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Addis Ababa
March 2014
Table of Contents ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
List of Statistical Tables --------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii
Abbreviations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xv

Chapter I Background of the Survey ----------------------------------------------------- 1

1.1 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
1.2 Objectives of the Survey ------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.3 Contents the Survey Questionnaire ----------------------------------------- 3
1.4 Definition of Key Concepts and Terms ------------------------------------- 5
1.5 Limitation of the Survey -------------------------------------------------------- 6
1.6 Training of Field Staffs---------------------------------------------------------- 7
1.7 Organization of the Field Work --------------------------------------------- 8
1.8 Organization of the Report ----------------------------------------------------- 9
1.9 Data Processing ----------------------------------------------------------------- 9

Chapter II Survey Methodology and Data Processing --------------------------------- 11

2.1 Coverage -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
2.2 Sampling Frame --------------------------------------------------------------- 11
2.3 Sample Design ------------------------------------------------------------------ 11
2.4 Sample Size and Selection Scheme -------------------------------------- 12

Chapter III Size and Socio- Demographic Characteristics of the Population --- 17
3.1 Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
3.2 Population Distribution Size and Distribution------------------------------ 17
3.3 Population Characteristics ----------------------------------------------------- 18

Chapter IV Economic Activity Status ------------------------------------------------------ 83

4.1 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 83
4.2 Data Collection Approaches -------------------------------------------------- 84
4.2.1 Current Activity Status Approach ------------------------------- 85
4.2.2 Usual Activity Status Approach---------------------------------- 85
4.3 Current Activity Status -------------------------------------------------------- 86
4.4 Economically Active and Not-Active Population and Activity Rate ----87

Chapter V Characteristics of the Employed Population-------------------------------133

5.1 Introduction...................................................................................... 133
5.2 Employment to Population Ratio ..................................................... 133
5.3 Occupation and Industry ................................................................. 134
5.4 Status in Employment ................................................................... 135
5.5 Number of Hours Worked................................................................ 135
5.6 Earning from Paid Employment....................................................... 137
5.7 Absence from Work ......................................................................... 138
5.8 Labour Mobility and Job Satisfaction .............................................. 138
5.9 Availability to Work Additional Hours ............................................... 139
5.10 Formal and Informal Employment Sectors of the economic activity 139
Chapter V I Characteristics of Unemployed Population ...........................………319

6.1 Introduction ..................................................................................... 319

6.2 Measurement of Unemployment ..................................................... 320
6.3 Unemployment Rate........................................................................ 322
6.4 Characteristics of Unemployed Population …………………………..323

Annex I Survey Questionnaire ...................................................................... 449

Annex II Estimation Procedures of Total, Ratio and Sampling Errors............ 455
Annex III Estimates and CV's for Selected Tables .......................................... 459

References .............................................................................................................. 462

Table 3.1 Total Estimated Population of Regions by Age Group, Sex and Place of
Residence: 2013
Table 3.2 Total Estimated Population of Regions by Sex, Sex Ratio and Place of
Residence: 2013
Table 3.3 Total Estimated Population of Major Towns by Sex and Sex Ratio: 2013
Table 3.4: Total Population of Regions by Migration Status, Duration of
Continuous Residence, Sex and Place of Residence: 2013
Table 3.5a Matrix of Migrant Population of Regions Classified by Current and
Previous Place of Residence and Sex: 2013
Table 3.5b Matrix of Migrant Population of Regions Classified by Current and
Previous place of Residence and Sex: 2013
Table 3.5c Matrix of Migrant Population of Regions Classified by Current and
Previous place of Residence and Sex: 2013
Table 3.6a Migrants Population Classified by age group, sex and main reason for
migration-COUNTRY - TOTAL: 2013
Table 3.6b Migrants Population Classified by Age group, sex and main reason for
migration-COUNTRY – URBAN : 2013
Table 3.6c Migrants Population Classified by Age group, sex and main reason for
migration-COUNTRY – RURAL : 2013
Table 3.7 Migrant Population of Regions Classified by Main Reason for Migration,
Sex and Place of Residence: 2013
Table 3.8a Total Population by Disability Status, Types of Disability, Place of
Residence, Broad Age Group and Sex, COUNTRY- TOTAL: 2013
Table 3.8b Total Population by Disability Status, Types of Disability, Place of
Residence, Broad Age Group and Sex, COUNTRY- URBAN : 2013
Table 3.8c Total Population by Disability Status, Types of Disability, Place of
Residence, Broad Age Group and Sex, COUNTRY- RURAL: 2013
Table 3.9a Population Aged Ten Years and above by Status of School Attendance
and Educational Attainment, Age Group and Sex, Country - Total :2013
Table 3.9b Population Aged Ten Years and above by Status of School Attendance
and Educational Attainment, Age Group and Sex,Country-URBAN :2013

Table 3.9c Population Aged Ten Years and above by Status of School
Attendance and Educational Attainment, Age Group and Sex, Country-
Table 3.10 Population Aged Ten Years and above by Status of School
Attendance and Educational Attainment, Age Group and Sex,
Country -Total :2013
Table 3.11: Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Literacy Status,
Sex, Age Group and Place of Residence: 2013
Table 3.12 Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Literacy Status,
Sex and Place of Residence : 2013
Table 3.13 Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Types of Training ,Sex and
Place of Residence, Country- Total 2013
Table 3.14 Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Marital Status, Sex and
Place of Residence : 2013
Table 4.1a Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Approach) – COUNTRY TOTAL: 2013
Table 4.1b Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Approach) - COUNTRY URBAN: 2013
Table 4.1c Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Approach) - COUNTRY RURAL: 2013
Table 4.1.1a Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Approach) - TIGRAY REGION: 2013
Table 4.1.1b Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Approach) - TIGRAY REGION-URBAN: 2013
Table 4.1.1c Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Approach) - TIGRAY REGION-RURAL: 2013

Table 4.1.2a Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Approach) - AFAR REGION: 2013
Table 4.1.2b Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Approach) - AFAR REGION-URBAN: 2013
Table 4.1.2c Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Approach) - AFAR REGION-RURAL: 2013
Table 4.1.3a Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Approach) - AMHARA REGION: 2013
Table 4.1.3b Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Approach) - AMHARA REGION-URBAN: 2013
Table 4.1.3c Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Approach) - AMHARA REGION-RURAL: 2013
Table 4.1.4.a Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Approach) - OROMIA REGION: 2013
Table 4.1.4b Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Approach) - OROMIA REGION-URBAN: 2013
Table 4.1.4c Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Approach) - OROMIA REGION-RURAL: 2013
Table 4.1.5a Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Approach) - SOMALI REGION: 2013

Table 4.1.5b Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Approach) - SOMALI REGION-URBAN: 2013
Table 4.1.5c Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Approach) - SOMALI REGION-RURAL: 2013
Table 4.1.6a Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Table 4.1.6b Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Table 4.1.6c Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Table 4.1.7a Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Approach) - S.N.N.P REGION: 2013
Table 4.1.7b Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Approach) - S.N.N.P REGION-URBAN: 2013
Table 4.1.7c Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Approach) - S.N.N.P REGION-RURAL: 2013
Table 4.1.8a Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Approach) - GAMBELLA REGION: 2013
Table 4.1.8b Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status

Table 4.1.8c Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group,
Sex, Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current
Status Approach) - GAMBELLA REGION-RURAL: 2013
Table 4.1.9a Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group,
Sex, Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current
Status Approach) - HARARI REGION: 2013
Table 4.1.9b Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group,
Sex, Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current
Status Approach) - HARARI REGION-URBAN: 2013
Table 4.1.9c Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group,
Sex, Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current
Status Approach) - HARARI REGION-RURAL: 2013
Table 4.1.10 Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group,
Sex, Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current
Table 4.1.11a Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group,
Sex, Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current
Status Approach) - DIRE DAWA ADMINISTRATION: 2013
Table 4.1.11b Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group,
Sex, Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current
Table 4.1.11c Population Aged Ten Years and above of Regions by Age Group,
Sex, Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current
Table 4.2 Population Aged Ten Years and above of Major Towns by Age
Group, Sex, Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days
(Current Status Approach): 2013
Table 4.3 Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Activity
Status, Activity Rate, Sex and Place of Residence, during the Last
Twelve Months (Usual Status Approach): 2013

Table 4.4 Economically Not Active Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and
Above by Reason for Not Being Active and Sex, during the Last
Seven Days (Current Status Approach): 2013
Table 5.1 Employment to Population Ratio of Regions Aged Ten Years and
above by Age Group, Sex and Place of Residence 2013
Table 5.2 Employment to Population Ratio of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and
above by Age Group, Sex 2013
Table 5.3a Employed Population Aged Ten Years and above by Major
Occupation, Age Group and Sex, COUNTRY - TOTAL: 2013
Table 5.3b Employed Population Aged Ten Years and above by Major
Occupation, Age Group and Sex, COUNTRY - URBAN: 2013
Table 5.3c Employed Population Aged Ten Years and above by Major
Occupation, Age Group and Sex, COUNTRY - RURAL: 2013
Table 5.4 Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Major
Occupational Group, Sex and Place of Residence: 2013
Table 5.5 Employed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and Above by
Major Occupational Group and Sex: 2013
Table 5.6 Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Minor
Occupational Groups, sex, and Place of Residence, COUNTRY-
TOTAL: 2013
Table 5.7a Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Major Industrial
Divisions, Sex and Age Group, COUNTRY - TOTAL: 2013
Table 5.7b Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Major Industrial
Divisions, Sex and Age Group, COUNTRY - T URBAN: 2013
Table 5.7c Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Major Industrial
Divisions, Sex and Age Group, COUNTRY - RURAL: 2013
Table 5.8 Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Major
Industrial Divisions, Sex and Place of Residence: 2013
Table 5.9 Employed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and Above by
Sex and Major Industrial Divisions: 2013
Table 5.10 Employed Population Aged Ten Years and above by Minor Industrial
Divisions, Sex and Place of Residence, COUNTRY-TOTAL: 2013

Table 5.11 Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and Above by
Status in Employment, Sex and Place of Residence: 2013
Table 5.12 Employed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and Above by
Status in Employment and Sex: 2013
Table 5.13a Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Major
Occupational Groups , Industrial Divisions and Sex, COUNTRY-
Table 5.13b Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Major
Occupational Groups , Industrial Divisions and Sex, COUNTRY-
URBAN: 2013
Table 5.13c Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Major
Occupational Groups, Industrial Divisions and Sex, COUNTRY-
RURAL: 2013
Table 5.14a Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Status in
Employment and Major Occupational Group and Sex, COUNTRY-
TOTAL: 2013
Table 5.14b Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Status in
Employment and Major Occupational Group and Sex, COUNTRY-
URBAN: 2013
Table 5.14c Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Status in
Employment and Major Occupational Group and Sex, COUNTRY-
RURAL: 2013
Table 5.15a Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Status in
Employment and Major Industrial Group and Sex, COUNTRYTOTAL:
Table 5.15b Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Status in
Employment and Major Industrial Group and Sex, COUNTRY
URBAN: 2013
Table 5.15c Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Status in
Employment and Major Industrial Group and Sex, COUNTRY RARAL:

Table 5.16a Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and Above by
Number of Hours Worked ,Age Group and Sex During the Last Seven
Table 5.16b Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and Above by
Number of Hours Worked ,Age Group and Sex During The Last
Seven Days, COUNTRY-TURBAN: 2013
Table 5.16c Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and Above by
Number Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and Above
by Number of Hours Worked ,Age Group and Sex During The Last
Seven Days, COUNTRY-RURAL: 2013
Table 5.17 Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and Above by
Number of Hours Worked During the Last Seven Days, Place of
Residence and Sex, COUNTRY-TOTAL: 2013
Table 5.18a Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Number of Hours
Worked During the Last Seven days, Major Industrial Division and
Table 5.18b Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Number of Hours
Worked During the Last Seven days, Major Industrial Division and
Table 5.18c Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Number of Hours
Worked During the Last Seven days, Major Industrial Division and
Table 5.19 Paid Employees Aged Ten Years and Above by Region, Sex and Type
of Payment, COUNTRY TOTAL : 2013
Table 5.20a Paid Employees Aged Ten Years And Above by Period Of Payment
and Sex, COUNTRY- TOTAL: 2013
Table 5.20b Paid Employees Aged Ten Years And Above by Period Of Payment
and Sex, COUNTRY- URBAN : 2013
Table 5.20c Paid Employees Aged Ten Years And Above by Period Of Payment
and Sex, COUNTRY- RURAL: 2013

Table 5.21a Paid Employees Aged Ten Years and Above by Amount of Total
Payment Per/Month, Sex and Period of Payment– COUNTRY TOTAL:
Table 5.21b Paid Employees Aged Ten Years and Above by Amount of Total
Payment Per/Month, Sex and Period of Payment– COUNTRY URBAN:
Table 5.21c Paid Employees Aged Ten Years and Above by Amount of Total
Payment Per/Month, Sex and Period of Payment- COUNTRY RURAL:
Table 5.22a Paid Employees Aged Ten Years and Above by Amount of Payment
Per Month, Major Industrial Divisions and Sex COUNTRYTOTAL:2013
Table 5.22b Paid Employees Aged Ten Years and Above by Amount of Payment
Per Month, Major Industrial Divisions and Sex COUNTRYURBAN:2013
Table 5.22c Paid Employees Aged Ten Years and Above by Amount of Payment
Per Month, Major Industrial Divisions and Sex COUNTRYRURAL:2013
Table 5.23 Total Employed Population Not at Work Aged Ten Years and Above by
Reason for Absence, Region, Sex and Place of residence, COUNTRY-
TOTAL: 2013
Table 5.24 Paid Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above who
were changing their previous Job by Reason for Leaving their Previous
Job, Sex and Place of Residence: 2013
Table 5. 25 Paid Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and Above
Whether Satisfied with Present Job or not by Reason for not Satisfied,
Sex and Place of Residence: 2013
Table 5.26 Distribution Employed Population Regions Aged Ten Years and Above
by Sector of Economy, Percent Informal Sector and Sex: 2013
Table 5.27 Employed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and Above by
Sector of economy, Percent Informal and Sex: 2013
Table 5.28 Distribution of Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and
above Who were working in the Informal Sector by Major Branches of
Industry and Sex: 2013

Table 5.29 Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above Who were
Working in the Informal Sector by Literacy Status, Educational Levels
and Sex: 2013
Table 5.30 Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above Who were
Working in the Informal Sector by Types of Working Place, Sex and
Place of Residence: 2013
Table5.31 Employed Population of Aged Ten Years and Above by Seeking to
Work Additional Hours, Sex, Regions and Place of Residence: 2013
Table5.32 Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and Above Who were
Willing and Available to Work Additional Hours and Type of Work
Sought by Sex and Place of Residence: 2013
Table 6.1 Unemployed Population of Region Aged Ten Years and above by
Unemployment Rate, Age Group, Sex and Place of Residence: 2013
Table 6.2 Unemployed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and above by
Unemployment Rate, Age Group and Sex: 2013
Table 6.3 Unemployed Population of Region Aged Ten Years and above Who
Look for Work During the Last three Months Prior to the Survey Date by
Steps Taken, Sex and Place of Residence: 2013
Table 6.4 Unemployed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and above
Who have Looked for Work During the Last three Months Prior to the
Survey Date by Steps Taken to Seek Work and Sex: 2013
Table 6.5 Unemployed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and Above by Type
of Work
Table 6.6 Unemployed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and above by
Type of Work Sought During the Coming one Month and Sex: 2013
Table 6.7a Unemployed Population Aged Ten Years and above by status and level
of Education, Age Group and Sex, COUNTRY TOTAL: 2013
Table 6.7b Unemployed Population Aged Ten Years and above by status and level
of Education, Age Group and Sex, COUNTRY TOTAL -URBAN: 2013
Table 6.7c Unemployed Population Aged Ten Years and above by status and level
of Education, Age Group and Sex, COUNTRY TOTAL – RURAL : 2013

Table 6.8 Unemployed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by
Status and level of Education, Sex and Place of Residence: 2013
Table 6.9 Unemployed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and Above by
Status and level of Education and Sex: 2013
Table 6.10 Unemployed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by
Duration of Unemployment, Sex and Place of Residence: 2013
Table 6.11 Unemployed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and above by
Duration of Unemployment and Sex: 2013
Table 6.12 Unemployed Population of Region by Training status, Sex and Place of
Residence :2013
Table 6.13 Unemployed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Types of
Training and Region :2013
Table 6.14 Unemployed Population of Regions Aged Ten years and above by
Major Training Groups, Sex and Place of Residence: 2013
Table 6.15 Unemployed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by
Marital Status and Sex: 2013
Table 6.16 Unemployed Population of Regions Aged Ten Year and above by work
Experience , Sex and Place of Residence: 2013
Table 6.17 Unemployed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Year and above by
work Experience and Sex: 2013
Table 6.18 Unemployed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by
Migration Status, Duration of Continuous Residence, Sex and Place of
Residence: 2013
Table 6.19 Unemployed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and above by
Migration Status, Duration of Continuous Residence and Sex: 2013
Table 6.20 Unemployed Population Aged Ten Years and above by Migration
Status, Main reason for Migration, Sex and place of Residence : 2013

Table 6.21 Unemployed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and above by
Migration Status, Main reason for Migration and Sex: 2013
Table 6.22 Unemployed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by
Types of Problem Faced to Establish Own Business, Sex and Place
of Residence: 2013
Table 6.23 Unemployed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and above by
Type of Problem Faced to Establish Own Business and Sex: 2013
Table 6.24a Matrix of Migrant Unemployed Population of Regions by Current and
Region of Previous Residence (Urban Rural) and Sex : 2013
Table 6.24b Matrix of Migrant Unemployed Population of Regions by Current and
Region of Previous Residence - Urban and Sex: 2013
Table 6.24c Matrix of Migrant Unemployed Population of Regions by Current and
Region Previous Residence - Rural and Sex: 2013


CSA- Central Statistical Agency

EA - Enumeration Area
HH- Households
ICSE- International classification of Status in Employment
ILO- International Labour Organization
CSPro- Census and Survey Processing system
ISCO- International Standard Classification of occupation
ISIC- International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activities
ICLS- International Conference on Labour Statistics
KILM- Key Indicators of Labour Market
MDGs- Millennium Development Goals
NIHSP- national Integrated Household Survey Program
NLFS - National Labour Force Survey
NS- Not Stated
NOIC- National Occupation and Industrial Classification
PASDEP- Plan for Accelerated and Sustained Development to End Poverty
PSU- Primary Sampling Unit
RLFS- Rural Labour Force Survey
SNA- System of National Account
SNNPR- southern Nations, Nationalities and peoples Region
TVET- Technical Vocational Educational Training



1.1 Introduction

Statistical information on all aspects of the population is vital for the design,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation of economic and social development plan
and policy issues. Labour force survey is among the important sources of data to
assess the participation of the population in the economic and social development
process of the country. It is useful to indicate the extent of available and unutilized
human resources that must be absorbed by the national economy to ensure full
employment and economic well being of the population. The survey provides data on
the main characteristics of the work force engaged or available to be engaged in
productive activities during the given reference period and the distribution of
employed population in the various sectors of the economy. Seasonal and other
variations and changes over time in the size and characteristics of employment and
unemployment could also be monitored using up-to-date information from labour
force survey. The labour force data also serves as an input to assess the
achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as well as to monitor and
evaluate the five years Growth and transformation Plan/GTP/ of the country.

The Central Statistical Agency (CSA) has been providing labour force and related
data at different levels for the last three decade. These include the 1976 Addis Ababa
Manpower and Housing Sample Survey, the 1978 Survey on Population and Housing
Characteristics of Seventeen Major Towns, the 1980/81 and 1987/88 Rural Labour
Force Surveys (RLFS). The 1984, 1994 and 2007 Population and Housing
Censuses, and the 1999 and 2005 National Labour Force Surveys provided a
comprehensive national labour force data representing both urban and rural areas.
The 1996 and 2002 surveys of the informal sector and other household and
establishment surveys also provide information related to the work force.
Considering the development process of the country and dynamic nature of the
sectors and fulfilling the demands of different data users, the CSA has been
launched National Labour Force Survey program (NLFS) every five years, while
Urban Employment Unemployment Survey /UEUS/ every year. The 2013 survey is
the third series next to the 1999 and 2005 NLFS. The survey covers both urban and
rural areas of all the regions in particular and the country in general.

This survey primarily provides data on the size, distribution and socio- economic and
demographic characteristics of employed and unemployed population. In addition,
data on economic activities of children were also collected to measure child labour in
both urban and rural areas. For this purpose, the former minimum age limit 10 years
was lower down to 5 years because children in rural and urban areas used to work at
their early age such as collection of fire wood, looking after cattle, shoeshine, street
vendor, petty trading…etc. However, for the purpose of reporting the economic
activity status of the population according to the Ethiopian situation, the lower age
limit was fixed in to ten years. Hence, this statistical report is, therefore, mainly aimed
at providing information on the economic activities of the population aged ten years
and above.

Like that of the previous surveys, the recent survey has collected data from selected
major towns with population size 100,000 and above including region capital cities.
Though data on economic activity status of the population was collected using the
two approaches in the 2013 NLFS, the result presented in this report refers only the
current activity status approaches. The detailed statistical tables with brief description
for Addis Ababa City Administration and each sub city levels are presented in the
subsequent chapters.

1.2 Objectives of the Survey

The general objective of the 2013 National Labor Force Survey was designed to
provide statistical data on the size, distribution and characteristics of the
economically active and the distribution in the various sectors of the economy in both
urban and rural areas. The data will be useful for policy makers, planners,
researchers, and other institutions and individuals engaged in the design,
implementation and monitoring of human resource development plans, programs and
projects. The specific objectives of this survey are: -
 Generate data on the size of the potential work force that is available to
participate in production process;
 Determine the activity status and rate of economic participation of different
sub-groups of the population;
 Identify those who are actually contributing to the economic development
(i.e., employed) and those who are out of the sphere of productive activities;
 Identify the size, distribution and characteristics of employed population by
occupation and Industry, status in employment, sector of employment and
earnings from employment...etc.
 Provide data on the size, distribution and characteristics of unemployed
population and rate of unemployment;
 Assess the situation of women’s employment or the participation of women in
the labour force;
 Provide time series data to trace changes over time.

1.3 Contents of the Survey Questionnaire

The survey is mainly aimed at providing information on the economic

characteristics of the population aged 10 years and above, i.e., their activity status,
employment, and unemployment situation during the last seven days prior to the
survey date. It has also covered detailed socio-demographic background variables
such as age, sex, relationship to the head of household, migration, disability,
literacy status, educational level, training and marital status. The survey has used a
structured questionnaire to produce the required data. Before taking its final shape,
the draft questionnaire was commented by CSA senior staff member from different
directorate as well as top management. Based on the comment given by
professionals, the content, layout and presentation of the questionnaire was
The questionnaire was organized in to six sections;
Section - 1: Area identification of the selected household: this section dealt
with area identification of the respondents such as region, zone,
wereda, etc.
Section - 2: Socio- demographic characteristics of households: it consisted of
the general socio-demographic characteristics of the population
such as age, sex, education, status and type of migration,
disability, literacy status, educational Attainment, types of
training and marital status.
Section – 3: Economic activities during the last seven days: this section dealt
with a range of questions which helps to see the status and
characteristics of employed persons in a current status approach
such as hours of work in productive activities, occupation,
industry, status in employment, earnings from employment, job
mobility, service year for paid employees employment in the
formal and informal sector and time related under employment.
Section – 4: Unemployment and characteristics of unemployed persons: this
section focused on the size,rate and characteristics of the
unemployed population.
Section – 5: Economic activities during the last twelve months: this section
consists of the usual economic activity status refereeing to the
long reference period i.e. engaged in productive activities during
most of the last twelve months, reason for not being active,
status in employment, main occupation and industry with two
digit codes.
Section – 6: Economic activities of children aged 5-17 years: this section
comprises information on the participation of children aged 5-17
years in the economic activities, whether attending education,
reason for not attending education, whether they were working
during the last seven days, reason for working, for whom they
are working, types of injury at work place, whether using
protective wear while working and frequency of working periods,
and orphan hood status.
The questionnaire used in the field for data collection was prepared in Amharic
language. Most questions have pre-coded answers. A copy of the questionnaire
translated to English is attached as Annex II of this report.

1.4 Definitions of Key Concepts and Terms

Urban Center: - is generally defined as a locality with 2000 or more inhabitants. In

the 1994 Population and Housing Census Cartographic work, however, for practical
purposes an urban center includes the following regardless of the number of
inhabitants. All administrative capitals (Regional capitals, Zonal capitals and Wereda
capitals), Localities with Urban Dweller's Association (UDAs) not included in (i),
All localities which are not included either in (i) or (ii) above having a population of
1000 or more persons, and whose inhabitants are primarily engaged in non-
agricultural activities.
Enumeration Area (EA): is a unit of land delineated for the purpose of enumerating
population and housing units without omission and duplication. An EA in rural areas
usually consists of 150-200 households, and on the other hand an EA in urban areas
constitutes 150-200 housing units.
Household: Consists of a person or group of persons, irrespective of whether
related or not, who normally live together in the same household and housing units
and have common cooking and eating arrangements.
Housing Unit : is defined as a separate and independent place of abode either
intended for habitation or not intended for habitation but was occupied as a living
quarter by a household during the survey period. Although intended for habitation by
one household, a housing unit may, at the survey be occupied by one or more
households or may be used partly for living and partly for establishment.
Head of Household: is a person who provides economic supports or manages the
households. The head of the household is selected by household members for some
reasons of his age or respect regardless of their sex.
Usual Member of a Household: a person is considered as usual members of a
household if he or she is:-
a) a person who continuously live/reside at least for six months and have a
common cooking and eating arrangements with the household; or
b) a person who is temporarily absent from the household at the time of the
survey but his absence has not violated the six months criterion.
c) House maids, guards, baby sitters, etc…with no other dwelling and who were
staying with the household at the time of the survey.
d) Persons who plan to live more than six months due to searching for job and
transfer from job …etc.

1.5 Limitations of the Survey

Lack of income data for self-employment is a limitation of this survey. It is difficult to

collect data on income from self employment in a situation where most people do not
want to give information about their actual income or earnings. Furthermore,
specifically the currently available techniques developed for measuring income from
self employment are not refined and yet ambiguous. However, income data that
would supplement the available information could be obtained from other sources like
the Household Income, Consumption and Expenditure Survey.

1.6. Training of Field Staff

The training program of enumerators, supervisors, statistician and other field staffs
were conducted in two stages. The first stage training was conducted from April
22/2013 - May 2/2013 at two training centers in Ambo and Adama towns for ten days.
The first stage trainees were selected from CSA head and branch offices and Addis
Ababa Bureau of Labour and Social Statistics /BoLSA/. The training was given by
head office professionals and sub-professionals those with long time experiences.
The training was guided by an enumerator and supervisor manuals, occupation and
industry code book, which consist of detailed explanation of concepts and
instructions on how to fill each entry in the questionnaire.
The second stage training was organized for all field staff and conducted at 25
branch statistical offices. Those who were trained at the head office in turn gave
similar training for field enumerators and supervisors from May 9/2013 – May
21/2013 for about twelve days. The training consisted of classroom discussions on
concepts and definitions, techniques of filing the questionnaire as well as mock-
interview and one-day field practice followed by general discussion. The objectives of
mock interview and field practice were twofold. First, it enabled to assess how well
the theoretical class discussions were understood by all participants. The second
objective was to examine the difficulty which would likely be encountered during
actual fieldwork. The discussions were intended to exchange experiences among
participants and pinpoint the areas of the survey questions that need more care and

All the branch statistical offices of the CSA participated in the survey process
undertaken, that is, in organizing the second stage of training, in deploying the field
staff to their respective sites, and retrieving completed questionnaires and submitting
them to the head office. They were also responsible in administering the financial and
logistic aspect of the survey as well as field supervision within the areas of their

1.7 Organization of the Fieldwork

In order to carry out this survey with the desired level of quality, there was a need to
organize a large staff that performs the various survey activities. The 25 Branch
Statistical Offices of the Agency carried out the data collection operation. These
offices have permanent and contract enumerators stationed in the selected
enumeration areas. The data collection operation of the survey involved a total of
about 1,872 enumerators and about 634 field supervisors including coordinators
involved with an average supervisor-enumerator ratio of 1: 3.
Data collection from the field took place from 24 May, 2013 - June 12, 2013. In some
of the sample sites the data collection was carried out in two phases. That is, after
completing the data collection in the selected enumeration area such as in Addis
Ababa city Administration enumerators were shifted to another sample sites to carry
out the same exercise.

The interviews were conducted by going from house-to-house using a structured

questionnaire and relevant codebook. The data was collected from each sampled
household and the respondent from whom the information collected was the head of
the household or other responsible household members. Most of the enumerators
were assigned to one sampled enumeration areas in which they could easily
converse with the respondent’s dialect. Interpreters were made available in cases
where there is difficult to converse.

Field supervision was undertaken side by side with the data collection. During the
survey data collection operation, close and regular supervision was undertaken at
various levels. Immediately after the commencement of the data collection exercise
the supervisors had made spot checking, re-interviewing and a thorough scrutiny of
filled-in questionnaire applied to ensure that the data collection activities being
carried out according to the given instruction. In addition to this, the statistician from
branch statistical offices has made supervision. Moreover, the senior staff members
from CSA head office has also made field supervision activities for ten days in
different directions.

1.8 Organization of the Report

This report contains six chapters. The first chapter covers background to the survey,
where the objectives, the contents of the survey questionnaire, concepts and
definitions of key variables, limitations of the survey and organization of the report
were discussed. Chapter II deals with the survey methodology, where scope and
coverage, sample size and response rate, training of field staff, organization of
fieldwork and data processing were dealt. The results of the survey are presented in
the subsequent four chapters, that is, chapters III to VI. Chapter III deals with the size
and socio-demographic characteristics of the population such as the distribution of
population by age, sex, disability, migration, literacy status and educational levels.
Chapter IV presents data on the economic participation of the population aged ten
years and over. Chapter V explores the characteristics of the employed population;
finally Chapter VI focuses on the detailed characteristics of the unemployed
population. Statistical tables with brief description are also presented in each section
and survey questionnaire is also attached in annex I.

1.9. Data Processing

The filled-in questionnaires that were retrieved from the field were first subjected to
manual editing and coding. During the fieldwork the field supervisors and the heads
of branch statistical offices have checked the filled-in questionnaires and carried out
some editing. However, the major editing and coding operation was carried out at
the head office. All the edited questionnaires were again fully verified and checked
for consistency before they were submitted to the data entry by the subject matter

Using the computer edit specifications prepared earlier for this purpose, the entered
data were checked for consistencies and then computer editing or data cleaning was
made by referring back to the filled-in questionnaire. This is an important part of data
processing operation in attaining the required level of data quality. Consistency
checks and re-checks were also made based on frequency and tabulation results.
This was done by senior programmers using CSPro software in collaboration with the
senior subject experts from Labour Statistics Team of the CSA.



The 2013 (2006E.C) National Labour Force Sample Survey covered all rural and
urban parts of the country except the non-sedentary areas of six zones of Somali
region. In the rural parts of the country it was planned to cover 842 enumeration
areas and 25260 households while in urban part it was planned to cover 1113
enumeration areas and 33390 households. Totally both in urban and rural areas of
the country it was initially planned to cover 1955 Enumeration Areas and 58,650

Out of the initially planned households, in rural areas 99.6%, in urban part 99.5% ,
whereas, both in urban and rural areas 99.6% of households were successfully
covered by the survey.


The list of Sampling Frame obtained from the 2007 Population and Housing Census
is used to select EAs .A fresh list of households from each EA was prepared at the
beginning of the survey period. The list was then used as a frame for selecting
sample households of each EAs.


For the purpose of the survey the country was divided into three broad categories.
That is; rural, major urban center and other urban center categories.
Category I: Rural: - This category consists of the rural areas of nine regions and
one city administrations found in the country. Regarding the survey domains, each
region or city administration was considered to be a domain (Reporting Level) for
which major findings of the survey are reported.
This category totally comprises 10 reporting levels. A stratified two-stage cluster
sample design was used to select samples in which the primary sampling units
(PSUs) were EAs. Households per sample EA were selected as a second Stage
Sampling Unit (SSSU) and the survey questionnaire finally administered to all
members of sample households.

Category II:- Major urban centers:- In this category all regional capitals and 15
other major urban centers that had a population size of 100,000 or more in 2007
were included. Each urban center in this category was considered as a reporting

This category has totally 26 reporting levels. In this category too, in order to select
the samples, a stratified two-stage cluster sample design was implemented. The
primary sampling units were EAs. Households from each sample EA were then
selected as a Second Stage Unit.

Category III: - Other urban centers: Urban centers in the country other than those
under category II were grouped into this category. Harari, Addis Ababa and Dire
Dawa do not have urban centers other than that grouped in category II. Hence, no
domain was formed for these regions under this category.

Unlike the above two categories a stratified three stage cluster sample design was
adopted to select samples from this category. The primary sampling units were urban
centers, the second stage sampling units were EAs and Households from each EA
were finely selected at the third stage and the survey questionnaires administered for
all of them.


Category I: - Totally 842 EAs and 25260 households were selected from this
category. Sample EAs of each reporting level was selected using Probability
Proportional to Size (PPS) systematic sampling technique; size being number of
household obtained from the 2007 Population and Housing Census. From the fresh
list of households prepared at the beginning of the survey 30 households per EA
were systematically selected and surveyed. For the distribution of planned and
covered number of samples from each domain see Summary Table 2.1 below.

Summary Table 2.1 Rural Domains

EAs Households
Region Reporting Domain Planned Covered Planned Covered
Tigray Tigray 73 73 2190 2190
Afar Afar 36 36 1080 1080
Amhara Amhara 178 177 5340 5310
Oromia Oromia 206 205 6180 6150
Somali Somali 45 45 1350 1340
Gumuz Benishangul Gumuz 46 46 1380 1380
SNNP SNNP 175 175 5250 5250
Gambella Gambella 35 34 1050 1019
Harari Harari 24 24 720 720
Addis Ababa Addis Ababa 0 0 0 0
Dire Dawa Dire Dawa 24 24 720 720
Total 842 839 25260 25159

Category II:- In this category 817 EAs and 24510 households were selected. Sample
EAs from each reporting level in this category were also selected using probability
proportional to size (PPS) systematic sampling; size being number of households
obtained from the 2007 Population and Housing Census is used to select EAs. From
the fresh list of households prepared at the beginning of the survey 30 households
per EA were systematically selected and covered by the study. The table below
(Summary Table 2.2) shows planned and covered EAs and households in each
Summary Table 2.2 Major urban centers Domains
EAs Households
Region Reporting Domain Planned Covered Planned Covered
Tigray Mekele 23 23 690 672
Adigrat 20 20 600 600
Afar Asayita 20 20 600 600
Amhara Gonder 23 23 690 690
Dessie 23 23 690 690
Bahir dar 23 23 690 689
Kombolcha 20 20 600 599
Debre birhan 20 20 600 600
Debre Markos 20 20 600 600
Oromia Nazreth 23 23 690 690
Debrezeit 23 23 690 690
Jimma 23 23 690 690
Nekemte 20 20 600 600
Shashemene 20 20 600 599
Asela 20 20 600 600
Somali Jijiga 23 23 690 690
Benishangul Gumuz Asosa 20 20 600 600
SNNP Awassa 23 23 690 689
Hosaena 20 20 600 600
Dila 20 20 600 600
Sodo 20 20 600 600
Arba Minch 20 20 600 600
Gambella Gambela 20 20 600 600
Harari Harar 40 40 1200 1196
Addis Ababa Addis Ababa 250 249 7500 7437
Dire Dawa Dire Dawa 40 40 1200 1170
Total 817 816 24510 24391

Category III:-127 urban centers, 296 EAs and 8,880 households were selected in
this category. Urban centers from each domain and EAs from each urban center
were selected using probability proportional to size systematic selection method; size
being number of households obtained from the 2007 Population and Housing Census
is used to select EAs. From the fresh listing of each EA 30 households were
systematically selected and the study carried out on the 30 households ultimately
selected. Summary Table 2.3 below shows the number of planned and sampled EAs
and households by domain.
Summary Table 2.3 Other Urban Centers Domains
EAs Households
Region Reporting Domain Planned Covered Planned Covered
Tigray Tigray-Other Urban 33 33 990 990
Afar Afar-Other Urban 20 20 600 600
Amhara Amhara-Other Urban 56 56 1680 1678
Oromia Oromia-Other Urban 78 78 2340 2338
Somali Somali-Other Urban 22 22 660 660
Gumuz BenishangulGumuz-Other Urban 20 20 600 600
SNNP SNNP-Other Urban 46 46 1380 1380
Gambella Gambella-Other Urban 21 20 630 600
Harari Harari-Other Urban - - - -
Addis Ababa Addis Ababa-Other Urban - - - -
Dire Dawa Dire Dawa-Other Urban - - - -
Total 296 295 8880 8846

Including region urban and country domains, totally 67 reporting levels were formed.
Estimation procedures and standard errors & coefficients of variations for the
estimates of selected variables are also presented in Annex II & Annex III,



3.1 Introduction

The socio-demographic characteristics of the population presented in this chapter

include age-sex distribution, migration, disability, marital status, educational
attainment and training status. Data were collected from each member of the
selected household member using survey questionnaire. A minimum age limit was
set for data on marital status, educational attainment and training status of the
population. Accordingly, marital and training status was asked for persons aged ten
years and above while education was asked for persons aged five years and above.

3.2 Population Size and Distribution

Population size is one of the most important variables in human development

planning. Besides, the age-sex structure of the population is another crucial that
influences the labour force participation of the population. It is also vital for making
component and sectoral projection. Age and sex are not only important by
themselves but are also useful for an in-depth analysis of other socio - economic and
demographic characteristics of the population.

Summary Table 3.1 presents the population size of the country and regions classified
by age group, sex, urban and rural areas, while Summary Table 3.2 and 3.3 shows
the distribution of the population by region, sex and sex ratio in urban, rural areas
and major towns respectively. The survey result shows that the total population of the
country residing in conventional households in June 2013 estimated to be
80,444,148 of which 40,335,493 (50.1 percent) were males and 40,108,655 (49.9
percent) were females excluding the non-sedentary areas of six zones of Somali
region and visitors, persons residing in collective quarters (hotel/hostels, boarding
schools, prisons) as well as homeless persons. The distribution of population by
place of residence indicates that urban population constitutes 14.7 percent of the
total population.

3.3 Population Characteristics

Duration of continuous residence is one of the questions incorporated in the

questionnaire so as to identify migrants and non-migrants. It is also important to
determine the timing of migration from a place to another place. The data on duration
of continuous residence was collected in urban and rural areas from each member of
the household in slightly different manner. The question was asked in urban areas in
referring the number of years the person has been continuously residing in the town,
while in the rural areas referring to the number of years the person has been
continuously residing in the rural part of the Woreda.

A person who was born in a town and has been continuously residing there is
considered as a non-migrant. However, a person who was born in another town or
any rural part of the country is considered as a migrant. Also, a person who was
born in the survey town but at one time or another resided in a different town or rural
area and returned to the town is considered as a migrant (return migrant).

Similarly, a person who was born in a rural area of the Woreda of enumeration and
has been continuously residing there is considered as a non-migrant. However, a
person who was born in a rural part of another Woreda (other than the Woreda of
enumeration) or any town is considered as a migrant. Also, a person who was born in
the rural part of the Woreda but at one time or another resided in a rural part of a
different Woreda or any town and returned to the rural part of the Woreda is
considered as a migrant (return migrant).

For someone who keeps on coming to and going away from his / her area of
enumeration, a six – months of time period was used to define his / her migration status.
Thus, if an individual is absent from his / her usual place of residence for more than six
months and not expected to return to his/her place of residence then he / she is
considered as not continuously residing in that particular area. In the survey, a person is
said to be a usual resident of an area if he/she has been residing in the area
continuously for at least six months before the survey date or intends to reside in the
area for six months or longer.

Table 3.4 indicates the distribution of population of regions by migration status,

duration of continuous residence, place of residence and sex. Matrix of migrant
population of regions classified by current and previous place of residence and sex is
presented in Table 3.5a - 3.5c at national and urban-rural. Table 3.6a - 6c and Table
3.7 shows migrants population classified by main reason for migration, age group,
sex and place of residence. The distribution of population by disability status, types of
disability, place of residence, broad age group and sex is presented in Table 3.8a -

Data on literacy status and educational attainment were collected from persons aged
five year and above. During data collection period three questions were used to
gather data on literacy status and educational attainment of individuals. A person is
said to be literate if he/she is able to read and write fluently in at least one language.
Those persons who can read and write were further asked to report the highest grade
they have completed in the formal education system. For the purpose of the report,
literacy status and educational attainment information is compiled for persons aged
ten years and above so as to compare employment characteristics of the population.
Table 3.9a-c and Table 3.10 presents status of school attendance and highest grade
completed at national, regional and urban-rural level by age and sex. Literacy status
of the population aged ten years and above is show in Tables 3.11 and Table 3.12.

Training is one of the social characteristics that data was collected in the 2013 National
Labour Force Survey. A person is considered as trained if he/she has passed through
any short or long term ability development training program given in or outside
classroom in theory or in practice or both in comprehensive secondary schools,
university, colleges, private and government organization, and awarded a certificate in
completion of the training. Hence, persons aged ten years and above were asked
whether they have received vocational / technical training or not before the survey
regardless of their status of education. Those persons who have been received a
certificate from secondary schools in vocational / technical subjects, university, college,
public or private organization / institution in a short or long term training program are
considered as trained. In addition, those persons who have been trained two and above
training; a training that took long training period was recorded. Persons who received an
award of certificate of training were asked to state the type of training they have
received. Thus, Table 3.13 presents training status and type of training received of
persons aged ten years and above by sex and place of residence.

The 2013 NLFS is also collected data on marital status of the population aged ten
years and above. The marital status of the population at national and regional level
classified by sex, urban, and rural areas is presented in Tables 3.14.
Table 3.1: Total Estimated Population of Regions by Age Group and Sex and Place of Residence: 2013
Total Urban Rural
Age Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Total 80,444,148 40,335,493 40,108,655 14,726,933 7,009,933 7,717,001 65,717,215 33,325,560 32,391,654
0-4 12,396,429 6,313,495 6,082,934 1,652,001 845,841 806,160 10,744,428 5,467,654 5,276,774
5-9 12,418,222 6,354,937 6,063,285 1,570,910 781,747 789,163 10,847,312 5,573,189 5,274,122
10-14 10,926,901 5,653,420 5,273,482 1,659,513 758,836 900,677 9,267,388 4,894,584 4,372,805
15-19 8,445,312 4,267,623 4,177,689 1,756,676 773,044 983,632 6,688,636 3,494,579 3,194,057
20-24 6,507,320 3,072,334 3,434,986 1,681,547 716,956 964,591 4,825,773 2,355,378 2,470,395
25-29 6,515,694 3,016,513 3,499,181 1,713,812 801,566 912,245 4,801,882 2,214,947 2,586,935
30-34 4,562,823 2,237,870 2,324,952 1,088,450 562,393 526,057 3,474,373 1,675,477 1,798,896
35-39 4,745,478 2,260,428 2,485,050 1,010,146 504,455 505,691 3,735,333 1,755,973 1,979,360
40-44 3,252,359 1,643,512 1,608,847 616,563 329,274 287,290 2,635,796 1,314,238 1,321,557
45-49 2,707,925 1,339,020 1,368,905 503,196 241,298 261,898 2,204,729 1,097,722 1,107,007
50-54 2,120,552 1,051,248 1,069,304 380,303 174,163 206,140 1,740,248 877,085 863,164
55-59 1,604,748 817,943 786,806 305,623 148,794 156,829 1,299,125 669,149 629,976
60-64 1,433,297 751,739 681,559 260,424 120,679 139,745 1,172,873 631,060 541,814
65+ 2,807,089 1,555,413 1,251,676 527,770 250,887 276,883 2,279,319 1,304,526 974,793
Total 4,905,370 2,382,231 2,523,139 1,133,695 517,001 616,694 3,771,675 1,865,231 1,906,444
0-4 737,540 373,515 364,025 139,630 71,081 68,549 597,909 302,434 295,475
5-9 695,072 340,363 354,708 129,729 59,555 70,174 565,343 280,808 284,535
10-14 658,584 325,735 332,849 132,212 64,616 67,596 526,372 261,119 265,253
15-19 588,342 295,691 292,651 141,439 65,353 76,087 446,903 230,339 216,564
20-24 383,541 179,142 204,400 109,848 40,712 69,136 273,693 138,429 135,264
25-29 360,549 164,499 196,050 127,121 51,600 75,522 233,428 112,899 120,528
30-34 253,921 110,734 143,187 77,638 36,224 41,414 176,283 74,510 101,773
35-39 279,071 116,577 162,494 70,976 30,360 40,616 208,095 86,217 121,878
40-44 197,913 102,033 95,880 42971 22,915 20,056 154,942 79,118 75,824
45-49 172,243 77,914 94,329 35,803 17,020 18,783 136,440 60,894 75,546
50-54 137,629 68,374 69,255 30,025 13,704 16,322 107,604 54,670 52,933
55-59 118,932 57,699 61,234 24,365 11,631 12,734 94,568 46,068 48,500
60-64 104,174 54,661 49,514 18,434 8,017 10,417 85,740 46,643 39,097
65+ 217,858 115,296 102,562 53,504 24,214 29,290 164,354 91,082 73,273
Total 1,345,878 676,811 669,067 230,664 109,853 120,810 1,115,214 566,958 548,256
0-4 252,275 129,092 123,183 32,879 16,286 16,593 219,396 112,806 106,590
5-9 209,984 112,762 97,222 28,864 14,057 14,807 181,120 98,705 82,415
10-14 167,164 84,715 82,449 25,900 11,668 14,233 141,263 73,047 68,216
15-19 140,392 67,439 72,952 21,224 9,446 11,778 119,168 57,993 61,175
20-24 103,610 37,586 66,023 23,653 8,871 14,782 79,957 28,716 51,241
25-29 125,374 58,397 66,977 30,203 12,478 17,725 95,171 45,919 49,252
30-34 84,798 38,040 46,759 17,431 8,585 8,846 67,367 29,454 37,913
35-39 77,715 39,666 38,049 15,649 8,571 7,078 62,066 31,095 30,971
40-44 56,605 32,565 24,041 10796 6,739 4,057 45,809 25,825 19,984
45-49 40,700 23,270 17,431 9,325 4,975 4,350 31,375 18,294 13,081
50-54 30,030 16,389 13,641 4,421 2,339 2,082 25,609 14,050 11,559
55-59 16,706 11,081 5,625 4,292 2,471 1,821 12,413 8,609 3,804
60-64 14,971 9,677 5,294 2,535 1,464 1,071 12,436 8,213 4,223
65+ 25,555 16,132 9,422 3,492 1,903 1,589 22,063 14,230 7,833

Table 3.1 Cont’d

Total Urban Rural
Age Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Total 19,270,872 9,593,311 9,677,562 2,766,670 1,276,652 1,490,018 16,504,203 8,316,659 8,187,544
0-4 2,546,906 1,266,170 1,280,736 279,250 136,297 142,952 2,267,657 1,129,873 1,137,784
5-9 2,827,128 1,425,134 1,401,994 280,677 139,355 141,322 2,546,451 1,285,779 1,260,672
10-14 2,677,178 1,359,950 1,317,227 304,189 136,750 167,440 2,372,988 1,223,201 1,149,788
15-19 2,050,004 1,063,634 986,369 341,009 144,810 196,199 1,708,995 918,825 790,170
20-24 1,524,346 722,122 802,225 330,623 138,878 191,745 1,193,723 583,244 610,480
25-29 1,502,402 699,545 802,856 301,456 137,761 163,695 1,200,946 561,785 639,161
30-34 1,089,956 509,936 580,020 189,438 95,176 94,262 900,518 414,760 485,758
35-39 1,196,211 563,572 632,639 191,500 89,719 101,782 1,004,710 473,853 530,857
40-44 826,181 418,118 408,064 119298 59,111 60,187 706,883 359,007 347,877
45-49 723,443 359,827 363,616 102,691 47,983 54,708 620,751 311,844 308,907
50-54 562,184 276,821 285,363 79,564 36,479 43,085 482,620 240,343 242,278
55-59 466,794 251,643 215,152 62,943 29,393 33,550 403,851 222,250 181,601
60-64 390,860 204,762 186,098 53,218 21,579 31,639 337,642 183,183 154,459
65+ 887,280 472,076 415,203 130,813 63,362 67,451 756,467 408,714 347,753
Total 31,153,434 15,914,000 15,239,433 4,230,938 2,092,625 2,138,313 26,922,495 13,821,375 13,101,120
0-4 5,244,782 2,685,719 2,559,063 561,548 298,004 263,543 4,683,235 2,387,715 2,295,520
5-9 5,088,320 2,646,295 2,442,025 526,794 265,172 261,623 4,561,526 2,381,123 2,180,402
10-14 4,362,700 2,315,971 2,046,729 514,044 239,165 274,880 3,848,656 2,076,806 1,771,849
15-19 3,141,330 1,630,277 1,511,053 483,386 230,367 253,020 2,657,943 1,399,910 1,258,033
20-24 2,484,794 1,217,483 1,267,311 479,002 215,124 263,878 2,005,791 1,002,359 1,003,433
25-29 2,497,964 1,150,220 1,347,744 481,811 230,150 251,661 2,016,153 920,070 1,096,083
30-34 1,643,617 862,079 781,538 283,397 155,131 128,266 1,360,220 706,948 653,272
35-39 1,752,866 856,068 896,798 269,514 142,988 126,526 1,483,352 713,080 770,272
40-44 1,130,080 567,979 562,101 163,075 90,972 72,103 967,005 477,007 489,997
45-49 960,301 472,721 487,580 129,881 59,924 69,958 830,420 412,797 417,622
50-54 755,795 366,967 388,828 93,981 43,746 50,235 661,813 323,220 338,593
55-59 585,866 292,325 293,540 70,350 38,094 32,256 515,515 254,231 261,284
60-64 524,490 277,718 246,772 60,375 29,900 30,475 464,115 247,818 216,297
65+ 980,529 572,178 408,352 113,779 53,888 59,891 866,750 518,290 348,461
Total 2,048,302 1,076,368 971,934 316,752 159,470 157,282 1,731,551 916,899 814,652
0-4 416,100 230,149 185,950 56,397 28,865 27,531 359,703 201,284 158,419
5-9 378,251 202,927 175,324 51,931 27,460 24,471 326,319 175,466 150,853
10-14 279,943 164,568 115,375 39,776 21,905 17,871 240,167 142,663 97,504
15-19 189,582 98,247 91,335 34,631 17,498 17,133 154,951 80,749 74,202
20-24 127,949 56,048 71,901 23,734 10,674 13,060 104,215 45,374 58,840
25-29 127,255 48,171 79,083 22,811 9,481 13,329 104,444 38,690 65,754
30-34 112,913 54,396 58,516 19,563 9,396 10,167 93,350 45,000 48,350
35-39 110,701 50,797 59,904 19,595 9,165 10,430 91,105 41,631 49,474
40-44 91,695 48,654 43,042 14939 8,415 6,524 76,757 40,238 36,518
45-49 55,319 31,238 24,081 7,956 4,137 3,819 47,363 27,101 20,262
50-54 57,535 33,826 23,709 8,085 3,820 4,265 49,450 30,006 19,444
55-59 25,091 14,397 10,695 4,437 2,787 1,650 20,654 11,609 9,045
60-64 35,298 20,488 14,810 4,811 2,438 2,373 30,487 18,050 12,437
65+ 40,672 22,463 18,209 8,086 3,428 4,658 32,586 19,035 13,551
Table 3.1 Cont’d
Total Urban Rural
Age Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


Total 947,868 475,127 472,741 156,762 77,044 79,718 791,106 398,084 393,023
0-4 179,137 91,440 87,697 17,972 8,760 9,212 161,165 82,680 78,485
5-9 149,638 74,729 74,909 18,858 9,686 9,172 130,780 65,042 65,738
10-14 113,284 59,156 54,128 20,772 10,306 10,466 92,512 48,850 43,662
15-19 87,257 40,692 46,565 18,851 7,135 11,716 68,406 33,557 34,849
20-24 88,603 38,036 50,567 18,891 8,531 10,360 69,712 29,505 40,207
25-29 89,491 42,901 46,590 21,261 10,116 11,145 68,229 32,785 35,445
30-34 56,010 31,133 24,876 11,743 6,941 4,802 44,267 24,193 20,074
35-39 52,971 27,068 25,903 10,432 5,818 4,614 42,539 21,250 21,289
40-44 29,761 14,914 14,847 5627 3,659 1,968 24,134 11,255 12,879
45-49 26,066 14,646 11,420 3,610 2,062 1,549 22,455 12,584 9,871
50-54 23,411 10,574 12,837 2,618 1,213 1,405 20,793 9,361 11,432
55-59 12,443 6,999 5,444 2,095 1,170 925 10,348 5,830 4,518
60-64 15,120 8,654 6,466 1,414 494 920 13,706 8,159 5,547
65+ 24,676 14,185 10,491 2,618 1,154 1,464 22,059 13,031 9,028
Total 16,630,660 8,269,432 8,361,227 2,247,297 1,078,901 1,168,396 14,383,362 7,190,531 7,192,831
0-4 2,635,310 1,339,671 1,295,640 273,522 137,137 136,385 2,361,788 1,202,534 1,159,254
5-9 2,717,949 1,371,762 1,346,187 264,287 128,778 135,509 2,453,662 1,242,984 1,210,678
10-14 2,281,203 1,166,820 1,114,382 302,102 132,119 169,984 1,979,100 1,034,702 944,398
15-19 1,771,467 878,670 892,797 286,777 130,934 155,843 1,484,691 747,736 736,954
20-24 1,299,638 611,282 688,356 239,388 99,760 139,628 1,060,249 511,522 548,728
25-29 1,291,586 606,579 685,008 247,086 121,728 125,358 1,044,501 484,851 559,650
30-34 956,734 447,148 509,586 153,633 80,150 73,482 803,101 366,998 436,104
35-39 963,694 451,771 511,922 149,532 76,421 73,110 814,162 375,350 438,812
40-44 732,925 359,943 372,982 94124 49,315 44,809 638,801 310,627 328,174
45-49 571,079 286,535 284,545 70,862 40,699 30,163 500,218 245,836 254,382
50-54 426,716 223,046 203,670 45,319 22,971 22,349 381,396 200,075 181,321
55-59 270,358 136,227 134,130 36,757 19,810 16,947 233,600 116,417 117,183
60-64 253,323 129,651 123,672 31,168 14,176 16,991 222,155 115,475 106,680
65+ 458,678 260,327 198,351 52,740 24,902 27,838 405,938 235,425 170,513
Total 364,891 181,166 183,726 105,920 51,199 54,721 258,972 129,967 129,005
0-4 61,227 31,562 29,664 15,418 8,042 7,376 45,808 23,520 22,288
5-9 55,902 29,779 26,123 15,387 7,745 7,642 40,515 22,034 18,481
10-14 50,247 26,692 23,555 14,288 7,394 6,895 35,959 19,298 16,660
15-19 40,102 21,567 18,535 12,948 6,468 6,480 27,153 15,098 12,055
20-24 31,843 12,841 19,002 10,974 4,668 6,307 20,868 8,173 12,695
25-29 31,975 14,278 17,697 11,300 4,863 6,436 20,675 9,415 11,261
30-34 22,671 9,732 12,939 7,149 3,112 4,036 15,523 6,620 8,903
35-39 23,013 10,809 12,204 6,278 3,193 3,085 16,734 7,616 9,119
40-44 15,635 7,534 8,101 4152 1,858 2,294 11,483 5,675 5,807
45-49 12,567 6,292 6,275 3,163 1,687 1,476 9,403 4,605 4,799
50-54 6,583 3,284 3,299 1,544 727 817 5,039 2,557 2,482
55-59 5,077 2,577 2,500 1,229 439 790 3,847 2,138 1,710
60-64 2,874 1,527 1,347 604 271 333 2,270 1,256 1,014
65+ 5,177 2,692 2,485 1,484 729 754 3,693 1,963 1,730
Table 3.1 Cont’d
Total Urban Rural
Age Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


Total 215,373 105,382 109,991 118,353 57,305 61,048 97,020 48,077 48,943
0-4 31,438 16,818 14,620 11,082 6,434 4,647 20,356 10,383 9,973
5-9 27,751 14,845 12,906 10,910 5,885 5,026 16,841 8,961 7,880
10-14 23,368 11,059 12,310 11,797 5,770 6,027 11,571 5,289 6,282
15-19 21,141 9,709 11,433 12,347 5,233 7,114 8,794 4,475 4,319
20-24 19,725 8,167 11,558 12,423 4,835 7,588 7,303 3,332 3,971
25-29 20,562 9,450 11,113 12,743 5,763 6,981 7,819 3,687 4,132
30-34 16,178 8,080 8,098 10,510 5,091 5,419 5,668 2,989 2,679
35-39 15,110 7,500 7,610 10,183 4,982 5,202 4,927 2,518 2,409
40-44 9,343 5,610 3,732 6152 3,899 2,253 3,191 1,711 1,479
45-49 7,768 4,005 3,763 5,184 2,738 2,446 2,585 1,267 1,318
50-54 5,673 2,560 3,112 3,498 1,638 1,860 2,175 922 1,252
55-59 4,761 1,956 2,805 2,694 1,058 1,636 2,067 898 1,169
60-64 3,948 1,821 2,127 2,516 1,111 1,405 1,432 709 722
65+ 8,606 3,803 4,803 6,314 2,868 3,446 2,292 935 1,357


Total 3,156,057 1,464,887 1,691,170 3,156,057 1,464,887 1,691,170 - - -

0-4 239,415 122,353 117,062 239,415 122,353 117,062 - - -
5-9 215,905 108,977 106,928 215,905 108,977 106,928 - - -
10-14 267,531 116,519 151,011 267,531 116,519 151,011 - - -
15-19 373,517 142,474 231,043 373,517 142,474 231,043 - - -
20-24 403,852 171,031 232,820 403,852 171,031 232,820 - - -
25-29 429,171 204,243 224,928 429,171 204,243 224,928 - - -
30-34 296,758 151,597 145,160 296,758 151,597 145,160 - - -
35-39 247,914 125,136 122,778 247,914 125,136 122,778 - - -
40-44 144,545 77,049 67,496 144545 77,049 67,496 - - -
45-49 122,585 55,056 67,529 122,585 55,056 67,529 - - -
50-54 102,714 43,678 59,036 102,714 43,678 59,036 - - -
55-59 90,737 39,843 50,895 90,737 39,843 50,895 - - -
60-64 78,034 37,116 40,918 78,034 37,116 40,918 - - -
65+ 143,379 69,815 73,565 143,379 69,815 73,565 - - -


Total 405,444 196,777 208,666 263,827 124,997 138,830 141,617 71,780 69,836
0-4 52,299 27,005 25,294 24,888 12,579 12,309 27,411 14,426 12,986
5-9 52,322 27,363 24,959 27,567 15,077 12,490 24,755 12,286 12,468
10-14 45,700 22,233 23,467 26,901 12,627 14,275 18,799 9,607 9,192
15-19 42,178 19,223 22,955 30,546 13,326 17,220 11,632 5,897 5,735
20-24 39,420 18,596 20,824 29,159 13,872 15,288 10,261 4,724 5,537
25-29 39,366 18,231 21,134 28,849 13,384 15,465 10,516 4,847 5,670
30-34 29,266 14,994 14,272 21,190 10,987 10,202 8,076 4,006 4,070
35-39 26,215 11,465 14,750 18,572 8,102 10,470 7,643 3,363 4,280
40-44 17,675 9,114 8,561 10,884 5,341 5,543 6,791 3,773 3,018
45-49 15,854 7,518 8,336 12,135 5,018 7,118 3,718 2,500 1,218
50-54 12,282 5,728 6,554 8,533 3,849 4,684 3,748 1,879 1,869
55-59 7,983 3,196 4,786 5,723 2,099 3,624 2,260 1,098 1,163
60-64 10,206 5,665 4,541 7,315 4,112 3,203 2,891 1,553 1,338
65+ 14,678 6,446 8,233 11,563 4,624 6,939 3,115 1,821 1,294
Table 3.2: Total Estimated Population of Regions by Sex, Sex Ratio and Place of Residence: 2013

Total Urban Rural

Sex Sex Sex
Total Male Female Ratio Total Male Female Ratio Total Male Female Ratio

COUNTRY TOTAL 80,444,148 40,335,493 40,108,655 100.6 14,726,933 7,009,933 7,717,001 90.8 65,717,215 33,325,560 32,391,654 102.9

TIGRAY REGION 4,905,370 2,382,231 2,523,139 94.4 1,133,695 517,001 616,694 83.8 3,771,675 1,865,231 1,906,444 97.8

AFAR REGION 1,345,878 676,811 669,067 101.2 230,664 109,853 120,810 90.9 1,115,214 566,958 548,256 103.4

AMHARA REGION 19,270,872 9,593,311 9,677,562 99.1 2,766,670 1,276,652 1,490,018 85.7 16,504,203 8,316,659 8,187,544 101.6

OROMIA REGION 31,153,434 15,914,000 15,239,433 104.4 4,230,938 2,092,625 2,138,313 97.9 26,922,495 13,821,375 13,101,120 105.5

SOMALI REGION 2,048,302 1,076,368 971,934 110.7 316,752 159,470 157,282 101.4 1,731,551 916,899 814,652 112.6

BENISHANGUL-GUMUZ REGION 947,868 475,127 472,741 100.5 156,762 77,044 79,718 96.6 791,106 398,084 393,023 101.3

S.N.N.P REGION 16,630,660 8,269,432 8,361,227 98.9 2,247,297 1,078,901 1,168,396 92.3 14,383,362 7,190,531 7,192,831 100.0

GAMBELLA REGION 364,891 181,166 183,726 98.6 105,920 51,199 54,721 93.6 258,972 129,967 129,005 100.7

HARARI REGION 215,373 105,382 109,991 95.8 118,353 57,305 61,048 93.9 97,020 48,077 48,943 98.2

ADDIS ABABA CITY ADMINISTRATION 3,156,057 1,464,887 1,691,170 86.6 3,156,057 1,464,887 1,691,170 86.6 - - - -

DIRE DAWA ADMINISTRATION 405,444 196,777 208,666 94.3 263,827 124,997 138,830 90.0 141,617 71,780 69,836 102.8
Table 3.3 Total Estimated Population of Major Towns by Sex and Sex Ratio: 2013

Major Towns Total Male Female Sex Ratio

MAJOR TOWNS-TOTAL 6,501,764 3,028,044 3,473,720 87.2

ADIGRAT-TOWN 72,375 31,699 40,676 77.9

MEKELE-TOWN 284,652 123,423 161,229 76.6

ASAYTA-TOWN 20,824 10,380 10,444 99.4

GONDER-TOWN 273,157 121,497 151,661 80.1

KOMBOLCHA-TOWN 77,757 36,462 41,295 88.3

DESSIE-TOWN 152,568 72,675 79,893 91.0

DEBRE BREHAN-TOWN 87,204 39,850 47,354 84.2

DEBERE MARKOS-TOWN 86,225 37,540 48,685 77.1

BAHIR DAR-TOWN 202,157 94,112 108,045 87.1

NEKEMTE-TOWN 94,014 44,028 49,986 88.1

BISHOFTU-TOWN 127,678 59,589 68,090 87.5

ASELA-TOWN 83,591 38,776 44,816 86.5

ADAMA-TOWN 285,611 135,060 150,551 89.7

JIMMA-TOWN 157,432 75,451 81,981 92.0

SHASHEMENE-TOWN 133,252 64,270 68,983 93.2

JIJIGA-TOWN 142,408 69,934 72,474 96.5

ASOSA-TOWN 35,752 17,669 18,084 97.7

HOSAENA-TOWN 94,208 45,057 49,150 91.7

DILA- TOWN 77,856 38,483 39,374 97.7

SODO-TOWN 98,930 45,919 53,010 86.6

ARBA MINCH-TOWN 101,819 48,300 53,519 90.2

HAWASSA-TOWN 221,397 105,420 115,977 90.9

GAMBELLA-TOWN 52,659 25,262 27,397 92.2

HARAR-TOWN 118,353 57,305 61,048 93.9

ADMINISTRATION 3,156,057 1,464,887 1,691,170 86.6

DIRE DAWA-TOWN 263,827 124,997 138,830 90.0

Table 3.4 Total Population of Regions by Migration Status, Duration of Continuous Residence, Sex and
Place of Residence : 2013
Age Group Durations of Continuous Residence
and Sex All Persons All migrant <1 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8-9 10+ Non-migrant
Urban + Rural
Total 80,444,148 12,115,263 1,063,855 697,141 788,726 726,502 615,690 631,639 866,279 896,974 5,828,456 68,328,885
Male 40,335,493 5,393,772 482,538 315,508 372,153 351,541 292,641 286,820 398,850 399,750 2,493,970 34,941,721
Female 40,108,655 6,721,492 581,317 381,634 416,574 374,961 323,049 344,820 467,428 497,224 3,334,486 33,387,164
Total 14,726,933 6,537,455 595,555 399,578 460,780 425,732 377,888 406,845 536,428 412,880 2,921,769 8,189,478
Male 7,009,933 2,921,238 229,164 164,331 195,842 193,720 172,380 182,873 252,864 193,107 1,336,958 4,088,695
Female 7,717,001 3,616,217 366,391 235,247 264,938 232,013 205,508 223,972 283,564 219,774 1,584,811 4,100,784
Total 65,717,215 5,577,808 468,300 297,564 327,946 300,770 237,802 224,795 329,851 484,094 2,906,687 60,139,406
Male 33,325,560 2,472,534 253,374 151,177 176,311 157,822 120,261 103,947 145,987 206,644 1,157,012 30,853,027
Female 32,391,654 3,105,275 214,926 146,387 151,636 142,948 117,541 120,848 183,864 277,450 1,749,675 29,286,380
Urban + Rural
Total 4,905,370 850,711 64,755 45,276 50,353 47,654 41,009 35,565 63,588 54,287 448,224 4,054,659
Male 2,382,231 389,999 31,413 19,682 22,944 24,913 18,834 16,620 27,682 23,903 204,007 1,992,232
Female 2,523,139 460,712 33,342 25,594 27,409 22,741 22,175 18,945 35,906 30,384 244,217 2,062,427
Total 1,133,695 512,067 40,718 28,621 32,808 30,982 27,079 28,885 40,826 35,056 247,092 621,628
Male 517,001 222,413 16,698 12,650 12,598 15,072 10,275 12,971 18,450 14,390 109,310 294,588
Female 616,694 289,654 24,021 15,971 20,210 15,910 16,804 15,914 22,376 20,667 137,782 327,040
Total 3,771,675 338,643 24,037 16,655 17,545 16,673 13,929 6,680 22,762 19,231 201,132 3,433,031
Male 1,865,231 167,586 14,715 7,032 10,346 9,841 8,559 3,650 9,232 9,514 94,697 1,697,645
Female 1,906,444 171,058 9,321 9,623 7,199 6,831 5,371 3,030 13,530 9,717 106,435 1,735,386
Urban + Rural
Total 1,345,878 198,101 16,448 10,673 20,660 15,707 16,221 15,696 16,295 15,548 70,853 1,147,777
Male 676,811 98,558 8,643 5,174 8,587 7,896 8,121 8,473 7,905 7,750 36,008 578,253
Female 669,067 99,543 7,805 5,498 12073 7,810 8,099 7,223 8,390 7,798 34,845 569,524
Total 230,664 123,252 10,257 6,104 10,236 9,193 8,637 7,897 11,698 13,444 45,787 107,411
Male 109,853 58,016 4,375 2,936 4,504 4,232 4,522 3,618 5,899 6,726 21,205 51,837
Female 120,810 65,237 5,882 3,168 5,733 4,961 4,115 4,279 5,799 6,718 24,583 55,574
Total 1,115,214 74,848 6,191 4,569 10,424 6,514 7,584 7,799 4,597 2,105 25,065 1,040,366
Male 566,958 40,542 4,268 2,239 4,084 3,664 3,600 4,855 2,006 1,025 14,803 526,416
Female 548,256 34,306 1,923 2,330 6,341 2,849 3,985 2,944 2,591 1,080 10,262 513,950

Table 3.4 Cont’d

Age Group Durations of Continuous Residence
and Sex All Persons All migrant <1 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8-9 10+ Non-migrant
Urban + Rural
Total 19,270,872 2,705,787 310,326 158,796 174,397 171,610 142,103 133,419 178,262 217,068 1,219,807 16,565,085
Male 9,593,311 1,208,941 142,246 75,103 86,828 86,155 65,731 61,258 80,403 91,498 519,718 8,384,369
Female 9,677,562 1,496,846 168,079 83,692 87568 85,455 76,372 72,161 97,858 125,570 700,089 8,180,716
Total 2,766,670 1,383,153 170,718 94,221 97,795 90,690 84,510 89,822 105,587 89,358 560,453 1,383,516
Male 1,276,652 603,462 66,446 41,385 39,267 43,502 38,651 41,732 49,720 37,725 245,034 673,189
Female 1,490,018 779,691 104,272 52,836 58,528 47,188 45,859 48,089 55,867 51,633 315,419 710,327
Total 16,504,203 1,322,634 139,608 64,575 76,602 80,920 57,593 43,598 72,674 127,710 659,354 15,181,569
Male 8,316,659 605,479 75,800 33,719 47,561 42,653 27,080 19,526 30,683 53,773 274,684 7,711,180
Female 8,187,544 717,155 63,808 30,856 29,041 38,267 30,513 24,072 41,991 73,938 384,670 7,470,389
Urban + Rural
Total 31,153,434 4,420,556 396,743 274,354 296,870 262,188 234,038 227,262 320,884 390,702 2,017,514 26,732,878
Male 15,914,000 1,963,708 182,184 121,012 146,098 128,563 121,351 98,465 153,151 175,365 837,519 13,950,292
Female 15,239,433 2,456,848 214,559 153,342 150773 133,625 112,687 128,797 167,733 215,337 1,179,995 12,782,586
Total 4,230,938 1,971,484 192,952 136,118 142,942 144,019 135,077 139,806 187,062 128,592 764,916 2,259,454
Male 2,092,625 922,803 78,343 59,492 69,350 66,316 68,003 62,047 93,388 64,504 361,360 1,169,822
Female 2,138,313 1,048,681 114,610 76,625 73,592 77,703 67,074 77,759 93,674 64,088 403,555 1,089,632
Total 26,922,495 2,449,072 203,790 138,236 153,928 118,170 98,961 87,456 133,822 262,110 1,252,598 24,473,424
Male 13,821,375 1,040,905 103,841 61,520 76,748 62,248 53,348 36,418 59,763 110,861 476,159 12,780,471
Female 13,101,120 1,408,167 99,949 76,717 77,180 55,922 45,613 51,038 74,059 151,249 776,439 11,692,953
Urban + Rural
Total 2,048,302 120,011 5,450 6,492 8,344 6,356 8,070 10,442 11,882 6,758 56,217 1,928,291
Male 1,076,368 56,430 2,128 2,381 4,868 3,881 3,836 5,486 5,211 2,794 25,845 1,019,939
Female 971,934 63,582 3,322 4,112 3476 2,475 4,234 4,956 6,670 3,964 30,372 908,352
Total 316,752 72,405 3,498 3,837 5,400 3,653 4,366 5,307 6,249 4,845 35,251 244,346
Male 159,470 34,280 1,369 1,535 2,813 2,178 2,029 3,113 2,675 2,491 16,078 125,190
Female 157,282 38,125 2,129 2,303 2,587 1,475 2,336 2,194 3,574 2,354 19,173 119,157
Total 1,731,551 47,606 1,952 2,655 2,944 2,703 3,704 5,135 5,633 1,914 20,966 1,683,945
Male 916,899 22,150 759 846 2,055 1,703 1,806 2,374 2,536 303 9,767 894,749
Female 814,652 25,456 1,193 1,809 889 1,000 1,898 2,762 3,096 1,611 11,199 789,196
Table 3.4 Cont’d
Age Group Durations of Continuous Residence
and Sex All Persons All migrant <1 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8-9 10+ Non-migrant
Urban + Rural
Total 947,868 229,400 16,603 13,771 15,789 10,228 8,394 14,971 20,855 18,283 110,507 718,468
Male 475,127 113,523 7,822 6,783 6,929 4,914 3,838 8,169 10,246 8,250 56,572 361,605
Female 472,741 115,878 8,781 6,988 8859 5,314 4,556 6,802 10,609 10,033 53,935 356,863
Total 156,762 85,654 9,284 5,145 6,893 5,305 4,671 6,002 8,613 7,300 32,442 71,108
Male 77,044 41,880 4,201 2,628 3,113 2,460 2,300 3,612 4,353 3,546 15,667 35,164
Female 79,718 43,774 5,083 2,516 3,780 2,846 2,371 2,390 4,260 3,754 16,774 35,944
Total 791,106 143,746 7,319 8,626 8,896 4,922 3,723 8,969 12,242 10,983 78,065 647,360
Male 398,084 71,643 3,621 4,154 3,816 2,454 1,538 4,557 5,894 4,704 40,905 326,441
Female 393,023 72,104 3,698 4,472 5,080 2,468 2,185 4,412 6,349 6,279 37,160 320,919
Urban + Rural
Total 16,630,660 2,081,085 176,829 119,348 130,882 133,613 105,282 119,070 161,394 110,541 1,024,127 14,549,575
Male 8,269,432 922,797 85,096 66,069 63,261 64,138 47,452 57,258 73,656 52,433 413,434 7,346,635
Female 8,361,227 1,158,288 91,733 53,280 67620 69,474 57,830 61,812 87,738 58,108 610,693 7,202,940
Total 2,247,297 946,326 97,457 61,565 78,980 70,045 56,214 58,909 88,736 54,470 379,951 1,300,971
Male 1,078,901 431,584 37,387 26,663 34,243 32,784 24,866 27,260 40,678 28,100 179,603 647,317
Female 1,168,396 514,742 60,070 34,902 44,736 37,260 31,348 31,650 48,058 26,370 200,347 653,654
Total 14,383,362 1,134,758 79,372 57,783 51,902 63,568 49,068 60,160 72,658 56,070 644,176 13,248,604
Male 7,190,531 491,213 47,709 39,406 29,018 31,354 22,586 29,998 32,978 24,333 233,831 6,699,318
Female 7,192,831 643,546 31,663 18,377 22,884 32,214 26,482 30,162 39,680 31,738 410,346 6,549,286
Urban + Rural
Total 364,891 94,447 7,892 5,246 8,163 9,528 5,123 7,322 7,967 7,320 35,886 270,444
Male 181,166 47,528 3,807 2,489 3,898 5,171 2,855 3,646 4,401 3,808 17,455 133,637
Female 183,726 46,919 4,085 2,757 4266 4,357 2,269 3,676 3,566 3,512 18,432 136,807
Total 105,920 43,827 3,843 2,049 3,287 3,202 2,764 3,394 4,276 3,756 17,256 62,092
Male 51,199 21,410 1,789 938 1,750 1,759 1,383 1,706 2,329 1,817 7,940 29,789
Female 54,721 22,418 2,055 1,111 1,537 1,443 1,381 1,689 1,947 1,940 9,316 32,303
Total 258,972 50,620 4,049 3,197 4,877 6,326 2,359 3,927 3,691 3,563 18,631 208,352
Male 129,967 26,119 2,018 1,550 2,148 3,413 1,472 1,940 2,072 1,992 9,514 103,848
Female 129,005 24,501 2,031 1,647 2,729 2,913 888 1,987 1,619 1,572 9,116 104,504
Table 3.4 Cont’d
Age Group Durations of Continuous Residence
and Sex All Persons All migrant <1 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8-9 10+ Non-migrant

Urban + Rural
Total 215,373 51,479 3,727 2,445 2,967 3,460 2,872 2,758 3,839 2,991 26,420 163,894
Male 105,382 22,491 1,404 1,074 1,132 1,476 1,167 1,290 1,718 1,170 12,060 82,891
Female 109,991 28,988 2,323 1,371 1835 1,984 1,705 1,468 2,121 1,821 14,359 81,003
Total 118,353 46,784 3,037 2,264 2,781 3,218 2,721 2,548 3,285 2,795 24,135 71,569
Male 57,305 20,827 1,208 1,024 971 1,376 1,137 1,214 1,473 1,135 11,291 36,478
Female 61,048 25,956 1,829 1,240 1,810 1,842 1,584 1,334 1,812 1,660 12,844 35,091
Total 97,020 4,695 690 181 187 243 151 210 554 195 2,285 92,325
Male 48,077 1,664 196 51 161 100 30 76 245 35 770 46,413
Female 48,943 3,031 494 131 25 143 121 134 308 161 1,515 45,912
Urban + Rural
Total 3,156,057 1,245,627 57,540 55,128 73,753 59,018 47,795 58,761 73,926 67,731 751,976 1,910,429
Male 1,464,887 518,419 15,175 13,239 25,149 21,156 17,825 23,089 30,766 29,433 342,587 946,467
Female 1,691,170 727,208 42,365 41,889 48604 37,862 29,970 35,672 43,160 38,298 409,389 963,962
Total 3,156,057 1,245,627 57,540 55,128 73,753 59,018 47,795 58,761 73,926 67,731 751,976 1,910,429
Male 1,464,887 518,419 15,175 13,239 25,149 21,156 17,825 23,089 30,766 29,433 342,587 946,467
Female 1,691,170 727,208 42,365 41,889 48,604 37,862 29,970 35,672 43,160 38,298 409,389 963,962
Total - - - - - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - - - - - - -
Urban + Rural
Total 405,444 118,060 7,543 5,612 6,547 7,140 4,784 6,374 7,388 5,745 66,926 287,384
Male 196,777 51,378 2,621 2,501 2,457 3,278 1,632 3,065 3,710 3,346 28,766 145,400
Female 208,666 66,682 4,922 3,111 4,090 3,862 3,152 3,308 3,678 2,399 38,160 141,984
Total 263,827 106,874 6,250 4,526 5,906 6,408 4,055 5,515 6,170 5,534 62,511 156,953
Male 124,997 46,143 2,174 1,841 2,084 2,886 1,389 2,513 3,133 3,241 26,883 78,854
Female 138,830 60,731 4,076 2,685 3,822 3,522 2,665 3,002 3,038 2,292 35,628 78,099
Total 141,617 11,185 1,293 1,087 641 732 729 859 1,218 211 4,415 130,431
Male 71,780 5,235 448 661 373 393 243 553 577 105 1,883 66,546
Female 69,836 5,951 845 426 268 339 486 306 641 106 2,532 63,885
Table 3.5a: Matrix of Migrant Population of Regions Lived Classified by Current and
Previous Urban and Rural Residence and Sex: 2013
Current Region of Previous Residence Urban + Rural
Place of
Residence, Out
Age Group Benishangul- Addis Dire Side Not
and Sex Total Tigray Afar Amhara Oromia Somali Gumuz SNNPR Gambella Harari Ababa Dawa Ethiopia stated

Total 12,115,263 1,027,208 164,499 3,213,395 4,264,156 145,529 117,434 2,291,637 65,595 50,648 425,116 52,357 296,863 825
Male 5,393,772 480,717 79,759 1,385,886 1,877,911 75,357 59,003 961,643 34,624 28,636 233,119 27,356 149,445 315
Female 6,721,492 546,491 84,740 1,827,510 2,386,245 70,172 58,432 1,329,994 30,971 22,012 191,997 25,001 147,418 510
Total 6,537,455 584,864 76,880 1,914,438 2,066,936 63,885 50,348 1,304,177 37,413 32,677 199,496 37,271 168,245 825
Male 2,921,238 262,856 38,185 804,986 929,963 31,938 24,985 606,423 18,059 15,153 93,510 19,369 75,496 315
Female 3,616,217 322,008 38,694 1,109,453 1,136,972 31,947 25,363 697,754 19,354 17,524 105,986 17,902 92,749 510
Total 5,577,808 442,343 87,619 1,298,957 2,197,220 81,644 67,086 987,461 28,182 17,972 225,620 15,086 128,618 -
Male 2,472,534 217,860 41,574 580,900 947,947 43,420 34,018 355,221 16,565 13,483 139,609 7,987 73,948 -
Female 3,105,275 224,483 46,045 718,057 1,249,273 38,224 33,068 632,240 11,617 4,488 86,011 7,099 54,669 -
Total 850,711 659,984 4,951 55,444 23,610 584 741 797 1,081 486 19,804 933 82,296 -
Male 389,999 291,643 3,207 27,822 15,036 476 741 335 724 433 9,570 473 39,539 -
Female 460,712 368,342 1,744 27,622 8,573 108 - 462 357 53 10,234 460 42,757 -
Total 512,067 398,352 3,810 32,161 7,075 584 352 797 - 105 15,692 933 52,207 -
Male 222,413 171,371 2,066 13,724 4,371 476 352 335 - 53 7,367 473 21,827 -
Female 289,654 226,981 1,744 18,437 2,704 108 - 462 - 53 8,325 460 30,380 -
Total 338,643 261,632 1,142 23,283 16,534 - 390 - 1,081 381 4,112 - 30,089 -
Male 167,586 120,271 1,142 14,098 10,665 - 390 - 724 381 2,203 - 17,712 -
Female 171,058 141,361 - 9,185 5,869 - - - 357 - 1,909 - 12,377 -
Total 198,101 17,367 79,084 68,608 9,677 321 207 11,680 - 585 1,936 728 7,908 -
Male 98,558 9,624 38,763 30,579 3,761 207 104 7,639 - 453 919 520 5,988 -
Female 99,543 7,743 40,321 38,028 5,916 114 104 4,041 - 132 1,017 207 1,920 -
Total 123,252 12,748 43,363 46,729 7,628 321 207 6,161 - 585 1,307 518 3,685 -
Male 58,016 6,504 22,409 18,857 2,946 207 104 3,750 - 453 500 311 1,975 -
Female 65,237 6,244 20,954 27,872 4,682 114 104 2,411 - 132 807 207 1,710 -
Total 74,848 4,619 35,721 21,879 2,049 - - 5,519 - - 629 210 4,223 -
Male 40,542 3,120 16,354 11,722 815 - - 3,889 - - 419 210 4,013 -
Female 34,306 1,499 19,367 10,157 1,234 - - 1,630 - - 210 - 210 -
Table 3.5a Cont’d
Current Region of Previous Residence Urban + Rural
Place of
Residence, Out
Age Group Benishangul- Addis Dire Side Not
and Sex Total Tigray Afar Amhara Oromia Somali Gumuz SNNPR Gambella Harari Ababa Dawa Ethiopia stated

Total 2,705,787 120,817 32,239 2,144,820 168,910 2,456 28,203 21,689 4,147 6,215 93,550 4,677 77,748 315
Male 1,208,941 64,031 14,140 906,213 94,350 2,250 15,848 13,112 2,022 4,665 51,433 1,558 39,003 315
Female 1,496,846 56,786 18,099 1,238,607 74,559 206 12,355 8,577 2,124 1,551 42,117 3,119 38,746 -
Total 1,383,153 44,457 15,147 1,166,026 32,206 902 7,686 13,696 827 2,332 51,096 2,022 46,441 315
Male 603,462 23,047 6,341 494,644 16,488 697 3,767 7,216 128 781 27,008 1,558 21,472 315
Female 779,691 21,410 8,806 671,382 15,718 206 3,919 6,479 699 1,551 24,088 464 24,969 -
Total 1,322,634 76,360 17,092 978,794 136,704 1,554 20,517 7,994 3,320 3,884 42,454 2,655 31,308 -
Male 605,479 40,984 7,799 411,569 77,862 1,554 12,081 5,896 1,895 3,884 24,425 - 17,531 -
Female 717,155 35,376 9,293 567,225 58,842 - 8,436 2,098 1,425 - 18,029 2,655 13,777 -
Total 4,420,556 53,961 14,662 287,069 3,388,906 57,413 13,913 329,249 6,762 21,007 182,198 13,275 52,141 -
Male 1,963,708 35,511 5,910 145,087 1,461,646 31,210 6,949 137,795 4,304 12,268 88,764 8,028 26,235 -
Female 2,456,848 18,450 8,752 141,981 1,927,260 26,203 6,964 191,454 2,458 8,739 93,434 5,247 25,907 -
Total 1,971,484 20,250 3,463 150,053 1,490,310 12,402 2,065 177,758 4,849 8,647 80,244 8,161 13,281 -
Male 922,803 12,764 1,726 75,503 685,727 6,804 1,281 87,756 2,392 4,286 33,608 5,417 5,540 -
Female 1,048,681 7,486 1,737 74,551 804,583 5,598 784 90,002 2,458 4,362 46,636 2,744 7,741 -
Total 2,449,072 33,711 11,199 137,015 1,898,596 45,011 11,848 151,492 1,913 12,360 101,954 5,114 38,860 -
Male 1,040,905 22,748 4,184 69,584 775,919 24,406 5,668 50,039 1,913 7,982 55,156 2,611 20,695 -
Female 1,408,167 10,963 7,016 67,431 1,122,677 20,605 6,180 101,452 - 4,377 46,798 2,503 18,165 -
Total 120,011 2,378 1,578 5,007 20,924 57,662 503 5,372 38 2,137 1,960 4,336 18,118 -
Male 56,430 1,505 417 2,421 8,584 28,212 424 2,862 - 991 1,019 2,111 7,885 -
Female 63,582 873 1,160 2,586 12,340 29,451 79 2,510 38 1,145 941 2,225 10,233 -
Total 72,405 573 579 4,402 15,439 25,725 275 5,144 38 2,137 1,960 4,336 11,798 -
Male 34,280 384 230 2,018 6,533 12,419 196 2,862 - 991 1,019 2,111 5,518 -
Female 38,125 189 348 2,384 8,906 13,306 79 2,282 38 1,145 941 2,225 6,280 -
Total 47,606 1,805 999 605 5,485 31,937 228 228 - - - - 6,319 -
Male 22,150 1,121 187 403 2,051 15,792 228 - - - - - 2,367 -
Female 25,456 684 812 202 3,434 16,145 - 228 - - - - 3,953 -
Table 3.5a Cont’d
Current Region of Previous Residence Urban + Rural
Place of
Residence, Out
Age Group Benishangul- Addis Dire Side Not
and Sex Total Tigray Afar Amhara Oromia Somali Gumuz SNNPR Gambella Harari Ababa Dawa Ethiopia stated

Total 229,400 5,365 64 85,527 58,084 108 70,189 4,703 16 295 2,558 133 2,359 -
Male 113,523 3,616 18 42,322 28,137 - 33,309 2,306 16 155 1,660 67 1,918 -
Female 115,878 1,749 45 43,204 29,947 108 36,881 2,397 - 140 898 67 441 -
Total 85,654 2,942 64 24,599 16,855 108 36,957 1,226 16 295 2,264 133 195 -
Male 41,880 1,889 18 11,313 8,241 - 18,065 644 16 155 1,366 67 105 -
Female 43,774 1,053 45 13,285 8,613 108 18,893 582 - 140 898 67 90 -
Total 143,746 2,423 - 60,928 41,229 - 33,232 3,477 - - 294 - 2,164 -
Male 71,643 1,727 - 31,009 19,895 - 15,244 1,662 - - 294 - 1,812 -
Female 72,104 696 - 29,919 21,334 - 17,988 1,815 - - - - 351 -
Total 2,081,085 77,184 23,842 108,516 159,967 3,338 330 1,564,740 12,819 2,346 107,859 6,460 13,682 -
Male 922,797 35,983 13,156 56,490 90,557 2,099 219 628,607 7,880 1,517 72,303 4,603 9,385 -
Female 1,158,288 41,202 10,686 52,026 69,410 1,240 111 936,134 4,940 829 35,556 1,857 4,297 -
Total 946,326 16,040 2,412 38,138 78,212 1,239 330 761,516 7,029 1,781 32,240 2,813 4,577 -
Male 431,584 8,651 1,284 17,656 35,322 1,044 219 343,466 3,691 952 15,423 1,478 2,399 -
Female 514,742 7,389 1,128 20,482 42,890 195 111 418,050 3,338 829 16,817 1,335 2,178 -
Total 1,134,758 61,144 21,430 70,378 81,755 2,100 - 803,224 5,791 565 75,619 3,647 9,105 -
Male 491,213 27,331 11,872 38,834 55,235 1,055 - 285,141 4,189 565 56,880 3,125 6,986 -
Female 643,546 33,813 9,558 31,544 26,520 1,045 - 518,084 1,601 - 18,739 522 2,119 -
Total 94,447 1,885 59 9,641 13,534 21 1,023 20,856 38,564 26 1,260 34 7,544 -
Male 47,528 1,244 42 5,516 6,275 - 508 11,393 18,508 26 798 34 3,185 -
Female 46,919 641 17 4,125 7,259 21 515 9,464 20,056 - 462 - 4,359 -
Total 43,827 1,422 59 3,660 7,857 21 150 5,453 22,486 26 941 34 1,718 -
Male 21,410 872 42 1,904 3,583 - 100 2,922 10,663 26 592 34 672 -
Female 22,418 550 17 1,756 4,274 21 51 2,530 11,823 - 350 - 1,046 -
Total 50,620 463 - 5,981 5,677 - 872 15,403 16,078 - 319 - 5,825 -
Male 26,119 372 - 3,612 2,692 - 408 8,470 7,845 - 207 - 2,513 -
Female 24,501 91 - 2,369 2,986 - 465 6,933 8,233 - 112 - 3,313 -
Table 3.5a Cont’d
Current Region of Previous Residence Urban + Rural
Place of
Residence, Out
Age Group Benishangul- Addis Dire Side Not
and Sex Total Tigray Afar Amhara Oromia Somali Gumuz SNNPR Gambella Harari Ababa Dawa Ethiopia stated

Total 51,479 2,114 175 5,749 23,387 2,779 264 6,348 125 839 4,275 4,150 1,273 -
Male 22,491 1,026 57 2,573 9,244 1,282 134 3,065 26 520 2,017 1,814 731 -
Female 28,988 1,088 118 3,176 14,143 1,497 130 3,283 99 319 2,258 2,335 542 -
Total 46,784 1,978 175 5,723 19,784 2,744 264 6,348 125 521 4,250 3,817 1,054 -
Male 20,827 890 57 2,573 8,252 1,282 134 3,065 26 279 1,991 1,678 600 -
Female 25,956 1,088 118 3,150 11,532 1,462 130 3,283 99 242 2,258 2,139 455 -
Total 4,695 136 - 26 3,603 35 - - - 318 26 333 219 -
Male 1,664 136 - - 992 - - - - 241 26 137 131 -
Female 3,031 - - 26 2,610 35 - - - 77 - 196 87 -
Total 1,245,627 83,908 7,046 434,480 345,023 5,180 2,007 313,648 1,991 10,366 - 12,896 28,573 510
Male 518,419 35,147 3,958 163,284 140,359 2,594 713 147,880 1,092 4,824 - 5,396 13,174 -
Female 727,208 48,761 3,088 271,197 204,664 2,586 1,294 165,768 899 5,541 - 7,500 15,400 510
Total 1,245,627 83,908 7,046 434,480 345,023 5,180 2,007 313,648 1,991 10,366 - 12,896 28,573 510
Male 518,419 35,147 3,958 163,284 140,359 2,594 713 147,880 1,092 4,824 - 5,396 13,174 -
Female 727,208 48,761 3,088 271,197 204,664 2,586 1,294 165,768 899 5,541 - 7,500 15,400 510
Total 118,060 2,244 799 8,535 52,135 15,665 54 12,555 52 6,347 9,717 4,737 5,220 -
Male 51,378 1,387 90 3,578 19,961 7,028 54 6,651 52 2,784 4,636 2,753 2,402 -
Female 66,682 857 709 4,958 32,174 8,637 - 5,904 - 3,563 5,081 1,984 2,818 -
Total 106,874 2,194 763 8,467 46,547 14,657 54 12,431 52 5,882 9,503 1,610 4,714 -
Male 46,143 1,337 54 3,510 18,141 6,415 54 6,527 52 2,353 4,636 849 2,214 -
Female 60,731 857 709 4,958 28,406 8,242 - 5,904 - 3,529 4,867 762 2,500 -
Total 11,185 50 36 68 5,588 1,008 - 124 - 465 214 3,127 506 -
Male 5,235 50 36 68 1,820 613 - 124 - 431 - 1,905 188 -
Female 5,951 - - - 3,768 395 - - - 34 214 1,222 318 -
Table 3.5b: Matrix of Migrant Population of Regions Classified by Current and Previous Urban Place of Residence and Sex: 2013
Current Region of Previous Residence Urban
Place of
Age Group Benishangul- Addis Dire Out Side Not
and Sex Total Tigray Afar Amhara Oromia Somali Gumuz SNNPR Gambella Harari Ababa Dawa Ethiopia stated

Total 3,898,547 370,651 72,117 862,242 1,320,338 86,227 36,247 613,560 34,198 36,996 418,896 46,779 - 295
Male 1,924,355 192,348 36,463 395,047 639,257 44,884 19,842 302,707 19,655 20,669 228,594 24,890 - -
Female 1,974,192 178,303 35,654 467,196 681,081 41,343 16,405 310,853 14,544 16,326 190,302 21,889 - 295
Total 2,522,853 266,152 39,847 661,086 813,088 41,225 21,651 401,140 21,378 26,594 195,823 34,574 - 295
Male 1,152,661 126,660 19,781 286,979 370,867 21,155 10,756 183,188 11,266 12,267 91,532 18,210 - -
Female 1,370,192 139,492 20,065 374,108 442,221 20,069 10,895 217,952 10,112 14,327 104,291 16,364 - 295
Total 1,375,693 104,499 32,270 201,156 507,250 45,002 14,596 212,421 12,820 10,401 223,073 12,205 - -
Male 771,694 65,688 16,681 108,068 268,390 23,728 9,086 119,519 8,389 8,402 137,062 6,679 - -
Female 603,999 38,811 15,589 93,088 238,860 21,274 5,510 92,901 4,432 1,999 86,011 5,525 - -
Total 256,770 198,831 2,051 26,131 7,403 341 352 553 391 486 19,301 933 - -
Male 122,302 93,231 1,502 11,322 4,796 232 352 335 391 433 9,237 473 - -
Female 134,468 105,600 549 14,809 2,607 108 - 219 - 53 10,064 460 - -
Total 187,175 144,542 1,289 19,897 3,975 341 352 553 - 105 15,188 933 - -
Male 84,378 64,899 741 7,780 2,480 232 352 335 - 53 7,034 473 - -
Female 102,797 79,643 549 12,117 1,494 108 - 219 - 53 8,155 460 - -
Total 69,596 54,290 761 6,234 3,428 - - - 391 381 4,112 - - -
Male 37,924 28,332 761 3,542 2,315 - - - 391 381 2,203 - - -
Female 31,671 25,957 - 2,692 1,113 - - - - - 1,909 - - -
Total 70,659 7,804 25,842 25,067 6,414 321 - 1,962 - 585 1,936 728 - -
Male 34,812 4,889 13,015 10,702 2,889 207 - 1,216 - 453 919 520 - -
Female 35,846 2,915 12,827 14,364 3,524 114 - 746 - 132 1,017 207 - -
Total 48,623 6,151 16,081 16,308 5,599 321 - 1,753 - 585 1,307 518 - -
Male 22,757 3,236 8,771 6,198 2,074 207 - 1,007 - 453 500 311 - -
Female 25,865 2,915 7,310 10,109 3,524 114 - 746 - 132 807 207 - -
Total 22,036 1,653 9,761 8,759 815 - - 210 - - 629 210 - -
Male 12,055 1,653 4,244 4,504 815 - - 210 - - 419 210 - -
Female 9,981 - 5,516 4,255 - - - - - - 210 - - -
Table 3.5b Cont’d
Current Region of Previous Residence Urban
Place of
Age Group Benishangul- Addis Dire Out Side Not
and Sex Total Tigray Afar Amhara Oromia Somali Gumuz SNNPR Gambella Harari Ababa Dawa Ethiopia stated

Total 713,659 44,630 19,371 483,105 41,971 451 7,409 12,447 1,458 5,293 92,847 4,677 - -
Male 356,794 27,643 9,150 229,300 21,938 245 3,275 8,328 759 3,832 50,766 1,558 - -
Female 356,865 16,987 10,221 253,805 20,034 206 4,134 4,119 699 1,460 42,081 3,119 - -
Total 472,285 27,378 12,363 342,285 20,797 451 5,332 7,633 827 2,173 51,025 2,022 - -
Male 222,294 16,030 5,314 154,897 10,104 245 1,985 4,348 128 712 26,973 1,558 - -
Female 249,991 11,348 7,049 187,388 10,693 206 3,347 3,284 699 1,460 24,052 464 - -
Total 241,374 17,251 7,008 140,820 21,175 - 2,077 4,814 632 3,120 41,822 2,655 - -
Male 134,500 11,612 3,836 74,403 11,834 - 1,290 3,979 632 3,120 23,793 - - -
Female 106,874 5,639 3,171 66,417 9,341 - 787 835 - - 18,029 2,655 - -
Total 1,435,567 25,868 9,104 90,953 942,641 32,582 4,994 118,953 6,251 11,373 180,962 11,885 - -
Male 701,063 18,173 3,252 42,477 454,420 18,084 3,528 54,545 4,222 6,531 87,802 8,028 - -
Female 734,503 7,694 5,853 48,476 488,220 14,498 1,466 64,408 2,029 4,842 93,160 3,857 - -
Total 761,966 15,374 1,303 62,210 506,870 3,467 1,904 73,309 4,339 5,708 79,827 7,655 - -
Male 358,739 9,412 826 28,521 235,700 2,570 1,211 36,552 2,310 2,755 33,465 5,417 - -
Female 403,226 5,962 477 33,689 271,170 896 694 36,756 2,029 2,953 46,362 2,238 - -
Total 673,601 10,494 7,802 28,743 435,770 29,115 3,090 45,644 1,913 5,665 101,135 4,230 - -
Male 342,324 8,761 2,426 13,956 218,720 15,513 2,317 17,993 1,913 3,777 54,337 2,611 - -
Female 331,277 1,732 5,376 14,787 217,050 13,602 772 27,651 - 1,888 46,798 1,619 - -
Total 56,801 1,857 881 2,560 10,077 30,989 503 2,134 38 1,864 1,881 4,018 - -
Male 28,652 1,021 417 1,430 4,253 15,752 424 1,431 - 933 1,019 1,972 - -
Female 28,148 835 464 1,130 5,824 15,237 79 703 38 931 862 2,045 - -
Total 36,394 489 507 1,956 7,342 16,119 275 1,906 38 1,864 1,881 4,018 - -
Male 18,596 338 230 1,027 3,113 8,337 196 1,431 - 933 1,019 1,972 - -
Female 17,798 152 276 929 4,229 7,782 79 475 38 931 862 2,045 - -
Total 20,406 1,367 374 605 2,735 14,869 228 228 - - - - - -
Male 10,056 684 187 403 1,140 7,415 228 - - - - - - -
Female 10,350 684 187 202 1,595 7,454 - 228 - - - - - -
Table 3.5b Cont’d
Current Region of Previous Residence Urban
Place of
Age Group Benishangul- Addis Dire Out Side Not
and Sex Total Tigray Afar Amhara Oromia Somali Gumuz SNNPR Gambella Harari Ababa Dawa Ethiopia stated

Total 50,016 2,631 64 11,817 10,975 - 20,929 598 16 295 2,558 133 - -
Male 26,533 1,853 18 5,771 5,228 - 11,487 278 16 155 1,660 67 - -
Female 23,483 778 45 6,046 5,747 - 9,443 320 - 140 898 67 - -
Total 34,292 2,237 64 8,061 9,048 - 11,728 445 16 295 2,264 133 - -
Male 17,729 1,460 18 3,761 4,372 - 6,236 278 16 155 1,366 67 - -
Female 16,563 778 45 4,300 4,676 - 5,493 167 - 140 898 67 - -
Total 15,724 393 - 3,755 1,928 - 9,201 153 - - 294 - - -
Male 8,804 393 - 2,010 856 - 5,251 - - - 294 - - -
Female 6,920 - - 1,746 1,071 - 3,950 153 - - - - - -
Total 689,201 27,331 8,570 35,879 98,978 1,649 113 396,211 8,914 2,314 104,407 4,835 - -
Male 386,006 19,803 6,158 20,434 57,576 1,523 113 199,870 5,707 1,485 69,838 3,500 - -
Female 303,195 7,528 2,413 15,446 41,402 126 - 196,341 3,207 829 34,569 1,335 - -
Total 373,332 8,523 2,042 24,185 61,048 1,116 113 236,663 5,257 1,749 29,884 2,752 - -
Male 168,948 5,748 968 11,555 26,283 991 113 103,805 3,095 920 14,054 1,417 - -
Female 204,384 2,775 1,074 12,630 34,765 126 - 132,858 2,163 829 15,830 1,335 - -
Total 315,869 18,808 6,528 11,695 37,930 532 - 159,548 3,657 565 74,523 2,083 - -
Male 217,058 14,055 5,190 8,879 31,293 532 - 96,064 2,612 565 55,784 2,083 - -
Female 98,812 4,753 1,339 2,815 6,638 - - 63,483 1,045 - 18,739 - - -
Total 29,442 767 37 2,126 5,676 21 150 4,285 15,061 26 1,260 34 - -
Male 15,342 532 20 1,178 2,727 - 100 2,538 7,390 26 798 34 - -
Female 14,100 235 17 948 2,949 21 51 1,746 7,671 - 462 - - -
Total 19,892 550 37 1,639 5,077 21 150 2,584 8,832 26 941 34 - -
Male 10,230 361 20 839 2,322 - 100 1,389 4,548 26 592 34 - -
Female 9,662 190 17 800 2,754 21 51 1,195 4,284 - 350 - - -
Total 9,551 216 - 487 599 - - 1,700 6,229 - 319 - - -
Male 5,112 171 - 339 404 - - 1,150 2,842 - 207 - - -
Female 4,438 45 - 148 195 - - 551 3,387 - 112 - - -
Table 3.5b Cont’d
Current Region of Previous Residence Urban
Place of
Age Group Benishangul- Addis Dire Out Side Not
and Sex Total Tigray Afar Amhara Oromia Somali Gumuz SNNPR Gambella Harari Ababa Dawa Ethiopia stated

Total 27,580 1,407 101 2,509 10,431 2,557 264 1,662 26 427 4,101 4,094 - -
Male 12,815 651 32 1,217 4,755 1,149 134 889 26 282 1,920 1,759 - -
Female 14,765 756 69 1,291 5,676 1,408 130 773 - 146 2,181 2,335 - -
Total 26,376 1,381 101 2,483 9,965 2,522 264 1,662 26 135 4,075 3,761 - -
Male 12,255 626 32 1,217 4,599 1,149 134 889 26 65 1,894 1,622 - -
Female 14,121 756 69 1,265 5,365 1,373 130 773 - 69 2,181 2,139 - -
Total 1,204 26 - 26 466 35 - - - 293 26 333 - -
Male 560 26 - - 155 - - - - 216 26 137 - -
Female 644 - - 26 310 35 - - - 77 - 196 - -
Total 502,929 57,545 5,297 177,358 161,216 4,781 1,533 72,265 1,991 8,228 - 12,418 - 295
Male 210,913 23,427 2,807 69,355 70,496 2,357 430 31,842 1,092 3,893 - 5,213 - -
Female 292,016 34,119 2,490 108,003 90,721 2,423 1,103 40,423 899 4,335 - 7,205 - 295
Total 502,929 57,545 5,297 177,358 161,216 4,781 1,533 72,265 1,991 8,228 - 12,418 - 295
Male 210,913 23,427 2,807 69,355 70,496 2,357 430 31,842 1,092 3,893 - 5,213 - -
Female 292,016 34,119 2,490 108,003 90,721 2,423 1,103 40,423 899 4,335 - 7,205 - 295
Total 65,923 1,980 799 4,737 24,556 12,536 - 2,489 52 6,104 9,644 3,024 - -
Male 29,121 1,124 90 1,860 10,180 5,335 - 1,434 52 2,645 4,636 1,765 - -
Female 36,802 857 709 2,878 14,376 7,201 - 1,055 - 3,459 5,008 1,259 - -
Total 59,590 1,980 763 4,704 22,152 12,085 - 2,365 52 5,726 9,430 331 - -
Male 25,820 1,124 54 1,827 9,323 5,067 - 1,310 52 2,301 4,636 127 - -
Female 33,770 857 709 2,878 12,830 7,019 - 1,055 - 3,425 4,794 204 - -
Total 6,333 - 36 33 2,404 450 - 124 - 378 214 2,693 - -
Male 3,301 - 36 33 857 268 - 124 - 344 - 1,639 - -
Female 3,032 - - - 1,547 182 - - - 34 214 1,055 - -
Table 3.5c: Matrix of Migrant Population of Regions Classified by Current and Previous Rural Place of Residence and Sex: 2013
Current Region of Previous Residence Rural
Place of
Age Group Benishangul- Addis Dire Out Side Not
and Sex Total Tigray Afar Amhara Oromia Somali Gumuz SNNPR Gambella Harari Ababa Dawa Ethiopia stated

Total 7,919,854 656,557 92,382 2,351,153 2,943,818 59,302 81,187 1,678,077 31,397 13,653 6,220 5,578 - 530
Male 3,319,972 288,369 43,297 990,839 1,238,654 30,474 39,160 658,936 14,969 7,967 4,525 2,467 - 315
Female 4,599,882 368,188 49,086 1,360,314 1,705,164 28,828 42,027 1,019,141 16,427 5,686 1,695 3,111 - 214
Total 3,846,357 318,713 37,033 1,253,352 1,253,847 22,660 28,697 903,037 16,035 6,082 3,673 2,697 - 530
Male 1,693,081 136,196 18,404 518,007 559,096 10,783 14,229 423,235 6,793 2,886 1,978 1,159 - 315
Female 2,153,276 182,516 18,629 735,345 694,751 11,878 14,468 479,802 9,242 3,197 1,695 1,538 - 214
Total 4,073,497 337,845 55,349 1,097,801 1,689,970 36,642 52,490 775,040 15,362 7,570 2,547 2,881 - -
Male 1,626,891 152,173 24,893 472,832 679,557 19,691 24,932 235,701 8,177 5,081 2,547 1,308 - -
Female 2,446,606 185,672 30,456 624,969 1,010,413 16,951 27,559 539,339 7,185 2,489 - 1,573 - -
Total 511,644 461,153 2,901 29,313 16,207 244 390 244 690 - 503 - - -
Male 228,157 198,411 1,706 16,500 10,240 244 390 - 334 - 333 - - -
Female 283,487 262,742 1,195 12,813 5,967 - - 244 357 - 170 - - -
Total 272,686 253,811 2,520 12,264 3,100 244 - 244 - - 503 - - -
Male 116,208 106,472 1,325 5,943 1,891 244 - - - - 333 - - -
Female 156,478 147,339 1,195 6,320 1,210 - - 244 - - 170 - - -
Total 238,959 207,342 381 17,049 13,106 - 390 - 690 - - - - -
Male 111,949 91,939 381 10,557 8,350 - 390 - 334 - - - - -
Female 127,010 115,403 - 6,493 4,757 - - - 357 - - - - -
Total 119,534 9,563 53,242 43,541 3,263 - 207 9,717 - - - - - -
Male 57,757 4,735 25,748 19,877 872 - 104 6,423 - - - - - -
Female 61,776 4,828 27,495 23,664 2,391 - 104 3,295 - - - - - -
Total 70,944 6,598 27,282 30,421 2,029 - 207 4,408 - - - - - -
Male 33,283 3,268 13,638 12,659 872 - 104 2,743 - - - - - -
Female 37,661 3,329 13,644 17,762 1,157 - 104 1,665 - - - - - -
Total 48,590 2,966 25,960 13,120 1,234 - - 5,310 - - - - - -
Male 24,474 1,467 12,110 7,218 - - - 3,679 - - - - - -
Female 24,116 1,499 13,851 5,902 1,234 - - 1,630 - - - - - -
Table 3.5c Cont’d
Current Region of Previous Residence Rural
Place of
Age Group Benishangul- Addis Dire Out Side Not
and Sex Total Tigray Afar Amhara Oromia Somali Gumuz SNNPR Gambella Harari Ababa Dawa Ethiopia stated

Total 1,914,379 76,188 12,868 1,661,715 126,938 2,006 20,794 9,243 2,688 922 703 - - 315
Male 813,145 36,388 4,990 676,913 72,413 2,006 12,573 4,785 1,263 832 667 - - 315
Female 1,101,235 39,799 7,878 984,802 54,526 - 8,221 4,458 1,425 90 36 - - -
Total 864,428 17,079 2,783 823,741 11,409 452 2,354 6,063 - 159 72 - - 315
Male 359,697 7,016 1,027 339,747 6,385 452 1,783 2,868 - 69 36 - - 315
Female 504,731 10,062 1,757 483,994 5,025 - 572 3,195 - 90 36 - - -
Total 1,049,952 59,109 10,085 837,974 115,529 1,554 18,439 3,180 2,688 763 632 - - -
Male 453,448 29,372 3,963 337,166 66,028 1,554 10,791 1,917 1,263 763 632 - - -
Female 596,504 29,737 6,122 500,808 49,501 - 7,649 1,263 1,425 - - - - -
Total 2,932,848 28,093 5,558 196,115 2,446,266 24,831 8,919 210,297 511 9,634 1,236 1,389 - -
Male 1,236,410 17,338 2,658 102,610 1,007,225 13,126 3,421 83,250 82 5,737 962 - - -
Female 1,696,438 10,755 2,900 93,505 1,439,040 11,704 5,498 127,046 429 3,897 274 1,389 - -
Total 1,196,237 4,876 2,160 87,843 983,440 8,935 161 104,449 511 2,939 417 506 - -
Male 558,524 3,352 901 46,982 450,026 4,234 70 51,203 82 1,531 143 - - -
Female 637,713 1,524 1,260 40,862 533,413 4,701 90 53,246 429 1,408 274 506 - -
Total 1,736,610 23,217 3,398 108,272 1,462,826 15,895 8,758 105,847 - 6,695 819 883 - -
Male 677,886 13,986 1,758 55,629 557,199 8,892 3,350 32,047 - 4,206 819 - - -
Female 1,058,724 9,231 1,640 52,644 905,627 7,003 5,407 73,801 - 2,489 - 883 - -
Total 45,093 521 697 2,446 10,848 26,674 - 3,238 - 272 79 318 - -
Male 19,892 484 - 991 4,332 12,460 - 1,431 - 58 - 138 - -
Female 25,201 38 697 1,456 6,516 14,214 - 1,808 - 214 79 180 - -
Total 24,213 84 72 2,446 8,097 9,606 - 3,238 - 272 79 318 - -
Male 10,166 46 - 991 3,420 4,082 - 1,431 - 58 - 138 - -
Female 14,047 38 72 1,456 4,678 5,523 - 1,808 - 214 79 180 - -
Total 20,880 437 625 - 2,750 17,068 - - - - - - - -
Male 9,727 437 - - 912 8,377 - - - - - - - -
Female 11,154 - 625 - 1,838 8,690 - - - - - - - -
Table 3.5c Cont’d
Current Region of Previous Residence Rural
Place of
Age Group Benishangul- Addis Dire Out Side Not
and Sex Total Tigray Afar Amhara Oromia Somali Gumuz SNNPR Gambella Harari Ababa Dawa Ethiopia stated

Total 177,025 2,734 - 73,710 47,109 108 49,260 4,104 - - - - - -
Male 85,072 1,763 - 36,551 22,909 - 21,822 2,027 - - - - - -
Female 91,953 972 - 37,159 24,200 108 27,438 2,077 - - - - - -
Total 51,167 704 - 16,537 7,807 108 25,229 781 - - - - - -
Male 24,045 429 - 7,552 3,870 - 11,829 365 - - - - - -
Female 27,121 275 - 8,985 3,938 108 13,400 415 - - - - - -
Total 125,859 2,030 - 57,173 39,301 - 24,031 3,324 - - - - - -
Male 61,027 1,333 - 28,999 19,039 - 9,993 1,662 - - - - - -
Female 64,832 696 - 28,174 20,262 - 14,038 1,662 - - - - - -
Total 1,378,201 49,853 15,272 72,637 60,989 1,690 218 1,168,529 3,905 31 3,452 1,625 - -
Male 527,406 16,179 6,998 36,057 32,981 575 106 428,737 2,173 31 2,465 1,103 - -
Female 850,795 33,674 8,273 36,580 28,008 1,114 111 739,792 1,732 - 987 522 - -
Total 568,417 7,517 370 13,953 17,164 122 218 524,853 1,771 31 2,356 61 - -
Male 260,237 2,903 316 6,102 9,039 53 106 239,661 596 31 1,369 61 - -
Female 308,180 4,614 54 7,852 8,125 70 111 285,192 1,176 - 987 - - -
Total 809,784 42,336 14,902 58,684 43,825 1,567 - 643,677 2,134 - 1,096 1,564 - -
Male 267,169 13,276 6,682 29,955 23,943 522 - 189,076 1,577 - 1,096 1,042 - -
Female 542,615 29,060 8,219 28,729 19,883 1,045 - 454,601 557 - - 522 - -
Total 57,461 1,118 22 7,516 7,858 - 872 16,571 23,503 - - - - -
Male 29,001 712 22 4,338 3,549 - 408 8,854 11,118 - - - - -
Female 28,460 406 - 3,178 4,310 - 465 7,717 12,385 - - - - -
Total 22,217 872 22 2,021 2,780 - - 2,868 13,654 - - - - -
Male 10,507 511 22 1,065 1,261 - - 1,533 6,115 - - - - -
Female 11,710 361 - 956 1,519 - - 1,335 7,539 - - - - -
Total 35,244 246 - 5,495 5,078 - 872 13,703 9,849 - - - - -
Male 18,494 201 - 3,273 2,288 - 408 7,321 5,003 - - - - -
Female 16,751 45 - 2,221 2,790 - 465 6,382 4,847 - - - - -
Table 3.5c Cont’d
Current Region of Previous Residence Rural
Place of
Age Group Benishangul- Addis Dire Out Side Not
and Sex Total Tigray Afar Amhara Oromia Somali Gumuz SNNPR Gambella Harari Ababa Dawa Ethiopia stated

Total 22,626 707 74 3,241 12,956 222 - 4,685 99 412 174 56 - -
Male 8,945 375 25 1,356 4,489 133 - 2,176 - 239 97 56 - -
Female 13,681 332 49 1,884 8,467 89 - 2,510 99 173 77 - - -
Total 19,353 597 74 3,241 9,819 222 - 4,685 99 387 174 56 - -
Male 7,973 265 25 1,356 3,652 133 - 2,176 - 214 97 56 - -
Female 11,381 332 49 1,884 6,167 89 - 2,510 99 173 77 - - -
Total 3,273 110 - - 3,137 - - - - 25 - - - -
Male 973 110 - - 837 - - - - 25 - - - -
Female 2,300 - - - 2,300 - - - - - - - - -
Total 714,125 26,362 1,749 257,122 183,806 399 474 241,383 - 2,138 - 477 - 214
Male 294,332 11,720 1,150 93,928 69,863 237 283 116,037 - 931 - 182 - -
Female 419,792 14,642 599 163,194 113,943 163 191 125,346 - 1,207 - 295 - 214
Total 714,125 26,362 1,749 257,122 183,806 399 474 241,383 - 2,138 - 477 - 214
Male 294,332 11,720 1,150 93,928 69,863 237 283 116,037 - 931 - 182 - -
Female 419,792 14,642 599 163,194 113,943 163 191 125,346 - 1,207 - 295 - 214
Total 46,917 264 - 3,798 27,578 3,129 54 10,065 - 243 73 1,713 - -
Male 19,854 264 - 1,718 9,781 1,693 54 5,217 - 139 - 988 - -
Female 27,063 - - 2,080 17,797 1,436 - 4,848 - 104 73 725 - -
Total 42,571 214 - 3,763 24,395 2,571 54 10,065 - 156 73 1,280 - -
Male 18,109 214 - 1,683 8,818 1,348 54 5,217 - 52 - 722 - -
Female 24,462 - - 2,080 15,576 1,223 - 4,848 - 104 73 557 - -
Total 4,347 50 - 35 3,184 558 - - - 87 - 434 - -
Male 1,746 50 - 35 963 345 - - - 87 - 266 - -
Female 2,601 - - - 2,221 213 - - - - - 168 - -
Table 3.6a Migrants Population by age group, sex and main reason for migration- COUNTRY TOTAL: 2013
Main Reason for Migration
Job To live
Age transfer/ Along Return Family/
Group All Search Marriage Marriage have Dismissed Displacement with back to Shortage Health peer/ Not 
And Sex Persons for work Education arrangement dissolution got job from work /war drought family home of land problem pressure Other Stated
All ages
Total 12,115,263 2,916,934 723,706 1,975,415 211,692 534,383 103,136 532,556 2,777,473 551,307 565,736 293,196 188,283 740,421 1,026
Male 5,393,772 1,746,810 345,974 123,783 23,386 369,581 76,072 279,922 1,276,043 241,316 376,151 130,643 74,378 329,657 55
Female 6,721,492 1,170,124 377,732 1,851,632 188,306 164,802 27,064 252,634 1,501,430 309,990 189,584 162,552 113,905 410,765 971
Total 209,532 - - - - - - 9,731 136,115 36,390 - 5,152 - 22,144  ‐
Male 104,082 - - - - - - 5,955 67,970 19,180 - 2,292 - 8,685  ‐
Female 105,450 - - - - - - 3,776 68,145 17,210 - 2,859 - 13,460  ‐
Total 521,871 - - - - - - 27,739 338,039 88,028 - 19,352 - 48,713  ‐
Male 236,012 - - - - - - 12,192 158,920 40,830 - 7,697 - 16,373  ‐
Female 285,859 - - - - - - 15,547 179,120 47,198 - 11,655 - 32,339  ‐
Total 800,088 69,254 73,215 2,006 3,415 3,498 6,441 28,971 439,249 81,083 7,102 3,760 27,243 54,852  ‐
Male 344,163 36,239 20,827 805 1,788 118 2,962 16,208 198,544 34,901 3,218 1,868 8,673 18,013  ‐
Female 455,925 33,015 52,388 1,202 1,627 3,380 3,479 12,762 240,705 46,182 3,884 1,892 18,570 36,839  ‐
Total 1,107,588 261,569 176,446 92,747 7,342 6,811 4,516 35,280 370,996 60,083 11,170 11,595 18,209 50,824  ‐
Male 433,296 94,680 64,707 4,347 424 2,468 2,196 17,280 177,495 33,448 4,749 3,245 5,962 22,296  ‐
Female 674,292 166,889 111,739 88,400 6,918 4,344 2,320 18,000 193,501 26,635 6,421 8,350 12,247 28,528  ‐
Total 1,583,194 505,753 176,976 284,763 14,265 52,724 8,463 24,951 319,356 52,317 40,438 18,772 22,600 61,815  ‐
Male 609,600 236,237 72,571 7,693 1,246 28,927 4,327 12,867 150,500 25,452 26,645 8,981 8,116 26,039  ‐
Female 973,593 269,516 104,405 277,070 13,019 23,797 4,136 12,084 168,856 26,866 13,794 9,791 14,484 35,776  ‐
Total 1,798,401 591,091 125,763 366,462 27,829 127,601 12,077 39,135 259,364 41,824 76,997 20,010 26,319 83,872 55
Male 806,851 362,137 74,169 13,297 4,514 82,643 7,152 19,906 126,462 15,167 44,179 9,643 8,423 39,103 55
Female 991,550 228,953 51,594 353,165 23,315 44,958 4,925 19,229 132,902 26,657 32,818 10,367 17,896 44,770  ‐
Total 1,165,842 344,039 54,168 245,554 22,568 75,777 11,816 49,391 172,051 22,676 80,075 16,570 13,762 57,395  ‐
Male 533,226 227,999 36,452 16,162 2,599 52,329 6,838 21,779 69,739 6,132 53,517 8,294 6,044 25,341  ‐
Female 632,616 116,039 17,716 229,392 19,969 23,448 4,978 27,612 102,312 16,545 26,558 8,276 7,718 32,054  ‐
Total 1,192,454 324,593 41,318 249,908 30,678 83,993 17,260 49,650 164,702 40,025 83,009 27,504 16,562 62,282 971
Male 551,318 216,779 24,555 16,736 1,185 62,348 15,178 18,493 66,337 17,303 57,163 11,961 10,404 32,877  ‐
Female 641,135 107,814 16,763 233,172 29,493 21,645 2,082 31,158 98,365 22,723 25,845 15,542 6,158 29,406 971


Table 3.6a Cont’d

Main Reason for Migration
Job To live Return
Marriage Marriage transfer/ Displacemen Along back Family/
Age Group All Search for arrangem dissolutio have Dismissed t /war with to Shortage Health peer/ Not 
And Sex Persons work Education ent n got job from work drought family home of land problem pressure Other Stated

Total 838,264 209,695 24,775 216,437 21,258 47,748 11,398 50,551 103,854 22,122 53,035 17,212 9,897 50,282  ‐
Male 402,909 149,773 16,204 17,935 1,707 33,964 10,052 29,205 55,942 12,694 37,121 9,363 2,928 26,021  ‐
Female 435,355 59,922 8,571 198,502 19,551 13,784 1,346 21,346 47,912 9,427 15,915 7,849 6,969 24,261  ‐
Total 711,618 159,835 15,908 172,287 18,105 42,960 6,811 44,584 99,976 18,789 56,199 17,592 14,981 43,592  ‐
Male 330,562 106,141 11,509 15,459 1,615 34,608 6,244 26,589 47,082 9,851 35,366 9,361 3,523 23,215  ‐
Female 381,056 53,694 4,399 156,828 16,490 8,352 568 17,995 52,894 8,938 20,833 8,231 11,458 20,377  ‐
Total 566,366 125,950 18,398 134,574 18,677 32,916 7,599 40,688 70,307 14,773 38,333 22,867 6,744 34,537  ‐
Male 253,743 82,723 12,553 9,932 1,350 24,061 6,519 21,995 30,072 7,370 27,175 9,492 3,722 16,779  ‐
Female 312,622 43,226 5,845 124,642 17,327 8,856 1,080 18,693 40,236 7,403 11,158 13,375 3,022 17,759  ‐
Total 453,171 90,683 9,345 111,074 11,731 22,177 8,612 40,998 66,855 8,996 26,138 14,165 9,169 33,228  ‐
Male 219,550 65,420 5,920 11,280 1,338 16,758 7,810 24,743 30,847 3,042 21,967 7,693 5,851 16,882  ‐
Female 233,620 25,264 3,425 99,794 10,393 5,419 803 16,255 36,007 5,953 4,171 6,472 3,318 16,345  ‐
Total 401,456 81,983 7,394 99,603 11,824 15,644 3,437 35,469 55,084 6,815 33,317 20,062 5,267 25,557  ‐
Male 190,100 57,542 6,507 10,137 148 13,908 3,095 22,972 24,310 2,660 19,352 11,072 3,033 15,366  ‐
Female 211,356 24,441 887 89,467 11,677 1,736 343 12,497 30,774 4,155 13,966 8,990 2,234 10,191  ‐
Total 765,420 152,491 - - 24,000 22,533 4,703 55,419 181,525 57,385 59,921 78,584 17,530 111,328  ‐
Male 378,358 111,140 - - 5,473 17,448 3,700 29,739 71,824 13,287 45,700 29,681 7,699 42,667  ‐
Female 387,061 41,350 - - 18,527 5,085 1,003 25,680 109,701 44,099 14,222 48,903 9,831 68,661  ‐
Table 3.6b Migrants Population by age group, sex and main reason for migration COUNTRY - URBAN: 2013
Main Reason for Migration
Job To live
Age transfer/ Along Return Family/
Group All Search Marriage Marriage have Dismissed Displacement with back to Shortage Health peer/ Not 
And Sex Persons for work Education arrangement dissolution got job from work /war drought family home of land problem pressure Other Stated
All ages
Total 6,537,455 2,169,030 624,816 572,641 91,402 406,834 49,415 205,854 1,544,841 193,460 69,099 141,623 99,692 368,693 55
Male 2,921,238 1,217,202 282,006 39,234 10,295 288,142 31,457 91,232 614,634 77,333 40,646 52,289 31,617 145,095 55
Female 3,616,217 951,828 342,809 533,407 81,107 118,692 17,958 114,623 930,207 116,128 28,453 89,334 68,074 223,598  ‐
Total 110,136 - - - - - - 3,566 84,824 11,326 - 1,989 - 8,431  ‐
Male 54,802 - - - - - - 1,758 44,119 4,505 - 723 - 3,697  ‐
Female 55,334 - - - - - - 1,808 40,704 6,821 - 1,266 - 4,734  ‐
Total 297,745 - - - - - - 13,262 217,494 30,536 - 11,723 - 24,731  ‐
Male 131,914 - - - - - - 5,043 100,714 15,851 - 4,089 - 6,217  ‐
Female 165,831 - - - - - - 8,219 116,781 14,684 - 7,634 - 18,513  ‐
Total 460,559 37,938 68,719 529 1,975 702 4,679 10,129 261,722 26,810 399 2,919 14,072 29,966  ‐
Male 173,707 9,785 18,720 - 348 118 2,303 4,819 112,879 12,674 335 1,062 2,720 7,945  ‐
Female 286,851 28,153 50,000 529 1,627 584 2,375 5,310 148,843 14,136 65 1,856 11,352 22,021  ‐
Total 702,542 193,171 162,953 23,339 3,817 3,106 3,253 15,804 229,032 24,228 1,749 3,297 10,073 28,718  ‐
Male 251,203 49,783 58,179 523 390 933 1,291 7,172 106,316 13,414 602 1,037 2,496 9,066  ‐
Female 451,338 143,388 104,775 22,816 3,427 2,173 1,961 8,632 122,716 10,814 1,148 2,260 7,577 19,652  ‐
Total 914,188 366,493 149,826 98,860 5,839 32,705 3,589 14,058 165,856 18,003 4,689 9,555 11,375 33,340  ‐
Male 341,328 157,007 61,273 2,043 454 17,687 1,648 5,611 70,029 7,721 1,806 1,227 3,285 11,537  ‐
Female 572,860 209,486 88,553 96,817 5,385 15,018 1,941 8,447 95,827 10,282 2,883 8,329 8,090 21,802  ‐
Total 1,015,451 436,076 101,638 121,539 12,685 79,101 7,542 17,214 139,885 18,117 9,516 11,156 13,799 47,128 55
Male 461,757 253,056 54,756 5,824 1,024 50,430 3,812 7,977 48,300 5,667 4,272 4,111 3,873 18,600 55
Female 553,694 183,021 46,882 115,715 11,661 28,671 3,730 9,237 91,584 12,451 5,244 7,045 9,926 28,528  ‐
Total 632,478 268,324 44,420 72,846 7,420 50,643 5,917 15,961 96,591 9,949 10,858 9,594 7,124 32,831  ‐
Male 321,765 175,889 27,801 7,343 592 36,062 3,459 6,275 33,040 3,525 6,508 4,355 2,391 14,524  ‐
Female 310,713 92,435 16,619 65,502 6,827 14,581 2,458 9,686 63,552 6,425 4,350 5,239 4,732 18,307  ‐
Total 615,219 242,290 35,949 70,021 12,061 71,995 6,942 15,996 88,354 13,335 10,551 11,317 6,562 29,846  ‐
Male 302,332 153,830 19,492 6,589 948 53,563 5,842 5,904 25,819 3,176 5,929 4,033 4,032 13,175  ‐
Female 312,887 88,460 16,456 63,433 11,113 18,432 1,099 10,093 62,534 10,159 4,622 7,284 2,531 16,671  ‐


Table 3.6b Cont’d

Main Reason for Migration
Job To live
Age transfer/ Along Return Family/
Group All Search Marriage Marriage have Dismissed Displacement with back to Shortage Health peer/ Not 
And Sex Persons for work Education arrangement dissolution got job from work /war drought family home of land problem pressure Other Stated

Total 402,741 155,882 20,577 49,244 8,365 43,374 4,838 17,718 48,781 5,875 9,693 10,614 7,302 20,477  ‐
Male 215,416 110,754 12,052 3,031 850 30,721 4,014 8,075 18,871 2,225 6,572 5,974 2,060 10,220  ‐
Female 187,325 45,128 8,526 46,214 7,515 12,654 824 9,643 29,910 3,651 3,121 4,640 5,242 10,257  ‐
Total 341,421 123,778 13,061 46,061 7,420 40,914 2,492 18,012 45,931 4,205 4,299 8,669 7,982 18,598  ‐
Male 167,666 79,395 9,346 4,501 537 32,561 1,924 8,195 12,538 697 3,652 3,234 3,327 7,758  ‐
Female 173,755 44,384 3,715 41,560 6,883 8,352 568 9,816 33,392 3,508 647 5,434 4,655 10,841  ‐
Total 275,327 95,578 13,555 37,377 9,083 31,020 2,129 14,474 33,957 4,286 5,489 10,028 3,630 14,721  ‐
Male 127,796 58,564 10,028 3,852 1,305 22,337 1,277 5,899 8,438 630 3,627 3,728 1,169 6,942  ‐
Female 147,532 37,014 3,527 33,525 7,778 8,682 852 8,575 25,520 3,656 1,862 6,300 2,461 7,780  ‐
Total 214,246 70,870 8,096 26,482 5,774 21,355 3,552 16,163 29,694 3,182 3,001 7,210 4,089 14,778  ‐
Male 108,346 48,945 5,225 3,371 1,338 16,585 2,749 6,778 7,947 607 2,449 3,779 1,600 6,972  ‐
Female 105,899 21,925 2,871 23,111 4,436 4,770 803 9,385 21,747 2,574 552 3,431 2,489 7,806  ‐
Total 186,271 62,980 6,021 26,343 6,598 14,813 1,075 12,120 23,018 2,607 2,806 9,105 4,234 14,549  ‐
Male 88,569 40,801 5,135 2,157 148 13,077 732 6,627 5,442 688 1,304 3,220 2,097 7,139  ‐
Female 97,702 22,179 887 24,186 6,451 1,736 343 5,492 17,576 1,919 1,501 5,885 2,137 7,410  ‐
Total 369,132 115,650 - - 10,364 17,106 3,409 21,377 79,701 21,001 6,047 34,448 9,450 50,578  ‐
Male 174,637 79,394 - - 2,361 14,068 2,406 11,099 20,181 5,952 3,590 11,717 2,567 21,303  ‐
Female 194,495 36,256 - - 8,003 3,038 1,003 10,279 59,520 15,049 2,458 22,730 6,883 29,276  ‐
Table 3.6c Migrants Population by age group, sex and main reason for migration COUNTRY - RURAL: 2013
Main Reason for Migration
Job To live
Age transfer/ Along Return Family/
Group All Search Marriage Marriage have Dismissed Displacement with back to Shortage Health peer/ Not 
And Sex Persons for work Education arrangement dissolution got job from work /war drought family home of land problem pressure Other Stated
All ages
Total 5,577,808 747,904 98,891 1,402,774 120,291 127,549 53,721 326,701 1,232,632 357,846 496,637 151,573 88,592 371,728 971
Male 2,472,534 529,608 63,968 84,549 13,091 81,439 44,614 188,690 661,409 163,984 335,506 78,354 42,761 184,562  ‐
Female 3,105,275 218,296 34,923 1,318,225 107,200 46,110 9,106 138,011 571,224 193,863 161,131 73,219 45,830 187,166 971
Total 99,396 - - - - - - 6,165 51,291 25,063 - 3,163 - 13,714  ‐
Male 49,279 - - - - - - 4,198 23,850 14,675 - 1,569 - 4,988  ‐
Female 50,116 - - - - - - 1,968 27,441 10,389 - 1,593 - 8,726  ‐
Total 224,126 - - - - - - 14,476 120,545 57,492 - 7,629 - 23,982  ‐
Male 104,098 - - - - - - 7,148 58,206 24,979 - 3,608 - 10,156  ‐
Female 120,028 - - - - - - 7,328 62,339 32,514 - 4,021 - 13,826  ‐
Total 339,530 31,316 4,496 1,477 1,440 2,796 1,762 18,841 177,526 54,273 6,703 841 13,171 24,886  ‐
Male 170,456 26,454 2,107 805 1,440 - 658 11,389 85,665 22,227 2,884 805 5,953 10,069  ‐
Female 169,074 4,862 2,389 672 - 2,796 1,104 7,452 91,861 32,046 3,819 36 7,218 14,817  ‐
Total 405,046 68,397 13,493 69,408 3,525 3,705 1,264 19,475 141,964 35,855 9,421 8,298 8,136 22,105  ‐
Male 182,093 44,897 6,529 3,824 34 1,534 905 10,107 71,179 20,034 4,147 2,208 3,465 13,230  ‐
Female 222,954 23,501 6,964 65,584 3,491 2,171 359 9,368 70,785 15,821 5,274 6,090 4,671 8,875  ‐
Total 669,006 139,260 27,150 185,903 8,427 20,019 4,874 10,893 153,500 34,314 35,749 9,216 11,225 28,475  ‐
Male 268,272 79,230 11,298 5,650 792 11,240 2,679 7,257 80,470 17,730 24,838 7,754 4,831 14,501  ‐
Female 400,734 60,030 15,852 180,253 7,635 8,779 2,195 3,637 73,029 16,584 10,911 1,462 6,394 13,974  ‐
Total 782,950 155,014 24,125 244,923 15,144 48,500 4,536 21,921 119,479 23,707 67,482 8,854 12,520 36,745  ‐
Male 345,094 109,082 19,413 7,473 3,490 32,213 3,340 11,929 78,161 9,501 39,907 5,532 4,550 20,503  ‐
Female 437,856 45,932 4,712 237,450 11,654 16,287 1,195 9,992 41,318 14,207 27,575 3,322 7,970 16,241  ‐
Total 533,364 75,715 9,748 172,708 15,149 25,134 5,899 33,430 75,460 12,727 69,217 6,976 6,638 24,564  ‐
Male 211,461 52,111 8,651 8,819 2,007 16,267 3,379 15,504 36,699 2,607 47,009 3,938 3,653 10,817  ‐
Female 321,903 23,605 1,098 163,889 13,142 8,867 2,520 17,926 38,760 10,120 22,207 3,037 2,986 13,747  ‐
Total 577,235 82,303 5,369 179,886 18,616 11,998 10,319 33,654 76,348 26,691 72,458 16,187 9,999 32,436 971
Male 248,987 62,948 5,063 10,147 237 8,785 9,336 12,589 40,518 14,126 51,235 7,929 6,372 19,702  ‐
Female 328,248 19,355 306 169,739 18,380 3,213 983 21,065 35,830 12,564 21,223 8,258 3,627 12,735 971


Table 3.6c Cont’d

Main Reason for Migration
Job To live
Age transfer/ Along Return Family/
Group All Search Marriage Marriage have Dismissed Displacement with back to Shortage Health peer/ Not 
And Sex Persons for work Education arrangement dissolution got job from work /war drought family home of land problem pressure Other Stated

Total 435,523 53,814 4,198 167,193 12,893 4,374 6,560 32,833 55,073 16,246 43,342 6,599 2,595 29,805  ‐
Male 187,494 39,019 4,152 14,904 857 3,244 6,038 21,130 37,071 10,470 30,549 3,390 868 15,801  ‐
Female 248,030 14,794 45 152,289 12,036 1,130 522 11,703 18,002 5,777 12,793 3,209 1,727 14,004  ‐
Total 370,198 36,056 2,847 126,226 10,685 2,046 4,320 26,572 54,046 14,584 51,900 8,923 6,999 24,994  ‐
Male 162,896 26,747 2,163 10,959 1,077 2,046 4,320 18,393 34,544 9,154 31,714 6,126 196 15,457  ‐
Female 207,301 9,310 684 115,268 9,608 - - 8,179 19,502 5,430 20,186 2,797 6,803 9,536  ‐
Total 291,038 30,371 4,843 97,197 9,594 1,897 5,470 26,214 36,350 10,487 32,845 12,839 3,115 19,816  ‐
Male 125,947 24,159 2,525 6,080 45 1,723 5,242 16,096 21,634 6,740 23,548 5,764 2,553 9,837  ‐
Female 165,091 6,212 2,318 91,117 9,549 173 228 10,118 14,716 3,747 9,297 7,075 561 9,979  ‐
Total 238,925 19,814 1,249 84,593 5,957 822 5,060 24,836 37,161 5,814 23,136 6,955 5,080 18,449  ‐
Male 111,204 16,474 695 7,909 - 173 5,060 17,965 22,900 2,435 19,517 3,914 4,251 9,910  ‐
Female 127,721 3,339 554 76,684 5,957 648 - 6,870 14,261 3,379 3,619 3,041 829 8,539  ‐
Total 215,185 19,002 1,373 73,260 5,226 831 2,362 23,349 32,065 4,208 30,511 10,957 1,033 11,008  ‐
Male 101,531 16,741 1,373 7,979 - 831 2,362 16,344 18,867 1,972 18,047 7,852 936 8,226  ‐
Female 113,654 2,262 - 65,281 5,226 - - 7,004 13,198 2,236 12,464 3,105 98 2,781  ‐
Total 396,288 36,841 - - 13,635 5,427 1,295 34,041 101,824 36,384 53,874 44,137 8,080 60,750  ‐
Male 203,722 31,746 - - 3,112 3,380 1,295 18,640 51,643 7,334 42,110 17,964 5,132 21,365  ‐
Female 192,566 5,094 - - 10,524 2,046 - 15,401 50,181 29,050 11,764 26,173 2,948 39,385  ‐
Table 3.7 Migrant Population of Regions by Main Reason for Migration, Sex and Place of Residence: 2013
Main Reason for Migration
Place of Job To live
All Return Family/
Residence Search Marriage Marriage transfer/ Displacement/ Along Shortage Health Not
Persons Education Dismissed back to peer/ Other
and Sex for work arrangement dissolution have war drought with of land problem stated
from work home pressure
got job family
Urban + Rural 
Total 12,115,263 2,916,934 723,706 1,975,415 211,692 534,383 103,136 532,556 2,777,473 551,307 565,736 293,196 188,283 740,421 1,026
Male 5,393,772 1,746,810 345,974 123,783 23,386 369,581 76,072 279,922 1,276,043 241,316 376,151 130,643 74,378 329,657 55
Female 6,721,492 1,170,124 377,732 1,851,632 188,306 164,802 27,064 252,634 1,501,430 309,990 189,584 162,552 113,905 410,765 971
Urban  RURAL 
Total 6,537,455 2,169,030 624,816 572,641 91,402 406,834 49,415 205,854 1,544,841 193,460 69,099 141,623 99,692 368,693 55
Male 2,921,238 1,217,202 282,006 39,234 10,295 288,142 31,457 91,232 614,634 77,333 40,646 52,289 31,617 145,095 55
Female 3,616,217 951,828 342,809 533,407 81,107 118,692 17,958 114,623 930,207 116,128 28,453 89,334 68,074 223,598 -
Rural  URBAN
Total 5,577,808 747,904 98,891 1,402,774 120,291 127,549 53,721 326,701 1,232,632 357,846 496,637 151,573 88,592 371,728 971
Male 2,472,534 529,608 63,968 84,549 13,091 81,439 44,614 188,690 661,409 163,984 335,506 78,354 42,761 184,562 -
Female 3,105,275 218,296 34,923 1,318,225 107,200 46,110 9,106 138,011 571,224 193,863 161,131 73,219 45,830 187,166 971
Urban + Rural 
Total 850,711 176,358 40,532 119,332 12,104 52,906 13,670 85,519 178,317 56,048 36,339 16,656 6,388 56,541 -
Male 389,999 101,474 18,129 15,422 2,421 34,168 11,467 40,849 79,154 27,383 18,685 6,682 2,901 31,264 -
Female 460,712 74,884 22,403 103,910 9,683 18,738 2,203 44,671 99,163 28,665 17,654 9,974 3,487 25,278 -
Total 512,067 132,159 35,160 55,838 6,216 35,567 7,587 49,790 107,269 38,705 8,899 8,051 1,936 24,889 -
Male 222,413 70,673 13,964 6,470 1,230 23,171 5,749 20,732 43,770 16,968 4,465 2,815 455 11,950 -
Female 289,654 61,486 21,196 49,368 4,986 12,396 1,838 29,058 63,499 21,737 4,434 5,236 1,481 12,940 -
Total 338,643 44,199 5,372 63,494 5,887 17,340 6,083 35,729 71,047 17,343 27,440 8,605 4,452 31,652 -
Male 167,586 30,801 4,165 8,951 1,191 10,997 5,718 20,116 35,384 10,415 14,220 3,867 2,446 19,314 -
Female 171,058 13,399 1,206 54,543 4,696 6,343 365 15,613 35,664 6,927 13,220 4,738 2,006 12,338 -
Urban + Rural 
Total 198,101 88,923 4,467 19,027 1,033 7,462 1,640 22,558 35,879 4,034 313 2,819 1,260 8,687 -
Male 98,558 51,594 2,522 1,926 220 5,231 779 11,615 15,280 2,011 210 1,347 271 5,554 -
Female 99,543 37,329 1,945 17,101 813 2,231 861 10,942 20,599 2,023 104 1,473 988 3,133 -
Total 123,252 55,299 3,767 9,411 614 5,290 1,640 13,428 24,364 1,729 104 1,046 1,050 5,512 -
Male 58,016 29,645 2,103 250 11 3,339 779 7,051 10,539 754 - 686 271 2,588 -
Female 65,237 25,653 1,664 9,161 604 1,950 861 6,378 13,825 975 104 361 779 2,924 -
Total 74,848 33,625 700 9,616 419 2,172 - 9,129 11,515 2,305 210 1,773 210 3,175 -
Male 40,542 21,948 419 1,676 210 1,891 - 4,565 4,740 1,257 210 661 - 2,966 -
Female 34,306 11,676 281 7,940 210 281 - 4,565 6,775 1,048 - 1,112 210 210 -
Table 3.7 Cont’d
Main Reason for Migration
Place of Job To live
All Return Family/
Residence Search Marriage Marriage transfer/ Displacement/ Along Shortage Health Not
Persons Education Dismissed back to peer/ Other
and Sex for work arrangement dissolution have war drought with of land problem stated
from work home pressure
got job family
Urban + Rural 
Total 2,705,787 515,212 141,137 434,096 67,311 132,543 17,729 193,880 562,531 225,624 127,613 86,638 35,994 165,480 -
Male 1,208,941 305,356 67,132 36,392 9,548 92,050 13,379 101,542 283,131 95,940 81,853 37,711 14,507 70,399 -
Female 1,496,846 209,855 74,004 397,704 57,763 40,493 4,349 92,338 279,400 129,684 45,760 48,928 21,487 95,081 -
Total 1,383,153 373,747 117,321 131,245 31,954 104,868 12,362 47,699 337,614 50,205 26,755 52,901 20,862 75,619 -
Male 603,462 195,517 51,880 11,231 4,707 73,926 8,644 22,290 140,752 19,903 15,955 19,748 6,842 32,067 -
Female 779,691 178,230 65,441 120,015 27,248 30,942 3,718 25,409 196,862 30,302 10,800 33,153 14,020 43,552 -
Total 1,322,634 141,465 23,816 302,851 35,357 27,675 5,367 146,181 224,917 175,419 100,858 33,738 15,132 89,860 -
Male 605,479 109,839 15,252 25,161 4,841 18,124 4,735 79,252 142,379 76,037 65,898 17,963 7,665 38,332 -
Female 717,155 31,626 8,564 277,689 30,515 9,551 632 66,929 82,538 99,381 34,960 15,775 7,466 51,528 -
Urban + Rural 
Total 4,420,556 937,003 223,311 799,439 82,284 201,661 31,390 107,963 1,133,990 156,207 255,609 100,175 86,135 304,420 971
Male 1,963,708 611,985 113,064 29,992 7,329 136,308 24,762 63,564 507,893 69,231 178,503 45,071 37,584 138,422 -
Female 2,456,848 325,018 110,247 769,447 74,955 65,353 6,628 44,399 626,096 86,976 77,105 55,104 48,551 165,998 971
Total 1,971,484 582,277 187,940 171,779 30,318 140,068 11,040 34,260 545,154 40,793 21,484 32,157 31,244 142,970 -
Male 922,803 366,602 91,811 7,439 2,967 101,509 6,924 15,775 218,937 16,799 12,654 12,900 10,713 57,774 -
Female 1,048,681 215,675 96,128 164,340 27,350 38,559 4,117 18,485 326,218 23,994 8,830 19,257 20,530 85,196 -
Total 2,449,072 354,726 35,371 627,660 51,966 61,593 20,350 73,703 588,835 115,413 234,124 68,018 54,891 161,450 971
Male 1,040,905 245,383 21,252 22,553 4,362 34,799 17,838 47,789 288,957 52,432 165,849 32,172 26,870 80,648 -
Female 1,408,167 109,342 14,119 605,107 47,604 26,793 2,512 25,914 299,879 62,981 68,275 35,847 28,021 80,802 971
Urban + Rural 
Total 120,011 30,268 2,964 13,309 1,411 3,775 753 19,494 30,947 4,190 5,076 1,497 1,091 5,236 -
Male 56,430 17,755 2,003 2,596 354 2,728 403 9,255 12,953 1,542 3,078 720 512 2,529 -
Female 63,582 12,513 961 10,713 1,057 1,048 350 10,239 17,994 2,647 1,998 777 579 2,706 -
Total 72,405 23,219 2,508 4,955 644 3,547 297 10,494 20,969 1,668 99 1,041 776 2,189 -
Male 34,280 13,791 1,775 768 51 2,500 176 5,028 8,000 627 99 493 197 778 -
Female 38,125 9,428 733 4,187 593 1,048 122 5,466 12,969 1,041 - 548 579 1,411 -
Total 47,606 7,049 456 8,355 766 228 456 9,000 9,979 2,522 4,977 456 315 3,047 -
Male 22,150 3,964 228 1,828 303 228 228 4,227 4,954 915 2,979 228 315 1,751 -
Female 25,456 3,085 228 6,527 463 - 228 4,772 5,025 1,607 1,998 228 - 1,296 -
Table 3.7 Cont’d
Main Reason for Migration
Place of Job To live
All Return Family/
Residence Search Marriage Marriage transfer/ Displacement/ Along Shortage Health Not
Persons Education Dismissed back to peer/ Other
and Sex for work arrangement dissolution have war drought with of land problem stated
from work home pressure
got job family
Urban + Rural 
Total 229,400 59,141 5,565 22,981 1,473 8,406 1,366 23,324 51,109 3,349 33,355 3,592 2,889 12,795 55
Male 113,523 36,207 2,469 981 342 6,437 633 11,357 24,275 1,508 19,651 1,767 1,297 6,543 55
Female 115,878 22,933 3,095 22,001 1,131 1,968 733 11,966 26,834 1,840 13,705 1,825 1,593 6,253 -
Total 85,654 30,562 4,886 8,898 619 6,535 623 2,030 20,060 1,436 2,224 1,890 1,330 4,505 55
Male 41,880 19,217 2,007 533 16 4,951 172 754 9,068 743 1,246 647 574 1,897 55
Female 43,774 11,346 2,879 8,365 603 1,584 451 1,276 10,992 693 978 1,243 756 2,609 -
Total 143,746 28,578 679 14,083 854 1,870 743 21,294 31,049 1,912 31,131 1,702 1,560 8,290 -
Male 71,643 16,991 463 447 326 1,486 460 10,604 15,207 766 18,405 1,120 723 4,646 -
Female 72,104 11,588 216 13,636 528 384 283 10,690 15,843 1,147 12,726 582 837 3,644 -
Urban + Rural 
Total 2,081,085 416,817 136,831 463,585 34,459 79,202 28,823 44,844 493,905 76,445 100,449 53,960 31,266 120,498 -
Male 922,797 273,630 69,819 29,479 2,437 58,162 20,969 26,199 246,406 34,913 69,465 28,259 11,045 52,015 -
Female 1,158,288 143,187 67,012 434,107 32,022 21,040 7,854 18,645 247,500 41,533 30,985 25,701 20,221 68,483 -
Total 946,326 296,545 105,548 94,754 10,292 63,679 9,869 17,802 217,190 37,068 6,535 17,551 20,379 49,113 -
Male 431,584 185,220 48,418 6,015 693 45,251 6,125 6,866 84,122 14,916 4,096 6,419 6,737 16,705 -
Female 514,742 111,325 57,130 88,739 9,600 18,428 3,744 10,936 133,068 22,151 2,439 11,132 13,642 32,408 -
Total 1,134,758 120,272 31,283 368,831 24,166 15,523 18,954 27,042 276,715 39,378 93,914 36,409 10,886 71,385 -
Male 491,213 88,410 21,401 23,463 1,744 12,911 14,844 19,332 162,283 19,996 65,369 21,840 4,308 35,310 -
Female 643,546 31,862 9,882 345,368 22,422 2,612 4,110 7,709 114,431 19,381 28,545 14,569 6,578 36,075 -
Urban + Rural 
Total 94,447 29,627 5,012 6,794 835 2,494 1,885 6,085 29,725 2,790 3,886 809 1,128 3,378 -
Male 47,528 19,987 2,722 356 62 2,035 716 3,262 11,875 1,356 2,448 411 391 1,906 -
Female 46,919 9,639 2,290 6,438 772 459 1,168 2,823 17,850 1,434 1,438 398 737 1,471 -
Total 43,827 13,954 4,220 2,955 456 1,941 342 1,883 14,522 763 194 595 338 1,664 -
Male 21,410 9,231 2,235 171 17 1,593 80 756 5,736 328 61 242 38 922 -
Female 22,418 4,722 1,986 2,784 439 348 262 1,127 8,786 435 134 353 300 742 -
Total 50,620 15,673 792 3,839 379 553 1,543 4,202 15,202 2,027 3,692 214 791 1,714 -
Male 26,119 10,756 487 185 45 443 637 2,506 6,138 1,028 2,387 169 354 984 -
Female 24,501 4,917 305 3,654 333 111 906 1,697 9,064 999 1,305 45 437 729 -
Table 3.7 Cont’d
Main Reason for Migration
Place of Job To live
All Return Family/
Residence Search Marriage Marriage transfer/ Displacement/ Along Shortage Health Not
Persons Education Dismissed back to peer/ Other
and Sex for work arrangement dissolution have war drought with of land problem stated
from work home pressure
got job family
Urban + Rural 
Total 51,479 16,057 5,398 6,684 766 4,378 589 1,230 10,442 1,420 210 523 1,002 2,779 -
Male 22,491 9,369 2,251 441 82 3,537 353 530 3,394 619 157 295 354 1,110 -
Female 28,988 6,688 3,147 6,244 683 842 236 700 7,048 800 53 228 648 1,669 -
Total 46,784 15,684 5,232 4,720 552 4,353 554 1,075 9,837 933 24 523 818 2,480 -
Male 20,827 9,120 2,170 225 48 3,511 318 425 3,110 298 - 295 274 1,034 -
Female 25,956 6,564 3,061 4,495 505 842 236 650 6,727 635 24 228 544 1,446 -
Total 4,695 372 166 1,965 214 26 35 155 605 486 186 - 185 300 -
Male 1,664 249 81 216 35 26 35 105 284 321 157 - 80 76 -
Female 3,031 124 85 1,749 179 - - 51 320 166 30 - 105 223 -
Urban + Rural 
Total 1,245,627 607,207 147,021 81,474 8,261 35,749 4,269 25,121 221,715 18,685 2,780 23,423 18,737 51,184 -
Male 518,419 297,832 60,130 5,432 432 23,947 2,024 10,841 81,187 5,525 2,070 7,198 5,047 16,754 -
Female 727,208 309,375 86,891 76,042 7,829 11,802 2,245 14,279 140,528 13,160 710 16,226 13,690 34,430 -
Total 1,245,627 607,207 147,021 81,474 8,261 35,749 4,269 25,121 221,715 18,685 2,780 23,423 18,737 51,184 -
Male 518,419 297,832 60,130 5,432 432 23,947 2,024 10,841 81,187 5,525 2,070 7,198 5,047 16,754 -
Female 727,208 309,375 86,891 76,042 7,829 11,802 2,245 14,279 140,528 13,160 710 16,226 13,690 34,430 -
Urban + Rural 
Total 118,060 40,322 11,469 8,693 1,756 5,806 1,022 2,539 28,913 2,516 105 3,101 2,393 9,423 -
Male 51,378 21,620 5,733 767 158 4,978 586 908 10,496 1,287 32 1,182 469 3,160 -
Female 66,682 18,701 5,736 7,926 1,598 828 436 1,631 18,418 1,229 73 1,919 1,924 6,263 -
Total 106,874 38,378 11,213 6,613 1,474 5,237 832 2,273 26,146 1,475 - 2,444 2,222 8,568 -
Male 46,143 20,354 5,513 701 124 4,443 467 714 9,413 472 - 847 469 2,626 -
Female 60,731 18,024 5,700 5,912 1,350 793 365 1,560 16,732 1,003 - 1,598 1,753 5,942 -
Total 11,185 1,944 256 2,080 282 569 191 266 2,768 1,041 105 657 171 856 -
Male 5,235 1,267 220 66 34 535 119 195 1,082 815 32 336 - 534 -
Female 5,951 677 36 2,014 248 35 71 71 1,685 226 73 321 171 322 -
Table 3.8a Total Population by Disability Status, Type of Disability, Broad Age Group, and Sex - COUNTRY- TOTAL: 2013
Disability Status and Types of Disability
Types of Disability
Hearing Hearing Seeing
Broad Blind- Prob. Hearing and and
Age Group All Not Both Blind-One Both Prob. Speaking Speaking Speaking Hand/ Leg Had/Leg Leprosy Mental Mental
and Sex Persons Disabled Disabled Eyes Eye Ears One Ear Problem Problem Problem Amputated Paralyzed Problem Problem Retarded Epilepsy Others

