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1 ABS-CBN agreed to pay for SONZA’s services a monthly talent fee July 1996, ABS-CBN opened a new account

NZA’s services a monthly talent fee July 1996, ABS-CBN opened a new account with the same bank where
of P310,000 for the first year and P317,000 for the second and third year ABS-CBN deposited SONZA’s talent fees and other payments due him
of the Agreement. ABS-CBN would pay the talent fees on the 10th and under the Agreement.
Republic of the Philippines 25th days of the month.
In his Order dated 2 December 1996, the Labor Arbiter5 denied the
On 1 April 1996, SONZA wrote a letter to ABS-CBN’s President, Eugenio motion to dismiss and directed the parties to file their respective position
Lopez III, which reads: papers. The Labor Arbiter ruled:
Dear Mr. Lopez, In this instant case, complainant for having invoked a claim
G.R. No. 138051 June 10, 2004 that he was an employee of respondent company until April
15, 1996 and that he was not paid certain claims, it is
We would like to call your attention to the Agreement dated
JOSE Y. SONZA, petitioner, sufficient enough as to confer jurisdiction over the instant case
May 1994 entered into by your goodself on behalf of ABS-CBN
vs. in this Office. And as to whether or not such claim would
with our company relative to our talent JOSE Y. SONZA.
ABS-CBN BROADCASTING CORPORATION, respondent. entitle complainant to recover upon the causes of action
asserted is a matter to be resolved only after and as a result of
As you are well aware, Mr. Sonza irrevocably resigned in view a hearing. Thus, the respondent’s plea of lack of employer-
DECISION of recent events concerning his programs and career. We employee relationship may be pleaded only as a matter of
consider these acts of the station violative of the Agreement defense. It behooves upon it the duty to prove that there
CARPIO, J.: and the station as in breach thereof. In this connection, we really is no employer-employee relationship between it and the
hereby serve notice of rescission of said Agreement at our complainant.
instance effective as of date.
The Case
The Labor Arbiter then considered the case submitted for resolution. The
Mr. Sonza informed us that he is waiving and renouncing parties submitted their position papers on 24 February 1997.
Before this Court is a petition for review on certiorari1 assailing the 26 recovery of the remaining amount stipulated in paragraph 7 of
March 1999 Decision2 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 49190 the Agreement but reserves the right to seek recovery of the
dismissing the petition filed by Jose Y. Sonza ("SONZA"). The Court of On 11 March 1997, SONZA filed a Reply to Respondent’s Position Paper
other benefits under said Agreement.
Appeals affirmed the findings of the National Labor Relations with Motion to Expunge Respondent’s Annex 4 and Annex 5 from the
Commission ("NLRC"), which affirmed the Labor Arbiter’s dismissal of the Records. Annexes 4 and 5 are affidavits of ABS-CBN’s witnesses Soccoro
case for lack of jurisdiction. Thank you for your attention. Vidanes and Rolando V. Cruz. These witnesses stated in their affidavits
that the prevailing practice in the television and broadcast industry is to
Very truly yours, treat talents like SONZA as independent contractors.
The Facts

(Sgd.) The Labor Arbiter rendered his Decision dated 8 July 1997 dismissing the
In May 1994, respondent ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation ("ABS- complaint for lack of jurisdiction.6 The pertinent parts of the decision
CBN") signed an Agreement ("Agreement") with the Mel and Jay JOSE Y. SONZA
President and Gen. Manager4 read as follows:
Management and Development Corporation ("MJMDC"). ABS-CBN was
represented by its corporate officers while MJMDC was represented by
SONZA, as President and General Manager, and Carmela Tiangco On 30 April 1996, SONZA filed a complaint against ABS-CBN before the xxx
("TIANGCO"), as EVP and Treasurer. Referred to in the Agreement as Department of Labor and Employment, National Capital Region in
"AGENT," MJMDC agreed to provide SONZA’s services exclusively to ABS- Quezon City. SONZA complained that ABS-CBN did not pay his salaries, While Philippine jurisprudence has not yet, with certainty,
CBN as talent for radio and television. The Agreement listed the services separation pay, service incentive leave pay, 13th month pay, signing touched on the "true nature of the contract of a talent," it
SONZA would render to ABS-CBN, as follows: bonus, travel allowance and amounts due under the Employees Stock stands to reason that a "talent" as above-described cannot be
Option Plan ("ESOP"). considered as an employee by reason of the peculiar
a. Co-host for Mel & Jay radio program, 8:00 to 10:00 a.m., circumstances surrounding the engagement of his services.
Mondays to Fridays; On 10 July 1996, ABS-CBN filed a Motion to Dismiss on the ground that
no employer-employee relationship existed between the parties. SONZA It must be noted that complainant was engaged by
b. Co-host for Mel & Jay television program, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m., filed an Opposition to the motion on 19 July 1996. respondent by reason of his peculiar skills and talent
Sundays.3 as a TV host and a radio broadcaster. Unlike an
Meanwhile, ABS-CBN continued to remit SONZA’s monthly talent fees ordinary employee, he was free to perform the services
through his account at PCIBank, Quezon Avenue Branch, Quezon City. In he undertook to render in accordance with his own

style. The benefits conferred to complainant under the May Hence, this petition. appellee are not based on the Labor Code but rather on the
1994 Agreement are certainly very much higher than those provisions of the May 1994 Agreement, while his claims for
generally given to employees. For one, complainant Sonza’s proceeds under Stock Purchase Agreement are based on the
The Rulings of the NLRC and Court of Appeals
monthly talent fees amount to a staggering P317,000. latter. A portion of the Position Paper of complainant-appellant
Moreover, his engagement as a talent was covered by a bears perusal:
specific contract. Likewise, he was not bound to render eight The Court of Appeals affirmed the NLRC’s finding that no employer-
(8) hours of work per day as he worked only for such number employee relationship existed between SONZA and ABS-CBN. Adopting
‘Under [the May 1994 Agreement] with respondent
of hours as may be necessary. the NLRC’s decision, the appellate court quoted the following findings of
ABS-CBN, the latter contractually bound itself to pay
the NLRC:
complainant a signing bonus consisting of shares of
The fact that per the May 1994 Agreement complainant was stocks…with FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS
accorded some benefits normally given to an employee is x x x the May 1994 Agreement will readily reveal that MJMDC (P500,000.00).
inconsequential. Whatever benefits complainant enjoyed entered into the contract merely as an agent of complainant
arose from specific agreement by the parties and not Sonza, the principal. By all indication and as the law puts it,
Similarly, complainant is also entitled to be paid 13th
by reason of employer-employee relationship. As the act of the agent is the act of the principal itself. This fact is
month pay based on an amount not lower than the
correctly put by the respondent, "All these benefits are merely made particularly true in this case, as admittedly MJMDC ‘is a
amount he was receiving prior to effectivity of (the)
talent fees and other contractual benefits and should not be management company devoted exclusively to managing the
deemed as ‘salaries, wages and/or other remuneration’ careers of Mr. Sonza and his broadcast partner, Mrs. Carmela
accorded to an employee, notwithstanding the nomenclature C. Tiangco.’ (Opposition to Motion to Dismiss)
appended to these benefits. Apropos to this is the rule that the Under paragraph 9 of (the May 1994 Agreement),
term or nomenclature given to a stipulated benefit is not complainant is entitled to a commutable travel
Clearly, the relations of principal and agent only accrues
controlling, but the intent of the parties to the Agreement benefit amounting to at least One Hundred Fifty
between complainant Sonza and MJMDC, and not between
conferring such benefit." Thousand Pesos (P150,000.00) per year.’
ABS-CBN and MJMDC. This is clear from the provisions of the
May 1994 Agreement which specifically referred to MJMDC as
The fact that complainant was made subject to the ‘AGENT’. As a matter of fact, when complainant herein Thus, it is precisely because of complainant-appellant’s own
respondent’s Rules and Regulations, likewise, does not unilaterally rescinded said May 1994 Agreement, it was MJMDC recognition of the fact that his contractual relations with ABS-
detract from the absence of employer-employee which issued the notice of rescission in behalf of Mr. Sonza, CBN are founded on the New Civil Code, rather than the Labor
relationship. As held by the Supreme Court, "The line should who himself signed the same in his capacity as President. Code, that instead of merely resigning from ABS-CBN,
be drawn between rules that merely serve as guidelines complainant-appellant served upon the latter a ‘notice of
towards the achievement of the mutually desired result rescission’ of Agreement with the station, per his letter dated
Moreover, previous contracts between Mr. Sonza and ABS-CBN
without dictating the means or methods to be employed in April 1, 1996, which asserted that instead of referring to
reveal the fact that historically, the parties to the said
attaining it, and those that control or fix the methodology and unpaid employee benefits, ‘he is waiving and renouncing
agreements are ABS-CBN and Mr. Sonza. And it is only in the
bind or restrict the party hired to the use of such means. The recovery of the remaining amount stipulated in paragraph 7 of
May 1994 Agreement, which is the latest Agreement executed
first, which aim only to promote the result, create no the Agreement but reserves the right to such recovery of the
between ABS-CBN and Mr. Sonza, that MJMDC figured in the
employer-employee relationship unlike the second, which other benefits under said Agreement.’ (Annex 3 of the
said Agreement as the agent of Mr. Sonza.
address both the result and the means to achieve it." (Insular respondent ABS-CBN’s Motion to Dismiss dated July 10, 1996).
Life Assurance Co., Ltd. vs. NLRC, et al., G.R. No. 84484,
November 15, 1989). We find it erroneous to assert that MJMDC is a mere ‘labor-
Evidently, it is precisely by reason of the alleged violation of
only’ contractor of ABS-CBN such that there exist[s] employer-
the May 1994 Agreement and/or the Stock Purchase
employee relationship between the latter and Mr. Sonza. On
x x x (Emphasis supplied)7 Agreement by respondent-appellee that complainant-appellant
the contrary, We find it indubitable, that MJMDC is an agent,
filed his complaint. Complainant-appellant’s claims being
not of ABS-CBN, but of the talent/contractor Mr. Sonza, as
anchored on the alleged breach of contract on the part of
SONZA appealed to the NLRC. On 24 February 1998, the NLRC rendered expressly admitted by the latter and MJMDC in the May 1994
respondent-appellee, the same can be resolved by reference
a Decision affirming the Labor Arbiter’s decision. SONZA filed a motion Agreement.
to civil law and not to labor law. Consequently, they are within
for reconsideration, which the NLRC denied in its Resolution dated 3 July
the realm of civil law and, thus, lie with the regular courts. As
1998. It may not be amiss to state that jurisdiction over the instant held in the case of Dai-Chi Electronics Manufacturing vs.
controversy indeed belongs to the regular courts, the same Villarama, 238 SCRA 267, 21 November 1994, an action for
On 6 October 1998, SONZA filed a special civil action for certiorari before being in the nature of an action for alleged breach of breach of contractual obligation is intrinsically a civil
the Court of Appeals assailing the decision and resolution of the NLRC. contractual obligation on the part of respondent-appellee. As dispute.9 (Emphasis supplied)
On 26 March 1999, the Court of Appeals rendered a Decision dismissing squarely apparent from complainant-appellant’s Position
the case.8 Paper, his claims for compensation for services, ‘13th month
pay’, signing bonus and travel allowance against respondent-
The Court of Appeals ruled that the existence of an employer-employee The existence of an employer-employee relationship is a question of fact. ABS-CBN granted him benefits and privileges "which he would not have
relationship between SONZA and ABS-CBN is a factual question that is Appellate courts accord the factual findings of the Labor Arbiter and the enjoyed if he were truly the subject of a valid job contract."
within the jurisdiction of the NLRC to resolve.10 A special civil action for NLRC not only respect but also finality when supported by substantial
certiorari extends only to issues of want or excess of jurisdiction of the evidence.15 Substantial evidence means such relevant evidence as a
All the talent fees and benefits paid to SONZA were the result of
NLRC.11 Such action cannot cover an inquiry into the correctness of the reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion.16 A
negotiations that led to the Agreement. If SONZA were ABS-CBN’s
evaluation of the evidence which served as basis of the NLRC’s party cannot prove the absence of substantial evidence by simply
employee, there would be no need for the parties to stipulate on benefits
conclusion.12 The Court of Appeals added that it could not re-examine pointing out that there is contrary evidence on record, direct or
such as "SSS, Medicare, x x x and 13th month pay"20 which the law
the parties’ evidence and substitute the factual findings of the NLRC with circumstantial. The Court does not substitute its own judgment for that
automatically incorporates into every employer-employee
its own.13 of the tribunal in determining where the weight of evidence lies or what
contract.21 Whatever benefits SONZA enjoyed arose from contract and
evidence is credible.17
not because of an employer-employee relationship.22
The Issue
SONZA maintains that all essential elements of an employer-employee
SONZA’s talent fees, amounting to P317,000 monthly in the second and
relationship are present in this case. Case law has consistently held that
In assailing the decision of the Court of Appeals, SONZA contends that: third year, are so huge and out of the ordinary that they indicate more
the elements of an employer-employee relationship are: (a) the selection
an independent contractual relationship rather than an employer-
and engagement of the employee; (b) the payment of wages; (c) the
employee relationship. ABS-CBN agreed to pay SONZA such huge talent
THE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN AFFIRMING THE power of dismissal; and (d) the employer’s power to control the
fees precisely because of SONZA’s unique skills, talent and celebrity
NLRC’S DECISION AND REFUSING TO FIND THAT AN employee on the means and methods by which the work is
status not possessed by ordinary employees. Obviously, SONZA acting
EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP EXISTED BETWEEN accomplished.18 The last element, the so-called "control test", is the
alone possessed enough bargaining power to demand and receive such
SONZA AND ABS-CBN, DESPITE THE WEIGHT OF most important element.19
huge talent fees for his services. The power to bargain talent fees way
above the salary scales of ordinary employees is a circumstance
A. Selection and Engagement of Employee indicative, but not conclusive, of an independent contractual relationship.

The Court’s Ruling

ABS-CBN engaged SONZA’s services to co-host its television and radio The payment of talent fees directly to SONZA and not to MJMDC does
programs because of SONZA’s peculiar skills, talent and celebrity status. not negate the status of SONZA as an independent contractor. The
We affirm the assailed decision. SONZA contends that the "discretion used by respondent in specifically parties expressly agreed on such mode of payment. Under the
selecting and hiring complainant over other broadcasters of possibly Agreement, MJMDC is the AGENT of SONZA, to whom MJMDC would
No convincing reason exists to warrant a reversal of the decision of the similar experience and qualification as complainant belies respondent’s have to turn over any talent fee accruing under the Agreement.
Court of Appeals affirming the NLRC ruling which upheld the Labor claim of independent contractorship."
Arbiter’s dismissal of the case for lack of jurisdiction. C. Power of Dismissal
Independent contractors often present themselves to possess unique
The present controversy is one of first impression. Although Philippine skills, expertise or talent to distinguish them from ordinary employees.
For violation of any provision of the Agreement, either party may
labor laws and jurisprudence define clearly the elements of an employer- The specific selection and hiring of SONZA, because of his unique
terminate their relationship. SONZA failed to show that ABS-CBN could
employee relationship, this is the first time that the Court will resolve the skills, talent and celebrity status not possessed by ordinary
terminate his services on grounds other than breach of contract, such as
nature of the relationship between a television and radio station and one employees, is a circumstance indicative, but not conclusive, of an
retrenchment to prevent losses as provided under labor laws.23
of its "talents." There is no case law stating that a radio and television independent contractual relationship. If SONZA did not possess such
program host is an employee of the broadcast station. unique skills, talent and celebrity status, ABS-CBN would not have
entered into the Agreement with SONZA but would have hired him During the life of the Agreement, ABS-CBN agreed to pay SONZA’s talent
through its personnel department just like any other employee. fees as long as "AGENT and Jay Sonza shall faithfully and completely
The instant case involves big names in the broadcast industry, namely perform each condition of this Agreement."24 Even if it suffered severe
Jose "Jay" Sonza, a known television and radio personality, and ABS- business losses, ABS-CBN could not retrench SONZA because ABS-CBN
CBN, one of the biggest television and radio networks in the country. In any event, the method of selecting and engaging SONZA does not
remained obligated to pay SONZA’s talent fees during the life of the
conclusively determine his status. We must consider all the
Agreement. This circumstance indicates an independent contractual
circumstances of the relationship, with the control test being the most
SONZA contends that the Labor Arbiter has jurisdiction over the case relationship between SONZA and ABS-CBN.
important element.
because he was an employee of ABS-CBN. On the other hand, ABS-CBN
insists that the Labor Arbiter has no jurisdiction because SONZA was an SONZA admits that even after ABS-CBN ceased broadcasting his
independent contractor. B. Payment of Wages
programs, ABS-CBN still paid him his talent fees. Plainly, ABS-CBN
adhered to its undertaking in the Agreement to continue paying SONZA’s
Employee or Independent Contractor? ABS-CBN directly paid SONZA his monthly talent fees with no part of his talent fees during the remaining life of the Agreement even if ABS-CBN
fees going to MJMDC. SONZA asserts that this mode of fee payment cancelled SONZA’s programs through no fault of SONZA.25
shows that he was an employee of ABS-CBN. SONZA also points out that
SONZA assails the Labor Arbiter’s interpretation of his rescission of the is no evidence that WIPR assigned Alberty tasks in addition to Clearly, ABS-CBN’s right not to broadcast SONZA’s show, burdened as it
Agreement as an admission that he is not an employee of ABS-CBN. The work related to these tapings. x x x28 (Emphasis supplied) was by the obligation to continue paying in full SONZA’s talent fees, did
Labor Arbiter stated that "if it were true that complainant was really an not amount to control over the means and methods of the performance
employee, he would merely resign, instead." SONZA did actually resign of SONZA’s work. ABS-CBN could not terminate or discipline SONZA even
Applying the control test to the present case, we find that SONZA is
from ABS-CBN but he also, as president of MJMDC, rescinded the if the means and methods of performance of his work - how he delivered
not an employee but an independent contractor. The control test is
Agreement. SONZA’s letter clearly bears this out.26 However, the manner his lines and appeared on television - did not meet ABS-CBN’s approval.
the most important test our courts apply in distinguishing an employee
by which SONZA terminated his relationship with ABS-CBN is immaterial. This proves that ABS-CBN’s control was limited only to the result of
from an independent contractor.29 This test is based on the extent of
Whether SONZA rescinded the Agreement or resigned from work does SONZA’s work, whether to broadcast the final product or not. In either
control the hirer exercises over a worker. The greater the supervision
not determine his status as employee or independent contractor. case, ABS-CBN must still pay SONZA’s talent fees in full until the expiry
and control the hirer exercises, the more likely the worker is deemed an
of the Agreement.
employee. The converse holds true as well – the less control the hirer
D. Power of Control exercises, the more likely the worker is considered an independent
contractor.30 In Vaughan, et al. v. Warner, et al.,36 the United States Circuit Court
of Appeals ruled that vaudeville performers were independent
Since there is no local precedent on whether a radio and television
contractors although the management reserved the right to delete
program host is an employee or an independent contractor, we refer to First, SONZA contends that ABS-CBN exercised control over the means
objectionable features in their shows. Since the management did not
foreign case law in analyzing the present case. The United States Court and methods of his work.
have control over the manner of performance of the skills of the artists,
of Appeals, First Circuit, recently held in Alberty-Vélez v. Corporación
it could only control the result of the work by deleting objectionable
De Puerto Rico Para La Difusión Pública ("WIPR")27that a
SONZA’s argument is misplaced. ABS-CBN engaged SONZA’s services features.37
television program host is an independent contractor. We quote the
specifically to co-host the "Mel & Jay" programs. ABS-CBN did not assign
following findings of the U.S. court:
any other work to SONZA. To perform his work, SONZA only needed his
SONZA further contends that ABS-CBN exercised control over his work
skills and talent. How SONZA delivered his lines, appeared on television,
by supplying all equipment and crew. No doubt, ABS-CBN supplied the
Several factors favor classifying Alberty as an independent and sounded on radio were outside ABS-CBN’s control. SONZA did not
equipment, crew and airtime needed to broadcast the "Mel & Jay"
contractor. First, a television actress is a skilled position have to render eight hours of work per day. The Agreement required
programs. However, the equipment, crew and airtime are not the "tools
requiring talent and training not available on-the-job. x SONZA to attend only rehearsals and tapings of the shows, as well as
and instrumentalities" SONZA needed to perform his job. What SONZA
x x In this regard, Alberty possesses a master’s degree in pre- and post-production staff meetings.31 ABS-CBN could not dictate the
principally needed were his talent or skills and the costumes necessary
public communications and journalism; is trained in dance, contents of SONZA’s script. However, the Agreement prohibited SONZA
for his appearance.38Even though ABS-CBN provided SONZA with the
singing, and modeling; taught with the drama department at from criticizing in his shows ABS-CBN or its interests.32 The clear
place of work and the necessary equipment, SONZA was still an
the University of Puerto Rico; and acted in several theater and implication is that SONZA had a free hand on what to say or discuss in
independent contractor since ABS-CBN did not supervise and control his
television productions prior to her affiliation with "Desde Mi his shows provided he did not attack ABS-CBN or its interests.
work. ABS-CBN’s sole concern was for SONZA to display his talent during
Pueblo." Second, Alberty provided the "tools and
the airing of the programs.39
instrumentalities" necessary for her to
We find that ABS-CBN was not involved in the actual performance that
perform. Specifically, she provided, or obtained sponsors to
produced the finished product of SONZA’s work.33 ABS-CBN did not
provide, the costumes, jewelry, and other image-related A radio broadcast specialist who works under minimal supervision is an
instruct SONZA how to perform his job. ABS-CBN merely reserved the
supplies and services necessary for her appearance. Alberty independent contractor.40 SONZA’s work as television and radio program
right to modify the program format and airtime schedule "for more
disputes that this factor favors independent contractor status host required special skills and talent, which SONZA admittedly
effective programming."34 ABS-CBN’s sole concern was the quality of the
because WIPR provided the "equipment necessary to tape the possesses. The records do not show that ABS-CBN exercised any
shows and their standing in the ratings. Clearly, ABS-CBN did not
show." Alberty’s argument is misplaced. The equipment supervision and control over how SONZA utilized his skills and talent in
exercise control over the means and methods of performance of
necessary for Alberty to conduct her job as host of "Desde Mi his shows.
SONZA’s work.
Pueblo" related to her appearance on the show. Others
provided equipment for filming and producing the show, but
Second, SONZA urges us to rule that he was ABS-CBN’s employee
these were not the primary tools that Alberty used to perform SONZA claims that ABS-CBN’s power not to broadcast his shows proves
because ABS-CBN subjected him to its rules and standards of
her particular function. If we accepted this argument, ABS-CBN’s power over the means and methods of the performance of
performance. SONZA claims that this indicates ABS-CBN’s control "not
independent contractors could never work on collaborative his work. Although ABS-CBN did have the option not to broadcast
only [over] his manner of work but also the quality of his work."
projects because other individuals often provide the equipment SONZA’s show, ABS-CBN was still obligated to pay SONZA’s talent fees...
required for different aspects of the collaboration. x x x Thus, even if ABS-CBN was completely dissatisfied with the means and
methods of SONZA’s performance of his work, or even with the quality or The Agreement stipulates that SONZA shall abide with the rules and
product of his work, ABS-CBN could not dismiss or even discipline standards of performance "covering talents"41 of ABS-CBN. The
Third, WIPR could not assign Alberty work in addition
SONZA. All that ABS-CBN could do is not to broadcast SONZA’s show but Agreement does not require SONZA to comply with the rules and
to filming "Desde Mi Pueblo." Alberty’s contracts with
ABS-CBN must still pay his talent fees in full.35 standards of performance prescribed for employees of ABS-CBN. The
WIPR specifically provided that WIPR hired her "professional
code of conduct imposed on SONZA under the Agreement refers to the
services as Hostess for the Program Desde Mi Pueblo." There
"Television and Radio Code of the Kapisanan ng mga Broadcaster sa
Pilipinas (KBP), which has been adopted by the COMPANY (ABS-CBN) as
its Code of Ethics."42 The KBP code applies to broadcasters, not to talents as well as the programs they appear in and thus expects that Policy Instruction No. 40 is a mere executive issuance which does not
employees of radio and television stations. Broadcasters are not said talents remain exclusive with the station for a commensurate period have the force and effect of law. There is no legal presumption that
necessarily employees of radio and television stations. Clearly, the rules of time."47 Normally, a much higher fee is paid to talents who agree to Policy Instruction No. 40 determines SONZA’s status. A mere executive
and standards of performance referred to in the Agreement are those work exclusively for a particular radio or television station. In short, the issuance cannot exclude independent contractors from the class of
applicable to talents and not to employees of ABS-CBN. huge talent fees partially compensates for exclusivity, as in the present service providers to the broadcast industry. The classification of workers
case. in the broadcast industry into only two groups under Policy Instruction
No. 40 is not binding on this Court, especially when the classification has
In any event, not all rules imposed by the hiring party on the hired party
no basis either in law or in fact.
indicate that the latter is an employee of the former.43 In this case, MJMDC as Agent of SONZA
SONZA failed to show that these rules controlled his performance. We
find that these general rules are merely guidelines towards the Affidavits of ABS-CBN’s Witnesses
SONZA protests the Labor Arbiter’s finding that he is a talent of MJMDC,
achievement of the mutually desired result, which are top-rating
which contracted out his services to ABS-CBN. The Labor Arbiter ruled
television and radio programs that comply with standards of the
that as a talent of MJMDC, SONZA is not an employee of ABS-CBN. SONZA also faults the Labor Arbiter for admitting the affidavits of
industry. We have ruled that:
SONZA insists that MJMDC is a "labor-only" contractor and ABS-CBN is Socorro Vidanes and Rolando Cruz without giving his counsel the
his employer.
Further, not every form of control that a party reserves to himself over
opportunity to cross-examine these witnesses. SONZA brands these
the conduct of the other party in relation to the services being rendered
In a labor-only contract, there are three parties involved: (1) the "labor- witnesses as incompetent to attest on the prevailing practice in the radio
may be accorded the effect of establishing an employer-employee
only" contractor; (2) the employee who is ostensibly under the employ of and television industry. SONZA views the affidavits of these witnesses as
relationship. The facts of this case fall squarely with the case of Insular
the "labor-only" contractor; and (3) the principal who is deemed the real misleading and irrelevant.
Life Assurance Co., Ltd. vs. NLRC. In said case, we held that:
employer. Under this scheme, the "labor-only" contractor is the
agent of the principal. The law makes the principal responsible to the
While SONZA failed to cross-examine ABS-CBN’s witnesses, he was never
Logically, the line should be drawn between rules that merely employees of the "labor-only contractor" as if the principal itself directly
prevented from denying or refuting the allegations in the affidavits. The
serve as guidelines towards the achievement of the mutually hired or employed the employees.48 These circumstances are not present
Labor Arbiter has the discretion whether to conduct a formal (trial-type)
desired result without dictating the means or methods to be in this case.
hearing after the submission of the position papers of the parties, thus:
employed in attaining it, and those that control or fix the
methodology and bind or restrict the party hired to the use of
There are essentially only two parties involved under the Agreement,
such means. The first, which aim only to promote the result, Section 3. Submission of Position Papers/Memorandum
namely, SONZA and ABS-CBN. MJMDC merely acted as SONZA’s agent.
create no employer-employee relationship unlike the second,
The Agreement expressly states that MJMDC acted as the "AGENT" of
which address both the result and the means used to achieve xxx
SONZA. The records do not show that MJMDC acted as ABS-CBN’s agent.
MJMDC, which stands for Mel and Jay Management and Development
Corporation, is a corporation organized and owned by SONZA and These verified position papers shall cover only those claims
The Vaughan case also held that one could still be an independent TIANGCO. The President and General Manager of MJMDC is SONZA and causes of action raised in the complaint excluding those
contractor although the hirer reserved certain supervision to insure the himself. It is absurd to hold that MJMDC, which is owned, controlled, that may have been amicably settled, and shall be
attainment of the desired result. The hirer, however, must not deprive headed and managed by SONZA, acted as agent of ABS-CBN in entering accompanied by all supporting documents including the
the one hired from performing his services according to his own into the Agreement with SONZA, who himself is represented by MJMDC. affidavits of their respective witnesses which shall take the
initiative.45 That would make MJMDC the agent of both ABS-CBN and SONZA. place of the latter’s direct testimony. x x x

Lastly, SONZA insists that the "exclusivity clause" in the Agreement is the As SONZA admits, MJMDC is a management company Section 4. Determination of Necessity of Hearing. –
most extreme form of control which ABS-CBN exercised over him. devoted exclusively to managing the careers of SONZA and his Immediately after the submission of the parties of their
broadcast partner, TIANGCO. MJMDC is not engaged in any other position papers/memorandum, the Labor Arbiter shall motu
business, not even job contracting. MJMDC does not have any other propio determine whether there is need for a formal trial or
This argument is futile. Being an exclusive talent does not by itself mean
function apart from acting as agent of SONZA or TIANGCO to promote hearing. At this stage, he may, at his discretion and for the
that SONZA is an employee of ABS-CBN. Even an independent contractor
their careers in the broadcast and television industry.49 purpose of making such determination, ask clarificatory
can validly provide his services exclusively to the hiring party. In the
broadcast industry, exclusivity is not necessarily the same as control. questions to further elicit facts or information, including but
Policy Instruction No. 40 not limited to the subpoena of relevant documentary evidence,
if any from any party or witness.50
The hiring of exclusive talents is a widespread and accepted practice in
the entertainment industry.46 This practice is not designed to control the SONZA argues that Policy Instruction No. 40 issued by then Minister of
means and methods of work of the talent, but simply to protect the Labor Blas Ople on 8 January 1979 finally settled the status of workers in The Labor Arbiter can decide a case based solely on the position papers
investment of the broadcast station. The broadcast station normally the broadcast industry. Under this policy, the types of employees in the and the supporting documents without a formal trial.51 The holding of a
spends substantial amounts of money, time and effort "in building up its broadcast industry are the station and program employees. formal hearing or trial is something that the parties cannot demand as a
matter of right.52 If the Labor Arbiter is confident that he can rely on the Nature of SONZA’s Claims
documents before him, he cannot be faulted for not conducting a formal
trial, unless under the particular circumstances of the case, the
SONZA seeks the recovery of allegedly unpaid talent fees, 13th month
documents alone are insufficient. The proceedings before a Labor Arbiter
pay, separation pay, service incentive leave, signing bonus, travel
are non-litigious in nature. Subject to the requirements of due process,
allowance, and amounts due under the Employee Stock Option Plan. We
the technicalities of law and the rules obtaining in the courts of law do
agree with the findings of the Labor Arbiter and the Court of Appeals
not strictly apply in proceedings before a Labor Arbiter.
that SONZA’s claims are all based on the May 1994 Agreement and
stock option plan, and not on the Labor Code. Clearly, the present
Talents as Independent Contractors case does not call for an application of the Labor Code provisions but an
interpretation and implementation of the May 1994 Agreement. In effect,
SONZA’s cause of action is for breach of contract which is intrinsically a
ABS-CBN claims that there exists a prevailing practice in the broadcast
civil dispute cognizable by the regular courts.58
and entertainment industries to treat talents like SONZA as independent
contractors. SONZA argues that if such practice exists, it is void for
violating the right of labor to security of tenure. WHEREFORE, we DENY the petition. The assailed Decision of the
Court of Appeals dated 26 March 1999 in CA-G.R. SP No. 49190
is AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner.
The right of labor to security of tenure as guaranteed in the
Constitution53 arises only if there is an employer-employee relationship
under labor laws. Not every performance of services for a fee creates an SO ORDERED.
employer-employee relationship. To hold that every person who renders
services to another for a fee is an employee - to give meaning to the
security of tenure clause - will lead to absurd results.

Individuals with special skills, expertise or talent enjoy the freedom to

offer their services as independent contractors. The right to life and
livelihood guarantees this freedom to contract as independent
contractors. The right of labor to security of tenure cannot operate to
deprive an individual, possessed with special skills, expertise and talent,
of his right to contract as an independent contractor. An individual like
an artist or talent has a right to render his services without any one
controlling the means and methods by which he performs his art or craft.
This Court will not interpret the right of labor to security of tenure to
compel artists and talents to render their services only as employees. If
radio and television program hosts can render their services only as
employees, the station owners and managers can dictate to the radio
and television hosts what they say in their shows. This is not conducive
to freedom of the press.

Different Tax Treatment of Talents and Broadcasters

The National Internal Revenue Code ("NIRC")54 in relation to Republic

Act No. 7716,55 as amended by Republic Act No. 8241,56 treats talents,
television and radio broadcasters differently. Under the NIRC, these
professionals are subject to the 10% value-added tax ("VAT") on
services they render. Exempted from the VAT are those under an
employer-employee relationship.57 This different tax treatment accorded
to talents and broadcasters bolters our conclusion that they are
independent contractors, provided all the basic elements of a contractual
relationship are present as in this case.

