strike the perfect balance between providing quality education and
carrying out research of highest possible standards in the fields of Physics and
Program Educational Objectives :
I. Keeping an eye on the ongoing research in the department as well in the world, one of
our primary objective is to nurture and build young scientific minds by providing them a
strong theoretical background and practical understanding of physical laws.

II. To build human resource with analytical minds and problem solving skills based on
scientific thinking.


Sl.No Subject Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 PH 2001 Waves and Oscillations 3-0-0 3
2 PH 2003 Electricity and Magnetism 3-0-0 3
3 MA 2305 Introduction to Numerical Analysis 3-0-0 3
4 CY Course II 3-0-0 3
5 MA1003 MA III 3-1-0 4
6 Chemistry Laboratory 0-0-3 2
7 PH 2071 Electricity and Magnetism Laboratory 0-0-2 1
8 EC 2700 Electronics Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
EE 2700 Electrical Engineering Laboratory
Total 21


Sl.No Subject Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 PH 2002 Optics 3-0-0 3
2 PH 2004 Introduction to Classical Mechanics 3-0-0 3
3 PH2006 Analog & Digital Electronics 3-0-0 3
4 MA 2101 Complex Analysis 3-0-0 3
5 CY Course III 3-0-0 3
6 HS 1270 Language Lab 0-0-2 1
7 PH 2072 Waves and Optics Laboratory 0-0-3 2
8 EC 2700 Electronics Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
EE 2700 Electrical Engineering Laboratory
Total 20


Sl.No Subject Code Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 PH 3001 Thermal Physics 3-0-0 3
2 PH 4001 Mathematical Methods in Physics 3-1-0 4
3 PH 4003 Classical Mechanics 3-1-0 4
4 PH 4005 Quantum Mechanics – I 3-1-0 4
5 MA 3304 Fourier Series and Partial Differential 3-0-0 3
6 PH 3071 General Properties of Matter & Thermal 3-0-0 2
Physics Lab.
Total 20


Sl.No Subject Code Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 PH 3002 Introduction to Condensed Matter 3-0-0 3
2 PH 4002 Electrodynamics 3-1-0 4
3 PH 4004 Statistical Mechanics 3-1-0 4
4 PH 4006 Quantum Mechanics - II 3-1-0 4
5 PH 4072 Condensed Matter Physics Lab. 0-0-3 2
6 PH 4074 Computational Physics Lab. 1-0-3 3
Total 20


Sl.No Subject Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 PH 5001 Nuclear and Particle Physics 3-1-0 4
2 PH 5003 Condensed Matter Physics 3-1-0 4
3 PH 5005 Atomic and Molecular Physics 3-1-0 4
4 Vacuum Science and Applications/Elective 3-0-0 3
5 PH 5071 Computational Astrophysics Lab. 1-0-3 3
6 PH 4071 Modern Physics Lab. 0-0-3 2
7 PH 5091 Short term Industrial research experience 0-0-0 0

Total 20


Sl.No Subject Code Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 Material Characterizations/PE 3-0-0 3
2 Elective 3-0-0 3
3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 SM 1605 Business Enviroment 3-0-0 3
5 PH 5072 Electronic Instrumentation Lab. 0-0-3 2
6 PH 5074 Thin Films & Low Temp. Physics Lab. 0-0-3 2
Total 16


Sl.No Subject Code Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 HS1337 Introduction to Society and Culture 3-0-0 3
2 Thin Film Technology/Elective 3-0-0 3
3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 PH 5093 Research Project-I 0-0-0 6
5 PH 5095 Seminar Technical Writing-I 0-0-0 0
Total 15


Sl.No Subject Code Subjects L-T-P Credits

1 HS 1318 Literary Foundations: Approaches and 2-0-0 2
2 Elective 3-0-0 3
3 Elective 3-0-0 3
4 PH 5094 Research Project-II/Elective 0-0-0/ 6
5 PH 5082 Comprehensive Viva Voce 0-0-0 2
6 PH 5096 Seminar and Technical Writing – II 0-0-0 0
Total 16


Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits
1. PH6001 Problems in Classical Physics 3-0-0 3
2. PH6002 Problems in Quantum Physics 3-0-0 3
3. PH6003 Problems in Statistical Physics 3-0-0 3
4. PH6004 Problems in Mathematical Physics 3-0-0 3
5. PH6005 Experimental Techniques in Physics 3-0-0 3
6. PH6006 Problems in Electrodynamics 3-0-0 3
7. PH6007 Problems in Condensed Matter Physics 3-0-0 3
8. PH6111 Advanced Quantum Mechanics 3-0-0 3
9. PH6112 Advanced Statistical Mechanics 3-0-0 3
10. PH6113 Advanced Condensed Matter Physics 3-0-0 3
11. PH6114 Non – linear dynamics, Chaos and its recent 3-0-0 3
12. PH6115 Synchronization applications
and its recent applications in 3-0-0 3
13. PH6116 Chaotic
Optics 3-0-0 3
14. PH6117 Introduction to Astrophysics 3-0-0 3
15. PH6118 Special Topics in Theoretical Physics I 3-0-0 3
16. PH6119 Special Topics in Theoretical Physics II 3-0-0 3
17. PH6120 Particle Physics 3-0-0 3
18. PH6121 Quantum Field Theory 3-0-0 3
19. PH6122 Computational Condensed Matter Physics 3-0-0 3
20. PH6128 Special Topics in Theoretical Physics III 3-0-0 3
21. PH6129 Special Topics in Theoretical Physics IV 3-0-0 3
22. PH6231 X-rays and Nano Science 3-0-0 3
23. PH6232 Physics of Macromolecules 3-0-0 3
24. PH6233 Advanced X-rays structure Analysis 3-0-0 3
25. PH6234 LASER Physics 3-0-0 3
26. PH6235 Fundamentals of Soft Matter 3-0-0 3
27. PH6238 Special Topics in Polymer Physics I 3-0-0 3
28. PH6239 Special Topics in Polymer Physics II 3-0-0 3
29. PH6341 Dielectric & Magnetic Properties of Materials 3-0-0 3
30. PH6342 Physics & Applications of Dielectric Materials 3-0-0 3
31. PH6343 Mesoscopic Physics 3-0-0 3
32. PH6344 Physics of Ferroelectric and Multiferroic Materials 3-0-0 3
33. PH6345 Physics of Quantum Electronic Devices 3-0-0 3
34. PH6346 Physics of Semiconductors : From Bulk to 3-0-0 3
35. PH6347 Physics Quantum Dots
of Thin film Technology 3-0-0 3
36. PH6348 Special Topics in Functional Materials I 3-0-0 3
37. PH6349 Special Topics in Functional Materials II 3-0-0 3
38. PH6350 Physics of Material Synthesis and 3-0-0 3
39. PH6351 Characterization
Crystal Symmetry & Crystal Physics 3-0-0 3
40. PH6352 Semiconductor Devices Technology 3-0-0 3
41. PH6358 Special Topics in Functional Materials III 3-0-0 3
42. PH6359 Special Topics in Functional Materials IV 3-0-0 3
43. PH6461 Physics of Microelectronic and Photonic 3-0-0 3
44. PH6462 Super Fluidity Devices
and Superconductivity 3-0-0 3
45. PH6463 Physical Phenomena at Low Temperature 3-0-0 3
46. PH6464 Magnetism – Principles & Applications 3-0-0 3
47. PH6465 Physics of Phase Transitions 3-0-0 3
48. PH6466 Low Temperature Properties of Matter 3-0-0 3
49. PH6467 Magnetism and applied Magnetics 3-0-0 3
50. PH6468 Special Topics in Low Temperature Physics I 3-0-0 3
51. PH6469 Special Topics in Low Temperature Physics II 3-0-0 3


Sl.No Sub.Code Subjects L-T-P Credits
1 PH 2003 Electricity and Magnetism 3-0-0 3
2 PH 2004 Introduction to Classical Mechanics 3-0-0 3
3 PH 3001 Thermal Physics 3-0-0 3
4 PH3002 Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics 3-0-0 3
5 PH 4005 Quantum Mechanics – I 3-1-0 4
6 PH 4004 Statistical Mechanics 3-1-0 4
7 PH 4071 Modern Physics Lab. 0-0-3 2
8 PH 4072 Condensed Matter Physics Lab. 0-0-3 2



B Tech/ Dual Degree


Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM2001 Medical Science- I 3 S. S. Ray

Living cell: Definition, structure and function, prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic cells, sub cellular
organelles, function of cell organelles, structure and function of cell membrane, transport of
substances across cell membrane, cell to cell junctions and communications; Cellular
Metabolism: Carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism, amino acids and protein metabolism,
introduction to nucleic acid chemistry; Redox potential, Oxidative phosphorylation; Electrolytes:
Acid base balance and biochemical measurement of acids –base and electrolyte status of the
patients. Classification and identification of bacteria, microbial nutrition, microbial growth,
sterilization and disinfection chemotherapeutic agents, genes: structure, replication, and
mutation, expression and regulation, microbial recombination and plasmids, recombinant DNA
technology, microbial genomics, the viruses: introduction and general characteristics,
bacteriophages, viruses of eukaryotes, the fungi , the algae, the protozoa, microorganism
interactions and microbial ecology, microorganisms in aquatic environments and terrestrial
environments, pathogenicity of microorganisms, antimicrobial chemotherapy, clinical
microbiology, the epidemiology of infectious disease, human diseases caused by
microorganisms, industrial application of microorganisms.

Essential Reading:
1. Victor W. Rodwell, David A. Bender, Kathleen M. Botham, Peter J. Kennelly and P.
Anthony Weil, Harpers Illustrated Biochemistry, McGraw-Hill Education, 30th edition,
2. Ananthanarayan, Paniker, Arti Kapil, Textbook of Microbiology, Universities Press, 9th
Edition, 2013.

Supplementary Reading:
1. David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox ,Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry,W. H.
Freeman; 7th edition, 2017
2. Black J G, Microbiology:Principles and Explorations,John Wiley & Sons Inc, 9th edition,

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM2003 Medical Science- II 3 S. S. Ray

Definition of human anatomy and physiology, anatomical terms and planes; Skeletal system:
Classification of bones, joints and muscles, major muscles of limbs and their actions.
Functional concept of the human body, bone and muscle physiology; Cardio Vascular System:
Structure & function of Heart & blood vessels, Special functional tissue of heart, E. C. G.,
Cardiac cycle, Blood – composition, function, blood group, blood clotting, blood
pressureregulation & controlling factors; Respiratory system: Upper and lower respiratory tract,
Structure and Function of respiratory membrane, Pulmonary circulation, Mechanics of
breathing, Transport and control of gases, Lungs volume and capacities, Regulation of
respiration, Pulmonary function tests; Nervous system & special senses: Brain and spinal cord,
peripheral autonomic nervous system, nerve physiology, EEG, MEG & ECG; Eye & ear;
Endocrine Glands: types, location, description and functions; Digestive system: Parts of
digestive system, gastro intestinal tract and associated glands; Urinary system: Parts and
function of urinary system; Male and female reproductive system and Lymphatic system:
Spleen, glands and lymph nodes.

Essential Reading:
1. David Shier, Jackie Butler, Ricki Lewis, Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology, Mc Graw
Hill India, 13th Edition,2016

2. Kim E. Barrett, Susan M. Barman , Scott Boitano, Heddwen Brooks , Ganong's Review
of Medical Physiology,McGraw-Hill Education, 25th edition, 2015

Supplementary Reading:
1. K. Saladin, Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function, McGraw-Hill
College,7th edition,2014

2. R. Drake, A. W. Vogl, Adam W. M. Mitchell, and R. Tibbitts, Gray’s Atlas of Anatomy,

Churchill Livingston, 2nd edition, 2014.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM2005 Biochemistry 3 S. S. Ray

Water & PH, Amino Acids and Peptides, Proteins: Determination of Primary Structure and
Higher Orders of Structure, Enzymes: Mechanisms of Action, Enzymes Kinetics and Regulation
of Activities, Bioenergetics: The Role of ATP and Biologic Oxidation , The Respiratory Chain &
Oxidative Phosphorylation , Carbohydrates of Physiologic Significance , lipids of Physiologic
Significance , Overview of Metabolism, The Citric acid Cycle: The Catabolism of Acetyl-CoA ,
Glycolysis and Oxidation of Pyruvate , Metabolism of Glycogen, Gluconeogenesis and Control
of the Blood Glucose , The Pentose Phosphate Pathway & other Pathways of Hexose
Metabolism, Biosynthesis of Fatty Acids, Oxidation of Fatty Acids: Ketogenesis, Metabolism of
Unsaturated Fatty Acids & Eicosanoids, Metabolism of Acyglycerols and Sphingolipids, Lipid
Transport And Storage, Cholesterol Synthesis, Transport and Excretion, Biosynthesis of
Nutritionally Nonessential Amino Acids, Catabolism of Proteins & of Amino Acid Nitrogen,
Catabolism of the Carbon Skeletons of Amino Acids, Conversion of Amino Acids, Porphyrins &
Bile Pigments, Nucleotides, Metabolism of Purine & Pyrimidine Nucleotides, Nucleic Acid
Structure and Function, DNA Organization, Replication and Repair, RNA Synthesis, Processing
and Modifications, Protein Synthesis and Genetic Code, Regulation of Gene Expression,
Molecular Genetics, Recombinant DNE and Genomic Technology, Membranes: Structure and
Function, The Diversity of Endocrine System, Hormone Action and Signal Transduction,
Nutrition, Digestion and Absorption, Vitamins and Minerals, Intracellular Traffic and Sorting of
Proteins, Glycoprotein, The Extracellular Matrix, Muscle and the Cytoskeleton, Plasma Proteins
and Immunoglobulins, Homeostasis and Thrombosis, The Red and White Blood Cells,
Metabolism of Xenobiotics

Essential Reading:
1. Victor W. Rodwell, David A. Bender, Kathleen M. Botham, Peter J. Kennelly, P. Anthony
Weil, Harpers Illustrated Biochemistry, McGraw-Hill Education, 30th edition, 2015
2. Pamela C Champe, Richard A Harvey, Denise R Ferrier, Lippincott’s Illustrated
Reviews: Biochemistry: Lippincott Williams &Wilkins, 6 th edition, 2013.

Supplementary Reading:
1. David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox , Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry,W. H.
Freeman; 7 edition, 2017
2. Aparna B Verma, Shruti Mohanty, Practical Clinical Biochemistry,Jaypee Brothers
Medical Publishers, 1st edition,2013

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM2007 Microbiology 3 S. S. Ray

The study of microbial structure, prokaryotic cell structure and function, microbial nutrition,
microbial growth, morphology of bacteria, nutritional requirements of bacteria, media for
bacterial growth, classification and identification of bacteria, sterilization and disinfection ,
chemotherapeutic agents, genes: structure, replication, and mutation, expression and
regulation, microbial recombination and plasmids, recombinant dna technology, microbial
genomics, the viruses: introduction and general characteristics, bacteriophages, viruses of
eukaryotes, microbial taxonomy, the archaea, bacteria: the deinococci and nonproteobacteria
gram negatives, the proteobacteria, the low g + c gram positives, the high g + c gram positives,
the fungi (eumycota), slime molds, and water molds, the algae, the protozoa, microorganism
interactions and microbial ecology, microorganisms in aquatic environments and terrestrial
environments, normal microbiota and nonspecific host resistance, pathogenicity of
microorganisms, antimicrobial chemotherapy, clinical microbiology, the epidemiology of
infectious disease, human diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa,
microbiology of food,industrial microbiology and biotechnology.

Essential Reading:
1. Ananthanarayan, Paniker, ArtiKapil, Textbook of Microbiology,Universities Press, 9th
2. Satish Gupte, The Short textbook of Medical Microbiology Including
Parasitology,Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, 10 th edition, 2010

Supplementary Reading:
1. Black J G, Microbiology:Principles and Explorations,John Wiley & Sons Inc, 9th edition,
2. Richard Goering, Hazel Dockrell, Mark Zuckerman, Ivan Roitt, and Peter L. Chiodini,
Mims' Medical Microbiology, Elsevier Health Sciences, 5th Edition, 2012

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM2009 Biostatistics 3 M. K. Gupta
Need of biostatistics. Descriptive statistics: Population and samples; descriptive methods for
categorical data; descriptive methods for continuous data; probability and probability
distributions; types of data; frequency distribution; measures of central tendency; measures of
variability; kurtosis and skewness; Z score. Inferential statistics: parameters; estimating and
comparing the mean of population. Hypothesis testing: basic concepts and steps; testing
normal distribution - Kolmogorov-Smimov test; testing homogeneity of variance - Levene's test;
Z-tests; dependent t-test, independent t-test, t-test as GLM, F-test, Chi-square test; Type I and
type II errors; ANOVA, ANCOVA, factorial ANOVA, repeated-measures designs, mixed design
ANOVA, post hoc procedures. Non-parametric and distribution-free tests - Mann-Whitney test;
Wilcoxon signed-rank test, Wilcoxon signed rank sum test, Kruskal-Wallis test, Friedman's
ANOVA. Correlation techniques: bivariate correlation - Pearson's correlation coefficient,
Spearman's correlation coefficient; Partial correlation; regression - method of least squares,
assessing goodness of fit; multiple regression. Experimental design and clinical trials.

Essential Reading:
1. Le CT. 2003. Introductory Biostatistics. Wiley-Interscience, USA. ISBN: 0-471-41816-1.

2. Glaser AN. 2001. High Yield Biostatistics. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, USA. ISBN:

Supplementary Readings:
1. Geller NL. 2004. Advances in clinical trial biostatistics. Marcel Dekker Inc, USA. ISBN:

2. Field A. 2009. Discovering statistics using SPSS. SAGE, USA. ISBN: 978-1-84787-936-

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM2011 Analytical Techniques 3 A. Sarkar

Basic Techniques, Microscopy- Dark-field, Phase contrast, Fluorescence, Confocal,

Polarization microscopy; Electron microscopy: TEM & SEM, Radioisotope techniques- Basic
concepts, GM and scintillation counter, autoradiography, RIA, Applications in biological
science, Chromatographic methods- General principles, Ion exchange, Gel filtration, Affinity
and Gas chromatography techniques, HPLC, Electrophoresis- General principles, Horizontal &
Vertical Gel electrophoresis, Isoelectric focusing, 2D, Pulse field and immune-electrophoresis,
Centrifugation techniques- Basic principles, Different types of centrifuges, Analytical and
Preparative Ultracentrifugation methods, Spectroscopic Techniques- Electromagnetic
radiations; UV-Visible, fluorescence, CD, NMR, X-ray, Atomic absorption and Flame emission
spectroscopic techniques, Mass spectrometry, Polymerase Chain Reaction, DNA sequencing,
ELISA, Micro array, In-situ Hybridization

Essential readings:
1. K. Wilson, and J. Walker, Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology, Cambridge University Press; 7 th edition, 2010.

Supplementary Reading:
1. I. D. Campbell, and R.A. Dwek, Biological Spectroscopy (Biophysical techniques
series), Benjamin-Cummings Pub Co, 1 edition, 1984.
2. J. A. Glasel, and M. P. Deutscher, Introduction to Biophysical Methods for Protein and
Nucleic acid Research, Academic Press, 1995.

Sub. Code Subject Credit Course Caretaker

BM2101 Cell And Molecular Biology 3 B. P. Nayak

Introduction: Eukaryotic vs. Prokaryotic cell, Components of Eukaryotic Cell (cell membranes,
subcellular organelles, cytoskeleton); Cell Junctions: Types and structure of junctions
(Desmosomes, Hemi-desmosomes, Adherens junctions, Tight junctions, Gap junction); Cell
Adhesion Molecules: classification (NCAM, Cadherin, Integrins etc.), function; Cell surface
Receptors: Ion linked Receptors, Enzyme Linked Receptors, Cytokine Receptor superfamily,
GPCR; Signal Transduction via Surface Receptors: Emphasis on GPCR pathways, cAMP
Signaling from Receptor to Function; Dual Signaling Pathway: Inositol phosphates and
protein kinase C, calcium & calmodulin; Cross-Talk, signal amplification & cascade
mechanisms; Microtubules & Motor Proteins; microfilaments, myosins, and microbes;
Chemotaxis: chemokines, chemokine receptors& the Inflammatory response; Receptor-
Mediated Endocytosis; Vesicle Trafficking: COPs, SNARES; Cell Cycle: stages, regulation of
cell cycle specific genes, cellular aspects of cancer, cellular, oncogenes and gene therapy.

Essential Reading:
1. Gerald Karp: Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments; 5thedition (Wiley,

Supplementary Reading:
1. G. Nindl Waite, Lee R. Waite; Applied Cell and Molecular Biology for Engineers; 1 st
edition (McGraw-Hill Professional, 2007).

2. B. Alberts, A. Johnson, J. Lewis, M. Raff, K. Roberts, P. Walter; Molecular Biology of

the Cell; 5thedition (Garland Science).

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM2300 Bioprocess Engineering-I 3 S. Paul

Basic concepts of process calculations, Fundamentals of material and energy balance for
processes with/without chemical reaction. Simultaneous mass and energy balance in flow and
without flow conditions. Microbial growth, batch, fed-batch and continuous growth, Nutritional
requirements for growth and product formation. Medium design and optimization. Types of
sterilization, thermal death kinetics of microorganism. Heat sterilization of liquid medium in
batch and continuous mode. Air sterilization. Different types of bioreactors, configuration of
Bioreactors and their main components. Modes of bioreactor operation. Fermentaion
definition, inoculum development. Various types of Fermentation, submerged fermentation,
aerobic and anaerobic fermentation. Overview of biosynthetic mechanisms. Metabolic

Essential Reading:
1. M. L. Shuler and F. Kargi, Bioprocess Engineering: Basic Concepts, Prentice Hall of
India, 2001.

2. J E Bailey and D F Ollis; Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals, Mc Graw & Hills

Publication, 1986.

Supplementary Reading:
1. P.M. Doran, Bioprocess Engineering Principles, Academic Press, 2012.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM2401 Environmental And Safety Engineering 3 A. Sarkar

Environmental Engineering:
Introduction to Environmental engineering Nature and scope of environment problems;

Environmental hazards:
Physical hazards: Noise, compensation aspects, noise exposure regulation, properties of
sound, occupational damage, risk factors, sound measuring instruments, octave band analyzer,
noise networks, noise surveys, noise control program, industrial audiometry, instruments,
surveying procedure, permissible exposure limit, radar hazards, microwaves and radio-waves,
lasers, thermal comfort, heat stress indices, acclimatization, estimation and control
Chemical hazards: Recognition of chemical hazards, Industrial hazards-oxic substances, dust,
fumes, mist, vapour, fog, gases, types, concentration, Exposure vs. dose, TLV - Methods of
Evaluation, process or operation description, Field Survey, Sampling methodology, Industrial
Hygiene calculations, Comparison with OSHAS Standard.
Biological and ergonomical hazards: Classification of Bio hazardous agents –bacterial
agents, rickettsial and chlamydial agents, viral agents, fungal, parasitic agents, infectious
diseases - Biohazard control program for solid, liquid wastes, employee health program-
laboratory safety program-animal care and handling-biological safety cabinets.
Environment Management and Sustainability Tools for sustainable management including ISO
certification, environment audit, EIA and LCA; National and International policies, regulations
and institutions.

Safety Engineering: Introduction: Background, Benefits of safety in Industry, Safety Terms

and Definitions. Safety Mathematics and Reliability Basics: Basic Statistics, Set Algebra,
Probability, Reliability. Workplace Accidents and Safety: Accident Causation Theories Risk
Assessment, Risk Management. Safety Analysis Methods: FMEA, FTA, Markov Method,
HAZOP, JHA, Control Charts. Safety Cost Performance Measurement Indices.

Essential Reading:
1. L. M. Davis, and A. C. David,Introduction to Environmental Engineering,McGraw Hill
Education, 5th edition, 2014.

2. B. S. Dillon, Engineering Safety: Fundamentals, Techniques, Applications (Series on

Industrial and Systems Engineering), World Scientific Publishing Company, 2003.

Supplementary Reading:
1. K. Gerard, Environmental Engineering, McGraw Hill Int. 2004

2. P. Lougi, Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety, Vol. I&II, International

Labour Office, 3rd edition, 1989.

3. S. Mark Sanders, and E. J. McCormick, Human Factors in Engineering and Design,

McGraw-Hill Education, 7th edition, 1993.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM2500 Biomechanics 3 A. Thirugnanam

Introduction – Force vectors, Coplanar, collinear and concurrent forces, moment and torque,
Statics: Analysis of systems in equilibrium, Applications of statistics to Biomechanics,
Mechanics of elbow, shoulder, spinal column, hip, knee, ankle.

Introduction to deformable body mechanics, stress and strain, plastic deformation, multiaxial
deformations and stress analysis, mechanical properties of biological tissues, various testing
methods, empirical model of visco-elasticity, biomechanics of bone, tendons, ligaments,
muscles and cartilages.

Introduction to dynamics, linear kinematics and kinetics, angular kinematics and kinetics, work-
energy methods, conservation of energy principle, Application to athletics, impulse and
momentum. Computational biomechanics, continuum mechanics.

Gait analysis, measurement of gait parameters, techniques for recording and measuring
movements and forces - force platforms and motion analysis system, Applications of these
equipments in biomechanics, performance improvement and injury prevention.

Essential Reading:
1. NihatOzkaya and Margareta Nordin, Fundamentals of biomechanics: Equilibrium,
Motion and deformation, 2nd Edi. Springer 1999.
2. Y.C Fung, Biomechanics – Mechanical Properties of Living Tissues, Springer, 1993.

Supplementary Reading:
1. Roger Bartlett, Introduction to Sports Biomechanics: Analysing Human Movement
Patterns,Taylor and Francis, 2007.
2. D. Dowson and V. Wright, An introduction to Biomechanics of joints and joint
replacements, Mechanical Engineering Publications, 1980.
Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker
BM2502 Thermodynamics And Biochemical 3 A. Thirugnanam

Introduction, Energy Transformation, system and surroundings, Internal energy, Work, heat
capacity, First law of thermodynamics, energy conservation in the living organisms. The second
law of thermodynamics, entropy, isothermal systems, Protein denaturation, The third law and
biology, Irreversibility and life.

Gibbs free energy – reversible processes, phase transitions, chemical potential, effect of
solutes on boiling points and freezing points, ionic solutions, equilibrium constant, chemical
coupling, redox reactions. Applications of Gibbs free energy (photosynthesis, substrate
cycling, osmosis, dialysis, membrane transport, enzyme substrate interaction, protein solubility,
stability and dynamics, ELISA, non equilibrium thermodynamics etc). Statistical
thermodynamics, binding equilibria.

Reaction kinetics – Introduction, Rate of reaction, rate constant and order of reaction, First and
second order reaction, temperature effects, collision theory, transition state theory, electron
transfer kinetics, enzyme kinetics, inhibition, reaction mechanism of lysozyme, hydrogen
exchange, protein folding and pathological misfolding, polymerization, muscle contraction and
molecular motors. The frontier of biological thermodynamics.

Essential Reading:
1. Donald T Haynie, Biological Thermodynamics, 2 nd Edi, Cambridge University Press,
2. D. J. Haynie, Biological thermodynamics, Cambridge, 2008.

Supplementary Reading:
1. P.K Nag, Engineering Thermodynamics, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2005.
2. M. L Shular and F. Kargi, Bioprocess Engineering- Basic concepts, 3rd Edi. Prentice
Hall, 2017.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM2504 Transport Processes In Biological System 3 A. Thirugnanam

Introduction, revision of the basic principles of fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer,
Physiological properties of biological fluids and tissues; Non-Newtonian fluid flow.
Fluid flow in the circulation, Fluid flow in tissues, Mass transport in biological systems,
Membrane transport processes in biological systems, Heat transfer in biological systems,
Numerical modelling of blood flow and mass transport in the circulation (including
demonstration of solving flow problems using computational fluid dynamics), Numerical
modelling of drug delivery to solid tumour.

Essential Reading:
1. A.T Jonhson, Biological Process Engineering, John Wiley, New York, 1999.

Supplementary Reading:
1. C. G. Geankoplis, Transport Processes and Unit Operations, Allyn and Bacon,
Boston, 1983.

2. Frank P. Incropera and David P. DeWitt, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer:
John Wiley & Sons; 5th edition 2006.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM2700 Biomechanics Lab 1 A. Thirugnanam

Determining the muscle fatigue limit during isotonic and isometric muscle contractions,
Determination of moment force at various angles of bicep muscle and to calculate its
mechanical advantage, Determination of maximum load of bicep muscle at various joint
angles,Gait analysis of normal walking using force platform and 3-D motion capture system,
Kinematic study of arm flexion, Verification of Bernoulli’s theorem, determination of coefficient
of discharge for different flow rates through orificemeter and venturimeter, Study of flow
characteristics using Reynold’s apparatus

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM2701 Medical Science Lab 2 S. S. Ray

Identification of various organs and skeletal parts from charts and models, Preparation of slices
from tissue, fixation and examination under microscope, Preparation of blood film, staining and
examination under microscope, TLC, DLC estimation of blood, Recording the ECG, EEG and
EMG signal, Recording respiratory parameters through spirometry, Examination of eye with
direct ophthalmoscope, Training on Human patient simulator, Morphometric of human femur,
skull and pelvis from CT Scan Images, Blood grouping and Widal tests.

Sub. Code Subject Credit Course Caretaker

BM2702 Cell And Molecular Biology Lab 1 BP Nayak

Welcome to laboratory, introduction to laboratory equipment and learning safety and aseptic
measures while working on wet bench/clean room; Basic principle of microscopy: hands on
experience with light and inverted fluorescence microscope, working with magnification,
resolution and visibility, aberrations, control of illumination in the microscope; Cell count,
differential count and cell viability assay: use of Neubauerchamber, smear preparation and
staining; Labeling techniques in fluorescence microscopy (labeling with antibodies, labeling
with toxins and other specific molecules, labeling with substrate and ligand); Isolation and
purification of DNA using CTAB method; Gel electrophoresis for DNA; Isolation and purification
of total RNA by adsorption and elution method; Amplification of DNA by polymerase chain
reaction; DNA amplification and real time estimation using real time PCR device by SYBR
green method; Western blotting.

Sub. Code Subject Credit Course Caretaker

BM2703 Biochemistry and Microbiology Lab 1 B. P. Nayak

Biochemistry: Measurement of pH of biological liquids with pH-meter (ion meter); Quantitative

determination of iron ions in solution by a photoelectrocolorimetric method; Quantitative
determination of serum protein by Bradford method using UV spectrophotometer; Quantitative
determination of blood glucose by glucose oxidase method using semi-automated biochemical
analyzer; Quantitative determination of urea in 24hr urine using semi-automated biochemical
analyzer and comparison with dipstick method.

Microbiology: Preparation of general purpose microbiological growth media using TSA/TSB

(tryptic soy agar/broth); Introduction to microscopy: to learn the principle and use of compound
light microscope; Bacterial culture: to culturing bacteria by streak culture using aseptic
technique; Simple staining: to stain bacteria under using safranin and crystal violet and
visualize under light microscope; Gram staining: to learn gram staining protocol for classifying
the Gm+ve and Gm-ve bacteria.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM2704 Transport Processes In Biological System A. Thirugnanam
Lab 1

Thermal conductivity of liquids; Heat transfer through a stacked layer.; Parallel flow and counter
flow heat exchanger. Effective insulation. Determination of Stefan Boltzmann constant.
Unsteady heat transfer. Dropwise and Filmwise Condensation Apparatus. Mass transfer with or
without chemical reaction; Study of spray characteristics using a Cryospray equipment.
Determination of diffusion constants.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3000 Medical Diagnostics Techniques 3 S. S. Ray

Introduction to Clinical Laboratory Science, Safety in the Clinical Laboratory, Collection and
Processing Laboratory Specimens, Clinical Chemistry , Principles of biochemical tests,
complete blood count (CBC), comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP), electrolyte panel, liver
function tests (LFT), renal function tests (RFT), thyroid function test (TFT), urinalysis,
coagulation profile, lipid profile, blood type, semen analysis (for fertility and post-vasectomy
studies), serological studies and routine cultures, Use of the Microscope, Fixation,
Decalcification, Dehydration, Impregnation and Embedding Techniques, Biological Staining,
Staining Procedures, Sterilization, Serological tests, antigen-antibody test kits, PCR, RT-
PCR, Forensic tests, Cytological Techniques, ELISA and Chemiluminescence assays,
Immunofluorescence assay, Diagnostic tests in medicine, dermatology, obstetrics &
gynaecology, ophthalmology, ENT, orthopaedicsetc, Rapid diagnostic tests and kits,
Laboratory Measurements: Apparatus and Principles, Photometry, Laboratory Mathematics,
Quality Assurance in the Clinical Laboratory, Automation in the Clinical Laboratory.ECG,EEG,
EMG signal acquisition and interpretation, X-RAY, CT-Scan, MRI, USG imaging and image
analysis and interpretation.

Essential Reading:
1. Darshan P. Godkar and Praful B. Godkar, Textbook of Medical Laboratory Technology
Vol 1 & 2, Bhalani Publishing House; 3rd edition,2014
2. Kanai L Mukherjee and Swarajit Ghosh, Medical Laboratory Technology: Procedure
Manual for Routine Diagnostic Tests, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited,2 nd

Supplementary Reading:
1. Robert R. Harr, Medical Laboratory Science Review, F.A. Davis Company, 4th edition,
2. Mary Louise Turgeon, Linne & Ringsrud's Clinical Laboratory Science: Concepts,
Procedures, and Clinical Applications, Mosby, 7 th Edition, 2015

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3001 3 A. Sarkar
Analytical Instrumentation And Techniques

Introduction to spectrometry-Properties of electromagnetic radiation, wave properties,

components of optical instruments, Sources of radiation, wavelength selectors, sample
containers, radiation transducers, Signal process and read outs, signal to noise ratio, sources
of noise, Enhancement of signal to noise, types of optical instruments, Principle of Fourier
Transform optical Measurements.
Molecular spectroscopy-Molecular absorption spectrometry, Measurement of Transmittance
and Absorbance, Beer’s law, Instrumentation, Applications; Theory of fluorescence and
Phosphorescence, Instrumentation, Applications; Theory of Infrared absorption spectrometry,
IR instrumentation, Applications; Theory of Raman spectroscopy, Instrumentation, applications.
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy and mass spectrometry- Theory of NMR, environmental
effects on NMR spectra, chemical shift- NMR spectrometers, applicatons of 1H and 13C NMR,
Molecular mass spectra, ion sources, Mass spectrometer, Applications of molecular mass,
Electron paramagnetic resonance- g values, instrumentation.
Separation methods- General description of chromatography, Band broadening and
optimization of column performance, Liquid chromatography, Partition chromatography,
Adsorption chromatography, Ion exchange chromatography, size exclusion chromatography,
Affinity chromatography, principles of GC and applications, HPLC- Capillary electrophoresis,
Electro analysis and surface microscopy- Electrochemical cells, Electrode potential cell
potentials, potentiometry, reference electrode, ion selective and molecular selective electrodes,
Instrument for potentiometric studies, Voltametry, Cyclic and pulse voltametry, Applications of
voltametry, Study of surfaces, Scanning probe microscopes, AFM and STM.
Advanced techniques-Protein crystallization; Theory and methods; API-electrospray and
MALDI-TOF; Mass spectrometry; Enzyme and cell immobilization techniques; DNA & Peptide
Essential readings:
1. D.A. Skoog,F. J. Holler, and S. R. Crouch, Principles of Instrumental Analysis,
Cengage, 6th editions, 2014.

2. R.D. Braun, Introduction to Instrumental Analysis, PharmaMed Press/BSP Books,

Paperback (1987), 2012.

3. H. H. Willard, Instrumental Methods of Analysis, CBS Publishers & Distributors; 7edition

edition, 2004.

Supplementary Reading:
1. M.C. Haven, G. A. Tetrault, and J. R. Schenken, LaboratoryInstrumentation, Wiley India
Pvt Ltd, 4th Edition, 2010.

2. B.K., Sharma, Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis: Analytical Chemistry, Goel

Publishing House, 1972.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3002 Clinical Science 3 S. S. Ray

Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Drug dose, Enzyme kinetics, and Autonomic nervous

systemdrugs, Hormonalmedicine, cardiovascular and renalmedicine, Chemotherapeutics and
antibiotics, Neuropsychiatric drugs, Drug side effects, Cause of cancer, solid tumours of the
body, Basics of Embryology, histopathology of normal and abnormal body tissues, Different
type of blood cells and pathologies, Different types of microbes, Bacteria, Virus, fungal
disorders, Protozoa and nematodes, Blood borne infections, Sign and symptoms, Gait analysis
and orthopaedic Detail anatomy of Eye and general ophthalmic disorders, Problems during
anaesthesia, ventilation, Emergency treatment, Different types of surgical procedure, Pre-
operative and Postoperative Care, Pregnancy and Labour, Common gynaecological and
obstetrical problems, Common Skin and ENT disorders, Medical diagnostics, Advantage and
disadvantages of different diagnostic Procedure, common Instruments for Diagnostics and

Essential Reading:
1. Lynn S. Bickley, Bates Guide To Physical Examination And History Taking Wolter
Kluwer; 11th edition, 2013
2. E. Klatt and V. Kumar, Robbins and Cotran Review of Pathology, Saunders; 4 th Edition

Supplementary Reading:
1. A. S. Fauci, E. Braunwald, D. L. Kasper andS. L. Hauser, Harrison’s Principles of
Internal Medicine, McGraw-Hill Professional: 19thEdition, 2015
2. F. Charles Brunicardi, Dana K. Andersen, Timothy R. Billiar, Schwartz's Principles of
Surgery, McGraw-Hill Education; 10th edition,2014

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

Fluorescence Techniques in
BM3003 Biotechnology 3 N. Sarkar

Luminescence, Basic concepts in fluorescence; quantum yield, time resolved and steady state
fluorescence; fluorescence lifetime measurements; Fluorescence quenching and its
applications: static and dynamic quenching; Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer and its
applications; Fluorescence anisotropy and its applications; Biochemical fluorophores; intrinsic
and extrinsic fluorophores; Fluorescent proteins and their applications; green fluorescent
proteins, Fluorescence sensing; Fluorescence applications in DNA technology; cellular
imaging, protein folding, biomolecular interaction, fluorescence microscopy, fluorescence in
forensic analytical techniques; Molecular beacons and their applications; Quantum dots and
their applications.
Essential Reading:
1. J. R. Lakowicz, Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Kluwer Academic/Plenum
Publishers, 2nd Edition, 1999.
2. J. R. Lakowicz (Editor), Topics in Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Kluwer
Academic/Plenum Publishers, Vol.- 1-7, 1991 onwards.

Supplementary Reading:
1. David M. Jameson, Introduction to Fluorescence, CRC Press , 2014.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3004 Biotechnology In Human Health 3 M. K. Gupta

Brief history and branches of biotechnology and its impact on human health. Introduction to
basic molecular biology: Chromatin, chromosome, DNA, RNA, central dogma. Biotechnologist's
toolbox: outline of gene cloning and exogenous gene expression, vectors, nuclear enzymes,
rDNA technology. Polymerase chain reaction. Molecular genetic mapping of disease genes:
mapping of human genome, cytogenetic analysis, genetic and physical linkage maps, complex
disease traits. DNA fingerprinting. Development of drugs: evolution from natural drugs to
modern drugs; recombinant drugs. Uses for recombinant drugs in human health. Gene therapy
for treatment of diseases. Antisense oligonucleotides and monoclonal antibodies as drugs.
Biotechnology in cancer treatment. Assisted Reproductive Technology: test-tube baby, ICSI,
ROSI, SUZI, prenatal genetic diagnosis, cord-blood banking. Stem cell therapy. Organ
transplantation. Lab tests using recombinant components. Transgenic animals in health and

Essential Reading:
1. Schacter B. 2006. Biotechnology and your health. Infobase Publishing, USA. ISBN: 10-

2. Brooks G. 2008. Biotechnology in Healthcare. PhP Press, USA. ISBN: 0-853693722.

Supplementary Reading:
1. Brown TA. 2006. Genomes 3. Gerland Science, USA. ISBN: 978-0815341383.

2. Reece RJ. 2004. Analysis of genes and genomes. Wiley, USA. ISBN: 0-470-84379-9.

3. Primrose SB, Twyman RM, Old RW. 2006. Principles of gene manipulation and
genomics. Wiley-Blackwell, USA. ISBN: 978-0632059546.

4. Lewin B. 2007. Genes IX. Jones and Bartlett, USA. ISBN: 978-0763740634.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3006 Nanobiotechnology 3 S. Paul

From Biotechnology to Nanobiotechnology, definition, nanoassembly, energetic, top down and

bottom up approach, Synthesis of biomaterials. Construction of nanomachines, Biomoleular
structure and stability, protein folding, self assembly, self organization, molecular recognition,
nanobiomachines, modern nanobiomachines with different bio motors. Nanobiosorsor, Biochip,
nanosensors-miniaturization of biosensor, nanomaterials-based biosensor
syntem,nanoparticle-biomaterial hybrid system for sensing. Sequence specific molecular
lithography, DNA as a semi-conductor.Application of nanobiotechnology in early mediacl
diagnostics, drug targeting, delivery, nanosurgery. Case studies.

Essential readings:
1. Mirkin, C.A. and Niemeyer, C.M., “Nanotbiotechnology II: More concepts and
Applications”, Wiley-VCH. (2007).

2. K.K. Jain. Nanobiotechnology in Molecular Diagnostics: Current Techniques and

Applications, Horizon Bioscience, 2006.
Supplementary Reading:
1. Lamprecht, A., “Nanotherapeutics: Drug Delivery Concepts in Nanoscience”, Pan
Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd. (2009).

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3100 Applied Cell Biology 3 I. Banerjee

Essential concepts of animal cell biology. Quantitative aspect of cell biology. From cells to
tissue:different forces playing across the length scale. Cell-cell and cell-material interaction,
Modulation of cell adhesion, migration, proliferation, differentiation and cell death, Endocytosis,
Mechano-transduction, Electrophysiology of cells, action potential, bio-impedance, Stem cell,
Cell culture and characterization of cells, Concepts of Immuno-compatibility, Interface of cell
biology with pharmaceutical technology, nanotechnology, biomedical engineering, tissue
engineering and regenerative medicine. Cells as therapeutics, bioreactor, biosensor, biobattery
and bioengineering building block. Ethical aspects of applied cell biology

Essential Reading
1. B.Alberts, D.Bray, K. Hopkin, A.Jhonson,2013 Essential of cell biology. Garland
Science. 4th Ed. ISBN-13: 978-0815344544
2. R. Milo, R. Phillips, 2015. Cell Biology by the Numbers. Garland Science, 1 st Ed. ISBN-
13: 978-0815345374

Supplementary Reading
1. R. I. Freshney, 2016. Culture of Animal cell: A manual of basic techniques and
specialized application, Wiley-Blackwell .7th Ed. ISBN-13: 978-1118873656

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3101 Genetic Engineering 3 M. K. Gupta

Understanding the gene, genome and DNA. Gene cloning and Vector: Importance of gene
cloning and DNA analysis. Isolation of DNA: Purification of DNA from living cells, preparation of
plasmid and bacteriophage DNA. Gene handling: Manipulation of purified DNA with various
enzymes. Restriction and modification enzymes. Gene transfer: Introduction of DNA into living
cells, Transformation, Identification of recombinants. Cloning Vector: Cloning vectors for
prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Plasmids, bacteriophages, phagemids, cosmids, Ti plasmid, yeast
artificial chromosome, Obtaining gene-specific clones: PCR, RT-PCR, real-time PCR and their
various applications. Applications of gene cloning: Gene location, expression and function in
animals. DNA labelling, DNA sequencing, DNA fingerprinting, Southern and Northern blotting,
In-situ hybridization, RAPD, RFLP, Site-directed mutagenesis. cDNA and genomic DNA library.
Genome function: Gene annotation, transcriptome and proteome. Production of recombinant
proteins: Foreign gene expression in various systems. Genetic modification of animals: Animal
bioreactor system, Production of bioactive pharmaceutical proteins from animals. Gene
targeting. Biopharmaceuticals and Gene Therapy. Ethics in Genetic Engineering.

Essential Reading
1. Brown TA. 2010. Gene cloning and DNA analysis. Wiley-Blackwell, USA. ISBN: 978-1-

Supplementary Reading
1. Reece RJ. 2004. Analysis of genes and genomes. Wiley, USA. ISBN: 0-470-84379-9.
2. Primrose SB, Twyman RM, Old RW. 2006. Principles of gene manipulation and
genomics. Wiley-Blackwell, USA. ISBN: 978-0632059546.
3. Lewin B. 2007. Genes IX. Jones and Bartlett, USA. ISBN: 978-0763740634.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3102 Cell And Tissue Engineering 3 M. K. Gupta
Complexity and organization of the vertebrate body. Fundamentals of cytology and histology.
Basic cell biology and processes. Receptors, ligands, and interactions. Gene transfer
techniques and genetic engineering. Enzyme kinetics. Signalling pathway engineering. History
and fundamentals of tissue engineering, Cell sources: Stem cells. Tissue dynamics and cell
migration. Biomaterials for tissue engineering: Biodegradable materials. Bioreactors, Tissue
engineering examples: Bone and Cartilage tissue engineering, Vascular tissue engineering,
Neural tissue engineering, skin tissue engineering.

Essential Reading:
1. Cooper GM and Hausman. 2013. The Cell: A Molecular Approach. Sinauer Associates,
USA. ISBN: 978-1605351551.

2. Palsson BO, Bhatia SN. 2016. Tissue Engineering. Pearson Education India, ISBN:

Supplementary Reading:
1. Zhiyong, L. 2014. Alpha Science International, USA. ISBN: 978-1842658646.
2. Freshney RI. 2010. Culture of Animal Cells. Wiley-Blackwell, USA. ISBN: 978-0-470-
3. Lanza R, Langer R, Vacanti JP. 2013. Principles of Tissue Engineering. Academic
Press, USA. ISBN: 978-0123983589.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3103 Immunology 3 I. Banerjee

Overview of the mammalian immune system, Evolutionary perspective of immunity and self
defense, Innate immunity, adaptive immunity and its characteristics, Antigen and immunogen,
Antigen presenting cells and antigen presentation, MHC molecules, Humoral immunity:
Structure and function of antibody, antibody diversity, B cell maturation, B cell receptor for
antigen, Cell mediated immunity: T cell diversity and their function, maturation of T cell, T cell
receptor for antigen, interdependence of humoral and cell mediated immunity, Complement
system. Toll-like receptors: structure, function and cellular expression, Transplantation
immunology, Autoimmune disorder, Allergy and hypersensitivity, Immunopathology.

Essential Reading:
1. J. A. Owen, J. Punt , S.A. Stranford, 2013. Kuby Immunology. W.H. Freeman &
Company, 7th Ed. ISBN-13: 978-1429219198
2. P.J. Delves, S.J. Martin , D. R. Burton , I. M. Roitt, 2017. Roitt′s Essential Immunology.
Wiley-Blackwell, 13th Ed. ISBN-13: 978-1118415771

Supplementary Reading:
1. A.K.Abbas, A.H.Lichtman, S.Pillai, 2011.Cellular and molecular immunology, Elsevier
Health, 7th Ed. ISBN-13: 978-8131229927

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3104 Immunotechnology 3 I. Banerjee

Essential concepts of immunology, Antigen (classification and characteristics), Immunization,

Adjuvant, Vaccines, Use of antibody in diagnostics and therapy, Antibody (Production and
purification), Hybridoma Technology: Production of monoclonal antibody, Immunoassays and
related screening techniques: Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), Paper radio
immunosorbent test (PRIST), Radio immuno assay (RIA), Immunocytochemistry and
Immunohistochemistry (ICC & IHC), Immunoblotting (Western blotting), Chemiluminescence
immunoassay and Flow cytometry, Lab-on-chip devices for immunoassay, Adaptive immune
cell therapy, Tetramer Technology, Dendritic cell vaccine for cancer, Antibody Engineering,
Production of human monoclonal antibody, Immunotechnology in transplantation: Tissue
typing, Use of immunotherapeutics : Safety, regulation and ethics

Essential Reading:
1. B.Annadurai, 2010. A Textbook of Immunology & Immunotechnology. S Chand &
Company.1st Ed. ISBN-13: 978-8121928076
2. A.K. Chakravarty, 2006. Immunology and Immunotechnology. Oxford university press.
1st Ed.: ISBN-13: 978-0195676884

Supplementary Reading:
1. David Wild (Editor), 2013. The Immunoassay Handbook: Theory and Applications of
Ligand Binding, ELISA and Related Techniques. Elsevier Science; 4 th Ed. ISBN-13:
2. Edward A. Greenfield (Editor), 2013. Antibodies. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 2 nd Ed.
ISBN-13: 978-1936113811

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3105 Recombinant DNA Technology 3 M. K. Gupta

Strategies of gene cloning, tools in rDNA technology, methods of construction of rDNAs,

methods of introduction of rDNAs into living systems, screening of rDNA clones, PCR, RFLP,
DNA fingerprinting and footprinting, chromosome walking, blotting techniques, gene
sequencing and mapping, gene targeting, in vitro gene expression systems and protein
engineering, transgenesis, metabolic engineering, examples of pathway manipulations, site-
specific and oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis, antisense and ribozyme technology, gene
therapy, ethical and legal issues in rDNA technology.

Essential Reading
1. Brown TA. 2010. Gene cloning and DNA analysis. Wiley-Blackwell, USA. ISBN: 978-1-

2. Primrose SB, Twyman RM, Old RW. 2006. Principles of gene manipulation and
genomics. Wiley-Blackwell, USA. ISBN: 978-0632059546.

Supplementary Reading
1. Reece RJ. 2004. Analysis of genes and genomes. Wiley, USA. ISBN: 0-470-84379-9.
2. Lewin B. 2007. Genes IX. Jones and Bartlett, USA. ISBN: 978-0763740634.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3106 Biomolecular Engineering 3 S Paul

Biomolecules definition, their function in cells - Proteins,Nucleic acid, starch and their basic
structure. Various forces that determine biomolecule structure. Mechanisms of protein folding,
characterization of folding pathways. Melting points and importance, biomolecules stability.
Denaturants, determination of biomolecule structure by various spectroscopic techniques.
Background and basic principles, Absorption and Fluorescence, Circular Dichroism, FT-
Raman, FT-IR, NMR, X-ray crystallography, DSC. Protein denaturation, aggregation and
gelation.; Gene cloning: Restriction enzymes in gene cloning, PCR technology for gene/DNA
detection, cDNA, usages of plasm id and phagesas vectors; Model vectors for eukaryotes-
Viruses, Gene libraries; Use of marker genes; Medicine related applications i.e. commercial
synthesis of hormones and vaccines. Microbial applications i.e.large scale preparation of
organic chemicals, large scale biomolecules production and their other industrial applications.

Essential Reading:
1. J. L. Cleland and C S. Craik, Protein Engineering: Principles and Practice, Wiley-
Liss, 1st edition, 1996.

2. Desmond S. T. Nicholl; An Introduction to Genetic Engineering, Cambridge

University Press, 3rd Edition, 2008.

Supplementary Reading:
1. A. Divan and J. Royds. Tools and Techniques in Biomolecular Science OUP Oxford, 1st
Edition, 2013.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3107 Animal Biotechnology 3 M. K. Gupta

History and scope of animal biotechnology. Animal cell and tissue culture: Aseptic technique;
culture media; buffer systems; growth factors, supplements and substrates; initiation and
maintenance of cell cultures; growth curve of animal cells in culture; animal cell
cryopreservation techniques; immortalized culture and development of cell lines; suspension
culture; perfusion and continuous flow cultures; scaling up of animal cell cultures; bioreactors
for animal cell culture; mass transfer in animal cell culture; animal tissue culture techniques,
organ culture. Animal genetic engineering: Introduction to cloning and gene technology,
transfection of animal cell lines, Selectable and non-selectable markers, expression of cloned
proteins in animal cells, vaccine development, development of Mabs. Transgenic animals - PN
injection, viral vectors, SCNT, SMGT. Breed improvement: Economic traits; quantitative traits;
upgrading; progeny testing; marker assisted selection; estrous synchronization; AI,
superovulation, MOET, embryo splitting, ART, IVF. Animal biotechnology for in vitro and in vivo
testing of drugs, toxicity testing of environmental pollutants, production of vaccines,
pharmaceutical proteins and secondary metabolites. Bioethical issues related to animal

Essential Reading:
1. Akbarsha A, Balakrishan K, Rajan KE. 2013. Animal Biotechnology. Pearson Education.
ISBN: 978-8131787922.

Supplementary Reading:
1. Freshney RI. 2010. Culture of Animal Cells. Wiley-Blackwell, USA. ISBN: 978-0-470-
2. Hafez ESE and Hafez B. 2000. Reproduction in Farm Animals. Wiley-Blackwell, USA.
ISBN: 978-0683305777.
3. Primrose SB, Twyman RM, Old RW. 2006. Principles of gene manipulation and
genomics. Wiley-Blackwell, USA. ISBN: 978-0632059546.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3109 Genomics And Proteomics 3 S. Paul

Structure and organization of prokaryotic genomes. Transcriptional regulators and

Transposable genetic elements in bacterial genomes. Bacterial operons and operonisation.
Structure and organization of eukaryotic genomes. Repetitive and transposable elements and
their effect on genome. Telomeric and subtelomeric regions in chromosomes.
CpG methylation and gene silencing. Yeast-two-hybrid system, cDNA microarrays, Genome
sequencing: whole shotgun genome sequencing. Sequencing technology, Pros and cons of
various sequencing techniques. ORF and promoter predictions. Intron and exon predictions.
Gene annotation. Major genome databases. Bacterial genome atlas BacMap.
Proteomics definition, Proteomics classification, Detection and quantitation of proteins in gels
and 2D-SDS PAGE.. Pros and cons of various staining methods. Basics of mass spectrometry.
Maldi-tof and its application in proteomics, Tandem MS/MS spectrometry, Peptide sequencing
by tandem mass spectrometry, Affinity purification of protein, TAP tag.

Essential Reading:
1. D. Liebler, Introduction to proteomics, Springer Science & Business Media, 2001.

2. A.M. Lesk. Introduction to Genomics, Oxford University Press, 2007.

Supplementary Reading:
1. C. M., Fraser, T.D., Read, Karen E., Nelson, (Eds.), Microbial Genomes, Springer,
Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker
BM3200 Biopolymers 3 D. Verma

Introduction to polymers and biopolymers; Molecular architecture of proteins, DNA

polysaccharides and bacterial polyesters; Structure function relationships in biopolymers;
Multifunctional aspects of biopolymers; Application of biopolymers in drug delivery and
regenerative medicine; Biopolymers in bio-composites; Biological response of biopolymers;
biodegradation of biopolymers; Environmental and economic aspects of biopolymers.

Essential Reading:
1. Juan M. Ruso, and V. Paula, Messina, Biopolymers for Medical Applications, CRC
Press; 1 edition, 2017.

2. B. D. Ratner, A. S. Hoffman, F. J. Schoen, J. E. Lemons, Biomaterials Science,

Academic Press, Edition 1, 1996.

Supplementary Reading:
1. Swee-Hin Teoh, Engineering Materials for Biomedical Applications, World Scientific
Edition1, 2004.

2. J. B. Park, J. D. Bronzino, Biomaterials: Principles and Applications, Taylor & Francis,

Edition1, 2002

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3201 Biomaterials 3 A. Biswas

Properties of materials, Structure of solids, Introduction of biomaterials, Metallic implant

materials: Austenitic stainless steel, Co-based alloys, Titanium-based alloys and Dental alloys,
Degradation processes on metallic surfaces, Ceramics implant materials: Glasses and Glass-
ceramics, Alumina, Zirconia and Calcium phosphate, Bioresorbable and bioactive ceramics,
Polymeric implant materials: Inert polymers, Natural polymers, Bioactive polymers,
Biodegradable polymers, Composite implant materials: Mechanics of composite, Different
composite biomaterials, Application of composite biomaterials.
Structure-property relationships of biological materials, Tissue response to implant surface,
Softtissue replacement: Skin, Sutures, Maxillofacial implants and Blood interfacing implants,
Hard tissue replacement: Long bone repair-wires, pins, screws, fractures plates, intramedullary
devices, joint replacement-knee and hip joint, dental restorations and spinal implants.
Characterization of biomaterials: Physical and physicochemical surface characterization:
Mechanical, Optical and Electrochemical characterization. Biocompatibility and Biological tests.
Infection and sterilization.

Essential Reading:
1. J. Park, Biomaterials: An Introduction,Springer, 2012

2. S.V. Bhat, Biomaterials, Springer, 2007.

3. J.B Park, and J.D. Boonzino, Biomaterials: Principles and Application, CRC Press, 2002

Supplementary Reading:
1. J. Black, Biological Performance of materials, Taylor &Francis,2006

2. C. P. Sharma, and M. Szycher, Blood compatible materials and devices, Technomic

Publishing Co. Ltd., 1991.

3. J. B. Park and R. S. Lakes, An Introduction to Biomaterials, Springer, 2007.

4. B. D. Ratner, F. J. Schoen, A. S. Hoffman, and J. E. Lemons, Biomaterials Science: An

introduction to Materials in medicine, 3rd edition, Academic Press, 2012.
Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker
BM3202 Biocomposites 3 A. Biswas

Introduction to composites, Potential of Biocomposites for Medical Applications, Constituent,

Fabrication, and Characterization, synthetic biocomposites and natural biocomposites;
Structure function relationships in natural biocomposites; hierarchical structures in natural
biocomposites; Mechanics of composite materials, Different approach to prepare biocomposite
materials, Multifunctional aspects of biopolymers; biomimetics; synthesis and design methods
of synthetic biocomposites; biomedical applications of biocomposites - bone plates,
intramedullary nails, total hip replacement, bone grafts, dental materials, prosthetic sockets,
tendons and ligaments, vascular grafts. Environmental and economic aspects of

Essential Reading:
1. S. Ramakrishna, Z-M Huang, G. V. Kumar, A. W Batchelor, and J Mayer, An
Introduction to Biocomposites, World Scientific Volume 1, 2004.

2. S. Mann, Biomineralization: Principles and Concepts in Bioinorganic Materials

Chemistry, Oxford University Press, 2001.

Supplementary Reading:
1. B. D. Ratner, A. S. Hoffman, F. J. Schoen, and J. E. Lemons, Biomaterials Science,
Academic Press, Edition1, 1996.

2. J. Y. Wong, and J. D. Bronzino, Biomaterials, CRC Press, Edition 2007.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3301 Nanotechnology In Bioengineering 3 S. Paul

Introduction to nano, Nanotechnology definition, properties of nanoscalematrices, nanobio

mimicry, synthesis of nanomaterials by physical, chemical and biological methods,
characterization of nanomaterials, DNA nanotechnology, protein and glycol nanotechnology,
lipid nanotechnology, lipid nanotechnology, bio-nanomachines, catbon nanotube and its bio-
application. Nanomaterials for cancer diagnosis, nanomaterials for cancer therapy,
nanotechnology in tissue engineering, nano artificial cells, nanomaterials in drug delivery and
imaging, nanobiodevices and nanotoxicology, nanopharmacology and drug targeting. Cellular
uptake mechanisms of nanomaterials, In vitro methods to study antibacterial and anticancer
properties of nanomaterials, nanotoxicology.

Essential Reading:
1. Malsch, N.H., “Biomedical Nnaotechnology”, CRC Press. (2005).

2. Mirkin, C.A. and Niemeyer, C.M., “Nanotbiotechnology II: More concepts and
Applications”, Wiley-VCH. (2007).

3. Kumar, C.S.S.R., Hormones, J. And Leuschner, C., “Nanofabrcation Towards

Biomedical Applications: Techniques, Tools, Applications, and Impact”, Wiley-VCH
Verlag GmbH & Co., 2005.

Supplementary Reading:
1. Lampreht, A., “ Nanotherapeutics: Drug Delivery Concepts in Nanoscience”, Pan
Stanford publishing Pte. Ltd., 2009.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3302 3 K. Dutta
Bioprocess Instrumentation And Control
Introduction to bioreactor, Parts of bioreactor, Pressure measurement, level measurement, flow
measurement, temperature & heat measurement, humidity measurement, density
measurement, viscosity measurement, pH measurement, Redox potential measurement;
Dissolved oxygen measurement, photodetectors, Gas analysers, Analytical instruments: UV
spectrophotometer, Fluorescence spectrophotometer, CD spetrophotometer, light scattering
spectroscopy, atomic absorption spectroscopy. Actuators & control; Process controlControl
modes, Implementation of control loops, Digital controllers; Documentation and symbols.

Essential Reading:
1. P.P. Stanburry and A. Whitaker, Principles of Fermentation Technology. Pergamon
Press, Oxford UK, 1984.

2. K. Wilson and J. Walker. Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular

Biology. Cambridge University Press.

3. Curtis Johnson, Process Control Instrumentation Technology, ISBN: 8120330293,

Publishing Date: 2009, Publisher: Phi Learning, Edition: 8 th Edition

Supplementary Reading:
1. T. A. Hughes. Measurement and Control basics. ISA Press

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3303 Biochemical Engineering 3 K. Pramanik

Introduction, Enzyme and its applications, Enzyme Kinetics, Biokinetic parameters, enzyme
reactor systems, Inhibition of enzyme reactions, Effects of pH, temperature and shear. enzyme
immobilisation & kinetics, Immobilized enzyme reactors, Cell growth kinetics, batch, Plug Flow
and Continuous stirred tank fermentors, multiple fermenter in series, fermenter with cell
recycling. Sterilization methods, Thermal death kinetics, Batch and continuous sterilization.
Agitation and aeration- importance, correlation for mass transfer coefficient, interfacial area,
mechanical agitation, Gas hold-up, power consumption, oxygen absorption rate, bioreactor
scale-up, separation of bioproducts.

Essential Reading:
1. D. G. Rao, Introduction to Biochemical Engineering, Tata McHill, 2005.
2. J. E. Baileyand D. F. Ollis, Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals, 2nd edition,
McGraw- Hill, 1986.

Supplementary Reading:
1. M. L. Shuler and Fikret Kargi; Bioprocess Engineering Basic concepts.Prentice Hall,

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3305 Bioprocess Optimization 3 S. Paul

General overview of bioprocesses, Basic fundamentals and principles of bioprocess

optimization, Role and significance of bioprocess optimization in biotechnology industry.
Criteria for good medium - Medium requirements for fermentation processes, carbon,nitrogen,
minerals, vitamins and other complex nutrients, oxygen requirements‚ Mediumformulation of
optimal growth and product formation, examples of simple and complex media, Design and
usage of various commercial media for industrial fermentations. Experimental designs,
Factorial experiments – two factors and 2k factorial experiments, Statistical analysis, ANOVA.
Central composite designs, Box Benhen designs. Medium optimization methods, Plackett-
Burman designs, Taguchi designs and Response Surface Methodology. Case studies and
success stories, Modern software tools for bioprocess optimization.

Essential readings:
1. Myers, R.H., D. C. Montgomery, C. M. Anderson-Cook, Response Surface
Methodology: Process and Product Optimization Using Designed experiments, wiley,
2. Panda, T., T. Theodore, R. Arun Kumar, Statistical Optimization of Biological Systems,
CRC press, 2015.

3. Eckert, C.A., C.T. Trinh, Biotechnology for Biofuel Production and Optimization,
Elsevier, 2016.

Supplementary Reading:
1. Shuler, M.L., and Kargi, F., Bioprocess Engineering-Basic Concepts, Prentice Hall.,

2. Stanbury, P.F., S.J. Hall and A. Whitaker., Principles of FermentationTechnology,

Elsevier, 2005.

3. Doran, P.M., Bioprocess Engineering Principles, Academic Press, 2013.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3400 Environmental Biotechnology 3 P. Balasubramanian

Basics of environmental biotechnology, Microbial growth and metabolism; Respiration and

energy generation; Enzyme kinetics and regulation, microbial transformation reactions (aerobic
and anaerobic biotransformations). Bioremediation technology and influencing factors, Types –
phytoremediation, bioventing, bioleaching, land farming, bioreactor, composting,
bioaugmentation, rhizofiltration, biostimulation. Bioremediation systems and processes (solid,
liquid and slurry phase bioremediation); Microbial cleaning of gases (biofiltration and
bioscrubbing); In situ bioremediation; Biotreatability studies. Microbial detoxification of
persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and endrocrine disruptors (insecticides, herbicides,
fungicides, polychlorinated biphenyls, heavy metals). Environmental monitoring-bioreporter,
biomarker and biosensor technology. Biological energy and biomass production from waste.
Environmental impact assessment, Biodiversity and its conservation, GMOs and Biosafety.
Ethical issues in environmental biotechnology.

Essential Reading:
1. B. E. Rittmann, P. L. McCarty, Environmental Biotechnology- Principles and
Applications, Mc Graw Hill Int. 2012.

2. K. Pramanik, J. K. Patra, Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology, Studium Press.


Suggested Reading:
1. D. A. Vallero, Environmental Biotechnology – A Biosystems approach, Academic Press,

2. G. M. Evans, Environmental Biotechnology: Theory and Application, Wiley, 2013.

3. D. A. Vaccari, P. F. Strom, J. E. Alleman, Environmental Biology for Engineers and

Scientists, Wiley-Interscience, 2005.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3401 Agricultural Biotechnology 3 A. Sarkar

Plant cell structure and function, Protection against infections, Microbial groups in soil,
Microbial transformations of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur, Biological nitrogen
fixation. Microflora of Rhizosphere and Phyllospheremicroflora, microbes in composting, Tissue
culture and its application, Micropropagation and molecular farming, Meristem culture and
production of virus-free plants,Embryo and ovary culture, Protoplast fusion-somatic hybrids,
cybrids. Somaclones, Synthetic seeds,In vitro germplasm conservation. Cryopreservation.
Organelle DNA, Satellite-and repetitive DNAs. DNA repair. Regulation of gene expression.
Methods of gene transfer in plants, Gene gun, Protoplast fusion, Agrobacterium mediated gene
transfer etc. Achievements and recent developments of genetic engineering in agriculture.
Development of transgenies for biotic and abiotic stress tolerance, Molecular tools in
Agricultural Biotechnology, microarray, bioethics, terminator technology, nanotechnology, DNA
finger printing, gene silencing,Microbiology of food: microbial spoilage and principles of food
preservation. Beneficial microorganisms in Agriculture: Biofertilizer (Bacterial Cyanobacterial
and Fungal), microbial insecticides, Microbial agents for control of Plant diseases,
Biodegradation, Biogas production, Biodegradable plastics, Plant - Microbe interactions,

Essential Reading:
1. M.J. Chrispeels, and D.E. Sadava, Plants, Genes and Crop Biotechnology, Jones &
Bartlett Learning; 2nd edition, 2003.

2. G. Rangaswami, and D.G. Bagyaraj, Agricultural Microbiology. Prentice-Hall of India

Pvt.Ltd, 2nd revised edition, 2004.

1. B. R.Shmaefsky, Biotechnology on the Farm and in the Factory: Agricultural and
Industrial Applications (Biotechnology in the 21st Century), Chelsea House
Publications, 2006.

2. N.S. Subba Rao, Soil microorganisms and plant growth, New Delhi : Oxford and IBH
Publishing Co., 2004.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3402 Biotechnology In Agriculture And Natural 3 N. Patra

Effect of environmental stress and pollutants on food crops and cattle; Plant protease inhibitors
for development of pest resistant crops; Phytoremediation and biocontrol of nematodes;
parasites of cattle; formulation of pesticides from plant sources, Effect of sewage and sludge on
vegetables growing in contaminated soils, blood-sugar lowering herbs for diabetes control;
responses to pesticides for effective pest resistance, critical concentrations of heavy metals
and phytoremediation of heavy metals.

Essential Reading:
1. A. Crozier, M.N. Clifford, and H. Ashihara, Plant Secondary Metabolites: Occurrence,
Structure and Role in the Human Diet, Wiley-Blackwell, 2006.

2. H.P., Makkar, P. Siddhuraju, and K. Becker, Plant secondary metabolites. Humana.


Supplementary Reading:
1. Y. M. Shukla, J. J. Dhruve, N.J. Patel, R. Bhatnagar, J. G. Talati, K. B. Kathiria, Plant
Secondary Metabolites, New India Publishing Agency, 2009.

2. R.Verpoorte , and A. Wilhelm Alfermann, Metabolic Engineering of Plant Secondary

Metabolism Springer; Softcover reprint of hardcover, 2010.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3403 Bio-Resources And Technology 3 K. Pramanik
Bioconversion of agro-industrial residues, liquid and gaseous biofuel production, Physico-
chemical & thermo-chemical processes for biomass, Advances in Biological Wastewater
Treatment, Biobeneficiation, Biofiltration, Biological Control of Air Pollution, Bioremediation,
Availability of different organic wastes; Characteristics of the solid and liquid wastes; Cell
growth and product formation kinetics; Different bioenergy generation processes:
biomethanation, biohydrogen, bioethanol, biodiesel; Bioreactor design and analysis, Different
advanced bioreactors; Comparative analysis on different bioenergy generation processes;
Energy and material analysis of the process; Scaling up problems; Economic analysis of the
process, Management of natural bioresources, recycling and conversion of organic wastes.
Essential Reading:
1. Ashok Pandey, Concise Encyclopedia of Bioresource Technology, 2009,CRC Press; 1

2. Mohamad FaizFoong Abdullah, MohdTajudin Bin Ali, Farida Zuraina M. Yusof,

Bioresources Technology in Sustainable Agriculture: Biological and Biochemical
Research, CRC Press.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3404 Biosensor Technology 3 A. Biswas

Introduction to sensors, transducers, biosensors, bioreceptors, transducer for biosensors.

Classification of transducers, selection of transducers, Temperature transducers,
Displacement transducers, Pressure transducer, photoelectric transducers, Flow transducers,
piezo-electric transducers and their applications; Electrochemical transducer in Biology and
medicine; Biochemical Transducer; Electrode theory: electrode-tissue interface, metal-
electrolyte interface, electrode-skin interface, electrode impedance, electrical conductivity of
electrode jellies and creams; Biopotential electrodes, Reference electrodes, Recording
electrodes for ECG, EEG and EMG. Enzyme-based electrochemical biosensors; Fabrication
and miniaturization techniques; Optical technology and principle of optical measurements;
Immunosensors; Living Biosensors.

Essential Reading:
1. E K. Rogers, Handbook of Biosensors and Electronic Noses: Medicine, Food and the
Environment, CRC-Press; 1 edition;1996.

2. T. Togawa, T. Tamura, and P. A. Oberg, Biomedical Transducers and Instruments,

CRC Press, 2010.

Supplementary Reading:
1. J. Cooper, and T. Cass, Biosensors, Oxford University Press, USA; 2 edition, 2004.

2. D. L. Wise, Bioinstrumentation andBiosensors: Theory and Applications, CRC Press,


Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3405 Food Technology, Safety And Quality 3 M. K. Gupta

Food in human nutrition. Therapeutic / Engineered / Fabricated and Organic foods/

Nutraceutical and functional foods. Dairy plant operations. UHT, toned, humanized, fortified,
reconstituted and flavoured milks. Technology of fermented milks. Milk products processing.
Judging and grading of milk products. Enzymes in dairy processing. Chemistry and microscopic
structure of meat tissue. Factors affecting meat quality. Curing, smoking, freezing, canning and
dehydration of meat, poultry and their products. Microbial factors influencing keeping quality of
meat. Processing and preservation of fish and its products. Meat tenderization and role of
enzymes in meat processing. Utilization of by-products. Preservation of eggs using oil coating,
refrigeration, thermo stabilization and antibiotics. Packing, storage and transportation of eggs.
Technology of egg products viz. egg powder, albumen, flakes and calcium tablets.
Fermentation technology, fermented food products (animal and plant based), microbial
spoilage of foods. Role of biotechnology in productivity of plants, livestock and microbes of
improved nutrition and quality. Use of biotechnology in production of food additives viz.
preservatives, colorants, flavours. Use of biotechnologically improved enzymes in food
processing industry. Single cell proteins, Food contaminants. Food intoxication and infection.
Consumer concerns about risks and values, Biotechnology and food safety. Food and hygiene
regulations. HACCP and codex in food. International and National food laws. USFDA/ISO-9000
and FSSAI. Food adulteration, food safety.

Essential Reading:
1. De S. 2001. Outlines of Dairy Technology. Oxford University Press, India. ISBN: 978-

2. Sharma BD, Sharma K. 2011. Outlines of Meat Science and Technology. Jaypee
Brothers Medical Publishers, India. ISBN: 978-9350254813

3. Sivasankar B. 2002. Food processing and preservation. Prentice Hall India. ISBN: 978-

Supplementary Reading:
1. Campbell-Platt G. 2009. Food Science and Technology. Wiley-Blackwell, USA. ISBN:

2. Lawrie RA, Ledward D. 2006. Lawrie's Meat Science. Elsevier, USA. ISBN: 978-

3. Guo M. 2009. Functional Foods. Elsevier, USA. ISBN: 978-1845695927.

4. Fortin ND. 2008. Food Regulation: Law, Science, Policy and Practice. Wiley, USA.
ISBN: 978-0470409695.

5. Food Safety and Standards Act and Regulations by FSSAI.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3406 Biological Waste Treatment 3 P. Balasubramanian

Different types and sources of solid, liquid and hazardous wastes, Salient features of Indian
legislations on management and handling of municipal solid wastes, hazardous wastes,
biomedical wastes, nuclear wastes, lead acid batteries, electronic wastes, plastics and fly ash.
Physiological basis for biological waste treatment, Anaerobic versus aerobic transformations,
Examples of hazardous waste amenable to biological treatment, petroleum components,
cometabolism of halogenated compounds, Halogenated aromatic and polycyclic aromatic
compunds. Biodegradation of xenobiotics. Overview of biological remediation and waste
treatment processes. In situ processes, bioreactors for the treatment of solids, liquids and
gases. Biological waste water treatment – Attached and suspended treatment systems. Energy
and resource recovery from municipal and industrial wastes.

Essential Reading:
1. Ronneau, C., O. Bitchaeva, Biotechnology for Waste Management and Site
Restoration: Technological, Educational, Business, Political Aspects, Springer, 2012.

2. Evans, G., Biowaste and Biological Waste Treatment, Taylor and Francis. 2001.

Suggested Reading:
1. Panda, H., The Complete Book on Biological Waste Treatment and their Utilization,
NPCS, New Delhi, 2012.

2. Eckenfelder, W.W., D. J. O'Connor, Biological Waste Treatment, Pergamon Press,

Elsevier, 2013.

3. Davide, D., Biological Wastewater Treatment Processes: Mass and Heat Balances,
CRC press, 2017.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3408 Green Energy Technology 3 P. Balasubramanian

Overview of major global energy issues, Risk and hazard assessment in the energy sectors,
Need for green energy technologies. Environmental impacts of fossil fuel based power
generation, Constraints on hydropower and wind energy. Green chemistry – Principles and
Methodologies, quantitative/ optimization based frameworks for the design of green chemical
synthesis pathways, Pollution prevention in material selection. Energy production via chemical
process; catalytic distillation; transesterification methods; Fischer-Tropsch diesel: biochemicals
from biomass.Modern green energy materials: Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), biopolymers,
bioplastics and composites for microbial fuel cells and Hydrogen generation and storage.
Methods of production, properties and its utility in making energy devices. Environmental
impact assessment, Life cycle assessment, Case studies for energy sustainability,
Complexities of cost-benefit analysis in triple bottom line reporting.

Essential Reading:
1. Machrafi, H., Green Energy and Technology, Bentham Science Publishers, 2012.

2. Mulvaney, D., Green Energy: An A-to-Z Guide, SAGE publications, 2011

Suggested Reading:
1. Aswathanarayana, U., T. Harikrishnan, T. S. Kadher-Mohien, Green Energy:
Technology, Economics and Policy, CRC press, 2010

2. Tiwari, M.D., A. Vaish, Green Energy, River Publsihers, 2012.

3. Vallero, D. A., C.Brasier, Sustainable Design: The Science of Sustainability and Green
Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 2008.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3500 Biofluid Mechanics 3 A. Thirugnanam

Properties of fluids: viscosity, density, specific volume, specific weight. Pressure and its
measurement. Kinematics of fluid flow: types of fluid flow, continuity equation. Dynamics of fluid
flow: Euler’s equation, Bernoulli’s equation. Circulatory biofluid mechanics: systemic and
pulmonary circulations, circulation in the heart. Blood Rheology. Models of biofluid flows:
Poiseuille’s flow, pulsatile flow. Non-Newtonian fluids: power-law model, Herschel-Bulkley
model, Casson model. Krogh model of oxygen diffusion from blood vessel to tissue.
Dimensional analysis and modeling.
Macrocirculation: the heart, blood flow in arteries and veins; Microcirculation: microvascular
beds, mass transport and heat transfer in microcirculation, lymphatic system. Other biological
flows within the body: flow in lungs, intraocular fluid flow, lubrication of joints, flow through the
kidney; Modeling and experimental techniques: in silico biofluid mechanics, in vitro and in vivo
biofluid mechanics.
Essential Reading:
1. J. N. Mazumdar, Biofluid Mechanics, World Scientific, 2004.
2. David A Rubenstein, Wei Yin and Mary D Frame, Biofluid Mechanics, Academic Press
(Elsevier), 2013.
3. 2. Frank M. White, Fluid Mechanics, McGraw-Hill, 2010.

Supplementary Reading:
1. L. Waite and J. FineAppliedBiofluid Mechanics, McGraw-Hill, 2007.
2. A. K. Jain, Fluid Mechanics, Khanna Publishers.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3501 Transport Phenomena In Unit Operation 3 A. Thirugnanam

Introduction, transport Processes and Transport Coefficients, Fluid Flow Basic Equations,
Frictional Flow in Conduits, Complex Flows, Heat Transfer; Conduction, Free and Forced
Convective Heat Transfer, Complex Heat Transfer, Heat Exchangers, Radiation Heat Transfer,
Mass Transfer; Molecular Diffusion, Convective Mass Transfer Coefficients, Equilibrium Staged

Essential Reading:
1. Richard G. Griskey,Transport Phenomena In Unit Operation, WileyInterscience, 2003.

2. R. Fournier, Basic Transport Phenomena in Biomedical Engineering, Taylor & Francis;

2 edition, 2006
Supplementary reading:
1. D. O. Cooney, Biomedical Engineering Principles- An introduction to fluid, heat and
mass transfer processes, Marcel Dekker Inc. 1976.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3502 Biotransport 3 A. Thirugnanam

A review of thermodynamic concepts: open systems, closed systems, phase equilibrium.

Physical properties of the body fluids and the cell: fluid composition, osmotic pressure, the cell
membrane. Physical and flow properties of blood and other fluids: blood rheology, Hagan-
Poiseuille equation, the Casson equation, Marginal zone theory, boundary layer theory. Solute
transport in biological systems: Fick’s first and second laws, mass transfer in laminar boundary
layer flow, solute transport by capillary filtration, solute diffusion within heterogeneous media,
solute permeability, transport of solutes across the capillary wall, The Krogh tissue cylinder.
Oxygen transport in biological systems: diffusion of oxygen in multicellular systems, oxygen-
haemoglobin dissociation curve, The Hill equation, oxygen transport in the Krogh tissue
cylinder. Approach to pharmaco kinetic modeling and drug delivery, one and two
compartmental models. Physiological applications-itravenous injection, constant intravenous
infusion, determination of regional blood flow volumes and blood flow rates.

Essential Reading:
1. R. Fournier, Basic Transport Phenomena in Biomedical Engineering, Taylor & Francis;
2 edition, 2006
2. A. T Johnson, Biological Process Engg. An analogical approach to fluid flow, heat
transfer, mass transfer applied to biological system, John Wiley and Sons 1999.

Supplementary Reading:
1. A. B. Ritter, S. Reisman, B. B. Michniak, Biomedical Engineering Principles, CRC
Press, 2005
2. D. O. Cooney, Biomedical Engineering Principles- An introduction to fluid, heat and
mass transfer processes, Marcel Dekker Inc. 1976.

Sub. Code Subject Credit Course Caretaker

BM3600 Occupational Safety and Hazards 3 B. P. Nayak

Define occupational health, Principles of occupation health and safety (OSHA guidelines),
Elements of work environment (the worker, the tools, the process, the work environment), Aims
of occupational health and safety (by WHO); Occupational safety goals, Occupational safety
measures, personal protective equipment (for head, ears, eyes, respiratory system,
reproductive system).
Occupational hazards: Physical hazards i.e.Heat and cold (direct heat, indirect heat, radiant
heat), Light(Poor illumination or excessive brightness), Noise(auditory effects, non-auditory
effects), Vibration, Ultraviolet radiation, Ionizing radiation; Chemical hazards i.e. Corrosives,
oxidizing agents, harmful agents, toxic agents, Irritants, highly inflammable agents, explosives;
Biological agents. Hazard prevention and monitoring: Evaluation methods, Exposure
monitoring (Infrared absorptiometry, photoionization, gaschromatography), Engineering
controls (Building design, substitution measures, emission measures, containment methods,
localexhaustventilation, PPE design, remote operation), legislation.

Essential Reading:
1. James P. Kohn and Mark A. Friend; Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health;
5th edition (Barnes & Noble)

Supplementary Reading:
1. Benjamin O. Alli, Fundamental Principles of Occupational Health and Safety, 2 nd edition
(International Labour Office , Geneva)

2. Charles D. Reese, Occupational Health and Safety Management; 3 rd edition (CRC

Sub. Code Subject Credit Course Caretaker
BM3601 Biomedical Instrumentation- I 3 B. P. Nayak

Introduction: general vs. biomedical instrumentation, block concept of biomedical instruments

(sensor, processor and display), properties of each part in general, Processing functions of an
instrument (amplification, modulation/demodulation, ADC and DAC, frequency selection, wave
shaping etc.); Characteristics of Instruments: static characteristics, dynamic characteristics with
order of instruments, principle of working of 1 st and 2nd order instruments in response to pulse,
step and sinusoidal inputs; Controller: Concept of instrument control (feed backward and feed
forward), principles of proportional, integral and derivative control, PID algorithm; Sensors of
Biomedical importance: variable resistive transducers (strain gauge), variable inductive
transducers (LVDT), variable capacitive transducers, photoelectric transducers, piezoelectric
transducers, Body temperature measurement: thermal equilibrium of human body, routes of
temperature measurement, core and brain temperature, thermal transducers (Thermistors,
RTDs, Thermocouples, Pyrometers), new concepts of brain temperature measurement.

Essential Reading:
1. J. Webster, Bioinstrumentation (Wiley & Sons. 2004).

2. T. Togawa, T. Tamura, P. Ake Oberg, Biomedical Transducers and Instruments (CRC

Press, 1997)

Supplementary Reading:
1. Cromwell, Weibell& Pfeiffer, Biomedical Instrumentation & Measurement, 2 ndedition.
(Prentice Hall, India, 2003)

2. J. Bronzino, Biomedical Engineering & Instrumentation, 3 rdedition (PWS Engg. Boston).

3. J. Enderle, Bioinstrumentation (Morgan & Claypool Publisher 2006).

4. R. S. Khandpur, Handbook of Bio-Medical Instrumentation (Tata McGraw Hill, 2001).

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3602 Medical Imaging 3 S. S. Ray

X-rays production & properties, various components of radiographic systems, types of X-ray
tubes for various medical applications; Principle ofCT Scan, Optical Coherence Tomography,
Dual-Energy CT Imaging, Four-Dimensional Computed Tomography, Image Reconstruction
Algorithms for X-Ray CT, PET Detectors, Recent Developments of High-Performance PET
Detectors, CT-SPECT/CT-PET, Multimodality Imaging with MR/PET and MR/SPECT, Image
Reconstruction for 3D PET, Multicoil Parallel MRI, Diffusion MRI, T1and T2 MR Imaging:
Principle, Technology, and Application, Pulse sequencing in MRI, Functional MRI, Medical
Image Registration, Medical Image Segmentation: Medical Infrared Imaging, Infrared Detectors
and Detector Arrays, Infrared Camera Characterization, Infrared Camera and Optics for
Medical Applications, Principles of Ultrasonography, Ultrasound Imaging System Design and
Hardware Considerations, Electrical Impedance Tomography, Principle of photography and
radiographic film image, film sensitometry, information content of an image, image quality
factors, Fluoroscopic imaging system, Digital subtraction angiography (DSA), digital subtraction
programming; Radiotherapy principles, dosage for clinical applications, radiation therapy
planning, collimators and beam direction devices, dose measurement and treatment
planning,Detectors-ionization chamber, proportional counter, Geiger- Muller counter scintillation
detectors, Safety protocols & protection; Contrasting agents in Medical Imaging.

Essential Reading:
1. Thayalan K, The Physics Of Radiology And Imaging, Jaypee Brothers Medical
Publishers; 1st edition,2014
2. Allisy-Roberts, Farr's Physics for Medical Imaging, Elsevier Health, 2 nd edition, 2014

Supplementary Reading:
1. Chavhan, MRI Made Easy, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2nd edition, 2013
2. Mark A Haidekker, Medical Imaging Technology, Springer; 2013 edition,2013

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3603 Biomedical Signal Processing 3 K. Pal

Basics of digital signal processing: Sampling theorem, continuous and discrete LTI system;
Introduction to Z Transform: The Z transform, properties of Z transform, inverse Z transform,
transfer function in Z domain, location of poles and zeroes of Z- domain; Discrete Fourier
Series and Transform-Discrete Fourier series, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT); Digital Filters Realizations: Characteristics of FIR filters, frequency response,
design of FIR filters. Design of IIR filters from analog filters: bilinear transformation method,
step and impulse invariance techniques.

Introduction to biomedical signals: ECG, EMG, EOG, EEG. Digital signal processing techniques
for biomedical signals. Designing criterion for pacemaker and biofeedback systems.

Essential Reading:
1. A. V. Oppenheim, and R.W. Schafer, Digital Signal Processing, Pearson Education
India, First edition, 2015.
2. S. K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing: A Computer - Based Approach, McGraw Hill
Education, Fourth edition, 2013.

Supplementary Reading:
1. M. Hayes, Digital Signal Processing, McGraw Hill Education, Second edition, 2009.
2. J. G. Proakis, and D. G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms,
and Applications, Pearson Education India, Fourth edition, 2007.

Sub. Code Subject Credit Course Caretaker

BM3604 Biomedical Instrumentation- II 3 B. P. Nayak

Application of transducers: Pressure measurement, flow measurement, Volume measurement,

Temperature measurement, Level measurement, Displacement measurement; Biomedical
instruments: EEG instrumentation, ECG instrumentation, EMG instrumentation,
Defibrillator/Cardioverter: principle and instrumentation, Artificial pacemaker: principle and
instrumentation, Anesthesia device: principle and instrumentation, Ventilators: principle and
instrumentationX-Ray: principle and instrumentation, Ultrasound device: principle and
instrumentation CT scanner: principle and instrumentation; MRI: principle and instrumentation,

Essential Reading:
1. John G Webster, Medical Instrumentation: Application and Design, 3 rd edition (Wiley
India Pvt Ltd, 2007).

2. Barbara Christe, Introduction to Biomedical Instrumentation: The Technology of Patient

Care (Cambridge University Press).

Supplementary Reading:
1. Cromwell, Weibell& Pfeiffer, Biomedical Instrumentation & Measurement, 2 ndedition
(Prentice Hall, India, 2003).

2. J. Bronzino, Biomedical Engineering & Instrumentation, 3 rdedition (PWS Engg. Boston).

3. J. Enderle, Bioinstrumentation, (Morgan & Claypool Publisher 2006).

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3700 Programming and Simulation Lab - I 1 A. Thirugnanam

Finding out matrix addition, multiplication, inversion, rank, Eigen values using MATLAB
simulator.; Plotting set of data using MATLAB; Parameter estimation using least-square
technique using MATLAB; Writing ‘m’ files in MATLAB platform to solve coupled linear
algebraic equations using Gauss elimination method; Writing ‘m’ files in MATLAB platform to
solve non-linear algebraic equations using Newton Raphson Technique; Writing ‘m’ files in
MATLAB platform to control level in a tank using P/PI/PID controller;Introduction to ‘Simulink’.
Finding out response of a first and second order system (transfer function) using ‘simulink’;
Simulation of a stirred tank reactor (both open loop and closed loop) using ‘simulink’.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3701 Biomedical Instrumentation Lab 2 K. Pal

Monitoring the human body surface temperature using thermistor; To compare the variations in
the recovery of the heart rate of an athlete and a sedentary person using a hand-grip heart rate
monitor after exercise; To design an algorithm to determine respiration rate of a person using
spirometer; To design a LM35 based temperature monitoring system; To study the frequency
characteristics of passive and active low-pass filter; To study the frequency characteristics of
passive and active high-pass filter; To study the basic principles of pure tone audiometry; To
design a MQ-2 based smoke detection system; Realization of half-wave and full-wave
rectifier using SPEEDY-33 (microprocessor) as a signal generator; To implement basic
programs in ARM Micro-controller; To study the characteristics of an active integrator; To study
the characteristics of an active differentiator

Sub. Code Subject Credit Course Caretaker

BM3702 Bio Medical Diagnostics Techniques 1 B. P. Nayak

Diagnostic microscopy: Learning the method of DC (differential count) of blood cells, evaluation
of PBS (peripheral blood smear); Biochemical Analyzer: Learning the principle of semi-
automated biochemical analyzer and estimation of blood parameters (glucose, urea and
creatinine) in healthy and pathological subjects; Spirometry: Hand on experience with handheld
spirometer for FVC (forced vital capacity) measurement and analysis of results; Total
abdominal ultrasound: Hands on experience with USG device, different types of probes,
demonstration and technical analysis of USG image; X-Ray: Hands on experience with digital
X-Ray device, operation and technical analysis of X-ray images of respiratory and
musculoskeletal system; CT scanner: Demonstration of 16 slice CT scanner operation and
technical analysis of abdominal CT images; MRI scanner: Demonstration of MRI scanner
operation and technical analysis of CNS MRI images.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3703 Biomaterials Lab 2 A. Biswas

Tensile and compressive testing of implant materials.Determination of modulus of rigidity of

different biomaterials.Extraction of biopolymers from plants by HPLC method. Estimation of
haemocompatibility of biomaterials by hemolysis studies. To study the influence of surface
roughness on the wetability of the implant material. Determination of surface energy of implant
materials through contact angle measurement. Determination of glass transition temperature of
polymer and polymer composite. Measurement of rheological properties of polymer solution
and simulated body fluid.Determination of moment of inertia of human bone using compound
pendulum method. Determination of roughness of different implant materials. Determination of
coefficient of friction and wear resistance of different implant surfaces. Study the pitting
corrosion behavior of stainless steel in simulated body fluid. Determination of corrosion rate of
metallic implantin simulated body fluid. To conduct surface coating on metallic implants by
electrochemical methods. Study the effect of voltage and current on anodic oxidation of

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3704 Microprocessor And Microcontroller Lab 2 K. Pal
Familiarization of microprocessor platform (USB-4704, Advantech), Computer based data
acquisition using USB-4704, Digital I/O experiments using USB-4704, Familiarization of
microcontroller platforms (Arduino UNO, and Arduino Mega), Measurement of the temperature
and the humidity using DHT-11 sensor, Designing a high temperature alert system using an
LM35 sensor, Designing of an LCD based temperature monitoring system, Designing of a high
gas concentration alert system using a gas sensor, Determining Respiration Rate using Vernier
Spirometer, and Designing of a wireless data transfer system using ZigBee (IEEE 802.15.4).

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3705 Biomedical Signal Processing Lab 1 K. Pal

Introduction to Graphical User Interface based programming; Implementing simple

mathematical and logical operations on medical signals; Understand the properties of the
different loops for the acquisition of medical signals and designing medical devices; Designing
programs to generate basic signals (Sine, Square, Triangular); Frequency domain analysis and
filtering of the ECG, EOG and EMG signals; Processing of signals as arrays; Manipulation of
signals to merge, extract, append and scale two or more dynamic signals; Filter designing from
transfer function and pole-zero location; Implementation of filtering techniques for suppression
of noise and extraction of features from ECG signals; Designing of heart rate monitor and
demand pacemaker; Designing of bio-feedback system.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM 3706 Bioprocess Optimization Lab 3 S. Paul

Full factorial designs for measuring all possible interactions, Fractional factorial designs for
measuring limited interactions, Analysis of Variance, Generate an experimental design using
excel, carry out and analysis of the experimental designs using excel, Generate Central
composite designs (CCDs) with the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox function,
Generate Box-Behnken designs (BBDs) with the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
function, Visualize results of experimental designs using Design of Experiments (DOE) plots
such as interaction plot, main effects plot, multi variable plots. Demonstration of design expert
and xlstat softwares. Demonstration of RSM in matlab.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3707 Biochemical Engineering Lab 2 K. Pramanik

Determination of Michelis-Menten kinetic parameters based on initial rate reactions. Study on

the Effect of inhibitors on enzyme kinetics. Immobilization of enzymes by gel entrapment.
Immobilization of enzymes by cross-linking using multifunctional reagent. Determination of
reaction rate using Immobilization of enzymes. Study of growth cycle of bacteria in a batch
cultivation system. Study of growth cycle of yeast in a batch cultivation system.8. Determination
of specific growth rate of bacteria in batch reactor. Find out the rate equation for cell growth in a
CSTR. Determination of oxygen absorption in a fermentor by sodium sulfite oxidation method.
Determination of Volumetric mass transfer co-efficient in ethanol fermentation process.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

Analytical Techniques in Biotechnology
BM3708 Lab 2 A. Sarkar
Introduction to absorption an elimination spectroscopy – UV and visible spectrometers UV
visible and absorption method, fluorescence and phosphorescence spectrophotometry
Infrared spectrometers, NMR – basic principles –types-spectra and molecular structure-
elucidation, quantitative analysis and integration and applications in medicine –mass
spectrometry,Circular Dichroism (CD)-Principles, instrumentation and applications,
Principle and Operations of Ion Exchange Chromatography, High Performance Liquid
Chromatography (HPLC), Gas Liquid Chromatography (GLC), Gel Filtration Chromatography,
Affinity Chromatography, Membrane Separation, Ultrafilteration.
Study of surfaces, Scanning probe microscopes, TEM, SEM and AFM
Electrophoresis, Theory of Electrophoresis, Electrophoresis of Protein, PAGE, SDS-PAGE,
Agarose Electrophoresis of Nucleic Acid, Isoelectric Focusing of Protein Pulse Gel
Electrophoresis and Western Blotting.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3709 Bioprocess Engineering lab 3 S. Paul

To prepare broth media for microbial culture, Microbial growth in shake flask. Kinetics of growth
in batch cultivation- estimation of Monod kinetic parameters. Temperature effect on growth-
estimation of energy of activation and Arrhenius Constant for microorganisms. A fed-batch and
continuous culture in flask. Development of enzyme assays and quantification of enzyme
activity and specific activity, Enzyme kinetics, Effect of pH and temperature on enzyme activity,
Techniques of enzyme immobilization - matrix entrapment, ionic and cross linking.

Essential readings:
1. K.R. Aneja, “Experiments in Microbiology, Plant Pathology & Biotechnology” , 4th ed.,
New Age International Publishers. 2007. 2. P. Gunasekharan, “Laboratory Manual in
Microbiology”, 1st ed., Newage International Publishers. 2005.

Supplementary Reading:
1. J. Jayaraman, “Laboratory Manaual in Biochemistry”, 1 st ed., New Age International
Publications, 2007.
2. Eisenthal, R. & Danson N.J. (Eds) Enzyme Assays: “A Practical Approach”, 2nd ed., IRI
Press, Oxford, UK, 1992.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3710 Environmental Biotechnology Lab 2 P. Balasubramanian

Water analysis: Determination of pH, electrical conductivity, alkalinity, Hardness, total

suspended solids (TSS) and total dissolved solids (TDS) in water samples. Waste water
analysis: Determination of dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen
demand in wastewater samples. Soil analysis: Determination of organic matter, cation
exchange capacity and acidity in soil samples. Air analysis: Determination of carbon monoxide,
oxides of Sulphur, oxides of nitrogen in air samples; Isolation of microflora (bacteria, fungi,
mold and pollen) from different environmental medium. Biodegradation studies for the removal
of toxic pollutants, Biosorption studies for the removal of heavy metals and dyes. Bioleaching
studies for the recovery of heavy metals and dyes.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM3711 Genetic Engineering Lab 2 M. K. Gupta

Equipments used in genetic engineering. Construction of gene cloning and gene expression
vectors. Purification and Quantification of nucleic acids for cloning and ectopic gene
expression. Gene handling: Restriction enzyme mapping. Gene Transfer: Preparation of
competent cells, Transformation, Identification of recombinants. How to obtain a clone of a
specific gene: Primer designing, Degenerate primers, PCR (simplex, duplex and multiplex),
Gradient PCR. Gene expression analysis: RT-PCR, Semi-quantitative PCR, Quantitative PCR.
Gene and protein function: Annotation and sequence analysis of nucleotide and peptide

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4000 Physiological Modelling 3 S. S. Ray

Medical Uncertainties, Types of Medical Studies, Data Collection, Nonsampling Errors and
Other Biases, Sampling Methods, Sampling Concepts, Common Methods of Random
Sampling, Prospective Studies, Retrospective Studies, Cross-Sectional Studies, Comparative
Performance of Prospective, Retrospective, and Cross-Sectional Studies, Clinical Trials,
Therapeutic Trials, Rates and Ratios, Presentation of Variation by Figures, Graphs for
Frequency Distribution, Pie, Bar, and Line Diagrams, Special Diagrams in Health and Medicine,
Charts and Maps, Measurement of Uncertainty: Probability, ROC Curve, Clinimetrics and
Evidence-Based Medicine, Measurement of Community Health, Confidence Intervals,
Principles of Tests of Significance, and Sample Size, Sampling Distributions, Confidence
Intervals, P-Values and Statistical Significance, Assessing Gaussian Pattern, Inference from
Proportions, Relative Risk and Odds Ratio, Inference from Means, Student t-Test, ANOVA F-
Test, Nonparametric Tests for Location, Linear Regression Models, Some Measuring the
Strength of Quantitative Relationship, Nonlinear Regression , Multiple Regression , Logistic,
and Proportional Hazards Regression, Analysis of Variance , Control in Physiology and
Medicine, Physiological Complexity and the Need for Models; Models and the Modeling
Process; Modeling the Data; Modeling the System; Model Identification; Parametric Models –
The Identifiability Problem; Parametric Models – The Estimation Problem; Non-parametric
Models - Signal Estimation; Model Validation; Basic Models of Physiologic Systems-
Compartment Models, Single Compartment Model, Two Compartment Model-a closed system,
Two Compartment Model - Open Catenary System, Two compartment Model- Open
Mammillary System, Cardiovascular Model and Control, Respiratory Model and Control, Neural
Networks for Physiological Control, External Control of Movements, The Fast Eye Movement
Control System, Electrical Analogs and State Variable Models of Circuits, Direct
Representation of Fluid Circuits

Essential Reading:
1. Alfio Quarteroni, Modeling the Heart and the Circulatory System, Springer Nature; 2015
edition, 2015
2. Bernard, Fundamentals of Biostatistics, CENGAGE Learning Custom Publishing, 8 th
edition, 2015

Supplementary Reading:
1. KhanalArunBhadra,Mahajan'S Methods In Biostatistics For Medical Students And
Research Workers,Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 8 th edition, 2015
2. David J. Barnes, Introduction to Modeling for Biosciences, Springer; 2010 edition, 2014

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4001 Medical Embedded Systems 3 K. Pal

Introduction to microprocessor (ATmega328) and Arduino software.

Programming: Anatomy of program, fundamental of programming concepts, and Arduino
development environment.
Embedded systems design: Embedded system design process, preliminary testing, and
complete and accurate documentation.
Serial communication subsystem: Serial communications, serial communication terminology,
serial USART, system operation and programming, SPI programming, and two-wire serial
Analog to digital conversions: Sampling, Quantization and Encoding, Analog-to-Digital
Conversion (ADC) Process, ADC Conversion Technologies, Programming the ADC, One-bit
ADC - Threshold Detector, Digital-to-Analog Conversion (DAC).
Interrupt Subsystem: ATmega328 Interrupt System, Interrupt Programming, and Foreground
and Background Processing.
Timing Subsystem: Timing related terminology, Timing System Overview, and Overview of the
Atmel ATmega328 Timer System.
Atmel AVR Operating Parameters and Interfacing: Operating Parameters, Battery Operation,
Input Devices, Output Devices, DC Solenoid Control, and DC Motor Speed and Direction
Applications of embedded systems in medical industry.

Essential Reading:
1. S. F. Barrett, Arduino Microcontroller Processing for Everyone! Part I, Morgan &
Claypool, Third edition, 2013.
2. S. F. Barrett, Arduino Microcontroller Processing for Everyone! Part II, Morgan &
Claypool, Third edition, 2013.
Supplementary Reading:
1. D. J. Russell, and M. A. Thornton, Introduction to Embedded Systems: Using ANSI C
and the Arduino Development Environment (Synthesis Lectures on Digital Circuits and
Systems), Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2010.
2. C. Amariei, Arduino Development Cookbook, Packt Publishing Limited, 2015.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4002 Hospital Management 3 S. S. Ray

Classification of Hospital systems, Role of biomedical engineers; Aspects of hospital services-

outpatient- inpatient supportive emergency drug and medical supply nursing dietary service
transport services; Hospital planning –location, orientation, budgeting, inside & outside
communication, electric power supply for various theatres and rooms, diesel generator,
standby power supply; Air-conditioning of important theatres and equipment housings, water
supply requirements and management, lifts, fire fightingequipments.Sanitation, laundry
services; Computer and information management in hospitals: computer aided hospital
management: application administration / discharge records of patient’s patients billing –
maintenance of patient’s records, their history, maintenance of inventory of medicines and
drugs- purchase; Electrical factors in hospital design, voltage stabilizer, uninterrupted
powersupply for intensive care units and computerized monitoring units-safety precautions,
protection, grounding of ECG, EEG, ENG and other therapeutic equipments; Biomedical
equipment services their purchase, servicing and maintenance of equipment, training of men
for medical equipments, preventive and periodical maintenance procedure.

Essential Reading:
1. Shalini Suri, Hospital Management and Hospital Operations,APH Publishing
Corporation, 1st edition, 2016
2. Gupta Joydeep Das, Hospital Administration And Management: A Comprehensive
Guide, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2 nd edition, 2016

Supplementary Reading:
1. S. K. Joshi, Quality Management in Hospitals, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, 2 nd
edition, 2014
2. Robert E. Hoyt, Ann K. Yoshihashi, Health Informatics: Practical Guide for Healthcare
and Information Technology Professionals,; 6 th edition, 2014

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4003 Metabolic Engineering 3 A. Sarkar

Basic concepts of Metabolic Engineering, Overview of cellular metabolism, Different models

for cellular reactions,Methods for metabolic characterization: genome, transcriptome,
proteome, metabolome, fluxome; Comprehensive models for cellular reactions;Coordination of
metabolic reactions: Feedback inhibition, Energy charge, Multigene networks, Metabolic
regulation network at enzyme level and whole cell level, Examples of metabolic pathway
manipulations, Metabolic pathway synthesis algorithms, Metabolic flux analysis and its
applications, Methods for experimental determination of metabolic fluxes,Metabolite Balancing,
Tracer Experiments, MS and NMR in labelling measurement., Analysis of Metabolic control
analysis (MCA), Determination of Flux control coefficients, MCA of Linear and
Branched pathways, Thermodynamics of cellular processes, Metabolic design: Gene
amplification, Gene-disruption, Randomized and targeted strain development, New concepts
for quantitative bioprocess research and development.

Essential Reading:
1. G. Stephanopoulos, Metabolic Engineering Principles and Methodologies, cbspd, First
edition, 2005.

2. S. Y. Lee, E.T. Papoutsakis, Metabolic Engineering, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1999.

3. F.David, Understanding the Control of Metabolism, Portland Press, London, 1997.

Supplementary Reading:
1. R. Heinrich and S., Schuster, The regulation of cellular systems. Springer Science &
Business Media, 2012.

2. E. O. Voit, Omputational Analysis of Biochemical Systems: A Practical Guide for

Biochemists and Molecular Biologists, Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4004 Computer Aided Drug Design 3 M. K. Gupta

Drug discovery and drug designing process. Traditional drug screening versus CADD.
Concepts in modern drug discovery. Basic principles in CADD: Pharmacophore,
stereochemistry, protein-ligand interaction, lock-fit principle, induced fit theory. Structural
bioinformatics in drug discovery. Conformational analysis of protein and 3D structure prediction
Molecular modelling of drug-receptor interaction. Ligand-based drug designing. Molecular
modelling of drug-receptor interaction. SAR and QSAR. Pharmacophore modelling. Molecular
shape-based drug designing. Prediction of physicochemical properties of drugs and drug-like
substances. Lipinsky rule of five and membrane properteis. Property filtering of compound
databases. Structure-based drug designing. Protein-ligand crystal structure and binding site
analysis. Molecular Recognition and Molecular docking, scoring functions and large compound
library screening. Simulation techniques used in molecular docking. AutoDock tools.

Essential Reading:
1. Merz KM, Ringe D, Reynolds, CH. 2010. Drug Design: Structure- and Ligand-Based
Approaches. Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-0521887236
2. Young DC. 2009. Computational Drug Design: A Guide for Computational and
Medicinal Chemists. Wiley. ISBN: 978-0470126851
3. Cavasotto CN. 2017. In Silico Drug Discovery and Design: Theory, Methods,
Challenges, and Applications. CRC Press. ISBN: 978-1138747586

Supplementary Reading:
1. Nag A. 2010. Computer-Aided Drug Design and Delivery Systems. McGraw-Hill
Education, ISBN: 978-007101242
2. Zheng W, Bajorath J, Johnson SR. 2008.Chemoinformatics Approaches to Virtual
Screening. Royal Society of Chemistry. ISBN: 978-0854041442
3. Djuris J. 2013. Computer-Aided Applications in Pharmaceutical Technology, Woodhead
Publishing Series in Biomedicine. ISBN: BOOH1YWU10

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4005 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 3 K. Pal

Pharmaceuticals, biologics and biopharmaceuticals, Protein structure, Gene manipulation and

recombinant DNA technology, The drug development process, Sources and upstream
processing, Downstream processing, Product analysis, The cytokines: The interferon family,
Cytokines: Interleukins and tumour necrosis factor, Growth factors, Therapeutic hormones,
Recombinant blood products and therapeutic enzymes, Antibodies, vaccines and adjuvants,
and Nucleic acid- and cell-based therapeutics.

Essential Reading:
1. G. Walsh, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology: Concepts and Applications, Wiley India Pvt
Ltd, 2011.
2. J. P. Rho, and S. G. Louie, Handbook Of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Viva Books
Private Limited, 2004.

Supplementary Reading:
1. Daan J. A. Crommelin, Robert D. Sindelar, and Bernd Meibohm, Pharmaceutical
Biotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications, CRC Press, Third edition, 2007.
2. D. Vyas, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, College Book Store, First edition, 2009.
Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker
BM4100 Structural Biology 3 S. Paul

Introduction, Interaction in biology systems, Structure of Biomolecules: protein and nucleic

acids, Secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure of protein, Primary and secondary structure
of RNA and DNA, Method of conformational analysis and prediction of conformation,
Thermodynamics and kinetics of conformational transition of proteins, Protein folding,
techniques for studying Macromolecular structure, Ultra centrifugation Sedimentation velocity
and equilibrium, determination of molecular weights, Electron microscopy, UV Visible
Spectroscopy, Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy, Symmetry,
space group crystal lattices, brag’s law in real & reciprocal space, Nuclear Magnetic

Essential Readings:
1. D. L. Nelson and M. M. Cox, Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, W. H. Freeman,
Fourth Edition, 2004.
2. K. EvanHolde, C. Johnson and P. S. Ho, Principles of Physical Biochemistry, Prentice
Hall, Second Edition, 2005.

Supplementary Reading:
1. P R. Bergethon, The Physical Basis of Biochemistry, The Foundations of Molecular
Biophysics, Springer, Corrected Edition, 2000.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4102 System Biology 3 N. Sarkar

Introduction to cellular and population-level systems biology with an emphasis on synthetic

biology, modeling of genetic networks, cell-cell interactions, and evolutionary dynamics;
Molecules of life: Genes and proteins; Transcription networks; Regulation of gene transcription;
Network motifs in transcription regulation; Network motifs in signaling networks; Origins of
biological robustness; Optimal gene circuits; Kinetic modeling of biochemical reactions; Kinetic
modeling of large scale biomolecular networks; Integration of regulatory and metabolic
networks; Biological networks and drug development.

Essential Reading:
1. Uri Alon, An Introduction to Systems Biology: Design Principles of Biological Circuits,
Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Mathematical and Computational Biology, 2nd edition,
2. M.A. Nowak, Evolutionary Dynamics: Exploring the Equations of Life. Belknap Press,

Supplementary Reading:
1. Alberts, Bruce. Essential Cell Biology. Garland Science, 2009.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4200 Tissue Engineering 3 D. Verma

Introduction to mammalian cell & tissue engineering for human therapeutic applications. Cell
adhesion and cell migration, extracellular matrix, cell aggregates, designing scaffolds,
fabrication of scaffolds, cell-materials interactions, growth factors and their role in tissue
genesis, delivery of growth factors, types of bioreactors used for tissue engineering, design &
production of functional tissue units, Clinical applications & regulatory issues.

Essential Reading:
1. B. Palsson, S. Bhatia, Tissue Engineering, Pearson Education India; First edition, 2016.

Supplementary Reading:
1. R. P. Lanza, R. Langerand W. L. Chick, Principles of tissue engineering, Academic
press, 4th Edition, 2013

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4202 Surface Engineering Of Biomaterials 3 A. Biswas

Surface dependent engineering properties, Cells and tissue interaction with surface, Common
surface initiated engineering failures, Corrosion and wear of implants, Importance and
necessity of surface engineering.
Classification of surface engineering techniques: Mechanical, Physical and Chemical methods.
Surface modification methods: Machining, Blasting, Grinding, Polishing, Chemical treatment,
Sol-gel, Anodic oxidation, laser surface treatment, Physical vapour deposition, Chemical
vapour deposition, Biochemical methods, Thermal spray, Ion implantation, Plasma treatment.

Application surface modification and coatings: Functionalisation of implant surface,

Biocompatible coating for metallic biomaterials, Coating for osseointegration of metallic
biomaterials, Antibacterial coating for metallic biomaterials, Polymer based degradable
coatings for metallic biomaterials.

Essential Reading:
1. L. Hao, and J. Lawrence, Laser surface treatment of Bio-implantmaterials, John-Wiley
and Sonspublishers, 2006.

2. K. G. Budinsky, Surface engineering for wear resistance, VI ed, Prentice Hall, New

3. M. J. Jackson and W. Ahmed, Surface Engineered Surgical Tools and Medical

Devices, Springer, 2007

Supplementary Reading:
1. J. E. Ellingsen, and S. PetterLyngstadaas, Bio-Implant Interface: Improving Biomaterials
and Tissue Reactions, CRC Press, 2003.

2. G. Rakhorst, and R. Ploeg, Biomaterials InModern Medicine: The Groningen

Perspective, World Scientific Publishing Company; 1 stedition 2008.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4300 Enzymology and Protein Engineering 3 N. Sarkar

Enzyme classification and co-factors; Kinetics of enzymatic reactions; Types of enzyme

inhibitors and their mechanism of action; Enzyme immobilization and its application;
Introduction and scope of Protein Engineering; Different approaches of protein engineering;
Random mutagenesis; Mutagenesis by rational design; Protein sequencing; Effect of mutation
on protein structure, stability and folding; Applications of protein engineering; Examples of
commercially used engineered proteins.

Essential Reading:
1. G. Walsh, Proteins: Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Wiley Blackwell Publishers, 2 nd
Edition, 2014.
2. S. Park and J. Cochran, Protein Engineering and Design, CRC Press, 2010.
3. D. L. Purich and R. D. Allison, The Enzyme Reference, Academic Press, 2002.

Supplementary Reading:
1. K. D. Wittrup and G. L. Verdine, Methods in Enzymolgy- Protein Engineering for
Therapeutics, Elsevier, 2012.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

Downstream processing and
BM4301 Bioseparation 3 K. Dutta
Introduction to downstream processing, principles, characteristics of biomolecules and
bioprocesses. Pretreatment and stabilisation of bioproducts. Unit operations for solid-liquid
separation insoluble products: Centrifugation and Filtration: basic principles, design
characteristics; Ultracentrifuges: principles and applications; Sedimentation; Flocculation; Cell
disruption: Sonication; Bead mills; Homogenizers; Chemical lysis; Enzymatic lysis; Separation
of soluble products: Liquid-liquid extraction, aqueous two-phase extraction, Precipitation of
proteins by different methods: salting in and salting out method, Adsorption. Membrane based
purification: Ultrafiltration and Microfiltration; Reverse osmosis; Dialysis. Chromatography:
principles, instruments and practice, adsorption, reverse phase, ion-exchange, size
exclusion, hydrophobic interaction, bioaffinity and pseudo affinity chromatographic
techniques. Electrophoresis. Final step: Drying, lyophilisation and crystallization in final
product formulation.

Essential Reading:
1. P. M. Doran, Bioprocess Engineering principles. Academic press.2nd Ed. ISBN
012220851X, 2012.
2. M. L. Shuler and F. Kargi; Bioprocess Engineering Basic concepts.

Supplementary Reading:
1. P.A. Belter, E.L. Cussler and Wei-Houhu – Bioseparations – Downstream Processing
For Biotechnology, Wiley Interscience Pub. (1988).
2. R.O. Jenkins, (Ed.) – Product Recovery in Bioprocess Technology – Biotechnology By
Open Learning Series, Butterworth-Heinemann (1992).

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4302 Bioseperation Techniques 3 I. Banerjee

Basic concepts of bio-separation process, Filtration: Filtration at constant pressure and at

constant rate, batch and continuous filtration, centrifugal and cross-flow filtration,
Centrifugation: principles and design parameters, Ultra centrifugation, Liquid-liquid extraction,
Precipitation: Salting out and solvent precipitation, Chromatographic separation: size exclusion
chromatography, ion exchange chromatography, affinity chromatography, Paper
chromatography, thin layer chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC),
1D and 2D Electrophoresis, Micro-filtration, Osmosis and reverse osmosis, Dialysis, Distillation,

Essential Reading:
1. P. A. Belter, E. L. Cussler and W.S. Hu, 2011. Bioseparations: Downstream Processing
for Biotechnology, Wiley-Interscience, 2nd Ed, ISBN-13: 978-8126531974

Supplementary Reading:
1. J.E.Bailey, D.F.Olis, 2010. Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill
Education, 2nd Ed. ISBN-13: 978-0070701236
2. D. Forciniti , 2007. Industrial Bioseparations: Principles and Practice. Wiley-Blackwel.
1st Ed. ISBN-13: 978-0813820859

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4303 Bioinformatics 3 M. K. Gupta

Scope of bioinformatics, Major bioinformatics resources (NCBI, EBI, ExPASy), Sequence and
structure databases, Data Mining, Understanding large scale DNA and protein sequencing and
arrays, Sequence analysis, biomolecular sequence file formats, scoring matrices (PAM and
BLOSUM), sequence alignment, gene prediction, phylogeny, knowledge discovery in
biochemical databases, Molecular modelling and simulations.

Essential Reading
1. Bergeron B. 2003. Bioinformatics computing. Prentice Hall, USA. ISBN: 0-13-100825-0.

2. Xiong J. 2006. Essential bioinformatics. Cambridge University Press, USA. ISBN: 978-
Supplementary Reading
1. Mount DW, Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis by Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory Press.

2. Attwood T and Parry-Smith D, Introduction to Bioinformatics, Prentice Hall.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4400 Plant Secondary Metabolites 3 A Sarkar

Introduction to plant secondary metabolites; Definition and systematic of secondary

metabolites, structures, functions and commercial significance of secondary metabolites:
alkaloids, terpenoids/isoprenoids, flavonoids and phenolics; Secondary metabolites in chemical
defense of plants, ecological functions, and biological activities, Important pathway leading to
the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites (e.g. serpentine, shikonin, diosgenin and
cardenolids) in plants; Metabolic products produced by in vitro culturing of plant cells, selection
of plant cells/tissues for the production of a specific product, Culture system in secondary plant
product biosynthesis-batch continuous cultures and immobilized plant cells, Biotransformation
of precursors by cell culturing. Production of secondary plant metabolites from higher plants:
Tissue cultures, organ cultures, hairy root cultures. Bioreactors: scaling up of production of
secondary metabolites Extraction and analytical methods for the above metabolites,
Regulation: metabolic channeling, compartmentalization, cross-talk/exchange of intermediates
between biochemical pathways, Application of specific enzyme inhibitors, Precursor feeding,
genetic regulation of key enzymes, developmental, seasonal and environmental factors.
Industries involved in the production of plant secondary metabolites, Potential and future
prospect of the secondary metabolites production by plant cells culture techniques

Essential Reading:
1. Plant Secondary Metabolism, David S. Seigler (1998) Springer Science and Business
Media, ISBN: 0412019817, 9780412019814
2. Plant Secondary Metabolites: Occurrence, Structure and Role in the Human Diet Alan
Crozier (2206) Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition. ISBN-10: 1405125098, ISBN-13: 978-

Supplementary Reading:
1. Plant Secondary Metabolites. Y. M. Shukla (2009). New India Publishing Agency, ISBN-
10: 8190851225, ISBN-13: 978- 8190851220.
2. Metabolic Engineering of Plant Secondary Metabolism. R. Verpoorte, A. Wilhelm
Alfermann (2000). Springer Science and Business Media. ISBN 0792363604,

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4401 Plant Biotechnology 3 A Sarkar
Special features and organization of plant cells; Concept of cellular totipotency: Nutritional
requirements, single cell culture, micro-propagation, somaclonal variation, somatic
embryogenesis and production of embryoids; Protoplast isolation and culture; Somatic
hybridization and cybrid production and their applications in crop improvement. Productions of
virus free plants using meristem culture. Regeneration of plants; Basis of tumor formation, hairy
roots, features of Ti and Ri plasmids, mechanisms of DNA transfer, role of virulence genes, use
of Ti and Ri as vectors, binary vectors, use of 35S and other promoters, genetic markers, use
of reporter genes, methods of nuclear transfer, particle bombardment, electroporation,
microinjection, transformation of monocots; Transgene stability and gene silencing. Herbicide
and insect resistance; Plant Genetic Engineering: Transgenic plants, Genetically modified (GM)
plants; Plant products of industrial importance; Biochemistry of major metabolic pathways and
products; Autotrophic and heterotrophic growth; Plant growth regulators and elicitors; Cell
suspension culture development: methodology, kinetics of growth and production formation,
nutrient optimization; Production of secondary metabolites by plant suspension cultures; Hairy
root cultures and their cultivation, Techniques in raising transgencies, Applications of Plant
Biotechnology in Crop Improvement.
Essential readings:
1. B.D.Singh,Plant Biotechnology, Kalyani Publishers, 3 rd edition,2015.

2. H. S.Chawla,Introduction to plant biotechnology. Oxford & Ibh Publishing Co. Pvt Ltd,
2nd edition, 2009.

Supplementary Reading:
1. L.J. Cseke, A. Kirakosyan, P. B. Kaufman , S.Warber, J.A. Duke ,and H.L. Brielmann,
Natural Products from Plants, CRC Press; 2 edition , 2006.

2. K-M.Oksman-Caldentey, and W.H. Barz, Plant Biotechnology and Transgenic Plants,

New York : Marcel Dekker, 2002

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4403 Solid And Hazardous Waste 3 P. Balasubramanian

Types and Sources of solid and hazardous wastes, need for waste management, salient
features of Indian legislations on management and handling of municipal solid wastes,
hazardous wastes, biomedical wastes, nuclear wastes, lead acid batteries, electronic wastes,
plastics and fly ash. Composition - physical, chemical and biological properties of solid wastes,
Hazardous characteristics – TCLP tests. Biological and chemical conversion technologies,
methods and controls of composting, thermal conversion technologies and energy recovery,
incineration, solidification and stabilization of hazardous wastes, treatment of biomedical
wastes. Disposal in landfills, Landfill classification, types and methods, site selection, design
and operation of sanitary landfills, secure landfills and landfill bioreactors. Waste minimization
and concept of industrial ecology and industrial symbiosis.

Essential Reading:
1. Rao, M.N., R. Sultana, S. H. Kota, Solid and Hazardous Waste Management: Science
and Engineering, Elsevier, Butterworth-Heinemann 2016.
2. Pichtel, J., Waste Management Practices: Municipal, Hazardous, and Industrial, Second
Edition, CRC press, 2014.
3. Vasudevan, R., F. Z. Siddiqui, S. Agrawal, M. E. Khan, Solid and Liquid Waste
Management: Waste to Wealth, EEE press, 2016.
Suggested Reading:
1. CPHEEO, “Manual on Municipal Solid waste management, Central Public Health
andEnvironmental Engineering Organization, Government of India, New Delhi, 2000.
2. Sengupta, D., S., Agrahar, Modelling trends in solid and hazardous waste management,
Springer, 2017.
3. Agamuthu, P., M., Tanaka, Municipal Solid Waste Management in Asia and the Pacific
Islands: Challenges and Solutions, Springer, 2014.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4405 Bioenergy And Biofuels Engineering 3 K. Pramanik
Fundamental concepts in understanding biofuels and bioenergy systems, biomass production,
availability and attributes for bioenergy and biofuel production. Types of biomass derived fuels
and energy, Bioenergy Sources, Characteristics & Classification. Biofuel sources and
properties. Biogas production from organic matter and animal residues. Fermentation
technology in biofuel production.Thermo-chemical and biochemical conversion of biomass to
fuel, effect of different parameters on pyrolysis and gasification. Environmental aspects of
biofuel production

Essential Reading:
1. Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Sources, G. N. Tiwari and M. K. Ghosal, Narosa
Publishing House, 2007.
2. Kishore V V N, Renewable Energy Engineering and Technology, Principles and
Practice, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), 2009
Supplementary Reading:
1. Nijaguna, B.T., Biogas Technology, New Age International publishers (P) Ltd., 2002.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4407 Industrial Plant Tissue Culture Engineering 3 A Sarkar

Introduction to plant tissue culture, advantages of cell, tissue and organ culture as source of
secondary metabolites; hairy root cultures; screening of high yielding cell lines; procedures for
extraction of high value industrial products, fractionation, bioassays; growth and production
kinetics of cell cultures in shake flasks; scale-up procedures in bioreactors, types of bireactors
for plant cell cultures; Manipulation in production profile by biotic and abiotic elicitation;
biotransformation, lab facilities and operations, tissue culture media: preparation and handling,
establishing aseptic cultures; Micropropagation via axillary and adventitious shoot proliferation;
Somatic embryogenesis; production of artificial seeds; Double haploid production by
androgenesis and gynogenesis; triploid production by endosperm culture; production of virus
free plants by meristem, shoot-tip culture; Cell Suspension cultures; protoplast isolation and
regeneration, somatic hybridization and cybridization; protoclonal, somaclonal and
gametoclonal variation for crop improvement; Cryopreservation. Genetic material of plant cells
with an introduction to chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA; Restriction enzymes;
Transformation of plant cells; different type of vectors including viral vectors and their benefits;
Modes of gene delivery in plants: Particle bombardment, electroporation,
microinjection; Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer, Ti and Ri plasmids; Screening and
selection of transformants, PCR and hybridization methods; Transgene selection and silencing;
Generation and maintenance of transgenic plants, Bt cotton, golden rice and some others as
examples; Aims and scope, bottlenecks; production of industrial enzymes, biodegradable
plastics, polyhydroxybutyrate, antibodies, edible vaccines; manipulation of metabolic pathways
for production of fatty acids, industrial oils, terpenoids, flavanoids etc.

Essential Reading:
1. M. Bhojwani and M.K. Razdan Plant Tissue Culture: Theory and Practice, Elsevier,
First edition, 2003.

2. J.F. Jackson, and H.F. Linskens, Genetic Transformation of Plants, Springer; Softcover
reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 2003.

Supplementary Reading:
1. K-M. Oksman-Caldentey, and W.H. Barz, Plant Biotechnology and Transgenic Plants,
New York : Marcel Dekker, 2002.

2. R.N. Trigiano, and D. J. Gray, eds, Plant Tissue Culture Concepts and Laboratory
Exercises, CRC Press; 2nd edition, 1999.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4501 Biomems And Biomicrofluidics 3 I. Banerjee

Introduction to MEMS and BioMEMS, Silicon microfabrication: materials and methods

Microfabrication using soft substrate: materials and methods, biomedical application of MEMS
devices, Characteristics of microflow, Flow actuation: electrokinetic flow, pressure driven flow,
surface energy driven flow, centrifugal microflow, aquestic streaming, Caotic advection, Peclet
number, Concept of ‘Lab on a chip’, Components of lab-on-a chip: micropump, microvalve,
micromixer, microsensor. Concept of biomicrofluidics, Design and function of H-filter and T-
sensor. Field flow fractionation (FFF), Microfluidic PCR, Microfluidic cell sorter, Lab-on-chip
array for biomolecules, Minimally invasive biomedical microdevices, Future prospect.

Essential Reading
1. E. Meng, 2010. Biomedical Microsystems, CRC Press, 1st Ed. ISBN-13: 978-

Supplementary Reading
1. S.S. Saliterman, 2006. Fundamentals of BioMEMS and Medical Microdevices, Wiley-
Blackwell. 1st Ed. ISBN-13: 978-0819459770
2. P. Tabeling, S .Chen, 2010. Introduction to microfluidics, Oxford University Press.1st
Ed. ISBN-13: 978-0199588169

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4600 Artificial Intelligence And Machine 3 K. Pal

Introduction, Heuristic search techniques, Game playing, Knowledge representation,

Knowledge representation structures, Reasoning, Learning, Association learning, Clustering,
Reinforcement learning, Statistical learning, Artificial neural nets, Supervised learning,
Unsupervised learning, Expert systems

Essential Reading:
1. J. Gabriel, Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence for Humans (Artificial Intelligence,
Machine Learning), CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, First edition, 2016.

Supplementary Reading:
1. S.S.V. Chandra, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Prentice Hall India
Learning Private Limited, First edition, 2014.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4601 Medical Imaging And Image Processing 3 K. Pal

Brief introduction to medical imaging techniques: X-ray, CT scan, PET scan, SPECT scan, MRI
scan, and Ultrasound imaging.
Digital image fundamentals: Image digitization, sampling & quantization, Different types of
transform- Discrete Fourier Transform, Fast Fourier Transform, and 2-D Fourier and inverse
Fourier Transform.
Image enhancement fundamentals: Spatial and frequency domain methods, contrast
enhancement, histogram processing, image smoothing, image averaging, masking, image
sharpening, and enhancement in the frequency domain.
Image restoration fundamentals: Degradation model, discrete formulation, and algebraic
approach to restoration–unconstrained and constrained.
Image compression and segmentation fundamentals: Image compression models, and lossy
and lossless compression techniques.
Image segmentation: point detection, line detection, edge detection, edge linking and boundary
Algorithms used in medical image processing.

Essential Reading:
1. W. Burger, and M. J. Burge, Principles of Digital Image Processing: Fundamental
Techniques (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science), Springer, First edition, 2011.

2. R. Gonzalez, R. Woods, and S. Eddins, Digital image processing, McGraw Hill

Education, Second edition, 2010.

Supplementary Reading:
1. A. K. Jain, Fundamentals of image processing, Pearson Education India, First edition,

2. B. Chanda and D. D. Majumdar, Digital image processing and analysis, Prentice Hall
India Learning Private Limited, Second edition, 2011.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4602 Laser And Fiber Optics In Medicine 3 K. Pal
Laser characteristics: Single frequency operation, coherence of laser, spatial distribution,
intensity of laser emission, polarization of laser emission, measurement of pulsed laser energy.
Laser applications in biology: Optical properties of tissue, Pathology of laser reaction in skin,
thermal effects, laser irradiation, Non thermal reactions of laser energy in tissue, effect of
Lasers in surgery: Surgical instrumentation of CO2, Ruby, Nd-YAG, He-Ne, Argon ion, Q-
switched operations, continuous wave, Quasi–continuous, surgical applications of these lasers.
Laser applications in medicine: Lasers in dermatology, lasers in ophthalmology, laser photo
coagulations, laser in dentistry, Laser flow cytometry, Laser transillumination and
diaphanography- Speckle intereferometry, holography- Application Safety with biomedical
Fiber optics in diagnosis: Transmission of signals, light, and construction details of optical fiber,
application of fiber optics in medical field.

Essential Reading:
1. L. Goldman, The Biomedical laser Technology and Clinical Applications, Springer,
2. H.-P. Berlien, G. J. Müller, H. Breuer, and N. Krasner, Applied Laser Medicine,
Springer, First edition, 2004.

Supplementary Reading:
1. R. A. Shotwell, Introduction to Fiber Optics, Pearson Education India, First edition,
2. B. B. Laud, Lasers and Non-Linear Optics, New Age International Private Limited, 2011.
3. M. Singh, Lasers: Theory, Principles And Applications, Vei, First edition, 2012.
4. K. Thyagarajan, and A. Ghatak, Lasers: Fundamentals and Applications, Laxmi
Publications, Second edition, 2011.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4603 Measurements, Sensors And Transducers 3 K. Pal

Measurements: SI units, systematic and random errors in measurement, expression of

uncertainty – accuracy and precision index, propagation of errors. PMMC, MI and
dynamometer type instruments; dc potentiometer; bridges for measurement of R, L and C, Q-
meter. Measurement of voltage, current and power in single and three phase circuits; ac and dc
current probes; true rms meters, voltage and current scaling, instrument transformers,
timer/counter, time, phase and frequency measurements, digital voltmeter, digital multimeter;
oscilloscope, shielding and grounding.
Sensors and Transducers: Resistive-, capacitive-, inductive-, piezoelectric-, Hall effect sensors
and associated signal conditioning circuits; transducers for industrial instrumentation:
displacement (linear and angular), velocity, acceleration, force, torque, vibration, shock,
pressure (including low pressure), flow (differential pressure, variable area, electromagnetic,
ultrasonic, turbine and open channel flow meters) temperature (thermocouple, bolometer, RTD
(3/4 wire), thermistor, pyrometer and semiconductor); liquid level, pH, conductivity and viscosity

Essential Reading:
1. A. S. Morris, and R. Langari, Measurement and Instrumentation: Theory and
Application, Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd., 2012.
2. E.W. Golding, and F.C. Widdis, Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments,
Reem Publications Pvt. Ltd., Third edition, 2011.

Supplementary Reading:
1. D. Patranabis, Sensors and Transducers, Prentice Hall India Learning Private Limited,
Second edition, 2003.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4605 Rehabilitation Engineering And Robotics 3 K. Pal
Rehabilitation Engineering: Introduction, Clinical Practice of Rehabilitation Engineering,
Universal Design, Technology Transfer, Standards for Assistive Technology, Seating
Biomechanics and Systems, Tissue Integrity Management, Wheelchairs, Functional Electrical
Stimulation, Wheelchair Transportation Safety, Rehabilitation Robotics, Major Limb Prosthetic
Devices, Orthotic Devices, Aids for People with Low Vision and Blindness,
Maximizing Participation for People with Hearing Loss, Telecommunications, Computers, and
Web Accessibility, Augmentative and Alternative Communication Technology, Adaptive Sports
and Recreation Technology.
Robotics: Fundamentals of Robot Application, Human Robot Interaction, Social Robotics -
Children with ASD, Elderly, Personal Assistant Robots, Ethical and Social Implications.

Essential Reading:
1. R. A. Cooper, H. Ohnabe, and D. A. Hobson, An Introduction to Rehabilitation
Engineering, CRC Press, First edition, 2006.
2. P. Encarnação, and A. Cook, Robotic Assistive Technologies: Principles and Practice,
CRC Press, First edition, 2017.

Supplementary Reading:
1. R. Riener, Rehabilitation robotics (Foundations and Trends in Robotics), Now
publishers Inc., 2014.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4607 Communication and Telemedicine 3 K. Pal

Communication: Amplitude- and frequency modulation and demodulation; Shannon's sampling

theorem, pulse code modulation; frequency and time division multiplexing, amplitude-, phase-,
frequency-, pulse shift keying for digital modulation.
Telemedicine: Fundamentals of Telemedicine, Telemedicine Systems, Technology of
Telemedicine Systems, The Telemedicine Workstation and Interfacing Techniques,
Telecommunication Technologies for Telemedicine, Networking in Telemedicine, Wireless
Technologies for Telemedicine, Mobile Health and Ubiquitous Healthcare, Telehome Care and
Telehealth, Personal Health Monitors, eHealth and Cyber Medicine, Videoconferencing
Systems and Multimedia Data Exchange, Applications of Telemedicine, Ethical, Privacy,
Security and Legal Issues in Telemedicine.

Essential Reading:
1. J. G. Proakis, and M. Salehi, Communication Systems Engineering, Pearson Education
India, Second edition, 2015.
2. R.S. Khandpur, Telemedicine: Technology and Applications (mHealth, TeleHealth and
eHealth), PHI Learning, 2017.

Supplementary Reading:
1. S. Sharma, Communication Systems (Analog and Digital), S.K. Kataria & Sons, Reprint
2013 edition, 2013.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4700 Tissue Engineering Lab 1 D. Verma

Scaffold Fabrication and Characterization: Preparation of 2D polymer Films; Preparation of 3D

porousscaffoldby Salt Leaching Method; Preparation of 3D porous scaffold by Freeze Drying
method; Preparation of 3D porous scaffold by freeze gelation method, Preparation of
nanofibrous scaffold by Electrospinning method; Characterization of scaffold: pore size &
porosity and mechanical Strength; contact angle measurement; swelling behavior;Culture of
MSCs, Cell counting & cell morphology;Seeding of MSCs on scaffolds; MTT Viability Test;
Differentiation of MSCs into bone cells in the scaffold; Characterization of tissue engineered

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4701 Health Informatics And Telemedicine Lab 2 S. S. Ray
Introduction to MIT app inventor, Training on Development of applications for mobile devices,
Database management for health informatics, Exploration of different sensors and its utility in
mobile devices, Data security in health informatics, Data compression methods in telemedicine,
Operation of Medical devices through mobile devices.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

Computational Methods In Bioengineering
BM4702 Lab 2 A. Thirugnanam

Introduction to techniques for computer model generation. Hands-on experience in X-ray based
imaging and generation of 3D computer models. Introduction to computational musculoskeletal
modelling techniques. GaitLab: practical introduction to motion capture & assessment of
muscle function. Theory and implementation of advanced musculoskeletal modelling
techniques. Practical problem solving using musculoskeletal modelling techniques. Introduction
to computational models for the simulation of bone adaptation and fracture healing. Hands-on
problem solving using finite element models to assess material behaviour. Implementation of
computer models for understanding polyethylene wear behaviour. Introduction to probabilistic
modelling techniques to account for uncertainty. Practical application of statistical modelling

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4703 Medical Imaging And Image Processing Lab 2 K. Pal

Image enhancement–Histogram; Image smoothing, Image sharpening; Low-pass filter, high-

pass filter, median-filter; Point-detection, Line-detection; Edge detection, Prewitt Edge, Edge-
detector; Mathematical operation on images; Image data compression; Implementation of the
TWO Dimensional F.F.T.; Batch processing of manufactured medical devices; Continuous
monitoring of the manufactured medical devices; Particle size analysis; Image registration;
Volume reconstruction; Determination of the color-coded parts in a given device; Inspection of
devices using gauging; Cell culture analysis; Inspection of the PCB components; Edge
detection as a tool for connector pin inspection; Inspection of the blister packs; Dental floss
inspection; Pills inspection using watershed algorithm; Tablet discoloration inspection; Foreign
tablet inspection; Label Inspection.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4704 Soft computing Lab 2 A. Thirugnanam

C Programming: Introduction, declaring variables, arithmetic operations, relational operators,

For and While loops, switc/case, If, if else statement, strings, Arrays, Functions, structiures,
Pointers, system calls. Simple programs to illustrate the above topics.

C++ Programming: Principles of object-oriented Programming , Basic concept of object-

oriented Programming , Benefits of OOP , Difference between object oriented language and
procedure oriented language II Introduction of C++, Class, Objects, Creating Simple program
using class and object III Token expression and control structure IV Classes and object in detail
, Declaring class and defining member function, making outside function inline , Nesting
member function, Private member function arrays within a class, memory allocation of objects,
Static data members and Member functions , Arrays of Objects , Object as a function
argument, Friend functions, Returning objects, const. member functions.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4705 Bioinformatics Lab 1 M. K. Gupta

Data retrieval from biological databases: MapViewer, ENSEMBLE, OMIM, SNP databases.
Retrieval of nucleic acid and protein sequence from biological database (GenBank, EMBL,
Uniprot) and their interpretation. Retrieval of protein structure from PDB database and viewing
in RASMOL. Nucleic acid and protein sequence analysis (BLAST, EMBOSS). Multiple
sequence alignment (CLUSTAL, EMBOSS). Phylogenetic analysis (PHYLLIP). ORF
identification, in silico translation and Gene prediction (GeneMark). Secondary structure
prediction in nucleic acids (MFOLD) and proteins (Chou-Fasman and GOR methods).
Molecular Modelling of tertiary structure of protein (SWISS MODEL, MODELLER). Identifying
protein folding (PHYRE). Functional annotation of genes and proteins (GO, DAVID)

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4706 Enzymology and Protein Engineering Lab 2 N. Sarkar

Determination of Km and Vmax of an enzymatic reaction; Effects of pH on enzymatic rate;

Effects of temperature on enzymatic rates; Effects of substrate concentration on enzymatic
rates; ELISA; Monitoring protein stability through equilibrium unfolding method; Effects of pH on
protein unfolding; Effects of temperature on protein unfolding; Monitoring protein
folding/unfolding kinetics using stopped flow apparatus; Structural characterization of proteins
using various biophysical methods.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4707 Plant Biotechnology Lab 3 N. Patra

Tissue culture media preparation; Callus induction; Hairy root induction; Plant genomic DNA
isolation; RNA isolation; Reverse transcriptase PCR; Genetic transformation of plants; effect of
cultivation conditions, Elicitation of secondary metabolites; Permeabilization; In-situ product
extraction; Immobilization of plant cells; Scale-up of plant cell cultivation in a bioreactor.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4708 Food And Fermentation Technology Lab 1 A. Sarkar

Isolation of lactic acid bacteria from yoghurt, Estimation of solubility, specific gravity, and
Refractive Index of food material, To study the spreading coefficient of butter, stored at different
temperatures, To determine the puncture strength of fruits and vegetables, To study the effects
of Variations in Gelatin Concentration, pH, Sucrose Concentration, and Presence of a
Proteolytic Enzyme on Gelatin Gel Strength. To study the extrusion properties of dough, To
study the cutting strength of fruits and vegetables. To study the quantity and coagulation of
protein in food, To determine the moisture content within food materials; To study the viscosity
of the commonly available sauces and ketchups, To study the Enzymatic Browning of food mat,
Production of vitamins, amino acids, organic acids, enzymes and antibiotics, alcohols using
aerobic/anaerobic fermentation process.

Essential readings:
1. P.F. Stanbury, A. Whitaker, and S.J.Hall, Principles of Fermentation Technology.
Butterworth-Heinemann; 3rd edition, 2016.

2. D.D. Miller, Food chemistry: a laboratory manual. Wiley-Interscience, 1998.

Supplementary readings:
1. W.F. Harrigan, and M.E.Margaret, Laboratory methods in food and dairy microbiology.
Academic Press Inc.(London) Ltd.1976.

2. S. Keith, Handbook of Indigenous Fermented Foods, CRC Press; 2nd editions, 1995.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4709 Downstream processing and Bioseparation Lab 3 K. Dutta

Separation of proteins from mixture using ammonium sulphate precipitation method, separation
of biomolecules using dialysis, determination of filtration efficiency of a filter press, separation
of carbohydrates from non-fat powdered milk, separation of phenolic bioactive compounds
using silica-gel column chromatography, separation of amino acids using thin-layer
chromatography, isolation of ethanol from fermentation broth using distillation, separation of
proteins using SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis, determination of void volumes of gel filtration
column, fractionation of mixture of carbohydrates using gel filtration chromatography, extraction
of glycoproteins from bacterial cell lysate by affinity chromatography

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4710 Computer Aided Drug Design Lab 2 M. K. Gupta

Homology modelling of protein. Conformational analysis: Secondary structure prediction, 3D

structure prediction, fold recognition and sequence-structure alignment of proteins. Molecular
modelling of drug-receptor interaction: Prediction of active site in receptor, building small
molecules, ADME Predictions. Ligand-based drug designing: Protein-ligand docking, Protein-
protein docking, Combinatorial library generation. Pharmacophore mapping. Molecular shape-
based drug designing: Structure based designing. Molecular Docking.

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

Modelling And Computation In
BM4714 Bioengineering 2 A. Thirugnanam

Solid works: Introduction to Solid works: Development of simple models (bioimplants, bone,
etc) using solidworks, Part modelling and part assembly, modification of dimensions in solid

ANSYS: Introduction to ANSYS, development of 2D and 3D models using ANSYS by

keypoints, lines, etc, model importing in ANSYS, meshing and boundary conditions, FEA
analysis of models using ANSYS (static, dynamic, transient, thermal, fluid flow, etc) in

Sub. Code Subject Credits Course Caretaker

BM4716 Matlab Programming For Bioengineering 2 K. Pal

Introduction to MATLAB, Constants, variable, and expressions, Vectors and matrices,

Polynomials, Input-Output statements, MATLAB graphics, Control structures, Simulink basics,
MATLAB applications in control systems, MATLAB applications in neural networks, MATLAB
applications in fuzzy logic systems, MATLAB applications in biosignal analysis.

Department of Civil Engineering

Sub Discipline: Non Specific Subjects

CE 1000 Engineering Mechanics 3-1-0 4
CE 2001 Civil Engineering Materials and Construction 3-0-0 3
CE 2002 Elements of Civil Engineering 3-0-0 3
CE 2003 Mechanics of Solids 3-0-0 3
CE 2005 Surveying 3-0-0 3
CE 3003 Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System 3-0-0 3
CE 4001 Estimation & Construction Management 3-0-0 3
CE 3004 Disaster Management 3-0-0 3
CE 6000 Operation Research 3-0-0 3
CE 6001 Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering 3-0-0 3
CE 6003 Applied Elasticity and Plasticity 3-0-0 3
CE 6005 Bridge Engineering 3-0-0 3
CE 6007 Optimization Methods in Civil Engineering 3-0-0 3
CE 6008 Probability and Reliability Methods in Civil Engineering 3-0-0 3

Sub Discipline: Geotechnical Engineering

2102 Mechanics of Soil 3-0-0 3
3107 Foundation Engineering 3-0-0 3
4101 Ground Improvement Techniques 3-0-0 3
4103 Advanced Foundation Engineering 3-0-0 3
4106 Soil Structure Interaction 3-0-0 3
Rock Mechanics 3-0-0 3
Soil Exploration and Analysis of Foundations 3-0-0 3
Earth Retaining Structures 3-0-0 3
Dynamics of Soils and Foundations 3-0-0 3
Environmental Geotechnics 3-0-0 3
Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering 3-0-0 3
Ground Water and Flow through Porous Media 3-0-0 3
Strength and Deformation Behaviour of Soil 3-0-0 3

Sub Discipline: Structural Engineering

2201 Concrete Technology 3-0-0 3
2202 Structural Analysis 3-0-0 3
3201 Advanced structural analysis 3-0-0 3
3202 Design of Steel Structure 3-0-0 3
3203 Reinforced Concrete Design 3-0-0 3
3204 Finite Element Method 3-0-0 3
4203 Advanced Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures 3-0-0 3
4205 Advanced Mechanics of Solids 3-0-0 3
4206 Design of Industrial Steel Structures 3-0-0 3
Advanced Steel Design 3-0-0 3
Structural Dynamics 3-0-0 3
Composite Structures 3-0-0 3
Pre-stressed Concrete 3-0-0 3
6209 Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures 3-0-0 3
Design of Offshore Structures 3-0-0 3

Sub Discipline: Transportation Engineering

2302 Transportation Engineering 3-0-0 3
4301 Advanced Transportation Engineering 3-0-0 3
4302 Traffic Engineering & Transportation Planning 3-0-0 3
4303 Pavement Design 3-0-0 3
4304 Pavement Materials 3-0-0 3
4305 Planning and Design of Airports 3-0-0 3
4306 Railway and Tunnel Engineering 3-0-0 3
Transportation Systems Planning 3-0-0 3
Transportation Systems, Analysis and Modelling 3-0-0 3
Highway and Airport Pavement Materials 3-0-0 3
Geometric Design of Highways 3-0-0 3
Evaluation and Strengthening of Pavements 3-0-0 3
Mass Transit Systems 3-0-0 3
Road Safety Engineering 3-0-0 3
Low Volume Roads 3-0-0 3
Pavement Management System 3-0-0 3
Pedestrian Dynamics 3-0-0 3
Transportation and Environment 3-0-0 3
Economic Analysis of Transportation Systems 3-0-0 3
CE6315 Advanced Railway Engineering 3-0-0 3

Sub Discipline: Water Resource Engineering

2402 Fluid Mechanics 3-0-0 3
3401 Water Resources Engineering 3-0-0 3
Advanced Fluid Mechanics
3402 3-0-0 3
CE Hydraulic Engineering
4400 3-0-0 3
4401 Irrigation Engineering 3-0-0 3
4403 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3-0-0 3
4404 Engineering Hydrology 3-0-0 3
4405 Open Channel Flow 3-0-0 3
4406 Water Resources Planning and Management 3-0-0 3
CE Hydraulics of Surface Water 3-0-0 3
Water Quality Modelling and Management 3-0-0 3
Ground Water Assessment & Development 3-0-0 3
Design of Hydraulic systems 3-0-0 3
Integrated River Basin Management 3-0-0 3
Fluvial Hydraulics 3-0-0 3

Sub Discipline: Environmental Engineering

1500 Environment and Safety Engineering 3-0-0 0
3505 Environmental Engineering 3-0-0 3
4502 Advanced Environmental Engineering 3-0-0 3
4503 Environmental Impact Assessment 3-0-0 3
4504 Air Quality Management 3-0-0 3
4505 Environmental Management in Industry 3-0-0 3
Advanced Wastewater Treatment 3-0-0 3
Principles of Environmental Management 3-0-0 3
Advanced Air Quality Management 3-0-0 3
Water and Wastewater Engineering 3-0-0 3
Industrial Pollution Prevention and Clean Technologies 3-0-0 3
Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment 3-0-0 3
Environmental Legislation and Policy 3-0-0 3

Sub Discipline: Laboratory Courses

CE Engineering Drawing 0-0-3 2
CE Mechanics of Solids Laboratory 0-0-2 1
CE 0-0-2 1
2702 Building Drawing Practice
CE 0-0-3 2
2704 Surveying Field Work
3701 Highway Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
3702 RC Structures Design Practice 0-0-2 1
3703 Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines Laboratory 0-0-3 2
3704 Structural Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
3705 Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
3706 Environmental Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
4701 Geotechnical Engineering Design Practice 0-0-2 1
4702 Water resources Engineering Design Practice 0-0-2 1
CE 0-0-2 1
4703 Steel Structures Design Practice
CE 0-0-2 1
4704 Transportation Engineering Design Practice
CE 0-0-2 1
4705 Environmental Engineering Design Practice
CE 0-0-2 1
4706 Computer Aided Design Practice

Sub Discipline: Project and Comprehensive Viva-Voce

4901 Research Project – I 0-0-0 3
4902 Research Project – II 0-0-0 3
4904 Comprehensive Viva-Voce 0-0-0 2

Subject Name L-T-P Credits
CE 1000 Engineering Mechanics 3-1-0 4
CE 1500 Environment and Safety Engineering 3-0-0 3
CE 1701 Engineering Drawing 0-0-3 2
CE 2001 Civil Engineering Materials and Construction 3-0-0 3
CE 2002 Elements of Civil Engineering 3-0-0 3
CE 2003 Mechanics of Solids 3-0-0 3
CE 2005 Surveying 3-0-0 3
CE 2102 Mechanics of Soil 3-0-0 3
CE 2201 Concrete Technology 3-0-0 3
CE 2202 Structural Analysis 3-0-0 3
CE 2302 Transportation Engineering 3-0-0 3
CE 2402 Fluid Mechanics 3-0-0 3
CE 2701 Mechanics of Solids Laboratory 0-0-2 1
CE 2702 Building Drawing Practice 0-0-2 1
CE 2704 Surveying Field Work 0-0-3 2
CE 3003 Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System 3-0-0 3
CE 3004 Disaster Management 3-0-0 3
CE 3107 Foundation Engineering 3-0-0 3
CE 3201 Advanced structural analysis 3-0-0 3
CE 3202 Design of Steel Structure 3-0-0 3
CE 3203 Reinforced Concrete Design 3-0-0 3
CE 3204 Finite Element Method 3-0-0 3
CE 3401 Water Resources Engineering 3-0-0 3
CE 3402 Advanced Fluid Mechanics 3-0-0 3
CE 3505 Environmental Engineering 3-0-0 3
CE 3701 Highway Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
CE 3702 RC Structures Design Practice 0-0-2 1
CE 3703 Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines Laboratory 0-0-3 2
CE 3704 Structural Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
CE 3705 Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
CE 3706 Environmental Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 2
CE 4001 Estimation & Construction Management 3-0-0 3
CE 4101 Ground Improvement Techniques 3-0-0 3
CE 4103 Advanced Foundation Engineering 3-0-0 3
CE 4106 Soil Structure Interaction 3-0-0 3
CE 4203 Advanced Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures 3-0-0 3
CE 4205 Advanced Mechanics of Solids 3-0-0 3
CE 4206 Design of Industrial Steel Structures 3-0-0 3
CE 4301 Advanced Transportation Engineering 3-0-0 3
CE 4302 Traffic Engineering & Transportation Planning 3-0-0 3
CE 4303 Pavement Design 3-0-0 3
CE 4304 Pavement Materials 3-0-0 3
CE 4305 Planning and Design of Airports 3-0-0 3
CE 4306 Railway and Tunnel Engineering 3-0-0 3
CE 4400 Hydraulic Engineering 3-0-0 3
CE 4401 Irrigation Engineering 3-0-0 3
CE 4403 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3-0-0 3
CE 4404 Engineering Hydrology 3-0-0 3
CE 4405 Open Channel Flow 3-0-0 3
CE 4406 Water Resources Planning and Management 3-0-0 3
CE 4502 Advanced Environmental Engineering 3-0-0 3
CE 4503 Environmental Impact Assessment 3-0-0 3
CE 4504 Air Quality Management 3-0-0 3
CE 4505 Environmental Management in Industry 3-0-0 3
CE 4701 Geotechnical Engineering Design Practice 0-0-2 1
CE 4702 Water resources Engineering Design Practice 0-0-2 1
CE 4703 Steel Structures Design Practice 0-0-2 1
CE 4704 Transportation Engineering Design Practice 0-0-2 1
CE 4705 Environmental Engineering Design Practice 0-0-2 1
CE 4706 Computer Aided Design Practice 0-0-2 1

Note: For 6 level courses please refer to M. Tech. Curriculum and Syllabi.
CE 1000 ENGINEERING MECHANICS 4 Credits [3-1-0]
Statics: Introduction: Basic Concepts of Force, Moment and Couple; Equilibrium of Coplanar
force systems; Friction, Belt friction and Screw Jack; Internal forces in Members of Trusses and
(Method of joints, Method of Sections) and Analysis of Frames (Method of Members);
Properties of Surfaces: Centroid and Moment of Inertia of plane figures, Principle of Virtual
Work and application;
Dynamics: Kinetics of Rectilinear motion and Curvilinear motion of a particle: D’Alembert’s
Principle, Linear Momentum and Impulse, Moment of Momentum, Work and Energy, Impact;
Rigid Body motion - Kinematics of rotation; Equation of motion of a Rotating rigid body,
D’Alembert’s Principle for rotation, Resultant Inertia force in Rotation, Compound Pendulum,
Angular Momentum, Energy Equations for rotating bodies, Plane Motion: kinematics of plane
motions, Instantaneous Centre of Rotation, Equations of Plane Motion of a rigid body and
Energy equations for Plane motion, D’Alembert’s Principle for rotation and plane motion.

Essential Reading:
3. S. P. Timoshenko, D. H. Young, and J. V. Rao: Engineering Mechanics (Fourth edition),
Tata-McGraw Hill, Special Indian Edition, 2007.

4. R. C. Hibbeler, Engineering Mechanics (Statics and Dynamics), Pearson Education

Asia Pvt. Ltd, 2000.

Supplementary Reading:
4. A.K. Tayal, Engineering Mechanics, Umesh Publications, Delhi, 11th edition, 2001.

5. F. P. Beer and E. R. Johnston, Mechanics for Engineers (Static & Dynamics), 7th
edition, McGraw Hill International Student Edition, 2003

6. J. L. Meriam and L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics (Static & Dynamics), John Wiley,


Environmental Engineering: Introduction to Environmental engineering Nature and scope of
environment problems; Ecosystem; Local, regional and global environmental challenges, Basic
concepts of biodiversity and its significance.
Water Pollution: Fundamentals and Control Strategies: Water quality-physical, chemical &
biological characteristics, Drinking water standards; Effluent quality requirements; Water and
wastewater treatment processes-treatment train, physical, chemical and biological unit
Air Pollution: Fundamentals and Control Strategies; Air pollution - sources, classifications and
regulations; and their effects, Monitoring Principles and instrumentation for particulate and
gaseous pollutant measurements; Air pollution control strategies: physical, chemical and
biological methods.
Noise standards and criteria, Noise pollution measurement in ambient air and industrial
complex, Control methods for noise pollution; Engineering principles in waste management,
Case studies on industrial applications of cleaner technologies in industries.
Environment Management and Sustainability Tools for sustainable management including ISO
certification, environment audit, EIA; Safety Engineering: Introduction: Background, Benefits
of safety in Industry, Safety Terms and Definitions. Safety Mathematics and Reliability Basics:
Basic Statistics, Set Algebra, Probability, Reliability.
Workplace Accidents and Safety: Accident Causation Theories (Domino Theory, Human Factor
Theory), Accident Investigation and Reporting. Legal Aspects of Safety: Factories Act 1948,
Other International Codes (OSHA Laws & Regulations).
Hazards Related to Various Industries: Chemical, Electrical, Mining, and Construction Safety
and Risk Management: Safety Management Principles, Safety Program Plan, Safety
Committees, Safety Performance Measures, Risk Assessment, Risk Management. Safety
Analysis Methods: FMEA, FTA, Markov Method, HAZOP, JHA,
Control Charts. Human Factors in Safety: Job Stress, Ergonomics, Human behaviour; Personal
Protective Equipment; Safety Costing; Safety Cost Estimation Methods, Safety Cost
Essential Reading:
3. M. L. Davis and D. A Cornwell, Introduction to Environmental Engineering, McGraw Hill
International, 2005

4. B. S. Dhillon, Engineering Safety: Fundamentals, Techniques, Applications, World

Scientific. 2003

Supplementary Reading:
2. G. Kiely, Environmental Engineering, McGraw Hill Int. 2004

CE 1701 ENGINEERING DRAWING 2 Credits [0-0-3]

Introduction to AutoCAD basic commands, Code provision of IS-696 regarding Lines, Lettering
and Dimensioning. Drawing of Scales (Plane Scales, Diagonal Scales, Vernier Scales and
Scales of Chords), Construction of simple geometrical figures and Engineering curves;
Orthographic Projections: Projection of a point situated in various quadrants, projections of
straight lines, true length, true inclinations and traces of a straight lines, auxiliary projections,
auxiliary inclined and Auxiliary vertical planes, projection of plane figures. Projection of simple
solids, Auxiliary projection of solids, section of solids, true shape of section; Development of
surfaces: prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones, spheres, pipe bends; Isometric projection:
Principles, Isometric scales, Isometric projection of plane figures and simple solids.

Essential Reading:
1. K. Venugopal, Engineering Drawing and Graphics + AutoCAD, New Age International
(P) Limited. 4th Reprint: June, 2008.

2. N. D. Bhatt, Geometrical Drawing, Charotar Book Stall, 2002.

Supplementary Reading:
1. K. L. Narayana and P. Kannaiah, Engineering Graphics, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Co. Ltd.

2. J. D. Bethune, Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD, Pearson Education.


General civil engineering material performance requirements: strength, stiffness, durability,
appearance. Concrete: properties of fresh and hardened concrete, reinforcement, concrete mix
design. Steel: properties of steel, steel grades, protection from corrosion and fire. Pavement
materials: production, testing and applications. Geosynthetics: overview of available materials,
geotextile functions and mechanisms. Timber. Masonry.
Building construction: Foundations – Shallow and Deep foundations; Stone and Brick Masonry;
Reinforced concrete and reinforced brick work; Setting and laying out a building; Damp
proofing of floors and walls; Doors and Windows; Staircase and escalators; Scaffolding and

Essential Reading:
1. B. C. Punmia, Building Construction, Laxmi Publication.

2. P. C. Varghese, Building Materials, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi-1.

Supplementary Reading:
1. D. S. Arora, Text book of Engineering materials, Kalyani publication.

2. D. N. Ghose, Material of Construction, Tata McGraw Hill.

3. S. K. Duggal, Building Materials, New Age International Pvt. Ltd.

Building materials and construction materials: Bricks, Stones, Cement, Cement mortar, Cement
Concrete, Reinforced concrete, pre stressed concrete ; Construction: Foundations, Brick
masonry, Stone masonry, walls, columns, floors, steps& stairs, lintels, roofs, doors& windows ;
Surveying: Chain Surveying, Compass surveying, Plane Table Surveying, Leveling.
Transportation Engineering: Classification of highways, principles of alignment, Types of
pavements, geometric design of airport components; Floods: River systems and Flood

Essential Reading:
1. M.S. Palanichamy, 2000, Basic Civil Engineering, Tata McGrawhill 3rd Edition.

2. S. K. Khanna & C E G Justo, Highway Engineering, Nemchand Bros, Roorkee, 8th

edition 2001, Reprinted 2003

Supplementary Reading:
1. S. K. Duggal, Building Materials, New Age International Pvt. Ltd.

2. S. C. Rangawala, Building Construction, Charotar Publishing House

3. S. P. Bindra, A Course in Highway Engg, Dhanpat Rai Publication

4. K. C. Patra, Hydrology & Water Resources Engg, Narosa Publishing House, New
Delhi, 2nd Edition

CE 2003 MECHANICS OF SOLIDS 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Concept of Stress and strain, Definition of stress, stress tensor, normal and shearing stresses
in axially loaded members, stress-strain relationship ; Generalized Hooke’s Law, Poisson’s
ratio, relationship between E, G, K and ν, stress-strain diagram for uniaxial loading, working
stress. ; Analysis of Axially Loaded Members, Composite bars in tension and Compression,
temperature stresses in composite rods, statically indeterminate problems, Transformation of
Plane stress and Plane strain, principal stresses and principal planes, Mohr’s circle of stress,
principal strains and principal axes of strain, Mohr’s circle for strain, Strain rosettes,
determination of principal strains from strain measurements, calculation of principal stresses
from principal strains; Stresses in thin cylinders and thin spherical shells, wire winding of thin
cylinders; Torsion of Circular shafts and Helical Springs, strength of solid and hollow circular
shafts, design of circular members in torsion, close coiled helical springs ; Members subjected
to flexural loads, shear force and bending moment diagrams for cantilever and simply
supported beams, elastic curve. ; Theory of simple bending, bending stresses in beams,
shearing stresses in beams, composite beams, Slope and deflection of beams by integration
method and moment area method; Euler’s theory for compression members; short struts with
eccentric loading, Kern of rectangular and circular sections.

Essential Reading:
1. E. P. Popov, Engineering Mechanics of Solids, Prentice hall of India Pvt. Ltd.

2. S. P. Timoshenko and D. H. Young, Elements of Strength of Materials, Affiliated East

West Press Pvt. Ltd.

Supplementary Reading:
1. G. H. Ryder, Strength of Materials, ELBS.

2. H. Shames, Introduction to Solid Mechanics, Prentice hall of India Pvt. Ltd.

CE 2005 SURVEYING 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Introduction: classification of surveys; Linear measurements: Types of Chains and tapes,
chaining and ranging, principles of chain survey, equipments, applications, errors and
corrections, obstacles in chaining, - Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM); Angle and
direction measurements: Measurement of bearing, Computation of angles from - Bearings,
Designation of bearings, fore bearing and back bearing, Prismatic compass, Principles of
compass survey, local attraction and corrections, compass traverse and adjustments ; Plane
table survey: Equipments, working operations, different methods, advantages and
disadvantages, Two point and Three point problems; Levelling: Principle, Levelling instruments,
Dumpy level, booking and reducing levels, simple and differential levelling, profile and
reciprocal levelling, methods of levelling, curvature and refraction corrections, bubble tube and
its sensitiveness, levelling difficulties. Contouring: definition, contour interval, characteristics of
contours, direct and indirect methods of contouring, interpolation of contours, uses of contour
maps; Minor instruments: box sexant, planimeter, pentagraph, inclinometer

Essential Reading:
1. S. K. Roy, Fundamentals of Surveying, PHI.

2. B. C. Punmia, A. K. Jain & A. K. Jain, Surveying Vol-I, Vol-II, Laxmi publications.

Supplementary Reading:
1. T.P. Kanetkar & Kulkarni, A text book of Surveying and Levelling.

2. D. Clark, Plane and Geodetic Surveying, Constable Company Ltd, 10 Orange Street,
London WC.

CE 2102 MECHANICS OF SOIL 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Soil Properties and Classification: Formation of soils and types, Soil as three phase system.
Soil consistency, sensitivity and thixotropy; Classification of soil; Soil Compaction: Principles,
water content - dry unit weight relationships, optimum moisture content, maximum dry unit
weight, factors affecting compaction. Effects of compaction on density, shear strength and
permeability. Field compaction methods; Permeability: Soil - water systems - capillarity, flow,
Darcy’s law, permeability and tests for its determination, Permeability of stratified soils,
estimation of permeability in the field, piping, quicksand condition, seepage, flow nets. ; Shear
Strength of Soil: Coulomb’s law, Mohr’s stress circle, strength envelop and failure conditions.
Direct and triaxial shear tests and unconfined compression tests, Effect of pore pressure; Soil
exploration: Boring, Sampling, SPT and related corrections, stability of slopes.

Essential Reading:
1. S. K. Gulhati and M. Datta, Geotechnical Engineering, McGraw Hill Company.

2. B. M. Das, Principles of Geo-technical Engg, Thomson Books.

Supplementary Reading:
1. V. N. S. Murthy, Principles of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg, UBSPD.

2. I. H. Khan, A text book of Geo-technical Engg, Prentice Hall India.

3. B. C. Punmia, A text Book of Geo-technical Engg, Laxmi Publications.

4. G. Ranjan & A. S. R. Rao, Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics, Wiley Eastern Ltd.

CE 2201 CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Concrete: Constituent materials; Properties of Cements, aggregates, water, admixtures
(chemical and mineral). Mineral admixtures- Silica fumes, fly ash, slag. Mix Design of Concrete
; Properties of Fresh concrete- workability, compaction, curing, Hardened concrete-
Compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexural strength; Elasticity, shrinkage and creep. ;
Durability of concrete, permeability; corrosion. ; Special concrete- high strength concrete, high
performance concrete, self-compacting concrete, ready mix concrete; Form work for concrete;
Concrete under special conditions- Corrosion resistant concrete, lightweight concrete, high
density concrete, Concrete for seismic resistant structure,; Precast concrete blocks; Non-
destructive testing methods- Ultrasonic pulse velocity, rebound hammer; Repair and
Rehabilitation of concrete; fibre reinforced concrete, polymer modified concrete.

Essential Reading:
1. A. M. Neville, J. J. Brooks, Concrete Technology, Low Priced Edition, Pearson
Education, 2004.

2. A. R. Santhakumar, Concrete Technology, Oxford University Press, 2007.

Supplementary Reading:
1. M. S. Shetty, Concrete technology- Theory & Practice, S. Chand & Company New
Delhi, 2005.

2. M. L. Gambhir, Concrete Technology, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.,


CE 2202 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Concept of determinate and indeterminate structures, determination of degree of indeterminacy
in plane frame and continuous structures, determination of member forces in statically
determinate pin-jointed space frames, deflection of pin-jointed plane trusses by Williot Mohr
diagram ; Rolling loads and influence line diagrams for simply supported beams, influence line
for forces in members of Pratt and Warren trusses with parallel top and bottom chords ;
Analysis of fixed and continuous beams by Moment-Area method, Conjugate beam method
and theorem of three moments, Analysis of three-hinged and two-hinged arches, Spandrel
braced arches. ; Analysis of suspension cable bridges with three-hinged and two-hinged
stiffening girders subjected to dead and live loads, influence line for horizontal thrust, bending
moment, normal thrust and radial shear for arches and suspension bridges. Development of
generalized slope deflection equations and its applications to beams and plane frames,
Moment distribution method and its applications to continuous beams and plane frames
including sway and inclined members

Essential Reading:
1. R. C. Hibbler, Structural Analysis, LCE, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2007.

2. C. K. Wang, Intermediate structural analysis, McGraw-Hill.

Supplementary Reading:
1. L. S. Negi, Theory and Problems in Structural Analysis, Tata-McGraw Hill.

2. J. S. Kinney, Indeterminate Structural Analysis, Narosa Publishing House, 1991.


Roadways: Introduction, Road Development plans and programmes; Surveys: Location
surveys- Principles of alignment; Geometric design: Cross-sectional elements, Sight distance,
Horizontal and vertical alignments, Pavement materials: Subgrade soil, Aggregates,
Bituminous binders, Bituminous paving mixes; Flexible pavements design; Rigid pavement
design; Drainage, evaluation and maintenance of highways; Traffic Engineering: Speed,
Volume, Density, Relation among fundamental parameters, Traffic data collection, Capacity
and level of service, Traffic control devices, Road markings, Parking, Roundabout and
signalized intersection design; Bridges: Classification of bridges, Investigations and data
collection for location of bridge site, Calculation of runoff under bridges, Determination of water
way, Economic span, Bridge foundations, Piers and abutments, Superstructures, Loadings,
Erection of bridge spans, Temporary bridges and causeways

Essential Reading:
1. S. K. Khanna, C. E. G. Justo, A. Veeraragavan Highway Engineering, Nemchand Bros,
Roorkee, 10th edition, 2014.
2. P. Chakraborty & A. Das, Principles of Transportation Engg, PHI Publication, 1st
edition. 2nd reprint 2005.
3. D. J. Victor, Essentials of Bridge Engineering, Oxford & IBH, 6th edition, 2007.

Supplementary Reading:
1. L. R. Kadiyali, Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning, Khanna Publications, 7th
edition, New Delhi, 2008.

2. Yang H. Huang, Pavement Analysis and Design, Pearson, 2nd edition, 2008.

3. C. J. Khisty & B. K. Lall, Transportation Engg: An introduction, PHI, 3rd edition, 2006.

4. V. K. Raina, Concrete bridge practice – Vol I, II and III, Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co. Ltd.,
New Delhi 1st edition, 1996.

CE 2402 FLUID MECHANICS 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Physical properties of fluids- Compressibility, Elasticity, and Viscosity, Ideal and Real fluids,
Concepts of shear stress, Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids. ; Pressure-density-height
relationships, Pressure on plane and curved surfaces, Buoyancy, Stability of immersed and
floating bodies, Free and forced vortex; Steady and unsteady, Uniform and non-uniform,
Laminar and Turbulent flows, Free surface flows and Enclosed flows, ; Definition of one, two
and three-dimensional flows, Velocity and Accelerations, Stream lines, Streak lines and Path
lines, Stream tubes, Stream function and Velocity potential, flows nets, Circulation and
Vorticity. Equation of continuity, One-dimensional Euler’s equation of motion and its integration
to obtain Bernoulli’s equation, Momentum equation; Hydraulic mean radius, Concept of friction
loss, Darcy-Weisbach equation Minor losses in pipe, Branched pipes in parallel and series,
Transmission of power, Water hammer in pipes, Laminar flow in pipes-Hazen-Poiseulli’s
equation, Turbulent flow in pipes, Velocity distribution in pipes, Moody’s diagram; Boundary
layer thickness, Energy thickness, Laminar and turbulent boundary layer, separation of
Boundary Layer. Momentum integral equation; Drag and Lift coefficient, Pressure drag and
Friction drag characteristics on Sphere, Cylinder, and Disc, Circulation, Lift and Magnus effect,
Lift Characteristics of air foils, Induced drag ; Open channel flow, Uniform flow, Chezy’s,
Kutter’s and Manning‘s equation, Concept of specific energy, Critical flow, Point gauge, Pitot
tube, Current meter, Venturi meter, Orifice meter, Orifices and Mouth pieces, Notches and

Essential Reading:
1. K. C. Patra, Engineering Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines, Narosa Publishing
House, New Delhi, I st edition, 2008.

2. P. N. Modi and S. M. Seth, Hydraulic and Fluid Mechanics, Standard Book House, New
Delhi, 2002.

Supplementary Reading:
1. J. F. Douglas, J. M. Gasiorek, J. A. Swaffield, Fluid Mechanics, Pearson Education,
Asia, 1st edition, 2002.

2. F. M. White, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw-Hill, 5th Edition, New Delhi, 2003.

3. R. K. Bansal, Fluid Mechanics and Hyd. Machines, Laxmi publisher, New Delhi, 2008.

4. Som & Biswas, Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,

5. Subramanyam, Problems in Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2004.


Close coiled helical spring ; Beam deflection ; Brinell Hardness Test ; Rockwell Hardness Test ;
Torsion Test on mild steel specimen ; Tension test on mild steel specimen ; Fatigue Test and
determination of endurance limit ; Column test ; Compression testing ; Experiments on strain
measurement ; Plane stress and plane strain ; Charpy Impact Test.


Basic concept, purpose, function and types of building (Residential, Industrial and Institutional);
Principles of site selection, orientation of buildings and distribution of space; Line plan.
Development of plan from a line plan; Details of Doors, windows, foundation and stair case
etc.; A simple two-roomed official building, multi-storeyed residential building plan, front and
sectional elevations. Building drawing project.

Essential Reading:
1. M. G. Shah, C. M. Kale and S. Y. Patki, Building drawing with an integrated approach to
built environment-2002-Tata McGraw-Hill Publication.

2. O. A. Wakita and R. M. Linde, Study guide for the professional practice of architectural
working Drawings, 2nd edition 1994,John Wiley.

Supplementary Reading:
1. W. L. Lalph, Architectural working Drawings, 4th edition, Sept.1999, John Wiley.

2. W. T. Goodban and Jr. J. Hayslett, Architectural drawing and planning, McGraw-Hill


3. F. Reekie, Reekie’s Architectural Drawing, Elsevier.

CE 2704 SURVEYING FIELD WORK 2 Credits [0-0-3]

Chain Triangulation of a given area ; Plotting the chain triangulation ; Traversing a given area
with Prismatic Compass ; Plotting the compass traverse and graphical adjustment ; Filling up
with details with plane-table by i) radial and ii) intersection method ; Solving two-point problem
and three-point problem ; Study of Dumpy level and Auto level ; Differential levelling;
Permanent adjustment of Dumpy level ; Reciprocal levelling; Determination of sensitiveness of
the bubble tube ; Profile levelling; Longitudinal sectioning and cross sectioning –Contouring ;
Interpolation of contours and preparation of contour map of a given area.


Passive and Active Remote Sensing, Mechanism of Remote sensing, Electromagnetic
radiations, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Interaction with the atmosphere, Interaction with targets,
Characteristics of images, Satellite characteristics-Orbits, Swath, Nadir, Pixel size and Scale,
Sensor resolutions- Spatial, Spectral, Radiometric and Temporal
Satellite tracking system, Indian Satellites and other purpose driven satellites, Data products,
Photographic imagine instruments and their parameters, Component characteristics, Geometry
and mechanism of Photographic imagine, Digital Imagine instruments and their parameters,
Sensor characteristics, Digital Imaging techniques, Optical and infra-red Remote sensing,
Thermal remote sensing, Thermal sensors, Temperature measurement by thermal imagine,
Microwave remote sensing, Basics of Radar, Radar Imagine, Advanced Radar Application,
Radar Polarimetry, Air-borne and Space-borne radar system, Elements used for visual image
interpretation for optical, thermal and radar data, Digital image processing system and data,
Pre-processing of raw data, Image enhancement, Transformation , Supervised and un-
supervised Classification, Integration, analysis and interpretation, Application of ANN, Fuzzy
logic, hydrological models – HEC-geoHMS, HEC- geoRAS, DTM modelling, Flood plain and
inundation modelling
Introduction to GIS, GIS components, Data sources and products, Spatial reference system
and geo-referencing, Projection system, Data acquisition- raster and vector data, Registration
and relating different data, Spatial analysis, Data integration, Data modelling, Data models,
Data structures, Raster and Vector data models, Measurement of length, perimeter and area,
management, Database models, Data encoding, Geospatial analysis, Spatial statistics,
Database querry, Reclassification, Buffering and neighbourhood functions, Overlaying of Maps,
Spatial interpolation, Surface analysis, and Network analysis.

Essential Reading:
1. Basudeb Bhatta, Remote Sensing and GIS. Oxford Publications

2. A. M. Chandra and S. K. Ghosh, Remote Sensing and GIS, Narosa Pub, 2007.

Supplementary Reading:
1. T. M. Lillisand, R. W. Kaifer and J. W. Chipman, Remote Sensing and Image
Interpretation ; John Wiley and sons Inc,6th Edition Nov 2007.

CE 3004 DISASTER MANAGEMENT 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Introduction hazard, vulnerability and risk assessment, Risk and uncertainty analysis of
disasters, Different type of natural and manmade disasters, National policies for Disaster
management, Study of different techniques for early warning, preparedness, mitigation and
prevention of any Disaster, Mechanisms for response, recovery and development of post-
disaster activities, Adaptation strategies for disaster mitigation
Snow Avalanche disaster, Free-Thaw mechanism and disaster management; Biological
disaster by bacteria, virus and toxins and its management mechanism; Disaster due to Climate
change; greenhouse gases, depletion of ozone layer, aerosol and adaptation strategies to
mitigate disaster, Climate Variability Index; Coastal erosion and its prevention using structural
and non-structural measures; Cyclones, its impact, Coriolis force, Rosby number, design of
safe structures to prevent disaster due to cyclones; Cold waves and disaster due to cold
waves; Drought, meteorological, hydrological, agricultural and socio-economic droughts,
drought severity and indexing, different methods to monitor, prevent droughts, early warning
system for drought management; Earthquake, Rector scale and its impact, Crust, Mantle and
Core of earth, tectonic plates and earth quake vibrations, disaster management by early
warning mechanism and satellite technology; Fir disaster and its protection, impact of fire,
tyeps of fire; Flood, disaster due to floods, Indian scenario, flood management using non-
structural measures, Flood control structures; Heat waves, Sunstroke and disaster
management; Land slide, types of landslides and its impact, prevention of landslides and
management; Tsumani and its impact in coastal areas, preventive measures and preparedness
for Tsunami disaster.

Essential Reading:
1. R. Jha, Disaster Management, Draft book to be published

2. Tushar Bhattacharya, Disaster Science and Management, Tata-McGraw Hill.

Supplementary Reading:
1. M. K. Jha, Natural and Anthropogenic Disasters, Capital Publisher Company.


Module I: Stresses in Soils: Boussinesq’s Equation: Vertical Stress distribution on horizontal
and vertical planes, Newmark’s influence chart, Contact pressure distribution.
Module II: Consolidation and Settlement Analysis: Equation of one dimensional consolidation.
Coefficient of consolidation, coefficient of compression, compression index, pre-compression
pressure. Overconsolidation, Consolidation Settlement analysis. Basics of three- dimensional
consolidation, Sand drains;
Module III: Bearing Capacity and Analysis of Foundations –Shallow foundation: Terzaghi’s
bearing capacity equation, factors influencing bearing capacity. Bearing capacity for square,
rectangular and circular footings. Bearing capacity under eccentric load on layered soil. Bearing
capacity based on in-situ tests. Floating mat foundation;
Module IV: Pile Foundation- Load carrying capacity of a pile (Static and dynamic formulae), Pile
group, Settlement analysis of pile;
Module V: Earth Pressure, Retaining Structures and Sheet Pile Walls: Earth pressure Theories-
Rankine Earth pressure theory, Coulomb’s Earth pressure theory. ; Sheet pile walls: Pressure
against sheet pile walls, cantilever and anchored bulk heads (free earth support method).
Pressure against wallings in large trenches;
Module VI: Soil Investigation: Conventional and Geo-physical methods of soil investigation.
Model Stability of Slopes: Stability of infinite slopes, stability of finite slopes,

Essential Reading:
1. B. M. Das, Principles of Geo-technical Engg, Thomson Books.

2. G. Ranjan and A. S. R. Rao, Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics, Wiley Eastern Ltd.

Supplementary Reading:
1. S. K. Gulhati and M. Datta, Geotechnical Engineering, McGraw-Hill Companies.

2. V. N. S. Murthy, Principles of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg, UBSPD.

3. B. C. Punmia, A text Book of Geo-technical Engg, Laxmi Publisher.


Analysis of beams and frames by Kani’s method including sway conditions and double storied
frames; Analysis of fixed arches by energy approach and Elastic centre method. Energy
Theorems, theorem of conservation of energy, minimum potential energy theorem, Raleigh-Ritz
method of analysis of beams, stable, neutral and unstable equilibriums; Study of Influence line
diagram of indeterminate structures by Muller Breslue Principle; Basics of matrix method of
Analysis, flexibility and stiffness method of analysis of beams and frames; Approximate lateral
load analysis of frames.

Essential Reading:
1. Devdas Menon, Structural Analysis, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2014.
2. Devdas Menon, Advanced Structural Analysis, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi,

Supplementary Reading:
1. C. K. Wang, Indeterminate Structural Analysis, Mc Graw- Hill, Auckland.
2. S.F. Borg and J. J. Genareo, Advanced Structural analysis, Van Nostrand Company,

CE 3202 DESIGN OF STEEL STRUCTURES 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Materials, Structures and Specifications, Riveted, Bolted & welded Connections, Design of
Tension and Compression Members, Design of Beams, plate girders and gantry girders,
Design of industrial buildings; Design of slab and gusseted base.

Essential Reading:
1. N. Subramanian, Design of Steel Structures, Oxford University Press, 2008.

2. P. Dayarathnam, Design of steel structures, S Chand & Co Ltd, New Delhi, 1999.

3. Indian Standard Code IS 800, 2007.

Supplementary Reading:
1. R. Chandra and V. Gehlot, Design of steel structures, Scientific Publishers, 2005.

2. B. C. Punmia, A. K. Jain and A. K. Jain, Design of Steel structures, Laxmi Publications,

2nd Edition, 2004.

3. L. S. Negi, Design of steel structures, Tata McGraw Hill.

4. A. S. Arya & J. L. Ajmani, Design of Steel Structures, Nemchand & Bros.


Introduction; Basic Material Properties; Basic Design Concepts - Working Stress Method
(WSM), Ultimate Load Method (ULM), Limit States Method (LSM); Behaviour in Flexure;
Design of Beams and One-way Slabs for Flexure; Design for Shear; Design for Torsion; Design
for Bond; Serviceability Limit States: Deflection and Cracking; Design of Two-way Slab
Systems; Design of Staircases; Design of Compression Members; Design of Footings and
Retaining Walls; Detailing and Construction Practices.

Essential Reading:
1. S. Unnikrishna Pillai & D. Menon, Reinforced Concrete Design (Third edition), Tata
McGraw Hill, 2008

2. A. Nilson, D. Darwin, C. Dolan, Design of Concrete Structures (13th edition), Tata

McGraw- Hill

3. N. Subramanian, Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures (1st edition), Oxford

Supplementary Reading:
1. A. K. Jain, Reinforced Concrete: Limit State design, Nem Chand and Bros. 1999.

2. S. K. Mallik and A. P. Gupta, Reinforced Concrete Design, Oxford and IBH 1999.

3. Code of practice for Plain And Reinforced Concrete IS 456-2000.

4. SP-16: Design Aids to IS 456-1978.

CE 3204 FINITE ELEMENT METHOD 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Basic Principles of Structural Mechanics: Equations of equilibrium, Strain displacement
relations, Stress strain relations, Plane stress and Plane strain problems, Boundary Conditions.
Basics of Finite Element Method: Different steps involved in finite element method (FEM),
Different approaches of FEM, Direct method, Variational Principle & Weighted Residual
method. Element Properties: Displacement models, Shape functions, Stiffness matrices, One
dimensional bar element, two dimensional truss elements, three dimensional truss elements,
two dimensional beam elements, three dimensional beam elements, analysis of framed
structures using truss and beam elements, Lagrangian interpolation, Pascal’s triangle,
Convergence criteria. Plane Stress and Plane Strain Problems: Analysis of plates using
triangular CST elements, Rectangular elements, axy-symmetric elements. Isoparametric
Elements: four node, eight node elements, Numerical integration, Bending of plates by
rectangular elements, triangular elements and quadrilateral elements, Concept of 3D

Essential Reading:
1. R. D. Cook, Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, John Wiley, New
York, 2004.

2. O. C. Zienkiewicz and R. L. Taylor, Finite Element Method, Butterworth Heinemann

publication, 2000.

3. Peter Kattan, MATLAB Guide to Finite Elements, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg,


Supplementary Reading:
1. C. S. Krishnamoorty, Finite element methods, Tata-McGraw Hill, Second Edition, New
Delhi, 2002.
2. T. R. Chandupatla and A. D. Belegundu, Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering,
Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 5th Reprint, 1999.

3. J. N. Reddy, An introduction to Linear Finite Element Method, Oxford University Press,

Oxford, 2004

4. David F. Griffiths, An Introduction to MATLAB,



Hydrologic cycle, catchment area and watershed, Rainfall and its characteristics, Rain gauges,
Non-Recording and Recording type, average rainfall over a catchments, Evapo-transpiration,
Pan evaporation, pan coefficient Infiltration, W-Index and φ - Index; Hydrographs: Discharge
formulae, characteristics of a Run off hydrograph, Unit hydrograph, S-hydrograph,
Instantaneous hydrograph, synthetic Unit hydrograph, Duration Curve, Mass Flow hydrograph,
Stream gauging, Flow rating curve, use of current meters for velocity measurement, Dye-
dilution method of discharge measurement; Flood Control: Flood flows, Frequency studies,
Statistical analysis for flood prediction, Method of flood control, Flood routing, Reservoir routing
and Channel routing, River training works; Dock and Harbours: Natural and artificial Harbours,
Selection of site, study of winds, tides and wave actions, Accretion and denudation, Principle of
construction of Breakwaters, Quays and jetties, Wet and Floating Docks.

Essential Reading:
1. K. C. Patra, Hydrology & Water Resources Engg., Narosa Publishing House, New
Delhi, 2nd Edition.

2. K. Subramanya, Engineering Hydrology, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition.

Supplementary Reading:
1. R. Srinivasan, Harbour, Dock and Tunnel Engineering.

2. V. T. Chow, Hand book of Applied Hydrology, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New


3. R. K. Linsely, M. A. Kohlar, J. L. H. Pauluhus, Hydrology for Engineers, Tata McGraw

Hill, New Delhi.

4. R. S. Varshany, Engineering Hydrology, Nem Chand and Brothers, Roorkee.

5. E. M. Wilson, Engineering Hydrology, Macmillan, ELBS, London.

CE 3402 ADVANCED FLUID MECHANICS 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Dynamic of Fluid Flow, One-Dimensional method, The Nervier Stokes Equation, Limiting Case,
Applications; Boundary Layer Theory for low and high Viscosity, Boundary Layer thickness,
Prandtl’s Equation, Momentum Integral Equation, Pressure Distribution in boundary layer.
Dimension analysis and similarities, Buckingham theorem, types of similarities, forces
influencing hydraulic phenomenon, significance of dimensionless numbers, distorted model,
and model proto type similarity law; Laminar and Turbulent Flow in Pipes, Reynolds
experiment, mechanism of turbulent flow, Prandtls mixing length theory, Karmans similarity
hypothesis, Universal velocity distribution near solid boundary, Hydro dynamically smooth and
rough pipes. Power law for velocity distribution, Nikuradse experiment, Ageing of Pipes;
Compressible Fluid Flow, Equation of motion, continuity equation and energy equation;
Stagnation point and its properties, flow through ducts of varying areas, flow through
convergent and divergent nozzles, effects of compressibility, shock waves, supersonic
expansion and contraction; Ideal Fluid Flow, Circulation and Vorticity, Source and sink,
combining flow field by super position, combined flow field for Engineering importance. Doublet
in rectilinear flow and Doublet with Circulation; Flow past a cylinder curved flow and with
circulation and their different combinations; Unsteady flow in bounded systems, Quasi-steady
flow, unsteady flow in pipes and open channel flow. Finite difference representation of depth
dependent-discharge, Simulation of unsteady flow in pipes, channels and ducts. Development
of St. Venant equation of continuity and motion Non uniform flow in open channel flow,
equation of gradually varied flow. Classification of water surface profiles, location of hydraulic

Essential Reading:
1. J. F. Douglas, J. M. Gasiorek, J. A. Swaffield, Fluid Mechanics, Pearson Education.

2. R. J. Garde, A. G. Mirajgaoker, Engineering Fluid Mechanics, SciTech Publication,


Supplementary Reading:
1. V. L. Streeter, Fluid Mechanics, McGraw-Hill Book, New York, 1971.

2. J. A. Liggett and D. A. Caughey, Fluid Mechanics: An interactive text, ASCE Press.

3. A. K. Jain, Fluid Mechanics, Khanna Publishers, Delhi.

4. K. C. Patra, Engineering Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, Narosa publishing

house, New Delhi.

5. Fluid Mechanics and Application with CD roams, CENGEL, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.


General requirement for water supply , Quality and quantity of water, Domestic water quality
standards; Sources of water and their yield, population forecast, Design period; Intakes,
pumping and transportation of water; Physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water
and their significance, water quality criteria, water borne diseases, Appurtenances of water
treatment and distribution systems. DO and BOD demand in streams. ; Essentials of
wastewater engineering, Quantities of wastewater and storm water, wastewater characteristics;
Water and wastewater plumbing systems, Waste water collection and conveyance systems,
Design of sewerage systems, Pumping of waste water. ; Air pollution and pollutants, air quality,
ambient and atmospheric standards, Sampling and monitoring of air pollutants. Prediction of air
pollution dispersion, air quality modelling ; Solid and hazardous waste management-
Generation, on-site storage, collection, separation, processing and disposal On-site storage
methods, Collection systems-Vehicles, routing, route balancing and transfer stations,
Processing methods, recovery and reuse of materials and energy, Disposal methods such as
sanitary landfill , biological digestion & etc.
Introduction to solid and hazardous waste management, Collection techniques, equipment,
costs and disposal, Engineering systems to minimize costs

Essential Readings:
1. McGhee, Water supply and Sewerage. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company; 6th
edition, 2013

2. M. J. Hammer, Water and Wastewater Technology, Prentice Hall, 6th edition, 2007.

3. H. S. Peavy, D. R. Rowe and G. Tchobanoglous, Environmental Engineering, McGraw-

Hill Publishing Co., 7th Rev Ed edition, 2000.

Suggested Readings:
1. Metcalf & Eddy Inc., George Tchobanoglous, Franklin, L., Burton, H. D. Stensel,
Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, McGraw-Hill Higher Education; 4th
edition, 2002.

2. T. J. McGhee, E. W. Steel, Water Supply and Sewerage, McGraw-Hill College; 6th

edition, 1991.

3. C. N. Sawyer, P. L. McCarty, G. F. Parkin, Chemistry for Environmental Engineering

and Science, McGraw-Hill Inc., 5th edition, 2002.
4. S. K. Friedlander, Smoke, Dust & Haze: Fundamentals of Aerosol Dynamics, Oxford
University Press, New York, 2nd edition, 2000.


Determination of aggregate crushing value; Determination of Los Angeles abrasion value of
aggregates ; Determination of aggregate impact value ; Determination of penetration value of
bitumen ; Determination of softening point value of bitumen ; Determination of ductility value of
bitumen ; Determination of flash and fire point of bitumen ; Determination of specific gravity of
bitumen ; Determination of fineness modulus of coarse aggregate ; Determination of fineness
modulus of fine aggregate ; Determination of stripping value of aggregate ; Determination of
bulking of sand ; Determination of workability of concrete by flow table ; Determination of
flakiness index and elongation index of coarse aggregate ; Determination of specific gravity and
water absorption of coarse aggregate ; Aging of bituminous binders ; Marshall method of mix
design ; Demonstration of advanced equipments for characterization of pavement materials.

Essential Reading:
1. Highway Engineering Laboratory Manual

2. Relevant I.S. Codes


Design and detailing of continuous beams and lintels ; Design and detailing of one-way and
two-way slabs ; Design and detailing of staircases ; Design and detailing of axially loaded and
eccentric columns ; Design and detailing of axially loaded and eccentric column footings.


Verifications of momentum equation ; Verifications of stokes apparatus ; Calibration of
Venturimeter ; Verifications of Bernoulli’s equation through a convergent and divergent
passage ; Study of Major losses in Pipes ; Study of Minor losses in Pipes ; Velocity distribution
in a pipe flow ; Velocity distribution in open channel flow ; Flow through Pipes ; Reynolds’s
experiment ; Calibration of Notch ; Experimental calculation of Metacentric Height ; To study
the performance characteristics of a Pelton turbine ; To study the performance characteristics
of a Francis turbine ; To study the performance characteristics of a Kaplan turbine ; To study
the characteristics of a single stage Centrifugal pump ; To study the Overall efficiency and
percentage slip of a Reciprocating Pump ; To determine the Critical Cavitation Number of a test


Basic tests for cement and concrete ;Mix design of concrete of different grades ; Tensile
strength of different types of steel rebars ; Tensile and Flexural strength of concrete of different
grades ; Testing of simply supported RCC beams for flexural failure ; Testing of simply
supported RCC beams for shear failure ; Testing of RCC column ; Non-destructive test of
concrete ; Permeability of concrete ; Vibration analysis of plates.

Essential Reading:
1. Structural Engineering laboratory manual

2. Relevant BIS Codes of practice for mix design, rebar testing, concrete design etc.


Visual Identification of soil; Grain Size Analysis (Mechanical Sieve Analysis, Wet Analysis);
Atterberg’s limit (Liquid limit, Plastic Limit, Shrinkage Limit ), Free Swell Test; Determination of
Field Density by Core Cutter Method and by Sand Replacement Method; Specific Gravity of
Soils (Fine and Coarse Grained); Determination of OMC & MDD by Using Light Compaction
Test, Relative Density of Coarse Grained Soils; California Bearing Ratio Test; Direct Shear
Test, Vane Shear Test; Unconfined Compression Shear Test; Permeability test (constant head
and Falling head test); Triaxial shear Test; Consolidation Test.

Essential Reading:
1. Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory Manual.

Supplementary Reading:
1. Indian Standard Code IS:2720


Water Quality Analysis: Determination of pH (Electrometric and Colorimetric) ; Determination of
turbidity by using Nephelometer ; Determination of alkalinity and acidity ; Optimum dose of
coagulants by jar test ; Total Hardness ; Total solids and suspended solids ; Residual chlorine ;
Chlorides ; Chemical Oxygen Demand ; Biochemical Oxygen Demand ; Dissolved Oxygen ;
Ambient Air Quality Analysis: Respirable Particulate Matter (PM10).; Total Suspended
Particulate matter (TSP) ; Determination of SO2 in ambient air ; Determination of NOx in
ambient air. Noise Pollution measurement: Indoor and ambient noise level analysis;
Microbiological Analysis of Water: Microbiological culture analysis of bacterial samples; MPN

Laboratory Manual:
1. Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual.

2. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater- AWWA, APHA, WEF,
(USA), 20th edition, 2001.


Methods of Estimation: Estimation of quantities for building, Sanitary and water supply works,
Irrigation works, Road works; Specifications: General specification, Details specification for
different building items; structural works, road works; Analysis of Rate: Analysis of rates for
Earth work, Cement concrete, RCC, Brick work, plastering, etc.; Contracts: Different methods
of carrying out work contract system, Contract document, Types of contract, measurement
book. Method of tendering; Construction management: Project, Project development process,
project evaluation, Finance, material and man power development, project management,
Construction scheduling, Bar charts, activity times, Network analysis, elements of PERT and

Essential Reading:
1. B. N. Dutta, Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering, UBS Publishers, 23rd Edition.