Urban + Rural
All ages 80,444,148 78,015,106 2,429,042 249,149 433,960 188,770 285,320 38,993 58,224 30,576 79,496 338,565 79,540 192,472 69,028 105,603 279,345
Total 40,335,493 39,056,980 1,278,513 109,593 214,718 94,107 142,791 25,866 32,587 14,340 54,422 193,405 38,247 108,631 44,634 48,762 156,408
Male 40,108,655 38,958,126 1,150,529 139,556 219,242 94,662 142,529 13,127 25,637 16,236 25,074 145,160 41,292 83,841 24,395 56,841 122,937
0-14 35,741,552 35,369,783 371,769 15,112 39,004 42,441 53,915 18,761 13,744 1,463 12,709 59,995 7,864 22,950 17,947 26,449 39,414
Total 18,321,851 18,107,360 214,491 8,304 19,638 23,608 24,562 14,135 7,602 1,407 8,315 33,238 4,349 15,125 13,063 16,378 24,767
Male 17,419,701 17,262,423 157,278 6,808 19,366 18,833 29,352 4,626 6,142 56 4,395 26,757 3,514 7,825 4,884 10,072 14,647
15-29 21,468,326 20,977,582 490,744 14,003 67,443 31,895 65,699 10,600 17,967 2,081 11,626 78,711 12,321 65,290 23,196 41,858 48,054
Total 10,356,470 10,078,228 278,242 5,371 36,443 16,715 39,131 5,280 11,407 1,898 7,410 44,100 7,903 39,564 15,791 21,026 26,206
Male 11,111,855 10,899,354 212,502 8,632 31,000 15,180 26,569 5,320 6,560 183 4,216 34,611 4,419 25,726 7,405 20,832 21,848
30-49 15,268,584 14,700,894 567,690 36,614 87,680 50,164 42,407 4,392 16,860 1,089 24,313 84,004 18,151 71,675 23,349 27,249 79,743
Total 7,480,830 7,188,450 292,380 17,574 45,105 24,126 17,479 2,149 9,625 47 16,335 49,235 9,994 34,009 14,071 8,843 43,787
Male 7,787,755 7,512,444 275,311 19,040 42,575 26,038 24,927 2,243 7,235 1,043 7,978 34,769 8,157 37,666 9,278 18,406 35,956
50-64 5,158,597 4,734,118 424,479 53,194 98,965 26,601 51,356 3,051 3,877 5,176 19,158 59,575 21,986 16,813 3,600 5,016 56,111
Total 2,620,929 2,426,377 194,552 16,385 44,130 8,923 22,644 2,873 899 3,461 14,251 33,264 7,963 9,200 1,636 1,915 27,009
Male 2,537,668 2,307,740 229,928 36,809 54,836 17,678 28,712 178 2,978 1,715 4,907 26,311 14,023 7,613 1,965 3,101 29,102
65+ 2,807,089 2,232,730 574,359 130,227 140,867 37,669 71,944 2,189 5,777 20,767 11,689 56,280 19,218 15,744 936 5,031 56,023
Total 1,555,413 1,256,565 298,847 61,960 69,402 20,735 38,975 1,429 3,055 7,528 8,111 33,569 8,039 10,733 72 600 34,640
Male 1,251,676 976,165 275,512 68,267 71,465 16,934 32,969 760 2,723 13,239 3,577 22,711 11,179 5,011 863 4,430 21,384

Table 3.8b Total Population by Disability Status, Type of Disability, Broad Age Group and Sex COUNTRY- URBAN: 2013
Disability Status and Types of Disability
Types of Disability
Hearing Hearing Seeing
Broad Blind- Prob. Hearing and and
Age Group All Not Both Blind-One Both Prob. Speaking Speaking Speaking Hand/ Leg Had/Leg Leprosy Mental Mental
and Sex Persons Disabled Disabled Eyes Eye Ears One Ear Problem Problem Problem Amputated Paralyzed Problem Problem Retarded Epilepsy Others

All ages
Total 14,726,933 14,313,086 413,847 33,088 69,946 19,628 36,728 4,507 7,080 4,912 20,401 66,081 11,036 41,304 16,105 17,112 65,921
Male 7,009,933 6,803,614 206,319 12,162 28,445 9,917 18,054 2,988 3,753 1,919 15,074 35,685 4,221 24,216 10,690 7,454 31,740
Female 7,717,001 7,509,472 207,528 20,926 41,501 9,711 18,674 1,520 3,326 2,993 5,326 30,395 6,815 17,089 5,414 9,658 34,181
Total 4,882,425 4,834,730 47,694 1,805 3,826 2,794 4,891 1,898 2,035 463 1,604 7,656 273 2,931 5,360 4,338 7,821
Male 2,386,424 2,361,719 24,706 1,436 2,185 1,270 2,831 1,382 625 407 966 3,532 181 1,368 3,645 2,082 2,795
Female 2,496,000 2,473,012 22,989 369 1,641 1,523 2,059 516 1,410 56 639 4,124 92 1,562 1,715 2,256 5,026
Total 5,152,035 5,050,288 101,747 1,437 13,498 4,252 12,916 1,066 3,073 265 5,192 14,674 905 16,104 6,345 7,750 14,271
Male 2,291,567 2,238,390 53,177 538 4,374 1,847 6,444 943 2,233 82 3,203 7,666 832 10,363 4,050 3,205 7,395
Female 2,860,468 2,811,898 48,570 898 9,124 2,405 6,472 123 840 183 1,990 7,008 73 5,741 2,294 4,544 6,876
Total 3,218,354 3,116,040 102,314 5,015 13,108 4,380 5,031 1,127 777 1,044 5,243 21,294 3,469 16,052 3,576 3,492 18,707
Male 1,637,419 1,579,989 57,430 2,823 6,335 2,167 2,675 552 418 47 4,233 12,585 1,131 8,949 2,782 1,621 11,112
Female 1,580,935 1,536,051 44,884 2,192 6,773 2,213 2,357 575 359 997 1,010 8,709 2,338 7,103 794 1,871 7,594
Total 946,350 876,919 69,432 7,530 14,985 2,026 4,217 288 79 115 4,568 12,578 3,329 3,073 526 583 15,536
Male 443,636 414,178 29,458 1,112 6,503 885 1,821 110 46 22 3,944 6,379 860 1,910 140 468 5,259
Female 502,714 462,741 39,974 6,418 8,482 1,141 2,396 178 33 92 624 6,198 2,469 1,163 385 115 10,278
Total 527,770 435,110 92,660 17,302 24,530 6,177 9,673 128 1,116 3,025 3,793 9,878 3,061 3,145 298 949 9,586
Male 250,887 209,339 41,548 6,253 9,048 3,747 4,282 - 431 1,361 2,730 5,522 1,218 1,625 72 78 5,180
Female 276,883 225,771 51,112 11,049 15,482 2,429 5,390 128 685 1,664 1,063 4,356 1,842 1,520 226 871 4,406

Table 3.8c Total Population by Disability Status, Type of Disability, Broad Age Group and Sex COUNTRY- RURAL: 2013
Disability Status and Types of Disability
Types of Disability
Hearing Hearing Seeing
Broad Blind- Prob. Hearing and and
Age Group All Not Both Blind-One Both Prob. Speaking Speaking Speaking Hand/ Leg Had/Leg Leprosy Mental Mental
and Sex Persons Disabled Disabled Eyes Eye Ears One Ear Problem Problem Problem Amputated Paralyzed Problem Problem Retarded Epilepsy Others

All ages
Total 65,717,215 63,702,020 2,015,195 216,061 364,013 169,142 248,592 34,485 51,145 25,664 59,095 272,485 68,504 151,168 52,924 88,492 213,425
Male 33,325,560 32,253,366 1,072,194 97,431 186,272 84,191 124,737 22,878 28,834 12,421 39,348 157,720 34,027 84,416 33,943 41,308 124,668
Female 32,391,654 31,448,653 943,001 118,631 177,741 84,951 123,855 11,607 22,311 13,243 19,747 114,765 34,477 66,753 18,980 47,183 88,756
Total 30,859,128 30,535,053 324,075 13,307 35,178 39,647 49,024 16,863 11,708 1,000 11,105 52,339 7,591 20,020 12,587 22,111 31,593
Male 15,935,427 15,745,641 189,786 6,868 17,452 22,338 21,731 12,753 6,976 1,000 7,349 29,706 4,168 13,757 9,418 14,296 21,972
Female 14,923,701 14,789,412 134,289 6,439 17,726 17,310 27,293 4,110 4,732 - 3,756 22,633 3,423 6,263 3,169 7,815 9,621
Total 16,316,291 15,927,294 388,997 12,566 53,946 27,643 52,783 9,534 14,894 1,815 6,434 64,037 11,417 49,186 16,851 34,108 33,782
Male 8,064,904 7,839,838 225,065 4,833 32,069 14,868 32,686 4,336 9,174 1,815 4,208 36,433 7,071 29,200 11,741 17,820 18,811
Female 8,251,387 8,087,456 163,932 7,734 21,877 12,775 20,097 5,198 5,720 - 2,226 27,604 4,346 19,986 5,110 16,287 14,971
Total 12,050,231 11,584,854 465,377 31,599 74,572 45,784 37,375 3,265 16,083 45 19,071 62,710 14,682 55,623 19,773 23,757 61,036
Male 5,843,411 5,608,462 234,949 14,751 38,770 21,959 14,805 1,596 9,206 - 12,103 36,650 8,863 25,060 11,289 7,222 32,675
Female 6,206,820 5,976,392 230,427 16,848 35,802 23,825 22,571 1,668 6,877 45 6,968 26,061 5,819 30,563 8,484 16,535 28,362
Total 4,212,247 3,857,199 355,048 45,664 83,981 24,575 47,139 2,763 3,798 5,061 14,589 46,998 18,657 13,740 3,075 4,434 40,575
Male 2,177,293 2,012,199 165,094 15,273 37,627 8,038 20,823 2,763 853 3,438 10,307 26,885 7,103 7,291 1,496 1,447 21,751
Female 2,034,954 1,845,000 189,954 30,391 46,354 16,537 26,315 - 2,945 1,623 4,283 20,113 11,554 6,450 1,579 2,987 18,824
Total 2,279,319 1,797,620 481,699 112,925 116,337 31,492 62,271 2,061 4,661 17,741 7,896 46,401 16,157 12,600 637 4,081 46,438
Male 1,304,526 1,047,226 257,300 55,707 60,354 16,988 34,692 1,429 2,624 6,167 5,382 28,046 6,821 9,108 - 522 29,460
Female 974,793 750,394 224,399 57,218 55,983 14,504 27,579 632 2,038 11,575 2,514 18,355 9,336 3,491 637 3,559 16,978
Table 3.9a Population Aged Ten Years and above by Status of School Attendance and Educational Attainment, Age Group and Sex, Country - Total :2013
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
10+2/ Degree
Secondary Certificate Diploma or Completed
Age Group Never Total Ever Pre- Non not Secondary Not Certificate Degree Not Diploma and above Not
And Sex All Persons Attended Attended school Formal Grades 1-8 completed Completed Preparatory Completed Completed Completed Completed Degree Stated
All ages
Total 55,629,497 23,084,248 32,545,249 855,233 2,337,057 22,971,529 1,842,998 2,014,726 257,135 53,639 261,233 285,487 1,051,743 578,267 36,203
Male 27,667,062 8,922,365 18,744,697 466,083 1,548,033 12,976,030 1,059,706 1,190,139 132,795 23,826 135,926 152,985 603,606 432,397 23,172
Female 27,962,436 14,161,884 13,800,552 389,150 789,025 9,995,498 783,292 824,587 124,340 29,813 125,307 132,502 448,137 145,870 13,031
Total 10,926,901 2,075,516 8,851,385 596,908 90,309 8,123,667 26,858 3,698 - - - - - - 9,945
Male 5,653,420 1,127,302 4,526,117 322,225 71,311 4,113,593 9,077 3,090 - - - - - - 6,821
Female 5,273,482 948,214 4,325,268 274,683 18,997 4,010,074 17,781 608 - - - - - - 3,125
Total 8,445,312 1,558,113 6,887,198 93,905 55,456 5,671,918 561,072 329,684 88,762 11,660 21,081 24,143 20,647 - 8,870
Male 4,267,623 695,268 3,572,355 52,106 42,597 2,982,468 267,014 151,506 37,686 4,163 9,276 10,924 9,222 - 5,393
Female 4,177,689 862,845 3,314,843 41,799 12,859 2,689,449 294,058 178,179 51,076 7,497 11,805 13,220 11,425 - 3,477
Total 6,507,320 2,033,037 4,474,283 22,392 79,239 2,636,344 470,806 618,416 76,395 24,470 88,147 119,844 251,456 83,874 2,901
Male 3,072,334 628,262 2,444,072 9,528 52,924 1,474,419 261,303 339,082 39,784 9,699 37,242 56,670 114,685 47,308 1,428
Female 3,434,986 1,404,775 2,030,211 12,864 26,315 1,161,925 209,502 279,333 36,611 14,771 50,905 63,174 136,772 36,566 1,473
Total 6,515,694 3,027,601 3,488,092 24,459 147,349 1,874,233 287,624 423,043 53,348 11,202 80,751 79,316 325,952 176,917 3,899
Male 3,016,513 891,110 2,125,403 12,628 102,215 1,125,335 181,636 268,072 32,044 5,907 42,544 42,970 183,797 127,329 926
Female 3,499,181 2,136,491 1,362,689 11,832 45,134 748,898 105,988 154,970 21,304 5,295 38,207 36,347 142,155 49,588 2,973
Total 4,562,823 2,490,654 2,072,169 14,400 176,778 1,175,337 161,259 220,942 17,629 3,428 22,414 26,730 148,524 101,091 3,636
Male 2,237,870 876,546 1,361,325 7,601 126,132 761,126 100,698 142,540 11,855 1,843 14,289 17,646 98,347 76,346 2,901
Female 2,324,952 1,614,108 710,844 6,799 50,646 414,211 60,561 78,402 5,774 1,585 8,125 9,084 50,178 24,745 736
Total 4,745,478 2,613,314 2,132,164 22,853 276,870 1,278,850 133,167 176,842 11,434 1,433 14,892 18,666 120,488 74,801 1,869
Male 2,260,428 888,741 1,371,687 12,857 176,147 824,592 79,927 115,044 5,601 1,008 9,476 13,024 71,610 60,822 1,578
Female 2,485,050 1,724,572 760,478 9,996 100,723 454,258 53,239 61,798 5,833 425 5,416 5,642 48,878 13,979 291
Total 3,252,359 1,886,216 1,366,143 15,999 292,265 744,368 80,648 92,648 3,527 866 11,828 6,361 70,110 45,822 1,702
Male 1,643,512 692,209 951,302 5,762 169,223 550,321 63,000 65,281 2,480 819 6,195 3,966 45,466 37,922 867
Female 1,608,847 1,194,006 414,841 10,237 123,042 194,047 17,648 27,367 1,047 47 5,633 2,395 24,644 7,900 835

Table 3. 9a Cont’d
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
10+2/ Degree
Secondary Certificate Diploma or Completed
Age Group Never Total Ever Pre- Non not Secondary Not Certificate Degree Not Diploma and above Not
And Sex All Persons Attended Attended school Formal Grades 1-8 completed Completed Preparatory Completed Completed Completed Completed Degree Stated
Total 2,707,925 1,640,118 1,067,806 19,557 288,775 540,462 54,102 65,133 1,776 326 6,471 5,121 45,079 40,116 888
Male 1,339,020 594,200 744,820 12,508 169,583 403,456 41,934 44,260 538 326 4,838 3,814 29,139 33,536 888
Female 1,368,905 1,045,919 322,986 7,049 119,192 137,006 12,168 20,873 1,238 - 1,633 1,307 15,941 6,580 -
Total 2,120,551 1,396,852 723,700 11,944 243,297 344,431 30,208 32,600 1,431 254 6,011 2,155 27,841 23,372 158
Male 1,051,248 539,983 511,265 4,744 145,574 267,113 24,694 22,178 1,231 60 4,210 1,697 19,972 19,635 158
Female 1,069,304 856,869 212,435 7,200 97,724 77,318 5,514 10,422 200 194 1,801 458 7,869 3,737 -
Total 1,604,748 1,078,869 525,879 13,077 203,531 226,596 18,280 20,430 789 - 5,506 1,309 19,945 15,026 1,391
Male 817,943 429,453 388,490 11,186 133,822 181,315 14,284 13,338 570 - 4,605 1,309 13,753 12,916 1,391
Female 786,806 649,416 137,389 1,891 69,709 45,281 3,996 7,091 218 - 901 - 6,192 2,110 -
Total 1,433,297 1,067,873 365,424 9,309 158,615 146,093 8,659 15,627 805 - 2,666 559 12,029 10,243 821
Male 751,739 477,447 274,292 6,097 107,413 118,548 6,685 12,504 805 - 1,784 559 9,008 10,069 821
Female 681,559 590,426 91,132 3,212 51,202 27,545 1,974 3,122 - - 882 - 3,021 174 -
Total 2,807,089 2,216,086 591,003 10,430 324,574 209,230 10,316 15,664 1,240 - 1,467 1,284 9,671 7,005 122
Male 1,555,413 1,081,844 473,569 8,841 251,092 173,744 9,454 13,242 200 - 1,467 409 8,608 6,513 -
Female 1,251,676 1,134,242 117,435 1,588 73,482 35,486 863 2,423 1,040 - - 876 1,064 492 122

Table 3.9b Population Aged Ten Years and above by Status of School Attendance and Educational Attainment, Age Group and Sex, Country - URBAN:2013
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
10+2/ Degree
Secondary Certificate Diploma or Completed
Age Group Never Total Ever Pre- Non not Secondary Not Certificate Degree Not Diploma and above Not
And Sex All Persons Attended Attended school Formal Grades 1-8 completed Completed Preparatory Completed Completed Completed Completed Degree Stated
All ages
Total 11,504,022 1,971,625 9,532,397 75,897 308,457 4,940,058 1,004,259 1,251,903 208,826 38,378 163,324 203,840 794,748 539,652 3,053
Male 5,382,345 512,089 4,870,255 32,845 146,811 2,380,678 521,574 669,960 99,718 19,363 76,289 100,268 424,457 397,457 834
Female 6,121,677 1,459,536 4,662,141 43,052 161,646 2,559,380 482,685 581,943 109,108 19,015 87,035 103,572 370,292 142,195 2,219
Total 1,659,513 72,632 1,586,881 48,524 4,892 1,513,811 16,265 2,925 - - - - - - 464
Male 758,836 25,890 732,946 21,622 3,515 698,748 6,744 2,317 - - - - - - -
Female 900,677 46,742 853,936 26,902 1,378 815,063 9,522 608 - - - - - - 464
Total 1,756,676 100,716 1,655,960 6,390 2,771 988,400 325,170 197,236 72,497 8,701 14,387 24,143 16,075 - 190
Male 773,044 28,177 744,867 3,227 998 438,359 152,276 91,243 29,113 4,102 6,553 10,924 8,073 - -
Female 983,632 72,539 911,093 3,162 1,774 550,041 172,893 105,993 43,384 4,599 7,834 13,220 8,002 - 190
Total 1,681,547 161,153 1,520,394 3,067 7,702 531,794 206,718 298,066 62,676 17,248 54,751 87,267 175,930 74,461 713
Male 716,956 34,912 682,044 1,046 3,983 223,749 100,445 143,924 31,533 8,340 20,741 37,982 70,197 40,103 -
Female 964,591 126,241 838,350 2,021 3,719 308,045 106,273 154,142 31,143 8,908 34,010 49,285 105,733 34,358 713
Total 1,713,812 256,271 1,457,541 1,433 18,349 516,347 154,160 248,666 41,370 7,383 42,365 49,098 217,090 160,769 512
Male 801,566 56,076 745,491 112 9,289 240,841 80,070 127,163 21,099 4,126 17,940 24,274 108,801 111,703 73
Female 912,245 200,195 712,050 1,321 9,060 275,506 74,090 121,503 20,271 3,257 24,425 24,824 108,288 49,066 439
Total 1,088,450 196,045 892,404 2,362 19,556 353,069 97,666 163,970 15,712 2,779 13,866 17,267 112,814 93,345 -
Male 562,393 50,180 512,213 1,222 12,166 188,130 53,305 89,786 9,938 1,194 8,397 10,063 68,677 69,335 -
Female 526,057 145,865 380,192 1,139 7,390 164,939 44,360 74,184 5,774 1,585 5,469 7,205 44,137 24,010 -
Total 1,010,146 205,317 804,829 1,665 33,769 339,062 84,753 134,977 10,115 1,433 10,025 12,143 103,422 72,890 574
Male 504,455 53,123 451,332 917 16,262 176,925 45,867 78,393 4,282 1,008 5,577 7,370 55,327 59,121 283
Female 505,691 152,194 353,497 748 17,507 162,138 38,886 56,584 5,833 425 4,448 4,773 48,095 13,769 291
Total 616,563 148,283 468,280 1,005 31,645 188,371 47,344 79,398 3,005 254 8,026 4,940 58,543 45,751 -
Male 329,274 40,450 288,823 - 11,780 109,517 32,224 52,984 1,957 207 2,394 3,316 36,593 37,851 -
Female 287,290 107,832 179,457 1,005 19,865 78,853 15,119 26,414 1,047 47 5,633 1,624 21,949 7,900 -

Table 3. 9b Cont’d
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
10+2/ Degree
Secondary Certificate Diploma or Completed
Age Group Never Total Ever Pre- Non not Secondary Not Certificate Degree Not Diploma and above Not
And Sex All Persons Attended Attended school Formal Grades 1-8 completed Completed Preparatory Completed Completed Completed Completed Degree Stated
Total 503,196 138,922 364,273 2,459 38,810 152,033 29,016 48,816 1,776 326 5,561 3,675 42,259 39,522 21
Male 241,298 29,771 211,527 1,009 17,891 79,200 18,183 28,803 538 326 3,929 2,368 26,318 32,942 21
Female 261,898 109,152 152,746 1,450 20,918 72,833 10,833 20,014 1,238 - 1,633 1,307 15,941 6,580 -
Total 380,303 135,678 244,625 2,856 28,981 106,788 17,233 29,368 655 254 5,488 2,155 27,319 23,372 158
Male 174,163 26,963 147,200 1,268 11,798 57,770 11,719 19,502 455 60 3,687 1,697 19,450 19,635 158
Female 206,140 108,715 97,426 1,587 17,183 49,018 5,514 9,866 200 194 1,801 458 7,869 3,737 -
Total 305,623 113,548 192,075 855 32,614 86,526 10,978 19,657 789 - 4,723 1,309 19,598 15,026 -
Male 148,794 29,576 119,218 454 14,576 51,561 8,037 12,566 570 - 3,822 1,309 13,406 12,916 -
Female 156,829 83,972 72,857 401 18,038 34,964 2,941 7,091 218 - 901 - 6,192 2,110 -
Total 260,424 124,621 135,803 2,701 25,036 64,238 6,782 13,950 32 - 2,666 559 12,029 7,511 298
Male 120,679 33,881 86,798 975 8,324 42,264 5,390 10,828 32 - 1,784 559 9,008 7,337 298
Female 139,745 90,741 49,004 1,726 16,713 21,974 1,392 3,122 - - 882 - 3,021 174 -
Total 527,770 318,440 209,330 2,581 64,332 99,619 8,175 14,874 200 - 1,467 1,284 9,671 7,005 122
Male 250,887 103,091 147,796 992 36,230 73,614 7,313 12,451 200 - 1,467 409 8,608 6,513 -
Female 276,883 215,349 61,534 1,588 28,103 26,004 863 2,423 - - - 876 1,064 492 122

Table 3.9c Population Aged Ten Years and above by Status of School Attendance and Educational Attainment, Age Group and Sex, Country - RURAL:2013
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
10+2/ Degree
Secondary Certificate Diploma or Completed
Age Group Never Total Ever Pre- Non not Secondary Not Certificate Degree Not Diploma and above Not
And Sex All Persons Attended Attended school Formal Grades 1-8 completed Completed Preparatory Completed Completed Completed Completed Degree Stated
All ages
Total 44,125,475 21,112,623 23,012,852 779,337 2,028,600 18,031,470 838,739 762,823 48,308 15,261 97,909 81,647 256,995 38,615 33,150
Male 22,284,717 8,410,276 13,874,442 433,238 1,401,222 10,595,352 538,132 520,178 33,077 4,462 59,637 52,717 179,149 34,940 22,338
Female 21,840,758 12,702,348 9,138,411 346,098 627,378 7,436,118 300,607 242,644 15,231 10,799 38,272 28,930 77,845 3,675 10,812
Total 9,267,388 2,002,884 7,264,504 548,384 85,416 6,609,857 10,593 772 - - - - - - 9,482
Male 4,894,584 1,101,412 3,793,172 300,603 67,797 3,414,845 2,334 772 - - - - - - 6,821
Female 4,372,805 901,472 3,471,332 247,781 17,620 3,195,011 8,259 - - - - - - - 2,661
Total 6,688,636 1,457,398 5,231,238 87,515 52,685 4,683,518 235,902 132,448 16,265 2,958 6,695 - 4,572 - 8,680
Male 3,494,579 667,091 2,827,488 48,879 41,600 2,544,110 114,737 60,262 8,574 61 2,723 - 1,150 - 5,393
Female 3,194,057 790,306 2,403,751 38,637 11,085 2,139,408 121,165 72,186 7,691 2,898 3,971 - 3,422 - 3,287
Total 4,825,773 1,871,884 2,953,889 19,325 71,537 2,104,549 264,088 320,350 13,719 7,222 33,397 32,576 75,526 9,413 2,188
Male 2,355,378 593,349 1,762,029 8,482 48,941 1,250,670 160,858 195,158 8,251 1,359 16,502 18,688 44,488 7,205 1,428
Female 2,470,395 1,278,535 1,191,861 10,843 22,596 853,880 103,230 125,192 5,468 5,863 16,895 13,889 31,038 2,208 760
Total 4,801,882 2,771,331 2,030,551 23,026 129,000 1,357,886 133,465 174,377 11,978 3,819 38,386 30,218 108,863 16,148 3,387
Male 2,214,947 835,034 1,379,913 12,516 92,926 884,494 101,566 140,910 10,945 1,781 24,604 18,696 74,996 15,626 853
Female 2,586,935 1,936,296 650,639 10,511 36,074 473,392 31,899 33,467 1,033 2,038 13,782 11,522 33,866 522 2,533
Total 3,474,373 2,294,609 1,179,765 12,039 157,222 822,268 63,593 56,972 1,917 649 8,548 9,463 35,711 7,747 3,636
Male 1,675,477 826,366 849,112 6,379 113,966 572,996 47,393 52,754 1,917 649 5,893 7,584 29,670 7,012 2,901
Female 1,798,896 1,468,243 330,653 5,660 43,256 249,272 16,200 4,218 - - 2,656 1,879 6,041 735 736
Total 3,735,333 2,407,997 1,327,336 21,188 243,101 939,788 48,414 41,866 1,319 - 4,868 6,523 17,065 1,911 1,295
Male 1,755,973 835,619 920,354 11,940 159,885 647,668 34,060 36,651 1,319 - 3,899 5,654 16,283 1,701 1,295
Female 1,979,360 1,572,378 406,981 9,248 83,216 292,120 14,354 5,214 - - 968 869 783 210 -
Total 2,635,796 1,737,933 897,863 14,993 260,620 555,997 33,304 13,250 522 613 3,802 1,421 11,568 71 1,702
Male 1,314,238 651,759 662,479 5,762 157,443 440,803 30,776 12,298 522 613 3,802 650 8,873 71 867
Female 1,321,557 1,086,174 235,384 9,232 103,177 115,194 2,528 953 - - - 771 2,695 - 835

Table 3. 9c Cont’d
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
10+2/ Degree
Secondary Certificate Diploma or Completed
Age Group Never Total Ever Pre- Non not Secondary Not Certificate Degree Not Diploma and above Not
And Sex All Persons Attended Attended school Formal Grades 1-8 completed Completed Preparatory Completed Completed Completed Completed Degree Stated
Total 2,204,729 1,501,196 703,533 17,099 249,965 388,429 25,086 16,317 - - 909 1,446 2,821 594 867
Male 1,097,722 564,429 533,293 11,500 151,692 324,256 23,751 15,458 - - 909 1,446 2,821 594 867
Female 1,107,007 936,767 170,240 5,599 98,274 64,173 1,335 859 - - - - - - -
Total 1,740,248 1,261,174 479,074 9,088 214,317 237,642 12,975 3,231 776 - 522 - 522 - -
Male 877,085 513,020 364,065 3,476 133,775 209,342 12,975 2,675 776 - 522 - 522 - -
Female 863,164 748,154 115,009 5,612 80,541 28,300 - 556 - - - - - - -
Total 1,299,125 965,321 333,805 12,222 170,917 140,070 7,302 772 - - 783 - 347 - 1,391
Male 669,149 399,877 269,272 10,732 119,246 129,754 6,247 772 - - 783 - 347 - 1,391
Female 629,976 565,444 64,533 1,490 51,672 10,316 1,055 - - - - - - - -
Total 1,172,873 943,252 229,622 6,609 133,578 81,855 1,877 1,677 772 - - - - 2,731 522
Male 631,060 443,566 187,493 5,122 99,089 76,284 1,295 1,677 772 - - - - 2,731 522
Female 541,814 499,686 42,128 1,486 34,489 5,571 582 - - - - - - - -
Total 2,279,319 1,897,646 381,673 7,849 260,242 109,612 2,141 790 1,040 - - - - - -
Male 1,304,526 978,753 325,773 7,849 214,862 100,130 2,141 790 - - - - - - -
Female 974,793 918,893 55,900 - 45,379 9,482 - - 1,040 - - - - - -
Table 3.10: Population Aged Ten Years and above by Status of School Attendance and Educational Attainment, Age Group and Sex,
Country - Total :2013
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
10+2/ Degree
Secondary Certificate Diploma or Completed
Age Group Never Total Ever Pre- Non not Secondary Pre- Not Certificate Degree Not Diploma and above Not
And Sex All Persons Attended Attended school Formal Grades 1-8 completed Completed paratory Completed Completed Completed Completed Degree Stated
Total 55,629,497 23,084,248 32,545,249 855,233 2,337,057 22,971,529 1,842,998 2,014,726 257,135 53,639 261,233 285,487 1,051,743 578,267 36,203
Male 27,667,062 8,922,365 18,744,697 466,083 1,548,033 12,976,030 1,059,706 1,190,139 132,795 23,826 135,926 152,985 603,606 432,397 23,172
Female 27,962,436 14,161,884 13,800,552 389,150 789,025 9,995,498 783,292 824,587 124,340 29,813 125,307 132,502 448,137 145,870 13,031
Total 11,504,022 1,971,625 9,532,397 75,897 308,457 4,940,058 1,004,259 1,251,903 208,826 38,378 163,324 203,840 794,748 539,652 3,053
Male 5,382,344 512,089 4,870,255 32,845 146,811 2,380,678 521,574 669,960 99,718 19,363 76,289 100,268 424,457 397,457 834
Female 6,121,677 1,459,536 4,662,141 43,052 161,646 2,559,380 482,685 581,943 109,108 19,015 87,035 103,572 370,292 142,195 2,219
Total 44,125,475 21,112,623 23,012,852 779,337 2,028,600 18,031,470 838,739 762,823 48,308 15,261 97,909 81,647 256,995 38,615 33,150
Male 22,284,717 8,410,276 13,874,442 433,238 1,401,222 10,595,352 538,132 520,178 33,077 4,462 59,637 52,717 179,149 34,940 22,338
Female 21,840,758 12,702,348 9,138,411 346,098 627,378 7,436,118 300,607 242,644 15,231 10,799 38,272 28,930 77,845 3,675 10,812
Total 3,472,759 1,416,022 2,056,736 43,861 127,367 1,421,948 119,849 166,624 30,398 3,726 13,996 19,827 64,805 44,336 -
Male 1,668,353 528,463 1,139,890 26,689 107,490 771,742 59,037 80,597 13,026 1,456 7,229 9,243 31,858 31,521 -
Female 1,804,406 887,559 916,847 17,172 19,877 650,205 60,812 86,026 17,372 2,270 6,767 10,584 32,946 12,815 -
Total 864,336 165,338 698,998 2,281 17,310 355,475 67,695 110,379 25,088 3,335 8,505 14,340 54,705 39,884 -
Male 386,365 40,782 345,583 622 9,404 175,124 33,065 51,332 10,340 1,456 4,046 6,674 25,712 27,808 -
Female 477,972 124,556 353,416 1,660 7,906 180,351 34,630 59,047 14,748 1,880 4,458 7,666 28,993 12,076 -
Total 2,608,422 1,250,684 1,357,738 41,580 110,057 1,066,473 52,154 56,245 5,310 391 5,491 5,487 10,100 4,452 -
Male 1,281,988 487,681 794,307 26,067 98,086 596,619 25,972 29,266 2,686 - 3,183 2,569 6,146 3,713 -
Female 1,326,434 763,003 563,431 15,512 11,971 469,854 26,182 26,979 2,623 391 2,309 2,918 3,953 739 -
Urban + Rural AFAR REGION
Total 883,619 596,185 287,434 7,602 22,263 207,408 17,185 11,217 1,050 386 2,277 1,742 10,870 5,329 104
Male 434,957 273,830 161,127 3,987 13,660 111,368 10,477 6,657 314 53 1,227 1,271 7,685 4,427 -
Female 448,662 322,355 126,307 3,615 8,603 96,040 6,708 4,560 736 332 1,050 471 3,184 902 104
Total 168,920 53,839 115,082 178 5,138 74,591 10,979 5,862 1,050 386 2,068 1,742 8,703 4,282 104
Male 79,510 20,165 59,345 125 2,692 35,395 6,415 2,745 314 53 1,018 1,271 5,728 3,589 -
Female 89,411 33,673 55,737 53 2,446 39,196 4,565 3,117 736 332 1,050 471 2,975 693 104
Total 714,699 542,347 172,352 7,424 17,125 132,817 6,206 5,356 - - 210 - 2,167 1,048 -
Male 355,447 253,665 101,782 3,862 10,968 75,973 4,062 3,912 - - 210 - 1,957 838 -
Female 359,252 288,682 70,570 3,562 6,157 56,844 2,144 1,444 - - - - 210 210 -
Table 3.10 Cont’d
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
10+2/ Degree
Secondary Certificate Diploma or Completed
Age Group Never Total Ever Pre- Non not Secondary Pre- Not Certificate Degree Not Diploma and above Not
And Sex All Persons Attended Attended school Formal Grades 1-8 completed Completed paratory Completed Completed Completed Completed Degree Stated
Urban + Rural
Total 13,896,838 6,042,067 7,854,770 270,897 1,449,949 5,101,707 240,521 332,206 37,429 12,697 57,815 58,653 193,576 93,363 5,957
Male 6,902,006 2,447,169 4,454,837 151,838 977,287 2,755,909 128,924 180,082 18,410 4,860 27,871 26,975 107,554 72,213 2,915
Female 6,994,832 3,594,899 3,399,933 119,059 472,663 2,345,798 111,597 152,124 19,020 7,837 29,944 31,679 86,022 21,150 3,042
Total 2,206,743 466,712 1,740,031 19,946 169,302 879,770 130,889 213,111 31,197 7,738 39,556 33,555 129,039 85,739 188
Male 1,000,999 126,526 874,473 9,288 84,422 418,156 69,459 111,340 15,096 4,211 19,225 12,750 64,550 65,976 -
Female 1,205,744 340,186 865,558 10,658 84,881 461,615 61,431 101,771 16,102 3,527 20,331 20,804 64,489 19,763 188
Total 11,690,095 5,575,355 6,114,740 250,951 1,280,647 4,221,937 109,631 119,095 6,232 4,959 18,259 25,099 64,537 7,624 5,770
Male 5,901,007 2,320,643 3,580,365 142,550 892,865 2,337,753 59,465 68,742 3,314 649 8,646 14,224 43,004 6,237 2,915
Female 5,789,088 3,254,713 2,534,375 108,400 387,782 1,884,184 50,166 50,353 2,918 4,310 9,613 10,875 21,532 1,387 2,854
Urban + Rural
Total 20,820,331 8,764,882 12,055,450 361,212 558,230 9,111,807 618,150 690,614 59,568 13,113 87,629 78,023 326,018 133,004 18,082
Male 10,581,986 3,370,861 7,211,125 193,716 362,060 5,367,980 385,998 452,401 34,091 5,003 48,673 44,865 195,688 109,502 11,149
Female 10,238,345 5,394,021 4,844,324 167,496 196,170 3,743,828 232,152 238,213 25,477 8,110 38,956 33,158 130,330 23,502 6,933
Total 3,142,596 540,955 2,601,641 30,064 55,386 1,491,893 250,385 309,941 40,736 6,495 47,445 47,749 206,572 114,370 607
Male 1,529,449 145,521 1,383,928 14,055 25,638 759,584 132,606 172,432 20,419 3,369 21,100 25,372 117,405 91,650 298
Female 1,613,147 395,434 1,217,713 16,009 29,748 732,309 117,778 137,509 20,317 3,126 26,345 22,377 89,167 22,720 309
Total 17,677,735 8,223,927 9,453,808 331,148 502,844 7,619,914 367,765 380,673 18,832 6,619 40,184 30,274 119,447 18,635 17,476
Male 9,052,537 3,225,340 5,827,198 179,661 336,422 4,608,396 253,392 279,969 13,672 1,634 27,573 19,493 78,284 17,852 10,851
Female 8,625,198 4,998,587 3,626,611 151,486 166,422 3,011,519 114,373 100,704 5,160 4,984 12,611 10,781 41,163 783 6,625
Urban + Rural
Total 1,253,952 824,475 429,477 9,653 31,621 332,677 20,297 12,668 4,520 56 2,944 2,258 5,413 6,122 1,248
Male 643,292 362,933 280,359 5,707 20,114 216,314 13,132 8,740 3,263 56 2,260 1,386 3,356 5,050 982
Female 610,660 461,542 149,118 3,946 11,507 116,363 7,166 3,928 1,258 - 684 872 2,058 1,072 266
Total 208,424 73,722 134,702 880 6,572 83,248 15,592 11,153 2,907 56 1,182 2,258 4,693 6,122 38
Male 103,144 21,751 81,393 353 3,988 46,642 10,328 7,537 2,402 56 726 1,386 2,926 5,050 -
Female 105,280 51,971 53,309 528 2,585 36,606 5,264 3,617 505 - 456 872 1,767 1,072 38
Total 1,045,529 750,753 294,775 8,773 25,049 249,429 4,705 1,514 1,614 - 1,762 - 720 - 1,210
Male 540,148 341,182 198,966 5,355 16,127 169,672 2,803 1,203 861 - 1,534 - 429 - 982
Female 505,380 409,571 95,809 3,419 8,922 79,757 1,902 311 753 - 228 - 291 - 228
Table 3.10 Cont’d
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
10+2/ Degree
Secondary Certificate Diploma or Completed
Age Group Never Total Ever Pre- Non not Secondary Pre- Not Certificate Degree Not Diploma and above Not
And Sex All Persons Attended Attended school Formal Grades 1-8 completed Completed paratory Completed Completed Completed Completed Degree Stated
Urban + Rural
Total 619,093 275,008 344,086 6,459 13,279 261,439 17,379 15,398 2,569 477 2,472 3,246 14,482 6,018 868
Male 308,959 102,661 206,298 3,854 8,816 153,469 10,039 9,964 1,087 340 1,322 2,170 9,885 4,998 354
Female 310,134 172,347 137,787 2,604 4,463 107,970 7,339 5,434 1,482 138 1,150 1,076 4,597 1,020 514
Total 119,932 22,108 97,824 294 2,556 54,824 10,137 8,486 1,596 354 1,294 2,028 10,201 5,875 179
Male 58,598 5,992 52,606 172 1,391 27,446 5,180 4,667 480 217 550 1,163 6,431 4,854 54
Female 61,334 16,116 45,218 122 1,164 27,378 4,957 3,818 1,116 138 744 865 3,770 1,020 125
Total 499,162 252,900 246,262 6,165 10,723 206,615 7,242 6,912 972 123 1,178 1,218 4,281 144 689
Male 250,361 96,669 153,692 3,682 7,425 126,023 4,859 5,297 607 123 772 1,007 3,454 144 300
Female 248,800 156,231 92,569 2,483 3,299 80,592 2,383 1,615 366 - 406 211 827 - 389
Urban + Rural
Total 11,277,401 4,649,305 6,628,095 141,884 90,384 5,205,044 443,661 331,708 34,985 7,204 54,984 43,972 182,299 83,677 8,294
Male 5,558,000 1,701,426 3,856,574 75,591 40,281 2,994,512 262,234 209,419 20,768 3,899 28,334 28,252 118,818 67,239 7,227
Female 5,719,401 2,947,879 2,771,522 66,294 50,102 2,210,532 181,426 122,289 14,217 3,305 26,650 15,720 63,481 16,438 1,067
Total 1,709,488 280,584 1,428,904 11,985 13,873 815,660 158,964 144,537 20,453 4,164 25,145 25,564 130,613 77,432 515
Male 812,986 70,618 742,368 4,903 4,789 397,378 79,289 81,694 9,427 1,938 11,214 13,750 76,396 61,516 73
Female 896,502 209,966 686,536 7,082 9,084 418,282 79,675 62,843 11,025 2,226 13,930 11,814 54,217 15,916 442
Total 9,567,912 4,368,721 5,199,191 129,900 76,511 4,389,384 284,696 187,171 14,532 3,039 29,840 18,408 51,686 6,245 7,779
Male 4,745,013 1,630,808 3,114,205 70,688 35,492 2,597,134 182,945 127,725 11,340 1,960 17,120 14,502 42,422 5,723 7,154
Female 4,822,899 2,737,913 2,084,986 59,212 41,019 1,792,250 101,751 59,446 3,192 1,079 12,720 3,906 9,264 522 625
Urban + Rural
Total 247,763 82,268 165,495 2,092 1,067 123,402 10,570 9,920 1,275 171 1,156 3,962 9,629 2,001 248
Male 119,824 27,812 92,012 954 832 65,635 6,167 5,930 944 43 493 2,267 6,876 1,714 157
Female 127,939 54,455 73,483 1,139 236 57,767 4,403 3,990 331 128 663 1,695 2,753 287 91
Total 75,114 13,218 61,896 546 322 35,349 6,250 5,645 681 171 798 3,127 7,143 1,843 21
Male 35,411 3,141 32,271 199 229 16,915 3,170 2,897 534 43 304 1,636 4,766 1,557 21
Female 39,703 10,077 29,625 347 93 18,434 3,080 2,748 147 128 494 1,490 2,377 287 -
Total 172,649 69,049 103,599 1,546 746 88,054 4,321 4,275 594 - 357 836 2,486 158 227
Male 84,413 24,671 59,741 754 603 48,720 2,998 3,033 411 - 188 631 2,110 158 136
Female 88,236 44,378 43,858 792 143 39,334 1,323 1,242 184 - 169 205 376 - 91
Table 3.10 Cont’d
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
10+2/ Degree
Secondary Certificate Diploma or Completed
Age Group Never Total Ever Pre- Non not Secondary Pre- Not Certificate Degree Not Diploma and above Not
And Sex All Persons Attended Attended school Formal Grades 1-8 completed Completed paratory Completed Completed Completed Completed Degree Stated
Urban + Rural
Total 156,183 43,685 112,498 1,555 3,331 62,358 13,166 13,148 2,166 363 1,084 2,642 8,275 4,410 -
Male 73,719 13,681 60,038 640 1,460 32,371 8,065 6,937 967 136 460 1,146 4,357 3,498 -
Female 82,464 30,004 52,460 914 1,872 29,987 5,100 6,211 1,198 226 624 1,496 3,918 912 -
Total 96,361 12,730 83,631 567 1,890 38,738 12,126 12,710 2,014 293 907 2,496 7,545 4,345 -
Male 44,986 2,887 42,099 271 527 17,942 7,137 6,718 816 101 334 1,035 3,751 3,467 -
Female 51,375 9,843 41,532 295 1,363 20,796 4,990 5,992 1,198 192 573 1,461 3,794 877 -
Total 59,822 30,955 28,867 988 1,441 23,620 1,040 438 152 70 177 146 731 65 -
Male 28,733 10,794 17,939 369 932 14,430 929 219 152 35 127 111 606 30 -
Female 31,090 20,161 10,928 619 509 9,191 111 220 - 35 51 35 124 35 -
Urban + Rural
Total 2,700,736 300,210 2,400,526 8,380 31,772 1,019,086 321,623 407,060 79,404 14,439 33,683 66,948 224,588 192,141 1,402
Male 1,233,556 64,989 1,168,567 2,520 12,047 442,775 163,606 216,094 37,979 7,346 16,392 32,570 110,718 126,132 387
Female 1,467,180 235,221 1,231,959 5,860 19,725 576,311 158,017 190,966 41,424 7,093 17,291 34,379 113,870 66,009 1,015
Total 2,700,736 300,210 2,400,526 8,380 31,772 1,019,086 321,623 407,060 79,404 14,439 33,683 66,948 224,588 192,141 1,402
Male 1,233,556 64,989 1,168,567 2,520 12,047 442,775 163,606 216,094 37,979 7,346 16,392 32,570 110,718 126,132 387
Female 1,467,180 235,221 1,231,959 5,860 19,725 576,311 158,017 190,966 41,424 7,093 17,291 34,379 113,870 66,009 1,015
Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Urban + Rural
Total 300,823 90,141 210,682 1,638 7,794 124,652 20,597 24,163 3,770 1,007 3,192 4,215 11,788 7,865 -
Male 142,409 28,540 113,870 587 3,986 63,956 12,026 13,318 1,945 634 1,664 2,842 6,809 6,103 -
Female 158,413 61,601 96,812 1,051 3,808 60,696 8,571 10,846 1,826 374 1,528 1,373 4,979 1,762 -
Total 211,372 42,210 169,162 775 4,337 91,425 19,618 23,019 3,700 947 2,741 4,035 10,946 7,619 -
Male 97,341 9,718 87,623 337 1,684 43,323 11,319 12,504 1,910 573 1,379 2,662 6,074 5,857 -
Female 114,031 32,492 81,539 438 2,653 48,102 8,299 10,515 1,789 374 1,362 1,373 4,873 1,762 -
Total 89,451 47,931 41,520 863 3,457 33,227 979 1,144 71 61 451 180 842 245 -
Male 45,069 18,822 26,247 250 2,302 20,633 707 813 34 61 285 180 736 245 -
Female 44,382 29,109 15,273 613 1,155 12,594 272 331 36 - 166 - 106 - -
Table 3.11 Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Literacy Status, Sex , Age Group and
Place of Residence: 2013
Literacy Status
Age All Persons Literate Illiterate
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
All Ages 55,629,497 27,667,062 27,962,436 28,999,195 17,067,841 11,931,354 26,630,302 10,599,221 16,031,082
10-14 10,926,901 5,653,420 5,273,482 7,383,267 3,757,490 3,625,777 3,543,634 1,895,929 1,647,705
15-19 8,445,312 4,267,623 4,177,689 6,491,016 3,370,615 3,120,401 1,954,296 897,008 1,057,288
20-24 6,507,320 3,072,334 3,434,986 4,246,690 2,361,982 1,884,708 2,260,630 710,352 1,550,278
25-29 6,515,694 3,016,513 3,499,181 3,280,655 2,042,238 1,238,417 3,235,038 974,275 2,260,764
30-34 4,562,823 2,237,870 2,324,952 1,904,689 1,287,736 616,954 2,658,133 950,135 1,707,999
35-39 4,745,478 2,260,428 2,485,050 1,921,546 1,281,056 640,490 2,823,933 979,373 1,844,560
40-44 3,252,359 1,643,512 1,608,847 1,208,146 906,605 301,541 2,044,213 736,907 1,307,306
45-49 2,707,925 1,339,020 1,368,905 903,563 690,786 212,778 1,804,361 648,234 1,156,127
50-54 2,120,552 1,051,248 1,069,304 578,061 461,681 116,380 1,542,491 589,566 952,924
55-59 1,604,748 817,943 786,806 390,158 317,802 72,355 1,214,591 500,140 714,450
60-64 1,433,297 751,739 681,559 276,585 228,294 48,291 1,156,712 523,445 633,267
65+ 2,807,089 1,555,413 1,251,676 414,819 361,555 53,264 2,392,270 1,193,857 1,198,413
All Ages 11,504,022 5,382,344 6,121,677 9,204,765 4,774,561 4,430,204 2,299,257 607,783 1,691,474
10-14 1,659,513 758,836 900,677 1,499,061 692,304 806,756 160,453 66,532 93,921
15-19 1,756,676 773,044 983,632 1,639,020 741,105 897,915 117,656 31,939 85,717
20-24 1,681,547 716,956 964,591 1,501,169 679,854 821,316 180,378 37,102 143,275
25-29 1,713,812 801,566 912,245 1,427,517 739,548 687,968 286,295 62,018 224,277
30-34 1,088,450 562,393 526,057 872,894 504,663 368,231 215,556 57,730 157,826
35-39 1,010,146 504,455 505,691 782,521 445,034 337,487 227,625 59,421 168,204
40-44 616,563 329,274 287,290 447,004 287,722 159,281 169,559 41,551 128,008
45-49 503,196 241,298 261,898 342,809 206,682 136,127 160,386 34,616 125,770
50-54 380,303 174,163 206,140 227,052 144,197 82,855 153,252 29,966 123,285
55-59 305,623 148,794 156,829 170,078 112,450 57,627 135,545 36,344 99,202
60-64 260,424 120,679 139,745 120,072 85,147 34,925 140,352 35,533 104,819
65+ 527,770 250,887 276,883 175,569 135,854 39,714 352,202 115,032 237,169
All Ages 44,125,475 22,284,717 21,840,758 19,794,430 12,293,280 7,501,150 24,331,045 9,991,437 14,339,608
10-14 9,267,388 4,894,584 4,372,805 5,884,206 3,065,186 2,819,020 3,383,182 1,829,398 1,553,784
15-19 6,688,636 3,494,579 3,194,057 4,851,996 2,629,510 2,222,486 1,836,640 865,069 971,571
20-24 4,825,773 2,355,378 2,470,395 2,745,521 1,682,129 1,063,392 2,080,253 673,249 1,407,003
25-29 4,801,882 2,214,947 2,586,935 1,853,139 1,302,690 550,448 2,948,743 912,257 2,036,487
30-34 3,474,373 1,675,477 1,798,896 1,031,796 783,072 248,723 2,442,577 892,405 1,550,172
35-39 3,735,333 1,755,973 1,979,360 1,139,025 836,022 303,003 2,596,308 919,952 1,676,356
40-44 2,635,796 1,314,238 1,321,557 761,142 618,882 142,260 1,874,654 695,356 1,179,298
45-49 2,204,729 1,097,722 1,107,007 560,754 484,104 76,650 1,643,975 613,618 1,030,357
50-54 1,740,248 877,085 863,164 351,009 317,485 33,525 1,389,239 559,600 829,639
55-59 1,299,125 669,149 629,976 220,080 205,352 14,728 1,079,045 463,797 615,248
60-64 1,172,873 631,060 541,814 156,513 143,147 13,366 1,016,360 487,912 528,448
65+ 2,279,319 1,304,526 974,793 239,251 225,701 13,549 2,040,068 1,078,825 961,243

Table 3.11 Cont’d

Literacy Status
Age All Persons Literate Illiterate
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
All Ages 3,472,759 1,668,353 1,804,406 1,966,764 1,104,713 862,051 1,505,995 563,639 942,355
10-14 658,584 325,735 332,849 532,735 254,716 278,019 125,849 71,019 54,830
15-19 588,342 295,691 292,651 475,165 235,469 239,696 113,177 60,222 52,955
20-24 383,541 179,142 204,400 267,411 139,039 128,373 116,130 40,103 76,027
25-29 360,549 164,499 196,050 221,290 120,237 101,053 139,259 44,262 94,997
30-34 253,921 110,734 143,187 115,030 74,923 40,108 138,891 35,812 103,079
35-39 279,071 116,577 162,494 107,298 73,333 33,965 171,773 43,244 128,529
40-44 197,913 102,033 95,880 71,869 57,164 14,704 126,044 44,869 81,176
45-49 172,243 77,914 94,329 55,018 44,564 10,454 117,225 33,350 83,875
50-54 137,629 68,374 69,255 37,763 31,863 5,901 99,866 36,511 63,354
55-59 118,932 57,699 61,234 28,650 24,320 4,330 90,283 33,379 56,904
60-64 104,174 54,661 49,514 19,968 17,701 2,267 84,206 36,960 47,246
65+ 217,858 115,296 102,562 34,567 31,387 3,180 183,291 83,909 99,382
All Ages 864,336 386,365 477,972 689,273 344,133 345,140 175,063 42,232 132,831
10-14 132,212 64,616 67,596 129,710 63,598 66,112 2,502 1,018 1,484
15-19 141,439 65,353 76,087 137,269 64,625 72,644 4,170 728 3,442
20-24 109,848 40,712 69,136 100,320 38,101 62,219 9,528 2,612 6,917
25-29 127,121 51,600 75,522 110,288 47,771 62,518 16,833 3,829 13,004
30-34 77,638 36,224 41,414 59,061 33,887 25,174 18,578 2,338 16,240
35-39 70,976 30,360 40,616 48,641 26,397 22,243 22,335 3,963 18,372
40-44 42,971 22,915 20,056 30,276 18,725 11,551 12,694 4,190 8,504
45-49 35,803 17,020 18,783 22,945 14,078 8,867 12,858 2,942 9,917
50-54 30,025 13,704 16,322 16,911 11,010 5,901 13,115 2,694 10,421
55-59 24,365 11,631 12,734 13,786 9,807 3,979 10,578 1,823 8,755
60-64 18,434 8,017 10,417 6,276 4,756 1,520 12,159 3,262 8,897
65+ 53,504 24,214 29,290 13,791 11,379 2,412 39,712 12,835 26,878
All Ages 2,608,422 1,281,988 1,326,434 1,277,491 760,580 516,910 1,330,932 521,408 809,524
10-14 526,372 261,119 265,253 403,025 191,118 211,907 123,347 70,001 53,346
15-19 446,903 230,339 216,564 337,896 170,844 167,052 109,007 59,495 49,513
20-24 273,693 138,429 135,264 167,092 100,938 66,154 106,602 37,491 69,110
25-29 233,428 112,899 120,528 111,001 72,466 38,535 122,426 40,433 81,993
30-34 176,283 74,510 101,773 55,969 41,036 14,934 120,313 33,474 86,839
35-39 208,095 86,217 121,878 58,657 46,935 11,722 149,438 39,281 110,156
40-44 154,942 79,118 75,824 41,592 38,439 3,153 113,350 40,679 72,671
45-49 136,440 60,894 75,546 32,073 30,486 1,587 104,367 30,408 73,959
50-54 107,604 54,670 52,933 20,853 20,853 - 86,751 33,818 52,933
55-59 94,568 46,068 48,500 14,864 14,512 351 79,704 31,556 48,149
60-64 85,740 46,643 39,097 13,693 12,945 747 72,048 33,698 38,350
65+ 164,354 91,082 73,273 20,776 20,008 768 143,579 71,074 72,505
Table 3.11 Cont’d
Literacy Status
Age All Persons Literate Illiterate
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

All Ages 883,619 434,957 448,662 260,749 149,625 111,124 622,870 285,332 337,539
10-14 167,164 84,715 82,449 71,680 32,764 38,916 95,484 51,951 43,532
15-19 140,392 67,439 72,952 60,458 33,673 26,785 79,933 33,766 46,167
20-24 103,610 37,586 66,023 34,514 16,788 17,726 69,096 20,798 48,298
25-29 125,374 58,397 66,977 36,707 22,047 14,660 88,667 36,349 52,317
30-34 84,798 38,040 46,759 16,552 11,925 4,627 68,246 26,115 42,131
35-39 77,715 39,666 38,049 14,150 10,196 3,955 63,564 29,470 34,094
40-44 56,605 32,565 24,041 9,138 7,673 1,465 47,467 24,892 22,576
45-49 40,700 23,270 17,431 7,762 6,097 1,666 32,938 17,173 15,765
50-54 30,030 16,389 13,641 5,169 4,723 446 24,861 11,667 13,194
55-59 16,706 11,081 5,625 2,452 1,881 571 14,253 9,200 5,054
60-64 14,971 9,677 5,294 988 924 64 13,983 8,754 5,230
65+ 25,555 16,132 9,422 1,177 935 242 24,378 15,197 9,181
All Ages 168,920 79,510 89,411 113,479 59,506 53,973 55,441 20,004 35,438
10-14 25,900 11,668 14,233 23,511 10,421 13,090 2,389 1,247 1,143
15-19 21,224 9,446 11,778 19,088 8,782 10,306 2,136 664 1,471
20-24 23,653 8,871 14,782 17,788 7,163 10,625 5,865 1,707 4,157
25-29 30,203 12,478 17,725 20,570 10,545 10,025 9,633 1,932 7,701
30-34 17,431 8,585 8,846 10,275 6,557 3,718 7,157 2,028 5,128
35-39 15,649 8,571 7,078 8,617 5,814 2,803 7,032 2,757 4,275
40-44 10,796 6,739 4,057 5,143 4,096 1,046 5,654 2,643 3,011
45-49 9,325 4,975 4,350 4,136 2,889 1,247 5,189 2,086 3,103
50-54 4,421 2,339 2,082 1,653 1,207 446 2,768 1,132 1,635
55-59 4,292 2,471 1,821 1,582 1,011 571 2,710 1,461 1,250
60-64 2,535 1,464 1,071 778 714 64 1,757 750 1,007
65+ 3,492 1,903 1,589 339 307 32 3,153 1,596 1,557
All Ages 714,699 355,447 359,252 147,270 90,119 57,151 567,429 265,328 302,101
10-14 141,263 73,047 68,216 48,169 22,343 25,826 93,094 50,705 42,389
15-19 119,168 57,993 61,175 41,370 24,891 16,479 77,798 33,102 44,696
20-24 79,957 28,716 51,241 16,726 9,625 7,101 63,232 19,091 44,140
25-29 95,171 45,919 49,252 16,137 11,502 4,635 79,034 34,417 44,617
30-34 67,367 29,454 37,913 6,278 5,368 910 61,090 24,087 37,003
35-39 62,066 31,095 30,971 5,534 4,382 1,152 56,532 26,713 29,819
40-44 45,809 25,825 19,984 3,996 3,577 419 41,813 22,248 19,565
45-49 31,375 18,294 13,081 3,627 3,208 419 27,749 15,087 12,662
50-54 25,609 14,050 11,559 3,516 3,516 - 22,093 10,534 11,559
55-59 12,413 8,609 3,804 870 870 - 11,543 7,739 3,804
60-64 12,436 8,213 4,223 210 210 - 12,227 8,004 4,223
65+ 22,063 14,230 7,833 838 629 210 21,225 13,601 7,624
Table 3.11 Cont’d
Literacy Status
Age All Persons Literate Illiterate
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

All Ages 13,896,838 6,902,006 6,994,832 6,644,549 3,877,303 2,767,246 7,252,289 3,024,703 4,227,586
10-14 2,677,178 1,359,950 1,317,227 1,981,497 938,513 1,042,983 695,681 421,437 274,244
15-19 2,050,004 1,063,634 986,369 1,560,891 808,634 752,256 489,113 255,000 234,113
20-24 1,524,346 722,122 802,225 898,041 505,339 392,702 626,305 216,783 409,523
25-29 1,502,402 699,545 802,856 574,445 389,062 185,384 927,957 310,484 617,473
30-34 1,089,956 509,936 580,020 332,390 237,299 95,091 757,566 272,637 484,929
35-39 1,196,211 563,572 632,639 384,569 249,040 135,529 811,641 314,532 497,110
40-44 826,181 418,118 408,064 274,839 202,036 72,804 551,342 216,082 335,260
45-49 723,443 359,827 363,616 219,052 180,452 38,600 504,390 179,375 325,015
50-54 562,184 276,821 285,363 139,743 118,614 21,129 422,441 158,207 264,234
55-59 466,794 251,643 215,152 97,924 88,402 9,522 368,871 163,241 205,630
60-64 390,860 204,762 186,098 69,363 58,680 10,683 321,497 146,082 175,415
65+ 887,280 472,076 415,203 111,795 101,233 10,562 775,485 370,844 404,641
All Ages 2,206,743 1,000,999 1,205,744 1,622,349 840,262 782,087 584,393 160,736 423,657
10-14 304,189 136,750 167,440 278,619 126,439 152,180 25,570 10,310 15,260
15-19 341,009 144,810 196,199 316,914 137,619 179,296 24,095 7,191 16,904
20-24 330,623 138,878 191,745 288,244 129,087 159,157 42,379 9,791 32,588
25-29 301,456 137,761 163,695 229,409 121,478 107,932 72,047 16,283 55,764
30-34 189,438 95,176 94,262 133,121 80,312 52,809 56,317 14,864 41,453
35-39 191,500 89,719 101,782 133,616 75,880 57,736 57,885 13,839 44,046
40-44 119,298 59,111 60,187 70,708 45,867 24,841 48,590 13,244 35,346
45-49 102,691 47,983 54,708 60,985 40,422 20,563 41,706 7,561 34,146
50-54 79,564 36,479 43,085 40,349 29,744 10,604 39,215 6,734 32,481
55-59 62,943 29,392 33,550 24,490 17,612 6,878 38,453 11,780 26,673
60-64 53,218 21,579 31,639 16,475 11,756 4,719 36,743 9,823 26,920
65+ 130,813 63,362 67,451 29,419 24,046 5,373 101,394 39,316 62,078
All Ages 11,690,095 5,901,007 5,789,088 5,022,199 3,037,041 1,985,159 6,667,896 2,863,966 3,803,929
10-14 2,372,988 1,223,201 1,149,788 1,702,877 812,074 890,803 670,111 411,127 258,984
15-19 1,708,995 918,825 790,170 1,243,976 671,016 572,961 465,018 247,809 217,209
20-24 1,193,723 583,244 610,480 609,796 376,252 233,545 583,927 206,992 376,935
25-29 1,200,946 561,785 639,161 345,036 267,584 77,452 855,910 294,201 561,709
30-34 900,518 414,760 485,758 199,268 156,987 42,282 701,249 257,773 443,476
35-39 1,004,710 473,853 530,857 250,954 173,160 77,793 753,756 300,692 453,064
40-44 706,883 359,007 347,877 204,131 156,169 47,963 502,752 202,838 299,914
45-49 620,751 311,844 308,907 158,067 140,029 18,038 462,684 171,815 290,869
50-54 482,620 240,343 242,278 99,394 88,870 10,525 383,226 151,473 231,753
55-59 403,851 222,250 181,601 73,434 70,790 2,644 330,418 151,460 178,957
60-64 337,642 183,183 154,459 52,889 46,924 5,964 284,754 136,259 148,495
65+ 756,467 408,714 347,753 82,376 77,186 5,190 674,091 331,528 342,563
Table 3.11 Cont’d
Literacy Status
Age All Persons Literate Illiterate
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

All Ages 20,820,331 10,581,986 10,238,345 10,584,594 6,506,374 4,078,220 10,235,737 4,075,612 6,160,125
10-14 4,362,700 2,315,971 2,046,729 2,725,224 1,456,889 1,268,336 1,637,476 859,082 778,393
15-19 3,141,330 1,630,277 1,511,053 2,384,381 1,295,065 1,089,316 756,949 335,211 421,737
20-24 2,484,794 1,217,483 1,267,311 1,619,267 952,299 666,969 865,526 265,184 600,342
25-29 2,497,964 1,150,220 1,347,744 1,205,733 791,662 414,071 1,292,231 358,558 933,673
30-34 1,643,617 862,079 781,538 666,146 479,211 186,935 977,471 382,868 594,603
35-39 1,752,866 856,068 896,798 731,587 510,282 221,304 1,021,280 345,786 675,494
40-44 1,130,080 567,979 562,101 423,676 325,076 98,600 706,404 242,904 463,501
45-49 960,301 472,721 487,580 306,399 241,542 64,857 653,902 231,179 422,724
50-54 755,795 366,967 388,828 188,602 157,715 30,887 567,193 209,252 357,941
55-59 585,866 292,325 293,540 122,091 105,471 16,619 463,775 186,854 276,921
60-64 524,490 277,718 246,772 79,572 71,966 7,607 444,917 205,752 239,165
65+ 980,529 572,178 408,352 131,916 119,196 12,720 848,614 452,982 395,632
All Ages 3,142,596 1,529,449 1,613,147 2,477,882 1,342,047 1,135,835 664,714 187,402 477,313
10-14 514,044 239,165 274,880 444,130 206,874 237,256 69,914 32,290 37,624
15-19 483,386 230,367 253,020 447,456 221,113 226,343 35,930 9,253 26,677
20-24 479,002 215,124 263,878 424,220 204,305 219,916 54,782 10,819 43,962
25-29 481,811 230,150 251,661 388,699 210,868 177,831 93,112 19,282 73,830
30-34 283,397 155,131 128,266 220,015 133,866 86,149 63,381 21,265 42,116
35-39 269,514 142,988 126,526 207,776 124,175 83,602 61,738 18,813 42,924
40-44 163,075 90,972 72,103 119,004 81,862 37,142 44,071 9,110 34,961
45-49 129,881 59,924 69,958 80,991 49,138 31,854 48,890 10,786 38,104
50-54 93,981 43,746 50,235 52,676 35,336 17,340 41,305 8,411 32,894
55-59 70,350 38,094 32,256 34,427 27,215 7,212 35,923 10,879 25,044
60-64 60,375 29,900 30,475 21,337 18,701 2,636 39,038 11,199 27,839
65+ 113,779 53,888 59,891 37,149 28,595 8,555 76,630 25,293 51,336
All Ages 17,677,735 9,052,537 8,625,198 8,106,712 5,164,327 2,942,385 9,571,023 3,888,210 5,682,813
10-14 3,848,656 2,076,806 1,771,849 2,281,094 1,250,014 1,031,080 1,567,561 826,792 740,769
15-19 2,657,943 1,399,910 1,258,033 1,936,925 1,073,952 862,973 721,019 325,958 395,061
20-24 2,005,791 1,002,359 1,003,433 1,195,047 747,994 447,053 810,744 254,365 556,380
25-29 2,016,153 920,070 1,096,083 817,034 580,794 236,240 1,199,119 339,276 859,843
30-34 1,360,220 706,948 653,272 446,130 345,345 100,786 914,090 361,603 552,487
35-39 1,483,352 713,080 770,272 523,810 386,108 137,703 959,542 326,973 632,569
40-44 967,005 477,007 489,997 304,672 243,214 61,458 662,333 233,793 428,540
45-49 830,420 412,797 417,622 225,408 192,405 33,003 605,012 220,392 384,620
50-54 661,813 323,220 338,593 135,926 122,379 13,546 525,888 200,841 325,047
55-59 515,515 254,231 261,284 87,664 78,256 9,407 427,852 175,975 251,877
60-64 464,115 247,818 216,297 58,236 53,264 4,971 405,879 194,553 211,326
65+ 866,750 518,290 348,461 94,766 90,601 4,165 771,984 427,689 344,296
Table 3.11 Cont’d
Literacy Status
Age All Persons Literate Illiterate
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

All Ages 1,253,952 643,292 610,660 399,624 266,354 133,270 854,328 376,938 477,390
10-14 279,943 164,568 115,375 142,688 87,689 54,998 137,256 76,879 60,377
15-19 189,582 98,247 91,335 96,674 60,327 36,347 92,908 37,920 54,988
20-24 127,949 56,048 71,901 42,848 27,439 15,409 85,101 28,609 56,492
25-29 127,255 48,171 79,083 29,770 20,574 9,196 97,484 27,597 69,887
30-34 112,913 54,396 58,516 19,687 14,715 4,972 93,226 39,681 53,545
35-39 110,701 50,797 59,904 20,119 15,512 4,607 90,582 35,284 55,297
40-44 91,695 48,654 43,042 17,191 13,376 3,815 74,504 35,278 39,226
45-49 55,319 31,238 24,081 12,342 10,440 1,903 42,977 20,799 22,178
50-54 57,535 33,826 23,709 8,941 7,790 1,151 48,593 26,036 22,557
55-59 25,091 14,397 10,695 4,576 4,181 395 20,516 10,216 10,300
60-64 35,298 20,488 14,810 2,794 2,510 284 32,504 17,978 14,526
65+ 40,672 22,463 18,209 1,994 1,801 193 38,678 20,662 18,017
All Ages 208,424 103,144 105,280 131,897 80,524 51,373 76,526 22,620 53,906
10-14 39,776 21,905 17,871 33,595 19,048 14,547 6,181 2,857 3,324
15-19 34,631 17,498 17,133 29,037 16,103 12,934 5,594 1,395 4,199
20-24 23,734 10,674 13,060 15,949 9,391 6,558 7,786 1,283 6,503
25-29 22,811 9,481 13,329 14,214 7,849 6,365 8,597 1,633 6,964
30-34 19,563 9,396 10,167 10,536 7,315 3,222 9,027 2,081 6,945
35-39 19,595 9,165 10,430 9,397 6,241 3,156 10,198 2,924 7,274
40-44 14,939 8,415 6,524 7,249 5,607 1,642 7,690 2,808 4,882
45-49 7,956 4,137 3,819 4,075 2,919 1,156 3,881 1,218 2,662
50-54 8,085 3,820 4,265 3,158 2,236 922 4,927 1,584 3,343
55-59 4,437 2,787 1,650 1,789 1,394 395 2,648 1,393 1,255
60-64 4,811 2,438 2,373 1,362 1,078 284 3,449 1,360 2,089
65+ 8,086 3,428 4,658 1,537 1,345 193 6,548 2,083 4,465
All Ages 1,045,529 540,148 505,380 267,727 185,830 81,896 777,802 354,318 423,484
10-14 240,167 142,663 97,504 109,093 68,642 40,451 131,074 74,021 57,053
15-19 154,951 80,749 74,202 67,637 44,224 23,413 87,314 36,525 50,789
20-24 104,215 45,374 58,840 26,900 18,048 8,852 77,315 27,326 49,989
25-29 104,444 38,690 65,754 15,556 12,726 2,831 88,888 25,965 62,923
30-34 93,350 45,000 48,350 9,151 7,401 1,750 84,199 37,600 46,600
35-39 91,105 41,631 49,474 10,722 9,271 1,451 80,383 32,360 48,023
40-44 76,757 40,238 36,518 9,943 7,769 2,174 66,814 32,470 34,344
45-49 47,363 27,101 20,262 8,267 7,521 746 39,096 19,580 19,516
50-54 49,450 30,006 19,444 5,783 5,554 229 43,667 24,452 19,215
55-59 20,654 11,609 9,045 2,786 2,786 - 17,868 8,823 9,045
60-64 30,487 18,050 12,437 1,432 1,432 - 29,054 16,618 12,437
65+ 32,586 19,035 13,551 456 456 - 32,130 18,579 13,551
Table 3.11 Cont’d
Literacy Status
Age All Persons Literate Illiterate
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

All Ages 619,093 308,959 310,134 311,316 189,895 121,421 307,777 119,064 188,713
10-14 113,284 59,156 54,128 80,129 41,650 38,479 33,154 17,506 15,649
15-19 87,257 40,692 46,565 68,657 33,273 35,384 18,600 7,419 11,180
20-24 88,603 38,036 50,567 52,422 30,396 22,026 36,181 7,641 28,541
25-29 89,491 42,901 46,590 44,047 31,292 12,755 45,444 11,609 33,835
30-34 56,010 31,133 24,876 20,174 16,354 3,820 35,836 14,780 21,057
35-39 52,971 27,068 25,903 17,368 11,997 5,371 35,603 15,071 20,531
40-44 29,761 14,914 14,847 10,021 8,415 1,606 19,741 6,499 13,242
45-49 26,066 14,646 11,420 7,590 6,753 837 18,476 7,893 10,583
50-54 23,411 10,574 12,837 4,391 3,927 464 19,020 6,647 12,373
55-59 12,443 6,999 5,444 3,073 2,646 428 9,370 4,354 5,016
60-64 15,120 8,654 6,466 1,279 1,173 106 13,841 7,480 6,360
65+ 24,676 14,185 10,491 2,163 2,019 144 22,513 12,166 10,347
All Ages 119,932 58,598 61,334 95,099 51,736 43,363 24,833 6,861 17,971
10-14 20,772 10,306 10,466 19,171 9,728 9,444 1,600 578 1,022
15-19 18,851 7,135 11,716 17,617 6,925 10,692 1,234 210 1,024
20-24 18,891 8,531 10,360 16,603 7,990 8,612 2,288 541 1,747
25-29 21,261 10,116 11,145 15,817 9,124 6,693 5,445 992 4,452
30-34 11,743 6,941 4,802 8,605 5,662 2,942 3,138 1,278 1,860
35-39 10,432 5,818 4,614 7,621 4,763 2,859 2,811 1,055 1,755
40-44 5,627 3,659 1,968 4,206 3,279 927 1,421 380 1,041
45-49 3,610 2,062 1,549 2,061 1,518 543 1,549 543 1,006
50-54 2,618 1,213 1,405 1,269 1,061 208 1,348 151 1,197
55-59 2,095 1,170 925 1,059 866 192 1,036 303 733
60-64 1,414 494 920 394 288 106 1,020 206 814
65+ 2,618 1,154 1,464 676 531 144 1,942 622 1,319
All Ages 499,162 250,361 248,800 216,217 138,159 78,058 282,944 112,203 170,742
10-14 92,512 48,850 43,662 60,958 31,923 29,035 31,554 16,928 14,626
15-19 68,406 33,557 34,849 51,040 26,348 24,692 17,366 7,209 10,157
20-24 69,712 29,505 40,207 35,819 22,405 13,414 33,893 7,100 26,793
25-29 68,229 32,785 35,445 28,230 22,168 6,062 39,999 10,616 29,383
30-34 44,267 24,193 20,074 11,569 10,691 878 32,698 13,501 19,197
35-39 42,539 21,250 21,289 9,747 7,234 2,513 32,792 14,016 18,776
40-44 24,134 11,255 12,879 5,815 5,136 679 18,320 6,119 12,200
45-49 22,455 12,584 9,871 5,529 5,235 294 16,926 7,349 9,577
50-54 20,793 9,361 11,432 3,122 2,866 256 17,671 6,495 11,176
55-59 10,348 5,830 4,518 2,015 1,779 236 8,333 4,050 4,283
60-64 13,706 8,159 5,547 885 885 - 12,820 7,274 5,547
65+ 22,059 13,031 9,028 1,487 1,487 - 20,571 11,544 9,028
Table 3.11 Cont’d
Literacy Status
Age All Persons Literate Illiterate
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

All Ages 11,277,401 5,558,000 5,719,401 5,988,791 3,551,022 2,437,768 5,288,610 2,006,977 3,281,632
10-14 2,281,203 1,166,820 1,114,382 1,499,957 782,127 717,830 781,246 384,694 396,552
15-19 1,771,467 878,670 892,797 1,402,774 719,409 683,365 368,693 159,261 209,432
20-24 1,299,638 611,282 688,356 884,540 488,516 396,024 415,098 122,766 292,332
25-29 1,291,586 606,579 685,008 710,987 434,559 276,428 580,599 172,020 408,580
30-34 956,734 447,148 509,586 415,044 281,728 133,316 541,690 165,420 376,269
35-39 963,694 451,771 511,922 385,322 269,668 115,654 578,372 182,103 396,269
40-44 732,925 359,943 372,982 252,852 205,767 47,085 480,073 154,176 325,897
45-49 571,079 286,535 284,545 176,127 139,811 36,316 394,952 146,723 248,229
50-54 426,716 223,046 203,670 107,157 91,149 16,009 319,558 131,897 187,661
55-59 270,358 136,227 134,130 56,434 50,724 5,709 213,924 85,503 128,421
60-64 253,323 129,651 123,672 43,051 38,161 4,891 210,271 91,490 118,781
65+ 458,678 260,327 198,351 54,545 49,403 5,141 404,134 210,924 193,210
All Ages 1,709,488 812,986 896,502 1,383,261 727,984 655,278 326,227 85,002 241,224
10-14 302,102 132,119 169,984 266,847 118,064 148,783 35,255 14,055 21,201
15-19 286,777 130,934 155,843 265,287 122,268 143,019 21,490 8,666 12,824
20-24 239,388 99,760 139,628 213,262 93,987 119,275 26,126 5,773 20,353
25-29 247,086 121,728 125,358 209,622 112,252 97,370 37,463 9,476 27,987
30-34 153,633 80,150 73,482 121,278 72,180 49,098 32,354 7,970 24,384
35-39 149,532 76,421 73,110 113,814 67,211 46,603 35,718 9,211 26,507
40-44 94,124 49,315 44,809 66,120 44,835 21,286 28,004 4,481 23,523
45-49 70,862 40,699 30,163 51,251 37,257 13,994 19,611 3,442 16,168
50-54 45,319 22,971 22,349 25,718 18,678 7,041 19,601 4,293 15,308
55-59 36,757 19,810 16,947 18,897 15,277 3,620 17,861 4,533 13,327
60-64 31,168 14,176 16,991 14,581 11,317 3,264 16,586 2,859 13,727
65+ 52,740 24,902 27,838 16,583 14,659 1,925 36,157 10,243 25,914
All Ages 9,567,912 4,745,013 4,822,899 4,605,529 2,823,038 1,782,491 4,962,383 1,921,975 3,040,408
10-14 1,979,100 1,034,702 944,398 1,233,109 664,063 569,047 745,991 370,639 375,352
15-19 1,484,691 747,736 736,954 1,137,488 597,141 540,346 347,203 150,595 196,608
20-24 1,060,249 511,522 548,728 671,277 394,528 276,749 388,972 116,993 271,979
25-29 1,044,501 484,851 559,650 501,365 322,307 179,058 543,136 162,544 380,592
30-34 803,101 366,998 436,104 293,766 209,548 84,218 509,336 157,450 351,886
35-39 814,162 375,350 438,812 271,508 202,458 69,050 542,654 172,892 369,761
40-44 638,801 310,627 328,174 186,732 160,933 25,799 452,069 149,695 302,374
45-49 500,218 245,836 254,382 124,876 102,554 22,322 375,341 143,281 232,060
50-54 381,396 200,075 181,321 81,439 72,471 8,968 299,957 127,604 172,353
55-59 233,600 116,417 117,183 37,537 35,447 2,090 196,063 80,970 115,093
60-64 222,155 115,475 106,680 28,470 26,844 1,627 193,685 88,631 105,054
65+ 405,938 235,425 170,513 37,961 34,744 3,217 367,977 200,681 167,296
Table 3.11 Cont’d
Literacy Status
Age All Persons Literate Illiterate
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

All Ages 247,763 119,824 127,939 154,180 87,918 66,262 93,583 31,906 61,677
10-14 50,247 26,692 23,555 40,049 21,782 18,267 10,198 4,910 5,288
15-19 40,102 21,567 18,535 35,511 20,113 15,398 4,590 1,454 3,137
20-24 31,843 12,841 19,002 25,281 11,594 13,687 6,562 1,247 5,315
25-29 31,975 14,278 17,697 21,170 12,359 8,811 10,805 1,919 8,886
30-34 22,671 9,732 12,939 11,872 6,805 5,067 10,800 2,927 7,873
35-39 23,013 10,809 12,204 9,606 6,974 2,632 13,406 3,835 9,572
40-44 15,635 7,534 8,101 4,726 3,392 1,334 10,908 4,141 6,767
45-49 12,567 6,292 6,275 3,110 2,448 662 9,456 3,844 5,613
50-54 6,583 3,284 3,299 1,167 945 221 5,417 2,339 3,078
55-59 5,077 2,577 2,500 726 627 99 4,351 1,950 2,401
60-64 2,874 1,527 1,347 275 218 57 2,599 1,309 1,290
65+ 5,177 2,692 2,485 687 661 26 4,489 2,031 2,458
All Ages 75,114 35,411 39,703 58,956 31,275 27,681 16,158 4,136 12,022
10-14 14,288 7,394 6,895 11,757 6,260 5,497 2,531 1,134 1,398
15-19 12,948 6,468 6,480 12,281 6,310 5,972 667 159 508
20-24 10,974 4,668 6,307 10,140 4,522 5,618 835 146 688
25-29 11,300 4,863 6,436 8,959 4,418 4,541 2,340 445 1,895
30-34 7,149 3,112 4,036 5,594 2,975 2,619 1,555 138 1,417
35-39 6,278 3,193 3,085 4,511 2,751 1,760 1,767 442 1,325
40-44 4,152 1,858 2,294 2,515 1,610 905 1,637 248 1,389
45-49 3,163 1,687 1,476 1,731 1,309 422 1,432 378 1,054
50-54 1,544 727 817 741 519 221 803 207 596
55-59 1,229 439 790 325 226 99 905 214 691
60-64 604 271 333 120 120 - 484 151 333
65+ 1,484 729 754 281 255 26 1,203 475 728
All Ages 172,649 84,413 88,236 95,224 56,643 38,581 77,425 27,770 49,655
10-14 35,959 19,298 16,660 28,292 15,522 12,770 7,667 3,776 3,890
15-19 27,153 15,098 12,055 23,230 13,803 9,427 3,923 1,295 2,629
20-24 20,868 8,173 12,695 15,141 7,072 8,069 5,728 1,101 4,626
25-29 20,675 9,415 11,261 12,210 7,941 4,270 8,465 1,474 6,991
30-34 15,523 6,620 8,903 6,278 3,830 2,448 9,245 2,789 6,455
35-39 16,734 7,616 9,119 5,095 4,223 872 11,639 3,392 8,247
40-44 11,483 5,675 5,807 2,211 1,782 429 9,272 3,893 5,378
45-49 9,403 4,605 4,799 1,379 1,139 240 8,024 3,466 4,559
50-54 5,039 2,557 2,482 426 426 - 4,613 2,132 2,482
55-59 3,847 2,138 1,710 401 401 - 3,447 1,737 1,710
60-64 2,270 1,256 1,014 154 98 57 2,116 1,158 958
65+ 3,693 1,963 1,730 406 406 - 3,287 1,556 1,730
Table 3.11 Cont’d
Literacy Status
Age All Persons Literate Illiterate
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

All Ages 156,183 73,719 82,464 106,429 57,893 48,536 49,754 15,826 33,928
10-14 23,368 11,059 12,310 18,538 9,389 9,149 4,831 1,670 3,161
15-19 21,141 9,709 11,433 17,462 8,261 9,201 3,679 1,447 2,232
20-24 19,725 8,167 11,558 14,885 7,039 7,847 4,840 1,129 3,711
25-29 20,562 9,450 11,113 14,084 7,772 6,312 6,478 1,677 4,801
30-34 16,178 8,080 8,098 10,615 6,049 4,566 5,563 2,031 3,532
35-39 15,110 7,500 7,610 10,112 5,891 4,221 4,998 1,609 3,390
40-44 9,343 5,610 3,732 5,986 4,169 1,816 3,357 1,441 1,916
45-49 7,768 4,005 3,763 5,004 3,054 1,951 2,764 951 1,813
50-54 5,673 2,560 3,112 3,001 1,776 1,226 2,671 784 1,887
55-59 4,761 1,956 2,805 2,219 1,354 865 2,541 602 1,939
60-64 3,948 1,821 2,127 1,871 1,146 726 2,077 675 1,402
65+ 8,606 3,803 4,803 2,652 1,993 659 5,954 1,810 4,144
All Ages 96,361 44,986 51,375 82,691 42,186 40,505 13,669 2,800 10,869
10-14 11,797 5,770 6,027 11,472 5,691 5,782 324 79 245
15-19 12,347 5,233 7,114 11,815 5,149 6,666 532 85 448
20-24 12,423 4,835 7,588 11,427 4,690 6,737 996 146 851
25-29 12,743 5,763 6,981 11,252 5,530 5,722 1,491 233 1,258
30-34 10,510 5,091 5,419 9,265 4,810 4,455 1,245 281 964
35-39 10,183 4,982 5,202 8,770 4,790 3,980 1,413 192 1,222
40-44 6,152 3,899 2,253 5,384 3,646 1,738 768 253 515
45-49 5,184 2,738 2,446 4,517 2,567 1,951 666 171 495
50-54 3,498 1,638 1,860 2,764 1,538 1,226 734 100 634
55-59 2,694 1,058 1,636 1,849 984 865 844 74 770
60-64 2,516 1,111 1,405 1,638 912 726 878 199 679
65+ 6,314 2,868 3,446 2,539 1,880 659 3,775 988 2,787
All Ages 59,822 28,733 31,090 23,738 15,707 8,031 36,085 13,026 23,058
10-14 11,571 5,289 6,282 7,065 3,698 3,367 4,506 1,591 2,915
15-19 8,794 4,475 4,319 5,647 3,112 2,534 3,147 1,363 1,784
20-24 7,303 3,332 3,971 3,459 2,349 1,110 3,844 983 2,861
25-29 7,819 3,687 4,132 2,832 2,243 590 4,987 1,444 3,542
30-34 5,668 2,989 2,679 1,350 1,239 111 4,318 1,750 2,568
35-39 4,927 2,518 2,409 1,342 1,101 241 3,585 1,417 2,168
40-44 3,191 1,711 1,479 602 523 79 2,589 1,188 1,401
45-49 2,585 1,267 1,318 487 487 - 2,097 780 1,318
50-54 2,175 922 1,252 238 238 - 1,937 684 1,252
55-59 2,067 898 1,169 370 370 - 1,697 528 1,169
60-64 1,432 709 722 233 233 - 1,198 476 722
65+ 2,292 935 1,357 113 113 - 2,179 822 1,357
Table 3.11 Cont’d
Literacy Status
Age All Persons Literate Illiterate
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

All Ages 2,700,736 1,233,556 1,467,180 2,385,354 1,168,317 1,217,037 315,382 65,240 250,142
10-14 267,531 116,519 151,011 255,176 114,147 141,029 12,355 2,372 9,983
15-19 373,517 142,474 231,043 353,564 139,166 214,398 19,953 3,308 16,646
20-24 403,852 171,031 232,820 376,818 167,372 209,446 27,034 3,659 23,374
25-29 429,171 204,243 224,928 394,901 196,950 197,952 34,269 7,293 26,976
30-34 296,758 151,597 145,160 278,120 147,149 130,971 18,637 4,449 14,189
35-39 247,914 125,136 122,778 226,406 120,214 106,191 21,508 4,921 16,587
40-44 144,545 77,049 67,496 128,565 73,575 54,990 15,980 3,474 12,506
45-49 122,585 55,056 67,529 102,001 50,356 51,645 20,584 4,700 15,884
50-54 102,714 43,678 59,036 76,607 39,577 37,030 26,107 4,101 22,006
55-59 90,737 39,843 50,895 69,162 36,514 32,648 21,576 3,329 18,247
60-64 78,034 37,116 40,918 53,810 32,874 20,936 24,224 4,243 19,982
65+ 143,379 69,815 73,565 70,225 50,423 19,801 73,155 19,391 53,764
All Ages 2,700,736 1,233,556 1,467,180 2,385,354 1,168,317 1,217,037 315,382 65,240 250,142
10-14 267,531 116,519 151,011 255,176 114,147 141,029 12,355 2,372 9,983
15-19 373,517 142,474 231,043 353,564 139,166 214,398 19,953 3,308 16,646
20-24 403,852 171,031 232,820 376,818 167,372 209,446 27,034 3,659 23,374
25-29 429,171 204,243 224,928 394,901 196,950 197,952 34,269 7,293 26,976
30-34 296,758 151,597 145,160 278,120 147,149 130,971 18,637 4,449 14,189
35-39 247,914 125,136 122,778 226,406 120,214 106,191 21,508 4,921 16,587
40-44 144,545 77,049 67,496 128,565 73,575 54,990 15,980 3,474 12,506
45-49 122,585 55,056 67,529 102,001 50,356 51,645 20,584 4,700 15,884
50-54 102,714 43,678 59,036 76,607 39,577 37,030 26,107 4,101 22,006
55-59 90,737 39,843 50,895 69,162 36,514 32,648 21,576 3,329 18,247
60-64 78,034 37,116 40,918 53,810 32,874 20,936 24,224 4,243 19,982
65+ 143,379 69,815 73,565 70,225 50,423 19,801 73,155 19,391 53,764
Table 3.11 Cont’d
Literacy Status
Age All Persons Literate Illiterate
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

All Ages 300,823 142,409 158,413 196,846 108,426 88,419 103,977 33,983 69,994
10-14 45,700 22,233 23,467 35,595 17,824 17,771 10,105 4,409 5,696
15-19 42,178 19,223 22,955 35,479 17,224 18,254 6,700 1,998 4,701
20-24 39,420 18,596 20,824 30,663 16,164 14,500 8,757 2,432 6,324
25-29 39,366 18,231 21,134 27,520 15,724 11,796 11,846 2,507 9,338
30-34 29,266 14,994 14,272 19,060 11,578 7,481 10,206 3,415 6,791
35-39 26,215 11,465 14,750 15,008 7,948 7,061 11,207 3,517 7,689
40-44 17,675 9,114 8,561 9,283 5,962 3,321 8,392 3,153 5,240
45-49 15,854 7,518 8,336 9,156 5,270 3,886 6,697 2,248 4,450
50-54 12,282 5,728 6,554 5,518 3,603 1,915 6,764 2,125 4,639
55-59 7,983 3,196 4,786 2,851 1,683 1,168 5,132 1,513 3,618
60-64 10,206 5,665 4,541 3,613 2,942 671 6,593 2,723 3,870
65+ 14,678 6,446 8,233 3,099 2,504 595 11,579 3,942 7,637


All Ages 211,372 97,341 114,031 164,522 86,590 77,932 46,850 10,750 36,099
10-14 26,901 12,627 14,275 25,072 12,034 13,038 1,829 592 1,237
15-19 30,546 13,326 17,220 28,692 13,047 15,645 1,854 279 1,575
20-24 29,159 13,872 15,288 26,399 13,246 13,153 2,760 626 2,134
25-29 28,849 13,384 15,465 23,784 12,764 11,020 5,065 620 4,445
30-34 21,190 10,987 10,202 17,022 9,950 7,073 4,167 1,038 3,130
35-39 18,572 8,102 10,470 13,353 6,800 6,554 5,219 1,303 3,916
40-44 10,884 5,341 5,543 7,835 4,621 3,214 3,049 720 2,329
45-49 12,135 5,018 7,118 8,116 4,230 3,886 4,019 788 3,231
50-54 8,533 3,849 4,684 5,205 3,291 1,915 3,328 558 2,770
55-59 5,723 2,099 3,624 2,712 1,544 1,168 3,010 555 2,456
60-64 7,315 4,112 3,203 3,302 2,631 671 4,013 1,481 2,532
65+ 11,563 4,624 6,939 3,029 2,434 595 8,534 2,190 6,343
All Ages 89,451 45,069 44,382 32,324 21,836 10,488 57,127 23,233 33,895
10-14 18,799 9,607 9,192 10,523 5,790 4,733 8,276 3,817 4,459
15-19 11,632 5,897 5,735 6,786 4,177 2,609 4,845 1,719 3,126
20-24 10,261 4,724 5,537 4,264 2,918 1,346 5,996 1,806 4,190
25-29 10,516 4,847 5,670 3,736 2,960 776 6,780 1,887 4,893
30-34 8,076 4,006 4,070 2,037 1,629 408 6,039 2,378 3,661
35-39 7,643 3,363 4,280 1,655 1,148 507 5,988 2,215 3,773
40-44 6,791 3,773 3,018 1,448 1,341 107 5,343 2,432 2,910
45-49 3,718 2,500 1,218 1,040 1,040 - 2,678 1,460 1,218
50-54 3,748 1,879 1,869 313 313 - 3,436 1,566 1,869
55-59 2,260 1,098 1,163 139 139 - 2,121 959 1,163
60-64 2,891 1,553 1,338 311 311 - 2,580 1,242 1,338
65+ 3,115 1,821 1,294 70 70 - 3,045 1,751 1,294
Table 3.12 Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Literacy Status, Sex and Place of Residence :2013
Place of Literacy Status
Residence All Persons Literate Illiterate
and Sex Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Total 55,629,497 27,667,062 27,962,436 28,999,195 17,067,841 11,931,354 26,630,302 10,599,221 16,031,082
Urban 11,504,022 5,382,344 6,121,677 9,204,765 4,774,561 4,430,204 2,299,257 607,783 1,691,474
Rural 44,125,475 22,284,717 21,840,758 19,794,430 12,293,280 7,501,150 24,331,045 9,991,437 14,339,608
Total 3,472,759 1,668,353 1,804,406 1,966,764 1,104,713 862,051 1,505,995 563,639 942,355
Urban 864,336 386,365 477,972 689,273 344,133 345,140 175,063 42,232 132,831
Rural 2,608,422 1,281,988 1,326,434 1,277,491 760,580 516,910 1,330,932 521,408 809,524
Total 883,619 434,957 448,662 260,749 149,625 111,124 622,870 285,332 337,539
Urban 168,920 79,510 89,411 113,479 59,506 53,973 55,441 20,004 35,438
Rural 714,699 355,447 359,252 147,270 90,119 57,151 567,429 265,328 302,101
Total 13,896,838 6,902,006 6,994,832 6,644,549 3,877,303 2,767,246 7,252,289 3,024,703 4,227,586
Urban 2,206,743 1,000,999 1,205,744 1,622,349 840,262 782,087 584,393 160,736 423,657
Rural 11,690,095 5,901,007 5,789,088 5,022,199 3,037,041 1,985,159 6,667,896 2,863,966 3,803,929
Total 20,820,331 10,581,986 10,238,345 10,584,594 6,506,374 4,078,220 10,235,737 4,075,612 6,160,125
Urban 3,142,596 1,529,449 1,613,147 2,477,882 1,342,047 1,135,835 664,714 187,402 477,313
Rural 17,677,735 9,052,537 8,625,198 8,106,712 5,164,327 2,942,385 9,571,023 3,888,210 5,682,813
Total 1,253,952 643,292 610,660 399,624 266,354 133,270 854,328 376,938 477,390
Urban 208,424 103,144 105,280 131,897 80,524 51,373 76,526 22,620 53,906
Rural 1,045,529 540,148 505,380 267,727 185,830 81,896 777,802 354,318 423,484
Total 619,093 308,959 310,134 311,316 189,895 121,421 307,777 119,064 188,713
Urban 119,932 58,598 61,334 95,099 51,736 43,363 24,833 6,861 17,971
Rural 499,162 250,361 248,800 216,217 138,159 78,058 282,944 112,203 170,742
Total 11,277,401 5,558,000 5,719,401 5,988,791 3,551,022 2,437,768 5,288,610 2,006,977 3,281,632
Urban 1,709,488 812,986 896,502 1,383,261 727,984 655,278 326,227 85,002 241,224
Rural 9,567,912 4,745,013 4,822,899 4,605,529 2,823,038 1,782,491 4,962,383 1,921,975 3,040,408
Total 247,763 119,824 127,939 154,180 87,918 66,262 93,583 31,906 61,677
Urban 75,114 35,411 39,703 58,956 31,275 27,681 16,158 4,136 12,022
Rural 172,649 84,413 88,236 95,224 56,643 38,581 77,425 27,770 49,655
Total 156,183 73,719 82,464 106,429 57,893 48,536 49,754 15,826 33,928
Urban 96,361 44,986 51,375 82,691 42,186 40,505 13,669 2,800 10,869
Rural 59,822 28,733 31,090 23,738 15,707 8,031 36,085 13,026 23,058
Total 2,700,736 1,233,556 1,467,180 2,385,354 1,168,317 1,217,037 315,382 65,240 250,142
Urban 2,700,736 1,233,556 1,467,180 2,385,354 1,168,317 1,217,037 315,382 65,240 250,142
Rural - - - - - - - - -
Total 300,823 142,409 158,413 196,846 108,426 88,419 103,977 33,983 69,994
Urban 211,372 97,341 114,031 164,522 86,590 77,932 46,850 10,750 36,099
Rural 89,451 45,069 44,382 32,324 21,836 10,488 57,127 23,233 33,895
Table 3.13 Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and Above by Training Status, Sex and Place of Residence :2013
Place of Total Trained Not Trained
Residence Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Total 55,629,497 27,667,062 27,962,436 3,389,474 2,233,843 1,155,631 52,240,023 25,433,218 26,806,805
Urban 11,504,022 5,382,344 6,121,677 2,420,718 1,500,353 920,365 9,083,304 3,881,991 5,201,313
Rural 44,125,475 22,284,717 21,840,758 968,756 733,490 235,266 43,156,719 21,551,227 21,605,492
Total 3,472,759 1,668,353 1,804,406 220,212 132,109 88,103 3,252,547 1,536,244 1,716,302
Urban 864,336 386,365 477,972 168,967 96,093 72,873 695,370 290,271 405,099
Rural 2,608,422 1,281,988 1,326,434 51,245 36,015 15,230 2,557,177 1,245,973 1,311,204
Total 883,619 434,957 448,662 32,532 22,948 9,583 851,087 412,008 439,079
Urban 168,920 79,510 89,411 26,384 18,267 8,117 142,537 61,243 81,294
Rural 714,699 355,447 359,252 6,148 4,681 1,467 708,551 350,766 357,785
Total 13,896,838 6,902,006 6,994,832 671,421 449,302 222,119 13,225,417 6,452,704 6,772,713
Urban 2,206,743 1,000,999 1,205,744 406,257 249,422 156,835 1,800,486 751,577 1,048,909
Rural 11,690,095 5,901,007 5,789,088 265,164 199,880 65,284 11,424,931 5,701,128 5,723,804
Total 20,820,331 10,581,986 10,238,345 966,299 671,502 294,797 19,854,032 9,910,484 9,943,548
Urban 3,142,596 1,529,449 1,613,147 571,495 373,562 197,933 2,571,102 1,155,887 1,415,215
Rural 17,677,735 9,052,537 8,625,198 394,804 297,940 96,864 17,282,931 8,754,597 8,528,333
Total 1,253,952 643,292 610,660 34,529 26,894 7,635 1,219,423 616,398 603,025
Urban 208,424 103,144 105,280 21,132 16,361 4,771 187,292 86,783 100,509
Rural 1,045,529 540,148 505,380 13,397 10,533 2,864 1,032,131 529,615 502,516
Total 619,093 308,959 310,134 39,016 27,742 11,273 580,078 281,216 298,861
Urban 119,932 58,598 61,334 24,779 16,984 7,795 95,153 41,614 53,539
Rural 499,162 250,361 248,800 14,237 10,759 3,478 484,925 239,603 245,322
Total 11,277,401 5,558,000 5,719,401 565,431 394,480 170,951 10,711,969 5,163,520 5,548,450
Urban 1,709,488 812,986 896,502 350,852 228,315 122,537 1,358,637 584,672 773,965
Rural 9,567,912 4,745,013 4,822,899 214,580 166,165 48,414 9,353,333 4,578,848 4,774,485
Total 247,763 119,824 127,939 17,618 12,385 5,233 230,145 107,439 122,705
Urban 75,114 35,411 39,703 12,946 8,765 4,182 62,168 26,647 35,521
Rural 172,649 84,413 88,236 4,672 3,620 1,052 167,977 80,793 87,184
Total 156,183 73,719 82,464 26,833 16,474 10,358 129,350 57,245 72,106
Urban 96,361 44,986 51,375 25,239 15,180 10,058 71,122 29,806 41,316
Rural 59,822 28,733 31,090 1,594 1,294 300 58,228 27,439 30,790
Total 2,700,736 1,233,556 1,467,180 769,099 449,166 319,933 1,931,637 784,391 1,147,246
Urban 2,700,736 1,233,556 1,467,180 769,099 449,166 319,933 1,931,637 784,391 1,147,246
Rural - - - - - - - - -
Total 300,823 142,409 158,413 46,485 30,842 15,644 254,337 111,568 142,770
Urban 211,372 97,341 114,031 43,570 28,239 15,331 167,802 69,102 98,700
Rural 89,451 45,069 44,382 2,915 2,603 313 86,536 42,466 44,070
Table 3.14 Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Marital Status, Sex and Place of
Place of Marital Status
Residence and All Never live
Sex Persons Married Married Divorced Widowed Separated together
Urban + Rural
Total 55,629,497 23,918,246 26,804,169 1,668,860 2,647,059 488,781 102,382
Male 27,667,062 13,560,159 13,146,406 439,348 321,630 152,267 47,251
Female 27,962,436 10,358,087 13,657,763 1,229,511 2,325,429 336,514 55,132
Total 11,504,022 5,496,789 4,664,965 530,023 609,538 157,573 45,133
Male 5,382,344 2,841,500 2,280,074 113,581 75,625 50,979 20,585
Female 6,121,677 2,655,289 2,384,891 416,442 533,913 106,594 24,549
Total 44,125,475 18,421,456 22,139,203 1,138,837 2,037,521 331,209 57,249
Male 22,284,717 10,718,659 10,866,332 325,767 246,005 101,288 26,666
Female 21,840,758 7,702,798 11,272,872 813,069 1,791,516 229,921 30,583
Urban + Rural
Total 3,472,759 1,506,687 1,565,643 177,523 188,414 26,346 8,145
Male 1,668,353 830,647 769,868 34,823 22,007 6,995 4,013
Female 1,804,406 676,041 795,775 142,701 166,407 19,351 4,132
Total 864,336 398,833 339,966 63,063 51,800 7,816 2,859
Male 386,365 207,173 156,099 12,350 7,174 2,388 1,181
Female 477,972 191,661 183,867 50,713 44,625 5,428 1,679
Total 2,608,422 1,107,854 1,225,677 114,461 136,615 18,530 5,285
Male 1,281,988 623,474 613,769 22,473 14,833 4,607 2,833
Female 1,326,434 484,380 611,909 91,988 121,782 13,923 2,453

Urban + Rural
Total 883,619 333,761 473,089 31,103 38,315 5,874 1,476
Male 434,957 192,750 220,782 9,642 9,310 2,047 425
Female 448,662 141,011 252,307 21,461 29,004 3,827 1,051
Total 168,920 62,683 82,143 13,414 7,916 1,707 1,057
Male 79,510 33,880 40,627 3,049 1,157 371 425
Female 89,411 28,803 41,516 10,365 6,760 1,336 632
Total 714,699 271,079 390,946 17,689 30,398 4,168 419
Male 355,447 158,870 180,155 6,593 8,154 1,676 -
Female 359,252 112,209 210,791 11,097 22,245 2,491 419
Urban + Rural
Total 13,896,838 5,402,804 6,871,604 793,658 692,624 122,062 14,086
Male 6,902,006 3,114,782 3,430,812 219,030 90,958 40,597 5,827
Female 6,994,832 2,288,022 3,440,792 574,628 601,666 81,466 8,259
Total 2,206,743 954,121 912,309 179,594 129,222 23,816 7,681
Male 1,000,999 492,565 444,870 36,880 17,659 5,975 3,050
Female 1,205,744 461,556 467,439 142,714 111,563 17,841 4,631
Total 11,690,095 4,448,683 5,959,295 614,064 563,402 98,247 6,405
Male 5,901,007 2,622,217 2,985,942 182,150 73,299 34,622 2,777
Female 5,789,088 1,826,465 2,973,353 431,913 490,103 63,625 3,628

Table 3.16 Cont’d

Place of Marital Status
Residence and All Never live
Sex Persons Married Married Divorced Widowed Separated together
Urban + Rural
Total 20,820,331 9,067,204 10,245,760 371,306 903,428 194,612 38,021
Male 10,581,986 5,273,017 5,027,479 102,031 99,366 62,150 17,943
Female 10,238,345 3,794,187 5,218,281 269,275 804,062 132,462 20,078
Total 3,142,596 1,433,131 1,395,595 115,657 140,689 47,665 9,859
Male 1,529,449 777,832 688,035 24,828 14,938 19,085 4,731
Female 1,613,147 655,299 707,560 90,829 125,751 28,580 5,128
Total 17,677,735 7,634,073 8,850,165 255,649 762,739 146,948 28,162
Male 9,052,537 4,495,185 4,339,443 77,203 84,427 43,066 13,213
Female 8,625,198 3,138,888 4,510,721 178,446 678,311 103,882 14,949
Urban + Rural
Total 1,253,952 514,875 643,141 21,644 65,632 7,748 912
Male 643,292 311,804 312,052 6,497 10,355 2,328 255
Female 610,660 203,071 331,089 15,147 55,276 5,420 657
Total 208,424 96,411 88,994 6,048 12,624 3,964 381
Male 103,144 55,365 43,110 1,824 1,491 1,098 255
Female 105,280 41,046 45,884 4,224 11,133 2,867 126
Total 1,045,529 418,464 554,147 15,595 53,007 3,784 531
Male 540,148 256,439 268,942 4,672 8,864 1,231 -
Female 505,380 162,025 285,205 10,923 44,143 2,554 531
Urban + Rural
Total 619,093 224,486 344,397 21,736 23,335 4,730 409
Male 308,959 130,927 166,385 6,483 2,896 2,144 125
Female 310,134 93,559 178,013 15,253 20,439 2,586 284
Total 119,932 51,504 57,017 6,485 3,702 1,064 159
Male 58,598 28,120 28,292 1,447 335 403 -
Female 61,334 23,384 28,725 5,038 3,367 661 159
Total 499,162 172,981 287,380 15,251 19,633 3,667 249
Male 250,361 102,806 138,093 5,035 2,561 1,742 125
Female 248,800 70,175 149,287 10,215 17,072 1,925 125
Urban + Rural
Total 11,277,401 5,096,684 5,425,859 138,925 523,151 70,797 21,985
Male 5,558,000 2,825,832 2,609,854 34,699 59,594 17,456 10,563
Female 5,719,401 2,270,851 2,816,005 104,226 463,557 53,340 11,421
Total 1,709,488 855,016 714,935 41,215 73,254 18,935 6,132
Male 812,986 439,761 348,175 9,907 7,532 4,451 3,160
Female 896,502 415,255 366,760 31,308 65,722 14,484 2,973
Total 9,567,912 4,241,667 4,710,924 97,710 449,897 51,861 15,852
Male 4,745,013 2,386,071 2,261,679 24,792 52,062 13,005 7,404
Female 4,822,899 1,855,596 2,449,245 72,918 397,835 38,856 8,449
Table 3.16 Cont’d
Place of Marital Status
Residence and All Never live
Sex Persons Married Married Divorced Widowed Separated together

Urban + Rural
Total 247,763 105,297 112,845 7,715 17,923 3,471 511
Male 119,824 62,548 52,654 2,356 1,032 836 398
Female 127,939 42,749 60,191 5,359 16,891 2,635 113
Total 75,114 34,666 31,599 2,162 5,132 1,298 257
Male 35,411 20,090 13,732 529 474 442 144
Female 39,703 14,576 17,867 1,632 4,659 856 113
Total 172,649 70,631 81,246 5,554 12,791 2,174 254
Male 84,413 42,457 38,922 1,827 558 395 254
Female 88,236 28,173 42,324 3,727 12,233 1,779 -

Urban + Rural
Total 156,183 62,795 72,623 5,857 11,537 2,528 843
Male 73,719 33,477 35,497 1,974 1,659 707 406
Female 82,464 29,318 37,126 3,883 9,879 1,821 437
Total 96,361 41,174 41,211 4,123 7,413 1,654 785
Male 44,986 21,699 19,964 1,338 1,247 361 377
Female 51,375 19,475 21,248 2,785 6,165 1,294 408
Total 59,822 21,621 31,411 1,734 4,125 874 58
Male 28,733 11,778 15,533 636 411 346 29
Female 31,090 9,843 15,878 1,098 3,713 527 29


Urban + Rural
Total 2,700,736 1,464,080 928,476 87,601 163,563 44,632 12,384
Male 1,233,556 709,729 462,320 18,746 21,995 15,231 5,535
Female 1,467,180 754,351 466,156 68,855 141,567 29,401 6,850
Total 2,700,736 1,464,080 928,476 87,601 163,563 44,632 12,384
Male 1,233,556 709,729 462,320 18,746 21,995 15,231 5,535
Female 1,467,180 754,351 466,156 68,855 141,567 29,401 6,850
Total - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - -


Urban + Rural
Total 300,823 139,573 120,731 11,791 19,137 5,979 3,610
Male 142,409 74,646 58,704 3,068 2,458 1,773 1,760
Female 158,413 64,927 62,027 8,723 16,680 4,206 1,850
Total 211,372 105,169 72,719 10,661 14,223 5,021 3,578
Male 97,341 55,286 34,850 2,682 1,622 1,174 1,727
Female 114,031 49,883 37,870 7,979 12,601 3,847 1,850
Total 89,451 34,404 48,012 1,130 4,914 958 33
Male 45,069 19,361 23,854 386 836 599 33
Female 44,382 15,043 24,158 744 4,078 359 -


4.1 Introduction

Statistical data on the economic activity status of a population is essential for planning and
formulating policies for better utilization of human resources of a country. The economic
activity status indicates the size and distribution of the work force of economically active
and not active population during a given reference period at a specified area.

In this regard, a wide range of information was collected on economic activity status of all
persons aged five years and above in the 2013 NLFS. For the purpose of gathering
information about the economic activities of children, the lower age limit was fixed at five
years and hence data were collected from persons aged five years and above. However,
for the purpose of measuring the economic activity status of adult population according to
the Ethiopian situation, the lower age limit was fixed into ten years.

The 2013 National Labour Force Survey administered detailed labour related questions to
measure the economic activity status of persons in urban and rural areas of the country.
These includes:-
 whether persons were engaged in economic / productive activities in the last seven
days prior to the survey date or reasons for not being engaged;
 whether persons were looking for work or will be available for work in the coming
one month or reason for not being available during the reference period;
 whether persons were engaged in economic / productive activities during most of
the last twelve months or reasons for not being engaged.

Every person aged five years and above in the sampled household was asked if he/she
was engaged in any productive activities during the last seven days, and in the last twelve
months prior to the survey date. Based on the response obtained from respondents, the
economic activity status of the population was determined by using the standard
definitions of economic and non-economic activities.
The 2013 NLFS followed the ILO international standard definitions of economic and non-
economic activities. The concept of economic activity as adopted by the 13th International
Conference on Labour Statistics (ICLS,1982) is defined as the production of goods and/or
services that falls within the United Nations System of National Accounts (SNA) production
boundary (ILO, 1990). In this survey, economic/ productive activity is defined as work,
which involves the production of goods and /or services for sale or exchange. In addition,
production of goods and services for own consumption or own uses are also considered
as economic activities. These include production of primary products (agriculture, hunting,
fishing, forestry and logging, mining and quarrying), for own consumption; processing of
primary products by the producers themselves; production of other commodities where
part of it is sold on the market; and own account construction and fixed asset formation
(expected life use of one year or more). Such economic activities could be performed for
an individual, family or private enterprise, government establishment or social
organization. The remuneration may be on daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or contract basis.
The practical activities of apprentices are also considered as economic activities. On the
other hand, unpaid household chores such as preparing food, cleaning the house, taking
care of children are not considered as economic activities. Similarly, unpaid community
and volunteer services are classified as non-economic activities.

Based on the above ILO definitions, data on economic activity status of persons aged ten
years and above was presented in this report. Persons who were engaged in productive
work /employed/ or available to be engaged /unemployed/ during the reference period are
considered as economically active persons. While those persons who were neither
engaged nor available to be engaged in the production of economic goods and services
during the reference period are considered as economically not active population.

4.2 Data Collection Approaches

The 2013 National Labour Force Survey used two approaches in the collection of data
about the economic activity status of the population. These are current and usual activity
status approaches. The main difference between these two approaches is the length of
the reference period.
4.2.1 Current Activity Status Approach

The current activity status approach measures the economic activity status of a person
based on a short reference period of seven days before the date of interview. In this
approach, all persons aged ten years and above who were engaged in productive work or
available to be engaged during the reference week were considered as currently active
while those who were neither engaged nor available to be engaged in productive work
were taken as not currently active.

4.2.2 Usual Activity Status Approach

The usual activity status approach measures the economic activity status of a person
based on a long reference period of the twelve months prior to the date of interview. In the
usual activity status approach, all persons aged ten years and above who were engaged
in productive works or available to be engaged in the production of economic goods and/or
services during most of the twelve months were classified as usually active. Persons who
were neither employed nor unemployed during most of the twelve months categorized as
not usually active.

The choice of appropriate measurement approach depends on the extent of variability of

economic activities of the population during a specified period in a given the study area. In
the rural areas where seasonal variation of activities is common, to collect the economic
activity status of the rural population including the slack and peak periods of agricultural
activities, a longer reference period (usual activity status approach) is found to be more
appropriate. On the other hand, in urban areas, activities are relatively less affected by
seasonal variations and hence shorter reference period or current activity status approach
is found to be more convenient. But in this survey, both approaches were used to collect
data on economic activity status of the population.

This chapter presents the economic activity status aged ten years and above, size and
distribution of economically active and not economically active population, activity rate,
and reasons for not being active by using the current status approach at national, regional
and major town levels. Besides, the chapter indicates the usual status approach of the
economically active and not economically active population, and activity rate at the
national and regional levels.

4.3 Current Activity Status

As mentioned above, current activity status approach measures the economic activity
status of a person in a short reference period, that is, the seven days prior to the date of
the interview. In this approach a series of inquiries were administered to determine the
economic activity status of the population during the reference week such as engagement
in economic activity, attachment to the job, seeking and availability to work, reason for not
seeking or available to work, etc. These questions were presented to those persons aged
five years and above. For the purpose of reporting, persons aged ten years and above
were used to classify the population into three mutually exclusive categories: employed,
unemployed, and not in the labour force (Not Economically active). The employed and the
unemployed population together constitute the labour force or the currently active
population. The third category, those who were not in the labour force are called not
currently active population.

As part of the economically active population, employed population consists of persons

aged ten years and above who engaged in a productive activity or work at least for one
hour during the seven days prior to the date of the interview. In addition, persons who had
regular jobs, or business, or holdings to return to but who were temporarily absent from
work (not at work or worked less than one hour) for various reasons such as illness or
injury, holiday or vacation, strike or lockout, and seasonality of work, annual leave,
temporary closure of establishment were also considered as employed. For a person to be
considered as absent from work, he/she must have formal attachment to the job.

The currently unemployed population also comprises those persons without work but
looking for work or available and ready to work if any job is found during the reference
period of the coming one month. The reference period of the coming one month refers to
the survey week plus the next three weeks. If a person who is looking for work but
engaged in productive activity during the reference week is recorded as employed but not
as unemployed.

4.4 Economically Active and Not Active Population and Activity Rate

Based on the above definition of economic activity status, the number of economically
active population including employed and unemployed persons, population not active and
activity rates of the population aged ten years and above at national and regional level is
presented by sex and age group in Table 4.1a- 4.1c, and Table 4.1.1a- 4.1.11c using the
current status approach, respectively. Besides, the economic activity status and activity
rate of selected major towns’ population aged ten years and above is presented in Table

The extent of the economic participation of the population is measured using economic
activity rates. Economic activity rate or economic participation rate is computed as the
percentage of the economically active population over the total of active plus not active
population aged ten years and above. The national estimate shows that 79.8 percent of
the population aged ten years and above were economically active (Table 4.1a). With
respect to sex, the activity rate of male is 85.0 percent and the corresponding female
activity rate is 74.6 percent. The age distributions of activity rate illustrate that it is low at
younger and older age groups. The table also shows a relatively stable for middle ages
between 25-49 years, and reaches its peak in age group 35-39 (Table 4.1a).

As far as the economic activity status of major towns’ population is concerned, 63.0
percent of the populations were economically active while the remaining 37.0 percent were
found to be the population not economically active. In terms of sex, the activity rate of
male (70.7 per cent) was higher by 14.2 percent than female (56.5 per cent). Among the
major towns, the highest activity rate was recorded in Bahir Dar town (75.4 percent) while
the lowest was for Jijiga town (44.9 percent) (Table 4.2).
The size of economically active and not active population has its own implication on the
development of the local as well as the national economy of a region. The high activity rate
of a population implies the prevalence of huge potential of the human resource or human
labour that foster sustainable economic development. On the other hand, the low
economic activity rate also implies the lack of adequate and trained human labour or the
existence of large number of economically non-productive population which has no
contribution for development at the time. Hence, the economic activity rate of the
population of the Ethiopia can be viewed from these perspectives.

Table 4.3 shows the number of economically active population, population not active and
activity rates of the population, sex and place of residence aged ten years and above at
national and regional level using the usual status approach. Thus, as Table 4.3 indicates,
the usual economically active population aged ten years and above for the national was
77.5 per cent. With respect to sex, the usual activity rate of male was 82.9 percent while
the corresponding figure for the females was 72.0 percent (Table 4.3).

The distribution of economically not active population at national and regional level by age
group, sex and reason for not being economically active (for those who were neither
engaged nor available and/ or seeking work) during the last seven days are presented in
Table 4.4. The reasons for not looking for or available to work include; home maker,
pregnancy, student, injury/ disability, illness, too young, old age, pensioned, remittance,
and other persons. The result in Table 4.4 shows that the lion share of the population not
active were students for the national as well as the regions. The remaining was the other
groups of not active population.
Table 4.1a Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) –
Activity Status
Age Group All
Economically Economically Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Not Stated
Active Not Active

All Ages
Total 55,629,497 44,385,044 11,235,786 8,668 79.8
Male 27,667,062 23,516,267 4,148,558 2,237 85.0
Female 27,962,436 20,868,777 7,087,228 6,431 74.6
Total 10,926,901 7,027,174 3,895,352 4,375 64.3
Male 5,653,420 3,801,326 1,851,048 1,045 67.2
Female 5,273,482 3,225,848 2,044,304 3,330 61.2
Total 8,445,312 6,096,111 2,346,850 2,351 72.2
Male 4,267,623 3,205,252 1,062,109 262 75.1
Female 4,177,689 2,890,858 1,284,741 2,090 69.2
Total 6,507,320 5,552,535 954,786 - 85.3
Male 3,072,334 2,743,001 329,333 - 89.3
Female 3,434,986 2,809,534 625,453 - 81.8
Total 6,515,694 5,919,231 594,928 1,535 90.8
Male 3,016,513 2,906,139 109,743 632 96.3
Female 3,499,181 3,013,092 485,185 903 86.1
Total 4,562,823 4,215,533 346,990 299 92.4
Male 2,237,870 2,189,876 47,695 299 97.9
Female 2,324,952 2,025,658 299,295 - 87.1
Total 4,745,478 4,406,448 339,031 - 92.9
Male 2,260,428 2,225,297 35,131 - 98.4
Female 2,485,050 2,181,151 303,899 - 87.8
Total 3,252,359 2,975,376 276,955 28 91.5
Male 1,643,512 1,618,889 24,623 - 98.5
Female 1,608,847 1,356,487 252,332 28 84.3
Total 2,707,925 2,455,252 252,644 28 90.7
Male 1,339,020 1,309,151 29,868 - 97.8
Female 1,368,905 1,146,101 222,776 28 83.7
Total 2,120,551 1,831,927 288,573 52 86.4
Male 1,051,248 1,014,061 37,186 - 96.5
Female 1,069,304 817,865 251,387 52 76.5
Total 1,604,748 1,337,105 267,643 - 83.3
Male 817,943 769,148 48,795 - 94.0
Female 786,806 567,957 218,849 - 72.2
Total 1,433,297 1,066,602 366,696 - 74.4
Male 751,739 667,645 84,094 - 88.8
Female 681,559 398,957 282,602 - 58.5
Total 2,807,089 1,501,751 1,305,338 - 53.5
Male 1,555,413 1,066,481 488,932 - 68.6
Female 1,251,676 435,270 816,406 - 34.8
Table 4.1b Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex,
Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Approach) - COUNTRY URBAN: 2013
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not Not
Active Active Stated

All Ages 11,504,022 7,646,859 3,856,378 784 66.5

Total 5,382,344 3,942,886 1,439,108 351 73.3
Male 6,121,677 3,703,974 2,417,271 433 60.5
10-14 1,659,513 352,263 1,306,925 325 21.2
Total 758,836 171,273 587,563 - 22.6
Male 900,677 180,990 719,362 325 20.1
15-19 1,756,676 744,795 1,011,828 52 42.4
Total 773,044 317,403 455,589 52 41.1
Male 983,632 427,393 556,239 - 43.5
20-24 1,681,547 1,302,510 379,037 - 77.5
Total 716,956 583,497 133,459 - 81.4
Male 964,591 719,014 245,578 - 74.5
25-29 1,713,812 1,509,835 203,977 - 88.1
Total 801,566 763,624 37,942 - 95.3
Male 912,245 746,211 166,034 - 81.8
30-34 1,088,450 986,056 102,094 299 90.6
Total 562,393 547,371 14,723 299 97.3
Male 526,057 438,686 87,371 - 83.4
35-39 1,010,146 919,522 90,623 - 91.0
Total 504,455 491,027 13,428 - 97.3
Male 505,691 428,495 77,195 - 84.7
40-44 616,563 558,290 58,245 28 90.5
Total 329,274 319,436 9,837 - 97.0
Male 287,290 238,853 48,408 28 83.1
45-49 503,196 434,086 69,081 28 86.3
Total 241,298 236,211 5,087 - 97.9
Male 261,898 197,876 63,994 28 75.6
50-54 380,303 298,363 81,888 52 78.5
Total 174,163 163,812 10,351 - 94.1
Male 206,140 134,552 71,537 52 65.3
55-59 305,623 214,203 91,420 - 70.1
Total 148,794 135,377 13,416 - 91.0
Male 156,829 78,825 78,004 - 50.3
60-64 260,424 143,827 116,597 - 55.2
Total 120,679 91,635 29,045 - 75.9
Male 139,745 52,192 87,552 - 37.3
65+ 527,770 183,108 344,663 - 34.7
Total 250,887 122,221 128,666 - 48.7
Male 276,883 60,887 215,997 - 22.0
Table 4.1c Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 44,125,475 36,738,184 7,379,407 7,884 83.3
Male 22,284,717 19,573,381 2,709,450 1,886 87.8
Female 21,840,758 17,164,803 4,669,957 5,998 78.6
Total 9,267,388 6,674,911 2,588,427 4,050 72.0
Male 4,894,584 3,630,053 1,263,486 1,045 74.2
Female 4,372,805 3,044,858 1,324,942 3,005 69.6
Total 6,688,636 5,351,315 1,335,022 2,299 80.0
Male 3,494,579 2,887,849 606,520 210 82.6
Female 3,194,057 2,463,466 728,502 2,090 77.1
Total 4,825,773 4,250,024 575,749 - 88.1
Male 2,355,378 2,159,504 195,874 - 91.7
Female 2,470,395 2,090,520 379,875 - 84.6
Total 4,801,882 4,409,396 390,951 1,535 91.8
Male 2,214,947 2,142,515 71,800 632 96.7
Female 2,586,935 2,266,881 319,151 903 87.6
Total 3,474,373 3,229,477 244,896 - 93.0
Male 1,675,477 1,642,505 32,972 - 98.0
Female 1,798,896 1,586,972 211,924 - 88.2
Total 3,735,333 3,486,926 248,407 - 93.3
Male 1,755,973 1,734,270 21,703 - 98.8
Female 1,979,360 1,752,656 226,704 - 88.5
Total 2,635,796 2,417,086 218,710 - 91.7
Male 1,314,238 1,299,452 14,786 - 98.9
Female 1,321,557 1,117,634 203,924 - 84.6
Total 2,204,729 2,021,166 183,563 - 91.7
Male 1,097,722 1,072,941 24,781 - 97.7
Female 1,107,007 948,225 158,782 - 85.7
Total 1,740,248 1,533,563 206,685 - 88.1
Male 877,085 850,250 26,835 - 96.9
Female 863,164 683,314 179,850 - 79.2
Total 1,299,125 1,122,902 176,223 - 86.4
Male 669,149 633,771 35,378 - 94.7
Female 629,976 489,132 140,845 - 77.6
Total 1,172,873 922,775 250,099 - 78.7
Male 631,060 576,010 55,049 - 91.3
Female 541,814 346,764 195,049 - 64.0
Total 2,279,319 1,318,643 960,676 - 57.9
Male 1,304,526 944,260 360,266 - 72.4
Female 974,793 374,383 600,410 - 38.4
Table 4.1.1a Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 3,472,759 2,695,167 776,818 774 77.6
Male 1,668,353 1,383,015 285,337 - 82.9
Female 1,804,406 1,312,152 491,480 774 72.7
Total 658,584 408,690 249,500 393 62.1
Male 325,735 207,915 117,820 - 63.8
Female 332,849 200,775 131,680 393 60.3
Total 588,342 426,963 161,379 - 72.6
Male 295,691 214,905 80,786 - 72.7
Female 292,651 212,057 80,594 - 72.5
Total 383,541 329,351 54,191 - 85.9
Male 179,142 161,639 17,503 - 90.2
Female 204,400 167,712 36,688 - 82.1
Total 360,549 323,790 36,379 381 89.8
Male 164,499 158,531 5,968 - 96.4
Female 196,050 165,258 30,411 381 84.3
Total 253,921 231,593 22,328 - 91.2
Male 110,734 107,339 3,395 - 96.9
Female 143,187 124,254 18,933 - 86.8
Total 279,071 255,952 23,118 - 91.7
Male 116,577 114,985 1,591 - 98.6
Female 162,494 140,967 21,527 - 86.8
Total 197,913 179,006 18,907 - 90.4
Male 102,033 100,171 1,862 - 98.2
Female 95,880 78,835 17,046 - 82.2
Total 172,243 151,046 21,197 - 87.7
Male 77,914 75,606 2,308 - 97.0
Female 94,329 75,440 18,889 - 80.0
Total 137,629 117,055 20,574 - 85.1
Male 68,374 66,578 1,795 - 97.4
Female 69,255 50,477 18,778 - 72.9
Total 118,932 95,814 23,119 - 80.6
Male 57,699 53,917 3,781 - 93.4
Female 61,234 41,897 19,337 - 68.4
Total 104,174 76,594 27,581 - 73.5
Male 54,661 50,831 3,829 - 93.0
Female 49,514 25,762 23,751 - 52.0
Total 217,858 99,313 118,545 - 45.6
Male 115,296 70,596 44,700 - 61.2
Female 102,562 28,717 73,845 - 28.0

Table 4.1.1b Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 864,336 537,376 326,960 - 62.2
Male 386,365 262,381 123,984 - 67.9
Female 477,972 274,995 202,977 - 57.5
Total 132,212 20,124 112,088 - 15.2
Male 64,616 11,488 53,128 - 17.8
Female 67,596 8,636 58,961 - 12.8
Total 141,439 60,129 81,310 - 42.5
Male 65,353 24,677 40,676 - 37.8
Female 76,087 35,452 40,635 - 46.6
Total 109,848 84,265 25,583 - 76.7
Male 40,712 33,142 7,570 - 81.4
Female 69,136 51,123 18,013 - 73.9
Total 127,121 105,741 21,380 - 83.2
Male 51,600 49,042 2,558 - 95.0
Female 75,522 56,700 18,822 - 75.1
Total 77,638 68,806 8,832 - 88.6
Male 36,224 35,519 705 - 98.1
Female 41,414 33,287 8,128 - 80.4
Total 70,976 64,205 6,771 - 90.5
Male 30,360 29,481 879 - 97.1
Female 40,616 34,724 5,891 - 85.5
Total 42,971 38,968 4,003 - 90.7
Male 22,915 22,519 396 - 98.3
Female 20,056 16,448 3,608 - 82.0
Total 35,803 31,121 4,682 - 86.9
Male 17,020 16,618 402 - 97.6
Female 18,783 14,503 4,280 - 77.2
Total 30,025 22,284 7,741 - 74.2
Male 13,704 13,030 673 - 95.1
Female 16,322 9,254 7,068 - 56.7
Total 24,365 16,143 8,221 - 66.3
Male 11,631 10,388 1,243 - 89.3
Female 12,734 5,755 6,979 - 45.2
Total 18,434 10,789 7,646 - 58.5
Male 8,017 6,798 1,219 - 84.8
Female 10,417 3,991 6,426 - 38.3
Total 53,504 14,802 38,702 - 27.7
Male 24,214 9,679 14,535 - 40.0
Female 29,290 5,122 24,167 - 17.5

Table 4.1.1c Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 2,608,422 2,157,791 449,857 774 82.7
Male 1,281,988 1,120,634 161,354 - 87.4
Female 1,326,434 1,037,156 288,504 774 78.2
Total 526,372 388,566 137,412 393 73.8
Male 261,119 196,427 64,692 - 75.2
Female 265,253 192,140 72,720 393 72.4
Total 446,903 366,834 80,069 - 82.1
Male 230,339 190,229 40,110 - 82.6
Female 216,564 176,605 39,959 - 81.5
Total 273,693 245,086 28,607 - 89.5
Male 138,429 128,497 9,932 - 92.8
Female 135,264 116,589 18,675 - 86.2
Total 233,428 218,048 14,999 381 93.4
Male 112,899 109,490 3,410 - 97.0
Female 120,528 108,559 11,589 381 90.1
Total 176,283 162,787 13,496 - 92.3
Male 74,510 71,820 2,690 - 96.4
Female 101,773 90,967 10,806 - 89.4
Total 208,095 191,747 16,347 - 92.1
Male 86,217 85,505 712 - 99.2
Female 121,878 106,243 15,635 - 87.2
Total 154,942 140,038 14,904 - 90.4
Male 79,118 77,652 1,466 - 98.1
Female 75,824 62,386 13,438 - 82.3
Total 136,440 119,925 16,516 - 87.9
Male 60,894 58,988 1,906 - 96.9
Female 75,546 60,937 14,609 - 80.7
Total 107,604 94,771 12,833 - 88.1
Male 54,670 53,548 1,122 - 97.9
Female 52,933 41,223 11,711 - 77.9
Total 94,568 79,671 14,897 - 84.2
Male 46,068 43,530 2,539 - 94.5
Female 48,500 36,141 12,359 - 74.5
Total 85,740 65,805 19,935 - 76.7
Male 46,643 44,033 2,610 - 94.4
Female 39,097 21,772 17,325 - 55.7
Total 164,354 84,511 79,843 - 51.4
Male 91,082 60,917 30,165 - 66.9
Female 73,273 23,595 49,678 - 32.2

Table 4.1.2a Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 883,619 703,657 179,753 210 79.6
Male 434,957 362,169 72,578 210 83.3
Female 448,662 341,488 107,175 - 76.1
Total 167,164 103,061 64,103 - 61.7
Male 84,715 53,570 31,145 - 63.2
Female 82,449 49,491 32,958 - 60.0
Total 140,392 105,042 35,140 210 74.8
Male 67,439 49,196 18,033 210 72.9
Female 72,952 55,846 17,106 - 76.6
Total 103,610 90,630 12,980 - 87.5
Male 37,586 34,438 3,149 - 91.6
Female 66,023 56,192 9,831 - 85.1
Total 125,374 114,314 11,059 - 91.2
Male 58,397 56,293 2,104 - 96.4
Female 66,977 58,021 8,956 - 86.6
Total 84,798 78,523 6,276 - 92.6
Male 38,040 37,392 648 - 98.3
Female 46,759 41,131 5,628 - 88.0
Total 77,715 70,290 7,425 - 90.4
Male 39,666 38,947 719 - 98.2
Female 38,049 31,343 6,706 - 82.4
Total 56,605 51,222 5,383 - 90.5
Male 32,565 30,904 1,661 - 94.9
Female 24,041 20,319 3,722 - 84.5
Total 40,700 36,425 4,275 - 89.5
Male 23,270 22,842 427 - 98.2
Female 17,431 13,583 3,847 - 77.9
Total 30,030 24,190 5,840 - 80.6
Male 16,389 15,320 1,069 - 93.5
Female 13,641 8,870 4,771 - 65.0
Total 16,706 11,289 5,417 - 67.6
Male 11,081 8,998 2,083 - 81.2
Female 5,625 2,291 3,334 - 40.7
Total 14,971 9,134 5,837 - 61.0
Male 9,677 7,064 2,613 - 73.0
Female 5,294 2,070 3,224 - 39.1
Total 25,555 9,536 16,019 - 37.3
Male 16,132 7,206 8,927 - 44.7
Female 9,422 2,331 7,092 - 24.7

Table 4.1.2b Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 168,920 117,500 51,421 - 69.6
Male 79,510 60,208 19,302 - 75.7
Female 89,411 57,292 32,119 - 64.1
Total 25,900 5,940 19,960 - 22.9
Male 11,668 2,529 9,139 - 21.7
Female 14,233 3,411 10,822 - 24.0
Total 21,224 9,596 11,628 - 45.2
Male 9,446 3,550 5,896 - 37.6
Female 11,778 6,046 5,731 - 51.3
Total 23,653 19,389 4,264 - 82.0
Male 8,871 7,817 1,053 - 88.1
Female 14,782 11,572 3,210 - 78.3
Total 30,203 25,649 4,553 - 84.9
Male 12,478 11,703 775 - 93.8
Female 17,725 13,947 3,779 - 78.7
Total 17,431 15,174 2,257 - 87.1
Male 8,585 8,357 229 - 97.3
Female 8,846 6,817 2,028 - 77.1
Total 15,649 13,892 1,757 - 88.8
Male 8,571 8,342 229 - 97.3
Female 7,078 5,549 1,529 - 78.4
Total 10,796 9,675 1,121 - 89.6
Male 6,739 6,407 332 - 95.1
Female 4,057 3,268 789 - 80.6
Total 9,325 7,993 1,332 - 85.7
Male 4,975 4,757 218 - 95.6
Female 4,350 3,235 1,114 - 74.4
Total 4,421 3,867 553 - 87.5
Male 2,339 2,317 21 - 99.1
Female 2,082 1,550 532 - 74.4
Total 4,292 3,285 1,007 - 76.5
Male 2,471 2,461 11 - 99.6
Female 1,821 825 997 - 45.3
Total 2,535 1,582 953 - 62.4
Male 1,464 978 486 - 66.8
Female 1,071 604 467 - 56.4
Total 3,492 1,457 2,035 - 41.7
Male 1,903 989 914 - 52.0
Female 1,589 468 1,121 - 29.4

Table 4.1.2c Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 714,699 586,157 128,332 210 82.0
Male 355,447 301,961 53,276 210 85.0
Female 359,252 284,196 75,056 - 79.1
Total 141,263 97,121 44,142 - 68.8
Male 73,047 51,041 22,006 - 69.9
Female 68,216 46,080 22,136 - 67.6
Total 119,168 95,446 23,512 210 80.1
Male 57,993 45,646 12,137 210 78.7
Female 61,175 49,800 11,375 - 81.4
Total 79,957 71,241 8,716 - 89.1
Male 28,716 26,620 2,095 - 92.7
Female 51,241 44,620 6,621 - 87.1
Total 95,171 88,665 6,506 - 93.2
Male 45,919 44,590 1,329 - 97.1
Female 49,252 44,075 5,177 - 89.5
Total 67,367 63,348 4,019 - 94.0
Male 29,454 29,035 419 - 98.6
Female 37,913 34,313 3,600 - 90.5
Total 62,066 56,398 5,668 - 90.9
Male 31,095 30,605 491 - 98.4
Female 30,971 25,794 5,177 - 83.3
Total 45,809 41,547 4,262 - 90.7
Male 25,825 24,496 1,329 - 94.9
Female 19,984 17,051 2,933 - 85.3
Total 31,375 28,433 2,943 - 90.6
Male 18,294 18,085 210 - 98.9
Female 13,081 10,348 2,733 - 79.1
Total 25,609 20,322 5,287 - 79.4
Male 14,050 13,003 1,048 - 92.5
Female 11,559 7,320 4,239 - 63.3
Total 12,413 8,004 4,409 - 64.5
Male 8,609 6,537 2,072 - 75.9
Female 3,804 1,467 2,337 - 38.6
Total 12,436 7,552 4,884 - 60.7
Male 8,213 6,086 2,128 - 74.1
Female 4,223 1,467 2,756 - 34.7
Total 22,063 8,080 13,984 - 36.6
Male 14,230 6,217 8,013 - 43.7
Female 7,833 1,863 5,971 - 23.8

Table 4.1.3a Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 13,896,838 11,561,929 2,333,653 1,256 83.2
Male 6,902,006 6,085,819 815,256 931 88.2
Female 6,994,832 5,476,110 1,518,397 325 78.3
Total 2,677,178 1,947,778 729,075 325 72.8
Male 1,359,950 1,034,005 325,946 - 76.0
Female 1,317,227 913,774 403,129 325 69.4
Total 2,050,004 1,608,432 441,572 - 78.5
Male 1,063,634 861,187 202,448 - 81.0
Female 986,369 747,245 239,124 - 75.8
Total 1,524,346 1,354,474 169,872 - 88.9
Male 722,122 657,843 64,278 - 91.1
Female 802,225 696,630 105,594 - 86.8
Total 1,502,402 1,406,283 95,487 632 93.6
Male 699,545 680,053 18,860 632 97.2
Female 802,856 726,230 76,627 - 90.5
Total 1,089,956 1,026,314 63,342 299 94.2
Male 509,936 504,949 4,688 299 99.0
Female 580,020 521,365 58,655 - 89.9
Total 1,196,211 1,115,612 80,599 - 93.3
Male 563,572 557,426 6,146 - 98.9
Female 632,639 558,186 74,453 - 88.2
Total 826,181 768,936 57,245 - 93.1
Male 418,118 411,621 6,496 - 98.4
Female 408,064 357,315 50,749 - 87.6
Total 723,443 664,732 58,711 - 91.9
Male 359,827 352,141 7,686 - 97.9
Female 363,616 312,591 51,024 - 86.0
Total 562,184 491,573 70,612 - 87.4
Male 276,821 267,716 9,105 - 96.7
Female 285,363 223,856 61,507 - 78.4
Total 466,794 400,960 65,834 - 85.9
Male 251,643 240,981 10,661 - 95.8
Female 215,152 159,979 55,173 - 74.4
Total 390,860 305,583 85,277 - 78.2
Male 204,762 189,010 15,751 - 92.3
Female 186,098 116,572 69,526 - 62.6
Total 887,280 471,253 416,026 - 53.1
Male 472,076 328,886 143,190 - 69.7
Female 415,203 142,367 272,836 - 34.3

Table 4.1.3b Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 2,206,743 1,611,200 594,918 624 73.0
Male 1,000,999 783,315 217,385 299 78.3
Female 1,205,744 827,886 377,533 325 68.7
Total 304,189 100,654 203,210 325 33.1
Male 136,750 49,311 87,439 - 36.1
Female 167,440 51,343 115,772 325 30.7
Total 341,009 187,307 153,702 - 54.9
Male 144,810 75,681 69,129 - 52.3
Female 196,199 111,626 84,573 - 56.9
Total 330,623 283,960 46,663 - 85.9
Male 138,878 122,373 16,505 - 88.1
Female 191,745 161,588 30,157 - 84.3
Total 301,456 276,385 25,071 - 91.7
Male 137,761 132,853 4,908 - 96.4
Female 163,695 143,532 20,163 - 87.7
Total 189,438 177,322 11,817 299 93.6
Male 95,176 93,347 1,530 299 98.1
Female 94,262 83,974 10,287 - 89.1
Total 191,500 178,792 12,708 - 93.4
Male 89,719 87,592 2,127 - 97.6
Female 101,782 91,201 10,581 - 89.6
Total 119,298 108,990 10,308 - 91.4
Male 59,111 56,497 2,614 - 95.6
Female 60,187 52,493 7,694 - 87.2
Total 102,691 92,342 10,349 - 89.9
Male 47,983 47,426 557 - 98.8
Female 54,708 44,916 9,792 - 82.1
Total 79,564 67,039 12,525 - 84.3
Male 36,479 35,587 891 - 97.6
Female 43,085 31,452 11,634 - 73.0
Total 62,943 48,913 14,030 - 77.7
Male 29,392 27,571 1,822 - 93.8
Female 33,550 21,342 12,208 - 63.6
Total 53,218 34,364 18,853 - 64.6
Male 21,579 18,345 3,234 - 85.0
Female 31,639 16,020 15,619 - 50.6
Total 130,813 55,131 75,682 - 42.1
Male 63,362 36,732 26,630 - 58.0
Female 67,451 18,399 49,052 - 27.3

Table 4.1.3c Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 11,690,095 9,950,729 1,738,735 632 85.1
Male 5,901,007 5,302,505 597,871 632 89.9
Female 5,789,088 4,648,225 1,140,863 - 80.3
Total 2,372,988 1,847,124 525,864 - 77.8
Male 1,223,201 984,694 238,507 - 80.5
Female 1,149,788 862,430 287,357 - 75.0
Total 1,708,995 1,421,125 287,870 - 83.2
Male 918,825 785,506 133,319 - 85.5
Female 790,170 635,619 154,551 - 80.4
Total 1,193,723 1,070,513 123,210 - 89.7
Male 583,244 535,470 47,773 - 91.8
Female 610,480 535,043 75,437 - 87.6
Total 1,200,946 1,129,898 70,416 632 94.1
Male 561,785 547,201 13,953 632 97.4
Female 639,161 582,698 56,464 - 91.2
Total 900,518 848,993 51,525 - 94.3
Male 414,760 411,602 3,158 - 99.2
Female 485,758 437,391 48,367 - 90.0
Total 1,004,710 936,819 67,891 - 93.2
Male 473,853 469,834 4,019 - 99.2
Female 530,857 466,985 63,872 - 88.0
Total 706,883 659,946 46,938 - 93.4
Male 359,007 355,124 3,882 - 98.9
Female 347,877 304,821 43,055 - 87.6
Total 620,751 572,389 48,362 - 92.2
Male 311,844 304,715 7,129 - 97.7
Female 308,907 267,675 41,232 - 86.7
Total 482,620 424,533 58,087 - 88.0
Male 240,343 232,129 8,214 - 96.6
Female 242,278 192,404 49,873 - 79.4
Total 403,851 352,048 51,804 - 87.2
Male 222,250 213,411 8,839 - 96.0
Female 181,601 138,637 42,964 - 76.3
Total 337,642 271,218 66,424 - 80.3
Male 183,183 170,665 12,518 - 93.2
Female 154,459 100,553 53,906 - 65.1
Total 756,467 416,122 340,345 - 55.0
Male 408,714 292,154 116,560 - 71.5
Female 347,753 123,968 223,785 - 35.6

Table 4.1.4.a Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 20,820,331 17,046,771 3,773,561 - 81.9
Male 10,581,986 9,193,077 1,388,910 - 86.9
Female 10,238,345 7,853,694 2,384,651 - 76.7
Total 4,362,700 2,964,247 1,398,453 - 67.9
Male 2,315,971 1,653,627 662,344 - 71.4
Female 2,046,729 1,310,620 736,109 - 64.0
Total 3,141,330 2,372,834 768,496 - 75.5
Male 1,630,277 1,299,025 331,252 - 79.7
Female 1,511,053 1,073,809 437,244 - 71.1
Total 2,484,793 2,168,989 315,805 - 87.3
Male 1,217,483 1,115,800 101,683 - 91.6
Female 1,267,311 1,053,189 214,122 - 83.1
Total 2,497,964 2,298,969 198,995 - 92.0
Male 1,150,220 1,120,711 29,509 - 97.4
Female 1,347,744 1,178,258 169,486 - 87.4
Total 1,643,617 1,541,695 101,922 - 93.8
Male 862,079 845,697 16,382 - 98.1
Female 781,538 695,998 85,540 - 89.1
Total 1,752,866 1,637,000 115,867 - 93.4
Male 856,068 841,397 14,671 - 98.3
Female 896,798 795,602 101,196 - 88.7
Total 1,130,080 1,043,719 86,361 - 92.4
Male 567,979 562,269 5,710 - 99.0
Female 562,101 481,450 80,651 - 85.7
Total 960,301 881,017 79,284 - 91.7
Male 472,721 461,976 10,745 - 97.7
Female 487,580 419,041 68,539 - 85.9
Total 755,795 664,110 91,685 - 87.9
Male 366,967 355,364 11,603 - 96.8
Female 388,828 308,746 80,082 - 79.4
Total 585,866 503,343 82,523 - 85.9
Male 292,325 275,910 16,416 - 94.4
Female 293,540 227,433 66,107 - 77.5
Total 524,490 403,550 120,940 - 76.9
Male 277,718 249,844 27,874 - 90.0
Female 246,772 153,706 93,066 - 62.3
Total 980,529 567,299 413,231 - 57.9
Male 572,178 411,458 160,720 - 71.9
Female 408,352 155,841 252,511 - 38.2

Table 4.1.4b Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 3,142,596 2,157,498 985,098 - 68.7
Male 1,529,449 1,154,571 374,878 - 75.5
Female 1,613,147 1,002,927 610,221 - 62.2
Total 514,044 135,811 378,233 - 26.4
Male 239,165 67,258 171,907 - 28.1
Female 274,880 68,553 206,326 - 24.9
Total 483,386 221,061 262,325 - 45.7
Male 230,367 111,508 118,858 - 48.4
Female 253,020 109,553 143,467 - 43.3
Total 479,002 380,237 98,765 - 79.4
Male 215,124 181,254 33,870 - 84.3
Female 263,878 198,983 64,895 - 75.4
Total 481,811 430,755 51,056 - 89.4
Male 230,150 220,991 9,159 - 96.0
Female 251,661 209,764 41,897 - 83.4
Total 283,397 262,277 21,120 - 92.5
Male 155,131 152,436 2,695 - 98.3
Female 128,266 109,841 18,425 - 85.6
Total 269,514 244,300 25,214 - 90.6
Male 142,988 139,099 3,889 - 97.3
Female 126,526 105,201 21,325 - 83.1
Total 163,075 151,926 11,149 - 93.2
Male 90,972 89,152 1,820 - 98.0
Female 72,103 62,774 9,329 - 87.1
Total 129,881 113,641 16,241 - 87.5
Male 59,924 59,039 885 - 98.5
Female 69,958 54,602 15,356 - 78.0
Total 93,981 74,166 19,815 - 78.9
Male 43,746 40,156 3,590 - 91.8
Female 50,235 34,010 16,225 - 67.7
Total 70,350 54,005 16,345 - 76.8
Male 38,094 35,879 2,215 - 94.2
Female 32,256 18,126 14,130 - 56.2
Total 60,375 37,668 22,707 - 62.4
Male 29,900 24,457 5,443 - 81.8
Female 30,475 13,210 17,264 - 43.3
Total 113,779 51,651 62,128 - 45.4
Male 53,888 33,341 20,547 - 61.9
Female 59,891 18,311 41,580 - 30.6

Table 4.1.4c Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 17,677,735 14,889,272 2,788,463 - 84.2
Male 9,052,537 8,038,505 1,014,032 - 88.8
Female 8,625,198 6,850,767 1,774,431 - 79.4
Total 3,848,656 2,828,436 1,020,220 - 73.5
Male 2,076,806 1,586,369 490,437 - 76.4
Female 1,771,849 1,242,067 529,783 - 70.1
Total 2,657,943 2,151,773 506,171 - 81.0
Male 1,399,910 1,187,517 212,394 - 84.8
Female 1,258,033 964,256 293,777 - 76.6
Total 2,005,791 1,788,752 217,039 - 89.2
Male 1,002,359 934,546 67,813 - 93.2
Female 1,003,433 854,206 149,226 - 85.1
Total 2,016,153 1,868,214 147,939 - 92.7
Male 920,070 899,720 20,351 - 97.8
Female 1,096,083 968,494 127,588 - 88.4
Total 1,360,220 1,279,418 80,803 - 94.1
Male 706,948 693,261 13,687 - 98.1
Female 653,272 586,157 67,115 - 89.7
Total 1,483,352 1,392,700 90,652 - 93.9
Male 713,080 702,299 10,781 - 98.5
Female 770,272 690,401 79,871 - 89.6
Total 967,005 891,793 75,212 - 92.2
Male 477,007 473,117 3,890 - 99.2
Female 489,997 418,676 71,322 - 85.4
Total 830,420 767,376 63,043 - 92.4
Male 412,797 402,937 9,861 - 97.6
Female 417,622 364,440 53,183 - 87.3
Total 661,813 589,944 71,870 - 89.1
Male 323,220 315,207 8,013 - 97.5
Female 338,593 274,736 63,857 - 81.1
Total 515,515 449,338 66,178 - 87.2
Male 254,231 240,030 14,201 - 94.4
Female 261,284 209,307 51,977 - 80.1
Total 464,115 365,882 98,233 - 78.8
Male 247,818 225,386 22,432 - 90.9
Female 216,297 140,496 75,801 - 65.0
Total 866,750 515,647 351,103 - 59.5
Male 518,290 378,117 140,173 - 73.0
Female 348,461 137,530 210,930 - 39.5

Table 4.1.5a Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 1,253,952 826,837 427,115 - 65.9
Male 643,292 496,685 146,607 - 77.2
Female 610,660 330,152 280,507 - 54.1
Total 279,943 134,792 145,151 - 48.1
Male 164,568 86,672 77,897 - 52.7
Female 115,375 48,120 67,255 - 41.7
Total 189,582 106,769 82,813 - 56.3
Male 98,247 59,289 38,958 - 60.3
Female 91,335 47,480 43,855 - 52.0
Total 127,949 85,724 42,225 - 67.0
Male 56,048 46,265 9,784 - 82.5
Female 71,901 39,460 32,441 - 54.9
Total 127,255 90,569 36,686 - 71.2
Male 48,171 46,120 2,051 - 95.7
Female 79,083 44,449 34,634 - 56.2
Total 112,913 90,314 22,599 - 80.0
Male 54,396 52,875 1,521 - 97.2
Female 58,516 37,439 21,078 - 64.0
Total 110,701 92,748 17,953 - 83.8
Male 50,797 49,732 1,065 - 97.9
Female 59,904 43,016 16,888 - 71.8
Total 91,695 72,812 18,883 - 79.4
Male 48,654 48,180 474 - 99.0
Female 43,042 24,632 18,409 - 57.2
Total 55,319 46,402 8,917 - 83.9
Male 31,238 30,016 1,222 - 96.1
Female 24,081 16,386 7,695 - 68.0
Total 57,535 47,652 9,882 - 82.8
Male 33,826 33,055 771 - 97.7
Female 23,709 14,597 9,111 - 61.6
Total 25,091 18,169 6,922 - 72.4
Male 14,397 12,947 1,450 - 89.9
Female 10,695 5,222 5,472 - 48.8
Total 35,298 23,794 11,504 - 67.4
Male 20,488 17,653 2,834 - 86.2
Female 14,810 6,141 8,670 - 41.5
Total 40,672 17,092 23,580 - 42.0
Male 22,463 13,882 8,581 - 61.8
Female 18,209 3,211 14,999 - 17.6

Table 4.1.5b Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 208,424 99,444 108,979 - 47.7
Male 103,144 57,036 46,108 - 55.3
Female 105,280 42,408 62,872 - 40.3
Total 39,776 3,601 36,175 - 9.1
Male 21,905 1,545 20,360 - 7.1
Female 17,871 2,057 15,814 - 11.5
Total 34,631 6,412 28,219 - 18.5
Male 17,498 2,689 14,809 - 15.4
Female 17,133 3,723 13,410 - 21.7
Total 23,734 11,666 12,068 - 49.2
Male 10,674 6,178 4,496 - 57.9
Female 13,060 5,488 7,573 - 42.0
Total 22,811 15,150 7,660 - 66.4
Male 9,481 8,575 907 - 90.4
Female 13,329 6,576 6,754 - 49.3
Total 19,563 14,265 5,298 - 72.9
Male 9,396 8,646 750 - 92.0
Female 10,167 5,619 4,548 - 55.3
Total 19,595 15,196 4,400 - 77.5
Male 9,165 8,600 565 - 93.8
Female 10,430 6,595 3,835 - 63.2
Total 14,939 12,748 2,191 - 85.3
Male 8,415 8,169 246 - 97.1
Female 6,524 4,578 1,946 - 70.2
Total 7,956 6,189 1,767 - 77.8
Male 4,137 3,831 306 - 92.6
Female 3,819 2,358 1,461 - 61.7
Total 8,085 6,272 1,812 - 77.6
Male 3,820 3,505 315 - 91.7
Female 4,265 2,768 1,497 - 64.9
Total 4,437 3,236 1,201 - 72.9
Male 2,787 2,132 655 - 76.5
Female 1,650 1,104 546 - 66.9
Total 4,811 2,178 2,633 - 45.3
Male 2,438 1,554 883 - 63.8
Female 2,373 624 1,750 - 26.3
Total 8,086 2,531 5,555 - 31.3
Male 3,428 1,612 1,816 - 47.0
Female 4,658 919 3,739 - 19.7

Table 4.1.5c Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 1,045,529 727,393 318,136 - 69.6
Male 540,148 439,649 100,500 - 81.4
Female 505,380 287,744 217,636 - 56.9
Total 240,167 131,190 108,977 - 54.6
Male 142,663 85,127 57,536 - 59.7
Female 97,504 46,064 51,440 - 47.2
Total 154,951 100,357 54,594 - 64.8
Male 80,749 56,600 24,149 - 70.1
Female 74,202 43,757 30,445 - 59.0
Total 104,215 74,058 30,156 - 71.1
Male 45,374 40,087 5,288 - 88.3
Female 58,840 33,972 24,869 - 57.7
Total 104,444 75,419 29,025 - 72.2
Male 38,690 37,545 1,145 - 97.0
Female 65,754 37,873 27,880 - 57.6
Total 93,350 76,049 17,301 - 81.5
Male 45,000 44,229 771 - 98.3
Female 48,350 31,820 16,530 - 65.8
Total 91,105 77,552 13,553 - 85.1
Male 41,631 41,132 500 - 98.8
Female 49,474 36,420 13,053 - 73.6
Total 76,757 60,065 16,692 - 78.3
Male 40,238 40,011 228 - 99.4
Female 36,518 20,054 16,464 - 54.9
Total 47,363 40,213 7,150 - 84.9
Male 27,101 26,185 916 - 96.6
Female 20,262 14,028 6,234 - 69.2
Total 49,450 41,380 8,070 - 83.7
Male 30,006 29,550 456 - 98.5
Female 19,444 11,830 7,614 - 60.8
Total 20,654 14,933 5,721 - 72.3
Male 11,609 10,814 795 - 93.2
Female 9,045 4,119 4,926 - 45.5
Total 30,487 21,616 8,871 - 70.9
Male 18,050 16,099 1,951 - 89.2
Female 12,437 5,517 6,920 - 44.4
Total 32,586 14,561 18,025 - 44.7
Male 19,035 12,270 6,765 - 64.5
Female 13,551 2,291 11,260 - 16.9

Table 4.1.6a Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 619,093 498,602 120,463 28 80.5
Male 308,959 256,828 52,131 - 83.1
Female 310,134 241,774 68,333 28 78.0
Total 113,284 56,674 56,609 - 50.0
Male 59,156 29,642 29,514 - 50.1
Female 54,128 27,032 27,096 - 49.9
Total 87,257 61,600 25,657 - 70.6
Male 40,692 28,612 12,080 - 70.3
Female 46,565 32,988 13,577 - 70.8
Total 88,603 78,622 9,981 - 88.7
Male 38,036 34,797 3,240 - 91.5
Female 50,567 43,825 6,742 - 86.7
Total 89,491 83,100 6,391 - 92.9
Male 42,901 40,933 1,968 - 95.4
Female 46,590 42,168 4,423 - 90.5
Total 56,010 52,578 3,431 - 93.9
Male 31,133 30,472 662 - 97.9
Female 24,876 22,107 2,770 - 88.9
Total 52,971 51,104 1,867 - 96.5
Male 27,068 26,945 123 - 99.5
Female 25,903 24,158 1,744 - 93.3
Total 29,761 27,589 2,172 - 92.7
Male 14,914 14,124 790 - 94.7
Female 14,847 13,465 1,382 - 90.7
Total 26,066 25,112 926 28 96.3
Male 14,646 14,523 123 - 99.2
Female 11,420 10,589 803 28 92.7
Total 23,411 20,516 2,896 - 87.6
Male 10,574 10,213 361 - 96.6
Female 12,837 10,303 2,535 - 80.3
Total 12,443 11,486 957 - 92.3
Male 6,999 6,871 128 - 98.2
Female 5,444 4,615 829 - 84.8
Total 15,120 12,433 2,686 - 82.2
Male 8,654 7,883 771 - 91.1
Female 6,466 4,550 1,916 - 70.4
Total 24,676 17,788 6,888 - 72.1
Male 14,185 11,813 2,372 - 83.3
Female 10,491 5,975 4,516 - 57.0