2 on commission basis. Lazaro also maintained that Laudato was not Lazaro's arguments are nothing more but a mere reiteration of
subjected to definite hours and conditions of work. As such, Laudato arguments unsuccessfully posed before two bodies: the SSC and the
could not be deemed an employee of Royal Star.5 Court of Appeals. They likewise put to issue factual questions already
Republic of the Philippines passed upon twice below, rather than questions of law appropriate for
SUPREME COURT review under a Rule 45 petition. The determination of an employer-
After the parties submitted their respective position papers, the SSC
Manila employee relationship depends heavily on the particular factual
promulgated a Resolution6 dated 8 November 1995 ruling in favor of
circumstances attending the professional interaction of the parties. The
Laudato.7 Applying the "control test," it held that Laudato was an
SECOND DIVISION Court is not a trier of facts15 and accords great weight to the factual
employee of Royal Star, and ordered Royal Star to pay the unremitted
findings of lower courts or agencies whose function is to resolve factual
social security contributions of Laudato in the amount of Five Thousand
G.R. No. 138254 July 30, 2004 Seven Pesos and Thirty Five Centavos (P5,007.35), together with the
penalties totaling Twenty Two Thousand Two Hundred Eighteen Pesos
and Fifty Four Centavos (P22,218.54). In addition, Royal Star was made Lazaro's arguments may be dispensed with by applying precedents.
ANGELITO L. LAZARO, Proprietor of Royal Star liable to pay damages to the SSC in the amount of Fifteen Thousand Six Suffice it to say, the fact that Laudato was paid by way of commission
Marketing, petitioner, Hundred Eighty Pesos and Seven Centavos (P15,680.07) for not does not preclude the establishment of an employer-employee
vs. reporting Laudato for social security coverage, pursuant to Section 24 of relationship. InGrepalife v. Judico,17 the Court upheld the existence of an
SOCIAL SECURITY COMMISSION, ROSALINA LAUDATO, SOCIAL the Social Security Law.8 employer-employee relationship between the insurance company and its
SECURITY SYSTEM and THE HONORABLE COURT OF agents, despite the fact that the compensation that the agents on
APPEALS, respondents. commission received was not paid by the company but by the investor or
After Lazaro's Motion for Reconsideration before the SSC was
the person insured.18 The relevant factor remains, as stated earlier,
denied,9 Lazaro filed a Petition for Review with the Court of Appeals.
whether the "employer" controls or has reserved the right to control the
Lazaro reiterated that Laudato was merely a sales agent who was paid
"employee" not only as to the result of the work to be done but also as
purely on commission basis, not included in the company payroll, and
to the means and methods by which the same is to be accomplished.19
who neither observed regular working hours nor accomplished time
Neither does it follow that a person who does not observe normal hours
of work cannot be deemed an employee. In Cosmopolitan Funeral
In its assailed Decision, the Court of Appeals noted that Lazaro's
Homes, Inc. v. Maalat,20 the employer similarly denied the existence of
arguments were a reprise of those already presented before the
an employer-employee relationship, as the claimant according to it, was
SSC.10 Moreover, Lazaro had not come forward with particulars and
a "supervisor on commission basis" who did not observe normal hours of
specifics in his petition to show that the Commission's ruling is not
TINGA, J.: work. This Court declared that there was an employer-employee
supported by substantial evidence.11 Thus, the appellate court affirmed
relationship, noting that "[the] supervisor, although compensated on
the finding that Laudato was an employee of Royal Star, and hence
commission basis, [is] exempt from the observance of normal hours of
Before us is a Petition for Review under Rule 45, assailing entitled to coverage under the Social Security Law.
work for his compensation is measured by the number of sales he
the Decision1 of the Court of Appeals Fifteenth Division2 in CA-G.R. Sp. makes."21
No. 40956, promulgated on 20 November 1998, which affirmed two Before this Court, Lazaro again insists that Laudato was not qualified for
rulings of the Social Security Commission ("SSC") dated 8 November social security coverage, as she was not an employee of Royal Star, her
1995 and 24 April 1996. It should also be emphasized that the SSC, also as upheld by the Court
income dependent on a generation of sales and based on
of Appeals, found that Laudato was a sales supervisor and not a mere
commissions.12 It is argued that Royal Star had no control over Laudato's
agent.22 As such, Laudato oversaw and supervised the sales agents of
Private respondent Rosalina M. Laudato ("Laudato") filed a petition activities, and that under the so-called "control test," Laudato could not
the company, and thus was subject to the control of management as to
before the SSC for social security coverage and remittance of unpaid be deemed an employee.13
how she implements its policies and its end results. We are disinclined to
monthly social security contributions against her three (3) employers. reverse this finding, in the absence of countervailing evidence from
Among the respondents was herein petitioner Angelito L. Lazaro It is an accepted doctrine that for the purposes of coverage under the Lazaro and also in light of the fact that Laudato's calling cards from
("Lazaro"), proprietor of Royal Star Marketing ("Royal Star"), which is Social Security Act, the determination of employer-employee relationship Royal Star indicate that she is indeed a sales supervisor.
engaged in the business of selling home appliances.3 Laudato alleged warrants the application of the "control test," that is, whether the
that despite her employment as sales supervisor of the sales agents for employer controls or has reserved the right to control the employee, not
Royal Star from April of 1979 to March of 1986, Lazaro had failed during The finding of the SSC that Laudato was an employee of Royal Star is
only as to the result of the work done, but also as to the means and
the said period, to report her to the SSC for compulsory coverage or supported by substantial evidence. The SSC examined the cash vouchers
methods by which the same is accomplished.14 The SSC, as sustained by
remit Laudato's social security contributions.4 issued by Royal Star to Laudato,23 calling cards of Royal Star
the Court of Appeals, applying the control test found that Laudato was
denominating Laudato as a "Sales Supervisor" of the company,24 and
an employee of Royal Star. We find no reversible error.
Certificates of Appreciation issued by Royal Star to Laudato in
Lazaro denied that Laudato was a sales supervisor of Royal Star, recognition of her unselfish and loyal efforts in promoting the
averring instead that she was a mere sales agent whom he paid purely company.25 On the other hand, Lazaro has failed to present any

convincing contrary evidence, relying instead on his bare assertions. The
Court of Appeals correctly ruled that petitioner has not sufficiently shown
that the SSC's ruling was not supported by substantial evidence.

A piece of documentary evidence appreciated by the SSC is

Memorandum dated 3 May 1980 of Teresita Lazaro, General Manager of
Royal Star, directing that no commissions were to be given on all "main
office" sales from walk-in customers and enjoining salesmen and sales
supervisors to observe this new policy.26 The Memorandum evinces the
fact that, contrary to Lazaro's claim, Royal Star exercised control over its
sales supervisors or agents such as Laudato as to the means and
methods through which these personnel performed their work.

Finally, Lazaro invokes our ruling in the 1987 case of Social Security
System v. Court of Appeals27 that a person who works for another at his
own pleasure, subject to definite hours or conditions of work, and is
compensated according to the result of his effort is not an
employee.28 The citation is odd for Lazaro to rely upon, considering that
in the cited case, the Court affirmed the employee-employer relationship
between a sales agent and the cigarette firm whose products he
sold.29 Perhaps Lazaro meant instead to cite our 1969 ruling in the
similarly-titled case of Social Security System v. Court of Appeals,30 also
cited in the later eponymous ruling, whose disposition is more in accord
with Lazaro's argument.

Yet, the circumstances in the 1969 case are very different from those at
bar. Ruling on the question whether jockeys were considered employees
of the Manila Jockey Club, the Court noted that the jockeys were actually
subjected to the control of the racing steward, whose authority in turn
was defined by the Games and Amusements Board.31 Moreover, the
jockey's choice as to which horse to mount was subject to mutual
agreement between the horse owner and the jockey, and beyond the
control of the race club.32 In the case at bar, there is no showing that
Royal Star was similarly precluded from exerting control or interference
over the manner by which Laudato performed her duties. On the
contrary, substantial evidence as found by the SSC and the Court of
Appeals have established the element of control determinative of an
employer-employee relationship. We affirm without hesitation.

WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED and the assailed Decision of the

Court of Appeals dated 20 November 1998 is AFFIRMED. Costs against


3 3. Management and treatment of employees that may and that he "was not dismissed but rather his contract with [PHILCOM]
necessitate hospitalization including emergency cases and ended when said contract was not renewed after December 31, 1996".
Republic of the Philippines
On De Vera’s appeal to the NLRC, the latter, in a decision8 dated 23
4. Conduct pre-employment physical check-up of prospective October 2000, reversed (the word used is "modified") that of the Labor
employees with no additional medical fee; Arbiter, on a finding that De Vera is Philcom’s "regular employee" and
accordingly directed the company to reinstate him to his former position
THIRD DIVISION without loss of seniority rights and privileges and with full backwages
5. Conduct home visits whenever necessary;
from the date of his dismissal until actual reinstatement. We quote the
G.R. No. 157214 June 7, 2005 dispositive portion of the decision:
6. Attend to certain medical administrative function such as
accomplishing medical forms, evaluating conditions of
PHILIPPINE GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS, INC., petitioner, WHEREFORE, the assailed decision is modified in that respondent is
employees applying for sick leave of absence and
vs. ordered to reinstate complainant to his former position without loss of
subsequently issuing proper certification, and all matters
RICARDO DE VERA, respondent. seniority rights and privileges with full backwages from the date of his
referred which are medical in nature.
dismissal until his actual reinstatement computed as follows:

DECISION The parties agreed and formalized respondent’s proposal in a document

denominated as RETAINERSHIP CONTRACT4 which will be for a Backwages:
GARCIA, J.: period of one year subject to renewal, it being made clear therein that
respondent will cover "the retainership the Company previously had with a) Basic Salary
Dr. K. Eulau" and that respondent’s "retainer fee" will be at P4,000.00 a From Dec. 31, 1996 to Apr. 10, 2000 =
Before us is this appeal by way of a petition for review on certiorari from month. Said contract was renewed yearly.5 The retainership arrangement 39.33 mos.
the 12 September 2002 Decision1 and the 13 February 2003 went on from 1981 to 1994 with changes in the retainer’s fee. However, P44,400.00 x 39.33 mos. P1,750,185.00
Resolution2 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 65178, upholding for the years 1995 and 1996, renewal of the contract was only made
the finding of illegal dismissal by the National Labor Relations verbally. 13th Month Pay:
Commission against petitioner. b) 145,848.75
1/12 of P1,750,185.00
The turning point in the parties’ relationship surfaced in December 1996
As culled from the records, the pertinent facts are: Travelling allowance:
when Philcom, thru a letter6 bearing on the subject boldly written as c) 39,330.00
P1,000.00 x 39.33 mos.
Petitioner Philippine Global Communications, Inc. (PhilCom), is a decision to discontinue the latter’s "retainer’s contract with the Company
corporation engaged in the business of communication services and effective at the close of business hours of December 31, 1996" because GRAND TOTAL P1,935,363.75
allied activities, while respondent Ricardo De Vera is a physician by management has decided that it would be more practical to provide
profession whom petitioner enlisted to attend to the medical needs of its medical services to its employees through accredited hospitals near the
employees. At the crux of the controversy is Dr. De Vera’s status vis a company premises. The decision stands in other aspects.
vis petitioner when the latter terminated his engagement.
On 22 January 1997, De Vera filed a complaint for illegal dismissal SO ORDERED.
It appears that on 15 May 1981, De Vera, via a letter dated 15 May before the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC), alleging that
1981,3 offered his services to the petitioner, therein proposing his plan of that he had been actually employed by Philcom as its company physician
since 1981 and was dismissed without due process. He averred that he With its motion for reconsideration having been denied by the NLRC in
works required of a practitioner in industrial medicine, to include the
was designated as a "company physician on retainer basis" for reasons its order of 27 February 2001,9 Philcom then went to the Court of
allegedly known only to Philcom. He likewise professed that since he was Appeals on a petition for certiorari, thereat docketed as CA-G.R. SP No.
not conversant with labor laws, he did not give much attention to the 65178, imputing grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess
1. Application of preventive medicine including periodic check- designation as anyway he worked on a full-time basis and was paid a of jurisdiction on the part of the NLRC when it reversed the findings of
up of employees; basic monthly salary plus fringe benefits, like any other regular the labor arbiter and awarded thirteenth month pay and traveling
employees of Philcom. allowance to De Vera even as such award had no basis in fact and in
2. Holding of clinic hours in the morning and afternoon for a law.
total of five (5) hours daily for consultation services to On 21 December 1998, Labor Arbiter Ramon Valentin C. Reyes came out
employees; with a decision7 dismissing De Vera’s complaint for lack of merit, on the On 12 September 2002, the Court of Appeals rendered a
rationale that as a "retained physician" under a valid contract mutually decision,10 modifying that of the NLRC by deleting the award of traveling
agreed upon by the parties, De Vera was an "independent contractor"
allowance, and ordering payment of separation pay to De Vera in lieu of As we see it, the parties’ respective submissions revolve on the 3. Management and treatment of employees that
reinstatement, thus: primordial issue of whether an employer-employee relationship exists may necessitate hospitalization including emergency
between petitioner and respondent, the existence of which is, in itself, a cases and accidents;
question of fact13 well within the province of the NLRC. Nonetheless,
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the assailed judgment of public
given the reality that the NLRC’s findings are at odds with those of the
respondent, dated 23 October 2000, isMODIFIED. The award of 4. Conduct pre-employment physical check-up of
labor arbiter, the Court, consistent with its ruling in Jimenez vs. National
traveling allowance is deleted as the same is hereby DELETED. Instead prospective employees with no additional medical
Labor Relations Commission,14 is constrained to look deeper into the
of reinstatement, private respondent shall be paid separation pay fee;
attendant circumstances obtaining in this case, as appearing on record.
computed at one (1) month salary for every year of service computed
from the time private respondent commenced his employment in 1981
5. Conduct home visits whenever necessary;
up to the actual payment of the backwages and separation pay. The In a long line of decisions,15 the Court, in determining the existence of
awards of backwages and 13th month pay STAND. an employer-employee relationship, has invariably adhered to the four-
fold test, to wit: [1] the selection and engagement of the employee; [2] 6. Attend to certain medical administrative functions
the payment of wages; [3] the power of dismissal; and [4] the power to such as accomplishing medical forms, evaluating
control the employee’s conduct, or the so-called "control test", conditions of employees applying for sick leave of
considered to be the most important element. absence and subsequently issuing proper
In time, Philcom filed a motion for reconsideration but was denied by the certification, and all matters referred which are
appellate court in its resolution of 13 February 2003.11 medical in nature.
Applying the four-fold test to this case, we initially find that it was
respondent himself who sets the parameters of what his duties would be
Hence, Philcom’s present recourse on its main submission that - in offering his services to petitioner. This is borne by no less than his 15 On the subject of compensation for the services that I propose to render
May 1981 letter16 which, in full, reads: to the corporation, you may state an offer based on your belief that I
can very well qualify for the job having worked with your organization
for sometime now.
ACCORD WITH THE FACTS AND APPLICABLE LAWS AND I shall be very grateful for whatever kind attention you may extend on
Mrs. Adela L. Vicente
JURISPRUDENCE WHICH DISTINGUISH LEGITIMATE JOB this matter and hoping that it will merit acceptance, I remain
Vice President, Industrial Relations
PhilCom, Paseo de Roxas
Makati, Metro Manila Very truly yours,

Madam: (signed)
Under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, only questions of law may be
I shall have the time and effort for the position of Company physician
reviewed by this Court in decisions rendered by the Court of Appeals.
with your corporation if you deemed it necessary. I have the necessary Significantly, the foregoing letter was substantially the basis of the labor
There are instances, however, where the Court departs from this rule
qualifications, training and experience required by such position and I arbiter’s finding that there existed no employer-employee relationship
and reviews findings of fact so that substantial justice may be served.
am confident that I can serve the best interests of your employees, between petitioner and respondent, in addition to the following factual
The exceptional instances are where:
medically. settings:

"xxx xxx xxx (1) the conclusion is a finding grounded entirely on

My plan of works and targets shall cover the duties and responsibilities The fact that the complainant was not considered an employee was
speculation, surmise and conjecture; (2) the inference made is
required of a practitioner in industrial medicine which includes the recognized by the complainant himself in a signed letter to the
manifestly mistaken; (3) there is grave abuse of discretion; (4) the
following: respondent dated April 21, 1982 attached as Annex G to the
judgment is based on a misapprehension of facts; (5) the findings of fact
respondent’s Reply and Rejoinder. Quoting the pertinent portion of said
are conflicting; (6) the Court of Appeals went beyond the issues of the
case and its findings are contrary to the admissions of both appellant 1. Application of preventive medicine including
and appellees; (7) the findings of fact of the Court of Appeals are periodic check-up of employees;
contrary to those of the trial court; (8) said findings of facts are ‘To carry out your memo effectively and to provide a systematic and
conclusions without citation of specific evidence on which they are workable time schedule which will serve the best interests of both the
2. Holding of clinic hours in the morning and
based; (9) the facts set forth in the petition as well as in the petitioner’s present and absent employee, may I propose an extended two-hour
afternoon for a total of five (5) hours daily for
main and reply briefs are not disputed by the respondents; and (10) the service (1:00-3:00 P.M.) during which period I can devote ample time to
consultation services to employees;
findings of fact of the Court of Appeals are premised on the supposed both groups depending upon the urgency of the situation. I shall
absence of evidence and contradicted by the evidence on record."12

readjust my private schedule to be available for the herein proposed issues. An ordinary employee would consider the SSS payments employment shall be deemed to be regular where the employee has
extended hours, should you consider this proposal. important and thus make sure they would be paid. The complainant been engaged to perform in the usual business or trade of the employer,
never bothered to ask the respondent to remit his SSS contributions. except where the employment has been fixed for a specific project or
This clearly shows that the complainant never considered himself an undertaking the completion or termination of which has been determined
As regards compensation for the additional time and services that I shall
employee of PHILCOM and thus, respondent need not remit anything to at the time of the engagement of the employee or where the work or
render to the employees, it is dependent on your evaluation of the merit
the SSS in favor of the complainant."18 services to be performed is seasonal in nature and the employment is for
of my proposal and your confidence on my ability to carry out efficiently
the duration of the season.’
said proposal.’
Clearly, the elements of an employer-employee relationship are wanting
in this case. We may add that the records are replete with evidence ‘An employment shall be deemed to be casual if it is not covered
The tenor of this letter indicates that the complainant was proposing to
showing that respondent had to bill petitioner for his monthly by the preceding paragraph: Provided, That, any employee who
extend his time with the respondent and seeking additional
professional fees.19 It simply runs against the grain of common has rendered at least one (1) year of service, whether such is
compensation for said extension. This shows that the respondent
experience to imagine that an ordinary employee has yet to bill his continuous or broken,shall be considered a regular with respect to
PHILCOM did not have control over the schedule of the complainant as it
employer to receive his salary. the activity in which he is employed and his employment shall
[is] the complainant who is proposing his own schedule and asking to be
continue while such activity exists.’
paid for the same. This is proof that the complainant understood that his
relationship with the respondent PHILCOM was a retained physician and We note, too, that the power to terminate the parties’ relationship was
not as an employee. If he were an employee he could not negotiate as mutually vested on both. Either may terminate the arrangement at will, Parenthetically, the position of company physician, in the case of
to his hours of work. with or without cause.20 petitioner, is usually necessary and desirable because the need for
medical attention of employees cannot be foreseen, hence, it is
necessary to have a physician at hand. In fact, the importance and
The complainant is a Doctor of Medicine, and presumably, a well- Finally, remarkably absent from the parties’ arrangement is the element
desirability of a physician in a company premises is recognized by Art.
educated person. Yet, the complainant, in his position paper, is claiming of control, whereby the employer has reserved the right to control the
157 of the Labor Code, which requires the presence of a physician
that he is not conversant with the law and did not give much attention to employee not only as to the result of the work done but also as to the
depending on the number of employees and in the case at bench, in
his job title- on a ‘retainer basis’. But the same complainant admits in his means and methods by which the same is to be accomplished.21
petitioner’s case, as found by public respondent, petitioner employs
affidavit that his service for the respondent was covered by a
more than 500 employees.
retainership contract [which] was renewed every year from 1982 to
Here, petitioner had no control over the means and methods by which
1994. Upon reading the contract dated September 6, 1982, signed by
respondent went about performing his work at the company premises.
the complainant himself (Annex ‘C’ of Respondent’s Position Paper), it Going back to Art. 280 of the Labor Code, it was made therein clear that
He could even embark in the private practice of his profession, not to
clearly states that is a retainership contract. The retainer fee is indicated the provisions of a written agreement to the contrary notwithstanding or
mention the fact that respondent’s work hours and the additional
thereon and the duration of the contract for one year is also clearly the existence of a mere oral agreement, if the employee is engaged in
compensation therefor were negotiated upon by the parties.22 In fine,
indicated in paragraph 5 of the Retainership Contract. The complainant the usual business or trade of the employer, more so, that he rendered
the parties themselves practically agreed on every terms and conditions
cannot claim that he was unaware that the ‘contract’ was good only for service for at least one year, such employee shall be considered as
of respondent’s engagement, which thereby negates the element of
one year, as he signed the same without any objections. The a regular employee. Private respondent herein has been with petitioner
control in their relationship. For sure, respondent has never cited even a
complainant also accepted its renewal every year thereafter until 1994. since 1981 and his employment was not for a specific project or
single instance when petitioner interfered with his work.
As a literate person and educated person, the complainant cannot claim undertaking, the period of which was pre-determined and neither the
that he does not know what contract he signed and that it was renewed work or service of private respondent seasonal. (Emphasis by the CA
on a year to year basis.17 Yet, despite the foregoing, all of which are extant on record, both the itself).
NLRC and the Court of Appeals ruled that respondent is petitioner’s
regular employee at the time of his separation.
The labor arbiter added the indicia, not disputed by respondent, that We disagree to the foregoing ratiocination.
from the time he started to work with petitioner, he never was included
in its payroll; was never deducted any contribution for remittance to the Partly says the appellate court in its assailed decision:
The appellate court’s premise that regular employees are those who
Social Security System (SSS); and was in fact subjected by petitioner to
perform activities which are desirable and necessary for the business of
the ten (10%) percent withholding tax for his professional fee, in Be that as it may, it is admitted that private respondent’s written the employer is not determinative in this case. For, we take it that any
accordance with the National Internal Revenue Code, matters which are ‘retainer contract’ was renewed annually from 1981 to 1994 and the agreement may provide that one party shall render services for and in
simply inconsistent with an employer-employee relationship. In the alleged ‘renewal’ for 1995 and 1996, when it was allegedly terminated, behalf of another, no matter how necessary for the latter’s
precise words of the labor arbiter: was verbal. business, even without being hired as an employee. This set-up is
precisely true in the case of an independent contractorship as well as in
"xxx xxx xxx After more than ten years of services to PHILCOM, the Article 280 of the Labor code (sic) provides: an agency agreement. Indeed, Article 280 of the Labor Code, quoted by
complainant would have noticed that no SSS deductions were made on the appellate court, is not the yardstick for determining the existence of
his remuneration or that the respondent was deducting the 10% tax for an employment relationship. As it is, the provision merely distinguishes
his fees and he surely would have complained about them if he had ‘The provisions of written agreement to the contrary notwithstanding between two (2) kinds of employees, i.e., regular and casual. It does not
considered himself an employee of PHILCOM. But he never raised those and regardless of the oral agreements of the parties, an
apply where, as here, the very existence of an employment relationship certain establishments depending on the number of their employees, No pronouncement as to costs.
is in dispute.23 nothing is there in the law which says that medical practitioners so
engaged be actually hired as employees,24 adding that the law, as
written, only requires the employer "to retain", not employ, a part-time
Buttressing his contention that he is a regular employee of petitioner,
physician who needed to stay in the premises of the non-hazardous
respondent invokes Article 157 of the Labor Code, and argues that he
workplace for two (2) hours.25
satisfies all the requirements thereunder. The provision relied upon
Respondent takes no issue on the fact that petitioner’s business of
telecommunications is not hazardous in nature. As such, what applies
ART. 157. Emergency medical and dental services. – It shall be the duty
here is the last paragraph of Article 157 which, to stress, provides that
of every employer to furnish his employees in any locality with free
the employer may engage the services of a physician and dentist "on
medical and dental attendance and facilities consisting of:
retained basis", subject to such regulations as the Secretary of Labor
may prescribe. The successive "retainership" agreements of the parties
(a) The services of a full-time registered nurse when the definitely hue to the very statutory provision relied upon by respondent.
number of employees exceeds fifty (50) but not more than
two hundred (200) except when the employer does not
Deeply embedded in our jurisprudence is the rule that courts may not
maintain hazardous workplaces, in which case the services of a
construe a statute that is free from doubt. Where the law is clear and
graduate first-aider shall be provided for the protection of the
unambiguous, it must be taken to mean exactly what it says, and courts
workers, where no registered nurse is available. The Secretary
have no choice but to see to it that the mandate is obeyed.26 As it is,
of Labor shall provide by appropriate regulations the services
Article 157 of the Labor Code clearly and unequivocally allows employers
that shall be required where the number of employees does
in non-hazardous establishments to engage "on retained basis" the
not exceed fifty (50) and shall determine by appropriate order
service of a dentist or physician. Nowhere does the law provide that the
hazardous workplaces for purposes of this Article;
physician or dentist so engaged thereby becomes a regular employee.
The very phrase that they may be engaged "on retained basis", revolts
(b) The services of a full-time registered nurse, a part-time against the idea that this engagement gives rise to an employer-
physician and dentist, and an emergency clinic, when the employee relationship.
number of employees exceeds two hundred (200) but not
more than three hundred (300); and
With the recognition of the fact that petitioner consistently engaged the
services of respondent on a retainer basis, as shown by their various
(c) The services of a full-time physician, dentist and full-time "retainership contracts", so can petitioner put an end, with or without
registered nurse as well as a dental clinic, and an infirmary or cause, to their retainership agreement as therein provided.27
emergency hospital with one bed capacity for every one
hundred (100) employees when the number of employees
We note, however, that even as the contracts entered into by the parties
exceeds three hundred (300).
invariably provide for a 60-day notice requirement prior to termination,
the same was not complied with by petitioner when it terminated on 17
In cases of hazardous workplaces, no employer shall engage the services December 1996 the verbally-renewed retainership agreement, effective
of a physician or dentist who cannot stay in the premises of the at the close of business hours of 31 December 1996.
establishment for at least two (2) hours, in the case of those engaged on
part-time basis, and not less than eight (8) hours in the case of those
Be that as it may, the record shows, and this is admitted by both
employed on full-time basis. Where the undertaking is nonhazardous in
parties,28 that execution of the NLRC decision had already been made at
nature, the physician and dentist may be engaged on retained basis,
the NLRC despite the pendency of the present recourse. For sure,
subject to such regulations as the Secretary of Labor may prescribe to
accounts of petitioner had already been garnished and released to
insure immediate availability of medical and dental treatment and
respondent despite the previous Status Quo Order29 issued by this Court.
attendance in case of emergency.
To all intents and purposes, therefore, the 60-day notice requirement
has become moot and academic if not waived by the respondent himself.
Had only respondent read carefully the very statutory provision invoked
by him, he would have noticed that in non-hazardous workplaces, the
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED and the challenged decision of
employer may engage the services of a physician "on retained basis." As
the Court of Appeals REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The 21 December 1998
correctly observed by the petitioner, while it is true that the provision
decision of the labor arbiter is REINSTATED.
requires employers to engage the services of medical practitioners in
4 a) Prepare, arrange airing of commercial broadcasting based on the daily Monday – Saturday
operations log and digicart of respondent ABS-CBN;
4:30 A.M. – 8:00 A.M. – Marlene Nazareno.
Republic of the Philippines
b) Coordinate, arrange personalities for air interviews;
Manila Miss Nazareno will then be assigned at the Research Dept.
c) Coordinate, prepare schedule of reporters for scheduled news
reporting and lead-in or incoming reports;
FIRST DIVISION From 8:00 A.M. to 12:00

d) Facilitate, prepare and arrange airtime schedule for public service

G.R. No. 164156 September 26, 2006 4:30 P.M. – 12:00 MN – Jennifer Deiparine
announcement and complaints;


e) Assist, anchor program interview, etc; and
and JOSEPHINE LERASAN,respondents. f) Record, log clerical reports, man based control radio.4

1:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M. – Joy Sanchez

DECISION Their respective working hours were as follows:

Respondent Gerzon was assigned as the full-time PA of the TV News

CALLEJO, SR., J.: Name Time No. of Hours
Department reporting directly to Leo Lastimosa.

Before us is a petition for review on certiorari of the Decision1 of the 1. Marlene Nazareno 4:30 A.M.-8:00 A.M. 7 ½
On October 12, 2000, respondents filed a Complaint for Recognition of
Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 76582 and the Resolution Regular Employment Status, Underpayment of Overtime Pay, Holiday
denying the motion for reconsideration thereof. The CA affirmed the 8:00 A.M.-12:00 noon Pay, Premium Pay, Service Incentive Pay, Sick Leave Pay, and 13th
Decision2 and Resolution3 of the National Labor Relations Commission Month Pay with Damages against the petitioner before the NLRC. The
(NLRC) in NLRC Case No. V-000762-2001 (RAB Case No. VII-10-1661- Labor Arbiter directed the parties to submit their respective position
2001) which likewise affirmed, with modification, the decision of the 2. Jennifer Deiparine 4:30 A.M.-12:00M.N. (sic) 7 ½
papers. Upon respondents’ failure to file their position papers within the
Labor Arbiter declaring the respondents Marlyn Nazareno, Merlou reglementary period, Labor Arbiter Jose G. Gutierrez issued an Order
Gerzon, Jennifer Deiparine and Josephine Lerasan as regular employees. 3. Joy Sanchez 1:00 P.M.-10:00 P.M.(Sunday) 9 hrs. dated April 30, 2001, dismissing the complaint without prejudice for lack
of interest to pursue the case. Respondents received a copy of the Order
The Antecedents 9:00 A.M.-6:00 P.M. (WF) 9 hrs. on May 16, 2001.7Instead of re-filing their complaint with the NLRC
within 10 days from May 16, 2001, they filed, on June 11, 2001, an
Earnest Motion to Refile Complaint with Motion to Admit Position Paper
Petitioner ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation (ABS-CBN) is engaged in 4. Merlou Gerzon 9:00 A.M.-6:00 P.M. 9 hrs.5 and Motion to Submit Case For Resolution.8 The Labor Arbiter granted
the broadcasting business and owns a network of television and radio
this motion in an Order dated June 18, 2001, and forthwith admitted the
stations, whose operations revolve around the broadcast, transmission,
The PAs were under the control and supervision of Assistant Station position paper of the complainants. Respondents made the following
and relay of telecommunication signals. It sells and deals in or otherwise
Manager Dante J. Luzon, and News Manager Leo Lastimosa. allegations:
utilizes the airtime it generates from its radio and television operations.
It has a franchise as a broadcasting company, and was likewise issued a
license and authority to operate by the National Telecommunications On December 19, 1996, petitioner and the ABS-CBN Rank-and-File 1. Complainants were engaged by respondent ABS-CBN as regular and
Commission. Employees executed a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) to be full-time employees for a continuous period of more than five (5) years
effective during the period from December 11, 1996 to December 11, with a monthly salary rate of Four Thousand (P4,000.00) pesos
1999. However, since petitioner refused to recognize PAs as part of the beginning 1995 up until the filing of this complaint on November 20,
Petitioner employed respondents Nazareno, Gerzon, Deiparine, and
bargaining unit, respondents were not included to the CBA.6 2000.
Lerasan as production assistants (PAs) on different dates. They were
assigned at the news and public affairs, for various radio programs in the
Cebu Broadcasting Station, with a monthly compensation of P4,000. On July 20, 2000, petitioner, through Dante Luzon, issued a Machine copies of complainants’ ABS-CBN Employee’s Identification Card
They were issued ABS-CBN employees’ identification cards and were Memorandum informing the PAs that effective August 1, 2000, they and salary vouchers are hereto attached as follows, thus:
required to work for a minimum of eight hours a day, including Sundays would be assigned to non-drama programs, and that the DYAB studio
and holidays. They were made to perform the following tasks and duties: operations would be handled by the studio technician. Thus, their I. Jennifer Deiparine:
revised schedule and other assignments would be as follows:
Exhibit "A" - ABS-CBN Employee’s Identification Card IV. Joy Sanchez Lerasan 5. Sick leave;

Exhibit "B", - ABS-CBN Salary Voucher from Nov. Exhibit "F" - ABS-CBN Employee’s Identification Card 6. Holiday pay;

Exhibit "B-1" & 1999 to July 2000 at P4,000.00 Exhibit "F-1" - ABS-CBN Salary Voucher from Aug. 7. Premium pay;

Exhibit "B-2" Exhibit "F-2" & 2000 to Jan. 2001 8. Overtime pay;

Date employed: September 15, 1995 Exhibit "F-3" 9. Night shift differential.