2. B. Sengupta and H. Guha, Construction Management and Planning, TMG.

Supplementary Reading:
1. M. Chakraborti, Estimating, Costing, Specification and valuation in Civil Engineering,
Published by author, Calcutta.

2. B. M. Dhira & P. S. Gahlot, Construction planning and management, New Age

International Pvt. Ltd.


Introduction: Engineering properties of soft, week and compressible deposits, Natural on land,
off-shore and Man-made deposits. Role of ground improvement in foundation engineering,
methods of ground improvement, Selection of suitable ground improvement techniques
In-situ methods: In-situ densification soils, Dynamic compaction and consolidation,
Vibrofloation ,Sand pile compaction, Preloading with sand drains and fabric drains, Granular
columns, Micro piles, Soil nailing, Ground Anchors, Lime piles, Injections, Thermal, Electrical
and Chemical methods, Electro osmosis, Soil freezing
Reinforced Soil: The Mechanism, Reinforcement materials, Reinforcement - Soil Interactions,
Geosynthetics, Principles, Analysis and Design of Reinforced Retaining Structures,
Embankments and Slopes, Soil nailing.

Essential Reading:
1. R. M. Korner, Design with Geosynthetics, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 3rd Edn. 2002.

2. N. V. Nayak, Foundation Design Manual, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, Delhi.

Supplementary Reading:
1. B. M. Das, Principles of Foundation Engineering Thomson, Indian Edition, 2003.

2. G. V. Rao & G. V. S. Rao, Text Book on Engineering with Geotextiles, Tata McGraw Hill

3. T. S. Ingold & K. S. Miller, Geotextile Hand Book, Thomas Telfrod, London.

4. P. P. Raj, Ground Improvement Techniques, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1995.


Shallow Foundation: Location and depth of foundation, Determination of bearing capacity of
shallow foundation on cohesive and cohesion less soils, contact pressure and related study for
rigid and flexible foundation. Floating or compensating foundations.
Deep Foundations:
(a) Piles: Load carrying capacity of single and pile group in cohesive and cohesion less
soils (both end bearing end friction piles). Settlement of pile foundation. Negative
friction and its effect on pile capacity.

(b) Well foundations: Types and components of well. Determination of depth, Size and
number of wells under a heavy footing or pier, Phenomena of bottom heaving. Well
sinking and related problems of sinking of well foundations.

Foundation on Expansive Soils; Identification / Characteristics of expensive soils, Swelling

pressure and its effect on foundations for single end multi-storeyed buildings. Under-reamed
piles, Accepted precautionary measures
Machine Foundations: Types of machines, Free and forced vibrations, vibration isolations,
Design consideration for simple machine foundations under reciprocating, centrifugal and
impact type machines. ; Recent developments in foundation engineering.

Essential Reading:
1. S. Saran, Analysis and Design of Substructures, Oxford and IBH publication, New

2. P. Srinivasulu & C. V. Vaidyanathan, Hand Book of Machine Foundation, Tata Mc Grow

Hill Pub Co. Ltd., New Delhi.

Supplementary Reading:
1. J. E. Bowles, Foundation Analysis and Design, Mc Graw Hill (2001)

2. F. H. Chen, Foundations of Expansive Soil, Elsevier Science Publisher, Amsterdam.


Module I: Soil-Foundation Interaction: Introduction to soil-foundation interaction problems, Soil
behaviour, Foundation behaviour, Interface behaviour, Scope of soil foundation interaction
analysis, soil response models, Winkler, Elastic continuum, Two-parameter elastic models,
Elastic plastic behaviour, Time dependent behaviour. ;
Module II: Beam on Elastic Foundation- Soil Models: Infinite beam, Two-parameters, Isotropic
elastic half space, Analysis of beams of finite length, Classification of finite beams in relation to
their stiffness.
Module III: Plate on Elastic Medium: Thin and thick plates, Analysis of finite plates, Numerical
analysis of finite plates, simple solutions. ; Elastic Analysis of Pile: Elastic analysis of single
Module IV: Theoretical solutions for settlement and load distributions, Analysis of pile group,
Interaction analysis, Load distribution in groups with rigid cap. ;
Module V: Laterally Loaded Pile: Load deflection prediction for laterally loaded piles, Sub grade
reaction and elastic analysis, Interaction analysis, Pile-raft system, Solutions through influence

Essential Readings:
1. H. G. Poulos and E. H. Davis, Pile Foundation Analysis and Design, John Wiley, 1980.

2. G. Jones, Analysis of Beams on Elastic foundation, Thomas Telford, 1997.

Supplementary Readings:
1. L.C. Reese, Single piles and pile groups under lateral loading, Taylor & Francis, 2000

2. E.S. Melerski, Design Analysis of Beams, Circular Plates and Cylindrical Tanks on
Elastic Foundation, Taylor and Francis, 2006.


Design of combined footings, raft footing; Design of cantilever and counterfort type retaining
walls; Design of water tanks-Underground, elevated and Intze type; Design of portal frames
and domes.

Essential Reading:
1. S. N. Sinha, Reinforced Concrete Design, Tata McGraw Hill.

2. P. Dayaratham, Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, New Delhi, Oxford and IBH
Publishing Co.

3. Relevant IS codes.

Supplementary Reading:
1. H. J. Shah, Reinforced Concrete, Vol-I, Charotar Publishing House

2. B. C. Punmia, A. K. Jain and A. K. Jain, Comprehensive RCC Designs, Laxmi


3. J. Krishna and O. P. Jain, Plain and Reinforced Concrete Vol-I & II, Nem Chand and
Bros., Roorkee


Elementary Concept of Elasticity: Stresses in three dimensional bodies, equations of
equilibrium, strain displacement relations, stress strain relations, compatibility equations,
boundary conditions, plane stress, governing differential equation, Airy stress
function(Cartesian co-ordinates). Theories of Failure: Theories of Failure and its graphical
representation for two-dimensional cases. Thick walled cylinders: Thick cylinders subjected to
internal and external fluid pressures, compound cylinders, shrink-fit. Energy Methods: Strain
energy expression in three dimensions, strain energy due to axial load, bending and torsion,
Castigliano’s theorems, Principle of virtual work, Unit load and unit couple method.
Unsymmetrical bending: Properties of beam cross-sections slope of neutral axis, stresses and
deflections in unsymmetrical bending. Shear centre of thin wall beam cross section. Curved
beams: Bending of beams of large initial curvature, stress distribution in beams with
rectangular, circular and trapezoidal cross sections, location of neutral axis, stresses in crane
hooks, rings and chain links. Membrane stresses in shells, application to cylindrical, spherical
and conical shells. Plastic Analysis of Beams: Plastic Modulus, Shape factor, plastic hinge,
application to beams, and determination of collapse loads. Special Topics: Repeated stresses
in structural and machine components, fatigue in metals, endurance limit, concept of stress
concentration, stress concentration factor and notch sensitivity.

Essential Reading:
1. L. S. Srinath, Advanced Mechanics of Solids, Tata-McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.,
New Delhi.

2. S. P. Timoshenko, Strength of Materials, Part I and II, D. Van Nostrand Company Inc.

Supplementary Reading:
1. A. P. Boresi, R. J. Schmidth and O. M. Sidebottom, Advanced Mechanics of Materials,
John Wiley and Sons.

2. F. B. Seely and J. O. Smith, Advanced Mechanics of Materials, John Wiley and Sons.

3. J. S. Kinney, Indeterminate Structural Analysis, Narosa Publications.

4. S. P. Timoshenko and J. N. Goodier, Theories of Elasticity, McGraw Hill Publisher


Superstructures: Analysis and Design of Towers, Chimneys, Pipe Racks, Silos and Bunkers,
Shell Roof, Blast Wall, Liquid Storage Tank, Skid Frames. Connections: Weld Connection:
Beam-to-column connection, Beam-to-beam connection, Column-to-foundation connection,
Tube-to-tube connection, Tube-to-flanged connection, Other Connections; Bolted Connection

Essential Reading:
1. Mohamed A. El-reedy “Construction Management and Design of Industrial Concrete
and Steel Structures” CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group.

2. Akbar Tamboli “Handbook of Steel Connection Design and Details” Tata McGraw Hill

Supplementary Reading:
1. Murthy, S.S. and Santhakumar, A.R. “Transmission line structures”, McGraw Hill,
Singapore, 1990.

2. Omer W. Blodgett “Design of Welded Structures” James F. Lincoln Arc Welding

Foundation, 1966


Railway; Introduction: History, Cross section and components of railway track, Problems of
multi gauge system, wheel and axle arrangements, Coning of wheels, Train resistances,
hauling capacity and tractive effort, Stresses in rail, sleepers, ballast and formation. ;
Components of Permanent way : Rails - Types of rail section, wear and failure in rails, Creep,
Rail joints, Rail fittings, check and guard rails, Sleepers – types and specifications, Ballast -
specifications, Formation, drainage of track ; Geometric design: Alignment, horizontal curves,
super elevation, equilibrium cant and cant deficiency, Length of transition curves, Gradients
and grade compensation, vertical curves; Points and crossing: Design and layout of turn-out,
various types of track junctions and their configurations ; Signalling and Interlocking: Control of
train movements, Signals, Principles of interlocking ; Airport; Air Transport Development,
Aircraft characteristics, Airport planning and site selection, Obstruction and zoning laws -
imaginary surfaces, approach zones and turning zones, Visual Flight Rules and Instrumental
landing systems ; Geometric Design of Runways and Taxiways: Runway- orientation and
configuration, Basic runway length and corrections, Geometric design elements, Taxiway
design, Main and exit Taxiway, Separation clearance, Holding aprons, Typical airport layouts,
Terminal building, gate position; Airport marking and lighting. ; Tunnel; Necessity, Tunnelling vs
open cut, Size and shape, Transfer of surface alignment tunnelling in hard rock, soft soil and
under water bodies- Use of shafts, shuttering and linings drainage and ventilation

Essential Reading:
1. S. Chandra & M. M. Agarwal, Railway Engineering, Oxford University Press, New Delhi,
1st Ed. 2007.

2. S. K. Khanna & M. G. Arora, Airport planning and Design, Nemchand Bros., Roorkee,
6th ed. Reprint 2006.

3. R. Srinivasan, Harbour Dock and Tunnel Engineering, Charotar Publishing House, 20th
Ed. 2006.

Supplementary Reading:
1. M. M. Agrawal, Railway Engineering, Standard Publishers New Delhi, 2002.

2. S. C. Saxena & S. P. Arora, A text Book of Railway Engineering, Dhanpat Rai & Sons.

3. R. Horonjeff and F. X. McKelvey, Airport Planning and Design, McGraw-Hill

Professional, 5 edition, 2009.

4. S. C. Saxena, Tunnel Engineering, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, 2006.


Traffic Engineering: Importance of Traffic engineering; Road User Characteristics, Human
factors governing road user behaviour, vehicle characteristics, slow moving traffic
characteristics in Indian conditions; Traffic Engg. Studies: Traffic Volume, Origin and
Destination, Speed and delay: Measurements; Speed- density-volume relationships; Shock
waves in Traffic flow, Headway Distribution; Highway capacity analysis- cases of different types
of highways; Intersection; Parking types; Off street parking; Facilities; Traffic control devices:
channelization, rotary and Traffic signals, Traffic Signs and making. ; Transportation Planning:
Brief ideas about urban and regional transportation systems; Components of Transportation
system planning; Land use planning, Trip generation and distribution, Traffic assignment and
modal split, Optimal scheduling; Economic evaluation of transportation plans.

Essential Reading:
1. L. R. Kadyali, Traffic Engg & Transportation Planning, Khanna Publishers, 4th Ed. 2003

2. C. S. Papacostas and P. D. Prevedouros, Transportation Planning and Planning, PHI,

3rd Ed. 2002

Supplementary Reading:
1. C. J. Khisty & B. K. Lall, Transportation Engg: An introduction, PHI, 3rd Edition. 2006.

2. P. Chakraborthy and A. Das, Principles of Transportation Engg, PHI, 1st Edition, 2nd
reprint 2005.

3. R. J. Salter, Highway Traffic Analysis and Design, ELBS Macmilan, 2nd Edition, 1990.

4. Relevant I.R. C. Codes.

CE 4303 PAVEMENT DESIGN 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Introduction: Classification of pavements, Difference between highway and runway pavements,
Factors affecting structural design of Pavements, Characteristics of traffic loading, Concept of
VDF and Computation of design traffic ; Principles of pavement design: Concepts of structural
and functional failures, Performance criteria; Analysis of pavements: ESWL, Analysis of flexible
and concrete pavements ; Design of pavements: IRC, AASHTO and other important methods
of design of bituminous and concrete pavements ; Functional Evaluation of Pavements;
Techniques for structural evaluation of Pavements: Benkelman beam, Falling weight
deflectometer and other equipments, Concepts of pavement maintenance management

Essential Reading:
1. E. J. Yoder & M.W. Witzack, Principles of Pavement Design, John Wiley and Sons,
New York, 2nd Ed. 1975.

2. P. Chakroborty & A. Das, Principles of Transportation Engineering, PHI Publication, 1st

Ed., 2nd reprint 2005.

Supplementary Reading:
1. D. Croney & P. Croney, Design and Performance of Road Pavements, McGraw-Hill
Professional; 3 rd edition, 1997.

2. P. Chakroborty & A. Das, Principles of Transportation Engineering, PHI Publication, 1st

Ed., 2nd reprint 2005.

3. S. K. Khanna & C. E. G. Justo, Highway Engineering, Nemchand Bros, Roorkee, 8th

edition 2001, Reprinted 2003.

4. Y. H. Huang, Pavement Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall, 2nd Ed. 2003.

5. Relevant I. R. C. and AASHTO Codes

CE 4304 PAVEMENT MATERIALS 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Conventional aggregates: Source, preparation, grading, testing and their evaluation,
Bituminous binders- Properties, testing and applications. ; Bituminous mixes- Design, testing
and evaluation; Modelling of bituminous binders and mixes ; Materials for cement concrete and
semi-rigid pavements, Design of mixes for stabilized roads ; Non-conventional and new
pavement materials- their application and limitations ; Modern methods of testing and
evaluation of paving materials

Essential Reading:
1. P. Chakraborty and A. Das, Principles of Transportation Engg., PHI Publication, 1st Ed.
2nd reprint 2005

2. G. V. Rao, Principles of Transportation and Highway Engineering, Tata Mc. Graw Hill,
1st Ed. 1995

Supplementary Reading:
1. Indian Roads Congress, Manual for Construction and Supervision of Bituminous works,
New Delhi, 2005.

2. Relevant IRC, ASTM and AASHTO and Other Codes, Specifications and Manuals.


Air Transport Development, Aircraft characteristics, Airport planning and site selection,
Obstruction and zoning laws - imaginary surfaces, approach zones and turning zones, Visual
Flight Rules and Instrumental landing systems ; Geometric Design of Runways and Taxiways:
Runway- orientation and configuration, Basic runway length and corrections, Geometric design
elements, Taxiway design, Main and exit Taxiway, Separation clearance, Holding aprons,
Typical airport layouts, Terminal building, gate position; Airport marking and lighting
Design of Airport Pavements, ACN-PCN system, Maintenance and rehabilitation of airport
pavements, Airport Drainage

Essential Reading:
1. R. Horonjeff and F. X. McKelvey, Airport Planning and Design, McGraw-Hill
Professional, 5 edition, 2009.

2. S. K. Khanna, M. G. Arora and S. S. Jain, Airport Planning and Design, Nem Chand
Brothers, 6th Ed. reprint 2001.

Supplementary Reading:
1. N. Ashport & P. H. Wright, Airport Engg, Willey-Interscience, 3rd Ed. 1992.

2. Relevant Codes and Specifications.


Railway; Introduction: History, Cross section and components of railway track, Problems of
multi gauge system, wheel and axle arrangements, Coning of wheels, Train resistances,
hauling capacity and tractive effort, Stresses in rail, sleepers, ballast and formation. ;
Components of Permanent way : Rails - Types of rail section, wear and failure in rails, Creep,
Rail joints, Rail fittings, check and guard rails, Sleepers – types and specifications, Ballast -
specifications, Formation, drainage of track ; Geometric design: Alignment, horizontal curves,
super elevation, equilibrium cant and cant deficiency, Length of transition curves, Gradients
and grade compensation, vertical curves; Points and crossing: Design and layout of turn-out,
various types of track junctions and their configurations ; Signalling and Interlocking: Control of
train movements, Signals, Principles of interlocking

Tunnel; Necessity, Tunnelling vs open cut, Size and shape, Transfer of surface alignment,
Tunnelling in hard rock, soft soil and under water bodies, Use of shafts, shuttering and linings,
Drainage and ventilation in Tunnels

Essential Reading:
1. S. Chandra & M. M. Agarwal, Railway Engineering, Oxford University Press, New Delhi,
1st Ed. 2007.
2. S. C. Saxena, Tunnel Engineering, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, 2006.

Supplementary Reading:
1. M. M. Agrawal, Railway Engineering, Standard Publishers New Delhi, 2002.

2. S. C. Saxena & S. P. Arora, A text Book of Railway Engineering, Dhanpat Rai & Sons.

3. R. Srinivasan, Harbour Dock and Tunnel Engineering, Charotar Publishing House, 20th
Ed. 2006.

CE 4400 HYDRAULICS ENGINEERING 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Basic properties of water; Determination of hydrostatic forces; Kinematics of flow; Potential
flow; Continuity, Energy and Momentum principles;
Open Channel Flow: Channel Characteristics and parameters, Uniform, flow, Critical flow,
Specific Energy concepts, Gradually Varied Flows, Rapidly Varied flow with special reference
to hydraulic jump.,
Boundary Layer Theory, Boundary layer characteristics, Integral, Momentum equation, onset of
turbulence, properties of turbulent flow, skin friction, drag, lift and circulation.
Pipe Flow: Laminar and Turbulent, flow in Smooth and Rough pipes, pipe network analysis,
Losses in, pipes.
Dimensional analysis; Hydraulic similitude and Modelling

Essential Reading:
1. F. M. White, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw-Hill, 5th Edition, New Delhi, 2003
2. V. T. Chow, Open Channel Hydraulics, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New
Delhi, 1993.
3. P. N. Modi and S. M. Seth, Hydraulic and Fluid Mechanics, Standard Book House,
New Delhi, 2002.

CE 4401 IRRIGATION ENGINEERING 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Introduction: Necessity of Irrigation in India, Advantages and disadvantages of Irrigation,
Techniques of water distribution in farms. Quality of irrigation water, Crops and crop season,
Consumptive use, Irrigation requirements, Estimation of consumptive use of water by climatic
approaches, Irrigation efficiencies, Soil moisture-irrigation relationship; Canal Irrigation:
Classification of canals, Canal losses, Alignment of canals. Design of Irrigation Canals: Design
of stable channels using Kennedy’s and Lacey’s theory, Garret’s diagram, Cross section of
irrigation canals, Lining of Irrigation Canals: Advantages and economics of lining, Various types
of lining, Design of lined canals, Types of Cross-Drainage Works: Types of CD works,
Selection of a suitable type to suite a particular condition, Design consideration for CD works,
Canal Falls: Necessity, Proper location, Types, Design and detailing of one type of fall; Weirs
and Barrages: Weirs and Barrages, Types of weirs and barrages, Layout of a diversion head
work, Introduction of different components of a diversion head works, Design of weirs and
barrages: Bligh’s creep theory, Design of weir using Bligh’s theory, Lane’s weighted creep
theory, Khosla’s theory, Khosla’s method of independent variables, Exit gradient; Dams:
Typical cross section, Various forces acting on gravity dam, Combination of forces for design,
modes of failure and criteria for structural stability, High and low gravity dam, Design of high
dam, Typical section of low gravity dam, Earth and Rock fill Dams: Types, Causes of failure,
Preliminary section of an earth dam, Preliminary section of an earth dam, Seepage control in
earth dams, Spillways: Descriptive study of various types of spillways; Reclamation of Water
Logged and Saline Soils: Causes and control of water logging. Reclamation of saline and
alkaline land, Surface and Sub-surface drainage, River training works.

Essential Reading:
1. S. K. Garg, Irrigation Engineering and hydraulics structures, Khanna Publishers, 16th

2. B. Singh, Irrigation Engineering, Nem Chand and Sons, Roorkee.

3. B. C. Punmia, Irrigation and Power Engineering, Laxmi Publications

Supplementary Reading:
1. Varshney & Gupta, Theory and Design of Irrigation Structures, Nem Chand and Bros,

2. I. E. Hook, Irrigation Engineering, John Wiley and Sons, New York.

3. J. D. Zimmerman, Irrigation, John Wiley and Sons, New York.


Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics, Application to different Branch of Science and
Engineering, Governing equations for fluid flow: Continuity equation, momentum equation and
energy equation,
Finite difference approach, Classification of partial differential equations, Parabolic, Hyperbolic
and elliptic equations,
Discretisations of the 1-Dimensional, 2-Dimensional partial differential equations and its
solutions. Finite difference formulations,
Explicit finite difference schemes, Implicit finite difference schemes, Initial and Boundary
conditions, significance of model boundary conditions,
Grid generation techniques, Von Neumann Stability analysis. Solution of Governing equations
and Application to different fluid flow problems.

Essential Reading:
1. J.D. Anderson, Jr. Computational Fluid Dynamics. McGraw Hills
2. K.A. Hoffman and S. T. Chiang. Computational Fluid Dynamics. Engg. Education

Supplementary Reading:
1. M.B. Abbott and D.R. Basco, Computational Fluid Dynamics. (1989).
2. C.B. Vreugdenhill, Computational Hydraulics (1989).
3. P.S. Huyakern and G. F. Pinder, Computational Methods in sub-surface flows,
academic Press, 1983.

CE 4404 ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Understanding hydrologic cycle, water availability, Water balance
Precipitation mechanisms, Measurement of precipitation, Infiltration, Evaporation and
Surface runoff, Hyetographs, Hydrographs, Derivation of UH, S-curve Change of unit period of
UH, Derivation of an average UH
Developing synthetic unit hydrograph, Development of rainfall runoff relationship, Flow duration
curves, Flood routing,
Darcy’s law, Gradient of hydraulic head, Aquifer properties, Equation of groundwater flow

Essential Reading:
1. D. K. Todd, Groundwater Hydrology, John Wiley and Sons.

2. L. W. Mays, Ground and Surface Water Hydrology, Wiley Publications

Supplementary Reading:
1. V. T. Chow, Hand book of Applied Hydrology, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New

2. H. M. Raghunath, Ground Water.

CE 4405 OPEN CHANNEL FLOW 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Open- channel flow and its classifications, measurement of velocity, velocity distribution,
pressure distribution, specific energy, Specific force and critical state of flow, section factor for
critical flow; Uniform flow, determination of roughness coefficients and the factors affecting the
roughness, computation of uniform flow, flood discharge, determination of normal depth and
velocity, flow in composite roughness; Design of channels for uniform flow in non-erodable and
erodable with grassed channels; Dynamics of Gradually varied flow and classification of flow
profile, methods of computation, Dynamics of spatially varied flow - analysis of flow profile and
computation by method of numerical integration; Rapidly varied flow, classification, flow over
spillway, Hydraulic Jump, types with characteristics of jump, the surface profile and location of
the jump, jumps as energy decapitator, Rapidly varied flow through non-prismatic channels ;
Unsteady flow, dynamics of gradually varied unsteady flow, solution of unsteady flow
equations, rapidly varied unsteady flow, positive and negative surges, flood routing, principle
and methods of flood routing.

Essential Reading:
1. V. T. Chow, Open Channel Hydraulics, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi,

2. F. M. Henderson, Open Channel Flow, MacMillan Publishing Company, 1996.

Supplementary Reading:
1. K. G. Rangaraju, Flow through Open Channel, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

2. H. Chanson, The Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow: An Introduction, Elsevier.

3. K. Subramanya, Flow in Open Channel, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

4. River Hydraulics, (Technical Engineering and Design Guides as adapted from the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, No. 18) New York: ASCE Press.

5. H. Rouse, Engineering Hydraulics, John Wiley and Sons.


Hydrologic Cycle: Rainfall, Rain gauge, Evaporation, Transmission, Infiltration, Rainfall excess,
Base flow, Average rainfall, Runoff, DRH; River basins: Catchment area, River stages in hilly-
plain and deltaic area. Storage structures: Dams, Weirs, Barrages their location. Classification
of dams and Multipurpose dams; Requirement of water for various needs: Domestic, Irrigation,
Power generation etc, Reservoir planning. Rain water harvesting for Domestic Industrial and
Irrigation Uses; Ground water: Types of aquifers, their properties, ground water table, Ground
water yield, well hydraulics.

Essential Reading:
1. K. C. Patra, Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering, Narosa Publishing House,
New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2007

2. K. Subramanian, Engineering Hydrology, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

Supplementary Reading:
1. V. P Singh, Elementary Hydrology, Prentice Hall of India.


Engineered systems for water treatment: aeration, coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation,
softening, filtration, adsorption, Ion exchange, and disinfection. Water distribution systems. ;
Primary and secondary treatment of wastewater; Wastewater disposal standards, Biological
wastewater treatment systems: Aerobic processes - activated sludge process and its
modifications, trickling filter, RBC, Anaerobic Processes - conventional anaerobic digester,
High rate and hybrid anaerobic reactors. ; Tertiary treatment of industrial wastewater including
removal of nitrate, sulphate, phosphorous, pathogens, colour, odour, TDS, COD and residual
BOD; Sector specific issues in management of industrial wastewater including petrochemical,
textile, food processing, pharmaceutical, fertilizer, pesticides etc.; Sludge digestion and
handling. Disposal of effluents and sludge; Policy and legislation including challenges posed by
various sectors of industries and legislation framework and regulations in India; Case studies.

Essential Reading:
1. H. S. Peavy, D. R. Rowe, George Tchobanoglous, Environmental Engineering,
McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.; Indian Edition, 2013

2. McGhee, Water supply and Sewerage. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company; 6th
edition, 2013

3. M. J. Hammer, Water and Wastewater Technology, Prentice Hall, 6th Edition, 2007.

4. H. S. Peavy, D. R. Rowe, George Tchobanoglous, Environmental Engineering,

McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.; 7th Rev Edition, 1987.

Supplementary Reading:
1. Metcalf & Eddy Inc., G. Tchobanoglous, L. F. Burton, H. D. Stensel, Wastewater
Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, McGraw-Hill Higher Education; 4th edition, 2002.

2. T. J. McGhee, E. W. Steel, Water Supply and Sewerage, Mcgraw-Hill College; 6th

Edition, 1991.

3. C. N. Sawyer, P. L. McCarty, G. F. Parkin, Chemistry for Environmental Engineering

and Science, McGraw-Hill Inc., 5th Edition, 2002.
4. S. K. Friedlander, Smoke, Dust and Haze: Fundamentals of Aerosol Dynamics, Oxford
University Press, New York, 2nd Edition, 2000.


Evolution of EIA; EIA at project; Regional and policy levels; Strategic EIA; EIA process;
Screening and scoping criteria; Rapid and comprehensive EIA; Specialized areas like
environmental health impact assessment; Environmental risk analysis; Economic valuation
methods; Cost-benefit analysis; Expert system and GIS applications; Uncertainties; Practical
applications of EIA; EIA methodologies; Baseline data collection; Prediction and assessment of
impacts on physical, biological and socio-economic environment; Environmental management
plan; Post project monitoring, EIA report and EIS; Review process. Case studies on project,
regional and sectoral EIA; Legislative and environmental clearance procedures in India and
other countries, Siting criteria; CRZ; Public participation; Resettlement and rehabilitation

Essential Reading:
1. B. M. Noble, Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment: A Guide to Principles
and Practice. Oxford University Press, USA, 2005.

2. J. Glasson, Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment: Principles, and

Procedures, Process, Practice and Prospects (The Natural and Built Environment
Series), Routledge; 3rd edition, 2005.

Supplementary Reading:
1. P. Morris, Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment (The Natural and Built
Environment Series), Spon Press, USA, 2nd edition, 2001.

2. R. K. Jain, L. V. Urban, G. S., Stacey, Harold, E. Balbach, Environmental Assessment,

McGraw-Hill Professional; 2 edition, 2001.

3. B. B. Marriott, Environmental Impact Assessment: A Practical Guide, McGraw-Hill

Professional, 1 edition, 1997.

4. D. P. Lawrence, Environmental Impact Assessment: Practical Solutions to Recurrent

Problems, Wiley-Interscience; 1st edition, 2003.

CE 4504 AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Air pollutants, Sources, classification, Combustion Processes and pollutant emission, Effects
on Health, vegetation, materials and atmosphere, Reactions of pollutants in the atmosphere
and their effects-Smoke, smog and ozone layer disturbance etc; Atmospheric diffusion of
pollutants and their analysis, Transport, transformation and deposition of air contaminants on a
global scale, Air sampling and pollution measurement methods, principles and instruments;
Emission factors, regulations, control strategies and policies. Particulate Pollutant Control:
Settling chambers - laminar and turbulent flow; Filtration - interception; Impaction; Convective
diffusion; Collection of particles by cylindrical fibres and granular beds; Electrostatic
precipitation - field and diffusion charging; Electrical migration velocity; Cyclones - laminar and
turbulent flow; Wet collectors; Efficiency and dimensions of particle control devices. Gaseous
Pollutant Control: Gas absorption in tray and packed towers; Stage efficiency; Liquid/gas rates;
Equilibrium number of stages/packed height; Absorption with/without chemical reaction;
Removal of SO2; Adsorption in fixed beds; Breakthrough; Removal of HCs/VOCs; NOx
removal from effluent streams; Wet scrubbers. Integrated air pollution control systems; Effect of
process parameters on performance of control systems.

Essential Reading:
1. Daniel Vallero, Fundamentals of air pollution. Academic Press Inc; 4th edition 2007.

2. N. de Nevers, Air Pollution Control Engg. McGraw-Hill Inc, 2000.

3. R. D. Griffin, Principles of Air Quality Management, CRC, 2nd Edition, 2006.

Supplementary Reading:
1. R. W. Boubel, D. L. Fox, B. Turner, A. C. Stern, Fundamentals of Air Pollution,
Academic Press London/ Elsevier, 1994.

2. S. K Fiendlander, Smoke, Dust and Haze: Fundamentals of Aerosol Dynamics, Oxford

University Press, New York, 2000.

3. C. S. Rao, Environmental Pollution Control Engg, Wiley Eastern Ltd, 1995.


Nature and characteristics of industrial wastes; Prevention versus control of industrial pollution;
Linkage between technology and pollution prevention; Tools for clean processes, reuse,
recycle, recovery, source reduction, raw material substitution, toxic use reduction and process
modifications; Unit operations in separation technology; Separation technologies as tools for
waste minimization. Process optimization for cleaner industrial processes; Flow sheet analysis;
Energy and resource (material and water) audits for efficient usage and conservation; Waste
audits, emission inventories and waste management hierarchy for process industries;
Environmental regulations and policies; Environmental protection laws and acts; Environmental
management systems; Strategies for management of resources, Corporate and international
charters and protocols; Risk assessment; Environmental impact assessment; Industrial
ecology, Pollution prevention; Waste minimisation and sustainable development; Life cycle
assessment; Environmental audits; Eco-labelling of products; Performance indicators;
Environmental economics. Case studies on industrial applications of cleaner technologies in
chemical, metallurgical, pulp and paper, textile, electroplating, leather, dairy, cement and other

Essential Reading:
1. R. Sullivan, Hugh, Wyndham, Effective Environmental Management: Principles and
Case Studies, Allen & Unwin Academic, 2001.

Supplementary Reading:
1. F. B. Friedman, Practical Guide to Environmental Management, Environmental Law
Institute, USA, 9th edition 2003.

2. G. Burke, Ben R. Singh and L. Theodore, Handbook of Environmental Management

and Technology, Wiley-Interscience, 2nd edition, 2000.

3. B. Taylor, Effective Environmental, Health, and Safety Management Using the Team
Approach, Wiley-Interscience, 2005.

4. D. L. Goetsch and S. B. Davis, ISO 14000: Environmental Management, Prentice Hall,



1. Interpretation and use of In-situ tests (SPT, CPT, PLT, PMT, DMT) for design of
2. Geotechnical Design of shallow footing for compression , bending and uplift
3. Design of piles under compression, lateral and uplift forces
4. Design of well foundation
5. Design of soil slopes
6. Concept of Computer aided design and use of software packages for analysis and
design of
a. Soil slopes with and without reinforcement
b. Sheet pile
c. Pile foundation
d. Liquefaction analysis

Essential Reading:
1. Online manuals of the software used for drawing and design.


Design of unlined canal using Kennedy’s theory ; Design of unlined canal using Lacey’s theory
and comparing the design using Garret’s diagram ; Economics of canal lining-finding the cost-
benefit ratio by lining an unlined canal ; Design of a trapezoidal concrete lined canal section ;
Calculation of balancing depth of cut for a canal section ; Draw the phreatic line for a
homogeneous earth dam without filter ; Draw the phreatic line for an earth dam with horizontal
filter and that for a zoned section ; Design of a strainer type tube-well ; Design of an unflumed,
non-metered straight glacis fall

Essential Reading:
1. Water Resource Engineering laboratory manual.


Analysis and design of Roof trusses; Analysis and design of Plate Girder Bridge; Analysis and
design of Elevated water tank


Design and drawing of a HPC culvert to cater to a given stream flow ; Design and drawing of a
RCC slab culvert on a highway ; Design and drawing of superstructure of a T-Beam Bridge ;
Design and drawing of a RCC Box culvert to cater to a given stream flow and terrain condition ;
Design of suitable foundation and pier/abutment of a bridge ; Study of geometric design
characteristics of highways ; Practice on blending of aggregates ; Calculation of earthwork for
highways and railways ; Setting out of horizontal and vertical curves ; Design of flexible

Essential Reading:
1. S. K. Khanna and C. E. G. Justo, Highway Engineering, Nemchand Bros, Roorkee, 8 th
edition 2001, Reprinted 2003.

2. D. J. Victor, Essentials of bridge engineering, Oxford & IBH, 6th ed., 2007.

Supplementary Reading:
1. P. Chakraborty and A. Das, Principles of Transportation Engg, PHI Publication, 1st Ed.
2nd reprint 2005.

2. V. K. Raina, Concrete bridge practice – Analysis, design and Economics, Tata McGraw
Hill Pub. Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 2nd Ed. 2008.


Design of river intake and pump house; Design of water treatment plants: Mixing tank;
Flocculator; Sedimentation tank; Rapid gravity filter; Wash water tank; Under drainage system.
Design of effluent treatment plant: Screening tank; Grit chamber: Primary clarifier; Trickling
filter; Aeration tank; Secondary clarifier ; Design of septic tank and soakage pit; Design of Air
pollution Control Systems; Particulate and Gaseous pollutant control.

Essential Reading:
1. A. P. Sincero & G. Sincero, Environmental Engineering: A Design Approach, Prentice

2. H. S. Peavy, D. R. Rowe & G. Tchobanoglous, Environmental Engg, McGraw Hill.

Supplementary Reading:
1. M. L Davis and D. A. Cornwell, Introduction to Environmental Engg, McGraw Hill.

2. G. Kiely, Environmental Engineering, McGraw Hill.

3. C. D. Cooper and F.C. Alley, Air Pollution Control: A Design Approach, McGraw Hill.


Revisiting different methods of analysis of beams and frames, different philosophies of design
of RCC structures; Concept of computer aided design, introduction of software packages used
for analysis and design of structures including STAAD and SAP. ; Analysis and design of a
double storied frame using STAAD, SAP and check by any of analytical methods including
Kani’s method. ; Drawing of any utility building (two storied and above) like residential complex,
software office, Hotel, hospital, Bank, post office at different places of the country using any
graphical package including AutoCAD, analysis and design using software like STAAD Pro,
SAP etc. ; Concept of earthquake resistant design of structures in the above design of utility

Essential Reading:
1. Online manuals of the software used for drawing and design.


List of Courses

Subject Subject L-T-P Credit
1 CH 2110 Fluid Dynamics 3-1-0 4
2 CH 2112 Mass Transfer Operations – I 3-1-0 4
3 CH 2114 Heat Transfer Operations 3-0-0 3
Fundamentals of Heat and Mass
4 CH 2124 3-0-0 3
5 CH 2125 Introduction to Fluid Dynamics 3-0-0 3
6 CH 2150 Fluid Dynamics Laboratory 0-0-2 1
7 CH 2156 Unit Operation Laboratory -I 0-0-2 1
8 CH 2211 Chemical Process Calculations 2-1-0 3
9 CH 2311 Process Instrumentation 2-0-0 2
10 CH 2410 Fuels and Combustion 3-0-0 3
Chemical Engineering
11 CH 2411 3-1-0 4
Fundamental of Biochemical
12 CH 2413 2-0-0 2
13 CH 2450 Fuels and Combustion Laboratory 0-0-2 1
14 CH 2451 Biochemical Engineering Laboratory 1-0-2 2
15 CH 3111 Process Equipment Design 3-1-0 4
16 CH 3113 Mass Transfer Operations– II 2-1-0 3
17 CH 3116 Transport Phenomena 3-0-0 3
18 CH 3151 Heat transfer Operation Laboratory 0-0-2 1
19 CH 3152 Mass Transfer Operation Laboratory 0-0-3 2
20 CH 3210 Petroleum Production Engineering 3-0-0 3
Principles and Applications of
21 CH 3212 3-0-0 3
22 CH 3213 Chemical Reaction Engineering 3-1-0 4
23 CH 3215 Processing and Handling of Materials 2-1-0 3
24 CH 3217 Chemical Process Technology 3-0-0 3
Chemical Engineering
25 CH 3223 Thermodynamics and Reaction 3-0-0 3
26 CH 3250 Materials Handling Laboratory 0-0-3 2
Chemical Reaction Engineering
27 CH 3251 0-0-2 1
28 CH 3253 Unit Operation Laboratory - II 0-0-2 1
29 CH 3310 Process Dynamics and Control 3-1-0 4
30 CH 3314 Chemical Engineering Mathematics 3-0-0 3
31 CH 3316 Process Modeling and Simulation 3-0-0 3
32 CH 3317 Process Plant Safety 3-0-0 3
Process Dynamics and Control
33 CH 3350 0-0-2 1
34 CH 3414 Environmental Biotechnology 3-0-0 3
35 CH 3415 Coal Processing Technology 3-0-0 3
36 CH 3416 Environmental Engineering 3-0-0 3
Fundamentals of Fuels and
37 CH 3426 3-0-0 3
38 CH 3510 Petroleum Refinery Engineering 3-0-0 3
39 CH 4117 Fluidization Engineering 3-0-0 3
40 CH 4118 Particulate Science and Technology 3-0-0 3
Introduction to Process Equipment
41 CH 4126 3-0-0 3
42 CH 4153 Process Equipment Design Laboratory 1-0-2 2
Colloidal and Interfacial Science and
43 CH 4212 3-0-0 3
44 CH 4216 Polymer science and Technology 3-0-0 3
Applied Statistics for Chemical
45 CH 4313 3-0-0 3
46 CH 4315 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3-0-0 3
47 CH 4317 Project Engineering 3-0-0 3
Optimization Techniques in Process
48 CH 4318 3-0-0 3
49 CH 4351 Process Plant Simulation Laboratory 1-0-2 2
Computational Fluid Dynamics
50 CH 4352 1-0-2 2
Disaster Management in Chemical
51 CH 4418 3-0-0 3
Energy Conservation and Renewable
52 CH 4419 3-0-0 3
Sources of Energy
Separation process in Chemical
53 CH 4511 3-0-0 3
54 CH 4522 Fundamentals of Separation Processes 3-0-0 3

Subject Course caretaker

Subject Credit
CH 2110 Fluid Dynamics 4 Prof. H. M. Jena

CH 2112 Mass Transfer Operations – I 3 Prof. P. Chowdhury

Prof. S.S.
CH 2114 Heat Transfer Operations 4
CH 2124 Fundamentals of Heat and Mass 3 Prof. B. Munshi

CH 2125 Introduction to Fluid Dynamics 3 Prof. A.K. Sahu

CH 2150 Fluid Dynamics Laboratory 1 Prof. H.M. Jena

CH 2156 Unit Operation Laboratory - I 1 Prof. A.K.Sahu

CH 2211 Chemical Process Calculations 3 Prof. R.K. Singh

CH 2311 Process Instrumentation 2 Prof. H. M. Jena

CH 2410 Fuels and Combustion 3 Prof. P. Chowdhury

Chemical Engineering Prof. M. Kundu
CH 2411 4
CH 2413 Fundamental of Biochemical 2 Prof. S. Mishra
CH 2450 Fuels and Combustion Laboratory 1 Prof. P. Chowdhury
CH 2451 Biochemical Engineering Laboratory 1 Prof. S. Mishra
CH 3111 Process Equipment Design 4 Prof. A. Sahoo

CH 3113 Mass Transfer Operations– II 3 Prof. P. Chowdhury

CH 3116 Transport Phenomena 3 Prof. B. Munshi

Prof. S.S.
CH 3151 Heat transfer Operation Laboratory 1
CH 3152 Mass transfer Operation Laboratory 2 Prof. P. Chowdhury
CH 3210 Petroleum Production Engineering 3 Prof. P. Chowdhury
CH 3212 Principles and Applications of 3 Prof. S. Paria
CH 3213 Chemical Reaction Engineering 4 Prof. S. Sen

CH 3215 Processing and Handling of Materials 3 Prof. S. Mishra

CH 3217 Chemical Process Technology 3 Prof. A.Kumar

Chemical Engineering Prof. S. Sen

CH 3223 Thermodynamics and Rection 3
CH 3250 Materials Hadling Laboratory 2 Prof. S. Mishra

Chemical Reaction Engineering Prof. S. Sen

CH 3251 1
CH 3253 Unit Operation Laboratory – II 1 Prof. S. Paria

4 Prof. H. M. Jena
CH 3310 Process Dynamics and Control

CH 3314 Chemical Engineering Mathematics 3 Prof. M. Kundu

CH 3316 Process Modeling and Simulation 3 Prof. A.K. Sahu

CH 3317 Process Plant Safety 3 Prof. A. Kumar

CH 3350 Process Dynamics and Control 1 Prof. H.M. Jena

CH 3414 Environmental Biotechnology 3 Prof. S. Mishra
CH 3415 Coal Processing Technology 3 Prof. R.K. Singh

CH 3416 Environmental Engineering 3 Prof. A. Kumar

CH 3426 Fundamentals of Fuels and 3 Prof. P. Chowdhury
CH 3510 Petroleum Refinery Engineering 3 Prof. S. Sen

CH 4117 Fluidization Engineering 3 Prof. H. M. Jena

CH 4118 Particulate Science and Technology 3 Prof. A. Sahoo

CH 4126 Inroduction to Process Equipment 3 Prof. A. Sahoo

CH 4153 Process Equipment Design Laboratry 2 Prof. P. Chowdhury
CH 4212 Colloidal and Interfacial Science and 3 Prof. S. Paria
CH 4216 Polymer Science and Technology 3 Prof. S. Sen

CH 4313 Applied Statistics for Chemical 3 Prof. M. Kundu

CH 4315 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3 Prof. A. K. Sahu

CH 4317 Project Engineering 3 Prof. A. Sahoo

CH 4318 Optimization Techniques in Process 3 Prof. M. Kundu

CH 4351 Process Plant Simulation Laboratory 2 Prof. A.K. Sahu
CH 4352 Computational Fluid Dynamics 2 Prof. A.K. Sahu
CH 4418 Disaster Management in Chemical 3 Prof. A. Kumar
CH 4419 Energy Conservation and Renewable 3 Prof. S.S.
Sources of Energy Mohapatra
CH 4511 Separation process in Chemical 3 Prof. S.S.
Engineering Mohapatra
CH 4522 Fundamentals of Separation Process 3 Prof. B. Munshi
CH 2110 Fluid Dynamics 4 credits [3-1-0]
Course objective:
To provide the students the fundamentals of fluid dynamics and practice in the analytical
formulation of fluid dynamics problems using Newton’s Laws of motion and thermodynamics.
Analyze and solve laminar and turbulent flows in chhaneels, conduits, through porous media,
moving bodies, multiphase flows, and performance of fluid transportation machineries.
Course Description:
Definition of Fluid, Properties and classification of fluids, fluid statics, buoyancy, pressure
measurement, Fluid flow phenomena, Nature and classification of flow, Kinematics of fluid flow,
velocity field; stream function; irrational flow, Dynamic properties of fluid, Flow measurement:
Orifice meter, venture meter, Pitot tube, and Rota meters. Brief introduction to non-
conventional methods: Laser Doppler velocimetry, Particle image velocimetry, ultrasonic flow
meters, electromagnetic flow meters, Macroscopic Balances: derivation of integral balances for
mass, energy and momentum; Differential balances of fluid flow: derivation of continuity and
momentum (Navier-Stokes) equations for a Newtonian fluid. Applications to plane Couette,
plane Poiseuille and pipe flows, High-Reynolds number flows: in viscid flows and potential
flows, Pipe flows and fittings: laminar and turbulent flows; friction factor charts, losses in fittings,
flow in manifolds, Dimensional analysis and similitude: Buckingham Pi theorem and
applications, Model analysis, Fluid transportation: Valves and Pumps and Compressors,
Agitation and mixing: power consumption, mixing times, scale up, Mixing in pipe flow, turbulent
and free jets, Flow past immersed bodies: flow past a sphere and other submerged objects,
fluid friction in porous media, Flow through packed beds and fluidized beds, The Boundary
layer, Boundary Layer Theory, Introduction to turbulent flows, Transition to turbulence,
Fluctuations and time-averaging, Basic equations of turbulent flow, Turbulent boundary layer
equation, Flat plate turbulent boundary layer, Turbulent pipe flow.
Essential Reading:
1. W.L. McCabe, J.C. Smith, P. Harriot, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering,
McGraw-Hill Publication, 2014.
2. Noel de Nevers, Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers, Tata McGraw-Hill, Third
Edition, 2011.
Supplementary Reading:
1. E. M. Coulson and J.F. Richardson, Chemical Engineering, Vol-1: Fluid flow, Heat
Transfer and Mass Transfer, Pergamon Press, 4th Ed., 1990.
2. F. A. Holland and R. Bragg, Fluid Flow for Chemical Engineers, Second edition,
Buuterworth - Heinemann, 1995.
3. G.K. Batchelor, Introduction to Fluid Dynamics, Oxford University Press, 2000.

CH 2112 Mass Transfer Operations-1 4 credits [3-1-0]

Course Objectives: The basic aspect of learning this subject is to understand the principles
of molecular diffusion (both binary and Multicomponent), convective mass transfer and design
methodologies of industrially important unit operations like distillation, absorption and
Course Description:
Molecular diffusion: Fick’s law of diffusion, Steady state diffusion, Multicomponent diffusion,
Measurement and prediction of diffusion coefficients, Diffusion in variable area, Molecular
diffusion in liquids; solids and gel, Knudsen diffusion, Convective Mass Transfer and Mass
Transfer Coefficients: Types of mass transfer coefficient, dimensionless groups in mass
transfer and various correlations, Turbulent or eddy diffusion, The wetted wall column
experiment, Theories of mass transfer: Film theory, Penetration theory, Surface renewal theory,
Analogies in mass, heat and momentum transfer: Reynolds analogy, Chilton-Colburn analogy,
Interphase Mass Transfer: Phase equilibrium, Raoult’s and Henry’s law, Local and overall
mass transfer coefficients, Two phase resistance theory, Gas absorption and stripping:
Graphical Equilibrium-Stage method and algebraic method for determining number of stages,
stage efficiency, design of packed tower, height equivalent to a theoretical plate (HETP),
Distillation: Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium (VLE), Flash, steam and batch distillation, McCabe-Thiele
and Ponchon-Savarit graphical method for calculating equilibrium stages in trayed towers for
binary system, Distillation in a packed tower, Tray efficiency, Multicomponent Distillation,
Azeotropic and extractive distillation.

Essential Reading:
1. R. E. Treybal, Mass Transfer Operations, McGraw Hill Education, (2012).
2. B. K. Dutta, Principles of Mass Transfer and Separation Processes, Prentice Hall India
Learning Private Limited, (2006).
Suggested Reading:
1. W. L. McCabe, J.C. Smith and P. Harriott, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering,
McGraw Hill Education, (2014).
2. C.J. Geankoplis, Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles (Includes
unit operations), Prentice Hall India Learning Private Limited, (2004).
3. P.C. Wankat, Separation Process Engineering: Includes Mass Transfer Analysis,
Pearson Education India, (2013).

CH 2114 Heat Transfer Operations 3 credits [3-0-0]

Course Objective: To enable the students to understand the basic heat transfer mechanisms,
performance of evaporators and heat exchangers.
Course Description:
Mechanism of heat transfer: Conduction– Fourier s law, Steady state conduction of heat
through plane, cylindrical and Spherical solids - single and in series. Convection– Steady state
heating and cooling of fluids without phase change, Heat transfer from condensing vapours
and––to boiling liquids filmwise and dropwise condensation, boiling coefficients. Radiation
Kirchhoff s law, Stefa -Boltzman law, Simple case of radiation heat transfer between
surfaces;– Applications of heat transfer: Evaporation Effect of liquid characteristics,
Single and multi- effect evaporation, Types of evaporation and their attachments,
Performance of single effect evaporation, Boiling point rise, Multiple effect evaporation –
forward, backward, mixed and parallel feed, Performance of multiple effect evaporation in
comparison to that of single effect evaporation, Vapour compression evaporation,
Calculations for single effect evaporators; Different types of Heat Exchangers; Heat transfer
Essential Reading:
1. D. Q. Kern, Process Heat Transfer, Mc Graw& Hills, 1982
2. F. P. Incropera, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, John Wiley & Sons, 2007
Suggested Reading:
1. W. L. McCabe and J. C. Smith, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, Mc Graw&
Hills, 2005.
2. R. W. Serth, Process Heat Transfer: Principle and Applications, Academic press, 2007.

CH 2124 Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer 3 credits [3-0-0]

Course Objective:
To enable the students and equip them with fundamentals of mass transfer and heat transfer

Course Description:

Mass Transfer: Fick’s law of diffusion, Steady state diffusion, Measurement and prediction of
diffusion coefficients, Molecular diffusion in liquids, Knudsen diffusion, Convective Mass
Transfer, Types of mass transfer coefficients, dimensionless groups in mass transfer and
various correlations, The wetted wall column experiment, Film theory, Penetration theory,
Analogies in mass, heat and momentum transfer: Reynolds analogy, Chilton-Colburn analogy,
Phase equilibrium, Raoult’s and Henry’s law, Overall mass transfer coefficients, Vapor-Liquid
Equilibrium (VLE), Flash, steam and batch distillation, McCabe-Thiele graphical method for
calculating equilibrium stages in trayed towers for binary system, Distillation in a packed tower,
Tray efficiency.

Heat Transfer: Fourier s law for conduction, Steady state conduction of heat through plane,
cylindrical and Spherical solids, Convection – Steady state heating and cooling of fluids
without phase change, Empirical equations for heat transfer coefficient, Boiling heat transfer,
filmwise and dropwise condensation, Design of different types of Heat Exchangers; Heat
transfer augmentation.

Essential Reading:

1. B. K. Dutta, Principles of Mass Transfer and Separation Processes, Prentice Hall,

2. J. P. Holaman, Heat Transfer, McGraw-Hill Educational Ltd., 2011.
Suggested Reading:
1. W. L. McCabe and J. C. Smith, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, Mc Graw &
Hills, 2005.
CH 2125 Introduction to Fluid Dynamics 3 credits [3-0-0]
Course Description:
Definition of Fluid; Properties and classification of fluids; Fluid statics, buoyancy, pressure
measurement; Fluid flow phenomena: Nature and classification of flow, Kinematics of fluid flow,
velocity field, stream function, irrational flow; Flow measurement: Orifice meter, venturi meter,
Pitot tube, and Rota meters; Macroscopic Balances: derivation of integral balances for mass,
energy and momentum; Differential balances of fluid flow: derivation of continuity and
momentum equations for a Newtonian fluid; Laminar flow: inviscid flows and potential flows,
Couette flow, Poiseuille flow, Flow through Pipes and fittings; Dimensional analysis and
similitude: Buckingham Pi theorem and applications, Model analysis; Fluid transportation:
Valves and Pumps and Compressors; Agitation and mixing: power consumption, mixing times,
scale up; Flow past immersed bodies: flow past a sphere and submerged objects of different
shapes ; Flow through packed beds and fluidized beds.

Essential Reading:
1. R.W. Fox, P.J. Pritchcard and A.T. McDonald, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Seventh
edition SI version, Wiley 2010.

Suggested reading:
1. G.K. Batchelor, Introduction to Fluid Dynamics, Oxford University Press, 2000.
2. W.L. McCabe, J.C. Smith, P. Harriot, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering,
McGraw-Hill Publication, 2005.
CH 2150 Fluid Dynamics Laboratory 1 credits [0-0-2]
Course Objectives: The basic aim is to perform practical studies on various types of fluid flow
systems and determine or estimate various characteristic parameters associated them.

Course Description:
1. Friction losses in a Straight pipe.
2. Friction losses in a various type of bends and fittings in a piping network.
3. Reynold’s Experiment.
4. Verification of Bernoullis Theorm.
5. Verification of Darcy’s Law.
6. Flow through Packed Bed.
7. Separation in Centrifugal Separator.
8. Characterization of Orifice meter, Venturi meter and Rotameter.
9. Characterization of Fluidization Phenomena.
10. Study of reciprocating pump characteristics.
11. Study of centrifugal pump characteristics.
12. Friction loss through a Helical coil.
13. Determination of point velocity and sketch velocity profile using Pitot tube.

CH 2156 Unit Operations Laboratory -I 1 credits [0-0-2]

Course Description:
1. Dynamics of First Order Systems.
2. Charcterization of ON-OFF temperature controller.
3. Friction losses in a Straight pipe.
4. Reynold’s Experiment.
5. To find out the thermal conductivity of liquids.
6. To find out the average heat transfer co-efficient in forced convection.
7. Determination of diffusivity of organic vapors in air.
8. Determination of vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) or T-x-y diagram for a binary system
9. Determination of composting of the supplied sample of Coal by Proximate Analysis
10. To find the effect of temperature on viscosity of the supplied liquid fuels using Red
wood viscometer
11. Determination of average particle size of a mixture of particles by sieve analysis.
12. Study and operation of Jaw crusher and thereby verification of Ritinger s constant.
13. Study and operation of a batch reactor.
14. Study and operation of a CSTR.

CH 2211 Chemical Process Calculations 3 credits [2-1-0]

Course objective:
It aims at providing fundamental knowledge of chemical engineering and application of this
knowledge in the solving of material and energy balances of chemical processes.
Course Description:
Engineering Calculations: Units and dimensions; Conversion of units. Chemical reactions:
excess reactant, limiting reactant, conversion, extent of reaction; yield and selectivity in
multiple reactions; Composition of mixtures and solutions. Flow-sheeting: degrees of freedom
and its importance in flow-sheeting. Material balance with and without chemical reactions:
Recycle, bypass, and purge calculations; calculations for unit operations like mixing,
evaporation, crystallization and distillation; Combustion reactions. Behavior of ideal gases:
Various equations of state, Law of Dalton and Amagat, Densities of gaseous mixture. Real
gases: Critical properties, various equation of state, Law of corresponding states. Vapour
pressures: Liquefaction, Vaporization, Cox Chart, Duhring Plot.Psychometric calculations.
Energy balance: Heat capacity of gases, liquids, solids and solutions, Heats of fusion and
vaporization, heat of reaction, heat of combustion, heat of formation; enthalpy change. Fuel
calculations; adiabatic flame temperature. Numerical techniques for solving material and
energy balance equations; Vapour–liquid equilibrium calculations. Use of spreadsheet
software (Excel/Origin).
Essential Reading:
1. D. M. Himmelblau and J. B. Riggs, Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical
Engineering, 8th Ed., Prentice Hall, 2012.

Suggested Reading:

1. R. M. Felder and R. W. Rousseau, Elementary Principles of Chemical processes, 3 rd Ed.,

John Wiley& Sons, 2005.
2. B. I. Bhatt and S. M. Vora, Stoichiometry, 4 th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited (2004).

CH 2311 PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION 2 credits [2-0-0]

Course objective: The aim of the course is to provide students an adequate knowledge of
various process instruments and their characteristics.
Course Description:
Elements of instruments, Static characteristics, Dynamic characteristics, Applications of
Laplace transforms in instruments, Responses of first & second order instruments and
capacitance; Temperature measuring instruments like Bimetallic, Vapour pressure,
Thermocouples, Automatic Potential Recorders, Resistance thermometers, Radiation
pyrometers, Optical Pyrometers, Photo-electric Pyrometers, Thermistors, Responses of these
instruments; Composition measuring instruments: Spectroscopic methods, Thermal
conductivity cells, Carbon dioxide analyser, Humidity measurement, Moisture in paper and
lumber, pH meter, Oxygen analyser, polarograph, Refractometer, Chromatography,
Colorimetry, Combustible gas analysers; Measurement of pressure and vacuum: Manometers,
Pressure spring, McLeod gauge, Pirani Gauge, Ionization Gauge, Thermocouple Gauge,
Responses of these instruments; Measurement of flow properties: Viscosity and specific gravity
measurement, Level measuring devices, Flow measuring devices, measurement of
displacement; Biosensors and its applications; Process instrumentation diagram.

Essential Reading:
1. K. Krishnaswamy, Industrial Instrumentation, New Age Publishers, 2010.
Suggested Reading:
1. A. Suryanarayana, Outline of Chemical Instrumentation and Process Control, Khanna
Publisher, 2008.
2. J. Curtis, Process Control Instrumentation Technology, Prentice-Hall of India, 2005.
3. R. S. Sirohi, H. C. Radha Krishna, Mechanical Measurements, New Age Publishers,

CH 2410 Fuels and Combustion 3 credits [3-0-0]

Course Objectives: The basic course objective is to acquaint students with the fundamental
properties of solid; liquid and gaseous fuels and their industrial applications and designing
furnaces for combustion processes.

Course Description:

Solid fuels: Coal origin, Chemical composition, Calorific value, Classifications,

Characteristics and Distribution of Indian coals, Coal storage, Coal washing and blending,
Petrographic constituents of coal, Carbonization of coal, Manufacture and properties of
metallurgical coke, Recovery of byproducts; Liquid fuels: Origin and composition of crude oil,
distillation of crude oil and properties of gasoline, kerosene and diesel oil, Breaking and
rebuilding processes like Cracking, Reforming, Polymerization, Coal tar distillation, Shale oil;
Gaseous fuels: Natural gas, Coal gas, Coke oven and blast furnace gas, Manufacture
of water gas and producer gas, Carbureted water gas; Synthetic fuels: Hydrogenation of
coal, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis; Introduction to nuclear fuels and nuclear reactors;
Combustion of solid fuels, Calorific values, Adiabatic flame temperatures, Combustion
calculations, Gas analysis, Furnace design.

Essential Reading:
1. S. Sarkar, Fuels and Combustion, Universities Press, (2009).

2. S.R. Turns, An Introduction to Combustion: Concepts and Applications, McGraw Hill

Education, (2012).
Suggested Reading:
1. J.S.S Brame and J.G. King, Fuel: Solid, Liquid and Gaseous, Hodder & Stoughton
Educational, (1967).
CH 2411 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 4 credits [3-1-0]
Course Objective:
Thermodynamics deals with physical law of nature, its irreversibility, entropy, and energetic
evolution of properties of matters. It deals with multi-component multi-phase behaviour of fluid,
solution non-ideality, and chemical reaction equilibria. The objective of this course is to impart
the fundamentals on thermodynamic phase behaviour, equilibria enhanced with three chemical
reactions, thermodynamic efficiency of steady state devices and solution non-ideality, which
are considered as necessary inputs to the courses like mass transfer, separation process,
energy analysis and thermal design.
Course Description:
Evaluation of PVT properties of fluids, Law of corresponding states, Residual volume,
Compressibility factor, Equations of state, phase behaviour of pure fluids, ClausiousClepeyren
equation. First law of thermodynamics and enthalpy, Second law: Entropy, Work function, Free
energy, thermodynamic efficiency, Heat engine, Refrigeration, and Heat pump. Second law for
open system: thermodynamic efficiency analysis of steady state devices like pumps,
compressor, turbine, nozzles, and throttles. Introduction to third law, Phase rule: Theoretical
and experimental aspects of phase rule and its use in study of multi-component system,
Solution thermodynamics, Partial molar properties, Chemical potential, Fugacity. Solution non-
ideality: excess properties, residual properties, activity coefficient (Gibbs energy based liquid
models). Gibbs-Duhem equation, Chemical reaction equilibria, VLE and LLE calculations.
Essential Reading:
1. Richard E. Sonntag, Claus Borgnakke, Gordon J. Van Wylen. “Fundamentals of
thermodynamics,” John Wiley publication 6thedition, 2002.
2. J. M. Smith & H.C.V Ness and M. M. Abbot, “Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Thermodynamics, “McGraw and Hills Publication, 2005.
Suggested Reading:
1. Y. V. C. Rao, “Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, “Universities Press, 1997.
2. S. I. Sandler, Chemical and Engineering Thermodynamics. John Wiley publication, 3 rd

CH 2413 Fundamental of Biochemical Engineering 2 credits [2-0-0]

Course objective:
Course Description:
Introduction to Microbiology: Structure of cells, types of cells; Introduction to Biochemical
process industries: Industrial alcohols, antibiotic, enzymes, vitamins, single cell process;
Fermentation mechanisms and kinetics: Kinetic models of microbial growth and product
formation; Fermentation types: Batch and continuous fermentation; Bioreactors: Types of
bioreactor and design; Sterilization; Sterilization of media and air, equipment, batch and
continuous sterilizer design; Biochemical product separation and recovery: Membrane
separation process, chromatographic method; Application to waste water treatment: Activated
sludge process, aerobic and anaerobic processes.

Essential Reading:

1. G. Najafpour, Biochemical Engineering & Biotechnology, Elsivier Science, 2006.

2. J E Bailey and D F Ollis; Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals, Mc Graw & Hills
Publication, 1986.
Suggested Reading:

1. M. L. Shuler and F. Kargi, Bioprocess Engineering: Basic Concepts, Prentice Hall of

India, 2001.
2. R. Dutta, Fundamentals of Biochemical Engineering, Springer, 2008.

CH 2450 Fuels and Combustion Laboratory 1 credit [0-0-2]

Course Objectives: The basic aim is to perform practical studies on various types of solid
and liquid fuels for estimating their properties and subsequent interpretations.
Course Description:
1. Determination of composting of the supplied sample of Coal by Proximate Analysis
2. To find the effect of temperature on viscosity of the supplied liquid fuels using Red
wood viscometer
3. To find the effect of temperature on viscosity of the supplied samples of lubricating oil
using Engler’s viscometer
4. To find the Flash and Fire points of the supplied samples of liquid fuel using
(i) Pensky-Martens closed cup apparatus (b) Abel closed cup apparatus (c) Cleveland
open cup apparatus
5. To find the Aniline point and Diesel Index of the supplied samples of liquid fuels
6. To find the Carbon Residue of the supplied sample of lubricating oil / oil mixture using
Conradson apparatus
7. To find the moisture content of the supplied samples of liquid fuel / Crude oil using
Dean and Stark apparatus
8. To find the Pour point and Solidification point of the supplied samples of liquid fuels
9. To find the Calorific value of liquid fuel using Bomb calorimeter (ash free basis)
10. To determine the Smoke Point of kerosene oil using Smoke Point Apparatus
11. To determine softening point of Bituminous materials using Ring and Ball apparatus
12. To determine the viscosity of peroleum products using Saybolt viscometer

CH 2451 Biochemical Engineering lab 2 credits [1-0-2]

1. Different sterilization and inoculation techniques.
2. Preparation of various types of media.
3. Effect of pH, Substrate conc. on cell growth.
4. Effect of temperature on cell growth.
5. Determination of volumetric mass transfer co efficient (Kla)
6. Determination of mixing time.
7. Determination of size and density of the microbial cells.
8. Determination of thermal death rate constant.
9. Preparation of immobilized whole cell system.
10. Substrate degradation, cell growth and product formation kinetics using free cells and
whole cell immobilization.
11. Treatment of sample waste water in a bioreactor
12. Production of Acetic acid using fermenter.

CH 3111 Process Equipment Design 4 credits [3-1-0]

Course objective: To help the students to design heat and mass transfer equipments. To
help the students to design heat and mass transfer equipments along with the design
knowledge of mechanical aspects of process equipments.
Course Description:
Detailed process design of the following equipment’s; Heat exchangers concentric tube, shell
and tube types, Condensers –condenser coolers and superheater condensers for single
vapour––only, Evaporators single and multi-effects, Absorbers for binary systems without
reactions,– Distillation columns for binary mixtures along with tray hydraulics, Rotary
dryers; Multi- component Distillation Column Design. Design of storage tanks, pressure
vessels and auxiliariesesign of storage tank and pressure vessel along with its accessories
like nozzles, flanges, head and supports such as bracket, skirt and saddle support.Design of
storage tanks, pressure vessels and auxiliaries Design of storage tanks, pressure vessels and
Essential Reading:
1. Chemical Engineering Design by R. K. Sinnott. Coulson Richardson’s Chemical
Engineering Series, Volume 6
Suggested Reading:
1. D. Q. Kern, Process Heat Transfer.
2. R. E. Treybal, Mass Transfer Operations.
CH 3113 Mass Transfer Operations-II 3 credits [2-1-0]

Course objectives: This subject illustrates more recently developed unit operations like
adsorption and membrane separation along with conventional unit operations like drying,
leaching, solvent extraction, crystallization and industrial cooling operations. The area covered
in this syllabus basically acquaints students with various types of contacting systems viz. liquid-
liquid, solid-liquid, gas-solid with their technical insights.

Course Description:
Humidification and dehumidification: Basic terminologies, Wet bulb and adiabatic saturation
temperatures, Psychrometric chart and its use, Cooling tower calculations and design, Drying:
Drying equilibria, Drying rate curve, Classification of drying equipments and their design
methodologies, Solid-Liquid extraction or Leaching: Solid-liquid contacting strategy and
equilibrium, Supercritical fluid extraction, Liquid-Liquid extraction: Liquid-Liquid equilibria (LLE),
Solvent selection, Design calculations of stage wise extraction, Triangular diagram, Adsorption:
Characteristics and properties of adsorbents, Adsorption isotherms, Heat of adsorption,
Breakthrough analysis, Pressure swing and temperature swing adsorption, Simulated moving
bed systems, Crystallization: Nucleation and crystal growth, Crystal size distribution,
Equipment for solution crystallization: batch crystallizers, cooling crystallizers, vacuum and
evaporating crystallizers, Membrane separation: Materials, Types and preparation of
membranes, membrane characterization, Transport in membranes, Microfiltration,
Ultrafiltration, Nano filtration, Reverse Osmosis and Pervaporation.

Essential Reading:
1. J.D. Seader and E.J. Henley, Separation Process Principles, John Wiley & Sons,
2. B. K. Dutta, Principles of Mass Transfer and Separation Processes, Prentice Hall India
Learning Private Limited, (2006).
Suggested Reading:
1. C.J. Geankoplis, Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles (Includes
unit operations), Prentice Hall India Learning Private Limited, (2004).
2. P.C. Wankat, Rate-Controlled Separations, B S Publications, (2005).
3. A.S. Foust, L.A. Wenzel, C.W. Clump, L. Maus and L. Bryce Andersen, Principles of
unit operations, Wiley, (2008).
CH 3116 Transport Phenomena 3 Credits [3-0-0]
Course Objective:
 Provide an introduction to individual / simultaneous momentum, energy and mass
transport processes.
 Teach student how to develop mathematical representation of physical process and get
its analytical solution using proper initial and boundary conditions for analysing the
system performance.
 Help student to understand the analogy among the transport processes.
Course Description:
Momentum transport: Viscosity and mechanism, Temperature and pressure dependence of
viscosity (gases at low density); Velocity distributions in laminar flow, Shell momentum
balances, Equations of changes for isothermal system (compressible), Unsteady state viscous
flow, Interphase transportations in isothermal system, Friction factor; Shell energy balances,
Heat conduction through composite walls and in cooling fin forced and free convection;
Equations of change for non-isothermal systems, Equations for energy in rectangular
coordinates. Mass transport: Diffusivity and mechanism, Temperature and pressure
dependence of mass diffusivity; Concentration distributions in solids and in laminar flow, Shell
mass balances, diffusion through a stagnate gas film, Diffusion with homogeneous and
heterogeneous chemical reactions, diffusion into a falling liquid film, Diffusion and chemical
reaction inside a porous catalyst. Equations of continuity for a binary mixture in rectangular
coordinates; Inter-phase transport in multi-component system, Definition of binary mass
transfer coefficients in one phase, Correlations of binary mass transfer coefficients in one
phase at low mass transfer coefficients and in two phase at low and high mass transfer rates.
Essential Readings:
1. R. B. Bird, W. E. Stewart, and E. N. Lightfoot Transport phenomena, John Wiley &
Sons; Revised 2nd Edition, 2007.
Suggested Readings:
1. Raj, B. Introduction to Transport Phenomena: Momentum, Heat and Mass., PHI
Learning, 2012.
2. Hauke, G., An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Transport Phenomena, Series:
Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications, Vol. 86, Springer.

CH 3151 Heat Transfer Operation Laboratory 1 credits [0-0-2]

Course Description:
1. To find out the thermal conductivity of liquids.
2. To find out the average heat transfer co-efficient in forced convection.
3. Find out the Heat Transfer Coefficient during drop wise and film wise condensation.
4. To find out the emissivity of a surface.
5. To find out the overall thermal conductance and plot the temperature distribution in
case of a composite wall.
6. To find out the average heat transfer co-efficient in natural convection.
7. To find out the Stefan Boltzmans constant and study the effect of hemisphere
temperature on it.
8. To study the heat transfer in agitated vessel.
9. To find out the overall heat transfer co-efficient of a double pipe heat exchanger.
10. To find out the overall heat transfer co-efficient of 1-2 shell & tube heat exchanger.
11. To find out the overall heat transfer co-efficient of a Finned Tube heat exchanger
12. Study economy and the capacity of single effect evaporator and determine overall heat
transfer co-efficient

CH 3152 Mass Transfer Operations Laboratory 2 credits [0-0-3]

Course Objectives: The basic aim is to conduct practical investigations on various mass
transfer processes for a thorough understanding and a detailed insight to support the
theoretical knowledge.

Course Description:

1. (a) Determination of diffusivity of organic vapors in air (b) Determination of diffusivity

of a naphthalene ball in air

2. Determination of vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) or T-x-y diagram for a binary system

3. Determination of drying efficiency of a fluidized bed dryer

4. Determination of drying efficiency of a rotary dryer

5. Determination of absorption of CO2 in a packed bed absorption tower

6. Binary separation of Methanol-Water system in a packed bed distillation column

7. Binary separation of Methanol-Water system in a bubble cap distillation column

8. Determination of extraction and recovery percentages of a heavy metal contaminated

feed in liquid membrane application

9. Determination of steady state flux of ceramic composite membranes and estimation of

its porosity

10. Determination of flux by studying permeation via a hollow fiber membrane and a
polymeric membrane module.

Course Objectives: The basic aim of this course is to acquaint students with the
fundamentals of reservoir and petroleum production for both crude oil and natural gas across
various on and off-shore terrains across the globe and challenges involved therein.
Course Description:
Global trends and geo-political analysis, Statistical data on oil and natural gas, Properties of oil
and natural gas, Reservoir characteristics; reservoir deliverability and forecast on well
production, Drilling methods and drill mud analysis, Production decline and enhanced oil
recovery techniques, Directional drilling and artificial lift methods: Matrix acidizing, Hydraulic
fracturing, Production optimization and pipeline networking, Onshore and Off-shore drilling and
Essential Reading:
1. B. Guo and W.C. Lyons, A. Ghalambor, Petroleum Production Engineering: A
Computer Assisted Approach, Gulf professional publishing, (2007).

Suggested Reading:
1. T.E.W. Nind, Principles of oil well production, McGraw-Hill, (1964).

2. K.E. Brown, The Technology of Artificial lift methods, Petroleum publishing company,
3. D.L. Katz and R.L. Lee, Natural gas engineering-production and storage, McGraw-Hill,

CH 3212 Principles & Applications of Nanotechnology 3 credits [3-0-0]

Course Objective:
It’s a relatively new area of science and engineering that has generated excitement worldwide
due to its interdisciplinary nature and wide range of applications. The nanoscale materials are
important because those have different properties at the nanoscale than the bulk or micro
scale. So, the objective of this course is to focus on the nanoscale properties and to give an
overview of the exciting advancement in this area.
Course Description:
Introduction to nanotechnology, definition, history. What makes the nanoscale so different from
the other length scales by considering the under pinning science (i.e.nanoscience) and some
key examples of nanotechnology; Properties in nanoscale: Extensive and Intensive properties,
change in physical properties like color, melting point, electrical, magnetic, and mechanical.
Quantum mechanical approach to explain the properties change in nanoscale. Theory of size
dependent melting point, effect of grain size and grain boundary on mechanical properties of
nanomaterial’s. ; Methods of synthesis of nanometerials fabrication-“Top-down” vs. “bottom-up”
approaches. A brief idea on synthesis of different nanomaterial’s. Theory of nucleation and
growth. Brief introduction to application of nanoparticles in catalysis, biotechnology, sensor etc.
; Characterization of nanoparticles by Scanning probe microscopes (Atomic Force Microscopy,
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy), Transmission Electron Microscopy, Scanning Electron
Essential Reading:
1. S. K. Kulkarni, Nanotechnology: Principles and Practices, Capital Publishing Co. 2007.
2. B. Rogers, S. Pennathur, J. Adams, and Nanotechnology: Understanding small
systems, Taylor and Francis, 2008.
3. C. N. R. Rao, A. Müller, A. K. Cheetham, The Chemistry of Nanomaterials, Wiley-VCH,
Suggested Reading:
1. Tang, Zikang and Sheng, Ping, Taylor and Francis, Nano science and technology:
novel structures and phenomena, 2003.
2. T. Zikang and S. Ping, Nano science and technology: novel structures and phenomena,
Taylor and Francis, 2003.
3. M. Rieth, Nano-Engineering in Science and Technology: An Introduction to the World of
Nanodesign, World Scientific, 2003

CH 3213 Chemical Reaction Engineering 4 Credits [3-1-0]

Course Objective: To enable students to apply the fundamental principles of chemical reaction
kinetics to design different types of chemical reactors, to analyze the kinetic data, and to
estimate kinetic parameters.
Course Description:
Introduction: Reaction rate laws and stoichiometry; Classifications of reactions; order and
molecularity of reaction and its determination, theory on reaction: collision theory and activated
complex theory; analysis of data. Isothermal Reactor Design: Design of Batch reactor (BR),
continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR), plug flow reactor (PFR), packed-bed reactor
(PBR) for single ideal reactions, multiple reactions; reaction mechanism and pathways;
introduction to enzyme kinetics. Non-isothermal reactors. Catalysts and catalytic reactions:
classification of catalysts, catalyst deactivation, external diffusion effects on heterogeneous
reactions, diffusion and reaction in solid catalysts; general mechanism of catalytic reactions,
adsorption isotherms. Multiphase reactions. Non-ideal Reactors: causes of non-ideality;
residence time distribution (RTD)- Measurements and characteristics of RTD, models for non-
ideal reactors.
Essential Reading:
1. H. S. Fogler, Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, 5 th Edition, Prentice Hall,
Suggested Reading:
1. O. Levenspiel, Chemical Reaction Engineering, 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1999.
2. G. F. Froment, K. B. Bischoff and J. D. Wilde, Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design,
3rd edition, John Wiley, 2010.
3. J M Smith, Chemical Engineering Kinetics, 3rd edition, Mcgraw-Hills, 1981.

CH 3215 Processing & Handling of Materials 3 credits [2-1-0]

Course objective:
It covers almost all mechanical operations involved in industries and enables the students to
understand the basic techniques in handling of materials such as screening, classification,
sedimentation, filtration, coagulation, centrifugation etc. It educates the students to effectively
utilize the knowledge gained to provide an economical method to process industries.
Course Description:
Characteristics of a single particle: Size, shape, surface area, volume, Properties of
solids. ; Characteristics of a collection of particles: Particle Size Distribution: Specific surface
of mixture, average particle size, Number of particles, Screen analysis: Effectiveness of
screen, Industrial screening equipment’s, Size reduction: Factors affecting communication,
Laws of communication, Industrial equipment’s ; Particle Dynamics: Single Particle: Settling
velocity, Effect of shape, Wall effect, Mixture of Particles: hindered settling ; Separation of
particles: Solid-solid separation: Classification, Jigging, Magnetic and Electrostatic
separations, Liquid-solid separation: Sedimentation, Filtration, Hydro-Cyclones, Gas-solid
separation: Flotation ; Mixing and Agitation: Phenomena of mixing and agitation, Circulation,
velocities and power consumption in agitated vessels, Solid-liquid mixing, solid-solid mixing ;
Particle transport and storage: Storage of solids: Hopper, Bins & Silos, Mechanical
conveyers, Gas-solid: Pneumatic transport in horizontal and vertical pipelines, Liquid-
solid: Hydraulic transport Beneficiation circuits of Minerals: Chalcopyrite’s, Sphalerites,
Galena and Bauxite.
Essential Reading:
1. C.M. Narayanan & B.C. Bhattacharyya, Mechanical Operation for Chemical
Engineers (Incorporation Computer Aided Analysis), Khanna Publisher, Third Edition,
2. W I McCabe & J C Smith, P. Harriot, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering,
McGraw- Hill publication, 2005

Suggested Reading:
1. M. C. Fuerstenauand, K. N. Han, Principles of Mineral Processing, John Wiley,
N.Y, 2003
2. J. F. Richardson, J. H. Harker& J. Backhurst, Chemical Engineering Volume 2,
Butterworth-Heinemann, 1st edn, 2002.

CH 3217 Chemical Process Technology 3 credits [3-0-0]

Course objective: This course provides the fundamentals to construct the flow diagram for
any manufacturing process. It familiarizes the students with basic features of a flow chart.
Course Description:
Introduction of CPT with reference to Indian resources, industries, trade and export potential,
small scale industries and rural development. Preparation of process flow diagrams,
Instrumentation diagrams and Process symbols. ; Introduction to the following industries
lying emphasis on process flow sheet, material requirements, process conditions,
material of construction and design aspects. Chlor-Alkali Industries: Manufacture of Soda ash,
Caustic soda and Chlorine. Acids; Manufacture of Sulphuric acid, Hydrochloric acid and Nitric
acid. Electro thermal Industries: Manufacture of Silicon Carbide and Calcium Carbide.
Extraction and Refining of edible oil, Fat splitting and Hydrogenation of oil. Soaps and
Detergents, recovery of Glycerin.Production of Pulp, Paper and Rayon. Fermentation
Industries: Manufacture of Industrial alcohol, Absolute alcohol and allied products.
Manufacture of Sugar, Starch and its derivatives. Coal based Chemical Industries.
Essential Reading:
1. C.E. Dryden, for the 21st century, (Edited & revised by M. G. Rao and M Sitting) 2006
2. G.T. Austin, Shreve’s Chemical Process Industries, 5th edition, McGraw Hill Book Co.,
New York,1984
Suggested Reading:
1. S.D. Shukla & G.N. Pandey, A Text Book of Chemical Technology, Vol. II,
Sangam Books, 2000.
2. W.V. Mark edited by S.C. Bhatia, Chemical Process Industries Vol. I & Vol. II 2 nd
edition, CBS Publisher and Distributor, 2007.
3. R.E. Kirk and D.F. Othmer, Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 4th edition,
Interscience, New York, 1991 (In our library).

CH 3223 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics and Reaction Engineering 3 credits [3-

Course Objective: To enable students to have a basic knowledge of chemical engineering
thermodynamics and reaction engineering so that they can analyze the kinetic and
thermodynamic data, and estimate the parameters in any reactive system.
Course Description:
Fundamentals of Chemical thermodynamics: Evaluation of PVT properties of fluids, Equations
of state, phase behavior of pure fluids. Laws of thermodynamics Phase rule. Solution
thermodynamics. Solution non-ideality: excess properties, residual properties, activity
coefficient, Bubble point and Dew point calculation. Chemical reaction equilibria.
Fundamentals of Chemical Reaction Engineering: Kinetics Reaction rate, order, rate constant;
Kinetics of homogeneous single reactions. Ideal reactors: batch, stirred tank and plug flow
systems; Conversion and yield in multiple reactions; non-isothermal reactors; Catalytic
reactions: Catalytic rates, Reaction mechanisms; Internal/External transport in catalysts;
Concept of RTD.
Essential Reading:
(1) J. M. Smith & H.C.V Ness and M. M. Abbot, “Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Thermodynamics, “McGraw and Hills Publication, 2005.
(2) O. Levenspiel, Chemical Reaction Engineering, 3 rd edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1999.

Suggested Reading:
(1) Richard E. Sonntag, Claus Borgnakke, Gordon J. Van Wylen. “Fundamentals of
thermodynamics,” John Wiley publication 6 thedition, 2002.
(2) H. S. Fogler, Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, 5 th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2016.

CH 3250 Materials Handling Laboratory 2 credits [0-0-3]

1. Determination of average particle size of a mixture of particles by sieve analysis.
2. Study and operation of Jaw crusher and thereby verification of Ritinger s constant.
3. Determination of reduction ratio, maximum feed size and theoretical capacity of
crushing rolls.
4. Determination of the effect of no. of balls on grinding in a Ball mill and comparison of
its critical speed with the operating speed.
5. To find out the effect of time on grinding and amount of undersize at zero time of
grinding in a ball mill and to compare its operating speed with the critical speed.
6. To find out enrichment of the coal sample using a froth flotation cell.
7. Determination of the effectiveness of a vibrating screen.
8. To find the efficiency of Wilfley Table and the effect of water flow rate on efficiency of
9. Study and operation of a Hammer mill thereby finding its reduction ratio.
10. Study and operation of a Pulverizer and thereby finding its reduction ratio.
11. Study and operation of a cyclone separator and thereby finding its efficiency of
12. Study and operation of a Magnetic separator and thereby finding its efficiency of
13. Study and operation of a Gyratory Crusher and thereby finding its reduction ratio.

CH 3251 Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory 1 Credits[0-0-2]

1. Study and operation of a packed bed reactor
2. Study and operation of a batch reactor
3. Study and operation of a CSTR
4. Study and operation of a plug flow reactor
5. Study and operation of a cascade CSTR
6. Study and operation of an adiabatic batch reactor
7. Study and operation Trickle bed reactor
8. Study and operation Condensation polymerization reactor
9. Study and operation Emulsion polymerization reactor
10. RTD study in a CSTR
11. RTD study in a plug flow reactor
12. Study and operation of a coiled tubular reactor.

CH 3253 Unit Operations Laboratory -II 1 credits [0-0-2]

Course Description:
1. Dynamics of a CSTR System.
2. Study of control value characteristics.
3. To find out the overall thermal conductance and plot the temperature distribution in
case of a composite wall.
4. To find out the average heat transfer co-efficient in natural convection.
5. Determination of diffusivity of a naphthalene ball in air.
6. Determination of drying efficiency of a fluidized bed dryer.
7. To find the effect of temperature on viscosity of the supplied samples of lubricating oil
using Engler’s viscometer.
8. To find the Aniline point and Diesel Index of the supplied samples of liquid fuels
9. Determination of reduction ratio, maximum feed size and theoretical capacity of
crushing rolls.
10. Determination of the effect of no. of balls on grinding in a Ball mill and comparison of
its critical speed with the operating speed.
11. Study and operation of a plug flow reactor.
12. Study and operation of an adiabatic batch reactor.
13. Verification of Bernoullis Theorm.
14. Verification of Darcy’s Law.

CH 3310 Process Dynamics & Control 4 credits [3-1-0]

Course Objectives:
To equip the students with the knowledge of modelling a physical process, design various
control schemes, apply the control system in various processes.
Course Description:
Control of Chemical Processes, Incentives and need of process control, design aspects and
hardware for a process control system, Modeling the dynamic and static behaviour of chemical
process, Need of mathematical modeling, Process modeling, Process variables and process
degrees of freedom, state equations, Analysis of the Dynamic behaviour of chemical
processes, Linearization, Laplace transforms, solution of linear differential equations using
Laplace transforms, Transfer functions and input output model, Dynamic behaviour of first,
second and other order and higher order systems, Analysis and design of Feedback control
systems, concept and types of feedback control, measuring devices, final control element,
block diagram, effect of various control action on processes, stability analysis, design of
feedback controllers, frequency response analysis, Analysis and design of Advanced control
systems, systems with large dead time and inverse response, control systems with multiple
loops, feedforward and ratio control, adaptive and interfacial control systems, Multivariable
processes, MIMO control system, interaction and decoupling of control loops, control systems
for complete plant, Digital computer control loops, continuous to discrete system, z-
transformation, discrete time response, design of digital feedback controllers.
Essential Reading:
1. G. Stephenanopoulos, Chemical Process Control–An Introduction to Theory & Practice,
Pearson Education India, 2015.
2. Coughanowr D.R., “Process Systems Analysis and Control”, McGraw Hill, Singapore,
Supplementary Reading:
1. B. B. Wayne, Process Control: Modeling, Design, and Simulation, Prentice-Hall India,
2. C. A .Smith, A. B. Corripio, Principles and Practice of Automatic Process Control, Wiley,
3. S. K. Singh, Computer Aided Process Control, Prentice-Hall India, 2004

CH 3314 CHEMICAL ENGG MATHEMATICS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Course Objective:
The foremost objective of this course is to introduce several computational techniques that are
important in the solution of a variety of Mathematical problems that cannot be solved
analytically. The sample problems will, for the most part of the course be taken from Chemical
Engineering, though occasionally we will consider problems also from other related engineering
areas. The methods and skills taught in this course will be valuable for future Chemical
Engineering courses.
Course Description:
Treatment of engineering data: Numerical integration (Simpson, Trapezoidal and Gauss
methods), Interpolation (Newton, Lagrange, Stirling), Empirical equations and least squares;
Ordinary differential equations: Formulation of the physical problems for mass, energy,
rate equations and flow systems. Solutions using analytical and numerical methods;
Partial differential equations: Formulation of chemical engineering problems, Coordinate
transformation, Solutions of partial differential equations using separation variable method
and Fourior series and limited to two dimensional cases; Laplace transforms:
Applications to Laplace transforms to simple chem. engg. problems.
Essential Reading
1. H. S. Mickley, T. S. Sherwood, C. E. Reid, Applied Mathematics in Chemical Engg.
Suggested Reading:
1. V. G. Jenson and G. V. Jeffrey, Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engg.
2. S. Pushpavanam, Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering, Prentice Halls,


Course objective:
Course Description:
Modeling: Fundamentals of mathematical models and formulation– Continuity equation,
Equation of motion, Transport equations, Energy equation, Equations of state, Equilibrium,
Chemica kinetics and their applications; Lumped and – distributed parameter models Fluid
systems, C.S.T.R. (single, series, isothermal, constant hold up, variable hold up, gas
phase pressurized and non-isothermal), Single component vaporizer, Multi-component flash
drum, Batch reactor, Reactor with mass transfer, Ideal binary distillation column, Batch
distillation, Heat exchanger, etc; Simulation: Numerical solution of Algebraic equation,
ordinary differential equation, partial differential equation, simulation of single CSTR, multiple
CSTR in seires, single and multiple distillation column etc.
Essential Reading:
1. W. L. Luyben, Process Modelling, Simulation and Control for Chemical
Engineers, McGraw Hill, 1990.
Suggested Readings:
1. B. V. Babu, Process Plant Simulation, Oxford University Press, 2004.
2. B. W. Bequette, Process Control: Modeling, Design and Simulation, Prentice-Hall
India, 2006.
3. S.K. Gupta, Numerical Methods for Engineers, New Age Intl. Publishers, New Delhi 2 nd
edition, 2010.

CH 3317 PROCESS PLANT SAFETY 3 credits (3-0-0)

Course objective: Process engineers are equipped with modern tools and new techniques to
keep the plant safe and free from hazards.
Course description:
Introduction, Toxicology, Industrial Hygiene, Source Model,Toxic Release and Dispersion
Models,Fires and Explosions, Designs to Prevent Fires and Explosions, Introduction to Reliefs,
Designing of Relief system, Probabilistic Risk assessment
Essential Readings
1. Daniel A. Crowl and Joseph F. Lowar, Chemical Process Safety: Fundamental with
Applications, Prentice Hall PTR Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458

Suggested Readings

1. Frank P. Lees, Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2d ed. (London: Butterworths,
2. Frank P. Lees, Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2d ed. (London: Butterworth-
Heinemann. 1996
3. Lewis J. Cralley and Lester V. Cralley, eds., Industrial Hygiene Aspects of Plant
Operations, v. 1-3 (New York: Macmillan, 1984).
4. N. Irving Sax, Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials, 6th ed. (New York: Van
Nostrand Reinhold, 1984),
5. A. C. Wentz, Safety, Health, and Environmental Protection (Boston: WCBIMcGraw-Hill,

CH 3350 Process Dynamics & Control Laboratory 1 credits [0-0-2]

Course Objectives: The basic aim is to conduct experiments to acqire adequate knowledge
to determine dynamics and control of various process parameters in different equipments.
Course Description:
1. Dynamics of First Order Systems.
2. Dynamics of non-interacting system in series.
3. Dynamics of interacting system in series.
4. Charcterization of ON-OFF temperature controller.
5. Dynamics of a CSTR System.
6. Dynamics and Cotrol of shell & tube heat exchanger.
7. Study of control value characteristics.
8. Study the performance of cascade control system.
9. Study of pressure Control system.
10. Study of PID Control Trainer.
11. Study of Ratio Control System.
12. Study of PI / IP Converter.
13. Study of Multiprocess Control.
14. Study of Multivariable control system.
15. Study of Flow control system.


Course Objective: To equip the students with bioremediation and biological methods to keep
the environment free from pollutants
Course Description:
General effluent treatment nature of sewers, sewage; Methods adopted in effluent treatment;
Legal Consideration –Royal Commissions. Current situation in laying of charging ownership,
regulations, legislation; Activated sludge process equipment, plant kinetics, CSTR modeling.
PFR modeling, recycle stability, washout; Advanced Process –Trickling fitter, moving medium
system; Biology of effluent treatment process: Roles of bacteria, fungi and protozoa.
Extracellular Polymers, films, flocs, Analysis of effluent; Nutrition, Carbon removal, influences
of loading ratio, retention times, season on kinetics and performance, Nitrogen and
Phosphorous requirement for adequate plant performance. Nitrification and De-nitrification
Anoxic process, extended aeration, high rate process; Sludge disposal methods; Anaerobic
processes. Sludge digestion (contact digester), Management of digester sludge. Aerobic
effluent treatment, Gas production and utilization, with related problem.
Essential Reading:
1. M. J. Waites, N. L. Morgan, J. S. Rockey, and G. Higton , Industrial Microbiology, Wiley
Blackwel, 2001.
Suggested Reading:
1. W. Grueger and A. Crueger, Biotechnology a Text book of Industrial Microbiology,
Mc Graw Hill, 1990.
2. J. E. Bailey and D. F. Ollis, Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals, Mc Graw-Hill,


Course objective: To provide basic knowledge in coal preparation and processing technology
Course Description:
Role of coal in the overall energy situation; Recent advances in coal preparation
methods including fine coal treatment; Simulation and modeling of coal beneficiation
circuits ; Thermodynamics and kinetics of coal gasification reactions; Fluidized bed coal
gasification processes; Combined cycle power generation; Coal liquefaction: Various
methods, kinetics of solvent extraction, catalytic hydrogenation and other liquefaction
processes; Concept of coal refinery and coalplex; Environmental impact analysis of coal
utilization methods such as carbonization, gasification, etc.
Essential Reading:
1. H.L. Lowary, Chemistry of Coal Utilization, Vol. I & Vol. II.
Suggested Reading:
1. Mangold, Liquefaction and Gasefication of Coal.
2. Wilson and Wales, Coal, Coke and Coal Chemicals.


Course objective:
Air, water and solid waste disposal techniques will be studied and design of environmental
control devices will be taken up.
Course Description:
Importance of environment for mankind, Damages due to environmental pollution; Air
pollution: Introduction, Composition of air and nature of air pollution, Classification of pollutants
and their nature, Sources of air pollutants and their effects; Meteorological factors
influencing air pollution, Methods of estimation of various types of pollutants in air, Air
pollution problem in few typical chemical industries, Approaches to air pollution control,
Control equipment for particulate emissions and gaseous pollutants, Pollution from mobile
sources, Air quality criteria and standards; Water pollution: Waste water treatment –
evaluation, classification of wastes, Control of water pollution, Characterisation of waste
waters; Methods and equipment – preliminary treatment and disposal, Treatment of
industrial wastes from a few typical chemical industries, Standards.
Essential Reading:
1. M. L. Davis and D. A. Cornwell, Introduction to Environmental Engineering, Tata
McGraw & Hills, 2007.
Suggested Reading:
1. L. K. Wang, Air pollution control Engineering, Humana Press Inc., U.S.; 2Rev Ed
edition, 2004
2. R. Weinerand R. Matthews, Environmental Engineering, Butterworth-Heinemann,

CH 3426 Fundamentals of Fuels and Combustion 3 credits [3-0-0]

Course Objectives: The objective of this course aims at imparting basic knowledge of various
types of fuels and their properties along with combustion chemistry to the students.

Course Description:

Origin of solid fuels, their compositions and classifications, coal characteristics, coal washing,
coal storage, carbonization of coal, coal chemicals, Origin of liquid fuels, production of crude
oil, Crude oil distillation, properties of various petroleum products, cracking, reforming,
visbreaking processes, Origin and properties of natural gas, Synthetic liquid and gaseous fuels
from solid fuels, Combustion calculations, Gas analysis and furnace design.

Essential Reading:
1. S. Sarkar, Fuels and Combustion, Universities Press, (2009).

2. S.R. Turns, An Introduction to Combustion: Concepts and Applications, McGraw Hill

Education, (2012).
Suggested Reading:
1. J.S.S Brame and J.G. King, Fuel: Solid, Liquid and Gaseous, Hodder & Stoughton
Educational, (1967).


Course objective: To enable the students to learn the fundamental and methodologies in the
petroleum refining processes.
Course Description:
Introduction: Origin, exploration and production of Petroleum, composition of petroleum,
laboratory tests, refinery feedstocks and products. Evaluation of crude oil properties.
Atmospheric and vacuum distillation of crude. Desalting and dehydration of crude, Thermal and
catalytic cracking processes. Catalytic hydrocracking and hydrotreating. Catalytic reforming.
Catalytic isomerization, alkylation and polymerization. Lube oil manufacturing. Environmental
issues and New Trends in petroleum refinery operations.
Essential Reading:
1. W. L. Nelson, Petroleum Refinery Engineering, McGraw-Hill Book Co. , 1969.
2. J. H. Gary, H. Hanwerk and M. J. Kaiser, Petroleum Refining Technology and
Economics, 5th Edition, CRC , 2007.
Suggested Reading:
1. J. G. Speight, The Chemistry AND Technology of Petroleum, 4th edition, CRC press,
2. B. K. B. Rao, Modern Petroleum Refining Processes, Oxford & IBH, 5th Edition, 2007.
CH 4117 FLUIDIZATION ENGINEERING 3 credits [3-0-0]
Course Objectives:
To havebetter understanding of fluidization phenomena, analyzing the behaviour associated
with typical fluidized bed systems, develop generic models; investigate new diagnostic methods
and analysis techniques to enable more reliable design and operation of industrial-scale
fluidized bed systems.
Course Description:
Introduction to fluidization, types of fluidization, fluidization phenomena, historical development
and industrial applications, Gross behaviour of fluidized beds, Minimum fluidizing velocity and
pressure drops, Voidage, transport disengaging height, Distributor design, pressure drop
requirement though distributor,behaviour in gas entry region, Bubbles in dense beds, Davidson
Model, stream of bubbles, bubbling bed models, Emulsion phase, Turn-over rate of solids,
residence time distribution diffusion model of solids movement, interchange coefficient into and
out of wake, Entrainment and elutriation from fluidized beds, free board behaviour and
entrainment from tall vessels, high velocity fluidization, turbulent and fast fluidized beds and
associated pressure drop, Residence time distribution and size distribution of solids in fluidized
beds, mixing and egregationbehaviour, particles of changing size; Circulation rates of solids,
flow of high and low bulk density mixtures, Design for catalytic reactors; Design for noncatalytic
gas-solid reactors.
Essential Reading:
1. D. Kunii and O. Levenspiel, Fluidization Engineering, 2nd edition, Butterworth-
Suggested Reading:
1. C. K. Gupta, D. Sathiyamoorthy, Fluid Bed Technology in Materials Processing, CRC
Press, 1st edition1998.
2. J.F. Davidson and D. Harrison, Fludization, Academic Press, 1971
3. F.A. Zenz and D.F. Othmer, Fludization and Fluid Particles Systems, Reinhold


Course Objective:
To provide basic knowledge in particle size analysis, processing, particle formation,
granulation, size reduction, fluid particle separation, safety and transport.
Course Description:
Study of particles: Definition of a particle, Qualities of particles, The industrial revolutions:
explosion of particle related advances (from advanced mining techniques to abrasives,
cutting tools, and mass production of chemicals and agricultural products). Modern
scientific advances in paints and coatings and other particles in various base solvents,
Particles in fluids. ; Composite materials, the design and manipulation of matter on the
nanoscale and into nanostructures. ; Particle Science as an enabling technology to create new
energy sources, clean our air and water and build stronger and lighter materials. Advances
in particle sciences in particular in the area of human healthcare.
Essential Readings:
1. J.K. Beddow, Particulate Science and Technology
Suggested Reading:
1. R. B. Bird, W. E. Stewart, and E. N. Lightfoot Transport phenomena, John Wiley &
Sons; Revised 2nd Edition Edition, 2007.
2. M. Leva, Fluidization.

CH 4126 Introduction to Process Equipment Design 3 credits [3-0-0]

Course Objective: To help the students to design different chemical process equipments.

Course Description:
Material of Construction and lining of vessels. Design of storage tank, pressure vessel and
vessel supports. Flanges and Nozzles. Design of Heat exchange Equipments such as shell and
tube heat exchanger, double pipe heat exchanger and evaporator. Design of separation
equipments such as packed column and distillation column. Design of Dryer, Pipelines.

Essential Reading:
1. Chemical Engineering Design by R. K. Sinnott..
Suggested reading:
1. Process Design of Equipments by S.D. Dawande.

CH 4153 Process Equipment Design Laboratory 2 credits [1-0-2]

Course Objectives: This course aims at imparting basic knowledge of design and simulation
of Heat and Mass transfer equipments using ASPEN Plus/ASPEN HYSYS software
Course Description:
1. Calculation of bubble point and dew point of a feed mixture and distillate condensate.
Estimation of T-x-y and P-x-y diagrams for both ideal and non-ideal solutions
2. Simulation of a binary distillation system using DSTWU and RadFrac simulators and
estimation of optimum column conditions
3. Simulation of a multicomponent distillation system using DSTWU and RadFrac
simulators and column sizing
4. Simulation of a trayed absorption column and sensitivity analysis
5. Simulation of a basic process flow sheet in pressure driven system
6. Dynamic simulation of a process with control actions
7. Design and simulation of heat exchangers : Shell and Tube, Plate type, Fin tube and
double pipe
8. Design and simulation of a condenser
9. Design and simulation of a multiple effect evaporator system
10. Design and simulation of a stirred tank (jacketed and non-jacketed) for unsteady state
heating and cooling of water
Essential Reading:
1. W.L. Luyben, Distillation Design and Control Using Aspen Simulation, Wiley- Blackwell,
Suggested Reading:
1. A.K. Jana, Process Simulation and Control using ASPEN, Prentice Hall India Learning
Private Limited, (2012).
2. A.K. Jana, Chemical Process Modelling and Computer Simulation, Prentice Hall India
Learning Private Limited, (2011).

CH 4212 Colloidal &Interfacial Science and Engineering 3 credits [3-0-0]

Course objective: This course will provide a comprehensive overview on Colloids and
Interfacial Engineering. Interfacial phenomena and colloidal systems have a wide range of
application areas such as chemical, pharmaceutical, metallurgy, biotechnology, electronics and
so on. Due to the interdisciplinary nature and wide applications in different areas, it is highly
essential to give some basic idea on this subject

Course Description:
General introduction of colloids, interfaces, surfactants, and micellization.; Intermolecular
forces, Van der Waals forces (Keesom, Debye, and London interactions), Colloidal systems
and colloidal stability (van der Waals attraction and potential energy curves), Brownian motion
and Brownian flocculation. Surface and interfacial tension and surface free energy, Surface
tension for curved interfaces, Surface excess and Gibbs equation. Theory of surface tension
and contact angle, and wetting.Thermodynamics of interfaces, thermodynamics of micelle and
mixed micellarformation.Electrical phenomena at interfaces (Electrokinetic phenomena,
Electrical double layer).
Essential Reading:
1. P. C. Hiemenz, and R. Rajagopalan, Principle of colloid and surface chemistry, 3 rd
edition, MercelDekher, N. Y. 1997.
2. D. J. Shaw, Colloid & Surface Chemistry, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, 1992.
Suggested Reading:
1. M. J. Rosen, Surfactants and Interfacial Phenomena, Wiley-Interscience Publication,
New York, 2004.
2. Adamson, A. W. Gast, A. P. Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, Wiley-Interscience, New
York, 1997.
3. J. Israelachvili, Intermolecular and Surface Forces, Academic Press, New York, 1992

CH 4216 Polymer Science& Technology 3 credits [3-0-0]

Course Objective:
To provide a broad and fundamental knowledge of the polymers and their chemical, physical
and mechanical behavior. Emphasis is on the processing techniques, along with the
production of polymers. Towards the end, the student should be able to correlate structure-
processing-properties relationships for polymers, blends and composites including
Course Description:
Historical Background, Classification and forms of Polymers, Tacticity, Functionality, Degree of
Polymerization, identification of Polymers and end uses; Chemistry of Polymerization:
Chain and Step Polymerization and their Kinetics Techniques of Polymerization: Bulk,
Solution, Suspension and Emulsion Polymerization; Molecular Weight and its
determination by Viscometry, Light-scattering and Osmometric methods; Crystallization in
Polymers; Polymer Degradation; Manufacture and Uses of PF, UF, Vinyl Resins, Acrylic
Resins, PS and PE; Polymer additives, Blends and Alloys; Polymer Processing; Plastics as
materials of construction in chemical equipments.
Essential Reading:
1. R. Mann, Introductory Polymer Science, Dhanpat Rai Publications.
Suggested Reading:
1. S. K. Bhasin and J. R. Fried, Polymer Science and Technology, Prentice-Hall.
2. F. W. Billmeyer, Textbook of Polymer Science, John Willey & Sons
3. R. Sinha, Outlines of Polymer Technology-I, II, Prentice-Hall.

CH 4313 Applied Statistics for Chemical Engineers 3credits

Course objective: To enable the students will modern statistical tool for analysis of data.
Course Description:
Introduction to probability, distributions, moments, statistical inference estimation, variance
and regression analysis. Statistical Process Control and Reliability, error analysis,
pointestimation and confidence intervals, design of experiments, process monitoring based on
statistical quality control techniques. Taguchi Approach, Case studies and use of Microsoft
Essential Readings:
1. R. M. Bethea, B. S. Duran, Statistical Methods for Engineers and Scientists, Marcel
Dekker, New York, 3rd Edition, 1995.
2. Z. R. Lazic, Design of Experiments in Chemical Engineering: A Practical Guide, ISBN:
978-3-527-31142-2, Wiley Publisher, 2005.

CH 4315 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Course objective:
 Provide an introduction to the field of computational fluid mechanics.
 Help students to develop an understanding of how numerical techniques like finite
element and finite differences methods are devised and analysed with solution of
fluid flow, heat transfer and mass transport problems as the target.
 Provide some experience in the software engineering skills associated with the
implementation of these techniques in practical computer codes.
 Illuminate some of the difficulties encountered in the numerical solution of fluid flow
Course Description:
Philosophy of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), review of equations governing fluid flow and
heat transfer, simplified flow models such as incompressible, inviscid, potential and creeping
Classification of partial differential equations, initial and boundary conditions, review of applied
numerical methods
Finite difference method: introduction, discretization method, consistency, error and stability
analysis, fundamentals of fluid flow modeling
Finite difference applications in heat conduction and convection: steady and transient heat
conduction in rectangular and cylindrical geometries, convective heat transfer
Solution of viscous incompressible flows by stream function-vorticity formulation; Solution of
Navier-Stokes equation for incompressible flows using SIMPLE algorithm
Finite Volume Method: Discretization methods, approximations of surface integrals and volume
integrals, interpolation and differential practices, implementation of boundary conditions,
application to the engineering problems.
Essential Reading:
1. Muralidhar and T. Sundararajan, Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer,
2nd edition, Narosa Publishing House, 2003.
Suggested Readings:
1. K. A Hoffmann, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. –I, II and III, Engineering
Education System, 2000.

2. C.A.J. Fletcher, Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics Vol. 1 and 2,

Springer, 1995.

3. S.V. Patankar, Numerical Heat Transfer & Fluid Flow, Hemisphere Publishing Co-
operation, McGraw-Hill, 1980.

4. J.D. Anderson, Computational Fluid Dynamics, McGraw Hill, 1995.

CH 4317 PROJECT ENGINEERING 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Course Objective:
To bridge the gap or the boundaries between engineering and project management, leading
the technical workers who contribute to the building of structures or products.
Course Description:
Introduction to the subject; Development and implementation of the project, Process Design;
Selection of process cycle; Chemical process considerations. Process flow sheet; Material
balance and energy balance; Selection of process equipment and its computer aided design
using Fortran language to various engineering problems; Plant layout: Planning layout and
methods of layout planning; Economic evaluation of the project; Capital Cost; Plant cost
estimation and Cost analysis with Break-even analysis. Total product cost: Manufacturing cost;
Raw material cost; Miscellaneous cost (labour cost, repair cost and maintenance cost);
Depreciation; Economic Analysis: Net earning profitability analysis, Otimization of batch
process, continuous process, cyclic operations for fluid flow through pipe line, heat transfer
through a heat exchanger & evaporator and mass transfer in an absorber and a distillation
Essential Reading:
1. Peters – Timmerham (International Editions), Plant Design and Economics for Chemical
Engineers, McGraw Hill Book Co.
Suggested Reading:
1. F. C. Viberandt and C. E. Dryden (International Students Editions), Chemical
Engineering Plant Design, McGraw Hill Book Co.

CH 4318 Optimization Techniques in Process Design 3credits [3-0-0]

Course Objective:
To understand the need and origin of the optimization methods and to get a broad picture of
the various applications of optimization methods used in process design.
Course Description:
Optimal problem formulation, Single variable optimization algorithms including interval
halving; golden section search; Newton-Raphson method; bisection method; root finding
using optimization techniques, Multi variable optimization algorithms including simplex search
method; Cauchy s steepest descent method; Levenberg Marquardt s method, constrained
optimization algorithms including Khun-Tucker conditions, transformation methods; direct
search methods; liberalized search techniques; feasible direction method, Specialized
algorithms including Integer programming; geometric programming. Non-traditional
optimization technique like simulated annealing. Application of the aforesaid techniques in
Chemical Engineering designs, like optimum insulation thickness, shell and tube heat
exchanger design;
Essential Readings:
1. T. F. Edgar, D. M. Himmelblau, Optimization of Chemical Processes, Mcgraw-Hill
College Division, 1987.
Suggested Readings:
1. B. V. Babu, Process Plant Simulation, OUP, India, 2004.
2. S. S. Rao, Engineering Optimization Theory & Practice, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1996.

CH 4351 Process Plant Simulation Laboratory 2 Credits [1-0-2]

Course content:
Simulate the manufacturing process of the given inorganic or organic chemical product using
ASPEN Plus/HYSYS. Student has to first show the process flow sheet and discusses the
modification in the process to simulate in ASPEN. Next he/she has to collect temperature,
pressure and other necessary data required for all units in the plant to run the simulation. After
flow sheet preparation and feeding all the necessary data in ASPEN student has to report the
1. Material and energy balance around all units in the plant;
2. Overall yield;
3. Amount of energy required to run the plant;
4. Size of all equipments in the plant;
5. Magnitude of waste streams;
6. Optimization of individual units
7. Cost analysis.

CH 4352 Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory 2 Credits [1-0-


Course objective:
To understand and get familiar withthe modeling of various flow phenomena commonly
encountered in chemical engineering through numerical experimentation using commercial
Course content:
Introduction to DesignModeller basic, sketching and modeling. generating a mesh, creating
name selections, checking mesh quality, basic overview of using FLUENT interface, cell zone
and boundary condition, fluid flow and heat transfer in a mixing tree, modeling flow around
simple solid bodies (plat plate, cylinders, spheres etc.), modeling flow and heat transfer in a
packed bed reactor,modelling uniform fluidization in 2D fluidized bed, turbulence flow in a
compact heat exchanger.

CH 4418 Disaster Management in Chemical Industries 3 credits [3-0-0]

Course objective: To provide a firsthand knowledge in environmental management and
disaster management with respect to typical case studies.
Course Description:
General aspects of industrial disaster: Due to fire, explosion, toxicity and radiation;
Chemical hazards: Classification of chemical hazards, Chemical as cause of
occupational diseases– dust, fumes, gases and vapours; Hazard analysis and health
management; Engineering control of chemical plant hazards–Plant layout, ventilation and
lighting, Pressure vessels, Storage, Handling, Transportation, Electrical systems,
Instrumentation; Emergency planning, Personal protective devices, Maintenance
procedure; Emergency safety and laboratory safety; Legal aspects of safety,
Management information system and its application in monitoring disaster,safety and
health; Hazop Analysis.
Essential Reading:
1. H. H. Tawcatt& W S Wood, Safety and Accident Prevention in Chemical Operations.
Suggested Reading:
2. R. V. Betrabet and T. P. S. Rajan in CHEMTECH-I, Safety in Chemical
Industry, Chemical Engineering Development Centre, Madras, 1975.
3. Wells, Safety in Process Plant Design.
4. Less, P. Frank, Loss Prevention in Process Industries.
5. J. Lolb& S. Roy Sterm, Product Safety and Liability.

CH 4419 Energy Conservation & Renewable Sources of Energy 3 credits [3-0-0]

Course Objective:
To prepare students to know the overview of energy conservation and renewable energy
Course Description:
Introduction to Energy Science and Energy Technology; Energy Science and Energy
Technology, world energy future, Energy sources and their availability. Renewable
energy sources. Prospects of Renewable energy sources; Solar energy fundamentals and
application; Geothermal energy: Introduction, Utilization of Geothermal energy,
Geothermal energy resources, geothermal gradient Different types of Geothermal Electric
power plant and their operations for Geothermal Energy systems in India; Wind energy:
Fundamentals and application, Basic principles of Wind Energy Conversion, Wind
Energy conversion system, Performance of wind machines, Electric generation for wind;
Biomass Energy Resources: Introduction, Biomass Conversion Process. Biogas from
plant wastes, communities bio-gas plants. Biochemical conversion, Fermentation, liquid
fuels for biomass; Urban Waste: A source of Energy. Urban solid waste, waste incineration
process. Environmental consideration, Fluidized bed combustion boilers for burning solid
waste and fossil fuels; Energy from the oceans: Introduction Ocean Energy conversion
Technologies. Types of Ocean Thermal Electric Power Generation system and their operation.
Tidal power plant; Hydro Energy: Introduction, types hydro-electric plants and energy
conversion scheme, Impulse turbine and Reaction turbine. Classification of Hydro-Energy
plants; Energy Conservation: Principle of energy conservation and Energy Audit. Energy
conservation Technologies. Co-generation, waste heat utilization, Heat recuperates, Heat
regenerators, Heat pipes, Heat pumps, Energy storage.
Essential Reading:
1. S. Rao and Dr. B.B. Parulekar, Energy Technology, Nonconvential, Renewable and
Conventional, Khanna Publishers.
Suggested Reading:
1. G.D. Rai, Non-conventional Energy Sources, Khanna Publishers.
2. D.S. Chauhan and S.K. Srivastava, Non- Conventional Energy Resources, New Age
International Pvt Ltd.
3. G.N. Tiwari, Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Sources, Narosa Publishing House.

CH 4511 Separation Processes in Chemical Engineering 3 credits [3-0-0]

Course Objective:
To learn conceptual design of separation processes and design of equipment involved.
Course Description:
An overview: Separation techniques, separation from liquids, separation from gasses and
vapors, separation from solids and separation methods in bioprocessing: aqueous two-
phase separation, Reverse micelle extraction; Membrane separations: Definition of a
membrane and membrane process such as microfiltration, reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration,
dialysis, electrodialysis, gas permeation, pervaoration Characterization of membrane such
as colloidal morphology, permeability and permeselectivity. Membrane modules such as
plate and frame device, spiral wound, tubular and hollow-fiber; Membrane technology in
gas separation, biotechnology and in food and biochemical industry; Ion Exchange: Ion
exchange mechanism, ion exchange media, equilibrium, equipment and design procedure and
industrial applications; Adsorption as a separation process: Thermodynamics of adsorption:
basic relationship, Representation, correlation and prediction of single component adsorption
equilibrium data and extension to multi-component adsorption equilibrium calculation:
Isotherm expression of gas adsorption; Adsorption with chemical reaction and adsorption
with biological growth; Chromatography separation: Fundamentals of HPLC,
Chromatographic column, Development of gradient-elution separations. Basic principles of
capillary electro chromatography, mobile phase composition, Stationery phases used in
CEC; Solid separation processes: Physical properties of solids, classification of powders,
particle size distributions, particle density, bulk density and porosity, forces of adhesion.
Separationof particulates and powders. Wet separation process: Protein recovery, Soya
processing and other applications.
Essential Reading:
1. J. D. Seader, and E.J. Henley, Separation process principles, John Wiley & Sons Inc,
Suggested Reading:
1. Ruthern, M. Douglas, Encyclopedia of separation technology, Wiley-Interscience, 1st
edition, 1997.
2. J.S. Waston, Separation methods for waste and environment, Marcel Dekker, 2000.
3. N. D. Richard, and T. Patricia, Principle of Chemical separations with environmental
applications, 2004.
4. S. Ahija, Handbook of Bioseparations, Academic Press, 2000.
5. Hunter, J. Robert, Foundation of Colloid Science, Vol II 2000.

CH 4522 0 Fundamentals of Separation Process 3 credits [3-0-0]

Course Objective:

To enable the students and equip them with Biochemical product separation and recovery:
Membrane separation process, chromatographic method.

Course Description:

An overview: Separation techniques, separation from liquids, separation from gasses and
vapors, separation from solids and separation methods in bioprocessing: aqueous two-
phase separation, Reverse micelle extraction; Membrane separations: Types of membrane
and its characterization methods, Preparation methods, design procedure and industrial
applications; Adsorption: Preparation of adsorbate, Mechanism of adsorption process,
Isotherms, Batch and Continuous adsorber, Design of adsorber, Industrial applications,
Thermodynamics of adsorption process, Extraction process: Types and Application; Leaching
process: Types and Applications; Fundamentals of HPLC analyzer.

Essential Reading:

2. 1. J. D. Seader, and E.J. Henley, Separation process principles, John Wiley & Sons
Inc, 2006.

Suggested Reading:
1. B. K. Dutta, Principles of Mass Transfer and Separation Processes, Prentice Hall,
2. D. M. Ruthven, Principles of Adsorption and Adsorption Processes, John Wiley & Sons
Inc, 1984.
R. E. Treybal, Mass Transfer Operations, Mc Graw and Hills,1981

Sl,No. Sub. Subject L-T-P Credits

Code Subject
11 CR-2401 Unit Operations in Ceramic Processing 3--0-0 3
22 CR-2403 Ceramic Raw Materials 2-0-0 2
33 CR-2101 Materials Thermodynamics 3-0-0 3
4 CR-2102 Structure and Phase equilibrium in ceramics 3--0-0 3
5 CR-2104 Process Ceramics 3--0-0 3
6 CR-2408 Fuels & Furnace Technology 3-0-0 3
7 CR-2106 High temperature processes in ceramics 3-0-0 3
8 CR-3101 Physical Ceramics: Properties 3-0-0 3
9 CR-3401 Refractory Technology 3-0-0 3
10 CR-3201 Instrumental Characterization 3-0-0 3
11 CR-3402 Glass technology 3-0-0 3
12 CR-3404 Whiteware Technology 3-0-0 3
13 CR-3406 Cement Technology 3-0-0 3
14 CR-4101 Structural Ceramics 3-0-0 3
15 CR-4302 Electro ceramics 3-0-0 3
16 CR-2405 Unit Operations Lab 0-0-2 1
17 CR-2410 Chemical Analysis Lab 0-0-3 2
18 CR-2108 High temperature processing lab 0-0-2 1
19 CR-3203 Instrumental Characterization Lab 0-0-3 2
20 CR-3403 Refractory Lab 0-0-3 2
21 CR-3205 MATLAB and simulink 0-0-2 1
22 CR-3408 Glass Lab 0-0-3 2
23 CR-3410 White ware technology Lab 0-0-3 2
24 CR-3412 Cement Technology Lab 0-0-2 1
25 CR-4103 Mechanical Testing Lab 0-0-2 1
26 CR-4105 Ceramography and microscopy lab 0-0-2 1
27 CR-4304 Electro ceramics Lab 0-0-2 1
28 CR-4202 Finite Element Lab 0-0-2 1
29 CR-
3103 Application of phase diagram 3-0-0 3
30 CR-3105 Heat transfer and fluid flow 3-0-0 3
31 CR-3301 Functional Materials and devices 3-0-0 3
32 CR-3414 Unshaped refractories 3-0-0 3
33 Metallurgical processesCR-3416-
CR-3416 Metallurgical processes 3-0-0 3
34 CR-3202 Interface Science & Sol-gel processing 3-0-0 3
35 CR-4201 Nanoceramics 3-0-0 3
36 CR-4203 Bioceramics 3-0-0 3
37 CR-4401 Industrial Applications of Refractories 3-0-0 3
38 CR-4205 Composite materials 3-0-0 3
39 CR-4207 Porous ceramics 3-0-0 3
40 CR-4403 Ceramic Equipment Design 3-0-0 3
41 CR-4402 Waste management of ceramic industries 3-0-0 3
42 CR-4102 Tribology of Materials 3-0-0 3
43 CR-4204 Ceramic coating 3-0-0 3
44 CR-4306 Ceramics in energy sector 3-0-0 3
45 CR-4308 Optical Ceramics 3-0-0 3
46 CR-4404 Industrial furnace design 3-0-0 3
47 Introduction to ceramics CR-
CR-0001 0001Introduction to ceramics 3-0-0 3
48 CR-0002 Properties of Ceramics 3-0-0 3
49 CR-0003 Ceramic fabrication 3-0-0 3
50 CR-0004 Industrial Ceramics 3-0-0 3
51 CR-0005 Ceramic testing and characterization 3-0-0 3
52 CR-0006 Advanced Ceramics 3-0-0 3
53 CR-0007 Industrial ceramics processing lab 0-0-2 1
54 CR-0008 Ceramic characterization lab 0-0-2 1

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-2401 Unit Operations in Ceramic Processing 3 Prof. A. Chowdhury

Course Description:
Communition, different type of communition equipment and theory of size reduction. Milling
performance, efficiency. Particle size, size distribution and measurement techniques. Size
separation processes. Mixing: mechanism, mixedness, equipments and operations.
Consistency, particle mechanics and deformation behaviour of powders, slurries and paste.
Particle classification-screening technique, cyclone separators, centrifuge. Filtration and
washing processes. Basic concept of drying, drying mechanisms in particulate systems, drier
operations, controls, drying defects.

Essential Reading:
1. W. L. McCabe, J. C. Smith and P. Harriot, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 7th
Ed. McGraw-Hill Professional 2005.
2. J.S. Reed, Introduction to the Principles of Ceramic Processing, 2nd Ed., John Wiley &
Sons. 1995.
3. D. A. Brosan and G. C. Robinson, Introduction to Drying of Ceramics: with laboratory
exercises, NetLibrary, Incorporated, 2003.

Supplementary Reading:
1. A.M. Gaudin, Principles of Mineral Dressing, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi 2003.
2. M. N. Rahaman, Ceramic Processing, CRC Press, 2003

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-2403 Ceramic Raw Materials 2 Prof. J. Bera

Course Description:
Availability, properties and important applications of naturally occuring raw materials: Bauxite,
Limestone, Chromite, Magnesite, Dolomite, Fluorite, Graphite, Gypsum, Haematite, Kaolinite,
Fireclay, Ball clay, Montmorillonite, Magnetite, Nepheline Syenite, Microcline, Feldspars
(soda, potash, lime), Pyrophyllite, Quartz, Quartzite, Sillimanite, Kyanite, Andalusite, Talc,
Wollastonite, Zircon, Beryl, Mica, Vermicullite, Silica sand etc ; Brief idea on processing of
synthetic raw materials: Bayer process alumina, Calcined Alumina, Tabular Alumina, Fused
Alumina, Sea-water Magnesia, fused magnesia, Zircon and Zirconia, Titania, Magnesio-
Aluminate Spinel, Fumed Silica etc. The application areas and limitations of synthetic raw
materials; Effect of heat on different raw materials with reference to phase transformation,
thermal expansion, melting, decomposition behaviour, compound formation, stabilization.

Essential Reading:
1. W. E. Worrall Clays and Ceramic Raw Materials, 2nd edition, Springer, 1986.
2. W. L. McCabe, J. C. Smith and P. Harriot, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 7th
Ed. McGraw-Hill Professional 2005.

Supplementary Reading:
1. D. Segal, Chemical Synthesis of Advanced Ceramic Materials, Cambridge University
Press, 1991.
Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker
CR-2101 Materials Thermodynamics 3 Prof. S. K. Behera
Course Description:
Introduction, concept of states, systems equilibrium. Equation of states, extensive and intensive
properties homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. Internal energy, heat capacity, enthalpy,
isothermal, and adiabatic processes; Second law of thermodynamics, entropy, enthalpy
concepts, degree of reversibility and irreversibility, criteria of equilibrium, auxiliary functions,
combined statements, Maxwell's relations, transformation formula, Gibbs-Helmoltz equation;
Concept of Third law, temperature dependence of entropy, statistical interpretation of entropy,
Debye and Einstein concept of heat capacity, relation between C p and Cv ; Fugacity, activity,
equilibrium constant, homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria. Ellingham-Richardson
diagrams and applications; Solution thermodynamics, partial molal quantities, ideal and non-
ideal solutions, Henry's law, Gibbs - Duhem equation, regular solution, quasi-chemical
approach to solution ; Statistical thermodynamics. Change of standard state. Phase equilibrium
and phase rule.
Essential Reading:
1. D. R. Gaskell, Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials, Taylor & Francis, 2003.
2. J. M. Smith, H. C. V. Ness, and M. M. Abbott, Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Thermodynamics, 7th Ed, McGraw-Hill Professional, 2005.
Supplementary Reading:
1. A. Ghosh, Textbook of Materials and Metallurgical Thermodynamics, PHI Learning Pvt.
Ltd, 2004

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

Structure and Phase equilibrium in
CR-2102 ceramics 3 Prof. S. K. Pratihar

Course Description:
Bonding and structure of materials, Crystal Structure and Crystal Geometry: Space lattice; Unit
cells; Crystal systems; Bravis lattices; Miller indices; Volume, planar and linear density unit cell
calculations; Polymorphism; Crystal structure analysis, Crystalline Imperfections, defect
chemistry. Some Real Structures: Rock Salt, Zinc Blende, Antifluorite, Rutile, Perovskite,
Spinels, Wurtzite etc. Crystal imperfections: types and notations, Solid solutions, defects and
dislocations. Vitreous state, glasses and structural models; Condensed phase rule and single
component system: Silica, Zirconia and Carbon etc. Two component systems and Lever rule.
Free energy-composition diagrams, phase stability, solid solutions, Eutectic and Eutectoid,
Peritectic reaction, congruently and incongruently melting compound. Some important binary
ceramic systems SiO2-Al2O3, MgO-Al2O3, CaO-SiO2, CaO-ZrO2, MgO-SiO2, BaO-TiO2, CaO-
Al2O3, CaO-MgO; Ternary System: Representation of composition on triangle, proof of the
basis, Temperature, Solid models, Iso-thermal Sections, Base projection method. Ternary
systems with binary and ternary Eutectic, Peritectic, congruently and incongruently melting
compounds. Some important ternary ceramic systems: CaO-SiO2-Al2O3, MgO-SiO2-Al2O3,
CaO-MgO-SiO2. Brief idea on the application of real system binary, ternary and quaternary
phase diagrams in the processing and process control of different ceramic materials.

Essential Reading:
1. W. D. Kingery, H. K. Bowen and D. R. Uhlmann, Introduction to Ceramics, 2nd Ed. John
Wiley & Sons, Singapore, 1991.
2. L.V. Azaroff, Introduction to Solids, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd, 1977.
3. F. A. Hummel, Introduction to Phase Equilibrium in Ceramic Systems, First Edition,
CRC Press, 1984.
Supplementary Reading:
1. C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, 8th Ed. John Wiley & Sons Pvt. Ltd, 2004.
2. G. Smith, R. S. Roth, T. Negas and L. P. Cook, Phase Diagrams for Ceramists,
American Ceramic Society, 1983
Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker
Prof. S.
CR-2104 Process Ceramics 3 Bhattacharyya

Course Description:
Significance of different ceramic processing operations. Powder synthesis, Colloidal and sol-gel
processing. Powder characterization: Shape, Surface Area, Porosity, Chemical and Phase
composition. Preparation of bodies: Blending of different weight fractions and size ratios, use of
binders, types of binders; Plasticizers, Foaming and antifoaming agents, granulation and spray
drying. Dry pressing, Semi-dry pressing, Slip casting, Extrusion, Nontraditional shape forming:
Gel casting, Tape casting, Freeze Casting, Injection moulding, Electro-phoretic deposition, Iso-
static pressing.

Essential Reading:
1. J.S. Reed, Introduction to the Principles of Ceramic Processing, 2nd Ed., John Wiley &
Sons. 1995.
2. M. N. Rahaman, Ceramic Processing and Sintering, 2nd Ed, CRC Press, 2003.
Supplementary Reading:
1. D. W. Richerson, Modern Ceramic Engineering: Properties, Processing, and Use in
Design, 3rd ed, CRC Press, 2005
2. D. A. Brosan and G. C. Robinson, Introduction to Drying of Ceramics: with laboratory
exercises, Net Library, Incorporated, 2003.
3. H. Mehrer, Diffusion in Solids: Fundamentals, Methods, Materials, Diffusion-Controlled
Processes, Springer, 2007.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-2408 Fuels & Furnace Technology 3 Prof. (Mrs) S. Bhattacharyya

Course Description:
Classification of natural fuels, Brief discussion on alternate and renewable energy sources,
winning and washing of coal, classification of coal, proximate and ultimate analysis of coal.
Storage of coal and spontaneous ignition. Carbonization and manufacture of coke, caking
index and coke quality. Coking process, cokeoven and byproducts; Origin, refining and
distillation of crude petroleum, properties of liquid fuel – flash point, fire point, cloud point and
pour point. Generation of producer gas, water gas, liquidified petroleum gas (LPG), gasifiers
and gas analysis; Different types of industrial furnaces; batch and continuous furnaces and
kilns, design and operation of different industrial furnaces and kilns, saggers, Fast firing
technology, microwave furnaces. Fuel economy and thermal efficiency in the operation of
furnaces; Sankey diagram, Regenerators and recuperators. Stack emission, chimney design,
combustion calculation and environmental pollution, Measurement of temperature in furnaces-
pyrometric cones, rings and bars and temperature controller; Combustion calculations of fuels;
Material balance in ceramic processes. Batch and recipe calculation for refractories, glass,
whitewares and cement. Energy Balance and flame temperature calculations. Combined
material and energy balances.

Essential Reading:
1. R. M. Felder and R.W. Rousseau, Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes, Third
Edition, Wiley., 2004.
2. S. Sarkar, Fuels and Combustion, Orient Longman, Mumbai, 2 nd Ed, 1990.
3. G. B. Remmy Jr., Firing of Ceramics, World Scientific, 1994.

Supplementary Reading:
1. W. Trinks and M. H. Macwhinney, A. Shannon, R. J. Reed and J. R. Garvey, Industrial
Furnaces, 6th Ed., Wiley-Interscience, 2003.
2. R. A. Eppler and D. R. Eppler, Glazes and Ceramic Coatings, American Ceramic
Society, 2000.
3. D. R. Dinger, Particle Calculations for Ceramists, Dinger Ceramic Consulting Services,
Clemson, US, 2001

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-2106 High temperature processes in ceramics 3 Prof. S. K. Behera

Course Description:
Diffusion: Mechanism of diffusion in solids, Ficks Laws, Nernst-Einstein equation, Random
walk model, diffusion as a thermally activated process, thin film and error function
solutions, diffusion distance, diffusion in ceramics, temperatures and imperfection related
effects; Sintering: Driving force for sintering, solid state and liquid phase sintering, sintering
models- mechanisms and kinetics. Grain growth and secondary recrystallization ; Phase
Transformation: Nucleation and Growth, spinodal decomposition; mechanism, thermodynamics
and kinetics. Glass formation ; Creep and Superplasticity: mechanisms and kinetics ; Kinetics
of Heterogeneous Reactions: Reactions with and between solids, calcination and
dehydration reactions, particulate interactions, coarsening, nonisothermal process kinetics.

Essential Reading:
1. W.D. Kingery, H. K. Bowen and D. R. Uhlmann, Introduction to Ceramics, 2nd Ed., John
Wiley & Sons, NY.
2. M. N. Rahaman & M. Dekker, Ceramic Processes and Sintering.

Supplementary Reading:
1. P. G. Shewmon, Diffusion in Solids, McGraw Hill, NY.
2. H. Schmalzried, Solid State Reactions, Academic Press, NY, 1974

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-3101 Physical Ceramics: Properties 3 Prof. S. K. Pratihar

Course Description:
Mechanical Properties: Concept of strength and its relation with fundamental parameters,
plastic deformation, viscous flow, creep, Fracture of materials; Thermal Properties: Thermal
expansion, thermal shock, annealing and chemical strengthening, specific heat and heat
capacity, thermal conduction process; Electrical Properties: Electrical, electronic and ionic
conduction phenomena in crystals, Fast ionic conductors, glasses and non-stoichiometric
compounds. PTCR, NTCR, Varistors, thermisters etc; Dielectric Properties: Dielectric loss of
crystals and glasses, dielectric strength, piezoelectric and ferroelectric ceramics; Magnetic
Properties: Concept of magnetic phenomena in solids. Structure and magnetic properties of
spinel ferrites, rare-earth garnets, ortho-ferrites and hexagonal ferrites with special reference to
their microstructure; Optical Properties: Refractive index and dispersion, reflectance, opacity
and translucency, absorption and colour from modern concepts in crystalline and vitreous
ceramic systems.

Essential Reading:
1. W. D. Kingery, H. K. Bowen and D. R. Uhlmann, Introduction to Ceramics, 2nd Ed., John
Wiley & Sons Pte Ltd., Singapore,1991.
2. Y. M. Chiang, D. Birnie III and W. D. Kingery, Physical Ceramics: Principles for Ceramic
Science and Engineering, Wiley, 1996.
Supplementary Reading:
1. M. Barsoum, Fundamentals of Ceramics, CRC Press, 2002.
2. L. V. Azaroff, Introduction to Solids, Tata McGraw Hill, 1977.
Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker
CR-3401 Refractory Technology 3 Prof. R. Sarkar

Course Description:
Definition of refractory. Classification of refractories. Properties of refractories – physical,
mechanical, thermal, thermo-mechanical, chemical, wear, thermal shock, etc. Details of
evaluation of different types of refractory properties, like, bulk density, porosity, shrinkage,
PCE, RUL, HMOR, creep, PLCR, spalling resistance, static & dynamic corrosion, thermal
expansion, thermal conductivity, etc. Standard specification and methods for evaluation of the
properties. Silica refractories – raw materials, manufacturing methods, properties, details of
application. Fireclay refractories – grog, raw clay, manufacturing method, properties,
classification and applications. Alumina refractory – raw materials, variation of raw materials
with purity, processing, properties and details of applications. Magnesia refractories – details of
raw materials, processing, manufacturing method, properties, applications. Dolomite
refractories - raw materials, processing, manufacturing method, properties, applications.
Chromite, Mag-chrome and Chrome-mag refractories - details of raw materials, processing,
manufacturing method, properties, bonding system, applications. Carbon in refractory and iits
importance, Magnesia carbon refractories – advantages, raw materials, binder and additives,
carbon content, processing, properties, applications,

Essential Reading:
1. R Sarkar, Refractory Technology: Fundamentals and Application, CRC Press, 2016.
2. J. H. Chesters, Refractories- Production and Properties, The Iron and Steel Institute,
London, 1973.
3. C. A. Schacht, Refractories Handbook, CRC Press, 2004.
Supplementary Reading:
1. P. P. Budnikov, The Technology of Ceramics and Refractories, Translated by Scripta
Technica, Edward Arnold, The MIT Press, 4 th Ed, 2003.
2. C. A. Schacht, Refractory Linings: Thermo-mechanical Design and Applications, CRC
Press, 1995.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-3201 Instrumental Characterization 3 Prof. B. B. Nayak

Course Description:
Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA), Thermogrvimetric Analysis (TGA), Differential Scanning
Calorimetry (DSC). Factors affecting the phase transformations - particle size, packing, heating
rate, buoyancy effect. Thermal Conductivity, Dilatometry – basic principles, instrumentations
and case study in ceramic applications. Study of sintering kinetics by dilatometry; Particle Size
Analysis, Surface area and porosity – basic principle, data analysis; Spectroscopic method:
UV-Visible, IR, FTIR and Raman – Basic principle, instrumentation and analysis of data; X-Ray
Methods: x-ray generation, diffraction, Bragg law, Diffraction under ideal and non-ideal
conditions, Scattering and structure factor. Principles of x-ray Diffractometer (XRD), x-ray data
file and its analysis, indexing of crystal type. Chemical analysis by x-ray fluorescence (XRF) –
Wave length and energy dispersive XR; Optical microscopy - light optics, microscope
components, possibilities and limitations. Scanning Electron Microscopy - Optics and
performance of a SEM, Image interpretation, crystallographic information in a SEM, analytical
microscopy. Transmission Electron microscopy - construction and operation of a TEM, electron
diffraction, Image interpretation. Techniques of sample preparation for TEM and SEM methods.
Electron Beam Microprobe Analysis.
Essential Reading:
1. R. F. Speyer, Thermal Analysis of Materials, CRC Press, 1994.
2. B. D. Cullity, Elements of X-ray Diffraction, Addison Wesley Publishing Company; 2nd
edition 1978.
3. P.J. Goodhew, J. Humphreys and R. Beanland, Electron Microscopy and Analysis,
Third Edition, Taylor & Francis, 2001.
Supplementary Reading:
1. H. P. Klug and L. E. Alexander, X-ray Diffraction procedures for Polycrystalline and
Amorphous Materials, 2nd Edition, John Wiley, 1974.
2. D. A. Skoog, F. J. Holler and T. A. Nieman, Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 5th Ed.,
Hartcourt College Publishers, 1998.
Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker
CR-3402 Glass technology 3 Prof. S. K. Pal

Course Description:
Enthalpy temperature correlationship. Glass former, modifier and Intermediate. TTT diagram
Manufacturing process; glass-batch formulation. Batch materials handling equipments. Glass
melting process, refining of glass. Reactions leading to glass formation. Industrial Fabrication
process; defects in glass: Stones, Seeds, Cords and Blisters, Process Control for Glass
Furnaces Operation, various stages and Statistical Inspection. Design for Energy Saving in
Glass Furnaces and Recovery in Heat Regenerator. Thermal consideration in Furnace Design.
Temperature Modeling for Proper Refractory Selection. Flux line corrosion: Mechanism and
prevention. Oxy Fuel Furnace. Instrumentation: Sensors, Automatic control, Controlling
Devices. Fabrication process: Feeders, Colburn process, PPG process, Float Glass
manufacturing: Stress Distribution profile. Testing methods Pot melting. Day Tank, Float
glasss, Container glass, Danner processes. Glass Fiber. Hollow wares and fibre glass. Quality
control: Density, statistical quality control, Bursting pressure, thermal-shock resistance,
Homogeneity. Annealing and tempering. Measurement of strain in glass. Glass moulds..
Electrical Melting. Industrial Surface treatment. Inspection procedure.. Dimensional and
capacity tolerance. Quality control in glass Industry
Essential Reading:
1. Hand Book of Glass Manufacture – Vol. I & II by F. V. Tooley, Ogden Publishing
Co., NY.
2. P.J. Doyle, Glass Making Today, Cbls\Ceramic Books & Literature, 2000
3. Errol Bertram Shand, Glass Engineering Handbook, Literary Licensing, LLC,
Supplementary Reading:
1. David Pye, Angelo Montenero, Innocent Joseph Properties of Glass-Forming Melts,
CRC Press, 2005
2. J. E. Shelby, Introduction to Glass Science and Technology, The Royal Society of
Chemistry, 2005.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-3404 Whiteware Technology 3 Prof. S. Bhattacharyya/Prof. S. K. Pal

Course Description:
Raw materials, processing, properties, batch composition and the effect on the properties of
whiteware bodies, effect of particle size distribution of kaolinite on plasticity and workability of
clay. Rheology and properties of clay - water system, mechanism of plasticity,
additives/binders, plasticizers, flocculants and deflocculants and slip properties; Classification
of whiteware bodies, batch formulation Tri-axial bodies - porcelain, stoneware, earthenware,
hotel ware, majolica, terra-cotta, bone china, parian-art ware, insulator, tiles, sanitary ware etc.
Body preparation including the unit operations and fabrication processes. Application of
granular mechanics to slip casting. Influence of particle size distribution on properties of fired
whiteware bodies. Mould materials, mould and mould design; Fundamentals of drying and
shrinkage. Firing of whiteware bodies, microstructure evolution during firing of whiteware
bodies. Time, temperature and atmosphere effects on firing of whitewares, special firing
techniques, Glaze structure, formulation, raw materials, batch calculation, preparation, slip
rheology, application. colours, decoration firing. Testing of white ware bodies.
Essential Reading:
1. W. Ryan and C. Radford, Whitewares: Production, Properties and Quality Control,
Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1987.
2. W. M. Carty, C. W. Sinton, Science of Whitewares II, American Ceramic Society, 1999.
3. F. H. Norton, Fine Ceramics: Technology and Application, McGraw Hill, NY, 1970.
Supplementary Reading:
1. R. A. Eppler and M. Obstler, Understanding Glazes, The American Ceramic Society,
2. V. E. Henkes, George Y. Onoda, W. M. Carty, Science of Whitewares, The American
Ceramic Society, 1996
Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker
CR-3406 Cement Technology 3 Prof. J. Bera

Course Description:
Introduction to hydraulic materials. Classification of Cement, Chemistry of hydrated and
anhydrous cement compound. Manufacturing of Portland cement; Dry, Semi-dry, wet and
semi-wet process, Cement grinding, Testing of cement, Cement compounds and their phase
relations, Cementing qualities of cement phases, The burning of Portland cement, Constitution
of Portland cement, Phase equilibrium conditions of clinker crystallization, Calcia-Alumina-
Silica system, Clinker constitution and cooling process, refractories used in the rotary kiln, Role
of free magnesia and free lime in the clinker, hydration of cementing phases and Portland
cement, theories and mechanism of cement setting and hardening, Action of acid water and
sulphate waters on Portland cement, Steam-curing of Portland cement. Special Cement and
cement additives, Blast Furnace slag- and high alumina cement. Concrete: Types, Method of
production and Properties of concrete, Alkali-aggregate reaction, Electrical and fire resistance
of cement and concrete. Pollution control in cement industries.
Essential Reading:
1. P. Hewlett, Lea's Chemistry of Cement and Concrete, Fourth Edition, Butterworth
Heinemann; Fourth edition, 2004.
2. H. F. W. Taylor, Chemistry of Cement, Thomas Telford, 1997.
Supplementary Reading:
1. E. M. Gartner and M. Uchikawa, Cement Technology, The American Ceramic Society,
2. K.E. Peray, Cement Manufacturer's Handbook, Chemical Publishing Company, 1979

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

Prof. S.
CR-4101 Structural Ceramics 3 Bhattacharyya

Course Description:
Introduction and classification of Structural Ceramics, Mechanical behavior of ceramics, Theory
of brittle fracture, Cracking in brittle materials, Physics of the fracture of brittle solids, Basic
mechanical properties, Statistical nature of strength, Alumina and alumina ceramics, Crystal
structure, phases, types of alumina, properties and its relation to microstructure, importance
and application. Zirconia Ceramics Crystal structure and polymorphic modifications,
Transformation Toughening; different system in zirconia, application. Composites:
strengthening and toughening mechanisms, composite fabrication. Composites of some oxides
and nonoxides. Classification of non-oxide ceramics, silicon carbide, silicon nitride, Sialon,
Tungsten Carbide, Boron Carbide, Boron Nitride, Carbon and Graphite, phase diagrams,
processing, sintering and properties. Abrasives; natural and synthetic; properties, applications
and performances; Surface and subsurface stress distributions and Hertzian contact; Contact
between solid surfaces; Adhesion Friction; Testing, Frictional behavior (Solid – solid contact,
liquid mediated contact), Friction mechanism of metals, ceramics and polymers, solid
lubricants. Thermal properties of sliding surfaces; Classification of wear and wear testing, role
of humidity; the various modes of wear: adhesive, delamination, fretting, abrasive, erosive,
corrosive, oxidizing (mild and severe), melt and the wear-mechanism maps, types of particle
present in wear debris; Surface Engineering, Methods to reduce wear and performance
Essential Reading:
1. J. B. Wachtman Jr., Structural Ceramics, Treatise on Materials Science & Technology
Vo l- 29, Academic Press, New York, 1989.
2. W. E. Lee and W. M. Rainforth, Ceramic Microstructures: Property Control by
Processing, Springer, 1994.
3. B. Basu, K. Balani, Advanced Structural Ceramics, Willey, 2011.
Supplementary Reading:
1. E. Dorre and H. Hubner, Alumina: Processing, Properties and Applications, Springer-
Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 1984.
2. A. J. Moulson and J. M. Herbert, Electroceramics: Materials, Properties and
Applications, Springer, 1990.
3. B. Basu, M. Kalin, Tribology of Ceramics and Composites, Willey, 2011.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-4302 Electro ceramics 3 Prof. R. Mazumder

Course Description:
Definition, classification, scope and market.Insulators and dielectrics: low-loss ceramics,
ceramic capacitors, ferroelectricity in capacitor technology, disk capacitor, MLC, barrier - layer
capacitor; processing, properties and application areas.Piezoelectric and electro-optic
ceramics:Fundamentalproperties, materials,processing, and application areas.Pyroelectric
Ceramics:Fundamental properties,materials, processing and application areas.Voltage
dependent resistors, Ceramic based chemical sensor, Fuel cell Batteries: Fundamental
knowledge on electronic and ionic conduction in ceramic system, Materials issues, processing,
Electrical characteristics andapplications.Ferrites: materials: Materials, processing, properties
and application areas.Ceramic superconductors: Materials, processing, properties and
application areas.

Essential Reading:
1. Electroceramics: Materials, Properties and Applications, A. J. Moulson and J. M.
Herbert, John Wiley and Sons, London, 2003.
Supplementary Reading:
1. Ceramic Materials for Electronics, R. C. Buchanan, Marcel Dekker, Ny, 1986.
2. Electronic Ceramics, L. M. Levinson, Marcel Dekker, NY, 1988.
3. Principles of Electronic Ceramics, L.L.Hench, J.K.West, John Wiley and Sons,1990

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-2405 Unit Operations Lab 1 Prof. A. Chowdhury

List of experiments:
1. Sieve analysis and particle size distribution of milled/crushed product.
2. Verification of Rittinger’s Crushing Law and determination of crushing efficiency of Jaw
3. Validation of Bond’s Law and determination of crushing efficiency of Roller Crusher.
4. Determination of angle of nip and maximum feed size for Roll Crusher.
5. Determination of critical speed and crushing rate of Ball Mill.
6. Operation of Counter Current Mixer and determination of mix consistency.
7. Study and operation of Hydraulic Press and determination of bulk density.
8. Drying sensitivity of clay body.
9. Determination of drying rate curve.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-2410 Chemical Analysis Lab 1 Prof. Sunipa Bhattacharyya

List of Experiments:
1. Determination of CaO and MgO present in a salt solution by EDTA method.
2. Quantitative estimation of silica and mixed oxide (iron oxide and aluminium oxide)
present in a cement sample
3. Determination of alkali content of a ceramic sample by flame photometer.
4. Analysis of Zirconia –Alumina composite
5. Analysis of chromite ore by acid fusion method
6. Preparation of Precipitated Silica/silica gel and determination of its moisture absorption
7. CEC of Zeolite at different temp / Determination of CEC of a clay sample.
8. Direct determination of silica in Quartz by HF treatment
9. Rapid method of determination of iron oxide in river sand,
10. Complete Chemical analysis of clay/magnesite/bauxite following Na 2CO3/NaOH fusion.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-2108 High temperature processing lab 1 Prof. S. K. Pratihar

List of Experiments:
1. Study and operation of an electrical laboratory furnace
2. Calibration of thermocouple and determination of temperature profile of the furnaces.
3. Effect of process parameters on the response behaviour of PID controller.
4. Calibration of PID temperature Controller.
5. Study of isothermal sintering behaviour of ceramic materials.
6. Study of non-isothermal sintering behaviour of ceramic materials.
7. Densification kinetics study using constant rate heating sintering
8. Densification kinetics study using iso-thermal sintering.
9. Study of the heating rate on constant rate heating densification behaviour.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-3203 Instrumental Characterization Lab 1 Prof. B. B. Nayak

List of Experiments:
1. Study of thermal decomposition behaviour of dolomite / limestone/ magnesite/clay.
2. Study of reversible phase transition in quartz.
3. Weight loss behaviour of dolomite, magnesite and limestone by TGA.
4. Study of thermal expansion behaviour and determination of thermal expansion
coefficient of ceramic product.
5. Determination of thermal hysteresis of zirconia by dilatometric method.
6. Study and operation of x-ray diffractometer.
7. Indexing of cubic crystal system and determination of its lattice parameter.
8. Determination of lattice parameter of tetragonal crystals.
9. Determination of crystallite size from x-ray line broadening.
10. Study of data acquisition and processing for obtaining an x-ray profile.
11. Phase identification using software.
12. Determination of a calibration curve for quantitative estimation of two-phases in a

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-3403 Refractory Lab 1 Prof. R. Sarkar

List of Experiments:
1. Determination of packing density of one component system of various particle sizes.
2. Determination of packing density of two component system having various size ratios.
3. Recipe calculation and recipe making for refractory mix.
4. Study of compaction response behaviour of refractory mix.
5. Shaping of refractory brick by dry pressing/hand moulding method.
6. Determination of porosity and density of the prepared refractory brick.
7. Determination of crashing strength of refractory bricks.
8. Study of thermal shock resistance and PLCR of refractory brick.
9. Determination of MOR and HMOR of refractory brick.
10. Vibrocasting of supplied castable and study of cured property.
11. Effect of casting parameter on the properties of cast refractories.
12. Study of strength development of castable with temperature.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-3205 MATLAB and simulink 1 Prof. S. K. Pal/Prof. P. Saha

List of Experiments
1. Introduction to matlab software interfaces and different tools
2. Variables and expressions
3. Vectors, Matrices, Multiple vector plots
4. Command and Scripts, Managing Data files, Developing functions
5. Logic and flow control
6. Data analysis
7. Creation and simulation of models
8. Programming for a modeling
9. Modeling discrete and continuous system
10. Solver Selection
11. Modeling Conditionally Executed algorithms and combining models and diagrams
12. Creating libraries

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-3408 Glass Lab 1 Prof. S. K. Pal

List of experiments:
1. Batch calculation and preparation of soda-lime-silicate glasses (Use of coloring
agents, refining agent)
2. Polishing of glass plates and quantitative flatness measurement using
monochromatic light
3. Determination of Littleton softening point of glass using fiber elongation viscometer
4. Determination of Annealing point and strain point of glass
5. Study of chemical durability of glasses using Flame Photometer
6. Determination of refractive index and Abbe value of glass in different wavelength
7. Determination of density of glass by sink and float method
8. Determination of residual stress and Birefringence in glass using polarimeter
9. Thermal tempering of glass and mechanical property measurement
10. Chemical tempering of glass and mechanical property measurement
11. Determination of Absorption of light and use of spectrophotometer for qualitative
and quantitative analysis of glass.
12. Fabrication of hollow glass ware by blowing techniques

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-3410 Whiteware technology Lab 1 Prof. A. Paul

List of Experiments
1. Design and drawing of model and mould.
2. Shaping of a pre-designed plaster model.
3. Fabrication of pre-designed slip casting mould.
4. Fabrication of model using Jigger and Jolly
5. Determination of plasticity and Plasticity Index.
6. Determination of drying sensitivity of a green body.
7. Study of drying curve and critical moisture content of a green body.
8. Determination of vitrification range of a whiteware body.
9. Determination of deffloculant demand curve of slip.
10. Study of slip casting behaviour.
11. Study of glaze-body fit by dilatometer
12. Determination of flow limit of glaze
13. Finishing, drying and glazing of cast wares.
14. Crazing resistance of glazed article.
Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker
CR-3412 Cement Technology Lab 1 Prof. J. Bera

List of Experiments
1. Preparation of Portland cement in the laboratory
2. Determination of consistency of cement.
3. Study of initial and final setting of cement by Vicat apparatus.
4. Determination of soundness of cement Le Chatelier method.
5. Making and curing of cement mortar.
6. Compressive strength of cement mortar fine with ageing time.
7. Determination of surface area of cement by Blain Air Permeability apparatus.
8. Determination of fineness modulus and grain size distribution of fine aggregate.
9. Effect of casting process parameters on the properties of cement mortar.
10. Quantitative chemical analysis of cement.
11. Effect of admixture on cement mortar
12. Study of the durability of cement mortar

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-4103 Mechanical Testing Lab 1 Prof. A. Paul

List of experiments

1. Load deformation curve of brittle/ductile materials

2. Flexural strength of materials by three point bending
3. Flexural strength of materials by four point bending
4. Flexural strength of materials by Brazilian test
5. Indentation hardness of ceramic materials
6. Wear testing of ceramics
7. Fatigue test of ceramic materials
8. NDE of ceramics
Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker
CR-4105 Ceramography and microscopy lab 1 Prof. S. K. Behera

List of experiments

1. Ceramography specimen preparation I: Sectioning and sawing, mounting of samples.

2. Ceramography specimen preparation II: Grinding, polishing, lapping, etching.
3. Microscopy: Basic principles and demonstration of optical microscopy, scanning
electron microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy.
4. Quantitative ceramography: Grain size determination, shape, anisotropy, porosity and
second phase calculation.
5. Qualitative ceramography: Phase determination, fractography, and orientation.
6. Microscopy of oxide ceramics: Alumina, Zirconia, Spinel
7. Microscopy of industrial ceramics: Refractories, triaxial bodies,
8. Microscopy of non-oxide ceramics: Silicon carbide, silicon nitride, boron carbide,

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-4304 Electro ceramics Lab 1 Prof. R. Mazumder

List of Experiments:
1. Determination of frequency dependent dielectric constant and loss-factor of capacitors.
2. Determination of temperature coefficient of capacitance (TCC) and polymorphic phase
transition temperature (if any) of linear dielectrics and nonlinear dielectrics.
3. Measurement of breakdown strength of dielectric at room temperature and at elevated
4. Poling of ferroelectric ceramic and measurement of piezoelectric voltage and charge
5. Measurement of Electromechanical coupling coefficient and Mechanical quality factor

6. Measurement of polarization-electric field (P-E) of different dielectric materials by

sawer-tower cuircuit.
7. Study of grain and grain boundary resistivity/capacitance by Impedance analysis.
8. Determination of B-H curve, permeability and magnetic loss of ferrite.
9. Determination of magnetic Curie temperature.
10. Temperature dependent conductivity of insulators/ semiconductors/conductor and
arrhenius plot for determination of activation energy of conduction.
11. I-V characteristics of varistors.
12. Taffel plot for anodic and cathodic polarization.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-4202 Finite Element Lab 1 Prof. S. K. Pal/ Prof. P. Saha

Course Description:
Basics of Finite Element Method: Different steps involved in finite element method(FEM).
Function Evaluation; Differential Equation with Initial and boundary value problem. Partial
differential equation. Second order differential equation in one dimension and application.
Eigen value and time dependent problems. Single variable problem in 2D. Application in solid
mechanics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer and fluid flow. Modeling. Non linear approaches.

Essential Reading:
1. An Introduction to the Finite Element Method 3 Edition , J. N. Reddy, Tata McGraw - Hill
Education , 2005
2. The Finite Element Method in Engineering 5 Edition, S S Rao, Elsevier (2012)
Supplementary Reading:
1. R. D. Cook, Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, John Wiley, New
York, 2004.
2. C. S. Krishnamoorthy, Finite Element analysis-Theory and Programming, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2008

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-3103 Application of phase diagram 3 Prof. J. Bera

Course Description:
Some important three component systems- CaO–Al2O3 –SiO2, MgO-Al2O3-SiO2, SiO2-FeO-
Fe2O3, MgO-FeO-Fe2O3, MgO-Al2O3-Cr2O3. Quaternary System- MgO-CaO-SiO2-Fe2O3,
MgO-SiO2-CaO-B2O3. The relevance of above phase diagrams in the ceramic system. Use of
phase diagram in the sintering of ceramics; multiphase system containing a liquid phase,
tungsten-carbide-cobalt system, porcelain, silicon nitride. Crystal growing techniques and use
of phase diagrams in crystal growth; growth from stoichiometric melts, impurity distribution
coefficient, constitutional supercooling and non-stoichiometric melts, single crystal growing of
Yttrium-iron-garnet, cubic barium-titanate, gallium-phosphide, quartz crystal from hydrothermal
solution; Phase diagrams in the development and use of refractories; Alumino-silicates, Silica
and basic refractories, Fusion cast refractories. Liquid immiscibility in oxide systems. Study of
dissolution of refractories in molten slag; Application of the phase diagrams in cement
chemistry; calcium-alluminate cement and Portland cement
Phase diagrams in glass making, iron-carbon system, in the stabilization of zirconia phases.
Phase diagrams in high pressure systems, recent developments in this area.
Essential Reading:
1. Y. M. Chiang, D. Birnie III and W. D. Kingery, Physical Ceramics: Principles for Ceramic
Science and Engineering, Wiley, 1996.
2. D. R. F. West, Ternary Phase Diagrams in Materials Science, Maney Publishing; 3rd
edition, 2002.
3. A. M. Alper (Editor), G. Kostorz (Series Editor), H. Herman (Series Editor), Phase
Diagrams in Advanced Ceramics, Treatise on Materials Science and Technology
Academic Press. 1995.
Supplementary Reading:
1. A. M. Alper, Phase Diagrams: Materials Science and Technology, Vol. I, II and III,
Academic Press, 1970.
2. E. M. Levin, R. S. Roth, G. Smith, C. R. Robbins, H. F. McMurdie, L. P. Cook and M. K.
Reser, Phase Diagram for Ceramists: salts, The American Ceramic Society, 1975

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-3105 Heat transfer and fluid flow 3 Prof. P. Saha

Course Description:
Fluid properties, density, viscosity, surface tension, compressibility. Classification of fluids:
Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. Equation of continuity for compressible and
incompressible fluid flow, Bernoulli's equation and its practical applications. Flow
measurements: Venturimeter, Orifices, Pitot tube and Rotameter. Significance of Reynolds,
Numbers; Pressure drop in flow and pressure drop calculation in various cases, Hagen–
Poiseuille equation, Flow through bends, Straight and bend pipes, Packed beds, Fluidized bed.
What is Vacuum, Classification of Vacuum Ranges, Gas flow in vacuum system, Production of
Vacuum, Measurement of Vacuum systems, Steady state and unsteady state conduction. Heat
flow through composite walls, cylinders and spheres, Thermal resistances in series and parallel
for ceramic materials. Convective heat transfer: Free and forced convection, application of
dimensional analysis to convection problems. Significance of Nusselt, Grashof, Reynolds, and
Prandtl Numbers; Euler’s numbers, Radiation Heat Transfer through black body and grey body,
Stefan-Boltzman’s law, Kirchoff’s law. Radiation through furnace openings. Combined effect of
conduction, convention and radiation, overall heat transfer coefficient, Heat exchanger,
counter-current and parallel flow heat exchanger. Heat transfer through fluidized bed.
Computation of heat loss from furnaces and kilns- sankey diagram.Heat transfer concept and
selection of refractories.
Essential Reading:
1. W. L. McCabe, J. C. Smith and P. Harriot, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering,
McGraw Hill professional, 2005.
2. S.K.Ghosal, S.K.Sanyal, S.Datta, Introduction to Chemical Engineering, Tata McGraw-
Hill, New Delhi, 2005
3. D. Q. Kern, Process Heat Transfer, McGraw Hill International Auckland Bogota, 1986.
Supplementary Reading:
1. R. H. Perry, D. W. Green and J. O. Maloney, Chemical Engineers’ Handbook; McGraw-
Hill, 1999.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-3301 Functional Materials and devices 3 Prof. R. Mazumder

Course Description:
Electrical and optical properties of materials. Dielectric, ferroelectric, super conductors and
optical fibers. Magnetic properties: Microscopic origin of magnetism, domains, magnet
fabrications and applications; Definition of smart materials: Introduction of ferroelectric
materials, Ferri-electric, PTC Ceramics, Piezoelectric, Pyroelectric and Electro-Optic materials;
Thin film processing and characterization. Application of ferro-electric materials; Introduction of
shape memory alloys: Thermo-elastic martensitic transformations; shape memory alloys: Ni-Ti,
Cu-Zn-Al, Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloy; Shape Memory Ceramics. Optical fibre
technology, MEMS materials: Preparation and application.

Essential Reading:
1. K. Uchino, Ferroelectric Devices, Marcel Dekker, 2000.
2. Z. L. Wang and Z.C. Kang, Functional and Smart Materials ,Springer 1998.
Supplementary Reading:
1. K. Otsuka and C. M. Wayman, Shape Memory Materials, Cambridge University Press,
2. N. Setter, Electroceramic-based MEMS: Fabrication Technology and Applications,
Springer, 2005.
3. J. W. Gardner, V. Varadan and O. O. Awadelkarim, Microsensors, MEMS, and Smart
Devices, John Wiley and Sons, 2001

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-3414 Unshaped refractories 3 Prof. R. Sarkar

Course Description:
Introduction to monolithic refractories, advantages and disadvantages; classifications based on
application techniques, chemical constituents and purity; raw materials and their selection,
particles size distribution, discrete and continuous particle size distribution, Furnas,
Andreassen-Andersen and Dinger-Funk model; different bonding systems, CaO-Al2O3 system,
hydration of calcium aluminates, bonding mechanism of different binders, various additive
systems; refractory castable and details of CCC, LCC, ULCC, NCC, SFC; other monolithics,
like mortar, gunning mass, spraying mass, ramming mass, etc; machinery and equipments for
making unshaped refractories, batch preparation, mixing, processing and manufacturing
techniques; installation techniques and application; properties and specialties of different
castable systems, like alumina, alumina - magnesia, alumina spinel, magnesia, magnesia
carbon, etc
Essential Reading:
1. C. A. Schacht, Refractories Handbook, CRC Press, 2004.
2. S. Banerjee, Monolithic Refractories: A Comprehensive Handbook, Wiley-American
Ceramic Society, 1998.
3. Subrata Banerjee, Thomas Abraham, The changing refractory industry: new
technologies, materials, and markets, Business Communications Co., 1999.

Supplementary Reading:
4. Stephen C. Carniglia, Hand book of industrial refractories technology, Principles,
Types, Properties and Applications Noyes Publications USA 1992 .
5. Hiemenz PC. Principles of Colloid and Surface Chemistry. 2d ed. New York: Marcel
Dekker, 1986.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-3416 Metallurgical processes 3 Prof. P. Saha

Course Description:
Structure of Metals and Alloys; Solid Solutions; theory of point defect (Schottky and Frenkel),
line defect (dislocation), and stacking fault, Lomer-Cottrel lock, Peierls-Nabarro stress, Critical
resolved shear stress (CRSS), Strengthening mechanisms of metals and alloys, Metallurgical
Kinetics; homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions; Chemical Reaction Control-rate
equation, reaction rate constant, reaction order, non-elementary reactions; Diffusion;
Pyrometallurgical operations; Principles of Hydro Metallurgy and Electro Metallurgy for
aluminium, copper and zinc; Iron making; Blast Furnace Iron Making: Recent advances in Iron
Making; Sponge iron making; Steel Making: secondary steelmaking deoxidation, ladle and
tundish metallurgy, ingot and continuous casting of steel; Recovery, Recrystallization and grain
growth, Iron-Carbon phase diagram, eutectoid transformations in carbon-steels, TTT diagram,
CCT diagram, Heat treatment of steel - Annealing, Normalizing, Quenching, Carburizing, Case-
Hardening, hardenability, tempering of martensite; Gas-solid and slag-metal reactions; Non
Ferrous Metallurgy (Aluminium, Copper, Zinc, Titanium); Non Secondary metals and utilization
of wastes.
Essential Reading
1. A. Ghosh and A. Chatterjee, Ironmaking and Steelmaking Theory and Practice,
Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, 2008
2. H.S. Ray, R.Sridhar and K.P. Abraham Extraction of nonferrous metals, Affiliated East
West Press Pvt Ltd., New Delhi (2007)
3. L. S. Darken and R. W. Gurry, Physical Chemistry of Metals, McGraw Hill, N. Y
4. M.A. Meyers, K.K. Chawla, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Cambridge
5. T. Courtney, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Waveland Press, Technology &
6. G. Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy, McGraw-Hills
Supplementary Reading
1. A. Ghose and H. S. Ray, Principles of Extractive Metallurgy, Wiley Eastern, 1991.
2. Arthur C. Reardon, Metallurgy for the Non-Metallurgist, Second Edition, ASM
International; (October 13, 2011)
3. R. Higgins, Engineering Metallurgy, Part-1, Applied Physical Metallurgy

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-3202 Interface science & Sol-gel processing 3 Prof. A. Chowdhury

Course Description:
Thermodynamics of surface. Adsorption Isotherm. Physical aspects of interfaces, Grain
boundary, Contact angle, Dihedral angle and Grain shape prediction, Concept of wetting.
Structure of surface and interface; Colloids, Sols and gels, Types of colloids; attractive surface
forces, stabilization of colloids, Electrostatic stabilization, charge development on the particle
surface in aqueous medium, origin of electrical double layer, Iso-electric points and zeta
potential, , Effect of electrolytes on double layer. Ion exchange capacity and exchange
equilibrium, adsorption of polymers and steric stabilization, electrosteric stabilization, structure
of consolidated colloids, rheology of consolidated colloids, Flocculation and de-flocculation
phenomena, kinetics of flocculation ; Wetting agents, Plasticizers, Foaming and antifoaming
agents, Lubricants; Types of gel, sol-gel processing of aqueous silicates, metal alkoxides,
hydrolysis and condensation, effect of pH on gelation, aging, drying and gel densification. Sol-
gel preparation technique, single and multi-component gel, use of double alkoxides,
applications of sol-gel processing
Essential Reading:
1. D. Myers, Surfaces, Interfaces and Colloids: Principles and Applications, 2nd Edition,
Wiley-VCH; 1999.
2. J. Reed, Introduction to the Principles of Ceramic Processing, 2nd Ed., John Wiley &
Sons, 1995.
Supplementary Reading:
1. M. N. Rahaman, Ceramic Processing, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, FL, 2007.
2. R. J. Pugh and L. Bergstrom, Surface and Colloid Chemistry in Advanced Ceramics
Processing , CRC, 1994
Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker
CR-4201 Nanoceramics 3 Prof. B. B. Nayak

Course Description:
Introduction to nanotechnology: Formation of nanomaterials by size reduction: Amorphisation
by milling, molten drop impingement and limitations of milling for ceramic materials. Gas phase
processes for nanomaterial synthesis: Nanosized clusters of elementary particles and ceramic
materials. Condensed phase processes for nanomaterial synthesis; Manufacture of
nanostructured materials (densification, nanocomposites). Determination of structure and
chemical, mechanical, magnetic, electrical and optical physical properties of nanomaterials.
Methods for determination of particle size, porosity, specific surface, chemical and
supramolecular structures at the nanometric level. Proximal microscopies (AFM and STM),
nanolithography and nanofabrication; technological applications of nanomaterials- super-
plasticity, plastic flow processing of ceramics; ultra-pure and biocompatible ceramics; gas
sensors; transparent ceramic coatings, diamond-like coatings, the fullerenes and carbon
nanotubes, nano magnets for sensors and high density data storage, spin-tronic devices,
nanotechnology for biological system & bio-sensor applications.
Essential Reading:
1. M. Wilson, K. Kannangara, G. Smith and M. Simmons, Nanotechnology: Basic Science
and Emerging Technologies, CRC Press, 2002.
2. R. Freer, Nanoceramics: A British Ceramic Proceedings. British Ceramic Society, 1993.
3. A. S. Edelstein, R. C. Cammarata, Nanomaterials: synthesis, properties and
applications, CRC Press, 1998
Supplementary Reading:
1. M. A. Ratner and D. Ratner, Nanotechnology: A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big
Idea, Prentice Hall PTR, 2003.
2. G. Cao, Nanostructures and Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications,
Imperial College Press, 2004.
3. H. G Rubahn, Basics of Nanotechnology, 3rd Edition, Wiley, 2008

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-4203 Bioceramics 3 Prof. S. Dasgupta

Course Content
Introduction to biomaterials, bio-ceramics as implant in human body, Physics of bone and
structure of tooth, Cortical bone versus Trabecular bone structure. Different type of
biomaterials: Metal and alloys, Ceramics, Polymers and composites; Bio-glass and A/W Glass
ceramics, Hydroxyapatite, Bioactivity and bone bonding, porous hydroxyapatite and study of
bio-compatibility; Composite implant materials: mechanics of improvement of properties by
incorporating different elements. Composite theory of fiber reinforcement. Polymers filled with
osteogenic fillers. Host tissue reactions; Properties of biomaterials: Bulk properties –
mechanical, biological and chemical properties; Surface properties – Surface roughness and
surface characterization. Testing of biomaterials/Implants: In vitro testing (Mechanical testing):
tensile, compression, wears, fatigue, corrosion studies and fracture toughness. In-vivo testing
(animals): biological performance of implants. Ex-vivo testing: in vitro testing simulating the in
vivo conditions. Standards and specifications of implant materials, recent developments in this
Essential Reading
1. L. L. Hench and J. R. Jones, Biomaterials, Artificial Organs and Tissue Engineering,
Taylor & Francis 2007
2. J. F. Shackelford, Advanced Ceramics (vol. 1) Bioceramics, Gordon and Breach
Science Publishers, New York, 1999.
Supplementary Reading
1. A. Wereszczak, M. Mizuno and E. L. Curzio, Advances in Bioceramics and
Biocomposites II, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-4401 Industrial Applications of Refractories 3 Prof. R. Sarkar

Course Description:
Review of metallurgical processes ; Identification of different refractory linings for primary and
secondary steel making operations, Hot repairing – Materials, Repairing techniques; Future
trends in utilization of refractories towards efficient lining for steel making ; Coke oven
refractories, Blast furnace refractories, trough refractories, taphole clay, refractories for cooling
and heat saving in blast furnaces, Refractories for steel making, Ladle refractories, Continuous
casting refractories: Materials, Production, Properties, Applications and Future trends; Use of
non-oxide ceramic materials in ferrous and non-ferrous industries. Refractories in cement
industries. Refractories in glass industries. Direct bonded mag-chrome aggregates and
refractories for Aluminium, Copper, Zinc and Petrochemical Industries. Standardization, testing
– including non – destructive testing. New generation slide gate refractories with improved
performance, Plant trial performance of non shaped and advanced refractories developed
using surface chemistry, thermo-mechanical considerations for refractory linings, refractories
for the refineries and circulating fluid beds, plasma processing of refractory aggregates, coating
techniques for improving the oxidation resistance of graphite. Recent developments in the
application of refractories, recent developments in this area.
Essential Reading:
1. J. H. Chesters, Refractories- Production and Properties, The Iron and Steel Institute,
London, 1973.
2. R. Amavis, Refractories for the Steel Industry, Elsevier Applied Science, Springer,
Supplementary Reading:
1. S. C. Caniglia and G. L. Barna, Handbook of Industrial Refractories Technology:
Principles,Types, Properties and Applications, William Andrews Inc, 1992.
2. S. Banerjee, The Changing Refractories Industry: New Technologies, Materials and
Markets, Business Communication Co, 1999.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-4205 Composite materials 3 Prof. A. Paul/Prof. A. Chowdhury
Course Description:
Composites- Definition, Classification and Importance, design of composite materials, the
concept of load transfer, Glass, ceramic and carbon fibres, silicon carbide, alumina and
alumino-silicate fibres. Common ceramic matrix material and their properties, interfaces in
composites, interaction at the interface. Types of reinforcement: continuous fibre, short fibre,
whisker ; Ceramic Matrix composites: fibre packing arrangement, fabrication, properties,
interface reaction, toughness ; specific examples - Alumina -silicon carbide, Mullite- Zirconia,
polymer-PZT composites, metal composites, layered composites- composite processing,
densification and application ; properties of composites: Density, Mechanical properties,
mechanism of load transfer from matrix to fibre, elastic deformation of laminates, variation of
lamina properties with orientation, tensile and compressive strength and failure mechanism of
long and short fibre composites, toughness of composites and sub-critical crack growth,
thermal behaviour of composites debonding, fibre pull out, delamination fracture. Application of
composites. Recent advances in composite technology, recent developments in this area.

Essential Reading:
1. G. F. Carter and D. F. Paul, Materials Science and Engineering, ASM International,
2. J. F. Shackelford and M. Meier, Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers,
Prentice Hall PTR, 2005.

Supplementary Reading:
1. F. L. Matthews and R. D. Rawlings, Composite Materials: Engineering and Science,
Woodhead Publishing, 1999.
2. K. K. Chawla, Composite Materials: Science and Engineering, Springer, 2001.
Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker
CR-4207 Porous ceramics 3 Prof. S. K. Behera/ Prof. Sunipa Bhattacharyya

Course Description:
Microstructure, Properties, Applications and Curvature-Based Classification Schemes of
Porous Ceramics. Different Processing techniques of Porous ceramic: Replication, Templating,
Casting etc. Transport through porous media. Temperature Dependent Thermal Conductivity
and Heat Transfer in a Porous media. The Deformable Porous Solid. Poroelastic property.
Surface Energy and Capillarity; Phase Transition in Porous Solids; Mechanics of porous
ceramic; Application of porous ceramic
Essential Reading:
1. Porous Media: Theory, Properties and Applications; Doris Wolfe; Nova Science
Publishers Inc (Verlag), 2016
2. Mechanics and Physics of Porous Solids; Olivier Coussy; Willey Publication; 2010;

Supplementary Reading:
1. Advances in Porous Ceramics; Alan Newton;Nova Science Publishers Inc
2. Porous Materials; Duncan W. Bruce (Editor), Dermot O'Hare (Editor), Richard I. Walton
(Editor); Wiley;2011

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-4403 Ceramic Equipment Design 3 Prof. S. Dasgupta

Course Description:
Design of tunnel kiln for refractory bricks; Design of roller hearth kin for tile industry; Design of a
glass tank furnace Design of an autoclave for production of alumina from Bayer’s Process,
Design of a tray drier for drying alumina cakes; Design of two strand tundish, Design of a ball
mill, Design of electrically heated laboratory furnace, design of spray drier/spray pyrolyzer
heating chamber, Design of L-D converter lining, Design of Ladle lining

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

Waste management of ceramic
CR-4402 industries 3 Prof. S. K. Pal

Course Description:
Pollution and waste generation in ceramic and related industries. Kiln and stack emissions,
pollution from service units like air compressor, laboratories, gas producers, storage facilities,
waste water treatment plant etc; Environmental and health impacts of pollutants and solid
wastes. Indian environmental laws and WHO’s norms. Pollution reduction measures in ceramic
industries: air, sound, solid waste, water. Nature and type of industrial waste useful for ceramic
industries. Use of industrial wastes in ceramic industries Utilization of fly ash, rice husk, BF slag
in the production of traditional, advanced ceramics. Utilization of red mud and recovery of
metals from red mud. Application of zeolite in environment (catalytic effect, water purification).
Clay as an absorbent of toxic pollutant; Recycling of industrial waste. Fluorine contamination in
alumina Industry disposal and recovery of refractory materials. Ceramics for water and air
purification. Glass & glass ceramics in nuclear waste management

Essential Reading:
1. P. V. Rao, A Text Book of Environmental Engineering, Prentice Hall of India Private
Limited, 2002.
2. C. C. Herman (Editor), S. Marra (Editor), D. R. Spearing (Editor), L. Vance (Editor) and
J. D. Vienna (Editor), Environmental Issues and Waste Management Technologies XI,
Ceramic Transactions, Volume 176. John Wiley & Sons, edition, 2005.
Supplementary Reading:
1. S.K. Sundaram, D. R. Spearing, and J. D. Vienna, Environmental Issues and Waste
Management Technology in the Ceramic and Nuclear Industries VIII, Ceramic
Transactions, Volume 143, The American Ceramic Society, 2002.
2. S. M. Khopkar, Environmental Pollution: Monitoring and Control, New Age International
(P) Ltd, 2004.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-4102 Tribology of Materials 3 Prof. D. Sarkar

Course description
Introduction: Different types of materials and applications, surface characterization (Physico –
chemical characteristics of surface layers) Surface visualization, Geometry of non – conforming
surfaces (analysis and measurement of surface roughness), Surface and subsurface stress
distributions and Hertzian contact; Contact between solid surfaces; Adhesion Friction; Testing,
Frictional behavior (Solid – solid contact, liquid mediated contact), Friction mechanism of
metals, ceramics and polymers, solid lubricants. Thermal properties of sliding surfaces;
Classification of wear and wear testing, role of humidity; the various modes of wear: adhesive,
delamination, fretting, abrasive, erosive, corrosive, oxidizing (mild and severe), melt and the
wear-mechanism maps, types of particle present in wear debris; Surface Engineering Methods
to reduce wear, Electrolytic, Spraying, Hard-facing, Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD),
Plasma Vapour Deposition (PVD), Mechanical methods, Surface melting and Thermo chemical
treatments; Lubrication: Solid lubricants, Liquid lubricants, Fluid film lubrication, Introduction to
Elasto-Dynamic (ED) and Elasto- Hydro Dynamic (EHD) Lubrication, Mixed and Boundary
lubrication, micro and nano tribology, solution of tribological problems, recent developments in
this area.
Essential Reading: 1. B. Bhushan, Principles and Applications of Tribology, Willey –
IEEE, 1999. 2. M. Hutchings, Tribology: Friction and Wear of Engineering Materials, Edward
Arnold, 1992. ( Original from the University of Michigan Digitized 6 Dec 2007)
Supplementary Reading: 1. K. C. Ludema, Friction, Wear, Lubrication: A Textbook in
Tribology, CRC Press, 1996. 2. R. D. Arnell, P. Davies, J. Halling, and T. Whomes, Tribology
Principles and Design Applications, MacMillan, 1991( Original from the University of Michigan
Digitized 6 Dec 2007)
Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker
CR-4204 Ceramic coating 3 Prof. S. Dasgupta

Course Content
Film deposition techniques and processes: Introduction, Gas kinetics: vapours and gases,
distribution function, transport properties. Vacuum technology: pump selection and exhaust
handling, contamination sources and pressure measurement. Evaporation: thermodynamics of
evaporation, sources, deposition monitoring. Deposition: adsorption, surface diffusion,
nucleation, structure development, interfaces, adhesion, temperature control. Molecular beam
epitaxy: process overview, deposition system, application, Sputter deposition, introduction,
sputter sources, applications. Chemical Vapour deposition, Laser ablation, Plating:
electroplating, electro-less plating, and application. Sol-gel coating, Pattern generation
techniques: microlithography, optical tools for microlithography, etching, advanced process.
Properties of Thin Film Materials: Substrates for thin film applications, thin film conductor
materials, Resistors for thin film applications, thin film dielectrics, Thin film magnetics,
advanced thin film materials. Characterization of Thin Film: Electro-Optical measurements,
Chemical composition and Structural characterizations, nano-scale and atomic scale
measurements. Thermal barrier coatings. Diamond films: nucleation and growth, properties of
diamond, applications. Diamond like carbon coating, properties and application, Processing
and Application of hard ceramic coating, multilayer optical coating, preparation and formulation
of optical thin films, applications, recent developments in this area.
Essential Reading
1. K. Seshan, Hand Book of Thin Film Deposition Technique, William Andrew INC, 2002
2. D. L. Smith, Thin film deposition, McGraw-Hill Professional, 1995.
3. Milton Ohring, Materials Science of Thin films, Second edition, Academic Press, 2002
Supplementary Reading
1. A. Elshabini-Riad and F. D. Barlow, Thin Film Technology Hand Book, McGraw-Hill
Professional, 1997.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-4306 Ceramics in energy sector 3 Prof. R. Mazumder

Course Description:
Refractory for energy saving application. Li-Battery Technologies and Energy Storage. Fuel
Cells and Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC). Design of Fuel Cell. Cathode materials. Anode
Materials. Electrolyte. Interconnect. Glass ceramic seals. Ceramic based Membrane for fuel
Cell. Ceramic capacitor. Light-Emitting Diode. Thermal design of ceramic packages for high
power light-emitting diodes. White Light Generation. Phosphor. Upconversion and
downconversion phosphor. Rare earth phosphor. Transparent glass ceramics. Transparent
alumina. Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Energy. Ceramic substrate for solar cell. Thin film solar
Cell. ITO thin film. Nuclear Energy.
Essential Reading: 1. S.C. Singhal, K. Kendall High-temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells:
Fundamentals, Design and Applications, Elsevier Science; 2003
Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker
CR-4308 Optical Ceramics 3 Prof. B. B. Nayak/Prof. S. K. Pal

Course Description:
Fundamental Optical Properties of Materials; Materials and fabrication techniques; Different
Characterization techniques; Processing of transparent and optical ceramics; Refractive index
and extinction coefficient; Negative Index of Refraction: Optics and Metamaterials; Electro-optic
effects;; Optical Properties of Disordered Condensed Matter; Excitons; Photoluminescence;
Fluorescence; Nonlinear Optical Properties; Solid State Lasers; Optical Glass Waveguides;
Semiconductors in Optical application; Photovoltaics; Photonic MEMS Devices: Device ;
Processing and Application

Essential Reading
1. Optical Properties of Condensed Matter and Applications Optical Properties; Jai Singh;
John Wiley & Sons Ltd;;2006
2. Transparent Ceramics; Ling Bing Kong, Y. Z. Huang; Springer International Publishing;

Supplementary Reading
Cambridge University Press; 2000
2. Principles and Applications of Nonlinear Optical Materials; R.W. Munn; Springer; 1993

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-4404 Industrial furnace design 3 Prof. S. Dasgupta

Course description
Basics of designing and drafting tools, Study and drawing of different refractory bricks of
standard shape, Study and drawing of non-standard shapes of refractory bricks, Drawing of
brick wall and brick joints, Drawing of different parts of rotary kiln, Drawing of converter,
Drawing of ladle, Drawing of Blast Furnace Trough Lining, Drawing of slide plates refractories,
Drawing of sub entry nozzle, Drawing of monoblock stopper, Chimney calculation and drawing
of chimney.

Essential Reading
1. Industrial and Process Furnaces: Principles, Design and Operation; Barrie Jenkins;
Butterworth-Heinemann; 2013
2. Design & Construction of Electric Furnaces; Wilhelm Borchers; Wexford College Press;
Supplementary Reading
1. Industrial Furnaces; W. Trinks ; John Wiley & Sons; 2004
Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker
CR-0001 Introduction to ceramics 3 Prof. (Mrs.) S. Bhattacharyya

Course description
Introduction, definition and scope of ceramics. Historical perspective, classification, Ceramics
and Civilization ; Traditional ceramics: An overview, history, compositions, manufacturing and
application of refractories, whitewares and heavy clay wares, glass, cement, ceramic
coatings The development of modern ceramic technology, processing of ceramic powders,
shape forming operations: pressing, slip casting, isostatic pressing, injection moulding, sheet
forming, MLC technology. Firing of ceramics: kiln design and conveyor technology, sintering
and densification, hot pressing and hot isostatic pressing. Sol –gel processing and monolithic
ceramics. Basic glass processing, container glass, fibre glass, speciality glass products, glass-
ceramics, glass microspheres, laminated glass, photochrome and photo sensitive glass
Modern / high tech ceramics, high tech functions and functional ceramics, structural
ceramics, electrical and electronic ceramics, chemical and nuclear ceramics, bio-ceramics,
ceramic membranes, artificial gems and ceramics, aerospace and other strategic
applications of ceramics, advanced ceramic processing techniques. Energy and pollution

Essential Reading:
1. W. D. Kingery, H. K. Bowen and D. R. Uhlmann, Introduction to Ceramics, 2nd Ed. John
Wiley & Sons, Singapore, 1991.
2. D. W. Richardson, B. J. Dunbar, The Magic of Ceramics, American Ceramic Society,

Supplementary Reading:
1. J. B. Wachtman Jr., Ceramic Innovations in the 20th Century, American Ceramic Society,

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-0002 Properties of Ceramics 3 Prof. S. K. Pratihar

Course description
Mechanical Properties: Concept of strength and its relation with fundamental parameters,
plastic deformation, viscous flow, creep, Fracture of materials; Thermal Properties: Thermal
expansion, thermal shock, annealing and chemical strengthening, specific heat and heat
capacity, thermal conduction process; Electrical Properties: Electrical, electronic and ionic
conduction phenomena in crystals, Fast ionic conductors, glasses and non-stoichiometric
compounds. PTCR, NTCR, Varistors, thermisters etc; Dielectric Properties: Dielectric loss of
crystals and glasses, dielectric strength, piezoelectric and ferroelectric ceramics; Magnetic
Properties: Concept of magnetic phenomena in solids. Structure and magnetic properties of
spinel ferrites, rare-earth garnets, ortho-ferrites and hexagonal ferrites with special reference to
their microstructure; Optical Properties: Refractive index and dispersion, reflectance, opacity
and translucency, absorption and colour from modern concepts in crystalline and vitreous
ceramic systems.

Essential Reading:
1. W. D. Kingery, H. K. Bowen and D. R. Uhlmann, Introduction to Ceramics, 2nd Ed., John
Wiley & Sons Pte Ltd., Singapore, 1991.
2. Y. M. Chiang, D. Birnie III and W. D. Kingery, Physical Ceramics: Principles for Ceramic
Science and Engineering, Wiley, 1996.
Supplementary Reading:
1. M. Barsoum, Fundamentals of Ceramics, CRC Press, 2002.
2. L. V. Azaroff, Introduction to Solids, Tata McGraw Hill, 1977.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-0003 Ceramic fabrication 3 Prof. S. Bhattacharyya

Course Description:
Significance of different ceramic processing operations. Powder synthesis, Colloidal and sol-gel
processing. Powder characterization: Shape, Surface Area, Porosity, Chemical and Phase
composition. Preparation of bodies: Blending of different weight fractions and size ratios, use of
binders, types of binders; Plasticizers, Foaming and antifoaming agents, granulation and spray
drying. Dry pressing, Semi-dry pressing, Slip casting, Extrusion, Nontraditional shape forming:
Gel casting, Tape casting, Freeze Casting, Injection moulding, Electro-phoretic deposition, Iso-
static pressing.
Essential Reading:
3. J.S. Reed, Introduction to the Principles of Ceramic Processing, 2nd Ed., John Wiley &
Sons. 1995.
4. M. N. Rahaman, Ceramic Processing and Sintering, 2nd Ed, CRC Press, 2003.
Supplementary Reading:
4. D. W. Richerson, Modern Ceramic Engineering: Properties, Processing, and Use in
Design, 3rd ed, CRC Press, 2005
5. D. A. Brosan and G. C. Robinson, Introduction to Drying of Ceramics: with laboratory
exercises, Net Library, Incorporated, 2003.
6. H. Mehrer, Diffusion in Solids: Fundamentals, Methods, Materials, Diffusion-Controlled
Processes, Springer, 2007.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-0004 Industrial Ceramics 3 Prof. R. Sarkar/Prof. S. K. Pal

Course description
Refractories – General Classification, Properties and process flow diagram for fabrication of
both shaped and unshaped refractories, particle size distribution, manufacturing techniques of
shaped and unshaped refractories, Brief details of various shaped and unshaped refractories.
Comparison between conventional and advanced refractories, examples of various advanced
refractories and refractory systems like, ceramic cup for blast furnace, trough refractories,
porous plug, slide gate refractories, continuous casting refractories, lance pipes, ceramic filters,
etc, their applications, application specific critical properties, oxides and non-oxide
components, binders system, manufacturing techniques, detailed properties. Latest
development and trends of refractories in application industries, like iron & steel, glass, cement,
etc. global trend of refractories and refractory research, status of refractory industries and
research in India, new refractory products and commercialization aspects of new
developments. Standards and testing, nondestructive testing for Life Prediction.
Metallic glass. Commercial Glass fiber, Glass ceramic. Large Casting. High-Strength Glass
Fibers. Mechanics of glass making. Designing Energy-Friendly Glass Fibers, Glass Fibers for
Printed Circuit Boards. Designing New Energy-Friendly Glass Compositions. Plasma Melting
Technology and Applications. Microwave melting of glass. Designing optical glass. Geometrical
Microstructuring of glass. Mechanical Structuring Processes. Micromachining. Ultrasonic
Machining. Powder Blasting. Chemical and Complex Structuring. Pull Extrusion.
Electrochemical Discharge Machining. Embossing and Press Forming. Laser Processing.
Photostructuring. Joining Methods. Glass sealing. Lapping and polishing. Contact resistance of
glasses. Aging of glasses. Self healing of glasses. Self cleaning glass manufacturing.
Production control of residual stress. Optical fiber design and manufacturing. Glass design
based on thermal expansion.
Essential Reading:
1. J. H. Chesters, Refractories- Production and Properties, The Iron and Steel Institute,
London, 1973.
2. 1. C. A. Schacht, Refractories Handbook, CRC Press. , NY, 2004.
3. S. Banerjee, Monolithic Refractories: A Comprehensive Handbook, Wiley-American Ceramic
Society, 1998.
4. Dagmar Hülsenberg, Alf Harnisch, Alexander Bismarck, Microstructuring of Glasses,
Springer, 2010 2. Eric Le Bourhis , Glass: Mechanics and Technology, Wiley-VCH; 2007
Supplementary Reading:
1. P. P. Budnikov, The Technology of Ceramics and Refractories, Translated by Scripta
Technica, Edward Arnold, The MIT Press, 4th Ed, 2003.
2. C. A. Schacht, Refractory Linings: Thermo-mechanical Design and Applications, CRC Press,
3. M. Rigaud and C. Allaire, Advances in Refractories for the Metallurgical Industries IV,
Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, 2004
4. H. Bachs and D. Krause, Low Thermal Expansion Glass Ceramics, Springer, 2005 L. David
Pye, Angelo Montenero, Innocent Joseph Properties of Glass-Forming Melts, CRC Press, 2005

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

Ceramic testing and Prof. B. B. Nayak/ Prof. (Mrs) S.
CR-0005 characterization 3 Bhattacharyya

Course description
Thermal analysis methods- principles, instrumentation, data analysis and applications in
ceramics; X-ray diffraction and Bragg Law, Diffraction under ideal and non-ideal condition, X-
ray scattering and structure factor, X-ray diffractometer, X-ray data file analysis, Chemical
analysis by x-ray fluorescence, Auger Electron Spectroscopy, X-ray Photoelectron
Spectroscopy, Electron loss energy spectroscopy; Scanning Electron Microscopy – basic
principle, instrumentation, electron specimen interaction, topographical and atomic number
contrast. Transmission Electron Microscopy; practical aspect of microscopy, amplitude and
phase contrast imaging, kinematical theory of image contrast, electron diffraction. Atomic Force
Microscopy- basic principles, Atomic Force Microscopy modes, phase imaging, face curve,
application of Atomic Force Microscopy; Infrared, Raman and Nuclear magnetic resonance
spectroscopy: field ion microscopy, Basic principles, Instrumentation, Infra red and Raman
active bonds, data analysis, applications, surface analysis and chromatography techniques for
material characterization.
Essential Reading: 1. R. F. Speyer, Thermal Analysis of Materials, Marcel Dekker Inc., 1994.
2. B. D. Cullity, Elements of X-ray Diffraction, Addison Wesley Publishing Company; 2nd
edition,1978. 3. P.J. Goodhew, J. Humphreys, R. Beanland, Electron Microscopy and Analysis,
Third Edition, Taylor & Francis, 2001.
Supplementary Reading: 1. 1. H. P. Klug and L. E. Alexander, X-ray Diffraction procedures
for Polycrystalline and Amorphous Materials, 2nd Edition, John Wiley, 1974. 2. 2. D. A. Skoog,
F. J. Holler and T. A. Nieman, Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 5th Ed., Hartcourt College
Publishers, 1998.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-0006 Advanced Ceramics 3 Prof. S. Bhattacharyya/ Prof. R. Mazumder

Course description
Introduction and classification of Structural Ceramics, Brief review of Griffith theory of fracture,
toughness, statistical nature of strength Alumina and alumina ceramics Crystal structure,
phases, types of alumina, properties and its relation to microstructure, importance and
application. Zirconia Ceramics Crystal structure and polymorphic modifications, Transformation
Toughening; different system in zirconia, application. Composites: strengthening and
toughening mechanisms, composite fabrication. Composites of some oxides and nonoxides.
Classification of non-oxideceramics, siliconcarbide, siliconnitride Sialon, Tungsten Carbide,
Boron Carbide, Boron Nitride, Carbon and Graphite, phase diagrams, processing, sintering and
properties. Abrasives; natural and synthetic; properties, applications andperformances;
Semiconductor, electronic, ionic conductors and fast ion conductors; defects influoride type
andperovskite oxides; conduction process and transference number; electronic conduction in
oxides; semiconductor - metal transition; Ionic conduction in oxides; fast –ion conductors;
resistors and varistors, ceramic capacitors, piezoelectric and electro-optic ceramics, Super
conductivity: basic principles; materials; synthesis and applications; Magnetic Ceramics:
Introduction; types of magnetism: magnetic anisotropy; magnetostriction; domains and
magnetization processes; magnetic Materials: soft and hard; synthesis; characterization and
applications, ferroelectricity in capacitor technology, recent developments in this area.

Essential Reading:
1. J. B. Wachtman Jr., Structural Ceramics, Treatise on Materials Science & Technology Vo l-
29, Academic Press, New York, 1989.
2. W. E. Lee and W. M. Rainforth, Ceramic Microstructures: Property Control by Processing,
Springer, 1994.
3. R. C. Buchanan, Ceramic Materials for Electronics: Processing, properties and applications,
Marcel Dekker, 1986.
Supplementary Reading:
1. E. Dorre and H. Hubner, Alumina: Processing, Properties and Applications, Springer- Verlag,
Berlin Heidelberg, 1984.
2. A. J. Moulson and J. M. Herbert, Electroceramics: Materials, Properties and Applications,
Springer, 1990.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-0007 Industrial ceramics processing lab 1 Prof. A. Paul/ Prof. P. Saha
Course description
Determination of particle size and particle size distribution by Andreasen Pipette and
Centrifuge. Effect of milling time on the surface area and phase transformation of ceramic
powder. Effect of additives on the rheological properties of oxide ceramic slurries. Slip casting
of oxide ceramics and study of casting process. Effect of processing parameter on the
properties of slip cast bodies. Effect of binder type and amount on the green strength of dry-
pressed article.
6. Effect of relative humidity on the green density of dry pressed bodies. Study of compaction
behaviour of ceramic powder. Effect of powder and pressing properties on the generation of
various defects in dry pressed articles. Effect of different drying conditions on the properties of
dried articles prepared by slip casting.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

CR-0008 Ceramic characterization lab 1 Prof. B. B. Nayak

Course description
Study of thermal decomposition behaviour of dolomite / limestone/ magnesite; Study of phase
transition in quartz by DTA; Weight loss behaviour of dolomite, magnesite and limestone by
TGA; Study of thermal expansion behaviour and determination of thermal expansion coefficient
of ceramic product; Determination of thermal hysteresis of zirconia by dilatometric method;
Study and operation of x-ray diffractometer; Indexing of cubic crystal system and determination
of its lattice parameter; Determination of lattice parameter of tetragonal crystals; Determination
of crystallite size from x-ray line broadening; Study of data acquisition and processing for
obtaining an x-ray profile; Phase identification using software; Determination of a calibration
curve for quantitative estimation of two-phases in a mixture.