Table 4.1.6b Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 119,932 82,267 37,637 28 68.6
Male 58,598 44,259 14,339 - 75.5
Female 61,334 38,008 23,299 28 62.0
Total 20,772 4,040 16,732 - 19.4
Male 10,306 2,277 8,028 - 22.1
Female 10,466 1,763 8,703 - 16.8
Total 18,851 8,399 10,452 - 44.6
Male 7,135 2,814 4,321 - 39.4
Female 11,716 5,585 6,131 - 47.7
Total 18,891 15,574 3,317 - 82.4
Male 8,531 7,631 900 - 89.4
Female 10,360 7,943 2,416 - 76.7
Total 21,261 18,994 2,268 - 89.3
Male 10,116 9,877 239 - 97.6
Female 11,145 9,117 2,029 - 81.8
Total 11,743 10,886 857 - 92.7
Male 6,941 6,782 159 - 97.7
Female 4,802 4,104 698 - 85.5
Total 10,432 10,005 427 - 95.9
Male 5,818 5,800 17 - 99.7
Female 4,614 4,204 410 - 91.1
Total 5,627 5,259 368 - 93.5
Male 3,659 3,604 55 - 98.5
Female 1,968 1,655 313 - 84.1
Total 3,610 3,394 189 28 94.0
Male 2,062 2,062 - - 100.0
Female 1,549 1,332 189 28 86.0
Total 2,618 2,381 237 - 90.9
Male 1,213 1,194 18 - 98.5
Female 1,405 1,187 219 - 84.4
Total 2,095 1,438 657 - 68.6
Male 1,170 1,147 23 - 98.1
Female 925 291 634 - 31.5
Total 1,414 725 689 - 51.3
Male 494 400 94 - 81.0
Female 920 325 595 - 35.3
Total 2,618 1,172 1,446 - 44.8
Male 1,154 670 484 - 58.0
Female 1,464 502 962 - 34.3

Table 4.1.6c Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 499,162 416,335 82,826 - 83.4
Male 250,361 212,569 37,792 - 84.9
Female 248,800 203,766 45,034 - 81.9
Total 92,512 52,634 39,878 - 56.9
Male 48,850 27,365 21,485 - 56.0
Female 43,662 25,270 18,392 - 57.9
Total 68,406 53,201 15,205 - 77.8
Male 33,557 25,798 7,759 - 76.9
Female 34,849 27,402 7,446 - 78.6
Total 69,712 63,047 6,665 - 90.4
Male 29,505 27,166 2,339 - 92.1
Female 40,207 35,882 4,325 - 89.2
Total 68,229 64,106 4,123 - 94.0
Male 32,785 31,055 1,729 - 94.7
Female 35,445 33,051 2,394 - 93.2
Total 44,267 41,693 2,574 - 94.2
Male 24,193 23,690 503 - 97.9
Female 20,074 18,003 2,071 - 89.7
Total 42,539 41,099 1,440 - 96.6
Male 21,250 21,145 105 - 99.5
Female 21,289 19,954 1,335 - 93.7
Total 24,134 22,330 1,805 - 92.5
Male 11,255 10,520 735 - 93.5
Female 12,879 11,809 1,069 - 91.7
Total 22,455 21,718 737 - 96.7
Male 12,584 12,461 123 - 99.0
Female 9,871 9,257 614 - 93.8
Total 20,793 18,135 2,659 - 87.2
Male 9,361 9,019 343 - 96.3
Female 11,432 9,116 2,316 - 79.7
Total 10,348 10,048 300 - 97.1
Male 5,830 5,724 105 - 98.2
Female 4,518 4,324 195 - 95.7
Total 13,706 11,708 1,998 - 85.4
Male 8,159 7,483 677 - 91.7
Female 5,547 4,225 1,321 - 76.2
Total 22,059 16,616 5,442 - 75.3
Male 13,031 11,143 1,888 - 85.5
Female 9,028 5,473 3,554 - 60.6

Table 4.1.7a Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
S.N.N.P REGION: 2013
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 11,277,401 8,869,146 2,401,986 6,269 78.6
Male 5,558,000 4,616,061 940,894 1,045 83.1
Female 5,719,401 4,253,085 1,461,092 5,224 74.4
Total 2,281,203 1,357,458 920,088 3,657 59.5
Male 1,166,820 711,403 454,373 1,045 61.0
Female 1,114,382 646,055 465,715 2,612 58.0
Total 1,771,467 1,246,044 523,334 2,090 70.3
Male 878,670 630,955 247,715 - 71.8
Female 892,797 615,089 275,618 2,090 68.9
Total 1,299,638 1,090,482 209,156 - 83.9
Male 611,282 533,602 77,680 - 87.3
Female 688,356 556,879 131,477 - 80.9
Total 1,291,586 1,149,720 141,344 522 89.0
Male 606,579 572,815 33,763 - 94.4
Female 685,008 576,904 107,581 522 84.2
Total 956,734 868,825 87,909 - 90.8
Male 447,148 433,445 13,703 - 96.9
Female 509,586 435,380 74,206 - 85.4
Total 963,694 900,157 63,537 - 93.4
Male 451,771 445,445 6,327 - 98.6
Female 511,922 454,712 57,210 - 88.8
Total 732,925 665,348 67,577 - 90.8
Male 359,943 354,926 5,017 - 98.6
Female 372,982 310,422 62,561 - 83.2
Total 571,079 518,920 52,159 - 90.9
Male 286,535 281,942 4,592 - 98.4
Female 284,545 236,978 47,567 - 83.3
Total 426,716 372,817 53,898 - 87.4
Male 223,046 214,974 8,072 - 96.4
Female 203,670 157,843 45,827 - 77.5
Total 270,358 229,364 40,993 - 84.8
Male 136,227 128,518 7,710 - 94.3
Female 134,130 100,846 33,284 - 75.2
Total 253,323 193,014 60,309 - 76.2
Male 129,651 115,591 14,060 - 89.2
Female 123,672 77,423 46,249 - 62.6
Total 458,678 276,998 181,680 - 60.4
Male 260,327 192,445 67,882 - 73.9
Female 198,351 84,553 113,798 - 42.6

Table 4.1.7b Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 1,709,488 1,113,203 596,285 - 65.1
Male 812,986 588,470 224,517 - 72.4
Female 896,502 524,734 371,768 - 58.5
Total 302,102 65,796 236,307 - 21.8
Male 132,119 32,276 99,842 - 24.4
Female 169,984 33,519 136,465 - 19.7
Total 286,777 116,031 170,746 - 40.5
Male 130,934 52,862 78,072 - 40.4
Female 155,843 63,169 92,674 - 40.5
Total 239,388 185,103 54,285 - 77.3
Male 99,760 80,231 19,530 - 80.4
Female 139,628 104,873 34,755 - 75.1
Total 247,086 219,949 27,137 - 89.0
Male 121,728 116,875 4,853 - 96.0
Female 125,358 103,074 22,283 - 82.2
Total 153,633 139,003 14,629 - 90.5
Male 80,150 77,926 2,224 - 97.2
Female 73,482 61,077 12,405 - 83.1
Total 149,532 137,366 12,166 - 91.9
Male 76,421 74,971 1,450 - 98.1
Female 73,110 62,395 10,716 - 85.3
Total 94,124 84,021 10,103 - 89.3
Male 49,315 47,469 1,847 - 96.3
Female 44,809 36,553 8,256 - 81.6
Total 70,862 62,524 8,338 - 88.2
Male 40,699 40,377 322 - 99.2
Female 30,163 22,147 8,015 - 73.4
Total 45,319 38,332 6,988 - 84.6
Male 22,971 22,341 630 - 97.3
Female 22,349 15,991 6,358 - 71.6
Total 36,757 27,093 9,665 - 73.7
Male 19,810 18,417 1,394 - 93.0
Female 16,947 8,676 8,271 - 51.2
Total 31,168 19,258 11,909 - 61.8
Male 14,176 12,491 1,686 - 88.1
Female 16,991 6,768 10,224 - 39.8
Total 52,740 18,727 34,013 - 35.5
Male 24,902 12,234 12,668 - 49.1
Female 27,838 6,493 21,345 - 23.3

Table 4.1.7c Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 9,567,912 7,755,942 1,805,701 6,269 81.1
Male 4,745,013 4,027,592 716,377 1,045 84.9
Female 4,822,899 3,728,351 1,089,324 5,224 77.3
Total 1,979,100 1,291,662 683,781 3,657 65.3
Male 1,034,702 679,126 354,531 1,045 65.6
Female 944,398 612,536 329,250 2,612 64.9
Total 1,484,691 1,130,013 352,588 2,090 76.1
Male 747,736 578,092 169,644 - 77.3
Female 736,954 551,921 182,944 2,090 74.9
Total 1,060,249 905,378 154,871 - 85.4
Male 511,522 453,372 58,150 - 88.6
Female 548,728 452,007 96,721 - 82.4
Total 1,044,501 929,770 114,208 522 89.0
Male 484,851 455,940 28,910 - 94.0
Female 559,650 473,830 85,298 522 84.7
Total 803,101 729,821 73,280 - 90.9
Male 366,998 355,519 11,479 - 96.9
Female 436,104 374,303 61,801 - 85.8
Total 814,162 762,790 51,371 - 93.7
Male 375,350 370,473 4,877 - 98.7
Female 438,812 392,317 46,495 - 89.4
Total 638,801 581,326 57,474 - 91.0
Male 310,627 307,457 3,170 - 99.0
Female 328,174 273,869 54,304 - 83.5
Total 500,218 456,396 43,822 - 91.2
Male 245,836 241,566 4,270 - 98.3
Female 254,382 214,830 39,552 - 84.5
Total 381,396 334,486 46,911 - 87.7
Male 200,075 192,633 7,442 - 96.3
Female 181,321 141,852 39,469 - 78.2
Total 233,600 202,272 31,329 - 86.6
Male 116,417 110,101 6,316 - 94.6
Female 117,183 92,170 25,013 - 78.7
Total 222,155 173,755 48,400 - 78.2
Male 115,475 103,100 12,374 - 89.3
Female 106,680 70,655 36,025 - 66.2
Total 405,938 258,271 147,667 - 63.6
Male 235,425 180,211 55,214 - 76.5
Female 170,513 78,060 92,453 - 45.8

Table 4.1.8a Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 247,763 169,487 78,248 28 68.4
Male 119,824 86,102 33,722 - 71.9
Female 127,939 83,385 44,525 28 65.2
Total 50,247 17,378 32,869 - 34.6
Male 26,692 10,010 16,682 - 37.5
Female 23,555 7,369 16,186 - 31.3
Total 40,102 19,699 20,403 - 49.1
Male 21,567 11,362 10,204 - 52.7
Female 18,535 8,337 10,199 - 45.0
Total 31,843 23,074 8,769 - 72.5
Male 12,841 9,446 3,395 - 73.6
Female 19,002 13,628 5,374 - 71.7
Total 31,975 27,615 4,360 - 86.4
Male 14,278 13,082 1,195 - 91.6
Female 17,697 14,533 3,164 - 82.1
Total 22,671 20,239 2,433 - 89.3
Male 9,732 9,399 333 - 96.6
Female 12,939 10,840 2,100 - 83.8
Total 23,013 21,636 1,376 - 94.0
Male 10,809 10,629 180 - 98.3
Female 12,204 11,007 1,197 - 90.2
Total 15,635 14,314 1,292 28 91.6
Male 7,534 7,467 67 - 99.1
Female 8,101 6,847 1,226 28 84.5
Total 12,567 11,591 975 - 92.2
Male 6,292 6,014 278 - 95.6
Female 6,275 5,577 697 - 88.9
Total 6,583 5,533 1,050 - 84.0
Male 3,284 3,154 130 - 96.0
Female 3,299 2,379 921 - 72.1
Total 5,077 3,800 1,277 - 74.9
Male 2,577 2,241 337 - 86.9
Female 2,500 1,560 940 - 62.4
Total 2,874 2,065 809 - 71.8
Male 1,527 1,419 108 - 93.0
Female 1,347 645 702 - 47.9
Total 5,177 2,542 2,635 - 49.1
Male 2,692 1,878 814 - 69.8
Female 2,485 664 1,820 - 26.7

Table 4.1.8b Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 75,114 43,705 31,381 28 58.2
Male 35,411 21,567 13,845 - 60.9
Female 39,703 22,138 17,536 28 55.8
Total 14,288 2,293 11,995 - 16.1
Male 7,394 1,384 6,010 - 18.7
Female 6,895 910 5,985 - 13.2
Total 12,948 3,848 9,100 - 29.7
Male 6,468 1,684 4,784 - 26.0
Female 6,480 2,164 4,316 - 33.4
Total 10,974 6,956 4,018 - 63.4
Male 4,668 3,011 1,657 - 64.5
Female 6,307 3,945 2,362 - 62.6
Total 11,300 9,266 2,034 - 82.0
Male 4,863 4,302 561 - 88.5
Female 6,436 4,963 1,473 - 77.1
Total 7,149 6,139 1,010 - 85.9
Male 3,112 2,937 175 - 94.4
Female 4,036 3,202 834 - 79.3
Total 6,278 5,652 626 - 90.0
Male 3,193 3,069 125 - 96.1
Female 3,085 2,584 501 - 83.8
Total 4,152 3,729 394 28 89.8
Male 1,858 1,791 67 - 96.4
Female 2,294 1,938 327 28 84.5
Total 3,163 2,882 282 - 91.1
Male 1,687 1,613 75 - 95.6
Female 1,476 1,269 207 - 86.0
Total 1,544 1,166 378 - 75.5
Male 727 690 37 - 94.9
Female 817 476 341 - 58.3
Total 1,229 765 464 - 62.2
Male 439 402 38 - 91.4
Female 790 364 426 - 46.0
Total 604 346 258 - 57.3
Male 271 255 17 - 93.8
Female 333 91 241 - 27.5
Total 1,484 662 822 - 44.6
Male 729 429 300 - 58.9
Female 754 232 522 - 30.8

Table 4.1.8c Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 172,649 125,782 46,867 - 72.9
Male 84,413 64,535 19,878 - 76.5
Female 88,236 61,247 26,989 - 69.4
Total 35,959 15,085 20,874 - 42.0
Male 19,298 8,626 10,673 - 44.7
Female 16,660 6,459 10,201 - 38.8
Total 27,153 15,851 11,303 - 58.4
Male 15,098 9,678 5,420 - 64.1
Female 12,055 6,173 5,883 - 51.2
Total 20,868 16,118 4,751 - 77.2
Male 8,173 6,435 1,738 - 78.7
Female 12,695 9,683 3,012 - 76.3
Total 20,675 18,349 2,326 - 88.8
Male 9,415 8,780 634 - 93.3
Female 11,261 9,569 1,692 - 85.0
Total 15,523 14,099 1,423 - 90.8
Male 6,620 6,462 157 - 97.6
Female 8,903 7,637 1,266 - 85.8
Total 16,734 15,984 751 - 95.5
Male 7,616 7,560 55 - 99.3
Female 9,119 8,423 695 - 92.4
Total 11,483 10,585 898 - 92.2
Male 5,675 5,675 - - 100.0
Female 5,807 4,909 898 - 84.5
Total 9,403 8,710 694 - 92.6
Male 4,605 4,401 203 - 95.6
Female 4,799 4,308 490 - 89.8
Total 5,039 4,367 673 - 86.7
Male 2,557 2,464 93 - 96.4
Female 2,482 1,902 580 - 76.6
Total 3,847 3,035 812 - 78.9
Male 2,138 1,839 299 - 86.0
Female 1,710 1,196 514 - 70.0
Total 2,270 1,719 551 - 75.7
Male 1,256 1,165 91 - 92.8
Female 1,014 554 460 - 54.6
Total 3,693 1,881 1,812 - 50.9
Male 1,963 1,448 514 - 73.8
Female 1,730 432 1,298 - 25.0

Table 4.1.9a Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 156,183 109,785 46,398 - 70.3
Male 73,719 56,202 17,517 - 76.2
Female 82,464 53,583 28,881 - 65.0
Total 23,368 8,428 14,941 - 36.1
Male 11,059 3,919 7,140 - 35.4
Female 12,310 4,508 7,801 - 36.6
Total 21,141 9,755 11,386 - 46.1
Male 9,709 4,865 4,843 - 50.1
Female 11,433 4,890 6,542 - 42.8
Total 19,725 14,706 5,020 - 74.6
Male 8,167 6,606 1,561 - 80.9
Female 11,558 8,100 3,458 - 70.1
Total 20,562 18,382 2,181 - 89.4
Male 9,450 9,071 379 - 96.0
Female 11,113 9,311 1,802 - 83.8
Total 16,178 14,982 1,196 - 92.6
Male 8,080 7,830 250 - 96.9
Female 8,098 7,153 946 - 88.3
Total 15,110 13,782 1,328 - 91.2
Male 7,500 7,372 128 - 98.3
Female 7,610 6,411 1,200 - 84.2
Total 9,343 8,733 610 - 93.5
Male 5,610 5,438 172 - 96.9
Female 3,732 3,295 437 - 88.3
Total 7,768 7,114 654 - 91.6
Male 4,005 3,910 95 - 97.6
Female 3,763 3,204 559 - 85.1
Total 5,673 4,924 749 - 86.8
Male 2,560 2,363 197 - 92.3
Female 3,112 2,560 552 - 82.3
Total 4,761 3,373 1,387 - 70.9
Male 1,956 1,740 216 - 89.0
Female 2,805 1,633 1,172 - 58.2
Total 3,948 2,496 1,452 - 63.2
Male 1,821 1,461 359 - 80.3
Female 2,127 1,035 1,092 - 48.6
Total 8,606 3,111 5,495 - 36.1
Male 3,803 1,627 2,176 - 42.8
Female 4,803 1,483 3,319 - 30.9

Table 4.1.9b Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 96,361 58,879 37,482 - 61.1
Male 44,986 30,623 14,363 - 68.1
Female 51,375 28,255 23,119 - 55.0
Total 11,797 201 11,596 - 1.7
Male 5,770 78 5,692 - 1.4
Female 6,027 123 5,904 - 2.0
Total 12,347 2,452 9,895 - 19.9
Male 5,233 1,114 4,120 - 21.3
Female 7,114 1,338 5,776 - 18.8
Total 12,423 8,253 4,169 - 66.4
Male 4,835 3,635 1,201 - 75.2
Female 7,588 4,619 2,969 - 60.9
Total 12,743 11,013 1,731 - 86.4
Male 5,763 5,439 324 - 94.4
Female 6,981 5,574 1,406 - 79.9
Total 10,510 9,433 1,077 - 89.8
Male 5,091 4,841 250 - 95.1
Female 5,419 4,592 827 - 84.7
Total 10,183 9,273 910 - 91.1
Male 4,982 4,930 52 - 99.0
Female 5,202 4,343 859 - 83.5
Total 6,152 5,739 413 - 93.3
Male 3,899 3,752 147 - 96.2
Female 2,253 1,987 266 - 88.2
Total 5,184 4,656 527 - 89.8
Male 2,738 2,668 70 - 97.5
Female 2,446 1,988 458 - 81.3
Total 3,498 2,829 669 - 80.9
Male 1,638 1,470 168 - 89.8
Female 1,860 1,358 502 - 73.0
Total 2,694 1,736 958 - 64.4
Male 1,058 869 189 - 82.2
Female 1,636 867 769 - 53.0
Total 2,516 1,429 1,088 - 56.8
Male 1,111 858 253 - 77.2
Female 1,405 570 835 - 40.6
Total 6,314 1,865 4,449 - 29.5
Male 2,868 969 1,899 - 33.8
Female 3,446 896 2,550 - 26.0

Table 4.1.9c Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 59,822 50,907 8,916 - 85.1
Male 28,733 25,579 3,154 - 89.0
Female 31,090 25,328 5,762 - 81.5
Total 11,571 8,226 3,345 - 71.1
Male 5,289 3,841 1,448 - 72.6
Female 6,282 4,385 1,897 - 69.8
Total 8,794 7,303 1,491 - 83.0
Male 4,475 3,751 724 - 83.8
Female 4,319 3,552 767 - 82.2
Total 7,303 6,452 851 - 88.4
Male 3,332 2,971 361 - 89.2
Female 3,971 3,481 490 - 87.7
Total 7,819 7,369 450 - 94.2
Male 3,687 3,632 55 - 98.5
Female 4,132 3,737 396 - 90.4
Total 5,668 5,549 119 - 97.9
Male 2,989 2,989 - - 100.0
Female 2,679 2,561 119 - 95.6
Total 4,927 4,510 417 - 91.5
Male 2,518 2,442 76 - 97.0
Female 2,409 2,068 341 - 85.9
Total 3,191 2,994 197 - 93.8
Male 1,711 1,686 25 - 98.5
Female 1,479 1,308 171 - 88.4
Total 2,585 2,458 127 - 95.1
Male 1,267 1,241 25 - 98.0
Female 1,318 1,217 101 - 92.3
Total 2,175 2,095 80 - 96.3
Male 922 893 29 - 96.8
Female 1,252 1,202 51 - 96.0
Total 2,067 1,637 430 - 79.2
Male 898 871 27 - 97.0
Female 1,169 766 403 - 65.6
Total 1,432 1,068 364 - 74.6
Male 709 603 106 - 85.0
Female 722 464 258 - 64.3
Total 2,292 1,246 1,047 - 54.3
Male 935 658 277 - 70.3
Female 1,357 588 769 - 43.3

Table 4.1.10 Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 2,700,736 1,695,065 1,005,671 - 62.8
Male 1,233,556 875,424 358,132 - 71.0
Female 1,467,180 819,641 647,539 - 55.9
Total 267,531 11,682 255,849 - 4.4
Male 116,519 2,241 114,279 - 1.9
Female 151,011 9,441 141,570 - 6.3
Total 373,517 117,980 255,537 - 31.6
Male 142,474 36,769 105,705 - 25.8
Female 231,043 81,211 149,833 - 35.1
Total 403,852 286,056 117,796 - 70.8
Male 171,031 128,125 42,906 - 74.9
Female 232,820 157,931 74,889 - 67.8
Total 429,171 372,911 56,260 - 86.9
Male 204,243 191,580 12,663 - 93.8
Female 224,928 181,331 43,597 - 80.6
Total 296,758 264,481 32,277 - 89.1
Male 151,597 146,179 5,418 - 96.4
Female 145,160 118,301 26,859 - 81.5
Total 247,914 224,704 23,210 - 90.6
Male 125,136 121,464 3,671 - 97.1
Female 122,778 103,239 19,539 - 84.1
Total 144,545 127,373 17,172 - 88.1
Male 77,049 75,111 1,938 - 97.5
Female 67,496 52,263 15,234 - 77.4
Total 122,585 99,110 23,475 - 80.9
Male 55,056 53,028 2,028 - 96.3
Female 67,529 46,083 21,447 - 68.2
Total 102,714 73,532 29,182 - 71.6
Male 43,678 40,295 3,383 - 92.3
Female 59,036 33,237 25,799 - 56.3
Total 90,737 53,859 36,878 - 59.4
Male 39,843 34,312 5,530 - 86.1
Female 50,895 19,547 31,348 - 38.4
Total 78,034 32,027 46,007 - 41.0
Male 37,116 23,001 14,115 - 62.0
Female 40,918 9,027 31,891 - 22.1
Total 143,379 31,350 112,029 - 21.9
Male 69,815 23,319 46,496 - 33.4
Female 73,565 8,032 65,533 - 10.9

Table 4.1.11a Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 300,823 208,597 92,121 104 69.3
Male 142,409 104,884 37,474 52 73.6
Female 158,413 103,714 54,648 52 65.5
Total 45,700 16,985 28,715 - 37.2
Male 22,233 8,324 13,910 - 37.4
Female 23,467 8,661 14,805 - 36.9
Total 42,178 20,993 21,133 52 49.8
Male 19,223 9,086 10,084 52 47.3
Female 22,955 11,907 11,049 - 51.9
Total 39,420 30,428 8,992 - 77.2
Male 18,596 14,440 4,155 - 77.7
Female 20,824 15,988 4,836 - 76.8
Total 39,366 33,579 5,786 - 85.3
Male 18,231 16,949 1,282 - 93.0
Female 21,134 16,630 4,504 - 78.7
Total 29,266 25,989 3,277 - 88.8
Male 14,994 14,298 695 - 95.4
Female 14,272 11,691 2,581 - 81.9
Total 26,215 23,464 2,751 - 89.5
Male 11,465 10,955 511 - 95.5
Female 14,750 12,509 2,240 - 84.8
Total 17,675 16,323 1,352 - 92.4
Male 9,114 8,677 437 - 95.2
Female 8,561 7,646 915 - 89.3
Total 15,854 13,782 2,071 - 86.9
Male 7,518 7,154 364 - 95.2
Female 8,336 6,628 1,708 - 79.5
Total 12,282 10,025 2,204 52 81.6
Male 5,728 5,028 701 - 87.8
Female 6,554 4,998 1,504 52 76.3
Total 7,983 5,647 2,336 - 70.7
Male 3,196 2,714 483 - 84.9
Female 4,786 2,933 1,853 - 61.3
Total 10,206 5,912 4,294 - 57.9
Male 5,665 3,887 1,778 - 68.6
Female 4,541 2,025 2,516 - 44.6
Total 14,678 5,468 9,210 - 37.3
Male 6,446 3,372 3,074 - 52.3
Female 8,233 2,097 6,136 - 25.5

Table 4.1.11b Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 211,372 130,722 80,546 104 61.8
Male 97,341 65,032 32,257 52 66.8
Female 114,031 65,690 48,289 52 57.6
Total 26,901 2,120 24,781 - 7.9
Male 12,627 886 11,741 - 7.0
Female 14,275 1,234 13,040 - 8.6
Total 30,546 11,581 18,914 52 37.9
Male 13,326 4,054 9,220 52 30.4
Female 17,220 7,526 9,694 - 43.7
Total 29,159 21,050 8,110 - 72.2
Male 13,872 10,100 3,771 - 72.8
Female 15,288 10,950 4,338 - 71.6
Total 28,849 24,022 4,827 - 83.3
Male 13,384 12,387 997 - 92.6
Female 15,465 11,635 3,830 - 75.2
Total 21,190 18,270 2,920 - 86.2
Male 10,987 10,399 588 - 94.6
Female 10,202 7,871 2,332 - 77.1
Total 18,572 16,138 2,434 - 86.9
Male 8,102 7,678 424 - 94.8
Female 10,470 8,460 2,011 - 80.8
Total 10,884 9,861 1,023 - 90.6
Male 5,341 4,965 376 - 93.0
Female 5,543 4,897 647 - 88.3
Total 12,135 10,234 1,901 - 84.3
Male 5,018 4,792 226 - 95.5
Female 7,118 5,443 1,675 - 76.5
Total 8,533 6,494 1,987 52 76.1
Male 3,849 3,225 624 - 83.8
Female 4,684 3,269 1,363 52 69.8
Total 5,723 3,729 1,993 - 65.2
Male 2,099 1,800 298 - 85.8
Female 3,624 1,929 1,695 - 53.2
Total 7,315 3,461 3,855 - 47.3
Male 4,112 2,497 1,615 - 60.7
Female 3,203 964 2,240 - 30.1
Total 11,563 3,761 7,802 - 32.5
Male 4,624 2,247 2,377 - 48.6
Female 6,939 1,514 5,425 - 21.8

Table 4.1.11c Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex, Activity
Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) -
Activity Status
Age Group All
Activity Rate
and Sex Persons Economically Economically Not
Active Not Active Stated

All Ages
Total 89,451 77,875 11,576 - 87.1
Male 45,069 39,852 5,217 - 88.4
Female 44,382 38,024 6,359 - 85.7
Total 18,799 14,865 3,934 - 79.1
Male 9,607 7,438 2,169 - 77.4
Female 9,192 7,427 1,765 - 80.8
Total 11,632 9,412 2,219 - 80.9
Male 5,897 5,032 865 - 85.3
Female 5,735 4,380 1,355 - 76.4
Total 10,261 9,378 882 - 91.4
Male 4,724 4,340 384 - 91.9
Female 5,537 5,038 498 - 91.0
Total 10,516 9,557 959 - 90.9
Male 4,847 4,562 285 - 94.1
Female 5,670 4,995 674 - 88.1
Total 8,076 7,719 357 - 95.6
Male 4,006 3,899 107 - 97.3
Female 4,070 3,820 249 - 93.9
Total 7,643 7,326 317 - 95.9
Male 3,363 3,276 87 - 97.4
Female 4,280 4,050 230 - 94.6
Total 6,791 6,462 329 - 95.2
Male 3,773 3,713 61 - 98.4
Female 3,018 2,750 268 - 91.1
Total 3,718 3,548 170 - 95.4
Male 2,500 2,362 138 - 94.5
Female 1,218 1,186 32 - 97.3
Total 3,748 3,531 217 - 94.2
Male 1,879 1,803 77 - 95.9
Female 1,869 1,728 141 - 92.5
Total 2,260 1,918 343 - 84.8
Male 1,098 913 185 - 83.2
Female 1,163 1,004 158 - 86.4
Total 2,891 2,452 439 - 84.8
Male 1,553 1,390 163 - 89.5
Female 1,338 1,062 276 - 79.4
Total 3,115 1,707 1,408 - 54.8
Male 1,821 1,124 697 - 61.7
Female 1,294 583 711 - 45.1
Table 4.2 Population Major Towns Aged Ten Years and above of Major Towns by Age Group,
Sex, Activity Status and Rate during the Last Seven Days (Current Status
Approach): 2013
Activity Status
Age Group All
Economically Economically Not Activity Rate
and Sex Persons
Active Not Active Stated

Total 5,381,097 3,390,599 1,990,338 160 63.0
Male 2,461,476 1,740,284 721,140 52 70.7
Female 2,919,621 1,650,315 1,269,198 108 56.5
Total 56,439 31,787 24,652 - 56.3
Male 23,710 13,957 9,753 - 58.9
Female 32,729 17,831 14,898 - 54.5
Total 226,424 133,992 92,432 - 59.2
Male 95,451 62,664 32,787 - 65.7
Female 130,972 71,327 59,645 - 54.5
Total 16,153 10,947 5,206 - 67.8
Male 7,857 5,837 2,020 - 74.3
Female 8,295 5,110 3,186 - 61.6
Total 220,960 141,066 79,894 - 63.8
Male 95,871 68,631 27,240 - 71.6
Female 125,089 72,435 52,654 - 57.9
Total 64,134 41,622 22,512 - 64.9
Male 29,364 21,371 7,993 - 72.8
Female 34,770 20,251 14,519 - 58.2
Total 125,327 79,685 45,641 - 63.6
Male 58,828 41,480 17,348 - 70.5
Female 66,499 38,206 28,293 - 57.5
Total 72,212 49,757 22,456 - 68.9
Male 32,367 24,160 8,207 - 74.6
Female 39,845 25,596 14,249 - 64.2
Total 71,907 51,979 19,927 - 72.3
Male 31,079 24,130 6,949 - 77.6
Female 40,828 27,849 12,978 - 68.2
Total 171,463 129,241 42,222 - 75.4
Male 77,263 62,722 14,541 - 81.2
Female 94,200 66,519 27,681 - 70.6
Total 76,237 48,004 28,234 - 63.0
Male 35,259 26,222 9,037 - 74.4
Female 40,978 21,781 19,197 - 53.2

Table 4.2 Cont’d

Activity Status
Age Group All
Economically Economically Not Activity Rate
and Sex Persons
Active Not Active Stated

Total 105,099 69,450 35,649 - 66.1
Male 47,912 35,936 11,976 - 75.0
Female 57,186 33,513 23,673 - 58.6
Total 67,138 43,253 23,886 - 64.4
Male 31,256 22,136 9,120 - 70.8
Female 35,882 21,116 14,766 - 58.8
Total 234,231 146,748 87,483 - 62.7
Male 109,964 76,556 33,408 - 69.6
Female 124,267 70,192 54,075 - 56.5
Total 126,787 84,928 41,859 - 67.0
Male 59,119 44,734 14,385 - 75.7
Female 67,668 40,195 27,474 - 59.4
Total 98,953 65,516 33,437 - 66.2
Male 46,575 34,726 11,849 - 74.6
Female 52,378 30,790 21,588 - 58.8
Total 99,959 44,908 55,051 - 44.9
Male 48,873 27,264 21,609 - 55.8
Female 51,086 17,644 33,442 - 34.5
Total 28,733 19,052 9,653 28 66.3
Male 13,950 10,240 3,709 - 73.4
Female 14,783 8,811 5,944 28 59.6
Total 71,954 42,738 29,216 - 59.4
Male 33,685 22,383 11,302 - 66.4
Female 38,269 20,355 17,914 - 53.2
Total 61,377 33,788 27,589 - 55.1
Male 30,100 18,783 11,317 - 62.4
Female 31,278 15,006 16,272 - 48.0
Total 77,512 52,134 25,378 - 67.3
Male 36,326 27,813 8,513 - 76.6
Female 41,186 24,321 16,865 - 59.1
Total 80,472 50,354 30,119 - 62.6
Male 38,077 26,686 11,390 - 70.1
Female 42,396 23,667 18,728 - 55.8
Table 4.2 Cont’d
Activity Status
Age Group All
Economically Economically Not Activity Rate
and Sex Persons
Active Not Active Stated

Total 180,313 115,108 65,204 - 63.8
Male 84,754 61,217 23,537 - 72.2
Female 95,558 53,891 41,667 - 56.4
Total 38,845 19,878 18,939 28 51.2
Male 17,952 9,555 8,397 - 53.2
Female 20,893 10,322 10,543 28 49.4
Total 96,361 58,879 37,482 - 61.1
Male 44,986 30,623 14,363 - 68.1
Female 51,375 28,255 23,119 - 55.0
Total 2,700,736 1,695,065 1,005,671 - 62.8
Male 1,233,556 875,424 358,132 - 71.0
Female 1,467,180 819,641 647,539 - 55.9
Total 211,372 130,722 80,546 104 61.8
Male 97,341 65,032 32,257 52 66.8
Female 114,031 65,690 48,289 52 57.6
Table 4.3 Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Activity Status,
Activity Rate, Sex and Place of Residence, during the Last Twelve
Months (Usual Status Approach) : 2013
Place of Residence Activity Status
and Sex Economically Economically Activity Rate
Active Not Active

Total 55,629,497 43,087,410 12,542,087 77.5
Male 27,667,062 22,940,871 4,726,191 82.9
Female 27,962,436 20,146,539 7,815,896 72.0
Total 11,504,022 7,339,355 4,164,667 63.8
Male 5,382,344 3,840,660 1,541,684 71.4
Female 6,121,677 3,498,695 2,622,982 57.2
Total 44,125,475 35,748,055 8,377,421 81.0
Male 22,284,717 19,100,211 3,184,507 85.7
Female 21,840,758 16,647,844 5,192,914 76.2

Total 3,472,759 2,661,689 811,069 76.6
Male 1,668,353 1,376,890 291,462 82.5
Female 1,804,406 1,284,799 519,607 71.2
Total 864,336 506,645 357,691 58.6
Male 386,365 253,254 133,110 65.5
Female 477,972 253,391 224,581 53.0
Total 2,608,422 2,155,044 453,378 82.6
Male 1,281,988 1,123,636 158,352 87.6
Female 1,326,434 1,031,408 295,026 77.8

Total 883,619 679,660 203,959 76.9
Male 434,957 356,764 78,193 82.0
Female 448,662 322,897 125,766 72.0
Total 168,920 111,342 57,578 65.9
Male 79,510 59,630 19,880 75.0
Female 89,411 51,712 37,698 57.8
Total 714,699 568,318 146,380 79.5
Male 355,447 297,134 58,313 83.6
Female 359,252 271,184 88,068 75.5

Total 13,896,838 11,420,036 2,476,802 82.2
Male 6,902,006 6,018,692 883,314 87.2
Female 6,994,832 5,401,343 1,593,488 77.2
Total 2,206,743 1,545,344 661,399 70.0
Male 1,000,999 763,611 237,388 76.3
Female 1,205,744 781,733 424,011 64.8
Total 11,690,095 9,874,692 1,815,403 84.5
Male 5,901,007 5,255,082 645,926 89.1
Female 5,789,088 4,619,610 1,169,478 79.8
Table 4.3 Cont’d
Activity Status
Place of Residence All
Economically Economically Activity Rate
and Sex Persons 
Active Not Active

Total 20,820,331 16,355,366 4,464,965 78.6
Male 10,581,986 8,865,029 1,716,957 83.8
Female 10,238,345 7,490,337 2,748,008 73.2
Total 3,142,596 2,052,151 1,090,446 65.3
Male 1,529,449 1,117,170 412,278 73.0
Female 1,613,147 934,980 678,167 58.0
Total 17,677,735 14,303,215 3,374,520 80.9
Male 9,052,537 7,747,859 1,304,679 85.6
Female 8,625,198 6,555,357 2,069,841 76.0

Total 1,253,952 829,312 424,641 66.1
Male 643,292 491,896 151,396 76.5
Female 610,660 337,415 273,245 55.3
Total 208,424 99,647 108,777 47.8
Male 103,144 57,006 46,138 55.3
Female 105,280 42,640 62,639 40.5
Total 1,045,529 729,665 315,864 69.8
Male 540,148 434,890 105,258 80.5
Female 505,380 294,775 210,605 58.3

Total 619,093 474,388 144,705 76.6
Male 308,959 247,329 61,630 80.1
Female 310,134 227,059 83,075 73.2
Total 119,932 77,037 42,895 64.2
Male 58,598 42,247 16,350 72.1
Female 61,334 34,790 26,544 56.7
Total 499,162 397,351 101,810 79.6
Male 250,361 205,082 45,279 81.9
Female 248,800 192,269 56,531 77.3

Total 11,277,401 8,540,509 2,736,892 75.7
Male 5,558,000 4,485,768 1,072,231 80.7
Female 5,719,401 4,054,741 1,664,660 70.9
Total 1,709,488 1,064,719 644,769 62.3
Male 812,986 572,834 240,153 70.5
Female 896,502 491,886 404,616 54.9
Total 9,567,912 7,475,790 2,092,123 78.1
Male 4,745,013 3,912,935 832,079 82.5
Female 4,822,899 3,562,855 1,260,044 73.9
Table 4.3 Cont’d
Activity Status
Place of Residence All
Economically Economically Activity Rate
and Sex Persons 
Active Not Active

Total 247,763 158,806 88,957 64.1
Male 119,824 80,248 39,576 67.0
Female 127,939 78,558 49,381 61.4
Total 75,114 42,970 32,144 57.2
Male 35,411 21,688 13,723 61.2
Female 39,703 21,282 18,421 53.6
Total 172,649 115,836 56,812 67.1
Male 84,413 58,560 25,852 69.4
Female 88,236 57,276 30,960 64.9

Total 156,183 109,735 46,448 70.3
Male 73,719 55,975 17,744 75.9
Female 82,464 53,761 28,704 65.2
Total 96,361 58,677 37,684 60.9
Male 44,986 30,602 14,384 68.0
Female 51,375 28,075 23,299 54.6
Total 59,822 51,058 8,765 85.3
Male 28,733 25,373 3,360 88.3
Female 31,090 25,685 5,404 82.6


Total 2,700,736 1,655,196 1,045,540 61.3
Male 1,233,556 859,373 374,183 69.7
Female 1,467,180 795,823 671,357 54.2
Total 2,700,736 1,655,196 1,045,540 61.3
Male 1,233,556 859,373 374,183 69.7
Female 1,467,180 795,823 671,357 54.2
Total - - - -
Male - - - -
Female - - - -
Total 300,823 202,713 98,110 67.4
Male 142,409 102,905 39,504 72.3
Female 158,413 99,808 58,605 63.0
Total 211,372 125,628 85,744 59.4
Male 97,341 63,245 34,096 65.0
Female 114,031 62,383 51,648 54.7
Total 89,451 77,085 12,366 86.2
Male 45,069 39,660 5,409 88.0
Female 44,382 37,425 6,958 84.3
Table 4.4 Economically Not Active Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and Above by Reason for Not Being Active and Sex,
during the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach): 2013
Total Reason for Not Being Active
Region Economically
Home Injury/ Too Old
and Sex Not Active Pregnancy Student Illness Pensioned Remittance Others
Maker Disabled Young Age

Urban + Rural
Total 11,235,786 1,438,234 546,033 6,062,323 189,608 1,010,063 293,613 1,320,249 107,136 72,587 195,939
Male 4,148,558 104,277 - 2,970,850 95,097 329,712 133,877 382,650 53,822 14,588 63,684
Female 7,087,228 1,333,957 546,033 3,091,474 94,512 680,351 159,736 937,599 53,314 57,999 132,255
Total 3,856,378 337,409 163,589 2,505,035 37,164 219,509 63,790 333,582 73,986 56,261 66,053
Male 1,439,108 13,117 - 1,142,183 18,289 73,961 32,565 88,568 40,179 11,737 18,510
Female 2,417,271 324,292 163,589 1,362,851 18,875 145,548 31,225 245,014 33,807 44,525 47,543
Total 7,379,407 1,100,825 382,444 3,557,289 152,444 790,554 229,823 986,667 33,150 16,326 129,886
Male 2,709,450 91,160 - 1,828,666 76,808 255,751 101,312 294,082 13,644 2,852 45,175
Female 4,669,957 1,009,664 382,444 1,728,622 75,636 534,803 128,511 692,585 19,507 13,474 84,711
Urban + Rural
Total 776,818 61,707 34,034 412,830 21,237 84,012 14,012 123,450 2,990 7,481 15,063
Male 285,337 3,265 - 200,300 8,427 22,116 7,648 35,681 1,637 633 5,630
Female 491,480 58,442 34,034 212,530 12,810 61,896 6,364 87,769 1,353 6,848 9,434
Total 326,960 29,190 14,946 206,436 3,273 18,067 2,284 38,524 2,990 6,405 4,844
Male 123,984 1,418 - 98,526 1,864 6,090 1,013 10,779 1,637 633 2,023
Female 202,977 27,772 14,946 107,910 1,409 11,977 1,271 27,744 1,353 5,772 2,821
Total 449,857 32,517 19,089 206,394 17,964 65,945 11,728 84,927 - 1,076 10,219
Male 161,354 1,847 - 101,774 6,563 16,026 6,635 24,902 - - 3,606
Female 288,504 30,670 19,089 104,620 11,401 49,919 5,093 60,025 - 1,076 6,613
Urban + Rural
Total 179,753 22,519 14,540 82,825 7,975 13,349 10,688 19,429 1,075 3,545 3,807
Male 72,578 1,896 - 43,554 4,627 5,575 5,202 8,669 207 440 2,406
Female 107,175 20,623 14,540 39,271 3,348 7,774 5,486 10,760 868 3,104 1,401
Total 51,421 6,353 3,472 33,384 593 2,849 978 1,860 446 821 664
Male 19,302 11 - 16,181 250 1,117 592 611 207 21 311
Female 32,119 6,342 3,472 17,203 343 1,732 386 1,250 239 800 354
Total 128,332 16,167 11,068 49,441 7,382 10,500 9,710 17,569 629 2,724 3,143
Male 53,276 1,886 - 27,372 4,377 4,458 4,610 8,059 - 419 2,095
Female 75,056 14,281 11,068 22,068 3,005 6,042 5,100 9,510 629 2,305 1,048
Table 4.4 Cont’d
Reason for Not Being Active
Total Home Injury/ Too Old
and Sex Pregnancy Student Illness Pensioned Remittance Others
Economically Maker Disabled Young Age
Not Active
Urban + Rural
Total 2,333,653 287,977 93,216 1,117,678 50,571 298,691 50,511 368,269 14,527 16,047 36,166
Male 815,256 15,586 - 530,167 23,024 91,687 24,263 105,579 6,570 2,068 16,312
Female 1,518,397 272,391 93,216 587,511 27,547 207,005 26,248 262,690 7,957 13,979 19,854
Total 594,918 46,151 19,200 367,981 10,092 45,542 15,445 61,575 6,518 12,441 9,974
Male 217,385 1,706 - 163,651 3,867 13,459 7,309 18,834 3,229 2,068 3,261
Female 377,533 44,445 19,200 204,330 6,225 32,083 8,136 42,741 3,290 10,373 6,712
Total 1,738,735 241,826 74,016 749,697 40,479 253,149 35,066 306,694 8,009 3,606 26,193
Male 597,871 13,880 - 366,515 19,158 78,228 16,954 86,745 3,341 - 13,051
Female 1,140,863 227,946 74,016 383,181 21,322 174,922 18,112 219,949 4,668 3,606 13,142
Urban + Rural
Total 3,773,561 500,221 224,544 2,029,073 65,468 360,102 95,956 418,176 27,950 11,178 40,893
Male 1,388,910 39,069 - 998,028 35,938 117,271 40,926 128,394 13,530 2,765 12,989
Female 2,384,651 461,152 224,544 1,031,046 29,530 242,831 55,030 289,781 14,420 8,412 27,904
Total 985,098 100,637 50,010 657,831 7,807 60,247 18,078 58,983 11,182 9,565 10,760
Male 374,878 4,023 - 308,974 3,420 23,118 10,304 14,515 4,840 2,765 2,917
Female 610,221 96,614 50,010 348,857 4,386 37,129 7,774 44,467 6,342 6,800 7,843
Total 2,788,463 399,584 174,535 1,371,243 57,661 299,855 77,877 359,193 16,768 1,613 30,134
Male 1,014,032 35,046 - 689,054 32,518 94,152 30,622 113,879 8,690 - 10,072
Female 1,774,431 364,538 174,535 682,189 25,144 205,703 47,256 245,314 8,078 1,613 20,062
Urban + Rural
Total 427,115 146,037 15,695 187,793 2,867 13,017 16,288 31,891 455 6,373 6,698
Male 146,607 8,528 - 110,226 1,482 6,174 7,749 8,646 191 1,768 1,842
Female 280,507 137,510 15,695 77,567 1,385 6,843 8,538 23,245 264 4,604 4,856
Total 108,979 20,875 3,605 63,746 1,228 3,763 2,468 6,396 455 5,264 1,179
Male 46,108 1,043 - 37,344 755 1,781 1,400 1,801 191 1,299 493
Female 62,872 19,832 3,605 26,402 474 1,982 1,068 4,595 264 3,965 686
Total 318,136 125,162 12,090 124,047 1,639 9,254 13,819 25,495 - 1,108 5,519
Male 100,500 7,484 - 72,882 728 4,394 6,349 6,845 - 469 1,349
Female 217,636 117,678 12,090 51,165 912 4,861 7,471 18,651 - 639 4,170
Table 4.4 Cont’d
Reason for Not Being Active
Total Home Injury/ Too Old
and Sex Pregnancy Student Illness Pensioned Remittance Others
Economically Maker Disabled Young Age
Not Active
Urban + Rural
Total 120,463 8,593 7,618 77,101 2,058 7,897 7,223 8,112 88 461 1,311
Male 52,131 967 - 40,768 881 3,055 3,303 2,182 88 333 554
Female 68,333 7,626 7,618 36,333 1,178 4,842 3,920 5,930 - 128 757
Total 37,637 3,323 1,338 28,208 331 1,664 588 1,655 88 55 388
Male 14,339 153 - 12,914 63 325 285 405 88 16 88
Female 23,299 3,170 1,338 15,293 268 1,339 303 1,250 - 39 299
Total 82,826 5,271 6,280 48,894 1,727 6,233 6,635 6,457 - 406 924
Male 37,792 814 - 27,854 817 2,730 3,018 1,777 - 316 466
Female 45,034 4,456 6,280 21,040 910 3,503 3,617 4,680 - 89 458
Urban + Rural
Total 2,401,986 320,436 104,072 1,392,239 29,677 167,801 85,360 218,965 10,847 10,059 62,530
Male 940,894 32,258 - 708,833 15,541 63,968 38,065 61,113 3,322 2,339 15,454
Female 1,461,092 288,178 104,072 683,406 14,136 103,833 47,295 157,852 7,525 7,720 47,075
Total 596,285 46,823 21,782 428,326 4,943 27,421 11,629 37,724 3,272 4,434 9,930
Male 224,517 2,647 - 188,665 3,331 9,999 5,411 10,542 1,755 738 1,428
Female 371,768 44,175 21,782 239,661 1,612 17,422 6,218 27,182 1,517 3,697 8,502
Total 1,805,701 273,614 82,290 963,913 24,734 140,380 73,731 181,241 7,575 5,624 52,600
Male 716,377 29,611 - 520,168 12,210 53,969 32,654 50,570 1,567 1,601 14,027
Female 1,089,324 244,003 82,290 443,745 12,524 86,411 41,077 130,671 6,008 4,023 38,573
Urban + Rural
Total 78,248 6,067 2,411 59,472 992 3,601 761 3,122 91 1,062 668
Male 33,722 474 - 30,491 483 876 244 587 45 203 320
Female 44,526 5,594 2,411 28,981 509 2,726 517 2,536 45 859 349
Total 31,381 2,037 755 25,047 410 678 217 1,102 - 926 210
Male 13,845 123 - 12,751 234 292 49 217 - 158 21
Female 17,536 1,914 755 12,296 176 386 168 885 - 768 189
Total 46,867 4,031 1,656 34,425 582 2,923 544 2,020 91 136 459
Male 19,878 351 - 17,740 248 583 195 370 45 45 299
Female 26,989 3,680 1,656 16,685 333 2,340 349 1,651 45 91 160
Table 4.4 Cont’d
Reason for Not Being Active
Total Home Injury/ Too Old
and Sex Pregnancy Student Illness Pensioned Remittance Others
Economically Maker Disabled Young Age
Not Active
Urban + Rural
Total 46,398 4,738 1,979 27,254 456 2,380 799 5,213 965 921 1,693
Male 17,517 124 - 12,747 278 1,281 385 1,573 446 216 468
Female 28,881 4,615 1,979 14,507 178 1,099 414 3,640 519 705 1,226
Total 37,482 3,035 1,475 23,697 241 1,448 359 3,991 886 921 1,428
Male 14,363 - - 10,877 149 772 193 1,347 446 216 363
Female 23,119 3,035 1,475 12,820 93 675 167 2,644 439 705 1,066
Total 8,916 1,703 504 3,556 214 932 440 1,222 79 - 265
Male 3,154 124 - 1,870 129 509 192 226 - - 105
Female 5,762 1,580 504 1,687 85 423 248 996 79 - 160
Urban + Rural
Total 1,005,671 73,747 44,687 620,133 6,882 53,554 9,781 114,014 45,741 12,224 24,908
Male 358,132 1,838 - 267,623 3,658 15,699 4,909 27,715 26,572 3,119 6,998
Female 647,539 71,909 44,687 352,509 3,224 37,855 4,872 86,299 19,168 9,105 17,910
Total 1,005,671 73,747 44,687 620,133 6,882 53,554 9,781 114,014 45,741 12,224 24,908
Male 358,132 1,838 - 267,623 3,658 15,699 4,909 27,715 26,572 3,119 6,998
Female 647,539 71,909 44,687 352,509 3,224 37,855 4,872 86,299 19,168 9,105 17,910
Total - - - - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - - - - - -
Urban + Rural
Total 92,121 6,190 3,236 55,925 1,424 5,658 2,236 9,608 2,406 3,238 2,200
Male 37,474 272 - 28,113 758 2,010 1,184 2,510 1,212 703 711
Female 54,648 5,919 3,236 27,812 666 3,648 1,052 7,098 1,194 2,534 1,489
Total 80,546 5,240 2,320 50,246 1,364 4,276 1,962 7,758 2,406 3,205 1,769
Male 32,257 154 - 24,676 697 1,308 1,099 1,801 1,212 703 606
Female 48,289 5,085 2,320 25,571 666 2,968 863 5,957 1,194 2,501 1,163
Total 11,576 951 916 5,679 61 1,382 274 1,850 - 33 431
Male 5,217 117 - 3,438 61 703 85 709 - - 105
Female 6,359 833 916 2,241 - 679 189 1,141 - 33 326


5. 1. Introduction

The previous chapter has defined the economically active population to be the sum of
the employed and the unemployed population. This chapter presents statistical data
on the size, distribution and characteristics of the employed population based on the
definition given in chapter IV. The survey has collected the following information
regarding the characteristics of the employed population:
 Main type of occupation;
 Main product or service of the establishment or industry;
 Employment status of the main activity and terms of employment;
 Reasons for absence from work for those employed persons who worked less
than one hour or does not work at all but have formal job attachment during the
reference period;
 Amount of earnings from paid employment;
 Hours actually worked per week;
 Change of occupation and reason for changing the job;
 Job satisfaction and reason for not being satisfied;
 Whether employed persons were available or seeking to work additional hours.
 Sector of the economy (Formal or informal employment sector);

5.2. Employment to Population Ratio

According to the 18 Key Indicators of Labour Market (KILM) used by the ILO,
employment to population ratio is calculated as a percentage of total employed
persons to that of the working age population (ILO, 1999). The distribution of
employment to population ratio of urban and rural areas of each region by age group
and sex is shown in Table 5.1. The data for employment to population ratio of each
selected major towns by age group and sex is also presented in Table 5.2.
5.3. Occupation and Industry

In this survey, employed persons were asked about the type of main activity or
occupation and major product or service of the establishment or industry in which they
were engaged during the survey reference period (the last 7 days prior to the day of
interview). The questions used to identify the type of occupation and industry, were left
open ended so that they will be filled in with the fullest description and its code in the
field. For those employed persons engaged in multiple activities, the activity that took
the largest share of the respondents’ time was taken as the main type of activity.

The responses of the descriptions and codes for the type of occupation and industry
filled in by enumerators were further checked and edited at the head quarters using
the National Occupational and Industrial Classifications (NOIC) code-book. The NOIC
codes were adopted from the International Standard Classification of Occupation
(ISCO-08) and International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC, Revision 4) by
taking into account the prevailing national socio-economic conditions.

The NOIC uses a 4-digit coding systems corresponding to 4 level classifications in

successively finer detail. In the cases of occupation and industry, the levels are
ordered as major divisions, sub major divisions, and minor divisions. The occupational
classification was categorized into 9 major groups, 42 sub major groups, 132 minor
groups and 467 unit groups. The industrial classification contains 21, 88, 238 and 425
major, sub major, minor and units divisions respectively.The distribution of employed
population of country by major occupational groups, age group and sex for the country
total, urban and rural of each regions are presented in Tables 5.3a-c and 5.4,
respectively. Table 5.5 presents the distribution of employed population by major
occupation, sex for each selected major towns. The distribution of employed
population by minor occupational groups classified by Urban/rural setting and sex
appears in Table 5.6. One should note that in Table 5.6 and 5.10 major occupation
and industrial classification are written in capital letter, sub major occupation and
industrial classification are written in bold small letter, while minor occupation and
industrial classification are written in small letter, respectively. Analogous information,
which deals with the industrial divisions are also shown in Table 5.7a-c to 5.10.
5.4. Status in Employment

Status in employment of a person indicates the level of involvement and degree of

decision-making in his main activity. In this survey employed persons were asked
about the employment status of their main activity which was classified into: employer,
paid employees, self-employed, unpaid family worker, apprentice, and member’s of
producers, cooperative and others categories. Paid employees were further
disaggregated into employees-government, employees government parastatal,
employees NGO's, employees private organization, employees domestic and other
paid employees.

Table 5.11 present the distribution of status in employment by age group and sex for
urban and rural areas of the country and each region. The distribution of status in
employment for major towns classified by sex is presented in Table 5.12. Table 5.13a-
c contains data on major occupational groups cross classified by major industrial
divisions and sex for urban and rural areas of the country total. The status in
employment by major occupation and sex for country total, urban and rural are shown
in Table 5.14a-c. Also, the figures for status in employment classified by major
industrial divisions and sex for country total, urban and rural are presented in Table

5.5. Number of Hours worked

The absence of standard working hours and irregular nature of working days in the
informal sectors or in the self employment, data collection as well as getting accurate
data on hours of work were found to be difficult. In addition, the reliability of the data
collection is likely to be affected due to memory lapse and lack of knowledge or
information about the concepts of time on the part of the respondent. Thus,
considering the inherent data collection problem on hours of work in developing
countries, the figures presented in these tables should be regarded as indicative and
not the true levels of intensity of work.
The 2013 National Labour Force Survey included questions on the number of hours
worked for two purposes. First, the response on the number of hours worked during
the seven days prior to the date of the interview is used to classify the respondents as
employed or not on the basis of the given criteria of the minimum required hours of
work. As described in Chapter IV, persons who worked at least one hour or more, and
those who were not worked or worked less than 1 hour but had a job to return to were
considered as employed. The rest of persons were then subjected to other filtering
questions for unemployment and inactivity. The second objective of including
questions on number of hours worked was to gather data on intensity of work among
the employed population.

In this survey, all persons who were engaged in productive activities during the seven
days prior to the date of interview were asked to provide the number of hours they
worked in all of their productive activities. The response was recorded for each of the
days in a separate notebook so as to get the total actual hours of work during the
reference week. Then the hours so obtained were added together for the week and
finally filled in the main questionnaire.
According to the resolution concerning statistics on hours actually worked that adopted
by the 10th ICLS in 1962 (ILO, 1976), in this survey, the hours actually worked
 Hours actually worked during normal periods of work and time spent for waiting
for the market;
 Time worked in addition to hours worked during normal periods of work, and
generally paid at higher rates than normal rates (overtime);
 Time spent at place of work on activities such as the preparation of the work
place; repairing maintenance, preparing and cleaning of tools and others;
 Time spent at the place of work waiting or standing by for such reasons as lack
of supply of work, break down of machinery, or accidents, or time spent at the
place of wok during which no work is done but for which payment is made
under a guaranteed employment contract and
 Time corresponding to short rest periods at the work place including tea and
coffee breaks;
According to the resolution in recording the number of hours worked, care was taken
to exclude hours paid for but not worked, such as paid annual leave, paid public
holidays or paid sick leave. Also excluded are meal breaks, time spent on travel from
home to work and vice versa /for those who have specified place of work/, and hours
spent on household activities that were not considered as productive. For employed
persons who were not at work during the seven days prior to the date of interview, the
number of hours of work is recorded as zero. On the other hand, any time that
employed persons have spent in productive activity in places other than work site is
considered as working hour.

Table 5.16 presents the distribution of the number of hours worked during the last
seven days by age group and sex at country total, urban and rural level. Similarly, the
distribution for each region classified by country total, urban, rural and sex appears in
Table 5.17. The distributions of number of hours worked for country total and each
Region by major industrial divisions and status in employment disaggregated by place
of residence and sex are shown in Table 5.18a-c.

5.6. Earning from Paid Employment

Paid employment jobs are those jobs where the employees hold explicit (written or
oral) or implicit employment contracts, which give them a basic remuneration. Some or
all of the tools, capitals equipment, information systems and/or premises used by the
employees may be owned by others, and the employees may work under direct
supervision or according to the strict guidelines set by the owner(s) or persons in the
owners’ employment. Persons in “paid employment” jobs are typically remunerated by
wages and salaries, but may be paid by commission from sales, by piece rates,
bonuses or in kind payments such as food, housing or clothing. In this survey,
earnings for paid employees refer to gross remuneration and include bonus, overtime,
allowances and other benefits that are obtained only from the main job.
Table 5.19 shows the distribution of paid employees disaggregated by types of
payment and sex for country total, urban and rural areas of each region. The
distribution of paid employees in country total, urban and rural areas by sex and period
of payment at country level is presented in Table 5.20a-c. The distribution of paid
employees of the country at national level classified by amount and period of payment
and sex is presented in table 5.21a-c. Paid employees of the country by major
industrial divisions, sex and amount of payment per month has also shown in Table

5.7. Absence from Work

Employed persons that were considered to be absent from work were those who were
not engaged in any productive activity or who work less than one hour during the
seven days prior to the date of the interview but have formal job attachment. These
persons were asked their main reason for being absent from work. Reasons for
absence from work was classified as illness, holiday /vacation, Training/education, off-
season, reduction in economic activity and “others” categories. The data presented in
Table 5.23 indicates the distribution of employed population for their reasons for being
absent from work by region and sex.

5.8 Lbour Mobility and job satisfaction

Labour/workers mobility defined as the geographical and occupational movement of

workers. It consists change in the location of workers both across physical space
(geographic mobility), and across a set of jobs (occupational mobility). On the other
hand, Job satisfaction is how content an individual is with his or her job. In the 2013
NLFS, paid employees were asked whether they change their first job or not. The
change of occupation as well as reason for changing the job of paid employees at
national level and each region disaggregated by sex and place of residence is given in
Table 5.24. Besides, Table 5.25 has shown the distribution of paid employee’s job
satisfaction by reason for no satisfaction, sex and place of residence.
5.9 Availability to Work Additional Hours

This survey collected data on time related under employment in an attempt to capture
the insufficiency of the hours of work of employed persons in relation to an alternative
employment situation in which persons are willing and available to be engaged in. The
response of employed persons depending on their availability and readiness or not to
work for additional hours was coded as “yes” or “no”. The response for additional
hours available could be for another job (jobs) in addition to the current job; replacing
any of current jobs by another job with increased hours of work or longer time on the
current job. The distribution of employed population whether they were available or
ready to work additional hours at country level and for each region by place of
residence and sex is shown in Table 5.31. Table 5.32 presents the distribution of
employed population of each region who were sought or available to work additional
hours classified by type of work sought or available for place of residence and sex.

5.10 Formal and Informal Employment Sectors of the Economic Activity

For statistical purposes, the informal sector is regarded as a group of production units,
which according to the definitions and classification provided in the United Nation
System of National Accounts (SNA Rev.4), form part of the household sector as
household enterprises or, equivalently, unincorporated enterprises owned by
households. The informal sector is defined irrespective of the kind of work place where
the productive activities are carried out, the extent of fixed capital used, the duration of
the enterprise and its operation as main or secondary activity of the owner.

The figures here were not referring to the whole employed population. In this survey,
according to the 15th ICLS recommendations, those employed persons who were
engaged in subsistence farming and work in private households were exempted from
the analysis of the formal and informal sectors of the economic activity.
This survey includes questions to identify the employment sector of the economy and
some of the characteristics in which the employed persons are engaged in their main
activity. However, employed persons whose employment status were classified as
employee-government, employee-government parasitatal, employee-non-
governmental organization, or members of producers’ cooperative were not
necessary to ask such questions related to the activities of their sectors because they
were considered as formal and later classified as being working in the formal sector.
On the other hand, other employed persons whose status in employment were
employer, employee of private organization, self employed, and apprentice were
asked the following questions whether the business /enterprise they were engaged in,

a) Does the enterprise have book of account; or

b) Does the enterprise have a license; or
c) Does the product/Service of the organization you engaged in is mainly
for market?
Based on the response to these three questions, classification on sector of economy
was made as: formal, informal or “not identified”. Employed persons who satisfy at
least one of the above conditions (‘a’ or ‘b’ answered ‘yes’) were considered as
working in the formal sector. On the contrary, those who respond “no” for ‘a’ and ‘b’
and ‘yes’ for ‘c’, the activity was taken as informal. For those who don't know the
situation about their main activity/business/ enterprise with respect to the above
questions was labeled as “not identified”.

Table 5.26 presents the distribution of employed population of the country in relation to
the sector of the economy classified by place of residence and sex. While, the
distribution of employed population by selected Major towns, sector of economy and
sex is presented in 5.27. Table 5.28 - 5.30 presents the cross classification of the
informal sector by sex and region by some of the selected variables, such as major
branches of economic sector, educational attainment, size of workers and type of
working place.
Table 5.1. Employment to Population Ratio of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Age
Group, Sex and Place of Residence: 2013
Employment to
Total Population Total Employed Population Population Ratio
Age Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
All Ages 55,629,497 27,667,062 27,962,436 42,403,879 22,886,647 19,517,232 76.2 82.7 69.8
10-14 10,926,901 5,653,420 5,273,482 6,905,880 3,750,144 3,155,736 63.2 66.3 59.8
15-19 8,445,312 4,267,623 4,177,689 5,756,362 3,083,118 2,673,245 68.2 72.2 64.0
20-24 6,507,320 3,072,334 3,434,986 5,047,055 2,568,713 2,478,342 77.6 83.6 72.1
25-29 6,515,694 3,016,513 3,499,181 5,564,429 2,795,479 2,768,950 85.4 92.7 79.1
30-34 4,562,823 2,237,870 2,324,952 4,025,031 2,146,242 1,878,789 88.2 95.9 80.8
35-39 4,745,478 2,260,428 2,485,050 4,249,424 2,187,454 2,061,970 89.5 96.8 83.0
40-44 3,252,359 1,643,512 1,608,847 2,874,669 1,593,461 1,281,207 88.4 97.0 79.6
45-49 2,707,925 1,339,020 1,368,905 2,388,294 1,294,074 1,094,220 88.2 96.6 79.9
50-54 2,120,551 1,051,248 1,069,304 1,782,221 1,004,795 777,426 84.0 95.6 72.7
55-59 1,604,748 817,943 786,806 1,303,919 757,216 546,704 81.3 92.6 69.5
60-64 1,433,297 751,739 681,559 1,038,673 656,240 382,434 72.5 87.3 56.1
65+ 2,807,089 1,555,413 1,251,676 1,467,922 1,049,713 418,209 52.3 67.5 33.4
All Ages 11,504,022 5,382,344 6,121,677 6,382,858 3,529,307 2,853,551 55.5 65.6 46.6
10-14 1,659,513 758,836 900,677 317,094 154,705 162,389 19.1 20.4 18.0
15-19 1,756,676 773,044 983,632 572,791 247,941 324,850 32.6 32.1 33.0
20-24 1,681,547 716,956 964,591 966,757 464,573 502,184 57.5 64.8 52.1
25-29 1,713,812 801,566 912,245 1,249,489 683,895 565,594 72.9 85.3 62.0
30-34 1,088,450 562,393 526,057 848,555 512,603 335,952 78.0 91.1 63.9
35-39 1,010,146 504,455 505,691 803,672 461,834 341,839 79.6 91.6 67.6
40-44 616,563 329,274 287,290 492,155 301,307 190,847 79.8 91.5 66.4
45-49 503,196 241,298 261,898 387,218 224,971 162,247 77.0 93.2 62.0
50-54 380,303 174,163 206,140 264,956 156,665 108,291 69.7 90.0 52.5
55-59 305,623 148,794 156,829 190,761 125,936 64,825 62.4 84.6 41.3
60-64 260,424 120,679 139,745 125,434 83,020 42,414 48.2 68.8 30.4
65+ 527,770 250,887 276,883 163,976 111,857 52,119 31.1 44.6 18.8
All Ages 44,125,475 22,284,717 21,840,758 36,021,021 19,357,341 16,663,681 81.6 86.9 76.3
10-14 9,267,388 4,894,584 4,372,805 6,588,786 3,595,440 2,993,347 71.1 73.5 68.5
15-19 6,688,636 3,494,579 3,194,057 5,183,571 2,835,176 2,348,395 77.5 81.1 73.5
20-24 4,825,773 2,355,378 2,470,395 4,080,298 2,104,140 1,976,158 84.6 89.3 80.0
25-29 4,801,882 2,214,947 2,586,935 4,314,940 2,111,584 2,203,356 89.9 95.3 85.2
30-34 3,474,373 1,675,477 1,798,896 3,176,476 1,633,639 1,542,837 91.4 97.5 85.8
35-39 3,735,333 1,755,973 1,979,360 3,445,752 1,725,620 1,720,132 92.2 98.3 86.9
40-44 2,635,796 1,314,238 1,321,557 2,382,514 1,292,154 1,090,360 90.4 98.3 82.5
45-49 2,204,729 1,097,722 1,107,007 2,001,076 1,069,103 931,973 90.8 97.4 84.2
50-54 1,740,248 877,085 863,164 1,517,265 848,129 669,135 87.2 96.7 77.5
55-59 1,299,125 669,149 629,976 1,113,158 631,279 481,879 85.7 94.3 76.5
60-64 1,172,873 631,060 541,814 913,239 573,220 340,019 77.9 90.8 62.8
65+ 2,279,319 1,304,526 974,793 1,303,946 937,856 366,090 57.2 71.9 37.6
All Ages 3,472,759 1,668,353 1,804,406 2,547,502 1,335,754 1,211,748 73.4 80.1 67.2
10-14 658,584 325,735 332,849 401,294 204,640 196,654 60.9 62.8 59.1
15-19 588,342 295,691 292,651 396,381 204,933 191,448 67.4 69.3 65.4
20-24 383,541 179,142 204,400 296,527 150,054 146,473 77.3 83.8 71.7
25-29 360,549 164,499 196,050 302,294 151,861 150,433 83.8 92.3 76.7
30-34 253,921 110,734 143,187 215,607 104,290 111,317 84.9 94.2 77.7
35-39 279,071 116,577 162,494 242,963 111,770 131,193 87.1 95.9 80.7
40-44 197,913 102,033 95,880 170,582 97,170 73,412 86.2 95.2 76.6
45-49 172,243 77,914 94,329 146,033 75,043 70,990 84.8 96.3 75.3
50-54 137,629 68,374 69,255 113,148 65,210 47,938 82.2 95.4 69.2
55-59 118,932 57,699 61,234 92,962 52,437 40,525 78.2 90.9 66.2
60-64 104,174 54,661 49,514 73,124 49,159 23,965 70.2 89.9 48.4
65+ 217,858 115,296 102,562 96,586 69,186 27,400 44.3 60.0 26.7
Table 5.1 Cont’d
Employment to
Age Total Population Total Employed Population Population Ratio
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
All Ages 864,336 386,365 477,972 443,786 236,353 207,433 51.3 61.2 43.4
10-14 132,212 64,616 67,596 15,113 9,114 6,000 11.4 14.1 8.9
15-19 141,439 65,353 76,087 42,506 19,400 23,107 30.1 29.7 30.4
20-24 109,848 40,712 69,136 61,843 26,623 35,221 56.3 65.4 50.9
25-29 127,121 51,600 75,522 87,799 44,525 43,274 69.1 86.3 57.3
30-34 77,638 36,224 41,414 58,271 33,181 25,090 75.1 91.6 60.6
35-39 70,976 30,360 40,616 55,563 27,957 27,606 78.3 92.1 68.0
40-44 42,971 22,915 20,056 36,063 22,316 13,747 83.9 97.4 68.5
45-49 35,803 17,020 18,783 27,903 16,056 11,848 77.9 94.3 63.1
50-54 30,025 13,704 16,322 20,182 12,032 8,150 67.2 87.8 49.9
55-59 24,365 11,631 12,734 14,363 9,620 4,743 58.9 82.7 37.2
60-64 18,434 8,017 10,417 9,783 6,106 3,677 53.1 76.2 35.3
65+ 53,504 24,214 29,290 14,395 9,424 4,971 26.9 38.9 17.0
All Ages 2,608,422 1,281,988 1,326,434 2,103,716 1,099,400 1,004,315 80.7 85.8 75.7
10-14 526,372 261,119 265,253 386,180 195,526 190,654 73.4 74.9 71.9
15-19 446,903 230,339 216,564 353,874 185,533 168,341 79.2 80.5 77.7
20-24 273,693 138,429 135,264 234,684 123,432 111,252 85.7 89.2 82.2
25-29 233,428 112,899 120,528 214,494 107,336 107,159 91.9 95.1 88.9
30-34 176,283 74,510 101,773 157,336 71,109 86,226 89.3 95.4 84.7
35-39 208,095 86,217 121,878 187,400 83,813 103,587 90.1 97.2 85.0
40-44 154,942 79,118 75,824 134,520 74,854 59,666 86.8 94.6 78.7
45-49 136,440 60,894 75,546 118,130 58,988 59,142 86.6 96.9 78.3
50-54 107,604 54,670 52,933 92,966 53,179 39,788 86.4 97.3 75.2
55-59 94,568 46,068 48,500 78,599 42,817 35,782 83.1 92.9 73.8
60-64 85,740 46,643 39,097 63,341 43,053 20,288 73.9 92.3 51.9
65+ 164,354 91,082 73,273 82,191 59,762 22,429 50.0 65.6 30.6
All Ages 883,619 434,957 448,662 652,108 344,131 307,977 73.8 79.1 68.6
10-14 167,164 84,715 82,449 98,893 51,771 47,122 59.2 61.1 57.2
15-19 140,392 67,439 72,952 98,018 46,405 51,613 69.8 68.8 70.7
20-24 103,610 37,586 66,023 80,338 32,344 47,994 77.5 86.1 72.7
25-29 125,374 58,397 66,977 105,124 53,761 51,362 83.8 92.1 76.7
30-34 84,798 38,040 46,759 70,233 34,995 35,238 82.8 92.0 75.4
35-39 77,715 39,666 38,049 67,215 37,966 29,249 86.5 95.7 76.9
40-44 56,605 32,565 24,041 48,661 29,906 18,755 86.0 91.8 78.0
45-49 40,700 23,270 17,431 34,955 21,857 13,098 85.9 93.9 75.1
50-54 30,030 16,389 13,641 21,784 13,969 7,815 72.5 85.2 57.3
55-59 16,706 11,081 5,625 10,466 8,207 2,259 62.7 74.1 40.2
60-64 14,971 9,677 5,294 8,672 6,602 2,070 57.9 68.2 39.1
65+ 25,555 16,132 9,422 7,749 6,348 1,401 30.3 39.3 14.9
All Ages 168,920 79,510 89,411 102,460 56,871 45,589 60.7 71.5 51.0
10-14 25,900 11,668 14,233 5,590 2,404 3,186 21.6 20.6 22.4
15-19 21,224 9,446 11,778 7,835 3,321 4,514 36.9 35.2 38.3
20-24 23,653 8,871 14,782 15,543 7,382 8,161 65.7 83.2 55.2
25-29 30,203 12,478 17,725 22,432 10,896 11,536 74.3 87.3 65.1
30-34 17,431 8,585 8,846 13,017 7,900 5,118 74.7 92.0 57.9
35-39 15,649 8,571 7,078 12,767 8,232 4,535 81.6 96.0 64.1
40-44 10,796 6,739 4,057 8,629 5,900 2,729 79.9 87.5 67.3
45-49 9,325 4,975 4,350 7,465 4,715 2,750 80.1 94.8 63.2
50-54 4,421 2,339 2,082 3,396 2,086 1,311 76.8 89.2 63.0
55-59 4,292 2,471 1,821 2,914 2,121 793 67.9 85.8 43.5
60-64 2,535 1,464 1,071 1,571 968 604 62.0 66.1 56.4
65+ 3,492 1,903 1,589 1,300 946 354 37.2 49.7 22.3
Table 5.1 Cont’d
Employment to
Age Total Population Total Employed Population Population Ratio
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
All Ages 714,699 355,447 359,252 549,648 287,261 262,388 76.9 80.8 73.0
10-14 141,263 73,047 68,216 93,303 49,367 43,936 66.0 67.6 64.4
15-19 119,168 57,993 61,175 90,182 43,083 47,099 75.7 74.3 77.0
20-24 79,957 28,716 51,241 64,795 24,962 39,833 81.0 86.9 77.7
25-29 95,171 45,919 49,252 82,692 42,865 39,826 86.9 93.4 80.9
30-34 67,367 29,454 37,913 57,216 27,096 30,120 84.9 92.0 79.4
35-39 62,066 31,095 30,971 54,448 29,734 24,714 87.7 95.6 79.8
40-44 45,809 25,825 19,984 40,032 24,006 16,026 87.4 93.0 80.2
45-49 31,375 18,294 13,081 27,491 17,143 10,348 87.6 93.7 79.1
50-54 25,609 14,050 11,559 18,388 11,883 6,505 71.8 84.6 56.3
55-59 12,413 8,609 3,804 7,552 6,086 1,467 60.8 70.7 38.6
60-64 12,436 8,213 4,223 7,101 5,634 1,467 57.1 68.6 34.7
65+ 22,063 14,230 7,833 6,449 5,402 1,048 29.2 38.0 13.4
All Ages 13,896,838 6,902,006 6,994,832 11,174,123 5,965,956 5,208,167 80.4 86.4 74.5
10-14 2,677,178 1,359,950 1,317,227 1,929,634 1,026,169 903,465 72.1 75.5 68.6
15-19 2,050,004 1,063,634 986,369 1,536,232 835,409 700,823 74.9 78.5 71.1
20-24 1,524,346 722,122 802,225 1,247,689 621,644 626,045 81.9 86.1 78.0
25-29 1,502,402 699,545 802,856 1,345,240 661,730 683,509 89.5 94.6 85.1
30-34 1,089,956 509,936 580,020 992,924 497,851 495,073 91.1 97.6 85.4
35-39 1,196,211 563,572 632,639 1,087,508 549,348 538,160 90.9 97.5 85.1
40-44 826,181 418,118 408,064 747,459 406,046 341,413 90.5 97.1 83.7
45-49 723,443 359,827 363,616 649,984 348,443 301,541 89.8 96.8 82.9
50-54 562,184 276,821 285,363 480,386 266,896 213,491 85.5 96.4 74.8
55-59 466,794 251,643 215,152 391,629 239,156 152,473 83.9 95.0 70.9
60-64 390,860 204,762 186,098 298,485 186,326 112,160 76.4 91.0 60.3
65+ 887,280 472,076 415,203 466,953 326,938 140,015 52.6 69.3 33.7
All Ages 2,206,743 1,000,999 1,205,744 1,387,072 710,022 677,050 62.9 70.9 56.2
10-14 304,189 136,750 167,440 95,926 46,371 49,555 31.5 33.9 29.6
15-19 341,009 144,810 196,199 153,151 63,100 90,051 44.9 43.6 45.9
20-24 330,623 138,878 191,745 214,948 98,618 116,330 65.0 71.0 60.7
25-29 301,456 137,761 163,695 233,945 121,028 112,917 77.6 87.9 69.0
30-34 189,438 95,176 94,262 156,174 88,775 67,399 82.4 93.3 71.5
35-39 191,500 89,719 101,782 159,419 81,756 77,663 83.2 91.1 76.3
40-44 119,298 59,111 60,187 98,293 52,370 45,923 82.4 88.6 76.3
45-49 102,691 47,983 54,708 84,464 44,360 40,104 82.3 92.4 73.3
50-54 79,564 36,479 43,085 63,563 35,398 28,165 79.9 97.0 65.4
55-59 62,943 29,392 33,550 45,061 26,377 18,684 71.6 89.7 55.7
60-64 53,218 21,579 31,639 30,033 16,454 13,580 56.4 76.2 42.9
65+ 130,813 63,362 67,451 52,094 35,415 16,678 39.8 55.9 24.7
All Ages 11,690,095 5,901,007 5,789,088 9,787,051 5,255,934 4,531,117 83.7 89.1 78.3
10-14 2,372,988 1,223,201 1,149,788 1,833,708 979,798 853,910 77.3 80.1 74.3
15-19 1,708,995 918,825 790,170 1,383,082 772,310 610,772 80.9 84.1 77.3
20-24 1,193,723 583,244 610,480 1,032,741 523,026 509,714 86.5 89.7 83.5
25-29 1,200,946 561,785 639,161 1,111,295 540,703 570,592 92.5 96.2 89.3
30-34 900,518 414,760 485,758 836,750 409,076 427,674 92.9 98.6 88.0
35-39 1,004,710 473,853 530,857 928,088 467,591 460,497 92.4 98.7 86.7
40-44 706,883 359,007 347,877 649,166 353,676 295,490 91.8 98.5 84.9
45-49 620,751 311,844 308,907 565,519 304,083 261,436 91.1 97.5 84.6
50-54 482,620 240,343 242,278 416,824 231,497 185,326 86.4 96.3 76.5
55-59 403,851 222,250 181,601 346,568 212,779 133,789 85.8 95.7 73.7
60-64 337,642 183,183 154,459 268,452 169,872 98,580 79.5 92.7 63.8
65+ 756,467 408,714 347,753 414,859 291,523 123,336 54.8 71.3 35.5
Table 5.1 Cont’d
Employment to
Age Total Population Total Employed Population Population Ratio
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
All Ages 20,820,331 10,581,986 10,238,345 16,529,563 9,039,726 7,489,837 79.4 85.4 73.2
10-14 4,362,700 2,315,971 2,046,729 2,923,542 1,639,166 1,284,376 67.0 70.8 62.8
15-19 3,141,330 1,630,277 1,511,053 2,273,321 1,267,098 1,006,223 72.4 77.7 66.6
20-24 2,484,793 1,217,483 1,267,311 2,012,942 1,064,777 948,165 81.0 87.5 74.8
25-29 2,497,964 1,150,220 1,347,744 2,202,700 1,091,059 1,111,641 88.2 94.9 82.5
30-34 1,643,617 862,079 781,538 1,505,967 838,630 667,337 91.6 97.3 85.4
35-39 1,752,866 856,068 896,798 1,605,949 837,633 768,317 91.6 97.8 85.7
40-44 1,130,080 567,979 562,101 1,024,886 558,557 466,329 90.7 98.3 83.0
45-49 960,301 472,721 487,580 868,470 459,270 409,199 90.4 97.2 83.9
50-54 755,795 366,967 388,828 655,428 353,677 301,750 86.7 96.4 77.6
55-59 585,866 292,325 293,540 498,511 273,796 224,715 85.1 93.7 76.6
60-64 524,490 277,718 246,772 398,901 248,101 150,800 76.1 89.3 61.1
65+ 980,529 572,178 408,352 558,947 407,963 150,984 57.0 71.3 37.0
All Ages 3,142,596 1,529,449 1,613,147 1,863,072 1,055,353 807,719 59.3 69.0 50.1
10-14 514,044 239,165 274,880 121,863 61,195 60,668 23.7 25.6 22.1
15-19 483,386 230,367 253,020 175,174 91,030 84,144 36.2 39.5 33.3
20-24 479,002 215,124 263,878 289,849 149,712 140,137 60.5 69.6 53.1
25-29 481,811 230,150 251,661 368,377 201,286 167,091 76.5 87.5 66.4
30-34 283,397 155,131 128,266 236,821 146,158 90,662 83.6 94.2 70.7
35-39 269,514 142,988 126,526 226,441 136,201 90,240 84.0 95.3 71.3
40-44 163,075 90,972 72,103 139,036 86,212 52,824 85.3 94.8 73.3
45-49 129,881 59,924 69,958 104,462 57,217 47,245 80.4 95.5 67.5
50-54 93,981 43,746 50,235 67,873 38,470 29,403 72.2 87.9 58.5
55-59 70,350 38,094 32,256 49,962 33,766 16,197 71.0 88.6 50.2
60-64 60,375 29,900 30,475 34,729 22,715 12,014 57.5 76.0 39.4
65+ 113,779 53,888 59,891 48,486 31,391 17,096 42.6 58.3 28.5
All Ages 17,677,735 9,052,537 8,625,198 14,666,491 7,984,373 6,682,118 83.0 88.2 77.5
10-14 3,848,656 2,076,806 1,771,849 2,801,680 1,577,972 1,223,708 72.8 76.0 69.1
15-19 2,657,943 1,399,910 1,258,033 2,098,146 1,176,068 922,079 78.9 84.0 73.3
20-24 2,005,791 1,002,359 1,003,433 1,723,093 915,065 808,028 85.9 91.3 80.5
25-29 2,016,153 920,070 1,096,083 1,834,323 889,773 944,550 91.0 96.7 86.2
30-34 1,360,220 706,948 653,272 1,269,146 692,472 576,675 93.3 98.0 88.3
35-39 1,483,352 713,080 770,272 1,379,508 701,431 678,077 93.0 98.4 88.0
40-44 967,005 477,007 489,997 885,850 472,345 413,505 91.6 99.0 84.4
45-49 830,420 412,797 417,622 764,008 402,053 361,955 92.0 97.4 86.7
50-54 661,813 323,220 338,593 587,555 315,207 272,348 88.8 97.5 80.4
55-59 515,515 254,231 261,284 448,548 240,030 208,518 87.0 94.4 79.8
60-64 464,115 247,818 216,297 364,172 225,386 138,786 78.5 90.9 64.2
65+ 866,750 518,290 348,461 510,461 376,572 133,889 58.9 72.7 38.4
All Ages 1,253,952 643,292 610,660 783,017 474,365 308,651 62.4 73.7 50.5
10-14 279,943 164,568 115,375 122,662 78,571 44,091 43.8 47.7 38.2
15-19 189,582 98,247 91,335 97,404 54,110 43,293 51.4 55.1 47.4
20-24 127,949 56,048 71,901 78,473 43,019 35,454 61.3 76.8 49.3
25-29 127,255 48,171 79,083 86,775 44,901 41,874 68.2 93.2 52.9
30-34 112,913 54,396 58,516 88,070 52,248 35,821 78.0 96.1 61.2
35-39 110,701 50,797 59,904 89,853 48,840 41,012 81.2 96.1 68.5
40-44 91,695 48,654 43,042 70,002 46,744 23,257 76.3 96.1 54.0
45-49 55,319 31,238 24,081 45,304 29,373 15,931 81.9 94.0 66.2
50-54 57,535 33,826 23,709 46,623 32,793 13,830 81.0 96.9 58.3
55-59 25,091 14,397 10,695 17,775 12,726 5,049 70.8 88.4 47.2
60-64 35,298 20,488 14,810 23,617 17,515 6,103 66.9 85.5 41.2
65+ 40,672 22,463 18,209 16,461 13,525 2,937 40.5 60.2 16.1
Table 5.1 Cont’d
Employment to
Age Total Population Total Employed Population Population Ratio
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
All Ages 208,424 103,144 105,280 83,451 49,497 33,954 40.0 48.0 32.3
10-14 39,776 21,905 17,871 2,767 1,093 1,675 7.0 5.0 9.4
15-19 34,631 17,498 17,133 4,123 1,764 2,359 11.9 10.1 13.8
20-24 23,734 10,674 13,060 8,662 4,604 4,058 36.5 43.1 31.1
25-29 22,811 9,481 13,329 12,727 7,815 4,912 55.8 82.4 36.9
30-34 19,563 9,396 10,167 12,748 8,019 4,729 65.2 85.3 46.5
35-39 19,595 9,165 10,430 13,287 7,709 5,579 67.8 84.1 53.5
40-44 14,939 8,415 6,524 11,084 7,190 3,894 74.2 85.4 59.7
45-49 7,956 4,137 3,819 5,609 3,478 2,131 70.5 84.1 55.8
50-54 8,085 3,820 4,265 5,471 3,243 2,228 67.7 84.9 52.2
55-59 4,437 2,787 1,650 2,842 1,912 930 64.0 68.6 56.4
60-64 4,811 2,438 2,373 2,001 1,416 586 41.6 58.1 24.7
65+ 8,086 3,428 4,658 2,128 1,255 873 26.3 36.6 18.7
All Ages 1,045,529 540,148 505,380 699,566 424,869 274,697 66.9 78.7 54.4
10-14 240,167 142,663 97,504 119,895 77,479 42,416 49.9 54.3 43.5
15-19 154,951 80,749 74,202 93,281 52,346 40,935 60.2 64.8 55.2
20-24 104,215 45,374 58,840 69,811 38,415 31,396 67.0 84.7 53.4
25-29 104,444 38,690 65,754 74,047 37,086 36,962 70.9 95.9 56.2
30-34 93,350 45,000 48,350 75,321 44,229 31,092 80.7 98.3 64.3
35-39 91,105 41,631 49,474 76,565 41,132 35,434 84.0 98.8 71.6
40-44 76,757 40,238 36,518 58,917 39,554 19,363 76.8 98.3 53.0
45-49 47,363 27,101 20,262 39,695 25,895 13,800 83.8 95.5 68.1
50-54 49,450 30,006 19,444 41,152 29,550 11,602 83.2 98.5 59.7
55-59 20,654 11,609 9,045 14,933 10,814 4,119 72.3 93.2 45.5
60-64 30,487 18,050 12,437 21,616 16,099 5,517 70.9 89.2 44.4
65+ 32,586 19,035 13,551 14,333 12,270 2,063 44.0 64.5 15.2
All Ages 619,093 308,959 310,134 484,220 252,117 232,103 78.2 81.6 74.8
10-14 113,284 59,156 54,128 55,557 29,091 26,466 49.0 49.2 48.9
15-19 87,257 40,692 46,565 59,513 27,957 31,556 68.2 68.7 67.8
20-24 88,603 38,036 50,567 73,780 33,118 40,662 83.3 87.1 80.4
25-29 89,491 42,901 46,590 80,469 40,181 40,289 89.9 93.7 86.5
30-34 56,010 31,133 24,876 51,797 30,171 21,626 92.5 96.9 86.9
35-39 52,971 27,068 25,903 49,502 26,607 22,895 93.5 98.3 88.4
40-44 29,761 14,914 14,847 27,055 13,897 13,158 90.9 93.2 88.6
45-49 26,066 14,646 11,420 24,840 14,460 10,381 95.3 98.7 90.9
50-54 23,411 10,574 12,837 20,449 10,213 10,236 87.3 96.6 79.7
55-59 12,443 6,999 5,444 11,362 6,747 4,615 91.3 96.4 84.8
60-64 15,120 8,654 6,466 12,363 7,883 4,481 81.8 91.1 69.3
65+ 24,676 14,185 10,491 17,532 11,793 5,738 71.0 83.1 54.7
All Ages 119,932 58,598 61,334 74,207 41,862 32,345 61.9 71.4 52.7
10-14 20,772 10,306 10,466 3,834 2,148 1,686 18.5 20.8 16.1
15-19 18,851 7,135 11,716 6,704 2,264 4,440 35.6 31.7 37.9
20-24 18,891 8,531 10,360 12,896 6,767 6,129 68.3 79.3 59.2
25-29 21,261 10,116 11,145 16,968 9,408 7,560 79.8 93.0 67.8
30-34 11,743 6,941 4,802 10,659 6,692 3,967 90.8 96.4 82.6
35-39 10,432 5,818 4,614 9,353 5,607 3,746 89.7 96.4 81.2
40-44 5,627 3,659 1,968 5,129 3,604 1,526 91.2 98.5 77.5
45-49 3,610 2,062 1,549 3,122 1,998 1,124 86.5 96.9 72.5
50-54 2,618 1,213 1,405 2,314 1,194 1,120 88.4 98.5 79.7
55-59 2,095 1,170 925 1,420 1,129 291 67.8 96.5 31.5
60-64 1,414 494 920 655 400 255 46.4 81.0 27.7
65+ 2,618 1,154 1,464 1,152 650 502 44.0 56.3 34.3
Table 5.1 Cont’d
Employment to
Age Total Population Total Employed Population Population Ratio
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
All Ages 499,162 250,361 248,800 410,013 210,255 199,757 82.1 84.0 80.3
10-14 92,512 48,850 43,662 51,723 26,943 24,780 55.9 55.2 56.8
15-19 68,406 33,557 34,849 52,809 25,693 27,116 77.2 76.6 77.8
20-24 69,712 29,505 40,207 60,884 26,351 34,533 87.3 89.3 85.9
25-29 68,229 32,785 35,445 63,501 30,772 32,729 93.1 93.9 92.3
30-34 44,267 24,193 20,074 41,138 23,479 17,659 92.9 97.1 88.0
35-39 42,539 21,250 21,289 40,149 21,000 19,150 94.4 98.8 90.0
40-44 24,134 11,255 12,879 21,926 10,293 11,632 90.8 91.5 90.3
45-49 22,455 12,584 9,871 21,718 12,461 9,257 96.7 99.0 93.8
50-54 20,793 9,361 11,432 18,135 9,019 9,116 87.2 96.3 79.7
55-59 10,348 5,830 4,518 9,942 5,619 4,324 96.1 96.4 95.7
60-64 13,706 8,159 5,547 11,708 7,483 4,225 85.4 91.7 76.2
65+ 22,059 13,031 9,028 16,380 11,143 5,236 74.3 85.5 58.0
All Ages 11,277,401 5,558,000 5,719,401 8,507,979 4,506,169 4,001,810 75.4 81.1 70.0
10-14 2,281,203 1,166,820 1,114,382 1,323,378 697,415 625,964 58.0 59.8 56.2
15-19 1,771,467 878,670 892,797 1,169,587 603,892 565,695 66.0 68.7 63.4
20-24 1,299,638 611,282 688,356 1,002,951 505,268 497,683 77.2 82.7 72.3
25-29 1,291,586 606,579 685,008 1,090,889 555,542 535,348 84.5 91.6 78.2
30-34 956,734 447,148 509,586 839,265 428,698 410,566 87.7 95.9 80.6
35-39 963,694 451,771 511,922 875,171 439,094 436,077 90.8 97.2 85.2
40-44 732,925 359,943 372,982 645,550 351,443 294,107 88.1 97.6 78.9
45-49 571,079 286,535 284,545 507,557 279,717 227,840 88.9 97.6 80.1
50-54 426,716 223,046 203,670 367,060 214,346 152,714 86.0 96.1 75.0
55-59 270,358 136,227 134,130 225,702 127,120 98,582 83.5 93.3 73.5
60-64 253,323 129,651 123,672 190,092 114,827 75,264 75.0 88.6 60.9
65+ 458,678 260,327 198,351 270,777 188,808 81,969 59.0 72.5 41.3
All Ages 1,709,488 812,986 896,502 950,828 539,412 411,416 55.6 66.3 45.9
10-14 302,102 132,119 169,984 58,693 28,698 29,995 19.4 21.7 17.6
15-19 286,777 130,934 155,843 88,336 41,801 46,536 30.8 31.9 29.9
20-24 239,388 99,760 139,628 138,752 65,865 72,887 58.0 66.0 52.2
25-29 247,086 121,728 125,358 190,017 109,139 80,878 76.9 89.7 64.5
30-34 153,633 80,150 73,482 126,547 75,869 50,677 82.4 94.7 69.0
35-39 149,532 76,421 73,110 122,764 71,311 51,452 82.1 93.3 70.4
40-44 94,124 49,315 44,809 73,380 45,090 28,290 78.0 91.4 63.1
45-49 70,862 40,699 30,163 57,626 39,196 18,430 81.3 96.3 61.1
50-54 45,319 22,971 22,349 34,778 21,712 13,066 76.7 94.5 58.5
55-59 36,757 19,810 16,947 25,118 17,583 7,534 68.3 88.8 44.5
60-64 31,168 14,176 16,991 18,480 12,292 6,188 59.3 86.7 36.4
65+ 52,740 24,902 27,838 16,338 10,854 5,483 31.0 43.6 19.7
All Ages 9,567,912 4,745,013 4,822,899 7,557,151 3,966,757 3,590,394 79.0 83.6 74.4
10-14 1,979,100 1,034,702 944,398 1,264,685 668,716 595,969 63.9 64.6 63.1
15-19 1,484,691 747,736 736,954 1,081,250 562,091 519,159 72.8 75.2 70.4
20-24 1,060,249 511,522 548,728 864,200 439,403 424,796 81.5 85.9 77.4
25-29 1,044,501 484,851 559,650 900,872 446,403 454,469 86.2 92.1 81.2
30-34 803,101 366,998 436,104 712,718 352,829 359,889 88.7 96.1 82.5
35-39 814,162 375,350 438,812 752,408 367,782 384,625 92.4 98.0 87.7
40-44 638,801 310,627 328,174 572,170 306,352 265,818 89.6 98.6 81.0
45-49 500,218 245,836 254,382 449,932 240,521 209,411 89.9 97.8 82.3
50-54 381,396 200,075 181,321 332,282 192,633 139,648 87.1 96.3 77.0
55-59 233,600 116,417 117,183 200,584 109,536 91,048 85.9 94.1 77.7
60-64 222,155 115,475 106,680 171,612 102,535 69,076 77.2 88.8 64.8
65+ 405,938 235,425 170,513 254,439 177,953 76,486 62.7 75.6 44.9
Table 5.1 Cont’d
Employment to
Age Total Population Total Employed Population Population Ratio
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
All Ages 247,763 119,824 127,939 162,075 84,781 77,293 65.4 70.8 60.4
10-14 50,247 26,692 23,555 16,904 9,764 7,141 33.6 36.6 30.3
15-19 40,102 21,567 18,535 18,153 11,166 6,987 45.3 51.8 37.7
20-24 31,843 12,841 19,002 21,042 9,168 11,874 66.1 71.4 62.5
25-29 31,975 14,278 17,697 26,117 12,830 13,288 81.7 89.9 75.1
30-34 22,671 9,732 12,939 19,637 9,358 10,279 86.6 96.2 79.4
35-39 23,013 10,809 12,204 21,044 10,514 10,530 91.4 97.3 86.3
40-44 15,635 7,534 8,101 13,929 7,394 6,535 89.1 98.1 80.7
45-49 12,567 6,292 6,275 11,506 5,946 5,560 91.6 94.5 88.6
50-54 6,583 3,284 3,299 5,484 3,154 2,329 83.3 96.0 70.6
55-59 5,077 2,577 2,500 3,702 2,241 1,461 72.9 86.9 58.4
60-64 2,874 1,527 1,347 2,037 1,391 645 70.9 91.1 47.9
65+ 5,177 2,692 2,485 2,521 1,857 664 48.7 69.0 26.7
All Ages 75,114 35,411 39,703 41,018 21,011 20,007 54.6 59.3 50.4
10-14 14,288 7,394 6,895 2,197 1,329 868 15.4 18.0 12.6
15-19 12,948 6,468 6,480 3,475 1,634 1,841 26.8 25.3 28.4
20-24 10,974 4,668 6,307 6,074 2,874 3,200 55.3 61.6 50.7
25-29 11,300 4,863 6,436 8,758 4,244 4,514 77.5 87.3 70.1
30-34 7,149 3,112 4,036 5,995 2,896 3,099 83.9 93.0 76.8
35-39 6,278 3,193 3,085 5,431 2,999 2,432 86.5 93.9 78.8
40-44 4,152 1,858 2,294 3,451 1,718 1,732 83.1 92.5 75.5
45-49 3,163 1,687 1,476 2,842 1,590 1,252 89.8 94.2 84.8
50-54 1,544 727 817 1,117 690 427 72.3 94.9 52.2
55-59 1,229 439 790 720 402 319 58.6 91.4 40.3
60-64 604 271 333 318 226 91 52.6 83.4 27.5
65+ 1,484 729 754 641 409 232 43.2 56.0 30.8
All Ages 172,649 84,413 88,236 121,057 63,771 57,286 70.1 75.5 64.9
10-14 35,959 19,298 16,660 14,707 8,434 6,273 40.9 43.7 37.7
15-19 27,153 15,098 12,055 14,678 9,532 5,146 54.1 63.1 42.7
20-24 20,868 8,173 12,695 14,968 6,294 8,674 71.7 77.0 68.3
25-29 20,675 9,415 11,261 17,359 8,585 8,774 84.0 91.2 77.9
30-34 15,523 6,620 8,903 13,642 6,462 7,180 87.9 97.6 80.6
35-39 16,734 7,616 9,119 15,613 7,515 8,098 93.3 98.7 88.8
40-44 11,483 5,675 5,807 10,478 5,675 4,802 91.2 100.0 82.7
45-49 9,403 4,605 4,799 8,664 4,356 4,308 92.1 94.6 89.8
50-54 5,039 2,557 2,482 4,367 2,464 1,902 86.7 96.4 76.6
55-59 3,847 2,138 1,710 2,981 1,839 1,143 77.5 86.0 66.8
60-64 2,270 1,256 1,014 1,719 1,165 554 75.7 92.8 54.6
65+ 3,693 1,963 1,730 1,881 1,448 432 50.9 73.8 25.0
All Ages 156,183 73,719 82,464 100,225 52,647 47,578 64.2 71.4 57.7
10-14 23,368 11,059 12,310 8,348 3,864 4,485 35.7 34.9 36.4
15-19 21,141 9,709 11,433 8,764 4,357 4,407 41.5 44.9 38.5
20-24 19,725 8,167 11,558 12,252 5,493 6,759 62.1 67.3 58.5
25-29 20,562 9,450 11,113 16,323 8,576 7,747 79.4 90.8 69.7
30-34 16,178 8,080 8,098 13,784 7,635 6,149 85.2 94.5 75.9
35-39 15,110 7,500 7,610 12,995 6,976 6,019 86.0 93.0 79.1
40-44 9,343 5,610 3,732 8,199 5,279 2,920 87.8 94.1 78.2
45-49 7,768 4,005 3,763 6,782 3,710 3,073 87.3 92.6 81.6
50-54 5,673 2,560 3,112 4,553 2,267 2,286 80.3 88.5 73.4
55-59 4,761 1,956 2,805 3,100 1,604 1,496 65.1 82.0 53.3
60-64 3,948 1,821 2,127 2,135 1,308 828 54.1 71.8 38.9
65+ 8,606 3,803 4,803 2,990 1,579 1,411 34.7 41.5 29.4
Table 5.1 Cont’d
Employment to
Age Total Population Total Employed Population Population Ratio
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
All Ages 96,361 44,986 51,375 49,802 27,309 22,493 51.7 60.7 43.8
10-14 11,797 5,770 6,027 147 48 100 1.2 0.8 1.7
15-19 12,347 5,233 7,114 1,651 719 931 13.4 13.7 13.1
20-24 12,423 4,835 7,588 5,852 2,547 3,304 47.1 52.7 43.5
25-29 12,743 5,763 6,981 9,041 4,970 4,071 70.9 86.2 58.3
30-34 10,510 5,091 5,419 8,235 4,646 3,588 78.3 91.3 66.2
35-39 10,183 4,982 5,202 8,510 4,560 3,951 83.6 91.5 75.9
40-44 6,152 3,899 2,253 5,205 3,593 1,612 84.6 92.1 71.5
45-49 5,184 2,738 2,446 4,350 2,468 1,881 83.9 90.1 76.9
50-54 3,498 1,638 1,860 2,487 1,373 1,113 71.1 83.9 59.8
55-59 2,694 1,058 1,636 1,514 758 756 56.2 71.7 46.2
60-64 2,516 1,111 1,405 1,068 704 363 42.4 63.4 25.8
65+ 6,314 2,868 3,446 1,744 921 823 27.6 32.1 23.9
All Ages 59,822 28,733 31,090 50,423 25,338 25,085 84.3 88.2 80.7
10-14 11,571 5,289 6,282 8,201 3,816 4,385 70.9 72.1 69.8
15-19 8,794 4,475 4,319 7,113 3,638 3,476 80.9 81.3 80.5
20-24 7,303 3,332 3,971 6,401 2,946 3,455 87.6 88.4 87.0
25-29 7,819 3,687 4,132 7,282 3,606 3,676 93.1 97.8 89.0
30-34 5,668 2,989 2,679 5,549 2,989 2,561 97.9 100.0 95.6
35-39 4,927 2,518 2,409 4,484 2,416 2,068 91.0 96.0 85.9
40-44 3,191 1,711 1,479 2,994 1,686 1,308 93.8 98.5 88.4
45-49 2,585 1,267 1,318 2,433 1,241 1,191 94.1 98.0 90.4
50-54 2,175 922 1,252 2,066 893 1,173 95.0 96.8 93.6
55-59 2,067 898 1,169 1,586 846 740 76.7 94.2 63.3
60-64 1,432 709 722 1,068 603 464 74.6 85.0 64.3
65+ 2,292 935 1,357 1,246 658 588 54.3 70.3 43.3
All Ages 2,700,736 1,233,556 1,467,180 1,285,598 736,789 548,808 47.6 59.7 37.4
10-14 267,531 116,519 151,011 9,066 1,523 7,543 3.4 1.3 5.0
15-19 373,517 142,474 231,043 81,113 19,882 61,231 21.7 14.0 26.5
20-24 403,852 171,031 232820 198,218 92,703 105,515 49.1 54.2 45.3
25-29 429,171 204,243 224,928 281,418 159,848 121,569 65.6 78.3 54.0
30-34 296,758 151,597 145,160 206,214 129,738 76,475 69.5 85.6 52.7
35-39 247,914 125,136 122,778 176,977 108,497 68,480 71.4 86.7 55.8
40-44 144,545 77,049 67,496 103,459 68,677 34,782 71.6 89.1 51.5
45-49 122,585 55,056 67,529 80,546 49,400 31,147 65.7 89.7 46.1
50-54 102,714 43,678 59,036 58,356 37,504 20,852 56.8 85.9 35.3
55-59 90,737 39,843 50,895 44,019 30,760 13,258 48.5 77.2 26.0
60-64 78,034 37,116 40,918 23,785 19,489 4,296 30.5 52.5 10.5
65+ 143,379 69,815 73,565 22,427 18,767 3,661 15.6 26.9 5.0
All Ages 2,700,736 1,233,556 1,467,180 1,285,598 736,789 548,808 47.6 59.7 37.4
10-14 267,531 116,519 151,011 9,066 1,523 7,543 3.4 1.3 5.0
15-19 373,517 142,474 231,043 81,113 19,882 61,231 21.7 14.0 26.5
20-24 403,852 171,031 232,820 198,218 92,703 105,515 49.1 54.2 45.3
25-29 429,171 204,243 224,928 281,418 159,848 121,569 65.6 78.3 54.0
30-34 296,758 151,597 145,160 206,214 129,738 76,475 69.5 85.6 52.7
35-39 247,914 125,136 122,778 176,977 108,497 68,480 71.4 86.7 55.8
40-44 144,545 77,049 67,496 103,459 68,677 34,782 71.6 89.1 51.5
45-49 122,585 55,056 67,529 80,546 49,400 31,147 65.7 89.7 46.1
50-54 102,714 43,678 59,036 58,356 37,504 20,852 56.8 85.9 35.3
55-59 90,737 39,843 50,895 44,019 30,760 13,258 48.5 77.2 26.0
60-64 78,034 37,116 40,918 23,785 19,489 4,296 30.5 52.5 10.5
65+ 143,379 69,815 73,565 22,427 18,767 3,661 15.6 26.9 5.0
Table 5.1 Cont’d
Employment to
Age Total Population Total Employed Population Population Ratio
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
All Ages 300,823 142,409 158,413 177,470 94,211 83,259 59.0 66.2 52.6
10-14 45,700 22,233 23,467 16,601 8,171 8,430 36.3 36.7 35.9
15-19 42,178 19,223 22,955 17,878 7,909 9,969 42.4 41.1 43.4
20-24 39,420 18,596 20,824 22,842 11,125 11,718 57.9 59.8 56.3
25-29 39,366 18,231 21,134 27,080 15,190 11,890 68.8 83.3 56.3
30-34 29,266 14,994 14,272 21,534 12,627 8,906 73.6 84.2 62.4
35-39 26,215 11,465 14,750 20,248 10,209 10,038 77.2 89.0 68.1
40-44 17,675 9,114 8,561 14,888 8,349 6,539 84.2 91.6 76.4
45-49 15,854 7,518 8,336 12,316 6,855 5,461 77.7 91.2 65.5
50-54 12,282 5,728 6,554 8,950 4,766 4,184 72.9 83.2 63.8
55-59 7,983 3,196 4,786 4,693 2,422 2,271 58.8 75.8 47.4
60-64 10,206 5,665 4,541 5,462 3,640 1,822 53.5 64.3 40.1
65+ 14,678 6,446 8,233 4,978 2,949 2,029 33.9 45.8 24.6
All Ages 211,372 97,341 114,031 101,564 54,828 46,736 48.0 56.3 41.0
10-14 26,901 12,627 14,275 1,896 782 1,114 7.0 6.2 7.8
15-19 30,546 13,326 17,220 8,723 3,026 5,697 28.6 22.7 33.1
20-24 29,159 13,872 15,288 14,119 6,877 7,242 48.4 49.6 47.4
25-29 28,849 13,384 15,465 18,006 10,734 7,272 62.4 80.2 47.0
30-34 21,190 10,987 10,202 13,875 8,728 5,147 65.5 79.4 50.4
35-39 18,572 8,102 10,470 13,160 7,004 6,156 70.9 86.4 58.8
40-44 10,884 5,341 5,543 8,425 4,636 3,789 77.4 86.8 68.4
45-49 12,135 5,018 7,118 8,829 4,493 4,336 72.8 89.5 60.9
50-54 8,533 3,849 4,684 5,419 2,963 2,456 63.5 77.0 52.4
55-59 5,723 2,099 3,624 2,829 1,509 1,321 49.4 71.9 36.4
60-64 7,315 4,112 3,203 3,011 2,250 761 41.2 54.7 23.7
65+ 11,563 4,624 6,939 3,271 1,825 1,446 28.3 39.5 20.8
All Ages 89,451 45,069 44,382 75,906 39,383 36,523 84.9 87.4 82.3
10-14 18,799 9,607 9,192 14,705 7,389 7,317 78.2 76.9 79.6
15-19 11,632 5,897 5,735 9,155 4,883 4,272 78.7 82.8 74.5
20-24 10,261 4,724 5,537 8,723 4,247 4,476 85.0 89.9 80.8
25-29 10,516 4,847 5,670 9,074 4,456 4,618 86.3 91.9 81.5
30-34 8,076 4,006 4,070 7,659 3,899 3,760 94.8 97.3 92.4
35-39 7,643 3,363 4,280 7,087 3,205 3,882 92.7 95.3 90.7
40-44 6,791 3,773 3,018 6,462 3,713 2,750 95.2 98.4 91.1
45-49 3,718 2,500 1,218 3,487 2,362 1,125 93.8 94.5 92.4
50-54 3,748 1,879 1,869 3,531 1,803 1,728 94.2 95.9 92.5
55-59 2,260 1,098 1,163 1,863 913 950 82.4 83.2 81.7
60-64 2,891 1,553 1,338 2,452 1,390 1,062 84.8 89.5 79.4
65+ 3,115 1,821 1,294 1,707 1,124 583 54.8 61.7 45.1
Table 5.2 Employment to Population Ratio of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and above by
Age Group and Sex: 2013
Employment to
Total Population Total Employed Population Population Ratio
Age Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
All Ages 5,381,097 2,461,476 2,919,621 2,668,317 1,502,268 1,166,050 49.6 61.0 39.9
10-14 634,007 284,609 349,398 46,851 16,878 29,973 7.4 5.9 8.6
15-19 802,919 317,178 485,741 197,259 62,881 134,379 24.6 19.8 27.7
20-24 827,099 350,289 476,809 427,554 206,037 221,517 51.7 58.8 46.5
25-29 832,231 388,631 443,600 561,418 315,532 245,886 67.5 81.2 55.4
30-34 543,278 281,309 261,969 395,446 248,253 147,192 72.8 88.2 56.2
35-39 472,091 233,809 238,282 348,935 207,763 141,172 73.9 88.9 59.2
40-44 278,039 149,209 128,830 209,112 134,377 74,735 75.2 90.1 58.0
45-49 237,110 108,660 128,451 167,433 98,912 68,521 70.6 91.0 53.3
50-54 193,080 85,234 107,847 121,114 74,775 46,339 62.7 87.7 43.0
55-59 156,896 71,461 85,436 84,475 56,916 27,559 53.8 79.6 32.3
60-64 136,580 64,982 71,598 52,553 39,027 13,526 38.5 60.1 18.9
65+ 267,766 126,104 141,662 56,168 40,918 15,250 21.0 32.4 10.8
All Ages 56,439 23,710 32,729 24,980 11,617 13,364 44.3 49.0 40.8
10-14 9,330 4,779 4,552 278 164 114 3.0 3.4 2.5
15-19 9,291 4,084 5,207 1,848 457 1,391 19.9 11.2 26.7
20-24 7,556 3,030 4,525 3,231 1,303 1,929 42.8 43.0 42.6
25-29 6,549 2,771 3,777 4,416 2,249 2,166 67.4 81.2 57.4
30-34 4,390 1,638 2,752 3,299 1,471 1,828 75.1 89.8 66.4
35-39 4,527 1,507 3,020 3,782 1,479 2,303 83.6 98.2 76.3
40-44 2,559 1,158 1,402 1,883 954 929 73.6 82.4 66.3
45-49 2,301 938 1,362 1,765 896 869 76.7 95.4 63.8
50-54 2,242 840 1,402 1,461 813 648 65.2 96.7 46.2
55-59 1,831 642 1,189 1,199 642 557 65.5 100.0 46.9
60-64 1,727 582 1,144 796 486 310 46.1 83.4 27.1
65+ 4,137 1,741 2,396 1,022 705 317 24.7 40.5 13.2
All Ages 226,424 95,451 130,972 109,199 56,944 52,256 48.2 59.7 39.9
10-14 28,844 13,258 15,586 1,868 216 1,651 6.5 1.6 10.6
15-19 37,400 14,290 23,110 9,541 2,580 6,961 25.5 18.1 30.1
20-24 34,946 11,810 23,135 18,510 7,277 11,234 53.0 61.6 48.6
25-29 35,309 13,172 22,136 21,807 11,084 10,723 61.8 84.1 48.4
30-34 19,996 10,552 9,443 15,021 9,903 5,119 75.1 93.8 54.2
35-39 19,083 9,911 9,172 14,475 9,249 5,226 75.9 93.3 57.0
40-44 9,655 5,593 4,063 8,350 5,593 2,757 86.5 100.0 67.9
45-49 8,353 3,207 5,146 6,400 3,098 3,302 76.6 96.6 64.2
50-54 8,532 3,158 5,374 4,619 2,573 2,047 54.1 81.5 38.1
55-59 6,782 2,789 3,994 3,877 2,185 1,692 57.2 78.4 42.4
60-64 4,453 1,584 2,868 1,777 1,260 517 39.9 79.5 18.0
65+ 13,071 6,127 6,945 2,953 1,926 1,027 22.6 31.4 14.8
All Ages 16,153 7,857 8,295 9,535 5,366 4,169 59.0 68.3 50.3
10-14 1,775 845 930 203 21 182 11.4 2.5 19.5
15-19 2,202 930 1,272 770 310 460 35.0 33.3 36.1
20-24 2,352 1,080 1,272 1,336 738 599 56.8 68.3 47.1
25-29 2,651 1,240 1,411 2,085 1,144 941 78.6 92.2 66.7
30-34 1,497 780 716 1,165 716 449 77.9 91.8 62.7
35-39 1,710 877 834 1,432 855 577 83.7 97.6 69.2
40-44 919 502 417 631 396 235 68.6 78.7 56.4
45-49 802 417 385 620 363 257 77.3 87.2 66.7
50-54 567 246 321 385 214 171 67.9 87.0 53.3
55-59 556 289 267 428 257 171 76.9 88.9 64.0
60-64 449 214 235 224 139 86 50.0 65.0 36.4
65+ 673 438 235 257 214 43 38.1 48.8 18.2
Table 5.2 Cont’d
Employment to
Total Population Total Employed Population Population Ratio
Age Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
All Ages 220,960 95,871 125,089 121,158 61,798 59,360 54.8 64.5 47.5
10-14 34,271 16,243 18,028 6,615 3,562 3,054 19.3 21.9 16.9
15-19 33,974 13,791 20,183 13,401 5,972 7,429 39.4 43.3 36.8
20-24 33,732 13,954 19,778 19,934 9,364 10,570 59.1 67.1 53.4
25-29 27,879 11,713 16,166 19,775 9,405 10,370 70.9 80.3 64.1
30-34 17,484 8,018 9,466 13,856 7,478 6,378 79.2 93.3 67.4
35-39 17,177 7,379 9,798 12,628 6,690 5,938 73.5 90.7 60.6
40-44 11,325 5,619 5,706 8,676 5,003 3,673 76.6 89.0 64.4
45-49 12,571 5,188 7,383 9,653 4,934 4,720 76.8 95.1 63.9
50-54 9,014 3,906 5,108 6,837 3,794 3,043 75.9 97.1 59.6
55-59 4,593 1,744 2,850 3,282 1,663 1,619 71.4 95.4 56.8
60-64 4,743 1,765 2,978 2,360 1,512 849 49.8 85.6 28.5
65+ 14,196 6,552 7,644 4,140 2,422 1,718 29.2 37.0 22.5
All Ages 64,134 29,364 34,770 30,642 17,393 13,249 47.8 59.2 38.1
10-14 6,973 3,290 3,683 426 118 308 6.1 3.6 8.4
15-19 9,905 4,170 5,735 2,671 1,113 1,558 27.0 26.7 27.2
20-24 9,317 4,102 5,215 4,054 2,261 1,793 43.5 55.1 34.4
25-29 10,309 5,231 5,079 6,523 3,996 2,527 63.3 76.4 49.8
30-34 5,513 2,636 2,878 3,748 2,062 1,686 68.0 78.2 58.6
35-39 5,288 2,160 3,129 3,942 2,020 1,922 74.5 93.5 61.4
40-44 3,824 2,200 1,624 3,110 2,145 965 81.3 97.5 59.4
45-49 2,783 1,088 1,696 2,134 1,044 1,090 76.7 96.0 64.3
50-54 2,234 871 1,363 1,213 696 517 54.3 79.9 37.9
55-59 1,686 762 924 687 525 162 40.7 68.9 17.5
60-64 2,202 894 1,308 1,067 594 473 48.5 66.4 36.2
65+ 4,099 1,961 2,138 1,067 819 249 26.0 41.7 11.6
All Ages 125,327 58,828 66,499 62,079 36,171 25,907 49.5 61.5 39.0
10-14 15,495 7,134 8,361 1,605 365 1,240 10.4 5.1 14.8
15-19 17,609 8,224 9,385 4,637 1,814 2,822 26.3 22.1 30.1
20-24 16,365 7,216 9,149 8,337 4,040 4,297 50.9 56.0 47.0
25-29 17,638 8,467 9,171 11,627 7,193 4,434 65.9 84.9 48.3
30-34 11,744 6,210 5,534 8,676 5,902 2,774 73.9 95.0 50.1
35-39 10,551 4,948 5,603 7,126 4,164 2,962 67.5 84.1 52.9
40-44 6,507 2,759 3,748 4,390 2,356 2,034 67.5 85.4 54.3
45-49 6,382 3,179 3,202 5,056 3,179 1,877 79.2 100.0 58.6
50-54 5,207 3,014 2,193 4,293 2,875 1,418 82.4 95.4 64.7
55-59 3,575 1,463 2,112 1,812 1,106 706 50.7 75.6 33.4
60-64 3,499 1,688 1,811 1,440 1,067 373 41.1 63.2 20.6
65+ 10,754 4,523 6,230 3,081 2,110 972 28.7 46.6 15.6
All Ages 72,212 32,367 39,845 43,894 22,699 21,195 60.8 70.1 53.2
10-14 10,907 4,990 5,917 3,173 1,622 1,551 29.1 32.5 26.2
15-19 11,308 4,786 6,523 3,827 1,808 2,019 33.8 37.8 31.0
20-24 11,610 4,950 6,660 7,422 3,936 3,486 63.9 79.5 52.3
25-29 8,758 4,133 4,624 7,220 3,631 3,589 82.4 87.9 77.6
30-34 5,895 2,903 2,992 5,262 2,856 2,407 89.3 98.4 80.4
35-39 5,776 2,480 3,296 5,069 2,369 2,700 87.8 95.5 81.9
40-44 4,151 2,051 2,100 3,839 1,979 1,860 92.5 96.5 88.5
45-49 3,047 1,565 1,482 2,600 1,505 1,095 85.3 96.2 73.9
50-54 2,560 1,004 1,556 2,097 968 1,129 81.9 96.4 72.6
55-59 2,058 1,047 1,011 1,223 901 322 59.4 86.1 31.8
60-64 1,381 374 1,007 584 231 353 42.3 61.6 35.1
65+ 4,760 2,084 2,676 1,578 894 684 33.2 42.9 25.6
Table 5.2 Cont’d
Employment to
Total Population Total Employed Population Population Ratio
Age Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
All Ages 71,907 31,079 40,828 45,934 22,188 23,746 63.9 71.4 58.2
10-14 9,484 4,151 5,332 2,959 1,144 1,815 31.2 27.6 34.0
15-19 12,567 5,525 7,041 5,151 2,659 2,492 41.0 48.1 35.4
20-24 11,702 4,560 7,142 8,054 3,472 4,583 68.8 76.1 64.2
25-29 10,286 4,255 6,030 8,104 3,648 4,456 78.8 85.7 73.9
30-34 5,309 2,757 2,552 4,630 2,605 2,026 87.2 94.5 79.4
35-39 5,282 2,331 2,952 4,512 2,264 2,248 85.4 97.1 76.2
40-44 3,318 1,241 2,077 2,828 1,189 1,639 85.2 95.8 78.9
45-49 3,381 1,170 2,211 2,828 1,058 1,771 83.6 90.4 80.1
50-54 2,851 1,297 1,554 2,466 1,297 1,168 86.5 100.0 75.2
55-59 2,001 1,185 816 1,674 1,112 562 83.7 93.8 68.9
60-64 1,797 772 1,025 1,257 688 568 69.9 89.1 55.5
65+ 3,929 1,834 2,095 1,470 1,051 419 37.4 57.3 20.0
All Ages 171,463 77,263 94,200 110,313 57,313 53,000 64.3 74.2 56.3
10-14 14,365 6,370 7,994 1,584 273 1,311 11.0 4.3 16.4
15-19 25,716 8,824 16,892 11,285 2,727 8,558 43.9 30.9 50.7
20-24 38,200 15,243 22,957 26,629 12,201 14,429 69.7 80.0 62.9
25-29 31,442 14,926 16,516 25,677 13,672 12,005 81.7 91.6 72.7
30-34 19,208 10,495 8,713 15,868 9,973 5,895 82.6 95.0 67.7
35-39 12,835 6,760 6,075 10,866 6,669 4,198 84.7 98.7 69.1
40-44 6,807 3,813 2,994 5,655 3,261 2,394 83.1 85.5 79.9
45-49 4,522 2,404 2,118 3,586 2,326 1,260 79.3 96.7 59.5
50-54 5,231 2,168 3,063 3,978 2,168 1,809 76.0 100.0 59.1
55-59 3,009 1,239 1,770 1,505 980 525 50.0 79.1 29.6
60-64 4,330 2,007 2,324 2,155 1,616 539 49.8 80.6 23.2
65+ 5,798 3,014 2,784 1,525 1,447 78 26.3 48.0 2.8
All Ages 76,237 35,259 40,978 39,159 23,441 15,718 51.4 66.5 38.4
10-14 10,409 4,543 5,866 986 813 173 9.5 17.9 2.9
15-19 11,898 4,351 7,547 2,279 1,088 1,191 19.2 25.0 15.8
20-24 14,455 5,854 8,601 6,927 3,631 3,296 47.9 62.0 38.3
25-29 12,113 6,744 5,369 9,141 5,995 3,146 75.5 88.9 58.6
30-34 7,071 3,348 3723 5,404 2,878 2,526 76.4 86.0 67.9
35-39 6,095 3,302 2,793 4,961 3,120 1,842 81.4 94.5 65.9
40-44 3,317 1,726 1,591 2,907 1,649 1,259 87.7 95.5 79.1
45-49 2,794 1,514 1,280 2,006 1,401 604 71.8 92.6 47.2
50-54 2,584 1,487 1,096 2,215 1,417 798 85.7 95.3 72.8
55-59 1,645 835 811 1,089 712 377 66.2 85.3 46.5
60-64 1,333 656 677 596 433 164 44.7 66.0 24.2
65+ 2,523 900 1,623 646 304 342 25.6 33.8 21.1
All Ages 105,099 47,912 57,186 57,485 32,024 25,460 54.7 66.8 44.5
10-14 12,810 4,831 7,980 805 52 753 6.3 1.1 9.4
15-19 15,163 5,451 9,712 3,380 1,183 2,197 22.3 21.7 22.6
20-24 16,349 7,937 8,412 10,894 5,970 4,924 66.6 75.2 58.5
25-29 15,551 7,377 8,173 11,012 6,117 4,894 70.8 82.9 59.9
30-34 10,936 5,400 5536 8,740 5,033 3,706 79.9 93.2 67.0
35-39 10,425 5,117 5,309 8,367 4,697 3,671 80.3 91.8 69.1
40-44 4,666 2,590 2,075 3,744 2,390 1,354 80.2 92.3 65.2
45-49 3,773 1,747 2,026 3,183 1,663 1,519 84.4 95.2 75.0
50-54 3,995 2,274 1,721 2,929 2,070 858 73.3 91.0 49.9
55-59 3,187 1,413 1,774 1,903 1,052 851 59.7 74.4 48.0
60-64 2,143 1,088 1,055 1,203 740 463 56.1 68.0 43.9
65+ 6,102 2,688 3,414 1,327 1,057 269 21.7 39.3 7.9
Table 5.2 Cont’d
Employment to
Total Population Total Employed Population Population Ratio
Age Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
All Ages 67,138 31,256 35,882 32,865 18,522 14,343 49.0 59.3 40.0
10-14 11,340 5,049 6,291 994 476 518 8.8 9.4 8.2
15-19 10,188 4,081 6,107 1,820 715 1,105 17.9 17.5 18.1
20-24 10,519 5,249 5,270 5,434 2,971 2,463 51.7 56.6 46.7
25-29 9,170 4,205 4,965 6,473 3,605 2,868 70.6 85.7 57.8
30-34 4,580 2,277 2302 3,359 1,995 1,364 73.4 87.6 59.2
35-39 5,607 2,373 3,234 4,047 2,231 1,816 72.2 94.0 56.2
40-44 3,261 1,725 1,536 2,578 1,580 998 79.1 91.6 65.0
45-49 3,194 1,616 1,579 2,606 1,546 1,060 81.6 95.7 67.1
50-54 2,795 1,526 1,268 2,220 1,386 833 79.4 90.8 65.7
55-59 1,950 896 1,054 1,404 781 624 72.0 87.1 59.2
60-64 1,420 943 477 953 662 292 67.1 70.2 61.1
65+ 3,114 1,316 1,799 977 574 403 31.4 43.6 22.4
All Ages 234,231 109,964 124,267 113,722 66,442 47,280 48.6 60.4 38.0
10-14 27,401 13,587 13,813 1,501 591 911 5.5 4.3 6.6
15-19 41,238 17,000 24,238 10,811 3,069 7,742 26.2 18.1 31.9
20-24 41,680 18,098 23,582 22,921 11,821 11,100 55.0 65.3 47.1
25-29 37,160 16,280 20,880 21,702 12,596 9,106 58.4 77.4 43.6
30-34 19,900 11,916 7984 14,595 10,996 3,599 73.3 92.3 45.1
35-39 18,828 9,260 9,568 13,817 8,379 5,438 73.4 90.5 56.8
40-44 11,549 6,628 4,921 8,572 5,639 2,933 74.2 85.1 59.6
45-49 9,567 3,878 5,689 6,063 3,543 2,520 63.4 91.4 44.3
50-54 7,099 3,173 3,925 5,027 3,053 1,974 70.8 96.2 50.3
55-59 5,922 3,842 2,080 3,703 3,167 536 62.5 82.4 25.8
60-64 5,743 2,532 3,211 2,749 1,872 876 47.9 73.9 27.3
65+ 8,144 3,769 4,375 2,261 1,715 546 27.8 45.5 12.5
All Ages 126,787 59,119 67,668 68,277 39,539 28,738 53.9 66.9 42.5
10-14 15,923 7,433 8,489 1,448 373 1,075 9.1 5.0 12.7
15-19 19,637 7,507 12,130 5,506 2,257 3,249 28.0 30.1 26.8
20-24 21,452 8,906 12,546 11,528 6,090 5,437 53.7 68.4 43.3
25-29 21,208 9,791 11,417 15,408 8,419 6,989 72.7 86.0 61.2
30-34 12,222 7,211 5010 9,799 6,574 3,225 80.2 91.2 64.4
35-39 10,322 6,300 4,022 9,047 6,242 2,806 87.7 99.1 69.8
40-44 5,701 2,562 3,139 4,183 2,475 1,708 73.4 96.6 54.4
45-49 4,815 2,241 2,575 3,653 1,962 1,692 75.9 87.5 65.7
50-54 4,278 1,837 2,441 2,741 1,558 1,183 64.1 84.8 48.5
55-59 3,500 1,811 1,689 2,219 1,618 601 63.4 89.3 35.6
60-64 2,803 1,667 1,136 1,556 1,264 292 55.5 75.8 25.7
65+ 4,928 1,853 3,075 1,189 708 481 24.1 38.2 15.6
All Ages 98,953 46,575 52,378 49,456 29,786 19,670 50.0 64.0 37.6
10-14 15,738 6,780 8,958 1,186 712 475 7.5 10.5 5.3
15-19 16,217 6,834 9,383 4,822 2,417 2,405 29.7 35.4 25.6
20-24 16,344 7,144 9,200 8,087 4,274 3,812 49.5 59.8 41.4
25-29 16,229 7,994 8,235 11,766 7,237 4,529 72.5 90.5 55.0
30-34 9,467 4,918 4549 7,793 4,609 3,184 82.3 93.7 70.0
35-39 8,090 4,020 4,070 6,083 3,581 2,502 75.2 89.1 61.5
40-44 4,175 2,416 1,759 3,078 2,356 722 73.7 97.5 41.1
45-49 3,441 1,944 1,497 2,315 1,525 789 67.3 78.5 52.7
50-54 2,516 1,200 1,315 1,314 1,026 288 52.2 85.5 21.9
55-59 1,956 1,047 909 1,157 888 269 59.1 84.8 29.6
60-64 1,653 861 792 1,061 695 366 64.2 80.8 46.2
65+ 3,128 1,417 1,711 795 466 329 25.4 32.9 19.2
Table 5.2 Cont’d
Employment to
Total Population Total Employed Population Population Ratio
Age Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
All Ages 99,959 48,873 51,086 38,068 23,674 14,394 38.1 48.4 28.2
10-14 16,594 8,720 7,875 354 234 120 2.1 2.7 1.5
15-19 17,052 8,129 8,923 1,633 474 1,160 9.6 5.8 13.0
20-24 12,494 5,974 6,520 4,837 2,746 2,091 38.7 46.0 32.1
25-29 12,732 5,061 7,670 6,959 4,066 2,893 54.7 80.3 37.7
30-34 9,788 5,181 4608 6,517 4,516 2,001 66.6 87.2 43.4
35-39 9,751 5,002 4,749 6,274 3,963 2,311 64.3 79.2 48.7
40-44 6,928 4,030 2,899 4,998 3,526 1,473 72.1 87.5 50.8
45-49 3,634 1,906 1,728 2,227 1,527 701 61.3 80.1 40.5
50-54 3,461 1,394 2,067 1,881 1,100 782 54.4 78.9 37.8
55-59 2,213 1,364 849 1,327 1,013 314 59.9 74.2 36.9
60-64 1,746 675 1,071 471 162 309 27.0 24.0 28.9
65+ 3,564 1,435 2,128 589 348 241 16.5 24.3 11.3
All Ages 28,733 13,950 14,783 16,393 9,669 6,724 57.1 69.3 45.5
10-14 3,877 1,883 1,994 367 171 196 9.5 9.1 9.8
15-19 4,703 1,733 2,970 1,234 470 764 26.2 27.1 25.7
20-24 5,347 2,329 3,018 3,118 1,643 1,475 58.3 70.5 48.9
25-29 5,236 2,662 2,574 4,070 2,491 1,579 77.7 93.6 61.4
30-34 2,677 1,481 1196 2,426 1,407 1,019 90.6 95.0 85.2
35-39 2,398 1,216 1,182 1,996 1,132 864 83.2 93.1 73.1
40-44 1,505 1,026 478 1,285 971 313 85.4 94.7 65.5
45-49 1,026 606 420 848 606 241 82.6 100.0 57.5
50-54 607 365 242 469 347 122 77.2 95.0 50.4
55-59 445 235 210 249 194 55 55.9 82.6 26.1
60-64 258 111 148 110 71 40 42.7 63.8 26.9
65+ 652 302 351 220 165 55 33.8 54.7 15.8
All Ages 71,954 33,685 38,269 32,463 19,398 13,065 45.1 57.6 34.1
10-14 12,204 5,533 6,671 1,449 700 749 11.9 12.7 11.2
15-19 14,730 6,281 8,448 3,888 1,558 2,330 26.4 24.8 27.6
20-24 10,480 4,014 6,466 4,708 2,570 2,138 44.9 64.0 33.1
25-29 10,758 5,540 5,218 7,044 4,545 2,499 65.5 82.0 47.9
30-34 6,108 3,216 2892 4,560 3,068 1,492 74.7 95.4 51.6
35-39 6,111 2,738 3,373 4,230 2,464 1,766 69.2 90.0 52.3
40-44 3,194 1,847 1,347 2,261 1,562 699 70.8 84.6 51.9
45-49 3,123 1,711 1,412 2,195 1,543 652 70.3 90.1 46.2
50-54 1,433 576 857 880 430 450 61.4 74.8 52.5
55-59 1,028 581 447 450 340 109 43.8 58.6 24.5
60-64 844 591 253 433 370 63 51.2 62.6 24.9
65+ 1,942 1,058 884 366 248 118 18.8 23.5 13.3
All Ages 61,377 30,100 31,278 27,989 16,290 11,699 45.6 54.1 37.4
10-14 11,245 5,145 6,100 805 415 390 7.2 8.1 6.4
15-19 10,271 4,768 5,502 1,975 943 1,032 19.2 19.8 18.7
20-24 7,822 3,435 4,387 3,454 1,704 1,750 44.2 49.6 39.9
25-29 9,131 4,481 4,650 6,261 3,479 2,782 68.6 77.6 59.8
30-34 5,267 2,694 2574 3,812 2,241 1,571 72.4 83.2 61.0
35-39 4,809 2,524 2,285 3,558 2,175 1,383 74.0 86.2 60.5
40-44 3,093 2,077 1,015 2,332 1,813 519 75.4 87.3 51.1
45-49 2,298 1,157 1,141 1,883 1,028 855 81.9 88.8 74.9
50-54 2,184 962 1,222 1,574 877 697 72.1 91.2 57.1
55-59 1,750 1,071 679 1,232 851 380 70.4 79.5 56.0
60-64 1,135 582 554 594 349 245 52.4 60.0 44.3
65+ 2,372 1,204 1,169 509 415 94 21.5 34.5 8.1
Table 5.2 Cont’d
Employment to
Total Population Total Employed Population Population Ratio
Age Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
All Ages 77,512 36,326 41,186 42,472 25,325 17,147 54.8 69.7 41.6
10-14 13,311 5,629 7,682 3,125 1,426 1,699 23.5 25.3 22.1
15-19 12,994 5,533 7,461 3,776 2,027 1,750 29.1 36.6 23.5
20-24 11,603 4,973 6,630 6,065 3,280 2,785 52.3 66.0 42.0
25-29 11,964 5,575 6,389 8,708 5,022 3,686 72.8 90.1 57.7
30-34 7,003 3,644 3359 5,477 3,435 2,042 78.2 94.3 60.8
35-39 6,512 3,265 3,247 5,111 3,197 1,915 78.5 97.9 59.0
40-44 4,490 2,664 1,827 3,730 2,601 1,129 83.1 97.6 61.8
45-49 3,019 1,635 1,384 2,508 1,548 961 83.1 94.6 69.4
50-54 2,287 1,107 1,180 1,522 1,107 415 66.6 100.0 35.2
55-59 1,483 815 667 1,039 768 272 70.1 94.1 40.7
60-64 1,524 879 645 1,007 660 347 66.0 75.0 53.8
65+ 1,322 606 716 402 254 147 30.4 42.0 20.6
All Ages 80,472 38,077 42,396 40,477 22,811 17,665 50.3 59.9 41.7
10-14 12,470 5,498 6,972 859 300 559 6.9 5.5 8.0
15-19 13,313 5,247 8,065 2,696 916 1,780 20.3 17.5 22.1
20-24 13,608 6,096 7,512 6,524 3,236 3,288 47.9 53.1 43.8
25-29 12,103 6,419 5,683 8,791 5,380 3,411 72.6 83.8 60.0
30-34 6,839 4,026 2813 5,563 3,745 1,819 81.3 93.0 64.7
35-39 6,031 2,756 3,276 4,787 2,338 2,448 79.4 84.9 74.8
40-44 4,313 2,269 2,044 3,385 2,084 1,301 78.5 91.8 63.6
45-49 3,484 1,821 1,663 2,992 1,725 1,267 85.9 94.7 76.2
50-54 2,534 1,234 1,300 1,946 1,137 808 76.8 92.2 62.2
55-59 1,972 952 1,020 1,310 789 521 66.4 82.9 51.1
60-64 1,265 633 632 857 595 262 67.8 94.0 41.5
65+ 2,540 1,125 1,415 766 565 202 30.2 50.2 14.2
All Ages 180,313 84,754 95,558 96,651 55,619 41,032 53.6 65.6 42.9
10-14 25,744 10,370 15,374 2,671 598 2,073 10.4 5.8 13.5
15-19 32,290 11,203 21,087 7,461 2,044 5,417 23.1 18.2 25.7
20-24 27,680 12,009 15,671 14,825 8,094 6,732 53.6 67.4 43.0
25-29 31,958 14,895 17,063 24,646 13,125 11,520 77.1 88.1 67.5
30-34 18,530 10,851 7678 14,981 10,389 4,592 80.9 95.7 59.8
35-39 14,980 7,911 7,069 11,524 7,037 4,487 76.9 89.0 63.5
40-44 8,784 5,371 3,413 7,649 4,957 2,691 87.1 92.3 78.9
45-49 7,212 4,076 3,136 5,133 3,772 1,361 71.2 92.5 43.4
50-54 3,345 2,000 1,345 2,238 1,638 599 66.9 81.9 44.5
55-59 3,952 2,245 1,707 2,991 2,169 822 75.7 96.6 48.1
60-64 1,987 1,393 594 1,266 969 297 63.7 69.5 50.0
65+ 3,851 2,429 1,422 1,265 825 440 32.9 34.0 31.0
All Ages 38,845 17,952 20,893 18,143 9,311 8,832 46.7 51.9 42.3
10-14 7,269 3,634 3,635 478 177 301 6.6 4.9 8.3
15-19 6,843 3,402 3,441 1,362 652 709 19.9 19.2 20.6
20-24 6,051 2,587 3,464 2,534 1,288 1,246 41.9 49.8 36.0
25-29 5,337 2,306 3,030 3,741 1,879 1,862 70.1 81.5 61.4
30-34 3,397 1,479 1918 2,568 1,287 1,281 75.6 87.0 66.8
35-39 3,233 1,455 1,778 2,653 1,388 1,265 82.0 95.4 71.1
40-44 2,417 1,054 1,362 1,959 993 966 81.1 94.2 70.9
45-49 1,684 841 843 1,454 759 695 86.4 90.3 82.5
50-54 780 426 354 548 389 159 70.2 91.3 44.8
55-59 649 197 452 354 176 178 54.6 89.2 39.4
60-64 276 151 125 174 151 23 62.9 100.0 18.3
65+ 910 420 490 319 172 147 35.0 40.9 29.9
Table 5.2 Cont’d
Employment to
Total Population Total Employed Population Population Ratio
Age Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
All Ages 96,361 44,986 51,375 49,802 27,309 22,493 51.7 60.7 43.8
10-14 11,797 5,770 6,027 147 48 100 1.2 0.8 1.7
15-19 12,347 5,233 7,114 1,651 719 931 13.4 13.7 13.1
20-24 12,423 4,835 7,588 5,852 2,547 3,304 47.1 52.7 43.5
25-29 12,743 5,763 6,981 9,041 4,970 4,071 70.9 86.2 58.3
30-34 10,510 5,091 5419 8,235 4,646 3,588 78.3 91.3 66.2
35-39 10,183 4,982 5,202 8,510 4,560 3,951 83.6 91.5 75.9
40-44 6,152 3,899 2,253 5,205 3,593 1,612 84.6 92.1 71.5
45-49 5,184 2,738 2,446 4,350 2,468 1,881 83.9 90.1 76.9
50-54 3,498 1,638 1,860 2,487 1,373 1,113 71.1 83.9 59.8
55-59 2,694 1,058 1,636 1,514 758 756 56.2 71.7 46.2
60-64 2,516 1,111 1,405 1,068 704 363 42.4 63.4 25.8
65+ 6,314 2,868 3,446 1,744 921 823 27.6 32.1 23.9
All Ages 2,700,736 1,233,556 1,467,180 1,285,598 736,789 548,808 47.6 59.7 37.4
10-14 267,531 116,519 151,011 9,066 1,523 7,543 3.4 1.3 5.0
15-19 373,517 142,474 231,043 81,113 19,882 61,231 21.7 14.0 26.5
20-24 403,852 171,031 232,820 198,218 92,703 105,515 49.1 54.2 45.3
25-29 429,171 204,243 224,928 281,418 159,848 121,569 65.6 78.3 54.0
30-34 296,758 151,597 145160 206,214 129,738 76,475 69.5 85.6 52.7
35-39 247,914 125,136 122,778 176,977 108,497 68,480 71.4 86.7 55.8
40-44 144,545 77,049 67,496 103,459 68,677 34,782 71.6 89.1 51.5
45-49 122,585 55,056 67,529 80,546 49,400 31,147 65.7 89.7 46.1
50-54 102,714 43,678 59,036 58,356 37,504 20,852 56.8 85.9 35.3
55-59 90,737 39,843 50,895 44,019 30,760 13,258 48.5 77.2 26.0
60-64 78,034 37,116 40,918 23,785 19,489 4,296 30.5 52.5 10.5
65+ 143,379 69,815 73,565 22,427 18,767 3,661 15.6 26.9 5.0
All Ages 211,372 97,341 114,031 101,564 54,828 46,736 48.0 56.3 41.0
10-14 26,901 12,627 14,275 1,896 782 1,114 7.0 6.2 7.8
15-19 30,546 13,326 17,220 8,723 3,026 5,697 28.6 22.7 33.1
20-24 29,159 13,872 15,288 14,119 6,877 7,242 48.4 49.6 47.4
25-29 28,849 13,384 15,465 18,006 10,734 7,272 62.4 80.2 47.0
30-34 21,190 10,987 10,202 13,875 8,728 5,147 65.5 79.4 50.4
35-39 18,572 8,102 10,470 13,160 7,004 6,156 70.9 86.4 58.8
40-44 10,884 5,341 5,543 8,425 4,636 3,789 77.4 86.8 68.4
45-49 12,135 5,018 7,118 8,829 4,493 4,336 72.8 89.5 60.9
50-54 8,533 3,849 4,684 5,419 2,963 2,456 63.5 77.0 52.4
55-59 5,723 2,099 3,624 2,829 1,509 1,321 49.4 71.9 36.4
60-64 7,315 4,112 3,203 3,011 2,250 761 41.2 54.7 23.7
65+ 11,563 4,624 6,939 3,271 1,825 1,446 28.3 39.5 20.8
Table 5.3 a: Employed Population Aged Ten Years and above by Major Occupation, Age group and Sex, COUNTRY - TOTAL : 2013
Major Occupational Groups
Skilled Plant and
agricultural Craft and machine
Total Technicians and Clerical Service forestry and related operators
Age Group and Employed associate support and sales fishery trades and Elementary
Sex Person Managers Professionals professionals workers workers workers workers assemblers occupations Others
All Ages
Total 42,403,879 231,211 563,231 804,750 221,028 3,670,391 20,321,430 1,849,506 424,314 14,302,768 15,249
Male 22,886,647 169,903 381,562 540,334 77,697 1,275,777 13,663,029 892,789 362,144 5,512,000 11,411
Female 19,517,232 61,308 181,668 264,416 143,331 2,394,614 6,658,401 956,717 62,170 8,790,768 3,838
Total 6,905,880 - - - 1,710 223,987 2,323,577 79,811 6,571 4,270,224 -
Male 3,750,144 - - - 732 105,541 1,426,550 29,217 4,341 2,183,763 -
Female 3,155,736 - - - 978 118,446 897,027 50,594 2,230 2,086,461 -
Total 5,756,362 7,003 - 17,570 4,774 450,703 2,171,744 180,581 23,650 2,899,452 886
Male 3,083,118 4,089 - 9,678 2,465 136,404 1,425,520 68,779 18,502 1,416,795 886
Female 2,673,245 2,914 - 7,892 2,309 314,299 746,224 111,802 5,149 1,482,657 -
Total 5,047,055 17,381 88,605 146,708 42,365 615,142 2,060,657 278,055 70,137 1,726,261 1,744
Male 2,568,713 7,255 45,337 78,254 10,153 212,832 1,352,935 130,667 55,453 675,471 356
Female 2,478,342 10,126 43,268 68,454 32,212 402,310 707,722 147,388 14,684 1,050,789 1,388
Total 5,564,429 52,881 177,775 257,823 59,461 659,936 2,465,311 334,814 87,541 1,465,121 3,766
Male 2,795,479 37,306 115,200 162,136 14,516 205,499 1,603,012 172,262 78,059 404,818 2,671
Female 2,768,950 15,575 62,575 95,686 44,944 454,437 862,300 162,552 9,482 1,060,303 1,095
Total 4,025,031 38,550 93,862 118,868 35,506 444,640 2,070,213 225,700 73,508 922,724 1,459
Male 2,146,242 30,235 66,869 91,700 15,248 157,028 1,380,756 117,227 67,637 218,082 1,459
Female 1,878,789 8,315 26,993 27,168 20,258 287,612 689,457 108,472 5,871 704,643 -
Total 4,249,424 38,830 71,733 94,077 28,176 472,219 2,280,567 230,198 52,976 977,577 3,071
Male 2,187,454 28,818 52,259 62,634 10,531 157,034 1,520,337 117,996 48,097 187,670 2,078
Female 2,061,970 10,012 19,474 31,443 17,646 315,185 760,230 112,201 4,879 789,907 993
Total 2,874,669 22,769 47,044 65,174 13,955 258,246 1,692,448 158,387 40,264 574,357 2,024
Male 1,593,461 18,918 34,044 49,607 6,106 95,273 1,157,158 78,509 36,042 116,125 1,679
Female 1,281,207 3,851 13,001 15,567 7,849 162,973 535,290 79,878 4,222 458,232 345

Table 5.3a Cont’d

Major Occupational Groups
Skilled Plant and
Technicians agricultural Craft and machine
Total and Clerical Service forestry and related operators
Age Group Employed associate support and sales fishery trades and Elementary
and Sex Person Managers Professionals professionals workers workers workers workers assemblers occupations Others
Total 2,388,294 23,517 34,385 43,901 15,888 204,028 1,454,990 113,541 23,072 473,675 1,297
Male 1,294,074 18,829 25,855 35,952 6,376 70,332 987,803 54,537 19,543 73,551 1,297
Female 1,094,220 4,688 8,530 7,949 9,512 133,696 467,186 59,005 3,529 400,124 -
Total 1,782,221 12,693 23,530 25,410 8,630 128,108 1,130,116 82,622 13,967 356,981 162
Male 1,004,795 9,910 19,100 19,599 4,905 46,698 792,985 36,486 11,182 63,766 162
Female 777,426 2,783 4,430 5,811 3,725 81,410 337,132 46,136 2,785 293,215 -
Total 1,303,919 9,191 14,346 16,185 6,497 81,002 853,918 60,408 13,320 249,037 16
Male 757,216 8,162 11,914 12,813 3,644 31,495 599,115 29,399 10,101 50,574 -
Female 546,704 1,029 2,432 3,372 2,853 49,507 254,803 31,009 3,219 198,463 16
Total 1,038,673 2,781 9,520 8,920 2,509 58,605 749,524 41,275 8,763 156,129 648
Male 656,240 2,101 9,110 8,233 1,542 21,710 545,822 21,747 6,952 38,375 648
Female 382,434 680 410 687 967 36,895 203,702 19,528 1,811 117,755 -
Total 1,467,922 5,616 2,430 10,116 1,558 73,775 1,068,366 64,115 10,544 231,229 174
Male 1,049,713 4,280 1,875 9,727 1,480 35,931 871,037 35,963 6,236 83,010 174
Female 418,209 1,336 555 389 78 37,844 197,328 28,152 4,308 148,219 -

Table 5.3b: Employed Population Aged Ten Years and above by Major Occupation, Age group and Sex, COUNTRY - URBAN : 2013
Major Occupational Groups
Skilled Plant and
Technicians agricultural Craft and machine
and Clerical Service forestry and related operators
Age Group Total Employed associate support and sales fishery trades and Elementary
and Sex Person Managers Professionals professionals workers workers workers workers assemblers occupations Others
All Ages
Total 6,382,858 189,076 466,804 520,185 196,486 1,881,829 629,928 829,087 332,259 1,326,006 11,197
Male 3,529,307 139,475 313,776 337,569 65,185 726,595 426,114 551,467 295,528 664,217 9,379
Female 2,853,551 49,601 153,028 182,616 131,301 1,155,234 203,814 277,619 36,731 661,789 1,819
Total 317,094 - - - 447 69,253 58,703 15,060 738 172,893 -
Male 154,705 - - - 101 21,722 39,204 11,082 738 81,857 -
Female 162,389 - - - 346 47,530 19,498 3,978 - 91,036 -
Total 572,791 2,780 - 8,526 4,774 204,162 61,591 57,120 15,915 217,559 364
Male 247,941 1,493 - 5,167 2,465 48,935 40,080 31,507 12,336 105,595 364
Female 324,850 1,286 - 3,359 2,309 155,227 21,511 25,614 3,579 111,964 -
Total 966,757 13,874 63,912 80,042 37,819 305,731 54,379 138,759 55,072 216,672 498
Male 464,573 6,408 32,415 39,541 7,713 111,389 33,617 87,064 43,509 102,561 356
Female 502,184 7,467 31,497 40,502 30,106 194,341 20,762 51,695 11,563 114,111 141
Total 1,249,489 36,994 137,852 140,298 52,317 358,462 76,861 163,606 73,646 206,300 3,153
Male 683,895 25,704 85,035 85,391 12,988 140,483 50,716 113,426 67,120 100,974 2,058
Female 565,594 11,290 52,817 54,907 39,329 217,979 26,146 50,179 6,526 105,326 1,095
Total 848,555 32,919 76,491 80,651 28,268 242,269 63,719 127,413 63,954 131,413 1,459
Male 512,603 24,604 54,858 58,153 11,328 100,807 42,214 89,846 60,051 69,285 1,459
Female 335,952 8,315 21,633 22,498 16,940 141,462 21,505 37,568 3,904 62,129 -
Total 803,672 33,291 67,943 73,455 25,980 241,970 78,522 113,201 43,315 123,696 2,299
Male 461,834 23,802 49,437 44,441 8,335 98,392 51,818 80,346 40,488 62,696 2,078
Female 341,839 9,489 18,506 29,014 17,646 143,577 26,704 32,856 2,827 61,000 221
Total 492,155 21,747 42,399 50,718 12,028 138,634 53,973 70,449 29,345 70,839 2,024
Male 301,307 18,419 30,180 36,588 4,538 63,654 35,981 49,448 26,668 34,152 1,679
Female 190,847 3,329 12,218 14,130 7,490 74,979 17,991 21,000 2,677 36,688 345

Table 5.3b Cont’d

Major Occupational Groups
Skilled Plant and
agricultural Craft and machine
Total Technicians and Clerical Service forestry and related operators
Age Group Employed associate support and sales fishery trades and Elementary
and Sex Person Managers Professionals professionals workers workers workers workers assemblers occupations Others
Total 387,218 19,970 32,316 34,535 15,660 110,790 47,144 49,081 18,289 58,473 961
Male 224,971 16,327 23,785 26,586 6,148 43,406 31,260 32,895 15,391 28,212 961
Female 162,247 3,643 8,530 7,949 9,512 67,384 15,885 16,186 2,898 30,260 -
Total 264,956 11,751 22,367 23,553 8,630 75,606 36,643 31,636 11,527 43,081 162
Male 156,665 9,491 17,937 17,742 4,905 28,241 24,377 19,323 10,955 23,532 162
Female 108,291 2,260 4,430 5,811 3,725 47,365 12,266 12,313 573 19,549 -
Total 190,761 8,691 13,998 15,528 6,497 48,800 30,435 24,930 9,398 32,469 16
Male 125,936 7,662 11,566 12,156 3,644 26,494 22,525 13,334 8,957 19,599 -
Female 64,825 1,029 2,432 3,372 2,853 22,307 7,910 11,595 441 12,870 16
Total 125,434 2,258 7,099 6,922 2,509 35,195 22,469 18,546 6,325 24,024 87
Male 83,020 2,101 6,689 6,235 1,542 16,441 17,472 11,690 5,287 15,476 87
Female 42,414 158 410 687 967 18,754 4,997 6,857 1,039 8,547 -
Total 163,976 4,801 2,430 5,958 1,558 50,958 45,490 19,286 4,736 28,587 174
Male 111,857 3,465 1,875 5,569 1,480 26,630 36,850 11,507 4,030 20,279 174
Female 52,119 1,336 555 389 78 24,328 8,640 7,779 706 8,308 -