Length of service: 5 years & nine (9) months Exhibit "F-4" - Certification dated July 6, 2000 Complainants further pray of this Arbiter to declare them regular and
permanent employees of respondent ABS-CBN as a condition precedent
for their admission into the existing union and collective bargaining unit
II. Merlou Gerzon - ABS-CBN Employee’s Identification Card Acknowledging regular status of
of respondent company where they may as such acquire or otherwise
perform their obligations thereto or enjoy the benefits due therefrom.
Exhibit "C" Complainant Joy Sanchez Lerasan
Complainants pray for such other reliefs as are just and equitable under
Exhibit "D" Signed by ABS-CBN Administrative the premises.10

Exhibit "D-1" & Officer May Kima Hife For its part, petitioner alleged in its position paper that the respondents
were PAs who basically assist in the conduct of a particular program ran
Exhibit "D-2" - ABS-CBN Salary Voucher from March Date employed: April 15, 1998 by an anchor or talent. Among their duties include monitoring and
receiving incoming calls from listeners and field reporters and calls of
news sources; generally, they perform leg work for the anchors during a
1999 to January 2001 at P4,000.00 Length of service: 3 yrs. and one (1) month9 program or a particular production. They are considered in the industry
as "program employees" in that, as distinguished from regular or station
Date employed: September 1, 1995 Respondents insisted that they belonged to a "work pool" from which employees, they are basically engaged by the station for a particular or
petitioner chose persons to be given specific assignments at its specific program broadcasted by the radio station. Petitioner asserted
discretion, and were thus under its direct supervision and control that as PAs, the complainants were issued talent information sheets
Length of service: 5 years & 10 months which are updated from time to time, and are thus made the basis to
regardless of nomenclature. They prayed that judgment be rendered in
their favor, thus: determine the programs to which they shall later be called on to assist.
III. Marlene Nazareno The program assignments of complainants were as follows:

WHEREFORE, premises considered, this Honorable Arbiter is most

Exhibit "E" - ABS-CBN Employee’s Identification Card respectfully prayed, to issue an order compelling defendants to pay a. Complainant Nazareno assists in the programs:
complainants the following:
Exhibit "E" - ABS-CBN Salary Voucher from Nov. 1) Nagbagang Balita (early morning edition)
1. One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100,000.00) each
Exhibit "E-1" & 1999 to December 2000 2) Infor Hayupan
and by way of moral damages;
Exhibit :E-2" 3) Arangkada (morning edition)
2. Minimum wage differential;
Date employed: April 17, 1996 4) Nagbagang Balita (mid-day edition)
3. Thirteenth month pay differential;
Length of service: 5 years and one (1) month b. Complainant Deiparine assists in the programs:
4. Unpaid service incentive leave benefits;
1) Unzanith
2) Serbisyo de Arevalo (a) Siesta Serenata P48,100.00

3) Arangkada (evening edition) (b) Sunday Chismisan plus ten (10%) percent Attorney’s Fees or a TOTAL aggregate amount of
4) Balitang K (local version) (c) Timbangan sa Hustisya
Respondent Veneranda C. Sy is absolved from any liability.
5) Abante Subu (d) Sayri ang Lungsod
6) Pangutana Lang (e) Haranahan 11

However, the Labor Arbiter did not award money benefits as provided in
the CBA on his belief that he had no jurisdiction to interpret and apply
c. Complainant Gerzon assists in the program: Petitioner maintained that PAs, reporters, anchors and talents
the agreement, as the same was within the jurisdiction of the Voluntary
occasionally "sideline" for other programs they produce, such as drama
Arbitrator as provided in Article 261 of the Labor Code.
talents in other productions. As program employees, a PA’s engagement
1) On Mondays and Tuesdays:
is coterminous with the completion of the program, and may be
extended/renewed provided that the program is on-going; a PA may also Respondents’ counsel received a copy of the decision on August 29,
(a) Unzanith be assigned to new programs upon the cancellation of one program and 2001. Respondent Nazareno received her copy on August 27, 2001,
the commencement of another. As such program employees, their while the other respondents received theirs on September 8, 2001.
(b) Serbisyo de Arevalo compensation is computed on a program basis, a fixed amount for Respondents signed and filed their Appeal Memorandum on September
performance services irrespective of the time consumed. At any rate, 18, 2001.
petitioner claimed, as the payroll will show, respondents were paid all
(c) Arangkada (evening edition) salaries and benefits due them under the law.12
For its part, petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration, which the Labor
Arbiter denied and considered as an appeal, conformably with Section 5,
(d) Balitang K (local version) Petitioner also alleged that the Labor Arbiter had no jurisdiction to Rule V, of the NLRC Rules of Procedure. Petitioner forthwith appealed
involve the CBA and interpret the same, especially since respondents the decision to the NLRC, while respondents filed a partial appeal.
(e) Abante Sugbu were not covered by the bargaining unit.
In its appeal, petitioner alleged the following:
(f) Pangutana Lang On July 30, 2001, the Labor Arbiter rendered judgment in favor of the
respondents, and declared that they were regular employees of
1. That the Labor Arbiter erred in reviving or re-opening this case which
petitioner; as such, they were awarded monetary benefits. The fallo of
2) On Thursdays had long been dismissed without prejudice for more than thirty (30)
the decision reads:
calendar days;

Nagbagang Balita WHEREFORE, the foregoing premises considered, judgment is hereby

2. That the Labor Arbiter erred in depriving the respondent of its
rendered declaring the complainants regular employees of the
Constitutional right to due process of law;
3) On Saturdays respondent ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation and directing the same
respondent to pay complainants as follows:
3. That the Labor Arbiter erred in denying respondent’s Motion for
(a) Nagbagang Balita Reconsideration on an interlocutory order on the ground that the same is
I - Merlou A. Gerzon P12,025.00
a prohibited pleading;
(b) Info Hayupan
II - Marlyn Nazareno 12,025.00
4. That the Labor Arbiter erred when he ruled that the complainants are
(c) Arangkada (morning edition) regular employees of the respondent;
III - Jennifer Deiparine 12,025.00
(d) Nagbagang Balita (mid-day edition) 5. That the Labor Arbiter erred when he ruled that the complainants are
IV - Josephine Sanchez Lerazan 12,025.00 entitled to 13th month pay, service incentive leave pay and salary
differential; and
4) On Sundays:

6. That the Labor Arbiter erred when he ruled that complainants are The NLRC declared that the Labor Arbiter acted conformably with the petitioner and not just its project employees. Moreover, the CA added,
entitled to attorney’s fees.14 Labor Code when it granted respondents’ motion to refile the complaint the award of benefits accorded to rank-and-file employees under the
and admit their position paper. Although respondents were not parties to 1996-1999 CBA is a necessary consequence of the NLRC ruling that
the CBA between petitioner and the ABS-CBN Rank-and-File Employees respondents, as PAs, are regular employees.
On November 14, 2002, the NLRC rendered judgment modifying the
Union, the NLRC nevertheless granted and computed respondents’
decision of the Labor Arbiter. The fallo of the decision reads:
monetary benefits based on the 1999 CBA, which was effective until
Finding no merit in petitioner’s motion for reconsideration, the CA denied
September 2002. The NLRC also ruled that the Labor Arbiter had
the same in a Resolution17 dated June 16, 2004.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the decision of Labor Arbiter Jose G. jurisdiction over the complaint of respondents because they acted in
Gutierrez dated 30 July 2001 is SET ASIDE and VACATED and a new one their individual capacities and not as members of the union. Their claim
is entered ORDERING respondent ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation, as for monetary benefits was within the context of Article 217(6) of the Petitioner thus filed the instant petition for review on certiorari and raises
follows: Labor Code. The validity of respondents’ claim does not depend upon the the following assignments of error:
interpretation of the CBA.
1. To pay complainants of their wage differentials and other benefits 1. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS ACTED WITHOUT
arising from the CBA as of 30 September 2002 in the aggregate amount The NLRC ruled that respondents were entitled to the benefits under the JURISDICTION AND GRAVELY ERRED IN UPHOLDING THE NATIONAL
of Two Million Five Hundred, Sixty-One Thousand Nine Hundred Forty- CBA because they were regular employees who contributed to the profits LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION NOTWITHSTANDING THE PATENT
Eight Pesos and 22/100 (P2,561,948.22), broken down as follows: of petitioner through their labor. The NLRC cited the ruling of this Court NULLITY OF THE LATTER’S DECISION AND RESOLUTION.
in New Pacific Timber & Supply Company v. National Labor Relations
a. Deiparine, Jennifer - P 716,113.49 Commission.16 2. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN
Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration, which the NLRC denied. REGULAR EMPLOYEES.
b. Gerzon, Merlou - 716,113.49

Petitioner thus filed a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of 3. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN
c. Nazareno, Marlyn - 716,113.49
Court before the CA, raising both procedural and substantive issues, as AFFIRMING THE RULING OF THE NLRC AWARDING CBA BENEFITS TO
follows: (a) whether the NLRC acted without jurisdiction in admitting the RESPONDENTS.18
d. Lerazan, Josephine Sanchez - 413,607.75 appeal of respondents; (b) whether the NLRC committed palpable error
in scrutinizing the reopening and revival of the complaint of respondents Considering that the assignments of error are interrelated, the Court
Total - P 2,561,948.22 with the Labor Arbiter upon due notice despite the lapse of 10 days from shall resolve them simultaneously.
their receipt of the July 30, 2001 Order of the Labor Arbiter; (c) whether
respondents were regular employees; (d) whether the NLRC acted
2. To deliver to the complainants Two Hundred Thirty-Three (233) sacks without jurisdiction in entertaining and resolving the claim of the Petitioner asserts that the appellate court committed palpable and
of rice as of 30 September 2002 representing their rice subsidy in the respondents under the CBA instead of referring the same to the serious error of law when it affirmed the rulings of the NLRC, and
CBA, broken down as follows: Voluntary Arbitrators as provided in the CBA; and (e) whether the NLRC entertained respondents’ appeal from the decision of the Labor Arbiter
acted with grave abuse of discretion when it awarded monetary benefits despite the admitted lapse of the reglementary period within which to
a. Deiparine, Jennifer - 60 Sacks to respondents under the CBA although they are not members of the perfect the same. Petitioner likewise maintains that the 10-day period to
appropriate bargaining unit. appeal must be reckoned from receipt of a party’s counsel, not from the
time the party learns of the decision, that is, notice to counsel is notice
b. Gerzon, Merlou - 60 Sacks to party and not the other way around. Finally, petitioner argues that the
On February 10, 2004, the CA rendered judgment dismissing the reopening of a complaint which the Labor Arbiter has dismissed without
petition. It held that the perfection of an appeal shall be upon the prejudice is a clear violation of Section 1, Rule V of the NLRC Rules; such
c. Nazareno, Marlyn - 60 Sacks expiration of the last day to appeal by all parties, should there be several order of dismissal had already attained finality and can no longer be set
parties to a case. Since respondents received their copies of the decision aside.
d. Lerazan, Josephine Sanchez - 53 Sacks on September 8, 2001 (except respondent Nazareno who received her
copy of the decision on August 27, 2001), they had until September 18,
2001 within which to file their Appeal Memorandum. Moreover, the CA Respondents, on the other hand, allege that their late appeal is a non-
Total 233 Sacks; and issue because it was petitioner’s own timely appeal that empowered the
declared that respondents’ failure to submit their position paper on time
is not a ground to strike out the paper from the records, much less NLRC to reopen the case. They assert that although the appeal was filed
3. To grant to the complainants all the benefits of the CBA after 30 dismiss a complaint. 10 days late, it may still be given due course in the interest of substantial
September 2002. justice as an exception to the general rule that the negligence of a
counsel binds the client. On the issue of the late filing of their position
Anent the substantive issues, the appellate court stated that respondents paper, they maintain that this is not a ground to strike it out from the
SO ORDERED.15 are not mere project employees, but regular employees who perform records or dismiss the complaint.
tasks necessary and desirable in the usual trade and business of
We find no merit in the petition. file a Reply thereto. In fact, petitioner filed its position paper on April 2, interest of due process. Indeed, the failure to submit a position paper on
2001. It must be stressed that Article 280 of the Labor Code was time is not a ground for striking out the paper from the records, much
encoded in our statute books to hinder the circumvention by less for dismissing a complaint in the case of the complainant.
We agree with petitioner’s contention that the perfection of an appeal
unscrupulous employers of the employees’ right to security of tenure by (University of Immaculate Conception vs. UIC Teaching and Non-
within the statutory or reglementary period is not only mandatory, but
indiscriminately and absolutely ruling out all written and oral agreements Teaching Personnel Employees, G.R. No. 144702, July 31, 2001).
also jurisdictional; failure to do so renders the assailed decision final and
inharmonious with the concept of regular employment defined therein.28
executory and deprives the appellate court or body of the legal authority
to alter the final judgment, much less entertain the appeal. However, "In admitting the respondents’ position paper albeit late, the Labor
this Court has time and again ruled that in exceptional cases, a belated We quote with approval the following pronouncement of the NLRC: Arbiter acted within her discretion. In fact, she is enjoined by law to use
appeal may be given due course if greater injustice may occur if an every reasonable means to ascertain the facts in each case speedily and
appeal is not given due course than if the reglementary period to appeal objectively, without technicalities of law or procedure, all in the interest
The complainants, on the other hand, contend that respondents assailed
were strictly followed.19 The Court resorted to this extraordinary measure of due process". (Panlilio vs. NLRC, 281 SCRA 53).
the Labor Arbiter’s order dated 18 June 2001 as violative of the NLRC
even at the expense of sacrificing order and efficiency if only to serve
Rules of Procedure and as such is violative of their right to procedural
the greater principles of substantial justice and equity.20
due process. That while suggesting that an Order be instead issued by The respondents were given by the Labor Arbiter the opportunity to
the Labor Arbiter for complainants to refile this case, respondents submit position paper. In fact, the respondents had filed their position
In the case at bar, the NLRC did not commit a grave abuse of its impliedly submit that there is not any substantial damage or prejudice paper on 2 April 2001. What is material in the compliance of due process
discretion in giving Article 22321 of the Labor Code a liberal application to upon the refiling, even so, respondents’ suggestion acknowledges is the fact that the parties are given the opportunities to submit position
prevent the miscarriage of justice. Technicality should not be allowed to complainants right to prosecute this case, albeit with the burden of papers.
stand in the way of equitably and completely resolving the rights and repeating the same procedure, thus, entailing additional time, efforts,
obligations of the parties.22 We have held in a catena of cases that litigation cost and precious time for the Arbiter to repeat the same
"Due process requirements are satisfied where the parties are given the
technical rules are not binding in labor cases and are not to be applied process twice. Respondent’s suggestion, betrays its notion of prolonging,
opportunities to submit position papers". (Laurence vs. NLRC, 205 SCRA
strictly if the result would be detrimental to the workingman.23 rather than promoting the early resolution of the case.

Admittedly, respondents failed to perfect their appeal from the decision Although the Labor Arbiter in his Order dated 18 June 2001 which
Thus, the respondent was not deprived of its Constitutional right to due
of the Labor Arbiter within the reglementary period therefor. However, revived and re-opened the dismissed case without prejudice beyond the
process of law.29
petitioner perfected its appeal within the period, and since petitioner had ten (10) day reglementary period had inadvertently failed to follow
filed a timely appeal, the NLRC acquired jurisdiction over the case to give Section 16, Rule V, Rules Procedure of the NLRC which states:
due course to its appeal and render the decision of November 14, 2002. We reject, as barren of factual basis, petitioner’s contention that
Case law is that the party who failed to appeal from the decision of the respondents are considered as its talents, hence, not regular employees
"A party may file a motion to revive or re-open a case dismissed without
Labor Arbiter to the NLRC can still participate in a separate appeal timely of the broadcasting company. Petitioner’s claim that the functions
prejudice within ten (10) calendar days from receipt of notice of the
filed by the adverse party as the situation is considered to be of greater performed by the respondents are not at all necessary, desirable, or
order dismissing the same; otherwise, his only remedy shall be to re-file
benefit to both parties.24 even vital to its trade or business is belied by the evidence on record.
the case in the arbitration branch of origin."

We find no merit in petitioner’s contention that the Labor Arbiter abused Case law is that this Court has always accorded respect and finality to
the same is not a serious flaw that had prejudiced the respondents’ right
his discretion when he admitted respondents’ position paper which had the findings of fact of the CA, particularly if they coincide with those of
to due process. The case can still be refiled because it has not yet
been belatedly filed. It bears stressing that the Labor Arbiter is the Labor Arbiter and the National Labor Relations Commission, when
prescribed. Anyway, Article 221 of the Labor Code provides:
mandated by law to use every reasonable means to ascertain the facts in supported by substantial evidence.30 The question of whether
each case speedily and objectively, without technicalities of law or respondents are regular or project employees or independent contractors
procedure, all in the interest of due process.25 Indeed, as stressed by the "In any proceedings before the Commission or any of the Labor Arbiters, is essentially factual in nature; nonetheless, the Court is constrained to
appellate court, respondents’ failure to submit a position paper on time is the rules of evidence prevailing in courts of law or equity shall not be resolve it due to its tremendous effects to the legions of production
not a ground for striking out the paper from the records, much less for controlling and it is the spirit and intention of this Code that the assistants working in the Philippine broadcasting industry.
dismissing a complaint.26 Likewise, there is simply no truth to petitioner’s Commission and its members and the Labor Arbiters shall use every and
assertion that it was denied due process when the Labor Arbiter all reasonable means to ascertain the facts in each case speedily and
We agree with respondents’ contention that where a person has
admitted respondents’ position paper without requiring it to file a objectively and without regard to technicalities of law or procedure, all in
rendered at least one year of service, regardless of the nature of the
comment before admitting said position paper. The essence of due the interest of due process."
activity performed, or where the work is continuous or intermittent, the
process in administrative proceedings is simply an opportunity to explain employment is considered regular as long as the activity exists, the
one’s side or an opportunity to seek reconsideration of the action or The admission by the Labor Arbiter of the complainants’ Position Paper reason being that a customary appointment is not indispensable before
ruling complained of. Obviously, there is nothing in the records that and Supplemental Manifestation which were belatedly filed just only one may be formally declared as having attained regular status. Article
would suggest that petitioner had absolute lack of opportunity to be shows that he acted within his discretion as he is enjoined by law to use 280 of the Labor Code provides:
heard.27 Petitioner had the right to file a motion for reconsideration of every reasonable means to ascertain the facts in each case speedily and
the Labor Arbiter’s admission of respondents’ position paper, and even objectively, without regard to technicalities of law or procedure, all in the
ART. 280. REGULAR AND CASUAL EMPLOYMENT.—The provisions of of such person is also then deemed to be regular with respect to such undertaking that is not within the regular business of the employer. Such
written agreement to the contrary notwithstanding and regardless of the activity and while such activity exists.34 a job or undertaking must also be identifiably separate and distinct from
oral agreement of the parties, an employment shall be deemed to be the ordinary or regular business operations of the employer. The job or
regular where the employee has been engaged to perform activities undertaking also begins and ends at determined or determinable times.38
Not considered regular employees are "project employees," the
which are usually necessary or desirable in the usual business or trade of
completion or termination of which is more or less determinable at the
the employer except where the employment has been fixed for a specific
time of employment, such as those employed in connection with a The principal test is whether or not the project employees were assigned
project or undertaking the completion or termination of which has been
particular construction project, and "seasonal employees" whose to carry out a specific project or undertaking, the duration and scope of
determined at the time of the engagement of the employee or where the
employment by its nature is only desirable for a limited period of time. which were specified at the time the employees were engaged for that
work or services to be performed is seasonal in nature and the
Even then, any employee who has rendered at least one year of service, project.39
employment is for the duration of the season.
whether continuous or intermittent, is deemed regular with respect to
the activity performed and while such activity actually exists.
In this case, it is undisputed that respondents had continuously
In Universal Robina Corporation v. Catapang,31 the Court reiterated the
performed the same activities for an average of five years. Their
test in determining whether one is a regular employee:
It is of no moment that petitioner hired respondents as "talents." The assigned tasks are necessary or desirable in the usual business or trade
fact that respondents received pre-agreed "talent fees" instead of of the petitioner. The persisting need for their services is sufficient
The primary standard, therefore, of determining regular employment is salaries, that they did not observe the required office hours, and that evidence of the necessity and indispensability of such services to
the reasonable connection between the particular activity performed by they were permitted to join other productions during their free time are petitioner’s business or trade.40 While length of time may not be a sole
the employee in relation to the usual trade or business of the employer. not conclusive of the nature of their employment. Respondents cannot controlling test for project employment, it can be a strong factor to
The test is whether the former is usually necessary or desirable in the be considered "talents" because they are not actors or actresses or radio determine whether the employee was hired for a specific undertaking or
usual business or trade of the employer. The connection can be specialists or mere clerks or utility employees. They are regular in fact tasked to perform functions which are vital, necessary and
determined by considering the nature of work performed and its relation employees who perform several different duties under the control and indispensable to the usual trade or business of the employer.41We note
to the scheme of the particular business or trade in its entirety. Also, if direction of ABS-CBN executives and supervisors. further that petitioner did not report the termination of respondents’
the employee has been performing the job for at least a year, even if the employment in the particular "project" to the Department of Labor and
performance is not continuous and merely intermittent, the law deems Employment Regional Office having jurisdiction over the workplace
Thus, there are two kinds of regular employees under the law: (1) those
repeated and continuing need for its performance as sufficient evidence within 30 days following the date of their separation from work, using
engaged to perform activities which are necessary or desirable in the
of the necessity if not indispensability of that activity to the business. the prescribed form on employees’ termination/
usual business or trade of the employer; and (2) those casual employees
Hence, the employment is considered regular, but only with respect to dismissals/suspensions.42
who have rendered at least one year of service, whether continuous or
such activity and while such activity exists.32
broken, with respect to the activities in which they are employed.35
As gleaned from the records of this case, petitioner itself is not certain
As elaborated by this Court in Magsalin v. National Organization of how to categorize respondents. In its earlier pleadings, petitioner
The law overrides such conditions which are prejudicial to the interest of
Working Men:33 classified respondents as program employees, and in later pleadings,
the worker whose weak bargaining situation necessitates the succor of
independent contractors. Program employees, or project employees, are
the State. What determines whether a certain employment is regular or
different from independent contractors because in the case of the latter,
Even while the language of law might have been more definitive, the otherwise is not the will or word of the employer, to which the worker
no employer-employee relationship exists.
clarity of its spirit and intent, i.e., to ensure a "regular" worker’s security oftentimes acquiesces, much less the procedure of hiring the employee
of tenure, however, can hardly be doubted. In determining whether an or the manner of paying the salary or the actual time spent at work. It is
employment should be considered regular or non-regular, the applicable the character of the activities performed in relation to the particular Petitioner’s reliance on the ruling of this Court in Sonza v. ABS-CBN
test is the reasonable connection between the particular activity trade or business taking into account all the circumstances, and in some Broadcasting Corporation43 is misplaced. In that case, the Court
performed by the employee in relation to the usual business or trade of cases the length of time of its performance and its continued explained why Jose Sonza, a well-known television and radio personality,
the employer. The standard, supplied by the law itself, is whether the existence.36 It is obvious that one year after they were employed by was an independent contractor and not a regular employee:
work undertaken is necessary or desirable in the usual business or trade petitioner, respondents became regular employees by operation of law.37
of the employer, a fact that can be assessed by looking into the nature
A. Selection and Engagement of Employee
of the services rendered and its relation to the general scheme under
Additionally, respondents cannot be considered as project or program
which the business or trade is pursued in the usual course. It is
employees because no evidence was presented to show that the
distinguished from a specific undertaking that is divorced from the ABS-CBN engaged SONZA’S services to co-host its television and radio
duration and scope of the project were determined or specified at the
normal activities required in carrying on the particular business or trade. programs because of SONZA’S peculiar skills, talent and celebrity status.
time of their engagement. Under existing jurisprudence, project could
But, although the work to be performed is only for a specific project or SONZA contends that the "discretion used by respondent in specifically
refer to two distinguishable types of activities. First, a project may refer
seasonal, where a person thus engaged has been performing the job for selecting and hiring complainant over other broadcasters of possibly
to a particular job or undertaking that is within the regular or usual
at least one year, even if the performance is not continuous or is merely similar experience and qualification as complainant belies respondent’s
business of the employer, but which is distinct and separate, and
intermittent, the law deems the repeated and continuing need for its claim of independent contractorship."
identifiable as such, from the other undertakings of the company. Such
performance as being sufficient to indicate the necessity or desirability of
job or undertaking begins and ends at determined or determinable
that activity to the business or trade of the employer. The employment
times. Second, the term project may also refer to a particular job or
Independent contractors often present themselves to possess unique In the case at bar, however, the employer-employee relationship As earlier stated, it is not the will or word of the employer which
skills, expertise or talent to distinguish them from ordinary employees. between petitioner and respondents has been proven. determines the nature of employment of an employee but the nature of
The specific selection and hiring of SONZA, because of his unique skills, the activities performed by such employee in relation to the particular
talent and celebrity status not possessed by ordinary employees, is a business or trade of the employer. Considering that We have clearly
First. In the selection and engagement of respondents, no peculiar or
circumstance indicative, but not conclusive, of an independent found that private respondents are regular employees of petitioner, their
unique skill, talent or celebrity status was required from them because
contractual relationship. If SONZA did not possess such unique skills, exclusion from the said CBA on the misplaced belief of the parties to the
they were merely hired through petitioner’s personnel department just
talent and celebrity status, ABS-CBN would not have entered into the said agreement that they are project employees, is therefore not proper.
like any ordinary employee.
Agreement with SONZA but would have hired him through its personnel Finding said private respondents as regular employees and not as mere
department just like any other employee. project employees, they must be accorded the benefits due under the
Second. The so-called "talent fees" of respondents correspond to wages said Collective Bargaining Agreement.
given as a result of an employer-employee relationship. Respondents did
In any event, the method of selecting and engaging SONZA does not
not have the power to bargain for huge talent fees, a circumstance
conclusively determine his status. We must consider all the A collective bargaining agreement is a contract entered into by the union
negating independent contractual relationship.
circumstances of the relationship, with the control test being the most representing the employees and the employer. However, even the non-
important element. member employees are entitled to the benefits of the contract. To
Third. Petitioner could always discharge respondents should it find their accord its benefits only to members of the union without any valid
work unsatisfactory, and respondents are highly dependent on the reason would constitute undue discrimination against non-members. A
B. Payment of Wages
petitioner for continued work. collective bargaining agreement is binding on all employees of the
company. Therefore, whatever benefits are given to the other employees
ABS-CBN directly paid SONZA his monthly talent fees with no part of his of ABS-CBN must likewise be accorded to private respondents who were
Fourth. The degree of control and supervision exercised by petitioner
fees going to MJMDC. SONZA asserts that this mode of fee payment regular employees of petitioner.48
over respondents through its supervisors negates the allegation that
shows that he was an employee of ABS-CBN. SONZA also points out that
respondents are independent contractors.
ABS-CBN granted him benefits and privileges "which he would not have
Besides, only talent-artists were excluded from the CBA and not
enjoyed if he were truly the subject of a valid job contract."
The presumption is that when the work done is an integral part of the production assistants who are regular employees of the respondents.
regular business of the employer and when the worker, relative to the Moreover, under Article 1702 of the New Civil Code: "In case of doubt,
All the talent fees and benefits paid to SONZA were the result of all labor legislation and all labor contracts shall be construed in favor of
employer, does not furnish an independent business or professional
negotiations that led to the Agreement. If SONZA were ABS-CBN’s the safety and decent living of the laborer."
service, such work is a regular employment of such employee and not an
employee, there would be no need for the parties to stipulate on benefits
independent contractor.45 The Court will peruse beyond any such
such as "SSS, Medicare, x x x and 13th month pay which the law
agreement to examine the facts that typify the parties’ actual IN LIGHT OF ALL THE FOREGOING, the petition is DENIED for lack of
automatically incorporates into every employer-employee contract.
relationship.46 merit. The assailed Decision and Resolution of the Court of Appeals in
Whatever benefits SONZA enjoyed arose from contract and not because
CA-G.R. SP No. 76582 are AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner.
of an employer-employee relationship.
It follows then that respondents are entitled to the benefits provided for
in the existing CBA between petitioner and its rank-and-file employees. SO ORDERED.
SONZA’s talent fees, amounting to P317,000 monthly in the second and
As regular employees, respondents are entitled to the benefits granted
third year, are so huge and out of the ordinary that they indicate more
to all other regular employees of petitioner under the CBA.47 We quote
an independent contractual relationship rather than an employer-
with approval the ruling of the appellate court, that the reason why
employee relationship. ABS-CBN agreed to pay SONZA such huge talent
production assistants were excluded from the CBA is precisely because
fees precisely because of SONZA’S unique skills, talent and celebrity
they were erroneously classified and treated as project employees by
status not possessed by ordinary employees. Obviously, SONZA acting
alone possessed enough bargaining power to demand and receive such
huge talent fees for his services. The power to bargain talent fees way
above the salary scales of ordinary employees is a circumstance x x x The award in favor of private respondents of the benefits accorded
indicative, but not conclusive, of an independent contractual relationship. to rank-and-file employees of ABS-CBN under the 1996-1999 CBA is a
necessary consequence of public respondent’s ruling that private
respondents as production assistants of petitioner are regular
The payment of talent fees directly to SONZA and not to MJMDC does
employees. The monetary award is not considered as claims involving
not negate the status of SONZA as an independent contractor. The
the interpretation or implementation of the collective bargaining
parties expressly agreed on such mode of payment. Under the
agreement. The reason why production assistants were excluded from
Agreement, MJMDC is the AGENT of SONZA, to whom MJMDC would
the said agreement is precisely because they were classified and treated
have to turn over any talent fee accruing under the Agreement.44
as project employees by petitioner.

5 In 1996, petitioner was designated Acting Manager. The corporation also engaged through a Board Resolution designating her as technical
hired Gerry Nino as accountant in lieu of petitioner. As Acting Manager, consultant. The money received by petitioner from the corporation was
petitioner was assigned to handle recruitment of all employees and her professional fee subject to the 10% expanded withholding tax on
Republic of the Philippines perform management administration functions; represent the company professionals, and that she was not one of those reported to the BIR or
SUPREME COURT in all dealings with government agencies, especially with the Bureau of SSS as one of the company’s employees. 12
Manila Internal Revenue (BIR), Social Security System (SSS) and in the city
government of Makati; and to administer all other matters pertaining to
Petitioner’s designation as technical consultant depended solely upon the
FIRST DIVISION the operation of Kasei Restaurant which is owned and operated by Kasei
will of management. As such, her consultancy may be terminated any
Corporation. 7
time considering that her services were only temporary in nature and
G.R. No. 170087 August 31, 2006 dependent on the needs of the corporation.
For five years, petitioner performed the duties of Acting Manager. As of
December 31, 2000 her salary was P27,500.00 plus P3,000.00 housing
ANGELINA FRANCISCO, Petitioner, To prove that petitioner was not an employee of the corporation, private
allowance and a 10% share in the profit of Kasei Corporation. 8
vs. respondents submitted a list of employees for the years 1999 and 2000
NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION, KASEI duly received by the BIR showing that petitioner was not among the
CORPORATION, SEIICHIRO TAKAHASHI, TIMOTEO ACEDO, In January 2001, petitioner was replaced by Liza R. Fuentes as Manager. employees reported to the BIR, as well as a list of payees subject to
DELFIN LIZA, IRENE BALLESTEROS, TRINIDAD LIZA and Petitioner alleged that she was required to sign a prepared resolution for expanded withholding tax which included petitioner. SSS records were
RAMON ESCUETA,Respondents. her replacement but she was assured that she would still be connected also submitted showing that petitioner’s latest employer was Seiji
with Kasei Corporation. Timoteo Acedo, the designated Treasurer, Corporation. 13
convened a meeting of all employees of Kasei Corporation and
DECISION announced that nothing had changed and that petitioner was still
The Labor Arbiter found that petitioner was illegally dismissed, thus:
connected with Kasei Corporation as Technical Assistant to Seiji Kamura
YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.: and in charge of all BIR matters. 9
WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered as
This petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court Thereafter, Kasei Corporation reduced her salary by P2,500.00 a month
seeks to annul and set aside the Decision and Resolution of the Court of beginning January up to September 2001 for a total reduction of
Appeals dated October 29, 2004 1 and October 7, 2005, 2 respectively, in P22,500.00 as of September 2001. Petitioner was not paid her mid-year 1. finding complainant an employee of respondent corporation;
CA-G.R. SP No. 78515 dismissing the complaint for constructive dismissal bonus allegedly because the company was not earning well. On October
filed by herein petitioner Angelina Francisco. The appellate court 2001, petitioner did not receive her salary from the company. She made 2. declaring complainant’s dismissal as illegal;
reversed and set aside the Decision of the National Labor Relations repeated follow-ups with the company cashier but she was advised that
Commission (NLRC) dated April 15, 2003, 3 in NLRC NCR CA No. 032766- the company was not earning well. 10
3. ordering respondents to reinstate complainant to her former position
02 which affirmed with modification the decision of the Labor Arbiter
without loss of seniority rights and jointly and severally pay complainant
dated July 31, 2002, 4 in NLRC-NCR Case No. 30-10-0-489-01, finding On October 15, 2001, petitioner asked for her salary from Acedo and the her money claims in accordance with the following computation:
that private respondents were liable for constructive dismissal. rest of the officers but she was informed that she is no longer connected
with the company. 11
a. Backwages 10/2001 – 07/2002 275,000.00
In 1995, petitioner was hired by Kasei Corporation during its
incorporation stage. She was designated as Accountant and Corporate Since she was no longer paid her salary, petitioner did not report for
Secretary and was assigned to handle all the accounting needs of the work and filed an action for constructive dismissal before the labor (27,500 x 10 mos.)
company. She was also designated as Liaison Officer to the City of arbiter.
Makati to secure business permits, construction permits and other b. Salary Differentials (01/2001 – 09/2001) 22,500.00
licenses for the initial operation of the company. 5
Private respondents averred that petitioner is not an employee of Kasei
Corporation. They alleged that petitioner was hired in 1995 as one of its c. Housing Allowance (01/2001 – 07/2002) 57,000.00
Although she was designated as Corporate Secretary, she was not technical consultants on accounting matters and act concurrently as
entrusted with the corporate documents; neither did she attend any Corporate Secretary. As technical consultant, petitioner performed her
board meeting nor required to do so. She never prepared any legal work at her own discretion without control and supervision of Kasei d. Midyear Bonus 2001 27,500.00
document and never represented the company as its Corporate Corporation. Petitioner had no daily time record and she came to the
Secretary. However, on some occasions, she was prevailed upon to sign office any time she wanted. The company never interfered with her work e. 13th Month Pay 27,500.00
documentation for the company. 6 except that from time to time, the management would ask her opinion
on matters relating to her profession. Petitioner did not go through the
usual procedure of selection of employees, but her services were f. 10% share in the profits of Kasei