Subject Code: CS2001
Subject Title: Digital System Design [Core 1]
Pre-requisites: None
Course Objective:
1. Able to perform the conversion among different number systems; Familiar with baisc
logic gates
2. Understand Boolean algebra and basic properties of Boolean algebra; able to simplify
simple Boolean functions by using the basic Boolean properties.
3. Able to design combinational logics using basic gates, optimize simple logic using
Karnaugh maps.
4. Familiar with basic sequential logic components: SR Latch, D Flip-Flop and their usage
and able to analyze sequential logic circuits
5. Familiar with basic combinational and sequential components used in the typical
datapath designs: Register, Adders, Shifters, Comparators; Counters, Multiplier,
Arithmetic-Logic Units (ALUs), RAM.
Course Outcomes:
1. An ability to define different number systems, binary addition and subtraction, 2’s
complement representation and operations with this representation
2. An ability to understand the different switching algebra theorems and apply them for
logic functions.
3. An ability to define the Karnaugh map for a few variables and perform an algorithmic
reduction of logic functions.
4. An ability to define combinational circuits, such as, encoders/decoders,
(de)multiplexers, comparators, arithmetic-logic units; and to be able to build simple
5. An ability to understand sequential circuits, like counters and shift registers, and to
perform simple projects with them.

Course Contents:

Unit I
Binary Systems: Introduction to Number Systems and conversions. Arithmetic with number
systems, Signed and unsigned number systems and their arithmetic. Binary Codes

Unit II
Boolean Algebra & Logic Gates: Boolean Functions and their Complements, Standard forms &
Canonical Forms, Digital logic gates, Gate level Minimization, Karnaugh maps, Digital Circuits
using Basic and Universal Gates
Unit III

Combinational Logic Circuits: Analysis and Design of combinational circuit, Code Converters,
Adders and its types, Subtractors, Multiplier, Magnitude Comparator, Decoders and Encoders,
Multiplexers and Demultiplexers.

Unit IV

Sequential Logic Circuits: Latches (SR Latch, D Latch), Flip Flops (D Flip Flop, JK Flip Flop, T
Flip Flop), Characteristic Tables, Characteristic Equations. .Design and Analysis of Clocked
Sequential Circuits (State Equations, State Tables, State Diagrams), Designing Asynchronous
and Synchronous Counters

Unit V

Registers: Simple registers, Registers with parallel Load, Shift Registers, Serial to parallel
Convertors. Universal Shift Register

Unit VI

Introduction to Memories and Programmable Logic: Random Access memory, types of ROM,
Memory decoding, address and data bus, Sequential Memory, Cache Memory, Programmable
Logic Arrays, memory Hierarchy in terms of capacity and access time., PLA, PAL

Essential Reading:

1. Digital Design, 4th Edition by Morris Mano and Michael D. Ciletti

2. Digital Electronics: A Practical Approach, Kleitz, Wm. Prentice Hall
Supplementary Reading:
1. Digital Fundamentals by Thomas Floyd, 9 th Edition, Pearson
2. Fundamentals of Digital Logic & Micro Computer Design , 5TH Edition, M.
Rafiquzzaman John Wiley.
3. Fundamentals of Digital Logic Design by Charles H.Roth, Jr. 5th Edition, Cengage
Subject Code: CS2002
Subject Title: Discrete Structures
Prerequisites: Nil.

Course Objectives:
1. To discuss the concepts associated with set theory, propositions, predicate calculus,
relations and functions, and their applications.
2. To discuss the basic concepts of permutations, combinations, discrete probability
and conditional probability.
3. To discuss the concepts and terminologies associated with graph theory, graph
coloring problem various graph traversal techniques, trees and cut-sets.
4. To carry out the analysis of algorithms such as finding the complexity of various
5. To describe the concepts of discrete numeric functions and various types of
recurrence relations and the methods to find out their solutions.
6. To present the concepts of groups and rings. Also, we aim at describing the
applications of groups to error detection and correction.
7. To present the principles and properties of boolean algebra and the application of
boolean algebra to switching circuits.

Course Outcomes:

After reading this subject, students will be able to:

1. Understand set theory, propositions, predicate calculus, permutations and

combinations, relations and functions and their applications in Problem solving.
2. Understand graph-theory, trees and cut-sets.
3. Understand formal languages and finite machines.
4. Analyze different algorithms and find the space & time complexities of algorithms.
5. Understand discrete numeric functions and generating functions and their
6. Understand concepts of groups, rings and field and their applications in error
detection & correction.
7. Understand Boolean algebra & their applications in Switching network.

Course Contents:

Sets and Propositions: Mathematical induction, The Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion,
Proposition, Theory of inference, Predicate Calculus, Methods of proof, Permutations and
Combinations, Relations and Functions: properties of binary relations, Closure of relations,
Warshall’s algorithm, Equivalence relations Partial ordering relations and lattices, Chains and
antichains, Functions, Composition of Functions, Invertible Functions, Recursive Functions,
Pigeonhole principle, Graphs: representation of Graphs, operations on graphs, paths and
circuits, graph traversals, shortest path in weighted graphs, Eulerian paths and circuits,
Hamiltonian paths and circuits, Travelling sales persons problem, Planar graphs, Graph
Coloring, Application of Graphs, Tress and Cut-Sets: Rooted trees, Binary search trees,
Spanning trees, Minimum spanning trees, Kruskal’s Algorithm, Prims Algorithm, Transport
Network, Modelling Computation: Languages, Phase structure and grammars, Types of
grammars and Languages, Finite state machines, Discrete Numeric functions and Generating
Functions, Recurrence relations and recursive algorithms, Linear recurrence relations, Solving
Recurrence Relations by Generating Functions, Divide and conquer algorithms, Groups and
rings: groups and subgroups, Cosets and Lagrange’s theorem, Codes and Group codes,
Boolean Algebras: Lattices and algebraic systems, Principle of duality, Distributive and
complemented lattices, Boolean functions and Boolean expressions, Simplification of logic
expressions using Karnaugh Map, Simplification of logic expressions using Quine-McClusky
method, Propositional Calculus, Design and Implementation of Digital Networks, Switching

Essential Readings:
1. C. L. Liu, D. P. Mohapatra, Elements of Discrete Mathematics: A computer Oriented
Approach, McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd, 4th Edition, 2013.
2. B. Kolman and R. C. Busby, Discrete Mathematical Structures for Computer Science,
Prentice Hall of India, 5th Edition, 2002.

Supplementary Readings:

1. Kenneth H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Tata McGraw Hill, 5thed,
2. J. P. Tremblay and R. Manohar, Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications, to
Computer Science, TataMc-Graw Hill, 2001.
3. Joe L. Mott, A. Kandel, and T. P. Baker, Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists
& Mathematics, Prentice Hall of India, 2nd Edition, 2006.
4. N. Deo, Graph Theory with applications to Engineering & Computer Science, Prentice
Hall of India, 2006.
5. S. Lipschutz, Discrete Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005.
Subject Code: CS2003
Subject Title: Data Structures & Algorithms [Core 3]
Pre-requisites: Nil

Course Objectives:

1. To develop students’ knowledge in data structures and the associated algorithms.

2. To introduce the concepts and techniques of structuring and operating on abstract Data
Types in problem solving.
3. To discuss common sorting, searching algorithms. Also the complexity and
comparisons among these various techniques.

Course Outcomes:

1. Describe the usage of various data structures

2. Explain the operations for maintaining common data structures. Recognize the
associated algorithms’ operations and complexity
3. Recognize the associated algorithms’ operations and complexity.
4. Design and apply appropriate data structures for solving computing problems.
5. Develop computer programs to implement different data structures and related
algorithms. Possess the ability to design simple algorithms for solving computing
Course Contents:

Data types, Abstract data types, Various Data Structures, storage structure, Algorithm and its
properties. Time complexity & Space complexity, Asymptotic notations (Big oh, Big Omega,
Theta notations). Array, multi-dimensional array. Efficient storage of sparse matrix. String.
Linked list and their representation in memory. One way Linked List, two way Linked list,
Circular Linked list, header linked list. Efficient storage of sparse matrix using linked list.
Application of linked list. Introduction to Stack and Queue. Application of stack and queue.
Double ended queue and its application. Priority Queue and its application.

Introduction to nonlinear data structures such as tree, and graph. Linked list representation of
tree. Tree traversal. Binary Tree. Construction of binary tree from given traversal sequences.
Binary search Tree, expression Tree, AVL Tree, M-way search Tree. Representation of graph.
Adjacency Matrix, Adjacency list. Minimum spanning tree. Shortest path algorithms. Graph
Traversal: BFS, DFS and their applications.

Sorting Techniques: Bubble sort, Quick sort, selection sort, Heap sort, insertion sort, merge
sort, radix sort & efficiency considerations. Searching Techniques: Sequential search, Index
sequential search, Binary search, Interpolation Search, Tree Searching, and Fibonacci Search.

Essential Readings:

1. An introduction to Data Structures with Applications By Tremblay & Sorension [MGH]

2. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C ,2e By Mark Allen Weiss .

Supplementary Readings:
1. Thomas H. Cormen, Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press, 2001.
2. Michael T. Goodrich, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, J. Wiley, 2002.

Subject Code: CS2004

Subject Title: Formal Languages and Automata Theory [Core 4]
Prerequisites: Set Theory, Discrete Structures
Course Objectives:
1. To focus on the study of abstract models of computation. These abstract models
allow the students to assess via formal reasoning what could be achieved through
computing when they are using it to solve problems in science and engineering.
2. The course exposes students to the computability theory, as well as to the
complexity theory. The goal is to allow them to answer fundamental questions about
problems, such as whether they can or not be computed, and if they can, how
3. The course introduces basic computation models and their properties, and the
necessary mathematical techniques to prove more advanced attributes of these
Course Outcomes:

The goal of this course is to provide students with an understanding of basic concepts in the
theory of computation. At the end of this course students will be able to:
1. Construct finite state machines and the equivalent regular expressions. Prove the
equivalence of languages described by finite state machines and regular expressions.
2. Construct pushdown automata and the equivalent context free grammars. Prove the
equivalence of languages described by pushdown automata and context free
3. . Construct Turing machines and Post machines. Prove the equivalence of languages
described by Turing machines and Post machines.

Course Contents:
Introduction to Automaton. Finite Automata and Regular Expressions: Deterministic and
nondeterministic finite automata, regular expressions, Two way finite automata, finite automata
with output: Mealy and Moore machines; Properties of Regular Sets: Pumping lemma, closure
properties, decision algorithm, MyHill- Nerode theorem and minimization of finite automata;
Context-Free Grammars (CFG): CFGs, derivation trees, simplification, Chomsky normal forms,
Greibach normal forms; Pushdown Automata(PDA): Definitions, relationship between PDA and
context free languages; Properties of Context-Free Languages: Pumping lemma, closure
properties, decision algorithm; Turing Machines: The Turing machine model, computable
languages and functions, techniques for Turing machine construction, modification of Turing
machines, church’s hypothesis, Turing machines as enumerators; Un-decidability: properties of
recursive and recursively enumerable languages, universal Turing machines, rice’s theorem,
post correspondence problem; Chomsky Hierarchy: regular grammars, unrestricted grammars,
context sensitive languages, relations between classes of languages. P, NP, NP-complete, and
NP Hard class of problems.
Essential Reading:
1. Jeffrey D Ullman, John E Hopcroft, Introduction to Automata Theory and
Languages, Addison-Wesley, 1979.
2. P. Linz, Introduction to Formal Language and Computation, Narosa, 2nd Ed,
Supplementary Reading:

1. Michael Sipser, Introduction to the Theory of Computation, PWS Pub. Co., 1996.
2. Mishra & Chandrasekharan, Theory of computer science: Automata language and
computation, Prentice Hall of India, 3rd Ed, 2007.

Subject Code: CS2005

Subject Title: Computer Organization & Architecture
Prerequisites: EC 202 (Digital Electronics)

Course Objectives
1. Understand the computer system architecture and instruction execution through
instruction cycles
2. Understand the system interconnection and the different I/O techniques.
3. Explain the basic concept of interrupts and their usage to implement I/O control and
data transfers.
4. Explain the functioning of arithmetic and logic unit, central processing unit and memory
5. Identify the different architectural design issues that can affect the performance of a
computer such as, RISC architecture, instruction set design, and addressing modes

Course Outcomes:
1. Describe computer architecture and organization, computer arithmetic, Memory and
CPU structure and function.
2. Describe I/O organization and interconnection structures of computer.
3. Identify high performance architecture design.

Course Contents
Overview of Computer Architecture and Organization: Contrast between computer architecture
and organization; Fundamentals of computer architecture: Organization of von Neumann
machine; Instruction format; execution cycle; Instruction types and addressing modes;
Computer Arithmetic: representation of integers and real numbers; algorithm for carrying out
common integer and floating-point operation; Memory system organization and architecture:
Memory system hierarchy; main memory organization; cache memory; virtual memory;
Interfacing and Communication: I/O fundamentals; I/O techniques; Interrupt; memory system
design and Interfacing; Buses; Device subsystem: External storage system; RAID architecture;
Control Unit Design: Instruction sequencing, Instruction interpretation, control memory,
Hardwired Control, Micro programmed Control, Micro programmed Computers. I/O
organization: Bus control, Serial I/O (study of Asynchronous and synchronous modes, USART
& VART), Parallel Data transfer: (Program controlled: Asynchronous, synchronous & Interrupt
driven modes, DMA mode, interrupt controller and DMA controller). Organization of CPU:
Single vs multiple data path; ISA; Control unit; Instruction pipelining; Trends in computer
architecture: CISC, RISC, VLIW, Introduction to ILP; Pipeline Hazards: Structural, data and
control; Reducing the effects of hazards.

Essential Reading:
1. V. C. Hamacher, Z. G. Veranesic, and S. G. Zaky, Computer Organisation, Tata
McGraw Hill, 5th Ed, 2002.
2. J. P. Hayes, Computer Architecture and Organisation, McGraw Hill, 3rd Ed, 1998.

Supplementary Reading:
1. M. M. Mano, Computer System Architecture, Pearson, 3rd Ed, 2004.
2. W. Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture – Designing for Performance,
Prentice Hall of India, 7th Ed, 2007.
3. D.A. Pattersen and J.L. Hennesy, Computer Organisation and Design: The
HardwareSoftware Interface, Elsevier, 2nd Ed, 2006

Subject Code:CS2006
Subject Title: Design and Analysis of Algorithms [Core 6]
Prerequisites: Data Structure
Course Objectives: The student should be made to:
1. Learn the algorithm analysis techniques.
2. Become familiar with the different algorithm design techniques.
3. Understand the limitations of Algorithm power.

Course Outcomes:
1. Design algorithms for various computing problems and analyze the time and space
complexity of algorithms.
2. Choose appropriate data structures and algorithms, understand the ADT/libraries, and
use it to design algorithms for a specific problem.
3. Understand the necessary mathematical abstraction to solve problems and come up
with analysis of efficiency and proofs of correctness 4. Comprehend and select
algorithm design approaches in a problem specific manner and also modify existing
algorithms to improve efficiency.
Course Contents:
Review of Data Structures. Notion of an Algorithm – Fundamentals of Algorithmic Problem
Solving – Important Problem Types – Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency
– Analysis Framework – Asymptotic Notations and its properties – Mathematical analysis
for Recursive and Non-recursive algorithms. Algorithmic Techniques: Algorithm design
strategies, divide and conquer, merge sort, quick sort and its performance analysis,
randomized quick sort, Strassen’s matrix multiplication; Greedy method and its
applications, knapsack problem; Dynamic programming and its performance analysis,
optimal binary search trees, 0/1 knapsack problem; Traveling salesman problem;
Backtracking, n-queens problem, graph coloring, Hamiltonian cycles, knapsack problem;
Branch and bound examples, 15-puzzle problem, 0/1 knapsack, traveling salesman.
Graph Algorithms: DFS and BFS, spanning trees, biconnectivity; Minimum cost spanning
trees: Kruskal’s, Prim’s and Sollin’s algorithms; Path finding and shortest path algorithms;
Topological sorting; Bipartite graphs. Infeasibility: P and NP-classes, NP-hard problems,
reduction. Parallel Algorithms: Data and control parallelism, embedding of problem graphs
into processor graphs, parallel algorithms for matrix multiplication. Other Algorithms:
Number theoretic algorithms, string matching algorithms, approximation algorithms,
randomized algorithms.

Essential Reading:
1. Thomas H.Cormen, Charles E.Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein,
“Introduction to Algorithms”, Third Edition, PHI Learning Private Limited, 2012.
2. Horowitz, Ellis, and Sartaj Sahni. Fundamentals of computer algorithms. Computer
Science Press, 1978.
Supplementary Reading:
1. Anany Levitin, “Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms”, Third Edition,
Pearson Education, 2012.
2. Algorithm Design, by J. Klienberg and E. Tardos, Pearson Education Limited.

Course Code:CS2007
Course Title: Database Engineering [Core 7]
Prerequisites: CS2003 (Data Structures and Algorithms)

Course Objectives:

1. To provide students with basic concepts in databases both in terms of usage and
2. To make the students understand all requirement and operations that the analyst
needed to analyze, design, and implement the systems
3. To design and build a simple database system and demonstrate competence with the
fundamental tasks involved with modeling, designing, and implementation

Course Outcomes:
1. Aware of various database systems and its design issues
2. Design and implement a database for any specified domain according to well-known
design principles that balance data retrieval performance with data consistency
3. Formulate data retrieval queries in SQL and the abstract query languages
Course Content:

Introduction to Database systems: Data Independence, Data Models, levels of abstraction,

structure of DBMS, Relational Model, Relational Languages, Query Languages: Relational
Algebra, Relational Calculus, SQL, QUEL, QBE, Integrity constraints, Aggregate operators,
Embedded and Dynamic SQL.
Database design: E-R Model, Functional dependencies, decomposition, normalization,
multivalued dependencies.
File Organization: Storage, Buffer management, Disk Management, File organization
techniques, Indexing.
Query optimization: Query processing on various operations, Translating SQL queries,
estimating the cost.
Concurrency control and recovery: transaction, schedules, Lock based concurrency, Lock
management, Concurrency control without locking, Crash recovery- log, check pointing, media
Advanced topics: Database Security, Distributed databases design, Object Oriented database
design & its implementation, Introduction to recent advances in database technology.

Essential Reading:

1. J. D. Ullman, Principles of Data Base Systems, Galgotia, 2nd ed, 2003.

2. A. Silberschatz, H. F. Korth & A. Sudarshan, Database System Concepts, McGraw Hill,
5th ed, 2006.

Supplementary Reading:

1. B. Desai, An Introduction to database system, Galgotia, 1997.

2. C. J. Date: An Introduction to Data Base Systems, Addison Wesley, 1995.
3. R. Elmasri, S. Navathe, S. B. Navathe, R. Sunderraman, Fundamentals of Database
Systems, Addison Wesley, 2 nd ed, 1994
4. R. R. Krishnan, Database Management Systems, McGraw Hill, reprint 2007

Subject Code: CS3008

Subject Title: Data Communication [Core 8]
Course Objectives:
1. To learn the principles of digital communication systems for industry and
2. To design and implement protocols for data communication systems

Course Outcomes:
1. Ability to design and develop data communication protocols and interface
standards for industry as well as research organizations
2. Ability to design efficient and effective data communication system

Course Contents:
Data transmission fundamentals: historical overview; time/frequency representation of data
signals; elements of a communications link; definition of key terms; factors affecting system
design, Standards & Protocols, OSI reference model, TCP/IP protocol suite
Binary and multi-level signaling: information transfer rate; calculation of channel capacity;
bandwidth efficiency, Baseband data transmission: the problem of inter symbol interference;
Achieving a Nyquist channel response; recovery of symbols from noise; bit error rate
performance for baseband data systems, Error detection and correction
Band pass digital modulation: binary modulation schemes (eg ASK, FSK, PSK); multi-level
digital modulation (e.g. M-ary ASK, M-ary FSK, M-ary PSK, QAM), MODEM
Source coding; channel coding; block coding; convolutional coding; combined coding and
modulation, Multi-user digital modulation techniques such as frequency division multiple access
(FDMA); time division multiple access (TDMA); code division multiple access (CDMA);
combined multiple access systems;

Essential Reading:
1. B. Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Ed,
2. W. Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, Prentice Hall of India,8th Ed.
Supplementary Reading:
1. Leon-Garcia & I Widjaja, Communication Networks, Fundamental Concepts &
Key Architecture, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Ed, 2003.

Subject Code: CS3009

Subject Title: Object-Oriented System Design [Core 9]

 Object-oriented programming languages such as C++/Java
 System Analysis and Design
 Database

Course Objective:
 To learn the concept of object-oriented software development process
 To get acquainted with UML diagrams
 To develop real-life object-oriented software

Course Outcomes: After reading this subject, student will be able to

 Understand object-oriented software development methodology.
Apply object-oriented methodology to develop real-life projects

Systems development life cycle (SDLC), information system project identification and initiation,
feasibility analysis, requirement determination, requirement elicitation techniques, requirement
analysis strategies, use case analysis, elements of a use case, process modeling, data flow
diagrams, elements of data flow diagrams, creating data flow diagrams, data modeling, entity
relationship diagram (ERD), elements of ERD, data dictionary and metadata, creating an ERD,
validating an ERD, architecture design, elements of an architecture design, transition from
requirements to design, system acquisition strategies, user interface design, navigation design,
input design, output design, program design, moving from logical to physical process models,
designing programs, structure chart, program specification, data storage design, data storage
formats, Object -Oriented systems development life cycle: Software development process,
building high quality software, use- case driven approach, Unified modeling language: Static
and dynamic models, UML diagrams, UML class diagrams, use-case diagrams, UML dynamic
modeling, packages, UML extensibility and UML meta model, basic characteristics of object-
oriented systems, Object Basics, objects, classes, attributes, object behavior and methods,
encapsulation and information hiding, class hierarchy, polymorphism, object relationships and
associations, aggregations and object containment, case study, object identity, persistence.

Essential Reading:
1. Blaha and Rumbaugh, Objetc-oriented Modeling and design with UML, 2 nd Ed, 2005
2. Ali Bahrami, Object Oriented Systems Development using the Unified Modeling
Language, McGraw Hill, Reprint 2009.

Supplementary Reading:
1. Bernd Oestereich, Developing Software with UML, Object-Oriented Analysis and
Design in Practice, Addison-Wesley, 2000.
2. E. M. Awad, System Analysis & Design, Galgotia Publication, 2002.

Subject Code: CS3010

Subject Title: Microprocessors and Microcontrollers [Core 10]
Prerequisites: Digital Logic Design (CS343)

Course Objectives:

This course provides an in‐depth understanding of the operations of microprocessors and

microcontrollers, assembly language programming, and peripheral interfacing.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will ---
1. learn the principles and components of microprocessor.
2. develop programs in assembly language.
3. understand the memory organization, memory interfacing, timing diagrams, etc.
4. acquire skills to interface and program peripherals.
5. gain knowledge of microcontrollers and their applications.

Course Contents:
Overview of 8085 microprocessors; signals, pins, and assembly language programming.
Overview of 8086 microprocessors; signals, pins, and assembly language programming.
Interfacing with RAMs, ROMs along with the explanation of timing diagrams. Interfacing with
peripheral ICs like 8255, 8254, 8279, 8259, 8259, etc. Interfacing with keyboards, LEDs, LCDs,
ADCs, and DACs etc. Architecture of 8087, interfacing with 8086. Data types, instructions and
programming. Overview of 8051, 8096 microcontrollers; assembly language programming.
Interfacing with microcontroller. Introduction high end processors.

Essential Reading:
1. Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Application with 8085, R.
Gaonkar, Penram International Publishing.
2. Microprocessor and Interfacing, D. V. Hall, Tata McGraw Hill.

Supplementary Reading:
1. Microcomputer Systems ‐ The 8086/8088 Family Architecture, Programming and
Design, Y. C. Liu and G. A. Gibson, PHI.
2. The Intel Microprocessors, Barry B. Brey, Pearson.
ubject Code:CS3011
Subject Title: Compiler Design [Core 11]
Pre-requisites: CS 331 Theory of Computation, CS 213 Principles of Programming

Course Objective:

This course aims to introduce the fundamental principles and techniques of compiler
construction. Emphasis will be on the practical aspects of designing and creating a custom-
purpose compiler using appropriate tools.

Course Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

1. Explain the principles behind compiler construction.
2. Apply the techniques learned in class to compiler construction.
3. Design, create and implement basic components of a custom purpose compiler for a
simple language.

Course Contents:

Introduction and overview of the compilation process, Model of a compiler, translators,

interpreters, assemblers. Compilation of simple expressions and statements, Organization of a
compiler, Compiler design tools, Computer architecture vs. compiler design; Lexical analyser
(scanner); DFA; NFA; Context-Free Grammar. Syntax analysis, parsing: Top-Down and Bottom
Up parsing, general parsing strategies. Brute-force approach, recursive descent parser and
algorithms, simple LL(1) grammar, LL(1) with null and without null rules grammars, Bottom-up
parsing- Handle of a right sentential form, Shift-reduce parsers, operator precedence parsing,
LR, SLR, canonical LR and LALR grammar and parsers; Symbol Table contents, organization
and Management. Syntax-directed translation schemes, intermediates code generation,
translation schemes for programming language constructs. Code Optimization, Code
Generation, Error Handling.

Essential Reading:

1. V. Aho, Ravi Sethi & Jeffrey D. Ullman, Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools,
Pearson Education, 1st Ed, 2008.
2. K. C. Louden, Compiler Construction Principles and Practice, Thomson Learning Inc.
1st Ed, 2007.
Supplementary Reading:

1. W. Apple, Modern compiler implementation in C, Cambridge University Press, 1st Ed,

2. W. A. Barrett, John D. Couch, C. Couch, Compiler Construction: Theory and Practice,
Science Research Associates, 1979.

Subject Code: CS3012

Subject Title: Operating Systems [Core 12]
Course Objectives:
1. General understanding of structure of modern computers
2. To understand the purpose, structure and functions of operating systems
3. To illustrate key OS aspects by example
4. To study and apply concepts relating to operating systems, such as
concurrency, deadlocks, memory management, processor and disk scheduling, parallel
processing, and file system organization
Course Outcomes:

Up on successful completion of this course a students should be able to:

1. Explain the basic structure and functions of operating system
2. Point the problems related to process management and synchronization and
apply learned methods to solve basic problems
3. Explain the cause and effect related to deadlocks and to analyse them related to
common circumstances in operating systems
4. Explain the basics of memory management, the use of virtual memory in
modern operating systems and the structure of the most common file-systems
Course contents:
Introduction: review of computer organization, operating system structures, system calls,
system programs, virtual machine; Process: Process concept, Process scheduling, Operations
on processes, Cooperating processes, Inter-Process-Communication (IPC), Communication in
client-server systems; Case study: IPC in Linux; Threads, Multi-threading models, Thread
issues, Case study: Pthreads library.
CPU Scheduling: Scheduling criteria, Scheduling algorithms, Multiple processor scheduling,
Real time scheduling, Algorithm evaluation, Case Study: Process Scheduling in Linux; Process
synchronization: The critical section problem, Synchronization hardware, Semaphores,
Classical problems of synchronization, Methods for handling deadlocks, Deadlock Prevention,
Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Detection, Recovery from Deadlock;
Memory Management: Background, Swapping, Contiguous memory allocation, Paging,
Segmentation, Segmentation with paging, Virtual memory: Background, Demand Paging,
Process Creation, Page replacement, Allocation of frames, Thrashing, Case Study: Memory
management in Linux;
File System Interface: File Concept, Access methods, Directory Structure, File system
mounting, Protection, File system implementation, Directory implementation, Allocation
methods, Free space management, Efficiency and Performance, Recovery, Log-structured file
systems, Case Study: File system in Linux; I/O Systems: I/O hardware, Application I/O
interface, Kernel I/O subsystem, Streams, Performance; Mass Storage Structure: Disk
Scheduling, Disk Management, Swap space management, RAID, stable storage, tertiary
storage, Case Study: I/O in Linux; Security & Protection: Breaches, Solutions, mechanisms,
Inside Attacks, outside attacks.

Essential Reading:
1. J. L. Peterson & A. Silberschatz, Operating System Concepts, John Wiley &
Sons, 7e, 2008.
2. A. S. Tanenbum, Modern Operating Systems,, Pearson, 3e, 2008.
3. W. Stallings, Operating Systems, Internals and Design Principles, 5e, PHI, 4th
print, 2008.

Supplementary Reading:
1. J.A. Harris and J. Cordani, Schaum’s Outline of Operating Systems, Tata
McGraw Hill, 11th Reprint, 2006.
2. Charles Crowley, Operating system, a Design-Oriented Approach, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2006.
Subject Code: CS3013
Subject Title: Computer Networks [Core 13]
Prerequisites: CS 326
Course Objectives

1. To gain the knowledge of computer networks.

2. To understand the network models and their architecture.
3. To understand the protocols for each layers in the OSI and TCP/IP model.
4. To understand the different topologies.
5. To learn about the MAC layer issues and routing protocols.

Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:

1. Analyze the requirements for a given organizational structure and select the most
appropriate networking architecture and technologies;
2. Specify and identify deficiencies in existing protocols, and then go onto formulate new
and better protocols;
3. Analyze, specify and design the topological and routing strategies for an IP based
networking infrastructure
4. Have a working knowledge of datagram and internet socket programming?
5. To master the terminology and concepts of the OSI reference model and the TCP‐IP
Reference model.
6. To master the concepts of protocols, network interfaces, and Design / performance
issues in local area networks and wide area networks.
7. To be familiar with contemporary issues in networking technologies.
8. To be familiar with network tools and network programming.

Course Contents

Network fundamentals: protocols and standards; reference models; the significance of layered
network architectures; connections and connectionless protocols, Physical links and interfaces:
modems and modem standards; LAN characteristics and concepts; interconnection of LANs;
WAN characteristics and concepts, Link layer aspects, synchronous and asynchronous
transmission; Framing, Error detection and correction, Sliding window protocols; MAC Layer;
network layer aspects, addressing, connection vs connectionless, Routing Algorithms,
internetworking; transport layer aspects, reliable transport connections, Internet Protocol (IP);
naming and addressing; routing; the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP); application and
management protocols, Exploring Internet services: the dial-in end-user; the direct connection
user; the Internet Service Provider; the global Internet, Emerging technologies over the
Internet, such as IPv6 and ATM for a multimedia network; Internet Telephone;

Essential Reading:
1. L.L. Peterson and B.S. Davie, Computer Networks – A System Approach, Elsevier, 4th
Edition, Reprint 2009.
2. A. S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, Pearson, 4th Ed, 2008.

Supplementary Reading:
1. B.A. Forouzan, TCP/IP protocol suite, Tata McGraw Hill, Reprint 2008
2. F.Halsall, Data Communication, Computer Networks and Open Systems, Addison
Welsey, 4th Ed, 2003.
Subject Code:CS3014
Subject Title: Software Engineering [Core 14]
Course Objectives:

 To discuss the software engineering discipline- its evolution,impact and emergence of

software engineeringand explain the development and use of different software life
cycle models for real life industrial applications.
 To discuss different aspects of software project management, risk management and
configuration management and explain various requirement elicitation, analysis and
specification techniques.
 To discuss various software design methodologies, the impact of cohesion and coupling
measures on the goodness of the software design.
 To discuss the importance of practicing different coding standards, guidelines and
different testing strategies along with software reliability metrics and software quality
management techniques & standards.
 To present the concepts of computer aided software engineering (CASE) and discuss
the concepts of software maintenance and reuse.
Course Outcomes:
After reading this subject, students will be able to:
1. Choose a proper life cycle model for different real life industrial applications, design
software using function-oriented approach (DFDs) and object-oriented approach (UML
2. Understand the concepts of computer aided software engineering (CASE) and use
different CASE tools in the development, maintenance and reuse of software systems.
3. Know the emerging concepts like cloud computing, middlewares, SOA etc., their
functioning and their applications in real life problems.
Details of Course Contents:
Software Life Cycle Models, Managing software projects, Project management concepts,
Software process and Project metrics, Software Project Planning, Risk Analysis and
Management, Project scheduling andtracking, Software Quality Assurance, Software
Configuration Management. Conventional methods for software engineering, System
Engineering, Requirements Analysis and Specifications, Analysis Modeling, Design Concepts
and principles, Architectural design, User Interface Design, Component level Design, Software
Testing Techniques, Software testing Strategies, Software Reliability, Technical metrics for
software, CASE tools, Software Maintenance, Software Reusability. Object-Oriented software
engineering: Object-Oriented concepts and principles, Object-Oriented analysis, Object-
Oriented Design, and Object-Oriented testing,Technical metrics for Object-Oriented Systems,
Special topics in Software Engineering. Emerging trends in software engineering.
Essential Readings:
1. R. S. Pressman, Software Engineering A Practitioner's Approach, McGraw Hill
Publications, 2006.
2. R. Mall, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Prentice Hall of India, 4 th Ed, 2014.
Supplementary Readings:
1. I. Sommerville, Software Engineering, Pearson Education, Asia, 2006.
2. P. Jalote, An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering, Narosa, 3rd reprint, 2006.
3. A. Behferooz & F. J. Hudson, Software Engineering Fundamentals, Oxford Univ. Press,
4. Baude, Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Wiley, 2006.

Subject Code: CS3015

Subject Title: Distributed Systems [Core 15]

Prerequisites: Operating System, Computer Organization & Architectures

Course Objectives:

Course Outcomes:
 understand basic problems in distributed computing, especially in relation to
concurrency, parallelism, synchronization, deadlocks, safety and liveness properties;
 understand differences between various distributed computing models and widely used
distributed computing schemes;
 Understanding communication mechanism among the distributed entities
 Authentication and self-stabilization issues in distributed system
A model of distributed computations: A distributed program, A model of distributed
executions, Models of communication networks, Global state of a distributed system, Cuts of a
distributed computation, Past and future cones of an event, Models of process

Logical time: Introduction, A framework for a system of logical clocks, Scalar time, Vector
time, Efficient implementations of vector clocks, Jard–Jourdan’s adaptive technique, Matrix
time, Virtual time, Physical clock synchronization: NTP.

Global state and snapshot recording algorithms: System model and definitions, Snapshot
algorithms for FIFO channels, Variations of the Chandy–Lamport algorithm, Snapshot
algorithms for non-FIFO channels, Snapshots in a causal delivery system, Monitoring global
state, Necessary and sufficient conditions for consistent global, snapshots, consistent global
snapshots in a distributed computation.

Message ordering and group communication: Message ordering paradigms, Asynchronous

execution with synchronous communication, Synchronous program order on an asynchronous
system, Group communication, Causal order (CO), Total order, A nomenclature for
multicast, Propagation trees for multicast, Classification of application-level multicast
algorithms, Semantics of fault-tolerant group communication, Distributed multicast algorithms at
the network layer.

Termination detection: System model of a distributed computation, Termination detection

using distributed snapshots, Termination detection by weight throwing, A spanning-tree-based
termination detection algorithm, Message-optimal termination detection, Termination detection
in a very general distributed computing model, Termination detection in the atomic computation
model, Termination detection in a faulty distributed system.
Distributed mutual exclusion algorithms: Lamport’s algorithm, Ricart–Agrawala algorithm,
Singhal’s dynamic information-structure algorithm, Lodha and Kshemkalyani’s fair mutual
exclusion algorithm, Quorum-based mutual exclusion algorithms, Maekawa’s algorithm,
Agarwal–El Abbadi quorum-based algorithm, Token-based algorithms, Suzuki–Kasami’s
broadcast algorithm, Raymond’s tree-based algorithm.

Deadlock detection in distributed systems: System model, Models of deadlocks, Knapp’s

classification of distributed deadlock detection algorithms, Mitchell and Merritt’s algorithm for
the single resource model, Chandy–Misra–Haas algorithm for the AND model, Chandy–Misra–
Haas algorithm for the OR model, Kshemkalyani–Singhal algorithm for the P-out-of-Q model.
Authentication in distributed systems: Protocols based on symmetric cryptosystems,
Protocols based on asymmetric cryptosystems, Password-based authentication, and
Authentication protocol failures.

Self-stabilization: System model, Definition of self-stabilization, Issues in the design of self-

stabilization algorithms, Methodologies for designing self-stabilizing systems, Communication
protocols, Self-stabilizing distributed spanning trees, Self-stabilizing algorithms for spanning-
tree construction, An anonymous self-stabilizing algorithm for 1-maximal independent set in
trees, A probabilistic self-stabilizing leader election algorithm, The role of compilers in self-
stabilization, Self-stabilization as a solution to fault tolerance, Factors preventing self-

Essential Reading:
1.Ajay D. Kshemkalyani and Mukesh Singhal, Distributed Computing: Principles, Algorithms,
and Systems, Cambridge University Press, March 2011, ISBN: 9780521189842.
2. Vijay K. Garg, Elements of Distributed Computing, Wiley Paperback – 2014

Supplementary Reading:
1. Hagit Attiya, Jennifer Welch, Distributed Computing: Fundamentals, Simulations, and
Advanced Topics, Wiley
2. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Maarten van Steen, Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms,
Prentice Hall of India

Subject Code: CS3101

Subject Title: Principles of Programming Languages
Prerequisites: Computing Laboratory - 1 (CS-171), Computing Laboratory - 2 (CS - 172)
Course Objectives:
1. to provide an introduction to formalisms for specifying syntax and semantics of
programming languages
2. to learn the essence of program execution by evaluators : Compilers,
3. to understand the major issues of design, analysis, and implementation of
programming languages
4. to explore various important programming methodologies, such as functional
programming, logic programming, programming with abstract data types, and object-
oriented programming

Course Outcomes:

Up on successful completion of this course a student will be able to:

1. choose appropriate programming languages for certain classes of programming
2. make good use of compilers, interpreters, debuggers, and related tools
3. demonstrate correspondences between grammars, languages and automata
4. use context-free grammars to specify programming language syntax
5. simulate useful features in languages that lack them

Course Content
The Role of Programming Languages: Toward Higher-level Languages, Problems of Scale,
Programming Paradigms, Language Implementation Bridging the Gap Language Description: -
Syntactic Structure: Expression Notations, Abstract Syntax Trees, Lexical Syntax, Context -
Free Grammars, Grammars for Expressions, Variants of Grammars; Statements: Structured
Programming, Types: Data Representation, Procedure Activations;
Object Oriented Programming: Object-Oriented Programming:- What is an Object?, Object-
Oriented Thinking, Inheritance, Object-Oriented Programming in C++, An extended C++
example, Derived Classes and information Hiding, Objects in Smalltalk, Smalltalk Objects have
self ; Groupings of Data and Operations:- Constructs fro Program Structuring, Information
Hiding, Program Design with Modules, Modules and Defined Types, Class Declarations in C++,
Dynamic Allocation I C++, Templates: Parameterized Types, Implementation of Objects in C++.
Functional programming: Elements of Functional Programming, functional Programming in a
Typed Languages, functions as First-Class Values, ML, Functional Programming with Lists
Other Paradigms: Logic Programming, an Introduction to Concurrent Programming.
Essential Reading:
1. R. Sethi, Programming Languages – Concepts & Constructs, 2 nd Ed, Pearson
Supplementary Reading:
1. R. W. Sebesta, Concepts of Programming Languages, 8th edition, Addison-
Wesley, 2007.
2. M. L. Scott, Programming Language Pragmatics, 2nd edition, Morgan
Kaufmann, 2005.
3. T. W. Pratt & M. V. Zelkowitz, Programming Languages: Design and
Implementation, 4th edition, Prentice-Hall, 2001.
4. S. Krishnamurthi, Programming Languages: Application and Intepretation,
Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 3.0, Version:

Subject Code: CS3102

Subject Title: Systems Analysis and Design
Course Objectives

1. To introduce variety of new software used by analysts, designers to manage projects,

analyze and document systems, design new systems and implement their plans.
2. Good understanding of project management functions and estimation techniques.
3. Describe various logic modeling techniques and conceptual modeling techniques for
system’s analysis.
4. Describe different methodologies and state-of-the-art development in SA&D techniques
and methods

Course Outcomes

1. Understand the principles and tools of systems analysis and design

2. Understand the application of computing in different context
3. Solve a wide range of problems related to the analysis, design and construction of
information systems
4. Comprehend the importance of collaboration and communication during SA&D

Course Contents

Introduction to System: Concepts of data and information, System Concepts, Components of a

system, Characteristics of a system, types of systems: closed systems, open systems, man
made systems. Information Systems, Types of information Systems: Transaction processing
systems, Management information systems, Decision support systems, Expert systems, and
Computer based information systems (CBIS)

System Analysis Concepts: System development life cycle, system analysis, system design,
Roll of System Analyst, Classical and structured approaches of system analysis and design,
Depicting system graphically, determining feasibility, activity planning and control, Describing
process specifications and structured decisions, designing of outputs, inputs, files and
database. Coding, testing, installation methods.

Structured Analysis tools: DFD, Data dictionary, Decision tree etc., Systems Design,
input/output design, Software Design and Documentation tools: HIPO and Warnier / Orr

Essential Readings

1. J. Hoffer, J. George, J. Valacich, Modern Systems Analysis and Design, Pearson, 3nd
Ed, 2005
2. Systems Analysis and Design, Kenneth E. Kendall and Julie E. Kendall, Prentice Hall
PTR, 5th Edition, 2001

Supplementary Reading

1. E. M. Awad, System Analysis & Design, Galgotia Publication, 2002.

2. H. C. Lucas, The Analysis, Design and Implementation of Information Systems,
McGraw Hill, 1985.

Subject Code:CS3103
Subject Title: Real Time Systems
Prerequisites: Operating systems and Databases.

Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the characteristics of Real-Time systems and their different types.
2. To discuss and analyze different task scheduling algorithms in uniprocessor and
multi-processor environments.
3. To explain the characteristics and constraints of some commercial real-time
operating systems.
4. To discuss the features and algorithms for real-time communications to take place in
different network structures.
5. To explain the characteristics of real-time databases and their applications in real
Course Outcomes:

1. Understand and develop real-time applications.

2. Develop efficient algorithms for real-time task scheduling in uniprocessor and multi-
processor environments.
3. Get an exposure to the different types of commercial real-time operating systems.
4. Identify the limitations of a non-real-time operating system in running a real-time
5. Identify and address the important issues in real-time communications and will be
able to use real-time databases.
Course Contents:

Introduction to Real-Time systems, applications of Real-Time systems, basic model of Real-

Time systems, characteristics of Real-Time systems, types of Real-Time systems: hard, firm,
soft, timing constraints, modeling timing constraints,
Real-Time task scheduling: basic concepts, clock driven scheduling, table driven scheduling,
cyclic, schedulers, hybrid schedulers, event driven scheduling, EDF Scheduling, RMA, DMA,
resource sharing among RT tasks, Priority inversion, Priority Inheritance Protocol, Highest
Locker Protocol, Priority Ceiling Protocol.
Scheduling Real-Time tasks in multiprocessor and distributed systems, Fault tolerant
scheduling of tasks, clocks in distributed Real-Time systems.
Commercial Real-Time Operating Systems, timers, UNIX and Windows as RT OS, POSIX,
PSOS, VRTX, QNX, RT Linux, Lynx, other RT OS, benchmarking RT OS, Real-Time OS: OS
services, I/O subsystem, Network OS.
RT communications: QoS framework, models, Real-Time Communication in a LAN, IEEE
802.4, RETHER, Communication over Packet Switched Networks, Routing algorithms, RSVP,
rate control.
RT databases, Applications, characteristics of temporal data, Concurrency control, Commercial
RT databases, Special topics in Real-Time systems.

Essential Readings:
1. J. W. S. Liu, Real-time Systems, Pearson Education, 6th impression, 2008.
2. R. Mall, Real-Time Systems, Pearson, 2007.
Supplementary Readings:
1. C. M. Krishna and K. G. Shin, Real-Time Systems, McGraw Hill, reprinted 2004.
2. P. A. Laplante, Real-Time Systems Design & Analysis, Willey, 3rd Edition, 2004.

Subject Code: CS3304

Subject Title: Computer Graphics
Programming Language (C or C++), Data Structures and Algorithms (CS171, CS172, and
Acquaintance with Linear Algebra, Vector Geometry, and Coordinate Geometry
Course Objectives:
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to computer graphics theory leading to the
ability to understand contemporary terminology, progress, issues, and trends.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will ---
1. learn the fundamental principles and technologies of computer graphics.
2. have the critical understanding of the theory of 2D and 3D transformations,
projection, viewing, drawings of graphics primitives, curves, surfaces, etc.
3. develop interactive programs that use effectively the graphics functionalities
available in contemporary computers.
4. acquire the necessary skills to design and implement practical graphic solutions
to challenging problems in different application domains.

Course Contents:
Introduction to Computer Graphics; Graphics primitives; point, line, circle, ellipse drawing
algorithms; Introduction to OpenGL; Transformations; Homogeneous Coordinates; Composite
Transformations; Camera Models; Viewing; Projections; Clipping; Visible surface detection;
Lighting and Reflections; Shading; Interpolation; Curves and Surfaces; Ray Tracing
Essential Reading:
1. Computer Graphics. D. D. Hearn and M. P. Baker. PHI
2. Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach. Edward Angel. Pearson.
Supplementary Reading:
1. Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice. J. D. Foley, A. Van Dam, S. K.
Feiner, and J. F. Hughes. Addison Wesley
2. Computer Graphics. F. S. Hill. Pearson

Subject Code:CS3305
Subject Title: Digital Signal Processing
Prerequisites: Basic Electronics
Course Objectives: To help the students to understand the basic concepts of signals and
signal processing and its applications to various fields.
Course Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. formulate engineering problems in terms of DSP tasks;
2. apply engineering problem solving strategies to DSP problems;
3. design and test DSP algorithms
4. analyze digital and analog signals and systems;
5. recover information from signals;
6. encode information into signals;
7. design digital signal processing algorithms;
8. design and simulate digital filters;
9. analyze and compare different signal processing strategies.

Course Contents:
UNIT -I: Signals and signal processing

Characterization and classification of signals, Typical signal processing operations, Typical

signal processing applications, Advantages of digital signal processing,
UNIT -II: Time domain representations of signals and systems
Discrete time signals, Operations on sequences, discrete time systems, Linear time invariant
discrete time systems, Characterization of LTI systems
UNIT-III: Transform domain representation of signals and systems

The discrete time Fourier transform, the frequency response, the transfer function, Discrete
Fourier series, Discrete Fourier transform, Computation of DFT Linear convolution using DFT,
The z-transform, The region of convergence of z-transform
UNIT -IV: Structures for discrete time systems

Block diagram and signal flow representation of constant coefficient linear difference equation,
Basic structures for IIR systems, Basic structures for FIR systems, Lattice structures, Effects of
coefficient quantization, Effect of round off noise in digital filters, Zero-input limit cycles
UNIT -V: Filter design techniques
Design of discrete time IIR filters from continuous time filters, Design of FIR filters by
windowing, Optimum approximation of FIR filters, Linear phase filters
UNIT -VI: Sampling of continuous time signals

Periodic sampling, Frequency domain representation of sampling, Reconstruction of

bandlimited signal from its samples, Discrete time processing of continuous time signals,
Continuous time processing of discrete time signals, Changing the sampling rate using discrete
time processing
Essential Reading:
1. S.K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach, 3rd Edition,
McGraw-Hill, August 2006.
2. J. G. Proakis and D. G. Manolkis, Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and
Applications, Prentice Hall of India, 3 rd Ed, 1996, reprint 2005.

Supplementary Reading:
1. Alan V. Oppenheim & Ronald W. Schafer, Discrete-Time Signal Processing, Prentice-
Hall 2nd Edition, 1999
2. S. W. Smith, Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Guide for Engineers and Scientists,
Newness – Elsevier Science, 1st ed, 2002.

Subject Code: CS3406

Subject Title: System Software
Prerequisites: CS 341, CS 334
Course Objectives:

1. To identify software modules for small to large scale computing systems

2. To understand the language design principles & paradigms

Course Outcome:

1. Ability to design and develop efficient system software for different machine
2. Skills for efficient use of system software

Course Contents
System Software and Machine Architecture, IBM 360 Instruction Set Architecture and
Assembly language programs, The simplified Instructional Computer, traditional (CISC)
Machine, RISC Machines;
Language Processing; Assemblers, Cross assemblers, Macro processor, Single pass and multi
pass, Linkers, Loaders, Relocating loaders and Direct linking loaders,
Compilers and Interpreters, Cross compilers, Lexical analyzer, Syntax analyzer, Intermediate
and Machine code generation, Implementation Examples;
Formal grammars and languages, Software Tools for program Development, Editors, Debug
Monitors, Programming Environments, user Interface.
Introduction to Operating Systems and Middleware
Essential Reading:
1. J.J.Donovon, Systems Programming, TATA Mc Graw Hill Edition, 2012
2. D.M.Dhamdhere, Systems Programming and Operating Systems, TATA Mc
Graw Hill Edition, 2010
3. John R. Levine, Linkers & Loaders, Morgan Kaufman Publisher, 2010
4. Leland L. Beck & D.Manjula, System Software, Pearson Education, 2010

Supplementary Reading:
1. Liu & Gibson, Microcomputer System – The 8086/8088 Family Architecture,
Programming and Design, Prentice Hall of India, 2nd Ed, 2006
2. B.B. Brey, The Microprocessor 8086/8088, 80186/188, 80286, 80386, 80486
and Pentium and Pentium Pro Processors, Pentium 2, Pentium 3 and Pentium 4:
Architecture, Programming and Interface, Prentice Hall of India, 7th Ed, 2007.
3. M.A. Mazidi, JG Mazidi and RD Mckinlay, The 8051 Microcontroller and
Embedded System, Prentice Hall of India, 2nd Ed, 2006.
4. Kenneth C. Louden, Compiler Construction Principles and Practice, Thomson
Publisher, 2007

Subject Code: CS4107

Subject Title: Optimization Techniques
Prerequisites: MA 101, MA 202
Course Objectives:
1. This course is intended to provide students with a knowledge that can make
them appreciate the use of various research operations tools in decision making in
2. At the end of the Course participants are expected to demonstrate a working
knowledge of the various OR /OM tools in making decisions as well as being able to
formulate organizational problems into OR models for seeking optimal solutions.
Course Outcomes:
1. Identify and develop operational research models from the verbal description of
the real system.
2. Understand the mathematical tools that are needed to solve optimisation
3. Use mathematical software to solve the proposed models.
4. Develop a report that describes the model and the solving technique, analyse
the results and propose recommendations in language understandable to the decision-
making processes in Management Engineering.
Course Content:
Origin, Characteristics and Techniques, operations research Modeling, Optimization Using
Calculus: Stationary points; Functions of single and two variables; Global Optimum; Convexity
and concavity of functions of one and two variables; Optimization of function of one variable
and multiple variables; Gradient vectors; Optimization of function of multiple variables subject
to equality constraints; Lagrangian function; Kuhn-Tucker Conditions; Examples
Linear Programming Constraints with less than equal to, equal to and greater than equal to
types. Graphical method for two variable optimization problem. The Simplex method, Dual
simplex method, Revised simplex method, Duality theory and sensitivity analysis.
Transportation and Assignment problems, Traveling Salesman problem using branch and
bound method, Network analysis including PERT-CPM, Integer programming, Non-linear
programming problem solving using Fibonacci search method, Golden ratio method, Gradient
search method, Gradient projection method and Hessian matrix method. Integer Programming:
Integer linear programming; Concept of cutting plane method; Mixed integer programming;
Solution algorithms; Examples.
Essential Reading:
1. H. A. Taha, Operations Research an Introduction, Prentice Hall of India, 8th Ed, 2007.
2. F. S. Hillier, G. J. Lieberman, Introduction to Operation Research, 8th Edition, Mc-Graw-
Hill, 2008.
Supplementary Reading:
1. S. S. Rao, Optimization Theory and applications, Wiley Eastern Ltd. India, 1978, reprint
2. B. E. Gillet, Introduction to Operation Research: a computer oriented algorithmic
approach Tata McGraw Hill, 1979, reprint 2005.
3. K. Deb, "Optimization for Engineering Design-Algorithms and Examples", Prentice-Hall
of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1995.

Subject Code: CS4108

Subject Title: Advanced Data Structures


Course Objectives:

Course Outcomes:


Essential Reading:

Supplementary Reading:
Subject Code: CS4109
Subject Title: Advanced Database

Prerequisites: Data Structures and Algorithms, Database Management Systems

Course Objectives:

1. Understand and describe current and emerging database models and technologies
2. Understand the state-of-the-art in database management systems and distributed
3. To make the students understand all requirement and operations that the analyst
needed to analyze, design, and implement the systems
4. Apply database concepts to solve high-velocity and high-volume data problems.

Course Outcomes:

By the end of this module, students should be able to:

1. explain and evaluate the fundamental theories and requirements that influence the
design of modern database systems
2. get acquaintance with major developments in advanced databases
3. hands on practice with no-sql tools

Course Contents:

Concurrency control and Transaction management, Database performance tuning, Distributed

relational systems and Data Replication, Security considerations, Object oriented, deductive,
spatial, temporal and constraint database management systems, New database applications
and architectures: e.g. Data Warehousing; Multimedia; Mobility; Multidatabases; NoSQL,
Native XML databases (NXD), Standards for interoperability and integration e.g. Web Services,
SOAP, XML related specifications, e.g. XQuery, XPath, Cloud, Pig Latin, Logic/Deductive,
Datalog OODBMS, OQL, XML and semistructured, XPath, XQuery. HDFS. Temporal and
spatial databases, Data warehousing, distributed databases, Big Data Analytics, Advances in
Database technolog

Essential Reading:

1. J. D. Ullman, Principles of Data Base Systems, Galgotia, 2nd ed, 2003.

2. Eric Redmond, and Jim R Wilson, Seven Databases in Seven Weeks: A Guide to
Modern Databases and the NoSQL Movement, SPD publishers 2012

Supplementary Reading:

1. J. D. Ullman, Anand Rajaram, Mining of Massive datasets, Cambridge Press 2012.

2. Bart Baesens, Analytics in Bigdata world, Wiley 2014
3. Rama Krishnan and Gehrke, Database Management systems, Mc Graw Hill,
Subject Code:CS4110

Subject Title: Internet and web Technology


Course Objectives:

Course Outcomes:


Essential Reading:

Supplementary Reading:
Subject Code:CS4111
Subject Title: Software Project, Process and Quality Management
Course Objectives:

2. Define roles and responsibilities by PM process group (initiating, planning, executing,

controlling, and closing).
3. Articulate the purpose and benefits of project management (PM).
4. Written reports and oral presentations.
5. Work in groups to analyse a project and implement a solution.
6. Explain quality management and process improvement in the context of software
development projects.
7. Apply key PM concepts.
8. Explain the project life cycle (concept, definition, execution, finish).
9. Apply estimating and risk management techniques to IS projects.

Course Outcomes:

1. This course and its outcomes support the Information Systems Learning Outcomes of
Problem Solving and Critical Thinking (PS&CT), Communication and Interpersonal Skills
(C&IS), and Ethical and Professional Responsibilities (E&PR).
2. These Information Systems Learning Outcomes are tied directly to the University Wide
Outcomes of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Communication, and Values and Ethics.

Syllabus Description:

Introduction to S/W project management, S/W project management competencies,

responsibilities of a software project manager, Software process, S/W process models, project
planning, organization of project team, S/W size estimation, estimation of effort & duration,
Halstead’s software Science, models, dependency & scheduling, staffing, Organizing a
software engineering project, S/W configuration management, monitoring & controlling S/W
projects, developing requirements, risk management, project tracking & control, communication
& negotiating, S/W quality, S/W quality engineering, defining quality requirements, quality
standards, practices & conventions, ISO 9000, ISO 9001, S/W quality matrices, managerial and
organization issues, defect prevention, reviews & audits, SEI capability maturity model, PSP,
six sigma

Essential Reading:
1. B. Hughes, M. Cotterell, Software Project Management, McGraw Hill, 4th Ed, 2005.
2. R. Walker, Software Project Management, Pearson, 2003.

Supplementary Reading:
1. R. H. Thayer, Software Engineering Project management, IEEE CS Press, 2nd Ed, 1988.
2. R. Pressman, Software Engineering A Practitioner’s approach, McGraw Hill, 4th Ed, 2005.
Subject Code:CS4212
Subject Title: Cryptographic Foundation
Pre-requisites: None
Course Objective:
1.To develop a mathematical foundation for the study of cryptography.
2.To Understand Number Theory and Algebra for design of cryptographic algorithms
3.To understand the role of cryptography in communication over an insecure channel.
4.Analyse and compare symmetric-key encryption public-key encryption schemes based
on different security models
Course Outcomes:
1. Understand modern concepts related to cryptography and cryptanalysis.
2. Analyze and use methods for cryptography and reflect about limits and applicability of
these methods.
3. Should be able to define the system to protect; determine the security properties that
are desired for this system; identify the possible threats to these security properties,
their likelihood of occurrence; and consider possible mitigations against these threats.
4. Describe and implement the specifics of some of the prominent techniques for public-
key cryptosystems and digital signature schemes (e.g., Rabin, RSA, ElGamal, DSA,
5. Explain the notions of public-key encryption and digital signatures, and sketch their
formal security definitions.

Course contents:
Unit I
Classical cryptography and overview: Classical cryptosystems and their cryptanalysis, Model of
secure communication, Security services, Overview of attacks, X.800 Security Architecture for
Open System Interconnection (OSI), and cryptanalysis
Unit II
Cryptographic Techniques: Introduction to Substitution Techniques, Transposition Techniques,
Encryption and decryption, Symmetric and Asymmetric Key Cryptography, Steganography, Key
Range and Key Size.
Unit III
Mathematical background: Introduction to Number theory, Modular arithmetic, prime number
generation, GCD, Euclidean Algorithm, Extended Euclidean Algorithm, Chinese Remainder
Theorem, Fermat’s and Euler’s Theorem

Unit IV
Private key cryptography: Symmetric Encryption. Definitions. Chosen-Plaintext Attack. Chosen-
Ciphertext Attack, Data Encryption Standard (DES), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES),
Triple DES, Variations on DES - RC4, RC5 and Blowfish, Hash Functions. Message
Authentication Codes. Collision-Resistance.

Unit V

Public key cryptography: RSA, ElGamal, DSA, Elliptic curve cryptosystems, Public Key
Cryptography standard(PKCS), PKI, Digital Certificates, and Key management techniques.

Unit VI
Security Protocols: Authentication: Kerberos, X.509 Authentication Service, Secure Socket
Layer(SSL), Secure Electronic Transaction(SET), Email security, PGP, S/MIME, IP Security
Essential Reading:
1. Behrouz A. Forouzan and D. Mukhopadhyay- Cryptography & Network Security, 2 nd
Edition - 1st reprint 2010, McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice By Willium Stallings,
(Prentice Hall)
3. J. Katz and Y. Lindell, Introduction to Modern Cryptography, CRC press, 2008

Supplementary Reading:
1. Cryptography: Theory and Practice by Stinson, D. R. (Chapman and Hall)
2. Wade Trapple, Lawrence C. Washington- Introduction to Cryptography with coding
Theory, 2nd Edition pearson Education

Subject Code:CS4213
Subject Title: Network Security
Prerequisites: Data Communication and Computer Networks

Course Objectives:
1. To familiarizes students with various type of attacks on the Computer Networks.
2. To manage secret key using certificate base key exchange and Public Key
3. To understand various security breached at application, transport and network level

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Design secure protocols at application, transport and network level
2. Analysis and design secure key management techniques
3. Design and analysis of secure wireless network protocols

Course Contents

Introduction to cryptography, Security Attacks, Security Services, A Model for Internetwork

Security, Conventional Encryption Algorithms: Classical and Modern Techniques, Data
Encryption Algorithm, Public-Key Cryptography, RSA Algorithm, Key Management, Diffie-
hellman and its variants, Man in the middle attack, Message Authentication and Hash
Functions, Digital Signatures and Authentication, PKI and certificate based key exchange.
Protocol weakness in TCP/IP and other protocols. Various types of attacks. Security protocol at
application level: PGP, SHTTP, SSH etc. Security protocol at socket level: SSL/TSL. Security
protocol at network level: IPSec. Security protocol for remote connections through dial-up etc.:
PPTP, L2TP. Firewall and packet filtering. Proxy or application level gateways as security

Essential Reading:
1. D. Mukhopadhyay and B. A. Forouzan, Cryptography and Network Security, McGraw
2. W. Stalling, Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practices, 4th Ed, PHI,

Supplementary Reading:
1. J. M. Kizza, Computer Network Security, Springer, 2005.
2. Peterson and Davie, Computer Networks A System Approach, Elsevier, 3rd Ed.

Subject Code:CS4214
Subject Title: Information Theory and Coding
Course Objectives:
1. to define and apply the basic concepts of information theory (entropy, channel
capacity etc.)
2. to study different types of channels in communication
3. to learn the principles and applications of information theory in communication
4. to study various data compression methods and describe the most common
such methods
5. to understand the theoretical framework upon which error-control codes are built
Course Outcomes:
Up on successful completion of this course students should be able to:
1. quantify the notion of information in a mathematically sound way
2. explain what is the significance of this quantitative measure of information in the
communications systems
3. calculate entropy, joint entropy, relative entropy, conditional entropy, and
channel capacity of a system
4. differentiate between lossy and lossless compression techniques
5. decide an efficient data compression scheme for a given information source
6. explain the impact of feedback and/or many senders or receivers on the
communication systems

Course Contents:
Introduction to information Theory, Information rate and entropy, Measure of Information,
Properties of entropy of a binary memory less source, Joint entropy, Conditional entropy,
Relative entropy, Mutual information, Discrete memoryless channels - BSC, BEC, noise-free
channel, Channel with independent I/O, Cascaded channels, Channel capacity, Shannon limit,
Source Coding, Shannon Fano coding, Shannon Fano Elias coding, Huffman coding, Minimum
variance Huffman coding, Adaptive Huffman coding, Arithmetic coding, Dictionary coding –
LZ77, LZ78, LZW, Channel coding, Channel coding theorem for DMC, Block codes- Hamming
weight, Hamming distance, Minimum distance decoding – Single parity codes, Hamming
codes, Repetition codes – Linear block codes, Cyclic codes - Syndrome calculation, Encoder
and decoder – CRC, Convolutional codes – code tree, trellis, state diagram-encoding-
decoding, Sequential search and Viterbi algorithm – Principle of Turbo coding, Interleaved
convolutional codes. Special topics in information theory and coding.

Essential Reading:
1. T. M. Cover, J. A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory, 2e, Wiley, 2006
2. R. Togneri, C.J.S deSilva, Fundamentals of Information Theory and Coding
Design, 1e, CRS Press, Imprint: Taylor and Francis, 2003
3. R. Bose, Information Theory Coding and Cryptography, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003
Supplementary Reading:
1. R. J. McEliece, The Theory of Information and Coding, Cambridge Uinv Press,
2. S. Roman, Coding and Information Theory, Springer, 1997

Subject Code:CS4215
Course title: Number Theory
Pre-requisites: None
Course Objective:
1. To present a rigorous development of Number Theory using axioms, definitions,
examples, theorems and their proofs.
2. Help students understand the importance of mathematics in today’s world as well as
furthering their mathematical development by tasking them to prove various
3. Explore some current research problems in number theory

Course Outcomes:
1. Effectively express the concepts and results of Number Theory.
2. Understand the logic and methods behind the major proofs in Number Theory.
3. Appropriately integrate technology into mathematical processes.

4. Use mathematical concepts in problem-solving through integration of new material

and modeling

Course Contents:
Unit I
The Integers: Numbers, Sequences, Sums and Products. Mathematical Induction. The
Fibonacci Numbers.
Unit II
Primes and Greatest Common Divisors: Prime Numbers, the distribution of Primes. Greatest
Common Divisors. The Euclidean Algorithm, The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic.
Factorization Methods and Fermat Numbers. Linear Diophantine Equations.
Unit III
Congruence: Linear Congruence, the Chinese Remainder Theorem, Divisibility Tests, Fermat's
Little Theorem, Pseudo primes, Euler's Theorem.
Unit IV
Multiplicative Functions: The Euler Phi-Function, The Sum and Number of Divisors, Perfect
Numbers and Mersenne Primes. Primitive Roots for Primes.
Unit V
Quadratic Residues: Quadratic Residues and Nonresidues. The Law of Quadratic Reciprocity.
Unit VI
Cryptography: Encrypt and decrypt a message using character ciphers. Learn to encrypt and
decrypt a message using Public-Key cryptology.
Essential Reading:
1. T. Koshy, Elementary Number Theory with Applications, Harcourt/Academic Press
2. G. Andrews, Number Theory, Dover Publications (1994)
Supplementary Reading:
1. Beginning Number Theory (2nd ed.) by Neville Robbins (2006) Bartlett & Jones
2. D. Burton. Elementary Number Theory. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2007. 6th ed

Subject Code:CS4216
Subject Title: Wireless Sensor Networks
Prerequisites: Computer Networks
Course Objectives
 To obtain a broad understanding of the technologies and applications for the emerging
and exciting domain of wireless sensor networks,
 To get in-depth hands-on experience in designing and developing a real operational
embedded network system, and
 To design and develop foundational systems software, sensor-actuator-controller
algorithms and network protocols.
Course Outcomes
By the completion of the course, the student should be able to
 Architect sensor networks for various application setups
 Compare analysis between performance and resources
 Assess coverage and conduct node deployment planning
 Determine suitable MAC protocol and radio hardware
 Design a secured, fault –tolerant, enrgy efficient routing protocol

Introduction: Introduction to Sensor Networks, constraints and challenges, Advantage of

Sensor Networks, Applications of Sensor Networks, Enabling technologies for Wireless Sensor
Networks, Sensor Node Hardware and Network Architecture, Single-node architecture,
Operating systems and execution environments, introduction to Tiny OS and nesC,
Network architecture, Design principles for WSNs, Service interfaces of WSNs, Gateway

Deployment and Configuration: Localization and positioning, Coverage and connectivity,

Single-hop and
multi hop localization, self-configuring localization systems, sensor management.
Network Protocols: Issues in designing MAC protocol for WSNs, Classification of MAC
Protocols, S-MAC
Protocol, B-MAC protocol, IEEE 802.15.4 standard and Zig Bee, Dissemination protocol for
large sensor network.
Routing protocols: Issues in designing routing protocols, Classification of routing protocols,
Energy-efficient routing, Geographic routing.

Data Storage and Manipulation: Data centric and content based routing, storage and retrieval
in network, compression technologies for WSN, Data aggregation techniques.
Essential Reading:
1. Holger Karl, Andreas Willig, “Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Network”,
John Wiley and Sons, 2005 (ISBN: 978-0-470-09511-9)

2. Raghavendra, Cauligi S, Sivalingam, Krishna M., Zanti Taieb, “Wireless Sensor

Network”, Springer 1st Ed. 2004 (ISBN: 978-4020-7883-5).

Supplementary Reading:
1. Feng Zhao, Leonidas Guibas, “ Wireless Sensor Network”,Elsevier, 1st Ed. 2004
(ISBN: 13- 978-1-55860-914-3)

2. Kazem, Sohraby, Daniel Minoli, Taieb Zanti, “Wireless Sensor Network: Technology,
Protocols and Application”, John Wiley and Sons 1st Ed., 2007 (ISBN: 978-0-471-

3. B. Krishnamachari, “Networking Wireless Sensors”, Cambridge University Press.

Subject Code: CS4217

Subject Title: Data Warehousing and Mining
Prerequisites: CS 102, CS 222, CS 332 (Data structures, DBMS, Algorithms)

Course Objectives:
1. To provide students with basic concepts in databases both in terms of usage and
2. To make the students understand all requirement and operations that the analyst
needed to analyze, design, and implement the systems
3. To design and build a simple database system and demonstrate competence with the
fundamental tasks involved with modeling, designing, and implementation

Course Outcomes:
After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Aware of various database systems and its design issues
2. Design and implement a database for any specified domain according to well-known
design principles that balance data retrieval performance with data consistency
3. Formulate data retrieval queries in SQL and the abstract query languages

Course Contents

Introduction to Data mining, Motivation for Data Mining, its importance, Role of Data in Data
Mining, patterns in data mining, Type of patterns, visualization techniques, Data Mining
Languages, and System Architectures, Applications, issues
Data Warehousing: OLAP, Data models, extraction, transformation and loading, materializing
views, indexing
Association Rule Mining: Introduction, Support – confidence framework, apriori algorithm, DIC
algorithm, hash based algorithm, FP growth tree, other measures of interest, cross rule mining
Classification and Prediction: Decision tree, bayes classifier, Neural network, SVM, and other
Cluster Analysis: Partitioned and hierarchical clustering, Outlier Analysis, other cluster tools
Mining Complex Data, Applications and Trends in Data Mining Characteristics of data, Data
privacy, Advances in data mining

Essential Reading:
1. J. D. Ullman, Principles of Data Base Systems, Galgotia, 2nd ed, 2003.
2. A. Silberschatz, H. F. Korth & A. Sudarshan, Database System Concepts,
McGraw Hill, 5th ed, 2006.

Supplementary Reading:
3. B. Desai, An Introduction to database system, Galgotia, 1997.
2. C. J. Date: An Introduction to Data Base Systems, Addison Wesley, 1995.
3. R. Elmasri, S. Navathe, S. B. Navathe, R. Sunderraman, Fundamentals of Database
Systems, Addison Wesley, 2 nd ed, 1994
4. R. R. Krishnan, Database Management Systems, McGraw Hill, reprint 2007

Subject Code:CS4318
Subject Title: Bioinformatics
Pre-requisite: CS 332, CS 425

Course Objectives:

1. To understand protein information resources

2. To understand the genome information resources
3. To understand the DNA software analysis
4. To understand pair-wise alignment techniques
5. To understand multiple sequence alignment

Course Outcomes:

1. Learn about DNA and its sequences.

2. To get idea about DNA databases.
3. To understand pair-wise alignment techniques
4. Learn about biological databases.
5. To get idea about multiple software alignment.

Syllabus Description:

Genetics, Cell and Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Introduction; Databases - mapping,

sequence, structure, non-redundant; Sequence alignment - pair wise and multiple;
phylogenetics; Structure prediction methods - homology, threading, abinitio; Sequence analysis
- class and secondary structure prediction; motifs - PROSITE; detecting functional sites in
DNA; OR Finder; Computer science perspective - pattern recognition, hidden Markov models;
Data Miming Using Soft computing Techniques.

Essential Reading:

1. A. D. Baxevanis & B. F. F. Ouellette, Bioinformatics, Wiley Interscience, 1998.

2. A. M. Lesk, Introduction to bioinformatics, OXFORD University Press, 1st Ed, 2003.

Supplementary Reading:

1. S. L. Salzberg, D. B. Searls and S. Kasifeds, Computational methods in molecular biology,

Elsevier, 1998.
2. R. F. Doolittle, Computer methods for macromolecular sequence analysis, Academic Press,
3. M. Bishop, Guide to human genome computing, Academic Press
Subject Code:CS4319
Subject Title: Graph Theory and Network Algorithms
Course Objective:
1. To understand the basic concepts of graphs and graph algorithms
2. To understand the BFS and DFS tree construction from graph
3. To understand the cuts and max flow of a graph
Course Outcome:
1. Applications of graph algorithms such as trees, walks, circuits to real world scenarios
2. To modelling the network as a graph and understand the graph traversal

Course Contents:
Introduction: Graphs, Isomorphism, Walks, Paths, Circuits, Trees, Properties of Trees, Cotrees
and Fundamental Circuits, Cut Sets, Fundamental Cut Sets and Cut Vertices, Planar and Dual
Graphs, Metric Representation of Graphs, Coloring and covering and partitioning of a graph,
chromatic number, chromatic partitioning, chromatic polynomials, matching, covering, four color
problem, Directed graphs, some type of directed graphs, Directed paths, and connectedness,
Euler digraphs, trees with directed edges, fundamental circuits in digraph, matrices A, B and C
of digraphs adjacency matrix of a digraph,, enumeration, types of enumeration, counting of
labeled and unlabeled trees, polya’s theorem, graph enumeration with polya’s theorem.
Graph Algorithms: Elementary Graph Algorithms, Representations of graphs, Breadth-first
search, Depth-first search, Topological sort, strongly connected components
Minimum Spanning Trees: Growing a minimum spanning tree, The algorithms of Kruskal and
Prim, Single-Source Shortest Paths: Shortest paths and relaxation, Dijkstra's algorithm, The
Bellman-Ford algorithm, Single-source shortest paths in directed acyclic graphs, Difference
constraints and shortest paths, All-Pairs Shortest Paths: Shortest paths and matrix
multiplication, The Floyd-Warshall algorithm, Johnson's algorithm for sparse graphs, and A
general framework for solving path problems in directed graphs ; Maximum Flow: Flow
networks, The Ford-Fulkerson method, Maximum bipartite matching, Preflow-push algorithms,
The lift-to-front algorithm
Essential Reading:
1. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald L. Rivest, Introduction to
Algorithms, Prentice Hall of India, 3rded, 2006.
2. N. Deo, Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering and Computer Science, Prentice
Hall of India, 2004.

Supplementary Reading:
1. Douglas B. West, Introduction to Graph Theory, 2nded, Prentice Hall of India, 2007.
2. R. Diestel, Advanced Graph Theory, Springer Verlag Heidelberg, New York, 2005
3. M. T. Goodrich and R. Tamassia, Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis, and Internet
Examples, Wiley, 1sted, 2001.
Subject Code:CS4320
Subject Title: Image Processing
Course Objectives:
The primary objective of this course is to introduce students to basic principles of digital
images, image data structures, and image processing algorithms.
Course Outcomes:
1. Apply principles and techniques of digital image processing in applications related to
digital imaging system design and analysis.
2. Analyze and implement image processing algorithms.
3. Gain hands-on experience in using software tools for processing digital images.

Course Contents:
UNIT -I Introduction
Elements of digital image processing systems, Vidicon and Digital Camera working principles,
Elements of visual perception, brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, machband effect, Color
image fundamentals - RGB, HSI models, Image sampling, Quantization, dither, Two-
dimensional mathematical preliminaries, 2D transforms - DFT, DCT, KLT, SVD.
UNIT - II Image Enhancement
Histogram equalization and specification techniques, Noise distributions, Spatial averaging,
Directional Smoothing, Median, Geometric mean, Harmonic mean, Contraharmonic mean
filters, Homomorphic filtering, Color image enhancement.
UNIT - III Image Restoration
Image Restoration - degradation model, Unconstrained restoration - Lagrange multiplier and
Constrained restoration, Inverse filtering-removal of blur caused by uniform linear motion,
Wiener filtering, Geometric transformations-spatial transformations.
UNIT - IV Image Segmentation
Edge detection, Edge linking via Hough transform – Thresholding - Region based segmentation
– Region growing – Region splitting and Merging – Segmentation by morphological watersheds
– basic concepts – Dam construction – Watershed segmentation algorithm.
UNIT - V Image Compression

Need for data compression, Huffman, Run Length Encoding, shift codes, Arithmetic coding,
Vector Quantization, Transform coding, JPEG standard, MPEG.
Essential Reading:
1. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, Digital Image Processing', Pearson, Second
Edition, 2004.
2. Anil K. Jain,, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing', Pearson 2002.
Supplementary Reading:
1. W. K. Pratt, Digital Image Processing, Wiley-Interscience, 4th Ed, 2007
2. A. Rosenfled & A. C. Kak, Vol. I, Digital Picture Processing, Academic Press, 1976.
3. J. S. Lion, Two Dimensional Signal and Image Processing, Prentice Hall, 1 st Ed, 1989.
Subject Code: CS4321
Subject Title: Artificial Intelligence
Prerequisites: Discrete Mathematics, Algorithm Analysis and Design, Database
Management Systems

Course Objectives:
1. In this course, the students will learn some core AI ideas
2. The course concentrate on those topics that find applications in several different
problem areas rather than in the context of specific applications.
3. To know about knowledge representation and its manipulation to get desired results.

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Design and implement AI techniques in the field of web search, speech recognition,
machine translation, autonomous driving and scheduling etc.
2. Write natural language understanding program.
3. Solve complex problems using connectionist AI and symbolic AI

Course Contents

Basic concepts of AI; Problems in AI; Applications; Production systems; Problem solving
methods; Forward vs backward reasoning; Search in state spaces, state-space graph,
uninformed search, heuristic search, general graph search algorithms, 2-agent games;
knowledge representation using predicate calculus; rules of inference; converting arbitrary wff
to conjunction of clauses, resolution reputation system and direct system; answer extraction;
Natural language processing: ATN,case grammar, semantic gramar, frame structure and script:
Non-monotonic reasoning, truth mentenance system, Connectionist AI;.Introduction to expert

Essential Reading:
1. E. Rich and K. Knight, Artificial Intelligence, Tata McGraw Hill
2. N. J. Nilsson, Principles of Artificial Intelligence, Narosa

Supplementary Reading:
1. S. Russel and P. Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: a Modern Approach, Pearson,
2. D. W. Patterson, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Prentice Hall
of India

Subject Code:CS4322
Subject Title: Soft Computing
Course Objectives:

This course will present the basics of Soft computing and its application areas particularly to
intelligent systems. Topics that will be discussed include SC and hybrid intelligent systems,
neurofuzzy systems.

Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, the students should be able to

1. Identify and describe soft computing techniques and their roles in building intelligent
2. Recognize the feasibility of applying a soft computing methodology for a particular
3. Apply fuzzy logic and reasoning to handle uncertainty and solve engineering problems
4. Apply genetic algorithms to combinatorial optimization problems
5. Apply neural networks to pattern classification and regression problems
6. Effectively use existing software tools to solve real problems using a soft computing
7. Evaluate and compare solutions by various soft computing approaches for a given

Course Contents

Introduction to Neorofuzzy and Soft Computing, Fuzzy set theory, Fuzzy Rules, Fuzzy
Reasoning, Fuzzy inference System, Neural Networks; Radial basis and recurrent neural
networks, Hopfield Networks, Comparision of RBF and MLP Network, Running Algorithms,
NeuroFuzzy Modeling, Applications of Soft Computing to Signal Processing, Image Processing,
Forecasting, XOR Problem-traveling salesman problem, Image compression suing MLPs-
character retrieval using hopfield networks, Introduction to Genetic Algorithm hybrid Systems

Essential Reading:
1. V. Kecman, Learning and Soft Computing, Pearson, 1 st Ed, 2001.
2. D. E. Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms in Search Optimization and Machine Learning,
Addison Wesley, 3rd Ed.

Supplementary Reading:
1. B. Kosko, Neural Network and fuzzy systems, Prentice Hall of India, 2006.
2. S. Goonatilake& S. Khebbal, Intelligent Hybrid Systems, Wiley, 1995.

Subject Code:CS4323
Subject Title: Pattern Recognition
Course Objectives:
1. To make the student aware of Pattern Recognition techniques and its practical

Course Outcomes:

After completing the course, the student will

1. know basic structure of pattern recognition systems
2. know the statistical bases of the classification theory (the Bayes classifier)
3. distinguish supervised learning methods from the unsupervised ones
4. be able to apply supervised learning methods (model-based maximum likelihood, k-
nearest neighbors) to the classifier design
5. be able to apply various clustering algorithms.

Course Details:
UNIT -I Overview of Pattern classification and regression, Introduction to Statistical Pattern
Recognition, Overview of Pattern Classifiers,

UNIT -II Bayesian decision making and Bayes Classifier, The Bayes Classifier for minimizing
Estimating Bayes Error; Minimax and Neymann-Pearson classifiers

UNIT3 – III Parametric Estimation of Densities, Implementing Bayes Classifier; Estimation of

Class Conditional Densities, Maximum Likelihood estimation of different densities, Bayesian
estimation of parameters of density functions, MAP estimates, Bayesian Estimation examples;
the exponential family of densities and ML estimates, Sufficient Statistics; Recursive
formulation of ML and Bayesian estimates

UNIT -IV Mixture Densities and EM Algorithm, Mixture Densities, ML estimation and EM
Convergence of EM algorithm; overview of Nonparametric density estimation

UNIT–V Nonparametric density estimation, Convergence of EM algorithm; overview of

Nonparametric density estimation, Nonparametric estimation, Parzen Windows, nearest
neighbor methods

UNIT – VI Linear models for classification and regression, Linear Discriminant Functions;
Perceptron -- Learning Algorithm and convergence proof, Linear Least Squares Regression;
LMS algorithm
AdaLinE and LMS algorithm; General nonlinear least-squares regression, Logistic Regression;
Statistics of least squares method; Regularized Least Squares, Fisher Linear Discriminant,
Linear Discriminant functions for multi-class case; multi-class logistic regression

UNIT -VII Overview of statistical learning theory, Empirical Risk Minimization and VC-
Learning and Generalization; PAC learning framework, Overview of Statistical Learning Theory;
Empirical Risk Minimization, Consistency of Empirical Risk Minimization, Consistency of
Empirical Risk Minimization; VC-Dimension, Complexity of Learning problems and VC-
Dimension, VC-Dimension Examples; VC-Dimension of hyperplanes, UNIT - VIIIArtificial
Neural Networks for Classification and regression, Overview of Artificial Neural Networks,
Multilayer Feedforward Neural networks with Sigmoidal activation functions; Backpropagation
Algorithm; Representational abilities of feedforward networks, Feedforward networks for
Classification and Regression; Backpropagation in Practice, Radial Basis Function Networks;
Gaussian RBF networks, Learning Weights in RBF networks; K-means clustering algorithm,

UNIT-IX Support Vector Machines and Kernel based methods, Support Vector Machines --
Introduction, obtaining the optimal hyperplane, SVM formulation with slack variables; nonlinear
SVM classifiers, Kernel Functions for nonlinear SVMs; Mercer and positive definite Kernels,
Support Vector Regression and ε-insensitive Loss function, examples of SVM learning,
Overview of SMO and other algorithms for SVM; ν-SVM and ν-SVR; SVM as a risk minimizer,
Positive Definite Kernels; RKHS; Representer Theorem

Essential Reading:
1. R. O. Duda, P. E. Hart and D. G. Stork, Pattern Classification (2nd ed) John Wiley &
Sons, 2006
2. S.Theodoridis and K. Koutroumbas, Pattern Recogniton , 4th edition, Academic
Publishers, 2009

Supplementary Reading:
1. R. Shighal, Pattern Recognition: Techniques and Applications, Oxford University Press,
1st Ed, 2006.
2. Christopher M. Bishop, Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition, Oxford University
Press, 1st Ed, 2003
Subject Code:CS4324
Subject Title: Machine Learning
Course Objectives
1. To understand the basic building blocks and general principles that allow one to design
machine learning algorithms
2. To become familiar with specific, widely used machine learning algorithms
3. To learn methodology and tools to apply machine learning algorithms to real data and
evaluate their performance

Course Outcomes:

1. Explain the principles, advantages, limitations such as overfitting and possible

applications of machine learning
2. Identify and apply the appropriate machine learning technique to classification, pattern
recognition, optimization and decision problems.
3. Develop an appreciation for what is involved in learning from data.
4. Understand how to apply a variety of learning algorithms to data.
5. Understand how to perform evaluation of learning algorithms and model selection.

Course Contents:

Introduction to ML (1 Hr), Review of probability and statistics (2 Hr), Supervised learning (1

Hr):A case study, Bayes decision theory (2 Hrs), Multivariate Gaussian density and
discriminant function (1 Hr), Regression (Logistic and linear) (2Hr),Density estimation
(parametric and Non parametric) (5Hrs) Decision Trees (1Hrs) Linear Discriminant Function
(2Hrs), ANN(MLP) (3 Hrs) Unsupervised learning (3Hrs)( clustering, etc..), Dimensionality
reduction( PCA, LDA, MDA) (3 Hrs), SVM (2Hrs),HMM (3 Hrs), Ensemble methods: Bagging,
boosting. Evaluating and debugging learning algorithms. Reinforcement learning and
control. (4 Hr) MDPs. Bellman equations. Value iteration and policy iteration. Linear quadratic
regulation (LQR). QG. Q-learning. Value function approximation. Policy search. Reinforce.

Essential Reading:

1. Machine Learning, Tom Mitchell, McGraw Hill, 1997, ISBN 0-07-042807-7.

2. Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, David G. Stork. Pattern classification (2nd edition).
Wiley, New York, 2001

Supplementary Reading:
1. Lecture notes in Machine Learning, Zdravko Markov

Subject Code:CS4325
Subject Title: Natural Language Processing

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of probabilities, Algorithms

Course Objectives:

1. To apply fundamental algorithms and techniques in the area of NLP.

2. Understand approaches to syntax and semantics in NLP.
3. Understand approaches to discourse, generation, dialogue and summarization within
4. Understand current methods for statistical approaches to machine translation.
5. Understand machine learning techniques used in NLP, including hidden Markov models
and probabilistic context-free grammars, clustering and unsupervised methods, log-
linear and discriminative models, and the EM algorithm as applied within NLP.

Course Outcomes:

1. Perform PoS tagging in for a given text

2. Apply Machine learning techniques to extract information from text
3. Apply NLP techniques in various real world application
Course content:

Words and Word Forms : Morphology fundamentals; Morphological Diversity of Indian

Languages; Morphology Paradigms; Finite State Machine Based Morphology; Automatic
Morphology Learning; Shallow Parsing; Named Entities; Maximum Entropy Models; Random
Structures : Theories of Parsing, Parsing Algorithms; Robust and Scalable Parsing on Noisy
Text as in Web documents; Hybrid of Rule Based and Probabilistic Parsing; Scope Ambiguity
and Attachment Ambiguity resolution.
Meaning : Lexical Knowledge Networks, Wordnet Theory; Indian Language Wordnets and
Multilingual Dictionaries; Semantic Roles; Word Sense Disambiguation; WSD and
Multilinguality; Metaphors; Coreferences.
Web 2.0 Applications : Sentiment Analysis; Text Entailment; Robust and Scalable Machine
Translation; Question Answering in Multilingual Setting; Cross Lingual Information Retrieval
Sound : Biology of Speech Processing; Place and Manner of Articulation; Word Boundary
Detection; Argmax based computations; HMM and Speech Recognition.

Essential Reading:

1. Jurafsky, David, and James H. Martin. Speech and Language Processing: An

Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics and Speech
Recognition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2000.
2. Christopher D., and Hinrich Schütze. Foundations of Statistical Natural Language
Processing. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999.
Supplementary Reading:

1. Pushpak Bhattacharya, Machine Translation, CRC Press, 2015.

2. Alexander Clark, Chris Fox, and Shalom Lappin, The handbook of computational
linguistics and nlp, wiley Blackwell.

Subject Code: CS4326

Subject Title: Robotics
Prerequisites: Mathematics (Linear Algebra, Vector Spaces etc..), Computer Controlled
System Embedded Programming
Course Objectives:
1. This course is intended to provide students with knowledge of complex concepts
of Artificial Intelligence in the field of robotics and explore high quality research in
different areas of information technology.
2. Enable our students to excel in the area of robotics and cognitive sciences to
produce robotics software and make robotics framework to the development of social
robotics field.

Course Outcomes:
1. Students will be familiarized with the robot programming & various robotics
2. Students will be familiarized with the working principles of various Sensors and
actuators and their applications in robots.
3. Students will have good knowledge about various types of Industrial robot,
Humanoid Robot, and their design concepts with working methodologies.
4. Students will be familiarized with social robotics applications through humanoid

Course Content:
Introduction to robotics, classification of robots, Spatial orientation transformation-Eulerian and
quaternion representation, Homogenous Coordinate Transformation Matrix and its inversion
principle , Forward and Inverse Kinematics Problem , D-H Principle , modeling principle of a
Cyber physical system , manipulator jacobian and singularity , Examples of inverse manipulator
kinematics, repeatability and accuracy. robot modeling using its dynamics- both N-E and
Lagrangian method , Trajectory planning , robot control principle- basic master slave control
architecture , PD-PID control, computed torque/model based methodology, nonlinear control,
sensory devices for robots-both external and internal sensors, sensory information fusion using
D-S theory, Robot programming- both offline and real time programming methodologies.
Biped Locomotion Control: Inverted Pendulum model, Compass gait model, Equation of motion
of Linear Inverted pendulum & simple pendulum. Concept of ZMP, COP, COM, orbital energy.
General control architecture of a Humanoid Robot
Essential Reading:
1. John J Craig, Introduction to Robotics, Mechanics and control, second edition Addison –
Wesley, 1999.
2. K S Fu R C Gonzales, C S G Lee: Robotics Control, Sensing, Vision and intelligence,
McGraw Hill 1987.
Supplementary Reading:
1. Mark W Spong & M Vidyasagar, Robot Dynamics and Control, John Wiley & Sons, 1989.
2. R P Paul: Robot Manipulators Mathematics Programming, Control, The computer control
of robotic manipulators, The MIT Press 1979.
3. Robert J Schilling: Fundamentals of Robotics, Analysis and Control. Prentice Hall of
India, 1996.

Subject Code: CS4327

Subject Title: Human Computer Interaction

Prerequisites: Basic Programming

Course Objectives: The objective of this course is
1. to give an introduction to the key areas, approaches and developments in the field.
2. to get student to think constructively and analytically about how to design and evaluate
interactive technologies.
3. Basically, the course will introduce them to key areas, theoretical frameworks,
approaches and major developments in HCI.

Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, Students will be able to:

1. Explain the capabilities of both humans and computers from the viewpoint of human
information processing.
2. Describe typical human–computer interaction (HCI) models, styles, and various historic
HCI paradigms.
3. Apply an interactive design process and universal design principles to designing HCI
4. Describe and use HCI design principles, standards and guidelines.
5. Analyze and identify user models, user support, socio-organizational issues, and
stakeholder requirements of HCI systems.
6. Discuss tasks and dialogs of relevant HCI systems based on task analysis and dialog
7. Analyze and discuss HCI issues in groupware, ubiquitous computing, virtual reality,
multimedia, and Word Wide Web-related environments.


Unit 1: Foundations of Human–Computer Interaction

8. Section 1: Human Capabilities

9. Section 2: The Computer
10. Section 3: The Interaction
11. Section 4: Paradigms

Unit 2: The Design Process

 Section 1: Interaction Design Basics

 Section 2: HCI in the Software Process
 Section 3: Design Rules
 Section 4: Universal Design

Unit 3: Implementation Support

 Section 1: Implementation Tools

Unit 4: Evaluation and User Support

 Section 1: Evaluation
 Section 2: User Support
Unit 5: Users Models

 Section 1: Cognitive Models

 Section 2: Socio-organizational Issues and Stakeholder Requirements

Unit 6: Task Models and Dialogs

 Section 1: Analyzing Tasks

 Section 2: Dialog Notations and Design

Unit 7: Groupware, Ubiquitous Computing, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Hypertext and

 Section 1: Groupware and Computer-supported Collaborative Work

 Section 2: Ubiquitous Computing
 Section 3: Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
 Section 4: Hypertext, Multimedia and the World Wide Web

Essential Reading:
1. Dix, A., Finlay, J., Abowd, G.D., & Beale, R. (2004). Human computer interaction (3rd ed.).
Prentice Hall.
2. Preece, J., Rogers, Y., & Sharp, H. (2015). Interaction design: Beyond human-computer
interaction (4th ed.) John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Supplementary Reading:

1. Sharp, Rogers and Preece, Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction,

second edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2007

Subject Code:CS4328

Subject Title: Information Retrieval

Prerequisites: CS2007 Database Engineering

Course Objectives:
1. To make students aware of how search engines work
2. To make students conversant with rank systems
3. To make students learn underlying architecture

Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to evaluate a retrieval system, and can design a retrieval system for
specific application need.

Information Retrieval: Introduction, the IR problem, overview of IR system, The web
Search interfaces, visualization in search, Design and evaluation of search interfaces
Introduction to IR models, Boolean Model, Term Weighting, Vector Model, Probabilistic
Model Retrieval performance evaluation, Evaluation using reference collections,
Interative Systems evaluation Feedback model, Explicit Relevance Feedback, Implicit
Feedback through Local and Global analysis Document processing and metadata
management Query Languages and properties Text classification: feature selection and
dimensionality reduction Inverted indexes, suffix trees and suffic arrays, multi-
dimensional searching, searching methodologies Data Partitioning, Parallel IR, Cluster
based IR, Distributed IR, Feedback search Web search engines: architectures, ranking
systems Content based image retrieval

Essential Reading:
1.R. Baeza-Yates and B. Ribeiro-Neto, Modern Information Retrieval, Pearson, 2009.
2. R.R. Korfhage, Information Storage and Retrieval, Wiley, 2006.

Supplementary Reading:
1. D.A. Grossman and O. Frieder, Information Retrieval: Algorithms and Heuristics,
Springer, 1998

Subject Code:CS4429
Subject Title: Ad-hoc and Wireless Networks
Course Objectives
1. To study about the basics of wireless networks
2. To understand the challenges in wired vs. wireless domain in computer networks.
3. To study about various types of wireless networks, i.e cellular networks, Bluetooth, Ad
hoc networks and wireless sensor networks.

Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:

1. Understand the under lying technologies of wireless networks.
2. Specify and identify deficiencies in existing wireless protocols for MAC layer and
Network layer, and then go onto formulate new and better protocols.
3. Understand the technology behind the cellular network, installation of base station,
Bluetooth etc.
4. To master the concepts of ad hoc networks and the design / performance issues in
wireless local area networks and wide area networks.
5. To be familiar with contemporary issues in networking technologies.

Course Contents

Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Issues in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Ad Hoc Wireless Internet;
MAC Protocols for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Issues in Designing a MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc
Wireless Networks, Classifications of MAC Protocols; Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Wireless
Networks: Issues in Designing a Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks,
Classifications of Routing Protocols, Power-Aware Routing Protocols; Multi-cast routing in Ad
Hoc Wireless Networks: Issues in Designing a Multicast Routing Protocol, Classifications of
Multicast Routing Protocols, Energy-Efficient Multicasting, Multicasting with Quality of Service
Guarantees, Application-Dependent Multicast Routing; Security Protocols for Ad Hoc Wireless
Networks: Security in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. Network Security Requirements. Issues and
Challenges in Security Provisioning. Network Security Attacks.Key Management. Secure
Routing in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks; Energy Management in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks:
Classification of Energy Management Schemes, Transmission Power Management Schemes,
System Power Management Schemes.

Essential Reading:
1. C. S. Ram Murthy, B. S. Manoj, Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and
Protocols, Prentice Hall of India, 2nd Ed. 2005.
2. RaminHekmat, Ad-hoc Networks: Fundamental Properties and Network Topologies,
Springer, 1st Ed. 2006.

Supplementary Reading:
1. B. Tavli and W. Heinzelman, Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Energy-Efficient Real-Time Data
Communications, Springer, 1st Ed. 2006.
2. G Anastasi, E Ancillotti, R Bernasconi, and E S Biagioni, Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Newtorks
from Theory to Reality, Nova Science Publishers, 2008

Subject Code:CS4430
Subject Title: Distributed Operating Systems
Course Objective: To understand the concepts of distributed systems and programing
paradigm for distributed systems

Course Outcome: Ability to design and implement distributed systems for industry, research
and society

Course Contents

Introduction: Parrllel Vs. Distributed Systems, introduction to parallel Computing, Solving

problems in parallel, Structures of parallel computers, Instruction level parallel processing,
Parallel Algorithms

Operating Systems for Parallel Computers: Operating Systems for parallel computers,
Performance Parameters & Evaluation of parallel computers

Distributed System Principles: Characterization of distributed systems, Design goals,

Communication and computer networks, Distributed processing, Distributed operating systems,
Client Server Communications, Remote Procedure calls, Marshalling

Distributed Services: File Service, Name Service, Distributed transactions and concurrency
control, Synchronization & Coordination, Distributed Algorithms

Fault Tolerance & Security: Fault tolerance and security in Distributed Systems, System Level
Diagnosis, Agreement protocols

Parallel & Distributed Programming: PVM, MPI, Globus

Essential Reading:
1. G. Coulororis, J. Dollimore& T. Kindberg, Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design,
Addison-Wesley, 3rd Ed, 2001.
2. M. Singhal& N. G. Shivaratri, Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems, McGraw Hill,

Supplementary Reading:
1. P. K. Sinha, Distributed Operating Systems, IEEE Press, 1997.
2. H. F. Jordan, Fundamentals of Parallel Processing, Pearson, 2004
3. C. Hughes & T, Hughes, Parallel and Distributed Programming Using C++, Pearson, 1st
Ed, 2004.
4. W. Buchanan, Distributed Systems and Networks, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004.
5. P. S. Pacheco, Parallel Programming with MPI, Morgan Kaufmann, 1997.
Subject Code:CS4431

Subject Title: Multi-core Architecture and Programming

Prerequisites: Computer Organization & Architecture, Operating Systems

Course Objectives:
- To understand the recent trends in the field of Computer Architecture and identify
performance related parameters
- To appreciate the need for parallel processing
- To expose the students to the problems related to multiprocessing
- To understand the different types of multicore architectures
- To understand the concepts of multi-threading and OPENMP

Course Outcomes:
The students should be able to:
- Identify the limitations of ILP and the need for multi-core architectures.
- Solve the issues related to multiprocessing and suggest solutions.
- Point out the salient features of different multi-core architectures and how they exploit
- How to program multicore processors

Introduction to Multi-core Architecture: Motivation for Concurrency in software, Parallel
Computing Platforms, Parallel Computing in Microprocessors, Differentiating Multi-core
Architectures from Hyper-Threading Technology, Multi-threading on Single-Core versus Multi-
Core Platforms Understanding Performance, Amdahl’s Law, Growing Returns: Gustafson’s
Law. System Overview of Threading: Defining Threads, System View of Threads, Threading
above the Operating System, Threads inside the OS, Threads inside the Hardware, What
Happens When a Thread Is Created, Application Programming Models and Threading, Virtual
Environment: VMs and Platforms, Runtime Virtualization, System

Fundamental Concepts of Parallel Programming: Designing for Threads, Task

Decomposition, Data Decomposition, Data Flow Decomposition, Implications of Different
Decompositions, Challenges You’ll Face, Parallel Programming Patterns, A Motivating
Problem: Error Diffusion, Analysis of the Error Diffusion Algorithm, An Alternate Approach:
Parallel Error Diffusion, Other Alternatives
Threading and Parallel Programming Constructs: Synchronization, Critical Sections,
Deadlock, Synchronization Primitives, Semaphores, Locks, Condition Variables, Messages,
Flow Control- based Concepts, Fence, Barrier, Implementation-dependent Threading Features.
Threading APIs : Threading APls for Microsoft Windows, Win32/MFC Thread APls, Threading
APls for Microsoft. NET Framework,Creating Threads, Managing Threads, Thread Pools,
Thread Synchronization, POSIX Threads, Creating Threads, Managing Threads, Thread
Synchronization, Signaling, Compilation and Linking

OpenMP: A Portable Solution for Threading: Challenges in Threading a Loop, Loop-carried

Dependence, Data-race Conditions, Managing Shared and Private Data, Loop Scheduling and
Portioning, Effective Use of Reductions, Minimizing Threading Overhead, Work-sharing
Sections, Performance oriented Programming, Using Barrier and No wait, Interleaving Single-
thread and Multi-thread Execution, Data Copy-in and Copy-out, Protecting Updates of Shared
Variables, Intel Task queuing Extension to OpenMP, OpenMP Library Functions, OpenMP
Environment Variables, Compilation, Debugging, performance.
Solutions to Common Parallel Programming Problems: Too Many Threads, Data Races,
Deadlocks, and Live Locks, Deadlock, Heavily Contended Locks, Priority Inversion, Solutions
for Heavily Contended Locks, Non-blocking Algorithms, ABA Problem, Cache Line Ping-
ponging, Memory Reclamation Problem, Recommendations, Thread-safe Functions and
Libraries, Memory Issues, Bandwidth, Working in the Cache, Memory Contention, Cache-
related Issues, False Sharing, Memory Consistency, Current IA-32 Architecture, Itanium
Architecture, High-level Languages, Avoiding Pipeline Stalls on IA-32,Data Organization for
High Performance

Essential Reading:
1.Patrick Stakem, Multicore Computer Architectures, ISBN-13: 978-1520241371
2.Multicore Programming, Increased Performance through Software Multi-threading by
Shameem Akhter and Jason Roberts , Intel Press , 2006

Supplementary Reading:
1.Tracey Hughes Cameron Hughes, Professional Multicore Programming Design and
Implementation for C++ Developers Paperback – 2008.
2. Darryl Gove, “Multicore Application Programming for Windows, Linux, and Oracle Solaris”,
Pearson, 2011.

Subject Code: CS4432

Subject Title: Advanced Computer Architecture

Course Objective:
1. To identify the key components of a computing system
2. To model the parallel programming paradigm

Course Outcome:
1. Ability to evaluate the performance of new computing systems
2. Ability to interface and integrate new equipments to the existing protocols and

Course Contents

Metrics for computer performance: clock rate, MIPS, CPI; Strength and weakness of
performance metrics; role of Amdalh's in computer performance; Classification of computer
architecture: SIMD, MIMD, SISD and MISD; Processing unit design: Data path implementation,
Microprogrammed execution.

Pipelining: Instruction pipelining and parallel processing, Instruction level parallelism: VLIW,
Vector processor, Multithreaded processor, Superscalar architecture; branch prediction;
Prefetching; Speculative execution; Principles of pipelining and vector processing: Pipelining,
Instruction and Arithmetic Pipelines, Principles of Designing Pipelined Processor,

Vector Processing Requirements. Structure and Algorithms for array processors: SIMD Array
Processors, SIMD Interconnection Networks, Parallel Algorithms for array Processors,
Associative Array Processing.

Multiprocessor architecture and programming: Inter-processor Communication Mechanisms,

System Deadlocks and Protection, Multiprocessor Scheduling Strategies, Parallel Algorithm for
Multiprocessor. Multiprocessor architecture.

Essential Reading:
1. K. Hwang and F. A. Briggs, Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing, McGraw
Hill, 3rd Ed, 2001.
2. N Carter, Computer Architecture, Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Ed. 2008.

Supplementary Reading:
1. J. L. Heressy and D. A. Pattersan, Computer Architecture A Quantitative approach,
Elsevier, 3rd Ed. 2006.
2. K. Hwang, Advanced Computer Architecture: Parallelism, Scalability, Programmability,
Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Ed, 2004.

Subject Code: CS4433

Subject Title: Embedded Systems
Prerequisites: Digital Electronics, Computer Organisation and Architecture, Microprocessor
and microcontroller, assembly language programming, programming in C/C++.
Course Objectives:
1. To encourage students to learn basics of embedded systems

2. Demonstration of an integrated view how processor, I/O and network can work
together in an embedded system

Course Outcomes:
1. The students will be able to decide the requirements of hardware and software to
solve a problem depending on speed of operation, energy efficiency and design

2. The students can use the knowledge acquired from this course to design real time
and safety critical systems

Course Contents:
Introduction: Embedded system, Processor, hardware units, software embedding, SOC, NOC,
VLSI circuit; Device and Device drivers, I/O devices, timer and counting devices, serial
communication using IC, LAN and advanced I/O buses between the networked multiple
devices, Host system, parallel communication using ISA, PCI, PCI-X, and advanced buses,
device drivers, parallel port device drivers in a system, serial port device drivers. Interrupt
service handling mechanism; Software and programming concepts: processor and memory
selection for embedded system, embedded programming in C++, Java and UML, multiple
processes and applications, problem of sharing data by multiple tasks and routines, interposes
communication; Real time OS: OS services, I/O subsystem, Network OS, Real-time Embedded
system, Need of well tested and debugged RTOS, Introduction to C/OS-II. Case Studies of
programming with RTOS: Smart card embedded system, Hardware and Software co-design:
specification and design of an embedded system, use of software tools for development of an
embedded system. Low power design of embedded systems.
Essential Reading:
1. R. Kamal, Embedded System Architecture, Programming and Design, Tata McGraw Hill,

2. R. Niemann, Hardware Software Codesign of Embedded System, Kulwer Academic,

3. S. Chattopadhyay, Embedded System Design, 2nd Ed, Prentice Hall India, 2013.

Supplementary Reading:
1. S. V. Iyer & P. Gupta, Embedded Real Time System Programming, Tata McGraw Hill,

2. W. Wolf, Computer as Components: Principles of Embedded Computer System Design,

Elsevier, 2005

3. S. Heath, Embedded System Design, 2nd Ed, Elsevier, 2005.

4. R. Mall, Real Time Systems Theory and Practice, Pearson, 2008

5. F. Vahid & T. Givargis, Embedded Ssytem design: A unified Hardware/Software

approach, Wiley, 2007

6. G. D. Michelli & L. Benini, Network-on-Chip, Morgan & Kaufman Publication, 2004.

Subject Code: CS4434

Subject Title: Cluster and Grid Computing
Pre-requisite: CS 334, CS 421, CS332
Course Objective:
1. To learn the high performance computing systems such as cluster, grid and cloud
2. To understand the concept of fault tolerance in distributed systems

Course Outcome:
1. Skills to design and develop parallel and distributed algorithm
2. Ability to program clusters and grids
3. Ability to install COTS components

Course Contents
Introduction: High Performance Computing (HPC), Grand Challenge Problems-Computational
and communication intensive Jobs, Parallel Architectures-Classifications-SMP, MPP, NUMA,
Clusters and Components of a Parallel Machine, Conventional Supercomputers and its
limitations, Multi-processor and Multi-Computer based Distributed Systems.
Cluster: Cluster Components-Processor/machine, High Speed Interconnections-goals,
topology, latency, bandwidth, Example Interconnect: Myrinet, Inifiniband, QsNet, Fast Ethernet,
Gigabit Ethernet, Light weight Messaging system/Light weight communication Protocols,
Cluster Middleware-Job/Resource Management System, Load balancing, Scheduling of
parallel processes, Enforcing policies, GUI, Introduction to programming tools such as PVM,
MPI, Cluster Operating Systems Examples: Linux, MOSIX, CONDOR.
Grids: Characteristics of Grid, Computational services, Computational Grids, Data
grids/Storage grids, management and applications, Different components of Grid-Grid fabric,
Grid middleware, Grid applications and portal, Globus toolkit Ver.2.4, web services, MDS,
GRAM, Grid Security –Cryptography, Authentication, Integrity, Digital Signature, Digital
Certificates, Certificate Authority, MD-5, RSA, GSI,GSSAPI, Directory Service, LDAP,GRID
Introduction to Clouds: Characteristics and design goals of cloud, Service oriented
infrastructure, Data centers, Server & storage virtualization, different types of clouds, Cloud
environment, Cloud Programming
Fault Tolerance: Fault detection and diagnosis of Clusters, Grids & Clouds, reliability &
Essential Reading:
1. D. Janakiram, Grid Computing, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005
2. R. K. Buyya, High Performance Cluster Computing: Programming and
Applications, Vol 2, Prentice Hall, NJ, USA, 1999.
Supplementary Reading:
1. PankajJalote, Fault Tolerance in Distributed Systems, Prentice Hall, 1994.
2. J. J. Jos & R. K. Buyya, High Performance Cluster Computing: Architectures and
Systems, Vol I, Prentice Hall, NJ, USA, 1999.
3. R. K. Buyya& C. Szyperski, Cluster Computing, Nova Science, New York, USA,
4. R. K. Buyya& K. Bubendorfer, Market Oriented Grid and Utility Computing,
Wiley, 2008.

Subject Code: CS4435

Subject Title: Parallel Algorithms
Course Objectives:
Course Outcome: To be aware of parallel programming

Course Contents:

Modeling; Synchronous Network Model, Leader Election in a Synchronous Ring, Algorithms in

General Synchronous Networks, Distributed Consensus with Link Failures, Distributed
Consensus with Process Failures, More Consensus Problems, Asynchronous System Model,
Asynchronous Shared Memory model, Mutual Exclusion, Resource Allocation, Consensus,
Atomic Objects, Asynchronous Network Model, Basic Asynchronous Network Algorithms,
Synchronizers, Shared Memory versus Networks, Logical Time Global Snapshots and stable
properties, Network Resource allocation, Asynchronous Networks with Process Failures, Data
Link Protocols, Partially Synchronous Models, Mutual Exclusion with Partial Synchrony,
Consensus with Partial Synchrony.

Essential Reading:
1. B. Wilkinson & M. Allen, Parallel Programming, Pearson, 2nd Ed, 2005
2. M. J. Quinn, Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.

Supplementary Reading:
1. W. Groop, E. Lusk & A. Skjellum, Using MPI: Portable Parallel Programming with the
Message-passing Interface, MIT Press, 1999.
2. H. F. Jordan and G. Alaghband, Fundamentals of Parallel Processing, Pearson, 1st Ed,
3. G. V. Wilson & G. Wilson, Practical Parallel Programming, MIT Press, 1995.
Subject Code:CS4436
Subject Title: VLSI System Design
Prerequisites: Basic Electronics, Digital Electronics

Course Objectives:
1. To teach the students the basics of VLSI design

2. Expertise the students in designing digital circuits with MOS transistors

Course Outcomes:
1. The students will be able to design hardware components at transistor level.

Course Contents:

Deep sub-micron digital IC design; Transistors and Devices: MOS transistors; Bipolar
transistors and circuits; Fabrication: IC fabrication technology; Simulation: Modeling the MOS
transistor for Circuit Simulation; Silicon- on-Insulator technology; MOS Inverter circuits: Voltage
transfer characteristics; Noise margin definitions; NMOS transistors as load devices; CMOS
inverter. Static MOS Gate circuits: CMOS gate circuits; Complex CMOS Gates; XOR and
XNOR Gates; Flip-Flops and Latches; Semiconductor memory design: MOS decoder; Static
RAM cell design; SRAM column I/O circuitry; Power Grid and Clock design: Power distribution
design; clocking and timing issues; Phase-locked loop/Delayed-locked loop. Low power design

Essential Reading:
1. D. A. Hodges, H. G. Jackson & R. A. Saleh, Analysis and Design of Digital
Integrated circuits, Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Ed. 2008.

2. D. A. Pucknell & K. Eshraghian, Basic VLSI Design, Prentice Hall of India, 3rd Ed.

3. S.M. Kang, Y. Leblebici, CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits: Analysis and Design, Mc
Graw Hill, 3rd Ed. 2003.

Supplementary Reading:
1. W. H. Wolf, Modern VLSI Design System-on-chip design, Prentice Hall of India, 3rd
Ed. 2004.

2. C. Mead & L. Conway, Introduction to VLSI system, Addison Wesley, 2004.

Subject Code:CS4437
Subject Title: Mobile Computing
Prerequisites: Data Communication, Computer networks
Course Objectives:
1. To teach the students the basics of mobile computing.

Course Outcomes:
1. Students will have the basic knowledge on different aspects of mobile computing
Course Contents:

Overview of wireless and mobile systems (wireless LANs, cellular systems, sensor networks,
etc.) and the challenges therein. The radio channel and wireless physical layer design. Medium
access, multiplexing, link adaptation. Multihop routing protocols, routing metrics. Multicast,
multihop data forwarding, opportunistic routing. Solutions to handle mobility at various layers of
the networking stack. TCP behavior over wireless, other transport layer issues. Energy
efficiency, localization, security. Smartphone-based platform architectures and applications.
Future directions: dynamic spectrum access, heterogeneous networks, internet of things.

Essential Reading:
1. J. H. Schiller, Mobile Communications, 2nd Ed, Pearson Education India, 2008.

Supplementary Reading:
1. T. S. Rappaport, Wireless Communication: Princiles and Practice, 2nd Ed, Pearson
Education India, 2009.

Subject Code: CS4438

Subject Title: Cloud Computing
Course Objectives:
1. Understand Cloud Computing concepts, technologies, architecture and
2. Understand the underlying principle of cloud virtualization, cloud storage, data
management and data visualization.
3. Understand different cloud programming platforms and tools to develop and
deploy applications on cloud.

Course Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to:

1. Develop and deploy cloud application using popular cloud platforms
2. Design and develop highly scalable cloud-based applications by creating and
configuring virtual machines on the cloud and building private cloud.
3. Make recommendations on cloud computing solutions for an enterprise.
Course Contents:
Introduction - Overview of Computing Paradigms: Grid Computing, Cluster Computing,
Distributed Computing, Utility Computing, Cloud Computing; Cloud Computing (NIST Model);
Properties and Characteristics of Cloud.
Cloud Computing Architecture - Cloud computing stack; Service Models (XaaS): Infrastructure
as a Service(IaaS), Platform as a Service(PaaS), Software as a Service(SaaS); Deployment
Models: Public cloud, Private cloud, Hybrid cloud. Data Center Architecture.
Cloud Resource Virtualization - Introduction to virtualization; Different approaches to
virtualization; Hypervisors; Machine Image; Virtual Machine(VM); Process VM vs System VM;
Resource Virtualization: Server, Storage, Network; Full Virtualization vs Para Virtualization;
Operating System Support for Virtualization; Virtual Machine(resource) Provisioning and
Manageability; Virtual Machine Migration.
Service Management in Cloud Computing - Service Level Agreements(SLAs); Billing &
Accounting; Economics of scaling; Managing Data: Database & Data Stores in Cloud, Large
Scale Data Processing.
Task Scheduling in Cloud - Scheduling Algorithms for Computing Clouds; Fair Queuing; Start
Time Fair Queuing; Borrowed Virtual Time; Cloud Scheduling Subject to Deadlines; Scheduling
MapReduce Applications Subject to Deadlines.
Cloud Security - Cloud Security Risks, Trust, Operating System Security, VM Security, Security
of Virtualization, Security Risks Posted by Shared Images, Security Risks Posted by
Management OS, Data privacy and security Issues, Identity & Access Management, Access
Control, Authentication in cloud computing.
Case Study - Microsoft Azure, Amazon EC2

Essential Reading:
1. Dan C Marinescu, Cloud Computing, Theory and Practice, MK Elsevier, 2013
2. Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg, Andrzej M. Goscinski, Cloud Computing:
Principles and Paradigms, Wiley, 2011
Supplementary Reading:
1. Barrie Sosinsky, Cloud Computing Bible, Wiley-India, 2011
2. Jim Smith, Ravi Nair, Virtual Machines: Versatile Platforms for Systems and
Processes, MK Elsevier, 2005

Subject Code:CS4439

Subject Title: Internet of objects


Course Objectives:

Course Outcomes:


Essential Reading:

Supplementary Reading:
Subject Code:CS4440
Subject Title: Fault Tolerant Distributed Systems
Prerequisites: Computer Architecture and Operating System
Course Objectives:
1. To identify the types of faults and fault behavior in distributed systems
2. To develop fault detection, diagnosis and recovery algorithms

Course Outcomes:
1. Implementation of fault tolerant algorithms
2. Performance evaluation of fault tolerant algorithms

Course Contents:
Types of faults: Hard, Transient, Intermittent and Byzantine Faults
Causes of Faults: Environment, Out of range, Physical damage
Fault Model: PMC Model, BGM, MM, MM* and comparison models
Fault Detection and Diagnosis: System level diagnosis, Centralized Vs. Distributed Diagnosis,
Static Vs. Dynamic Diagnosis, Diagnosis Algorithms, Asymptotic Complexity, Diagnosable
systems, t diagnosability, k-connectivity, diagnosis parameters, Replica Management, K+1
Fault Isolation and Fault Recovery: Fault tree, Isolation and Recovery Algorithms
Fault Evaluation: Diagnosis Latency, Diagnosis Start-up Time, False Alarm Rate and Message
Applications: Fault Diagnosis for distributed systems such as Clusters, Grids, Internet and

Essential Readings:
1. Pankaj Jalote, Fault Tolerance in Distributed Systems, Prentice Hall, 1994
2. Elena Dubrova, Fault Tolerant Design, Springer, 2013

Supplementary Readings:
1. J. Jaseph & C. Fellenstein, Grid Computing, Pearson, 1st Ed, 2004.
2. Thomas H & Y. Robert, Fault Tolerance Techniques for High Performance Computing,
Springer, 2015

Subject Code:CS4441
Subject Title: Low Power Systems
Prerequisites: Basic Electronics, Digital Electronics, Computer Organization and Architecture,
Microprocessor, Embedded System, VLSI System design

Course Objectives:
1. To encourage students in designing low power systems.
2. Teach power optimization techniques at circuit, architectural and algorithmic levels.

Course Outcomes:
1. Students will have basic knowledge in designing energy efficient hardware and

Course Contents:
Introduction, historical background that led to the development of present-day VLSI circuits,
importance of low power in high-performance and battery-operated embedded systems, MOS
Fabrication Technology, MOS Transistors, MOS Inverters, MOS Combinational Circuits,
Sources of Power Dissipation, Supply Voltage Scaling for Low Power, Switched Capacitance
Minimization, Leakage Power Minimization, Adiabatic Logic Circuits, Battery-Aware Systems,
Software optimization techniques for low power.

Essential Reading:
1. Pal, Low-Power VLSI Circuits and Systems, Springer, 1st Ed., 2015.

Supplementary Reading:
1. C. Piguet, Low-Power CMOS Circuits, Taylor Francis, 2006.

2. A. P. Chandrakasan, and R. W .Brodersen. Low Power Digital CMOS Design. Kluwer

Academic Publishers, 1995.


EC 1000 BASIC ELECTRONICS 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Module-I: (Analog Electronics)

10 Hrs
Part-1: Introduction to electronic Systems; Part-2: Diode circuit models and Applications: -
Introduction to circuit models, Clippers and Clampers.Part-3: Transistors –BJT and MOSFET: -
BJT construction and operation, BJT configurations, BJT current components BJT
characteristics, Transistor as an amplifier and switch, MOSFET.
Module-II: (Digital Electronics Fundamentals)
10 Hrs
Part-1: Brief on Digital Electronics: - Review of logic gates, Number systems; Part-2:
Combinational Circuits: - Combinational logic (4 variables K-map), Flip flops (T, D, JK),
Counters and Registers; Part-3: Data Converters: - Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC), Analog-
to-Digital Converter (ADC).
Module-III (Special Topic in Electronics)
16 Hrs
Part-1: Operational Amplifier (Op-amp) and application: - Op-amp: Introduction, Internal Block
diagram of Op-amp, Op-amp Characteristics; Part-2: Linear operations using Op-amp:-
Inverting amplifier, Non-inverting Amplifier, Voltage follower, Summing and Difference amplifier,
Integrator and Differentiator, Comparator; Part-3: Miscellaneous Electronic Devices:- SCR,
LED, Photodiode, Laser, Solar Cells, Opto-Couplers.; Part-4: Sensors:- Introduction and
describing sensor performance, Temperature sensors, Light sensors, Force sensors,
Displacement sensors, Motion sensors, Sound sensors, Sensor interfacing. Part-5:
Introduction to basic Communication systems/principles: Fundamentals of Analog
communication (AM, FM), Introduction to digital communication (Sampling,
PAM,PCM,PPM,PWM, Modulation and demodulation techniques ), Communication Networks,
Introduction to Mobile Communication (Lecture notes to be provided)

Text Book (Essential Reading):

1. Microelectronic Circuits, Oxford University Press, S. Sedra and K. C. Smith; Sixth

2. Electronic Devices and Circuit, Boylestad, Robert L., Louis Nashelsky, Pearson
Education India; 11 editions (2015)

3. Digital Fundamentals, Floyd, Pearson Education India; 10 edition

4. Electronic Devices and Circuits: David. A. Bell; Oxford University Press, 5th Edn.

1. Electronics A Systems Approach, Neil Storey 4th Edition, Pearson

2. Electronic Principles, Tata McGraw Hill, Albert Malvino and David J Bates; 7th

3. Morris Mano “Digital Computer Design”, PHI 2003

4. Digital Principles and Applications, Leach , Malvino, Saha, McGraw Hill Education;
Eighth edition

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student must be able to
1. Design of various diode circuits

2. Design simple transistor amplifier and other circuits

3. Design simple combinational and sequential circuits

4. Design circuits using ideal Op-amp to perform mathematical operations on analog


5. Realize the importance of various analog and digital electronic systems, and electronic

Course Coordinator: Prof. S. H. Hiremath

EC 2001 ANALOG ELECTRONICS 4 Credits [3-1-0]

Pre-requisites: EC 1000: Basic Electronics

Bipolar Junction Transistor: Small Signal model, BJT biasing for discrete circuit design, single
stage amplifier analysis, complete static characteristic, internal capacitances and second order
effect.; Field-Effect Transistor: MOSFET as amplifier, biasing of MOS amplifier circuits, single
stage IC-MOS amplifiers, MOSFET as analog switch, Small signal model of MOSFET for high
and low frequencies.; Spice model and analysis of FET circuits.; Frequency Response
Analysis: S-domain analysis, Bode plot, amplifier transfer function, low frequency and high
frequency response of common-source and common drain amplifiers, Current Mirrors,
Cascode Amplifier.; Feedback Amplifier: General feed-back structures, negative feedback, the
4 basis feedback topologies and their analysis, close loop gain calculation, Oscillators.; Output
stage and Power Amplifier: Classification of output stages, Class A, Class B, Class AB
amplifiers; Differential and Multistage Amplifier: BJT differential amplifier, Small signal
operation of BJT differential amplifier, non-ideal characteristics of differential amplifier,
multistage amplifiers. Phase Locked Loops: Simple PLL Operation, Applications.
Essential Reading:

Supplementary Reading:

Course Outcome: Develop the art of analog and mixed signal integrated design. Make
students well versed with the fundamental building blocks of analog IC.

Course Coordinator: Prof K.K.Mohapatra

EC 2002 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Pre-requisites: EC 1000: Basic Electronics

Design Concepts: Digital Hardware, Design Process, Hardware, Logic Circuit Design, Theory
and Practice; Introduction to Logic Circuits: Variables and Functions, Inversion, Truth Tables,
Logic Gates and Networks, Boolean Algebra, Synthesis using AND, OR AND NOT Gates,
Design Examples, Introduction to Cad Tools, Introduction to VHDL.; Implementation
Technology: Transistor Switches, NMOS Logic Gates, CMOS Logic Gates, Negative Logic
System, Standard Chips, Programmable Logic Devices, Custom Chips, Standard Cells and
Gate Arrays Practical Aspects, Transmission Gates, Implementation details for FPGAs.;
Optimized Implementation of Logic Functions: Karnaugh Map, Strategy for Minimization,
Minimization of Product-of-Sums Forms, Incompletely Specified Functions, Multiple Output
Circuits, NAND and NOR Logic Networks, Multi-Level Synthesis, Analysis of Multi-Level
Circuits, CAD Tools.; Number Representation And Arithmetic Circuits: Positional Number
Representation, Addition of Unsigned Numbers, Signed Numbers, Fast Adders, Design of
Arithmetic Circuits Using Cad Tools.; Combinational Circuit Building Blocks: Multiplexers,
Decoders, Encoders, Code Converters, Arithmetic Comparison Circuits, VHDL for
Combinational Circuits.; Flip-Flops, Registers And Counters, A Simple Processor: Basic Latch,
Gated SR Latch, Gated D Latch. Master-Slave and Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flops, T Flip-Flop,
JK Flip-Flop, Registers, Counters, Reset Synchronization, Other Types of Counters, Using
Storage Elements with Cad Tools, Using Registers and Counters With Cad Tools, Design
Examples.; Synchronous Sequential Circuits: Basic Design Steps, State Assignment Problem,
Meanly State Model, Design of Finite State Machines using CAD Tools, Serial Adder Example,
State Minimization, Design of a Counter using the Sequential Circuit Approach, FSM as an
Arbiter Circuit, Analysis of Synchronous Sequential Circuits.

Essential Reading:

Supplementary Reading:

Course outcomes: It will help one student in understanding the basic logic circuits and the
design procedure for building up digital systems.

Course Coordinator: Prof. K.K.Mohapatra


Elementary circuit analysis: DC and AC analysis of RL, RC and RLC series circuits.
Resonance: Series and Parallel resonance. Loop and node variable analysis. Analysis of
coupled circuits. Source transformation. Loop and node variable analysis. Network theorems.
Network topology and graph concepts: Introduction to graph of networks. Incidence matrix.
Loop/circuit matrix. Cutset matrix. Relation between branch voltage matrix, twig voltage matrix
and node voltage matrix. Relation between branch current matrix and loop current matrix.
Network Equilibrium equations. Duality in networks. Transient response and initial
conditions: Representation of networks by first and second order differential equations.
General and particular solution. Time constants and integrating factors. Initial conditions and
procedure to evaluate them. Second order equations with internal and external excitation.
Response as related to s-plane location of roots. Network functions: Poles and zeros:
Network functions for one port and two port. Network function for ladder and general networks.
Poles and zeros of network functions. Restriction of poles and zeros location for driving point
functions. Restriction of poles and zeros location for transfer function. Time domain behaviour
and stability from pole zero plot. Two port parameters: Short circuit admittance parameters.
Open circuit impedance parameters. Transmission and hybrid parameters. Relationship
between parameter sets. Parallel and cascade connection of Two port networks. Passive
filters and attenuators: Classification and characteristics of filters, Constant K low and high
pass filters. Bandpass and bandstop filters. M-derived filters. Terminating half sections.
Composite filters and attenuators. Network synthesis: Hurwitz polynomials. Positive real
functions. Elementary synthesis concepts. Realization of LC, RC and RL functions.

Essential Reading:

Supplementary Reading:

Course Outcome:

Course Coordinator: Prof S Deshmukh



Construction, Performance, Steady state and Dynamic Behaviors of d’Arsonval, Vibration, and
and Voltmeters: PMMC, Moving-Iron, and Electro dynamic type; Ohmmeters: Series type and
Shunt-type Ohmmeters; Thermo-instruments, Watt-hour Meters, Power-Factor Meters and
Instrument Transformers; POTENTIOMETERS: DC and AC; BRIDGES: D. C. Bridges:
Wheatstone bridge, and Kelvin bridge., A.C. Bridges and their Applications: Maxwell bridge,
Hay bridge, Schering bridge, and Wein bridge, Measurement of high resistance by Megger;
Meter, AC Voltmeter Using Rectifiers, True RMS– Responding Voltmeter, Electronic
Multimeter, Digital Voltmeters: Ramp type, Integrating type, and Successive-Approximation
type; Component Measuring Instruments: Q-meter, Vector Impedance Meter, Vector Voltmeter,
RF Power and Voltage Measurements.

Essential Readings:

Supplementary Readings:

Course Outcome: A graduate student should able to understand the basic principles of the
electrical and electronics measurement instruments and use them to measure the appropriate

Course Coordinator: Prof. S. Kar

EC 2502 ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Laplace and Poisson’s equation, Solution of Laplace equation by separation of variables in

Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical co-ordinates, cylindrical and spherical harmonics,
Examples.; Maxwell’s equations for static fields, their modifications for time-varying fields
conducting and dielectric media.; EM Wave equations and uniform plane waves, in free space
and in lossy medium, wave propagation in good dielectrics, in good conductors: Depth of
penetration, Poynting vector and power flow, Reflection and refraction of EM Waves.;
Transmission lines: Transmission line equations, Parameters- primary and secondary
constants, Reflection coefficient and SWR, Matched Transmission line, Impedance matching,
Smith chart problems, Analogy of transmission lines with e. m. waves.; Guided waves and
Waveguides: Electric and magnetic fields in rectangular waveguide; TE, TM and TEM modes,
Dominant modes, λc, λg, Vp, Vg, Numerical examples.; Radio Wave Propagation: Modes of
propagation, Structure of Troposphere, Tropospheric Scattering, Ionosphere, Ionospheric
Layers - D, E, F1, F2, regions. Sky wave propagation - propagation of radio waves through
Ionosphere, Effect of earth’s magnetic field, Virtual height, Skip Distance, MUF, Critical
frequency, Space wave propagation.

Essential Readings:
1. N. Ida, Engineering Electromagnetics, Springer, 2004

2. M. N. O. Sadiku, Elements of Electromagnetics- Oxford University Press, 2006

Supplementary Reading:

1. E. C. Jordan and K. G. Balmain, Electromagnetic waves and Radiating systems,

Prentice hall, 2004

2. W. H. Hayt, Engineering Electromagnetics, McGraw Hill, 2007

Course Outcome: Solving of numerical problems related to Maxwell’s equations,

Electromagnetic Waves, Poyenting Theorem etc. Derivation of equations for Transmission line,
VSWR, Reflection Coefficient Design and development of Transmission Line circuits using
Smith chart, rectangular waveguides. Analysis of a problem and find solution to the same Study
the effect of environments viz: Ground wave, Space wave and Sky wave Propagations

Course Coordinator: Prof S K Behera

EC 2601 SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS 3 Credits [2-1-0]

Signals and Systems: What is a signal and a system, classification of signals, properties of
systems, Noise, Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Systems, Basic System Properties, Basic
System Properties Linear Time Invariant Systems: The convolution sum and integral,
Relations between LTI system properties and the Impulse Response, Step Response, Block
diagram representations, State variable descriptions of LTI systems. Fourier representations
of signals: Fourier Series Representation of Periodic Signals, Continuous-Time Fourier
Transform, Discrete-Time Fourier Transform, Properties of Fourier Representations, Finding
inverse Fourier Transforms by using Partial fraction expansions, Parseval Relationships, Time-
Bandwidth Product. Applications of Fourier representations to mixed signal classes:
Fourier Transform representations of Periodic signals and discrete time signals, Sampling,
Fourier series representations of Finite duration non periodic signals. Representing Signals
by using Continuous-Time complex Exponentials: The Laplace Transform: The Laplace
Transform, Unilateral Laplace Transform, Properties of Unilateral Laplace Transform and
bilateral Laplace Transform, properties of the region of convergence, Causality and Stability,
Determining the Frequency Response from Poles and Zeros. Representing signals by using
discrete-time complex exponentials: The Z-Transform: The Z-Transform, Properties of
Region of Convergence, Properties of the Z-Transform, Inversion of the Z-Transform, Causality
and Stability, The Unilateral Z-Transform. Application to Linear Feedback Systems: Basic
feedback concepts, Sensitivity and Distortion analysis, the stability problem, Routh-Hurwitz
criterion, Root locus method, Nyquist Stability Criterion, Bode diagram.

Essential Reading:

Supplementary Reading:

Course Outcome:

Course Coordinator: Dr. Samit Ari


Pre-requisite: Basic Electronics (EC 1000)

1. Familiarization with basic electronic instruments and identification of different passive

(resistor, inductor, capacitor and potentiometer) and active (diodes, BJTs and FETs)
2. Study of Electronic Equipment (Power Supply, Multimeter, Function Generator and
(i) Measurement of AC and DC voltages and currents and resistances by Digital
(ii) Study of Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO) and Function Generator:
Connection, Display and Measurement of various types of periodic signals
(sine, square, triangular).
3. Study of static V-I characteristic of Semiconductor diode and Zener diode
4. Study of different types of Rectifiers using junction diode and filter circuit.
5. Study of input and output characteristics of BJT and determination of the Q- point and load
line, input resistance (Ri), Output Resistance (Rout).
6. Study of an RC coupled CE transistor amplifier and determination of its gain, bandwidth and
signal handling capacity.
7. Verification of the frequency response of Passive and Active high pass and low pass filters.

8. Study of Input and output characteristics of FET and determining the Pinch-off Voltage (Vp)
and Idss.
9. Study of different DC and AC bridges.
10. Study and characterization of resistive/inductive/ capacitive/ peizo-electric sensors.
11. Study of logic gates and implementation of simple combinational circuits.
12. Mini project: To design and test a small circuit (amplifier, oscillator, filter: any one)

Course Outcomes:

1. Students will be able to understand the characteristics and the working principles of
electronic devices e.g. Diode, Zener Diode, BJT, JFET.
2. Students will be able to design and develop electronic circuits e.g. Rectifiers, Clipper,
Clamper, Filters, Amplifiers and Operational Amplifiers etc.
3. Students will be able to identify digital logic gates and be able to design simple
combinational circuits using gates
4. Students will be able to understand the characteristics different sensors and use them
in sensing environment like process control

Course Outcomes: It will help one student in understanding the fundamental knowledge of
electronic devices, circuits and systems.

Course Coordinator: Prof. A.K.Swain


Course Outcomes: To develop and analyze the various analog electronic circuits like
rectifiers, filters, amplifiers using BJT and Op-Amps in multisim software and P-spice simulation

Course Coordinator: Prof. K.K.Mohapatra


2 Credits [1-0-2]
Introduction to Digital Hardware, Introduction to Cad Tools, Introduction to VHDL.; Data types,
Behavioral, Structural and dataflow styles of design, Implementation details for FPGAs.;
Synthesis of a logic function by NAND gates only. (Minimized and two level).
Course outcomes: It will provide a practical experience in design and analysis of the basic
circuits for the digital architecture and knowhow of VHDL language for design of digital circuits.

Course Coordinator: Prof. K.K.Mohapatra


1. Familiarization with basic electronic instruments and identification of different passive
(resistor, inductor, capacitor and potentiometer) and active (diodes, BJTs and FETs)
components Study of Electronic Equipment (Power Supply, Multimeter, Function
Generator and DSO)
(i) Measurement of AC and DC voltages and currents and resistances by Digital
(ii) Study of Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO) and Function Generator:
Connection, Display and Measurement of various types of periodic signals
(sine, square, triangular).

2. Study of static V-I characteristic of Semiconductor diode and Zener diode

3. Study of different types of Rectifiers using junction diode and filter circuit.
4. Study of input and output characteristics of BJT and determination of the Q- point and load
line, input resistance (Ri), Output Resistance (Rout).
5. Study of an RC coupled CE transistor amplifier and determination of its gain, bandwidth and
signal handling capacity.
6. Verification of the frequency response of Passive and Active high pass and low pass filters.

7. Study and characterization of resistive/inductive/ capacitive/ piezo-electric sensors.

8. Implementation of the equation using two operational Amplifier (IC741)
Vo = - 5V1+2V2-10V3.
Use minimum value of resistor as 10K.
9. Design a Differential Amplifier using Transistor
A. Determine the biasing condition, Common Mode gain, Different Mode Gain,
B. C.M.R.R, Frequency response.
10. Design a Wien Bridge Oscillator using OP-Amp and verify its operation
5. Cascode Amplifier
A. To understand the basic principle of operation and to determine the Voltage gain
and bandwidth
11. Design RC couple Amplifier using MOSFET (enhancement type)
A. Calculate the parameters, B. DC condition, C. Signal Handling capacity, D. Gain
E. Frequency response and bandwidth.
12. To study the Voltage Control Oscillator(VCO)
A. Design voltage control Oscillator
B. Determine the amplitude of Triangular and square wave Oscillator.
C. Determine the Square and triangular wave oscillator by varying the different
circuit parameter.
13. Realization of Phase Locked Loop(PLL)
A. Determination of free running frequency.
B. Determination of Locked Range Frequency (FLH-FLL)
C. Determination of Capture Range Frequency(FCH-FCL)
14. Digital to Analog Converter (D/A)
A. Using R-2R Ladder network
B. Input of Ladder network will connect with 4-bit ripple counter output.
C. Measure and draw the output DC by CRO
15. Analog to Digital Converter(A/D)
A. Successive approximation type
16. Design a Dual mode DC Regulated power supply (±6V).

Essential Reading:

Supplementary Reading:

Course Outcome:

Course Coordinator: Prof. K.K. Mohapatra


A. Design a Push-Pull Amplifier.
B. Measure Dc Bias voltage in each stage.
C. Draw and measure the AC input and output of voltage of each stage (input,
push-pull, output stage)
D. Measure the frequency response and bandwidth.
E. Calculate the efficiency (η) of this amplifier.
Topics for the Mini Project
Essential Reading:

1. A. S. Sedra, K. C. Smith, “Microelectronic Circuits”, Oxford University Press, India

Supplementary Reading:

Course Outcome:

Course Coordinator: Prof D P Acharya

EC 3001 SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Prerequisites: EC 1000: Basic Electronics

Energy Bands and charge carriers in semiconductors: Energy bands, direct and indirect
semiconductors, Electrons and holes, Intrinsic and extrinsic materials, Fermi-Dirac distribution
function, electron and holes concentrations at equilibrium, space charge neutrality, conductivity
and mobility, Hall effect

Excess carriers in semiconductors: Drift, Diffusion: Current equation, Einstein’s Relationship,

Continuity equation; Generation & Recombination: Mechanisms, Minority Carrier Lifetime; P-N
junction: Principles, DC model, Capacitance of Reverse bias PN junction, store charge effects,
Metal Semiconductor contacts: Schottky diode, Ohmic Contact MOS Capacitor; MOSFET:
Principles, C-V Characteristics, Second order effects; BJT: Principles, C-V Characteristics,
Second order effects; IC Technology: Bipolar IC Technologies; MOSFET Technologies;
BICMOS Technologies Microwave FETs & Diodes; IGBT, Thyristors.

Essential Reading:
Supplementary Reading:
1. S. Dimitrijev, Principles of Semiconductor Devices: Oxford University Press, 2005

Course Outcome: Students learn the semiconductor device basics such as BJT,MOSFET and

Course Coordinator: Prof D P Acharya.


Pre-requisite: EC 2001: Analog Electronics

Transistor Modelling and Circuits: Ebers Moll Model for the bipolar transistor and its
modifications. - Hybrid pi model and high frequency effects. - SPICE parameters for bipolar
transistors. - Common emitter, common base and common collector amplifiers. - Bode
Diagram, Bandwidth, low and high frequency effects. - Miller effect - Amplifier design. -
Differential pair. Oscillators: Feedback principle, Effect of feedback, Classification of
oscillators, Barkhausen Criterion - Mechanism for start of oscillation and stabilization of
amplitude, General form of an Oscillator, Analysis of LC oscillators – Hartley and Colpitts,
Tuned collector oscillators, RC oscillators - phase shift –Wien bridge - Twin-T Oscillators,
Frequency range of RC and LC Oscillators, Quartz Crystal Construction, Electrical equivalent
circuit of Crystal, Miller and Pierce Crystal oscillators, frequency stability of oscillators. Wave
Shaping and Multivibrator Circuits: RC & RL Integrator and Differentiator circuits – Storage,
Delay and Calculation of Transistor Switching Times – Speed-up Capaitor - Diode clippers,
Diode comparator - Clampers. 555 Timer, Astable multivibrator – Monostable multivibrator -
Bistable multivibrators - Triggering methods for Bistable multivibrators - Schmitt trigger circuit,
Filters: Introduction to filters and filter specifications. The Butterworth, Chebyshev, Bessel and
Elliptic filters, Realisation of active filters. Power supplies - DC power supply design using
transistors and SCRs, Design of crowbar and foldback protection circuits, Switched mode
power supplies, Forward, flyback, buck and boost converters, Design of transformers and
control circuits for SMPS. Data Conversion - Basic specs of converters: Sampling (relation to
Nyquist), linearity, resolution (relation to SNR), Introduction to Analogue-to-Digital Conversion -
Sample and Hold, analogue multiplexing - Anti-alias filter requirements, Topologies -
Successive Approximation, Dual Slope, Binary Weighted, Introduction to Digital-to-Analogue
Conversion - Properties of DACs - R/2R ladder topology - The need for reconstruction filters.
Essential Reading:

Supplementary Reading:
Course Coordinator: Prof. S Kar.

EC 3003 Power Electronics 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Power Semiconductor Devices: Control characteristics of Power Semiconductor Devices,

Types of Power Electronic Circuits. Power Semiconductor Diodes: Types, Characteristics,
Reverse Recovery Characteristics, Forward and Reverse Recovery Time, Series and Parallel
Connection. Thyristors: Characteristics, 2-Transistor Model, Turn on and Turn off, dv / dt and di
/ dt protection, Thyristor firing circuits, UJT, Gate Turn-off Thyristors (GTO), Triac, FET
controlled Thyristor, MOS controlled Thyristors. Series and Parallel operation of Thyristors.
Line Frequency Phase Controlled Rectifiers and Inverters: Principle of Phase Control, Gate
Trigger Controller Circuit. Single Phase Converter,

Ideal Circuit with no source inductance and constant output d. c. current. Semi Converters and
Full converter, Dual converter. Wave form and performance calculation, Effect of finite source
inductance, Inverter Mode Operation. Three Phase Converter : Ideal Circuit without source
inductance with constant output d. c. current, Three Phase Full Converters, Wave form
Performance, Input Line Currents, Effect of Source Inductance and Commutation, Inverter
mode of operation, A. C. Voltage Waveform. A. C. Voltage Controller: On-off control, Phase
Control, R-Load, R-L Load, Cycloconverters Principles. Power Transistors: BJT Switching
Characteristics and Switching limits base drive control Power MOSFET, Switching
characteristics and gate drive, IGBT and STT, Isolation of gate base drive. DC-DC Switch
Mode Converters (Choppers) : Principles of step-down chopper, step down chopper with R-L
load, Principle of stepup operation, control of DC-Dc converter by PWM, Switching mode
regulator, Step down (Back) Converter, Step-up (Boost) converter in Continuous Conduction
mode. Thyristor Commutation Technique: Self Commutation, Impulse Commutation,
Complementary Commutation. The Impulse Commutated Chopper. Pulse Width Modulated
Inverters: Single phase half bridge and full bridge inverter, 3-phase inverter-180 degree and
120-degree conduction mode, Pulse Width Modulated Switching scheme for voltage control,
SPWM and modified SPWM of 1-phase inverters, PWM with unipolar and Bipolar Voltage
Switching, PWM in 3-phase VSI, Square wave operation, Switching Utilisation. Harmonic
reduction by programmed harmonic elimination switching, Forced Commutated Thyristor
Inverters, Auxiliary Commutated (Mc-Murray) Inverter, Complementary Commutated (Mc-
Murray-Bedford) inverter. Current Source Inverter, Single phase CSI Inverter Circuit Design.

Essential Reading:
M. H. Rashid, Power Electronics-Devices, Circuits and Application, Prentice Hall of India, 2003.

Supplementary Reading:
N. Mohan, T. M. Undeland and W. P. Robbies, Power Electronics, Converters, Applications
and Design, John Wiley and Sons, 2003.

Course Outcome: Students learn the power electronic device basics

Course Coordinator: Prof K.K.Mohapatra


Architecture of the 8086/8088 microprocessor, Internal operations, Maximum mode, Minimum

mode of operation,Addressing modes, Instruction Format, Instruction execution timing, 8088 vs
8086; Assembly Language Programming:Data Transfer instruction, Arithmetic and Logical
instructions, String Manipulation instructions etc needed for ALP,Modular programming: Simple
assembler directives and operators, Linking and relocation, Stack, Procedures, Interrupt,Macro,
Programming examples. Byte and string manipulation, I/O programming. 8087 Numeric data
processor and its

use in the 8086/8088 system, 8089 I/O processor (IOP), Architecture, Communication between
CPU & IOP. Arithmetic Coprocessor, MMX and SIMD Technology; Bus interface, The
80386/80486/Pentium/Pentium II/Pentium III/Pentium IV Microprocessors;

8051 Microcontroller: Architecture, Instruction, Programming and Interfacing

Essential Reading:

Supplementary Reading:

Course Outcome: The students will have the knowledge of microprocessors and
microcontrollers and their applications.

Course Coordinator: Prof S K Patra

EC 3202 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS 3 Credits [3-0-0]

INTRODUCTION TO 8-bit and 16-bit microcontroller: 8051 family of microcontroller,
architecture, memory organization, special function registers, timer counter, serial interface,
interrupt organization, instruction sets and programming, instruction timing and interfacing,
practical applications, introduction to 16-bit microcontroller 8096.

INTRODUCTION TO Embedded systems, Processor and memory organization, Devices and

Buses for device networks, I2C Bus, SPI Bus, PCI bus, Device drivers and Interrupt servicing
mechanism, Programming concepts and Embedded programming in C and C++, Program
modeling concepts in single and multiprocessor- development Process, Real time operating

Essential Readings:
1. M.A. Mazdi & J.G. Mazdi; The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded System, Pearson
Education India, 2005.

2. S.Heath, Embedded Systems Design, Second Edition, Elsevier, 2009

Supplementary Readings:
3. K J Ayala; The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture, Programming and Application;
Penram International Publishing (India), 2004.

4. Raj Kamal; EMBEDDED SYSTEMS Architecture, Programming and Design; Tata

McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited; 2003.

Course Outcome: Knowledge of basic design of embedded systems in different platforms with
special emphasis to 8051.

Course Coordinator: Prof D.P.Acharya

EC 3301 CONTROL SYSTEMS 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Introduction: Modeling in Frequency domain, Mechanical system, Electromechanical system,
Electric circuit analogs. Modeling in Frequency domain: State space representation,
converting from state space to T.F., Time Response: poles, zeros and system responses.
Reduction of Multiple subsystems: Block diagrams, Signal flow graphs, Mason’s Rule, Signal
flow graph of state equation. Stability: Routh- Hurwitz Stability criteria. Steady state Error
analysis Root locous Techniques Design Via Root locous Frequency response Technique:
Bode plot, Nyquist Diagram, PM, GM, stability. Design Via Frequency response: Lag
compensator, Lead compensator, Lag-Lead compensator.

Essential Reading :

Supplementary Reading :

1. K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, Pearson Education

Course Outcome: A graduate should be able to analyse and design stable processes/ plants
using Nyquist criteria, Routh-Herwithz criteria, Bodeplot and Root Locus technique, etc.

Course Coordinator: Prof. T.K. Dan


Pre-requisite: EC 1000: Basic Electronics

REVIEW OF MEASUREMENTS AND ERROR: Definition, accuracy and precision, Significant

figures, Types of error, Statistical analysis, Probability of error, limiting error; CATHODE RAY
OSCILLOSCOPE: Introduction, Block diagram of CRO, cathode ray tube, CRT circuits, Vertical
deflection system, delay line, horizontal deflection systems, Multipletrace, Oscilloscope probes
and transducers, Measurements with CRO, special oscilloscope.;
SIGNAL GENERATION:Sine-wave generator, Frequency synthesized signal generator,
Frequency divider generator, Sweep frequency generator, pulse and square wave generator,
Function generators, Audio frequency signal generator, Digital and Analog Noise generator
SIGNAL ANALYSIS: Wave analyser, Distortion analyser and spectrum analyser; FREQUENCY
AND TIME INTERVAL MEASUREMENT: Simple frequency counter, measurement error,
extending frequency range of counter, Automatic computing counter, Measurement of higher
frequency by wave meter, heterodyne freq. meters; ANALOG AND DIGITAL DATA
ACQUISITION SYSTEMS: Introduction, Signal conditioning of input, Single channel data
acquisition systems, Multi-channel data acquisition systems, Data conversion, A/D and D/A
converters, Multi-plexers, Sample and hold circuits; INPUT OUTPUT DEVICES AND DISPLAY:
Introduction, Analog displays and recorders, Digital I/O devices, Displays, Display multiplexing,
Zero suppressing.

Essential Readings:
1. A. D. Helfrick, W. D. Cooper, ModernElectronic Instrumentation and Measurement
Techniques, PHI, New Delhi, 2002.
2. D. A. Bell, Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement, PHI, New Delhi, 2003.

Supplementary Readings:
1. C. S. Rangan, G. R. Sarma and V. S. V. Mani, Instrumentation Devices and Systems,
TMH, 2000
2. H. S. Kalsi, Electronic Instrumentation, TMH, 2000.
3. D. Patranabis, Principles of Electronic Instrumentation, PHI, 2008.
Course Outcome: A graduate should be able to understand Electronic instrumentation, be
familiar with CRO, Function Generator , Data acquisition System and their uses.

Course Coordinator: Prof. B. Mukherjee


Basic concept of Instrumentation System, Purpose, structure and elements. STATIC

Generalised Model of System element, statistical characteristics. THE ACCURACY OF
MEASUREMENT SYSTEM IN THE STEADY STATE: Measurement error of a system of ideal
elements. The error probability density function of a system of non-ideal elements. Error
Transfer function for typical system elements, step and frequency response. Dynamic errors in
measurement systems. Techniques for dynamic compensation. LOADING EFFECTS IN
MEASUREMENT SYSTEM: Electrical loading, Generalised loading. SIGNAL AND NOISE IN
MEASUREMENT SYSTEM: Statistical representation of random signals: Effects of Noise and
interference on Measurement circuits, Noise sources and coupling mechanism, Method of
reducing effects of Noise and interference. SENSING ELEMENTS: Resistive (Potentiometers,
Resistance Thermometer, Strain Gauges), Inductive (Variable reluctance, LVDT), Capacitive
(variable area, gap, dielectric), Magnetic type (eddy current, magnetostrictive,
magnetoresistive), Thermoelastic, Elastic, Piezoelectric, Photoelectric, Hall effect, Synchros.
SIGNAL CONDITIONING CIRCUITS: Potentiometer Circuit (constant voltage and constant
current), Wheatstone Bridge (constant voltage and constant current), Instrumentation Amplifier.

Essential Readings:
Supplementary Readings:

Course Outcome: A graduate should be able to analyse the generalized Measurement

System and be able to design the different types of sensor (i.e. Resistive, Inductive, Capacitive,
Piezoelectric, Thermoelectric etc.) as well as sensing condition element (i.e. Associate bridge
circuit etc.).

Course Coordinator: Prof. S. Kar

EC 3304 PROCESS CONTROL 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Pre-requisite: EC 3301: Control System Engineering

INTRODUCTION TO PROCESS CONTROL: A Process Control System, Important terms and

the objectives of Automatic Process Control, Transmission Signals, Control Strategies;
MATHEMATICAL TOOLS: Deviation variables, Linearization of functions of one variable,
Linearization of functions of two or more variables; FIRST-ORDER DYNAMIC SYSTEM:
Thermal Process, Dead time, Level process, Response of first-order processes; HIGHER-
ORDER DYNAMIC SYSTEMS: Tanks in series – Noninteracting systems, Interacting systems,
Thermal process, Response of higher order systems; BASIC COMPONENTS OF CONTROL
SYSTEM: Sensors and Transmitter, Control Valves, Feedback controllers (P, PI, PID);
Stability of the control loop, Tuning of feedback controllers, Synthesis of feedback controllers.

Essential Reading:

1. C. A. Smith & A. B. Corripio, Principles and Practice of Automatic Process Control,

John Wiley, 2004.

Supplementary Readings:

Course Outcome: A graduate should be able to model and analyse first order and higher
order, design of P, PI and PID controllers and design of single loop feedback control system.

Course Coordinator: Prof. U.C.Pati



Pre-requisite: EC 1000: Basic Electronics

REVIEW OF MEASUREMENTS AND ERROR: Definition, accuracy and precision, Significant

figures, Types of error, Statistical analysis.
DIGITAL INSTRUMENTS BASICS: Digital representation of analog quantity, basic logic gates,
digital displays, counters, ADC and DAC, Digital I/O devices, Displays, Display multiplexing,
Zero suppressing.
CATHODE RAY OSCILLOSCOPE: Introduction, Block diagram of CRO, cathode ray tube,
Deflection amplifier, waveform display, CRO time base, Dual trace and multi trace CRO,
Multiple trace, voltage, frequency and phase measurements, Oscilloscope probes and
transducers, Measurements with CRO; special oscilloscopes - limited to delayed time base
CRO, sampling CRO, Digital storage CRO, DSO application.
SIGNAL GENERATION: Low frequency signal generator, function generator, Pulse generator,
RF signal generation, sweep frequency generation, frequency sysnthesizer and arbitrary
waveform generator, Digital and Analog Noise generator.
Distortion meter, Spectrum Analyzer, True RMS meter, Low level voltmeter
measurement error, extending frequency range of counter, Automatic computing counter,
Measurement of higher frequency by wave meter, heterodyne freq. meters.
ANALOG AND DIGITAL DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS: Introduction, Signal conditioning of
input, Single channel data acquisition systems, Multi-channel data acquisition systems,
INPUT OUTPUT DEVICES AND DISPLAY: Introduction, Analog displays and recorders, Digital
I/O devices, Displays, Display multiplexing, Zero suppressing.

An introduction to virtual instrumentation through LABVIEW

(Block diagram approach would be adopted wherever necessary)

Essential Readings:
1. D. A. Bell, Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement, PHI, New Delhi, 2003.
2. A. D. Helfrick, W. D. Cooper, Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement
Techniques, PHI, New Delhi, 2002.

Supplementary Readings:
1. C. S. Rangan, G. R. Sarma and V. S. V. Mani, Instrumentation Devices and Systems,
TMH, 2000
2. H. S. Kalsi, Electronic Instrumentation, TMH, 2000.
3. D. Patranabis, Principles of Electronic Instrumentation, PHI, 2008.
Course Outcome: On completion of the course a student should be able to provide principles
of different instruments leading to design of instruments and evaluate performance of different

Course Coordinator: Prof. S.K. Behera


SPECTRAL ANALYSIS: Fourier series, Response of a linear system, Normalized power in a

Fourier expansion, Power spectral density. The Fourier transform, Convolution, Parseval’s
theorem, Power and energy transfer through a network, Auto and Cross correlations.
AMPLITUDE MODULATION SYSTEMS: Frequency translation, Recovery of base band signal,
Amplitude Modulation, Maximum Allowable Modulation. The square Law demodulator,
Spectrum of AM signal, Balanced Modulator, SSB modulation and generation, VSB, FDM.
FREQUENCY MODULATION SYSTEM: Phase and frequency modulation and their
relationship, Frequency deviation, spectrum of FM Signal, BW of FM signal, Effect of
modulation on BW, constant BW, FM phasor diagram, Narrow band FM, Armstrong and
Parameter Variation methods of FM generation. FM Department of Electronics &
Communication Engineering Demodulators. ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERSION: Pulse
Modulation Systems, Sampling theorem, Pulse Amplitude Modulation, Quantization of signals,
Quantization error, Pulse code modulation (PCM) system, Companding, Time division
multiplexing (TDM), DPCM, DM, ADM. Basic Digital Modulation Techniques: DM, ADM,
DPCM and ADPCM for speech, ASK, PSK, QAM, FSK etc. Baseband Communication: Line
coding, Matched filter, correlation receiver, basics of inter symbol interference, Equalization.
NOISE IN COMMUNICATION SYSTEM: Resistor noise, Available power, Noise temperature,
Noise bandwidth, Two ports Noise bandwidth, Input Noise temperature, Noise figure,
Equivalent-Noise temperature of a cascade; example of receiving system.

Essential Readings:

Supplementary Reading:

Course Outcome:

Course Coordinator: Prof S Deshmukh

EC 3502 DIGITAL COMMUNICATION 3 Credits [3-0-0]

ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERSION: Pulse Modulation Systems, Sampling theorem, Pulse

Amplitude Modulation, Quantization of signals, Quantization error, Pulse code modulation
(PCM) system, Companding, Time division multiplexing (TDM), DPCM, DM, ADM.
OPTIMUM RECEIVERS FOR AWGN CHANNEL: Optimum receiver for signals corrupted by
AWGN, performance of optimum receiver for memory less modulation, optimum receiver for
CPM signals, optimum receiver for signals with random phase in AWGN channel.
CARRIER AND SYMBOL SYNCHRONIZATION: Signal Parameter estimation, carrier phase
estimation, symbol timing estimation, Joint estimation.
CHANNEL CAPACITY AND CODING: Channel models and channel capacity, Block codes –
coding and decoding, cyclic codes, algebraic codes, Reed-Solomon Code, Convolutional
spread spectrum and its applications, frequency hopping (FH) spread spectrum,
synchronization of spread spectrum systems.
Essential Reading:
Supplementary Reading:
Course Coordinator: Prof. P Singh


Introduction to probability: Sample space, outcomes and events. Axioms and properties of
probability. Random variables: Conditions for function to be random variable. Discrete and
continuous random variable. Distribution function. Density function. Binomial, Poisson, Uniform,
Exponential, Gaussian, Rayleigh density functions. Conditional distribution and density
functions. The central limit theorem. Reliability. Operations on random variables:
Expectation. Week and strong law of large numbers. Conditional expectation. Expectation of
function of random variable. Moments about origin and central moments. Variance, skew and
kurtosis. Chebychev’s and Markov inequalities. Characteristic function. Moment generating
function. Chernoff’s inequality and bounds. Transformation of discrete and continuous random
variables. Multiple Random Variables: Vector of random variables. Joint distribution. Marginal
distribution. Conditional distribution and density: Point and interval conditioning. Statistical
independence. Distribution and density of sum and product of random variables. Gaussian
Random variables: Bivariate, Multivariate Gaussian. Joint characteristic, density function.
Linear transformation of Gaussian random variables. Complex Gaussian random variables.
Random Processes: Definition and characteristic of random processes. Strict-sense and wide-
sense random processes. WSS through LTI systems. Power spectral density of WSS
processes. Characterization of correlation function. Matched filter. Wiener filter. Wiener-
Khinchin theorem. Ergodic process. Introduction to Poisson process, Renewal and Wiener and
Markov process.

Essential Readings:

Supplementary Reading:

Course Outcome:

Course Coordinator: Prof S Deshmukh


Introduction: Signals, systems and signal processing, concept of frequency in continuous and
discrete time signal; Discrete-time Signals and Systems: Discrete time signals and systems,
analysis of LTI system and implementation, correlation; Z-Transform: Generalized complex
exponentials as eigensignals of LTI systems, z-transform definition, region of convergence
(RoC), properties of RoC, properties of the z-transform, inverse z-transform methods-pole-zero
plots, time-domain responses of simple pole-zero plots, RoC implications of causality and
stability; Frequency Domain Analysis: Frequency analysis of continuous-time and discrete-time
signals and LTI systems, LTI system as frequency selective filter, inverse system and de-
convolution. ; Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT): Definition of the DFT and inverse DFT, DFT
as the samples of the DTFT and the implied periodicity of the time-domain signal, recovering
the DTFT from the DFT, circular shift of signal and the “index mod N” concept, properties of the
DFT, circular convolution and its relationship with linear convolution, sectioned convolution
methods: overlap add and overlap save, effect of zero padding, introduction to the Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) algorithm, decimation-in-time and decimation-in-frequency algorithms.;
Implementation of Discrete-Time System: FIR system, IIR system, Design of Digital Filters:
Design of FIR and IIR filters, Recent Developments.

Essential Reading:
1. J.G. Proakis and D.G. Manolakis - Digital Signal Processing: Principles Algorithms and
Applications, Pearson Education.

Supplementary Readings:
2. S.K. Mitra - Digital Signal Processing: A computer based approach, TMH, 2001

Course Outcome: A graduate student will be able to design and develop Digital LTI systems,
FIR and IIR filters, FFT algorithms, etc.

Course Coordinator: Prof. A.K. Sahoo


Architecture of the 8086/8088 microprocessor, Internal operations, Maximum mode, Minimum

mode of operation, Addressing modes, Instruction Format, Instruction execution timing, 8088
vs 8086; Assembly Language Programming: Data Transfer instruction, Arithmetic and Logical
instructions, String Manipulation instructions etc needed for ALP, Modular programming:
Simple assembler directives and operators, Linking and relocation, Stack, Procedures,
Interrupt, Macro, Programming examples.

PART A (Programing)

PART B (Interfacing)

PART C (Mini Project – One to be done): Work not limited to the list

Course Outcomes: The students would learn the hardware and software development using a
microprocessor and hence make digital systems using that device.

Course Coordinator: Prof. A. K. Swain


Study of 8051 architecture, Study the different addressing modes: Immediate, Register, Direct,
Register Indirect and Indexed.
Write an Assembly and C language programming for the following: To transfer data from code
ROM space into RAM locations, RAM locations to other RAM locations. Find the largest
element in an array stored in the internal RAM location, and display the result in port2. ALP to
sort an array stored in the internal ram location. To experiment with a look-up table. Addition
hex numbers. Program to add BCD numbers. Add two multi-byte BCD numbers. 8051 division
and multiplication instructions.

To examine the I/O port operation using a simulator. To trace through a CALL subroutine using
a simulator. To write a program to convert data from hex to ASCII. Write a program to find the
average of a set of hex data. Study of On Chip Peripherals: Timers, Serial Port & Interrupts
Interfacing of 8051 with modules such as: LCD, 4x4 Hex Keypad, ADC, DAC, Stepper Motor &
Sensors, Real Time clock

Tools Used: KEIL Microvision IDE, 8051 development boards

Course Outcome: The students will learn basic system design techniques with emphasis on
hardware and software. Learn efficient interfacing of the I/O devices in making an embedded

Course Coordinator: Prof. D. P. Acharya


1. Study and design of AM modulator and demodulator. (Full AM, SSB, DSBSC, SSBSC)
2. Using MATLAB generate a carrier and a modulating signal. Modulate the carrier using
AM. Show the modulated waveform in time domain and analyze its frequency spectrum.
Repeat the simulation for modulating signal being square, triangular and other forms of
3. Study of FM modulation and Demodulation Techniques.
4. Using MATLAB generate a carrier and a modulating signal. Modulate the carrier using
FM. Show the waveform in time domain and analyze its frequency spectrum. Repeat
the simulation for modulating signal being square, triangular and other forms of
5. Using Lab-View software simulate AM modulation and demodulation system.
6. Using Lab-View software simulate FM modulation and demodulation system.
7. Design a receiver to demodulate and receive the signal from a AM radio station.
8. Design a receiver to demodulate and receive the signal from the local FM radio station.

Course Coordinator: Prof. P Singh


1. Generation and Reception of Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) signal and Time division
multiplexing (TDM).
2. Observe the process of quantization and determination of quantization noise.
3. Different channel coding and decoding techniques.
4. Generation and reception of ASK using hardware.
5. Generation and reception of BPSK.
6. Generation and reception of QPSK.
7. Generation and reception of BFSK
8. Simulation of different modulation schemes using Matlab.
9. Experimentally compare different forms of BPSK, QPSK, OQPSK and analyze their
spectrum with spectrum analyzer.
10. Spread Spectrum Modulation/demodulation using PN code/Gold code and other codes.

Course Coordinator: Prof. P Singh


1. Write a program for linear convolution of two sequences.

2. Write a program for circular convolution.

3. Write a program to perform linear convolution using circular convolution.

4. Write a program to perform N-point DFT. Also perform the IDFT on the result obtained
to verify the result.

5. Write a program to perform circular correlation using

(a)Direct method b) using circular convolution.

6. Write a program to perform circular convolution and correlation using DFT.

7. Write a program to perform linear convolution using (a)overlap save method (b) overlap
add method.

8. Write a program to perform FFT on a sequence using the following methods. (a)
Decimation in time (b) Decimation in frequency

9. Write a program to perform IDFT on a transformed sequence using DFT.

10. Write a program to design an FIR filter using windowing technique.

11. Write a program to design an IIR filter using (a) impulse invariant method (b) bilinear
transformation method.

Course Outcome: This course will help one student to analyze time and frequency domain
signals and the filters in engineering problems.

Course Coordinator: Prof. A.K. Sahoo.



Determination of Temp. -Resistance & Temp. —Voltage characteristics of the Thermistor;

Determination of Temp-Resistance & Temp. —Voltage characteristics of the RTD (pt-100);
Determination of Temp. using Thermocouple with compensation & without compensation. Plot
the graph for Actual Temp. vs %Error; Determination of characteristics between strain applied
& the voltage output, as well as the signal conditioned voltage of a cantilever strain gauge; To
study the characteristics of a LVDT with respect to secondary output voltage & Signal
conditioned output voltage. Calibrate the LVDT & plot the graph between displacement & %
Error; To study the response of optical sensor by varying the distance from light source; Study
of PID controller; Study of Temperature control system

Course Outcome: Student can able to design a various Measurement system using sensors
and signal conditioning elements and can able to calibrate the system.

Course Coordinator: Prof. T.K.Dan



Course Coordinator: Prof. P Singh

EC 3708 CONTROL SYSTEM 2 Credits [0-0-3]


Course Outcome: Student can able to simulate the different types of control schemes and its
tunning through the control system trainer as well as can design the Compensator.

Course Coordinator: T.K.Dan

EC 4201 VLSI DESIGN TECHNIQUES 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Prerequisites: EC 2002: Digital Electronics

Introduction to VLSI Design, Levels of abstraction and the complexity of design, Challenges of
VLSI design: power, timing, area, noise, testability, reliability and yield ; CAD tools: simulation,
layout, synthesis, test; MOS modeling, MOS device models, Short-channel effects and velocity
saturation, Scaling of MOS circuits; VLSI fabrication technology, Layout design, Design rules,
Stick diagrams; The CMOS inverter, VTC, Switching behavior, Noise margins and power
dissipation; Static and dynamic CMOS combinational logic gate, Transistor sizing in static
CMOS, logical effort , Pass-transistor logic, sizing issues , Domino logic gates , estimating load
capacitance , Simple delay models (RC) for CMOS gates , Power consumption; Latches and
clocking, Flip-flops, Set-up and hold tests, Static and dynamic latch and flip-flop, Clock design;
Datapath units, Adders, Shifters, Multipliers; Control logic strategies, PLAs , Multi-level logic,
Synthesis and place-and-route CAD; MOS memories , Register, SRAM , DRAM; Global
interconnect modeling, Capacitance, resistance and inductance of interconnect; Signal and
power-supply integrity issues, Electromigration, RC interconnect modeling Driving large
capacitive load, reducing RC delays; Layout design, Standard-cell layout, Chip layout and floor
planning, Array layout; Implementation issues, Design for testability, Packaging technology, I/O
issues: ESD protection, boundary scan, inductance, synchronization
Essential Reading:
1. J. M. Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan and B. Nikolic, Digital Integrated Circuits : A Design
Perspective, Second Edition, Pearson/PH, 2003. (Cheap Edition)

Supplementary Reading:
1. J. P. Uyemura, Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems, Wiley, 2001.

2. W.Wolf, Modern VLSI Design: Systems-on-Chip Design, Third Edition, Pearson/PH,

2002. (Cheap Edition)

Course Outcome: To develop the knowledge of VLSI and digital integrated circuits. Students
can design and analyze different logic style based digital circuits such as NAND, NOR, MUX,
Flip-flops, Registers, Counters, RAM, ROM. Draw and design the CMOS compatible layouts of
the above circuits.

Course Coordinator: Prof K.K.Mahapatra


Microcomputer-based Systems, Software Development, Interfacing Methods, Interrupt

Synchronization, Threads, Timing Generation and Measurements Serial I/O Devices, Parallel
Port Interfaces, Memory Interfacing, High Speed I/O Interfacing Analog Interfacing Data
Acquisition Systems, Microcomputer-based Control Systems Simple Networks, Digital Filters. ;
Circuits and DSP Architectures: Circuit design basics, deep submicron issues, low
architectures for embedded systems. ; Architecture Design: Embedded processor
architectures, Architectural techniques for low power, Design methods for core based ASICs. ;
Compiler and OS: Introduction to compiler optimizations, Power models for compiler
optimizations, Code size vs. performance / power trade offs. ; DSP Algorithm Design: A/D
conversion and finite precision analysis, Algorithms for embedded systems: source and
channel processing, Portable embedded code. ; Networking: Networking basics (addressing
and routing), Wireless vs. wire-line networking, Distributed OS for networked embedded
systems: Case study of JINI. ;

Essential Reading:
1. W. Wolf, Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computer System
Design, Second Edition, Elsevier/MK, 2005

2. F. Vahid and T. Givargis, Embedded System Design: A Unified Hardware/Software

Introduction, Wiley, 2002.

Supplementary Reading:
1. P. Marwedel, Embedded System Design, Springer, 2006.

2. Proceedings of the IEEE (Special Issue on HW/SW Codesign), March, 1997.

Course Outcome: To develop the knowledge of embedded computing system. Student can
learn and design embedded products using 8051 and ARM processors, peripherals like Timer,
LCD, UART, and bus protocols like ISA, CAN, LIN, I2C.

Course Coordinator: Prof K.K.Mahapatra

EC 4203 IoT and Applications 3 Credits [3-0-0]

The Internet of Things: An Overview, Design Principles for Connected Devices, Internet
Principles: Internet communications-An overview, IP, TCP,UDP, HTTP, Physical Design of IoT,
Logical Design of IoT, IoT Enabling Technologies, Prototyping Embedded Devices, Prototyping
online components, IoT and M2M, IoT Platforms Design Methodology, IoT Systems – Logical
Design using Python: Introduction, Python data types and data structures, functions, modules,
packges, IoT Physical Devices and Endpoints, IoT Physical Servers and Cloud Offerings:
Introduction to cloud storage models and communication APIs, Data Analytics for IoT, IoT and
RTOS: Why RTOS, requirements of OS for IoT, scalability, modularity, connectivity, Reliability,
programming languages, IoT Security Options , Low Power Optimization of IoT Systems.
Fundamentals of data acquisition systems.

Analysis of some Real World Use CasesCase Studies Illustrating IoT design e.g. Smart
Lighting, home intrusion detection, smart parking, smart irrigation, forest fire detection.

Essential Reading:
Designing the Internet of Things by Adrian McEwen and Hakim Cassimally, Wiely, 2015

Supplementary Reading:
Internet of Things: A hands on Approach by A.Bahga and V.Madisetti, Universities
Press, 2015

Course Outcome: To develop the knowledge of internet of things, the hardware and software
of devices connecting to internet server.

Course Coordinator: Prof D.P.Acharya


Prerequisites: EC 2002: Digital Electronics

Introduction to Reconfigurable Computing Systems: Objectives, Expectations, Logistics,

characterization of Reconfigurable Computing & Reconfigurable Hardware, Reconfigurable
Basic concepts of hardware description languages (VHDL , Verilog HDL), logic and delay
modeling, Structural, Data-flow and Behavioral styles of hardware description, Architecture of
event driven simulators, Syntax and Semantics of VHDL, Variable and signal types, arrays and
attributes, Operators, expressions and signal assignments, Entities, architecture specification
and configurations, Component instantiation, Concurrent and sequential constructs, Use of
Procedures and functions, Synthesis of logic from hardware description.
Types of Reconfiguration, Details study of FPGA, Design tradeoffs, Bidirectional wires and
switches, FPGA Placement: Placement Algorithms, FPGA Routing, Timing Analysis, Network
Virtualization with FPGAs, On-chip Monitoring Infrastructures, Multi-FPGA System Software,
Logic Emulation, Applications, High Level Compilation VLSI/FPGA Design for Wireless
Communication Systems, Reconfigurable Coprocessors, Power Reduction techniques,
A brief idea on SOC, SOPC & PSOC
Introduction to scripting Languages: Perl, Tcl.

Essential Reading:
1. C. H. Roth, Digital Systems Design Using VHDL , Thomson Publications, Fourth Edition,

2. Scott Hauck and Andre DeHon, Reconfigurable Computing, Morgan Kaufmann, 2008,
ISBN: 978-0-12-370522-8

3. Latest Resources from Xilinx and ALTERA web sites

Supplementary Reading:
1. J.Bhasker, A VHDL Primer,

2. J.Bhasker, A Verilog Primer,

3. Z. Navabi, Verilog Digital System Design, Second Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008.

4. R. C. Cofer and B. F. Harding, Rapid System Prototyping with FPGAs: Accelerating the
Design Process, Elsevier/Newnes, 2005.

Course Outcome: Create the knowledge of HDL and high level VLSI design

Course Coordinator: Prof D.P.Acharya


Introduction to industrial instrumentation, Pressure measurement: Manometer, Elastic

transducers: Bourdon tube, Bellows, Diaphragm, Low pressure measurement: McLeaod gauge,
Thermal conductivity gauge, Ionization gauge, High pressure measurement. Temperature
measurement: Thermal expansion methods, Thermoelectric sensors, Electrical resistance
sensors, Radiation methods, Optical Pyrometer, Blackbody-tipped fiber optic radiation
thermometer, Temperature measuring problems in flowing fluids. Flow measurement: Laminar
and turbulent flow, Differential pressure flow meters, Variable area flow meter, Vortex shedding
flow meter, Positive displacement flowmeter, Noninvasive methods, Level measurement: Float
systems, Pressure measuring devices, Ultrasonic level gauge, Capacitive devices, Fiber optic
sensors. Recent developments.

Essential Reading

1. E.O. Doebelin; Measurement Systems, Application and Design; McGraw Hill

International Edition, Singapore, 2008.

2. D. Patranabis; Principles of Industrial Instrumentation; Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,


3. Allan S. Morris; Principles of Measurement and Instrumentation; Prentice Hall of India,


Supplementary Reading
1. C.S. Rangan, G.R. Sarma and V.S.V. Mani; Instrumentation Devices and Systems;
Tata McGraw Hill, 2009.

2. A.K. Ghosh; Introduction to Instrumentation and Control; Prentice Hall of India, 2011.

Course Outcome: A graduate should be able to understand & design different sensors for
measurement of different physical variables like pressure, temperature, flow and level.

Course coordinator: Prof. U.C.Pati

EC 4302 PC BASED INSTRUMENTATION 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Introduction: Generalized instrumentation system, PC-Based instrumentation system.

Principles of data acquisition: Sampling concepts, Digital to analog converters, Analog to digital
converters, Data acquisition systems, Data acquisition configurations. Hardware Organization
of IBM PC: Motherboard components, System resources, Expansion buses and I/O ports,
Peripherals. Plug-in Data Acquisition and Control Boards: Plug-in boards, General purpose
plug-in DAQ board, PCI plug-in DAQ board. Data Acquisition using GPIB: Overview of
GPIB, GPIB commands, GPIB programming, Expanding GPIB, SCPI. Data Acquisition using
Serial Interfaces: Serial communication, Serial interface standards, PC serial port, USB,
IEEE1394, Remote I/O modules. Networked Data Acquisition: Network data communication,
Local area networks, HART communication, Field buses, Recent developments.

Essential Reading
1. N. Mathivanan; PC-Based Instrumentation: Concepts and Practice; Prentice-Hall of
India, New Delhi, 2011.

2. H.S. Kalsi; Electronic Instrumentation; Tata-McGraw Hill Education.

Supplementary Reading
Mike Tooley ; PC-Based Instrumentation and Control; Newnes – An Imprint of
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2008.

Course Outcome: A graduate should be able to understand and design data acquisition &
control system using local data acquisition, GPIB data acquisition, data acquisition using serial
interfaces, networked data acquisition, DCS, SCADA and PLC.

Course Coordinator: Prof. U.C.Pati


Pre-requisite: EC 336: Industrial Instrumentation

INTRODUCTION: Generalized Medical Instrumentation System, Roles of Engineering in

Healthcare systems, Biometrics, Problems encountered in measuring physiological
parameters; PHYSIOLOGICAL TRANSDUCERS: Various types of transducers for
measurement of temperature, pressure, flow etc. and their selection for medical applications,
Different types of electrodes, BIO-ELECTRIC SIGNALS AND ELECTRONICS: Origin of bio-
electric signals, Bioelectric potentials, Biopotential electrodes;
CARDIOVASCULAR MEASUREMENT: Electrocardiograph, Measurement of ECG, ECG
electrodes, ECG Amplifiers, Common mode interference reduction circuits, Cardiac
pacemaker, Phonocardiograph, Measurement of heart rate, Plethysmography, Blood pressure
measurement, BLOOD FLOW METERS: Electromagnetic blood flow meter, Ultrasonic blood
flow meter, Doppler flow meter; Measurement of electrical activities in muscles and brain:
Electroencephalograph, Electromyograph and their interpretations. Measurement of
temperature, Respiratory System Measurement: Respiration rate measurement, Lung
Volume and Capacity, Spirometer, Ventilators, Instrumentation for Clinical laboratory:
BLOOD GAS ANALYZERS: Blood pH Measurement, Pulse oximeter, BLOOD CELL
COUNTERS: Coulter counters, Automatic recognition and differential counting of cells, GSR
measurement; Medical Imaging: Ultrasonography, X-ray.

Essential Readings:
1. L. Cromwell, F. J. Weibell, E. A. Pfeiffer, Biomedical Instrumentation and
Measurements, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2005.

Supplementary Readings:
2. R. S. Khandpur, Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New
Delhi, 2000.

3. W. J. Tompkins, Biomedical Digital Signal Processing, PHI India Pvt. Ltd., 2008.

Course Outcome: A graduate should be able to understand bioelectric signals and design
suitable transducers, understand and use the functioning of biomedical recorders, patient
monitoring system and blood cell counters.

Course Coordinator: B. Mukherjee

Introduction; Instruments for optical Spectroscopy- Components of optical instruments,
Radiation sources, wavelength selector, sample containers, Radiation detectors. An
introduction to Molecular ultraviolet/visible and near Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy-
Quantitative aspects of Absorption measurements, Instruments for Absorptive Measurements
in the UV, visible & near IR region. Application of Molecular UV/visible Absorption
Spectroscopy; Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy-IR sources & detectors, IR instruments, FT
spectroscope; Mass spectroscopy; Gas chromatography; PH measurement; Moisture &
humidity Measurement

Essential Reading:

Supplementary Reading:

Course Outcome: A graduate should be able to analyse the different types of sample (i.e.
solid, liquid and gas)from a mixture by using different types of techniques(i.e. Chromotography,
Spectrography(UV, IR, Visible), FT spectroscopy, Mass Spectroscopy etc).

Course Coordinator: Prof. T.K.Dan


definitions, Optical fiber modes and configurations, Mode theory for circular wave guides,
Single-mode fibers, Grade index fiber structure; ATTENUATION AND DISPERSION:
Attenuation, Signal dispersion in fibers; OPTICAL SOURCES: LEDs, Lasers, Principle of
emission, Modes of resonant cavity, Q-switching, Mode locking, Gas, solid state,
semiconductor and liquid lasers; POWER LAUNCHING AND COUPLING: Source to fiber
power launching, Lensing schemes for coupling improvement, Fiber to fiber joints, LED
coupling to single mode fibers, Fiber splicing, Optical fiber connectors; PHOTODETECTORS:
Photo detector noise, Detector response time, Avalanche multiplication noise, PIN diodes,
APD; FIBER OPTIC SENSORS: Intensity modulated sensors, Phase modulated sensors,
Frequency modulated sensors, Wavelength modulated sensors, Polarisation modulated
sensors, Scattering loss modulated sensors; ADVANCED TOPICS.

Essential Reading:

Supplementary Reading:

Course Outcome: A student can be able to understand fundamentals of optical fiber, sources,
detectors and coupling. He will also be able to know about optical fiber based sensors for the
measurement of different variables like displacement, force, strain, vibration, temperature,
pressure etc.

Course Coordinator: Prof. U.C. Pati



Pre-requisite: EC 4301: Industrial Instrumentation

Introduction to Virtual Instrumentation, Basics of LabVIEW, Loops, The structures, Arrays and
Clusters, Graphs and Charts, State Machines, File Input/Output, String Handling, Data
Acquisition with LabVIEW DAQ VIs, Interfacing with Assistants, Interfacing Instruments,
Advanced Topics in LABVIEW.

Essential Reading:
1. S. Gupta and J. John; Virtual Instrumentation using LabVIEW; Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company Limited; New Delhi, 2009.

Course Outcome: A graduate should be able to understand virtual instrumentation, be familiar

with LabVIEW programming, acquiring data with LabVIEW and interfacing different

Course Coordinator: Prof. U. C. Pati.

EC 4309 ADVANCED PROCESS 3 Credits [3-


Feed forward & Ratio Control -Introduction; Ratio Control; Feed forward Controller design
based on steady state models, Feed forward controller design based on dynamic models;
Relationship between the steady state & Dynamic design methods, configuration for feed
forward-feedback control; Tuning feed forward controllers. Enhanced single loop control
strategies –Cascade Control, Time delay compensation, Inferential control, selective /override
control, Adaptive control. Multi loop & Multi variable control-Process interaction & control loop
interaction; pairing of controlled & manipulated variables, Tuning of multi loop PID control
system, Decoupling & multi variable control strategies; Strategies for reducing control loop
interaction. Model predictive control-Multi variable, optimization problems, Dynamic matrix
control, Other MPC method Internal Model Control-Introduction; Open loop controller Design;
Model uncertainity and disturbances, IMC structure; IMC design; Effect of Model uncertainity &
disturbances. IMC based PID procedure-Equivalent feedback form to IMC ; IMC based
feedback design with Time delay as well as without time delay; IMC based PID controller
design for stable and unstable processes; Plantwide Control.

Essential Reading:
1. Process dynamics & control by Dale E.Sebarg,Thomas F. Edgar ;John Wiley & Son
2. Process Control Modeling, Design & Simulation by B.wayne Bequette ; PHI

Course Outcome: A graduate should be able to analyse and design different process control
strategies applied in process units(i.e. stabling from Feedback, Feed-forward, Cascade, Ratio
control, Split range control, Inferential control, IMC and DMC etc).

Course coordinator: Prof. T.K.Dan.

EC 4501 ANTENNA ENGINEERING 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Maxwell’s equations, EM Waves, Plane wave equation and its solution for free space and non-
conducting medium. Structures of Antennas: Antenna Definition, size, supports, feeders,
conductors & insulators. Antenna Parameters: Isotropic radiator, Radiation resistance, Antenna
resistance, Bandwidth, Beam width, Radiation pattern, Radiation intensity, Gain - Power gain
Directive gain, Directivity, Antenna aperture, Efficiency, Effective aperture, effective length,
Polarization, Voltage and Current relations. Practical Antennas: VLF & LF transmitting
antennas, Medium frequency and High frequency antennas, Long wire, Rhombic, V, Folded -
dipole, Yagi, Horn and Parabolic reflector. Planar Antenna: Microstrip Antenna, Radiation
Principle, Input impedance, Bandwidth, Feeding techniques, TL model, Cavity Model,
Parameter calculation using IE3D software.

Essential Readings:
1. C A. Balanis, Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design, 2nd. Edn., John Wiley & Sons.

2. E. C. Jordan & K. G. Balmain, Electromagnetic waves and Radiating Systems, McGraw


Supplementary Reading:
Course Outcome: Study of antenna parameters viz: Radiation resistance, Antenna resistance,
Bandwidth, Beam width, Radiation pattern, Radiation intensity, Gain - Power gain Directive
gain, Directivity, Antenna aperture, Efficiency, Effective aperture, effective length, Polarization
Design and analysis of Short wire antenna, Half-wave Dipole antenna, Yagi antenna etc Study
the working principles of Horn antenna and parabolic antenna Design and analysis of
Microstrip antenna along with its various parameters Solving problems related to the above

Course Coordinator: Prof S K Behera

EC 4502 CODING THEORY AND SECURED 3 Credits [3-0-0]


Introduction to cryptography: Notions of cryptographic secrecy; Block ciphers; Stream

ciphers; Public-key cryptography; Iterated and cascade ciphers; Cryptanalysis; Implementation
attacks; Complexity theory; Authentication and identification; Ownership protection; Covert
The integers: Basic number theory; The Euclidean algorithm; Prime fields; Quadratic residues;
Quadratic reciprocity; The Jacobi symbol; Primality testing; The Fermat algorithm; The
Solovay–Strassen algorithm; The Miller–Rabin algorithm; Factoring of integers; The Pollard
algorithm for factoring; Square roots in a prime field. Cryptography based on the integer
ring: Biprime cryptography; Implementing biprime cryptography; Protocol attacks on biprime
cryptography; Direct attacks on biprime encryption; Factoring biprimes; The quadratic sieve;
The number-field sieve; The Rabin cryptosystem; The rise and fall of knapsack cryptosystems.
Cryptography based on the discrete logarithms: Diffie–Hellman key exchange; Discrete
logarithms; The Elgamal cryptosystem; Trapdoor one-way functions; The Massey–Omura
cryptosystem; The Pohlig–Hellman algorithm; The Shanks algorithm; The Pollard algorithm for
discrete logarithms; The method of index calculus; Complexity of the discrete-log problem.
Information-theoretic methods in cryptography: Probability space; Entropy; Perfect
secrecy; The Shannon–McMillan theorem; Unicity distance; Entropy of natural language;
Entropy expansion; Data compaction; The wiretap channel. Block ciphers: Block substitution;
The Feistel network; The Data Encryption Standard; Using the Data Encryption Standard;
Double and triple DES encryption; The Advanced Encryption Standard; Differential
cryptanalysis; Linear cryptanalysis. Stream ciphers: State-dependent encryption; Additive
stream ciphers; Linear shift-register sequences; The linear-complexity attack; Analysis of linear
complexity Keystreams from nonlinear feedback; Keystreams from nonlinear combining;
Keystreams from nonlinear functions; The correlation attack; Pseudorandom sequences;
Nonlinear sets of sequences; Authentication and ownership protection; Authentication:
Identification; Authentication signatures; Hash functions; The birthday attack; Iterated hash
constructions; Formal hash functions; Practical hash functions

Essential Reading:
3. Richard E Blahut, “Cryptography and Secure communication”, 1/e, Cambridge press,
4. Douglas R. Stinson, “Cryptography: Theory and Proctice”, 3/e, Chapman and Hall/CRC,

Supplementary Reading:
5. R. Bose, “Information Theory Coding and Cryptography”, 1/e McGraw-Hill, 2017
6. Bruce Schneier, “Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms and source codes” 2/e
Wiely, 2007

Course Outcome:
1. To build cability in analyzing and solving problems related secure communication.
2. To build capability to design algorithms for security in communication related

Course Coordinator: Prof S Deshmukh


Pre-requisite: EC2502: Electromagnetic Theory

Design of short wire antenna, Calculation of field pattern for odd and even Half- wavelengths;
Antenna Array, Linear array, Phased array; Array synthesis: Prediction of antenna array from
radiation pattern, Detailed theoretical analysis of: Yagi-Uda array; Theory of: Horn antenna,
Parabolic antenna, satellite antenna; Design of Microstrip antenna: Rectangular, square and
circular patches; Transmission Line Model; Cavity Model; Design of Dielectric Resonator
Antenna (Rectangular/Hemispherical) using different feeding techniques.

Essential Reading:

1. C.A. Balanis, Antenna Theory: Analysis & Design,2 nd Edition

2. Aledo Petosa, Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

3. R Garg et al, Microstrip antenna Design Hand book

Supplementary Reading:

1. Jordan & Balmain, Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems.

2. J. D. Kraus, Antenna Theory.

Course Outcome:

1. Study of antenna parameters viz: Radiation resistance, Antenna resistance, Bandwidth,

Beam width, Radiation pattern, Radiation intensity, Gain - Power gain Directive gain,
Directivity, Antenna aperture, Efficiency, Effective aperture, effective length, Polarization

2. Design and analysis of Short wire antenna, Half-wave Dipole antenna, Yagi antenna etc

3. Study the working principles of Horn antenna and parabolic antenna

4. Design and analysis of Microstrip antenna along with its various parameters

5. Solving problems related to the above cases

Course Coordinator: Prof S K Behera

EC 4506 OPTICAL COMMUNICATION 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Introduction to optical communication: Characteristics of optical transmission media, optical

fibers- preparation and transmission characteristics, loss and dispersion mechanisms; Optical
sources: principles of operation, modulation characteristics and driver circuits, LED, laser
diodes, light source linearity, modal, and partition and reflection noise; Power Launching and
Coupling: Source to fiber power launching, lensing schemes for coupling improvement, fiber to
fiber joints, couplers, multiplexers and splices; Photo detectors: principles of operation,
circuits and performance, preamplifiers and post-detection amplifiers; Optical Fiber systems:
intensity modulation/direct detection system, link budget using direct detection, coherent
system, wavelength converters, coherent and WDM systems, Photonic switching.

Essential Reading:

Supplementary Reading:
Course Outcomes:

1. Analyses the performance of both digital and analogue optical fiber systems,

2. Calculates the system bandwidth, noise, probability of error and maximum usable bit
rate of a digital fiber system.

3. Calculates the system link loss, distortion and dynamic range of an RF photonic link.

Course Coordinator: Prof S K Das


Discrete Information Sources: Source alphabets and entropy. Joint and conditional entropy,
Entropy of symbol blocks and chain rule. Mutual information. Joint information. Conditional
information. Source coding. Huffman coding, dictionary codes and Lempel-Ziv Coding.
Arithmetic coding. Discrete Channels and Capacity: Discrete memory less channel model,
channel capacity and binary symmetric channel, Block coding and Shannon’s second theorem.
Markov source and source with memory. Markov chain and data processing. Constrained
channels. Autocorrelation and power spectrum of sequences. Data translation codes. Run
Length Codes: Prefix and Block codes, State dependent fixed length block codes. Variable
length fixed rate codes. Look ahead codes. DC free codes. Linear Block and Error
Correcting Codes: Binary fields and Binary vector spaces. Linear block codes. Decoding
linear block codes. Hamming Codes. Error rate performance bounds for linear block codes.
Cyclic Codes: Polynomial representation of cyclic codes. Generation and decoding of cyclic
codes. Cyclic Hamming codes, BCH codes, Burst error correcting codes, cyclic redundant
check codes. Convolution codes: Structural properties of convolution codes, Viterbi algorithm
for hard decision and soft decision. Puncture Convolution codes. Trellis Coded Modulation:
Multi-amplitude/Multi phase discrete memory less channels. Systematic recursive convolution
encoder, signal mapping and set partitioning, Trellis codes for PSK and QAM. Introduction to
cryptography: Basic concept of crypt system, Attacks on crypto system, Prefect secrecy,
language entropy and cipher text attack, Computational security, Product cipher system,
Public-key Crypto systems.

Essential Readings:

Supplementary Reading:

Course Outcome:

Course Coordinator: Prof S Deshmukh

EC 4508 MOBILE COMMUNICATION 3 Credits [3-0-

Pre-requisite: EC 3502: Digital Communication, EC 3503: Probability and Random Variables

Introduction to Wireless Communication Systems- Evolution, Mobile Systems around the

World, Example of the mobile radio systems, recent trends, 2G, 3G 4G and emerging Cellular
networks, brief overview of different wireless systems (WLAN, D2D, IOT, Satellite
Communication, WPAN, WSN.) and comparative analysis, Technical design challenges in
mobile communication systems. The Cellular Concept - Frequency reuse, Channel
assignment, hand off process, Interference, Mobile Radio Propagation - Path loss, Radio
wave propagation, Reflection, Diffraction, Scattering, link budget; Outdoor and indoor
propagation models; Principle of multi path propagation - Impulse response model of
channels, parameters for mobile multi path channels, concept of fading, Rayleigh and Ricean
fading; simulation of fading channels; Modulations techniques for mobile communication:-
Pulse shaping, Linear and non-linear Modulation techniques, constant envelop modulation,
QPSK, MSK, GMSK; Spread spectrum modulation techniques- Direct sequence and
Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum and their applications; Equalization, Diversity and
Channel coding:- Fundamentals, General adaptive equalizer, Linear and non-linear
equalizers, diversity techniques, RAKE receivers. Basic concept of coding; Multiple access
techniques: - Introduction, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, SDMA, capacity of cellular systems;
Introduction to Multicarrier systems, OFDM and wireless LAN, WiMAX, GSM, WCDMA,
3GPP LTE and other 4G standards.

Essential Reading

1. T.S. Rappaport, Wireless Communications – Principles and Practice, Prentice Hall of

India/ Pearson Education India, 2002.

2. Andrea Goldsmith, Wireless Communication, 2005, Cambridge University Press

3. Principles of Mobile Communication, 3/e, Gordon L. Stüber, Springer, 2011

Supplementary Reading

1. Wireless communications by Andreas Molisch, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2 nd Ed, 2011.

2. Fundamentals of Wireless Communication by D. Tse and P. Viswanath, Cambridge

University Press, 2005

3. Digital Communications over Fading Channels, M. K. Simon and M.-S. Alouini, 2 nd Ed,
Wiley: 2005

Course Outcome:

1. Distinguish and understand the major cellular communication standards

(1G/2G/3G/4Gsystems) and wireless communications networks.
2. Understand the nature of the large scale, shadowing and small scale fading
mobile radio channels and their implications for the design of communication
3. Characterize and analyze various modulation and multi-carrier techniques used
in Mobile communication.
4. Design of diversity techniques, equalization and coding schemes used in mobile

Course Coordinator: Prof. S. H. Hiremath

EC 4509 MICROWAVE ENGINEERING 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Introduction: Microwave frequencies, Standard Frequency bands, Behaviour of circuits at

Conventional and microwave frequencies, Microwave application, Review of Maxwell’s
equations; Waveguide: Overview of guided waves; TE, TM and TEM modes, circular wave
guide, Choice of the type of waveguide dimensions, waveguide problems.; Microwave
Components & Devices : Scattering matrix and its Properties, coupling probes, coupling loops,
windows, Waveguide tuners, Termination, E-plane Tee, H-plane Tee, Magic Tee, Phase-
Shifter, attenuators, Directional coupler, Gunn diode, Microwave transistor MASER, Resonator
and circulators.; Microwave Generators: Transit-time effect, Limitations of conventional tubes,
Two-cavity and multi-cavity Klystrons, Reflex Klystron, TWT and Magnetrons.; Microwave
Measurements : Power measurement; Calorimeter method, Bolometer bridge method,
thermocouples, Impedance measurement, Measurement of frequency and wavelength,
Measurement of unknown loads, Measurement of reflection coefficient, VSWR and Noise,
Microwave test bench.

