Flute Talk December 2013 - Final PDF

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Whistl~ Ton~ Warmup

By Laura Lentz

I began experimenting playing whis-

tle tones (also called whisper or
flageolet tones) in my warmup
• Have patience. This is the zen
part - if you are trying the right
way, you are getting the full bene-
Another good beginning exercise is
Peter-Lukas Graf's "Ding Dong" exer-
cise, originally found in his book
recently. I had been going through a fits. Check-up, and adapted by Helen
period where I was pushing too much • You will improve every day. The Blackburn. I expanded the idea of
to find the sound, and wanted to find a harder you work, the fewer results using familiar melodies as whistle tone
different way to explore sound produc- you will see. Let go and surrender. exercises. This exercise is to be played
tion. The spark of inspiration occurred • Stop if you get frustrated. all in whistle tones.
while I was re-reading the warmup sec-
tion in Thomas Nyfenger's book Music Blackburn mentions whistling or
and the Flute. This sentence caught my singing the note. This helps because
eye, "The whistle tone is important as the tongue is placed in a good position
a warmup for the embouchure, because for producing whistle tones, and the ~
the eye is incapable of evaluating accu- loudness of whistle tones increases

rately the hole size or angle of air on with a correct tongue placement. You
such minute levels of variation ... so we can also experiment with vowels to
turn to the (whistle) tone, which further assist in the shape of the mouth
requires relaxation as well as the prop- and throat. Wil Offermans, flutist and

er angle of air." composer, suggests vowels like
I was intrigued. In the past I had "ee/cheese" and "i/ship" for higher
experimented with whistle tones as an whistle tones that use a relatively small
extended technique, but had never
used them on a regular basis in a
warmup routine. As I began playing
these lovely, quiet, high tones, I felt
mouth cavity and vowels like
"aw/awful" and "ah/father" for lower
whistle tones that use a wider mouth
cavity. ~t
t ~ f ~~ ~ t ~
more relaxed and my use of air was John Krell writes in Kincaidiana that
much more productive - just as William Kincaid had his students play One could also practice alternating
Nyfenger had said. I was curious to dis- whistle tones as long tones, sustaining playing a whistle tone and then a nor-
cover more whistle tone exercises for them for up to ten seconds or more. I mally blown note. Sustain a whistle
use in my own warmups, as well as with took this idea and combined it with tone (pianissimo) and then play the
students. What follows are some tips the first exercise in Marcel Moyse's De normally blown note with the same
and exercises I have found or written. La Sonorite. Play the following exercise embouchure and angle of air (using
Helen Blackburn, flute professor at all in whistle tones, holding the first regular fingerings for both) and
West Texas A&M, provides simple note under the fermata for one full increase the air pressure. Robert Dick,
and clear instructions about how to breath. Play these without tongue at American flutist and composer,
produce whistle tones. first, adding a light tongue when com- explains the goal is to reduce the
• Drop the jaw (stretch the chin fortable. amount of lip motion between the
away from the nose - far!) whisper tone and regularly blown
• Roll out- FAR! notes, to a minimum. He adds, "A
• No pressure with the left hand. {.\ ;1;; b{.\ good way to think of the difference
• Release upper lip away from teeth.
Use your "beak" to aim the air.
• Feel the air travel on the inside
~1 - E 1fff 1. t between the whisper tones and nor-
mally blown notes is that in the nor-
mally played high notes, the air plays a
wet part of your aperture. b{~t'~ {.\ ~ role in supporting the lip opening,
• If you hear air, you are blowing too
hard. ~ f' r 1_ f f ff1
while in the whisper tones, the same
opening must be made and held open
• If you are having a hard time find- by the lips without any help from the
ing the whistle tone, try fingering (' bb' {.\ air stream."
the 3rd octave note, but play as if
you are playing a note 3 octaves
lower- ppppp- just fogging up the
~- r 1 ftt 1_ r I developed the following exercise to
explore this idea. Play the first note as
a whistle tone, pianissimo, the second
embouchure plate. ;1;-; b{.\ b~ as a regular tone, fortissimo, using regu-
• It may also help to try to whistle
and/or sing the note you are aim-
ing for.
~H t 1- E E I u II
lar fingerings for both. Play without
tongue, breathe as needed. (See top of
following page.)

To sum up, as part ot a daily warmup
<>: <>: ~f':
~ ~t t diet, practicing whistle tones gives
-- - 2:
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IE 4l flutists the opportunity to slow down
the process of tone production and
~£}: explore the "minute levels of varia-
~e: e: ~<>: f':
t: ~ E ~ tion" that Nyfenger wrote about. In
~-- --~ ~ ~ addition to an improved understand-
ing of what the embouchure is doing,
b<>: ~ there is an increased sense of relax-
E ~
i2 ~ <>: f: e: b~ 2:

~ i= ation and wonderful lessons in

±tz=I J: ± patience. I highly encourage everyone
to use whistle tones in their practice
~ e: b<>:
f': and in teaching. t·
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"H.B.'s Super-Duper Zen Yoga Warm

~~~f= -_~r:_ . k_. ~--- -<>:~==tf= --~
Up," by Helen Blackburn. http://www.
-*-= ----
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- _--r:::_::-
. --++-------==£
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.=d depts.ttu.edu/music/flutestudio/downloads/
~ ResourceLinks/H.B. %2 7sSuper- Duper Zen

YogaWarmUp. pdf
~~"- ~~ ~ L
=Ji --_ . _-;;_ -=+ -==-~~~~-
:-: f {2 f "Some Basics of Extended Techniques" by
--=~~- ~~ Helen Blesdoe. http://www.helenbledsoe.
com/ETWorkshop. pdf
Tone Development through Extended
Techniques by Robert Dick
To challenge yourself even more, (Patience: It took me a long time to Music and the Flute by Thomas Nyfenger
you could practice very low whistle get to Low C!) It may help to think For the ContemjJorary Flutist by Wil
tones as Helen Bledsoe suggests. She about having a "tall embouchure" Offermans
writes, "Work on controlling a slow
air stream by practicing very low
(very open in the middle). It may also
help to think of having a cushion of
Kincaidiana by John Krell
Music and the Flute by Thomas Nyfenger
whistle tones. Your embouchure has
to be very steady because there is lit-
air behind your lips (i.e., your lips are
not too flat against your teeth) and to Laura Lentz is a flutist and studio
tle air behind it to support it. relax your jaw." teacher based in Rochester, New York. I
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A-, . ;.,;
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. ' .. Carolyn
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"Your One Stop Flute Shop!:'


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