Corp. from 1996-2001 361,175.00 The appellate court denied petitioner’s motion for reconsideration, The control test initially found application in the case of Viaña v. Al-
hence, the present recourse. Lagadan and Piga, 19 and lately in Leonardo v. Court of Appeals, 20 where
we held that there is an employer-employee relationship when the
g. Moral and exemplary damages 100,000.00
person for whom the services are performed reserves the right to control
The core issues to be resolved in this case are (1) whether there was an
not only the end achieved but also the manner and means used to
employer-employee relationship between petitioner and private
h. 10% Attorney’s fees 87,076.50 achieve that end.
respondent Kasei Corporation; and if in the affirmative, (2) whether
petitioner was illegally dismissed.
P957,742.50 In Sevilla v. Court of Appeals, 21 we observed the need to consider the
existing economic conditions prevailing between the parties, in addition
Considering the conflicting findings by the Labor Arbiter and the National
If reinstatement is no longer feasible, respondents are ordered to pay to the standard of right-of-control like the inclusion of the employee in
Labor Relations Commission on one hand, and the Court of Appeals on
complainant separation pay with additional backwages that would accrue the payrolls, to give a clearer picture in determining the existence of an
the other, there is a need to reexamine the records to determine which
up to actual payment of separation pay. employer-employee relationship based on an analysis of the totality of
of the propositions espoused by the contending parties is supported by
economic circumstances of the worker.
substantial evidence. 17
Thus, the determination of the relationship between employer and
We held in Sevilla v. Court of Appeals 18 that in this jurisdiction, there
employee depends upon the circumstances of the whole economic
On April 15, 2003, the NLRC affirmed with modification the Decision of has been no uniform test to determine the existence of an employer-
activity, 22 such as: (1) the extent to which the services performed are
the Labor Arbiter, the dispositive portion of which reads: employee relation. Generally, courts have relied on the so-called right of
an integral part of the employer’s business; (2) the extent of the
control test where the person for whom the services are performed
worker’s investment in equipment and facilities; (3) the nature and
reserves a right to control not only the end to be achieved but also the
PREMISES CONSIDERED, the Decision of July 31, 2002 is hereby degree of control exercised by the employer; (4) the worker’s
means to be used in reaching such end. In addition to the standard of
MODIFIED as follows: opportunity for profit and loss; (5) the amount of initiative, skill,
right-of-control, the existing economic conditions prevailing between the
judgment or foresight required for the success of the claimed
parties, like the inclusion of the employee in the payrolls, can help in
independent enterprise; (6) the permanency and duration of the
1) Respondents are directed to pay complainant separation pay determining the existence of an employer-employee relationship.
relationship between the worker and the employer; and (7) the degree
computed at one month per year of service in addition to full backwages of dependency of the worker upon the employer for his continued
from October 2001 to July 31, 2002; However, in certain cases the control test is not sufficient to give a employment in that line of business. 23
complete picture of the relationship between the parties, owing to the
2) The awards representing moral and exemplary damages and 10% complexity of such a relationship where several positions have been held
The proper standard of economic dependence is whether the worker is
share in profit in the respective accounts of P100,000.00 and by the worker. There are instances when, aside from the employer’s
dependent on the alleged employer for his continued employment in that
P361,175.00 are deleted; power to control the employee with respect to the means and methods
line of business. 24 In the United States, the touchstone of economic
by which the work is to be accomplished, economic realities of the
reality in analyzing possible employment relationships for purposes of
employment relations help provide a comprehensive analysis of the true
3) The award of 10% attorney’s fees shall be based on salary differential the Federal Labor Standards Act is dependency. 25By analogy, the
classification of the individual, whether as employee, independent
award only; benchmark of economic reality in analyzing possible employment
contractor, corporate officer or some other capacity.
relationships for purposes of the Labor Code ought to be the economic
dependence of the worker on his employer.
4) The awards representing salary differentials, housing allowance, mid The better approach would therefore be to adopt a two-tiered test
year bonus and 13th month pay are AFFIRMED. involving: (1) the putative employer’s power to control the employee
By applying the control test, there is no doubt that petitioner is an
with respect to the means and methods by which the work is to be
employee of Kasei Corporation because she was under the direct control
SO ORDERED. 15 accomplished; and (2) the underlying economic realities of the activity or
and supervision of Seiji Kamura, the corporation’s Technical Consultant.
She reported for work regularly and served in various capacities as
On appeal, the Court of Appeals reversed the NLRC decision, thus: Accountant, Liaison Officer, Technical Consultant, Acting Manager and
This two-tiered test would provide us with a framework of analysis, Corporate Secretary, with substantially the same job functions, that is,
which would take into consideration the totality of circumstances rendering accounting and tax services to the company and performing
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is hereby GRANTED. The decision of surrounding the true nature of the relationship between the parties. This functions necessary and desirable for the proper operation of the
the National Labor Relations Commissions dated April 15, 2003 is hereby is especially appropriate in this case where there is no written agreement corporation such as securing business permits and other licenses over an
REVERSED and SET ASIDE and a new one is hereby rendered dismissing or terms of reference to base the relationship on; and due to the indefinite period of engagement.
the complaint filed by private respondent against Kasei Corporation, et complexity of the relationship based on the various positions and
al. for constructive dismissal. responsibilities given to the worker over the period of the latter’s
Under the broader economic reality test, the petitioner can likewise be
said to be an employee of respondent corporation because she had
served the company for six years before her dismissal, receiving check
vouchers indicating her salaries/wages, benefits, 13th month pay, other than to tell the truth and would make solemn trials a mockery and WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The Decision and Resolution
bonuses and allowances, as well as deductions and Social Security place the investigation of the truth at the mercy of unscrupulous of the Court of Appeals dated October 29, 2004 and October 7, 2005,
contributions from August 1, 1999 to December 18, 2000. 26 When witnesses. 32 A recantation does not necessarily cancel an earlier respectively, in CA-G.R. SP No. 78515 are ANNULLED and SET ASIDE.
petitioner was designated General Manager, respondent corporation declaration, but like any other testimony the same is subject to the test The Decision of the National Labor Relations Commission dated April 15,
made a report to the SSS signed by Irene Ballesteros. Petitioner’s of credibility and should be received with caution. 33 2003 in NLRC NCR CA No. 032766-02, isREINSTATED. The case
membership in the SSS as manifested by a copy of the SSS specimen is REMANDED to the Labor Arbiter for the recomputation of petitioner
signature card which was signed by the President of Kasei Corporation Angelina Francisco’s full backwages from the time she was illegally
Based on the foregoing, there can be no other conclusion that petitioner
and the inclusion of her name in the on-line inquiry system of the SSS terminated until the date of finality of this decision, and separation pay
is an employee of respondent Kasei Corporation. She was selected and
evinces the existence of an employer-employee relationship between representing one-half month pay for every year of service, where a
engaged by the company for compensation, and is economically
petitioner and respondent corporation. 27 fraction of at least six months shall be considered as one whole year.
dependent upon respondent for her continued employment in that line of
business. Her main job function involved accounting and tax services
It is therefore apparent that petitioner is economically dependent on rendered to respondent corporation on a regular basis over an indefinite SO ORDERED.
respondent corporation for her continued employment in the latter’s line period of engagement. Respondent corporation hired and engaged
of business. petitioner for compensation, with the power to dismiss her for cause.
More importantly, respondent corporation had the power to control
petitioner with the means and methods by which the work is to be
In Domasig v. National Labor Relations Commission, 28 we held that in a
business establishment, an identification card is provided not only as a
security measure but mainly to identify the holder thereof as a bona fide
employee of the firm that issues it. Together with the cash vouchers The corporation constructively dismissed petitioner when it reduced her
covering petitioner’s salaries for the months stated therein, these salary by P2,500 a month from January to September 2001. This
matters constitute substantial evidence adequate to support a conclusion amounts to an illegal termination of employment, where the petitioner is
that petitioner was an employee of private respondent. entitled to full backwages. Since the position of petitioner as accountant
is one of trust and confidence, and under the principle of strained
relations, petitioner is further entitled to separation pay, in lieu of
We likewise ruled in Flores v. Nuestro 29 that a corporation who registers
reinstatement. 34
its workers with the SSS is proof that the latter were the former’s
employees. The coverage of Social Security Law is predicated on the
existence of an employer-employee relationship. A diminution of pay is prejudicial to the employee and amounts to
constructive dismissal. Constructive dismissal is an involuntary
resignation resulting in cessation of work resorted to when continued
Furthermore, the affidavit of Seiji Kamura dated December 5, 2001 has
employment becomes impossible, unreasonable or unlikely; when there
clearly established that petitioner never acted as Corporate Secretary
is a demotion in rank or a diminution in pay; or when a clear
and that her designation as such was only for convenience. The actual
discrimination, insensibility or disdain by an employer becomes
nature of petitioner’s job was as Kamura’s direct assistant with the duty
unbearable to an employee. 35 In Globe Telecom, Inc. v. Florendo-
of acting as Liaison Officer in representing the company to secure
Flores, 36 we ruled that where an employee ceases to work due to a
construction permits, license to operate and other requirements imposed
demotion of rank or a diminution of pay, an unreasonable situation
by government agencies. Petitioner was never entrusted with corporate
arises which creates an adverse working environment rendering it
documents of the company, nor required to attend the meeting of the
impossible for such employee to continue working for her employer.
corporation. She was never privy to the preparation of any document for
Hence, her severance from the company was not of her own making and
the corporation, although once in a while she was required to sign
therefore amounted to an illegal termination of employment.
prepared documentation for the company. 30

In affording full protection to labor, this Court must ensure equal work
The second affidavit of Kamura dated March 7, 2002 which repudiated
opportunities regardless of sex, race or creed. Even as we, in every case,
the December 5, 2001 affidavit has been allegedly withdrawn by Kamura
attempt to carefully balance the fragile relationship between employees
himself from the records of the case. 31 Regardless of this fact, we are
and employers, we are mindful of the fact that the policy of the law is to
convinced that the allegations in the first affidavit are sufficient to
apply the Labor Code to a greater number of employees. This would
establish that petitioner is an employee of Kasei Corporation.
enable employees to avail of the benefits accorded to them by law, in
line with the constitutional mandate giving maximum aid and protection
Granting arguendo, that the second affidavit validly repudiated the first to labor, promoting their welfare and reaffirming it as a primary social
one, courts do not generally look with favor on any retraction or economic force in furtherance of social justice and national development.
recanted testimony, for it could have been secured by considerations

6 pregnancy, Dr. Estrada noted an increase in her blood pressure and 130/80 to 60/40 within five minutes. There was continuous profuse
development of leg edema5 indicating preeclampsia,6 which is a vaginal bleeding. The assisting nurse administered hemacel through a
dangerous complication of pregnancy.7 gauge 19 needle as a side drip to the ongoing intravenous injection of
Republic of the Philippines dextrose.
Around midnight of 25 May 1976, Corazon started to experience mild
labor pains prompting Corazon and Rogelio Nogales ("Spouses Nogales") At 7:45 a.m., Dr. Estrada ordered blood typing and cross matching with
to see Dr. Estrada at his home. After examining Corazon, Dr. Estrada bottled blood. It took approximately 30 minutes for the CMC laboratory,
THIRD DIVISION advised her immediate admission to the Capitol Medical Center ("CMC"). headed by Dr. Perpetua Lacson ("Dr. Lacson"), to comply with Dr.
Estrada's order and deliver the blood.
G.R. No. 142625 December 19, 2006 On 26 May 1976, Corazon was admitted at 2:30 a.m. at the CMC after
the staff nurse noted the written admission request8 of Dr. Estrada. Upon At 8:00 a.m., Dr. Noe Espinola ("Dr. Espinola"), head of the Obstetrics-
ROGELIO P. NOGALES, for himself and on behalf of the minors, Corazon's admission at the CMC, Rogelio Nogales ("Rogelio") executed Gynecology Department of the CMC, was apprised of Corazon's condition
ROGER ANTHONY, ANGELICA, NANCY, and MICHAEL and signed the "Consent on Admission and Agreement"9 and "Admission by telephone. Upon being informed that Corazon was bleeding profusely,
CHRISTOPHER, all surnamed NOGALES, petitioners, Agreement."10 Corazon was then brought to the labor room of the CMC. Dr. Espinola ordered immediate hysterectomy. Rogelio was made to sign
vs. a "Consent to Operation."13
CAPITOL MEDICAL CENTER, DR. OSCAR ESTRADA, DR. ELY Dr. Rosa Uy ("Dr. Uy"), who was then a resident physician of CMC,
VILLAFLOR, DR. ROSA UY, DR. JOEL ENRIQUEZ, DR. PERPETUA conducted an internal examination of Corazon. Dr. Uy then called up Dr. Due to the inclement weather then, Dr. Espinola, who was fetched from
LACSON, DR. NOE ESPINOLA, and NURSE J. Estrada to notify him of her findings. his residence by an ambulance, arrived at the CMC about an hour later
DUMLAO, respondents. or at 9:00 a.m. He examined the patient and ordered some resuscitative
measures to be administered. Despite Dr. Espinola's efforts, Corazon
Based on the Doctor's Order Sheet,11 around 3:00 a.m., Dr. Estrada
died at 9:15 a.m. The cause of death was "hemorrhage, post partum."14
ordered for 10 mg. of valium to be administered immediately by
intramuscular injection. Dr. Estrada later ordered the start of intravenous
administration of syntocinon admixed with dextrose, 5%, in lactated On 14 May 1980, petitioners filed a complaint for damages15 with the
DECISION Ringers' solution, at the rate of eight to ten micro-drops per minute. Regional Trial Court16 of Manila against CMC, Dr. Estrada, Dr. Villaflor,
Dr. Uy, Dr. Enriquez, Dr. Lacson, Dr. Espinola, and a certain Nurse J.
Dumlao for the death of Corazon. Petitioners mainly contended that
According to the Nurse's Observation Notes,12 Dr. Joel Enriquez ("Dr.
defendant physicians and CMC personnel were negligent in the
Enriquez"), an anesthesiologist at CMC, was notified at 4:15 a.m. of
treatment and management of Corazon's condition. Petitioners charged
Corazon's admission. Subsequently, when asked if he needed the
CMC with negligence in the selection and supervision of defendant
services of an anesthesiologist, Dr. Estrada refused. Despite Dr.
CARPIO, J.: physicians and hospital staff.
Estrada's refusal, Dr. Enriquez stayed to observe Corazon's condition.

The Case For failing to file their answer to the complaint despite service of
At 6:00 a.m., Corazon was transferred to Delivery Room No. 1 of the
summons, the trial court declared Dr. Estrada, Dr. Enriquez, and Nurse
CMC. At 6:10 a.m., Corazon's bag of water ruptured spontaneously. At
Dumlao in default.17 CMC, Dr. Villaflor, Dr. Uy, Dr. Espinola, and Dr.
This petition for review1 assails the 6 February 1998 Decision2 and 21 6:12 a.m., Corazon's cervix was fully dilated. At 6:13 a.m., Corazon
Lacson filed their respective answers denying and opposing the
March 2000 Resolution3 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. started to experience convulsions.
allegations in the complaint. Subsequently, trial ensued.
45641. The Court of Appeals affirmed in toto the 22 November 1993
Decision4 of the Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch 33, finding Dr. At 6:15 a.m., Dr. Estrada ordered the injection of ten grams of
Oscar Estrada solely liable for damages for the death of his patient, After more than 11 years of trial, the trial court rendered judgment on
magnesium sulfate. However, Dr. Ely Villaflor ("Dr. Villaflor"), who was
Corazon Nogales, while absolving the remaining respondents of any 22 November 1993 finding Dr. Estrada solely liable for damages. The
assisting Dr. Estrada, administered only 2.5 grams of magnesium sulfate.
liability. The Court of Appeals denied petitioners' motion for trial court ruled as follows:
At 6:22 a.m., Dr. Estrada, assisted by Dr. Villaflor, applied low forceps to
The victim was under his pre-natal care, apparently, his fault
extract Corazon's baby. In the process, a 1.0 x 2.5 cm. piece of cervical
The Facts began from his incorrect and inadequate management and
tissue was allegedly torn. The baby came out in an apnic, cyanotic, weak
lack of treatment of the pre-eclamptic condition of his patient.
and injured condition. Consequently, the baby had to be intubated and
It is not disputed that he misapplied the forceps in causing the
Pregnant with her fourth child, Corazon Nogales ("Corazon"), who was resuscitated by Dr. Enriquez and Dr. Payumo.
delivery because it resulted in a large cervical tear which had
then 37 years old, was under the exclusive prenatal care of Dr. Oscar caused the profuse bleeding which he also failed to control
Estrada ("Dr. Estrada") beginning on her fourth month of pregnancy or At 6:27 a.m., Corazon began to manifest moderate vaginal bleeding with the application of inadequate injection of magnesium
as early as December 1975. While Corazon was on her last trimester of which rapidly became profuse. Corazon's blood pressure dropped from sulfate by his assistant Dra. Ely Villaflor. Dr. Estrada even
failed to notice the erroneous administration by nurse Dumlao of Dr. Estrada and Dra. Villaflor. For the Court to assume that For failure of the plaintiffs to adduce evidence to support its
of hemacel by way of side drip, instead of direct intravenous there were errors being committed in the presence of Dr. [sic] allegations against the other defendants, the complaint is
injection, and his failure to consult a senior obstetrician at an Enriquez would be to dwell on conjectures and speculations. hereby ordered dismissed. While the Court looks with disfavor
early stage of the problem. the filing of the present complaint against the other
defendants by the herein plaintiffs, as in a way it has caused
On the civil liability of Dr. Perpetua Lacson, [s]he is a
them personal inconvenience and slight damage on their name
On the part however of Dra. Ely Villaflor, Dra. Rosa Uy, Dr. hematologist and in-charge of the blood bank of the CMC. The
and reputation, the Court cannot accepts [sic] however, the
Joel Enriquez, Dr. Lacson, Dr. Espinola, nurse J. Dumlao and Court cannot accept the theory of the plaintiffs that there was
theory of the remaining defendants that plaintiffs were
CMC, the Court finds no legal justification to find them civilly delay in delivering the blood needed by the patient. It was
motivated in bad faith in the filing of this complaint. For this
liable. testified, that in order that this blood will be made available, a
reason defendants' counterclaims are hereby ordered
laboratory test has to be conducted to determine the type of
blood, cross matching and other matters consistent with
On the part of Dra. Ely Villaflor, she was only taking orders
medical science so, the lapse of 30 minutes maybe considered
from Dr. Estrada, the principal physician of Corazon Nogales.
a reasonable time to do all of these things, and not a delay as SO ORDERED.18
She can only make suggestions in the manner the patient
the plaintiffs would want the Court to believe.
maybe treated but she cannot impose her will as to do so
would be to substitute her good judgment to that of Dr. Petitioners appealed the trial court's decision. Petitioners claimed that
Estrada. If she failed to correctly diagnose the true cause of Admittedly, Dra. Rosa Uy is a resident physician of the Capitol aside from Dr. Estrada, the remaining respondents should be held
the bleeding which in this case appears to be a cervical Medical Center. She was sued because of her alleged failure to equally liable for negligence. Petitioners pointed out the extent of each
laceration, it cannot be safely concluded by the Court that Dra. notice the incompetence and negligence of Dr. Estrada. respondent's alleged liability.
Villaflor had the correct diagnosis and she failed to inform Dr. However, there is no evidence to support such theory. No
Estrada. No evidence was introduced to show that indeed Dra. evidence was adduced to show that Dra. Rosa Uy as a resident
On 6 February 1998, the Court of Appeals affirmed the decision of the
Villaflor had discovered that there was laceration at the physician of Capitol Medical Center, had knowledge of the
trial court.19 Petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration which the
cervical area of the patient's internal organ. mismanagement of the patient Corazon Nogales, and that
Court of Appeals denied in its Resolution of 21 March 2000.20
notwithstanding such knowledge, she tolerated the same to
On the part of nurse Dumlao, there is no showing that when
Hence, this petition.
she administered the hemacel as a side drip, she did it on her
own. If the correct procedure was directly thru the veins, it In the pre-trial order, plaintiffs and CMC agreed that defendant
could only be because this was what was probably the orders CMC did not have any hand or participation in the selection or Meanwhile, petitioners filed a Manifestation dated 12 April 200221 stating
of Dr. Estrada. hiring of Dr. Estrada or his assistant Dra. Ely Villaflor as that respondents Dr. Estrada, Dr. Enriquez, Dr. Villaflor, and Nurse
attending physician[s] of the deceased. In other words, the Dumlao "need no longer be notified of the petition because they are
two (2) doctors were not employees of the hospital and absolutely not involved in the issue raised before the [Court], regarding
While the evidence of the plaintiffs shows that Dr. Noe
therefore the hospital did not have control over their the liability of [CMC]."22 Petitioners stressed that the subject matter of
Espinola, who was the Chief of the Department of Obstetrics
professional conduct. When Mrs. Nogales was brought to the this petition is the liability of CMC for the negligence of Dr. Estrada.23
and Gynecology who attended to the patient Mrs. Nogales, it
hospital, it was an emergency case and defendant CMC had no
was only at 9:00 a.m. That he was able to reach the hospital
choice but to admit her. Such being the case, there is The Court issued a Resolution dated 9 September 200224 dispensing with
because of typhoon Didang (Exhibit 2). While he was able to
therefore no legal ground to apply the provisions of Article the requirement to submit the correct and present addresses of
give prescription in the manner Corazon Nogales may be
2176 and 2180 of the New Civil Code referring to the vicarious respondents Dr. Estrada, Dr. Enriquez, Dr. Villaflor, and Nurse Dumlao.
treated, the prescription was based on the information given
liability of an employer for the negligence of its employees. If The Court stated that with the filing of petitioners' Manifestation, it
to him by phone and he acted on the basis of facts as
ever in this case there is fault or negligence in the treatment should be understood that they are claiming only against respondents
presented to him, believing in good faith that such is the
of the deceased on the part of the attending physicians who CMC, Dr. Espinola, Dr. Lacson, and Dr. Uy who have filed their respective
correct remedy. He was not with Dr. Estrada when the patient
were employed by the family of the deceased, such civil comments. Petitioners are foregoing further claims against respondents
was brought to the hospital at 2:30 o'clock a.m. So, whatever
liability should be borne by the attending physicians under the Dr. Estrada, Dr. Enriquez, Dr. Villaflor, and Nurse Dumlao.
errors that Dr. Estrada committed on the patient before 9:00
principle of "respondeat superior".
o'clock a.m. are certainly the errors of Dr. Estrada and cannot
be the mistake of Dr. Noe Espinola. His failure to come to the The Court noted that Dr. Estrada did not appeal the decision of the Court
hospital on time was due to fortuitous event. WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby of Appeals affirming the decision of the Regional Trial Court. Accordingly,
rendered finding defendant Dr. Estrada of Number 13 Pitimini the decision of the Court of Appeals, affirming the trial court's judgment,
St. San Francisco del Monte, Quezon City civilly liable to pay is already final as against Dr. Oscar Estrada.
On the part of Dr. Joel Enriquez, while he was present in the
plaintiffs: 1) By way of actual damages in the amount
delivery room, it is not incumbent upon him to call the
of P105,000.00; 2) By way of moral damages in the amount
attention of Dr. Estrada, Dra. Villaflor and also of Nurse Petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration25 of the Court's 9
of P700,000.00; 3) Attorney's fees in the amount
Dumlao on the alleged errors committed by them. Besides, as September 2002 Resolution claiming that Dr. Enriquez, Dr. Villaflor and
of P100,000.00 and to pay the costs of suit.
anesthesiologist, he has no authority to control the actuations
Nurse Dumlao were notified of the petition at their counsels' last known While it found the amount of damages fair and reasonable, the Court of Art. 2176. Whoever by act or omission causes damage to
addresses. Petitioners reiterated their imputation of negligence on these Appeals held that no interest could be imposed on unliquidated claims or another, there being fault or negligence, is obliged to pay for
respondents. The Court denied petitioners' Motion for Reconsideration in damages. the damage done. Such fault or negligence, if there is no pre-
its 18 February 2004 Resolution.26 existing contractual relation between the parties, is called a
quasi-delict and is governed by the provisions of this Chapter.
The Issue
The Court of Appeals' Ruling
Similarly, in the United States, a hospital which is the employer, master,
Basically, the issue in this case is whether CMC is vicariously liable for
or principal of a physician employee, servant, or agent, may be held
In its Decision of 6 February 1998, the Court of Appeals upheld the trial the negligence of Dr. Estrada. The resolution of this issue rests, on the
liable for the physician's negligence under the doctrine of respondeat
court's ruling. The Court of Appeals rejected petitioners' view that the other hand, on the ascertainment of the relationship between Dr.
doctrine in Darling v. Charleston Community Memorial Hospital27 applies Estrada and CMC. The Court also believes that a determination of the
to this case. According to the Court of Appeals, the present case differs extent of liability of the other respondents is inevitable to finally and
from the Darling case since Dr. Estrada is an independent contractor- completely dispose of the present controversy. In the present case, petitioners maintain that CMC, in allowing Dr.
physician whereas the Darling case involved a physician and a nurse who Estrada to practice and admit patients at CMC, should be liable for Dr.
were employees of the hospital. Estrada's malpractice. Rogelio claims that he knew Dr. Estrada as an
The Ruling of the Court
accredited physician of CMC, though he discovered later that Dr. Estrada
was not a salaried employee of the CMC.35 Rogelio further claims that he
Citing other American cases, the Court of Appeals further held that the
The petition is partly meritorious. was dealing with CMC, whose primary concern was the treatment and
mere fact that a hospital permitted a physician to practice medicine and
management of his wife's condition. Dr. Estrada just happened to be the
use its facilities is not sufficient to render the hospital liable for the
On the Liability of CMC specific person he talked to representing CMC.36 Moreover, the fact that
physician's negligence.28 A hospital is not responsible for the negligence
CMC made Rogelio sign a Consent on Admission and Admission
of a physician who is an independent contractor.29
Agreement37 and a Consent to Operation printed on the letterhead of
Dr. Estrada's negligence in handling the treatment and management of CMC indicates that CMC considered Dr. Estrada as a member of its
The Court of Appeals found the cases of Davidson v. Corazon's condition which ultimately resulted in Corazon's death is no medical staff.
Conole30 and Campbell v. Emma Laing Stevens Hospital31applicable to longer in issue. Dr. Estrada did not appeal the decision of the Court of
this case. Quoting Campbell, the Court of Appeals stated that where Appeals which affirmed the ruling of the trial court finding Dr. Estrada
solely liable for damages. Accordingly, the finding of the trial court on On the other hand, CMC disclaims liability by asserting that Dr. Estrada
there is no proof that defendant physician was an employee of
Dr. Estrada's negligence is already final. was a mere visiting physician and that it admitted Corazon because her
defendant hospital or that defendant hospital had reason to know that
physical condition then was classified an emergency obstetrics case.38
any acts of malpractice would take place, defendant hospital could not
be held liable for its failure to intervene in the relationship of physician- Petitioners maintain that CMC is vicariously liable for Dr. Estrada's
patient between defendant physician and plaintiff. negligence based on Article 2180 in relation to Article 2176 of the Civil CMC alleges that Dr. Estrada is an independent contractor "for whose
Code. These provisions pertinently state: actuations CMC would be a total stranger." CMC maintains that it had no
control or supervision over Dr. Estrada in the exercise of his medical
On the liability of the other respondents, the Court of Appeals applied
the "borrowed servant" doctrine considering that Dr. Estrada was an Art. 2180. The obligation imposed by article 2176 is
independent contractor who was merely exercising hospital privileges. demandable not only for one's own acts or omissions, but also
This doctrine provides that once the surgeon enters the operating room for those of persons for whom one is responsible. The Court had the occasion to determine the relationship between a
and takes charge of the proceedings, the acts or omissions of operating hospital and a consultant or visiting physician and the liability of such
room personnel, and any negligence associated with such acts or hospital for that physician's negligence in Ramos v. Court of Appeals,39 to
omissions, are imputable to the surgeon.32 While the assisting physicians xxxx wit:
and nurses may be employed by the hospital, or engaged by the patient,
they normally become the temporary servants or agents of the surgeon Employers shall be liable for the damages caused by their In the first place, hospitals exercise significant control in the
in charge while the operation is in progress, and liability may be imposed employees and household helpers acting within the scope of hiring and firing of consultants and in the conduct of their
upon the surgeon for their negligent acts under the doctrine their assigned tasks, even though the former are not engaged work within the hospital premises. Doctors who apply for
of respondeat superior.33 in any business or industry. "consultant" slots, visiting or attending, are required to submit
proof of completion of residency, their educational
The Court of Appeals concluded that since Rogelio engaged Dr. Estrada xxxx qualifications; generally, evidence of accreditation by the
as the attending physician of his wife, any liability for malpractice must appropriate board (diplomate), evidence of fellowship in most
be Dr. Estrada's sole responsibility. cases, and references. These requirements are carefully
The responsibility treated of in this article shall cease when the scrutinized by members of the hospital administration or by a
persons herein mentioned prove that they observed all the review committee set up by the hospital who either accept or
diligence of a good father of a family to prevent damage.

reject the application. This is particularly true with respondent process by which the employee (or the physician) is to accomplish his element is satisfied if the hospital holds itself out as a provider
hospital. task.41 of emergency room care without informing the patient that the
care is provided by independent contractors.
After a physician is accepted, either as a visiting or attending After a thorough examination of the voluminous records of this case, the
consultant, he is normally required to attend clinico- Court finds no single evidence pointing to CMC's exercise of control over The element of justifiable reliance on the part of the plaintiff is
pathological conferences, conduct bedside rounds for clerks, Dr. Estrada's treatment and management of Corazon's condition. It is satisfied if the plaintiff relies upon the hospital to provide
interns and residents, moderate grand rounds and patient undisputed that throughout Corazon's pregnancy, she was under the complete emergency room care, rather than upon a specific
audits and perform other tasks and responsibilities, for the exclusive prenatal care of Dr. Estrada. At the time of Corazon's physician.
privilege of being able to maintain a clinic in the hospital, admission at CMC and during her delivery, it was Dr. Estrada, assisted by
and/or for the privilege of admitting patients into the hospital. Dr. Villaflor, who attended to Corazon. There was no showing that CMC
The doctrine of apparent authority essentially involves two factors to
In addition to these, the physician's performance as a had a part in diagnosing Corazon's condition. While Dr. Estrada enjoyed
determine the liability of an independent-contractor physician.
specialist is generally evaluated by a peer review committee staff privileges at CMC, such fact alone did not make him an employee of
on the basis of mortality and morbidity statistics, and feedback CMC.42 CMC merely allowed Dr. Estrada to use its facilities43 when
from patients, nurses, interns and residents. A consultant Corazon was about to give birth, which CMC considered an emergency. The first factor focuses on the hospital's manifestations and is sometimes
remiss in his duties, or a consultant who regularly falls short of Considering these circumstances, Dr. Estrada is not an employee of CMC, described as an inquiry whether the hospital acted in a manner which
the minimum standards acceptable to the hospital or its peer but an independent contractor. would lead a reasonable person to conclude that the individual who was
review committee, is normally politely terminated. alleged to be negligent was an employee or agent of the hospital.47 In
this regard, the hospital need not make express representations
The question now is whether CMC is automatically exempt from liability
to the patient that the treating physician is an employee of the
In other words, private hospitals, hire, fire and exercise real considering that Dr. Estrada is an independent contractor-physician.
hospital; rather a representation may be general and implied.48
control over their attending and visiting "consultant"
staff. While "consultants" are not, technically
In general, a hospital is not liable for the negligence of an independent
employees, a point which respondent hospital asserts The doctrine of apparent authority is a species of the doctrine of
contractor-physician. There is, however, an exception to this principle.
in denying all responsibility for the patient's condition, estoppel. Article 1431 of the Civil Code provides that "[t]hrough
The hospital may be liable if the physician is the "ostensible" agent of
the control exercised, the hiring, and the right to estoppel, an admission or representation is rendered conclusive upon the
the hospital.44 This exception is also known as the "doctrine of apparent
terminate consultants all fulfill the important person making it, and cannot be denied or disproved as against the
authority."45 In Gilbert v. Sycamore Municipal Hospital,46 the Illinois
hallmarks of an employer-employee relationship, with person relying thereon." Estoppel rests on this rule: "Whenever a party
Supreme Court explained the doctrine of apparent authority in this wise:
the exception of the payment of wages. In assessing has, by his own declaration, act, or omission, intentionally and
whether such a relationship in fact exists, the control deliberately led another to believe a particular thing true, and to act
test is determining. Accordingly, on the basis of the [U]nder the doctrine of apparent authority a hospital can be upon such belief, he cannot, in any litigation arising out of such
foregoing, we rule that for the purpose of allocating held vicariously liable for the negligent acts of a physician declaration, act or omission, be permitted to falsify it."49
responsibility in medical negligence cases, an providing care at the hospital, regardless of whether the
employer-employee relationship in effect exists physician is an independent contractor, unless the patient
In the instant case, CMC impliedly held out Dr. Estrada as a member of
between hospitals and their attending and visiting knows, or should have known, that the physician is an
its medical staff. Through CMC's acts, CMC clothed Dr. Estrada with
physicians. This being the case, the question now arises as independent contractor. The elements of the action have been
apparent authority thereby leading the Spouses Nogales to believe that
to whether or not respondent hospital is solidarily liable with set out as follows:
Dr. Estrada was an employee or agent of CMC. CMC cannot now
respondent doctors for petitioner's condition. repudiate such authority.
"For a hospital to be liable under the doctrine of apparent
The basis for holding an employer solidarily responsible for the authority, a plaintiff must show that: (1) the hospital, or its
First, CMC granted staff privileges to Dr. Estrada. CMC extended its
negligence of its employee is found in Article 2180 of the Civil agent, acted in a manner that would lead a reasonable person
medical staff and facilities to Dr. Estrada. Upon Dr. Estrada's request for
Code which considers a person accountable not only for his to conclude that the individual who was alleged to be
Corazon's admission, CMC, through its personnel, readily accommodated
own acts but also for those of others based on the former's negligent was an employee or agent of the hospital; (2) where
Corazon and updated Dr. Estrada of her condition.
responsibility under a relationship of patria potestas. x x the acts of the agent create the appearance of authority, the
x40 (Emphasis supplied) plaintiff must also prove that the hospital had knowledge of
and acquiesced in them; and (3) the plaintiff acted in reliance Second, CMC made Rogelio sign consent forms printed on CMC
upon the conduct of the hospital or its agent, consistent with letterhead. Prior to Corazon's admission and supposed hysterectomy,
While the Court in Ramos did not expound on the control test, such test CMC asked Rogelio to sign release forms, the contents of which
ordinary care and prudence."
essentially determines whether an employment relationship exists reinforced Rogelio's belief that Dr. Estrada was a member of CMC's
between a physician and a hospital based on the exercise of control over medical staff.50 The Consent on Admission and Agreement explicitly
the physician as to details. Specifically, the employer (or the hospital) The element of "holding out" on the part of the hospital does
must have the right to control both the means and the details of the not require an express representation by the hospital that the
person alleged to be negligent is an employee. Rather, the

KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: member of CMC Board of Directors, testified that Dr. Estrada was part of upon their own responsibility, no longer reflects the
CMC's surgical staff.53 fact. Present day hospitals, as their manner of
operation plainly demonstrates, do far more than
I, Rogelio Nogales, of legal age, a resident of 1974 M. H. Del
furnish facilities for treatment. They regularly employ
Pilar St., Malate Mla., being the Third, Dr. Estrada's referral of Corazon's profuse vaginal bleeding to Dr.
on a salary basis a large staff of physicians, nurses and
father/mother/brother/sister/spouse/relative/ guardian/or Espinola, who was then the Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology
internes [sic], as well as administrative and manual
person in custody of Ma. Corazon, and representing his/her Department of CMC, gave the impression that Dr. Estrada as a member
workers, and they charge patients for medical care and
family, of my own volition and free will, do consent and submit of CMC's medical staff was collaborating with other CMC-employed
treatment, collecting for such services, if necessary, by
said Ma. Corazon to Dr. Oscar Estrada (hereinafter referred to specialists in treating Corazon.
legal action. Certainly, the person who avails himself of
as Physician) for cure, treatment, retreatment, or emergency
'hospital facilities' expects that the hospital will
measures, that the Physician, personally or by and
The second factor focuses on the patient's reliance. It is sometimes attempt to cure him, not that its nurses or other
through the Capitol Medical Center and/or its staff,
characterized as an inquiry on whether the plaintiff acted in reliance employees will act on their own responsibility." x x x
may use, adapt, or employ such means, forms or
upon the conduct of the hospital or its agent, consistent with ordinary (Emphasis supplied)
methods of cure, treatment, retreatment, or
care and prudence.54
emergency measures as he may see best and most
expedient; that Ma. Corazon and I will comply with any Likewise unconvincing is CMC's argument that petitioners are estopped
and all rules, regulations, directions, and instructions The records show that the Spouses Nogales relied upon a perceived from claiming damages based on the Consent on Admission and Consent
of the Physician, the Capitol Medical Center and/or its employment relationship with CMC in accepting Dr. Estrada's services. to Operation. Both release forms consist of two parts. The first part gave
staff; and, that I will not hold liable or responsible and hereby Rogelio testified that he and his wife specifically chose Dr. Estrada to CMC permission to administer to Corazon any form of recognized medical
waive and forever discharge and hold free the Physician, the handle Corazon's delivery not only because of their friend's treatment which the CMC medical staff deemed advisable. The second
Capitol Medical Center and/or its staff, from any and all claims recommendation, but more importantly because of Dr. Estrada's part of the documents, which may properly be described as the releasing
of whatever kind of nature, arising from directly or indirectly, "connection with a reputable hospital, the [CMC]."55 In other words, Dr. part, releases CMC and its employees "from any and all claims" arising
or by reason of said cure, treatment, or retreatment, or Estrada's relationship with CMC played a significant role in the Spouses from or by reason of the treatment and operation.
emergency measures or intervention of said physician, the Nogales' decision in accepting Dr. Estrada's services as the obstetrician-
Capitol Medical Center and/or its staff. gynecologist for Corazon's delivery. Moreover, as earlier stated, there is
The documents do not expressly release CMC from liability for injury to
no showing that before and during Corazon's confinement at CMC, the
Corazon due to negligence during her treatment or operation. Neither do
Spouses Nogales knew or should have known that Dr. Estrada was not
x x x x51 (Emphasis supplied) the consent forms expressly exempt CMC from liability for Corazon's
an employee of CMC.
death due to negligence during such treatment or operation. Such
release forms, being in the nature of contracts of adhesion, are
While the Consent to Operation pertinently reads, thus:
Further, the Spouses Nogales looked to CMC to provide the best medical construed strictly against hospitals. Besides, a blanket release in favor of
care and support services for Corazon's delivery. The Court notes that hospitals "from any and all claims," which includes claims due to bad
I, ROGELIO NOGALES, x x x, of my own volition and free will, prior to Corazon's fourth pregnancy, she used to give birth inside a clinic. faith or gross negligence, would be contrary to public policy and thus
do consent and submit said CORAZON NOGALES to Considering Corazon's age then, the Spouses Nogales decided to have void.
Hysterectomy, by the Surgical Staff and Anesthesiologists their fourth child delivered at CMC, which Rogelio regarded one of the
of Capitol Medical Center and/or whatever succeeding best hospitals at the time.56 This is precisely because the Spouses
Even simple negligence is not subject to blanket release in favor of
operations, treatment, or emergency measures as may be Nogales feared that Corazon might experience complications during her
establishments like hospitals but may only mitigate liability depending on
necessary and most expedient; and, that I will not hold liable delivery which would be better addressed and treated in a modern and
the circumstances.58 When a person needing urgent medical attention
or responsible and hereby waive and forever discharge and big hospital such as CMC. Moreover, Rogelio's consent in Corazon's
rushes to a hospital, he cannot bargain on equal footing with the hospital
hold free the Surgeon, his assistants, anesthesiologists, the hysterectomy to be performed by a different physician, namely Dr.
on the terms of admission and operation. Such a person is literally at the
Capitol Medical Center and/or its staff, from any and all claims Espinola, is a clear indication of Rogelio's confidence in CMC's surgical
mercy of the hospital. There can be no clearer example of a contract of
of whatever kind of nature, arising from directly or indirectly, staff.
adhesion than one arising from such a dire situation. Thus, the release
or by reason of said operation or operations, treatment, or
forms of CMC cannot relieve CMC from liability for the negligent medical
emergency measures, or intervention of the Surgeon, his
CMC's defense that all it did was "to extend to [Corazon] its facilities" is treatment of Corazon.
assistants, anesthesiologists, the Capitol Medical Center and/or
untenable. The Court cannot close its eyes to the reality that hospitals,
its staff.52 (Emphasis supplied)
such as CMC, are in the business of treatment. In this regard, the Court
On the Liability of the Other Respondents
agrees with the observation made by the Court of Appeals of North
Without any indication in these consent forms that Dr. Estrada was an Carolina in Diggs v. Novant Health, Inc.,57 to wit:
independent contractor-physician, the Spouses Nogales could not have Despite this Court's pronouncement in its 9 September 200259 Resolution
known that Dr. Estrada was an independent contractor. Significantly, no that the filing of petitioners' Manifestation confined petitioners' claim
"The conception that the hospital does not undertake to treat
one from CMC informed the Spouses Nogales that Dr. Estrada was an only against CMC, Dr. Espinola, Dr. Lacson, and Dr. Uy, who have filed
the patient, does not undertake to act through its doctors and
independent contractor. On the contrary, Dr. Atencio, who was then a their comments, the Court deems it proper to resolve the individual
nurses, but undertakes instead simply to procure them to act

liability of the remaining respondents to put an end finally to this more was no evidence of Dr. Enriquez's knowledge of any error committed by administration of hemacel proximately caused Corazon's death. No
than two-decade old controversy. Dr. Estrada and his failure to act upon such observation. evidence linking Corazon's death and the alleged wrongful hemacel
administration was introduced. Therefore, there is no basis to hold Nurse
Dumlao liable for negligence.
a) Dr. Ely Villaflor d) Dr. Perpetua Lacson

On the Award of Interest on Damages

Petitioners blame Dr. Ely Villaflor for failing to diagnose the cause of Petitioners fault Dr. Perpetua Lacson for her purported delay in the
Corazon's bleeding and to suggest the correct remedy to Dr. delivery of blood Corazon needed.64 Petitioners claim that Dr. Lacson was
Estrada.60 Petitioners assert that it was Dr. Villaflor's duty to correct the remiss in her duty of supervising the blood bank staff. The award of interest on damages is proper and allowed under Article
error of Nurse Dumlao in the administration of hemacel. 2211 of the Civil Code, which states that in crimes and quasi-delicts,
interest as a part of the damages may, in a proper case, be adjudicated
As found by the trial court, there was no unreasonable delay in the
in the discretion of the court.68
The Court is not persuaded. Dr. Villaflor admitted administering a lower delivery of blood from the time of the request until the transfusion to
dosage of magnesium sulfate. However, this was after informing Dr. Corazon. Dr. Lacson competently explained the procedure before blood
Estrada that Corazon was no longer in convulsion and that her blood could be given to the patient.65 Taking into account the bleeding time, WHEREFORE, the Court PARTLY GRANTS the petition. The Court
pressure went down to a dangerous level.61 At that moment, Dr. Estrada clotting time and cross-matching, Dr. Lacson stated that it would take finds respondent Capitol Medical Center vicariously liable for the
instructed Dr. Villaflor to reduce the dosage of magnesium sulfate from approximately 45-60 minutes before blood could be ready for negligence of Dr. Oscar Estrada. The amounts of P105,000 as actual
10 to 2.5 grams. Since petitioners did not dispute Dr. Villaflor's transfusion.66 Further, no evidence exists that Dr. Lacson neglected her damages andP700,000 as moral damages should each earn legal interest
allegation, Dr. Villaflor's defense remains uncontroverted. Dr. Villaflor's duties as head of the blood bank. at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum computed from the date of
act of administering a lower dosage of magnesium sulfate was not out of the judgment of the trial court. The Court affirms the rest of the Decision
her own volition or was in contravention of Dr. Estrada's order. dated 6 February 1998 and Resolution dated 21 March 2000 of the Court
e) Dr. Noe Espinola
of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 45641.
b) Dr. Rosa Uy
Petitioners argue that Dr. Espinola should not have ordered immediate
hysterectomy without determining the underlying cause of Corazon's
Dr. Rosa Uy's alleged negligence consisted of her failure (1) to call the bleeding. Dr. Espinola should have first considered the possibility of
attention of Dr. Estrada on the incorrect dosage of magnesium sulfate cervical injury, and advised a thorough examination of the cervix, instead
administered by Dr. Villaflor; (2) to take corrective measures; and (3) to of believing outright Dr. Estrada's diagnosis that the cause of bleeding
correct Nurse Dumlao's wrong method of hemacel administration. was uterine atony.

The Court believes Dr. Uy's claim that as a second year resident Dr. Espinola's order to do hysterectomy which was based on the
physician then at CMC, she was merely authorized to take the clinical information he received by phone is not negligence. The Court agrees
history and physical examination of Corazon.62 However, that routine with the trial court's observation that Dr. Espinola, upon hearing such
internal examination did not ipso facto make Dr. Uy liable for the errors information about Corazon's condition, believed in good faith that
committed by Dr. Estrada. Further, petitioners' imputation of negligence hysterectomy was the correct remedy. At any rate, the hysterectomy did
rests on their baseless assumption that Dr. Uy was present at the not push through because upon Dr. Espinola's arrival, it was already too
delivery room. Nothing shows that Dr. Uy participated in delivering late. At the time, Corazon was practically dead.
Corazon's baby. Further, it is unexpected from Dr. Uy, a mere resident
physician at that time, to call the attention of a more experienced
f) Nurse J. Dumlao
specialist, if ever she was present at the delivery room.

In Moore v. Guthrie Hospital Inc.,67 the US Court of Appeals, Fourth

c) Dr. Joel Enriquez
Circuit, held that to recover, a patient complaining of injuries allegedly
resulting when the nurse negligently injected medicine to him
Petitioners fault Dr. Joel Enriquez also for not calling the attention of Dr. intravenously instead of intramuscularly had to show that (1) an
Estrada, Dr. Villaflor, and Nurse Dumlao about their errors.63 Petitioners intravenous injection constituted a lack of reasonable and ordinary care;
insist that Dr. Enriquez should have taken, or at least suggested, (2) the nurse injected medicine intravenously; and (3) such injection was
corrective measures to rectify such errors. the proximate cause of his injury.

The Court is not convinced. Dr. Enriquez is an anesthesiologist whose In the present case, there is no evidence of Nurse Dumlao's alleged
field of expertise is definitely not obstetrics and gynecology. As such, Dr. failure to follow Dr. Estrada's specific instructions. Even assuming Nurse
Enriquez was not expected to correct Dr. Estrada's errors. Besides, there Dumlao defied Dr. Estrada's order, there is no showing that side-drip
7 may charge professional fee for hospital services rendered in The Comprehensive Medical Plan,3 which contains the duties and
line with his specialization. All payments in connection with the responsibilities of respondent, adverted to in the Retainer Agreement,
Retainer Agreement shall be subject to a withholding tax of provided:
Republic of the Philippines ten percent (10%) to be withheld by the COMPANY under the
SUPREME COURT Expanded Withholding Tax System. In the event the
Manila withholding tax rate shall be increased or decreased by
appropriate laws, then the rate herein stipulated shall
accordingly be increased or decreased pursuant to such laws. These objectives have been set to give full consideration to [the]
employees’ and dependents’ health:

G.R. No. 146881 February 5, 2007 3. That in consideration of the above mentioned retainer’s fee,
the DOCTOR agrees to perform the duties and obligations 1. Prompt and adequate treatment of occupational and non-
enumerated in the COMPREHENSIVE MEDICAL PLAN, hereto occupational injuries and diseases.
COCA COLA BOTTLERS (PHILS.), INC./ERIC MONTINOLA, attached as Annex "A" and made an integral part of this
Manager, Petitioners, Retainer Agreement. 2. To protect employees from any occupational health hazard
by evaluating health factors related to working conditions.
DR. DEAN N. CLIMACO, Respondent.
4. That the applicable provisions in the Occupational Safety
and Health Standards, Ministry of Labor and Employment shall 3. To encourage employees [to] maintain good personal health
DECISION be followed. by setting up employee orientation and education on health,
hygiene and sanitation, nutrition, physical fitness, first aid
AZCUNA, J.: 5. That the DOCTOR shall be directly responsible to the training, accident prevention and personnel safety.
employee concerned and their dependents for any injury
This is a petition for review on certiorari of the Decision of the Court of inflicted on, harm done against or damage caused upon the 4. To evaluate other matters relating to health such as
Appeals1 promulgated on July 7, 2000, and its Resolution promulgated employee of the COMPANY or their dependents during the absenteeism, leaves and termination.
on January 30, 2001, denying petitioner’s motion for reconsideration. course of his examination, treatment or consultation, if such
The Court of Appeals ruled that an employer-employee relationship injury, harm or damage was committed through professional
negligence or incompetence or due to the other valid causes 5. To give family planning motivations.
exists between respondent Dr. Dean N. Climaco and petitioner Coca-Cola
Bottlers Phils., Inc. (Coca-Cola), and that respondent was illegally for action.
dismissed. B. COVERAGE
6. That the DOCTOR shall observe clinic hours at the
Respondent Dr. Dean N. Climaco is a medical doctor who was hired by COMPANY’S premises from Monday to Saturday of a minimum 1. All employees and their dependents are embraced by this
petitioner Coca-Cola Bottlers Phils., Inc. by virtue of a Retainer of two (2) hours each day or a maximum of TWO (2) hours program.
Agreement that stated: each day or treatment from 7:30 a.m. to8:30 a.m.
and 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., respectively unless such schedule
is otherwise changed by the COMPANY as [the] situation so 2. The health program shall cover pre-employment and annual
WHEREAS, the COMPANY desires to engage on a retainer basis the warrants, subject to the Labor Code provisions on p.e., hygiene and sanitation, immunizations, family planning,
services of a physician and the said DOCTOR is accepting such Occupational Safety and Health Standards as the COMPANY physical fitness and athletic programs and other activities such
engagement upon terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; may determine. It is understood that the DOCTOR shall stay at as group health education program, safety and first aid
least two (2) hours a day in the COMPANY clinic and that such classes, organization of health and safety committees.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual two (2) hours be devoted to the workshift with the most
agreement hereinafter contained, the parties agree as follows: number of employees. It is further understood that the 3. Periodically, this program will be reviewed and adjusted
DOCTOR shall be on call at all times during the other based on employees’ needs.
workshifts to attend to emergency case[s];
1. This Agreement shall only be for a period of one (1) year
beginning January 1, 1988 up to December 31, 1988. The said C. ACTIVITIES
term notwithstanding, either party may terminate the contract 7. That no employee-employer relationship shall exist between
upon giving a thirty (30)-day written notice to the other. the COMPANY and the DOCTOR whilst this contract is in effect,
and in case of its termination, the DOCTOR shall be entitled 1. Annual Physical Examination.
only to such retainer fee as may be due him at the time of
2. The compensation to be paid by the company for the termination.2 2. Consultations, diagnosis and treatment of occupational and
services of the DOCTOR is hereby fixed at PESOS:Three non-occupational illnesses and injuries.
Thousand Eight Hundred (P3,800.00) per month. The DOCTOR

3. Immunizations necessary for job conditions. from employer-employee relations exceeding P5,000 may be filed with Respondent appealed both decisions to the NLRC, Fourth Division, Cebu
the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC). He stated that their City.
opinion is strictly advisory.
4. Periodic inspections for food services and rest rooms.
In a Decision13 promulgated on November 28, 1997, the NLRC dismissed
An inquiry was likewise addressed to the Social Security System (SSS). the appeal in both cases for lack of merit. It declared that no employer-
5. Conduct health education programs and present education
Thereafter, Mr. Romeo R. Tupas, OIC-FID of SSS-Bacolod City, wrote a employee relationship existed between petitioner company and
letter8 to the Personnel Officer of Coca-Cola Bottlers Phils., Inc. respondent based on the provisions of the Retainer Agreement which
informing the latter that the legal staff of his office was of the opinion contract governed respondent’s employment.
6. Coordinate with Safety Committee in developing specific that the services of respondent partake of the nature of work of a
studies and program to minimize environmental health regular company doctor and that he was, therefore, subject to social
Respondent’s motion for reconsideration was denied by the NLRC in a
hazards. security coverage.
Resolution14 promulgated on August 7, 1998.

7. Give family planning motivations. Respondent inquired from the management of petitioner company
Respondent filed a petition for review with the Court of Appeals.
whether it was agreeable to recognizing him as a regular employee. The
8. Coordinate with Personnel Department regarding physical management refused to do so.
In a Decision promulgated on July 7, 2000, the Court of Appeals ruled
fitness and athletic programs.
that an employer-employee relationship existed between petitioner
On February 24, 1994, respondent filed a Complaint before the NLRC,
company and respondent after applying the four-fold test: (1) the power
9. Visiting and follow-up treatment of Company employees and Bacolod City, seeking recognition as a regular employee of petitioner
to hire the employee; (2) the payment of wages; (3) the power of
their dependents confined in the hospital. company and prayed for the payment of all benefits of a regular
dismissal; and (4) the employer’s power to control the employee with
employee, including 13th Month Pay, Cost of Living Allowance, Holiday
respect to the means and methods by which the work is to be
Pay, Service Incentive Leave Pay, and Christmas Bonus. The case was
The Retainer Agreement, which began on January 1, 1988, was renewed accomplished.
docketed as RAB Case No. 06-02-10138-94.
annually. The last one expired on December 31, 1993. Despite the non-
renewal of the Retainer Agreement, respondent continued to perform his The Court of Appeals held:
functions as company doctor to Coca-Cola until he received a While the complaint was pending before the Labor Arbiter, respondent
letter4 dated March 9, 1995 from petitioner company concluding their received a letter dated March 9, 1995 from petitioner company
concluding their retainership agreement effective thirty (30) days from The Retainer Agreement executed by and between the parties, when
retainership agreement effective 30 days from receipt thereof.
receipt thereof. This prompted respondent to file a complaint for illegal read together with the Comprehensive Medical Plan which was made an
dismissal against petitioner company with the NLRC, Bacolod City. The integral part of the retainer agreements, coupled with the actual services
It is noted that as early as September 1992, petitioner was already case was docketed as RAB Case No. 06-04-10177-95. rendered by the petitioner, would show that all the elements of the
making inquiries regarding his status with petitioner company. First, he above test are present.
wrote a letter addressed to Dr. Willie Sy, the Acting President and
Chairperson of the Committee on Membership, Philippine College of In a Decision10 dated November 28, 1996, Labor Arbiter Jesus N.
Rodriguez, Jr. found that petitioner company lacked the power of control First, the agreements provide that "the COMPANY desires to engage on a
Occupational Medicine. In response, Dr. Sy wrote a letter5 to the
over respondent’s performance of his duties, and recognized as valid the retainer basis the services of a physician and the said DOCTOR is
Personnel Officer of Coca-Cola Bottlers Phils., Bacolod City, stating that
Retainer Agreement between the parties. Thus, the Labor Arbiter accepting such engagement x x x" (Rollo, page 25). This clearly shows
respondent should be considered as a regular part-time physician,
dismissed respondent’s complaint in the first case, RAB Case No. 06-02- that Coca-Cola exercised its power to hire the services of petitioner.
having served the company continuously for four (4) years. He likewise
stated that respondent must receive all the benefits and privileges of an 10138-94. The dispositive portion of the Decision reads:
employee under Article 157 (b)6 of the Labor Code. Secondly, paragraph (2) of the agreements showed that petitioner would
WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered be entitled to a final compensation of Three Thousand Eight Hundred
dismissing the instant complaint seeking recognition as a regular Pesos per month, which amount was later raised to Seven Thousand Five
Petitioner company, however, did not take any action. Hence,
employee. Hundred on the latest contract. This would represent the element of
respondent made another inquiry directed to the Assistant Regional
payment of wages.
Director, Bacolod City District Office of the Department of Labor and
Employment (DOLE), who referred the inquiry to the Legal Service of the SO ORDERED.11
DOLE, Manila. In his letter7 dated May 18, 1993, Director Dennis P. Thirdly, it was provided in paragraph (1) of the agreements that the
Ancheta, Legal Service, DOLE, stated that he believed that an employer- same shall be valid for a period of one year. "The said term
In a Decision dated February 24, 1997, Labor Arbiter Benjamin Pelaez
employee relationship existed between petitioner and respondent based notwithstanding, either party may terminate the contract upon giving a
dismissed the case for illegal dismissal (RAB Case No. 06-04-10177-95)
on the Retainer Agreement and the Comprehensive Medical Plan, and thirty (30) day written notice to the other." (Rollo, page 25). This
in view of the previous finding of Labor Arbiter Jesus N. Rodriguez, Jr. in
the application of the "four-fold" test. However, Director Ancheta would show that Coca-Cola had the power of dismissing the petitioner,
RAB Case No. 06-02-10138-94 that complainant therein, Dr. Dean
emphasized that the existence of employer-employee relationship is a as it later on did, and this could be done for no particular reason, the
Climaco, is not an employee of Coca-Cola Bottlers Phils., Inc.
question of fact. Hence, termination disputes or money claims arising
sole requirement being the former’s compliance with the 30-day notice "any employee who has rendered at least one year of service, whether also questioned how the benefits under their Collective Bargaining
requirement. such service is continuous or broken, shall be considered a regular Agreement which the Court awarded to respondent could be given to
employee with respect to the activity in which he is employed, and his him considering that such benefits were given only to regular employees
employment shall continue while such activity exists." Further, it held who render a full day’s work of not less that eight hours. It was admitted
Lastly, paragraphs (3) and (6) of the agreements reveal that Coca-Cola
that the termination of respondent’s services without any just or that respondent is only required to work for two hours per day.
exercised the most important element of all, that is, control, over the
authorized cause constituted illegal dismissal.
conduct of petitioner in the latter’s performance of his duties as a doctor
for the company. The Court of Appeals clarified that respondent was a "regular part-time
In addition, the Court of Appeals found that respondent’s dismissal was employee and should be accorded all the proportionate benefits due to
an act oppressive to labor and was effected in a wanton, oppressive or this category of employees of [petitioner] Corporation under the CBA." It
It was stated in paragraph (3) that the doctor agrees to perform the
malevolent manner which entitled respondent to moral and exemplary sustained its decision on all other matters sought to be reconsidered.
duties and obligations enumerated in the Comprehensive Medical Plan
referred to above. In paragraph (6), the fixed and definite hours during
which the petitioner must render service to the company is laid down. Hence, this petition filed by Coca-Cola Bottlers Phils., Inc.
The dispositive portion of the Decision reads:
We say that there exists Coca-Cola’s power to control petitioner because The issues are:
the particular objectives and activities to be observed and accomplished WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Decision of the National
by the latter are fixed and set under the Comprehensive Medical Plan Labor Relations Commission dated November 28, 1997 and its Resolution
which was made an integral part of the retainer agreement. Moreover, dated August 7, 1998 are found to have been issued with grave abuse of
the times for accomplishing these objectives and activities are likewise discretion in applying the law to the established facts, and are hereby
controlled and determined by the company. Petitioner is subject to REVERSED and SET ASIDE, and private respondent Coca-Cola Bottlers,
definite hours of work, and due to this, he performs his duties to Coca- Phils.. Inc. is hereby ordered to:
Cola not at his own pleasure but according to the schedule dictated by
the company.
1. Reinstate the petitioner with full backwages without loss of
seniority rights from the time his compensation was withheld
In addition, petitioner was designated by Coca-Cola to be a member of up to the time he is actually reinstated; however, if
its Bacolod Plant’s Safety Committee. The minutes of the meeting of the reinstatement is no longer possible, to pay the petitioner
said committee dated February 16, 1994 included the name of petitioner, separation pay equivalent to one (1) month’s salary for every
as plant physician, as among those comprising the committee. year of service rendered, computed at the rate of his salary at
the time he was dismissed, plus backwages.
It was averred by Coca-Cola in its comment that they exercised no BUSINESS OF SOFTDRINKS MANUFACTURING, CONTRARY TO
control over petitioner for the reason that the latter was not directed as 2. Pay petitioner moral damages in the amount of P50,000.00. THE RULINGS OF THE SUPREME COURT IN ANALOGOUS
to the procedure and manner of performing his assigned tasks. It went CASES.
as far as saying that "petitioner was not told how to immunize, inject,
3. Pay petitioner exemplary damages in the amount
treat or diagnose the employees of the respondent (Rollo, page 228).
We believe that if the "control test" would be interpreted this strictly, it
would result in an absurd and ridiculous situation wherein we could
declare that an entity exercises control over another’s activities only in 4. Give to petitioner all other benefits to which a regular
instances where the latter is directed by the former on each and every employee of Coca-Cola is entitled from the time petitioner
stage of performance of the particular activity. Anything less than that became a regular employee (one year from effectivity date of
would be tantamount to no control at all. employment) until the time of actual payment.

To our minds, it is sufficient if the task or activity, as well as the means SO ORDERED.17
of accomplishing it, is dictated, as in this case where the objectives and
activities were laid out, and the specific time for performing them was Petitioner company filed a motion for reconsideration of the Decision of OF LAW, IN REVERSING THE FINDINGS OF THE LABOR
fixed by the controlling party.15 the Court of Appeals. ARBITERS AND THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS
Moreover, the Court of Appeals declared that respondent should be In a Resolution promulgated on January 30, 2001, the Court of Appeals EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 280 OF
classified as a regular employee having rendered six years of service as stated that petitioner company noted that its Decision failed to mention THE LABOR CODE.
plant physician by virtue of several renewed retainer agreements. It whether respondent was a full-time or part-time regular employee. It
underscored the provision in Article 28016 of the Labor Code stating that
5. THAT THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED In the case of petitioner Neri, it is admitted that FEBTC issued a job notice. Hence, petitioner company did not wield the sole power of
REVERSIBLE ERROR, BASED ON A SUBSTANTIAL QUESTION description which detailed her functions as a radio/telex operator. dismissal or termination.
OF LAW, IN REVERSING THE FINDINGS OF THE LABOR However, a cursory reading of the job description shows that what was
ARBITERS AND THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS sought to be controlled by FEBTC was actually the end result of the task,
The Court agrees with the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC that there is
COMMISSION, AND FINDING THAT THERE EXISTED ILLEGAL e.g., that the daily incoming and outgoing telegraphic transfer of funds
nothing wrong with the employment of respondent as a retained
DISMISSAL WHEN THE EMPLOYENT OF THE RESPONDENT received and relayed by her, respectively, tallies with that of the register.
physician of petitioner company and upholds the validity of the
WAS TERMINATED WITHOUT JUST CAUSE. The guidelines were laid down merely to ensure that the desired end
Retainership Agreement which clearly stated that no employer-employee
result was achieved. It did not, however, tell Neri how the radio/telex
relationship existed between the parties. The Agreement also stated that
machine should be operated.
6. THAT THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED it was only for a period of 1 year beginning January 1, 1988 to
REVERSIBLE ERROR, BASED ON A SUBSTANTIAL QUESTION December 31, 1998, but it was renewed on a yearly basis.
OF LAW, IN REVERSING THE FINDINGS OF THE LABOR In effect, the Labor Arbiter held that petitioner company, through the
ARBITERS AND THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS Comprehensive Medical Plan, provided guidelines merely to ensure that
Considering that there is no employer-employee relationship between
COMMISSION, AND FINDING THAT THE RESPONDENT IS A the end result was achieved, but did not control the means and methods
the parties, the termination of the Retainership Agreement, which is in
REGULAR PART TIME EMPLOYEE WHO IS ENTITLED TO by which respondent performed his assigned tasks.
accordance with the provisions of the Agreement, does not constitute
illegal dismissal of respondent. Consequently, there is no basis for the
The NLRC affirmed the findings of the Labor Arbiter and stated that it is moral and exemplary damages granted by the Court of Appeals to
precisely because the company lacks the power of control that the respondent due to his alleged illegal dismissal.
7. THAT THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED contract provides that respondent shall be directly responsible to the
REVERSIBLE ERROR, BASED ON A SUBSTANTIAL QUESTION employee concerned and their dependents for any injury, harm or
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED and the Decision and Resolution
OF LAW, IN REVERSING THE FINDINGS OF THE LABOR damage caused through professional negligence, incompetence or other
of the Court of Appeals are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The Decision and
Resolution dated November 28, 1997 and August 7, 1998, respectively,
of the National Labor Relations Commission are REINSTATED.
The Labor Arbiter also correctly found that the provision in the Retainer
Agreement that respondent was on call during emergency cases did not
No costs.
The main issue in this case is whether or not there exists an employer- make him a regular employee. He explained, thus:
employee relationship between the parties. The resolution of the main
issue will determine whether the termination of respondent’s SO ORDERED.
Likewise, the allegation of complainant that since he is on call at anytime
employment is illegal.
of the day and night makes him a regular employee is off-tangent.
Complainant does not dispute the fact that outside of the two (2) hours
The Court, in determining the existence of an employer-employee that he is required to be at respondent company’s premises, he is not at
relationship, has invariably adhered to the four-fold test: (1) the all further required to just sit around in the premises and wait for an
selection and engagement of the employee; (2) the payment of wages; emergency to occur so as to enable him from using such hours for his
(3) the power of dismissal; and (4) the power to control the employee’s own benefit and advantage. In fact, complainant maintains his own
conduct, or the so-called "control test," considered to be the most private clinic attending to his private practice in the city, where he
important element.18 services his patients, bills them accordingly -- and if it is an employee of
respondent company who is attended to by him for special treatment
that needs hospitalization or operation, this is subject to a special billing.
The Court agrees with the finding of the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC that
More often than not, an employee is required to stay in the employer’s
the circumstances of this case show that no employer-employee
workplace or proximately close thereto that he cannot utilize his time
relationship exists between the parties. The Labor Arbiter and the NLRC
effectively and gainfully for his own purpose. Such is not the prevailing
correctly found that petitioner company lacked the power of control over
the performance by respondent of his duties. The Labor Arbiter reasoned
that the Comprehensive Medical Plan, which contains the respondent’s
objectives, duties and obligations, does not tell respondent "how to In addition, the Court finds that the schedule of work and the
conduct his physical examination, how to immunize, or how to diagnose requirement to be on call for emergency cases do not amount to such
and treat his patients, employees of [petitioner] company, in each case." control, but are necessary incidents to the Retainership Agreement.
He likened this case to that of Neri v. National Labor Relations
Commission,19 which held:
The Court also notes that the Retainership Agreement granted to both
parties the power to terminate their relationship upon giving a 30-day

8 As a Licensed Resident Physician employed in Calamba In a memorandum16 of April 22, 1998, Dr. Desipeda echoed the April 22,
Medical Center since several years ago, the hospital 1998 order of the Secretary of Labor directing all union officers and
management has committed upon you utmost confidence in members to return-to-work "on or April 23, 1998, except those
Republic of the Philippines the performance of duties pursuant thereto. This is the reason employees that were already terminated or are serving disciplinary
SUPREME COURT why you were awarded the privilege to practice in the hospital actions." Dr. Desipeda thus ordered the officers and members of the
Manila and were entrusted hospital functions to serve the interest of union to "report for work as soon as possible" to the hospital's personnel
both the hospital and our patients using your capability for officer and administrator for "work scheduling, assignments and/or re-
SECOND DIVISION independent judgment. assignments."