Table 5.3c: Employed Population Aged Ten Years and above by Major Occupation, Age group and Sex, COUNTRY - RURAL :2013
Major Occupational Groups
Skilled Plant and
agricultural Craft and machine
Technicians and Clerical Service forestry and related operators
Age Group Total Employed associate support and sales fishery trades and Elementary
and Sex Person Managers Professionals professionals workers workers workers workers assemblers occupations Others
All Ages
Total 36,021,021 42,135 96,427 284,565 24,542 1,788,562 19,691,502 1,020,419 92,055 12,976,762 4,052
Male 19,357,341 30,428 67,786 202,764 12,512 549,182 13,236,915 341,322 66,616 4,847,782 2,033
Female 16,663,681 11,707 28,640 81,801 12,030 1,239,380 6,454,587 679,097 25,439 8,128,979 2,019
Total 6,588,786 - - - 1,263 154,734 2,264,875 64,750 5,833 4,097,331 -
Male 3,595,440 - - - 632 83,819 1,387,345 18,135 3,603 2,101,906 -
Female 2,993,347 - - - 632 70,916 877,529 46,615 2,230 1,995,425 -
Total 5,183,571 4,223 - 9,044 - 246,541 2,110,153 123,460 7,736 2,681,893 522
Male 2,835,176 2,596 - 4,511 - 87,469 1,385,440 37,272 6,166 1,311,200 522
Female 2,348,395 1,627 - 4,533 - 159,071 724,713 86,188 1,570 1,370,693 -
Total 4,080,298 3,507 24,694 66,665 4,545 309,411 2,006,278 139,297 15,065 1,509,589 1,247
Male 2,104,140 848 12,922 38,713 2,439 101,442 1,319,318 43,603 11,944 572,911 -
Female 1,976,158 2,659 11,772 27,952 2,106 207,969 686,960 95,693 3,121 936,678 1,247
Total 4,314,940 15,887 39,923 117,525 7,144 301,473 2,388,450 171,209 13,895 1,258,821 613
Male 2,111,584 11,602 30,165 76,745 1,529 65,016 1,552,296 58,836 10,939 303,844 613
Female 2,203,356 4,286 9,758 40,780 5,615 236,457 836,154 112,373 2,956 954,977 -
Total 3,176,476 5,631 17,372 38,217 7,238 202,371 2,006,494 98,286 9,554 791,311 -
Male 1,633,639 5,631 12,011 33,547 3,920 56,221 1,338,542 27,382 7,587 148,797 -
Female 1,542,837 - 5,360 4,670 3,319 146,150 667,952 70,904 1,967 642,514 -
Total 3,445,752 5,538 3,791 20,622 2,196 230,249 2,202,044 116,996 9,661 853,881 772
Male 1,725,620 5,016 2,823 18,193 2,196 58,641 1,468,518 37,651 7,608 124,974 -
Female 1,720,132 522 968 2,429 - 171,608 733,526 79,346 2,053 728,907 772
Total 2,382,514 1,022 4,646 14,456 1,928 119,612 1,638,475 87,939 10,919 503,518 -
Male 1,292,154 500 3,863 13,019 1,569 31,618 1,121,177 29,061 9,374 81,973 -
Female 1,090,360 522 782 1,437 359 87,994 517,299 58,878 1,545 421,544 -
Table 5.3c Cont’d
Major Occupational Groups
Skilled Plant and
agricultural Craft and machine
Technicians and Clerical Service forestry and related operators
Age Group Total Employed associate support and sales fishery trades and Elementary
and Sex Person Managers Professionals professionals workers workers workers workers assemblers occupations Others
Total 2,001,076 3,547 2,070 9,366 228 93,238 1,407,845 64,461 4,784 415,202 336
Male 1,069,103 2,502 2,070 9,366 228 26,926 956,544 21,642 4,152 45,339 336
Female 931,973 1,045 - - - 66,312 451,302 42,819 632 369,864 -
Total 1,517,265 941 1,164 1,857 - 52,503 1,093,473 50,986 2,440 313,900 -
Male 848,129 419 1,164 1,857 - 18,457 768,607 17,163 228 40,234 -
Female 669,135 522 - - - 34,045 324,866 33,823 2,212 273,666 -
Total 1,113,158 500 347 656 - 32,202 823,483 35,478 3,922 216,568 -
Male 631,279 500 347 656 - 5,001 576,590 16,065 1,144 30,975 -
Female 481,879 - - - - 27,201 246,893 19,413 2,778 185,593 -
Total 913,239 522 2,421 1,998 - 23,410 727,055 22,729 2,438 132,106 561
Male 573,220 - 2,421 1,998 - 5,269 528,350 10,057 1,665 22,898 561
Female 340,019 522 - - - 18,140 198,705 12,672 772 109,207 -
Total 1,303,946 815 - 4,159 - 22,817 1,022,876 44,828 5,808 202,642 -
Male 937,856 815 - 4,159 - 9,301 834,188 24,456 2,206 62,731 -
Female 366,090 - - - - 13,516 188,688 20,372 3,602 139,911 -
Table 5.4 Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years & above by Major Occupational Groups, Sex & Place of Residence: 2013
Major Occupational Groups
Craft and Plant and
Technicians and Clerical Skilled agricultural related machine
Place of Residence Total Employed associate support Service and forestry and fishery trades operators and Elementary
and Sex Persons Managers Professionals professionals workers sales workers workers workers assemblers occupations Others
Urban + Rural
Total 42,403,879 231,211 563,231 804,750 221,028 3,670,391 20,321,430 1,849,506 424,314 14,302,768 15,249
Male 22,886,647 169,903 381,562 540,334 77,697 1,275,777 13,663,029 892,789 362,144 5,512,000 11,411
Female 19,517,232 61,308 181,668 264,416 143,331 2,394,614 6,658,401 956,717 62,170 8,790,768 3,838
Total 6,382,858 189,076 466,804 520,185 196,486 1,881,829 629,928 829,087 332,259 1,326,006 11,197
Male 3,529,307 139,475 313,776 337,569 65,185 726,595 426,114 551,467 295,528 664,217 9,379
Female 2,853,551 49,601 153,028 182,616 131,301 1,155,234 203,814 277,619 36,731 661,789 1,819
Total 36,021,021 42,135 96,427 284,565 24,542 1,788,562 19,691,502 1,020,419 92,055 12,976,762 4,052
Male 19,357,341 30,428 67,786 202,764 12,512 549,182 13,236,915 341,322 66,616 4,847,782 2,033
Female 16,663,681 11,707 28,640 81,801 12,030 1,239,380 6,454,587 679,097 25,439 8,128,979 2,019
Urban + Rural
Total 2,547,502 19,790 42,088 52,093 19,818 241,074 885,348 163,390 26,835 1,095,042 2,023
Male 1,335,754 13,881 26,117 31,238 7,606 105,097 681,273 80,320 23,230 365,110 1,882
Female 1,211,748 5,910 15,971 20,855 12,212 135,977 204,074 83,071 3,605 729,932 142
Total 443,786 16,808 32,213 31,313 15,158 125,181 30,085 83,484 19,298 88,223 2,023
Male 236,353 12,028 20,186 18,010 4,987 36,009 21,102 53,447 17,351 51,351 1,882
Female 207,433 4,780 12,027 13,303 10,171 89,171 8,984 30,036 1,946 36,872 142
Total 2,103,716 2,982 9,875 20,780 4,659 115,893 855,263 79,907 7,537 1,006,819 -
Male 1,099,400 1,853 5,931 13,228 2,619 69,088 660,172 26,872 5,879 313,759 -
Female 1,004,315 1,129 3,944 7,552 2,041 46,805 195,091 53,034 1,658 693,060 -
Urban + Rural
Total 652,108 7,162 3,752 13,143 6,995 43,125 198,008 18,640 2,837 358,022 425
Male 344,131 6,829 2,920 10,090 4,100 19,202 156,184 6,356 2,815 135,210 425
Female 307,977 332 832 3,053 2,895 23,923 41,825 12,284 21 222,812 -
Total 102,460 3,008 2,914 7,939 4,989 29,709 7,278 9,234 2,418 34,546 425
Male 56,871 2,676 2,082 5,514 2,375 10,267 5,807 5,099 2,396 20,230 425
Female 45,589 332 832 2,425 2,614 19,442 1,471 4,135 21 14,317 -
Total 549,648 4,154 838 5,204 2,006 13,416 190,730 9,406 419 323,475 -
Male 287,261 4,154 838 4,576 1,725 8,935 150,377 1,257 419 114,981 -
Female 262,388 - - 629 281 4,481 40,353 8,149 - 208,495 -
Table 5.4 Cont’d
Major Occupational Groups
Craft and Plant and
Total Technicians and Clerical Skilled agricultural related machine
Place of Residence Employed associate support Service and forestry and fishery trades operators and Elementary
and Sex Persons Managers Professionals professionals workers sales workers workers workers assemblers occupations Others
Urban + Rural
Total 11,174,123 39,764 102,359 152,618 39,062 719,975 5,123,528 502,944 66,478 4,425,854 1,540
Male 5,965,956 29,411 74,689 97,915 12,432 228,341 3,571,628 216,631 51,781 1,682,313 816
Female 5,208,167 10,354 27,670 54,703 26,629 491,634 1,551,899 286,314 14,698 2,743,542 725
Total 1,387,072 26,995 78,447 85,347 34,709 416,962 185,892 184,288 45,557 328,060 816
Male 710,022 21,521 57,149 54,533 9,540 135,043 118,916 114,346 40,546 157,612 816
Female 677,050 5,473 21,299 30,814 25,169 281,919 66,975 69,941 5,011 170,448 -
Total 9,787,051 12,770 23,912 67,272 4,352 303,013 4,937,636 318,657 20,921 4,097,794 725
Male 5,255,934 7,889 17,540 43,383 2,892 93,298 3,452,712 102,284 11,235 1,524,701 -
Female 4,531,117 4,880 6,372 23,889 1,460 209,715 1,484,924 216,372 9,687 2,573,093 725
Urban + Rural
Total 16,529,563 60,179 148,475 247,213 46,719 1,311,518 9,234,797 507,850 122,682 4,848,023 2,107
Male 9,039,726 44,891 101,363 175,102 14,432 435,739 5,968,532 261,241 100,225 1,937,267 935
Female 7,489,837 15,288 47,112 72,111 32,288 875,780 3,266,265 246,610 22,457 2,910,756 1,171
Total 1,863,072 51,645 113,293 149,334 36,472 563,412 259,579 207,757 81,181 399,065 1,334
Male 1,055,353 37,916 78,130 105,050 11,335 224,784 177,576 135,831 70,068 213,729 935
Female 807,719 13,729 35,163 44,285 25,137 338,628 82,003 71,926 11,113 185,336 399
Total 14,666,491 8,534 35,183 97,879 10,247 748,107 8,975,218 300,093 41,501 4,448,958 772
Male 7,984,373 6,975 23,233 70,053 3,097 210,955 5,790,956 125,410 30,157 1,723,538 -
Female 6,682,118 1,559 11,949 27,826 7,150 537,152 3,184,262 174,683 11,344 2,725,420 772
Urban + Rural
Total 783,017 2,481 7,402 12,251 2,107 50,560 417,626 17,759 6,742 265,551 538
Male 474,365 2,118 5,960 9,580 1,199 21,338 291,140 8,550 6,562 127,459 460
Female 308,651 362 1,442 2,671 908 29,222 126,486 9,209 180 138,093 78
Total 83,451 1,730 4,806 7,303 1,879 24,082 6,106 8,588 3,868 24,843 247
Male 49,497 1,368 3,883 5,545 971 10,088 4,009 6,034 3,688 13,742 170
Female 33,954 362 923 1,758 908 13,993 2,097 2,553 180 11,101 78
Total 699,566 750 2,596 4,948 228 26,478 411,520 9,172 2,874 240,709 291
Male 424,869 750 2,078 4,036 228 11,250 287,131 2,516 2,874 113,717 291
Female 274,697 - 519 913 - 15,229 124,390 6,656 - 126,992 -
Table 5.4 Cont’d
Major Occupational Groups
Craft and Plant and
Total Technicians and Clerical Skilled agricultural related machine
Place of Residence Employed associate support Service and forestry and fishery trades operators and Elementary
and Sex Persons Managers Professionals professionals workers sales workers workers workers assemblers occupations Others

Urban + Rural
Total 484,220 4,201 8,187 11,341 2,812 29,152 340,714 10,053 2,001 75,705 55
Male 252,117 2,607 6,413 8,832 1,015 10,150 190,369 6,123 1,914 24,638 55
Female 232,103 1,594 1,774 2,508 1,796 19,002 150,345 3,930 86 51,066 -
Total 74,207 3,100 6,298 6,660 2,812 19,714 14,795 6,829 1,438 12,506 55
Male 41,862 1,928 5,067 4,961 1,015 7,040 9,098 4,727 1,352 6,620 55
Female 32,345 1,172 1,231 1,699 1,796 12,674 5,697 2,102 86 5,887 -
Total 410,013 1,101 1,889 4,681 - 9,438 325,919 3,224 562 63,198 -
Male 210,255 680 1,346 3,872 - 3,110 181,271 1,396 562 18,019 -
Female 199,757 421 544 809 - 6,328 144,648 1,828 - 45,179 -
Urban + Rural
Total 8,507,979 39,669 104,718 167,785 28,074 854,599 3,987,460 414,959 49,964 2,855,099 5,651
Male 4,506,169 30,772 73,046 118,588 11,578 276,252 2,710,534 153,730 45,161 1,082,149 4,357
Female 4,001,810 8,897 31,672 49,197 16,496 578,347 1,276,926 261,229 4,803 1,772,950 1,294
Total 950,828 28,046 83,910 88,068 25,137 297,828 105,052 119,195 34,553 165,517 3,523
Male 539,412 22,866 57,294 58,119 9,687 125,892 75,649 74,312 32,500 80,344 2,750
Female 411,416 5,180 26,616 29,949 15,451 171,937 29,403 44,883 2,053 85,173 772
Total 7,557,151 11,623 20,808 79,717 2,937 556,771 3,882,408 295,764 15,411 2,689,583 2,129
Male 3,966,757 7,906 15,752 60,469 1,892 150,361 2,634,885 79,419 12,661 1,001,805 1,606
Female 3,590,394 3,717 5,056 19,248 1,045 406,410 1,247,523 216,346 2,750 1,687,777 522

Urban + Rural
Total 162,075 1,415 3,343 8,221 1,742 15,147 71,896 6,061 3,111 50,896 242
Male 84,781 1,061 2,505 5,821 720 5,404 43,992 2,855 3,068 19,153 203
Female 77,293 354 838 2,400 1,022 9,743 27,904 3,206 44 31,743 39
Total 41,018 1,266 2,340 5,588 1,742 9,119 7,658 3,172 660 9,366 106
Male 21,011 911 1,726 3,860 720 3,886 4,107 1,791 616 3,325 67
Female 20,007 354 614 1,728 1,022 5,233 3,551 1,381 44 6,041 39
Total 121,057 150 1,004 2,633 - 6,027 64,237 2,889 2,452 41,529 136
Male 63,771 150 779 1,961 - 1,517 39,885 1,064 2,452 15,828 136
Female 57,286 - 225 672 - 4,510 24,353 1,825 - 25,702 -
Table 5.4 Cont’d
Major Occupational Groups
Craft and Plant and
Total Technicians and Clerical Skilled agricultural related machine
Place of Residence Employed associate support Service and forestry and fishery trades operators and Elementary
and Sex Persons Managers Professionals professionals workers sales workers workers workers assemblers occupations Others
Urban + Rural
Total 100,225 910 3,975 6,443 2,382 22,715 22,762 7,470 3,383 30,036 150
Male 52,647 642 2,860 3,904 640 7,068 18,046 5,525 3,222 10,694 48
Female 47,578 268 1,116 2,540 1,742 15,647 4,717 1,945 161 19,342 101
Total 49,802 910 3,859 6,078 2,322 15,638 695 7,264 3,218 9,669 150
Male 27,309 642 2,744 3,615 580 6,660 513 5,400 3,057 4,051 48
Female 22,493 268 1,116 2,464 1,742 8,977 182 1,864 161 5,618 101
Total 50,423 - 116 365 60 7,077 22,067 206 165 20,367 -
Male 25,338 - 116 289 60 407 17,533 125 165 6,643 -
Female 25,085 - - 76 - 6,670 4,534 81 - 13,724 -
Urban + Rural
Total 1,285,598 54,294 134,229 124,452 67,319 352,286 10,245 184,463 130,575 225,268 2,466
Male 736,789 36,553 82,002 73,044 22,673 154,960 8,259 140,069 116,250 100,799 2,179
Female 548,808 17,740 52,228 51,407 44,647 197,325 1,986 44,393 14,325 124,470 288
Total 1,285,598 54,294 134,229 124,452 67,319 352,286 10,245 184,463 130,575 225,268 2,466
Male 736,789 36,553 82,002 73,044 22,673 154,960 8,259 140,069 116,250 100,799 2,179
Female 548,808 17,740 52,228 51,407 44,647 197,325 1,986 44,393 14,325 124,470 288
Total - - - - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - - - - - -
Urban + Rural
Total 177,470 1,346 4,701 9,190 3,999 30,242 29,046 15,916 9,706 73,272 52
Male 94,211 1,137 3,687 6,219 1,303 12,226 23,073 11,390 7,916 27,208 52
Female 83,259 209 1,013 2,971 2,697 18,015 5,973 4,526 1,790 46,064 -
Total 101,564 1,275 4,495 8,104 3,947 27,900 2,542 14,814 9,492 28,943 52
Male 54,828 1,066 3,514 5,320 1,303 11,965 1,079 10,411 7,703 12,416 52
Female 46,736 209 981 2,784 2,644 15,935 1,464 4,403 1,790 16,527 -
Total 75,906 71 205 1,086 53 2,342 26,504 1,102 213 44,329 -
Male 39,383 71 173 899 - 261 21,994 979 213 14,792 -
Female 36,523 - 32 187 53 2,081 4,510 123 - 29,537 -
Table 5.5 Employed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and Above by Major Occupational Groups and Sex: 2013
Major Occupational Groups

Skilled Craft and Plant and

Total Technicians Clerical Service agricultural related machine
Major Towns Employed and associate support and sales forestry and trades operators and Elementary
and Sex Persons Managers Professionals professionals workers workers fishery workers workers assemblers occupations Others


Total 2,668,317 90,241 238,588 236,353 119,081 761,644 74,344 402,094 222,743 517,898 5,331
Male 1,502,268 63,483 156,039 141,586 39,011 313,371 48,161 289,396 199,770 246,844 4,606
Female 1,166,050 26,757 82,549 94,766 80,070 448,273 26,183 112,698 22,973 271,055 726
Total 24,980 563 2,206 1,551 891 7,278 1,322 4,296 1,095 5,434 345
Male 11,617 449 1,308 850 204 1,860 524 2,407 925 2,772 318
Female 13,364 114 898 701 687 5,418 798 1,889 171 2,661 27
Total 109,199 5,320 11,428 7,984 5,320 30,076 1,986 18,526 9,155 18,478 926
Male 56,944 3,080 7,264 5,064 1,364 5,928 891 14,071 8,714 9,756 812
Female 52,256 2,240 4,165 2,920 3,957 24,148 1,094 4,455 441 8,722 114
Total 9,535 107 428 983 417 3,207 738 1,443 235 1,967 11
Male 5,366 86 321 631 192 1,122 620 727 214 1,443 11
Female 4,169 21 107 353 224 2,085 118 716 21 524 -
Total 121,158 1,520 4,824 7,297 4,592 31,032 16,397 20,416 4,958 30,122 -
Male 61,798 1,244 3,757 4,027 1,734 9,220 11,108 11,418 4,958 14,332 -
Female 59,360 276 1,067 3,271 2,858 21,812 5,288 8,999 - 15,790 -
Total 30,642 636 1,167 2,150 1,236 11,805 391 4,479 2,769 6,008 -
Male 17,393 433 1,071 1,147 516 4,756 252 3,019 2,482 3,716 -
Female 13,249 203 96 1,004 720 7,048 139 1,460 287 2,292 -
Total 62,079 1,862 4,567 6,785 2,580 18,883 842 8,682 3,178 14,565 134
Male 36,171 1,372 3,212 3,751 1,291 9,085 517 6,496 2,995 7,318 134
Female 25,907 490 1,355 3,034 1,289 9,799 325 2,186 183 7,247 -
Total 43,894 957 2,911 2,689 1,478 11,781 3,561 5,546 2,238 12,732 -
Male 22,699 816 1,778 1,656 186 3,097 2,780 3,444 2,024 6,917 -
Female 21,195 141 1,133 1,033 1,292 8,684 781 2,102 214 5,816 -
Total 45,934 827 4,031 3,717 1,372 11,804 9,530 6,146 1,151 7,356 -
Male 22,188 543 2,664 2,036 431 3,865 5,193 3,219 1,151 3,085 -
Female 23,746 284 1,367 1,681 941 7,939 4,337 2,926 - 4,271 -
Table 5.5 Cont’d
Major Occupational Groups

Skilled Craft and Plant and

Total Technicians Clerical Service agricultural related machine
Major Towns Employed and associate support and sales forestry and trades operators and Elementary
and Sex Persons Managers Professionals professionals workers workers fishery workers workers assemblers occupations Others
Total 110,313 1,758 11,487 7,915 3,421 32,836 1,501 17,795 7,913 25,263 425
Male 57,313 1,473 8,819 4,721 694 11,968 547 12,090 6,834 9,741 425
Female 53,000 284 2,668 3,193 2,727 20,868 954 5,704 1,078 15,523 -
Total 39,159 1,395 3,279 4,165 1,280 10,444 2,590 5,861 1,310 8,835 -
Male 23,441 925 2,153 2,900 602 5,101 1,457 4,172 1,310 4,823 -
Female 15,718 469 1,127 1,266 678 5,343 1,134 1,690 - 4,011 -
Total 57,485 1,261 2,524 4,609 1,790 14,580 2,323 12,060 5,815 12,524 -
Male 32,024 1,103 1,577 2,990 691 5,670 956 8,709 4,265 6,063 -
Female 25,460 157 947 1,619 1,098 8,910 1,367 3,351 1,549 6,461 -
Total 32,865 852 2,548 3,402 1,238 9,206 2,088 5,067 2,549 5,916 -
Male 18,522 742 1,916 2,113 511 3,431 883 3,206 2,407 3,314 -
Female 14,343 110 632 1,289 727 5,775 1,205 1,861 142 2,602 -
Total 113,722 3,040 7,244 8,393 2,499 39,051 2,470 17,847 9,993 22,992 194
Male 66,442 2,640 4,815 5,188 471 16,759 2,175 12,512 8,917 12,865 100
Female 47,280 401 2,429 3,205 2,028 22,292 294 5,335 1,076 10,126 94
Total 68,277 808 5,400 4,527 3,573 19,274 1,954 12,990 3,529 16,122 100
Male 39,539 608 4,218 2,713 816 8,141 1,224 10,415 3,251 8,053 100
Female 28,738 200 1,181 1,814 2,757 11,133 730 2,574 279 8,069 -
Total 49,456 1,636 2,748 3,144 1,337 20,122 1,911 8,660 2,610 7,288 -
Male 29,786 1,467 1,958 2,106 479 9,022 1,392 5,865 2,489 5,008 -
Female 19,670 169 790 1,038 858 11,100 519 2,795 121 2,280 -
Total 38,068 1,126 2,967 3,633 1,112 12,648 789 4,530 2,790 8,319 155
Male 23,674 810 2,234 2,539 355 5,033 517 3,790 2,610 5,710 78
Female 14,394 316 733 1,094 758 7,614 272 740 180 2,608 78
Total 16,393 926 1,977 1,460 694 4,998 334 2,067 677 3,204 55
Male 9,669 604 1,454 852 180 2,727 196 1,398 646 1,558 55
Female 6,724 322 523 608 515 2,271 138 669 31 1,646 -
Table 5.5 Cont’d
Major Occupational Groups

Skilled Craft and Plant and

Total Technicians Clerical Service agricultural related machine
Major Towns Employed and associate support and sales forestry and trades operators and Elementary
and Sex Person Managers Professionals professionals workers workers fishery workers workers assemblers occupations Others

Total 32,463 1,415 3,002 3,550 638 10,395 993 5,720 1,695 5,055 -
Male 19,398 1,135 2,034 1,970 259 5,493 808 3,340 1,579 2,780 -
Female 13,065 281 968 1,580 379 4,902 186 2,379 115 2,275 -
Total 27,989 515 1,857 2,391 1,314 10,006 1,651 4,450 1,871 3,902 31
Male 16,290 358 1,455 1,326 447 4,924 1,279 2,810 1,808 1,851 31
Female 11,699 157 402 1,065 868 5,082 371 1,640 63 2,050 -
Total 42,472 1,361 2,750 3,095 1,542 12,313 1,955 6,849 3,022 9,520 64
Male 25,325 865 2,053 2,028 572 5,864 1,157 4,914 2,948 4,860 64
Female 17,147 496 698 1,067 970 6,449 798 1,935 74 4,660 -
Total 40,477 851 2,582 4,067 1,204 11,543 2,413 6,103 2,603 9,059 52
Male 22,811 566 2,046 2,344 307 4,488 2,021 4,042 2,269 4,676 52
Female 17,665 285 536 1,723 897 7,055 391 2,061 335 4,384 -
Total 96,651 4,338 12,466 8,192 4,936 27,271 1,557 14,342 7,811 15,656 81
Male 55,619 3,493 8,530 5,348 1,749 9,904 1,130 10,483 7,489 7,413 81
Female 41,032 846 3,936 2,843 3,188 17,367 427 3,860 322 8,244 -
Total 18,143 690 1,611 2,017 1,030 5,268 1,566 1,678 491 3,702 90
Male 9,311 412 1,144 1,307 408 2,325 682 968 474 1,524 67
Female 8,832 278 467 710 622 2,943 884 710 17 2,178 23
Total 49,802 910 3,859 6,078 2,322 15,638 695 7,264 3,218 9,669 150
Male 27,309 642 2,744 3,615 580 6,660 513 5,400 3,057 4,051 48
Female 22,493 268 1,116 2,464 1,742 8,977 182 1,864 161 5,618 101
Total 1,285,598 54,294 134,229 124,452 67,319 352,286 10,245 184,463 130,575 225,268 2,466
Male 736,789 36,553 82,002 73,044 22,673 154,960 8,259 140,069 116,250 100,799 2,179
Female 548,808 17,740 52,228 51,407 44,647 197,325 1,986 44,393 14,325 124,470 288
Total 101564 1275 4495 8104 3947 27900 2542 14814 9492 28943 52
Male 54828 1066 3514 5320 1303 11965 1079 10411 7703 12416 52
Female 46736 209 981 2784 2644 15935 1464 4403 1790 16527 -
Table 5.6.Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Minor Occupational Divisions, sex, and Place of Residence, COUNTRY-TOTAL: 2013
Total Urban Rural
Minor Occupational Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

TOTAL EMPLOYED POPULATION 42,403,879 22,886,647 19,517,232 6,382,858 3,529,307 2,853,551 36,021,021 19,357,341 16,663,681
MAJOR GROUP 1 MANAGERS 231,211 169,903 61,308 189,076 139,475 49,601 42,135 30,428 11,707
Chief executives senior officials and legislators 44,876 38,308 6,569 35,802 30,679 5,123 9,074 7,629 1,445
Legislators and senior officials 28,121 25,912 2,209 22,253 20,044 2,209 5,869 5,869 -
Managing directors and chief executives 16,755 12,395 4,360 13,549 10,635 2,914 3,206 1,760 1,445
Administrative and commercial managers 53,971 37,593 16,378 48,358 35,494 12,865 5,612 2,099 3,513
Business services and administration managers 41,693 29,214 12,479 36,627 27,661 8,966 5,066 1,553 3,513
Sales marketing and development managers 12,277 8,379 3,898 11,731 7,833 3,898 546 546 -
Production and specialized services managers 61,457 50,609 10,848 44,502 35,934 8,568 16,955 14,675 2,280
Production managers in agriculture forestry and fisheries 19,851 16,467 3,384 12,991 10,442 2,549 6,861 6,025 835
Manufacturing mining construction and distribution managers 12,146 10,720 1,426 11,282 9,855 1,426 864 864 -
Information and communications technology service managers 4,360 2,914 1,446 556 155 401 3,804 2,759 1,045
Professional services managers 25,100 20,508 4,591 19,674 15,483 4,191 5,426 5,026 400
Hospitality retail and other services managers 70,907 43,394 27,513 60,413 37,368 23,045 10,494 6,026 4,468
Hotel and restaurant managers 18,403 9,978 8,425 17,336 9,434 7,902 1,066 544 522
Retail and wholesale trade managers 33,301 18,589 14,712 27,916 16,478 11,438 5,385 2,111 3,274
Other services managers 19,203 14,827 4,377 15,161 11,456 3,704 4,042 3,370 672

MAJOR GROUP 2 PROFESSIONALS 563,231 381,562 181,668 466,804 313,776 153,028 96,427 67,786 28,640
Science and engineering professionals 64,739 53,861 10,878 55,069 46,194 8,875 9,670 7,668 2,003
Physical and earth science professionals 4,658 3,243 1,415 3,870 3,243 628 787 - 787
Mathematicians actuaries and statisticians 1,027 756 271 1,027 756 271 - - -
Life science professionals 24,797 20,439 4,358 17,197 14,054 3,143 7,600 6,385 1,215
Engineering professionals (excluding electro technology) 24,414 21,127 3,288 23,733 20,445 3,288 682 682 -
Electro technology engineers 4,672 4,543 130 4,672 4,543 130 - - -
Architects planners surveyors and designers 5,171 3,754 1,416 4,569 3,153 1,416 601 601 -
Health professionals 77,269 41,116 36,153 63,787 36,304 27,483 13,483 4,813 8,670
Medical doctors 12,871 7,728 5,143 12,348 7,728 4,621 522 - 522
Nursing and midwifery professionals 30,332 15,583 14,750 26,251 14,204 12,047 4,082 1,379 2,703
Traditional and complementary medicine professionals 1,868 688 1,180 1,342 688 654 526 - 526
Paramedical practitioners 226 98 128 226 98 128 - - -
Veterinarians 8,793 6,386 2,407 4,417 3,478 940 4,376 2,908 1,468
Other health professionals 23,179 10,634 12,545 19,202 10,108 9,094 3,977 526 3,451
Teaching professionals 227,587 156,498 71,089 164,815 110,682 54,133 62,772 45,816 16,956
University and higher education teachers 20,029 18,144 1,885 20,029 18,144 1,885 - - -
Vocational education teachers 10,185 8,301 1,883 9,488 7,605 1,883 697 697 -
Secondary education teachers 84,475 63,388 21,087 73,582 53,071 20,511 10,892 10,316 576
Primary school and early childhood teachers 102,185 59,174 43,011 54,437 27,156 27,281 47,748 32,018 15,730
Other teaching professionals 10,713 7,491 3,222 7,278 4,706 2,573 3,435 2,785 650
Table 5.6 Cont’d
Total Urban Rural
Minor Occupational Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Business and administration professionals 126,184 81,774 44,410 119,909 76,282 43,626 6,275 5,491 784
Finance professionals 81,685 49,477 32,207 79,125 46,918 32,207 2,560 2,560 -
Administration professionals 33,848 25,899 7,949 31,917 23,968 7,949 1,931 1,931 -
Sales marketing and public relations professionals 10,651 6,397 4,254 8,866 5,397 3,470 1,784 1,000 784
Information and communications technology professionals 9,741 5,321 4,420 9,741 5,321 4,420 - - -
Software and applications developers and analysts 3,497 2,305 1,191 3,497 2,305 1,191 - - -
Database and network professionals 6,245 3,016 3,229 6,245 3,016 3,229 - - -
Legal social and cultural professionals 57,710 42,992 14,718 53,484 38,993 14,490 4,226 3,999 228
Legal professionals 25,734 20,609 5,125 24,258 19,361 4,897 1,476 1,248 228
Librarians archivists and curators 11,508 5,812 5,696 10,672 4,976 5,696 836 836 -
Social and religious professionals 11,241 9,893 1,348 9,326 7,979 1,348 1,914 1,914 -
Authors journalists and linguists 5,520 3,483 2,037 5,520 3,483 2,037 - - -
Creative and performing artists 3,706 3,195 512 3,706 3,195 512 - - -


PROFESSIONALS 804,750 540,334 264,416 520,185 337,569 182,616 284,565 202,764 81,801
Science and engineering associate professionals 73,396 58,854 14,542 58,454 45,984 12,471 14,942 12,870 2,072
Physical and engineering science technicians 26,662 23,229 3,433 26,662 23,229 3,433 - - -
Mining manufacturing and construction supervisors 6,470 6,023 448 6,261 5,813 448 210 210 -
Process control technicians 9,506 5,828 3,678 8,367 4,689 3,678 1,139 1,139 -
Life science technicians and related associate professionals
(excluding medical) 29,288 22,834 6,454 15,800 11,313 4,488 13,488 11,521 1,966
Ship and aircraft controllers and technicians 1,469 940 529 1,364 940 424 105 - 105
Health associate professionals 116,943 59,340 57,602 73,970 33,393 40,577 42,973 25,948 17,025
Medical and pharmaceutical technicians 19,496 14,360 5,136 13,157 8,582 4,575 6,339 5,778 561
Nursing and midwifery associate professionals 48,766 21,786 26,980 31,491 12,487 19,004 17,275 9,299 7,976
Traditional and complementary medicine associate
professionals 2,414 1,415 999 2,308 1,310 999 105 105 -
Veterinary technicians and assistants 9,280 7,762 1,517 5,728 4,316 1,412 3,552 3,446 105
Other health associate professionals 36,987 14,017 22,970 21,286 6,698 14,588 15,701 7,319 8,383
Business and administration associate professionals 159,028 114,527 44,501 141,414 99,468 41,946 17,614 15,059 2,555
Financial and mathematical associate professionals 48,592 30,210 18,382 45,117 26,735 18,382 3,475 3,475 -
Sales and purchasing agents and brokers 43,092 33,387 9,704 35,151 27,640 7,511 7,940 5,747 2,193
Business services agents 5,244 4,152 1,092 5,244 4,152 1,092 - - -
Administrative and specialized secretaries 19,425 12,019 7,406 17,785 10,451 7,335 1,640 1,569 71
Regulatory government associate professionals 42,675 34,758 7,917 38,117 30,490 7,627 4,558 4,268 290
Legal social cultural and related associate professionals 93,675 75,954 17,720 74,925 57,772 17,153 18,750 18,182 568
Legal social and religious associate professionals 61,874 52,542 9,331 46,619 37,810 8,809 15,255 14,733 522
Sports and fitness workers 14,345 13,366 980 10,896 9,916 980 3,450 3,450 -
Artistic cultural and culinary associate professionals 17,455 10,046 7,409 17,410 10,046 7,364 45 - 45
Table 5.6 Cont’d
Total Urban Rural
Minor Occupational Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Information and communications technicians 17,018 12,579 4,439 16,245 11,806 4,439 772 772 -
Information and communications technology operations and
user support technicians 14,732 10,336 4,396 13,959 9,563 4,396 772 772 -
Telecommunications and broadcasting technicians 2,286 2,243 43 2,286 2,243 43 - - -
Teaching associate professionals 323,821 199,672 124,149 144,652 79,725 64,927 179,169 119,946 59,222
Teaching associate professionals 323,821 199,672 124,149 144,652 79,725 64,927 179,169 119,946 59,222
Special education teaching associate professionals 20,870 19,408 1,462 10,525 9,422 1,103 10,346 9,987 359
Special education teaching associate professionals 20,870 19,408 1,462 10,525 9,422 1,103 10,346 9,987 359

MAJOR GROUP 4 CLERICAL SUPPORT WORKERS 221,028 77,697 143,331 196,486 65,185 131,301 24,542 12,512 12,030
General and keyboard clerks 87,900 14,511 73,388 82,112 13,331 68,781 5,787 1,180 4,607
General office clerks 8,019 2,916 5,103 6,362 2,087 4,275 1,657 829 829
Secretaries (general) 37,627 2,962 34,665 34,906 2,962 31,944 2,722 - 2,722
Keyboard operators 42,253 8,634 33,620 40,845 8,282 32,562 1,408 351 1,057
Customer services clerks 69,993 34,961 35,032 56,425 27,006 29,419 13,568 7,955 5,613
Tellers money collectors and related clerks 44,986 21,324 23,661 33,569 14,998 18,571 11,417 6,327 5,090
Client information workers 25,007 13,637 11,370 22,856 12,008 10,848 2,151 1,629 522
Numerical and material recording clerks 27,121 11,674 15,447 24,352 10,303 14,049 2,770 1,371 1,398
Numerical clerks 16,987 6,971 10,016 14,535 5,918 8,617 2,452 1,053 1,398
Material-recording and transport clerks 10,135 4,703 5,432 9,817 4,385 5,432 318 318 -
Other clerical support workers 36,014 16,551 19,464 33,597 14,546 19,052 2,417 2,005 412
Other clerical support workers 36,014 16,551 19,464 33,597 14,546 19,052 2,417 2,005 412

MAJOR GROUP 5 SERVICE AND SALES WORKERS 3,670,391 1,275,777 2,394,614 1,881,829 726,595 1,155,234 1,788,562 549,182 1,239,380
Personal service workers 674,300 258,617 415,683 425,173 126,018 299,155 249,127 132,599 116,528
Travel attendants conductors and guides 23,612 16,385 7,226 17,891 13,114 4,778 5,720 3,271 2,449
Cooks 92,785 16,927 75,858 60,875 12,611 48,264 31,909 4,316 27,594
Waiters and bartenders 100,649 39,616 61,033 92,438 35,420 57,018 8,211 4,195 4,016
Hairdressers beauticians and related workers 97,483 38,705 58,778 73,841 28,793 45,048 23,642 9,912 13,730
Building and housekeeping supervisors 169,477 16,020 153,457 140,540 12,179 128,361 28,937 3,841 25,096
Other personal services workers 190,295 130,965 59,331 39,588 23,902 15,686 150,707 107,063 43,644
Sales workers 2,805,557 857,249 1,948,308 1,321,028 487,935 833,094 1,484,529 369,314 1,115,214
Street and market salespersons 1,252,099 355,468 896,630 468,771 172,793 295,978 783,328 182,675 600,653
Shop salespersons 602,961 320,592 282,369 399,355 208,750 190,605 203,606 111,842 91,764
Cashiers and ticket clerks 84,821 15,424 69,397 27,542 9,186 18,356 57,279 6,238 51,041
Other sales workers 303,614 131,141 172,473 186,271 83,702 102,569 117,343 47,439 69,904
Katikala retailers 348,295 16,142 332,153 136,482 6,577 129,904 211,813 9,565 202,249
"Teji " retailers 35,463 13,052 22,412 14,252 3,713 10,539 21,212 9,339 11,873
"Tela" retailers 178,304 5,429 172,875 88,355 3,212 85,143 89,949 2,217 87,732
Personal care workers 22,299 6,674 15,625 14,732 4,139 10,593 7,567 2,534 5,033
Child care workers and teachers' aides 11,598 2,630 8,969 7,527 1,294 6,233 4,071 1,335 2,736
Personal care workers in health services 10,701 4,044 6,657 7,205 2,845 4,360 3,496 1,199 2,297
Table 5.6 Cont’d
Total Urban Rural
Minor Occupational Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Protective services workers 168,235 153,237 14,998 120,895 108,503 12,393 47,340 44,734 2,605


FISHERY WORKERS 20,321,430 13,663,029 6,658,401 629,928 426,114 203,814 19,691,502 13,236,915 6,454,587
Market-oriented skilled agricultural workers 2,229,493 1,713,373 516,120 117,429 81,118 36,311 2,112,064 1,632,255 479,809
Market gardeners and crop growers 654,994 471,627 183,367 56,875 40,159 16,716 598,119 431,468 166,651
Animal producers 67,533 31,868 35,665 20,160 8,934 11,226 47,373 22,934 24,439
Mixed crop and animal producers 1,506,966 1,209,878 297,088 40,394 32,024 8,369 1,466,572 1,177,853 288,719
Market-oriented skilled forestry fishery and hunting workers 35,624 25,195 10,429 9,677 8,038 1,640 25,947 17,158 8,789
Forestry and related workers 32,268 21,906 10,362 8,011 6,439 1,572 24,257 15,468 8,789
Fishery workers hunters and trappers 3,356 3,289 67 1,666 1,599 67 1,690 1,690 -
Subsistence farmers fishers hunters and gatherers 18,056,313 11,924,461 6,131,852 502,822 336,959 165,863 17,553,491 11,587,502 5,965,989
Subsistence crop farmers 4,891,350 3,347,741 1,543,609 197,386 144,695 52,692 4,693,964 3,203,046 1,490,918
Subsistence livestock farmers 2,214,768 1,182,330 1,032,437 114,569 56,885 57,685 2,100,198 1,125,445 974,753
Subsistence mixed crop and livestock farmers 10,929,978 7,381,957 3,548,021 188,315 133,451 54,864 10,741,663 7,248,506 3,493,157
Subsistence fishers hunters trappers and gatherers 20,218 12,433 7,784 2,551 1,929 623 17,666 10,504 7,162

MAJOR GROUP 7 CRAFT AND RELATED TRADES WORKERS 1,849,506 892,789 956,717 829,087 551,467 277,619 1,020,419 341,322 679,097
Building and related trades workers excluding electricians 410,067 368,449 41,618 242,265 216,054 26,211 167,802 152,395 15,407
Building frame and related trades workers 366,327 328,395 37,932 208,589 186,018 22,571 157,738 142,377 15,361
Building finishers and related trades workers 25,990 24,276 1,714 17,471 15,803 1,669 8,519 8,473 45
Painters building structure cleaners and related trades workers 17,751 15,779 1,972 16,206 14,234 1,972 1,545 1,545 -
Metal machinery and related trades workers 111,428 101,274 10,153 86,835 80,405 6,430 24,593 20,869 3,724
Sheet and structural metal workers moulders and welders and
related workers 42,670 38,877 3,793 37,440 34,577 2,863 5,231 4,300 930
Blacksmiths toolmakers and related trades workers 36,394 31,338 5,055 17,084 14,822 2,262 19,309 16,516 2,793
Machinery mechanics and repairers 32,363 31,059 1,305 32,311 31,006 1,305 53 53 -
Handicraft and printing workers 529,066 154,100 374,966 144,904 69,758 75,145 384,163 84,342 299,821
Handicraft workers 520,919 150,137 370,782 137,286 65,795 71,491 383,633 84,342 299,291
Printing trades workers 8,148 3,963 4,184 7,618 3,963 3,655 530 - 530
Electrical and electronic trades workers 31,556 29,439 2,117 28,346 26,861 1,486 3,210 2,578 632
Electrical equipment installers and repairers 24,390 23,036 1,354 21,180 20,458 722 3,210 2,578 632
Electronics and telecommunications installers and repairers 7,166 6,403 763 7,166 6,403 763 - - -
Food processing wood working garment and other craft and
related trades workers 767,388 239,526 527,862 326,736 158,389 168,348 440,652 81,137 359,515
Food processing and related trades workers 446,137 80,755 365,383 182,548 51,790 130,758 263,590 28,965 234,625
Wood treaters cabinet-makers and related trades workers 36,335 29,888 6,447 21,387 20,421 966 14,948 9,467 5,481
Garment and related trades workers 238,679 120,454 118,225 117,742 83,458 34,284 120,937 36,996 83,941
Other craft and related workers 46,237 8,429 37,808 5,060 2,719 2,340 41,177 5,710 35,468
Table 5.6 Cont’d
Total Urban Rural
Minor Occupational Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

PLANT AND MACHINE OPERATORS AND ASSEMBLERS 424,314 362,144 62,170 332,259 295,528 36,731 92,055 66,616 25,439
Stationary plant and machine operators 150,203 100,575 49,627 89,182 62,027 27,155 61,021 38,549 22,472
Mining and mineral processing plant operators 21,156 17,930 3,226 11,540 10,066 1,474 9,616 7,863 1,752
Metal processing and finishing plant operators 5,990 4,914 1,076 5,058 4,312 746 932 601 331
Chemical and photographic products plant and machine
operators 4,619 3,298 1,322 3,876 2,555 1,322 743 743 -
Rubber plastic and paper products machine operators 9,469 5,854 3,614 8,946 5,332 3,614 522 522 -
Textile fur and leather products machine operators 65,741 42,421 23,319 37,057 24,389 12,668 28,683 18,032 10,651
Food and related products machine operators 36,047 20,765 15,281 17,439 11,895 5,544 18,608 8,871 9,737
Wood processing and papermaking plant operators 1,194 820 374 1,194 820 374 - - -
Other stationary plant and machine operators 5,987 4,573 1,414 4,071 2,657 1,414 1,916 1,916 -
Assemblers 34,101 29,854 4,247 31,849 28,948 2,902 2,252 906 1,345
Assemblers 34,101 29,854 4,247 31,849 28,948 2,902 2,252 906 1,345
Drivers and mobile plant operators 240,011 231,715 8,295 211,228 204,554 6,674 28,783 27,161 1,622
Locomotive engine drivers and related workers 716 403 313 716 403 313 - - -
Car van and motorcycle drivers 163,495 158,564 4,931 142,634 139,325 3,309 20,861 19,239 1,622
Heavy truck and bus drivers 66,271 64,757 1,514 58,664 57,150 1,514 7,607 7,607 -
Mobile plant operators 8,608 7,070 1,538 8,293 6,755 1,538 315 315 -
Ships' deck crews and related workers 921 921 - 921 921 - - - -
MAJOR GROUP 9 ELEMENTARY OCCUPATIONS 14,302,768 5,512,000 8,790,768 1,326,006 664,217 661,789 12,976,762 4,847,782 8,128,979
Cleaners and helpers 233,754 48,256 185,497 183,628 30,455 153,173 50,125 17,801 32,324
Domestic hotel and office cleaners and helpers 165,716 22,770 142,946 137,239 13,911 123,327 28,477 8,859 19,618
Vehicle window laundry and other hand cleaning workers 68,038 25,486 42,552 46,390 16,544 29,845 21,648 8,942 12,706
Agricultural forestry and fishery labourers 7,502,460 3,903,950 3,598,509 173,140 115,270 57,870 7,329,320 3,788,680 3,540,640
Agricultural forestry and fishery labourers 7,502,460 3,903,950 3,598,509 173,140 115,270 57,870 7,329,320 3,788,680 3,540,640
Labourers in mining construction manufacturing and
transport 581,170 420,196 160,975 275,079 216,638 58,441 306,092 203,558 102,534
Mining and construction labourers 315,407 210,325 105,082 128,054 91,764 36,290 187,353 118,561 68,792
Manufacturing labourers 137,128 84,989 52,140 61,002 41,751 19,251 76,126 43,237 32,889
Transport and storage labourers 128,635 124,882 3,753 86,023 83,122 2,900 42,612 41,760 853
Food preparation assistants 58,290 12,590 45,700 43,733 6,863 36,870 14,557 5,727 8,830
Food preparation assistants 58,290 12,590 45,700 43,733 6,863 36,870 14,557 5,727 8,830
Street and related sales and service workers 76,074 41,824 34,251 57,762 30,575 27,187 18,312 11,248 7,064
Street and related service workers 48,343 26,485 21,857 37,135 19,047 18,088 11,208 7,438 3,769
Street vendors (excluding food) 27,732 15,338 12,393 20,627 11,528 9,099 7,105 3,810 3,295
Refuse workers and other elementary workers 5,851,020 1,085,184 4,765,836 592,664 264,416 328,249 5,258,356 820,768 4,437,588
Refuse workers 17,684 7,150 10,534 5,391 2,251 3,140 12,293 4,899 7,393
Other elementary workers 5,833,336 1,078,034 4,755,303 587,273 262,165 325,109 5,246,063 815,869 4,430,194
Table 5.6 Cont’d
Total Urban Rural
Minor Occupational Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
OTHERS 15,249 11,411 3,838 11,197 9,379 1,819 4,052 2,033 2,019
Table 5.7a Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Major Industrial Divisions, Sex and Age Group ,
Major Age Group
Divisions and
Sex All Ages 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+
Total Employed Persons
Total 42,403,879 6,905,880 5,756,362 5,047,055 5,564,429 4,025,031 4,249,424 2,874,669 2,388,294 1,782,221 1,303,919 1,038,673 1,467,922
Male 22,886,647 3,750,144 3,083,118 2,568,713 2,795,479 2,146,242 2,187,454 1,593,461 1,294,074 1,004,795 757,216 656,240 1,049,713
Female 19,517,232 3,155,736 2,673,245 2,478,342 2,768,950 1,878,789 2,061,970 1,281,207 1,094,220 777,426 546,704 382,434 418,209
Agriculture forestry and fishing
Total 30,817,068 5,601,548 4,383,414 3,275,713 3,498,534 2,705,283 2,978,284 2,100,890 1,786,090 1,377,616 1,030,860 853,932 1,224,903
Male 18,195,792 3,397,052 2,677,548 1,899,205 1,875,409 1,511,457 1,620,152 1,228,565 1,028,160 832,456 629,067 567,008 929,713
Female 12,621,276 2,204,496 1,705,866 1,376,508 1,623,125 1,193,826 1,358,132 872,325 757,930 545,160 401,793 286,925 295,191
Mining and quarrying
Total 179,681 11,744 27,287 33,818 38,211 18,146 14,971 10,522 9,685 4,549 5,646 3,800 1,302
Male 116,150 5,599 10,500 22,970 30,397 12,002 11,123 7,720 6,072 2,424 3,066 3,489 789
Female 63,532 6,146 16,788 10,848 7,815 6,144 3,848 2,802 3,613 2,125 2,580 311 513
Total 1,902,194 85,255 168,472 271,574 339,293 242,512 252,115 157,161 116,760 81,535 66,686 53,231 67,600
Male 738,984 30,322 58,224 107,138 137,679 95,124 90,484 64,679 42,605 27,526 28,533 22,892 33,777
Female 1,163,210 54,933 110,248 164,436 201,614 147,388 161,631 92,482 74,155 54,008 38,152 30,339 33,823
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply
Total 27,183 - 76 3,305 4,798 4,952 2,838 1,706 2,482 1,991 2,220 1,014 1,802
Male 23,853 - 76 3,128 3,870 3,861 2,398 1,245 2,247 1,991 2,220 1,014 1,802
Female 3,331 - - 177 928 1,091 440 460 235 - - - -
Water supply; sewerage waste management and remediation activities
Total 200,128 38,753 32,899 20,728 31,582 17,629 19,769 12,728 7,395 5,785 4,512 2,730 5,619
Male 46,097 9,158 3,386 3,441 7,359 5,218 3,279 5,168 1,719 2,315 734 1,799 2,520
Female 154,031 29,595 29,513 17,287 24,223 12,411 16,490 7,560 5,676 3,470 3,777 931 3,098
Total 824,769 13,345 70,158 144,645 162,929 117,051 117,191 70,933 46,990 30,112 24,560 10,032 16,823
Male 650,592 5,422 46,437 101,426 128,691 98,390 95,362 62,693 40,554 26,630 19,924 9,024 16,039
Female 174,177 7,923 23,721 43,219 34,238 18,661 21,829 8,240 6,436 3,483 4,636 1,008 784
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Total 2,305,352 106,227 230,888 393,054 440,279 314,791 303,710 172,023 139,803 75,186 47,589 36,484 45,318
Male 860,147 38,792 75,292 145,394 152,177 126,035 119,358 67,330 53,492 28,456 19,200 12,879 21,740
Female 1,445,206 67,435 155,596 247,660 288,102 188,756 184,352 104,693 86,310 46,730 28,390 23,605 23,578
Transportation and storage
Total 352,796 13,754 37,038 61,495 78,581 56,797 44,162 24,399 14,799 9,195 6,767 3,079 2,731
Male 315,250 8,822 34,014 53,263 69,301 51,670 41,396 22,977 12,820 8,659 6,625 3,004 2,698
Female 37,547 4,932 3,024 8,232 9,280 5,127 2,766 1,422 1,980 535 142 75 32

Table 5.7a Cont’d

Major Age Group
Divisions and
Sex All Ages 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+
Accommodation and food service activities
Total 482,340 32,673 76,776 95,710 89,606 47,006 47,692 27,815 23,300 16,588 8,313 4,152 12,708
Male 135,098 8,779 18,252 28,448 24,535 14,802 12,031 8,740 6,286 4,768 2,718 1,358 4,380
Female 347,242 23,894 58,524 67,262 65,071 32,204 35,661 19,075 17,014 11,820 5,595 2,794 8,328
Information and communication
Total 60,002 317 1,239 10,149 13,704 12,544 6,749 4,131 2,631 4,392 1,598 1,682 867
Male 37,484 317 736 3,429 7,326 8,294 5,017 3,331 2,215 3,150 1,158 1,644 867
Female 22,518 - 503 6,720 6,378 4,250 1,731 800 416 1,243 440 38 -
Financial and insurance activities
Total 133,690 - 838 15,871 33,462 25,359 24,264 12,791 9,711 5,195 3,970 1,326 904
Male 84,367 - 126 7,590 19,884 15,597 16,731 9,356 6,060 3,639 3,408 1,070 904
Female 49,323 - 711 8,281 13,578 9,761 7,532 3,434 3,651 1,557 562 256 -
Real estate activities
Total 2,257 45 107 118 213 258 537 147 561 150 121 - -
Male 1,449 - 107 - 126 258 202 74 474 87 121 - -
Female 808 45 - 118 87 - 335 74 87 63 - - -
Professional scientific and technical activities
Total 139,942 - 908 20,153 39,468 24,532 18,685 12,997 8,726 7,234 4,565 1,445 1,228
Male 96,997 - 559 9,624 24,395 19,244 12,758 10,235 7,332 6,167 4,011 1,445 1,228
Female 42,945 - 350 10,529 15,073 5,288 5,926 2,762 1,394 1,067 555 - -
Administrative and support service activities
Total 142,921 1,230 3,340 20,762 27,289 27,263 23,397 15,499 12,062 5,911 3,051 2,246 872
Male 92,622 998 1,757 8,383 17,796 20,073 15,028 11,826 7,219 4,317 2,226 2,125 872
Female 50,299 232 1,583 12,379 9,492 7,189 8,369 3,673 4,843 1,594 825 120 -
Public administration and defense; compulsory social security
Total 287,397 31 2,135 39,373 75,654 36,709 47,442 32,836 25,702 13,357 8,445 3,510 2,204
Male 204,121 31 682 19,740 50,045 27,232 34,193 27,343 21,164 11,191 7,455 3,015 2,030
Female 83,277 - 1,452 19,633 25,609 9,477 13,249 5,493 4,539 2,165 990 495 174
Total 682,921 1,003 5,483 122,439 245,243 102,889 67,437 47,362 34,227 25,884 16,360 9,654 4,940
Male 425,530 358 2,014 60,359 149,037 73,641 40,875 29,781 25,377 17,931 11,936 9,312 4,909
Female 257,391 645 3,469 62,079 96,206 29,247 26,562 17,581 8,849 7,954 4,425 342 31
Human health and social work activities
Total 251,538 12,281 10,175 52,622 64,023 28,005 33,730 17,664 14,828 7,342 4,347 3,372 3,149
Male 110,877 2,112 2,212 16,711 24,920 12,574 19,702 9,902 8,842 5,718 3,429 2,512 2,244
Female 140,661 10,169 7,963 35,912 39,103 15,432 14,028 7,762 5,986 1,623 918 860 905
Table 5.7a Cont’d
Major Age Group
Divisions and
Sex All Ages 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+
Arts entertainment and recreation
Total 42,142 2,683 5,780 6,523 9,358 4,481 6,109 1,720 1,939 1,788 1,369 391 -
Male 25,721 1,197 3,754 4,285 6,138 2,072 3,388 799 1,448 1,291 1,052 297 -
Female 16,421 1,486 2,026 2,237 3,221 2,409 2,721 921 491 497 317 94 -
Other service activities
Total 456,425 25,326 53,902 89,204 83,161 53,208 47,901 25,810 21,333 17,147 11,185 12,760 15,488
Male 278,064 12,186 34,070 48,692 47,751 33,453 29,478 15,154 14,790 12,298 7,274 9,487 13,433
Female 178,360 13,141 19,832 40,512 35,410 19,755 18,424 10,656 6,543 4,848 3,912 3,273 2,055
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use
Total 3,091,142 959,664 645,094 365,726 283,979 182,481 188,671 123,192 108,685 90,192 51,548 33,157 58,754
Male 433,886 229,000 113,281 24,304 16,469 12,788 11,807 4,445 4,623 3,073 2,851 2,188 9,058
Female 2,657,256 730,664 531,814 341,422 267,510 169,693 176,864 118,747 104,062 87,118 48,697 30,969 49,696
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies Description
Total 21,990 - 352 4,074 5,062 3,137 3,770 2,344 584 1,072 207 678 710
Male 13,567 - 89 1,182 2,173 2,456 2,691 2,100 574 707 207 678 710
Female 8,422 - 263 2,891 2,889 681 1,079 244 11 365 - - -

Table 5.7b Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Major Industrial Divisions, Sex and Age Group ,
Major Age Group
Divisions and
Sex All Ages 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+
Total Employed Persons
Total 6,382,858 317,094 572,791 966,757 1,249,489 848,555 803,672 492,155 387,218 264,956 190,761 125,434 163,976
Male 3,529,307 154,705 247,941 464,573 683,895 512,603 461,834 301,307 224,971 156,665 125,936 83,020 111,857
Female 2,853,551 162,389 324,850 502,184 565,594 335,952 341,839 190,847 162,247 108,291 64,825 42,414 52,119
Agriculture forestry and fishing
Total 864,186 114,457 109,632 79,367 108,703 80,410 94,373 63,475 58,468 41,323 35,528 26,439 52,012
Male 569,891 78,332 75,223 49,343 66,054 51,510 58,705 39,207 36,339 26,949 25,904 20,459 41,867
Female 294,296 36,125 34,409 30,024 42,649 28,900 35,668 24,268 22,129 14,374 9,624 5,980 10,144
Mining and quarrying
Total 50,678 352 3,993 7,139 11,476 8,933 4,795 4,049 3,950 1,093 2,033 1,647 1,219
Male 40,948 352 2,013 5,540 9,571 7,407 4,074 3,608 3,026 1,006 1,914 1,647 789
Female 9,730 - 1,980 1,599 1,905 1,526 721 440 924 87 119 - 430
Total 919,148 21,446 68,844 144,083 170,596 125,581 117,067 75,193 59,934 44,036 35,556 26,802 30,009
Male 468,626 9,070 30,774 78,195 92,066 64,436 58,902 39,572 26,324 19,795 19,458 14,961 15,073
Female 450,522 12,376 38,070 65,889 78,530 61,145 58,164 35,621 33,611 24,241 16,098 11,841 14,936
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply
Total 25,704 - 76 3,305 4,106 4,164 2,838 1,706 2,482 1,991 2,220 1,014 1,802
Male 23,161 - 76 3,128 3,178 3,861 2,398 1,245 2,247 1,991 2,220 1,014 1,802
Female 2,543 - - 177 928 303 440 460 235 - - - -
Water supply; sewerage waste management and remediation activities
Total 54,688 3,930 4,447 5,946 9,550 6,310 6,111 5,424 3,754 3,635 1,513 2,400 1,668
Male 26,912 1,226 1,247 1,354 5,263 3,302 2,369 4,065 1,719 2,315 734 1,799 1,519
Female 27,776 2,704 3,201 4,591 4,287 3,008 3,742 1,359 2,035 1,320 779 601 150
Total 479,808 2,035 29,171 83,146 109,584 77,442 70,939 42,397 25,869 17,331 10,465 5,072 6,359
Male 385,272 969 16,775 57,116 88,485 65,645 61,687 36,881 23,437 14,719 8,339 4,860 6,359
Female 94,537 1,066 12,395 26,030 21,099 11,797 9,252 5,515 2,432 2,612 2,126 211 -
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Total 1,276,237 39,562 96,258 189,438 244,908 192,602 187,336 106,283 81,863 50,695 31,531 22,646 33,115
Male 579,379 17,851 40,322 82,517 109,204 92,377 85,427 52,868 36,830 19,273 16,813 9,263 16,633
Female 696,857 21,711 55,936 106,921 135,703 100,224 101,909 53,415 45,034 31,422 14,718 13,382 16,482
Transportation and storage
Total 286,181 3,618 23,720 50,021 64,340 51,974 37,018 20,825 13,121 8,967 6,767 3,079 2,731
Male 264,631 3,572 22,722 44,674 58,662 48,235 34,826 20,041 11,141 8,431 6,625 3,004 2,698
Female 21,551 46 999 5,348 5,678 3,739 2,192 784 1,980 535 142 75 32

Table 5.7b Cont’d

Major Age Group
Divisions and
Sex All Ages 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+
Accommodation and food service activities
Total 328,021 11,050 42,916 68,919 69,763 36,578 35,056 18,545 14,697 11,541 6,459 4,152 8,347
Male 101,441 4,575 8,288 20,620 21,732 13,545 11,231 5,273 4,436 3,284 2,718 1,358 4,380
Female 226,580 6,474 34,628 48,299 48,031 23,033 23,825 13,272 10,262 8,256 3,741 2,794 3,967
Information and communication
Total 56,300 317 1,239 10,149 13,252 11,454 5,570 4,131 2,422 3,620 1,598 1,682 867
Male 33,782 317 736 3,429 6,875 7,204 3,838 3,331 2,006 2,377 1,158 1,644 867
Female 22,518 - 503 6,720 6,378 4,250 1,731 800 416 1,243 440 38 -
Financial and insurance activities
Total 125,577 - 838 14,467 31,591 22,664 22,650 12,261 9,711 5,195 3,970 1,326 904
Male 78,525 - 126 6,667 18,405 14,301 15,118 8,827 6,060 3,639 3,408 1,070 904
Female 47,052 - 711 7,800 13,186 8,363 7,532 3,434 3,651 1,557 562 256 -
Real estate activities
Total 2,212 - 107 118 213 258 537 147 561 150 121 - -
Male 1,449 - 107 - 126 258 202 74 474 87 121 - -
Female 763 - - 118 87 - 335 74 87 63 - - -
Professional scientific and technical activities
Total 121,432 - 863 15,406 34,470 18,507 18,594 11,353 7,976 7,025 4,565 1,445 1,228
Male 83,279 - 513 6,955 21,522 13,763 12,713 8,591 6,582 5,957 4,011 1,445 1,228
Female 38,152 - 350 8,452 12,947 4,744 5,881 2,762 1,394 1,067 555 - -
Administrative and support service activities
Total 127,873 442 3,340 17,931 25,027 22,846 20,085 14,976 12,062 5,354 3,051 1,887 872
Male 82,266 442 1,757 7,457 16,081 17,055 12,328 11,303 7,219 3,760 2,226 1,766 872
Female 45,607 - 1,583 10,475 8,946 5,791 7,757 3,673 4,843 1,594 825 120 -
Public administration and defense; compulsory social security
Total 228,399 - 2,058 29,071 55,510 30,246 40,717 24,226 22,412 13,291 7,122 2,387 1,358
Male 151,139 - 606 11,494 32,722 21,324 27,500 18,764 18,154 11,126 6,132 2,134 1,184
Female 77,260 - 1,452 17,577 22,789 8,921 13,218 5,463 4,258 2,165 990 253 174
Total 422,352 358 2,440 61,401 126,792 65,927 51,821 36,262 26,413 24,643 15,777 6,558 3,961
Male 244,023 358 685 27,633 68,292 42,737 27,973 20,594 17,563 16,689 11,352 6,216 3,930
Female 178,329 - 1,754 33,768 58,499 23,190 23,848 15,669 8,849 7,954 4,425 342 31
Human health and social work activities
Total 187,601 2,446 7,077 37,007 45,634 23,213 26,313 16,181 12,864 7,107 4,347 2,368 3,043
Male 80,291 - 1,682 10,374 16,756 9,742 12,957 9,343 6,878 5,483 3,429 1,508 2,138
Female 107,310 2,446 5,395 26,633 28,878 13,471 13,356 6,838 5,986 1,623 918 860 905
Table 5.7b Cont’d
Major Age Group
Divisions and
Sex All Ages 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+
Arts entertainment and recreation
Total 32,425 2,033 4,071 5,747 7,634 2,969 3,515 1,720 1,939 1,038 1,369 391 -
Male 21,492 1,197 2,677 3,738 5,365 1,968 2,183 799 1,448 769 1,052 297 -
Female 10,933 836 1,395 2,009 2,268 1,001 1,332 921 491 269 317 94 -
Other service activities
Total 326,743 13,248 36,783 67,977 63,151 42,262 35,687 18,682 14,992 10,137 9,459 7,143 7,222
Male 199,247 8,128 19,228 36,382 35,605 28,405 22,154 12,536 10,125 7,330 6,095 6,450 6,809
Female 127,496 5,120 17,554 31,595 27,546 13,857 13,534 6,146 4,867 2,808 3,364 692 413
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use
Total 446,872 101,801 134,566 73,613 48,129 21,079 18,880 11,975 11,145 5,714 7,103 6,319 6,547
Male 79,985 28,317 22,296 6,775 5,757 3,072 2,557 2,285 2,391 978 2,019 1,446 2,093
Female 366,887 73,484 112,271 66,838 42,372 18,007 16,324 9,690 8,754 4,736 5,084 4,874 4,454
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies Description
Total 20,421 - 352 2,505 5,062 3,137 3,770 2,344 584 1,072 207 678 710
Male 13,567 - 89 1,182 2,173 2,456 2,691 2,100 574 707 207 678 710
Female 6,854 - 263 1,323 2,889 681 1,079 244 11 365 - - -

Table 5.7a Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Major Industrial Divisions, Sex and Age Group ,
Major Age Group
Divisions and
Sex All Ages 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+
Total Employed Persons
Total 36,021,021 6,588,786 5,183,571 4,080,298 4,314,940 3,176,476 3,445,752 2,382,514 2,001,076 1,517,265 1,113,158 913,239 1,303,946
Male 19,357,341 3,595,440 2,835,176 2,104,140 2,111,584 1,633,639 1,725,620 1,292,154 1,069,103 848,129 631,279 573,220 937,856
Female 16,663,681 2,993,347 2,348,395 1,976,158 2,203,356 1,542,837 1,720,132 1,090,360 931,973 669,135 481,879 340,019 366,090
Agriculture forestry and fishing
Total 29,952,882 5,487,091 4,273,782 3,196,346 3,389,831 2,624,873 2,883,911 2,037,415 1,727,622 1,336,293 995,332 827,493 1,172,892
Male 17,625,901 3,318,720 2,602,326 1,849,862 1,809,355 1,459,947 1,561,447 1,189,358 991,821 805,508 603,163 546,549 887,845
Female 12,326,981 2,168,371 1,671,457 1,346,484 1,580,475 1,164,926 1,322,465 848,057 735,801 530,785 392,169 280,944 285,046
Mining and quarrying
Total 129,003 11,393 23,294 26,679 26,736 9,213 10,176 6,473 5,735 3,456 3,613 2,152 83
Male 75,202 5,247 8,487 17,430 20,826 4,595 7,049 4,112 3,047 1,418 1,152 1,841 -
Female 53,802 6,146 14,808 9,250 5,910 4,618 3,128 2,362 2,688 2,038 2,461 311 83
Total 983,046 63,809 99,628 127,491 168,697 116,931 135,048 81,968 56,826 37,498 31,130 26,428 37,591
Male 270,358 21,252 27,450 28,944 45,613 30,688 31,581 25,107 16,281 7,731 9,075 7,931 18,705
Female 712,688 42,556 72,178 98,547 123,084 86,243 103,467 56,861 40,545 29,768 22,055 18,498 18,886
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply
Total 1,479 - - - 692 787 - - - - - - -
Male 692 - - - 692 - - - - - - - -
Female 787 - - - - 787 - - - - - - -
Water supply; sewerage waste management and remediation activities
Total 145,440 34,824 28,452 14,782 22,032 11,319 13,658 7,304 3,641 2,150 2,998 330 3,951
Male 19,185 7,932 2,139 2,087 2,096 1,916 910 1,103 - - - - 1,002
Female 126,255 26,892 26,312 12,695 19,936 9,402 12,748 6,201 3,641 2,150 2,998 330 2,949
Total 344,961 11,311 40,987 61,499 53,345 39,608 46,252 28,536 21,122 12,782 14,095 4,961 10,464
Male 265,321 4,453 29,662 44,310 40,206 32,745 33,675 25,811 17,118 11,911 11,585 4,164 9,680
Female 79,640 6,857 11,325 17,189 13,139 6,863 12,577 2,725 4,004 871 2,509 797 784
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Total 1,029,116 66,665 134,630 203,616 195,372 122,190 116,374 65,740 57,940 24,491 16,059 13,838 12,203
Male 280,768 20,941 34,971 62,877 42,973 33,658 33,930 14,462 16,663 9,183 2,387 3,616 5,107
Female 748,348 45,723 99,659 140,739 152,399 88,532 82,443 51,278 41,277 15,308 13,672 10,222 7,096
Transportation and storage
Total 66,615 10,136 13,318 11,474 14,241 4,822 7,143 3,574 1,679 228 - - -
Male 50,619 5,250 11,293 8,590 10,638 3,434 6,570 2,936 1,679 228 - - -
Female 15,996 4,885 2,025 2,884 3,602 1,388 573 638 - - - - -

Table 5.7c Cont’d

Major Age Group
Divisions and
Sex All Ages 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+
Accommodation and food service activities
Total 154,319 21,623 33,860 26,791 19,844 10,428 12,636 9,270 8,603 5,047 1,854 - 4,361
Male 33,657 4,204 9,964 7,828 2,803 1,257 800 3,467 1,850 1,484 - - -
Female 120,662 17,420 23,896 18,963 17,041 9,172 11,836 5,803 6,753 3,564 1,854 - 4,361
Information and communication
Total 3,702 - - - 451 1,090 1,179 - 210 772 - - -
Male 3,702 - - - 451 1,090 1,179 - 210 772 - - -
Female - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Financial and insurance activities
Total 8,114 - - 1,405 1,871 2,694 1,614 530 - - - - -
Male 5,843 - - 924 1,479 1,296 1,614 530 - - - - -
Female 2,271 - - 481 392 1,398 - - - - - - -
Real estate activities
Total 45 45 - - - - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female 45 45 - - - - - - - - - - -
Professional scientific and technical activities
Total 18,510 - 46 4,746 4,999 6,025 91 1,644 750 210 - - -
Male 13,718 - 46 2,669 2,873 5,481 45 1,644 750 210 - - -
Female 4,792 - - 2,077 2,126 544 45 - - - - - -
Administrative and support service activities
Total 15,048 788 - 2,830 2,262 4,417 3,312 522 - 557 - 359 -
Male 10,355 557 - 926 1,716 3,019 2,700 522 - 557 - 359 -
Female 4,692 232 - 1,904 546 1,398 612 - - - - - -
Public administration and defense; compulsory social security
Total 58,998 31 76 10,302 20,144 6,463 6,724 8,610 3,291 66 1,323 1,122 846
Male 52,981 31 76 8,246 17,324 5,907 6,693 8,579 3,010 66 1,323 881 846
Female 6,017 - - 2,056 2,820 556 31 31 281 - - 242 -
Total 260,569 645 3,044 61,038 118,451 36,962 15,616 11,099 7,814 1,242 583 3,097 978
Male 181,507 - 1,329 32,726 80,744 30,905 12,902 9,187 7,814 1,242 583 3,097 978
Female 79,062 645 1,715 28,311 37,706 6,057 2,714 1,912 - - - - -
Human health and social work activities
Total 63,937 9,834 3,097 15,616 18,389 4,792 7,417 1,483 1,964 235 - 1,004 105
Male 30,586 2,112 530 6,337 8,164 2,832 6,745 559 1,964 235 - 1,004 105
Female 33,351 7,722 2,568 9,279 10,225 1,961 672 924 - - - - -
Table 5.7c Cont’d
Major Age Group
Divisions and
Sex All Ages 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+
Arts entertainment and recreation
Total 9,717 650 1,709 776 1,725 1,513 2,594 - - 750 - - -
Male 4,229 - 1,077 548 772 104 1,205 - - 522 - - -
Female 5,488 650 632 228 952 1,408 1,389 - - 228 - - -
Other service activities
Total 129,682 12,078 17,119 21,227 20,010 10,946 12,214 7,128 6,341 7,010 1,727 5,617 8,266
Male 78,817 4,058 14,842 12,309 12,146 5,048 7,324 2,618 4,665 4,969 1,179 3,036 6,624
Female 50,865 8,020 2,278 8,917 7,864 5,898 4,890 4,510 1,676 2,041 548 2,581 1,643
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use
Total 2,644,270 857,863 510,528 292,113 235,850 161,402 169,791 111,217 97,540 84,478 44,444 26,838 52,206
Male 353,901 200,683 90,985 17,529 10,712 9,716 9,250 2,160 2,232 2,095 832 743 6,964
Female 2,290,369 657,181 419,543 274,584 225,138 151,685 160,541 109,057 95,308 82,382 43,612 26,095 45,242
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies Description
Total 1,568 - - 1,568 - - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female 1,568 - - 1,568 - - - - - - - - -
Table 5.8 Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Major Industrial Divisions, Sex and Place of Residence: 2013
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
Major Industrial Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Total Employed Population 42,403,879 22,886,647 19,517,232 6,382,858 3,529,307 2,853,551 36,021,021 19,357,341 16,663,681
Agriculture forestry and fishing 30,817,068 18,195,792 12,621,276 864,186 569,891 294,296 29,952,882 17,625,901 12,326,981
Mining and quarrying 179,681 116,150 63,532 50,678 40,948 9,730 129,003 75,202 53,802
Manufacturing 1,902,194 738,984 1,163,210 919,148 468,626 450,522 983,046 270,358 712,688
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply 27,183 23,853 3,331 25,704 23,161 2,543 1,479 692 787
Water supply; sewerage waste management and
remediation activities 200,128 46,097 154,031 54,688 26,912 27,776 145,440 19,185 126,255
Construction 824,769 650,592 174,177 479,808 385,272 94,537 344,961 265,321 79,640
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles
and motorcycles 2,305,352 860,147 1,445,206 1,276,237 579,379 696,857 1,029,116 280,768 748,348
Transportation and storage 352,796 315,250 37,547 286,181 264,631 21,551 66,615 50,619 15,996
Accommodation and food service activities 482,340 135,098 347,242 328,021 101,441 226,580 154,319 33,657 120,662
Information and communication 60,002 37,484 22,518 56,300 33,782 22,518 3,702 3,702 -
Financial and insurance activities 133,690 84,367 49,323 125,577 78,525 47,052 8,114 5,843 2,271
Real estate activities 2,257 1,449 808 2,212 1,449 763 45 - 45
Professional scientific and technical activities 139,942 96,997 42,945 121,432 83,279 38,152 18,510 13,718 4,792
Administrative and support service activities 142,921 92,622 50,299 127,873 82,266 45,607 15,048 10,355 4,692
Public administration and defense; compulsory social
security 287,397 204,121 83,277 228,399 151,139 77,260 58,998 52,981 6,017
Education 682,921 425,530 257,391 422,352 244,023 178,329 260,569 181,507 79,062
Human health and social work activities 251,538 110,877 140,661 187,601 80,291 107,310 63,937 30,586 33,351
Arts entertainment and recreation 42,142 25,721 16,421 32,425 21,492 10,933 9,717 4,229 5,488
Other service activities 456,425 278,064 178,360 326,743 199,247 127,496 129,682 78,817 50,865
Activities of households as employers;
undifferentiated goods- and services-producing
activities of households for own use 3,091,142 433,886 2,657,256 446,872 79,985 366,887 2,644,270 353,901 2,290,369
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
Description 21,990 13,567 8,422 20,421 13,567 6,854 1,568 - 1,568

Table 5.8 Cont’d

Urban + Rural Urban Rural
Major Industrial Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Total Employed Population 2,547,502 1,335,754 1,211,748 443,786 236,353 207,433 2,103,716 1,099,400 1,004,315
Agriculture forestry and fishing 1,699,845 1,003,176 696,670 43,169 29,085 14,084 1,656,676 974,091 682,586
Mining and quarrying 57,932 28,310 29,622 6,675 5,697 978 51,257 22,612 28,644
Manufacturing 122,935 49,017 73,918 79,907 40,900 39,007 43,028 8,117 34,911
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply 2,042 1,934 108 2,042 1,934 108 - - -
Water supply; sewerage waste management and
remediation activities 8,712 3,584 5,129 3,958 3,254 705 4,754 330 4,424
Construction 81,068 64,394 16,674 38,941 31,789 7,152 42,127 32,605 9,522
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles
and motorcycles 105,455 38,747 66,708 84,694 31,487 53,206 20,761 7,259 13,502
Transportation and storage 17,956 17,359 597 17,230 16,634 597 725 725 -
Accommodation and food service activities 43,336 5,806 37,530 23,861 4,731 19,131 19,475 1,075 18,399
Information and communication 2,808 1,677 1,130 2,808 1,677 1,130 - - -
Financial and insurance activities 9,952 6,519 3,434 7,832 5,272 2,561 2,120 1,247 873
Real estate activities - - - - - - - - -
Professional scientific and technical activities 10,416 6,842 3,574 8,256 5,033 3,223 2,160 1,809 351
Administrative and support service activities 8,997 5,492 3,505 8,291 4,786 3,505 706 706 -
Public administration and defense; compulsory social
security 18,233 12,960 5,273 16,249 10,976 5,273 1,984 1,984 -
Education 59,848 33,158 26,690 34,174 18,225 15,949 25,673 14,933 10,741
Human health and social work activities 17,903 7,286 10,617 14,589 5,798 8,791 3,314 1,488 1,826
Arts entertainment and recreation 2,674 1,614 1,060 2,241 1,181 1,060 433 433 -
Other service activities 28,616 11,104 17,513 21,009 8,817 12,192 7,607 2,286 5,321
Activities of households as employers;
undifferentiated goods- and services-producing
activities of households for own use 246,937 35,673 211,264 26,022 7,974 18,048 220,915 27,699 193,216
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
Description 1,837 1,104 733 1,837 1,104 733 - - -
Table 5.8 Cont’d
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
Major Industrial Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Total Employed Population 652,108 344,131 307,977 102,460 56,871 45,589 549,648 287,261 262,388
Agriculture forestry and fishing 377,048 249,958 127,091 16,966 12,490 4,476 360,083 237,468 122,615
Mining and quarrying 2,351 2,237 114 1,304 1,189 114 1,048 1,048 -
Manufacturing 17,516 9,450 8,066 8,297 4,422 3,875 9,219 5,029 4,191
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply 836 629 207 836 629 207 - - -
Water supply; sewerage waste management and
remediation activities 1,817 1,174 643 1,607 964 643 210 210 -
Construction 16,359 12,709 3,650 8,210 6,446 1,765 8,149 6,263 1,886
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles
and motorcycles 26,063 13,315 12,748 16,775 7,081 9,694 9,288 6,234 3,054
Transportation and storage 3,000 2,989 11 2,299 2,289 11 700 700 -
Accommodation and food service activities 16,472 1,640 14,832 7,221 1,189 6,032 9,252 451 8,800
Information and communication 1,476 1,216 261 396 136 261 1,080 1,080 -
Financial and insurance activities 2,351 1,790 561 1,536 975 561 815 815 -
Real estate activities - - - - - - - - -
Professional scientific and technical activities 2,189 1,448 742 1,561 1,029 532 629 419 210
Administrative and support service activities 2,441 1,798 643 2,022 1,379 643 419 419 -
Public administration and defense; compulsory social
security 14,810 10,581 4,229 8,532 6,332 2,200 6,278 4,249 2,029
Education 11,960 9,586 2,374 5,846 3,682 2,164 6,114 5,904 210
Human health and social work activities 4,679 2,838 1,841 2,793 1,371 1,422 1,886 1,467 419
Arts entertainment and recreation 229 114 114 229 114 114 - - -
Other service activities 11,079 2,951 8,127 4,928 2,500 2,428 6,150 451 5,699
Activities of households as employers;
undifferentiated goods- and services-producing
activities of households for own use 138,322 16,930 121,392 9,991 1,875 8,116 128,331 15,054 113,276
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
Description 1,111 779 332 1,111 779 332 - - -
Table 5.8 Cont’d
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
Major Industrial Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Total Employed Population 11,174,123 5,965,956 5,208,167 1,387,072 710,022 677,050 9,787,051 5,255,934 4,531,117
Agriculture forestry and fishing 8,702,996 5,081,008 3,621,988 259,169 166,866 92,303 8,443,827 4,914,142 3,529,685
Mining and quarrying 13,115 10,961 2,154 8,045 5,892 2,154 5,070 5,070 -
Manufacturing 540,846 165,033 375,812 223,199 88,758 134,441 317,647 76,275 241,372
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply 4,550 4,550 - 3,858 3,858 - 692 692 -
Water supply; sewerage waste management and
remediation activities 61,064 9,813 51,251 13,067 6,195 6,872 47,997 3,619 44,378
Construction 198,158 151,836 46,322 94,532 70,017 24,515 103,626 81,819 21,807
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles
and motorcycles 366,714 144,795 221,919 259,411 110,239 149,172 107,303 34,556 72,747
Transportation and storage 41,973 39,717 2,256 40,065 37,809 2,256 1,908 1,908 -
Accommodation and food service activities 89,603 19,891 69,712 69,843 16,400 53,443 19,761 3,492 16,269
Information and communication 8,984 5,779 3,205 8,984 5,779 3,205 - - -
Financial and insurance activities 19,872 10,826 9,047 19,872 10,826 9,047 - - -
Real estate activities 282 204 78 282 204 78 - - -
Professional scientific and technical activities 23,830 17,197 6,634 21,745 15,111 6,634 2,086 2,086 -
Administrative and support service activities 20,650 14,207 6,443 19,387 13,576 5,811 1,263 632 632
Public administration and defense; compulsory social
security 60,382 45,099 15,283 41,713 27,876 13,838 18,669 17,224 1,445
Education 154,584 96,905 57,679 82,236 49,188 33,048 72,349 47,718 24,631
Human health and social work activities 30,676 12,225 18,451 24,338 11,568 12,769 6,338 656 5,682
Arts entertainment and recreation 10,829 4,747 6,082 6,937 4,747 2,190 3,892 - 3,892
Other service activities 82,892 54,824 28,068 63,181 39,163 24,018 19,710 15,660 4,050
Activities of households as employers;
undifferentiated goods- and services-producing
activities of households for own use 740,431 75,321 665,111 125,518 24,934 100,584 614,914 50,387 564,527
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
Description 1,690 1,018 672 1,690 1,018 672 - - -
Table 5.8 Cont’d
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
Major Industrial Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Total Employed Population 16,529,563 9,039,726 7,489,837 1,863,072 1,055,353 807,719 14,666,491 7,984,373 6,682,118
Agriculture forestry and fishing 12,727,379 7,555,998 5,171,381 339,895 225,310 114,585 12,387,483 7,330,688 5,056,796
Mining and quarrying 64,502 47,207 17,296 14,422 12,772 1,650 50,080 34,435 15,645
Manufacturing 559,791 206,337 353,455 243,676 114,043 129,633 316,116 92,294 223,822
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply 10,486 9,075 1,412 9,699 9,075 624 787 - 787
Water supply; sewerage waste management and
remediation activities 67,411 14,457 52,954 13,783 7,723 6,060 53,628 6,734 46,894
Construction 252,223 203,449 48,774 118,457 98,043 20,414 133,766 105,406 28,361
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles
and motorcycles 929,324 318,274 611,050 422,643 185,061 237,582 506,681 133,213 373,468
Transportation and storage 103,197 96,776 6,421 73,158 69,749 3,410 30,039 27,027 3,012
Accommodation and food service activities 152,583 46,485 106,098 90,289 31,962 58,327 62,293 14,523 47,771
Information and communication 11,860 7,942 3,918 9,342 5,424 3,918 2,518 2,518 -
Financial and insurance activities 30,183 20,329 9,855 27,730 19,274 8,456 2,453 1,055 1,398
Real estate activities 193 103 90 193 103 90 - - -
Professional scientific and technical activities 39,344 28,193 11,151 32,860 25,244 7,616 6,485 2,949 3,535
Administrative and support service activities 34,653 23,930 10,724 29,323 19,998 9,325 5,330 3,932 1,398
Public administration and defense; compulsory social
security 83,174 61,313 21,861 65,053 44,121 20,932 18,121 17,191 930
Education 198,773 127,894 70,879 120,316 76,733 43,583 78,457 51,161 27,296
Human health and social work activities 66,485 33,814 32,671 42,375 16,599 25,776 24,110 17,215 6,895
Arts entertainment and recreation 8,751 7,727 1,024 6,129 5,105 1,024 2,622 2,622 -
Other service activities 162,836 107,191 55,645 103,164 71,102 32,063 59,672 36,089 23,582
Activities of households as employers;
undifferentiated goods- and services-producing
activities of households for own use 1,020,513 120,196 900,317 96,232 14,874 81,358 924,282 105,322 818,960
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
Description 5,901 3,039 2,861 4,332 3,039 1,293 1,568 - 1,568
Table 5.8 Cont’d
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
Major Industrial Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Total Employed Population 783,017 474,365 308,651 83,451 49,497 33,954 699,566 424,869 274,697
Agriculture forestry and fishing 616,609 398,698 217,911 10,137 5,308 4,829 606,472 393,390 213,082
Mining and quarrying 585 585 - 156 156 - 429 429 -
Manufacturing 14,135 5,757 8,378 4,173 2,918 1,255 9,962 2,839 7,123
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply 322 268 54 322 268 54 - - -
Water supply; sewerage waste management and
remediation activities 14,113 771 13,342 922 543 379 13,191 228 12,964
Construction 10,689 8,370 2,319 6,703 6,339 364 3,986 2,031 1,955
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles
and motorcycles 44,741 19,354 25,387 23,343 9,988 13,355 21,398 9,366 12,032
Transportation and storage 8,050 7,135 915 4,457 3,998 460 3,593 3,137 456
Accommodation and food service activities 3,602 1,279 2,323 2,915 1,279 1,636 688 - 688
Information and communication 352 314 38 352 314 38 - - -
Financial and insurance activities 977 654 324 977 654 324 - - -
Real estate activities - - - - - - - - -
Professional scientific and technical activities 1,895 1,628 267 1,667 1,400 267 228 228 -
Administrative and support service activities 1,743 768 975 1,283 768 515 460 - 460
Public administration and defense; compulsory social
security 6,050 5,276 775 4,303 3,528 775 1,748 1,748 -
Education 10,701 8,769 1,932 4,777 3,364 1,413 5,923 5,405 519
Human health and social work activities 4,250 2,189 2,061 3,246 1,957 1,290 1,003 232 771
Arts entertainment and recreation 1,741 - 1,741 146 - 146 1,595 - 1,595
Other service activities 12,227 8,037 4,190 7,206 5,446 1,760 5,021 2,591 2,430
Activities of households as employers;
undifferentiated goods- and services-producing
activities of households for own use 29,494 4,067 25,427 5,625 822 4,803 23,869 3,245 20,624
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
Description 740 448 293 740 448 293 - - -
Table 5.8 Cont’d
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
Major Industrial Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Total Employed Population 484,220 252,117 232,103 74,207 41,862 32,345 410,013 210,255 199,757
Agriculture forestry and fishing 387,474 202,987 184,487 16,366 9,836 6,530 371,108 193,151 177,957
Mining and quarrying 12,233 5,593 6,640 610 540 70 11,623 5,054 6,570
Manufacturing 11,570 4,381 7,189 7,010 2,479 4,531 4,560 1,902 2,658
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply 94 74 20 94 74 20 - - -
Water supply; sewerage waste management and
remediation activities 1,727 524 1,204 1,357 524 833 371 - 371
Construction 5,106 4,414 692 4,257 3,790 467 848 624 224
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles
and motorcycles 16,963 7,360 9,603 12,095 5,264 6,831 4,868 2,096 2,772
Transportation and storage 2,127 1,989 138 1,799 1,660 138 329 329 -
Accommodation and food service activities 8,265 2,299 5,966 4,557 1,191 3,366 3,708 1,108 2,600
Information and communication 628 475 153 628 475 153 - - -
Financial and insurance activities 1,682 1,100 582 1,682 1,100 582 - - -
Real estate activities 63 - 63 63 - 63 - - -
Professional scientific and technical activities 2,792 1,951 841 2,057 1,323 734 735 628 107
Administrative and support service activities 1,957 1,286 671 1,746 1,075 671 211 211 -
Public administration and defense; compulsory social
security 5,698 4,227 1,470 4,890 3,509 1,381 808 719 89
Education 8,325 6,173 2,153 4,446 3,013 1,433 3,879 3,159 720
Human health and social work activities 3,971 2,549 1,422 3,079 2,186 893 892 364 528
Arts entertainment and recreation 258 170 88 258 170 88 - - -
Other service activities 4,148 3,356 791 3,547 2,756 791 601 601 -
Activities of households as employers;
undifferentiated goods- and services-producing
activities of households for own use 8,858 995 7,863 3,386 685 2,702 5,472 310 5,162
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
Description 280 213 67 280 213 67 - - -
Table 5.8 Cont’d
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
Major Industrial Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Total Employed Population 8,507,979 4,506,169 4,001,810 950,828 539,412 411,416 7,557,151 3,966,757 3,590,394
Agriculture forestry and fishing 6,096,178 3,571,714 2,524,464 145,667 98,748 46,919 5,950,511 3,472,966 2,477,545
Mining and quarrying 11,090 7,419 3,671 5,146 4,234 912 5,944 3,185 2,759
Manufacturing 392,385 137,422 254,963 116,402 54,902 61,501 275,983 82,521 193,462
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply 1,980 1,930 50 1,980 1,930 50 - - -
Water supply; sewerage waste management and
remediation activities 31,103 10,165 20,938 5,899 2,099 3,799 25,204 8,065 17,139
Construction 106,289 80,818 25,470 55,941 45,788 10,154 50,347 35,031 15,317
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles
and motorcycles 547,228 178,390 368,838 200,649 91,453 109,197 346,579 86,937 259,641
Transportation and storage 69,425 53,700 15,725 40,429 37,233 3,197 28,996 16,467 12,528
Accommodation and food service activities 86,535 31,589 54,945 49,962 19,462 30,500 36,573 12,127 24,445
Information and communication 8,905 4,997 3,908 8,905 4,997 3,908 - - -
Financial and insurance activities 20,265 14,506 5,759 17,576 11,817 5,759 2,689 2,689 -
Real estate activities 123 63 60 123 63 60 - - -
Professional scientific and technical activities 31,088 22,073 9,015 25,160 16,689 8,471 5,929 5,384 544
Administrative and support service activities 34,845 24,014 10,831 28,217 19,559 8,658 6,628 4,455 2,173
Public administration and defense; compulsory social
security 44,828 31,957 12,871 35,856 24,154 11,702 8,972 7,803 1,169
Education 137,689 94,162 43,527 72,892 43,595 29,297 64,797 50,567 14,230
Human health and social work activities 58,891 26,565 32,326 33,356 17,852 15,504 25,535 8,712 16,823
Arts entertainment and recreation 7,100 5,240 1,860 6,055 4,196 1,860 1,045 1,045 -
Other service activities 69,149 44,611 24,539 39,082 23,845 15,237 30,067 20,765 9,302
Activities of households as employers;
undifferentiated goods- and services-producing
activities of households for own use 749,809 162,310 587,499 58,455 14,274 44,181 691,354 148,036 543,318
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
Description 3,075 2,524 551 3,075 2,524 551 - - -
Table 5.8 Cont’d
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
Major Industrial Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Total Employed Population 162,075 84,781 77,293 41,018 21,011 20,007 121,057 63,771 57,286
Agriculture forestry and fishing 101,451 57,437 44,014 8,688 4,560 4,128 92,762 52,877 39,886
Mining and quarrying 2,975 2,796 180 360 285 75 2,615 2,511 104
Manufacturing 8,423 1,091 7,332 3,152 501 2,651 5,271 590 4,681
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply 108 108 - 108 108 - - - -
Water supply; sewerage waste management and
remediation activities 351 162 189 351 162 189 - - -
Construction 2,515 2,037 478 2,062 1,837 225 453 200 254
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles
and motorcycles 6,428 3,244 3,183 4,714 2,660 2,054 1,714 585 1,129
Transportation and storage 610 559 51 519 469 51 91 91 -
Accommodation and food service activities 5,602 1,814 3,788 3,147 933 2,214 2,455 880 1,574
Information and communication 298 252 46 193 148 46 104 104 -
Financial and insurance activities 569 446 123 569 446 123 - - -
Real estate activities 45 - 45 - - - 45 - 45
Professional scientific and technical activities 1,058 804 255 831 622 209 227 182 45
Administrative and support service activities 814 535 279 814 535 279 - - -
Public administration and defense; compulsory social
security 8,187 5,020 3,167 6,901 3,791 3,110 1,286 1,229 57
Education 4,344 3,199 1,145 2,538 1,835 703 1,806 1,364 442
Human health and social work activities 1,609 890 718 1,042 626 416 567 264 303
Arts entertainment and recreation 244 211 33 140 107 33 104 104 -
Other service activities 1,581 921 660 1,178 817 361 403 104 299
Activities of households as employers;
undifferentiated goods- and services-producing
activities of households for own use 14,702 3,119 11,583 3,549 433 3,116 11,153 2,686 8,467
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
Description 161 135 26 161 135 26 - - -
Table 5.8 Cont’d
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
Major Industrial Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Total Employed Population 100,225 52,647 47,578 49,802 27,309 22,493 50,423 25,338 25,085
Agriculture forestry and fishing 34,267 23,988 10,280 1,060 775 285 33,208 23,213 9,995
Mining and quarrying 422 332 91 371 306 64 52 25 27
Manufacturing 5,134 3,362 1,773 5,024 3,311 1,713 111 51 60
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply 175 139 36 175 139 36 - - -
Water supply; sewerage waste management and
remediation activities 618 437 180 618 437 180 - - -
Construction 4,757 4,104 652 4,401 3,854 547 356 250 105
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles
and motorcycles 20,240 5,636 14,604 13,611 5,436 8,174 6,629 200 6,430
Transportation and storage 2,745 2,678 67 2,615 2,548 67 130 130 -
Accommodation and food service activities 1,804 662 1,142 1,804 662 1,142 - - -
Information and communication 548 248 300 548 248 300 - - -
Financial and insurance activities 789 419 371 789 419 371 - - -
Real estate activities 50 50 - 50 50 - - - -
Professional scientific and technical activities 751 586 166 751 586 166 - - -
Administrative and support service activities 654 271 382 623 271 352 30 - 30
Public administration and defense; compulsory social
security 4,075 2,774 1,301 3,882 2,612 1,271 192 162 30
Education 5,125 2,486 2,639 4,761 2,198 2,563 364 288 76
Human health and social work activities 3,049 1,389 1,659 2,893 1,269 1,625 155 121 35
Arts entertainment and recreation 170 108 62 144 83 62 25 25 -
Other service activities 3,058 1,942 1,116 2,781 1,776 1,005 277 166 111
Activities of households as employers;
undifferentiated goods- and services-producing
activities of households for own use 11,697 939 10,758 2,804 232 2,572 8,893 707 8,186
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
Description 98 98 - 98 98 - - - -
Table 5.8 Cont’d
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
Major Industrial Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


Total Employed Population 1,285,598 736,789 548,808 1,285,598 736,789 548,808 - - -
Agriculture forestry and fishing 19,939 15,528 4,411 19,939 15,528 4,411 - - -
Mining and quarrying 13,362 9,825 3,537 13,362 9,825 3,537 - - -
Manufacturing 215,884 148,888 66,996 215,884 148,888 66,996 - - -
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply 6,361 5,021 1,340 6,361 5,021 1,340 - - -
Water supply; sewerage waste management and
remediation activities 12,490 4,523 7,967 12,490 4,523 7,967 - - -
Construction 138,175 110,230 27,945 138,175 110,230 27,945 - - -
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles
and motorcycles 208,072 117,940 90,133 208,072 117,940 90,133 - - -
Transportation and storage 95,942 85,195 10,747 95,942 85,195 10,747 - - -
Accommodation and food service activities 69,154 22,049 47,105 69,154 22,049 47,105 - - -
Information and communication 22,700 13,454 9,245 22,700 13,454 9,245 - - -
Financial and insurance activities 45,408 26,529 18,879 45,408 26,529 18,879 - - -
Real estate activities 1,502 1,029 472 1,502 1,029 472 - - -
Professional scientific and technical activities 25,856 15,733 10,123 25,856 15,733 10,123 - - -
Administrative and support service activities 35,209 19,716 15,492 35,209 19,716 15,492 - - -
Public administration and defense; compulsory social
security 36,713 21,538 15,175 36,713 21,538 15,175 - - -
Education 85,089 38,987 46,102 85,089 38,987 46,102 - - -
Human health and social work activities 57,092 19,842 37,251 57,092 19,842 37,251 - - -
Arts entertainment and recreation 9,903 5,599 4,304 9,903 5,599 4,304 - - -
Other service activities 74,316 38,813 35,502 74,316 38,813 35,502 - - -
Activities of households as employers;
undifferentiated goods- and services-producing
activities of households for own use 106,295 12,942 93,353 106,295 12,942 93,353 - - -
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
Description 6,135 3,406 2,730 6,135 3,406 2,730 - - -
Table 5.8 Cont’d
Urban + Rural Urban Rural
Major Industrial Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


Total Employed Population 177,470 94,211 83,259 101,564 54,828 46,736 75,906 39,383 36,523
Agriculture forestry and fishing 53,881 35,301 18,580 3,130 1,386 1,744 50,751 33,915 16,836
Mining and quarrying 1,113 885 228 227 52 175 886 833 53
Manufacturing 13,574 8,245 5,328 12,424 7,505 4,919 1,150 740 409
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply 229 125 104 229 125 104 - - -
Water supply; sewerage waste management and
remediation activities 723 488 235 637 488 149 86 - 86
Construction 9,431 8,231 1,200 8,129 7,139 991 1,301 1,092 209
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles
and motorcycles 34,124 13,092 21,032 30,229 12,770 17,459 3,895 322 3,574
Transportation and storage 7,771 7,153 618 7,666 7,048 618 105 105 -
Accommodation and food service activities 5,384 1,583 3,801 5,268 1,583 3,685 116 - 116
Information and communication 1,444 1,130 314 1,444 1,130 314 - - -
Financial and insurance activities 1,640 1,250 390 1,603 1,213 390 36 36 -
Real estate activities - - - - - - - - -
Professional scientific and technical activities 722 544 177 689 511 177 33 33 -
Administrative and support service activities 958 603 355 958 603 355 - - -
Public administration and defense; compulsory social
security 5247 3375 1872 4306 2703 1604 941 673 268
Education 6484 4211 2272 5277 3203 2074 1207 1008 198
Human health and social work activities 2933 1290 1643 2796 1223 1574 137 68 69
Arts entertainment and recreation 243 191 52 243 191 52 - - -
Other service activities 6524 4314 2210 6350 4212 2138 174 102 71
Activities of households as employers;
undifferentiated goods- and services-producing
activities of households for own use 24083 1395 22688 8995 940 8055 15088 455 14633
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
Description 962 804 158 962 804 158 - - -
Table 5.9.1 Employed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and Above by Sex and Major Industrial Divisions: 2013 PART A
Major Industrial Divisions
Agricultur Electricity gas Water supply; sewerage Wholesale and retail Information
Major Total e forestry Mining steam and air waste management trade; repair of motor Transporta Accommodation and Financial and
Towns and Employed and and Manufac conditioning and Construct vehicles and tion and and food service communicati insurance
Sex Population fishing quarrying turing supply remediation activities ion motorcycles storage activities on activities
Total 2,668,317 115,237 19,611 402,490 10,441 23,578 279,492 499,650 177,923 155,987 38,303 69,874
Male 1,502,268 73,574 14,775 255,601 8,435 10,651 223,599 249,870 161,874 47,928 23,558 41,953
Female 1,166,050 41,663 4,836 146,890 2,006 12,927 55,893 249,780 16,049 108,058 14,746 27,920
Total 24,980 1,738 53 4,061 118 167 3,247 5,194 1,060 624 225 341
Male 11,617 704 53 1,516 118 108 2,529 1,368 905 55 170 229
Female 13,364 1,034 - 2,545 - 59 719 3,826 155 570 55 112
Total 109,199 3,433 1,083 17,816 541 1,075 13,347 20,192 5,838 4,368 1,191 2,097
Male 56,944 1,971 758 10,683 433 967 10,591 7,179 5,566 1,065 866 1,328
Female 52,256 1,462 325 7,133 108 108 2,757 13,013 271 3,303 325 769
Total 9,535 1,101 53 727 - 53 834 2,395 428 1,005 86 86
Male 5,366 983 43 374 - 32 727 941 417 257 32 43
Female 4,169 118 11 353 - 21 107 1,454 11 748 53 43
Total 121,158 23,362 427 14,093 - 1,130 12,959 20,702 5,672 4,147 1,451 2,553
Male 61,798 15,210 350 6,430 - 308 8,768 7,534 5,499 1,340 829 1,291
Female 59,360 8,152 78 7,663 - 822 4,192 13,168 174 2,806 622 1,262
Total 30,642 544 114 5,572 63 314 1,961 8,451 2,276 2,794 252 766
Male 17,393 342 35 3,682 63 314 1,562 3,965 2,146 958 161 533
Female 13,249 203 79 1,890 - - 399 4,486 131 1,836 91 233
Total 62,079 1,439 175 6,623 449 810 3,523 18,735 2,680 2,258 599 1,174
Male 36,171 819 88 4,730 449 254 3,116 10,834 2,574 730 200 842
Female 25,907 621 88 1,894 - 556 408 7,901 106 1,528 399 332
Total 43,894 9,201 243 8,290 37 140 5,037 4,406 2,143 2,792 260 679
Male 22,699 5,546 243 2,113 37 72 4,449 1,891 2,034 953 138 382
Female 21,195 3,654 - 6,177 - 69 588 2,515 109 1,839 122 297

Table 5.9.1: Cont’d PART A

Major Industrial Divisions
Agricultur Electricity gas Water supply; sewerage Wholesale and retail Information
Major Total e forestry Mining steam and air waste management trade; repair of motor Transporta Accommodation and Financial and
Towns and Employed and and Manufac conditioning and Construct vehicles and tion and and food service communicati insurance
Sex Population fishing quarrying turing supply remediation activities ion motorcycles storage activities on activities
Total 45,934 11,147 32 5,201 32 253 3,834 6,549 1,145 3,583 612 648
Male 22,188 5,913 32 2,389 32 32 2,566 2,186 1,145 638 458 231
Female 23,746 5,234 - 2,812 - 221 1,268 4,363 - 2,944 154 418
Total 110,313 2,381 217 12,777 402 1,018 16,443 20,136 6,212 13,593 1,421 1,874
Male 57,313 1,520 217 7,145 402 779 10,926 9,991 5,448 2,110 1,074 1,442
Female 53,000 861 - 5,631 - 240 5,517 10,145 764 11,483 347 432
Total 39,159 3,539 103 3,717 143 232 4,668 7,726 1,622 1,873 900 843
Male 23,441 1,837 41 1,994 143 81 3,785 4,170 1,516 569 522 608
Female 15,718 1,702 62 1,723 - 151 883 3,556 106 1,303 378 235
Total 57,485 5,925 213 13,963 158 807 7,190 8,315 3,021 4,498 196 1,069
Male 32,024 2,812 213 8,226 158 432 6,015 3,219 2,887 1,317 196 563
Female 25,460 3,113 - 5,737 - 376 1,175 5,096 133 3,181 - 506
Total 32,865 3,232 331 5,779 145 364 2,434 4,740 1,917 1,276 256 354
Male 18,522 1,744 331 2,749 145 220 2,186 1,938 1,771 393 130 249
Female 14,343 1,487 - 3,031 - 144 248 2,802 146 883 126 105
Total 113,722 2,510 492 21,657 435 595 10,688 26,402 10,378 8,490 820 1,503
Male 66,442 1,984 492 13,542 332 201 9,135 12,269 9,455 2,836 548 1,246
Female 47,280 526 - 8,115 103 395 1,553 14,133 924 5,654 272 257
Total 68,277 1,845 149 7,300 384 164 10,323 12,916 4,073 4,576 939 1,746
Male 39,539 1,233 149 5,528 192 105 8,424 5,864 3,765 1,578 707 761
Female 28,738 612 - 1,772 192 58 1,899 7,052 308 2,998 232 986
Total 49,456 2,867 252 5,436 43 204 4,080 16,035 3,945 4,745 667 1,260
Male 29,786 2,117 211 3,491 43 95 3,707 8,171 3,877 1,406 415 1,056
Female 19,670 750 40 1,945 - 109 373 7,864 67 3,339 252 204
Table 5.9.1: Cont’d PART A
Major Industrial Divisions
Agricultur Electricity gas Water supply; sewerage Wholesale and retail Information
Major Total e forestry Mining steam and air waste management trade; repair of motor Transporta Accommodation and Financial and
Towns and Employed and and Manufac conditioning and Construct vehicles and tion and and food service communicati insurance
Sex Population fishing quarrying turing supply remediation activities ion motorcycles storage activities on activities
Total 38,068 1,483 - 2,602 92 385 4,615 10,158 2,873 1,202 306 701
Male 23,674 1,015 - 1,853 38 215 4,356 4,137 2,558 498 268 424
Female 14,394 468 - 749 54 171 259 6,021 315 703 38 278
Total 16,393 515 55 1,069 42 171 1,715 3,321 794 1,362 273 533
Male 9,669 373 38 674 23 57 1,492 1,813 718 337 120 337
Female 6,724 142 17 395 20 114 224 1,508 76 1,024 153 196
Total 32,463 1,676 175 3,741 111 154 2,270 9,011 2,753 1,328 425 258
Male 19,398 1,056 85 1,601 111 76 2,105 4,988 2,720 634 214 258
Female 13,065 620 89 2,141 - 78 164 4,023 33 694 212 -
Total 27,989 2,417 192 4,131 85 94 1,679 6,227 1,833 2,425 148 560
Male 16,290 1,616 129 2,054 85 31 1,399 3,401 1,707 1,187 94 358
Female 11,699 801 63 2,076 - 63 280 2,826 126 1,237 53 201
Total 42,472 2,361 383 7,234 - 104 2,841 9,963 2,414 1,630 311 687
Male 25,325 1,411 383 5,539 - 31 2,197 4,793 2,329 651 242 367
Female 17,147 950 - 1,695 - 73 644 5,170 84 979 68 320
Total 40,477 3,643 235 5,159 82 518 6,191 7,836 1,801 1,550 597 738
Male 22,811 2,823 152 2,551 33 270 4,584 3,217 1,705 504 248 403
Female 17,665 820 83 2,607 50 248 1,607 4,619 96 1,046 349 335
Total 96,651 3,194 542 11,007 206 904 7,565 15,880 6,521 7,314 1,561 1,340
Male 55,619 2,167 476 6,840 206 396 6,597 8,567 6,073 2,838 999 621
Female 41,032 1,027 66 4,166 - 507 968 7,312 448 4,476 561 718
Total 18,143 1,556 133 1,205 108 175 1,341 2,448 303 2,328 117 264
Male 9,311 689 74 194 108 126 1,162 1,286 269 779 94 221
Female 8,832 867 59 1,011 - 49 179 1,162 34 1,549 23 43
Table 5.9.1: Cont’d PART A
Major Industrial Divisions
Agricultur Electricity gas Water supply; sewerage Wholesale and retail Information
Major Total e forestry Mining steam and air waste management trade; repair of motor Transporta Accommodation and Financial and
Towns and Employed and and Manufac conditioning and Construct vehicles and tion and and food service communicati insurance
Sex Population fishing quarrying turing supply remediation activities ion motorcycles storage activities on activities
Total 49,802 1,060 371 5,024 175 618 4,401 13,611 2,615 1,804 548 789
Male 27,309 775 306 3,311 139 437 3,854 5,436 2,548 662 248 419
Female 22,493 285 64 1,713 36 180 547 8,174 67 1,142 300 371
Total 1,285,598 19,939 13,362 215,884 6,361 12,490 138,175 208,072 95,942 69,154 22,700 45,408
Male 736,789 15,528 9,825 148,888 5,021 4,523 110,230 117,940 85,195 22,049 13,454 26,529
Female 548,808 4,411 3,537 66,996 1,340 7,967 27,945 90,133 10,747 47,105 9,245 18,879
Total 101,564 3,130 227 12,424 229 637 8,129 30,229 7,666 5,268 1,444 1,603
Male 54,828 1,386 52 7,505 125 488 7,139 12,770 7,048 1,583 1,130 1,213
Female 46,736 1,744 175 4,919 104 149 991 17,459 618 3,685 314 390
Table 5.9.2 Employed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and Above by Sex and Major Industrial Divisions: 2013 PART B
Major Industrial Divisions
Public Activities of households as
Professional Administrative administration Human employers; undifferentiated Activities of
scientific and and support and defense; health and Arts Other goods- and services- extraterritorial
Major Towns technical service compulsory social work entertainment service producing activities of organizations and
and Sex Real estate activities activities activities social security Education activities and recreation activities households for own use bodies Description
Total 2,149 50,011 57,267 95,195 193,874 101,938 19,682 153,333 188,414 13,869
Male 1,449 31,516 32,092 60,106 97,825 39,879 11,500 84,163 23,144 8,776
Female 700 18,495 25,175 35,089 96,049 62,059 8,182 69,170 165,269 5,093
Total - 261 213 1,275 2,617 487 168 2,604 494 32
Male - 185 171 935 1,154 189 140 854 235 -
Female - 76 43 340 1,463 298 28 1,750 259 32
Total - 1,911 3,322 5,726 8,798 3,443 742 4,927 7,746 1,605
Male - 982 1,459 3,837 4,272 1,283 217 2,051 332 1,104
Female - 929 1,862 1,889 4,526 2,160 525 2,876 7,413 501
Total - 214 53 631 866 203 21 460 246 75
Male - 96 32 406 567 128 11 214 11 53
Female - 118 21 224 299 75 11 246 235 21
Total - 2,133 1,193 3,787 8,539 1,994 741 6,596 9,678 -
Male - 1,675 731 2,227 3,548 772 299 3,823 1,165 -
Female - 458 462 1,561 4,991 1,222 442 2,773 8,514 -
Total - 265 179 1,032 1,631 472 206 1,744 1,642 363
Male - 92 64 743 754 246 151 1,118 239 225
Female - 173 115 289 877 226 55 626 1,403 139
Total - 1,171 947 2,556 5,691 2,846 428 5,551 4,286 136
Male - 775 540 1,722 3,017 1,072 332 3,591 400 89
Female - 396 408 834 2,674 1,774 96 1,960 3,886 46
Total - 636 346 1,106 2,734 1,229 69 1,605 2,942 -
Male - 338 103 624 1,248 533 34 1,075 886 -
Female - 299 243 482 1,486 696 34 529 2,056 -

Table 5.9.2 Cont’d PART B

Major Industrial Divisions
Public Activities of households as
Professional Administrative administration Human employers; undifferentiated Activities of
scientific and and support and defense; health and Arts Other goods- and services- extraterritorial
Major Towns technical service compulsory social work entertainment service producing activities of organizations and
and Sex Real estate activities activities activities social security Education activities and recreation activities households for own use bodies Description
Total 32 1,216 643 1,552 4,388 1,124 456 1,557 1,834 97
Male 32 708 343 1,066 2,416 551 233 877 274 65
Female - 508 300 485 1,972 572 222 680 1,560 32
Total 250 2,861 1,210 4,566 7,354 3,346 1,602 5,849 6,459 343
Male 171 1,976 667 2,599 4,566 1,926 834 2,587 749 184
Female 78 885 543 1,968 2,788 1,420 767 3,262 5,710 159
Total - 722 749 1,783 4,725 655 235 3,129 1,711 85
Male - 548 442 1,254 2,885 262 173 2,059 465 85
Female - 174 307 529 1,840 393 62 1,069 1,245 -
Total - 529 645 2,194 2,809 1,720 150 2,760 1,022 301
Male - 245 463 1,695 1,523 303 63 1,492 - 203
Female - 284 182 499 1,286 1,417 87 1,268 1,022 99
Total - 843 353 2,283 3,631 852 324 2,388 1,292 72
Male - 557 126 1,787 2,123 478 124 1,241 159 72
Female - 286 226 496 1,509 374 200 1,147 1,133 -
Total 90 1,217 1,585 2,868 6,696 2,904 915 7,273 5,303 900
Male - 890 1,091 2,226 3,909 1,220 814 3,524 345 384
Female 90 327 494 642 2,787 1,684 101 3,749 4,958 516
Total - 723 1,353 1,550 8,208 2,852 561 3,442 4,740 434
Male - 500 948 1,065 4,128 1,261 314 2,138 499 382
Female - 223 406 484 4,080 1,591 247 1,304 4,241 52
Total 103 680 991 816 1,854 1,798 83 2,045 1,554 -
Male 103 425 633 734 1,227 594 83 1,398 - -
Female - 255 358 82 627 1,204 - 647 1,554 -
Table 5.9.2 Cont’d PART B
Major Industrial Divisions
Public Activities of households as
Professional Administrative administration Human employers; undifferentiated Activities of
scientific and and support and defense; health and Arts Other goods- and services- extraterritorial
Major Towns technical service compulsory social work entertainment service producing activities of organizations and
and Sex Real estate activities activities activities social security Education activities and recreation activities households for own use bodies Description
Total - 910 629 2,505 2,343 2,070 54 3,374 1,163 602
Male - 689 368 2,006 1,443 884 - 2,504 107 309
Female - 221 261 498 901 1,185 54 870 1,056 293
Total - 1,014 442 1,308 1,190 874 204 757 660 94
Male - 558 253 848 709 616 115 494 - 94
Female - 456 189 460 481 258 88 263 660 -
Total - 737 786 811 3,337 922 118 1,646 2,174 31
Male - 437 577 565 1,913 395 118 1,162 352 31
Female - 300 209 246 1,423 526 - 485 1,823 -
Total - 600 707 519 2,745 855 116 1,222 1,349 85
Male - 452 305 390 1,550 286 85 842 255 63
Female - 148 402 129 1,195 569 31 380 1,095 22
Total - 682 676 1,837 2,601 1,279 96 3,369 3,838 168
Male - 341 497 1,363 1,328 882 96 1,951 786 137
Female - 340 179 474 1,273 397 - 1,417 3,052 31
Total 60 608 907 734 5,545 1,525 421 1,345 980 -
Male - 389 473 480 3,087 730 287 822 54 -
Female 60 219 434 255 2,458 795 135 524 926 -
Total 63 2,583 2,248 4,693 9,238 5,128 1,602 5,592 8,383 1,087
Male 63 1,701 1,027 2,469 5,353 2,600 1,040 3,081 1,651 853
Female - 882 1,222 2,225 3,885 2,528 563 2,512 6,733 235
Total - 198 300 4,162 1,208 579 81 652 823 161
Male - 125 191 2,211 718 333 65 464 68 135
Female - 73 110 1,951 490 246 17 188 755 26
Table 5.9.2 Cont’d PART B
Major Industrial Divisions
Public Activities of households as
Professional Administrative administration Human employers; undifferentiated Activities of
scientific and and support and defense; health and Arts Other goods- and services- extraterritorial
Major Towns technical service compulsory social work entertainment service producing activities of organizations and
and Sex Real estate activities activities activities social security Education activities and recreation activities households for own use bodies Description
Total 50 751 623 3,882 4,761 2,893 144 2,781 2,804 98
Male 50 586 271 2,612 2,198 1,269 83 1,776 232 98
Female - 166 352 1,271 2,563 1,625 62 1,005 2,572 -
Total 1,502 25,856 35,209 36,713 85,089 57,092 9,903 74,316 106,295 6,135
Male 1,029 15,733 19,716 21,538 38,987 19,842 5,599 38,813 12,942 3,406
Female 472 10,123 15,492 15,175 46,102 37,251 4,304 35,502 93,353 2,730
Total - 689 958 4,306 5,277 2,796 243 6,350 8,995 962
Male - 511 603 2,703 3,203 1,223 191 4,212 940 804
Female - 177 355 1,604 2,074 1,574 52 2,138 8,055 158
Table 5.10 Employed Population Aged Ten Years and above by Minor Industrial Divisions, Sex and Place of Residence, COUNTRY-TOTAL: 2013
Urban +Rural Urban Rural
Minor Industrial Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Total Employed Population 42,403,879 22,886,647 19,517,232 6,382,858 3,529,307 2,853,551 36,021,021 19,357,341 16,663,681
SECTION A: AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHING 30,817,068 18,195,792 12,621,276 864,186 569,891 294,296 29,952,882 17,625,901 12,326,981
Division 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related
service activities 30,605,519 18,109,889 12,495,630 820,418 546,469 273,948 29,785,102 17,563,420 12,221,682
Growing of non-perennial crops 5,776,342 3,385,827 2,390,515 261,692 187,254 74,437 5,514,650 3,198,573 2,316,078
Growing of perennial crops 605,412 369,634 235,778 36,059 26,383 9,677 569,353 343,252 226,101
Plant propagation 31,486 19,635 11,850 10,773 6,292 4,481 20,713 13,344 7,369
Animal production 2,882,936 1,345,757 1,537,179 159,926 82,693 77,233 2,723,010 1,263,064 1,459,946
Mixed farming 19,633,786 12,165,578 7,468,208 298,461 206,583 91,878 19,335,325 11,958,995 7,376,330
Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities 1,675,519 823,419 852,100 53,469 37,226 16,242 1,622,050 786,192 835,858
Hunting, trapping and related service activities 38 38 - 38 38 - - - -
Division 02 Forestry and logging 204,499 80,128 124,371 40,120 20,139 19,981 164,379 59,989 104,390
Silviculture and other forestry activities 15,429 11,575 3,854 2,796 1,557 1,239 12,632 10,018 2,615
Logging 69,938 26,039 43,899 14,161 7,717 6,445 55,776 18,322 37,454
Gathering of non-wood forest products 54,864 10,048 44,816 15,266 5,520 9,746 39,598 4,528 35,070
Support services to forestry 64,269 32,467 31,802 7,896 5,346 2,550 56,373 27,121 29,252
Division 03 Fishing and aquaculture 7,049 5,774 1,275 3,649 3,282 367 3,401 2,492 908
Fishing 5,632 5,212 420 3,049 2,765 284 2,583 2,447 136
Aquaculture 1,417 562 855 600 517 82 818 45 772
SECTION B: MINING AND QUARRYING 179,681 116,150 63,532 50,678 40,948 9,730 129,003 75,202 53,802
Division 05 Mining of coal and lignite 5,806 2,743 3,063 2,178 1,409 769 3,627 1,334 2,294
Mining of hard coal 3,315 2,114 1,201 1,209 780 429 2,106 1,334 772
Mining of lignite 1,876 432 1,444 478 432 45 1,398 - 1,398
Division 06 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas 1,755 1,365 390 1,237 1,137 100 518 228 290
Extraction of crude petroleum 1,220 1,195 25 992 967 25 228 228 -
Extraction of natural gas 535 170 365 245 170 74 290 - 290
Division 07 Mining of metal ores 26,073 15,271 10,802 4,516 3,617 899 21,556 11,653 9,903
Mining of iron ores 24,341 13,938 10,403 3,117 2,617 500 21,224 11,321 9,903
Mining of non-ferrous metal ores 1,625 1,226 399 1,293 893 399 333 333 -
Division 08 Other mining and quarrying 109,342 77,067 32,275 30,856 27,287 3,569 78,485 49,780 28,705
Quarrying of stone, sand and clay 49,822 42,267 7,555 18,615 16,537 2,078 31,207 25,731 5,477
Mining and quarrying not elsewhere classified 55,250 32,650 22,600 10,849 9,667 1,183 44,400 22,983 21,417
Division 09 Mining support service activities 22,475 12,705 9,770 5,365 4,236 1,129 17,111 8,470 8,641
Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction 546 459 87 546 459 87 - - -
Support activities for other mining and quarrying 15,578 8,426 7,151 2,543 2,061 482 13,034 6,365 6,669
SECTION C: MANUFACTURING 1,902,194 738,984 1,163,210 919,148 468,626 450,522 983,046 270,358 712,688
Division 10 Manufacture of food products 342,780 130,208 212,572 163,030 76,325 86,705 179,750 53,883 125,867
Processing and preserving of meat 14,783 12,449 2,334 12,647 10,313 2,334 2,136 2,136 -
Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs 809 263 546 809 263 546 - - -
Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables 4,486 2,829 1,657 4,486 2,829 1,657 - - -

Table 5.10 Cont’d

Urban +Rural Urban Rural
Minor Industrial Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats 2,538 1,966 572 2,513 1,940 572 25 25 -
Manufacture of dairy products 30,420 11,584 18,836 9,698 6,079 3,619 20,722 5,505 15,217
Manufacture of grain mill products, starches and starch products 55,647 16,416 39,231 17,358 9,103 8,255 38,289 7,313 30,976
Manufacture of other food products 227,770 80,713 147,056 111,221 43,208 68,014 116,548 37,505 79,043
Manufacture of prepared animal feeds 4,608 3,220 1,389 3,210 1,821 1,389 1,398 1,398 -
Division 11 Manufacture of beverages 500,512 41,795 458,717 208,262 23,998 184,264 292,250 17,797 274,453
Manufacture of beverages 500,512 41,795 458,717 208,262 23,998 184,264 292,250 17,797 274,453
Division 12 Manufacture of tobacco products 1,479 437 1,041 1,479 437 1,041 - - -
Manufacture of tobacco products 1,479 437 1,041 1,479 437 1,041 - - -
Division 13 Manufacture of textiles 416,913 165,548 251,365 150,009 76,628 73,381 266,903 88,919 177,984
Spinning, weaving and finishing of textiles 254,908 121,598 133,310 104,655 55,417 49,238 150,253 66,181 84,072
Manufacture of other textiles 158,854 43,281 115,573 44,203 20,543 23,660 114,651 22,738 91,913
Division 14 Manufacture of wearing apparel 68,148 49,960 18,188 56,004 42,761 13,243 12,144 7,199 4,945
Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparel 53,350 40,382 12,968 42,820 33,183 9,638 10,530 7,199 3,331
Manufacture of articles of fur 2,526 841 1,685 1,481 841 640 1,045 - 1,045
Manufacture of knitted and crocheted apparels Description 11,137 8,245 2,892 11,137 8,245 2,892 - - -
Division 15 Manufacture of leather and related products 32,177 24,424 7,753 22,591 15,992 6,599 9,586 8,432 1,154
Tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture of luggage,
handbags, saddlery and harness; dressing and dyeing of fur 15,452 12,283 3,169 8,810 5,641 3,169 6,642 6,642 -
Manufacture of footwear 16,150 12,141 4,009 13,729 10,351 3,378 2,421 1,790 632
Division 16 Manufacture of wood and of products of wood
and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw
and plaiting materials 114,485 72,018 42,468 42,934 37,954 4,980 71,551 34,064 37,488
Sawmilling and planing of wood 36,060 34,361 1,699 20,953 19,254 1,699 15,107 15,107 -
Manufacture of products of wood, cork, straw and plaiting
materials 78,060 37,461 40,599 21,616 18,504 3,112 56,445 18,957 37,488
Division 17 Manufacture of paper and paper products 3,030 1,518 1,512 3,030 1,518 1,512 - - -
Manufacture of paper and paper products 3,030 1,518 1,512 3,030 1,518 1,512 - - -
Division 18 Printing and reproduction of recorded media 12,210 5,662 6,549 10,575 5,139 5,436 1,635 522 1,112
Printing and service activities related to printing 11,282 5,520 5,762 9,996 4,998 4,998 1,286 522 763
Reproduction of recorded media 470 121 349 121 121 - 349 - 349
Division 19 Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum
products 1,512 569 943 917 569 348 595 - 595
Manufacture of coke oven products 1,162 429 733 777 429 348 385 - 385
Manufacture of refined petroleum products 140 140 - 140 140 - - - -
Division 20 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 14,419 7,261 7,159 12,560 6,909 5,650 1,860 351 1,508
Manufacture of basic chemicals, fertilizers and nitrogen
compounds, plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms 4,905 2,931 1,973 4,553 2,580 1,973 351 351 -
Table 5.10 Cont’d
Urban +Rural Urban Rural
Minor Industrial Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Manufacture of other chemical products 6,967 4,329 2,638 6,896 4,329 2,566 71 - 71
Manufacture of man-made fibres 2,547 - 2,547 1,110 - 1,110 1,437 - 1,437
Division 21 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal
chemical and botanical products 8,860 5,240 3,620 8,124 5,030 3,094 736 210 526
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and
botanical products 8,860 5,240 3,620 8,124 5,030 3,094 736 210 526
Division 22 Manufacture of rubber and plastics products 22,454 14,371 8,083 19,940 13,770 6,170 2,514 601 1,913
Manufacture of rubber products 10,403 9,815 588 9,802 9,214 588 601 601 -
Manufacture of plastics products 12,050 4,555 7,495 10,138 4,555 5,582 1,913 - 1,913
Division 23 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral
products 90,819 50,315 40,504 41,120 29,040 12,081 49,699 21,275 28,423
Manufacture of glass and glass products 1,659 1,455 204 1,137 933 204 522 522 -
Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products not elsewhere
classified 84,946 47,649 37,297 38,613 26,896 11,717 46,333 20,753 25,580
Division 24 Manufacture of basic metals 33,380 29,517 3,863 25,052 21,694 3,358 8,328 7,823 506
Manufacture of basic iron and steel 15,405 13,807 1,597 12,629 11,032 1,597 2,776 2,776 -
Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals 2,449 1,749 700 1,437 1,242 195 1,012 507 506
Casting of metals 15,464 13,898 1,566 10,923 9,358 1,566 4,540 4,540 -
Division 25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except
machinery and equipment 37,894 31,485 6,410 25,209 21,710 3,499 12,685 9,775 2,910
Manufacture of structural metal products, tanks, reservoirs and
steam generators 2,108 1,723 385 2,108 1,723 385 - - -
Manufacture of weapons and ammunition 457 457 - 457 457 - - - -
Manufacture of other fabricated metal products; metal working
service activities 33,071 29,109 3,962 21,568 19,334 2,234 11,503 9,775 1,728
Division 26 Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical
products 6,933 3,378 3,554 6,092 3,378 2,713 841 - 841
Manufacture of electronic components and boards 914 914 - 914 914 - - - -
Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment 1,861 522 1,339 1,861 522 1,339 - - -
Manufacture of communication equipment 388 388 - 388 388 - - - -
Manufacture of consumer electronics 495 256 239 495 256 239 - - -
Manufacture of measuring, testing, navigating and control
equipment; watches and clocks 87 87 - 87 87 - - - -
Manufacture of irradiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic
equipment - - - - - - - - -
Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic equipment - - - - - - - - -
Manufacture of magnetic and optical media - - - - - - - - -
Division 27 Manufacture of electrical equipment 8,600 6,021 2,579 7,528 6,021 1,506 1,073 - 1,073
Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and
electricity distribution 719 550 169 719 550 169 - - -
Manufacture of batteries and accumulators 76 76 - 76 76 - - - -
Table 5.10 Cont’d
Urban +Rural Urban Rural
Minor Industrial Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Manufacture of wiring and wiring devices 2,280 2,124 157 2,280 2,124 157 - - -
Manufacture of electric lighting equipment 1,039 1,039 - 1,039 1,039 - - - -
Manufacture of domestic appliances 969 851 118 969 851 118 - - -
Manufacture of other electrical equipment 574 378 196 574 378 196 - - -
Division 28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment not
elsewhere classified 8,379 5,680 2,698 6,416 4,490 1,926 1,963 1,190 772
Manufacture of general-purpose machinery 2,266 1,696 570 2,213 1,643 570 53 53 -
Manufacture of special-purpose machinery 6,113 3,985 2,128 4,203 2,847 1,355 1,910 1,137 772
Division 29 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-
trailers 9,928 8,001 1,927 9,406 7,478 1,927 522 522 -
Manufacture of motor vehicles 1,299 1,109 190 1,299 1,109 190 - - -
Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles;
manufacture of trailers and semi-trailers 5,643 4,767 876 5,643 4,767 876 - - -
Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles 1,845 1,697 148 1,322 1,174 148 522 522 -
Division 30 Manufacture of other transport equipment 5,891 3,735 2,156 4,257 2,652 1,605 1,634 1,083 551
Building of ships and boats - - - - - - - - -
Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock 305 305 - 305 305 - - - -
Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery 464 357 107 464 357 107 - - -
Manufacture of military fighting vehicles - - - - - - - - -
Manufacture of transport equipment not elsewhere classified 2,956 1,823 1,133 1,873 739 1,133 1,083 1,083 -
Division 31 Manufacture of furniture 23,217 19,900 3,317 18,228 16,709 1,519 4,989 3,191 1,798
Manufacture of furniture 23,217 19,900 3,317 18,228 16,709 1,519 4,989 3,191 1,798
Division 32 Other manufacturing 44,462 12,811 31,651 10,336 6,280 4,055 34,126 6,530 27,596
Manufacture of jewellery, bijouterie and related articles 12,153 5,514 6,640 5,626 4,607 1,019 6,528 907 5,621
Manufacture of musical instruments 269 269 - 269 269 - - - -
Manufacture of sports goods 76 - 76 76 - 76 - - -
Manufacture of games and toys 41 41 - 41 41 - - - -
Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies 1,071 772 298 298 - 298 772 772 -
Other manufacturing not elsewhere classified 28,696 4,871 23,825 3,316 808 2,508 25,381 4,063 21,317

Division 33 Repair and installation of machinery and

equipment 28,671 26,452 2,218 27,688 25,470 2,218 983 983 -
Repair of fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment 27,016 24,937 2,079 26,034 23,954 2,079 983 983 -
Installation of industrial machinery and equipment 1,654 1,515 139 1,654 1,515 139 - - -


SUPPLY 27,183 23,853 3,331 25,704 23,161 2,543 1,479 692 787
Division 35 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 27,183 23,853 3,331 25,704 23,161 2,543 1,479 692 787
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 24,183 21,823 2,360 23,491 21,131 2,360 692 692 -
Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mains 1,948 1,765 183 1,948 1,765 183 - - -
Steam and air conditioning supply 1,053 265 787 265 265 - 787 - 787
Table 5.10 Cont’d
Urban +Rural Urban Rural
Minor Industrial Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


AND REMEDIATION ACTIVITIES 200,128 46,097 154,031 54,688 26,912 27,776 145,440 19,185 126,255
Division 36 Water collection, treatment and supply 185,211 41,956 143,254 39,856 22,772 17,085 145,354 19,185 126,169
Water collection, treatment and supply 185,211 41,956 143,254 39,856 22,772 17,085 145,354 19,185 126,169
Division 37 Sewerage 3,364 966 2,398 3,364 966 2,398 - - -
Sewerage 3,364 966 2,398 3,364 966 2,398 - - -
Division 38 Waste collection, treatment and disposal
activities; materials recovery 9,552 2,453 7,098 9,466 2,453 7,012 86 - 86
Waste collection 6,082 1,459 4,623 6,082 1,459 4,623 - - -
Waste treatment and disposal 3,305 995 2,311 3,305 995 2,311 - - -
Materials recovery 165 - 165 79 - 79 86 - 86
Division 39 Remediation activities and other waste
management services 2,002 722 1,280 2,002 722 1,280 - - -
Remediation activities and other waste management services 2,002 722 1,280 2,002 722 1,280 - - -
SECTION F: CONSTRUCTION 824,769 650,592 174,177 479,808 385,272 94,537 344,961 265,321 79,640
Division 41 Construction of buildings 405,199 333,500 71,699 268,118 220,820 47,298 137,081 112,680 24,401
Construction of buildings 405,199 333,500 71,699 268,118 220,820 47,298 137,081 112,680 24,401
Division 42 Civil engineering 150,805 105,182 45,623 78,323 57,850 20,474 72,481 47,332 25,149
Construction of roads and railways 98,372 69,494 28,879 42,145 30,604 11,541 56,228 38,890 17,338
Construction of utility projects 21,563 16,610 4,953 13,578 11,124 2,454 7,985 5,486 2,499
Construction of other civil engineering projects 10,633 8,504 2,129 8,789 7,328 1,461 1,843 1,176 667
Division 43 Specialized construction activities 231,077 187,470 43,607 111,709 92,960 18,749 119,368 94,511 24,857
Demolition and site preparation 27,673 24,973 2,700 14,182 11,482 2,700 13,491 13,491 -
Electrical, plumbing and other construction installation activities 20,506 18,285 2,221 14,561 13,729 832 5,945 4,556 1,389
Building completion and finishing 17,462 14,426 3,036 13,317 10,913 2,404 4,145 3,514 632
Other specialized construction activities 148,023 120,686 27,337 59,141 49,802 9,339 88,882 70,885 17,997
VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLES 2,305,352 860,147 1,445,206 1,276,237 579,379 696,857 1,029,116 280,768 748,348
Division 45 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor
vehicles and motorcycles 37,464 31,733 5,731 36,320 31,112 5,208 1,144 622 522
Sale of motor vehicles 3,886 2,635 1,251 3,886 2,635 1,251 - - -
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles 22,335 20,646 1,690 22,283 20,593 1,690 53 53 -
Sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories 5,700 3,045 2,656 5,178 3,045 2,133 522 - 522
Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts
and accessories 5,542 5,407 135 4,973 4,838 135 569 569 -
Division 46 Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and
motorcycles 246,922 127,052 119,871 163,052 95,953 67,099 83,870 31,099 52,771
Wholesale on a fee or contract basis 11,232 4,545 6,687 9,051 4,545 4,505 2,182 - 2,182
Wholesale of agricultural raw materials and live animals 81,424 50,288 31,135 44,315 30,369 13,945 37,109 19,919 17,190
Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco 52,957 18,119 34,838 29,716 14,399 15,317 23,241 3,720 19,521
Wholesale of household goods 42,977 21,574 21,403 37,347 19,191 18,156 5,630 2,384 3,246
Table 5.10 Cont’d
Urban +Rural Urban Rural
Minor Industrial Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Wholesale of machinery, equipment and supplies 4,630 2,095 2,535 4,034 2,095 1,940 596 - 596
Other specialized wholesale 16,061 9,541 6,520 15,539 9,019 6,520 522 522 -
Non-specialized wholesale trade 37,641 20,889 16,752 23,051 16,335 6,716 14,590 4,553 10,037
Division 47 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and
motorcycles 2,020,966 701,362 1,319,604 1,076,865 452,315 624,550 944,102 249,047 695,055
Retail sale in non-specialized stores 835,320 333,613 501,708 469,975 204,615 265,359 365,346 128,997 236,348
Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialized stores 292,303 69,387 222,916 166,410 45,991 120,419 125,893 23,396 102,497
Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialized stores 7,311 4,550 2,762 5,913 4,550 1,363 1,398 - 1,398
Retail sale of information and communications equipment in
specialized stores 8,103 5,991 2,112 7,875 5,991 1,884 228 - 228
Retail sale of other household equipment in specialized stores 66,781 38,550 28,231 58,584 34,838 23,746 8,197 3,712 4,485
Retail sale of cultural and recreation goods in specialized stores 6,553 3,572 2,981 6,553 3,572 2,981 - - -
Retail sale of other goods in specialized stores 124,058 69,343 54,715 85,839 50,776 35,063 38,219 18,567 19,651
Retail sale via stalls and markets 311,443 80,788 230,655 143,066 55,060 88,005 168,377 25,728 142,649
Retail trade not in stores, stalls or markets 369,093 95,567 273,526 132,650 46,921 85,729 236,444 48,647 187,797
SECTION H: TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE 352,796 315,250 37,547 286,181 264,631 21,551 66,615 50,619 15,996
Division 49 Land transport and transport via pipelines 215,893 203,040 12,854 176,162 168,512 7,650 39,731 34,527 5,204
Transport via railways 6,301 4,694 1,608 4,254 3,169 1,085 2,047 1,525 522
Other land transport 208,665 197,446 11,218 170,981 164,444 6,537 37,684 33,003 4,681
Transport via pipeline 927 900 28 927 900 28 - - -
Division 50 Water transport 13,080 4,039 9,040 1,136 806 330 11,944 3,233 8,711
Sea and coastal water transport 1,007 677 330 1,007 677 330 - - -
Inland water transport 12,073 3,362 8,711 129 129 - 11,944 3,233 8,711
Division 51 Air transport 8,954 4,756 4,198 7,673 4,756 2,918 1,280 - 1,280
Passenger air transport 6,379 4,474 1,904 6,379 4,474 1,904 - - -
Freight air transport 2,575 281 2,294 1,295 281 1,013 1,280 - 1,280
Division 52 Warehousing and support activities for
transportation 111,983 102,147 9,836 98,324 89,289 9,035 13,659 12,858 801
Warehousing and storage 2,464 1,587 877 1,891 1,587 304 573 - 573
Support activities for transportation 109,519 100,560 8,959 96,433 87,702 8,731 13,086 12,858 228
Division 53 Postal and courier activities 2,886 1,268 1,618 2,886 1,268 1,618 - - -
Postal activities 2,628 1,104 1,524 2,628 1,104 1,524 - - -
Courier activities 258 164 94 258 164 94 - - -
SECTION I: ACCOMMODATION AND FOOD SERVICE ACTIVITIES 482,340 135,098 347,242 328,021 101,441 226,580 154,319 33,657 120,662
Division 55 Accommodation 27,594 12,782 14,811 26,739 11,927 14,811 855 855 -
Short term accommodation activities 7,207 3,486 3,721 7,207 3,486 3,721 - - -
Camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks 478 339 139 478 339 139 - - -
Other accommodation 19,908 8,957 10,951 19,054 8,103 10,951 855 855 -
Division 56 Food and beverage service activities 454,747 122,316 332,431 301,283 89,514 211,769 153,464 32,802 120,662
Restaurants and mobile food service activities 106,441 36,222 70,219 94,142 32,287 61,855 12,299 3,936 8,363
Event catering and other food service activities 195,983 54,694 141,288 130,916 36,594 94,322 65,067 18,100 46,966
Beverage serving activities 152,323 31,399 120,924 76,224 20,633 55,591 76,099 10,766 65,333
Table 5.10 Cont’d
Urban +Rural Urban Rural
Minor Industrial Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

SECTION J: INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION 60,002 37,484 22,518 56,300 33,782 22,518 3,702 3,702 -
Division 58 Publishing activities 9,699 4,658 5,041 9,699 4,658 5,041 - - -
Publishing of books, periodicals and other publishing activities 9,636 4,658 4,978 9,636 4,658 4,978 - - -
Software publishing 64 - 64 64 - 64 - - -
Division 59 Motion picture, video and television program
production, sound recording and music publishing activities 3,811 2,756 1,056 3,811 2,756 1,056 - - -
Motion picture, video and television program activities 2,961 1,972 989 2,961 1,972 989 - - -
Sound recording and music publishing activity 850 784 67 850 784 67 - - -
Division 60 Programming and broadcasting activities 2,288 1,251 1,037 2,288 1,251 1,037 - - -
Radio broadcasting 1,578 620 958 1,578 620 958 - - -
Television programming and broadcasting activities 710 632 78 710 632 78 - - -
Division 61 Telecommunications 19,504 15,138 4,365 16,875 12,510 4,365 2,628 2,628 -
Wired telecommunications activities 4,899 3,334 1,565 4,899 3,334 1,565 - - -
Wireless telecommunications activities 2,952 2,555 396 2,952 2,555 396 - - -
Satellite telecommunications activities 1,978 1,926 52 1,559 1,507 52 419 419 -
Other telecommunications activities 9,675 7,323 2,352 7,466 5,114 2,352 2,209 2,209 -
Division 62 Computer programming, consultancy and related
activities 7,839 3,273 4,566 7,839 3,273 4,566 - - -
Computer programming, consultancy and related activities 7,839 3,273 4,566 7,839 3,273 4,566 - - -
Division 63 Information service activities 16,861 10,408 6,453 15,787 9,334 6,453 1,074 1,074 -
Data processing, hosting and related activities; web portals 7,552 4,752 2,800 6,583 3,783 2,800 969 969 -
Other information service activities 9,308 5,655 3,653 9,204 5,551 3,653 104 104 -
SECTION K: FINANCIAL AND INSURANCE ACTIVITIES 133,690 84,367 49,323 125,577 78,525 47,052 8,114 5,843 2,271
Division 64 Financial service activities, except insurance and
pension funding 108,582 66,502 42,080 100,468 60,660 39,809 8,114 5,843 2,271
Monetary intermediation 51,853 32,862 18,991 50,172 31,181 18,991 1,681 1,681 -
Activities of holding companies 1,240 663 578 278 182 96 962 481 481
Trusts, funds and similar financial entities 751 621 130 751 621 130 - - -
Other financial service activities, except insurance and pension
funding activities 54,738 32,356 22,382 49,268 28,676 20,592 5,471 3,681 1,790
Division 65 Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except
compulsory social security 4,175 2,822 1,353 4,175 2,822 1,353 - - -
Insurance 2,484 1,658 827 2,484 1,658 827 - - -
Reinsurance 1,343 859 484 1,343 859 484 - - -
Pension funding 347 305 43 347 305 43 - - -
Division 66 Activities auxiliary to financial service and
insurance activities 20,933 15,044 5,890 20,933 15,044 5,890 - - -
Activities auxiliary to financial service activities, except insurance
and pension funding 11,553 6,601 4,952 11,553 6,601 4,952 - - -
Activities auxiliary to insurance and pension funding 7,975 7,559 416 7,975 7,559 416 - - -
Fund management activities 1,406 883 522 1,406 883 522 - - -
Table 5.10 Cont’d
Urban +Rural Urban Rural
Minor Industrial Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

SECTION L: REAL ESTATE ACTIVITIES 2,257 1,449 808 2,212 1,449 763 45 - 45
Division 68 Real estate activities 2,257 1,449 808 2,212 1,449 763 45 - 45
Real estate activities with own or leased property 714 549 165 714 549 165 - - -
Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis 1,543 900 643 1,497 900 598 45 - 45
ACTIVITIES 139,942 96,997 42,945 121,432 83,279 38,152 18,510 13,718 4,792
Division 69 Legal and accounting activities 66,337 43,925 22,411 63,881 41,622 22,259 2,456 2,303 152
Legal activities 41,762 30,359 11,403 40,209 28,851 11,358 1,553 1,508 45
Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy 24,575 13,567 11,008 23,672 12,771 10,901 903 796 107
Division 70 Activities of head offices; management
consultancy activities 17,478 13,890 3,588 16,301 13,064 3,237 1,177 825 351
Activities of head offices 9,674 7,827 1,847 8,620 7,124 1,496 1,054 702 351
Management consultancy activities 7,804 6,063 1,741 7,681 5,940 1,741 123 123 -
Division 71 Architectural and engineering activities; technical
testing and analysis 1,745 1,513 232 1,745 1,513 232 - - -
Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy 599 532 67 599 532 67 - - -
Technical testing and analysis 1,146 981 165 1,146 981 165 - - -
Division 72 Scientific research and development 13,939 10,230 3,708 9,718 6,009 3,708 4,221 4,221 -
Research and experimental development on natural sciences
and engineering 7,801 5,920 1,881 4,376 2,494 1,881 3,426 3,426 -
Research and experimental development on social sciences and
humanities 6,137 4,310 1,827 5,342 3,515 1,827 795 795 -
Division 73 Advertising and market research 4,680 2,665 2,015 4,680 2,665 2,015 - - -
Advertising 2,054 1,355 699 2,054 1,355 699 - - -
Market research and public opinion polling 2,626 1,310 1,316 2,626 1,310 1,316 - - -
Division 74 Other professional, scientific and technical
activities 15,917 11,328 4,589 14,850 10,805 4,045 1,066 522 544
Specialized design activities 2,694 2,120 574 2,694 2,120 574 - - -
Photographic activities 6,631 4,943 1,688 6,631 4,943 1,688 - - -
Other professional, scientific and technical activities not
elsewhere classified 6,592 4,265 2,327 5,526 3,743 1,783 1,066 522 544
Division 75 Veterinary activities 19,847 13,446 6,401 10,257 7,601 2,656 9,591 5,846 3,745
Veterinary activities 19,847 13,446 6,401 10,257 7,601 2,656 9,591 5,846 3,745
SECTION N: ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICE ACTIVITIES 142,921 92,622 50,299 127,873 82,266 45,607 15,048 10,355 4,692
Division 77 Rental and leasing activities 4,354 3,202 1,152 4,354 3,202 1,152 - - -
Renting and leasing of motor vehicles 2,154 1,887 267 2,154 1,887 267 - - -
Renting and leasing of personal and household goods 2,168 1,284 884 2,168 1,284 884 - - -
Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible
goods 31 31 - 31 31 - - - -
Leasing of intellectual property and similar products, except
copyrighted works - - - - - - - - -
Table 5.10 Cont’d
Urban +Rural Urban Rural
Minor Industrial Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Division 78 Employment activities 24,362 15,713 8,649 22,391 14,265 8,127 1,971 1,449 522
Activities of employment placement agencies 5,264 2,785 2,479 4,741 2,785 1,956 522 - 522
Temporary employment agency activities 1,488 1,251 237 1,488 1,251 237 - - -
Other human resources provision 17,611 11,677 5,934 16,162 10,228 5,934 1,449 1,449 -
Division 79 Travel agency, tour operator, reservation service
and related activities 6,465 4,796 1,669 6,234 4,796 1,437 232 - 232
Travel agency and tour operator activities 4,349 3,497 852 4,349 3,497 852 - - -
Other reservation service and related activities 2,116 1,299 817 1,884 1,299 585 232 - 232
Division 80 Security and investigation activities 13,975 11,471 2,504 12,726 10,450 2,276 1,249 1,021 228
Private security activities 2,364 1,898 466 2,136 1,898 238 228 - 228
Security systems service activities 9,231 7,532 1,699 8,316 6,616 1,699 916 916 -
Investigation activities 2,380 2,041 339 2,275 1,936 339 105 105 -
Division 81 Services to buildings and landscape activities 20,418 9,470 10,948 17,910 8,697 9,213 2,508 772 1,736
Combined facilities support activities 3,019 2,416 603 2,246 1,643 603 772 772 -
Cleaning activities 14,470 5,153 9,317 13,366 5,153 8,213 1,104 - 1,104
Landscape care and maintenance service activities 2,929 1,900 1,029 2,297 1,900 397 632 - 632
Division 82 Office administrative, office support and other
business support activities 73,346 47,968 25,377 64,258 40,855 23,403 9,088 7,113 1,975
Office administrative and support activities 53,144 33,869 19,275 45,526 27,649 17,877 7,618 6,220 1,398
Activities of call centres 3,430 1,623 1,807 2,338 1,077 1,261 1,092 546 546
Organization of conventions and trade shows 1,469 907 561 1,469 907 561 - - -
Business support service activities not elsewhere classified 15,303 11,569 3,734 14,925 11,222 3,703 378 347 30
COMPULSORY SOCIAL SECURITY 287,397 204,121 83,277 228,399 151,139 77,260 58,998 52,981 6,017
Division 84 Public administration and defense; compulsory
social security 287,397 204,121 83,277 228,399 151,139 77,260 58,998 52,981 6,017
Administration of the State and the economic and social policy of
the community 175,522 118,878 56,643 134,779 82,920 51,859 40,743 35,958 4,785
Provision of services to the community as a whole 102,749 78,871 23,878 85,816 63,016 22,800 16,933 15,855 1,078
Compulsory social security activities 9,127 6,372 2,755 7,804 5,203 2,601 1,323 1,168 154
SECTION P: EDUCATION 682,921 425,530 257,391 422,352 244,023 178,329 260,569 181,507 79,062
Division 85 Education 682,921 425,530 257,391 422,352 244,023 178,329 260,569 181,507 79,062
Pre-primary and primary education 375,893 218,590 157,303 166,130 79,231 86,900 209,762 139,359 70,403
Secondary education 178,474 124,350 54,125 143,954 96,718 47,235 34,520 27,631 6,889
Higher education 68,395 37,173 31,223 67,776 36,554 31,223 619 619 -
Other education 34,097 26,082 8,015 22,469 15,574 6,895 11,628 10,508 1,120
Educational support activities 26,062 19,336 6,726 22,022 15,946 6,076 4,039 3,390 650
SECTION Q: HUMAN HEALTH AND SOCIAL WORK ACTIVITIES 251,538 110,877 140,661 187,601 80,291 107,310 63,937 30,586 33,351
Division 86 Human health activities 205,934 98,365 107,569 158,273 73,082 85,192 47,661 25,283 22,378
Hospital activities 77,128 36,518 40,610 67,355 29,218 38,137 9,773 7,300 2,474
Medical and dental practice activities 7,607 4,687 2,920 6,514 3,746 2,769 1,093 941 152
Other human health activities scription 121,199 57,160 64,039 84,404 40,118 44,286 36,795 17,042 19,753
Table 5.10 Cont’d
Urban +Rural Urban Rural
Minor Industrial Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Division 87 Residential care activities 38,791 8,596 30,194 23,302 4,081 19,221 15,489 4,516 10,973
Residential nursing care facilities 3,878 2,429 1,449 2,534 1,085 1,449 1,344 1,344 -
Residential care activities for mental retardation, mental health
and substance abuse 594 86 507 594 86 507 - - -
Residential care activities for the elderly and disabled 1,066 517 549 1,066 517 549 - - -
Other residential care activities 33,253 5,564 27,689 19,108 2,392 16,716 14,145 3,172 10,973
Division 88 Social work activities without accommodation 6,813 3,916 2,897 6,026 3,128 2,897 787 787 -
Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and
disabled 685 266 420 685 266 420 - - -
Other social work activities without accommodation 6,128 3,650 2,477 5,340 2,863 2,477 787 787 -
SECTION R: ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATION 42,142 25,721 16,421 32,425 21,492 10,933 9,717 4,229 5,488
Division 90 Creative, arts and entertainment activities 3,536 2,383 1,153 3,014 1,861 1,153 522 522 -
Creative, arts and entertainment activities 3,536 2,383 1,153 3,014 1,861 1,153 522 522 -
Division 91 Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural
activities 8,194 4,217 3,977 7,422 3,445 3,977 772 772 -
Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities 8,194 4,217 3,977 7,422 3,445 3,977 772 772 -
Division 92 Gambling and betting activities 8,735 3,354 5,382 4,071 2,581 1,489 4,665 772 3,892
Gambling and betting activities 8,735 3,354 5,382 4,071 2,581 1,489 4,665 772 3,892
Division 93 Sports activities and amusement and recreation
activities 21,677 15,767 5,910 17,919 13,605 4,314 3,757 2,162 1,595
Sports activities 10,369 9,105 1,264 9,389 8,124 1,264 980 980 -
Other amusement and recreation activities 11,307 6,662 4,645 8,531 5,481 3,050 2,777 1,181 1,595
SECTION S: OTHER SERVICE ACTIVITIES 456,425 278,064 178,360 326,743 199,247 127,496 129,682 78,817 50,865
Division 94 Activities of membership organizations 112,908 91,171 21,736 76,687 59,397 17,290 36,221 31,775 4,446
Activities of business, employers and professional membership
organizations 18,746 12,873 5,872 15,847 9,975 5,872 2,899 2,899 -
Activities of trade unions 12,966 11,017 1,949 4,924 2,975 1,949 8,042 8,042 -
Activities of other membership organizations 81,196 67,281 13,915 55,916 46,447 9,469 25,280 20,834 4,446
Division 95 Repair of computers and personal and household
goods 35,825 26,142 9,683 23,432 18,969 4,463 12,393 7,173 5,220
Repair of computers and communication equipment 4,529 3,733 795 4,529 3,733 795 - - -
Repair of personal and household goods 31,296 22,409 8,888 18,903 15,236 3,668 12,393 7,173 5,220
Division 96 Other personal service activities 307,692 160,751 146,941 226,624 120,882 105,743 81,068 39,869 41,198
Other personal service activities 307,692 160,751 146,941 226,624 120,882 105,743 81,068 39,869 41,198