Essential Readings:
Supplementary Reading:

Course Outcome: Solving of numerical problems related to rectangular waveguide, Circular

waveguide, rectangular Cavity resonator, Circular Cavity resonator etc Study and analysis of E-
plane Tee, H-plane Tee, Magic Tee, Phase Shifter, Attenuator, Directional Coupler,etc Study of
working principles of Reflex Klystron, Magnetron, and Travelling Wave Tubes Study and
analysis of measurement techniques for reflection coefficients, VSWR, frequency, and

Course Coordinator: Prof S K Behera


Pre-requisite: EC 4509: Microwave Engineering

Introduction: Original Satellite Communications, History, Current State, Overview of Satellite

System Engineering; Orbital Aspects of Satellite Communication: Orbital mechanism, look
angle determination, orbit determination, orbit effects on Communication, System performance;
Satellite Link Budget: Basic transmission theory, system noise and G/T ratio, down link design,
satellite system using small earth station, up-link design; Modulation Multiplexing Techniques:
Analog telephone transmission, Television transmission, Digital transmission, Digital TV and
bandwidth Compression, time division multiplexing; Multiple Access Techniques: Frequency
division multiple access, time division multiple access, code division multiple access, practical
demand access systems, random access, multiple access with on-board processing; Satellite
Earth Solution Techniques: Earth solution design, tracking, small earth station antennas,
Equipment for the Earth station.

Essential Reading:

Supplementary Reading:

Course Outcome:

1. Study of Satellite system engineering, orbital mechanism, orbital effects on

communication etc.

2. Design of satellite link budget.

3. Study and analysis of multiplexing, multiple access techniques.

4. Study and analysis of Earth station antenna and equipments.

Course Coordinator: Prof S K Behera


Communication Model, Data Communications, Computer Communication Architecture,

Standard Making Organizations. Concepts and Terminology, Asynchronous and Synchronous
Data Communications, Multiplexing Techniques. Communication Networking Techniques,
Circuit Switching, Packet Switching, Local Area Networks. Protocols, Layered Approach, TCP /
IP Protocol Suite, System Network Architecture. The Bridge and Routing, Connectionless
internetworking, Connection oriented internetworking. Transport and Network Services TCP /
UDP. Session Characteristics, OSI Session and Service Protocol. Presentation Concepts,
Encryption and Authentication Codes, Virtual Terminal Protocols. Network Management, File
Transfer and Electronic Mail. Communication Switching Techniques, Frame-mode Bearer
Service, Frame Relay Congestion Control, Synchronous Transfer Mode.
Essential Reading
Supplementary Reading
Course Outcomes:
1. Analyses the performance of both digital and analogue optical fiber systems,

2. Calculates the system bandwidth, noise, probability of error and maximum usable bit
rate of a digital fiber system.

3. Calculates the system link loss, distortion and dynamic range of an RF photonic link.

4. Application knowledge of optical communication over networks

Course Coordinator: Prof S K Das

EC 4512 RADAR ENGINEERING 3 Credits [3-0-

Introduction: Radar basics, range equation, ambiguity function, receivers, transmitters,
antenna, frequency bands, displays; Radar cross section (RCS) of targets, loss factors,
jamming & clutter, accuracy of prediction, integration of radar pulses; Automatic target
detection, tracking and sensor integration; Continuous wave (CW) radar; Coherent and non-
coherent MTI radar, pulse Doppler radar, electronic scanning radar; Pulse compression, radar
measurements, radar target detection and tracking, classification, recognition; Constant false
alarm rate detectors; Statistical models for noise and target RCS, general characteristics of
clutter and clutter modelling, clutter reduction; Radar imaging and signal processing.

Essential Readings:

Supplementary Readings:

Course Outcome:

Course Coordinator: Prof. L.P. Roy


Introduction to optical communication: Characteristics of optical transmission media, optical
fibers- preparation and transmission characteristics, loss and dispersion mechanisms; Optical
Components: principles of operation, modulation characteristics and driver circuits, LED, laser
diodes, couplers, multiplexers and splices, light source linearity, modal, and partition and
reflection noise; Photo detectors: principles of operation, circuits and performance,
preamplifiers and post-detection amplifiers; Optical Fiber systems: intensity modulation/direct
detection system, link budget using direct detection, coherent system, wavelength converters,
coherent and WDM systems.
Introduction to Satellite Communication: Original / Traditional Satellite Communications,
History, Current State, Overview of Satellite System Engineering; Orbital Aspects of Satellite
Communication: Orbital mechanism, look angle determination, orbit determination, orbit
effects on Communication, System performance; Satellite Link Budget: Basic transmission
theory, system noise and G/T ratio, down link design, satellite system using small earth station,
up-link design; Modulation Multiplexing Techniques: Analog telephone transmission,
Television transmission, Digital transmission, Digital TV and bandwidth Compression, time
division multiplexing.

Essential Reading:
Supplementary Reading:
Course Coordinator: Prof S K Das


Introduction: Evolution of Telecommunication, Switching System, Classification of Switching,
Types of Telephone Switching Systems, Elements of Telecommunication, Telecommunication
Standard. Telephone System: PSTN, Modern Telecom System, Telephone Network,
Telephone Set, Telephone Network organization, Principles and examples of step by step,
Cross bar and reed relay systems, Telephone numbering plan, Central Battery System,
Transmission impairments, Two-four-wire transmission, Subscriber Loop Design.
Telecommunication traffic: Telecommunication traffic, Traffic considerations, Erlang, Grade
of Service, Traffic Measurement, Mathematical model for telecommunication traffic. Switching
System: Resource sharing and need for switching, Need for Networks, Switching, Types of
Switching, Circuit Switching, Message Packet Switching, Store & Forward Switching, Function
of Switching System, Electronic Switching System, Multiplexing, IDM (E1/E2. TI), FDM,
Implementation of Switching System, Blocking and Non-blocking Switches, Single & Multi stage
Switches, Space Switching, Time Switching, Hybrid Switching, Path finding, Complexity,
Blocking Probability of Switch. Telephone Exchange: Stored Program Controlled Exchange,
Electronic Exchange, Electronic Switching & Stored Program Control Systems, Digital
Switching Time, Space & Hybrid Switches, Example of Digital Exchanges, Example of Modern
Exchanges (C-DOI exchange), Availability of Parallel Exchange. Signaling Systems:
Signaling, Types of Signaling information, Forms of Signaling, Channel Associated Signaling
(CAS), Common Channel Signaling, CCITT No-7 System, SS7 Signaling, Architecture
Computer & Data Networks, ARPANET, ALOHA-Toke Protocols Network Topology, Multiple
Access Schemes, Layered Architectures, Networks Protocols, Local Area Network, Evolution
towards ISDN.

Text Books:

1. Telecommunication and Switching, Traffic & Networks, J. E. Flood, Pearson Education-

2. Telecommunication Switching Systems & Networks, Thiagarajan Viswanathan. PHI.

Reference Books:

1. Signaling in Telecommunication Networks, John G. van Bose and Fabrizio u devetak.

Wiley interscience. 2nd edition. 2007

Course Coordinator: Prof S K Das

EC 4602 DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Pre-requisite: EC 3601: Digital Signal Processing

INTRODUCTION TO IMAGE PROCESSING: Overview of Image Processing, Nature of Image
Processing, Image Processing and Related Fields, Digital Image Representation, Types of
Images, Digital Image Processing Operations, Fundamental Steps in Image Processing, Image
processing Applications, Digital Imaging System, DIGITAL IMAGING SYSTEM: Physical
Aspects of Imaging Acquisition, Biological Aspects of Image Acquisition, Review of Digital
Camera, Sampling and Quantization, Image Quality, Image Storage and File Formats, IMAGE
ENHANCEMENT IN SPATIAL DOMAIN: Some basic gray level transformations, Histogram
processing, Smoothing and Sharpening spatial filters, IMAGE ENHANCEMENT IN
FREQUENCY DOMAIN: Smoothing and Sharpening frequency domain filters, Homomorphic
filtering, IMAGE RESTORATION: Noise models, Restoration in the presence of noise only-
spatial filtering, Estimating the degradation functions, Inverse filtering, IMAGE
COMPRESSION: Image compression models, Loss-less and Lossy compression,
MORPHOLOGICAL IMAGE PROCESSING: Dilation and erosion, Opening and closing, Some
basic morphological algorithms, IMAGE SEGMENTATION: Detection of discontinuities, Edge
linking and boundary detection, Thresholding, Region based segmentation, COLOUR IMAGE
PROCESSING FUNDAMENTALS: Devices for Colour Imaging, Colour Image Storage and
Processing, Colour Models, Colour Quantization RECENT DEVELOPMENTS.

Essential Reading:
1. R. C. Gonzalez and R. E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, Pearson Education,

2. S. Sridhar - Digital Image Processing, Oxford University Press, 2012.

Supplementary Readings:
1. A.K. Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Pearson Education,
2. L. R. Rabiner and B. Gold, Theory and Application of Digital Signal
Processing, Pearson Education, 2004

Course Coordinator: Prof L P Roy

EC 4603 SOFT COMPUTING 3 Credits (3-0-0]

Fundamental Concepts: Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Models of a

Neuron, Network structure; Learning Process: Error–correction learning, Hebbian
learning, competitive learning, Boltzmann learning, the credit-assignment problem,
supervised learning, and other learning techniques. Single neuron/ Perceptron
networks: Training methodology, typical application to linearly separable problems.
Multilayer Perceptron: Back propagation algorithm, virtues and limitation of BP
algorithm, modifications to back-propagation. Radial-basis function Networks –
interpolation problem, Cover’s theorem, Regularization networks, applications.
Introduction to Fuzzy systems, Membership function, Fuzzy relational operation, Fuzzy
IF THEN rules, Fuzzy Reasoning, Sugeno and Mamdani type systems, Adaptive
Neuro-Fuzzy sytems, training methods, Application of ANN and Fuzzy systems to non-
stationary time series prediction; pattern classification.
Essential Reading:

1. S. Haykin, Neural Networks - A Comprehensive Foundation; Peasrson

Education, India (The book is also published by Prentice Hall of India), 2008
(ISBN- 81-203-2373-4).
2. Martin T. Hagan, Howard B. Demuth, Mark H. Beale; Neural Network Design;
(ISBN: 0-9717321-0-8); Thomson 2002.
3. Jang, Sun and Mizutani; Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft-Computing – A computational
approach to learning and machine intelligence; Prentice Hall of India; ISBN-81-
Supplementary Reading:

1. Satish Kumar; Neural Networks: A Classroom approach, Tata Mcgraw Hill,

2004, ISBN: 9780070482920.

Course Outcome:

A graduate should be able to learn different Soft Computing techniques, e.g. neural
networks, fuzzy logic and to apply these techniques in different real life problems.

Course Coordinator: Dr. Samit Ari


1. Implementation of a 2 input AND and OR logic function using perceptron. Start
with different set of initial weights and show that there is more than one solution
to the problem.
2. Develop an algorithm using Hebbian Learning rule to solve NAND and NOR
problem. Assume the elements of initial weight matrix as random value and
study the effect of different learning rates.
3. Solve the following Boolean function using Perceptron learning rule:

Y  x1 x2 x3  x1 x2 x3  x1 x2 x3  x1 x2 x3
4. Consider the following function:
F ( x)  x13  2 x1 x2  x12 x2 2
Perform two iterations of Newton’s method from the initial guess x0 = [1, -1]T.
5. Demonstrate that EX-OR and XNOR gate is a non-linearly separable problem.
Design a MLP for the purpose and train it using BP algorithm. Assume the use
of a logistic function for the nonlinearity.
6. Using a MLP with BP algorithm approximate the function 𝑦 = 1 + 𝑆𝑖𝑛(2𝜋𝑥) for
−1 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 1. Draw the actual output and simulated output. Show the signal
matching after 100/ 500/ 1000 iterations.
7. Implement a 2input EX-OR gate using regularized RBF (use 4 centres). Plot the
output surface for different input variables. Extend this for a 3 input RBF using 8
centers. Tabulate the input output pattern mapping for each case.
8. Using MLP/ RBF design a non-stationary time series prediction network to
predict the output against time sample.
9. Let the meanings of the linguistic terms young and old be defined by the
following membership function:
2 2
 x   x 100 
   
young ( x)  Gaussian( x,0, 20)  e  20 
, old ( x)  Gaussian( x,100,30)  e  30 

Plot the MFs for the following linguistic values using MATLAB:

 More or less old

 Not young and not old
 Young but not too young
 Extremely old
10. Mini Project

Course Outcome:

To learn how to develop the different Soft Computing techniques, e.g. neural networks,
fuzzy logic using MATLAB/C platform for real time application.
Course Coordinator: Dr. Samit Ari


1) Determination of different types of valve characteristics and calculation of
the gain at various conditions.

2) To study pneumatic as well as hydraulic system using pneumatic trainer and

hydraulic trainer.
3) To study and analyse the performance characteristics of an analog PID
controller using simulated systems.
4) To study and analyse the time response of different processes with P, PI &
PID controller using process control simulator.

5) Determination of the characteristics of Pneumatic/current (P/I) and current

/pneumatic (I/P) converter.
6) Water level and Temperature control by PLC.
7) Performance analysis of on/off, P, PI and PID controllers using heat
8) To design, implement and study the effects of different cascade
compensation networks for a given system.
9) To study the time response of various simulated linear systems using linear
system simulator.
10) To study the action of P, PI and PID controllers for a ‘Pressure Process’
using process control software.
11) Design of a pneumatic circuit using double acting cylinder and 5/2 air spring
valve to open the main gate of a factory using P-simulator.

Course Outcome: Student can able to analyse the effect of tunning parameter in P, PI
and PID controller in different types of Process. Characterize the different types of
control valves and can simulate the different types of control strategies

Course Coordinator: Prof. U.C. Pati.



Lists of Experiments:

1. To demonstrate the basics of designing a network, taking into consideration the

users, services, and locations of the hosts.
2. To simulate and study the basic features of an inter-domain routing protocol
called Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).
3. To analyse the performance of RIP, a routing protocol built on a distance-vector
routing algorithm.

4. To study the role of firewalls and virtual private networks (VPNs) in providing
security to shared public networks such as the Internet.
5. The performance of local area networks connected by switches and hubs.
6. To study the effect of Web caching and data compression on the response time
involved in accessing Web pages and on the load on the Web server.
7. Plot the characteristics curve between throughput and offered traffic for a slotted
ALOHA system.

8. To simulate an Ethernet LAN using n nodes and set multiple traffic nodes plot
contention window for different source destination pair.
9. To implement a mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) using the IEEE 802.11
10. To understand the different routing algorithms in wireless ad-hoc networks.
11. To simulate a three nodes point –to- point network with duplex link between
them. Set the Queue size and vary the bandwidth to find the number of packets
12. Simulate the transmission of ping message over a network topology consisting
of 6 nodes and find the number of packets dropped during the congestion.
13. To study how the bit error rate and data rate varies with the distance between
Access point and the wireless node is varied.

14. To study an IoT based Smart Agricultural system

15. To Install and connect different IoT things to Node controller boards
Software’s Required: OPNET, NetSim, Iot Trainer Kit.
Course Outcomes:
1. The objective of the course is to ensure that students have the necessary
networking skills to design, implement, and analyze communication networks.
2. Various standards and protocols will be covered.
3. Students will be able to design, implement, and analyze communication

Course Coordinator: Prof S K Das


Pre-requisite: EC- 3501 Principles of Communication Systems, EC- 3502: Digital

Hardware Experiments using Agilent signal generator and Vector Signal
analyzer, Myreka kit, mini SDRs/USRPs-GNU radio

1. Study of various filters and their effect on the system, like spectrum shaping: CCDF
and PAPR effects and BER effects, inter-symbol interference and eye diagram
effects, vector (polar) diagram for Different digital standards from Agilent ESG.

2. Generate the TDMA and CDMA techniques that are used in GSM and CDMA

3. Generating and receiving an OFDM signal used for WLAN, WIMAX, LTE
a) Measure SNR of the signal.
b) Measure bandwidth of the signal
c) The measure dynamic range of the signal and PAPR using the time domain

d) What is the effect on the transceiver system?

e) Measure CCDF of the signal. Interpret the result of the CCDF?
4. Designing and Test 3GPP W-CDMA Base Transceiver Stations (Including

5. Analysis of the wireless Base band transmitter and receiver using Myreka kit
.(Refer Myreka Manual).Study and understand:
a) Super heterodyne transmitter and receiver
b) The function of mixers

c) The function of voltage controlled oscillator (VCO)

Course Outcome

1. On Completion of course able to analyze and implement Digital and Analog

Communications transceiver system in various Hardware platforms.
2. Able to handle the various signal and spectrum measurement equipment’s
that are used in Real time mobile technologies like WiMAX, WCDMA, LTE
and soon
3. Design and implement various advanced communication systems in
simulation environment.

Course Coordinator: Prof. S. H. Hiremath


Theory: Single neuron/ Perceptron networks: Training methodology, typical application

to linearly separable problems. Multilayer Perceptron: Back propagation algorithm,
virtues and limitation of BP algorithm, modifications to back-propagation. Radial-basis
function Networks – interpolation problem, Cover’s theorem, Regularization networks,
Introduction to Fuzzy systems, Membership function, Fuzzy relational operation, Fuzzy
IF THEN rules, Sugeno and Mamdani type systems.

11. Implementation of a 2 input AND and OR logic function using perceptron. Start
with different set of initial weights and show that there is more than one solution
to the problem.
12. Develop an algorithm using Hebbian Learning rule to solve NAND and NOR
problem. Assume the elements of initial weight matrix as random value and
study the effect of different learning rates.
13. Solve the following Boolean function using Perceptron learning rule:
Y  x1 x2 x3  x1 x2 x3  x1 x2 x3  x1 x2 x3
14. Consider the following function:
F ( x)  x13  2 x1 x2  x12 x2 2
Perform two iterations of Newton’s method from the initial guess x0 = [1, -1]T.
15. Demonstrate that EX-OR and XNOR gate is a non-linearly separable problem.
Design a MLP for the purpose and train it using BP algorithm. Assume the use
of a logistic function for the nonlinearity.
16. Using a MLP with BP algorithm approximate the function 𝑦 = 1 + 𝑆𝑖𝑛(2𝜋𝑥) for
−1 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 1. Draw the actual output and simulated output. Show the signal
matching after 100/ 500/ 1000 iterations.
17. Implement a 2input EX-OR gate using regularized RBF (use 4 centres). Plot the
output surface for different input variables. Extend this for a 3 input RBF using 8
centers. Tabulate the input output pattern mapping for each case.
18. Using MLP/ RBF design a non-stationary time series prediction network to
predict the output against time sample.
19. Let the meanings of the linguistic terms young and old be defined by the
following membership function:
2 2
 x   x 100 
   
young ( x)  Gaussian( x,0, 20)  e  20 
, old ( x)  Gaussian( x,100,30)  e  30 
Plot the MFs for the following linguistic values using MATLAB:

 More or less old

 Not young and not old
 Young but not too young
 Extremely old
20. Mini Project

Essential Reading:

Supplementary Reading:

Course Outcome:
Course Coordinator: Dr. Samit Ari

EC 4708 IoT Laborartory 1 Credit [0-0-2]

Course Outcome:
1. To design hardware and software on different platforms for devices that can
be connected to internet.

Course Coordinator: Prof D.P.Acharya



Course Outcome:
Course Coordinator: Prof. U.C.Pati


Pre-requisite: EC-3502: Digital Communication

Design of Communication system using COTs based Hardware like, NI-USRP(SDR),

raspberry pie, Beagle bone and Ardrinuo microprocessor, TMS processor and FPGA

1. Design transmitters and receivers for AM, FM, Digital modulation schemes.
2. Design OFDM based transceiver system using USRP board
3. Send Video Data by a TCP/IP tunnel (with MAC Layer ENABLED) based on
GNU Radio and USRP
4. Design of Real time spectrum monitoring system using SDR
5. Design of CoTs based intrusion detection system.
6. Design of mini Tactical radios for military applications
7. Design Machine 2 Machine(M2M) system for tactical, disaster management and
medical application
8. Design system that converts a PC into CRO
9. Real time transmission data monitoring system
10. Design of adaptive wireless transceiver systems
Essential Reading:
1. Di Pu and Alexander M. Wyglinski, “Digital Communication Systems
Engineering with Software-Defined Radio” Artech House, February 2013, ISBN: 978-1-
2. Steven A. Tretter, “Communication System Design Using DSP Algorithms: With
Laboratory Experiments for the TMS320C6701 and TMS320C6711 (Information
Technology: Transmission, Processing and Storage)”, Springer; 2003 edition

Supplementary Reading:
Course Outcome:
1. Design and develop communication product using COTs based hardware like
low cost processor like Beaglebone, Rasperry pi and FPGA and DSP single
board Zync platforms.
2. To develop and model the real time software for multi-
disciplinary communication applications.

Any other information :

The NI Optical Communication Lab: It comprising of the NI ELVIS Optical
Communication Add-on Board extends NI ELVIS, NI ELVIS II, and NI ELVIS II+ with
hardware and lab exercises to teach concepts related to Fiber Optic technology for
Digital Communications

Course Coordinator: Prof S M Hiremath


Lists of Experiments:
1. To understand the knowledge of fiber optical components, links, and systems.
2. To understand, describe, analyze, and compare the most important devices:
light sources, fibers and detectors from both physical and system point of view.
3. To study the single/ multimode fiber characteristics with testing and analysis
4. Measurement of Propagation Loss/Bending Loss in optical fiber using Optical
Power Meter.

5. Design of Optical Transmitters:

i) LED Modulation Response
ii) Semiconductor Laser Modulation Response
iii) Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser - VCSEL
6. Design and study of Optical amplifiers:
i) Raman amplifier
ii) EDFA
iii) SOA
7. To study Fiber optic voice link using amplitude modulation.
8. Measuring the BER of Optical Link in OFT
9. To study the PC to PC Communication using optical fiber
10. To design a WDM Fiber Optic Link

11. To Design a FSO Link under different atmospheric Conditions

12. To Design and analyze a Radio over Fiber (RoF) System
13. To study the LOS channel gain for the Indoor Optical Wireless Communication
Channel (OWC)
14. Performance Comparison of High Speed Modulation Formats over Different
Fiber Types for WDM Long-Haul Transmission Systems

Software’s Required:
Light runner Kit, Optisystem, Benchmark OFT

Course Coordinator: Prof. S. K. Das



Course Outcome:

It gives overall idea through hands-on practice on image processing for enhancement
and restoration of an image from interferences appeared in practice. Hence, the lab
course is helpful for developing the ability of students to do project work on various
image processing related topics like pattern recognition, pattern classification,
computer vision, etc.. The course also suits well in industry and research where
students will be in future.

Course coordinator: Prof. L.P. Roy


Introduction to different reconfigurable platforms like CPLD, FPGA, PSoC, DSP etc.
Experiments using FPGA : Design a full adder using Dataflow modeling ; Design a full
adder using half-adder ; Design a half adder ; Design a 4-bit adder cum sub tractor
using: (a) 4:1 MUX using the following: (a)dataflow (b)using when else (c) structural
modeling using 2:1 MUX (d) behavioral modeling using (i)case statement (ii) if else
statement (e)mixed style of modeling(use structural, behavioral, dataflow) ; Design a
Decoder(3 : 8) and Encoder (Gray to Binary) ; Design a BCD to 7-Segment Decoder ;
Interface the 2-bit adder with 7-segment display ; Design 4-bit Even/Odd parity checker
& generator ; Design of Flip-Flops:; Design of counters, Design of Shift-Register:
(a)Serial-in serial-out (b)Serial-in parallel-out ; Design the following using Generic
(a)Generic Decoder (b)Generic parity (c) detector ; Generic parity generator ; Design of
controller for interfacing of PS2,LCD,VGA,UART,ADC and DAC with FPGA.
Experiments using SOPC and PSoC

Course Outcome:
Handy knowledge of reconfigurable devices and their use in system building

Course Coordinator: Prof D.P.Acharya



Course Outcome: This course develops expertise and insight into the development of
DSP processor solutions to practical engineering problems through hands-on
experience. Structured exercises using DSP hardware are provided and used by the
student to gain practical experience with basic DSP theory and operations.
Course coordinator: Prof. A.K. Sahoo



Drawing schematic of PMOS & NMOS using S-Edit and Study their Characteristics,
Layout of Basic circuit elements NMOS, PMOS using L-Edit, Layout & Circuit
Simulation of CMOS Inverter, Impact of supply voltage and temperature, Simulation
and layout of basic gates, Simulation and layout of basic gates, Simulation and layout
of Flip-Flop, Back-End ASIC design flow using Cadence design tools.

Course Outcome: Knowledge of basic design of VLSI circuits SPICE, schematic and
layout editors

Course Coordinator: Prof A.K.Swain



1) Acquisition of Biopotentials using NI LabVIEW

2) Simulation of EEG using LabVIEW
3) Design of an Analog ECG Signal Generator using LabVIEW
4) Design of a Biosignal Logger
5) Design of a Heart Rate Analyzer.
6) Spectrum Analysis of ECG and PCG signals
7) Extraction and analysis of Brainwaves from EEG signal

8) Spectrum analysis of Noisy and pure Biosignal

9) Biofeedback system on EMG
10) Acquisition of PCG signal

Course Outcome: Students can be able to acquire biopotentials, analyse important

biopotentials like ECG, EEG and EMG, and design instrumentation system for analysis
of physiological variables.
Course coordinator: Prof. B. Mukherjee



List of Experiments:
1. Simulate a wired communication system in which information signal is sent out
over an AWGN channel. Assuming BPSK modulation plot BER vrs SNR curve in
Matlab. Compare the simulate and theoretical curve.
2. Simulate a wired communication system in which information signal is sent out
over an AWGN channel. Assuming QPSK and 8PSK modulation plot BER vrs
SNR curve in Matlab. Compare the BER performance of different digital
modulation schemes. Compare the simulate and theoretical curves.
3. Simulate a following long term propagation models (with shadowing and clutter
factor) for wireless communication: a). Friis free space model; b). Two ray
model; c). Okumura Hata model. Observe these models for change in frequency
and distance.
4. Simulate power delay profile for a wireless communication system. Compute
mean access delay and relate coherence bandwidth for different power delay
5. Simulate a wireless communication system in which information signal is sent
out over an AWGN channel with flat fading. Assuming BPSK modulation, plot
BER vrs SNR curve in Matlab. Compare performance with wired channel. Also
compare the simulate and theoretical curve.
6. Simulate a wireless communication system in which information signal is sent
out over an AWGN channel with flat fading. Assuming QPSK, 8PSK modulation,
plot BER vrs SNR curve in Matlab. Compare performance with wired channel.
Also compare the simulate and theoretical curve.

Essential Reading
Supplementary Reading
Course Outcomes
Course Coordinator: Prof S Deshmukh



Pre-requisite: EC 4503: Antenna Analysis and Synthesis

Course Content:

1. Design and simulation of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna with a particular

operating frequency, Dielectric constant and substrate thickness.

2. Design and simulation of nearly square patch Antenna with a particular

operating frequency, Dielectric constant and substrate thickness.
3. Design and simulation of Dual band Rectangular patch antenna using inset
feeding technology.
4. Design and simulation of Dual band nearly square patch antenna using inset
feeding technology.

5. Design and simulation of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna using probe

feeding with slot for bandwidth enhancement.
6. Design and simulation of nearly square patch Antenna with a particular
operating frequency, Dielectric constant and substrate thickness for circular
7. Design and simulation of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna using CPW
feeding with slot for bandwidth enhancement.
8. Design and simulation of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna using CPW
feeding with shorting post for bandwidth enhancement.
9. Design and simulation of Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna with a particular
operating frequency, Dielectric constant and substrate thickness.
10. Design and simulation of Dielectric Resonator Antenna with a particular
operating frequency, Dielectric constant and substrate thickness.
11. Design and Simulation of Fractal Antennas for wireless applications.
12. Design and simulation of MPA for Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) applications.
13. Design and Simulation of MPA using MATLAB.

14. Design and optimization of MPA using PSO.

15. Design and simulation of Metamaterial based antenna.

Essential Reading:
1. C.A. Balanis, Antenna Theory: Analysis & Design,2nd Edition

2. Aledo Petosa, Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

3. User manuals of HFSS V.15
Supplementary Reading:

1. R Garg, Microstrip Antenna Design Hand Book, 2 nd Edition

Course Outcome:

1. Design and simulation of simple microstrip patch antenna structure using HFSS.
2. Design and simulation of Fractal antenna structure using HFSS.

3. Design and simulation of Dielectric Resonator Antenna with a particular

operating frequency, Dielectric constant and substrate thickness.
4. Design and simulation of MPA for Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) applications
5. Design and optimization of MPA using PSO
6. Design and simulation of Metamaterial based antenna

Course Coordinator: Prof S K Behera



To study the characteristics of P/I & I/P converter; Determination of the different types
of valve characteristics & calculate the gain at various condition; Study and synthesis of
Hydraulic & Pneumatic systems using Trainers; Experiments on Air velocity sensor and
its associate signal conditioner circuit; Performance analysis on ON-OFF/P/PI/PD/PID
controllers on Co-Current and Counter Current Heat Exchanger Process; Phase- Plane
analysis on Relay Control system; Study of Linear System Simulator; Study of
Compensation Design Network.

Course Outcome: Student can able to analyse the effect of tunning parameter in P, PI
and PID controller in different types of Process. Characterize the different types of
control valves and can simulate the different types of control strategies.
Course Coordinator: Prof. T.K.Dan


Using Gunn Oscillator Based Microwave Test bench: Study of Gunn Oscillator;
Study of Frequency, Guide wavelength; Measurement of VSWR, Reflection coefficient,
Impedance measurement; Study of Directional coupler; Study of Variable Attenuator
Using Microwave Test bench for Antenna Measurement: To plot the polar pattern &
gain characteristics of the following Antennas; Pyramidal Horn; Pickup Horn; Slotted
Horn; Slotted Wave Guide Antenna; Dielectric Antenna; Sectorial Horn (E & H-Plane);
Parabolic Dish;
Using HFSS v.14: Simulation of Microstrip patch Antenna to study the following
parameters; Impedance Plot; Radiation pattern; Bandwidth; S-parameters(S11, S12, S22
etc).; Gain; Efficiency
Essential Reading:

1. D M Pozar, Microwave Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 2004

2. User manual of HFSS version 15
Supplementary Reading:
1. S Liao, Microwave Devices & circuits, Prentice halls, India, 2004
2. M L Sisodia, V. L. Gupta, Microwaves: Introduction to Circuits, Devices and
Antennas, New Age, 2001

Course Outcome:

1. Study the characteristics of Gunn Oscillator and Reflex Klystron

2. Measurements of VSWR, reflection coefficient, frequency, wavelength and

impedance using microwave test bench
3. Study of characteristics of Directional Coupler and magic tee
4. Measurement of radiation pattern of horn antenna and parabolic antenna

5. Design and simulation of simple microstrip patch antenna structure using CST
Microwave studio and HFSS

Course Coordinator: Prof S K Behera



Course Outcome: To design and fabricate PCB for different applications.

Course Coordinator: Prof D.P.Acharya


EE 1000 Basic Electrical Engineering 4 credits


Introduction: Sources of energy, steam, hydro and nuclear power generation, general
structure of electrical power systems.

DC Networks: Kirchoff’s laws, node voltage and mesh current methods, delta-star and
star-delta conversions, superposition principle, Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems,
Maximum Power Transfer Theorem.

Single phase AC circuits: Single phase emf generation, average and effective values
of sinusoids, solution of R, L, C series circuits, j operators, solution of parallel and
series-parallel circuits, series -parallel resonance.

Three-phase AC circuits: Three phase emf generation, delta and star connections,
line and phase quantities, solution of the three phase circuits with balanced voltage and
balanced load conditions, phasor diagram, measurement of power in three phase
circuits, three phase four wire circuits.
Magnetic circuits: Review of fundamental laws of electromagnetic induction,
transformer and rotational emfs, Solution of magnetic circuits.

DC machine: Construction, emf and torque equations, speed control of DC motors.

Single Phase Transformer: Construction, emf equation, phasor diagrams at no load

and full load, equivalent circuit, regulation and efficiency.

Induction Motor: Introduction to three-phase induction motor, construction, principle of

rotating magnetic field, starting; single phase induction motor, principle of operation.

Measuring Instruments: Introduction to basic instruments, voltmeter, ammeter and

wattmeter, principle of analog and digital measurements.

Essential Reading:

2. E. Hughes, Electrical Technology, ELBS, 1997.

Supplementary Reading:

2. V. D. Toro, Basic Electrical Engineering, PHI, 2000.

EE 2401 Signals & Networks 4 credits


Course Contents:

Mathematical Description of Signals: Continuous-Time & Discrete-Time Signal, Energy

and Power Signal; Mathematical Description of Systems: Linear Time Invariant
Systems& its Characteristics, Convolution Sum, Convolution Integral and their
Evaluation, Analysis of LTI Systems based on Convolution and Differential Equations;
Fourier Series and Fourier Transform: Fourier Series of Periodic Signals, Continuous
and Discrete Time Fourier Transform, Frequency Response of Systems; Sampling:
Representing a Continuous-Time Signal by Samples, Shanon’s Sampling Theorem,
Aliasing; Solving Networks using Super-node and Super-mesh techniques; Network
Theorems for Circuits with both Dependent sources; Laplace Transform: Properties,
Solutions of Differential Equations with Non-zero Initial Conditions; Network Transients:
Laplace Transform based Solution, Frequency Response of R-L-C Series Circuit,
Series and Parallel Resonance; Graph Theory and Electrical Circuit Solution; Two-Port
Network Analysis.

Essential reading:

1. A. V. Oppenhem, A. S. Willsky and Hamid, Signals and Systems, Pearson,

2. W. H. Hayt and T. E. Kimmerley, Engineering Circuit Analysis, TMH, 2001 or
Recent Edition
3. C. L. Philips, J. M. Parr and E. A. Riskin, Signals, Systems and Transforms,
PHI, 4e, 2013 or Recent Edition.

Supplementary reading:

1. M. J. Roberts, Signals and Systems, McGraw-Hill, 2004 or Recent Edition

2. C.K.Alexander and M.N.O.Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits,
McGrawHill, 2013.
3. M. E. Van Valkenberg, Network Analysis, PHI, 1990 or Recent Edition
EE 2001 Electrical Machines-I 3 credits [3-0-

Course Contents:

Magnetic circuits: Magnetic materials and their properties, Flux linkage, inductance and
energy, magnetically induced emf, ac operation of magnetic circuits, electromagnetic
force and torque, hysteresis and eddy current losses. Transformers: Construction and
practical considerations, No load conditions, ideal transformer, practical transformer
and equivalent circuit, losses, testing, the Per Unit system, efficiency, voltage
regulation, excitation phenomenon, autotransformers, three phase transformer, parallel
operation of transformers, three winding transformers, Scott connection, Tap changing
DC Machines: Armature winding and commutator, EMF and Torque, circuit model,
armature reaction, compensating winding, commutation, methods of excitation. DC
generator: operation characteristics, self-excitation, characteristics, parallel operation.
DC motors: starting, speed control, braking, efficiency, testing and dynamics.
Applications of DC machines.
Essential Reading:

1. A.E. Fitzagerald, C.M. Kingsley (Jr) and S. D. Umans, Electric Machinery, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2003.
2. D. P. Kothari and I. J. Nagrath, Electric Machines, Mc Graw Hill, 2011
Supplementary Reading:

1. Stephen J. Chapman, Electric Machinery Fundamentals,Mc Graw Hill, 2010

2. I. L. Kosow, Electric Machinery & Transformers, PHI, 2001.
3. C. I. Hubert, Electric Machines, Pearson Education, 2003.

EE 2403 Analog Electronics 3 credits [3-


Course Contents:

Scope and applications of analog electronic circuits, Amplifier models: Voltage

amplifier, Current amplifier, transconductance amplifier and transresistance amplifier.
Biasing schemes for BJT and FET amplifiers, bias stability, various configurations(such
as CE/CS, CB/CG, CC/CD) and their features, small signal analysis, low frequency
transistor models, estimation of voltage gain, input resistance, output resistance etc.,
design procedure for particular specifications, low frequency analysis of multistage
amplifiers. High frequency transistor models, frequency response of single stage and
multistage amplifiers, various classes of operation (Class A, B, AB, C etc.), their power
efficiency and linearity issues. Oscillators: Review of the basic concept, Barkhausen
criterion,RC oscillators (phase shift, Wien bridge etc.), LC oscillators (Hartley, Collpit,
Clapp etc.) . Differential amplifier: Basic structure and principle of operation, calculation
of differential gain, common mode gain, CMRR and PSRR. OP-AMP design: design of
differential amplifier for a given specification, design of gain stages and output stages,
compensation. OPAMP applications: review of inverting and non-inverting amplifiers,
integrator and differentiator, summing amplifier, precision rectifier, non-sinusoidal
oscillators, Schmitt trigger and its applications. Active filters: Low pass, high pass,
bandpass and bandstop, design guidelines. Digital-to-analog converters (DAC):
Weighted resistor, R-2R ladder, resistor string etc. Analog-to-digital converters (ADC):
Single slope, dual slope, successive approximation, etc.
Essential reading:

1. Donald Neaman, “Electronic Circuits: Analysis and Design”, 3 rd Edition, McGraw Hill
Education 2006

2. Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith, Arun N. Chandorkar, “Microelectronic Circuits:

Theory and Application”, 7th Edition, Oxford University Press,2017
3. Behzad Razavi, “Microelectronics”, 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2014

EE 2002 Electrical Machines-II 4 credits [3-


Course Contents:

Introduction to rotating machines: Elementary machines, MMF of distributed windings,

Rotating MMF wave, generated voltage, Toque in round rotor machine: Synchronous
machine, Induction machine, and linear machine. Magnetic Leakage in rotating
machines: Leakage in main poles and leakage in armature. Losses and efficiency:
Generator and motor. Rating and loss dissipation. Steady state operation of motor-load
system. AC armature windings

Synchronous machines: Basic model, circuit model, synchronous reactance, Potier

method, Armature reaction, synchronizing to infinite bus bar, operating characteristics,
efficiency, power flow equations, Two-reaction model, Synchronizing power and torque,
Slip test, Parallel operation, hunting phenomenon and starting methods.

Induction machines: Construction, principle of operation, Equivalent circuit, air-gap

power, output power, torque, determination of circuit model parameters, starting
methods, cogging and crawling, Speed control: voltage control and rotor resistance
control. Single phase induction motors: Two rotating field theory, toque-speed
characteristics, performance analysis, Single phase two winding motors, split phase
motor, shaded pole motor, reluctance motor and hysteresis motor.

Introduction to Brushless Permanent Magnet motors, Stepper motor, Switched

reluctance motor,

Essential Reading:

1. A. E. Fitzagerald, C. M. Kingsley (Jr) and S. D. Umans, Electric Machinery,

TMH, 2003.
2. D P Kothari & I J Nagrath, Electric Machines, TMH, 2010.
Supplementary Reading:

1. A. S. Langsdorf, Theory of A. C. Machines, TMH, 2001.

2. M. G. Say, The Performance and design 2. C. I. Hubert, Electric Machines,
Pearson Education, 2003
3. P.C. Sen, Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics, Wiley, 2007.
4. Ned Mohan, Electric Machines and Drives: A First Course, Wiley, 2013
EE 2202 Power Electronics 3 credits

Course Contents:

Power Semiconductor Devices: power diodes, power transistors, SCRs, TRIAC,

GTO, power MOSFETs, IGBTs-Principles of operation, characteristics, ratings,
protection and gate drive circuits, dv / dt and di / dt protection, Series and parallel
operation of Thyristors.

Controlled rectifiers: Single phase and Three-phase, Effect of Source Inductance,

Power factor improvement, Dual converter.

DC-DC converters: Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost converters with circuit configuration and
analysis. Introduction to Zero Voltage Switching and Zero Current Switching.

DC-AC converters: Single phase and Three phase; Voltage Source (VSI) and Current
Source Inverter (CSI), frequency and voltage control; Pulse Width Modulation
Techniques (PWM). Introduction to Multilevel Inverter.

AC-AC converter: Single and Three phase controllers, phase control, PWM AC
voltage controller, Principle of O N -OFF control and Cyclo-converters.

Essential reading:

1. Rashid, M.H, ‘Power Electronics - Circuits, Devices and Applications’, Prentice Hall
Publications, 3rd Edition, 2003.
2. M.D.Singh and K.B.Khanchandani, ‘Power Electronics’, Tata McGraw Hills Publishing
Company Limited, 2nd Edition, 2006.
3. Ned Mohan, Tore M. Undeland, William P. Robbins, ‘Power Electronics’, John Wiley
& Sons Publications , 3rd edition, 2006.

Supplementary reading:

1. Vedam Subramaniam, ‘Power Electronics’, New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers,
2. Philip T. Krein, ‘Elements of Power Electronics’, Oxford University Press, 1st Edition,
3. V.R. Moorthi, ‘Power Electronics- Devices, Circuits and Industrial Applications’,
Oxford University Press, 1st Edition, 2005.

EE 2004 Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation 3 credits


Course Contents:

Measurement of Electrical Quantities: Standards of Measurement & Errors,

Voltmeter, Ammeter, Multimeter, Wattmeter and Energy meter. Measurement of
Electrical Elements: Measurement of low, medium and high resistances, insulation
resistance measurement AC bridges for inductance and capacitance measurement.
Instrument Transformers: Current and Potential transformers, ratio and phase angle
errors. Electronic Measurements: Electronic voltmeter, multi-meter, wattmeter &
energy meter. Time, Frequency and phase angle measurements using CRO; Spectrum
& Wave analyzer. ; Digital counter, frequency meter, voltmeter, multi-meter and storage
oscilloscope. ; Instrumentation: Transducers, classification & selection of transducers,
strain gauges, inductive & capacitive transducers, piezoelectric and Hall-effect
transducers, thermistors, thermocouples, photo-diodes & photo-transistors, encoder
type digital transducers, Signal conditioning and telemetry, basic concepts of smart
sensors and applications. Data Acquisition Systems.

Essential reading:

1. W. D. Cooper and A.P. Helpric, Modern Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement

Techniques, PHI, 1990.

2. A. K. Sawhney, Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation,

DhanpatRai, 2003.

Supplementary reading:

1. J. P. Bentley, Principles of Measurement Systems, Longman Group Ltd. (Pearson

Education), 1995.

2. M. Tooley, PC Based Instrumentation and Control, Newnes, 1997.

EE 2402 Digital Electronics 3 credits


Course Contents:

Introduction to Boolean algebra and Switching Function, Boolean minimization.

Combinational Logic Design using MSI circuits: Full Adder / Subtractor, BCD Adder,
LAC Adder, Decoder, MUX/DEMUX structure, Combinational logic design using ROM
array, Integrated Circuits: Difference between combinational and sequential circuits,
Flip Flops, Counters, Shift Registers and PLA. ; Analysis and Synthesis of Sequential
Circuits: Basic models of sequential M/C, Analysis of Asynchronous and Synchronous
circuits, Synthesis of completely and incompletely specified synchronous sequential
M/Cs. Finite state machine, state transition diagrams and state transition tables. Design
Concepts, Introduction to Cad Tools, Introduction to VHDL. Implementation
Technology: Transistor Switches, NMOS Logic Gates, CMOS Logic Gates, Negative
Logic System, Standard Chips, Programmable Logic Devices, Custom Chips, Standard
Cells and Gate Arrays Practical Aspects, Transmission Gates.

Essential Reading:

1. C. H. Roth (Jr.), Fundamentals of Logic Design, 4th Ed., Jaico Publishers, 2002.
2. S.Brown and Z.Vranesis, Fundamental of Digital Logic with VHDL design Tata Mc
GRAW-Hill, 2003

Supplementary Reading:
1. Z. Kohavi, Switching and Finite Automata Theory, 2nd Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill,
2. F. Vahid: Digital Design: Wiley Student Edition, 2006
3. J. F.Wakerly, Digital Design Principles and Practices, Fourth Edition, Prentice-
Hall, 2005.
4. R. L.Tokheim, Digital electronics, Principles and applications, 6th Edition,
Tata McGraw Hill Edition, 2003
EE 3401 Microprocessors & Embedded Systems 4 credits [3-

Course Contents:

Overview of Embedded System and Design; The 8085 Microprocessor: Architecture &
Programming; Microprocessor Peripheral Interface Controller & I/O interfaces: Memory
Interface, Parallel Interfaces for Signal Acquisition, User Interface (Keyboard &
Displays), Serial Communication Protocol & Interface, Programmable Interval Timer,
Programmable Interrupt Controller, Direct Memory Access; The 8086 Microprocessor:
Architecture & Programming; 8051 Microcontroller: Architecture & Programming;
Microcontroller Peripheral Interfacing: Real-time Operating System, Parallel Interface
for Signal Acquisition, User Interface (Keyboard & Displays), Design with Low Pin
Count, Serial Communication Protocol & Interface, External Memory Interface;
Application of Embedded Systems and Simulation.
Essential reading:
1. Datasheets of various chips (Intel 8085, 8086, 8051: AT89S8252, Peripheral
Interface Chips, ADCs, DACs etc.)
2. Ramesh S. Gaonkar, Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and
Applications with 8085, Penram International, 6th Ed., 2013
3. Kenneth J. Ayala, The 8086 Microprocessor: Programming & Interfacing The
PC, Cengage Learning, 2008
4. Douglas V. Hall, Microprocessors and Interfacing: Programming and
Hardware, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2nd Ed. (revised), 2006
Supplementary reading:
1. Datasheets of various accessory IC components
2. MykePredko, Programming and Customizing the 8051 Microcontroller,
McGrawHill, 1st Ed. 1999
3. M. Morris Mano, Computer System Architecture, PHI, 3rd Ed., 2007

EE 3301 Principles of Control Systems Engineering 3 credits [3-0-0]

Course Contents:

Introduction to Automatic Control: Concept of control system, Definition, Open

Loop/Closed-loop, Basic elements of a servo mechanism, Types of servomechanism,
Development of Automatic Control; Mathematical Model: Mathematical representation
of physical system, Electrical mechanical systems, liquid level system, transfer function
and impulse response of linear systems, Block diagram, signal flow graphs, Application
of the signal flow graphs for gain formula to block diagrams. Mathematical modelling of
dynamical systems. ; General Feedback Theory: Feedback, effect of feedback,
Mathematical definition of feedback, Control System Components: Potentiometer,
Synchros, A.C. Servo motors D.C. and A.C. tacho generator, Example of closed loop
systems using D.C. & A.C. Servomotors, Synchro’s, Tacho generators; Hydraulic
Systems & Pneumatic Systems; Pump controlled and valve controlled Hydraulic motor
& Actuators, Hydraulic valve, Hydraulic controllers and Pneumatic controllers ; Time
Response of feedback control systems: Typical test signal for the transient analysis,
time domain performance characteristics of feedback control systems, transient
response, transient response of 2nd order systems, transient response of a positional
servomechanism, effects of derivative and integral controls on the transient
performance, PI, PD, PID controllers, Tachometer feedback, Steady state response
steady state error, The generalized error analysis, Stability linear control system:
Routh-Hurwitz criterion. Frequency response method polar plots, Bodes plot,
Magnitude versus phase shift plot frequency response of feedback control system,
Frequency domain specifications, MP and WP for a second order system; The Nyquist
criterion and stability : ; Introduction, The Principle of argument the Nyquist path,
Nyquist criterion and the GH Plot, The application of the Nyquist criterion, The effects
of additional poles and zeros of G(s) H(s) on the shape of the Nyquist locus, Relative
stability, gain margin, Phase margin, conditionally stable systems. The Root Locus
Technique: Introduction to Root Locus, construction of the root loci, some other
properties of the root locus, root locus of conditional stable systems; Compensator
Design: Lag/Lead/Lag-Lead Compensator Design using Root Locus & Bode Plot
Methods ; State variable analysis: Introduction, Concept of state, state variable and
state model, State equations of continuous data control system, Derivation of state
Model from transfer functions and Vice versa. Diagonalisation, Solution of state
Essential Reading:
1. K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, Pearson, 2003.
2. I.J. Nagrath, and M. Gopal, Control System Engineering, New Age, 2002
Supplementary Reading:
1. M. Gopal, Control Systems: Principles and Design, TMH, 2008.
2. B.C. Kuo, Automatic Control System, Prentice Hall, Digitized Dec 5, 2007
3. R.C. Dorf and R.H.Bishop, Modern Control System, Pearson, 2017

EE 3403 Digital Signal Processing 3 credits [3-0-


Course Contents:

An introduction to signals and systems, and representation of signals in time domain,

Linear, time-invariant systems, impulse response and convolution sum, Fourier
transform, Sampling and Reconstruction of continuous time signals, Characterization
and properties of discrete time signals and systems, Computation of the discrete time
Fourier transform and its properties, Computation of the discrete Fourier transform and
its properties, Fast Fourier transform algorithms, The Z-transform and its properties,
The inverse z-transform, System function and system stability, Transform analysis of
linear time invariant systems, Implementation of structures for discrete time systems,
Digital filter design techniques, Design of FIR & IIR filters, Applications of DSP.

Essential Reading:
1. Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and Applications (3rd edition), John
G.Proakis, Dimitris G. Manolakis, and D Sharma, Pearson Education India
2. A. V. Oppenheim, R. W. Schafer, Digital Signal Processing, Pearson Education,

Supplementary Readings:
1. Digital Signal Processing using MATLAB, Vinay K. Ingle, John G. Proakis,
Brooks/Cole - Thomson Learning
2. Richard G. Lyons, Understanding Digital Signal Processing, Prentice Hall, 1996.
3. S. W. Smith, The Scientist and Engineer's and Guide to Digital Signal Processing,
California Technical Publishing, 1997. ISBN: 0-9660176-3-3
4. S. K. Mitra - Digital Signal Processing: A computer based approach, TMH, 2001.

EE 3103 Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution 3 credits [3-0-0]

Course Contents:
1. Power System Network: Basic structure of power system, Transmission voltages,
Bundled conductors, Choice of economics voltages.
2. Line Parameters:Resistance, Inductance and Capacitance Calculations; Single
Phase and Three Phase Lines, Effect of Earth on transmission line Capacitance.
3. Performance of Transmission Lines: Representation of lines; Short, Medium
and Long length transmission line, Equivalent π and T circuits, Regulation and
Efficiency, Evaluation of ABCD parameters, Line voltage regulation and
4. Overhead Line Insulators: Insulator materials, Types of insulators, voltage
distribution over insulator string, Improvement of string efficiency.
5. Mechanical Design of Overhead Lines: Line supports, Span conductor
configuration, spacing and clearances, sag and tension calculations, Effect of
Wind and Ice loading.
6. Corona: The phenomenon of corona, Corona loss, Factors and conditions
affecting corona loss, Corona in bundled conductor lines. Interference between
Power and Communication Lines: Electromagnetic Induction, Electro Static
induction, Reduction of interference.
7. Underground Cables: Classification of cables, Insulation Resistance, Potential
gradient, Capacitance of single core and three core cables.
8. Power System Transients: Travelling waves on transmission lines, Wave
Equations, Attenuation of travelling waves.
9. Distribution Systems: Comparison of various distribution systems and General
aspects, Kelvin’s Law, AC Distribution;Single phase and Three phase, Techniques
of Voltage Control and Power Factor Improvement.

Essential Reading:
1. C. L. Wadhwa, Electrical Power Systems, New Age, 2005.
2. D.P.Kothari and I.J.Nagrath, “Power System Engineering”, Tata Mcgraw-Hill, 2nd
Edition, 2008
Supplementary Reading:
1. L. M. Faulkenberry and W. Coffer, Electrical Power Distribution and Transmission,
PHI, 1996.

2. W. D. Stevenson, Elements of Power System analysis, McGraw Hill, 1982.

EE 3201 Electric Drives 3 credits


Course Contents:

Factors affecting selection of drives, speed-torque characteristics of motors and loads,

condition of steady-state stability, transient stability: equal area criterion, dynamics of
motor load combination, DC shunt motor and series motor braking methods and speed-
torque characteristics in four quadrants, Induction motor: steady-state performance
analysis, braking methods, four quadrant speed-torque characteristics, dc and ac
dynamic braking, Methods of starting, energy relations during starting and braking,
Transients in dc and ac drives; Motor and converter performance parameters, 1-phase
full- and semi- converter fed dc shunt and dc series motor, Mathematical analysis of 1-
phase converter fed dc motors, 1-phase Dual converter: waveforms, operations with
and without circulating current, 3-phase full converter, semi converter and dual
converter fed dc drives, Power factor considerations of semi- and full converters, Power
factor improvement of phase controlled converters, Sequence control of converters,
Chopper controlled dc drives; Static speed control of induction motor: stator voltage
control, Static control of rotor resistance, Static slip power recovery scheme, VSI and
cyclo-converter fed drives, V/f control, constant torque and constant power operations,
closed loop V/f control, CSI fed drives; Induction motor behaviour with non-sinusoidal
supply and unbalanced supply, PWM inverters and reduction of harmonics,
Synchronous motor drives: true and self-synchronous modes, hunting; Brushless dc
motor drive, Reluctance motor, SRM, stepper motors; Illumination, electrical heating,
furnaces, arc welding, industrial application of motors in steel mills, textile mills, cement
mill and paper mills; Electric traction services, nature of traction load, main line and
sub-urban train configuration, traction mechanics, traction drives, braking, power factor
and harmonics, traction motor.

Essential reading:
1. G. K. Dubey, Fundamentals of Electrical Drive, Narosa Publishing House, New
Delhi, 2001.
2. N. K. De and P. K. Sen, Electric Drives, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1999.

Supplementary reading:
1. S. K. Pillai, A First Course in Electrical Drives, New Age International, New Delhi,
2. V. Subrahmanyam, Electric Drives: Concepts and Applications, New Age
International, New Delhi, 2005.

EE 3100 Power System Operation and Control 3 credits [3-

Course Contents:
1. Load Flow Analysis: Network equation, Power Flow problem, Gauss-Seidel
method, Newton-Raphson method, Decoupled method, Fast Decoupled method.
2. Power System Fault Analysis: Balanced Fault, Fault analysis using Z-bus
matrix, Z-bus matrix building algorithm; Symmetrical Component and Unbalanced
fault, Sequence impedances of load, transmission lines, transformer and
generator, Unbalanced Fault analysis using sequence impedance matrices,
Single-line-to-ground fault, Line-to-line fault, Double-line-to-ground fault analysis.
3. Power System Stability: Swing Equation of synchronous machine, Steady-state
stability –small disturbances, Transient stability analysis – Equal Area criterion,
Application of equal area criterion to sudden increase in power input and to three-
phase fault; Numerical solution of nonlinear equation, Numerical solution of swing
equation, Transient stability analysis of a multi-machine power system.
4. Optimal Dispatch of Generation: Operating cost of a thermal plant, Economic
Dispatch problem, Unconstrained and constrained optimization technique,
Economic dispatch neglecting losses, Kron’s loss formula, Economic dispatch
including losses.
5. Automatic Generation and Voltage Control: Load Frequency control, concept of
control area, Proportional plus Integral control, Two-Area load frequency control,
Automatic voltage control, Regulator, Exciter modelling, Generator modelling and
static performance of AVR loop.

Essential Reading:
1. Hadi Sadat, Power system Analysis, PSA Publishing, Third Edition.
2. I.J. Nagrath and D. P. Kothari, Modern Power System Operation and Control,
Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2003.
Supplementary Reading:
1. W. D. Stevenson, Elements of Power System Analysis, McGraw Hill, 1994
2. Olle I. Elgerd, Electric Energy Systems Theory: An Introduction, McGraw Hill
Education, Second Edition.

EE 3302 Advance Control Systems 4 credits


Course Contents:

State Space Analysis: State space modeling of different dynamical systems,

Conversion of transfer functions to various canonical representation, Linearization of
non-linear system, Solving the state space equations, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors,
Different methods of calculations the state transition matrix, Controllability and
Observability, state feedback control, pole placement through state feedback, State
feedback with integral control, Observer design; Digital Control: Introduction to
discrete time systems, Sample and Hold, Z-transform, State variable analysis of digital
control systems ; Optimal Control: Principal of optimality, Continuous time LQ control,
Infinite-Horizon Control, Linear Quadratic Regulator; Lyapunov stability analysis:
Basic concepts, stability theorems, Lyapunov functions for LTI systems; Nonlinear
Control System; Characteristics of nonlinear systems, common nonlinearities, phase
plane, describing function;
Essential Reading:

1. K.Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, Pearson, 2003.

2. M.Gopal, “Digital Control and State Variable Methods”, TMH 2003.
Supplementary Reading:

J.S.Bay, “Fundamental of Linear State Space Systems”, MacGraw-Hill 1999

EE 3402 Communication Systems 3 credits [3-0-0]

Course Contents:

Representation of signals and systems in a communication system: Discrete and

continuous spectra of signals, concepts of modulation and frequency translation,
lowpass and bandpass signals and channels, concept of complex envelope, Hilbert
transform and phase shifting; Continuous wave (CW) modulation: AM, DSB/SC, SSB,
VSB, methods of generation; Demodulation techniques of CW modulation: coherent
and non-coherent; Nonlinear modulation techniques: FM and PM, narrowband FM,
wideband FM, methods of generation; FM spectrum; Demodulation techniques for FM;
Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM); Radio transmitters and receivers; Sampling a
signal by periodic pulse stream: spectra of ideally sampled signal, Nyquist sampling
theorem, flat-top sampling, sampling of bandpass signals, examples of sampling
circuits; PAM, PWM, PPM spectra, generation and demodulation schemes; Time-
division multiplexing; Performance of analog modulation schemes in AWGN : CNR,
post-demodulation SNR and figure of merit for AM, DSB/SC, SSB, FM, threshold effect
in FM, pre-emphasis and de-emphasis in FM, FMFB. Noise in receivers; Noise figures;
Radio link design

Essential Reading:
1. S. Haykin, Communication systems (4/e), John Wiley, 2001
2. H. Taub, D. L Schilling, G. Saha, Principles of Communication System,
3rdEdition; 2008, Tata McGraw Hill, India

Supplementary Reading:

1. B. P. Lathi, Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, Oxford

University Press
2. A. B. Carlson, Communication Systems -by Mc. Graw Hill.

EE 3004 Electro Magnetic Field Theory 3 credits [3-

Course Contents:

Fundamentals of Field Theory, Maxwell’s equations, Boundary conditions in

Electromagnetic Field, Energy Theorems and Pointing Vector, Electromagnetic Wave
Equation in Dielectrics and Conductors, Solution of Wave equation in Cartesian
Coordinates in homogeneous Dissipative and Non dissipative Regions, Waves at
interface between conductors and Dielectrics. Transmission Lines: Introduction, Line
Transmission Theory, Variation of Voltage and Current at distance x from the sending
end, Primary Line Constant, Phase Velocity and Line wavelength, Characteristics
impedance, The Propagation Coefficient, Computation of Primary constants from
values of short circuit and open circuit impedances, Phase and Group velocities,
Standing Waves, Lossless Lines at Radio Frequencies, Voltage Standing Wave Ratio,
Reflection Coefficient, Transmission Lines as Circuit Elements, Smith Chart, Solution of
problems using Smith Chart, Stub Matching. Wave Guides: Introduction, Physical
Mechanism of Wave Guide Propagation, Phase and Group Velocities, Rectangular
Wave Guides, Cut off in a Rectangular Wave Guide, Wave Guide dimension, Wave
Guide Impedance.

Essential reading:
1. M. N. O. Sadiku and Kulkarni, Principles of Electromagnetics, Oxford University
Press, 6th Edition, 2015.
2. W. H. Hayt Jr. and J. A. Buck, Engineering Electromagnetics, McGraw Hill, New
York, 2010.

Supplementary reading:
1. D.K. Cheng, Field and Wave Electromagnetics, Pearson Education, Singapore,

EE 3404 Soft Computing Techniques 3 credits [3-0-0]

Course Contents:

1. Optimization: (a) Convex Optimization - Unconstrained optimization by Steepest

Descent method, Newton’s method, Damped Newton method; Constrained
optimization – KKT conditions, Lagrangian method. (b) Non-convex Optimization -
Genetic algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization
2. Artificial Neural Network: Characteristics and Benefits of Artificial Neural
Network; Basic models of Artificial Neurons; Basic Activation Functions; Network
Architectures; Adaptive Linear Model: Widro-Hopf solution; Classification by single
perceptron; Training single perceptron by Gauss-Newton method. Multilayer
Perceptron: Back-propagation Learning Algorithm; Radial Basis Function (RBF)
Neural Network, training of RBF Neural Network using stochastic gradient
3. Principal Component Analysis (PCA): Dimension Reduction using PCA,Pre-
processing input patterns of Neural Network using PCA.
4. Fuzzy Logic: Introduction: What is SC? Why is it useful? Fuzzy Set Theory: Fuzzy
Sets, Fuzzy Set operations, Fuzzy Rules and Fuzzy Reasoning, Extension
Principle and fuzzy relations, fuzzy compositions, Fuzzy Reasoning, Fuzzy
Inference Systems Extension principle, Fuzzy Inference Systems (Mamdani Fuzzy
Models, defuzzification methods, Sugeno Fuzzy Models), Fuzzy Modelling and

Essential Reading:
1. S. Haykin, Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation, Pearson, 2006
2. T. J. Ross, Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Application, John Wiley and Sons,
3. D.B. Fogel, Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Press, 2003.

Supplementary Reading:
1. Konar, Computational Intelligence: Principles, Techniques and Applications,
Spinger -Verlag, 2005
2. V. Kecman, Learning & Soft Computing, Pearson, 2006

EE 3006 Industrial Instrumentation 3 credits

Course Contents:

Basic terminologies, 1st order and second order instruments with step, ramp and
sinusoidal input/ output characteristics, Strain gauge, derivation of gauge factor,
strain gauge rosette, unbalanced Wheatstone bridge, Link type load cell, beam
type load cell, ring type load cell and their sensitivities, Frequency response of link
type load cell, Torque cell and its data transmission (slip ring and radio telemetry),
LVDT, phase compensation, phase sensitive demodulation, thermistor and its
linearization, RTD, its construction, three wire and four wire method Muller bridge,
Thermocouple, their relative comparison, cold junction compensation using
AD590, grounded thermocouple, potentiometer as displacement sensor,
Capacitance as displacement and level transducer, push pull
arrangement, Pressure transducer [Bourdon gauge, diaphragm gauge (metal and
semiconductor) etc], all vacuum gauges, photo electric transducer and its
application, Liquid in glass thermometer, pressure spring thermometer,
venturimeter, Orifice meter, pitot tube, Rotameter, Weir, electromagnetic
flowmeter, Hot wire anemometer, its phase compensation and expression of
volumetric flow rate or velocity in each case, Variable reluctance displacement
sensor, tachogenerator, turbine flowmeter. Measurement of viscosity, conductivity
and pH of a liquid. Flapper nozzle system and Control Valves.
Essential Reading:

1. N. A. Anderson, Instrumentation for Process Measurement and Control, CRC

Press, 1997.
2. J. Curtis, Process Control Instrumentation Technology, Prentice-Hall of India,
3. D.V.S Murthy, Transducers and Instrumentation, Prentice-Hall of India, 2008.
Supplementary Readings:

1. W. Dunn, Fundamentals of Industrial instrumentation and control system,

McGraw-Hill, 2005.
2. J.P. Bentley, Principles of Measurement Systems, Pearson, 1995.

EE 3406 Probability and Random Processes 3 credits


Course Contents:
Introduction to Probability: Sets and set operations, probability space, conditional
probability and Bayes theorem, combinatorial probability and sampling models.
Random Variables: Discrete random variables, probability mass function, probability
distribution function, example random variables and distributions; continuous random
variables, probability density function, probability distribution function,example
distributions;Joint distributions, functions of one and two random variables, moments of
random variables; conditional distribution, densities and moments, characteristic
functions, Markov, Cheby-shev and Chernoff bounds, detection and estimation.
Sequence of Random Variables and Convergence:Random sequences,Almost sure
(a.s.) convergence and strong law of large numbers; convergence in mean square
sense with examples from parameter estimation; convergence in probability with
examples; convergence in distribution; central limit theorem.
Random Processes:Random processes, stationary processes, mean and covariance
functions, ergodicity, linear filtering of random processes, power spectral density,
examples of random processes: white noise process and white noise sequence,
Gaussian process,Poisson process, Markov process.

Essential Reading:
1. A. Papoulis and S. Unnikrishna Pillai, Probability, Random Variables and
tic Processes, McGrawHill, 2017
2. H. Stark and J. W. Woods, Probability and Random Processes with applications
Signal Processing, Pearson Education.

Supplementary Reading:

3. S. Kay, Intuitive Probability and Random Processes, Springer 2006.

4. John J Shynk, Probability, Random Variables, Random Processes
5. W. Feller, An Introduction to Probability, Wiley, 1968.
6. S. Ross, Stochastic Processes, Wiley 1996

EE 3308 Digital Control 3 credits

Course Content:
Introduction: Configuration of the basic digital control scheme – general sampled data
system variables – signal classifications – why use digital control system – Advantages
– disadvantages – examples of discrete data and digital control systems.
Discrete System Modelling: Determination of the z transform – mapping between s
and z domains transform of system equations – open loop hybrid sampled data
Control Systems – open loop discrete Control System – closed loop sampled data
control system – modified z- transform method – response between sampling instants –
stability on the z plane and jury’s stability test – steady state error analysis for stable
State Variable Analysis: State descriptions of digital processors, conversion of state
variable models to transfer functions, conversion of transfer functions to canonical
state variable models, first comparison form, second companion form, Jordon
Canonical form, state description of sampled continuous time plants, solution of state
difference equations,closed form solution, state transition matrix, Caley-Hamilton
Technique, concept of controllability and observability, loss of controllability and
observability due to sampling.
Digital Controller Design: Designof state observers, dead beat control by state feed-
back and dead beat observers, Lyapunov stability analysis, Linear Quadratic Optimal
Control, Nonlinear Control systems
Essential Reading:

1. M. Gopal, Digital Control and State Variable Methods, TMH, 2003

2. G.F. Franklin, J. D. Powell, M.L. Workman, Digital Control of Dynamic Systems
Pearson, 2008

EE 3102 Utilization of Electrical Energy 3 credits [3-


Illumination: Production of light - lighting calculations - determination of MHCP and

MSCP - Polar curves of different types of sources - Rousseau’s construction -
photometers - interior and exterior illumination systems - lighting schemes - Design of
lighting schemes - factory lighting - flood lighting - electric lamps - gaseous discharge
lamps - high pressure and low pressure neon signs - high frequency , low pressure
discharge tubes.; Electric furnaces and welding : Resistance, inductance and Arc
Furnaces - Construction and fields of application - control equipment, high frequency
dielectric heating, resistance - welding equipment - characteristics of carbon and
metallic arc welding - butt welding - spot welding. ; electro-chemical processes:
Electrolysis – Electroplating – Electro deposition – Extraction of metals Current,
Efficiency - Batteries – types – Charging Methods. ; electric traction: Railway
electrification – definition and analysis of traction effort – speed – time curve – traction
motors - battery driven vehicles - energy efficiency drives – advanced speed control
measures- tractive effort calculations - electric braking - control wire - A.C. traction -
recent trend in electric traction.; refrigeration and air-conditioning: Control of
temperature - basic wiring diagram - simple heat load and motor calculations. Air-
conditioning - function of complete air conditioning system - type of compressor motor
and fan motor-wiring diagram for a typical air conditioning unit.

Essential Reading:
1. S. C. Tripathy, Electric Energy Utilisation and Conservation, Tata McGraw Hill,
2. W. F. Stocker and J.W. Jones, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, McGraw Hill,

Supplementary Reading:
1. C. L. Wadhwa, Generation, Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy, New
Age, 1989.
2. N.V. Suryanarayana, Utilisation of Electric Power, Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1993.

EE 4301 Robust and optimal Control 3 credits


Course Contents:

Space, Range space, Null space,Convex set, Norm of vector, signal and matrix, H 2 and
H∞ norm, Hamiltonian matrix, Riccati equation. Concept of robustness in SISO and
MIMO systems, Small-gain theorem, Robust controller synthesis using H∞norm
minimization, µ-synthesis, LQR problem, Guaranteed stability margins of LQR,Linear
estimation, Separation Theory, Standard H 2 problem, Stability Margins of H2
Essential Readings:
1. Kemin Zhou and J. C. Doyle, “Essentials of Robust Control,” Prentice hall, 1998.
2. B. D. O. Anderson and J. B. Moore, “Optimal Control: Linear Quadratic Methods,”
Dover, 2007.
Supplementary Reading:
1. J. Doyle, B. Francis, A. Tannenbaum, “Feedback Control Theory,” Dover, 2009.
2. S. Skogestad and I. Postlethwaite, “Multivariable Feedback Control: Analysis and
Design,” Wiley, 2015.

EE 4101 Power System Protection 3 credits


Course Contents:

1. Overview of Power System Protection: Generalarchitecture of protection

system, Evolution of relays, Attributes of a protection system, Current and
potential transformer for relays, Zones of protections, Concept of primary and
back-up protection.
2. Overcurrent Protection: Construction, Operating Principle and Characteristics
of Instantaneous overcurrent relay, Definite Time overcurrent relay, Inverse
Time overcurrent relay, Inverse definite minimum time overcurrent relay; Co-
ordination of overcurrent relays for radial lines, Overcurrent protection of three-
phase feeder; Construction, Operating Principle and Characteristics of
Directional overcurrent relay, Directional overcurrent protection of a three-phase
feeders; Drawbacks of overcurrent protection.
3. Distance Protection: Universal Torque Equation,Construction, Operating
Principle and Characteristics of Simple Impedance relay, Reactance relay, and
Mho relay, performance of different impedance relays during normal loading
condition, power swing and effect of arc resistance, Directional properties of
various impedance relays, Impact of infeed effect; Distance protection of a three-
phase line, Three-stepped distance protection.
4. Differential Protection: Dot convention, Simple differential protection –
behavior during normal load, external fault and internal fault; Actual behavior of
a simple differential protection scheme and Percentage Differential relay.
5. Busbar Protection: Differential protection of busbars, actual behavior of a
protective current transformer – effect of CT saturation, High Impedance busbar
6. Transformer Protection: Over-current protection, Percentage differential
protection of transformer, Inrush phenomenon, percentage differential relay with
harmonic restraint; High resistance ground fault protection of a 𝑌 − Δ
transformer; Inter-turn faults in transformer, Buchholz relay; Protection against
7. Digital Relay: Architecture of a digital relay, Phasor Measurement technique,
Numerical distance protection of transmission line by Mann-Morrison method,
Distance protection by differential protection method, protection of transformer.
8. Circuit Breaker: Requirement of circuit breakers, Characteristics of electric arc,
Principle of A.C. and D.C. arc interruption, recovery and Restriking voltage and
effect of current asymmetry upon them, Interruption of capacitive currents;
Various types of circuit breakers - Air-breaker circuit breaker, bulk-oil circuit
breaker and minimum oil circuit breaker, Air-blast circuit breaker, 𝑆𝐹6 circuit
breaker, Vacuum circuit breaker.

Essential Reading:
1. Y. G. Paithankar and S. R. Bhinde, Fundamentals of Power System
Protection, PHI, Second Edition, 2013.
2. Stanley H. Horowitz, Arun G. Phadke, James K. Niemira, Power System
Relaying, Willey, 4th Edition.

Supplementary Reading:
1. J. L. Blackburn and T. J. Domin, Protecive Relaying: Priciples& Applications,
CRC Press, 2006.
2. S. S. Rao, Switch Gear and Protection, Khanna Publishers, 1997.

EE 4401 Digital Image Processing 3 credits


Digital image fundamentals and Transforms: Elements of visual perception, image

sampling and quantization, basic relationship between pixels, basic geometric
transformations, 2D Fourier Transform, DFT, FFT, Separable Image Transforms,
Walsh – Hadamard, Discrete Cosine Transform, Haar, Slant – Karhunen – Loeve
Image Enhancement: intensity transformations, contrast stretching, histogram
equalization, correlation and convolution; spatial domain filters: smoothing filters,
sharpening filters; Frequency domain filters: smoothing filters, sharpening filters,
homomorphic filter.
Image Restoration: Model of Image Degradation/restoration process, Image
deformation and geometric transformations, Noise models, inverse filtering, least mean
square filtering, constrained least mean square filtering, Blind image restoration,
Pseudo inverse, Singular value decomposition.
Image Compression: Lossless compression: Variable length coding, LZW coding, Bit
plane coding, predictive coding, DPCM. Lossy Compression: Transform coding –
Wavelet coding, Basics of Image compression standards: JPEG, MPEG, Basics of
Vector quantization.
Wavelets and Multiresolution Processing: Image pyramids, subband coding, Harr
transform; multi resolution expression, Wavelet transforms.
Morphological Image Processing: Erosion, Dilation, Opening, Closing, Hit-or-Miss
Transform, Boundary Detection, Hole filling, Connected components, convex hull,
thinning, thickening, skeletons, pruning, Geodesic dilation, Geodesic erosion,
reconstruction by dilation and erosion.
Image Segmentation: Boundary detection based methods, region-based methods,
template matching, Hough transform, Mean shift, active contours, Use of motion in
Essential Reading:

1. Digital Image Processing, Rafael C Gonzalez, Richard E Woods, 3rd Edition,

Pearson Education 2003.
2. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, A.K. Jain, PHI.
Suggested Reading:

1. Digital Image Processing using MATLAB, R.C. Gonzalez, R.E. Woods, and S. L.
Eddins, Pearson Prentice-Hall, 2004.
2. Digital Image Processing, William K Pratt, John Willey Publishers.

EE 4103 High Voltage Engineering & HVDC Transmission 3 credits [3-


Course Contents:

Introduction: Design, planning and layout of H.V. laboratories Conduction and

breakdown in Gaseous Dielectrics: Townsend's current growth equation, current
growth in the presence of secondary processes, Townsend's criterion for breakdown,
experimental determination of coefficients and breakdown in electronegative gases,
time lags for breakdown, streamer theory of breakdown in gases, Paschen's law,
penning effect. Breakdown in non-uniform fields and corona: post-breakdown
phenomena and applications, practical considerations in using gases for insulation
purposes. Conduction and Breakdown in Liquid dielectrics: Pure liquids and
commercial liquids, conduction and breakdown in commercial liquids. Breakdown and
pre-breakdown phenomena in solid Dielectrics: Intrinsic breakdown,
electromechanical breakdown, thermal breakdown, Treeing, Forms of treeing patterns
and classification of treeing process, breakdown of solid dielectrics in practice. Use of
insulating materials in power transformers, rotating machines, cables, power
capacitors, electronics equipment. Generation of High voltages: Generation of high
D.C. voltage, high A.C. voltage, impulse voltage, impulse current, tripping and control
of impulse generators. Measurement of high voltages and current: Measurement of
high D.C. high A.C. and impulse. Non-Destructive Testing of Materials and Electrical
Apparatus: Measurement of D.C. resistivity, dielectric constant and loss factor, partial
discharge and Condition monitoring. H.V. Testing of Electrical Apparatus: Testing of
insulators, bushings, isolators, circuit breakers, cables, transformers, and surge
HVDC Transmission System: D. C. Power Transmission Technology: Introduction,
Comparison of AC and DC Transmission, Application of DC Transmission, Description
of DC Transmission System, Planning for HVDC transmission. Analysis of HVDC
Converters: Pulse Number, Choice of converter configuration, Simplified analysis of
graetz circuit, Convertor bridge characteristics, Characteristics of a twelve pulse
converters, Converter and HVDC system Control: General, Principles of DC Link
control, Converter control characteristics, System control hierarchy Firing angle control,
current and extinction angle control, Starting and stopping of DC link, Power Control.
Smoothing Reactor and DC Line: Introduction, Smoothing reactors, DC Line,
transient over voltages in DC Line, Protection of DC line, DC breakers, Monopolar
operation, Effects of proximity of AC and DC Transmission lines. Reactive Power
Control: Introduction, Reactive power requirements in steady state, Sources of
reactive power, Static var systems, Reactive power control during transients.
Harmonics and Filters: Introduction, Generation of Harmonics, Design of AC Filters,
DC Filters, Carrier frequency and RI noise. Multiterminal DC systems: Introduction,
Potential applications of MTDC systems, Types of MTDC systems, control and
protection of MTDC systems, Control and protection of MTDC Systems study of MTDC

Essential Reading:
1. M. S. Naidu and V. Kamaraju, High voltage Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill,
2. J. Kuffel and W. S. Zaengl, High Voltage Engineering: Fundamentals, Newnes,
3. E.W. Kimbark, Direct current transmission-vol.1‟, Wiley Inter science, New York,

Supplementary Reading:
1. C. L. Wadhwa, High Voltage Engineering, New Age, 2007.
2. J. Arrillaga, HVDC transmission, IET, peter pereginver Ltd., London, U.K. 1998.
3. K. R. Padiyar, HVDC Power transmission System, New age International, 1996.

EE 4201 Modeling and Control of Power Electronics Systems 3 credits [3-


Course Contents:

Modeling: steady state analysis of dc/dc and dc/ac converters, dynamic analysis of
converters, state space average modeling, PWM switch modeling and discrete time
modeling, modeling of dc/dc converters operating in discontinuous conduction mode,
dc/dc and dc/ac converters transfer functions.
Overview of dc/dc power electronics circuits: Voltage-mode control, current-mode
control, complexity of operation, complex behavior in power electronics computer and
laboratory techniques for studying nonlinear behavior in switching power converters.

Modeling of switching power converters for nonlinear dynamical analysis:

Discrete-time modeling, general procedure for derivation of discrete-time iterative
maps, method of averaging analysis of period-doubling bifurcation – CCM and DCM
operations, smooth versus non-Smooth bifurcations, nonlinear dynamics of free-
running converter systems, fast-scale analysis of power-factor-correction boost
converters, intermittent chaotic operation in switching power converters.

Nonlinear control of dc/dc Converters: Practical design of conventional hysteresis

modulation-based sliding mode controllers for power converters, General approach of
deriving fixed-frequency PWM-based sliding mode controller for power converters in
discontinuous conduction mode, Design and implementation of fixed-frequency PWM-
based sliding mode controller for power converters, Model predictive control of
converters and inverters systems

Control of power inverters: Power Quality Control --- Current H∞ repetitive control,
voltage and current h∞ repetitive control, Voltage H∞ repetitive control with a
frequency-adaptive mechanism, Voltage H∞ repetitive control with a frequency-
adaptive mechanism, Control of inverter output impedance, Power Flow Control---
Current proportional–integral control, Current proportional-resonant control, Robust
droop control with improved voltage quality, synchronization---- Conventional
synchronization techniques, Sinusoid-locked loops.

Essential Reading:
1. John G. Kassakian, Martin F. Schlecht, George C. Verghese, Principles of
Power Electronics: Addison-Wesley Series
2. S.C. Tan, Y.M. Lai and C.K. Tse, Sliding Mode Control of Switching Power
Converters: Techniques and Implementation, Boca Raton: CRC Press
3. Control of Power Inverters in Renewable Energy and Smart Grid
IntegrationQing-Chang Zhong, Tomas Hornik, Wiley-IEEE Press

EE 4403 VLSI Technology 3 credits


Course Contents:

Semiconductor review and survey of IC processing, International Technology Roadmap

for Semiconductors, Silicon crystal growth and wafer preparation, UnitProcesses:
Substrate cleaning,Oxidation; Doping techniques: Diffusion, Ion implementation;
Pattern transfer: mask making, Process Simulation, Process Integration, Assembly
Techniques and Packaging of VLSI Devices.
Essential Reading:

1. S.M.Sze, “VLSI Technology”, 2nd Edition, Mc Graw Hill Education, 2003

Suggested Reading:

1. James D. Plummer, Michael Deal, and Peter B, “Griffin Silicon VLSI Technology:
Fundamentals, Practice and Modeling”, Prentice Hall, 2000.
2. G.S. Virdi, D.K. Kaushik, “An Introduction to VLSI Technology” Standard Book
House, 2016.

EE 4105 Smart Grid 3 credits [3-


Course Contents:

Basics of Power Systems: Load and Generation, Power Flow Analysis, Economic
Dispatch and Unit Commitment ProblemsSmart Grid: Definition, Applications,
Government and Industry, Standardization,

Smart Grid Communications: Two-way Digital Communications Paradigm, Network

Architectures, IP-based Systems, Power Line Communications, Advanced Metering
Demand Response: Definition, Applications, and State-of-the Art, Pricing and Energy
Consumption Scheduling, Controllable Load Models, Dynamics, and Challenges,
Electric Vehicles and Vehicle-to-Grid Systems, Demand Side Ancillary Services

Renewable Generationand Resources: Carbon Footprint, Wind and Solar, Micro-

grid Architecture, Tackling Intermittency, Stochastic Models and Forecasting,
Distributed Storage and Reserves

Wide Area Measurement: Sensor Networks, Phasor Measurement Units,

Communications Infrastructure, Fault Detection and Self-Healing Systems,
Applications and Challenges

Security and Privacy: Cyber Security Challenges in Smart Grid, Load Altering
Attacks, False Data Injection Attacks, Defense Mechanisms, Privacy Challenges

Economics and Market Operations: Energy and Reserve Markets, Market Power,
Generation Firms, Locational Marginal Prices, Financial Transmission Rights

This course is intended for graduate students but it is also open to senior
students. There is no official pre-requisite at the time of enrolment. However, basic
knowledge of
power systems, basic knowledge of computer and communications networks, and
some back ground in probability and random variables, linear algebra, and convex
optimization will be helpful.

Essential Reading:

1. Smart Grid: Fundamentals of Design and Analysis --- by James Momoh, Wiley-
IEEE Press.
2. Smart Grids – Fundamentals and Technologies in Electricity Networks --- by
Buchholz, M. Bernd, Styczynski, and Zbigniew, Springer Publishers.

EE 4405 Digital Communication 3 credits


Course Contents:

Concepts of information and entropy; Source coding: Coding theorem, fixed length
codes; Variable length codes; Quantization of signals; Waveform coding techniques:
PCM, DPCM, ADPCM, DM, ADM; Baseband transmission: intersymbol interference,
noise, eye pattern, BER analysis, Optimum filtering, equalization techniques; Clock
recovery; Line coding techniques: Binary and multilevel line codes; Digital modulation
schemes: Binary modulation schemes- ASK, PSK, FSK, DPSK; M-ary modulation
schemes: QPSK, MPSK, MSK; QAM: generation and demodulation schemes, carrier
recovery techniques, BER analysis of digital modulation systems; Shannon’s channel
capacity theorem and spectral efficiency of digital modulation schemes.
Essential Reading:
1. Simon S. Haykin, “Digital Communications”, John Wiley and Sons, 2006
2. Bernard Sklar, “Digital Communications”, 2 nd Edition, Pearson Education (US),
3. John G Proakis, “Digital Communications”, 5 th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2008
4. B. P Lathi, “Modern digital and analog communication systems”, Oxford
University Press, 2010

EE 4407 MEMS and Nano Electronics 3 credits


Course Contents:

Historical Background: Silicon Pressure sensors, Micromachining,

Microelectromechanical Systems. Microfabrication and Micromachining : Integrated
Circuit Processes, Bulk Micromachining : Isotropic Etching and Anisotropic Etching,
Wafer Bonding, High Aspect-Ratio Processes (LIGA) Physical Micro Sensors:
Classification of physical sensors, Integrated, Intelligent, or Smart sensors, Sensor
Principles and Examples: Thermal sensors, Electrical Sensors, Mechanical Sensors,
Chemical and Biosensors. Micro Actuators: Electromagnetic and Thermal
microactuation, Mechanical design of microactuators, Microactuator examples,
microvalves, micropumps, micromotorsMicroactuatorsystems: Success Stories, Ink-Jet
printer heads, Micro-mirror TV Projector etc.
Shrink-down approaches of Transistors: Introduction, CMOS Scaling, The nanoscale
MOSFET, FinFETs, Vertical MOSFETs, limits to scaling, system integration limits
(interconnect issues etc.), Resonant Tunneling Transistors, Single electron transistors,
new storage, optoelectronic, and spintronic devices. Atoms-up approaches: Molecular
electronics involving single molecules as electronic devices, transport in molecular
structures, molecular systems as alternatives to conventional electronics, molecular
interconnects; Carbon nanotube electronics, band structure& transport, devices,
Suggested Reading:

1. Stephen D. Senturia, “Microsystem Design”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.

2. Marc Madou, “Fundamentals of Microfabrication”, CRC Press, 1997.
3. Gregory Kovacs, “Micromachined Transducers Sourcebook”, WCB McGraw-Hill,
Boston, 1998.
4. M-H. Bao, “Micromechanical Transducers: Pressure sensors, accelerometers,
and gyroscopes”, Elsevier,New York, 2000.
5. C.P. Poole Jr., F.J. Owens, “Introduction to Nanotechnology”, John Wiley &
6. WaserRanier, “Nanoelectronics and Information Technology (Advanced
Electronic Materials and Novel Devices)”, John Wiley & Sons, 2003
7. John H. Davies, “The Physics of Low-Dimensional Semiconductors”, Cambridge
University Press, 1998

EE 4002 Special Machines 3 credits

Course Contents:

SYNCHRONOUS RELUCTANCE MOTORS: Constructional features– Types– Axial

and Radial flux motors– Operating principles– Variable Reluctance and Hybrid
Motors–Voltage and Torque Equations- Phasor diagram - Characteristics. STEPPING
MOTORS: Constructional features– Principle of operation– Variable reluctance motor –
Hybrid motor– Single and multi-stack configurations– Torque equations– Modes of
excitations–Characteristics– Drive circuits– Microprocessor control of stepping motors–
Closed loop control. SWITCHED RELUCTANCE MOTORS: Constructional features–
Rotary and Linear SRMs-Principle of operation– Torque production– Steady state
performance prediction- Analytical method- Power Converters and their controllers –
Methods of Rotor position sensing – Sensor less operation – Closed loop control of
Permanent Magnet materials– Magnetic Characteristics – Permeance coefficient-
Principle of operation– Types– Magnetic circuit analysis–EMF and torque equations –
Commutation Power controllers– Motor characteristics and control. PERMANENT
MAGNET SYNCHRONOU SMOTORS: Principle of operation– Ideal PMSM – EMF and
Torque equations– Armature reaction MMF– Synchronous Reactance – Sine wave
motor with practical windings - Phasor diagram – Torque/speed characteristics- Power
controllers- Converter Volt-ampere requirements.

Essential reading:

1. T. J. E. Miller, Brushless Permanent Magnet and Reluctance Motor Drives,

Press, Oxford, 1989.
2. T. Kenjo, Stepping Motors and Their Microprocessor Controls, Clarendon Press,

Supplementary reading:

1. R. Krishnan, Switched Reluctance Motor Drives – Modeling, Simulation, Analysis,

Design and Application, CRC Press, NewYork, 2001.

EE 4302 Robotics and Computer Vision 3 credits


Course Contents:


Automation and Robotics, Basic Structureof Robots, Robot Anatomy, Classification of

Robots, Fundamentals about Robot Technology, Factors related to use Robot
Performance, Basic Robot Configurations and their Relative Merits and Demerits, the
Wrist & Gripper Subassemblies.
Kinematics of Robot Manipulator:

Direct Kinematics problem, Geometry Based Direct kinematics problem, Co-ordinate

and vector transformation using matrices, Rotation matrix, Inverse Transformations,
Problems, Composite Rotation matrix, Homogenous Transformations,, Robotic
Manipulator Joint Co-Ordinate System, Euler Angle & Euler Transformations, RollPitch-
Yaw(RPY) Transformation,. D-H Representation & Displacement Matrices for Standard
Configurations, Jacobian Transformation in Robotic Manipulation.
Trajectory Planning:

Trajectory Interpolators, Basic Structure of Trajectory, Interpolators, Cubic Joint

Trajectories. General Design Consideration on Trajectories:- 4-3-4 & 3-5-3 Trajectories
Dynamics of Robotic Manipulators:

Introduction,. Preliminary Definitions, Generalized Robotic Coordinates, Jacobian for a

Two link Manipulator, Euler Equations, The Lagrangian Equations of motion.
Application of Lagrange–Euler Dynamic Modeling of Robotic Manipulators: - Velocity
of Joints, Kinetic Energy of Arm, Potential Energy of Robotic Arm, The Lagrange , Two
Link Robotic Dynamics with Distributed Mass.
Control design for Robotic System:
Control Loops of Robotic Systems, trajectory, velocity and force control, Computed
Torque control, Linear and Nonlinear controller design of robot.
Robot Sensing & Vision:

Use of Sensors and Sensor Based System in Robotics, Machine Vision System,
Description, Sensing, Digitizing, Image Processing and Analysis and Application of
Machine Vision System, Robotic Assembly Sensors and Intelligent Sensors, visual

Application of Robotics:
Applications of robotics in active perception, medical robotics, autonomous vehicles,
and other areas.

Essential Reading:

1. Robotics, control vision and intelligence-Fu, Lee and Gonzalez. McGraw Hill
International, 2nd edition, 2007.
2. Introduction to Robotics- John J. Craig, Addison Wesley Publishing, 3rd edition,

Supplementary Reading:

1. Robotics for Engineers -YoramKoren, McGraw Hill International, 1st edition, 1985.
2. Industrial Robotics-Groover, Weiss, Nagel, McGraw Hill International, 2nd edition,
3. Robotic Engineering - An Integrated approach, Klafter, Chmielewski and Negin, PHI,
1st edition, 2009.
4. Robot Modeling and Control, M. Spong, M. Vidyasagar, S. Hutchinson, Wiley &
Sons, 2005

EE 4402 Wireless and cellular communication 3 credits


Communication Systems, Digital Communications, Digital Signal Processing

Course Contents:

Introduction to Wireless Communication. The Cellular concept, System design,

Capacity improvement in cellular systems, Co channel interference reduction.
Intelligent cell concept and applications.Technical Challenges. Mobile radio
propagation: Reflection, Diffraction. Fading.Multipath Propagation. Channel modeling,
Diversity Schemes and Combining Techniques. Multiple access techniques: -
Introduction, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, Space division multiple access, Design parameters
at the base station, Practical link budget design using path loss models. Smart antenna
systems, Beam forming. MIMO Systems. RAKE receiver.Multiuser Systems: CDMA
Principle, Network design, Link capacity, Power control, WCDMA Network planning,
MC-CDMA, OFDM, Cellular mobile communication beyond 3G.GSM, IS- 95, GPRS,
UMTS, WLAN, WPAN, WMAN, Ultra Wideband communications, 4G and beyond 4G

Essential reading:
1. T. S. Rappaport, Wireless Communications – Principles and Practice, Prentice
Hall of India/ Pearson Education India, 2002.
2. A.F.Molisch, Wireless Communications, Wiley, 2005.
Supplementary reading:
1. W C Y Lee, Mobile Communication Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill, India, 2008
2. A.Goldsmith, Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
3. K. Fazel& S. Kaiser,” Multicarrier and Spread Spectrum Systems”, Wiley, 2003

EE 4102 Renewable energy systems 3credits


Course Contents:

 Sources of Energy:
Traditional energy systems, Sources, Features and characteristics,
Applications,Renewable energy sources and features,Distributed energy systems
and dispersed generation
 Solar Energy:
Solar thermal systems: Solar processes and spectral composition of solar
radiation; Radiation flux at the Earth’s surface, Solar collectors, types and
performance characteristics, Applications.
Solar Photovoltaic systems:Operating principle,Photovoltaic cell concepts,Cell,
module, array,Series and parallel connections,Applications.
 Wind Energy:
Wind energy conversion, efficiency limit for wind energy conversion, types of
converters, aerodynamics of wind rotors, power ~ speed and torque ~ speed
characteristics of wind turbines, wind turbine control systems, conversion to
electrical power, characteristics of wind power plant, Applications.
 Other sources of Energy:
Micro-hydel:Operating principle,Components of a micro-hydel power plant, Types
and characteristics of turbines,Selection and modification.
Tidal Energy: Tidal characteristics, Tidal Energy estimation, Conversion systems
and their performance features, Application.
Geothermal Energy: Geothermal resources, Exploration of geothermal energy,
Geothermal power generation, Applications.
Biomass Energy: Operating principle,Combustion and fermentation,Applications.
 Hybrid Systems:Need for hybrid systems, Range and type of Hybrid systems:
Diesel-PV, Wind-PV, Micro-hydel-PV,and System with battery backup.
Essential reading:
1. J. Twidell and T. Weir, Renewable Energy Resources,Taylor & Francis, 2006.
2. S. N. Bhadra, D. Kastha, S. Banerjee, Wind Electrical Systems, Oxford Univ.
Press, 2005.
3. C.S. Solanki, Solar Photovoltaics Fundamentals, Technologies and
Applications,PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2016.
Supplementary reading:

1. Renewable energy sources and Emerging Technology. D.P. Kothari,

K.C.Singal and R. Ranjan, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2014.
2. M. R. Patel, Wind and Solar Power Systems, CRC Press, 1999.

EE 4404 Information Theory and Coding 3 credits


Course Contents:
Entropy and Mutual Information: Entropy, Joint Entropy and Conditional Entropy,
Relative Entropy and Mutual Information, Chain Rules, Data-Processing Inequality,
Fano’s Inequality; Typical Sequences and Asymptotic Equipartition Property:
Asymptotic Equipartition Property Theorem, Consequences of the AEP: Data
Compression, High-Probability Sets and the Typical Set; Source Coding and Data
Compression: Kraft Inequality, Huffman Codes, Optimality of Huffman Codes;
Channel Capacity: Symmetric Channels, Properties of Channel Capacity, Jointly
Typical Sequences, Channel Coding Theorem, Fano’s Inequality and the Converse to
the Coding Theorem; Differential Entropy and Gaussian Channel: Differential
Entropy, AEP for Continuous Random Variables, Properties of Differential Entropy,
Relative Entropy, and Mutual Information, Coding Theorem for Gaussian Channels;
Linear Binary Block Codes: Generator and Parity-Check Matrices, Repetition and
Single-Parity-Check Codes, Binary Hamming Codes, Error Detection with Linear Block
Codes, Weight Distribution and Minimum Hamming Distance of a Linear Block Code,
Hard-decision and Soft-decision Decoding of Linear Block Codes, Cyclic Codes,
Parameters of BCH and RS Codes, Interleaved and Concatenated Codes;
Convolutional Codes: Encoder Realizations and Classifications, Minimal Encoders,
Trellis representation, MLSD and the Viterbi Algorithm, Bit-wise MAP Decoding and the
BCJR Algorithm.

Essential reading:

1. Elements of Information Theory by Thomas Cover, Joy Thomas

2. Channel Codes: Classical and Modern by William Ryan, Shu Lin
Supplementary reading:

1. Information Theory and Reliable Communication by Robert Gallager

2. C. E. Shannon, A Mathematical Theory of Communication, Bell Sys. Tech Journ,
1948. (available online)
3. A. ElGamal and Y. H. Kim, Network Information Theory, Cambridge, 2011.

EE 4602 Optimization Technique 3 credits


Course Contents:

Space, Subspace, Positive definite matrices, Linearity, Convex set, Convex function,
Affine set. Convex optimization: Unconstrained optimizations for single and multi-
variable problems, Newton step, Backtracking line search. Constrained optimization
techniques for linear and quadratic problem, Simplex method, Active set methods,
Duality, Central path, Penalty function, Interior point methods. Heuristic Optimization:
Evolutionary algorithms, Swarm optimization.
Essential reading:
1. 1. S. Boyd and L. Vandenberghe, “Convex optimization,” Cambridge University
Press, 2004.
2. D. P. Bertsekas, “Convex Optimization Theory,” University Press, 2010.

Supplementary reading:
1. S. S. Rao, “Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice,” New Age
International, 2004.
2. D. E. Goldberg, “Genetic Algorithms in search, Optimization and Machine
Learning,” Pearson India, 2002.
3. Xin-She Yan, “Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms,” Elsevier, 2014.

EE 4302 System Identification and Adaptive Control 3 credits [3-


Course Contents:

Time Invariant Linear Systems: Impulse Response, Disturbances and Transfer

functions, linear Models and set of linear models; A family of Transfer function model.
Parameter Estimation Methods: Guiding Principle behind parameter Estimation
Methods, Minimizing Prediction Errors, Linear Regressions and the Least Squares
Methods, Least Squares Criterion, Properties of LSE, Weighted Least Squares,
Statistical framework for Parameter Estimation and Maximum Likelihood Method,
Relationship to Maximum A Posterior (MAP) estimate, Cramer-Rao Inequality
Asymptotic Properties of the MLE.
Convergence and Consistency conditions on the date set, Information content in the
Data set consistency and Identifiability.
Recursive Estimation Methods, Recursive Least-Squares Algorithm, Recursive
Instrumental Variable Method, Recursive Maximum Likelihood.
Nonlinear System Identification Techniques
Choice of forgetting factors, what is Adaptive Control, Linear feedback, Effects of
Process variations, Adaptive Schemes, Adaptive Control Problem.
Deterministic Self-tuning Regulator (SIR), Pole-placement design, Indirect SIR.
Continuous time self-tunes, Direct STRs, Disturbances with known characteristics.
Stochastic and predictive STR. Design of Minimum Variance Controls, Stochastic
STRs, Linear Quadratic STR, Analysis of Indirect Discrete time STRs, Analysis of
Direct Discrete time STRs.
Model Reference Adaptive Systems; MIT Rule, Determination of Adaptation Gain,
Lyapunov Theory, Design of MRAS using Lyapunov Theory, Application to Adaptive
Control, Output Feedback, Relations between MRAS and STR, Non-linear System.

Essential reading:
1. K.J. Astrom and B. Wittenmark, Adaptive Control, Addison, Pearson 2006.
2. L. Ljung, System Identification Theory for the user, Prentice-Hall, 2007.
Supplementary reading:
1. K.S. Narendra and A.M. Annaswamy, Stable Adaptive Systems, Prentice-Hall,
2. Landau and Zito, Digital Control Systems: Design, Identification and
Implementation, Springer, 2006

EE4202 Switched -Mode DC –DC Converters 3 credits [3-


Course Contents:

Introduction to Switching Converters , Structure and behaviour of the basic non-isolated

DC-DC Converters: buck, boost and buck-boost etc., Structure and behaviour of the
basic transformer-isolated DC-DC converters: Forward, Flyback, Half and Full
Bridge etc., Steady State analysis and Power Stage Design, CCM and DCM operation
of converters, Magnetics Design, Dynamic Analysis of Switching Converters: state
apace averaging and circuit averaging technique, Controller basics, Pulse width
modulation, Different Control Schemes of Switching Converters , Controller design,
Design examples.
Essential reading:
1. Erickson &Maksimovic, “Fundamental of Power Electronics”, Springer, 2014.
Supplementary reading:
1. N. Mohan, T. M. Undeland& W. P. Robins, “Power Electronics; Converters,
Applications and Design”, John Wiley, Second Edition, 1995, New York.
2. Pressman, Abraham I.; Billings, Keith; Morey, Taylor, “Switching Power Supply
Design “,McGraw-Hill, Third Edition, 2009

EE 4406 Advanced Topics in Signal Processing 3 credits


Course Contents:

Generalized Sampling Methods: Hilbert Spaces, Inner Products, Linear

Transformations, Riesz Bases, Orthogonal and Oblique Projections, Frame Theory,
Signal Representations in General Hilbert Spaces, Optimal Reconstruction of Signals in
General Spaces, Consistent Reconstruction of a Signal, Analog Signal Acquisition &
Processing at Sub-Nyquist Rate, Compressed Sensing & Filtering.
Essential reading:
1. Y. C. Eldar, Sampling Theory: Beyond Bandlimited Systems, Cambridge
University Press, April 2015 or Recent Edition
2. R. M. Young, An Introduction to Nonharmonic Fourier Series, academic press,
2001 OR Recent edition
3. Y. C. Eldar and G. Kutyniok, Compressed Sensing: Theory and Application,
Cambridge University Press, 2012 or Recent Edition

Supplementary reading:

1. O. Christensen, An Introduction to Frames and Riesz Bases, Springer Science,

2016 or Recent Edition
2. Simon Foucart and HolgerRauhut, A Mathematical Introduction to Compressive
Sensing, Springer Science, 2015 or Recent Edition

EE 4501 Speech Processing 3 credits


Course Contents:

Introduction, Historical Background, Synthetic Audio, Speech Analysis and Synthesis

Overview, Brief History of Automatic Speech Recognition, Mathematical Background,
Digital Signal Processing, Pattern Classification, Acoustics, Wave Basics, Acoustic
Tube Modeling of Speech Production, Auditory Perception, Psychoacoustics, Speech
Perception, Human Speech Recognition, Speech Features, The Auditory System as a
Filter Bank, The Cepstrum as a Spectral Analyzer, Linear Prediction, Automatic Speech
Recognition, Feature Extraction for ASR, Deterministic Sequence Recognition for ASR,
Statistical Sequence Recognition, Some aspects of Computer Music Synthesis, Music
Signal Analysis, Music Retrieval, Speaker Verification.

Essential Reading: 1. Gold Ben, Nelson Morgan, and Dan Ellis, “Speech and Audio
signal processing: processing and perception of speech and music”, 2 nd Edition John
Wiley & Sons, August 2011.
Suggested Reading:
1. Rabiner Lawrence R., and Biing-Hwang Juang, “Fundamentals of Speech
Recognition”,Prentice Hall International, 1993.

2. Benesty Jacob, M. Mohan Sondhi, and Yiteng Huang, “Handbook of speech

processing”, Springer Science & Business Media, 2007.
EE 4601 An Introduction to Machine Learning 3 credits [3-0-0]

Course Contents:

Introductory Topics, Linear Regression and Feature Selection, Linear Classification,

Support Vector Machines, Artificial Neural Networks, Bayesian Learning, Decision
Trees, Evaluation Measures, Hypothesis Testing, Ensemble Methods, Clustering,
Graphical Models, Learning Theory and Expectation Maximization.

Essential Reading:

1. Machine Learning by Tom M Mitchell, PHI LEARNING PVT. LTD-NEW DELHI,

2. Introduction to Machine Learning by Ethem Alpaydin 3rd Edition, 2015

EE 4503 Pattern Recognition 3 credits [3-


Course Contents:

Pattern Recognition, classification, and description, pattern and feature extraction with
examples, training and learning in PR Systems, pattern recognition approaches; the
Gaussian Case and Class Dependence, Discriminant Functions, Classifier
Performance, Risk, Errors., Parametric Estimation and Supervised Learning, Maximum
Likelihood (ML) Estimation, The Bayesian Parameter Estimation Approach, Supervised
Learning Using Non-parametric Approaches, Parzen Windows, k-nn Non-parametric
Estimation, Direct Classification Using the Training Set [The Nearest Neighbor Role
(NNR)]; , performance issues of a nearest neighbor classifier , Linear Discriminant
Functions, Fisher’s Linear Discriminant. Applications of PR : Speech and speaker
recognition, Character recognition, Scene analysis.Recentadvances in pattern

Essential Reading:

1. R.O. Duda, P E Hart, D G Stork; Pattern Classification; John Wiley and Sons
(Student Edition); 2003

2. R. Singhal; Pattern Recognition: Techniques and Applications; Oxford

University Press, 2006.

3. Theodoridis, S., Pikrakis, A., Koutroumbas, K., &Cavouras, D. Introduction to

Pattern Recognition: a Matlab Approach. Academic Press, 2010.

Supplementary Reading:

1. C M Bishop; Neural Network and Pattern Recognition; Oxford University

Press, 2005.
2. C. M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 1st Ed,
EE 4502 Statistical Signal Processing 3 credits

Course Contents:

Probability: Probability Spaces, Continuous & Discrete Probability Space,

Independence, Elementary Conditional Probability;Random Variables, Vectors, and
Processes: Distributions of Random Variables &Vectors, Conditional Distributions,
Independent Random Variables, Statistical Detection and Classification, Statistical
Estimation, Additive noise, Gaussian Random Vectors, Simple Random Processes,
Discrete Time Markov Processes; Expectation and Averages: Functions of Random
Variables, Properties of Expectation, Conditional Expectation, Ergodicity, Expectation
as Estimation, Correlation and Linear Estimation, Correlation and Covariance
Functions, The Central Limit Theorem, Weak & Strong Law of Large Numbers,
Stationarity;Second Order Theory: Linear Filtering of Random Processes, Linear
Systems I/O Relations, Energy &Power Spectral Densities, Auto and Cross
Correlations, Linearly Filtered Uncorrelated Processes, Linear Modulation, White
Noise, Linear Estimation and Filtering; Some Important Models of Random Process:
Discrete Time Linear Models, Independent Stationary Increment Processes, Moving-
Average and Autoregressive Processes, Gaussian Random Processes, The Discrete
Time Gauss–Markov Process, The Poisson Counting Process, Thermal Noise.

Essential reading:

1. R. M. Gray and L. D. Davisson, An Introduction to Statistical Signal

Processing,Cambridge University Press, 2004 or Recent Edition
2. A. Papoulis and S. U. Pillai, Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic
Processes, Tata-McGraw-Hill, 4th Ed., 2002 or Recent Edition.

Supplementary reading:

1. J. G. Proakis and D. G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing, PHI, 4e, 2013 or Recent
2. D. G. Manolakis, V.K. Ingle, S.M. Kogon, Statistical &Adaptive Signal Processing,
McGraw-Hill, 2000

EE 4004 Bio Medical Instrumentation 3 credits [3-0-0]

Course Contents:

Basic concept of biomedical instrumentation. Electrodes, transducers, biosensors and their

characteristics. Biopotential amplifiers. Biotelemetry. Recording of ECG, EEG, EMG, ERG,
evoked potentials etc. Cardiovascular measurements. Measurement of the respiratory system.
Introduction to bioelectric signals. Analog to Digital Conversion and Data Acquisition Cards.
Hardware interfacing. Programming in C for Virtual Instrumentation. Building Graphical User
interfaces for use in data acquisition. Signal sampling fundamentals for Data Acquisition. Basic
signal processing techniques. Acquisition of general waveforms and biosignals. Issues in online
monitoring. Web-based online monitoring.

Essential Reading:

Principles of Applied Biomedical Instrumentation L.A Geddas and L.E.Baker – John Wiley
and sons

Biomedical Signal Analysis by RM Rangayan Microcomputer Interfacing by J.J.

CarrLabWindows CVI manuals (National Instruments)

Supplementary Reading:
1. Leslie Cromwell, “Biomedical Instrumentation and measurement”, Prentice hall of India,
New Delhi, 2007.

2. John G. Webster, “Medical Instrumentation Application and Design”, John Wiley and
sons, New York, 2004.

EE 3011 Electrical Machines 3 Credit [3-0-0]

Course Content:

1. Transformer: Single Phase Transformer: Review of EMF equation and equivalent circuit,
phasor diagrams on lo load and full load, per-unit representation of transformer
parameters, voltage regulation, losses and efficiency, OC and SC test, all day efficiency.
Three Phase Transformer: Construction of various types, operating characteristics of star–
star, star–delta, delta – star, delta – delta, open – delta connections, vector groups.
2. D.C. Motor: Review of EMF and torque equations, classification, losses and efficiency,
Swinburne’s test & Hopkinson’s test, torque /speed characteristics and speed control of
shunt and series motors.
3. Induction Machine: Three phase induction motor: Construction and principle of
operation, equivalent circuit and phasor diagram, torque-slip characteristics, no load and
blocked rotor test, starting and speed control. Single phase induction motor: Principle of
operation, torque-slip characteristics, starting methods.
4. Synchronous Machines: Constructional features, synchronous generators and motors,
equivalent circuit and phasor diagram, power and torque characteristics, voltage
regulation of non-salient pole alternators by synchronous impedance method, V-curve
and inverted-V curve, starting of synchronous motors.

Essential Reading:
1. A.E. Fitzagerald, C.M. Kingsley (Jr) and Umans, Electric Machinery, Tata McGraw
HillEducation Pvt. Ltd., 2003.
2. D. P. Kothari and I. J. Nagrath, Electric Machines, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.,
Supplementary Reading:
4. I. L. Kosow, Electric Machinery & Transformers, PHI, 2001.
5. A. S. Langsdorf, Theory of A. C. Machines, TMH, 2001.

EE 3112 POWER SYSTEM 3 Credit [3-0-0]

Course Contents:

1. Power System Network: Basic structure of power system, Introduction to power

generation, transmission and distribution system, Power network in India.
2. Line Parameters: Transmission line resistance, Inductance, Flux Linkage of an isolated
current-carrying conductor, Inductance of a single-phase two-wire line, Flux linkage of one
conductor in a group, Inductance of composite conductor lines, Inductance of three phase
lines, Bundled conductors; Capacitance of a two-wire line, capacitance of a three-phase
line with equilateral spacing, Capacitance of a three-phase line with unsymmetrical
spacing, Effect of earth on transmission line capacitance.
3. Representation of Power system Components: Single-phase solution of balanced
three-phase network, Single line diagram of power system, Per-Unit system, classical
model of synchronous machine.

4. Performance of Transmission Line: Evaluation of ABCD parameters for short

transmission line, medium transmission line and long transmission line, Nominal T and 𝜋
representation, Ferranti effect, Line voltage regulation and voltage control.

5. Load Flow Analysis: Network equation, Power Flow problem, Gauss-Seidel method,
Newton-Raphson method, Decoupled method, Fast Decoupled method.

6. Power System Fault Analysis: Balanced Fault, Fault analysis using Z-bus matrix, Z-bus
matrix building algorithm; Symmetrical Component and Unbalanced fault, Sequence
impedances of load, transmission lines, transformer and generator, Unbalanced Fault
analysis using sequence impedance matrices, Single-line-to-ground fault, Line-to-line
fault, Double-line-to-ground fault analysis.
7. Power System Protection: Generalarchitecture of protection system, Evolution of relays,
Attributes of a protection system, Current and potential transformer for relays, Zones of
protections, Concept of primary and back-up protection, Introduction to overcurrent
protection, distance protection, differential protection; Circuit Breaker operation and types.

Essential Reading:
1. Hadi Sadat, Power system Analysis, PSA Publishing, Third Edition.

2. I.J. Nagrath and D. P. Kothari, Modern Power System Operation and Control, Tata
McGraw-Hill Education, 2003.

Supplementary Reading:
1. W. D. Stevenson, Elements of Power System Analysis, McGraw Hill, 1994

2. Olle I. Elgerd, Electric Energy Systems Theory: An Introduction, McGraw Hill

Education, Second Edition.

EE 3412 Digital Electronics and Microprocessor 3 Credit [3-0-0]

Course Contents:

Introduction to Boolean algebra and Switching Function, Boolean minimization. Combinational

Logic Design using MSI circuits : Full Adder / Subtractor, BCD Adder, LAC Adder, Decoder,
MUX/DEMUX three structure, Combinational logic design using ROM array, Applications of
MSI designs.; Optimized Implementation of Logic Functions: Karnaugh Map, Strategy for
Minimization, Minimization of Product-of-Sums Forms, Incompletely Specified Functions,
MultipleOutput Circuits, NAND and NOR Logic Networks, Multi-Level Systhesis, Analysis of
Multi-Level Circuits.Integrated Circuits: Difference between combinational and sequential
circuits, Flip Flops, Counters, Shift Registers and PLA.; Analysis and Synthesis of Sequential
Circuits: Basic models of sequential M/C, Analysis of Asynchronous and Synchronous circuits,
Synthesis of completely and incompletely specified synchronous sequential M/Cs.; Introduction
to Microprocessor : Overview of architecture of Intel 8085 Microprocessor (Register, Stack,
Interrupt) Instruction set and programming.; Introduction to 16 Bit Microprocessor : Architecture
of 8086 CPU architecture, Internal operations, Machine Language instructions, Addressing
mode, Instruction Format, Instruction executions, Addressing mode, Instruction Format,
Instruction execution timing, comparison of 8088 with 8086. Assembly language programming
and Instructions: Assembler instruction format, Data Transfer, Arithmetic, Branch, Flag
manipulation, Logical, Shift and Rotate. String Manipulation, Stack Manipulation, return
instructions, simple assembler directives, pointer.

Essential Reading:

1. B. N Jain and R. P. Jain, Modern Digital Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006.

2. B. B. Bray, The Intel Microprocessors- 8086/8088, 80186, 80286, 80386, and 80486-
Architecture, Programming and Interfacing, Prentice Hall, 2000.

Supplementary Reading:

1. D. V. Hall, Microprocessor and Interfacing programming & Hardware, TMH, 2001.

2. A. K. Ray and K. M. Bhurchandi, Advanced Microprocessors & Peripherals: Architecture,

Programming & Interfacing, TMH, 2008.

3. Liu and Gibson; Microprocessor Systems: The 8086/8088 Family: Architecture,

Programming and design, PHI.

EE2700 Electrical Engineering Lab 2 credits [0-0-3]

Course Contents:
1. Testing of single phase energy meter at different power factors.
2. Extension of range of a PMMC meter and its conversion from voltmeter to ammeter & vice
3. Polarity marking of a coupled coil. Determination of self-inductance and mutual inductance of
a coupled coil. To find the coefficient of coupling.
4. Study of power factor at different loads i.e. resistive, inductive & capacitive.
5. Measurement of single phase power by three ammeter and three voltmeter method.
6. Verification of Thevenin and Superposition theorem.
7. Measurement of three phase power by two wattmeter method.
8. To conduct load test on a separately excited dc generator and obtain its internal and external
9. Measurement of power using CT and PT.

EE2701 Signals and Networks Lab 1 credits [0-0-2]

Course Contents:

Introduction: Learning about the laboratory tools: Hardware like Signal generator,
Oscilloscope, Circuit components, and special equipments & Software like MATLAB &
Simulink, LABVIEW;

Simulation:Time & frequency domain representation of signal (any signal viz. sound, speech
etc.); Signal parameter measurement; Explore noise & signal to noise characteristics;
Understanding sampling of signal and sampling theorem, Understanding analog & digital
frequency and their properties;Understanding Fourier transform & Fourier series of signal;
Understanding aliasing of signal during sampling; Frequency response of LTI systems
(Filter);Series &Parallel resonance circuit simulation and their parameter measurement;

Hardware Realization:Understanding network theorems (Thevenin, Norton, Superposition,

and Maximum power transfer) throughproto-boarded circuits with dependent sources (DC &
AC); Sinusoidal Steady State Response of RC, RL, and RLC circuits; Transient Response of
RC, RL, and RLC circuits; OPAMP circuits for filters; Two port network parameter
determination of RLC circuit(T or π);

Essential reading:

4. A. V. Oppenhem, A. S. Willsky, Signals and Systems, PHI, 2013 or Recent Edition.

5. C. L. Philips, J. M. Parr and E. A. Riskin, Signals, Systems and Transforms, PHI, 4e,
2013 or Recent Edition.
Supplementary reading:

4. W. H. Hayt and T. E. Kimmerley, Engineering Circuit Analysis, TMH, 2001 or Recent

5. M. J. Roberts, Signals and Systems, McGraw-Hill, 2004 or Recent Edition

EE2702 Electrical Machine Lab-I 2 credits [0-0-3]

Course Contents
1. Open circuit and short circuit tests on a single phase transformer and
determination of equivalent circuit parameters.
2. Load test on single phase transformer to determine efficiency and voltage
3. Study of three phase transformer winding connections.
4. Speed control of a dc motor by varying armature circuit and field circuit resistance.
5. Speed control of Dc series motor.
6. Swinburne’s test of dc machines
7. Load test on dc shunt motor.
8. Measurement of DC machine parameters – armature winding resistance, field
winding resistances, moment of inertia, coefficient of friction
9. Determination of equivalent circuit parameters of 3-phase induction motor using no
load and blocked rotor test.
10. Load test on three phase induction motor.

EE2706 Analog Electronics Lab 1 credits [0-0-2]

Course Contents
1. (i)Junction Diode Characteristics and Zener Diode Characteristics (ii) Half Wave and
Full Wave Rectifier design using diode .
2. Study of Clipper and Clamper circuits using diode.
3. Transistor Characteristics under CE mode and determination of α and β.
4. Common Emitter Amplifier Biasing and Gain Measurement.
5. Study of single stage RC coupled transistor Amplifier and measurement of various
parameters like impedance, power and phase.
6. D.C Characterization of JFET and MOSFET.
7. Linear applications of Operational Amplifier.
8. Measurement of Offset parameters of OPAMP.
9. Study of some nonlinear OPAMP circuits.
10. Study of FET amplifiers.
Suggested Reading:

Standard Text Books on Semiconductor Devices and Analog Electronic Circuits.

EE2704 Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation Lab 1 credit [0-0-2]

Course Contents
Calibration of single phase digital energy meter at different loads; Measurement of capacitance
and inductance using ac bridges. Synchro, Temperature measurement using RTD Virtual
Instrumentation: Simulation: Measurement of single phase power, biomedical
instrumentation, obtaining the quadrature component of a given signal, Hardware:
Measurement of displacement using LVDT, Measurement of current, voltage and power
from a solar panel, Measurement of angular speed and angular position for a dc motor.
Measurement of magnetic field and current using Hall effect sensor

Essential Reading:

A. K. Sawhney, Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation, DhanpatRai,


Supplementary Reading:

J. P. Bentley, Principles of Measurement Systems, Longman Group Ltd. (Pearson Education),


EE 3701 Electrical Machines Lab. – II 2 Credits [0-0-3]

Course Contents:

Determination of equivalent circuit parameters of 3-phase induction motor using no load and
blocked rotor test., Load test on three phase induction motor, Speed control of slip ring
induction motor by varying rotor resistance and to obtain speed torque characteristics at
different rotor resistance, Load test on three phase induction generator, To perform the no load
test and blocked rotor test on a single phase induction motor (Capacitor type), Determination of
regulation of three phase alternator by synchronous impedance method and zero power factor
method, Parallel operation of three phase alternator with infinite bus, To obtain V curves and
inverted V curves of synchronous motor, Determination of XD and XQ of a salient pole
synchronous machine (slip test), To obtain the performance characteristics of a synchronous

Essential reading:

1. A.E. Fitzagerald, C.M. Kingsley (Jr) and Umans, Electric Machinery, Tata McGraw Hill,

Supplementary reading:

1. I. L. Kosow, Electric Machinery & Transformers, PHI, 2001.

EE 3703 Power Electronics Lab. 2 credits [0-0-3]

Course Contents:

1. To study the static characteristics of SCR, MOSFET, IGBT .

2. To study the Pulse converter and 1-Ø half controlled bridge converter with R & R-L
load .
3. To study the 1-Ø full controlled bridge converter with R & R-L load .
4. To study the 3-Ø half controlled bridge converter with R & R-L load .
5. To study the open loop and close loop response of DC-DC Buck converter .
6. To study the open loop and close loop response of DC-DC Boost converter .
7. To study the open loop and close loop response of DC-DC Buck-Boost converter .
8. To study the single phase IGBT based PWM inverter .
9. To study a Voltage commutated chopper circuit with it’s time-ratio control .
10. To study the speed control of 3-Ø induction motor using IGBT based PWM
inverter .
11. To study the closed loop speed control of a DC-motor by tachogenerator
feedback method .
12. To study the operation of 3-Ø voltage source inverter .

EE 3705 Electronics Circuit Lab. 2 credits [0-0-3]

Course Contents:

1. Characterization of Simple and Cascade Current Mirror circuits (BJT and MOSFET)

2. Design of differential amplifier with resistive load (BJT) and active load (MOSFET)

3. Design of R-C and L-C oscillators (phase shift/Wein Bridge/Colpitt/Hartley)

4. Design of a second order active filter (low pass/high pass)

5. Study and Design of Power Amplifiers (Push Pull/Class A).

6. Study of basic logic gates and universal logic gates; Realization of logic circuits using
universal logic gates; To construct and verify the operation of single digit and multi digit half
adder, Full adder / subtractor using logic gates and IC 7483.

7. Comparison of Sequential and Combinational Logic Circuits; Study of Digital to Analog

converter by weighted resistance method. Design and verification of A/D converter; Study of
Seven Segment Display Technique using IC 7447/ 7446.

8. To study the characteristics and operation of a programmable Shift Register using IC 7495;
Verification of UP/ DOWN count using IC 74193.
9. Study of Ring and Decade Johnson Ring counters using ICs and Flip- Flops.

10. Using HDL /Verilog

(i) Static and Dynamic Characteristic of NAND and Schmitt-NAND gate(both TTL and
MOS); Synthesis of a logic function by NAND gates only. (minimized and two level).

(ii) Measurement of delay of the logic sp synthesized; Design a clock by using NAND
gates and R-C network as well as crystal

(iii) Study the functionality of Multiplexer and using it design and implement a logic

(iv) Study the principle of a Demultiplexer and implement multi-output logic circuit

(v) Experiment on Serial-in, Parallel-in Serial-out right shift register with preset and

(vi) Generate maximally long linear sequence using this shift register and other
necessary logic gates.

(vii) Study the dynamic characteristic of a J-K flip-flop and hence find out maximum
operational frequency

(viii)Design a ripple modulo counter and set-rest feedback method.Verify the states of

(ix) Determine each stage delay and total delay. Determine the maximum clock
frequency that it is able to count

(x) Design a sequential circuit and implement it by J-K flip-flops and other related logic

EE 3702 Control Systems Lab. 2 credits [0-0-3]

Course Contents:

1. Study the Transient and frequency response of a second order network.

2. Study of a DC motor driven closed loop position control system
3. Study of a Position Control System using Synchro
4. Obtain speed-torque characteristics of an AC Servomotor
5. Determination of the transfer function of a system (network) using a transfer function
6. Identification of a DC Motor transfer function, position and speed control of a DC motor
using PD and PID Controller via Ziegler Nichol’s tuning method
7. Study the discrete-time version of the PID controller, and to implement classical tuning
rules for the digital control system
8. Modelling and control of oven for temperature control
9. Microprocessor based PID control of a DC servo motor
10. Study of PID controller performance on stabilisation of an Inverted Pendulum
EE 3704 Embedded Systems Lab. 1 credit [0-0-2]

Course Contents:

Introduction: Datasheet Study, Design, Simulation & Hardware Realization; Different

SignalGeneration of Variable Specification using Microprocessor Circuit/ microcontroller;Multi-
tasking Real-Time Operating System Development: Performance Test between Polling and
Interrupt based Approaches; Interfacing with ADCs and DACs; User Interface Circuit
Development (Keyboards, LCD & LED Display); Digital FIR filter Realization;
Electrical/Electronic Device Interface and Control.

Essential Reading:

1. Datasheets of various chips (Intel 8085, 8086, 8051: AT89S8252, Peripheral Interface
Chips, ADCs, DACs etc.)
2. Ramesh S. Gaonkar, Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications
with 8085, Penram International, 6th Ed., 2013
3. Kenneth J. Ayala, The 8086 Microprocessor: Programming & Interfacing The PC,
Cengage Learning, 2008
4. Douglas V. Hall, Microprocessors and Interfacing: Programming and Hardware, Tata
McGraw-Hill, 2nd Ed. (revised), 2006

Supplementary reading:

1. Datasheets of various accessory IC components

2. MykePredko, Programming and Customizing the 8051 Microcontroller, McGrawHill,
1st Ed. 1999
3. M. Morris Mano, Computer System Architecture, PHI, 3rd Ed., 2007

EE 3706 Electrical Machine Design Lab. 2 credits [1-0-2]

Course Contents:

Magnetic circuit design, thermal design aspects of electrical machines, design of transformers,
design of rotating machines, armature winding design.

Essential Reading:

1. A.K. Sawhneyand A.Chakrabarti, A Course in Electrical Machine Design, Dhanpati Rai

Co., Delhi, 2006.

EE4701 Power Systems Lab 2 credits [0-0-3]

Course Contents

High Voltage Laboratory

1. Determine the impulse ratio of a porcelain pin insulator.

2. Measure capacitance and tan∂ of 3 Phase underground cable and 3 Phase
3. Determination of string efficiency of a string of suspension insulator.
4. Testing of insulation strength of transformer oil and atmospheric air.

Power System Laboratory

a. Study of operating characteristics of electromechanical over current relay and
plotting a graph between trip timeand plug setting multiplier (PSM).
b. Study of operating characteristics of numeric over current relay and plotting a graph
between relay operating time and fault current.
a. Testing of electromechanical over voltage relay and plot the graph between trip
time andplug setting multiplier (PSM).
b. Testing of electromechanical under voltage relay and plot the graph between
operating time andpercentage plug setting voltage.

a. Study the voltage profile of a long transmission line and effect of shunt reactor
b. Measurement of ABCD constant, characteristic impedance and propagation
constant of a Transmission Line.
8. Study the scheme for power factor improvement.
9. Study the double Bus-bar coupling and Bus-bar transfer scheme without interruption of
the power supply to the consumer. Also study the switching sequence for
disconnector/isolator and power circuit breaker

EE4703 Communication Systems Lab 1 credit [0-0-2]

Course Contents:

Amplitude modulation; DSB AM Modulator, Calculation of the modulation index, Observation of

the linearity curve of modulator, DSB AM reception using Envelop Decoder, Operation of AM
with Suppressed carrier; Study of SSB,Signal Generator, SSB Signal Demodulation, Calculate
the sensitivity and Selectivity of a AM Receiver; Frequency modulation; Modulation
Characteristic of Varactor Modulator, measurement of frequency; Deviation and calculation of
modulation index, Demodulation characteristic of the FM Demodulator (Foster- Seeley
Demodulator), FM demodulation using Ratio Demodulator, Phase locked loop Detector and
Quadrature detector, FM super Heterodyne Receiver; Phase Modulation: Phase Modulation,
Phase Demodulation; Analog Signal Sampling and its reconstruction; Natural Sampling and its
reconstruction, Sample and Hold and its reconstruction, Flat loop Sampling and its
reconstruction, Effect of different sampling frequencies, Effect of varying the sampling
frequency duty cycle; Study of TDM Pulse Amplitude Modulation / Demodulation with
Transmitter lock and Channel identification information linked directly to the receiver; Sampling
and Pulse Code Modulation.

EE 4705 Control & Electrical System Design Lab 1 credit [0-0-2]

Course Contents:

Designing an electronic scale for measuring weight; Objective: Explore the specifications of
weight scale; Design an electronic weight-scale system; Focus area; A/D converter dynamic
range; peak to peak noise resolution. Designing a DC/DC converter: Objective: Explore the
specifications of DC/DC converter, Design the controller to regulate the output. Focus area:
Steady state modelling for power stage design, dynamic modelling for controller Design,
controller design. Load frequency control for power system: Objective: To study and design
load frequency controller. Focus area: Modelling from specifications, performance
determination, controller design. Designing of controllers for robotic manipulator.
Objective: To study and design robotic manipulator; Focus area: Modelling, various controller

EE 4707 Power Electronics Simulation Lab 1 credit [0-0-2]

1. Simulation of 1-phase half-wave uncontrolled and controlled converter with R, RL and RLE
2. Simulation of 1-phase full-wave uncontrolled bridge rectifier with R, RL and RLE loads
3. Simulation of 1-phase semi-controlled converter with R, RL and RLE loads
4. Simulation of 1-phase full-controlled converter with R, RL and RLE loads
5. Simulation of 3-phase semi-controlled converter with R, RL and RLE loads
6. Simulation of 3-phase full-controlled converter with R, RL and RLE loads
7. Simulation of buck converter
8. Simulation of boost converter
9. Simulation of buck-boost converter
10. Simulation of 1-phase AC voltage controller
11. Simulation of 3-phase bridge inverter
12. Modelling and simulation of DC motor

EE 4702 Digital Signal Processing Lab 1 credit [0-0-2]

Course Contents:
Write a program for linear convolution of two sequences; Write a program for circular
convolution; Write a program to perform linear convolution using circular convolution; Write a
program to perform N-point DFT. Also perform the IDFT on the result obtained to verify the
result; Write a program to perform circular correlation using: Direct method b) circular
convolution using rotation method; Write a program to perform circular convolution and
correlation using DFT; Write a program to perform linear convolution using (a) overlap save
method (b) overlap add method; Write a program to perform FFT on a sequence using the
following methods. (a) Decimation in time (b) Decimation in frequency; Write a program to
perform IDFT on a transformed sequence using DFT; Write a program to design an FIR filter
using windowing technique; Write a program to design an IIR filter using (a) impulse invariant
method (b) bilinear transformation method.

EE 4704 Soft computing Lab 1 credits [0-0-1]

Course Contents

1. Introduction to MATLAB programming

2. Convex optimization by Steepest Descend method

3. Convex optimization by Newton’s Method

4. Non-convex optimization by Genetic Algorithm

5. Non-convex optimization by Particle Swarm Optimization

6. Training of simple perceptron by Widro-Hopf solution and Gauss-Newton method

7. Linear classification by simple perceptron

8. Training Multi-layer perceptron by Back-propagation algorithm

9. Principal Component Analysis and its Application

10. Fuzzy Modelling and Inference by Fuzzy Rule Base

EE 4706 Power System Simulation Lab 1 credits [0-0-2]

Course Contents:
1. Introduction to MATLAB Programming

2. Gauss-Seidel Load Flow Analysis

3. Fast Decoupled Load Flow Analysis

4. Symmetrical Fault Analysis

5. Sequence components and Asymmetrical Fault Analysis

6. Transient Stability Analysis

7. Determination of Optimal Schedulingof Generation

EE 4708 Renewable Energy Lab 1 credit [0-0-2]

Course Contents:

1. Simulation of wind turbine emulator using DC motor.

2. Simulation of SEIG and study of its voltage build-up process.
3. Simulation of a solar panel at various level of insolation and temperature and plot
the VI characteristics.
4. Study of the self-excitation characteristics of an induction generator
5. Determination of the equivalent circuit parameters and the performance
characteristics of a grid-connected induction generator
6. Study of static characteristics of wind turbine (WT) by emulating the wind turbine
behaviour by means of a separately-excited DC motor
7. Measurement of V-I characteristics of a solar panel at various levels of insolation,
and the identification of the equivalent circuit parameters
8. Series parallel connection of solar panel and the effect of shading.
9. Workout power flow calculations of stand-alone PV system of DC and AC load with
10. Study of the charging and discharging characteristics of the battery.



B.Tech. (Food Process Engineering)

FP 2101 Food Chemistry 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objective: To learn fundamentals of food chemistry.

Food chemistry and its role in food processing. Water: Importance of water in foods, Structure of
water & ice, Concept of bound and free water and their implications. Proteins: Nomenclature,
classification, structure, chemistry and properties of amino acids, peptides, proteins; Essential and
non-essential amino acids, Qualitative and quantitative analysis of amino acids and proteins,
Changes during food processing. Carbohydrates: Nomenclature and classification, structure,
physical and chemical properties of polysaccharides and their functions; Qualitative and
quantitative analysis of carbohydrates; changes in carbohydrates during food processing. Lipids:
Structure, classification, physical and chemical properties, utilization of fats and oils, margarine,
shortenings, salad and cooking oils, importance of fats and oils in diet, introduction to
hydrogenation and its importance. Browning reactions: Enzymatic and non-enzymatic browning,
advantages and disadvantages, factors affecting their reaction and control. Vitamins and minerals:
Types of vitamins and minerals, chemistry and functions, sources and deficiency diseases. Plant
pigment: Importance, structure and properties of plant pigments, chemical changes of in pigments
during food processing. Flavour and aroma of foods: Importance, structure and properties of
flavouring and aromatic components of foods.

Essential Reading:
1. Food Chemistry by Meyer
2. Food Chemistry by Fennema
3. Basic Food Chemistry by Lee
Supplementary Reading:
1. Food Chemistry by Belitz
2. Principles of Biochemistry by Lehnninger

FP 2201 Food Processing Operations - I 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objective: To learn various heat transfer related unit operations in food processing.

Material and energy balance in food processing operations, Heat –Transfer Theory and
Applications. Conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer. Thermal processing, sterilization,
pasteurization, blanching, thermal death time, F values, equivalent killing power at other
temperatures. In-can processing, thermal process calculations for canned foods, retorts. Types of
heat exchangers. Evaporation Theory: Boiling point elevation, Raoult’s law, Duhring’s rule, Duhring
plot, latent heats of vaporization. Evaporation of heat-sensitive materials, heat transfer in
evaporators, vacuum evaporation and evaporation equipment. Drying theory and equipment, Food
freezing theory and equipment, chilling.

Essential Reading:
1. Unit Operations in Food Processing by R.L.Earle, Published by NZIFST (Inc.)
2. Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering by R.T.Toledo, Published by Springer
3. Engineering Heat transfer by Karlekar and Dashmond

Supplementary Reading:
1. Food Processing Handbook, by J.G.Brennan, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KgaA
2. Unit operations in Food Engineering by A. Ibarz and Gustavo V Barbosa-Canovas
3. Drying and Dehydration of Foods. Loesecke, Allied Scientific Publishers
4. Food Process Engineering and Technology by ZekiBerk, Published by ELSEVIER
5. Engineering Heat transfer by Gupta and Prakash,
6. Handbook of Industrial Drying by A.S. Mujumdar. Published by Taylor and Francis

FP 2102 Principles of Food Technology 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objectives: To learn various funadamental principles of food engineering

Introduction to Food Process Engineering. Concepts on processing of Cereal, pulses, oil-seeds,
Horticultural products, Dairy products. Basic principles and unit operations in food processing.
Fundamentals of Food Chemistry, Micro-biology. Basic knowledge on food analysis, quality
control, Food laws and regulations. Basics of material handling, storage and packaging.Overview
of the processing operations carried out for converting agricultural

Essential Reading:
1. Unit Operations in Agricultural Processing by Sahay and Singh
2. Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering by R.T.Toledo, Published by Springer
3. Food Process Engineering and Technology by ZekiBerk, Published by ELSEVIER

Supplementary Reading:
1. Food Processing Handbook, by J.G.Brennan, Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH &
Co. KGaA
2. Food Process Engineering and Technology by ZekiBerk, Published by ELSEVIER
3. Engineering Heat transfer by Gupta and Prakash,
4. Handbook of Industrial Drying by A.S. Mujumdar. Published by Taylor and Francis

FP 2101 Food Properties Laboratory 2 credits [0-0-3]

Objectives: To learn various engineering properties of biological materials.

Determination of physical dimension and average particle size of food grains, Determination of
bulk density, true density and porosity of grains, Determination of volume and specific gravity of
fruits De-termination of roundness and roundness ratio of biological materials, Determination of
sphericity of biological materials, Determination of angle of repose of food grain samples,
Determination of friction-al properties of biological material, Determination of aerodynamic
properties of biomaterial, To study the separating behaviour of a grain sample in a vertical wind
tunnel (aspirator column), Determination of moisture content of sample by direct and in-direct
methods, Measurement of (grain, fruit) hard-ness (Moh’s hardness test), compressive strength,
Determine flow parameters of Newtonian, Non Newtonian food products by: Capillary tube,
viscometer, Hakke’s viscometer, Rotational viscometer and Falling ball viscometer. Viscosity
measurement using (RVA, Brookfield viscometer), Texture Profile Analysis of different food
samples, Optical properties measurement using hunter Lab/CIE colour sys-tem, Optical
properties measurement using Spectrophotometer, Optical properties measurement us-ing
Tintometer, To determine specific heat of some food grains, To find the thermal conductivity of
different grains. To find the electrical impendence of the grain

Essential Reading:
1 Physical Properties of Plant and Animal Materials, 2nd Ed, Gordon & Breach Science
Publisher by N.N. Mohsenin
2 Practical Manual on Post Harvest Technology, Published by Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi, by R. C. Pradhan and P. P. Said.
3 Thermal properties of food and agricultural materials, Gordon & Breach Science Publisher
by N.N. Mohsenin

Supplementary Reading:
4 Electromagnetic radiation properties of food and agricultural materials, Gordon & Breach
Science Publisher by N.N. Mohsenin
5 Engineering Properties of Foods,3rd Ed, CRC Press by Rao, Rizvi & Dutta
FP 2103 Food Microbiology and Safety 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objectives: To get in-depth knowledge of food borne microorganisms, their growth, and detection,
control and food preservation

Introduction: scope of food microbiology; Microorganisms important in food industry; Types of
micro-organisms, their importance in foods, classification of food borne bacteria, their
morphology and dis-tinguishing features with examples; Growth of microorganisms in foods;
Intrinsic (pH, moisture con-tent, redox potential, nutrient content, antimicrobial constituents and
biological structures ) and ex-trinsic factors (temp., RH, presence and concentration of gases)
governing growth of microorganisms in food; Food spoilage: Chemical changes caused by
microorganisms in foods (breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and other constituents
during spoilage), specific microorganisms causing spoilage of milk and milk products, meat,
fish, egg, cereals, fruits, vegetables and their processed products, quality defects in canned
foods, sugar and confectionary products; Food fermentations: General de-scription of
fermenters, parts and their functions, different types of fermentations (static, submerged,
agitated, batch, continuous). Microbial culture selection by screening methods and strain
improve-ment. Starter cultures - definition, types, Fermentation - definition, types (acid, alcohol).
Fermented foods - types, methods of manufacture for vinegar, ethyl alcohol, cheese, yoghurt,
baker’s yeast and traditional Indian foods; Microbial Foodborne Diseases: Introduction, types of
microbial foodborne diseases (foodborne intoxications and foodborne infections and foodborne
toxico-infections), symptoms and prevention of some commonly occurring food borne diseases;
Food Preservation: Principles of preservation, methods of food preservation – high temperature,
low temperature, drying, radiation, chemical preservatives, bio-preservatives, hurdle
technology, active packaging, novel processing technologies.Special topics in safety: Microbial
attachment and Biofilm formation, microbial metabolism of food components, food preservatives
of microbial origin, bacteriocins and nanotechnology, food spoilage by microbial enzymes,
opportunistic bacterial pathogens, molds and mycotoxins, viruses, parasites, fish and shell fish

Essential Reading:
1. Food Microbiology, TMH, New Delhi by W C Frazier & D C Westhoff
2. Modern Food Microbiology, CBS Publication, New Delhi by J M Jay
3. Essentials of Food Microbiology, Arnold, London by John Garbutt
4. Microbiology, 5th Ed., TMH, New Delhi by M J Pelczar, E C S Chan and Noel R Krieg
Supplementary Reading:
5. Microbiology of Safe Food, Blackwell Science, Oxford by S J Forsythe
6. Fundamentals of Food Microbiology AVI Publishing Co. Inc., Connecticut, USA by M L
7. Microbiology of foods by J C Ayres, J O Mundt, W E Sandine, W H Freeman

FP 2402 Food Grains Processing 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objective: To learn various processes and methods of Food Grains

Production, Economics, and processing scenario of Food grains. Classification, structure and
physico-chemical properties and thermal properties of Food grains; Unit operations and
equipment for Food Grain Processing- Cleaning, sorting, grading, drying, storage, milling;
Processing and storage of cereals, pulses and oil seeds. Commercial processing of Paddy,
wheat, Corns, Barley, Millets, Pulses and Oil seeds.

Essential Reading:
1. Post harvest technology of Cereals, Pulses and Oil Seeds by A Chakravarti
2. Unit Operations in Agricultural Processing by Sahay and Singh
3. Food Process Engineering and technology by I A Ansary

Supplementary Reading:
1. Unit operations of chemical engineering by McCabe and Smith.
2. Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering by R.T.Toledo.

FP 2301 Horticultural Product Processing 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objective: To learn various processes and methods of Horticultural Products

Production and processing scenario of horticultural products; basics of ripening, maturity,
harvesting, handling, packaging, transport, storage and Quality of fruits and vegetables.
Principles, unit operations and Equipment for processing and preservation of fruits and
vegetables. Processing technology for jam, jelly, marmalade, preserve, pickles, chutneys,
ketchups, sauces, beverages, powder and canned products.

Essential Reading:
1. Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables, by Lal, Siddappa and Tandon
2. Fruit and Vegetable Preservation: Principles and Practices by Srivastava and Kumar

Supplementary Reading:
1. Fruit Manufacturing by J E Lozano
2. Handbook of Vegetable and Vegetable processing by N K Sinha

FP 2202 Food Processing Operations - II 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objective: To learn various mass transfers related unit operations in food processing

Contact equilibrium process, extraction process, rate of extraction, stage-equilibrium extraction,
solvent extraction, supercritical fluid extraction, extraction equipment. Crystallization, crystallization
equipment. Size reduction: Grinding, Cutting, Emulsification, homogenization, energy concept in
size reduction, Kick's law, Rittinger's law, Bond’s law. Grinding and milling equipment. Mechanical
separations: Sedimentation and filtration, membrane separations, Sieving / Screening, Sieve
analysis. Parboiling, Extrusion, Frying, Baking, Roasting, Puffing, Agitation and mixing, Irradiation
and non-thermal processing operations.

Essential Reading:
1. Unit Operations in Food Processing by R.L.Earle, Published by NZIFST (Inc.)
2. Unit operations in Food Engineering by A. Ibarz and Gustavo V Barbosa-Canovas
3. Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering by R.T.Toledo, Published by Springer
4. Food Process Engineering and Technology by ZekiBerk, Published by ELSEVIER

Supplementary Reading:
5. Food Processing Handbook, by J.G.Brennan, Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.
6. Unit operations of chemical engineering by McCabe and Smith. Published by McGraw-Hill
7. Dairy plant engineering and management by Tufail Ahmad. Published byKitab Mahal
8. Engineering for dairy and food product by Farrall A.W. Published by John Wiley and Sons
FP 2104 Food Microbiology and Safety Laboratory 1 credits [0-0-2]

Objectives: To learn basics of microbiology in food processing

Basic food microbiology laboratory procedures and culture techniques. Enumeration of
microorgan-isms in foods by most probable technique. Microbiological examination of raw and
pasteurized milk. Evaluation of microbial quality of milk by dye reduction test. Estimation of total
bacterial count, coli-form count and mold of fruit juices. Enumeration of pychrotrophic,
thermoduric and thermophilic bacteria in food sample. Enumeration of anaerobic spore forming
bacteria in canned foods. Isolation of pure culture. Isolation and enumeration of microorganisms
in food. Procedures of quality assurance in food microbiology laboratory. Maintenance of food
microbiology lab equipment and instrument. Mi-crobiological standards of food and lab auditing.

Essential Reading:
1. Food Microbiology Laboratory by McLandsborough. CRC Press
2. Laboratory Methods in Food Microbiology by Harrigan. Gulf Professional Publishing

Supplementary Reading:
3. Practical Food Microbiology by Diane Roberts, Melody Greenwood, Wiley
4. Laboratory Manual of Food Microbiology by Garg, Garg, Mukerji.

FP 2403 Food Grains and Horticulture Processing Laboratory 2 credits [0-0-3]

Objective: To learn various processes and methods of Food Grain and Horticultural Processing

Physical properties of cereals, pulses and oil seeds, Milling Characteristics of Food Grains, Size
reduc-tion and sieve analysis. Study of temperature and time on parboiling of rice, Effect of
parboiling on nu-trient content of paddy. Determination of cooking quality of rice, Determination
of gelatinization tem-perature of rice, Study on cooking quality of pulses. Determination of Oil
Content. Methods for Oil ex-pressions.
Preparation of fruit jam from Fruits, Preparation of fruit jelly from Fruits, Preparation of Jelly,
Squash, Qualitative determination of pectin content by alcohol test / jelmeter test in fruit extract,
Preparation of ready to serve (RTS) from mango/ litchi/ lemon, Preparation of fruit leather -
mango leather , Preparation and preservation of tomato puree and ketchup

Essential Reading:
1. Unit Operations in Agricultural Processing by Sahay and Singh
2. Fruit and Vegetable Preservation: Principles and Practices by Srivastava and Kumar

Supplementary Reading:
1. Post harvest technology of Cereals, Pulses and Oil Seeds by A Chakravarti

FP 3501 Dairy Process Engineering 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objective: To understand the principles of Dairy processing and milk products processing

Milk reception and principals of milk processing: milk storage, bulk cooling, stirring and mixing,
pasteur-ization, sterilization, centrifugation, homogenization, evaporation and condensation.
Spray drying of milk, principle and equipment: spray dryer, cyclone separator. Manufacturing of
milk products and principles of processing of cheese, ice-cream, butter, special milk products,
casein, whey, curd, butter milk etc. Equipment for indigenous milk products manufacturing. Milk
ultra-filtration and reverse os-mosis. Filling Operations: Principles and working of different types
of bottle filters and capping ma-chine, pouch filling machine, pre-pack and aseptic filling. Filling
and Packaging machines for milk and milk products, aseptic packaging. Bulk milk handling
system, care and maintenance. Hygienic design concepts, sanitary pipes and fittings, CIP
system. Preventive maintenance program for Dairy Plant. Maintenance organization,
development of optimum organization planned overhaul and PERT plan-ning, Utilities and
sanitation in processing plant. Manufacturing of milk products and principles of processing of
fluid dairy products, fat rich dairy products such as cream, butter, butter-oil, frozen dairy
products such as ice-cream, fermented dairy products such as cheese and yoghurt, evaporated
dairy products, dried dairy products, dairy by-products, indigenous dairy products.

Essential Reading:
1. Dairy processing handbook by Tetrapak.
2. Engineering for dairy and food products by A W Farrall. John Wiley and Sons
3. Outlines of dairy technology by Sukumar De. Oxford University Press
4. Dairy Plant System and Layout by Tufail Ahmed, Kitab Mahal, Allahabad

Supplementary Reading:
1. Indian dairy products by K S Rangappa Asia Publishing House
2. Cheese and Butter by V. Cheke and A. Sheeprd, Agrobios (India)
3. Dairy chemistry and biochemistry by P F Fox and PLH McSweeney, Blackie Academic and
Professional, An Imprint of Chapman & Hall, London.
4. Milk and Milk Products by Eckles and Eckles

FP 3601 Food Packaging and Storage Engineering 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objective: Understanding of food packaging development, packaging systems and analyze

complex systems of food packaging and logistics with simulation models.

Function of packaging, marketing consideration for a package and types of packaging. Barrier
properties of packaging material, Packaging materials for foods. Selection criteria of packaging
materials for raw and processed food products. Machinery for Packaging. Package labelling:
functions, nutrition labelling, ingredient characterization handling instruction, and regulations;
Packaging logistics. Food Storage: Importance of scientific storage systems, post-harvest
physiology of semi-perishables and perishables, climacteric and non-climacteric fruits,
respiration, ripening, changes during ripening, ethylene biosynthesis. Product damages during
storage. Storage structures: Traditional, improved and modern storage structures; farm silos.
Stored grain management and aeration. Controlled and modified atmospheric storage.

Essential Reading:
1. Food Packaging: Principles and Practice, Second Edition, by Gordon L. Robertson, CRC Press
2. Handbook of Postharvest Technology: Cereals, Fruits, Vegetables, Tea, and Spices, by A.
Chakraverty, A. S. Mujumdar, G.S.V. Raghavan, H.S. Ramaswamy. Marcel Dekker, Inc., NY
Grain Storage Engineering and Technology, Batra Book Services by Vijayaraghavan, S.
3. Food Packaging and Preservation by M. Mathlouthi. Blackie Academic & Professional
Supplementary Reading:
1. Hermeticity of Electronic Packages by Hal Greenhouse, William Andrew Publishing, LLC,
Norwich, New York, U.S.A.
2. Storage of Cereal Grains and Their Products, 4th Edition, AACC by David B. Saucer.
3. Principles of Agricultural Engineering, Volume – II, Jain Brothers by A. M. Michael and T. P.
4. Handling and Storage of Food Grains in Tropical and Subtropical Area by FAO Pub.
5. Silos, Theory and Practice: Vertical Silos, Horizontal Silos (retaining Walls), 2nd Ed, Lavoisier
Pub. by André M. Reimbert
6. Fruit and Vegetables: Harvesting, Handling and Storage, 2nd Ed, Iowa State Press by Keith

FP 3105 Food Analysis and Quality Control 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objectives: To provide a basic understanding of Food analysis and concepts of quality control in
food processing.

Quality Control and its importance, Methods of colour determination and their applications.
Food fla-vours, factors affecting food product flavours, measurement of food flavours, theory of
taste and smell. Food Rheology and viscosity: Shear stress, shear rate, torque, Newtonian and
Non-Newtonian flow and their further classification, Factors affecting consistency and viscosity,
measurement of vis-cosity and consistency. Food texture, Physical characteristics of food,
working of texture measuring instruments, Fruit pressure tester, puncture tester, succulometer,
tenderometer, texturometer, ma-turometer, fibrometer, Texture Profile Analysis (TPA). Non
Destructive Methods for food analysis, Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR), Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance (NMR) and its application, Ultrasonic equipments, conductivity and resistivity
meters. Principle and working of Gas chromatography (GC), High pressure liquid
chromatography (HPLC), types of detectors used in GC and HPLC, Thin layer chro-matography
(TLC), Column Chromatography, chromatographic methods applied as quality control. Sensory
evaluation: Objectives, panel selection, Different test methods and their groups such as dif-
ference tests, rating tests, sensitivity tests, Sensory scores, Food Safety and Regulations: Food
Safety and Standards Act, Codex Alimentarius, ISO series, Good Manufacturing Practices
(GMP), Good Hy-gienic Practices (GHP), Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), Genetically
Modified Foods (GMF).

Essential Reading:
1 Pearson‘s Composition and Analysis of foods, by S Ronald, Addison & Wesley Publisher
Quality Control for Food Industry. Vol I and II AVI Publications by A Krammer
2 Food Quality Control by Manoranjan Kalia

Supplementary Reading:
3 Handbook of Analysis and Quality Control of fruits & Vegetables Products Tata Mc Grow Hill
Publications. by S Ranganna

FP 3203 Food Engineering Laboratory 2 credits [0-0-3]

Objective: To learn the basic concept of heat and mass transfer in food processing

Introductory concepts, modes of heat transfer, thermal conductivity of materials, measurement.
General differential equation of conduction. One dimensional steady state conduction through
plane and composite walls, tubes and spheres with and without heat generation. Electrical
analogy. Insula-tion materials, critical thickness of insulation. Fins, Free and forced convection.
Newton’s law of cool-ing, heat transfer coefficient in convection. Dimensional analysis of free
and forced convection. Useful non dimensional numbers and empirical relationships for free and
forced convection. Equation of lam-inar boundary layer on flat plate and in a tube. Laminar
forced convection on a flat plate and in a tube. Combined free and forced convection.
Introduction. Absorptivity, reflectivity and transmissivity of ra-diation. Black body and
monochromatic radiation, Planck’s law, Stefan-Boltzman law, Kirchoff’s law, grey bodies and
emissive power, solid angle, intensity of radiation. Radiation exchange between black surfaces,
geometric configuration factor. Heat transfer analysis involving conduction, convection and
radiation by networks. Types of heat exchangers, fouling factor, log mean temperature
difference, heat exchanger performance, transfer units. Heat exchanger analysis restricted to
parallel and counter flow heat exchangers. Steady state molecular diffusion in fluids at rest and
in laminar flow, Flick’s law, mass transfer coefficients. Reynold’s analogy.

Essential Reading:
1. Biological and Bioenvironmental Heat and Mass Transfer by Datta
2. Heat And Mass Transfer By Nag
3. Heat And Mass Transfer , Second Edition by Sawhney
Supplementary Reading:
1. Food Processing Handbook, by J.G.Brennan, Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH &
Co. KGaA
2. Unit operations of chemical engineering by McCabe and Smith. Published by McGraw-Hill

FP 3502 Dairy Process Engineering Laboratory Dairy Process

Engineering Laboratory 2 credits [0-0-3]

Objectives: To understand the hygienic characteristics of dairy plant and various dairy processes.

Identification of hygienic characteristics of pipes and fittings in dairy plant; To study CIP system
for dairy plant; description of technical specifications of milking and storage equipment;
description of technical specifications of equipment for chilling & pasteurization; description of
features of centrifuges and operation; working principle of ice-cream freezers & packing
machine; design and principle of working of cheese vat; working principle of milking machine;
working principle of press & packing ma-chine; description of butter manufacturing equipment;
description of different types of evaporators used in dairy industry; description of different types
of dryers used in dairy industry; description of operation of spray dryers used in dairy industry;
operation of drum an vacuum dryers used in dairy industry; design of milk collecting and chilling
unit; Visit to dairy industry

Essential Reading:
1. Dairy Plant System and Layout by Tufail Ahmed
2. Text Book of Dairy Chemistry by Mathur, M.P., Datta, Roy, D. and Dinakar, P
Supplementary Reading:
1. Objective questions in Dairy science and technology and food and dairy engineering by
Harish sharma, H pandey, G singh.

FP 3602 Food Packaging and Storage Design Laboratory Food

Packaging and Storage Design Laboratory 1 credits [0-0-2]

Objectives: To gain knowledge about different kind of packaging and storage of Food.

Classification of various packages based on material and rigidity; Measurement of thickness of
paper, film, paper boards; Determination of wax weight in paper packaging; Measurement of
grammage and water absorption of paper of paper boards; Measurement of bursting strength of
paper of paper boards; Measurement of tear resistance of packaging material; Measurement of
puncture resistance of packaging material; Measurement of tensile strength of packaging
material; Measurement of grease resistance of papers; Determination of gas transmission rate
of package films; Determination of coating on package materials; Identification of plastic films;
Study of packaging film for their labelling characteristics and specifications; Pre-packaging
practices followed for packing fruits, vegetables; Demonstration of can-seaming operation;
Determination of shelf life of food product.

Essential Reading:
1. Food Packaging: Principles and Practice, Second Edition, by Gordon L. Robertson, CRC Press
2. Handbook of Postharvest Technology: Cereals, Fruits, Vegetables, Tea, and Spices, by A.
Chakraverty, A. S. Mujumdar, G.S.V. Raghavan, H.S. Ramaswamy. Marcel Dekker, Inc., NY
Grain Storage Engineering and Technology, Batra Book Services by Vijayaraghavan, S.
3. Food Packaging and Preservation by M. Mathlouthi. Blackie Academic & Professional

Supplementary Reading:
1. Hermeticity of Electronic Packages by Hal Greenhouse, William Andrew Publishing, LLC,
Norwich, New York, U.S.A.
2. Storage of Cereal Grains and Their Products, 4th Edition, AACC by David B. Saucer.
3. Principles of Agricultural Engineering, Volume – II, Jain Brothers by A. M. Michael and T. P.
4. Handling and Storage of Food Grains in Tropical and Subtropical Area by FAO Pub.
5. Silos, Theory and Practice: Vertical Silos, Horizontal Silos (retaining Walls), 2nd Ed, Lavoisier
Pub. by André M. Reimbert
6. Fruit and Vegetables: Harvesting, Handling and Storage, 2nd Ed, Iowa State Press by Keith

FP 3302 Processing of Spices, Condiments and Plantation crops Food

Packaging and Storage Design Laboratory 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objectives: To gain knowledge about processing of Spices, Condiments and Plantation crops

Classification, composition, structure and characteristics. Production status of spices in India:
major spice producing area in India and world wide, export potential of processed and raw spice
product. Processing of major and minor spices: Preservation and processing of major and minor
spices of India; Processing of whole spice, spice powder, paste and extracts; production and
processing of spice mix-tures; spice oils and oleoresins, functional role of spices, quality
specification for spices. Tea Pro-cessing: Composition and production of tea leaves; processing
of tea leaves; CTC tea, black tea, green tea and Oolong tea, grading and packaging;
processing of instant tea. Coffee Processing: Production and processing of coffee cherries by
wet and dry method; processing technology for coffee; prepara-tion of brew; processing
technology for instant coffee and decaffeinated coffee. Cocoa processing: Cocoa bean-
introduction, history and composition; processing of cocoa bean; processed products of cocoa.

Essential Reading:
1. Major spices of India-Crop Management – Post Harvest Technology by J S Pruthi, Indian Coun-
cil of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.
2. Coffee processing technology By M Sivetz and H. E. Foote, AVI Publishing, Co.
Supplementary Reading
3. Chemistry and Applications of Green Tea by T Yamamoto, L R Juneja, D-chi Chu ad M. Kim,
CRC Press

FP 3204 Food Process Equipment and Plant Design Food Packaging

and Storage Design Laboratory 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objectives: To conceptualize and design equipment needed for various food processing
Materials and Properties, Design Considerations, Design of Pressure and Storage Vessels,
Design of shell and its component, Design of Heat Exchangers, Design of Evaporators and
Crystallizers, Design of crystalliser and entrainment separator. Design of Agitators Separators,
Design of centrifuge separator. Design of Equipment Components: Design of Freezing
Equipment: Design of tray dryer, tunnel dryer, fluidized dryer, spray dryer, vacuum dryer, freeze
dryer and microwave dryer. Design of Conveyors and Elevators, Design of Extruders, Design of
Fermenters, Hazards and Safety Considerations. food plant design concepts, Feasibility Study:
Design of product, product specifications, process design, pro-cess selection considering
technical, economic and social aspects. Process planning and scheduling, flow sheeting, flow
diagrams and process flow charts and computer aided development of flow charts; Selection of
Process equipments, material handling equipment, service equipment, instruments and
controls, considerations involved in equipment selection, economic analysis of equipment.
Types of layouts, preparation and development of layout, equipment symbols, flow sheet
symbols, electric symbols, graphic symbols for piping systems, standards for space requirement
and dimensions. Re-quirements of the steam, refrigeration, water, electricity, waste disposal,
lighting, ventilation, drain-age, CIP system, dust removal, fire protection etc. Workers Safety
and Health Aspects, Building and Building Materials.

Essential Reading:
1. Process equipment design by Joshi MV and Mahajan VV. Published by Macmillan India Ltd
2. Process equipment design by Brownell and Young. Published by John Willey
3. Food Plant Economics by Z.B. Maroulis and G.D. Sarvacos. Published by CRC press
4. Chemical Engineering Plant Design by Villbrandt F.C. and Dryden C.E. Published by
Supplementary Reading
5. Plant Layout and Design by J.M. Moore Published by The Mcmillan company
6. Chemical Engineering Handbook by Perry R.H. Published by McGraw-Hill

FP 3404 Bakery and Confectionary TechnologyFood Packaging and

Storage Design Laboratory 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objectives: To learn various aspects of Bakery and Confectionary technology.

Historical development and status of bakery industry in India; introduction and definition of
bakery products-bread, biscuit, cake, pastries, rusk, crackers. PFA specifications of bakery
products. Bread- types; role of major and minor ingredients; processes of bread making;
problems associated with bread; equipment for bread manufacturing; processing steps for
biscuit, cookies, cracker, cakes and their major and minor ingredients. Nutritional aspect of
bakery products; quality evaluation of baked products. Confectionary- historical development;
classification of confectionary products; basic technical considerations for confectionary
products, raw materials and their role in confectionary product; traditional confectionary
products. Cocoa bean- introduction, history and composition; processing of cocoa bean;
processed product of cocoa; historical development in chocolate processing; ingredients and
their role in chocolate; processing steps of chocolate processing- mixing, refining, conching,
tempering, molding, cooling, coating, enrobing etc. High boiled sweets/candy - composition,
production and preparation of high boiled sweets- traditional, batch and continuous method;
toffee- composition, types, ingredient and their role, batch and continuous method of toffee

Essential Reading:
1 Biscuit, cracker and cookie recipes for the food industry, Woodhead Publishing Ltd and CRC
Press LLC by Duncan Manley
2 Baking problems solved Woodhead Publishing Ltd and CRC Press LLC by S Cauvain and L

Supplementary Reading
3 Bakery Science & Technology, 3rd Ed. Vol-I, II, Sosland Publishers by E. J. Pyler
4 Flat Bread Technology, Chapman & Hall by J. Qarooni

FP 3503 Processing of Livestock, Fish and Marine Products Food

Packaging and Storage Design Laboratory 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objective: To learn various processes and methods for Processing of Livestock, Fish and Marine

Production, Economics, and processing scenario of meat, fish and poultry. Preservation of
meat- de-hydration, freezing, pickling, curing, cooking and smoking; dehydration; curing;
preservation of meat using ionizing radiation; preservation of meats using- antibiotics and
chemical preservatives. Eating quality of meat and discoloration; water-holding capacity and
juiciness in cooked and uncooked meat; texture and tenderness- definition and measurement,
factors affecting texture and tenderness, artifi-cial tenderizing. Abattoir design and layout, meat
plant sanitation and safety, by-products utilization. Processing and preservation of eggs,
production of egg yolk and egg yellow powder. Poultry pro-cessing: Unit operations for various
poultry products; Fish processing: Unit operations for various fish products;

Essential Reading:
1. Meat Science by Lawrie
2. Meat Handbook by Lavie.

Supplementary Reading
3. Egg Science and Technology by Stadelmen and Cotterill
4. Muscle as Food by Bechtel

FP 3603 Food Refrigeration and Cold Chain Food Packaging and

Storage Design Laboratory 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objective: To study the principles of heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigeration systems
and enable students to achieve effective and efficient design solutions.

Fundamentals of refrigeration and air conditioning. Refrigerating Machine: The second law
interpretation, heat engine, heat pump and refrigerating machine. Carnot Cycle. Methods of
Producing Low Temperatures. Types of Refrigeration Systems: Air cycle refrigeration systems,
vapour compression refrigeration systems, vapour absorption refrigeration systems. Vapour
Compression System: Components of vapour compression refrigeration system, coefficient of
performance. Cycle Diagrams and Simple Saturated Cycles: Different types of refrigerants,
desirable properties of refrigerants, safety and economical aspects. Air Conditioning: Mixing
process, basic processes in conditioning of air, psychrometric processes in air conditioning. Air
conditioning system, state and mass rate of supply air. Applications of Refrigeration in Food
Processing and Preservation: cold chain and store, automated cold stores, security of operations,
cold storage for fruits and vegetables. Principles of refrigeration of boned, boxed and processed
meats, pork and bacon, poultry, fish and seafood. Refrigeration of milk and milk products, ice-
cream, ice lollies, brewing, wines and spirits, soft drinks. Cooling of bakery products, cook/chill
process, chocolate enrobing. Refrigerated transport, handling and distribution, cold chain,
refrigerated product handling, order picking, refrigerated vans and refrigerated display.
Refrigeration load estimation.

Essential Reading:
1. Principles of Refrigeration by Dossat R.J. Published by John Wiley
2. Advances in food refrigeration by Da Wen Sun. Published by Woodhead Publishing Limited, UK

Supplementary Reading:
1. Refrigeration and Air-conditioning by CP Arora. Published by Tata McGraw Hill
2. Refrigeration and Air-conditioning by Manohar Prasad. Published by New Age publications.
3. Commercial Cooling of Fruits and Vegetables by Thompson. Published by Univ. of California

FP 3604 Food Refrigeration and Cold Chain LaboratoryFood

Packaging and Storage Design Laboratory 2 credits [0-0-2]

Objectives: To understand refrigeration cycle principles as it applies to installing, working and

trouble-shooting of equipment.

Study of vapour compression refrigeration system and determination of COP of vapour
compression refrigeration system. Study of various types of compressors, condensers, expansion
valves and evaporative coils used in refrigeration systems. Study of refrigerants, their properties
and charts. Study of direct and indirect contact freezing equipment for foods. Spray freezing of
foods. Estimation of refrigeration load for cold storage. Estimation of refrigeration load for meat and
poultry products. To calculate refrigeration load of a dairy plant. Estimation of refrigeration load for
ice-cream manufacturing. To study cooling system for bakery and estimation of refrigeration loads.
To estimate refrigeration load during chocolate enrobing process. Study of refrigerated van and
calculation of cooling load during transport in different weather conditions. Deep freezing and
thawing of fish. To study refrigerated display of foods and estimation of cooling load.

Essential Reading:
1. Principles of Refrigeration by Dossat R.J. Published by John Wiley
2. Refrigeration and Air-conditioning by Manohar Prasad. Published by New Age publications.
3. Refrigeration and Air-conditioning by CP Arora. Published by Tata McGraw Hill

Supplementary Reading:
1. Advances in food refrigeration by Da Wen Sun. Published by Woodhead Publishing Limited, UK
2. Commercial Cooling of Fruits and Vegetables by Thompson. Published by Univ. of California

FP 3106 Food Analysis and Quality Control Laboratory 1 credits [0-0-2]

Objectives: To gain knowledge of various methods for food quality analysis and control.

Training of sensory panel for flavor perception; sensitivity tests for four basic tastes; difference
tests, triangle test, paired comparison test, duo trio test; Sensory evaluation of milk and
detection of flavour defects in milk; Sensory evaluation of food samples for textural properties;
detection of common adul-terants- formaldehyde, starch, cane sugar, hydrogen peroxide,
sodium bicarbonate in milk; Test for the presence of sesame oil in given oil sample; Colour
estimation of food samples by tintometer; Ex-amination of fruit jams for FPO specifications;
Examination of Butter / oil samples for AGMARK specifi-cations; Examination of food / milk
products for BIS specifications; determination of BAR (Brix acid ratio) in beverages; Visit to
units with ISO 22000:2005 certified company; Evaluation of food labels of products for PFA
standards; Determination of total residual chlorine in water sample; Cut out analysis of Canned
Product samples.

Essential Reading:
1.Food Chemistry by Meyer
2.Food Chemistry by Fennema
3. Basic Food Chemistry by Lee

Supplementary Reading:
1. Food Chemistry by Belitz
2. Principles of Biochemistry by Lehnninger

FP 3107 Food Product Technology laboratory 2 credits [0-0-3]

Objectives: To learn various methods of Bakery and Confectionary technology.

Ingredients and sample preparation. Concept of bakery and confectionary products, beverages,
fruit juice products, milk products. Processes and equipment for product development. Processing
steps for chocolate and candy; Extruded snack products. Principles of Ready-to-eat, Ready-to-
serve and convenience foods. Quality evaluation of food products.

Essential Reading:
1 Biscuit, cracker and cookie recipes for the food industry, Woodhead Publishing Ltd and CRC
Press LLC by Duncan Manley
2 Baking problems solved Woodhead Publishing Ltd and CRC Press LLC by S Cauvain and L

Supplementary Reading
3 Bakery Science & Technology, 3rd Ed. Vol-I, II, Sosland Publishers by E. J. Pyler
4 Flat Bread Technology, Chapman & Hall by J. Qarooni

FP 4205 Food Process Equipment and Plant Design Laboratory 2 credits [0-0-3]

Objective: To acquire basic understanding of design parameters, design procedures for food
process equipment and their attachments in food processing plant.

Study of materials for fabrication, mechanical properties, ductility, hardness, corrosion,
protective coatings, corrosion prevention linings equipment, choice of materials, material codes.
Design Consid-erations: Stresses created due to static and dynamic loads, combined stresses,
design stresses and theories of failure, safety factor, temperature effects, radiation effects,
effects of fabrication method, economic considerations. Design of Pressure and Storage
Vessels. Design of Heat Exchangers. Design of Evaporators and Crystallizers. Design of
Agitators Separators for liquid foods. Design of Equipment Components. Design of Freezing
Equipment, Dryer, Conveyors, Elevators, Extruders. Study of hazards and safety considerations
in designing process equipment. Food processing plant design: Feasibility Study, Plant
Location, Plant Size, Procedures for estimation of economic plant size (breakeven analysis and
optimization), estimation of volume of production for each product. Utilities and Sanitation in
Pro-cessing Plant. Product and Process Design. Plant Layout design, Planning and Design of
Service Facilities and Plant Surroundings, Design and installation of piping system. Selection of
Equipment. Workers Safety and Health Aspects. Building and Building Materials selection for
food plants.
Essential Reading:
1. Process equipment design by Joshi MV and Mahajan VV. Published by Macmillan India Ltd
2. Process equipment design by Brownell and Young. Published by John Willey
3. Chemical Engineering Plant Design by Villbrandt F.C. and Dryden C.E. McGraw-Hill
4. Plant Layout and Design by J.M. Moore. The Mcmillan company

Supplementary Reading:
1. Process equipment design by Bhattacharya BC. Macmillan India Ltd
2. Strength and elasticity of materials by Brooks WH. Asia Publishing House
3. Process Plant Design by Backhusrt J.R. and J.H. Barker. Heimann Educational Books, London
4. Computer Aided Process Plant Design by Leesley M.E. Gulf Publishing Company, Houston
5. Project Management for Engineers by M.D. Rosenau. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York


FP-4206 Emerging Technologies in Food Processing 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objectives: To learn about various emerging technologies in Food Processing Sector

Introduction, scope and applications of High pressure processing of foods, Pulse electric fields pro-
cessing (PEF), Osmotic dehydration, High intensity pulsed light Technology, Food Processing by
Radio frequency Electric fields and electromagnetic radiations, Ultrasound in food processing,
Food Irradia-tion. Recent Development in Microwave heating; Radio-Frequency processing; Ohmic
heating; Com-bine Microwave Vacuum drying; New Hybrid Drying technologies; Vacuum cooling of
foods; Concept of Minimal processing of Fruits and Vegetables products; Modified and Controlled
Atmospheric Pack-aging for Minimally processed foods. Any other latest technologies for food

Essential Reading:
4. Thermal Food Processing – New technologies and Quality Issues by Da-Wen Sun
2.Advances in Thermal and Non-Thermal Food Preservation by Tewari and Juneja

Supplementary Reading:
1. Innovation in Food Engineering – New Techniques and Products by Passos and

FP-4207 Food Industry By-Product and Waste Management 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objective: To learn various methods and techniques for Food Industry by-product and waste Man-

Various byproducts from Food Processing Industry: By products of cereals, legumes, oil seeds,
dairy, fruit and vegetables processing industries and their uses. By products of meat and fish
processing units and their uses. Uses of byproducts of agro based industries in various sector.
Various laws and regula-tions for waste management in food processing industries, Food industry
wastes, Waste treatment methods for Cereals, Fruits, vegetables, Meat, Fish, Dairy processing
and Brewery Industries. Waste water treatment, zero-discharge and zero-emission system.
Essential Reading:
1. Utilization of By-Products and Treatment of Waste in the Food Industry by Oreopoulou and
2. Handbook of Waste Management and Co-Product Recovery in Food Processing by
Supplementary Reading:
1. Waste Management for the Food Industries by Arvanitoyannis

FP-4303 Beverage Technology 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objectives: To describe the characteristics and production methods of both alcoholic and non‐
alcohol-ic beverage types.

Types of beverages and their importance; status of beverage industry in India; Manufacturing tech-
nology for juice-based beverages; synthetic beverages; technology of still, carbonated, low-calorie
and dry beverages; isotonic and sports drinks; role of various ingredients of soft drinks,
carbonation of soft drinks. Specialty beverages based on tea, coffee, cocoa, spices, plant extracts,
herbs, nuts, dairy and imitation dairy-based beverages. Alcoholic beverages- types, manufacture
and quality evaluation; the role of yeast in beer and other alcoholic beverages, ale type beer, lager
type beer, technology of brewing process, equipment used for brewing and distillation, wine and
related beverages, distilled spirits. Packaged drinking water- definition, types, manufacturing
processes, quality evaluation and raw and processed water, methods of water treatment, BIS
quality standards of bottled water; miner-al water, natural spring water, flavoured water,
carbonated water.

Essential Reading:
1. Handbook of Brewing by Hardwick WA.
2. Handbook of Food and Beverage Fermentation Technology by Hui.
3. Handbook of Brewing by Priest and Stewart.
4. Commercial Wine Making - Processing and Controls by Vine.
Supplementary Reading:
1. Beverages: Technology, Chemistry and Microbiology by Varnam and Sutherland
2. Beverages: Carbonated and Non-Carbonated by Woodroof and Phillips.

P-4208 Experimental Design and Statistical Methods 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objectives: To learn about various methods experimental design and statistical methods

Descriptive statistics, Mean, Variance, Probability, Probability distribution. Data and its nature, data
representation, diagrams and graphs using MS Excel, Measure of central tendency, Dispersion,
Swe-kness and Kurtosis. Basic statistical concepts, concepts Strategy of experiments, basic
principles, guide-lines for designing experiments and importance of designed experiments in
research. Full factorial de-sign, 2K design, completely randomized design, randomized block
design, central composite design, factorial design, Box Behenken design, Analysis of variance.
Introduction to theory of estimation and confidence-intervals, Correlation and Regression, Simple
and multiple linear regression model, Partial correlation coefficient, test of significant of correlation
coefficient and regression coefficient, Coeffi-cient of determination, Testing of heterogeneity.
Multivariate relationships, multiple linear regression, multiple and partial correlation, significance of
testing in multiple correlation, variable selection in mul-tiple regression. Multiple regression
analysis, variable selection.
Essential Reading:
1. Statistical Methods by W. G. Cocharan
2. Statistical Methods S Chand & Sons, by S P Gupta
3. Computer aided techniques in Food Technology by Israel Saguy
4. Basic Statistics, New Age Publishers, by B L Aggarwal
Supplementary Reading:
1. Response surface methodology by R. H. Myers
2. Response surfaces design and analysis by A. I. Khuri & J. A. Cornell

FP-4209 Separation Techniques in Food Processing 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objectives: To learn the fundamentals of various separation technologies applicable in Food


Introduction to various separation processes; Gas-Liquid, Gas-Solid, Liquid-Liquid, Liquid-Solid
separation; Concept of phase equilibrium; Impingement separator; Electrostatic precipitation;
Distillation-Application of distillation in food processing; Membrane separation technology –
Introduction to micro-filtration, ultra-filtration, nano-filtration, reverse osmosis, electro dialysis;
Physical characteristics of membrane separation; Factor affecting reverse osmosis process;
Concentration of polarization; Design of reverse osmosis and ultra-filtration system; Operation
layout of the modules; Electrodialysis; Pervaporization; Fabrication of membrane; Application of
membrane technology in food industry. Powder Technology; Classification of powder; Separation
of powder; Sieving; Air classification; Factor affecting air classification; Cyclone application; Air
separation; Particle size distribution; Super critical fluid (SCF) extraction - Introduction; Properties
of SCF; Food application of SCF; Application of SCFE in analytical technique and pharmaceutical

Essential Reading:
1. Elements of Mass Transferring, PHI by Anantharaman N and Begum KMMS
2. Mechanical Operations for Chemical Engineers, Khanna Publisher by Narayanan CM and
Bhattacharyya BC

Supplementary Reading:
1. Solid-Liquis Filtration and separation Technology by A. Rushton, A S Ward & R G Holdich,
2. Super Critical Fluid Extraction-Principle and Practice by M A Mchugh & V J Krukonis,

FP-4108 Food Laws, Regulations and Certifications 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objective: To learn various Laws, Regulations & Certifications for Food Processing

Food Adulteration, Food Safety Management System. Mandatory and voluntary food laws. Various
laws, regulations and Certifications for food processing. Essential Commodity Act, Prevention of
Food Adulteration Act (PFA), Fruit Products Order (FPO), Meat Food Products Order (MFPO),
Vegetable Oil Control Order, Agricultural Marketing and Grading Standards (AGMARK), Bureau of
Indian Stand-ards(BIS) and their certifications, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
(FSSAI), Food Safety and Standards Act and Regulations of India. Food Codex laws, Food and
Drug Administration (FDA), International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Good
Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Good Agri-cultural Practices (GAP), Hazard Analysis and Critical
Control Point (HACCP).

Essential Reading:
1. Food Regulation: Law, Science, Policy, and Practice by Fortin
2. Food Safety and Standards Act and Regulations by FSSAI
3. Patricia and Curtis A, An operational Text Book, Guide to US Food Laws and Regulations.
4. The Food Safety and Standards act, 2006 along with Rules & Regulations 2011,
Commercial Law Publishers (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Supplementary Reading:
1. Ranganna S, Hand book of Analysis and Quality Control for Fruit and Vegetable Products.
2. Avanthi Sharma, A text book of Food Science and Technology.
3. Dev Raj, Rakesh Sharma and Joshi V.K, Quality for Value Addition in Food Processing.
4. EU food law by K Goodburn: CRC press

FP 4109 Food Ingredients and Additives 3 credits (3-0-0)

Objectives: To understand the fundamentals of food ingredients and food additives and their role.

Food ingredients and additives- definitions, classification and functions, need for food ingredients
and additives, food preservatives, classifications, antimicrobial agents (types, mode of action and
their application); Nutrient supplements & thickeners, polysaccharides, bulking agents, antifoaming
agents, synergists, antagonists. Antioxidants (synthetic and natural, mechanism of oxidation
inhibition), chelating agents: types, uses and mode of action Coloring agents: color retention
agents, applications and levels of use, natural colorants, sources of natural color (plant, microbial,
animal and insects), misbranded colors, color extraction techniques, color stabilization.Flavoring
agents: flavors (natural and synthetic flavors), flavor enhancers, flavor stabilization, flavor
encapsulation; Flour improvers: leavening agents, humectants and sequesterants, hydrocolloids,
acidulants, pH control agents buffering salts, anticaking agents, etc. Sweeteners: natural and
artificial sweeteners, nutritive and non-nutritive sweeteners, properties and uses of various
sweeteners in food products; Emulsifiers: Types, selection of emulsifiers, emulsion stability,
functions and mechanism of action. Additives, food uses and functions in formulations; permitted

Essential Reading:
1 Natural food additives, ingredients and flavourings by D. Baines.
2 Fenaroli's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients by Gerorge
3 Food Flavours, Part A, B & C by Morton and Macleod

Supplementary Reading:
1. Food Antioxidants: Technological,Toxicological and Health Perspective by Madhavi,
Deshpande and Salunkhe

FP-4210 Food Business Management & Entrepreneurship

3 credits [3-0-0]

Objectives: To learn various aspects of Business management and entrepreneurship

development in food processing

Introduction and definitions related with project management and entrepreneurship; Fundamentals
of project management and entrepreneurship development; Project formulation: market survey
techniques, project identification, project selection, project proposal, work breakdown structure;
Network scheduling: activity, networks, use of CPM, PERT in project scheduling. Resource
planning, resource allocation, project scheduling with limited resources. Estimation of project costs,
earned value analysis, project techno-economic viability, break-even analysis. Identification of
business opportunity in food processing sector, Government policies for promotion of
entrepreneurship in food processing. Launching and organizing an enterprise, enterprise selection,
market assessment, feasibility study, SWOT analysis, resource mobilization. Financial institution in
promoting entrepreneurship; Supply chain management.

Essential Reading:
1. Management and Engineering by Gail Freeman Bell and James Balkwill. Printice Hall
Supplementary Reading:
2. Entrepreneurship and Management inputs for entrepreneurs in Food Processing Sector by
Dinesh Awasthi and Rama Jaggi

FP-4110 Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objectives: To understand concepts of functional and nutraceutical food and their role in different
disease control

Functional foods- concept and definition; nutraceutical-concept and definition. Probiotics and
prebiotics food. Functional foods for treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. Functional Food and
Nutraceuticals for the treatment of Coronary Heart Disease, Role of Functional Food and
Nutraceuti-cals in Tumor, Functional Fats and Spreads, modified fats and oils. Functional
Confectionery. Dietary Fibre Functional Products. Functional Food Health Claims: Functional
claims; packaging and labeling; nutrient modification and specific nutrient claims; disease-specific
claims; Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA). Market for Functional Food
Products: Functional foods and consumers; the role of health in food choice; functional foods
market; Regulations and laws for functional food.

Essential Reading:
1. Functional foods: Principles and technology by M Guo, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Abington
Hall, Abington, Cambridge
2. Functional Foods Concept to Product by Glenn R. Gibson and Christine M. Williams,
Woodhead Publishing Limited and CRC Press LLC
Supplymentary Reading:
1. Functional Dairy Products by T Mattila-Sandholm and M. Saarela, Woodhead Publishing
Limited and CRC Press LLC

FP-4211 Process Control and Instrumentation in Food Industry 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objectives: To learn process control and instrumentation in food processing industry

Instruments for temperature, pressure, humidity measurements- types, calibration. Pressure
gauge, basic concept of pneumatic pressure transmitter, pressure current and pressure resistance
transducers. Positive displacement meter, Weight measurement- mechanical scale, electronic tank
scale, conveyor scale, measurement of specific gravity, measurement of humidity, measurement of
viscosity, measurement of density, automatic valves. Definition of process control, simple system
analysis, dynamic behavior of simple process, Laplace transform, process control hardware.
Frequency response analysis, frequency response characteristics, Bode diagram and Nyquist plots
and stability analysis. Ionization techniques, scanning technique, application of GC/MS, LC/MS /
FAB/MS /MS/MS and Linked scan techniques. Basic principles of chromatography. Paper
chromatography, thin layer chromatography, HPLC (High performance liquid chromatography),
Gas chromatography, Application in food analysis. Spectrophotometry introduction and principles-
Atomic absorption spectroscopy. Electromagnetic spectrum – The NMR Phenomenon – Types of
information provided by NMR spectra, NMR –application of NMR to Food analysis. Operating
procedures and application in analysis of foods: FTIR, XRF, Differential Scanning Calorimeter,
XRD, SEM, TEM, water activity, textural analyzer, e –sensors, biosensors, Nitrogen analyzers.

Essential Reading:
1 The Chemical Analysis of Foods, Churchill Livingstone, New York by D. Pearson
2 Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis, Goel Publishing House, New Delhi by B. K.

FP-4111 Biochemistry and Human Nutrition 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objectives: To learn biochemistry and nutritional aspect of foods

Nutrition, malnutrition, functions of food, basic food groups, nutritional needs, requirements and
recommended allowances of foods; Mechanism of enzyme action, coenzymes, enzyme kinetics,
Derivation of Michaelis-Menten Equation. Sources, functions, digestion, absorption, assimilation
and transport of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in human beings. Metabolism of carbohydrates:
Respiration (TCA cycle), Metabolism of lipids, Metabolism of proteins. Functions, sources, factors
affecting absorption of minerals, absorption promoters and inhibitors, effect of deficiency of
Calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, iodine, fluorine and copper. Vitamins and hormones:
Classification, functions, sources, effects of deficiency. Changes during food processing
operations, restoration, enrichment, fortification and supplementation
of foods.

Essential Reading:
1 Principles of Biochemistry by A L Lehninger
2 Text book of Biochemistry by E S West, W R Todd, H S Mason and J T Van
3 Nutrition and Dietetics, Tata McGraw-ill Co. Ltd by Shubhangini A Joshi
Supplymentary Reading:
1 General Biochemistry by J H Weil
2 Biochemistry of Foods, Academic Press by A M Eskin
3 Food Chemistry, Marcel Dekkar Inc by O R Fennema
4 Essentials of Nutrition, Ganesh and Co by M Swaminathan
5 Outlines of biochemistry by Eric E Conn and P K Stumpf

FP-4212 IT Applications in Food Industry 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objectives: To learn various applications of information technologies in food processing industry

Importance of computerization and IT in food industry, operating environments and information
systems for various types of food industries, principles of communication. Role of computer in
Optimization. Introduction to Toolboxes useful to Food Industry; Curve fitting toolbox, Fuzzy
logic toolbox, Neural Network toolbox, Image processing toolbox, statistical toolbox.
Applications of CFD in Food and beverage industry. Introduction to CFD softwares. Introduction
to Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA); SCADA systems hardware and firmware
SCADA systems software and protocols Landlines, Online food process control from centralized
server system in processing plant. Introduction to MATLAB; MATLAB interactive sessions,
computing with MATLAB; MATLAB help system, problem solving methodologies; Functions and
Files in MATLAB, Programming using MATLAB, Program design and development, debugging
MATLAB programs; Plotting and Model Building in MATLAB.

Essential Reading:
1 Computer Applications in Food Technology: Use of Spreadsheets in Graphical, Statistical
and Process Analysis by R. Paul Singh, AP. Published by Academic Press
2 Introduction to MATLAB 7 for engineers by William J. Palm. Published by McGraw Hill
3 Computation Fluid Dynamics in Food Processing by Da Wen Sun. Published by CRC press

Supplymentary Reading:
1.Web Design: A Complete Introduction by Jenny Chapman. Published by John Wiley & Sons
2. Practical SCADA for Industry by David Bailey and Edwin Wright. Published by Elsevier

FP-4231 Food Process Modeling and Simulation 3 credits [3-0-0]

Objectives: To learn application of modeling and simulations in food processing

Fundamentals of modeling and simulation; Definition of basic terms like system, entity attribute,
activity, state of system, system environment; Different steps for modeling and simulation, Types of
models; Advantages of modeling and simulation; Monte Carlo Method or random simulation,
Application areas of simulation. Iterative convergence method, derivation and algorithm of
bisectional method or intermediate value theorem; Regula Falsi method; Newton Raphson
method, Generalized Newton’s method for multiple roots, Iterative or method of successive
approximation; Introduction to numerical integration, Simpson’s 1/3rd rule, Solution of Ordinary
Differential Equation Model: Picard Method, Taylor’s Series method, Euler’s method, Modified
Euler’s method, Runga Kutta method. Solution of partial differential equations models: Differential
Laplace, Poisson, parabolic and hyperbolic equation, Finite difference method, graphical method,
Bender - Schmidt method. Introduction to optimization, optimization methods, Graphical and
numerical methods of optimization, Unconstrained and Constrained optimization, Programming
optimization, experimental optimization, Response surface methodology (RSM). Modelling and
simulation of selected food engineering operations.

Essential Reading:
1 Computerized Control Systems in the Food Industry by Gauri S. Mittal
2 Computer aided techniques in Food Technology by Israel Saguy

Supplymentary Reading:
1. Design of Experiments by Montgomery
Sl,No. Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credits
1 All courses should be listed here

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker:


Kindly provide the details of each courses being offered by your department in the
format here.

Provide details of course contents

Essential Reading:

Supplementary Reading:




B Tech


Sl,No. Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credits

1 ID2101 Elements & Principles of Design 3-0-0 3
2 ID2102 Art & Aesthetics in Design 3-0-0 3
3 ID2103 Design Elements 3-0-0 3
4 ID2104 Design Thinking 3-0-0 3
5 ID2106 Design Thinking for Engineers 3-0-0 3
6 ID2202 Materials & Processes for Design 3-1-0 4
7 ID2701 Design Workshop-I 0-0-2 1
8 ID2702 Design Workshop-II 0-0-3 2
9 ID2704 Visual Communication Laboratory 0-0-3 2
10 ID2706 Design Practice-I 0-0-2 1
11 ID3101 Communication Design 3-0-0 3
12 ID3201 Creative Engineering Design 3-1-0 4
13 ID3202 Interaction Design 3-0-0 3
14 ID3203 Introduction to Ergonomics 3-0-0 3
15 ID3204 Product Design 3-0-0 3
16 ID3205 Principles of Ergonomics 3-0-0 3
17 ID3206 UI/UX Design 3-0-0 3
18 ID3207 Geometric & Solid Modeling 3-1-0 4
19 ID3208 Embodiment Design 3-0-0 3
20 ID3301 Manufacturing Process 3-1-0 4
21 ID3302 Instrumentation and Control 3-0-0 3
22 ID3303 Industrial Mechatronics 3-0-0 3
23 ID3304 Industrial Robotics 3-0-0 3
24 ID3701 Design Workshop-III 0-0-3 2
25 ID3702 Ergonomics Laboratory 0-0-2 1
26 ID3704 Product Design & Development Laboratory 0-0-2 1
27 ID3706 Design Practice-II 0-0-2 1
28 ID3801 Industrial Design Project-I 0-0-3 2
29 ID3802 Industrial Design Project-II 0-0-3 2
30 ID3901/4901 Special Topics in Industrial Design-I 3-0-0 3
31 ID3902/4902 Special Topics in Industrial Design-II 3-0-0 3
32 ID4101 Visual Design 3-0-0 3
33 ID4102 Photo Communication 3-0-0 3
34 ID4201 Sustainable Design 3-0-0 3
35 ID4203 Product Design & Development 3-0-0 3
36 ID4204 System Design for Sustainability 3-0-0 3
37 ID4301 Computer-Aided Manufacturing 3-0-0 3
38 ID4302 Design Management 3-0-0 3
39 ID4303 Industrial Automation 3-0-0 3
40 ID4304 Rapid Product Development Technologies 3-0-0 3
41 ID4306 Design for Manufacture and Assembly 3-0-0 3
42 ID4701 Design Workshop-IV 0-0-2 1
43 ID4702 Creative Automation Laboratory 0-0-3 2
44 ID4703 Simulation Laboratory 0-0-3 2
Reverse Engineering and Rapid
45 ID4704 0-0-2 1
Manufacturing Laboratory
46 ID4705 CAM Laboratory 0-0-2 1
47 ID4707 Photography Laboratory 0-0-3 2
48 ID4901 Project I 0-0-0 2
49 ID4902 Project II 0-0-0 4
50 ID4903 Seminar and Technical Writing 0-0-0 0
51 ID4906 Comprehensive Viva–Voce 0-0-0 2
52 PA Interior Design 3-0-0 3
53 PA Theatre/Film Set Design 3-0-0 3
54 PA Visual Communication 3-0-0 3
55 PA Sustainable Architecture 3-0-0 3
56 PA Art in Architecture 3-0-0 3
57 PA Environmental Studies 3-0-0 3

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-2101 Elements and Principles of Design 3 [3-0-0] Prof. D.S. Bisht

Analysis of history of Art, Traditional Arts, Modernity and Post-Modernity, Analysis of history of
Design, Bauhaus, Ulm, Analysis of history of Design in India, Analysis of design in the context
of India. An introduction to basic elements: Line, texture, colour, form, symmetry, balance,
scale, mass, unity and variety. Concept of visual language and visual design. Introduction to
Gestalt laws, composition and figure and ground relationships. Introduction to concept of
negative space. Use of symmetry. Generation of patterns and textures using simple elements.
Introduction to typography and fonts. Use of grids in graphic composition. Colour circle, colour
combinations and its dimensions: hue, value and chroma. Colour meanings in traditions and
psychological use of colours. Exploration and creation of complex and meta patterns.
Relationship between syntactics, semantics and pragmatics. Exploration of surface textures in
different materials.2D and 3DForm Transition. Exploration of form to develop imagination and
insight. Use of metaphors to generate new forms. Concept of family of forms. Analysis of
Aesthetics - the structure of Appearance. Form in nature, Exploration of visual images with
analogies from nature.

Essential Reading:

1. Gail Greet Hannah, Elements of Design, Princeton Architectural Press, 2002.

2. Itten, Johannes, The Art of Color: The subjective experience and objective rationale of
Color, Wiley Publications,1997.
3. D. Lauer, Design Basics, Wadsworth Publishing, 1999.

Supplementary Reading:

1. Kepes, Gyorgy; Language of Vision dover Publications, 1995.

2. K. Elam, Geometry of Design: Studies in Proportion and Composition, Princeton
Architectural Press, 2001.
3. Lawlor, Robert; Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Practice (Art and Imagination),
Publisher:Thames& Hudson,1989.
4. Hall, Edward Twitchell; The Hidden Dimension, Publisher: Anchor; Reissue edition,1990.
5. Bachelard, Gaston;Jolas, Maria (Translator); The Poetics of Space, Publisher: Beacon
Press; Reprint edition, 1994.
6. Livio, Mario; The Golden Ratio: The story of PHI, the World’s Most Astonishing Number,
Publisher: Broadway,2003.
7. Jute, Andre; Grids: the structure of graphic design. Crans-Pres- eligny: Rotovision, 1996.
8. W. Wong, Principles of Form and Design, Wiley Publications, 1993.
9. R. Steiner, D. Booth, The Fourth Dimension: Sacred Geometry, Alchemy, and
Mathematics, Steiner Books Publisher, 2001.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-2202 Materials & Processes for Design 4 [3-1-0] Prof. D.P. Jena

Properties and usage of thermoplastics, thermosetting plastics. Process of selection and

applications of plastics for engineering and consumer products. Design limitations and specific
advantages of plastic molding processes. Assembly and Decorative techniques for plastic
product Manufacturing processes and assembly techniques for Ferrous and non-ferrous
metals. Concepts of structure and costing. Significance of form in structural strength of
products. Influence of materials and processes on product aesthetics. Industrial finishes for
plastic, wood and metals. Properties and use of rubber, ceramics and glass. Properties of
natural materials like wood, bamboo, cane, leather, cloth, jute and paper and their use at craft
and industrial levels.

Essential Reading:

1. Ashby, Michael; Johnson, Kara; Materials and Design: The Art and Science of Material
Selection in Product Design, Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 2002.