G.R. No. 176484 November 25, 2008 Very recently though and unfortunately, you have Petitioner later sent Dr. Lanzanas a notice of termination which he
committed acts inimical to the interest of the hospital, the received on April 25, 1998, indicating as grounds therefor his failure to
details of which are contained in the hereto attached affidavit report back to work despite the DOLE order and his supposed role in the
CALAMBA MEDICAL CENTER, INC., petitioner of witness. striking union, thus:
LANZANAS AND MERCEDITHA*LANZANAS, respondents. You are therefore given 24 hours to explain why no On April 23, 1998, you still did not report for work despite
disciplinary action should be taken against you. memorandum issued by the CMC Medical Director
implementing the Labor Secretary's ORDER. The same is true
DECISION on April 24, 1998 and April 25, 1998,--you still did not report
Pending investigation of your case, you are hereby
for work [sic].
placed under 30-days [sic] preventive suspension
CARPIO MORALES, J.: effective upon receipt hereof.7 (Emphasis, italics and
underscoring supplied) You are likewise aware that you were observed (re: signatories
The Calamba Medical Center (petitioner), a privately-owned hospital, [sic] to the Saligang Batas of BMCMC-UWP) to be unlawfully
engaged the services of medical doctors-spouses Ronaldo Lanzanas (Dr. participating as member in the rank-and-file union's
Inexplicably, petitioner did not give respondent Dr. Merceditha, who was
Lanzanas) and Merceditha Lanzanas (Dr. Merceditha) in March 1992 and concerted activities despite knowledge that your position in the
not involved in the said incident, any work schedule after sending her
August 1995, respectively, as part of its team of resident physicians. hospital is managerial in nature (Nurses, Orderlies, and staff of
husband Dr. Lanzanas the memorandum,8 nor inform her the reason
Reporting at the hospital twice-a-week on twenty-four-hour shifts, the Emergency Room carry out your orders using your
therefor, albeit she was later informed by the Human Resource
respondents were paid a monthly "retainer" of P4,800.00 each.1 It independent judgment) which participation is expressly
Department (HRD) officer that that was part of petitioner's cost-cutting
appears that resident physicians were also given a percentage share out prohibited by the New Labor Code and which prohibition was
of fees charged for out-patient treatments, operating room assistance sustained by the Med-Arbiter's ORDER dated February 24,
and discharge billings, in addition to their fixed monthly retainer.2 1998. (Emphasis and italics in the original; underscoring partly
Responding to the memorandum, Dr. Lanzanas, by letter of March 9, in the original and partly supplied)
1998,10 admitted that he spoke with Miscala over the phone but that
The work schedules of the members of the team of resident physicians their conversation was taken out of context by Dr. Trinidad.
were fixed by petitioner's medical director Dr. Raul Desipeda (Dr. For these reasons as grounds for termination, you are
Desipeda). And they were issued identification cards3 by petitioner and hereby terminated for cause from employment
were enrolled in the Social Security System (SSS).4 Income taxes were On March 14, 1998,11 the rank-and-file employees union of petitioner effective today, April 25, 1998, without prejudice to
withheld from them.5 went on strike due to unresolved grievances over terms and conditions further action for revocation of your license before the
of employment.12 Philippine [sic] Regulations [sic] Commission.17 (Emphasis and
underscoring supplied)
On March 7, 1998, Dr. Meluz Trinidad (Dr. Trinidad), also a resident
physician at the hospital, inadvertently overheard a telephone On March 20, 1998, Dr. Lanzanas filed a complaint for illegal
conversation of respondent Dr. Lanzanas with a fellow employee, suspension13 before the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC)- Dr. Lanzanas thus amended his original complaint to include illegal
Diosdado Miscala, through an extension telephone line. Apparently, Dr. Regional Arbitration Board (RAB) IV. Dr. Merceditha subsequently filed a dismissal.18 His and Dr. Merceditha's complaints were consolidated and
Lanzanas and Miscala were discussing the low "census" or admission of complaint for illegal dismissal.14 docketed as NLRC CASE NO. RAB-IV-3-9879-98-L.
patients to the hospital.6
In the meantime, then Sec. Cresenciano Trajano of the Department of By Decision19 of March 23, 1999, Labor Arbiter Antonio R. Macam
Dr. Desipeda whose attention was called to the above-said telephone Labor and Employment (DOLE) certified the labor dispute to the NLRC dismissed the spouses' complaints for want of jurisdiction upon a finding
conversation issued to Dr. Lanzanas a Memorandum of March 7, 1998 for compulsory arbitration and issued on April 21, 1998 return-to-work that there was no employer-employee relationship between the parties,
reading: Order to the striking union officers and employees of petitioner pending the fourth requisite or the "control test" in the determination of an
resolution of the labor dispute.15 employment bond being absent.

On appeal, the NLRC, by Decision20 of May 3, 2002, reversed the Labor The appellate court thus declared that respondents were illegally circumstances, it stresses, are clear badges of the absence of any
Arbiter's findings, disposing as follows: dismissed. employment relationship between them.

WHEREFORE, the assailed decision is set aside. The x x x. The petitioner's ground for dismissing respondent This Court is unimpressed.
respondents are ordered to pay the complainants their full Ronaldo Lanzanas was based on his alleged participation in
backwages; separation pay of one month salary for every year union activities, specifically in joining the strike and failing to
Under the "control test," an employment relationship exists between a
of service in lieu of reinstatement; moral damages observe the return-to-work order issued by the Secretary of
physician and a hospital if the hospital controls both the means and the
of P500,000.00 each; exemplary damages ofP250,000.00 each Labor. Yet, the petitioner did not adduce any piece of evidence
details of the process by which the physician is to accomplish his task.29
plus ten percent (10%) of the total award as attorney's fees. to show that respondent Ronaldo indeed participated in the
strike. x x x.
Where a person who works for another does so more or less at his own
pleasure and is not subject to definite hours or conditions of work, and is
In the case of respondent Merceditha Lanzanas, the
compensated according to the result of his efforts and not the amount
petitioner's explanation that "her marriage to complainant
Petitioner's motion for reconsideration having been denied, it brought thereof, the element of control is absent.30
Ronaldo has given rise to the presumption that her
the case to the Court of Appeals on certiorari.
sympat[hies] are likewise with her husband" as a ground for
her dismissal is unacceptable. Such is not one of the grounds As priorly stated, private respondents maintained specific work-
The appellate court, by June 30, 2004 Decision,22 initially granted to justify the termination of her employment.25 (Underscoring schedules, as determined by petitioner through its medical director,
petitioner's petition and set aside the NLRC ruling. However, upon a supplied) which consisted of 24-hour shifts totaling forty-eight hours each week
subsequent motion for reconsideration filed by respondents, itreinstated and which were strictly to be observed under pain of administrative
the NLRC decision in an Amended Decision23 dated September 26, 2006 sanctions.
The fallo of the appellate court's decision reads:
but tempered the award to each of the spouses of moral and exemplary
damages to P100,000.00 and P50,000.00, respectively and omitted the
That petitioner exercised control over respondents gains light from the
award of attorney's fees. WHEREFORE, the instant Motion for
undisputed fact that in the emergency room, the operating room, or any
Reconsideration is GRANTED, and the Court's decision dated
department or ward for that matter, respondents' work is monitored
June 30, 2004, is SET ASIDE. In lieu thereof, a new judgment
In finding the existence of an employer-employee relationship between through its nursing supervisors, charge nurses and orderlies. Without the
is entered, as follows:
the parties, the appellate court held: approval or consent of petitioner or its medical director, no operations
can be undertaken in those areas. For control test to apply, it is not
WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED. The essential for the employer to actually supervise the performance of
x x x. While it may be true that the respondents are given the
assailed decision dated May 3, 2002 and order dated duties of the employee, it being enough that it has the right to wield the
discretion to decide on how to treat the petitioner's patients,
September 24, 2002 of the NLRC in NLRC NCR CA power.31
the petitioner has not denied nor explained why its Medical
No. 019823-99 are AFFIRMED with the
Director still has the direct supervision and control over
MODIFICATION that the moral and exemplary
the respondents. The fact is the petitioner's Medical Director With respect to respondents' sharing in some hospital fees, this scheme
damages are reduced to P100,000.00 each
still has to approve the schedule of duties of the does not sever the employment tie between them and petitioner as this
and P50,000.00 each, respectively.
respondents. The respondents stressed that the petitioner's merely mirrors additional form or another form of compensation or
Medical Director also issuesinstructions or orders to the incentive similar to what commission-based employees receive as
respondents relating to the means and methods of SO ORDERED.26 (Emphasis and italics in the original; contemplated in Article 97 (f) of the Labor Code, thus:
performing their duties, i.e. admission of patients, manner underscoring supplied)
of characterizing cases, treatment of cases, etc., and may
"Wage" paid to any employee shall mean the remuneration or
even overrule, review or revise the decisions of the
Preliminarily, the present petition calls for a determination of whether earning, however designated, capable of being expressed in
resident physicians. This was not controverted by the
there exists an employer-employee relationship27 between petitioner and terms of money, whether fixed or ascertained on a time,
petitioner. The foregoing factors taken together are sufficient
the spouses-respondents. task, piece, or commission basis, or other method of
to constitute the fourth element, i.e. control test, hence, the
calculating the same, which is payable by an employer to
existence of the employer-employee relationship. In denying
an employee under a written or unwritten contract of
that it had control over the respondents, the petitioner alleged Denying the existence of such relationship, petitioner argues that the
employment for work done or to be done, or for services
that the respondents were free to put up their own clinics or to appellate court, as well as the NLRC, overlooked its twice-a-week
rendered or to be rendered and includes the fair and
accept other retainership agreement with the other hospitals. reporting arrangement with respondents who are free to practice their
reasonable value, as determined by the Secretary of Labor, of
But, the petitioner failed to substantiate the allegation with profession elsewhere the rest of the week. And it invites attention to the
board, lodging, or other facilities customarily furnished by the
substantial evidence. (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)24 uncontroverted allegation that respondents, aside from their monthly
employer to the employee. x x x (Emphasis and underscoring
retainers, were entitled to one-half of all suturing, admitting,
consultation, medico-legal and operating room assistance fees.28 These

Respondents were in fact made subject to petitioner-hospital's Code of they do not however recommend any managerial action. At An assumption or certification order of the DOLE Secretary automatically
Ethics,32 the provisions of which cover administrative and disciplinary most, their job is merely routinary in nature and consequently, results in a return-to-work of all striking workers, whether a
measures on negligence of duties, personnel conduct and behavior, and they cannot be considered supervisory employees. corresponding return-to-work order had been issued.39 The DOLE
offenses against persons, property and the hospital's interest. Secretary in fact issued a return-to-work Order, failing to comply with
which is punishable by dismissal or loss of employment status.40
They are not therefore barred from membership in the
More importantly, petitioner itself provided incontrovertible proof of the union of rank[-]and[-]file, which the petitioner [the union]
employment status of respondents, namely, the identification cards it is seeking to represent in the instant case.38 (Emphasis and Participation in a strike and intransigence to a return-to-work
issued them, the payslips33 and BIR W-2 (now 2316) Forms which reflect underscoring supplied) order must, however, be duly proved in order to justify immediate
their status as employees, and the classification as "salary" of their dismissal in a "national interest" case. As the appellate court as well as
remuneration. Moreover, it enrolled respondents in the SSS and the NLRC observed, however, there is nothing in the records that would
Medicare (Philhealth) program. It bears noting at this juncture that bear out Dr. Lanzanas' actual participation in the strike. And the medical
mandatory coverage under the SSS Law34 is premised on the existence director's Memorandum41 of April 22, 1998 contains nothing more than a
of an employer-employee relationship,35 except in cases of compulsory Admittedly, Dr. Lanzanas was a union member in the hospital, which is general directive to all union officers and members to return-to-
coverage of the self-employed. It would be preposterous for an employer considered indispensable to the national interest. In labor disputes work. Mere membership in a labor union does not ipso facto mean
to report certain persons as employees and pay their SSS premiums as adversely affecting the continued operation of a hospital, Article 263(g) participation in a strike.
well as their wages if they are not its employees.36 of the Labor Code provides:
Dr. Lanzanas' claim that, after his 30-day preventive suspension ended
And if respondents were not petitioner's employees, how does it account ART. 263. STRIKES, PICKETING, AND LOCKOUTS.– on or before April 9, 1998, he was never given any work schedule42 was
for its issuance of the earlier-quoted March 7, 1998 memorandum not refuted by petitioner. Petitioner in fact never released any findings of
explicitly stating that respondent is "employed" in it and of the xxxx its supposed investigation into Dr. Lanzanas' alleged "inimical acts."
subsequent termination letter indicating respondent Lanzanas'
employment status.
(g) x x x x Petitioner thus failed to observe the two requirements,before dismissal
can be effected ─ notice and hearing ─ which constitute essential
Finally, under Section 15, Rule X of Book III of the Implementing Rules elements of the statutory process; the first to apprise the employee of
of the Labor Code, an employer-employee relationship exists between x x x x. In labor disputes adversely affecting the the particular acts or omissions for which his dismissal is sought, and the
the resident physicians and the training hospitals, unless there is a continued operation of such hospitals, clinics or second to inform the employee of the employer's decision to dismiss
training agreement between them, and the training program is duly medical institutions, it shall be the duty of the striking him.43 Non-observance of these requirements runs afoul of the
accredited or approved by the appropriate government agency. In union or locking-out employer to provide and maintain an procedural mandate.44
respondents' case, they were not undergoing any specialization training. effective skeletal workforce of medical and other health
They were considered non-training general practitioners,37 assigned at personnel, whose movement and services shall be
unhampered and unrestricted, as are necessary to insure the The termination notice sent to and received by Dr. Lanzanas on April 25,
the emergency rooms and ward sections.
proper and adequate protection of the life and health of its 1998 was the first and only time that he was apprised of the reason for
patients, most especially emergency cases, for the duration of his dismissal. He was not afforded, however, even the slightest
Turning now to the issue of dismissal, the Court upholds the appellate the strike or lockout. In such cases, the Secretary of Labor and opportunity to explain his side. His was a "termination upon receipt"
court's conclusion that private respondents were illegally dismissed. Employment is mandated to immediately assume, within situation. While he was priorly made to explain on his telephone
twenty-four hours from knowledge of the occurrence of such conversation with Miscala,45 he was not with respect to his supposed
strike or lockout, jurisdiction over the same or certify to the participation in the strike and failure to heed the return-to-work order.
Dr. Lanzanas was neither a managerial nor supervisory employee but
part of the rank-and-file. This is the import of the Secretary of Labor's Commission for compulsory arbitration. For this purpose,
Resolution of May 22, 1998 in OS A-05-15-98 which reads: the contending parties are strictly enjoined to comply As for the case of Dr. Merceditha, her dismissal was worse, it having
with such orders, prohibitions and/or injunctions as been effected without any just or authorized cause and without
are issued by the Secretary of Labor and Employment observance of due process. In fact, petitioner never proferred any valid
or the Commission, under pain of immediate cause for her dismissal except its view that "her marriage to [Dr.
disciplinary action, including dismissal or loss of Lanzanas] has given rise to the presumption that her sympath[y] [is]
In the motion to dismiss it filed before the Med-Arbiter, the employment status or payment by the locking-out with her husband; [and that when [Dr. Lanzanas] declared that he was
employer (CMC) alleged that 24 members of petitioner are employer of backwages, damages and other going to boycott the scheduling of their workload by the medical doctor,
supervisors, namely x x x Rolando Lanzonas [sic] x x x. affirmative relief, even criminal prosecution against he was presumed to be speaking for himself [and] for his wife
either or both of them. Merceditha."46
A close scrutiny of the job descriptions of the alleged
supervisors narrated by the employer only proves that except x x x x (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)
for the contention that these employees allegedly supervise,

Petitioner's contention that Dr. Merceditha was a member of the union or was not a Board action.51 (Emphasis and underscoring
was a participant in the strike remained just that. Its termination of her supplied)
employment on the basis of her conjugal relationship is not analogous to
The circulation of such list containing names of alleged union members
any of the causes enumerated in Article 28247 of the Labor Code. Mere intended to prevent employment of workers for union activities similarly
suspicion or belief, no matter how strong, cannot substitute for factual constitutes unfair labor practice, thereby giving a right of action for
findings carefully established through orderly procedure.48 damages by the employees prejudiced.52

The Court even notes that after the proceedings at the NLRC, petitioner A word on the appellate court's deletion of the award of attorney's fees.
never even mentioned Dr. Merceditha's case. There is thus no gainsaying There being no basis advanced in deleting it, as exemplary damages
that her dismissal was both substantively and procedurally infirm. were correctly awarded,53 the award of attorney's fees should be
Adding insult to injury was the circulation by petitioner of a "watchlist" or
"watch out list"49 including therein the names of respondents. Consider WHEREFORE, the Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No.
the following portions of Dr. Merceditha's Memorandum of Appeal: 75871 is AFFIRMED withMODIFICATION in that the award by the
National Labor Relations Commission of 10% of the total judgment
award as attorney's fees is reinstated. In all other aspects, the decision
3. Moreover, to top it all, respondents have circulated a so
of the appellate court is affirmed.
called "Watch List" to other hospitals, one of which [was]
procured from Foothills Hospital in Sto. Tomas, Batangas
[that] contains her name. The object of the said list is SO ORDERED.
precisely to harass Complainant and malign her good name
and reputation. This is not only unprofessional, but runs smack
of oppression as CMC is trying permanently deprived [sic]
Complainant of her livelihood by ensuring that she is barred
from practicing in other hospitals.

4. Other co-professionals and brothers in the profession are

fully aware of these "watch out" lists and as such, her
reputation was not only besmirched, but was damaged, and
she suffered social humiliation as it is of public knowledge that
she was dismissed from work. Complainant came from a
reputable and respected family, her father being a retired full
Colonel in the Army, Col. Romeo A. Vente, and her brothers
and sisters are all professionals, her brothers, Arnold and
Romeo Jr., being engineers. The Complainant has a family
protection [sic] to protect. She likewise has a professional
reputation to protect, being a licensed physician. Both her
personal and professional reputation were damaged as a result
of the unlawful acts of the respondents.50

While petitioner does not deny the existence of such list, it pointed to
the lack of any board action on its part to initiate such listing and to
circulate the same, viz:

20. x x x. The alleged watchlist or "watch out list," as termed

by complainants, were merely lists obtained by one Dr.
Ernesto Naval of PAMANA Hospital. Said list was given by a
stockholder of respondent who was at the same time a
stockholder of PAMAN[A] Hospital. The giving of the list
9 In finding petitioners to be regular employees of Shangri-la, the Arbiter respondent doctor and since Shangri-la is not principally engaged in the
noted that they usually perform work which is necessary and desirable to business of providing medical or healthcare services, petitioners could
Shangri-la’s business; that they observe clinic hours and render services not be regarded as regular employees of Shangri-la.
Republic of the Philippines only to Shangri-la’s guests and employees; that payment for their
SUPREME COURT salaries were recommended to Shangri-la’s Human Resource Department
Petitioners’ motion for reconsideration having been denied by
Manila (HRD); that respondent doctor was Shangri-la’s "in-house" physician,
Resolution6 of July 10, 2007, they interposed the present recourse.
hence, also an employee; and that the MOA between Shangri-la and
SECOND DIVISION respondent doctor was an "insidious mechanism in order to circumvent
[the doctor’s] tenurial security and that of the employees under her." Petitioners insist that under Article 157 of the Labor Code, Shangri-la is
required to hire a full-time registered nurse, apart from a physician,
G.R. No. 178827 March 4, 2009 hence, their engagement should be deemed as regular employment, the
Shangri-la and respondent doctor appealed to the NLRC. Petitioners
provisions of the MOA notwithstanding; and that the MOA is contrary to
appealed too, but only with respect to the non-award to them of some of
JEROMIE D. ESCASINAS and EVAN RIGOR SINGCO, Petitioners, public policy as it circumvents tenurial security and, therefore, should be
the benefits they were claiming.
vs. struck down as being void ab initio. At most, they argue, the MOA is a
PEPITO, Respondents. By Decision4 dated March 31, 2005, the NLRC granted Shangri-la’s and
respondent doctor’s appeal and dismissed petitioners’ complaint for lack
And petitioners maintain that respondent doctor is a labor-only
of merit, it finding that no employer-employee relationship exists
DECISION contractor for she has no license or business permit and no business
between petitioner and Shangri-la. In so deciding, the NLRC held that
name registration, which is contrary to the requirements under Sec. 19
the Arbiter erred in interpreting Article 157 in relation to Article 280 of
and 20 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Labor Code on
CARPIO MORALES, J.: the Labor Code, as what is required under Article 157 is that the
employer should provide the services of medical personnel to its
employees, but nowhere in said article is a provision that nurses are
Registered nurses Jeromie D. Escasinas and Evan Rigor Singco required to be employed; that contrary to the finding of the Arbiter, even Petitioners add that respondent doctor cannot be a legitimate
(petitioners) were engaged in 1999 and 1996, respectively, by Dr. if Article 280 states that if a worker performs work usually necessary or independent contractor, lacking as she does in substantial capital, the
Jessica Joyce R. Pepito (respondent doctor) to work in her clinic at desirable in the business of the employer, he cannot be automatically clinic having been set-up and already operational when she took over as
respondent Shangri-la’s Mactan Island Resort (Shangri-la) in Cebu of deemed a regular employee; and that the MOA amply shows that retained physician; that respondent doctor has no control over how the
which she was a retained physician. respondent doctor was in fact engaged by Shangri-la on a retainer basis, clinic is being run, as shown by the different orders issued by officers of
under which she could hire her own nurses and other clinic personnel. Shangri-la forbidding her from receiving cash payments and several
In late 2002, petitioners filed with the National Labor Relations purchase orders for medicines and supplies which were coursed thru
Commission (NLRC) Regional Arbitration Branch No. VII (NLRC-RAB No. Shangri-la’s Purchasing Manager, circumstances indubitably showing that
Brushing aside petitioners’ contention that since their application for
VII) a complaint1 for regularization, underpayment of wages, non- she is not an independent contractor but a mere agent of Shangri-la.
employment was addressed to Shangri-la, it was really Shangri-la which
payment of holiday pay, night shift differential and 13th month pay hired them and not respondent doctor, the NLRC noted that the
differential against respondents, claiming that they are regular applications for employment were made by persons who are not parties In its Comment,7 Shangri-la questions the Special Powers of Attorneys
employees of Shangri-la. The case was docketed as RAB Case No. 07-11- to the case and were not shown to have been actually hired by Shangri- (SPAs) appended to the petition for being inadequate. On the merits, it
2089-02. la. prays for the disallowance of the petition, contending that it raises
factual issues, such as the validity of the MOA, which were never raised
Shangri-la claimed, however, that petitioners were not its employees but during the proceedings before the Arbiter, albeit passed upon by him in
On the issue of payment of wages, the NLRC held that the fact that, for
of respondent doctor whom it retained via Memorandum of Agreement his Decision; that Article 157 of the Labor Code does not make it
some months, payment of petitioners’ wages were recommended by
(MOA)2 pursuant to Article 157 of the Labor Code, as amended. mandatory for a covered establishment to employ health personnel; that
Shangri-la’s HRD did not prove that it was Shangri-la which pays their
the services of nurses is not germane nor indispensable to its operations;
wages. It thus credited respondent doctor’s explanation that the
and that respondent doctor is a legitimate individual independent
Respondent doctor for her part claimed that petitioners were already recommendations for payment were based on the billings she prepared
contractor who has the power to hire, fire and supervise the work of the
working for the previous retained physicians of Shangri-la before she for salaries of additional nurses during Shangri-la’s peak months of
nurses under her.
was retained by Shangri-la; and that she maintained petitioners’ services operation, in accordance with the retainership agreement, the guests’
upon their request. payments for medical services having been paid directly to Shanrgi-la.
The resolution of the case hinges, in the main, on the correct
interpretation of Art. 157 vis a vis Art. 280 and the provisions on
By Decision of May 6, 2003, Labor Arbiter Ernesto F. Carreon declared
3 Petitioners thereupon brought the case to the Court of Appeals which, by
permissible job contracting of the Labor Code, as amended.
petitioners to be regular employees of Shangri-la. The Arbiter thus Decision5 of May 22, 2007, affirmed the NLRC Decision that no
ordered Shangri-la to grant them the wages and benefits due them as employer-employee relationship exists between Shangri-la and
regular employees from the time their services were engaged. petitioners. The appellate court concluded that all aspects of the The Court holds that, contrary to petitioners’ postulation, Art. 157 does
employment of petitioners being under the supervision and control of not require the engagement of full-time nurses as regular
employees of a company employing not less than 50 workers. the number of their employees, nothing is there in the law which says Sec. 9. Labor-only contracting. – (a) Any person who undertakes to
Thus, the Article provides: that medical practitioners so engaged be actually hired as employees, supply workers to an employer shall be deemed to be engaged in labor-
adding that the law, as written, only requires the employer "to only contracting where such person:
retain", not employ, a part-time physician who needed to stay in the
ART. 157. Emergency medical and dental services. – It shall be the duty
premises of the non-hazardous workplace for two (2) hours. (Emphasis
of every employer to furnish his employees in any locality with free (1) Does not have substantial capital or
and underscoring supplied)1avvphi1
medical and dental attendance and facilities consisting of: investment in the form of tools, equipment,
machineries, work premises and other
The term "full-time" in Art. 157 cannot be construed as referring to the materials; and
(a) The services of a full-time registered nurse when the
type of employment of the person engaged to provide the services, for
number of employees exceeds fifty (50) but not more than
Article 157 must not be read alongside Art. 2809 in order to vest
two hundred (200) except when the employer does not (2) The workers recruited and placed by such
employer-employee relationship on the employer and the person so
maintain hazardous workplaces, in which case the services of a persons are performing activities which are
engaged. So De Vera teaches:
graduate first-aider shall be provided for the protection of the directly related to the principal business or
workers, where no registered nurse is available. The Secretary operations of the employer in which workers
of Labor shall provide by appropriate regulations the services x x x For, we take it that any agreement may provide that one party are habitually employed.
that shall be required where the number of employees does shall render services for and in behalf of another, no matter how
not exceed fifty (50) and shall determine by appropriate order necessary for the latter’s business, even without being hired as an
(b) Labor-only contracting as defined herein is hereby
hazardous workplaces for purposes of this Article; employee. This set-up is precisely true in the case of an independent
prohibited and the person acting as contractor shall be
contractorship as well as in an agency agreement. Indeed, Article 280 of
considered merely as an agent or intermediary of the employer
the Labor Code, quoted by the appellate court, is not the yardstick for
(b) The services of a full-time registered nurse, a part-time who shall be responsible to the workers in the same manner
determining the existence of an employment relationship. As it is, the
physician and dentist, and an emergency clinic, when the and extent as if the latter were directly employed by him.
provision merely distinguishes between two (2) kinds of employees, i.e.,
number of employees exceeds two hundred (200) but not
regular and casual. x x x10 (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)
more than three hundred (300); and
(c) For cases not falling under this Article, the Secretary of
Labor shall determine through appropriate orders whether or
The phrase "services of a full-time registered nurse" should thus be
(c) The services of a full-time physician, dentist and full-time not the contracting out of labor is permissible in the light of
taken to refer to the kind of services that the nurse will render in the
registered nurse as well as a dental clinic, and an infirmary or the circumstances of each case and after considering the
company’s premises and to its employees, not the manner of his
emergency hospital with one bed capacity for every one operating needs of the employer and the rights of the workers
hundred (100) employees when the number of employees involved. In such case, he may prescribe conditions and
exceeds three hundred (300). restrictions to insure the protection and welfare of the
As to whether respondent doctor can be considered a legitimate workers. (Emphasis supplied)
independent contractor, the pertinent sections of DOLE Department
In cases of hazardous workplaces, no employer shall engage the services
Order No. 10, series of 1997, illuminate:
of a physician or dentist who cannot stay in the premises of the The existence of an independent and permissible contractor relationship
establishment for at least two (2) hours, in the case of those engaged on is generally established by considering the following determinants:
part-time basis, and not less than eight (8) hours in the case of those Sec. 8. Job contracting. – There is job contracting permissible under the whether the contractor is carrying on an independent business; the
employed on full-time basis. Where the undertaking is nonhazardous in Code if the following conditions are met: nature and extent of the work; the skill required; the term and duration
nature, the physician and dentist may be engaged on retained basis, of the relationship; the right to assign the performance of a specified
subject to such regulations as the Secretary of Labor may prescribe to piece of work; the control and supervision of the work to another; the
(1) The contractor carries on an independent business and
insure immediate availability of medical and dental treatment and employer's power with respect to the hiring, firing and payment of the
undertakes the contract work on his own account under his
attendance in case of emergency. (Emphasis and underscoring supplied) contractor's workers; the control of the premises; the duty to supply the
own responsibility according to his own manner and method,
premises, tools, appliances, materials and labor; and the mode, manner
free from the control and direction of his employer or principal
and terms of payment.11
Under the foregoing provision, Shangri-la, which employs more than 200 in all matters connected with the performance of the work
workers, is mandated to "furnish" its employees with the services of a except as to the results thereof; and
full-time registered nurse, a part-time physician and dentist, and an On the other hand, existence of an employer- employee relationship is
emergency clinic which means that it should provide or make available established by the presence of the following determinants: (1) the
(2) The contractor has substantial capital or investment in the
such medical and allied services to its employees, not necessarily to hire selection and engagement of the workers; (2) power of dismissal; (3)
form of tools, equipment, machineries, work premises, and
or employ a service provider. As held in Philippine Global the payment of wages by whatever means; and (4) the power to control
other materials which are necessary in the conduct of his
Communications vs. De Vera:8 the worker's conduct, with the latter assuming primacy in the overall
x x x while it is true that the provision requires employers to engage the
services of medical practitioners in certain establishments depending on
Against the above-listed determinants, the Court holds that respondent
doctor is a legitimate independent contractor. That Shangri-la provides
the clinic premises and medical supplies for use of its employees and
guests does not necessarily prove that respondent doctor lacks
substantial capital and investment. Besides, the maintenance of a clinic
and provision of medical services to its employees is required under Art.
157, which are not directly related to Shangri-la’s principal business –
operation of hotels and restaurants.

As to payment of wages, respondent doctor is the one who underwrites

the following: salaries, SSS contributions and other benefits of the
staff13; group life, group personal accident insurance and life/death
insurance14 for the staff with minimum benefit payable at 12 times the
employee’s last drawn salary, as well as value added taxes and
withholding taxes, sourced from her P60,000.00 monthly retainer fee
and 70% share of the service charges from Shangri-la’s guests who avail
of the clinic services. It is unlikely that respondent doctor would report
petitioners as workers, pay their SSS premium as well as their wages if
they were not indeed her employees.15

With respect to the supervision and control of the nurses and clinic staff,
it is not disputed that a document, "Clinic Policies and Employee
Manual"16 claimed to have been prepared by respondent doctor exists, to
which petitioners gave their conformity17 and in which they
acknowledged their co-terminus employment status. It is thus presumed
that said document, and not the employee manual being followed by
Shangri-la’s regular workers, governs how they perform their respective
tasks and responsibilities.

Contrary to petitioners’ contention, the various office directives issued by

Shangri-la’s officers do not imply that it is Shangri-la’s management and
not respondent doctor who exercises control over them or that Shangri-
la has control over how the doctor and the nurses perform their work.
The letter18 addressed to respondent doctor dated February 7, 2003 from
a certain Tata L. Reyes giving instructions regarding the replenishment
of emergency kits is, at most, administrative in nature, related as it is to
safety matters; while the letter19 dated May 17, 2004 from Shangri-la’s
Assistant Financial Controller, Lotlot Dagat, forbidding the clinic from
receiving cash payments from the resort’s guests is a matter of financial
policy in order to ensure proper sharing of the proceeds, considering that
Shangri-la and respondent doctor share in the guests’ payments for
medical services rendered. In fine, as Shangri-la does not control how
the work should be performed by petitioners, it is not petitioners’

WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DENIED. The Decision of the Court

of Appeals dated May 22, 2007 and the Resolution dated July 10, 2007

10 Company to the Agent for servicing, subject to subsequent confirmation been influenced by developments both from within and without the
of receipt of payment by the Company as evidenced by an Official company.
Receipt issued by the Company directly to the policyholder.
Republic of the Philippines
The issues around agent recruiting are central to the intended objectives
The Company may terminate this Agreement for any breach or violation hence the need for a Senior Managers’ meeting earlier last month when
of any of the provisions hereof by the Agent by giving written notice to Kevin O’Connor, SVP-Agency, took to the floor to determine from our
the Agent within fifteen (15) days from the time of the discovery of the senior agency leaders what more could be done to bolster manpower
G.R. No. 167622 June 29, 2010 breach. No waiver, extinguishment, abandonment, withdrawal or development. At earlier meetings, Kevin had presented information
cancellation of the right to terminate this Agreement by the Company where evidently, your Region was the lowest performer (on a per
GREGORIO V. TONGKO, Petitioner, shall be construed for any previous failure to exercise its right under any Manager basis) in terms of recruiting in 2000 and, as of today, continues
vs. provision of this Agreement. to remain one of the laggards in this area.
RENATO A. VERGEL DE DIOS,Respondents. Either of the parties hereto may likewise terminate his Agreement at any While discussions, in general, were positive other than for certain
time without cause, by giving to the other party fifteen (15) days notice comments from your end which were perceived to be uncalled for, it
RESOLUTION in writing.2 became clear that a one-on-one meeting with you was necessary to
ensure that you and management, were on the same plane. As gleaned
from some of your previous comments in prior meetings (both in group
BRION, J.: Tongko additionally agreed (1) to comply with all regulations and
and one-on-one), it was not clear that we were proceeding in the same
requirements of Manulife, and (2) to maintain a standard of knowledge
and competency in the sale of Manulife’s products, satisfactory to
This resolves the Motion for Reconsideration1 dated December 3, 2008 Manulife and sufficient to meet the volume of the new business, required
filed by respondent The Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. (Phils.), Inc. by his Production Club membership.3 Kevin held subsequent series of meetings with you as a result, one of
(Manulife) to set aside our Decision of November 7, 2008. In the assailed which I joined briefly. In those subsequent meetings you reiterated
decision, we found that an employer-employee relationship existed certain views, the validity of which we challenged and subsequently
between Manulife and petitioner Gregorio Tongko and ordered Manulife The second phase started in 1983 when Tongko was named Unit
found as having no basis.
to pay Tongko backwages and separation pay for illegal dismissal. Manager in Manulife’s Sales Agency Organization. In 1990, he became a
Branch Manager. Six years later (or in 1996), Tongko became a Regional
Sales Manager.4 With such views coming from you, I was a bit concerned that the rest of
The following facts have been stated in our Decision of November 7, the Metro North Managers may be a bit confused as to the directions the
2008, now under reconsideration, but are repeated, simply for purposes company was taking. For this reason, I sought a meeting with everyone
of clarity. Tongko’s gross earnings consisted of commissions, persistency income,
in your management team, including you, to clear the air, so to speak.
and management overrides. Since the beginning, Tongko consistently
declared himself self-employed in his income tax returns. Thus, under
The contractual relationship between Tongko and Manulife had two basic oath, he declared his gross business income and deducted his business This note is intended to confirm the items that were discussed at the
phases. The first or initial phase began on July 1, 1977, under a Career expenses to arrive at his taxable business income. Manulife withheld the said Metro North Region’s Sales Managers meeting held at the 7/F
Agent’s Agreement (Agreement) that provided: corresponding 10% tax on Tongko’s earnings.5 Conference room last 18 October.