ACTIVITIES OF HOUSEHOLDS FOR OWN USE 3,091,142 433,886 2,657,256 446,872 79,985 366,887 2,644,270 353,901 2,290,369
Division 97 Activities of households as employers of domestic
personnel 1,180,902 186,869 994,033 244,849 36,071 208,778 936,053 150,798 785,255
Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel 1,180,902 186,869 994,033 244,849 36,071 208,778 936,053 150,798 785,255
Table 5.10 Cont’d
Urban +Rural Urban Rural
Minor Industrial Divisions Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Division 98 Undifferentiated goods- and services-producing

activities of private households for own use 1,910,240 247,017 1,663,223 202,023 43,914 158,109 1,708,217 203,103 1,505,114
Undifferentiated goods-producing activities of private households
for own use 87,453 14,600 72,853 12,146 2,688 9,458 75,307 11,913 63,395
Undifferentiated service-producing activities of private
households for own 1,822,787 232,417 1,590,370 189,877 41,226 148,651 1,632,910 191,191 1,441,719
AND BODIES DESCRIPTION 21,990 13,567 8,422 20,421 13,567 6,854 1,568 - 1,568
Division 99 Activities of extraterritorial organizations and
bodies 21,990 13,567 8,422 20,421 13,567 6,854 1,568 - 1,568
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies 21,990 13,567 8,422 20,421 13,567 6,854 1,568 - 1,568
Table 5.11 Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and Above by Status in Employment, Sex and Place of Residence: 2013
Status in Employment
Paid Employees
Employee- Employee-
Place of Total Government Employee- NGO Unpaid Apprentice
Residence Employed Total paid Employee- Development Private (International Employee Other Member of Self Family and
and Sex Population Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee Cooperatives Employed Worker Employer Others
Urban + Rural
Total 42,403,879 4,252,601 1,457,464 410,389 1,778,837 98,162 401,210 106,539 90,704 17,023,071 20,642,907 177,212 217,383
Male 22,886,647 2,730,028 937,025 281,542 1,211,740 62,509 150,733 86,479 62,432 11,765,580 8,068,220 151,709 108,678
Female 19,517,232 1,522,573 520,439 128,847 567,097 35,653 250,477 20,060 28,272 5,257,491 12,574,687 25,503 108,705
Total 6,382,858 2,872,884 999,839 307,485 1,179,186 65,545 265,813 55,016 54,798 2,509,526 848,136 47,752 49,760
Male 3,529,307 1,699,998 615,343 202,989 739,530 42,271 54,695 45170 40,982 1,407,573 308,336 37,602 34,816
Female 2,853,551 1,172,888 384,496 104,497 439,656 23,275 211,118 9,846 13,816 1,101,954 539,801 10,150 14,944
Total 36,021,021 1,379,717 457,625 102,904 599,651 32,617 135,397 51,523 35,906 14,513,545 19,794,771 129,460 167,623
Male 19,357,341 1,030,029 321,681 78,553 472,210 20,238 96,038 41,309 21,450 10,358,007 7,759,884 114,107 73,862
Female 16,663,681 349,686 135,944 24,350 127,441 12,379 39,358 10,214 14,456 4,155,538 12,034,887 15,353 93,761
Urban + Rural
Total 2,547,502 303,590 133,937 35,971 102,764 5,191 16,364 9,363 2,396 872,803 1,341,620 4,685 22,407
Male 1,335,754 181,716 72,398 26,591 65,915 3,737 4,255 8,820 1,380 603,330 527,662 4,144 17,521
Female 1,211,748 121,874 61,539 9,380 36,849 1,455 12,108 543 1,016 269,473 813,958 541 4,885
Total 443,786 195,343 80,724 19,526 72,934 4,428 13,555 4,176 2,396 183,351 59,062 2,982 651
Male 236,353 113,453 44,630 14,734 43,995 2,973 3,488 3633 1,380 93,855 24,852 2,441 373
Female 207,433 81,892 36,095 4,792 28,939 1,455 10,068 543 1,016 89,496 34,210 541 278
Total 2,103,716 108,246 53,212 16,445 29,830 764 2,808 5,187 - 689,452 1,282,559 1,703 21,756
Male 1,099,400 68,264 27,768 11,857 21,920 764 768 5,187 - 509,475 502,810 1,703 17,149
Female 1,004,315 39,983 25,444 4,588 7,910 - 2,041 - - 179,977 779,749 - 4,607
Urban + Rural
Total 652,108 104,543 38,315 26,231 26,189 8,042 5,057 709 417 223,753 323,045 229 121
Male 344,131 64,654 27,108 19,007 14,727 2,042 1,281 489 417 158,164 120,547 229 121
Female 307,977 39,889 11,208 7,223 11,462 6,000 3,776 220 - 65,589 202,498 - -
Total 102,460 49,336 21,314 13,230 8,349 1,547 4,396 500 207 37,076 15,491 229 121
Male 56,871 31,578 14,021 8,940 5,853 1,204 1,071 489 207 19,159 5,576 229 121
Female 45,589 17,758 7,293 4,290 2,496 343 3,325 11 - 17,917 9,915 - -
Total 549,648 55,207 17,001 13,000 17,840 6,495 661 210 210 186,677 307,554 - -
Male 287,261 33,075 13,086 10,067 8,874 838 210 - 210 139,005 114,972 - -
Female 262,388 22,132 3,915 2,933 8,966 5,657 451 210 - 47,673 192,583 - -
Table 5.11 Cont’d
Status in Employment
Paid Employees
Employee- Employee-
Place of Total Government Employee- NGO Unpaid Apprentice
Residence Employed Total paid Employee- Development Private (International Employee Other Member of Self Family and
and Sex Population Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee Cooperatives Employed Worker Employer Others
Urban + Rural
Total 11,174,123 820,132 306,095 83,604 312,464 14,147 76,866 26,956 11,931 4,011,420 6,221,497 72,778 36,365
Male 5,965,956 567,502 200,795 59,982 234,194 10,789 38,675 23,067 8,582 3,011,924 2,294,204 65,165 18,580
Female 5,208,167 252,629 105,300 23,622 78,270 3,358 38,191 3,888 3,349 999,496 3,927,294 7,614 17,785
Total 1,387,072 456,697 191,632 45,051 161,898 7,503 38,755 11,858 10,022 572,545 326,473 12,917 8,418
Male 710,022 273,572 122,090 28,233 99,686 4,776 8,030 10757 7,936 305,491 107,776 10,568 4,678
Female 677,050 183,124 69,542 16,818 62,212 2,726 30,725 1,101 2,086 267,054 218,697 2,349 3,741
Total 9,787,051 363,434 114,463 38,552 150,566 6,644 38,111 15,098 1,908 3,438,876 5,895,024 59,861 27,947
Male 5,255,934 293,930 78,705 31,749 134,508 6,012 30,645 12,311 645 2,706,433 2,186,428 54,596 13,902
Female 4,531,117 69,508 35,759 6,804 16,059 632 7,467 2,787 1,263 732,442 3,708,597 5,265 14,044
Urban + Rural
Total 16,529,563 1,287,503 420,740 96,218 595,011 28,309 113,598 33,627 40,595 6,734,804 8,352,580 78,830 35,251
Male 9,039,726 887,777 282,764 68,134 433,384 19,420 57,841 26,234 29,724 4,665,740 3,363,099 66,482 26,905
Female 7,489,837 399,725 137,975 28,084 161,627 8,889 55,757 7,393 10,872 2,069,064 4,989,481 12,348 8,346
Total 1,863,072 711,186 267,381 73,825 294,529 16,577 45,319 13,555 14,626 815,467 288,601 16,643 16,549
Male 1,055,353 447,929 172,482 52,233 191,101 10,280 10,301 11532 12,925 457,641 108,831 13,864 14,163
Female 807,719 263,257 94,898 21,593 103,428 6,297 35,018 2,023 1,701 357,825 179,771 2,778 2,386
Total 14,666,491 576,318 153,359 22,393 300,483 11,732 68,279 20,072 25,969 5,919,338 8,063,979 62,187 18,702
Male 7,984,373 439,849 110,282 15,902 242,284 9,140 47,539 14,702 16,799 4,208,098 3,254,269 52,618 12,742
Female 6,682,118 136,469 43,077 6,491 58,199 2,593 20,739 5,370 9,170 1,711,239 4,809,710 9,569 5,960
Urban + Rural
Total 783,017 49,499 22,568 3,008 14,761 1,560 4,974 2,628 287 392,479 338,471 341 1,940
Male 474,365 36,193 17,349 2,019 12,601 807 1,367 2,050 287 279,994 156,294 341 1,256
Female 308,651 13,306 5,219 989 2,160 753 3,607 578 - 112,486 182,177 - 684
Total 83,451 32,133 14,781 2,717 10,176 1,100 2,470 889 287 44,222 6,414 113 281
Male 49,497 22,777 10,396 1,729 8,471 807 607 767 287 24,290 1,750 113 281
Female 33,954 9,358 4,385 989 1,705 293 1,864 122 - 19,933 4,665 - -
Total 699,566 17,366 7,787 291 4,586 460 2,503 1,739 - 348,257 332,057 228 1,659
Male 424,869 13,417 6,953 291 4,130 - 760 1,283 - 255,704 154,545 228 975
Female 274,697 3,949 834 - 456 460 1,743 456 - 92,553 177,512 - 684
Table 5.11 Cont’d
Status in Employment
Paid Employees
Employee- Employee-
Place of Total Government Employee- NGO Unpaid Apprentice
Residence Employed Total paid Employee- Development Private (International Employee Other Member of Self Family and
and Sex Population Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee Cooperatives Employed Worker Employer Others

Urban + Rural
Total 484,220 42,991 24,113 4,190 11,681 732 1,533 742 537 205,465 233,425 1,463 340
Male 252,117 30,147 17,428 3,055 8,199 574 345 546 191 150,831 69,384 1,317 248
Female 232,103 12,845 6,685 1,135 3,482 159 1,188 196 347 54,634 164,041 146 92
Total 74,207 28,096 17,371 3,314 5,272 732 755 652 283 31,225 13,797 466 340
Male 41,862 19,305 12,131 2,285 3,724 574 134 457 191 18,146 3,653 321 248
Female 32,345 8,793 5,240 1,029 1,548 159 621 196 92 13,079 10,143 146 92
Total 410,013 14,893 6,742 876 6,409 - 777 89 255 174,240 219,628 996 -
Male 210,255 10,843 5,297 771 4,475 - 211 89 - 132,685 65,731 996 -
Female 199,757 4,050 1,445 105 1,934 - 566 - 255 41,555 153,898 - -
Urban + Rural
Total 8,507,979 627,659 285,659 56,980 203,568 19,340 49,510 12,602 14,217 4,054,809 3,690,808 11,205 109,282
Male 4,506,169 408,557 196,427 38,519 126,022 12,832 24,063 10,694 8,723 2,560,855 1,484,371 9,035 34,626
Female 4,001,810 219,102 89,231 18,462 77,546 6,508 25,447 1,908 5,494 1,493,954 2,206,437 2,169 74,656
Total 950,828 395,399 188,644 46,299 116,261 13,102 27,483 3,610 6,758 417,750 112,293 6,720 11,909
Male 539,412 246,051 122,915 30,982 71,504 9,505 8,157 2988 5,032 232,131 45,440 5,070 5,689
Female 411,416 149,347 65,729 15,317 44,757 3,596 19,326 622 1,725 185,620 66,853 1,650 6,220
Total 7,557,151 232,259 97,014 10,681 87,307 6,238 22,027 8,992 7,459 3,637,059 3,578,515 4,485 97,373
Male 3,966,757 162,507 73,512 7,537 54,519 3,327 15,906 7,706 3,691 2,328,725 1,438,932 3,966 28,937
Female 3,590,394 69,751 23,502 3,144 32,788 2,911 6,121 1,285 3,768 1,308,334 2,139,584 519 68,436

Urban + Rural
Total 162,075 24,352 17,407 1,743 4,055 662 240 245 48 77,977 59,433 247 17
Male 84,781 15,429 11,275 1,080 2,462 433 - 179 27 46,402 22,704 202 17
Female 77,293 8,922 6,132 662 1,593 229 240 66 21 31,575 36,728 45 -
Total 41,018 17,844 12,596 1,393 2,957 458 240 200 48 15,387 7,473 247 17
Male 21,011 11,232 7,831 985 1,962 275 - 179 27 6,774 2,759 202 17
Female 20,007 6,611 4,764 408 995 183 240 21 21 8,614 4,715 45 -
Total 121,057 6,507 4,811 350 1,098 203 - 45 - 62,590 51,959 - -
Male 63,771 4,197 3,444 95 500 158 - - - 39,628 19,946 - -
Female 57,286 2,310 1,368 254 598 45 - 45 - 22,961 32,014 - -
Table 5.11 Cont’d
Status in Employment
Paid Employees
Employee- Employee-
Place of Total Government Employee- NGO Unpaid Apprentice
Residence Employed Total paid Employee- Development Private (International Employee Other Member of Self Family and
and Sex Population Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee Cooperatives Employed Worker Employer Others

Urban + Rural
Total 100,225 27,496 12,799 2,463 8,913 501 2,286 534 441 47,512 23,932 258 587
Male 52,647 16,597 7,338 1,682 6,078 388 670 441 184 26,166 9,064 161 476
Female 47,578 10,901 5,462 781 2,836 113 1,616 93 257 21,346 14,868 98 110
Total 49,802 26,159 12,147 2,407 8,410 501 2,251 443 441 21,391 995 258 557
Male 27,309 15,608 6,767 1,657 5,715 388 670 411 184 10,353 528 161 476
Female 22,493 10,553 5,381 750 2,695 113 1,581 33 257 11,038 467 98 81
Total 50,423 1,337 652 56 503 - 35 91 - 26,121 22,937 - 29
Male 25,338 989 571 25 363 - - 30 - 15,814 8,535 - -
Female 25,085 346 81 30 140 - 35 60 - 10,307 14,401 - 29
Urban + Rural
Total 1,285,598 909,175 181,031 95,866 471,318 18,298 124,892 17,770 18,260 331,539 9,333 6,795 10,496
Male 736,789 487,981 94,614 58,284 290,369 10,398 21,361 12,955 11,540 219,873 4,382 4,453 8,560
Female 548,808 421,193 86,417 37,582 180,949 7,900 103,531 4,814 6,720 111,666 4,951 2,342 1,936
Total 1,285,598 909,175 181,031 95,866 471,318 18,298 124,892 17,770 18,260 331,539 9,333 6,795 10,496
Male 736,789 487,981 94,614 58,284 290,369 10,398 21,361 12955 11,540 219,873 4,382 4,453 8,560
Female 548,808 421,193 86,417 37,582 180,949 7,900 103,531 4,814 6,720 111,666 4,951 2,342 1,936
Total - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Urban + Rural
Total 177,470 55,665 14,801 4,116 28,112 1,381 5,891 1,364 1,575 70,509 48,763 381 579
Male 94,211 33,475 9,529 3,188 17,789 1,090 876 1,003 1,378 42,301 16,508 180 368
Female 83,259 22,188 5,272 928 10,322 291 5,015 360 197 28,208 32,255 201 211
Total 101,564 51,515 12,218 3,855 27,082 1,300 5,696 1,364 1,470 39,574 8,204 381 421
Male 54,828 30,513 7,466 2,927 17,151 1,090 876 1,003 1,273 19,862 2,789 180 210
Female 46,736 21,001 4,752 928 9,931 210 4,820 360 197 19,712 5,415 201 211
Total 75,906 4,150 2,583 261 1,030 81 195 - 105 30,935 40,559 - 158
Male 39,383 2,962 2,063 261 638 - - - 105 22,439 13,719 - 158
Female 36,523 1,187 520 - 391 81 195 - - 8,496 26,840 - -
Table 5.12 Employed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and Above by Status in Employment and Sex: 2013
Status in Employment
Paid Employees
Employee- NGO
Total Government Employee- (including Unpaid
Major Towns Employed Total paid Employee- Development Private International Employee Other Member of Self Family Apprentice
and Sex Population Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee Cooperatives Employed Worker Employer and Others

Total 2,668,317 1,646,764 417,316 166,554 794,171 38,150 199,069 31,504 34,235 831,035 115,516 18,422 22,344
Male 1,502,268 914,638 234,282 107,072 491,570 22,761 34,746 24,207 22,590 491,923 43,511 12,987 16,619
Female 1,166,050 732,127 183,034 59,482 302,601 15,389 164,324 7,297 11,646 339,112 72,005 5,435 5,725
Total 24,980 12,853 4,549 1,446 5,288 147 1,141 282 416 9,804 1,852 - 55
Male 11,617 7,337 2,554 817 3,089 87 508 282 242 3,613 370 - 55
Female 13,364 5,516 1,994 629 2,200 60 633 - 175 6,191 1,482 - -
Total 109,199 69,437 21,539 6,324 29,503 2,038 8,726 1,307 1,329 34,027 3,116 866 426
Male 56,944 38,364 11,753 4,493 18,394 1,429 988 1,307 488 16,368 649 757 318
Female 52,256 31,073 9,786 1,831 11,109 609 7,738 - 841 17,658 2,466 108 108
Total 9,535 4,062 2,010 577 855 96 438 86 - 4,351 1,090 21 11
Male 5,366 2,501 1,251 438 652 64 21 75 - 2,437 396 21 11
Female 4,169 1,561 759 139 203 32 417 11 - 1,914 695 - -
Total 121,158 52,540 16,341 4,862 24,547 402 4,652 1,736 2,954 39,300 25,606 - 759
Male 61,798 27,693 8,682 2,929 14,277 - 453 1,352 2,527 20,899 10,374 - 307
Female 59,360 24,848 7,659 1,933 10,270 402 4,200 384 426 18,402 15,232 - 452
Total 30,642 13,644 3,455 2,817 5,102 646 1,499 125 1,099 13,707 1,597 339 257
Male 17,393 8,009 1,917 2,039 3,233 463 294 63 719 7,247 1,001 233 185
Female 13,249 5,634 1,538 778 1,869 183 1,204 62 380 6,460 597 107 72
Total 62,079 31,842 10,764 2,900 11,857 750 4,737 834 544 24,993 4,107 101 490
Male 36,171 17,354 6,510 1,950 7,191 429 617 657 365 16,475 1,572 101 304
Female 25,907 14,491 4,254 951 4,667 321 4,120 178 179 8,518 2,534 - 186
Total 43,894 17,461 5,976 1,139 8,219 142 1,378 607 745 12,842 11,760 774 311
Male 22,699 9,912 3,415 808 5,050 107 48 484 501 6,699 4,665 610 311
Female 21,195 7,547 2,561 331 3,168 34 1,330 123 244 6,144 7,095 165 -

Table 5.12 Cont’d

Status in Employment
Paid Employees

Employee- NGO
Total Government Employee- (including Unpaid
Major Towns Employed Total paid Employee- Development Private International Employee Other Member of Self Family Apprentice
and Sex Population Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee Cooperatives Employed Worker Employer and Others
Total 45,934 19,854 8,628 2,169 6,694 415 1,678 270 239 13,939 11,318 279 305
Male 22,188 10,464 5,142 1,154 3,367 230 398 173 134 7,504 3,707 246 133
Female 23,746 9,391 3,486 1,016 3,327 186 1,279 97 105 6,435 7,611 32 171
Total 110,313 68,046 18,210 6,407 34,985 1,505 6,169 770 743 32,434 5,704 2,773 613
Male 57,313 36,282 11,584 4,450 17,814 791 873 770 504 16,121 2,020 1,861 524
Female 53,000 31,763 6,625 1,957 17,171 714 5,296 - 239 16,313 3,684 912 89
Total 39,159 18,531 7,861 1,591 6,633 804 1,155 487 181 16,590 3,460 172 229
Male 23,441 11,539 4,851 1,169 4,329 554 255 381 76 9,839 1,711 109 166
Female 15,718 6,991 3,010 422 2,304 249 900 106 104 6,751 1,748 62 62
Total 57,485 37,992 6,654 4,456 24,081 511 1,888 402 277 16,325 1,990 315 586
Male 32,024 22,231 3,745 3,391 14,285 246 162 402 42 8,386 671 233 462
Female 25,460 15,761 2,909 1,065 9,795 266 1,726 - 235 7,939 1,319 82 124
Total 32,865 18,750 7,564 1,928 7,040 419 1,379 420 293 11,714 1,596 240 273
Male 18,522 12,085 4,897 1,415 4,949 240 199 385 129 5,334 566 205 203
Female 14,343 6,666 2,667 514 2,090 179 1,180 36 163 6,380 1,030 35 70
Total 113,722 65,673 11,119 6,501 35,852 2,777 8,343 1,081 943 40,301 3,525 1,630 1,649
Male 66,442 37,146 6,898 4,811 21,333 1,302 1,943 859 407 25,305 996 1,266 1,322
Female 47,280 28,527 4,221 1,689 14,519 1,475 6,400 223 536 14,997 2,529 364 327
Total 68,277 40,669 13,467 4,430 18,131 986 3,220 435 433 23,222 2,894 520 540
Male 39,539 24,425 7,637 2,725 12,709 505 708 141 240 13,190 818 520 346
Female 28,738 16,242 5,830 1,705 5,421 481 2,511 294 193 10,032 2,076 - 194
Total 49,456 20,090 4,427 1,996 10,555 399 2,414 299 531 25,778 1,735 681 641
Male 29,786 12,999 2,967 1,680 7,528 211 408 205 455 14,679 624 436 594
Female 19,670 7,090 1,460 316 3,027 188 2,006 93 76 11,099 1,111 245 47
Table 5.12 Cont’d
Status in Employment
Paid Employees

Employee- NGO
Total Government Employee- (including Unpaid
Major Towns Employed Total paid Employee- Development Private International Employee Other Member of Self Family Apprentice
and Sex Population Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee Cooperatives Employed Worker Employer and Others

Total 38,068 19,443 7,572 1,453 6,975 821 2,056 566 51 17,969 421 67 117
Male 23,674 12,955 4,950 798 5,859 528 330 490 51 10,252 232 67 117
Female 14,394 6,488 2,623 655 1,116 293 1,725 76 - 7,716 189 - -
Total 16,393 8,782 4,746 1,000 2,423 230 218 165 124 5,708 1,516 226 36
Male 9,669 5,492 2,878 596 1,653 201 16 148 104 3,681 311 80 -
Female 6,724 3,291 1,869 404 770 29 202 17 20 2,027 1,205 146 36
Total 32,463 15,516 6,392 1,265 5,392 281 1,861 325 39 13,654 2,412 624 219
Male 19,398 9,556 3,852 984 3,765 167 463 325 39 8,114 1,084 421 186
Female 13,065 5,961 2,540 282 1,628 113 1,398 - - 5,540 1,328 203 33
Total 27,989 12,427 4,719 1,289 4,637 148 1,433 201 151 13,564 1,628 31 188
Male 16,290 7,566 2,729 993 2,993 94 600 157 120 7,960 519 - 126
Female 11,699 4,860 1,990 295 1,644 54 833 44 31 5,604 1,110 31 63
Total 42,472 16,881 7,089 1,836 5,597 799 1,229 331 64 20,083 3,595 118 1,732
Male 25,325 11,203 4,678 1,181 4,141 552 393 258 64 11,999 1,521 79 459
Female 17,147 5,675 2,410 654 1,456 247 836 72 - 8,085 2,074 39 1,273
Total 40,477 23,611 9,285 2,636 9,055 616 1,504 515 1,088 13,867 1,434 194 282
Male 22,811 14,226 5,328 1,675 6,181 436 344 262 954 6,743 536 116 236
Female 17,665 9,386 3,957 961 2,874 181 1,160 253 135 7,124 898 78 46
Total 96,651 61,634 22,829 4,741 21,889 2,706 8,921 548 1,802 28,173 3,011 896 1,135
Male 55,619 35,086 13,376 3,184 14,185 1,976 1,817 548 1,434 16,341 1,014 755 991
Female 41,032 26,550 9,454 1,557 7,704 731 7,104 - 368 11,832 1,997 141 144
Total 18,143 10,182 6,727 660 2,052 415 191 137 21 6,186 1,617 121 17
Male 9,311 6,112 3,841 523 1,357 275 - 116 - 2,650 456 76 17
Female 8,832 4,068 2,885 136 695 140 191 21 21 3,536 1,162 45 -
Table 5.12 Cont’d
Status in Employment
Paid Employees

Employee- NGO
Total Government Employee- (including Unpaid
Major Towns Employed Total paid Employee- Development Private International Employee Other Member of Self Family Apprentice
and Sex Population Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee Cooperatives Employed Worker Employer and Others

Total 49,802 26,159 12,147 2,407 8,410 501 2,251 443 441 21,391 995 258 557
Male 27,309 15,608 6,767 1,657 5,715 388 670 411 184 10,353 528 161 476
Female 22,493 10,553 5,381 750 2,695 113 1,581 33 257 11,038 467 98 81
Total 1,285,598 909,175 181,031 95,866 471,318 18,298 124,892 17,770 18,260 331,539 9,333 6,795 10,496
Male 736,789 487,981 94,614 58,284 290,369 10,398 21,361 12,955 11,540 219,873 4,382 4,453 8,560
Female 548,808 421,193 86,417 37,582 180,949 7,900 103,531 4,814 6,720 111,666 4,951 2,342 1,936
Total 101,564 51,515 12,218 3,855 27,082 1,300 5,696 1,364 1,470 39,574 8,204 381 421
Male 54,828 30,513 7,466 2,927 17,151 1,090 876 1,003 1,273 19,862 2,789 180 210
Female 46,736 21,001 4,752 928 9,931 210 4,820 360 197 19,712 5,415 201 211
Table 5.13a Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Major Occupational Groups and Industrial Divisions and
Sex, COUNTRY - TOTAL: 2013
Major Occupational Groups
Skilled Plant and
agricultural Craft and machine
Major Industrial Total Technicians Clerical Service forestry related operators
Division and Employed and associate support and sales and fishery trades and Elementary
Sex Person Managers Professionals professionals workers workers workers workers assemblers occupations Others
Total Employed Population
Total 42,403,879 231,211 563,231 804,750 221,028 3,670,391 20,321,430 1,849,506 424,314 14,302,768 15,249
Male 22,886,647 169,903 381,562 540,334 77,697 1,275,777 13,663,029 892,789 362,144 5,512,000 11,411
Female 19,517,232 61,308 181,668 264,416 143,331 2,394,614 6,658,401 956,717 62,170 8,790,768 3,838
Agriculture forestry and fishing
Total 30,817,068 23,801 13,912 22,452 6,088 408,428 20,238,962 197,524 17,386 9,886,121 2,395
Male 18,195,792 16,802 10,805 16,217 1,631 197,610 13,620,946 33,597 8,680 4,288,419 1,084
Female 12,621,276 6,999 3,107 6,235 4,457 210,818 6,618,016 163,927 8,706 5,597,701 1,311
Mining and quarrying
Total 179,681 1,325 2,365 5,682 1,638 12,802 1,199 6,626 11,492 136,552 -
Male 116,150 1,281 2,093 5,474 468 6,803 1,054 4,461 10,134 84,380 -
Female 63,532 44 271 208 1,170 6,000 145 2,165 1,358 52,171 -
Total 1,902,194 13,409 18,135 26,332 11,452 587,183 27,984 849,941 152,603 215,154 -
Male 738,984 9,475 13,361 16,935 4,662 88,860 11,146 381,779 111,511 101,255 -
Female 1,163,210 3,934 4,774 9,397 6,790 498,322 16,839 468,163 41,092 113,899 -
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply
Total 27,183 550 3,899 5,351 1,103 6,254 - 5,735 1,062 3,229 -
Male 23,853 463 2,663 4,722 553 6,064 - 5,648 1,062 2,678 -
Female 3,331 87 1,236 629 550 191 - 87 - 551 -
Water supply; sewerage waste management and remediation activities
Total 200,128 3,173 3,607 5,433 2,813 4,152 1,247 5,118 4,850 169,735 -
Male 46,097 1,944 2,194 4,378 574 3,306 1,247 4,667 4,702 23,085 -
Female 154,031 1,229 1,413 1,054 2,239 846 - 451 148 146,650 -
Total 824,769 9,070 25,380 18,391 7,233 25,361 3,638 376,287 19,316 340,094 -
Male 650,592 7,674 18,961 15,145 2,691 16,371 2,623 334,751 18,388 233,989 -
Female 174,177 1,396 6,419 3,246 4,542 8,991 1,015 41,536 928 106,105 -
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Total 2,305,352 37,330 6,669 26,517 7,264 1,891,483 13,259 159,530 9,614 153,209 477
Male 860,147 21,791 3,964 20,718 2,742 668,353 9,391 63,845 8,621 60,244 477
Female 1,445,206 15,539 2,706 5,799 4,522 1,223,129 3,868 95,685 993 92,965 -
Transportation and storage
Total 352,796 4,346 3,421 6,869 8,810 30,587 933 4,262 174,225 119,144 197
Male 315,250 3,635 2,372 4,620 2,945 22,863 403 3,541 168,521 106,153 197
Female 37,547 711 1,050 2,250 5,866 7,724 530 721 5,704 12,991 -
Table 5.13a Cont’d
Major Occupational Groups
Skilled Plant and
agricultural Craft and machine
Major Industrial Total Technicians Clerical Service forestry related operators
Division and Employed and associate support and sales and fishery trades and Elementary
Sex Person Managers Professionals professionals workers workers workers workers assemblers occupations Others
Accommodation and food service activities
Total 482,340 17,801 2,649 4,769 7,770 244,901 2,730 80,442 2,287 118,991 -
Male 135,098 9,572 1,142 2,085 3,596 74,826 2,067 17,213 1,925 22,672 -
Female 347,242 8,229 1,507 2,684 4,174 170,075 663 63,229 362 96,319 -
Information and communication
Total 60,002 2,206 11,481 12,614 15,957 4,731 54 4,176 1,793 6,990 -
Male 37,484 1,527 7,403 9,679 4,940 3,893 54 3,056 1,741 5,192 -
Female 22,518 679 4,078 2,935 11,018 838 - 1,120 52 1,798 -
Financial and insurance activities
Total 133,690 12,026 38,910 28,743 30,579 10,522 - 487 746 11,591 87
Male 84,367 8,693 26,373 19,787 13,266 8,918 - 487 691 6,065 87
Female 49,323 3,332 12,536 8,956 17,313 1,604 - - 55 5,527 -
Real estate activities
Total 2,257 147 377 141 483 716 - 63 32 299 -
Male 1,449 87 258 - 289 539 - 63 32 180 -
Female 808 60 118 141 194 177 - - - 119 -
Professional scientific and technical activities
Total 139,942 13,260 51,840 45,620 13,860 7,140 349 908 2,394 4,570 -
Male 96,997 10,793 36,457 34,834 4,152 5,061 349 876 2,114 2,361 -
Female 42,945 2,467 15,383 10,786 9,709 2,079 - 32 280 2,209 -
Administrative and support service activities
Total 142,921 21,529 17,410 27,773 23,176 15,978 567 2,436 3,916 29,074 1,061
Male 92,622 18,258 12,911 20,071 8,727 12,438 567 1,682 3,689 13,312 967
Female 50,299 3,271 4,499 7,703 14,449 3,540 - 754 227 15,762 94
Public administration and defense; compulsory social security
Total 287,397 43,629 44,662 69,241 31,866 49,636 408 1,818 5,658 30,919 9,561
Male 204,121 36,400 31,682 54,135 9,395 42,480 360 1,156 5,543 15,117 7,853
Female 83,277 7,229 12,980 15,106 22,471 7,156 48 662 115 15,801 1,708
Total 682,921 11,513 229,280 343,156 27,039 20,077 63 5,775 3,547 42,471 -
Male 425,530 9,448 158,026 213,919 8,490 12,185 63 3,446 2,864 17,090 -
Female 257,391 2,065 71,255 129,236 18,550 7,892 - 2,329 683 25,381 -
Human health and social work activities
Total 251,538 5,283 65,897 94,534 10,843 26,850 - 1,946 3,643 42,280 263
Male 110,877 3,879 33,272 43,332 2,108 9,259 - 294 3,576 14,895 263
Female 140,661 1,404 32,625 51,202 8,735 17,590 - 1,652 67 27,386 -
Table 5.13a Cont’d
Major Occupational Groups
Skilled Plant and
agricultural Craft and machine
Major Industrial Total Technicians Clerical Service forestry related operators
Division and Employed and associate support and sales and fishery trades and Elementary
Sex Person Managers Professionals professionals workers workers workers workers assemblers occupations Others
Arts entertainment and recreation
Total 42,142 2,282 5,568 11,516 2,800 5,123 931 866 146 12,910 -
Male 25,721 1,605 4,235 9,627 1,483 3,536 473 316 59 4,386 -
Female 16,421 677 1,333 1,889 1,317 1,587 458 549 87 8,524 -
Other service activities
Total 456,425 5,457 13,221 46,835 6,706 135,952 935 51,543 7,602 187,795 379
Male 278,064 3,968 10,363 43,028 3,929 64,822 655 26,273 6,343 118,304 379
Female 178,360 1,489 2,858 3,807 2,777 71,130 279 25,270 1,258 69,491 -
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use
Total 3,091,142 - - - - 180,005 27,590 93,750 309 2,788,764 725
Male 433,886 - - - - 26,618 11,050 5,496 257 390,465 -
Female 2,657,256 - - - - 153,387 16,540 88,254 52 2,398,299 725
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies Description
Total 21,990 3,074 4,550 2,782 3,549 2,508 579 273 1,692 2,878 104
Male 13,567 2,607 3,029 1,629 1,058 971 579 142 1,692 1,757 104
Female 8,422 467 1,521 1,153 2,492 1,537 - 131 - 1,121 -
Table 5.13b Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Major Occupational Groups and Industrial Divisions and
Sex, COUNTRY - URBAN: 2013
Major Occupational Groups
Skilled Plant and
agricultural Craft and machine
Major Industrial Total Technicians Clerical Service forestry related operators
Division and Employed and associate support and sales and fishery trades and Elementary
Sex Person Managers Professionals professionals workers workers workers workers assemblers occupations Others
Total Employed Population
Total 6,382,858 189,076 466,804 520,185 196,486 1,881,829 629,928 829,087 332,259 1,326,006 11,197
Male 3,529,307 139,475 313,776 337,569 65,185 726,595 426,114 551,467 295,528 664,217 9,379
Female 2,853,551 49,601 153,028 182,616 131,301 1,155,234 203,814 277,619 36,731 661,789 1,819
Agriculture forestry and fishing
Total 864,186 7,995 7,159 7,538 2,618 20,709 604,757 5,393 5,883 202,117 16
Male 569,891 6,185 5,907 4,925 184 10,968 410,192 3,390 4,861 123,278 -
Female 294,296 1,809 1,253 2,613 2,434 9,741 194,566 2,004 1,021 78,839 16
Mining and quarrying
Total 50,678 1,325 2,365 1,936 1,638 7,244 54 3,201 6,146 26,769 -
Male 40,948 1,281 2,093 1,728 468 4,401 54 1,809 5,768 23,346 -
Female 9,730 44 271 208 1,170 2,844 - 1,392 378 3,423 -
Total 919,148 13,409 16,099 25,725 10,417 259,659 7,389 377,889 106,216 102,345 -
Male 468,626 9,475 11,851 16,399 3,627 50,833 5,077 240,284 79,645 51,435 -
Female 450,522 3,934 4,248 9,326 6,790 208,826 2,312 137,605 26,571 50,910 -
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply
Total 25,704 550 2,420 5,351 1,103 6,254 - 5,735 1,062 3,229 -
Male 23,161 463 1,971 4,722 553 6,064 - 5,648 1,062 2,678 -
Female 2,543 87 449 629 550 191 - 87 - 551 -
Water supply; sewerage waste management and remediation activities
Total 54,688 2,783 3,607 4,294 2,813 3,224 615 5,118 2,934 29,301 -
Male 26,912 1,944 2,194 3,239 574 2,605 615 4,667 2,785 8,288 -
Female 27,776 839 1,413 1,054 2,239 618 - 451 148 21,013 -
Total 479,808 8,205 24,798 18,391 6,814 18,467 701 224,057 18,623 159,753 -
Male 385,272 6,810 18,379 15,145 2,272 12,289 641 202,364 17,695 109,678 -
Female 94,537 1,396 6,419 3,246 4,542 6,178 60 21,693 928 50,075 -
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Total 1,276,237 33,132 6,669 21,743 7,264 1,002,991 4,555 88,202 9,614 101,879 187
Male 579,379 20,867 3,964 16,762 2,742 428,021 3,693 48,149 8,621 46,373 187
Female 696,857 12,265 2,706 4,981 4,522 574,969 862 40,053 993 55,506 -
Transportation and storage
Total 286,181 3,447 3,421 6,097 6,375 24,614 403 4,262 150,886 86,478 197
Male 264,631 2,735 2,372 3,847 2,945 18,213 403 3,541 146,803 83,573 197
Female 21,551 711 1,050 2,250 3,431 6,401 - 721 4,083 2,905 -

Table 5.13b: Cont’d

Major Occupational Groups
Skilled Plant and
agricultural Craft and machine
Major Industrial Total Technicians Clerical Service forestry related operators
Division and Employed and associate support and sales and fishery trades and Elementary
Sex Person Managers Professionals professionals workers workers workers workers assemblers occupations Others
Accommodation and food service activities
Total 328,021 16,735 2,649 4,769 7,770 182,842 813 49,077 1,730 61,636 -
Male 101,441 9,028 1,142 2,085 3,596 57,453 151 12,359 1,369 14,259 -
Female 226,580 7,707 1,507 2,684 4,174 125,388 663 36,718 362 47,377 -
Information and communication
Total 56,300 2,102 10,511 12,614 15,957 4,521 54 4,176 1,793 4,571 -
Male 33,782 1,423 6,433 9,679 4,940 3,684 54 3,056 1,741 2,773 -
Female 22,518 679 4,078 2,935 11,018 838 - 1,120 52 1,798 -
Financial and insurance activities
Total 125,577 12,026 38,910 27,106 26,538 9,177 - 487 746 10,500 87
Male 78,525 8,693 26,373 18,150 11,497 7,573 - 487 691 4,974 87
Female 47,052 3,332 12,536 8,956 15,041 1,604 - - 55 5,527 -
Real estate activities
Total 2,212 147 377 141 483 716 - 63 32 254 -
Male 1,449 87 258 - 289 539 - 63 32 180 -
Female 763 60 118 141 194 177 - - - 74 -
Professional scientific and technical activities
Total 121,432 12,594 46,163 35,207 13,632 6,222 349 908 2,394 3,963 -
Male 83,279 10,234 32,943 26,337 3,924 4,188 349 876 2,114 2,315 -
Female 38,152 2,360 13,220 8,870 9,709 2,034 - 32 280 1,648 -
Administrative and support service activities
Total 127,873 18,065 17,182 25,008 19,453 15,631 567 2,436 3,916 24,553 1,061
Male 82,266 14,795 12,911 18,374 6,403 12,091 567 1,682 3,689 10,789 967
Female 45,607 3,271 4,271 6,634 13,051 3,540 - 754 227 13,764 94
Public administration and defense; compulsory social security
Total 228,399 31,052 39,172 51,756 29,328 36,905 408 1,818 5,633 23,424 8,903
Male 151,139 25,941 26,192 37,292 7,138 29,779 360 1,156 5,518 10,569 7,195
Female 77,260 5,111 12,980 14,464 22,190 7,126 48 662 115 12,856 1,708
Total 422,352 10,274 168,353 163,206 23,038 15,107 63 3,414 3,547 35,350 -
Male 244,023 8,209 113,504 92,999 6,966 7,686 63 1,085 2,864 10,646 -
Female 178,329 2,065 54,849 70,207 16,072 7,421 - 2,329 683 24,703 -
Table 5.13b: Cont’d
Major Occupational Groups
Skilled Plant and
agricultural Craft and machine
Major Industrial Total Technicians Clerical Service forestry related operators
Division and Employed and associate support and sales and fishery trades and Elementary
Sex Person Managers Professionals professionals workers workers workers workers assemblers occupations Others
Human health and social work activities
Total 187,601 5,177 56,513 61,620 10,495 24,557 - 1,565 3,608 23,804 263
Male 80,291 3,879 30,564 24,527 2,108 8,818 - 294 3,541 6,297 263
Female 107,310 1,298 25,949 37,092 8,387 15,739 - 1,271 67 17,507 -
Arts entertainment and recreation
Total 32,425 2,282 4,273 10,536 2,027 5,123 931 866 146 6,241 -
Male 21,492 1,605 2,940 8,647 710 3,536 473 316 59 3,205 -
Female 10,933 677 1,333 1,889 1,317 1,587 458 549 87 3,036 -
Other service activities
Total 326,743 4,703 11,615 34,368 5,968 103,694 839 33,484 5,348 126,345 379
Male 199,247 3,214 8,756 31,083 3,192 42,971 630 18,072 4,721 86,229 379
Female 127,496 1,489 2,858 3,284 2,777 60,723 209 15,413 627 40,116 -
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use
Total 446,872 - - - - 132,436 6,848 16,661 309 290,618 -
Male 79,985 - - - - 13,912 2,213 2,027 257 61,576 -
Female 366,887 - - - - 118,525 4,636 14,634 52 229,041 -
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies Description
Total 20,421 3,074 4,550 2,782 2,753 1,736 579 273 1,692 2,878 104
Male 13,567 2,607 3,029 1,629 1,058 971 579 142 1,692 1,757 104
Female 6,854 467 1,521 1,153 1,696 765 - 131 - 1,121 -

Table 5.13c Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Major Occupational Groups and Industrial Divisions and
Sex, COUNTRY - RURAL: 2013
Major Occupational Groups
Skilled Plant and
agricultural Craft and machine
Major Industrial Total Technicians Clerical Service forestry related operators
Division and Employed and associate support and sales and fishery trades and Elementary
Sex Person Managers Professionals professionals workers workers workers workers assemblers occupations Others

Total Employed Population

Total 36,021,021 42,135 96,427 284,565 24,542 1,788,562 19,691,502 1,020,419 92,055 12,976,762 4,052
Male 19,357,341 30,428 67,786 202,764 12,512 549,182 13,236,915 341,322 66,616 4,847,782 2,033
Female 16,663,681 11,707 28,640 81,801 12,030 1,239,380 6,454,587 679,097 25,439 8,128,979 2,019
Agriculture forestry and fishing
Total 29,952,882 15,806 6,752 14,914 3,470 387,718 19,634,205 192,131 11,503 9,684,004 2,379
Male 17,625,901 10,617 4,898 11,291 1,447 186,642 13,210,755 30,208 3,819 4,165,142 1,084
Female 12,326,981 5,189 1,854 3,622 2,023 201,077 6,423,450 161,923 7,685 5,518,862 1,295
Mining and quarrying
Total 129,003 - - 3,746 - 5,558 1,145 3,425 5,346 109,783 -
Male 75,202 - - 3,746 - 2,402 1,000 2,653 4,366 61,035 -
Female 53,802 - - - - 3,156 145 772 980 48,748 -
Total 983,046 - 2,037 608 1,035 327,524 20,595 472,052 46,387 112,809 -
Male 270,358 - 1,511 536 1,035 38,027 6,069 141,494 31,865 49,821 -
Female 712,688 - 526 71 - 289,497 14,526 330,558 14,521 62,989 -
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply
Total 1,479 - 1,479 - - - - - - - -
Male 692 - 692 - - - - - - - -
Female 787 - 787 - - - - - - - -
Water supply; sewerage waste management and remediation activities
Total 145,440 391 - 1,139 - 929 632 - 1,916 140,434 -
Male 19,185 - - 1,139 - 701 632 - 1,916 14,797 -
Female 126,255 391 - - - 228 - - - 125,637 -
Total 344,961 864 582 - 419 6,894 2,938 152,229 693 180,341 -
Male 265,321 864 582 - 419 4,082 1,982 132,387 693 124,311 -
Female 79,640 - - - - 2,812 955 19,843 - 56,030 -
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Total 1,029,116 4,198 - 4,774 - 888,492 8,704 71,328 - 51,330 291
Male 280,768 924 - 3,956 - 240,332 5,698 15,696 - 13,871 291
Female 748,348 3,274 - 818 - 648,160 3,006 55,632 - 37,459 -

Table 5.13c Cont’d

Major Occupational Groups
Skilled Plant and
agricultural Craft and machine
Major Industrial Total Technicians Clerical Service forestry related operators
Division and Employed and associate support and sales and fishery trades and Elementary
Sex Person Managers Professionals professionals workers workers workers workers assemblers occupations Others
Transportation and storage
Total 66,615 899 - 772 2,435 5,973 530 - 23,339 32,666 -
Male 50,619 899 - 772 - 4,650 - - 21,718 22,580 -
Female 15,996 - - - 2,435 1,323 530 - 1,622 10,086 -
Accommodation and food service activities
Total 154,319 1,066 - - - 62,059 1,916 31,365 557 57,355 -
Male 33,657 544 - - - 17,373 1,916 4,854 557 8,413 -
Female 120,662 522 - - - 44,687 - 26,511 - 48,942 -
Information and communication
Total 3,702 104 969 - - 210 - - - 2,419 -
Male 3,702 104 969 - - 210 - - - 2,419 -
Female - - - - - - - - - - -
Financial and insurance activities
Total 8,114 - - 1,637 4,040 1,345 - - - 1,091 -
Male 5,843 - - 1,637 1,769 1,345 - - - 1,091 -
Female 2,271 - - - 2,271 - - - - - -
Real estate activities
Total 45 - - - - - - - - 45 -
Male - - - - - - - - - - -
Female 45 - - - - - - - - 45 -
Professional scientific and technical activities
Total 18,510 667 5,677 10,413 228 919 - - - 606 -
Male 13,718 560 3,514 8,497 228 874 - - - 46 -
Female 4,792 107 2,163 1,916 - 45 - - - 561 -
Administrative and support service activities
Total 15,048 3,464 228 2,765 3,722 347 - - - 4,521 -
Male 10,355 3,464 - 1,696 2,324 347 - - - 2,523 -
Female 4,692 - 228 1,069 1,398 - - - - 1,998 -
Public administration and defense; compulsory social security
Total 58,998 12,576 5,489 17,485 2,538 12,732 - - 25 7,494 658
Male 52,981 10,459 5,489 16,843 2,257 12,701 - - 25 4,549 658
Female 6,017 2,118 - 642 281 30 - - - 2,946 -
Total 260,569 1,239 60,927 179,950 4,001 4,971 - 2,361 - 7,121 -
Male 181,507 1,239 44,522 120,920 1,523 4,499 - 2,361 - 6,443 -
Female 79,062 - 16,405 59,030 2,478 471 - - - 678 -
Table 5.13c Cont’d
Major Occupational Groups
Skilled Plant and
agricultural Craft and machine
Major Industrial Total Technicians Clerical Service forestry related operators
Division and Employed and associate support and sales and fishery trades and Elementary
Sex Person Managers Professionals professionals workers workers workers workers assemblers occupations Others
Human health and social work activities
Total 63,937 106 9,384 32,914 347 2,293 - 381 35 18,477 -
Male 30,586 - 2,707 18,804 - 441 - - 35 8,598 -
Female 33,351 106 6,676 14,110 347 1,852 - 381 - 9,879 -
Arts entertainment and recreation
Total 9,717 - 1,295 980 772 - - - - 6,669 -
Male 4,229 - 1,295 980 772 - - - - 1,181 -
Female 5,488 - - - - - - - - 5,488 -
Other service activities
Total 129,682 754 1,607 12,468 737 32,258 96 18,059 2,254 61,450 -
Male 78,817 754 1,607 11,945 737 21,851 25 8,201 1,622 32,074 -
Female 50,865 - - 522 - 10,408 71 9,857 632 29,375 -
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use
Total 2,644,270 - - - - 47,568 20,742 77,090 - 2,498,146 725
Male 353,901 - - - - 12,706 8,838 3,469 - 328,889 -
Female 2,290,369 - - - - 34,862 11,904 73,621 - 2,169,257 725
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies Description
Total 1,568 - - - 796 772 - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - -
Female 1,568 - - - 796 772 - - - - -
Table 5.14a Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Status in Employment and Major Occupational Groups and Sex,
Status in Employment
Paid Employees
Major Employee- NGO
Occupational Total Government Employee- (including Unpaid Apprentice
Group and Employed Total paid Employee- Development Private International Employee Other Member of Self Family and
Sex Population Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee Cooperatives Employed Worker Employer Others
Total Employed Population
Total 42,403,879 4,252,601 1,457,464 410,389 1,778,837 98,162 401,210 106,539 90,704 17,023,071 20,642,907 177,212 217,383
Male 22,886,647 2,730,028 937,025 281,542 1,211,740 62,509 150,733 86,479 62,432 11,765,580 8,068,220 151,709 108,678
Female 19,517,232 1,522,573 520,439 128,847 567,097 35,653 250,477 20,060 28,272 5,257,491 12,574,687 25,503 108,705
Total 231,211 160,727 102,878 22,150 26,858 6,658 - 2,184 2,118 47,612 13,780 6,156 818
Male 169,903 129,176 86,032 16,381 19,687 4,931 - 2,144 1,821 29,856 5,119 3,537 394
Female 61,308 31,551 16,845 5,769 7,171 1,727 - 39 296 17,755 8,661 2,620 424
Total 563,231 535,449 377,534 63,386 73,929 15,399 - 5,202 1,284 22,520 1,201 1,941 836
Male 381,562 358,862 258,359 39,833 45,582 10,893 - 4,194 1,284 18,090 905 1,586 836
Female 181,668 176,587 119,175 23,553 28,347 4,505 - 1,008 - 4,430 296 355 -
Technicians and associate professionals
Total 804,750 721,397 525,058 58,158 91,426 21,731 - 25,024 1,620 63,577 4,586 2,829 10,741
Male 540,334 470,537 337,564 44,190 49,233 15,720 - 23,830 1,198 55,495 2,032 2,385 8,688
Female 264,416 250,860 187,494 13,968 42,194 6,011 - 1,194 423 8,082 2,554 444 2,053
Clerical support workers
Total 221,028 203,373 107,211 38,762 47,721 8,498 - 1,181 248 10,177 5,594 335 1,301
Male 77,697 67,191 32,053 15,397 15,620 3,446 - 675 137 6,615 2,233 248 1,273
Female 143,331 136,182 75,158 23,365 32,101 5,052 - 506 111 3,562 3,361 87 28
Service and sales workers
Total 3,670,391 600,465 103,176 33,315 276,309 13,657 162,209 11,798 9,357 2,352,789 656,451 18,037 33,292
Male 1,275,777 294,637 80,508 25,211 149,276 8,880 21,431 9,331 5,250 760,606 176,594 12,940 25,751
Female 2,394,614 305,828 22,668 8,104 127,033 4,778 140,778 2,467 4,107 1,592,184 479,857 5,097 7,541
Skilled agricultural forestry and fishery workers
Total 20,321,430 225,213 38,075 8,951 173,299 2,088 - 2,800 3,539 11,647,670 8,315,782 123,246 5,979
Male 13,663,029 182,778 30,697 6,550 141,610 1,838 - 2,083 2,426 9,546,100 3,819,288 109,918 2,519
Female 6,658,401 42,435 7,378 2,401 31,689 250 - 717 1,114 2,101,570 4,496,494 13,327 3,460
Craft and related trades workers
Total 1,849,506 378,561 12,634 41,160 302,781 1,674 9,490 10,822 26,625 982,515 433,408 14,545 13,852
Male 892,789 288,557 8,040 34,036 235,139 1,276 1,249 8,817 17,274 495,167 66,127 13,848 11,816
Female 956,717 90,004 4,594 7,124 67,641 398 8,241 2,006 9,351 487,348 367,281 697 2,036

Table 5.14a Cont’d

Status in Employment
Paid Employees
Major Employee- NGO
Occupational Total Government Employee- (including Unpaid
Group and Employed Total paid Employee- Development Private International Employee Other Member of Self Family Apprentice
Sex Population Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee Cooperatives Employed Worker Employer and Others
Plant and machine operators and assemblers
Total 424,314 247,469 28,551 20,900 176,326 4,515 13,776 3,401 4,081 136,512 33,017 2,121 1,114
Male 362,144 217,031 27,077 17,683 151,982 3,884 13,526 2,878 3,207 126,034 12,717 2,121 1,034
Female 62,170 30,439 1,474 3,216 24,344 632 251 522 873 10,478 20,300 - 80
Elementary occupations
Total 14,302,768 1,167,817 150,885 123,231 610,000 23,839 215,734 44,127 41,833 1,758,599 11,177,067 8,002 149,449
Male 5,512,000 710,934 67,036 81,883 403,424 11,538 114,527 32,527 29,835 726,533 3,983,205 5,126 56,368
Female 8,790,768 456,883 83,850 41,348 206,576 12,301 101,207 11,601 11,998 1,032,065 7,193,863 2,877 93,082
Total 15,249 12,130 11,462 378 187 104 - - - 1,100 2,019 - -
Male 11,411 10,328 9,660 378 187 104 - - - 1,084 - - -
Female 3,838 1,802 1,802 - - - - - - 16 2,019 - -
Table 5.14b Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Status in Employment and Major Occupational Group and Sex, COUNTRY - URBAN: 2013
Status in Employment
Paid Employees
Major Employee- NGO
Occupational Total Government Employee- (including Unpaid Apprentice
Group and Employed Total paid Employee- Development Private International Employee Other Member of Self Family and
Sex Population Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee Cooperatives Employed Worker Employer Others

Total Employed Population

Total 6,382,858 2,872,885 999,839 307,485 1,179,186 65,545 265,813 55,016 54,798 2,509,526 848,136 47,752 49,760
Male 3,529,307 1,699,998 615,343 202,989 739,530 42,271 54,695 45,170 40,982 1,407,573 308,336 37,602 34,816
Female 2,853,551 1,172,887 384,496 104,497 439,656 23,275 211,118 9,846 13,816 1,101,954 539,801 10,150 14,944
Total 189,076 133,209 80,458 21,465 23,829 6,658 - 798 2,118 40,574 6,200 6,156 818
Male 139,475 105,118 66,389 16,381 16,658 4,931 - 759 1,821 26,332 2,273 3,537 394
Female 49,601 28,091 14,069 5,084 7,171 1,727 - 39 296 14,242 3,927 2,620 424
Total 466,804 443,506 291,893 60,394 72,890 14,840 - 3,489 1,284 18,264 973 1,941 836
Male 313,776 295,034 197,061 39,036 44,771 10,893 - 3,272 1,284 14,360 677 1,586 836
Female 153,028 148,473 94,832 21,358 28,119 3,946 - 217 - 3,904 296 355 -
Technicians and associate professionals
Total 520,185 456,558 292,357 50,273 84,481 14,673 - 14,773 1,620 50,373 1,692 2,829 7,112
Male 337,569 283,845 178,589 36,596 45,337 8,972 - 14,352 1,198 44,126 434 2,385 5,582
Female 182,616 172,714 113,769 13,678 39,144 5,702 - 422 423 6,247 1,258 444 1,531
Clerical support workers
Total 196,486 182,746 95,549 35,839 43,247 6,929 - 1,181 248 10,142 2,417 335 599
Male 65,185 56,048 24,895 13,872 13,932 2,673 - 675 137 6,580 1,601 248 571
Female 131,301 126,698 70,654 21,967 29,315 4,256 - 506 111 3,562 815 87 28
Service and sales workers
Total 1,881,829 498,890 79,803 25,762 234,570 7,595 145,364 5,796 6,792 1,132,333 220,688 15,102 8,025
Male 726,595 218,741 58,017 18,738 117,287 4,158 16,756 3,784 4,205 436,781 52,708 10,005 4,155
Female 1,155,234 280,149 21,786 7,024 117,283 3,436 128,609 2,011 2,587 695,552 167,980 5,097 3,870
Skilled agricultural forestry and fishery workers
Total 629,928 37,041 15,463 3,938 16,258 1,316 - 67 1,741 387,305 196,724 5,795 1,321
Male 426,114 25,638 11,846 2,449 10,210 1,065 - 67 1,391 299,816 92,518 5,755 996
Female 203,814 11,403 3,617 1,488 6,047 250 - - 350 87,489 104,207 40 325
Craft and related trades workers
Total 829,087 310,753 10,273 34,645 248,526 902 9,109 7,298 17,150 428,260 56,460 9,727 6,737
Male 551,467 230,110 5,679 28,153 188,460 504 1,249 6,064 12,915 271,143 22,503 9,030 5,766
Female 277,619 80,643 4,594 6,492 60,066 398 7,860 1,233 4,235 157,116 33,957 697 971
Table 5.14b Cont’d
Status in Employment
Paid Employees
Employee- Employee-NGO
Major Total Government Employee- (including
Occupational Employed Total paid Employee- Development Private International Employee Other Member of Self Unpaid Family Apprentice
Group and Sex Population Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee Cooperatives Employed Worker Employer and Others
Plant and machine operators and assemblers
Total 332,259 223,925 27,093 19,529 157,056 3,884 13,486 2,878 3,516 92,488 9,385 2,121 823
Male 295,528 196,087 25,619 16,313 134,158 3,884 13,235 2,878 3,207 86,977 6,392 2,121 744
Female 36,731 27,838 1,474 3,216 22,897 - 251 - 309 5,511 2,993 - 80
Elementary occupations
Total 1,326,006 575,075 96,145 55,553 298,142 8,645 97,854 18,736 20,330 349,771 353,596 3,746 23,488
Male 664,217 279,999 38,247 31,365 168,529 5,086 23,455 13,318 14,824 221,457 129,229 2,934 15,773
Female 661,789 295,076 57,898 24,188 129,613 3,560 74,399 5,417 5,506 128,314 224,368 811 7,715
Total 11,197 11,181 10,804 87 187 104 - - - 16 - - -
Male 9,379 9,379 9,001 87 187 104 - - - - - - -
Female 1,819 1,802 1,802 - - - - - - 16 - - -
Table 5.14c Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Status in Employment and Major Occupational Group and Sex,
Status in Employment
Paid Employees
Major Employee- NGO
Occupational Total Government Employee- (including Unpaid Apprentice
Group and Employed Total paid Employee- Development Private International Employee Other Member of Self Family and
Sex Population Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee Cooperatives Employed Worker Employer Others

Total Employed Population

Total 36,021,021 1,379,716 457,625 102,904 599,651 32,617 135,397 51,523 35,906 14,513,545 19,794,771 129,460 167,623
Male 19,357,341 1,030,030 321,681 78,553 472,210 20,238 96,038 41,309 21,450 10,358,007 7,759,884 114,107 73,862
Female 16,663,681 349,686 135,944 24,350 127,441 12,379 39,358 10,214 14,456 4,155,538 12,034,887 15,353 93,761
Total 42,135 27,518 22,419 684 3,029 - - 1,386 - 7,038 7,579 - -
Male 30,428 24,058 19,643 - 3,029 - - 1,386 - 3,525 2,846 - -
Female 11,707 3,460 2,776 684 - - - - - 3,513 4,734 - -
Total 96,427 91,943 85,641 2,992 1,039 559 - 1,713 - 4,256 228 - -
Male 67,786 63,828 61,298 797 811 - - 922 - 3,730 228 - -
Female 28,640 28,114 24,343 2,194 228 559 - 790 - 526 - - -
Technicians and associate professionals
Total 284,565 264,838 232,700 7,885 6,945 7,057 - 10,251 - 13,204 2,894 - 3,628
Male 202,764 186,692 158,975 7,595 3,896 6,748 - 9,478 - 11,369 1,598 - 3,106
Female 81,801 78,147 73,725 290 3,050 309 - 772 - 1,835 1,296 - 522
Clerical support workers
Total 24,542 20,627 11,662 2,923 4,474 1,568 - - - 35 3,177 - 702
Male 12,512 11,143 7,158 1,525 1,688 772 - - - 35 632 - 702
Female 12,030 9,484 4,505 1,398 2,786 796 - - - - 2,546 - -
Service and sales workers
Total 1,788,562 101,575 23,373 7,553 41,739 6,063 16,845 6,003 2,564 1,220,457 435,763 2,935 25,268
Male 549,182 75,896 22,490 6,473 31,989 4,721 4,676 5,547 1,045 323,825 123,886 2,935 21,596
Female 1,239,380 25,679 883 1,079 9,750 1,342 12,169 456 1,520 896,632 311,878 - 3,672
Skilled agricultural forestry and fishery workers
Total 19,691,502 188,172 22,612 5,013 157,042 772 - 2,733 1,798 11,260,365 8,119,058 117,450 4,658
Male 13,236,915 157,140 18,851 4,100 131,400 772 - 2,016 1,035 9,246,284 3,726,771 104,163 1,523
Female 6,454,587 31,032 3,761 913 25,642 - - 717 763 2,014,081 4,392,287 13,287 3,136
Craft and related trades workers
Total 1,020,419 67,807 2,361 6,514 54,255 772 381 3,525 9,475 554,256 376,948 4,818 7,115
Male 341,322 58,447 2,361 5,883 46,679 772 - 2,752 4,359 224,024 43,624 4,818 6,050
Female 679,097 9,360 - 632 7,576 - 381 772 5,116 330,232 333,324 - 1,065

Table 5.14c Cont’d

Status in Employment
Paid Employees
Major Employee- NGO
Occupational Total Government Employee- (including Unpaid Apprentice
Group and Employed Total paid Employee- Development Private International Employee Other Member of Self Family and
Sex Population Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee Cooperatives Employed Worker Employer Others

Plant and machine operators and assemblers

Total 92,055 23,544 1,458 1,370 19,271 632 291 522 565 44,024 23,632 - 291
Male 66,616 20,943 1,458 1,370 17,824 - 291 - - 39,057 6,325 - 291
Female 25,439 2,601 - - 1,447 632 - 522 565 4,967 17,307 - -
Elementary occupations
Total 12,976,762 592,742 54,740 67,679 311,858 15,194 117,880 25,391 21,503 1,408,828 10,823,471 4,257 125,961
Male 4,847,782 430,934 28,789 50,519 234,894 6,452 91,072 19,208 15,011 505,076 3,853,976 2,191 40,594
Female 8,128,979 161,808 25,951 17,160 76,964 8,742 26,808 6,183 6,492 903,752 6,969,495 2,066 85,367
Total 4,052 949 658 291 - - - - - 1,084 2,019 - -
Male 2,033 949 658 291 - - - - - 1,084 - - -
Female 2,019 - - - - - - - - - 2,019 - -
Table 5.15a Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Status in Employment and Major Industrial Group and Sex, COUNTRY TOTAL: 2013
Status in Employment
Paid Employees
Employee- NGO
Total Government Employee- (including Unpaid
Employed Total paid Employee- Development Private International Employee Other Member of Self Family Apprentice
Major Industrial Group and Sex Population Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee cooperatives Employed Worker Employer and Others
Total Employed Population
Total 42,403,879 4,252,601 1,457,464 410,389 1,778,837 98,162 401,210 106,539 90,704 17,023,071 20,642,907 177,212 217,383
Male 22,886,647 2,730,028 937,025 281,542 1,211,740 62,509 150,733 86,479 62,432 11,765,580 8,068,220 151,709 108,678
Female 19,517,232 1,522,573 520,439 128,847 567,097 35,653 250,477 20,060 28,272 5,257,491 12,574,687 25,503 108,705
Agriculture forestry and fishing
Total 30,817,068 690,062 111,067 43,238 400,534 12,706 104,325 18,191 4,896 12,815,123 17,121,843 129,536 55,609
Male 18,195,792 547,825 75,584 34,250 325,333 4,403 92,451 15,803 3,150 10,013,469 7,483,063 113,965 34,319
Female 12,621,276 142,237 35,483 8,987 75,200 8,303 11,874 2,389 1,745 2,801,654 9,638,780 15,571 21,290
Mining and quarrying
Total 179,681 48,685 12,836 2,481 31,697 459 693 519 9,371 82,163 39,110 328 25
Male 116,150 35,078 6,676 1,847 25,208 390 437 519 9,035 60,969 10,716 328 25
Female 63,532 13,607 6,160 634 6,489 69 255 - 336 21,194 28,395 - -
Total 1,902,194 399,040 6,818 59,281 327,703 296 359 4,584 16,991 1,099,241 367,651 7,874 11,396
Male 738,984 264,437 3,896 38,927 217,658 121 202 3,632 12,910 381,549 64,903 6,082 9,103
Female 1,163,210 134,603 2,921 20,354 110,045 175 156 952 4,082 717,692 302,748 1,792 2,293
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply
Total 27,183 25,244 - 23,465 1,779 - - - - 1,618 - - 321
Male 23,853 21,913 - 20,354 1,559 - - - - 1,618 - - 321
Female 3,331 3,331 - 3,111 220 - - - - - - - -
Water supply; sewerage waste management and remediation activities
Total 200,128 44,911 - 36,113 5,949 - - 2,848 1,849 27,812 123,017 838 1,702
Male 46,097 28,856 - 24,423 2,759 - - 1,675 186 2,589 12,852 838 776
Female 154,031 16,055 - 11,690 3,191 - - 1,174 1,663 25,223 110,165 - 926
Total 824,769 454,055 5,361 86,940 334,506 1,352 3,410 22,487 35,060 262,620 45,242 9,401 18,391
Male 650,592 350,765 4,289 64,960 261,676 1,166 2,629 16,046 21,562 237,331 18,831 9,274 12,829
Female 174,177 103,290 1,072 21,980 72,829 186 781 6,441 13,499 25,289 26,410 127 5,561
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Total 2,305,352 179,339 231 12,176 162,998 52 159 3,723 8,818 1,751,015 349,283 10,066 6,833
Male 860,147 97,371 - 7,847 86,096 52 110 3,267 5,298 667,369 77,576 7,481 5,051
Female 1,445,206 81,968 231 4,329 76,902 - 50 456 3,520 1,083,645 271,707 2,585 1,782

Table 5.15a Cont’d

Status in Employment
Paid Employees
Employee- NGO
Total Government Employee- (including Unpaid
Employed Total paid Employee- Development Private International Employee Other Member of Self Family Apprentice
Major Industrial Group and Sex Population Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee cooperatives Employed Worker Employer and Others
Transportation and storage
Total 352,796 189,874 35,030 5,617 122,272 2,373 18,896 5,686 5,213 130,387 21,206 2,352 3,764
Male 315,250 168,377 26,300 4,341 113,783 2,373 16,867 4,714 4,856 122,318 13,703 2,352 3,644
Female 37,547 21,497 8,730 1,276 8,489 - 2,030 972 357 8,069 7,503 - 121
Accommodation and food service activities
Total 482,340 163,018 - 8,763 153,117 - - 1,137 1,478 192,950 111,753 10,702 2,439
Male 135,098 58,950 - 3,937 54,980 - - 33 396 45,731 22,462 6,806 753
Female 347,242 104,068 - 4,827 98,136 - - 1,105 1,082 147,219 89,290 3,896 1,686
Information and communication
Total 60,002 49,954 32,153 6,540 10,012 1,152 - 98 94 9,166 300 110 378
Male 37,484 29,305 19,979 4,238 4,528 512 - 49 59 7,392 268 82 378
Female 22,518 20,649 12,174 2,302 5,484 640 - 49 35 1,774 32 28 -
Financial and insurance activities
Total 133,690 126,255 - 96,471 29,784 - - - 184 6,857 - - 394
Male 84,367 77,387 - 57,742 19,645 - - - 104 6,826 - - 50
Female 49,323 48,867 - 38,729 10,139 - - - 80 30 - - 345
Real estate activities
Total 2,257 1,947 - - 1,947 - - - - 265 45 - -
Male 1,449 1,247 - - 1,247 - - - - 202 - - -
Female 808 700 - - 700 - - - - 63 45 - -
Professional scientific and technical activities
Total 139,942 125,130 104,950 5,546 10,489 3,432 316 395 80 13,851 - 730 150
Male 96,997 84,116 72,617 3,510 5,182 2,328 180 298 80 11,974 - 677 150
Female 42,945 41,014 32,333 2,036 5,307 1,105 136 97 - 1,877 - 53 -
Administrative and support service activities
Total 142,921 124,295 94,639 5,650 17,383 4,292 2,143 189 1,989 13,456 2,108 155 918
Male 92,622 78,764 60,641 4,803 8,539 3,236 1,355 189 1,731 9,937 1,748 155 286
Female 50,299 45,532 33,998 847 8,844 1,056 787 - 258 3,519 360 - 632
Public administration and defense; compulsory social security
Total 287,397 287,368 287,368 - - - - - - - - - 29
Male 204,121 204,121 204,121 - - - - - - - - - -
Female 83,277 83,248 83,248 - - - - - - - - - 29
Table 5.15a Cont’d
Status in Employment
Paid Employees
Employee- NGO
Total Government Employee- (including Unpaid
Employed Total paid Employee- Development Private International Employee Other Member of Self Family Apprentice
Major Industrial Group and Sex Population Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee cooperatives Employed Worker Employer and Others
Total 682,921 672,970 576,072 10,241 68,395 8,439 52 9,771 329 4,452 1,116 428 3,625
Male 425,530 418,833 369,477 5,895 29,552 4,877 52 8,982 54 3,691 - 259 2,693
Female 257,391 254,137 206,595 4,346 38,844 3,562 - 789 275 761 1,116 169 933
Human health and social work activities
Total 251,538 222,219 149,338 4,617 34,542 17,193 16,451 79 435 14,074 12,745 1,415 651
Male 110,877 95,843 66,085 1,706 15,801 10,421 1,785 46 - 10,183 2,958 1,415 477
Female 140,661 126,375 83,253 2,910 18,741 6,772 14,666 33 435 3,891 9,786 - 174
Arts entertainment and recreation
Total 42,142 24,910 15,732 - 7,294 1,720 - 164 191 9,979 6,561 - 501
Male 25,721 17,137 10,578 - 4,850 1,544 - 164 191 7,522 449 - 423
Female 16,421 7,773 5,153 - 2,444 176 - - - 2,457 6,112 - 78
Other service activities
Total 456,425 170,218 24,490 3,250 54,997 22,535 30,650 34,295 3,609 232,817 29,403 3,091 17,288
Male 278,064 105,763 16,353 2,763 31,267 17,244 7,383 30,752 2,820 144,570 8,109 1,994 14,809
Female 178,360 64,455 8,136 488 23,730 5,291 23,267 3,544 789 88,247 21,294 1,097 2,479
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use
Total 3,091,142 231,629 1,381 - 3,440 681 223,755 2,373 118 355,172 2,411,262 185 92,776
Male 433,886 30,621 429 - 2,076 522 27,281 312 - 30,285 350,581 - 22,399
Female 2,657,256 201,008 952 - 1,363 158 196,474 2,061 118 324,887 2,060,681 185 70,377
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies Description
Total 21,990 21,480 - - - 21,480 - - - 54 263 - 193
Male 13,567 13,320 - - - 13,320 - - - 54 - - 193
Female 8,422 8,160 - - - 8,160 - - - - 263 - -

Table 5.15b Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Status in Employment and Major Industrial Group and Sex, COUNTRY - URBAN: 2013
Status in Employment
Paid Employees
Employee- NGO
Total Government Employee- (including Employe Member of Unpaid
Major Industrial Group and Employed Total paid Employee- Development Private International e Other cooperative Self Family Apprentice
Sex Population Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee s Employed Worker Employer and Others
Total Employed Population
Total 6,382,858 2,872,885 999,839 307,485 1,179,186 65,545 265,813 55,016 54,798 2,509,526 848,136 47,752 49,760
Male 3,529,307 1,699,998 615,343 202,989 739,530 42,271 54,695 45,170 40,982 1,407,573 308,336 37,602 34,816
Female 2,853,551 1,172,887 384,496 104,497 439,656 23,275 211,118 9,846 13,816 1,101,954 539,801 10,150 14,944
Agriculture forestry and fishing
Total 864,186 111,632 39,915 10,617 49,945 1,838 8,496 820 1,689 424,690 316,856 5,994 3,324
Male 569,891 78,540 27,296 7,543 34,291 746 7,845 820 1,339 319,443 162,479 5,776 2,314
Female 294,296 33,092 12,619 3,074 15,655 1,093 652 - 350 105,247 154,378 218 1,011
Mining and quarrying
Total 50,678 27,180 5,022 2,010 18,859 459 693 138 4,242 18,387 516 328 25
Male 40,948 21,744 3,686 1,702 15,389 390 437 138 4,029 14,361 462 328 25
Female 9,730 5,437 1,336 307 3,469 69 255 - 213 4,026 54 - -
Total 919,148 332,304 5,939 49,379 272,520 296 359 3,811 14,314 471,587 88,911 7,273 4,758
Male 468,626 217,212 3,071 33,309 177,649 121 202 2,860 10,798 207,341 23,829 5,481 3,965
Female 450,522 115,092 2,868 16,070 94,871 175 156 952 3,517 264,247 65,082 1,792 793
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply
Total 25,704 23,764 - 21,986 1,779 - - - - 1,618 - - 321
Male 23,161 21,221 - 19,662 1,559 - - - - 1,618 - - 321
Female 2,543 2,543 - 2,323 220 - - - - - - - -
Water supply; sewerage waste management and remediation activities
Total 54,688 38,214 - 32,334 4,033 - - 1,847 1,849 4,999 8,635 838 153
Male 26,912 22,550 - 21,035 842 - - 673 186 1,817 1,521 838 -
Female 27,776 15,664 - 11,300 3,191 - - 1,174 1,663 3,182 7,114 - 153
Total 479,808 297,803 4,569 46,331 231,733 579 3,410 11,181 12,731 147,700 7,624 5,815 8,135
Male 385,272 225,188 3,497 33,085 176,366 393 2,629 9,219 10,086 134,614 3,096 5,688 6,600
Female 94,537 72,615 1,072 13,246 55,367 186 781 1,962 2,645 13,086 4,528 127 1,535
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Total 1,276,237 155,439 231 11,589 139,685 52 159 3,723 6,776 940,386 160,279 9,494 3,863
Male 579,379 87,798 - 7,556 76,813 52 110 3,267 4,776 433,034 44,257 6,909 2,605
Female 696,857 67,641 231 4,033 62,872 - 50 456 2,000 507,352 116,022 2,585 1,257

Table 5.15b Cont’d

Status in Employment
Paid Employees
Employee- NGO
Total Government Employee- (including Unpaid Apprentice
Employed Total paid Employee- Development Private International Employee Other Member of Self Family and
Major Industrial Group and Sex Population Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee cooperatives Employed Worker Employer Others
Transportation and storage
Total 286,181 169,386 33,632 5,617 104,829 1,999 18,146 5,164 4,691 98,157 8,122 2,352 3,474
Male 264,631 152,173 24,902 4,341 99,351 1,999 16,867 4,714 4,334 94,479 7,940 2,352 3,353
Female 21,551 17,213 8,730 1,276 5,478 - 1,279 450 357 3,678 182 - 121
Accommodation and food service activities
Total 328,021 145,915 - 7,980 137,253 - - 682 1,478 125,039 43,043 10,107 2,439
Male 101,441 51,485 - 3,937 47,515 - - 33 396 31,385 11,212 6,211 753
Female 226,580 94,430 - 4,044 89,737 - - 649 1,082 93,654 31,832 3,896 1,686
Information and communication
Total 56,300 46,252 29,321 5,669 10,012 1,152 - 98 94 9,166 300 110 378
Male 33,782 25,603 17,147 3,367 4,528 512 - 49 59 7,392 268 82 378
Female 22,518 20,649 12,174 2,302 5,484 640 - 49 35 1,774 32 28 -
Financial and insurance activities
Total 125,577 118,141 - 91,158 26,983 - - - 184 6,857 - - 394
Male 78,525 71,545 - 53,827 17,717 - - - 104 6,826 - - 50
Female 47,052 46,596 - 37,331 9,266 - - - 80 30 - - 345
Real estate activities
Total 2,212 1,947 - - 1,947 - - - - 265 - - -
Male 1,449 1,247 - - 1,247 - - - - 202 - - -
Female 763 700 - - 700 - - - - 63 - - -
Professional scientific and technical activities
Total 121,432 107,175 87,581 5,170 10,489 3,223 316 395 80 13,296 - 730 150
Male 83,279 70,953 60,040 3,134 5,182 2,118 180 298 80 11,418 - 677 150
Female 38,152 36,222 27,541 2,036 5,307 1,105 136 97 - 1,877 - 53 -
Administrative and support service activities
Total 127,873 110,668 83,330 4,499 16,214 4,292 2,143 189 1,989 13,224 1,551 155 286
Male 82,266 68,965 52,322 3,683 8,180 3,236 1,355 189 1,731 9,937 1,192 155 286
Female 45,607 41,703 31,008 817 8,034 1,056 787 - 258 3,287 360 - -
Public administration and defense; compulsory social security
Total 228,399 228,370 228,370 - - - - - - - - - 29
Male 151,139 151,139 151,139 - - - - - - - - - -
Female 77,260 77,231 77,231 - - - - - - - - - 29
Table 5.15b Cont’d
Status in Employment
Paid Employees
Employee- NGO
Total Government Employee- (including Unpaid Apprentice
Employed Total paid Employee- Development Private International Employee Other Member of Self Family and
Major Industrial Group and Sex Population Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee cooperatives Employed Worker Employer Others
Education Status in Employment
Total 422,352 416,117 336,227 6,588 63,184 6,929 52 3,135 329 3,264 - 428 2,214
Male 244,023 239,926 202,739 3,127 27,214 3,676 52 3,119 54 2,503 - 259 1,281
Female 178,329 176,191 133,488 3,462 35,971 3,254 - 17 275 761 - 169 933
Human health and social work activities
Total 187,601 174,120 108,813 4,094 32,931 13,757 14,446 79 435 9,094 1,885 1,415 651
Male 80,291 71,598 46,857 1,706 14,190 7,545 1,255 46 - 5,954 846 1,415 477
Female 107,310 102,522 61,956 2,388 18,741 6,213 13,191 33 435 3,140 1,039 - 174
Arts entertainment and recreation
Total 32,425 22,306 14,004 - 7,294 843 - 164 191 8,126 1,302 - 501
Male 21,492 14,532 8,851 - 4,850 667 - 164 191 5,897 449 - 423
Female 10,933 7,773 5,153 - 2,444 176 - - - 2,230 852 - 78
Other service activities
Total 326,743 131,136 21,504 2,463 48,365 10,055 27,532 21,217 3,609 168,637 10,197 2,527 10,636
Male 199,247 73,282 13,368 1,975 25,980 7,496 5,193 19,269 2,820 107,986 4,753 1,429 8,976
Female 127,496 57,854 8,136 488 22,384 2,558 22,339 1,948 789 60,651 5,444 1,097 1,660
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use
Total 446,872 195,104 1,381 - 1,131 158 190,060 2,373 118 44,980 198,650 185 7,835
Male 79,985 19,977 429 - 667 - 18,569 312 - 11,310 46,032 - 2,666
Female 366,887 175,127 952 - 464 158 171,491 2,061 118 33,670 152,618 185 5,169
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies Description
Total 20,421 19,911 - - - 19,911 - - - 54 263 - 193
Male 13,567 13,320 - - - 13,320 - - - 54 - - 193
Female 6,854 6,591 - - - 6,591 - - - - 263 - -

Table 5.15c Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Status in Employment and Major Industrial Group and Sex, COUNTRY - RURAL: 2013
Status in Employment
Paid Employees
Employee- NGO
Total Government Employee- (including Unpaid
Employed Total paid Employee- Development Private International Employee Other Member of Self Family Apprentice
Major Industrial Group and Sex Population Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee cooperatives Employed Worker Employer and Others
Total Employed Population
Total 36,021,021 1,379,716 457,625 102,904 599,651 32,617 135,397 51,523 35,906 14,513,545 19,794,771 129,460 167,623
Male 19,357,341 1,030,030 321,681 78,553 472,210 20,238 96,038 41,309 21,450 10,358,007 7,759,884 114,107 73,862
Female 16,663,681 349,686 135,944 24,350 127,441 12,379 39,358 10,214 14,456 4,155,538 12,034,887 15,353 93,761
Agriculture forestry and fishing
Total 29,952,882 578,429 71,152 32,621 350,588 10,868 95,829 17,371 3,206 12,390,433 16,804,987 123,542 52,285
Male 17,625,901 469,285 48,288 26,708 291,043 3,658 84,607 14,982 1,811 9,694,026 7,320,584 108,189 32,006
Female 12,326,981 109,144 22,864 5,913 59,546 7,210 11,222 2,389 1,395 2,696,407 9,484,403 15,353 20,279
Mining and quarrying
Total 129,003 21,504 7,814 472 12,838 - - 381 5,129 63,776 38,594 - -
Male 75,202 13,334 2,990 145 9,819 - - 381 5,006 46,608 10,254 - -
Female 53,802 8,170 4,824 327 3,020 - - - 123 17,168 28,341 - -
Total 983,046 66,736 879 9,902 55,183 - - 772 2,677 627,654 278,740 601 6,638
Male 270,358 47,225 825 5,618 40,009 - - 772 2,112 174,208 41,073 601 5,138
Female 712,688 19,511 54 4,284 15,174 - - - 565 453,445 237,666 - 1,500
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply
Total 1,479 1,479 - 1,479 - - - - - - - - -
Male 692 692 - 692 - - - - - - - - -
Female 787 787 - 787 - - - - - - - - -
Water supply; sewerage waste management and remediation activities
Total 145,440 6,697 - 3,779 1,916 - - 1,002 - 22,814 114,381 - 1,549
Male 19,185 6,306 - 3,389 1,916 - - 1,002 - 772 11,331 - 776
Female 126,255 391 - 391 - - - - - 22,042 103,051 - 772
Total 344,961 156,252 792 40,609 102,773 772 - 11,306 22,330 114,920 37,618 3,586 10,256
Male 265,321 125,577 792 31,875 85,311 772 - 6,827 11,476 102,717 15,736 3,586 6,229
Female 79,640 30,675 - 8,734 17,462 - - 4,479 10,854 12,203 21,882 - 4,027
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Total 1,029,116 23,900 - 587 23,313 - - - 2,042 810,629 189,003 572 2,970
Male 280,768 9,573 - 291 9,283 - - - 522 234,336 33,319 572 2,445
Female 748,348 14,327 - 296 14,030 - - - 1,520 576,293 155,684 - 525

Table 5.15c Cont’d

Employment Status
Paid Employees
Employee- NGO
Total Government Employee- (including Unpaid
Employed Total paid Employee- Development Private International Employee Other Member of Self Family Apprentice
Major Industrial Group and Sex Population Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee cooperatives Employed Worker Employer and Others
Transportation and storage
Total 66,615 20,488 1,398 - 17,443 374 750 522 522 32,229 13,084 - 291
Male 50,619 16,204 1,398 - 14,432 374 - - 522 27,838 5,764 - 291
Female 15,996 4,284 - - 3,012 - 750 522 - 4,391 7,321 - -
Accommodation and food service activities
Total 154,319 17,103 - 783 15,864 - - 456 - 67,911 68,710 595 -
Male 33,657 7,465 - - 7,465 - - - - 14,346 11,251 595 -
Female 120,662 9,638 - 783 8,399 - - 456 - 53,566 57,459 - -
Information and communication
Total 3,702 3,702 2,832 870 - - - - - - - - -
Male 3,702 3,702 2,832 870 - - - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Financial and insurance activities
Total 8,114 8,114 - 5,313 2,801 - - - - - - - -
Male 5,843 5,843 - 3,915 1,928 - - - - - - - -
Female 2,271 2,271 - 1,398 873 - - - - - - - -
Real estate activities
Total 45 - - - - - - - - - 45 - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female 45 - - - - - - - - - 45 - -
Professional scientific and technical activities
Total 18,510 17,955 17,369 376 - 210 - - - 556 - - -
Male 13,718 13,162 12,577 376 - 210 - - - 556 - - -
Female 4,792 4,792 4,792 - - - - - - - - - -
Administrative and support service activities
Total 15,048 13,628 11,309 1,150 1,169 - - - - 232 557 - 632
Male 10,355 9,799 8,320 1,120 359 - - - - - 557 - -
Female 4,692 3,829 2,989 30 810 - - - - 232 - - 632
Public administration and defense; compulsory social security
Total 58,998 58,998 58,998 - - - - - - - - - -
Male 52,981 52,981 52,981 - - - - - - - - - -
Female 6,017 6,017 6,017 - - - - - - - - - -
Table 5.15c Cont’d
Employment Status
Paid Employees
Employee- NGO
Total Government Employee- (including Unpaid
Employed Total paid Employee- Development Private International Employee Other Member of Self Family Apprentice
Major Industrial Group and Sex Population Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee cooperatives Employed Worker Employer and Others
Total 260,569 256,853 239,845 3,653 5,211 1,510 - 6,635 - 1,188 1,116 - 1,411
Male 181,507 178,908 166,738 2,768 2,338 1,201 - 5,863 - 1,188 - - 1,411
Female 79,062 77,945 73,107 885 2,873 309 - 772 - - 1,116 - -
Human health and social work activities
Total 63,937 48,098 40,524 522 1,611 3,435 2,005 - - 4,980 10,859 - -
Male 30,586 24,245 19,228 - 1,611 2,876 530 - - 4,229 2,112 - -
Female 33,351 23,853 21,296 522 - 559 1,475 - - 751 8,747 - -
Arts entertainment and recreation
Total 9,717 2,604 1,728 - - 877 - - - 1,853 5,260 - -
Male 4,229 2,604 1,728 - - 877 - - - 1,625 - - -
Female 5,488 - - - - - - - - 228 5,260 - -
Other service activities
Total 129,682 39,081 2,985 787 6,632 12,480 3,118 13,078 - 64,179 19,205 565 6,651
Male 78,817 32,480 2,985 787 5,287 9,748 2,190 11,482 - 36,583 3,356 565 5,833
Female 50,865 6,601 - - 1,345 2,732 928 1,596 - 27,596 15,850 - 819
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use
Total 2,644,270 36,525 - - 2,309 522 33,694 - - 310,192 2,212,612 - 84,941
Male 353,901 10,644 - - 1,410 522 8,712 - - 18,975 304,549 - 19,733
Female 2,290,369 25,882 - - 899 - 24,983 - - 291,217 1,908,062 - 65,208
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies Description
Total 1,568 1,568 - - - 1,568 - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female 1,568 1,568 - - - 1,568 - - - - - - -
Table 5.16a Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Number of Hours Worked ,Age Group and Sex During the Last
Seven Days, COUNTRY- TOTAL: 2013
Number of Hours Worked Per Week Mean No.
Total Hours
Age Group Employed Worked
and Sex Persons 0 1-3 4-12 13-21 22-30 31-39 40-48 49-57 58-74 75+ Per Week

All Ages
Total 42,403,879 1,203,098 493,549 4,884,799 7,179,618 7,570,173 6,604,916 6,313,863 3,874,038 3,162,706 1,117,119 33
Male 22,886,647 546,263 108,191 1,521,021 2,921,298 3,887,276 4,040,142 4,201,826 2,691,842 2,199,552 769,236 37
Female 19,517,232 656,835 385,358 3,363,778 4,258,320 3,682,897 2,564,774 2,112,036 1,182,195 963,154 347,883 27
Total 6,905,880 29,538 132,372 1,210,018 1,673,901 1,337,319 928,060 614,551 458,551 419,727 101,842 28
Male 3,750,144 11,599 37,582 449,912 781,485 751,147 583,100 410,592 328,189 313,172 83,365 32
Female 3,155,736 17,938 94,790 760,106 892,416 586,172 344,960 203,959 130,362 106,555 18,477 23
Total 5,756,362 80,886 95,286 893,567 1,170,020 1,086,182 858,653 626,122 435,084 385,762 124,798 30
Male 3,083,118 33,040 28,010 329,915 539,408 576,367 527,247 417,059 293,145 265,191 73,736 33
Female 2,673,245 47,846 67,276 563,653 630,612 509,816 331,407 209,063 141,939 120,572 51,062 26
Total 5,047,055 139,064 47,360 544,346 764,463 886,405 764,606 833,618 479,590 427,378 160,225 34
Male 2,568,713 57,013 8,670 173,738 284,592 428,757 437,605 504,201 310,120 275,414 88,602 38
Female 2,478,342 82,050 38,690 370,608 479,871 457,647 327,000 329,417 169,470 151,965 71,623 30
Total 5,564,429 168,556 42,284 465,240 791,939 900,822 904,416 1,033,208 606,846 481,319 169,798 35
Male 2,795,479 66,250 4,133 105,199 256,114 378,947 510,548 648,264 416,434 301,497 108,093 40
Female 2,768,950 102,306 38,151 360,041 535,826 521,875 393,868 384,944 190,412 179,823 61,705 30
Total 4,025,031 122,368 23,188 318,699 554,723 694,638 672,955 728,133 446,196 335,369 128,763 35
Male 2,146,242 44,935 2,052 72,323 180,296 324,887 408,733 467,456 314,337 240,356 90,867 41
Female 1,878,789 77,433 21,136 246,375 374,427 369,752 264,222 260,677 131,859 95,013 37,895 29
Total 4,249,424 129,702 28,043 372,389 627,725 740,129 705,727 728,067 432,323 343,147 142,173 35
Male 2,187,454 64,380 3,192 66,881 193,110 337,766 400,884 487,796 296,563 233,220 103,661 40
Female 2,061,970 65,322 24,851 305,508 434,615 402,363 304,842 240,271 135,760 109,926 38,512 29
Total 2,874,669 94,255 19,449 268,124 382,620 496,045 476,739 515,280 287,028 236,480 98,648 35
Male 1,593,461 43,356 3,255 57,783 142,118 249,806 282,974 353,587 207,177 181,036 72,369 40
Female 1,281,207 50,899 16,195 210,341 240,502 246,239 193,766 161,693 79,851 55,445 26,278 28

Table 5.16a Cont’d

Number of Hours Worked Per Week Mean No.
Total Hours
Age Group Employed Worked
and Sex Persons 0 1-3 4-12 13-21 22-30 31-39 40-48 49-57 58-74 75+ Per Week

Total 2,388,294 80,798 22,118 234,546 358,148 417,399 413,301 401,111 225,072 173,191 62,611 33
Male 1,294,074 38,411 3,075 56,121 125,783 217,377 255,958 276,838 151,211 121,752 47,549 38
Female 1,094,220 42,387 19,044 178,425 232,365 200,022 157,343 124,273 73,861 51,439 15,061 28
Total 1,782,221 81,695 17,172 166,820 276,375 310,480 297,713 282,267 178,363 129,434 41,902 33
Male 1,004,795 35,480 2,136 46,789 99,001 167,050 199,994 207,195 125,337 89,425 32,388 38
Female 777,426 46,215 15,036 120,031 177,374 143,430 97,718 75,072 53,026 40,009 9,514 27
Total 1,303,919 62,317 15,988 132,133 187,789 253,731 209,572 206,497 118,544 84,427 32,921 32
Male 757,216 29,850 2,547 38,164 77,436 143,397 140,780 153,089 83,446 61,721 26,785 37
Female 546,704 32,467 13,441 93,969 110,353 110,333 68,792 53,409 35,098 22,706 6,136 26
Total 1,038,673 78,223 18,046 108,285 156,570 178,960 163,718 152,482 102,274 58,271 21,845 31
Male 656,240 38,567 3,098 37,337 88,783 116,873 117,028 114,667 80,257 43,658 15,971 34
Female 382,434 39,656 14,948 70,948 67,787 62,087 46,690 37,815 22,016 14,612 5,873 24
Total 645,318 44,909 11,375 72,632 101,920 118,445 98,195 93,499 47,060 41,611 15,671 30
Male 430,727 21,072 1,434 30,632 57,348 82,036 82,143 74,463 36,866 31,699 13,036 34
Female 214,591 23,838 9,940 42,000 44,573 36,409 16,053 19,037 10,194 9,912 2,635 23
Total 438,836 42,652 8,302 43,897 74,695 81,153 59,433 61,965 25,733 30,168 10,838 29
Male 314,878 23,454 2,914 24,777 52,144 57,920 47,020 51,901 19,705 26,885 8,158 32
Female 123,958 19,198 5,388 19,120 22,552 23,232 12,414 10,064 6,027 3,283 2,679 22
Total 383,768 48,136 12,566 54,103 58,728 68,467 51,827 37,061 31,373 16,422 5,085 26
Male 304,108 38,857 6,094 31,450 43,680 54,947 46,127 34,718 29,054 14,528 4,654 28
Female 79,661 9,280 6,472 22,653 15,048 13,520 5,700 2,343 2,319 1,894 431 18

Table 5.16b: Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Number of Hours Worked ,Age Group and Sex During the Last
Seven Days, COUNTRY- URBAN: 2013
Number of Hours Worked Per Week Mean No.
Total Hours
Age Group Employed Worked
and Sex Persons 0 1-3 4-12 13-21 22-30 31-39 40-48 49-57 58-74 75+ Per Week

All Ages
Total 6,382,858 318,398 77,959 485,649 595,801 654,202 783,604 1,352,266 766,887 836,117 511,975 41
Male 3,529,307 163,346 23,545 187,908 264,211 325,916 436,292 814,915 471,495 531,264 310,414 43
Female 2,853,551 155,052 54,414 297,740 331,590 328,286 347,312 537,351 295,392 304,854 201,560 37
Total 317,094 2,245 19,032 89,410 66,609 46,674 30,148 22,853 19,070 12,723 8,329 24
Male 154,705 995 6,897 38,355 32,324 25,141 19,258 12,364 9,980 5,278 4,113 26
Female 162,389 1,250 12,136 51,055 34,285 21,533 10,890 10,489 9,090 7,445 4,215 23
Total 572,791 16,984 17,012 79,883 77,365 64,260 53,870 71,949 61,251 75,285 54,932 38
Male 247,941 7,001 6,151 32,317 33,820 34,969 26,095 32,997 24,336 32,128 18,127 37
Female 324,850 9,982 10,861 47,566 43,545 29,291 27,775 38,952 36,916 43,157 36,805 39
Total 966,757 44,004 10,460 61,660 76,177 94,134 108,849 211,285 123,513 139,463 97,210 43
Male 464,573 20,201 3,695 21,089 34,643 41,190 51,041 105,652 61,423 76,398 49,243 45
Female 502,184 23,803 6,765 40,572 41,535 52,944 57,809 105,633 62,091 63,066 47,967 41
Total 1,249,489 65,256 8,985 56,931 93,984 111,425 168,387 313,261 155,331 179,085 96,844 43
Male 683,895 27,041 1,330 18,132 41,565 53,597 92,373 183,586 95,491 111,397 59,383 46
Female 565,594 38,215 7,655 38,799 52,419 57,827 76,015 129,675 59,840 67,688 37,461 39
Total 848,555 44,301 3,318 43,618 62,843 86,124 107,056 205,914 111,456 113,979 69,947 43
Male 512,603 22,405 1,297 16,460 26,468 46,690 60,902 131,667 75,511 81,954 49,249 46
Female 335,952 21,896 2,020 27,158 36,375 39,434 46,154 74,247 35,945 32,025 20,698 38
Total 803,672 43,523 4,424 38,265 68,031 76,504 106,626 188,624 106,791 110,330 60,555 42
Male 461,834 23,915 1,291 11,469 27,009 34,524 59,151 117,987 70,206 76,489 39,793 46
Female 341,839 19,608 3,132 26,796 41,022 41,980 47,475 70,637 36,585 33,841 20,762 37
Total 492,155 24,998 3,149 25,890 39,316 49,993 66,216 114,982 57,977 70,295 39,339 42
Male 301,307 16,009 473 10,621 16,300 24,130 36,842 76,131 41,029 51,658 28,115 45
Female 190,847 8,989 2,675 15,269 23,016 25,863 29,375 38,851 16,947 18,637 11,224 37

Table 5.16b Cont’d

Number of Hours Worked Per Week Mean No.
Total Hours
Age Group Employed Worked
and Sex Persons 0 1-3 4-12 13-21 22-30 31-39 40-48 49-57 58-74 75+ Per Week

Total 387,218 22,388 2,248 27,400 32,685 39,694 52,163 87,087 47,984 46,858 28,711 40
Male 224,971 11,870 394 10,319 11,572 20,536 31,494 57,756 31,599 29,199 20,230 44
Female 162,247 10,517 1,854 17,081 21,113 19,158 20,669 29,330 16,385 17,658 8,481 36
Total 264,956 18,184 1,562 17,291 21,366 29,316 34,770 58,935 32,709 32,167 18,655 40
Male 156,665 10,379 328 7,455 8,086 10,891 20,627 38,269 23,393 23,343 13,895 44
Female 108,291 7,806 1,234 9,837 13,280 18,425 14,144 20,666 9,316 8,824 4,760 34
Total 190,761 11,950 2,302 15,262 19,609 23,070 25,080 36,818 18,903 23,644 14,124 39
Male 125,936 7,398 28 6,185 11,523 13,668 16,389 27,035 14,493 18,227 10,990 42
Female 64,825 4,552 2,274 9,077 8,085 9,402 8,691 9,783 4,410 5,417 3,134 32
Total 125,434 9,268 3,101 11,078 15,565 14,820 14,904 20,543 13,223 12,858 10,074 37
Male 83,020 6,192 1,034 4,895 8,260 8,337 11,447 16,114 10,798 8,615 7,327 40
Female 42,414 3,075 2,067 6,183 7,305 6,483 3,457 4,429 2,424 4,243 2,747 31
Total 77,949 6,698 1,152 10,799 7,505 8,370 6,888 10,235 9,975 9,641 6,687 37
Male 51,301 4,768 46 6,178 5,339 4,936 4,464 7,762 6,101 7,356 4,351 38
Female 26,648 1,929 1,105 4,621 2,166 3,434 2,424 2,473 3,874 2,285 2,336 35
Total 51,820 4,351 174 4,115 8,307 7,630 6,151 5,908 6,180 5,397 3,608 36
Male 36,364 2,342 62 1,561 4,315 5,860 4,360 4,756 5,049 4,990 3,069 41
Female 15,456 2,009 112 2,553 3,992 1,770 1,792 1,152 1,131 407 539 25
Total 34,207 4,249 1,041 4,045 6,438 2,190 2,494 3,873 2,524 4,393 2,960 34
Male 24,192 2,828 519 2,873 2,985 1,449 1,851 2,841 2,086 4,231 2,529 38
Female 10,015 1,420 523 1,172 3,453 742 643 1,032 438 162 431 23

Table 5.16c: Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Number of Hours Worked ,Age Group and Sex During the Last
Seven Days, COUNTRY- RURAL: 2013
Number of Hours Worked Per Week Mean No.
Total Hours
Age Group Employed Worked
and Sex Persons 0 1-3 4-12 13-21 22-30 31-39 40-48 49-57 58-74 75+ Per Week
All Ages
Total 36,021,021 884,700 415,590 4,399,150 6,583,817 6,915,971 5,821,312 4,961,597 3,107,151 2,326,589 605,144 31
Male 19,357,341 382,917 84,646 1,333,113 2,657,087 3,561,360 3,603,850 3,386,911 2,220,348 1,668,288 458,821 36
Female 16,663,681 501,784 330,944 3,066,038 3,926,730 3,354,611 2,217,462 1,574,685 886,803 658,300 146,323 26
Total 6,588,786 27,293 113,339 1,120,609 1,607,292 1,290,646 897,912 591,698 439,481 407,004 93,513 28
Male 3,595,440 10,604 30,685 411,558 749,161 726,007 563,842 398,228 318,209 307,894 79,252 32
Female 2,993,347 16,689 82,654 709,051 858,131 564,639 334,070 193,470 121,272 99,110 14,262 23
Total 5,183,571 63,902 78,274 813,684 1,092,655 1,021,922 804,783 554,173 373,833 310,478 69,866 29
Male 2,835,176 26,039 21,859 297,597 505,588 541,398 501,152 384,063 268,809 233,063 55,609 33
Female 2,348,395 37,864 56,415 516,086 587,068 480,524 303,631 170,111 105,024 77,415 14,257 24
Total 4,080,298 95,060 36,900 482,685 688,285 792,271 655,756 622,333 356,077 287,915 63,015 32
Male 2,104,140 36,812 4,975 152,649 249,949 387,567 386,565 398,550 248,698 199,016 39,359 36
Female 1,976,158 58,247 31,925 330,036 438,336 404,703 269,192 223,783 107,379 88,899 23,656 27
Total 4,314,940 103,300 33,299 408,309 697,955 789,397 736,029 719,947 451,514 302,234 72,954 33
Male 2,111,584 39,209 2,803 87,067 214,548 325,350 418,175 464,679 320,943 190,099 48,710 39
Female 2,203,356 64,091 30,496 321,242 483,407 464,047 317,853 255,269 130,571 112,135 24,244 28
Total 3,176,476 78,067 19,871 275,080 491,880 608,514 565,900 522,219 334,740 221,390 58,816 33
Male 1,633,639 22,530 755 55,863 153,828 278,197 347,831 335,789 238,826 158,401 41,618 39
Female 1,542,837 55,537 19,116 219,217 338,052 330,317 218,068 186,430 95,914 62,989 17,197 28
Total 3,445,752 86,179 23,619 334,123 559,694 663,625 599,100 539,444 325,532 232,817 81,618 33
Male 1,725,620 40,465 1,900 55,412 166,101 303,242 341,733 369,810 226,357 156,732 63,868 39
Female 1,720,132 45,714 21,719 278,712 393,593 360,383 257,367 169,634 99,175 76,086 17,750 27
Total 2,382,514 69,257 16,301 242,234 343,304 446,051 410,523 400,298 229,051 166,185 59,309 33
Male 1,292,154 27,347 2,781 47,163 125,819 225,676 246,132 277,456 166,148 129,377 44,255 39
Female 1,090,360 41,910 13,520 195,071 217,485 220,376 164,391 122,842 62,903 36,808 15,054 27

Table 5.16c Cont’d

Number of Hours Worked Per Week Mean No.
Total Hours
Age Group Employed Worked
and Sex Persons 0 1-3 4-12 13-21 22-30 31-39 40-48 49-57 58-74 75+ Per Week

Total 2,001,076 58,410 19,870 207,146 325,463 377,705 361,138 314,024 177,088 126,333 33,899 32
Male 1,069,103 26,540 2,680 45,802 114,211 196,840 224,464 219,081 119,613 92,553 27,319 37
Female 931,973 31,870 17,190 161,344 211,252 180,865 136,674 94,943 57,476 33,780 6,580 26
Total 1,517,265 63,511 15,610 149,529 255,009 281,164 262,942 223,332 145,654 97,267 23,247 32
Male 848,129 25,101 1,809 39,334 90,915 156,159 179,367 168,926 101,944 66,082 18,492 36
Female 669,135 38,410 13,801 110,195 164,094 125,005 83,575 54,406 43,710 31,185 4,754 25
Total 1,113,158 50,366 13,686 116,871 168,181 230,661 184,492 169,680 99,641 60,783 18,797 31
Male 631,279 22,452 2,520 31,979 65,913 129,729 124,391 126,054 68,953 43,494 15,795 36
Female 481,879 27,915 11,166 84,892 102,268 100,931 60,101 43,626 30,689 17,289 3,003 25
Total 913,239 68,955 14,945 97,206 141,005 164,140 148,814 131,939 89,051 45,413 11,770 30
Male 573,220 32,374 2,064 32,442 80,523 108,536 105,581 98,553 69,459 35,043 8,645 33
Female 340,019 36,581 12,881 64,765 60,483 55,604 43,233 33,386 19,592 10,369 3,126 24
Total 567,369 38,212 10,223 61,833 94,415 110,075 91,307 83,264 37,085 31,970 8,985 29
Male 379,427 16,303 1,388 24,454 52,008 77,100 77,679 66,701 30,765 24,343 8,685 33
Female 187,943 21,908 8,835 37,379 42,407 32,975 13,629 16,563 6,320 7,627 299 21
Total 387,015 38,301 8,128 39,783 66,388 73,523 53,282 56,057 19,553 24,771 7,230 28
Male 278,513 21,112 2,851 23,216 47,828 52,060 42,660 47,145 14,657 21,895 5,089 31
Female 108,502 17,189 5,277 16,567 18,560 21,463 10,622 8,913 4,896 2,876 2,141 22
Total 349,562 43,888 11,524 50,058 52,290 66,277 49,333 33,188 28,850 12,029 2,125 25
Male 279,916 36,029 5,575 28,577 40,695 53,498 44,276 31,877 26,968 10,296 2,125 27
Female 69,646 7,859 5,950 21,481 11,595 12,778 5,057 1,311 1,882 1,732 - 17
Table 5.17 Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and Above by Number of Hours Worked During The Last Seven
Days, Place of Residence and Sex , COUNTRY-TOTAL: 2013
Number of Hours Worked Per Week Mean No.
Place of Total Hours
Residence Employed Worked
and Sex Persons 0 1-3 4-12 13-21 22-30 31-39 40-48 49-57 58-74 75+ Per Week
Urban + Rural
Total 42,403,879 1,203,098 493,549 4,884,799 7,179,618 7,570,173 6,604,916 6,313,863 3,874,038 3,162,706 1,117,119 33
Male 22,886,647 546,263 108,191 1,521,021 2,921,298 3,887,276 4,040,142 4,201,826 2,691,842 2,199,552 769,236 37
Female 19,517,232 656,835 385,358 3,363,778 4,258,320 3,682,897 2,564,774 2,112,036 1,182,195 963,154 347,883 27
Total 6,382,858 318,398 77,959 485,649 595,801 654,202 783,604 1,352,266 766,887 836,117 511,975 41
Male 3,529,307 163,346 23,545 187,908 264211 325,916 436,292 814,915 471,495 531,263 310,414 43
Female 2,853,551 155,052 54,414 297,740 331,590 328,286 347,312 537,351 295,392 304,854 201,560 37
Total 36,021,021 884,700 415,590 4,399,150 6,583,817 6,915,971 5,821,312 4,961,597 3,107,151 2,326,589 605,144 31
Male 19,357,341 382,917 84,646 1,333,113 2,657,087 3,561,360 3,603,850 3,386,911 2,220,348 1,668,288 458,821 36
Female 16,663,681 501,784 330,944 3,066,038 3,926,730 3,354,611 2,217,462 1,574,685 886,803 658,300 146,323 26
Urban + Rural
Total 2,547,502 113,192 41,193 423,267 454,817 423,904 276,422 305,507 224,179 195,811 89,209 31
Male 1,335,754 53,059 8,740 145,597 203,322 235,848 167,774 179,842 149,146 132,108 60,317 35
Female 1,211,748 60,133 32,453 277,670 251,495 188,057 108,647 125,665 75,033 63,703 28,892 26
Total 443,786 22,881 2,817 33,087 34,887 41,430 45,606 89,190 65,729 60,250 47,910 43
Male 236,353 12,798 749 14,370 17576 19,724 21,979 48,951 39,065 34,253 26,888 45
Female 207,433 10,083 2,069 18,716 17,311 21,706 23,627 40,239 26,664 25,997 21,021 41
Total 2,103,716 90,311 38,376 390,180 419,930 382,474 230,816 216,317 158,450 135,561 41,300 28
Male 1,099,400 40,261 7,992 131,227 185,745 216,123 145,795 130,891 110,082 97,855 33,429 33
Female 1,004,315 50,050 30,384 258,953 234,185 166,351 85,021 85,426 48,369 37,706 7,871 23
Urban + Rural
Total 652,108 11,839 3,707 40,160 82,552 84,803 72,091 75,190 87,150 115,621 78,994 44
Male 344,131 7,679 1,157 9,813 17,157 29,797 36,979 43,445 56,667 79,650 61,786 52
Female 307,977 4,160 2,550 30,346 65,395 55,006 35,111 31,745 30,484 35,971 17,208 36
Total 102,460 4,434 1,822 6,211 9,204 10,143 11,457 17,461 12,724 13,557 15,448 44
Male 56,871 2,788 529 2,028 3561 5,696 6,336 11,068 7,999 8,875 7,990 46
Female 45,589 1,646 1,293 4,183 5,643 4,447 5,121 6,393 4,725 4,681 7,458 42
Total 549,648 7,405 1,886 33,949 73,348 74,660 60,634 57,730 74,426 102,064 63,546 44
Male 287,261 4,891 629 7,785 13,596 24,101 30,644 32,377 48,667 70,775 53,796 53
Female 262,388 2,514 1,257 26,164 59,752 50,559 29,991 25,352 25,759 31,289 9,750 35
Table 5.17 Cont’d
Number of Hours Worked Per Week Mean No.
Place of Total Hours
Residence Employed Worked
and Sex Persons 0 1-3 4-12 13-21 22-30 31-39 40-48 49-57 58-74 75+ Per Week
Urban + Rural
Total 11,174,123 365,182 190,283 1,640,370 2,034,558 2,085,361 1,723,545 1,441,150 788,813 669,092 235,767 30
Male 5,965,956 169,707 38,070 426,747 754,846 1,146,844 1,105,572 1,032,130 594,030 526,801 171,210 35
Female 5,208,167 195,475 152,213 1,213,624 1,279,712 938,517 617,973 409,020 194,784 142,291 64,557 23
Total 1,387,072 88,093 29,757 180,450 174,204 191,421 173,383 206,134 119,176 126,030 98,423 35
Male 710,022 42,055 9,166 63,994 76649 96,198 93,802 121,751 74,390 78,781 53,237 38
Female 677,050 46,038 20,591 116,456 97,555 95,223 79,582 84,383 44,786 47,249 45,187 31
Total 9,787,051 277,090 160,526 1,459,920 1,860,355 1,893,939 1,550,162 1,235,016 669,637 543,062 137,344 29
Male 5,255,934 127,653 28,904 362,753 678,197 1,050,646 1,011,771 910,379 519,640 448,020 117,973 35
Female 4,531,117 149,437 131,622 1,097,167 1,182,158 843,293 538,391 324,637 149,998 95,043 19,371 22

Urban + Rural
Total 16,529,563 437,517 150,616 1,467,503 2,709,745 3,021,009 2,823,584 2,575,504 1,730,815 1,267,569 345,703 34
Male 9,039,726 186,609 30,544 475,066 1,099,199 1,490,003 1,737,965 1,728,418 1,203,671 858,914 229,338 37
Female 7,489,837 250,908 120,072 992,437 1,610,545 1,531,006 1,085,619 847,086 527,144 408,655 116,365 29
Total 1,863,072 92,149 26,348 166,178 219,620 215,244 224,515 349,526 216,983 229,654 122,855 38
Male 1,055,353 44,180 7,904 68,939 100947 107,560 133,739 224,648 139,410 150,993 77,033 41
Female 807,719 47,969 18,443 97,239 118,674 107,684 90,777 124,878 77,573 78,661 45,823 34
Total 14,666,491 345,368 124,268 1,301,325 2,490,124 2,805,765 2,599,069 2,225,977 1,513,831 1,037,915 222,847 33
Male 7,984,373 142,429 22,639 406,127 998,253 1,382,443 1,604,226 1,503,770 1,064,261 707,921 152,305 37
Female 6,682,118 202,939 101,629 895,199 1,491,871 1,423,322 994,843 722,208 449,571 329,994 70,542 28
Urban + Rural
Total 783,017 10,402 3,146 49,619 66,302 93,688 103,989 136,266 136,614 128,903 54,088 43.4
Male 474,365 6,691 205 12,407 22,584 44,809 64,200 97,296 99,581 88,533 38,058 47.4
Female 308,651 3,711 2,940 37,211 43,718 48,879 39,789 38,970 37,033 40,370 16,030 37.1
Total 83,451 2,511 441 5,616 5,467 8,056 9,348 11,658 14,664 15,708 9,981 46.3
Male 49,497 1,350 205 1,749 2368 4,348 5,822 7,223 10,248 10,236 5,948 49.0
Female 33,954 1,161 236 3,867 3,098 3,708 3,526 4,435 4,417 5,473 4,034 42.5
Total 699,566 7,891 2,704 44,003 60,836 85,632 94,641 124,608 121,950 113,195 44,106 43.0
Male 424,869 5,341 - 10,658 20,216 40,461 58,378 90,073 89,334 78,297 32,110 47.2
Female 274,697 2,550 2,704 33,344 40,620 45,171 36,263 34,535 32,616 34,897 11,996 36.4
Table 5.17 Cont’d
Number of Hours Worked Per Week Mean No.
Place of Total Hours
Residence Employed Worked
and Sex Persons 0 1-3 4-12 13-21 22-30 31-39 40-48 49-57 58-74 75+ Per Week

Urban + Rural
Total 484,220 20,195 6,089 58,649 74,026 93,426 89,534 77,093 34,783 21,515 8,910 30
Male 252,117 6,718 1,430 21,566 34,516 49,966 48,787 44,650 24,157 14,882 5,444 34
Female 232,103 13,476 4,659 37,083 39,510 43,460 40,746 32,442 10,626 6,633 3,467 27
Total 74,207 3,585 1,625 8,557 8,215 8,205 16,884 13,577 5,175 4,980 3,404 34
Male 41,862 1,880 436 2,571 3556 4,532 10,711 8,772 3,349 3,591 2,464 38
Female 32,345 1,705 1,189 5,985 4,660 3,674 6,173 4,805 1,825 1,389 940 29
Total 410,013 16,610 4,464 50,093 65,811 85,221 72,649 63,516 29,608 16,535 5,506 30
Male 210,255 4,838 995 18,995 30,961 45,435 38,076 35,878 20,808 11,290 2,979 33
Female 199,757 11,771 3,469 31,098 34,850 39,786 34,573 27,638 8,801 5,244 2,527 27

Urban + Rural
Total 8,507,979 168,653 90,795 1,148,101 1,669,200 1,662,161 1,294,662 1,207,021 618,257 487,235 161,894 30
Male 4,506,169 74,352 25,692 406,267 751,811 837,277 760,336 791,554 414,381 330,200 114,299 34
Female 4,001,810 94,302 65,103 741,834 917,389 824,885 534,325 415,467 203,876 157,035 47,595 26
Total 950,828 34,732 11,485 61,606 101,379 112,662 121,050 203,956 107,746 121,913 74,300 41
Male 539,412 20,166 3,220 23,144 40653 54,470 69,400 131,006 65,024 82,894 49,434 44
Female 411,416 14,566 8,265 38,462 60,726 58,192 51,650 72,950 42,722 39,018 24,866 36
Total 7,557,151 133,922 79,310 1,086,495 1,567,821 1,549,499 1,173,611 1,003,065 510,511 365,322 87,594 29
Male 3,966,757 54,186 22,472 383,123 711,158 782,806 690,936 660,548 349,357 247,306 64,865 33
Female 3,590,394 79,736 56,838 703,372 856,663 766,693 482,675 342,517 161,154 118,016 22,729 25

Urban + Rural
Total 162,075 4,369 3,746 27,986 31,768 23,664 25,376 21,435 13,919 5,668 4,144 29
Male 84,781 2,006 1,036 11,357 15,207 11,311 15,050 14,212 8,612 3,386 2,603 32
Female 77,293 2,363 2,710 16,629 16,561 12,353 10,326 7,223 5,306 2,281 1,540 26
Total 41,018 2,051 795 4,033 4,503 4,777 8,634 6,773 3,963 2,647 2,840 36
Male 21,011 653 235 1,172 1855 2,188 4,950 4,291 2,197 1,608 1,863 40
Female 20,007 1,399 560 2,862 2,648 2,590 3,684 2,482 1,767 1,039 977 31
Total 121,057 2,317 2,951 23,953 27,265 18,887 16,742 14,662 9,955 3,021 1,304 27
Male 63,771 1,353 801 10,185 13,353 9,124 10,100 9,921 6,416 1,778 740 30
Female 57,286 964 2,150 13,767 13,913 9,763 6,642 4,742 3,540 1,243 563 24
Table 5.17 Cont’d
Number of Hours Worked Per Week Mean No.
Place of Total Hours
Residence Employed Worked
and Sex Persons 0 1-3 4-12 13-21 22-30 31-39 40-48 49-57 58-74 75+ Per Week

Urban + Rural
Total 100,225 4,732 741 5,590 10,631 12,075 12,971 22,421 14,989 10,793 5,283 40
Male 52,647 1,957 190 2,187 3,681 5,726 7,229 12,702 9,502 5,939 3,535 43
Female 47,578 2,775 552 3,403 6,950 6,349 5,742 9,719 5,486 4,854 1,748 36
Total 49,802 2,857 135 1,302 2,181 3,233 3,441 14,653 9,672 7,674 4,656 47
Male 27,309 1,236 63 544 761 1,300 1,615 8,267 6,161 4,169 3,193 50
Female 22,493 1,620 71 758 1,420 1,933 1,827 6,386 3,511 3,504 1,463 43
Total 50,423 1,875 607 4,288 8,450 8,842 9,529 7,768 5,317 3,119 628 32
Male 25,338 721 127 1,643 2,920 4,425 5,614 4,435 3,342 1,769 343 35

Female 25,085 1,155 480 2,645 5,530 4,416 3,915 3,333 1,975 1,350 285 29
Urban + Rural
Total 1,285,598 59,358 1,551 14,459 29,189 52,452 159,691 419,149 191,826 235,211 122,712 49
Male 736,789 32,973 702 8,157 14,289 26,735 83,014 237,499 112,513 144,493 76,416 50
Female 548,808 26,385 849 6,302 14,900 25,717 76,677 181,650 79,314 90,719 46,296 48
Total 1,285,598 59,358 1,551 14,459 29,189 52,452 159,691 419,149 191,826 235,211 122,712 49
Male 736,789 32,973 702 8,157 14289 26,735 83,014 237,499 112,513 144,493 76,416 50
Female 548,808 26,385 849 6,302 14,900 25,717 76,677 181,650 79,314 90,719 46,296 48
Total - - - - - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - - - - - - -
Urban + Rural
Total 177,470 7,658 1,682 9,095 16,830 17,630 23,052 33,128 32,693 25,288 10,415 42
Male 94,211 4,512 425 1,857 4,685 8,961 13,234 20,079 19,583 14,647 6,229 45
Female 83,259 3,146 1,257 7,238 12,145 8,669 9,818 13,049 13,111 10,641 4,186 38
Total 101,564 5,747 1,183 4,151 6,953 6,579 9,594 20,190 19,229 18,494 9,446 46
Male 54,828 3,267 336 1,241 1,996 3,165 4,925 11,438 11,140 11,370 5,950 49
Female 46,736 2,480 847 2,910 4,956 3,414 4,669 8,752 8,089 7,124 3,496 42
Total 75,906 1,911 498 4,944 9,877 11,051 13,458 12,938 13,464 6,795 969 36
Male 39,383 1,245 89 617 2,688 5,796 8,309 8,641 8,443 3,277 280 40
Female 36,523 667 410 4,327 7,189 5,256 5,149 4,297 5,022 3,518 690 33
Table 5.18a Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Major Industrial Division and Number of Hours Worked
During the Last Seven days and Sex, COUNTRY- TOTAL: 2013
Major Number of hours worked during the last 7 days
Industrial Total Mean No.
Division and Employed Hours
Sex Persons 0 1-3 4-12 13-21 22-30 31-39 40-48 49-57 58-74 75+ Worked
Total Employed Population
Total 42,403,879 1,203,098 493,549 4,884,799 7,179,618 7,570,173 6,604,916 6,313,863 3,874,038 3,162,706 1,117,119 33
Male 22,886,647 546,263 108,191 1,521,021 2,921,298 3,887,276 4,040,142 4,201,826 2,691,842 2,199,552 769,236 37
Female 19,517,232 656,835 385,358 3,363,778 4,258,320 3,682,897 2,564,774 2,112,036 1,182,195 963,154 347,883 27
Agriculture forestry and fishing
Total 30,817,068 808,019 276,927 3,271,160 5,492,895 6,091,920 5,290,977 4,414,896 2,731,168 1,982,027 457,081 32
Male 18,195,792 369,753 72,968 1,201,267 2,543,105 3,393,025 3,481,255 3,184,125 2,062,568 1,518,945 368,780 35
Female 12,621,276 438,266 203,959 2,069,893 2,949,790 2,698,895 1,809,721 1,230,771 668,600 463,081 88,300 26
Mining and quarrying
Total 179,681 7,669 1,246 15,592 24,568 24,902 26,951 34,406 20,280 15,123 8,942 36
Male 116,150 5,116 176 6,313 8,938 16,139 18,967 22,139 18,493 10,944 8,925 41
Female 63,532 2,553 1,071 9,279 15,630 8,763 7,984 12,267 1,787 4,180 17 28
Total 1,902,194 82,355 16,527 172,508 241,537 285,667 259,048 337,345 215,549 200,815 90,842 37
Male 738,984 33,481 3,897 38,997 45,592 71,306 81,285 163,761 115,708 124,303 60,655 44
Female 1,163,210 48,874 12,631 133,512 195,945 214,361 177,763 173,584 99,842 76,512 30,187 32
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply
Total 27,183 2,089 - 46 1,190 642 3,868 7,863 7,254 2,562 1,669 45
Male 23,853 1,248 - 46 989 642 3,559 6,534 6,738 2,428 1,669 47
Female 3,331 841 - - 202 - 309 1,329 516 134 - 32
Water supply; sewerage waste management and remediation activities
Total 200,128 2,262 5,647 51,300 36,345 24,067 26,621 19,978 15,018 13,287 5,604 28
Male 46,097 413 104 4,827 6,180 3,916 6,910 11,288 5,652 2,337 4,472 40
Female 154,031 1,849 5,543 46,474 30,166 20,152 19,711 8,689 9,365 10,951 1,132 25
Total 824,769 34,750 5,048 40,279 46,517 87,000 91,925 217,793 150,048 109,159 42,249 42
Male 650,592 26,758 2,657 27,167 33,172 71,943 72,395 174,376 117,539 87,610 36,975 43
Female 174,177 7,992 2,391 13,112 13,345 15,057 19,530 43,417 32,509 21,550 5,274 40
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Total 2,305,352 93,318 10,795 188,877 298,401 326,124 260,831 321,375 256,486 365,994 183,154 40
Male 860,147 33,202 2,294 47,212 75,332 97,298 88,342 129,131 119,588 177,878 89,869 45
Female 1,445,206 60,115 8,501 141,665 223,068 228,826 172,489 192,243 136,898 188,115 93,286 37
Transportation and storage
Total 352,796 19,821 1,234 15,606 16,547 28,824 25,220 53,545 50,176 80,960 60,863 50
Male 315,250 18,740 597 8,552 14,450 25,589 22,559 46,872 42,216 77,937 57,738 51
Female 37,547 1,081 638 7,054 2,097 3,235 2,661 6,673 7,960 3,023 3,126 38

Table 5.18a Cont’d

Major Number of hours worked during the last 7 days
Industrial Total Mean No.
Division and Employed Hours
Sex Persons 0 1-3 4-12 13-21 22-30 31-39 40-48 49-57 58-74 75+ Worked
Accommodation and food service activities
Total 482,340 16,522 4,789 46,218 48,627 51,676 34,820 60,704 60,426 72,707 85,850 46
Male 135,098 3,076 1,275 7,460 8,619 9,802 8,924 18,770 14,453 28,592 34,127 54
Female 347,242 13,446 3,514 38,758 40,008 41,874 25,897 41,934 45,972 44,116 51,723 43
Information and communication
Total 60,002 3,262 - 894 1,737 1,884 11,619 21,784 8,344 7,298 3,179 45
Male 37,484 1,505 - 861 1,512 1,201 6,755 10,830 6,735 5,567 2,517 46
Female 22,518 1,757 - 32 225 683 4,865 10,954 1,609 1,731 662 42
Financial and insurance activities
Total 133,690 4,530 46 635 3,929 2,720 31,193 62,132 15,882 8,026 4,597 43
Male 84,367 2,014 46 547 2,889 1,988 17,389 38,004 10,252 7,065 4,172 45
Female 49,323 2,516 - 87 1,040 731 13,805 24,128 5,630 961 425 41
Real estate activities
Total 2,257 - - 45 63 78 456 1,110 202 253 50 44
Male 1,449 - - - - - 296 708 202 193 50 48
Female 808 - - 45 63 78 161 402 - 60 - 37
Professional scientific and technical activities
Total 139,942 3,967 31 849 6,715 8,271 29,846 54,356 21,741 10,254 3,912 43
Male 96,997 2,382 31 622 3,455 7,082 20,972 35,352 16,063 7,788 3,250 43
Female 42,945 1,585 - 227 3,260 1,189 8,874 19,004 5,678 2,466 662 41
Administrative and support service activities
Total 142,921 5,337 - 4,701 5,466 5,608 22,641 56,450 18,555 13,854 10,308 44
Male 92,622 3,392 - 3,027 2,232 3,055 13,173 38,019 12,034 9,294 8,397 46
Female 50,299 1,945 - 1,675 3,234 2,553 9,468 18,432 6,522 4,560 1,911 42
Public administration and defense; compulsory social security
Total 287,397 16,980 17 3,423 3,342 14,895 63,025 94,707 39,441 32,708 18,859 45
Male 204,121 11,040 17 2,527 1,219 7,899 37,750 65,286 32,113 28,966 17,302 47
Female 83,277 5,940 - 895 2,123 6,996 25,275 29,421 7,327 3,742 1,557 38
Total 682,921 20,060 671 18,052 86,541 109,404 135,454 212,622 52,890 31,890 15,337 36
Male 425,530 10,178 372 11,068 46,787 71,480 80,295 129,605 37,481 24,879 13,385 38
Female 257,391 9,882 298 6,984 39,754 37,924 55,160 83,017 15,408 7,012 1,952 34
Human health and social work activities
Total 251,538 10,232 801 10,391 8,463 10,992 33,188 84,672 40,187 28,728 23,885 46
Male 110,877 3,846 - 3,204 1,950 4,128 13,255 36,887 17,962 17,780 11,865 49
Female 140,661 6,386 801 7,187 6,513 6,864 19,933 47,784 22,225 10,948 12,020 43
Table 5.18a Cont’d
Major Number of hours worked during the last 7 days
Industrial Total Mean No.
Division and Employed Hours
Sex Persons 0 1-3 4-12 13-21 22-30 31-39 40-48 49-57 58-74 75+ Worked

Arts entertainment and recreation

Total 42,142 2,614 287 817 8,620 1,790 5,237 9,134 5,992 3,003 4,649 40
Male 25,721 1,626 - 498 3,900 945 3,632 6,442 4,349 1,776 2,554 41
Female 16,421 988 287 319 4,720 845 1,605 2,692 1,643 1,227 2,096 38
Other service activities
Total 456,425 24,633 5,381 44,626 35,934 49,608 46,985 78,420 57,849 73,938 39,052 41
Male 278,064 14,803 2,013 18,843 20,227 30,443 32,717 47,743 36,685 47,952 26,640 43
Female 178,360 9,830 3,368 25,784 15,707 19,165 14,268 30,677 21,165 25,986 12,412 38
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use
Total 3,091,142 43,270 164,070 998,659 811,274 443,749 200,866 161,954 103,020 107,713 56,567 21
Male 433,886 2,915 21,744 137,985 100,751 69,096 27,353 30,858 12,333 15,350 15,499 23
Female 2,657,256 40,355 142,326 860,674 710,522 374,653 173,512 131,095 90,687 92,364 41,068 21
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies Description
Total 21,990 1,409 32 121 907 352 4,144 8,618 3,530 2,406 470 43
Male 13,567 774 - - - 298 2,359 5,095 2,677 1,969 396 46
Female 8,422 635 32 121 907 54 1,785 3,523 854 437 74 38

Table 5.18b Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Major Industrial Division and Number of Hours Worked
During the Last Seven days and Sex, COUNTRY - URBAN: 2013
Major Number of hours worked during the last 7 days
Industrial Total Mean No.
Division and Employed Hours
Sex Persons 0 1-3 4-12 13-21 22-30 31-39 40-48 49-57 58-74 75+ Worked
Total Employed Population
Total 6,382,858 318,398 77,959 485,649 595,801 654,202 783,604 1,352,266 766,887 836,117 511,975 41
Male 3,529,307 163,346 23,545 187,908 264,211 325,916 436,292 814,915 471,495 531,264 310,414 43
Female 2,853,551 155,052 54,414 297,740 331,590 328,286 347,312 537,351 295,392 304,854 201,560 37
Agriculture forestry and fishing
Total 864,186 42,102 12,007 119,088 144,211 137,334 127,047 122,870 79,412 55,843 24,272 31
Male 569,891 23,757 5,843 59,305 85,675 88,982 92,533 91,617 57,616 42,927 21,637 34
Female 294,296 18,345 6,164 59,783 58,537 48,352 34,514 31,254 21,796 12,915 2,636 26
Mining and quarrying
Total 50,678 4,103 298 2,368 3,678 3,785 7,098 11,665 6,843 5,942 4,897 42
Male 40,948 3,620 - 1,214 2,534 3,211 5,349 9,211 6,201 4,729 4,880 44
Female 9,730 483 298 1,155 1,144 574 1,750 2,455 642 1,213 17 34
Total 919,148 53,798 6,575 64,399 92,135 105,438 91,473 198,723 117,706 127,159 61,742 40
Male 468,626 24,483 1,619 17,925 23,358 32,874 41,162 124,586 74,681 86,986 40,953 46
Female 450,522 29,315 4,956 46,475 68,777 72,564 50,311 74,137 43,025 40,172 20,789 34
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply
Total 25,704 1,301 - 46 1,190 642 3,868 7,863 6,562 2,562 1,669 46
Male 23,161 1,248 - 46 989 642 3,559 6,534 6,046 2,428 1,669 47
Female 2,543 54 - - 202 - 309 1,329 516 134 - 43
Water supply; sewerage waste management and remediation activities
Total 54,688 1,971 1,986 7,496 3,716 2,755 9,456 13,992 6,804 4,158 2,353 37
Male 26,912 413 104 1,444 1,195 953 5,906 7,898 4,670 2,337 1,993 45
Female 27,776 1,558 1,882 6,052 2,521 1,802 3,550 6,094 2,134 1,822 360 29
Total 479,808 27,315 2,287 21,271 24,416 44,540 52,602 148,169 77,236 59,512 22,459 42
Male 385,272 21,536 913 17,961 19,297 38,130 41,863 113,426 62,197 50,077 19,870 42
Female 94,537 5,779 1,374 3,311 5,118 6,410 10,739 34,743 15,038 9,435 2,589 41
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Total 1,276,237 68,390 8,060 96,628 139,299 148,643 119,838 177,438 150,701 227,200 140,040 42
Male 579,379 28,570 1,725 32,246 49,200 54,972 48,389 86,771 80,177 126,761 70,568 46
Female 696,857 39,820 6,335 64,381 90,099 93,671 71,449 90,667 70,524 100,439 69,471 39
Transportation and storage
Total 286,181 17,326 597 5,635 10,347 18,679 19,648 46,657 38,460 75,094 53,739 53
Male 264,631 16,245 597 5,479 9,417 17,077 16,987 40,734 35,181 72,072 50,841 53
Female 21,551 1,081 - 156 930 1,602 2,661 5,923 3,279 3,023 2,898 48

Table 5.18b Cont’d

Major Number of hours worked during the last 7 days
Industrial Total Mean No.
Division and Employed Hours
Sex Persons 0 1-3 4-12 13-21 22-30 31-39 40-48 49-57 58-74 75+ Worked
Accommodation and food service activities
Total 328,021 12,406 2,389 17,455 21,616 25,007 25,219 46,743 42,533 63,477 71,176 52
Male 101,441 2,333 1,275 1,789 5,165 4,802 6,768 14,241 11,724 26,128 27,217 58
Female 226,580 10,073 1,114 15,665 16,452 20,205 18,451 32,502 30,809 37,350 43,959 49
Information and communication
Total 56,300 3,262 - 894 964 1,884 10,650 21,680 7,568 6,879 2,518 44
Male 33,782 1,505 - 861 739 1,201 5,785 10,726 5,959 5,148 1,856 46
Female 22,518 1,757 - 32 225 683 4,865 10,954 1,609 1,731 662 42
Financial and insurance activities
Total 125,577 4,530 46 635 3,929 2,720 30,219 58,391 13,050 7,990 4,067 43
Male 78,525 2,014 46 547 2,889 1,988 16,414 36,053 7,902 7,029 3,643 45
Female 47,052 2,516 - 87 1,040 731 13,805 22,338 5,149 961 425 41
Real estate activities
Total 2,212 - - - 63 78 456 1,110 202 253 50 45
Male 1,449 - - - - - 296 708 202 193 50 48
Female 763 - - - 63 78 161 402 - 60 - 39
Professional scientific and technical activities
Total 121,432 3,860 31 803 4,045 5,094 27,093 50,568 18,770 7,256 3,912 43
Male 83,279 2,382 31 576 3,246 3,905 18,219 32,401 13,653 5,618 3,250 43
Female 38,152 1,478 - 227 799 1,189 8,874 18,168 5,117 1,638 662 42
Administrative and support service activities
Total 127,873 5,337 - 3,513 4,622 4,159 21,467 51,093 16,608 13,267 7,807 44
Male 82,266 3,392 - 2,470 2,232 2,128 11,999 34,059 10,609 8,935 6,442 45
Female 45,607 1,945 - 1,043 2,390 2,031 9,468 17,033 5,999 4,332 1,365 42
Public administration and defense; compulsory social security
Total 228,399 14,859 17 3,213 3,281 9,481 56,521 77,834 30,344 19,982 12,868 43
Male 151,139 8,918 17 2,318 1,188 3,729 33,320 49,960 23,929 16,449 11,311 46
Female 77,260 5,940 - 895 2,092 5,753 23,201 27,874 6,415 3,533 1,557 38
Total 422,352 16,051 671 9,915 45,391 61,377 86,708 138,805 35,196 20,521 7,717 37
Male 244,023 7,599 372 6,212 25,095 37,300 46,423 78,883 21,437 14,413 6,287 37
Female 178,329 8,452 298 3,703 20,296 24,077 40,285 59,922 13,759 6,108 1,429 35
Human health and social work activities
Total 187,601 8,813 420 4,256 3,702 6,733 24,626 66,723 32,473 24,034 15,821 47
Male 80,291 2,655 - 1,913 898 2,683 9,648 26,011 14,466 13,956 8,062 50
Female 107,310 6,158 420 2,343 2,804 4,051 14,978 40,712 18,007 10,078 7,759 45
Table 5.18b Cont’d
Major Number of hours worked during the last 7 days
Industrial Total Mean No.
Division and Employed Hours
Sex Persons 0 1-3 4-12 13-21 22-30 31-39 40-48 49-57 58-74 75+ Worked

Arts entertainment and recreation

Total 32,425 1,953 287 817 3,625 1,790 3,942 8,257 5,470 3,003 3,282 43
Male 21,492 1,193 - 498 2,797 945 2,337 5,565 3,827 1,776 2,554 44
Female 10,933 760 287 319 828 845 1,605 2,692 1,643 1,227 728 41
Other service activities
Total 326,743 18,119 3,647 27,303 24,937 36,437 32,358 57,757 41,233 55,379 29,574 42
Male 199,247 9,643 1,051 13,623 14,587 21,685 23,275 35,835 26,292 35,111 18,145 43
Female 127,496 8,476 2,596 13,680 10,350 14,752 9,083 21,922 14,941 20,268 11,429 40
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use
Total 446,872 11,492 38,610 99,792 60,522 37,274 29,942 37,308 36,187 54,201 41,544 33
Male 79,985 1,066 9,952 21,481 13,709 8,411 3,701 4,600 2,048 6,222 8,793 28
Female 366,887 10,426 28,658 78,310 46,813 28,862 26,241 32,708 34,139 47,979 32,751 34
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies Description
Total 20,421 1,409 32 121 111 352 3,371 8,618 3,530 2,406 470 44
Male 13,567 774 - - - 298 2,359 5,095 2,677 1,969 396 46
Female 6,854 635 32 121 111 54 1,012 3,523 854 437 74 40

Table 5.18c Employed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Major Industrial Division and Number of Hours Worked
During the Last Seven days and Sex, COUNTRY TOTAL-RURAL: 2013
Major Number of hours worked during the last 7 days
Industrial Total Mean No.
Division and Employed Hours
Sex Persons 0 1-3 4-12 13-21 22-30 31-39 40-48 49-57 58-74 75+ Worked
Total Employed Population
Total 36,021,021 884,700 415,590 4,399,150 6,583,817 6,915,971 5,821,312 4,961,597 3,107,151 2,326,589 605,144 31
Male 19,357,341 382,917 84,646 1,333,113 2,657,087 3,561,360 3,603,850 3,386,911 2,220,348 1,668,288 458,821 36
Female 16,663,681 501,784 330,944 3,066,038 3,926,730 3,354,611 2,217,462 1,574,685 886,803 658,300 146,323 26
Agriculture forestry and fishing
Total 29,952,882 765,917 264,921 3,152,072 5,348,683 5,954,586 5,163,930 4,292,025 2,651,755 1,926,184 432,808 32
Male 17,625,901 345,996 67,126 1,141,962 2,457,430 3,304,044 3,388,723 3,092,508 2,004,952 1,476,018 347,144 35
Female 12,326,981 419,921 197,795 2,010,110 2,891,253 2,650,542 1,775,208 1,199,517 646,804 450,166 85,665 26
Mining and quarrying
Total 129,003 3,566 948 13,224 20,890 21,117 19,853 22,741 13,438 9,181 4,045 34
Male 75,202 1,495 176 5,099 6,404 12,929 13,619 12,929 12,292 6,215 4,045 39
Female 53,802 2,070 772 8,125 14,487 8,188 6,234 9,813 1,145 2,967 - 27
Total 983,046 28,557 9,952 108,109 149,402 180,229 167,575 138,622 97,843 73,657 29,100 33
Male 270,358 8,998 2,278 21,072 22,234 38,432 40,124 39,175 41,027 37,317 19,701 41
Female 712,688 19,559 7,674 87,037 127,168 141,797 127,451 99,447 56,817 36,340 9,398 30
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply
Total 1,479 787 - - - - - - 692 - - 26
Male 692 - - - - - - - 692 - - 56
Female 787 787 - - - - - - - - - -
Water supply; sewerage waste management and remediation activities
Total 145,440 291 3,661 43,804 32,629 21,312 17,164 5,985 8,214 9,129 3,251 25
Male 19,185 - - 3,383 4,985 2,963 1,004 3,390 982 - 2,478 34
Female 126,255 291 3,661 40,422 27,644 18,349 16,160 2,595 7,232 9,129 772 24
Total 344,961 7,435 2,761 19,007 22,102 42,459 39,323 69,624 72,812 49,647 19,790 43
Male 265,321 5,222 1,744 9,206 13,875 33,813 30,532 60,950 55,341 37,532 17,105 44
Female 79,640 2,212 1,017 9,802 8,227 8,647 8,791 8,674 17,471 12,115 2,685 39
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Total 1,029,116 24,928 2,735 92,249 159,102 177,481 140,992 143,937 105,785 138,794 43,114 37
Male 280,768 4,633 569 14,965 26,132 42,326 39,953 42,361 39,411 51,117 19,300 43
Female 748,348 20,295 2,166 77,284 132,969 135,154 101,040 101,576 66,374 87,677 23,814 34
Transportation and storage
Total 66,615 2,495 638 9,971 6,200 10,145 5,572 6,888 11,716 5,866 7,125 39
Male 50,619 2,495 - 3,073 5,032 8,512 5,572 6,137 7,035 5,866 6,897 42
Female 15,996 - 638 6,898 1,167 1,633 - 750 4,681 - 228 26

Table 5.18c Cont’d

Major Number of hours worked during the last 7 days
Industrial Total Mean No.
Division and Employed Hours
Sex Persons 0 1-3 4-12 13-21 22-30 31-39 40-48 49-57 58-74 75+ Worked
Accommodation and food service activities
Total 154,319 4,116 2,400 28,763 27,011 26,670 9,601 13,961 17,893 9,230 14,674 34
Male 33,657 743 - 5,670 3,455 5,001 2,156 4,529 2,729 2,464 6,910 42
Female 120,662 3,373 2,400 23,093 23,556 21,669 7,445 9,432 15,164 6,766 7,764 31
Information and communication
Total 3,702 - - - 772 - 969 104 776 419 661 49
Male 3,702 - - - 772 - 969 104 776 419 661 49
Female - - - - - - - - - - - -
Financial and insurance activities
Total 8,114 - - - - - 975 3,741 2,832 36 530 47
Male 5,843 - - - - - 975 1,951 2,350 36 530 49
Female 2,271 - - - - - - 1,790 481 - - 42
Real estate activities
Total 45 - - 45 - - - - - - - 10
Male - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female 45 - - 45 - - - - - - - 10
Professional scientific and technical activities
Total 18,510 107 - 46 2,670 3,177 2,753 3,788 2,971 2,998 - 40
Male 13,718 - - 46 210 3,177 2,753 2,952 2,411 2,170 - 42
Female 4,792 107 - - 2,460 - - 836 561 828 - 34
Administrative and support service activities
Total 15,048 - - 1,188 844 1,449 1,174 5,358 1,947 587 2,501 46
Male 10,355 - - 557 - 926 1,174 3,959 1,425 359 1,955 49
Female 4,692 - - 632 844 522 - 1,398 522 228 546 38
Public administration and defense; compulsory social security
Total 58,998 2,122 - 210 62 5,414 6,505 16,873 9,097 12,726 5,991 51
Male 52,981 2,122 - 210 31 4,170 4,431 15,326 8,184 12,516 5,991 52
Female 6,017 - - - 31 1,243 2,074 1,547 913 210 - 39
Total 260,569 4,009 - 8,137 41,150 48,027 48,746 73,817 17,694 11,369 7,620 36
Male 181,507 2,580 - 4,856 21,691 34,180 33,871 50,722 16,044 10,465 7,098 38
Female 79,062 1,429 - 3,281 19,459 13,847 14,875 23,095 1,650 904 522 31
Human health and social work activities
Total 63,937 1,419 381 6,135 4,761 4,259 8,562 17,948 7,714 4,694 8,064 42
Male 30,586 1,192 - 1,291 1,052 1,445 3,607 10,876 3,496 3,823 3,803 45
Female 33,351 227 381 4,844 3,709 2,814 4,955 7,073 4,218 871 4,261 39
Table 5.18c Cont’d
Major Number of hours worked during the last 7 days
Industrial Total Mean No.
Division and Employed Hours
Sex Persons 0 1-3 4-12 13-21 22-30 31-39 40-48 49-57 58-74 75+ Worked

Arts entertainment and recreation

Total 9,717 661 - - 4,995 - 1,295 877 522 - 1,367 30
Male 4,229 433 - - 1,102 - 1,295 877 522 - - 30
Female 5,488 228 - - 3,892 - - - - - 1,367 31
Other service activities
Total 129,682 6,514 1,734 17,323 10,997 13,171 14,627 20,662 16,616 18,559 9,478 39
Male 78,817 5,159 961 5,220 5,640 8,758 9,442 11,908 10,392 12,842 8,495 43
Female 50,865 1,355 772 12,103 5,357 4,413 5,185 8,755 6,224 5,718 983 33
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use
Total 2,644,270 31,778 125,460 898,868 750,752 406,476 170,923 124,645 66,833 53,512 15,023 19
Male 353,901 1,849 11,792 116,504 87,042 60,685 23,652 26,258 10,285 9,128 6,707 22
Female 2,290,369 29,929 113,668 782,364 663,710 345,791 147,271 98,388 56,548 44,384 8,317 19
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies Description
Total 1,568 - - - 796 - 772 - - - - 29
Male - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female 1,568 - - - 796 - 772 - - - - 29
Table 5.19: Paid Employees Aged Ten Years and Above by Region, Sex and Type of Payment, COUNTRY TOTAL: 2013
Type of Employee-NGO i
Payment Employee-Government Employee-Private International Other
And Total Employee-Government Development organization organization organization) Employee Domestic Employee
Region Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Total 4,252,601 2,730,028 1,522,573 1,457,464 937,025 520,439 410,389 281,542 128,847 1,778,837 1,211,740 567,097 98,162 62,509 35,653 401,210 150,733 250,477 106,539 86,479 20,060
In cash 3,881,643 2,446,730 1,434,913 1,411,731 910,124 501,608 398,338 273,229 125,109 1,565,445 1,033,678 531,767 89,762 60,499 29,263 324,118 94,664 229,454 92,249 74,536 17,713
In kind 216,942 176,530 40,412 18,909 11,271 7,638 6,644 4,920 1,723 132,218 111,956 20,262 5,028 1,131 3,897 47,112 40,331 6,781 7,031 6,921 110
Both 151,133 103,952 47,181 26,823 15,630 11,194 5,407 3,392 2,015 78,358 63,290 15,068 3,372 879 2,494 29,914 15,739 14,175 7,259 5,022 2,236
Not stated 2,883 2,816 67 - - - - - - 2,816 2,816 - - - - 67 - 67 - - -
Total 2,872,885 1,699,998 1,172,887 999,839 615,343 384,496 307,485 202,989 104,497 1,179,186 739,530 439,656 65,545 42,271 23,275 265,813 54,695 211,118 55,016 45,170 9,846
In cash 2,781,823 1,650,697 1,131,126 980,736 603,052 377,685 301,142 198,214 102,928 1,135,663 714,214 421,449 64,497 41,412 23,086 246,282 49,919 196,363 53,502 43,886 9,615
In kind 34,922 18,098 16,824 6,639 4,044 2,595 2,453 1,808 646 17,893 8,782 9,111 609 609 - 7,156 2,794 4,362 172 62 110
Both 55,593 30,723 24,870 12,464 8,248 4,216 3,890 2,967 923 25,150 16,055 9,095 439 250 189 12,308 1,982 10,327 1,342 1,222 121
Not stated 547 480 67 - - - - - - 480 480 - - - - 67 - 67 - - -
Total 1,379,716 1,030,030 349,686 457,625 321,681 135,944 102,904 78,553 24,350 599,651 472,210 127,441 32,617 20,238 12,379 135,397 96,038 39,358 51,523 41,309 10,214
In cash 1,099,819 796,033 303,786 430,995 307,072 123,923 97,196 75,015 22,181 429,782 319,464 110,318 25,264 19,088 6,177 77,836 44,745 33,090 38,747 30,649 8,098
In kind 182,020 158,432 23,588 12,271 7,228 5,043 4,190 3,113 1,077 114,325 103,174 11,151 4,419 522 3,897 39,956 37,536 2,419 6,859 6,859 -
Both 95,540 73,229 22,311 14,359 7,382 6,977 1,518 426 1,092 53,208 47,236 5,972 2,933 629 2,305 17,605 13,757 3,848 5,917 3,801 2,116
Not stated 2,336 2,336 - - - - - - - 2,336 2,336 - - - - - - - - - -
Total 303,589 181,715 121,874 133,937 72,398 61,539 35,971 26,591 9,380 102,764 65,915 36,849 5,191 3,737 1,455 16,364 4,255 12,108 9,363 8,820 543
In cash 269,694 165,680 104,013 116,341 65,005 51,336 34,496 26,251 8,245 91,743 60,828 30,914 5,191 3,737 1,455 15,560 4,040 11,520 6,363 5,820 543
In kind 19,397 10,275 9,122 9,354 4,659 4,695 - - - 6,581 2,743 3,838 - - - 804 215 589 2,657 2,657 -
Both 14,329 5,590 8,739 8,242 2,734 5,508 1,475 341 1,135 4,269 2,173 2,096 - - - - - - 342 342 -
Not stated 170 170 - - - - - - - 170 170 - - - - - - - - - -
Total 195,343 113,452 81,891 80,724 44,630 36,095 19,526 14,734 4,792 72,934 43,995 28,939 4,428 2,973 1,455 13,555 3,488 10,068 4,176 3,633 543
In cash 187,921 109,905 78,016 79,149 43,883 35,266 19,484 14,734 4,749 67,487 41,410 26,077 4,428 2,973 1,455 13,198 3,272 9,926 4,176 3,633 543
In kind 5,093 2,063 3,030 1,300 678 622 - - - 3,436 1,170 2,266 - - - 357 215 142 - - -
Both 2,160 1,314 846 276 70 206 43 - 43 1,841 1,245 597 - - - - - - - - -
Not stated 170 170 - - - - - - - 170 170 - - - - - - - - - -
Total 108,246 68,263 39,983 53,212 27,768 25,444 16,445 11,857 4,588 29,830 21,920 7,910 764 764 - 2,808 768 2,041 5,187 5,187 -
In cash 81,773 55,776 25,997 37,192 21,122 16,070 15,012 11,516 3,496 24,256 19,418 4,838 764 764 - 2,361 768 1,594 2,187 2,187 -
In kind 14,304 8,212 6,092 8,054 3,981 4,073 - - - 3,146 1,573 1,573 - - - 447 - 447 2,657 2,657 -
Both 12,169 4,276 7,893 7,966 2,665 5,301 1,433 341 1,092 2,428 928 1,500 - - - - - - 342 342 -
Not stated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Table 5.19 Cont’d

Type of Employee-Government Employee-Private (International Other
Payment Total Employee-Government Development organization organization organization) Employee Domestic Employee
And Region Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Total 104,543 64,654 39,889 38,315 27,108 11,208 26,231 19,007 7,223 26,189 14,727 11,462 8,042 2,042 6,000 5,057 1,281 3,776 709 489 220
In cash 95,369 62,483 32,886 38,108 26,901 11,208 25,395 18,590 6,804 24,352 13,912 10,440 1,862 1,310 552 4,943 1,281 3,662 709 489 220
In kind 5,609 1,232 4,377 104 104 - 629 210 419 1,630 815 815 3,247 104 3,143 - - - - - -
Both 3,566 939 2,626 104 104 - 207 207 - 207 - 207 2,933 629 2,305 114 - 114 - - -
Not stated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 49,337 31,579 17,757 21,314 14,021 7,293 13,230 8,940 4,290 8,349 5,853 2,496 1,547 1,204 343 4,396 1,071 3,325 500 489 11
In cash 48,497 31,061 17,436 21,107 13,814 7,293 13,023 8,733 4,290 8,142 5,853 2,289 1,443 1,100 343 4,282 1,071 3,210 500 489 11
In kind 207 207 - 104 104 - - - - - - - 104 104 - - - - - - -
Both 632 311 321 104 104 - 207 207 - 207 - 207 - - - 114 - 114 - - -
Not stated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 55,207 33,075 22,132 17,001 13,086 3,915 13,000 10,067 2,933 17,840 8,874 8,966 6,495 838 5,657 661 210 451 210 - 210
In cash 46,872 31,422 15,450 17,001 13,086 3,915 12,372 9,857 2,514 16,210 8,059 8,151 419 210 210 661 210 451 210 - 210
In kind 5,402 1,025 4,377 - - - 629 210 419 1,630 815 815 3,143 - 3,143 - - - - - -
Both 2,933 629 2,305 - - - - - - - - - 2,933 629 2,305 - - - - - -
Not stated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 820,131 567,502 252,630 306,095 200,795 105,300 83,604 59,982 23,622 312,464 234,194 78,270 14,147 10,789 3,358 76,866 38,675 38,191 26,956 23,067 3,888
In cash 712,541 476,116 236,424 301,157 196,907 104,250 82,147 59,313 22,834 241,705 173,257 68,448 14,086 10,789 3,298 54,884 19,834 35,050 18,562 16,018 2,545
In kind 86,360 75,940 10,420 1,901 1,901 - 1,328 669 658 61,352 53,890 7,461 - - - 17,806 15,506 2,300 3,974 3,974 -
Both 21,231 15,445 5,786 3,037 1,987 1,050 130 - 130 9,408 7,047 2,361 60 - 60 4,177 3,335 841 4,419 3,076 1,343
Not stated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 456,696 273,573 183,123 191,632 122,090 69,542 45,051 28,233 16,818 161,898 99,686 62,212 7,503 4,776 2,726 38,755 8,030 30,725 11,858 10,757 1,101
In cash 445,349 266,633 178,716 189,968 120,845 69,123 44,894 28,206 16,688 155,196 95,615 59,582 7,443 4,776 2,666 36,752 7,196 29,556 11,097 9,996 1,101
In kind 3,389 2,161 1,228 106 106 - 28 28 - 2,439 1,538 901 - - - 816 489 327 - - -
Both 7,958 4,779 3,179 1,558 1,139 419 130 - 130 4,262 2,533 1,729 60 - 60 1,187 345 841 761 761 -
Not stated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 363,435 293,929 69,506 114,463 78,705 35,759 38,552 31,749 6,804 150,566 134,508 16,059 6,644 6,012 632 38,111 30,645 7,467 15,098 12,311 2,787
In cash 267,192 209,484 57,708 111,189 76,062 35,127 37,253 31,107 6,145 86,509 77,642 8,867 6,644 6,012 632 18,132 12,638 5,494 7,466 6,022 1,444
In kind 82,971 73,779 9,192 1,795 1,795 - 1,300 641 658 58,912 52,352 6,560 - - - 16,989 15,017 1,973 3,974 3,974 -
Both 13,273 10,666 2,607 1,479 848 632 - - - 5,145 4,514 632 - - - 2,990 2,990 - 3,658 2,315 1,343
Not stated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Table 5.19 Cont’d
Type of Employee-Government Employee-Private (International Other
Payment Total Employee-Government Development organization organization organization) Employee Domestic Employee
And Region Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Total 1,287,503 887,777 399,726 420,740 282,764 137,975 96,218 68,134 28,084 595,011 433,384 161,627 28,309 19,420 8,889 113,598 57,841 55,757 33,627 26,234 7,393
In cash 1,150,581 768,953 381,628 411,218 275,469 135,749 92,306 64,597 27,709 505,294 350,793 154,502 27,823 18,975 8,849 81,389 33,070 48,319 32,550 26,050 6,500
In kind 67,280 61,151 6,130 3,356 1,989 1,367 3,314 3,016 298 43,119 40,254 2,865 401 401 - 17,027 15,428 1,599 62 62 -
Both 67,306 55,338 11,968 6,165 5,306 859 598 522 76 44,262 40,002 4,260 85 44 41 15,181 9,342 5,839 1,014 121 893
Not stated 2,336 2,336 - - - - - - - 2,336 2,336 - - - - - - - - - -
Total 711,186 447,929 263,257 267,381 172,482 94,898 73,825 52,233 21,593 294,529 191,101 103,428 16,577 10,280 6,297 45,319 10,301 35,018 13,555 11,532 2,023
In cash 686,579 434,487 252,093 262,707 169,065 93,642 71,629 50,411 21,218 283,729 184,862 98,867 16,091 9,835 6,256 39,172 8,965 30,207 13,251 11,348 1,903
In kind 10,447 5,287 5,160 1,416 1,020 397 1,598 1,300 298 4,698 1,833 2,865 401 401 - 2,270 671 1,599 62 62 -
Both 14,160 8,155 6,005 3,257 2,398 859 598 522 76 6,101 4,405 1,696 85 44 41 3,877 665 3,212 242 121 121
Not stated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 576,317 439,848 136,469 153,359 110,282 43,077 22,393 15,902 6,491 300,483 242,284 58,199 11,732 9,140 2,593 68,279 47,539 20,739 20,072 14,702 5,370
In cash 464,002 334,466 129,536 148,511 106,404 42,107 20,677 14,186 6,491 221,565 165,930 55,635 11,732 9,140 2,593 42,217 24,105 18,113 19,299 14,702 4,598
In kind 56,834 55,864 970 1,940 970 970 1,716 1,716 - 38,421 38,421 - - - - 14,757 14,757 - - - -
Both 53,145 47,182 5,963 2,908 2,908 - - - - 38,161 35,597 2,564 - - - 11,304 8,678 2,627 772 - 772
Not stated 2,336 2,336 - - - - - - - 2,336 2,336 - - - - - - - - - -
Total 49,498 36,193 13,305 22,568 17,349 5,219 3,008 2,019 989 14,761 12,601 2,160 1,560 807 753 4,974 1,367 3,607 2,628 2,050 578
In cash 45,207 33,781 11,426 20,857 16,395 4,461 2,812 2,019 793 13,705 11,598 2,107 1,240 807 433 4,193 1,139 3,054 2,400 1,822 578
In kind 2,985 1,800 1,185 1,455 735 719 196 - 196 609 609 - 232 - 232 266 228 38 228 228 -
Both 1,306 612 694 256 218 38 - - - 447 394 54 88 - 88 515 - 515 - - -
Not stated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 32,133 22,776 9,357 14,781 10,396 4,385 2,717 1,729 989 10,176 8,471 1,705 1,100 807 293 2,470 607 1,864 889 767 122
In cash 29,557 21,847 7,709 13,526 9,898 3,628 2,522 1,729 793 9,690 8,040 1,651 1,012 807 205 1,918 607 1,311 889 767 122
In kind 1,270 317 953 999 279 719 196 - 196 38 38 - - - - 38 - 38 - - -
Both 1,306 612 694 256 218 38 - - - 447 394 54 88 - 88 515 - 515 - - -
Not stated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 17,365 13,417 3,948 7,787 6,953 834 291 291 - 4,586 4,130 456 460 - 460 2,503 760 1,743 1,739 1,283 456
In cash 15,650 11,934 3,716 7,331 6,497 834 291 291 - 4,014 3,558 456 228 - 228 2,275 532 1,743 1,511 1,056 456
In kind 1,715 1,483 232 456 456 - - - - 571 571 - 232 - 232 228 228 - 228 228 -
Both - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Not stated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Table 5.19 Cont’d
Type of Employee-Government Employee-Private (International Other
Payment Total Employee-Government Development organization organization organization) Employee Domestic Employee
And Region Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Total 42,990 30,147 12,844 24,113 17,428 6,685 4,190 3,055 1,135 11,681 8,199 3,482 732 574 159 1,533 345 1,188 742 546 196
In cash 39,014 26,807 12,208 23,812 17,143 6,669 4,172 3,037 1,135 8,410 5,357 3,053 732 574 159 1,237 239 997 652 457 196
In kind 3,105 2,658 447 39 39 - 18 18 - 2,924 2,495 429 - - - 124 105 18 - - -
Both 804 683 122 262 246 16 - - - 347 347 - - - - 105 - 105 89 89 -
Not stated 67 - 67 - - - - - - - - - - - - 67 - 67 - - -