Supplementary Reading:

1. Garratt J.: Design and Technology, Cambridge University Press, UK, 2004.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-2701 Design Workshop-I 1 [0-0-2] Prof. D.S. Bisht

The purpose of this laboratory is to let the students develop the ability to do sketching, lettering,
artistic work, etc. Related design projects in collaborative groups or on individual basis will work
on a topic formulated by the concerned faculty member.
The project may involve collaboration with students from other specializations, disciplines or
institutes or with professionals from the industry.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-2702 Design Workshop-II 2 [0-0-3] Prof. Mohit Lal

Introduction to still life, human anatomy, nature study, colour, gradation, space, balance,
texture and surface. The students need to develop product prototypes / models using
thermocol, wood, POP, M-Seal. Creative design/art work on paper (Origami, Kirigami, Collage),
with waste material.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-2704 Visual Communication Laboratory 2 [0-0-3] Prof. D.S. Bisht

The purpose of this lab is to let the students develop the ability to work on design softwares
and on styling and rendering softwares like 3DMax, Photoshop, Rhino, etc. Related design
projects in collaborative groups or on individual basis will work on a topic formulated by the
concerned faculty member.
The project may involve collaboration with students from other specializations, disciplines or
institutes or with professionals from the industry.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-2706 Design Practice-I 1 [0-0-2] Prof. M.R. Khan

The purpose of this lab is to let the students develop the ability to work on solid modeling
software like CATIA V6 and on styling and rendering software like Photoshop. Related design
projects in collaborative groups or on individual basis will work on a topic formulated by the
concerned faculty member.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-3201 Creative Engineering Design 4 [3-1-0] Prof. D.P. Jena

Introduction: Example of different kinds of designs and designers, Design problems, Definition
of Design, Engineering design and design research, Product life cycle, Morphology of design,
Introduction to system design process, Stage models, Introduction to Task Clarification,
Methods for identification of requirements, Quantifying requirements and Assigning importance
to requirements, Linking Customer requirements to engineering requirements, Introduction to
conceptual design Identification of functions, Ideation, Simulation and Consolidation into
solution proposals, Methods for Identification of functions such as functional decomposition
techniques, Methods for Ideation, such as Brainstorming, Synectics, etc., Methods for
consolidation into solution proposals, such as Morphological charts, Morphological matrix, etc.,
Methods for simulation: analytical, virtual and physical simulations.

Essential Reading:

1. Pahl, G, and Beitz, W. Engineering Design: A Systematic Approach, 3rd Ed., Springer,
2. Cross, N. Engineering Design Methods: Strategies for Product Design (4th edition), John
Wiley and Sons Ltd., Chichester, 2008.

Supplementary Reading:

1. Chakrabarti, A (ed.). Engineering Design Synthesis: Understanding, Approaches and

Tools, Springer, 2002.
2. Roozenburg, N.F.M., Eekels, J. Product Design, Fundamentals and Methods, Wiley,
Chichester, 1995.
Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker
ID-3202 Interaction Design 3 [3-0-0] Prof. D.S. Bisht

Design methodology for complex products, services and events, Design of integrated
systems,products for future use, products to be used in groups, devices used in public places,
designof multi-modal interfaces, expressive interfaces, products that enrich user experience.
The course takes an inter-disciplinary approach drawing upon product design, visual
communication, information architecture, cognitive psychology and computer science. The
course involves exploration of alternatives, pushing the envelope of what is known.
Human information processing, Human memory. Fitt’s law, Hick’s law.Human errors.Heuristic
evaluation, cognitive walkthroughs.User testing using think aloud protocol and its variations.
Field trials and user logs.GOMS.Theoretical models for evaluating products.
The focus is on working collaboratively in groups tosolve design problems. The course will
involve doing projects. Students need to build soft prototypes of proposed systems at the end
of the course.

Essential Reading:

1. J. Raskin, The Humane Interface: New Directions for Designing Interactive Systems,
Pearson Education, 2000.
2. J. Nielson, Usability Engineering, Morgan Kaufmann, 1993.

Supplementary Reading:

1. D. B. Edward, Lateral Thinking, A Textbook of Creativity, Penguin Books, 1970.

2. D. J. Mayhew, The Usability Engineering Lifecycle: A Practitioner’s Handbook for User
Interface Design, Morgan Kaufmann, 1999.
3. J. S. Dumas, J. C. Redish, Practical Guide to Usability Testing, Exeter: Intellect, 1999.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-3203 Introduction to Ergonomics 3 [3-0-0] Prof. Mohit Lal

Data logging, data collection, data reduction and analysis techniques, gross human anatomy,
anthropometry, bio mechanics, muscle strength, work capacity, environmental effects,
exercises for evaluation of postural form and work spaces, environmental conditions including
temperature, illumination, noise and vibration,

Introduction to man machine systems and ergonomics, Human factors in design and
engineering, needs of ergonomics and aesthetic design, Physiological aspects of work, Work
measurement through physiological tests, Work physiology, Paced and un–paced work

Essential Reading:

1. J. Dul, Ergonomics for Beginners, Taylor & Francis, 2008

2. D. Pye, The Nature & Aesthetics of Design, Cambium Press, 1999.

Supplementary Reading:

1. M. S. Sanders, E. J. McCormick, Human Factors in engineering and Design, Sixth Edition,

McGraw-Hill International Editions, 1987.
2. D. C. Alexander, Applied Ergonomics, Taylor & Francis, 2005

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-3204 Product Design 3 [3-0-0] Prof. M.R. Khan
Introduction: Definitions - Innovation, New Product Development, Design, Product Design,
Design by Evolution, Design by Innovation, History of Product Development, Development
Processes and Organizations, Product Planning, Identifying Customer Needs, Product
Specifications, Concept Generation, Concept Selection, Concept Testing, Product Architecture,
Industrial Design, Design for Manufacturing, Prototyping, Economic factors influencing Design
Human Considerations in Product Design, Modern Approaches to Product Design: Concurrent
Design, Quality Function Deployment.
The emphasis of the course is on group design projects. Selection of the projects is based on
the possibility of user interaction leading to innovation. Projects end with a comprehensive
presentation through working/mock up models, design drawing and a report. The project is
supported by detailed discussion on various stages in the design process emphasizing the
complimentary nature of systematic and creative thinking.
This is achieved by short supporting assignment in following topics: Creativity techniques like
brain storming & synectics to develop creative attitude and open mind, design opportunity,
problem perception, Idea Sketching, clustering of ideas for concept development, exploratory
mockup models for concept development, evaluation of concepts, final concept selection,
concept development, refinement and detailing.

Essential Readings:

1. K. Ulrich, S. Eppinger, Product Design and Development; McGraw Hill Publishing

Company Ltd., 2005.
2. K. Otto, K. Wood, Product Design, Fourth Impression, Pearson Education, 2009.

Supplementary Readings:

1. M. M. Andereasen, Integrated Product Development, IFSFS Publications Ltd., Springer

Verlag, Berlin, 1987.
2. N. F. M. Roozenburg, J. Eekels, Product Design, Fundamentals and Methods, Willey
Publications, 2008.
3. N. F. M. Roozenburg, J. Eekels, Product Design, Fundamentals and Methods, Willey
Publications, 2008.
4. M. Baxter, Product Design - Practical Methods for the Systematic Development of New
Products, Chapman & Hall, 1995.
5. P. H. Hill, The Science of Engineering Design, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, N.Y, 1970.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-3205 Principles of Ergonomics 3 [3-0-0] Prof. Mohit Lal

Data logging, data collection, data reduction and analysis techniques, gross human anatomy,
anthropometry, bio mechanics, muscle strength, work capacity, environmental effects,
exercises for evaluation of postural form and work spaces, environmental conditions including
temperature, illumination, noise and vibration,

Introduction to man machine systems and ergonomics, Human factors in design and
engineering, needs of ergonomics and aesthetic design, Physiological aspects of work, Work
measurement through physiological tests, Work physiology, Paced and un–paced work

Design of displays, hand control, typography, and readability, layout and composition,
Exercises in evaluation of human response to product interface, product safety and product
liability, Design consideration for appearance, color, texture and forms.

Essential Readings:

1. J. Dul, Ergonomics for Beginners, Taylor & Francis, 2008

2. D. Pye, The Nature & Aesthetics of Design, Cambium Press, 1999.
Supplementary Readings:

1. M. S. Sanders, E. J. McCormick, Human Factors in engineering and Design, Sixth

Edition, McGraw-Hill International Editions, 1987.
2. D. C. Alexander, Applied Ergonomics, Taylor & Francis, 2005

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-3207 Geometric & Solid Modelling 4 [3-1-0] Prof. M.R. Khan

Overview of Computer Graphics, Computer Graphics Application and Software.

Geometric Modeling: Basics of Geometric and Solid Modeling, Conventions, Mathematical
Representation of Geometric Elements.
Transformations: 2D and 3D Transformations, Translations, Rotation, Reflection, Scaling,
Homogeneous Coordinates and Matrix Representation, Combined Transformation, Solid Body
Transformations, Rotation about an Arbitrary Point, Reflection through an Arbitrary Line,
Rotation about an Arbitrary Axis in Space, Reflection through an Arbitrary Plane, Affine and
Perspective Geometry, Perspective Transformations, Vanishing Points, Orthographic
Projections, Axonometric Projections, Oblique Projections.
Curves: Parametric Curves, Conic Curves, Representation of Space Curves, Parametric Cubic
Curves, Cubic Splines, Hermite, Bezier, B-spline and Rational B-spline curves, Composite
Curves, Reparameterization.
Surfaces: Parametric Surfaces, Tangent and Twist Vectors, Reparameterization, Plane
Surface, 16-point form, 4 curve form surface, Ruled Surface, Surface of Revolution, Tabulated
Cylinder, Lofted Surface, Bicubic Surface, Bezier, B-spline Surfaces, Coons Patch, Offset
Surface, Rational Surface.
Solid Modeling: Solid Models and Representation Schemes, Fundamentals of Solid Modeling,
Pure Primitive Instancing, Half spaces, Spatial Occupancy Enumeration, Cell Decomposition,
Octree Encoding, Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG), Boundary Representation (B-Rep),
Sweep Representation, Analytical Solid Modeling.

Essential Readings:
1. D. F. Rogers, J. A. Adams, Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics, 2nd Edition,
McGraw-Hill International Edition, 1990.
2. I.Zeid, CAD/CAM – Theory and Practice, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2006.

Supplementary Readings:
1. M. E. Mortenson, Geometric Modeling, Wiley, New York, 1985.
2. J. D. Foley, A. Van Dam, S. K. Feiner, J. F. Hughes, Computer Graphics - Principles and
Practice, Second Edition in C, Pearson Education, 2003.
3. G. Farin, Curves and Surfaces for Computer-Aided Geometric Design – A Practical Guide,
5th Edition, Academic, San Diego, 2002.
4. A. Saxena, B. Sahay, Computer-Aided Engineering Design, Springer, 2005.
5. F. S. Hill Jr., Computer Graphics using OpenGL, Pearson Education, 2003.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-3207 Embodiment Design 3 [3-0-0] Prof. D.P. Jena

Embodiment design as new design perspective, Embodiment design consideration: Material,

Geometry, Function, Manufacturing Product architecture: Integral architecture, Modular
architecture, Technological opportunity, Platform opportunity, Configuration design: Selection,
Allocation, Interfacing, Parametric design: Representation, Perception, Searching for Solution.

Essential Readings:
1. Karl T. Ulrich, and S. Eppinger, Advanced Product Design and Development, McGraw-Hill,

Supplementary Readings:

1. Lau Langeveld, Product Design with Embodiment Design as a New Perspective, Delft
University of Technology.
2. Ju Hyun Lee, Ning Gu, Evaluating Creativity in Parametric Design Processes and Products:
A Pilot Study, University of Newcastle.
3. Kevin N. Otto, Kristin L. Wood Conceptual and Configuration Design of Products and
Assemblies, ASM International Handbook Volume 20, Materials Selection and Design

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-3302 Instrumentation and 3 [3-0-0] Prof. BBVL Deepak


Introduction to measurement systems- Architecture & Classification, Performance terminology,

Errors in measurement, Calibration, Light emitting diode, Light crystal display; Displacement
measurement systems- LVDT, RVDT, Resolver, Potentiometer; Velocity & Motion
measurement system- Tachogenerators, Gyroscope, Stroboscope; Acceleration measurement
systems- Selection & Calibration of accelerometers; Mass, Force & Torque measurement
systems- Load cells, Spring balance, Optical torque measurement, force & torque calibration;
Temperature measurement systems- Thermocouples, RTDs, Thermometers; Pressure
measurement systems- Manometers, Low pressure measurement, High pressure
measurement, Calibration of pressure sensors; Flow measurement systems- Obstruction type
meter, Rotameter, Turbine flow meter; Level measurement systems- Float systems, Ultrasonic
level gauge, Radar; Data acquisition systems- Objectives, Analog system, Digital system,
Digital to Analog converter.

Essential Readings:
1. E. O. Doebelin, Measurement Systems – Applicaton and Design, Tata McGraw Hill
publishing company, 2003
2. R. K. Jain, Mechanical and Industrial Measurements, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1999.

Supplementary Readings:
1. D. Patranabis, Principles of Industrial Instrumentation, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Ltd, 1996.
2. K. Sawhney and P. Sawhney, A Course on Mechanical Measurements, Instrumentation
and Control, Dhanpath Rai and Co, 2004.
3. C. Nakra & K. K. Chaudary, Instrumentation Measurement & Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Ltd, 2004.
4. S. K. Singh, Industrial Instrumentation and Control, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.
5. D. P. Eckman, Industrial Instrumentation, Wiley Eastern Ltd.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-3303 Industrial Mechatronics 3 [3-0-0] Prof. BBVL Deepak

Introduction- Definition, Approach of integration, Elements of Mechatronics, Systems in

Mechatronics, Need and application; Sensors & Transducers- Classification, Static and
dynamic performance characteristics, Position and proximity sensors, Contact & non-contact
type speed measurement systems, Seismic sensors, Piezoelectric and Potentiometric
accelerometers, Strain Gauge, Capsules, Bellows and Bourdon tube pressure gauge;
Mechanical Actuation Systems- Types of motion, Kinematic chains, Cams, Gear trains, Belt &
Chain drives; Electric actuation systems- Classification, Solid-state switches, Solenoids, D.C
motors, A.C motors, Stepper motors; Pneumatic/ Hydraulic Actuation Systems- Directional
control valve, Pressure control valve cylinders; Microprocessors, Micro-controllers,
Programming & Application; Case Studies- CNC Machines, Automatic washing machine,
Automatic camera, Engine magnet systems, Anti-lock braking system, Robotic arm.

Essential Readings:
1. Bolton W, Mechatronics, Pearson Education Asia, New Delhi, 2011.
2. K P Ramachandran et al., Mechatronics, John Willey & Sons, India, 2008

Supplementary Readings:
1. S. Cetinkunt, Mechatronics, John wiley, India, 2007.
2. Ganesh S Hedge, Mechatronics, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2010
3. A.Kuttan K K, Introduction to Mechatronics, Oxford University Press, 2007.
4. D. G. Alciatore and M. B. Histand, Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement systems,
McGraw Hill, NY, 2007.
5. K. J Ayala, 8051 Microcontroller, Architecture, Programming and Applications, Penram
International, India, 1996

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-3304 Industrial Robotics 3 [3-0-0] Prof. BBVL Deepak

Introduction- Definition, Need and application, Robot architecture, Classification and Robot
anatomy; Transformations- Position, Orientation and Coordination systems, Rotational
transformation, Homogeneous transformation, Composite rotational and homogenous
transformation; Kinematics- Concept of degree of freedom, Kinematic parameters, D-H
Representation, Arm equation for 4-Axis, 5-Axis and 6-Axis manipulators, Inverse kinematics
through solving arm equation; Dynamics- Lagrange’s Equation, Lagrange’s –Euler Model,
Dynamic Model of 2 Axis and 3-Axis Robot Manipulators; Trajectory Generation- Joint space
schemes, Cubic polynomials, High order polynomial; Sensors Used in Robots- Vision, Range,
Proximity, Tactile and Force Sensors, Time of flight and triangulation concepts for object
detection; Actuators Used in Robots- Translational and Rotational actuators, Servo systems;
Robot Programming: Point to point and continuous motion control strategies, path planning for
robot navigation, Pick & Place applications.

Essential Readings:
1. Richard, Klafter, A.Thomas, Chmielewski and Michael Negin, "Robotic Engineering - An
Integrated Approach", Prentice Hall India, 2002.
2. M.P. Groover, M. Weiss, "Industrial Robotics, Technology, Programming and Applications ",
McGraw Hill International Editions, 1st Edition, 2000
Supplementary Readings:
1. K.S. Fu., R.C.Gonalez, C.S.G.Lee, " Robotics Control Sensing ", Vision and Intelligence,
McGraw Hill International Edition, 1987.
2. S.R. Deb “Robotics Technology and Flexible Automation ", Tata McGraw-Hill, Publishing
Co., Ltd., 1994.
3. R J Schilling, “Fundamentals of Robotics: Analysis and Control”, Pearson, 1990

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-3701 Design Workshop-III 2 [0-0-3] Prof. M.R. Khan

The purpose of this lab is to let the students develop the ability to work on surface / solid
modeling softwares like Solid works, CATIA, etc. Related design projects in collaborative
groups or on individual basiswill work on a topic formulated by the concerned faculty member.
The project may involve collaboration with students from other specializations, disciplines or
institutes or with professionals from the industry.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-3702 Ergonomics Laboratory 1 [0-0-2] Prof. Mohit Lal

Study of various anthropometric tools available for anthropometry measurement. Perform an

experiment to measure and analyse static anthropometry for standing and sitting positions, arm
forward reach, standing erect and flexion / extension, hand anthropometry measurement and
analysis, experiment to measure hand strength and pain pressure threshold, muscle strain /
stress during extended hand reach activities, objective data collection and analysis during hand
drilling operation, study of human modelling and simulation tool kit in JACK (CAD) environment,
perform lower back analysis during general seating in JACK environment, postural analysis
during various tasks like hand drilling, driving, gait record during walking, etc.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-3704 Product Design & 1 [0-0-2] Prof. M.R. Khan

Development Laboratory

The purpose of this laboratory is to let the students design the objects in software and develop
the models or prototypes using clay, wood or other materials of their own creative designed
products. Related design projects in collaborative groups or on individual basis will work on a
topic formulated by the concerned faculty member.The project may involve collaboration with
students from other specializations, disciplines or institutes or with professionals from the

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-3706 Design Practice-II 1 [0-0-2] Prof. Mohit Lal

Prototype/Model development using thermocol, wood, POP, M seal. Creative design/art work
on paper (Origami, Kirigami, Collage), with waste material.
Study of various anthropometric tools available for anthropometry measurement. Perform an
experiment to measure and analyse static anthropometry for standing and sitting positions, arm
forward reach, standing erect and flexion / extension, hand anthropometry measurement and
analysis, experiment to measure hand strength and pain pressure threshold, muscle strain /
stress during extended hand reach activities, objective data collection and analysis during hand
drilling operation.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-3801 Industrial Design Project-I 2 [0-0-2] Prof. M.R. Khan

An independent or in Groups of 2-3 students project with one of the following focus: Design
project of student interest and / or faculty interest and / or industry project. Re-design project
that relooks at an existing problem or situation. Research project, delving into methodological
or pedagogic issues. Exploration project, exploring application possibilities in a new technology
or medium or variations. The project may involve collaboration with students from other
specializations, disciplines or institutes or with professionals from the industry.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-3802 Industrial Design Project-II 2 [0-0-2] Prof. M.R. Khan

This project could be an extension of the previous project (if the scope of the project justifies
the extension) or it could be an independent project with one of the following focus: Design
project of student interest and / or faculty interest and / or industry project. Re-design project
that relooks at an existing problem or situation. Research project, delving into methodological
or pedagogic issues. Exploration project, exploring application possibilities in a new technology
or medium or variations. The project may involve collaboration with students from other
specializations, disciplines or institutes or with professionals from the industry.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-4101 Visual Design 3 [3-0-0] Prof. D.S. Bisht

This Understanding of the factors that directly or indirectly influence the visual design
problem.Theory and application of problem structuring methods used in design. Design
methodology- Study in the phases of process from analysis through synthesis and evaluation.
Program for investigation of problem.Developing questionnaires, interviewing users and
selection of suitable techniques to study user behaviors and reactions. Understanding of users
demands and manufacturing constraints.Documenting and interpreting of data and formulating
conclusions. Role of creativity, role playing brain storming, metamorphic thinking and other
methods of idea generation.Comparative study in other creative fields.Visual Design
methodology for various stages of design process – research, analysis, ideation, concepts,
prototyping and evaluation.Methods of data analysis, cross mappings, insights and problem
identification.Role of creativity, role playing, brain storming, body storming, metamorphic
thinking and other methods of concept generation.

Essential Readings:
1. A. Fletcher, The Art of Looking Sideways, Phaidon Press, 2001.
2. A. Frutiger, Signs and Symbols: Their Design and Meaning, Watson-Guptill Publications,

Supplementary Readings:
1. K. Gyorgy, Education of Vision, Studio Vista, London, 1965.
2. R. H. Mckim, Experiences in Visual Thinking, Brooks/Cole Publishing Co., California, 1972.
3. R. Paul, Design, Form, and Chaos, Yale University Press, 1993.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-4102 Photo Communication 3 [3-0-0] Prof. D.S. Bisht

Study of photography: aperture, shutter, speed, light, composition. SLR film cameras and
darkroom techniques. Digital photography and digital printing. B/w photography and colour
photography. Creative exploration.Studio Photography using Flash. Product photography.
Portraiture. History of Photography. Critical perspectives in Photography. Techniques of
photography-camera and dark room. Learning to use camera and lighting for studio
photography. Techniques of slide making.

Essential Readings:
1. S. Kelby, The Digital Photography Book, Peachpit Press, 2006.
2. S. Susan, On Photography, Picador; 2001.

Supplementary Readings:
1. J. Berger, Ways of Seeing, Penguin, 1990.
2. R. Barthes, R. Howard, L. Camera, Reflections on Photography, Hill and Wang, 1982.
3. A. Trachtenberg, Classic Essays on Photography, Leetes Island Books, 1981.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-4201 Sustainable Design 3 [3-0-0] Prof. D.P. Jena

Introduction: Sustainability in design, Sustainable development and system discontinuity:

Sustainable development, The sustainability dimensions,Sustainability: Demand for radical
change, Sustainability within a context in strong evolution, The diverse paths towards
sustainability, Product-Service System (PSS) design for sustainability: Definition, Approaches
and skills, Design criteria for system eco-efficiency, Design criteria for social equity and
cohesion, Methods and tools for system design for sustainability: Criteria, methods and tools,
Modular method for system design for sustainability,Design tools for (System Design for
Sustainability) SDS.

Essential Readings:
1. Amrit Srinivasan, Carlo Vezzoli, Cindy Kohtala, Product-Service System Design for
Sustainability, Greenleaf Publishing, 2014.
2. Tracy Bhamra, Vicky Lofthouse, Design for Sustainability: A Practical Approach, Gower
Publishing Ltd., 2007.

Supplementary Readings:
1. R.L. Rag, Lekshmi Dinachandran Remesh, Introduction to Sustainable Engineering,
Prentice-Hall of India Publishing, 1999.
2. M.R.M. Crul, J.C. Diehl, D4S-A Practical Approach for Developing Economy, Delft
University of Technology, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, 2000.
3. Garrette Clark, Justin Kosoris, Design for Sustainability: Current Trends in Sustainable
Product Design and Development, Sustainability Journal, 2009.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-4204 Sysyem Design for 3 [3-0-0] Prof. D.P. Jena


An aesthetic for sustainable interactions in Product-Service Systems(PSS),Developing new

products and services in entrepreneurial contexts,The societal embedding of sustainable
Product-Service Systems: looking for synergies between strategic design and transition
studies,New perspectives on sustainable PSS in low-income and emerging
contexts,Sustainable Product-Service Systems in the informal economy of poor urban
contexts,Design and social innovation: design practice and methods based on networks and
communities,Catalyzing social resources for sustainable changes: social innovation and
community-centered design.

Essential Readings:
1. Amrit Srinivasan, Carlo Vezzoli, Cindy Kohtala, Product-Service System Design for
Sustainability, Greenleaf Publishing, 2014.

Supplementary Readings:
1. R.L. Rag, Lekshmi Dinachandran Remesh, Introduction to Sustainable Engineering,
Prentice-Hall of India Publishing, 1999.
2. M.R.M. Crul, J.C. Diehl, D4S-A Practical Approach for Developing Economy, Delft
University of Technology, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, 2000.
3. Garrette Clark, Justin Kosoris, Design for Sustainability: Current Trends in Sustainable
Product Design and Development, Sustainability Journal, 2009.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-4301 Computer Aided Manufacturing 3 [3-0-0] Prof. BBVL Deepak

Introduction to computer aided design, computer aided manufacturing, computer integrated

manufacturing, computer aided engineering; CAM- Hierarchy, elements and application; Group
Technology- classification, organization and implementation; CAD to CAM; computer aided
process planning- CAPP systems, applications and case studies; Introduction to Numerical
Control (NC) technology, current status of NC, Influence of NC in design & manufacturing,
computer aided NC programming in APT language; Robot Technology-structure and
operations, specifications, robot sensors & programming; Flexible manufacturing system-
Building blocks of FMS, Machining systems of FMS, Tool management and work piece
handling, FMS Control, CAD/CAM Application- Computer Aided Assembly Planning, Computer
Aided Inspection;

Essential Readings:
1. M.P.Groover, E.W.J.Zimmer, CAD/CAM Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing,
Pierson Publication, 2008.
2. T,K.Kundra, P.N.Rao, N.K.Tiwari, Numerical control and Computer Aided Manufacturing,
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2008

Supplementary Readings:
1. P.N.Rao et al, Computer Aided Manufacturing, Tata McGraw Hill, 1993
2. I. Zeid, Mastering CAD/CAM, Special Indian Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Ltd., New Delhi,2007
3. K.Lalit Narayan et al., Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing, PHI,2008
4. N.Singh, Approach to ComputerIntegrated Design and Mnufacturing, Jogn Wiley,1998

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-4302 Design Management 3 [3-0-0] Prof. D.P. Jena

Design as a strategic tool in the corporate sector. Design strategy formulation. Case studies in
event, brand, and advertisement management. Product management. Introduction to marketing
and consumer behavior. Organization, structure and functioning. Interactive role
of Design including administration. Design documentation and management of processes such
as ISO 9000, ISO 14000, Quality Function Deployment etc. Creativity, innovation and its
management in a team work. Team building, interpersonal relationship and conflict resolution.
Professional practice, contracts, fees, negotiations, ethics and public relations, project

Essential Readings:
1. S.A. Chunawalla, Project Management, Himalaya Pub. House, Mumbai, 2002.

Supplementary Readings:
1. M. Okley, Design Management – A handbook of Issues and Methods, Blackwell Pub. 1990.
2. Design Management Journal of DMI, USA.
3. A. David, Building Strong Brands, The Free Press, New York, 1996.
4. B.L.Wadehra, Patents and Trademarks, copyrights Designs and Geographical Indications,
Universal Law Pub. Co., New Delhi, 1996.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-4303 Industrial Automation 3 [3-0-0] Prof. BBVL Deepak

Architecture of Industrial Automation Systems, Measurement Systems Characteristics, Errors &

Calibration, Motion Sensing, Signal Conditioning; Process Control- Mathematical Modelling,
Time Delay Systems and Inverse Response Systems, PID Control Tuning, Feedforward and
Ratio Control. Programmable Logic Control Systems- Sequence/Logic Control, Simple
programs for process control based on relay ladder logic, Sequential Function Charts,
Hardware modelling; CNC Machines- Interpolation, Control and Drives; Control valves- Single-
seated and double-seated valves, Directional control valves; Industrial hydraulic circuits;
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA), Human Machine Interface
(HMI);Need for networks in industrial plants, hierarchy and structure of networking, RS 232
based network, Ethernet, TCP/IP, MAP/TOP, Introduction to factory automation and

Essential Readings:
1. J.A. Kenneth, 8051 Microcontroller, Architecture, Programming and Applications, Penram
International India, 1996.
2. J. Stenerson, Industrial Automation and Process Control, Prentice Hall, 2002.

Supplementary Readings:
1. S.Sabre, Computer Control Of Manufacturing Systems, McGraw Hill, New York, 1983
2. S.K.Singh, Industrial Instrumentation and Control, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-4304 Rapid Product Development 3 [3-0-0] Prof. M.R. Khan


Overview of Rapid Product Development: Product Developing Cycle, Components of RPD,

Classification of manufacturing processes. Preprocessing: Solid Modeling, Data exchange
formats, STL file format, RP Preprocessing. Rapid Prototyping (RP): Introduction to RP, Need
of RP; Basic Principles of RP, Steps in RP, Process chain in RP in integrated CAD-CAM
environment, Advantages of RP, Classifications of different RP techniques, Selection of RP
processes, Issues in RP, Emerging trends. RP Techniques: Solid RP, liquid RP techniques and
Powder RP Techniques – Process Technology and Comparative study of Selective laser
sintering, Selective powder binding, etc. Rapid Tooling (RT): Introduction to RT, Indirect RT
processes – silicon rubber molding, epoxy tooling, spray metal tooling and investment casting.
Direct RT processes – laminated tooling, powder metallurgy based technologies, welding
based technologies, direct pattern making, emerging trends in RT. Reverse Engineering:
Geometric data acquisition, 3D reconstruction. Applications and case studies: Engineering

Essential Readings:
1. C. K. Chua, K. F. Leong, C. S. Lim, Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications,
3rd Edition, World Scientific Publishing Co., 2014.
2. P. F. Jacobs, Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing, SME/ASME, 1996.

Supplementary Readings:
1. A. Gebhardt, Rapid Prototyping, Hanser Gardner Publications, 1st Edition, 2003.
2. C. C. Kai, L. H. Fai, Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications in Manufacturing, John
Wiley and sons, 1997.
3. Faux, D. and Pratt, M.J., Computational Geometry for Design and Manufacture, John Wiley
and Sons, 1979.
4. I. Zeid, CAD/CAM – Theory and Practice, TMH, 2006.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-4306 Design for Manufacture and 3 [3-0-0] Prof. BBVL Deepak


DFM Approach, Selection and Substitution of Materials: Introduction to DFMA, History of

DFMA, steps for applying DFMA during product design, Advantages of applying DFMA during
product design, Reasons for not implementing DFMA, DFM approach, DFM guidelines,
standardization, comparison of materials on cost basis, design for assembly, DFA index, Poke
– Yoke principle; Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerance: Introduction to GD & T, ASME Y 14.
5 standards. Examples for application of geometric tolerances. True Position Theory -
Comparison between co-ordinate and convention method of feature location, tolerance and
true position tolerance, virtual size concept, floating and fixed fasteners, projected tolerance
zone, zero true position tolerance, functional gauges, paper layout gauging, compound
assembly, examples; Tolerance Analysis: Process capability, process capability metrics, Cp,
Cpk, cost aspects, feature tolerances, surface finish, review of relationship between attainable
tolerance grades and different machining process, cumulative effect of tolerances, sure fit law,
normal law and truncated normal law, obtainable tolerances in axial dimensions for various
machining operations; Selective Assembly: Interchangeable and selective assembly, deciding
the number of groups-model-I: group tolerances of mating parts equal; model-II: total and group
tolerances of shaft, control of axial play-introducing secondary machining operations, laminated
shims, examples; Datum Systems: Degrees of freedom, grouped datum systems-different
types, two and three mutually perpendicular grouped datum planes, grouped datum system
with spigot and recess, pin and hole, grouped datum system with spigot and recess pair and
tongue-slot pair-computation of translational and rotational accuracy, geometric analysis and
applications; Form Design of Castings and Weldment: Redesign of castings based on parting
line considerations, minimizing core requirements, redesigning cast members using weldment,
use of welding symbols, design of weldment; Tolerance Charting Technique: Operation
sequence for typical shaft type of components, preparation of process drawings for different
operations, tolerance worksheets and centrality analysis, examples, design features to facilitate
machining, datum features - functional and manufacturing, component design-machining
considerations, redesign for manufacture, examples.

Essential Readings:
1. H.Peck, Designing for Manufacture, Pitman Publications, London, 1983.
2. R. Matousek, Engineering Design - A Systematic Approach, Blackie and Son Ltd., London,
3. G. Boothroyd, P.Dewhurst and W.Knight, Product design for manufacture and assembly,
John Wiley, NY: Marcel Dekkar, 1994.

Supplementary Readings:
1. M.F. Ashby and K. Johnson, Materials and Design - the art and science of material
selection in product design, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2003.
2. G. Dieter, Engineering Design - a materials and processing approach, McGraw Hill, NY,
3. M. F. Ashby, Material Selection in Mechanical Design, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999.
4. K.G. Swift and J.D. Booker, Process selection: from design to manufacture, London:
Arnold, 1997.
5. J.G. Bralla, Handbook for Product Design for Manufacture, McGraw Hill, NY, 1998.
6. ASTM Design handbook.
Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-4701 Design Workshop-IV 3 [3-0-0] Prof. D.P. Jena

Investigations and study of visual, functional and ergonomic requirements of control and
display interfaces. Legibility of display elements, character of different typefaces and their
readability, Study of the process of building interactions, User Centered Design Process,
Activity Analysis, Structuring of Content, Participatory Design, Experiential Ideation, Scenario
Building, Linear and Animatic Storyboarding, Soft Physical Prototyping Techniques.

Essential Readings:
1. Norman, Donald, A Design of Everyday Things, MIT press, 1990.
2. W.H Mayhall; Machines and Perception in Industrial Design, Studio Vista, NY, 1968.
3. Nielsen, Jakob, Usability Engineering, San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1993.

Supplementary Readings:
1. Deborah J. Mayhew, The Usability Engineering Lifecycle: Practitioner ‘Handbook for User
Interface Design, Academic Press / Morgan Kaufmann, 1999.
2. Kunkel, Paul; English, Rick (Photographer); Apple design: The Work of the Apple Industrial
Design Group, Publisher: Graphics Press, 1997.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-4702 Creative Automation Laboratory 2 [0-0-3] Prof. BBVL Deepak

Experiment 1: Introduction to Flexible automation system (MAPS)

Experiment 2: Study of the various modules in MAPS
Experiment 3: Study of the various sensors & actuators used in MAPS
Experiment 4: Introduction to Robotics and Coordinate systems
Experiment 5: Introduction to MTAB QUEST 4-axis SCARA robot and its programming
Experiment 6: Programming of MTAB QUEST SCARA robot for pick and place of an object
Experiment 7: Introduction to 6-axis Aristro robot and its programming
Experiment 8: Programming in MTAB ARISTRO robot for trajectory generation
Experiment 9: Introduction to 6-axis Kawasaki RS06L industrial manipulator.
Experiment 10: Basic introduction to AS language for controlling the Kawasaki RS06L

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-4703 Simulation Laboratory 2 [0-0-3] Prof. BBVL Deepak

Experiment 1: Introduction to Degree of freedom and motions, Kinematic Constraints and

inversions of four bar mechanism.
Experiment 2: Calculation of position, velocity and acceleration of crank-rocker mechanism in
CAD environment.
Experiment 3: Representation of boundary conditions and kinematic constraints in CAD
Experiment 4: MATLAB program for Kinematic models of parallel manipulator and its simulation
in CAD environment.
Experiment 5: MATLAB program for Kinematic models of serial manipulator and its simulation
in CAD environment.
Experiment 6: Program for dynamic force analysis of slider crank mechanisms in MATLB
Experiment 7: Introduction to ANSYS workbench and 2D & 3D modelling.
Experiment 8: Pre-processing, processing and post-processing in ANSYS
Experiment 9: Solving of plane stress and plane strain problems in ANSYS
Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-4704 Reverse Engineering and Rapid 1 [0-0-2] Prof. M.R. Khan

Manufacturing Laboratory

Demonstration and exercises on methods of Rapid Prototyping, Rapid Machining and Rapid
Pattern Manufacturing. Jobs on Rapid Tooling will be prepared by the students. The purpose of
this workshop is to let the students develop the ability to work on Rapid prototyping, Reverse
engineering and other CMM machines. Related design projects in collaborative groups or on
individual basis will work on a topic formulated by the concerned faculty member.
The project may involve collaboration with students from other specializations, disciplines or
institutes or with professionals from the industry.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-4705 CAM Laboratory 1 [0-0-2] Prof. BBVL Deepak

Experiment 1: Introduction to Mastercam software

Experiment 2: Mastercam Workspace representation
Experiment 3: Basic commands of CAD drawing in Mastercam
Experiment 4: Advanced commands of CAD drawing in Mastercam
Experiment 5: Solid Modelling in Mastercam
Experiment 6: G-code and M-code to operate MTAB CNC machines.
Experiment 7: Demonstration about MTAB CNC Turning Centers – FLEXTURN
Experiment 8: Turning operation of workpiece
Experiment 9: Demonstration about CNC Machining Centers – FLEXMILL
Experiment 10: Milling operation of workpiece

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-4901 Project I 2 [0-0-0] Prof. M.R.Khan

An independent or in Groups of 2-3 students project with one of the following focus: Design
project of student interest and / or faculty interest and / or industry project. Re-design project
that relooks at an existing problem or situation. Research project delving into methodological or
pedagogic issues.Exploration project, exploring application possibilities in a new technology or
medium or variations. The project may involve collaboration with students from other
specializations, disciplines or institutes or with professionals from the industry.

Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker

ID-4902 Project II 2 [0-0-0] Prof. M.R.Khan

This project will be an extension of the previous projectwith one of the following focus:Design
project of student interest and / or faculty interest and / or industry project.Re-design project
that relooks at an existing problem or situation.Research project delving into methodological
or pedagogic issues.Exploration project, exploring application possibilities in a new
technology or medium or variations.The project may involve collaboration with students from
other specializations, disciplines or institutes or with professionals from the industry.



Drawing to be drawn manually: Projection of solids ; Nut & bolt and Fasteners ; Cotter
joint ; Plummer block ; Expansion joint ; Shaft coupling ; Drawing to drawn using
drafting software: Fundamentals of AutoCAD Mechanical Desktop, Dimension &
annotations ; Use of Layers ; Working with constraint in dimension ; Creating assembly
; Axi-symmetrical parts ; Creating surface features ; Working with bill of material ; Free
hand sketches of commonly used parts are to be drawn and submitted to the teacher
concerned in the sessional class.

Essential Reading:
1. Ajeet Singh, Machine Drawing includes AutoCAD, Tata McGraw Hill . 2010
2. K.L. Narayana, P. Kannaiah, K. Reddy, Machine Drawing,- New Age International,
3. AutoCAD Mechanical manual, Autodesk Inc.

ME 3101 DESIGN OF MACHINE ELEMENTS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Introduction to machine design, methodology, strength, rigidity, fracture, wear, and

material considerations in design, use of standards, Selection of materials and
processes. Standard numbering system including BIS designations of materials.
concept of factor of safety. Application of theories of failure to design. Design of
Riveted, Welded, Bolted joints, Power screw, shafts, keys and couplings, belt, rope and
chain drives, journal bearing and antifriction bearings, springs, clutches and Gears.

Essential Reading:
1. J.E. Shigley and L.C. Mitchel, Mechanical Engineering Design - Tata Mc Graw-Hill,
8th Ed, 2007.
2. P.C. Sharma, D.K. Agrawal, Machine Design –Kataria & sons, 2007.
Supplementary Reading:
1. M. F. Spotts, T.E.Shoup,Design of Machine Elements, Pearson, 2003
2. R.C. Juvinal & K.M. Marshek Fundamentals of Machine Component Design - John
Wiley, 2002.
3. Design Data Book – PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. 1995

ME 2103 KINEMATICS OF MACHINES 3 credits [3-0-0]

Mechanisms: Lower and higher pairs, degrees of freedom, various types of

mechanisms, their inversions and applications, Kinematics and structure diagrams,
equivalent linkages, steering mechanisms. Motion analysis of planer mechanisms by
graphical, analytical and computer aided methods instantaneous centre, Corioli’s
component of acceleration. ; Cams: Cam follower systems, synthesis of roller cams,
cam profiles, pressure angles, ; Gears: Gearing terminology, spur, bevel, helical, worm,
gears, motion and synthesis of simple, reverted and epicyclic gear trains, gear
corrections. ; Kinematic synthesis: Classical synthesis techniques, Analytical synthesis
of four line mechanisms and planner mechanisms. Dimensional synthesis, three
position synthesis for function generation, path generation.

Essential Reading:
1. J.E.Sigley & J. J. Ucker, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms - McGraw Hill.
2. A.Ghosh & A.K.Mallick, Theory of Mechanisms and Machines - McGraw Hill.
3. S.S.Rattan, Theory of Machines, Mc Graw Hill Publisher, ND 2012
ME 2101 MECHANICS OF SOLIDS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Definition of stress, stress tensor - normal and shearing stresses in axially loaded
members. Normal and shearing strains - stress-strain relationship - Generalized
Hooke's Law - Poisson's ratio - relationship between material properties of isotropic
materials. - stress-strain diagram for uniaxial loading for ductile and brittle materials -
working stress - factor of safety. Composite bars in tension and compression,
temperature stresses, statically indeterminate problems. Thin Cylinders and Spherical
Shells, Torsion of Circular Shafts and Helical Springs, shear force and bending moment
diagrams, pure bending theory, shearing stresses in beams, Deflection of Beams,
Theory of Columns, Plane stress and plane strain problems, Energy methods: Strain
energy due to axial, torsion, bending and transverse shear. Castigliano's theorem,
reciprocity theorem, Theories of Failure.

Essential Reading:
1. S.P. Timoshenko and D.H.Young, Elements of Strength of Materials - Affiliated East
West Press Pvt. Ltd.
2. E.P. Popov, Engineering Mechanics of Solids - Prentice Hall India, New Delhi.
Supplementary Reading:
1. I.H. Shames, Introduction to Solid Mechanics - Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
2. G.H.Ryder, Strength of Materials - ELBS.
3. Vazrani and Ratvani, Strength of Materials, Khanna Publishers, ND, 2009


Foundry : Introduction to patterns and foundry process, Sand binders and different
additives, Sand testing and melting furnaces for ferrous and non-ferrous metals such
as cupola, Induction furnace, Arc furnace & Resistance Furnace. Solid fiction of
castings, Continuous casting process: Precision investment casting, centrifugal casting,
Die casting, Casting defects. ; Welding and cutting: Introduction to gas welding, cutting,
Arc welding and equipment’s. TIG (GTAW) and MIG (GMAW) welding, resistance
welding and thermit welding. Weldability, Newer Welding methods like plasma Arc,
Laser Beam, Electron Beam, Ultrasonic, Explosive and friction welding. Brazing and
soldering, welding defects. Destructive and non-destructive testing of castings and
weldings. ; Brief introduction to powder metallurgy processes. ; Plastic deformation of
metals: Variables in metal forming and their optimization. Dependence of stress strain
diagram on Strain rate and temperature. Hot and cold working of metals. ; Rolling:
Pressure and Forces in rolling, types of rolling mills, Rolling defects. ; Forging: Smith
Forging, Drop and Press forging, M/c forging. Forging defects. ; Extrusions, Direct,
Indirect, Impact and Hydrostatic extrusion and their applications. Extrusion of tubes.
Wire drawing methods and variables in wire-drawing. Optimum die shape for extrusion
and drawing. ; Brief introduction to sheet metal working: Bending, Forming and Deep

Essential Reading:
1. Manufacturing Technology, P. N. Rao, TMH
2. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, S. Kalpakjian, Pearson India, 2012
3. Manufacturing Science, A. Ghosh and A. K. Mallik, East West Press.
4. Introduction to Manufacturing Technologies: Principles & Practice, P.P. Date, Jaico
Publication, 2012

ME 2372 THERMAL ENGINEERING 3 credits [3-0-0]

Laws of perfect gas; gas constants, concept of system, surrounding, equilibrium, Heat
and work transfer, quasi-static process, temperature and Zeroth law of
thermodynamics. Units & Dimensions ; First Law of Thermodynamics: Internal energy,
enthalpy, 1st law applied to non-flow and steady flow processes ; Second Law: Clausius
and Kelvin-Plank statements, Carnot cycle, corollaries, entropy, changes of entropy or
a perfect gas in various processes. Properties of Pure Substances: Definitions, p-V, p-
T, T-s and his diagrams for a pure substance, quality, Steam Tables, Charts for
thermodynamics properties, Measurement of steam quality ; Vapour Power Cycles:
Rankine cycle, Comparison of Rankine and Carnot vapor cycles, Ideal working fluid for
vapor power cycles, Binary vapor cycle, ; I.C. Engines: Air standard Otto, Diesel and
Dual cycles, C.I. and S.I. engines; Four stroke and two stroke cycles, Indicated Power,
Brake Power, Mechanical, Thermal and relative efficiencies. Valve timing Diagram,
Fundamental modes of heat transfer: Conduction, Convection and Radiation. ;
Conduction: Fourier law, Problem formulation, Boundary conditions, 1-D temperature
solution, Lumped system analysis, Heat transfer through extended surfaces (fins),
Efficiency and effectiveness of fins. Convection: Forced and natural convection through
flat plate and duct. Heat transfer coefficient correlations for laminar and turbulent
convection. Radiation: Stefan law, emissive power, emissivity and reflectivity,
equivalent heat transfer coefficient for combined convection and radiation.

Essential Reading:
1. P. K. Nag, Engineering Thermodynamics –Tata McGraw-Hill.
2. M. N. Ozisik, Heat Transfer: A Basic Approach –McGraw-Hill.
Supplementary Reading:
1. J.P.Holman, Heat Transfer, TMH, ND 2015
2. Y. A. Cengel, Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach –McGraw-Hill.
3. S. P. Sukhatme, A Text Book on Heat Transfer –University Press (Fourth Edition).
4. F. P. Incropera, D. P. DeWitt, T. L. Bergman, A. S. Levine, Introduction to Heat
Transfer –Wiley.


Basic concepts, thermodynamic equilibrium and quasi-static processes, Zeroth law of

thermodynamics; Energy Interactions: displacement and other types of work, free
expansion, Heat transfer; First Law of Thermodynamics: First law for a closed system,
Energy - a property of the system, Different forms of stored energy, enthalpy, First law
applied to flow processes; Second Law of Thermodynamics: Qualitative difference
between heat and work, Heat Engines, Refrigerators and Heat pumps, Kelvin-Plank
and Clausius statements of second law and their equivalence, Reversibility and
irreversibility, Ideal processes, Carnot Cycle, Corollaries of second law, Carnot's
theorem, Absolute thermodynamic temperature scale, Clausius inequality; Entropy:
Definition, Principles of increase of entropy, calculation entropy for various processes;
Available Energy and Availability: Helmholtz and Gibbs functions, Availability in steady
flow, Entropy equation for flow processes, irreversibility; Properties of Pure
Substances: p-V, p-T, T-s and h-s diagrams for a pure substance, quality, Steam
Tables and charts for thermodynamics properties, Measurement of steam quality;
Properties of Gases and Gas Mixtures: equation of state, Calculation of property
changes for ideal gases, Real gases definition and equations of state, Law of
corresponding states, Gas mixtures and Dalton's Law; Combined 1st and 2nd Laws:
Maxwell relations, T-dS equations, Joule-Kelvin effect, Clausius-Clapeyron equation,
Gibb’s Phase rule and Conditions of stability; Reciprocating air compressors: Work
required for single and multistage air compressors, Effect of intercooling, Optimum
interstage pressure, Effect of clearance on volumetric efficiency, Air motors.

Essential Reading:
1. P. K. Nag, Engineering Thermodynamics –Tata McGraw-Hill.
2. Jones and Hawkins, Engineering Thermodynamics, John Wiley.
3. V. Wylen and Sonntag, Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics, John
4. Y. A. Çengel and M. A. Boles, Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach –

ME 4304 RENEWABLE ENERGY 3 credits [3-0-0]

Solar Energy: Solar Radiation: Solar thermal process, heat transfer devices, solar
radiation measurement, estimation of average solar radiation. Solar energy storage:
stratified storage, well mixed storage, comparison, Hot water system, practical
consideration, solar ponds, Non-convective solar pond, extraction of thermal energy
and application of solar ponds. ; Other Renewable Energy Systems: Wind energy: The
nature of wind. Wind energy resources and modeling. Geothermal energy: Origin and
types of geothermal energy and utilisation. OTEC: Ocean temperature differences.
OTEC systems. Wave energy: Fundamentals. Availability. Wave-energy conversion
systems. Tidal energy: Fundamentals. Availability. Tidal-energy conversion systems.
Energy from biomass: Photosynthesis. Biomass resource. Utilisation of biomass.

Essential Reading:
1. S.P. Sukhatme, Solar Energy Principle of Thermal Collection and Storage, TMH,
2. Gary L. Johnson, 1985, Wind Energy Systems, Prentice Hall Inc. New Jersey.
3. J.M. Kriender, ‘Principles of Solar Engineering’, McGraw Hill, 1987.

Supplementary Reading:
1. V.S. Mangal, Solar Engineering, TMH, 1992.
2. N.K. Bansal, Renewable Energy Source and Conversion Technology, TMH, 1989.
3. P.J. Lunde, Solar Thermal Engineering’, John Willey, 1988.
4. J.A. Duffie and Beckman W.A., Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, Wiley,


CNC Milling, Turning, Machining of Gears, Fabrication of structure

ME 2152 MECHANICS OF SOLIDS LAB. 1 credits [0-0-2]

Tensile, compressive and shear tests, Load-displacement, Stress-strain diagram,

Rotational fatigue tests, Impact test, Hardness measurement, Formability


Design and drawing of boiler (pressure vessels) ; Design and drawing of bolted joints ;
Design and drawing of welded joint ; Design and drawing of cotter and knuckle joint ;
Design and drawing of flexible coupling ; Design and drawing of universal coupling ;
Design and drawing of screw jack ; Deign and drawing of belt/chain drive ; Design and
drawing of fly wheels ; Design and drawing of cams. Design of clutches ; Design of
spur gears ; Design of spiral and bevel gears ; Design of crank, piston and cylinders ;
Design of connecting rods, crank shafts

ME 5101 FINITE ELEMENT METHOD 3 credits [3-0-0]

Introduction, brief history of development, advantages, disadvantages of finite element

analysis, basic steps and limitations, error and accuracy in finite element analysis,
structural stiffness and network analysis, assembly and analysis of a structure, finite
element analysis of an elastic continuum, displacement approach, minimization of total
potential energy, convergence criteria, generalization of finite element concepts,
alternative approach to finite element formulation, plane stress and plane strain
analysis, element characteristics, triangular, rectangular and isoparametric elements,
some practical applications, axisymmetric stress analysis, some illustrative examples,
computer methods and computer programmes, data input, stiffness generation,
assembly and solution of equations and output of results, application of FEM to
structural , plastic deformation, fluid flow and heat transfer problems, FEM software
packages, modeling capabilities, preprocessors and postprocessors, modern trends in
finite element analysis.

Essential Reading:
1. Schaum’s outline of Finite Element Analysis, MGH 2008.
2. Chandrupatla and Belegundi, Introduction to Finite Element Analysis , Prentice Hall,
ND, 2016

Supplementary Reading:
1. O. C. Zienkiewicz, The Finite Element Method in Engg Science, TMH, 2006.
2. S. S. Bhavikati, Finite Element Analysis, New Age, 2005.

ME 3106 COMPOSITE MATERIALS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Definition and Classification of Composites,MMC,PMC,CMC. Reinforcing fibres-

Natural fibres (cellulose, jute, coir etc), boron, carbon, ceramic glass, aramids,
polyethylene (UHMWPE), polybenz-thiazoles etc. Particulate fillers-importance of
particle shape an size. Matrix resins-thermoplastics and thermosetting matrix resins.
Coupling agents-surface treatment of fillers and fibres, significance of interface in
composites. Nanocomposites, short and continuous fibre reinforced composites, critical
fibre length, anisotropic behaviour, SMC, BMC, DMC etc. Fabrication techniques
pultrusion, filament winding, prepreg technology, injection and compression moulding,
bag moulding, resin transfer moulding, reaction injection moulding. Properties and
perfor mance of composites. Applications.

Essential Reading:
1. K.K. Chawla, Composite Materials – Science & Engineering, Springer-Verlag, New
York, 1987.
2. F.L. Matthews and R.D. Rawlings, Composite Materials: Engineering and Science,
Chapman & Hall, London, 1994.
3. Dr N. Chand, Tribology of Natural fiber Composites, Wood Head Publishing Limited,

ME 3202 METAL CUTTING AND TOOL DESIGN 3 credits [3-0-0]

Geometrical parameters of cutting tool edges and their effect on tool force and power
consumption, Mechanics of chip formation at low and high cutting speeds. Orthogonal
and oblique cutting ; Controlled contact cutting, Shear angles, Force and velocity
relationships, Cutting forces in turning ; Planning, Drilling and milling operations,
controlled Contact Cutting, Chip-Breaking Effect, stress-distibution ; Types of Tool
Wear: Flank wear, Crater wear, Wear measurement, Cutting fluid and its effect ;
Machinability Criteria, Tool life and Taylor's equation, Effect of variables on tool life,
and surface finish, Tool-life test ; Economics of Machining, Economic tool life, Gilbert’s
Model. ; Introduction to cutting tool materials, types of cutting tools, design of single
point cutting tool, form tool, broach ; Introduction to micro-machining, diamond turning,
micro-turning, micro-drilling, micro-milling, hybrid-micromachining, micro-edm, micro-
ecm, micro-wedm, micro-wedg ; Sheet-metal working, blanking and piercing,
compound and progressive die ; Principles of location and clamping, design of drilling
jig and fixture for milling, broaching, turning ; Design of forging die block, drop forging
and upsetting.

Essential Reading:
1. Bhattacharyya, Metal Cutting Theory and Practice - Central Book Publishers,
Calcutta 2000.
2. Lecain, Goold, Tool Design – Donaldson, TMH, New Delhi. 2004

Supplementary Reading:
1. Arshinov, Metal cutting Theory Design - Mir Publisher
2. P.C. Sharma, A Text Book of Production Engineering - S. Chand & Co.


Principles of machine tools: Kinematics of machine tools, speed transmission from

motor to spindle, Speed reversal mechanism, Tool holding and job holding methods in
different M/C tools, Types of surfaces generated, Indexing mechanism and thread
cutting mechanism. Concepts of Aesthetic and Ergonomics applied to machine tools,
Acceptance tests and Standardisation of machine tools, Machine tool reconditioning.
Latest trends in machine tool design ; Non-Conventional metal removal process :
Electro Discharge Machining, Laser Beam, Plasma Arc, Ion Beam, Electro Chemical,
Abrasive jet, Ultrasonic and water jet-machining. ; Numerical control: Brief principles
and description of numerical control application to M/C tools. DNC, CNC and adaptive
control. Programming of CNC M/C tools, CNC programming based on CAD. ;
Fundamentals of CAD/CAM, Computer integrated manufacturing, Compute Aided
Process Planning, Computer Integrated Production Planning system. ; Flexible
Manufacturing Systems: types, Benefits and Elements of FMS Applications of FMS. ;
Robotics: Definition, Types and programming of Robots, Application of Industrial

Essential Reading:
1. H. Choudhury, Workshop Technology – Vol –II, Media Promotion & Publisher Pvt.
2. Production Technology – HMT-TMH.
3. P.C.Pandey and H.S.Shen, Modern Machining process.
4. G.C. Sen & A. Bhattacharya, Principles of M/c Tools –New Control Book Agency.
5. M.P. Grover, Automation Production system and Computer Integrated
Manufacturing –PHI.

Supplementary Reading:
1. Radhakrishnan & Subramanium, CAD, CAM, CIM - New Age India Publisher Pvt.,
2. Bhattacharya, Metal cutting theory & Practice –New control Book Agency.
3. N.K.Meheta, Machine Tool Design - TMH.
4. G.C.Sen and A.Bhattacharya, Principles of Machine Tools - New Central Book
5. R.K.Mittal & I.J. Nagrath, Robotics and Control - TMH.
6. P.N. Rao, CAD/CAM, Principles and Applications - TMH.

ME 4210 ADVANCED MANUFACTURING 3 credits [3-0-0]


Surface engineering and High speed grinding: Application of advanced coatings in high
performance cutting tools and high performance super-abrasive grinding wheels.
Application of surface coating in metal-ceramic joining. Ultra high speed grinding with
monolayer CBN grinding wheel. Machining and grinding under cryogenic environment.
Micro and nano machining of glasses and ceramics in ductile regime using diamond
cutting tool and diamond grinding wheel. ; Theory and application of chemical
processing: Chemical Machining, Aching of semi conductors, Coating and Electroless
forming and CVD. ; Rapid prototyping: Need for Rapid Prototyping, Basic Principles
and advantages of RP, Classifications of different RP techniques with examples,
Introduction to three Representative RP techniques: Fused deposition ; modeling.
Laminated Object Manufacturing and Stereo-lithography. ; MEMS: Introduction, history,
development and need of micro-electro-mechanical systems. IC fabrication processes
used for MEMS; MEMS sensors and actuators; Mechanical Process techniques and
process models for micro-machining; Fabrication processes and design of the process
sequences; Agile prototyping; Reliability and process control of micro manufacturing
processes’ Introduction to nano-technology processes. ; Concurrent Engineering:
Product development cycle, Sequential Engineering versus Concurrent Engineering,
Implementation of Concurrent Engineering, Concurrent Engineering and Information
Technology, Soft and Hard Prototyping, Characteristics of Concurrent Engineering Key
factors influencing the success of CE.

Essential Reading:
1. Surface Wear Analysis, Treatment & Prevention - ASM Inernational, Materials Park,
OH, U.S.A., 1st Ed. 1995
2. Advanced Thermally Assisted Surface Engineering - Kluwer Academic Publisher,
MA, USA, 2nd ed. 2002.
3. P. Radhakrishnan, CAD/CAM/CIM - New Age International Publishers., 4th ed. 2001

ME 4201 METROLOGY, QUALITY CONTROL AND 3 credits [3-0-0]


METROLOGY: Line and End Standards, Principles of Measurements, Calibration,

Accuracy and Precision; Measurement of Surface Roughness, Screw, Thread and
Gears; Limits, Fits and Gauges, Assembly by full, partial and group interchangeability,
geometric tolerances;
QUALITY ASSURANCE: Some useful Probability Distribution, Testing of hypothesis,
type I and type II errors, central limit theorem. Taguchi’s Loss function, Orthogonal
Arrays, Linear Graphs, parametric design, signal-to-noise Ratio, ANOVA. Causes of
Variation, standard error of mean, process capability, PCR, Natural tolerance Limits,
Specification Limits, Trial and Revised control Limits, Rational subgroups, Control
charts for variables (X-bar, R), Control charts for fraction non-conforming, control charts
for non-conformation. Design of single & Double sampling plan. OC curve, AOQ,
AOQL, ATI, ASN; MIL-STD 105D tables, switching rules.
RELIABILITY: Definition, bath-tub-curve, system reliability, reliability improvement,
maintainability and availability, Life tests, Acceptance sampling plan based on life tests.

Essential Reading:
1. M.R.Taher, Metrology, Measurement and Measuring Instruments, RNLBP,
2. Mitra, Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement, 2nd Edn, PHI, New Delhi.

ME 4104 SURFACE ENGINEERING 3 credits [3-0-0]

Philosophy of surface engineering, general applications and requirements ; Corrosion

Processes:Basic principles of electrochemistry and aqueous corrosion processes;
pitting, crevice and exfoliation corrosion; influence of deposits and anaerobic
conditions; corrosion control; high temperature oxidation and hot corrosion;
corrosion/mechanical property interactions ; Friction and Wear: Abrasive, erosive and
sliding wear. The interaction between wear and corrosion ; Analytical Techniques: X-
ray diffraction, TEM, SEM and WDP analysis, surface analysis by other techniques ;
Surface Engineering: Philosophy; surface engineering as part of a manufacturing
process; integrating coating systems into the design process ; Coating Manufacture:
Electro deposition; flame and plasma spraying; physical vapor deposition; chemical
vapor deposition; surface treatments; paint and paint systems ; Applications: Coating
systems for corrosion and wear protection; new coating concepts including multi-layer
structures, functionally gradient materials, intermetallic barrier coatings and thermal
barrier coatings.

Essential Reading:
1. TadeuszBurakowski and TadeuszWierzchon, Surface Engineering of Metals:
Principles, Equipment, Technologies, CRC Press, 1999.
2. K. G. Budinski, Surface Engineering for Wear Resistance, Prentice Hall, New Jersey,
3. Howard E. Boyer (Editor), Case Hardening of Steel, ASM International, Metals Park,
OH 44073.
4. ASM Metal Hand Book, Vol 20, Surface Engineering, ASM Int, 2004.

ME 3301 HEAT TRANSFER 3 credits [3-0-0]

Modes of Heat Transfer, Combined heat transfer mechanism, Analogy between flow of
heat and electricity, Conduction: Three dimensional Fourier conduction equation in
Cartesian coordinates, One-dimensional steady conduction through slab, cylinder,
Sphere and composite medium, Critical insulation thickness, Effect of variable thermal
conductivity. Heat transfer through rectangular and pin fins. Fin effectiveness and Fin
efficiency, Fin arrangement. Introduction to two-dimensional steady heat condition,
Analytical methods for solving two-dimensional heat conduction problems; Convection:
Hydrodynamics and thermal boundary layers for laminar flow over a flat plate. Integral
solution of boundary layer equations for laminar flow over a flat plate. Heat transfer for
laminar flow in tubes, heat transfer in turbulent flow, Reynolds analogy. Laminar free
convection boundary layers equations for flow over a vertical plate. Dimensional
analysis applied to forced and free convection. Boiling and Condensation: Film and
drop wise condensation, Nusselt's theory of laminar film condensation, Pool boiling
regimes, Rohsenow correlation for nucleate boiling ; Radiation: Black body and
monochromatic radiation, Total emissive power, Stefan-Boltzmann law, Grey body
Kirchoff's law, Wien’s displacement law, Radiation between two black bodies, Shape
factors for simple geometries, Radiation between two grey bodies, Electrical network
method for solving radiation problems, Radiation shields; Heat Exchangers: Types,
Overall heat transfer coefficient, Fouling factors, Logarithmic mean temperature
difference, Effectiveness, Number of transfer units, Heat exchanger Design.

Essential Reading:
1. Heat Transfer By P.S. Ghoshdastidar, Oxford University Press
Reference Books:
1. Heat Transfer By J.P. Holman, McGraw Hill Higher Education
2. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer By T.L. Bergman, A.S. Lavine, F.P.
Incropera, D.P. DeWitt, John Wiley and Sons Inc.
3. Heat and Mass Transfer : Fundamentals and Applications By Y.A. Cengel, A.J.
Ghajar, McGraw Hill Education
4. Introduction to Heat Transfer, By S.K. Som, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd
5. Heat and Mass Transfer, By P.K. Nag, Tata McGraw-Hill Education

ME 2302 FLUID MECHANICS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Introduction: Definition of fluid, Concept of shear stress, Concept of continuum;

Properties of fluids; Classification (like Ideal and Real fluids, Newtonian and Non-
Newtonian fluids, Internal versus External Flow, Compressible versus Incompressible
Flow, Laminar versus Turbulent Flow, Natural versus Forced Flow, Steady versus
Unsteady Flow, One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional Flows, etc.). Fluid Statics:
Pressure at a point, Pascal’s law, Variation of pressure within a static fluid – equation of
hydrostatic pressure distribution, Variation of properties in static atmosphere;
Measurement of pressure; Hydrostatic thrust on plane and curved surfaces; Buoyancy,
Stability of submerged and floating bodies; Fluid masses subjected to uniform
accelerations. Fluid Kinematics: Eulerian and Lagrangian description of fluid flow,
Velocity and acceleration of fluid particles; Stream line, Streak line and path line,
stream tube, Equation of continuity for a stream tube; Deformation of a fluid element –
linear and angular deformation and rotation, Vortex motion- irrotational flow; Pressure
and stress tensor; Stream function and velocity potential. Fluid Dynamics: Principle of
conservation of mass and momentum, Stokes law of viscosity and Navier-Stokes
equations – some exact solutions; Inviscid flow – Euler equation, Derivation of
Bernoulli’s equation and physical significance of different terms, Applications of
Bernoulli’s equation; Characteristics Of Laminar & Turbulent Flow: Reynolds
experiment, critical Reynolds number; Laminar flow through pipe – Hagen Poiseuille
equation. Flow Through Closed Conduits: Darcy Weisbach equation, Friction factor,
Moody’s diagram; Minor losses – at sudden expansion, contraction, at bends, at valves
and fittings, etc.

Essential Reading:
1. S. K. Som and G. Biswas, Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines, Tata McGraw-Hill.
2. B. S. Massey, Mechanics of Fluids, ELBS.
3. F. M. White, Fluid Mechanics, McGraw-Hill.
4. Y. A. Cengel and J. M. Cimbala, Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Application,
Supplementary Reading:
1. R. K. Bansal, Fluid Mechanics, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd.
2. A. K. Mohanty, Fluid Mechanics, Prentice Hall.
3. R. J. Garde and A. C. Mirajgackar, Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Nem Chand Bros.
4. K. L. Kumar, Fluid Mechanics, S. Chand Co.


Boundary Layer Theory: Flow over a flat plate, Concept of boundary layer, Growth of
boundary layer, Boundary layer thickness, Laminar and turbulent boundary layer,
Boundary layer equation, Boundary layer approximation, Similarity variable & similarity
solution (Blasius solution), Von Karman’s momentum integral method, Skin friction drag
coefficient; Boundary layer in pipe flow; Separation of boundary layer, form drag; Lift
and drag on submerged bodies, aerofoils. Ideal Fluid Flow: Unsteady Bernoulli’s
equation; Solution of Laplace’s equation by separation of variables – lid driven flow in a
square cavity; Velocity potential and stream function, Flownet, Introduction of complex
potential; Simple 2D irrotational uniform flow, plane source, plane sink, combination of
source and sink, doublet, superimposition of uniform flow and doublet; Dimensional
Analysis & Similarity: Dimensional analysis and Buckingham Pi theorem; Similarity and
model studies. Hydraulic Turbines: Classification, Pelton, Francis and Kaplan turbines,
Blade angle, Velocity triangle, Efficiencies. Specific speed, Performances of turbines.
Centrifugal Pumps: Principle and classification, Multi stage pumps, Pumps in series
and parallel, Blade angle, Velocity triangle, Efficiency, Specific speed, Characteristic
curves, Cavitation in pumps, NPSH. Reciprocating Pump: Working principle, Slip, Work
done, Effect of acceleration and frictional resistance, Separation, Air vessels.

Essential Reading:
1. S. K. Som and G. Biswas, Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines, Tata McGraw-Hill.
2. B. S. Massey, Mechanics of Fluids, ELBS.
3. Dr. J. Lal, Hydraulic Machines - Metropolitan Book Co, New Delhi.
4. V. P. Vasandani, Hydraulic Machines - Khanna Publishers.
Supplementary Reading:
1. R. K. Bansal, Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd.
2. R. K. Rajput, Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, S. Chand Publishing.
3. A. K. Mohanty, Fluid Mechanics, Prentice Hall.
4. K. L. Kumar, Fluid Mechanics, S. Chand Co.

ME 3302 I.C. ENGINES AND GAS TURBINES 3 credits [3-0-0]

Introduction to I.C Engine-Classification-Components-Air standard cycles,

characteristics of fuel air mixtures, variation of specific heats-Actual cycles, actual
processes taking place in engines-Importance of Port, Valve timing diagram;
Carburetion and fuel injection: Requirements of a good carburetor, simple carburetor,
complete carburetor, Calculation of air-fuel ratio for a simple carburetor. Electronic fuel
injection in S.I. engine. Requirements of diesel injection system, types of injection
systems, fuel pumps. Ignition systems; Combustion in S.I. Engine and C.I. Engines:
Stages of combustion in S.I. Engine, Detonation, Control of detonation. Stages of
combustion in C.I. Engines, delay period, factors; Various systems of I.C. Engine,
Lubrication system, function of lubricating system. Cooling system etc.; Testing and
performance: Variable speed test of S.I. Engine, Constant speed load tests of C.I.
Engines Morse tests; Engine Emissions-Pollutants and their ill effects, pollutants from
Gasoline and diesel. Supercharging and turbo charging. Gas Turbines: Brayton cycle;
Components of a gas turbine plant; open and closed types of gas turbine plants;
Optimum pressure ratio; Improvements of the basic gas turbine cycle; multi stage
compression with inter-cooling; multi stage expansion with reheating between stages;
exhaust gas heat exchanger, Applications of gas turbines. Problems.

Essential Reading:
1. J.B Heywood, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw Hill
2. V. Ganesan, Internal Combustion Engines, McGraw Hill Company, (1992).
3. M.L. Mathur and R.P Sharma, A Course in internal combustion engines, Dhanpat
Rai and Sons, (1980).
4. Newton and Steed: Automobile Engineering, ELBS Publishing, (1978).
5. G.B.S Narang, Automobile Engineering, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, (1988).
6. K.K.Ramalingam, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, Scitech Publications.


Refrigerants: Classification of Refrigerants, Halocarbon compounds, Azeotropes,

Hydro-carbons, Inorganic compounds, Properties of refrigerants, Comparison of
common refrigerants, Uses of important refrigerants, Brines, Ozone friendly
refrigerants. ; Vapor Compression Systems: Analysis of Theoretical vapor-compression
cycle, Unit of refrigeration, Coefficient of performance, T-S and P-H diagram, Simple
Saturated cycle, Subcooled cycle and superheated cycle, Effect of suction and
discharge pressure on performance, Actual vapor-compression cycle. ; Multistage
compression and multi-evaporator systems Different arrangements of compressors and
inter cooling, Multi-stage compression with intercooling, Multi-evaporator system, Dual
compression system ; Vapor-Absorption system: Simple Ammonia-absorption system,
Improved absorption system, Analysis of vapor absorption system, Electrolux system,
Comparison of absorption and vapor compression system. ; Psychometrics: Properties
of air-vapor mixtures, Psychometrics, Psychometric charts, Law of water vapor-air
mixture - Enthalpy of moisture - simple heating and Humidification, Dehumidification -
Mixture of air streams. ; Requirements of comfort Air-conditioning : Oxygen supply,
Heat Removal, Moisture removal, Air motion, Purity of Air, Thermodynamics of human
body, Comfort and comfort chart, Effective temperature, Factors governing optimum
effective temperature. ; Air conditioning systems: Processes in Air conditioning,
Summer Air conditioning, Winter Air conditioning and year round air conditioning, load

Essential Reading:
1. C.P.Arora, A Course in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, Tata Mc. Graw-Hill
2. H.F. Stoecker, A Text Book of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, Tata Mc. Graw-

Supplementary Reading:
1. W.F. Stoecker, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning - TMH.


Introduction, Rocket system and aerodynamics of rockets, Fundamentals of gas turbine

engines, Illustration of working principles of gas turbine engine, Propulsion system and
operating principle, Thermodynamics of propulsion system, Engine performance
parameters, The ramjet cycle, Working principles of ideal ramjet cycle, The turbojet
cycle, Working principles of turbojet cycle, Non-ideal turbojet cycle, Axial flow fans and
compressors, Polytrophic efficiency of compression, Calculation of stage performance
and overall performance, Working principles of turbofan cycle, Rocket performance,
Introduction and working principles of multistage rocket, Solid propellant rockets,
Liquid propellant rockets ,Thrust control in liquid rockets Cooling in liquid rockets,
Hybrid rockets, Limitations of hybrid rockets, Relative advantages of liquid rockets over
solid rockets

Essential Reading:
1. G.C. Oates, Aerothermodynamics of Aircraft Engine Components, AIAA Eduction
Series, New York,1985.
2. W.W. Bathie, Fundamentals of Gas Turbines- John Wiley & Sons, 1984.
3. M.L. Mathur and R.P. Sharma, Gas Turbine Jet and Rocket Propulsion, Standard
Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, 1988.
4. P.G. Hill, Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion- Addison Wesley, 1970.
5. S.M. Yahya, Fundamentals of Compressible Flow - John Wiley, New York, 1982.
6. A.K. Mohanty, Fluid Mechanics - Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2003.

ME 3306 TURBOMACHINERY 3 credits [3-0-0]

Ideal and actual velocity triangles, Slip and its estimation, Impulse and reaction type
machines, Degree of reaction, Effect of outlet blade angle on blade shape, Model laws,
Specific speed and shape number, Special features of hydro, steam and gas turbines,
Performance characteristics of turbo-machines ; Axial flow compressors: Flow through
cascades, cascade terminology, flow separation, radial equilibrium theory, actuator disc
theory, effect of tip clearance, secondary flow, performance characteristics, surging and
stalling ; Axial flow turbine: Vortex theory, blade design, cooling of turbine blades,
performance characteristics, profile loss, secondary flow loss, annulus loss, tip
clearance, limiting factors in turbine design ; Applications: Hydel power plant, Steam
power plant, Gas turbine power plant, Aircraft propulsion.

Essential Reading:
1. G.T.C. Sandy, Theory of Turbomachines, McGraw Hill.
2. D.G. Shepherd, Principles of Turbomachinery , MacMillan.
3. G.F. Wislicenus, Fluid Mechanics of Turbomachines, Dovers.
4. S.M. Yahya, Turbines, Compressors and Fans, TMH.

ME 4307 GAS DYNAMICS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Energy equation for a flow process, Stagnation values, various regions of flow, critical
velocity of sound. Crocco number, Effect of Mach number on compressibility, rate
equations of momentum energy and entropy ; Isentropic flow with variable area: Mach
number variation, Stagnation and critical states, Area ratio as a function of Mach
number, Impulse function, Mass flow rate, Flow through nozzles and diffusers, use of
gas tables ; Wave motion: Wave propagation in elastic solid medium, Propagation of
sound waves, pressure field due to a moving source of disturbance, Mach angle ; Flow
with normal shock waves: Governing equation, variation of Mach number, Static
Pressure, temperature and density etc. across the shock, Strength of a shock wave,
Moving shock waves ; Flow in constant area ducts with friction: The Fanno curves,
Fanno flow equations and solutions, variation of flow properties, tables and charts for
Fanno flow ; Flow in constant area ducts with heat transfer: The Rayleigh lines,
Fundamental equations, Rayleigh flow relations, Variation of flow properties, Maximum
heat transfer, Tables and charts of Rayleigh flow ; Jet propulsion: Thrust equation,
maximum thrust relationship, Engine performance parameters, Ram Jet engine, ideal
ram jet, ideal and actual turbojet engines ; Rocket propulsion: Operating principle,
thrust equation, specific impulse, jet velocity, thrust coefficient, characteristic velocity,
impulse weight ratio.

Essential Reading:
1. S.M. Yahya, Fundamentals of Compressible Flow , Wiley Eastern Ltd.
2. Lipman and Rosco, Gas Dynamics , Mc Graw Hill



To find overall heat transfer coefficient of a double pipe heat exchanger ; To develop a
correlation for natural convection of air around a vertical cylinder ; To study the boiling
heat transfer phenomena and determination of CHF for pool boiling of water ;
Measurement of thermal conductivity of solid by guarded hot plate method ; To
determine the efficiency of a pin-fin in natural and forced convection ; To find the heat
transfer coefficient in forced convection of air in a tube ; COP and Tonnage capacity of
room air-conditioner ; Performance study of vapour compression refrigeration test rig ;
Determination of COP and tonnage capacity of ammonia ice plant ; Performance study
of absorption refrigeration test rig ; Performane study on LN 2 Cryo-plant ; Performane
study on Pulse tube refrigerator.



To find overall heat transfer coefficient of a double pipe heat exchanger ; To develop a
correlation for natural convection of air around a vertical cylinder ; To study the boiling
heat transfer phenomena and determination of CHF for pool boiling of water ;
Measurement of thermal conductivity of solid by guarded hot plate method ; To
determine the efficiency of a pin-fin in natural and forced convection ; To find the heat
transfer coefficient in forced convection of air in a tube ; COP and Tonnage capacity of
room air-conditioner ; Performance study of vapour compression refrigeration test rig ;
Determination of COP and tonnage capacity of ammonia ice plant ; Performance study
of absorption refrigeration test rig



COP and Tonnage capacity of air-conditioner plant; Performane study on LN2 Cryo-
plant ; Performane study on Pulse tube refrigerator.

ME 3351 FLUID MECHANICS AND FLUID 2 credits [0-0-3]


Verifications of momentum equation ; Verifications of stokes apparatus ; Calibration of

Venturimeter ; Verifications of Bernoulli’s equation through a convergent and divergent
passage ; Study of Major losses in Pipes ; Study of Minor losses in Pipes ; Velocity
distribution in a pipe flow ; Velocity distribution in open channel flow ; Variable and
constant speed characteristics of Pelton turbine ; Performance characteristics of
Francis Turbine ; Performance characteristics of Kaplan Turbine ; Constant discharge
and constant speed characteristics of centrifugal pump ; Pressure characteristics of a
centrifugal blower ; Determination of air power, static and overall efficiency of a fan at
constant speed ; Pressure characteristics of axial flow compressor ; Study of
simple/compound impulse and reaction steam turbines ; Thermal efficiency of steam
turbine ; Performance study of screw compressor.

ME 3251 PRODUCTION ENGG. LAB. 1 credits [0-0-2]

Calibration of slip gauge using interference of light by Interference Method ; Internal

taper and bore measurement using two precision spheres ; External taper
measurement by sine center ; Bulge test of thin Aluminum blank in to a dome by
hydraulic pressure and study it's forming characteristics ; Calibration of linear variable
differential transformer (LVDT) ; Measurement of screw parameters by floating carriage
machine ; Measurement of tool angles of a single point cutting tool ; Metrology of an
external screw thread by “Tool maker's Microscope” ; Experiment on machining in
machining center (CNC) ; Condition monitoring in machining processes using acoustic
emission ; Experiments on Ultra Sonic Machining ; Experiments on Electro Discharge
Machining ; Experiments and demonstration of Laser Machining ; Experiments and
demonstration of Electro Chemical Machining process ; Experiments and
demonstration of Abrasive Jet Machining ; Programming on various CNC machine tools
and use of CIM


CFD analysis for fluid flow problem with heat transfer over a flat plate ; CFD analysis
for fluid flow problem with heat transfer through a circular tube ; Design of a thermal
system: Thermal Power Plant ; Calculation of heating/cooling load for a conditioned
space ; Second law analysis for a heat exchanger ; FDM application to high velocity
flow with upwinding ; FDM application to simplified Navier-Stokes equation ; FEM
applied to flow around a cylinder.

ME 3352 IC ENGINES LAB. 2 credits [0-0-3]

Study of Two/Four stroke petrol/diesel engine ; Determination of volumetric efficiency of

reciprocating air-compressor ; Valve timing diagram of four-stroke petrol/diesel engines
; Load test on petrol Engine ; Load test on diesel engine ; Morse test on multi-cylinder
petrol/diesel engine ; Heat Balance study of petrol/diesel engine ; Study of differential
and transmission system of automobile ; Study of 4-speed/5-speed gear box of
automobile ; Study of electric circuit and ignition system of automobile ; Emission
Analysis of I.C. Engines ; Variable compression ratio test on I.C. Engines; CFR engines
with pressure Vs Crank angle diagram – combustion process and emission control
studies ; Performance tests on multi-cylinder CI engines with bi-fuel operation & heat
recovery system of exhaust gas.


Design and drawing of single point cutting tool for turning operation ; Design and
drawing of Form tool for mass production of conventional profile generation ; Design
and drawing of Broach tool for industrial mass production ; Design and drawing of
metal forming Press tool used in blanking & punching ; Design and drawing of Jig &
Fixture for mass production in a product focused system ; Design and drawing of
Gauges used in shop floor dimensional checking ; Process planning for manufacturing
by mass ; Process planning for manufacturing by order ; Tool layout optimization for a
capstan lathe/machining center ; Design of forging die blocks for mass production ;
Design and draw of metal forming Press tool used in deep drawing ; Computer Aided
Design of forging/forming die/ cutting tool for optimal function ; Conceptual Design of a
machine tool with better ergonomics/ environment friendly/ low cost/ less maintenance/
less running cost/ high precision etc.


Need analysis, Need statement, Cause-effect diagram, Idea generation, Evaluation,
Morphology analysis, SWOT Analysis, Objective tree, Functional tree, Specifications,
Modelling, Patent writing

ME 4110 ADVANCED MECHANICS OF SOLIDS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Elementary concept of Elasticity: Stresses in three dimensional bodies, Equations of

equilibrium, Strain displacement relations, Stress strain relations, Compatibility
equations, Boundary conditions. Plane stress, Governing differential equation, Airy
stress function ( Cartesian co-ordinates ) ; Energy Methods: Castigliano's theorems,
Maxwell's theorem of Reciprocal relations and Betti's Law, Principle of virtual work, Unit
load and unit couple method ; Thick Walled Cylinders: Thick cylinders subjected to
internal and external fluid pressures, Compound cylinders, Shrink-fit ; Unsymmetrical
Bending: Properties of beam cross sections, Slope of neutral axis, Stresses and
deflections in unsymmetrical bending ; Shear Center of thin wall beam cross section ;
Curved Beams: Bending of beams of large initial curvature, Stress distribution in
beams with rectangular, Circular and trapezoidal cross sections, Location of neutral
axis, Stresses in crane hooks, Rings and chain links ; Membrane stresses in shells,
application to cylindrical, Spherical and conical shells ; Plastic Analysis of Beams:
Plastic Modulus, Shape factor, Plastic hinge, Application to beams, Determination of
collapse loads ; Advanced Topics in Strength of Materials: Repeated stresses in
structural and machine components, Fatigue in metals, Endurance limit, Concept of
stress concentration, Stress concentration factor and notch sensitivity; Photoelastic
Stress Analysis: Two dimensional photoelastic method of stress analysis, Stress optic
law, Plane polariscope, Light and dark fields in a polariscope, Isoclinic and
isochromatic fringe patterns.

Essential Reading:
1. L. S. Srinath, Advanced Mechanics of Solids - TMH, New Delhi.
2. S. P. Timoshenko, D. Van Nostrand Strength of Materials, Part I & II -.
3. J. W. Dally and W. F. Riely,Experimental Stress Analysis - Mc Graw-Hill.

Supplementary Reading:
1. P. Boresi, R. J. Schmidth and O. M. Sidebottom, Advanced Mechanics of Materials
- John Wiley.
2. F. B. Seely and J.O. Smith, Advanced Mechanics of Materials - John Wiley.
3. Mobin, Experimental Stress Analysis, Khanna Publishers, 2003.

ME 4101 MECHANICAL VIBRATION 3 credits [3-0-0]

Undamped Free Vibration: Systems with single degree of freedom, Equilibrium method,
The energy method, Rayleigh’s method, Stiffness of spring elements. Damped Free
Vibrations: Viscous damping, laws of damping, logarithmic decrement. Forced Vibration
with Harmonic Excitation: Steady state solution with viscous damping, Method of
complex algebra, Reciprocating and rotating unbalance, Base excitation, Vibration
isolation, Air springs, Energy dissipated by damping, Equivalent viscous damping,
Structural damping, Sharpness of resonance, Vibration measuring instruments,
Whirling of rotating shafts, Rigid shafts supported by flexible bearings. Two degree of
freedom system: Vibration of undamped two degree of freedom system, coordinate
coupling, vibration absorber. Multi-degree freedom system: Influence coefficients,
generalized co-ordinates, matrix method, matrix iteration method, Stodola Method,
Holzer’s Method, Dunkerley's method, Vibration of Continuous systems, Vibration of
String, Longitudinal Vibration of Rods, Torsional Vibration of Rods, Vibration of Beams.

Essential Reading:
1. W.T. Thompson, Theory of Vibration with Application, CBS Publisher, 2002
Supplementary reading:
1. K.Gupta and J.S.Rao, Mechanical Vibrations, New Age Publishers, ND 2013

ME 3102 DYNAMICS OF MACHINERY 3 credits [3-0-0]

Force analysis: Static forces in 4-bar mechanism, slider-crank mechanism, quick-return

mechanism, reciprocating engine mechanism with sliding friction. Plane motion of rigid
body, inertia forces of a reciprocating engine mechanism, four-bar mechanism, shaking
forces and moments, Dynamics of reciprocating engine mechanism (analytical method)
and its bearing loads.
Turning moment diagram and flywheel: Fluctuation of crank shaft speed, flywheel in IC
engine, punching press, Analytical expression for turning moment.
Balancing: Unbalance in one and several planes, static and dynamic unbalance,
balancing machines, field balancing, balancing a single-cylinder and multi-cylinder
engines, analytical technique for balancing of multicylinder reciprocating engines,
balancing of linkages and machines, V and radial engines, graphical and analytical
methods, method of direct and reverse cranks, dynamic balancing machines.
Cam dynamics: Cam profile construction, tangent cam, Analysis of eccentric cam,
Analysis of disc cam with roller follower, Gyroscope: Gyroscopic couple - Plane disc,
Two bladed air screw, Analysis of the forces on bearings due to the forced precession
of rotating disc mounted on shafts, Gyroscopic effects on a two wheel and a four wheel
vehicle, Gyroscopic stabilization
Governors and Gyroscopes: Types of governors, performance parameters, Governor
effort and power, controlling force, friction and insensitiveness, centrifugal effect of
revolving arms, gyroscopic forces and couple, Stabilization of 4-wheeled vehicle on
curved path and 2-wheeled vehicle taking a turn
Vibration Analysis: Natural frequency, equivalent system, energy method, Free
vibration response, damping, single degree of freedom system with viscous damping,
Logarithmic decrement, forced vibration, Base excitation, Vibration isolation, bending
critical speeds of simple and multi-mass shafts, torsional system.

Essential Reading:
1. S.S. Rattan, Theory of Machines, MGH
2. R.K.Bansal, Theory of Machines, Luxmi Publisher
3. D.R. Malhotra, Theory of Machines, Satya Prakash

Supplementary Reading:
1. Rao & Dulchipati, Mechanism of M/C theory, New Age
2. Ghosh & Mallick, Theory of Mechanism & Machines, East West Press
3. AS Hall, Kinematics & Linkage Design, PHI


Photoelasticity: Light and Optics as Related to Photoelasticity Behavior of Light,

Polarized Light, Plane Polarizers,, Wave Plates, Arrangement of Optical Elements in a
Polariscopic, Constructional Details of Diffused Light and Lens - Type.Theory of
Photoelasticity: The Stress Optic Law in Two Dimensions at Normal Incidence, Effects
of a Stressed Model in a Plane Polariscope, Effects of a Plane Model in a Circular
Polariscope with Dark and Light Field Arrangements. Analysis Techniques:
Isochromatic Fringe Patterns, Isoclinic Fringe Patterns, Compensation Techniques,
separation Techniques, Sealing Model to Prototype Stresses. Three Dimensional
Photoelasticity: Locking in Model Deformation Slicing the Model and Interpretation of
the Resulting Fringe Pattern, Effective Stresses. the Shear Difference Method in Three
Dimensions. ; Strain Measurement Methods: Basic Characteristics of a Strain Gauge,
Types of Shell Gauge, Moire Method of Strain Analysis, Grid Method of Strain Analysis.
Electrical Resistance Strain Gauge: Factors Influencing Strain sensitivity in Metallic
Alloys, Gauge Construction Temperature Compensation, Factors-Influencing Gauge
Section Gauge Sensitivity and Gauge Factor, Correction for transverse Strain Effects,
Semiconductor Strain Gauges. Rosette Analysis - three element rectangular Rosette.
the Delta Rosettee, the Four Element. The Delta Rosette, The Stress Gauge, Strain
Circuits, Potensiometer Circuits, The Wheatstone Bridge. Brittle Coating Method:
Coating Stresses, Failure Theories Brittle Coating Crack Patterns Produced by Direct
Loading Brittle-Coating Crack Patterns Produced by refrigeration Techniques, Brittle
Coating Crack, Pattern Produced by Releasing the Load, Double Crack Pattern, Crack
Detection, Load-Time Relation and Its influence on the threshold Strain Effects of a
Biaxial stress Field.

Essential Reading:
1. J.W. Dally and W.F. Riley, Experimental Stress Analysis - 2nd Ed. MGH.
2. Mubin, Experimental Stress Analysis, Khanna, 2003.

Supplementary Reading:
1. Dureli. An Introduction to Experimental Stress and Strain Analysis.
2. Srinath An Introduction to Experimental Stress Analysis - MGH.
3. Jindal, Experimental Stress Analysis, Pearson Pub., 2014.

ME 4102 MECHATRONICS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Introduction to Mechantronics Systems, Classification and Description of Mechatronic

using Graphical and Block Diagram Method ; Sensors And Transducers: Introduction-
Performance Terminology-Displacement, Position and Proximity-Velocity and Motion-
Fluid, Classifications of different sensors used in mechtronics systems, Classifications
of Actuators, Types of stepper motors and its control circuit, Types of Dc Motor, DC
Geared motors, SD Servo geared Motors, Introduction to Micro processors and Micro
Controllers used for Mechatronic devices, Introduction to various computational
Intelligence techniques used in mechatronics systems, Types of Electric, Pneumatic
and Hydraulic Equipment and Control circuit used in Mechatronics System. Data
Acquisition system used in Mechtronic Devices, Pick and Place robot, Mechatronics
design in Automated car parking system, Automated Washing Machine System,
Automated Traffic signal Method, Automated Air Conditioning Method.

Essential Reading:
1. Bolton, Measurements, Addison Wesley.
2. HMT, Mechatronics, TMH

Supplementary Reading:
1. Histand and Aliatore, Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement system, MGH
2. K. Stiher, Design with Microprocessor for Mechanical Engineers, MGH

ME 4103 TRIBOLOGY 3 credits [3-0-0]

Introduction to tribology and its historical background. Factors influencing Tribological

phenomena. Engineering surfaces - Surface characterization, Computation of surface
parameters. Surface measurement techniques. Apparent and real area of contact.
Contact of engineering surfaces- Hertzian and non-hertzian contact. Contact pressure
and deformation in non-conformal contacts. Genesis of friction, friction in contacting
rough surfaces, sliding and rolling friction, various laws and theory of friction. Stick-slip
friction behavior, frictional heating and temperature rise. Friction measurement
techniques. Wear and wear types.
Mechanisms of wear - Adhesive, abrasive, corrosive, erosion, fatigue, fretting, etc.,
Wear of metals and non-metals. Wear models - asperity contact, constant and variable
wear rate, geometrical influence in wear models, wear damage. Wear in various
mechanical components, wear controlling techniques. Introduction to lubrication.
Lubrication regimes.Introduction to micro and nano tribology.

Essential Reading:
1. G Bayer, Mechanical wear prediction and prevention- Marcel Dekkar. Inc., New
2. P. Sahoo. Industrial Tribology, Tata Mc Graw Hill

ME 4106 ROBOTICS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Introduction, Automation and Robotics, brief history, Social and economic aspects,
Advantages overview of robots and future application ; Classification & structure of
robotic system: Classification, Configuration, wrist, end effectors , Links, Joints, Drive
system ; Control System: Basic control system concepts, model, transformation and
block diagrams, controllers ON & OFF, transient response ; Robot Kinematics: Direct &
inverse kinematics, rotation matrix, composite rotation matrix, homogenous
transformations, links, joints D-H representation, Geometrical approach of direct &
reverse kinematics ; Robot Arm dynamics: Joint velocities, KE, PE & motion equation
of manipulating trajectory planning, joint interpolated trajectory ; Robot Programming:
Languages, Graphics, Storing & operating, Task programs ; Types of electric,
pneumatic and hydraulic system used for robotic application, Description of Sensors
used for Robotic Stsems, Description of Mobile Robots, Application of various AI
methodology to control robots.

1. Groover, Industrial Robot, PHI.

2. Y. Korem, Robotics, Mc Graw-Hill.
3. J.J.Craig, Introduction to Robotics, Pearson, 2015

ME 3103 SYSTEM DYNAMICS AND CONTROL 2 credits [2-0-0]

Closed loop and open loop system, design principles of control systems, Laplace
transforms method, transfer functions, block diagrams, deriving transfer functions of
physical systems, signal flow graphs, proportional, derivation and integral controllers,
impulse response functions ; First order systems, second order systems, higher order
systems, Routh's stability criterion, static and dynamic error coefficients, introduction to
system optimization ; Root locus plots, root locus analysis of control systems ;
Logarithmic, polar and log magnitude versus phase plots, Nyquist stability criterion,
stability analysis, closed loop frequency response lag, lead compensations ; Nonlinear
control systems, describing function analysis of nonlinear control systems ; Introduction
to discrete time systems, state space representation of systems, optional control
systems and adaptive control systems.

Essential Reading:
1. K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, PHI.

ME 3108 MATERIAL HANDLING 3 credits [3-0-0]

Introduction: Development of Material Handling Technology, Design objectives ;

Classification and characteristics of materials, Types of industrial transport,
classification and working principles of materials handling devices ; Cranes: Structural
and mechanical design of electrical overhead traveling cranes ; Conveyors: Design of
belt, Apron, Screw, Roller, Vibrating and pneumatic conveyors ; Elevators: Design of
bucket, Arm and swing tray elevators ; Steel mill cranes: Working principles and
operations of various types of steel mill cranes such as stripper, charger, ladle and
soaking pit cranes.

Essential Reading:
1. Spivakovsky and V. Dyackov, Conveyors and related equipments, MIR Publishers.
2. N. Rudenko, Materials handling equipment, MIR Publishers.
3. M.P. Alexandrov, Materials handling equipment, MIR Publishers.

ME 4207 DECISION MODELING 3 credits [3-0-0]

Linear Programming – Formulation and Solution of LPP, Duality, Sensitivity Analysis,

Dual Simplex Method, Transportation and Assignment Problem, Goal Programming,
Simple Case Studies, Introduction to OR Software package ; Production Planning &
Control – Short range and Long range Planning, Production Planning, Master
Production Schedule, Capacity Planning, Aggregate Planning, GANT Chart
Forecasting, Time series, Causal and Predictive Methods, Forecasting using neural
network ( back propagation algorithm), Scheduling and Sequencing, Flow shop and
Job Shop scheduling, Flow shop scheduling using Johnson’s rule, Branch and Bound
Technique and Genetic Algorithm ; Plant Layout – Types of layout, Design of
Functional Layout using CRAFT, ALB Problems, Solution of ALB Problem using
heuristics ( Largest Candidate Rule, Ranked Positional Weight, Combination of
heuristics, and COMSOAL) and Simulated Annealing, Group Technology, Classification
and Coding Systems, Solution of GT problems using heuristics viz. ROC-I, ROC-II and
MODROC and neural networks ( Adaptive Resonance Theory) ; Plant Location –
Introduction to subjective and objective factors, Brown Gibson Model, Multiple
Locations, Application of AHP in plant Location ; Project Management –. Project
Network, Critical path, PERT & CPM, Crashing and Resource Leveling ; Simulation –
Random Variables, Random Number Generation, Simulation of simple Queuing
Models, Validation and Data collection ; Decision Environment – Decision making
under Certainty, Risk and Uncertainty, Decision Tree, Game Theory ; Maintenance
management - Preventive, Predictive and Corrective maintenance, Determination of
Optimum Schedule for Maintenance, Replacement analysis.

Essential Reading:
1. H.A. Taha, Operation Research:An Introduction, 8th Edn. PHI, New Delhi.
2. L.J. Krajewski, L.P. Ritzman, M.K. Malhotra, Operations Management, 6th Edn. PHI,
New Delhi.

ME 4601 PROJECT-I 3 credits [0-0-3]

Problem Statement, Literature Review, Research Gap, Objective of work, Methodology,
Material selection, Design of Experiment, Tooling, Modelling, Validation, Analysis

ME 4602 PROJECT-II 3 credits [0-0-3]

Conferm experimentation, Result discussion, Dissemination


Definition and broad characteristics of Flexible Manufacturing Cells, Systems, Islands

and Flexible transfer lines - Place of flexible manufacturing systems in CIM - The FMS
relational: Economics and technological justification for FMS - Design and Planning: the
role of associated technologies such as GT, JIT and simulation - Installation, Operation
and evaluation - Scheduling problems - FMS hardware CNC machines tools, robots,
AGVs, ASRs, Inspection and Cleaning stations - Control aspects of FMS-DNC of
machine tools, cutting tools, robots, quality control and inventories - Personnel and
infrastructural aspects - Flexible machining cells and islands - Flexible assembly
Systems; structure, control and applications - FMS in action: Understanding Flexibility,
Types of Flexibility in FMS, Flexible and Dynamic Manufacturing Systems, IT facilitated
flexibility, integration and automation, Role of Integrated and automated material
handling systems, Typical FMS operation, IT based Tools: Computer simulation and AI
for FMS, Group technology, Decision Support Systems, Design, Planning, Scheduling
and Control Issues in FMS, Real time control strategies, Various FMS configurations,
Computer configurations, FMS as mini-CIM, Benefits and Justification for FMS, Role of
Information Technology, Overview of Multi model and mixed model flexible lines,
Typical case studies. Future prospects.

Essential Reading:
1. M.P. Groove, Automation, Production systems & Computer Integrated
Manufacturing, PHI.
2. P. Radhakrishna and V. Raju, CAD, CAM & CIM, New Age, International Publisher.

ME 4108 COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN AND 3 credits [3-0-0]


Fundamental of CAD: The design process, Application of computers for design,

Creating the manufacturing data base, The design work station, Graphics terminal,
Operator input devices, Plotters and other output devices, The CPU, Secondary
storage. Graphics output devices, Rasterization, scan conversion. Raster scans
Graphics: Algorithms for rasterization of straight lines and circles. Display Generation
Techniques: Real time scan conversion, Run-length encoding, Cell organization, Frame
buffer memory. Curves and Surfaces: Splines, parametric curves, Bezier and B-spline
curves and surfaces, ruled surfaces and surfaces of revolution. Solids and their
properties: Surfaces and curves in solids, Intrinsic and global properties, Characteristic
tests and Intersections. Solid Modeling: Data structures and Boolean operations.
Computer Graphics Display Interface: Modeling transformations, Viewing
transformations, Projections, Clipping, Hidden line/surface elimination, shading and
light sources, Double buffering, Hardware graphics engines. Computer-aided drafting,
Parametric drafting, Design visualization, Integration with NC machines and
manufacturing. Scientific Visualization: Animation, physical principles. Graphics
Standards: 2D and 3D standards and graphics portability Introduction to Product data
standards and data structures database integration for CAD/CAM.

Essential Reading:
1. Groover and Zimmer, CAD / CAM, Prentice Hall of India.
2. D. Hearn , M.P. Balles, Computer Graphics, Pearson Ed. Publisher
3. D. D.Voisinet, Introduction of Computer Aided Drafting by McGraw Hill Co.
4. S. Harring Ton, Computer Graphics, Mc Graw Hill Publisher.

Supplementary Reading:
1. D.F Rogers, Procedural elements for computer graphics, TMH Publisher.
2. Rogers, D. F. and Adams, A., Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics,
McGraw-Hill Inc., NY, 1989.
3. I.D. Faux and M. J. Pratt, Computational Geometry for Design and Manufacture,
John Wiley and Sons, NY, 1979.
4. J.Srinivas, Principles of CAD/CAM, Oxford University Press, 2017
5. M.E. Mortenson, Geometric Modelling, John Wiley and Sons, NY, 1991.

ME 4206 CONCURRENT ENGINEERING 3 credits [3-0-0]

Product life cycle, quality products, evaporative markets, globalization and Concurrent
engineering. Review of concurrent engineering techniques like DFM (design for
manufacture). DFA (design for assembly), QFD (quality function deployment), RP
(rapid prototyping), TD (total design) for integrating these technologies. Product
information systems and their architecture. Information environment for suppliers,
management, testing & inspection design engineering, purchasing, process control,
manufacturing, support plans, operators, quality control, servicing and maintenance.
Product information modeling. Integration of information models and end users
applications. Computer aided simultaneous engineering systems. Integrated concurrent
design and product development. Constraint networks. created by capacity expansion
and professional resource expansion. Case studies, DYNAMO, STELLA and SD based
management games.

Essential Reading:
1. C.G. Miller, Concurrent Engineering Design: Integrating the Best Practices for
Process Improvement, Landon.
2. D.D. Bedworth, M.R. Henderson and P.M. Wolfe, Computer Integrated Design and
Manufacturing, 1991. McGraw Hill.

ME 4208 ENTREPRENEURSHIP 3 credits [3-0-0]

Enterprise Launching and Resourcing: Environmental Analysis: Entrepreneurial

process and enterprise building, environmental scanning & analysis, Institutions and
their role, procedures for launching small scale industries, incentives and finances
available to SSI units and new entrepreneurs. How to identify and select good business
opportunity ; Project formulation: Feasibility; industry and firm level feasibility, study of
formats of applications of financial institutions, determining project size, investment
magnitude and forms of organization, estimation of cost, project scheduling, financial
analysis, plant layout ; Enterprise Management: Basic management concepts:
Functions of management, planning, organizing, directing, controlling, coordinating.
Introduction to computers and management information systems, business
communication; Personnel management: Work motivation, labor relations, wage
administration, incentives etc ; Production management: Production, planning and
control routing. Scheduling, dispatching, expediting and evaluation. production
scheduling technique, quality control inspection. Standards and specifications – ISI ;
Financial Management including costing & Accounting practices: Tools of financial
analysis, volume, profit analysis, sensitivity analysis, management of working capital,
financing of working capital requirements, financial accounting, cost accounting, risk
taking and insurance ; Marketing management: Role of marketing in small industry and
business. Importance of consumer's point of view, consumer behavior, buying habits,
marketing, packing, pricing policies and practices, product mix-segmentation of
marketing, sales control, appraisal of sales performance, management of receivables,
Advertising and sales promotion, Introduction to import/export procedures ;Problem
solving and innovation ; Industrial and business laws: Laws governing business
operation, laws governing taxation, laws governing personnel.

Essential Reading:
1. B.B. Chadda, Basics of Business, Executive publishers, New Delhi.
2. V. Desai, Problems and Prospects of Small Scale Industries, Himalaya Pub. House,

ME 4212 WELDING TECHNOLOGY 3 credits [3-0-0]

Introduction, types of welding, conventional and non conventional welding, fusion

welding processes, heat flow in welding, chemical reactions in welding, fluid flow and
metal evaporation in welding, residual stresses, distortion and fatigue, basic
solidification concepts, weld metal solidification,:- grain structure, microstructure within
grains, post solidification phase transformation, weld metal chemical in homogeneities,
weld metal solidification cracking, the partially melted zone: formation of the partially
melted zone, difficulties associated with the partially melted zone, the heat affected
zone: work-hardened materials, precipitation –hardening materials: aluminum, nickel
based alloys, transformation –hardening materials: carbon and alloy steels, corrosion-
resistant materials: stainless steels.
Nomenclature of welded joint, types of welded joint, design consideration of weldment,
failure analysis of the welded joint, testing of weldment, process control parameters of
welding, properties of desired weldment: bead geometry, HAZ, mechanical-
metallurgical characteristics of the weld, weld chemistry, parametric optimization of
welding, different types of optimization techniques; advantages and limitations, case

Essential Reading:
1. Little, Welding & Welding Technology, McGraw Hill Publication
Supplementary Reading:
1. Dr. O. P. Khanna, A Textbook of Welding Technology, Dhanpat Rai Publications
(P) Ltd.2000


Introduction: Basic tools of CFD, Numerical vs. experimental tools. Mathematical

Behavior of PDEs: Parabolic, Hyperbolic and Elliptic PDEs. Methodology of CFDHT:
Discrete representation of flow and heat transfer domain: Grid generation, Governing
equations and boundary conditions based on FVM/FDM, Solution of resulting set of
linear algebraic equations, Graphical representation and analysis of qualitative results,
Error analysis in discretization using FVM/FDM. Solution of 1-D/2-D steady/unsteady:
Diffusion problems, Convection problems, Convection-diffusion problems, source term
linearization. Explicit and Implicit Approach: Explicit and implicit formulation of
unsteady problems, Stability analysis. Solution of Navier-Stokes Equations for
Incompressible Flows: Staggered and collocated grid system, SIMPLE and SIMPLER
algorithms. Special Topics in CFDHT: Numerical Methodology for Complex Geometry,
Multi-block structured grid system, Solution of phase change problems.

Essential Reading:
1. S V. Patankar, Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow by Taylor and Francis.
Supplementary Reading:
1. H. K. Versteeg and W. Malalasekra, Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics:
The Finite Volume Method by Prentice Hall (2nd Edition)
2. Jr D. A. Anderson, Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, McGraw-Hill
3. M. N. Ozisik, Finite Difference Method, CRC (1st Edition).

ME 3304 POWER PLANT ENGINEERING 3 credits [3-0-0]

Vapor Power Cycles: Rankine cycle, Comparison of Rankine and Carnot vapor cycles,
Regenerative cycles, Ideal working fluid for vapor power cycles, Binary vapor cycle,
Thermodynamics of couples cycles, Process heat and by-product power. ; Steam
Generators: Classification of boilers, Description of Cochran, Lanchashire and
Babcock-Wilcox boilers, Boiler mounting and accessories, High pressure boilers,
Lamont, Benson and Velox boilers. ; Nozzle: Introduction, Types of nozzles, Flow of
steam through nozzles, Momentum equation, Entropy change with friction, Effect of
friction, Calculation of nozzle area, Mass flow, Critical pressure, Stagnation enthalpy
and pressure, Effect of friction on critical pressure ratio, Super-saturated flow in
nozzles, Effect of variation of back pressure. ; Steam Turbines: (a) Principles of
operation of steam turbine, Types of steam turbine, Compounding of steam turbine. (b)
Impulse Turbine: Velocity diagram, Effect of blade friction, Forces on Blades, Work
done, Diagram efficiency, Stage efficiency, Gross stage efficiency, Choice of blade
angles, Blade heights etc. (c) Impulse Reaction Turbine: Velocity diagram, Degree of
reaction, Parson's turbine, Blade sections, Internal losses in steam turbine, State point
locus and reheat factor. ; Condensers: Jet and surface type - Dalton's law of partial
pressure and its application to condenser, Air leakage, Extraction pump and air-pump,
Cooling water requirement, Vacuum efficiency. ; Nuclear Power Plants: Release of
nuclear energy, Criticality of reactors, Thermal reactors, nuclear fuels, Moderator,
Reflector, Coolant and control of reactors, BWR, PWR and gas cooled reactors.

Essential Reading:
1. P.K.Nag, Power Plant Engineering, TMH Publication
2. El-Wakil, Power Plant Technology, Mc Graw Hill Publication

ME 3104 AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING 3 credits [3-0-0]

automobiles, vehicle construction and

Types of different layouts, chassis, frame and
body, Vehicle aerodynamics (various resistances and moments involved), IC engines –
components-functions and materials, variable valve timing (VVT), Electronically
controlled gasoline injection system for SI engines, Electronically controlled diesel
injection system (Unit injector system, Rotary distributor type and common rail
direct injection system), Electronic ignition system (Transistorized coil ignition system,
capacitive discharge ignition system), Turbo chargers (WGT, VGT), Engine emission
control by three way catalytic converter system, Emission norms (Euro and BS).
Clutch-types and construction, gear boxes- manual and automatic, gear shift
mechanisms, Over drive, transfer box, fluid flywheel, torque converter, propeller shaft,
slip joints, universal joints ,Differential and rear axle, Hotchkiss Drive and Torque Tube
Drive. Steering geometry and types of steering gear box-
Power Steering, Types of Front Axle, Types of Suspension Systems, Pneumatic
and Hydraulic Braking Systems, Antilock Braking System (ABS), electronic brake force
distribution (EBD) and Traction Control. Use of Natural Gas, Liquefied Petroleum Gas,
Bio-diesel, Bio-ethanol, Gasohol and Hydrogen in Automobiles- Engine modifications
required –Performance, Combustion and Emission Characteristics of SI and CI engines
with these alternate fuels - Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, Fuel Cell Note: Practical
Training in dismantling and assembling of Engine parts and Transmission Systems
should be given to the students.
Essential Readings:
1. Joseph Heitner, “Automotive Mechanics,” Second Edition, East-West Press,
2. Martin W, Stockel and Martin T Stockle , “Automotive Mechanics
Fundamentals,” The Good heart –Will Cox Company Inc, USA ,1978.
3. Heinz Heisler, “Advanced Engine Technology,” SAE International Publications
USA, 1998.
4. Ganesan V. “Internal Combustion Engines”, Third Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill,
5. Kirpal Singh, “Automobile Engineering”, Vol 1 & 2, Seventh Edition, Standard
Publishers, New Delhi, 1997.
6. Jain K.K. and Asthana .R.B, “Automobile Engineering” Tata McGraw Hill
Publishers, New Delhi, 2002.



Pattern of energy use, potential for energy conservation, optimum use of energy
resources, total energy approach. Coupled cycles, combined plants and cogeneration
systems ; Need for energy storage, thermal electrical, magnetic and chemical energy
storage systems ; Utilization of industrial waste heat; gas-to-liquid and liquid-to-liquid
heat recovery systems; Recuperation and regenerators heat pipes; waster heat boilers;
fluidized bed heat recovery; shell and tube heat exchangers ; Prime mover exhausts;
incineration plants; heat pump systems; thermoelectric devices ; Utilization of low grade
reject heat from power plants ; Thermal insulation; energy economics.

Essential Reading:
1. R.G. Stick and A. Thumann, Principles of Waste Heat Recovery, PHI, 1986.

ME 4301 NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION AND 3 credits [3-0-0]


Descriptions of nuclear power plants and operations, Thermodynamics of nuclear

power, Nuclear power cycles, Fluid systems analysis and introduction to two-phase
flow, Heat generation in nuclear reactors, heat conduction in fuel matrixes, Heat
transfer and fluid flow phenomena in rod bundles, Heat transfer with phase change,
Quenching and rewetting phenomena in rod bundles, Hydrodynamics of countercurrent
two-phase flow, Nuclear reactor accidents, Loss of coolant accident and emergency
core cooling system, Principles and methods used in safety evaluation of complex
engineered systems, Safety characteristics of LWR and BWR, Safety culture,Safety
improvements in nuclear reactors, Waste management, Indian nuclear power

Essential Reading:
1. M.M.EI. Wakil, Nuclear Power Engineering, McGraw Hill Book Company, New York,
2. S. Glasstone and A. Setonske, Nuclear Reactors Engineering - CBS Publishers and
3. T.J. Connoly, Fundamentals of Nuclear Energy- John Wiley, 1978.
4. J.H. Rust, Nuclear Power Plant Engineering, Haralson Publishing Company.

ME 4305 CRYOGENIC ENGINEERING 3 credits [3-0-0]

Definition of cryogenics, applications – industrial gases, LNG, space propulsions,

superconducting devices; properties of Fluids and Materials at low temperature,
Refrigeration and Liquefaction cycles – Linde, Claude, Stirling, GM, and their
derivatives, storage of cryogenic liquids, design of storage vessels. Vacuum
Technology – definition, production and measurement of vacuum, multilayer insulation
and application. Superconductivity and Superconducting devices.

Essential Reading:
1. K.D.Timmerhaus and T.M.Flynn, Cryogenic Process Engineering, Plenum Press,
2. A.R. Jha, Cryogenic Technology and Application, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006.


Critical speed of shafts ; Measurement of damping ; Study of cam and follower

kinematics ; Experiment on vibration measurement set-up ; Experiment on gyroscope ;
Study of dynamic balancing machine ; Balancing of a rotating shaft ; Experiment on
epicyclic gear trains ; Calibration of photoelestic model ; Isochromatic fringe pattern for
a specimen under bending ; Calibration of strain gauge ; Stress measurement using
strain rosette ; Experiment on journal bearing test rig ; Experiment on abrasion tester ;
Erosion tester ; Ferrograpgh analysis.


Mathematical modeling and curve fitting of linear algebraic systems ; Numerical model
for a Thermal system and System simulation ; Calculation of interest and worth of
money as a function of time ; Lagrange multipliers and Optimization of constrained and
unconstrained problems ; Search methods: Single-variable problem and Multivariable
constrained optimization ; Design of thermal systems: Geometric, linear, and dynamic

ME 4154 MECHATRONICS AND ROBOTICS LAB. 1 credits [0-0-2]

Study of Mechatronics system, Study of Mechatronics sensors, Study of Mechtronics

actuators, Study of Robot controllers, Study of Robot behavior.

ME 4254 INNOVATIVE PROJECT 1 credits [0-0-2]

Product definition, Cause-effect diagram, Idea generation, Evaluation, Morphology
analysis, SWOT Analysis, Objective tree, Functional tree, Specifications, Fabrication


Introduction and salient features of EOT crane design ; Design of trolley structure ;
Design of main girder ; Design of side truss ; Design horizontal truss ; Design of
members ; Design of gantry girder and column ; Design of mechanical components,
rope, pulley, drum ; Design of crane hooks, brakes, drives etc.
Problems for practice on theories of failure ; Problems for practice on fatigue and failure
;; Design of Journal bearings ; Design of ball bearings, roller bearings ; Design of
valves of IC engines.


Generation and Testing of Random numbers: Solution of Queuing problem ; Design of

Network system and find its optimal solution ; Formulation and solution of practical
industrial problems using LP ; Solution of Transportation and Assignment problem ;
Conceptual Design of a product focused system for high volume rate ; Design of
Functional Layout using numerical technique ; Conceptual Design of a job shop for
optimal man& machine use ; Optimal cell formation for batch production ; Brain
storming session to reach an optimal decision point ; Design and determination of
Optimal Schedule for Maintenance for a medium plant ; Application of advanced
forecasting techniques for sales ; Acquaintance with advanced Flow shop and Job
Shop scheduling techniques

ME 4203 RAPID TOOLING 3 credits [0-0-3]

Introduction & History of Rapid Prototyping Need for the compression in Product
development Growth of RP Industry, Classification of RP, Stereo lithography(SLA)
system & principle, Process parameter, process details of SLA, Data preparation, data
files of SLA , Machine details & Application of SLA
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)- Introduction, SLS Machine Type – Details, SLS
principle of operation, Process parameters of SLS, Data preparation for SLS, Fused
Deposition Modeling (FDM) – Introduction, FDM Principles, Process Parameters, Path
generation & Application of FDM, Solid Ground curing (SGC) - Principle of operation,
SGC machine details & application,
Laminate Object Manufacturing (LOM) - Principle of operation, LOM materials, LOM
Process details & Application, Concepts modelers – Principle, Thermal Jet Printer,
Sander model maker – Explanation, 3-D Printer, Genesis Printer & HP Systems, Object
Qudra system
Rapid tooling -Indirect rapid tooling, Silicon Robber tooling, Aluminium filling epoxy
tooling, Spray metal tooling, Direct rapid tooling, Quick cast process, copper
Polyamide, DMILS – explanation, Prometals, sand casting tooling, Soft tooling & hard
STL files, Solid View, Magics, Imics, Magic communicator, Internet based software,
Rapid Manufacturing – Introduction, Factors influencing accuracy, Data preparation
errors, Part building errors, Errors in finishing, Influence of build orientation

Essential Reading:
1. Paul F. Jacobs: "Stereo lithography and other RP & M Technologies", SME, NY
2. Flham D. T & Dinjoy S.S "Rapid Manufacturing" Verlog London 2001.
3. Rapid automated by Lament wood. Indus press New York

ME 4202 PRODUCTION AND OPERATION 3 credits [0-0-3]


Production Management: Integrated Production Management, System Productivity,

Capital Productivity, Labour Productivity, Personnel Productivity, Training
Operations Management: Introduction, Operations Management and Strategy, Tools
for Implementation of Operations, Industry Best Practices
Operations Strategy: Operations Strategy, Competitive Capabilities and Core
Competencies, Operations Strategy as a Competitive Weapon, Linkage Between
Corporate, Business, and Operations Strategy, Developing Operations Strategy,
Elements or Components of Operations Strategy, Competitive Priorities, Manufacturing
Strategies, Service Strategies, Global Strategies and Role of Operations Strategy,
Forecasting: Introduction, The Strategic Importance of Forecasting, Benefits, Cost
implications and Decision making using forecasting, Classification of Forecasting
Process, Methods of Forecasting, Forecasting and Product Life Cycle, Selection of the
Forecasting Method, Qualitative Methods of Forecasting, Quantitative Methods,
Associative Models of Forecasting, Accuracy of Forecasting, 5-Location Strategies:
Introduction, Location Planning Process, Facility or Layout Planning and Analysis:
Introduction, Objectives of Layout, Classification of Facilities, Basis for Types of
Layouts, Why Layout decisions are important, Nature of layout problems, Redesigning
of a layout, Manufacturing facility layouts, Types of Layouts, Layout Planning,
Evaluating Plant Layouts, Assembly Line Balancing, Material handling, Total Quality
Management: Introduction, Meaning and Dimensions of Quality, Quality Control
Techniques, Quality Based Strategy, Total Quality Management (TQM), Towards TQM
– ISO 9000 as a Platform – Working with Intranet, Total Productive Maintenance
(TPM), Business Process Modelling: Introduction, Importance of Business Process
Modelling, Business Process Modelling, Data Driven Approach to Process Definition.
Logical vs. Physical Database Modelling, Business Process, the Way Forward
Project Management – Planning Process: Introduction, need, Project Management
Principles, Essentials of Project Management Philosophy, Project Planning, Project
Process Flows,
Project Implementation-Control and Closure: Introduction, Project Management Life
Cycle, Project Monitoring and Control, Change Control, Risk Management, Project
Aggregate Planning: Introduction, Requirement of Aggregate Plan, Steps in Developing
an Aggregate Plan, Advantages of Aggregate Plan, Aggregate Planning Strategies,
Planning Options. Selecting the Method in Aggregate Planning, Aggregate Planning in
Supply Chain Management : Introduction, Domain Applications, SCM– The
Breakthrough Article, Supply Chain Management, Views on Supply Chain, Bullwhip
Effect in SCM, Collaborative Supply Chain, Inventory Management in Supply Chain,
Financial Supply Chain – A New Revolution within the SCM Fold
Operations Scheduling: Introduction, Purpose of Operations Scheduling, Factors
Considered while Scheduling, Scheduling Activity under PPC, Scheduling Strategies,
Scheduling Guidelines, Approaches to Scheduling, Scheduling Methodology
[Quantitative], Scheduling in Services, Value Engineering: Introduction, Value
Engineering/Value Analysis, Relevance of VE in Modern Manufacturing, Process of
Value Analysis, VE – Approaches and Aim, Providing Value to the Customers,
Benefits, Just-In-Time : Introduction, Characteristics of JIT, Key Processes to Eliminate
Waste, Implementation of JIT, Pre-requisites for implementation, JIT Inventory and
Supply Chains

Essential Reading:
1. Buffa, Sarin (2007)Modern Production/Operations management, John Wiley and
2. Aswathappa,K., Bhat,S.(2010). Production and Operations management, Mumbai :
Himalaya Publication House.
3. Bedi, K. (2007).Production and Operations management (2nd ed.).Oxford Higher
4. Paneerselvam, R. (2012). Production and Operations management (3rd ed.).PHI
Leaning .
5. Mahadevan,B. (2010).Operations management: Theory and Practice(2nd
ed.).Pearson Education India.
6. Stevenson, W. J.(2014).Operations Management (12th ed.).McGraw-Hill.

ME 3171 MECHANICS OF MATERIALS 3 credits [0-0-3]

Load, Stress, Principle of St.Venant, Principle of Superposition, Strain, Hooke’s law,

Modulus of Elasticity, Stress-Strain Diagrams, Working Stress, Factor of safety, Strain
energy in tension and compression, Resilience, Impact loads, Analysis of Axially
Loaded Members : Composite bars in tension and compression - temperature stresses
in composite rods, Statically indeterminate problems. Shear stress, Complimentary
shear stress, Shear strain, Modulus of rigidity, Poisson’s ratio, Bulk Modulus,
Relationship between elastic constants.
Members in Biaxial State of Stress and strain: Stresses in thin cylinders, thin spherical
shells under internal pressure. Analysis of Biaxial Stress. Plane stress, Principal stress,
Principal plane, Mohr’s Circle for Biaxial Stress. Principal strains and principal axes of
strain measurements, Calculation of principal stresses from principal strains
Shear Force and Bending Moment for Simple Beams: Shear force and bending
moment. Types of load and Types of support. Support reactions, Relationship between
bending moment and shear force, Point of inflection. Shear Force and Bending Moment
Simple Bending of Beams: Theory of simple bending of initially straight beams,
Bending stresses, Shear stresses in bending, Distribution of normal and shear stress,
beams of two materials, Composite beams.
Deflection of Beams: Differential equation of the elastic line, Slope and deflection of
beams by integration method and area - moment method.
Theory of Columns: Eccentric loading of a short strut, Long columns, Euler’s column
formula, Lateral buckling, Critical Load, Slenderness ratio
Torsion in solid and hollow circular shafts, Twisting moment, Strain energy in shear and
torsion, strength of solid and hollow circular shafts. Stresses due to combined bending
and torsion, Strength of shafts in combined bending and twisting.
Close - Coiled helical springs.
Essential Reading
1. Strength of Materials by S. S. Rattan, Tata Mc Graw Hill
2. Strength of Materials by R. Subramaniam, Oxford University Press
3. Elements of Strength of Materials by S.P.Timoshenko and D.H.Young, Affiliated
East-West Press
Supplementary Reading
2. Strength of Materials by G. H. Ryder, Macmillan Press
3. Strength of Materials by James M. Gere and Barry J. Goodno, Cengage Learning

Finite difference method: Basics, forward and central differences, solution of partial
differential equations, Applications to 1-D and 2-D steady-state and transient problems
in structural, thermal and fluid mechanics with boundary conditions
Finite element method: General procedure, Energy methods, Weighted residual
methods, Shape functions and stiffness formulation of 1-D spar and beam elements, 2-
D triangular and rectangular plate elements, Axisymmetric elements, 3-D tetrahedral
and brick elements, Applications to heat transfer, fluid mechanics and structural
Other methods for analysis: Boundary element method, Transfer matrix method,
Differential quadrature method, Collocation method, Galerkin’s reduction scheme.
Introduction to finite volume methods and coupled thermos-mechanical analysis
examples via Ansys Fluent and ABACUS modeling.
Essential reading:
1. D.V.Huttton, ‘Fundamentals of finite element analysis’, McGraw Hill, 2004.
2. S.Tickoo, ‘ANSYS workbench for engineers and designers’, Dreamtech Publishers,
ND, 2014.
Supplementary Reading:
1. F.Hartmann, ‘Introduction to boundary element-theory and applications’, Springer
verlag, NY, 1989
2. C.Shu, ‘Differential quadrature and its applications in Engineering’, Springer-verlag,
London, 2000.
3. X.Wang, ‘Differential quadrature : Theory and Applications’, Elsevier, MA 2015.
4. X.Rui, ‘Transfer matrix method for multibody systems: Theory and Applications’,
John Wiley and Sons, ND, 2017


Introduction: Physical properties of fluids, Ideal and Real fluids, Concept of shear
stress, Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids. Fluid Statics: Pressure-density-height
relationships, Manometers, Force on plane and curved surfaces, Centre of pressure,
Buoyancy, Stability of immersed and floating bodies. Fluid masses subjected to uniform
accelerations, Free and forced vortex. Fluid Kinematics: Steady and unsteady, uniform
and non-uniform, laminar and turbulent flows. Free surface flows and enclosed flows.
Definition of one-, two- and three-dimensional flows. Stream lines, Streak lines, Path
lines. Stream tubes. Stream function and velocity potential. Flow nets. Fluid Dynamics:
Equation of continuity. One-dimensional Euler's equation of motion and its integration
to obtain Bernoulli's equation and momentum equation. Flow through pipes
(incompressible flow): Laminar and turbulent flow in pipes, Hydraulic mean radius,
Darcy -Weisbach equation, Moody's diagram. Minor losses, Pipes in parallel and
series. Transmission of power. Water hammer in pipes. Measurements: Pitot tube,
Current meter, Venturi meter, Orifice meter, Orifice and mouthpieces, Notches and
Boundary layer growth over a flat plate, Boundary layer thickness, Displacement
thickness, Momentum thickness and energy thickness, Laminar and turbulent boundary
Turbines: Classification, Study of Pelton, Francis and Kaplan Turbines, Blade Angle,
Velocity Triangle, Efficiencies. Specific speed unit quantities, Performances of turbines,
Principle of similarity applied to turbines. Centrifugal Pumps: Principle and
Classification, Efficiency, Specific speed, Characteristic curves, Multi stage pumps,
Pumps in series and parallel, Principle of similarity applied to pumps, cavitation in
pumps, NPSH. Reciprocating Pump: Principle of working, Slip, Work done, Effect of
acceleration and frictional resistance, Separation, Air vessels. Miscellaneous Machines:
Rotary and air injection pumps, Hydraulic ram, Hydrostatic machines, Fluid power
transmission systems, Hydraulic accumulator, Intensified, Press and Jack.

Essential reading:
1. S. K. Som and G. Biswas, Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines, Tata McGraw-Hill.
2. B. S. Massey, Mechanics of Fluids by ELBS.
Supplementary reading:
1. L. K. Mohanty, Fluid Mechanics, Prentice Hall.
2. R. J. Garde and A. C. Mirajgackar, Engineering Fluid Mechanics by Nem Chand
3. Dr. J. Lal, Hydraulic Machines - Metropolitan Book Co, New Delhi.
1. V. P. Vasandani, Hydraulic Machines - Khanna Publishers.
2. K. L. Kumar, Fluid Mechanics by S. Chand Co.

ME 3571 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LAB.-I 1 credits [0-0-2]

Calibration of slip gauge using interference of light by Interference Method ; Internal

taper and bore measurement using two precision spheres ; External taper
measurement by sine center Study of Two/Four stroke petrol/diesel engine ;
Determination of volumetric efficiency of reciprocating air-compressor ; Valve timing
diagram of four-stroke petrol/diesel engines ; Load test on petrol Engine. Measurement
of thermal conductivity of solid by gaurded hot plate method ; To determine the
efficiency of a pin-fin in natural and forced convection

ME 3572 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LAB.-II. 1 credits [0-0-2]

Experiment on machining in machining center (CNC) ; Condition monitoring in

machining processes using acoustic emission ; Experiments on Ultra Sonic Machining ;
Experiments on Electro Discharge Machining ; Experiments and demonstration of
Laser Machining ; Experiments and demonstration of Electro Chemical Machining
process ; Experiments and demonstration of Abrasive Jet Machining ; Programming on
various CNC machine tools and use of CIM. ; Load test on diesel engine ; Morse test
on multi-cylinder petrol/diesel engine ; Heat Balance study of petrol/diesel engine ;
Study of differential and transmission system of automobile ; Study of 4-speed/5-speed
gear box of automobile. Performance study of vapour compression refrigeration test rig
; Determination of COP and tonnage capacity of ammonia ice plant

ME 4107 INDUSTRIAL MACHINE DESIGN 3 credits [3-0-0]

Design of IC Engine Components: Design of cylinder and Cylinder head, Design of

piston, Design of connecting rod, Design of crankshaft and Design of valve-gear
Design of Cranes: Basic objectives of material handling system, Types of load,
Classification and application of various Material handling equipment, Basic principles
in selection of material handling system, Classification of cranes, Stress analysis and
selection of Hooke (IS 15560, 2005), Pulley System (hoisting tackle analysis), Steel
Wire ropes: Classification and coding, stress analysis and selection, Design of Sheave
and drums.
Component & assembly design, use of CAD procedure for designing, application of
optimization techniques, modeling and evaluation of components & assembly, specific
examples to be taken such as centrifugal pump, wind turbines, machine tools etc.
calculation of stresses and strengthening of blades.

Essential reading:
1. V B Bhandari, Design of Machine Elements, McGraw Hill.
2. R C Juvinall, Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, 4/e, Wiley.
3. P C Gope, Machine Design: Fundamentals and Applications, 1/e PHI.
4. K Hoga, B Dondlinger, Vehicular Engine Design, Springer.


Modern Machining Processes: Electro Discharge Machining (EDM), Processes

mechanism of material removal, parameters effects EDM & application, Electrical
Discharge Grinding(EDG), Traveling Wire EDM, Electro-chemical Machining (ECM),
Processes, Mechanism of material removal, Tool design, Parameters affecting ECM ,
Applications, Electro-chemical Honing(ECH), Electrochemical Debarring (ECD),
Electrochemical Grinding(ECG), Electrochemical Discharge Grinding, Chemical
Machining, Ultrasonic Machining, Cutting Tool System Design, Mechanism of cutting,
Parameters affects USM applications, Abrasive Jet Machining, Variables of AJM,
Nozzle Design, Laser Beam Machining, Thermal and Non-thermal analysis, and
applications, Electron – Beam Machining and its mechanism, Applications, Plasma arc
machining, Equipments, Arc transfer mechanism, Metallurgical efforts, Safety
precautions and applications, Plasma are surfacing and plasma Arc Springing, Iron
Beam machining and water Jet Machining. ; Modern forming processes: Measurement
of stress and strain under high strain rate, principles of drop forging operation cam
plastometer and mushrooming of billets, formability criteria, explosive forming, electro
hydraulic forming, magnetic pulse forming, pneumatic mechanical high velocity forming,
comparison with conventional process, introduction to kinetic forming, explosive

Essential Readings:
1. HMT - Production Technology - TMH, 1980. (Chapter 14)
2. ASME -High velocity forming of metals, PHI. (Chapters 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8)
Supplementary Reading:
1. Bhattacharya, New Technology I.E. (India), 1973.
2. Fishlock and Hards, New ways of working with metals - Geroge Newnes.
3. Pandey, Modern machining process - TMH, 1980.


Statistics: Statistical Methods: Important statistical distribution and their properties,

correlation and regression, multiple regression analysis. Statistical Inference: t-tests, F-
tests, Chi-square tests, ANOVA, DOE and RSM, time series analysis. ; Quality
Engineering: Taguchi's quadratic loss function, off line and on-line quality control,
importance of parameter design. Experimental design principles for product and
process design, two-level experimental for full factorial and fractional factorial design.
S/N ratio, inner and outer arrays, experimental design for control and noise factors
ANOVA in Engg. design, computer software's in experimental design. Components of
TQM, PDCA cycle, TQM implementation. Quality costs, Ishikawa diagram, brain
storming QCS, QFD, JIT philosophy and techniques. Characteristics features and
clauses of ISO 9000 standards, certification procedures, quality audit procedure,
Implementation procedures. ; Reliability: System effectiveness mission reliability design
adequacy, operational readiness serviceability performance indices, their evaluation,
uses and limitations. ; Reliability models of maintained systems, fundamental
definitions, relationship between reliability and maintainability single equipment
systems parallel stand by K-out-of n-configuration steady state availability.
Maintainability predication. ; Inspection policies bases on profits, downtime and
performance degradation, inspection under emergency condition.

Essential Reading:
1. Freund and Miller, Statistics for engineering and scientists by PHI
2. Quality Engineering using Robust design by M/s phadke, Prentice Hall.
Supplementary Reading:
1. S S. Singh, Total quality control essentials by McGraw Hill Inc.93 Singapore.
2. P.Gopalkrishnan,A.K.Banerjee, Maintenance and spare parts management by PHI,
3. L.S. Srinath, Reliability Engineering by EWP.


SI Engine-introduction-carburetion- mixture requirements-Fuel supply - Ignition -

Stages of combustion-Normal and abnormal combustion-factors affecting knock -
Combustion chambers. ; CI engine- Injection systems-Mechanical and electronic-
Combustion in CI engines-stages of combustion-Factors affecting combustion-Direct
and indirect injection systems –Combustion chambers – Fuel spray behaviour – spray
structure, spray penetration-and evaporation – air motion – Introduction to Turbo
charging and supercharging. ; Basic concepts of engine simulation, governing
equations, simulation of various engine processes for SI and CI Engines.
Thermodynamic and fluid mechanic based models. Different types of combustion
chamber ; Engine instrumentation-Types of pollutants-Euro and Bharat norms-
Emission control methods in SI and CI engines-catalytic converters-EGR-Modern
evaporative emission control system ; Lean Burn Engines – Stratified charge Engines –
homogeneous charge compression ignition engines – Plasma Ignition – Zero Emission
Vehicles, Engines for special applications – Mining, Defence, Off-highway -Tractor,
Bulldozer etc. Submarines, Race car Engine systems, Flexible fuel systems. Surface

Essential Reading:
1. J.B Heywood, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw Hill
2. V. Ganesan, Int. Combustion Engines, II Edition, TMH, 2002.

Supplementary Reading:
1. M.L. Mathur and R.P.Sharma, A course in internal Combustion Engines, Dhanapat
Rai Publications, New Delhi.
2. R.B.Mathur and R.P. Sharma, Internal combustion Engines.
3. K.K. Ramalingam, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, Scitech Publications,
4. D. Smith, Auto fuel Systems, The Good Heart Willox Company, Inc.
5. V. Ganesan, Computer simulation of spark ignition process: University process,
Hyderabad 1993.
6. V. Ganesan, Computer simulation of compression ignition engine. Orient Long man


Forced Vibration with non harmonic and transient excitation of single degree freedom
systems: Fourier analysis, Response to arbitrary loading (Duhamel’s Integral), Impulse
response, Mechanical shock, Parametric Excitation. Two degree Freedom System,
Multi-degree Freedom systems, modal analysis, Matrix iteration Method, Transfer
matrix Method, Myklestadt-Prohl Method, Rayleigh’s minimum principle, Stodola’s
Method, Hoizer’s Method. Vibrations of Continuous systems governed by wave
equation and Euler Bernoulli equation, strings, membranes, rods, beams. Experimental
Methods in Vibration Analysis, industrial applications - rotors and other systems,
vibration standards, vibration monitoring.

Essential Reading:
1. P. Srinivasan, Mechanical Vibration analysis – 2nd Ed., TMH.1995
2. J.G. Rao & K.Gupta, Introductory course onTheory and Practice of Mechanical
Vibrations,– New Age Publication, 1995.
Supplementary Reading:
1. L. Meirovitch, Elements of Vibration Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill, Second edition,
2. W. T. Thomson, Theory of Vibration with Applications, CBS Publ., 1990.


Modern Machining Processes: Electro Discharge Machining (EDM), Processes

mechanism of material removal, parameters effects EDM & application, Electrical
Discharge Grinding(EDG), Traveling Wire, EDM, Electro-chemical Machining (ECM),
Processes, Mechanism of material removal, Parameters affecting ECM , Applications,
Chemical Machining, Ultrasonic Machining, Abrasive Jet Machining, Laser Beam
Machining, Electron Beam Machining, Plasma arc machining, Fundamental of
Manufacturing and Automation: Production operation and automation strategies,
Manufacturing industries, Types of production function in manufacturing, Production
concept and mathematical models, Automation strategies. Cost-benefit analysis. ;
Numerical control: Brief principles and description of numerical control application to
M/C tools. DNC, CNC and adaptive control. Programming of CNC M/C tools, CNC
programming based on CAD.; Fundamentals of CAD/CAM, Computer integrated
manufacturing, Group Technology: Part families, Part classification and coding,
Production flow analysis, Machine cell design, Benefits of Group Technology. ;
Industrial Robotics: Robotic programming, Robotic languages, work cell control Robot
cleft design, types of robot application, Processing operations. ; Flexible Manufacturing
system : What is FMS ?, FMS work station, Analysis methods for flexible manufacturing
systems, application & benefits.

Essential Readings:
1. M.P Groover, Automation, Production systems & Computer Integrated
Manufacturing - PHI.
2. M.P. Grover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, Materials, Processing, and
Systems, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Introduction about manufacturing process; classification of manufacturing process;

Foundry : Introduction to patterns and foundry, Sand binders and different additives,
Sand testing; melting furnaces for ferrous and non-ferrous metals such as cupola,
Induction furnace, Arc furnace & Resistance Furnace; sand casting, continuous
casting, investment casting, centrifugal casting, die casting, Casting defects.

Welding: classification of welding, gas welding, arc welding, TIG (GTAW) and MIG
(GMAW) welding, resistance welding and thermit welding; Advanced Welding methods:
plasma Arc, Laser Beam, Electron Beam, Ultrasonic, Explosive and friction welding;
Brazing and soldering, welding defects.

Plastic deformation of metals: Hot and cold working of metals; Rolling: types of rolling
mills, Rolling defects ; Forging: Smith Forging, Drop and Press forging, M/C forging,
Forging defects; Extrusions: Direct, Indirect, Impact and Hydrostatic extrusion,
Extrusion of tubes; Wire drawing methods and variables in wire-drawing; Sheet metal
working: Bending, Forming and deep drawing.

Powder Metallurgy Method: Steps and Applications

Different types of machine tools for metal cutting: Lathe, Milling machine, Drilling
machine, Grinding machine; Tool holding and job holding methods in different M/C
tools, Indexing mechanism and thread cutting mechanism.

Essential Reading:

1. H.Choudhury, Workshop Technology – Vol –I & II, Media Promotion & Publisher
Pvt. Ltd
2. P. N. Rao, Manufacturing Technology – Vol-I and II, TMH
3. P.C.Pandey and H.S.Shen, Modern Machining process.
4. M.P. Grover, Automation Production system and Computer Integrated Manuf.,


Force analysis: Static forces in 4-bar mechanism, slider-crank mechanism, quick-return

mechanism. Dynamics of reciprocating engine mechanism (analytical method).
Turning moment diagram and flywheel: Fluctuation of crank shaft speed, flywheel in IC
engine, punching press, analytical expression for turning moment.
Governors and Gyroscopes: Types of governors, performance parameters, Governor
effort and power, controlling force, friction and insensitiveness, centrifugal effect of
revolving arms, gyroscopic forces and couple.
Vibration Analysis: Natural frequency, equivalent system, energy method, Free
vibration response, damping, single degree of freedom system with viscous damping,
bending critical speeds of simple and multi-mass shafts, torsional system.
Introduction to machine design, methodology, strength, rigidity, fracture, wear, and
material considerations in design, use of standards, Selection of materials and
processes. Standard numbering system including BIS designations of materials.
Concept of factor of safety. Application of theories of failure to design.
Design of shafts, keys and couplings, belt drive, clutches and spur gears.

Essential Reading:
4. S.S. Rattan, Theory of Machines, MGH
5. R.K.Bansal, Theory of Machines, Laxmi Publisher
6. Bhandari, V. B. Design of machine elements, Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
Supplementary Reading:
4. Rao & Dukkipati, Mechanism and Machine Theory, New Age
5. Ghosh & Mallick, Theory of Mechanism & Machines, East West Press
6. M. F. Spotts, T.E.Shoup,Design of Machine Elements, Pearson, 2003
7. P.C. Sharma, D.K. Agrawal, Machine Design –Kataria & sons, 2007..
8. Design Data Book – PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. 1995


Crystal systems and lattices: Crystallography, crystals and types, miller indices for
directions and planes, voids in crystals, packing density in crystals, Crystal
imperfections. Characteristics of dislocations, generation of dislocations; Bonds in
solids and characteristics of Metallic bonding;
Deformation mechanisms and Strengthening mechanisms in structural materials;
Principles of solidification: Structural evolution during solidification of metals and alloys.
Phase diagrams: Principles, various types of phase diagrams. Iron carbon equilibrium
phase diagrams, TTT diagrams; Pearlitic, martensitic, and bianitic transformations;
Various heat treatment processes of steels; Hot working and cold working of metals;
Recrystallization and grain growth phenomenon; General classifications, properties and
applications of alloy steels, tool steels, stainless steels, cast irons, copper base alloys,
Aluminum base alloys, Nickel base alloys, composites, ceramics and polymers.
Essential Readings:
1. G.E. Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy, McGraw Hill,
2. W. D. Callister, Material Science and Engineering and Introduction, Wiley, 2002.
3. W.F. Smith, Principles of Materials Science, McGraw Hill, 1996
Supplementary Reading:
1. V. Singh, Physical Metallurgy, Standard Publishers, 1999
2. T.V. Rajan, C.P. Sharma and A. Sharma, Heat Treatments: Principles and
Techniques, Prentice Hall, 1997
3. J.F. Shackelford and M.K. Muralidhara, Introduction of Materials Science for
Engineers, Pearson, 6th Ed., 2010.


Transformer: Three phase transformer connections, Testing, Phase conversion,

Autotransformer and Induction Regulator. D.C Machines: Construction, Basic EMF and
torque equations, classification. Voltage builds up in D.C generators, performance
characteristics; D.C motors torque /speed characteristics, speed control and braking,
Testing and efficiency. Induction machines: Constructional features and rotating
magnetic field. Circuit model and phasor diagram. Torque-slip characteristics pull-out
torque, Operating performances, Circle diagram, Testing, starting and speed control
and Braking. Single phase induction motors – classification, Universal motors, Utility.
Synchronous machines: Constructional features, synchronous generators and motors,
equivalent circuit and phasor diagram, power and torque characteristics, hunting,
starting of synchronous motors; Salient pole synchronous machine - phasor diagram
and determination of synchronous reactance, Voltage regulation of alternators, parallel
operations, Utility.

Essential reading:
1. A.E. Fitzagerald, C.M. Kingsley (Jr) and Umans, Electric Machinery, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2003.
Supplementary reading:
I. L. Kosow, Electric Machinery & Transformers, PHI, 2001.


MM 2301 Metallurgical Thermodynamics and Kinetics 3-1-0 4

Basic concepts of systems; State and Path functions; Internal energy and Thermodynamics
Processes; First law of thermodynamics and its application for various metallurgical processes;
Heat capacity; Enthalpy changes; Second law of thermodynamics and entropy; Entropy
changes for various processes; Free energy and its significance; Free energy change as a
function of temperature; Gibbs – Helmholtz equation; Concepts of standard state, fugacity,
activity and equilibrium constant; Van’t Hoff equation; Criteria for thermodynamic equilibrium;
Maxwell’s equations; Third law of thermodynamics; Ellingham diagram (ΔG 0 – T diagram) and
its significance in Metallurgical Engineering; Thermodynamics of solutions; Gibbs – Duhem
equation; Raoult’s law; Ideal, non-ideal and regular solutions and their thermodynamic
properties; Henry’s law and alternative standard states, relation between Free energy change
and electromotive potential; Excess quantities; Activities in multi-component systems. Basic
concepts of reaction rates; Arrhenius equation in reaction kinetics; Mechanism of reaction and
rate controlling steps; Activated complex and its thermodynamic & kinetics aspects; Kinetics of
heterogeneous reactions; Fick’s laws of diffusion and their applications; Mass transfer at solid-
fluid interface; Mass transfer coefficient and its application to dimensional analysis; Concept of
concentration boundary layer; Kinetic steps involved in the reduction of iron ore and roasting of
Essential Reading:
1. L.S.Darken and R.W.Gurry, Physical Chemistry of Metals, McGraw Hill, N.Y.
2. D.R.Gaskell, Introduction to Metallurgical Thermodynamics, McGraw Hill, N.Y.
3. R.A.Swalin, Thermodynamics of Solids, John Wiley, N.Y.
4. G.S.Upadhyay and R.K.Dubey, Problems in Metallurgical Thermodynamics and
Kinetics,Pergamon, N.Y.
Supplementary Reading:
1. R.H.Tupkary, Introduction to Metallurgical Thermodynamics, T.U.Publishers, Nagpur.
2. A.Ghosh, Text book of Materials and Metallurgical Thermodynamics, Prentice Hall of
India, New Delhi.
3. T.Rosenquist, Principles of Extractive Metallurgy, McGraw Hill, N.Y.
4. G.H.Geiger&D.R.Poirer, Transport Phenomena in Process Metallurgy, Addison Wesley,
5. J.Szekely&N.J.Themelis, Rate Phenomena in Process Metallurgy, John Wiley, N.Y.
6. S.Glasstone, K.J.Laidler&H.Eyring, Theory of Rate Processes, Mc. Graw Hill, N.Y.
7. A.K.Mohanty, Rate Processes in Extractive Metallurgy, Prentice Hall of India.
MM 2302 Transport Phenomena 3-0-0 3

Fluid Flow: Classification of fluids, ideal & real, Newtonian & Non-Newtonian, Newton’s law of
viscosity. Types of fluid flow – streamline & turbulent, continuity equation for incompressible
and compressible fluid and its application. Concept of velocity bounds layer. ; Bernoulli’s
equation and its application for flow measurement by venturimeter, orifice meter, pilot tube and
rotameter. Dimensional analysis by Rayleigh’s method of indices and Buckingham’s π
theorem.Example of analysis of pressure gradient, mass transfer co-efficient & convective heat
transfer co-efficient, concept of similarly and dimensionless criteria.Dimensionless groups &
their significance.Pressure drop & friction factor in various configurations, flow in packed bed &
fluidized bed.Free and partially restricted jets, high velocity fluid jets.Mass Transfer: Law of
diffusion and their application, concept of mass transfer co-efficient & concentration boundary
layer, Interfacial mass transfer, overall mass balance. Heat Transfer: Internal & External modes
of heat transfer, steady state heat conduction in monolayer and composite flat walls &
cylinders. Unsteady state heat conduction, thin & massive body heating & cooling.Finite
difference method in solving unsteady state heat conduction. Natural and forced convection,
concept of heat transfer co-efficient, thermal boundary layers, some examples of connective
co-relations. Law of radiation – Steffan-Boltzmann’s law, Kirchoff’s law &Lambarth’s law, Black
& grey body concepts, view factor, Radiation from flames & gases.Radiation between simple
surfaces with & without absorbing gas media. Radiation shields. Overall Heat transfer co-

Essential Reading:
1. R.B.Bird, W.E.Stewart and E.N.Lightfoot, Transport Phenomena, Wiley, 1994.

2. G.H.Geiger and D.R.Poirier, Transport Phenomena in Materials Processing,

Addison Wesley, Mass, 1994.

Supplementary Reading:
1. J.R.Welty, R.E.Wilson and C.E.Wicks, Fundamentals of Momentum Heat and Mass
Transfer, Wiley, 1976.

2. R.I.L.Guthrie, Engineering in Process Metallurgy, Oxford Science, 1992.

MM 2303 Iron making 3-0-0 3

Raw materials and their properties: Iron ore, Limestone, Agglomerates and Coke, Beneficiation
of Iron ores. Preparation of ores: sintering and palletizing, blast furnace burdening and
distribution, testing of raw materials for blast furnace. Design: Blast furnace profile, stove and
gas cleaning units; instrumentation, refractory used in blast furnace and stove. Reactions: Fe-
C-O, Fe-O-H phase equilibria, Reactions in stack, bosh and hearth; formation of primary slag,
bosh slag and hearth slag. Slag composition and its control, Metal-slag reactions, Control of hot
metal composition. Process Control: Factors affecting fuel consumption and productivity,
Recent developments in Blast furnace operations like, Bell-less top charging system, High top
pressure, Humidified & Oxygen enriched blast and Auxiliary fuel injection through tuyers.
Irregularities in blast furnace operation and their remedies.Alternative routes of iron making:
Introduction, Processes of Sponge Iron production; SL/RN, MIDREX, HyL processes. Smelting
Reduction Processes; COREX, ROMELT, Hismelt.

Essential Reading:
1. A. K. Biswas, Principles of Blast Furnace Iron Making, SBA publication, Calcutta, 1999

Supplementary Reading:
1. A.Ghosh and A.Chatterjee: Ironmaking and Steelmaking Theory and Practice, Prentice-
Hall of India Private Limited, 2008
2. G.R. Bashforth, The Manufacture of Iron and Steel, Vol.I, Chapman, London, 1962.

3. D.H. Wakelin (ed.): The Making, Shaping and Treating of Steel (Ironmaking Volume),
The AISE Steel Foundation, 2004.

MM 2102 Principles of Physical Metallurgy 3-0-0 3

Crystal Structure: Space lattices and Bravais lattices, Miller Indices of planes and directions,
slip planes and slip directions. Bonding in Solids: Ionic, Covalent, and Metallic bonding,
Substitutional and interstitial solid solution, Hume Rothery Rules, Intermetallic compounds,
Normal valency compounds, Electron compounds, Interstitial compounds. Imperfections: Point
defects, Vacancies, Interstialcies, Dislocations; Edge & Screw dislocations; Burgers vector.
Binary Phase Diagrams: Isomorphous, Eutectic, Peritectic, Eutectoid, Monotectic and Syntectic
systems, Phase rule and Lever rule. Iron-Cementite Equilibrium diagrams and its applications,
Plain carbon and alloy steel, Industrial applications of steels. Diffusion: Fick’s First and Second
law of diffusion, Atomic model of diffusion, Grain boundary, surface and thermal diffusion,
Kirkendall Effect, Interstitial diffusion. Nucleation: Homogeneous and Heterogeneous
nucleation, Kinetics of nucleation, Growth and overall transformation kinetics. Material
properties: selection of materials for engineering applications.

Essential Reading:
1. V. Raghavan, Materials Science and Engineering, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited

2. W.F. Smith, McGraw Hill, Principles of Materials Science and Engineering, New York

Supplementary Readings:
1. R.E Reid Hill, Physical Metallurgy Principles, PWS-Kent Publishing (2004).

2. Vijendra Singh, Physical Metallurgy, Standard Publisher (2008).

3. W.D. Callister, Materials Science & Engineering, An Introduction, John Wiley & Sons

4. L.H. Van Vlack, Addison Wisley, Elements of Materials Science and Engineering, New
York (1985).

MM 3102 Phase Transformation 3-0-0 3

Thermodynamics and Kinetics of solid state Phase transformation, Atomic models of Diffusion,
Allotropy of Iron and Fe-C Phase diagram, Functions of alloying elements, Importance of
Austenite Grain size; Formation of Austenite, TTT and CCT Diagrams, Homogeneous and
Heterogeneous nucleations, Strain energy effects; Overall Transformation Kinetics, Empirical
equations, Transformation kinetics for Interface-controlled and Diffusion-controlled growth;
Pearlitic, Bainitic and Martensitic Transformations (Mechanisms, Kinetics and Morphologies).
Pearlitic transformation, Factors influencing pearlitic transformation, Mechanism of
transformation, Nucleation and growth, Orientation relationship; Bainitic transformation:
Mechanism of transformation, Nucleation and growth, Orientation relationships, Surface relief,
Classical and non-classical morphology, Effect of alloying elements; Martensitic transformation:
Characteristics of transformation, Thermodynamics and kinetics, Nucleation and growth,
Morphology, Crystallography, Stabilization; Strengthening mechanisms, Recovery,
Recrystallization and Grain growth, Annihilation of point imperfections, Mechanism of
nucleation and driving force for growth; Massive and Spinodal Decomposition; Mechanism and
Kinetics of precipitation of age-hardenable alloys.

Essential Reading:
1. D. A. Porter and K E Easterling, Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys, CRC

2. V. Raghavan, Solid State Phase Transformations, PHI.

Supplementary Reading:
1. J. W. Christian, The Theory of Transformations in Metals and Alloys, Pergamon

2. J. E. Hilliard, Phase Transformations, ASM.

3. S. H. Avner, Introduction to Physical Metallurgy, Tata McGraw-Hill.

4. R. E. Reed-Hill, Physical Metallurgy Principles, East-West Press.

5. A. K. Jena and M. C. Chaturvedi, Phase Transformation in Materials, Prentice Hall

MM 3201 Deformation Behaviour of Materials 3-0-0 3

Elastic Behaviour: Concept of elasticity in three dimensions, Generalised Hook’s Law, Plane
stress and plane strain state, Strain energy, Concept of finite element method. Theory of
Plasticity: Flow curve; Yield criteria, Plastic stress strain relationship. Dislocation Theory: Line
defects, Deformation by slip, Theoretical shear strength, Critical resolved shear stress, Burger’s
vector and dislocation loop, Edge, Screw, Mixed and Partial dislocations, Dislocation reactions,
Dislocations in fcc and bcc crystals, Cross slip and climb of dislocations, Interaction of
dislocations, Energy of dislocations, Forces on dislocations, Dislocation sources and
multiplication of dislocations. Dislocation pile-ups and Bauschinger’s effect, Strain hardening in
single crystals and polycrystals, Yield point phenomenon, Strain aging, Dynamic strain aging,
Strengthening mechanisms. Deformation Twinning: Classification, Slip vs. twinning, Stress for

Essential Reading:
1. G. E. Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy, McGraw Hill Publication, 1988.

2. D. Hull and DC Bacon, Introduction to Dislocation, Elsevier Butterworth – Heinemann,

Pub., 4th Ed. (2001).

Supplementary Reading:
1. WoleSoboyejo, Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials, Marcel Dekker
Publication, 2003.

2. R. W. Hertzberg, Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials, John

Wiley & Sons Publication, 1995.

3. R. E. Reed–Hill, Physical Metallurgy Principals, Litton Education Publication, 2004

MM 3304 Steelmaking 3-0-0 3

Introduction: Principles of steel making reactions, Viz. Decarburisation, dephosphorisation,

desulphurisation, silicon and managanese reaction. Slag Theories: Molecular and Ionic
theories; Interpretation of the above reactions in terms of ionic theory of slag. LD Process:
Design of converter & lance, Quality of raw materials charged, Operation of the converter and
control of bath and slag composition, Chemical reactions involved, Temperature and residual
bath oxygen control, Use of oxygen sensor, Some characteristics of L.D. blow Viz. Emulsion
formation, Slopping, Maneuvering lance height for dephosphorisation and decarbunisation.
Catch Carbon technique, Recovery of waste heat, OBM/Q-BOP, Process, Concept and
operation of the process, Mixed/Combined blowing Processes, Oxygen top blowing with inert
gas purging at bottom, Oxygen top blowing with inert and oxidizing gases at bottom, Oxygen
top and bottom blowing. Steel making scenario in India.Open Hearth Furnace: Its modification
into Twin Hearth, Operational principle, Advantages. Electric Arc Furnace: Advantages;
Charging, Melting and refining practices for plain carbon and alloy steels, Use of DRI in arc
furnace and its effect on performance, UHP electric arc furnace with D.C. supply, Single
graphite electrode, Oxygen lancing, Oxyfuel burner, Water cooled panel and computer control.
Duplex processes of stainless steel making using VOD, AOD & CLU. Induction Furnace:
Advantages, principle of induction melting, Its use in steel industry. Deoxidation of liquid steel:
Requirements of deoxidisers, deoxidation practice, Stoke’s law, Use of complex deoxidisers,
Inclusions and their influence on quality of steel, Killed, Semi-killed and Rimming steel.
Secondary refining of steel: Objectives, Principle of degassing, Different industrial processes
such as DH, RH, VAD, SD. LF, and ESR, Limitations and specific applications. Continuous
Casting of Steel: Advantages, types of machines, Mould lubrication and reciprocation,
Developments in technology with respect to productivity, quality and energy conservation,
Near-net-shape casting, Strip casting.

Essential Reading:
1. R.J.Fruehan (ed.), The Making, Shaping and Treating of Steel (Steel Making Volume),
The AISE Steel Foundation, 2004.

Supplementary Reading:
1. Ghosh and A. Chatterjee, Ironmaking and Steelmaking Theory and Practice, Prentice-
Hall of India Private Limited, 2008
2. R.G.Ward, Physical Chemistry of iron & steel making, ELBS and Edward Arnold, 1962.
3. F.P. Edneral, Electrometallurgy of Steel and Ferro-Alloys, Vol.1 Mir Publishers, 1979.

MM 3103 Heat Treatment of Metallic Materials 3-0-0 3

Objective and variables of heat treatments, Limitation of Fe-Fe3C Phase Diagram, Formation of
Austenite, TTT and CCT Diagram, Types of TTT Diagram. Application of TTT Diagrams
(Martempering, Austempering and Patenting). Annealing (Full, Homogenising, Spheroidisation
and Stress-relieving annealing), Normalising, Comparison of Annealing and Normalising,
Hardening and Tempering of plain and alloy steels, Hardening (Objective, Austenitizing
temperature and Internal stresses), Quenching Mediums and Methods, Retained austenite and
Defects in hardening, Tempering of steels, Aims and stages of tempering, Effects of Carbon
and alloying elements, Tempering of alloy steels and Multiple tempering, Embrittlement during
tempering. Thermo-mechanical treatment of alloys. Hardenability and its determination, Factors
affecting hardenability. Case and Surface hardening: Carburising, Nitriding and Carbonitriding,
Induction and Laser Hardening. Heat treatments of general engineering steels: Spring, Bearing
steels, Tool steels, HSLA steel and Maraging steels, Dual phase steels and Stainless steels,
Heat Treatments of Al-alloys, Cu-alloys and Ti-alloys. Age-Hardening: Types and sequence of
precipitates, Mechanism and kinetics of precipitation. Heat-treatment defects and their

Essential Reading:
1. B. Zakharov, Heat Treatment of Metals, CBS Publishers.

2. Principles of Heat Treatment of Steels, ASM.

Supplementary Reading:
1. C R Brooks, Principles of the Heat Treatment of Plain Carbon and Low Alloy Steels, ASM

2. R Kumar, Physical Metallurgy of Iron and steels, Asia Publishing House.

3. G. Krauss,Steels: Processing, Structure and Performance, ASM International.

4. K E Thelning, Steel and Its Heat Treatment, Butterworth.

5. W C Leslie, The Physical Metallurgy of Steels, MeGraw-Hill International.

MM 3202 Mechanical Properties of Materials 3-0-0 3

Tensile Behaviour of Metals: True stress-true strain curve, Strain hardening coefficient,
Instability in tension, Effect of strain rate and temperature on flow properties. Hardness: Types
and principle of hardness measurements. Fracture: Theoretical cohesive strength of metals,
Griffith’s theory of brittle fracture, Mechanism of brittle and ductile fracture, Fractographic
aspects of fracture, Notch effects. Impact Behaviour: Notched bar impact test, Transition
temperature phenomenon, Factors affecting transition temperature; Fracture Mechanics: Strain
energy release rate, Stress intensity factor, Plane strain fracture toughness, Design approach;
Fatigue: Micromechanisms of crack initiation and growth, Stress and strain approaches of
fatigue, Fracture mechanics approach, Fatigue crack growth; Environmental Assisted Cracking:
Stress corrosion cracking, Hydrogen embrittlement, Corrosion fatigue. Creep: Creep curves,
Mechanisms of creep, Stress rapture test, Life prediction, High temperature alloys.
Composites: Fracture and fatigue of composites.

Essential Reading:
1. G E Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy –McGraw – Hill Publication (1988).

2. R W Hertzberg, Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials, John

Wiley & Sons Publication (1995).

Supplementary Reading:
1. R E Reed, Physical Metallurgy Principals ––Hill Litton Education Publication (2004).

2. W. Soboyejo, Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials –Marcel Dekker

Publication (2003).

Manufacturing Processes
MM 3203 3-0-0 3

Basic concepts and principles of manufacturing Performing Processes: Casting, forging,

rolling, drawing, extrusion, press tool work, plastic moulding and powder metallurgy.
Joining Processes: Welding, brazing and crimping Semi-finishing and finishing processes:
Machining (Turning, shaping, drilling, Milling and grinding). Non-traditional Processes:
Abrasive jet machining, Ultrasonic machining, Electro-discharge machining, Electrochemical
machining and laser beam machining.

Essential Reading: A. Ghosh, A. K. Mallik, Manufacturing Science, East-West Press Pvt. Ltd.

Supplementary Reading: Mikell P. Groover, Introduction to Manufacturing Processes, Wiley,


MM 4204 Mechanical Working of Metallic Materials 3-0-0 3

Fundamentals of Metal Working: Classification of forming processes; Temperature in Metal–

working, Hot working, Cold working and Warm working of metals, Heating of metals and alloys
for hot working, Friction in Metal working, Lubrication, concept of yield criteria. Rolling of
Metals: Classification of Rolled products, Types of rolling mills, Terminology used in rolling;
Forces and Geometrical relationships in rolling, Rolling variables, Theories of rolling, Rolling
Torque and HP calculations. Roll-pass Design: Fundamentals of Roll-pass-design; Mill type,
Layout and rolling practice adopted for some common products such as Slabs, Blooms, Billets,
Plates, Sheets etc. Rolling defects and their control. Forging of Metals: Forging principles,
types of forging and equipments needed; calculation of forging load under sticking and slipping
friction conditions. Forging defects and their control. Manufacture of rail wheels and tyres.
Extrusion: Types, Principles and Equipments. Variables in extrusion, deformations in extrusion,
calculation of extrusion pressure under plane strain conditions; extrusion defects; production of
tubes and seamless pipes. Wire Drawing: Drawing of Rods, Wires and Tubes, calculation of
drawing load; drawing defects. Sheet Metal Forming: Forming methods such as bending,
stretch forming, shearing and blanking, deep drawing, and redrawing. Defects in formed
products.Special forming methods such as explosive forming (elementary ideas excluding
mathematical treatment).

Essential Reading:
1. G.E. Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy, McGraw Hill-1988

2. Roll pass Design, the united steel companies Ltd., U.K.-1960

Supplementary Reading:
1. G.W. Rowe, Principles of Industrial Metal Workinging processes, Crane Russak, 1977.

2. Amitabh Ghosh, Asok Kumar Mallick, Manufacturing sciences, East-west press private
ltd; latest reprint-1991.

MM 4501 Corrosion and Environmental Degradation of Materials 3-0-0 3

Definition of corrosion, Cost of corrosion, Classification of corrosion, Electrochemical aspect of

corrosion, Eight forms of corrosion (Uniform attack, Galvanic corrosion, Crevice corrosion,
Pitting, Intergranular corrosion, Selective leaching, Erosion corrosion, Stress corrosion),
Hydrogen damage, Basic thermodynamics of corrosion (Concept of free energy, Cell potential,
EMF and Galvanic series, Relationship between free energy and cell potential, Nernst
equation, Application of thermodynamics to corrosion, Pourbaix diagram), Kinetics of corrosion
(Exchange current density, Activation polarization, Concentration polarization, Combined
polarization, Mixed potential theory, Mixed electrodes, Passivity), Oxidation and hot corrosion
of materials at high temperature, Kinetics of oxidation, Pilling-Bed worth ratio. Corrosion testing
(Corrosion rate measurement by immersion testing, Expression for corrosion rate,
Measurement of open circuit potential, Potentiodynamic polarization scan (Taffel’s plot), Linear
polarization, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy), Corrosion prevention (Selection of
proper materials, Design rules and its modifications, Alloying additions, Environmental
conditioning, Cathodic and anodic protection, Organic and inorganic coating, Surface
engineering, Inhibitors and passivators).

Essential Reading:
1. M. G. Fontana, Corrosion Engineering, Third Edition, Mc Graw Hill Publishing
Company, 2006.
2. R. W. Revie and H. H. Uhlig, Corrosion and Corrosion Control: An Introduction to
Corrosion Science and Engineering, Fourth Edition, Wiley Interscience, 2008.
3. Corrosion Engineering: Principles and Practice, P. R. Roberge, Mc Graw Hill Publishing
Company, 2008.
4. D. A. Jones, Principles and Prevention of Corrosion, Prentice Hall, 1996.
5. Z. Ahmad, Principles of Corrosion Engineering and Corrosion Control, Elsevier Science
and Technology Books (B.H.), 2006.
Supplementary Reading:
1. S. N. Banerjee, An Introduction to Science of Corrosion and Its Inhibition, Oxonian
Press, 1985.
2. R. Narayan, An Introduction to Metallic Corrosion and Its Prevention, Oxford and IBH,

MM 4401 Modelling of Materials Processes 3-0-0 3

Molecular simulations, numerical methods, image processing, modelling of simple systems and
animation. MATLAB and Simulink software for all modelling and simulations. This course also
includes topics viz., matrices, solution to ODEs, making simple 2-D and 3-D geometrical figures
using parametric equations, colour maps, meshgrids, 2-D and 3-D plots and contours. Several
numerical techniques like Newton-Raphson technique, Runge-Kutta method, Simposns 1/3 rule
are taught in detail in this course. Topics and problems based on material properties, crystal
structures, structure-property correlation in materials are considered for modelling in this
course. Students will be taught how to develop and run sample programs. This course also
gives an introduction to image processing, animation, making movies and sound processing.

Recommended Textbooks:

1. Understanding MATLAB: A textbook for beginners by S.N. Alam and S.S.Alam, I K

International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2013.
2. Advanced guide to MATLAB: Practical Examples in Science and Engineering,
S.N.Alam, S.Islam amd S.K.Patel, I K International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2015.
3. Modeling and Simulation Using MATLAB - Simulink: For ECE, by Dr. Sanjeevan
Kapshe and Dr. Shailendra Jain, Wiley, 2016.
4. MATLAB and Simulink for Engineers by Agam Kumar Tyagi, Oxford Higher Education,
5. MATLAB: An Introduction with Applications by Amos Gilat, 4th Edition, 2012.

MM 4104 Design and Selection of Materials 3-0-0 3

Overview of processing, microstructure and property relations of engineering materials;

Different material choices in design; Material designing – Types and tools used; Important
design related properties of engineering materials; Material Indices and its determination
relevant to variety of metallurgical applications; Material selection bubble charts – creation and
interpretation; Materials selection by optimising the performance; Shape Factors in material
selection; Multiple material constraints and identifying the active constraints in selecting
materials; Conflicting Objectives/Material Substitution using exchange constants and penalty
functions. Different case studies, involving traditional and software approaches, for materials
design and selection for a wide range of metallurgical applications.

Essential Reading:
1. Michael. F. Ashby: Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, 4 th edition (2011),
Butterworth – Heinemann Publishers.
2. M.F. Ashby and Kara Johnson: Materials and Design, 3 rd Edition (2014), Butterworth –
Heinemann Publishers.
3. M.F. Ashby and David R. H. Jones: Engineering Materials 1: An Introduction to
Properties, Applications and Design, 4 th edition (2012), Butterworth – Heinemann
4. Kenneth G. Budinski and Michael K. Budinski: Engineering Materials: Properties and
Selection, 9th Edition (2009), Pearson Publisher.

Supplementary Reading:

1. Gladius Lewis: Selection of Engineering Materials, (1995), Prentice Hall.

2. William D. Callister, Jr and David G Rethwisch: Materials Science and Engineering – An
Introduction, 9th edition (2013), John Wiley & Sons Inc.
3. George E. Dieter: Engineering Design: A Materials and Processing Approach, 3 rd
edition (2000), McGraw-Hill.

MM 2305 Fuels and Refractories 3-0-0 3

Introduction of fossil fuels and their world-wide reserves; Primary and secondary fuels, Coking
and non-coking coals. Beneficiation of coal. Characterization of coal properties (caking and
swelling indices, calorific value, proximate and ultimate analyses, etc.); Coal carbonization and
effects of different parameters; Properties of coke, char and graphite. Selection of coal for
sponge iron making and thermal power plants; Fuel combustion and the effects of different
factors; Combustion calculations. Alternative sources of energy (viz. ferro-coke, formed coke,
charcoal, solar, wind, tidal, etc.) and their suitability for metallurgical and power industries;
Renewable and non-renewable sources of energy; Activated carbon and its uses; Modern
trends in the utilization and conservation of fossil fuels. Properties and uses of gaseous fuels
like coke oven gas, blast furnace gas, basic oxygen furnace gas, producer gas, etc.; Petroleum
coke and its utilization in metallurgy. Solid energy wastes and their possible industrial
applications; World-wide approach in the utilization of energy wastes; Energy crises and its
possible solution.

Refractories: Classification of refractories. Properties and applications of Fireclay, Silica,

Chromite, Carbon/Graphite, Magnesite, Dolomite, Zirconia, Silicon Carbide, Sillimanite, Kyanite
Selection of Refractories : Blast Furnace, LD Converter, Electric Arc Furnace.

Essential Reading:
1. Her Majesty’s, The Efficient use of fuels, Published stationary office, 423, Oxford
Street, London W.I.

2. Marion L. Smith and Karl W. Stinson, Fuels and Combustion McGraw-Hill Book
Company, Inc. New York.

Supplementary Reading:
1. S.B. Pandya, Conventional Energy Technology – Fuels and Chemical Energy, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.

2. Samir Sarkar, Fuels and Combustion, Orient Longman Ltd., Mumbai.

3. S.P. Sharma and C. Mohan, Fuels and Combustion, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Co. Ltd., New Delhi.

MM 2306 Non Ferrous Metal Extraction-Principle and 3-0-0 3


Principles of Extraction of Metals – I (Mineral Processing): Ore and ore body, parameters
defining economy of ore processing, Liberation, communication, crushing, grinding, sizing,
classification, Principles of minerals beneficiation such as heavy media separation, jigging,
tabling, magnetic separation, Flotation, Solid – Liquid separation.
Principles of Extraction of Metals – II (Pyrometallurgy): Role of Ellingham diagram and phase
stability diagrams, drying, calcinations, roasting, types of roasting, smelting, types of smelting.
(1) Pyrometallurigical extraction of copper: flowsheet, flotation, roasting, matte smelting,
converting, refining. (2) Pyrometallurgical extraction of nickel: flowsheet, roasting, matte
smelting, (3) Pyometallurgical extraction of ladle: flowsheet, flotation, roasting, sintering,
smelting, refining, (4) Extraction of Titanium: Flowsheet – Kroll’s process, carbochlorination,
Magnesium reduction.
Principles of Extraction of Metals – III (Hydro & Electometallurgy): Role of Ellingham diagram
phase stability diagram in aqueous media, Electrode potential, Electrochemical cell,
electrochemical series, Evans’ diagram, Eh – ph diagram. Principles of Leaching, simple
dissolution, oxidative and reductive leaching, types of leaching in sites leaching, heap leaching,
vat leaching, agitation leaching, pressure leaching, bio leaching; solution extraction, ion
exchange, Faradays’ Law, Cell voltage, Cell voltage, current density, current efficiency, Electro
lining, Electro refining, direct electowining, fussed – salt electrolysis. (5) (A) Hydrometallurgy of
Zinc: flowsheet flotation roasting, solution purification, electrowinning, (B) pressure – Leaching
– EW. (6) Hydrometallurgy of copper; flowsheet, heap leching/bioleach/roast – leach, solvent
extraction, electrowinning. (7) Hydrometallurgy of nickel: (A) Pressure leaching electowinning,
(B) Direct – electowinning of Mette – anode, (C) Lattierite processing; (1) H2SO4 pressure
leaching and (2) Roasting – Ammoniazed leaching – BNC precipitation, (8) Metallurgy of
Uranium: flowshet in-situ / heap/ vat – leaching – solution purification, production of UO2, (9)
Metallurgy of Au and Ag: flowsheet – leaching – purification – EW, (1) Metallurgy of Aluminium
– Bayers process, Hall – Heroult process, anode preparation, electrolyte, energy consumption,
(11) Metallurgy (fused salt – EW) of CA, Mg, Na: flowsheet.

Essential Reading:
1. C. Bodsworth, Extraction and Refining of Metals, CRC Press, 1994.
2. A.Ghose and H. S. Ray, Principles of Extractive Metallurgy, Wiley Eastern, 1991.

Supplementary Reading:
1. H. S. Ray, R. Sridhar, K. P. Abraham, Extraction of Non-ferrous Metals, Affiliated East-
West Press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi-1985.

2. T. Rosenquist, Principles of Extractive Metallurgy, McGraw hill, 1974.

3. R. D. Pehike, Unit Processes of Extractive Metallurgy, American Elsevier, N. Y., 1968.

MM 2105 Physics of Materials 3-0-0 3

Crystallography: Crystalline and amorphous structures, Elements of Crystal Symmetry,

Symmetry elements and axes, two, three, four and six fold Symmetry, Point group and Space
group. Review of atomic bonding. Order-Disorder Transformation: Ordering, Degrees of long
range and short range ordering, Anti phase Domain, Super lattice, Elements of Super lattice
Theories, Properties and Applications. Electron Theory of Materials: Heisenberg’s uncertainty
Principle, Schrodinger’s equation. Free Electron Theory, Zone Theory, Density of States, Fermi
Energy Level, Application of Zone Theory to Alloy Phases; Conductors and Insulators,
Semiconductors, P&N – Type Semiconductors. Magnetic Properties: Dia, Para and Ferro-
magnetism, Domain Theory of Ferromagnetism Antiferromagnetism and Ferrites, Hysteris loop,
Soft Magnetic Materials, Hard Magnetic Materials, Super Conductivity, BCS Theory, Type-I &
Type-II Super Conductors. Elements of X-ray Diffraction: X-ray, Bragg’s Law, Laue, Rotating
Crystal and Powder Methods, Structure Determination with the help of X-ray.

Essential Reading:
2. W.HumeRothery and B.R. Coles – Atomic Theory for Students of Metallurgy. The
Institute of Metals (London) (1988).

3. R.E. Reid – Hill, Physical Metallurgy Principles, East – West Press Pvt. Ltd., (New
Delhi), (2004).

Supplementary Reading:
1. S.L. Kakani and A. Kakani, Material Science, New Age International Publishes Ltd.,
(New Delhi) (2004).

2. R.A. Higgins, Engineering Metallurgy, Standard Publishes Distributors (Delhi)


3. M.S. Vijaya, G. Rangarajan, Materials Science, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing

Company Limited (New Delhi) (2004).

4. V. Raghavan, Material Science and Engineering, Princep Hall (New Delhi) (2003).

5. C.S. Barrett and T.B. Massalski, Structure of Metals,Euresia Publishing House (Pvt.)
Ltd., (New Delhi) (1968).

MM 2502 Powder Technology 3-0-0 3

Powder preparation: Powder flow, Compressibility and porosity measurements, Powder

forming, Consolidation and different powder processing routes, Behavior of powder during
compaction: Die compaction. Different modern powder compaction methods: Hot isostatic
pressing, Spark plasma sintering, and Microwave sintering. Sintering of powders and
evaluation of sintered products. Sintering theories, Solid and liquid phase sintering,
Characterization of powders: composition and their structure, Particle size and shape
determination. Applications of sintered products: Thermal, friction, High temperature,
Corrosion, Bearing, Magnetic and electrical applications.
Essential Reading:

1. Randall German, John Wiley & Sons, Powder Metallurgy, 2006.

Supplementary Reading:
1. M.N. Rahaman, Marcel Dekker, Ceramic processing & Sintering, 1995.

2. W.D. Kingery, H. K. Bowen, D. R. Uhlmann, Introduction to Ceramics, Wiley


MM 3503 Material Characterization Techniques 3-0-0 3

Chemical bonding, Fundamentals of crystallography, Reciprocal lattice, Structures in metals,

Inorganic compounds, Polymers, Silicate glasses, Stereographic projection.
Generation of X-ray, continupous andcharacteristics, sperctrum of X-rays, filters, coherent
scatteringand diffraction under nono-ideal conditions, intensity of diffracted beams, X-ray
Diffraction, Bragg’s Law, Laue, Rotating Crystal and Powder Methods, Structure Determination,
precise lattice parameter determination, solvus line, chemical analysis. Preferred orientation
and texture.
Microscopic and diffraction techniques: Abbe’s criteria, Resolution and resolving power of
microscope, Rayleigh’s criteria of resolution, Optical microscope, Aberrations, Electron
interaction with materials. Electron diffraction, Electron microscope, SEM: principle of
operation, mode of operation. TEM: principle of operation, sample preparation, mode of
Thermal characterization techniques: Theory, Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA),
Instrumentation, Applications; Differential Thermal analysis (DTA), Apparatus, Methodology,
Applications; Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Applications; Dilatometer. Chemical
characterization techniques: Principle underlying techniques, Infrared spectroscopy (IR),
Raman spectroscopy.
Essential Reading:
1. Ruth E. Whan, Material Characterization, Metals Handbook, Vol 10, ASM, 1986.

2. Elton N Kaufmann, Characterization of Materials, Willey Publishers, 2003.

Supplementary Reading:
1. P. J. Grundy and G. A. Jones, The structure and properties of solids, Edward Arnold,

2. B. D. Cullity, Elements of X-ray diffraction, Addison-Wesley publishing company, 2002.

3. B. M. Rao, Chemical characterization of materials, Himalaya publishing house, 2000.

4. J. I. Goldsetin, , C E. Lyman, D. E. newbury, E. Lifshin, P. Echlin, L. Sawyer, D. C. Joy,

j. R. Michael, , Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis, 2003. Springer

MM 3504 Non – Metallic and Composite Materials 3-0-0 3

Classification of materials, Bonding, Crystal structure, Imperfections in solids, Relationship

between structure, property and processing, Basic principles of materials selection. Polymers:
Applications, Structure of polymers, Mechanism of deformation and strengthening of polymers,
Crystallization and Glass transition phenomena in polymers, Conduction in organic materials,
Doping effects and copolymerization, Superconducting inorganic polymers (SN), Polymers in
metallurgical applications. Bio-degradable polymers. Ceramics: Applications, Structure and
properties of ceramics, Types of ceramics, Hi-tech ceramics, Bioactive and bioresorbable
ceramics, Principles of ceramic processing. Composites: Classification of composite materials,
Dispersion strengthened, Particle-reinforced and fiber-reinforced composites, Properties of
matrix and reinforcement materials, Micromechanics and principles of strengthening, Elastic
properties, stress-strain relations, Polymer matrix composites, Ceramic matrix composites,
Processing and properties, Applications. Biodegradable composites.Special materials: Carbon
fullerene and nanotubes, Core-shell structures, Organic-inorganic hybrids, Intercalation
compounds, Mesoporous materials, Nanocomposites.

Essential Reading:
1. W. D. Callister, Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, Willey Publishers,

2. D. R. Askeland and P. P. Phule, The science and Engineering of Materials, Thomson

Publishers, 2003.

Supplementary Reading:
1. Chapman and Hall, Composite Materials: Engineering and Science, 1994.

2. P. Vencizini, Elsevier, High Tech Ceramics, 1987.

MM 3307 Advances in Steelmaking 3-0-0 3

Objectives and techniques adopted in Secondary Steelmaking like vacuum degassing

processes: ladle degassing processes (VOD, VAD), steam degassing processes, circulation
degassing processes (RH, DH). Inert gas purging, ladle furnace, etc. Role of slag and powders
in inclusion control; Desulphurization; Dephosphorisation; Modifications of inclusion
morphologies, production of ultra low carbon, ultra lowsulphur, ultra low phosphorus and
inclusion free steels; Powder injection system. Production of stainless steels through VOD,
AOD and CLU processes. Production of ultraclean steel through post solidification treatments
(VAR, ESR processes); Refractories used in secondary steelmaking furnaces, their properties
and selection criteria.

Essential Reading:
1. A.Ghosh, Secondary Steelmaking – Principle & Applications, CRC Press – 2001.

Supplementary Reading:
1. A.Ghosh, Principles of Secondary Processing and Casting of liquid steel, Oxford & IBH

2. AhindraGhosh and AmitChatterjee, Ironmaking and Steelmaking Theory and Practice,

Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, 2008

MM 3505 Advances in Materials 3-0-0 3

Electronic Polymers, Organic electronics, Melanin, Organic semiconductor, Printed electronics,

Organic LED.Nanostructures, Nanomaterials,Nanocomposites.Biomaterials: Metallic
biomaterials like 316L stainless steel, Co-Cr Alloys, Titanium Ti6Al4V, Ceramic biomaterials
like Alumina, Zirconia, Carbon Hydroxyapatite, Polymeric biomaterials likeUltra high molecular
weight polyethylene, Polyurethane. Smart Materials: Piezoelectric materials, Shape memory
alloys and shape memory polymers. High Performance Alloys: Nickel super alloys, Ti alloys, Al-
Li alloys,Hastelloy, Inconel, Monel, Nitronic, Cobalt based alloys and commercially available
pure nickel alloys. Functional and Engineering Ceramics: diverse applications as cutting tools,
mobile phone microwave devices, polycrystalline diamond and fuel cells. Hybrid Materials:
Design, Synthesis and Properties of hybrid materials created by blending disparate materials
such as plastics with metals. Processing of Advanced Materials: Superplastic, spray forming,
rapid solidification.Materials selection and design.

Essential Reading:
1. Mark J. Hampden-Smith Wiley-VCH, Chemistry of Advanced Materials: An Overview
Leonard V. Interrante,1st edition (1997) ISBN-10: 0471185906 ISBN-13: 978-
2. R E Smallman, A.H.W., Butterworth-Heinemann, Physical Metallurgy and Advanced
Materials, Seventh Edition, 2007, ISBN: 0750669063.

Supplementary Reading:
1. M. Meyers, M Sarikaya, R. Ritchie,Elsevier, Nano and Microstructural Design of
Advanced Materials, 2003, ISBN-13: 978-0-08-044373-7, ISBN-10: 0-08-044373-7.

MM 3402 Molecular Modelling of Materials 3-0-0 3

Computational materials science-introduction, basic procedures, first-principles methods (ab-

initio methods), Monte-Carlo methods, Molecular dynamics, finite element analysis, atomistic
model in molecular dynamics, classical mechanics, Binding energy, Potentials, pair potentials-
EAM, Tersoff, MEAM, L-J, Solution for Newtons equation of motion- N-atom system, Verlet
algorithm, Velocity-verlet algorithm, Initialization, Integration equilibration-energy minimization,
newton raphson, steepest gradient, conjugate gradient method boundary conditions-periodic,
non-periodic, fixed, ensembles-NVT, NPT, NVE, structural characterization-radial distribution
function, data production-run analysis, equilibrium lattice constant, mean-square displacement,
cohesive energy, introduction to LAMMPS (Large Scale Atomic Molecular Massively Parallel
Simulator)- creation of fcc, bcc lattice, nano-indentation, shear, tensile, polycrystalline material
model and simulations, visualization tools-VMD, OVITO.

Essential Reading:

1. Introduction to Computational Materials Science: Fundamentals to Applications by

Richard LeSar Publisher: Cambridge University Press; Language: English ISBN-
10: 0521845874; ISBN-13: 978-0521845878.

2. Computational Materials Science: An Introduction by June Gunn Lee. Publisher: CRC

Press; 1 edition; Language: English; ISBN-10: 1439836167 ISBN-13: 978-1439836163
Supplementary Reading:

1. Handbook of Materials Modeling (Vol 1&2) 2005th Edition by Sidney Yip (Editor);
Publisher: Springer; 2005 edition (July 22, 2005); Language: English ISBN-10: 3540663320
ISBN-13: 978-1402032875 ASIN: 1402032870



Introduction – Basics of vacuum system and vacuum technology- Classification of vacuum and
their applications - Vacuum metallurgy - Melting, Refining and Casting for steels and other
metals and alloys – Vacuum sintering of powder compacts - advanced sintering methods - HIP
(hot isostatic pressing), SPS (Spark Plasma Sintering), PPS (Pulse Plasma Sintering) and Hot
Pressing, Heat treatment in vacuum - Vacuum hardening and tempering - Vacuum Case
hardening-Carburizing /Nitriding - Joining of materials in vacuum – Vacuum brazing of similar
or dissimilar materials - SS-Al, SS-Cu, SS-Kovar, SS-Al2O3 Welding in Vacuum- Diffusion
bonding – Ag-Cu, Ag-Cu-Ti Different grade of brazing filler metals and alloys – their
applications – Vacuum technology for advanced characterization equipments (SEM/TEM/AFM)
and some practical case studies.

Essential Reading:

1. Bigelow WC,1994, Vacuum Methods in Electron Microscopy, Portland Press,

2. London.

3. Dayton BB, 1998, in Foundation of Vacuum Science and Technology, J Lafferty,

4. Ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York.

5. Hinkle LD, 1998, in Handbook of Vacuum Science and Technology, Hoffmann

6. DM, Singh B and Thomas JH, Ed., Academic Press, San Diego, CA.

7. Hablanian M, 1997, High Vacuum Technology, 2nd Ed., Marcel Dekker, New

8. York.

9. Roth A, 1990, Vacuum Technology, 3rd Ed.,Elsevier Science, Amsterdam

10. V. V. Rao, T. B. Ghosh and K. L. Chopra, 2005, Vacuum Science & technology,

11. Allied Publishers, New Delhi, India.

MM 4106 Casting and Solidification of Metals 3-0-0 3

Introduction: Casting as a process of Manufacturing. Moulding Processes, Equipments and

Mechanization: Different types of Moulds, Moulding Materials and Moulding processes, Pattern
and other mould making equipments, forces acting on moulds, Mould factors in metal flow,
Moulding factors in casting design. Different types of binders and their uses in mould and core-
makings. Melting of Metals and Alloys for casting: Brief mention of various melting units,
melting and post melting treatments, melting practices as adopted for a few metals and alloys
such as CI, Al, Cu, steels, cast irons. Solidification of Metals and Alloys: Nucleation, Growth,
Role of alloy constitution, Thermal conditions and inherent nucleation and growth conditions in
the liquid melt, Significance and practical control of cast structure
Principles of Gating and Risering: Feeding characteristics of alloys, Types of Gates and Risers,
Time of solidification and Chowrinov rule, Wlodawer system for feeder head calculations,
gating ratio, concept of directionality in solidification, Yield of casting and prescription for its
augmentation. Basic concepts on casting simulation using softwares
Special casting Methods: Investment casting, Die casting, Centrifugal casting, Full mould
casting, Vacuum sealed casting. Casting Defects: A detailed analysis of casting defects.Their
causes and prescription of remedial measures.

Essential Reading:
2. P. R. Beeley, Foundry Technology, Newnes-Buttterworths, 2001.

3. P. D. Webster, Fundamentals of Foundry Technology, Portwillis press, Red hill, 1980.

Supplementary Reading:
1. P. C. Mukherjee, Fundamentals of Metal casting Technology, Oxford IBH, 1980.

2. R. W. Hein, C.R. Loper and P.C. Rosenthal, Principles of Metal casting, McGraw Hill,

MM 4107 Joining of Metals 3-0-0 3

Introduction: Principle, Theory and Classification of welding and other joining processes.
Manual metal arc (MMA): Equipment requirement, electrodes for welding of structural steels,
coating constituents and their functions, types of coatings, current and voltage selection for
electrodes, Arc welding power sources; Conventional welding transformers, rectifiers and
current and voltage. The influence of these power sources on welding. Metal transfer.
Submerged arc welding (SAW): Process details, consumables such as fluxes and wires for
welding mild steel, Variations in submerged arc welding process. Gas metal arc welding
(GMAW) or MIG/ MAG welding: Process details, shielding gases, electrode wires, their sizes,
and welding current ranges. TIG welding: Process details, power sources requirements,
electrode sizes and materials, current carrying capacities of different electrodes, shielding
gases, application of process. Resistance welding: General principle of heat generation in
resistance welding, application of resistance welding processes. Process details and working
principle of spot, seam, and. projection welding, electrode materials, shapes of electrodes,
electrode cooling, selection of welding currents, voltages. Welding metallurgy of carbon and
alloy steels, Cast irons, Stainless steels, Al- and Cu-based alloys.Weldability and Heat affected
zones (HAZ). Welding defects and detection techniques. Soldering and brazing: Difference
between both the processes, consumables used, methods of brazing, fluxes used, their
purposes and flux residue treatment.

Essential Reading:
1. J F Lancaster, Allen and Unwin, Metallurgy of Welding.

2. R L Little, Welding and Welding Technology, TMH.

Further Reading:
1. J Norrish, Woodhead, Advanced Welding Processes.

2. K Weman, Woodhead. Welding Processes Hadbook.

MM 4205 Fracture, Fatigue and Wear of Metals 3-0-0 3

Griffith’s crack theory, Strain energy release rate, Stress analysis of cracks and linear elastic
fracture mechanics (LEFM), Crack tip plastic zone, Fracture mode transition: plane strain and
plane stress fracture toughness, Plane strain fracture toughness determination, Plane stress
fracture toughness determination, Fracture toughness determination using J-integral approach.
Microstructural aspect of fracture toughness, Optimizing microstructure and alloy cleanliness to
enhance fracture toughness. Design approach; Cyclic stress controlled fatigue, Cyclic strain
controlled fatigue, Ratcheting behavior of materials; Mechanism of fatigue crack nucleation and
propagation, Subcritical crack growth in cyclic loading, Factors affecting fatigue crack growth
rate, influence of load interaction and environment. Fatigue crack growth models and life
estimation, Short fatigue crack. Failure Analysis and case studies. Wear of Metals: Mechanism
and characterization.

Essential Reading:
1. T.L. Anderson, Fracture Mechanics fundamental and application, (CRC Bess) 3rd Ed

2. R.W. Hertzberg, Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials, (John

Wiley & Sons Pub.). 4th Ed. (1995)

Supplementary Reading:
1. G.E. Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy Mc-Graw Hill (1988).

2. D. Broek, Elementary Fracture Mechanics, MartinusNijho Publisher.

3. Metal Handbook, Failure Analysis & Prevention (Vol. - XI) (ASM Pub.)
4. Metal Handbook, Fractography (Vol – XII) (ASM Pub.)

MM 4507 High Temperature Materials 3-0-0 3

Introduction-Problem with materials at high temperature; Background-Time dependent

deformation; Difference between ambient and elevated temperature plastic deformation

Theories of Creep: Definition of creep; Different methods of creep testing; Creep curve; Effect
of stress and temperature on creep curve; Effect of microstructure on creep; Mechanism of
creep deformation - Lattice mechanism - Dislocation glide, dislocation climb, Boundary
mechanism-Nabarro-Herring, Coble, Grain boundary sliding; Determination of stress exponent
and activation energy for steady state creep; Creep behaviour of nanocrystalline materials;
Deformation mechanism maps;
Stress-rupture tests; Difference between creep and stress-rupture test; Presentation of
engineering creep data-Monkman-Grant relationship, Larson-Millar parameter;
Strengthening mechanisms of high temperature materials, Basis for development of creep
resistant materials; Materials for elevated temperature application - High temperature steels
and their applications, Ni-base superalloys and their applications; Creep fracture micro-
Reference Books:

1. G. E. Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1988.

2. T. H. Courtney, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Second Edition, McGraw Hill, 2000.
3. R. W. Hertzberg, Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials, Fifth
Edition, John Wiley, 1989.
4. Jean-Paul Poirier, Creep of Crystals-High-Temperature Deformation Processes in
Metals, Ceramics and Minerals, Cambridge University Press, 1985.
5. Michael E. Kassner, Fundamentals of Creep in Metals and Alloys, Third Edition,
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2015.
6. J. S. Zhang, High Temperature Deformation and Fracture of Materials, Woodhead
Publishing, 2010.

MM 4508 Surface Engineering 3-0-0 3

Philosophy of surface engineering, general applications and requirements. Basic principles of

electrochemistry and aqueous corrosion processes. Friction and Wear: Abrasive, erosive and
sliding wear. The interaction between wear and corrosion.

Surface Engineering techniques: conventional and modern. Heat treatment, laser processing,
plasma processing, energy beam processing, PVD, CVD, deposition etc.

Analytical Techniques for surface characterization: X-ray diffraction, TEM, SEM and EDX, WDX
analysis. Surface analysis by AES, XPS and SIMS, overview of other techniques. Data
interpretation and approaches to materials analysis.

Coating systems for corrosion and wear protection.Coating systems for gas turbines.New
coating concepts including multi-layer structures, functionally gradient materials, intermetallic
barrier coatings and thermal barrier coatings.

Essential reading:
1. W. Batchelor, L. N. Lam and M. Chandrasekaran, Materials degradation and its control
by surface engineering, Imperial college press (1999).

2. R. M. Burns and W.W. Bradley, Protective Coatings for Metals, Reinhold Publishing
Corporation, New York. 1967

Supplementary Reading:
C.W. Draper and P. Mazzoldi, Laser Surface Treatments of Metals, NATO-ASI Series
(E) No. 115, MartinusNijhoff Publishers, Boston. 1986

MM 4509 Nanostructured Materials 3-0-0 3

Introduction: Types of nanomaterials, Emergence and challenges in nanotechnology. Synthesis
routes for nanomaterials: Bottom-up and top-down approaches, Solid, Liquid, Gas phase
synthesis, Hybrid Phase synthesis. Synthesis of bulk Nanostructured materials: Approaches
and challenges. Properties of nanomaterials: Stability of nanomaterials, Mechanical properties,
Optical, Electrical and Magnetic properties, nano-diffusion. Characterization of nanomaterails:
Structural characterization by XRD, SEM, TEM, SPM, Chemical characterization by
spectroscopy techniques, Characterization of mechanical properties by nanoindentation, Hot
compression testing, Fracture analysis. Application of nanomaterials: Electronics and
optoelectronics applications, Nanobots, Biological applications, Catalytic applications, Quantum
devices, Application of carbon nanotubes, Nanofluids. Future of Nanotechnology.

Essential Reading:
1. Yuri Gagotsi (Ed.), Taylor and Francis, Nanomaterails Handbook, 2006.

2. G. Cao, Nanostructures and Nanomaterials, Imperial College Press, 2006.

Supplementary Reading:
1. R. D. Booker and E. Boysen, Nanotechnology for Dummies, Dummies Publishing,

2. C. Delerue and M. Lannoo, Nanostructures, Springer, 2004.

3. C. P Poole and F. T. Owee, Introduction to Nanotechnology, Willey Press, 2003.


MM 4206 3-0-0 3

Fundamentals of fracture mechanics: Griffith’s crack theory, Strain energy release rate, Stress
analysis of cracks and linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), Crack tip plastic zone, Plane
strain and plane stress fracture toughness, Plane strain fracture toughness determination,
Plane stress fracture toughness determination, Fracture toughness determination using J-
integral approach.
Non-destructive testing of defects: visual inspection, liquid penetration inspection, magnetic
particle inspection, eddy current inspection, ultrasonic testing, radiographic inspection.
Phenomenological description of various modes of failure, fracture, fractography
Different failures: Fatigue failure, creep and stress rupture failures, environment-assisted
failures, wear failures, common failures in castings, weldments, gears, shafts and springs,
failures of composites
Analyses of engineering failures: Typical defects, macroscopic fracture surface examination,
metallographic and fractographic examination, steps in failure analysis, case histories.