It is understood and agreed that the Agent is an independent contractor In 2001, Manulife instituted manpower development programs at the xxxx
and nothing contained herein shall be construed or interpreted as regional sales management level. Respondent Renato Vergel de Dios
creating an employer-employee relationship between the Company and wrote Tongko a letter dated November 6, 2001 on concerns that were
the Agent. Issue # 2: "Some Managers are unhappy with their earnings and would
brought up during the October 18, 2001 Metro North Sales Managers
want to revert to the position of agents."
Meeting. De Dios wrote:
This is an often repeated issue you have raised with me and with Kevin.
The first step to transforming Manulife into a big league player has been
For this reason, I placed the issue on the table before the rest of your
a) The Agent shall canvass for applications for Life Insurance, Annuities, very clear – to increase the number of agents to at least 1,000 strong for
Region’s Sales Managers to verify its validity. As you must have noted,
Group policies and other products offered by the Company, and collect, a start. This may seem diametrically opposed to the way Manulife was
no Sales Manager came forward on their own to confirm your statement
in exchange for provisional receipts issued by the Agent, money due to run when you first joined the organization. Since then, however,
and it took you to name Malou Samson as a source of the same, an
or become due to the Company in respect of applications or policies substantial changes have taken place in the organization, as these have
allegation that Malou herself denied at our meeting and in your very
obtained by or through the Agent or from policyholders allotted by the presence.
This only confirms, Greg, that those prior comments have no solid basis 2. Effective immediately, Kevin and the rest of the Agency Operations Tongko asserted that as Unit Manager, he was paid an annual over-rider
at all. I now believe what I had thought all along, that these allegations will deal with the North Star Branch (NSB) in autonomous fashion. x x x not exceeding P50,000.00, regardless of production levels attained and
were simply meant to muddle the issues surrounding the inability of your exclusive of commissions and bonuses. He also claimed that as Regional
Region to meet its agency development objectives! Sales Manager, he was given a travel and entertainment allowance
I have decided to make this change so as to reduce your span of control
of P36,000.00 per year in addition to his overriding commissions; he was
and allow you to concentrate more fully on overseeing the remaining
tasked with numerous administrative functions and supervisory authority
Issue # 3: "Sales Managers are doing what the company asks them to groups under Metro North, your Central Unit and the rest of the Sales
over Manulife’s employees, aside from merely selling policies and
do but, in the process, they earn less." Managers in Metro North. I will hold you solely responsible for meeting
recruiting agents for Manulife; and he recommended and recruited
the objectives of these remaining groups.
insurance agents subject to vetting and approval by Manulife. He further
xxxx alleges that he was assigned a definite place in the Manulife offices
xxxx when he was not in the field – at the 3rd Floor, Manulife Center, 108
All the above notwithstanding, we had your own records checked and we Tordesillas corner Gallardo Sts., Salcedo Village, Makati City – for which
found that you made a lot more money in the Year 2000 versus 1999. In The above changes can end at this point and they need not go any he never paid any rental. Manulife provided the office equipment he
addition, you also volunteered the information to Kevin when you said further. This, however, is entirely dependent upon you. But you have to used, including tables, chairs, computers and printers (and even office
that you probably will make more money in the Year 2001 compared to understand that meeting corporate objectives by everyone is primary stationery), and paid for the electricity, water and telephone bills. As
Year 2000. Obviously, your above statement about making "less money" and will not be compromised. We are meeting tough challenges next Regional Sales Manager, Tongko additionally asserts that he was
did not refer to you but the way you argued this point had us almost year, and I would want everybody on board. Any resistance or holding required to follow at least three codes of conduct.9
believing that you were spouting the gospel of truth when you were not. back by anyone will be dealt with accordingly.6
xxx B. Manulife’s Case – Agency Relationship with Tongko
Subsequently, de Dios wrote Tongko another letter, dated December 18,
xxxx 2001, terminating Tongko’s services: Manulife argues that Tongko had no fixed wage or salary. Under the
Agreement, Tongko was paid commissions of varying amounts,
All of a sudden, Greg, I have become much more worried about your It would appear, however, that despite the series of meetings and computed based on the premium paid in full and actually received by
ability to lead this group towards the new direction that we have been communications, both one-on-one meetings between yourself and SVP Manulife on policies obtained through an agent. As sales manager,
discussing these past few weeks, i.e., Manulife’s goal to become a major Kevin O’Connor, some of them with me, as well as group meetings with Tongko was paid overriding sales commission derived from sales made
agency-led distribution company in the Philippines. While as you claim, your Sales Managers, all these efforts have failed in helping you align by agents under his unit/structure/branch/region. Manulife also points
you have not stopped anyone from recruiting, I have never heard you your directions with Management’s avowed agency growth policy. out that it deducted and withheld a 10% tax from all commissions
proactively push for greater agency recruiting. You have not been Tongko received; Tongko even declared himself to be self-employed and
proactive all these years when it comes to agency growth. consistently paid taxes as such—i.e., he availed of tax deductions such
xxxx as ordinary and necessary trade, business and professional expenses to
which a business is entitled.
On account thereof, Management is exercising its prerogative under
Section 14 of your Agents Contract as we are now issuing this notice of Manulife asserts that the labor tribunals have no jurisdiction over
I cannot afford to see a major region fail to deliver on its developmental termination of your Agency Agreement with us effective fifteen days Tongko’s claim as he was not its employee as characterized in the four-
goals next year and so, we are making the following changes in the from the date of this letter.7 fold test and our ruling in Carungcong v. National Labor Relations
interim: Commission.10
Tongko responded by filing an illegal dismissal complaint with the
1. You will hire at your expense a competent assistant who can unload National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) Arbitration Branch. He The Conflicting Rulings of the Lower Tribunals
you of much of the routine tasks which can be easily delegated. This essentially alleged – despite the clear terms of the letter terminating his
assistant should be so chosen as to complement your skills and help you Agency Agreement – that he was Manulife’s employee before he was
in the areas where you feel "may not be your cup of tea." illegally dismissed.8 The labor arbiter decreed that no employer-employee relationship
existed between the parties. However, the NLRC reversed the labor
arbiter’s decision on appeal; it found the existence of an employer-
You have stated, if not implied, that your work as Regional Manager may Thus, the threshold issue is the existence of an employment relationship. employee relationship and concluded that Tongko had been illegally
be too taxing for you and for your health. The above could solve this A finding that none exists renders the question of illegal dismissal moot; dismissed. In the petition for certiorari with the Court of Appeals (CA),
problem. a finding that an employment relationship exists, on the other hand, the appellate court found that the NLRC gravely abused its discretion in
necessarily leads to the need to determine the validity of the termination its ruling and reverted to the labor arbiter’s decision that no employer-
of the relationship. employee relationship existed between Tongko and Manulife.

A. Tongko’s Case for Employment Relationship Our Decision of November 7, 2008

In our Decision of November 7, 2008, we reversed the CA ruling and of conclusions between the CA and the NLRC decisions as Brokers" and specifically defines the agents and brokers relationship with
found that an employment relationship existed between Tongko and confined only to that on "control"; (c) grossly failing to the insurance company and how they are governed by the Code and
Manulife. We concluded that Tongko is Manulife’s employee for the consider the findings and conclusions of the CA on the regulated by the Insurance Commission.
following reasons: majority of the material evidence, especially [Tongko’s]
declaration in his income tax returns that he was a "business
The Insurance Code, of course, does not wholly regulate the "agency"
person" or "self-employed"; and (d) allowing [Tongko] to
1. Our ruling in the first Insular11 case did not foreclose the that it speaks of, as agency is a civil law matter governed by the Civil
repudiate his sworn statement in a public document.
possibility of an insurance agent becoming an employee of an Code. Thus, at the very least, three sets of laws – namely, the Insurance
insurance company; if evidence exists showing that the Code, the Labor Code and the Civil Code – have to be considered in
company promulgated rules or regulations that effectively 2. The November 7[, 2008] Decision contravenes settled rules looking at the present case. Not to be forgotten, too, is the Agreement
controlled or restricted an insurance agent’s choice of methods in contract law and agency, distorts not only the legal (partly reproduced on page 2 of this Dissent and which no one disputes)
or the methods themselves in selling insurance, an employer- relationships of agencies to sell but also distributorship and that the parties adopted to govern their relationship for purposes of
employee relationship would be present. The determination of franchising, and ignores the constitutional and policy context selling the insurance the company offers. To forget these other laws is to
the existence of an employer-employee relationship is thus on of contract law vis-à-vis labor law. take a myopic view of the present case and to add to the uncertainties
a case-to-case basis depending on the evidence on record. that now exist in considering the legal relationship between the
insurance company and its "agents."
3. The November 7[, 2008] Decision ignores the findings of
2. Manulife had the power of control over Tongko, sufficient to the CA on the three elements of the four-fold test other than
characterize him as an employee, as shown by the following the "control" test, reverses well-settled doctrines of law on The main issue of whether an agency or an employment relationship
indicators: employer-employee relationships, and grossly misapplies the exists depends on the incidents of the relationship. The Labor Code
"control test," by selecting, without basis, a few items of concept of "control" has to be compared and distinguished with the
evidence to the exclusion of more material evidence to support "control" that must necessarily exist in a principal-agent relationship. The
2.1 Tongko undertook to comply with Manulife’s
its conclusion that there is "control." principal cannot but also have his or her say in directing the course of
rules, regulations and other requirements, i.e., the
the principal-agent relationship, especially in cases where the company-
different codes of conduct such as the Agent Code
representative relationship in the insurance industry is an agency.
of Conduct, the Manulife Financial Code of Conduct, 4. The November 7[, 2008] Decision is judicial legislation,
and the Financial Code of Conduct Agreement; beyond the scope authorized by Articles 8 and 9 of the Civil
Code, beyond the powers granted to this Court under Article a. The laws on insurance and agency
VIII, Section 1 of the Constitution and contravenes through
2.2 The various affidavits of Manulife’s insurance
judicial legislation, the constitutional prohibition against
agents and managers, who occupied similar The business of insurance is a highly regulated commercial activity in the
impairment of contracts under Article III, Section 10 of the
positions as Tongko, showed that they performed country, in terms particularly of who can be in the insurance business,
administrative duties that established employment who can act for and in behalf of an insurer, and how these parties shall
with Manulife;12 and conduct themselves in the insurance business. Section 186 of the
5. For all the above reasons, the November 7[, 2008] Decision Insurance Code provides that "No person, partnership, or association of
made unsustainable and reversible errors, which should be persons shall transact any insurance business in the Philippines except as
2.3 Tongko was tasked to recruit some agents in
corrected, in concluding that Respondent Manulife and agent of a person or corporation authorized to do the business of
addition to his other administrative functions. De
Petitioner had an employer-employee relationship, that insurance in the Philippines." Sections 299 and 300 of the Insurance
Dios’ letter harped on the direction Manulife
Respondent Manulife illegally dismissed Petitioner, and for Code on Insurance Agents and Brokers, among other provisions,
intended to take, viz., greater agency recruitment as
consequently ordering Respondent Manulife to pay Petitioner provide:
the primary means to sell more policies; Tongko’s
backwages, separation pay, nominal damages and attorney’s
alleged failure to follow this directive led to the
termination of his employment with Manulife. Section 299. No insurance company doing business in the Philippines,
nor any agent thereof, shall pay any commission or other compensation
THE COURT’S RULING to any person for services in obtaining insurance, unless such person
The Motion for Reconsideration
shall have first procured from the Commissioner a license to act as an
insurance agent of such company or as an insurance broker as
A. The Insurance and the Civil Codes;
Manulife disagreed with our Decision and filed the present motion for hereinafter provided.
the Parties’ Intent and Established
reconsideration on the following GROUNDS:
Industry Practices
No person shall act as an insurance agent or as an insurance broker in
1. The November 7[, 2008] Decision violates Manulife’s right the solicitation or procurement of applications for insurance, or receive
We cannot consider the present case purely from a labor law
to due process by: (a) confining the review only to the issue of for services in obtaining insurance, any commission or other
perspective, oblivious that the factual antecedents were set in the
"control" and utterly disregarding all the other issues that had compensation from any insurance company doing business in the
insurance industry so that the Insurance Code primarily governs. Chapter
been joined in this case; (b) mischaracterizing the divergence Philippines or any agent thereof, without first procuring a license so to
IV, Title 1 of this Code is wholly devoted to "Insurance Agents and
act from the Commissioner x x x The Commissioner shall satisfy himself principal in an agency relationship, on the other hand, also has the The present case at first glance appears aligned with the facts in the
as to the competence and trustworthiness of the applicant and shall prerogative to exercise control over the agent in undertaking the Carungcong, the Grepalife, and the second Insular Life cases. A critical
have the right to refuse to issue or renew and to suspend or revoke any assigned task based on the parameters outlined in the pertinent laws. difference, however, exists as these cited cases dealt with the proper
such license in his legal characterization of a subsequent management contract that
superseded the original agency contract between the insurance company
Under the general law on agency as applied to insurance, an agency
and its agent. Carungcong dealt with a subsequent Agreement making
Section 300. Any person who for compensation solicits or obtains must be express in light of the need for a license and for the designation
Carungcong a New Business Manager that clearly superseded the
insurance on behalf of any insurance company or transmits for a person by the insurance company. In the present case, the Agreement fully
Agreement designating Carungcong as an agent empowered to solicit
other than himself an application for a policy or contract of insurance to serves as grant of authority to Tongko as Manulife’s insurance
applications for insurance. The Grepalife case, on the other hand, dealt
or from such company or offers or assumes to act in the negotiating of agent.17 This agreement is supplemented by the company’s agency
with the proper legal characterization of the appointment of the Ruiz
such insurance shall be an insurance agent within the intent of this practices and usages, duly accepted by the agent in carrying out the
brothers to positions higher than their original position as insurance
section and shall thereby become liable to all the duties, requirements, agency.18 By authority of the Insurance Code, an insurance agency is for
agents. Thus, after analyzing the duties and functions of the Ruiz
liabilities and penalties to which an insurance agent is subject. compensation,19 a matter the Civil Code Rules on Agency presumes in
brothers, as these were enumerated in their contracts, we concluded
the absence of proof to the contrary.20 Other than the compensation, the
that the company practically dictated the manner by which the Ruiz
principal is bound to advance to, or to reimburse, the agent the agreed
The application for an insurance agent’s license requires a written brothers were to carry out their jobs. Finally, the second Insular Life
sums necessary for the execution of the agency.21 By implication at least
examination, and the applicant must be of good moral character and case dealt with the implications of de los Reyes’ appointment as acting
under Article 1994 of the Civil Code, the principal can appoint two or
must not have been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude.14 The unit manager which, like the subsequent contracts in the Carungcong
more agents to carry out the same assigned tasks,22 based necessarily
insurance agent who collects premiums from an insured person for and the Grepalife cases, was clearly defined under a subsequent
on the specific instructions and directives given to them.
remittance to the insurance company does so in a fiduciary capacity, and contract. In all these cited cases, a determination of the presence of the
an insurance company which delivers an insurance policy or contract to Labor Code element of control was made on the basis of the stipulations
an authorized agent is deemed to have authorized the agent to receive With particular relevance to the present case is the provision that "In the of the subsequent contracts.
payment on the company’s behalf.15 Section 361 further prohibits the execution of the agency, the agent shall act in accordance with the
offer, negotiation, or collection of any amount other than that specified instructions of the principal."23 This provision is pertinent for purposes of
In stark contrast with the Carungcong, the Grepalife, and the second
in the policy and this covers any rebate from the premium or any special the necessary control that the principal exercises over the agent in
Insular Life cases, the only contract or document extant and submitted
favor or advantage in the dividends or benefit accruing from the policy. undertaking the assigned task, and is an area where the instructions can
as evidence in the present case is the Agreement – a pure agency
intrude into the labor law concept of control so that minute consideration
agreement in the Civil Code context similar to the original contract in the
of the facts is necessary. A related article is Article 1891 of the Civil Code
Thus, under the Insurance Code, the agent must, as a matter of first Insular Life case and the contract in the AFPMBAI case. And while
which binds the agent to render an account of his transactions to the
qualification, be licensed and must also act within the parameters of the Tongko was later on designated unit manager in 1983, Branch Manager
authority granted under the license and under the contract with the in 1990, and Regional Sales Manager in 1996, no formal contract
principal. Other than the need for a license, the agent is limited in the regarding these undertakings appears in the records of the case. Any
way he offers and negotiates for the sale of the company’s insurance B. The Cited Case such contract or agreement, had there been any, could have at the very
products, in his collection activities, and in the delivery of the insurance least provided the bases for properly ascertaining the juridical
contract or policy. Rules regarding the desired results (e.g., the required relationship established between the parties.
The Decision of November 7, 2008 refers to the first Insular and
volume to continue to qualify as a company agent, rules to check on the
Grepalife cases to establish that the company rules and regulations that
parameters on the authority given to the agent, and rules to ensure that
an agent has to comply with are indicative of an employer-employee These critical differences, particularly between the present case and the
industry, legal and ethical rules are followed) are built-in elements of
relationship.24 The Dissenting Opinions of Justice Presbitero Velasco, Jr. Grepalife and the second Insular Life cases, should therefore
control specific to an insurance agency and should not and cannot be
and Justice Conchita Carpio Morales also cite Insular Life Assurance Co. immediately drive us to be more prudent and cautious in applying the
read as elements of control that attend an employment relationship
v. National Labor Relations Commission (second Insular case)25 to rulings in these cases.
governed by the Labor Code.
support the view that Tongko is Manulife’s employee. On the other hand,
Manulife cites the Carungcong case and AFP Mutual Benefit Association,
C. Analysis of the Evidence
On the other hand, the Civil Code defines an agent as a "person [who] Inc. v. National Labor Relations Commission (AFPMBAI case)26 to support
binds himself to render some service or to do something in its allegation that Tongko was not its employee.
representation or on behalf of another, with the consent or authority of c.1. The Agreement
the latter."16 While this is a very broad definition that on its face may
A caveat has been given above with respect to the use of the rulings in
even encompass an employment relationship, the distinctions between
the cited cases because none of them is on all fours with the present The primary evidence in the present case is the July 1, 1977 Agreement
agency and employment are sufficiently established by law and
case; the uniqueness of the factual situation of the present case that governed and defined the parties’ relations until the Agreement’s
prevents it from being directly and readily cast in the mold of the cited termination in 2001. This Agreement stood for more than two decades
cases. These cited cases are themselves different from one another; this and, based on the records of the case, was never modified or novated. It
Generally, the determinative element is the control exercised over the difference underscores the need to read and quote them in the context assumes primacy because it directly dealt with the nature of the parties’
one rendering service. The employer controls the employee both in the of their own factual situations. relationship up to the very end; moreover, both parties never disputed
results and in the means and manner of achieving this result. The its authenticity or the accuracy of its terms.
By the Agreement’s express terms, Tongko served as an "insurance expenses and was even allowed to use Manulife facilities in his persistent refusal to recognize him as its employee.29 Regrettably, the
agent" for Manulife, not as an employee. To be sure, the Agreement’s interactions with the agents, all of whom were, in the strict sense, dissent has shown no basis for this conclusion, an
legal characterization of the nature of the relationship cannot be Manulife agents approved and certified as such by Manulife with the understandable omission since no evidence in fact exists on this
conclusive and binding on the courts; as the dissent clearly stated, the Insurance Commission. point in the records of the case. In fact, what the evidence shows is
characterization of the juridical relationship the Agreement embodied is a Tongko’s full conformity with, and action as, an independent agent until
matter of law that is for the courts to determine. At the same time, his relationship with Manulife took a bad turn.
That Tongko assumed a leadership role but nevertheless wholly
though, the characterization the parties gave to their relationship in the
remained an agent is the inevitable conclusion that results from the
Agreement cannot simply be brushed aside because it embodies their
reading of the Agreement (the only agreement on record in this case) Another interesting point the dissent raised with respect to the
intent at the time they entered the Agreement, and they were governed
and his continuing role thereunder as sales agent, from the perspective Agreement is its conclusion that the Agreement negated any
by this understanding throughout their relationship. At the very least, the
of the Insurance and the Civil Codes and in light of what Tongko himself employment relationship between Tongko and Manulife so that the
provision on the absence of employer-employee relationship between the
attested to as his role as Regional Sales Manager. To be sure, this commissions he earned as a sales agent should not be considered in the
parties can be an aid in considering the Agreement and its
interpretation could have been contradicted if other agreements had determination of the backwages and separation pay that should be given
implementation, and in appreciating the other evidence on record.
been submitted as evidence of the relationship between Manulife and to him. This part of the dissent is correct although it went on to twist this
Tongko on the latter’s expanded undertakings. In the absence of any conclusion by asserting that Tongko had dual roles in his relationship
The parties’ legal characterization of their intent, although not such evidence, however, this reading – based on the available evidence with Manulife; he was an agent, not an employee, in so far as he sold
conclusive, is critical in this case because this intent is not illegal or and the applicable insurance and civil law provisions – must stand, insurance for Manulife, but was an employee in his capacity as a
outside the contemplation of law, particularly of the Insurance and the subject only to objective and evidentiary Labor Code tests on the manager. Thus, the dissent concluded that Tongko’s backwages should
Civil Codes. From this perspective, the provisions of the Insurance Code existence of an employer-employee relationship. only be with respect to his role as Manulife’s manager.
cannot be disregarded as this Code (as heretofore already noted)
expressly envisions a principal-agent relationship between the insurance
In applying such Labor Code tests, however, the enforcement of the The conclusion with respect to Tongko’s employment as a manager is, of
company and the insurance agent in the sale of insurance to the
Agreement during the course of the parties’ relationship should be course, unacceptable for the legal, factual and practical reasons
public.1awph!1 For this reason, we can take judicial notice that as a
noted. From 1977 until the termination of the Agreement, Tongko’s discussed in this Resolution. In brief, the factual reason is grounded on
matter of Insurance Code-based business practice, an agency
occupation was to sell Manulife’s insurance policies and products. Both the lack of evidentiary support of the conclusion that Manulife exercised
relationship prevails in the insurance industry for the purpose of selling
parties acquiesced with the terms and conditions of the Agreement. control over Tongko in the sense understood in the Labor Code.
insurance. The Agreement, by its express terms, is in accordance with
Tongko, for his part, accepted all the benefits flowing from the The legal reason, partly based on the lack of factual basis, is the
the Insurance Code model when it provided for a principal-agent
Agreement, particularly the generous commissions. erroneous legal conclusion that Manulife controlled Tongko and was thus
relationship, and thus cannot lightly be set aside nor simply be
its employee. The practical reason, on the other hand, is the havoc
considered as an agreement that does not reflect the parties’ true intent.
that the dissent’s unwarranted conclusion would cause the insurance
This intent, incidentally, is reinforced by the system of compensation the Evidence indicates that Tongko consistently clung to the view that he
industry that, by the law’s own design, operated along the lines of
Agreement provides, which likewise is in accordance with the production- was an independent agent selling Manulife insurance products since he
principal-agent relationship in the sale of insurance.
based sales commissions the Insurance Code provides. invariably declared himself a business or self-employed person in his
income tax returns. This consistency with, and action made
pursuant to the Agreement were pieces of evidence that were c.2. Other Evidence of Alleged Control
Significantly, evidence shows that Tongko’s role as an insurance agent
never mentioned nor considered in our Decision of November 7,
never changed during his relationship with Manulife. If changes occurred
2008. Had they been considered, they could, at the very least, serve as
at all, the changes did not appear to be in the nature of their core A glaring evidentiary gap for Tongko in this case is the lack of evidence
Tongko’s admissions against his interest. Strictly speaking, Tongko’s tax
relationship. Tongko essentially remained an agent, but moved up in this on record showing that Manulife ever exercised means-and-manner
returns cannot but be legally significant because he certified under oath
role through Manulife’s recognition that he could use other agents control, even to a limited extent, over Tongko during his ascent in
the amount he earned as gross business income, claimed business
approved by Manulife, but operating under his guidance and in whose Manulife’s sales ladder. In 1983, Tongko was appointed unit manager.
deductions, leading to his net taxable income. This should be evidence of
commissions he had a share. For want of a better term, Tongko perhaps Inexplicably, Tongko never bothered to present any evidence at all on
the first order that cannot be brushed aside by a mere denial. Even on a
could be labeled as a "lead agent" who guided under his wing other what this designation meant. This also holds true for Tongko’s
layman’s view that is devoid of legal considerations, the extent of his
Manulife agents similarly tasked with the selling of Manulife insurance. appointment as branch manager in 1990, and as Regional Sales Manager
annual income alone renders his claimed employment status doubtful.27
in 1996. The best evidence of control – the agreement or directive
relating to Tongko’s duties and responsibilities – was never introduced as
Like Tongko, the evidence suggests that these other agents operated
Hand in hand with the concept of admission against interest in part of the records of the case. The reality is, prior to de Dios’ letter,
under their own agency agreements. Thus, if Tongko’s compensation
considering the tax returns, the concept of estoppel – a legal and Manulife had practically left Tongko alone not only in doing the business
scheme changed at all during his relationship with Manulife, the change
equitable concept28 – necessarily must come into play. Tongko’s previous of selling insurance, but also in guiding the agents under his wing. As
was solely for purposes of crediting him with his share in the
admissions in several years of tax returns as an independent agent, as discussed below, the alleged directives covered by de Dios’ letter,
commissions the agents under his wing generated. As an agent who was
against his belated claim that he was all along an employee, are too heretofore quoted in full, were policy directions and targeted results that
recruiting and guiding other insurance agents, Tongko likewise moved
diametrically opposed to be simply dismissed or ignored. Interestingly, the company wanted Tongko and the other sales groups to realign with
up in terms of the reimbursement of expenses he incurred in the course
Justice Velasco’s dissenting opinion states that Tongko was forced to in their own selling activities. This is the reality that the parties’
of his lead agency, a prerogative he enjoyed pursuant to Article 1912 of
declare himself a business or self-employed person by Manulife’s presented evidence consistently tells us.
the Civil Code. Thus, Tongko received greater reimbursements for his
What, to Tongko, serve as evidence of labor law control are the codes of The dissent considers the imposition of administrative and managerial The dissent apparently did not also properly analyze and appreciate the
conduct that Manulife imposes on its agents in the sale of insurance. The functions on Tongko as indicative of labor law control; thus, Tongko as great qualitative difference that exists between:
mere presentation of codes or of rules and regulations, however, is not manager, but not as insurance agent, became Manulife’s employee. It
per se indicative of labor law control as the law and jurisprudence teach drew this conclusion from what the other Manulife managers disclosed in
us. their affidavits (i.e., their enumerated administrative and managerial  the Manulife managers’ role is to coordinate activities of the
functions) and after comparing these statements with the managers in agents under the managers’ Unit in the agents’ daily, weekly,
Grepalife. The dissent compared the control exercised by Manulife over and monthly selling activities, making sure that their respective
As already recited above, the Insurance Code imposes obligations on sales targets are met.
its managers in the present case with the control the managers in the
both the insurance company and its agents in the performance of their
Grepalife case exercised over their employees by presenting the  the District Manager’s duty in Grepalife is to properly
respective obligations under the Code, particularly on licenses and their
following matrix:31 account, record, and document the company's funds, spot-
renewals, on the representations to be made to potential customers, the
check and audit the work of the zone supervisors, conserve
collection of premiums, on the delivery of insurance policies, on the
the company's business in the district through
matter of compensation, and on measures to ensure ethical business Duties of Manulife’s Manager Duties of Grepalife’s Managers/Supervisors
"reinstatements," follow up the submission of weekly
practice in the industry.
remittance reports of the debit agents and zone supervisors,
- to render or recommend prospective agents to be - train understudies forpreserve
the position of district
company manager
property in good condition, train
The general law on agency, on the other hand, expressly allows the licensed, trained and contracted to sell Manulife products understudies for the position of district managers, and
principal an element of control over the agent in a manner consistent and who will be part of my Unit maintain his quota of sales (the failure of which is a ground for
with an agency relationship. In this sense, these control measures termination).
- to coordinate activities of the agents under [the - properly account, record and document the company’s funds,
cannot be read as indicative of labor law control. Foremost among these
managers’] Unit in [the agents’] daily, weekly and monthly 
spot-check and audit thethework
ZoneofSupervisor’s (also inxGrepalife)
the zone supervisors, xx has the duty to
are the directives that the principal may impose on the agent to achieve direct and supervise the reports
sales activities
selling activities, making sure that their respective sales follow up the submission of weekly remittance of the of the debit agents
the assigned tasks, to the extent that they do not involve the means and
targets are met; debit agents and zone under him, conserve company property through
manner of undertaking these tasks. The law likewise obligates the agent "reinstatements," undertake and discharge the functions of
to render an account; in this sense, the principal may impose on the absentee debit agents, spot-check the records of debit agents,
agent specific instructions on how an account shall be made, particularly - to conduct periodic training sessions for [the] agents to - direct and supervise the
and sales
insureactivities of the debit agents
proper documentation of sales and collections by
on the matter of expenses and reimbursements. To these extents, further enhance their sales skill; and under him, x x x undertake and agents.
the debit discharge the functions of
control can be imposed through rules and regulations without intruding absentee debit agents, spot-check the record of debit agents,
into the labor law concept of control for purposes of employment. and insure proper documentation of sales and collections of
- to assist [the] agents with their sales activities by way of
debit agents.These job contents are worlds apart in terms of "control." In Grepalife,
joint fieldwork, consultations and one-on-one evaluation the details of how to do the job are specified and pre-determined; in the
From jurisprudence, an important lesson that the first Insular Life case and analysis of particular accounts present case, the operative words are the "sales target," the
teaches us is that a commitment to abide by the rules and regulations of methodology being left undefined except to the extent of being
an insurance company does not ipso facto make the insurance agent an "coordinative." To be sure, a "coordinative" standard for a manager
employee. Neither do guidelines somehow restrictive of the insurance Aside from these affidavits however, no other evidence exists regarding cannot be indicative of control; the standard only essentially describes
agent’s conduct necessarily indicate "control" as this term is defined in the effects of Tongko’s additional roles in Manulife’s sales operations on what a Branch Manager is – the person in the lead who orchestrates
jurisprudence. Guidelines indicative of labor law "control," as the the contractual relationship between them. activities within the group. To "coordinate," and thereby to lead and to
first Insular Life case tells us, should not merely relate to the orchestrate, is not so much a matter of control by Manulife; it is simply a
mutually desirable result intended by the contractual To the dissent, Tongko’s administrative functions as recruiter, trainer, or statement of a branch manager’s role in relation with his agents from the
relationship; they must have the nature of dictating the means or supervisor of other sales agents constituted a substantive alteration of point of view of Manulife whose business Tongko’s sales group carries.
methods to be employed in attaining the result, or of fixing the Manulife’s authority over Tongko and the performance of his end of the
methodology and of binding or restricting the party hired to the use of relationship with Manulife. We could not deny though that Tongko
these means. In fact, results-wise, the principal can impose production A disturbing note, with respect to the presented affidavits and Tongko’s
remained, first and foremost, an insurance agent, and that his additional alleged administrative functions, is the selective citation of the portions
quotas and can determine how many agents, with specific territories, role as Branch Manager did not lessen his main and dominant role as
ought to be employed to achieve the company’s objectives. These are supportive of an employment relationship and the consequent omission
insurance agent; this role continued to dominate the relations between of portions leading to the contrary conclusion. For example, the following
management policy decisions that the labor law element of control Tongko and Manulife even after Tongko assumed his leadership role
cannot reach. Our ruling in these respects in the first Insular Life case portions of the affidavit of Regional Sales Manager John Chua, with
among agents. This conclusion cannot be denied because it proceeds counterparts in the other affidavits, were not brought out in the Decision
was practically reiterated in Carungcong. Thus, as will be shown more from the undisputed fact that Tongko and Manulife never altered their
fully below, Manulife’s codes of conduct,30 all of which do not intrude into of November 7, 2008, while the other portions suggesting labor law
July 1, 1977 Agreement, a distinction the present case has with the control were highlighted. Specifically, the following portions of the
the insurance agents’ means and manner of conducting their sales and contractual changes made in the second Insular Life case. Tongko’s
only control them as to the desired results and Insurance Code norms, affidavits were not brought out:32
results-based commissions, too, attest to the primacy he gave to his role
cannot be used as basis for a finding that the labor law concept of as insurance sales agent.
control existed between Manulife and Tongko.

