Module 3 - Lesson Plan

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Subject: Science Name: Forces causing Movement

Grade: 3 Date: May 1st Time: 2 X 35


Length of period: 35 minutes

2. Expectations

Overall Expectation(s)
Demonstrate an understanding of how forces cause movement and changes in

Specific Expectations
3.1 identify a force as a push or a pull that causes an object to move
3.2 identify different kinds of forces (e.g., gravity – the force that pulls objects
towards the earth; electrostatic force – the push or pull that happens with
charged objects; magnetic force – the force of a magnet that attracts objects
containing iron or nickel)
3.3 describe how different forces (e.g., magnetism, muscular force,
gravitational force, friction) applied to an object at rest can cause the object to
start, stop, attract, repel, or change direction

3. Content

What do I want the learners to know and/or be able to do?

1. Students will choose one out of the six forces that they know and create a
2. Student will have to add a title to their poster.
3. Students will have to present the definition on the poster.
4. Students will have to draw three pictures and explain each picture by using
labels or simple/complex sentences.
5. Students will create a rough draft and then a good copy.
6. Students will present the poster to small groups.

4. Assessment

I will assess the poster at the end - using a rubric. I gave the students the rubric at the
beginning of the assignment so they know how to get the best possible grade.

5. Learning Context

A. The Learners
How will I differentiate?
Students with lower English have to draw a picture of their force and if they are able to
they can use simple words or phrases to describe it.

B. Learning Environment
The classroom - students are able to work on the carpet once they have completed
rough copy and working on good copy as long as they stay on task.

C. Resources/Materials
Teachers resources - a sample for the students to see what is expected
Students resources - papers from their unit about forces, the backboard with visuals
and definitions of the forces, paper, markers/crayons.

6. Teaching/Learning Strategies


1. Have a powerpoint of review questions from the unit, give students whiteboards
and markers. (15 questions)
2. Explain to the students what they are going to create, choose 1 out of the 6
forces that we have learned
3. The poster must include:
- Title
- Definition of force
- Three pictures of force
- Words, phrases or simple/complex sentences describing each picture.
- Color -- neatness, organization
4. Give the students a rubric so they can see the expectations
5. Students do a rough draft, show.
6. Good copy
7. Students will present their posters to small groups.

This assignment will reinforce poster making skills, the students have to organize
their information and make it presentable. The students get to reflect on their last
unit and show what they have learned.
Content- based lesson plan analysis - Reflection

1. Isolate the overall and specific expectations outlined in the lesson. Identify some
of the cognitive skills that are intrinsic to these expectations and determine the
associated language demands. Are students expected to predict, identify, problem-
solve, express opinions, describe, compare and contrast, infer, etc.?

This lesson required for students to organize and plan how to create a poster. They
had to use cognitive skills to describe their force and how to present it on the poster.
Students are also asked to share what they know about forces.

2. Analyze other language demands required for the tasks in the lesson (e.g.,
presentations, discussions). What broad skills (e.g., listening, speaking) are

Students will have to present their poster to small groups in a clear and loud voice.

3. Explore the language demands that exist in the oral texts or teacher’s lecture,
speech, instructions, etc.

Students will use the vocabulary that was taught throughout the unit. Students can
use the rubric to guide them to understand what is expected. The assignment will be
translated by one of my higher English speaking students so everything is clear.

4. Conclude with a brief reflection on what you learned through this exercise. Were
you surprised by the amount of language demands you identified? If so, how will this
influence your future planning?

During this assignment I wasn’t overall surprised with the language demands. My
students had a visual wall to support them, assignments throughout the unit and one
student translated the assignment to the class for a clearer understand of what was
expected. I also gave my students the rubric and this was the first time that I did this
for my students. One of my higher students who doesn’t put a lot of effort into his
worked was very honest on the grade that he gave himself. I thought this was very
interesting to see. I like giving my students the rubric because it gave them a
reminder what was expected -- next time I would translate it for my lower students to
have a better understanding.

Forces Causing Movement

For your final task, you will need to choose a force and make a poster to explain your

On your poster, you will need:

Do you have a title? (Name of force)

Do you have a definition? (Explain the


Do you have 3 pictures with

labels/sentences that explain your force?

Did you use the vocabulary words

associated to your force?

Did you color your poster?

Is your writing neat and easy to read?


Excellent job Very good job Getting There Nice Start

4 3 2 1

Content Poster includes all All required All but 1 Some required
required elements elements are element of the elements are
and clearly explains included and poster are missing and
the force. poster explains included. poster does
the force. Poster does not clearly
not clearly explain the
explain the force.

Vocabulary All the vocabulary Most of the Some 1 or 2

words are included vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary
and used correctly. words are words are words are
included and included and included and
used correctly. used correctly. used correctly.

Design/Lay Layout, Design, Layout, Design, Layout, Need to work

out Use of color and Use of color Design, Use of on layout and
use of space is very and use of color and use design, use of
attractive and space is of space is not color and
creative. attractive. attractive space.

Use of class Used time well Used time well Used some of Did not use
time during class, during class, the time well class time to
focused on getting usually focused during class, focus on the
the project done. on getting the some focus on project and
project done. getting the often
project done. distracted
Occasionally others.

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