Total 28,097 19,304 8,794 17,371 12,131 5,240 3,314 2,285 1,029 5,272 3,724 1,548 732 574 159 755 134 621 652 457 196
In cash 27,151 18,564 8,587 17,070 11,846 5,224 3,296 2,266 1,029 4,730 3,287 1,443 732 574 159 670 134 536 652 457 196
In kind 492 368 124 39 39 - 18 18 - 417 311 105 - - - 18 - 18 - - -
Both 388 372 16 262 246 16 - - - 126 126 - - - - - - - - - -
Not stated 67 - 67 - - - - - - - - - - - - 67 - 67 - - -
Total 14,893 10,843 4,050 6,742 5,297 1,445 876 771 105 6,409 4,475 1,934 - - - 777 211 566 89 89 -
In cash 11,864 8,243 3,621 6,742 5,297 1,445 876 771 105 3,680 2,069 1,610 - - - 566 105 461 - - -
In kind 2,613 2,290 323 - - - - - - 2,507 2,184 323 - - - 105 105 - - - -
Both 416 311 105 - - - - - - 222 222 - - - - 105 - 105 89 89 -
Not stated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 627,659 408,558 219,101 285,659 196,427 89,231 56,980 38,519 18,462 203,568 126,022 77,546 19,340 12,832 6,508 49,510 24,063 25,447 12,602 10,694 1,908
In cash 579,674 373,933 205,741 281,183 193,342 87,841 55,531 37,302 18,229 178,489 107,883 70,605 18,295 12,310 5,985 34,743 13,570 21,173 11,434 9,526 1,908
In kind 23,669 18,876 4,794 1,240 1,134 106 853 853 - 11,666 8,238 3,428 1,045 522 522 8,866 8,129 737 - - -
Both 24,082 15,515 8,567 3,236 1,951 1,285 597 364 233 13,179 9,667 3,512 - - - 5,901 2,364 3,537 1,168 1,168 -
Not stated 234 234 - - - - - - - 234 234 - - - - - - - - - -
Total 395,399 246,050 149,349 188,644 122,915 65,729 46,299 30,982 15,317 116,261 71,504 44,757 13,102 9,505 3,596 27,483 8,157 19,326 3,610 2,988 622
In cash 378,404 236,785 141,619 186,038 120,655 65,383 45,396 30,311 15,084 107,093 66,257 40,836 13,102 9,505 3,596 23,280 7,183 16,097 3,496 2,873 622
In kind 5,573 3,148 2,425 1,240 1,134 106 306 306 - 2,589 1,007 1,582 - - - 1,437 699 737 - - -
Both 11,189 5,884 5,305 1,366 1,126 240 597 364 233 6,345 4,005 2,340 - - - 2,766 275 2,492 114 114 -
Not stated 234 234 - - - - - - - 234 234 - - - - - - - - - -
Total 232,259 162,507 69,752 97,014 73,512 23,502 10,681 7,537 3,144 87,307 54,519 32,788 6,238 3,327 2,911 22,027 15,906 6,121 8,992 7,706 1,285
In cash 201,270 137,148 64,122 95,144 72,687 22,457 10,135 6,991 3,144 71,396 41,626 29,770 5,194 2,805 2,389 11,463 6,387 5,076 7,938 6,652 1,285
In kind 18,096 15,728 2,369 - - - 546 546 - 9,076 7,230 1,846 1,045 522 522 7,429 7,429 - - - -
Both 12,893 9,631 3,262 1,870 825 1,045 - - - 6,834 5,662 1,172 - - - 3,134 2,090 1,045 1,054 1,054 -
Not stated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Table 5.19 Cont’d
Type of Employee-Government Employee-Private (International Other
Payment Total Employee-Government Development organization organization organization) Employee Domestic Employee
And Region Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Total 24,352 15,429 8,923 17,407 11,275 6,132 1,743 1,080 662 4,055 2,462 1,593 662 433 229 240 - 240 245 179 66
In cash 23,504 14,829 8,675 17,161 11,051 6,110 1,696 1,034 662 3,538 2,131 1,407 662 433 229 201 - 201 245 179 66
In kind 56 17 39 39 17 22 - - - - - - - - - 17 - 17 - - -
Both 792 584 209 207 207 - 46 46 - 517 330 187 - - - 22 - 22 - - -
Not stated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total 17,844 11,233 6,612 12,596 7,831 4,764 1,393 985 408 2,957 1,962 995 458 275 183 240 - 240 200 179 21
In cash 17,550 11,082 6,469 12,486 7,744 4,742 1,347 939 408 2,858 1,945 913 458 275 183 201 - 201 200 179 21
In kind 56 17 39 39 17 22 - - - - - - - - - 17 - 17 - - -
Both 238 134 104 71 71 - 46 46 - 98 16 82 - - - 22 - 22 - - -
Not stated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 6,508 4,197 2,311 4,811 3,444 1,368 350 95 254 1,098 500 598 203 158 45 - - - 45 - 45
In cash 5,953 3,747 2,207 4,676 3,308 1,368 350 95 254 680 186 494 203 158 45 - - - 45 - 45
In kind - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Both 554 450 105 136 136 - - - - 418 314 105 - - - - - - - - -
Not stated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 27,496 16,596 10,900 12,799 7,338 5,462 2,463 1,682 781 8,913 6,078 2,836 501 388 113 2,286 670 1,616 534 441 93
In cash 26,402 16,010 10,391 12,439 7,117 5,323 2,335 1,593 741 8,661 5,873 2,788 501 388 113 1,933 599 1,334 534 441 93
In kind 99 99 - 25 25 - - - - 74 74 - - - - - - - - - -
Both 994 486 508 335 196 139 128 89 39 178 131 48 - - - 354 71 283 - - -
Not stated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 26,160 15,607 10,553 12,147 6,767 5,381 2,407 1,657 750 8,410 5,715 2,695 501 388 113 2,251 670 1,581 443 411 33
In cash 25,118 15,073 10,045 11,813 6,571 5,242 2,279 1,568 711 8,184 5,537 2,648 501 388 113 1,898 599 1,299 443 411 33
In kind 48 48 - - - - - - - 48 48 - - - - - - - - - -
Both 994 486 508 335 196 139 128 89 39 178 131 48 - - - 354 71 283 - - -
Not stated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 1,336 989 347 652 571 81 56 25 30 503 363 140 - - - 35 - 35 91 30 60
In cash 1,284 937 347 627 546 81 56 25 30 476 336 140 - - - 35 - 35 91 30 60
In kind 52 52 - 25 25 - - - - 27 27 - - - - - - - - - -
Both - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Not stated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Table 5.19 Cont’d
Type of Employee-Government Employee-Private (International Other
Payment Total Employee-Government Development organization organization organization) Employee Domestic Employee
And Region Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Total 909,175 487,982 421,194 181,031 94,614 86,417 95,866 58,284 37,582 471,318 290,369 180,949 18,298 10,398 7,900 124,892 21,361 103,531 17,770 12,955 4,814
In cash 885,214 475,289 409,925 174,731 91,266 83,465 93,523 56,494 37,028 461,909 284,695 177,214 17,988 10,088 7,900 119,629 20,016 99,613 17,435 12,730 4,704
In kind 8,168 4,378 3,790 1,320 667 652 307 155 152 4,124 2,733 1,392 104 104 - 2,202 719 1,483 110 - 110
Both 15,717 8,238 7,479 4,980 2,681 2,299 2,036 1,634 402 5,209 2,866 2,343 206 206 - 3,061 626 2,435 225 225 -
Not stated 76 76 - - - - - - - 76 76 - - - - - - - - - -
Total 909,175 487,982 421,194 181,031 94,614 86,417 95,866 58,284 37,582 471,318 290,369 180,949 18,298 10,398 7,900 124,892 21,361 103,531 17,770 12,955 4,814
In cash 885,214 475,289 409,925 174,731 91,266 83,465 93,523 56,494 37,028 461,909 284,695 177,214 17,988 10,088 7,900 119,629 20,016 99,613 17,435 12,730 4,704
In kind 8,168 4,378 3,790 1,320 667 652 307 155 152 4,124 2,733 1,392 104 104 - 2,202 719 1,483 110 - 110
Both 15,717 8,238 7,479 4,980 2,681 2,299 2,036 1,634 402 5,209 2,866 2,343 206 206 - 3,061 626 2,435 225 225 -
Not stated 76 76 - - - - - - - 76 76 - - - - - - - - - -


Total 55,664 33,475 22,188 14,801 9,529 5,272 4,116 3,188 928 28,112 17,789 10,322 1,381 1,090 291 5,891 876 5,015 1,364 1,003 360
In cash 54,443 32,848 21,594 14,725 9,529 5,195 3,927 2,999 928 27,640 17,351 10,288 1,381 1,090 291 5,407 876 4,531 1,364 1,003 360
In kind 214 104 110 76 - 76 - - - 138 104 34 - - - - - - - - -
Both 1,007 523 484 - - - 189 189 - 334 334 - - - - 484 - 484 - - -
Not stated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 51,514 30,513 21,001 12,218 7,466 4,752 3,855 2,927 928 27,082 17,151 9,931 1,300 1,090 210 5,696 876 4,820 1,364 1,003 360
In cash 50,484 29,971 20,512 12,142 7,466 4,676 3,751 2,823 928 26,644 16,713 9,931 1,300 1,090 210 5,283 876 4,407 1,364 1,003 360
In kind 180 104 76 76 - 76 - - - 104 104 - - - - - - - - - -
Both 851 438 412 - - - 104 104 - 334 334 - - - - 412 - 412 - - -
Not stated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 4,149 2,962 1,187 2,583 2,063 520 261 261 - 1,030 638 391 81 - 81 195 - 195 - - -
In cash 3,959 2,877 1,082 2,583 2,063 520 176 176 - 996 638 357 81 - 81 124 - 124 - - -
In kind 34 - 34 - - - - - - 34 - 34 - - - - - - - - -
Both 156 85 71 - - - 85 85 - - - - - - - 71 - 71 - - -
Not stated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Table 5.20a Paid Employees Aged Ten Years And Above by Period Of Payment and Sex,
Paid Employees
Employee- Employee-
Period of Government Employee- NGO
Payment Total Paid Employee- Development Private (International Employee Other
and Sex Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee

Total Paid Employees

Total 4,252,601 1,457,464 410,389 1,778,837 98,162 401,210 106,539
Male 2,730,028 937,025 281,542 1,211,740 62,509 150,733 86,479
Female 1,522,573 520,439 128,847 567,097 35,653 250,477 20,060
Total 69,671 21,550 8,169 32,350 1,419 4,108 2,075
Male 47,831 14,192 5,765 23,834 1,163 1,142 1,735
Female 21,839 7,358 2,404 8,516 256 2,966 340
Total 271,034 6,729 5,786 210,416 1,897 24,116 22,089
Male 200,459 4,354 4,555 154,726 1,328 17,501 17,995
Female 70,575 2,375 1,231 55,690 569 6,615 4,094
Total 113,549 4,867 2,115 96,535 240 3,916 5,877
Male 82,970 4,134 1,337 73,383 240 2,023 1,853
Female 30,579 732 777 23,152 - 1,893 4,024
Half Month
Total 154,546 4,944 23,805 114,752 2,207 4,011 4,827
Male 108,592 3,564 18,185 79,794 199 3,057 3,793
Female 45,953 1,380 5,620 34,958 2,008 954 1,034
Total 3,223,584 1,406,255 355,935 1,048,412 89,064 269,029 54,888
Male 1,923,768 905,506 240,316 625,817 58,288 48,088 45,754
Female 1,299,816 500,750 115,620 422,596 30,775 220,941 9,135
Total 329,732 2,677 2,125 229,878 2,329 84,189 8,535
Male 298,591 2,294 1,202 216,637 632 69,586 8,241
Female 31,140 382 924 13,241 1,697 14,603 293
Total 87,603 10,442 12,453 43,678 1,008 11,774 8,248
Male 65,000 2,980 10,181 34,734 660 9,337 7,108
Female 22,603 7,462 2,272 8,944 348 2,437 1,140
Not Stated
Total 2,883 - - 2,816 - 67 -
Male 2,816 - - 2,816 - - -
Female 67 - - - - 67 -

Table 5.20b Paid Employees Aged Ten Years And Above by Period Of Payment and Sex,
Paid Employees
Employee- Employee-
Period of Government Employee- NGO
Payment and Total Paid Employee- Development Private (International Employee Other
Sex Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee

Total Paid Employees

Total 2,872,885 999,839 307,485 1,179,186 65,545 265,813 55,016
Male 1,699,998 615,343 202,989 739,530 42,271 54,695 45,170
Female 1,172,887 384,496 104,497 439,656 23,275 211,118 9,846
Total 55,517 17,945 5,892 25,671 646 4,108 1,255
Male 36,355 11,535 4,359 18,013 390 1,142 915
Female 19,162 6,410 1,532 7,658 256 2,966 340
Total 163,355 5,779 2,841 129,527 432 12,026 12,751
Male 125,760 4,265 2,133 101,675 432 7,620 9,635
Female 37,596 1,513 708 27,851 - 4,407 3,116
Total 82,834 1,929 2,115 73,166 240 3,394 1,992
Male 61,730 1,301 1,337 55,499 240 1,500 1,853
Female 21,104 628 777 17,667 - 1,893 138
Half Month
Total 101,939 2,820 8,343 83,769 1,131 2,956 2,921
Male 66,570 1,520 5,763 54,547 199 2,002 2,540
Female 35,368 1,300 2,580 29,222 932 954 381
Total 2,418,163 967,958 286,628 836,106 62,708 232,324 32,438
Male 1,371,928 594,414 188,320 483,653 41,010 37,303 27,227
Female 1,046,235 373,544 98,308 352,453 21,698 195,021 5,211
Total 21,198 1,879 835 10,180 41 7,332 931
Male 15,046 1,496 382 8,676 - 3,854 638
Female 6,151 382 453 1,503 41 3,479 293
Total 29,332 1,530 832 20,287 348 3,606 2,729
Male 22,129 812 694 16,986 - 1,275 2,362
Female 7,203 718 138 3,301 348 2,332 367
Not Stated
Total 547 - - 480 - 67 -
Male 480 - - 480 - - -
Female 67 - - - - 67 -

Table 5.20c Paid Employees Aged Ten Years And Above by Period Of Payment and Sex,
Paid Employees
Employee- Employee-
Period of Government Employee- NGO
Payment and Total Paid Employee- Development Private (International Employee Other
Sex Employees Government organization organization organization) Domestic Employee

Total Paid Employees

Total 1,379,716 457,625 102,904 599,651 32,617 135,397 51,523
Male 1,030,030 321,681 78,553 472,210 20,238 96,038 41,309
Female 349,686 135,944 24,350 127,441 12,379 39,358 10,214
Total 14,153 3,605 2,277 6,679 772 - 820
Male 11,476 2,656 1,406 5,822 772 - 820
Female 2,677 948 871 858 - - -
Total 107,678 951 2,945 80,890 1,465 12,090 9,338
Male 74,700 89 2,423 53,051 896 9,881 8,360
Female 32,979 862 522 27,839 569 2,208 978
Total 30,715 2,938 - 23,368 - 522 3,886
Male 21,240 2,834 - 17,884 - 522 -
Female 9,474 104 - 5,484 - - 3,886
Half Month
Total 52,607 2,125 15,462 30,982 1,077 1,055 1,906
Male 42,022 2,045 12,422 25,247 - 1,055 1,253
Female 10,585 80 3,040 5,736 1,077 - 653
Total 805,422 438,297 69,307 212,306 26,356 36,705 22,451
Male 551,840 311,092 51,995 142,163 17,278 10,785 18,527
Female 253,582 127,205 17,312 70,143 9,077 25,920 3,924
Total 308,534 798 1,291 219,698 2,287 76,857 7,604
Male 283,545 798 819 207,960 632 65,733 7,604
Female 24,989 - 471 11,738 1,656 11,124 -
Total 58,271 8,912 11,621 23,391 660 8,168 5,519
Male 42,872 2,168 9,487 17,747 660 8,063 4,746
Female 15,399 6,744 2,134 5,643 - 105 772
Not Stated
Total 2,336 - - 2,336 - - -
Male 2,336 - - 2,336 - - -
Female - - - - - - -
Table 5.21a Paid Employees Aged Ten Years and Above by Sex, Period of Payment and Amount of Total Payment Per/Month –
Period of Amount of Total Payment Per Month (In Birr)
Payment Not
and Sex Total <500 500-999 1000-1499 1500-1999 2000-2499 2500-2999 3000-3499 3500-3999 4000+ stated
Total Paid Employees
Total 4,252,601 1,166,647 1,025,012 742,280 471,489 265,884 193,806 115,849 68,310 150,097 53,226
Male 2,730,028 626,952 625,909 484,919 330,215 197,682 152,607 95,211 54,626 122,800 39,107
Female 1,522,573 539,695 399,104 257,361 141,274 68,203 41,199 20,638 13,683 27,296 14,119
Total 69,671 16,176 15,063 10,020 8,340 3,872 5,988 2,632 2,528 4,152 900
Male 47,831 9,473 10,473 6,096 5,740 3,137 4,655 2,367 2,036 2,954 900
Female 21,839 6,703 4,590 3,924 2,600 735 1,334 264 492 1,198 -
Total 271,034 110,686 86,252 27,735 21,508 7,444 3,770 6,813 1,815 3,256 1,755
Male 200,459 73,356 60,605 23,124 20,264 7,069 3,770 6,296 1,666 3,111 1,196
Female 70,575 37,329 25,646 4,611 1,243 375 - 517 149 145 559
Total 113,549 33,710 41,133 19,256 7,593 6,195 976 1,473 1,133 986 1,093
Male 82,970 20,261 28,356 16,584 6,984 6,037 976 1,473 1,133 856 311
Female 30,579 13,449 12,777 2,672 609 158 - - - 131 782
Half Month
Total 154,546 34,256 69,154 25,777 9,924 6,560 2,345 2,569 346 1,632 1,984
Male 108,592 16,388 46,052 22,874 9,347 5,947 2,118 2,336 346 1,632 1,552
Female 45,953 17,868 23,101 2,903 577 613 227 233 - - 431
Total 3,223,584 682,632 752,654 644,327 412,336 235,563 176,806 99,529 57,828 134,453 27,455
Male 1,923,768 257,601 425,577 401,866 277,346 169,525 138,206 80,114 45,151 108,670 19,712
Female 1,299,816 425,031 327,077 242,461 134,991 66,038 38,600 19,415 12,678 25,783 7,742
Total 329,732 237,210 46,272 10,364 6,976 3,721 3,228 1,077 4,295 2,643 13,947
Male 298,591 215,373 43,479 9,917 6,285 3,615 2,191 868 4,295 2,643 9,927
Female 31,140 21,836 2,793 447 691 106 1,038 209 - - 4,020
Total 87,603 51,978 14,485 4,801 4,811 2,530 692 1,756 365 2,975 3,210
Male 65,000 34,500 11,366 4,458 4,249 2,351 692 1,756 - 2,935 2,693
Female 22,603 17,479 3,118 343 562 179 - - 365 40 518
Not Stated
Total 2,883 - - - - - - - - - 2,883
Male 2,816 - - - - - - - - - 2,816
Female 67 - - - - - - - - - 67

Table 5.21b Paid Employees Aged Ten Years and Above by Sex, Period of Payment and Amount of Total Payment Per/Month –
Period of Amount of Total Payment Per Month (In Birr)
Payment Not
and Sex Total <500 500-999 1000-1499 1500-1999 2000-2499 2500-2999 3000-3499 3500-3999 4000+ stated
Total Paid Employees
Total 2,872,885 590,653 669,031 501,849 362,121 232,837 176,188 109,407 62,686 142,229 25,883
Male 1,699,998 205,802 362,714 308,387 245,963 168,347 136,436 89,551 50,260 115,564 16,972
Female 1,172,887 384,851 306,316 193,461 116,158 64,490 39,752 19,856 12,426 26,665 8,911
Total 55,517 9,772 11,423 8,665 7,284 3,872 4,923 2,632 2,528 3,521 900
Male 36,355 3,987 6,922 4,950 5,512 3,137 3,589 2,367 2,036 2,954 900
Female 19,162 5,785 4,501 3,714 1,771 735 1,334 264 492 566 -
Total 163,355 51,453 50,622 20,406 18,566 7,444 3,770 5,323 1,815 2,201 1,755
Male 125,760 32,265 37,954 17,654 17,322 7,069 3,770 4,806 1,666 2,056 1,196
Female 37,596 19,188 12,668 2,752 1,243 375 - 517 149 145 559
Total 82,834 22,058 26,524 16,500 7,341 4,750 976 1,473 1,133 986 1,093
Male 61,730 13,560 18,270 13,828 6,731 4,592 976 1,473 1,133 856 311
Female 21,104 8,498 8,254 2,672 609 158 - - - 131 782
Half Month
Total 101,939 18,924 39,822 20,481 8,553 6,523 2,309 2,534 346 1,632 814
Male 66,570 6,961 21,034 17,912 7,976 5,911 2,082 2,301 346 1,632 416
Female 35,368 11,963 18,787 2,569 577 613 227 233 - - 398
Total 2,418,163 465,405 532,038 430,793 316,162 207,562 162,693 95,794 56,864 131,948 18,903
Male 1,371,928 134,663 271,867 249,797 204,575 145,236 124,908 77,162 45,079 106,165 12,477
Female 1,046,235 330,743 260,171 180,996 111,588 62,326 37,785 18,633 11,785 25,783 6,426
Total 21,198 13,261 1,988 1,037 1,439 462 1,165 246 - 878 723
Male 15,046 9,489 1,109 590 1,267 356 759 37 - 878 562
Female 6,151 3,772 879 447 172 106 406 209 - - 161
Total 29,332 9,780 6,615 3,967 2,777 2,225 353 1,405 - 1,062 1,149
Male 22,129 4,877 5,558 3,657 2,579 2,047 353 1,405 - 1,022 632
Female 7,203 4,902 1,057 310 198 179 - - - 40 518
Not Stated
Total 547 - - - - - - - - - 547
Male 480 - - - - - - - - - 480
Female 67 - - - - - - - - - 67
Table 5.21c Paid Employees Aged Ten Years and Above by Sex, Period of Payment and Amount of Total Payment Per/Month – OUNTRY
-RURAL: 2013
Period of Amount of Total Payment Per Month (In Birr)
Payment Not
and Sex Total <500 500-999 1000-1499 1500-1999 2000-2499 2500-2999 3000-3499 3500-3999 4000+ stated
Total Paid Employees
Total 1,379,716 575,994 355,982 240,431 109,368 33,047 17,618 6,442 5,623 7,868 27,343
Male 1,030,030 421,150 263,194 176,532 84,252 29,334 16,171 5,659 4,366 7,237 22,134
Female 349,686 154,844 92,787 63,899 25,115 3,713 1,446 783 1,257 632 5,209
Total 14,153 6,404 3,640 1,355 1,057 - 1,066 - - 632 -
Male 11,476 5,486 3,551 1,146 228 - 1,066 - - - -
Female 2,677 918 89 210 829 - - - - 632 -
Total 107,678 59,232 35,630 7,329 2,942 - - 1,490 - 1,055 -
Male 74,700 41,091 22,651 5,470 2,942 - - 1,490 - 1,055 -
Female 32,979 18,141 12,979 1,859 - - - - - - -
Total 30,715 11,652 14,609 2,756 253 1,445 - - - - -
Male 21,240 6,700 10,086 2,756 253 1,445 - - - - -
Female 9,474 4,951 4,523 - - - - - - - -
Half Month
Total 52,607 15,332 29,332 5,296 1,371 36 36 35 - - 1,170
Male 42,022 9,427 25,018 4,962 1,371 36 36 35 - - 1,137
Female 10,585 5,905 4,314 333 - - - - - - 33
Total 805,422 217,227 220,616 213,535 96,174 28,001 14,113 3,735 964 2,505 8,552
Male 551,840 122,939 153,710 152,070 72,771 24,289 13,298 2,953 71 2,505 7,235
Female 253,582 94,288 66,906 61,465 23,403 3,713 815 783 893 - 1,316
Total 308,534 223,949 44,284 9,327 5,537 3,259 2,063 831 4,295 1,765 13,224
Male 283,545 205,884 42,370 9,327 5,018 3,259 1,432 831 4,295 1,765 9,365
Female 24,989 18,065 1,914 - 519 - 632 - - - 3,859
Total 58,271 42,199 7,870 834 2,035 305 340 351 365 1,913 2,061
Male 42,872 29,622 5,809 801 1,670 305 340 351 - 1,913 2,061
Female 15,399 12,576 2,061 32 365 - - - 365 - -
Not Stated
Total 2,336 - - - - - - - - - 2,336
Male 2,336 - - - - - - - - - 2,336
Female - - - - - - - - - - -
Table 5.22a Paid Employees Aged Ten Years and Above by Major Industrial Divisions, Sex and Amount of Payment Per Month,
Major Amount of Total Payment Per Month (In Birr) Mean
Industrial Amount
Divisions Not of Total
and Sex Total <500 501 - 1000 1001 - 1500 1501 - 2000 2001 - 2500 2501 - 3000 3001 - 3500 3501 - 4000 4000+ stated Payment
Total Employed Population
Total 4,252,601 1,166,647 1,025,012 742,280 471,489 265,884 193,806 115,849 68,310 150,097 53,226 1,305
Male 2,730,028 626,952 625,909 484,919 330,215 197,682 152,607 95,211 54,626 122,800 39,107 1,471
Female 1,522,573 539,695 399,104 257,361 141,274 68,203 41,199 20,638 13,683 27,296 14,119 1,008
Agriculture forestry and fishing
Total 690,062 417,784 146,778 43,156 28,993 9,056 6,964 3,459 6,582 4,814 22,475 697
Male 547,825 328,362 114,017 36,806 23,544 7,415 5,747 3,311 5,579 4,549 18,495 733
Female 142,237 89,423 32,761 6,350 5,449 1,642 1,217 147 1,003 265 3,980 561
Mining and quarrying
Total 48,685 16,301 10,501 9,080 3,562 4,366 794 871 340 2,118 750 1,200
Male 35,078 7,888 7,719 8,490 3,000 3,945 690 784 340 1,866 355 1,379
Female 13,607 8,413 2,782 591 561 422 104 87 - 252 394 731
Total 399,040 94,171 152,375 54,193 36,278 21,211 10,508 10,222 4,773 9,941 5,368 1,098
Male 264,437 50,041 93,650 40,851 28,043 17,954 9,045 9,134 3,817 7,810 4,091 1,238
Female 134,603 44,131 58,725 13,341 8,235 3,257 1,463 1,088 957 2,130 1,278 825
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply
Total 25,244 753 7,446 5,314 4,121 3,160 1,809 1,055 253 1,333 - 1,644
Male 21,913 250 6,224 5,106 3,894 2,633 1,678 985 253 889 - 1,650
Female 3,331 503 1,221 208 228 526 131 70 - 444 - 1,602
Water supply; sewerage waste management and remediation activities
Total 44,911 11,352 12,661 7,252 4,730 3,058 1,566 2,040 747 1,473 31 1,309
Male 28,856 6,547 7,709 4,784 2,890 2,353 1,473 1,413 335 1,352 - 1,446
Female 16,055 4,805 4,952 2,468 1,840 705 93 627 412 121 31 1,063
Total 454,055 79,568 173,162 69,134 42,976 24,558 14,100 14,689 8,005 25,092 2,771 1,381
Male 350,765 52,296 124,907 57,724 34,949 22,836 11,370 13,750 7,387 23,206 2,341 1,517
Female 103,290 27,272 48,255 11,410 8,027 1,721 2,731 939 618 1,886 430 920
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Total 179,339 56,005 63,901 22,312 13,499 7,062 2,681 2,959 1,780 4,707 4,433 984
Male 97,371 25,947 30,387 14,194 11,011 5,612 1,622 2,014 621 3,941 2,023 1,134
Female 81,968 30,058 33,515 8,118 2,488 1,451 1,058 945 1,160 766 2,410 804
Transportation and storage
Total 189,874 20,750 45,357 37,962 32,539 17,834 9,188 10,223 3,309 9,713 2,999 1,781
Male 168,377 18,075 40,226 32,211 28,278 16,683 8,751 9,892 3,309 8,047 2,905 1,812
Female 21,497 2,675 5,132 5,750 4,261 1,151 437 331 - 1,666 94 1,545

Table 5.22a Cont’d

Major Amount of Total Payment Per Month (In Birr) Mean
Industrial Amount
Divisions Not of Total
and Sex Total <500 501 - 1000 1001 - 1500 1501 - 2000 2001 - 2500 2501 - 3000 3001 - 3500 3501 - 4000 4000+ stated Payment
Accommodation and food service activities
Total 163,018 91,877 49,440 11,083 3,373 2,262 1,298 952 477 1,177 1,078 612
Male 58,950 30,910 15,982 5,769 2,299 761 616 831 292 1,079 412 807
Female 104,068 60,967 33,459 5,314 1,074 1,501 682 121 184 99 666 501
Information and communication
Total 49,954 2,340 10,842 11,182 6,369 4,813 4,492 2,161 2,149 5,449 157 2,114
Male 29,305 805 6,014 6,078 3,301 2,531 2,832 1,841 1,501 4,356 47 2,391
Female 20,649 1,535 4,827 5,105 3,067 2,283 1,660 320 648 1,094 111 1,720
Financial and insurance activities
Total 126,255 3,136 16,740 22,835 20,164 14,906 13,792 10,225 8,312 15,947 199 2,380
Male 77,387 1,343 9,180 12,136 11,045 8,145 9,724 6,632 6,898 12,138 146 2,632
Female 48,867 1,793 7,559 10,698 9,119 6,760 4,069 3,593 1,414 3,809 53 1,982
Real estate activities
Total 1,947 87 561 465 278 240 165 63 - 87 - 1,527
Male 1,247 - 428 154 278 150 87 63 - 87 - 1,636
Female 700 87 133 312 - 90 78 - - - - 1,332
Professional scientific and technical activities
Total 125,130 4,021 10,674 27,794 26,269 15,081 18,046 9,127 3,902 9,236 979 2,299
Male 84,116 1,721 6,312 15,516 17,885 10,996 14,358 6,095 3,029 7,225 979 2,466
Female 41,014 2,300 4,362 12,278 8,384 4,085 3,688 3,032 873 2,012 - 1,960
Administrative and support service activities
Total 124,295 15,735 23,798 27,553 20,575 10,165 13,234 4,756 2,958 5,179 342 1,751
Male 78,764 6,514 14,296 14,574 14,241 7,622 10,960 3,848 2,601 3,996 111 1,960
Female 45,532 9,221 9,502 12,979 6,334 2,543 2,274 907 357 1,183 231 1,389
Public administration and defense; compulsory social security
Total 287,368 17,152 60,483 78,983 46,730 27,656 26,395 12,843 7,792 8,292 1,044 1,689
Male 204,121 10,923 37,304 51,480 36,203 21,040 21,574 10,580 6,987 7,044 987 1,804
Female 83,248 6,230 23,179 27,503 10,526 6,615 4,821 2,263 805 1,248 57 1,407
Total 672,970 39,772 111,973 208,699 143,349 73,180 47,767 16,212 10,056 20,181 1,781 1,623
Male 418,833 19,935 53,386 128,942 89,151 50,095 37,222 14,025 7,492 17,170 1,415 1,751
Female 254,137 19,837 58,587 79,757 54,198 23,085 10,544 2,188 2,564 3,011 366 1,413
Human health and social work activities
Total 222,219 27,902 40,284 73,551 21,022 14,361 14,164 8,937 4,973 13,633 3,391 1,695
Male 95,843 6,273 14,820 27,853 10,005 6,923 9,601 5,936 2,426 9,847 2,161 2,160
Female 126,375 21,630 25,465 45,697 11,017 7,438 4,563 3,001 2,547 3,787 1,230 1,348
Table 5.22a Cont’d
Major Amount of Total Payment Per Month (In Birr) Mean
Industrial Amount
Divisions Not of Total
and Sex Total <500 501 - 1000 1001 - 1500 1501 - 2000 2001 - 2500 2501 - 3000 3001 - 3500 3501 - 4000 4000+ stated Payment
Arts entertainment and recreation
Total 24,910 3,617 6,031 3,699 3,829 4,124 942 1,380 202 995 92 1,622
Male 17,137 2,462 3,164 1,967 2,936 3,356 873 1,249 202 928 - 1,870
Female 7,773 1,155 2,867 1,733 892 768 68 131 - 67 92 1,069
Other service activities
Total 170,218 70,334 50,017 21,494 9,347 6,334 3,995 2,165 1,283 2,926 2,323 859
Male 105,763 37,872 29,385 17,099 6,009 4,874 3,292 1,825 1,227 2,354 1,826 988
Female 64,455 32,461 20,632 4,395 3,338 1,461 703 339 56 572 497 650
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use
Total 231,629 191,313 29,864 4,646 1,096 336 240 218 - 903 3,013 338
Male 30,621 18,188 9,106 2,031 253 178 - - - 52 813 456
Female 201,008 173,125 20,759 2,614 843 158 240 218 - 851 2,200 320
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies Description
Total 21,480 2,677 2,124 1,892 2,390 2,121 1,668 1,293 415 6,900 - 3,748
Male 13,320 603 1,695 1,154 999 1,581 1,092 1,002 328 4,867 - 4,263
Female 8,160 2,074 429 738 1,391 540 576 291 87 2,034 - 2,908

Table 5.22b Paid Employees Aged Ten Years and Above by Major Industrial Divisions, Sex and Amount of Payment Per Month,
Major Amount of Total Payment Per Month (In Birr) Mean
Industrial Amount
Divisions Not of Total
and Sex Total <500 501 - 1000 1001 - 1500 1501 - 2000 2001 - 2500 2501 - 3000 3001 - 3500 3501 - 4000 4000+ stated Payment
Total Employed Population
Total 2,872,885 590,653 669,031 501,849 362,121 232,837 176,188 109,407 62,686 142,229 25,883 1,526
Male 1,699,998 205,802 362,714 308,387 245,963 168,347 136,436 89,551 50,260 115,564 16,972 1,826
Female 1,172,887 384,851 306,316 193,461 116,158 64,490 39,752 19,856 12,426 26,665 8,911 1,093
Agriculture forestry and fishing
Total 111,632 40,289 27,760 14,032 11,920 5,797 4,865 1,656 1,395 2,513 1,404 1,104
Male 78,540 26,730 17,897 9,754 9,324 4,156 4,280 1,509 1,285 2,249 1,358 1,196
Female 33,092 13,559 9,863 4,279 2,596 1,642 586 147 110 265 46 890
Mining and quarrying
Total 27,180 5,068 6,157 6,166 3,000 2,454 794 871 340 2,118 210 1,545
Male 21,744 3,671 4,135 5,576 2,439 2,032 690 784 340 1,866 210 1,637
Female 5,437 1,397 2,023 591 561 422 104 87 - 252 - 1,184
Total 332,304 69,081 119,665 52,078 32,664 19,262 10,245 10,222 4,409 9,309 5,368 1,180
Male 217,212 33,324 70,976 38,737 24,536 16,005 8,783 9,134 3,817 7,810 4,091 1,355
Female 115,092 35,757 48,690 13,341 8,129 3,257 1,463 1,088 592 1,499 1,278 851
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply
Total 23,764 753 6,658 4,622 4,121 3,160 1,809 1,055 253 1,333 - 1,685
Male 21,221 250 6,224 4,414 3,894 2,633 1,678 985 253 889 - 1,658
Female 2,543 503 434 208 228 526 131 70 - 444 - 1,913
Water supply; sewerage waste management and remediation activities
Total 38,214 7,658 10,258 6,652 4,730 3,058 1,566 2,040 747 1,473 31 1,454
Male 22,550 2,853 5,306 4,575 2,890 2,353 1,473 1,413 335 1,352 - 1,725
Female 15,664 4,805 4,952 2,077 1,840 705 93 627 412 121 31 1,062
Total 297,803 36,077 93,957 53,802 34,990 22,771 13,104 12,163 8,005 20,488 2,447 1,635
Male 225,188 21,383 61,239 42,601 29,281 21,050 10,373 11,223 7,387 18,601 2,049 1,821
Female 72,615 14,695 32,717 11,201 5,709 1,721 2,731 939 618 1,886 397 1,057
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Total 155,439 46,549 51,051 20,998 13,220 7,062 2,681 2,959 1,780 4,707 4,433 1,047
Male 87,798 20,099 27,309 13,826 10,732 5,612 1,622 2,014 621 3,941 2,023 1,212
Female 67,641 26,450 23,742 7,172 2,488 1,451 1,058 945 1,160 766 2,410 830
Transportation and storage
Total 169,386 17,680 43,196 30,430 26,896 17,378 9,188 9,995 3,309 9,713 1,601 1,856
Male 152,173 15,755 38,065 27,114 23,734 16,227 8,751 9,664 3,309 8,047 1,507 1,879
Female 17,213 1,925 5,132 3,315 3,162 1,151 437 331 - 1,666 94 1,657

Table 5.22b Cont’d

Major Amount of Total Payment Per Month (In Birr) Mean
Industrial Amount
Divisions Not of Total
and Sex Total <500 501 - 1000 1001 - 1500 1501 - 2000 2001 - 2500 2501 - 3000 3001 - 3500 3501 - 4000 4000+ stated Payment
Accommodation and food service activities
Total 145,915 76,745 47,469 11,083 3,373 2,262 1,298 952 477 1,177 1,078 654
Male 51,485 23,549 15,877 5,769 2,299 761 616 831 292 1,079 412 892
Female 94,430 53,196 31,593 5,314 1,074 1,501 682 121 184 99 666 524
Information and communication
Total 46,252 2,340 9,084 10,312 6,369 4,813 3,522 2,161 2,149 5,345 157 2,172
Male 25,603 805 4,256 5,207 3,301 2,531 1,863 1,841 1,501 4,251 47 2,535
Female 20,649 1,535 4,827 5,105 3,067 2,283 1,660 320 648 1,094 111 1,720
Financial and insurance activities
Total 118,141 3,136 14,304 19,410 18,392 14,424 13,792 10,225 8,312 15,947 199 2,456
Male 71,545 1,343 6,745 9,584 10,671 7,664 9,724 6,632 6,898 12,138 146 2,755
Female 46,596 1,793 7,559 9,825 7,721 6,760 4,069 3,593 1,414 3,809 53 1,999
Real estate activities
Total 1,947 87 561 465 278 240 165 63 - 87 - 1,527
Male 1,247 - 428 154 278 150 87 63 - 87 - 1,636
Female 700 87 133 312 - 90 78 - - - - 1,332
Professional scientific and technical activities
Total 107,175 3,030 8,135 23,449 19,326 13,640 17,524 7,953 3,902 9,236 979 2,430
Male 70,953 1,082 4,679 12,007 12,858 9,555 13,836 5,703 3,029 7,225 979 2,643
Female 36,222 1,949 3,456 11,442 6,468 4,085 3,688 2,250 873 2,012 - 2,018
Administrative and support service activities
Total 110,668 14,253 20,934 22,904 17,666 9,619 12,056 4,756 2,958 5,179 342 1,801
Male 68,965 6,166 11,660 11,846 11,878 7,076 9,782 3,848 2,601 3,996 111 2,034
Female 41,703 8,087 9,274 11,058 5,788 2,543 2,274 907 357 1,183 231 1,413
Public administration and defense; compulsory social security
Total 228,370 12,135 40,214 61,462 36,388 23,414 24,858 12,843 7,721 8,292 1,044 1,816
Male 151,139 5,935 20,672 36,158 25,952 16,829 20,068 10,580 6,916 7,044 987 2,002
Female 77,231 6,200 19,542 25,304 10,437 6,585 4,790 2,263 805 1,248 57 1,452
Total 416,117 23,298 62,602 91,712 93,592 59,615 38,204 15,827 10,056 19,953 1,258 1,836
Male 239,926 7,398 21,780 48,941 54,185 40,212 28,443 13,639 7,492 16,942 892 2,086
Female 176,191 15,900 40,822 42,771 39,407 19,403 9,760 2,188 2,564 3,011 366 1,496
Human health and social work activities
Total 174,120 23,325 30,315 44,207 19,537 13,013 13,901 8,902 4,973 13,633 2,314 1,858
Male 71,598 3,868 11,753 13,288 8,519 5,575 9,338 5,901 2,426 9,847 1,084 2,484
Female 102,522 19,457 18,562 30,920 11,017 7,438 4,563 3,001 2,547 3,787 1,230 1,422
Table 5.22b Cont’d
Major Amount of Total Payment Per Month (In Birr) Mean
Industrial Amount
Divisions Not of Total
and Sex Total <500 501 - 1000 1001 - 1500 1501 - 2000 2001 - 2500 2501 - 3000 3001 - 3500 3501 - 4000 4000+ stated Payment

Arts entertainment and recreation

Total 22,306 3,617 5,404 3,699 3,056 2,919 942 1,380 202 995 92 1,613
Male 14,532 2,462 2,537 1,967 2,164 2,150 873 1,249 202 928 - 1,900
Female 7,773 1,155 2,867 1,733 892 768 68 131 - 67 92 1,069
Other service activities
Total 131,136 45,073 42,251 17,827 9,116 5,478 3,767 1,874 1,283 2,926 1,541 968
Male 73,282 17,836 22,742 13,685 5,777 4,017 3,064 1,535 1,227 2,354 1,044 1,187
Female 57,854 27,237 19,509 4,142 3,338 1,461 703 339 56 572 497 693
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use
Total 195,104 159,352 26,929 4,646 1,096 336 240 218 - 903 1,384 358
Male 19,977 10,692 6,739 2,031 253 178 - - - 52 31 549
Female 175,127 148,660 20,190 2,614 843 158 240 218 - 851 1,352 336
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies Description
Total 19,911 1,108 2,124 1,892 2,390 2,121 1,668 1,293 415 6,900 - 4,023
Male 13,320 603 1,695 1,154 999 1,581 1,092 1,002 328 4,867 - 4,263
Female 6,591 506 429 738 1,391 540 576 291 87 2,034 - 3,540

Table 5.22c Paid Employees Aged Ten Years and Above by Major Industrial Divisions, Sex and Amount of Payment Per Month,
Major Amount of Total Payment Per Month (In Birr) Mean
Industrial Amount
Divisions Not of Total
and Sex Total <500 501 - 1000 1001 - 1500 1501 - 2000 2001 - 2500 2501 - 3000 3001 - 3500 3501 - 4000 4000+ stated Payment
Total Employed Population
Total 1,379,716 575,994 355,982 240,431 109,368 33,047 17,618 6,442 5,623 7,868 27,343 839
Male 1,030,030 421,150 263,194 176,532 84,252 29,334 16,171 5,659 4,366 7,237 22,134 879
Female 349,686 154,844 92,787 63,899 25,115 3,713 1,446 783 1,257 632 5,209 722
Agriculture forestry and fishing
Total 578,429 377,496 119,019 29,124 17,072 3,259 2,099 1,802 5,187 2,300 21,071 617
Male 469,285 301,632 96,120 27,052 14,220 3,259 1,467 1,802 4,295 2,300 17,137 654
Female 109,144 75,864 22,898 2,072 2,852 - 632 - 893 - 3,933 458
Mining and quarrying
Total 21,504 11,233 4,344 2,914 561 1,913 - - - - 539 756
Male 13,334 4,217 3,584 2,914 561 1,913 - - - - 145 958
Female 8,170 7,016 760 - - - - - - - 394 413
Total 66,736 25,090 32,709 2,115 3,614 1,949 262 - 365 632 - 698
Male 47,225 16,716 22,675 2,115 3,508 1,949 262 - - - - 707
Female 19,511 8,374 10,035 - 106 - - - 365 632 - 676
Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply
Total 1,479 - 787 692 - - - - - - - 987
Male 692 - - 692 - - - - - - - 1,427
Female 787 - 787 - - - - - - - - 600
Water supply; sewerage waste management and remediation activities
Total 6,697 3,694 2,403 600 - - - - - - - 486
Male 6,306 3,694 2,403 210 - - - - - - - 447
Female 391 - - 391 - - - - - - - 1,114
Total 156,252 43,491 79,205 15,332 7,985 1,787 996 2,527 - 4,604 324 902
Male 125,577 30,914 63,668 15,123 5,668 1,787 996 2,527 - 4,604 291 976
Female 30,675 12,577 15,538 210 2,317 - - - - - 33 599
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Total 23,900 9,456 12,850 1,315 279 - - - - - - 584
Male 9,573 5,848 3,078 369 279 - - - - - - 434
Female 14,327 3,608 9,772 946 - - - - - - - 685
Transportation and storage
Total 20,488 3,070 2,161 7,532 5,643 456 - 228 - - 1,398 1,123
Male 16,204 2,320 2,161 5,097 4,544 456 - 228 - - 1,398 1,130
Female 4,284 750 - 2,435 1,099 - - - - - - 1,097

Table 5.22c Cont’d

Major Amount of Total Payment Per Month (In Birr) Mean
Industrial Amount
Divisions Not of Total
and Sex Total <500 501 - 1000 1001 - 1500 1501 - 2000 2001 - 2500 2501 - 3000 3001 - 3500 3501 - 4000 4000+ stated Payment
Accommodation and food service activities
Total 17,103 15,132 1,971 - - - - - - - - 253
Male 7,465 7,361 105 - - - - - - - - 224
Female 9,638 7,772 1,866 - - - - - - - - 275
Information and communication
Total 3,702 - 1,758 870 - - 969 - - 104 - 1,392
Male 3,702 - 1,758 870 - - 969 - - 104 - 1,392
Female - - - - - - - - - - - -
Financial and insurance activities
Total 8,114 - 2,436 3,425 1,772 481 - - - - - 1,269
Male 5,843 - 2,436 2,552 374 481 - - - - - 1,127
Female 2,271 - - 873 1,398 - - - - - - 1,633
Real estate activities
Total - - - - - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - - - - - - -
Professional scientific and technical activities
Total 17,955 991 2,538 4,345 6,943 1,440 522 1,174 - - - 1,528
Male 13,162 639 1,633 3,509 5,027 1,440 522 392 - - - 1,530
Female 4,792 351 906 836 1,916 - - 783 - - - 1,524
Administrative and support service activities
Total 13,628 1,482 2,864 4,649 2,910 546 1,178 - - - - 1,350
Male 9,799 347 2,636 2,728 2,363 546 1,178 - - - - 1,440
Female 3,829 1,134 228 1,921 546 - - - - - - 1,120
Public administration and defense; compulsory social security
Total 58,998 5,018 20,269 17,520 10,341 4,242 1,537 - 71 - - 1,200
Male 52,981 4,988 16,632 15,322 10,252 4,211 1,506 - 71 - - 1,243
Female 6,017 30 3,637 2,199 89 31 31 - - - - 823
Total 256,853 16,474 49,370 116,988 49,757 13,565 9,563 385 - 228 522 1,280
Male 178,908 12,537 31,605 80,001 34,967 9,883 8,779 385 - 228 522 1,303
Female 77,945 3,938 17,765 36,987 14,790 3,682 784 - - - - 1,226
Human health and social work activities
Total 48,098 4,577 9,970 29,344 1,485 1,348 263 35 - - 1,077 1,102
Male 24,245 2,405 3,067 14,566 1,485 1,348 263 35 - - 1,077 1,174
Female 23,853 2,172 6,903 14,778 - - - - - - - 1,032
Table 5.22c Cont’d
Major Amount of Total Payment Per Month (In Birr) Mean
Industrial Amount
Divisions Not of Total
and Sex Total <500 501 - 1000 1001 - 1500 1501 - 2000 2001 - 2500 2501 - 3000 3001 - 3500 3501 - 4000 4000+ stated Payment
Arts entertainment and recreation
Total 2,604 - 627 - 772 1,205 - - - - - 1,704
Male 2,604 - 627 - 772 1,205 - - - - - 1,704
Female - - - - - - - - - - - -
Other service activities
Total 39,081 25,260 7,766 3,667 232 856 228 291 - - 782 489
Male 32,480 20,036 6,642 3,414 232 856 228 291 - - 782 535
Female 6,601 5,224 1,123 254 - - - - - - - 270
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use
Total 36,525 31,961 2,935 - - - - - - - 1,630 223
Male 10,644 7,496 2,366 - - - - - - - 782 268
Female 25,882 24,465 569 - - - - - - - 848 205
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies Description
Total 1,568 1,568 - - - - - - - - - 251
Male - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female 1,568 1,568 - - - - - - - - - 251
Table 5.23 Total Employed Population Not at Work Aged Ten Years and Above
by Reason for Absence, Region, Sex and Place of residence,
Place of Reason for Absence
Residence Holiday/ Training/ Off No work
and Sex Total Sick Injury vacation Education Season temporarily Others

Urban + Rural
Total 1,203,098 514,574 104,226 48,451 132,440 57,308 346,100
Male 546,263 233,255 52,370 28,396 68,054 35,323 128,865
Female 656,835 281,319 51,855 20,055 64,386 21,985 217,235
Total 318,398 75,071 68,471 17,059 23,752 45,436 88,609
Male 163,346 36,130 31,163 11,916 17,343 29,904 36,891
Female 155,052 38,941 37,308 5,143 6,409 15,532 51,718
Total 884,700 439,503 35,755 31,392 108,688 11,872 257,490
Male 382,917 197,125 21,207 16,480 50,712 5,419 91,973
Female 501,784 242,378 14,548 14,912 57,976 6,453 165,517

Urban + Rural
Total 113,192 42,444 11,505 5,178 20,950 5,492 27,622
Male 53,059 17,394 6,806 2,807 8,955 3,832 13,265
Female 60,133 25,051 4,699 2,371 11,995 1,660 14,357
Total 22,881 6,467 5,088 919 1,111 4,834 4,462
Male 12,798 3,470 2,725 473 1,002 3,174 1,954
Female 10,083 2,998 2,363 445 108 1,660 2,508
Total 90,311 35,977 6,417 4,260 19,840 658 23,161
Male 40,261 13,924 4,081 2,334 7,953 658 11,312
Female 50,050 22,053 2,335 1,926 11,887 - 11,849

Urban + Rural
Total 11,839 5,119 2,860 32 296 844 2,689
Male 7,679 2,518 2,044 32 296 801 1,988
Female 4,160 2,601 815 - - 43 701
Total 4,434 1,557 1,393 32 296 353 803
Male 2,788 632 997 32 296 310 521
Female 1,646 925 396 - - 43 282
Total 7,405 3,562 1,467 - - 491 1,886
Male 4,891 1,886 1,048 - - 491 1,467
Female 2,514 1,676 419 - - - 419

Urban + Rural
Total 365,182 150,436 28,220 15,533 53,054 20,606 97,334
Male 169,707 66,844 16,143 8,430 30,074 13,143 35,074
Female 195,475 83,592 12,077 7,103 22,980 7,463 62,260
Total 88,093 17,662 15,944 5,977 6,361 15,201 26,948
Male 42,055 5,878 7,932 3,106 4,212 10,444 10,483
Female 46,038 11,784 8,011 2,871 2,149 4,757 16,465
Total 277,090 132,774 12,276 9,556 46,693 5,405 70,385
Male 127,653 60,966 8,210 5,325 25,862 2,698 24,591
Female 149,437 71,808 4,066 4,231 20,831 2,707 45,794
Table 5.23 Cont’d
Place of Reason for Absence
Residence Holiday/ Training/ Off No work
and Sex Total Sick Injury vacation Education Season temporarily Others

Urban + Rural
Total 437,517 197,740 26,762 17,720 40,366 13,308 141,621
Male 186,609 92,205 10,088 10,433 18,508 7,092 48,284
Female 250,908 105,535 16,674 7,287 21,858 6,217 93,337
Total 92,149 22,385 15,726 5,149 6,469 10,139 32,280
Male 44,180 11,388 4,912 4,115 4,750 6,304 12,711
Female 47,969 10,997 10,814 1,035 1,719 3,835 19,569
Total 345,368 175,355 11,037 12,570 33,897 3,169 109,341
Male 142,429 80,816 5,176 6,318 13,758 787 35,573
Female 202,939 94,538 5,860 6,252 20,139 2,382 73,768

Urban + Rural
Total 10,402 3,761 813 - 2,074 514 3,240
Male 6,691 2,449 356 - 1,977 468 1,441
Female 3,711 1,312 457 - 98 46 1,799
Total 2,511 939 353 - 247 286 685
Male 1,350 602 124 - 150 240 234
Female 1,161 337 229 - 98 46 451
Total 7,891 2,822 460 - 1,827 228 2,555
Male 5,341 1,847 232 - 1,827 228 1,207
Female 2,550 974 228 - - - 1,348

Urban + Rural
Total 20,195 6,673 1,351 678 2,825 540 8,128
Male 6,718 1,761 682 331 235 230 3,480
Female 13,476 4,912 670 347 2,590 310 4,648
Total 3,585 918 568 - 297 313 1,489
Male 1,880 276 365 - 80 230 929
Female 1,705 642 204 - 217 83 560
Total 16,610 5,755 783 678 2,528 227 6,639
Male 4,838 1,484 317 331 155 - 2,551
Female 11,771 4,271 466 347 2,373 227 4,087

Urban + Rural
Total 168,653 90,484 10,537 6,338 6,635 4,860 49,799
Male 74,352 40,426 5,635 4,160 3,236 2,165 18,729
Female 94,302 50,058 4,902 2,178 3,399 2,696 31,069
Total 34,732 10,204 7,859 2,083 2,827 3,226 8,533
Male 20,166 5,894 4,068 2,061 2,149 1,642 4,351
Female 14,566 4,310 3,791 22 678 1,584 4,182
Total 133,922 80,280 2,678 4,255 3,809 1,634 41,265
Male 54,186 34,532 1,567 2,099 1,087 522 14,378
Female 79,736 45,748 1,111 2,156 2,722 1,112 26,887
Table 5.23 Cont’d
Place of Reason for Absence
Residence Holiday/ Training/ Off No work
and Sex Total Sick Injury vacation Education Season temporarily Others

Urban + Rural
Total 4,369 1,962 703 146 119 198 1,241
Male 2,006 891 547 45 68 71 384
Female 2,363 1,071 156 100 51 127 857
Total 2,051 857 323 100 73 198 500
Male 653 297 168 - 22 71 96
Female 1,399 560 156 100 51 127 404
Total 2,317 1,106 379 45 45 - 741
Male 1,353 595 379 45 45 - 288
Female 964 511 - - - - 453

Urban + Rural
Total 4,732 1,612 796 107 160 468 1,589
Male 1,957 592 289 107 82 360 527
Female 2,775 1,020 507 - 78 108 1,062
Total 2,857 711 743 79 109 408 806
Male 1,236 218 264 79 56 325 294
Female 1,620 494 479 - 53 83 512
Total 1,875 901 53 28 51 60 783
Male 721 374 25 28 25 35 233
Female 1,155 527 28 - 25 25 550


Urban + Rural
Total 59,358 11,768 18,595 2,542 5,781 9,380 11,292
Male 32,973 6,478 8,611 1,946 4,445 6,481 5,012
Female 26,385 5,291 9,984 596 1,336 2,898 6,280
Total 59,358 11,768 18,595 2,542 5,781 9,380 11,292
Male 32,973 6,478 8,611 1,946 4,445 6,481 5,012
Female 26,385 5,291 9,984 596 1,336 2,898 6,280
Total - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - -


Urban + Rural
Total 7,658 2,573 2,084 177 180 1,099 1,545
Male 4,512 1,698 1,169 104 180 681 680
Female 3,146 875 915 73 - 417 866
Total 5,747 1,602 1,879 177 180 1,099 811
Male 3,267 998 997 104 180 681 306
Female 2,480 604 881 73 - 417 505
Total 1,911 972 205 - - - 735
Male 1,245 700 171 - - - 374
Female 667 272 34 - - - 361
Table 5.24 Paid Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and Above who were changing their previous Job by Reason for Leaving their Previous Job, Sex and
Place of Residence: 2013
Status of Workers Mobility
Employees Reason for Leaving Previous Job
Who do Employees For Permanent Private
Place of not Who better For better To work For better End up Disagreement closure of or
Residence and Change Change Displacement payment satisfaction in my working my work with the enterprise or Health family Not Not
Sex All Person Their Job Their Job of work /income of work profession environment contract employer Organization problem affairs Pension Others Stated stated
Urban + Rural
Total 4,252,601 2,941,350 1,309,545 54,988 510,649 101,292 40,933 110,255 112,325 89,619 70,849 36,825 44,957 27,935 106,794 2126 1,706
Male 2730028 1810583 917806 38867 371584 70982 32846 70926 88037 52585 49214 22466 25819 26518 65836 2126 1639
Female 1,522,573 1,130,766 391,739 16,121 139,065 30,311 8,087 39,328 24,288 37,033 21,635 14,359 19,138 1417 40,958 - 67
Total 2,872,885 1,902,159 970,583 41,396 383,175 84,177 34077 78,049 67,913 58,646 59294 29,199 29,279 27128 78,249 - 143
Male 1699998 1072236 627686 28444 254994 57749 26095 46515 48656 24420 38586 16931 13433 25711 46152 - 76
Female 1172887 829923 342897 12952 128181 26429 7982 31534 19257 34227 20708 12268 15846 1417 32097 - 67
Total 1,379,716 1,039,190 338,962 13,592 127,474 17,115 6,856 32,205 44,412 30972 11,555 7626 15,678 807 28,545 2126 1,563
Male 1,030,030 738,347 290,120 10,423 116,590 13,233 6751 24,411 39,381 28,166 10,627 5535 12,386 807 19,685 2126 1,563
Female 349686 300843 48842 3169 10884 3882 104 7794 5031 2807 927 2091 3292 - 8860 - -
Urban + Rural
Total 303,589 224,684 78,905 4,460 28,225 7,866 3654 8,109 6758 2,041 6,225 740 3,609 1461 5,756 - -
Male 181715 126196 55519 2277 21284 5631 3176 5405 5696 449 4393 579 1928 1353 3347 - -
Female 121,874 98,488 23,386 2183 6,941 2,235 478 2,705 1,062 1592 1,832 161 1,681 108 2,409 - -
Total 195,343 136,412 58,931 3724 22642 5946 2732 5,265 4515 2041 3347 740 2200 1461 4,318 - -
Male 113452 73887 39566 1541 15701 4450 2254 3655 3744 449 1866 579 966 1353 3007 - -
Female 81891 62525 19366 2183 6941 1496 478 1610 772 1592 1481 161 1234 108 1311 - -
Total 108,246 88,272 19,974 735 5,583 1920 923 2844 2243 - 2,878 - 1409 - 1438 - -
Male 68,263 52,310 15,953 735 5,583 1181 923 1750 1952 - 2527 - 962 - 340 - -
Female 39983 35962 4020 - - 739 - 1094 290 - 351 - 447 - 1099 - -
Urban + Rural
Total 104,543 89,985 14,558 1832 3,659 1018 - 972 657 1697 1587 354 375 218 1981 210 -
Male 64654 54390 10264 1624 2059 997 - 961 428 1147 1472 136 21 218 991 210 -
Female 39,889 35,595 4,294 207 1600 21 - 11 229 550 114 218 354 - 991 - -
Total 49336 39066 10270 807 3378 1018 - 271 657 882 1168 354 375 218 1143 - -
Male 31579 25184 6395 600 1778 997 - 261 428 332 1053 136 21 218 571 - -
Female 17757 13882 3875 207 1600 21 - 11 229 550 114 218 354 - 571 - -
Total 55,207 50,919 4,288 1,025 281 - - 700 - 815 419 - - - 838 210 -
Male 33,075 29,206 3,869 1,025 281 - - 700 - 815 419 - - - 419 210 -
Female 22132 21713 419 - - - - - - - - - - - 419 - -

Table 5.24 Cont’d

Status of Workers Mobility
Reason for Leaving Previous Job
Employees Employees For Permanent Private
Place of Who do not Who better For better To work in For better End up Disagreement closure of or
Residence and Change Their Change Displacement payment satisfaction my working my work with the enterprise or Health family Not Not
Sex All Person Job Their Job of work /income of work profession environment contract employer Organization problem affairs Pension Others Stated stated
Urban + Rural
Total 820,131 548,954 271,178 9,143 104,219 14,634 5,851 24,384 42,114 14,946 13,256 8,458 10,034 4496 19,641 - -
Male 567502 364633 202869 5881 84881 9251 4786 16398 33563 10273 9820 3987 6067 4496 13465 - -
Female 252,630 184,321 68,309 3,262 19,337 5,383 1,065 7,986 8,552 4,673 3,437 4,471 3,968 - 6,176 - -
Total 456,696 289,232 167,464 6,553 62,836 11230 4550 18692 16,362 7443 9501 6,321 4751 4496 14729 - -
Male 273573 163891 109681 4544 45578 6493 3485 10706 11655 2770 6064 3292 1415 4496 9185 - -
Female 183123 125341 57783 2009 17258 4737 1065 7986 4707 4673 3437 3030 3336 - 5545 - -
Total 363,435 259,722 103,713 2,590 41,383 3,404 1,302 5,692 25,752 7,503 3,755 2,137 5,284 - 4,912 - -
Male 293,929 200,742 93,187 1,337 39,304 2,758 1,302 5,692 21,907 7,503 3,755 696 4,652 - 4,280 - -
Female 69506 58980 10526 1253 2079 645 - - 3845 - - 1441 632 - 632 - -
Urban + Rural
Total 1,287,503 892,238 393,702 16,820 143,434 30,408 9,357 37,820 26,152 34,614 21,187 14,790 13,635 7177 36,393 1916 1,563
Male 887777 584114 302100 12328 117207 24097 8346 26229 22053 25394 16615 10841 7624 6815 22635 1916 1563
Female 399,726 308,124 91,602 4,492 26,227 6,311 1011 11,591 4,098 9,220 4,572 3,949 6,010 362 13,758 - -
Total 711,186 473,124 238,062 9,577 81,553 23010 8569 19,780 14510 15,960 17923 10179 9,061 6404 21,535 - -
Male 447929 283360 164568 7002 57892 16699 7558 13426 11184 8285 13351 6230 4742 6043 12158 - -
Female 263257 189763 73494 2576 23661 6311 1011 6354 3326 7675 4572 3949 4319 362 9378 - -
Total 576,317 419,114 155,640 7243 61,881 7398 787 18040 11641 18654 3264 4611 4574 772 14858 1916 1,563
Male 439,848 300,753 137,531 5327 59,315 7398 787 12803 10869 17109 3264 4611 2882 772 10477 1916 1,563
Female 136469 118361 18108 1916 2566 - - 5236 772 1545 - - 1692 - 4380 - -
Urban + Rural
Total 49,498 38,951 10,547 684 4367 523 208 376 805 748 461 419 570 193 1194 - -
Male 36193 27921 8272 525 3354 447 154 214 767 602 310 419 570 155 756 - -
Female 13,305 11,030 2,275 160 1,013 76 54 162 38 145 152 - - 38 439 - -
Total 32133 24280 7853 684 3161 523 208 376 533 229 461 191 342 193 953 - -
Male 22776 16966 5810 525 2380 447 154 214 495 84 310 191 342 155 514 - -
Female 9357 7313 2043 160 781 76 54 162 38 145 152 - - 38 439 - -
Total 17,365 14,671 2,694 - 1,206 - - - 272 519 - 228 228 - 241 - -
Male 13,417 10,955 2,462 - 974 - - - 272 519 - 228 228 - 241 - -
Female 3948 3716 232 - 232 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Table 5.24 Cont’d
Status of Workers Mobility
Reason for Leaving Previous Job
Employees Employees For Permanent Private
Place of Who do not Who better For better To work in For better End up Disagreement closure of or
Residence and Change Their Change Displacement payment satisfaction my working my work with the enterprise or Health family Not Not
Sex All Person Job Their Job of work /income of work profession environment contract employer Organization problem affairs Pension Others Stated stated

Urban + Rural
Total 42,990 30,143 12,781 679 5600 1224 323 1456 852 212 547 93 625 38 1131 - 67
Male 30147 20496 9651 579 4182 1002 265 1048 713 82 511 - 579 38 651 - -
Female 12,843 9,647 3,130 100 1,417 222 58 408 139 130 36 93 46 - 480 - 67
Total 28097 18944 9086 468 3666 928 323 938 674 212 547 93 395 38 804 - 67
Male 19304 12504 6799 368 2730 705 265 780 535 82 511 - 349 38 435 - -
Female 8794 6440 2287 100 937 222 58 158 139 130 36 93 46 - 369 - 67
Total 14,893 11,199 3,694 211 1,933 297 - 518 177 - - - 230 - 328 - -
Male 10,843 7,991 2,852 211 1,453 297 - 267 177 - - - 230 - 216 - -
Female 4050 3207 843 - 481 - - 251 - - - - - - 111 - -

Urban + Rural
Total 627,659 452,065 175,593 5,788 58,946 16,915 13,649 15,490 12,991 9,384 5,278 4,635 7,744 2767 22,006 - -
Male 408558 285036 123522 4580 41542 11936 11240 10281 9443 5926 2909 2670 5817 2636 14541 - -
Female 219,101 167,029 52,072 1,208 17,404 4,979 2,408 5,210 3,548 3,458 2,369 1965 1,927 131 7,465 - -
Total 395,399 265,889 129,510 4175 44,319 12,895 9909 11,436 9418 6,134 4234 3985 4080 2767 16,159 - -
Male 246050 154665 91385 2967 32246 10337 7501 7439 5870 3742 2387 2670 2675 2636 10914 - -
Female 149349 111224 38125 1208 12073 2557 2408 3997 3548 2391 1846 1315 1405 131 5246 - -
Total 232,259 186,176 46,083 1613 14,627 4020 3740 4054 3573 3250 1045 650 3664 - 5847 - -
Male 162,507 130,371 32,137 1613 9296 1598 3740 2841 3573 2184 522 - 3142 - 3628 - -
Female 69752 55806 13946 - 5331 2422 - 1213 - 1066 522 650 522 - 2219 - -

Urban + Rural
Total 24,352 17,225 7,128 486 2276 569 578 695 225 401 413 86 357 40 1002 - -
Male 15429 10533 4896 386 1688 389 320 529 208 17 284 64 318 17 676 - -
Female 8,923 6,691 2,232 99 588 180 259 166 17 384 128 21 40 23 326 - -
Total 17844 11918 5926 381 2180 569 474 545 134 206 255 86 104 40 952 - -
Male 11233 7185 4048 282 1592 389 320 379 117 17 180 64 64 17 626 - -
Female 6612 4733 1879 99 588 180 154 166 17 189 75 21 40 23 326 - -
Total 6,508 5,307 1,201 104 95 - 104 150 91 195 158 - 254 - 50 - -
Male 4,197 3,349 848 104 95 - - 150 91 - 104 - 254 - 50 - -
Female 2311 1958 353 - - - 104 - - 195 54 - - - - - -
Table 5.24 Cont’d
Status of Workers Mobility
Reason for Leaving Previous Job
Employees Employees For Permanent Private
Place of Who do not Who better For better To work in For better End up Disagreement closure of or
Residence and Change Their Change Displacement payment satisfaction my working my work with the enterprise or Health family Not Not
Sex All Person Job Their Job of work /income of work profession environment contract employer Organization problem affairs Pension Others Stated stated
Urban + Rural
Total 27,496 19,241 8,255 902 2879 561 183 393 607 601 499 256 375 414 586 - -
Male 16596 10586 6010 810 2172 372 152 281 527 342 344 143 161 381 326 - -
Female 10900 8655 2244 92 707 189 31 112 80 259 155 113 214 32 260 - -
Total 26160 18157 8003 867 2766 526 183 393 607 601 464 256 375 379 586 - -
Male 15607 9814 5793 775 2059 372 152 281 527 342 309 143 161 347 326 - -
Female 10553 8343 2210 92 707 154 31 112 80 259 155 113 214 32 260 - -
Total 1,336 1,084 252 35 113 35 - - - - 35 - - 35 - - -
Male 989 772 217 35 113 - - - - - 35 - - 35 - - -
Female 347 312 35 - - 35 - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban + Rural
Total 909,175 592,376 316,723 13,014 150,748 26,342 6,900 19,042 18,896 23,060 20,179 6,462 6,852 9969 15,260 - 76
Male 487982 306982 180924 8978 89057 15773 4229 8553 12961 7082 11825 3221 2324 9299 7622 - 76
Female 421194 285394 135800 4036 61691 10569 2672 10489 5934 15978 8354 3240 4529 670 7638 - -
Total 909175 592376 316723 13014 150748 26342 6900 19042 18896 23060 20179 6462 6852 9969 15260 - 76
Male 487982 306982 180924 8978 89057 15773 4229 8553 12961 7082 11825 3221 2324 9299 7622 - 76
Female 421194 285394 135800 4036 61691 10569 2672 10489 5934 15978 8354 3240 4529 670 7638 - -
Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Urban + Rural
Total 55,664 35,488 20,176 1181 6,298 1232 230 1518 2268 1914 1216 534 780 1162 1,842 - -
Male 33475 19696 13780 899 4158 1087 178 1029 1678 1271 730 406 410 1110 826 - -
Female 22,188 15,792 6,396 282 2140 145 52 489 591 644 486 128 370 52 1016 - -
Total 51514 32762 18752 1145 5927 1192 230 1311 1605 1878 1216 534 744 1162 1810 - -
Male 30,513 17,797 12,716 863 3,982 1,087 178 822 1,138 1,234 730 406 374 1,110 794 - -
Female 21,001 14,965 6,036 282 1,945 105 52 489 467 644 486 128 370 52 1,016 - -
Total 4,149 2,726 1,423 36 371 40 - 207 663 36 - - 36 - 33 - -
Male 2,962 1,898 1,064 36 176 - - 207 540 36 - - 36 - 33 - -
Female 1,187 828 359 - 195 40 - - 124 - - - - - - - -
Table 5.25 Paid Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and Above Whether Satisfied with Present Job or not by Reason for not Being Satisfied, Sex and
Place of Residence: 2013
Reason for not Being Satisfied
Inconv- Villain/ bad Overtime The work
Place of Low pay/ Inconvenient Distant enient Mismatch character work is not
Residence All Satisfied Not low Not paid work work working The work is with of without Insecure safe for Not
and Sex Persons with Satisfied income on time environment place time tedious profession employers pay work health Others stated

Urban + Rural
Total 4,252,601 2,603,214 1,643,918 1,032,525 41,114 53,839 49,161 16,452 251,255 29,987 22,476 14,270 72,062 25,514 35,265 5,469
Male 2,730,028 1,676,982 1,047,821 667,820 23,928 37,836 31,925 10,914 146,417 18,089 12,999 10,865 53,895 12,542 20,591 5,225
Female 1,522,573 926,232 596,097 364,705 17,186 16,003 17,236 5,538 104,838 11,897 9,477 3,405 18,167 12,972 14,674 244
Total 2,872,885 1,803,198 1,068,951 696,459 17,465 29,027 18,877 13,240 151,851 23,078 16,897 6,141 49,088 18,460 28,367 736
Male 1,699,998 1,076,865 622,641 408,252 9,572 16,759 10,809 7,703 84,675 12,601 9,267 4,089 35,938 6,927 16,050 492
Female 1,172,887 726,333 446,310 288,207 7,893 12,268 8,069 5,538 67,176 10,477 7,630 2,052 13,150 11,533 12,317 244
Total 1,379,716 800,016 574,967 336,065 23,649 24,812 30,283 3,211 99,405 6,909 5,578 8,129 22,974 7,054 6,898 4,733
Male 1,030,030 600,117 425,180 259,568 14,356 21,077 21,116 3,211 61,742 5,488 3,731 6,776 17,957 5,615 4,541 4,733
Female 349,686 199,899 149,787 76,498 9,292 3,735 9,168 - 37,662 1,420 1,847 1,353 5,017 1,438 2,357 -

Urban + Rural
Total 303,589 174,905 128,684 89,526 6,733 1,983 3,462 467 11,965 1,485 741 679 6,136 2,835 2,673 -
Male 181,715 101,407 80,309 55,088 3,578 1,505 2,342 215 8,513 1,000 322 624 4,853 929 1,343 -
Female 121,874 73,498 48,376 34,438 3,155 478 1,120 252 3,452 486 419 55 1,283 1,906 1,331 -
Total 195,343 126,486 68,857 46,729 2,562 894 1,939 467 7,375 1,105 349 120 4,446 1,697 1,174 -
Male 113,452 73,621 39,831 25,901 1,661 416 819 215 5,102 619 322 65 3,597 565 550 -
Female 81,891 52,865 29,026 20,828 901 478 1,120 252 2,273 486 27 55 849 1,132 624 -
Total 108,246 48,419 59,827 42,797 4,171 1,089 1,523 - 4,589 381 392 559 1,690 1,138 1,499 -
Male 68,263 27,785 40,478 29,186 1,917 1,089 1,523 - 3,411 381 - 559 1,256 364 793 -
Female 39,983 20,633 19,350 13,610 2,255 - - - 1,179 - 392 - 434 774 706 -

Urban + Rural
Total 104,543 71,367 32,967 16,744 146 898 545 446 9,798 565 335 125 1,674 210 1,481 210
Male 64,654 44,521 19,924 11,146 43 876 524 343 4,149 335 335 125 682 210 1,157 210
Female 39,889 26,846 13,044 5,598 104 21 21 104 5,649 231 - - 991 - 324 -
Total 49,336 33,741 15,596 8,572 146 407 335 446 4,443 146 125 125 207 - 643 -
Male 31,579 21,472 10,107 5,569 43 386 314 343 2,496 125 125 125 53 - 529 -
Female 17,757 12,268 5,489 3,003 104 21 21 104 1,947 21 - - 153 - 114 -
Total 55,207 37,626 17,371 8,173 - 491 210 - 5,356 419 210 - 1,467 210 838 210
Male 33,075 23,049 9,816 5,577 - 491 210 - 1,653 210 210 - 629 210 629 210
Female 22,132 14,577 7,555 2,595 - - - - 3,702 210 - - 838 - 210 -
Table 5.25 Cont’d
Reason for not Being Satisfied
Inconv- Villain/ bad Overtime The work
Place of Low pay/ Inconvenient Distant enient Mismatch character work is not
Residence All Satisfied Not low Not paid work work working The work is with of without Insecure safe for Not
and Sex Persons with Satisfied income on time environment place time tedious profession employers pay work health Others stated

Urban + Rural
Total 820,131 431,434 388,698 236,866 14,931 17,249 6,186 3,334 59,055 9,150 6,310 4,078 17,980 6,502 7,058 -
Male 567,502 296,836 270,666 169,108 9,756 12,460 4,315 1,882 37,349 5,638 4,258 2,478 14,890 4,329 4,203 -
Female 252,630 134,597 118,032 67,758 5,175 4,788 1,871 1,451 21,706 3,512 2,052 1,600 3,090 2,172 2,856 -
Total 456,696 247,841 208,855 130,033 2,786 8,010 2,268 3,334 31,294 7,214 4,425 639 9,863 3,194 5,795 -
Male 273,573 151,769 121,804 76,963 1,287 4,531 1,739 1,882 15,640 4,345 2,373 392 7,429 1,653 3,571 -
Female 183,123 96,073 87,051 53,070 1,499 3,479 529 1,451 15,653 2,869 2,052 247 2,434 1,541 2,224 -
Total 363,435 183,592 179,843 106,833 12,145 9,239 3,918 - 27,761 1,936 1,884 3,439 8,117 3,308 1,263 -
Male 293,929 145,068 148,861 92,145 8,469 7,929 2,576 - 21,709 1,293 1,884 2,086 7,461 2,676 632 -
Female 69,506 38,525 30,981 14,687 3,676 1,309 1,342 - 6,052 643 - 1,353 655 632 632 -

Urban + Rural
Total 1,287,503 772,969 510,010 304,718 7,969 16,235 20,863 5,980 87,445 8,742 7,067 5,300 25,675 9,300 10,715 4,524
Male 887,777 553,572 329,681 201,158 3,554 10,593 14,849 4,528 50,752 5,323 4,548 4,868 19,612 3,750 6,145 4,524
Female 399,726 219,397 180,329 103,560 4,415 5,642 6,014 1,452 36,693 3,419 2,519 432 6,062 5,551 4,570 -
Total 711,186 406,283 304,903 190,255 3,557 7,847 4,400 3,292 47,668 7,688 4,602 2,371 16,639 7,457 9,129 -
Male 447,929 270,426 177,503 110,999 1,915 3,937 2,792 1,840 27,478 4,268 2,911 1,938 12,151 1,906 5,368 -
Female 263,257 135,857 127,400 79,257 1,642 3,909 1,608 1,452 20,190 3,419 1,692 432 4,487 5,551 3,761 -
Total 576,317 366,686 205,107 114,462 4,412 8,389 16,463 2,689 39,777 1,055 2,465 2,930 9,036 1,843 1,586 4,524
Male 439,848 283,146 152,179 90,159 1,640 6,656 12,057 2,689 23,275 1,055 1,637 2,930 7,461 1,843 777 4,524
Female 136,469 83,540 52,929 24,303 2,773 1,733 4,406 - 16,502 - 827 - 1,575 - 809 -
Urban + Rural
Total 49,498 32,835 16,663 10,799 404 436 421 38 3,199 38 54 585 199 - 489 -
Male 36,193 24,047 12,147 8,255 404 240 274 38 1,982 38 - 585 155 - 176 -
Female 13,305 8,788 4,516 2,544 - 196 147 - 1,217 - 54 - 44 - 314 -
Total 32,133 21,002 11,131 7,459 176 436 193 38 2,003 38 54 46 199 - 489 -
Male 22,776 15,180 7,597 5,438 176 240 46 38 1,245 38 - 46 155 - 176 -
Female 9,357 5,822 3,534 2,022 - 196 147 - 758 - 54 - 44 - 314 -
Total 17,365 11,833 5,532 3,340 228 - 228 - 1,197 - - 539 - - - -
Male 13,417 8,867 4,550 2,818 228 - 228 - 737 - - 539 - - - -
Female 3,948 2,966 982 522 - - - - 460 - - - - - - -
Table 5.25 Cont’d
Reason for not Being Satisfied
Inconv- Villain/ bad Overtime The work
Place of Low pay/ Inconvenient Distant enient Mismatch character work is not
Residence All Satisfied Not low Not paid work work working The work is with of without Insecure safe for Not
and Sex Persons with Satisfied income on time environment place time tedious profession employers pay work health Others stated

Urban + Rural
Total 42,990 31,082 11,841 6,464 18 1,253 607 52 1,865 548 123 159 345 97 311 67
Male 30,147 21,342 8,805 5,062 18 1,021 380 52 1,169 422 68 159 108 34 311 -
Female 12,843 9,740 3,036 1,402 - 231 227 - 695 126 55 - 236 62 - 67
Total 28,097 21,054 6,977 4,026 18 588 169 52 1,230 216 123 54 199 97 205 67
Male 19,304 14,242 5,062 2,965 18 446 169 52 853 89 68 54 108 34 205 -
Female 8,794 6,812 1,915 1,061 - 142 - - 377 126 55 - 91 62 - 67
Total 14,893 10,029 4,865 2,438 - 665 438 - 635 333 - 105 145 - 105 -
Male 10,843 7,101 3,743 2,096 - 576 211 - 316 333 - 105 - - 105 -
Female 4,050 2,928 1,122 341 - 89 227 - 319 - - - 145 - - -

Urban + Rural
Total 627,659 355,042 272,384 179,814 5,357 9,205 10,175 1,994 37,061 5,070 3,266 2,224 8,969 2,957 6,291 234
Male 408,558 236,382 171,942 116,245 3,309 7,497 5,979 1,269 19,832 3,699 1,657 1,494 5,057 1,487 4,418 234
Female 219,101 118,660 100,441 63,569 2,049 1,707 4,195 725 17,230 1,370 1,610 731 3,912 1,470 1,874 -
Total 395,399 221,839 173,326 123,151 3,185 4,483 2,775 1,472 17,906 2,408 2,638 1,668 6,520 2,434 4,686 234
Male 246,050 137,211 108,606 79,659 1,659 3,298 1,772 747 9,564 1,560 1,657 937 3,978 964 2,812 234
Female 149,349 84,629 64,720 43,492 1,526 1,185 1,004 725 8,342 848 982 731 2,542 1,470 1,874 -
Total 232,259 133,202 99,057 56,663 2,172 4,722 7,400 522 19,155 2,662 628 557 2,449 522 1,606 -
Male 162,507 99,171 63,336 36,586 1,650 4,199 4,208 522 10,268 2,139 - 557 1,079 522 1,606 -
Female 69,752 34,031 35,721 20,077 522 522 3,192 - 8,888 522 628 - 1,369 - - -

Urban + Rural
Total 24,352 18,032 6,320 2,889 1,155 265 169 69 1,248 216 44 59 50 21 136 -
Male 15,429 11,289 4,140 1,942 952 239 121 22 529 123 21 42 50 - 99 -
Female 8,923 6,743 2,180 947 204 25 48 46 719 93 23 17 - 21 37 -
Total 17,844 13,447 4,397 2,090 635 160 65 69 944 125 44 59 50 21 136 -
Male 11,233 8,382 2,851 1,406 498 135 16 22 484 78 21 42 50 - 99 -
Female 6,612 5,065 1,546 685 137 25 48 46 460 47 23 17 - 21 37 -
Total 6,508 4,585 1,923 798 521 105 104 - 304 91 - - - - - -
Male 4,197 2,907 1,290 536 454 105 104 - 45 45 - - - - - -
Female 2,311 1,678 633 262 67 - - - 259 45 - - - - - -
Table 5.25 Cont’d
Reason for not Being Satisfied
Inconv- Villain/ bad Overtime The work
Place of Low pay/ Inconvenient Distant enient Mismatch character work is not
Residence All Satisfied Not low Not paid work work working The work is with of without Insecure safe for Not
and Sex Persons with Satisfied income on time environment place time tedious profession employers pay work health Others stated
Urban + Rural
Total 27,496 21,877 5,619 3,132 48 79 85 26 1,201 187 214 - 276 35 336 -
Male 16,596 13,219 3,377 2,004 24 48 61 26 717 62 88 - 197 35 115 -
Female 10,900 8,658 2,242 1,127 24 31 24 - 484 125 126 - 79 - 221 -
Total 26,160 20,886 5,274 2,967 48 79 85 26 1,020 187 214 - 276 35 336 -
Male 15,607 12,486 3,120 1,868 24 48 61 26 596 62 88 - 197 35 115 -
Female 10,553 8,400 2,153 1,099 24 31 24 - 424 125 126 - 79 - 221 -
Total 1,336 991 345 165 - - - - 181 - - - - - - -
Male 989 732 257 137 - - - - 120 - - - - - - -
Female 347 258 88 28 - - - - 60 - - - - - - -


Urban + Rural
Total 909,175 657,116 251,624 170,786 4,352 5,602 6,175 3,681 34,501 3,417 4,203 764 9,457 3,016 5,670 435
Male 487,982 352,175 135,549 90,994 2,291 2,907 2,807 2,331 19,595 1,239 1,651 298 7,197 1,613 2,627 258
Female 421,194 304,941 116,075 79,791 2,061 2,695 3,369 1,351 14,906 2,178 2,552 466 2,260 1,403 3,043 177
Total 909,175 657,116 251,624 170,786 4,352 5,602 6,175 3,681 34,501 3,417 4,203 764 9,457 3,016 5,670 435
Male 487,982 352,175 135,549 90,994 2,291 2,907 2,807 2,331 19,595 1,239 1,651 298 7,197 1,613 2,627 258
Female 421,194 304,941 116,075 79,791 2,061 2,695 3,369 1,351 14,906 2,178 2,552 466 2,260 1,403 3,043 177
Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban + Rural
Total 55,664 36,555 19,108 10,788 - 635 472 365 3,916 568 120 295 1,303 542 104 -
Male 33,475 22,193 11,283 6,818 - 448 273 209 1,829 212 53 191 1,094 156 - -
Female 22,188 14,362 7,826 3,971 - 187 199 156 2,087 357 67 104 209 386 104 -
Total 51,514 33,503 18,011 10,390 - 521 472 365 3,467 535 120 295 1,232 510 104 -
Male 30,513 19,902 10,612 6,491 - 415 273 209 1,622 179 53 191 1,023 156 - -
Female 21,001 13,601 7,400 3,899 - 106 199 156 1,845 357 67 104 209 353 104 -
Total 4,149 3,052 1,097 398 - 114 - - 449 33 - - 71 32 - -
Male 2,962 2,291 671 327 - 33 - - 207 33 - - 71 - - -
Female 1,187 761 426 71 - 81 - - 241 - - - - 32 - -
Table 5.26 Distribution Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and
Above by Sector of Economy, Percent Informal Sector and Sex:
Place of Sector of economy
Residence Percent
and Sex Total Formal Job Informal Job Not Identified Informal
Urban + Rural
Total 31,498,583 25,464,838 5,718,308 315,437 18.2
Male 18,484,871 15,592,461 2,717,658 174,752 14.7
Female 13,013,712 9,872,377 3,000,650 140,685 23.1
Total 5,187,344 3,773,505 1,339,560 74,280 25.8
Male 3,010,257 2,414,580 545,983 49,694 18.1
Female 2,177,087 1,358,925 793,577 24,585 36.5
Total 26,311,238 21,691,333 4,378,748 241,157 16.6
Male 15,474,614 13,177,881 2,171,675 125,057 14.0
Female 10,836,624 8,513,452 2,207,072 116,100 20.4
Urban + Rural
Total 1,655,227 1,416,373 186,484 52,370 11.3
Male 982,815 874,321 75,473 33,020 7.7
Female 672,412 542,052 111,011 19,350 16.5
Total 358,809 264,389 89,211 5,209 24.9
Male 192,546 153,729 34,372 4,445 17.9
Female 166,264 110,660 54,840 764 33.0
Total 1,296,418 1,151,984 97,272 47,162 7.5
Male 790,269 720,592 41,101 28,576 5.2
Female 506,149 431,392 56,171 18,586 11.1
Urban + Rural
Total 373,193 123,454 238,367 11,372 63.9
Male 258,142 83,440 169,433 5,268 65.6
Female 115,051 40,014 68,934 6,104 59.9
Total 83,787 53,400 29,423 964 35.1
Male 50,581 36,629 13,714 239 27.1
Female 33,206 16,771 15,709 725 47.3
Total 289,406 70,054 208,945 10,407 72.2
Male 207,560 46,812 155,720 5,029 75.0
Female 81,846 23,242 53,225 5,379 65.0
Urban + Rural
Total 8,399,904 7,484,411 873,404 42,089 10.4
Male 4,938,526 4,579,528 336,911 22,087 6.8
Female 3,461,378 2,904,884 536,493 20,002 15.5
Total 1,113,571 749,314 350,784 13,473 31.5
Male 598,631 469,412 120,888 8,332 20.2
Female 514,940 279,902 229,896 5,141 44.6
Total 7,286,333 6,735,098 522,620 28,616 7.2
Male 4,339,895 4,110,116 216,023 13,755 5.0
Female 2,946,438 2,624,981 306,596 14,861 10.4
Table 5.26 Cont’d
Place of Sector of economy
Residence Percent
and Sex Total Formal Job Informal Job Not Identified Informal
Urban + Rural
Total 13,214,482 10,588,869 2,508,098 117,515 19.0
Male 7,763,766 6,530,781 1,175,256 57,729 15.1
Female 5,450,717 4,058,089 1,332,842 59,786 24.5
Total 1,543,034 1,048,060 474,983 19,991 30.8
Male 910,644 702,956 195,867 11,820 21.5
Female 632,390 345,104 279,116 8,171 44.1
Total 11,671,448 9,540,809 2,033,115 97,524 17.4
Male 6,853,122 5,827,824 979,389 45,909 14.3
Female 4,818,326 3,712,985 1,053,726 51,615 21.9
Urban + Rural
Total 527,236 165,257 360,502 1,478 68.4
Male 329,134 112,676 215,503 955 65.5
Female 198,103 52,580 144,999 523 73.2
Total 66,896 36,007 30,095 794 45.0
Male 40,472 24,901 14,844 727 36.7
Female 26,424 11,106 15,251 67 57.7
Total 460,340 129,250 330,406 684 71.8
Male 288,662 87,776 200,658 228 69.5
Female 171,678 41,474 129,748 456 75.6
Urban + Rural
Total 249,228 199,435 48,594 1,199 19.5
Male 138,330 115,624 21,904 802 15.8
Female 110,899 83,811 26,690 397 24.1
Total 55,672 42,722 12,589 360 22.6
Male 32,792 28,398 4,215 180 12.9
Female 22,880 14,325 8,375 181 36.6
Total 193,556 156,713 36,004 839 18.6
Male 105,537 87,226 17,689 622 16.8
Female 88,019 69,486 18,316 217 20.8
Urban + Rural
Total 5,746,441 4,359,324 1,324,843 62,274 23.1
Male 3,260,330 2,594,380 630,164 35,786 19.3
Female 2,486,110 1,764,944 694,678 26,488 27.9
Total 746,418 502,876 236,317 7,225 31.7
Male 437,075 331,275 100,746 5,054 23.1
Female 309,342 171,601 135,571 2,171 43.8
Total 5,000,023 3,856,449 1,088,526 55,049 21.8
Male 2,823,255 2,263,105 529,418 30,732 18.8
Female 2,176,768 1,593,343 559,108 24,317 25.7
Urban + Rural
Total 66,350 31,570 33,538 1,242 50.5
Male 37,418 20,179 16,583 656 44.3
Female 28,932 11,390 16,955 587 58.6
Table 5.26 Cont’d
Place of Sector of economy
Residence Percent
and Sex Total Formal Job Informal Job Not Identified Informal
Total 29,949 21,219 8,194 536 27.4
Male 16,707 13,433 2,800 474 16.8
Female 13,242 7,786 5,395 61 40.7
Total 36,401 10,350 25,344 707 69.6
Male 20,710 6,746 13,784 181 66.6
Female 15,690 3,605 11,560 525 73.7
Urban + Rural
Total 84,681 62,713 21,262 706 25.1
Male 48,838 41,157 7,172 509 14.7
Female 35,843 21,557 14,089 197 39.3
Total 42,999 31,463 10,907 628 25.4
Male 24,531 19,791 4,256 484 17.4
Female 18,468 11,673 6,651 145 36.0
Total 41,682 31,250 10,355 77 24.8
Male 24,307 21,366 2,916 25 12.0
Female 17,375 9,884 7,438 52 42.8
Urban + Rural
Total 1,059,053 962,397 72,093 24,563 6.8
Male 655,613 594,116 43,974 17,523 6.7
Female 403,440 368,281 28,119 7,040 7.0
Total 1,059,053 962,397 72,093 24,563 6.8
Male 655,613 594,116 43,974 17,523 6.7
Female 403,440 368,281 28,119 7,040 7.0
Total - - - - -
Male - - - - -
Female - - - - -
Urban + Rural
Total 122,788 71,034 51,125 629 41.6
Male 71,960 46,259 25,284 417 35.1
Female 50,828 24,775 25,841 212 50.8
Total 87,156 61,657 24,963 536 28.6
Male 50,664 39,941 10,307 417 20.3
Female 36,492 21,716 14,657 119 40.2
Total 35,632 9,377 26,162 93 73.4
Male 21,296 6,319 14,977 - 70.3
Female 14,336 3,059 11,184 93 78.0
Note:  Those who were engaged in subsistence farming or working in private households are excluded   
             from the above figures. 
Table 5.27 Employed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and Above by
Sector of economy, Percent Informal and Sex: 2013
Major Towns Sector of economy Percent
and Sex Total Formal Job Informal Job Not Identified Informal

Total 2,213,141 1,839,783 333,004 40,355 15.0
Male 1,322,436 1,139,184 154,841 28,410 11.7
Female 890,705 700,598 178,162 11,944 20.0
Total 21,276 16,189 4,676 411 22.0
Male 9,885 8,475 1,059 351 10.7
Female 11,391 7,713 3,618 60 31.8
Total 91,706 73,512 15,076 3,118 16.4
Male 50,705 41,934 6,358 2,413 12.5
Female 41,002 31,579 8,718 705 21.3
Total 8,413 5,046 3,335 32 39.6
Male 4,907 3,421 1,454 32 29.6
Female 3,506 1,625 1,881 - 53.7
Total 96,432 73,492 21,925 1,015 22.7
Male 52,292 43,668 8,097 527 15.5
Female 44,140 29,824 13,828 488 31.3
Total 27,104 21,444 5,085 575 18.8
Male 15,922 13,794 1,745 382 11.0
Female 11,183 7,649 3,340 193 29.9
Total 51,651 41,704 8,847 1,100 17.1
Male 31,764 27,044 4,102 618 12.9
Female 19,887 14,660 4,745 482 23.9
Total 34,386 25,675 8,520 191 24.8
Male 17,744 15,209 2,434 101 13.7
Female 16,642 10,466 6,086 90 36.6
Total 39,158 31,317 7,624 216 19.5
Male 19,902 17,461 2,335 106 11.7
Female 19,256 13,857 5,289 110 27.5
Total 98,169 79,983 16,655 1,532 17.0
Male 53,299 46,816 5,471 1,012 10.3
Female 44,871 33,167 11,184 520 24.9
Total 30,753 21,517 8,816 419 28.7
Male 18,954 14,491 4,212 252 22.2
Female 11,798 7,026 4,605 167 39.0
Total 49,274 38,427 9,484 1,363 19.2
Male 27,905 23,023 4,136 746 14.8
Female 21,369 15,404 5,348 617 25.0
Total 28,286 20,231 7,772 283 27.5
Male 16,337 13,167 2,927 243 17.9
Female 11,949 7,064 4,845 40 40.5
Total 97,164 74,377 21,178 1,608 21.8
Male 59,018 47,160 10,679 1,178 18.1
Female 38,146 27,217 10,499 430 27.5

Table 5.27 Cont’d

Major Towns Sector of economy Percent
and Sex Total Formal Job Informal Job Not Identified Informal

Total 56,754 45,183 11,271 300 19.9
Male 34,302 28,366 5,816 120 17.0
Female 22,452 16,817 5,455 180 24.3
Total 41,891 25,154 16,652 85 39.8
Male 25,867 18,035 7,789 43 30.1
Female 16,024 7,119 8,863 43 55.3
Total 29,806 20,209 8,874 722 29.8
Male 18,235 13,611 3,969 655 21.8
Female 11,571 6,598 4,905 67 42.4
Total 13,865 11,777 2,041 47 14.7
Male 8,587 7,577 963 47 11.2
Female 5,278 4,200 1,078 - 20.4
Total 24,950 17,607 7,033 310 28.2
Male 15,689 12,264 3,156 270 20.1
Female 9,261 5,343 3,878 40 41.9
Total 23,928 18,282 5,521 126 23.1
Male 14,094 11,397 2,571 126 18.2
Female 9,834 6,885 2,949 - 30.0
Total 30,268 19,355 10,628 284 35.1
Male 19,284 13,322 5,788 174 30.0
Female 10,984 6,033 4,840 110 44.1
Total 34,911 26,674 7,844 393 22.5
Male 20,277 16,478 3,643 156 18.0
Female 14,634 10,196 4,202 237 28.7
Total 78,508 65,428 12,899 182 16.4
Male 48,414 41,745 6,488 182 13.4
Female 30,094 23,683 6,411 - 21.3
Total 15,281 11,681 3,284 316 21.5
Male 8,246 6,878 1,114 255 13.5
Female 7,035 4,803 2,171 61 30.9
Total 42,999 31,463 10,907 628 25.4
Male 24,531 19,791 4,256 484 17.4
Female 18,468 11,673 6,651 145 36.0
Total 1,059,053 962,397 72,093 24,563 6.8
Male 655,613 594,116 43,974 17,523 6.7
Female 403,440 368,281 28,119 7,040 7.0
Total 87,156 61,657 24,963 536 28.6
Male 50,664 39,941 10,307 417 20.3
Female 36,492 21,716 14,657 119 40.2
Table 5.28 Distribution of Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and
above Who were working in the Informal Sector by Major Branches of
Industry and Sex: 2013
Major Branches Of Industry
Manufacturing agriculture
Place of Construction Whole Sale Other Hunting
Residence Mining & and Retail Service Forestry &
and Sex Total Quarrying Trade Sectors Fishing
Urban + Rural
Total 5,731,722 1,048,643 1,101,445 429,117 3,152,517
Male 2,721,021 341,520 285,144 155,492 1,938,865
Female 3,010,701 707,123 816,301 273,625 1,213,652
Total 1,339,817 439,111 510,582 219,026 171,098
Male 546,223 168,867 158,880 103,649 114,827
Female 793,594 270,244 351,702 115,377 56,271
Total 4,391,905 609,531 590,863 210,091 2,981,420
Male 2,174,798 172,652 126,265 51,842 1,824,039
Female 2,217,107 436,879 464,599 158,248 1,157,381
Urban + Rural
Total 188,167 71,013 34,719 17,124 65,311
Male 75,874 23,926 10,183 6,284 35,481
Female 112,293 47,087 24,536 10,840 29,830
Total 89,211 38,216 25,789 13,852 11,355
Male 34,372 15,149 7,491 5,641 6,091
Female 54,840 23,067 18,297 8,211 5,265
Total 98,955 32,797 8,930 3,272 53,956
Male 41,502 8,777 2,692 644 29,390
Female 57,453 24,021 6,238 2,628 24,565
Urban + Rural
Total 239,898 4,084 12,354 12,681 210,779
Male 170,755 2,034 4,952 3,350 160,419
Female 69,143 2,050 7,402 9,331 50,360
Total 29,423 3,246 9,659 6,646 9,872
Male 13,714 1,196 2,957 1,957 7,604
Female 15,709 2,050 6,702 4,689 2,268
Total 210,476 838 2,695 6,035 200,907
Male 157,042 838 1,995 1,393 152,815
Female 53,434 - 700 4,642 48,092
Urban + Rural
Total 874,870 336,924 157,172 101,216 279,559
Male 337,075 92,080 39,420 25,315 180,260
Female 537,796 244,844 117,751 75,901 99,299
Total 350,948 156,206 101,115 50,740 42,887
Male 121,051 47,725 26,309 18,967 28,051
Female 229,896 108,481 74,806 31,774 14,836
Total 523,923 180,718 56,057 50,475 236,672
Male 216,023 44,355 13,112 6,348 152,209
Female 307,899 136,363 42,945 44,128 84,463

Table 5.28 Cont’d

Major Branches Of Industry
Manufacturing agriculture
Place of Construction Whole Sale Hunting
Residence Mining & and Retail Other Service Forestry &
and Sex Total Quarrying Trade Sectors Fishing
Urban + Rural
Total 2,514,546 367,521 534,394 157,240 1,455,391
Male 1,176,105 115,074 131,905 60,425 868,701
Female 1,338,441 252,447 402,488 96,815 586,690
Total 475,060 130,716 214,259 79,581 50,504
Male 195,944 50,674 69,368 42,282 33,620
Female 279,116 80,042 144,891 37,299 16,883
Total 2,039,487 236,805 320,135 77,659 1,404,887
Male 980,161 64,400 62,537 18,143 835,080
Female 1,059,325 172,405 257,598 59,516 569,807
Urban + Rural
Total 360,502 12,180 31,240 12,219 304,862
Male 215,503 5,859 12,574 6,534 190,536
Female 144,999 6,322 18,667 5,684 114,326
Total 30,095 3,298 15,073 6,024 5,700
Male 14,844 2,248 5,277 4,339 2,980
Female 15,251 1,050 9,796 1,685 2,720
Total 330,406 8,882 16,167 6,195 299,162
Male 200,658 3,611 7,297 2,195 187,556
Female 129,748 5,272 8,870 4,000 111,606
Urban + Rural
Total 48,699 11,607 5,817 4,532 26,743
Male 22,009 4,481 1,871 1,344 14,313
Female 26,690 7,126 3,946 3,188 12,430
Total 12,589 4,028 4,557 2,304 1,700
Male 4,215 941 1,422 745 1,107
Female 8,375 3,087 3,135 1,559 593
Total 36,110 7,579 1,260 2,228 25,043
Male 17,794 3,539 450 599 13,206
Female 18,316 4,039 811 1,628 11,837
Urban + Rural
Total 1,326,960 199,789 269,918 97,534 759,719
Male 630,687 68,222 65,780 39,526 457,159
Female 696,274 131,567 204,138 58,008 302,560
Total 236,317 65,974 93,926 35,590 40,827
Male 100,746 25,728 27,942 17,476 29,601
Female 135,571 40,246 65,984 18,115 11,226
Total 1,090,643 133,816 175,992 61,944 718,892
Male 529,940 42,494 37,838 22,050 427,558
Female 560,703 91,322 138,154 39,894 291,334
Table 5.28 Cont’d
Major Branches Of Industry
Manufacturing agriculture
Place of Construction Whole Sale Hunting
Residence Mining & and Retail Other Service Forestry &
and Sex Total Quarrying Trade Sectors Fishing
Urban + Rural
Total 33,600 8,430 2,464 3,350 19,356
Male 16,583 3,418 777 914 11,474
Female 17,017 5,012 1,687 2,436 7,882
Total 8,211 2,602 1,730 2,243 1,636
Male 2,800 666 641 588 904
Female 5,412 1,936 1,088 1,655 732
Total 25,389 5,828 734 1,107 17,720
Male 13,784 2,751 136 326 10,570
Female 11,605 3,076 598 781 7,150
Urban + Rural
Total 21,262 2,388 12,399 1,824 4,650
Male 7,172 1,758 1,736 792 2,886
Female 14,089 631 10,663 1,032 1,764
Total 10,907 2,251 6,801 1,424 431
Male 4,256 1,673 1,622 682 280
Female 6,651 579 5,179 742 151
Total 10,355 137 5,598 401 4,219
Male 2,916 85 114 111 2,606
Female 7,438 52 5,484 290 1,613
Urban + Rural
Total 72,093 27,464 24,619 15,498 4,513
Male 43,974 19,281 12,207 8,462 4,025
Female 28,119 8,183 12,412 7,036 488
Total 72,093 27,464 24,619 15,498 4,513
Male 43,974 19,281 12,207 8,462 4,025
Female 28,119 8,183 12,412 7,036 488
Total - - - - -
Male - - - - -
Female - - - - -
Urban + Rural
Total 51,125 7,242 16,350 5,899 21,633
Male 25,284 5,388 3,739 2,546 13,612
Female 25,841 1,854 12,612 3,354 8,021
Total 24,963 5,111 13,056 5,125 1,672
Male 10,307 3,587 3,644 2,513 563
Female 14,657 1,524 9,412 2,612 1,109
Total 26,162 2,131 3,295 774 19,962
Male 14,977 1,801 95 33 13,049
Female 11,184 330 3,200 741 6,913
Table 3.29 Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above Who were Working in the Informal Sector by Literacy Status, Educational Levels and Sex : 2013
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
Place of 10+2/ Diploma or Degree
Residence Total Secondary Certificate Degree Completed
and Sex Employed Never Total Ever Pre Non Grades not Secondary Not Certificate Not Diploma and above Not
Population Attended Attended school Formal 1-8 completed Completed Preparatory Completed Completed Completed Completed Degree Stated
Urban + Rural
Total 5,731,722 2,893,801 2,837,921 53,043 203,385 2,138,709 184,099 185,289 12,855 3,182 14,406 9,870 25,304 3,077 4,703
Male 2,721,021 1,096,323 1,624,698 27,757 101,949 1,242,140 118,627 94,938 6,774 1,727 7,060 5,398 12,601 1,804 3,923
Female 3,010,701 1,797,478 1,213,223 25,286 101,436 896,569 65,472 90,351 6,081 1,455 7,346 4,471 12,703 1,274 780
Total 1,339,817 438,644 901,173 5,967 73,176 587,856 81,773 106,706 7,580 2,265 8,554 7,019 17,001 2,724 552
Male 546,223 108,239 437,984 2,707 25,431 289,511 47,968 53,002 2,452 1,667 2,517 3,070 8,210 1,450 -
Female 793,594 330,405 463,189 3,260 47,744 298,345 33,806 53,704 5,128 599 6,037 3,949 8,791 1,274 552
Total 4,391,905 2,455,157 1,936,748 47,076 130,209 1,550,853 102,325 78,583 5,275 917 5,852 2,851 8,303 354 4,151
Male 2,174,798 988,084 1,186,714 25,051 76,518 952,629 70,659 41,936 4,322 61 4,542 2,329 4,392 354 3,923
Female 2,217,107 1,467,073 750,034 22,025 53,691 598,224 31,666 36,648 953 856 1,309 522 3,911 - 228
Urban + Rural
Total 188,167 78,435 109,732 391 8,122 78,022 6,764 13,704 1,447 226 27 - 431 598 -
Male 75,874 19,036 56,838 391 5,040 41,256 2,462 6,316 227 226 27 - 431 462 -
Female 112,293 59,399 52,894 - 3,082 36,766 4,302 7,388 1,220 - - - - 136 -
Total 89,211 32,592 56,620 - 3,777 36,061 4,225 10,573 1,055 226 27 - 431 244 -
Male 34,372 7,497 26,875 - 1,452 17,151 2,015 5,237 227 226 27 - 431 108 -
Female 54,840 25,095 29,744 - 2,325 18,910 2,210 5,335 828 - - - - 136 -
Total 98,955 45,843 53,112 391 4,345 41,961 2,539 3,131 392 - - - - 354 -
Male 41,502 11,539 29,963 391 3,588 24,105 447 1,078 - - - - - 354 -
Female 57,453 34,303 23,150 - 757 17,856 2,092 2,053 392 - - - - - -
Urban + Rural
Total 239,898 192,905 46,993 2,647 8,206 33,749 1,238 450 207 - 114 21 361 - -
Male 170,755 138,660 32,095 1,809 6,493 22,359 988 178 - - 11 21 236 - -
Female 69,143 54,245 14,898 838 1,713 11,390 250 271 207 - 104 - 125 - -
Total 29,423 14,693 14,730 114 1,696 10,738 1,029 450 207 - 114 21 361 - -
Male 13,714 6,958 6,756 114 821 4,596 779 178 - - 11 21 236 - -
Female 15,709 7,735 7,974 - 875 6,142 250 271 207 - 104 - 125 - -
Total 210,476 178,212 32,263 2,533 6,510 23,011 210 - - - - - - - -
Male 157,042 131,702 25,340 1,695 5,672 17,763 210 - - - - - - - -
Female 53,434 46,510 6,924 838 838 5,248 - - - - - - - - -
Table 3.29 Cont’d
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
Place of 10+2/ Diploma or Degree
Residence Total Secondary Certificate Degree Completed
and Sex Employed Never Total Ever Pre Non Grades not Secondary Not Certificate Not Diploma and above Not
Population Attended Attended school Formal 1-8 completed Completed Preparatory Completed Completed Completed Completed Degree Stated
Urban + Rural
Total 874,870 428,282 446,588 9,728 90,290 276,973 16,608 36,466 1,873 970 3,903 3,060 5,623 1,042 52
Male 337,075 131,270 205,805 4,100 41,688 134,921 8,336 11,653 409 755 1,187 1,296 1,365 95 -
Female 537,796 297,013 240,783 5,628 48,602 142,052 8,271 24,814 1,465 215 2,716 1,765 4,258 947 52
Total 350,948 130,965 219,983 1,439 42,962 123,149 13,754 24,517 1,873 970 3,903 3,060 3,262 1,042 52
Male 121,051 28,694 92,357 571 14,358 53,603 8,336 10,382 409 755 1,187 1,296 1,365 95 -
Female 229,896 102,271 127,625 868 28,604 69,545 5,418 14,135 1,465 215 2,716 1,765 1,897 947 52
Total 523,923 297,317 226,605 8,289 47,328 153,824 2,854 11,950 - - - - 2,361 - -
Male 216,023 102,576 113,448 3,529 27,330 81,318 - 1,271 - - - - - - -
Female 307,899 194,742 113,157 4,760 19,998 72,506 2,854 10,679 - - - - 2,361 - -
Urban + Rural
Total 2,514,546 1,221,192 1,293,354 28,982 61,146 1,006,312 87,175 81,280 5,624 1,100 6,371 3,044 9,827 319 2,174
Male 1,176,105 420,260 755,845 16,008 29,913 591,371 56,109 45,237 4,442 208 4,167 2,000 4,323 201 1,866
Female 1,338,441 800,932 537,509 12,974 31,234 414,941 31,066 36,043 1,182 892 2,204 1,044 5,504 118 309
Total 475,060 142,593 332,466 1,772 15,786 231,519 28,665 40,019 2,359 244 2,148 1,966 7,361 319 309
Male 195,944 33,417 162,527 302 4,932 118,582 14,797 17,975 1,177 208 716 923 2,714 201 -
Female 279,116 109,176 169,939 1,470 10,853 112,938 13,867 22,044 1,182 36 1,432 1,044 4,647 118 309
Total 2,039,487 1,078,599 960,888 27,211 45,361 774,792 58,510 41,261 3,265 856 4,224 1,077 2,465 - 1,866
Male 980,161 386,843 593,318 15,707 24,980 472,790 41,311 27,262 3,265 - 3,451 1,077 1,609 - 1,866
Female 1,059,325 691,756 367,570 11,504 20,381 302,003 17,199 13,999 - 856 772 - 856 - -
Urban + Rural
Total 360,502 273,344 87,157 1,172 11,087 70,960 2,140 902 88 - 38 - 38 50 684
Male 215,503 150,268 65,235 754 6,708 54,517 1,722 864 88 - 38 - 38 50 456
Female 144,999 123,077 21,922 418 4,378 16,443 418 38 - - - - - - 228
Total 30,095 17,671 12,424 236 1,209 8,842 1,022 902 88 - 38 - 38 50 -
Male 14,844 6,174 8,670 46 895 5,819 833 864 88 - 38 - 38 50 -
Female 15,251 11,497 3,754 190 314 3,023 189 38 - - - - - - -
Total 330,406 255,673 74,733 936 9,878 62,118 1,117 - - - - - - - 684
Male 200,658 144,093 56,565 708 5,814 48,698 889 - - - - - - - 456
Female 129,748 111,580 18,168 228 4,064 13,420 228 - - - - - - - 228
Table 3.29 Cont’d
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
Place of 10+2/ Diploma or Degree
Residence Total Secondary Certificate Degree Completed
and Sex Employed Never Total Ever Pre Non Grades not Secondary Not Certificate Not Diploma and above Not
Population Attended Attended school Formal 1-8 completed Completed Preparatory Completed Completed Completed Completed Degree Stated
Urban + Rural
Total 48,699 23,585 25,114 482 1,287 20,440 1,251 1,199 17 - 81 77 228 52 -
Male 22,009 8,294 13,715 254 874 11,087 642 625 - - - 77 104 52 -
Female 26,690 15,291 11,399 228 413 9,353 609 574 17 - 81 - 124 - -
Total 12,589 4,389 8,200 35 620 5,630 706 860 17 - 81 77 122 52 -
Male 4,215 696 3,519 17 207 2,334 308 420 - - - 77 104 52 -
Female 8,375 3,694 4,681 17 413 3,295 398 441 17 - 81 - 18 - -
Total 36,110 19,196 16,914 447 667 14,811 545 339 - - - - 105 - -
Male 17,794 7,599 10,196 237 667 8,753 334 206 - - - - - - -
Female 18,316 11,597 6,718 211 - 6,058 211 133 - - - - 105 - -
Urban + Rural
Total 1,326,960 611,078 715,882 9,075 19,964 574,742 56,882 38,128 3,127 507 3,143 2,721 5,950 41 1,601
Male 630,687 206,720 423,967 4,228 9,273 339,191 40,795 20,876 1,473 159 1,354 1,238 3,737 41 1,601
Female 696,274 404,358 291,915 4,847 10,691 235,551 16,087 17,252 1,654 348 1,789 1,484 2,213 - -
Total 236,317 64,696 171,621 2,174 4,619 119,315 21,135 17,001 1,510 507 1,547 1,027 2,745 41 -
Male 100,746 15,736 85,010 1,545 1,342 56,714 13,895 9,450 417 159 295 65 1,086 41 -
Female 135,571 48,960 86,611 628 3,277 62,601 7,240 7,551 1,093 348 1,252 961 1,659 - -
Total 1,090,643 546,382 544,261 6,901 15,344 455,427 35,747 21,127 1,618 - 1,596 1,695 3,205 - 1,601
Male 529,940 190,984 338,957 2,683 7,931 282,477 26,900 11,426 1,056 - 1,059 1,172 2,651 - 1,601
Female 560,703 355,398 205,305 4,218 7,413 172,950 8,848 9,701 561 - 537 522 554 - -
Urban + Rural
Total 33,600 16,047 17,554 102 215 14,930 825 1,088 17 - 63 161 127 26 -
Male 16,583 5,644 10,939 - 198 9,257 488 816 17 - - 68 68 26 -
Female 17,017 10,403 6,614 102 16 5,672 338 272 - - 63 93 58 - -
Total 8,211 3,133 5,078 - 108 3,817 384 466 17 - 63 116 81 26 -
Male 2,800 577 2,222 - 91 1,597 194 251 17 - - 23 23 26 -
Female 5,412 2,556 2,856 - 16 2,221 190 215 - - 63 93 58 - -
Total 25,389 12,913 12,476 102 107 11,112 441 622 - - - 45 45 - -
Male 13,784 5,067 8,717 - 107 7,661 293 565 - - - 45 45 - -
Female 11,605 7,847 3,759 102 - 3,452 148 57 - - - - - - -
Table 3.29 Cont’d
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
Place of 10+2/ Diploma or Degree
Residence Total Secondary Certificate Degree Completed
and Sex Employed Never Total Ever Pre Non Grades not Secondary Not Certificate Not Diploma and above Not
Population Attended Attended school Formal 1-8 completed Completed Preparatory Completed Completed Completed Completed Degree Stated

Urban + Rural
Total 21,262 8,611 12,650 181 567 8,609 1,388 1,284 117 - - 63 441 - -
Male 7,172 1,240 5,933 102 211 3,707 702 854 66 - - 63 229 - -
Female 14,089 7,372 6,717 78 357 4,903 687 430 51 - - - 212 - -
Total 10,907 2,584 8,323 - 451 4,785 1,363 1,224 117 - - 63 320 - -
Male 4,256 485 3,771 - 181 1,824 676 819 66 - - 63 143 - -
Female 6,651 2,099 4,551 - 270 2,962 687 405 51 - - - 177 - -
Total 10,355 6,027 4,327 181 116 3,824 25 60 - - - - 121 - -
Male 2,916 755 2,162 102 30 1,883 25 35 - - - - 86 - -
Female 7,438 5,273 2,166 78 86 1,941 - 25 - - - - 35 - -
Urban + Rural
Total 72,093 15,800 56,293 198 1,292 33,855 6,870 9,236 181 245 579 616 2,152 877 192
Male 43,974 5,352 38,622 111 870 22,621 4,554 6,575 - 245 242 529 1,997 877 -
Female 28,119 10,448 17,671 87 422 11,234 2,316 2,661 181 - 336 87 156 - 192
Total 72,093 15,800 56,293 198 1,292 33,855 6,870 9,236 181 245 579 616 2,152 877 192
Male 43,974 5,352 38,622 111 870 22,621 4,554 6,575 - 245 242 529 1,997 877 -
Female 28,119 10,448 17,671 87 422 11,234 2,316 2,661 181 - 336 87 156 - 192
Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Urban + Rural
Total 51,125 24,521 26,604 86 1,208 20,118 2,958 1,552 156 134 86 106 127 73 -
Male 25,284 9,580 15,704 - 681 11,853 1,830 944 52 134 32 106 73 - -
Female 25,841 14,941 10,900 86 527 8,265 1,128 608 104 - 54 - 54 73 -
Total 24,963 9,527 15,437 - 656 10,146 2,621 1,459 156 73 54 72 127 73 -
Male 10,307 2,653 7,654 - 282 4,672 1,580 851 52 73 - 72 73 - -
Female 14,657 6,874 7,783 - 374 5,474 1,041 608 104 - 54 - 54 73 -
Total 26,162 14,994 11,167 86 553 9,972 337 93 - 61 32 34 - - -
Male 14,977 6,927 8,050 - 399 7,181 250 93 - 61 32 34 - - -
Female 11,184 8,068 3,117 86 154 2,791 87 - - - - - - - -
Table 3.30 Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above who were Working in the Informal Sector by Types of Working Place, Sex and Place
of Residence: 2013
Type of Working Place
Place of
Gulit or Any in Where
Business On Open Farm Quarrying/ where construction customer At Lakes/
and Sex
Total house Office At home street Market area/field Factory mining as found site available River/Pond Others
Urban + Rural
Total 5,731,722 195,244 28,957 1,209,360 203,089 773,905 2,721,639 6,446 37,978 180,102 41,176 63,220 109,885 160,720
Male 2,721,021 97,580 15,751 230,657 91,349 180,178 1,754,691 3,388 20,356 136,582 36,469 38,845 23,249 91,926
Female 3,010,701 97,663 13,207 978,704 111,739 593,728 966,948 3,057 17,623 43,520 4,706 24,375 86,637 68,794
Total 1,339,817 124,900 15,404 463,030 121,223 287,940 127,276 2,821 5,562 91,774 29,897 34,471 11,671 23,848
Male 546,223 61,091 7,965 85,388 59,775 84,564 95,470 1,000 3,881 78,154 26,041 24,266 5,673 12,956
Female 793,594 63,809 7,439 377,642 61,448 203,376 31,806 1,821 1,681 13,621 3,856 10,205 5,998 10,893
Total 4,391,905 70,343 13,554 746,330 81,866 485,966 2,594,363 3,625 32,416 88,328 11,279 28,749 98,215 136,872
Male 2,174,798 36,489 7,786 145,268 31,574 95,614 1,659,221 2,389 16,474 58,428 10,429 14,579 17,576 78,971
Female 2,217,107 33,854 5,768 601,062 50,291 390,352 935,142 1,236 15,942 29,899 850 14,170 80,639 57,901
Urban + Rural
Total 188,167 8,072 1,362 76,914 8,719 13,443 45,978 551 7,186 10,614 2,518 3,648 5,456 3,704
Male 75,874 3,194 - 13,881 3,825 4,544 29,700 - 2,519 9,903 2,410 2,109 1,521 2,268
Female 112,293 4,878 1,362 63,033 4,894 8,899 16,278 551 4,667 711 108 1,540 3,935 1,437
Total 89,211 3,953 485 49,664 6,965 9,509 4,876 170 1,400 6,840 1,491 2,426 590 842
Male 34,372 1,207 - 11,545 3,466 3,146 3,999 - 933 6,442 1,383 1,766 - 485
Female 54,840 2,746 485 38,119 3,500 6,363 877 170 467 398 108 660 590 357
Total 98,955 4,119 877 27,250 1,754 3,934 41,102 381 5,787 3,774 1,027 1,222 4,866 2,862
Male 41,502 1,987 - 2,337 359 1,398 25,701 - 1,586 3,461 1,027 342 1,521 1,782
Female 57,453 2,132 877 24,914 1,395 2,536 15,401 381 4,201 313 - 880 3,345 1,080
Urban + Rural
Total 239,898 3,379 21 17,892 3,068 2,067 166,485 207 629 13,288 345 550 5,655 26,312
Male 170,755 1,789 11 5,799 1,407 435 128,659 207 629 11,373 345 343 626 19,133
Female 69,143 1,590 11 12,093 1,660 1,632 37,826 - - 1,916 - 207 5,029 7,180
Total 29,423 1,764 21 11,574 2,439 2,067 7,529 207 - 1,693 136 550 207 1,236
Male 13,714 664 11 2,414 779 435 5,954 207 - 1,453 136 343 207 1,111
Female 15,709 1,100 11 9,160 1,660 1,632 1,575 - - 239 - 207 - 125
Total 210,476 1,615 - 6,318 629 - 158,955 - 629 11,596 210 - 5,448 25,077
Male 157,042 1,125 - 3,385 629 - 122,705 - 629 9,920 210 - 419 18,022
Female 53,434 491 - 2,933 - - 36,250 - - 1,676 - - 5,029 7,055


Table 5.30 Cont’d

Type of Working Place
Place of
Gulit or Any in Where
Business On Open Farm Quarrying/ where construction customer At Lakes/
and Sex
Total house Office At home street Market area/field Factory mining as found site available River/Pond Others
Urban + Rural
Total 874,870 24,649 5,096 382,541 28,104 119,520 209,780 160 - 31,965 8,348 8,122 44,186 12,400
Male 337,075 12,530 4,133 67,852 14,665 34,144 152,496 78 - 25,775 6,009 5,081 7,235 7,078
Female 537,796 12,118 963 314,689 13,439 85,376 57,284 82 - 6,189 2,339 3,041 36,952 5,323
Total 350,948 18,350 2,580 169,427 25,342 62,825 28,203 160 - 21,092 7,577 8,122 4,101 3,169
Male 121,051 7,647 1,617 27,019 12,588 16,953 22,136 78 - 18,971 6,009 5,081 1,552 1,401
Female 229,896 10,703 963 142,408 12,753 45,872 6,067 82 - 2,121 1,568 3,041 2,549 1,768
Total 523,923 6,299 2,516 213,114 2,762 56,695 181,577 - - 10,872 771 - 40,085 9,231
Male 216,023 4,883 2,516 40,833 2,076 17,191 130,360 - - 6,804 - - 5,683 5,676
Female 307,899 1,416 - 172,281 686 39,503 51,217 - - 4,068 771 - 34,402 3,555
Urban + Rural
Total 2,514,546 77,060 11,650 409,127 95,934 364,808 1,281,427 1,990 19,426 78,970 15,305 28,310 37,702 92,839
Male 1,176,105 37,115 6,035 58,611 39,030 81,299 799,774 1,280 9,977 51,408 14,012 16,170 10,550 50,843
Female 1,338,441 39,944 5,615 350,516 56,904 283,508 481,653 709 9,449 27,562 1,293 12,140 27,152 41,996
Total 475,060 52,547 4,403 128,766 45,677 128,479 43,935 1,202 3,204 34,048 9,613 9,817 2,721 10,649
Male 195,944 26,678 2,487 18,918 23,818 41,036 29,528 493 2,253 26,983 8,320 6,740 2,721 5,970
Female 279,116 25,869 1,916 109,847 21,859 87,443 14,406 709 951 7,065 1,293 3,077 - 4,679
Total 2,039,487 24,512 7,248 280,362 50,257 236,329 1,237,493 787 16,222 44,922 5,691 18,493 34,981 82,190
Male 980,161 10,437 3,549 39,693 15,212 40,263 770,246 787 7,725 24,425 5,691 9,430 7,829 44,873
Female 1,059,325 14,075 3,699 240,669 35,045 196,065 467,247 - 8,497 20,497 - 9,063 27,152 37,317
Urban + Rural
Total 360,502 13,820 260 21,414 8,855 13,468 285,498 266 228 5,058 1,020 3,879 2,996 3,739
Male 215,503 6,586 214 5,769 4,329 3,091 185,448 38 - 4,746 982 1,871 594 1,834
Female 144,999 7,234 46 15,645 4,526 10,376 100,050 228 228 312 38 2,008 2,403 1,905
Total 30,095 4,455 260 3,710 5,347 5,290 4,124 38 - 3,515 564 1,415 279 1,100
Male 14,844 1,960 214 963 1,961 1,857 2,595 38 - 3,204 526 844 279 404
Female 15,251 2,495 46 2,747 3,385 3,433 1,529 - - 312 38 571 - 696
Total 330,406 9,366 - 17,704 3,508 8,178 281,375 228 228 1,542 456 2,464 2,718 2,639
Male 200,658 4,626 - 4,806 2,368 1,234 182,853 - - 1,542 456 1,028 315 1,430
Female 129,748 4,740 - 12,898 1,140 6,944 98,522 228 228 - - 1,437 2,403 1,209
Table 5.30 Cont’d
Type of Working Place
Place of
Gulit or Any in Where
Business On Open Farm Quarrying/ where construction customer At Lakes/
and Sex
Total house Office At home street Market area/field Factory mining as found site available River/Pond Others
Urban + Rural
Total 48,699 3,119 189 8,049 1,181 2,370 25,337 105 5,841 835 255 452 481 484
Male 22,009 1,523 - 981 563 783 13,773 - 2,824 482 255 350 160 316
Female 26,690 1,596 189 7,068 618 1,587 11,565 105 3,017 353 - 102 321 168
Total 12,589 1,189 84 5,900 848 1,572 1,365 - 52 519 122 452 109 378
Male 4,215 407 - 836 457 202 1,042 - 52 482 122 350 54 210
Female 8,375 781 84 5,065 391 1,370 323 - - 36 - 102 54 168
Total 36,110 1,930 105 2,149 333 797 23,972 105 5,789 316 133 - 372 105
Male 17,794 1,116 - 145 105 581 12,730 - 2,772 - 133 - 105 105
Female 18,316 815 105 2,004 228 217 11,242 105 3,017 316 - - 267 -
Urban + Rural
Total 1,326,960 51,168 6,389 258,772 32,901 239,925 659,514 2,568 792 26,898 6,283 11,298 12,578 17,874
Male 630,687 26,551 3,251 66,172 18,234 51,197 415,116 1,667 792 22,405 6,212 7,919 2,217 8,954
Female 696,274 24,617 3,138 192,600 14,667 188,728 244,398 902 - 4,493 71 3,379 10,361 8,920
Total 236,317 29,919 3,623 64,440 12,824 64,616 31,040 445 164 12,496 4,043 5,149 3,425 4,131
Male 100,746 14,565 1,530 13,059 7,509 16,330 25,728 65 164 10,826 3,972 4,141 650 2,206
Female 135,571 15,354 2,093 51,381 5,315 48,286 5,311 379 - 1,671 71 1,008 2,776 1,926
Total 1,090,643 21,249 2,766 194,332 20,077 175,309 628,474 2,124 628 14,402 2,240 6,149 9,153 13,742
Male 529,940 11,986 1,721 53,113 10,725 34,866 389,388 1,601 628 11,579 2,240 3,778 1,567 6,748
Female 560,703 9,263 1,045 141,219 9,352 140,443 239,087 522 - 2,823 - 2,370 7,586 6,994
Urban + Rural
Total 33,600 1,563 155 6,324 920 986 18,863 16 2,472 930 307 118 533 413
Male 16,583 570 33 676 201 186 10,990 - 2,423 825 262 22 314 82
Female 17,017 993 122 5,648 719 799 7,873 16 50 105 45 96 219 331
Total 8,211 1,058 155 2,738 420 573 1,721 16 66 619 262 118 206 259
Male 2,800 353 33 250 151 141 799 - 16 513 262 22 178 82
Female 5,412 705 122 2,489 269 432 923 16 50 105 - 96 28 177
Total 25,389 505 - 3,586 500 413 17,142 - 2,406 311 45 - 327 155
Male 13,784 217 - 427 50 45 10,191 - 2,406 311 - - 136 -
Female 11,605 288 - 3,159 450 367 6,950 - - - 45 - 191 155
Table 5.30 Cont’d
Type of Working Place
Place of
Gulit or Any in Where
Business On Open Farm Quarrying/ where construction customer At Lakes/
and Sex
Total house Office At home street Market area/field Factory mining as found site available River/Pond Others
Urban + Rural
Total 21,262 1,975 261 3,589 3,702 4,588 3,752 31 190 699 560 871 89 955
Male 7,172 788 112 468 808 463 2,511 31 190 476 536 344 32 415
Female 14,089 1,187 149 3,121 2,894 4,126 1,242 - - 223 24 527 56 541
Total 10,907 1,588 261 2,853 2,122 1,523 356 31 190 589 530 503 32 330
Male 4,256 709 112 332 757 428 256 31 190 446 507 344 32 114
Female 6,651 879 149 2,521 1,365 1,095 100 - - 143 24 159 - 217
Total 10,355 388 - 737 1,579 3,066 3,396 - - 110 30 368 56 625
Male 2,916 79 - 136 51 35 2,255 - - 30 30 - - 301
Female 7,438 308 - 600 1,529 3,031 1,142 - - 80 - 368 56 324
Urban + Rural
Total 72,093 7,835 3,034 19,179 12,244 7,205 2,890 498 233 8,902 3,683 5,202 - 1,188
Male 43,974 5,132 1,639 9,190 6,801 2,853 2,890 87 122 7,547 2,929 4,224 - 561
Female 28,119 2,703 1,395 9,989 5,443 4,352 - 411 111 1,355 754 977 - 627
Total 72,093 7,835 3,034 19,179 12,244 7,205 2,890 498 233 8,902 3,683 5,202 - 1,188
Male 43,974 5,132 1,639 9,190 6,801 2,853 2,890 87 122 7,547 2,929 4,224 - 561
Female 28,119 2,703 1,395 9,989 5,443 4,352 - 411 111 1,355 754 977 - 627
Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban + Rural
Total 51,125 2,604 540 5,558 7,462 5,527 22,114 52 982 1,943 2,552 771 209 811
Male 25,284 1,802 324 1,257 1,488 1,183 13,334 - 880 1,642 2,518 413 - 445
Female 25,841 802 217 4,301 5,974 4,344 8,780 52 102 302 34 358 209 366
Total 24,963 2,243 500 4,779 6,995 4,281 1,238 52 254 1,462 1,876 718 - 565
Male 10,307 1,768 324 863 1,488 1,183 543 - 152 1,286 1,876 413 - 412
Female 14,656 475 176 3,916 5,507 3,099 695 52 102 176 - 305 - 153
Total 26,162 361 41 780 467 1,246 20,876 - 728 481 675 53 209 246
Male 14,977 34 - 395 - - 12,791 - 728 356 642 - - 33
Female 11,184 327 41 385 467 1,246 8,085 - - 125 34 53 209 213
Table 5.31 Employed Population of Aged Ten Years and Above by Seeking to Work Additional Hours, Sex, Regions and Place of
Residence: 2013
Total Employed Seeking or Available to Work Not seeking/Available to Work Percent Available and Ready
Region Persons Additional Hours Additional Hours to work Additional Hours
and Sex Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Urban + Rural 42,403,879 22,886,647 19,517,232 16,714,782 9,606,739 7,108,043 25,689,096 13,279,908 12,409,188 39.4 42.0 36.4
Urban 6,382,858 3,529,307 2,853,551 2,838,443 1,615,303 1,223,140 3,544,415 1,914,003 1,630,411 44.5 45.8 42.9
Rural 36,021,021 19,357,341 16,663,681 13,876,339 7,991,436 5,884,903 22,144,682 11,365,905 10,778,777 38.5 41.3 35.3
Urban + Rural 2,547,502 1,335,754 1,211,748 901,275 507,303 393,972 1,646,226 828,450 817,776 35.4 38.0 32.5
Urban 443,786 236,353 207,433 167,080 88,362 78,718 276,706 147,991 128,715 37.6 37.4 37.9
Rural 2,103,716 1,099,400 1,004,315 734,195 418,942 315,254 1,369,520 680,459 689,062 34.9 38.1 31.4
Urban + Rural 652,108 344,131 307,977 207,914 121,193 86,721 444,194 222,939 221,256 31.9 35.2 28.2
Urban 102,460 56,871 45,589 44,721 24,993 19,729 57,739 31,878 25,861 43.6 43.9 43.3
Rural 549,648 287,261 262,388 163,193 96,200 66,993 386,456 191,061 195,395 29.7 33.5 25.5
Urban + Rural 11,174,123 5,965,956 5,208,167 3,959,850 2,292,483 1,667,368 7,214,272 3,673,473 3,540,799 35.4 38.4 32.0
Urban 1,387,072 710,022 677,050 669,560 349,364 320,195 717,512 360,658 356,854 48.3 49.2 47.3
Rural 9,787,051 5,255,934 4,531,117 3,290,290 1,943,118 1,347,172 6,496,761 3,312,816 3,183,945 33.6 37.0 29.7
Urban + Rural 16,529,563 9,039,726 7,489,837 7,402,676 4,266,877 3,135,799 9,126,887 4,772,850 4,354,038 44.8 47.2 41.9
Urban 1,863,072 1,055,353 807,719 983,963 573,500 410,463 879,110 481,853 397,257 52.8 54.3 50.8
Rural 14,666,491 7,984,373 6,682,118 6,418,714 3,693,377 2,725,336 8,247,777 4,290,996 3,956,781 43.8 46.3 40.8
Urban + Rural 783,017 474,365 308,651 176,907 102,578 74,329 606,110 371,788 234,322 22.6 21.6 24.1
Urban 83,451 49,497 33,954 26,191 15,797 10,394 57,260 33,700 23,560 31.4 31.9 30.6
Rural 699,566 424,869 274,697 150,716 86,781 63,935 548,850 338,088 210,763 21.5 20.4 23.3
Urban + Rural 484,220 252,117 232,103 153,946 86,489 67,457 330,274 165,628 164,646 31.8 34.3 29.1
Urban 74,207 41,862 32,345 21,175 13,088 8,086 53,033 28,773 24,259 28.5 31.3 25.0
Rural 410,013 210,255 199,757 132,771 73,401 59,371 277,241 136,855 140,386 32.4 34.9 29.7
Urban + Rural 8,507,979 4,506,169 4,001,810 3,388,913 1,920,688 1,468,226 5,119,066 2,585,481 2,533,585 39.8 42.6 36.7
Urban 950,828 539,412 411,416 456,438 273,238 183,199 494,391 266,174 228,217 48.0 50.7 44.5
Rural 7,557,151 3,966,757 3,590,394 2,932,475 1,647,449 1,285,026 4,624,675 2,319,308 2,305,368 38.8 41.5 35.8
Urban + Rural 162,075 84,781 77,293 34,132 19,825 14,307 127,943 64,956 62,987 21.1 23.4 18.5
Urban 41,018 21,011 20,007 10,930 6,003 4,927 30,088 15,008 15,080 26.6 28.6 24.6
Rural 121,057 63,771 57,286 23,202 13,822 9,380 97,855 49,949 47,907 19.2 21.7 16.4

Table 5.31 Cont’d

Seeking or Available to Work Not seeking/Available to Work Percent Available and Ready
Total Employed Persons Additional Hours Additional Hours to Work Additional hours
Region and Sex Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Urban + Rural 100,225 52,647 47,578 31,723 16,390 15,333 68,502 36,257 32,245 31.7 31.1 32.2
Urban 49,802 27,309 22,493 18,814 10,065 8,748 30,988 17,244 13,745 37.8 36.9 38.9
Rural 50,423 25,338 25,085 12,909 6,325 6,585 37,514 19,014 18,500 25.6 25.0 26.2
Urban + Rural 1,285,598 736,789 548,808 403,313 240,346 162,968 882,284 496,444 385,841 31.4 32.6 29.7
Urban 1,285,598 736,789 548,808 403,313 240,346 162,968 882,284 496,444 385,841 31.4 32.6 29.7
Rural - - - - - - - - - - - -
Urban + Rural 177,470 94,211 83,259 54,133 32,568 21,565 123,337 61,642 61,694 30.5 34.6 25.9
Urban 101,564 54,828 46,736 36,258 20,546 15,712 65,305 34,281 31,024 35.7 37.5 33.6
Rural 75,906 39,383 36,523 17,874 12,022 5,853 58,032 27,361 30,670 23.5 30.5 16.0
Table 5.32 Employed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and Above Who
were Willing and Available to Work Additional Hours and Type of
Work Sought by Sex and Place of Residence: 2013
Type of Work Sought or Available for
Other job with
Other job in more hours to
Place of Residence At the present addition to replace the
and Sex Total main job the present present job

Urban + Rural
Total 16,714,782 6,956,627 8,273,715 1,484,440
Male 9,606,739 4,064,634 4,729,820 812,285
Female 7,108,043 2,891,993 3,543,895 672,154
Total 2,838,443 795,675 1,456,147 586,621
Male 1,615,303 482,129 833,202 299,972
Female 1,223,140 313,546 622,944 286,650
Total 13,876,339 6,160,953 6,817,568 897,818
Male 7,991,436 3,582,505 3,896,618 512,314
Female 5,884,903 2,578,448 2,920,951 385,505
Urban + Rural
Total 901,275 314,895 428,105 158,275
Male 507,303 179,218 247,128 80,957
Female 393,972 135,677 180,977 77,318
Total 167,080 43,778 85,184 38,118
Male 88,362 26,205 44,790 17,366
Female 78,718 17,573 40,393 20,752
Total 734,195 271,117 342,921 120,157
Male 418,942 153,013 202,337 63,591
Female 315,254 118,104 140,584 56,566
Urban + Rural
Total 207,914 43,788 131,832 32,294
Male 121,193 26,463 78,743 15,987
Female 86,721 17,325 53,089 16,307
Total 44,721 10,883 21,757 12,082
Male 24,993 6,557 12,328 6,107
Female 19,729 4,325 9,428 5,975
Total 163,193 32,905 110,075 20,212
Male 96,200 19,905 66,414 9,880
Female 66,993 13,000 43,661 10,332
Urban + Rural
Total 3,959,850 1,974,336 1,589,253 396,261
Male 2,292,483 1,183,268 910,689 198,526
Female 1,667,368 791,068 678,565 197,735
Total 669,560 190,629 312,527 166,405
Male 349,364 107,320 164,653 77,391
Female 320,195 83,309 147,873 89,013
Total 3,290,290 1,783,707 1,276,727 229,856
Male 1,943,118 1,075,948 746,035 121,135
Female 1,347,172 707,759 530,691 108,721

Table 5.32 Cont’d

Type of Work Sought or Available for
Other job with
Place of Other job in more hours
Residence At the present addition to to replace
and Sex Total main job the present the present job
Urban + Rural
Total 7,402,676 3,164,364 3,677,959 560,352
Male 4,266,877 1,841,723 2,100,771 324,383
Female 3,135,799 1,322,641 1,577,188 235,970
Total 983,963 236,911 535,267 211,784
Male 573,500 143,422 319,552 110,525
Female 410,463 93,489 215,715 101,259
Total 6,418,714 2,927,453 3,142,693 348,568
Male 3,693,377 1,698,301 1,781,219 213,858
Female 2,725,336 1,229,153 1,361,473 134,710
Urban + Rural
Total 176,907 32,560 119,603 24,744
Male 102,578 20,409 67,570 14,598
Female 74,329 12,151 52,033 10,145
Total 26,191 8,192 12,918 5,081
Male 15,797 5,541 7,368 2,888
Female 10,394 2,651 5,550 2,193
Total 150,716 24,368 106,685 19,663
Male 86,781 14,868 60,202 11,710
Female 63,935 9,499 46,483 7,952
Urban + Rural
Total 153,946 85,183 62,596 6,167
Male 86,489 46,404 36,336 3,750
Female 67,457 38,779 26,261 2,417
Total 21,175 8,040 10,518 2,617
Male 13,088 5,077 6,252 1,760
Female 8,086 2,964 4,266 857
Total 132,771 77,143 52,079 3,550
Male 73,401 41,327 30,084 1,990
Female 59,371 35,816 21,995 1,560
Urban + Rural
Total 3,388,913 1,154,180 2,028,485 206,248
Male 1,920,688 648,103 1,151,626 120,959
Female 1,468,226 506,078 876,859 85,289
Total 456,438 126,826 271,573 58,039
Male 273,238 79,358 159,201 34,680
Female 183,199 47,468 112,372 23,359
Total 2,932,475 1,027,355 1,756,912 148,209
Male 1,647,449 568,745 992,425 86,279
Female 1,285,026 458,610 764,486 61,930
Table 5.32 Cont’d
Type of Work Sought or Available for
Other job with
Place of Other job in more hours
Residence At the present addition to to replace
and Sex Total main job the present the present job

Urban + Rural
Total 34,132 14,256 16,294 3,581
Male 19,825 8,562 8,987 2,276
Female 14,307 5,694 7,308 1,304
Total 10,930 2,350 7,017 1,562
Male 6,003 1,391 3,688 925
Female 4,927 960 3,330 638
Total 23,202 11,906 9,277 2,018
Male 13,822 7,171 5,299 1,352
Female 9,380 4,735 3,978 667
Urban + Rural
Total 31,723 8,747 17,944 5,032
Male 16,390 4,897 9,410 2,083
Female 15,333 3,850 8,534 2,949
Total 18,814 5,865 9,261 3,688
Male 10,065 3,525 4,946 1,595
Female 8,748 2,340 4,316 2,093
Total 12,909 2,882 8,683 1,345
Male 6,325 1,372 4,464 488
Female 6,585 1,510 4,218 856
Urban + Rural
Total 403,313 152,489 170,539 80,286
Male 240,346 98,203 99,291 42,851
Female 162,968 54,285 71,248 37,435
Total 403,313 152,489 170,539 80,286
Male 240,346 98,203 99,291 42,851
Female 162,968 54,285 71,248 37,435
Total - - - -
Male - - - -
Female - - - -
Urban + Rural
Total 54,133 11,830 31,103 11,200
Male 32,568 7,385 19,269 5,915
Female 21,565 4,445 11,834 5,285
Total 36,258 9,712 19,586 6,960
Male 20,546 5,530 11,133 3,884
Female 15,712 4,182 8,453 3,076
Total 17,874 2,117 11,517 4,240
Male 12,022 1,855 8,136 2,031
Female 5,853 263 3,381 2,209


6.1 Introduction

Unemployment is one of the indicators that have been used to measure the extent
of unutilized human resource in the economy at a given area or region in a certain
period of time. It indicates the quantity and quality of the human labour a nation or a
region would have, and should be used to promote its economic development, but
not actually used. The unutilized human resource as a result of unemployment has
its own social and economic implication. Therefore, the availability of reliable and
timely statistical data on unemployment is vital to formulate and design strategies as
well as to monitor the existing employment policies.

A wide range of information regarding unemployment and the characteristics of

unemployed population were collected in the 2013 National Labour Force Survey.
This information is useful to estimate the number of unemployed population and
rate of unemployment at various reporting levels.

This chapter presents the size of unemployed population and rate of unemployment
at national, regional and urban rural levels. In addition, the characteristics of
unemployed population such as age, sex, education, training status, marital status,
disability, previous work experience, duration of unemployment, type of jobs looking
for, problems in establishing own business or enterprise, actions taken to seek work
… etc., are presented in detail. These information were collected from persons aged
ten years and above by using the two known measurement approaches, namely
current and usual approaches. But, the result presented in this chapter refers to
only the current activity status approach.
During the data collection period, respondents in the sampled household were
asked detailed labour force questions using structured questionnaire. These
 whether they were seeking for employment, if not reason for not seeking.
 whether available for work during the coming one month, if not reason for not
being available type of job looking for /i.e. self employment or paid
employment or other/,
 type of problems faced to establish own business.
 previous work experience and duration of unemployment.

Based on the responses obtained from the respondents aged ten years and above,
the unemployment was computed using the following methods of measurement.

6.2 Measurement of Unemployment

The measurement of unemployment was done based on the following three criteria
that must be satisfied simultaneously: “without work”, “currently available for work”
‘and “seeking work’’ (ILO, 1983). The standard definition of unemployment is
related to the "seeking work" criterion can be interpreted as activities or efforts that
non-working persons performed to look for jobs during a specified reference period
(i.e., paid or self employment). The specific steps include registration at a public or
private exchange; applying to employers; checking at worksites, farms, factory
gates, market or other assembly places; placing or answering news paper
advertisements; seeking assistance of friends or relatives; visit vacancy boards;
looking for land, building, machinery or equipment to establish own enterprise, and
arranging financial resources; applying for work permits and licenses…etc.

However, the standard definition of unemployment with its emphasis on seeking

work criterion might be restrictive and might not fully capture the prevailing
employment situations in many developing countries including Ethiopia, where the
labour market is largely unorganized or of limited scope, where labour absorption is
inadequate or where the labour force is largely self-employed.
Hence, the International standards introduced provisions, which allows for the
relaxation of the seeking work criterion in certain situations. The provisions are two
types, namely, partial relaxation and complete relaxation. Following the
recommendations of the International standard and considering the prevailing
national situations, the employment and unemployment and related labour force
surveys used the above provisions to measure the different forms of unemployment.
The definition of the two provisions is described as follows.

Under partial relaxation, the definition of unemployment includes discouraged job

seekers, future start and layoffs in addition to persons satisfying the standard
definition. Discouraged job seekers are persons who want a job but did not take any
active step to search for work because they believe that they cannot find one.
Future starts are those persons without work who have made arrangements to take
up paid employment or to undertake self-employment activity at a date subsequent
to the reference period. Layoffs are persons whose contract of employment or
activity has been suspended by the employer for a specified or unspecified period at
the end of which the person concerned has a recognized right or recognized
expectation to cover employment with the employer (ILO, 1990).

The completely relaxed definition of unemployment refers to persons without work

and those who are available for work, including those who were or were not seeking
work. That is, the seeking work criterion is completely relaxed and unemployment is
based on the “without work” and “availability” criterion only. The availability in this
situation is tested by asking the willingness to take up work for wage or salary in
locally prevailing terms, or readiness to undertake self-employment activity; given
the necessary resources and facilities. It should be noted that fulltime students are
considered as available if and only if they are ready to withdraw from their studies in
order to accept a job.
The 2013 survey collected unemployment data in the standard, partially relaxed and
completely relaxed measurements. After thorough evaluation and assessment of
the results obtained using the three alternative and complementary measures; the
rates obtained using the completely relaxed definition was found most plausible and
hence selected for reporting.

Those persons aged ten years and above who had no work or did not work at least
one hour or did not have job to return to, were asked to respond whether they were
available or willing to work if job is found during the coming one month. Those who
responded “Yes” to this question were further tested whether they were ready to
take a job under prevailing conditions. By doing so, persons who had no job but
available to work are considered as unemployed at the time of the survey.

6.3 Unemployment Rate

Unemployment rate is used to describe the proportion of unemployed population

from the total labour force. Unemployment rate is computed as percentage of the
unemployed population over the total number of economically active population.
The rate indicates the number of persons who are ready to participate or engaged
in the production of goods and services.

The distribution of currently unemployed population aged ten years and above
together with unemployment rate by region, age group and sex is presented in
Table 6.1. The survey result reveals that in June 2013 there were 1,981,165
unemployed persons, out of whom males were 629,619 and females were
1,351,546. The rate of unemployment at national level in 2013 (4.5 percent) show a
declining trend as compared to 1999 (8.06 Percent) and 2005 (5.06 percent). The
corresponding rates of unemployment of males and females were 2.7 percent and
6.5 percent, respectively (Table 6.1). This indicates unemployment is more of a
problem of females than males in the country. Besides, unemployment in urban
areas was 16.5 percent while 2.0 Percent in rural areas in June 2013.
Unemployment rate by age group is relatively higher in the age group 15-44 years
at national level as well as in most of the regions (Table 6.1). The young population
aged 20-24 years recorded the highest unemployment rate (9.1 percent) in the
reference period at national level. The rate of female unemployment was higher
than their counter part in all age group.

Unemployment in the regions illustrates that the highest rate was recorded in Addis
Ababa 24.2 percent, while the lowest rate as compared to the highest ones was
found in Benishangul-Gumuz region (2.9 percent). But in the other regions of the
country, the rate was found in the range 3.0 – 9.0 percent (Table 6.1).

Table 6.2 shows the distribution of unemployed population of twenty six selected
major towns classified by age group and sex. Among the major towns, the highest
unemployment rate above 20.0 percent was recorded in Kombolcha, Shashemene,
Addis Ababa, Adama, Hosaena, Assela, Dire Dawa, Dessie, Bishoftu, Adama, and
Adigrat towns. The lowest unemployment rate as compared to the highest ones was
registered in Gambella town (8.7 percent).

6.4 Characteristics of Unemployed Population

Those persons aged ten years and above who were looking for work during the
three months prior to date of interview were asked to report what steps they have
taken to seek work and type of work they look for during this period. Accordingly,
Table 6.3 and 6.4 present the distribution of unemployed persons who were looking
for work during the three months prior to the survey date by place of residence, sex
and step taken to seek work at national and major towns, respectively. Table 6.5
provides data on type of job unemployed persons were looking at national and
regional level. On the other hand, Table 6.6 presents type of jobs unemployed
persons looking for in major towns.
With regard to educational status of the unemployed population of the country at
national, urban and rural level is shown in Table 6.7a-c, the regions in Table 6.8 and
major towns in Table 6.9. The duration of unemployment is also presented in Table
6.10 and 6.11. While training status and types of training of the unemployed
persons illustrated in Table 6.12, 6.13 and 6.14. Furthermore, the size of
unemployed persons by marital status and previous work experience is shown in
Table 6.15, 6.16 and 6.17.

Migration is one of the demographic characteristics used to portray the mobility of

labour from one place to another due to various reasons. The distribution of
unemployed population by status of migration, duration of residence, and reason for
migration at national, regional and major town levels is presented in Table 6.18,
6.19, 6.20 and 6.21.