Essential Reading:
1. R. W. Hertzberg, Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials, John
Wiley & Sons Pub., 4th Ed. (1995).
2. A. K. Bhargava and C. P. Sharma, Mechanical Behaviour and Testing of Materials, PHI
Learning Private Limited, 1st Ed. (2011).

Supplementary Reading:
1. G. E. Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy Mc-Graw Hill (1988).
2. D. Broek, Elementary Fracture Mechanics, Martinus Nijho Publisher.
3. Metal Handbook, Failure Analysis & Prevention (Vol. - XI) (ASM Pub. )
4. Metal Handbook, Fractography (Vol – XII) (ASM Pub. )
5. M. Thavasimuthu, T. Jayakumar, Baldev Raj, Practical Non Destructive Testing, Narosa
Book Distributors Pvt. Ltd. (2011).


Rapid solidification, Powder processing, Preparation and consolidation of nanopowders,
Sintering, Spark Plasma and Microwave sintering, Shock compaction, Severe plastic
deformation, Mechanical Alloying, near-net-shape forming, self-sustaining high temperature
synthesis, sol-gel processing, zone refining, molecular beam epitaxy, laser processing, EDM,
etching, CMP (Chemical Mechanical Polishing)technologyFreeze casting, glass-ceramic seals,
optical/photonic media, hybrid materials, solution-derived materials, solid oxide fuel cells, armor
ceramics, Processing and manufacturing technologies for non-oxide and oxide based structural
ceramics, composites, multifunctional materials. ; Stereolithography (SLA), selective laser
sintering (SLS), direct metal laser sintering; (DMLS) and laser engineered net shaping (LENS),
Spray formed tooling for rapid manufacture, Plasma spray coating. ;Preparation of single
crystals, doping, sputter coating, CVD and EVD process, Inkjet printing as a manufacturing
tool. ; Modelling, commercial softwares such as FLUENT and ComsolMultiphysics.

Essential Reading:
1. W.F. Smith, Principles of Material Science and Engineering, McGraw Hill, 1990.

2. O. Tatsuki,Advanced processing & manufacturing technologies for structural &

multifunctional materials, Lavoisier, 2007.

3. O.Tatsuki, M.Singh, J.Salem, D. Zhu,Advanced Processing and Manufacturing

Technologies for Structural and Multifunctional Materials, (eds.), Ceramic Engineering
and Science Proceedings. Vol. 28(7).1 st Edition 2007. ISBN-10: 0-470-19638-6 - John
Wiley & Sons.

Supplementary Reading:
1. R.Hugon, Thin Film Technology, Elsevier Pub., UK, 1978.

2. L.Pawlowski, The Science and Engineering of Thermal Spray Coatings, John Wiley
Publications, New York, 1995.

3. F. Kongoli (Editor), R.G. Reddy (Editor) Advanced Processing of Metals and Materials:
New, Improved and Existing Technologies: Iron and Steel; Recycling and Waste
Treatment Vol.5, Publisher: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society ISBN-10:

4. G.Goodman, M. Dekkar, Ceramic Materials for Electronics, New York, 1968.

5. S.Kalpakjian, S. Schmid, Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, Prentice Hall; 5th

edition, ISBN-10: 0131489658, 2005.

MM 5511 Texture of Materials 3-0-0 3

Concept of texture in materials, Texture representation by pole figure and orientation

distribution functions, Texture measurement by different techniques: X-ray diffraction (XRD)
and Electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD).

Origin and development of textures during materials processing stages: solidification,

deformation, annealing, phase transformation, coating processes and thin film deposition.
Some important textures in fcc, bcc and hcp materials. Influence of texture on mechanical and
physical properties of materials.

Essential reading:

1. V. Randle and O. Engler, Introduction to Texture Analysis: Macrotexture, Microtexture

and orientation mapping, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
2. Bert Verlinden, Julian Driver, IndradevSamajdar and Roger D. Doherty, Thermo-
Mechanical Processing of Metallic Materials, Elsevier Publications.
MM 5308 Alternative Routes of Iron Making 2-0-0 2

Need for alternative iron making units; Different categories of alternative routes and their salient
features; Special features of low shaft and mini blast furnaces and their future.
Coal based direct reduction process during rotary kilns (SL/RN, CODIR, ACCAR, etc.) –
operational features, raw material characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, etc; Gas based
direct reduction processes (HYL, MIDREX, Fluidized Bed, etc.) – principles, essential features
and characteristics; Characteristics of DRI produced from these DR processes and its uses;
Future of DR processes in India; Electro-thermal smelting processes – special features,
operation, quality of reductant and limitations; Smelting reduction processes - activities,
operational details and characteristics of processes like COREX, INRED, ELRED etc; Future of
SR processes.

Essential Books:
1. Amit Chatterjee, Sponge iron production by direct reduction of iron oxide, PHI, New
Delhi, 2010.

2. Ahindra Ghosh and Amit Chatterjee, Iron making and steel making – theory and
practice, PHI, New Delhi, 2008.

3. A. G. E. Robiette, Electric smelting processes, Griffin, London, 1973.

MM 5108 Alloy Steel Technology 2-0-0 2

Production Technology ; Electric arc furnace: Design, Construction and operation, Refractory
lining, Electrode movement and slag control, Manufacture of alloy steels such as low alloy
steels, stainless steels, Tool steels and silicon steels. ; Induction melting furnace:
Classification, Construction and Refractory lining, Operation and manufacture of alloy steels. ;
Processing, microstructure & mechanical properties of different alloy steels such as HSLA
steels, Dual phase steels, IF steels, stainless steels, silicon steels, high speed steels, ball
bearing steels, Had field steels etc.

Essential Reading:
1. F.P. Edneral: Electrometallurgy of Steel and Ferro – Alloys, Vol. I, Mir Publishers, 1979.

2. R.W.K.Honeycomb: Steels, Microstructures and Properties, Edward Arnold.

Supplementary Reading:
1. G.Karuss, Steel Heat Treatments and Processing Principles, ASM.

2. P.G.Shewmon, Transformations in Metals, McGraw Hill.

3. Dr. S. Smith, Principles of Materials Science and Engineering, McGraw Hill.

4. J.D. Verhoeven, Fundamentals of Physical Metallurgy, John Wiley.

MM 5512 Experimental Techniques in Materials Engineering 3-0-0 3

X-ray and diffraction: Characterization of x-rays, absorption, x-ray diffraction techniques,

interpretation of diffraction datas, qualitative and quantitative phase analysis, analysis of
particle size, residual stress/strain, phase diagram determination, order disorder transformation
study. ; X-ray fluorescence: Origin, basic theory/concept, characterization of materials through
x-ray fluorescence. ; Electron microscopy: TEM & SEM, construction, different components &
their functions, aberration of electron lenses, depth of field & depth of focus etc. Bright field &
dark field image, SAD image etc., microprobe analysis. ; WDS & EDS: Principle, application for
analytical studies. ; Spectroscopic analysis techniques: Fundamental principles of
spectroscopy, origin of molecular & atomic spectra, atomic absorption & molecular absorption. ;
Fundamentals of Flame emission & atomic absorption spectrometry: Flame emission
spectroscopy & Flame spectra, chemical reaction in flames, effect of organic solvants on flame
spectra, instrumentation, Photosensitive detectors, different methods of sample analysis, errors
in flame photometry. ; Absorption spectroscopy: Infrared spectroscopy, FTIR (Fourier transform
infrared spectroscopy) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectral analysis. ; Atomic emission
spectroscopy: Emission sources, atomic emission spectrometers. ; Thermal analysis
techniques: Thermo gravimetric analysis, differential thermal analysis and differential scanning
calorimetry, the basis, instrumentation, data acquisition and interpretation of analytical results.

Essential Reading:
1. B.D.Culity, Elements of X – Ray Diffraction, Addison-Wesley Publication.

2. P.J.Goodhow, J.Humbreys&R.Beanland, Electron Microscopy & Analysis (III Edn.);

Taylor & Francis Publ., 2001.

3. D. Brandon & W.D. Kaplan, Microstructural Characterization of Materials; John Wiley &
Sons Publ., 1999.

Supplementary Reading:
1. O.Kubashewski, E. Vans & C.B. Alcock: Metallurgical Thermochemistry, Pergamon
Press, 1967.

2. G.Thomas: Trasmission Electron Microscopy.

3. A.Guthrie&R.K.Wakerling: VaccumEquipments and Techniques; McGraw Hill, New


4. B.Chalmers&A.G.Quarell: Physical Examinations of Metals, Edward Arnold, 1960.

5. E.C. SubbaRao; Metal Experiments in Material Science, T.M.H. 1973.

MM 5403 Process Modeling for Steel Industry 3-0-0 3

Basic terms of process modeling, Physical modeling and its importance in various fields of
science; System similarity and similarity constants (dimension less numbers); Geometric,
kinematic and dynamic similarity; The principles for construction of physical models; Basic
experimental techniques in physical modeling of flow of liquid metals; Significance of CFD in
steel technology; Identification of governing differential equation for fluid dynamics; Initial and
boundary conditions; Finite difference method - central, forward, backward difference; Control
volume formulation; Steady state heat conduction modeling; Unsteady heat conduction
formulation; Source term linearization; Steady one dimensional convection and diffusion
modeling - up wind scheme, exponential scheme, hybrid scheme, power-law scheme; False
diffusion; Simple algorithm; Simple-R algorithm; Mathematical models of turbulence; The
selection of suitable mathematical models to describe transient metallurgical processes;
Charge calculation for heat in LD converter; Static and dynamic model of heat management in
basic oxygen steel making process; Introduction to ANSYS fluent 14.0 software package;
Applications of CFD Modeling in Iron Making and Steel making Process (some examples
based on relevant case studies);

Essential reading:
1. Patankar S., Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Taylor & Francis ,1980, 214
pages ISBN: 0891165223
2. Nastac L. (Editor), Zhang L. (Editor), Thomas B. G. (Editor), Sabau A. (Editor), El-
Kaddah N. (Editor), Powell A. C. (Editor), Combeau H. (Editor), CFD Modeling and
Simulation in Materials Processing, John Wiley & Sons, 2012, 332 pages, ISBN: 978-
3. Mazumdar D., Evans J. W., Modeling of Steelmaking Processes, CRC Press, 2009, 493
pages. ISBN: 978-1420062434
4. Ghosh A., Chatterjee A., Ironmaking and Steelmaking, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt.Ltd,
2008, 472 pages. ISBN-: 978-8120332898
Minor Course

MM 2108 Structure and Properties of Materials 3-0-0 3

Crystal Structure: Space lattices, Bravais lattices and Reciprocal lattice concept. Miller Indices
of planes and directions. ; Bonding in Solids: Ionic, Covalent, and Metallic bonding. Theory of
alloy formation, Solid solution, Substitutional and interstitial solid solution, Hume Rothery Rules,
Intermetallic compounds, Normal valency compounds, Electron compounds, Interstitial
compounds. ; Imperfections: Point defects: vacancies, Interstitialcies, Dislocations: Edge &
Screw dislocations, Burgers vector. ; Binary Phase Diagrams: Isomorphous, Eutectic,
Peritectic, Eutectoid, Monotectic & Syntectic systems. Phase rule and Lever rule. ; Iron-
Cementite Equilibrium diagrams and its applications. ; Diffusion: Fick’s First and Second law of
diffusion. Atomic model of diffusion.Grain boundary, surface and thermal diffusion.Kirkendall
Effect, Interstitial diffusion; Nucleation: Homogeneous and Heterogeneous nucleation, Kinetics
of nucleation. Growth and overall transformation kinetics.

Essential Reading:
1. V. Raghavan, Materials Science and Engineering, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited

2. W.F. Smith, Principles of Materials Science and Engineering, McGraw Hill, New York

Supplementary Reading:
1. R.E. Reid Hill, Physical Metallurgy Principles- PWS-Kent Publishing (2004).

2. V. Singh, Physical Metallurgy, Standard Publisher (2008).

3. W.D.Callister, An Introduction Materials Science & Engineering, John Wiley & Sons

4. L.H. Van Vlack, Elements of Materials Science and Engineering, Addison Wisley, New
York (1985).

MM 2308 Iron and Steel Making 3-0-0 3

Introduction, Blast Furnace Route for Iron Making; The Blast Furnace and its accessories, The
burden and its preparation, Physical – Thermal and Chemical process in a Blast Furnace, Blast
Furnace slag and its control, Control of hot metal composition, Blast Furnace plant and
accessories, Modern trends in Blast Furnace practice, Control of irregularities in the blast
furnace, Performance of Blast Furnace over the years.

Alternative Methods: Need for alternative Methods, Sponge Iron production by using solid and
gaseous reductants, Smelting Reduction Processes.

Modern Steel Making: Different routes of steelmaking; Oxygen Steelmaking; Top and Bottom
blown converter processes, Hybrid processes. Electric Steel making: Electric Arc furnaces,
Induction furnaces. Secondary Steelmaking

Casting of liquid steel: Ingot Casting of Steel, Continuous Casting of Steel.Iron and Steel
Scenario in India in the last decade.

Essential Readings:
1. AhindraGhosh and AmitChatterjee: Ironmaking and Steelmaking Theory and Practice,
Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, 2008.

Suggested Readings
1. Anil K. Biswas: Principles of Blast Furnace Iron making, SBA Publication,1999
2. David H. Wakelin (ed.): The Making, Shaping and Treating of Steel (Iron making
Volume), The AISE Steel Foundation, 2004.

3. Richard J. Fruehan (ed.): The Making, Shaping and Treating of Steel (Steel making
Volume), The AISE Steel Foundation, 2004.

MM 3109 Fundamentals of Physical Metallurgy 3-0-0 3

Concept of phase, phase transformation and types of phase transformation. Allotropy of Iron
and Fe-C system, types of steels, , TTT and CCT Diagrams, Functions of alloying elements in
steel, basics of Pearlitic, Bainitic and Martensitic Transformations. Formation of Austenite,
Importance of Austenite Grain size.
Pearlitic transformation, Factors influencing pearlitic transformation, Mechanism of
transformation, Nucleation and growth.
Bainitic transformation: Mechanism of transformation, Nucleation and growth, Orientation
relationships, Surface relief.
Martensitic transformation: Characteristics of transformation, Thermodynamics and kinetics,
Nucleation and growth, Morphology, Crystallography.
Heat treatment of steels: annealing, normalizing, patenting, austempering, hardening,
tempering. Surface heat treatment of steels. Industrial practices.
Age hardening: mechanism and elated heat treatment.

Essential Reading:
1. R. E. Reed-Hill, Physical Metallurgy Principles, East-West Press.

2. Singh, Physical Metallurgy, Standard Publishers Distributors.

Supplementary Reading:
1. D. A. Porter and K E Easterling,Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys, CRC

2. S. H. Avner, Introduction to Physical Metallurgy, Tata MeGraw-Hill.

MM 3207 Mechanical Metallurgy 3-0-0 3

Basic Elasticity and Plasticity – Definition of stress and strain, stress and strain tensor,
Hooke’s law, Poisson’s ratio, plane stress and plane strain condition, yield criterion: von Mises
and Tresca, yield locus, flow rule.

Dislocation Mechanisms – Introduction to dislocations in crystalline materials, edge, screw

and mixed dislocations, Burgers vector, slip system, cross slip and climb.

Hardness- Different types like Brinell, Rockwell, Vickers, Meyer, Knoop, etc., relationship with
flow behavior.

Tensile – Engineering and true stress-strain curves, evaluation of tensile properties, tensile
instability, strain hardening exponent, effect of strain-rate and temperature on flow properties.

Compression – Comparison with tension, standard test procedure, phenomenon of buckling &

Impact – Notched bar Charpy and Izod impact tests, concept of transition temperature,
metallurgical factors affecting impact toughness, instrumented impact test.

Creep – Creep and stress rupture tests, mechanisms of creep deformation, deformation
mechanism maps, development of high temperature alloys.
Fatigue – High cycle and low cycle fatigue, effect of mean stress on fatigue, factors affecting
fatigue life, fatigue crack growth, Paris law.

Fracture and Fracture Mechanics – Brittle and ductile fracture, Griffith criterion and Orowan’s
rule, energy based criterion, strain energy release rate, stress intensity factor, plastic zone,
plane strain fracture toughness estimation.

Non Destructive Testing – Significance of non-destructive testing, different methods and their

Essential reading:

1. Mechanical Metallurgy by G. E. Dieter

2. Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials by R.W. Hertzberg
3. Practical Non Destructive Testing by Baldev Raj
Supplementary reading:

1. Mechanical Behaviour of Materials by Courtney

2. Mechanical Behaviour of Materials by M. A. Meyers and K. K. Chawla
3. Mechanical Testing of Metals, ASM handbook
4. Mechanical Behaviour and Testing of Materials by Bhargave and Sharma.

Manufacturing Processes
MM 4208 3-0-0 3

Basic concepts and principles of manufacturing Performing Processes: Casting, forging,

rolling, drawing, extrusion, press tool work, plastic moulding and powder metallurgy.
Joining Processes: Welding, brazing and crimping Semi-finishing and finishing processes:
Machining (Turning, shaping, drilling, Milling and grinding). Non-traditional Processes:
Abrasive jet machining, Ultrasonic machining, Electro-discharge machining,
Electrochemical machining and laser beam machining.

Essential Reading: A. Ghosh, A. K. Mallik, Manufacturing Science, East-West Press Pvt.

Ltd. (2010)

Supplementary Reading: Mikell P. Groover, Introduction to Manufacturing Processes,

Wiley, 2012

MM 4512 Materials Characterization Techniques 3-0-0 3

Optical Microscopy and Image analyzer: Understanding of image formation, resolution,

numerical aperture, magnification, depth of field and depth of focus of a microscope.
Quantitative and phase analysis (inclusion, size distribution etc.).
X-ray diffraction and analysis: Production and properties of X-rays, X-ray diffraction, Structure
factor and intensity calculations. Effect of texture, particle size, micro strain on diffraction lines.
Indexing of powder photographs. X-rays florescence: basics and applications in materials
SEM and FESEM: Principle and applications, Modes of operation, Image formation - plane and
fractured surfaces. Microanalysis (EDX, WDS etc.) TEM: Principle and operation. Bright field
and dark field images, Sample preparation techniques. Selected area diffraction, Reciprocal
lattice and Ewald sphere construction, Indexing of selected area diffraction patterns. Advanced
Characterization Techniques: STEM, AFM, Nanoindentation Testing, EELS- Principle and
DTA/DSC-TG: Scope and applications in materials science.

Essential Readings
1. B. D. Cullity, Elements of X-ray Diffraction(II edition), Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.
Reading, USA, 1978.
2 P. J. Goodhew and F. J. Humphreys, Taylor and Francis, Electron Microscopy and
Analysis, London, 2001(ISBN-0-7484-0968-8)

Suggested Readings
1. S. H. Cohen and Marcia L. Lightbody (Editors), Atomic Force Microscopy / Scanning
Tunneling Microscopy , Plenum Press, New York, 1994.
2. P. J. Haines (Editor), Principles of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Royal Society of
Chemistry (RSC), Cambridge, 2002.
3. G. F. Vander Voort, Metallography: Principles and Practice ASM International, Materials
Park, USA, 1984
4. S. Amelinckx, D. van Dyck, J. van Landuyt and G. van Tendeloo (Editors), Electron
Microscopy: Principles And Fundamentals, VCH, Weinheim, 1997.
5. C. Suryanarayana and M. Norton, X-ray Diffraction, A Practical Approach , Plenum Press,
New York, (1998).
6. Metallography and Microstructures, Metals Handbook, Volume 9 , 9 th edition, American
Society for Metals, Metals Park, Ohio, 1986.
7. Materials Characterization, Metals Handbook, Volume 10, 9 th edition, American Society
for Metals, Metals Park, Ohio, 1986.

MM 2321 Mineral Dressing Laboratory 0-0-2 1

Electro winning of Cu from acidified CuSO 4 solution ; Electro winning of Zn from SnSO 4 solution
; Electro deposition of Cu on mild steel electrode from acid bath ; Electro deposition of Cu on
mild steel electrode from an alkaline bath ; Deposition of Nickel on Cu plate by electro plating
and thickness determination of deposit by BNF Jet test ; Determination of throwing power and
throwing efficiency of alkaline Cu plating solution ; Monitoring of corrosion rate of mild steel ;
Anodisation of given Aluminium rods ; Electro deposition of Brass on mild steel plate from
cyanide bath.

MM 2322 Process Metallurgy Lab. 0-0-3 2

To determine the tumbler and abrasion indices of lump iron ore ; To determine the micuum
indices of coke ; To study the decomposition of calcium carbonate and determination of
equilibrium constant and free energy change ; To determine the partial molal volume of each
component in a solution of water and methanol ; To determine the equilibrium constant and
free energy change for the C + CO2═ 2 CO reaction ; To study the effect of temperature on %
reduction of iron ore pellet ; To study the effect of time on % reduction of iron ore pellet ;
Pelletization of iron ore fines, firing of pellets and measurement of their crushing strengths.
General introduction of solid fuels ; To determination % moisture and volatile matter contents in
coal ; To determine the % ash and fixed carbon contents in coal ; To determine calorific value
of coal ; To determine bulk density of coal – study of the effects of size and moisture addition ;
To determine apparent density and apparent porosity of coal/coke ; To determine true density
and true porosity of coal ; To determine caking index of coal ; To determine the % yield of char
on carbonization of non – coking coal.

MM 3521 Characterization of Material Lab. 0-0-2 1

Analysis of diffractographs of FCC and BCC metals & Study of diffractographs of mechanical
mixture & alloys of same composition; High temperature microscopic study of: Ceramic
material, Metallic material; Topological and elemental analysis of metallic sample by SEM;
Study of particle size analysis; To carry out the thermal analysis of Al sample using TG – DSC
technique (Melting point and oxidation study); Dilatometric study of given Al plate sample;
Thermal analysis of different grade carbon steel using DSC – TG technique to study
Microstructural changes with temperature; Thermal analysis of epoxy polymer using DSC
technique (glass transition temperature)
MM 3121 Metallography Laboratory 0-0-3 2

Preparation and practice of metallographic specimen; Study of microstructure of pure metals

like Al, Cu, Study of microstructure of common alloys like - Brass, brass, Al-Bronz,
Muntz metal; Study of microstructure of eutectic and eutectoid alloys; Study of microstructure of
0.2, 0.6 and 1.1 %C steel in annealed condition; Study of microstructure of gray, white and
malleable cast iron.

MM 3421 Computational Metallurgy Lab. 0-0-2 1

Basics of numerical mathematics, Concept of physical domain and computational domain

numerical, Integration, Initial value problems, assumptions and limitations in numerical
solutions, simulation, instrumentation and data acquisition systems. ; To draw a circle using
MATLAB ; To solve a system of linear equations using MATLAB ; To solve an ODE using
MATLAB ; To find out the standard deviation of a given set of values using MATLAB ; Curve
fitting techniques using regression and interpolation. Using MATLAB fit a linear curve for given
set of data ; To draw a sphere using MATLAB and extend the program to draw FCC and BCC
crystal structures ; To find out the lattice parameter from the XRD data of an element belonging
to the cubic system using MATLAB ; To create your own design using MATLAB codes.

MM 3122 Heat Treatment Lab. 0-0-2 1

Primary calibration of thermocouple and measurement of melting point of a metal; annealing,

normalizing and hardening of different types of steel; Study of microstructures and hardness of
heat treated steels obtained from earlier experiment; Carburization of low carbon steel and
microstructural study; Jominy End quench test; Study the age hardening behaviour of 2XXX /
7XXX aluminium alloy ; Annealing of cold worked metal and study the changes in

MM 3221 Mechanical Testing Lab. 0-0-2 1

Hardness measurement of metallic materials using Vicker, Rockwell and Brinell hardness
testing machines ; Microhardness testing of two and / or multiphase alloy systems ; Tensile
tests of low carbon steel (annealed), high carbon steel (annealed) and a non ferrous alloy ; To
draw true stress – true strain diagram/s using above data and determination of strain hardening
exponent ; Compression testing of ceramics, powder metallurgy specimens ; Three – point
bend test of non – metallic materials ; Impact testing of steels / non – ferrous alloys / non –
metallic materials ; Wear studies of different carbon steels ; To develop S – N curve of a
metallic specimen ; KIC tests of a brittle material.

MM 4521 Electro Metallurgy & Corrosion Lab. 0-0-2 1

Electro winning of Cu from acidified CuSO 4 solution ; Electro winning of Zn from SnSO 4 solution
; Electro deposition of Cu on mild steel electrode from acid bath ; Electro deposition of Cu on
mild steel electrode from an alkaline bath ; Deposition of Nickel on Cu plate by electro plating
and thickness determination of deposit by BNF Jet test ; Determination of throwing power and
throwing efficiency of alkaline Cu plating solution ; Monitoring of corrosion rate of mild steel ;
Anodisation of given Aluminium rods ; Electro deposition of Brass on mild steel plate from
cyanide bath.

MM 4422 Design &Calculation Lab. 0-0-2 1

Design of Blast Furnace ; Blast Furnace charge calculation; Heat balance of Iron Blast
Furnace ; Heat balance of Blast Furnace Stove ; RAFT (Raceway Adiabatic Flame
Temperature) Calculation ; Design of a L.D. Vessel ; Heat balance of a Composite Steel Slab
Reheating Furnace ; Calculation the thickness of the solidified shell at the mould exit in a
Continuous Casting Unit.

MM 4423 Atomistic Modelling of Materials Lab. 0-0-2 1

Creation BCC and FCC lattice by LAMMPS; Melting simulation of pure Cu by LAMMPS;
Melting simulation of Cu-Al alloy by LAMMPS; Rapid solidification simulation of Cu-Zr alloy by
LAMMPS; Structure studies of crystalline, liquid and amorphous materials by LAMMPS;
Simulation of synthesis of glass-matrix composite by LAMMPS

Lab for Minor Course

MM 4123 Physical Metallurgy Lab. 0-0-3 2

Preparation and practice of metallographic specimen; Study of microstructure of pure metals

like Al, Cu, Study of microstructure of common alloys like - Brass, brass, Al-Bronz,
Muntz metal; Study of microstructure of eutectic and eutectoid alloys; Study of microstructure of
0.2, 0.6 and 1.1 %C steel in annealed condition; Study of microstructure of gray, white and
malleable cast iron.

Primary calibration of thermocouple and measurement of melting point of a metal; annealing,

normalizing and hardening of different types of steel; Study of microstructures and hardness of
heat treated steels obtained from earlier experiment; Carburization of low carbon steel and
microstructural study; Jominy End quench test; Study the age hardening behaviour of 2XXX /
7XXX aluminium alloy; Annealing of cold worked metal and study the changes in

MM 4222 Mechanical Metallurgy Lab. 0-0-3 2

Hardness measurement of metallic materials using Vicker, Rockwell and Brinell hardness
testing machines ; Microhardness testing of two and / or multiphase alloy systems ; Tensile
tests of low carbon steel (annealed), high carbon steel (annealed) and a non-ferrous alloy; To
draw true stress – true strain diagram/s using above data and determination of strain hardening
exponent; Three – point bend test of non – metallic materials; Impact testing of steels / non –
ferrous alloys / non – metallic materials ; Wear studies of different carbon steels; To develop S
– N curve of a metallic specimen; KIC tests of a brittle material.


B Tech/ Dual Degree
Sub. Code. Course Name Credit Course Caretaker: Prof.

MN 2001 Mine Development 4 D.S Nimaje

MN 2004 Mine Surveying 4 A.K Gorai
MN 3001 Mining Machinary 3 D S Nimaje
ER Mineral Exploration 3 Sk Md Equeenuddin
ER Mining Geology 3 Sk Md Equeenuddin
MN 2008 Geostatistics 3 HOD
MN 2704 Mine Surveying Laboratory 1 A.K Gorai
ER Mining Geology & Exploration 2
MN 3703 Mining Machinery Laboratory 1 D.S Nimaje
MN 3001 Systems Engineering 3 A K Gorai
MN 3005 Mine Economics 4 B K Pal
MN 5002 Computer Application In Mining 3
MN 3207 Coal and Mineral Processing 3 B K Pal
MN3104 Surface Mining Technology 4 H K Naik
MN 5026 Underground SpaceTechnology 3 S.Jayanthu
MN 2103 Rock Mechanics 4 M K Mishra
MN Geo Mechanics 3 M K Mishra
MN Rock Engineering 3 M K Mishra
MN 3023 Strata Control Technology 3 S.Jayanthu
MN 3024 Ground Control Instrumentation 3 S.Jayanthu
MN 2206 Mine Ventilation 4 H B Sahu
MN 5025 Remote Sensing And Its Application 3 H.K Naik
MN 3222 Solid Fuels And Clean Coal Technology 3 H B Sahu
MN 4026 Clean Coal Technology 3 H B Sahu
MN 3705 Mine Ventilation Laboratory 2 H.B Sahu
MN 2702 Rock Mechanics Laboratory 2 M.K Mishra
MN 5022 Computer Application in Mining 2
MN 3707 Coal and Mineral Processing 2 B.K Pal
Technology Laboratory
MN 3708 Geomechanics Laboratory 1 M.K Mishra
MN Material Handling Systems Laboratory 2 D.S Nimaje
MN Solid Fuel and clean coal Technology 2 H.B Sahu
MN 4021 Mine Planning and Design 3 S Jayanthu
MN 4132 Tunneling 3 M K Mishra
MN 5031 Advanced Surface Mining 3 H K Naik
MN 6120 Mining Of Deep Seated Deposits 3 S.Jayanthu
MN 6122 Advanced Coal Mining 3 S.Jayanthu

MN Rock Mechanic Application To 3 M K Mishra

Environmental Problems
MN 6126 Advanced Metalliferrous Mining 3 S. Jayanthu
MN 6122 Rock Slope Technology 3 M K Mishra
MN Environmental Impact Assessment 3 D P Tripathy
MN 2712 Coal characterization laboratory 2 H B Sahu
MN 5234 Environmental Pollution And Control In 3 D P Tripathy
MN 4223 Eco –Friendly Mining 3 H.B Sahu
MN 3002 Mine Legislation And Safety 3 D P Tripathy
MN 5231 Mine Fires And Spontaneous Heating 3 B K Pal
MN 5033 Mine Management 3 B K Pal
MN 3710 Hazard and Rescue Laboratory 2 D P Tripathy
MN 4721 Mine Planning And Design Laboratory 2 S. Jayanthu
MN 2709 Mining System Laboratory 2 A.K Gorai
MN 5144 Geographic Information System (GIS) 3 A K Gorai
MN 5121 Longwall Mining Technology 3 S. Jayanthu
MN 3724 Ground Control Instrumentation Lab 2 S. Jayanthu
MN 5240 Safety Risk Assessment and 3 D P Tripathy
MN 6123 Mine Subsidence Engineering 3 S. Jayanthu
MN 3025 Blasting Technology 3 S. Jayanthu
MN 5238 Hazardous Waste Management 3
MN 5237 Noise Impact Assessment and Control 3 D P Tripathy
MN 5026 Underground Space Technology 3 S. Jayanthu
MN 5027 Novel And Innovative Mining Practices 3 D P Tripathy
MN Geoscience Of Petroleum Engineering 3 M K Mishra
MN 3203 Underground Hazards And Rescue 3 D P Tripathy
MN 4201 Surface Mining Environmental 4 A K Gorai
MN Drilling and Blasting 3 M K Mishra
MN 5138 Advanced Rock Mechanics 3 M K Mishra
MN 3121 Underground Metal Mining Method 3 S. Jayanthu
MN Resource Evaluation and Geostatitics 3 A.K Gorai
MN 5021 Bulk Material Hndling 3/4 D.S Nimaje
MN 5236 Land Reclamation and Eco-restoration 3 D P Tripathy
MN 5244 Coal Bed Methane 3 S. Jayanthu
MN 6124 Rock Fragmentation 3 M K Mishra
MN 5034 Mine system engineering and 3 A K Gorai
MN 6126 Rock Excavation Engineering 4 M K Mishra
MN 6231 Environmental Control and 4 H B Sahu
MN 6036 Project Management 4 B K Pal
MN 6038 Material Handling System 4 D S Nimaje

i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Maths.
ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Introduction: Distribution of mineral deposits in India and other countries, mining
contributions to civilization, mining terminology,

Module 2: stages in the life of the mine - prospecting, exploration, development, exploitation
and reclamation,

Module 3: access to mineral deposit- selection, location, size and shape (incline, shaft and
adit), brief overview of underground and surface mining methods.

Module 4: Drilling: Types of drills, drilling methods, electric, pneumatic and hydraulic drills, drill
steels and bits, drilling rigs, and jumbos;

Module 5: Explosives: Classification, composition, properties and tests, fuses, detonators,

blasting devices and accessories, substitutes for explosives, handling and storage,
transportation of explosives.; Rock blasting: Mechanism of rock blasting, blasting procedure,
and pattern of shot holes.

Module 6: Shaft sinking: Ordinary and special methods, problems, and precautions, shaft
supports and lining.

Course Outcome:
CO1: To understand the distribution of mineral deposits, and mining terminology
CO 2: To introduce different types of mining methods available for exploitation of mineral
CO3: Analyze design requirement of approach to mineral deposits

Essential Reading:
1. R. P. Pal, A. A. Balkema, Rock blasting effect and operation , 1st Ed, 2005.
2. D. J. Deshmukh, Elements of mining technology , Vol. 1, Central Techno Publications,
Nagpur, 7th Ed, 2001

Supplementary Reading:
1. B. H. Gary, Blasting operations, Mc-graw Hill, 1st Ed, 1981.
2. R. P. Pal, Blasting in ground excavations and mines, Oxford and IBH, 1st Ed, 1993.
3. C. P. Chugh, Drilling technology handbook, Oxford and IBH, 1st Ed, 1977.
4. R. D. Singh, Principles and practices of modern coal mining, New age international, 1st Ed,
5. S. K. Das, Explosive and blasting practices in mines, Lovely Prakashan, 1st Ed, 1993.
6. P.K Rajameny, A Joshi and S. Bhandari, Blast Design and practice, Himanshu Publications,
Udaipur, 2006.


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Mathematics

ii. Target Departments: Mining and Civil Engg.,
iii. Modules:
Module1: Linear measurement, Compass surveying – use of prismatic compass, bearing of a
line, dial traverse and adjustments, local attractions and correction of bearings.

Module 2: Theodolites- seconds theodolites, micro-optic theodolites, electronic theodolites,

measurement of horizontal angles by repetition method and re-iteration method and
measurement of vertical angles by general method.

Module 3: Traversing – surface and underground including boundary surveys and joint surveys,
survey errors and their adjustments, co-ordinate calculations.

Module 4: Leveling- use of dumpy levels, quick setting levels, digital levels and leveling staff,
temporary adjustments of levels, ordinary and precise leveling, reduction of levels by height
of instrument method and rise and fall method, reciprocal leveling, profile leveling,
differential leveling.

Module 5: Triangulation: Classification of Triangulation systems, Triangulation figures, Base

line measurements; Correlation of surface and underground surveys: Verticality of shafts,
measurement of depth of shafts; Setting out curves – surface and underground.

Module 6: Special Mine Surveys: Surveys for connecting national grid, survey of installations of
mine structures, EDM and its application, Surveying by Modern instruments by using GPS &
Total Station.
Course Outcome:
CO1: Introduction to measuring techniques in surveying along with instruments
CO2: To familiarize with underground and surface surveying in mines
CO3: To apply modern instruments for mine surveying

Essential Reading:
1. W. Schofield and M. Breach, Engineering Surveying, Sixth edition, 2007, ELSEVIER, B & H
2. B. C. Punmia, Surveying, Vol - I, II, III, Laxmi Publication, New Delhi, 12th Edition, 1990
Supplementary Reading:
1. V. Maslov, Geodetic Surveying, Mir Publication, Moscow, Revised edition, 1980
2. Fedorov, Elementary Plane and Mine Surveying, Mir Publication, Moscow, Revised Edition,
3. V. Natarajan, Advanced Surveying , B. I. Publication, Bombay, First edition, 1976.
4. T. P. Kanetkar, Surveying and Leveling, Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, Reprints, 1995.
5. S. K. Roy, Fundamentals of Surveying, Printice Hall of India Pvt., New Delhi, Third Printing,

i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Mathematics
ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: General: Mechanical transmission of power in mining machinery, shafts, pulleys,
gears, and gear/trains, belt drives, chain drives, couplings and clutches, brakes.; Wire ropes:
Constructions, examinations, listing and maintenance.;

Module 2: Rope and locomotive haulages: Direct, main and tail, balanced double drum and
endless haulage, gravity haulage, constructional features, power calculation, selection of
haulage ropes, haulage tracks and safety appliances, tubs and mine cars, diesel, battery
and trolley wire locomotives, tractive effort, ideal gradient, power calculations, exhaust

Module 3: Compressors and pumps: Generation, distribution and use of compressed air in
mines, mine pumps, pumping ranges, and fittings;

Module 4: Cutting and mining machines for coal/ore, surface coal/ore handling plant.

Course Outcome:
CO1: To understand the concept of underground transport system
CO2: Application and features of cutting and mining machines
CO3: To enhance the knowledge of mechanical transmission of power, compressor and pumps
used in mines

Essential Reading:
1. D. J. Deshmukh, Elements of mining technology, Vol. 3, Vidyasewa, 3rd Ed, 1989.
2. N. T. Karlein, Mine transport, Orient Longman, 1st Ed, 1967.

Supplementary Reading:
1. C. F. Statham, Coal mining practice, Caxton Eastern, 1st Ed, 1960.
2. R. D. Singh, Principles and practices of modern coal mining , New age international, 1st Ed,
3. S. K. Das, Modern coal mining technology, Lovely Prakashan, 2nd Ed, 1994.
4. M. P. Alexandrov, Material handling equipment, MIR, 1st Ed, 1981.


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Chemistry

ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Classification of ore reserves: proved, probable, and geologist’s ore. Geological
aspects of drilling borehole location, planning of drilling operations, borehole surveys,
correction of deviated boreholes and directional drilling, core-sampling and assaying;
Module 2: Economic classification of mineral resources: calculation of in-situ reserves from
borehole data. Underground sampling and calculation of blocked reserves;

Module 3: Exploration: Theory and application of various methods in mineral exploration,

Seismic, Gravity and Magnetic methods, Principles and methods of gravity and magnetic
prospecting, instrumentation, data processing, interpretation with case studies, Module 4:
Fundamentals of remote sensing and its application in large scale mineral exploration.
Exploration for oil and natural gas
Course Outcome:
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
CO1: Understand ore reserve and different sampling methods from exploration study
CO2: Understand the theories of different of mineral explorations
CO3: Know how the mineral resources are explored in real deposit by different exploration

Essential Reading:
1. W. C. Peters, Exploration and Mining Geology, Wiley, 2 editions, 1987
2. P, Kearey, M. Brooks and I. Hill, An Introduction to Geophysical Exploration, Wiley-
Blackwell; 3rd edition, 2002.

Supplementary Reading:
1. C. J. Moon, M. K. G. Whateley, A. M. Evans and W. L. Barrett, Introduction to Mineral
exploration, Blackwell Publishing, 2006.
2. R. E. Sheriff and L. P. Geldart, Exploration Sysmology , Cambridge University Press; 2nd
edition, 1995.
3. H. L. Hartman, SME Mining Engineering Handbook, Society of Mining and Metallurgy and
Exploration (US), 1992, 2394 pages.
4. R. Marjoribanks, Geological methods in Mineral exploration and Mining, Springer; 1st edition,


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Chemistry

ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:

Module1: Introduction to Geology: its scope and application to engineering problems, Physical
Geology, Mineralogy - Determinative properties and occurrence of common rock forming
minerals in India,

Module 2: Petrology - Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic rocks; Structural Geology:

Elementary knowledge of rock deformation and structural characteristics of deformed rocks,
strike, dip, folds and faults, their description, classification, Joints, Un-conformities/simple
forms of igneous rocks, Dykes, sills, etc., Geological maps and their interpretation,

Module 3: Stratigraphy - Principles of Stratigraphy, Standard Stratigraphic Scale, Indian

Stratigraphy; Economic minerals: their classification, origin, mode of occurrence,
geographical and geological distribution,

Module 4: physical properties and industrial uses and distribution of major metallic and non-
metallic mineral deposits of India.

Module 5: Origin and distribution of natural fuels - Coal, Petroleum and natural gas, nuclear

Course Outcome:
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
CO1: Understand the formation of different rocks and their properties
CO2: Correlate the stratigraphy with localization of different mineral deposit
CO3: Know the distribution of different minerals in India and their origin

Essential Reading:
1. P. K. Mukherjee, A Text Book of Geology, The World Press Pvt. Ltd., 9th Edition, 1982.
2. H. H. Read, Rutley’s Elements of Mineralogy, CBS Publishers and Distributors, 26th Edition,

Supplementary Reading:
1. P. B. Marland, Structural Geology, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 3rd Edition, 1990.
2. D. E. Salisbury & W. E. Ford, A Text Book of Mineralogy, Wiley Eastern Limited, 4th Edition,
3. G. W. Tyrrel, The Principles of Petrology, B. I. Publications Pvt. Ltd., 1989.
4. G. B. Mahapatra, Text Book of Physical Geology, CBS Publishers and Distributors, 1st
Edition, 1990.
5. R. Kumar, Fundamentals of Historical Geology and Stratigraphy of India, Wiley Eastern
Limited, 1992.


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Maths.

ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Expectation; Spatial Description: Contour maps, Indicator maps, Moving window
statistics, Proportional effect, Spatial continuity, h-scatter plots, correlation functions,
covariance function and variograms, cross h-scatter plots; Random function,

Module 2: From statistics to Geostatistics, Modeling sample variograms, Regionalized

variables; Global estimation: Polygonal declustering, cell declustering, comparison of
declustering methods; Point estimation: Polygon, triangulation, inverse distance methods,
search neighborhoods;

Module 3: Kriging: Ordinary kriging, simple kriging; Block Kriging; Search strategy; cross
validation; Variance volume relationships,

Module 4: change of support: Practical importance of support effects, effect of support on

summery statistics, correcting for support effect, transforming from one distribution to
another, affine correction, indirect lognormal correction, dispersion variance, estimating
dispersion variance from a variogram model; assessing uncertainty;

Module 5: Multivariate geostatistics, Geostatistics for quality control, grade tonnage curve,
Basics of non-parametric geostatistics, Indicator Kriging, Brief idea about geostatistical
simulation, Introduction to GEOEAS/ GSLIB/SURPAC software.
Course Outcome:
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
CO1: Investigate various spatial interpolation methods
CO2: Understand the nature and access local influence in spatial modeling
CO3: Understand how spatial autocorrelation can be used to model mineral resources

Essential Reading:
1. E. H. Isaaks and R. M. Srivastava, An Introduction to Applied Geostatistics , Oxford
University Press, USA, 1990.
2. J. M. Rendu, An Introduction to Geostatistical Methods of Mineral Evaluation (Geostatistics),
South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 1978.

Supplementary Reading:
1. A. J. Sinclair and G. H. Blackwell, Applied Mineral Inventory Estimation, Cambridge
University publication, 2002.
2. B, D. Ripley, Spatial Statistics (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics), Wiley-Interscience,
New edition, 2004.
3. P. Goovaerts, Geostatistics for Natural Resources Evaluation, Oxford University Press,


Prismatic Compass Surveying: (a) Bearing of the lines (b) Traversing; Leveling: (a) Precise
Leveling (b) Profile Leveling; Plane Table Surveying: (a) Intersection Method (b) Radiation
Method; Theodolite Traversing; Theodolite: (a) Horizontal angle measurement (b) Vertical
angle measurement; Signs and Conventions used by the GSI, MMR and CMR; Triangulation
Survey: (a) By 1” Theodolite (b) By Electronic Theodolite; Triangulation Survey (a) By EDM (b)
By Total Station; Distance Measurement: (a) By EDM (b) By Total Station; Coordinate
Measurement: (a) By Total Station (b) By GPS; Traversing and Recording Position of points by
GPS; Special Mine Surveys – Surveys for connecting National Grid, Survey of installations of
Mine Structures


Identification of common rocks; Identification of common Minerals; Study of physical properties

of minerals; Determination of strike and dip; Identification and stereographic plotting of
joints; Study of topographic maps; Drawing of geological section; Geological maps with folds
and faults; Study of geophysical exploration equipment - resistivity meter; Study of
aquameter; Study of magnetometer; Geological field trips


Study of jack hammer drill; Study of different types of wire rope & their uses; Study of different
types of rope clips; Study of reliance rope capel; Study of different types of roof bolts; Study
of Sylvester prop withdrawar; Study of different types of brakes; Study of different types of
Clutches; Study of different parts & functions of an electric coal drill; Study of direct rope
haulage; Study of endless rope haulage; Study of main & tail rope haulage.


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Mathematics

ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Introduction: Concept of systems engineering, general model selection; Data
collection: Data collection methods, time study, work sampling, sample number calculation;
System analytical techniques: Statistical methods, control charts – X bar chart, R chart, S
chart; Mathematical methods for loading and hauling;

Module 2: Stochastic models: Monte Carlo simulation, Activity oriented simulation, process
oriented simulation; Reliability: Concepts of reliability, concept of different distribution:
Normal, exponential, Beta, Gamma, Binomial, lognormal etc.; fitting a distribution to data,
reliability of series and parallel systems, reliability analysis of a combined series parallel
system; Optimization and design: Heuristic technique, Dynamic programming, network flow
theory, Graph theory;

Module 3: Programming: Linear programming, transportation and assignment problems, Mixed

integer linear programming, queuing theory, network analysis, inventory control and
simulation techniques.

Module 4: Analysis: Analysis of exploration and mining systems using mathematical

programming, simulation techniques and network models; stochastic model simulation;
Concept of Artificial Intelligence: Natural language understanding, Machine vision, robotics,
expert system.

Course Outcome:
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
CO1: Formulate the real life system optimization problems into mathematical models
CO2: Solve the mathematical models using operation research techniques
CO3: Incorporate the uncertainty of the mining systems parameters in optimization model

Essential Reading:
1. Bernel & Krako, Introduction to System Analysis, A. A. Balkema, 2004.
2. N. Deo, System Simulation by Digital Computers, Prentice Hall of India, 2005
Supplementary Reading:
1. W. Donald Boyd, System analysis and modeling, Academic Press, 2001

i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Mathematics
ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Examination of Mineral properties, Mine sampling, estimation of reserves and grades,
Impurities and quality control, commercial uses of minerals and ores;

Module 2: Mine valuation. Depreciation methods; decision trees, Mineral Industry of India,;
National Mineral Policies, conservation, taxation, trading, mining entrepreneurship,
Principles of company law, shares and debentures;
Module 3: joint stock company and public company; partnership business, capital formation,
Cost-Volume-Profit analysis and break-even analysis, budgetary control, wages and
incentives, purchases, stores and inventory control, sales and dispatches.

Course Outcome:
CO1: To understand the procedures for estimation of reserves and grades
CO2: To introduce mining entrepreneurship, Principles of company law etc for mine valuation
CO3: To enhance the knowledge related to wages and incentives, purchases, stores and
inventory control etc.

Essential Reading:
1. R. T. Deshmukh, Mineral and Mine Economics, Myra Publ., Nagpur, 1986
2. R. K. Sinha and N. L. Sharma, Mineral Economics , Oxford & IBH Pub., 3rd Ed, 1970
Supplementary Reading:
1. O. P. Khanna, Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat Rai Delhi, 1993
2. R. N. P. Arogyaswamy, Courses in Mining Geology, Oxford and IBH Pub., 2nd Ed, 1973
3. S. Krishnaswamy, India’s Mineral Resources, Oxford & IBH pub., 2nd Ed, 1972
4. P. K. Jain, Financial management, Tata McGraw Hill, 1981


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Mining machinery and Mine development
ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Mine hoist: Drum and koepe winders, constructional features, kinematics, torque and
power calculation, speed control, safety contrivances, selection of mine winders, cages,
skip, suspension gears, headgear structures, cage guides, pit top and pit bottom circuits and
Module 2: Conveyors: Belt conveyor, chain conveyor, cable belt conveyor, shaker conveyor,
vibratory conveyor, constructional features and power calculations, selection and
Module 3: Aerial Ropeway: Mono-cable, bi-cable, twin-cable ropeway, constructional features
and power calculations, selection and application;

Module 4: Scraper Haulage: Constructional features, applicability, advantages and


Module 5: Men and material transportation: Trackless vehicle loaders, shuttle cars, SDL and
LHD, special men and materials transport in mines, men riding systems in mines.;

Course Outcome:
CO1: Design and application of hoisting system
CO2: Application of men and material transport system
CO3: To enhance the knowledge and design concept of scraper haulage, aerial ropeway and
belt conveyor system in mines.

Essential Reading:
1. M. A. Ramlu, Mine hoisting, Oxford and IBH, 1st Ed, 1996.
2. D. J. Deshmukh, Elements of mining technology, Vol-III, Vidyasewa, 3rd Ed, 1989
Supplementary Reading:
1. N. T. Karlein, Mine transport, Orient Longman, 1st Ed, 1967
2. S. C. Walker, Mine winding and transport (Advances in mining science and technology),
Elsevier Science Publishing Company, 1st Ed, 1988
3. N. Mukherjee, Materials handling in mines, Technology mining society IIT Kharagpur, Vol-
XI, 1st Ed, 1979-80
4. B. Norman, Mechanics of bulk material handling, London Butterworths, 1st Ed, 1971
5. M. P. Alexandrov, Material handling equipment, MIR, 1st Ed, 1981


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Mathematics

ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.

iii. Modules:

Module1: Introduction to structure terminology and peripherals, algorithms, flow charts,

programs, dedicated systems. Application in Mining: Exploration, rock topographic models,
bore hole compositing, compositing, ore reserve calculation, interpolation and geostatistical
Module 2: Open pit design: Ultimate pit design, introductory process control, underground mine
design: Production scheduling; Operation Simulation: Introduction, Simulation overview,
objective, understand the role of modeling, Understanding the basic concept in simulation

Module 3: Example of simulation in mining aspects: Simulation of machine repair problems,

Concepts of variability and prediction, Example with dumping time problem, fitting
distribution with chi-square test

Module 4: Random number generation: Methods of random number generation, Properties of

random number, pseudorandom number; Random variates generation: Methods of random
variates generation, inverse transformed method, acceptance rejection method, composition
method, empirical method and rectangular approximation
Module 5: Simulation languages: GPSS, SLAM; Logical flow diagram of different mining
activities, Coding with GPSS and SLAM of different mining problems; Computer Control:
Remote control, automatic control, application and limitations of control.

Course Outcome:
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
CO1: Formulate the mining problem in computer readable language (pseudocode/flowchart)
CO2: Simulate small scale mining systems
CO3: Generate random numbers and understand the use of them

Essential Reading:
1. T. C. Bartee, Digital Computer Fundamentals, Mc GRAW HILL, 4th Ed., 1984.
2. P. Malvino and D. P. Leach, Digital principles and application, McGraw-Hill, 5th Ed., 1994
Supplementary Reading:
1. R. V. Ramani, Application of computer methods in the mineral industry


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics, Mathmatics and Chemistry
ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.

iii. Modules:
Module1: General Principle: Mineral Beneficiation and its role in mineral Exploitation;
Comminution and Liberation: Theory and practice of crushing and grinding, performance
and choice of crushers and grinding mills. Laboratory techniques, interpretation and plotting
of data, Industrial screens and screening efficiency;

Module 2: concentration: Theory and practice of classification, Classifiers- their performance

and choice, Picking and washing techniques. Theory and application of sink and float,
jigging and flowing film concentration- methods and equipment used;
Module 3: Froth Flotation: Physico-chemical principles, flotation reagents, flotation machines
and circuits, application to common sulphides, oxides and oxidized minerals. Electrostatic
and Electro-magnetic Separation - Principles, operations and fields of applications;

Module 4: Flow Sheets: Simplified flow sheets for the beneficiation of beach sand, coal and
typical ores of copper, lead, zinc and manganese with special reference to Indian deposits.
Course Outcome:
CO1: To understand the Laboratory techniques of Mineral Beneficiation
CO2: To study various methods and equipment used for concentration
CO3: To give exposure to flow sheets for the beneficiation of various ore/minerals with special
reference to Indian deposits

Essential Reading:
1. A. M. Gaudin, Principles of Mineral Dressing, Tata McGraw & Hill, 1939
2. R. H. Richard and C. E. Locky, A text Book on Ore Dressing, A A Balkema, 2004
Supplementary Reading:
1. F. Taggart, Mineral Dressing Handbook, P & H, 2000
2. B. A. Wills, Mineral Processing Technology, Willy & Sons, 2005
3. G. C. Lowrison, Crushing & Grinding, Maxwell and MacMillan, 2002
4. L. Svalovsky, Solid Liquid Separation, Tata McGraw & Hill Inc., 2003


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Mathematics
ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Introduction: Applicability and limitations, Stripping Ratio, Preliminary evaluation of
surface mining projects.

Module 2: Surface Mining Methods: Development of Mineral deposits by opencast mining,

design and layout of opencast mines. Methods of stripping, Bench geometry, Bench slope.
Drilling, blasting, loading and transportation in opencast mines, Equipment used for different
operations, Choice and their application;

Module 3: Placer Mining and Sea bed Mining: Ground sluicing, Hydraulicking and Dredging.
Exploitation systems of ocean mineral resources. Relevant provisions of coal mines and
metalliferous mines regulations;

Module 4: Environmental problems due to surface mining and their remedial measures, Recent
developments in the deployment of heavy earth moving machineries in the surface mines.

Course Outcome:
CO1: To understand the various methods of surface mining
CO2: To apply design principles for stable benches and overall pit slope
CO3: To familiarize with different equipment for surface mining
CO4: To understand impact of surface mining on environment

Essential Reading:
1. G. B Mishra, Surface Mining, Lovely Prakashan, Dhanbad, 2nd Ed, 2006.
2. K Raj. Singhal, Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, A. A. Balkema Rotterdam, 1st Ed,
Supplementary Reading:
1. S. K. Das, Surface Mining Technology, Lovely Prakashan, Dhanbad, 1st Ed, 1994.
2. V. V. Rzhevsky, Opencast Mining Unit operations, Mir Pub., Mascow, 1985.
3. W. Hustrulid and M. Kuchta, Open pit mine planning and Design, Vol-I, A. A. Balkema
Rotterdam, 1st Ed, 1995
4. Rozgonyi, G Tibor, Continuous surface Mining, A. A. Balkema Rotterdam, 1st Ed, 1988.
5. Crawford, T. John, Open pit mine planning and Design, American Institute of Mining,
Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, 1979.


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Maths.
ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:

Module1: Development of Stratified Deposits: Choice of mine size, methods of entry and
primary development

Module 2: Underground Coal Mining Methods: Classification and choice, Bord and Pillar
mining, development and extraction, Long-wall mining, face mechanization, production
equipment and face machinery used, viz. coal cutting machines, drills, mechanical loaders,
LHDS, shuttle car etc. – their performance and choice. Special coal mining methods;
Provision of CMR 1957

Module 3: Underground Metal Mining Methods: General Development of property level,

crosscuts, raises and winzes, drifting and tunneling, U/g metalliferrous mining methods –
their classification and choice. Stoping of ore bodies, supporting and development of stopes,
Special techniques of mining mechanization, mining equipment and production machine
used below ground, Provision of MMR 1961

Module 4: Supports: Roadway and face supports, supports for junctions and special conditions,
setting and withdrawal of supports, roof bolting, roof stitching, systematic supporting,
protective of pillars.

Module 5: Stowing and Filling Methods, gathering and transportation arrangements, stowing
plants and layout.
Course Outcome:
CO1: to understand the details of development of a mine for exploitation of mineral deposits
CO2: Analyze design requirements of Underground Coal and metal Mining Methods
CO3: Apply different support systems including backfilling techniques for underground mines
for stability of workings

Essential Reading:
1. T. N. Singh, Underground winning of Coal, Oxford and IBH New Delhi, 1992
2. Y. P. Chacharkar, A study of Metalliferous Mining Methods, Lovely Prakshan, Dhanbad,

Supplementary Reading:
1. I. C. F. Statham, Coal Mining Practice, Caxton eastern agencies, Calcutta, Reprint, 1964
2. D. J. Deshmukh, Elements of Mining Technology , Vol - I & II, EMDEE publishers Ranchi,
Revised edition, 2000
3. S. K. Das, Modern Coal Mining Technology, Lovely Prakshan, Dhanbad, 1992
4. R. D. Singh, Principles & Practices of Modern Coal Mining, New age international New Delhi,
5. B. C. Arthur, SME Mining Engineers Hand Book, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical
and Petroleum Engineers, New York, 1973


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Maths.

ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Introduction: Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering, Soil and rock characterization;

Module 2: Physico-mechanical properties: Physical and mechanical properties including

swelling potential, different strength parameters and their determination, Hydraulic
properties of rocks and determination;

Module 3: Rock Stress: Stresses around mine openings of different cross-sections,

Module 4: Elastic and Time dependent properties of rock: Rock Deformability and its
measurement. Elastic and non-elastic behavior, influence of time on rock properties;
Theories of rock failure: Rock Strength, Analysis of Stress-Strain Curve, Rock failure and
different failure criteria. Effect of anisotropy on rock strength;

Module 5: Stress: Stress and strain in two and three dimension, Stress-Strain relationships,
Mohr’s circle.
Course Outcome:
CO1: To introduce geotechnical Engineering, and properties of rocks/soils
CO2: To study behavior of rocks in various underground structures including fairlure criteria

Essential Reading:
1. R. E. Goodman, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, John Wiley and Sons, 1980
2. V. S. Vutukuri and K. Katsuyama, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, Industrial Publishing &
Consulting Inc., Tokyo, 1994

Supplementary Reading:
1. B. H. G. Brady and E. T. Brown, Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, George Allen and
Unwin Ltd., 1992
2. J. C. Jeager and N. G. W. Cook, Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics, Chapman and Hall,
3. L. Hartman, Mining Engineering Handbook, Society for Mining, Mettalurgy and Exploration
Inc., USA, 1992
4. J. A. Hudson and J. P. Harrison, Engineering Rock Mechanics, Pergamon Press, UK, 2000

i. Pre-requisites: Rock mechanics
ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: In-situ Stress- Determination of in-situ rock mass properties, in-situ testing methods
and instrumentations.

Module 2: Design of underground workings: Pillar Design including applicability of Wilson’s

approach, Safety factors;

Module 3: Slope Stability: Slope failure types, mechanisms and theories.;

Module 4: Rock Reinforcement and Support: Mechanisms of failure in rock structures-intact

and anisotropy, Rock Load and stability, Supporting and reinforcement members, Design of
support and reinforcement systems; Surface Subsidence: Subsidence mechanisms and
control measures, Basics of numerical methods in geomechanics and applications.

Module 5: Rock mass classification Systems and their interpretation.

Course Outcome:
CO1: To explain the advanced trends in determination of in situ rock mass properties
CO2: To study slope stability and also rock reinforcement techniques for underground and
opencast applications

Essential Reading:
1. R. E. Goodman, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, John Wiley and Sons, 1980
2. V. S. Vutukuri and K. Katsuyama, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, Industrial Publishing &
Consulting Inc., Tokyo, 1994

Supplementary Reading:
1. B. H. G. Brady and E. T. Brown, Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, George Allen and
Unwin Ltd., 1992
2. J. C. Jeager and N. G. W. Cook, Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics, Chapman and Hall,
3. L. Hartman, Mining Engineering Handbook, Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration
Inc., USA, 1992
4. E. Hoek and J. Bray, Rock Slope Engineering, 3 rd Ed., Inst. Of Mining and Metallurgy,
London, 1980
5. J. A. Hudson, Comprehensive Rock Engineering, Pergamon Press, UK, 2000

i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Maths.

ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Introduction: Importance of rock mechanics, rock working, judgment and

Module 2: Ground Characterization: Character of rock materials, rock mass, ground water,
stress, site investigation;

Module 3: Rock Excavation and Stabilization: Blasting, drilling, breaking and cutting, rock
reinforcement, support and lining systems, drainage and grouting

Module 4: Measurement, Prediction and Monitoring of Rock Behavior: Design Methods,

Strength, Deformability, viscous, thermal and swelling behavior, Behavior of discontinuities,
Course Outcome:
CO1: To create awareness on importance of rock mechanics and ground characterization
CO2: To understand various measures for rock Excavation and stabilization including design

Essential Reading:
1. J. A. Franklin and M. B. Dusseault, Rock Engineering, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1991
2. R. E. Goodman, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, John Wiley and Sons, 1980

Supplementary Reading:
1. L. Hartman, Mining Engineering Handbook, Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration
Inc., USA, 1992
2. V. S. Vutukuri and K. Katsuyama, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, Industrial Publishing &
Consulting Inc., Tokyo, 1994
3. B. H. G. Brady and E. T. Brown, Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, George Allen and
Unwin Ltd., 1992
4. J. C. Jeager and N. G. W. Cook, Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics, Chapman and Hall,
5. J. A. Franklin & M. B. Dusseault, Rock Engineering Applications, Mc Graw Hill, 1991.


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Maths.

ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Geomining conditions: Geological factors contributing to strata control problems in
mines, Geomechanics classification of rocks;

Module 2: Safety status: Status of safety in coal mines vis-à-vis strata control problems,
Assessing the risk from the hazards of roof & side falls;

Module 3: Design of support system: Design of support system for development and depillaring
workings, Design of support system for long wall workings, Application of modeling
techniques to strata control problems

Module 4: Strata behavior studies: Instrumentation for evaluation of strata condition in coal
mines, Strata control techniques and its application to coal mining industry, Case studies on
geotechnical instrumentation and strata control in coal mines, Demonstration of geotechnical
instrumentation and computer software;

Module 5: Organization of strata control cell: strata control cell in mines, Training needs of the
first line supervisors for effective implementation of the latest strata control technologies.
Course Outcome:
CO1: Identify and understand the factors contributing to strata control problems in mines
CO2: Analyze design requirement of support system in different workings of mines
CO3: Apply different instruments for evaluation of strata condition and organization of strata
control cell in mines

Essential Reading:
1. M. L. Jeremic, Strata Mechanics in Coal Mining, A A Balkema, Rotterdam, Taylor and
Francis, 1985, 566p
2. T., Bieniawski Ziti, Strata Control in Mineral Engineering, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1
Feb 1987.
Supplementary Reading:
1. T. N. Singh, Underground winning of Coal, Oxford and IBH New Delhi, 1992
2. B. H. G. Brady and E. T. Brown, Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, George Allen and
Unwin Ltd., 1992
3. J. A. Hudson, Comprehensive Rock Engineering, Pergamon Press, UK, 2000
4. Z. T. Bieniawski Engineering Rock Mass Classifications, Wiley, New York, 251, 1989
5. S S Peng and H S Chiang, Longwall mining, Wiley; New York, 708p.


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Maths.
ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Deformation and Strain Measuring Instruments: Convergence meters, convergence
recorders, tape extensometers, bore hole deformation, gauge, multipoint borehole
extensometers and bore hole camera;

Module 2: Load and Pressure Measuring Instruments: Load cells, pressure measuring
instruments – stress capsules, stress meters, borehole pressure, cells and flat jacks. Strain
gauges and transducers, readout units, sensors, transmitters and data acquisition systems;

Module 3: Testing Equipment: UTM, MTS and acoustic emission equipment. Rock bolt pull
tester, Monitoring and interpretation of the data;

Module 4: Applications: Mining Engineering applications: Instrumentation in underground mines

and opencast mines; Civil Engineering applications; Instrumentation in Hydro electric
projects and Tunnels, case studies.
Course Outcome:
CO1: To understand details of different Instruments for monitoring ground behavior
CO3: Apply the instruments for different excavations including hydroelectric projects, tunnels

Essential Reading:
1. J. A. Hudson, Comprehensive Rock Engineering, Pergamon Press, UK, 2000
2. M. L. Jeremic, Strata Mechanics in coal mining, A A Balkema, Rotterdam, Taylor and
Francis, 1985,

Supplementary Reading:
1. Z. T. Bieniawski, Strata Control in Mineral Engineering, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987.
2. B. H. G. Brady and E. T. Brown, Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, George Allen and
Unwin Ltd., 1992
3. Z. T. Bieniawski, Engineering Rock Mass Classifications. Wiley, New York, 1989

i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Chemistry
ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Composition of mine air, Mine gases: properties, origin, occurrence, physiological
effects, detection, monitoring and control, Methane layering, Degasification of coal seams.
Production, assessment, physiological effects and control of mine dusts;

Module 2: Thermal environment and psychrometry: Sources of heat load sources in mines,
Effect of heat and humidity on miners. Psychrometry, Cooling power of mine air, Methods of
improving of cooling power of mine air, Air Conditioning - basic vapor cycle;
Module 3: Mechanics of air flow through mine openings, Resistance of airways, Equivalent
orifice, distribution of air current, control devices in ventilation systems, Natural ventilation:
Calculation of NVP, Thermodynamic aspects, Artificial aids to natural ventilation;

Module 4: Mechanical ventilation: Principal types of mine fans, Installation, operation,

characteristics and selection of mine fans, Fan testing and Output Control, Fan laws and fan
drives, Evasees, Diffusers, Booster fans, Auxiliary ventilation. Reversal of air currents and
controlled recirculation; Ventilation Survey: Quantity and Pressure survey;

Module 5: Planning and Design of Ventilation Systems: mine ventilation design criteria and
ventilation design factors, ventilation standards, Ascensional, descensional, homotropal,
antitropal, central and boundary ventilation systems, Ventilation layouts for coal and metal
mining, Network analysis : Hardy-Cross method, Computer application in mine ventilation.
Course Outcome:
CO1: Comprehend and analyze the occurrence of mine gases, dusts and methane drainage
and be able to develop and explain control strategies
CO2: Comprehend and explain the principles and control of heat and humidity behavior in
underground airways
CO3: Apply the principles of air flow in an underground mine ventilation system
CO4: Comprehend the principles of mine fan selection in order to evaluate the selection and
produce improved solutions
CO5: Comprehend natural ventilation and explain its application underground.
CO6: Carry out ventilation survey.
CO7: Plan and Design a basic underground mine ventilation systems.
CO8: Comprehend and be able to solve simple ventilation network problems.

Essential Reading:
1. M. J. McPherson, Subsurface Ventilation and Environmental Engineering, Chapman & Hall,
2. G. B. Mishra, Mine Environment and Ventilation, Oxford University Press, Fifth Impression,

Supplementary Reading:
1. H. L. Hartman, Mine Ventilation and Air Conditioning , John Wiley, Paperback edition, 1989.
2. H. L. Hartman, J. M. Mutmansky, R. V. Ramani and Y. J. Wang, Mine Ventilation And Air
Conditioning , Wiley-interscience, 3rd Edition, 1997
3. S. P. Banerjee, Mine Ventilation, Lovely Prakashan, 1st Edition, 2003
4. M. A. Ramlu, Mine Disaster and Mine Rescue, Oxford & IBH, 1991


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Chemistry

ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Introduction: Processes of formation of coal, Theories of origin of coal, Eras of coal
formation, Indian Coalfields and its subsidiaries: Occurrence and distribution, coal bearing
formations, coal type and rank variation, Characteristics of major coalfields, Coal production
from different sectors.;

Module 2: Coal petrography: Macro and micro lithotypes, Composition of macerals, application
of coal petrography, Mineral matter in coal: Origin and chemical composition, Impact of
mineral matter in coal process industry;

Module 3: Coal properties and their evaluation: proximate and ultimate analysis, calorific value,
crossing and ignition point temperature, plastic properties (free swelling index, Caking index,
Gray King Low Temperature Assay, Roga index, plastometry, dilatometry),

Module 4: physical properties like specific gravity, hard groove grindability index, heat of
wetting, Crossing point temperature of coal, Behavior of coal at elevated temperatures and
products of thermal decomposition, Classification of coal - International and Indian
classification, grading of Indian coals;
Module 5: Coal Washing: Principles, objectives, coal preparation, washability characteristics;
Selection, testing, storage and utilization of coking and non-coking coal, Use of coal by
different industries.

Course Outcome:
CO1: To introduce processes of formation of coal, properties and evaluation
CO2: To understand coal preparation and washability characteristics of coal

Essential Reading:
1. S. Sarkar, Fuels and Combustion, Orient Longman Private Ltd., 2nd edition, 1990
2. O. P. Gupta, Elements of Fuels, Furnaces and Refractories, Khanna Publication, 3rd Edition,

Supplementary Reading:
1. M. A. Elliot, Chemistry of Coal Utilization, Wiley, 1981.
2. N. Berkowitz, An Introduction to Coal Technology, Elsevier, 1993.
3. D. Chandra, R. M. Singh, and M. P. Singh, Text Book of Coal, Tara Book Agency, 2000.
4. G. G. Sarkar, An Introduction to Coal Preparation Practice, Oxford and IBH, 1986.
5. S. P. Mathur, Mine Planning for Coal, M. G. Consultants, Bilaspur, 1993


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Mathematics
ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Elements of photogrammetry, Stereoscopic Vision, Photo interpretation techniques,
Definition and components of remote sensing, Electromagnetic waves and radiation
principles, Multiconcept remote sensing,

Module 2: interaction of EMW with various ground components: vegetation, water, snow, soil
and minerals;

Module 3: Sensors and platforms, False color composite, Digital image processing: geometric
and radiometric correction, image enhancement, band ratio, edge detection, filtering,
principal component analysis, and image classification, Normalized difference vegetation

Module 4: Application of remote sensing in hydrology, mineral exploration, natural hazards like
landslide, flood, and earthquake, Identification of surface feature, drainage pattern, structural
Course Outcome:
CO1: Introduces the concepts of remote sensing and interaction of waves with various ground
CO2: Study of Sensors and platforms including application of remote sensing in hydrology,
mineral exploration

Essential Reading:
1. T. M. Lillesand, R. W. Kiefer, J. W. Chipman , Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation,
John Wiley and Sons, 2004.
2. R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company, 1992

Supplementary Reading:
1. S. N Pandey, Principle and Application of Photogeology, Wiley Eastern Limited, 1987.
2. R. P Gupta, Remote Sensing Geology, Springer, 2003.
3. S. A. Drury, A Guide to Remote Sensing: Interpreting Images of the Earth, Oxford University
Press, Oxford, 1990.
4. B. Tso, P. M Mather, Classification Methods for Remotely Sensed Data, Taylor & Francis,


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Chemistry
ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Introduction: Processes of formation of coal, Theories of origin of coal, Eras of coal
formation, Indian Coalfields and its subsidiaries: Occurrence and distribution, coal bearing
formations, coal type and rank variation, Characteristics of major coalfields, Coal production
from different sectors.;

Module 2: Coal petrography: Macro and micro lithotypes, Composition of macerals, application
of coal petrography, Mineral matter in coal: Origin and chemical composition, Impact of
mineral matter in coal process industry;

Module 3: Coal properties and their evaluation: proximate and ultimate analysis, calorific value,
crossing and ignition point temperature, plastic properties (free swelling index, Caking index,
Gray King Low Temperature Assay, Roga index, plastometry, dilatometry),

Module 4: physical properties like specific gravity, hard groove grindability index, heat of
wetting, Crossing point temperature of coal, Behavior of coal at elevated temperatures and
products of thermal decomposition, Classification of coal - International and Indian
classification, grading of Indian coals;

Module 5: Coal Washing: Principles, objectives, coal preparation, washability characteristics;

Selection, testing, storage and utilization of coking and non-coking coal, Use of coal by
different industries.

Course Outcome:
CO1: Comprehend the processes of coal formation and its occurrence.
CO2: Evaluate the essential properties of coal
CO3: Determine the washability potential of different types of coal and select the appropriate
beneficiation process.

Essential Reading:
1. S. Sarkar, Fuels and Combustion, Orient Longman Private Ltd., 2nd edition, 1990
2. O. P. Gupta, Elements of Fuels, Furnaces and Refractories, Khanna Publication, 3rd Edition,

Supplementary Reading:
1. M. A. Elliot, Chemistry of Coal Utilization, Wiley, 1981.
2. N. Berkowitz, An Introduction to Coal Technology, Elsevier, 1993.
3. D. Chandra, R. M. Singh, and M. P. Singh, Text Book of Coal, Tara Book Agency, 2000.
4. G. G. Sarkar, An Introduction to Coal Preparation Practice, Oxford and IBH, 1986.
5. S. P. Mathur, Mine Planning for Coal, M. G. Consultants, Bilaspur, 1993


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Chemistry

ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module 1: Life cycle of coal, coal characterization, classification system of coal, Coal
production and utilization trends. Status of coal utilization technology and related operating
and environmental problems.

Module 2: Coal washing: Objectives and Techniques, Washability characteristics of coal

Module 3: Clean coal technology: Definition and Objectives, Technology Options; Pre-
combustion, Combustion, Post Combustion and Conversion CCTs. Coal combustion
options: FBC, IGCC, co-generation options,

Module 4: Carbon capture and storage, Storage Options for CO2: Types of geological storage
projects. Screening reservoirs for suitability of CO2 storage

Module 5: Coal bed Methane Recovery and utilization, Coal Gasification (In-situ and surface
Gasification), Coal to Liquid Technology.
Course Outcome:
CO1: Comprehend the processes of coal formation and its properties.
CO2: Determine the washability potential of different types of coal and select the appropriate
beneficiation process
CO3: Comprehend the concepts of clean coal technology
CO4: Understand the application of CCTs by different industries.

Essential Reading:
1. S. Sarkar, Fuels and Combustion, Orient Longman Private Ltd., 2nd edition, 1990
2. O. P. Gupta, Elements of Fuels, Furnaces and Refractories, Khanna Publication, 3rd Edition,

Supplementary Reading:
1. M. A. Elliot (ed.), Chemistry of Coal Utilization, Wiley, 1981
2. N. Berkowitz, an Introduction to Coal Technology, Elsevier, 1993
3. D. Chandra, R. M. Singh and M. P. Singh, Text Book of Coal, Tara Book Agency, 2000
4. G. G. Sarkar, an Introduction to Coal Preparation Practice, Oxford and IBH, 1986
5. S. P. Mathur, Mine Planning for Coal, M. G. Consultants, Bilaspur, 1993Clean coal teck


Determination of Relative Humidity of Mine air with Fixed/stationary Hygrometer, and Whirling
Hygrometer; Determination of Relative Humidity of air using Assman Psychrometer;
Determination of cooling power of air using Kata Thermometer; Determination of CO % by MSA
CO detector; Determination of percentage of CO and CO2 by Drager Multi Gas Detector
(Model 21/31); Determination of Methane % by MSA D-6 Methanometer; Study of the
construction and working of Flame Safety Lamp (VELOX GL-50, GL-60 and MSA type); Gas
Testing by Flame Safety Lamp in a Gas Testing Chamber; Measurement of Air Velocity by (i)
Vane Anemometer (ii) Electric Analog Velometer; Study of Pitot Static Tube & measuring of Air
Velocity in a ventilation duct in combination with an Inclined Manometer; Measurement of dust
concentration by (i) Gravimetric Dust Sampler, (II). Personal Dust Sampler; Measurement of
dust concentration by High Volume Sampler; Measurement of Noise Level by Integrating
Sound Level Meter (CEL-283)


Preparation of Rock Specimens for various testing purposes; Study of Compressive Testing
Machine; Determination of
Protodyakonov Strength Index; Determination of Impact Strength Index; Determination of the
Uni-axial Compressive Strength of rock materials; To Determine the Tensile Strength of a rock
specimen by an Indirect Method (Brazilian Test);
Determination of Point Load Strength Index; Determination of Shear Strength by Direct Shear
Test; Determination of
Modulus of Elasticity and Poission’s ratio of rock samples; Determination of Slake Durability
Index of rock samples;
Determination of Slake Durability Index of coal samples; Determination of Permeability of rock;
Determination of C – φ by using Tri-axial Cell Unit;
Determination of Index Parameter using Schmidth Hammer


Ore body modeling using SURPAC; Application of SURPAC for mine scheduling;
Study of stress distribution around single opening using FLAC –2D;
Study of stress distribution around single opening using FLAC –3D; Study of stress distribution
around single opening using UDEC;
Study of stress distribution around circular opening; Stress distribution around rectangular
opening; Study of stress distribution around multiple openings; Study of deformation around
circular opening; Study of deformation around single opening using FLAC –2D;
Study of deformation around single opening using UDEC; Study of deformation around multiple

Particle size analysis of different rocks and minerals; Study of Jaw Crusher and
determination of its Actual Capacity; Finding out Reduction Ratio using jaw crusher;
Verification of Rettinger’s Law using jaw crusher; Study of Hammer Mill and determination of
its Actual Capacity; Finding out Reduction Ratio using Hammer Mill; Verification of Kick’s’
Law using Hammer Mill; Study of Rod Mill and determination of its Actual Capacity; Study of
the effect of Ball Load and time on Grinding using Ball Mill; Study of Vibrating Screen and
Determination of its Effectiveness; Study of Magnetic Separator and Determination of its
Efficiency; Study of Baum Jig and Determination of its Efficiency.


Study of Universal Testing Machine; Evaluation of ground vibration using Blastmate;

Determination of Explosive strength by V. O. D. Monitor; Determination of rock hardness by
Hardness Tester; Determination of Rock In-situ Stress by Flat Jack Unit; Determination of
the relation between the moisture content and the dry density of the loose rock materials
using light compaction; Study of Bore hole stress meter; To study the Permeability
characteristics of coal specimens; Determination of crushing strength of rock, slag,
aggregate gravel by using LOS Abrasion Testing Machine;
Determination of Aggregate impact value of rock/ concrete by using Aggregate Impact Test
Apparatus; Determination of Impact Strength with Pendulum Impact Tester; Introduction to a
few numerical modeling software’s etc.


Study of bi-cable aerial rope-way; Study of headgear and pulleys;

Study of cage & skip; Study of different types of keps;
Study of scraper chain conveyor; Study of belt conveyor; Study of gate end box;
Study of king detaching safety hook; Study of mechanism of shaft sinking;
Study of winding shaft; Study of safety devices in haulage;
Study of cage attachment to winding rope


Preparation of surface mining models; Preparation of underground coal mining models;

Preparation of underground metal mining models; Preparation of underground mine
ventilation models;
Preparation of underground transport models; Preparation of underground excavation
models; Preparation of underground man riding models; Preparation of underground support
models; Preparation of opencast bench models; Preparation of reclamation models;
Preparation of models on blasting in opencast mines; Preparation of models on blasting in
underground mines


Determination of Moisture Content of Coal; Determination of volatile matter content of coal
sample; Determination of ash content of coal sample;
Determination of the true and bulk density of supplied coal sample; Determination of caking
index of coal; Determination of free swelling index of coal;
Determination of washability characteristics of coal sample by float and sink analysis;
Determination of calorific value of coal using bomb calorimeter;
Determination of Hardgroove Grindability index of coal; Determination of Crossing point
temperature of coal;
Determination of Critical Air Blast value coal; assessment of spontaneous heating
susceptibility of coal using DTA; Assessment of spontaneous heating susceptibility of coal
using wet oxidation potential analysis.

i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Mathematics
ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Principles of Mine Planning: Mining industry in comparison to other industries,
planning for mineral policy, Plans to be maintained in the mineral industry, Stages of
planning of new mines, requirements of planning, Master Plan, Feasibility Report, Detailed
project report;

Module 2: Technical considerations in Planning: Selection of method of mining, opening up of

open cast mines and underground mines, development of open cast mines and
underground mines, Division of mine lease area into mining units, location of entries,
Surface layouts, pit bottom layout, Ventilation planning;

Module 3: Planning of mine workings and systems: infrastructure planning, production

planning, Mineral handling plant, optimal planning, Planning of special methods of Coal and
metal mines, Placer Mining, Sea bed Mining;

Module 4: Socio-Economic considerations: Social aspects, Environment Management Plan,

estimation of mining costs and profits, restructuring planning,

Module 5: Issues and challenges of mine planning in the future, Mine Closure Plan; Computer
applications in mine planning & design.
Course Outcome:
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
CO1: Prepare feasibility report for a mineral deposit
CO2: Generates valid orebody model and classification of deposit
CO3: Select mining method and extraction sequences of materials
CO4: Select suitable equipment according to the mining method

Essential Reading:
1. S. P. Mathur, Mine Planning for Coal, M. G. Consultants, Bilaspur, 1993
2. J. Bhattacharya, Principles of Mine Planning, Allied Publishers Pvt Limited, New Delhi, 2003

Supplementary Reading:
1. W. Hustrulid and M. Kuchta, Open Pit Mine Planning and Design, A. A. Balkema Rotterdam,
2. B. M. Vorobjev and R. T. Desmukh, Advanced Coal Mining Vol-II , Asia Publishing house,
Bombay, revised edition, 1966
3. PWJ Van Rensbarg , Planning Open-pit mines, AA Balkema Cape Town, 1970
4. A. A. Myasnikov, Principle of Coal Mine Ventilation Planning, N. T. I. S., 1981.
5. R D Singh, Principles and Practices of Modern Coal Mining, New age International Pvt
limited Publishers, New Delhi, 1997.
6. H. L. Hartmanetal, SME Mining Engineering Handbook, Vol. I & II , SME, USA, 1992.

i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Mathematics
ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Design of tunnels: Rock mass classification, stability analysis of tunnels, elastic and
plastic deformation;

Module 2: Ground control: stress conditions, behavior of ground, Geomechanics


Module 3: design of supports; Equipments, Tunnel Boring Machines, ventilation, tunnel

Course Outcome:
CO1: To introduce rock mass classification and stability analysis of tunnels
CO2: To study various issues of geo-mechanics instrumentation and design of supports in
underground constructions

Essential Reading:
1. Richard E Bullock, Tunneling and Underground Construction Techniques, SME Publication,
2. Stack Barbara, Hand book of Mining & Tunneling Machinery, John Wiley and Sons.
Supplementary Reading:
1. R. V. Proctor, Rock Tunneling with Steel Supports
2. F. O. Franciss, Weak rock tunneling, Taylor and Francis, 1994
3. J. Johansen, Modern trends in tunneling and blast design , Taylor and Francis, 2000
4. F. D. Davidson, Tunneling and Transport, Elsevier APPLIED Science, 1987
5. Bieniawski Z. T, Rock Mechanics Design in Mining & Tunneling
6. Edi Bickel J. O., T. R. Kuesel & E. H. King, Tunnel Engineering Handbook


i. Pre-requisites: Surface Mining
ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Introduction, Indian context of advance surface mines, Advancement in mine unit
operation. Planning of surface mines viz. Procedural steps of planning; Ore body
description, Mining Systems, Ultimate pit configuration.

Module 2: Design of surface mines, Feasibility Report & Detailed Project Report, Modern
surface mining equipments;

Module 3: Legislations related to surface mining, Mine Closure Planning.

Course Outcome:
CO1: To apply modern techniques of surface mining
CO2: To design surface mines using modern tools
CO3: To familiarize with legislation related to surface mining

Essential Reading:
1. R. T. Desmukh, Opencast Mining, Lovely Prakashan, Dhanbad, 1st Ed, 1990.
2. S. K. Das, Surface Mining Technology, Lovely Prakashan, Dhanbad, 1st Ed, 1994.

Supplementary Reading:
1. G. B. Mishra, Surface Mining, Lovely Prakashan Dhanbad, 1st Ed, 1971.
2. E. Hoek and J. Bray, Rock Slope Engineering, 3rd Ed., Inst. of Mining and Metallurgy,
London, 1980
3. W. Hustrulid and M. Kuchta, Open pit mine planning and Design, Vol - I, A. A. Balkema
Rotterdam, 1st Ed, 1995.
4. B. Cummins Arthur, SME Mining Engineers Hand Book, American Institute of Mining,
Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers New York, 1973


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Maths.
ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Exploration: Modern Exploration Techniques to Identify the Complex Coal Deposits;
Classification: Classification of Coal Deposits Lying under Typical Geo-mining Conditions;

Module 2: Challenges: Challenges to improve Production and Productivity from Deep Seated
Deposits, Challenges in Liquidation of Locked-up Pillars;

Module 3: Experimental trials: Innovative Technologies for Stability Analysis, Design and
Development of Deep Seated Deposits;

Module 4: Modern techniques: Application of Numerical Modeling Techniques to Control

Ground Problems of Complex Deposits, Use of Modern Instruments for Strata Control of
deep seated deposits,

Module 5: In-situ Gasification and Mineral Biotechnology for Complex Coal Deposits.
Course Outcome:
CO1: Identify and understand the Complex Coal Deposits and challenges of exploitation
CO2: Analyze design requirement of experimental trials and apply Innovative Technologies in
the field
Essential Reading:
1. R. D. Singh, Principles & Practices of Modern Coal Mining, New age international New Delhi,
2. T. N. Singh, Underground winning of Coal, Oxford and IBH New Delhi, 1992

Supplementary Reading:
1. S. S. Peng and H S Chiang, Longwall mining, Wiley; New York, 708p.
2. S. K. Das, Modern Coal Mining Technology, Lovely Prakashan, Dhanbad, 1992
3. D. Prasad and S Rakesh, Legislation in Indian Mines-A critical Appraisal , Niskam Press,
New Delhi, 1883p.
4. S. P. Mathur, Coal Mining in India, M. S. Enterprises Bilaspur, 1999


i. Pre-requisites: COAL MINING
ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Extraction of thick seams: Problems and issues, recent experimental trials Chirimiri
caving Method, Blasting Gallery Method, Integral Caving method, Sublevel caving method,
Hydraulic Mining, Shield Mining;

Module 2: Extraction underneath surface features: Non-Effective width (NEW), Back filling
methods, Wide stall mining.

Module 3: Extraction of multiple seams: Problems and issues, recent experimental trials,
Parting failures and control, design of workings;

Module 4: Extraction of locked up pillars: Status of Bord and pillar mining in India, techniques of
extraction and future requirements;

Module 5: Support systems: Strata behavior at greater depths, problems of strata control in
high horizontal stress fields, design of support system.
Course Outcome:
CO1: to understand Problems in extraction of seams and design of workings
CO2: Analyze design requirement of support system to deal with typical coal mining conditions

Essential Reading:
1. R. D. Singh, Principles & Practices of Modern Coal Mining, New age international New Delhi,
2. T. N. Singh, Underground winning of Coal, Oxford and IBH New Delhi, 1992

Supplementary Reading:
1. D. J. Deshmukh, Elements of Mining Technology, Vol - I, EMDEE publishers Ranchi,
Revised edition, 2000.
2. S. K. Das, Modern Coal Mining Technology, Lovely Prakashan, Dhanbad, 1992
3. S. P. Mathur, Coal Mining in India, M. S. Enterprises Bilaspur, 1999


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Maths.
ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Classification of Rock for specific engineering purposes - Underground, Surface, etc.

Module 2: Mechanical properties of discontinues rocks – Planes of discontinuity in rocks,

characteristics and orientation of Joints;

Module 3: Measurement of rock mass deformability- Insitu Testing;

Module 4: Applications - Opencast mining and slope stability, Underground mining and
excavation, massive rocks, layered rocks, weak rocks;

Module 5: Application to waste disposal and underground storage, application to earthquakes.

Course Outcome:
CO1: To highlight the importance of rock mass classification, and properties of joints etc
CO2: To study the application of rock mechanics to opencast and underground structures
including waste disposal systems

Essential Reading:

1. J. A. Franklin and M. B. Dusseault, Rock Engineering, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1991

2. R. E. Goodman, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, John Wiley and Sons, 1980
Supplementary Reading:

1. L. Hartman et al., Mining Engineering Handbook, Society for Mining, Metallurgy and
Exploration Inc., USA, 1992
2. V. S. Vutukuri and K. Katsuyama, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, Industrial Publishing &
Consulting Inc., Tokyo, 1994
3. B. H. G. Brady and E. T. Brown, Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, George Allen and
Unwin Ltd., 1992
4. J. C. Jeager and N. G. W. Cook, Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics, Chapman and Hall,
5. E. Hoek and J. Bray, Rock Slope Engineering, 3rd Ed., Inst. of Mining and Metallurgy,
London, 1980
6. J. A. Hudson, Comprehensive Rock Engineering, Pergamon Press, UK, 2000
7. J. A. Franklin and M. B. Dusseault, Rock Engineering Applications, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1991.


i. Pre-requisites: Metalliferrous mining
ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Methods: Techno-economic analysis on choice of stoping methods,

Module 2: high productivity methods: blast hole stoping, vertical retreat method of mining, block
caving, raise stoping, underground bench blasting, stope design and production planning in
the various methods of stopping;

Module 3: Special underground excavations: shaft pockets, ore bins, ore transfer, ramp,
decline, step mining methods,

Module 4: stope fills: preparation, transportation and filling operation, stope design and
production planning, methods of pillar extraction,

Module 5: solution mining: in situ leaching, underground retorting, under-sea mining,

introduction to novel mining methods, Special underground excavation and system of
supports; Pillar extraction: methods of pillar extraction, salt, potash and sulphur mining- their
special problems.

Course Outcome:
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
CO1: Understand the different metal mining method
CO2: Understand different factors associated with different stopping method
CO3: Understand the development, haulage system, blasting practices, extraction procedure,
support design of different metal mining methods

Essential Reading:
1. Y. P. Chacharkar, A study of Metalliferous Mining Methods, Lovely Prakashan, Dhanbad,
2. K. S. Stout, Mining Methods and Equipment, McGraw hill New York, 1980

Supplementary Reading:

1. B. C. Arthur, SME Mining Engineers Hand Book, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical
and Petroleum Engineers New York, 1973.
2. D. J. Deshmukh, Elements of Mining Technology, Vol - II, Central Techno Publications,
Nagpur, 2001
3. Metal Mines Regulations-1961, Lovely Prakashan, Dhanbad


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Chemistry

ii. Target Departments: Ceramics Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Civil Engg., BM, BT,
MA, LS, Chemistry and Physics, etc.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Types and Mechanics of Slope Failure: Site investigation for slope assessment.
Geological appraisal of slope behavior, Types of slope failure, falls, slides and flows.
Mechanics of slope failure;
Module 2: Factors Affecting Slope Stability: Geological factors, slope geometry, ground water,
equipment loading, dynamic loading and effect of time;

Module 3: Slope Stability Analysis: Failure mechanisms, shear strength of soil and rock
masses. Influence of groundwater. Evaluation of stability and risk. Earth dams,

Module 4: stability analysis, numerical models, and empirical models; slope Mass Rating
System, Slope instrumentation. Remedial measures;

Module 5: Design of Waste Dumps and Tailings Dams: stability analysis of opencast high walls
and benches, overburden dumps, case studies.

Course Outcome:

CO1: to create awareness on mechanics of slope failures and various factors influencing slope
stability in mines
CO2: To study slope stability analysis procedures including dump designs

Essential Reading:
1. R. N. Chowdury, Slope Analysis, Elsevier, 1978
2. E. Hoek and J. Bray, Rock Slope Engineering, The Inst. of Mining & Metallurgy, London, pp.
358, 1981

Supplementary Reading:
1. B. F. Walker and R. Fell, Soil slope instability and stabilization, A A Balkema, 1987
2. E. N. Bromhead, Stability of slopes, Wiley, London
3. M. L. Jeremic, Strata Mechanics in Coal Mining, A A Balkema, Rotterdam, Taylor and
Francis, 1985, 566p
4. J. A. Hudson, Comprehensive Rock Engineering, Pergamon Press, UK, 2000
5. Z. T. Bieniawski, Engineering Rock Mass Classifications, Wiley, New York, 1989


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Chemistry

ii. Target Departments: Ceramics Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,

Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Civil Engg., BM, BT,
MA, LS, Chemistry and Physics, etc.

iii. Modules:

Module1: Spontaneous Heating and Mine Fires: Spontaneous Heating: Causes, incubation
period, detection, remedial measures.
Module 2: Mine Fires -Classification, causes, preventive measures, dealing with mine fires –
direct and indirect methods, reopening of scaled off areas.;

Module 3: Explosion: Fire-damp Explosion - Limits of inflammability of methane, causes of

ignition, nature of fire damp explosion, propagation and prevention. Coal-dust Explosion -
Index of inflammability, factors affecting explosibility of coal dust, causes and safeguards.
Propagation of coal dust explosions, Investigation after an explosion

Module 4: ; Mine Illumination: Its effects on safety, efficiency and health, Flame and electric
safety lamps- their uses and lamp-room – lay out and organization, standards of illumination
in mines, lighting from the mains, photometric illumination survey, Miners’ diseases

Course Outcome:
CO1: To introduce various issues of spontaneous heating and mine fires including classification
of mine fires
CO2: To study various issues of explosion in mines and illumination requirements

Essential Reading:
1. M. A. Ramlu, Mine Disaster and Mine Rescue , Oxford & IBH, New Delhi, 1991
2. S. C. Banerjee, Prevention and Combating Mine Fires, Oxford & IBH, New Delhi, 2000.
3. B. K. Kejriwal, Safety in Mines, Lovely Prakashan, Dhanbad.

Supplementary Reading:

1. A. T. Donalad, The lighting of Underground Mines, Trans Tech Switzerland, 1982

2. R. Mcadam and D. Davidson, Mine Rescue Work, Oliver and Boyd, London, 2000


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Chemistry

ii. Target Departments: Ceramics Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Civil Engg., BM, BT,
MA, LS, Chemistry and Physics, etc.
iii. Modules:
INTRODUCTION: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) – Environmental Impact Statement
– EIA in Project Cycle – Legal and Regulatory aspects in India according to Ministry of
Environment and Forests – Types and limitations of EIA – Cross sectoral issues and terms
of reference in EIA –Participation of Public and Non-Governmental Organizations in
environmental decision making;

Module 2: COMPONENTS AND METHODS: Components of EIA - Processes – screening –

scoping - setting – analysis – mitigation. Matrices – Networks – Checklists – Connections
and combinations of processes - Cost benefit analysis – Analysis of alternatives – Software
packages for EIA – Expert systems in EIA;


EIA – Mathematical modeling for impact prediction – Assessment of impacts – air – water –
soil – noise – biological – socio-cultural environments – Cumulative Impact Assessment –
Documentation of EIA findings – planning – organization of information and visual display
materials – Report preparation;

Module 4: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN: Environmental Management Plan -

preparation, implementation and review – Mitigation and Rehabilitation Plans – Policy and
guidelines for planning and monitoring programmes – Post project audit – Ethical and
Quality aspects of Environmental Impact Assessment;.

Module 5: CASE STUDIES: Case studies related to the following sectors - Infrastructure -
Mining – Industrial - Thermal Power - River valley and Hydroelectric - Nuclear Power

Course Outcome:
CO1: To understand various components and methods, prediction, assessment of
environmental impacts due to mining
CO2: To study the procedure for preparation of Environmental Management Plan

Essential Reading:
1. D. P. Lawrence, Environmental Impact Assessment – Practical Solutions to recurrent
Problems, Wiley-Interscience, New Jersey, 2003
2. J. Petts, Handbook of Environmental Impact Assessment, Vol., I and II, Blackwell Science
London. 1999.
3. R. Therivel, J. Glasson & A. Chadwick, Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment ,
3rd Edition, Routledge, 2005.

Supplementary Reading:
1. L. W. Canter, Environmental Impact Assessment, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996
2. A. K. Biswas, and S. B. C. Agarwala, Environmental Impact Assessment for Developing
Countries, Butterworth Heinemann, London. 1994
3. The World Bank Group, Environmental Assessment Source Book Vol. I, II and III, The World
Bank, Washington. 1991.


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Chemistry

ii. Target Departments: Mining Engg.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Overview: Basic concept of eco-friendly mining. Selection of eco-friendly equipment
and exploitation operations, Environmental Parameters:

Module 2: Water quality – physical, chemical, biological, criteria and standards. Classification
and chemistry of major air pollutants, Soil chemistry – nature and importance of soil, soil
properties, soil amendments,

Module 3: Waste Management: Waste water management – sources characteristics,

techniques of treatment. Acid mine drainage – occurrence, effects and treatment
techniques; Solid waste management for mine spoils,

Module 4: Mine Reclamation & Mine Closure: Mine Reclamation strategies, Principles,
planning, financial provisions, implementation, and standards for closure criteria, systems
approach for mine closure and development of closure plan, Socio-economic Aspects of

Course Outcome:
CO1: Understand the basic concepts of eco-friendly mining and its application.
CO2: Select and adopt appropriate technologies for better environmental conditions in mines.
CO3: Comprehend the role of EIA/EMP process in eco-friendly mining practices.
CO4: Estimate the extent of environmental impact due to mining and decide the management
CO5: Understand the process of rehabilitation and mine closure and its implementation.

Essential Reading:
1. H. S. Peavy, D. R. Rowe and G. Tchobanoglous, Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill
Publishing Co.; 7th Rev Ed edition, 2000
2. C. J. Barrow, Environmental Management: Principles and Practice (Routledge
Environmental Management Series) Routledge, 1st edition, 1999.

Supplementary Reading:

1. P. G. Hutchison, and R. D. Ellison, Mine Waste Management , CRC Press, 1st edition, 1992.
2. G. Burke, B. R. Singh and L. Theodore, Handbook of Environmental Management and
Technology, Wiley-Interscience, 2nd edition, 2000.
3. N. C. Saxena, Mining Environment Management Manual, Scientific Publishers (India), 2004
4. M. J. Hammer, Water and Wastewater Technology, Prentice Hall, 6th edition, 2007


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Chemistry

ii. Target Departments: Ceramics Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Civil Engg., BM, BT,
MA, LS, Chemistry and Physics, etc.
iii. Modules:

Module1: General: Environmental issues in Mineral Industry- National and Global,

Environmental impacts of Mineral exploitation - in underground and opencast mining.; Land
Environment: Subsidence, visual impacts, landscape pollution, land degradation, land
reclamation, land use, landscape planning, ecology.;

Module 2: Societal Development: Socio-economic impacts, sustainable development, concept

of carrying capacity based planning; Pollution: Water - Availability, quality, pollution and
treatment, Liquid effluents: Quality, treatment and disposal.

Module 3: Solid Wastes - Generation, treatment and disposal, hazardous waste management
and planning. Tailings disposal & treatment systems

Module 4: Air: Pollution, monitoring and Control. Noise and Ground vibration - Causes,
precautions, prevention and reduction; Environmental Management Plan (EMP),
Environmental Impact Statement (Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA),

Module 5: Environmental Legislation in India. Environmental Audit of Mining EIS) projects

Course Outcome:
CO1: To create awareness on various environmental issues in Mineral Industry, societal
development etc
CO2: To familiarize with the treatment and disposal of solid Wastes, air pollution and
Environmental Legislation in India

Essential Reading:

1. M. Sengupta, Environmental Impacts of Mining, Lewis Publishers, CRC Press, NY, 1993.
2. G. M. Masters, Introduction to Environmental Science & Engineering, PHI, 2004.
3. N. C, Saxena, G. Singh & R. Ghosh, Environmental Management in Mining Areas , Scientific
Publishers(I), Jodhpur, 2002.

Supplementary Reading:

1. B. B. Dhar and D. N. Thakur, Proceedings of the first World Mining Environment Congress,
Taylor and Francis, 1996.
2. R. G. A. Boland, Environmental Management training, Sterling publishers New Delhi, 1986.
3. D. P. Tripathy, Noise Pollution, APH Publishers, New Delhi, 2009.


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Chemistry

ii. Target Departments: Ceramics Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Civil Engg., BM, BT,
MA, LS, Chemistry and Physics, etc.
iii. Modules:

Module1: Classification & characterization of waste, collection,

Module 2: Handling of Industrial (Mining, Thermal, Chemical, Radioactive, Biomedical, etc.)

and Domestic Waste,

Module 3: Utilization of wastes, Federal and State regulations on Waste Management,

Recycling, Recovery and Reuse of Wastes,

Module 4: Optimization of waste Disposal System.; Global Scenario in Waste Management.

Course Outcome:
CO1: To introduce characterization and Handling of Industrial and Domestic Waste waste
CO2: To study various approaches for Utilization of wastes, and Optimization of waste Disposal

Essential Reading:

1. M. L. Davis and W. A. Eornwell, Introduction to Environmental Engineering, McGrow Hill

Publishing Co, NY
2. G. N. Pandey & G. C. Carney, Environmental Engineering, 1st edition. Tata McGraw-Hill,
New Delhi, India

Supplementary Reading:

1. Hazarding waste Rules, 1989

2. James H. Saling, W Andson, Y. S Fertiman, Radioactive Waste Management, Tayler &
Francis Group 2nd edition


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Chemistry

ii. Target Departments: Ceramics Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Civil Engg., BM, BT,
MA, LS, Chemistry and Physics, etc.
iii. Modules:

Module1: Mine Legislation: General principles of Mining Law, Principal Provisions of Mines Act,
Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act,

Module 2: Mineral Concession Rules, Mines Rules 1955, Electricity Rules, Industrial Disputes
Act. 1947, Mine Rescue Rules; Mine Safety:

Module 3: Accidents- Their causes and prevention, accident statistics, rates of accidents,
relation between accidents and efficiency, accident reports, cost of accidents.;

Module 4: Safety risk assessment and management, Safety Audit, Occupational health and
safety in mines. Mine safety management systems, Safety education and training

Course Outcome:
CO1: To introduce General principles of Mining Law including various acts, rules, regulations
and byelaws.
CO2: To learn procuderes for preparation of accident reports, Safety risk assessment and

Essential Reading:

1. B. K. Kejriwal, Safety in Mines, Lovely Prakshan, Dhanbad, 2002

2. Rakesh and S. D. Prasad, Legislation in Indian Mines: A critical appraisal, Vol- I & II, Mrs
Asha Lata Varnasi, 5th edition, 1990

Supplementary Reading:
1. V. K. Malhotra, Mineral Concession Rules-1960, Malhotra Bros., Patna, Supplementary Ed.,
2. A. K. Ghosh, S. K. Ray and A. K. Patra, Proceeding of the National Seminar on Policies,
Statutes & Legislation in Mines , CIMFR, Dhanbad, India, 2008
3. R. S. Rao, Law of Mines and Minerals, S. N. Hussainy (Revised), Asia Law House, 8th
Edition, 1996.


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Chemistry

ii. Target Departments: Ceramics Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Civil Engg., BM, BT,
MA, LS, Chemistry and Physics, etc.
iii. Modules:

Module1: Mine Fires: Accidental Fires – it causes and precautions, Survey of various causes of
mine fires with statistical data of Indian mines. Physical and chemical factors governing
proneness to fire in coal and metaliferrous mines

Module 2: Various methods adopted to combat fires and their advantages and disadvantages.
Advances in fire fighting techniques and equipments, rescue operations in fire-zones.;

Module 3: Spontaneous Heating: Various causes of spontaneous heating and statistical data in
Indian mines, Theories of spontaneous heating of coal, Geological, Mining and Seam factors
governing spontaneous heating. Intrinsic and extrinsic properties of various substances e.g.
-porosity, permeability, pore distribution, moisture etc. on spontaneous heating;

Module 4: Different experimental techniques including modern techniques like DTA/TGA and
DSC to measure liability indices and relative proneness of spontaneous heating; use of
clean coal technology and neural network to detect spontaneous tendency, effect of
microwave treatment and pyrite removal on spontaneous heating; Sampling of mine
atmosphere, Interpretation of mine air analyzing data, fire risk management, environmental
indices, Different methods to seal off fire areas;

Module 5: Reopening of sealed off fire areas; Early detection of spontaneous heating in mines
and stacks, recent trends to eliminate recurrence of spontaneous heating.
Course Outcome:
CO1: To understand the causes of fire/spontaneous heating and precautions in coal and
metaliferrous mines
CO 2: To introduce experimental techniques including modern techniques like DTA/TGA and
DSC to measure liability indices and relative proneness of spontaneous heating
CO3: Analyze the data, fire risk management, environmental indices and different methods to
seal off fire areas

Essential Reading:
1. S. C. Banerjee, Coal and Mine Fire, Oxford and IBH, 2004
2. Albert Edward, McGraw hill publishing House, USA. 2008.

Supplementary Reading:
1. L. C. Kaku, Fires in Coal Mines, Oriental Publishers, 2nd Edition, 1985

i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Chemistry

ii. Target Departments: Ceramics Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,

Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Civil Engg., BM, BT,
MA, LS, Chemistry and Physics, etc.

iii. Modules:

Module1: Introduction: Evolution of management; theory and practice; principles of scientific

management; elements of management function; planning; organization and control;
structure and design of organization for mining enterprises.

Module 2: Personal Management: Selection; training and development of human resources for
mining enterprises; leadership; study of traditional leader behavior; autocratic; democratic
and Laissez-Faire behaviors; Production Management: Determination of norms and
standards of operations by work study; analysis of mine capacities and capability; production
planning; scheduling and control; short term and long term planning; productivity; concepts
and measurements; application of Ergonomics in mine operation.
Module 3: Financial Management: Capital budgeting; techniques for mining project; project
evaluation; payback period and IRR; methods of cost analysis and cost control; breakeven
charts; working capital management.

Module 4: Materials Management: ABC Analysis, Inventory Management; Purchase policies, P

and Q system, inventory control, Review period, lead time. Behavioral Sciences for
Management: Conflict management; conflict in organization; sources of conflict; dealing with
conflict; organizing for conflict resolution; conflict and growth; Individual motivation; two way
personal communication.

Module 5: Maintenance Management: Definition, Classifying Reliability, Types of Maintenance;

Break-down, scheduled, preventive, predictive, protective and lean maintenance. Marketing
Management: Strategic planning & marketing management processes, marketing
environment, marketing information systems, market management and forecasting; New
product development processes.

Course Outcome:
CO1: To introduce theory and practice, principles of scientific management.
CO2: To study various issues of Personal, Financial, Maintenance and Materials Management.

Essential Reading:
1. I M Pandey , Financial Management, Vikash Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
2. P. Gopalakrishnan & M. Sundaresam, Materials Management- An Integrate Approach,
Prentice Hall India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
3. SC Saksena, Business Administration and Management, Sahitya Bhawan, Agra.

Supplementary Reading:

1. P. Kstler, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
2. M. Telsang, Industrial Engineering and Production Management, S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New
3. Lee & Dobbler, Purchasing and Materials Management, Tata Mc-Grand Hill Publishing Co.
Ltd. New Delhi


Study of MSA type Gas mask (Model: “SW”, Air purifying filter), (i) Filter type apparatus and (ii)
Self Rescuer; Assessing spontaneous heating susceptibility of coal using DTA / wet
oxidation apparatus; Study of Self Contained Breathing Apparatus. (i) Drager BG-174, (ii) By
Travox-120; Study of Drager Pulmotor (Model: PT-60); Estimation of SPM concentration in
air using high volume samplers; Study the construction and working of Explosion Proof Fire
Stoppings; Determination of susceptibility of coal by chemical method or by puff temperature
method; Determination of water quality parameters using water analyzer kit; Determination
of flammability temperature of coal by using inflammability index apparatus; Determination of
nutrient status in soil using soil test kit; Measurement of Noise Level by Integrated Sound
Level Meter (Model: CEL-283EX) and B & K sound level meter; Measurement of Lux by
Light Meter.


Preparation of data base for mine evaluation; Create a geological data base and import all data
files; Performing data compositing and statistical analysis; Create digital terrain model and
surface contouring; Create section and digitization of individual sections; Create solid model
using sections; Perform volume and area calculation of solid model, Union and intersection
of different sections; Create block model; estimation of block models using inverse distance
and polygonal method; Performing variogram analysis, fitting variogram, checking
anisotropy; Intersection of block model and solid model; resource evaluation using ordinary
kriging technique; Blast design using SURPAC software; Mine design using SURPAC
software; Ultimate pit limit calculation; Determination of Grade tonnage curve and study the
conditional based in estimation.


Simulation of underground openings-2D continuum models; Simulation of underground
openings-3D continuum models; Simulation of underground openings- discontinuum
Study of stability of underground opening – Mohr-Coulomb model; Study of stability of
underground opening – Hoek-Brown model;
Simulation of opencast workings; Study of stability of slopes – 2D continuum models; Study of
stability of slopes – 3D continuum models; Study of stability of slopes – 2D discontinuum
Design of supports for underground openings; Simulation of thick seam workings; Simulation of
multiple seam working.

Geographic Information system (GIS) 3 credits [3-0-0]

COURSE OBJECTIVES: An engineer has to be highly proficient in dealing with different maps
which they may encounter during their professional career. With the advent of information
technology, computer-aided systems are being widely used to handle the geographic datas.
Hence, it is essential for the students to get well acquainted with this evolving geographic
information system. This course will help the students from mining, civil, planning and
computer science engineering to understand the principles and working of a Geographic
Information System.
COURSE CONTENT: Introduction to GIS, datums and map projections, Basic GIS data-
structures and topology, Spatial database management, digital terrain mapping, spatial
analysis and geostatistics, Introduction to various GIS packages, GIS model building,
overview of application of GIS in mining and other related industry through interesting case-
TARGET DEPARTMENTS: Mining Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science &
Engineering, Planning & Architecture

CO-1: The students will have a strong concept about the principles and working of a
Geographic Information System
CO-2: The students will gain practical experience of working on a GIS package.
CO-3: The students will be able to create, manipulate and analyse spatial datas in GIS to suit
their requirement.

Module 1: Introduction to GIS, History of GIS, Basic concepts, definitions and terminologies,
Overview of GIS application in various real world scenarios

Module 2: Datums and Map Projections, Basic Principles, Types of Projections, Azimuthal,
Cylindrical, Conic, Mathematical

Module 3: GIS data-structures and topology, Raster data-structures, Vector data-structures,

Module 4: Spatial database management, Introduction to spatial database, Attribute type and
tables, Querying with spatial conditions

Module 5: Spatial analysis and geostatistics, Spatial analysis operations in Raster, Spatial
analysis operations in Vector, Interpolation, Digital terrain mapping
Module 6: Working with GIS packages, Introduction to various GIS packages, GIS model

Module 7: Overview of GIS application in mining and other related industry through interesting

Apart from the above, an appropriate number of classes will be dedicated for demonstration on
working with a GIS package.

1. Chang, K.T., Introduction to Geographic Information Systems. Tata McGraw - Hill
Education, 2007

1. Berry, J.K., Spatial Reasoning for Effective GIS. John Wiley & Sons, 1996.
2. DeMers, M.N., Fundamentals of Geographical Information Systems. John Wiley & Sons,


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Chemistry

ii. Target Departments: Ceramics Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Civil Engg., BM, BT,
MA, LS, Chemistry and Physics, etc.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Longwall Mining Trends, Equipment used for long wall mining, Indian scenario,
international scenario, single-entry longwall mining technology

Module 2: Longwall Pillar Design, Barrier pillars, Design of Chain pillars,

Module 3: Longwall Strata Mechanics, Horizontal Stress, Monitoring of strata behavior,

Condition monitoring of equipment
Module 4: Shield Design, Secondary Support Design, Shearer Design, Armored Face
Conveyor Design,
Module 5: Longwall Ventilation – Dust and Methane Control, Subsidence

Course Outcome:
CO1: Identify and understand the factors influencing performance of long wall mining
CO2: Analyze design requirement of barrier pillars, support system for gate roads and long wall
CO3: Apply different instruments for evaluation of strata and support condition

Essential Reading:

1. Long wall mining by Joseph P. Fama United States. Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric, and
Alternate Fuels, DIANE Publishing, ISBN 1995 078812515X, 9780788125157, 60 pages
2. Longwall Mining, by Second Edition Author: Syd S. Peng Published by Syd S. Peng - 2006
636 pages Hardbound,SME Publications

Supplementary Reading:

1. Review of single-entry longwall mining technology in the United States by Jenkins, F. M.

(F. Michael); Cullen, E.T. (Elaine T.) Publisher: Pgh. [Pittsburgh], PA: U.S. Dept. of the
Interior, Bureau of Mines
2. Principles and Practices of Modern Coal Mining by R.D Singh. ISBN : 978-81-224-0974-1
Publication Year : 1997 Edition : Ist Reprint : 2013 Pages : 720
3. M. L. Jeremic, Strata Mechanics in Coal Mining, A A Balkema, Rotterdam, Taylor and
Francis, 1985, 566p


List of experiments to be conducted

1. Study of instruments for monitoring convergence in mines.
2. Study of instruments for monitoring stress in underground workings.
3. Study of instruments for monitoring load on supports.
4. Study of instrumentation for monitoring ground behavior around Longwall workings.
5. Study of instruments for slope monitoring in opencast mines.
6. Study of instruments for roof fall monitoring in mines.
7. Study of instruments for monitoring bed separation in mines
8. Study of instruments for monitoring ground vibrations due to blasting.
9. Study of instruments for strata behavior monitoring in thick seams.
10. Study of instrumentation for monitoring ground behavior in metal mines

List of experiments to be conducted

1. Study of layouts of Board and Pillar development working by without panel system.
2. Study of layouts of Board and Pillar development working by panel system.
3. Study of layout of Longwall Advancing system.
4. Study of layout of Longwall Retreating system.
5. Study of various line of extraction used for pillar extraction.
6. Study of stook extraction method under difficult roof conditions.
7. Study of surface arrangement required for stowing.
8. Study of sublevel caving method of thick seam mining.
9. Study of layout of blasting gallery method.
10. Study of layout of Double Unit Longwall Faces.


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Chemistry

ii. Target Departments: Ceramics Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Civil Engg., BM, BT,
MA, LS, Chemistry and Physics, etc.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Causes – Effect of depth, width of excavation, seam thickness and angle of draw.

Module 2: Types of subsidence – non-effective width, sub-critical, super-critical width.

Module 3: Theories of subsidence, sub-surface subsidence due to mining. Rock kinematics,

Extent of movement in the overlying beds.
Module 4: Special Methods of Mining to control subsidence. Monitoring of subsidence,
Prediction and nomograms of subsidence.
Course Outcome:
CO1: Identify and understand the factors influencing surface subsidence due to underground
CO2: Analyze design requirement of underground workings for control of subsidence
CO3: Apply different instruments for evaluation of subsidence

Essential Reading:

1. Mining Subsidence Engineering by Dr. Helmut Kratzsch ISBN: 978-3-642-81925-4 (Print)

978-3-642-81923-0 (Online) Publisher Springer Berlin Heidelberg

2. Subsidence Occurrence, Prediction and Control by B.N. Whittaker D.J. Reddish Published:
January 1989 Imprint: Elsevier ISBN: 978-0-444-87274-6

Supplementary Reading:

1. R.D , Modern Coal Mining ISBN : 978-81-224-0974-1 Publication Year : 1997 Edition : Ist
Reprint : 2013 Pages : 720
2. M. L. Jeremic, Strata Mechanics in Coal Mining, A A Balkema, Rotterdam, Taylor and
Francis, 1985, 566p

BLASTING TECHNOLOGY 3 credits [3-0-0]

i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Chemistry

ii. Target Departments: Ceramics Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Civil Engg., BM, BT,
MA, LS, Chemistry and Physics, etc.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Commercial Explosive: Classification, Low and High Explosive, Permitted and non
permitted explosives, Important Characteristics, ANFO, Slurry, Emulsion explosives, Primers
and boosters, cast booster, Bulk explosive system.
Module 2: Initiation Systems: Storage and Transportation Of Explosives Detonators, safety
fuse, Detonation cord, Detonating relay, Non-electric initiation system, NONEL, Electronic
detonators, Exploder and other blasting tools, Magazines, transportation Of explosives.

Module 3: Surface Blast Design: Theory of Breakage, Bench Blasting terminology, Estimation
of Spacing, Burden, Stemming Length, Sub-grade drilling etc., Charge calculation, initiation
sequence, delay timing, Decking decoupling, Secondary Blasting.

Module 4: Underground Blast Design :Terminology, cut holes, easers, trimmers, commonly
used cut patterns, Wedge cut, drag cut, Pyramid cut, Burn cut, etc., blasting in sinking shaft,
underground coal mine blasting, Series and parallel connections of detonators.

Module 5: Environmental Impact of Blasting: Blast induced ground vibration, its measurement,
prediction and control, Noise, its Measurements and control, Fly rock its causes and control,
Controlled Blasting Techniques.

Course Outcome:
CO1: Identify and understand the factors influencing performance of blasting
CO2: Analyze design requirement of blasting in opencast and underground mines
CO3: Apply different instruments for evaluation of ground vibrations due to blasting

Essential Reading:

1. Surface Blast Design by C.J. Konya.

3. Modern Techniques of Rock Blasting by U. Langefors and B. Kihlstrom.

Supplementary Reading:

1. Indian Explosive Act and Rules.

2. 2. Explosives and Blasting by G.K. Pradhan
3. Engineering Rock blasting operations, Bhandari
4. Surface Blast Evaluation, N. R. Thote & Pradhan
5. Surface Blasting, P. Pal Roy

BLASTING TECHNOLOGY Lab 2 credits [0-0-3]

List of Experiments:
1. Measurement of ground vibration by seismograph
2. Development of predictor equation from the recorded data
3. Measurement of VOD by VOD mate and its analysis
4. Study of various fragmentation assessment techniques
5. Handling of WIPFRAG software
6. Design of blast for coal face
7. Design of blast for underground metal mine
8. Design of blast for bench blasting
9. Study of various blasting tools
10. Study of bulk explosive systems

COAL BED METHANE 3 credits [3-0-0]

i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Chemistry
ii. Target Departments: Ceramics Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Civil Engg., BM, BT,
MA, LS, Chemistry and Physics, etc.
iii. Modules:
Module1: Calcification process and coal grades. Methane generation and storage in coal;
Geological control in Coal Bed Methane (CBM) exploration;

Module 2: Methane adsorption, desorption in coal. Coal as CBM reservoir: In-place methane
estimation; Transport of methane in coal-bed. Drilling & Completion of a CBM hole/well.
Module 3: Identification and characterization of coal beds by hole/well logs. Hydraulic fracturing
in coal beds. Production performance of a CBM hole/well;
Module 4: Water drainage & gas-water separation. Gas volume measurement. Compression &
transport; Liquefaction and utilization. Enhanced recovery by CO2 and N2 adsorption
Course Outcome:
CO1: Identify and understand the factors influencing performance of coal bed methane
CO2: Analyze design requirement of methane estimation, gas-water separation , transport etc

Essential Reading:

1. Fundamentals of Coalbed Methane Reservoir Engineering by John Seidle PennWell Books,

2011ISBN 1593700016, 978 1593700010, 401 pages

Supplementary Reading:
1. Coalbed methane: principles and practice by Rudy E. Rogers Publisher PTR Prentice Hall,
1994 Original from the University of Michigan, 345 pages ISBN 0130163538,


i. Pre-requisites: Under graduate Physics and Chemistry

ii. Target Departments: Ceramics Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Civil Engg., BM, BT,
MA, LS, Chemistry and Physics, etc.
iii. Modules:

Module1: Introduction: Natural caves, archeological caves and their construction; Tunnels for
various purposes like road, rail, and hydropower tunnels. Need for underground space:
Congestion in cities and its impact on development of social infrastructure for transport,
water and power supply, separation of pedestrian and motorized vehicles and its
movements, storage of materials, defense facilities including civil shelters.

Module 2: Engineering utilities: Hydropower tunnels and caverns; Underground storage for
LPG and crude oil. Geo-engineering investigations: Topographic and geological survey,
auguring, drilling, soil and rock sampling, and testing; Preparing sub-surface geological
cross section; Geo-radar use and data analysis for shallow tunnels; Geophysical
investigations to prove deeper sub-surface features; Physico-mechanical properties and
collection of rock mechanical data.

Module 3: Planning and design: Assessment of behavior of tunneling media, deformation

modulus and rock pressure assessment; determination of appropriate size and shape;
Design of openings in rocks with the help of field data; Instrumentation and monitoring;
Numerical modeling to assess the stability.

Module 4: Support design and stabilization techniques for underground tunnels and caverns:
Steel supports, rock bolts, shotcrete, wire mesh, chain link fabric and fibre reinforced
shotcrete and other ground Consolidation/grouting techniques.

Module 5: Other storage: Grain storage, their advantages, disadvantages, underground cold
storage and cellar for foods and beverages. Nuclear waste disposal: Conditions for waste
disposal, effect of radioactivity and heat on surrounding

Course Outcome:
CO1: Identify and understand the need for underground space
CO2: Analyze design requirement of openings in rocks
CO3: Apply different instruments for evaluation of strata and support of different types-resin
bolts, shotcrete etc

Essential Reading:
1. National Academies, 1978, Better Management of Major Underground Construction
2. U.S. National Committee on Tunneling Technology. Subcommittee on Management of Major
Underground Construction Projects, 151 pages

Supplementary Reading:
1. International Tunneling Association, 1991, Tunneling and Underground Space
Technology, Volume 6, Pergamon Press


i. Course modules:
Module 1: Innovative Mining Technology: Opencast and Underground

Module 2: Automation, Robotics, Tele-monitoring in Mines, Virtual Reality and Animation

Module 3: Extra-Terrestrial Mining: Deep Sea Mining, Moon Mining, Asteroid Mining, Mining in
the Arctic and Antarctica

Module 4: Underground Gasification and Coal Bed Methane, Remote Sensing, GIS & GPS

Module 5: Innovations in Instrumentation and Communication System, Bioleaching and Heap

Leaching, Clean Coal Technology

ii. Course Outcomes

CO1: To understand novel mining methods
CO2: To study innovative mining practices

Essential Reading

1. W.Hustrulid and M.Kuchta, “Open Pit Mine Planning and Design”, A.A.Balkema Rotterdam,
2. William R. Sherman, Craig, “Understanding Virtual Reality: Interface, Application, and
Design”, Morgan Kaufmann, 2003.
3. Peter Darling,” SME Mining Engineering Handbook, 3rd Edition (Volumes 1 and 2)”, SME,
4. D. Sauter, D. Theilliol,”Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing”, Elsevier,
5. Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Paul M. T. White,” Seabed Mining: Scientific, Economic, Political
Aspects: An Interdisciplinary Manual”, International Ocean Institute.
6. United States, Office of Technology Assessment, Congress,” Exploring the Moon and Mars:
Choices for the Nation”, DIANE Publishing, 1991.
7. John S. Lewis,” Mining the Sky: Untold Riches from the Asteroids, Comets, and Planets
Helix books”, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1997
8. Maarten J. De Wit,” Minerals and Mining in Antarctica: Science and Technology, Economics
and Politics”, Clarendon Press, 1985
9. David A. Bell, Brian F. Towler, Maohong Fan I,” Coal Gasification and Its Applications”,
William Andrew, 2010.
10. Christopher Legg,” Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems: Geological
Mapping, Mineral Exploration, and Mining”, Wiley, 1994.
11. National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board,” Innovations in
Instrumentation and Data Acquisition Systems”, National Academy Press, 1994
12. Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, McBrewster John,” Bioleaching”, VDM
Publishing, 2010.
13. Bruce G. Miller,” Clean Coal Technology”, Elsevier, 2010

Supplementary Reading:

1. Alan Wexelblat,”Virtual Reality: Applications and Explorations”, Academic Press, 1993

2. Alexandra Merlé Post,” Deep Sea Mining and the Law of the Sea”, BRILL, 1983
3. Virgiliu Pop,” Who Owns the Moon?: Extraterrestrial Aspects of Land and Mineral
Resources Ownership”, Springer, 2008.
4. H. Şebnem Düzgün, HYPERLINK
&source=gbs_metadata_r&cad=6" Nuray Demirel,” Remote Sensing of the Mine
Environment”, CRC Press, 2011.
5. Ahmed El-Rabbany,” Introduction to GPS: The Global Positioning System”, Artech House,
6. John Dunnicliff,” Geotechnical Instrumentation for Monitoring Field Performance”, John
Wiley & Sons, 1993
7. Paul W. Spaite,” Emerging Clean Coal Technologies”, Noyes Data Corp., 1986

Mine Hazards and Rescue

Mine gases: properties, physiological effects, occurrence, detection, and monitoring;
Degassification of coal seams; Sampling and analysis of mine atmosphere; Mine fires;
Explosions from firedamp and coal dust; Rescue and recovery; Inundation of mines and
dewatering; Mine illumination


Module1: Overview: Basic concept of environmental engineering. Environmental issues in
surface mining activities.
Module 2: Air Pollution - sources, characterization, ill effects of air pollution. Standards,
measurement, monitoring, and control measures of various air pollutants.
Module 3: Water Pollution – sources, characterization, and ill effects of water pollution in mining
industry. Water quality parameters- physical, chemical, and biological. Water quality criteria
and standards. Monitoring and management. Acid mine drainage and ground water
Module 4: Noise Pollution - Basics of acoustics, sound power, intensity and pressure levels.
Sources, characteristics and ill effects of noise pollution in the mining industry. Measurement of
noise level and its management.
Module 5: Waste Management: types of waste, sources, and management.
Module 6: Land Reclamation: Issues of land degradation due to mining activities,
environmental factors affecting revegetation in the mine site. Methods of vegetation
establishment and vegetation survey.
ii. Course Outcome:
CO1: Understand the environmental problems and issues in surface mining.
CO2: Learn the method for monitoring and assessing the various environmental problems.
CO3: Learn the management and control of various environmental problems faced during the
surface mining.
Essential Reading:
1.G. M. Masters, Introduction to Environmental Science & Engineering, PHI, 2004.
2.H. S. Peavy, D. R. Rowe and G. Tchobanoglous, Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill
Publishing Co.; 7th Rev Ed edition, 2000
3.C. J. Barrow, Environmental Management: Principles and Practice (Routledge Environmental
Management Series) Routledge, 1st edition, 1999.
4.M. L. Davis and W. A. Eornwell, Introduction to Environmental Engineering, McGraw Hill
Publishing Co, NY.
5.Jerry A. Nathanson, Basic Environmental Technology, 4th Edition, PHI, 2004. (3-0-0-3)


i.Pre-requisites: Under graduate Mining machinery, Applied Mechanics and Mine development
ii. Target Department: Mining Engineering
iii. Modules:
Module 1: Mine hoist: Drum and koepe winders, constructional features, kinematics, torque and
power calculation, speed control, safety contrivances, selection of mine winders, cages, skip,
suspension gears, headgear structures, cage guides, pit top and pit bottom circuits and layouts;
Module 2: Conveyors: Belt conveyor, chain conveyor, cable belt conveyor, shaker conveyor,
vibratory conveyor, constructional features and power calculations, selection and application;
Module 3: Aerial Ropeway: Mono-cable, bi-cable, twin-cable ropeway, constructional features
and power calculations, selection and application;
Module 4: Scraper Haulage: Constructional features, applicability, advantages and
Module 5: Men and material transportation: Cutting and loading machines for coal/ore, special
men and materials transport in mines, men riding systems in mines.;
Course Outcome:
CO1: Design and application of hoisting system
CO2: Application of men and material transport system
CO3: To enhance the knowledge and design concept of scraper haulage, aerial ropeway and
conveyor system in mines.
Essential Reading:
1. D. J. Deshmukh, Elements of mining technology, Vol. 3, Denett & Co., Nagpur, 7th Ed, 2010.
2. N. T. Karlein, Mine transport, Orient Longman, 1st Ed, 1967.
3. M. A. Ramlu, Mine hoisting, Oxford and IBH, 1st Ed, 1996.
4. N. Mukherjee, Materials handling in mines, Technology mining society IIT Kharagpur, Vol-
XI, 1st Ed, 1979-80

Supplementary Reading:
1. R. D. Singh, Principles and practices of modern coal mining , New age international, 1st Ed,
2. S. K. Das, Modern coal mining technology, Lovely Prakashan, 2nd Ed, 1994.
3. M. P. Alexandrov, Material handling equipment, MIR, 1st Ed, 1981.
4. Peter Darling, SME Mining Engineering Handbook, Vol. 1, Society for Mining, Metallurgy,
and Exploration Inc. (US), 3rd Ed., 2011.
5. S. C. Walker, Mine winding and transport (Advances in mining science and technology),
Elsevier Science Publishing Company, 1st Ed, 1988
6. B. Norman, Mechanics of bulk material handling, London Butterworths, 1st Ed, 1971

Drilling and Blasting

Exploratory drilling and production drilling; Drillbility of rocks; Classification and properties of
explosives; Detonators, detonating cords, and nonel detonators; Blasting practices in
underground and surface mines; Blast Design; Handling of Explosives; Transport of
explosives, storage and handling

Rock Fragmentation
General theories of rock cutting, Design of cutting tools for optimum penetration and wear
characteristics, Mechanics of Rotary and percussive drilling, Mechanics of coal cutting tools,
Drillability and machinability characteristics of rocks. Advances in rock cutting techniques.
Mechanics of rock breakage in blasting.
Mine Sysgem Engineering and Optimisation
Pre-requisites: Under graduate Mathematics and Statistics
v. Target Departments: Mining Engineering
vi. Modules:
Module1: Introduction: Optimization techniques, problem formulation and model selection.
Module 2: Theory and computation of linear and integer programming, Limitations of LPP,
Sensitivity analysis, dynamic programming, applications of linear programming on mine system
Module 3: Transportation and assignment problems: Introduction, formulation of model and
Module 4: Queuing theory: Introduction, Markov Chains and Markov Processes, Birth-Death
Processes, Simple Queuing Models (M/M/-/- Queues).
Module 5: Project Management: Characteristics of mining projects, Stages of mining Project
Management, Project Planning Process, CPM/PERT Network, Network Analysis, and crashing.
Module 6: Reliability analysis: Definition, causes and types of failures, reliability expressions for
constant, increasing and decreasing hazard rates, data analysis, probability plots for various
distributions. Reliability analysis for series, parallel, series-parallel system.
Module 7: Inventory management: Importance & scope of inventory control, types of inventory,
costs associated with inventory, inventory control, selective inventory control, economic order
quantity, safety stocks, inventory management systems.
Module 8: Simulation Modeling: Types of simulation, Monte Carlo simulation technique.
viii. Course Outcome:
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
CO1: Develop necessary analytical skills, methods and ways of thinking to tackle and analyze
complex mine organizational problems for better decisions making.
CO2: Formulate the real life system optimization problems into mathematical models
CO2: Solve the mathematical models using operation research techniques
CO3: Incorporate the uncertainty of the mining systems parameters in optimization model

Essential Reading:
1. "Operations Research: An Introduction" by Hamdy A. Taha, Pearson.
2."Operations Research: Principles and Practice" by Ravindran, Phillips and Solberg, Wiley
3.“Reliability Theory with Application to Preventive Maintenance (PM)” by Ilya Gertsbakh,


Ground Characterization: Character of Rock Materials and Rock Mass, Stresses, Site
Investigation; Measurement, prediction and monitoring behavior, Fragmentation Blasting,
Drilling, Breaking and Cutting, Rock Reinforcement. Blast free excavation,
Essential Reading:
1. R.E. Goodman, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, John Wiley and Sons, 1980
2. V.S. Vutukuri and K. Katsuyama, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, Industrial Publishing &
Consulting Inc., Tokyo, 1994
Supplementary Reading:
1. B. H. G. Brady and E.T. Brown, Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, George Allen and
Unwin Ltd., 1992
2. J.A. Hudson, Comprehensive Rock Engineering, Pergamon Press, UK,2000
3. L. Hartman, Mining Engineering Handbook, Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration
Inc., USA, 1992
4. J.A. Hudson and J.P. Harrison, Engineering Rock Mechanics, Pergamon Press, UK,2000
5. J. A. Franklin and M.B. Dusseault, Rock Engineering, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1991

Project MANAGEMENT 4 credits [3-1-0]

Management and its functions, Evolution of scientific management and management sciences.
The production systems, Elements of its design and operation, Design of physical facilities;
Plant location and layout, production development and analysis, production system including
sales. Technology Forecasting, Planning inventory models, Design of job and wage system ,
Methods study, work measurement, Job evaluation ; Wage and incentive plans, Budgetary
Control, Cost analysis, Depreciation, Productivity: Concepts and measurements,
Organizational structure for management functions, Project Planning, Evaluation and
Management ; Operation Research Applications in Management, MIS, Environmental
Management and Safety Management Systems, Principles of financial management, Statistical
Quality Control, Simulation and Modeling Applications in Management.
Essential Reading:
1. C. R. Basu, Organization & Management, Oxford & IBH Pub.
Supplementary Reading:
1. O.P. Khanna, Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat Rai Delhi,1993
2. S.G. Britton, Practical Coal Mines Management, Willy Eastern Ltd. 1981

ENVIRONMENTAL Control and manamgent 4 credits [3-1-0]

The theory and practice of creating safe, healthy and efficient working environment at an
underground or surface mine. Surface mining vs. ecological balance ; Air pollution from surface
mining and processing –monitoring, control and standards. Air pollution dispersion ;models.
Water pollution – types, control and monitoring, ground water contamination. Noise and ground
vibrations ; Tailings dams design, Reclamation, Revegetation, Environmental legislation,
Environmental management plan and Economics of mining environment control ; Environment
& development planning systems & methodologies based on the principle of sustainable
development including: environmental impact assessment & project assessment; site
assessment & site planning; local & regional planning systems for urban & regional
environmental planning, conservation planning.
Essential Reading:
1. M. A.Ramlu, Mine Disaster and Mine Rescue, Oxford& IBH, 1991
Supplementary Reading:
1. A.T. Donald, The lighting of Underground Mines,Trans Tech Switzerland,1982
2. R. Mcadam and D. Davidson, Mine Rescue Work , Oliver and Boyd, London,2000


INTRODUCTION: Types and Sources of solid and hazardous wastes - Need for solid and
hazardous waste management – Salient features of Indian legislations on management and
handling of municipal solid wastes, hazardous wastes, biomedical wastes, lead acid batteries,
plastics and fly ash;
variation - Composition, physical, chemical and biological properties of solid wastes –
Hazardous Characteristics – TCLP tests – waste sampling and characterization plan - Source
reduction of wastes – Recycling and reuse – Waste exchange;
segregation of wastes at source – storage and collection of municipal solid wastes – Analysis
of Collection system-Optimizing waste allocation– compatibility, storage, labeling and handling
of hazardous wastes – hazardous waste manifests and transport.Waste disposal options –
Disposal in landfills - Landfill Classification, types and methods – site selection - design and
operation of sanitary landfills.
Essential Reading:
1. G.Tchobanoglous, H.Theisen and A Samuel and Vigil, Integrated Solid Waste Management,
McGraw- Hill International edition, New York, 1993.
2. P.A.Vesilind, W Worrell and Reinhart, Solid waste Engineering, Thomson Learning Inc.,
Singapore, 2002.
Supplementary Reading:
1. CPHEEO, Manual on Municipal Solid waste management, Central Public Health and
Environmental Engineering Organisation, Government of India, New Delhi, 2000.
2. M. D. LaGrega, P. L. Buckingham, C.Jeffrey, E vans,Environmental Resources
Hazardous waste Management, McGraw-Hill International edition, New York, 2001.
Fundamentals of Noise, Sources and Classification of Noise; Mechanism of Hearing : Types of
Hearing Loss, AAOO Criteria; Noise Measuring Instruments and Survey: Sound level meter,
audiometer, dose meter, octave band analyzer; Noise Indices : Leq, Ldn , TNI, NII ; Noise
Control Measures: noise control at source, path and receiver, acoustic barriers, enclosures,
control of machinery noise, community and industrial noise control strategies; Noise Standards
in India and Abroad; Noise Impact Assessment and Prediction Techniques ; Noise Modeling
Essential Reading:
1. D.P.Tripathy, Noise Pollution, 1st Edition, APH Pub., New Delhi, 1999.
2. M. Sengupta, Environmental Engineering, V.II, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 1990.
Supplementary Reading:
1. G.N. Pandey and G.C. Carney, Environmental Engineering, Tata McGrawHill, New Delhi,
2. L. Beranek, Noise and Vibration Control, McGrawHill Co, NY, 1971
3. P.R. Trivedy, Int. Encyclopedia of Ecology & Environment, Noise Pollution V.13, IIEE, New
Delhi, 1995.

Advance Rock Mechanics

Underground Metal Mining Method

Resource Evaluation and Geostatistics

Land Reclamation and Eco-Restoration

Safety Risk Assemment and Management

Mining System Laboratory

Hazard and Rescue Laboratory


Course outcomes for core courses:

a. The broad education necessary to understand architecture in a global context – techno-

economic, environmental, socio-cultural, and political
b. A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, life-long learning
c. An ability to design and conduct inquiries, and to analyze and interpret data
d. An ability to identify and formulate programmatic requirements
e. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs such as
aesthetic, economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability
f. An ability to use techniques, skills, and technology for architectural practice
g. An ability to apply knowledge of architecture
h. An ability to communicate effectively
i. An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
j. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities

Sl. Cours Course Title Course Outcome

No. e a b c d e f g h i j
1 PA1201
Code Architectural Graphics I
2 PA1401 Visual Arts Laboratory I
3 PA1403 Basic Design laboratory
4 PA1901 Non-graphic Computer Application
5 PA1405 Principles of Architectural Design
6 PA1501 Evolution of Architecture I
7 PA1701 Building Materials-I
8 PA1102 Architectural Design – I
9 PA1202 Architectural Graphics II
10 PA1302 Building Construction Sessional - I
11 PA1402 Visual Arts II
12 PA1902 Model Making Studio
13 PA1304 Building Construction Laboratory
14 PA1306 Building Construction - I
15 PA1502 Evolution of Architecture II
16 PA1702 Building Materials-II
17 PA2101 Architectural Design – II
18 PA2201 Architectural Graphics III
19 PA2301 Building Construction Sessional - II
20 PA2303 Building Construction - II
21 PA2501 Evolution of Architecture III
22 PA2601 Building Services – I
23 PA2801 Climate Responsive Architecture
24 PA2101 Architectural Design – III
25 PA2202 Computer Aided Design & Simulation – I
26 PA2302 Building Construction Sessional III
27 PA2902 Architectural Tour and Field Study I
28 PA2304 Building Construction III
29 PA2502 Evolution of Architecture IV
30 PA2602 Building Services II
31 PA2904 Acoustics and Illumination
32 PA3101 Architectural Design – IV
33 PA3201 Working Drawing I
34 PA3203 Computer Aided Design and Simulation-II
Sl. Cours Course Title Course Outcome
No. e a b c d e f g h i j
35 PA3205
Code Advanced Rendering Studio
36 PA3901 Interior Design
37 PA3801 Landscape Design
38 PA3903 Housing
39 PA3102 Architectural Design – V
40 PA3202 Working Drawing - II
41 PA3902 Architectural Tour and Field Study II
42 PA3904 Estimation, Costing, and Specification
43 Laboratory Costing, and Specification
PA3906 Estimation,
44 PA3908 Human Settlements and Vernacular
45 Architecture
PA3910 Building Bye Laws and Codes of Practices
46 PA3912 Theory of Design
47 PA4101 Architectural Design – VI
48 PA4701 Seminar and Technical Writing I
49 PA4901 Academic Portfolio
50 PA4301 Advanced Building Materials
51 PA4303 Advanced Building Construction
52 PA4501 Project management
53 PA4802 Professional Training
54 PA4902 Documentation of Architectural Details of
55 Interest
PA4904 Field Observations
56 PA4906 Site Supervision
57 PA4908 Critical Appraisal of an Architectural Project
58 PA5101 Architectural Design VII
59 PA5201 Architectural Thesis Research
60 PA5601 Advanced Building Services
61 PA5701 Seminar and Technical Writing II
62 PA5401 Advanced Structural Systems
63 PA5501 Professional Practice
64 PA5202 Architectural Thesis Project
65 PA5902 Comprehensive Viva-Voce

1. First semester

PA1201 Architectural Graphics-I Credits: 2

Objective To understand and execute different engineering diagrams using hand
Module I drawings
Introduction to IS code of engineering drawing (dimensioning, labeling, sheet
formatting); concept of scale.
Module II Curves and conic sections (ogee curves, parabola, ellipse, hyperbola, cycloid,
trochoid, involutes).
Module III Projection of points, lines (traces and true lengths). Projection of planes and
auxiliary planes.
Module IV Projection of solids (cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder, sphere, cones).
Luzzader, Warren J., and Duff, Jon M. (1992). Fundamentals of Engineering
readings Drawing – with an introduction to interactive computer graphics for design
and production (11th Edition). Berkeley, CA: Peachpit Press.
Bhatt, N. D. (2014). Engineering Drawing (53rd Edition). Anand. GJ: Charotar
readings Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

PA 1401 Visual Arts Laboratory I Credits: 2

Objective To understand the systematic and technical processes of creating works
of art, and to execute the processes manually
Module I Drawing with pencil – Basics of pencil sketching.
Assignments: 1. Hatching, 2. Still life sketching of any object from different
angles, and 3. Outdoor sketching
Module II Rendering with pen and ink – Basics of pen and ink rendering, and
Graphical representation of architectural elements
Assignments: 1. Conversion of the pencil sketched still life into pen and ink
rendering, 2. Pen and ink rendering of given images of buildings, 3.
Landscape design of an urban park, delineation of design elements in plan,
elevation, and section
Module III Colouring (poster colour) – Introduction to colour theory: colour wheel,
additive- subtractive, colour pallets (complementary, analogous, triad etc.)
Assignment: 1. Pattern (2D composition of shapes) using different colour
Module IV pallets
Composition – Basics of composition: proportion and balance of design
elements through their sizes, positions, typography, colour pallets etc.
Assignment: 1. Poster design, 2. Book cover design
Essential Readings Gill, R. W. (1984). Rendering with Pen and Ink. London: Thames and
Supplementary Krause, J.(2008). Complete Colour Index. Blue Ash, OH: HOW Books.

PA1403 Basic Design laboratory Credits: 2

Objective To design different configurations of space using simple geometrical
elements; volumetric analyses of spaces and their aesthetics
To develop technical skills such as simple drawing, painting and cutting
needed to deliver well composed designs.
Module I 2-dimentional compositions
Introduction to design principles;study of lines, shapes, value, colour (colour
theory), texture;appreciation of contrast, harmony, balance, emphasis,
rhythm, scale and proportion; understanding of aesthetics of basic 2-
dimentional shapes; creating compositions using various media/material,
Module II 3-dimentional compositions
graphical and textual representation
Study of elementary forms, envelopes; principles of 3-dimentiona design;
exploration of relationship between form and space, understanding aesthetics
with 3-dimentional forms, appraisal of spatial, volumetric implications due to
transformation of forms and spaces, application of unit Module I on 3-
Module III Pragmatic
Understanding the properties of material and creating a 3-dimentioanl
composition, through trial and error method, that best showcases the property
Module IV Techniques of graphic expression to represent design ideas
of the material
Essential readings Stewart, M. (2014). Launching the Imagination: A Comprehensive Guide
to Basic Design (5th Edition). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill
Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages.
Ching, F. D. K. (1996). Architecture From, Space and Order. Hoboken,
NJ: Wiley.
Meiss, Pieree von (2013). Elements of Architecture. Abingdon: Routledge.
As suggested by the studio in-charge

PA1901 Non-graphic Computer Application Credits: 2

Objective To be able to write the report as per the standard formatting practices and
to be able to analyze the given set of data by preparing charts & tables
Module I Microsoft PowerPoint - Design of slide, drawing objects, slide transition,
animation; Graphical composition of a slide; Flowchart; Visual communication
and body language while presentation.
Module II Microsoft Word – Formatting of page, formatting of text, font, paragraph, table of
contents, footnote, caption, citation, reference, table of figures; Formatting of
official letter, resume, academic report.
Module III Microsoft Excel - Page layout, table layout, charts and graphs; Equation,
formatting, conditional formatting, sort & filter; Working with big data
Essential readings Mansfield, R. (2001). Working in Microsoft Office. New York, NY:
McGraw-Hill Education.
Vermaat, M. (2013). Microsoft Office 2013 Advanced. NY: Delmar
Cengage Learning.
Bucki, Lisa A., Walkenbach, J.,Wempen, F.,Alexander M.,
D. (2013). Microsoft Office 2013 Bible. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Supplementary readings None

PA1405 Principles of Architectural Design Credits: 2

Objective To understand the visual significance of basic elements of design
Module I Primary element- point, line, plane, volume; form- form and shape, primary shape,
regular forms, transformation of forms, articulation of forms, surface articulation;
form and space- unity of opposites, horizontal elements defining spaces, vertical
elements defining spaces, quality of architectural spaces, degree of enclosure;
organization- organization of form and space, spatial, centralized, radial, linear,
Module II cluster, grid organization
Circulation- approach, entrance, path, path-space relationship; proportion and
scale- material proportion, structural proportion, manufactured proportion,
proportioning system, golden section, regulating lines, classical orders,
renaissance theories, modular, ken, anthropometry, scale, visual scale, human
Module III scale, a scale
Principles- comparison
ordering principles, axis, symmetry, hierarchy, datum, rhythm,
repetition, transformation
Module IV Visit to nearby buildings to understand the significance of various design elements
in defining aesthetical character of the building
Ching, F. D. K. (1996). Architecture From, Space and Order. Hoboken, NJ:
Essential readings
Clark, A., and Roth, Leland M. (2013). Understanding Architecture: Its
readings Elements, History, and Meaning (3rd Edition). Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

PA 1501 Evolution of Architecture I Credits: 2

Objective To understand the evolution of architecture in western world, starting from
Sumerian architecture up to the neoclassicism, through the context,
intentions, strategies, and relevance of different architectural movements,
and styles
Module I Mesopotamian architecture and its context (social, religious, economic and
geographic background), building materials used, building types (temples, forts) and
town planning (Babylonia); Egyptian architecture and its context, major building
types – temples (cult and mortuary), tombs (mastabas and pyramids), influences of
natural elements in built form
Module II Greek architecture and its context, major building types, geometry; Roman
architecture and its context, major building, innovation in building materials and
structural systems and their usage
Module III Byzantine architecture and its context, major building types, innovation in structural
system, and space planning
Module IV Early Christian and Romanesque architecture and its context, influence of Roman
architecture and its manifestation, building types and their different interpretations
across Europe
Module V Gothic architecture and its context – the evolution of architectural forms, structural
systems, and their influences; Examples, and their analyses
Module VI Renaissance architecture, and its context; phases of Renaissance architecture, and
its context; mannerism; Examples, and their analyses
Module VII Baroque and Rococo architecture and its interpretations across Europe and their
colonies; Examples, and their analyses

Module VIII Introduction to Neoclassicism; Students’ Seminar on the neoclassical

architecture in
Yarwood,- Examples,
D. (2010). and their analyses
A Chronology of Western Architecture. Mineola, NY: Dover
Readings Publications Inc.
Supplementary Prina, F. (2011). The Story of Romanesque Architecture. Munich: Prestel
Readings Publishing. Prina, F. (2011). The Story of Gothic Architecture. Munich: Prestel
Servida, S. (2011). The Story of Renaissance Architecture. Munich: Prestel
Zanlungo, C. (2011). The Story of Baroque Architecture. Munich: Prestel
Publishing. Jarzombek, M. M., and Prakash, V. (2011). A Global History of
Architecture (2nd
Edition), Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
PA 1701 Building Materials – I Credits: 2
Objective To study the properties of basic building material used in the built
Module I environment
Stones: classification of stones; common building stones used in India;
characteristics and use of stones; dressing of stone; artificial stones; introduction
to stonework: rubble and ashlar masonry
Module II Timber – classification; qualities of timber for construction; defects,seasoning,
storage and preservation of timber; use of different types wood in various parts of
building; industrial timber: veneers, plywood, fibreboard, etc
Module III Brick - composition, sizes, properties and classification of bricks, tests for
bricks; introduction of brickworks: masonry bonding & ornamental bonding,
substitutes for bricks
Module IV Ferrous metals and alloys - pig iron, cast iron, wrought iron – types, properties;
steel – properties, types, market form of steel and uses of steel in construction,
properties of mild steel and hard steel, defects in steel, steel alloy.
Module V Ceentitious materials :
Lime - classification of lime. fat and hydraulic lime – properties and use;
cement: composition of ordinary cement; function of cementing ingredients;
properties of cement – fineness, soundness, setting times, etc; grades of cement
and different types of cements used in construction; storage of cement in site.
Module VI Mortars: types of mortar – lime mortar, mud mortar, lime-surkhi mortar, cement
mortar; different grades of mortar, their compositions and properties;
preparation of cement mortar; use and selection of mortar for different
Module VII construction
Sand - sources
of sand, classification, test of sand; grades of sand and their uses
Module VIII Concrete - compositions and grades of concrete; various steps in concrete
construction – batching, mixing, transporting, compacting, curing, shuttering,
jointing. tests and quality control of concrete.
Essential readings Duggal, S. K. (2012). Building Materials (4th Edition). Kolkata: New Age
Arora, S.P., and Bindra, S.P. (2010). The Textbook of Building Construction.
New Delhi: Dhanpat Rai Publications.
Mckay, W.B. (2013). Building Construction: Metric Vol. 1-2-3 (5th Edition).
New Delhi: Pearson Education India.

2. Second Semester

PA1102 Architectural Design – I Credits: 3

Objective To understand the techniques of architectural drawings and
To design simple architectural elements based on concepts of
composition, aesthetics and functionality.
Module I To interpretation spaces based on user requirements.
Architecture as a profession and role of an architect; contribution of
architecture towards society; building process and the architect’s role;
processes involved in initiating and completion of an architectural project,
architectural services rendered by an architects and disciplines needed to
Module II Measured Drawing
learn by him/her
Selecting any existing building structure, conducting a detailed measurement
exercise, representing the same as architectural drawings in an appropriate
Module III Anthropometry
Understanding the human proportions, human functions and their implication
of space standards; deriving habitable space standards through
Module IV Clustering
anthropometric analysis
Understanding the spatial requirement for human habitation; taxonomy of
spaces through classification of activities; transformation of forms to built
spaces, understanding the nature of space, their connectivity, and deriving
various spatial clusters to fulfill spatial requirement for better quality of human
life; application of principles of design to design simple building elements (e.g.
Module V Analogy
grills, windows, doors)
Understanding the concept of analogy and application of analogical thoughts
in architectural design
Module VI Design assignment - guard room/ bus stand/public toilet/small specialized
shop (florists/cafe)
Essential readings Chiara, D. Joseph and Callender, John H. (2014). Time Saver Standards
for Building Types (5th Edition). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
Callender, John H., Watson, D., Crosbie, M. (1997). Time Saver
Standards for Architectural Design Data (7th Edition). New York, NY:
McGraw- Hill Inc.
Neufert, E., and Neufert, P. (2012). Architect’s Data (4th Edition).
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
As suggested by the studio incharge

PA1202 Architectural Graphics II Credits: 2

Objective To comprehend and execute hand drawn drawings of complex three
dimensional objects
Module I Introduction of Sections; Section of solids – true shape of section using
auxiliary planes
Module II Development of surface (preparation of physical models using surface
Module III development).
Preparation of physical models using surface development (cube, cone,
frustum, cylinder, pyramid)
Module IV Introduction to intersection of different solid objects; showing intersection
lines and projection of views
Module V Introduction to Isometric projection, Axonometric projection and Oblique
projection of solid objects. Derivation of three dimensional projection/views
from two dimensional drawings using different geometrical methods.
Luzzader, Warren J., and Duff, Jon M. (1992). Fundamentals of
Essential readings
Engineering Drawing – with an introduction to interactive computer
graphics for design and production (11th Edition). Berkeley, CA:
rd Edition).
Supplementary Bhatt, N. D.
Peachpit Press.(2014). Engineering Drawing (53 Anand.
readings GJ:
Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

PA 1302 Building Construction Sessional - I Credits: 2

Objective To be able to draw the various details of construction techniques used in
building architecture
Module I Brick construction – types of brick, their dimensions and definitions, types of
bonds in brickwork, foundations, buttresses, arches and lintels
Module II Stone construction – types of walls, bonds, arches and lintels; foundation –
functions of foundations
Module III Foundation –types of foundations, simple load bearing foundations in brick and
Module IV Concrete blocks – hollow and solid, stabilised mud blocks
Module V Timber work- simple carpentry joineries
Module VI Different types of timber doors and windows, fixing details of frame, style, rail,
panel, glazing including fixtures and fastenings
Essential readings Mckay, W.B. (2013). Building Construction: Metric Vol. 1-2-3 (5th Edition).
Delhi: Pearson Education India.
Supplementary Chudley, R. (2014). Construction Technology (5th Edition). NJ: Pearson
readings Publication.
Emmitt, S., and Gorse, C. A. (2012). Barry’s Introduction to Construction
of Buildings (2nd Edition). New Delhi: Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
Punmia, B. C., Jain, A. K., and Jain, A. K. (2016). Building Construction
(11th Edition). Kolkata: Laxmi Publication Pvt. Ltd.

PA 1402 Visual Arts II Credits: 2

Objective To recognize the systematic and technical processes of creation of
visual artifacts in different media and understand visual art in the
Module I global
FORM context
Lecture demonstration: Introduction to elements of form and rules of
composition Exercises: Additive form generation using surface
developments; Moulded and subtractive form generation using plaster or clay
Lecture demonstration: Introduction to the medium and tools
Exercises: Painting from imagination; Painting from life; Painting from
reference images
Lecture demonstration: Introduction to the mechanism of a camera, focal
length and lens types, exposure and its control, shutter speed, aperture,
depth of field, ISO, light conditions; Parameters of digital raster images and
introduction to basics of post- processing using digital suites like Corel
Photopaint or Adobe Photoshop
Exercises: Photographing still life/ landscapes/ portraits/ architecture/
abstracts; Using photography to represent a theme; Creative post-processing
Module IV of digital photographs
Lecture demonstration: Introduction to the basics of vector graphics using
digital suites like Corel Draw or Adobe Illustrator
Exercises: Developing graphic designs for posters/ brochures/
portfolios/ illustrations; Using vector graphics for rendering
Module V architectural
REVIEW OFdrawings
Lecture demonstration: Orientation for art appreciation; Exposure to, and
consideration of, prominent works of art, from around the world, through the
ages Exercises: Critical short essay on any selected piece of art
Essential readings: None
Supplementary Gombrich, E. H. (1995). The story of art. (16th revised edition). London:
readings: Phaidon Press.
Korsmeyer, C. (1998). Aesthetics: The big questions. Chichester, West
Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.
PA1902 Model Making Studio Credits: 2
Objective To learn the techniques of making conceptual models in materials like
paper, plaster of Paris, timber, etc.
Module I Introduction to three dimensional forms. Creating solid 3d models such as
cubes, pyramids, cones etc. using different types of materials such as paper,
card board, mount board, wax etc.
Module II Introduction to Joints – different types of joints, joinery details (which are
commonly used in timber construction and interiors);
Module III Engraving and carving using soap or Plaster of Paris
Module IV Wire sculptures using different types of binding wires
Module V Paper crafts –
 Origami using A4 size sheet
 Paper lamps using cardboards, ivory sheets, textured sheets, wires or
Module VI sticksfurniture for domestic and industrial purpose - independent use of
any materials
Module VII Clay model workshop –Masonry construction – walls, arches and corbel / Post
modern architecture
Essential readings None
Supplementary readings None

PA1304 Building Construction Lab Credit: 1

Objective To give an introduction to various building materials used in construction
and to learn the various details of construction techniques used in building
Module I architecture
Study of various building materials ,fittings, fixtures, fastenings used in
Module II To prepare brick walling using different brick bonds of different thicknesses
Module III To prepare brick arches and lintels
Module IV To prepare models related to various structural building components and
structural systems
Mckay, W.B. (2013). Building Construction: Metric Vol. 1-2-3 (5th Edition).
Essential readings
Delhi: Pearson Education India.
Supplementary Chudley, R. (2014). Construction Technology (5th Edition). NJ: Pearson
readings Publication.
Emmitt, S., and Gorse, C. A. (2012). Barry’s Introduction to Construction
of Buildings (2nd Edition). New Delhi: Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
Punmia, B. C., Jain, A. K., and Jain, A. K. (2016). Building Construction
(11th Edition). Kolkata: Laxmi Publication Pvt. Ltd.

PA 1306 Building Construction - I Credits: 2

Objective To understand the construction techniques used in building design
Module I Introduction to various building components from foundation to roof and their
function; ; introduction to load transmission in load bearing & framed structures,
their advantages, disadvantages and suitability; various types of load bearing and
framed structures, their advantages, disadvantages and suitability
Module II Masonry construction:
Brick construction – types of brick, their dimensions and definitions, types of
bonds in brickwork, foundations, buttresses, arches and lintels;
Stone construction – types of walls, bonds, arches and lintels;
Module III Concrete blocks – hollow and solid, stabilised mud blocks
Module IV Timber work- simple carpentry joineries and their uses
Module V Different types of timber doors and windows, fixing details of frame, style, rail,
panel, glazing including fixtures and fastenings
Module VI Foundation – functions of foundations, types of foundations, simple load bearing
foundations in brick and stone
Essential readings Mckay, W.B. (2013). Building Construction: Metric Vol. 1-2-3 (5th
New Delhi: Pearson Education India.
Supplementary Chudley, R. (2014). Construction Technology (5th Edition). NJ: Pearson
readings Publication.
Emmitt, S., and Gorse, C. A. (2012). Barry’s Introduction to Construction
of Buildings (2nd Edition). New Delhi: Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
Punmia, B. C., Jain, A. K., and Jain, A. K. (2016). Building Construction
(11th Edition). Kolkata: Laxmi Publication Pvt. Ltd.

PA 1502 Evolution of Architecture II Credits: 2

Objective To understand the evolution of Indian architecture starting from Indus
Valley civilization up to Mughal period through the context, intentions,
strategies, and relevance of different architectural movements, and
Module I styles
Prehistoric architecture – brief description of Indus valley civilization and its
context (social, religious, economic and geographic background), building
materials and construction techniques adopted; later Vedic settlements–
Module II materials, and construction
Buddhist architecture and its context, rock cut architecture and building types
and other architectural features (rock cut caves, stupas, viharas,chaityasetc)
Module III Hindu temple architecture and its key elements, evolution of temple form,
classification of Hindu temples – North Indian temple architecture (Nagara
architecture of Khajuraho temples, Orissan temple architecture, Māru-Gurjara
temple architecture of Gujarat)
Module IV Hindu temple architecture and its key elements, evolution of temple form,
classification of Hindu temples –Dravidian architecture of Pallavas, Cholas,
Chalukyas, Pandyas, Madura and Vijaynagar dynasties
Module V Indo-Islamic architecture and its context, major building types (tombs and
mosques) and their structural systems (vaults, domes, pendentivesetc) and
architectural features (jaalis, surface articulation using stones, metal and
Module VI wood),
Indo-Islamic architecture – siteplanning and landscape features, classification
of Indo-Islamic architecture of Sultanate period (Slave, Tughlaq and Lodhi)
and Mughal period (Babar, Humayun, Akbar, Jahangir and Shah Jahan)
Module VII Seminar presentation on the examples of different architectural styles
Essential Readings Brown,P. (2014). Indian Architecture (Buddhist Hindu) Vol. I. Mumbai:
Taraporevala and Sons.
Brown,P. (2014). Indian Architecture (Islamic Period) Vol. II. Mumbai:
Taraporevala and Sons.
Fergusson,J. A. (2011). A history of Indian and Eastern Architecture (Vol.
I and II). New Delhi: Rupa Publications.
Jarzombek, M. M., and Prakash, V. (2011). A Global History of
Architecture (2nd Edition), Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Kramrisch, S. (2015). The Hindu Temple, Vol. I and II (9th Reprint
Kolkata: MLBD Publishers.

Building Materials – II PA 1702 Credits: 2

Objective To study the properties of basic building material used in the built
Non Ferrous Metals and their alloys- Aluminium, Copper, & important alloys like
Module I
brass, bronze, etc – brief description of uses, Lead and lead-based alloys, nickel
and nickel-based alloys; corrosion of both ferrous and non-ferrous metals – types
Module II Clay products- tiles,
and preventive their properties and use - terra-cotta, earthenware,
stoneware, porcelain.
Module III Special concretes and admixures:
Admixures :water repellent, waterproofing compounds, accelerators, air entraining
agents, hardeners, plasticizers
Special concretes :light weight concrete, ready-mix concrete, pre-stressed
concrete ,fibre reinforced concrete and precast concrete
Module IV Varnishes, paints,distempers:
Characteristics and process of varnishing, types and compositions of paints,
types of painting system: aluminium paints, cement-based paints, oil
emulsion paints, enamel paints, their selection criteria.
Module V Heat and sound insulating materials-classification, properties of different heat
and sound insulating materials
Module VI Misc. materials:
Use of nano-paints; cork, rubber, gypsum, sealants, asbestos, their trade names
and uses; Fly ash, their availability and uses
Duggal, S. K. (2012). Building Materials (4th Edition). Kolkata: New Age
Essential readings
Arora, S.P., and Bindra, S.P. (2010). The Textbook of Building
New Delhi: Dhanpat Rai Publications.
Mckay, W.B. (2013). Building Construction: Metric Vol. 1-2-3 (5th Edition).
New Delhi: Pearson Education India.

3. Third Semester

PA2101 Architectural Design – II Credits: 4

Objective To carry forward knowledge gained in the previous semesters.
To introduce the design requirements of a space for human habitation and
assimilation of architectural design principles.
To anticipation user needs through personal experience and/or case
studies and/or study of vernacular architecture, and translate those into
space program. To have basic understanding of the climatic and
geographical context of the site and interpreting the information for design
To understand spatial components, space standards, basic building
services and city specific building bye-laws pertaining to site.
To understand the management of the building site and implementing the
basic principles of site management.
To understand the use of bricks and concrete as building material and
implementing relevant construction technology
To acquire manual drafting and presentation

Module I skills To acquire

Residential model
bungalow making
for single skills
family (physical
use (the professional or socio-economic
background of the user family may be varied)
Module II Cafeteria, community market complex, recreational club, community health
centre, veterinary dispensary

Essential readings None

Supplementary readings As suggested by the studio instructor

PA2201 Architectural Graphics III Credits: 2

Objective To comprehend and draw (by hand) different three dimensional
objects/spaces using perspective projection and sciography.
Module I To comprehend and draw different three dimensional objects/spaces using
perspective projection and sciography manually.
Module II Perspective views of simple and complex geometrical forms (one point, multi-
point perspective); views of buildings and objects from different viewing
Bhatt, N. D. (2014). Engineering Drawing (53rd Edition). Anand.
Essential readings
Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Gill, R.W. (2006). Perspective – From Basic to Creative. London:
Thames and Hudson.
Supplementary Koller, E. AL.Textbook
Mulik, S. (2008). Light, Shade and&Shadow.
of Perspective NY:Kolkata:
Sciography. Dover Publications.
readings Publishers.
Barber, B. (2012). Essential Guide to Drawing: Perspective and
Composition. London: Arcturus Publishing.

PA 2301 Building Construction Sessional -II Credits: 2

Objective To be able to draw the various details of construction techniques used in
building architecture
Module I Stairs: requirements of staircase, types of staircases, construction methods of –
masonry staircase, timber staircase, RCC staircase, steel staircase and
composite staircase
Module II Foundations: study of principles and methods of construction of RCC foundations
and columns, types of foundations – raft foundations, grillage foundations and
combination; pile foundation – precast piles, cast-in-situ piles, types of piles,
method of driving piles, pile caps etc.
Module III Roof trusses - timber and steel trusses, types, fixing details showing purlin, rafter,
tie, strut, cleat etc. different types of roof coverings: for flat and sloped roof with
Module IV Ground floors: general character and construction process of flooring like: mud
fixing details
flooring, murrum flooring, brick flooring, IPS flooring, stone flooring - marble,
granite, tandur/kota stone flooring, terrazzo flooring, mosaic flooring, PCV flooring,
ceramic tiles and wooden flooring
Essential readings Mckay, W.B. (2013). Building Construction: Metric Vol. 1-2-3 (5th Edition).
Supplementary Delhi:
Chudley,Pearson Education
R. (2014). India. Technology (5th Edition). NJ: Pearson
Emmitt, S., and Gorse, C. A. (2012). Barry’s Introduction to
Construction of Buildings (2nd Edition). New Delhi: Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
Punmia, B. C., Jain, A. K., and Jain, A. K. (2016). Building Construction
(11th Edition). Kolkata: Laxmi Publication Pvt. Ltd.

PA 2303 Building Construction - II Credits: 2

Objective To understand the construction techniques used in building design
Module I Stairs: requirements of staircase, types of staircases, construction methods of –
masonry staircase, timber staircase, RCC staircase, steel staircase and
Module II Foundations: study of principles and methods of construction of RCC foundations
composite staircase
and columns, types of foundations – raft foundations, grillage foundations and
combination; pile foundation – precast piles, cast-in-situ piles, types of piles,
method of driving piles, pile caps etc.
Module III Roof trusses - timber and steel trusses, types, fixing details showing purlin, rafter,
tie, strut, cleat etc. different types of roof coverings: for flat and sloped roof with
Module IV fixing details
ground floors: general character and construction process of flooring like: mud
flooring, murrum flooring, brick flooring, IPS flooring, stone flooring - marble,
granite, tandur/kota stone flooring, terrazzo flooring, mosaic flooring, PCV flooring,
ceramic tiles and wooden flooring
Essential Mckay, W.B. (2013). Building Construction: Metric Vol. 1-2-3 (5th Edition). New
readings Delhi: Pearson Education India.
Supplementary Chudley, R. (2014). Construction Technology (5th Edition). NJ: Pearson
readings Publication.
Emmitt, S., and Gorse, C. A. (2012). Barry’s Introduction to Construction of
(2nd Edition). New Delhi: Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
Punmia, B. C., Jain, A. K., and Jain, A. K. (2016). Building Construction (11th
PA 2501 Evolution of Architecture
Kolkata: Laxmi III Ltd.
Publication Pvt. Credits: 2
Objective To understand the global evolution of architecture from the Industrial
Revolution through the contemporary era, recognizing the context,
intentions, strategies, and relevance of different architectural
paradigms, movements, and styles
Lecture demonstration: The techno-economic milieu of late 17th to 19th
Century; Neo- classical and Gothic Revival versus early iron and concrete
construction, International Expositions, Paxton, Eifel, Beaux Arts to French
Rationalism of Labrouste; Late 19 th to early 20th century responses to the
emerging Modern world; Chicago School & Sullivan; Morris and Arts and
Crafts Movement; Art Nouveau in Belgium, France, Austria, Spain, Scotland
through the works of Horta, Guimard, Olbrich, Wagner, Macintosh, Gaudi;
Cubism, Futurism, German Expressionism of Taut, Poelzig, Mendelsohn; De
Stijl of Rietveld, Doesburg; Minimalism of Loos; Suprematism of Malevich,
Constuctivism; & Deco.
Lecture demonstration: Evolution of Wright; Deutscher Werkbund to
Bauhaus, Gropius, and Mies, International Modern; Evolution of Le Corbusier,
Brutalism, CIAM; Kahn and Late Modernists
Exercises: Seminar on selected works of Modern Masters like Behrens,
Fuller, Candela, Nervi, Breuer, Neutra, Schindler, Neimeyer, Costa, Johnson,
Rudolph, Utzon, Saarinen, Tange, Kurokawa, Isozaki, Otto, et al.
Lecture demonstration: Critical Regionalism and Modernist Pluralism through
the works of Aalto, Barragan, Ando, Bawa; Post-Modern Historicism,
Rhetoric, Neo- vernacular, Kitsch and Pop, Deconstruction, Formal
Hermeticism; Neo-Modern and Hi-tech architecture
Exercises: Seminar on selected works of Contemporary Masters like Meier,
Pelli, Piano, Rogers, Pai, Foster, Maki, Graves, Moore, Venturi, Stirling,
Moneo, Botta, Safdie, Eisenman, Tschumi, Gehry, Hadid, Zumthor,
Essential Libeskind,
Curtis, Koolhaas,
W. J. et Modern
R. (1996). al. architecrure since 1900. (3rd revised edition).
readings London: Phaidon Press.
Supplementary Colquhoun, A. (2009). Collected essays in architectural criticism. London:
readings Black Dog Publishing Limited.
Favole, P. (2012). The story of modern architecture. Munich: Prestel
Frampton, K. (1998). Towards a critical regionalism: Six points for an
architecture of resistance. In H. Foster (Ed) The anti-aesthetic: Essays on
postmodern culture (pp.17-34). New York, NY: The New Press. (Original work
published 1983)
Frampton, K. (2007). Modern architecture: A critical history (4th ed.). London:
Thames & Hudson.
Giedion, S. (2008). Space, time and architecture:The growth of a new
(5th revised edition). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Haddad, E. G., and Rifkind, D. (Eds.) A critical history of contemporary
architecture: 1960-2010. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company.
Hays, K. M. (1998). Architecture Theory since 1968. Cambridge, MA: MIT
Jenks, C., and Kropf, K. (2006), Theories and manifestoes of contemporary architecture (2nd ed.).
Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Academy.
Jencks, C. (2008). The new paradigm in architecture: The language of Post- Modernism. London:
Yale University Press. (Original work published 2002)
Sykes, A. K. (2010), Constructing a new agenda: Architectural theory 1993- 2009. New York, NY:
Princeton Architectural Press.

PA2601 Building Services – I Credits: 2

Objective To understand the quantitative, qualitative, and spatial requirements

of a building in terms of its water supply and sanitation needs
To understand the practical application water supply and sanitation systems of a building
Module I Introduction to Water Supply System
Introduction - government provisions for water supply in India, definition of ‘water’, quality criteria,
standards of purity; water supply for urban community - sources of water and methods of collection,
impurities in water, standards for water demand, calculation of water demand, fire demand,
swimming pool water quality; water purification systems for urban community, conventional water
treatment methods, modern water treatment methods, water reservoirs, distribution systems,
distribution networks.
Module II Water Supply System for a Building
Domestic water demand, design of overhead and underground water tank; municipal water supply
connection - house/service connection, water meter; domestic water supply system -cold water
supply system, hot water supply system, water heating system, water distribution system for multi-
storeyed, water supply pumping mechanism; domestic water supply pipe design - basic principles
of pipe flow, design of water supply pipes, materials of water supply pipes and fittings,
classification, and sketches, colour coding for pipes; water supply appurtenances – specification,
and sketches.
Module III Practical application of Module I and Module II
Water supply system for buildings, complete with layout drawings, with consideration of Indian
Standards for water supply convenience and National Building Bye laws
Module IV Sanitation System for a building
Introduction -government provisions for water supply in India, characterisation of waste, volume of
waste, basic principle of building sanitation and disposal of waste; sanitary fixtures – soil fixtures,
water fixtures, material of sanitary fixtures; traps – as per shape, as per function, as per location;
material for sanitary pipelines; plumbing system of a building; Stack capacity – basic principles of
stack flow, determination of stack sizes for a building, determination of sanitary pipe sizes for a site;
connection of house sewers to municipal sewers, ventilation of sewers; basement drainage and its
design consideration.
Module V Sewerage system for an urban community
Methods of sewage collection - systems of sewage conveyance; patterns of collection system;
sewer lines – factors affecting the quantity of sewage, determination of
volume of sewage, shape of sewers, design of sewer lines, partial flow diagram, Manning’s
formula, materials for sewer lines, sewer joints and bends; laying of sewers and drains, testing
of sewers and drains; surface drainage system; sewer appurtenances; conventional sewage
treatment methods; sewerage for isolated building - different types of privies; Imhoff tank;
Septic tank – details and design of a septic tank.
Module VI Practical application of Module IV and Module V
Sewerage system for buildings, complete with layout drawings, with consideration of Indian
Standards for sanitary convenience and National Building Bye laws. th
Rangwala, S.C. (2015). Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering Edition).
Essential (28
Anand: Charter Publishing House.
readings Birdie, G. S., and Birdie, G. S. (2010). Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering.
New Delhi: Dhanpat Rai& Sons.
Supplementary Punmia, B. C., Jain, A. K., and Jain, A. K. (2016). Water Supply Engineering (2nd
Edition). New Delhi: Laxmi Publication.
readings Garg, S. K. (2010). Water Supply Engineering. New Delhi: Khanna Publishers

PA2801 Climate Responsive Architecture Credits: 2

Objective To study the factors of climate affecting the building and to be able to design the
building as per the climatic condition of site
Module I Introduction - climate and weather, elements of climate, classification of tropical
climates, site climate; thermal comfort factors- thermal balance of a body, subjective variables;
thermal comfort indices- effective temperature, heat stress index, the bioclimatic chart;
Module II Measuring weather data at nearby places using weather station/instruments;
Module III Thermal quantities- heat flow rate, conductivity, conductance, multilayer body,
transmittance, convection, radiation, sol-air temperature, solar gain factor; heat exchange of
buildings- conduction, convection, radiation, internal heat gain, heating and cooling, evaporation,
heat loss calculation, heat gain calculation, thermal gradient, thermal design; periodic heat flow-
steady state assumption, thermal diffusivity, periodic heat flow calculation;
Module IV Structural controls- thermal insulation, thermal capacity, solar control, orientation,
internal blinds and curtains, heat absorbing glasses, angle of incidence, shadow angle, shading
devices, design of shading devices; ventilation and air movement- convective cooling, stack effect,
wind effect, air flow through buildings, orientation, external features, cross- ventilation, position of
openings, size of openings, controls of openings, air movement and rain, air flow around buildings,
humidity control;
Module V Application- shelter for hot-dry climate, shelter for warm-humid climate, shelter for
composite climate, shelter for tropical upland climate
Module VI Case-studies- Case-study of climate responsive architecture in hot-dry, warm-humid,
cold- sunny, cold-cloudy and composite climate
Essential Koenigsberger, O.H., Ingersoll, T.G., Mayhew, A., and Szokolay S.V. (1975).
readings Manual of Tropical Housing and Building - Climatic Design. Hyderabad:
Universities Press (India) Private Limited
Krishan, A., Baker, N., Yannas, S. and Szokolay, S. (1999). Climate Responsive
Architecture: A Design Handbook for Energy Efficient Buildings. New Delhi: Tata
McGraw-Hills Education.
Supplementary Carl-eric, H. (2001). An Introduction to Building Physics. Professional Pub. Service.
readings Evans, M. (1980). Housing Climate & Comfort. London: Architectural Press.
Givoni, B. (1976). Man, Climate and Architecture (Architectural Science). Abingdon: Routledge.
Watson, D., and Labs, K. (1993). Climatic Building Design: Energy-efficient Building Principles
and Practice. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company.

1. Fourth Semester

PA2102 Architectural Design – III Credits: 4

Objective To carry forward knowledge gained in the previous semesters.
To understand the requirement of a space for multiple users and
assimilating those with architectural design principles.
To focus on a design theme/concept and translating it into architectural
design. To understand the site and the context (physical and social) as
source of design concept and design decisions.
To incorporate climate responsive strategies into building design
To introduce and incorporate barrier free design strategies in building
design To incorporate detailed building services requirements with
detailed calculation
To explore other building materials for construction and to understand
and detail out the relevant construction technology.
Module I To advance
Youth hostel,manual drafting,
school for presentation
physically challenged,and model making
meditation skillscentre,
and spiritual
higher secondary school (non residential)
Module II Motel, student activity centre
Essential readings None
Supplementary readings As suggested by the studio instructor

PA2202 Computer Aided Design & Simulation – I Credits: 2

Objective To be able to draft the basic 2D & 3D geometry in computer aided
design software.
Module I AutoCAD 2D Basic - Drawing tools, modifying tools, array, working in
llayers, ine type, line thickness, line type scale, colouring, hatching, block
making, annotation, dimensioning; AutoCAD 2D Advanced- Viewports, UCS
icon, Paper space& model space, sheet layout, micros, customized
tinterface, customized line- ype, customized hatch pattern; Digitization of
hand drafted sheets of previous semester.
Module II AutoCAD 3D Basic- Basic objects, extrude, sweep, revolve, changing UCS,
working in various views.
Module III Developing of 3D models in AutoCAD of previous semester design project,
AutoCAD 3D - Materials, Lighting, Rendering.
Module IV Submissions/ Viva/ Test.
Omura, G. (2013). Mastering AutoCAD 2014 and AutoCAD LT 2014.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Supplementary readings Aouad, G., Wu, S., Lee, A., Onyenobi, T. (2011). Computer Aided
Design Guide for Architecture, Engineering and Construction.

Abingdon: Taylor and Francis.

PA2302 Building Construction Sessional III Credits: 2
Objective To be able to draw the various details of construction techniques used
in building design.
Module I Study of principles and methods of construction of RCC structure: beams
including cantilever beams, columns, slabs including one way, two way and
cantilever slabs, roof including vaults and domes; form-work techniques and
Module II reinforcement
Shoring and itsdetails.
types; underpinning; scaffolding and its
Module III Expansion joints - construction details at foundation, walls, floors and roof
level for both concrete and brick work.
Module IV Construction of upper floors: timber floor, flag stone floor on steel joist, jack
arch floor, reinforced cement concrete floor including flat slab construction,
ribbed floor and precast concrete floor.
Module V Water proofing at flat roof and damp proofing at basement.
Module VI Plaster – method of plastering; internal plaster (use of various finishes viz.,
lime, cement, plaster of Paris); external plaster (smooth, rough, textured, grit
plaster); cladding – types and method of construction.
Module VII Mild steel and aluminium doors and windows; partitions -
wooden/steel/aluminium; sliding and folding doors; steel doors for garages
and workshops, collapsible gate and rolling shutters; fixing details of steel and
aluminium sections at jamb, sill, head / lintel; structural glazing, FRP,
Module VIII frameless glass
Fire resistive doors, windows
construction and partitions.
for different components of a
Module IX building.
Cost Effective Construction Technologies (CECT) in building construction:
foundation, walls including rat-trap bond, brick arches (at lintel level), roof
including filler slab and use of ferro-cement.
Essential Mckay, W.B. (2013). Building Construction: Metric Vol. 1-2-3 (5th Edition). New
readings Delhi:
Pearson Education India.
Emmitt, S., and Gorse, C. A. (2012). Barry’s Introduction to Construction of
(2nd Edition). New Delhi: Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
Supplementary Emmitt,
R.and Gorse,
(2014). C. A. (2012).
Construction Barry’s Advanced
Technology Construction
(5th Edition). of Buildings
NJ: Pearson
readings (2nd Edition).Punmia,
Publication.. B. C.,
New Delhi: Jain,India
Wiley A. K., and
Pvt. Jain, A. K. (2016). Building
Construction (11 Edition).
Kolkata: Laxmi Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Kumar, S. (2010). Building Construction. New Delhi: Standard Publisher.
PA2902 Architectural Tour and Field Study I Credits: 1
Objective To be able to appreciate the architectural monuments and buildings of
historical significance.
Module I Field study tour of historical buildings (preferably including examples of Hindu, Islamic
and Modern architecture) and collection of data/measurements for those buildings.
Module II Submission of measured drawings and report on historical buildings visited with
detailed presentation.
Essential readings As suggested by Professor-in-charge
Supplementary readings As suggested by Professor-in-charge
PA2304 Building Construction III Credits: 3
Objective To understand the construction techniques used in building design.
Module I Study of principles and methods of construction of RCC structure: beams
including cantilever beams, columns, slabs including one way, two way and
cantilever slabs, roof including vaults and domes; form-work techniques and
Module II Shoring and itsdetails.
reinforcement types; underpinning; scaffolding and its
Module III Expansion joints - construction details at foundation, walls, floors and roof level
for both concrete and brick work.
Module IV Construction of upper floors – general considerations; timber floor; flag stone
floor on steel joist; jack arch floor; reinforced cement concrete floor including
flat slab construction, ribbed floor and precast concrete floor.
Module V Water proofing at flat roof and damp proofing at
Module VI Plaster – method of plastering; internal plaster (use of various finishes viz.,
lime, cement, plaster of Paris); external plaster (smooth, rough, textured, grit
plaster); cladding – types and method of construction.
Module VII Mild steel and aluminium doors and windows; partitions -
wooden/steel/aluminium; sliding and folding doors; steel doors for garages
and workshops, collapsible gate and rolling shutters; fixing details of steel and
aluminium sections at jamb, sill, head / lintel; structural glazing, FRP,
Module VIII Fire resistive
frameless construction
glass for different
doors, windows components of a building.
and partitions.
Module IX Introduction to Cost Effective Construction Technologies (CECT) in building
construction- foundation, walls including rat-trap bond, brick arches (at lintel
level), roof including filler slab and use of ferro-cement.
Module X Case study (or study on the application of the construction techniques in
buildings) on any topic from the above mentioned modules by the students.
Submission of report along with oral and visual presentation.
Essential Emmitt, S., and Gorse, C. A. (2012). Barry’s Introduction to Construction
readings of Buildings (2nd Edition). New Delhi: Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
Emmitt, S., and Gorse, C. A. (2012). Barry’s Advanced Construction of
(2nd Edition). New Delhi: Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
Punmia, B. C., Jain, A. K., and Jain, A. K. (2016). Building Construction (11th
Edition). Kolkata: Laxmi Publication Pvt. Ltd. th Edition). NJ:
Supplementary Chudley, R. (2014).
Kumar, S. (2010). Construction
Building Technology
Construction. New Delhi: (5
Standard Publisher.
readings Pearson
W Mckay, W.B. (2013). Building Construction: Metric Vol. 1-2-3 (5th Edition).
New Delhi: Pearson Education India.
Rangwala, S. C. (2016). Building Construction. Anand: Charotar
Publishing House.
Arora, S.P., and Bindra, S.P. (2010). The Textbook of Building Construction.
New Delhi: Dhanpat Rai Publications.
PA 2502 Evolution of Architecture IV Credits: 2
Objective To understand the evolution of architecture in India from the Colonial to
the contemporary era, recognizing the context, intentions, strategies,
and relevance of different architectural paradigms, movements, and
Module I styles
Lecture demonstration: The dawn of colonialism in India; Portuguese, Dutch,
French, and English settlements; European identities evidenced in Colonial
architecture and Hybridism, as in Franco-Tamilian houses; Evolution of the
English architectural style in India; The tradition of Indian architecture in the
Colonial era, architecture of the princely states, efforts of Jacob and Growse.
Exercises: Seminar on selected colonial architecture from Goa, Daman and
Diu, Cochin, Chandernagore, Pondicherry, Calcutta, Mumbai, Madras, New
Delhi, et cetera
Lecture demonstration: Evolution of contemporary architecture in India, Pre-
independence era Nationalism, Post-independence Nehruvian vision and
First Generation Modernists, Corbusier and Kahn in India, Second
Generation Modernists, The issues of identity and culture and the early Post-
Modern turn, Information revolution and Globalisation and the late Post-
Exercises: Seminar on selected works of architects like Raymond, Stein,
Rehman, Gandhi, Kanvinde, Correa, Doshi, Raje, Rewal, Gujral, Sabhiki,
Khosla, Patel, Baker, Jain, Sahba, Anger, D’Cruz, Da Cunha, Kamath,
Viswanathan, Kundoo, Mukherjee, Mitra, Mohe, Contractor, Benninger, Puri,
Chaudhuri, et al.

Essential readings: Lang, J. (2010) A concise history of modern architecture in India. Delhi:
Permanent Black.
Tillotson, G. H. R. (1989). The tradition of Indian architecture: Continuity,
controversy and change since 1850. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary Ameen, F. (1997) Contemporary architecture and city form: The South
readings: Asian paradigm. Mumbai: Marg Publications.
Benninger, C. (2011). Letters to a young architect). Pune: CCBA Pvt. Ltd.
Bhatia, G. (1994). Punjabi Baroque and other memories of architecture.
Delhi: Penguin Books India (P) Ltd.
Bubbar, D. K. (2005). The spirit of Indian architecture. New Delhi: Rupa
& Co.
Correa, C. (2010). A place in the shade. New Delhi: Penguin Books India.
Mehrotra, R. (2011). Architecture in India since 1990. Mumbai:
Mehta, J. (2011). Rethinking modernity: Towards post rational
New Delhi: Niyogi Books.
D. Lu, D. (2010). Third World Modernism: Architecture, development and
identity. London: Routledge.
Srivastava, A., & Scriver, P. (2014). Internationalism and architecture in
India after Nehru. In E. G. Haddad, & D. Rifkind (Eds.) A critical history
of contemporary architecture: 1960-2010 (pp.203-214). Burlington, VT:
Ashgate Publishing Company.
PA2602 Building Services-II Credits: 2
Objective To study the various services used in & around the buildings
Module I Introduction to Storm water drainage in urban community. Collection and
disposal of storm water in building; Run-off co-efficient. Manning’s formula.
Module II Introduction to solid waste management at urban level. Refuse disposal-
sources types collection, storage and transport, provisions for refuse
disposal at individual building level, refuse chutes; solid waste treatment.
Module III Literature study on best practice of solid waste management with seminar
(ppt. presentation and report submission)
Module IV Introduction to Rain water-harvesting. Process of collecting rain-water from
roof of building. Rural and urban model of rain-water harvesting. Components
of RWH system. Detailing of each component. Sizing of storage tank for rain-
water. Recharging of ground water. Policies of RWH in India. Calculation of
amount of rain-water, calculation of diameter of down-pipe and gutter pipes,
calculation for meeting water demand through rain-water harvesting.
Module V Electrical services- electrical fittings and appliances, transformers, MDB,
various wiring systems, calculation and distribution of load, safety measures
Module VI Telephone and television services
Module VII HVAC and fire system
Module VIII Site studies of various electrical systems and wiring services, location of
HVAC and fire system. Report submission.
Module IX Detailed layout of electrical, telephone and television services in a residence.

Essential readings Rangwala, S.C. (2015). Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering (28th
Anand: Charter Publishing House.
Birdie, G. S., and Birdie, G. S. (2010). Water Supply and Sanitary
Engineering. New Delhi:(2013).
Janis,Tao, William.K.Y. Dhanpat Rai& Sons.
Mechanical and electrical Systems in
readings th
Buildings (5 Edition). NJ: Pearsons

PA2904 Acoustics and Illumination Credits: 2

Objective To understand the basic building science related to acoustics and illumination
inside the building and to able to apply the knowledge in architectural design
Module I Basic theory of sound- frequency, wavelength, velocity, sound spectrum, sensitivity
of hearing, inverse-square law, decibel, noise exposure limits, sound level meters,
A- Weighted sound level, decibel scales for sound intensity, pressure and power;
Sound absorption- sound absorbing treatment, sound absorption coefficient,
reverberation room, application of sound-absorbing materials, reverberation time,
Module II optimum
Room reverberation
acoustics- sight time;
line basics, sight line layout, reflection, diffusion, diffraction,
ray diagram graphics, echoes, echo control principles, flutter echo; Sound isolation-
mass law, effect of stiffness, sound leaks, noise reduction between rooms, STC
contour, masking for sound isolation, noise criteria curves, room criteria curves,
impact isolation, outdoor barrier for noise control, thin-wall barrier, balconies and
overhangs, earth berms, attenuation from vegetation, temperature and wind effect,
land use planning for noise control, orientation of buildings; mechanical system
noise- basic practice of vibration isolation, rubber mounts, noise source in ducts, fan
room treatment, cross talk, air duct layout, isolation hangers; speech privacy-
speaker and listener orientation, annoyance, intruding speech, background noise,
background noise spectra;
Module III Case-studies on auditorium, dwellings, office, worship places, music performance
room, concert hall, etc.
Module IV Basic concept in lighting, qualities of light sources, lamps, luminaires, lighting
controls, quality of light, quantity of light, lighting design approach, lighting design in
spaces like residential, work place, classroom, healthcare, retail, hospitality,
common spaces, outdoor lighting design,
Module V Basic principles of daylighting, and daylighting systems; case-study on daylighting
and illumination
Essential readings Egan, M. D. (2008). Architectural Acoustics. New Castle: J. Ross
Egan, M. D. (2000). Architectural Acoustics Workbook. Lincoln, MA:
The Robert Bradford Newman Students Award Fund.
Karlen, M., Benya, J. R., and Spangler C. (2012). Lighting Design
New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons.
Nayak, J. K., and Prajapati J. A. (2006). Handbook on Energy
Conscious Buildings. Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources,
Supplementary readings Government Architectural Acoustics (2nd Edition). Cambridge, MA:
of India.
Long, M. (2014).
Elsevier Academic Press.
Rienstra, S.W., and Hirschberg, A. An Introduction to Acoustics.
: Eindhoven University of Technology

5. Fifth Semester

PA3101 Architectural Design – IV Credits: 6

Objective To carry forward knowledge gained in the previous semesters.
To design a multifunctional public building set in a particular context and
develop a comprehensive space program and design methodology.
To understand the relationship between the building, the site and
surrounding built/un-built environment
To introduce element of landscaping and design for the outdoor
environment and incorporating them through site development
To implement in detail strategies of climate responsive architecture with
To introduce energy efficient architecture
To understand, in detail, the advanced building services and incorporating
those in the building design (including detailed analysis and calculation)
To understand the relation between building interior, structural system
and the service core.
Detailed implementation of city specific urban development controls,
building byelaws and the National Building Code (as and when revised).
To explore advanced building materials and construction
technology. To develop skills for computer aided design
simulation and rendering To conduct in-depth literature studies
Module I and site visitscentre, vocational training centre, gymnasium/fitness centre, nodal
development centre for a rural region
Module II High rise residential building (stand alone)
Essential readings None
Supplementary readings As suggested by the studio instructor
PA3201 Working Drawing-I Credits: 2
Objective To be able to draw the professional drawings of the building design
Module I Introduction to the concept of professional working drawing practices; detail
construction drawing as per contract documents with proper dimensioning and
labelling; suggested building types- Plotted residential building or villa or
bungalow. Layout plan showing details of internal roads, excavation plan,
foundation plan and details, plinth layout;Floor plans, terrace plan showing
Module II Elevations
drainage. of the building showing all details on the external surface , sections
through toilets, staircases and any critical areas;Door window schedule,
staircase details.
Module III Introduction to sanction drawing, completion drawing.
Essential readings McHugh, Robert C. (1982). Working Drawing Handbook: A Guide for
Architects & Builders (2nd Edition). NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company.
Stitt, Fred A. (1998). Working Drawing Manual. New York, NY: McGraw
De Chiara, J. and Callender, John H. (2014). Time Saver Standards for
Supplementary Building Types (5th Edition). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

PA3203 Computer Aided Design and Simulation-II Credits: 2

Objective To be able to draw 3D objects in Building Information Modelling (BIM)and
other 3D software
Module I Basic tools of Autodesk Revit Architecture- getting acquainted with the Revit
interface and file types, views, modelling basics, modifying elements
Module II Advanced tools of Autodesk Revit Architecture- extended modelling, working with
other CAD applications, preparing documents for clients, schedule, sheets,
annotations, construction documentation, printing, family creation, conceptual
modelling, rendering, walkthrough
Module III 3Ds Max Design- basic commands of 3Ds Max, import of 3D model from CAD
environment, material, light, rendering, walkthrough, animation;
Module IV Google Sketch Up- basic drafting, materials, rendering, import and export to and
from other CAD platforms
Vandezande, J., Krygiel, E., and Read, P. (2014). Mastering Autodesk
Essential readings
Revit Architecture. New Delhi: Wiley India.
Stine, D. J. (2013). Commercial Design Using Autodesk Revit
Supplementary readings
KS: SDC Publication.
PA 3205 Advanced Rendering Studio Credits: 1
Objective To be able to create well-rendered presentations, involving both two
dimensional drawings and simulated three dimensional views, with the help
of digital suits
Lecture demonstration: Basics of the digital media; Operating digital rendering
suits like Corel Draw/ Adobe Illustrator for vector drawings, and Corel
Photopaint/Adobe Photoshop for raster images; Optional introduction of other 2D
rendering suits
Exercises: Rendering scaled plans, elevations, sections, and sheet layouts for
Module II existing
DIGITALdesign; development
RENDERING of portfolio 3D MODELS
Lecture demonstration: Modelling in SketchUp and rendering SketchUp Models
through V-Ray/ Kerkythea; Optional introduction of other modeling and 3D
rendering suits; Development of simple walk-through videos
Exercises: Rendering day/night views of exteriors/interiors of existing design and
simple walk-through videos
Essential readings None
Supplementary readings None

PA 3901 Interior Design Credits: 2

Objective To understand the various elements and aspects involved in the
designing of interior spaces, and to be able to implement the knowledge
Lecture demonstration: Interior layouts considering functional and perceptual
aspects; Treatment of the envelope – walls, floors, ceilings, fenestration, et
cetera, with different materials such as paint, stone, timber, glass, metal,
ceramic, fabric, composites, et cetera, and their joinery/installation
parameters; Dimensional and material requirements of furnishing, innovative
space-saving designs; Interior lighting, illuminants and luminaires; Indoor
plants; Signage and decorative objects; HVAC and safety systems
Exercises: Inventory of various commercially available products and materials
for flooring, wall cladding, false ceilings, furnishing, lighting, decoration, et
Module II cetera
Lecture demonstration: Introduction to stylistic elements of interiors from
different cultures and periods
Exercises: Development of interior design scheme of a restaurant/hotel
foyer/guest room/retail store/office/residence et cetera, following a stylistic
Essential readings
Supplementary De Chiara, J., Panero, J., and Zelnik, M. (1992). Time saver standards
readings for interior design and space planning. Singapore: McGraw-Hill Inc.