Among unemployed population those who attempt to establish their own business
were asked to state what problems they have faced. The problem that unemployed
persons faced in trying to set up their own business at national, regional and major
town levels is presented in Table 6.22, and 6.23. Finally, Matrix of Migrant
Unemployed population of regions by current place of residence and region of
Previous Residence by urban rural area and sex is presented in Table 6.24a-c.
Table 6.1 Unemployed Population of Region Aged Ten Years and above by Unemployment
Rate, Age Group, Sex and Place of Residence : 2013
Age Economically Active Population Unemployed Population Unemployment Rate
group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


All Ages 44,385,044 23,516,267 20,868,777 1,981,165 629,619 1,351,546 4.5 2.7 6.5
10-14 7,027,174 3,801,327 3,225,848 121,294 51,182 70,112 1.7 1.3 2.2
15-19 6,096,111 3,205,252 2,890,858 339,748 122,135 217,613 5.6 3.8 7.5
20-24 5,552,535 2,743,001 2,809,534 505,480 174,288 331,192 9.1 6.4 11.8
25-29 5,919,231 2,906,139 3,013,092 354,802 110,660 244,142 6.0 3.8 8.1
30-34 4,215,533 2,189,876 2,025,658 190,503 43,634 146,869 4.5 2.0 7.3
35-39 4,406,448 2,225,297 2,181,151 157,024 37,843 119,181 3.6 1.7 5.5
40-44 2,975,376 1,618,889 1,356,487 100,707 25,427 75,280 3.4 1.6 5.5
45-49 2,455,252 1,309,152 1,146,101 66,959 15,078 51,881 2.7 1.2 4.5
50-54 1,831,927 1,014,061 817,865 49,706 9,267 40,439 2.7 0.9 4.9
55-59 1,337,105 769,148 567,957 33,186 11,933 21,253 2.5 1.6 3.7
60-64 1,066,602 667,645 398,957 27,928 11,405 16,523 2.6 1.7 4.1
65+ 1,501,751 1,066,481 435,270 33,829 16,768 17,061 2.3 1.6 3.9


All Ages 7,646,860 3,942,886 3,703,974 1,264,002 413,579 850,423 16.5 10.5 23.0
10-14 352,263 171,273 180,990 35,170 16,568 18,602 10.0 9.7 10.3
15-19 744,796 317,403 427,393 172,004 69,462 102,543 23.1 21.9 24.0
20-24 1,302,510 583,497 719,014 335,753 118,924 216,830 25.8 20.4 30.2
25-29 1,509,835 763,624 746,211 260,346 79,729 180,617 17.2 10.4 24.2
30-34 986,056 547,371 438,686 137,501 34,768 102,733 13.9 6.4 23.4
35-39 919,522 491,027 428,495 115,850 29,193 86,657 12.6 5.9 20.2
40-44 558,290 319,436 238,854 66,135 18,129 48,006 11.8 5.7 20.1
45-49 434,087 236,211 197,876 46,869 11,240 35,629 10.8 4.8 18.0
50-54 298,363 163,812 134,552 33,407 7,146 26,261 11.2 4.4 19.5
55-59 214,203 135,377 78,825 23,441 9,441 14,000 10.9 7.0 17.8
60-64 143,827 91,635 52,192 18,393 8,615 9,778 12.8 9.4 18.7
65+ 183,108 122,221 60,887 19,132 10,364 8,768 10.4 8.5 14.4


All Ages 36,738,184 19,573,381 17,164,803 717,163 216,040 501,123 2.0 1.1 2.9
10-14 6,674,911 3,630,053 3,044,858 86,125 34,614 51,511 1.3 1.0 1.7
15-19 5,351,315 2,887,850 2,463,466 167,744 52,673 115,071 3.1 1.8 4.7
20-24 4,250,024 2,159,504 2,090,520 169,727 55,364 114,363 4.0 2.6 5.5
25-29 4,409,396 2,142,515 2,266,881 94,456 30,931 63,525 2.1 1.4 2.8
30-34 3,229,477 1,642,505 1,586,972 53,002 8,866 44,136 1.6 0.5 2.8
35-39 3,486,926 1,734,270 1,752,656 41,174 8,650 32,524 1.2 0.5 1.9
40-44 2,417,086 1,299,452 1,117,634 34,572 7,299 27,273 1.4 0.6 2.4
45-49 2,021,166 1,072,941 948,225 20,090 3,838 16,252 1.0 0.4 1.7
50-54 1,533,563 850,250 683,314 16,299 2,120 14,178 1.1 0.2 2.1
55-59 1,122,902 633,771 489,132 9,744 2,491 7,253 0.9 0.4 1.5
60-64 922,775 576,010 346,764 9,535 2,790 6,745 1.0 0.5 1.9
65+ 1,318,643 944,260 374,383 14,697 6,404 8,293 1.1 0.7 2.2

Table 6.1 Cont’d

Age Economically Active Population Unemployed Population Unemployment Rate
group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


All Ages 2,695,167 1,383,016 1,312,152 147,666 47,262 100,404 5.5 3.4 7.7
10-14 408,690 207,915 200,775 7,397 3,275 4,122 1.8 1.6 2.1
15-19 426,963 214,906 212,057 30,582 9,972 20,610 7.2 4.6 9.7
20-24 329,351 161,639 167,712 32,824 11,585 21,239 10.0 7.2 12.7
25-29 323,790 158,531 165,259 21,496 6,671 14,825 6.6 4.2 9.0
30-34 231,593 107,339 124,254 15,986 3,049 12,937 6.9 2.8 10.4
35-39 255,953 114,986 140,967 12,989 3,216 9,774 5.1 2.8 6.9
40-44 179,006 100,171 78,835 8,423 3,001 5,422 4.7 3.0 6.9
45-49 151,046 75,606 75,440 5,013 562 4,451 3.3 0.7 5.9
50-54 117,055 66,578 50,477 3,907 1,368 2,539 3.3 2.1 5.0
55-59 95,814 53,917 41,897 2,852 1,481 1,372 3.0 2.7 3.3
60-64 76,594 50,831 25,762 3,470 1,673 1,797 4.5 3.3 7.0
65+ 99,313 70,596 28,717 2,727 1,410 1,317 2.7 2.0 4.6


All Ages 537,376 262,381 274,995 93,590 26,028 67,563 17.4 9.9 24.6
10-14 20,124 11,488 8,636 5,010 2,374 2,636 24.9 20.7 30.5
15-19 60,129 24,677 35,452 17,622 5,277 12,345 29.3 21.4 34.8
20-24 84,265 33,142 51,123 22,422 6,519 15,903 26.6 19.7 31.1
25-29 105,741 49,042 56,700 17,942 4,517 13,425 17.0 9.2 23.7
30-34 68,806 35,520 33,287 10,535 2,338 8,196 15.3 6.6 24.6
35-39 64,205 29,481 34,724 8,642 1,524 7,118 13.5 5.2 20.5
40-44 38,968 22,519 16,448 2,905 203 2,702 7.5 0.9 16.4
45-49 31,121 16,618 14,503 3,218 562 2,655 10.3 3.4 18.3
50-54 22,284 13,030 9,254 2,102 998 1,104 9.4 7.7 11.9
55-59 16,143 10,388 5,755 1,780 768 1,013 11.0 7.4 17.6
60-64 10,789 6,798 3,991 1,006 692 314 9.3 10.2 7.9
65+ 14,802 9,679 5,122 407 255 152 2.7 2.6 3.0


All Ages 2,157,791 1,120,634 1,037,156 54,075 21,234 32,841 2.5 1.9 3.2
10-14 388,567 196,427 192,140 2,386 901 1,485 0.6 0.5 0.8
15-19 366,834 190,229 176,605 12,960 4,695 8,264 3.5 2.5 4.7
20-24 245,086 128,497 116,589 10,402 5,066 5,337 4.2 3.9 4.6
25-29 218,049 109,490 108,559 3,554 2,154 1,400 1.6 2.0 1.3
30-34 162,787 71,820 90,968 5,452 710 4,741 3.3 1.0 5.2
35-39 191,748 85,505 106,243 4,347 1,692 2,656 2.3 2.0 2.5
40-44 140,038 77,652 62,386 5,519 2,798 2,721 3.9 3.6 4.4
45-49 119,925 58,988 60,937 1,795 - 1,795 1.5 - 2.9
50-54 94,771 53,548 41,223 1,805 370 1,435 1.9 0.7 3.5
55-59 79,671 43,530 36,141 1,072 713 359 1.3 1.6 1.0
60-64 65,805 44,033 21,772 2,464 981 1,483 3.7 2.2 6.8
65+ 84,511 60,917 23,595 2,320 1,155 1,165 2.7 1.9 4.9
Table 6.1 Cont’d

Age Economically Active Population Unemployed Population Unemployment Rate

group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


All Ages 703,657 362,169 341,488 51,549 18,038 33,511 7.3 5.0 9.8
10-14 103,061 53,570 49,491 4,168 1,800 2,369 4.0 3.4 4.8
15-19 105,042 49,196 55,846 7,025 2,792 4,233 6.7 5.7 7.6
20-24 90,630 34,438 56,192 10,292 2,094 8,198 11.4 6.1 14.6
25-29 114,314 56,293 58,021 9,191 2,531 6,659 8.0 4.5 11.5
30-34 78,523 37,392 41,131 8,289 2,397 5,893 10.6 6.4 14.3
35-39 70,290 38,947 31,343 3,075 981 2,094 4.4 2.5 6.7
40-44 51,222 30,904 20,319 2,562 998 1,564 5.0 3.2 7.7
45-49 36,425 22,842 13,583 1,470 985 486 4.0 4.3 3.6
50-54 24,190 15,320 8,870 2,406 1,351 1,054 9.9 8.8 11.9
55-59 11,289 8,998 2,291 823 791 32 7.3 8.8 1.4
60-64 9,134 7,064 2,070 462 462 - 5.1 6.5 -
65+ 9,536 7,206 2,331 1,787 858 929 18.7 11.9 39.9


All Ages 117,500 60,208 57,292 15,040 3,337 11,702 12.8 5.5 20.4
10-14 5,940 2,529 3,411 350 125 225 5.9 4.9 6.6
15-19 9,596 3,550 6,046 1,761 229 1,532 18.3 6.4 25.3
20-24 19,389 7,817 11,572 3,846 435 3,410 19.8 5.6 29.5
25-29 25,649 11,703 13,947 3,217 807 2,411 12.5 6.9 17.3
30-34 15,174 8,357 6,818 2,157 457 1,700 14.2 5.5 24.9
35-39 13,892 8,342 5,549 1,125 111 1,014 8.1 1.3 18.3
40-44 9,675 6,407 3,268 1,046 507 539 10.8 7.9 16.5
45-49 7,993 4,757 3,236 528 43 486 6.6 0.9 15.0
50-54 3,867 2,317 1,550 471 232 239 12.2 10.0 15.4
55-59 3,285 2,461 825 371 339 32 11.3 13.8 3.9
60-64 1,582 979 604 11 11 - 0.7 1.1 -
65+ 1,457 989 468 157 43 114 10.8 4.3 24.4


All Ages 586,157 301,961 284,196 36,509 14,701 21,809 6.2 4.9 7.7
10-14 97,121 51,041 46,080 3,818 1,675 2,144 3.9 3.3 4.7
15-19 95,446 45,646 49,800 5,264 2,563 2,701 5.5 5.6 5.4
20-24 71,241 26,620 44,621 6,446 1,659 4,788 9.0 6.2 10.7
25-29 88,665 44,590 44,075 5,973 1,725 4,248 6.7 3.9 9.6
30-34 63,349 29,035 34,313 6,133 1,940 4,193 9.7 6.7 12.2
35-39 56,398 30,605 25,794 1,950 870 1,080 3.5 2.8 4.2
40-44 41,547 24,496 17,051 1,515 491 1,025 3.6 2.0 6.0
45-49 28,433 18,085 10,348 942 942 - 3.3 5.2 -
50-54 20,323 13,003 7,320 1,934 1,119 815 9.5 8.6 11.1
55-59 8,004 6,537 1,467 451 451 - 5.6 6.9 -
60-64 7,552 6,086 1,467 451 451 - 6.0 7.4 -
65+ 8,080 6,217 1,863 1,630 815 815 20.2 13.1 43.8
Table 6.1 Cont’d
Age Economically Active Population Unemployed Population Unemployment Rate
group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


All Ages 11,561,930 6,085,819 5,476,110 387,807 119,863 267,943 3.4 2.0 4.9
10-14 1,947,778 1,034,005 913,774 18,144 7,835 10,309 0.9 0.8 1.1
15-19 1,608,432 861,187 747,245 72,200 25,778 46,422 4.5 3.0 6.2
20-24 1,354,474 657,843 696,631 106,785 36,199 70,586 7.9 5.5 10.1
25-29 1,406,283 680,053 726,230 61,043 18,323 42,720 4.3 2.7 5.9
30-34 1,026,314 504,949 521,365 33,390 7,098 26,292 3.3 1.4 5.0
35-39 1,115,612 557,426 558,186 28,104 8,078 20,026 2.5 1.4 3.6
40-44 768,936 411,622 357,315 21,477 5,576 15,901 2.8 1.4 4.5
45-49 664,732 352,141 312,591 14,748 3,698 11,051 2.2 1.1 3.5
50-54 491,573 267,716 223,856 11,186 821 10,365 2.3 0.3 4.6
55-59 400,960 240,981 159,979 9,332 1,825 7,506 2.3 0.8 4.7
60-64 305,583 189,010 116,572 7,097 2,685 4,413 2.3 1.4 3.8
65+ 471,253 328,886 142,367 4,300 1,948 2,352 0.9 0.6 1.7


All Ages 1,611,200 783,315 827,886 224,129 73,293 150,836 13.9 9.4 18.2
10-14 100,654 49,311 51,343 4,728 2,940 1,788 4.7 6.0 3.5
15-19 187,307 75,681 111,626 34,156 12,582 21,575 18.2 16.6 19.3
20-24 283,961 122,373 161,588 69,012 23,755 45,257 24.3 19.4 28.0
25-29 276,385 132,853 143,532 42,440 11,825 30,615 15.4 8.9 21.3
30-34 177,322 93,347 83,974 21,148 4,572 16,575 11.9 4.9 19.7
35-39 178,792 87,592 91,201 19,373 5,835 13,538 10.8 6.7 14.8
40-44 108,990 56,497 52,493 10,697 4,127 6,570 9.8 7.3 12.5
45-49 92,342 47,426 44,916 7,878 3,066 4,812 8.5 6.5 10.7
50-54 67,039 35,587 31,452 3,476 189 3,287 5.2 0.5 10.5
55-59 48,913 27,571 21,342 3,852 1,194 2,658 7.9 4.3 12.5
60-64 34,365 18,345 16,020 4,331 1,891 2,440 12.6 10.3 15.2
65+ 55,131 36,732 18,399 3,037 1,316 1,721 5.5 3.6 9.4


All Ages 9,950,729 5,302,505 4,648,225 163,678 46,571 117,107 1.6 0.9 2.5
10-14 1,847,124 984,694 862,430 13,416 4,896 8,521 0.7 0.5 1.0
15-19 1,421,125 785,506 635,619 38,043 13,196 24,847 2.7 1.7 3.9
20-24 1,070,513 535,470 535,043 37,773 12,444 25,328 3.5 2.3 4.7
25-29 1,129,898 547,201 582,698 18,603 6,498 12,105 1.6 1.2 2.1
30-34 848,993 411,602 437,391 12,243 2,526 9,717 1.4 0.6 2.2
35-39 936,819 469,834 466,985 8,731 2,243 6,488 0.9 0.5 1.4
40-44 659,946 355,124 304,821 10,780 1,449 9,332 1.6 0.4 3.1
45-49 572,389 304,715 267,675 6,870 632 6,239 1.2 0.2 2.3
50-54 424,533 232,129 192,404 7,710 632 7,078 1.8 0.3 3.7
55-59 352,048 213,411 138,637 5,480 632 4,848 1.6 0.3 3.5
60-64 271,218 170,666 100,553 2,766 794 1,973 1.0 0.5 2.0
65+ 416,122 292,154 123,968 1,263 632 632 0.3 0.2 0.5
Table 6.1 Cont’d
Age Economically Active Population Unemployed Population Unemployment Rate
group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


All Ages 17,046,771 9,193,077 7,853,694 517,207 153,350 363,857 3.0 1.7 4.6
10-14 2,964,247 1,653,627 1,310,620 40,705 14,461 26,244 1.4 0.9 2.0
15-19 2,372,834 1,299,025 1,073,809 99,513 31,927 67,586 4.2 2.5 6.3
20-24 2,168,989 1,115,800 1,053,189 156,047 51,023 105,024 7.2 4.6 10.0
25-29 2,298,969 1,120,711 1,178,258 96,269 29,652 66,617 4.2 2.6 5.7
30-34 1,541,695 845,697 695,998 35,728 7,067 28,661 2.3 0.8 4.1
35-39 1,637,000 841,397 795,603 31,050 3,765 27,286 1.9 0.4 3.4
40-44 1,043,719 562,269 481,450 18,833 3,712 15,121 1.8 0.7 3.1
45-49 881,017 461,976 419,041 12,548 2,706 9,842 1.4 0.6 2.3
50-54 664,110 355,364 308,746 8,682 1,687 6,996 1.3 0.5 2.3
55-59 503,343 275,910 227,433 4,832 2,113 2,719 1.0 0.8 1.2
60-64 403,550 249,844 153,706 4,649 1,743 2,906 1.2 0.7 1.9
65+ 567,299 411,458 155,841 8,352 3,495 4,857 1.5 0.8 3.1


All Ages 2,157,498 1,154,571 1,002,927 294,426 99,218 195,208 13.6 8.6 19.5
10-14 135,811 67,258 68,553 13,949 6,063 7,886 10.3 9.0 11.5
15-19 221,061 111,508 109,553 45,887 20,478 25,409 20.8 18.4 23.2
20-24 380,237 181,254 198,983 90,387 31,542 58,846 23.8 17.4 29.6
25-29 430,755 220,991 209,764 62,378 19,705 42,673 14.5 8.9 20.3
30-34 262,277 152,436 109,841 25,457 6,278 19,179 9.7 4.1 17.5
35-39 244,300 139,099 105,201 17,859 2,897 14,962 7.3 2.1 14.2
40-44 151,926 89,152 62,774 12,890 2,940 9,950 8.5 3.3 15.9
45-49 113,641 59,039 54,602 9,179 1,822 7,357 8.1 3.1 13.5
50-54 74,166 40,157 34,010 6,294 1,687 4,607 8.5 4.2 13.5
55-59 54,005 35,879 18,126 4,043 2,113 1,930 7.5 5.9 10.6
60-64 37,668 24,457 13,210 2,939 1,743 1,196 7.8 7.1 9.1
65+ 51,651 33,341 18,311 3,165 1,950 1,215 6.1 5.8 6.6


All Ages 14,889,273 8,038,505 6,850,767 222,782 54,132 168,650 1.5 0.7 2.5
10-14 2,828,436 1,586,369 1,242,067 26,756 8,398 18,359 0.9 0.5 1.5
15-19 2,151,773 1,187,517 964,256 53,626 11,449 42,177 2.5 1.0 4.4
20-24 1,788,752 934,546 854,206 65,659 19,481 46,178 3.7 2.1 5.4
25-29 1,868,214 899,720 968,494 33,891 9,947 23,944 1.8 1.1 2.5
30-34 1,279,418 693,261 586,157 10,271 789 9,482 0.8 0.1 1.6
35-39 1,392,700 702,299 690,401 13,191 867 12,324 0.9 0.1 1.8
40-44 891,793 473,117 418,676 5,943 773 5,170 0.7 0.2 1.2
45-49 767,376 402,937 364,440 3,369 883 2,485 0.4 0.2 0.7
50-54 589,944 315,208 274,736 2,389 - 2,389 0.4 - 0.9
55-59 449,338 240,030 209,307 790 - 790 0.2 - 0.4
60-64 365,882 225,386 140,496 1,710 - 1,710 0.5 - 1.2
65+ 515,648 378,117 137,530 5,187 1,545 3,642 1.0 0.4 2.6
Table 6.1 Cont’d
Age Economically Active Population Unemployed Population Unemployment Rate
group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


All Ages 826,838 496,685 330,152 43,821 22,320 21,501 5.3 4.5 6.5
10-14 134,792 86,672 48,120 12,130 8,100 4,030 9.0 9.3 8.4
15-19 106,769 59,289 47,480 9,365 5,179 4,187 8.8 8.7 8.8
20-24 85,724 46,265 39,460 7,252 3,246 4,006 8.5 7.0 10.2
25-29 90,569 46,120 44,449 3,794 1,219 2,575 4.2 2.6 5.8
30-34 90,314 52,875 37,439 2,245 627 1,618 2.5 1.2 4.3
35-39 92,748 49,732 43,016 2,895 892 2,003 3.1 1.8 4.7
40-44 72,812 48,180 24,632 2,811 1,436 1,375 3.9 3.0 5.6
45-49 46,402 30,016 16,386 1,099 644 455 2.4 2.1 2.8
50-54 47,652 33,055 14,597 1,029 262 768 2.2 0.8 5.3
55-59 18,169 12,947 5,222 394 221 173 2.2 1.7 3.3
60-64 23,794 17,653 6,141 177 139 38 0.7 0.8 0.6
65+ 17,092 13,882 3,211 631 357 274 3.7 2.6 8.5


All Ages 99,445 57,037 42,408 15,994 7,540 8,454 16.1 13.2 19.9
10-14 3,602 1,545 2,057 834 452 382 23.2 29.3 18.6
15-19 6,412 2,689 3,723 2,289 925 1,365 35.7 34.4 36.7
20-24 11,666 6,178 5,488 3,004 1,574 1,430 25.7 25.5 26.1
25-29 15,150 8,575 6,576 2,423 760 1,663 16.0 8.9 25.3
30-34 14,265 8,646 5,619 1,517 627 890 10.6 7.3 15.8
35-39 15,196 8,600 6,596 1,908 892 1,017 12.6 10.4 15.4
40-44 12,748 8,170 4,578 1,663 979 684 13.0 12.0 14.9
45-49 6,189 3,831 2,358 580 353 227 9.4 9.2 9.6
50-54 6,272 3,505 2,768 802 262 540 12.8 7.5 19.5
55-59 3,236 2,132 1,104 394 221 173 12.2 10.4 15.7
60-64 2,178 1,555 624 177 139 38 8.1 8.9 6.1
65+ 2,531 1,612 919 403 357 46 15.9 22.1 5.0


All Ages 727,393 439,649 287,744 27,827 14,780 13,047 3.8 3.4 4.5
10-14 131,191 85,127 46,064 11,296 7,648 3,648 8.6 9.0 7.9
15-19 100,357 56,600 43,757 7,076 4,254 2,822 7.1 7.5 6.4
20-24 74,058 40,087 33,972 4,248 1,672 2,576 5.7 4.2 7.6
25-29 75,419 37,545 37,873 1,371 460 912 1.8 1.2 2.4
30-34 76,049 44,229 31,820 728 - 728 1.0 - 2.3
35-39 77,552 41,132 36,420 987 - 987 1.3 - 2.7
40-44 60,065 40,011 20,054 1,148 456 691 1.9 1.1 3.4
45-49 40,213 26,186 14,028 519 291 228 1.3 1.1 1.6
50-54 41,380 29,550 11,830 228 - 228 0.6 - 1.9
55-59 14,933 10,814 4,119 - - - - - -
60-64 21,616 16,099 5,517 - - - - - -
65+ 14,561 12,270 2,291 228 - 228 1.6 - 9.9
Table 6.1 Cont’d
Age Economically Active Population Unemployed Population Unemployment Rate
group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


All Ages 498,602 256,828 241,774 14,382 4,711 9,671 2.9 1.8 4.0
10-14 56,674 29,642 27,032 1,117 551 566 2.0 1.9 2.1
15-19 61,600 28,612 32,988 2,087 655 1,432 3.4 2.3 4.3
20-24 78,622 34,797 43,825 4,842 1,679 3,163 6.2 4.8 7.2
25-29 83,100 40,933 42,168 2,631 752 1,879 3.2 1.8 4.5
30-34 52,579 30,472 22,107 782 301 480 1.5 1.0 2.2
35-39 51,104 26,945 24,158 1,601 339 1,263 3.1 1.3 5.2
40-44 27,589 14,124 13,465 534 227 307 1.9 1.6 2.3
45-49 25,112 14,523 10,589 272 63 209 1.1 0.4 2.0
50-54 20,516 10,213 10,303 66 - 66 0.3 - 0.6
55-59 11,486 6,871 4,615 124 124 - 1.1 1.8 -
60-64 12,433 7,883 4,551 70 - 70 0.6 - 1.5
65+ 17,788 11,813 5,975 256 20 237 1.4 0.2 4.0


All Ages 82,267 44,259 38,008 8,059 2,397 5,662 9.8 5.4 14.9
10-14 4,040 2,277 1,763 206 129 76 5.1 5.7 4.3
15-19 8,399 2,814 5,585 1,695 550 1,145 20.2 19.5 20.5
20-24 15,574 7,631 7,943 2,678 864 1,814 17.2 11.3 22.8
25-29 18,994 9,877 9,117 2,026 469 1,557 10.7 4.7 17.1
30-34 10,886 6,782 4,104 227 90 137 2.1 1.3 3.3
35-39 10,005 5,801 4,204 652 193 459 6.5 3.3 10.9
40-44 5,259 3,604 1,655 130 - 130 2.5 - 7.8
45-49 3,394 2,062 1,332 272 63 209 8.0 3.1 15.6
50-54 2,381 1,194 1,187 66 - 66 2.8 - 5.6
55-59 1,438 1,147 291 18 18 - 1.3 1.6 -
60-64 725 400 325 70 - 70 9.6 - 21.5
65+ 1,172 670 502 20 20 - 1.7 2.9 -


All Ages 416,336 212,569 203,766 6,323 2,314 4,009 1.5 1.1 2.0
10-14 52,635 27,365 25,270 912 422 490 1.7 1.5 1.9
15-19 53,201 25,798 27,402 392 106 286 0.7 0.4 1.0
20-24 63,047 27,166 35,882 2,164 815 1,349 3.4 3.0 3.8
25-29 64,106 31,055 33,051 605 283 322 0.9 0.9 1.0
30-34 41,693 23,690 18,003 555 211 344 1.3 0.9 1.9
35-39 41,099 21,145 19,954 950 145 804 2.3 0.7 4.0
40-44 22,330 10,520 11,809 404 227 177 1.8 2.2 1.5
45-49 21,718 12,461 9,257 - - - - - -
50-54 18,135 9,019 9,116 - - - - - -
55-59 10,048 5,724 4,324 106 106 - 1.0 1.8 -
60-64 11,708 7,483 4,226 - - - - - -
65+ 16,617 11,143 5,473 237 - 237 1.4 - 4.3
Table 6.1 Cont’d
Age Economically Active Population Unemployed Population Unemployment Rate
group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


All Ages 8,869,146 4,616,061 4,253,085 361,167 109,893 251,274 4.1 2.4 5.9
10-14 1,357,458 711,403 646,056 34,080 13,988 20,092 2.5 2.0 3.1
15-19 1,246,044 630,955 615,089 76,457 27,063 49,395 6.1 4.3 8.0
20-24 1,090,482 533,602 556,879 87,530 28,334 59,196 8.0 5.3 10.6
25-29 1,149,720 572,815 576,904 58,830 17,274 41,557 5.1 3.0 7.2
30-34 868,825 433,445 435,380 29,560 4,747 24,813 3.4 1.1 5.7
35-39 900,157 445,445 454,712 24,986 6,351 18,635 2.8 1.4 4.1
40-44 665,348 354,926 310,422 19,798 3,484 16,314 3.0 1.0 5.3
45-49 518,920 281,942 236,978 11,363 2,226 9,137 2.2 0.8 3.9
50-54 372,818 214,974 157,843 5,758 629 5,129 1.5 0.3 3.2
55-59 229,364 128,518 100,846 3,662 1,398 2,264 1.6 1.1 2.2
60-64 193,014 115,591 77,423 2,922 764 2,158 1.5 0.7 2.8
65+ 276,998 192,445 84,553 6,222 3,638 2,584 2.2 1.9 3.1


All Ages 1,113,203 588,470 524,734 162,375 49,058 113,317 14.6 8.3 21.6
10-14 65,796 32,277 33,519 7,102 3,578 3,525 10.8 11.1 10.5
15-19 116,031 52,862 63,169 27,695 11,062 16,633 23.9 20.9 26.3
20-24 185,103 80,231 104,873 46,352 14,366 31,986 25.0 17.9 30.5
25-29 219,949 116,875 103,074 29,932 7,736 22,196 13.6 6.6 21.5
30-34 139,003 77,926 61,077 12,457 2,057 10,400 9.0 2.6 17.0
35-39 137,366 74,971 62,395 14,603 3,660 10,943 10.6 4.9 17.5
40-44 84,021 47,469 36,553 10,641 2,378 8,263 12.7 5.0 22.6
45-49 62,524 40,377 22,147 4,898 1,181 3,718 7.8 2.9 16.8
50-54 38,332 22,341 15,991 3,553 629 2,925 9.3 2.8 18.3
55-59 27,093 18,417 8,676 1,975 833 1,142 7.3 4.5 13.2
60-64 19,258 12,491 6,768 778 199 579 4.0 1.6 8.6
65+ 18,727 12,234 6,493 2,389 1,380 1,010 12.8 11.3 15.5


All Ages 7,755,942 4,027,592 3,728,351 198,792 60,835 137,957 2.6 1.5 3.7
10-14 1,291,663 679,126 612,536 26,977 10,410 16,567 2.1 1.5 2.7
15-19 1,130,013 578,092 551,921 48,763 16,001 32,762 4.3 2.8 5.9
20-24 905,378 453,372 452,007 41,179 13,969 27,210 4.5 3.1 6.0
25-29 929,771 455,940 473,830 28,899 9,538 19,361 3.1 2.1 4.1
30-34 729,821 355,519 374,303 17,103 2,690 14,413 2.3 0.8 3.9
35-39 762,790 370,473 392,317 10,383 2,691 7,692 1.4 0.7 2.0
40-44 581,327 307,457 273,869 9,156 1,105 8,051 1.6 0.4 2.9
45-49 456,396 241,566 214,830 6,464 1,045 5,420 1.4 0.4 2.5
50-54 334,486 192,633 141,853 2,204 - 2,204 0.7 - 1.6
55-59 202,272 110,101 92,170 1,688 565 1,123 0.8 0.5 1.2
60-64 173,755 103,100 70,655 2,144 565 1,579 1.2 0.5 2.2
65+ 258,271 180,211 78,060 3,832 2,258 1,575 1.5 1.3 2.0
Table 6.1 Cont’d
Age Economically Active Population Unemployed Population Unemployment Rate
group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


All Ages 169,487 86,102 83,385 7,412 1,320 6,092 4.4 1.5 7.3
10-14 17,378 10,010 7,369 474 246 228 2.7 2.5 3.1
15-19 19,699 11,362 8,337 1,546 197 1,350 7.8 1.7 16.2
20-24 23,074 9,446 13,628 2,033 279 1,754 8.8 2.9 12.9
25-29 27,615 13,082 14,533 1,498 253 1,245 5.4 1.9 8.6
30-34 20,239 9,399 10,840 602 41 560 3.0 0.4 5.2
35-39 21,636 10,629 11,007 593 115 478 2.7 1.1 4.3
40-44 14,314 7,467 6,847 385 73 312 2.7 1.0 4.6
45-49 11,591 6,014 5,577 85 68 17 0.7 1.1 0.3
50-54 5,533 3,154 2,379 49 - 49 0.9 - 2.1
55-59 3,800 2,241 1,560 99 - 99 2.6 - 6.3
60-64 2,065 1,420 645 28 28 - 1.4 2.0 -
65+ 2,542 1,878 664 21 21 - 0.8 1.1 -


All Ages 43,705 21,567 22,138 2,687 556 2,132 6.1 2.6 9.6
10-14 2,293 1,384 910 96 55 42 4.2 3.9 4.6
15-19 3,848 1,684 2,164 373 50 323 9.7 3.0 14.9
20-24 6,956 3,011 3,945 883 138 745 12.7 4.6 18.9
25-29 9,266 4,302 4,964 508 58 450 5.5 1.3 9.1
30-34 6,139 2,937 3,202 145 41 103 2.4 1.4 3.2
35-39 5,652 3,069 2,584 222 70 152 3.9 2.3 5.9
40-44 3,729 1,791 1,938 278 73 205 7.5 4.1 10.6
45-49 2,882 1,613 1,269 40 23 17 1.4 1.4 1.3
50-54 1,166 690 476 49 - 49 4.2 - 10.4
55-59 765 402 364 45 - 45 5.9 - 12.4
60-64 346 255 91 28 28 - 8.2 11.1 -
65+ 662 429 232 21 21 - 3.2 4.9 -


All Ages 125,782 64,535 61,247 4,725 765 3,960 3.8 1.2 6.5
10-14 15,085 8,626 6,459 378 192 186 2.5 2.2 2.9
15-19 15,851 9,678 6,173 1,173 146 1,027 7.4 1.5 16.6
20-24 16,118 6,435 9,683 1,150 141 1,009 7.1 2.2 10.4
25-29 18,349 8,780 9,569 990 195 795 5.4 2.2 8.3
30-34 14,099 6,462 7,637 457 - 457 3.2 - 6.0
35-39 15,984 7,560 8,424 371 45 325 2.3 0.6 3.9
40-44 10,585 5,675 4,909 107 - 107 1.0 - 2.2
45-49 8,710 4,401 4,308 45 45 - 0.5 1.0 -
50-54 4,367 2,464 1,902 - - - - - -
55-59 3,035 1,839 1,196 54 - 54 1.8 - 4.5
60-64 1,719 1,165 554 - - - - - -
65+ 1,881 1,449 432 - - - - - -
Table 6.1 Cont’d
Age Economically Active Population Unemployed Population Unemployment Rate
group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


All Ages 109,786 56,202 53,583 9,560 3,555 6,005 8.7 6.3 11.2
10-14 8,428 3,919 4,508 80 56 24 0.9 1.4 0.5
15-19 9,755 4,865 4,890 991 508 483 10.2 10.4 9.9
20-24 14,706 6,606 8,100 2,453 1,112 1,341 16.7 16.8 16.6
25-29 18,382 9,071 9,311 2,058 495 1,564 11.2 5.5 16.8
30-34 14,983 7,830 7,153 1,198 195 1,004 8.0 2.5 14.0
35-39 13,782 7,372 6,411 788 396 392 5.7 5.4 6.1
40-44 8,733 5,438 3,295 534 159 375 6.1 2.9 11.4
45-49 7,114 3,910 3,204 332 200 132 4.7 5.1 4.1
50-54 4,924 2,363 2,560 371 97 274 7.5 4.1 10.7
55-59 3,373 1,740 1,633 273 136 137 8.1 7.8 8.4
60-64 2,496 1,461 1,035 361 154 207 14.5 10.5 20.0
65+ 3,111 1,627 1,484 120 48 73 3.9 2.9 4.9


All Ages 58,879 30,623 28,255 9,077 3,314 5,762 15.4 10.8 20.4
10-14 201 78 123 54 30 24 26.9 39.0 19.3
15-19 2,452 1,114 1,338 802 395 407 32.7 35.4 30.4
20-24 8,254 3,635 4,619 2,402 1,087 1,315 29.1 29.9 28.5
25-29 11,013 5,439 5,574 1,972 469 1,504 17.9 8.6 27.0
30-34 9,433 4,841 4,592 1,198 195 1,004 12.7 4.0 21.9
35-39 9,273 4,930 4,343 763 370 392 8.2 7.5 9.0
40-44 5,739 3,752 1,987 534 159 375 9.3 4.2 18.9
45-49 4,656 2,668 1,988 307 200 107 6.6 7.5 5.4
50-54 2,829 1,470 1,358 342 97 245 12.1 6.6 18.1
55-59 1,736 869 867 222 111 111 12.8 12.8 12.8
60-64 1,429 858 570 361 154 207 25.3 17.9 36.3
65+ 1,865 969 896 120 48 73 6.4 4.9 8.1


All Ages 50,907 25,579 25,328 484 241 243 1.0 0.9 1.0
10-14 8,226 3,841 4,385 25 25 - 0.3 0.7 -
15-19 7,303 3,751 3,552 190 114 76 2.6 3.0 2.1
20-24 6,452 2,971 3,481 51 25 26 0.8 0.9 0.7
25-29 7,369 3,632 3,737 86 26 60 1.2 0.7 1.6
30-34 5,549 2,989 2,561 - - - - - -
35-39 4,510 2,442 2,068 25 25 - 0.6 1.0 -
40-44 2,994 1,686 1,308 - - - - - -
45-49 2,458 1,241 1,217 25 - 25 1.0 - 2.1
50-54 2,095 893 1,202 29 - 29 1.4 - 2.4
55-59 1,638 871 766 51 25 26 3.1 2.9 3.4
60-64 1,068 603 464 - - - - - -
65+ 1,246 658 588 - - - - - -
Table 6.1 Cont’d
Age Economically Active Population Unemployed Population Unemployment Rate
group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


All Ages 1,695,065 875,424 819,641 409,467 138,635 270,833 24.2 15.8 33.0
10-14 11,682 2,241 9,441 2,616 718 1,898 22.4 32.0 20.1
15-19 117,980 36,769 81,211 36,867 16,887 19,980 31.2 45.9 24.6
20-24 286,056 128,125 157,931 87,838 35,422 52,416 30.7 27.6 33.2
25-29 372,911 191,580 181,331 91,493 31,732 59,762 24.5 16.6 33.0
30-34 264,481 146,180 118,301 58,267 16,441 41,826 22.0 11.2 35.4
35-39 224,704 121,464 103,239 47,727 12,967 34,759 21.2 10.7 33.7
40-44 127,373 75,111 52,263 23,914 6,433 17,481 18.8 8.6 33.4
45-49 99,110 53,028 46,083 18,564 3,628 14,936 18.7 6.8 32.4
50-54 73,532 40,295 33,237 15,176 2,791 12,385 20.6 6.9 37.3
55-59 53,859 34,312 19,547 9,841 3,552 6,289 18.3 10.4 32.2
60-64 32,027 23,001 9,027 8,243 3,512 4,731 25.7 15.3 52.4
65+ 31,350 23,319 8,032 8,923 4,552 4,371 28.5 19.5 54.4


All Ages 1,695,065 875,424 819,641 409,467 138,635 270,833 24.2 15.8 33.0
10-14 11,682 2,241 9,441 2,616 718 1,898 22.4 32.0 20.1
15-19 117,980 36,769 81,211 36,867 16,887 19,980 31.2 45.9 24.6
20-24 286,056 128,125 157,931 87,838 35,422 52,416 30.7 27.6 33.2
25-29 372,911 191,580 181,331 91,493 31,732 59,762 24.5 16.6 33.0
30-34 264,481 146,180 118,301 58,267 16,441 41,826 22.0 11.2 35.4
35-39 224,704 121,464 103,239 47,727 12,967 34,759 21.2 10.7 33.7
40-44 127,373 75,111 52,263 23,914 6,433 17,481 18.8 8.6 33.4
45-49 99,110 53,028 46,083 18,564 3,628 14,936 18.7 6.8 32.4
50-54 73,532 40,295 33,237 15,176 2,791 12,385 20.6 6.9 37.3
55-59 53,859 34,312 19,547 9,841 3,552 6,289 18.3 10.4 32.2
60-64 32,027 23,001 9,027 8,243 3,512 4,731 25.7 15.3 52.4
65+ 31,350 23,319 8,032 8,923 4,552 4,371 28.5 19.5 54.4

Table 6.1 Cont’d
Age Economically Active Population Unemployed Population Unemployment Rate
group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


All Ages 208,597 104,884 103,714 31,128 10,673 20,455 14.9 10.2 19.7
10-14 16,985 8,324 8,661 384 153 231 2.3 1.8 2.7
15-19 20,993 9,086 11,907 3,115 1,178 1,938 14.8 13.0 16.3
20-24 30,428 14,440 15,988 7,586 3,316 4,270 24.9 23.0 26.7
25-29 33,579 16,949 16,630 6,499 1,759 4,740 19.4 10.4 28.5
30-34 25,989 14,298 11,691 4,456 1,671 2,785 17.1 11.7 23.8
35-39 23,464 10,955 12,509 3,217 745 2,471 13.7 6.8 19.8
40-44 16,324 8,677 7,646 1,436 329 1,107 8.8 3.8 14.5
45-49 13,782 7,154 6,628 1,466 299 1,167 10.6 4.2 17.6
50-54 10,026 5,028 4,998 1,076 262 813 10.7 5.2 16.3
55-59 5,647 2,714 2,933 954 292 662 16.9 10.8 22.6
60-64 5,912 3,887 2,025 450 247 203 7.6 6.3 10.0
65+ 5,468 3,372 2,097 490 423 67 9.0 12.5 3.2


All Ages 130,722 65,032 65,690 29,158 10,204 18,954 22.3 15.7 28.9
10-14 2,120 886 1,234 225 104 121 10.6 11.8 9.8
15-19 11,581 4,054 7,527 2,858 1,028 1,829 24.7 25.4 24.3
20-24 21,050 10,100 10,950 6,931 3,223 3,708 32.9 31.9 33.9
25-29 24,022 12,387 11,635 6,016 1,653 4,363 25.0 13.3 37.5
30-34 18,270 10,399 7,871 4,395 1,671 2,724 24.1 16.1 34.6
35-39 16,138 7,678 8,460 2,978 674 2,304 18.5 8.8 27.2
40-44 9,861 4,965 4,897 1,436 329 1,107 14.6 6.6 22.6
45-49 10,235 4,792 5,443 1,405 299 1,107 13.7 6.2 20.3
50-54 6,495 3,225 3,269 1,076 262 813 16.6 8.1 24.9
55-59 3,729 1,800 1,929 900 292 608 24.1 16.2 31.5
60-64 3,461 2,497 964 450 247 203 13.0 9.9 21.1
65+ 3,761 2,248 1,514 490 423 67 13.0 18.8 4.4


All Ages 77,875 39,852 38,024 1,969 469 1,501 2.5 1.2 3.9
10-14 14,865 7,438 7,427 159 49 110 1.1 0.7 1.5
15-19 9,413 5,032 4,380 258 149 108 2.7 3.0 2.5
20-24 9,378 4,340 5,038 655 93 562 7.0 2.1 11.2
25-29 9,557 4,562 4,995 483 106 377 5.1 2.3 7.6
30-34 7,719 3,899 3,820 61 - 61 0.8 - 1.6
35-39 7,326 3,276 4,050 239 71 168 3.3 2.2 4.1
40-44 6,462 3,713 2,750 - - - - - -
45-49 3,548 2,362 1,186 61 - 61 1.7 - 5.1
50-54 3,531 1,803 1,728 - - - - - -
55-59 1,918 913 1,004 54 - 54 2.8 - 5.4
60-64 2,452 1,390 1,062 - - - - - -
65+ 1,707 1,124 583 - - - - - -
Table 6.2. Unemployed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and above by
Unemployment Rate, Age Group and Sex : 2013
Age Economically Active Population Unemployed Population Unemployment Rate
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


All Ages 3,390,599 1,740,284 1,650,315 722,282 238,016 484,266 21.3 13.7 29.3
10-14 56,151 20,819 35,333 9,301 3,941 5,360 16.6 18.9 15.2
15-19 276,581 96,335 180,245 79,321 33,455 45,867 28.7 34.7 25.4
20-24 605,826 273,496 332,330 178,272 67,460 110,813 29.4 24.7 33.3
25-29 719,712 364,906 354,805 158,294 49,375 108,919 22 13.5 30.7
30-34 485,742 272,799 212,943 90,297 24,546 65,751 18.6 9 30.9
35-39 426,049 227,196 198,854 77,114 19,432 57,681 18.1 8.6 29
40-44 245,667 144,479 101,187 36,554 10,102 26,453 14.9 7 26.1
45-49 196,268 104,933 91,335 28,835 6,021 22,814 14.7 5.7 25
50-54 143,904 79,478 64,426 22,790 4,703 18,087 15.8 5.9 28.1
55-59 99,817 62,451 37,366 15,342 5,535 9,807 15.4 8.9 26.2
60-64 64,833 44,340 20,493 12,281 5,313 6,967 18.9 12 34
65+ 70,049 49,052 20,998 13,882 8,134 5,748 19.8 16.6 27.4


All Ages 31,788 13,957 17,831 6,807 2,340 4,467 21.4 16.8 25.1
10-14 333 219 114 55 55 - 16.5 25.1 -
15-19 2,804 945 1,859 956 488 467 34.1 51.7 25.1
20-24 5,469 2,398 3,071 2,237 1,095 1,142 40.9 45.7 37.2
25-29 5,665 2,653 3,012 1,249 404 846 22.1 15.2 28.1
30-34 3,909 1,611 2,298 610 139 470 15.6 8.7 20.5
35-39 4,189 1,507 2,682 407 28 379 9.7 1.8 14.1
40-44 2,163 987 1,177 280 33 247 12.9 3.3 21
45-49 2,198 938 1,260 434 43 391 19.7 4.6 31
50-54 1,648 813 835 187 - 187 11.4 - 22.4
55-59 1,381 642 740 182 - 182 13.2 - 24.7
60-64 908 486 422 112 - 112 12.3 - 26.5
65+ 1,120 760 361 98 55 44 8.8 7.2 12


All Ages 133,992 62,664 71,328 24,793 5,721 19,072 18.5 9.1 26.7
10-14 2,409 541 1,868 541 325 217 22.5 60 11.6
15-19 13,485 3,824 9,661 3,944 1,244 2,701 29.3 32.5 28
20-24 24,468 8,579 15,889 5,958 1,303 4,655 24.4 15.2 29.3
25-29 28,119 12,167 15,953 6,312 1,083 5,229 22.4 8.9 32.8
30-34 17,480 10,228 7,253 2,459 325 2,134 14.1 3.2 29.4
35-39 17,243 9,689 7,554 2,767 439 2,328 16 4.5 30.8
40-44 8,567 5,593 2,974 217 - 217 2.5 - 7.3
45-49 7,386 3,207 4,179 986 108 877 13.3 3.4 21
50-54 5,611 3,158 2,453 992 586 406 17.7 18.5 16.6
55-59 4,185 2,293 1,892 308 108 200 7.4 4.7 10.6
60-64 1,777 1,260 518 - - - - - -
65+ 3,262 2,127 1,135 308 200 108 9.5 9.4 9.5
Table 6.2. Cont’d
Age Economically Active Population Unemployed Population Unemployment Rate
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


All Ages 10,947 5,837 5,110 1,411 470 941 12.9 8.1 18.4
10-14 235 43 192 32 21 11 13.6 50 5.6
15-19 866 331 535 96 21 75 11.1 6.5 14
20-24 1,721 855 866 385 118 267 22.4 13.7 30.9
25-29 2,373 1,197 1,176 289 53 235 12.2 4.5 20
30-34 1,326 759 567 160 43 118 12.1 5.6 20.8
35-39 1,507 855 652 75 - 75 5 - 11.5
40-44 738 481 257 107 86 21 14.5 17.8 8.3
45-49 727 406 321 107 43 64 14.7 10.5 20
50-54 428 225 203 43 11 32 10 4.8 15.8
55-59 481 278 203 53 21 32 11.1 7.7 15.8
60-64 235 150 86 11 11 - 4.5 7.1 -
65+ 310 257 53 53 43 11 17.2 16.7 20


All Ages 141,066 68,631 72,435 19,907 6,833 13,074 14.1 10 18

10-14 6,771 3,718 3,054 156 156 - 2.3 4.2 -
15-19 15,385 6,926 8,459 1,984 954 1,030 12.9 13.8 12.2
20-24 27,034 11,598 15,437 7,100 2,234 4,866 26.3 19.3 31.5
25-29 23,981 10,800 13,181 4,206 1,395 2,811 17.5 12.9 21.3
30-34 15,892 8,018 7,874 2,036 540 1,496 12.8 6.7 19
35-39 15,308 7,262 8,046 2,680 572 2,108 17.5 7.9 26.2
40-44 9,534 5,619 3,916 858 616 242 9 11 6.2
45-49 9,809 5,012 4,798 156 78 78 1.6 1.6 1.6
50-54 6,963 3,794 3,169 125 - 125 1.8 - 4
55-59 3,470 1,663 1,808 188 - 188 5.4 - 10.4
60-64 2,572 1,594 978 212 82 129 8.2 5.2 13.2
65+ 4,347 2,630 1,718 207 207 - 4.8 7.9 -


All Ages 41,622 21,371 20,251 10,980 3,978 7,001 26.4 18.6 34.6
10-14 652 241 411 226 122 103 34.6 50.8 25.1
15-19 4,231 1,748 2,483 1,560 635 925 36.9 36.3 37.3
20-24 7,236 3,664 3,572 3,182 1,403 1,779 44 38.3 49.8
25-29 9,298 4,838 4,459 2,775 842 1,932 29.8 17.4 43.3
30-34 4,970 2,537 2,433 1,222 475 747 24.6 18.7 30.7
35-39 4,583 2,160 2,423 641 140 501 14 6.5 20.7
40-44 3,443 2,200 1,242 333 55 277 9.7 2.5 22.3
45-49 2,364 1,044 1,320 229 - 229 9.7 - 17.4
50-54 1,481 793 688 268 96 171 18.1 12.1 24.9
55-59 793 588 205 106 62 44 13.4 10.6 21.3
60-64 1,274 649 625 207 55 152 16.2 8.5 24.3
65+ 1,299 911 389 232 92 140 17.8 10.1 36
Table 6.2. Cont’d
Age Economically Active Population Unemployed Population Unemployment Rate
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


All Ages 79,685 41,480 38,206 17,607 5,308 12,299 22.1 12.8 32.2
10-14 2,069 507 1,563 465 142 323 22.5 28 20.7
15-19 7,325 2,811 4,514 2,688 997 1,691 36.7 35.5 37.5
20-24 12,692 5,739 6,953 4,355 1,699 2,656 34.3 29.6 38.2
25-29 14,874 8,063 6,810 3,247 871 2,376 21.8 10.8 34.9
30-34 10,479 6,036 4,442 1,802 134 1,668 17.2 2.2 37.5
35-39 9,107 4,655 4,453 1,981 491 1,491 21.8 10.5 33.5
40-44 5,630 2,633 2,998 1,241 277 964 22 10.5 32.1
45-49 5,508 3,180 2,328 452 - 452 8.2 - 19.4
50-54 4,695 2,968 1,727 402 93 309 8.6 3.1 17.9
55-59 2,151 1,282 869 339 176 163 15.7 13.7 18.7
60-64 1,934 1,354 579 494 287 207 25.5 21.2 35.7
65+ 3,223 2,252 972 142 142 - 4.4 6.3 -


All Ages 49,757 24,160 25,597 5,863 1,461 4,401 11.8 6 17.2
10-14 3,209 1,622 1,587 36 - 36 1.1 - 2.3
15-19 4,619 1,952 2,667 792 144 648 17.1 7.4 24.3
20-24 9,653 4,654 4,999 2,231 718 1,513 23.1 15.4 30.3
25-29 8,012 3,806 4,206 792 175 618 9.9 4.6 14.7
30-34 5,653 2,856 2,797 391 - 391 6.9 - 14
35-39 5,464 2,445 3,018 395 77 318 7.2 3.1 10.5
40-44 3,920 2,013 1,907 82 34 47 2.1 1.7 2.5
45-49 3,013 1,565 1,448 413 60 353 13.7 3.8 24.4
50-54 2,239 968 1,271 142 - 142 6.3 - 11.2
55-59 1,425 1,013 412 202 111 90 14.2 11 21.9
60-64 812 284 528 228 53 175 28.1 18.8 33.1
65+ 1,738 983 756 160 89 72 9.2 9 9.5


All Ages 51,979 24,130 27,849 6,045 1,942 4,103 11.6 8 14.7
10-14 2,996 1,181 1,815 37 37 - 1.2 3.1 -
15-19 5,844 3,009 2,836 693 349 344 11.9 11.6 12.1
20-24 9,884 4,161 5,723 1,830 690 1,140 18.5 16.6 19.9
25-29 9,595 4,216 5,379 1,491 567 924 15.5 13.5 17.2
30-34 5,038 2,717 2,321 408 113 295 8.1 4.1 12.7
35-39 4,987 2,331 2,656 475 67 408 9.5 2.9 15.4
40-44 3,172 1,241 1,931 343 52 292 10.8 4.2 15.1
45-49 3,167 1,090 2,077 339 32 307 10.7 3 14.8
50-54 2,645 1,297 1,348 180 - 180 6.8 - 13.3
55-59 1,754 1,112 642 80 - 80 4.6 - 12.5
60-64 1,326 688 637 69 - 69 5.2 - 10.8
65+ 1,571 1,088 483 101 37 65 6.4 3.4 13.4
Table 6.2. Cont’d
Age Economically Active Population Unemployed Population Unemployment Rate
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


All Ages 129,241 62,722 66,519 18,928 5,409 13,519 14.6 8.6 20.3
10-14 1,662 273 1,389 78 - 78 4.7 - 5.6
15-19 13,659 3,807 9,852 2,374 1,080 1,295 17.4 28.4 13.1
20-24 33,842 14,466 19,376 7,212 2,265 4,948 21.3 15.7 25.5
25-29 29,530 14,684 14,846 3,853 1,012 2,841 13 6.9 19.1
30-34 18,289 10,495 7,794 2,421 523 1,899 13.2 5 24.4
35-39 11,946 6,669 5,277 1,079 - 1,079 9 - 20.5
40-44 6,109 3,464 2,645 453 202 251 7.4 5.8 9.5
45-49 4,023 2,404 1,620 438 78 359 10.9 3.3 22.2
50-54 4,459 2,168 2,291 481 - 481 10.8 - 21
55-59 1,793 1,059 735 288 78 210 16.1 7.4 28.6
60-64 2,405 1,788 617 250 171 78 10.4 9.6 12.7
65+ 1,525 1,447 78 - - - - - -


All Ages 48,004 26,223 21,781 8,844 2,781 6,063 18.4 10.6 27.8
10-14 1,151 910 241 165 97 68 14.3 10.6 28.1
15-19 3,669 1,584 2,086 1,390 496 894 37.9 31.3 42.9
20-24 10,291 4,783 5,508 3,363 1,152 2,212 32.7 24.1 40.2
25-29 11,003 6,429 4,573 1,861 434 1,428 16.9 6.7 31.2
30-34 6,311 3,297 3,014 907 418 488 14.4 12.7 16.2
35-39 5,562 3,199 2,363 601 79 521 10.8 2.5 22.1
40-44 3,108 1,684 1,424 201 36 165 6.5 2.1 11.6
45-49 2,146 1,436 709 140 35 105 6.5 2.4 14.8
50-54 2,250 1,417 833 35 - 35 1.5 - 4.2
55-59 1,124 747 377 35 35 - 3.1 4.7 -
60-64 744 433 311 147 - 147 19.8 - 47.4
65+ 646 304 342 - - - - - -


All Ages 69,450 35,937 33,513 11,965 3,912 8,053 17.2 10.9 24
10-14 1,045 226 820 240 173 67 23 76.8 8.1
15-19 4,721 1,823 2,898 1,342 640 702 28.4 35.1 24.2
20-24 14,318 7,298 7,020 3,424 1,328 2,096 23.9 18.2 29.9
25-29 13,870 7,032 6,838 2,859 915 1,944 20.6 13 28.4
30-34 10,017 5,293 4,724 1,277 260 1,018 12.8 4.9 21.5
35-39 9,588 4,882 4,706 1,221 185 1,036 12.7 3.8 22
40-44 4,269 2,508 1,762 526 118 408 12.3 4.7 23.1
45-49 3,452 1,704 1,748 269 41 229 7.8 2.4 13.1
50-54 3,182 2,070 1,112 253 - 253 8 - 22.8
55-59 2,099 1,139 961 197 87 110 9.4 7.6 11.4
60-64 1,352 740 612 149 - 149 11.1 - 24.4
65+ 1,535 1,223 312 208 166 43 13.6 13.5 13.7
Table 6.2. Cont’d
Age Economically Active Population Unemployed Population Unemployment Rate
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


All Ages 43,253 22,136 21,116 10,387 3,614 6,773 24.0 16.3 32.1
10-14 1,392 675 717 398 199 199 28.6 29.5 27.8
15-19 3,639 1,493 2,146 1,819 777 1,042 50 52.1 48.5
20-24 8,594 4,324 4,271 3,161 1,353 1,808 36.8 31.3 42.3
25-29 8,261 4,079 4,182 1,788 474 1,314 21.6 11.6 31.4
30-34 4,359 2,242 2,117 1,000 247 753 22.9 11 35.6
35-39 4,891 2,336 2,555 844 105 739 17.3 4.5 28.9
40-44 3,076 1,687 1,389 498 107 391 16.2 6.3 28.2
45-49 2,884 1,581 1,303 279 35 244 9.7 2.2 18.7
50-54 2,469 1,456 1,013 249 70 179 10.1 4.8 17.7
55-59 1,555 861 694 150 81 70 9.7 9.3 10.1
60-64 1,085 794 292 132 132 - 12.1 16.6 -
65+ 1,047 609 438 70 35 35 6.7 5.7 8


All Ages 146,748 76,556 70,192 33,026 10,113 22,913 22.5 13.2 32.6
10-14 2,255 935 1,320 753 344 409 33.4 36.8 31
15-19 14,993 5,044 9,949 4,182 1,975 2,207 27.9 39.1 22.2
20-24 31,130 14,919 16,211 8,208 3,097 5,111 26.4 20.8 31.5
25-29 29,867 14,081 15,787 8,165 1,485 6,681 27.3 10.5 42.3
30-34 17,630 11,776 5,854 3,035 780 2,255 17.2 6.6 38.5
35-39 17,150 8,964 8,186 3,334 585 2,748 19.4 6.5 33.6
40-44 10,052 6,084 3,968 1,480 445 1,036 14.7 7.3 26.1
45-49 7,368 3,774 3,594 1,304 231 1,074 17.7 6.1 29.9
50-54 5,360 3,053 2,307 333 - 333 6.2 - 14.4
55-59 4,561 3,511 1,050 858 344 514 18.8 9.8 48.9
60-64 3,196 2,027 1,169 447 155 292 14 7.6 25
65+ 3,187 2,388 798 926 673 253 29 28.2 31.6


All Ages 84,928 44,734 40,195 16,652 5,195 11,457 19.6 11.6 28.5
10-14 1,829 561 1,268 381 188 193 20.8 33.4 15.2
15-19 8,545 3,388 5,158 3,040 1,130 1,909 35.6 33.4 37
20-24 17,534 7,734 9,800 6,006 1,644 4,362 34.3 21.3 44.5
25-29 18,591 9,422 9,169 3,183 1,003 2,180 17.1 10.6 23.8
30-34 11,435 7,111 4,325 1,637 537 1,100 14.3 7.6 25.4
35-39 9,651 6,300 3,350 603 59 545 6.2 0.9 16.3
40-44 4,606 2,475 2,131 423 - 423 9.2 - 19.8
45-49 4,189 2,147 2,042 536 186 350 12.8 8.7 17.1
50-54 3,103 1,704 1,399 362 146 216 11.7 8.6 15.4
55-59 2,305 1,618 687 86 - 86 3.7 - 12.5
60-64 1,672 1,380 292 116 116 - 7 8.4 -
65+ 1,468 894 574 279 186 93 19 20.8 16.3
Table 6.2. Cont’d
Age Economically Active Population Unemployed Population Unemployment Rate
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


All Ages 65,516 34,726 30,790 16,060 4,940 11,120 24.5 14.2 36.1
10-14 2,122 982 1,140 936 270 666 44.1 27.5 58.4
15-19 7,529 3,555 3,975 2,707 1,138 1,570 36 32 39.5
20-24 12,839 5,859 6,980 4,752 1,584 3,168 37 27 45.4
25-29 14,547 7,832 6,715 2,782 596 2,186 19.1 7.6 32.6
30-34 8,894 4,810 4,084 1,101 201 900 12.4 4.2 22
35-39 7,452 3,973 3,479 1,370 392 977 18.4 9.9 28.1
40-44 3,839 2,416 1,422 761 60 700 19.8 2.5 49.2
45-49 2,826 1,752 1,074 511 227 284 18.1 13 26.5
50-54 1,901 1,143 758 586 117 470 30.8 10.2 61.9
55-59 1,430 1,007 423 274 119 155 19.1 11.8 36.6
60-64 1,061 695 366 - - - - - -
65+ 1,076 702 374 281 236 45 26.1 33.6 12


All Ages 44,908 27,264 17,644 6,839 3,590 3,250 15.2 13.2 18.4
10-14 543 272 272 189 38 152 34.9 13.9 55.8
15-19 2,257 680 1,577 624 206 418 27.6 30.3 26.5
20-24 6,293 3,660 2,634 1,457 914 543 23.1 25 20.6
25-29 7,933 4,457 3,476 974 391 583 12.3 8.8 16.8
30-34 7,184 4,821 2,363 667 305 362 9.3 6.3 15.3
35-39 7,304 4,625 2,680 1,030 661 369 14.1 14.3 13.8
40-44 5,569 3,876 1,693 571 351 220 10.2 9 13
45-49 2,528 1,738 789 300 211 89 11.9 12.2 11.3
50-54 2,309 1,177 1,131 427 78 350 18.5 6.6 30.9
55-59 1,583 1,142 441 256 129 127 16.2 11.3 28.9
60-64 648 301 347 177 139 38 27.3 46.1 10.9
65+ 756 515 241 167 167 - 22.1 32.4 -


All Ages 19,052 10,240 8,811 2,659 571 2,088 14.0 5.6 23.7
10-14 381 171 210 14 - 14 3.6 - 6.6
15-19 1,753 542 1,211 520 72 448 29.6 13.3 37
20-24 3,910 1,884 2,026 792 240 551 20.2 12.8 27.2
25-29 4,686 2,608 2,078 615 117 499 13.1 4.5 24
30-34 2,549 1,445 1,104 122 37 85 4.8 2.6 7.7
35-39 2,257 1,199 1,058 261 67 194 11.6 5.6 18.3
40-44 1,363 971 392 78 - 78 5.7 - 20
45-49 931 606 324 83 - 83 8.9 - 25.5
50-54 535 347 189 66 - 66 12.4 - 35.3
55-59 268 213 55 18 18 - 6.8 8.6 -
60-64 180 71 110 70 - 70 38.8 - 63.8
65+ 240 185 55 20 20 - 8.2 10.7 -
Table 6.2. Cont’d
Age Economically Active Population Unemployed Population Unemployment Rate
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


All Ages 42,738 22,383 20,355 10,275 2,985 7,290 24.0 13.3 35.8
10-14 1,490 700 789 40 - 40 2.7 - 5.1
15-19 5,261 2,153 3,109 1,374 595 779 26.1 27.7 25
20-24 7,440 3,371 4,069 2,732 801 1,931 36.7 23.8 47.5
25-29 9,327 5,064 4,263 2,283 519 1,764 24.5 10.2 41.4
30-34 5,427 3,216 2,211 866 148 718 16 4.6 32.5
35-39 5,593 2,671 2,922 1,363 206 1,157 24.4 7.7 39.6
40-44 2,837 1,766 1,071 576 204 373 20.3 11.5 34.8
45-49 2,545 1,650 894 350 108 242 13.7 6.5 27
50-54 1,033 505 528 152 74 78 14.7 14.7 14.8
55-59 674 450 224 224 109 115 33.2 24.3 51.2
60-64 497 401 96 64 31 33 12.9 7.8 34.4
65+ 616 438 179 250 190 61 40.6 43.3 34


All Ages 33,788 18,783 15,006 5,800 2,492 3,307 17.2 13.3 22
10-14 1,050 532 519 245 116 129 23.4 21.9 24.9
15-19 2,774 1,242 1,532 799 299 500 28.8 24.1 32.6
20-24 4,909 2,304 2,605 1,455 600 855 29.6 26.1 32.8
25-29 7,389 4,016 3,373 1,128 537 591 15.3 13.4 17.5
30-34 4,438 2,505 1,933 626 264 362 14.1 10.5 18.7
35-39 4,193 2,417 1,776 635 242 393 15.1 10 22.1
40-44 2,744 2,046 698 412 233 179 15 11.4 25.7
45-49 2,025 1,072 953 142 44 98 7 4.1 10.3
50-54 1,700 908 792 126 31 94 7.4 3.5 11.9
55-59 1,348 914 434 116 63 53 8.6 6.9 12.3
60-64 648 380 267 54 31 22 8.3 8.3 8.3
65+ 572 446 126 63 31 31 11 7 25


All Ages 52,134 27,813 24,321 9,662 2,489 7,174 18.5 8.9 29.5
10-14 3,341 1,605 1,736 216 179 37 6.5 11.2 2.1
15-19 5,255 2,531 2,725 1,479 504 975 28.1 19.9 35.8
20-24 9,025 4,168 4,856 2,959 888 2,071 32.8 21.3 42.6
25-29 10,604 5,478 5,126 1,896 455 1,440 17.9 8.3 28.1
30-34 6,494 3,607 2,887 1,016 172 845 15.7 4.8 29.3
35-39 5,952 3,228 2,724 841 31 810 14.1 1 29.7
40-44 3,998 2,601 1,397 268 - 268 6.7 - 19.2
45-49 2,892 1,636 1,256 383 88 296 13.3 5.4 23.5
50-54 1,837 1,107 730 315 - 315 17.1 - 43.2
55-59 1,082 768 314 42 - 42 3.9 - 13.5
60-64 1,111 731 380 104 71 33 9.4 9.7 8.7
65+ 544 355 190 143 100 42 26.2 28.3 22.3
Table 6.2. Cont’d
Age Economically Active Population Unemployed Population Unemployment Rate
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


All Ages 50,354 26,686 23,667 9,877 3,875 6,002 19.6 14.5 25.4
10-14 1,146 456 690 287 156 131 25 34.2 19
15-19 4,529 1,586 2,943 1,833 669 1,164 40.5 42.2 39.5
20-24 9,365 4,607 4,758 2,841 1,371 1,470 30.3 29.8 30.9
25-29 10,784 6,142 4,642 1,993 761 1,231 18.5 12.4 26.5
30-34 6,327 3,983 2,344 764 239 525 12.1 6 22.4
35-39 5,627 2,619 3,007 840 281 559 14.9 10.7 18.6
40-44 3,757 2,219 1,538 372 135 237 9.9 6.1 15.4
45-49 3,124 1,725 1,399 132 - 132 4.2 - 9.4
50-54 2,133 1,234 899 187 97 90 8.8 7.8 10
55-59 1,496 827 668 185 38 147 12.4 4.6 22.1
60-64 977 595 382 119 - 119 12.2 - 31.2
65+ 1,090 693 398 324 128 196 29.7 18.5 49.3


All Ages 115,108 61,217 53,891 18,458 5,599 12,859 16.0 9.1 23.9
10-14 3,523 1,046 2,477 852 448 404 24.2 42.8 16.3
15-19 9,847 2,758 7,088 2,385 714 1,671 24.2 25.9 23.6
20-24 19,676 9,233 10,444 4,851 1,139 3,712 24.7 12.3 35.5
25-29 29,430 14,542 14,888 4,785 1,417 3,368 16.3 9.7 22.6
30-34 16,770 10,712 6,058 1,788 323 1,466 10.7 3 24.2
35-39 13,561 7,734 5,826 2,036 697 1,339 15 9 23
40-44 8,114 5,079 3,035 465 122 343 5.7 2.4 11.3
45-49 5,687 3,996 1,691 554 224 330 9.7 5.6 19.5
50-54 2,473 1,793 680 236 155 81 9.5 8.6 11.9
55-59 3,136 2,169 967 145 - 145 4.6 - 15
60-64 1,331 1,034 297 65 65 - 4.9 6.3 -
65+ 1,560 1,120 440 295 295 - 18.9 26.3 -


All Ages 19,878 9,555 10,323 1,735 244 1,491 8.7 2.6 14.4
10-14 543 200 343 65 23 42 11.9 11.5 12.2
15-19 1,578 669 909 216 17 200 13.7 2.5 22
20-24 3,146 1,381 1,765 611 93 519 19.4 6.7 29.4
25-29 4,028 1,896 2,133 288 17 271 7.1 0.9 12.7
30-34 2,688 1,304 1,384 120 17 103 4.5 1.3 7.5
35-39 2,822 1,405 1,417 169 17 152 6 1.2 10.7
40-44 2,086 1,010 1,076 127 17 110 6.1 1.7 10.2
45-49 1,478 782 695 23 23 - 1.6 2.9 -
50-54 597 389 208 49 - 49 8.3 - 23.7
55-59 399 176 223 45 - 45 11.3 - 20.2
60-64 174 151 23 - - - - - -
65+ 339 193 147 21 21 - 6.1 10.8 -
Table 6.2. Cont’d
Age Economically Active Population Unemployed Population Unemployment Rate
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female


All Ages 58,879 30,623 28,255 9,077 3,314 5,762 15.4 10.8 20.4
10-14 201 78 123 54 30 24 26.9 39 19.3
15-19 2,452 1,114 1,338 802 395 407 32.7 35.4 30.4
20-24 8,254 3,635 4,619 2,402 1,087 1,315 29.1 29.9 28.5
25-29 11,013 5,439 5,574 1,972 469 1,504 17.9 8.6 27
30-34 9,433 4,841 4,592 1,198 195 1,004 12.7 4 21.9
35-39 9,273 4,930 4,343 763 370 392 8.2 7.5 9
40-44 5,739 3,752 1,987 534 159 375 9.3 4.2 18.9
45-49 4,656 2,668 1,988 307 200 107 6.6 7.5 5.4
50-54 2,829 1,470 1,358 342 97 245 12.1 6.6 18.1
55-59 1,736 869 867 222 111 111 12.8 12.8 12.8
60-64 1,429 858 570 361 154 207 25.3 17.9 36.3
65+ 1,865 969 896 120 48 73 6.4 4.9 8.1


All Ages 1,695,065 875,424 819,641 409,467 138,635 270,833 24.2 15.8 33
10-14 11,682 2,241 9,441 2,616 718 1,898 22.4 32 20.1
15-19 117,980 36,769 81,211 36,867 16,887 19,980 31.2 45.9 24.6
20-24 286,056 128,125 157,931 87,838 35,422 52,416 30.7 27.6 33.2
25-29 372,911 191,580 181,331 91,493 31,732 59,762 24.5 16.6 33
30-34 264,481 146,180 118,301 58,267 16,441 41,826 22 11.2 35.4
35-39 224,704 121,464 103,239 47,727 12,967 34,759 21.2 10.7 33.7
40-44 127,373 75,111 52,263 23,914 6,433 17,481 18.8 8.6 33.4
45-49 99,110 53,028 46,083 18,564 3,628 14,936 18.7 6.8 32.4
50-54 73,532 40,295 33,237 15,176 2,791 12,385 20.6 6.9 37.3
55-59 53,859 34,312 19,547 9,841 3,552 6,289 18.3 10.4 32.2
60-64 32,027 23,001 9,027 8,243 3,512 4,731 25.7 15.3 52.4
65+ 31,350 23,319 8,032 8,923 4,552 4,371 28.5 19.5 54.4


All Ages 130,722 65,032 65,690 29,158 10,204 18,954 22.3 15.7 28.9
10-14 2,120 886 1,234 225 104 121 10.6 11.8 9.8
15-19 11,581 4,054 7,527 2,858 1,028 1,829 24.7 25.4 24.3
20-24 21,050 10,100 10,950 6,931 3,223 3,708 32.9 31.9 33.9
25-29 24,022 12,387 11,635 6,016 1,653 4,363 25 13.3 37.5
30-34 18,270 10,399 7,871 4,395 1,671 2,724 24.1 16.1 34.6
35-39 16,138 7,678 8,460 2,978 674 2,304 18.5 8.8 27.2
40-44 9,861 4,965 4,897 1,436 329 1,107 14.6 6.6 22.6
45-49 10,235 4,792 5,443 1,405 299 1,107 13.7 6.2 20.3
50-54 6,495 3,225 3,269 1,076 262 813 16.6 8.1 24.9
55-59 3,729 1,800 1,929 900 292 608 24.1 16.2 31.5
60-64 3,461 2,497 964 450 247 203 13 9.9 21.1
65+ 3,761 2,248 1,514 490 423 67 13 18.8 4.4
Table 6.3 Unemployed Population of Region Aged Ten Years and above Who Look for Work During the Last three Months Prior to the
Survey Date by Steps Taken, Sex and Place of Residence: 2013
Steps taken to search work
Searching Through news Seeking
Place of Residence vacancy paper Radio I have assistance of Trying to Direct
and All advertising and unemployment friends establish own application to Checking at
Sex persons boards TV card relatives etc enterprise employer work sites Others

Urban + Rural
Total 816,506 183,925 45,770 14,219 148,938 239,817 19,036 126,378 38,424
Male 324,308 79,014 20,942 4,865 55,911 78,096 7,560 66,935 10,984
Female 492,198 104,911 24,828 9,354 93,027 161,721 11,475 59,442 27,439
Total 602,749 157,136 38,663 12,179 114,909 149,994 16,487 94,003 19,379
Male 241,077 67,818 19,947 4,865 43,203 45,696 6,828 46,977 5,743
Female 361,672 89,318 18,716 7,314 71,706 104,298 9,658 47,026 13,636
Total 213,757 26,789 7,108 2,040 34,028 89,823 2,549 32,375 19,045
Male 83,231 11,196 995 - 12,707 32,400 732 19,958 5,241
Female 130,526 15,593 6,112 2,040 21,321 57,423 1,817 12,416 13,804


Urban + Rural
Total 56,856 10,752 1,798 1,382 9,209 21,293 414 9,578 2,430
Male 23,501 3,430 1,446 505 3,351 8,132 108 5,741 789
Female 33,355 7,322 352 877 5,858 13,161 306 3,837 1,642
Total 41,043 10,752 1,434 1,041 7,113 12,531 414 6,967 791
Male 14,021 3,430 1,082 505 2,291 3,076 108 3,420 108
Female 27,022 7,322 352 537 4,822 9,455 306 3,547 683
Total 15,813 - 364 341 2,097 8,762 - 2,610 1,639
Male 9,481 - 364 - 1,060 5,057 - 2,320 680
Female 6,333 - - 341 1,037 3,706 - 290 959
Table 6.3 Cont’d
Steps taken to search work
Searching Through news Seeking
Place of Residence vacancy paper Radio I have assistance of Trying to Direct
and All advertising and unemployment friends establish own application to Checking at
Sex persons boards TV card relatives etc enterprise employer work sites Others

Urban + Rural
Total 18,803 951 11 - 4,079 6,281 231 6,590 661
Male 8,634 11 11 - 2,750 1,442 220 4,200 -
Female 10,169 940 - - 1,328 4,839 11 2,390 661
Total 7,059 136 11 - 2,392 2,685 21 1,783 32
Male 2,084 11 11 - 1,064 782 11 207 -
Female 4,974 125 - - 1,328 1,903 11 1,575 32
Total 11,745 815 - - 1,687 3,597 210 4,808 629
Male 6,550 - - - 1,687 661 210 3,993 -
Female 5,195 815 - - - 2,936 - 815 629

Urban + Rural
Total 148,574 39,032 5,483 2,128 18,576 52,563 1,800 19,641 9,352
Male 56,290 14,191 1,508 1,022 5,479 18,592 659 11,868 2,970
Female 92,285 24,841 3,974 1,105 13,098 33,971 1,141 7,772 6,382
Total 99,470 32,350 1,131 2,128 11,954 33,443 1,800 12,356 4,308
Male 39,140 12,894 877 1,022 4,754 10,193 659 7,897 845
Female 60,330 19,456 254 1,105 7,200 23,251 1,141 4,459 3,463
Total 49,105 6,682 4,352 - 6,622 19,120 - 7,284 5,044
Male 17,150 1,297 632 - 725 8,400 - 3,972 2,125
Female 31,955 5,385 3,721 - 5,898 10,720 - 3,313 2,919

Table 6.3. Cont’d
Steps taken to search work
Searching Through news Seeking
Place of Residence vacancy paper Radio I have assistance of Trying to Direct
and All advertising and unemployment friends establish own application to Checking at
Sex persons boards TV card relatives etc enterprise employer work sites Others

Urban + Rural
Total 212,580 46,079 8,353 5,769 36,901 58,400 6,611 36,999 13,468
Male 79,279 19,982 2,873 1,770 15,665 14,989 1,882 18,117 4,001
Female 133,301 26,097 5,480 3,998 21,237 43,411 4,729 18,882 9,467
Total 140,110 34,117 5,961 4,069 22,750 37,541 4,898 25,249 5,524
Male 56,585 14,531 2,873 1,770 9,850 11,194 1,882 12,397 2,087
Female 83,524 19,585 3,088 2,299 12,900 26,347 3,016 12,852 3,437
Total 72,470 11,962 2,392 1,700 14,151 20,859 1,713 11,750 7,944
Male 22,694 5,451 - - 5,815 3,795 - 5,720 1,914
Female 49,776 6,512 2,392 1,700 8,336 17,064 1,713 6,030 6,030

Urban + Rural
Total 16,034 755 - - 7,137 5,661 274 2,170 38
Male 8,382 559 - - 3,889 2,509 228 1,196 -
Female 7,653 196 - - 3,248 3,151 46 973 38
Total 8,527 755 - - 3,053 2,470 274 1,938 38
Male 4,507 559 - - 1,609 914 228 1,196 -
Female 4,021 196 - - 1,443 1,556 46 742 38
Total 7,507 - - - 4,084 3,191 - 232 -
Male 3,875 - - - 2,280 1,595 - - -
Female 3,632 - - - 1,805 1,595 - 232 -

Table 6.3. Cont’d
Steps taken to search work
Searching Through news Seeking
Place of Residence vacancy paper Radio I have assistance of Trying to Direct
and All advertising and unemployment friends establish own application to Checking at
Sex persons boards TV card relatives etc enterprise employer work sites Others

Urban + Rural
Total 5,587 1,285 28 94 300 2,292 40 1,425 123
Male 2,450 330 - 16 54 1,088 - 890 72
Female 3,137 956 28 78 246 1,204 40 535 50
Total 3,993 1,285 28 94 300 1,321 40 802 123
Male 1,328 330 - 16 54 415 - 440 72
Female 2,666 956 28 78 246 906 40 362 50
Total 1,594 - - - - 971 - 623 -
Male 1,122 - - - - 673 - 450 -
Female 471 - - - - 298 - 173 -

Urban + Rural
Total 127,758 29,841 2,487 211 16,845 54,334 2,359 16,161 5,521
Male 49,353 14,189 1,059 148 5,699 17,316 1,179 8,277 1,486
Female 78,405 15,653 1,427 62 11,147 37,018 1,180 7,884 4,034
Total 73,874 22,662 2,487 211 11,555 21,690 1,836 11,702 1,731
Male 27,318 9,740 1,059 148 4,654 5,166 657 4,930 964
Female 46,556 12,922 1,427 62 6,901 16,524 1,180 6,772 767
Total 53,884 7,180 - - 5,290 32,644 522 4,458 3,789
Male 22,035 4,448 - - 1,045 12,150 522 3,347 522
Female 31,849 2,731 - - 4,245 20,494 - 1,111 3,267

Table 6.3. Cont’d
Steps taken to search work
Searching Through news Seeking
Place of Residence vacancy paper Radio I have assistance of Trying to Direct
and All advertising and unemployment friends establish own application to Checking at
Sex persons boards TV card relatives etc enterprise employer work sites Others

Urban + Rural
Total 2,171 473 - - 135 1,125 149 218 71
Male 382 73 - - 28 196 - 62 23
Female 1,789 400 - - 107 929 149 156 48
Total 1,176 323 - - 135 496 45 106 71
Male 291 73 - - 28 150 - 17 23
Female 885 250 - - 107 346 45 89 48
Total 995 150 - - - 628 105 112 -
Male 91 - - - - 45 - 45 -
Female 904 150 - - - 583 105 67 -

Urban + Rural
Total 5,178 981 61 83 766 1,533 150 1,308 297
Male 2,236 472 61 26 318 470 49 717 123
Female 2,942 509 - 57 447 1,064 101 591 174
Total 5,050 981 61 83 740 1,482 150 1,257 297
Male 2,134 472 61 26 293 444 49 666 123
Female 2,916 509 - 57 447 1,038 101 591 174
Total 128 - - - 25 51 - 51 -
Male 102 - - - 25 25 - 51 -
Female 26 - - - - 26 - - -
Table 6.3. Cont’d
Steps taken to search work
Searching Through news Seeking
Place of Residence vacancy paper Radio I have assistance of Trying to Direct
and All advertising and unemployment friends establish own application to Checking at
Sex persons boards TV card relatives etc enterprise employer work sites Others


Urban + Rural
Total 207,884 50,069 27,425 4,479 52,467 33,352 6,367 27,766 5,959
Male 87,185 23,626 13,984 1,377 17,537 12,356 3,180 13,788 1,337
Female 120,699 26,443 13,441 3,102 34,930 20,996 3,186 13,979 4,621
Total 207,884 50,069 27,425 4,479 52,467 33,352 6,367 27,766 5,959
Male 87,185 23,626 13,984 1,377 17,537 12,356 3,180 13,788 1,337
Female 120,699 26,443 13,441 3,102 34,930 20,996 3,186 13,979 4,621
Total - - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - - - -


Urban + Rural
Total 15,080 3,707 126 73 2,522 2,983 642 4,523 505
Male 6,615 2,153 - - 1,141 1,006 54 2,079 183
Female 8,465 1,554 126 73 1,381 1,977 588 2,443 323
Total 14,563 3,707 126 73 2,451 2,983 642 4,077 505
Male 6,483 2,153 - - 1,070 1,006 54 2,018 183
Female 8,080 1,554 126 73 1,381 1,977 588 2,058 323
Total 517 - - - 71 - - 446 -
Male 132 - - - 71 - - 61 -
Female 385 - - - - - - 385 -
Table 6.4 Unemployed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and above Who have Looked for Work During the Last three
Months Prior to the Survey Date by Steps Taken to Seek Work and Sex: 2013
Steps taken to search work
Searching Through
Major Towns vacancy news paper I have Seeking Trying to Direct
and All advertising Radio and unemployment assistance of establish own application to Checking at
Sex persons boards TV card friends relatives enterprise employer work sites Others

Total 370,184 102,618 32,349 6,432 82,125 68,195 10,606 57,173 10,687
Male 151,041 45,327 16,449 2,358 28,771 21,594 4,920 28,807 2,815
Female 219,143 57,291 15,899 4,074 53,354 46,602 5,686 28,366 7,872
Total 3,246 1,420 55 - 529 830 27 348 37
Male 1,664 872 27 - 265 315 - 186 -
Female 1,581 548 27 - 264 515 27 162 37
Total 11,222 3,878 704 217 2,871 1,579 216 1,540 217
Male 3,671 1,197 379 108 843 488 108 439 108
Female 7,551 2,681 325 108 2,029 1,091 108 1,100 108
Total 524 32 11 - 160 246 21 21 32
Male 267 11 11 - 96 139 11 - -
Female 257 21 - - 64 107 11 21 32
Total 10,690 4,323 - - 963 2,460 - 2,248 696
Male 4,384 1,898 - - 526 837 - 1,123 -
Female 6,306 2,426 - - 437 1,622 - 1,125 696
Total 5,771 1,972 106 - 870 1,376 28 1,249 170
Male 2,541 997 - - 384 356 28 732 44
Female 3,230 975 106 - 486 1,020 - 516 126
Total 7,751 2,970 90 86 903 2,066 46 1,381 208
Male 3,109 1,087 90 86 650 256 46 806 88
Female 4,643 1,883 - - 253 1,810 - 576 121
Table 6.4 Cont’d
Steps taken to search work
Searching Through Seeking
Major Towns vacancy news paper I have assistance of Trying to Direct
and All advertising Radio and unemployment friends relatives establish own application to Checking at
Sex persons boards TV card etc enterprise employer work sites Others

Total 3,247 748 109 103 706 878 - 621 82
Male 985 193 72 34 250 217 - 177 41
Female 2,262 555 37 69 456 661 - 443 41
Total 3,472 1,242 341 117 101 1,113 - 439 118
Male 1,421 485 309 80 32 177 - 306 32
Female 2,050 757 32 37 69 936 - 134 86
Total 13,210 7,431 167 156 1,794 2,013 328 1,241 80
Male 4,500 2,944 89 156 334 197 167 533 80
Female 8,709 4,487 78 - 1,459 1,816 160 708 -
Total 5,238 2,453 455 - 657 443 220 947 62
Male 2,130 947 195 - 440 71 72 405 -
Female 3,108 1,506 260 - 218 372 148 541 62
Total 7,601 1,851 339 368 1,760 1,032 63 1,856 332
Male 3,034 1,093 132 88 630 40 63 946 43
Female 4,566 759 207 280 1,130 992 - 910 289
Total 6,086 1,753 285 206 1,514 1,171 284 623 249
Male 2,541 797 145 150 678 500 35 200 35
Female 3,545 956 140 56 836 671 249 423 214
Total 16,112 2,415 806 90 5,108 2,957 961 3,482 292
Male 6,149 601 500 - 1,325 784 670 2,117 151
Female 9,963 1,814 306 90 3,783 2,173 291 1,365 141
Table 6.4 Cont’d
Steps taken to search work
Searching Through Seeking
Major Towns vacancy news paper I have assistance of Trying to Direct
and All advertising Radio and unemployment friends relatives establish own application to Checking at
Sex persons boards TV card etc enterprise employer work sites Others

Total 7,111 2,749 521 133 1,239 1,190 203 965 111
Male 2,235 761 193 86 417 58 87 632 -
Female 4,876 1,987 328 47 823 1,132 116 333 111
Total 6,447 1,635 105 60 1,966 1,838 40 672 130
Male 2,689 795 - - 949 514 - 385 45
Female 3,759 840 105 60 1,017 1,324 40 287 86
Total 4,465 755 - - 1,328 1,151 38 1,155 38
Male 2,559 559 - - 738 442 38 782 -
Female 1,906 196 - - 590 709 - 373 38
Total 1,454 510 28 49 102 418 40 241 68
Male 319 110 - 16 - 102 - 73 17
Female 1,136 400 28 32 102 316 40 168 50
Total 4,009 1,202 47 117 554 1,223 141 581 145
Male 1,315 259 - 117 167 368 30 335 40
Female 2,694 943 47 - 387 855 111 246 105
Total 3,112 513 161 22 600 810 63 827 116
Male 1,530 286 31 - 264 399 - 434 116
Female 1,581 227 129 22 336 412 63 393 -
Total 4,814 1,415 52 31 370 1,685 202 935 124
Male 1,305 479 52 31 152 220 103 235 34
Female 3,508 936 - - 219 1,465 98 700 90
Table 6.4 Cont’d
Steps taken to search work
Searching Through Seeking
Major Towns vacancy news paper I have assistance of Trying to Direct
and All advertising Radio and unemployment friends relatives establish own application to Checking at
Sex persons boards TV card etc enterprise employer work sites Others

Total 4,963 2,556 - 40 444 735 104 867 216
Male 2,491 1,183 - - 236 399 104 435 135
Female 2,472 1,374 - 40 208 337 - 432 81
Total 11,487 3,823 356 - 1,819 2,984 378 1,769 359
Male 4,330 1,478 180 - 496 907 74 1,054 140
Female 7,157 2,345 177 - 1,323 2,076 303 715 219
Total 655 214 - - 107 182 45 65 44
Male 68 44 - - - - - - 23
Female 588 169 - - 107 182 45 65 21
Total 5,050 981 61 83 740 1,482 150 1,257 297
Male 2,134 472 61 26 293 444 49 666 123
Female 2,916 509 - 57 447 1,038 101 591 174
Total 207,884 50,069 27,425 4,479 52,467 33,352 6,367 27,766 5,959
Male 87,185 23,626 13,984 1,377 17,537 12,356 3,180 13,788 1,337
Female 120,699 26,443 13,441 3,102 34,930 20,996 3,186 13,979 4,621
Total 14,563 3,707 126 73 2,451 2,983 642 4,077 505
Male 6,483 2,153 - - 1,070 1,006 54 2,018 183
Female 8,080 1,554 126 73 1,381 1,977 588 2,058 323
Table 6.5 Unemployed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and Above by Type of Work
Sought, Sex and Place of Residence : 2013
Type of Work Seeking
Place of Residence Paid Paid Any
and To Establish Employment- Employment- Available
Sex All persons own Business Private Government Work Others

Urban + Rural
Total 1,981,165 651,854 120,563 181,711 1,003,838 23,198
Male 629,619 153,403 43,029 57,490 368,717 6,981
Female 1,351,546 498,452 77,535 124,221 635,121 16,217
Total 1,264,002 393,583 81,235 129,936 649,101 10,147
Male 413,579 93,109 31,399 39,684 246,467 2,920
Female 850,423 300,474 49,836 90,252 402,634 7,227
Total 717,163 258,272 39,328 51,775 354,738 13,051
Male 216,040 60,293 11,629 17,806 122,250 4,061
Female 501,123 197,978 27,699 33,969 232,488 8,990

Urban + Rural
Total 147,665 51,722 7,781 12,562 72,701 2,900
Male 47,262 12,595 4,397 3,306 26,571 393
Female 100,404 39,127 3,384 9,256 46,130 2,506
Total 93,590 35,792 3,932 9,493 43,242 1,132
Male 26,028 6,202 2,147 2,144 15,495 40
Female 67,563 29,589 1,785 7,349 27,747 1,092
Total 54,075 15,930 3,849 3,069 29,459 1,768
Male 21,234 6,393 2,250 1,162 11,076 353
Female 32,841 9,538 1,599 1,907 18,383 1,414

Urban + Rural
Total 51,549 8,837 6,150 3,998 31,296 1,268
Male 18,038 701 1,497 1,937 13,064 838
Female 33,511 8,136 4,652 2,061 18,232 430
Total 15,040 4,710 782 2,185 7,351 11
Male 3,337 211 450 753 1,924 -
Female 11,702 4,500 332 1,432 5,427 11
Total 36,509 4,127 5,368 1,812 23,945 1,257
Male 14,700 491 1,048 1,184 11,140 838
Female 21,809 3,636 4,320 629 12,805 419

Urban + Rural
Total 387,807 143,039 12,310 34,529 190,831 7,098
Male 119,863 33,117 4,181 11,422 68,535 2,608
Female 267,943 109,922 8,129 23,107 122,296 4,489
Total 224,129 83,987 8,283 24,674 106,131 1,054
Male 73,293 21,513 2,918 8,264 40,057 540
Female 150,836 62,474 5,365 16,410 66,074 514
Total 163,678 59,052 4,027 9,855 84,700 6,044
Male 46,571 11,604 1,263 3,158 28,478 2,069
Female 117,107 47,448 2,764 6,697 56,222 3,975
Table 6.5 Cont’d
Type of Work Seeking
Place of Residence Paid Paid Any
and To Establish Employment- Employment- Available
Sex All persons own Business Private Government Work Others

Urban + Rural
Total 517,207 184,193 34,283 42,387 252,958 3,386
Male 153,350 39,247 14,727 12,295 86,560 522
Female 363,857 144,947 19,556 30,092 166,398 2,864
Total 294,426 103,060 18,736 26,452 144,569 1,608
Male 99,218 24,012 9,514 9,172 55,999 522
Female 195,207 79,048 9,222 17,280 88,571 1,087
Total 222,781 81,133 15,547 15,935 108,389 1,778
Male 54,132 15,235 5,213 3,123 30,561 -
Female 168,650 65,899 10,333 12,812 77,827 1,778

Urban + Rural
Total 43,821 23,708 918 1,508 17,121 566
Male 22,320 10,582 605 689 10,106 338
Female 21,501 13,125 314 819 7,015 228
Total 15,994 5,493 463 1,071 8,858 110
Male 7,540 1,935 377 689 4,429 110
Female 8,454 3,557 86 382 4,429 -
Total 27,827 18,215 456 437 8,263 456
Male 14,780 8,647 228 - 5,677 228
Female 13,047 9,568 228 437 2,586 228

Urban + Rural
Total 14,382 4,458 378 2,647 6,787 111
Male 4,711 1,032 79 911 2,631 57
Female 9,671 3,427 299 1,736 4,156 54
Total 8,059 2,683 271 1,009 3,984 111
Male 2,397 570 79 340 1,350 57
Female 5,662 2,113 192 669 2,634 54
Total 6,323 1,775 107 1,638 2,803 -
Male 2,314 462 - 571 1,281 -
Female 4,009 1,313 107 1,067 1,522 -

Urban + Rural
Total 361,167 131,728 16,175 40,030 170,386 2,848
Male 109,893 28,262 3,349 15,247 62,336 699
Female 251,274 103,466 12,826 24,784 108,050 2,149
Total 162,375 55,857 6,486 21,274 77,607 1,150
Male 49,058 10,916 1,782 6,760 29,423 177
Female 113,317 44,941 4,705 14,514 48,184 974
Total 198,792 75,871 9,688 18,756 92,778 1,698
Male 60,835 17,346 1,567 8,487 32,913 522
Female 137,957 58,525 8,121 10,270 59,866 1,175
Table 6.5 Cont’d
Type of Work Seeking
Place of Residence Paid Paid Any
and To Establish Employment- Employment- Available
Sex All persons own Business Private Government Work Others

Urban + Rural
Total 7,412 2,467 271 495 4,179 -
Male 1,320 235 44 63 978 -
Female 6,092 2,232 227 431 3,201 -
Total 2,687 1,114 111 345 1,118 -
Male 556 189 44 63 259 -
Female 2,132 924 67 282 858 -
Total 4,725 1,353 160 150 3,062 -
Male 765 45 - - 719 -
Female 3,960 1,308 160 150 2,343 -

Urban + Rural
Total 9,560 1,967 638 668 6,185 102
Male 3,555 383 165 221 2,709 76
Female 6,005 1,584 472 447 3,476 26
Total 9,077 1,827 612 618 5,968 52
Male 3,314 383 165 171 2,570 26
Female 5,762 1,444 447 447 3,399 26
Total 484 140 25 51 217 51
Male 241 - - 51 140 51
Female 243 140 25 - 77 -


Urban + Rural
Total 409,467 89,480 39,654 39,264 236,405 4,664
Male 138,635 24,609 13,389 9,885 89,434 1,318
Female 270,833 64,871 26,265 29,379 146,971 3,346
Total 409,467 89,480 39,654 39,264 236,405 4,664
Male 138,635 24,609 13,389 9,885 89,434 1,318
Female 270,833 64,871 26,265 29,379 146,971 3,346
Total - - - - - -
Male - - - - - -
Female - - - - - -


Urban + Rural
Total 31,127 10,255 2,007 3,622 14,988 256
Male 10,673 2,640 596 1,514 5,793 131
Female 20,455 7,615 1,411 2,108 9,195 125
Total 29,158 9,580 1,905 3,550 13,866 256
Male 10,204 2,568 535 1,443 5,527 131
Female 18,954 7,012 1,370 2,108 8,339 125
Total 1969 674 102 71 1122 -
Male 469 71 61 71 265 -
Female 1501 603 41 - 857 -
Table 6.6 Unemployed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and above by Type of
Work Sought During the Coming one Month and Sex : 2013
Type of Work Seeking
Major Towns Paid Paid Any
and To Establish Employment- Employment- Available
Sex All persons own Business Private Government Work Others

Total 722,282 188,568 56,479 74,910 395,239 7,085
Male 238,016 44,435 20,480 21,472 149,352 2,276
Female 484,266 144,134 35,999 53,437 245,887 4,809
Total 6,807 2,586 247 612 3,236 125
Male 2,340 643 182 174 1,301 40
Female 4,467 1,944 66 438 1,936 85
Total 24,793 8,230 1,306 2,674 12,583 -
Male 5,721 996 650 669 3,406 -
Female 19,072 7,234 656 2,005 9,177 -
Total 1,411 545 43 203 609 11
Male 470 107 21 118 224 -
Female 941 438 21 86 385 11
Total 19,907 5,445 711 3,382 10,288 81
Male 6,833 1,238 501 1,249 3,764 81
Female 13,074 4,206 210 2,134 6,524 -
Total 10,980 3,802 425 1,610 5,110 32
Male 3,978 980 151 830 1,985 32
Female 7,001 2,822 274 780 3,125 -
Total 17,607 5,133 586 2,409 9,122 357
Male 5,308 869 46 539 3,805 49
Female 12,299 4,264 540 1,870 5,317 308
Total 5,863 2,275 88 718 2,692 90
Male 1,461 201 88 232 939 -
Female 4,401 2,074 - 485 1,752 90
Total 6,045 2,606 597 804 2,006 32
Male 1,942 567 312 374 657 32
Female 4,103 2,038 285 431 1,349 -
Total 18,928 3,950 907 1,456 12,499 116
Male 5,409 483 446 592 3,887 -
Female 13,519 3,467 461 863 8,611 116
Total 8,844 2,312 621 864 5,003 44
Male 2,781 536 148 197 1,856 44
Female 6,063 1,777 473 666 3,147 -
Total 11,965 3,144 726 688 7,366 42
Male 3,912 302 301 282 2,986 42
Female 8,053 2,842 425 406 4,380 -
Total 10,387 3,214 504 1,235 5,364 70
Male 3,614 708 314 374 2,183 35
Female 6,773 2,506 190 861 3,181 35

Table 6.6 Cont’d
Type of Work Seeking or Available for
Major Towns Paid Paid Any
and To Establish Employment- Employment- Available
sex All persons own Business Private Government Work Others

Total 33,026 10,208 2,627 2,673 17,518 -
Male 10,113 1,690 1,284 722 6,417 -
Female 22,913 8,518 1,343 1,950 11,101 -
Total 16,652 5,450 1,048 2,642 7,511 -
Male 5,195 803 363 866 3,163 -
Female 11,457 4,647 686 1,776 4,349 -
Total 16,060 7,713 558 1,199 6,442 148
Male 4,940 1,353 268 370 2,846 103
Female 11,120 6,361 290 829 3,596 45
Total 6,839 1,707 232 644 4,146 110
Male 3,590 766 193 505 2,016 110
Female 3,250 941 40 139 2,130 -
Total 2,659 1,043 94 582 883 57
Male 571 192 16 150 155 57
Female 2,088 851 77 432 728 -
Total 10,275 3,575 713 1,491 3,950 546
Male 2,985 1,036 244 254 1,318 134
Female 7,290 2,539 469 1,237 2,633 412
Total 5,800 1,833 421 522 2,992 31
Male 2,492 582 242 138 1,530 -
Female 3,307 1,251 179 384 1,462 31
Total 9,662 3,092 424 1,169 4,977 -
Male 2,488 570 139 225 1,554 -
Female 7,174 2,522 285 945 3,423 -
Total 9,877 2,522 714 1,306 5,292 43
Male 3,875 696 307 377 2,453 43
Female 6,002 1,827 408 929 2,838 -
Total 18,458 6,664 619 2,328 8,666 180
Male 5,599 1,517 131 695 3,256 -
Female 12,859 5,147 488 1,633 5,411 180
Total 1,735 631 95 265 745 -
Male 244 40 44 40 120 -
Female 1,491 591 51 225 625 -
Total 9,077 1,827 612 618 5,968 52
Male 3,314 383 165 171 2,570 26
Female 5,762 1,444 447 447 3,399 26
Total 409,467 89,480 39,654 39,264 236,405 4,664
Male 138,635 24,609 13,389 9,885 89,434 1,318
Female 270,833 64,871 26,265 29,379 146,971 3,346
Total 29,158 9,580 1,905 3,550 13,866 256
Male 10,204 2,568 535 1,443 5,527 131
Female 18,954 7,012 1,370 2,108 8,339 125
Table 6.7a Unemployed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by status and level of Education, Age Group and Sex, COUNTRY TOTAL: 2013
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
10+2/ Diploma or
Age group Secondary Certificate Degree Degree
and All Never Total Ever Pre- Non Grades not Secondary Pre- Not Certificate Not Diploma Completed Not
Sex Persons Attended Attended school Formal 1-8 completed Completed paratory Completed Completed Completed Completed and above Stated

All Ages
Total 1,981,165 560,591 1,420,574 16,224 32,601 689,166 185,602 265,390 34,607 7,736 29,722 20,139 104,090 33,237 2,060
Male 629,619 118,556 511,063 2,913 12,823 216,419 74,239 101,201 15,037 3,092 10,994 8,664 44,475 20,618 589
Female 1,351,546 442,035 909,510 13,311 19,778 472,747 111,363 164,189 19,570 4,643 18,728 11,475 59,614 12,620 1,471
Total 121,294 54,653 66,641 7,543 46 56,314 1,952 231 - - - - - - 556
Male 51,182 25,855 25,327 1,355 46 22,709 431 231 - - - - - - 556
Female 70,112 28,798 41,314 6,188 - 33,605 1,521 - - - - - - - -
Total 339,748 58,618 281,130 3,317 1,147 168,420 43,016 41,696 5,380 2,252 6,034 2,110 6,858 - 899
Male 122,135 17,083 105,051 1,215 286 61,438 17,121 16,301 1,904 791 1,555 1,141 3,298 - -
Female 217,613 41,535 176,078 2,102 861 106,982 25,895 25,395 3,475 1,461 4,479 969 3,560 - 899
Total 505,480 80,314 425,166 933 2,127 164,046 56,766 101,271 14,428 3,591 13,118 11,075 41,928 15,562 320
Male 174,288 17,498 156,790 257 713 47,077 25,395 40,260 6,359 1,554 5,229 3,931 17,392 8,623 -
Female 331,192 62,816 268,376 676 1,414 116,969 31,371 61,011 8,069 2,037 7,889 7,144 24,537 6,940 320
Total 354,802 88,360 266,442 630 2,766 107,015 36,324 56,446 9,946 1,021 4,935 4,630 33,007 9,558 163
Male 110,660 13,339 97,321 - 654 28,638 15,266 21,992 4,933 627 1,429 2,477 14,951 6,320 33
Female 244,142 75,021 169,121 630 2,112 78,377 21,057 34,453 5,013 394 3,506 2,153 18,056 3,239 131
Total 190,503 64,834 125,669 303 4,210 57,028 19,310 27,205 2,960 382 1,201 1,106 8,529 3,433 -
Male 43,634 7,080 36,554 - 2,656 12,416 6,593 7,759 963 - 333 442 2,941 2,451 -
Female 146,869 57,754 89,115 303 1,554 44,612 12,717 19,446 1,997 382 868 664 5,588 982 -
Total 157,024 53,083 103,941 298 4,545 57,904 13,743 16,576 1,151 275 868 534 5,805 2,120 121
Male 37,843 7,173 30,671 - 1,838 15,285 3,811 5,479 492 - 595 139 1,448 1,584 -
Female 119,181 45,910 73,270 298 2,707 42,619 9,932 11,098 659 275 274 395 4,357 536 121
Total 100,707 45,092 55,615 1,007 5,823 29,482 6,326 8,749 35 121 1,739 129 1,884 320 -
Male 25,427 7,823 17,604 - 2,752 7,895 2,102 3,289 - 121 336 129 928 52 -
Female 75,280 37,269 38,010 1,007 3,070 21,587 4,224 5,460 35 - 1,404 - 956 268 -
Table 6.7a Cont’d
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
10+2/ Diploma or
Age group Secondary Certificate Degree Degree
and All Never Total Ever Pre- Non Grades not Secondary Pre- Not Certificate Not Diploma Completed Not
Sex Persons Attended Attended school Formal 1-8 completed Completed paratory Completed Completed Completed Completed and above Stated

Total 66,958 34,810 32,148 1,041 2,900 16,687 3,808 4,542 134 - 801 87 1,496 652 -
Male 15,078 6,068 9,009 - 713 4,655 1,188 1,219 - - 593 - 455 187 -
Female 51,881 28,742 23,139 1,041 2,188 12,032 2,620 3,323 134 - 208 87 1,041 465 -
Total 49,706 28,509 21,197 852 3,234 9,512 1,737 4,093 113 94 65 63 1,330 104 -
Male 9,267 2,410 6,856 - 1,147 3,026 812 1,124 - - - - 747 - -
Female 40,439 26,098 14,341 852 2,087 6,486 925 2,969 113 94 65 63 582 104 -
Total 33,186 15,612 17,574 11 1,875 9,741 1,558 2,475 460 - 35 170 992 258 -
Male 11,933 2,464 9,469 - 534 4,843 992 1,738 385 - - 170 637 171 -
Female 21,253 13,148 8,105 11 1,342 4,898 566 737 74 - 35 - 355 87 -
Total 27,928 15,014 12,914 289 1,515 7,201 733 1,330 - - 353 - 1,239 254 -
Male 11,405 4,312 7,093 87 - 4,341 367 1,034 - - 353 - 657 254 -
Female 16,523 10,702 5,821 202 1,515 2,859 366 296 - - - - 582 - -
Total 33,828 21,692 12,137 - 2,412 5,817 330 775 - - 571 235 1,021 975 -
Male 16,768 7,451 9,316 - 1,484 4,094 160 775 - - 571 235 1,021 975 -
Female 17,061 14,241 2,820 - 928 1,723 169 - - - - - - - -

Table 6.7b Unemployed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by status and level of Education, Age Group and Sex, COUNTRY TOTAL-
URBAN: 2013
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
10+2/ Diploma or
Age group Secondary Certificate Degree Degree
and All Never Total Ever Pre- Non Grades not Secondary Pre- Not Certificate Not Diploma Completed Not
Sex Persons Attended Attended school Formal 1-8 completed Completed paratory Completed Completed Completed Completed and above Stated

All Ages
Total 1,264,002 202,781 1,061,221 5,120 22,342 461,295 149,071 221,508 32,988 6,183 25,289 19,322 86,492 31,008 605
Male 413,579 32,727 380,852 1,509 6,610 139,823 59,444 84,971 13,901 3,092 10,471 7,892 34,067 19,040 33
Female 850,423 170,054 680,369 3,612 15,732 321,471 89,626 136,537 19,087 3,090 14,818 11,430 52,425 11,968 572
Total 35,170 4,320 30,850 1,868 46 27,568 1,136 231 - - - - - - -
Male 16,568 2,275 14,293 604 46 12,981 431 231 - - - - - - -
Female 18,602 2,045 16,556 1,264 - 14,587 706 - - - - - - - -
Total 172,004 14,325 157,680 595 725 76,241 27,799 33,368 5,150 1,555 4,746 2,110 5,390 - -
Male 69,462 4,335 65,126 561 257 28,631 12,800 15,000 1,675 791 1,555 1,141 2,716 - -
Female 102,543 9,989 92,553 35 469 47,610 14,999 18,368 3,475 765 3,191 969 2,673 - -
Total 335,753 27,027 308,727 281 880 102,683 44,386 74,123 13,168 2,734 9,974 11,075 34,191 14,910 320
Male 118,924 4,151 114,772 257 141 27,873 19,716 30,577 5,582 1,554 4,707 3,931 11,813 8,623 -
Female 216,830 22,875 193,954 24 738 74,810 24,670 43,546 7,586 1,180 5,268 7,144 22,378 6,288 320
Total 260,346 35,478 224,868 630 2,372 88,920 30,939 48,040 9,816 1,021 4,935 3,812 25,450 8,769 163
Male 79,729 3,492 76,237 - 654 21,570 12,435 16,747 4,803 627 1,429 1,705 10,703 5,531 33
Female 180,617 31,986 148,631 630 1,718 67,349 18,504 31,293 5,013 394 3,506 2,107 14,747 3,239 131
Total 137,501 23,840 113,661 303 1,684 50,363 18,117 27,205 2,960 382 1,201 1,106 7,694 2,644 -
Male 34,768 2,718 32,050 - 761 11,788 5,400 7,759 963 - 333 442 2,941 1,663 -
Female 102,733 21,122 81,611 303 922 38,575 12,717 19,446 1,997 382 868 664 4,753 982 -
Total 115,850 24,819 91,031 298 3,135 47,735 12,411 16,576 1,151 275 868 534 5,805 2,120 121
Male 29,193 3,353 25,840 - 1,206 11,645 3,252 5,479 492 - 595 139 1,448 1,584 -
Female 86,657 21,466 65,191 298 1,929 36,090 9,159 11,098 659 275 274 395 4,357 536 121
Total 66,135 18,187 47,948 351 2,843 25,451 6,326 8,749 35 121 1,739 129 1,884 320 -
Male 18,129 3,146 14,983 - 947 7,079 2,102 3,289 - 121 336 129 928 52 -
Female 48,006 15,041 32,965 351 1,896 18,372 4,224 5,460 35 - 1,404 - 956 268 -
Table 67b Cont’d
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
10+2/ Diploma or
Age group Secondary Certificate Degree Degree
and All Never Total Ever Pre- Non Grades not Secondary Pre- Not Certificate Not Diploma Completed Not
Sex Persons Attended Attended school Formal 1-8 completed Completed paratory Completed Completed Completed Completed and above Stated

Total 46,869 17,865 29,003 298 2,900 14,285 3,808 4,542 134 - 801 87 1,496 652 -
Male 11,240 2,727 8,513 - 713 4,159 1,188 1,219 - - 593 - 455 187 -
Female 35,629 15,138 20,491 298 2,188 10,126 2,620 3,323 134 - 208 87 1,041 465 -
Total 33,407 13,655 19,752 196 2,864 9,302 1,528 4,093 113 94 65 63 1,330 104 -
Male 7,146 1,079 6,068 - 778 2,817 602 1,124 - - - - 747 - -
Female 26,261 12,576 13,685 196 2,087 6,486 925 2,969 113 94 65 63 582 104 -
Total 23,441 7,619 15,823 11 1,596 8,269 1,558 2,475 460 - 35 170 992 258 -
Male 9,441 1,162 8,280 - 254 3,933 992 1,738 385 - - 170 637 171 -
Female 14,000 6,457 7,543 11 1,342 4,336 566 737 74 - 35 - 355 87 -
Total 18,393 6,966 11,427 289 1,515 5,713 733 1,330 - - 353 - 1,239 254 -
Male 8,615 2,087 6,529 87 - 3,776 367 1,034 - - 353 - 657 254 -
Female 9,778 4,880 4,898 202 1,515 1,937 366 296 - - - - 582 - -
Total 19,132 8,679 10,453 - 1,781 4,765 330 775 - - 571 235 1,021 975 -
Male 10,364 2,201 8,162 - 853 3,572 160 775 - - 571 235 1,021 975 -
Female 8,768 6,478 2,290 - 928 1,193 169 - - - - - - - -

Table 6.7c Unemployed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and Above by status and level of Education, Age Group and Sex, COUNTRY
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
10+2/ Diploma or
Age group Secondary Certificate Degree Degree
and All Never Total Ever Pre- Non Grades not Secondary Pre- Not Certificate Not Diploma Completed Not
Sex Persons Attended Attended school Formal 1-8 completed Completed paratory Completed Completed Completed Completed and above Stated

All Ages
Total 717,163 357,811 359,352 11,104 10,259 227,871 36,531 43,882 1,619 1,553 4,432 818 17,597 2,230 1,455
Male 216,040 85,829 130,211 1,405 6,213 76,595 14,795 16,230 1,137 - 522 772 10,408 1,578 556
Female 501,123 271,981 229,142 9,700 4,046 151,276 21,737 27,652 483 1,553 3,910 45 7,189 652 899
Total 86,125 50,333 35,792 5,675 - 28,746 815 - - - - - - - 556
Male 34,614 23,580 11,034 750 - 9,727 - - - - - - - - 556
Female 51,511 26,753 24,758 4,924 - 19,019 815 - - - - - - - -
Total 167,744 44,293 123,450 2,722 421 92,179 15,218 8,328 229 697 1,288 - 1,469 - 899
Male 52,673 12,748 39,925 654 30 32,808 4,322 1,301 229 - - - 582 - -
Female 115,071 31,545 83,525 2,067 392 59,372 10,896 7,027 - 697 1,288 - 887 - 899
Total 169,727 53,287 116,439 652 1,247 61,363 12,380 27,148 1,260 856 3,144 - 7,737 652 -
Male 55,364 13,347 42,018 - 572 19,204 5,680 9,684 777 - 522 - 5,578 - -
Female 114,363 39,941 74,422 652 675 42,159 6,700 17,464 483 856 2,622 - 2,158 652 -
Total 94,456 52,882 41,574 - 394 18,096 5,385 8,406 130 - - 818 7,557 789 -
Male 30,931 9,846 21,084 - - 7,068 2,831 5,246 130 - - 772 4,248 789 -
Female 63,525 43,035 20,490 - 394 11,028 2,553 3,160 - - - 45 3,309 - -
Total 53,002 40,994 12,008 - 2,526 6,665 1,193 - - - - - 835 789 -
Male 8,866 4,362 4,504 - 1,895 628 1,193 - - - - - - 789 -
Female 44,135 36,632 7,504 - 632 6,037 - - - - - - 835 - -
Total 41,174 28,264 12,910 - 1,410 10,169 1,331 - - - - - - - -
Male 8,650 3,820 4,831 - 632 3,640 559 - - - - - - - -
Female 32,524 24,444 8,080 - 779 6,529 772 - - - - - - - -
Total 34,572 26,905 7,667 656 2,980 4,030 - - - - - - - - -
Male 7,298 4,677 2,622 - 1,805 816 - - - - - - - - -
Female 27,273 22,228 5,045 656 1,174 3,214 - - - - - - - - -

Table 6.7c Cont’d

Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
10+2/ Diploma or
Age group Secondary Certificate Degree Degree
and All Never Total Ever Pre- Non Grades not Secondary Pre- Not Certificate Not Diploma Completed Not
Sex Persons Attended Attended school Formal 1-8 completed Completed paratory Completed Completed Completed Completed and above Stated

Total 20,090 16,945 3,145 743 - 2,402 - - - - - - - - -
Male 3,838 3,341 497 - - 497 - - - - - - - - -
Female 16,252 13,604 2,648 743 - 1,905 - - - - - - - - -
Total 16,299 14,854 1,445 656 369 210 210 - - - - - - - -
Male 2,120 1,332 789 - 369 210 210 - - - - - - - -
Female 14,178 13,522 656 656 - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 9,744 7,993 1,751 - 279 1,472 - - - - - - - - -
Male 2,491 1,302 1,189 - 279 910 - - - - - - - - -
Female 7,253 6,692 561 - - 561 - - - - - - - - -
Total 9,535 8,048 1,487 - - 1,487 - - - - - - - - -
Male 2,790 2,226 565 - - 565 - - - - - - - - -
Female 6,745 5,823 923 - - 923 - - - - - - - - -
Total 14,697 13,013 1,684 - 632 1,052 - - - - - - - - -
Male 6,404 5,250 1,154 - 632 522 - - - - - - - - -
Female 8,293 7,763 530 - - 530 - - - - - - - - -
Table 6.8 Unemployed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Status and level of Education, Sex and Place of Residence: 2013
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
Place of 10+2/ Diploma or
Residence Total Secondary Certificate Degree Degree
and All Never Ever Pre- Non Grades not Secondary Pre- Not Certificate Not Diploma Completed Not
Sex Persons Attended Attended school Formal 1-8 completed Completed paratory Completed Completed Completed Completed and above Stated
Urban + Rural
Total 1,981,165 560,591 1,420,574 16,224 32,601 689,166 185,602 265,390 34,607 7,736 29,721 20,139 104,090 33,237 2,060
Male 629,619 118,556 511,063 2,913 12,823 216,419 74,239 101,201 15,037 3,092 10,994 8,664 44,475 20,618 589
Female 1,351,546 442,035 909,510 13,311 19,778 472,747 111,363 164,189 19,570 4,643 18,728 11,475 59,614 12,620 1,471
Total 1,264,002 202,781 1,061,221 5,120 22,342 461,295 149,071 221,508 32,988 6,183 25,289 19,322 86,492 31,008 605
Male 413,579 32,727 380,852 1,509 6,610 139,823 59,444 84,971 13,901 3,092 10,471 7,892 34,067 19,040 33
Female 850,423 170,054 680,369 3,612 15,732 321,471 89,626 136,537 19,087 3,090 14,818 11,430 52,425 11,968 572
Total 717,163 357,811 359,352 11,104 10,259 227,871 36,531 43,882 1,619 1,553 4,432 818 17,597 2,230 1,455
Male 216,040 85,829 130,211 1,405 6,213 76,595 14,795 16,230 1,137 - 522 772 10,408 1,578 556
Female 501,123 271,981 229,142 9,700 4,046 151,276 21,737 27,652 483 1,553 3,910 45 7,189 652 899

Urban + Rural
Total 147,665 42,220 105,445 202 3,945 55,864 10,282 21,909 4,337 353 796 1,226 4,531 2,002 -
Male 47,262 9,574 37,688 - 1,856 20,363 4,953 6,281 1,609 156 605 271 965 630 -
Female 100,404 32,646 67,757 202 2,089 35,502 5,329 15,628 2,728 198 190 955 3,565 1,372 -
Total 93,590 14,486 79,104 202 1,427 35,143 8,895 20,194 4,337 353 796 1,226 4,531 2,002 -
Male 26,028 1,618 24,410 - 508 9,859 3,856 5,951 1,609 156 605 271 965 630 -
Female 67,563 12,868 54,694 202 919 25,284 5,039 14,243 2,728 198 190 955 3,565 1,372 -
Total 54,075 27,734 26,341 - 2,518 20,721 1,387 1,715 - - - - - - -
Male 21,234 7,955 13,279 - 1,348 10,504 1,097 330 - - - - - - -
Female 32,841 19,778 13,063 - 1,170 10,217 290 1,385 - - - - - - -
Table 6.8 Cont’d
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
Place of 10+2/ Diploma or
Residence Total Secondary Certificate Degree Degree
and All Never Ever Pre- Non Grades not Secondary Pre- Not Certificate Not Diploma Completed Not
Sex Persons Attended Attended school Formal 1-8 completed Completed paratory Completed Completed Completed Completed and above Stated

Urban + Rural
Total 51,549 35,702 15,847 11 528 9,757 2,919 1,354 114 - 11 229 581 342 -
Male 18,038 12,187 5,850 - 257 3,677 1,157 146 11 - 11 125 236 232 -
Female 33,511 23,515 9,996 11 271 6,081 1,763 1,208 104 - - 104 345 111 -
Total 15,040 6,531 8,508 11 528 5,702 661 539 114 - 11 229 371 342 -
Male 3,337 1,100 2,238 - 257 1,089 132 146 11 - 11 125 236 232 -
Female 11,702 5,432 6,271 11 271 4,614 529 393 104 - - 104 136 111 -
Total 36,509 29,171 7,338 - - 4,055 2,259 815 - - - - 210 - -
Male 14,700 11,088 3,613 - - 2,588 1,025 - - - - - - - -
Female 21,809 18,083 3,725 - - 1,467 1,234 815 - - - - 210 - -

Urban + Rural
Total 387,807 126,855 260,952 5,434 16,376 129,609 21,504 48,410 3,378 1,564 7,574 2,775 17,826 6,502 -
Male 119,863 26,067 93,796 911 7,050 46,348 8,015 17,434 1,389 742 1,348 917 5,888 3,755 -
Female 267,943 100,788 167,155 4,523 9,326 83,261 13,489 30,977 1,989 821 6,226 1,858 11,938 2,747 -
Total 224,129 41,957 182,172 1,440 8,894 81,131 16,783 40,121 3,378 867 5,009 2,775 15,924 5,850 -
Male 73,293 9,141 64,152 257 2,444 27,260 6,095 14,688 1,389 742 1,348 917 5,256 3,755 -
Female 150,836 32,816 118,020 1,184 6,450 53,871 10,688 25,432 1,989 125 3,661 1,858 10,668 2,095 -
Total 163,678 84,898 78,779 3,994 7,482 48,478 4,721 8,290 - 697 2,564 - 1,902 652 -
Male 46,571 16,926 29,644 654 4,606 19,087 1,920 2,745 - - - - 632 - -
Female 117,107 67,972 49,135 3,340 2,876 29,391 2,801 5,544 - 697 2,564 - 1,271 652 -
Table 6.8 Cont’d
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
Place of 10+2/ Diploma or
Residence Total Secondary Certificate Degree Degree
and All Never Ever Pre- Non Grades not Secondary Pre- Not Certificate Not Diploma Completed Not
Sex Persons Attended Attended school Formal 1-8 completed Completed paratory Completed Completed Completed Completed and above Stated
Urban + Rural
Total 517,207 129,565 387,642 7,430 3,145 195,048 47,037 72,035 7,847 1,786 9,534 6,180 30,416 6,284 899
Male 153,350 17,957 135,393 1,165 1,123 55,976 19,338 27,790 3,768 339 3,820 2,516 14,518 5,038 -
Female 363,857 111,608 252,249 6,266 2,022 139,072 27,698 44,245 4,079 1,447 5,713 3,664 15,898 1,246 899
Total 294,426 42,178 252,248 2,711 3,145 117,461 30,728 51,002 7,070 930 8,758 5,407 20,330 4,706 -
Male 99,218 5,977 93,241 1,165 1,123 36,482 14,096 19,552 2,991 339 3,820 1,743 8,469 3,460 -
Female 195,207 36,201 159,007 1,547 2,022 80,979 16,631 31,450 4,079 591 4,937 3,664 11,861 1,246 -
Total 222,781 87,388 135,394 4,719 - 77,587 16,309 21,033 777 856 776 772 10,086 1,578 899
Male 54,132 11,981 42,151 - - 19,495 5,242 8,239 777 - - 772 6,048 1,578 -
Female 168,650 75,407 93,242 4,719 - 58,093 11,067 12,795 - 856 776 - 4,037 - 899

Urban + Rural
Total 43,821 31,266 12,555 228 1,169 7,012 1,125 1,120 841 - 76 92 325 568 -
Male 22,320 14,272 8,047 228 708 4,532 581 648 403 - 76 92 249 530 -
Female 21,501 16,994 4,507 - 461 2,480 544 472 437 - - - 76 38 -
Total 15,994 7,074 8,920 - 939 4,501 1,125 1,120 174 - 76 92 325 568 -
Male 7,540 2,230 5,310 - 479 2,481 581 648 174 - 76 92 249 530 -
Female 8,454 4,844 3,610 - 461 2,020 544 472 - - - - 76 38 -
Total 27,827 24,192 3,635 228 229 2,511 - - 667 - - - - - -
Male 14,780 12,042 2,738 228 229 2,051 - - 229 - - - - - -
Female 13,047 12,150 897 - - 460 - - 437 - - - - - -
Table 6.8 Cont’d
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
10+2/ Diploma or
Place of Total Secondary Certificate Degree Degree
residence All Never Ever Pre- Non Grades not Secondary Pre- Not Certificate Not Diploma Completed Not
and sex Persons Attended Attended school Formal 1-8 completed Completed paratory Completed Completed Completed Completed and above Stated
Urban + Rural
Total 14,382 5,302 9,080 - 239 4,590 1,602 1,125 443 75 129 173 590 116 -
Male 4,711 1,589 3,122 - 117 1,325 821 394 130 55 - 63 178 39 -
Female 9,671 3,713 5,958 - 121 3,264 781 731 313 20 129 110 412 77 -
Total 8,059 1,457 6,603 - 239 2,857 1,238 875 313 75 129 173 590 116 -
Male 2,397 183 2,214 - 117 864 610 289 - 55 - 63 178 39 -
Female 5,662 1,274 4,389 - 121 1,993 628 586 313 20 129 110 412 77 -
Total 6,323 3,845 2,477 - - 1,733 364 251 130 - - - - - -
Male 2,314 1,406 908 - - 462 211 105 130 - - - - - -
Female 4,009 2,440 1,569 - - 1,271 153 145 - - - - - - -

Urban + Rural
Total 361,167 130,123 231,044 2,482 1,426 127,399 33,465 34,611 2,497 329 3,315 2,477 19,476 2,937 629
Male 109,893 28,715 81,177 522 576 38,433 11,995 14,095 1,171 154 1,355 766 9,329 2,193 589
Female 251,274 101,407 149,867 1,960 850 88,967 21,470 20,517 1,326 174 1,960 1,710 10,147 745 40
Total 162,375 32,484 129,891 364 1,426 57,675 22,306 23,353 2,497 329 2,224 2,477 14,231 2,937 73
Male 49,058 4,525 44,533 - 576 16,855 6,851 9,450 1,171 154 832 766 5,651 2,193 33
Female 113,317 27,960 85,358 364 850 40,820 15,455 13,902 1,326 174 1,391 1,710 8,580 745 40
Total 198,792 97,639 101,153 2,118 - 69,725 11,159 11,259 - - 1,091 - 5,245 - 556
Male 60,835 24,191 36,644 522 - 21,578 5,144 4,644 - - 522 - 3,677 - 556
Female 137,957 73,448 64,509 1,596 - 48,147 6,016 6,614 - - 569 - 1,567 - -
Table 6.8 Cont’d
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
Place of 10+2/ Diploma or
Residence Total Secondary Certificate Degree Degree
and All Never Ever Pre- Non Grades not Secondary Pre- Not Certificate Not Diploma Completed Not
Sex Persons Attended Attended school Formal 1-8 completed Completed paratory Completed Completed Completed Completed and above Stated
Urban + Rural
Total 7,412 2,463 4,949 70 - 3,413 392 544 45 - 64 197 226 - -
Male 1,320 235 1,085 - - 797 153 90 - - 17 - 28 - -
Female 6,092 2,227 3,865 70 - 2,616 239 454 45 - 47 197 198 - -
Total 2,687 697 1,991 24 - 1,160 191 279 - - 64 151 121 - -
Male 556 145 411 - - 219 57 90 - - 17 - 28 - -
Female 2,132 552 1,580 24 - 940 134 189 - - 47 151 94 - -
Total 4,725 1,766 2,959 45 - 2,253 200 264 45 - - 45 105 - -
Male 765 91 674 - - 578 96 - - - - - - - -
Female 3,960 1,675 2,285 45 - 1,675 105 264 45 - - 45 105 - -

Urban + Rural
Total 9,560 1,288 8,272 - 203 3,687 1,480 1,408 284 24 138 49 768 232 -
Male 3,555 201 3,354 - 30 1,339 746 474 61 24 48 26 435 173 -
Female 6,005 1,087 4,918 - 173 2,348 735 934 223 - 91 24 333 58 -
Total 9,077 1,103 7,974 - 173 3,468 1,480 1,408 284 24 138 49 717 232 -
Male 3,314 172 3,143 - - 1,208 746 474 61 24 48 26 384 173 -
Female 5,762 931 4,831 - 173 2,261 735 934 223 - 91 24 333 58 -
Total 484 185 299 - 30 218 - - - - - - 51 - -
Male 241 29 212 - 30 131 - - - - - - 51 - -
Female 243 156 87 - - 87 - - - - - - - - -
Table 6.8 Cont’d
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
Place of 10+2/ Diploma or
Residence Total Secondary Certificate Degree Degree
and All Never Ever Pre- Non Grades not Secondary Pre- Not Certificate Not Diploma Completed Not
Sex Persons Attended Attended school Formal 1-8 completed Completed paratory Completed Completed Completed Completed and above Stated
Urban + Rural
Total 409,467 48,893 360,574 368 5,014 140,866 62,953 78,188 14,171 3,483 7,402 6,607 27,904 13,088 532
Male 138,635 6,483 132,152 87 932 40,167 25,111 31,655 6,213 1,549 3,264 3,837 11,991 7,345 -
Female 270,833 42,410 228,423 281 4,082 100,699 37,842 46,533 7,959 1,933 4,138 2,769 15,913 5,743 532
Total 409,467 48,893 360,574 368 5,014 140,866 62,953 78,188 14,171 3,483 7,402 6,607 27,904 13,088 532
Male 138,635 6,483 132,152 87 932 40,167 25,111 31,655 6,213 1,549 3,264 3,837 11,991 7,345 -
Female 270,833 42,410 228,423 281 4,082 100,699 37,842 46,533 7,959 1,933 4,138 2,769 15,913 5,743 532
Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Urban + Rural
Total 31,127 6,914 24,214 - 556 11,921 2,843 4,686 650 122 685 136 1,448 1,167 -
Male 10,673 1,275 9,398 - 173 3,462 1,370 2,194 282 72 451 52 660 683 -
Female 20,455 5,639 14,816 - 383 8,459 1,474 2,492 368 50 234 84 788 484 -
Total 29,158 5,921 23,237 - 556 11,331 2,711 4,431 650 122 685 136 1,448 1,167 -
Male 10,204 1,155 9,050 - 173 3,341 1,309 2,028 282 72 451 52 660 683 -
Female 18,954 4,767 14,187 - 383 7,990 1,402 2,403 368 50 234 84 788 484 -
Total 1,969 992 977 - - 590 132 255 - - - - - - -
Male 469 120 348 - - 121 61 167 - - - - - - -
Female 1,501 872 629 - - 468 71 89 - - - - - - -
Table 6.9 Unemployed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and Above by Status and level of Education and Sex: 2013
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
10+2/ Diploma or
Major Town Total Secondary Certificate Degree Degree
and All Never Ever Pre- Non Grades not Secondary Pre- Not Certificate Not Diploma Completed Not
Sex Persons Attended Attended school Formal 1-8 completed Completed paratory Completed Completed Completed Completed and above Stated

Total 722,282 88,626 633,655 897 9,713 253,576 94,333 137,665 22,394 5,259 14,836 14,335 57,352 22,692 605
Male 238,016 11,973 226,043 130 2,442 73,650 36,122 53,971 9,018 2,712 6,235 6,773 22,071 12,887 33
Female 484,266 76,654 407,612 767 7,271 179,926 58,210 83,693 13,376 2,546 8,601 7,562 35,281 9,805 572
Total 6,807 800 6,007 - 108 2,477 315 2,006 391 75 92 27 294 222 -
Male 2,340 27 2,312 - - 652 232 771 219 47 65 27 179 120 -
Female 4,467 773 3,694 - 108 1,825 82 1,235 172 27 27 - 114 102 -
Total 24,793 2,182 22,610 - 426 9,269 2,482 4,357 982 108 363 1,028 2,447 1,148 -
Male 5,721 200 5,521 - 108 1,906 1,013 1,075 217 108 200 244 541 108 -
Female 19,072 1,982 17,090 - 317 7,363 1,469 3,282 766 - 163 785 1,906 1,040 -
Total 1,411 577 834 11 107 460 32 118 11 - 11 21 53 11 -
Male 470 160 310 - 43 128 21 43 11 - 11 21 21 11 -
Female 941 417 524 11 64 331 11 75 - - - - 32 - -
Total 19,907 2,235 17,673 - 330 4,967 1,084 6,141 92 333 1,221 861 2,030 613 -
Male 6,833 267 6,566 - 231 1,511 376 2,475 - 333 546 244 333 516 -
Female 13,074 1,967 11,107 - 99 3,456 708 3,666 92 - 675 618 1,697 97 -
Total 10,980 923 10,057 35 459 4,310 869 2,417 770 44 180 175 540 258 -
Male 3,978 150 3,829 - 104 1,350 318 1,068 347 - 63 56 409 115 -
Female 7,001 773 6,228 35 356 2,960 552 1,348 423 44 117 120 131 142 -
Total 17,607 1,199 16,408 - 742 5,638 1,417 4,266 936 96 609 96 2,213 395 -
Male 5,308 230 5,078 - 121 1,496 396 1,286 447 49 269 46 725 243 -
Female 12,299 969 11,330 - 621 4,142 1,020 2,980 489 46 340 49 1,489 152 -
Table 6.9 Cont’d
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
10+2/ Diploma or
Major Town Total Secondary Certificate Degree Degree
and All Never Ever Pre- Non Grades not Secondary Pre- Not Certificate Not Diploma Completed Not
Sex Persons Attended Attended school Formal 1-8 completed Completed paratory Completed Completed Completed Completed and above Stated

Total 5,863 690 5,173 - 453 2,093 576 1,034 153 70 69 207 517 - -
Male 1,461 106 1,355 - 202 471 56 172 36 36 - 171 212 - -
Female 4,401 584 3,817 - 251 1,622 520 862 118 34 69 36 305 - -
Total 6,045 1,163 4,882 - 109 1,391 684 1,041 69 - 295 152 790 351 -
Male 1,942 34 1,908 - - 548 244 380 - - 97 119 201 319 -
Female 4,103 1,129 2,974 - 109 843 440 661 69 - 198 32 589 32 -
Total 18,928 2,158 16,770 - 95 5,877 1,641 4,085 483 - 570 530 2,768 721 -
Male 5,409 160 5,248 - - 1,175 438 1,670 - - 78 281 1,044 562 -
Female 13,519 1,997 11,522 - 95 4,701 1,203 2,415 483 - 492 250 1,724 159 -
Total 8,844 604 8,240 36 - 2,398 719 2,315 213 157 319 257 1,546 282 -
Male 2,781 - 2,781 - - 711 309 776 103 35 131 35 400 282 -
Female 6,063 604 5,459 36 - 1,688 410 1,539 109 122 188 222 1,146 - -
Total 11,965 1,512 10,453 43 - 4,519 1,637 1,929 215 82 503 209 839 477 -
Male 3,912 134 3,778 43 - 1,129 571 600 112 82 269 169 372 432 -
Female 8,053 1,378 6,675 - - 3,389 1,066 1,329 104 - 234 40 468 45 -
Total 10,387 413 9,974 - 35 3,572 1,062 2,599 240 35 464 265 1,502 200 -
Male 3,614 - 3,614 - - 993 285 1,006 135 - 250 147 688 109 -
Female 6,773 413 6,360 - 35 2,579 777 1,593 105 35 214 117 813 91 -
Total 33,026 3,091 29,934 121 732 14,492 2,851 5,799 659 121 453 535 3,035 1,136 -
Male 10,113 418 9,695 - 338 4,840 810 1,861 - 121 103 246 928 450 -
Female 22,913 2,673 20,239 121 394 9,652 2,042 3,938 659 - 351 290 2,107 686 -
Table 6.9 Cont’d
Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
10+2/ Diploma or
Major Town Total Secondary Certificate Degree Degree
and All Never Ever Pre- Non Grades not Secondary Pre- Not Certificate Not Diploma Completed Not
Sex Persons Attended Attended school Formal 1-8 completed Completed paratory Completed Completed Completed Completed and above Stated

Total 16,652 1,943 14,708 - - 5,039 2,091 3,976 412 60 218 1,002 1,611 300 -
Male 5,195 111 5,084 - - 1,395 975 1,924 202 - - 244 250 93 -
Female 11,457 1,832 9,625 - - 3,644 1,117 2,052 210 60 218 758 1,361 206 -
Total 16,060 2,507 13,552 195 - 7,445 1,851 1,980 284 102 82 487 759 367 -
Male 4,940 279 4,661 - - 2,567 405 919 76 102 41 239 161 150 -
Female 11,120 2,229 8,891 195 - 4,877 1,446 1,061 208 - 40 248 598 217 -
Total 6,839 2,237 4,602 - 157 1,843 583 878 128 - 76 92 279 568 -
Male 3,590 692 2,898 - 157 882 275 556 128 - 76 92 203 530 -
Female 3,250 1,546 1,704 - - 961 308 322 - - - - 76 38 -
Total 2,659 415 2,244 - 67 987 145 444 25 20 31 56 405 64 -
Male 571 - 571 - - 260 34 127 - - - - 111 39 -
Female 2,088 415 1,673 - 67 727 110 317 25 20 31 56 294 25 -
Total 10,275 1,452 8,823 - 33 4,109 1,107 1,636 501 - 244 277 730 113 73
Male 2,985 129 2,857 - 33 1,301 334 725 255 - - 105 31 39 33
Female 7,290 1,323 5,967 - - 2,808 774 911 246 - 244 172 698 74 40
Total 5,800 795 5,004 - 22 2,458 908 846 85 - 107 85 462 31 -
Male 2,492 242 2,250 - - 1,131 286 349 31 - 22 54 377 - -
Female 3,307 554 2,754 - 22 1,327 622 497 54 - 85 31 85 31 -
Total 9,662 1,588 8,074 - - 3,228 1,605 1,752 103 - 96 285 1,005 - -
Male 2,488 242 2,246 - - 663 502 573 52 - 64 31 361 - -
Female 7,174 1,346 5,828 - - 2,565 1,103 1,179 52 - 31 254 644 - -

Table 6.9 Cont’d

Status of School Attendance
Highest Grade Completed
10+2/ Diploma or
Major Town Total Secondary Certificate Degree Degree
and All Never Ever Pre- Non Grades not Secondary Pre- Not Certificate Not Diploma Completed Not
Sex Persons Attended Attended school Formal 1-8 completed Completed paratory Completed Completed Completed Completed and above Stated

Total 9,877 1,612 8,266 - 97 3,068 1,240 1,833 142 94 504 347 858 83 -
Male 3,875 265 3,610 - - 1,299 494 876 92 - 171 146 450 83 -
Female 6,002 1,347 4,655 - 97 1,769 746 957 50 94 333 201 408 - -
Total 18,458 2,240 16,218 65 - 7,530 2,171 1,993 393 234 68 396 2,501 867 -
Male 5,599 260 5,339 - - 2,421 583 545 - 154 - 140 1,010 486 -
Female 12,859 1,980 10,879 65 - 5,109 1,588 1,448 393 80 68 256 1,492 381 -
Total 1,735 372 1,363 24 - 740 118 195 - - 39 151 97 - -
Male 244 57 187 - - 105 - 38 - - 17 - 28 - -
Female 1,491 315 1,176 24 - 635 118 156 - - 22 151 69 - -
Total 9,077 1,103 7,974 - 173 3,468 1,480 1,408 284 24 138 49 717 232 -
Male 3,314 172 3,143 - - 1,208 746 474 61 24 48 26 384 173 -
Female 5,762 931 4,831 - 173 2,261 735 934 223 - 91 24 333 58 -
Total 409,467 48,893 360,574 368 5,014 140,866 62,953 78,188 14,171 3,483 7,402 6,607 27,904 13,088 532
Male 138,635 6,483 132,152 87 932 40,167 25,111 31,655 6,213 1,549 3,264 3,837 11,991 7,345 -
Female 270,833 42,410 228,423 281 4,082 100,699 37,842 46,533 7,959 1,933 4,138 2,769 15,913 5,743 532
Total 29,158 5,921 23,237 - 556 11,331 2,711 4,431 650 122 685 136 1,448 1,167 -
Male 10,204 1,155 9,050 - 173 3,341 1,309 2,028 282 72 451 52 660 683 -
Female 18,954 4,767 14,187 - 383 7,990 1,402 2,403 368 50 234 84 788 484 -
Table 6.10 Unemployed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Duration of Unemployment, Sex and Place of
Residence: 2013
Place of All Duration of Unemployment (In Months)
Residence and Unemployed
Sex Persons <1 1-6 7-12 13-24 25-36 37-48 49-60 61-72 73-84 85-95 96+

Urban + Rural
Total 1,981,165 347,181 411,147 330,301 257,846 128,223 40,548 23,222 13,216 10,474 4,525 414,484
Male 629,619 121,225 140,613 104,783 81,416 36,121 9,838 5,495 3,620 2,065 1,496 122,947
Female 1,351,546 225,956 270,534 225,518 176,429 92,102 30,710 17,727 9,596 8,409 3,029 291,536
Total 1,264,002 172,201 250,145 221,640 177,383 82,365 31,066 21,054 11,111 8,988 2,175 285,873
Male 413,579 58,186 91,650 74,470 59,102 24,536 8,421 5,267 2,223 2,065 476 87,183
Female 850,423 114,015 158,495 147,170 118,281 57,830 22,645 15,786 8,888 6,923 1,699 198,690
Total 717,163 174,980 161,002 108,661 80,462 45,858 9,482 2,168 2,104 1,486 2,349 128,610
Male 216,040 63,039 48,963 30,313 22,314 11,585 1,417 228 1,397 - 1,020 35,764
Female 501,123 111,941 112,039 78,348 58,148 34,273 8,065 1,940 707 1,486 1,329 92,846

Urban + Rural
Total 147,665 39,259 34,152 23,325 13,458 9,995 1,989 977 136 1,415 341 22,620
Male 47,262 11,107 12,880 8,068 4,929 2,915 576 108 27 322 341 5,989
Female 100,404 28,153 21,272 15,257 8,529 7,079 1,413 869 108 1,093 - 16,631
Total 93,590 25,141 20,534 17,164 8,666 6,289 992 977 136 889 - 12,804
Male 26,028 6,145 5,746 5,124 2,840 2,188 217 108 27 322 - 3,311
Female 67,563 18,996 14,788 12,040 5,825 4,101 775 869 108 567 - 9,492
Total 54,075 14,119 13,619 6,161 4,792 3,706 997 - - 526 341 9,816
Male 21,234 4,962 7,134 2,944 2,089 728 359 - - - 341 2,677
Female 32,841 9,157 6,484 3,217 2,703 2,978 638 - - 526 - 7,139
Table 6.10: Cont’d
Place of All Duration of Unemployment (In Months)
Residence and Unemployed
Sex Persons <1 1-6 7-12 13-24 25-36 37-48 49-60 61-72 73-84 85-95 96+

Urban + Rural
Total 51,549 9,124 10,184 10,523 6,650 3,153 21 257 221 114 659 10,642
Male 18,038 4,138 3,215 2,368 2,903 905 - 32 - - 451 4,026
Female 33,511 4,986 6,969 8,155 3,747 2,248 21 225 221 114 207 6,616
Total 15,040 1,768 3,942 3,703 2,000 839 21 257 221 114 207 1,968
Male 3,337 232 1,071 935 457 453 - 32 - - - 157
Female 11,702 1,536 2,871 2,768 1,543 386 21 225 221 114 207 1,811
Total 36,509 7,356 6,242 6,821 4,651 2,314 - - - - 451 8,674
Male 14,700 3,906 2,144 1,433 2,446 451 - - - - 451 3,869
Female 21,809 3,450 4,098 5,388 2,204 1,863 - - - - - 4,805

Urban + Rural
Total 387,807 76,657 92,167 73,718 49,544 24,317 6,733 5,497 3,043 877 100 55,152
Male 119,863 27,346 33,533 21,919 14,838 5,988 1,310 1,036 122 35 - 13,736
Female 267,943 49,312 58,634 51,799 34,706 18,329 5,423 4,461 2,921 842 100 41,416
Total 224,129 24,988 51,686 46,955 35,911 14,677 5,453 5,497 3,043 877 100 34,940
Male 73,293 8,667 22,062 14,616 12,081 3,413 1,310 1,036 122 35 - 9,950
Female 150,836 16,321 29,624 32,340 23,830 11,264 4,143 4,461 2,921 842 100 24,990
Total 163,678 51,669 40,481 26,763 13,632 9,640 1,280 - - - - 20,212
Male 46,571 18,679 11,471 7,303 2,757 2,575 - - - - - 3,786
Female 117,107 32,991 29,010 19,460 10,876 7,065 1,280 - - - - 16,426
Table 6.10: Cont’d
Place of All Duration of Unemployment (In Months)
Residence and Unemployed
Sex Persons <1 1-6 7-12 13-24 25-36 37-48 49-60 61-72 73-84 85-95 96+

Urban + Rural
Total 517,207 94,554 126,109 96,210 71,190 24,916 9,554 5,351 3,691 2,062 1,274 82,296
Male 153,350 34,738 36,812 26,610 21,909 6,633 1,998 543 971 856 35 22,245
Female 363,857 59,816 89,297 69,600 49,281 18,284 7,556 4,808 2,720 1,206 1,239 60,051
Total 294,426 46,277 65,469 57,075 39,860 16,168 7,144 3,501 2,919 2,062 467 53,483
Male 99,218 16,864 24,094 18,899 14,347 4,984 1,998 543 199 856 35 16,399
Female 195,207 29,413 41,375 38,176 25,512 11,184 5,146 2,958 2,720 1,206 432 37,084
Total 222,781 48,277 60,640 39,134 31,330 8,748 2,409 1,850 772 - 807 28,813
Male 54,132 17,874 12,717 7,711 7,562 1,648 - - 772 - - 5,846
Female 168,650 30,403 47,922 31,423 23,768 7,100 2,409 1,850 - - 807 22,967

Urban + Rural
Total 43,821 17,145 4,523 3,585 3,884 2,511 1,317 678 242 608 274 9,054
Male 22,320 8,528 1,439 2,294 2,116 1,358 593 396 242 46 228 5,080
Female 21,501 8,617 3,085 1,290 1,769 1,153 723 282 - 562 46 3,974
Total 15,994 3,374 2,402 2,147 2,516 1,143 403 450 242 171 46 3,099
Male 7,540 1,616 917 1,085 1,431 674 138 168 242 46 - 1,224
Female 8,454 1,758 1,485 1,063 1,085 469 266 282 - 125 46 1,876
Total 27,827 13,771 2,121 1,438 1,368 1,367 913 228 - 437 228 5,955
Male 14,780 6,912 522 1,210 684 684 456 228 - - 228 3,856
Female 13,047 6,859 1,599 228 684 684 457 - - 437 - 2,099
Table 6.10: Cont’d
Place of All Duration of Unemployment (In Months)
Residence and Unemployed
Sex Persons <1 1-6 7-12 13-24 25-36 37-48 49-60 61-72 73-84 85-95 96+

Urban + Rural
Total 14,382 2,229 3,157 3,665 1,529 722 85 18 79 - - 2,898
Male 4,711 806 1,225 1,110 468 346 - - - - - 757
Female 9,671 1,423 1,932 2,555 1,061 376 85 18 79 - - 2,141
Total 8,059 1,185 1,537 2,125 466 349 85 18 79 - - 2,214
Male 2,397 595 459 488 85 119 - - - - - 652
Female 5,662 591 1,078 1,637 381 231 85 18 79 - - 1,562
Total 6,323 1,044 1,621 1,540 1,063 372 - - - - - 684
Male 2,314 211 766 622 383 227 - - - - - 105
Female 4,009 833 854 918 680 145 - - - - - 578

Urban + Rural
Total 361,167 57,252 71,838 52,373 49,198 27,520 7,627 1,851 2,011 1,729 607 89,162
Male 109,893 18,085 22,580 18,864 14,630 7,546 1,007 677 940 31 31 25,501
Female 251,274 39,167 49,258 33,510 34,568 19,974 6,620 1,173 1,070 1,698 576 63,661
Total 162,375 19,709 36,997 27,318 26,287 8,262 3,789 1,851 679 1,207 85 36,192
Male 49,058 8,083 8,401 10,072 8,359 2,449 451 677 316 31 31 10,187
Female 113,317 11,626 28,595 17,247 17,928 5,813 3,338 1,173 363 1,175 54 26,005
Total 198,792 37,543 34,841 25,055 22,911 19,258 3,838 - 1,332 522 522 52,970
Male 60,835 10,001 14,178 8,792 6,272 5,096 557 - 625 - - 15,314
Female 137,957 27,542 20,663 16,263 16,640 14,161 3,281 - 707 522 522 37,656
Table 6.10: Cont’d
Place of All Duration of Unemployment (In Months)
Residence and Unemployed
Sex Persons <1 1-6 7-12 13-24 25-36 37-48 49-60 61-72 73-84 85-95 96+

Urban + Rural
Total 7,412 913 1,910 1,896 537 418 62 107 27 21 - 1,521
Male 1,320 436 214 140 66 174 45 16 - - - 228
Female 6,092 477 1,696 1,756 471 244 16 91 27 21 - 1,293
Total 2,687 334 817 706 223 209 16 16 27 21 - 318
Male 556 48 214 49 66 70 - 16 - - - 92
Female 2,132 286 602 657 157 139 16 - 27 21 - 226
Total 4,725 579 1,094 1,190 314 209 45 91 - - - 1,203
Male 765 388 - 91 - 104 45 - - - - 136
Female 3,960 191 1,094 1,100 314 105 - 91 - - - 1,067

Urban + Rural
Total 9,560 1,785 2,302 1,680 1,062 597 298 51 101 51 145 1,489
Male 3,555 636 992 667 444 124 124 25 52 51 - 440
Female 6,005 1,149 1,310 1,012 618 473 174 26 49 - 145 1,049
Total 9,077 1,628 2,211 1,553 1,007 597 298 51 101 51 145 1,434
Male 3,314 531 962 616 389 124 124 25 52 51 - 440
Female 5,762 1,098 1,249 937 618 473 174 26 49 - 145 994
Total 484 157 90 127 54 - - - - - - 55
Male 241 106 29 51 54 - - - - - - -
Female 243 51 61 76 - - - - - - - 55
Table 6.10: Cont’d
Place of All Duration of Unemployment (In Months)
Residence and Unemployed
Sex Persons <1 1-6 7-12 13-24 25-36 37-48 49-60 61-72 73-84 85-95 96+


Urban + Rural
Total 409,467 44,655 60,070 58,223 55,909 30,403 11,372 7,927 3,559 2,944 1,125 133,281
Male 138,635 14,316 26,060 20,619 17,669 8,787 3,623 2,487 1,265 724 410 42,674
Female 270,833 30,339 34,009 37,604 38,240 21,616 7,749 5,440 2,294 2,220 715 90,607
Total 409,467 44,655 60,070 58,223 55,909 30,403 11,372 7,927 3,559 2,944 1,125 133,281
Male 138,635 14,316 26,060 20,619 17,669 8,787 3,623 2,487 1,265 724 410 42,674
Female 270,833 30,339 34,009 37,604 38,240 21,616 7,749 5,440 2,294 2,220 715 90,607
Total - - - - - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban + Rural
Total 31,127 3,608 4,735 5,103 4,885 3,672 1,491 507 106 652 - 6,369
Male 10,673 1,090 1,663 2,123 1,445 1,346 562 173 - - - 2,272
Female 20,455 2,518 3,072 2,980 3,440 2,326 929 334 106 652 - 4,097
Total 29,158 3,142 4,482 4,670 4,539 3,429 1,491 507 106 652 - 6,140
Male 10,204 1,090 1,663 1,967 1,378 1,274 562 173 - - - 2,097
Female 18,954 2,052 2,818 2,703 3,161 2,154 929 334 106 652 - 4,043
Total 1,969 466 253 433 346 243 - - - - - 228
Male 469 - - 156 67 71 - - - - - 174
Female 1,501 466 253 277 279 172 - - - - - 54
Table 6.11 Unemployed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and above by Duration of Unemployment and Sex: 2013
Major Town All Duration of Unemployment (In Months)
and Unemployed
Sex Persons <1 1-6 7-12 13-24 25-36 37-48 49-60 61-72 73-84 85-95 96+

Total 722,282 97,164 122,773 116,340 99,793 53,358 19,351 12,818 5,797 6,026 1,529 187,333
Male 238,016 30,031 48,783 40,742 32,318 15,391 5,588 3,955 1,728 1,351 476 57,653
Female 484,266 67,133 73,990 75,597 67,475 37,966 13,763 8,863 4,069 4,674 1,053 129,680
Total 6,807 2,660 1,129 715 641 500 85 115 27 - - 936
Male 2,340 642 585 307 290 283 - - 27 - - 205
Female 4,467 2,018 544 408 351 217 85 115 - - - 730
Total 24,793 5,330 5,428 4,417 3,357 1,525 325 352 108 401 - 3,550
Male 5,721 517 1,401 1,349 1,002 433 217 108 - 92 - 602
Female 19,072 4,812 4,027 3,068 2,355 1,092 108 244 108 309 - 2,948
Total 1,411 214 363 235 107 107 21 43 - 11 - 310
Male 470 128 118 86 21 32 - 32 - - - 53
Female 941 86 246 150 86 75 21 11 - 11 - 257
Total 19,907 2,252 5,084 4,625 3,014 2,195 571 539 122 154 - 1,352
Male 6,833 551 2,343 1,679 1,042 561 - 198 122 - - 337
Female 13,074 1,701 2,741 2,946 1,972 1,633 571 341 - 154 - 1,015
Total 10,980 2,037 1,773 1,580 1,992 742 467 131 127 35 51 2,045
Male 3,978 619 851 736 829 147 127 55 - 35 - 580
Female 7,001 1,418 922 843 1,164 595 340 76 127 - 51 1,466
Total 17,607 1,982 3,314 2,853 2,086 853 815 336 228 287 49 4,803
Male 5,308 619 1,087 1,197 532 418 137 46 - - - 1,272
Female 12,299 1,362 2,227 1,656 1,554 435 679 289 228 287 49 3,531
Total 5,863 728 1,484 1,602 790 321 41 129 - - - 768
Male 1,461 124 406 364 110 156 - 77 - - - 225
Female 4,401 604 1,078 1,238 679 165 41 53 - - - 543
Table 6.11 Cont’d
Major Town All Duration of Unemployment (In Months)
and Unemployed
Sex Persons <1 1-6 7-12 13-24 25-36 37-48 49-60 61-72 73-84 85-95 96+

Total 6,045 556 1,568 1,763 813 423 125 92 85 32 - 588
Male 1,942 176 812 407 337 32 72 40 - - - 65
Female 4,103 379 757 1,356 476 391 52 52 85 32 - 523
Total 18,928 1,730 3,878 5,012 3,684 1,427 235 428 387 - - 2,147
Male 5,409 651 1,460 1,383 908 282 - 272 - - - 453
Female 13,519 1,079 2,418 3,629 2,776 1,145 235 156 387 - - 1,694
Total 8,844 1,276 1,316 1,771 1,704 923 328 180 147 104 - 1,097
Male 2,781 516 528 812 448 111 44 70 35 41 - 177
Female 6,063 759 788 959 1,256 811 284 110 112 62 - 920
Total 11,965 1,282 2,719 2,586 2,000 776 113 50 40 127 - 2,272
Male 3,912 620 1,011 841 632 43 - 50 40 127 - 549
Female 8,053 662 1,709 1,745 1,368 733 113 - - - - 1,723
Total 10,387 2,581 1,739 1,977 1,191 585 144 177 105 35 74 1,779
Male 3,614 673 779 828 476 109 37 35 - 35 35 606
Female 6,773 1,908 960 1,148 715 476 107 142 105 - 39 1,173
Total 33,026 8,484 6,555 5,203 3,966 2,829 856 427 309 596 - 3,801
Male 10,113 2,691 2,442 2,023 1,222 709 - - - 155 - 871
Female 22,913 5,792 4,113 3,180 2,744 2,120 856 427 309 441 - 2,929
Total 16,652 4,783 2,916 2,466 1,978 1,358 194 211 47 130 - 2,570
Male 5,195 1,574 888 556 805 171 - - 47 60 - 1,093
Female 11,457 3,208 2,028 1,910 1,172 1,187 194 211 - 70 - 1,477
Total 16,060 3,750 2,831 1,929 1,529 599 174 353 142 - - 4,753
Male 4,940 658 722 810 536 232 58 49 76 - - 1,799
Female 11,120 3,091 2,109 1,119 993 368 117 304 66 - - 2,954

Table 6.11 Cont’d

Major Town All
Duration of Unemployment (In Months)
and Unemployed
Sex Persons <1 1-6 7-12 13-24 25-36 37-48 49-60 61-72 73-84 85-95 96+

Total 6,839 1,236 1,433 1,012 1,542 473 213 76 - 79 - 775
Male 3,590 633 628 462 918 306 138 76 - - - 429
Female 3,250 603 804 550 624 167 76 - - 79 - 346
Total 2,659 334 528 674 281 57 18 18 16 - - 732
Male 571 140 132 56 85 - - - - - - 159
Female 2,088 194 396 618 196 57 18 18 16 - - 573
Total 10,275 1,582 2,074 1,745 1,933 463 136 29 75 47 - 2,191
Male 2,985 574 663 546 532 188 36 - - - - 446
Female 7,290 1,007 1,410 1,199 1,401 275 101 29 75 47 - 1,745
Total 5,800 818 1,194 908 537 390 138 148 63 63 85 1,456
Male 2,492 277 465 368 223 179 54 63 63 31 31 738
Female 3,307 541 729 541 314 210 85 85 - 31 54 717
Total 9,662 1,145 2,401 1,574 954 640 210 138 - 36 - 2,566
Male 2,488 487 529 312 316 163 107 66 - - - 510
Female 7,174 658 1,872 1,262 639 477 103 71 - 36 - 2,056
Total 9,877 1,691 2,239 1,808 1,573 521 288 82 - 43 - 1,633
Male 3,875 689 974 933 423 43 52 33 - - - 729
Female 6,002 1,003 1,264 875 1,150 478 236 50 - 43 - 904
Total 18,458 1,171 3,587 4,975 2,462 1,073 692 279 - 181 - 4,036
Male 5,599 533 1,251 1,472 1,128 561 203 - - - - 450
Female 12,859 638 2,336 3,503 1,334 512 489 279 - 181 - 3,586

Table 6.11 Cont’d

Major Town All Duration of Unemployment (In Months)
and Unemployed
Sex Persons <1 1-6 7-12 13-24 25-36 37-48 49-60 61-72 73-84 85-95 96+