PA 3801 Landscape Design Credits: 2

Objective To understand the various elements and aspects involved in the
designing of landscapes
Lecture demonstration: Hard and soft landscaping; Soil and landform; Water
features, irrigation, and drainage; Plant classification, inventory, and use;
Pavements and ground covers, landscape furniture and ornaments,
illumination; Typological elements such as plaza, court, promenade, et cetera.
Exercises: Plant inventory and documentation of landscaping details
Lecture demonstration: Introduction to various styles of landscape design from
different cultures and periods
Exercises: Seminar on different landscape styles
Essential readings None
Supplementary Harris, C. W., and Dines, N. T. (1998). Time save standards for
readings landscape architecture: Design and construction data. New York,
NY: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.

PA 3903 Housing Credits: 2

Objective To understand the need for shelter, various issues related to the
development of housing system, and policies
To understand the housing practices, and to analyse designed
Module I environment
Definition of house and housing, dwelling unit, habitable room, household;
definition of built-up area, super built-up area, carpet area, FSI; housing
typologies – detached, semi-detached, apartments, row houses
Group study of existing housing typologies in the Institute campus; seminar
presentation on the housing typologies present in the Institute campus
Module II Site planning- site analysis, site planning principles; determinants of housing
design – social, physical and economical dimensions, housing design
guidelines, bye-laws, NBC
Seminar on LIG, MIG, HIG mass housings, and condominiums case studies
Module III Housing need, housing stock, and housing shortage; concept of formal and
informal housing; types of formal and informal housing
Module IV Housing affordability; housing finance – financial institutions; housing market;
rental housing; Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act 2016,
introduction to housing policies – PMAY, slum rehabilitation and redevelopment,
rental housing policy: stakeholder and professional involvement
Module V Concept of core housing, low cost housing, self-help housing, flex housing, and
inclusive housing
Seminar on core housing, low cost housing, self-help housing case studies, flex
Essential Reading Lynch, K. (1984). Site Planning (3rd Revised edition). Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press.
Chattopadhyay, S. New Essays on Inclusive Housing. Kolkata:
Macmillan Publishers India Ltd.
Supplementary Reading Levitt, D. and Bernstein, L. (2009). The Housing Design Handbook.
Abingdon: Routledge.
Vliet,W.V.(1998).The Encyclopaedia of Housing. CA:
Sage Publications Inc.
Correa, C. (2000). Housing and Urbanization. Mumbai: Urban
Design Research Institute

6. Sixth Semester

PA3102 Architectural Design – V Credits: 6

Objective To carry forward knowledge gained in the previous
semesters. To develop a detail scheme for site and crowd
To incorporate energy efficient architecture with detailed analysis through
theory and computer aided simulation.
To develop the building site through detailed landscape
Module I design.
Shopping mall, Commercial complex, mixed use
Module II To advancecentre,
Convention skills of computeradministrative
government aided designbuilding
simulation and rendering
(municipality/development authority building)
Essential readings None
Supplementary readings As suggested by the studio instructor

PA3202 Working Drawing - II Credits: 2

Objective To be able to draw professional drawings of building design and
Building construction drawings to be prepared as per contract documents
Module I
and following proper nomenclatures of dimensioning and labeling; in
lcontinuation to essons learned in Working Drawing – I, Building
Module II Details of toilets
Construction (plan,
Studio section, elevation, fixture/joinery details); details of
kitchen (plan, section, elevation, fixture/joinery details); additional details
e.g. carpentry details/ metal finish detail.
Module III Layout of plumbing and sanitary lines and their connection to septic
tank/main service lines; designing and detailing of a septic tank with soak
pit; electric layout of all floors with specification of fixtures; details of
Module IV flooring and
Municipal submission
internal finishes.
Module V Submissions/ Portfolio
Essential Reference materials as per topics &
Supplementary readings instructor.
readings Reference materials as per topics &
PA3902 Architectural Tour and Field Study II Credit: 1
Objective To be able to appreciate the historic and contemporary architectural
monuments/ buildings.
Module I Field study tour of historical buildings (preferably including examples of Hindu,
Islamic and Modern architecture) and collection of data/measurements for those
Module II Submission of measured drawings and report on historical buildings visited with
detailed presentation.
Essential readings As suggested by Professor-in-charge
Supplementary readings As suggested by Professor-in-charge

PA 3904 Estimation, Costing, and Specification Laboratory Credits: 2

Objective To understand the process to prepare the specification for a building and
to estimate the cost involved in the construction
Module I Calculation of excavation (earthwork): estimate of quantity
Module II Calculation of concrete work: estimate of quantity
Module III Calculation of brick work: estimate of quantity
Module IV Calculation of plaster: estimate of quantity
Module V Calculation of finishes – wall, floor, ceiling, roof: estimate of quantity
Module VI Calculation of wood work; calculation of fittings for doors and windows: estimate
of quantity
Module VII Calculation of other fittings or fixtures : estimate of quantity
Module VIII Calculation of cost of each material, labour charges for each type of work; Final
calculation of total costing of the building
Essential reading Specifications, Volume 1 and 2, CPWD,Government of India
Supplementary reading Delhi Schedule of Rates, CPWD

PA 3906 Estimation, Costing, and Specification Credit: 1

Objective To understand the process to prepare the specification for a building and
to estimate the cost involved in the construction
Module I Different methods of estimation and terminologies
Module II Specification: General specification, Details specification for different building
items; structural works, road works.; Analysis of Rate: Analysis of rates for
Earth work, Cement concrete, RCC, Brick work, plastering, etc.
Seminar on market survey of building materials, fittings, and fixtures
Module IV Estimating a project cost: Plinth area method, CBRI method
Module V Estimating a project cost: Detailed estimate of quantities
Essential reading Dutta, B. N. (2016). Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering
(28th Revised edition). New Delhi: UBS Publishers.
Supplementary reading Chakraborty, M. (2006). Estimating, Costing, Specification, and
Valuation in Civil Engineering. M.Chakraborty.

PA3908 Human Settlements and Vernacular Architecture Credits: 2

Objective To understand the context of historical development of human
settlements, and to study the changes in city planning over the time
To study the vernacular architectural practices, understand their context,
and learn the traditional way of constructing buildings in India
Module I Definition and origin of vernacular architecture; factors of vernacular
architecture; socio-cultural, geographical, climatic and religious influences on
vernacular architecture; agency and intention in vernacular architecture;
examples from different regions throughout the world
Module II Vernacular architecture in India: Seminar presentations on the vernacular
architectural practices in different regions in India
Module III Brief discussion on neo-vernacular architecture; difference between vernacular
and neo-vernacular architecture – agency and intention: explanation with
Module IV examples
Census definitions of urban, rural, class VI to class I cities, urban
agglomeration, conurbation; process of urbanization – historical perspective
Module V Town planning of Indus valley civilization, Mesopotamia, and
Module VI Town planning in Classical cities, and medieval cities – determinants and
patterns; Town planning in Renaissance and Baroque period – determinants
and patterns Students’ seminar
Module VII Colonial expansion in America and Industrial Revolution – Impact on
urbanization and settlement system; Redevelopment of Paris; City Beautiful
Movement – Planning of Washington D.C.
Students’ seminar
Module VIII Utopian Concept of urban planning – contribution of Patrick Geddes, Garden
cities, satellite towns: determinants and patterns
Student’s seminar
Module IX New Utopian Concept – Le Corbusier, F.L.Wright; Neighbourhood concept –
Students’ seminar
Essential readings Rapoport, A.(1969). House Form and Culture. London: Pearson.
Gallion, A. B.(2005). The Urban Pattern: City Planning and Design (5th
Edition). New Delhi: CBS.
Supplementary Rudofsky, B. (1987). Architecture without Architects: A Short
readings Introduction to Non-Pedigreed Architecture (Reprint edition). New
Mexico: University of New Mexico Press.
Mumphord, L. (1968). The Cities in History: Its Origins, Its
Transformations, and Its Prospects. San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace

PA3910 Building Bye Laws and Codes of Practices Credit: 1

Objective To learn the building bye-laws imposed by local government and to be able to
design the building as per the given bye-laws
Module I Development control pertaining to residential premises- plotted development, group
housing; development control pertaining to non-residential premises- foreign
mission, hostel, hotel, motel, guest house, dharmashala, convenience shopping,
local shopping, community centre, district centre, sub-central business district
centre, CBD, wholesale/ware housing, government office, health services,
educational facilities, auditorium, religious premises, security services, post and
telegraph office, public and semi-public premises, farm houses, professional activity;
Module II General building requirement- space requirement for different parts of building,
parking standards
requirement in respect of building site, means of access, exit requirement, open
space area and height limitation, lighting and ventilation of room
Module III Plumbing services- requirement of water supply for various occupancies in buildings,
requirement of sanitary fittings and installations for different occupancies in buildings
Module IV Fire protection and fire safety requirements- procedure for clearance from fire
service, renewal of fire clearance, means of access, exit requirement; fire protection
requirements- static water storage tank, automatic sprinklers, fire alarm system; fire
Module V prevention
Building services- provision of lifts, basement, service ducts, electrical services, air-
Module VI Procedure for obtaining building permit- documents, size of drawing sheets and
colouring of plans, key plan, site plan, layout plan, landscape plan, building plan,
building plans for multi-storeyed/special buildings, services plan and water supply
provisions; signing of plans, notice for alteration, building permit fees, procedure
during construction work, notice of completion, occupancy/ completion certificate
Essential readings BIS, National Building Code, 2016
Supplementary readings TCPO, Govt. of India, Model Building Bye-Laws, 2016

PA3912 Theory of Design Credits: 3

Objective To study various Theories of Design and Process and its applications.
Understanding and appreciation of principles and percept's of issues
related to design in theory and practice. Appreciation of architectural
spaces and things with respect to man and his behavior.
Module I What is Designing?; The Designers' Objectives and Challenges; Is Designing
an Art, a Science or a Form of Mathematics?
Module II Evolution of Design; History of Design Methodology.
Module III Design process – design as a process, different school of thoughts and
processes, philosophies and approaches to design and its methodology,
stages of design (divergence, transformation and convergence); systematic
search (decision system approach, logical certainty); selection of strategies
and methods (linear, cyclic, branching, adaptive, incremental, random search)
Module IV KISS principles (Kelly Johnson); Affordance (Gibson, Don Norman); Use-
and others.
centered design (John Flach and Cynthia Dominguez); User-centered design
(UCD); HCI (Human-computer Interaction); Human-centered design (HCD).
Module V Seminars/ Assignments/ Practical

Essential readings Jones, J. C. (1992). Design Methods. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Cross, N. (1993). A History of Design Methodology.
Ritter, F.E, Baxter, G.D, Churchill, E.F,User-Centered Systems
Design: A Brief History. In: Foundations for Designing User-
Centered Systems, Springer.
Norman, D. (2013). The Design of Everyday Things (2nd Edition).
NY: Basic Books
Supplementary readings Jormakka, K., Schurer, O., and Kuhlmann, D. (2013). Basic
Design Methods (3rd Edition). Basel: Birkhauser Verlag AG.
Journals, Papers, and reference materials as per topics&

7. Seventh Semester

PA4101 Architectural Design – VI Credits: 6

Objective To carry forward knowledge gained in the previous
semesters. To incorporate detail strategies for sustainable
To introduce basic principles of redevelopment projects
To generate superior quality of computer aided design
Module I simulations
District To conduct
level hospital, in-depth
5-star casecentre,
hotel, city studies, site visits andperformance art
centre, transport terminal, Exhibition centre/museum, sports facility Group
housing/condominium, multi-speciality hospital
Module II
Redevelopment of a brownfield site
Essential readings None
Supplementary readings As suggested by the studio instructor

PA4701 Seminar and Technical Writing I Credit: 1

Objective To acquaint students with the process of in-depth study on a topic and also
present and prepare report on the topic.
Module I Study on any topic from architectural and allied subjects by individual student
with oral and visual presentation.
Module II Documentation and submission of report on the topic with proper formatting and
Essential readings As per the topic.
Supplementary readings As per the topic.

PA4901 Academic Portfolio Credits: 2

Objective To compile selected academic, and non-academic projects and prepare
Module I Identification of academic and non-academic projects to be included in portfolio;
Digitisation, and compilation of drawings.
Module II Preparation of portfolio.
Essential readings None
Supplementary readings None

PA4301 Advanced Building Materials Credits: 2

Objective To learn the properties of contemporary materials used in building
architecture and to be able to use these materials in professional
Module I practice.and polymers: General properties of plastics, fillers and plasicizers,
molding and fabricating methods for plastics, thermosetting plastics,
thermoplastics resins, elastomers or synthetic rubbers, combination of plastic
Module II Clay blocks,
and other concrete blocks, other non-clay blocks, blockwork, block paving.
Module III Glass: manufacture, non-sheet products, sheet products, glass supporting
Module IV Glassfibre-reinforced plastics, Glassfibre-reinforced concrete and
Glassfibre- reinforced gypsum.
Module V Synthetic boards and composite panels.
Module VI Asphalt and bituminous products.
Module VII Recycled and ecological materials: Fal-G cement, straw bales, cardboard,
clay board and clay plaster, papercrete etc.
Module VIII Case study (or study on the application of the materials in buildings) on any
topic from the above mentioned modules by the students. Submission of
report along with oral and visual presentation.
Essential readings Lyons, A. (2014). Materials for Architects and Builders (5th
Abingdon: Routledge.
Merritt, F. S., and Ricketts, J. T. (2001). Building Design and Construction
Handbook (6th Revised edition). NY: McGraw-Hill.
Duggal, S. K. (2012). Building Materials (4th Edition). Kolkata: New Age
Supplementary Engelsmann, S., Spalding, V., and Peters, S. (2010). Plastics in
readings Architecture and Construction. Basel: Birkh User Architecture.
Shrivastava, U. K. (2012). Building Materials Technology. New Delhi:
Galgotia Publications.
Rangwala, S. C. (2014). Engineering Materials. Anand: Charotar
Publishing House.

PA 4303 Advanced Building Construction Credits: 3

Objective To learn the advance techniques of construction in building architecture and
to be able to apply these learning in solving the architectural construction
Module I problem
Introduction to space structures, possibilities in different materials, types of space
structures and possibilities in different materials to cover large spans
Module II General study of shell structures and folded plate structures in concrete, their types,
construction aspects, merits and demerits etc;
General study of grid structures and skeletal structures, space frames, domes etc. In
steel, their types, construction aspects, merits and demerits etc;
Module III General study of suspension structures & catenary structures;
Membrane structures and pneumatic structures - types, materials used, merits,
demerits and examples
Module IV Precast concrete - design considerations and constraints, advantages over cast in
situ construction, construction technique, joinery details and application;
Modular coordination, RCC fabricated roofing system to cover large span with or
without north light, construction of basement in R.C.C;
Study of pre-stressed concrete, principles and methods of pre-stressing, systems of
pre- stressing, advantages, disadvantages and applications.
Module V Temporary structures - materials and techniques used, constructional aspects using
timber and steel; general study of construction techniques to cover large spans
using short length timber and laminated timber materials, lamella roofing, portal
frames, solid beams and web beams.
Module VI High-rise building - foundation, structural systems and architectural design
considerations; Earthquakes and its effect on buildings, earthquake zones in India,
architectural design considerations and constructional detailing for earthquake
resistance. Salvadorri, M. G., and Heller, R. A. (1975). Structures in Architecture
Essential readings
Revised L.S.
Supplementary readings Beedle, edition). NJ:Advances
(1986). Prentice Hall.
in Tall Buildings. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Barry, R. The Construction of Buildings, Vol.1-5. Kolkata: Orient
Chudley, R. (2014). Construction Technology, Vol. 1-4. NJ:
Pearson Education.
Explanatory Handbook on Codes for Earthquake Engineering, IS-
1893- 1975 & IS-4326-1976, Bureau of Indian Standards
PA4501 Project Management Credits: 2
Objective To understand the risks and responsibilities of architects & project
managers and accordingly formulate the schedule of any projects.
Module I Introduction to Project planning; Project participants and project planning
process; Work breakdown structure, Project scheduling, Gantt chart,
Management of Time, Cost, Labour and Scope; Project planning
methodologies-CPM, PDM, PERT, GERT, SLAM, DPM, Critical Chain Planning,
etc.; Project Monitoring-Earned Value Analysis.
Module II Tenders- types, tender notice, tender documents, and various procedures;
Contract- types, procedures, document, and various conditions of contract with
special reference to responsibilities and liabilities of architect, contractor and
Module III client. resolution mechanism; Introduction to various Acts and Laws related to
Arbitration and Conciliation- their proceedings, Arbitration case studies.
Essential readings Patil, B.S.(2015). Civil Engineering Contracts & Estimates
Edition). Kolkata: Orient Blackswan Private Ltd.
Heerkens, G. R. (2005). Project Management. NY: McGraw-Hill.
Klein, H. (2007). Basics Project Planning. Basel: Birkhauser
PMBOK guidelines
Namavati, R. H. (2016). Professional Practice: With Elements of
Supplementary readings Estimating,
None Valuation, Contract and Arbitration. Mumbai: Lakhani
Book Depot.

8. Eighth Semester

PA 4802 Professional Training Credits: 6

Objective To gain a comprehensive learning of architectural practice and its day-to-day
requirements from hands-on experience as an intern
The students overall performance during the tenure of internship would be graded
by the competent authority at the training agency, following the performance criteria
outlined in the Training Manual.
To be conducted by the department through a viva voce, along with review of
deliverables specified in the Training Manual
Essential readings None
Supplementary readings None

PA 4902 Documentation of Architectural Details of Interest Credits: 2

Objective To be aware of architectural details as may be observed in the day-to-day
environment, and to inculcate a habit of observation of the environment,
resulting in continual, day-to-day learning
To be conducted by the department through a viva voce, along with review of
deliverables specified in the Training Manual
Essential readings None
Supplementary readings None

PA 4904 Field Observations Credits: 3

Objective To develop a keen sense of observation of the built-environment, as well as
develop analytical capabilities to process the information as learning
To be conducted by the department through a viva voce, along with review of
deliverables specified in the Training Manual
Essential readings None
Supplementary readings None

PA 4906 Site Supervision Credits: 2

Objective To understand the various elements, aspects, and processes involved in the
inspection and monitoring of architectural project sites
To be conducted by the department through a viva voce, along with review of
deliverables specified in the Training Manual
Essential readings None
Supplementary readings None

PA 4908 Critical Appraisal of an Architectural Project Credits: 3

Objective To be able to critically observe, study, research, analyse, and appraise
architectural projects on the basis of relevant criteria
To be conducted by the department through a viva voce, along with review of
deliverables specified in the Training Manual
Essential readings None
Supplementary readings None

9. Ninth Semester

PA5101 Architectural Design VII (urban design) Credits: 3

Objective To understand the fundamentals of a large scale urban design
To address various urban design issues face in the local area through
studio assignment
Module I Urban design theories and criticism
Urban design terminologies and definitions, concept of space and place, History
of urban form and space, urban design through history, determinants of urban
forms, components of urban structure, concept of layering, urban design policies
and practices
Module II Planning tools for urban design
Urban design methodologies, methods of urban design surveys, documentation
and representation, introduction to site planning,
Module III Practical application of Module I and Module II
Project - Urban design solution for a local area.
Lynch, K. (1984). Good City form (Reprint edition). Cambridge, MA:
Essential readings
MIT Press.
Lynch, K. (1984). Site Planning (3rd Revised edition). Cambridge,
MIT Press.
Gosling, D., and Maitland, Barry. (1985). Concepts of Urban design.
New York, NY: St. Martin's Press
Lang , J. (2005). Urban Design: A Typology of Procedures and
ProductsIllustrated with 50 Case Studies. New York, NY:
Architectural Press
Morris, A. E. J. (1994). History of Urban Form (3rd Edition). Harlow:
Supplementary readings Longman.
As suggested by the studio instructor

PA5201 Architectural Thesis Research Credits: 4

Objective To collect, and analyse the required data for the synthesis stage of
final year thesis project
Module I Identification of research area
Module II Presentation on: Background, need, aim and objectives of the research,
methodological framework of the research; Identification of case studies
Module III Presentation on: Literature review and analyses of secondary case
studies; Standard study, Study of by-laws and other relevant acts and
standards; Tentative area programming
Module IV Report submission
Essential readings As suggested by the instructor
Supplementary readings As suggested by the instructor

PA5601 Advanced Building Services Credits: 2

Objective To learn the advance services related to building architecture and to
be able to apply these learning in professional practice.
Module I Mechanical ventilation - study of Air Conditioning systems and their
applicability; components of AC’s systems such as chilling plants; cooling
towers; air handling units; calculation of AC loads; air distribution systems;
Module II Fire
ductssafety- Introduction
and ducting to fire safety in building, causes of fire in buildings,
types of fire, spread of fire, production of smoke and poisonous gases; fire
safety and preventive measures, fire fighting regulations with reference to
National Building Code, fire escape, stairways and escape routes; dry and
wet risers; water demand for fire fighting, storage tanks, fire hydrants; study
of fire detection systems, smoke detectors, heat detectors, fire alarms, fire
fighting extinguishing systems, automatic sprinkler systems.
Module III Vertical transportation - study of elevators and various components,
standard space requirements; various types of elevators and architectural
implications; study of escalators, their components, arrangements and
functioning, space requirement, construction detailing.
Module IV Viva/ Seminars/ Assignments.
National Building Code, 2005, BIS.
Ananthanarayan, P. N. (2013). Basic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
(4th Edition). New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
Adler, R. R. (1988). Vertical Transportation for Buildings. Cambridge, MA:
American Elsevier Pub. Co.
Life Safety Code, National Fire Protection Association, USA
Nield, D. Mitchell’s Advanced Building Construction (Components,
Services & Finishes). Allied Publishers
Arora, C. P. (2008). Refrigeration & Air conditioning (3rd Edition). New
York: McGraw-Hill Education.
Hall, F. E. (2016). Building Services and Equipments - Vol. I – II. Harlow:
Longman Group Ltd.
Journals, Papers, and reference materials as per topics& instructor.

PA5701 Seminar and Technical Writing II Credits: 2

Objective To acquaint students with the process of in-depth study on a topic and
also present and prepare report on the topic.
Module I Study on any topic from architectural and allied subjects by individual student
with oral and visual presentation.
Module II Documentation and submission of report on the topic with proper formatting and
Essential readings As per the topic.
Supplementary readings As per the topic.

PA 5401 Advanced Structural Systems Credits: 2

Objective To learn the advance techniques of construction in building architecture and
to be able to apply these learning in solving the architectural construction
Module I problem
Study of structural systems like bulk active structures: study of beams, columns,
slabs, structural characteristics ,case studies
Module II Study of structural systems form active structures : cables: structural behaviour of
cables, cable stayed roofs; arches: structural behaviour of arches, types of arches,
comparison of arch and beam, Arch roofs: types and case studies
Module III Vector active structures: triangulation, uses and analysis of trusses, structural
Module IV Surface active structures :curvatures, surfaces; shells and domes : structural
characteristics, case studies; Membrane structures: structural characteristics;
Pneumatic structures: types, structural behaviour
Essential readings Salvadorri, M. G., and Heller, R. A. (1975). Structures in Architecture
Supplementary readings Raju, edition).
N. K., NJ: Prentice
and Pranesh, Hall.
R.N.(2003). Reinforced Concrete Design:
Principles and Practice. New Delhi: New Age International Pvt Ltd

PA5501 Professional Practice Credit: 1

Objective To learn the basic responsibilities and liabilities towards the profession,
client and society.
Module I Introduction; Nature of profession and its importance in Indian context; The
Architect’s Act 1972 & its effect on profession and education; Registration of
Architect;Code of professional conduct, Architect’s liabilities; Consideration of
engagement and scale of charges; Architectural Competition guidelines.
Module II Types of Business organizations; The Architect and his organization, objectives,
management and administration, job organization and office set up; Fire insurance
and Architectural copyright; Easement rights, dilapidations, repairs and fair rent.
Module III Evaluation and Audit of Fire and Life safety design in buildings.
Module IV Guidelines for Architectural practice policy on practice in a host nation, liabilities
of local and foreign architects.
Handbook on Professional Practice (2002). The Council of
Essential readings
Architecture India.
Garg, S.C., and Garg, Y.K. (2014). Professional Practice of
New Delhi: Satya Prakashan.
Chakraborty, M. (2006). Estimating, Costing, Specification, and
Supplementary readings Valuation
None in Civil Engineering. M.Chakraborty.

1. Tenth Semester

Architectural Thesis PA5202 Credits: 10

Objective Application of all theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the
previous semesters to design, prepare detailed drawings of a thesis
project and preparation of a thesis report
Module I Analyses of primary case studies; Site analysis; Final area statement;
Zoning; Buble diagram; Concept
Module II Single line plans; Sections; Elevations; Block
Module III Double line plans; Sections; Elevations, Detail model/ block model+ 3D
Module IV Final presentation (sheets): Inferences from secondary and primary case
studies, Concept, Final area statement, Zoning and Buble diagram;
Double line plans; Sections; Elevations, Detail (if any); 3D views; Detail
Module V model
Final presentation (report)
Essential readings As suggested by the
As suggested by the
Supplementary readings

PA5902 Comprehensive Viva-Voce Credits: 3

Objective The comprehensive viva-voce aims to test the holistic comprehension of
the student covering all the subjects taught.
Module I Entire syllabus (1st to 9th semester)
Essential readings None
Supplementary readings None

Int. MSc

Detailed Syllabi

CY 101 CHEMISTRY 3 Credits [2-1-0]

PHYSICAL CHEMISTRTY: Spectroscopy: Interaction of molecules with electromagnetic

radiation, rotational, vibrational and electronic spectroscopy, selection rules, basic concepts
of emission, absorption and LASER Chemical kinetics: Rate equation, order, molecularity,
methods of determination of order of a reaction, examples and rate equations of zero, first,
second and pseudo first order reactions, temperature dependence of rate constants,
Arrhenius theory, concept of activation energy, significance of catalysts. Electrochemistry:
Oxidation-reduction reactions, electrochemical cells, Nernst equation and its significance,
standard reduction potential, calculation of solubility product, mean ionic activity coefficient
and pH of aqueous medium, commercial dry cell batteries (alkaline) and hydrogen fuel cells
(basic idea).

INORGANIC CHEMISTRY: Atomic, molecular chemistry: Schrodinger wave equation

(origin of quantization), Interpretation of wave function (radial and angular), Hydrogen atom:
concept of atomic and molecular orbitals, Structure, bonding and energy levels of diatomic
molecules. Examples N2, O2, CO and HF. Chemical bonding: VB, VSEPR, MO theory,
Werner’s coordination theory, Chelate Effect (Metal-EDTA complexes), Crystal field theory:
splitting of tetrahedral and octahedral complexes, structural concepts of Ni(CO) 4, Fe(CO)5
and Mo(CO)6 complexes, Importance of metal ions in biological systems (Mg, Fe & Cu).

Organic reaction mechanisms & reactive intermediates: Introduction to Organic

compounds, Reactions of aliphatic compounds, Carbocations, carbanions and free radicals
(Generation, stability and reactions), substitution (S N1, SN2, SNi, neighbouring group
participation, factor affecting SN reaction), elimination (E1,E2, E1CB) and addition reactions
(C-C double bond).
General methods of polymerisation, common types of polymers and their application in daily

Course Outcomes: This course aims to provide an understanding how fundamental

principles of chemistry are related to atomic, electronic and thermodynamic properties of
matter. Students would also be able to relate basic chemical principles with materials used in
daily life and industry.

Essential Reading:
1. P. W. Atkins, Elements of Physical Chemistry, 4th Ed., Oxford University Press, 2007.
2. F. A. Carey, R. M. Guuliano, Organic Chemistry, Mcgraw-Hill, 6th edition, 2006.
3. J.D. Lee, Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 5th edition, Blackwell Publishing, 2008.
4. Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy, C. N. Banwell, E. N. McCash Tata McGraw-Hill
Education, 1994.

Supplementary Reading:
1. J. Singh, L.D.S. Yadav, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Pragati Prakashan, 2009.
2. J. E. Huheey, E. A. Keiter and R. L. Keiter, Inorganic Chemistry, Principles of structure
and reactivity, Harper Collins, 1993.
3. Clayden, Greeves, Warren and Wothers, Organic Chemistry, Oxford, 2001.
4. B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, M. S. Pathania, Principles of physical Chemistry, Shoban Lal
Nagin Chand & Co., 2001.

CY 170 CHEMISTRY LABORATORY 1.5 Credits [0-0-3]

Academic Group: Chemistry


Determination of Hardness of water, Determination of the amount of Dissolved oxygen in

water sample, Estimation of Iron content in the given Iron salt solution, Estimation of Calcium
in given lime stone sample, Reaction kinetics of Hydrolysis of Ester, Kinematic viscosity of
Oil by Redwood Viscometer, Determination of Optical rotation of Sucrose, Partition
coefficient of a binary mixture, Conductometric titration of strong acid vs strong base,
Potentiometric titration of weak base vs strong acid.



Academic Group: Organic Chemistry

Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: alkanes: Synthesis and reactions, conformational itinerary of
alkanes, alkenes: Synthesis and reactions, stereochemistry, addition reaction,
Markownikov’s rule, peroxide effect, hydroboration, allylic substitution by NBS, ozonolysis,
polymerization, free radical, cationic and anionic including the mechanisms; Dienes:
Synthesis and reactions, types, Synthesis of 1, 3-butadiene from 1, 4-Butanediol, 1,2- and 1,
4- diol, reaction of 1, 3-butadiene with electrophiles, Diels-Alder reaction, Alkynes:
Synthesis and reactions, acidity of alkynes in comparison with alkanes and alkenes,
formation of acetylides, ozonolysis and hydroboration, Aromatic Hydrocarbons:
aromaticity, resonance energy, resonance structures of naphthalene, anthracene and
phenanthracene, electrophillic substitution reactions of benzene with mechanism, ortho,
para- & meta-directing groups.
Alchohols: Synthesis and reactions; Thiols: Synthesis and reactions; phenols: Synthesis,
reactions (Reimer-Tiemann’s reaction. Kolbe’s reaction and Fries rearrangement), Synthesis
of resorcinol and napthols (α- and β-).
Organic Halogen Compounds: Synthesis and reactions, Substitution (S N1, SN2, SNi) and
Elimination reactions (E1, E2, E1CB) and comparison [Effect of reagents and reaction
Carbonyl compounds: Synthesis (Vilsmeier formylation) and reactions, addition reaction,
Aldol condensation, Schiff’s base-hydrazone, oxime, Perkin’s reaction, Cannizzarro’s
reaction, acetal Synthesis, base catalyzed halogenations reaction of ketones (Iododform
reaction,). α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds-preparation and properties, Michael
addition; Keto-enol tautomerism.
Carboxylic acid and its derivatives (esters, anhydrides, acid halides, amides):
Synthesis and reactions.
Aromatic nitro compounds: Synthesis, reduction in neutral, acidic and alkaline media,
Amines: Separation of amines from mixture by Hinsberg’s method using p-toluenesulphonyl
chloride. Synthesis and reactions with nitrous acid, Hoffmann-Martius rearrangement;
Diazonium compounds: preparation and application in organic transformations.

Course Outcomes: This course provides the basic foundation to understand the higher
level of organic chemistry with common organic compounds and their reactivity.

Essential Reading:
1. P.Y. Bruice, Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2009.
2. R.K. Bansal, Organic Chemistry, Norosa Publication, 2001.
3. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Volume 1, 6 th Edition, Pearson Education, 2002.
Supplementary Reading:
1. S.K. Ghosh, Advanced general organic Chemistry, Part I & II, New Central Book Agency,
Pvt. Ltd. 2009.


Academic Group: Inorganic Chemistry


Atomic Structure: de-Broglie matter waves, Uncertainty principle, Schrodinger wave

equation, quantum numbers and its significance, Radial and angular wave functions, Radial
and angular distribution curves, shape of s, p, d orbitals, Angular and radial nodes, sign of
orbitals. Pauli’s exclusion principle, Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity, Aufbau’s principle
and its limitations, Variation of orbital energy with atomic number. Periodicity of Elements:
Effective nuclear charge, shielding or screening effect, Slater rules, variation of effective
nuclear charge in periodic table. Atomic radii (van der Waals), Ionic and crystal radii,
Covalent radii (octahedral and tetrahedral), Ionization energy and its applications. Electron
affinity, Electronegativity, Pauling’s and Mulliken’s electronegativity scales. Chemical
Bonding: Ionic bond: types of ions, size effects, radius ratio rule and its limitations. Packing
of ions in crystals. Structure of NaCl, CsCl, ZnS, TiO 2, CdI2. Expression for lattice energy.
Born equation, polarizability, Fajan’s rule, and its applications. Covalent bonds: Lewis theory,
Resonance, VBT, quantum mechanical approach to hybridization, directional characteristics,
deduction of geometry by VSEPR method, Bent’s Rule, Qualitative treatment of MO theory
applied to homo (N2 vs O2) and hetero (HF, CO, NO) diatomic molecules. Coordination
Chemistry: Ligands, coordination numbers, coordination sphere, Nomenclature, Werner’s
theory, EAN, Chelates, isomerism in coordination compounds, Valence Bond theory, Crystal
Field Theory, octahedral, tetrahedral and square planner complexes, calculation of CFSE in
octahedral and tetrahedral geometry. Bioinorganic Chemistry: Essential metal ions,
Biological ligands for metal ions, Metal ions specificity, O2 storage/transport:

Course Outcomes: The students can apply the fundamental principles of measurement,
matter, atomic theory, chemical periodicity, chemical bonding, general chemical reactivity
and solution chemistry to subsequent courses in science, engineering, technology, allied
sciences and various other related disciplines that depend upon these principles for
successful comprehension.
Essential readings:
1. G. L. Miessler and D. A. Tarr Inorganic Chemistry, 3 rd edition, Pearson.
2. Huheey, Keiter and Keiter, Inorganic chemistry Principle, structure and reactivity. 4 th
Supplementary readings:
1. D. F. Shriver, P. W. Atkins and C. H. Langford, Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford University
Press, 1990.
2. M. Chanda, Structure and Chemical bond, Tata McGraw Hill Atomic Edition, 2000.



Academic Group: Physical and Computational Chemistry


Kinetic Theory of Gases: Maxwell distribution of molecular velocities and energies,

Compressibility, Real Gases: Deviation of real gases from ideal behaviour, van der Waals
equation, Virial equation of state, Critical Phenomena, Principle of corresponding states,
Liquifaction of gases, Enthalpy, Entropy and Energy Functions: Gibbs-Helmholtz
Equation, Chemical potential, Gibbs-Duhem equation, Clapeyron equation, Clausius-
Clapeyron equation, Fugacity and activity, Chemical Equilibrium: Law of mass action,
van’t Hoff reaction isotherm, Kp, Kc and Kx, Temperature dependence of equilibrium
constant, Phase Equilibrium: Conditions for equilibrium between phases, Gibbs phase rule,
Application of Clapeyron’s equation to construct phase diagram, Temperature dependence
of vapour pressure, Three representative phase diagrams for one component system (CO 2,
H2O, He), Two-component systems: Simple eutectic system, Azeotropes, Ionic
Equilibrium: Dissociation of water, Common ion effect, Buffer solution, Hydrolysis of salts,
Acid-Base indicators, Solubility product, Electrolytic conductance, Ionic mobility, transport
number, Nernst equation and its application, Kohlrausch’s law, Ostwald’s dilution law,
Debye-Huckel Limiting law, Colligative Properties: Raoult’s law, Vapor pressure lowering,
Osmosis, Boiling point elevation, Freezing point depression, Chemical Kinetics:
Temperature dependence of rate constants, Arrhenius theory, concept of activation energy,
Theories of reaction rates, Collision theory and Activated complex theory, Lindemann theory
of unimolecular reactions, Complex reactions, Steady-State approximation, Introduction to
Catalysis: Characteristics of catalysts and catalytic reactions, Concept of heterogeneous
and homogeneous catalysis, Enzymatic catalysis, Michaelis-Menten equation.

Course Outcomes: This course would be able to introduce basic principles of physical
chemistry to the undergraduate students. Students are expected to develop an analytical
aptitude towards fundamentals of physical chemistry.
Essential readings:
1. P.W. Atkins and Julio de Paula, Atkin’s Physical Chemistry, Oxford University Press, 2010
2. Thomas Engel and Philip Reid, Physical Chemistry, Pearson Education, 2006
Supplementary readings:
1. David W. Ball, Physical Chemistry, Cengage Learning, 2002
2. K. L. Kapoor, Text Book of Physical Chemistry, Macmillan, 2006

Academic Group: Organic Chemistry

Detection of elements (C,H,N,S, Halogen) in organic Compounds, Detection of functional
groups: amine, amide, alcohol, phenol, nitro, carboxylic acid, aldehyde, ketone, unsaturation
etc., Derivative preparation (amide, acid, anilide, ester, picrate, hydrazine, semicarbazone,
2, 4-DNP etc).

Course Outcomes: This course enables the students a comprehensive understanding of

the basic laboratory techniques like chromatography and purification, etc.

Essential Reading
1. V K Ahluwalia and R Aggarwal, Comprehensive practical organic chemistry, University
Press. 2000
2. Brian S. Furniss, Vogel’s Text Book of Practical Organic Chemistry, ELBS Longman,
5th edition, 1996.

Supplementary Reading
1. D S Gupta, Experimental Organic Chemistry, Qualitative and Quantitative,
2. Addison Ault, Techniques and Experiments for Organic Chemistry, University Science



Academic Group: Organic Chemistry


Stereochemistry: Configuation and conformation, Geometrical isomerism, Optical

isomerism, Enantiomers, Diastereomers, projection formulae, interconversion of projection
formulas, D-L and R-S nomenclature (CIP rules), Erythro and threo nomenclature. dl- and
meso compounds, Atropisomerism, Stereospecific and stereoselective reactions,
Conformations vs reactivity of cycloalkanes.
Aliphatic Electrophilic Substitution: SE1, SE2, and SEi, factors affecting reactivity, effect of
substrate structure, leaving group, and solvent, halogenations of carbonyl compounds,
halogenations of sulfoxides and sulfones, aliphatic diazonium compounds, diazo transfer
reactiuons, nitrosation reactions at carbon and nitrogen. Keto-enol tautomerism. Active
methylene compounds (ethyl acetoacetate, malonic ester, acetylacetone) in organic
Heterocyclic compounds: Classification, Synthesis and reactions of furan, thiophene,
pyrrole, pyridine, indole, quinoline, isoquinoline.
Organometallic compounds: Definition with examples, Preparation and synthetic
applications of Organomagnesium reagent, organolithium compounds, Organozinc
compounds, organocopper compounds, selected Name reactions (Grignard Reaction,
Reformatsky Reaction and Gillman reaction) and their application in organic Synthesis.

Course Outcomes: The concept of stereoisomerism in the context of organic chemistry

(i.e., tetrahedral carbon), recognition and assignment of configuration, separation and
analysis of stereoisomers will be discussed. With the continuation of this course, students
will transit from memorization to understanding by programmed exposure to integrated
problems involving mechanism and multi-step synthetic planning. Towards the final half of
this course, heterocyclic and organometallic compounds will be taught and that should
enable a transition from simple organic compounds to complex ones.
Essential readings:
1. P.Y. Bruice, Organic Chemistry, Pearson Education, 3rd Ed. 2009.
2. T. W. G. Solomons & C. B. Fryhle, Organic Chemistry, Wiley student Edition, 8th Ed.
3. T. L. Gilchrist, Heterocyclic Chemistry, Pearson Education, 3rd Ed. 2007.
Supplementary readings:
1. S. K. Ghosh, Advanced General organic Chemistry, Part I &II, New Central Book Agency,
Pvt. Ltd.2009.
2. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Volume 1, 6 th Edition, Pearson Education, 2002.

Academic Group: Inorganic Chemistry


Symmetry and point groups: Symmetry elements and symmetry operations. Special and
axial point groups. Bonding: MOT to polyatomic molecules (BeH2, H2O, BH3, CO2). Hard
soft acid base (HSAB) theory and its applications. Coordination compounds: Overview of
Crystal Field Theory (CFT), Spectrochemical Series. Application of CFT: Electronic (Color)
and Magnetic properties of co-ordination compounds. John-Teller distortion. Ligand Field
Theory (Molecular Orbital Theory) for octahedral, tetrahedral, square planar geometry,
Spectrochemical Series based on Molecular orbital theory, Angular overlap method-Strength
of interaction between ligand orbitals and metal d-orbitals. LS coupling: Term and Symbol,
Microstates and determination of ground state.

Course Outcomes: Student learn certain advanced concepts in inorganic chemistry. In

addition, they will learn the importance of various inorganic materials such as
organometallic, co-ordination and f-block elements.

Essential readings:
1. J. D. Lee, Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 5 th Edition, Blackwell Publishing, 2008.
2.Gary L. Miessler, Donald A. Tarr, Inorganic Chemistry, Third Edition, Peason Education.
3. Huheey, Keiter and Keiter, Inorganic chemistry Principle, structure and reactivity. 4 th
4. Chemical applications of group theory, F. A. Cotton, Wiley.
5. Cotton and Wilkenson, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley Easter, 1976.

Supplementary readings:
1. D. F. Shriver, P. W. Atkins and C. H. Langford, Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford University
Press, 1990.
2. Keith F. Purcell and John C. Kotz, Inorganic Chemistry, Saunders.


Academic Group: Physical and Computational Chemistry

Atomic Structure: Hydrogen atom, quantum numbers, probability distribution of electron
cloud in hydrogen atoms, orbital and spin angular momentum, spectroscopic term symbols
for single electron system and atomic spectra (only fine structure of hydrogen & lithium
atom), spectroscopic term symbols for multi electronic atoms (significance of L, S and J)
and ground state term symbols Chemical Bonding: Valence bond theory and its limitation,
molecular orbital (MO) theory, diatomic and polyatomic systems (concepts of σ, π, non
bonded orbitals), effect of conjugation. Molecular Term symbols. Molecular Interactions:
Lennard Jones potential, intermolecular forces of attraction, classification of solids in terms
of bonding (crystalline and amorphous solids, examples only), metallic bonding, introductory
concept of conductors, semiconductors and insulators in terms of band gaps. Molecular
spectroscopy: Spectral regions and molecular motions, elementary concepts of rotational
(diatomic rigid rotor, selection rules) spectroscopy, molecular vibrations (qualitative
treatment of simple harmonic and anharmonic oscillator, selection rules), fundamental
modes of vibration (examples of H2O and CO2), Raman spectra (brief concept) for
molecular vibrations only (examples of H2O and CO2), rule of mutual exclusion, electronic
spectra (vibronic levels, absorption and emission), Beer-Lambert law, application in simple
organic molecules.

Course Outcomes: The course aims to focus on the details of microscopic picture of matter.
Student would be expected to develop strong understanding of the macroscopic phenomena
from a microscopic or molecular point of view.
Essential readings:
1. P.W. Atkins and Julio de Paula, Atkin’s Physical Chemistry, Oxford University Press,
2. C. N. Banwell, E. N. McCash, Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy Tata McGraw-Hill
Education, 1994.
3. Donald A. McQuarrie, Quantum Chemistry, University Science Books, (Indian Edition:
Viva Books Pvt Ltd. 2003).
4. M. S. Gopinathan and V. Ramakrishnan, Group Theory in Chemistry, Vishal Publishers,
Supplementary readings:
1. Thomas Engel and Philip Reid, Physical Chemistry, Pearson Education, 2006
2. K. L. Kapoor, Text Book of Physical Chemistry, Macmillan, 2006
3. F. A. Cotton, Chemical Applications of Group Theory, Wiley Eastern, 1991.
4. J. Michael Hollas, Basic Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy, Royal Society of Chemistry,


Academic Group: Physical and Computational Chemistry


Accuracy, precession, errors (systematic and random), estimation of errors.

1. Determination of Order for the Persulphate-Iodide Reaction
2. Determination of the rate constant of hydrolysis of an ester in aqueous acidic medium.
3. Conductometric titration of a mixture of strong and weak acid with a strong base
4. pH metric titration of a mixture of strong and weak acid with a strong base
5. Study of the distribution equilibrium of iodine in water/tolune.
6. Adsorption charatertistics of acetic acid on charcoal
7. Verification of Beer-Lambert law.
8. Ionization constant of a weak acid (acetic acid).
9. Solubility of a sparingly soluble salt.
10. Determination of pKa values of Orhophosphoric acid using pH Meter

Course Outcomes: These experiments are intended to acquaint the students with the
practice of experimental physical chemistry. The outcomes are to understand the
interconnection between experimental foundation and underlying theoretical principles and
to develop laboratory skills and get familiar with a variety of physico-chemical measurement

Essential Reading
1. R. C. Das and B. Behera, Experimental Physical Chemistry, , Tata McGraw Hill 2000
2. B. Viswanathan and P. S. Raghavan, Practical Physical Chemistry, Viva Books, Third
edition, 2012
Supplementary Reading
1.D. Alart, Practical Physical Chemistry, Longman, 1993.


Academic Group: Organic Chemistry

Estimation of a) No. of hydroxyl (-OH) groups in alcohols; b) Amide (-CONH2) groups in

amides; c) Keto-enol equillibrium of a keto ester; d) Nitrogen; e) Ascorbic acid from fruit
juice; f) no. of methoxy groups.
Determination of a) Iodine no. of fat or oil; b) Molecular weight of a substance

Course Outcomes: The students will become familiar with various quantitative methods
used for analysis of organic compounds.

Essential Reading:
1. A. I. Vogel, John Bassett, Vogel's textbook of quantitative inorganic analysis: including
elementary instrumental analysis, Longman, 2003.
2. D S Gupta, Experimental Organic Chemistry, Qualitative and Quantitative,
Supplementary Reading:
1. Brian S. Furniss, Vogel’s Text Book of Practical Organic Chemistry, ELBS Longman, 5th
edition, 1996.



Academic Group: Environment and Materials Chemistry


What is Materials Chemistry? Different Types of Materials, Uses of Materials, Approaches to

Producing New Materials, New Properties, and Uses, The Role of Chemistry in Materials
Science. Fundamental Principles that Underlie Materials Chemistry. Basic Synthesis and
Reaction Chemistry, Principles that Underlie Materials Synthesis. Structure Determination
and Special Techniques for Materials Characterization. Processing of inorganic solids,
metals, polymers, and semiconductors, both traditional and advanced, and their mechanical,
electrical, magnetic, optical and thermal properties. Introduction to Nano chemistry,
Synthesis of nanomaterials (top down and bottom up), Type of nanomaterials,
Characterization of nanomateriasls, Unique properties of nanomaerials.

Course Outcomes: Advanced undergraduates and graduate students in chemistry,

materials science, and chemical engineering will gain knowledge stepwise from the basic
chemistry to problems in materials discovery, design, and characterization, and how
materials are used in devices and general technology. This course will also provide the
students in-depth understanding of a new hot topic on nanoscience and nanotechnology.
Essential Reading
1. Harry R. Allcock, Introduction to Materials Chemistry, , John Wiley and Sons. Inc. 2008.
2. Bradley D. Fahlman, Materials Chemistry, Springer, 2 nd edition, 2011.
3. W. D. Callister, Materials Science and Engineering and Introduction, John Wiley & Sons
4. G. F. Ozin, A. C. Arsenault and L. Cademartiri, Nanochemistry: A chemical approach to
nanomaterials, RSC Publishing, 2nd edition, 2009.
5. C. N. Rao, A. Muller, A. K. Cheetham, Nanomaterials Chemistry: Recent Developments
and New Applications, Wiley-VCH, 2007.

Supplementary Reading
1. M. P. Stevens, Polymer Chemistry an Introduction, Oxford University Press 1999.
2. A. R. West, Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications; John Wiley and Sons. 1984.
3. C.N.R. Rao, A.Muller, A.K. Chutham. The Chemistry of Nanoparticles (Synthesis,
Properties and Applications) Vol 1 & Vol 2, WILEY-VCH, 2007.

CY 3201 CHEMISTRY OF ELEMENTS 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Academic Group: Inorganic Chemistry


s and p-Block elements: Alkali, alkaline-earth metals, Boron family, Carbon family,
Nitrogen family, Oxygen family and Halogen family. Structural features and reactivity of S-N
heterocycles. Boranes: nomenclature of boranes, Wades’ rule of electron counting and
other counting rules in boranes, bonding in simple boranes, Carboranes. d-Block elements
(Transition element): electronic configuration and comparative study of ionic radii, ionization
potential, oxidation state, redox potential. Introductory Organometallic Chemistry:
Definition & nomenclature, Counting Electrons (EAN Rules, 18 electron rule). Bonding and
application carbonyl (CO) complexes. The isolobal Analogy. f-block elements: spectra and
magnetic properties, redox chemistry. Nuclear chemistry: Nuclear recactions, fission,
fusion, Neutron activation analysis, isotope dilution analysis, Radiometric titrations, nuclear
fuel reprocessing.

Essential readings:

1. G. L. Miessler and D. A. Tarr Inorganic Chemistry, 3 rd edition, Pearson.

2. Huheey, Keiter and Keiter, Inorganic chemistry Principle, structure and reactivity. 4 th
3. Keith F. Purcell and John C. Kotz, Inorganic Chemistry, Saunders.
4. H. J. Arnikar, Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry, 4 th edition, New age international, 2011.

Supplementary readings:
1. Cotton and Wilkenson, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley Easter, 1976.


Academic Group: Inorganic Chemistry


Microscopic view of thermodynamics: entropy and probability, Boltzman’s paradox,

distribution of molecular states, configuration and weights, molecular partition function,
internal energy and statistical entropy. Solid state chemistry: arrangements of atoms in 3D,
close packing vs simple packing of spheres, introduction of Miller indices (planes and
directions) in cubic and hexagonal systems, crystal parameters and seven crystal systems,
Bravais lattices (14 types), voids (tetrahedral, octahedral) in hexagonal and cubic systems,
radius ratio rules, elementary concepts of X-ray diffractions, Bragg’s equation, interplaner
spacings, powder X-ray diffraction patterns by Debye-Scherrer method, difference between
powder and single crystal diffraction patterns. Colloids: colloidal state, kinetic stability,
electrical double layer, concept of electrokinetic potential and applications, optical properties
of colloids (scattering). Liquid surface: surface tension and interfacial tension, phenomena
at curved surfaces (Kelvin equation and its significance), capillary rise, bubbles and sessile
drops, contact angles and wetting, concept of surfactants, micelles and self assembly, liquid
crystals, emulsion and micro emulsion. Adsorption: solid-gas interface, physisorption vs
chemisorptions, Adsorption isotherm (Langmuir, Feundlich & BET), mechanisms of
heterogeneous catalysis. Surface analysis: elementary concepts of interaction of electrons
with surface (secondary electrons, Auger effect, photoelectron spectroscopy, low energy
electron diffraction), atomic force microscopy (introductory concept).

Course Outcomes: The course aims to focus on the details of microscopic picture of
thermodynamics. Student would be expected to develop strong understanding of the
macroscopic phenomena from a microscopic point of view.
Essential readings:
1. P.W. Atkins and Julio de Paula, Atkin’s Physical Chemistry, Oxford University Press,
2. Donald McQuarrie, John Simon, Heather Cox, Physical Chemistry: A molecular approach,
University Science Book s, 1997.
3. D. Shaw, and B. Heinemann, Introduction to Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Butterworth
Heinemann, 4th Edition, 1992.
4. A. R. West, Solid state Chemistry and its applications, Wiley Student Edition (John Wiley
& Sons), 1988

Supplementary readings:
1. Pashley, Karaman, Applied colloid and surface chemistry: John Wiley, 2004.
2. C. N. R. Rao and J. Gopal Krishnan, New directions in solid state Chemistry, Cambridge
press, 1990.


Academic Group: Inorganic Chemistry

Identify the presence of each of the following anions: SO 42-, CO32-, NO2-, Cl-, Br-, I- , and NO3-
, using qualitative analysis. Qualitative tests on 3d-metal ions (Fe, Co, Ni, Cu). Identify the
cations and anions in an unknown sample of ionic salts. Preparation and physical properties
of inorganic/Organometallic compounds.

Course Outcomes: The students will become familiar with broad spectrum of practical skills
in identifying the anions and transition metal cations, synthesis and characterization of
compound as well as nanoparticles, and also connect with the basics knowledge and theory
taught in theory classes.

Essential Reading
1. G. Svehla, Vogel's qualitative inorganic analysis, Harlow Longman, 2002.
2. A I Vogel, John Bassett, Vogel's textbook of quantitative inorganic analysis: including
elementary instrumental analysis, Longman, 2003.

Supplementary Reading
1. A I Vogel , Qualitative Inorganic Analysis, Orient Longman – 1979.


Academic Group: Inorganic Chemistry


List of Experiments:
1, Visualization of protein structure by using PYMOL software.
2. Training and preparation of Phosphate buffer of desired pH.
3. To determine the isoelectric point of amino acid –glycine and histidine by titration method.
4. Theoretical estimation of isoelectric point and computing electrostatic surface of proteins
by using PYMOL.
5. To estimate the concentration of DNA and protein by spectrophotometric assay.
6. To determine the unknown concentration of protein using Bradford reagent (coomassie
brilliant blue G250).
7. Purification of protein by using ion exchange chromatography.
8. To study unfolding of protein by steady state fluorescence spectroscopy.
9. To study unfolding of protein by steady state fluorescence spectroscopy.
10.To estimate of concentration and size of DNA by agarose gel electrophoresis.
11.To distinguish DNA from protein by Bradford reagent, heat and acid.
12.To differentiate D & L-Tryptophan and estimate secondary structures of protein by
circular dichroism.
13.To estimate melting temperature of protein by far-UV circular dichroism.

Course Outcomes: The course highlights the concept of molecular biology, biochemical
techniques and bimolecular spectroscopies. At the end, student will have a real feeling about
the biological macromolecules like, protein and DNA. They can visualize, characterize and
use these macromolecules (DNA and protein) for more complex biochemical assay.
Suggested Reading:
1. Spectrophotometry and Spectrofluorimetry: A Practical Approach by Michael G. Gore.
2. Essential Molecular Biology, Volume One, by T.A. Brown.

Supplementary Reading:
1. Journal of Chemical Education

CY 3102 BIO-ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Academic Group: Organic Chemistry


Carbohydrates: Classification, Monosaccharides, erythro abd threo diasteromers, epimers,

cyclic structures of monosaccarides, mutarotation, reactions of monosaccarides, reducing
and non-reducing sugars, chain-shortening and lengthening of sugars, proof of
configuration, determination of ring size, disaccharides and polysaccharides.
Amino acids: Classification and nomenclature, configuration, acid-base properties,
isoelectric point, synthesis and chemical properties of α-amino acids. Peptides: peptide
bond, biologically important peptides (glutathione, oxytocin-important functions). Proteins:
Classification (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary- definition, examples) Forces that
stabilize structure of proteins: H-bonds, hydrophobic interaction, electrostatic attraction, Van
der Waal's interaction, dipole-dipole interaction.
Nucleic Acids: Purine and pyrimidine bases of nucleic acids, base pairing via H-bonding,
structure of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), double helix model of
DNA and forces responsible for holding it. Chemical synthesis of mono and tri nucleosides.
Chemical Properties: Hydrolysis (acid, alkali), enzymatic hydrolysis of DNA. General
structure and types of RNA (tRNA, mRNA, rRNA).
Natural Products: Isolation and structure elucidation of Terpenoids (Citral, Geraniol,
Menthol), alkaloids (Nicotine, atropine).
Common drugs and vitamins: Sulpha drugs, Antimicrobial, Analgesic-anti-inflammatory,
Cardiovascular agent, Antihistamines, Antilaprosy and Vitamins.

Course Outcomes: Bioactive molecules starting from small amino-acids and carbohydrates
to complex terpenoids, drugs and vitamins are part of this course. This course offers a
detailed study of their structures, synthetic preparations etc and will enable the students to
learn how the reactivity of organic compounds can be used to achieve the ultimate target,
i.e. synthesis of the bioactive natural products.

Essential Reading
1. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Volume 1, 6 th Edition, Pearson Education, 2002.

2. S. V. Bhat, B.A. Nagaramgagi, M. Srikumar, Chemistry of Natural Products, Alpha

Science International Ltd, 2005.

3. O. P. Agarwal, Chemistry of Natural Products, Vol- 1 &Vol-2, Goel publishing House,


4. McMurry, Simanek. Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry. Sixth edition 2009. Cenage


5. G. L. Patrick: Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry, Oxford University Press, UK.

Supplementary Reading
1. K. C. Nicolaou, T. Montagnon, Molecules that changed world, Wiley-VCH, 1st ed., 2008.
2. James R Hanson, Natural Products: the secondary metabolites, RSC, 2003.
3. David J Hart. Organic Synthesis via Examination of selected natural products. World
scientific 2011.


Academic Group: Physical and Computational Chemistry


Kinetics: Composite reactions: Opposing, parallel and consecutive reactions, concept of

steady state and pre-equilibrium approximations, chain reaction, Theories of predicting rate
constants of chemical reaction, limitation of collision theory, transition state theory or TST
(Van’t Hoff equation, Eyring equation), Limitation of TST, Unimolecular Reactions. Potential
energy surfaces (Polyani treatment), Saddle point theory, transient phase kinetics,
Techniques to study fast reactions, Catalysis: homogeneous catalysis (acid/base catalyzed
reaction), enzyme catalysis, Michaelis-Menten equation, inhibitors, heterogeneous catalysis
(gas/solid systems). Solution phase kinetics. Electrochemistry: Ionic interaction: Debye-
Hückel theory, mechanism of electrolytic conductance, Debye Huckel Onsager equation,
Electrical conductance, mobility, concentration cell and transport numbers, conductometric
and potentiometric titrations, Application of conductance and EMF measurements.
Course Outcomes: The course aims to focus on the details of chemical kinetics, catalysis
and electrochemistry. Student would be expected to develop strong understanding about
chemical dynamics and electrochemical theories on electrical double layers, electrolytes,
cells and electrokinetics by relating theories with applications in practical life.

Essential Reading:
1. K. J. Laidler, Chemical Kinetics, Harper and Row, 3rd Edition, 1990.
2. J. Raja Ram, and J. C. Kuriacose, Kinetics and Mechanism of Chemical Transformations,
MacMillan Indian Ltd., New Delhi, 1993.
3. An introduction to Electrochemistry, Samuel Glasstone, EAST WEST Press

Supplementary Readings:
1. Peter Atkins, Julio de Paula, Physical Chemistry, 9 th Edition, Oxford University Pres
2. K. L. Kapoor, Text Book of Physical Chemistry, Macmillan, 2006.


Introduction and applications of polymers, molecular weight distributions, various

experimental methods (GPC/SEC, solution viscosity, VPO, light scattering) to determine
relative and absolute molecular weight distributions, chain growth and step growth
mechanisms and kinetics, ionic polymerization, living polymerization, stereochemistry of
polymers, free radical copolymerization (random, block, alternate and graft copolymers),
kinetics and mechanisms of free radical copolymerization, polymerization conditions and
polymer reactions, thermal, mechanical and solution properties of polymers, thermoplastics,
thermosets and elastomers, conducting polymers, branched polymers (star, dendritic and
hyperbranched polymers).

Course Outcomes: Polymers are integral part of our day to day life in this modern world.
This course provides an understanding of basic polymer chemistry, mechanism of formation
and applications of different thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers. Apart from this
student can also learn the concept of molecular weight and analytical methods to isolate and
purify polymers molecules. This course is very relevant in terms of academic as well as
industrial importance.

Essential Readings:
1. George Odian, Principle of Polymerization (3rd Edition), New York, John Wiley,

2. P. J. Flory, Principles of Polymer Chemisty, Cornell University Press, 1953.

3. Manas Chanda, Advanced polymer chemistry:a problem solving guide, New York:
Marcel Dekker, 2000.

4. Fred W. Billmeyer Jr., Textbook of Polymer Science (3rd Edition), John Wiley, 1991.

CY 3402 PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Metallic structures: Unit cells, Crystal systems, Crystallographic directions and planes
(exclude Miller-Bravais indices), linear and planar densities, close-packed crystal structures
(CCP and HCP), Ceramic structures: Crystal structures of ceramics including NaCl, CsCl,
ZnS, CaF2, ABO3 and AB2O4 structures. Imperfections in solids: linear Defects, dislocations,
bulk defects.defects in cera,ics Diffusion: Non-steady state diffusion. Mechanical properties:
Elastic deformation, plastic deformation. Dislocations: plastic deformations, strengthening in
metals, recovery, grain growth. Phase diagram: Phases, microstructure, phase equilibria,
equilibrium phase diagrams, isomorphous alloys, eutectic alloys, ceramic diagrams, Iron-
carbon systems: Fe-Fe3C phase diagram, development of microstructure in Fe-C alloys.
Kinetics of phase transformations: Avrami rate equation, Isothermal transformation
diagrams, continuous cooling transformations, Mechanical behaviour of Fe-C alloys,
Tempered Martensite, Polymers: Molecular weight, Molecular configurations of polymers,
mechanical behavior, Mechanisms of deformation and strengthening in polymers, glass
transition temperature. Composites: Reinforced composites, structural composites.
Corrosion: corrosion in metals, degradation of polymers. Electrical properties: electrical
conduction, energy band structures in solids. Semiconductors: semiconductors, Hall Effect,
band structures, intrinsic and extrinsic semi-conductors. Thermal properties: Heat capacity,
expansion. Magnetic properties: dia, para, ferro, anti-ferro, ferri magnetism. Influence of
temperature. Optical properties: Light interaction with solids, Luminescence,
photoconductivity, Lasers.

Course Outcomes: The students will learn various important properties of solids in detail.
The students will had comprehensive knowledge about chemistry behind the materials and
they can make correlation between the structure and outward properties of the solids.

Essential Reading:

1. William. D. Callister Jr., Martials Science and engineering, An Introduction, Wiley

Student Edition (John Wiley & Sons), 2003.
2. C. N. R. Rao and J. Gopal Krishnan, New directions in solid state Chemistry,
Cambridge press, 1990
Supplementary Reading:

1. H. V. Keer, Principles of the Solid State, Wiley Eastern Limited, 1993.

2. Donald A. Askeland, Pradeep P. Phule, The Science and Engineering of
Materials, 5th edition. Thompson

Academic Group: Organic Chemistry

Various methods of purification : Sublimation, Crystallisation, Distillation (Fractional

distillation, Steam distillation, Differential Extraction, Chromatography (Adsorption
chromatography, Partition chromatography), Paper chromatography, Thin-layer
chromatography, column chromatography, gas-liquid chromatography, ion-exchange
Estimation of elements, Determination of molecular weight.
Spectroscopic techniques of characterization: UV-Vis spectroscopy (Basic principle,
instrumentation, characteristic absorptions of organic compounds, IR Spectroscopy (Basic
principle, instrumentation, modes of vibration, absorption trends, analysis of IR sprctrum),
NMR Spectroscopy (1H NMR, Basic principle, chemical shift and shielding, instrumentation,
chemical equivalence, magnetic equivalence, spin-spin coupling, NMR spectrum of simple
organic compounds), Mass-spectrometry (Basic Principle, instrumentation, ionization
methods, fragementation, molecular ion peak, metastable peak, McLafferty rearrangement,
nitrogen rule, Mass analysis of simple compounds). Comprehensive problems on structure
elucidation of small organic molecules.
Course Outcomes: This course will help the students in understanding various techniques
used for purification and characterization of mainly organic compounds (partly inorganic
compounds too).
Essential Reading:
1. D. C. Pavia, G. M. Lampman, G. S. Kriz , Introduction to Spectroscopy, 3rd Edition,
THOMSON, 2007.
2. J. Mohan, Organic Spectroscopy, Narosa Publishing House, 2004
3. R. K. Bansal, A text book of Organic Chemistry, 5 th Edition, New Age International
Publisher, 2007.

Supplementary Reading:
1. B. H. Williams, I. Flemming, Spectroscopy Methods in Organic Chemistry, McGraw Hill,
2. Bessler and Silverstein, Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds, JOHN WILEY, 2001.


Academic Group: Organic Chemistry

Isolation of following compounds: Caffeine from Tea, Lycopene from Tomatoes, Piperine
from pepper, Clove oil by distillation, eucalyptus oil from eucalyptus leaves.

Course Outcomes: This course gives basic training on extraction and characterization of
organic compounds from natural resources.

Essential Reading:
1. A. K. Nad, B. Mahaptra, A. Ghoshal, An Advanced course in PracticaL Chemistry. NEW
2. V.K. Ahluwali & R. Aggarwal, comprehensive practical organic chemistry, University
press. 2000
3. B.S. Furniss, Vogel’s Text Book of practical organic chemistry, ELBS Longman, 5 th

Supplementary Reading:
1. D.S.Gupta, Experimental organic chemistry, qualitative &Quantitative, TATA MCGRAW
HILL 2004.
2. A. Ault, Techiniques & experiments for organic chemistry, University Science Book.1998.



Academic Group: Inorganic Chemistry


Quantitative analysis of inorganic compounds such as Ni 2+ and Cu2+. Estimation of Ca and

Mg in a mixture by EDTA. Estimation of Ni as DMG complex by spectrometry.
Course Outcomes: The students will become familiar with various quantitative methods
used for analysis of organic and inorganic compounds.
Essential Reading:
1. A I Vogel, John Bassett, Vogel's textbook of quantitative inorganic analysis: including
elementary instrumental analysis, Longman, 2003.
2. D S Gupta, Experimental Organic Chemistry, Qualitative and Quantitative,

Supplementary Reading:
1. Brian S. Furniss, Vogel’s Text Book of Practical Organic Chemistry, ELBS Longman, 5th
edition, 1996.


Academic Group: Organic Chemistry


Stereochemistry: Introduction (configurations and conformations: Molecular Symmetry and

Chirality, Centre of Chirality, Configuration nomenclature, D-L, R-S and E-Z nomenclature),
CIP rules. Conformations of Cyclic Systems (mono-, di-, and trisubstituted cyclohexanes
(Cyclohexenes), Conformation-directed selectivity in reactions of cyclohexenes and
cyclohexanones, cyclohexanes with one and two sp 2 carbons – Alkylidene cyclohexanes,
Alkyl ketone effect, Reflex effect, Anomeric effect. Cyclopentane, Cycloheptane. Topicity and
Prostereoisomerism-Diastereotopic Ligands- Correlation with NMR spectroscopy.
Dynamic stereochemistry: Stereoselective Reactions, Assymetric Induction in synthetic
reactions, Acyclic Stereoselection – Considerations to Carbonyl additions- 4membered and
6-membered transition states, Cram, Karabatsos, Felkin and Cieplak Models,
Stereoelctronic Use of Chiral Auxilliaries in Carbonyl additions and enolate alkylation- Evans
auxilliary, asymmetric induction, Enantioselective Hydroboration, Chiral Metalloenamines.
Addition to enolates, Zimmermann-Traxler transition state.
Reaction Mechanism: Methods of determining reaction mechanisms, Prediction of
Probable Products – Kinetic vs Thermodynamic Control, Hammond postulate, Curtin
Hammett principle, Kinetic isotope effect, Baldwin rules for ring closure. Effect of structure
and medium on reactivity, Substituent Effects, Hammett Plots and Linear Free Energy
Relationships, Other Linear Free Energy Relationship, Acid-Base Related Effects,
Substitution Reactions: SN1, SN2, SNi, SN1’, SN2’ reactions, reactivity, solvent effect, nature
of bases, effects of leaving groups. Neighboring Group participation, Nonclassical
carbocations, Phase transfer catalysis. Ring expansion and ring Contraction reactions,
Aromatic electrophilic substitution reaction, Aromatic nucleophilic substitution reaction,
Addition Reactions: Addition to carbon-carbon multiple bonds, addition to carbon-hetero
multiple bonds Elimination reactions: E2, E1 E1cB, regioselectivity and stereoselectivity of
the double bond, Reactivity in elimination reactions, Pyrolytic eliminations (Chugaev
Elimination, Hoffmann degradation, cope reaction).

Course Outcomes: This course gives the understanding about the three dimensional
arrangement of organic molecules and and their reactivity profile. This course also delivers
the understanding how and which organic molecules react with each other to give a different

Essential Reading:
1. E.L.Eliel , Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds.
2. D. Nasipuri, Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds.
3. Organic Synthesis, M. B. Smith.
4. Stereochemistry of Organic Molecules – S. Sengupta.
5. J. March, Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions Mechanism and Structure, John- Wiley
and Sons, 1999.
6. P. Deslongchmps, Stereoelectronic Effects in Organic Chemistry.

Supplementary Reading:
1. E. J. Corey & X-Min Cheng, The Logic of Chemical Synthesis.
2. D. J. Hart, Organic Synthesis via Examination of Selected Natural Products.
3. J. M. Coxan, Principles of Organic Synthesis, 3rd Ed. Thomson Science, 1998.


Academic Group: Inorganic Chemistry

Synthesis and chemical bonding in transition metal carbonyls, nitrosyls and phosphine
complexes, Fischer Carbene complex,Schrock carbene complex, their synthesis and
reactivity and their applications; Structure, bonding, stability and reactivity of selected
Inorganic Compounds: Acyclic & cyclic ring systems, boranes, carboranes, silicones,
phosphazens. Polyacids: Isopoly acids and heteropoly acids of vanadium, chromium,
molybdenum and tungsten. Phosphorous halides, acids and oxyacids of phosphorous,
phosphazenes; sulphur halides, oxo acids of sulpur; boron halides; phosphine-boranes;
boron heterocycles; borazine. Silanes, silicon halides, silicates, silicones, silanols;
germanium, tin and lead organyls; silenes, germenes and stannenes. Details of
organoborane compounds and their reactivity (for example Suzuki coupling,); Different types
of carbene (normal singlet and triplet carbene, N-heterocyclic carbene, non-classical
carbene) and their utilization in catalysis and metal free small molecule activation.
Organometallic reagents in organic synthesis and in homogenous catalysis (for example,
hydrogenation, hydro formylation), activation of small molecules by coordination of transition

Essential Reading:

1. J. E. Huheey, E. A. Keiter and R. L. Keiter, Inorganic Chemistry, Principles of structure

and reactivity, Harper Collins 1993.

2. Cotton and Wilkinson Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley Eastern, 1976.

Supplementary Reading:

1. M. Chanda, Structure and Chemical bond, Tata McGraw Hill Atomic Edition, 2000.
2. D. F. Shriver, P. W. Atkins and C. H. Langford, Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford
University Press, 1990.
3. N. N. Greenwood and E. A. Earnshaw, Chemistry of Elements, Pergaman Press,
4. H. J. Arnikar, Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry, 4th Edition Wiley Eastern (1987).

CY 4301 QUANTUM CHEMISTRY 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Academic Group: Physical and Computational Chemistry


Invalid assumptions of classical mechanics, Black body radiation, Planck’s quantum theory,
Photoelectric effect, molar heat capacity of monoatomic solids, Atomic spectra, Bohr theory
of atom, Angular momentum, wave – particle duality, de Broglie equation, Heisenberg
uncertainty principle, The wave equation, postulates of quantum mechanics and Schrodinger
equation, Operators and commutation relations, Hermitian nature of operator, expectation
values, Application of quantum postulates to simple model systems (particle in 1D, 2D and
3D box, Harmonic oscillator, Rotation in 2 and 3 dimensions), Hydrogen atom, Radial and
angular wavefunctions, Angular momentum, vector model, Total wavefunctions and orbital
presentations, Approximation methods: Time-independent perturbation theory, Variation
method-secular determinants and secular equations, Hartree-Fock equations, self-consistent
field method, Multielectron atom: Orbital approximation, Pauli’s principle, Hund’s rule and
spin correlation, spectra of multielectron atom, coupling of spin and orbital angular momenta,
atomic term symbol, Molecules: Born-Oppenheimer approximation, hydrogen molecule ion,
hydrogen molecule: valence bond and molecular orbital methods, polyatomic molecules and
hybridisation, molecular term symbol. Huckel theory, Ethene and frontier orbitals, Matrix
formulation of the Huckel Method, Application to butadiene and benzene molecules,
Extended Huckel theory,
Course Outcomes:
The course is designed to provide an overview of the quantum chemical description of atoms
and molecules, their reactivity and chemical bonding. After completing this course the
students are expected to understand quantum chemical principles and the necessary
mathematical techniques. They should be able to explain the electronic structure of atoms
and molecules. They should be able to apply the knowledge gained in this course to explain
atomic and molecular spectra.
Essential Reading:
1. Donald A. McQuarrie, Quantum Chemistry, University Science Books, (Indian Edition:
Viva Books Pvt Ltd. 2003).
2. Ira N. Levine, Quantum chemistry, Fifth edition, Pearson Education, 2003.
Supplementary Reading:
1. P. W. Atkins, R. S. Friedman, Ronald Friedman Molecular Quantum Mechanics, 4 th
edition, Oxford University Press, 2006.
2. R. K. Prasad, Quantum Chemistry, New Age International Publishers, 1996.


Academic Group: Organic Chemistry


Electromagnetic radiations: Types of molecular energy and molecular spectroscopy

Infrared Spectroscopy: Basic theory, instrumentation and application to functional group
determination. UV-Visible Spectroscopy: Basic concepts, instrumentation and applications;
Mass Spectrometry: Principle, Instrumentation and applications, Fragmentation pattern of
organic compounds, McLafferty rearrangement; NMR Spectroscopy: Basic principles,
Chemical shift, Spin-Spin Coupling, Coupling Constant, NOE, 13C NMR, DEPT NMR,
heteronuclear coupling, Pulse NMR spectroscopy and techniques, relaxation time and their
importance, determination of relaxation times, Temperature dependent NMR and molecular
dynamics, Elementary ideas on 2D NMR spectroscopy (COSY, NOESY, HMQC, HSQC,
HMBC), Extension to other nuclei (19F, 31P etc).
Structure elucidation of Organic Compounds: Use of spectroscopic techniques for
structure determination and other applications.
Optical rotatory dispersion and Circular dichroism: Definition, deduction of absolute
configuration, octant rule for ketones.
Course Outcomes: The students will able to understand the basic spectroscopic methods
used for the analysis of organic compounds. Detailed discussions on principles,
instrumentations and applications of these techniques will be carried out.
Essential Reading:
1. D. C. Pavia, G. M. Lampman, G. S. Kriz , Introduction to Spectroscopy, 3rd Edition,
THOMSON, 2007.
2. J. Mohan, Organic Spectroscopy, Narosa Publishing House, 2004
Supplementary Reading:
1. B. H. Williams, I. Flemming, Spectroscopy Methods in Organic Chemistry, McGraw Hill,
2. Bessler and Silverstein, Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds, JOHN WILEY, 2001.


Academic Group: Physical and Computational Chemistry


Definitions and theorems of group theory: Groups, subgroups, classes, Molecular symmetry
and symmetry groups: Elements of symmetry, operations, proper axes and rotation, product
of symmetry operations, equivalent symmetry, point groups, Representation of groups:
Matrices, vectors, great arthogonality theorem, character table, Group theory and quantum
mechanics: Irreducible representation, direct product, nonzero matrix elements, Symmetry
Adapted Linear Combination: Projection operators, their derivation and construction,
Application in molecular spectroscopy: General cases of LCAO-MO π bonding, electronic
excitations, selection rules, symmetry based selection rules, Transformation properties of
atomic orbitals, examples in AB n type molecules, Ligand field theory, construction of energy
level diagrams, molecular vibrations: symmetry of normal vibrations, selection rules of
fundamental vibrations, application in Raman spectroscopy,
Course Outcomes: This course aims to develop the concept how symmetry considerations
in molecules dictates chemical bonding as well as the way molecules interact with
electromagnetic radiation i.e. molecular spectroscopy. The course relates quantum
mechanical postulates with electronic structure of molecules by providing a mathematical
interpretation in terms of group theory.

Essential Reading:
1. F. A. Cotton, Chemical Applications of Group Theory, Wiley Eastern, 1991.
2. M. S. Gopinathan and V. Ramakrishnan, Group Theory in Chemistry, Vishal Publishers,
1988.Supplementary Reading:
1. J. D. Roberts, Notes on M.O.Calculation, McGraw Hill, 1990.
2. A. Streitweiser, Jr Molecular Orbital for Organic Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, 1991.
3. David M. Bishop, Group theory and Chemistry, Dover, 1989.



Academic Group: Organic Chemistry

Preparation of following compounds: p-nitrobenzoic acid from p-nitrotoluene (Oxidation),

Benzhydrol from benzophenone (Reduction), selective reduction of p-nitroacetophenone
(NaBH4/MeOH), salicyladehyde from phenol (Reimer-Tiemann Reaction), 2,5-
dihydroxyacetophenone (Fries rearrangement), Quinoline (Skraup synthesis), 2-phenylindole
(Fisher-indole synthesis), Indigo from o-nitrobenzaldehyde.

Course Outcomes: This course gives an understanding of basic organic Synthesis,

preparation of derivatives. This will also enable the students to handle and expertise in
characterization techniques.
Essential Reading:
1. A. K. Nad, B. Mahaptra, A. Ghoshal, An Advanced course in PracticaL Chemistry.NEW
2. V.K. Ahluwali & R. Aggarwal, comprehensive practical organic chemistry, University
press. 2000
3. B.S. Furniss, Vogel’s Text Book of practical organic chemistry, ELBS Longman, 5 th

Supplementary Reading:
1. D. S. Gupta, Experimental organic chemistry, qualitative & quantitative, TATA MCGRAW
HILL 2004.
2. A. Ault, Techniques & experiments for organic chemistry, University Science Book.1998.


Academic Group: Physical and Computaional Chemistry


Chemical Kinetics: Alkaline hydrolysis of ethylacetate; Kinetics of iodination of acetone by (i)

Volumetry and (ii) Spectrophotometry; Polarimetric determination of concentration of
unknown sugar solution and Study of kinetics of inversion of sucrose. Thermodynamic
Properties of Solutions: Detremination of the dimerisation constant of benzoic acid in
benzene medium by partition method; Determination of equilibrium constant of the reversible
reaction KI + I2  KI3; Determination of Co-ordination number of copper in copper-amine
complex by distribution method. Phase Equilibrium: Determination of critical solution
temperature of two partially miscible liquids; Effect of electrolyte on the critical solution
temperature of two partially miscible liquids; Phase diagram of two component simple
eutectic system, Simultaneous estimation of Manganese and Chromium in a solution of
K2Cr2O7 and KMnO4; Job’s continuous variation method to know the stoichiometry of metal
complexes, Determination of indicator constant (pK In) of an indicator.

Course Outcomes: These courses are intended to acquaint the students with the practice
of experimental physical chemistry. To apply the principles of thermodynamics, kinetics,
spectroscopy and various other topics presented in the physical chemistry courses, in some
illustrative experiments.

Essential Reading:
1. B. Viswanathan and P. S. Raghavan, Practical Physical Chemistry, Viva Books Pvt. Ltd.
2. B. Behera, Experimental Physical Chemistry, Tata McGraw Hill 2000.
Supplementary Reading:
1. Halpern, A. M.; McBane, G. C. Experimental Physical Chemistry: A Laboratory Text Book,
3rd ed.; W. H. Freeman, 2006.



Academic Group: Organic Chemistry

Reactive intermediates and name reactions: Generation, structure, stability and reactions
involving the intermediates: Carbocation (Pinacol-Pinacolone Rearrangement, Wagner-
Meerwein Rearrangement, Demjanov reaction, Favorski Rearrangement, Fries
Rearrangement, Benzil-Benzilic Acid Rearrangement), carbanion (Alkylation, Aldol
condensation (asymmetric reaction), Ribbinson annulation, Claisen condensation,
Dieckmann condensation Reaction, Perkin Reaction, Stobbe Condensation Reaction,
Moritas-Baylis-Hilmann reaction, Bamford-Steven, Shapiro reaction), Free radicals (Allylic
halogenations, acyloin condensation, McMurry coupling, Hunsdiecker reaction, Bouveault-
Blanc reduction), carbenes (Wolff Rearrangement, Reimer-Tiemann), nitrenes (Hofmann,
Beckmann, Curtius, Schmidt, Lossen Rearrangement), arynes, ylides (Wittig Reaction).
Oxidizing reagents: Chromium reagents, manganese reagents, Ruthenium tetroxide,
TPAP, Lead tetraacetate, Osmium tetroxide, Hypervalent Iodine reagents [Dess-Martin
periodinane (DMP), o-iodoxy benzoicacid (IBX)], Cerric ammonium nitrate, DDQ, Selenium
dioxide, DMSO based oxidizing reagents, Aluminium alkoxides (Oppenauer Oxidation),
Reducing reagents: Heterogeneous Catalytic hydrogenation; Homogeneous Catalytic
hydrogenation (Wilkinson’s Catalyst), Dissolving metal reduction (Clemmesen Reduction
Reaction, Birch Reduction); Reduction with hydride-transfer reagents (Aluminium alkoxides,
Lithium aluminium hydride, sodium borohydride, DIBAL-H, Tinhydrides, Silanes, diimide,
Borane and derivatives.

Course Outcomes: This course gives a detailed understanding of the reactivity and
applications of important reagents used in organic synthesis. It provides the knowledge
about principles and mechanism of different kinds of rearrangement in organic chemistry.

Essential Reading
1. J. Clayden, N. Greeves, and S. warren, Organic Chemistry, Oxford University Press,
Second edition, 2012.
2. W. carruthers, I. Coldham, Modern methods of organic synthesis, Cambridge
University press, Fourth edition, 2004.
3. J. Singh, L. D. S. Yadav, Organic synthesis, Ptagati Prakashan, Seventh edition,
4. A. R. Parikh, H. Parikh and K. Parikh, Name reactions in Organic Synthesis,
Foundation Books, 2006.

5. Ratan Kumar Kar, Name Reactions and Rearrangements in Organic Chemistry, 1st
Ed. 2016

Supplementary Reading
6. M. B. smith, J. March, March’sAdvanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions Mechanisms
and Structure, John- Wiley and Sons, Sixth edition, 2007
7. J. J, Li , Name reactions in organic Synthesis , 3rd Edition, SPRINGER 2006.

8. M. Smith, Organic Synthesis, Mc Graw Hill, 2nd Ed. 2004.


Academic Group: Inorganic Chemistry

Coordination Chemistry and Reaction Mechanism: Thermodynamic and kinetic stability,
Substitution reactions-Inert and labile compounds, substitution reactions in square planar
complexes (Trans effect), Substitution reaction and mechanism in octahedral complexes,
factors affecting the rate of substitution, kinetics of dissociation, interchange and associative
reactions, Oxidation-reduction reactions, inner and outer sphere reactions. M-L complex
stability constant determination. Electron Transfer in metal complexes.
Electronic spectra – UV-Vis, selection rule, mechanism for breakdown of selection rule,
absorption band width and shape, term symbol and splitting of terms in free atoms, energy
level diagrams, nephelauxetic effect, Orgel and Tanabe-Sugano diagrams, calculation of Dq,
B, C, Nephelauxetic ratio. Charge transfer spectra, Magnetic properties of complexes,
Optical Rotatory Dispersion (ORD) and Circular Dichroism (CD). Stability of unusual
oxidation states. EPR, Mossbauer spectroscopy, electron spectroscopy, microscopic
Lanthanides: Extraction, separation, laser; Actinides: synthesis of trans-uranium elements
and its uses, actinide metals- preparation and structures, general observations (comparisons
with lanthanides).

Course Outcomes: The course is designed to provide overall understanding of spectral

properties of coordination complexes and f-block elements. Especially, the students will able
to learn the physical properties of lanthanides and actinides.
Essential Reading:
1. Keith F. Purcell and John C. Kotz, Inorganic Chemistry, Saunders college publishing.
2. G. L. Miessler and D. A. Tarr Inorganic Chemistry, 3 rd edition, Pearson.
3. C. N. Banwell, Fundamentals for molecular spectroscopy, 4 th edition, McGraw-Hill
4. R. S. Drago, Physical Methods for Chemsitry, 2nd edition, Saunders college publishing.
Supplementary Reading:
1. A. Kettle, Physical Inorganic Chemistry, Freeman, N.Y., 1996.
2. N. N. Greenwood and A. Earnshaw,Chemistry of the Elements, 2nd ed Butterworth-
Heinman, London, 1997.
3. Cotton, Lanthanide and Actinide Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.

CY 4302 MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Academic Group: Physical and Computational Chemistry


Introduction: The Electromagnetic radiation, Absorption and emission spectra, Effect of

radiation on atoms and molecules, Subdivisions of spectroscopy, Representation of spectra,
signal to noise and resolving power, Fourier Transform. Microwave spectroscopy: Rotation
of molecules, rotational spectra, diatomic and polyatomic molecules, instrumentation,
chemical analysis by microwave spectroscopy. Infra-red spectroscopy: The vibrating
diatomic molecules, the interaction of vibration and rotation, the vibrations of polyatomic
molecules, impact of rotation on polyatomic molecules, analysis by IR, instrumentation.
Raman Spectroscopy: Polarization of light and the Raman Effect, pure rotational Raman and
vibrational Raman spectra, structure determination from combined Raman and IR
spectroscopy, Electronic spectroscopy: Electronic spectra of diatomic molecules, vibrational
coarse structure, progressions, intensity of vibrational-electronic spectra: the Franck-Condon
Principle, oscillator strengths, spectroscopic and equilibrium dissociation energies, rotational
fine structure of electronic-vibration Transitions, photophysics of radiative and non-radiative
transitions, shape and intensity of emission bands, excimers and exciplexes, static and
dynamic quenching, Stern-Volmer analysis, Physical properties of electronically excited
molecules (acidity, redox potential, dipole moments). Photoelectron spectroscopy, Spin
resonance Spectroscopy: Basic Concepts, Nuclear spin states, mechanism of absorption,
population densities of nuclear spin states, NMR Spectrometer. Electron Paramagnetic
Resonance: Underlying principle, presentation of spectra, instrumentation, hyperfine splitting
(applications to radicals).

Course outcomes:
This course is a useful tool to understand the fundamentals of various spectroscopic
techniques. The systematic study through integrated problems makes students thorough and
confident on utilization of spectroscopic techniques to characterize a molecule.

Essential reading:
1. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, C. M. Banwell and E. McCash, Tata McGraw
Hill, Fourth Edition (2007).
2. Basic Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy, J. Michael Hollas, Royal Society of Chemistry,
3. K. K. Rohatgi-Mukherjee, Fundamentals of Photochemistry, Wiley, New York, 3rd Edition,
Supplementary reading:
1. D. N. Sathyanarayana, Handbook of Molecular Spectroscopy, IK International Publishing
House, 2015.


Academic Group: Organic Chemistry

Pericyclic reactions: Electrocyclic Reaction: Molecular orbitals and symmetry operations,

Aromatic transition state approach (Huckel and Mobius systems), Woodward-Hoffmann rule,
correlation diagrams, Frontier orbital theory. Electrocyclic reactions: Thermal and
photochemical electrocyclic processes. Electrocyclic reactions of cations, anions, radicals
and radicals ions, Nazarov cyclization, ring opening of aziridines; Cycloaddition reactions:
[4+2] cycloaddition reactions, nature of diene Orbital description,, dienophile,
stereochemistry of product. Regioselectivity in Diels-Alder reactions, endo selectivity.
Intramolecular Diels-Alder reaction. Retro-Diels-Alder reaction. Genaration and reactions of
quinodimethanes, benzofurans. Photochemical and thermal [2+2]-cycloaddition reaction,
Ketene cycloaddition, Alder ‘Ene Reaction’ Transition metal-catalyzed cycloadditions. 1,3-
Dipolar cycloadditions application to heterocycle synthesis (Huisgen reaction, “Click”
reaction). Cheletropic reactions. Sigmatropic reactions: Orbital description, [1,3], [1,5],
[1,7], [2,3], [3,3] and [5,5] sigmatropic shifts, theory and reactions. Cope rearrangement,
Oxy-cope rearrangement, Claisen rearrangement, Abnormal-claisen rearrangement, variants
of Claisen rearrangement.
Photochemistry: Principles and concepts, Jablonski diagram and photophysical processes,
Franck-Condon principle. Reactions: Photochemistry of alkene, di-pi-methane
rearrangement. Photochemistry of carbonyl compounds, Norrish type-I and type-II reactions,
Paterno-Buchi reaction, photochemistry of enone and dienones. Barton reaction, photo
oxidation and reduction, photo-Fries rearrangement.
Course Outcomes: This course offers understanding how some organic molecules react
with each other under thermal and photochemical conditions in a single step to give
important molecules. Also, the students will have understanding on the reactivity of different
reagents leading to organic transformations.

Essential Reading:
1. R. B. Woodward and R. Hoffmann, The Conservation of Orbital Symmetry, Academic
Press, New York, 1971.
2. R. P. Wayne, Principles and Applications of Photochemistry, Oxford Science Publications,
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1988.
3. J. Singh & J. Singh, Photochemistry and Pericyclic Reactions, New Age International (P)
Ltd., 2007.
4. M. Smith, Organic Synthesis, Mc Graw Hill, 2nd Ed. 2004.
Supplementary Reading:
1. M. J. S. Dewar and R. C. Dougherty, The PMO Theory of Organic Chemistry, Plenum
Press, New York, 1975.
2. Fundamental of Photochemistry, K. K. Rohatgi-Mukherjee, New Age International (P) Ltd.,
New Delhi, 1986.

CY 4402 SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Academic Group: Inorganic Chemistry


Structural Principles: Crystalline and amorphous solids; crystal systems, types of close
packing - hcp and ccp, packing efficiency, radius ratios; polyhedral description of solids;
structure types -NaCl, ZnS, Na2O, CdCl2, wurtzite, nickel arsenide, CsCl, CdI2, rutile and
Cs2O, perovskite ABO3, K2NiF4, spinels. Synthetic Techniques: Solid state reaction,
chemical precursor method, co-Precipitation, sol-gel, metathesis, self-propagating high
temperature synthesis, ion exchange reactions, intercalation / deintercalation reactions;
hydrothermal and template synthesis; High pressure synthesis, Methods of Single Crystal
Growth: Solution growth; Melt Growth-Bridgeman, Czochralski, Kyropoulus, Verneuil;
Chemical Vapour Transport; Fused Salt Electrolysis; Hydrothermal method; Flux Growth.
Characterization methods: x-ray diffraction, electron and neutron diffraction; Thermal
analysis: TGA, DTA, DSC. Electrical and Magnetic properties: Band theory of solids -metals
and their properties; semiconductors - extrinsic and intrinsic, Hall effect; thermoelectric
effects (Thomson, Peltier and Seebeck); insulators - dielectric, ferroelectric, pyroelectric and
piezoelectric properties; ionic conductors. Superconductivity: Basics, discovery and high Tc
materials. Magnetism: Dia, para, ferro, ferri, and antiferro magnetic types; soft and hard
magnetic materials; selected magnetic materials such as spinels, garnets and perovskites,
hexaferrites and lanthanide-transition metal compounds; magnetoresistance. Optical
properties: Luminescence of d- and f- block ions; structural probes; up and down conversion

Course Outcomes:

The students will able to relate the structure-composition-property co-relations. This course
will able to provide the basic concepts and depth understanding of many physical properties
of solids.
Essential Reading:
1. A. R. West, Solid state Chemistry and its applications, Wiley Student Edition (John Wiley
& Sons), 1988
2. C. N. R. Rao and J. Gopal Krishnan, New directions in solid state Chemistry, Cambridge
press, 1990
3. L. Smart and E. Moore, Solid State Chemistry - An Introduction, Chapman & Hall, 1992.
4. H. V. Keer, Principles of the Solid State, Wiley Eastern Limited, 1993.
Supplementary Reading:
1. A. F. Wells, Structural Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford University Press, USA; 5 Editions,


Academic Group: Physical and Computational Chemistry


Equilibrium Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic Equilibrium state, brief overview of laws of

thermodynamics, thermodynamic potentials, stability criteria, phase equilibria. Ensembles in
Statistical Mechanics: Ensemble postulate and ergodicity, microcanonical, canonical and
grand canonical ensembles, phase space, fluctuations. Noninteracting particles:
Distribution laws, partition functions, thermodynamics quantities in terms of partition
functions, quantum correlations, collective modes, fermions, bosons, photons, factorization
of the molecular partition function. Application to chemical systems (interacting
particles): Ideal gases; residual entropy, the liquid states; interparticle potentials,
configurational partition functions, pair correlation function, neutron scattering experiments,
virial equation, solutions; lattice model, ideal and non-ideal solutions, solutions of
electrolytes; Debye-Huckel theory and its modifications, Computer simulations; ensemble
averages, random numbers, Monte Carlo methods, Molecular dynamics, linear response
theory, fluctuation dissipation theorem, time correlation functions, transport coefficients.
Case studies: helix-coil transition in polypeptides etc.

Course Outcomes: The course aims to focus on the details of microscopic picture of
thermodynamics. Student would be expected to develop strong understanding of the
macroscopic phenomena from a microscopic or molecular point of view.

Essential reading:
1. Physical Chemistry, Peter Atkins, Julio De Paula, Oxford, Indian ninth edition
2. Statistical Mechanics, Donald A. McQuarrie, University Science Books
3. Physical Chemistry: A molecular approach, Donald McQuarrie, John Simon, Heather Cox.
4. Concepts for Simple and Complex Liquids by J.L. Barrat and J.P. Hansen (Cambridge,
5. Introduction to Statistical Mechanics, D. Chandler (Oxford University Press, 1987).

Supplementary Readings:

1. M. P. Allen and D. J. Tildesley, Computer Simulation of Liquids, Oxford. Reprint 2009.

CY 4306 BIOCHEMISTRY 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Academic Group: Physical and Computational Chemistry


Basic cell biology: components of cells, cell organelle and their function, cell cycles and cell
divisions, cell morphology, cell culture
Enzymes: Enzymatic reactions, Types of enzymes and their functions, Enzyme kinetics,
Michaelis-Menten kinetics, reaction order, competitive, uncompetitive, non-competitive and
irreversible inhibition of enzymes. Regulatory enzymes and their mechanism.
Bioenergetics: thermodynamic considerations, phosphoryl group transfers and ATP, redox
potentials, bioenergetic principles.
Biosignaling: molecular mechanism of signal transduction, gated ion channels, sensory
transduction in vision, olfaction, oncogenesis, tumor suppressor genes and programmed cell
Metabolism: aerobic and anaerobic oxidations, glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, pentose
phosphate pathway, Photosynthesis, Calvin’s cycle, Kreb’s cycle, cofactors, mitochondrial
electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation.
Fatty acid catabolism, amino acid oxidation and production of urea
DNA based information technologies: DNA cloning-the basics, from genes to genomes, from
genomes to proteomes, concept of DNA microarray technology, genome alterations and new
products of biotechnology, Genes and chromosomes: genetic recombination.

Course Outcomes: This course offers a thorough understanding of basic biochemical

reaction and helps to make the foundation for applying knowledge of chemistry for research
in biology and medicine.

Essential Reading:

1. A. Lehninger, D. L. Nelson, M. M. Cox, Principles of Biochemistry, 5th edition, W. H.

Freeman and Company, 2008.

Supplementary Reading:

1. V. Voet and J. G. Voet, Biochemistry, John Wiley, New York, 2004


Academic Group: Physical and Computational Chemistry


Introduction: surface energy and the colloidal state, Stability: forces involved kinetic
properties, Electrical property: Charged nature of colloids, concept of electrical double layer
(no detailed mathematical derivation), qualitative approach, Stern theory, concept of zeta
potential and factors affecting it, Electrokinetic phonemena: particle electrophoresis, gel
electrophoresis, SDS PAGE, zone electrophoresis. Electroosmosis, streaming and
sedimentation potential, Optical Characterization: optical microsopy, electronic microscopy,
dark field microsopy, scattering of light by colloids, Rayleigh scattering vs Mie scattering
(qualitative comparison),Surface tension, intermolecular forces at the interface, Phenomena
at curved surfaces, Young-Laplace equation, derivation of Kelvin equation, implication of
Kelvin equation: enhanced vapor pressure of liquid droplets, enhanced solubility of solids,
Ostwald ripening, Adsorption and orientation at the interface: surface excess, Gibbs
isotherm (qualitative treatment and significance),Surfactants: property, classification and
application, Micelles: structural types, critical micelle concentration (cmc), Kraft temperature,
factors affecting cmc, critical packing parameter, characterization techniques of micelles,
Definition, role of surfactant in emulsion, thermodynamic stability of microemulsion, industrial
application of emulsion and microemulsion, Three component systems (oil-water-surfactant),
interpretation of ternary diagrams, Winsor systems (type I, II and III), Adsorption:
physisorption, chemisorptions and thermodynamic consideration and reversibility,
Langmuir’s theory: adsorption isotherm, Types of isotherm, drawback’s of Langmuir’s theory,
BET theory, basic consideration, general form of BET equation, application of BET equation,
measurement of surface area, adsorption in porous solids (type IV isotherm, hysteresis and
theories explaining the hysteresis), Surface plasmons: definition, qualitative picture, surface
plasmon resonance, absorption bands and significance, variation of Surface Plasmon
absorption maxima in gold colloids with size, Effect of interaction between solid surface and
high energy electron beam: generation of primary, secondary, Auger electrons and X-rays
(characteristic: EDS and non-characteristic: Bremsstrahlung), Atomic force microscopy:
basic principle (qualitative idea) and application.
Course Outcomes:
As colloidal state of matter and interface between two phases are integral part of physical
chemistry as well as material science, this course aims to develop fundamental concepts on
molecular forces, surface tension and how colloidal state is exploited in industrial
applications. The same course would also provide a conceptual background on basic
properties of colloidal nanomaterials.
Essential Reading:
1. Applied colloid and surface chemistry: Pashley, Karaman, John Wiley, 2004.
2. D. Shaw, and B. Heinemann, Introduction to Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Butterworth
Heinemann, 4th Edition, 1992.
Supplemetary Reading:
1. E. D. Shchukin, A. V. Pertsov, E. A. Amelina, and A. S.Zelenev, Colloid and Surface
Chemistry,Elsevier, 2001.
2. F. Caruso (Editor), Colloids and Colloid Assemblies: Synthesis, Modification, Organisation
and Utilization of Colloid Particles, Wiley, 2004.



Academic Group: Inorganic Chemistry


From molecular to supramolecular chemistry: factors leading to strong binding, hydrogen

bonding and stacking interactions. Molecular models of biological receptors, biomimetic
chemistry, design, synthesis and binding studies of synthetic receptors. Metal guided self
assembly reactions, molecular knot with double helical complexes of Cu(I). Self assembly of
polynuclear metal complexes. New molecular receptors: crown ethers, siderophores,
cyclophanes, cyclodextrin and their application in specific recognition processes. Anion
coordination chemistry and recognition. Supramolecular reactivity and catalysis,
supramolecular devices. Introduction to polymer chemistry: Introductory concepts, definition,
common system chemistry and classification of polymers, synthetic and natural polymers,
types of polymerization, addition, condensation, co-ordination and ring opening
polymerization, Preparation, properties and uses of some important thermoplastic (i.e. PE,
PVC, Teflon, PS, PMMA)and thermosetting resins (i.e. Phenolic resin, Amino resin and
Epoxy resin), natural and synthetic rubbers, Fibers (i.e. Nylons, PAN, Polyurethanes).
Polymer Characterization: molecular weight studies and molecular weight distribution, poly
dispersive index, determination of molecular weight of polymers. Polymer behavior,
crystalline and thermal behavior, Glass transition temperature, factor influencing glass
transition. Polymerization techniques: bulk, solution, emulsion, and suspension
polymerization, polymer colloids and polymer solution. Thermodynamics aspect of
Polymerization, Stereo Chemistry and mechanism of polymerization: free radical, cationic
and anionic polymerization. Relevant aspects of physical properties of polymer systems,
rheological properties, polymer processing, processing techniques i.e. molding, casting,
extrusion and, calendaring techniques. Polymer degradation and stabilization, biological
degradation of polymers. Polymers & environments, environmental pollution by polymers.
From molecular to supramolecular chemistry: factors leading to strong binding, hydrogen
bonding and stacking interactions. Metal guided self-assembly reactions, molecular knot with
double helical complexes of Cu(I), Self-assembly of polynuclear metal complexes, Molecular
receptors: crown ethers, siderophores, cyclophanes, cyclodextrin and their application in
specific recognition processes, Supramolecular reactivity and catalysis, supramolecular

Course outcomes:
In this modern world, macromolecules are integral part of our day to day life style. This
course includes polymer and supramolecular chemistry, which is helpful in understanding
the fundamentals of macromolecular science especially the structure, physical and chemical
properties, formation and applications of macromolecular materials in various fields such as
medicine, food, paints & coating technology, packaging, membrane and separation science,
protective clothing and so on. Apart from this, students also learn the mechanism of the
formation of various synthetic polymers and bio-polymers.
Essential Reading

1. J.W. Steed, J. L.Atwood , Supramolecular Chemistry, John Wiley, 2000.

2. H.W. Roesky, Rings, Clusters & Polymers of the main group & Transition Elements,
Elsevier, 2003.
3. J. W. Nicolson, The chemistry of polymers, RSC publishing, 3rd Ed., 2006
4. P. Bahadur and N.V. Sastry, Principles of Polymer Science, Norosa Publication, 2nd
Edition, 2005.
5. Jonathan W. Steed and Jerry L Atwood, Supramolecular Chemistry, Wiley Publishers, 2 nd
Edition, 2009.

Supplementary Reading

1. P. Beer, P. Gale & D. Smith, Supramolecular Chemistry , Oxford Chemistry Primers.

2. J. M. Lehn, Supramolecular Chemistry, VCH, New. York, 1973.
3.F. W Billmeyer, Text book of Polymer Science, Johns Wiley and sons Publication, 3rd
Edition, 1984
4. I. M. Cambell, Introduction to synthetic polymer, Oxford university press, 2nd Ed., 2000.
5. Hans-Jorg Schneider, Applications of Supramolecular Chemistry, CRC press, 2012.


Academic Group: Inorganic Chemistry


Semimicro qualitative analysis (anions are excluded) and quantitative estimations

(Polarography, spectrophotometry, pH metry and Flame photometry). Synthesis of inorganic
compounds (air-sensitive, moisture-sensitive etc.). Characterization and property
measurements of inorganic (especially coordination) compounds. Exposure to various
spectroscopic characterization techniques.

Course Outcomes: The students will have hands-on experience on techniques used for
quantitative estimations of inorganic compounds. Also, they will become familiar with the
techniques to handle various air-sensitive compounds. compounds.

Essential Reading:
1. In-house laboratory manual and relevant literatures.
2. G. Svehla, Vogel's qualitative inorganic analysis, Harlow Longman, 2002.
3. A. I. Vogel, John Bassett, Vogel's textbook of quantitative inorganic analysis: including
elementary instrumental analysis, Longman, 2003
Supplementary Reading:
1. A. I. Vogel, Qualitative Inorganic Analysis, Orient Longman – 1979.



Academic Group: Physical and Computational Chemistry

Co-ordinator: Prof. M. Jana

Mathematics for chemistry: Fundamental theorem of calculus, series and limits, Euler’s
formula, ODEs, Fourier transforms, operators, functions of several variables, matrix
eigenvalue problem, vector space, probability, correlations. Basic understanding of
computational chemistry, use of Linux operating system. Numerical computing using
scientific language: Elements of Fortran programming, constants, variables and operators,
control statements, I/O operations, functions, loops, DATA statements, arrays, sub
programs, DATA files. Roots of equations, truncation and round off errors, interpolation,
differentiation and integration, linear equations, matrix operations, regression analysis and
least square fit. Applications to chemistry: statistical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics,
calculation of energies associated to molecular systems, curve fitting. Use of software
packages: visualization and plotting, semi-empirical methods.

Course Outcomes:
This course will explain direct use of numerical methods in chemistry and compare those
results with the experimental data. The computer experiments will demonstrate a working
knowledge of a range of additional computational chemistry packages. Students will be able
to apply this knowledge to tackle chemical problems.

Essential Readings:
1. Donald A. McQuarrie and John D. Simon, Physical Chemistry: A molecular approach,
University Science Books, 1997.
2. Maths for Chemistry: A chemist’s toolkit of calculations, 2 nd edition, Paul Monk and
Lindsey Munro, Oxford University press, 2010
3. S. J. Chapman, Fortran 90/95 for Scientists and Engineers, 2 nd edition,
McGraw-Hill, 2003.
4. W. E. Mayo and M. Cwiakala, Programming with FORTRAN 77, Schaum’s Outline
Series, McGraw Hill, 1995.
5. J. H. Mathews, Numerical Methods for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering 2 nd
edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2001.

Supplementary Readings:
1. William. H. Press, Numerical recipes: the art of scientific computing, 2nd Edition,
Cambridge University Press, 1992.


Academic Group: Organic Chemistry

C-C bond forming reactions: Main Group Chemsitry – Organometallic reagents in

Organic synthesis: Principle, preparations, properties and applications of the following in
organic synthesis with mechanistic details: Organomagnesium (Grignard reaction),
Organozinc (Reformatsky Reaction), Organolithium, Organoalluminium, Organosilicon,
Organocerium, Organoboranes (Hydroboration of alkenes, Allyl boranes, CBS reaction),
Organocadmium, Organomercury, Organosilicon, Organotin (Reduction with tri n-
Butyltinhydride), Organoaluminum compounds,.
Transition–metal Chemistry: Organotitanium, Organochromium, Organoiron,
OrganocopperOrganopalladium compounds, Metal carbenes (Fischer Carbene, Schrock
carbene and their application).
Protecting groups: Protection of alcohols, 1,2-diols, 1,3-diols, thiols, carboxylic acids,
carbonyl compounds, amines. Protection of carbon-carbon multiple bonds. Illustration of
protection and deprotection in synthesis.
The Disconnection Approach: One-group and two-group disconnections, control in
carbonyl condensations, Umpolung, radical reactions in synthesis, use of acetylenes, ring
annulations strategies. Cross-coupling C-C reactions involving boron, tin, silicon reagents
and aryl/alkenyl/alkynyl and alky halides. Metathesis and Grubb’s Catalyst.
Organocatalysis: Introduction to organo-catalyzed reactions, Classifications (HOMO,
LUMO, SOMO catalysis), Enamine, Iminium, H-bonding catalysis and asymmetric
organocatalysis (Michael, aldol, Mannich etc).

Course Outcomes:
This course enables an exposure to the basic fundamentals of organic reactions. The
students will have a better understanding on various synthetic methodology employed in
organic Synthesis.

Essential Reading:
1. S. Warren, Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach, Wiley Student Ed. 2007.
2. William Carruthers and Iain Coldham, Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis.
3. Michael B. Smith, Organic Synthesis, McGraw Hill, 2004.
4. V. K. Ahluwalia and R. K. Parashar, Organic Reaction Mechanisms, Narosa Publishing
House, 2003.

Supplementary Reading:
1. E. J. Corey & X-Min Cheng, The Logic of Chemical Synthesis, Wiley, 1995.
CY 5201 BIO-INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Academic Group: Inorganic Chemistry



 Metal ions essential for biological functions.

 Basic coordination chemistry in biology: biological ligands for metal ions, Metal ions
Ion-transport and Signal transduction:

 Ion (Na+ and K+) transport: Ion Channels & Pump, Ionophore
 Ca2+: Cell Signalling (Calmodulin) and Heart Pumping (Troponin C)
 Mg2+: ATP Hydrolysis
O2 storage and transport:

 Myoglobin/Hemoglobin and Hemocyanin (Cu)/Hemerythrin

O2 activation and toxicity/detoxification:

 Cytochrome P450, Peroxidase, Catalase, SOD

Fe transport, storage and acquisition: Transferrin, Ferritin and Siderophore

Electron Transfer: Cytochromes, Fe-S Cluster, and Plastocyanin (Cu); Marcus Theory

ATP Synthesis: Photosynthesis, and Respiration: Cytochrome C Oxidase (Fe & Cu)

Nitrogen Fixation: Nitrogenase (Fe & Mo)

Zn2+ (Lewis Acidity): Carbonic Anhydrase, Carboxy Peptidases, ADH and Zinc Finger

Group Transfer: Vitamin B12 (Co)

Metals in Health:

 Metal toxicity: Mercury and Arsenic; Metals in Diagnosis: Gd, Fe ; Metals in

Treatments: Pt, Au
Methods in Bio-inorganic Chemistry:

 Resonance Raman, Mössbauer and EPR Spectroscopy, Cyclic Voltammetry, Site-

Directed Mutagenesis
Course Outcome:

The course is designed to provide an overview of the biological needs and the behaviors of
Inorganic Elements linked to several metalloproteins and enzymes. The importance of metal
ions in the active-site structure and function of metallo-proteins and enzymes will be
illustrated. After completing this course the students are expected to understand the
importance of bio-active elements in our daily life. They should be able to apply the
knowledge gained in this course to explain several problems associated with bio-inorganic
chemistry research.

Essential Reading:

1. Biological Inorganic Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity by Bertini, I.; Gray, H. B.;
Stiefel, E. I.; Valentine, J. S., University Science Books, 2007.
2. Biological Inorganic Chemistry: A New Introduction to Molecular Structure and
Function by Robert Crichton, Elsevier, 2012.
3. Metals and Life by Eleanor Crabb., RSC Publishing, 2010.
4. Bioinorganic Chemistry by A. K. Das., Books & Allied Pvt. Ltd. 2008.
5. L. Que. Jr., Physical Methods in Bioinorganic Chemistry, University Science Books.

Supplementary Reading:
1. J. A. Cowan, Inorganic Biochemistry an Introduction, Wiley, 2013
2. K. H. Reddy, Bioinorganic Chemistry, New age International Publisher, 2005
3. Eiichiro Ochiai, Bioinorganic Chemistry - A survey, Academic Press, 2008.


Academic Group: Inorganic Chemistry


General introduction of compounds containing metal-carbon bond, Structure and bonding,

18-Electron rule, Preparation, properties and bonding of metal carbonyls, nitrosyls and
phosphine complexes, Synthesis and bonding of metal alkyls and hydride compounds,
Bonding and structure of metal-olefins, metal-alkyne, cyclobutadiene, cyclopentadiene,
arene based compounds and their Molecular Orbital bonding approach. Metal-carbon
multiple bond: Metal-carbenes and metal-carbyne compounds and their properties.
Metallocenes: Structure, bonding and reactivity (includes ferrocene, ruthenocene,
chromocene, cobaoltocene, nickelocene etc). Metallacyclic compounds. Fluxional behaviour
of organometallic compounds. Metal clusters: Synthetic aspects, properties and bonding,
Metal-metal multiple bond: double, triple and quadruple bonded clusters. Preparation and
applications of Organolithium, organomagnesium, organoaluminum and organoboron
compounds, Basic concept of organometallic catalysis, Metathesis and polymerization
reaction. Ligand Substitution reaction, oxidative-addition and reductive-elimination reaction,
Insertion and hydride elimination reaction.

Course Outcomes:

This course will provide basic understanding on structure, bonding, preparation and
application of organometallic compounds. The importance of organometallic catalysis will
also be highlighted and provide thorough understanding of various inorganic reaction steps
and the mechanism involved in those reactions.

Essential Reading:
1. R. C. Mehrotra and A. Singh, Organometallic Chemistry-A unified approach, New age
international (P)limited publisher, 2001.
2. C. Elschenbroich and A, Salzer, Organometallic-A Concise introduction, Weinheim, 1992.
3. J. E. Huheey, E. A. Keiter, R. L. Keiter, O. K. Medhi, Inorganic Chemsitry: Principles of
Structure and Reactivity, Pearson, 2006.
4. J. D. Lee, Concise Inorganic Chemistry, Blackwell Science, 1996
5. D. F. Shriver and P. W. Atkins, Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford University Press, 2006.

Supplementary Reading:
1. R.H. Crabtree, The organometallic chemistry of the transition metals, Wiley-Interscience,
2. D. Astruc, Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis, Springer, 2007.
3. P. Powell, Principle of Organometallic Chemistry, Kulwar, 1991.
4. B. F.G. Johnson, Transition metal cluster, Wiley, 1980.


Academic Group: Environment and Materials Chemistry


Chemistry of Environment: Environmental segments, atmospheric structure chemistry of

lower and upper atmosphere, radiation balance of earth .Major air pollutant, sources and
their effect. Greenhouse effect, acid rain, depletion of ozone layer, global warming .Air
pollution abatement technology. Chemistry of water environment: Classification of water
pollutants, characteristics of waste water, water quality parameters and their measurements.
Waste water treatment: preliminary, primary, secondary, tertiary treatment. Waste water
from some typical industries, sources, characteristics, effect and treatment option: textiles,
refinery, leather, foods, sugar, fermentation, paper and pulp, fertilizer, soap and detergents,
electroplating and pharmaceuticals. Solid waste disposal and management: classification
and origin, methods of solid waste disposal. Microbiology involved in solid waste disposal.
Soil pollution: Chemical composition of the soil, the exploitation of the mineral resources and
abuse of the earth, soil pollution due to natural and artificial agencies and its effects,
remedial measures to check the pollution. Energy and Environment: Energy sources,
renewable and non-renewable, primary and secondary fossil fuels, their occurrence and
estimation of reserves. Polymer degradation and stabilization, biological degradation of
polymers. Polymers & environments, environmental pollution by polymers. Green Chemistry:
principles and practice.

Course Outcomes: The course highlight the concept of different chemical and
photochemical reactions happens in the environment and their effect on the living organism
and materials and how these effects can be mitigated. Moreover, it clears the basic concept
related to different segment of environment. It gives many research ideas to pursue in future.

Essential Reading:
1. Mani Vasakam, Physico Chemical Examination of Water, Sewage and Industrial effluents,
Pragati Prakashan, 1991.
2. A. K. Dey, Environmental Chemistry, Wiley Eastern, 2002.
3. J. W. Nicolson, The chemistry of polymers, RSC publishing, 3rd Ed., 2006
Supplementary Reading:
1. L.T. Pryde, Environmental Chemistry – An Introduction, Menlopark, 1973.
2. Environmental Chemistry: A Global Prospective, Oxford University, 2000.
3. M. Cambell, Introduction to synthetic polymer, Oxford university press, 2nd Ed., 2000.


Academic Group: Organic Chemistry

Heterocycles: Nomenclature of Heterocycles with more than one heteroatom, Structure and
uses of heterocyclic compounds, Synthesis and Reactivity of indoles, azines, purines,
pyrimidines, pteridines, azeridine, oxirane, thiirane, oxaziridine, azetidine, azetidinone,
oxetane, oxetanone, thietane, azoles, fused heterocycles containing oxygen and sulfur
hetero atoms (benzofurans, benzothiophene, benzopyrones). Heterocycles in natural
products, medicines and materials.
Alkaloids: Occurrence, Functions of Alkaloids, Classification, Isolation, Properties, and
synthesis:quinine (Coniine), Morphine.
Terpenoids: Classification, Structural features of Terpenoids, specific importance to
reactions of double bonds with Chromic acid, Ozone, catalytic hydrogenation, Tilden
reagent, Hydroxylating agents etc. Monoterpenoids, diterpenoids, Triterpenoids. Detailed
discussions on Myrcene, Menthol. Geometrical considerations of Neral & Geranial, Menthol.
Biosynthesis of natural products.
Steroids: General biosynthesis studies of steroids, structure of cholesterol and ergosterol
(synthesis). Stereochemistry of steroids, chemistry of bile acids.
Hormones: Definition, classification, synthesis of adrenaline, thyroxine, Structural formulae
of estradiol, progesterone and testosterone and their importance. Peptide hormones-
oxytocin and insulin – action, uses and side effects.
Uric acid: Structure and synthesis of Uric acid, conversion of uric acid to purine and
caffeine, Synthesis of guanine and theobomine.
Course Outcomes: Heterocyclic compounds are integrated part of various medicinally
important natural products. This course emphasizes structures of important classes of
heterocyclic organic compounds, classification between electron rich and electron deficient
heterocycles and their reactivities. It provides the knowledge about the bio-availability,
isolation, stereochemistry and synthesis of some important natural products. It gives
adequate knowledge regarding the synthesis, application and biological activity of various
important classes of heterocyclic compounds and natural products.
Essential Reading
1. T. L. Gilchrist, Heterocyclic Chemistry, Pearson Education, 3rd Ed. 2007.
2. John A. Joule and Keith Mills, Heterocyclic Chemistry, Wiley-blackwell; 4th ed, 2000.
3. S. V. Bhat, B.A. Nagaramgagi, M. Srikumar, Chemistry of Natural Products, Alpha
Science International Ltd, 2005.
4. O. P. Agarwal, Chemistry of Natural Products, Vol- 1 &Vol-2, Goel publishing House,
5. McMurry, Simanek. Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry. Sixth edition 2009. Cenage
Supplementary Reading
1. Alan R. Katritzky and Pozharskii, Handbook of Heterocyclic Chemistry Academic Press;
2nd Ed. 2000.
2. Acheson, R. M. An Introduction to the Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 3rd Ed,
Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2008.
3. K. C. Nicolaou, T. Montagnon, Molecules that changed world, Wiley-VCH, 1st ed., 2008.
4. James R Hanson, Natural Products: the secondary metabolites, RSC, 2003.
5. David J Hart. Organic Synthesis via Examination of selected natural products. World
scientific 2011.

CY 5205 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Academic Group: Environment and Materials Chemistry


Errors and evaluation: Errors, Determinant, constant and indeterminate. Accuracy and
precision, Distribution of random errors. Average derivation and standard derivation,
variance and confidance limit. Significance of figures and computation rules. Least square
method. Methods of sampling: samples size. Techniques of sampling of gases, fluid, solids,
and particulates.

Chromatographic methods: General principle, classification of chromatographic methods.

Nature of partition forces. Chromatographic behavior of solutes. Column efficiency and
resolution. Gas Chromatography, Thin layer chromatography, Column chromatography, High
pressure liquid chromatography, Ion exchanges chromatography: Instrumentation, detector,
optimization of experimental conditions and analytical application.

Electroanalytical Techniques: Basic principles, instrumentation and analytical application pH

– metry, potentiometry,conductometry,coulometry,polarography,voltammetry, Amperometry
and ion selective electrodes.

Thermal method of analysis , Thermogravimetriy [TG], differential thermal analysis [DTA],

differential Scanning calorimetric [DCS], Thermometric titrations, Basic principle,
Instrumentation and analytical application.

Atomic Spectroscopic Techniques: Atomic absorption (flame,graphite furnace,hydride

generation and cold vapour) and atomic emission (flame,plasma,spark and arc)

Radioanalytical Techniques: Neutron Activation analysis, isotope dilution analysis,

radiometric titrations.

All the above methods will be focused for: Analysis of Minerals and Ores; Analysis of metals
and alloys ; Analysis of food and drug.

Essential Reading:

1. Instrumental Methods of analysis (CBS)- H.H . Willard, L.L. Mirrit, J.A. Dean 2014
2. An Introduction to separation Science. Wiley Interscience, LR. Shyder and
3. Analytical Chemistry- B. K. Sharma, Krishna’s Educational Publishers 2012.
Supplementary Reading

1. Instrumental Methods of Analysis 5th editions 2009 , G.W. Ewing,


Academic Group: Environment and Materials Chemistry


Synthesis of oxides, sulfides, solid solutions, nanomaterials, as well as intercalation

compounds using various synthetic methods such as solid state reaction, combustion, sol-
gel, coprecipitation, hydrothermal, intercalation/deintercalation and organometallic precursor
Characterization of the synthesized materials for determination of their structure,
composition, morphology and physicochemical properties using XRD, IR, SEM, PPMS and
temperature programmed method.

Course Outcomes:
The course is intent to provide a basic understanding about the synthetic methodology
adopted for synthesis and characterization of inorganic materials. After completion of this
course the students will be able to gain knowledge on structure-composition-property
correlation of inorganic materials.

Essential Reading:
1. In house laboratory manuals.
2. A. R. West, Solid state chemistry and its applications, Wiley Student addition (John Wiley
& Sons), 1988

Supplementary reading:
1. C.N.R. Rao and J. Gopal Krishnan,New directions in solid state Chemistry, Cambridge
press, 1990
2. A.F. Wells, Structural Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford University Press, USA; 5 edition, 1984.


Academic Group: Environment and Materials Chemistry


Determination of dissolved oxygen in water, Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand

(COD), Determination of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Percentage of available chlorine
in bleaching powder, Measurement of chloride, sulphate and salinity of water samples by
simple titration method. (AgNO3 and potassium chromate), Estimation of total alkalinity of
water samples (CO3, HCO3) using double titration method, Measurement of dissolved CO 2,
Determination of iron, Magnesium, Calcium in water sample by titration methods, Estimation
of SPM, CO2 and SOX in air samples, Determination of Total Hardness and Temporary
Hardness by EDTA titration, Determination of free chlorine in water sample, Determination of
TDS, TSS, Acidity and Alkalinity of waste water sample. Estimation of halides in water
samples by potentiometric titration, Determination of pH, salinity, and conductivity of water
samples, Estimation of Co2+ and Ni2+ by colorimetry/ spectrophotometry, Estimation of
sulphates and TDS by turbidometry, Estimation of alkali metals (Na +, K+) in various samples
by flame-photometry,

Course Outcomes:
The course highlights the concept of different chemical reactions happens in the
environment and how they can be measured by laboratory methods.
Suggested Reading:
1. E. Stocchi: Industrial Chemistry, Vol-I, Ellis Horwood Ltd. UK.
2. R.M. Felder, R.W. Rousseau: Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes, Wiley
Publishers, New Delhi.
3. J. A. Kent: Riegel’s Handbook of Industrial Chemistry, CBS Publishers, New Delhi.
4. S. M. Khopkar, Environmental Pollution Analysis: Wiley Eastern Ltd, New
Supplementary Reading:
1. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water, APHA, AWWA, 6th
Edition, 2002.

Academic Group: Physical and Computational Chemistry


Theory, computation and modelling: definition of terms, computable quantities, cost and
efficiency. Computational quantum mechanics (QM): electronic structure methods; semi
empirical methods, semi empirical implementations of molecular Orbital theory, ab-initio
implementation of Hartree-Fock molecular orbital theory, basis sets, electron correlation
methods; configuration interaction, Møller-Plesset perturbation theory, coupled-cluster
theory, Density functional theory; Kohn-Sham Theory, density approximations, exchange
correlation functional, applications. Molecular mechanics (MM): fundamental assumptions,
potential energy functional forms, force-field energies and thermodynamics, geometry
optimization, force-field and docking. Molecular simulation: phase space, and trajectories,
Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo methods, properties as ensembles and time averages
of trajectories, force-field performance in simulations. Hybrid QM/MM: models and
applications. Solvation: implicit and explicit solvent models and applications. Case studies:
gauche-butane interactions of 1,3-butadiene, effect of basis sets on total energy of some
small organic molecules etc.

Essential Readings:

1. Donald A. McQuarrie and John D. Simon, Physical Chemistry: A molecular approach,

University Science Books, 1997.
2. Franck Jensen, Introduction to Computational Chemistry, 2nd Ed., John Wiley &
Sons Ltd. (2007).
3. C. J. Cramer, Essentials of Computational Chemistry: Theories and Models, 2 nd
Edition, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2011
4. M. P. Allen and D. J. Tildesley, Computer Simulation of Liquids, Oxford. Reprint
Supplementary Readings:
1. J. Leszczynski, Handbook of Computational Chemistry, Springer, 2012.
2. J. B. Foresman, A. Frisch, Exploring Chemistry with Electronic Structure
Methods. Gaussian Inc., 1996.
Course Outcomes: The course aims to discuss the use of sets of theories and techniques
for investigating chemical problems on computer and interprets the results with the
experimental data. It would help students to understand the strengths and limitations of each
technique. This would help students to link between theory and experiments. The course
further demonstrates a working knowledge of a range of computational chemistry packages.


Academic Group: Environment and Materials Chemistry

Co-ordinator: Prof. P. Dash

Basic concepts of nanochemistry, synthesis methods (top-down and bottom-up) such as

lithography, sol-gel, hydrothermal, self-assembly, crystal growth, etc. Advance synthesis and
modifications of nanomaterials (organic functionalization, shape and morphology controlled
synthesis), basic and advance tools (SAXS, XRD, TEM, EDS, XPS, AFM, XAFS, UV-vis, IR,
Raman, gas adsorption, etc) to characterize nanomaterials. Unique properties of metal
nanoparticles. Use of mean and standard deviation formula for nanoparticle size
measurement, green synthesis of nanomaterials, green nanochemistry, potential
applications of nanomaterials, nanocatalysis: fundamentals, homo vs hetero, metal and
metal oxide nanostructures, structure-activity relationships, effect of size, shape,
composition and morphology, catalytic activity measurements (TON and TOFs, etc), porous
materials as catalyst supports, recent advances in electrocatalysis and photocatalysis.
Nanomaterials for energy production and storage applications.
Course Outcomes:
After the end of this course, students will be able have in-depth understanding of a new hot
topic on nanoscience and nanotechnology. They will gain detailed information about various
synthesis protocols, characterization tools and industrial applications of nanomaterials.

Essential Reading:
1. G. F. Ozin, A. C. Arsenault and L. Cademartiri, Nanochemistry: A chemical approach to
nanomaterials, RSC Publishing, 2nd edition, 2009.
2. C. N. Rao, A. Muller, A. K. Cheetham, Nanomaterials Chemistry: Recent Developments
and New Applications, Wiley-VCH, 2007.
Supplementary readings:
1. B. Zhou, S. Hermans, and G. A. Somorjai, Nanotechnology in Catalysis, Vols. 1 & 2,
Springer, 2003 ISBN 0306483238.
2. C.N.R. Rao, A.Muller, A.K. Chutham. The Chemistry of Nanoparticles (Synthesis,
Properties and Applications) Vol 1 & Vol 2, WILEY-VCH, 2007.
3. M. Hosokawa, K. Nogi, M. Naito, Y. Yokoyama, Nanoparticles Technology Handbook,
Elsevier, 2007.


Academic Group: Environment and Materials Chemistry


Dyes and Pigments: Theory of Color and constitution, Spectral properties of color
compounds. Classification of dyes based on applications with examples, Natural pigments:
Structural formulae and their importance of anthocyanin, β-carotene, hemoglobin. General
methods of Synthesis of Dye.
Oils and fats: Analysis of oils, Industrial application of oil. Soaps and syndets, cleansing
mechanism of soaps.
Protective Coatings: Metallic coatings, Organic coatings, paint and varinshes
Cement: Types of cement, composition, manufacturing process, setting of cement.
Glass: Types, composition, manufacture, physical and chemical properties, applications.
Corrosion: various types of corrosion relevant to chemical industry ,preventive methods.
Cosmetics and Perfumes: preparation and uses of some representative products.
Essential oils : importance in cosmetic industries with reference to Eugenol, Geraniol,
sandalwood oil, eucalyptus, rose oil, phenyl ethyl alcohol, Jasmone, Civetone, Muscone.
Pesticides: benefits and adverse effects, changing concepts of pesticides, structure activity
relationship, synthesis and technical manufacture and uses of representative pesticides:
Organochlorines (DDT, Gammexene,); Organophosphates (Malathion, Parathion );
Carbamates (Carbofuran and carbaryl); Quinones (Chloranil) , Anilides (Alachlor and
Fermentation Industries: Aerobic and anaerobic fermentation. Production of (i) Ethyl
alcohol and citric acid, (ii) Pencillin
Insecticides: Fungicides and Herbicides: Classification, synthetic organic insecticides and
fungicides and their importance.
Wood protectants: Creosote oil, pental chloraphenols.

Course Outcomes: This course highlights basic fundamental of some industrial material
suitable to undergraduate student of all branches. This course introduces the concept of
industrial process.

Essential Reading:

1. E. Stocchi: Industrial Chemistry, Vol -I, Ellis Horwood Ltd. UK.

2. R. Cremlyn: Pesticides, John Wiley.

Supplementary Reading:
1. R. M. Felder, R. W. Rousseau: Elementary Principles of Chemical
Processes, Wiley Publishers, New Delhi.

CY 5102 MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Academic Group: Organic Chemistry


Introduction to medicinal chemistry: Introduction to medicinal chemistry concepts,

Biomolecules as drug targets, Proteins and enzymes, Drug receptors, Genetic components
as targets, working principle, transport and metabolism of drugs, Prodrugs and drug delivery
systems, Drug design and QSAR, Drug discovery and development, Combinatorial
chemistry, Structure-activity relationships, Specific drug families.
Anteoplastic agents: Cancer chemotherapy, role of alkylating agents and antimetabolites in
treatment of cancer, anti-metabilytes, carcinolytic antibiotics, mitotic inhibitors
Antibiotics: Constitution and synthesis of penicillins, chloramphenicol, tetracyclic and
Antimalerials: Synthesis and properties of 8-amino-quinolone derivatives-
pamaquine,primapune, pentaquinr, isopentaquine, 4-aminoquinolone derivatives-
santoquine, camaquine, acridine derivatives-mepracrine, azacrin.
Cardiovascular Drugs: Antihypertensive and hypotensive drugs, antiarrrhythemic agents,
vasopressor drug direct acting arteriolar dilators. Biological action of methyldopa, propranolol
hydrochloride, amyl nitrate, sorbitrate, verapamil, Atenolol. Antihistaminic agents: Ethylene
diamine derivatives, amino alkyl ether analogues, cyclic basic chain analogues. Antifertility
agents: General antifertility agents. Diuretics: Mercurial diuretic, Non mercurial diuretics
(Thiazides, carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, xanthine derivatives, pyrimidine diuretics and
osmotic diureteics

Course outcome
Although medicinal chemistry spans many disciplines, this course is designed to cover
mainly the chemical aspect of drugs. Students will learn; i) The chemistry behind the
development and activity of drugs, ii) How drugs interact with biological targets, iii) The role
of medicinal chemists and chemistry in drug design.
Essential Reading
1. An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry fifth Edition, G.L. Patrick, Oxford University Press,
2. Introduction to Drug Design, S.S. Pandeya and J. R. Dimmock, New Age International.
3. Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Edited by Charles O.
Wilson, Ole Gisvold, Robert F. Doerge.
Supplementary reading:
1. The Organic Chemistry of Drug Design and Drug Action Richard B. Silverman, Elsevier.
2. Medicinal Chemistry: The Modern Drug Discovery Process (Pearson Advanced
Chemistry) 1st Edition, Erland Stevens, ISBN-10: 0321710487 / ISBN-13: 9780321710482 .


CY 3111 BASIC ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 3 Credits [2-1-0]

Introduction to organic compounds: alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatic hydrocarbons

(aromaticity, resonance energy), alcohols, organic halogen compounds, carbonyl
compounds, carboxylic acids and derivatives (acid anhydrides, amides, acid halides, esters),
nitro compounds, amines: Synthesis and reactions.
Heterocyclic compounds: Classification, Synthesis and reactions of furan, thiophene,
pyrrole, pyridine, indole, quinoline, isoquinoline.
Organic reaction mechanisms & reactive intermediates: Carbocations, carbanions and
free radicals (Generation, stability and reactions), substitution (S N1, SN2, SNi, neighbouring
group participation, factor affecting SN reaction), elimination (E1,E2, E1CB) and addition
reactions (C-C double bond).
Stereochemistry: Configuation and conformation, Geometrical isomerism, Optical
isomerism, Enantiomers, Diastereomers, projection formulae, interconversion of projection
formulas, D-L and R-S nomenclature (CIP rules), Erythro and threo nomenclature. dl- and
meso compounds, Atropisomerism, Stereospecific and stereoselective reactions,
Conformations vs reactivity of cycloalkanes.
Oxidation and Reduction reactions: Reagents used and functional group transformations
based on oxidation and reduction reactions.
Course Outcomes: At the beginning thestudents will be introduced to simple organic
compounds and their reactivity. Gradually the types, intermediates and outcome of organic
reactions will be tought ending with two main reaction types (oxidation and reduction).
Overall the course is designed for an introduction to organic chemistry.
Essential Reading:
1. P. W. Atkins, Elements of Physical Chemistry, 4th Ed., Oxford University Press, 2007.
2. P.Y. Bruice, Organic Chemistry, Pearson Education, 3rd edition, 2009.
3. J.D. Lee, Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 5th edition, Blackwell Publishing, 2008.
4. Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy, C. N. Banwell, E. N. McCash Tata McGraw-Hill
Education, 1994.
Supplementary Reading:
1. J. Singh, L.D.S. Yadav, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Pragati Prakashan, 2009.
2. J. E. Huheey, E. A. Keiter and R. L. Keiter, Inorganic Chemistry, Principles of structure
reactivity, Harper Collins, 1993.
3. Clayden, Greeves, Warren and Wothers, Organic Chemistry, Oxford, 2001.
4. B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, M. S. Pathania, Principles of physical Chemistry, Shoban Lal
Chand & Co., 2001.


Atomic Structure: de-Broglie matter waves, Uncertainty principle, Schrodinger wave

equation, quantum numbers and its significance, Radial and angular wave functions, Radial
and angular distribution curves, shape of s, p, d orbitals, Angular and radial nodes, sign of
orbitals. Pauli’s exclusion principle, Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity, Aufbau’s principle
and its limitations, Variation of orbital energy with atomic number. Chemical Bonding: Ionic
bond: types of ions, size effects, radius ratio rule and its limitations. Packing of ions in
crystals. Structure of NaCl, CsCl, ZnS, TiO 2, CdI2. Expression for lattice energy. Born
equation, polarizability, Fajan’s rule, and its applications. Covalent bonds: Lewis theory,
Resonance, VBT, quantum mechanical approach to hybridization, directional characteristics,
deduction of geometry by VSEPR method, Bent’s Rule, Qualitative treatment of MO theory
applied to homo (N2 vs O2) and hetero (HF, CO, NO) diatomic molecules. Coordination
Chemistry: Ligands, coordination numbers, coordination sphere, Nomenclature, Werner’s
theory, EAN, Chelates, isomerism in coordination compounds, Valence Bond theory, Crystal
Field Theory, octahedral, tetrahedral and square planner complexes, calculation of CFSE in
octahedral and tetrahedral geometry. Application of CFT: Electronic (Color) and Magnetic
properties of co-ordination compounds.

Course Outcomes: The students can apply the fundamental principles of measurement,
matter, atomic theory, chemical periodicity, chemical bonding, general chemical reactivity
and solution chemistry to subsequent courses in science, engineering, technology, allied
sciences and various other related disciplines that depend upon these principles for
successful comprehension.
Essential readings:
1. G. L. Miessler and D. A. Tarr Inorganic Chemistry, 3 rd edition, Pearson.
2. Huheey, Keiter and Keiter, Inorganic chemistry Principle, structure and reactivity. 4 th
Supplementary readings:
1. D. F. Shriver, P. W. Atkins and C. H. Langford, Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford University
Press, 1990.
2. M. Chanda, Structure and Chemical bond, Tata McGraw Hill Atomic Edition, 2000.
CY 3315 BASIC PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 3 Credits [2-1-0]

Chemical Thermodynamics: Enthalpy, Entropy and Energy Functions: Gibbs-

Helmholtz Equation, Chemical potential, Gibbs-Duhem equation, Clapeyron equation,
Clausius-Clapeyron equation, Fugacity and activity, Chemical Equilibrium: Law of mass
action, van’t Hoff reaction isotherm, K p, Kc and Kx, Temperature dependence of equilibrium
constant, Phase Equilibrium: Conditions for equilibrium between phases, Gibbs phase rule,
Application of Clapeyron’s equation to construct phase diagram, Three representative phase
diagrams for one component system (CO 2, H2O, He),

Chemical Kinetics: Parallel, opposing and consecutive reactions; Analysing

mechanisms using the steady -state approximation, Chain reactions (hydrogen -
bromine reaction); Unimolecular reactions (Lindemann -Hinshelwood approach);
Enzyme catalysis (Michaelis -Menten Mechanism).
Basic Concepts of Quantum Chemistry: Uncertainty principle; The Schrodinger
wave equation for the hydrogen atom; physical meaning of a wave function,
radial wave functions and probability densities, quantum numbers, wave
functions and orbital shapes.
Molecular spectroscopy: Spectral regions and molecular motions, elementary concepts of
rotational (diatomic rigid rotor, selection rules) spectroscopy, molecular vibrations (qualitative
treatment of simple harmonic and anharmonic oscillator, selection rules), fundamental
modes of vibration (examples of H2O and CO2), electronic spectra (vibronic levels,
absorption and emission), Beer-Lambert law, application in simple organic molecules.
Course Outcomes: This course would be able to introduce basic principles of physical
chemistry to the undergraduate students. Students are expected to develop an analytical
aptitude towards fundamentals of physical chemistry.
Essential readings:
1. P.W. Atkins and Julio de Paula, Atkin’s Physical Chemistry, Oxford University Press,
2. Thomas Engel and Philip Reid, Physical Chemistry, Pearson Education, 2006
Supplementary readings:
1. David W. Ball, Physical Chemistry, Cengage Learning, 2002
2. K. L. Kapoor, Text Book of Physical Chemistry, Macmillan, 2006


Academic Group: Inorganic/Organic Chemistry


Identify the presence of each of the following anions: SO 42-, CO32-, NO2-, Cl-, Br-, I- , and NO3-
, using qualitative analysis. Qualitative tests on 3d-metal ions (Fe, Co, Ni, Cu). Identify the
cations and anions in an unknown sample of ionic salts. Detection of elements (C,H,N,S,
Halogen) in organic Compounds, Detection of functional groups: amine, amide, alcohol,
phenol, nitro, carboxylic acid, aldehyde, ketone, unsaturation etc.

Course Outcomes: The students will become familiar with broad spectrum of practical skills
in identifying the anions and transition metal cations, synthesis and characterization of
compound as well as nanoparticles, and also connect with the basics knowledge and theory
taught in theory classes. This course will also enable the students a comprehensive
understanding of the basic laboratory techniques like chromatography and purification, etc.

Essential Reading
1. G. Svehla, Vogel's qualitative inorganic analysis, Harlow Longman, 2002.
2. A I Vogel, John Bassett, Vogel's textbook of quantitative inorganic analysis: including
elementary instrumental analysis, Longman, 2003.
3. V K Ahluwalia and R Aggarwal, Comprehensive practical organic chemistry, University
Press. 2000
Supplementary Reading
1. A I Vogel , Qualitative Inorganic Analysis, Orient Longman – 1979.

2. D S Gupta, Experimental Organic Chemistry, Qualitative and Quantitative,



Academic Group: Organic Chemistry

Organometallic compounds: Definition with examples, Preparation and synthetic

applications of Organomagnesium reagent, organolithium compounds, Organozinc
compounds, organocopper compounds, selected Name reactions (Grignard Reaction,
Reformatsky Reaction and Gillman reaction) and their application in organic Synthesis.
Carbohydrates: Classification, Monosaccharides, erythro abd threo diasteromers, epimers,
cyclic structures of monosaccarides, mutarotation, reactions of monosaccarides, reducing
and non-reducing sugars.
Amino acids: Classification and nomenclature, configuration, acid-base properties,
isoelectric point, synthesis and chemical properties of α-amino acids. Peptides: peptide
bond, biologically important peptides. Proteins: Classification (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary,
Quaternary- definition, examples) Forces that stabilize structure of proteins: H-bonds,
hydrophobic interaction, electrostatic attraction, Van der Waal's interaction, dipole-dipole
Nucleic Acids: Purine and pyrimidine bases of nucleic acids, base pairing via H-bonding,
structure of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), double helix model of
DNA and forces responsible for holding it. Chemical synthesis of mono and tri nucleosides.
Chemical Properties: Hydrolysis (acid, alkali), enzymatic hydrolysis of DNA. General
structure and types of RNA (tRNA, mRNA, rRNA).
Natural Products: Terpenoids (Citral), alkaloids (Nicotine), steroids (Cholesterol),
Hormones (Adrenaline), Uric acid.
Common drugs and vitamins: Sulpha drugs, Antimicrobial, Analgesic-anti-inflammatory,
Cardiovascular agent, Antihistamines, Antilaprosy and Vitamins.

Polymers: Introduction and applications of polymers, molecular weight distributions, various

experimental methods (GPC/SEC, solution viscosity, VPO, light scattering) to determine
relative and absolute molecular weight distributions, chain growth and step growth
mechanisms and kinetics, ionic polymerization, living polymerization, stereochemistry of
polymers, free radical copolymerization (random, block, alternate and graft copolymers)

Course Outcomes: The course would enable the students to learn about bioactive
molecules starting from small amino-acids and carbohydrates to complex terpenoids, drugs
and vitamins. Preliminary study of their structures, synthetic preparations are part of this
course. Towards the end of the course the students would learn how the reactivity of organic
compounds can be used to achieve the ultimate target, i.e. synthesis of the bioactive natural
products. Also, intrroductory course on polymer materials will be discussed.

Essential readings:
1. P.Y. Bruice, Organic Chemistry, Pearson Education, 3rd Ed. 2009.
2. T. W. G. Solomons & C. B. Fryhle, Organic Chemistry, Wiley student Edition, 8th Ed.
3. T. L. Gilchrist, Heterocyclic Chemistry, Pearson Education, 3rd Ed. 2007.
4. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Volume 1, 6 th Edition, Pearson Education, 2002.
5. S. V. Bhat, B.A. Nagaramgagi, M. Srikumar, Chemistry of Natural Products, Alpha
Science International Ltd, 2005.

6. O. P. Agarwal, Chemistry of Natural Products, Vol- 1 &Vol-2, Goel publishing House,


7.Fred W. Billmeyer Jr., Textbook of Polymer Science (3rd Edition), John Wiley, 1991.

Supplementary readings:
1. S. K. Ghosh, Advanced General organic Chemistry, Part I &II, New Central Book Agency,
Pvt. Ltd.2009.
2. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Volume 1, 6 th Edition, Pearson Education, 2002.


s and p-Block elements: Alkali, alkaline-earth metals, Boron family, Carbon family,
Nitrogen family, Oxygen family and Halogen family. d-Block elements (Transition element):
electronic configuration and comparative study of ionic radii, ionization potential, oxidation
state, redox potential. f-block elements: spectra and magnetic properties, redox chemistry.
Nuclear chemistry: Nuclear reactions, fission, fusion, Neutron activation analysis, isotope
dilution analysis, Radiometric titrations, nuclear fuel reprocessing. Introduction to Materials
Chemistry, Materials structure, Materials synthesis, Materials characterization, some
important properties of materials.

Course Outcomes: The course is designed to provide overall understanding of main group,
transition and f-block elements. Also, An introductory undergraduate level course to
materials chemistry for students interested in the nature, preparation, characterization, and
properties of crystalline inorganic solids in bulk, thin film, and nanoscale form.

Essential Reading:

1. J. E. Huheey, E. A. Keiter and R. L. Keiter, Inorganic Chemistry, Principles of structure

and reactivity, Harper Collins 1993.

2. Cotton and Wilkinson Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley Eastern, 1976.

3. Harry R. Allcock, Introduction to Materials Chemistry, , John Wiley and Sons. Inc. 2008

4. Bradley D. Fahlman, Materials Chemistry, 2nd Edition (Springer 2011)

Supplementary Reading:

1. M. Chanda, Structure and Chemical bond, Tata McGraw Hill Atomic Edition, 2000.
2. D. F. Shriver, P. W. Atkins and C. H. Langford, Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford
University Press, 1990.
3. N. N. Greenwood and E. A. Earnshaw, Chemistry of Elements, Pergaman Press,
4. H. J. Arnikar, Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry, 4th Edition Wiley Eastern (1987).


Solid state chemistry: arrangements of atoms in 3D, close packing vs simple packing of
spheres, introduction of Miller indices (planes and directions) in cubic and hexagonal
systems, crystal parameters and seven crystal systems, Bravais lattices (14 types), voids
(tetrahedral, octahedral) in hexagonal and cubic systems, radius ratio rules, elementary
concepts of X-ray diffractions, Bragg’s equation, interplaner spacings, powder X-ray
diffraction patterns by Debye-Scherrer method, difference between powder and single
crystal diffraction patterns.

Colloids: colloidal state, kinetic stability, electrical double layer, concept of electrokinetic
potential and applications, optical properties of colloids (scattering).

Liquid surface: surface tension and interfacial tension, phenomena at curved surfaces
(Kelvin equation and its significance), capillary rise, bubbles and sessile drops, contact
angles and wetting, concept of surfactants, micelles and self assembly, liquid crystals,
emulsion and micro emulsion.
Adsorption: solid-gas interface, physisorption vs chemisorptions, Adsorption isotherm
(Langmuir, Feundlich & BET), mechanisms of heterogeneous catalysis.

Surface analysis: elementary concepts of interaction of electrons with surface (secondary

electrons, Auger effect, photoelectron spectroscopy, low energy electron diffraction), atomic
force microscopy (introductory concept).

Course Outcomes: The course aims to focus on the details of advanced physical chemistry
courses such as microscopic picture of thermodynamics. Student would be expected to
develop strong understanding of the macroscopic phenomena from a microscopic point of
view. The course aims to discuss the use of sets of theories and techniques for investigating
chemical problems on computer and interprets the results with the experimental data.

Essential readings:
1. P.W. Atkins and Julio de Paula, Atkin’s Physical Chemistry, Oxford University Press,
2. Donald McQuarrie, John Simon, Heather Cox, Physical Chemistry: A molecular approach,
University Science Book s, 1997.
3. D. Shaw, and B. Heinemann, Introduction to Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Butterworth
Heinemann, 4th Edition, 1992.
4. A. R. West, Solid state Chemistry and its applications, Wiley Student Edition (John Wiley
& Sons), 1988.
5.Franck Jensen, Introduction to Computational Chemistry, 2nd Ed., John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Supplementary readings:
1. Pashley, Karaman, Applied colloid and surface chemistry: John Wiley, 2004.
2. C. N. R. Rao and J. Gopal Krishnan, New directions in solid state Chemistry, Cambridge
press, 1990.



Academic Group: Physical and Computational Chemistry


Accuracy, precession, errors (systematic and random), estimation of errors.

1. Determination of Order for the Persulphate-Iodide Reaction
2. Determination of the rate constant of hydrolysis of an ester in aqueous acidic medium.
3. Conductometric titration of a mixture of strong and weak acid with a strong base
4. pH metric titration of a mixture of strong and weak acid with a strong base
5. Study of the distribution equilibrium of iodine in water/tolune.
6. Adsorption charatertistics of acetic acid on charcoal
7. Verification of Beer-Lambert law.

Mathematics for chemistry: Fundamental theorem of calculus, series and limits, Euler’s
formula, ODEs, Fourier transforms, operators, functions of several variables, matrix
eigenvalue problem, vector space, probability, correlations. Basic understanding of
computational chemistry, use of Linux operating system.

Course Outcomes: These experiments are intended to acquaint the students with the
practice of experimental physical chemistry. This course will also explain direct use of
numerical methods in chemistry and compare those results with the experimental data. The
computer experiments will demonstrate a working knowledge of a range of additional
computational chemistry packages. Students will be able to apply this knowledge to tackle
chemical problems.

Essential Readings:
1. R. C. Das and B. Behera, Experimental Physical Chemistry, , Tata McGraw Hill 2000.
2. B. Viswanathan and P. S. Raghavan, Practical Physical Chemistry, Viva Books, Third
edition, 2012.

3. Donald A. McQuarrie and John D. Simon, Physical Chemistry: A molecular approach,

University Science Books, 1997.

4. Maths for Chemistry: A chemist’s toolkit of calculations, 2 nd edition, Paul Monk and
Lindsey Munro, Oxford University press, 2010

Supplementary Readings:
1. D. Alart, Practical Physical Chemistry, Longman, 1993.
2. William. H. Press, Numerical recipes: the art of scientific computing, 2nd Edition,
Cambridge University Press, 1992.


LS1001 Biology 2 Credits (2-0-0)


Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course,
 Students will be able to differentiate the structure and function of prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells.

 Students will be able to explain the properties and functions of different biomolecules.

 Students will be able to understand the basic concepts in disease biology.

Cell Theory, Structure and function of the Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell. Cell division, Cell
cycle. Structure and Function of Proteins, Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Nucleic acids. The
Central Dogma of Molecular Biology – DNA Replication, Transcription and Translation.
Disease Biology, Applied Biology.

Essential Reading
1. Taylor DJ, Green NPO, Stout GW. Biological Science. 3rd edition, 1997, Cambridge
University Press. ISBN - 978-0521684170
2. Scott Freeman, Biological Science, 5 th edition (2014). Pearson, Boston. ISBN
3. Reece JB, Urry LA, Cain ML, Wasserman SA, Minorsky PV, Jackson RB. Campbell
Biology: Global Edition. 9th edition (2011). Pearson. ISBN 978-0321739759
Supplementary Reading
1. Engner E, Ross R, Bailey D. Concepts in Biology. 11 th edition (2005). McGraw-Hill
Education.ISBN - 978-0070607484
2. Reece JB, Taylor MR, Simon EJ, Dickey JL. Campbell Biology: Concepts and
Connections, Global Edition, 8 th edition (2015), Pearson, ISBN-9781292057804
3. Satyanarayana U, Chakrapani U. Biochemistry. 4 th edition (2013).

LS2101 BASIC BIOCHEMISTRY 3 Credits (3-0-0)

LS1001 Biology

Course Outcomes
After completing this course,
 Students will be able to define “Biochemistry” and explain about four classes of
biomolecules necessary for a complete life.
Introduction to Biomolecules – Chemical Composition and Reactivity, Macromolecules and
their monomeric subunits, Amino Acids, Proteins, Lipids, Carbohydrates, Nucleic Acids,
Enzyme and Metabolism. The concept of protein and nucleic acid sequencing.
Macromolecular complexes, Hormones, Vitamins.

Essential Reading
1. Deb AC, Fundamentals of Biochemistry, 10 th edition (2011), New Central Book
Agency, Kolkata, ISBN-9788173811449
2. Nelson DL, Cox MM. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry. 6 th edition (2012).
3. Voet D, Voet JG. Biochemistry. 4th edition (2011).
Supplementary Reading
1. Campbell MK, Biochemistry, 5 th edition (2009), Cengage Learning, Australia, ISBN-
2. Berg JM, Tymoczko JL, Stryer L. Biochemistry. 7 th edition (2012).
3. Murray R, Bender D, Botham KM, Kennelly PJ, Rodwell V, Weil PA. Harpers
Biochemistry. 29th edition (2012).

LS2601 BASIC MICROBIOLOGY 3 Credits (3-0-0)

LS1001 Biology

Course Outcomes
Upon completing this course,
 Students will acquire knowledge about microorganisms and their growth pattern.

 Students will list out names of microorganisms.

 Students will learn about the nutritional pattern of microorganisms.

Introduction to microbiology, Discovery of the microbial world, Classification of bacteria and

virus, Ultrastructure of prokaryotes and eukaryotes, Cultivation of bacteria – Culture
characteristics and Growth pattern, Nutritional and Physical Requirements, Types of media,
Isolation, Maintenance and Preservation of the pure cultures, Batch and Continuous
cultures, Diauxic and Synchronous growth, Enumeration techniques, Mathematical concepts
in microbial growth, Lytic and lysogenic life cycles of bacteriophages. Microbial genetics.

Essential Reading
1. Dubey RC, Textbook of Microbiology (1999), S Chand, New Delhi, ISBN
2. Sharma Kanika, Textbook of Microbiology (2011), Ane Books, New Delhi, ISBN
3. Joanne MW. Prescott, Harley, and Klein’s Microbiology. 7th edition (2008), Mcgraw
Hill, Boston, ISBN 9780071267274
Supplementary Reading
1. Stanier RY, General Microbiology, 5th edition (2008), Macmillan Press, London, ISBN
2. Tortora Gerard J, Microbiology: an Introduction, 10th edition (2010), Pearson, San
Francisco, ISBN 9780321584205
3. Pommerville JC, Alcamo’s Fundamentals of Microbiology (2010), Jones and Bartlett,
Sudbury, ISBN 9780763774097


LS1001 Biology

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course,
 Students will be able to differentiate various cellular structures.

 Students will be able to discuss functions of cellular organelles.

 Students will acquire knowledge about cell cycle, cellular trafficking and

Introduction to cell, Cell theory, Cell ultrastructure of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes, Nucleus,
Cell organelles, Cytoskeleton, Plasma membrane, Extracellular matrix, DNA and
Chromosome, Euchromatin, Heterochromatin, Telomere, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic
Chromosomal organization, DNA replication – Semiconservative, Discontinuous and
Bidirectional replication of circular and linear DNA, Central Dogma, Transcription,
Translation, Gene regulation, Cell cycle, Cell division, Programmed cell death, Cellular
Communication and Signalling.

Essential Reading
1. Rastogi SC, Cell and Molecular Biology, 3rd edition (2016), New Age International,
New Delhi, ISBN-9788122430790
2. Paul Ajoy, Textbook of cell and molecular biology, 3 rd edition (2015), Books and
Allied, Kolkata, ISBN-9789384294571
3. Lackie JM, Dictionary of cell & molecular biology, 5 th edition (2013), Academic Press,
Amsterdam, ISBN-9780123849311
Supplementary Reading
1. Sheeler Phillip, Cell and Molecular Biology, 3rd edition (2010), Wiley, New Delhi,
2. Wilson John H, Molecular biology of the cell: the problems book, 5 th edition (2008),
Garland Science, New York, ISBN-9780815341109
3. Cooper Geoffrey M, Cell: a Molecular Approach, 4th edition (2007), ASM Press,
Washington, ISBN-9780878932207

LS2402 ANIMAL SCIENCE 3 Credits (3-0-0)

LS1001 Biology

Course Outcomes
By the end of this course,
 Students will be able to understand about the taxonomy.

 Students will be able to tell the characteristics of different phyla of animals.

 Students will be able to describe the diversity of the animal kingdom.

Biosystematics and classification, Species Concepts, General characters of Protista,

Porifera, Coelenterata, Platyhelminths, Aschelminthes, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca,
Echinodermata, Hemichordata, Chordata. Classes of Vertebrata, Tissue organisation and
organ, Anatomy of tissue system.

Essential Reading
1. Sunil Patel et al., Handbook of Life Sciences, 2010, New India Publishers, ISBN -
2. Flanders Frank B, Exploring Animal Science, 2012, Cengage, New York, ISBN-
3. Damron W Stephen, Introduction to Animal Science, 4 th edition (2009), Pearson, New
Jersey, ISBN-9780136064442
Supplementary Reading
1. Scanes Colin, 2011, Fundamentals of Animal Science, Cengage, New York, ISBN-
2. Springer Joseph Tucker, Introduction to Zoology: Investigating the Animal world,
2013, Jones and Bartlett Learning, Burlington, ISBN – 9781449648916
3. Hua Jann, Handbook of laboratory animals science: animal models, 3 rd edition
(2014), CRD Press, Boca Raton, ISBN-9781420084573

LS2403 PLANT SCIENCE 3 Credits (3-0-0)

LS1001 Biology

Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course,
 Students will describe the taxonomy of plants.

 Students will be able to tell the characteristics of different families of plants.

Classification of Plant Kingdom, Life history and phylogeny of Algae, fungi, Bryophyta
(Riccia), Pteridophyta (Selaginella), Gymnosperms (Pinus), Angiosperms (Arabidopsis).
Plant morphology and anatomy – Tissue and tissue systems, Stem, Leaf and Roots.
Distinguishing characters of important monocot and dicot families. Principles of International
Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN), Modern systems of angiospermic classification.

Essential Reading
1. Smith Alison M, Plant Biology, 2010, Garland Science, New York, ISBN-
2. Rost Thomas L., Plant Biology, 2 nd edition (2006), Thomson Brooks, Southbank,
3. Evert Ray F, Raven Biology of Plants, 8th edition (2013), WH Freeman, New York,
Supplementary Reading
1. Mauseth James D, Botany: an introduction to plant biology, 4 th edition (2009), Jones
and Barlett, Boston, ISBN-9780763753450
2. Dashek William V (Ed.), Plant Cell Biology, 2006, Science Publisher, New
Hampshire, ISBN-9781578083763
3. Bagnisky Sacha (Ed.), Plant Systems Biology, 2007, Birkhaeuser Verlag, Basel,
ISBN – 9783764372613

LS3404 Evolutionary Biology 3 credits (3-0-0)

Biology (LS1001)

Course Outcomes:

Early earth and the origin of life; Major events in the history of life; Mechanism of
Macroevolution; Phylogeny and the Tree of life, Theories of evolution; Evidence in support of
evolution (Morphology to Molecular level); Natural selection, Species concept and Speciation

Essential Reading
1. Veer Bala Rastogi, Organic Evolution, Medtec; 1st Edition edition, 2014; ISBN-
10: 9381714517
2. Rajeev Tyagi, Understanding Evolutionary Biology, Discovery Publishing House Pvt
Ltd 1st Edition edition, 2011, ISBN-10: 8183568572
3. Futuyma, D.J., Evolutionary Biology, Third Edn, Sinauer Associates, Inc., 2013,
ISBN-10: 1605351156
Supplementary Reading
1. Dawkins, R., The Blind Watchmaker, W W Norton & Co., 1986.
2. Maynard Smith, J., The Theory of Evolution, Cambridge University Press, 1975.
3. Dan Graur and Wen-Hsiung Li, Fundamentals of Molecular Evolution, Sinauer
Associates, Inc., 1991.
LS3405 GENETICS 3 Credits (3-0-0)

LS1001 Biology

Course Outcomes
Upon completing this course,
 Students will be able to explain Mendel’s principles of inheritance and apply these to
problems of inheritance.

 Students will explain how crossing over produces recombination and use of
recombination frequencies to construct a genetic map.

 Students will be able to list out the types of mutations and their reasons.

Mendelian inheritance, Mendel's experiments, symbols and terminology, dominance,

recessive, monohybrid and dihybrid cross, Mendelian laws, Deviation from Mendelian
inheritance - incomplete dominance, codominance, lethal, gene interaction. Linkage and
crossing over, Chromosome theory of inheritance, Sex determination and inheritance,
Mutation and Mutagenesis, Chromosomal variations – Numerical – Euploidy and
Aneuploidy, Chromosomal Rearrangement – Deletion, Duplication, Inversion and
translocation, Human genetics and genetic disorders.

Essential Reading
1. Snustad DP, Principles of Genetics, 5 th edition (2010), John Wiley, New Jersey,
2. Gardner Eldon John, Principles of Genetics, 8 th edition (2005), Wiley, New Delhi,
3. Ringo John, Fundamental Genetics, 2004, Cup, Cambridge, ISBN-521613914
Supplementary Reading
1. Singh BD, Fundamentals of Genetics, 2011, Kalyani, Ludhiyana, ISBN-8127232920
2. Tamarin Robert H, Principles of Genetics, 7 th edition (2012), Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, ISBN-9780070486676
3. Klug William S, Concepts of Genetics, 9th edition (2009), Pearson, Boston, ISBN-

LS3406 Molecular Biology of Development 3 credits (3-0-0)

Biology (LS1001)

Course outcomes:
At the end of the syllabus,
 Students will be able to explain the development of a cell.
 Students will be able to discuss the expression of genes during the development.
 Students will be able to articulate the process of faulty developments leading to

Introduction to developmental biology, Overview of the vertebrate development,

Developmental Genetics, Techniques used in developmental biology, Molecules regulation
of : the early patterning, setting of body axes and germ layers of vertebrates, somites and
nervous system, morphogenesis, early embryonic changes, germ cells, fertilization and sex,
cell differentiation and stem cells; organogenesis: development of organs; nervous system

Essential Reading:
1. Principles of Development, 4 th Ed., Lewis Wolpert, Oxford University Press, 2011,
2. Developmental Biology, Tenth Edition: Scott F. Gilbert, SINAUER ASSOCIATES,
INC., 2010, ISBN. 0878933840
3. Principles of developmental genetics, 2nd ed., Sally A. Moody, Academic Press,
Supplementary Reading:
1. Adherens Junctions: from molecular mechanisms to tissue development and
disease, Harris Tony, Springer, 2012,9789400741850.
2. Evolution, comparative anatomy, biometry, economic zoology and animal
development, Pandey BN, Tata MC GrawHill, 2012, 9780071330053
3. Foundations of Embryology, 6th Ed. 2006, Carlson, TMH Pub., 2006,

LS3501 BASIC IMMUNOLOGY 3 Credits (3-0-0)

LS1001 Biology

Course Outcomes
By the end of this course,
 Students will understand the concept of host defences against invading pathogens
and effective ways of eliminating latter by the former.

 Students will also know the concept of immunotherapy.

Immune system - Lymphoid tissues and organs, Antigens and Immunogens, Innate and
adaptive immunity, Immunoglobulins, Antigen-Antibody interactions, B- and T-Lymphocytes,
Major histocompatibility complexes, Antigen processing and presentation, Induction,
Regulation and effector functions of the immune system, Immunologic memory and
tolerance, Complement system, Cell-mediated cytotoxicity, Immunity to infectious and non-
infectious agents, Immunoassays - Principles and applications.

Essential Reading
1. Parija Subhash Chandra, Textbook of Microbiology and Immunology, 2009, Elsevier,
Gurgaon, ISBN-9788131221631
2. Kumar Arvind, Textbook of Immunology, 2013, Teri Press, New Delhi, ISBN-
3. Kindt Thomas J, Kuby Immunology, 6 th edition (2007), WH Freeman, New York,
Supplementary Reading
1. Abbas Abul K, Cellular and Molecular Immunology, 6 th edition (2008), Elsevier India,
New Delhi, ISBN-9788131210345
2. Khan Fahim Halim, Elements of Immunology, 2009, Pearson, Delhi, ISBN-
3. Pathak Sulabha, Immunology: Essential and Fundamental, 3 rd edition (2011), Capital
Publishing Company, New Delhi, ISBN-9788185589718

LS3102 PHYSIOLOGY 3 Credits (3-0-0)

LS1001 Biology

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course,
 Students should acquire knowledge of about different tissues in plants and animals,
their coordination and regulation.

 Students should be able to list out various tissues of plants and animals and their
Plant Physiology - Macro and micronutrients and deficiency symptoms, Solute and
photoassimilate translocation – Water uptake, Osmosis, Ascent of sap, Phloem translocation
Transpiration, Photosynthesis - Pigment system, Cyclic and Noncyclic photophosphorylation,
C3 and C4 pathways, Photorespiration, Nitrogen metabolism and nitrogen fixation in plants.
Secondary Metabolism, Growth and development, Phytochrome, Phytohormones,
Photoperiodism, Vernalization, Biological clock, Physiology of flowering.
Animal Physiology – Thermal, Sensory, Digestive, Respiratory, Endocrine, Excretory,
Circulation and body fluids, Biological rhythms.

Essential Reading
1. Lincoln Taiz, Eduardo Zeiger, Plant Physiology, 5 th edition (2010), Sinauer,
Sunderland, ISBN-9780878935659
2. Hopkins William G, Introduction to plant physiology, 4 th edition (2009), Wiley,
Hoboken, ISBN-9780470247662
3. Hill Richard W, Animal Physiology, 4 th edition (2016), Sinauer Associates,
Sunderland, ISBN-9781605354712
Supplementary Reading
1. Sanghani Padma B, Human anatomy and physiology: with health education, 2 nd
edition (2012), Tata McGraw-Hill Education, New Delhi, ISBN-9780071077736
2. HS Ravikumar Patil, Textbook of Human Physiology, 2010, IK International, New
Delhi, ISBN-9789380026503
3. Pal GK, Textbook of practical physiology, 3rd edition (2010), University Press,
Hyderabad, ISBN-9788173716713


B.Sc. level biology related subjects / Integrated M.Sc. 3 years study

Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course,
 Students shall understand the principles and applications of advanced techniques in

Spectroscopy – Beer-Lambert’s Law, Principles and applications of colorimetry,

Fluorescence, Optical Rotatory Dispersion, Circular Dichroism, Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance, Electron Spin Resonance, Surface Plasma Resonance, Attenuated Total
Reflection – Fourier Transform Infra Red. X-Ray Diffractometry, Differential Scanning
Calorimetry, Isothermal Titration Calorimetry, Mass Spectrometry - Electron Spray
Ionization, Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization – Time Of Flight. Chromatographic
Principles – partition, paper, thin layer, ion exchange, affinity, size exclusion, liquid and gas
chromatography. Principles of centrifugation, preparative, differential, density gradient, ultra-
centrifugation, subcellular fractionation. Principles of electrophoretic separation, Pulse field
gel electrophoresis. Hybridization and blotting, Polymerase Chain Reaction and microarray
techniques. Fluorescence Microscopy, Confocal Microscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy,
Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy.

Essential Reading
1. Wilson, Walker. Practical Biochemistry (Principles and techniques), 5th edition (2000).
2. Cantor, Schimmel. Biophysical Chemistry (part I, II, and III). 1 st edition (1980).
3. Srivastava ML, Bioanalytical Techniques, 2008, Narosa, New Delhi, ISBN-
Supplementary Reading
1. Arrondo JLR, Alonso A (Eds.) Advanced Techniques in Biophysics (Springer Series
Biophysics) (2006).
2. Talluri Sekhar, Bioanalytical Techniques, 2012, IK International Publishing House,
New Delhi, ISBN-9789381141700
3. Webster John G (Ed.), Bioinstrumentation, 2004, Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, ISBN-

LS4103 BIOCHEMISTRY 3 Credits (3-0-0)

B.Sc. level biology related subjects / Integrated M.Sc. 3 years study

Course Outcomes
Upon completing this course,
 Students will be able to define the molecular logic of life.

 Students will clarify the biological phenomenon regarding chemical concepts.

Biochemical definition of life, Amino Acids and Proteins – Nomenclature, Peptide bond,
Structure and Conformation of proteins, Protein Folding, Folds, Motifs, and Domains.
Enzymes, Cofactors, Hormones. Structure and Functions of sugars – mono-, di-, and
polysaccharides. Lipids – Structure and Classification. Membrane Structure, Properties and
Function – model membrane, Lipid bilayer and a Membrane protein, Active and passive
transport, Ion channels, Ion pumps. Nucleic Acids – Structure and Function of DNA and
RNA. Pigments of Life – Chlorophyll, Haemoglobin and Cytochrome. Photosynthesis,
Pigment system I and II, Light reactions, Carbon assimilation reactions and Regulations.

Essential Reading
1. Nelson David L, Lehninger principles of biochemistry, 5 th edition (2008), ISBN-
2. Berg Jeremy M, Biochemistry, 6th edition (2007), WH Freeman, New York, ISBN-
3. Voet Donald, Biochemistry, 3rd edition (2004), John Wiley, New Jersey, ISBN-
Supplementary Reading
1. Campbell MK, Biochemistry, 5 th edition (2009), Cengage Learning, Australia, ISBN-
2. Deb AC, Fundamentals of Biochemistry, 10 th edition (2011), New Central Book
Agency, Kolkata, ISBN-9788173811449
3. Sawhney SK, Introductory practical biochemistry, 1996, Narosa, New Delhi, ISBN-

LS4407 CELL BIOLOGY 3 Credits (3-0-0)

B.Sc. level biology related subjects / Integrated M.Sc. 3 years study

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course,
 Students should be able to differentiate various cellular structures.

 Students should be able to discuss functions of cellular organelles.

 Students shall acquire knowledge about cell cycle and cellular trafficking.

Cell and Cell Theory, Nucleus Structure and Organization, Endomembrane system - Protein
Sorting and Transport, Mechanism of vesicular transport. Cyto-skeletal elements and Cell
movement, Cell walls, Extra-cellular matrix, Cell-matrix interaction, Cell-cell communication,
Cell adhesion and Junctions, Cell cycle and Division - CDKs and Cyclins, Mitosis, Meiosis
and Cytokinesis, Regulation of oocyte meiosis, Programmed cell deaths, Cell Signaling -
Direct and Indirect signaling, Signaling molecules and their receptors, Second messengers,
Regulation of signaling pathways, Signaling Crosstalk and Feedback, Signal termination.

Essential Reading
1. The Cell: A Molecular Approach, Geoffrey M. Cooper and Robert E.
Hausman Sinauer Associates, 7th Edition, 2015, ISBN-10: 1605355402
2. Molecular Biology of the Cell, Bruce Alberts et al., Garland Science, 6 edition,
2014, ISBN-10: 0815344643
3. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox W.H.
Freeman; 6 edition (November 21, 2012), ISBN-10: 1429234148

Supplementary reading
1. The Biology of Cancer by Robert A. Weinberg, GS publication, 2 nd Edition, 2014
ISBN-10: 0815345283
2. Molecular Cell Biology, Harvey Lodish et al., W. H. Freeman, 8th Edition, 2016
ISBN-10: 1464187444
3. Cell Biology, Thomas Pollard et al., Elsevier; 3 edition (December 14, 2016); ISBN-
10: 0323341268

LS4602 MICROBIOLOGY 3 Credits (3-0-0)

B.Sc. level biology related subjects / Integrated M.Sc. 3 years study

Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course,
 Students will understand various concepts in microbiology.

 Students will apply microbiological concepts for basic research.

Ultrastructure of a bacterial cell; Microbial Taxonomy - Nomenclature and Bergey's manual.

Classification and characteristics of Fungi, Archaebacteria and Eubacteria. Microbial
nutrition and metabolism- the cultivation of bacteria and central and respiratory metabolism.
Control of microorganisms- Antibiotics and antibiotic resistance; Microbial genetics-
replication, transcription and translation, mutation, gene transfer, operon; Recombinant DNA
technology- vectors, PCR, DNA sequencing, gene editing. Medical microbiology- normal
flora, host-pathogen interaction; Environmental Microbiology- biogeochemical cycle,
biodegradation, biofilm biology, Microbial degradation of xenobiotics, bioremediation,

Essential Reading
1. Dubey RC, Textbook of Microbiology, 1999, S. Chand, New Delhi, ISBN-
2. Sharma Kanika, Textbook of Microbiology, 2011, Ane Books, New Delhi, ISBN-
3. Chakraborti P, Textbook of Microbiology, 2013, New Central Book Agency, Kolkata,

Supplementary Reading
1. Pelczar Michael J, Microbiology, 5 th edition (2011), Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
2. Willey Joanne M, Prescott, Harley, and Klein’s Microbiology, 7 th edition (2008),
McGraw Hill, Boston, ISBN-978001267274
3. Pommerville JC, Alcamo’s Fundamentals of Microbiology, 2010, Jones and Bartlett,
Sudbury, ISBN-9780763774097

LS4408 Organismal Biology 3 credits (3-0-0)

B.Sc. level biology related subjects / Integrated M.Sc. 3 years study

Course outcomes:
After the completion of the course,
 Students will be able to discuss the general concepts of evolution, natural selection
and speciation
 Students will be able to explain the plant and animal diversity as well as their
 Students will be able to articulate the basic information about forms and functions of
plants and animals and their environmental adaptations

Prokaryotes and Origins of Metabolic Diversity-Bacteria and Archaea. Origins of eukaryotic

diversity protists (including slime molds, Fungi, diatoms, algae). Colonisation of Land origins
of plants-Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Evolution of seed plants-Gymnosperms and
Angiosperms, plant life cycle, form and function. Overview of animal phylogeny and
diversity, Invertebrates, Parazoa, Radiata, Acoelomates, Pseudocoelomates, Coelomates,
Protostomes vs. Deuterostomes. Vertebrate evolution and diversity-Jawless vertebrates,
fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, Animal Form and Function.

Essential Reading
1. Lynn B Martin, Cameron K Ghalambor, H Arthur Woods, Integrative Organismal
Biology, 2014, Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN-9781118398784
2. Campbell, Biology, 9th edition.
3. Biological Science, by Freeman, Harrington, Sharp, 2nd Canadian edition, 2014
Supplementary Reading
1. Biology, by Michael Roberts, Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd.
2. Discover Biology, Cain, Damman, Lue and Yoon, Sinauer Associate Inc.
3. Biology by Peter H Raven and George & Johnson WCB McGraw Hills

LS4201 BIOINFORMATICS 3 Credits (3-0-0)

B.Sc. level biology related subjects / Integrated M.Sc. 3 years study

Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course,
 Students will be able to apply their knowledge to use the biological databases for
various applications in biology.

 Students will be able to utilise tools and algorithms in biological applications.

 It will also help students to develop new algorithms in biology.

Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Biological data and its characteristics, Data
formats. Microarray and NGS data. Databases – Primary (NCBI, EMBL, DDBJ) and
Secondary (UniGene), Nucleotide sequence databases, Protein sequence databases
(SwissProt/TrEMBL, PIR), Sequence motif databases (Pfam, PROSITE), Structure
databases (PDB, SCOP, CATH), Gene annotation: Principles and methods. Sequence
alignment and database similarity searching, Scoring matrix, BLAST series, FASTA.
Pairwise sequence alignments and multiple sequence alignments. Global Alignments –
Needleman-Wunsch algorithm, Local Alignments – Smith-Waterman algorithm. Multiple
sequence alignments. Phylogenetic markers and molecular phylogeny. Comparative
genomics and gene prediction tools. Prediction of the secondary and tertiary structure of
proteins, Comparative modelling and docking. Molecular viewers (Cn3D, Rasmol, Swiss-
PDB viewer). Overview of programming languages in bioinformatics. Basic commands of

Essential Reading
1. Ghosh Z, Mallick B. Bioinformatics: Principles and Applications, 1 st edition (2008),
Oxford University Press, New Delhi, ISBN-9780195692303
2. Lesk Arthur M. Introduction to Bioinformatics, 2 nd edition (2005), Oxford University
Press, Oxford, ISBN-199277877
3. Mount David W, Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis, 2 nd edition (2005),
CBS Publishers, New Delhi, ISBN-8123912412
Supplementary Reading
1. Buehler Lukar K (Ed.), Bioinformatics Basics: Applications in biological science and
medicine, 2nd edition (2005), Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, ISBN-9780849312830
2. Roy D, Bioinformatics, 2009, Narosa, New Delhi, ISBN-9788173199882
3. Claverie Jean-Michel, Bioinformatics for Dummies, 2nd edition (2007), Wiley
Publishing, Indiana, ISBN-470089857

LS4409 DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 3 Credits (3-0-0)

B.Sc. level biology related subjects / Integrated M.Sc. 3 years study

Course Outcomes
By the end of this course,
 Students shall understand various concepts of morphogenesis, fertilisation, and gene
expression in organ development.

Basic Concepts of Development - Potency, commitment, specification, induction,

competence, determination, differentiation, morphogenetic gradients, cell fate and cell
lineages, stem cells, mutants and transgenic in the analysis of development.
Gametogenesis, fertilisation and early development in plants and animals. Cell aggregation
and differentiation in Dictyostelium, axes and pattern formation in Drosophila, amphibian and
chick. Organogenesis – vulva formation in Caenorhabditis elegans, eye lens induction, limb
development and regeneration in vertebrates, differentiation of neurons, post embryonic
development, larval development, metamorphosis, environmental regulation of normal
development, sex determination. Organisation of shoot and root apical meristem, shoot and
root development, leaf development and phyllotaxy, the transition to flowering, floral
meristems and floral development in Arabidopsis.

Essential Reading
1. KV Sastry, Vinita Shukal, Developmental Biology, 2012, Rastogi Publication, ISBN-
2. Muller WA, Developmental Biology, 1997, Springer, New York, ISBN-
3. Gilbert Scott F, Developmental Biology, 9 th edition (2010), Sinauer Associates,
Sunderland, ISBN-9780878933846
Supplementary Reading
1. Koopman Peter (Ed.), Organogenesis in Development (Current Topics in
Developmental Biology Series), 2010, Academic Press, Amsterdam, ISBN-
2. Bittar E Edward, Bittar Neville, Developmental Biology (electronic resource),
Principles of medical biology series, 1998, JAI Press, Greenwich, Conn, ISBN-
3. Lewis Wolpert, Developmental Biology: A Very Short Introduction, 1st edition (2011),
Oxford University Press, ISBN-9780199601196


B.Sc. level biology related subjects / Integrated M.Sc. 3 years study

Course Outcomes
After completing this course,
 Students shall know the principles of catalysis in biological systems.

 Students will understand the reactions of metabolic pathways and their regulatory

Classification and nomenclature of enzymes, Mechanism of enzyme action, Regulation of

enzyme activity, Kinetics, Inhibitors, Isozymes, Ribozymes, Abzymes, Bioenergetics –
Oxidative and Photophosphorylation, Electron transport system and ATP synthesis.
Carbohydrate Metabolism, Amino acid metabolism, Lipid metabolism, Nucleic acid
metabolism, Mechanism of selective reactions, Regulation of metabolic pathways, Metabolic

Essential Reading
1. Nelson DL, Cox MM, Freeman WH. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry. 6 th edition
(2012), ISBN-10: 1429234148

2. Devasana T. Enzymology (2010), Oxford University Press, New Delhi, ISBN


3. Bhatt SM. Enzymology and Enzyme technology. 1 st edition (2010), S. Chand and
Company, New Delhi, ISBN-8121935849

Supplementary Reading
1. Deb AC, Fundamentals of Biochemistry, 10th edition (2011), New Central Book Agency,
Kolkata, ISBN-9788173811449

2. Voet Donald, Biochemistry, 3rd edition (2008), John Wiley, New Jersey, ISBN-

3. Berg Jeremy M. Biochemistry, 6 th edition (2007), W.H. Freeman, New York, ISBN-

LS4104 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 3 Credits (3-0-0)

B.Sc. level biology related subjects / Integrated M.Sc. 3 years study

Course outcomes
At the end of the course,
 Students will be able to decode the necessary signals programmed and stored in the

 Students will be confident to explore and solve the disorders of life processes.

The concept of chromosome - Nucleic acids and histones. Mechanism of replication in

prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Fidelity of replication, Inhibitors of DNA synthesis.
Transcription – Mechanism and regulation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, RNA
polymerases, Promoters, Enhancers, Silencers, and Insulators. The concept of Operon,
Intron, Exons and Cistrons. Post-transcriptional modifications, hn-RNA, sn-RNA and their
role in the processing of RNA. Inhibitors of RNA synthesis. Translation - Genetic code and
codon bias, Mitochondrial genetic code. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic ribosomes. Biosynthesis
of Proteins – Amino acyls tRNA synthetases, mRNA, tRNA, Initiation, Elongation, and
Termination. Inhibitors of translation, Post-translational modification and Sorting of proteins.
Transposons and genetic recombination, Gene inactivation and Concept of epigenetics.

Essential Reading
1. Alberts Bruce, Molecular biology of the cell, 5 th edition (2008), Garland Science, New
York, ISBN-9780815341062
2. Watson James D, Molecular biology of the gene, 5 th edition (2007), Pearson Edition,
New Delhi, ISBN-9788177581812
3. Lodish, Harvey, Molecular Cell Biology, 6th edition (2008), WH Freeman, New York,
Supplementary Reading
1. Arberts Bruce, Essential Cell Biology: an introduction to the molecular biology of the
cell, 1998, Garland Publishing, New York, ISBN-9780815329718
2. Elliott William H, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 3 rd edition (2007), Oxford
University Press, New York, ISBN-9780195672565
3. Malacinski Georgem, Essentials of Molecular Biology, 3rd edition (1998), Jones and
Bartlett Publishers, Boston, ISBN-867208600
LS4410 MOLECULAR GENETICS 3 Credits (3-0-0)
B.Sc. level biology related subjects / Integrated M.Sc. 3 years study

Course Outcomes
Upon completing this course,

 Students will be able to explain the main principles of Mendelian Genetics.

 Students will be able to discuss the main methods to study gene mapping.
 Students will be able to describe mutations and evolutionary genetics.

Mendelian inheritance, the chromosomal basis of segregation and independent assortment.

Extensions and Deviations of Mendelian inheritance, pedigree analysis. Linkage and gene
mapping, molecular markers, somatic cell hybrids. Extranuclear inheritance, Mutation,
ploidy, Population genetics, Hardy-Weinberg principle, Speciation, Molecular evolution and
genetic analysis.

Essential Reading
1. Gardner EJ, Simmons, MJ, Snustad DP. Principles of Genetics, Wiley publication,
Eighth Edition(2011).
2. Veer Bala Rastogi, Genetics Kedar Nath Ram Nath Publication, Third edition reprint
3. Atherly AG, Girton JR, McDonald JF. The Science of Genetics Diane Pub Co
Supplementary Reading
1. Puehler A, Timmis, KN: Advanced Molecular Genetics, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
publication (2011)
2. Hartwell L, Hood L, Goldberg M, Reynolds A. Genetics: From Genes to Genomes.
Mc Graw Hill Education, 4th edition (2010).
3. Sambamurty AVSS, Molecular genetics Edition, Narosa Publishing House (2007)


B.Sc. level biology related subjects / Integrated M.Sc. 3 years study

Course Outcomes
After completing this course,
 Students will be able to explain the origin of life.

 Students will be able to describe various geographical zones and biomes.

 Students will be able to discuss ecological aspects of population, community and


The scope of ecology and environmental sciences, Evolution- the origin of life and
speciation. Ecosystems- pathways in Ecosystems. Physico-chemical and Biological factors
in the environment. Structure and composition of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere
and biosphere. Ecosystem structure and functions; Habitat and ecological components,
Population Ecology, Community Ecology, ecological succession. Biogeography and
conservation biology. Environmental pollution, global warming and climate change, ocean
acidification, acid rain, sea level rise and other natural hazards. Principles of conservation.
Biodiversity- status, monitoring, documentation and major approaches to biodiversity
management. Environmental laws. Biometry and analysis of data- Collection of biological
data and statistical analyses.

Essential Reading
1. Environmental Science by S. C. Santra, New Central Book Agency, India
2. Sharma PD. Ecology and Environment (2009).
3. Fundamentals of statistics by S.C. Gupta, Himalaya Publishing House
Supplementary Reading
1. Ecology by P. J. Russell, S. L. Wolfe, P. E. Hertz, C. Starr and B. McMillan,
Cengage Learning
2. Ecology: Principles and Applications by J. L. Chapman and M. J. Reiss,
Cambridge University Press.
3. Modern Statistics for the Life Sciences by A. Grafen and R. Hails, Oxford
University Press.

LS5502 IMMUNOTECHNIQUES 3 Credits (3-0-0)

B.Sc. level biology related subjects / Integrated M.Sc. 3 years study

Course Outcomes
Upon completing this course,
 Students will be able to explain the principles involved in various immunological

 Students will be able to discuss the basics and applications of various diagnostic
tests currently in use for various diseases.

Basic concepts in immunology – Innate and Adaptive immunity. Antigens and Antibodies.
Antigen processing and presentation. Immunisation and Vaccination, Hybridoma
Technology, Antibodies as Probes, Agglutination reactions, ELISA, Radioimmunoassay,
Immunoprecipitation, Immunofluorescence microscopy, Immunoblot analysis, In situ
hybridization, Immuno-histo and cytochemistry. Principle and applications of Flow Cytometry
and Cell sorting. Cytophotometry. Serological diagnosis of infectious diseases – Bacterial,
Parasitic, Fungal and Viral infections with special reference to HIV.

Essential Reading
1. Chakravarty Ashimk, Immunology and Immunotechnology, 1st edition (2006), Oxford
University Press, New Delhi, ISBN-9780195676884
2. Anthony Moran, Immunotechnology: Principles, Concepts and Applications, 2001,
Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN-9780471899105
3. Frank C Hay, Olwyn MR Westwood, Practical Immunology, 4 th edition (2002), Wiley-
Blackwell, ISBN-9780865429611
Supplementary Reading
1. GP Talwar, SK Gupta, A Handbook of Practical and Clinical Immunology, Volume 1,
1st edition (2012), CBS Publisher, ISBN-9788123900179
2. Sneh Lata Arya, Immunotechnology, 2007, Mangalam Publications, ISBN-
3. Annadurai A, A textbook of immunology and immunotechnology, 1st edition (2011), S
Chand & Company, ISBN-9788121928076

LS5202 APPLIED BIOLOGY 3 Credits (3-0-0)

B.Sc. level biology related subjects / Integrated M.Sc. 3 years study

Course Outcomes
By the end of this course,
 Students will get an idea on how biological processes have been harnessed for the
welfare of humankind.
 Students will get to know success stories of biological applications in agriculture,
industry and healthcare which may inspire them to explore more in this field in future
by utilising their knowledge and expertise.

Definition and scope of applied biology, Branches of biology, Bioprocess technology for the
production of cell biomass and primary/secondary metabolites, Regeneration of plants and
Totipotency, Hairy root cultures and their cultivation, Transgenic plants in crop protection
and their application in agriculture – Herbicide tolerant plants, Disease resistant plants,
Insect tolerant plants; Plant products of industrial importance, Cloning in animals, Genetic
engineering, transgenic animals, gene therapy, Genetically manipulated organisms and
products, GM Foods and current global situation, Pharmaceuticals, Drug Delivery.

Essential Reading
1. Thieman William J, Introduction to Biotechnology, 2 nd edition (2009), Pearson
Education, San Francisco, ISBN-9780321589033
2. Sobti RC, Essentials of Biotechnology, 2009, Ane Books, New Delhi, ISBN-
3. Satyanarayana U, Biotechnology, 2005, Books and Allied, Kolkata, ISBN-
Supplementary Reading
1. Singh BD, Biotechnology: expanding horizons, 2007, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana,
2. Purohit SS, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2006, Agrobios, Jodhpur, ISBN-
3. Gupta PK, Elements of Biotechnology, 2008, Rastogi Publications, Meerut, ISBN-


B.Sc. level biology related subjects / Integrated M.Sc. 3 years study

Course Outcomes
By the end of this course,
 Students will be able to describe aquatic biomes.

 Students will be able to list out names of marine bioresources.

 Students will be able to explain about the aquaculture technology and marine

Physico-chemical characteristics of fresh and marine water, Marine environment,

Characteristics classification and communities of Estuaries, Mangrove ecosystems. Primary
productivity and Factors affecting primary production. Plankton, Eutrophication, Red Tide,
Phyto–Zooplankton relationships, Benthos. Isolation, culture and identification of marine
microorganisms. Microbiology of fresh and processed fish – Spoilage of fish and shellfish,
Quality and Safety of seafood, Diseases of cultivable organisms. Bioactive compounds from
the marine environment.
Biofouling – Biofilm, Biocorrosion, Bioinvasion and ballast water, Marine fouling and boring
organisms. Aquaculture and Fisheries Technology – Bioaugmentation, Biofloc,
Bioremediation, Probiotics, Prebiotics and immunostimulants, Molecular tools for disease
diagnosis. Reproductive Biotechnology – Breeding biology and endocrine control of
reproduction. Hybridization, Selective breeding, Cross breeding, Transgenic fish production,
Chromosomal manipulation – Androgenesis, Gynogenesis, Sex reversal and polyploidy,

Essential Reading
1. Polunin VCN. Aquatic Ecosystems: Trends and Global Prospects (2008).
2. Ennion SJ, Goldspink G. Gene Expression and Manipulation in Aquatic Organisms.
1st edition (2009).
3. Stickney RR. Encyclopedia of Aquaculture. 1st edition (2000).
Supplementary Reading
1. Barnes RSK, Mann KH. Fundamentals of Aquatic Ecology. 2nd edition (1992).
2. Gal YL, Gal YL, Halvorson HO. New developments in marine biotechnology (2013).
3. Lazarovici P. Biochemical aspect of marine pharmacology (1996).

LS3302 BIOINSTRUMENTATION 3 Credits (3-0-0)

LS1001 Biology

Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course,
 Students shall be able to apply different instrumentation for their biological research,
and shall be able to modify the technique for project’s suitability.

Principles, types and applications of pH meter, Spectrophotometers, Centrifuges,

Microscopes, Sonicator, Autoclave, Biosafety cabinets, Electrophoretic techniques,
Precipitation, Dialysis, Ultrafiltration, Lyophilization, Chromatography.

Essential Reading
1. Correia JJ, Detrich W. Methods in Cell Biology, Vol. 84 (Biophysical Tools for
Biologists: Vol. 1 In Vitro Techniques (2007).
2. Keith Wilson, John Walker, Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology, 7th edition (2010), Cambridge University Press, ISBN-978052173167
3. Wester John G (Ed.), Bioinstrumentation, 2004, Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, ISBN-
Supplementary Reading
1. Cantor, Schimmel. Biophysical Chemistry (Techniques for the study of biological
structure and function), (part II) (1980).
2. Glasel JA, Deutscher MP. Introduction to Biophysical Methods for Protein and
Nucleic Acid Research. Har/Dsk edition (1995).
3. Plummer David T, Introduction to practical biochemistry, 3 rd edition (2013), Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi, ISBN-9780070994874

LS3303 BIOPHYSICS 3 Credits (3-0-0)

LS1001 Biology

Course Outcomes
By the end of this course,
 Students shall be able to understand the rules of physics involved in the biological

Physico-chemical interactions involved in biological sciences, Physico-chemical properties of

water, Laws of thermodynamics and their applications, Chemical-Physical properties of
biomolecules - Proteins, Nucleic Acids, Lipids and Carbohydrates. Thermodynamics of DNA
replications, Transcription, Translation, Protein Folding and Degradation. Tools to study the
thermodynamics of biological processes.

Essential Reading
1. Pattabhi Vasantha, Biophysics, 2002, Narosa, New Delhi, ISBN-8173194622
2. Thomas E Creighton. Proteins (Structure and Molecular Properties). 2 nd edition
3. Bloomfield VA, Crothers DM, Tinoco I. Nucleic Acids (Structure, Properties, and
Functions). 1st edition (2000).
Supplementary Reading
1. Cotterill Rodney MJ, Biophysics: a introduction, 2004, New Jersey, London, ISBN-
2. Ole G. Mouritsen. Life- As a Matter of Fat (The emerging science of lipidomics). 1 st
edition (2004).
3. Jackson MB. Molecular and Cellular Biophysics. 1st edition (2006).

LS5411 CANCER BIOLOGY 3 Credits (3-0-0)

LS4407 Cell Biology

Course Outcomes
After completing this course,
 Students shall be able to discuss the basic concepts of cancer, its causative agents,
molecular mechanism and immunoediting.

The concept of cell, tissue, development and cancer. Cancer - Hallmarks, properties,
angiogenesis and metastasis. Causes of cancer - Chemicals, Radiation, Infectious Agents,
Heredity. Oncogenes, Tumor Suppressor Genes, the Epigenetic Basis of Cancer. Alteration
of programmed cell death, Immune surveillance, Immunoediting, Regulatory lymphocytes in
cancer, Stem Cell and Cancer stem cell, Cancer Screening, Diagnosis, Treatment and
Cancer Prevention. Cell and tissue culture, Animal models.

Essential Reading
1. Kleinsmith LJ. Principles of Cancer Biology, Pearson 1st edition (2005), ISBN-
10: 0805340033
2. Weinberg RA. The Biology of Cancer. Garland Science; 2nd edition (2013); ISBN-
10: 0815342209
3. Robin Hesketh, Introduction to Cancer Biology, Cambridge University Press; 1
edition (January 28, 2013); ISBN-10:1107601487
Supplementary Reading
1. Bapat SA. Cancer Stem Cells: Identification and Targets. Wiley-Blackwell 1st edition
(2008). ASIN: B00Y4REHDQ
2. Prendergast GC, Jaffee EM. Cancer immunotherapy: immune suppression and
tumor growth. Academic Press 1st edition (2007); ASIN: B00DHG10GW
3. Lauren Pecorino, Molecular Biology of Cancer: Mechanisms, Targets, and
Therapeutics, Oxford University Press; 3 edition (June 18, 2012); ISBN-
10: 019957717X

LS5105 Chromatin Dynamics and Gene Regulation 3 Credits (3-0-0)

LS4104 Molecular Biology

Course outcomes:
Upon completion of the course,
 Students will be able to explain about chromatin structure and gene regulation in
 Students will be able to describe the concept of epigenetics and its effect

Genome architecture, gene function, Chromatin organisation and gene expression, Stem
cells, Reprogramming and Regeneration, Epigenetics, Regulation of genes in eukaryotes,
Structural genomics, alteration in gene regulation and diseases, Modulation of chromatin

Essential Reading
1. Allis C David (Ed.), Epigenetics, 2007, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, ISBN-
2. Naumova Anna K (Ed.), Epigenetics and Complex Traits, 2013, Springer, New York,
3. Miglani Gurbachans, Gene Regulation, 2013, Narsoa, New Delhi, ISBN-
Supplementary Reading
1. Perdew Gary H, Regulation of gene expression: molecular mechanisms, 2006,
Humana Press, New Jersey, ISBN-9781588292650
2. Bidlack Wayne R (Ed.), Nutritional Genomics: the impact of dietary regulation of gene
function on human, 2012, CRC Press, Boca Raton, ISBN-9781439844526
3. Bina Minou (Ed.), Gene regulation: methods and protocols, 2013, Springer, New
York, ISBN-9781627032834

LS3606 FOOD SCIENCE 3 Credits (3-0-0)

LS1001 Biology

Course Outcomes
After completing this course,
 Students shall be able to explain the basics of food chemistry, nutrition and food

 Students shall be able to discuss the processing technologies followed in industries.