Total 1,735 119 458 465 203 150 - - - 21 - 318
Male 244 - 23 17 66 46 - - - - - 92
Female 1,491 119 435 448 137 104 - - - 21 - 226
Total 9,077 1,628 2,211 1,553 1,007 597 298 51 101 51 145 1,434
Male 3,314 531 962 616 389 124 124 25 52 51 - 440
Female 5,762 1,098 1,249 937 618 473 174 26 49 - 145 994
Total 409,467 44,655 60,070 58,223 55,909 30,403 11,372 7,927 3,559 2,944 1,125 133,281
Male 138,635 14,316 26,060 20,619 17,669 8,787 3,623 2,487 1,265 724 410 42,674
Female 270,833 30,339 34,009 37,604 38,240 21,616 7,749 5,440 2,294 2,220 715 90,607
Total 29,158 3,142 4,482 4,670 4,539 3,429 1,491 507 106 652 - 6,140
Male 10,204 1,090 1,663 1,967 1,378 1,274 562 173 - - - 2,097
Female 18,954 2,052 2,818 2,703 3,161 2,154 929 334 106 652 - 4,043
Table 6.12 Unemployed Population of Region by Training status , Sex and Place of Residence :13
Training Status
All Persons Trained Not Trained
Place of Residence Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Urban + Rural 1,981,165 629,619 1,351,546 287,097 126,737 160,359 1,694,068 502,882 1,191,186
Urban 1,264,002 413,579 850,423 255,210 109,263 145,947 1,008,792 304,316 704,476
Rural 717,163 216,040 501,123 31,887 17,474 14,412 685,276 198,566 486,710
Urban + Rural 147,665 47,262 100,404 16,410 5,800 10,610 131,256 41,462 89,794
Urban 93,590 26,028 67,563 15,197 4,971 10,226 78,393 21,057 57,337
Rural 54,075 21,234 32,841 1,213 829 384 52,862 20,405 32,457
Urban + Rural 51,549 18,038 33,511 1,970 938 1,033 49,578 17,100 32,478
Urban 15,040 3,337 11,702 1,342 728 614 13,698 2,609 11,088
Rural 36,509 14,700 21,809 629 210 419 35,880 14,491 21,390
Urban + Rural 387,807 119,863 267,943 50,351 21,039 29,312 337,456 98,825 238,631
Urban 224,129 73,293 150,836 42,816 17,991 24,825 181,313 55,302 126,011
Rural 163,678 46,571 117,107 7,535 3,048 4,487 156,143 43,523 112,620
Urban + Rural 517,207 153,350 363,857 67,267 32,388 34,879 449,940 120,962 328,978
Urban 294,426 99,218 195,207 53,992 24,762 29,230 240,433 74,456 165,977
Rural 222,781 54,132 168,650 13,275 7,626 5,648 209,507 46,506 163,001
Urban + Rural 43,821 22,320 21,501 2,297 1,395 903 41,523 20,925 20,598
Urban 15,994 7,540 8,454 1,404 1,166 237 14,590 6,373 8,217
Rural 27,827 14,780 13,047 894 228 665 26,933 14,552 12,382
Urban + Rural 14,382 4,711 9,671 1,313 417 895 13,069 4,294 8,776
Urban 8,059 2,397 5,662 1,313 417 895 6,746 1,980 4,767
Rural 6,323 2,314 4,009 - - - 6,323 2,314 4,009
Urban + Rural 361,167 109,893 251,274 39,693 19,526 20,167 321,474 90,367 231,107
Urban 162,375 49,058 113,317 31,551 14,043 17,508 130,824 35,014 95,809
Rural 198,792 60,835 137,957 8,141 5,483 2,659 190,650 55,352 135,298
Urban + Rural 7,412 1,320 6,092 428 90 338 6,984 1,231 5,754
Urban 2,687 556 2,132 278 90 188 2,410 466 1,944
Rural 4,725 765 3,960 150 - 150 4,575 765 3,810
Urban + Rural 9,560 3,555 6,005 2,487 1,207 1,280 7,073 2,348 4,725
Urban 9,077 3,314 5,762 2,436 1,156 1,280 6,640 2,158 4,482
Rural 484 241 243 51 51 - 433 190 243
Urban + Rural 409,467 138,635 270,833 98,596 40,875 57,721 310,871 97,759 213,111
Urban 409,467 138,635 270,833 98,596 40,875 57,721 310,871 97,759 213,111
Rural - - - - - - - - -
Urban + Rural 31,127 10,673 20,455 6,285 3,063 3,222 24,842 7,610 17,233
Urban 29,158 10,204 18,954 6,285 3,063 3,222 22,873 7,141 15,732
Rural 1,969 469 1,501 - - - 1,969 469 1,501
Table 6.13 Unemployed Population Aged Ten Years and Above by Types of Training and Region :2013
All Persons 1,981,165 147,665 51,549 387,807 517,207 43,821 14,382 361,167 7,412 9,560 409,467 31,127
Social Science 76,150 3,720 687 11,263 19,018 743 184 13,637 - 665 24,875 1,358
Accounting & Finance 25,826 950 - 2,009 7,042 342 92 5,419 - 185 9,476 313
Agricultural Economics 1,084 - 104 - 47 - - 649 - - 284 -
Archeology & Heritage 120 - - - - - - - - - 65 55
Banking &Insurance 656 108 - - 247 - - - - - 301 -
Business Administration 2,002 108 - 528 303 - - 31 - - 979 52
Civics & Ethics 365 - - - 81 - - 162 - - 121 -
Cooperatives Manag’t 1,099 108 - 396 424 - - 55 - - 63 52
Demography 491 - - - 305 - - 33 - - 154 -
Economics 2,555 217 11 257 640 126 22 220 - - 985 79
Education 8,865 295 220 1,897 2,577 76 - 1,476 - 219 2,052 53
Fine & Theatre Arts 344 - - 59 90 - - - - - 195 -
Folklore & Literature 633 - 210 - - - - - - - 424 -
Gender & Development 77 27 - - - - - 50 - - - -
Geography 2,274 232 - 984 43 40 - 345 - - 630 -
Governance & Public Ad 1,503 108 111 177 94 76 28 170 - 78 662 -
History 856 108 - 298 303 - - - - - 94 53
Journalism & Broadcast 168 - - - - - - 47 - - 121 -
Language 3,597 27 21 798 684 - - 1,161 - 24 777 104
Law 4,844 27 - 564 228 - - 2,009 - 61 1,955 -
Library & Inform Service 519 - - - 288 - - 34 - - 197 -
Management 2,074 314 11 28 644 46 - 359 - - 548 124
Manage’nt Info System 435 - - - 318 - 20 97 - - - -
Marketing 1,722 - - 124 183 - - 343 - - 1,019 53
Philosophy - - - - - - - - - - - -
Political Science 160 - - - - - - - - 36 123 -
Table 6.13 Cont’d
Procurement & Supply M 346 - - 87 - 38 - - - - 222 -
Psychology 521 - - 339 84 - 23 75 - - - -
Purchasing 1,692 415 - 171 309 - - - - - 662 136
Rural Development 105 - - - - - - 31 - - - 74
Social Work 1,245 - - - 1,213 - - 33 - - - -
Sociology -Anthropology 1,749 423 - 60 1,022 - - 50 - - 194 -
Special Needs education 879 - - 806 - - - - - - 74 -
Tourism & Hotel Manag’t 2,583 - - 964 202 - - 183 - 25 1,156 52
Other Social Science 4,762 250 - 718 1,647 - - 605 - 38 1,345 160
Natural Science 35,422 2,121 456 9,206 7,143 - 202 3,452 98 209 12,095 440
Biology 3,431 170 111 1,320 830 - 52 253 - - 696 -
Biotechnology 624 - - - - - - 389 26 - 208 -
Chemistry 1,232 - - 44 298 - - 34 - 29 827 -
Computer Science 18,116 1,155 335 4,326 3,525 - 32 1,889 72 58 6,493 232
Earth Science 177 - - - - - - - - - 177 -
Environmental Science 688 - - 379 - - - 42 - 49 218 -
Food Science 973 108 - 116 153 - - 149 - - 448 -
Geology - - - - - - - - - - - -
Information Systems 2,413 108 - 1,462 302 - - - - 73 468 -
Mathematics 2,511 - - 153 1,032 - - 97 - - 1,093 136
Meteorology - - - - - - - - - - - -
Physics 375 - - 303 - - - - - - - 72
Sport Science 2,009 226 11 438 710 - - 46 - - 578 -
Statistics 576 - - 395 - - - - - - 181 -
Other Natural Science 2,296 352 - 270 293 - 118 554 - - 708 -
Engineering & Allied Service 29,375 1,222 11 6,344 7,464 38 47 2,091 - 53 11,754 351
Agricultural Engineering 192 27 - - - - - 89 - - 76 -
Table 6.13 Cont’d
Architecture 456 - 11 - 355 - - - - - 90 -
Cadastre & mapping 631 - - 46 403 - - - - - 181 -
Chemical Engineering 152 - - - - - - - - - 152 -
Civil Engineering 1,935 226 - - 1,272 - - 113 - - 218 106
Computer Engineering 2,010 108 - 773 551 - - 52 - 27 499 -
Communication Enginerg - - - - - - - - - - - -
Construction Technology 2,059 199 - 810 797 - - 33 - 26 194 -
Drafting 1,599 108 - 294 102 38 - 66 - - 851 141
Electrical engineering 4,869 146 - 914 1,619 - - 43 - - 2,148 -
Esthetics 32 - - 32 - - - - - - - -
Food Processing 6,024 244 - 691 206 - - 377 - - 4,453 52
Industrial Engineering 71 - - 32 - - - 39 - - - -
Manufacturing Technolgy 28 - - 28 - - - - - - - -
Mechanical Engineering 1,953 - - 1,058 86 - - 91 - - 718 -
Metal Engineering 677 - - 456 70 - - - - - 152 -
Petroleum Engineering - - - - - - - - - - - -
Surveying 2,357 - - 898 883 - - 98 - - 426 52
Textile Engineering 334 - - - - - - - - - 334 -
Urban Land Develop’t - - - - - - - - - - - -
Urban Planning &Managt - - - - - - - - - - - -
Water Resource Enginer 1,676 55 - 241 410 - 47 924 - - - -
Wood Science Technolg 1,618 - - 28 411 - - 129 - - 1,050 -
Other Engineering Fields 700 108 - 44 297 - - 38 - - 213 -
Health Science 35,908 1,660 11 4,811 9,125 657 462 7,297 22 350 10,536 976
Anesthesia 25 - - - - - - - - 25 - -
Animal Health Care 40 - - - 40 - - - - - - -
Dentistry - - - - - - - - - - - -
Table 6.13 Cont’d
Dental Hygiene 35 - - - 35 - - - - - - -
Food Hygiene 406 - - - - - - - - - 406 -
Health Extension 2,261 - - 197 184 - 55 48 22 48 1,445 261
Health Officer 1,080 108 - - 44 88 - 43 - 27 771 -
Massage Physiotherapy 198 - - - - - 16 - - - 182 -
Medical Doctor - - - - - - - - - - - -
Medical Laboratory 2,944 - - 487 556 - 36 605 - - 1,207 52
Midwifery 1,077 - - 131 619 38 - 107 - - 183 -
Nursing 17,899 1,378 11 2,294 4,248 50 251 5,059 - 155 3,864 591
Nursing Assistance 1,378 - - - 894 - - 88 - - 323 72
Optometry - - - - - - - - - - - -
Pharmacy 3,695 173 - 136 1,092 - - 817 - 72 1,404 -
Psychiatry 37 - - - 37 - - - - - - -
Public/Environtal Health 1,610 - - 502 458 44 - 112 - - 495 -
Radiography - - - - - - - - - - - -
Pharmacy Assistance - - - - - - - - - - - -
Veterinary Medicine 1,822 - - 717 807 - 35 263 - - - -
Other Health Fields 1,399 - - 345 111 437 69 156 - 24 257 -
Agricultural Science 6,466 649 232 544 2,472 88 20 1,287 167 27 767 214
Agricultural Extension 1,102 129 - 62 409 - - 97 105 - 153 146
Animal Production Mangt 86 27 - - - 38 20 - - - - -
Animal Science 800 - 221 - 358 50 - - 45 - 125 -
Artificial insemination 34 - - - - - - 34 - - - -
Bamboo Harvesting - - - - - - - - - - - -
Beekeeping 384 384 - - - - - - - - - -
Dairy Production 143 108 - 34 - - - - - - - -
Field Crops Production - - - - - - - - - - - -
Table 6.13 Cont’d
Forestry 773 - - - 414 - - 360 - - - -
Horticulture 63 - - - - - - - - - 63 -
Leather Basic Production - - - - - - - - - - - -
Natural Resource Mangt 938 - 11 257 148 - - 454 - - - 69
Plant Science - - - - - - - - - - - -
Post Harvest Managent 342 - - - - - - 342 - - - -
Poultry Production 71 - - 71 - - - - - - - -
Range Science 87 - - - - - - - - - 87 -
Stimulants Spices Prod - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sugar Crops Production - - - - - - - - - - - -
Vegetables, Fruits, Flow 288 - - 37 - - - - - - 251 -
Other Agricultural Fields 1,356 - - 83 1,143 - - - 17 27 87 -
Construction Industry 20,497 2,071 229 6,134 2,876 266 126 3,106 - 328 4,701 660
Bar Bending & Concret 602 - - 332 - - - 72 - - 197 -
Building Construction 4,352 464 - 1,439 525 38 36 1,059 - 70 562 158
Building Electrical Instal 2,077 108 - 1,058 150 - - 202 - - 506 52
Building Metal construct - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carpentry & Joinery 706 347 104 - 40 - - - - - 215 -
Coble Stone Carving 1,669 - - 772 239 - - 271 - 75 260 52
Coble Stone Road Const 1,115 310 - 34 - - - 364 - 35 215 156
Concreting & Reinforcing 136 - - 32 39 - - 64 - - - -
Construction Equipment 593 481 - - - - - - - - 111 -
Construction Managt 2,623 27 - 740 1,141 - 14 611 - 25 65 -
Finishing Construction 430 - - - - 228 - - - - 150 52
Foundry Works 31 - - - - - - 31 - - - -
Geo-Technical Drilling - - - - - - - - - - - -
Masonry Works 123 - - - - - - - - - 123 -
Table 6.13 Cont’d
Metal Machining 811 108 - - - - - - - - 703 -
Metal Works 1,332 198 - 233 82 - - 287 - 99 349 84
Plastering & Paints 175 - - - - - - - - - 121 54
Road Construction Maint 1,284 - - 639 515 - - - - - 131 -
Road Surfacing - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tiling Work 873 27 - 478 45 - - - - 24 247 52
Tunnel Construction - - - - - - - - - - - -
Water Well Drilling const 264 - 104 - - - - 22 - - 139 -
Welding 881 - 21 215 - - 20 121 - - 504 -
Other Construction 420 - - 161 99 - 55 - - - 104 -
Transport Operations 22,351 1,315 114 2,475 6,383 124 55 2,844 90 272 7,929 750
Aircraft Mechanic 470 108 - - 40 - - 321 - - - -
Automotive Driving 1,119 108 - 322 - 40 - 470 - - 179 -
Automotive Electronic S 1,593 - - 361 203 - - 419 - - 537 72
Automotive Mechanic 4,452 170 11 259 1,790 - - 196 28 54 1,893 52
Automotive Painting 139 - - - - - - - - - 139 -
Automotive Servicing Mg 76 - - - - - - - - - 76 -
Automotive Technology 398 146 - - 146 - - - - - 107 -
City Bus Driving 1,180 136 - - 35 - - 253 - 26 627 104
Taxi Driving 6,184 539 104 491 1,992 - - 321 21 25 2,414 278
Other Transport Service 6,740 108 - 1,043 2,177 84 55 863 41 167 1,958 243
Infrastructure Services 8,680 244 - 2,998 1,382 38 45 334 - 79 3,458 102
Biomedical Equipment - - - - - - - - - - - -
Home/Office\Elect servc 385 - - - - - - - - - 385 -
Hydrometric Monitoring 434 - - 295 - - - - - - 139 -
Infrastructure operations 229 108 - - - - - - - - 121 -
IT Service Management 372 - - 78 137 - - 127 - 29 - -
Table 6.13 Cont’d
IT support Service 1,731 - - 1,187 169 - - 85 - - 290 -
Mechanics servicing 3,152 136 - 853 379 38 - 75 - - 1,621 50
Machine Installation - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sanitary Installation 122 - - - - - - - - - 122 -
Telecommunication 333 - - 34 - - 25 - - - 273 -
Water Supply distribution 612 - - 34 150 - 20 46 - 50 312 -
Web media Designing 63 - - - - - - - - - 63 -
Other Infrastructure 1,247 - - 517 548 - - - - - 131 52
Production Operations 8,437 738 - 1,241 1,581 - - 625 - 100 3,973 180
Animal By-Product Proce 87 - - - - - - - - - 87 -
Plant By-Product Proces - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hide & Skin Processing 94 - - - - - - - - - 94 -
Textile Chemical Proces - - - - - - - - - - - -
CNC Machine Operation - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tool & Die Making 213 213 - - - - - - - - - -
Dry Food & Spice Proc 1,004 - - 75 160 - - 31 - 39 698 -
Bamboo Derivatives Pro 108 108 - - - - - - - - - -
Bamboo Furniture Make 70 - - - - - - 70 - - - -
Sugar & Ethanol Producti - - - - - - - - - - - -
Garment production 278 - - - - - - - - 36 241 -
Leather Goods Making 27 27 - - - - - - - - - -
Metal Machining 121 32 - 89 - - - - - - - -
Millwright - - - - - - - - - - - -
Root Crops Processing - - - - - - - - - - - -
Production Technology 215 - - - - - - - - - 215 -
Furniture Making 1,327 - - - 1,185 - - - - - 142 -
Dressmaking & Tailoring 4,275 357 - 737 236 - - 524 - 24 2,218 180
Table 6.13 Cont’d
Cement equipment 82 - - - - - - - - - 82 -
Other Production 535 - - 340 - - - - - - 195 -
Other Social Services 43,494 2,670 232 5,017 9,822 343 172 5,019 51 406 18,508 1,254
Ambulance Emergency 100 - - - 100 - - - - - - -
Domestic Care giving 392 - - - 40 - - - - - 275 76
Domestic Service 957 225 - 101 - - - 74 - - 558 -
Embalming Service - - - - - - - - - - - -
Embroidery 2,887 - - 146 794 - - 116 - - 1,832 -
Fashion Designing 4,315 163 - 87 1,145 - 63 884 - - 1,868 105
Hairdressing Beauty 11,750 1,713 111 1,185 823 38 - 534 - 141 6,939 268
Housekeeping & Laundry 584 - - 78 - - - - - - 402 104
Mortuary & Cemetery - - - - - - - - - - - -
Music 654 - 111 - 103 - - 31 - 24 385 -
Police 3,597 43 - 2,025 247 40 - 354 - 72 641 175
Pottery 654 - - - 654 - - - - - - -
Records & Archives 216 - - 91 - - - - - - 125 -
Secretarial Service 4,861 245 - 376 1,590 - 46 476 24 - 1,738 367
Tour & Travel Service 87 - - - - - - - - - 87 -
Video & Photography 387 136 - - 46 - - - - - 154 52
Waste Handling & Waste 691 - - 147 - - - 85 - 69 389 -
Weaving 572 - - - 298 - - - - - 273 -
Other Social Services 10,791 146 11 783 3,982 266 63 2,466 26 100 2,842 107
Not Stated 317 - - 317 - - - - - - - -
Not Trained 1,694,068 131,256 49,578 337,456 449,940 41,523 13,069 321,474 6,984 7,073 310,871 24,842
Table 6.14 Unemployed Population of Regions Aged Ten years and above by Major Training Groups, Sex and Place of Residnece:2013
Place of Major Training Groups
Residence Total Engineering Other
and Unemployed Social Natural & Allied Health Agricultural Construction Transport Infrastructure Production Social Not Not
Sex persons Science Science Services Science Science Industry Operations Services Operations Services Stated Trained


Total 1,981,165 76,150 35,422 29,375 35,908 6,466 20,497 22,351 8,680 8,437 43,494 317 1,694,068
Male 629,619 35,484 11,642 14,375 11,458 3,703 12,819 19,667 3,409 2,430 11,432 317 502,882
Female 1,351,546 40,666 23,779 15,000 24,450 2,763 7,678 2,684 5,271 6,007 32,062 - 1,191,186
Total 1,264,002 63,270 29,765 28,819 30,685 4,963 17,513 21,495 8,680 8,437 41,267 317 1,008,792
Male 413,579 26,618 9,433 13,819 8,806 2,734 11,762 19,667 3,409 2,430 10,268 317 304,316
Female 850,423 36,653 20,332 15,000 21,879 2,229 5,751 1,828 5,271 6,007 30,999 - 704,476
Total 717,163 12,880 5,657 557 5,223 1,503 2,984 856 - - 2,227 - 685,276
Male 216,040 8,866 2,209 557 2,652 969 1,057 - - - 1,164 - 198,566
Female 501,123 4,013 3,448 - 2,571 534 1,927 856 - - 1,063 - 486,710


Total 147,665 3,720 2,121 1,222 1,660 649 2,071 1,315 244 738 2,670 - 131,256
Male 47,262 1,340 693 626 146 - 1,366 1,315 27 245 43 - 41,462
Female 100,404 2,380 1,428 596 1,514 649 706 - 217 493 2,627 - 89,794
Total 93,590 3,720 2,121 1,222 1,660 265 1,243 1,315 244 738 2,670 - 78,393
Male 26,028 1,340 693 626 146 - 537 1,315 27 245 43 - 21,057
Female 67,563 2,380 1,428 596 1,514 265 706 - 217 493 2,627 - 57,337
Total 54,075 - - - - 384 829 - - - - - 52,862
Male 21,234 - - - - - 829 - - - - - 20,405
Female 32,841 - - - - 384 - - - - - - 32,457


Total 51,549 687 456 11 11 232 229 114 - - 232 - 49,578

Male 18,038 356 121 11 - 221 114 114 - - - - 17,100
Female 33,511 331 335 - 11 11 114 - - - 232 - 32,478
Total 15,040 268 246 11 11 232 229 114 - - 232 - 13,698
Male 3,337 146 121 11 - 221 114 114 - - - - 2,609
Female 11,702 121 125 - 11 11 114 - - - 232 - 11,088
Total 36,509 419 210 - - - - - - - - - 35,880
Male 14,700 210 - - - - - - - - - - 14,491
Female 21,809 210 210 - - - - - - - - - 21,390
Table 6.14 cont’d
Place of Major Training Groups
Residence Total Engineering Other
and Unemployed Social Natural & Allied Health Agricultural Construction Transport Infrastructure Production Social Not Not
Sex persons Science Science Services Science Science Industry Operations Services Operations Services Stated Trained


Total 387,807 11,263 9,206 6,344 4,811 544 6,134 2,475 2,998 1,241 5,017 317 337,456
Male 119,863 5,836 1,781 2,826 1,087 463 2,710 2,475 455 732 2,357 317 98,825
Female 267,943 5,427 7,425 3,518 3,724 81 3,424 - 2,544 509 2,661 - 238,631
Total 224,129 8,215 6,646 6,344 4,811 544 4,207 2,475 2,998 1,241 5,017 317 181,313
Male 73,293 3,420 1,150 2,826 1,087 463 2,710 2,475 455 732 2,357 317 55,302
Female 150,836 4,795 5,496 3,518 3,724 81 1,497 - 2,544 509 2,661 - 126,011
Total 163,678 3,048 2,560 - - - 1,927 - - - - - 156,143
Male 46,571 2,417 632 - - - - - - - - - 43,523
Female 117,107 632 1,928 - - - 1,927 - - - - - 112,620


Total 517,207 19,018 7,143 7,464 9,125 2,472 2,876 6,383 1,382 1,581 9,822 - 449,940
Male 153,350 9,269 2,998 4,014 3,612 1,459 2,209 4,888 533 833 2,572 - 120,962
Female 363,857 9,749 4,146 3,450 5,513 1,013 667 1,495 849 748 7,250 - 328,978
Total 294,426 13,926 4,778 7,464 5,969 1,502 2,876 5,527 1,382 1,581 8,986 - 240,434
Male 99,218 5,735 1,420 4,014 2,067 490 2,209 4,888 533 833 2,572 - 74,456
Female 195,207 8,191 3,358 3,450 3,902 1,013 667 639 849 748 6,415 - 165,977
Total 222,781 5,092 2,365 - 3,156 969 - 856 - - 835 - 209,507
Male 54,132 3,534 1,578 - 1,545 969 - - - - - - 46,506
Female 168,650 1,558 787 - 1,611 - - 856 - - 835 - 163,001


Total 43,821 743 - 38 657 88 266 124 38 - 343 - 41,523

Male 22,320 705 - - 220 50 266 78 38 - 38 - 20,925
Female 21,501 38 - 38 437 38 - 46 - - 306 - 20,598
Total 15,994 743 - 38 220 88 38 124 38 - 116 - 14,590
Male 7,540 705 - - 220 50 38 78 38 - 38 - 6,373
Female 8,454 38 - 38 - 38 - 46 - - 78 - 8,217
Total 27,827 - - - 437 - 228 - - - 228 - 26,933
Male 14,780 - - - - - 228 - - - - - 14,552
Female 13,047 - - - 437 - - - - - 228 - 12,382
Table 6.14 cont’d
Place of Major Training Groups
Residence Total Engineering Other
and Unemployed Social Natural & Allied Health Agricultural Construction Transport Infrastructure Production Social Not Not
Sex persons Science Science Services Science Science Industry Operations Services Operations Services Stated Trained


Total 14,382 184 202 47 462 20 126 55 45 - 172 - 13,069

Male 4,711 67 67 25 86 - 55 55 - - 63 - 4,294
Female 9,671 117 136 22 376 20 70 - 45 - 109 - 8,776
Total 8,059 184 202 47 462 20 126 55 45 - 172 - 6,746
Male 2,397 67 67 25 86 - 55 55 - - 63 - 1,980
Female 5,662 117 136 22 376 20 70 - 45 - 109 - 4,767
Total 6,323 - - - - - - - - - - - 6,323
Male 2,314 - - - - - - - - - - - 2,314
Female 4,009 - - - - - - - - - - - 4,009


Total 361,167 13,637 3,452 2,091 7,297 1,287 3,106 2,844 334 625 5,019 - 321,474
Male 109,893 6,556 442 1,316 2,954 945 1,833 2,649 75 - 2,755 - 90,367
Female 251,274 7,081 3,010 775 4,343 342 1,273 194 259 625 2,265 - 231,107
Total 162,375 9,342 2,930 1,535 5,693 1,287 3,106 2,844 334 625 3,856 - 130,824
Male 49,058 3,875 442 760 1,873 945 1,833 2,649 75 - 1,591 - 35,014
Female 113,317 5,467 2,488 775 3,820 342 1,273 194 259 625 2,265 - 95,809
Total 198,792 4,295 522 557 1,604 - - - - - 1,164 - 190,650
Male 60,835 2,681 - 557 1,081 - - - - - 1,164 - 55,352
Female 137,957 1,614 522 - 522 - - - - - - - 135,298


Total 7,412 - 98 - 22 167 - 90 - - 51 - 6,984

Male 1,320 - - - - - - 90 - - - - 1,231
Female 6,092 - 98 - 22 167 - - - - 51 - 5,754
Total 2,687 - 98 - 22 17 - 90 - - 51 - 2,410
Male 556 - - - - - - 90 - - - - 466
Female 2,132 - 98 - 22 17 - - - - 51 - 1,944
Total 4,725 - - - - 150 - - - - - - 4,575
Male 765 - - - - - - - - - - - 765
Female 3,960 - - - - 150 - - - - - - 3,810
Table 6.14 cont’d
Place of Major Training Groups
Residence Total Engineering Other
and Unemployed Social Natural & Allied Health Agricultural Construction Transport Infrastructure Production Social Not Not
Sex persons Science Science Services Science Science Industry Operations Services Operations Services Stated Trained


Total 9,560 665 209 53 350 27 328 272 79 100 406 - 7,073
Male 3,555 352 50 26 138 - 243 219 50 - 129 - 2,348
Female 6,005 313 158 27 213 27 85 53 29 100 276 - 4,725
Total 9,077 640 209 53 325 27 328 272 79 100 406 - 6,640
Male 3,314 327 50 26 112 - 243 219 50 - 129 - 2,158
Female 5,762 313 158 27 213 27 85 53 29 100 276 - 4,482
Total 484 25 - - 25 - - - - - - - 433
Male 241 25 - - 25 - - - - - - - 190
Female 243 - - - - - - - - - - - 243


Total 409,467 24,875 12,095 11,754 10,536 767 4,701 7,929 3,458 3,973 18,508 - 310,871
Male 138,635 10,430 5,262 5,307 2,935 425 3,469 7,105 2,129 620 3,194 - 97,759
Female 270,833 14,446 6,834 6,447 7,601 342 1,233 823 1,329 3,353 15,314 - 213,111
Total 409,467 24,875 12,095 11,754 10,536 767 4,701 7,929 3,458 3,973 18,508 - 310,871
Male 138,635 10,430 5,262 5,307 2,935 425 3,469 7,105 2,129 620 3,194 - 97,759
Female 270,833 14,446 6,834 6,447 7,601 342 1,233 823 1,329 3,353 15,314 - 213,111


Total 31,127 1,358 440 351 976 214 660 750 102 180 1,254 - 24,842
Male 10,673 573 229 225 281 141 554 678 102 - 282 - 7,610
Female 20,455 785 211 126 696 74 106 72 - 180 972 - 17,233
Total 29,158 1,358 440 351 976 214 660 750 102 180 1,254 - 22,873
Male 10,204 573 229 225 281 141 554 678 102 - 282 - 7,141
Female 18,954 785 211 126 696 74 106 72 - 180 972 - 15,732
Total 1,969 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,969
Male 469 - - - - - - - - - - - 469
Female 1,501 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,501
Table 6.15 Unemployed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Marital Status
and Sex: 2013
Marital Status
All Never live
Region Persons Married Married Divorced Widowed Separated together
Total 1,981,165 883,485 899,808 87,587 73,893 27,350 9,041
Male 629,619 448,918 150,937 17,333 5,619 4,576 2,237
Female 1,351,546 434,567 748,871 70,255 68,274 22,774 6,804
Total 147,665 58,146 71,485 8,755 6,775 1,945 559
Male 47,262 29,613 15,843 1,692 114 - -
Female 100,404 28,534 55,642 7,063 6,661 1,945 559
Total 51,549 10,807 34,537 3,539 1,508 1,054 104
Male 18,038 6,772 10,325 826 114 - -
Female 33,511 4,035 24,211 2,713 1,394 1,054 104
Total 387,807 153,436 181,603 31,930 14,343 5,151 1,343
Male 119,863 78,205 32,976 4,995 1,408 1,165 1,115
Female 267,943 75,232 148,627 26,936 12,935 3,986 229
Total 517,207 240,987 238,039 16,218 13,610 6,583 1,771
Male 153,350 120,183 26,439 5,163 531 723 312
Female 363,857 120,804 211,599 11,055 13,079 5,860 1,459
Total 43,821 23,756 17,061 2,029 652 322 -
Male 22,320 16,550 4,961 542 134 132 -
Female 21,501 7,206 12,100 1,487 518 190 -
Total 14,382 5,422 7,152 970 604 171 63
Male 4,711 2,979 1,368 258 105 - -
Female 9,671 2,443 5,784 712 498 171 63
Total 361,167 167,151 172,251 3,739 12,834 3,448 1,745
Male 109,893 81,596 25,659 244 1,274 701 419
Female 251,274 85,555 146,592 3,494 11,560 2,748 1,325
Total 7,412 2,018 4,813 67 340 110 65
Male 1,320 719 568 - - 17 16
Female 6,092 1,299 4,245 67 340 93 48
Total 9,560 3,750 4,222 627 470 287 203
Male 3,555 2,473 809 162 73 37 -
Female 6,005 1,277 3,413 465 397 250 203
Total 409,467 204,181 155,603 17,949 21,588 7,601 2,545
Male 138,635 102,640 29,277 3,012 1,708 1,747 249
Female 270,833 101,541 126,326 14,936 19,880 5,854 2,296
Total 31,127 13,830 13,043 1,765 1,169 677 643
Male 10,673 7,188 2,711 438 156 54 126
Female 20,455 6,642 10,333 1,327 1,013 623 517
Table 6.16 Unemployed Population of Regions Aged Ten Year and Above by Work Experience ,
Sex and Place of Residence: 2013
Status of Work Experience
All Persons
Without Work Experience With Work Experience
Place of Residence Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Urban+ Rural 1,981,165 629,619 1,351,546 1,073,160 323,537 749,623 908,005 306,082 601,923
Urban 1,264,002 413,579 850,423 652,162 203,012 449,150 611,840 210,567 401,273
Rural 717,163 216,040 501,123 420,998 120,525 300,473 296,165 95,516 200,650
Urban+ Rural 147,665 47,262 100,404 80,925 20,739 60,187 66,740 26,523 40,217
Urban 93,590 26,028 67,563 50,936 11,526 39,410 42,655 14,502 28,153
Rural 54,075 21,234 32,841 29,990 9,213 20,777 24,085 12,021 12,064
Urban+ Rural 51,549 18,038 33,511 29,583 10,567 19,016 21,966 7,471 14,495
Urban 15,040 3,337 11,702 7,774 1,453 6,321 7,266 1,885 5,381
Rural 36,509 14,700 21,809 21,809 9,114 12,695 14,700 5,586 9,113
Urban+ Rural 387,807 119,863 267,943 206,946 54,317 152,629 180,861 65,546 115,315
Urban 224,129 73,293 150,836 109,009 32,625 76,384 115,120 40,667 74,452
Rural 163,678 46,571 117,107 97,937 21,692 76,245 65,741 24,879 40,862
Urban+ Rural 517,207 153,350 363,857 277,070 80,757 196,312 240,137 72,593 167,545
Urban 294,426 99,218 195,207 156,337 49,798 106,538 138,089 49,420 88,669
Rural 222,781 54,132 168,650 120,733 30,959 89,774 102,048 23,173 78,875
Urban+ Rural 43,821 22,320 21,501 29,684 14,956 14,728 14,136 7,364 6,773
Urban 15,994 7,540 8,454 7,642 3,218 4,424 8,352 4,322 4,030
Rural 27,827 14,780 13,047 22,042 11,738 10,304 5,785 3,042 2,742
Urban+ Rural 14,382 4,711 9,671 6,446 1,896 4,550 7,936 2,815 5,122
Urban 8,059 2,397 5,662 4,670 1,223 3,447 3,389 1,174 2,215
Rural 6,323 2,314 4,009 1,776 674 1,102 4,547 1,640 2,907
Urban+ Rural 361,167 109,893 251,274 213,883 62,760 151,123 147,283 47,132 100,151
Urban 162,375 49,058 113,317 91,053 26,599 64,455 71,322 22,459 48,863
Rural 198,792 60,835 137,957 122,830 36,161 86,669 75,962 24,674 51,288
Urban+ Rural 7,412 1,320 6,092 4,130 832 3,297 3,283 488 2,795
Urban 2,687 556 2,132 1,500 249 1,251 1,187 307 881
Rural 4,725 765 3,960 2,630 583 2,046 2,095 181 1,914
Urban+ Rural 9,560 3,555 6,005 3,615 1,505 2,111 5,945 2,050 3,895
Urban 9,077 3,314 5,762 3,454 1,370 2,085 5,622 1,944 3,678
Rural 484 241 243 161 135 26 323 106 217
Urban+ Rural 409,467 138,635 270,833 205,629 70,079 135,550 203,838 68,555 135,283
Urban 409,467 138,635 270,833 205,629 70,079 135,550 203,838 68,555 135,283
Rural - - - - - - - - -
Urban+ Rural 31,127 10,673 20,455 15,248 5,128 10,120 15,879 5,545 10,334
Urban 29,158 10,204 18,954 14,158 4,872 9,286 15,000 5,332 9,668
Rural 1,969 469 1,501 1,090 255 835 879 213 666
6.17 Unemployed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Year and above by Previous Work
Experience and Sex: 2013
Status of Work Previous Experience
All Persons Without Work Experience With Work Experience

Major Towns Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

MAJOR TOWNS - TOTAL 722,282 238,016 484,266 359,085 115,289 243,796 363,196 122,727 240,469

ADIGRAT - TOWN 6,807 2,340 4,467 3,552 1,311 2,241 3,255 1,029 2,227

MEKELE - TOWN 24,793 5,721 19,072 12,261 2,355 9,906 12,531 3,365 9,166

ASAYTA - TOWN 1,411 470 941 652 182 470 759 289 470

GONDER - TOWN 19,907 6,833 13,074 8,970 3,160 5,810 10,938 3,673 7,265

KOMBOLCHA- TOWN 10,980 3,978 7,001 5,373 1,947 3,426 5,606 2,031 3,575

DESSIE - TOWN 17,607 5,308 12,299 9,707 2,410 7,298 7,899 2,899 5,001

DEBRE BREHAN - TOWN 5,863 1,461 4,401 3,050 809 2,241 2,813 653 2,160

DEBERE MARKOS - TOWN 6,045 1,942 4,103 2,931 1,017 1,915 3,114 925 2,189

BAHIRDAR - TOWN 18,928 5,409 13,519 9,152 2,481 6,672 9,776 2,928 6,847

NEKEMTE - TOWN 8,844 2,781 6,063 5,648 1,636 4,011 3,197 1,145 2,052

BISHOFTU - TOWN 11,965 3,912 8,053 5,160 1,470 3,690 6,805 2,442 4,363

ASELA - TOWN 10,387 3,614 6,773 4,150 1,240 2,910 6,237 2,374 3,863

ADAMA - TOWN 33,026 10,113 22,913 13,212 3,393 9,820 19,813 6,721 13,093

JIMMA - TOWN 16,652 5,195 11,457 9,556 3,083 6,473 7,096 2,112 4,984

SHASHEMENE - TOWN 16,060 4,940 11,120 8,056 2,335 5,721 8,004 2,605 5,399

JIJIGA - TOWN 6,839 3,590 3,250 2,997 1,434 1,563 3,843 2,156 1,687

ASOSA - TOWN 2,659 571 2,088 1,266 209 1,057 1,393 362 1,031

HOSAENA - TOWN 10,275 2,985 7,290 5,647 1,404 4,243 4,628 1,581 3,047

DILA- TOWN 5,800 2,492 3,307 2,948 1,379 1,569 2,851 1,113 1,739

SODO - TOWN 9,662 2,488 7,174 5,171 1,100 4,071 4,491 1,388 3,103

ARBA MINCH - TOWN 9,877 3,875 6,002 5,811 2,112 3,699 4,066 1,763 2,303

HAWASSA - TOWN 18,458 5,599 12,859 9,483 2,351 7,132 8,975 3,247 5,727

GAMBELLA - TOWN 1,735 244 1,491 1,090 150 941 645 95 550

HARAR - TOWN 9,077 3,314 5,762 3,454 1,370 2,085 5,622 1,944 3,678

ADDIS ABABA CITY 409,467 138,635 270,833 205,629 70,079 135,550 203,838 68,555 135,283

DIRE DAWA - TOWN 29,158 10,204 18,954 14,158 4,872 9,286 15,000 5,332 9,668
Table 6.18 Unemployed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Migration Status, Duration of Continuous Residence, Sex
and Place of Residence : 2013
Place of Migration Status
Residence and Durations of Continuous Residence of Migrants
Sex All Persons Migrant <1 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8-9 10+ Non-migrant

Urban + Rural
Total 1,981,165 797,369 76,580 47,067 52,483 46,665 47,025 47,560 57,092 51,450 371,446 1,183,796
Male 629,619 192,668 18,435 10,567 12,826 11,236 11,409 7,462 14,160 11,033 95,540 436,951
Female 1,351,546 604,701 58,145 36,499 39,657 35,429 35,616 40,098 42,932 40,417 275,906 746,845
Total 1,264,002 666,663 54,534 37,765 43,382 38,490 41,507 41,390 51,655 43,438 314,503 597,339
Male 413,579 162,925 12,589 7,805 9,704 8,369 8,848 6,833 13,211 10,511 85,056 250,654
Female 850,423 503,738 41,945 29,960 33,678 30,120 32,659 34,557 38,444 32,927 229,448 346,684
Total 717,163 130,706 22,046 9,302 9,102 8,176 5,519 6,170 5,437 8,012 56,943 586,457
Male 216,040 29,743 5,846 2,763 3,122 2,867 2,561 629 949 522 10,484 186,297
Female 501,123 100,963 16,200 6,539 5,979 5,309 2,957 5,542 4,488 7,490 46,458 400,160

Urban + Rural
Total 147,665 60,876 4,345 3,870 3,175 4,349 3,521 3,171 4,486 3,659 30,300 86,790
Male 47,262 16,478 1,321 759 33 1,233 980 347 231 1,227 10,346 30,784
Female 100,404 44,398 3,025 3,111 3,142 3,116 2,540 2,823 4,255 2,432 19,954 56,006
Total 93,590 54,464 4,345 2,734 2,694 4,349 3,039 2,476 4,486 3,659 26,681 39,127
Male 26,028 13,270 1,321 394 33 1,233 499 - 231 1,227 8,333 12,758
Female 67,563 41,193 3,025 2,340 2,661 3,116 2,540 2,476 4,255 2,432 18,348 26,369
Total 54,075 6,412 - 1,136 481 - 481 695 - - 3,619 47,663
Male 21,234 3,208 - 365 - - 481 347 - - 2,014 18,026
Female 32,841 3,205 - 770 481 - - 347 - - 1,606 29,636
Table 6.18 Cont’d
Place of Migration Status
Residence and Durations of Continuous Residence of Migrants
Sex All Persons Migrant <1 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8-9 10+ Non-migrant

Urban + Rural
Total 51,549 21,954 2,364 1,243 3,829 1,366 2,642 959 1,316 1,410 6,827 29,594
Male 18,038 7,389 1,240 281 1,342 402 772 303 534 229 2,286 10,649
Female 33,511 14,566 1,124 961 2,487 963 1,871 656 781 1,181 4,541 18,945
Total 15,040 11,626 1,382 146 1,118 875 889 468 1,035 1,200 4,513 3,413
Male 3,337 2,120 468 - 218 121 - 21 253 229 810 1,217
Female 11,702 9,506 914 146 900 754 889 446 781 971 3,703 2,196
Total 36,509 10,328 981 1,096 2,711 491 1,753 491 281 210 2,314 26,181
Male 14,700 5,269 772 281 1,125 281 772 281 281 - 1,476 9,432
Female 21,809 5,060 210 815 1,587 210 981 210 - 210 838 16,749

Urban + Rural
Total 387,807 148,858 23,861 10,706 11,533 7,520 8,506 9,310 10,704 8,387 58,332 238,948
Male 119,863 39,327 5,705 2,636 3,697 2,660 2,399 1,670 3,010 1,997 15,552 80,536
Female 267,943 109,532 18,156 8,070 7,836 4,859 6,107 7,640 7,693 6,391 42,780 158,412
Total 224,129 127,861 18,986 10,706 10,902 7,520 7,243 8,678 10,704 7,756 45,368 96,267
Male 73,293 34,861 5,028 2,636 3,066 2,660 1,135 1,670 3,010 1,997 13,658 38,432
Female 150,836 93,000 13,958 8,070 7,836 4,859 6,107 7,008 7,693 5,759 31,710 57,836
Total 163,678 20,997 4,875 - 632 - 1,263 632 - 632 12,964 142,681
Male 46,571 4,466 677 - 632 - 1,263 - - - 1,895 42,105
Female 117,107 16,531 4,199 - - - - 632 - 632 11,069 100,576
Table 6.18 Cont’d
Place of Migration Status
Residence and Durations of Continuous Residence of Migrants
Sex All Persons Migrant <1 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8-9 10+ Non-migrant

Urban + Rural
Total 517,207 221,508 29,098 12,509 12,991 11,418 16,346 16,941 15,190 17,759 89,257 295,699
Male 153,350 48,382 6,126 1,762 3,212 2,834 3,576 1,805 4,246 3,120 21,702 104,968
Female 363,857 173,127 22,973 10,748 9,779 8,584 12,770 15,136 10,944 14,638 67,555 190,730
Total 294,426 167,060 14,681 9,771 10,596 9,563 15,573 15,271 12,704 12,243 66,658 127,365
Male 99,218 40,923 1,834 1,762 2,429 2,056 3,576 1,805 4,246 3,120 20,095 58,296
Female 195,207 126,138 12,847 8,010 8,168 7,507 11,997 13,466 8,458 9,122 46,562 69,070
Total 222,781 54,448 14,417 2,738 2,394 1,854 772 1,670 2,486 5,516 22,600 168,333
Male 54,132 7,459 4,292 - 783 777 - - - - 1,607 46,673
Female 168,650 46,989 10,125 2,738 1,611 1,077 772 1,670 2,486 5,516 20,993 121,661

Urban + Rural
Total 43,821 6,950 289 681 256 399 270 272 496 651 3,636 36,870
Male 22,320 2,053 92 140 56 - - - 182 76 1,507 20,267
Female 21,501 4,898 197 542 199 399 270 272 314 576 2,129 16,603
Total 15,994 5,663 289 244 256 84 270 272 496 420 3,333 10,331
Male 7,540 2,053 92 140 56 - - - 182 76 1,507 5,487
Female 8,454 3,611 197 104 199 84 270 272 314 344 1,826 4,843
Total 27,827 1,287 - 437 - 315 - - - 232 303 26,540
Male 14,780 - - - - - - - - - - 14,780
Female 13,047 1,287 - 437 - 315 - - - 232 303 11,760
Table 6.18 Cont’d
Place of Migration Status
Residence and Durations of Continuous Residence of Migrants
Sex All Persons Migrant <1 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8-9 10+ Non-migrant

Urban + Rural
Total 14,382 7,336 839 687 477 256 377 374 1,283 486 2,556 7,046
Male 4,711 1,961 332 201 - 105 120 44 307 - 851 2,750
Female 9,671 5,375 507 487 477 151 257 330 976 486 1,705 4,296
Total 8,059 5,427 733 569 324 256 377 374 847 181 1,765 2,633
Male 2,397 1,393 227 201 - 105 120 44 162 - 535 1,004
Female 5,662 4,033 507 368 324 151 257 330 685 181 1,230 1,629
Total 6,323 1,909 105 119 153 - - - 436 305 791 4,414
Male 2,314 567 105 - - - - - 145 - 316 1,747
Female 4,009 1,342 - 119 153 - - - 291 305 475 2,667

Urban + Rural
Total 361,167 120,678 8,372 8,928 8,699 11,724 8,927 7,825 7,947 6,077 52,180 240,489
Male 109,893 28,281 1,763 2,934 1,463 2,225 1,896 1,154 2,075 1,409 13,362 81,612
Female 251,274 92,397 6,610 5,994 7,235 9,498 7,031 6,671 5,872 4,668 38,817 158,877
Total 162,375 87,833 7,120 5,761 6,469 6,665 7,770 5,143 5,784 4,959 38,163 74,542
Male 49,058 19,744 1,763 878 941 488 1,896 1,154 1,552 886 10,186 29,314
Female 113,317 68,089 5,358 4,883 5,528 6,176 5,874 3,988 4,232 4,073 27,978 45,228
Total 198,792 32,845 1,252 3,167 2,229 5,059 1,157 2,683 2,163 1,118 14,016 165,947
Male 60,835 8,537 - 2,056 522 1,737 - - 522 522 3,177 52,298
Female 137,957 24,308 1,252 1,111 1,707 3,322 1,157 2,683 1,641 596 10,840 113,649
Table 6.18 Cont’d
Place of Migration Status
Residence and Durations of Continuous Residence of Migrants
Sex All Persons Migrant <1 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8-9 10+ Non-migrant

Urban + Rural
Total 7,412 3,467 446 650 442 336 138 46 71 58 1,280 3,945
Male 1,320 336 24 - 33 - 45 - - 17 216 985
Female 6,092 3,132 422 650 409 336 92 46 71 41 1,064 2,960
Total 2,687 1,572 66 127 73 22 92 46 71 58 1,017 1,115
Male 556 290 24 - 33 - - - - 17 216 266
Female 2,132 1,282 41 127 40 22 92 46 71 41 801 850
Total 4,725 1,895 380 523 369 314 45 - - - 263 2,830
Male 765 45 - - - - 45 - - - - 719
Female 3,960 1,850 380 523 369 314 - - - - 263 2,110

Urban + Rural
Total 9,560 4,133 379 259 151 388 164 208 247 233 2,104 5,427
Male 3,555 943 71 59 - 24 31 95 24 24 615 2,612
Female 6,005 3,190 308 200 151 364 133 112 224 209 1,489 2,815
Total 9,077 4,108 379 234 151 388 164 208 247 233 2,104 4,969
Male 3,314 943 71 59 - 24 31 95 24 24 615 2,371
Female 5,762 3,165 308 175 151 364 133 112 224 209 1,489 2,597
Total 484 25 - 25 - - - - - - - 458
Male 241 - - - - - - - - - - 241
Female 243 25 - 25 - - - - - - - 218
Table 6.18 Cont’d
Place of Migration Status
Residence and Durations of Continuous Residence of Migrants
Sex All Persons Migrant <1 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8-9 10+ Non-migrant


Urban + Rural
Total 409,467 188,013 5,801 6,755 10,162 8,217 5,519 7,945 13,902 12,029 117,682 221,454
Male 138,635 44,042 1,553 1,506 2,877 1,520 1,538 1,971 3,124 2,781 27,173 94,592
Female 270,833 143,971 4,248 5,249 7,286 6,697 3,981 5,974 10,779 9,248 90,508 126,862
Total 409,467 188,013 5,801 6,755 10,162 8,217 5,519 7,945 13,902 12,029 117,682 221,454
Male 138,635 44,042 1,553 1,506 2,877 1,520 1,538 1,971 3,124 2,781 27,173 94,592
Female 270,833 143,971 4,248 5,249 7,286 6,697 3,981 5,974 10,779 9,248 90,508 126,862
Total - - - - - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban + Rural
Total 31,127 13,595 785 779 769 693 615 510 1,451 701 7,292 17,533
Male 10,673 3,478 208 291 113 232 52 72 428 154 1,928 7,195
Female 20,455 10,116 577 488 656 461 563 438 1,023 546 5,364 10,338
Total 29,158 13,036 750 718 637 551 569 510 1,379 701 7,221 16,123
Male 10,204 3,286 208 230 52 161 52 72 428 154 1,928 6,918
Female 18,954 9,750 542 488 585 390 517 438 952 546 5,292 9,204
Total 1,969 559 35 61 132 143 46 - 71 - 71 1,410
Male 469 193 - 61 61 71 - - - - - 276
Female 1,501 366 35 - 71 71 46 - 71 - 71 1,134
Table 6.19 Unemployed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and above by Migration Status, Duration of
Continuous Residence and Sex : 2013
Migration Status
Durations of Continuous Residence
Major Town and All All Non
Sex Persons Migrant <1 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8-9 10+ Migrant

Total 722,282 363,083 20,615 18,021 21,730 19,882 15,031 19,963 29,152 25,142 193,547 359,198
Male 238,016 85,698 4,351 4,261 6,034 4,014 3,209 4,081 6,590 5,778 47,381 152,318
Female 484,266 277,385 16,264 13,760 15,696 15,868 11,822 15,883 22,562 19,364 146,166 206,880
Total 6,807 3,884 361 154 120 255 82 203 305 337 2,066 2,923
Male 2,340 1,018 83 27 33 38 55 - 60 65 657 1,322
Female 4,467 2,865 278 126 87 217 28 203 245 273 1,409 1,602
Total 24,793 14,456 525 534 742 2,064 1,204 494 1,883 1,164 5,847 10,337
Male 5,721 2,378 217 108 - 547 - - - 325 1,181 3,343
Female 19,072 12,078 309 426 742 1,517 1,204 494 1,883 839 4,666 6,994
Total 1,411 1,037 139 43 75 32 53 53 53 53 535 374
Male 470 310 53 - 11 11 - 21 32 21 160 160
Female 941 727 86 43 64 21 53 32 21 32 374 214
Total 19,907 10,769 1,078 938 542 659 391 304 844 839 5,174 9,139
Male 6,833 2,882 304 324 99 154 97 122 78 219 1,485 3,951
Female 13,074 7,886 774 613 443 505 295 182 766 620 3,689 5,188
Total 10,980 4,816 547 376 351 159 141 223 189 461 2,369 6,164
Male 3,978 1,031 133 28 28 - - 75 - 96 671 2,948
Female 7,001 3,785 414 349 323 159 141 147 189 365 1,698 3,216
Total 17,607 7,877 871 412 462 742 536 608 528 444 3,275 9,730
Male 5,308 2,016 316 49 134 212 46 107 88 230 834 3,292
Female 12,299 5,861 555 363 327 531 489 501 441 214 2,441 6,438
Total 5,863 3,361 536 132 88 150 - 260 239 343 1,614 2,502
Male 1,461 727 163 94 36 - - 69 34 - 330 735
Female 4,401 2,634 373 37 53 150 - 191 205 343 1,283 1,767
Total 6,045 3,478 392 173 264 187 125 318 629 67 1,323 2,567
Male 1,942 679 - 88 147 32 32 69 177 - 134 1,263
Female 4,103 2,799 392 85 117 155 92 250 452 67 1,190 1,304
Total 18,928 12,583 769 1,157 1,468 294 988 1,077 1,555 1,123 4,152 6,345
Male 5,409 3,202 80 264 568 126 218 159 428 126 1,234 2,207
Female 13,519 9,380 689 893 900 169 770 918 1,128 997 2,918 4,139
Table 6.19 Cont’d
Migration Status
Durations of Continuous Residence
Major Town and All All Non
Sex Persons Migrant <1 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8-9 10+ Migrant

Total 8,844 6,094 377 428 660 492 500 567 521 477 2,073 2,750
Male 2,781 1,353 132 147 190 - 121 156 70 70 468 1,428
Female 6,063 4,741 245 280 471 492 379 411 451 407 1,605 1,322
Total 11,965 6,979 503 516 701 362 495 688 531 637 2,546 4,986
Male 3,912 1,407 44 43 90 77 69 60 141 140 743 2,506
Female 8,053 5,572 459 474 611 285 426 628 390 497 1,803 2,481
Total 10,387 6,552 430 617 524 497 427 376 514 363 2,805 3,835
Male 3,614 2,086 129 144 109 275 145 35 330 144 776 1,528
Female 6,773 4,466 301 473 414 222 282 341 184 218 2,029 2,307
Total 33,026 21,404 1,758 1,467 1,525 634 747 1,953 1,366 1,690 10,264 11,622
Male 10,113 5,401 103 404 596 104 - 345 425 344 3,079 4,713
Female 22,913 16,003 1,655 1,063 928 530 747 1,608 941 1,346 7,185 6,909
Total 16,652 8,971 1,449 810 661 741 613 676 310 645 3,068 7,680
Male 5,195 1,537 164 89 382 94 - 47 - 148 614 3,658
Female 11,457 7,435 1,285 721 279 647 613 630 310 497 2,454 4,022
Total 16,060 9,685 1,084 642 768 894 326 811 790 581 3,789 6,375
Male 4,940 2,201 336 196 273 101 54 76 60 202 904 2,738
Female 11,120 7,484 749 446 495 794 272 735 729 379 2,885 3,636
Total 6,839 2,177 105 93 210 38 86 180 76 281 1,108 4,662
Male 3,590 978 - 93 56 - - - 38 76 715 2,611
Female 3,250 1,198 105 - 153 38 86 180 38 206 392 2,051
Total 2,659 1,898 138 146 143 102 109 176 171 82 831 762
Male 571 432 70 18 - 51 34 44 52 - 163 139
Female 2,088 1,465 69 127 143 51 75 132 118 82 668 622
Total 10,275 6,612 454 413 534 496 283 480 857 564 2,531 3,663
Male 2,985 1,719 37 39 101 39 149 139 276 180 758 1,266
Female 7,290 4,893 416 375 433 457 134 341 581 384 1,772 2,397
Total 5,800 1,770 63 129 129 129 94 63 179 98 886 4,029
Male 2,492 509 - 76 22 22 31 - 31 54 273 1,983
Female 3,307 1,261 63 54 107 107 63 63 148 44 613 2,047
Table 6.19 Cont’d
Migration Status
Durations of Continuous Residence
Major Town All Non
and Sex All Persons Migrant <1 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8-9 10+ Migrant

Total 9,662 5,103 297 451 191 471 340 550 557 387 1,859 4,559
Male 2,488 1,156 - 182 64 48 106 120 73 63 500 1,333
Female 7,174 3,947 297 270 126 423 234 430 484 325 1,359 3,227
Total 9,877 5,133 246 350 214 413 284 260 413 183 2,770 4,744
Male 3,875 1,432 - 52 168 105 - 90 121 133 763 2,443
Female 6,002 3,701 246 298 46 307 284 170 292 50 2,007 2,301
Total 18,458 12,250 1,545 286 391 892 885 934 1,070 1,323 4,923 6,208
Male 5,599 2,901 154 - - 275 430 207 501 167 1,167 2,697
Female 12,859 9,349 1,391 286 391 617 455 727 569 1,156 3,756 3,510
Total 1,735 1,038 17 46 21 22 68 46 44 38 736 697
Male 244 72 - - - - - - - 17 55 173
Female 1,491 967 17 46 21 22 68 46 44 21 681 524
Total 9,077 4,108 379 234 151 388 164 208 247 233 2,104 4,969
Male 3,314 943 71 59 - 24 31 95 24 24 615 2,371
Female 5,762 3,165 308 175 151 364 133 112 224 209 1,489 2,597
Total 409,467 188,013 5,801 6,755 10,162 8,217 5,519 7,945 13,902 12,029 117,682 221,454
Male 138,635 44,042 1,553 1,506 2,877 1,520 1,538 1,971 3,124 2,781 27,173 94,592
Female 270,833 143,971 4,248 5,249 7,286 6,697 3,981 5,974 10,779 9,248 90,508 126,862
Total 29,158 13,036 750 718 637 551 569 510 1,379 701 7,221 16,123
Male 10,204 3,286 208 230 52 161 52 72 428 154 1,928 6,918
Female 18,954 9,750 542 488 585 390 517 438 952 546 5,292 9,204
Table 6.20 Unemployed Population Aged Ten Years and above by Migration Status, Main reason for Migration, Sex and place of Residence : 2013
Main Reason for Migration

To live Along
war /drought
Job transfer/

Family/ peer
have got job

Return back

Shortage of


with family
Search for


from work


to home



Place of
Residence and Non-
Sex All Persons migrant Migrant

Urban + Rural
Total 1,981,165 1,183,796 797,369 205,305 79,128 161,172 11,983 11,825 8,879 27,905 182,557 22,218 16,187 14,247 12,202 43,762
Male 629,619 436,951 192,668 59,040 28,157 6,513 655 3,875 4,848 9,858 50,302 5,858 6,093 3,387 3,287 10,796
Female 1,351,546 746,845 604,701 146,265 50,971 154,659 11,328 7,950 4,031 18,047 132,254 16,360 10,095 10,861 8,914 32,966
Total 1,264,002 597,339 666,663 190,007 75,352 114,628 9,811 11,825 8,044 21,749 150,732 20,218 5,457 11,184 10,683 36,974
Male 413,579 250,654 162,925 55,337 26,101 4,534 655 3,875 4,848 6,332 39,045 5,858 2,575 2,822 1,873 9,071
Female 850,423 346,684 503,738 134,670 49,251 110,094 9,156 7,950 3,196 15,418 111,687 14,360 2,882 8,362 8,810 27,903
Total 717,163 586,457 130,706 15,297 3,776 46,544 2,172 - 835 6,156 31,824 2,000 10,730 3,063 1,519 6,789
Male 216,040 186,297 29,743 3,703 2,056 1,979 - - - 3,526 11,257 - 3,518 565 1,415 1,725
Female 501,123 400,160 100,963 11,594 1,720 44,565 2,172 - 835 2,629 20,567 2,000 7,212 2,498 104 5,064

Urban + Rural 147,665
Total 47,262 86,790 60,876 9,959 3,744 14,873 608 1,511 761 6,395 12,317 3,369 3,737 340 384 2,877
Male 100,404 30,784 16,478 3,345 823 1,061 108 657 701 3,349 3,188 836 994 - - 1,417
Female 56,006 44,398 6,614 2,920 13,812 500 854 60 3,047 9,129 2,533 2,743 340 384 1,460
Urban 93,590
Total 26,028 39,127 54,464 9,512 3,744 11,977 608 1,511 761 5,962 11,529 3,369 2,255 340 384 2,512
Male 67,563 12,758 13,270 3,345 823 232 108 657 701 2,915 2,400 836 202 - - 1,052
Female 26,369 41,193 6,167 2,920 11,744 500 854 60 3,047 9,129 2,533 2,053 340 384 1,460
Rural 54,075
Total 21,234 47,663 6,412 447 - 2,897 - - - 434 788 - 1,482 - - 365
Male 32,841 18,026 3,208 - - 829 - - - 434 788 - 792 - - 365
Female 29,636 3,205 447 - 2,068 - - - - - - 690 - - -
Table 6.20 Cont’d
Main Reason for Migration

/ war drought

To live Along

Family/ peer/

Job transfer/
have got job

Return back

Shortage of

with family
Search for


from work


to home



Place of
Residence and Non-
Sex All Persons migrant Migrant

Urban + Rural 51,549
Total 18,038 29,594 21,954 8,043 328 3,173 210 114 229 5,807 2,661 218 - - 21 1,151
Male 33,511 10,649 7,389 2,497 - 21 - 11 104 3,449 844 11 - - 11 441
Female 18,945 14,566 5,546 328 3,151 210 104 125 2,358 1,817 207 - - 11 709
Urban 15,040
Total 3,337 3,413 11,626 4,099 328 2,125 - 114 229 1,871 1,889 218 - - 21 732
Male 11,702 1,217 2,120 1,021 - 21 - 11 104 357 354 11 - - 11 232
Female 2,196 9,506 3,078 328 2,104 - 104 125 1,514 1,535 207 - - 11 500
Rural 36,509
Total 14,700 26,181 10,328 3,944 - 1,048 210 - - 3,936 772 - - - - 419
Male 21,809 9,432 5,269 1,476 - - - - - 3,093 491 - - - - 210
Female 21,809 16,749 5,060 2,468 - 1,048 210 - - 843 281 - - - - 210

Urban + Rural
Total 387,807 238,948 148,858 30,852 17,068 29,720 4,058 1,597 2,366 4,927 29,500 8,281 4,658 4,193 2,209 9,431
Male 119,863 80,536 39,327 7,571 6,882 1,991 382 406 1,554 434 9,228 1,957 3,408 1,476 1,343 2,694
Female 267,943 158,412 109,532 23,280 10,186 27,729 3,675 1,191 812 4,493 20,272 6,324 1,250 2,717 866 6,736
Total 224,129 96,267 127,861 30,220 16,431 22,353 4,058 1,597 2,366 3,526 26,277 6,386 2,131 3,402 1,577 7,536
Male 73,293 38,432 34,861 6,940 6,882 1,991 382 406 1,554 434 7,920 1,957 1,513 1,476 711 2,694
Female 150,836 57,836 93,000 23,280 9,550 20,362 3,675 1,191 812 3,092 18,357 4,429 618 1,927 866 4,842
Total 163,678 142,681 20,997 632 637 7,367 - - - 1,402 3,223 1,895 2,526 790 632 1,895
Male 46,571 42,105 4,466 632 - - - - - - 1,308 - 1,895 - 632 -
Female 117,107 100,576 16,531 - 637 7,367 - - - 1,402 1,915 1,895 632 790 - 1,895
Table 6.20 Cont’d
Main Reason for Migration

/ war drought

To live Along

Family/ peer/

Job transfer/
have got job

Return back

Shortage of

with family
Search for


from work


to home



Place of
Residence and Non -
Sex All Persons migrant Migrant

Urban + Rural
Total 517,207 295,699 221,508 41,894 20,684 51,807 3,712 4,291 1,938 3,644 64,897 2,135 6,925 4,193 3,912 11,476
Male 153,350 104,968 48,382 13,690 7,289 517 - 1,025 712 1,011 18,735 873 1,313 617 826 1,773
Female 363,857 190,730 173,127 28,205 13,395 51,290 3,712 3,266 1,226 2,632 46,162 1,263 5,612 3,576 3,086 9,702
Total 294,426 127,365 167,060 36,995 20,684 34,277 1,795 4,291 1,103 3,644 45,396 2,135 482 2,485 3,129 10,645
Male 99,218 58,296 40,923 12,913 7,289 517 - 1,025 712 1,011 13,667 873 482 617 43 1,773
Female 195,207 69,070 126,138 24,082 13,395 33,760 1,795 3,266 391 2,632 31,729 1,263 - 1,868 3,086 8,872
Total 222,781 168,333 54,448 4,900 - 17,531 1,916 - 835 - 19,501 - 6,443 1,708 783 831
Male 54,132 46,673 7,459 777 - - - - - - 5,068 - 831 - 783 -
Female 168,650 121,661 46,989 4,123 - 17,531 1,916 - 835 - 14,433 - 5,612 1,708 - 831

Urban + Rural
Total 43,821 36,870 6,950 1,507 265 1,042 - 229 84 1,611 1,517 224 49 125 159 138
Male 22,320 20,267 2,053 613 227 - - 191 84 596 199 - 49 46 46 -
Female 21,501 16,603 4,898 894 38 1,042 - 38 - 1,015 1,317 224 - 79 113 138
Total 15,994 10,331 5,663 1,507 265 424 - 229 84 1,379 1,079 224 49 125 159 138
Male 7,540 5,487 2,053 613 227 - - 191 84 596 199 - 49 46 46 -
Female 8,454 4,843 3,611 894 38 424 - 38 - 783 880 224 - 79 113 138
Total 27,827 26,540 1,287 - - 618 - - - 232 437 - - - - -
Male 14,780 14,780 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female 13,047 11,760 1,287 - - 618 - - - 232 437 - - - - -
Table 6.20 Cont’d
Main Reason for Migration

/ war drought

To live Along

Family/ peer/

Job transfer/
have got job

Return back

Shortage of

with family
Search for


from work


to home



Place of
Residence and Non-
Sex All Persons migrant Migrant

Urban + Rural
Total 14,382 7,046 7,336 2,078 403 1,934 139 25 137 175 1,230 315 333 215 93 259
Male 4,711 2,750 1,961 740 135 169 - - 18 - 556 63 - 51 20 209
Female 9,671 4,296 5,375 1,339 269 1,765 139 25 118 175 674 252 333 164 73 50
Total 8,059 2,633 5,427 1,556 403 1,426 139 25 137 22 992 209 54 215 93 153
Male 2,397 1,004 1,393 489 135 63 - - 18 - 450 63 - 51 20 103
Female 5,662 1,629 4,033 1,067 269 1,363 139 25 118 22 542 146 54 164 73 50
Total 6,323 4,414 1,909 522 - 507 - - - 153 237 105 279 - - 105
Male 2,314 1,747 567 251 - 105 - - - - 105 - - - - 105
Female 4,009 2,667 1,342 271 - 402 - - - 153 132 105 279 - - -

Urban + Rural
Total 361,167 240,489 120,678 20,664 12,703 33,750 1,193 1,062 1,914 1,559 30,362 5,154 105 1,734 1,626 8,852
Male 109,893 81,612 28,281 7,259 4,833 1,596 50 278 1,081 153 7,743 1,321 35 960 658 2,313
Female 251,274 158,877 92,397 13,405 7,870 32,154 1,143 784 833 1,406 22,619 3,833 70 774 968 6,539
Total 162,375 74,542 87,833 17,440 9,564 17,244 1,193 1,062 1,914 1,559 24,125 5,154 105 1,169 1,626 5,679
Male 49,058 29,314 19,744 6,737 2,777 551 50 278 1,081 153 4,439 1,321 35 395 658 1,268
Female 113,317 45,228 68,089 10,703 6,787 16,693 1,143 784 833 1,406 19,686 3,833 70 774 968 4,410
Total 198,792 165,947 32,845 3,224 3,140 16,506 - - - - 6,237 - - 565 - 3,173
Male 60,835 52,298 8,537 522 2,056 1,045 - - - - 3,304 - - 565 - 1,045
Female 137,957 113,649 24,308 2,702 1,084 15,461 - - - - 2,932 - - - - 2,129
Table 6.20 Cont’d
Main Reason for Migration

/ war drought

To live Along

Family/ peer/

Job transfer/
have got job

Return back

Shortage of

with family
Search for


from work


to home



Place of
Residence and Non-
Sex All Persons migrant Migrant

Urban + Rural
Total 7,412 3,945 3,467 1,919 162 284 38 - - 98 736 - - - 167 63
Male 1,320 985 336 208 - 16 17 - - 77 17 - - - - -
Female 6,092 2,960 3,132 1,711 162 268 21 - - 21 720 - - - 167 63
Total 2,687 1,115 1,572 458 162 284 38 - - 98 406 - - - 63 63
Male 556 266 290 163 - 16 17 - - 77 17 - - - - -
Female 2,132 850 1,282 295 162 268 21 - - 21 389 - - - 63 63
Total 4,725 2,830 1,895 1,461 - - - - - - 330 - - - 104 -
Male 765 719 45 45 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female 3,960 2,110 1,850 1,415 - - - - - - 330 - - - 104 -

Urban + Rural
Total 9,560 5,427 4,133 1,182 460 665 24 247 77 59 1,077 166 - 25 52 99
Male 3,555 2,612 943 371 121 - - 221 48 - 135 - - - - 48
Female 6,005 2,815 3,190 811 339 665 24 26 29 59 942 166 - 25 52 52
Total 9,077 4,969 4,108 1,156 460 665 24 247 77 59 1,077 166 - 25 52 99
Male 3,314 2,371 943 371 121 - - 221 48 - 135 - - - - 48
Female 5,762 2,597 3,165 786 339 665 24 26 29 59 942 166 - 25 52 52
Total 484 458 25 25 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Male 241 241 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female 243 218 25 25 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Table 6.20 Cont’d
Main Reason for Migration

/ war drought

To live Along

Family/ peer/

Job transfer/
have got job

Return back

Shortage of

with family
Search for


from work


to home



Place of
Residence and Non-
Sex All Persons migrant Migrant


Urban + Rural
Total 409,467 221,454 188,013 83,851 21,945 22,407 1,756 2,465 1,143 3,371 34,341 1,927 380 3,138 3,326 7,965
Male 138,635 94,592 44,042 21,959 7,303 1,142 97 802 368 788 8,586 640 293 184 311 1,568
Female 270,833 126,862 143,971 61,892 14,642 21,265 1,658 1,662 774 2,583 25,754 1,287 87 2,953 3,015 6,397
Total 409,467 221,454 188,013 83,851 21,945 22,407 1,756 2,465 1,143 3,371 34,341 1,927 380 3,138 3,326 7,965
Male 138,635 94,592 44,042 21,959 7,303 1,142 97 802 368 788 8,586 640 293 184 311 1,568
Female 270,833 126,862 143,971 61,892 14,642 21,265 1,658 1,662 774 2,583 25,754 1,287 87 2,953 3,015 6,397
Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban + Rural
Total 31,127 17,533 13,595 3,356 1,366 1,517 247 283 230 260 3,919 429 - 284 252 1,451
Male 10,673 7,195 3,478 786 544 - - 283 178 - 1,071 158 - 52 74 333
Female 20455 10338 10116 2569 822 1517 247 - 52 260 2848 271 - 232 178 1118
Total 29158 16123 13036 3213 1366 1446 201 283 230 260 3620 429 - 284 252 1451
Male 10204 6918 3286 786 544 - - 283 178 - 878 158 - 52 74 333
Female 18954 9204 9750 2427 822 1446 201 - 52 260 2742 271 - 232 178 1118
Total 1969 1410 559 143 - 71 46 - - - 299 - - - - -
Male 469 276 193 - - - - - - - 193 - - - - -
Female 1501 1134 366 143 - 71 46 - - - 106 - - - - -
Table 6.21 Unemployed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and above by Migration Status, Main Reason for Migration and Sex : 2013
Main Reason for Migration

To live Along

Family/ peer/

Job transfer/
have got job

Return back
war drought
Displacement /

Shortage of

with family
Search for


from work


to home



Non -
Major Towns All Persons migrant Migrant

Total 722,282 359,198 363,083 123,895 46,935 51,779 4,025 7,574 2,730 9,810 78,671 6,062 639 5,710 6,171 19,082
Male 238,016 152,318 85,698 33,599 15,209 2,199 307 3,164 1,078 2,783 18,447 1,944 455 871 959 4,684
Female 484,266 206,880 277,385 90,296 31,726 49,580 3,718 4,410 1,653 7,027 60,224 4,119 184 4,839 5,212 14,397
Total 6,807 2,923 3,884 421 337 1,061 113 27 136 709 619 247 27 - - 186
Male 2,340 1,322 1,018 148 120 33 - 27 76 281 107 145 - - - 81
Female 4,467 1,602 2,865 273 217 1,028 113 - 60 427 511 103 27 - - 105
Total 24,793 10,337 14,456 2,988 1,175 2,534 325 542 - 1,530 3,942 980 - - - 441
Male 5,721 3,343 2,378 325 - - 108 217 - 439 850 331 - - - 108
Female 19,072 6,994 12,078 2,663 1,175 2,534 217 325 - 1,091 3,092 650 - - - 332
Total 1,411 374 1,037 535 11 150 - 11 21 75 107 11 - - 21 96
Male 470 160 310 171 - 21 - 11 - 32 43 11 - - 11 11
Female 941 214 727 363 11 128 - - 21 43 64 - - - 11 86
Total 19,907 9,139 10,769 2,118 2,744 1,422 78 206 - 81 2,612 122 - 361 323 700
Male 6,833 3,951 2,882 683 965 78 - 81 - - 545 - - - 194 337
Female 13,074 5,188 7,886 1,435 1,779 1,345 78 125 - 81 2,068 122 - 361 129 363
Total 10,980 6,164 4,816 1,096 218 1,136 60 158 78 419 1,119 214 - 35 55 226
Male 3,978 2,948 1,031 266 60 62 - 55 28 131 238 115 - - - 75
Female 7,001 3,216 3,785 830 158 1,074 60 103 51 289 881 99 - 35 55 151
Table 6.21 Cont’d
Main Reason for Migration

To live Along

Family/ peer/

Job transfer/
have got job

Return back

Shortage of

with family
Search for


from work


to home



t/ war

All Non-
Major Town Persons migrant Migrant

Total 17,607 9,730 7,877 1,890 995 1,171 221 281 101 540 1,859 214 - 242 96 269
Male 5,308 3,292 2,016 711 310 46 - 54 - 46 500 93 - 196 - 59
Female 12,299 6,438 5,861 1,179 685 1,124 221 227 101 493 1,359 121 - 46 96 210
Total 5,863 2,502 3,361 759 877 416 150 142 - 72 398 34 - 194 36 283
Male 1,461 735 727 200 211 - 34 36 - - 75 - - 94 - 77
Female 4,401 1,767 2,634 559 666 416 116 106 - 72 323 34 - 100 36 206
Total 6,045 2,567 3,478 452 316 778 92 - 32 32 1,054 264 - 117 - 339
Male 1,942 1,263 679 136 153 117 - - 32 - 177 - - 32 - 32
Female 4,103 1,304 2,799 316 164 662 92 - - 32 877 264 - 85 - 307
Total 18,928 6,345 12,583 3,743 2,073 2,186 210 258 - 78 2,785 161 82 194 267 544
Male 5,409 2,207 3,202 1,066 772 273 - 180 - - 657 78 82 - - 95
Female 13,519 4,139 9,380 2,678 1,301 1,913 210 78 - 78 2,128 83 - 194 267 449
Total 8,844 2,750 6,094 909 1,736 756 35 76 35 188 1,737 188 - 70 104 260
Male 2,781 1,428 1,353 268 402 36 - 76 - 72 325 69 - 35 - 70
Female 6,063 1,322 4,741 642 1,334 721 35 - 35 116 1,411 119 - 35 104 191
Total 11,965 4,986 6,979 2,103 943 956 95 91 - 343 1,630 62 44 40 131 540
Male 3,912 2,506 1,407 235 280 - - - - 242 337 - 44 40 - 227
Female 8,053 2,481 5,572 1,868 663 956 95 91 - 100 1,293 62 - - 131 312
Table 6.21 Cont’d
Main Reason for Migration

To live Along

Family/ peer/

Job transfer/
have got job

Return back

Shortage of

with family
Search for


from work


to home



t/ war

All Non-
Major Towns Persons migrant Migrant

Total 10,387 3,835 6,552 838 1,324 1,291 39 185 110 - 2,365 - - - 214 185
Male 3,614 1,528 2,086 271 743 74 - 150 - - 700 - - - - 148
Female 6,773 2,307 4,466 567 581 1,217 39 35 110 - 1,666 - - - 214 37
Total 33,026 11,622 21,404 5,384 2,203 3,870 208 574 228 1,008 5,300 - - 532 - 2,096
Male 10,113 4,713 5,401 1,705 545 - - 206 104 303 1,534 - - 140 - 864
Female 22,913 6,909 16,003 3,679 1,659 3,870 208 369 124 705 3,765 - - 392 - 1,233
Total 16,652 7,680 8,971 2,147 1,740 2,083 - 238 47 140 1,424 136 - 211 - 807
Male 5,195 3,658 1,537 562 443 - - 100 - 47 94 89 - 47 - 156
Female 11,457 4,022 7,435 1,585 1,297 2,083 - 138 47 93 1,330 47 - 164 - 651
Total 16,060 6,375 9,685 2,459 1,523 1,269 85 472 76 234 2,692 - - - 144 731
Male 4,940 2,738 2,201 971 409 109 - 195 - 45 430 - - - 43 -
Female 11,120 3,636 7,484 1,488 1,114 1,160 85 277 76 189 2,262 - - - 101 731
Total 6,839 4,662 2,177 574 218 38 - 229 38 182 665 86 - 79 67 -
Male 3,590 2,611 978 233 181 - - 191 38 182 153 - - - - -
Female 3,250 2,051 1,198 341 38 38 - 38 - - 511 86 - 79 67 -
Total 2,659 762 1,898 557 168 541 23 25 32 22 330 20 - 54 38 87
Male 571 139 432 201 49 - - - 18 - 92 - - 16 20 36
Female 2,088 622 1,465 357 120 541 23 25 14 22 238 20 - 38 19 50
Table 6.21 Cont’d
Main Reason for Migration

To live Along

Family/ peer/

Job transfer/
have got job

Return back

Shortage of

with family
Search for


from work


to home



t/ war

All Non-
Major Towns Persons migrant Migrant

Total 10,275 3,663 6,612 1,282 1,128 1,088 - 272 252 101 1,309 550 105 71 69 385
Male 2,985 1,266 1,719 472 238 32 - 97 93 70 390 151 35 36 69 36
Female 7,290 2,397 4,893 810 890 1,056 - 175 159 31 918 399 70 35 - 350
Total 5,800 4,029 1,770 299 138 456 63 94 31 63 456 - - - 85 85
Male 2,492 1,983 509 214 - - - 63 31 31 148 - - - - 22
Female 3,307 2,047 1,261 85 138 456 63 31 - 31 308 - - - 85 63
Total 9,662 4,559 5,103 643 483 792 - 212 63 64 2,282 161 - 63 - 341
Male 2,488 1,333 1,156 328 348 - - 37 63 - 285 64 - - - 31
Female 7,174 3,227 3,947 316 136 792 - 175 - 64 1,996 97 - 63 - 309
Total 9,877 4,744 5,133 834 804 1,075 150 40 - 52 1,471 89 - - 384 235
Male 3,875 2,443 1,432 212 454 97 50 - - 52 375 - - - 137 56
Female 6,002 2,301 3,701 622 350 978 100 40 - - 1,096 89 - - 246 179
Total 18,458 6,208 12,250 3,507 1,845 1,973 61 443 - 147 3,162 - - - 445 666
Male 5,599 2,697 2,901 1,089 559 80 - 81 - - 775 - - - 101 215
Female 12,859 3,510 9,349 2,417 1,286 1,893 61 362 - 147 2,387 - - - 343 451
Total 1,735 697 1,038 136 162 219 38 - - 42 316 - - - 63 63
Male 244 173 72 17 - - 17 - - 21 17 - - - - -
Female 1,491 524 967 119 162 219 21 - - 21 299 - - - 63 63
Table 6.21 Cont’d
Main Reason for Migration

To live Along

Family/ peer/

Job transfer/
have got job

Return back

Shortage of

with family
Search for


from work


to home



t/ war

All Non-
Major Towns Persons migrant Migrant

Total 9,077 4,969 4,108 1,156 460 665 24 247 77 59 1,077 166 - 25 52 99
Male 3,314 2,371 943 371 121 - - 221 48 - 135 - - - - 48
Female 5,762 2,597 3,165 786 339 665 24 26 29 59 942 166 - 25 52 52
Total 409,467 221,454 188,013 83,851 21,945 22,407 1,756 2,465 1,143 3,371 34,341 1,927 380 3,138 3,326 7,965
Male 138,635 94,592 44,042 21,959 7,303 1,142 97 802 368 788 8,586 640 293 184 311 1,568
Female 270,833 126,862 143,971 61,892 14,642 21,265 1,658 1,662 774 2,583 25,754 1,287 87 2,953 3,015 6,397
Total 29,158 16,123 13,036 3,213 1,366 1,446 201 283 230 260 3,620 429 - 284 252 1,451
Male 10,204 6,918 3,286 786 544 - - 283 178 - 878 158 - 52 74 333
Female 18,954 9,204 9,750 2,427 822 1,446 201 - 52 260 2,742 271 - 232 178 1,118
Table 6.22 Unemployed Population of Regions Aged Ten Years and above by Types of Problem Faced to Establish Own Business, Sex
and Place of Residence : 2013
Types of Problem Faced to Start Own Business
Lack of Lack of
Place of lack of Finance working Lack Shortage/
Residence and All I have no Shortage of Lack of work and Place and /absence of absence of Don't Lack of
Sex Persons problem finance Training place Training finance License equipment Know information Other

Urban + Rural
Total 651,854 65,589 360,832 10,191 43,903 31,253 71,976 3,447 6,354 3,037 2,787 52,486
Male 153,403 15,652 83,258 3,377 8,317 7,897 17,062 914 1,917 851 742 13,416
Female 498,452 49,937 277,574 6,814 35,586 23,356 54,914 2,532 4,437 2,186 2,045 39,070
Total 393,583 36,748 212,891 6,449 32,287 14,372 54,556 3,447 2,563 2,055 1,134 27,081
Male 93,109 8,891 50,037 2,330 6,025 3,670 13,187 914 1,360 851 220 5,623
Female 300,474 27,857 162,854 4,119 26,262 10,701 41,369 2,532 1,203 1,204 914 21,458
Total 258,272 28,841 147,941 3,742 11,615 16,881 17,421 - 3,791 982 1,653 25,404
Male 60,293 6,761 33,221 1,047 2,292 4,226 3,875 - 557 - 522 7,793
Female 197,978 22,080 114,720 2,695 9,324 12,655 13,546 - 3,235 982 1,131 17,612

Urban + Rural
Total 51,722 8,784 32,027 2,114 2,397 1,849 1,428 404 43 - 108 2,568
Male 12,595 2,051 8,787 357 528 291 200 202 43 - - 136
Female 39,127 6,733 23,241 1,757 1,869 1,558 1,227 202 - - 108 2,432
Total 35,792 5,301 23,132 1,410 1,638 1,171 684 404 43 - 108 1,899
Male 6,202 509 4,658 - 163 291 200 202 43 - - 136
Female 29,589 4,793 18,474 1,410 1,475 880 484 202 - - 108 1,763
Total 15,930 3,482 8,895 704 759 678 743 - - - - 669
Male 6,393 1,542 4,129 357 365 - - - - - - -
Female 9,538 1,940 4,766 347 394 678 743 - - - - 669
Table 6.22 Cont’d
Types of Problem Faced to Start Own Business
Lack of Lack of
Place of lack of Finance working Lack Shortage/
Residence and All I have no Shortage of Lack of work and Place and /absence of absence of Don't Lack of
Sex Persons problem finance Training place Training finance License equipment Know information Other

Urban + Rural
Total 8,837 436 5,738 210 518 218 1,112 - - 210 11 385
Male 701 104 284 - - 11 292 - - - 11 -
Female 8,136 332 5,454 210 518 207 821 - - 210 - 385
Total 4,710 436 2,874 - 518 218 550 - - - 11 104
Male 211 104 75 - - 11 11 - - - 11 -
Female 4,500 332 2,799 - 518 207 539 - - - - 104
Total 4,127 - 2,864 210 - - 562 - - 210 - 281
Male 491 - 210 - - - 281 - - - - -
Female 3,636 - 2,655 210 - - 281 - - 210 - 281

Urban + Rural
Total 143,039 10,927 68,348 1,235 14,950 7,909 25,470 1,068 1,575 908 28 10,622
Male 33,117 2,201 15,726 340 2,835 2,554 5,504 354 - 593 - 3,010
Female 109,922 8,727 52,622 894 12,115 5,355 19,966 715 1,575 314 28 7,612
Total 83,987 5,291 39,698 569 8,403 3,612 19,062 1,068 88 908 28 5,261
Male 21,513 1,569 8,705 340 2,203 1,760 4,241 354 - 593 - 1,747
Female 62,474 3,722 30,993 229 6,199 1,852 14,821 715 88 314 28 3,514
Total 59,052 5,636 28,650 666 6,548 4,297 6,408 - 1,486 - - 5,361
Male 11,604 632 7,021 - 632 793 1,263 - - - - 1,263
Female 47,448 5,005 21,629 666 5,916 3,503 5,145 - 1,486 - - 4,098
Table 6.22 Cont’d
Types of Problem Faced to Start Own Business
Lack of Lack of
Place of lack of Finance working Lack Shortage/
Residence and All I have no Shortage of Lack of work and Place and /absence of absence of Don't Lack of
Sex Persons problem finance Training place Training finance License equipment Know information Other

Urban + Rural
Total 184,193 18,538 112,550 2,929 9,924 5,159 12,719 81 1,411 850 1,077 18,954
Male 39,247 2,999 24,499 1,440 1,789 174 2,423 37 739 - - 5,147
Female 144,947 15,539 88,051 1,490 8,136 4,985 10,297 44 672 850 1,077 13,807
Total 103,060 9,636 66,609 2,157 7,418 1,610 6,921 81 1,411 77 - 7,139
Male 24,012 2,190 16,682 1,440 1,016 174 759 37 739 - - 974
Female 79,048 7,446 49,927 717 6,402 1,436 6,162 44 672 77 - 6,165
Total 81,133 8,902 45,940 772 2,506 3,549 5,798 - - 772 1,077 11,815
Male 15,235 809 7,817 - 772 - 1,663 - - - - 4,173
Female 65,899 8,093 38,124 772 1,734 3,549 4,135 - - 772 1,077 7,642

Urban + Rural
Total 23,708 1,088 14,892 - 92 4,840 786 - - 134 - 1,875
Male 10,582 228 6,195 - - 2,943 254 - - 134 - 828
Female 13,125 860 8,697 - 92 1,897 532 - - - - 1,048
Total 5,493 176 3,944 - 92 352 558 - - 134 - 236
Male 1,935 - 1,265 - - 138 254 - - 134 - 144
Female 3,557 176 2,679 - 92 214 304 - - - - 92
Total 18,215 912 10,949 - - 4,488 228 - - - - 1,639
Male 8,647 228 4,930 - - 2,805 - - - - - 684
Female 9,568 684 6,018 - - 1,683 228 - - - - 956
Table 6.22 Cont’d
Types of Problem Faced to Start Own Business
Lack of Lack of
Place of lack of Finance working Lack Shortage/
Residence and All I have no Shortage of Lack of work and Place and /absence of absence of Don't Lack of
Sex ce Persons problem finance Training place Training finance License equipment Know information Other

Urban + Rural
Total 4,458 158 2,580 72 334 169 578 - 229 67 16 256
Male 1,032 124 453 - 35 105 208 - - - - 105
Female 3,427 34 2,127 72 299 63 369 - 229 67 16 150
Total 2,683 53 1,908 - 215 63 287 - 55 67 16 18
Male 570 19 453 - 35 - 63 - - - - -
Female 2,113 34 1,455 - 180 63 224 - 55 67 16 18
Total 1,775 105 673 72 119 105 291 - 173 - - 237
Male 462 105 - - - 105 145 - - - - 105
Female 1,313 - 673 72 119 - 145 - 173 - - 132

Urban + Rural
Total 131,728 15,348 82,735 2,256 5,435 5,642 7,630 1,097 2,131 - 659 8,796
Male 28,262 4,729 16,904 1,020 554 609 1,300 94 557 - 522 1,974
Female 103,466 10,619 65,831 1,235 4,881 5,033 6,330 1,003 1,575 - 137 6,822
Total 55,857 5,820 33,979 937 3,801 1,907 4,310 1,097 - - 137 3,869
Male 10,916 1,330 7,861 330 31 86 778 94 - - - 406
Female 44,941 4,489 26,118 607 3,770 1,821 3,533 1,003 - - 137 3,462
Total 75,871 9,529 48,757 1,318 1,633 3,734 3,319 - 2,131 - 522 4,927
Male 17,346 3,399 9,043 690 522 522 522 - 557 - 522 1,567
Female 58,525 6,130 39,713 628 1,111 3,212 2,797 - 1,575 - - 3,360
Table 6.22 Cont’d
Types of Problem Faced to Start Own Business
Lack of Lack of
Place of lack of Finance working Lack Shortage/
Residence and All I have no Shortage of Lack of work and Place and /absence of absence of Don't Lack of
Sex Persons problem finance Training place Training finance License equipment Know information Other

Urban + Rural
Total 2,467 450 1,338 - 87 109 60 22 - - 73 327
Male 235 86 41 - 56 23 28 - - - - -
Female 2,232 364 1,297 - 31 86 31 22 - - 73 327
Total 1,114 205 592 - 87 109 60 22 - - 20 19
Male 189 41 41 - 56 23 28 - - - - -
Female 924 164 551 - 31 86 31 22 - - 20 19
Total 1,353 245 746 - - - - - - - 54 308
Male 45 45 - - - - - - - - - -
Female 1,308 200 746 - - - - - - - 54 308

Urban + Rural
Total 1,967 285 1,077 - 106 49 213 24 - - 78 136
Male 383 - 259 - - 24 73 - - - 28 -
Female 1,584 285 818 - 106 25 140 24 - - 50 136
Total 1,827 255 1,042 - 56 49 213 24 - - 78 110
Male 383 - 259 - - 24 73 - - - 28 -
Female 1,444 255 783 - 56 25 140 24 - - 50 110
Total 140 29 35 - 50 - - - - - - 26
Male - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female 140 29 35 - 50 - - - - - - 26
Table 6.22 Cont’d
Types of Problem Faced to Start Own Business
Lack of Lack of
Place of lack of Finance working Lack Shortage/
Residence and All I have no Shortage of Lack of work and Place and /absence of absence of Don't Lack of
Sex Persons problem finance Training place Training finance License equipment Know information Other


Urban + Rural
Total 89,480 9,026 33,751 1,324 9,410 4,788 20,385 750 809 673 736 7,829
Male 24,609 3,002 8,712 168 2,416 968 6,413 228 525 - 181 1,995
Female 64,871 6,024 25,038 1,156 6,994 3,820 13,972 523 284 673 555 5,833
Total 89,480 9,026 33,751 1,324 9,410 4,788 20,385 750 809 673 736 7,829
Male 24,609 3,002 8,712 168 2,416 968 6,413 228 525 - 181 1,995
Female 64,871 6,024 25,038 1,156 6,994 3,820 13,972 523 284 673 555 5,833
Total - - - - - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - - - - - - -


Urban + Rural
Total 10,255 549 5,795 52 649 524 1,596 - 156 196 - 738
Male 2,640 128 1,398 52 104 195 366 - 52 124 - 220
Female 7,615 421 4,398 - 545 329 1,230 - 104 72 - 518
Total 9,580 549 5,363 52 649 493 1,524 - 156 196 - 598
Male 2,568 128 1,326 52 104 195 366 - 52 124 - 220
Female 7,012 421 4,037 - 545 298 1,158 - 104 72 - 378
Total 674 - 432 - - 31 71 - - - - 140
Male 71 - 71 - - - - - - - - -
Female 603 - 361 - - 31 71 - - - - 140
Table 6.23 Unemployed Population of Major Towns Aged Ten Years and above by Type of Problem Faced to Establish Own Business
and Sex : 2013
Types of Problem Faced to Start Own Business
Lack of Lack of
lack of Finance working Lack Shortage/a
Major Towns and All I have no Shortage of Lack of work and Place and /absence bsence of Don't Lack of
Sex Persons problem finance Training place Training finance of License equipment Know information Other

Total 188,568 16,778 93,573 2,234 18,923 7,306 30,066 1,241 1,471 1,034 1,114 14,829
Male 44,435 4,346 20,295 509 3,521 2,048 8,494 396 696 212 220 3,696
Female 144,134 12,432 73,278 1,724 15,402 5,258 21,571 846 774 823 894 11,132
Total 2,586 458 1,606 - 98 82 135 - 43 - - 163
Male 643 109 371 - 55 - 37 - 43 - - 28
Female 1,944 350 1,235 - 43 82 98 - - - - 136
Total 8,230 1,854 4,229 108 1,127 92 379 - - - 108 332
Male 996 200 325 - 108 92 163 - - - - 108
Female 7,234 1,654 3,904 108 1,019 - 217 - - - 108 224
Total 545 21 470 - - 11 32 - - - 11 -
Male 107 - 75 - - 11 11 - - - 11 -
Female 438 21 396 - - - 21 - - - - -
Total 5,445 - 3,241 78 925 466 736 - - - - -
Male 1,238 - 703 - 195 340 - - - - - -
Female 4,206 - 2,538 78 730 125 736 - - - - -
Total 3,802 621 2,199 44 333 119 368 36 - - 28 55
Male 980 186 517 44 103 55 75 - - - - -
Female 2,822 435 1,682 - 230 64 292 36 - - 28 55
Table 6.23 Cont’d
Types of Problem Faced to Start Own Business
Lack of Lack of
lack of Finance working Lack Shortage/a
Major Towns and All I have no Shortage of Lack of work and Place and /absence bsence of Don't Lack of
Sex Persons problem finance Training place Training finance of License equipment Know information Other

Total 5,133 - 3,379 99 479 96 381 - - - - 699
Male 869 - 607 - - - 107 - - - - 155
Female 4,264 - 2,772 99 479 96 275 - - - - 544
Total 2,275 279 1,315 - - - 426 - 36 - - 219
Male 201 56 75 - - - 34 - - - - 36
Female 2,074 223 1,239 - - - 392 - 36 - - 184
Total 2,606 106 1,079 52 344 80 453 37 52 - - 404
Male 567 37 211 - 80 80 40 37 - - - 83
Female 2,038 69 868 52 263 - 413 - 52 - - 321
Total 3,950 - 2,547 - 906 - 243 - - - - 255
Male 483 - 483 - - - - - - - - -
Female 3,467 - 2,065 - 906 - 243 - - - - 255
Total 2,312 134 1,335 - 104 - 247 - 35 - - 457
Male 536 - 149 - - - 36 - 35 - - 316
Female 1,777 134 1,186 - 104 - 211 - - - - 141
Total 3,144 241 1,805 - 464 - 246 - 82 - - 307
Male 302 40 181 - 40 - 40 - - - - -
Female 2,842 200 1,624 - 423 - 206 - 82 - - 307
Table 6.23 Cont’d
Types of Problem Faced to Start Own Business
Lack of Lack of
lack of Finance working Lack Shortage/a
Major Towns and All I have no Shortage of Lack of work and Place and /absence bsence of Don't Lack of
Sex Persons problem finance Training place Training finance of License equipment Know information Other

Total 3,214 270 2,200 40 304 173 116 37 - 37 - 37
Male 708 35 319 - 111 133 35 37 - - - 37
Female 2,506 235 1,881 40 193 39 80 - - 37 - -
Total 10,208 567 6,759 169 1,522 126 840 - 98 - - 126
Male 1,690 - 1,125 169 241 - 155 - - - - -
Female 8,518 567 5,634 - 1,281 126 685 - 98 - - 126
Total 5,450 783 1,888 70 606 47 1,000 - 58 - - 999
Male 803 86 365 - - - 195 - - - - 157
Female 4,647 696 1,523 70 606 47 805 - 58 - - 841
Total 7,713 127 5,696 - 474 179 274 44 101 40 - 778
Male 1,353 - 1,117 - - 40 - - 40 - - 155
Female 6,361 127 4,579 - 474 139 274 44 60 40 - 623
Total 1,707 38 1,204 - - 76 302 - - 88 - -
Male 766 - 470 - - - 208 - - 88 - -
Female 941 38 733 - - 76 94 - - - - -
Total 1,043 53 827 - 106 - 23 - - - 16 18
Male 192 19 139 - 35 - - - - - - -
Female 851 34 688 - 71 - 23 - - - 16 18
Table 6.23 Cont’d
Types of Problem Faced to Start Own Business
Lack of Lack of
lack of Finance working Lack Shortage/a
Major Towns and All I have no Shortage of Lack of work and Place and /absence bsence of Don't Lack of
Sex Persons problem finance Training place Training finance of License equipment Know information Other

Total 3,575 321 2,448 32 67 103 306 - - - 40 257
Male 1,036 143 761 - - - 132 - - - - -
Female 2,539 179 1,687 32 67 103 174 - - - 40 257
Total 1,833 - 1,176 22 - 54 148 157 - - 31 245
Male 582 - 318 22 - 31 31 94 - - - 85
Female 1,251 - 858 - - 22 116 63 - - 31 161
Total 3,092 530 1,757 55 427 102 95 94 - - - 31
Male 570 71 358 55 31 55 - - - - - -
Female 2,522 459 1,399 - 396 48 95 94 - - - 31
Total 2,522 97 1,418 - 196 - 450 40 - - - 321
Male 696 50 289 - - - 190 - - - - 167
Female 1,827 47 1,130 - 196 - 260 40 - - - 154
Total 6,664 342 4,445 89 327 63 744 - - - 65 587
Male 1,517 186 1,025 - - - 152 - - - - 154
Female 5,147 157 3,421 89 327 63 592 - - - 65 433
Total 631 105 394 - - 109 - 22 - - - -
Male 40 - 17 - - 23 - - - - - -
Female 591 105 378 - - 86 - 22 - - - -
Table 6.23 Cont’d
Types of Problem Faced to Start Own Business
Lack of Lack of
lack of Finance working Lack Shortage/a
Major Towns and All I have no Shortage of Lack of work and Place and /absence bsence of Don't Lack of
Sex Persons problem finance Training place Training finance of License equipment Know information Other

Total 1,827 255 1,042 - 56 49 213 24 - - 78 110
Male 383 - 259 - - 24 73 - - - 28 -
Female 1,444 255 783 - 56 25 140 24 - - 50 110
Total 89,480 9,026 33,751 1,324 9,410 4,788 20,385 750 809 673 736 7,829
Male 24,609 3,002 8,712 168 2,416 968 6,413 228 525 - 181 1,995
Female 64,871 6,024 25,038 1,156 6,994 3,820 13,972 523 284 673 555 5,833
Total 9,580 549 5,363 52 649 493 1,524 - 156 196 - 598
Male 2,568 128 1,326 52 104 195 366 - 52 124 - 220
Female 7,012 421 4,037 - 545 298 1,158 - 104 72 - 378
Table 6.24a Matrix of Migrant Unemployed population of Regions by Current and Region of Previous Residence (Urban Rural) and Sex: 2013
Current Region of Previous Residence - Urban + Rural
Place of
Residence All Benishangul- Addis Dire Out Side Not
and Sex Person Tigray Afar Amhara Oromia Somali Gumuz SNNPR Gambella Harari Ababa Dawa Ethiopia stated

Total 797,369 72,064 15,792 211,035 237,276 8,423 3,331 162,150 2,744 6,049 32,502 6,051 39,739 214
Male 192,668 18,561 5,746 52,069 54,610 3,017 967 33,407 268 2,240 8,894 1,099 11,790 -
Female 604,701 53,502 10,046 158,966 182,665 5,406 2,364 128,743 2,476 3,809 23,608 4,953 27,948 214
Total 666,663 61,280 9,012 193,116 184,866 6,979 2,717 135,053 2,481 6,049 26,716 4,443 33,737 214
Male 162,925 14,555 2,163 45,564 46,061 3,017 650 30,438 268 2,240 6,551 977 10,441 -
Female 503,738 46,725 6,849 147,552 138,805 3,963 2,066 104,615 2,213 3,809 20,165 3,466 23,296 214
Total 130,706 10,784 6,780 17,919 52,409 1,444 614 27,098 262 - 5,786 1,608 6,001 -
Male 29,743 4,006 3,583 6,506 8,549 - 316 2,970 - - 2,343 121 1,349 -
Female 100,963 6,778 3,197 11,414 43,861 1,444 298 24,128 262 - 3,443 1,487 4,652 -
Total 60,876 47,033 141 3,718 657 108 - - - 53 2,088 - 7,078 -
Male 16,478 11,967 - 182 321 - - - - - 941 - 3,066 -
Female 44,398 35,066 141 3,535 336 108 - - - 53 1,147 - 4,012 -
Total 54,464 41,433 141 3,718 657 108 - - - 53 2,088 - 6,266 -
Male 13,270 9,125 - 182 321 - - - - - 941 - 2,701 -
Female 41,193 32,308 141 3,535 336 108 - - - 53 1,147 - 3,565 -
Total 6,412 5,600 - - - - - - - - - - 812 -
Male 3,208 2,842 - - - - - - - - - - 365 -
Female 3,205 2,758 - - - - - - - - - - 447 -
Total 21,954 396 11,215 6,875 546 - - 1,250 - 121 434 - 1,115 -
Male 7,389 53 4,501 2,048 11 - - 111 - 111 - - 555 -
Female 14,566 343 6,715 4,827 536 - - 1,140 - 11 434 - 561 -
Total 11,626 396 4,435 4,770 546 - - 435 - 121 225 - 696 -
Male 2,120 53 918 782 11 - - 111 - 111 - - 136 -
Female 9,506 343 3,518 3,989 536 - - 325 - 11 225 - 561 -
Total 10,328 - 6,780 2,105 - - - 815 - - 210 - 419 -
Male 5,269 - 3,583 1,266 - - - - - - - - 419 -
Female 5,060 - 3,197 838 - - - 815 - - 210 - - -
Table 6.24a Cont’d
Current Region of Previous Residence - Urban + Rural
Place of
Residence All Benishangul- Addis Dire Out Side Not
and Sex Person Tigray Afar Amhara Oromia Somali Gumuz SNNPR Gambella Harari Ababa Dawa Ethiopia stated

Total 148,858 8,588 2,285 110,701 2,487 373 463 1,854 320 669 7,586 944 12,588 -
Male 39,327 1,226 340 30,741 180 373 32 712 64 79 1,907 80 3,593 -
Female 109,532 7,362 1,945 79,960 2,306 - 430 1,142 257 590 5,679 864 8,996 -
Total 127,861 4,568 2,285 99,093 1,085 373 463 1,854 320 669 5,692 292 11,166 -
Male 34,861 1,226 340 26,275 180 373 32 712 64 79 1,907 80 3,593 -
Female 93,000 3,343 1,945 72,818 905 - 430 1,142 257 590 3,785 212 7,574 -
Total 20,997 4,020 - 11,608 1,402 - - - - - 1,895 652 1,422 -
Male 4,466 - - 4,466 - - - - - - - - - -
Female 16,531 4,020 - 7,142 1,402 - - - - - 1,895 652 1,422 -
Total 221,508 2,182 538 14,445 159,803 1,521 154 16,513 409 2,498 14,917 885 7,643 -
Male 48,382 788 150 2,727 35,904 340 36 2,827 35 1,121 3,139 - 1,316 -
Female 173,127 1,394 388 11,718 123,900 1,181 118 13,686 374 1,378 11,778 885 6,328 -
Total 167,060 2,182 538 13,673 113,342 696 154 14,803 409 2,498 13,364 50 5,352 -
Male 40,923 788 150 2,727 29,220 340 36 2,827 35 1,121 2,363 - 1,316 -
Female 126,138 1,394 388 10,946 84,122 355 118 11,977 374 1,378 11,001 50 4,037 -
Total 54,448 - - 772 46,461 825 - 1,710 - - 1,553 835 2,291 -
Male 7,459 - - - 6,683 - - - - - 776 - - -
Female 46,989 - - 772 39,778 825 - 1,710 - - 777 835 2,291 -
Total 6,950 - 92 208 1,128 2,897 38 38 - 124 167 573 1,685 -
Male 2,053 - - 78 425 882 38 - - 38 54 76 462 -
Female 4,898 - 92 130 702 2,015 - 38 - 86 114 498 1,223 -
Total 5,663 - 92 208 896 2,279 38 38 - 124 167 573 1,248 -
Male 2,053 - - 78 425 882 38 - - 38 54 76 462 -
Female 3,611 - 92 130 471 1,397 - 38 - 86 114 498 785 -
Total 1,287 - - - 232 618 - - - - - - 437 -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female 1,287 - - - 232 618 - - - - - - 437 -
Table 6.24a Cont’d
Current Region of Previous Residence - Urban + Rural
Place of
Residence All Benishangul- Addis Dire Out Side Not
and Sex Person Tigray Afar Amhara Oromia Somali Gumuz SNNPR Gambella Harari Ababa Dawa Ethiopia stated
Total 7,336 154 - 2,547 2,050 - 2,305 63 - - 217 - - -
Male 1,961 - - 741 263 - 837 - - - 119 - - -
Female 5,375 154 - 1,806 1,787 - 1,468 63 - - 97 - - -
Total 5,427 154 - 1,908 1,394 - 1,690 63 - - 217 - - -
Male 1,393 - - 490 263 - 521 - - - 119 - - -
Female 4,033 154 - 1,418 1,131 - 1,170 63 - - 97 - - -
Total 1,909 - - 639 656 - 614 - - - - - - -
Male 567 - - 251 - - 316 - - - - - - -
Female 1,342 - - 388 656 - 298 - - - - - - -
Total 120,678 3,071 78 7,208 12,007 61 - 89,868 1,003 74 5,369 288 1,651 -
Male 28,281 1,633 - 2,146 4,068 - - 17,401 - 74 2,355 39 565 -
Female 92,397 1,438 78 5,061 7,939 61 - 72,467 1,003 - 3,014 249 1,086 -
Total 87,833 1,907 78 4,467 9,648 61 - 65,980 1,003 74 3,240 288 1,086 -
Male 19,744 469 - 1,624 2,274 - - 14,477 - 74 787 39 - -
Female 68,089 1,438 78 2,843 7,374 61 - 51,503 1,003 - 2,453 249 1,086 -
Total 32,845 1,164 - 2,740 2,359 - - 23,888 - - 2,129 - 565 -
Male 8,537 1,164 - 522 1,794 - - 2,924 - - 1,567 - 565 -
Female 24,308 - - 2,218 565 - - 20,963 - - 561 - - -
Total 3,467 49 17 255 1,232 - - 913 843 - 38 - 120 -
Male 336 49 - 77 45 - - 90 50 - - - 24 -
Female 3,132 - 17 177 1,187 - - 823 792 - 38 - 96 -
Total 1,572 49 17 199 395 - - 228 580 - 38 - 65 -
Male 290 49 - 77 45 - - 45 50 - - - 24 -
Female 1,282 - 17 122 350 - - 183 530 - 38 - 41 -
Total 1,895 - - 55 837 - - 685 262 - - - 55 -
Male 45 - - - - - - 45 - - - - - -
Female 1,850 - - 55 837 - - 640 262 - - - 55 -
Table 6.24a Cont’d
Current Region of Previous Residence - Urban + Rural
Place of
Residence All Benishangul- Addis Dire Out Side Not
and Sex Person Tigray Afar Amhara Oromia Somali Gumuz SNNPR Gambella Harari Ababa Dawa Ethiopia stated
Total 4,133 124 25 284 1,984 217 52 604 50 49 316 350 80 -
Male 943 49 - 159 482 44 24 113 - - 72 - - -
Female 3,190 74 25 125 1,502 172 28 491 50 49 244 350 80 -
Total 4,108 124 25 284 1,959 217 52 604 50 49 316 350 80 -
Male 943 49 - 159 482 44 24 113 - - 72 - - -
Female 3,165 74 25 125 1,477 172 28 491 50 49 244 350 80 -
Total 25 - - - 25 - - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female 25 - - - 25 - - - - - - - - -
Total 188,013 9,998 1,319 63,836 49,446 1,447 320 50,163 67 1,784 - 2,658 6,762 214
Male 44,042 2,535 756 13,013 11,706 522 - 12,153 67 713 - 731 1,846 -
Female 143,971 7,462 563 50,823 37,740 925 320 38,009 - 1,070 - 1,928 4,916 214
Total 188,013 9,998 1,319 63,836 49,446 1,447 320 50,163 67 1,784 - 2,658 6,762 214
Male 44,042 2,535 756 13,013 11,706 522 - 12,153 67 713 - 731 1,846 -
Female 143,971 7,462 563 50,823 37,740 925 320 38,009 - 1,070 - 1,928 4,916 214
Total 13,595 469 84 961 5,934 1,798 - 884 52 676 1,369 353 1,016 -
Male 3,478 260 - 158 1,204 855 - - 52 104 308 173 364 -
Female 10,116 208 84 803 4,730 943 - 884 - 572 1,061 180 651 -
Total 13,036 469 84 961 5,497 1,798 - 884 52 676 1,369 232 1,016 -
Male 3,286 260 - 158 1,133 855 - - 52 104 308 52 364 -
Female 9,750 208 84 803 4,364 943 - 884 - 572 1,061 180 651 -
Total 559 - - - 438 - - - - - - 121 - -
Male 193 - - - 71 - - - - - - 121 - -
Female 366 - - - 366 - - - - - - - - -
Table 6.24b Matrix of Migrant Unemployed population of Regions by Current and Region of Previous Residence -Urban and Sex: 2013
Current Region of Previous Residence - Urban
Place of
Residence All Benishangul- Addis Dire Out Side Not
and Sex Persons Tigray Afar Amhara Oromia Somali Gumuz SNNPR Gambella Harari Ababa Dawa Ethiopia stated

Total 327,551 34,619 5,829 79,869 104,960 5,790 1,304 50,804 1,780 4,760 32,150 5,686 - -
Male 81,842 10,583 1,544 16,172 28,432 2,100 230 10,968 251 1,569 8,894 1,099 - -
Female 245,709 24,036 4,285 63,697 76,528 3,690 1,074 39,836 1,529 3,190 23,256 4,588 - -
Total 285,732 31,873 4,595 77,369 86,354 4,964 1,304 42,395 1,675 4,760 26,365 4,078 - -
Male 68,956 9,113 1,544 14,839 22,694 2,100 230 9,089 251 1,569 6,551 977 - -
Female 216,776 22,760 3,051 62,530 63,661 2,865 1,074 33,306 1,424 3,190 19,814 3,100 - -
Total 41,819 2,746 1,234 2,500 18,606 825 - 8,409 105 - 5,786 1,608 - -
Male 12,886 1,470 - 1,334 5,738 - - 1,879 - - 2,343 121 - -
Female 28,933 1,275 1,234 1,167 12,868 825 - 6,530 105 - 3,443 1,487 - -
Total 25,436 19,818 32 3,170 336 108 - - - 53 1,918 - - -
Male 6,658 5,609 - - 108 - - - - - 941 - - -
Female 18,778 14,209 32 3,170 228 108 - - - 53 977 - - -
Total 23,332 17,714 32 3,170 336 108 - - - 53 1,918 - - -
Male 5,829 4,780 - - 108 - - - - - 941 - - -
Female 17,502 12,933 32 3,170 228 108 - - - 53 977 - - -
Total 2,104 2,104 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Male 829 829 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female 1,275 1,275 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 6,538 218 2,502 2,709 443 - - 111 - 121 434 - - -
Male 1,069 - 432 515 11 - - - - 111 - - - -
Female 5,469 218 2,070 2,194 432 - - 111 - 11 434 - - -
Total 4,224 218 1,267 1,839 443 - - 111 - 121 225 - - -
Male 617 - 432 64 11 - - - - 111 - - - -
Female 3,606 218 835 1,775 432 - - 111 - 11 225 - - -
Total 2,314 - 1,234 870 - - - - - - 210 - - -
Male 451 - - 451 - - - - - - - - - -
Female 1,863 - 1,234 419 - - - - - - 210 - - -
Table 6.24b Cont’d
Current Region of Previous Residence - Urban
Place of
Residence All Benishangul- Addis Dire Out Side Not
and Sex Persons Tigray Afar Amhara Oromia Somali Gumuz SNNPR Gambella Harari Ababa Dawa Ethiopia stated

Total 57,659 3,212 1,727 39,940 900 79 463 1,854 320 669 7,550 944 - -
Male 13,726 1,138 340 9,190 105 79 32 712 64 79 1,907 80 - -
Female 43,933 2,074 1,388 30,750 795 - 430 1,142 257 590 5,644 864 - -
Total 53,845 3,212 1,727 38,672 900 79 463 1,854 320 669 5,656 292 - -
Male 13,094 1,138 340 8,559 105 79 32 712 64 79 1,907 80 - -
Female 40,750 2,074 1,388 30,114 795 - 430 1,142 257 590 3,749 212 - -
Total 3,815 - - 1,268 - - - - - - 1,895 652 - -
Male 632 - - 632 - - - - - - - - - -
Female 3,183 - - 637 - - - - - - 1,895 652 - -
Total 94,443 1,935 351 5,408 61,734 825 118 6,188 409 1,817 14,772 885 - -
Male 24,268 665 103 919 17,297 - - 1,330 35 780 3,139 - - -
Female 70,174 1,270 248 4,489 44,437 825 118 4,858 374 1,037 11,633 885 - -
Total 73,838 1,935 351 5,408 44,343 - 118 6,188 409 1,817 13,219 50 - -
Male 18,533 665 103 919 12,337 - - 1,330 35 780 2,363 - - -
Female 55,306 1,270 248 4,489 32,006 - 118 4,858 374 1,037 10,856 50 - -
Total 20,604 - - - 17,391 825 - - - - 1,553 835 - -
Male 5,735 - - - 4,959 - - - - - 776 - - -
Female 14,869 - - - 12,431 825 - - - - 777 835 - -
Total 2,843 - 92 78 404 1,412 38 - - 124 167 527 - -
Male 1,098 - - 40 201 652 38 - - 38 54 76 - -
Female 1,745 - 92 38 203 761 - - - 86 114 452 - -
Total 2,843 - 92 78 404 1,412 38 - - 124 167 527 - -
Male 1,098 - - 40 201 652 38 - - 38 54 76 - -
Female 1,745 - 92 38 203 761 - - - 86 114 452 - -
Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Table 6.24b Cont’d
Current Region of Previous Residence - Urban
Place of
Residence All Benishangul- Addis Dire Out Side Not
and Sex Persons Tigray Afar Amhara Oromia Somali Gumuz SNNPR Gambella Harari Ababa Dawa Ethiopia stated
Total 2,757 154 - 945 1,031 - 409 - - - 217 - - -
Male 809 - - 334 219 - 136 - - - 119 - - -
Female 1,948 154 - 611 812 - 273 - - - 97 - - -
Total 2,395 154 - 583 1,031 - 409 - - - 217 - - -
Male 558 - - 83 219 - 136 - - - 119 - - -
Female 1,836 154 - 500 812 - 273 - - - 97 - - -
Total 362 - - 362 - - - - - - - - - -
Male 251 - - 251 - - - - - - - - - -
Female 111 - - 111 - - - - - - - - - -
Total 50,874 1,568 78 3,152 9,413 61 - 30,203 669 74 5,369 288 - -
Male 13,539 1,110 - 1,182 2,481 - - 6,297 - 74 2,355 39 - -
Female 37,336 458 78 1,970 6,931 61 - 23,905 669 - 3,014 249 - -
Total 39,093 926 78 3,152 8,705 61 - 21,898 669 74 3,240 288 - -
Male 8,743 469 - 1,182 1,774 - - 4,418 - 74 787 39 - -
Female 30,349 458 78 1,970 6,931 61 - 17,480 669 - 2,453 249 - -
Total 11,782 641 - - 707 - - 8,304 - - 2,129 - - -
Male 4,795 641 - - 707 - - 1,879 - - 1,567 - - -
Female 6,986 - - - - - - 6,425 - - 561 - - -
Total 1,155 49 17 146 373 - - 269 263 - 38 - - -
Male 222 49 - 49 45 - - 45 33 - - - - -
Female 934 - 17 97 328 - - 224 229 - 38 - - -
Total 841 49 17 146 269 - - 164 158 - 38 - - -
Male 222 49 - 49 45 - - 45 33 - - - - -
Female 620 - 17 97 223 - - 119 125 - 38 - - -
Total 314 - - - 105 - - 105 105 - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female 314 - - - 105 - - 105 105 - - - - -
Table 6.24b Cont’d
Current Region of Previous Residence - Urban
Place of
Residence All Benishangul- Addis Dire Out Side Not
and Sex Persons Tigray Afar Amhara Oromia Somali Gumuz SNNPR Gambella Harari Ababa Dawa Ethiopia stated
Total 2,450 74 - 124 1,164 217 52 154 - - 316 350 - -
Male 551 26 - 61 280 44 24 44 - - 72 - - -
Female 1,899 48 - 63 884 172 28 110 - - 244 350 - -
Total 2,450 74 - 124 1,164 217 52 154 - - 316 350 - -
Male 551 26 - 61 280 44 24 44 - - 72 - - -
Female 1,899 48 - 63 884 172 28 110 - - 244 350 - -
Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 75,188 7,174 946 23,683 26,216 1,447 225 11,738 67 1,225 - 2,467 - -
Male 17,454 1,777 669 3,724 7,041 522 - 2,540 67 383 - 731 - -
Female 57,734 5,397 277 19,960 19,175 925 225 9,198 - 841 - 1,736 - -
Total 75,188 7,174 946 23,683 26,216 1,447 225 11,738 67 1,225 - 2,467 - -
Male 17,454 1,777 669 3,724 7,041 522 - 2,540 67 383 - 731 - -
Female 57,734 5,397 277 19,960 19,175 925 225 9,198 - 841 - 1,736 - -
Total 8,208 416 84 513 2,947 1,640 - 287 52 676 1,369 225 - -
Male 2,449 208 - 158 643 803 - - 52 104 308 173 - -
Female 5,759 208 84 355 2,303 837 - 287 - 572 1,061 52 - -
Total 7,684 416 84 513 2,544 1,640 - 287 52 676 1,369 104 - -
Male 2,257 208 - 158 572 803 - - 52 104 308 52 - -
Female 5,427 208 84 355 1,972 837 - 287 - 572 1,061 52 - -
Total 524 - - - 403 - - - - - - 121 - -
Male 193 - - - 71 - - - - - - 121 - -
Female 332 - - - 332 - - - - - - - - -
Table 6.24c Matrix of Migrant Unemployed population of Regions by Current and Region of Previous Residence - RURAL and Sex: 2013
Current Region of Previous Residence - Rural
Place of
Residence Benishangul- Addis Dire Out Side Not
and Sex Total Tigray Afar Amhara Oromia Somali Gumuz SNNPR Gambella Harari Ababa Dawa Ethiopia stated
Total 430,080 37,445 9,963 131,166 132,316 2,633 2,027 111,346 964 1,289 351 365 - 214
Male 99,036 7,978 4,202 35,897 26,178 917 736 22,439 17 671 - - - -
Female 331,044 29,467 5,761 95,269 106,137 1,716 1,290 88,908 947 619 351 365 - 214
Total 347,194 29,407 4,417 115,747 98,512 2,015 1,412 92,658 806 1,289 351 365 - 214
Male 83,527 5,442 619 30,725 23,367 917 420 21,349 17 671 - - - -
Female 263,667 23,965 3,798 85,022 75,144 1,098 992 71,309 789 619 351 365 - 214
Total 82,886 8,038 5,546 15,419 33,804 618 614 18,689 158 - - - - -
Male 15,509 2,536 3,583 5,172 2,811 - 316 1,090 - - - - - -
Female 67,377 5,502 1,963 10,247 30,993 618 298 17,599 158 - - - - -
Total 28,362 27,215 108 547 321 - - - - - 170 - - -
Male 6,753 6,358 - 182 213 - - - - - - - - -
Female 21,609 20,857 108 365 108 - - - - - 170 - - -
Total 24,866 23,719 108 547 321 - - - - - 170 - - -
Male 4,740 4,344 - 182 213 - - - - - - - - -
Female 20,126 19,375 108 365 108 - - - - - 170 - - -
Total 3,496 3,496 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Male 2,014 2,014 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female 1,482 1,482 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 14,301 178 8,714 4,165 104 - - 1,140 - - - - - -
Male 5,765 53 4,069 1,532 - - - 111 - - - - - -
Female 8,536 125 4,645 2,633 104 - - 1,029 - - - - - -
Total 6,706 178 3,168 2,931 104 - - 325 - - - - - -
Male 1,367 53 486 717 - - - 111 - - - - - -
Female 5,339 125 2,683 2,214 104 - - 214 - - - - - -
Total 7,595 - 5,546 1,234 - - - 815 - - - - - -
Male 4,398 - 3,583 815 - - - - - - - - - -
Female 3,197 - 1,963 419 - - - 815 - - - - - -

Table 6.24c Cont’d

Current Region of Previous Residence - Rural
Place of
Residence Benishangul- Addis Dire Out Side Not
and Sex Total Tigray Afar Amhara Oromia Somali Gumuz SNNPR Gambella Harari Ababa Dawa Ethiopia stated
Total 78,611 5,376 557 70,760 1,587 294 - - - - 36 - - -
Male 22,008 88 - 21,551 75 294 - - - - - - - -
Female 56,603 5,289 557 49,210 1,511 - - - - - 36 - - -
Total 62,850 1,357 557 60,421 185 294 - - - - 36 - - -
Male 18,174 88 - 17,716 75 294 - - - - - - - -
Female 44,676 1,269 557 42,705 110 - - - - - 36 - - -
Total 15,761 4,020 - 10,340 1,402 - - - - - - - - -
Male 3,834 - - 3,834 - - - - - - - - - -
Female 11,926 4,020 - 6,505 1,402 - - - - - - - - -
Total 119,422 247 187 9,037 98,069 696 36 10,325 - 681 145 - - -
Male 22,798 123 47 1,808 18,607 340 36 1,497 - 340 - - - -
Female 96,625 124 140 7,229 79,463 355 - 8,828 - 340 145 - - -
Total 87,870 247 187 8,265 68,999 696 36 8,615 - 681 145 - - -
Male 21,074 123 47 1,808 16,883 340 36 1,497 - 340 - - - -
Female 66,796 124 140 6,457 52,116 355 - 7,118 - 340 145 - - -
Total 31,553 - - 772 29,071 - - 1,710 - - - - - -
Male 1,724 - - - 1,724 - - - - - - - - -
Female 29,829 - - 772 27,347 - - 1,710 - - - - - -
Total 2,423 - - 130 724 1,485 - 38 - - - 46 - -
Male 492 - - 38 224 230 - - - - - - - -
Female 1,931 - - 92 500 1,255 - 38 - - - 46 - -
Total 1,573 - - 130 492 867 - 38 - - - 46 - -
Male 492 - - 38 224 230 - - - - - - - -
Female 1,081 - - 92 268 637 - 38 - - - 46 - -
Total 850 - - - 232 618 - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female 850 - - - 232 618 - - - - - - - -
Table 6.24c Cont’d
Current Region of Previous Residence - Rural
Place of
Residence Benishangul- Addis Dire Out Side Not
and Sex Total Tigray Afar Amhara Oromia Somali Gumuz SNNPR Gambella Harari Ababa Dawa Ethiopia stated
Total 4,579 - - 1,602 1,019 - 1,896 63 - - - - - -
Male 1,152 - - 407 44 - 701 - - - - - - -
Female 3,428 - - 1,195 975 - 1,195 63 - - - - - -
Total 3,032 - - 1,324 363 - 1,281 63 - - - - - -
Male 835 - - 407 44 - 384 - - - - - - -
Female 2,197 - - 918 319 - 897 63 - - - - - -
Total 1,547 - - 277 656 - 614 - - - - - - -
Male 316 - - - - - 316 - - - - - - -
Female 1,231 - - 277 656 - 298 - - - - - - -
Total 68,153 1,503 - 4,055 2,595 - - 59,665 334 - - - - -
Male 14,177 522 - 964 1,587 - - 11,103 - - - - - -
Female 53,975 981 - 3,091 1,007 - - 48,562 334 - - - - -
Total 47,655 981 - 1,315 943 - - 44,082 334 - - - - -
Male 11,001 - - 442 500 - - 10,059 - - - - - -
Female 36,654 981 - 873 442 - - 34,023 334 - - - - -
Total 20,498 522 - 2,740 1,652 - - 15,583 - - - - - -
Male 3,177 522 - 522 1,087 - - 1,045 - - - - - -
Female 17,321 - - 2,218 565 - - 14,539 - - - - - -
Total 2,192 - - 109 859 - - 645 580 - - - - -
Male 90 - - 28 - - - 45 17 - - - - -
Female 2,102 - - 80 859 - - 599 563 - - - - -
Total 666 - - 53 127 - - 64 422 - - - - -
Male 45 - - 28 - - - - 17 - - - - -
Female 621 - - 25 127 - - 64 405 - - - - -
Total 1,526 - - 55 732 - - 581 158 - - - - -
Male 45 - - - - - - 45 - - - - - -
Female 1,481 - - 55 732 - - 535 158 - - - - -
Table 6.24c Cont’d
Current Region of Previous Residence - Rural
Place of
Residence Benishangul- Addis Dire Out Side Not
and Sex Total Tigray Afar Amhara Oromia Somali Gumuz SNNPR Gambella Harari Ababa Dawa Ethiopia stated

Total 1,603 50 25 160 820 - - 450 50 49 - - - -
Male 392 24 - 98 202 - - 69 - - - - - -
Female 1,211 26 25 62 618 - - 381 50 49 - - - -
Total 1,578 50 25 160 795 - - 450 50 49 - - - -
Male 392 24 - 98 202 - - 69 - - - - - -
Female 1,185 26 25 62 593 - - 381 50 49 - - - -
Total 25 - - - 25 - - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female 25 - - - 25 - - - - - - - - -
Total 106,063 2,824 373 40,152 23,230 - 96 38,424 - 559 - 191 - 214
Male 24,743 758 87 9,289 4,665 - - 9,614 - 330 - - - -
Female 81,320 2,065 286 30,863 18,565 - 96 28,811 - 229 - 191 - 214
Total 106,063 2,824 373 40,152 23,230 - 96 38,424 - 559 - 191 - 214
Male 24,743 758 87 9,289 4,665 - - 9,614 - 330 - - - -
Female 81,320 2,065 286 30,863 18,565 - 96 28,811 - 229 - 191 - 214
Total 4,371 52 - 448 2,988 158 - 597 - - - 128 - -
Male 665 52 - - 560 52 - - - - - - - -
Female 3,706 - - 448 2,427 106 - 597 - - - 128 - -
Total 4,336 52 - 448 2,953 158 - 597 - - - 128 - -
Male 665 52 - - 560 52 - - - - - - - -
Female 3,671 - - 448 2,392 106 - 597 - - - 128 - -
Total 35 - - - 35 - - - - - - - - -
Male - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female 35 - - - 35 - - - - - - - - -
ANNEX Table 1 Population Aged Ten Years and above by Age Group, Sex and Activity
Status, During the Last Seven Days (Current Status Approach) - Country
Total: 2013
Age Group
and Sex All Persons C.V Active C.V Non-Active C.V Not Stated C.V
All Ages
Total 55,629,497 2.63 44,385,044 2.82 11,235,786 3.26 8,668 61.82
Male 27,667,062 2.71 23,516,267 2.82 4,148,558 3.88 2,237 56.31
Female 27,962,436 2.58 20,868,777 2.90 7,087,228 3.22 6,431 67.01
10-14 10,926,901 3.06 7,027,174 3.90 3,895,352 4.05 4,375 72.82
Male 5,653,420 3.27 3,801,326 4.02 1,851,048 4.68 1,045 99.04
Female 5,273,482 3.07 3,225,848 4.11 2,044,304 3.91 3,330 65.78
15-19 8,445,312 2.77 6,096,111 3.26 2,346,850 3.77 2,351 70.03
Male 4,267,623 3.02 3,205,252 3.45 1,062,109 4.58 262 76.49
Female 4,177,688 2.82 2,890,858 3.46 1,284,741 3.80 2,090 78.22
20-24 6,507,320 2.67 5,552,535 2.84 954,786 4.43 - -
Male 3,072,334 2.91 2,743,001 3.05 329,333 6.20 - -
Female 3,434,986 2.79 2,809,534 3.07 625,453 4.64 - -
25-29 6,515,694 2.7 5,919,231 2.82 594,928 4.78 1,535 58.28
Male 3,016,513 2.83 2,906,139 2.89 109,743 7.95 632 98.87
Female 3,499,181 2.87 3,013,092 3.09 485,185 5.38 903 70.89
30-34 4,562,823 2.85 4,215,533 2.93 346,990 5.83 299 98.87
Male 2,237,870 3.16 2,189,876 3.19 47,695 11.78 299 98.87
Female 2,324,952 3.02 2,025,658 3.19 299,295 6.38 - -
35-39 4,745,478 2.8 4,406,448 2.87 339,031 6.29 - -
Male 2,260,428 3.01 2,225,297 3.02 35,131 16.04 - -
Female 2,485,050 3.03 2,181,151 3.22 303,899 6.59 - -
40-44 3,252,359 2.95 2,975,376 3.02 276,955 6.57 28 82.26
Male 1,643,512 3.26 1,618,889 3.28 24,623 12.79 - -
Female 1,608,847 3.25 1,356,487 3.47 252,332 7.01 28 82.26
45-49 2,707,925 3.13 2,455,252 3.29 252,644 5.84 28 94.04
Male 1,339,020 3.49 1,309,151 3.49 29,868 14.36 - -
Female 1,368,905 3.49 1,146,101 3.89 222,776 6.02 28 94.04
50-54 2,120,551 3.17 1,831,927 3.34 288,573 5.92 52 92.02
Male 1,051,248 3.6 1,014,061 3.67 37,186 13.27 - -
Female 1,069,304 3.65 817,865 4.05 251,387 6.11 52 92.02
55-59 1,604,748 3.31 1,337,105 3.58 267,643 5.66 - -
Male 817,943 3.81 769,148 3.92 48,795 11.20 - -
Female 786,806 3.98 567,957 4.78 218,849 6.25 - -
60-64 1,433,297 3.54 1,066,602 3.95 366,696 4.96 - -
Male 751,739 4.02 667,645 4.22 84,094 8.63 - -
Female 681,559 4.37 398,957 5.60 282,602 5.36 - -
65+ 2,807,089 3.33 1,501,751 4.10 1,305,338 3.71 - -
Male 1,555,413 3.6 1,066,481 4.12 488,932 4.75 - -
Female 1,251,676 3.63 435,270 5.51 816,406 3.98 - -
ANNEX Table 2 Economically Active Population Aged Ten Years and above by Age
Group, Sex and Whether Employed or Not During the Last Seven Days
(Current Status Approach) –Country Total : 2013
Age Group Economically
and Sex Active C.V Employed C.V Unemployed C.V
All Ages
Total 44,385,044 2.82 42,403,879 2.93 1,981,165 3.24
Male 23,516,267 2.82 22,886,647 2.88 629,619 4.03
Female 20,868,777 2.90 19,517,232 3.08 1,351,546 3.36
10-14 7,027,174 3.90 6,905,880 3.95 121,294 11.19
Male 3,801,326 4.02 3,750,144 4.06 51,182 13.02
Female 3,225,848 4.11 3,155,736 4.17 70,112 13.19
15-19 6,096,111 3.26 5,756,362 3.41 339,748 5.27
Male 3,205,252 3.45 3,083,118 3.58 122,135 7.26
Female 2,890,858 3.46 2,673,245 3.67 217,613 5.76
20-24 5,552,535 2.84 5,047,055 3.08 505,480 3.92
Male 2,743,001 3.05 2,568,713 3.21 174,288 5.29
Female 2,809,534 3.07 2,478,342 3.42 331,192 4.43
25-29 5,919,231 2.82 5,564,429 2.96 354,802 3.93
Male 2,906,139 2.89 2,795,479 2.97 110,660 6.22
Female 3,013,092 3.09 2,768,950 3.32 244,142 4.39
30-34 4,215,533 2.93 4,025,031 3.04 190,503 5.15
Male 2,189,876 3.19 2,146,242 3.24 43,634 8.03
Female 2,025,658 3.19 1,878,789 3.39 146,869 5.82
35-39 4,406,448 2.87 4,249,424 2.96 157,024 5.22
Male 2,225,297 3.02 2,187,454 3.07 37,843 9.98
Female 2,181,151 3.22 2,061,970 3.39 119,181 5.84
40-44 2,975,376 3.02 2,874,669 3.11 100,707 6.89
Male 1,618,889 3.28 1,593,461 3.32 25,427 10.96
Female 1,356,487 3.47 1,281,207 3.65 75,280 7.84
45-49 2,455,252 3.29 2,388,294 3.36 66,958 8.06
Male 1,309,151 3.49 1,294,074 3.52 15,078 14.77
Female 1,146,101 3.89 1,094,220 4.05 51,881 9.17
50-54 1,831,927 3.34 1,782,221 3.41 49,706 8.91
Male 1,014,061 3.67 1,004,795 3.70 9,267 14.50
Female 817,865 4.05 777,426 4.20 40,439 10.29
55-59 1,337,105 3.58 1,303,919 3.66 33,186 10.71
Male 769,148 3.92 757,216 3.97 11,933 14.19
Female 567,957 4.78 546,704 4.93 21,253 14.70
60-64 1,066,602 3.95 1,038,673 4.04 27,928 10.76
Male 667,645 4.22 656,240 4.29 11,405 14.93
Female 398,957 5.60 382,434 5.81 16,523 14.59
65+ 1,501,751 4.10 1,467,922 4.16 33,828 12.55
Male 1,066,481 4.12 1,049,713 4.18 16,768 14.24
Female 435,270 5.51 418,209 5.64 17,061 18.86
ANNEX Table 3 Paid Employees Aged Ten Years and above by Sex, Period of Payment and Amount of Total Payment – Country Total: 2013
Amount of Total Payment Per Month (In Birr)
Period of Payment Total <500 500-999 1000-1499 1500-1999 2000-2499 2500-2999 3000-3499 3500-3999 >=4000 Not Stated
and Sex Estimate C.V. Estimate C.V. Estimate C.V. Estimate C.V. Estimate C.V. Estimate C.V. Estimate C.V. Estimate C.V. Estimate C.V. Estimate C.V. Estimate C.V.
Total 4,252,601 2.76 1,166,647 3.87 1,025,012 4.39 742,280 3.51 471,489 4.61 265,884 4.67 193,806 5.67 115,849 5.60 68,310 9.64 150,097 7.25 53,226 15.43
Male 2,730,028 2.99 626,952 5.40 625,909 4.98 484,919 3.91 330,215 4.93 197,682 5.11 152,607 6.15 95,211 5.96 54,626 10.85 122,800 7.42 39,107 15.98
Female 1,522,573 3.08 539,695 4.27 399,104 5.01 257,361 4.56 141,274 5.93 68,203 7.34 41,199 8.17 20,638 10.09 13,683 16.05 27,296 10.46 14,119 24.61
Total 69,671 8.97 16,176 18.02 15,063 17.17 10,020 17.92 8,340 20.11 3,872 20.49 5,988 28.43 2,631 24.97 2,528 33.52 4,152 22.84 900 56.63
Male 47,831 9.71 9,473 23.08 10,473 22.70 6,096 21.31 5,740 22.11 3,137 23.20 4,655 30.40 2,367 26.11 2,036 37.27 2,954 21.15 900 56.63
Female 21,839 12.28 6,703 20.71 4,590 18.61 3,924 23.72 2,600 36.68 735 38.32 1,334 53.92 264 55.42 492 77.06 1,198 55.87 - -
Total 271,034 6.86 110,686 10.22 86,252 12.88 27,735 13.11 21,508 12.58 7,444 19.19 3,770 25.52 6,813 22.32 1,815 31.97 3,256 37.65 1,755 46.56
Male 200,459 6.57 73,356 11.19 60,605 11.43 23,124 14.55 20,264 12.85 7,069 18.71 3,770 25.52 6,296 23.24 1,666 34.02 3,111 39.17 1,196 42.46
Female 70,575 14.91 37,329 17.44 25,646 29.27 4,611 28.92 1,243 41.90 375 84.17 - - 517 81.16 149 83.78 145 94.57 559 68.97
Total 113,549 8.88 33,710 12.61 41,133 17.87 19,256 13.88 7,593 16.00 6,195 26.30 976 28.10 1,473 30.82 1,133 38.81 986 30.69 1,093 59.39
Male 82,970 8.12 20,261 14.71 28,356 15.11 16,584 14.88 6,984 16.04 6,037 26.66 976 28.10 1,473 30.82 1,133 38.81 856 32.44 311 52.45
Female 30,579 17.58 13,449 19.22 12,777 33.86 2,672 31.17 609 51.50 158 94.57 - - - - - - 131 94.57 782 80.39
Half Month
Total 154,546 10.20 34,256 15.50 69,154 18.86 25,777 14.16 9,924 15.71 6,560 16.16 2,345 21.14 2,569 26.47 346 51.08 1,632 22.98 1,984 57.86
Male 108,592 11.64 16,388 23.29 46,052 23.07 22,874 15.63 9,347 16.32 5,947 17.09 2,118 22.57 2,336 28.39 346 51.08 1,632 22.98 1,552 70.63
Female 45,953 13.52 17,868 18.26 23,101 21.07 2,903 22.38 577 52.92 613 39.65 227 58.19 233 66.86 - - - - 431 78.20
Total 3,223,584 2.95 682,632 4.39 752,654 4.47 644,327 3.68 412,336 4.95 235,563 4.94 176,806 5.93 99,529 6.09 57,828 8.34 134,453 7.64 27,455 18.79
Male 1,923,768 3.19 257,601 6.54 425,577 5.06 401,866 4.18 277,346 5.38 169,525 5.44 138,206 6.45 80,114 6.53 45,151 8.65 108,670 7.82 19,712 19.38
Female 1,299,816 3.17 425,031 4.66 327,077 5.00 242,461 4.71 134,991 6.10 66,038 7.54 38,600 8.34 19,415 10.46 12,678 16.83 25,783 10.64 7,742 28.65
Total 329,732 9.36 237,210 10.40 46,272 21.08 10,364 29.47 6,976 34.51 3,721 44.81 3,228 54.70 1,077 77.69 4,295 98.87 2,643 46.92 13,947 37.96
Male 298,591 9.66 215,373 10.69 43,479 21.70 9,917 30.66 6,285 35.57 3,615 46.03 2,191 68.44 868 95.09 4,295 98.87 2,643 46.92 9,927 38.26
Female 31,140 17.60 21,836 20.22 2,793 47.15 447 70.96 691 75.69 106 94.57 1,038 71.62 209 66.23 - - - - 4,020 63.46
Total 87,603 12.47 51,978 16.79 14,485 21.84 4,801 26.84 4,811 28.58 2,530 31.74 692 53.42 1,756 44.20 365 99.06 2,975 64.88 3,210 36.99
Male 65,000 12.93 34,500 20.21 11,366 20.46 4,458 28.24 4,249 31.06 2,351 33.74 692 53.42 1,756 44.20 - - 2,935 65.74 2,693 43.25
Female 22,603 23.45 17,479 25.09 3,118 42.41 343 80.33 562 70.81 179 64.30 - - - - 365 99.06 40 96.28 518 35.96
Not stated
Total 2,883 60.87 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,883 60.87
Male 2,816 62.27 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,816 62.27
Female 67 94.04 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 67 94.04

105. Keftegna/wereda/ 108.  Household selection
101.  Kilil   102.  Zone 103. Wereda 104. Town Kefle Ketema 106.  Kebele 107. Enumeration Area   Serial Number 109.  Name of Head of HH
Page 1 from 5 Pages

201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217
For members aged 5 years  For members aged 10 years and above
FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE HOUSEHOLD and above (Check age at Col.205) (Check age at Col.205)
  Name of usual household Relationship to 
Serial  member the head of the Sex Age Migration Status Disability Status Educational Type of Training Marital
Number household Status Status
          (Name) have difficulties?  
List names of usual household 0‐ Head What is the number  For those who respond  00‐97 years in col. 206      ‐‐    Seeing difficulties? What is the type of Can you Have you ever

___What is your age? (enter age in completed year. If under one years
members in the following order: 1‐ Spouse of years you have     ‐‐    Hearing difficulties? disability? read and attended What was the Have you received a In what type of
 ‐Head 2‐ Son/daughter of  continuously lived in Before you came to this__ town For what reason       ‐‐   Speaking difficulties? write? formal/ highest grade you  Certificate or above profession
2. Female

 ‐Spouse      head and spouse this ------- town (rural  (rural part of this wereda) did you leave your      ‐‐      Standing and  01. Blindness/both eyes/ informal have completed? in any professional/ /Vocational/
 ‐Never married children  3‐ Son/daughter of part of this wereda)? In which Zone Was your area of previous residence?              Moving difficulties 02. Blindness/one eye/ 1.  Yes education ? Vocational/Technical) technical area were 1. Never 
    according to seniority in age      head were you living? previous  01. Search for work     ‐‐      Body mov't  03.Deaf /two ears/ 2.  No  education or you trained?   married
 ‐Married children and their  4‐ Son/daughter of residence 02. Education/training               difficulties 04. Deaf /partialy/ 1 = Yes, I am  training? 2. Married
household member

    household members who       spouse 00= Below 1 year Urban/Rural? 03.  Marriage arrangement       ‐‐    Mental retarded 05. Inability to speak attending       list of  3. Divorced
Serial number of

enter '00', 97 and above ''97'' in the column)

1. Male

    live in this housing unit 5‐ Mother/father of 01‐96= years enter  Zones 04. Marriage dissolution       ‐‐     Mental problem 06. Inability to listening/ this year    answers     1.  Yes 4. Widowed
 ‐ Employee ‐ Domestic workers      head/spouse    the number of years     list of codes 1.Town(domestic) 05. Job transfer/      ‐‐      Leprosy difficulties?        speaking 2 = Yes, I   and  codes     2.  No 5. Separated
 ‐Other relatives 6‐ Sister/brother of 97=97  years and Above     are provided 2.Rural(domestic)      have got job      ‐‐    Seeing and Hearing 07   Inability to listening attended    are provided        List of  6. Cohabited
 ‐Non relatives     head/spouse 98= Since Birth/    in the manual. 3.Abroad 06.  Dismissed from work                     difficulties?  /seeing before this year    in the cover     Skip to  Col. 217  answers & codes
7- mployee Domestic   Never Migrated/      Write 96 and  If it is urban,  write  07.  Displacement/war,        ‐‐  Epilepsy difficulties? 08.  Cut off hands/legs           page of               are provided 
workers    give code 96   urban' and give         drought       ‐‐    Other difficulties 09.Legs /hands paralized 3=Never attended        the quest.     in the manual
(Guard,driver…) for code 1 08. To live Along with family             related physical/ 10. Leprosy disability
8‐ Other‐relatives skip to col.  210         those living  If rural, write  09. Return back to home               mental 11  Mental problem
9‐ Non‐relatives abroad "Rural" and give code 2 10. Shortage of land      1. Yes 12.Mental Retardness
If abraod, write 11.Health problem      2. No 13 Epilepsy disability Skip to col. 215
name of the country  12. Family/relative/peer pressure           Skip to col. 212 14. Others (Specify)
and give code 3 13 . Other/Specify
0 1 01

0 2 02

0 3 03

0 4 04

0 5 05

0 6 06

0 7 07

0 8 08

0 9 09

1 0 10

1 1 11
SECTION 3: ECONOMIC ACTIVITY DURING THE LAST 7 DAYS (For members aged 5 years and above) Page 2 from 5 Pages

202 201 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311
ACTIVITY STATUS For the Last 7 Days ((For members aged 5 years and above) 
For those who worked for  1 hours or more (code 2 in col. 305) or for those who did not work but had job to 

did you work at all jobs in the last 7 days? (Including overtime
If coded 1 ‐ 3  in 

Excuding lunch and journey time, in total for how many hours
How many Hours did you spend in your additional job/s? If
return to( code 1‐3 in col.306)

there is no additional job fill in code "98" and fill code "00"
During the last 7 days were you engaged  in Enumerator:‐ Even though you were col.306

How many Hours did you spend in your main/primary 
any kind of productive activities such as Check in  not working during the What was the main
Serial number of household member (Taken from page1, Col. 201)

work for payment,for family gain or Col.304  total   last 7 days, did you  reason for not  OCCUPATION, WORK PLACE , INDUSTRY AND STATUS IN EMPLOYMEN  FOR THE MAIN JOB

for those who have additional job but did't work.

Full Name profit, produce for  own consumption? hours  have a job, business  working during the What was your  Where did you What was the major  What was the status in
Enumerator:‐  Ask respondents "What they have  worked in the  or holding which you  last 7 days?  main occupation?   engage your work? product or service  employment of your main job?
(Transfer from page1, been doing in the last 7 days"  then last 7 days? will return to?  of this organization? 01= Employee‐government
Col.202) mark code "1" if the respondent was  1. Sick, Injury 00= Business house 02= Employee ‐ Government
engaged  in at least one of the activities mentioned below.   1= Less than 2. Leave/Holiday/ 01= Office   parastatal
All household members are Mark code 2 if participated in none of the activities.        1 hour  1= Yes, I have own        vacation 02= At home 03= Employee ‐ Private Organization
transferred in this column ‐ Work as paid employee for Government/ gov't ‐             business/enterprise 3. Training/ 03= On street 04= Employee‐ NGO or
    parastatal , domestic, NGO, Private organizaion? 2= Yes,  I Have paid/      Education 04= 'Gulit'/Open market (International Organization )
but Col. 301 - 311 shall be ‐ Run a business, big or small, for self or  with  2= 1 hour  employment 4. Off season 05= Farm area/field
Note:‐ 05=Employee ‐ domestic 
marked " __" for members    partners  (e.g barber,  shoe shining, trade..etc.)?    and above 3= Yes, with assurance 5. No work  Note:‐ 06= Factory If a person was not   06= Other employees
aged below 5 years. ‐ Work in Agriculture privately/salaried (e.g       or agreement for    temporarily If a person was not   07= Quarrying/mining engaged at work in   07= Member of
   ploughing  and Cattle rearing, poultry, ...etc.)?       returning  to work. 6. Other/Specify engaged at work in the  08=Any where as found the last 7 days, then   Co‐operatives
‐ Produce goods for sale (e.g 'injera','Tella''Sefied'...etc.)?  Go to last 7 days, then the   09= In construction site the product/service of  08= Self employed
‐ Produce permanent goods for own family? Col . 308 4= No occupation before that  10= Where customer  the organization   09= Unpaid family worker
period will be asked. before that period 
‐ Help in family farm or buisnes without  payment ?         available         10= Employer
    eg. In agriculture,trade or in other enterprises. 11= Lakes/river/wells will be asked. 11= Apprentice
Go  to Col.401

‐ Engage in construction or major repair for own/family use? 12= Other /specify/ 12=Others(specify)
‐other productive activity not mentioned above  Week's Hours  Week's Hours  Week's Hours 
  for own or family gain? 1.  Yes   in primary/ in additional  in all Productive
Go to Col.321
2. No Col. 306 main job job/s/ Activities

0 1 01

0 2 02

0 3 03

0 4 04

0 5 05

0 6 06

0 7 07

0 8 08

0 9 09

1 0 10

1 1 11
SECTION 3: THE LAST 7 DAYS ……… /Cont'd/ Page 3 from 5 Pages

202 201 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323
  Change of organization/ Employment formal Sector of Econom UNDEREMPLOYMENT
Full Name Why did you leave your If coded 03, 06, 08- 12 in
For those who answered code 01 ‐ 06  in Col.311 Is this the first   In what  type of  previous organization? For how Are you satistisfied with Col.311 For those worked Kind of additional
(Transfer from page1,  Terms of  organization that  Oganization/Enterprise   many years your present job? The organization's/sector's Were you seeking work sought or
Col. 202) Employment you have ever had?  did you engaged 01. Dismissed from  work  have you been in If not, why? A B C and available to work available for?
 in your  previious 02.  For better payment/ emmployement? NOTE:- Fill "00" if Yes and for additional

Does the product/Service of the organization you

What was the     employment?        income 01-12 if "no" hours in the last 1=More hours at

Does your enterprise have book account?

Line number     (Transfer from page 1, Col.201)

total 7 days?

Does the enterprise have a licence?

03.For better satisfaction  00= Yes, I am satisfied/happy present job
All household members What are  Are you  What was amount paid         of work 01= Low pay/low income
are transferred in this  your terms paid in  the  period in your 1. Yes  1. public organization 04.  To work in my 02= Not paid on time For those not worked 2=Other job(s) in

engaged in for market?

column; but from of employment cash or of payment   main  2.  Government      profession 03= Inconvinient work Were you seeking addition to the
Col.312 - 323  in your main  in kind for for the main occupation Skip to Col.319 parastatal 05.  For better working   environment and available to work present job
shall be marked " __" occupation? your main job? during the last   3.  NGOS       environment 04= Distant work place in the last 7 days?
for members paid  month? 2.  No  4.  Privet organizatin 06. Wind up  my contract  05= Inconvinient working time 3= Other job(s) with
aged below 5 years. 1. Permanent   employment? 1= Hourly  5.  Domestic household       or endup the work 06= The work is tedious  more hours to 
Enter replace the          
employee 2= Daily 6.  Others employees 07. Disagreement with  07= Mismatch with profession
''00'' if
2. Temporary   1= In cash 3= Weekly employer less than 08=Villain/ bad character of 1=Yes present one    

employee 2= In kind 4= Half month 08 Permanent closure of a month employers

3. Contract  3= Both  5= Monthly Enterprise/Organization 09= Overtime work without pay 2= No All Go
employee 6= Yearly 9.  Health problem 10= Insecured work to
4 .Casual worker 7= Other/ 10. Private/family affairs 11= The work is not safe 1. Yes Col.501

     Specify 11. Pension for my health 2. No Go to

5 . Other /specify 12. Others/Specify/ 12=  Other/Specify/  3. Don't know Col.501
Year Month A B C





















Line number (Transfer form page1, Col.
202 201 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 501 502 503 504 505
What step have For those who If opportunities Are you willing to take up Why are you not For those who answered For those who Have you For how Even though you were not working If Col. 501= code 1 or Col. 502= code 01
For those coded 4 In Col. 306
you taken mainly answered to work exist work for wage or salary on available for Code "2 - 6" in Col. 405 answered ever done many months Did you engage during most of the last 12 months, What was your status in  What was  What was the major 
Full Name Did you look in search code "2" in the coming locally prevailing terms or ready a work? Code 1 in Col.407 work in the have you in any work for did you have a job/business/holding   employment your main product 
(Transfer for work or of work or in Col. 401 one month, are to undertake self-employment What type of job past for pay been pay or profit or which you will return to?OR why  in your main job? occupation? or service of this 

from page1, try to to start you willing activity given the necessary are you looking for? What are/were the or profit? unemployed? family gain for you are not ready for work? organization?
Col.202) establish your your own What was the and ready to resources and facility? If the 0= Home maker problems you faced most of the last NOTE:- Enter code '01' for those have 01= Employee‐government
own business business? reason that work for answer is "Yes", where do you 1= Pregnancy/ Enumerator: to establish your 12 months? work but not worked, code '02'/'03' 02= Employee ‐ Government
Enter two 
NOTE:- during the last you didn't seek income/ prefer the place of job to be? delivery Read the alternative own Business/ Enter code ''00'' 1= Yes for unemployed, and code "04-13"        parastatal Enter two 
All household 3 months? or try to earning? 2= Student answers if need Enterprise? if less than a for those of ready for work. 03= Employee ‐ Private Orgn.  
members Alternative establish 3= Disabled arises. month, and Go to Col.503 01= Yes, I have own 04= Employee‐ NGO or
are transferred 1= Yes answers are your own 1. Not available 4= Illness 1. Self employment/ To 1.Yes, as enter code ''97'' business/paid employment (International Organization )
in this column indicated business? 1= Yes 5= Too young set up private business employee if it is 2= No 02= Unemployed with work experience 05=Employee ‐ domestic  Note:‐ Note:‐
but 2= No below 2. Within this dwelling only 6= Old age 2. Paid employment-private 2.Yes, for '97'' and above 03= Unemployed without work 06= Other employees If a person was not If a person was not 
Col. 401 - 410 3. Within residence village/ 7= Pensioned 3. Paid employment-Gov't See alternatives own NOTE:- experience 07= Member of engaged at work in engaged at work in 
shall be Alternative 2= No town only 8= Remmitance 4. Any available work answer below 3. No Follow the 04= homemaking without pay         Co‐operatives the last 12 months, the last 12  months, then
marked " __" answers are 4. Only in Urban areas of this 9= (Others 5. Others(Specify) definition of 05= Pregnancy/delivery 08= Self employed then the product/service of

for members Go to indicated Go to Col.406 country Specify) productive 06= Student /training 09= Unpaid family worker the occupation the organization

aged below Col. 403 All go to below 5. Any where in the country NOTE:- activity of Col. 07= Disabled 10= Employer before that period before that period will be

10 years. col. 404 6. Overseas only All If more than "301". 08= Injury/Illness 11= Apprentice will be asked asked.
Go to Skip to Col. 409 one,refers Mark code "1" if 09= too young 10= Old age 12=Others(specify)
Col.501 to the recent answer='yes' and 11= Pension End of
skip to Col. 407 one. mark code "2" if 12= Remitance this
answer='No'. 13= Other/ specify section

0 1 01

0 2 02

0 3 03

0 4 04

0 5 05

0 6 06

0 7 07

0 8 08

0 9 09

1 0 10

1 1 11

Column 402 Column 403 Column 408

1. Searching vacancy advertising boards 01. Pregnancy/delivery 08. Possiblity to rejoin my 00. I have no problem 07. Shortage/absence of
2. Through News paper, Radio and TV 02. Illness/Injury previous work 01. Shortage of finance equipment
3. I have unemployment card 03. Personal/family responsibility09. Thought no work available 02. Lack of training 8 Lack of information
4. Seeking assistance of friends, 04. Responsibility of home activit10. To start private work, I thought there will 03. Problem of working place/land 09. Don't know
relatives, etc. 05. Old age/Pension be shortage of money, raw material...etc. 04. Lack of finance and training 10. Others /Specify/
5. Trying to establish own enterprise 06. Education/Training 11. Too young 05. Lack of working place & finance
6. Direct application to employers 07. Already found/made an 12. Remittance 06. Lack/absence of License
7. Checking at work sites arrangement for work 13. Cultural Taboos
8. Others/specify/ 14. Others/Specify
202 201 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613
Is (Name)   What was the main reason for not attending  What was the main   What was your age  How often did   For whom do you  Have you been  If yes, what was  Does (Name)  use any  Is your   Is your  With whom are you 
What type of  work did 
attending   education?  reason that made you  when first started  (Name) work in  give the payment of  injured or faced  the most serious  protective wears while  mother  father  living?
you work during the last 7 
start to work? working?  the evening or  the work done ? accident on duty? injury or illness  working? alive? alive?
Full Name For those Coded 2-4 in Col.601 days?  
night ?  have you 
(Transfer 1=  Yes I am attending 01= No suitable school or training 
from page1,        Institution nearby available 1. To help familiy in 

Line number (Transfer  form page1, Col. 201)

 this Year  
Col.202) Skip to  Col. 603 02= The family/parents can not  1. Unpaid work  for family        household enterprise

NOTE:-        afford school fees       in household enterprise 2.Work to earn income 

All household 2= No ,I am dropped it 03= Lack of interest 2. work in Privet      for  the family in non 
members      this Year 04= Failed in the exam      organization       family enterprise 1= mother and father
are transferred 05= Fear teachers  06= Illness/disablity 3.  Paid Domestic workk  1. Yes
into this column.  3.  No , I am dropped it  07= To help in household  4. self employment 3.Work to assist family in 1=Not working  1=Myself 1=Yes 1=Yes 2= Father only
BUT, this section        befor this year        chores/housekeeping 5. Unpaid Domestic work      household chores     Enter age in        at Night 2=For family 2. No
used for only to   08= Work to support myself 6. I did nothing   completed year 2=Frequently 3=Other family/org.              list of  1=Yes 2=No 2=No 3= Mother only
aged 5-17 and 4.  No, I have never  09= Work to earn income for the family 4.  To be self reliant 3=Occasionally 4=Working without Skip to Col. 610       answers
shall be marked 10= Family doesn't permit my schooling 4=Seldom       payment     and  codes 2=No 3=Don't know 3=Don't know 4= Other relatives
" __" for       attended 11= Due to Dispute  in Family  5.  Other/ specify 5= Others(specfy)       are provided  3= The Duty does not 
members out 12=  Due to marriage Skip to Col. 611                 below       need protective 5= Employer /non 
of this age range. 13 = Because of Displacement(war/draught)        relatives/
14 = Family transfer 7. Other/specify 6= Alone
15 = Family disintegration(divorce,...
16=  Other, (please specify)       7=  Other /spesify

0 1 01

0 2 02

0 3 03

0 4 04

0 5 05

0 6 06

0 7 07

0 8 08

0 9 09

1 0 10

1 1 11

Filtering Question:- For column 609

Col.614:- (Circle the response of the respondent ) 01. General such as fever, cold, etc 08. Animea 15. Fracture
Is there any person who returned back from abroad 02. Eye infection 09. Abrasion or scratch 16. Dislocation
(lived/worked there and/or intended to stay here for at least 6 months or more for vacation or business )? 03. Ear infection 10. Burns 17. Eye injury
1=Yes If the response is 'yes', then go to Col. 615 below. 04. Skin problem 11. Cuts or punctured 18. Ear injury
2=No End of this household questions, and go to another selected household. 05. Breathing problem 12. Amputation 19. Suffocation
06. Stiff neck 13. Piercing 20. Sinking
Col.615:- For those who answer 'Yes' in Col.614, write the number according to their sex below. 07. Back problem 14. Sprain 21.Other disease /specify/
22.Other injuries /specify/

A. Male
B. Female
page 1 of 5 pages
9c Is there continued
5. Keftegna/wereda/ 9b- Serial No of questionnaire?
1 Kilil 2 Zone 3 Wereda 4 Town K/Ketema 6 Kebele/FA 7 Enumeration Area 8a Household selection 8b Name of Head of HH 9a Branch Office Enumeration Area 1. Yes 2. No

1. Ye 2. No

(For Office
Use Only)
105 Keftegna/Wereda/ 108.Household Selection 110. Branch Is there continued
101 Kilil 10 2 Zone 103 Wereda 104 Town K/Ketema 106 Kebele 107. Enumeration Area Code Serial Number 109. Name of Head of HH Office Questionnaire?
1. Yes 2. No


STATUS Name Signature Date Code
Enumerator / / /
Supervisor / / /
Statistician / / /
Branch Office
Head / / /
Annex II - Survey Questionnaire
(For Office
105 Keftegna/Wereda/ 108.Household Selection 110. Branch Is there continued
101 Kilil 10 2 Zone 103 Wereda 104 Town K/Ketema 106 Kebele 107. Enumeration Area Code Serial Number 109. Name of Head of HH Office Questionnaire?
1. Yes 2. No

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