 Students shall be able to relate the subject to the possible arena of entrepreneurial
activity related to food products.

Specific components of foods – Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, dietary fibres, pigments,

flavours. Enzymatic and Nonenzymatic browning, Basic concepts of nutrition - Nutritional
and Calorific values of foods, Protein Efficiency Ratio, Role of vitamins and minerals in
nutrition, Antinutrients, Nutrition deficiency diseases, Microbial growth in food, Growth and
Death kinetics, Food spoilage – Chemical, Thermal and Microbial causes, Foodborne
diseases, Fermented Foods, Food processing principles, Hurdle Technology, Preservatives,
Food additives.

Essential Reading
1. Vieira ER, Elementary Food Science, 4th edition (2010), Chapman and Hall, New
York, ISBN-9780834216570.
2. Sunetra Roday, Food Science and Nutrition. 2 nd edition (2012), Oxford University
Press. New Delhi, ISBN: 978-0198078869.
3. Lillian Hoagland Meyer, Food Chemistry. 2002. CBS Publishers and Distributors New
Supplementary Reading
1. Damodaran Srinivasan, Fennema’s Food Chemistry, 2008, CRC Press, Boca Raton,
2. Shewfelt Robert L, Introducing Food Science, 2009, CRC Press, Boca Raton, ISBN-
3. Hui. Handbook of Food Science, Technology and Engineering. Volume I to IV (2003),
CRD Press, Boca Raton, ISBN-9781574445510

LS5304 GENOMICS AND PROTEOMICS 3 Credits (3-0-0)

LS4104 Molecular Biology

Course Outcomes
Upon completing this course,
 Students shall be able to discuss the concept about genomics and proteomics.

 Students shall be able to explain about Transcriptomes.

Definition, classification, and scopes. The emergence of proteome concept - Structural and
functional proteomes, Protein structure related to functional kinetics. Prions, Bridging
genomics to proteomics. Transcriptomes - Measurement of gene expression, Microarray,
RNA-seq, Proteome analysis - 2-D PAGE including protein detection on electro-blot
membrane, Mass spectrometry and Phosphorylation site analysis. Proteomics about animal
and plant health and welfare.

Essential Reading:
1. Choudhuri Supratim (Ed.), Genomics: fundamentals and applications, 2009, Informa
Healthcare, New York, ISBN-9781420067057
2. Campbell AM, Heyer LJ. Discovering Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics. 2nd
edition (2006).
3. Kraj, A. Proteomics: Introduction to methods and applications (2008).
Supplementary Reading:
1. Thomson, Julie D. Functional Proteomics: Methods and Protocols (2008).
2. Mishra, Nawin C. Introduction to Proteomics: Principles and Applications (2010).
3. Simpson, Richard J. Proteins and Proteomics: A Laboratory Manual (2003).

LS5412 Molecular Evolution 3 credits (3-0-0)

Biology (LS1001)

Course outcomes:
After the completion of the course,
 Students will be able to discuss the theories of evolution
 Students will be able to explain the molecular evolution

History of evolutionary ideas, Evolution of Biodiversity, Genetic variation natural selection,

units of selection, adaptation, speciation, population genetics, drift and the neutral theory,
sexual selection and the evolution of sex, molecular phylogenetics, molecular evolution,
estimating nucleotide substitutions, homologous sequences, gene trees vs. species trees,
Darwinian selection at the molecular level, gene families. Evolution of genes and genomics,
Co-evolution- interactions amongst species

Essential reading:
1. Futuyma, D.J., Evolutionary Biology, Third Edn, Sinauer Associates, Inc., 2013
2. Rajeev Tyagi, Understanding Evolutionary Biology, Discovery Publishing House Pvt
Ltd (2011),
3. Masatoshi Nei and Sudhir Kumar, Molecular Evolution and
Phylogenetics, Oxford University Press, 2000.

Supplementary reading:
1. Dawkins, R., The Blind Watchmaker, W W Norton & Co., 1986.

2. Maynard Smith, J., The Theory of Evolution, Cambridge University Press, 1975.

3. Dan Graur and Wen-Hsiung Li, Fundamentals of Molecular Evolution, Sinauer

Associates, Inc., 1991.

LS5503 Nanobiology 3 credits (3-0-0)

B.Sc. level biology related subjects / Integrated M.Sc. 3 years study

Course outcomes:
After completion of the syllabus,
 Students will be able to discuss the concepts in nanobiology
 Students will be able to explain the applications of nanotechnology in different fields
of biology

Nanoparticles and their types, Biopolymeric formulations, Different methods of synthesis of

nanomaterials, Characterization techniques of nanomaterials, Nanomaterials as drug
delivery systems, Multifunctional nanoparticle platforms, Nanoparticle interface at the
molecular level, Nanotoxicity.

Essential Reading:
1. Gupta M, Science and technology of nanomaterials, 2005, Trans Tech, Switzerland,
2. Gogotsi Yuri, Nanomaterials Handbook, 2006, Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton,
3. Rao CNR, Chemistry of Nanomaterials: Synthesis, properties, and applications, 2004
(volume 1), Wiley, Weinheim, ISBN-3527306862
Supplementary Reading:
1. Kumar Challa SSR (Ed.), Nanomaterials – toxicity, health and environmental issues
(Nanotechnologies for life sciences series), 2006, Wiley-vch, Weinheim, ISBN-
2. Mozafari MR (Ed.), Nanomaterials and nanosystems for biomedical applications,
2007, Springer, Dordrecht, ISBN-9781402062889
3. Geckeler Kurt E (Ed.), Functional Nanomaterials (Titles in Nanotechnology book
series), 2006, American Scientific Publishers, California, ISBN-9781588830678

LS5413 Neuroscience 3 credits (3-0-0)

Biology (LS1001)

Course outcomes:
After the completion of the syllabus,
 Students will be able to explain about the neuronal wiring in various parts of our
 Students will be able to discuss how our sensory organs work and maintain
coordination with the surrounding.
 Students will be able to articulate the deformities caused in the body by the failure of

Gross anatomy of the central, peripheral and autonomous nervous system ; basic circuit,
synaptic action, dendritic properties and functional operation of: Peripheral nervous system;
Functional aspects of cranial and spinal nerve components; functional anatomy of
Cerebellum; cerebellar cortex, central nuclei, cerebellar peduncles; Descending motor
pathways; Neuronal structural and functional operation of: Auditory system; Visual system;
Olfactory and Limbic system; Autonomic system.

Essential Reading:
1. Animal Physiology, 2nd edition. 2008, Richard W Hill, Freeman publisher, ISBN
2. Animal Physiology, 2008, R.C.Sobti, Narosa publisher, ISBN 9788173191930
3. Seeley's fundamentals of human anatomy and physiology – 7th ed. VanPutte,
Cinnamon, 2011, ISBN 9780070701953
Supplementary Reading:
1. Human anatomy and physiology: with health education, 2 nd ed., Sanghani, Padma B,
Tata Mcgraw Hill Education, 2012, ISBN 9780071077736.
2. Atlas of Human Anatomy, R.D. Inelnikov, MIR Pub, 1988, ISBN 5-03-000323-1.
3. Human anatomy and physiology: with health education, 2nd ed, Padma B Sanghani,
Tata Mc GrawHill, 2012, 9780071077736.

LS5607 Parasitology 3 Credits (3-0-0)

Microbiology (LS4602)

Course Outcomes:
Upon completing the course,
 Students will be able to discuss the concept of parasitism and animal associations.
 Students will be able to tell the major types of protozoan parasites and their life
 Students will be able to articulate helminthic parasites.
 Students will be able to explain methods to identify parasites and to treat parasitic

Protozoa – General features, Amoeba, Flagellates, Malarial parasites, Ciliate Protozoa,

Helminths – General features, Trematodes - Flukes, Cestodes - Tapeworms, Nematodes –
Trichinella spiralis, Strongyloides, Hookworm, Pinworm, Roundworm, Filarial worms,
Diagnostic methods in parasitology

Essential Reading:
1. Textbook of Medical Parasitology, 6 th edition, by CK Jayaram Parker, Jaypee
Publishers, New Delhi, 2007 (ISBN: 81-8061-937-0)
2. Parasitology (Protozoology and Helminthology), 13 th edition, by K.D. Chatterjee, CBS
Publishers, New Delhi, 2009, ISBN-10: 8123918100
3. Medical Parasitology, 3rd edition, by Arora D. R. and Arora, Brij Bala. CBS
Publishers, New Delhi (ISBN: 9788123918501), 2010
Supplementary Reading:
1. Simplified course on parasitology and immunology by Swapan Kumar Rej and Rakhi
Roy, New Central Book Agency Publishers, Kolkata, 2011 (ISBN: 9788173816369)
2. Human Parasitology, 4th Edition, by Burton J. Bogitsh, Clint E. Carter and Thomas N.
Oeltmann, Elsevier Publications, 2013 (ISBN: 9780124159150)
3. Larry Roberts, John Janoyy Jr. Foundations of Parasitology, 8th edition (2008).
McGraw-Hill, ISBN-9780073028279

LS5203 Recombinant DNA Science 3 Credits (3-0-0)

Biochemistry (LS4103), Cell biology(LS4407), Microbiology(LS4602), Molecular Biology

Course outcomes:

By the end of the course, the students will be able to:

 The benefit with detailed concept/knowledge on current molecular biology and
 Apply the recombinant DNA science in routine laboratory application and practices.
Provide examples on the use of rDNA science to engineering bacteria, plant or
animal cell to produce a protein of interest.
 Can design step-by-step research problems on bioengineering any organism.

Tools of recombinant DNA. c-DNA and genomic library, oligonucleotide synthesis, Molecular
markers, DNA sequencing, Functional Genomics, Gene isolation, cloning, expression and
identification of recombinant clone and expression of the protein in bacteria and eukaryotic
cells. Regulating Use of Biotechnology, Patenting Biotechnology Inventions.

Essential reading:
1. Recombinant DNA technology by Sandhu, Sardul Singh. New Delhi I. K. International
2. Recombinant DNA: Genes and Genomes - a short course Watson, James. New York
W. H. Freeman 2007
3. Molecular biotechnology: principles and applications of recombinant DNA Glick
Bernard R. Washington Dasm Press 2010
Supplementary reading:
1. Rapid Construction of Recombinant Plasmids by QuickStep-Cloning Jajesniak,
Pawel; Wong, Tuck Seng; Hughes, Randall A. In: Synthetic DNA: Methods and
Protocols. 09/27/2016. 1472:205-214; New York, NY: Humana Press.
2. Recombinant Enzymes - From Basic Science to Commercialization Amid, Azura.
Cham: Springer. 2015. eBook., Database: eBook Index
3. Manipulation and expression of recombinant DNA: a laboratory manual Carson,
Susan. Burlington Academic Press 2006

LS5204 RNAi and Oncogenomics 3 Credits (3-0-0)

LS4407 Cell Biology, LS4104 Molecular Biology

Course Outcomes
 After completion of the syllabus, students will be equipped to use the concept of
RNAi and gene silencing as a useful tool for studying various biological problems,
especially cancer and stem cells.

The concept of RNAi (RNA interference) and discovery, Gene silencing, Gene activation,
other methods of gene silencing. Types, Biogenesis and Regulatory roles of non-coding
RNAs - miRNA, siRNA, piRNA, lncRNA. RNAi-mediated gene silencing - Components and
Mechanism, RISC and Proteins. The role of RNAi in development and differentiation.
Oncogenesis, Tumour suppressor genes and Oncogenes. Cross-talk among ncRNAs and
cancer, RNAi in oncogenesis and stem cells, Regulatory RNAs in cancer and cancer stem
cells (CSCs), Types of stem cells, RNAi in induced pluripotency and cancer, Current
research progress in RNAi therapeutics - case studies, significance and challenges.

Essential Reading
1. Bibekanand Mallick, Zhumur Ghosh, Regulatory RNAs: Basics, Methods and
Applications, 1st edition (2012), Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN-
2. Brenner Charles (Ed.), Oncogenomics: Molecular approaches to cancer, 2004, John
Wiley, New Jersey, ISBN-9780471225928
3. Gregory J Hannon, RNAi: A guide to gene silencing, 2003, CSHL Press, ISBN-
Supplementary Reading:
1. Robert A Weinberg, The Biology of Cancer, 2nd edition (2013), ISBN-9780815342205
2. Barik Sailen (Ed.), RNAi: design and application, 2008, Humana Press, Totawa,
3. Gaur RK (Ed.), RNAi Technology, 2011, CRC Press, Boca Raton, ISBN-

LS5106 STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY 3 Credits (3-0-0)

LS4103 Biochemistry

Course Outcomes
After completing this course,
 Students should be familiar with the NMR, X-ray and computational techniques used
to study macromolecular structure.

 Students will understand the basics of various types of macromolecular interactions.

The concept of Structural Biology, Evolutionary relationships of structural features of

proteins. Determinants of protein structure and current views of protein folding. Motions in
macromolecules and the functional importance of dynamics, the basis for various types of
macromolecular interactions including protein- protein and protein-nucleic acid interactions,
the chemical basis for interactions with enzyme inhibitors and other ligands. X-ray
crystallographic and NMR-structure of proteins and nucleic acids. The proposition of DNA
double helical structure in understanding the blueprint of life, Watson and Crick model. Fine
structure of fibrous, globular and membrane proteins, Nucleosome and Chromatin structure.
Cytoskeleton structure and protein-protein network.

Essential Reading
1. Lilgas A, Lilgas L, JuiPiskur et al. Textbook of Structural Biology (2009).
2. Malhotra SK (Editor). Advances in structural biology (2000).
3. Rice PA (Ed.), Protein-nucleic acid interactions: structural biology, 2008, Royal
Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, ISBN-9780854042722
Suggested Reading
1. Luckey M. Membrane structural biology: With Biochemical and Biophysical
Foundations. 2nd edition (2014).
2. Grisshammer R (Ed.), Structural Biology of Membrane Proteins, 2006, Royal Society
of Chemistry, Cambridge, ISBN-9780854043613
3. Kobe Bostjan (Ed.), Structural proteomics: high-throughput methods, 2008, Humana
Press, New Jersey, ISBN-9781588298096

LS5414 SYSTEM PHYSIOLOGY 3 Credits (3-0-0)

B.Sc. level biology related subjects / Integrated M.Sc. 3 years study

Course outcomes
Upon completion of this course,
 Students will understand the structure of various systems in human body.

 Students will be able to explain about the functions of different systems of human

 Students will understand the malfunctioning of systems in the human body and its
remedial measures.

Blood and circulation, Cardiovascular system – Cardiac cycle, Heart as a Pump, Blood
pressure. Respiratory system – Transport and Exchanges of gases, Neural and Chemical
regulation of respiration. Nervous system - Neurons, Action potential, Gross neuroanatomy
of the brain and spinal cord, Neural control of muscle tone and posture, Excretory system -
Kidney, Urine formation, Waste elimination, Regulation of water balance, Thermoregulation,
Digestive system – Digestion and absorption. Reproductive system – Reproductive
processes, Gametogenesis and Ovulation, Endocrine glands – Hormone actions and
hormonal disorders

Water and Solute transport, Photoassimilate translocation, Photorespiration, Plant hormones

and phytochromes-physiological effects and mechanisms of action, Secondary metabolites,
Stress physiology

Essential Reading
1. J E Hall, Pocket Companion to Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology,
Saunders; 12 edition (2011), ISBN-10: 1416054510
2. Randall David, Eckert Animal physiology: mechanisms and adaptations, 5 th edition
(2002), WH Freeman and Company, New York, ISBN-9780716738633
3. Taiz and Zeiger, Plant Physiology, Sunderland Sinaue 5th Edition (2010), ISBN-

Supplementary Reading
1. Watson Cheryl, Human Physiology, 2015, Jones and Bartlett Learning titles in
biological science, Joes and Bartlett, Burlington, ISBN-9781284035179
2. Rastogi SC, Essentials of animal physiology, 4 th edition (2007), New Age
Internationals, New Delhi, ISBN-9788122420142
3. HS Ravikumar Patil, Textbook of human physiology, 2010, I.K. International, New
Delhi, ISBN-9789380026503

LS2107 Biomolecules 3 credits (3-0-0)

LS1001 Biology
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
 Explain properties of water and how they influence biomolecular and cellular function.
 Develop the knowledge of the structural organisation and functional molecules of the
cells namely carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.
 Describe the structure, chemistry and functional roles of biomolecules, including
nucleic acids, lipids, carbohydrates and proteins.
 Understand the different classes of enzymes and vitamins present in the living
system and how they participate, perform and regulate different chemical reactions.

Water - chemical properties, function as medium of cellular reactions and activities;

Carbohydrates- structure, functions and biologically important carbohydrates Amino acid,
peptide and proteins - classification, structure and properties of amino acids, Protein-
structures and function; Lipids- structure and biological functions; Nucleic acids- DNA-
double helix structure and function, RNA- structure and functions Enzymes- classification of
enzymes and mechanism of enzyme action; Vitamins-Structure and functions.

Essential Reading
1. Essentials of Biochemistry- U. Satyanarayana & U. Chakrapani. Second edition;
2007, Books and Allied (P) Ltd. India. ISBN No- 81-87134-82-8
2. Fundamentals of Biochemistry-J.L. Jain, Sanjay Jain & Nitin Jain. Sixth Edition, 2005.
S. Chand & company Ltd. ISBN No- 81-219-2453-7
3. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry- Michael M. Cox and David L. Nelson. Fifth
edition; 2011. W. H. Freeman and company. ISBN No- 978-0-230-22699-9
Supplementary Reading
1. Fundamentals of Biochemistry- Dr A. C. Deb. Tenth Edition; 2011; New Central Book
Agency (P) Ltd. Kolkata. ISBN No- 9788173811449
2. Biochemistry The Molecular Basis of Life- Trudy McKee & James R. McKee. Fifth
Edition, 2013, Oxford University Press. ISBN No- 978-0-19-992046-4
3. Fundamentals of Biochemistry- U. Satyanarayana & U. Chakrapani. First Published;
2008. Books and Allied (P) Ltd. India. ISBN No- 81-87134-45-3

LS2415 Cellular Architecture and Mechanics 3 Credits (3-0-0)

LS1001 Biology

Course Outcomes
After completion of the course,
 Students will be able to list out the cellular organelles and explain their functions
 Students will be able to discuss the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic
cells in detail
 Students will be able to explain the central dogma of cell and cellular communication

Cell and Cell theory, Ultrastructure of the prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell, Cellular organelles,
Plasma membrane, Chromosome and Chromosomal organisation, Central Dogma, Gene
Regulation, Cell cycle, Cell division, Programmed Cell Death, Cellular Communication and

Essential Reading
1. The Cell: A Molecular Approach, Geoffrey M. Cooper and Robert E.
Hausman Sinauer Associates, 7th Edition, 2015, ISBN-10: 1605355402
2. Cell and Molecular Biology, P K Gupta, Rastogi Publications, 4th edition 2015, ISBN-
10: 9350780720
3. Cell Biology, V K Agarwal and P.S. Verma, S. Chand Publishing, 1st Edition, 2006
ISBN-10: 8121924421
Supplementary reading
1. Molecular Biology of the Cell, Bruce Alberts et al, Garland Science, 6 edition,
2014, ISBN-10: 0815344643
2. The Biology of Cancer by Robert A. Weinberg, GS publication, 2 nd Edition, 2014
ISBN-10: 0815345283
3. Molecular Cell Biology, Harvey Lodish et al., W. H. Freeman, 8th Edition, 2016
ISBN-10: 1464187444

LS3608 Microbes and Environment 3 Credits (3-0-0)

Biology (LS1001)

Course Outcomes:
Upon completing this course,
 Students will have the know-how on the various uses of microorganisms.

 Students will have an overview of the effect of microbes on the environment.

Microbial cell structure and function, Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration, Microbial Ecology,
Environmental Microbiology, Role of microbes in different biogeochemical cycles, Microbial
Fertilizers and Microbial Pesticides, Waste water treatment, Biodegradation and
Bioremediation; Aquatic microbiology and water-borne diseases. Microbial interactions and
interrelations with other organisms.

Essential Reading:
1. Microbial Ecology: Fundamentals and Applications, by R. M. Atlas and R. Bartha,
Pearson Education, 1998.
2. Willey, Sherwood and Woolverton. Prescott, Harley, and Klein’s Microbiology. 7 th
edition (2008).
3. Dubey RC. A Textbook of Biotechnology (2007).
Supplementary Reading:
1. Handbook of metal-microbe interaction and bioremediation, by S. Das and H. R.
Dash, CRC Press, 2017
2. Pommerville, J.C. Alcamo’s Fundamentals of Microbiology (2006).
3. John Postgate. Microbes and Man (2000).

LS3504 Infection and Immunity 3 Credits (3-0-0)

LS1001 Biology

Course Outcomes
Upon completing the course,
 Students will be able to discuss the concept of microbial infection and immune
response against them.
 Students will understand about major human pathogens and associated disease
 Students will be able to explain how our immune (defence) system function

Basic immunology, Innate and adaptive immunity, immune cells. Infection biology, type of
infection, Bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic, protozoan infections. Immune response to
bacterial (Salmonella and Mycobacterium) and viral (HIV, Influenza) infection. Pathogenicity
and virulence factors. Vaccine development and its importance
Essential Reading
1. Immunology, Infection, and Immunity, by Gerald Bryan Pier, Jeffrey B. Lyczak, Lee
M. Wetzler, Publisher, ASM Press, Washington, D.C. 2004, 718 pages ISBN
1555812465, 9781555812461, 9781555816148
2. Kuby Immunology, 6th Edition, by Thomas J. Kindt, Barbara A. Osborne, Richard A.
Goldsby ISBN 10: 1429202114 ISBN 13: 9781429202114, Publisher: W. H.
Freeman & Company, 2006
3. Basic Immunology 5th Edition. Function and Disorders of the Immune system by Abul
Abbas Andrew H. Lichtman Shiv Pillai, Paperback ISBN: 9780323390828, eBook
ISBN: 9780323400152, Imprint: Elsevier, 2015
Supplementary Reading
1. Mims Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases, 5th Edition, Anthony A. Nash, Cedric A.
Mims, John Stephen, Academic Press, 25-Sep-2000,
ISBN 10: 0124982654 ISBN 13: 9780124982659, eBook ISBN: 9780080538501
2. Mims Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases, Anthony A. Nash, Robert G. Dalziel, J.
Ross Fitzgerald, Published by Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc, United
States(2015), ISBN 10: 0123971888 ISBN 13: 9780123971883
3. Greenwood Medical Microbiology, A Guide to Microbial Infections: Pathogenesis,
Immunity, Laboratory Diagnosis and Control, 18th Edition, Authors: David
Greenwood, Richard C. B. Slack, Michael R. Barer and Will L Irving,
Imprint: Churchill Livingstone Published Date: 20th July 2012, Paperback
ISBN: 9780702040894, eBook ISBN: 9780702051197

LS4205 Bioinformatics and Genome Biology 3 Credits (3-0-0)

LS1001 Biology

Course outcomes:
On completion of the syllabus,
 The student will be having an in-depth understanding of the organisation and content
of the genomes
 The student will be able to explain how the genomes can be harnessed by different
approaches of bioinformatics to draw conclusions about function, evolution and
hidden treasures of the organisms.

Genome structure and composition, Factors that influence the size, content and function of
the genome, human genome and genome projects, overview of genomics and
bioinformatics, Genome sequencing, Genome annotation and gene prediction, sequence
analysis of genes, genomes and biological data sources, Comparative Genomics,
Phylogenetics and phylogenomics, Functional genomics, 3D structure and structural
genomics, metagenomics, genome-wide profiling methods, Next-generation sequencing
technologies and analysis, Epigenomics, systems biology and gene regulatory networks.

Essential reading:
1. Bioinformatics: Principles and Applications, Z. Ghosh and B. Mallick (2008) Oxford
University Press. ISBN-9780195692303.
2. Discovering Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, 2nd Edition. A. Malcolm
Campbell and Laurie J. Heyer (2007) Pearson. ISBN- 978-8131715598
3. Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis. David W. Mount, 2 nd edition (2005)
CSHL Press. ISBN-978-8123912417

Supplementary reading:
1. Genomes 3, T.A. Brown (2006) Garland Science; 3rd edition. ISBN: 978-0815341383
2. Next-Generation DNA Sequencing Informatics, Second Edition, Stuart M. Brown
(2015) CSHL Press. ISBN: 978-1-621821-23-6
3. Comparative Genomics, Bergman, Nicholas H. (Ed.) (2008) Humana Press. ISBN:

LS4416 Molecular Biology of Development 3 credits (3-0-0)

Biology (LS1001)

Course outcomes:
At the end of the syllabus,
 Students will be able to explain the development of a cell.
 Students will be able to discuss the expression of genes during the development.
 Students will be able to articulate the process of faulty developments leading to

Introduction to developmental biology, Overview of the vertebrate development,

Developmental Genetics, Techniques used in developmental biology, Molecules regulation
of : the early patterning, setting of body axes and germ layers of vertebrates, somites and
nervous system, morphogenesis, early embryonic changes, germ cells, fertilization and sex,
cell differentiation and stem cells; organogenesis: development of organs; nervous system

Essential Reading:
1. Principles of Development, 4 th Ed., Lewis Wolpert, Oxford University press, 2011,
2. Developmental Biology, Tenth Edition: Scott F. Gilbert, SINAUER ASSOCIATES,
INC., 2010, ISBN-0878933840
3. Principles of developmental genetics, 2nd ed., Sally A. Moody, Academic Press,
Supplementary Reading:
1. Adherens Junctions: from molecular mechanisms to tissue development and
disease, Harris Tony, Springer, 2012, ISBN-9789400741850.
2. Evolution, comparative anatomy, biometry, economic zoology and animal
development, Pandey BN, Tata MC GrawHill, 2012, 9780071330053
3. Foundations of Embryology, 6th Ed. 2006, Carlson, TMH Pub., 2006, ISBN-

LS2091 Life Science Laboratory I 2 credits (0-0-3)

Enrolling into LS2101 Basic Biochemistry, LS2601 Basic Microbiology, LS2401 Cell and
Molecular Biology

1. Detection of carbohydrate, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acid.

2. Estimation of blood glucose.
3. Estimation of blood urea.
4. Observation of a plant cell.
5. Observation of an animal cell.
6. Observation of different phases of mitosis.
7. Observation of different phases of meiosis.
8. Preparation of nutrient broth and nutrient agar slants/plates and observation of microbial
9. Isolation and enumeration of total heterotrophic bacteria by spread plate technique.
10. Isolation and enumeration of total heterotrophic bacteria by pour plate technique.

LS2092 Life Science Laboratory II 2 credits (0-0-3)

Enrolling into LS2402 Animal Science, LS2403 Plant Science

1. Demonstration of three most distinctive features of plant cells – plastids, the large central
vacuole and cell walls by compound microscope.
2. Observation of photosynthetic plant cell from the water plant Elodea.
3. Observation of amyloplasts in yam sections and tomato fruit.
4. Observation of cell walls in cork, stone cells in pear fruits, parenchyma and sclerencyma
cells in a grass leaf.
5. Observation of plant structures – stems and leaves.
6. Observation of animal cells.
7. Observation of different internal parts of animals.
8. Observation of different parts of digestive tract of cockroach.
9. Survey of digestive enzymes n cockroach.
10. Estimation of haemoglobin, total RBC and WBC in human blood.

LS3093 Life Science Laboratory III 2 credits (0-0-3)

Enrolling into LS3405 Genetics, LS3406 Molecular Basis of Development

1. Observation of different stages of chick embryo.

2. Observation of different stages of frog.
3. Observation of different stages of fish embryo.
4. Structure of sperm and egg.
5. Observation of different stages of pollen development in Arabidopsis.
6. Experiment on Mendelian Genetics.
7. Experiment on Polygenic inheritance.
8. Experiment on Simple Cross in Arabidopsis (mutant vs wild type).
9. Karyotyping.
10. Chromosomal banding patterns.

LS3094 Life Science Laboratory IV 2 credits (0-0-3)

Enrolling into LS3501 Basic Immunology, LS3102 Physiology

1. Study of Blood Groups.

2. Determination of concentration of antigens by Single Radial Immuno-diffusion technique.
3. Detection of specific antigen using Double Immuno-diffusion technique.
4. Latex Agglutination test for Rheumatoid arthritis.
5. Widal test for Typhoid.
6. Determination of water potential by tissue weight change method.
7. Study of the stomatal index.
8. Relation between water absorption and transpiration.
9. Demonstration of Hill reaction.
10. Effects of light intensity on photosynthesis by Wilmot's bubbler.

LS4391 Bioanalytical Techniques Lab 2 credits (0-0-3)

Enrolling into LS4301 Bioanalytical Techniques

1. Preparation of different solution (protein, lipid, nucleic acid) for FTIR, UV-Visible,
Fluorescence spectroscopic measurements.
2. DNA melting and reannealing study using UV-Visible spectroscope.
3. Study of conformational change in protein using FTIR/CD spectroscope.
4. Effect of different solvent on fluorescence property of intrinsic/extrinsic fluorophore using
fluorescence spectroscope.
5. Preparation of different acid/base dilution to differentiate between activity and
6. Isolation of protein from microbe/plant/animal cells using electrophoresis.
7. Purification of protein using size exclusion chromatography.
8. Determination of concentration of sugars using HPLC.

LS4491 Cell Biology Lab 2 Credits (0-0-3)

Enrolling into LS4407 Cell Biology

1. Measurement of the size of cells and subcellular components in light microscope.

2. Staining of nucleus, mitochondria in human cheek epithelial cells.
3. Cell viability assay by trypan blue exclusion and MTT assay.
4. Study of apoptosis, autophagy and senescence in Mammalian cells.
5. Study of different stages of mitosis in onion root tip cells.
6. Study of different stages of meiosis in grasshopper testis cells.
7. Analysis of expression of fluorescent-tagged proteins by transfection in eukaryotic cell.
8. Analysis of expression of protein by Western blot.

LS4691 Microbiology Laboratory 2 Credits (0-0-3)

Enrolling into LS4602

1. To study the guidelines for working in the microbiology laboratory.

2. To study various aseptic techniques used in the microbial experiment.
3. Isolation of total heterotrophic bacteria from soil and water.
4. Enumeration of air-borne microorganisms.
5. Isolation of pure culture.
6. To perform Gram’s staining to distinguish Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
7. Simple staining of bacteria and fungi.
8. Growth phase and growth curve of bacteria.
9. Antibiotic sensitivity test of microbes.
10. Determination of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of antibiotics.
11. To test starch hydrolysis by amylase activity.
12. To study bacterial motility.
13. To study bacteriology of water by Most Probable Number (MPN) method.
14. To study principle and procedure of IMViC test.
15. To study microbial catabolic gene expression.
16. Bio-reporter assay for screening biofilm forming bacteria
17. Qualitative and quantitative assessment of bacterial biofilm

LS4191 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Lab 2 Credits (0-0-3)

LS4103 Biochemistry and enrolling into LS4104 Molecular Biology

1. Estimation of blood glucose and detection of (i) urea, (ii) uric acid, (iii) creatine, (iv)
creatinine, and (v) bile pigment in serum.
2. Determination of (i) sugar, (ii) ketone bodies, and (iii) protein in urine sample.
3. Estimation of Hb concentration, total W.B.C. and R.B.C. count in blood.
4. Determination of lipid, total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides.
5. Purification of serum albumin.
6. Enzyme assay and kinetics.
7. Protein fractionation – (i) Salting in and out, (ii) Gel filtration and affinity based
techniques, (iii) SDS-PAGE, and (iv) Electrophoretic separation of LDH isoenzymes.
8. Absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy related experiments.
9. Determination of CMC of biological surfactants.
10. Isolation of DNA from prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
11. Isolation of RNA from prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
12. Isolation of plasmid DNA from microorganisms.
13. Preparation of cDNA.
14. Gene expression analysis by Polymerase Chain Reaction.
15. Preparation of competant cells.
16. Cloning of external DNA into a plasmid vector.
17. Expression of foreign genes in Escherichia coli.

LS4291 Bioinformatics Lab 2 Credits (0-0-3)

Enrolling into LS4201 Bioinformatics
1. Visualising and understanding biological data formats, such as GenBank flat file, gen
pet, FASTA, nexus, pdb etc.
2. Exploring nucleotide and protein databases: GenBank, EMBL, DDBJ, PIR-PSD,
SwissProt, TrEMBL/UniProt.
3. Protein Databank (PDB).
4. Interpretation of different biological data and use of tools of NCBI.
5. Visualising and understanding the 3D structure of macromolecules by molecular viewers:
RasMol, Cn3D, Swiss-PDB Viewer.
6. Sequence comparisons & alignment (pair-wise and multiple sequence alignment).
7. Protein secondary structure and prediction using available freeware.
8. Comparative genomics and gene prediction.
9. Prediction of the tertiary structure of proteins by homology modelling.

LS5591 Immunology Lab 2 Credits (0-0-3)

Enrolling into LS5502 Immunotechniques

1. Isolation of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells.

2. Detection of antigen/antibody using Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay technique.
3. Determination of immune response using Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Spot Assay.
4. Detection of specific antigen/antibody using the Immunoblotting method.
5. Fluorescent labelled antibody technique.
6. Purification of Immunoglobulins.
7. Purification of antisera.
8. Agglutination reactions.
9. Detection of microbial antigen using antibodies.
10. Separation of cells using Magnetic Activated Cell Sorting technique.

LS3095 Life Science Minor Laboratory – I 1 credit (0-0-2)

LS2107 Biomolecules, LS2415 Cellular Architecture and Mechanics, and enrolling into
LS3608 Microbes and Environment

1. Detection and estimation of protein

2. Detection and estimation of carbohydrate
3. Enzyme assay
4. Microscopic examination of pure and mixed microbial cultures and serial dilution and
spread plating of mixed microbial cultures
5. Streak plating, microscopy and gram staining techniques
6. Handling of liquid cultures and monitoring microbial growth phases via spectrophotometry
7. Observation of a plant cell.
8. Observation of an animal cell.
9. Observation of different phases of mitosis.
10. Observation of different phases of meiosis.

LS4096 Life Science Minor Laboratory – II 1 credit (0-0-2)

LS3504 Infection and Immunity, LS4205 Bioinformatics and Genome Biology, and enrolling
into LS4416 Molecular Biology of Development

1. Study of blood groups

2. Determination of HCG hormone
3. Protein structure and function
4. Homology modelling
5. Comparative genomics
6. Pattern matching
7. Phylogenetics
8. Drosophila life cycle
9. Experiment on eye development
10. Mechanosensory organ development

4 credits [3-1-0]

Differential Calculus: Real number system, Completeness axiom, Sequence (monotone,

bounded and Cauchy sequences), Limits, Continuity and Differentiability of functions, Rolle’s
Theorem, Mean value theorems, Series of real numbers, Tests for convergence of Series,
Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s theorems with remainders, Indeterminate forms. Functions of
several variables-Partial Differentiation, Total Differentiation, and Change of variables –
Jacobians, Maxima and minima of functions of two and three variables – Lagrange’s method
of Multipliers.

Integral Calculus: Riemann integration, Introduction to improper integrals, Beta and Gamma
integrals, Differentiation under integral sign; Double and triple integrals.

Vector Calculus: Scalar and Vector fields, Vector differentiation, Gradient of scalar
field, Directional derivative, Divergence and Curl of a vector field, Laplacian operator. Vector
integration- Line, surface and volume integrals, Green’s theorem in plane, Gauss divergence
theorem, Stokes’ theorem.

Essential Readings:
4. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition, John Wiley and Sons,

5. T. M. Apostol, Calculus, Volume I and II, 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 1967.

6. Thomas and etc. , Thomas Calculus 12 th Edition, Pearson, 2015.


II) 4 credits [3-1-0]

Matrix Theory: Gauss elimination method, Gauss-Jordon method for finding inverse of a
matrix, Vector space, subspace, linear span, linear dependence and independence, Basis
and dimension of vector space, Row and column spaces, Rank and nullity of a matrix, Rank
and Nullity Theorem, Inner product spaces, Gram-Schmidth Orthogonalization, Matrix
representation of Linear Transformations, Solvability of systems of linear equations, Eigen
values, Eigen vectors, Diagonalization of matrices, Reduction of a quadratic form to
canonical form.

Ordinary differential equations of first order: Geometrical interpretations, Separable

equations, Reduction to separable form, Exact equations, Integrating factors, Linear
equations, Bernoulli equations, orthogonal trajectories, Existence and uniqueness of IVP
(Picard’s Theorem), Applications to physical problems.

Ordinary linear differential equations of higher order: Fundamental system and general
solutions of homogeneous equations of order two, Wronskian, reduction of order, Solution of
non-homogeneous equations by method of undetermined coefficients and variation of
parameters. Extension to higher order differential equations, Euler-Cauchy equation, Power
series method, Applications to physical problems.

Laplace Transform: Laplace and inverse Laplace transforms, existence of Laplace

transform, first shifting theorem, transforms of derivative and integral, second shifting
theorem, differentiation and integration of transforms, Convolution theorem, Solution of
ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients.

Essential Reading:
E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition, John Wiley and Sons,

Suggested Readings:
1. G. F. Simmons and S. G. Krantz, Differential Equations: Theory, Technique and
Practice, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2006.

2. G. Strang, Linear Algebra and its applications, 4th Edition, Cengage Learning, 2005.

3. K. Hoffman and R. A. Kunze, Linear Algebra, Prentice Hall of India, 2002.

4. Kawk And Hong, Linear Algebra

5. N. Piskunuv, Differential and Integral Calculus


Basic concepts: Real number system and set theory, Completeness property, Archimedean
Property, Denseness of rational and irrational numbers, Countable and uncountable sets,
Cardinality, Review of limit, continuity and differentiability of functions, Uniform continuity of a

Riemann Integration: Introduction to Riemann integration, integration of unbounded functions

with finite limits of integration, Infinite range of integration, Tests for convergence, Beta and
Gamma Functions.

Metric spaces: Open and closed sets, interior and closure of a set, Limit points, Continuous
functions, Sequences in a Metric Space, Cauchy Sequences and Completeness,
Compactness, Finite intersection property, Total boundedness, Baire category theorem,
Cantor’s intersection theorem, Completion of a metric space.

Essential Readings:
1. J. M. Howie, Real Analysis, Springer-Verlag, 2001.

2. S. Kumaresan, Topology of Metric Spaces, Morgan and Claypool, 2011.

3. Das, G., Pattanayak, S., Fundamentals of Mathematical Analysis. TMH 2012.

Suggested Readings:
1. R. G. Bartle, The elements of Real Analysis, John-Wiley and Sons, 1967.

2. T. M. Apostol, Calculus, Volume 1, 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 1967.

3. M. Searcoid, Metric Spaces, Springer-Verlag, 2007.


Limit, Continuity and Differentiability, Analytic function, Cauchy Riemann equations,

Laplace’s equation, Conformal mapping, branch and branch point, Linear fractional
transformations, Complex integration, Line integral in the complex plane, Cauchy’s Integral
Theorem, Cauchy’s Integral Formula, Liouville’s theorem, Morera’s Theorem Sequences,
Series, Convergence tests, Power series, Functions given by power series, Taylor’s,
Maclaurin’s and Laurent’s series, Uniform convergence, Zeros, Limit point of Zeros,
Singularities, Poles, Residue theorem, Evaluation of real integrals.

Essential Reading:
R. V. Churchill and J. W. Brown, Complex variables and applications, Tata McGraw Hill,

Suggested Reading:
J. B. Conway, Functions of one complex variable I, Springer, 1978.


Definitions, Sources and Propagation of errors, Floating-point arithmetic and rounding errors.
Root finding of nonlinear equations: Bisection method, Secant and Regula-falsi methods,
Newton's method, Fixed point iterations, Convergence analysis of these methods. Newton's
method for non-linear systems. Finite differences, Polynomial interpolation, Spline
interpolation. Numerical integration, Trapezoidal and Simpson's rules, Newton-Cotes
formula, Gaussian quadrature, Richardson Extrapolation IVP: Taylor series method, Picard’s
method, Euler and modified Euler methods, Runge-Kutta methods, Adam’s-Bashforth
method, Adam’s- Moutlon method. Numerical methods in linear algebra: Gauss elimination,
LU-Factorization, Matrix inversion; Linear systems: Solution by iteration; Matrix Eigen value
problems, Inclusion of matrix Eigen values, Eigen values by iteration, Tri-diagonalization.

Essential Reading:
1. K. E. Atkinson, Introduction to Numerical Analysis, 2nd Edition, John Wiley, 1989.

2. R. L. Burden, J. Douglas Faires, Numerical Analysis, Cengage Learning, 2011.

Suggested Reading:
1. S. D. Conte and Carl de Boor, Elementary Numerical Analysis - An Algorithmic
Approach, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, 1980.

MA 2106 NUMBER THEORY 3 Credits [2-1-0]

Division Algorithm, Prime and composite numbers, Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers, Fermat
numbers, Greatest common divisors, Euclidean algorithm, Fundamental theorem of
arithmetic, Linear Diophantine equations, Congruences, Complete residue systems, Linear
Congruences, System of linear congruences, Chinese remainder theorem, Pollard rho
factoring methods, Wilson’s theorem, Fermat’s little theorem, Euler’s theorem, Pollard 𝑝 − 1
factoring method, Multiplicative functions, Euler’s phi function, Tau and sigma functions,
Perfect numbers, Mersenne primes, Primitive roots and indices, Order of a positive integer,
Primality test, Primitive roots of primes, Algebra of indices, Cryptology, Affine ciphers, Hill
ciphers, Exponentiation ciphers, The RSA cryptosystem, The Knapsack ciphers.

Essential Reading:
G. E. Andrews, Number Theory, Courier Dover Publications, 2012.

Suggested Reading:

MA 3101 INTRODUCTION TO ALGEBRA 3 Credits [2-1-0]

Groups, Subgroups, Cyclic groups, Normal Subgroups and Quotient groups, Lagrange’s
theorem, Centralizers, Normalizers, Homomorphisms, Isomorphism theorems, Symmetric
groups, Simplicity of the Alternating group, Matrix groups, Direct products of groups,
Fundamental theorem of finitely generated abelian groups, Sylow Groups, Rings, Integral
Domains, Ideals, Ring of fractions, Ring homomorphisms, Polynomial rings, Fields.

Essential Reading:
I. N. Herstein, Abstract Algebra, 3rd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 1996.

Suggested Readings:
1. D. S. Dummit & R. M. Foote, Abstract Algebra, John Wiley and Sons, 2003.

2. J. J. Rotman, An Introduction to the Theory of Groups, Springer, 1995.

MA3202 LINEAR PROGRAMMING 3 credits [3-0-0]

Basic linear algebra, Lines and hyperplanes, convex sets, convex hull and their properties,
Formulation of a Linear Programming Problem, Theorems dealing with vertices of feasible
regions and optimality, Graphical solution, Simplex method (including Big M method and two
phase method), infeasible and unbounded LPP's, alternate optima, Dual problem and duality
theorem. Transportation problems, existence of solution, degeneracy, MODI method,
Assignment problem, Travelling salesman problem. Introduction to theory of games,
Minimax (max-min) criterion and optimal strategy, Solution of games with saddle points.

Essential Reading:
H. A. Taha, Operations Research: An Introduction, Pearson Education Limited, 2011.

Suggested Readings:
1. N. S. Kambo, Mathematical Progamming Techniques, Affiliated East-West Press,

2. F. S. Hillier and G. J. Lieberman, Introduction to Operation Research, Tsinghua

University Press, 2006.

3. W. L.Winston, Operation Research, Thomson Learning EMEA, Limited, 1998.

MA 3304 MATHEMATICAL METHODS 4 Credits [3-1-0]

Fourier Series and Transform: Expansion of a function in Fourier series for a given range
and its convergence, Even and odd functions, Half range sine and cosine expansions,
Fourier integrals, Complex Fourier series, Fourier transform, Inverse Fourier transform,
Properties of Fourier transform, Convolution theorem, Discrete Fourier transform. Second
order partial differential equations, Normal Form, Solutions of wave equation, Heat equation
and Laplace’s equation and their use in problems of vibrating string, one dimensional
unsteady heat flow and two dimensional steady state heat flow

Integral Equations: Classification of Integral equations, Neumann’s iterative method for

Fredholm’s equation of second kind, Volterra type integral equation, Integral equations of
first kind, Convolution type Integral Equations.

Calculus of Variations: Functionals, Variation of functionals, Example of variation problems,

Euler's equation, sufficient conditions for the extremum of a functional, conditional
extremum, Rayleigh-Ritz method.

Essential Readings:
1. R. V. Churchill, Operational Mathematics, McGraw Hill, 1971.

2. I. M. Gelfand and S. V. Fomin, Calculus of Variations, Dover Publications, 1991.

3. R. P. Kanwal, Linear Integral Equations, Birkhäuser Boston, 1996.

Suggested Reading:
1. M. L. Krasnov, G. I. Makarenko, A. I. Kiselev, Problems and Exercises in the
Calculus of Variations, MIR Publishers.
2. L. G. Chambers, Integral Equations: A Short Course, London International Textbook
Company Limited, 1976.
3. F. B. Hildebrand, Methods of Applied Mathematics, Dover Publications, 2012.
4. I.N. Sneddon, The Use of Integral Transforms, Tata McGraw Hill, 1972.

MA 3203 Introduction to PROBABILITY and Statistics 4 credits [3-1-0]

Axioms of Probability, Conditional Probability and Independence, Random variables and

distribution functions, Random vectors and joint distributions, Functions of random vectors,
Expectation, moment generating functions and characteristic functions, Conditional
expectation and distribution. Modes of convergence, Weak and strong laws of large
numbers, Central limit theorem. Distributions of several random variables, Random
sampling, Estimation of parameters, Confidence intervals, Testing of hypothesis, chi^2-test
for goodness of fit, Correlation and Regression analysis.

Essential Reading:
V. K. Rohatgi and A.K. Md. Ehsanes Saleh, An Introduction to Probability and Statistics,
John Wiley and sons, 2001.

Suggested Readings:
1. P. Billingsley, Probability and Measure, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons (SEA) Pvt.
Ltd., 1995.
2. P.G. Hoel, S.C. Port and C.J. Stone, Introduction to Probability, Universal Book Stall,
New Delhi, 1998.
3. J.S. Rosenthal, A First Look at Rigourous Probability Theory, World Scientific. 2000.
4. M. Woodroofe, Probability with Applications, McGraw-Hill Kogakusha Ltd., Tokyo,
5. W. Feller, An introduction to probability theory and its applications, Volume I, John
Wiley and Sons, 1968.
6. K. L. Chung, A course in probability theory, Academic Press, 2000.

MA 3206 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 3 credits [3-0-0]

The language of sets: Concept of a set, Operations with sets, Computer operations with
sets, cardinality of a set, recursively defined sets. Functions and Matrices: Concept of a
function, Special functions, Properties of functions, pigeonhole principle, Composition of
functions, Matrices. Induction and algorithms: Division algorithm, Divisibility properties,
Mathematical Induction, Algorithm correctness, growth of functions. Recursion: Recursively
defined functions, Solving recurrence relations, Generating functions, Recursive algorithms.
Combinatorics and Discrete probability: Fundamental counting principles, Permutations,
derangements, Combinations, Permutations and combinations with repetitions, binomial
theorem, generalized inclusion and exclusion principle, Discrete probability. Relations:
Boolean matrices, Relations and digraphs, Computer representations of relations, Properties
of relations, Operations on relations, connectivity relations, Equivalence relations, Partial and
total orderings. Graphs: Computer representation of graphs, Paths, cycles and circuits,
Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs, Planner graphs, graph colouring. Trees: Spanning trees,
Binary trees, Binary search trees. Boolean algebras and combinatorial circuits: Boolean
algebras, Boolean functions, Logic gates, combinatorial circuits.

Essential Reading :
T. Koshy, Discrete Mathematics with Applications, Elsevier Academic Press, 2005.

Suggested Readings:
1. R. Johnsonbaugh, Discrete Mathematics, 6th Edition, Pearson Education, 2005.

2. K. H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, 6th Edition, McGraw Hill,

MA 3370 Computing Laboratory 2 credits [1-0-2]

Experiments on numerical methods for root finding, solving linear system of equations,
interpolation, Eigen value problems, numerical differentiation, integration and solution of
ordinary differential equations.

MA 4101 REAL ANALYSIS 3-Credits [3-0-0]

Review of basic concepts of real numbers (Archimedean property, completeness property

etc.), Metric spaces, compactness, connectedness (with emphasis on Rn). Sequence and
Series of functions: Pointwise Convergence, Uniform convergence, Weierstrass
Approximation Theorem, Equicontinuity, Arzela-Ascoli Theorem. Mutivariable Calculus:
Functions of several-variables, Limit and Continuity, Directional derivative, Partial derivative,
Total derivative, Jacobian, Chain rule and Mean-value theorem, Repeated Partial
Derivatives, Higher order derivatives, Taylor's theorem, Extremum problems, Extremum
problems with constraints, Lagrange's multiplier method, Inverse function theorem, Implicit
function theorem. Riemann Integral of real-valued functions on Euclidean spaces, Fubini's

Essential Reading:
W. Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis, McGraw Hill, 1984.

Suggested Readings:
1. T.M. Apostol, Mathematical Analysis, 5th edition, Addison-Wesley, 2001.

2. R. G. Bartle, The elements of Real Analysis, John-Wiley and Sons, 1967.

3. M. Searcoid, Metric Spaces, Springer-Verlag, 2007.

4. J. M. Howie, Real Analysis, Springer-Verlag, 2001.

MA 4102 MEASURE THEORY 3 credits [3-0-0]

Outer measure, Measurable sets and Lebesgue measure, Non-measurable sets,

Measurable functions, Littlewood’s three principles, Lebesgue integral of a bounded function
over a set of finite measure, Integral of a nonnegative function, General Lebesgue integral,
Convergence in measure, Differentiation of monotone functions, Functions of bounded
variation, Differentiation of an integral, Absolute continuity, Convex functions, Abstract
measure space, Product measure, Fubini’s theorem, Lp spaces, Minkowski and Holder
inequalities, Convergence and completeness, Approximation in Lp, Bounded linear
functionals on the Lp spaces.

Essential Readings:
1. H. L. Royden, Real Analysis (Third Edition), Macmillan Publishing Company, 1988

2. G. De Barra, Measure Theory and Integration, Ellis Horwood Publishing Corporation,


Suggested Readings:
1. E. D. Benedetto, Real Analysis: Foundations and Applications, Springer, 2002.

2. I. K. Rana, An Introduction to Measure and Integration, (Second Edition), Narosa

Publishing House, New Delhi, 2005.

MA 4103 COMPLEX ANALYSIS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Spherical representation of extended complex plane, Analytic functions, Branches of

multiple-valued functions, Cauchy’s theorem, Singularities, Argument principle, Calculus of
residues, Harmonic functions, Poisson’s formula, reflection principle, Conformal mappings,
Geometry of Mobius transformations, Open mapping theorem, Maximum modulus theorem,
Schwarz’s lemma, Partial fractions and factorization, Stirling’s formula, Jensen’s formula,
Hadamard’s theorem, Little and Great Picard Theorem.

Essential Readings:
1. L. V. Ahlfors, Complex Analysis, Mc-Graw Hill International, 1979.

2. J. B. Conway, Functions of One Complex Variable, Springer, 1978.

Suggested Reading:
W. Rudin, Real and Complex Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1986.

MA 4104 ALGEBRA 3 credits [3-0-0]

Introduction to group theory, Group Action, Fixed Sets and Isotropy Groups, Orbits, Class
equation of an action, p-Groups, Sylow Theorems, Subnormal and Normal Series, Schreier’s
Theorem, Composition Series, Jordan-Holder Theorem , Solvable Groups, Nilpotent Groups,
Introduction to ring theory, Factorization in Rings, Euclidean Domain, Principal Ideal Domain,
Unique Factorization Domain, Gauss Theorem, Einstein’s Irreducibility Criterion, Chinese
Remainder Theorem, Field extension, Algebraic and Transcendental elements, Finite and
Algebraic Extensions, Geometric Constructions, Splitting Field and Normal Extension,
Separable Polynomial and Separable Extension, Perfect field, Galois Extension,
Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory, Cyclotomic extensions, Norm, trace and
discriminant, Solvability of Polynomial equations by radicals, Cyclic extensions, Abelian
extensions, Transcendental extensions.

Essential Readings:
1. I. N. Herstein, Abstract Algebra, 3rd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 1996.
2. J. A. Gallian, Contemporary Abstract Algebra, 4th Edition, Narosa, 1999.
3. I. Stewart, Galois Theory, Third Edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, 2003.

Suggested Readings:
1. D. S. Dummit & R. M. Foote, Abstract Algebra, John Wiley and Sons, 2003.
2. J. J. Rotman, An Introduction to the Theory of Groups, Springer, 1995.
3. J. B. Fraleigh, A first course in Abstract Algebra, 3rd Edition, Narosa, 2003.
4. J. Rotman, Galois Theory, 2nd edition, Springer, 2001.
5. D. J. H. Garling, A course in Galois Theory, Cambridge University Press, 1986.

MA 4305 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Sources of errors, Propagation of errors, Stability in numerical analysis, Root finding of

nonlinear for equations, The numerical evaluation of multiple roots, Brent’s root finding
algorithm, Hermite interpolation, Piecewise polynomial interpolation, The minimax and near
minimax approximations, Numerical integration, Asymptotic error formulas and their
applications, Adaptive numerical integration, Numerical methods for differential equations:
Multistep method, Derivation of higher-order multistep methods, Iterative methods for linear
systems: Classical iterative methods (Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and successive overrelaxation
(SOR) methods), Krylov subspace methods; GMRES, Conjugate-gradient, biconjugate-
gradient (BiCG), BiCGStab methods, preconditioning techniques, parallel implementations.

Essential Readings:
1. K. E. Atkinson, Introduction to Numerical Analysis, 2nd Edition, John Wiley, 1989.

2. E. Süli, D. F. Mayers, An Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Cambridge University

Press, 2003.

Suggested Reading:
C. F. Gerald and P. O. Wheatley, Applied Numerical Analysis, 7th Edition, Pearson
Education India, 2007.
MA 4106 TOPOLOGY 3 credits [3-0-0]

Topological spaces and continuous functions: Topological spaces, Basis for a topology,
Order topology, Product topology, Subspace topology, Closed sets and limit points,
Continuous functions, Homeomorphism, Metric topology, Quotient topology.

Connectedness and compactness: Hausdorff spaces, Connected spaces, Connected

subspaces of the real line, Compactness and local connectedness, Compact spaces,
Compact subspaces of the real line, Tychonoff Theorem, Limit point compactness, Local
compactness, Compactification, One-point compactification, Stone-Cech compactification.

Countability and separation axioms: Countability axioms, Separation axioms, Normal

spaces, Regular spaces, Completely regular spaces, Urysohn lemma, Urysohn metrization
theorem, Tietze extension lemma.

Essential Reading:
J. R. Munkres, Topology, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005.

Suggested Readings:
1. J. L. Kelley, General Topology, Van Nostrand, 1995.

2. J. Dugundji, Topology, Prentice-Hall of India, 1966.

3. G. F. Simmons, Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1963.

MA 4107 LINEAR ALGEBRA 3 credits [3-0-0]

Vector spaces, Bases and dimensions, Change of bases and change of coordinates, Sums
and direct sums, Quotient spaces. Linear transformations, kernel and image of a linear
transformation, rank-nullity theorem, change of bases for linear transformations, Linear
functional, Representation of linear transformations by matrices, Dual spaces, Invariant
subspaces, Direct-sum decomposition, Cyclic subspaces and Annihilators, minimal
polynomial, Rational and Jordan canonical forms, Inner product spaces, Orthonormal bases,
Gram-Schmidt process. Adjoint operators, Normal, unitary, and self-adjoint operators,
Spectral theorem for normal operators. SVD and Polar Decomposition, Generalized inverse
of matrix.

Essential Readings:
1. K. Hoffman and R. A. Kunze, Linear Algebra, Prentice Hall of India, 2002.

2. S. Roman, Advanced Linear Algebra, Springer, 2007.

Suggested Readings:
1. H. Dym, Linear algebra in Action (Graduate studies in Mathematics), American
Mathematical Society, 2006.

2. H. Helson, Linear Algebra, Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi, 1994.

MA 4208 STOCHASTIC PROCESS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Stochastic Processes: Definition and examples of stochastic processes, Classifications of

stochastic processes, Markov chains: Definition and examples, Transition Probability
matrices, Chapman-Kolmogorov equations, Random walk, Classification of states of a
Markov chain, Determination of higher order transition probabilities, Graph theoretic
approach, Markov chains with denumerable number of states, Reducible Markov chains,
Markov Chains with continuous state spaces, Markov chains in continuous time: General
pure birth and death processes, Yule-Furry Process, Chapman-Kolmogorov forward and
backward differential equations for continuous time Markov chain. Renewal processes:
Renewal processes in continuous time, renewal equation, Renewal theorems, Residual
and excess lifetime, Stochastic processes in queuing and reliability: General concepts of
queuing systems, Steady state and transient behavior, Birth and death process in queuing
theory, (M/M/1) and (M/M/s) queuing models. Introduction to Brownian motion: Wiener
processes, Differential equations for a Wiener process, Kolmogorov equations. Numerical
solutions of stochastic differential equations.

Essential Reading:
J. Medhi, Stochastic Processes, New Age Publishers, Second Edition, Reprint 2007.

Suggested Reading:
1. S. Karlin and H. M. Taylor, A First Course in Stochastic Processes, Academic Press,

2. P. E. Kloeden, and E. Platen, Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential

Equations, Springer, 1992.


Prerequisites: MA 401, MA 403 and vector analysis

Basic Matrix constructions, basic MATLAB operations, conditional statements–for, while, if,
subprogram, basic Mathematical operations like +,-,*,/,.* etc.
Based on the above knowledge some problems on Real Analysis, vector analysis, linear

MA 4272 STATISTICS LABORATORY 2 Credits [1-0-2]

Prerequisites: MA 408
Experiments for calculation of A.M., G.M., H.M., median, mode, quartiles, deciles,
percentiles, deviation, moments etc.

MA 4373 Numerical Methods Laboratory 2 credits [1-0-2]

Experiments on numerical methods for root finding, solving linear system of equations,
interpolation, Eigen value problems, numerical differentiation, integration and solution of
ordinary differential equations.

MA 5101 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Normed spaces, Banach spaces, properties of normed spaces, Compactness and finite
dimension, Bounded and continuous linear operators, Hahn-Banach theorem and its
applications, Open mapping and closed graph Theorem, Representation of Dual spaces ,
Bounded and Copmpact Operator, Adjoint operators, Spectrum and Gelfund- Mazur
Theorem. Weak Topology and Banach-Alaoglu Theorem, Reflexiv spaces.

Inner product spaces, Hilbert spaces, Representation of functionals on Hilbert spaces,

adjoint operator, Self-adjoint, unitary operators, Spectrum.

Essential Reading:
B. V. Limaye, Functional Analysis, New Age International, 1996.

Suggested Readings:
1. Y. Eidelman, V. D. Milman, A. Tsolomitis, Functional Analysis: An Introduction, AMS
Bookstore, 2004.
2. E. Kreyszig, Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications, Wiley, 1978.

3. Bela Bollobas, Linear Analysis an Introductory Course.


Origin of first order partial differential equations, Cauchy’s problem, Linear equations,
Integral surfaces passing through a given curve, Surfaces orthogonal to a given system of
surfaces, Nonlinear partial differential equations of the first-order, Cauchy’s method of
characteristics, Compatible systems of first-order equations, Charpit’s method, Jacobi’s
method, Second and higher order equations in physics, Linear partial differential equations,
Characteristic curves, Separations of variables, Integral transform method for parabolic,
hyperbolic and Elliptic equations.

Essential Readings:
1. N. Sneddon, Elements of Partial Differential Equations, Dover Publications, 2006.

2. F. John, Partial Differential Equations, Volume 1, Springer, 1982.

Suggested Readings:
1. G. B. Folland, Introduction to Partial Differential Equations, Princeton University
Press, 1995.

2. S. J. Farlow, Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers, Dover

Publications, 1993.

3. L.C. Evans, Partial Differential Equations, Graduate Studies in Mathematics,

American Mathematical Society, 1998.

MA 5110 FOURIER ANALYSIS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Fourier Series: Definition, Examples, Uniqueness of Fourier Series, Convolution, Cesaro

and Abel summability of Fourier Series, Fejer’s theorem, Poisson kernel and Dirichlet
problem in the unit disc, Mean square convergence of Fourier series.
Fourier Transform: The Schwartz space, Fourier transform on the real line and basic
properties, Fourier inversion formula, L^(2) theory, The class of test functions, Distributions,
differentiation and convolution of distributions, Tempered distributions, Fourier transform of a
tempered distribution.
Some basic theorems of Fourier Analysis: Poisson summation formula, Heisenberg
uncertainty principle, Hardy’s theorem, Paley-Wiener theorem, Wiener-Tauberian theorem.

Essential Readings:
1. H. Dym and H. P. McKean: Fourier Series and Integrals, Academic Press, 1972.

2. T. W. Körner: Fourier Analysis, Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Suggested Readings:
1. G. B. Folland: Fourier Analysis and Its Applications, Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.,

2. E. M. Stein and R. Shakarchi, Fourier Analysis: An introduction, Princeton University

Press, 2003.

3. R. S. Strichartz, A guide to distribution theory and Fourier transforms, World Scietific,


MA 5111 DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Definition of Space Curve, Arc length, Tangent, Normal, Binormal, Tangent and Osculating
Plane, Principal Normal and Binormal, Curvature and Torsion, Serret-Frenet formulae,
Curves on a surface, Contact between curves and Surfaces, Osculating Circle and
Osculating Sphere, Tangent Surfaces, Involutes and Evolutes, Intrinsic equation of space
curves, Fundamental existence theorems for space curves, Surface representation, Regular
and Singular points, Change, Tangent plane and normal, Surfaces of Revolution, Metric on a
Surface- The first fundamental form, Invariance of the metric, Direction coefficients on a
Surface, Double family of curves, Isometric correspondence, Intrinsic properties, Geodesics
and their Differential Equations, Canonical Geodesic equations, Geodesics on a surface of
revolution, Gauss-Bonnet theorem, Second fundamental form, Gauss and Weingarten

Essential Reading:
A. N. Pressely, Elementary Differential Geometry, Springer, 2012.

Suggested Readings:
1. D. Somasundaram, Differential Geometry: A First Course, Alpha Science
International Ltd, 2004.

2. J. A. Thorpe, Elementary Topics in Differential Geometry, Springer, 2004.

3. W. Kuhnel. Differential Geometry: Curves, Surfaces, Manifolds, American

Mathematical Society, 2002.

4. M. Spivak, A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry, Vol. 2, Publish or

Perish, 1999.

MA 5112 DIFFERENTIAL TOPOLOGY 3 credits [3-0-0]

Manifolds and Smooth Maps: Derivatives and tangents, The inverse function theorem and
immersions, submersions, transversability, homotopy and stability, Sard’s theorem and
Morse functions, embedding of manifolds into Euclidean spaces, simplices, simplicial
complexes, simplicial surfaces, Euler characteristic, Proof of the classification of compact
and connected surfaces, smooth surfaces, tangent and normal vectors, First fundamental
forms, directional derivatives. Coordinates free, Dirtectional derivatives-coordinates, length
and area, isometries. Transversality and interactions: Manifolds with boundaries, one-
manifolds and some consequences, Transversality and interaction theorem mod 2, winding
numbers and the Jordan-Brouwer separation theorem. Oriented interaction theorem:
Motivation, orientation, oriented interaction number, Lefschetz fixed-point theory, Vector
fields and the Poincare-Hopf theorem, The Hopf degree theorem, The Euler characteristic
and triangulations, Integration on manifolds: Introduction, exterior algebra, differential forms,
interior of manifolds, exterior derivatives, cohomology with forms, Stokes’ theorem,
integration and mappings, the Gauss-Bonnet theorem.

Essential Reading:
D. B. Gauld, Differential Topology: An Introduction, Dover Publication, 2006.

MA 5113 COMMUTATIVE ALGEBRA 3 credits [3-0-0]

Dimension theory of affine algebras: Principal ideal theorem, Noether normalization lemma,
dimension and transcendence degree, catenary property of affine rings, dimension and
degree of the Hilbert polynomial of a graded ring, Nagata's altitude formula, Hilbert's
Nullstellensatz, finiteness of integral closure.
Hilbert-Samuel polynomials of modules: Associated primes of modules, degree of the Hilbert
polynomial of a graded module, Hilbert series and dimension, Dimension theorem, Hilbert-
Samuel multiplicity, associativity formula for multiplicity. Complete local rings: Basics of
completions, Artin-Rees lemma, associated graded rings of filtrations, completions of
modules, regular local rings. Basic Homological algebra: Categories and functors, derived
functors, Hom and tensor products, long exact sequence of homology modules, free
resolutions, Tor and Ext, Koszul complexes. Cohen-Macaulay rings: Regular sequences,
quasi-regular sequences, Ext and depth, grade of a module, Ischebeck's theorem, basic
properties of Cohen-Macaulay rings, Macaulay's unmixed theorem, Hilbert-Samuel
multiplicity and Cohen-Macaulay rings, rings of invariants of finite groups.

Essential Reading:
D. Eisenbud, Commutative Algebra (with a view toward algebraic geometry,) Graduate
Texts in mathematics 150, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003.

Suggested Readings:
1. H. Matsumura, Commutative ring theory, Cambridge Studies in Advanced
Mathematics No. 8, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1980.

2. W. Bruns and J. Herzog, Cohen-Macaulay Rings, Cambridge Studies in Advanced

Mathematics No. 39, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998.

MA 5114 HOMOTOPY THEORY 3credits [3-0-0]

Brouwer Fixed point theorem, categories, functors, natural transformations, natural

equivalence, Homtopy, convexity, contractibility, mapping cylinder and cones, paths and
path connected spaces, Affine spaces, Affine maps, Homotopy as equivalence relation,
Contractible Spaces, Homotopy of maps, Homotopy classes, Homotopically equivalent
spaces with examples, Fundamental Groups, Induced maps and homomorphisms, Lifting
property, Calculation of first homotopy groups, Function spaces, Group objects and cogroup
objects, Loop space and suspension, Exact sequence of homotopy groups, Homotopy lifting
property, Homotopy extension property, Fibrations and cofibrations, CW-complexes and
their examples, attaching of maps, Homotopy groups of CW-complexes, The effect on the
homotopy groups of a cellular extension, Spaces with prescribed homotopy groups, Weak
homotopy equivalences and CW-approximation, Homotopy extension and classification
theorems, Study of some cases where homotopy theory is applied in electrical engineering.

Essential Reading:
J. Rotman, Algebraic Topology, Springer-Verlag, 2004.

MA 5115 RINGS AND MODULES 3 credits [3-0-0]

Ring of continuous functions, matrix rings, polynomial rings, power series rings, Laurent
rings, Boolean rings, Direct products, local rings, prime fields, Euclidean domains, PID,
Unique factorization domains, Eisenstein’s criteria, modules, direct sum, free modules,
quotient modules, simple modules, homomorphisms, module’s over PID’s, Artinian modules,
Noetherian modules, Artian rings, Noetherian rings, Nil Radicals, Jacobson radicals.

Essential Reading:
C. Musili, Introduction to Rings and Modules, Narosa, 1994.

MA 5116 OPERATOR THEORY 3 credits [3-0-0]

Banach Spaces: Banach space of continuous functions, abstract Banach spaces, conjugate
space of continuous linear functionals, Examples of Banach spaces: c0, l1 and l, weak
topologies on Banach spaces, Alaoglu theorem, Hahn-Banach theorem, conjugate space of
C([0,1]), open mapping theorem. Lebesgue spaces: L1 an L. Hardy spaces: H1 and H.
Banach algebras: Banach algebra of continuous functions, abstract Banach algebra,
abstract index in a Banach algebra, space of multiplicative linear functions, Gelfand
transform, Gelfand-Mazur theorem, Gelfand theorem for commutative Banach algebras,
spectral radius formula, Stone-Weirstrass theorem, generalized Stone-Weirstrass theorem,
disk algebra, algebra of functions with absolutely convergent Fourier series, algebra of
bounded measurable functions. Geometry of Hilbert space: Inner product spaces, Cauchy-
Schwarz inequality, Pythagorian theorem, Hilbert spaces, Examples of Hilbert Spaces: C n, l2,
L2, and H2. Riesz representation theorem, existence of orthogonal bases, dimension of
Hilbert spaces, Operators on Hilbert space and C*-algebras, adjoint operators, Normal and
self-adjoint operators, Projections and subspaces, Multiplication operators and maximal
abelian algebras, bilateral shift operators.
Essential Reading:
R. G. Douglas, Banach Algebra Techniques in Operator Theory, Springer, 1998.

MA 5117 Representation Theory 3 credits [3-0-0]

Fundamentals of group representation, Abstract theory of representation of finite groups,

Abelian groups, symmetric groups, Compact groups and semisimple groups, Peter-Weyel
theorem. Haar measure.

Essential Reading:
Representation of Finite and Compact Groups, Barry Simons, AMS, 2009.
Suggested Reading:
1-Representation of Finite groups, C. Musili, Hindustan Book Agency, 2011.
2-Representation Theory A First Course, Springer, 2004.
3-J. E. Humphreys, “Introduction to Lie algebras and representation theory”, Springer-
Verlag, 1978.
4-S. C. Bagchi, S. Madan, A. Sitaram, U. B. Tiwari, “A first course on representation theory
and linear Lie groups”, University Press, 2000.

MA 5118 LIE ALGEBRA 3 credits [3-0-0]

Definitions and example, solvable and nilpotent Lie algebras, simple and semi-simple Lie
algebras, Levi’s theorem, Idealizer and centralizer, derivation of a Lie algebra, structure
constant, Special linear algebra, Lie groups and Lie algebras, classical groups and their Lie
algebras, Cartan-Killing form, Root-space decomposition of a semi-simple Lie algebra,
properties of root space, simple root system and classification of finite dimensional complex
semi-simple Lie algebra, Cartan matrix, root diagrams, Dynkin diagrams, Weyl group of a
root system, Weyl reflection, real forms of Lie algebras.

Essential Reading:
J. E. Humphreys, Introduction to Lie Algebra and representation theory, Springer, 2010.

Suggested Reading:
G. G. A. Bauerle and E. A. De Kerf, Finite and infinite dimensional lie algebras and
applications in physics, Part I, North-Holland, 1999.

MA 5119 DIFFERENTIABLE MANIFOLDS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Differentiable Manifolds: Topological manifolds, Chart, Atlas, Maximal atlas, Differentiable

structures, Differentiable functions, Diffeomorphisms, Germs of local smooth functions,
Algebra of smooth germs, Derivation, Tangent and cotangent spaces, Differential of smooth
map, Immersion, Vector bundles, Examples of smooth vector bundles, Differential forms:
Alternate k-linear functions, Grassmann algebras, Universal property of exterior algebra,
Differential forms, Differential k-forms, Exterior multiplication, Exterior differentiation, De
Rham cohomolgy groups, Induced transformations, Poincare’s lemma, Riemannian
manifolds: Inner products, Riemannian structures, Riemannian metric, Riemannian
connection, Geodesics, Convex neighbourhoods, De Rahm’s theorem: Singular homology
groups, Real singular cohomology groups, De Rham’s theorem.

Essential Reading:
Boothby, W. M., An Introduction to Differential Manifolds and Riemannian Geometry, 2 nd
Edition, Elsevier.

Suggested Reading:
L. Conlon, Differentiable Manifolds, Springer-Verlag, 2001.
D. B. Gauld, Differential Topology: An Introduction, Dover Publication, 2006.

MA 5120 COMBINATORICS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Graphs, trees, colourings of graphs and Ramsey’s theorem, addressing problem for graphs,
principle of inclusion and exclusion, inversion formulae, permanents, elementary counting,
Stirling numbers, recursions and generating functions, partitions, (0,1) matrices, Latin
squares, Hadamard matrices, 1 designs, codes and designs, strongly regular graphs and
partial geometries, orthogonal latin squares, projective and combinatorial geometries,
Gaussian numbers and q-analogues, Lattices and Möbius inversion, combinatorial designs
and projective geometries.

Essential Readings:
1. V. K. Balakrishnan, Theory and Problems of Combinatorics, McGraw Hill, 1994

2. J. H. Van Lint and R.M. Wilson, A Course in Combinatorics, Cambridge University

Press, 2001.

MA 5121 Distribution Theory 3 credits [3-0-0]

Test functions and distribution, Test function spaces, Calculus with distributions,
Localizations, support of distributions, Distribution as derivatives, Convolutions, Fourier
Transformation, Tempered distributions, Paley-Wiener Theorem, Sobolov’s lemma,
Applications to differential equations, Fundamental soultions, Elliptic equations, Tauberian
Theory, Wiener’s Theorem,

Essential Readings:
1. W. Rudin, Functional analysis, Second edition, Tata McGraw-Hill,2010.

2. S. Kesavan, Nonlinear Functional Analysis: A First Course, Hindustan Book Agency,


3. Topics in Functional Analysis, S. Kesavan, new Age International, Edition 2, 2015,

ISBN : 978-81-224-3797-3.

MA 5222 OPERATIONS RESEARCH 3 credits [3-0-0]

Nonlinear programming problem: Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions and convex

programming, Kuhn-Tucker first order optimality conditions, Second order optimality
conditions, Lagrange’s method, convex programming problem, sufficiency of Kuhn-Tucker
conditions, Lagrangian saddle-point and duality, duality of convex programs - quadratic
programming (Wolfe’s and Beale’s methods)

Network analysis: Preliminaries, min cost flow problem, max flow problem, CPM/PERT,
scheduling and sequencing.

Queuing theory: Introduction, components of a queuing problem, classification of queues,

steady, transient and explosive states of a queue, Roles of Poisson process and
exponential distribution in queuing theory, Queuing models, (M/M/1:/FIFO) model,
Distribution of waiting time and time spent by an unit in the system, (M/M/1:N/FIFO) model,
(M/M/c:/FIFO) model, (M/M/c:N/FIFO) model, (M/Ek/1:/FIFO) model, (M/Ek/1:/FIFO)
model, (M/Ek/1:1/FIFO) model, Examples of queuing models.

Essential Reading:
H.A.Taha, An Introduction to Operations Research, PHI, 2002.

Suggested Reading:
1. H.M.Wagner : Principles of Operations Research, Prentice Hall of India, Delhi. , 1996

2. J.C. Pant, Introduction to Optimisation, Jain Brothers, Delhi, 2000.

3. F. S. Hillier & G. J. Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research, Tata McGraw-

Hill, 2005.
4. N.S. Kambo, Mathematical Programming Techniques, Affiliated East-West Press Ltd,

MA 5326 FUZZY LOGIC AND SET THEORY 3 credits [3-0-0]

Fuzzy sets, Support, Membership function, Fuzzy union and intersection, Fuzzy product,
Fuzzy number, Fuzzy relation, Fuzzy graph, Fuzzy functions, Fuzzy topology, Fuzzy
inference, Fuzzy control, Fuzzy system of equations, Fuzzy initial value problems.

Essential Reading:
H. J. Zimmermann, Fuzzy Set Theory and Its Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers,

MA 5327 FRACTALS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Fractal examples: Traidic Cantor dust, Sierpinski Gasket, A space of strings, Turfle graphics,
Sets defined recursively, number system, metric topology, uniform convergence, Hausdorff
metric, metrics for strings, topological dimension, small and large inductive dimension, two
dimensional Euclidean space, other topological dimensions.

Essential Reading:
1. G. Edgar, Measure, Topology and fractal Geometry, Springer-Verlag, 2008.

2. M. Barnsley, Fractals Everywhere, Morgan Kaufmann, 2000.

3. H. O. Peitgen, Chaos and Fractals, New Frontiers of Science, Springer, 2004

MA 5128 GRAPH THEORY 3 credits [3-0-0]

Introduction to Graphs, Isomorphism, Bipartite graphs, Directed graphs, Subgraphs,

Spanning Subgraphs (Super graphs), Operations on graphs, Walk, Trails and Paths,
Connected graphs, Disconnected graphs, Cycles, Euler Tour, Euler Trail, Euler graphs,
Euler Theorem, Hamiltonian path, Hamiltonian graphs, Maximal non-Hamiltonian graphs,
Dirac’s Theorem, Ore’s Theorem, Complement graph, Trees, Spanning Tress, Fundamental
Circuits, Fundamental Cutsets, Algorithms on graphs, Shortest path Algorithms: Dijkstra’s
Algorithm, Floyd-Warshall’s Algorithm, Minimal Spanning Tree, Breadth First Search
Algorithm, Depth First Search Algorithm, Matrix Representation of graphs, Incidence matrix,
Adjacency Matrix, Circuit Matrix, Vector Space associated with graphs, Cut sets, Cut
vertices, Edge connectivity, Vertex connectivity, Whitney’s Inequality, Colouring of graph,
Chromatic number, Chromatic polynomial, Edge contraction, Plane and Planar graphs,
Embedding and Regions, Kuratowski’s Two graphs 𝑲𝟓 and 𝑲𝟑,𝟑 , Euler’s Formula,
Subdivision and Branch vertex, Kuratowski’s Theorem, Dual of a planar graph, Edge
Coloring, Edge Chromatic number, Colouring planar graphs, The Four-Color Theorem, The
Five-Colour Theorem, Map Colouring, Network Flows, Transport networks and cuts,
Maxflow-Mincut Theorem, Residual capacity and Residual network, Ford-Fulkerson
Algorithm, Edmonds-Karp Algorithm, Maximal Flow Applications, Multiple sources and sinks,
Maximum Bipartite matching.

Essential Reading:
1. R. Diestel, Graph Theory, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer, 1997.

2. B. Bollobas, Graph theory an introductory course, Springer-Verlag, 1979.

Suggested Reading:
1. N. Deo, Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering and Computer Science, PHI,
2. S. Saha Ray, Graph Theory with Algorithms and Its Applications in Applied Science
and Technology, Springer, 2012.

3. S.M. Cioaba, M. Ram Murty, A first Course in Graph Theory and Combinatorics,
TRIM, Hindustan Book Agency, 2009.

4. J.H. van Lint and R.M. Wilson, A course in combinatorics, Cambridge University
press, 1992.


Convex functions, Separation theorems, Krein-Milman theorem, Reflexivity, Directional

derivatives, Sub-gradients, Convex programs, Kuhn-Tucker theory, Lagrange multipliers,
Conjugate functions, The Fenchel-duality theorem, Ekelands variational principle, Phelps
extremization principle, Clarke Generalized Derivative, Normal Subdifferential, cone,
coderivative and its application to optimization.

Essential Reading:
R. T. Rockafellar and J. B. R. Wets, Variational Analysis, Springer, 1998.

Suggested Reading:
1. R. T. Rockafellar, Convex Analysis, Princeton University Press, 1996.

2. F. H. Clarke, Optimization and Non-smooth Analysis, SIAM, 1990.

3. B. S. Mordukhovich, Variational Analysis and Generalized differentiation I, Springer,



Fundamentals of the financial markets, meaning of notions like asset portfolio derivatives
(example: Futures, options forwards etc.), Binomial asset pricing model under no arbitrage
condition single-period model, multi-period model, risk-neutral probabilities, martingales in
the discrete framework, risk-neutral valuation of European and American options under no
arbitrage condition in the binomial framework, Introduction to continuous time models, Basic
notions of probability theory on an infinite sample space, Change of measure and the
Radon-Nikodym derivative, Random walk and Brownian motion, Ito integral and Ito formula
formula for pricing an European call option, Markowitz mean-variance portfolio optimization
problem. Single-period and multi- period model, Capital asset pricing model, outlines of the
measures of risk, Value at risk (VAR) and Conditional value at risk (CVAR).

Essential Reading:
M. Jeanblanc, M. Yor and M. Chasney, Mathematical methods for financial markets,
Springer, 2009.

Suggested Reading:
H. D. Junghenn, Option valuation: A first course in financial mathematics, Chapman and
Hall, 2012.

MA 5332 FLUID DYNAMICS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Review of gradient, divergence and curl. Elementary idea of tensors. Velocity of fluid,
Streamlines and path lines, Steady and unsteady flows, Velocity potential, Vorticity vector,
Conservation of mass, Equation of continuity. Equations of motion of a fluid, Pressure at a
point in fluid at rest, Pressure at a point in a moving fluid, Euler's equation of motion,
Bernoulli's equation. Singularities of flow, Source, Sink, Doublets, Rectilinear vortices.
Complex variable method for two-dimensional problems, Complex potentials for various
singularities, Circle theorem, Blasius theorem, Theory of images and its applications to
various singularities. Three dimensional flow, Irrotational motion, Weiss's theorem and its
applications. Viscous flow, Vorticity dynamics, Vorticity equation, Reynolds number, Stress
and strain analysis, Navier-Stokes equation, Boundary layer Equations.

Essential Reading:
G. K. Batchelor, An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, 1993.
F. M. White, Fluid Mechanics, 7 th edition, Tata McGrawal-Hill, 2011.

Suggested Reading:
1. N. Curle and H. Davies, Modern Fluid Dynamics, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1966.

2. F. Chorlton, A Text Book of Fluid Dynamics, Von Nostrand Reinhold/CBS, 1985.

3. L. M. Milne Thomson, Theoretical Hydrodynamics, Macmillan and Co., 1960.

4. A. R. Patterson, A First Course in Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University Press,


MA 5333 FINITE DIFFERENCE METHODS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Iterative methods for linear systems: Classical iterative methods (Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and
successive over relaxation (SOR) methods), Krylov subspace methods; GMRES, Conjugate-
gradient, biconjugate-gradient (BiCG), BiCGStab methods, preconditioning techniques,
parallel implementations.
Finite difference method: Explicit and implicit schemes, consistence, stability and
convergence, Lax equivalence theorem, numerical solutions to elliptic, parabolic and
hyperbolic partial differential equations.

Essential Reading:
1. D.S. Watkins, Fundamentals of Matrix Computations, Second Edition, Wiley-
interscience, New York, 2002.

2. J. D. Hoffman, Numerical methods for Engineers and Scientist, McGraw-Hill, 1993.

3. A.Quarteroni and A. Valli, Numerical Approximation of Partial Differential Equations,

Springer, 1994.

4. K. Atkinson and W. Han, Theoretical Numerical Analysis: A Functional Analysis

Frame-work, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001.


Asymptotic expansions, Watson's lemma, method of stationary phase and saddle point
method. Applications to differential equations. Behaviour of solutions near an irregular
singular point, Stoke's phenomenon, Method of strained coordinates and matched
asymptotic expansions. Variational principles, Lax-Milgram theorem and applications to
boundary value problem, Calculus of variations and integral equations. Volterra integral
equations of first and second kind. Iterative methods and Neumann series.

Essentials Reading:
C.M. Bender and S.A. Orszag, Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and
Engineers, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1978.

Suggested Reading:
J. Kevorkian and J.D. Cole, Perturbation Methods in Applied Mathematics, Springer Verlag,
Berlin, 1985.


Geometric form of Hahn-Banach theorem, w-w* topologies, Mazur’s, Alaoglu’s and Goldstine
theorems, Reflexive spaces, James characterization of reflexivity, Strict convexity, Uniform
convexity, Duality between strict convexity and smoothness, Differentiability of the norm,
Drop theorem, Bishop-Phelp theorems, Krein-Milman theorem and Radon-Nikodym
property, Asplund space, Fixed point theorems of Brouwer, Schauder and Tychonoff.

Essential Reading:
M. Fabian, P. Habala, P. Hajek, V. M. Santalucia, J. Pelant and V. Zizler, Functional
Analysis and infinite dimensional geometry, Springer, 2001.

Suggested Reading:
R. E. Megginson, An introduction to Banach Space Theory, Springer, 1998.

MA 5142 TENSOR ANALYSIS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Tensor analysis: Transformation of coordinates, summation convention, Contravariant

vectors, Invariants, Covariant vectors, Tensors, Christofell 3-index symbols and their
relations, Riemann symbols and the Riemann tensor, Ricci tensor, Quadratic differential
forms, equivalence of symmetric quadratic differential forms, Covariant differentiation with
respect to a tensor gij, Introduction to a metric: Definition of a metric, N-tuply orthogonal
systems of hypersurfaces in a Vn, Metric properties of a space Vn immersed in a Vm,
Geodesics, Riemannian, Normal and geodesic coordinates, Geodesic form of the linear
element, Finite equations of geodesics, Curvature of a curve, Parallel displacement and the
Riemann tensor, Fields of parallel vectors, Associate directions, Curvature of Vn at appoint,
Bianchi identity, theorem of Schur, Isometric correspondence of spaces of constant
curvature, Conformal spaces, Spaces conformal to flat space, Orthogonal ennuples: Frenet
formulas Principal directions determined by a symmetric covariant tensor of the second
order, Ricci principal tensors, Condition that a congruence of an orthogonal ennuple be
normal, N-tuply orthogonal systems of hypersurfaces, N-tuply orthogonal systems of
hypersurfaces in a space conformal to a flat space, Congruence canonical with respect to a
given congruence, Recent developments.

Essential Reading:
L.P. Lebedev, Tensor Analysis, World Scientific, 2003.

Suggested Reading:
Barry Spain, Tensor Calculus, Oliver and Boyd, 1965.

MA 5144 CATEGORY THEORY 3 credits [3-0-0]

Categories and Functors: The definition of a category, covariant and contravariant functors,
natural transformations, natural equivalence, examples from different topics of engineering
and sciences, duality principle, construct of small categories, Reflective subcategories,
Coma category, Full and faithful functors, Limits and colimits: Products and coproducts,
limits, colimits, equalizer, coequaliser, pullback, pushout, Universal and couniversal
properties, Equivalence of equalizer and pullback in presence of products, Equivalence of
coequalizer and pushout in presence coproducts, Limits in terms of products and
equalizers, Limits in terms of products and pullback, Colimits in terms of coproducts and
coequalizers, Colimits in terms of coproducts and pushout, Adjoint functors: Left adjoint,
Right adjoint, Adjoint functor theorem, Preservation of limits by adjoint functors,
Representable functors, Representing objects, Tensor products of categories.

Essential Reading:
S. Awodey, Category Theory, Oxford University Press, 2006.

MA 5148 WAVELET ANALYSIS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Review of Fourier series, Fourier transform on L 1 (R) and L2 (R), basic properties and
examples; Windowed Fourier Transform, Orthonormal basis generated by a single function,
Balian-Low theorem, The Gabor transform, Wavelet Transform, Dyadic wavelets and
examples, Spline wavelets, Daubechies wavelets, Multiresolution Analysis and construction
of orthonormal wavelets, Properties of scaling functions, Some applications of wavelets.

Essential Reading:
1. E. Hernandeze and G. Weiss, A first course on wavelets, CRC Press, 1996.

2. D. F. Walnut, An introduction to wavelet analysis, Birkhäuser, 2004.

Suggested Reading:
1. G. Bachman, L. Narici, and E. Beckensterin, Fourier and Wavelet Analysis, Springer-
Verlag, 2000.

2. C.K. Chui, An Introduction to Wavelets, Academic Press, 1992.

3. L. Debnath, Wavelet Transforms and Their Applications, Birkhäuser, 2002.

MA 5250 PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Algebra of sets, introduction to probability, random variables, probability distributions,

moments, moment generating function, Markov and Chebyshev inequalities, special discrete
and continuous distributions, function of a random variable, joint distributions, bivariate
normal distribution, transformation of random vectors, central limit theorem, sampling
distributions, point estimation, unbiasedness, consistency, method of moments and
maximum likelihood estimation, confidence intervals for parameters in one sample and two
sample problems from normal populations, testing of hypotheses, Neyman-Pearson lemma,
tests for one sample and two sample problems for normal populations.

Essential Reading:
V. K. Rohatagi and A.K. Md. E. Saleh, An Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Wiley
Interscience, 2000.

Suggested Readings:
1. J. S. Milton and J.C. Arnold, Introduction to Probability and Statistics, McGraw Hill,

2. H. J. Larson, Introduction to Probability Theory and Statistical Inference, John-Iley

and sons, 1974.

3. S. M. Ross, Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists,

Academic Press, 2009.

4. S. M. Ross, A First Course in Probability, Pearson, 2012.

5. W. W. Hines, D. C. Montgomery, D.M. Gpldsman and C.M. Borror, Probability and

Statistics in Engineering, Wiley, 2003.

6. P. Halmos, Measure Theory, Springer, 1

DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 3 credits [3-0-0]

The language of sets: Concept of a set, Operations with sets, Computer operations with
sets, cardinality of a set, recursively defined sets. Functions and Matrices: Concept of a
function, Special functions, Properties of functions, pigeonhole principle, Composition of
functions, Matrices. Induction and algorithms: Division algorithm, Divisibility properties,
Mathematical Induction, Algorithm correctness, growth of functions. Recursion: Recursively
defined functions, Solving recurrence relations, Generating functions, Recursive algorithms.
Combinatorics and Discrete probability: Fundamental counting principles, Permutations,
derangements, Combinations, Permutations and combinations with repetitions, binomial
theorem, generalized inclusion and exclusion principle, Discrete probability. Relations:
Boolean matrices, Relations and digraphs, Computer representations of relations, Properties
of relations, Operations on relations, connectivity relations, Equivalence relations, Partial and
total orderings. Graphs: Computer representation of graphs, Paths, cycles and circuits,
Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs, Planner graphs, graph colouring. Trees: Spanning trees,
Binary trees, and Binary search trees. Boolean algebras and combinatorial circuits: Boolean
algebras, Boolean functions, Logic gates, combinatorial circuits.

Essential Reading:
T. Koshy, Discrete Mathematics with Applications, Elsevier Academic Press, 2005.

Suggested Readings:
3. R. Johnsonbaugh, Discrete Mathematics, 6th Edition, Pearson Education, 2005.

4. K. H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, 6th Edition, McGraw Hill,

MA 5252 STATISTICAL INFERNECE 3 credits [3-0-0]

Parametric models, parameters, random sample and its likelihood, statistic and its sampling
distributions, problems of inference. Examples from standard discrete and continuous
models such as Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson, Negative Binomial, Normal, Exponential,
Gamma, Weibull, Pareto etc. Concept of sufficiency, minimal sufficiency, Neyman
factorization criterion, Fisher information, exponential families. Maximum likelihood
estimators, method of moment estimators, percentile estimators, least squares estimators,
minimum mean squares estimators, uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimators, Rao-
Blackwell theorem, Cramer-Rao lower bond, different examples.

Statistical Hypotheses-simple and composite, statistical tests, critical regions, Type-I and
Type-II errors, size and power of a test, Neyman Pearson lemma and its different
applications. Most powerful test, uniformly most powerful test, unbiased test and uniformly
most unbiased test. Likelihood ratio test. Interval estimation, confidence intervals,
construction of confidence intervals, shortest expected length confidence interval, most
accurate one sided confidence interval and its relation to UMP test.

Essential Readings:
1. G. Casella and R. L. Berger, Statistical Inference, Cengage Learning, 2001.

2. E. L. Lehmann and G. Casella, Theory of Point Estimation, Springer, 1998.

Suggested Readings:
1. T. S. Ferguson, Statistical Decision Theory.

2. E. L. Lehmann and J. P. Romano, Testing of Statistical Hypotheses, Springer, 2008.

3. P. J. Bickel and K. A. Doksum, Mathematical Statistics, Pearson, 2000.

4. J. O. Berger, Statistical Decision Theory, Springer-Verlag, 1980.

MA 5254 SAMPLING TECHNIQUES 3 credits [3-0-0]

Basic concept of sample surveys: Census and sample surveys, Advantages and
disadvantages, Probability and non-probability sampling, Sampling unit, Sampling frame,
Sampling and non-sampling error, Simple random sampling and Stratified random sampling:
Procedure for selecting a random sample, Estimation of population parameters, Estimation
of population Proportion, Confidence limits, Estimation of sample size, Principle of
stratification, Advantages of stratification, Estimation of population mean and variance,
Allocation of sample size in different strata, Relative precision of stratified random sampling
over simple random sampling, Estimation of gain in precision due to stratification, Systematic
random sampling: Sample selection procedure, Advantages and disadvantages, Estimation
mean and its sampling variance, Comparison of simple random sampling with stratified
random sampling in some specified populations, Cluster sampling: Equal cluster sampling,
Estimator of mean and its variance, Relative efficiency of cluster sampling, Optimum cluster
size, Cluster sampling for proportions.

Essential Reading:
R.K.Som, Practical Sampling Techniques, CRC Press, 1995.

Suggested Reading:
S.K. Thompson, Sampling, John Wiley, 1992.


Games and statistical games, statistical decision problem, decision function, risk function,
prior and posterior distribution, Bayes risk and Bayes rules, least favourable prior,
minimaxity, admissibility and complete classes, admissibility of Bayes rules, existence of
minimal complete class and Bayes rules, the supporting and separating hyperplane
theorems, essential completeness of the class of non-randomized rules, minimax and
complete class theorems, solving for minimax rules, essential completeness of class of rules
based on sufficient statistics, continuity of risk functions, invariant decision problems,
admissible and minimax invariant decision rules.

Essential Readings:
1. T. S. Ferguson, Statistical Decision Theory.
2. E. L. Lehmann and G. Casella, Theory of Point Estimation, Springer, 1998.

Suggested Reading:
J. O. Berger, Statistical Decision Theory, Springer-Verlag, 1980.

MA 5158 ADVANCED NUMBER THEORY 3 Credits [3-0-0]

Divisibility: Euclid’s division lemma, Divisibility, Linear Diophantine equations, Combinatorial

and computational number theory: Fermat’s little theorem, Wilson’s theorem, Generating
functions, use of computers in number theory. Fundamentals of congruences: Basic
properties of congruences, Residue systems, Linear congruences, Theorems of Fermat and
Wilson revisited, Chinese remainder theorem, Polynomial congruences, Arithmetic functions:
Combinatorial study of (n), Formulae for d(n) and (n), Multiplicative arithmetic functions,
Mobius inversion formula, Primitive roots: Properties of reduced residue systems, Primitive
root modulo p. Quadratic congruences: Quadratic residues, Legendre symbol, Quadratic
reciprocity, Jacobi symbol, Pythagorean triangles. Special Nonlinear Diophantine equations:
Expression of numbers as sum of squares, Pell’s equation.

Essential Reading:
T. Koshy, Elementary Number theory with applications, Academic Press, Second Edition,

Suggested Reading:
I. Niven and H. S. Zuckerman, An introduction to the theory of numbers, John Wiley and
sons, 1991.

MA 5360 FINITE ELEMENT METHODS 3 credits [3-0-0]

Basic concept of the finite element method, Integral formulations and variational methods,
The Lax-Milgram theorem, The abstract Galerkin method, Piecewise polynomial
approximation in Sobolev spaces, Finite elements, Numerical quadrature, Applications to
autonomous and non-autonomous problems, Optical error bounds in energy norms,
Variational crimes, Apriori error estimates. The discontinuous Gaterkin methods, Adaptive
finite element, The Autin-Nitscte duality argument, A posteriori error analysis.
Essential Readings:
1. C. Johnson, Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations by the Finite Element
Method, Cambridge University Press, 1987.

2. J. N. Reddy, An Introduction to Finite Element Method, McGraw Hill, 1993.

Suggested Readings:
1. P. G. Ciarlet, The Finite Element Method for Elliptic Problems, North-Holland,
Amsterdam, 1978.

2. K. Erikssen et al., Computational Differential Equations, Cambridge University Press,


3. C. A. J. Fletcher, Computational Galerkin Methods, Springer-Verlag, New-York inc,



PH1001: Physics -I (2-1-0)

Relativity: Galilean relativity and Galilean transformation, Special relativity, Michelson

Morley experiment and postulates of relativity, length contraction and time dilatation, twin
paradox, Doppler effect, Lorentz transformation & velocity addition, relativistic momentum,
mass-energy relation, brief introduction to general relativity.

Quantum Mechanics: INADEQUACIES IN CLASSICAL PHYSICS: Black body radiation,

photoelectric effect, x-ray diffraction, Compton Effect, pair production, photon and gravity,
Davisson-Germer experiment WAVE-PARTICLE DUALITY: Particle nature of wave, Wave
nature of particle, de Broglie waves, group waves, phase velocity & group velocity,
uncertainty principle and its application. WAVE FUNCTION: probability & wave equation,
linearity and superposition of wave of wave functions, expectation values SCHRÖDINGER
EQUATION: time dependent and time independent Schrödinger equation, eigenvalue &
eigenfunctions, boundary conditions on wave function, APPLICATION OF SCHRÖDINGER
EQUATION: Particle in a box, Finite potential Well.

Essential Readings:

1. A. Beiser, Concept of Modern Physics , Tata-McGraw Hill, 6th edition (2009)

Supplementary Readings:

1. R. Resnick & R. Eisberg, Quantum Physics: Of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei And
Particles, 2nd Edition
2. K.S. Krane, Modern Physics, Wiley, 3rd edition (2012)
3. D.J. Griffith, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Pearson (2007)
4. R. Resnick, Relativity, Wiley Eastern Pvt. Ltd. (2007)

PH1002: Physics -II (2-1-0)

Statistical Mechanics: Statistical distributions, Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics, molecular

energies in ideal gas, quantum statistics: B-E & F-D statistics, Rayleigh-Jeans formula,
Planck's radiation law, specific heats of solids, free electrons in metals, electron-energy
Solid State Physics: Crystalline and amorphous solids, crystal structure, point defect,
dislocations, ionic crystals, covalent crystals, van der Waals bond, metallic bond, band
theory of solids, classification of solids based on band theory, Impurity semiconductors,
semiconductor devices (Junction diode, tunnel diode) photodiode: LED, semiconducting
LASER and solar cell. Introduction to superconductivity, Meissner effect, Type I and type II
superconductors, Bound electron pair (elements of BCS Theory) and high temperature

Particle Physics: Fundamental interactions, Leptons, Hadrons, Gluons, Elementary Particle

quantum numbers, conservation laws.

Essential Readings:
1. A. Beiser, Concept of Modern Physics, Tata-McGraw Hill, 6th edition (2009)

Supplementary Readings:

1. R. Resnick & R. Eisberg, Quantum Physics: Of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei And
Particles, 2nd Edition

2. K. S. Krane, Modern Physics, Wiley, 3rd edition (2012)

3. A. J. Dekker, Solid State Physics, (Prentice-Hall of India).

4. M. A. Wahab, Solid State Physics: Structure and Properties of Materials, Narosa

Publishing House.

PH2001: Waves and Oscillations (3-0-0)

Oscillations: Equilibrium, concept of potential well, small oscillations, linear and transverse
oscillations of a mass between two springs, diatomic molecule, damped oscillations, critical
damping, Q of an oscillator, forced oscillator with one degree of freedom, transient and
steady state oscillations, resonance energy, low and high frequency responses, two
dimensional oscillator, normal modes, longitudinal and transverse oscillation of coupled
masses, energy transfer between modes, coupled pendulum. Fourier analysis: Fourier
series and Fourier coefficients, exponential representation for harmonic oscillations,
expression for Fourier coefficients, non-periodic disturbance, Fourier integral, Fourier
transform wave-train of finite length, constancy of Δx .Δk (uncertainty product), applications.
Waves: Classical wave equation, wave velocity, boundary conditions and normal modes,
dispersion relations, dispersive waves, acoustic and optical modes, Waves in continuous
media, speed of transverse waves on a uniform string, speed of longitudinal waves in a fluid,
energy density and energy transmission in waves, typical measurements, dispersion in
waves, group and phase velocity, superposition of waves, linear homogeneous equations
and the superposition principle, interference in space and energy distribution, beats and
tones, Doppler effect.

Essential Readings:

1. Vibrations and Waves by A. P. French.(CBS Pub. & Dist., 1987).

2. Waves: Berkeley Physics Course (SIE) by Franks Crawford (Tata McGraw Hill, 2007).

Supplementary Readings:

1. The Physics of Waves and Oscillations by N. K. Bajaj (Tata McGraw‐Hill, 1988).

2. Fundamentals of Waves & Oscillations By K. Uno Ingard (Cambridge University Press,
PH2002: Optics (3-0-0)

Geometrical Optics: Fermat’s principle of least action, reflection & refraction through
spherical surfaces, thin lens and its focal length, Lateral magnification, Thick lenses, cardinal
points, lenses separated by a finite distance and equivalent focal length, Aberrations:
spherical aberrations, chromatic aberration, coma, astigmatism, curvature of the field,
Huygens and Ramsden's eye pieces. Coherence: temporal coherence, line width, spatial
coherence, principle of LASER and its types (Ruby, He-Ne &fiber LASER). Interference:
Condition for interference, two beam interference by division of wave front, intensity
distribution, Fresnel's biprism, displacement of fringes, two beam interference by division of
amplitude, cosine law, Newton's rings experiment, Michelson Interferometer. multiple beam
interference, Fabry-Perot interferometry, interference filters, Diffraction: Fraunhofer
diffraction (single slit, double slit & N slit) Fresnel diffraction, Fresnel’s half period zones,
theory of zone plate, diffraction due to Circular aperture, opaque circular disc, straight edge,
narrow wire, Rayleigh's criterion for resolution, resolving power of microscope, telescope,
prism, grating. dispersive power of plane diffraction grating, introduction to holography
Polarization: polarized and unpolarized light, Production of polarized light: (via reflection,
double refraction & scattering), phenomena of double refraction, Malus Law, circularly and
elliptically polarized light, quarter and half wave plates, Nicole prism. Fiber Optics:
Propagation of light in fibers, single mode and multimode fibers, attenuation in optical fibers,
step index fibers, parabolic- index fibers.

Essential Readings:

1. Fundamentals of Optics by Jenkins A Francis and White E. Harvey, (Tata McGraw Hill
Inc., 2011).
2. Optics by Ajoy Ghatak (Tata McGraw Hill, 5 th Edition, 2012).

Supplementary Readings:

1. Optical Physics by S. G. Lipson, H. Lipson, and D. S. Tannhauser, (Cambridge

University press, 1995).
2. Optics by Eugune Hecht & A. R Ganesan (Pearson, 4th Edition, 2008).
3. Introduction to Optics by Frank L Pedrotti, Leno M Pedrotti & Leno S Pedrotti, (Addison-
Wesley, 3rd Edition, 2006).
4. Optics and Photonics: An Introduction by F. Graham Smith, Terry A. King & Dan Wilkins
(John Wiley & Sons, 2nd Edition, 2007).

PH2003: Electricity & Magnetism (3-0-0)

Electrostatics: Electric field, divergence and curl of electrostatic field, electric potential,
boundary conditions, work and energy in electrostatics, conductors, Laplace's
equation(1D,2D,3D), boundary condition and uniqueness theorems, method of images,
separation of variables, multipole expansion, Electric fields in Matter,
Magnetostatics: The Lorentz force law, Biot-Savart law, magnetic Vector potential,
boundary conditions, multipole expansion of vector potential, magnetization, magnetic
materials, torque and forces on magnetic dipoles, field of a magnetized object, the auxiliary
field H, boundary conditions, linear and non-linear media.
Electrodynamics: Electromotive force, electro-magnetic induction, Maxwell's equations,
boundary conditions.

Essential Readings:
1. Introduction to electrodynamics, D. J. Griffiths, 4thedition, Prentice Hall
2. Electricity and Magnetism, E. M. Purcell, Berkeley Physics Course -Vol2, McGraw-Hill

Supplementary Readings:
1. Classical Electricity And Magnetism 2nd Edition, W. K. H. Panofsky & M. Phillips, Dover
2. J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, Wiley and sons Ltd. 3rd Ed., 1998.
3. Fundamentals of Electricity and Magnetism, Arthur F. Kip, McGraw Hill

PH2004: Introduction to Classical Mechanics (3-0-0)

Survey of Newtonian mechanics & forces of constraints, homogeneity and isotropy of

space and time: conservation laws. Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics: Generalized
co-ordinates, configuration and phase space, cyclic co-ordinates and conservation theorem,
variational principle, principle of least action, derivation of Lagrange's equation, extension of
Hamilton's principle to systems with constraints, Legendre transformation and Hamilton's
equations, Roth's procedures. Central force problem: reduction of two body problem to one
body problem, Virial theorem, integrable power law potentials, Bertrand's theorem, inverse
square law, Laplace-Runge-Len vector, scattering in central force.

Essential Readings:

1. H. Goldstein, Classical Mechanics, Addison Wesley, Pearson Education, 2007.

2. S. T. Thornton & J. B. Marion, Classical Dynamics, Cengage Learning, 5 th Ed. 2008.

Supplementary Readings:

1. L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Course of Theoretical Physics- Mechanics, (vol.-1), 3rd

Ed., Pergamon Press.
2. R. P. Feynman Lectures on Physics (vol-1), Narosa Publishing, 2008.
3. P. Hamill, Intermediate Dynamics, Jones & Bartlett, 2010.
4. R. D. Gregory, Classical Mechanics, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
5. T. W. B. Kibble and F. H. Berkshire, Classical Mechanics, 5th Ed., Imperial College
Press, 2004.

PH2006: Analog & Digital Electronics (3-0-0)

Semiconductor devices; Bipolar Junction Transistors, Field Effect Transistors : JFET,

MOSFET Basic differential amplifier circuit, negative feedback circuits, amplifier and
oscillator circuits; operational amplifier, operational amplifier characteristics and applications,
active filters and rectifier circuits, regulated power supplies;

Basic digital logic circuits, combinational logic circuit, half and full adder, sequential logic
circuits, Multivibrators, flip-flops, counters, registers, multiplexures and demultiplexure,
encoders and decoders, A/D and D/A conversion.

Essential Readings:
1. Electronic fundamentals and applications, John Douglas Ryder, Prentice-Hall, 1964
2. Electronic Devices and Circuits Theory: Boylested and Nashelsky, (Pearson Education)
10th ed. 2009.
3. Digital Principles and Applications: Malvino and Leach (Tata McGraw Hill), 6 th Ed. 2010.

Supplementary Readings:
1. Semiconductor Devices - Physics and Technology: S.M. Sze (John Wiley), 2002.
2. Integrated Electronics: Millman and Halkias (Tata McGraw Hill) 2010.
3. Functional Electronics, K.Venkata Ramanan Mc GrawHill, 1984

PH3001: Thermal Physics (3-0-0)

Concept of thermodynamic state, extensive and intensive variables, zeroth Law of

thermodynamics, measurement of temperature, heat and work, internal energy function and
the first law of thermodynamics, ideal gas and gas equations, ideal engine and Carnot cycle,
concepts of entropy and temperature as conjugate pair of variables, second law of
thermodynamics, entropy maximum and energy minimum principles, entropy, multiplicity
and disorder, Maxwell’s demon, applications to pure substances, thermodynamic potentials,
conditions of equilibrium, concepts of stability, Maxwell’s relations, metastable and unstable
equilibrium, open systems, components and phases, Joule-Thomson expansion, Gibbs-
Duhem relations, first order phase transitions and Clausius-Clapeyron equation, critical
phenomena and higher order phase transition, applications for magnetic, dielectric and
superconducting systems, heat engines and black body radiation, chemical equilibrium and
ideal gas reactions, heterogeneous systems, thermodynamics of irreversible processes,
entropy production, kinetic theory of gases, transport phenomena.

Essential Readings:
1. M. W. Zemansky, Heat and Thermodynamics, McGraw-Hill Ltd., 7th Edition, 2007.
2. R. Bowley and M. Sanchez, Introductory Statistical Mechanics, Oxford Press, 2007.

Supplementary Readings:
1. H.B. Callen, Thermodynamics and An Introduction to Thermostatistics, John Wiley & Sons
2nd Ed.
2. D. V. Schroeder, An introduction to Thermal Physics, Addison Wesley, 1999.
3. S. J. Blundell and K. M. Blundell, Concepts in Thermal Physics , 2nd Ed, Oxford University
Press, 2010.
4. L. A. Girifalco, Statistical Mechanics of Solids, Oxford University press, 2000.

PH3002: Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics (3-0-0)

Structure of Condensed Matter and Bonding in solids: short and long-Range order,
crystalline and non-crystalline phases, liquid phase. Cohesive energy of molecular crystal.
van der Waals bonds, ionic bonding, Madelung energy, Madelung constant of NaCl.
Covalent bonding, Heitler-London approximation. Brief discussion on polar covalent bond,
molecular orbital method, LCAO method, metallic bond , Hydrogen bond.

Two Dimensional (2D) and Three Dimensional (3D) Lattices : Bravais Lattice, primitive
vectors, Wigner-Seitz cell. Symmetries in crystal, space group and point groups. Simple
cubic , face-centered cubic, body-centered cubic , hexagonal close-packed , diamond
lattices. 14 Bravais lattices and seven crystal Systems.

Reciprocal lattice & structure determination : reciprocal lattice in 1D and 3D. Miller
indices. Brillouin zones (BZ) , reduced and extended zone scheme, X-Ray Diffraction, Bragg
and Laue conditions, Ewald construction. Structure and form factor. Neutron and electron
diffraction ( brief discussion).

Elastic and thermal properties of solids: Elastic strains and stress components, stiffness
constants, bulk modulus, compressibility and elastic waves. Harmonic and adiabatic
approximation. Vibrations of a monoatomic and di-atomic linear chain. Specific heat of
classical crystal, failure of classical theory. Quantum theory of lattice vibration, Einstein
model, Debye model and Debye T3 law. Thermal conductivity.

Electronic properties of Metals : Free electron theory; Drude model - DC & AC electrical
conductivity, Hall effect and magnetoresistance, thermal conductivity and thermoelectric
power. Sommerfeld theory; ground-state energy and bulk modulus, thermal properties of a
free electron gas, theory of conduction, Wiedemann–Franz Law. Failures of the free electron

Essential Readings:
1. Introduction to Solid State Physics – Charles Kittel.
2. Solid State Physics – Ashcroft and Mermin.
3. Elementary Solid State Physics – M. Ali. Omar

Supplementary Readings:
1. Condensed Matter Physics – Michael P. Marder.
2. Principle of theory of solids – J. M. Ziman.
3. Principle of condensed matter physics – P. M. Chaikin and T. C. Lubensky.

PH4001: Mathematical Physics (3-1-0)

Linear vector space and matrix algebra, matrix diagonalization, special matrices. Laplace
transforms, Fourier analysis, elementary ideas about tensors. Elementary probability theory,
random variables, binomial, Poisson and normal distributions. Central limit theorem. Analytic
functions, Cauchy-Riemann conditions, classification of singularities, Cauchy's theorem,
Taylor and Laurent expansions, analytic continuation, residue theorem, evaluation of definite
integrals, summation of series, gamma function, zeta function, method of steepest descent.
Linear ordinary differential equations and their singularities, series solution of second- order
equations, hypergeometric functions, Hermite, Bessel, Laguerre and Legendre functions,
Sturm- Liouville problem, expansion in orthogonal functions.

Essential Readings:
1. G. B. Arfken and H. J. Weber, Mathematical methods for Physicists, Elsevier Academic
Press, 6th Ed., 2005.

2. M. L. Boas, Mathematical Method in Physical Science, John Willy & Sons, 3rd Ed., 2006.

Supplementary Readings:
1. J. Mathews and R. L. Walker, Mathematical Methods of Physics, Pearson Education,

2. S. D. Joglekar, Mathematical Physics, Universities Press, 2005.

3. R. V. Churchil and J. W. Brown, Complex Variables &Applications, 7th Ed., 2003.

4. A. W. Joshi Matrix & Tensor in Physics

5. Tulsi Das , Satis. K. Sharma Mathematical methods in classical and quantum physics ,
University press
6. A. K. Ghatak, I. C Goyal , S. J. Chau Mathematical Physics , MacMillan India

PH4002: Electrodynamics (3-1-0)

Boundary value problems using Green's Functions, Electromagnetic waves in vacuum,

Maxwell's stress tensor, momentum conservation, Poynting theorem, Lagrangian and
Hamiltonian formulation of electrodynamics, Gauge transformations, Coulomb gauge and
Lorentz gauge, Electromagnetic waves in matter, reflection, transmission, Causality and
Kramers-Kronig relations, negative-index materials, Cavities and Wave Guides.
Radiation: Retarded Green's functions, Lienard-Wiechert potentials; dipole radiation,
spectral resolution and angular distribution of radiation from a relativistic point charge;
collision problems; bremsstrahlung & synchrotron radiation, radiation damping.

Essential Readings:
1. D. J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, Pearson Education. 3rd Ed., 2007.

2. J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, Wiley and sons Ltd. 3rd Ed., 1998.

Supplementary Readings:
1. Classical Electricity and Magnetism 2nd Edition, W. K. H. Panofsky & M. Phillips, Dover
2. J. R. Reitz, F. J. Milford and R. W. Christy, Foundation of Electromagnetic theory,
Addison Wesley Company / Narosa Publishing. 4 th Ed., 2008.
3. R. P. Feynman Lectures on Physics (vol.II), Addison Wesley, Narosa, 2008.

Prerequisites: Electricity & Magnetism (PH2003) and Mathematical Physics (PH4001)


PH4003: Classical Mechanics (3-1-0)

Rigid bodies: Co-ordinates of rigid body, orthogonal transformation, properties of

transformation matrix, Euler angles, Euler's theorem in motion of rigid body, finite and
infinitesimal rotations, Rate of change of vectors, Coriolis effects. Angular momentum and
kinetic energy of a rigid body, inertial tensor and principal axis transformation, Euler’s
equations, torque free motion of rigid body, heavy symmetrical top with one point fixed.
Small oscillations: Small oscillations, normal modes and frequencies.
Canonical transformations: Canonical transformations and some applications. Infinitesimal
Canonical transformation, Integral invariant of Poincaré, Lagrange and Poisson brackets and
their applications, Conservation theorems and angular momentum relation in Poisson
brackets, Liouville’s theorem.
Hamilton-Jacobi theory: Hamilton-Jacobi equation for Hamilton’s principle and
characteristics function and their application, Separation of variables, Action and angle
variable and their applications.
Special theory relativity: Lorentz transformations, 4-vectors, Tensors, Transformation
properties,Metric tensor, Raising and lowering of indices, Contraction, Symmetric and
antisymmetric tensors, 4-dimensional velocity and acceleration, 4-momentum and 4-force,
Covariant equations of motion, Relativistic kinematics, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian of a
relativistic particle.

Essential Readings :
1. H. Goldstein, Classical Mechanics, Addison Wesley, Pearson Education, 2007.
2. R. D. Gregory, Classical Mechanics, Cambridge University Press, 2006.

Supplementary Readings:
1. L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Course of Theoretical Physics- Mechanics, (vol.-1), 3rd
2. T. W. B. Kibble and F. H. Berkshire, Classical Mechanics, 5th Ed., Imperial College Press,

Prerequisites: Introduction to Classical Mechanics (PH2004).

PH4004: Statistical Mechanics (3-1-0)

Review of thermodynamics - Laws of thermodynamics, entropy, thermodynamic potentials &
Maxwell’s relations, chemical potential & phase equilibria; Equilibrium statistical mechanics-
phase space, microstates, macrostates, micro-canonical, canonical & grand-canonical
ensembles & and partition functions; Maxwell-Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac & Bose-Einstein
distributions, applications of statistical mechanics to ideal quantum gas, interacting systems,
theories of phase transitions etc.

Essential Readings:

1. H. B. Callen, Thermodynamics & an Introduction to Thermostatistics, John Wiley & Sons.

2nd Ed.
2. R. K. Pathria and P. D. Beale, Statistical Mechanics, Academic Press, 3 rd Ed.

3. S. Salinas, Introduction to Statistical Physics, Springer (India), 2004.

4. F. Reif, Fundamentals of Statistical Physics, Berkeley Physics Course – Vol. 5, McGraw

Hill, 2010.

5. M. Kardar, Statistical Physics of Particles, Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Supplementary Readings:
1. M. W. Zemansky, Heat & Thermodynamics, McGraw-Hill, 1999.
2. L. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz: course in theoretical physics vol.5 (part-I) & vol.9 (part-II) -
Statistical Mechanics, 3rd ed., Pergamon Press.
3. K. Huang, Statistical Mechanics, Wiley; 2 nd edition , 2008.
4. H. Gould and J. Tobochnik, Statistical and Thermal Physics -With Computer
Applications, Princeton University Press (2010).
5. R. Bowley and M. Sanchez, Introductory Statistical Mechanics, Oxford Press, 2007.
6. B. B. Laud, Fundamentals of Statistical mechanics, New Age Publication, 2007.
7. J. K. Bhattacharya, Statistical Mechanics, Allied Publishers Ltd., 1996.
8. L. E. Reichl, A modern course in Statistical Physics, Wiley & Sons, 2nd Ed., 1997.

Prerequisites: Thermal Physics (PH3001).

PH4005: Quantum Mechanics-I (3-1-0)

Formalism of quantum mechanics: Hilbert space and wave function, Dirac notation,
operators, operator representation in discrete and continuous basis, matrix representation,
postulates of quantum mechanics: basic postulates of quantum mechanics, observables
and operators, commutation relations and commutating observables, measurements in
quantum mechanics, time evolution of system, symmetry and conservation laws,
Schrödinger equation: time dependent and time independent Schroedinger equation,
application to one dimensional harmonic oscillator. Schrödinger, Heisenberg and interaction
pictures. Angular momentum: general formalism of angular momentum, Orbital angular
momentum and its eigenfunctions, Spin angular momentum, experimental evidence of spin,
Pauli matrices, application to three dimensional problems (Central potential),

Essential Readings:

1. N. Zettili, Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications, Wiley, 2 nd Edition (2009)

2. C. Cohen-Tannoudji, Quantum Mechanics (vol.1), John Willey & sons, 2005.
Supplementary Readings:
1. D. J. Griffith, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Pearson, 2 nd Edition (2007)
2. B.H Bransden, C.J. Joachain, Quantum Mechanics, Pearson, 2 nd Edition (2000)
3. R. Shankar, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Plenum Publishers, 2 nd Edition (1994)
4. L. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Course in theoretical physics vol.3-Quantum Mechanics
(non-relativistic), 3rd Ed
5. R. P. Feynman, Lectures on Physics (vol.III), Narosa Publishing, 2008.

PH4006: Quantum Mechanics - II (3-1-0)

Addition of angular momenta: rotation in Classical and Quantum Physics, addition of two
angular momentum, calculation of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, coupling of orbital and spin
angular momenta, addition of more than two angular momenta, iso-spin. Identical particles:
Schrödinger equations and its application to many particle systems, interchange symmetry,
systems of identical and non-identical non-interacting particles, constructing symmetry and
anti-symmetry wave functions, Pauli exclusion principle. Approximate methods: time
independent perturbation theory, variational method and WKB approximation, time-
dependent perturbation theory, interaction with classical radiation fields, Scattering theory:
scattering, scattering cross section, connecting laboratory and C-M frames, Born
Approximation. EPR paradox & Bell’s inequality. Relativistic Q.M. of spin 1/2 particles-
Dirac's equation and its simple solution.

Essential Readings:

1. N. Zettili, Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications, Wiley, 2 nd Edition (2009)

2. C. Cohen-Tannoudji, Quantum Mechanics (vol.1), John Willey & sons, 2005.
Supplementary Readings:

1. D. J. Griffith, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Pearson, 2 nd Edition (2007)

2. B. H Bransden, C. J. Joachain, Quantum Mechanics, Pearson, 2 nd Edition (2000)
3. R. Shankar, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Plenum Publishers, 2 nd Edition (1994)
4. L. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Course in theoretical physics vol.3-Quantum Mechanics
(non-relativistic), 3rd Ed
5. J. J. Sakurai , Modern and advanced quantum mechanics, Pearson (2007)
Prerequisites: Quantum mechanics – I

PH5001: Nuclear & Particle Physics (3-1-0)

Nuclear radii and charge distributions, nuclear two-body problem, binding energy and
stability of nuclei. Electric and magnetic moments. Nuclear force and its nature, Yukawa
theory. Deuteron problem, Liquid drop model: semi empirical mass formula, Fermi-gas
model, stable isobar. Single particle shell model, its validity and limitations. Collective model:
rotational and vibrational spectra. Nuclear decay: alpha, beta and gamma. Fermi theory.
Radioactive series. Nuclear kinematics & classification of nuclear reactions, fusion & fission
reactions, compound nucleus. Brief overview of ion-beam applications for materials.

Standard model, fundamental forces, particle classifications, Spin and parity, Isospin,
strangeness, hypercharge, baryon number, lepton number, Gellmann-Nishijima formula,
Conservation laws, Quarks in hadrons. Meson and baryon octet, Parity violation, C, P and T

Essential Readings:
1. Devanathan, V, Nuclear Physics, Alpha Science International Ltd; 2nd Revised edition
edition (25 January 2011)
2. Mittal, V. K. Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics, Prentice Hall India Learning
Private Limited; 3rd Revised edition edition (2013)

3. Krane, Kenneth S. Introductory Nuclear Physics, 3rd Edition Wiley (2006)

4. Griffith, D. J., Introduction to Elementary particles, John Wiley & sons. 2nd Ed., 2008.

Supplementary Readings:
1. Perkins, D. H., Introduction to High Energy Physics, 4th edition, Cambridge University
Press, 2000.
2. Pehodgson, E. Gadioi , E. Gadioli-Erba, Introductory Nuclear Physics, Clarendon Press,

Prerequisites: Quantum mechanics – I & Quantum Mechanics-II

PH5003: Condensed Matter Physics (3-1-0)

Electrons in a periodic potential and band theory: Bloch’s theorem, Born-von Karman
boundary condition, density of levels, van-Hove singularities, Kronig-Penney model.
Electrons in a weak periodic potential, energy levels, energy bands and energy gap. Tight
binding method, Wannier functions. Concept of Fermi surface. Effective mass of electrons,
concept of holes. De Haas-van Alphen effect.
Dielectric properties of solids: Dielectric function of electron gas and plasma oscillations,
Dielectric function in the general framework of screening, Thomas-Fermi theory of screening,
Lindhard theory of screening. Dielectric properties of insulators: macroscopic electrostatic
Maxwell equations, theory of local field, Clausius-Mossotti relation, theory of polarizability,
application to ionic crystal and it’s optical properties.
Semiconductors: General properties of homogeneous semiconductors and it’s band
structure. Carrier concentration in thermal equilibrium, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors,
impurity levels and it’s population in thermal equilibrium.
Magnetism in solids: Magnetic moment of an atom ; orbital, spin and total magnetic
moment, Hund’s rule. Larmor Diamagnetism, Van-Vleck Paramagnetism, Curie’s law for free
ions and solids. Paramagnetism and diamagnetism of metals.
Superconductivity: Type-I and Type-II. Thermal, electrical and magnetic properties. Energy
gap. Isotope effect, London theory, coherence length. Overview of BCS theory and BCS
ground state. Flux quantization. Josephson effect.

Essential Readings:
1) Solid State Physics – Ashcroft and Mermin.
2) Introduction to Solid State Physics – Charles Kittel.
3) Elementary Solid State Physics – M. Ali. Omar

Supplementary Readings:
1) Condensed Matter Physics – Michael P. Marder.
2) Principle of theory of solids – J. M. Ziman.
3) Principle of condensed matter physics – P. M. Chaikin and T. C. Lubensky.

Prerequisites: Quantum Mechanics-I (PH4005), Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics

(PH3002) and Electrodynamics (PH4002)

PH5005: Atomic & Molecular Physics (3-0-0)

Review of atomic structure of H, atomic structure of two electron system, alkali system,
Electron configurations and terms, equivalent and nonequivalent electrons, Hund's rules,
Symmetric and antisymmetric wave functions, Slater determinants, constant field
approximation , Hartree-Fock method , vector atom model , LS and jj couplings, Normal and
Anomalous Zeeman effect, Stark effect. Born-Oppenheimer approximation, Spectra of
diatomic molecule, polyatomic molecule. molecular spectra: rotational spectra, vibrational
spectra, Electronic spectra, Raman effect, ESR spectroscopy, NMR Spectroscopy, LASER,
modern experimental tools of spectroscopy.

Essential Readings:
1. P. W. Atkin and R. S. Friedman, Molecular Quantum Mechanics, Oxford University
Press, Indian Edition, 2004.

2. C. N. Banwell and E. M. McCash, Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, Tata

McGraw-Hill Publishing Company limited, New Delhi, 2007.

Supplementary Readings:
1. B. H. Bransden, C. J. Joachain, Physics of Atoms and Molecule, Prentice Hall, 2003.

2. R. Eisberg and R. Resnick, Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei and
Particles, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2006.

3. D. A. McQuarrier, Quantum Chemistry, Viva Books Private Limited, Indian Edition, 2007.

4. P. Atkins, J. D. Paula, Atkins’ Physical Chemistry, Oxford University Press, (Indian

Edition), 8th Edition, 2008.

5. H. E.White, Introduction to Atomic Spectra, McGraw-Hill Book Company INc. New York,

PH6001: Problems in Classical Physics (3-0-0)

Lagrange's equations, velocity dependent potentials and dissipation functions, conservation

theorems and symmetry properties, Hamilton's equation of motion, central force problem,
scattering in central force field in center of mass frame and laboratory coordinates, rigid body
rotations, Coriolis force, moment of inertia tensor, small oscillations, normal modes and
frequencies, canonical transformation, Poisson brackets and their application, Hamilton-
Jacobi theory and action angle variables, special theory of relativity, Lagrangian and
Hamiltonian of a relativistic particle, 4-vectors, Relativistic kinematics.

Essential Readings :
1. Yung-Kuo Lim and Ke-Lin Wang, Problems and Solutions on Mechanics, World
Scientific Publishing company private limited, first edition, 1994.
2. H. Goldstein, Classical Mechanics, Addison Wesley, Pearson Education, 2007.

PH6002: Problems in Quantum Physics (3-0-0)

Development of Quantum Mechanics, General Formalism of Quantum Mechanics,

Operators, Postulates of Quantum Mechanics, observables and operators, commutation
relations and commutating observables, measurements in quantum mechanics, time
evolution of system, symmetry and conservation laws, Time dependent and time
independent Schrödinger equation, Application to one and three dimensional problems,
General formalism of angular momentum, Orbital and spin angular momentum and their
eigenfunctions, Pauli matrices, Addition of two angular momentum, Calculation of Clebsch-
Gordan coefficients, Coupling of orbital and spin angular momentum, Identical Particles,
Time independent perturbation theory, Variational method, WKB approximation, Time-
dependent perturbation theory, Interaction with classical radiation fields.

Essential Readings :
1. C. Cohen-Tannoudji, Quantum Mechanics, John Willey & sons, 2005.
2. D. J. Griffith, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Pearson, 2nd Edition (2007)
3. J. J. Sakurai , Modern and advanced quantum mechanics, Pearson (2007)
4. R. Shankar, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Plenum Publishers, 2nd Edition (1994)
5. Y. Lim, Problems And Solutions On Quantum Mechanics, Sarat Book House (2001).

Supplementary Readings :
1. L. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Course in theoretical physics vol.3-Quantum Mechanics
(non-relativistic), 3rd Ed
2. R. P. Feynman, Lectures on Physics (vol.III), Narosa Publishing, 2008.

PH6003: Problems in Statistical Physics (3-0-0)

Problems on thermodynamics: first and second law of thermodynamics, concepts of

temperature, thermodynamic potentials, Maxwell's relation, entropy, equation of state,
thermodynamics of magnetic materials, relativistic gases. Problems on statistical
ensembles: discrete and continuous micro-canonical ensembles, canonical ensemble
and grand Canonical ensembles. Problems on quantum statistics : Bose-Einstein and
Fermi-Dirac statistics, black-body radiation, electron and phonons in solid-state
environment, Bose-Einstein condensation and Fermi gases. Problems on interacting
systems : virial coefficients, critical exponents, Ising model, Heisenberg model, mean-
field approximation, renormalization group method. Problems on non-equilibrium
statistical mechanics : particle diffusion, Markov processes, classical gas close to
equilibrium, Langevin equation, Boltzmann transport equation.

Essential Readings :
1. H. B. Callen, Thermodynamics & an Introduction to Thermostatistics, John Wiley & Sons.
2nd Ed.
2. R. K. Pathria and P. D. Beale, Statistical Mechanics, Academic Press, 3rd Ed.
3. S. Salinas, Introduction to Statistical Physics, Springer (India), 2004.
4. F. Reif, Fundamentals of Statistical Physics, Berkeley Physics Course – Vol. 5, McGraw
Hill, 2010.
5. M. Kardar, Statistical Physics of Particles, Cambridge University Press, 2007.
6.. D. A. R. Dalvit, J. Frastai, I. Lawrie, Problems on Statistical Mechanics CRC press, 1999.

PH6004: Problems in Mathematical Physics (3-0-0)

Solving problems in Mathematical Physics on the following Topics:

1. Theory of analytic fuctions.
2. Linear vector space, matrix algebra, tensor & tensor calculus.
3. Fuction space, orthogonal polynomials, Fourier analysis and generalized functions.
4. Differential equations : second order ordinary differential equations and partial differential
equations. Solving boundary value problems: Green's identity, Green functions, uniquness
theorems, one dimensional & two dimensional wave, diffusion and Laplace equations. Use
of special functions for the solutions of differential equations.
Essential Readings:
1. G. B. Arfken and H. J. Weber, Mathematical methods for Physicists, Elsevier Academic
Press, 6th Ed., 2005.

2. M. L. Boas, Mathematical Method in Physical Science, John Willy & Sons, 3rd Ed., 2006.

Supplementary Readings:
1. P. Dennery & A. Krzywicki, Mathematics for Physicists, dover Publications, New York
( Distributed by Sarat Distributors, Kolkata for Indian edition & distribution in India)

2. J. Mathews and R. L. Walker, Mathematical Methods of Physics, Pearson Education,


3. S. D. Joglekar, Mathematical Physics, Universities Press, 2005.

4. R. V. Churchil and J. W. Brown, Complex Variables &Applications, 7th Ed., 2003.

5. A.W.Joshi Matrix & Tensor in Physics

6. Tulsi Das Satis.K . Sharma Mathematical methods in classical and quantum physics ,
University press

PH6005: Experimental Techniques in Physics (3-0-0)

Measurements & error analysis: Uncertainty of measurements, Types of errors,
Experimental uncertainty of single measurement and repeated measurements, Standard
deviation, Propagation of error, Significant figures, Data Analysis.

Diffraction & Scattering techniques: Diffraction of x-rays in crystals via Laue, rotating
crystal and powder method, reciprocal lattice, miller indices, atomic form factor, geometric
structure factor, systematic absences and analysis of simple patterns, intensity of diffraction
lines in a powder pattern, peak widths, determination of lattice parameters, crystallite size
and strain, diffraction of electrons and neutrons, benefit of neutron diffraction. Theory
and practice of light scattering, LASER light scattering, Dynamic and Static light scattering,
small angle neutron and x-ray scattering.

Vacuum and Low Temperature: Need of vacuum, Characteristics of vacuum, Gas flow,
Vacuum Pumps, Vacuum Gauges, Vacuum systems, Thin film deposition under vacuum, film
thickness measurement, Use of vacuum in cryogenics, Physical properties at low
temperature: Electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, thermal expansion, Specific heat
capacity, magnetic properties.

Thermal Analysis: Introductions, Thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA), Differential thermal

analysis (DTA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and their applications.
Microscopic & Spectroscopic Techniques: Optical Microscopy, Transmission electron
microscopy (TEM), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Atomic force microscopy (AFM),
Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Elemental analysis using EDX, XPS, SIMS, RBS,
UV-Visible, Infrared and Raman spectroscopic Techniques.

Essential Reading:
(1) Ifan G Hughes and Thomas P A Hase, Measurements and Their
Uncertainties: A Practical Guide to Modern Error Analysis, Oxford University
Press (2010);

(1) Michael Sayer and Abhai Mansingh, Measurement, Instrumentation and

Experiment Design in Physics and Engineering, Prentice Hall India Learning Private
Limited; 1st Edition (1999)

(2) A.Chambers, R.K.Fitch and B.S.Halliday, Basic Vacuum technology, 2nd Edition,
Overseas press, New Delhi (2005)
(3) C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, 7th Edition, John Wiley & Sons

(4) C. Suryanarayana and M. Grant Norton, X-Ray Diffraction: A Practical Approach,

Springer (2014)

(5) Michael E. Brown, Introduction to Thermal Analysis: Techniques and

Applications, 2nd Edition, Springer (2007)

(6) P. J. Goodhew, J. Humphreys, R. Beanland, Electron Microscopy and Analysis, 3rd

Edition, CRC Press (2000)

(7) A. R. West, Solid State Chemistry and its Applications, 2nd Edition, Wiley Student
Edition (2013)

(8) Benjamin Chu, LASER Light scattering: Basic principle and Practice, Academic
Press Inc; 2nd Revised edition (1991)

(9) S.F. Sun, Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules: Basic Principles and

Issues, Wiley-Blackwell (1994)

PH6006: Problems in Electrodynamics (3-0-0)

Review of Maxwell’s equation, Electromagnetic waves in vacuum, Maxwell's stress tensor,

momentum conservation, Poynting theorem, conservation of energy and momentum,
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulation of electrodynamics, Gauge transformations,
Coulomb gauge and Lorentz gauge, Electromagnetic waves in matter, reflection,
transmission, Causality and Kramers-Kronig relations, negative-index materials, Cylindrical
Cavities and Wave Guides; Modes in a Rectangular Wave Guide; Energy Flow and
Attenuation in Wave Guides, Cavities, Dielectric Wave Guides.
Radiation: Introduction to Green's Functions, Retarded Green's functions, Lienard-Wiechert
potentials; dipole radiation, spectral resolution and angular distribution of radiation from a
relativistic point charge; collision problems; bremsstrahlung & synchrotron radiation.
Scattering of electromagnetic waves: Rayleigh and Thomson scattering, radiation damping.
From Classical to Quantum ED: Approaches to quantization of EM fields; photons,
Quantization of the free electromagnetic field.

Essential Readings:
D. J. Griffth, Introduction to Electrodynamics, Pearson Education. 4Th Ed., 2013.
D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, Wiley and sons Ltd. 3rd Ed., 1998.

Supplementary Readings:
1. J. R. Reitz, F. J. Milford and R. W. Christy, Foundation of Electromagnetic theory,
Addison Wesley Company / Narosa Publishing. 4th Ed., 2008.
2 . A. Ghatak, Optics, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2004.
3. R. P. Feynman Lectures on Physics (vol.II), Addison Wesley, Narosa, 2008.

PH6007: Problems in Condensed Matter Physics (3-0-0)

Bravais lattices; Reciprocal lattice, diffraction and the structure factor; Bonding of solids;
Elastic properties, phonons, lattice specific heat; Free electron theory and electronic specific
heat; Response and relaxation phenomena; Drude model of electrical and thermal
conductivity; Hall effect and thermoelectric power; Diamagnetism, paramagnetism, and
ferromagnetism; Electron motion in a periodic potential, band theory of metals, insulators
and semiconductors; Superconductivity, type – I and type - II superconductors, Josephson
junctions; Defects and dislocations; Ordered phases of matter, translational and orientational

Essential Readings:
1) Solid State Physics – Ashcroft and Mermin.
2) Introduction to Solid State Physics – Charles Kittel.
3) Elementary Solid State Physics – M. Ali. Omar

Supplementary Readings:
1) Condensed Matter Physics – Michael P. Marder.
2) Principle of theory of solids – J. M. Ziman.
3) Principle of condensed matter physics – P. M. Chaikin and T. C. Lubensky.

PH6111: Advanced Quantum Mechanics (3-0-0)

Integral formulation of Quantum mechanics, Path Integral Integral, Relativistic wave

equations, field quantization & particle processes, second quantization, interaction picture,
S-matrix, many particle Green’s functions and diagrammatic methods, Feynman diagrams,
many body physics, relativistic quantum mechanics of spin-1/2 particles, quantum theory of
radiation, co-variant of perturbation theory, elements of quantum electrodynamics.
Applications in condensed matter physics.

Essential Readings:

1. J. J. Sakurai,Advanced Quantum Mechanics, Pearson Education, 2007.

2. P. Strange, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: with Applications in Condensed Matter

&Atomic Physics, Cambridge University press, 1stEd., 1998.

Supplementary Readings:

1. L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Quantum Electrodynamics (vol.4), 3rd Ed. Pergamon


2. S. Doniach and E. H. Sondheimer , Green's Functions for Solid State Physicists, Imperial
College Press, 1998.

3. E. N. Economou, Green's Functions in Quantum Physics, Springer, 3rd Ed., 2006.

Prerequisites: Quantum mechanics courses.

PH6112: Advanced Statistical Mechanics (3-0-0)

Review of equilibrium statistical mechanics and its applications, theory of phase transition,
critical phenomena, critical points and order parameter, thermodynamic properties and
exponents, fluctuation of the order parameter, mean field theory .The renormalization group:
the definition, fixed points and exponents, RG in selected models, perturbation expansion
and dynamics. Ising Model and magnetism, correlation functions, superconductivity,
superfluidity, Bose-Einstein condensation, fluctuation problems. Percolation problems;
Kadona transformations, Ginzburg-Landau form. The correlation length and scaling
hypothesis, scale transformation and dimensional analysis; Non-equilibrium statistical
mechanics, ergodic hypothesis and basic postulates, Langevin equations, Fokker-Planck
equations, diffusion equation, entropy from trajectory of motion, instability of a trajectory.

Essential Readings:

1. L. E. Reichl, A modern course in Statistical Physics, Wiley & Sons, 2nd Ed., 1997.

2. R. Zwanzig, Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Oxford University Press, 2001.

Supplementary Readings:

1. L. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Course in theoretical physics vol.5 (part-I) & vol.9 (part-II) -
Statistical Mechanics, 3rdEd., Pergamon Press.

2. R. Bowley and M. Sanchez, Introductory Statistical Mechanics, Oxford Press, 2007.

3. V. Balakrishnan, Elements of Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics, CRC Press, 2008.

4. D. S. Lemons, An Introduction to Stochastic process in Physics, John Hopkins Univ.

Press, 2002.

Prerequisites: Statistical mechanics course.

PH6113: Advanced Condensed Matter Physics (3-0-0)

Second quantization, Fermi liquid, electron-electron interaction, electron-hole interaction in

semiconductors, elementary excitation, electron-phonon interaction, polarons; Density
functional theory and advanced band structure calculations, approximation in exchange
potentials, molecular dynamics; Cooperative phenomena, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism,
Ising model, superconductivity, BCS and Ginzburg-Landau theories, Bose-Einstein
condensation, Dynamical mean field theory.

Essential Readings:
1. H.Bruus and K. Flensberg, Many-Body Quantum Theory in Condensed Matter Physics:
An Introduction, Oxford University Press, 2004.

2. P. Phillips, Advanced Solid State Physics, Overseas Press, 2008.

3. G. D. Mahan, Many Particle Physics (Physics of Solids and Liquids), Springer, 3rd Ed.,
4. R. M. Dreizder and E. K. U. Gros, Density Functional Theory, Plenum Press, 1995.

Supplementary Readings:
1. F. Duan and J. Guojun, Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics, World Scientific,
2. Avella, Adolfo; Mancini, Ferdinando (Eds.), Lectures on the Physics of Strongly
Correlated Systems XI, (Eleventh Training Course in the Physics of Strongly
Correlated Systems)Springer, 2006.
3. S. Doniach and E. H. Sondheimer , Green's Functions for Solid State Physicists,
Imperial College Press, 1998.
4. W. G. Aulbur, L. Jonsson, and J. W. Wilkins, Quasiparticle Calculations in Solids, Solid
StatePhysics Vol.54, Academic Press, 2000.

Prerequisites: Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics (PH3002), Condensed matter

physics (PH5003), Quantum Mechanics-I (PH4005), Quantum Mechanics-II (PH4006) ,
Mathematical Methods in Physics (PH4001) courses / consent of the concerned faculty.

PH6114: Non – linear dynamics, Chaos and its recent applications (3-0-0)

Introduction to non-linear dynamics, Chaos & Fractals. One Dimensional Flow: Fixed points
and Stability, Bifurcations, flow on the circle. Two Dimensional Flow: Linear systems,
Phase plane, Limit cycles, bifurcation in two dimensional systems. Chaos: Chaos on a
strange attractor, Lorenz map, Periodic windows, Lyapunov exponents, universality,
Renormalization. Strange attractors: Henon map, Rossler system. Spatio-Temporal Chaos
in extended system; Synchronization in nonlinear and chaotic systems. Fractals. (With
examples from physics, chemistry, biology, fluid dynamics and electronic circuits).

Essential Readings:

1. D. W. Jordan and P. Smith, Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations, Oxford Univ.

Press, 4th Ed., 2007.

2. S. H. Strogatz, Nonlinear dynamics & Chaos, Levent Books (Kolkata) Indian Ed., 2007.

Supplementary Readings:

1. G. L. Baker and J. P. Gollub, Chaotic dynamics-An Introduction, Cambridge University

Press, 1996.

2. F. Verhulst, Nonlinear differential equations and dynamical systems, Springer, 2nd Ed,

3. T. Kapitaniak, Chaos for Engineers, Springer, 1998.

4. P. S. Addison, Fractals & Chaos, Overseas Press, 2005.

5. D. Kaplan and L.Glass, Understanding Nonlinear Dynamics, Springer, 1998.

Prerequisites: Good knowledge of Partial differential equations and


PH6115:Synchronization and its recent applications in Chaotic systems (3-0-0)

Synchronization in historical perspective. The basic notions: the self-sustained oscillators

and its phase, self-sustained oscillators in nature, synchronization of a driven periodic
oscillators, phase and frequency locking; Synchronization of higher order and Arnold
tongues, synchronization of relaxor oscillators. Synchronization of two and many periodic
oscillators, frequency locking, chains, lattices and oscillatory media; Synchronization in
chaotic oscillators: Lorentz, Rossler, Marhieu oscillators; phase synchronization of chaotic
oscillators, synchronization in the presence of noise, populations of globally coupled

Essential Readings:

1. A. Pikovsky, M. Rosenblum and J. Kurths, Synchronization: A Universal Concept in

Nonlinear Science, Cambridge University Press, 2002.

2. S. H. Strobatz, SYNC: How Order Emerges From Chaos In the Universe, Nature, and
Daily Life,Hyperion, 2004.

Supplementary Readings:

1. G. V. Osipov, J. Kurths and C. Zhou, Synchronization in Oscillatory Networks (Springer

Series in Synergetics), Springer, 2007.

2. S. H. Strogatz, Nonlinear dynamics & Chaos, Levent Books (Kolkata) Indian Ed., 2007.

3. Y. Kuramoto, Chemical Oscillations, Waves, and Turbulence, Dover Publications, 2003.

4. A. T. Winfree, The Geometry of Biological Time, Springer, 2001.

Prerequisites: Good knowledge of differential equations and linear algebra.

PH6116: Nonlinear Optics (3-0-0)

Brief review of electromagnetic waves, Light propagation through anisotropic media,

Overview of non-linear Optics, nonlinear polarization, nonlinear optical susceptibility, origin
of optical nonlinearities, symmetry properties of nonlinear susceptibility tensors, coupled-
wave equations, second harmonic generation, sum and difference-frequency generation,
phase-matching condition and techniques to achieve phase matching, parametric
amplification, parametric fluorescence and oscillation, electro-optic effect, Kerr effect, Cross-
Phase Modulation, self-focusing and self-phase modulation, optical solitons, Raman
amplification, and acousto-optic effect, Nonlinear Schrödinger equation, modulation
instabilities, optical solitons in fibers, photonic crystal fibers.

Essential Readings:
1. R.W.Boyd, Nonlinear Optics, third edition, Academic, (2008)
2. R.L.Sutherland, Handbook of Nonlinear Optics,2nd edition, Marcel Dekker(2003)

Supplementary Readings:

1. P.E.Powers , Fundamentals of Nonlinear Optics, CRC Press (2011)

2. G.P.Agarwal, Nonlinear Fiber Optics,4th edition, Academic (2007)
3. Y.R.Shen, Principles of Nonlinear Optics, Wiley (1984)

Prerequisites: Electrodynamics, Optics course, LASERS

PH6117: Introduction to Astrophysics

Introduction : Celestial sphere and co-ordinate systems, magnitude systems, determination

of mass, luminosity, radius, temperature and distance of stars, stellar motion and stellar
classification. Astronomical telescopes and detectors. Evolution of stars: star formation,
Jean's criterion, HR diagram, end state of stars, Introduction to Compact Objects. Stellar
structures: hydrostatic equilibrium, nuclear energy production and transport in stars, Solar
system. Structure and morphology of our galaxy Milky Way. General Theory of Relativity:
Principle of equivalence, gravity and geometry, metric tensor and its properties, curved
space time tensor calculus, Bianchi Identities, particle trajectories in gravitational field,
Einstein’s field equations, Schwarzchild metric, applications in astrophysics and
observational tests. Large scale Structure and Cosmology: Hubble’s law, Friedmann
Robertson-Walker Model, cosmological constants, the early universe, thermodynamics of
early universe, nucleosynthesis, cosmic microwave background radiation, elementary ideas
on structure formations, age of universe. big bang and steady state theory.

Essential Readings:
1. Astrophysics for Physicist, Arnab Rai Choudhuri
2. Physical Universe, Frank Shu.

Supplementary Readings:
1. A first course in general relativity, Bernard Schutz
2. Gravitation and cosmology, Steven Weinberg
3. Astrophysical techniques, C. R. Kitchin
4. Introductory astronomy and astrophysics, Michael Zeilik and Stephen A. Gregory
5. Theoretical astrophysics, T. Padmanabhan (Volume I, II, III)

PH6120: Particle Physics (3-0-0)

Introduction to Elementary Particles, Particle Zoo and Four Interactions. Natural Units and
relativity: four vector formalism. Klein-Gordon equation, Dirac equation and solutions.
Lorentz covariance, C, P and T properties, bilinear covariants. Classical Field theory, Klein-
Gordon and Dirac Lagrangian density. U(1) gauge theory, Noether's theorem. Canonical
quantization of free scalar, spinor vector fields. QED, Dyson formalism, S matrix and
Feynman rules. Basic QED processes: Mott scattering, Compton effect, etc. Yukawa theory:
pion exchange potential and pion discovery. Fermi Theory of beta decay, Gamow-Teller
correction. Introduction to groups, Lie groups, SU(3) and the eightfold way. Quark model,
notion of colour. Parity violation. muon and pion decay. Non-Abelian gauge theories: SU(2)
and SU(3) gauge theories. Spontaneous symmetry-breaking and gauge theory. Construction
of electroweak model with one generation.

Essential Readings:
1. Francis Halzen and Alan D. Martin, "Quarks and Leptons: An Introductory Course in
Modern Particle Physics", Wiley (2008).
2. Michael E Peskin and Daniel V Schroeder , "An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory",
Levant Books (2005)

Supplementary Readings:
1. J. D. Bjorken and S. D. Drell, "Relativistic Quantum Fields", McGraw-Hill Book Company
2. J. J. Sakurai, "Advanced Quantum Mechanics", Pearson (2007).
3. T.-P. Cheng and L.-F. Li, "Gauge theory of elementary particle physics", Oxford University
Press (2000).
4. Donald H. Perkins, "Introduction to High Energy Physics", 4th edition, Cambridge
University Press (2000).
5. David Griffiths, "Introduction to Elementary Particles", 2nd edition, Wiley-VCH (2008).

Prerequisites: Relativistic Quantum Mechanics / consent of the course teacher

PH6121: Quantum Field Theory (3-0-0)

Classical field theory; relativistic fields; identical bosons and quantum fields; Klein-Gordon
propagator and relativistic causality; quantum electromagnetic fields and photons. Lorentz
symmetry and spinor fields; Dirac equation and its solutions; second quantization of
fermions and particle-hole formalism; quantum Dirac field; Weyl and Majorana spinor fields.
Continuous symmetries and conserved currents; spontaneous symmetry breaking and
Goldstone bosons; local (gauge) symmetry and QED; Higgs mechanism; non-abelian gauge
symmetries and the Yang-Mills theory; discrete symmetries. Perturbation theory; correlation
functions and Feynman diagrams; S-matrix and cross-sections; Feynman rules for
fermions; Feynman rules for QED. Some elementary processes; radiative corrections;
infrared and ultraviolet divergences; renormalization of fields and of the electric charge;
Ward identities.

Essential Readings :
1. Peskin, Michael E., and Daniel V. Schroeder. An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory.
Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1995, Levant, 2005
2. Ryder, Lewis H., Quantum Field Theory, second edition, Cambridge University Press,

Supplementary Readings:
1. Weinberg, S. The Quantum Theory of Fields. Vol. 1: Foundations. Cambridge, UK:
Cambridge University Press, 1995.
2. Mandl, Franz, Shaw Grahm, Quantum Field Theory, Second edition, Wiley, 2010.

Prerequisites: Relativistic Quantum Mechanics / consent of the course teacher

PH6122: Computational Condensed Matter Physics (3-0-0)

Review of linear methods of band structure calculation. Density functional theory, Time
dependent density functional theory, Pseudopotential, tight binding, KKR, augmented plane
wave methods for band structure calculations; Greens’ function method-GW approximation
coupled with density functional theory for first principle calculations. Calculation of transport
properties. Application to bulk materials; Molecular Dynamics: Simulation of nano materials
and their properties, tight binding and Carr-Perrinello molecular dynamics(Emphasis would
be given to numerical calculations and development of computer codes).

Essential Readings:
1. R. M. Martin, Electronic Structure: Basic Theory and Practical Methods, Cambridge
University Press, 2004.

2. J. Kohanoff, Electronic Structure Calculations for Solids and Molecules: Theory and
Computational Methods, Cambridge University Press, 2006.

Supplementary Readings:
1. R. M. Dreizder and E. K. U. Gros, Density Functional Theory, Plenum Press, 1995.

2. R. E. Nalewajski, Density Functional Theory (Relativistic & Time Dependent), Springer

Verlag, 1996.
3. I. Turek, V. Drchal, J. Kudrnovsky, M. Sob, P. Weinberger, Electronic Structure of
disordered alloys, structure & interfaces, Kluwar Academic Publishers, 1997.

4. V. V. Nemoshkalenko and V. N. Antonov, Computational Methods in Solid State Physics,

CRC Press, 1998.

5. D. Hugues(ed), Electronic Structure & Physical Properties of Solids (lecture notes),

Springer, 1998.

Prerequisites: Quantum mechanics & condensed matter physics courses.

PH6231: X-rays and Nano Science (3-0-0)

Production and properties of X-rays. Introduction to Nanoscience, Roll of X-ray in

Nanoscience. Real and reciprocal space, application of reciprocal space to diffraction,
Ewald’s sphere, X-ray crystallography including space group and symmetries, scattering of
X-ray by free and bound electrons, scattering by liquids; Introduction to Small Angle X-ray
Scattering (SAXS), postulates of SAXS theory, Idea of different systems (ideal, non-ideal,
monodisperse, polydisperse, dilute and dense systems). Overview of experimental SAXS
system, Calculation of scattered intensity from a single particle & many particle systems,
Refinement of SAXS data. Characterization of nano materials using SAXS data. General
application of SAXS technique.

Essential Readings:
1. B. D. Culiety and S. R. Stock, Elements of x-ray diffraction, Pearson, 3rdEdn, 2001.

2. P. Linder, Z. Th. Neutron, X-ray and Light: scattering methods applied to soft condensed
matter, Elsevier Science, 2002.

Supplementary Readings:
1. G. V. Paulinsky, Fundamentals of x-rays, Cambridge international science, 2008.

2. N. Kasai, M. Kakudo, X-ray diffraction by Macromolecules, Springer, 2005.

3. E. J. Mittemeijer, P. Scardi, Diffraction Analysis of microstructure of materials, Springer,


PH6232: Physics of Macromolecules (3-0-0)

Review of mathematical statistics, Variety of macromolecules, Synthesis of macromolecules,

Distribution of molecular weight, Concept of mono dispersity and poly dispersity, Review of
thermodynamics for small molecules, Thermodynamics of macromolecules, Entropy,
enthalpy and free enthalpy of mixing, Flory-Huggins lattice theory, Static and dynamics of
dilute polymer solutions, Rouse model, Zimm model, Chain conformations and
configurations, Freely joined chain, Worm like chain, Random flight model, Excluded
volume effect, Solvent quality, Semi dilute and concentrated polymer solutions, Diffusive
dynamics , Experimental techniques: X-ray and neutron diffraction by macromolecules,
Light Scattering, Viscosity, and Rheological Measurements, Concepts of electrolytes and
polyelectrolytes, Debye-Huckle theory, Donnan equilibrium, Self-assembly, Scaling and

Essential Readings:
1. S. F. Sun, Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
2. I. Teraoka, Polymer Solutions: An Introduction to Physical Properties, Wiley-Inter
Science, 2002

Supplementary Readings:
1. G. Pattersom, Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules, CRC Press, 2007.
2. M. Doi and H. See, Introduction to Polymer Physics, Oxford University Press, 1999.
3. P. Munk and T. M. Aminabhavi, Introduction to Macromolecular Science, Wiley-
Interscience, 2002.
4. E. Tonelli, Polymers from Inside Out:In introduction to Macromolecules, John Wiley-
Inter-science, 2001.
Prerequisites: Basic Mathematics and statistics, basic thermodynamics.

PH6233: Advanced X-rays structure Analysis (3-0-0)

Introduction to x-rays, Introduction to X-ray diffraction techniques, Qualitative and

quantitative analysis of XRD data, prerequirements of Sample preparation for XRD data,
Measurement of line intensities, Various factors effecting XRD intensities, Quantitative
methods based on intensity ratios, The absorption diffraction method, Internal standard
method, General RIR method, Normalized RIR method, Constrained XRD phase analysis,
Detection limit issues Preliminary idea about XRF, PIXE, SAXS, GISAXS, EDX and their
applications to characterize the materials with limitations of the techniques. X-ray
spectroscopy and its application in characterization of materials. Advantages and
disadvantages of the above mentioned techniques; Introduction to Medical application of X-
rays and different equipments used for diagnosis purposes.

Essential Readings:
1. B. D. Culiety and S. R. Stock, Elements of x-ray diffraction,Pearson, 3rdEdn, 2001.
2. R. Verma, O. N. Srivastava, Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics, New New
Age International Publication, 2001.

Supplementary Readings:
1. K. Singh, Advanced X-ray Techniques in Research and Industry, Capital
Publishing Company, 2006.

Prerequisites: Elementary knowledge on modern physics.

PH6234: LASER Physics (3-0-0)

Brief history of LASER, wave nature of light, wave-particle duality, Electromagnetic radiation,
interaction of light with matter, Black body radiation, General Physical principles behind
amplification: Spontaneous emission. Stimulated absorption, Stimulated emission, Einstein
coefficient and amplification, Line broadening, Ideas about line-width, Laser rate equations:
The three level system, The four level system, Semi classical theory of LASER, active
medium, population inversion, pumping mechanism, Role of feedback mechanism, Optical
resonator, Modes of a rectangular cavity, Transverse and Longitudinal modes, The quality
factor, Q- switching, Mode locking. CW operation, Pulsed operation. Properties of LASER:
Coherence, Directionality and Monochromaticity, Different types of LASERS: Gas LASER,
Solid state LASER, Liquid state LASER, Excimer LASER, Fiber optic LASER

Essential Readings:
1. William T. Silfvast, LASER Fundamentals, Cambridge University Press, 2 nd Edition,

2. Anthony E. Siegman, LASERS, University Science Books, 1986.

Supplementary Readings:
1. A. K. Ghatak and K. Thyagarajan, LASERS: Theory and applications, Macmillan
Publishers India, 2000.

2. K. R. Nambiar, LASERS: Principles, Types and Applications, New Age Instruments,


3. OrazioSvelto and David C. Hanna, Principles of LASERS, Springer, 4th Ed, 1998.

PH 6235: Fundamentals of Soft Matter (3-0-0)

Introduction: Overview of Soft Matter, Similarity and dissimilarity of soft matter from
condensed matter, Interaction energies, Different kinds of forces and bonds, Time and
Length Scale. Phase behaviour and phase transitions, Thermal fluctuations and Brownian
motion. Colloids: Introduction to colloids, Stokes law and Brownian motion, Forces governing
the stability colloids, phase behaviour of colloids, Polymers: Introduction to polymers,
statistics of polymer chains, polymer solutions, rubber elasticity, viscoelasticity of polymers,
reputation model and scaling theory. Gels: Introduction to gels, Classes of gels, Theory of
gelation, Percolation, Self-Assembly and supra-molecular structure, Soft matter in nature.

Essential Readings:
1. Richard A. L. Jones, Soft Condensed Matter, Oxford University Press, 2002.
2. L. S. Hirst, Fundamentals of Soft Matter Science, CRC Press, 2013.

Supplementary Readings:
1. M. Kleman and O.D. Lavrentovich, Springer, 2001.
2. I. Teraoka Polymer Solutions: An Introduction to Physical Properties, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.2002.

3. W. C. K. Poon and D. Andelman, Soft Condensed Matter Physics in Molecular and Cell
Biology, Taylor & Francis, 2006

4. R. Borsali and R. Pecora, Soft Matter Characterization, Springer, 2008.

Prerequisites: Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics

PH6341: Dielectric & Magnetic Properties of Materials (3-0-0)

Review of crystallography: - Symmetry, point groups, Miller indices, Laue’s condition,

Reciprocal lattice, Brillouin zones; Magnetic Properties and magnetic materials: - Van
Vleck paramagnetism Quantum theory of paramagnetism and Ferromagnetism.
Temperature dependence spontaneous magnetization, magnetic domain, hysteresis,
Exchange interaction. Molecular field theory( Weiss law). Technological application of
magnetic materials & multilayer in memory device, sensors, magnetic bubbles;
Phenomenological theories of magnetic order- Interaction of atomic spins at large
distance, molecular field theory, Spin waves, Ising model, Magnetic phase transition;
Dielectric material :- Classical & Quantum, theory of electronic polarizability and ionic
polarizability, spontaneous polarization , Hysteresis, Frequency dependent polarization,
Piezoelectricity; An introduction to relaxor ferroelectricity. Perovskite crystal structure,
Ferroelectric phases and domains , Curie Weiss behavior, Diffuse phase transition, Physics
of Relaxor ferroelectricity , ABO3 relaxors, Application of ferroelectricity.

Essential Readings:
1. S. Blundell, Magnetism in condensed matter, Oxford university press, 2001.
2. Aharoni, Introduction to the theory of ferromagnetism, Oxford university press, 2001.

Supplementary Readings:
1. C. Kittel, Introduction to solid state physics, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
2. Y. D. Jiles, Introduction to magnetism and magnetic materials, Chapmean and Hall. (2nd
3. Ashcroft/ Mermin, Solid state physics, India edition IE, Thomsom books, Reprint, 2007.
4. L. L. Hench, J. K. West, Principles of electronic ceramics, John Wiley and sons,1995.

Prerequisites: 5thlevel condensed matter physics and quantum mechanics courses

PH6342: Physics & Applications of Dielectric Materials (3-0-0)

Maxwell Equations & Polarization, Macroscopic Electric Field, Local Electric Field at an
Atom, Chemical Bond in Dielectrics, Structure of Dielectrics, Electrical Conduction in
Dielectrics, Polarization Mechanisms in Dielectrics, Dielectric Relaxation, Ferro-electricity:
Theory of Ferroelectrics, Domain, Imperfections & Polarization Reversals, Experimental
Study of Thermodynamic Properties, Oxygen Octahedron, Order Disorder Ferroelectric,
Critical Phenomena, Size Limit on Ferro-electricity, Applications of Ferroelectric Materials:
Ferroelectric Ceramics Applications, Applications of Piezoelectric Ceramics, Ferroelectric
Thin Films Applications, Electro-optic Applications.

Essential Readings:
1. A. J. Moulson and J. M. Herbert, Electroceramics: Materials, Properties and
Applications,Wiley; 2nd Edition, 2003.
2. K. Uchino, Ferroelectric Devices, New York: Marcel Dekker, 2000.

Supplementary Readings:
1. M. E. Lines and A. M. Glass, Principles and Applications of Ferroelectric and Related
Materials, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2007.
2. Y. H. Xu, Ferroelectric Materials and Their Applications, Noth-Holland, 1991.
3. C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, 8th Ed. John Wiley & Sons Pvt. Ltd, 2004.

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Electrostatics, Magnetostatics & Dielectric Materials

PH 6343: Mesoscopic Physics (3-0-0)

Basic concepts of classical electron transport: Drude theory for electrical conductivity,
Motion of electrons in crystal, Boltzmann Transport equation, Electrical Conductivity Formula
and Einstein Relation, Band Structure and density of state effect on electronic transport.
Ziman theory for electrical resistivity, Electrical resistivity due to electron-electron and
electron-phonon interaction. Fermi liquid theory and its Limitation. Fermi liquid theory for
Phase coherence and effect of disorder, Interference phenomena.
Magnetoresistance(Positive and negative MR), Scaling theories of disordered system.
Anderson Scaling theory. Localization weak localization and strong localization). Dephasing
and renormalization.

Different types of electrical transport mechanism: Diffusive transport, ballistic transport,

VRH, ES-VRH, Fluctuation Induced Transport mechanism (FIT), metal-insulator transition in
transport behavior.

Quantum transport phenomena: Aharonov-Bhom effect, conductance quantization,

Landau levels, Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations, The Aharonov-Bohm effect, Integer
Quantum Hall effect, Fractional Quantum Hall effect. Coulomb blockade effects. Universal
conductance fluctuations. Landauer–Büttiker formalism. Kondo effect. Dephasing in
interacting system (Luttinger liquid theory). Breit-Wigner resonance and Fano resonance,
Friedel sum rule. Quantum dots, electronic states in quantum dots, transport across
quantum dots. Noises in mesoscopic systems, Nyquist-Johnson noise, shot noise, 1/f noise.

Essential Readings:

1. YosephImry, Introduction to Mesoscopic Physics, Oxford University Press Publication,

Year 2002.
2. Eric Akkermans, Gilles Montambaux, Mesoscopic Physics of Electrons and Photons,
Cambridge University Press Publication, Year 2007.
3. Pier A. Mello, Narendra Kumar, Quantum Transport in Mesoscopic Systems: Complexity
and Statistical Fluctuations, a Maximum-entropy Viewpoint,Cambridge University Press
publication, Year (Fifth edition) 2003.
4. Mesoscopic Electronics in Solid State Nanostructures ,Thomas Heinzel, Wiley-VCH
publication, Year 2003.
5. Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems ,Supriyo Datta, Cambridge University
Press,Year 1995.
6. The Physics of Low-Dimensional Semiconductor, John H. Davies, Cambridge University
Press, Year 1998.

PH6344: Physics of Ferroelectric and Multiferroic Materials (3-0-0)

Fundamentals of dielectrics, Clausius-Mossotti relation, Dielectric dispersion and loss,

Dielectric polarization and relaxation, Linear and non-linear dielectric, piezo-, pyro- and
ferroelectric crystals; Classification and properties of selected ferroelectrics, Structural,
dielectric, electrical, spectroscopic and optical properties of ferroelectrics; order-disorder and
displacive type of phase transition, Phenomenological theory of Ferroelectrics: Dipole theory
of phase transition, and thermodynamical theory of ferroelectrics: 1 st order and 2nd order
(Landau theory) phase transitions, critical phenomena, Lattice dynamics of Displacive phase
transition, Quantum Ferroelectrics. Ferroelectric devices: pyroelectric detectors, transducers,
computer memory and display devices, non-volatile memory devices.
Magnetic terms and definitions, Classification, theory and properties of magnetic materials.
Magnetization processes, Domain walls and contribution to the free energy, Fundamentals
of Multiferroic and Magnetoelectric materials, Origin of polarizations and magnetization and
the property of mutual exclusiveness, Types of multiferroics and mechanism, Experimental
techniques for measurements. Some recent advances, Possible future applications of
Multiferroic materials

Essential Readings:
1. K. Uchino,Ferroelectric Devices, Marcel, Dekker, Inc. New York, 2000.
2. N. A. Spaldin, Magnetic materials; Fundamentals and device applications, Cambridge
University Press, 2003.

Supplementary Readings:
1. M. E. Lines and A. M. Glass, Principle and Applications of Ferroelectrics and Related
Materials, Clarndon Press, Oxford, 1977.
2. S. Blundell; Magnetism in condensed matter, Oxford University Press, 2003
3. P. Bruesch, Phonons: Theory and Experiments III, Springer Series in Solid State Science,
Newyork 1987.
4. B. D. Cullity, Introduction to magnetic materials, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1972.
5.C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, Wiley & Sons (2004)

Prerequisites: Electrodynamics (PH-404), Condensed Matter Physics, (PH406)

PH6345: Physics of Quantum Electronic Devices (3-0-0)

Basics of quantum mechanics, origin of band, introduction and applications of quantum
electronic devices, electrons in mesoscopic structures, quantum resistance, quantum
capacitance, quantum interference, scattering at quantum levels, short channel MOSFET,
split-gate transistor, electron wave transistor, electron spin transistor, single electron and
atom transistors, molecular transistors, resonant tunneling, memory and logic devices, single
electron inverters, quantum switches, sub-band quantum devices, quantum computers,
different types of quantum bit.

Essential Readings:
1. Quantum Electronics, Yariv Amnon, Wiley Publication, 3rd Edition, 1989
2. Physical Foundations of Quantum Electronics, David Klyshko, World Scientific
Publication, 1st Edition, 2011
3. Physics of Quantum Electron Devices, Federico Capasso, Springer Publication, 1st
Edition, 1990
4. Quantum Electronics for Atomic Physics, Warren Nagourney, Oxford University Press,
2nd Edition, 2014

Prerequisites: Quantum Mechanics (M. Sc. level)

PH6346 Physics of Semiconductors: From Bulk to Quantum Dots (3-0-0)

Crystal structure of Bulk semiconductors, theories of band structure, effective mass theory,
k-p method etc. Band gap tailoring, doping with tri- and pentavalent elements, electron and
holes, Fermi- Dirac statistics and electron & holes charge concentrations. Computational
Method of band structure calculation, preparation of bulk and low dimensional
semiconductors; Transport properties: Transport phenomena in bulk semiconductors :
quantum mechanical theories of the interaction of photon with matter and first principle
techniques for the calculation of transport properties, applied electric field and drift velocity,
carrier mobility and ohm’s law, Diffusion and diffusion current equations , diffusion
coefficient, Einstein relation, continuity equation, generation and recombination mechanism,
minority carrier life time and diffusion length; Semiconductor heterostructure and their novel
properties. Low dimensional semiconductors: two, one and zero dimensional
semiconductors. Effect of quantum confinement. Semiconductor nano-structures and nano-
tubes: the band structure and ground state properties. Dilute magnetic semiconductors:
magnetic properties of doped semiconductors with magnetic impurities.

Essential Readings:
1. P. Y. Yu, and M. Cardona, Fundamentals of Semiconductors Physics & Material
Properties, Springer Verlag, 1999.
2. J. Singh, Semiconductor Devices: Basic principles, Wiley India, 2008.

Supplementary Readings:
1. S. Dimitrijev, Principles of Semiconductor Devices, Oxford University, 2006.

2. C. Kittel, Introduction to solid state physics, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.

3. S. M. Sze, Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Technology, John Willey and Sons-

4. Y. Fu and M. Wilander, Physical Models of Semiconductor Quantum Devices, Kluwar

Academics, 1999.

Prerequisites: Quantum mechanics courses and basic knowledge of solid state physics

PH6347: Physics of Thin film Technology (3-0-0)

Physical vapor deposition (PVD):- Physical fundamentals and technical aspects Theories
of film growth and applications, Sputtering(RF &DC), Pulse laser deposition and Molecular
beam epitaxy; Chemical vapor deposition (CVD):- Physical fundamentals and technical
aspects Theories of film growth and applications; Ferro Magnetic, dielectric and
superconducting thin film and multilayer; Langmuir Blodgett thin film:- Technical details,
Isotherm, Applications to organic electronics sensors etc Self-assembly; Sol-gel Spin
coating:- Technical details-hydrodynamics of spin coating (Newtonian and non-Newtonian
behavior), dip coating; Thin film characterizing technique:- Surface Plasmon resonance
spectroscopy , Ellipsometry, Atomic force Microscopy, and Tunneling electron microscopy,
Transmission electron microscopy

Essential Readings:
1. Milton Ohring, Material science of thin film deposition and structure, academic press,
John Wiley New york, 2006.

2. Maissel L I, Glang R Hand book thin film technology Mc Graw Hill 2 nd edition.

Supplementary Readings:
1. R. Sahu, Physics of solid, nuclei and particle, Narosa publishing house, 2006.

2. K. L. Chopra,Thin film phenomena , Mcgraw- Hill book company latest Edition.

3. C. C Julian, Introduction of electron Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Coulombia

university press, 2006

Prerequisites: condensed matter physics and quantum mechanics courses.

PH6350: Physics of Material Synthesis and Characterization (3-0-0)

Bulk Materials Synthesis Techniques: Powders synthesis method; mechanical

methods,hydrothermal synthesis of ceramic oxide powders, chemical methods, synthesis of
nano-scale ceramic powders, powder characterization, particle size, shape, surface area,
chemical composition, crystal structure and phase composition. Thin Film Synthesis
Techniques: Physical vapor deposition, Chemical vapor deposition, Pulsed LASER
Deposition, Sol-Gel, Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Characterization Techniques: X-Ray
Diffraction Methods, X-Ray Fluorescence, Electron Dispersion Spectroscopy, Thermo
gravimetric Analysis, Differential Thermal Analysis, Differential Scanning Calorimetry,
Electron Microscopy-Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy, STM and AFM,
Compositional analysis employing AES, ESCA and Electron Probe Microanalysis. Fourier
Transform Infrared Spectroscopy.

Essential Readings:
1. M. Ohring, The materials Science of Thin films, Amazon, 2001.

2. M. N. Rahaman, Ceramic Processing, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, FL, 2007.

Supplementary Readings:
1. D. A. Skoog, F. J. Holler and T. A. Nieman, Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 5th Ed.,
Hartcourt College Publishers, 1998.

2. Lecture notes of AICTE Short term Winter School on Advanced Techniques for
Characterization of Materials, Feb. 12-23, 1996, IIT Delhi.

3. B. D. Culiety and S. R. Stock, Elements of x-ray diffraction ,Pearson, 3rdEdn, 2001.

PH6351: Crystal Symmetry & Crystal Physics (3-0-0)

The development of structure and types of matter: liquid, amorphous and crystalline states.
Crystal structure: lattice, basis, unit cell. Concepts of crystal symmetry: point symmetry,
translational symmetry, Bravais lattices, crystal systems, point groups, space groups
Examples of structures such as NaCl, CsCl, the diamond structure, cubic perovskite
structure; Fundamental principle of x-ray diffraction, Scattering of x-ray by electron and
atoms, Structure factor and Intensity. Typical crystal structure determinations from x-ray
powder diffraction data. Determination of crystallite size and strain from x-ray diffraction
pattern. ; Crystal physics: Crystal symmetry and macroscopic physical properties, Symmetry
of higher rank tensors and their applications to crystal properties: pyroelectricity,
ferroelectricity, electrical conductivity, piezoelectricity, magnetic susceptibility and elasticity

Essential Readings:
1. J. F. Nye; Physical properties of crystals: their representation by tensors and matrices,
Oxford Science Publication, Oxford University Press: New York, 2004 (Reprint).

2. H. P. Klug, L. E. Alexander, X-ray diffraction procedures for crystalline and amorphous

materials, A Wiley Interscience Publication, 2nd Edition (1974).

Supplementary Readings:
1. A. R. Verma and O. N. Srivastava, Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics, New
Age International (P) Ltd. 2nd Edition (2005) Reprint.

2. B. E. Warren, X-ray diffraction, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, London, 1969.

3. C. Suryanarayana, M. Grant Norton, X-ray diffraction: A practical approach, Plenum

Press, New York, 1998.
Prerequisites: Basic Mathematical Physics mainly matrix and tensor analysis.

PH6352: Semiconductor Devices Technology (3-0-0)

Review of semiconductor device processing technologies, Clean room, Silicon wafer

fabrication, Wafer cleaning, Oxidation techniques, Growth kinetics, Oxide growth
measurements techniques, Defects in silicon and silicon dioxide, Diffusion, Ficks laws,
Sheet resistivity and measurement of dopant profiles, Ion implantation, Mask fabrication,
Pattern transfer, Lithography process: optical lithography, X-ray and e-beam lithography,
Introduction to vacuum systems, Thin film growth (Evaporation, Sputtering, Chemical vapour
deposition and Molecular beam epitaxy), Polysilicon, SiO 2, Si3N4 and silicide formation,
Fabrication of ohmic and Schottky contacts, Lift-off techniques, Wet and plasma assisted
etching techniques, Porous silicon, Encapsulation, Wire bonding, Packaging of
semiconductor devices, Overview of process flow for IC technology, Future trends and

Essential Readings:
1. J.D. Plummer, M.D. Deal, P.B. Griffin, Silicon VLSI Technology: Fundamentals, Practice,
and Modeling, Prentice Hall, 2000.
2. G.S. May, S.M. Sze, Fundamentals of Semiconductor Fabrication, Wiley, 2003.
3. S.A. Campbell, The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication, Oxford
University Press, 2001.

Supplementary Readings:
1. S.K. Ghandhi, VLSI Fabrication Principles: Silicon and Gallium Arsenide, Wiley-
Interscience, 1994.
2. S. Franssila, Introduction to Microfabrication, Wiley, 2004

Prerequisites: First level Physics courses, Solid State Physics.

PH6461: Physics of Microelectronic and Photonic Devices (3-0-0)

The course introduces carrier transport in materials, physics of phenomena in

semiconductors and optical fiber communications. This course provides basic idea to carry
research in the area of semiconductors and photonics; Carrier Drift, Drift velocity, Carrier
mobility, Carrier Diffusion,
Generation and Recombination Process, Diffusion and diffusion current equations, Diffusion
coefficient, Einstein relation, Continuity equation, Thermionic Process, Tunneling Process,
High Field Effects; Thermal equilibrium condition, Depletion region, Depletion capacitance,
Current voltage characteristics, Junction breakdown, Heterojunction, junction potential;
Behaviour of charged particles in conducting, insulating and semiconductor materials - thin
film phenomena - Transport properties of thin films - Epitaxial growth - Microelectronics -
Lithography and etch techniques - Microelectronic devices for Magnetic, dielectric,
conductive and optical memory applications; Radiative Transition and optical absorption,
Light emitting Diode, Semiconductor Laser, Laser Diodes, Optical Modulators, optical fibers,
couplers, electro-optic devices, magneto-optic devices, Photo detector, Solar cell.

Essential Readings:
1. B. G. Streetman and S. Banerjee , Solid State electronic devices,, 5th edition, Prentice
Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2000.
2. S. M. Sze, Semiconductor Devises (Physics and Technology), John Wiley & Sons Inc.
2ndEdition 2002

Supplementary Readings:
1. C. Kittel, Introduction to solid state physics, 7th Edition, Wiley Student Edition Reprint

2. Jean-pierreColionge, C. A. Colinge, Physics of SemiconductorDevices,KlumerAcamedic

Publication, 2002.

3. N. D. Gupta, Amitav Das Gupta, Semiconductor Devices Modelling and Technology,

Prentice Hall of India,2004.

4. S. Dimitrijeo, Principle of Semiconductor Devices, Oxford University 2006.

5. Jia- Ming Liu, Photonic Devices, Published by Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Prerequisites: Knowledge in elementary solid state Physics and semiconductor properties.

PH6462: Super fluidity and Superconductivity (3-0-0)

Introduction to Superfluidity, 4He and 3He and their properties, Clausius-Clapeyron relation,
Properties of solids at low temperature, Superdiamagnetism, Bose-Einstein Condensate,
Supersolid, Superfluid film,gauge symmetry breaking, Thermodynamics of
Superconductivity, ; Phenomenology of superconductivity, review of basic properties,
thermodynamics of superconductors, Meissner effect, London equations, Cooper pairs,
coherence length, Ginzburg-Landau theory, BCS theory, Josephson effect, SQUID,
excitations and energy gap, magnetic properties of type-I and type-II superconductors, flux
lattice, Quantum vortex ; Introduction to high-temperature superconductors,
Inhomogeneities, Superconducting order parameter fluctuation. Experimental Techniques for
Low-Temperature Measurements, Material Properties and Superconductor Critical-Current

Essential Readings:
1. C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics. John Wiley & Sons 7th edition (2004)
Reprint 2006.

2. D. R Tilley and J. Tilley ,Superfluidity and superconductivity, 3rd ed-- New Delhi:
Overseas Press, 2005.

Supplementary Readings:
1. N.W. Ashcroft and N.D. Mermin ,Solid State Physics, Thomson India, Edition, 4th Indian
Reprint 2007

2. M. Tinkham, Introduction to Superconductivity. 2nd Edition Dover, 2004 (2nd edition of

the work first published by McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, in 1975)

3. Hagen Kleinert, Gauge Fields in Condensed Matter, Vol-I SUPERFLOW AND VORTEX

4. G. Deutscher, New Superconductors : From Granular to High Tc, World Scientific, 2006

5. Jack Ekin, Experimental Techniques, Oxford Uni.Press,2006

Prerequisites: knowledge in elementary solid state Physics and Statistical Mechanics.

PH6463: Physical Phenomena at Low Temperature (3-0-0)

Introduction with brief history, Need for low temperature, Techniques of attaining low
temperature and its measurements, Ultra low temperatures (dilution refrigerator, adiabatic
demagnetization, nuclear demagnetization and their measurements). Experimental
determination of physical properties at low temperature (Electrical conductivity, thermal
conductivity, Specific heat capacity, magnetic properties, thermoelectric power, etc),
Magnetic field in addition to low temperature, Effect of magnetic field on the physical
properties, Sources of magnetic fields. Measurements involving high magnetic field
(Electron spin resonance, Nuclear magnetic resonance, SQUID).

Essential Readings:
1. Frank Pobell, Matter and Methods at Low Temperatures (Springer, 2007)

2. G. K. White and Philip J. Meeson, Experimental Techniques in Low Temperature

Physics, (Oxford, 2002)

Supplementary Readings:
1. T. H. K. Barron and G. K.white, Heat Capacity and Thermal Expansion at Low
Temperature(Kluwer academic, 1999)

2. Jack W. Ekin, Experimental Techniques for Low Temperature Measurements : Cryostat

Design, Material and Superconductor Critical Current Testing (Oxford university press,

3. D.R. Tilley& John Tilley, Superfluidity and Superconductivity (Institute of Physics, 2003)

Prerequisites: Elementary Condensed Matter Physics.

PH6464: Magnetism – Principles & Applications (3-0-0)

Basic concepts:Introduction, sources of magnetic field, electromagnetics, magnetic

materials. Magnetic measurements:neutron diffraction, magnetoresistance, Hall effect, dc
magnetization, ac susceptibility, magnetic scanning microscopy. Interactions in magnetic
material: Molecular field theory, direct and indirect exchange interaction, band theory, spin
waves, RKKY interaction, Kondo effect. Relaxation & resonance in magnetic materials:
Electron spin resonance, nuclear spin resonance, Mossbauer effect, De-Haas-Van Alphen
effect, cyclotron resonance. Application of magnetism:Refrigeration, magnetoelectric,
magnetoeleastic, magnetic sensors. Magnetic nanostructures:Thin films, multilayer and
nanoparticles. Superparamagnetism.

Essential Readings:
1. Nicola A Spladin, Magnetic Materials, Cambridge University Press.

2. Stephen Blundell, Magnetism in Condensed Matter, Oxford University Press

3. Ralph Skomski, Simple Models of Magnetism, Oxford University Press

4. B. D. Cullity & C.D.Graham, Introduction to Magnetic Materials, IEEE press

5. K.H.J. Buschow & Boer, Physics of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Kluwer,
Academic Press

6. A. Morrish, The Physical Principles of magnetism, IEEE Press

PH6465: Physics of Phase Transitions (3-0-0)

Phase, phase diagrams, phase transitions, Phase equilibrium, Thermodynamics and

Statistical mechanics of phase transitions. Phase transitions in the Early Universe. Water-ice
(liquid-solid), Dielectric, Magnetic and Superconductive transitions etc. Phase
transformations in metals, alloys, fluids, Biopolymers (gelations). Liquid crystals and
Superfluidity (He3-He4).Phase Transitions under Extreme Conditions and in large natural and
technical systems. Formalism of first and second order phase transitions. Landau theory,
Mean-Field theory. Recent scenario. Kinetic arrest and Glass transition. Transitions in Thin
films, Microstructures and Nanostructures. Critical phenomena; a survey of some basic

Essential Readings:
1. P. M. Chaikin and T. C. Lubensky,“Principles of condensed matter physics”, Cambridge
Univ. Press. New York, 2000.
2. P. Papon, J. Leblond and P. H. E. Meijer, “The physics of Phase Transitions” Concepts
and Applications, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2006
3. H. Eugene Stanley, “Introduction to phase transitions and critical Phenomena”,
Clarendon Press, Oxford.

Supplementary Readings:
1. Ricard V. Sole, “Phase transitions”, Princeton University Press, 2011

2. M.Gitterman and V. Halpern “Phase transitions: A Brief Account with Modern


Prerequisites: Fundamental level of Condensed Matter Physics, Thermal & statistical


PH6466: Low Temperature Properties of Matter (3-0-0)

Gases & liquids: Kinetic theory of gases, thermodynamic properties, equations of state,
viscosity, thermal conductivity, diffusion in gases, Solids: Free electron model, band theory
of solids, defects in solids, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, heat capacity.
Magnetism:Paramagnetism, ferromagnetism, diamagnetism, magnetic susceptibility,
magnetic domains, Bloch wall. Superconductivity: discovery and review, type I & II
superconductors, electrical, thermal & magnetic properties, critical current density and
critical magnetic field, BCS theory, isotope effect, microwave absorption, Josephson
junction, SQUIDS. Low temperature thermometry: Thermocouples; resistance
thermometer; magnetic thermometer; noise thermometer;

Essential Readings:
1. C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, John Wiley & Sons 7th Edition,
2004, Reprint 2006.
2. Bruce Poling, John Prausnitz, John O’Connell; The properties of gases and liquids;
McGraw-Hill, 2000.
Supplementary Readings:
1. Franck Pobel; Matter and Methods at Low Temperatures; Springer, 2007
2. G. K. White & Philip J. Meeson; Experimental Techniques in Low Temperature Physics;
Clarendon press, 2002
3. Jack W. Ekin; Experimental Techniques for Low-Temperature Measurements; Oxford
University Press, 2006
4. Ralph Geoffrey Scurlock; Low Temperature Behaviour of Solids: An Introduction; Taylor
& Francis, 1966
5. Randall Barron; Cryogenic Heat Transfer; Taylor & Francis, 1999

PH6467: Magnetism and Applied Magnetics (3-0-0)

Introduction to magnetism, Magnetic Materials : Metallic and intermetallic compounds,

Transition metal oxides, rare earth oxides, perovskites and double perovskites, Magnetic thin
films, nanowires and nanoparticles, Dilute magnetic oxides, Half metals.
Measurement of magnetic moment, permeability and Curie temperature. Faraday balance.
Vibrating sample magnetometer. Rotating sample magnetometer.
Soft and hard magnetic materials. Materials for application in transformers, permanent
magnets and motors: composition and preparation techniques. Eddy currents and loss
mechanisms. Interplay superconductivity and magnetism, disordered magnetism, spin glass
and frustration. Ferrites and their applications.
Magnetostriction : principles and materials for transducer application. Propagation of
electromagnetic waves in a magnetic medium. Magnetic storage techniques. Magneto-
optics. Magneto-optic Kerr effect (MOKE).

Essential Readings :
1. David Jiles, Introduction to Magnetism & Magnetic Materials, Chapman & Hall (1991)

2. D.H. Martin, Magnetism in Solids, 1llife, London (1967)

3. B.D. Cullity, Introduction to Magnetic Materials, Addison- Wesley (1972)

4. Magnetism in Condensed Matter, Stephen Blundell, Oxford Mater series in Physics,

Supplementary Readings:
1. A.H. Morrish, Physical Principles of Magnetism, John Wiley, New York (1965)

2. T. Kaneyoshi (Ed), Introduction to Amorphous Magnets, World Scientific (1992).

3. E.P. Wolfhar1h (Ed.) Ferromagnetic Materials, Vol.1, Nor1h Holland (1980).
5. Physics of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, K.H.J.Buschow& Boer, Kluwer
Academic Press

PH1070: Physics Laboratory (0-0-3)

Demo Class:
Error & error analysis, graph drawing, least square fitting

List of Experiments

1. Familiarization of all Measuring Instruments.

2. Determination of g by Bar Pendulum.
3. Determination of Surface Tension by Capillary Rise Method.
4. Determination of Young's Modulus by Searle's Method.
5. To Find Unknown Low Resistance by Carey Foster Bridge.
6 .Determination of Viscosity by Stoke's Method.
7. To Compare Magnetic Moments by Using Deflection Magnetometer.
8. Diode Characteristics (Silicon, Germanium, Zener and LED Type).
9. To find Band Gap of an Intrinsic Semiconductor by Four Probe Method.
10. Optical Rotation by Half Shade Polarimeter.
11. Wavelength of Sodium Light by Diffraction Grating.
12. Wavelength of Sodium Light by Newton's Ring Method.
13. Determination of Thermal Conductivity of Bad Conductor by Lee's Disc Method.

Reference: Laboratory Manual.

PH2071: Electricity & Magnetism Lab. (0-0-3)

1. Determination of the Resistance of a Galvanometer by Kelvin’s Method Using P.O . Box.

2. Study of Resonance & Damping Effect in LCR Circuit.
3. Study of Rise & Decay of Current in L-R Circuit With a Source of Constant EMF.
4. Study the Electro Magnetic Induction and Verification of Faraday’s Law.
5. Frequency of AC Supply and Capacitance of a Capacitor by Using Electrical Vibrator.
6. Determination of Capacitance of a Capacitor Using Coulomb-meter.
7. Measurement of Inductance & Capacitance by Maxwell’s L/C Method.
8. Measurement of Unknown Capacitance by Schering Bridge.
9. To Study the Field Characteristics of Helmholtz Coil.
10. Determination of The Ballistic Constant of a Ballistic Galvanometer.
11. Study the Voltage Current Relationship in a R-L Circuit.

Reference: Laboratory Manual.

PH2072: Waves & Optics Lab. (0-0-3)

1. To Verify the Laws of Transverse Vibrations Using Sonometer.

2. Ultrasonic Interferometer Setup.
3. Determination of Velocity of Sound in Air.
4. To Measure the Thickness of Thin Foil with the Help of Air Wedge Set Up.
5. To Determine Refractive Index of Liquid Using LASER.
6. Verification of Malus Law
7. Determination of Wavelength of Sodium Light by Michelson's Interferometer
8. To Determine Wavelength of Sodium Light by Fresnel's Biprism
9. To Determine Wave Length of Laser Beam by Fresnel's Bimirror Set Up.
10. To Find the Resolving Power of Telescope.

Reference: Laboratory Manual

PH3071: General Properties of Matter & Thermal Physics Lab. (0-0-3)

1. Determination of the Spring Constant & Effective Mass of a Given Spiral Spring.
2. To Determine the Moment of Inertia & Radius of Gyration (Bifillar Suspension).
3. To Determine the Moment of Inertia of a Flywheel.
4. To Determine Poisson's Ratio for Rubber.
5. To Determine the Rigidity Modulus of the Material of the Wire (Torsional Pendulum).
6. To Determine the Young's Modulus of the Material of the Bar by Cantilever Bending.
7. To Determine the Modulus of Rigidity of Copper Wire Using Maxwell's Needle.
8. Determination of Specific Heat of a Liquid by Newton’s Law of Cooling.
9. Measure the Thermal Conductivity of Copper Using Searle’s Method.
10. To Determine the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat by Callender and Barne’s Method
11. To Study the Voltage Response Curve of Various Thermocouples.

Reference: Laboratory Manual

PH4071: Modern Physics Lab. (0-0-3)

1. To Determine the Lande g Factor by ESR.

2. To Determine the Efficiency and Plateau Characteristics of a Geiger-Muller Counter.
3. To Find the Ionization Potential of Mercury Filled Vapour Lamp.
4. To Calculate the Planck’s Constant, Stopping Potential Using Light Emitting Diodes for
Various Wavelength of Incident Light.
5. To Find the Discrete Energy of an Atom Using Frank Hertz Experiment.
6. To Determine the e/m Ratio by Using Helical Apparatus.
7. To Determine the e/m Ratio by Using Thomson Method.
8. To Determine the e/m Ratio Millikan Oil Drop Setup.
9. To Study the Effect of Magnetic Field on the Optical Emission Spectra Mercury Vapour.

Reference: Laboratory Manual

PH4072: Condensed Matter Physics Lab. (0-0-3)

1. To Find The Magnetic Susceptibility Of Specimen by Gouy Balance Method.

2. To Find The Magnetic Susceptibility Of Solution by Quinke’s Tube Apparatus Setup.
3. To Find Activation Energy Of Thermistor
4. To Study The Variation Of Various Dielectric Parameters With Respect To Temperature
And Frequency Of Dielectric Samples Using LR Meter.
5. To Determine The Hall Coefficient And Carrier Concentration Of A Semiconducting
Sample At Different Temperatures.
6. To Study The Current Conduction Mechanism of a Metal Oxide Semiconductor Structure.
7. Contact Angle Measurement of Various Nanostructured Samples
8. To Determine The Sensitivity, Photo response Of Various Light Dependent Resistors
9. Study Of Dispersion Relation Of Diatomic And Monoatomic Lattice (2 Set)
10. Magneto-Resistance Characteristics Of Semiconducting Sample
11. Study Of M-H Loop Of Various Magnetic Materials.

Reference: Laboratory Manual

PH4074: Computational Physics Lab. (0-0-3)

Programming & simulation with animation of following physical problems using

Fortran, C++, Matlab & Python programming:

One, two and three dimensional motions, oscillations, Brownian motion, random walk
problem, Monte Carlo simulation, nonlinear oscillations, bifurcation, wave motions, motion of
wave packet, interference, diffraction, polarisation, Ising model, and use of available
simulation packages for condensed matter physics problems.

Essential Readings :

1. Computational Physics by Philipp O.J. Scherer ( Springer, 2 nd edition, 2013)

2. A First Course in Computational Physics by Paul L. DeVries & Javier E. Hasbun

(Jones & Barlett, 2nd edition, 2011)

Reference Readings:

1. Numeric Computing in Fortran by S.K Bose ( Narosa, 2009)

2. Numeric method in electromagnetic fields by V.Subbarao ( Narosa, 2011)

PH5071: Computational Astronomy Lab. (0-0-3)

1. Familiarity with Telescope.

2. Information about the astronomical objects from the spectra and image.
3. Identification of important lines in the spectra and determination of Doppler shift and
radial velocity of an object.
4. Determination of ultraviolet extinction curve of a star using pair method.
5. Familiarity with Constellations using stellerium.
6. Determination of retrograde motion of planets.
7. To measure the distance to the moon using parallax method.
8. To measure the distances of planets in our solar System.
9. To measure the proper motion of Barnard's star.
10. Study of solar spectrum and determination of element abundances.
11. Determination of distance and age of star cluster using color-magnitude diagram.
12. Determination of Hubble’s constant and the age of the Universe using spectra and
image of a sample of galaxies.

Reference: Laboratory Manual

PH5072: Electronic Instrumentation Lab. (0-0-3)

1. Microprocessor based Physics experiments

2. AD/DA converter circuits for interfacing.
3. Creation of low temperature and its measurement
4. Measurement of Resistance of material at low temperature
5. Design of temperature sensor using commercial circuit resister and diodes.
6. Design of power supply using IC.
7. Design of power supply having + and –ve voltage supply to be used in OP-AMP
8. Design and fabrication of a constant current source.
9. Demonstration of group wave using sound waves.

Reference: Laboratory Manual

PH5074: Thin Film &Low Temp. Physics Lab. (0-0-3)

1. To Study Thin Film Deposition Techniques by PVD.

2. To Study Thin Film Deposition Techniques by RF Sputtering.
3. To Study Thin Film Deposition Techniques by Spin Coating.
4. To Study Thin Film Deposition Techniques by Dip Coating.
5. To Study the Vacuum Variation With Time by Rotary Pump.
6. To Find R Vs T Curve of Superconducting Sample.
7. To Study the Temperature Dependent Capacitance, Loss and Magneto-Capacitance
of aMultiferroic Sample
8. To Study the Frequency Dependent Capacitance, Loss and Impedance of a
Multiferroic Sample.
9. To Find Temperature Dependent Resistivity of a Sample:+Ve Temperature
Coefficient of Resistance & -Ve Temperature Coefficient of Resistance.
10. To Find Temperature Dependent Capacitance of a Sample at Low Temperature.

Reference: Laboratory Manual

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