1.a. I have no fixed wages or salary since my services are effectively guiding his corps of sales agents, who are bound to Manulife  was he paid additional compensation as a so-called Area Sales
compensated by way of commissions based on the computed through the same Agreement that he had with Manulife, all the while Manager, apart from the commissions he received from the
premiums paid in full on the policies obtained thereat; sharing in these agents’ commissions through his overrides. This is the insurance sales he generated;
lead agent concept mentioned above for want of a more appropriate
 what can be Manulife’s basis to terminate his status as lead
term, since the title of Branch Manager used by the parties is really a
1.b. I have no fixed working hours and employ my own agent;
misnomer given that what is involved is not a specific regular branch of
method in soliticing insurance at a time and place I see fit;
the company but a corps of non-employed agents, defined in terms of  can Manulife terminate his role as lead agent separately from
covered territory, through which the company sells insurance. Still his agency contract; and
1.c. I have my own assistant and messenger who handle my another point to consider is that Tongko was not even setting policies in  to what extent does Manulife control the means and methods
daily work load; the way a regular company manager does; company aims and objectives of Tongko’s role as lead agent?
were simply relayed to him with suggestions on how these objectives
1.d. I use my own facilities, tools, materials and supplies in can be reached through the expansion of a non-employee sales force. The answers to these questions may, to some extent, be deduced from
carrying out my business of selling insurance; the evidence at hand, as partly discussed above. But strictly speaking,
Interestingly, a large part of de Dios’ letter focused on income, which the questions cannot definitively and concretely be answered through
Manulife demonstrated, in Tongko’s case, to be unaffected by the new the evidence on record. The concrete evidence required to settle these
goal and direction the company had set. Income in insurance agency, of questions is simply not there, since only the Agreement and the
course, is dependent on results, not on the means and manner of selling anecdotal affidavits have been marked and submitted as evidence.
6. I have my own staff that handles the day to day operations – a matter for Tongko and his agents to determine and an area into
of my office; which Manulife had not waded. Undeniably, de Dios’ letter contained a Given this anemic state of the evidence, particularly on the requisite
directive to secure a competent assistant at Tongko’s own expense. confluence of the factors determinative of the existence of employer-
7. My staff are my own employees and received salaries from While couched in terms of a directive, it cannot strictly be understood as employee relationship, the Court cannot conclusively find that the
me; an intrusion into Tongko’s method of operating and supervising the relationship exists in the present case, even if such relationship only
group of agents within his delineated territory. More than anything else, refers to Tongko’s additional functions. While a rough deduction can be
the "directive" was a signal to Tongko that his results were made, the answer will not be fully supported by the substantial evidence
xxxx unsatisfactory, and was a suggestion on how Tongko’s perceived needed.
weakness in delivering results could be remedied. It was a solution, with
9. My commission and incentives are all reported to the an eye on results, for a consistently underperforming group; its obvious
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) as income by a self- intent was to save Tongko from the result that he then failed to grasp – Under this legal situation, the only conclusion that can be made is that
employed individual or professional with a ten (10) percent that he could lose even his own status as an agent, as he in fact the absence of evidence showing Manulife’s control over Tongko’s
creditable withholding tax. I also remit monthly for eventually did. contractual duties points to the absence of any employer-employee
professionals. relationship between Tongko and Manulife. In the context of the
established evidence, Tongko remained an agent all along; although his
The present case must be distinguished from the second Insular Life subsequent duties made him a lead agent with leadership role, he was
These statements, read with the above comparative analysis of the case that showed the hallmarks of an employer-employee relationship in nevertheless only an agent whose basic contract yields no evidence of
Manulife and the Grepalife cases, would have readily yielded the the management system established. These were: exclusivity of service, means-and-manner control.
conclusion that no employer-employee relationship existed between control of assignments and removal of agents under the private
Manulife and Tongko. respondent’s unit, and furnishing of company facilities and materials as
well as capital described as Unit Development Fund. All these are This conclusion renders unnecessary any further discussion of the
obviously absent in the present case. If there is a commonality in these question of whether an agent may simultaneously assume conflicting
Even de Dios’ letter is not determinative of control as it indicates the cases, it is in the collection of premiums which is a basic authority that dual personalities. But to set the record straight, the concept of a single
least amount of intrusion into Tongko’s exercise of his role as manager can be delegated to agents under the Insurance Code. person having the dual role of agent and employee while doing the same
in guiding the sales agents. Strictly viewed, de Dios’ directives are task is a novel one in our jurisprudence, which must be viewed with
merely operational guidelines on how Tongko could align his operations caution especially when it is devoid of any jurisprudential support or
with Manulife’s re-directed goal of being a "big league player." The As previously discussed, what simply happened in Tongko’s case was the precedent. The quoted portions in Justice Carpio-Morales’
method is to expand coverage through the use of more agents. This grant of an expanded sales agency role that recognized him as leader dissent,33 borrowed from both the Grepalife and the second Insular Life
requirement for the recruitment of more agents is not a means-and- amongst agents in an area that Manulife defined. Whether this cases, to support the duality approach of the Decision of November 7,
method control as it relates, more than anything else, and is directly consequently resulted in the establishment of an employment 2008, are regrettably far removed from their context – i.e., the cases’
relevant, to Manulife’s objective of expanded business operations relationship can be answered by concrete evidence that factual situations, the issues they decided and the totality of the rulings
through the use of a bigger sales force whose members are all on a corresponds to the following questions: in these cases – and cannot yield the conclusions that the dissenting
principal-agent relationship. An important point to note here is that opinions drew.
Tongko was not supervising regular full-time employees of Manulife
engaged in the running of the insurance business; Tongko was
 as lead agent, what were Tongko’s specific functions and the
terms of his additional engagement;
The Grepalife case dealt with the sole issue of whether the Ruiz brothers’ dissent suggests as the dissenting opinions are as factually and as legally
appointment as zone supervisor and district manager made them erroneous as the Decision under reconsideration.
employees of Grepalife. Indeed, because of the presence of the element
of control in their contract of engagements, they were
In light of these conclusions, the sufficiency of Tongko’s failure to
considered Grepalife’s employees. This did not mean, however, that they
comply with the guidelines of de Dios’ letter, as a ground for termination
were simultaneously considered agents as well as employees
of Tongko’s agency, is a matter that the labor tribunals cannot rule upon
of Grepalife; the Court’s ruling never implied that this situation existed
in the absence of an employer-employee relationship. Jurisdiction over
insofar as the Ruiz brothers were concerned. The Court’s statement –
the matter belongs to the courts applying the laws of insurance, agency
the Insurance Code may govern the licensing requirements and other
and contracts.
particular duties of insurance agents, but it does not bar the application
of the Labor Code with regard to labor standards and labor relations –
simply means that when an insurance company has exercised control WHEREFORE, considering the foregoing discussion, we REVERSE our
over its agents so as to make them their employees, the relationship Decision of November 7, 2008, GRANTManulife’s motion for
between the parties, which was otherwise one for agency governed by reconsideration and, accordingly, DISMISS Tongko’s petition. No costs.
the Civil Code and the Insurance Code, will now be governed by the
Labor Code. The reason for this is simple – the contract of agency has SO ORDERED.
been transformed into an employer-employee relationship.

The second Insular Life case, on the other hand, involved the issue of
whether the labor bodies have jurisdiction over an illegal termination
dispute involving parties who had two contracts – first, an original
contract (agency contract), which was undoubtedly one for agency, and
another subsequent contract that in turn designated the agent acting
unit manager (a management contract). Both the Insular Life and the
labor arbiter were one in the position that both were agency contracts.
The Court disagreed with this conclusion and held that insofar as the
management contract is concerned, the labor arbiter has jurisdiction. It
is in this light that we remanded the case to the labor arbiter for further
proceedings. We never said in this case though that the insurance agent
had effectively assumed dual personalities for the simple reason that the
agency contract has been effectively superseded by the management
contract. The management contract provided that if the appointment
was terminated for any reason other than for cause, the acting unit
manager would be reverted to agent status and assigned to any unit.

The dissent pointed out, as an argument to support its employment

relationship conclusion, that any doubt in the existence of an employer-
employee relationship should be resolved in favor of the existence of the
relationship.34This observation, apparently drawn from Article 4 of the
Labor Code, is misplaced, as Article 4 applies only when a doubt exists in
the "implementation and application" of the Labor Code and its
implementing rules; it does not apply where no doubt exists as in a
situation where the claimant clearly failed to substantiate his claim of
employment relationship by the quantum of evidence the Labor Code

On the dissent’s last point regarding the lack of jurisprudential value of

our November 7, 2008 Decision, suffice it to state that, as discussed
above, the Decision was not supported by the evidence adduced and
was not in accordance with controlling jurisprudence. It should,
therefore, be reconsidered and abandoned, but not in the manner the
11 morning depending on the needs of the cockpit. Petitioners had both Following the denial by the NLRC of their Motion for Reconsideration, per
been issued employees’ identification cards5 that they wear every time Resolution dated January 12, 2007, petitioners went to the CA on a
they report for duty. They alleged never having incurred any infraction petition for certiorari. In support of their petition, petitioners argued that
Republic of the Philippines and/or violation of the cockpit rules and regulations. the NLRC gravely abused its discretion in entertaining an appeal that was
SUPREME COURT not perfected in the first place. On the other hand, respondents argued
Manila that the NLRC did not commit grave abuse of discretion, since they
On November 14, 2003, however, petitioners were denied entry into the
eventually posted their appeal bond and that their appeal was so
cockpit upon the instructions of respondents, and were informed of the
THIRD DIVISION meritorious warranting the relaxation of the rules in the interest of
termination of their services effective that date. This prompted
petitioners to file a complaint for illegal dismissal against respondents.
G.R. No. 196426 August 15, 2011
In its Decision dated May 29, 2009, the appellate court found for
In answer, respondents denied that petitioners were their employees
respondents, noting that referees and bet-takers in a cockfight need to
MARTICIO SEMBLANTE and DUBRICK PILAR, Petitioners, and alleged that they were associates of respondents’ independent
have the kind of expertise that is characteristic of the game to interpret
vs. contractor, Tomas Vega. Respondents claimed that petitioners have no
messages conveyed by mere gestures. Hence, petitioners are akin to
COURT OF APPEALS, 19th DIVISION, now SPECIAL FORMER regular working time or day and they are free to decide for themselves
independent contractors who possess unique skills, expertise, and talent
19th DIVISION, GALLERA DE MANDAUE / SPOUSES VICENTE whether to report for work or not on any cockfighting day. In times
to distinguish them from ordinary employees. Further, respondents did
and MARIA LUISA LOOT, Respondents. when there are few cockfights in Gallera de Mandaue, petitioners go to
not supply petitioners with the tools and instrumentalities they needed to
other cockpits in the vicinity. Lastly, petitioners, so respondents assert,
perform work. Petitioners only needed their unique skills and talents to
were only issued identification cards to indicate that they were free from
DECISION perform their job as masiador and sentenciador.12 The CA held:
the normal entrance fee and to differentiate them from the general
VELASCO, JR., J.: In some circumstances, the NLRC is allowed to be liberal in the
interpretation of the rules in deciding labor cases. In this case, the
In a Decision dated June 16, 2004, Labor Arbiter Julie C. Rendoque
appeal bond was filed, although late. Moreover, an exceptional
Before Us is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45, assailing found petitioners to be regular employees of respondents as they
circumstance obtains in the case at bench which warrants a relaxation of
and seeking to set aside the Decision1and Resolution2 dated May 29, performed work that was necessary and indispensable to the usual trade
the bond requirement as a condition for perfecting the appeal. This case
2009 and February 23, 2010, respectively, of the Court of Appeals (CA) or business of respondents for a number of years. The Labor Arbiter also
is highly meritorious that propels this Court not to strictly apply the rules
in CA-G.R. SP No. 03328. The CA affirmed the October 18, 2006 ruled that petitioners were illegally dismissed, and so ordered
and thus prevent a grave injustice from being done.
Resolution3 of the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC), Fourth respondents to pay petitioners their backwages and separation pay.7
Division (now Seventh Division), in NLRC Case No. V-000673-2004.
As elucidated by the NLRC, the circumstances obtaining in this case
Respondents’ counsel received the Labor Arbiter’s Decision on
wherein no actual employer-employee exists between the petitioners and
Petitioners Marticio Semblante (Semblante) and Dubrick Pilar (Pilar) September 14, 2004. And within the 10-day appeal period, he filed the
the private respondents [constrain] the relaxation of the rules. In this
assert that they were hired by respondents-spouses Vicente and Maria respondents’ appeal with the NLRC on September 24, 2004, but without
regard, we find no grave abuse attributable to the administrative body.
Luisa Loot, the owners of Gallera de Mandaue (the cockpit), as the posting a cash or surety bond equivalent to the monetary award granted
official masiador and sentenciador, respectively, of the cockpit sometime by the Labor Arbiter.8
in 1993. xxxx
It was only on October 11, 2004 that respondents filed an appeal bond
As the masiador, Semblante calls and takes the bets from the gamecock dated October 6, 2004. Hence, in a Resolution9 dated August 25, 2005, Petitioners are duly licensed "masiador" and "sentenciador" in the cockpit
owners and other bettors and orders the start of the cockfight. He also the NLRC denied the appeal for its non-perfection. owned by Lucia Loot. Cockfighting, which is a part of our cultural
distributes the winnings after deducting the arriba, or the commission for heritage, has a peculiar set of rules. It is a game based on the fighting
the cockpit. Meanwhile, as the sentenciador, Pilar oversees the proper ability of the game cocks in the cockpit. The referees and bet-takers
Subsequently, however, the NLRC, acting on respondents’ Motion for
gaffing of fighting cocks, determines the fighting cocks’ physical need to have that kind of expertise that is characteristic of the cockfight
Reconsideration, reversed its Resolution on the postulate that their
condition and capabilities to continue the cockfight, and eventually gambling who can interpret the message conveyed even by mere
appeal was meritorious and the filing of an appeal bond, albeit belated,
declares the result of the cockfight.4 gestures. They ought to have the talent and skill to get the bets from
is a substantial compliance with the rules. The NLRC held in its
numerous cockfighting aficionados and decide which cockerel to put in
Resolution of October 18, 2006 that there was no employer-employee
the arena. They are placed in that elite spot where they can control the
For their services as masiador and sentenciador, Semblante receives PhP relationship between petitioners and respondents, respondents having
game and the crowd. They are not given salaries by cockpit owners as
2,000 per week or a total of PhP 8,000 per month, while Pilar gets PhP no part in the selection and engagement of petitioners, and that no
their compensation is based on the "arriba". In fact, they can offer their
3,500 a week or PhP 14,000 per month. They work every Tuesday, separate individual contract with respondents was ever executed by
services everywhere because they are duly licensed by the GAB. They
Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday every week, excluding monthly petitioners.10
are free to choose which cockpit arena to enter and offer their expertise.
derbies and cockfights held on special holidays. Their working days start Private respondents cannot even control over the means and methods of
at 1:00 p.m. and last until 12:00 midnight, or until the early hours of the the manner by which they perform their work. In this light, they are akin
to independent contractors who possess unique skills, expertise and to control the employee’s conduct, which is the most important
talent to distinguish them from ordinary employees. element.18 1avvphi1

Furthermore, private respondents did not supply petitioners with the As found by both the NLRC and the CA, respondents had no part in
tools and instrumentalities they needed to perform their work. petitioners’ selection and management;19petitioners’ compensation was
Petitioners only needed their talent and skills to be a "masiador" and paid out of the arriba (which is a percentage deducted from the total
"sentenciador". As such, they had all the tools they needed to perform bets), not by petitioners;20 and petitioners performed their functions as
their work. (Emphasis supplied.) masiador and sentenciador free from the direction and control of
respondents.21 In the conduct of their work, petitioners relied mainly on
their "expertise that is characteristic of the cockfight gambling,"22 and
The CA refused to reconsider its Decision. Hence, petitioners came to
were never given by respondents any tool needed for the performance
this Court, arguing in the main that the CA committed a reversible error
of their work.23
in entertaining an appeal, which was not perfected in the first place.

Respondents, not being petitioners’ employers, could never have

Indeed, the posting of a bond is indispensable to the perfection of an
dismissed, legally or illegally, petitioners, since respondents were without
appeal in cases involving monetary awards from the Decision of the
power or prerogative to do so in the first place. The rule on the posting
Labor Arbiter.13 Article 223 of the Labor Code provides:
of an appeal bond cannot defeat the substantive rights of respondents to
be free from an unwarranted burden of answering for an illegal dismissal
Article 223. Appeal. — Decisions, awards, or orders of the Labor Arbiter for which they were never responsible.1avvphi1
are final and executory unless appealed to the Commission by any or
both parties within ten (10) calendar days from receipt of such decisions,
Strict implementation of the rules on appeals must give way to the
awards, or orders. Such appeal may be entertained only on any of the
factual and legal reality that is evident from the records of this
following grounds:
case.24 After all, the primary objective of our laws is to dispense justice
and equity, not the contrary.
WHEREFORE, We DENY this petition and AFFIRM the May 29, 2009
In case of a judgment involving a monetary award, an appeal by the Decision and February 23, 2010 Resolution of the CA, and the October
employer may be perfected only upon the posting of a cash or surety 18, 2006 Resolution of the NLRC.
bond issued by a reputable bonding company duly accredited by the
Commission in the amount equivalent to the monetary award in the
judgment appealed from. (Emphasis supplied.)

Time and again, however, this Court, considering the substantial merits
of the case, has relaxed this rule on, and excused the late posting of, the
appeal bond when there are strong and compelling reasons for the
liberality,14such as the prevention of miscarriage of justice extant in the
case15 or the special circumstances in the case combined with its legal
merits or the amount and the issue involved.16 After all, technical rules
cannot prevent courts from exercising their duties to determine and
settle, equitably and completely, the rights and obligations of the
parties.17 This is one case where the exception to the general rule lies.

While respondents had failed to post their bond within the 10-day period
provided above, it is evident, on the other hand, that petitioners are NOT
employees of respondents, since their relationship fails to pass muster
the four-fold test of employment We have repeatedly mentioned in
countless decisions: (1) the selection and engagement of the employee;
(2) the payment of wages; (3) the power of dismissal; and (4) the power

12 On January 15, 2004, Bernarte received a letter from the Office of the
4. 10% attorney's fees 68,625.00 36,125.00
Commissioner advising him that his contract would not be renewed citing
his unsatisfactory performance on and off the court. It was a total shock TOTAL P754,875.00 P397,375.00
Republic of the Philippines for Bernarte who was awarded Referee of the year in 2003. He felt that
SUPREME COURT the dismissal was caused by his refusal to fix a game upon order of Ernie
Manila De Leon. or a total of P1,152,250.00

SECOND DIVISION On the other hand, complainant Guevarra alleges that he was invited to The rest of the claims are hereby dismissed for lack of merit or basis.
join the PBA pool of referees in February 2001. On March 1, 2001, he
G.R. No. 192084 September 14, 2011 signed a contract as trainee. Beginning 2002, he signed a yearly contract
as Regular Class C referee. On May 6, 2003, respondent Martinez issued SO ORDERED.7
a memorandum to Guevarra expressing dissatisfaction over his
JOSE MEL BERNARTE, Petitioner, questioning on the assignment of referees officiating out-of-town games. In its 28 January 2008 Decision,8 the NLRC affirmed the Labor Arbiter’s
vs. Beginning February 2004, he was no longer made to sign a contract. judgment. The dispositive portion of the NLRC’s decision reads:
Respondents aver, on the other hand, that complainants entered into WHEREFORE, the appeal is hereby DISMISSED. The Decision of Labor
two contracts of retainer with the PBA in the year 2003. The first Arbiter Teresita D. Castillon-Lora dated March 31, 2005 is AFFIRMED.
DECISION contract was for the period January 1, 2003 to July 15, 2003; and the
second was for September 1 to December 2003. After the lapse of the
latter period, PBA decided not to renew their contracts. SO ORDERED.9

Complainants were not illegally dismissed because they were not Respondents filed a petition for certiorari with the Court of Appeals,
The Case
employees of the PBA. Their respective contracts of retainer were simply which overturned the decisions of the NLRC and Labor Arbiter. The
not renewed. PBA had the prerogative of whether or not to renew their dispositive portion of the Court of Appeals’ decision reads:
This is a petition for review1 of the 17 December 2009 Decision2 and 5 contracts, which they knew were fixed.4
April 2010 Resolution3 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 105406.
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby GRANTED. The
The Court of Appeals set aside the decision of the National Labor
In her 31 March 2005 Decision,5 the Labor Arbiter6 declared petitioner an assailed Decision dated January 28, 2008 and Resolutiondated August
Relations Commission (NLRC), which affirmed the decision of the Labor
employee whose dismissal by respondents was illegal. Accordingly, the 26, 2008 of the National Labor Relations Commission
Arbiter, and held that petitioner Jose Mel Bernarte is an independent
Labor Arbiter ordered the reinstatement of petitioner and the payment of are ANNULLED and SET ASIDE. Private respondents’ complaint before
contractor, and not an employee of respondents Philippine Basketball
backwages, moral and exemplary damages and attorney’s fees, to wit: the Labor Arbiter is DISMISSED.
Association (PBA), Jose Emmanuel M. Eala, and Perry Martinez. The
Court of Appeals denied the motion for reconsideration.
WHEREFORE, premises considered all respondents who are here found SO ORDERED.10
The Facts to have illegally dismissed complainants are hereby ordered to (a)
reinstate complainants within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of The Court of Appeals’ Ruling
this decision and to solidarily pay complainants:
The facts, as summarized by the NLRC and quoted by the Court of
Appeals, are as follows: The Court of Appeals found petitioner an independent contractor since
JOSE MEL RENATO respondents did not exercise any form of control over the means and
BERNARTE GUEVARRA methods by which petitioner performed his work as a basketball referee.
Complainants (Jose Mel Bernarte and Renato Guevarra) aver that they
The Court of Appeals held:
were invited to join the PBA as referees. During the leadership of
Commissioner Emilio Bernardino, they were made to sign contracts on a 1. backwages from January P536,250.00 P211,250.00
year-to-year basis. During the term of Commissioner Eala, however, 1, 2004 up to the finality of While the NLRC agreed that the PBA has no control over the referees’
changes were made on the terms of their employment. this Decision, which to date acts of blowing the whistle and making calls during basketball games, it,
is nevertheless, theorized that the said acts refer to the means and
methods employed by the referees in officiating basketball games for the
Complainant Bernarte, for instance, was not made to sign a contract 2. moral damages 100,000.00 50,000.00 illogical reason that said acts refer only to the referees’ skills. How could
during the first conference of the All-Filipino Cup which was from
a skilled referee perform his job without blowing a whistle and making
February 23, 2003 to June 2003. It was only during the second 3. exemplary damages 100,000.00 50,000.00 calls? Worse, how can the PBA control the performance of work of a
conference when he was made to sign a one and a half month contract
referee without controlling his acts of blowing the whistle and making
for the period July 1 to August 5, 2003.
Moreover, this Court disagrees with the Labor Arbiter’s finding (as period elapsed. Said registered letter was dispatched from this office to interest of substantial justice. We agree with the NLRC. The ends of
affirmed by the NLRC) that the Contracts of Retainer show that Manila CPO (RTS) under bill #6, line 7, page1, column 1, on September justice will be better served if we resolve the instant case on the merits
petitioners have control over private respondents. 8, 2005.12 rather than allowing the substantial issue of whether petitioner is an
independent contractor or an employee linger and remain unsettled due
to procedural technicalities.
xxxx Section 10, Rule 13 of the Rules of Court provides:

The existence of an employer-employee relationship is ultimately a

Neither do We agree with the NLRC’s affirmance of the Labor Arbiter’s SEC. 10. Completeness of service. – Personal service is complete upon
question of fact. As a general rule, factual issues are beyond the
conclusion that private respondents’ repeated hiring made them regular actual delivery. Service by ordinary mail is complete upon the expiration
province of this Court. However, this rule admits of exceptions, one of
employees by operation of law.11 of ten (10) days after mailing, unless the court otherwise provides.
which is where there are conflicting findings of fact between the Court of
Service by registered mail is complete upon actual receipt by the
Appeals, on one hand, and the NLRC and Labor Arbiter, on the other,
addressee, or after five (5) days from the date he received the first
The Issues such as in the present case.18
notice of the postmaster, whichever date is earlier.

The main issue in this case is whether petitioner is an employee of To determine the existence of an employer-employee relationship, case
The rule on service by registered mail contemplates two situations: (1)
respondents, which in turn determines whether petitioner was illegally law has consistently applied the four-fold test, to wit: (a) the selection
actual service the completeness of which is determined upon receipt by
dismissed. and engagement of the employee; (b) the payment of wages; (c) the
the addressee of the registered mail; and (2) constructive service the
power of dismissal; and (d) the employer’s power to control the
completeness of which is determined upon expiration of five days from
Petitioner raises the procedural issue of whether the Labor Arbiter’s employee on the means and methods by which the work is
the date the addressee received the first notice of the postmaster.13
decision has become final and executory for failure of respondents to accomplished. The so-called "control test" is the most important
appeal with the NLRC within the reglementary period. indicator of the presence or absence of an employer-employee
Insofar as constructive service is concerned, there must be conclusive relationship.19
proof that a first notice was duly sent by the postmaster to the
The Ruling of the Court addressee.14 Not only is it required that notice of the registered mail be
In this case, PBA admits repeatedly engaging petitioner’s services, as
issued but that it should also be delivered to and received by the
shown in the retainer contracts. PBA pays petitioner a retainer fee,
The petition is bereft of merit. addressee.15 Notably, the presumption that official duty has been
exclusive of per diem or allowances, as stipulated in the retainer
regularly performed is not applicable in this situation. It is incumbent
contract. PBA can terminate the retainer contract for petitioner’s violation
upon a party who relies on constructive service to prove that the notice
The Court shall first resolve the procedural issue posed by petitioner. of its terms and conditions.
was sent to, and received by, the addressee.16

Petitioner contends that the Labor Arbiter’s Decision of 31 March 2005 However, respondents argue that the all-important element of control is
The best evidence to prove that notice was sent would be a certification
became final and executory for failure of respondents to appeal with the lacking in this case, making petitioner an independent contractor and not
from the postmaster, who should certify not only that the notice was
NLRC within the prescribed period. Petitioner claims that the Labor an employee of respondents.
issued or sent but also as to how, when and to whom the delivery and
Arbiter’s decision was constructively served on respondents as early as receipt was made. The mailman may also testify that the notice was
August 2005 while respondents appealed the Arbiter’s decision only on actually delivered.17 Petitioner contends otherwise. Petitioner asserts that he is an employee
31 March 2006, way beyond the reglementary period to appeal. of respondents since the latter exercise control over the performance of
Petitioner points out that service of an unclaimed registered mail is his work. Petitioner cites the following stipulations in the retainer
deemed complete five days from the date of first notice of the post In this case, petitioner failed to present any concrete proof as to how,
contract which evidence control: (1) respondents classify or rate a
master. In this case three notices were issued by the post office, the last when and to whom the delivery and receipt of the three notices issued
referee; (2) respondents require referees to attend all basketball games
being on 1 August 2005. The unclaimed registered mail was by the post office was made. There is no conclusive evidence showing
organized or authorized by the PBA, at least one hour before the start of
consequently returned to sender. Petitioner presents the Postmaster’s that the post office notices were actually received by respondents,
the first game of each day; (3) respondents assign petitioner to officiate
Certification to prove constructive service of the Labor Arbiter’s decision negating petitioner’s claim of constructive service of the Labor Arbiter’s
ballgames, or to act as alternate referee or substitute; (4) referee agrees
on respondents. The Postmaster certified: decision on respondents. The Postmaster’s Certification does not
to observe and comply with all the requirements of the PBA governing
xxx sufficiently prove that the three notices were delivered to and received
the conduct of the referees whether on or off the court; (5) referee
That upon receipt of said registered mail matter, our registry in charge, by respondents; it only indicates that the post office issued the three
agrees (a) to keep himself in good physical, mental, and emotional
Vicente Asis, Jr., immediately issued the first registry notice to claim on notices. Simply put, the issuance of the notices by the post office is not
condition during the life of the contract; (b) to give always his best effort
July 12, 2005 by the addressee. The second and third notices were equivalent to delivery to and receipt by the addressee of the registered
and service, and loyalty to the PBA, and not to officiate as referee in any
issued on July 21 and August 1, 2005, respectively. mail. Thus, there is no proof of completed constructive service of the
basketball game outside of the PBA, without written prior consent of the
Labor Arbiter’s decision on respondents.
Commissioner; (c) always to conduct himself on and off the court
That the subject registered letter was returned to the sender (RTS) according to the highest standards of honesty or morality; and (6)
because the addressee failed to claim it after our one month retention At any rate, the NLRC declared the issue on the finality of the Labor imposition of various sanctions for violation of the terms and conditions
Arbiter’s decision moot as respondents’ appeal was considered in the of the contract.
The foregoing stipulations hardly demonstrate control over the means Moreover, the following circumstances indicate that petitioner is an It is undisputed that the Federation did not control the way Yonan
and methods by which petitioner performs his work as a referee independent contractor: (1) the referees are required to report for work refereed his games.1âwphi1 He had full discretion and authority, under
officiating a PBA basketball game. The contractual stipulations do not only when PBA games are scheduled, which is three times a week spread the Laws of the Game, to call the game as he saw fit. x x x In a similar
pertain to, much less dictate, how and when petitioner will blow the over an average of only 105 playing days a year, and they officiate vein, subjecting Yonan to qualification standards and procedures like the
whistle and make calls. On the contrary, they merely serve as rules of games at an average of two hours per game; and (2) the only Federation’s registration and training requirements does not create an
conduct or guidelines in order to maintain the integrity of the deductions from the fees received by the referees are withholding taxes. employer/employee relationship. x x x
professional basketball league. As correctly observed by the Court of
Appeals, "how could a skilled referee perform his job without blowing a
In other words, unlike regular employees who ordinarily report for work A position that requires special skills and independent judgment weights
whistle and making calls? x x x [H]ow can the PBA control the
eight hours per day for five days a week, petitioner is required to report in favor of independent contractor status. x x x Unskilled work, on the
performance of work of a referee without controlling his acts of blowing
for work only when PBA games are scheduled or three times a week at other hand, suggests an employment relationship. x x x Here, it is
the whistle and making calls?"20
two hours per game. In addition, there are no deductions for undisputed that soccer refereeing, especially at the professional and
contributions to the Social Security System, Philhealth or Pag-Ibig, which international level, requires "a great deal of skill and natural ability."
In Sonza v. ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation,21 which determined the are the usual deductions from employees’ salaries. These undisputed Yonan asserts that it was the Federation’s training that made him a top
relationship between a television and radio station and one of its talents, circumstances buttress the fact that petitioner is an independent referee, and that suggests he was an employee. Though substantial
the Court held that not all rules imposed by the hiring party on the hired contractor, and not an employee of respondents. training supports an employment inference, that inference is dulled
party indicate that the latter is an employee of the former. The Court significantly or negated when the putative employer’s activity is the
held: result of a statutory requirement, not the employer’s choice. x x x
Furthermore, the applicable foreign case law declares that a referee is an
independent contractor, whose special skills and independent judgment
We find that these general rules are merely guidelines towards the are required specifically for such position and cannot possibly be In McInturff v. Battle Ground Academy of Franklin,24 it was held that the
achievement of the mutually desired result, which are top-rating controlled by the hiring party. umpire was not an agent of the Tennessee Secondary School Athletic
television and radio programs that comply with standards of the Association (TSSAA), so the player’s vicarious liability claim against the
industry. We have ruled that: association should be dismissed. In finding that the umpire is an
In Yonan v. United States Soccer Federation, Inc.,23 the United States
independent contractor, the Court of Appeals of Tennesse ruled:
District Court of Illinois held that plaintiff, a soccer referee, is an
Further, not every form of control that a party reserves to himself over independent contractor, and not an employee of defendant which is the
the conduct of the other party in relation to the services being rendered statutory body that governs soccer in the United States. As such, plaintiff The TSSAA deals with umpires to achieve a result-uniform rules for all
may be accorded the effect of establishing an employer-employee was not entitled to protection by the Age Discrimination in Employment baseball games played between TSSAA member schools. The TSSAA
relationship. The facts of this case fall squarely with the case of Insular Act. The U.S. District Court ruled: does not supervise regular season games. It does not tell an official how
Life Assurance Co., Ltd. v. NLRC. In said case, we held that: to conduct the game beyond the framework established by the rules.
The TSSAA does not, in the vernacular of the case law, control the
Generally, "if an employer has the right to control and direct the work of
means and method by which the umpires work.
Logically, the line should be drawn between rules that merely serve as an individual, not only as to the result to be achieved, but also as to
guidelines towards the achievement of the mutually desired result details by which the result is achieved, an employer/employee
without dictating the means or methods to be employed in attaining it, relationship is likely to exist." The Court must be careful to distinguish In addition, the fact that PBA repeatedly hired petitioner does not by
and those that control or fix the methodology and bind or restrict the between "control[ling] the conduct of another party contracting party by itself prove that petitioner is an employee of the former. For a hired
party hired to the use of such means. The first, which aim only to setting out in detail his obligations" consistent with the freedom of party to be considered an employee, the hiring party must have control
promote the result, create no employer-employee relationship unlike the contract, on the one hand, and "the discretionary control an employer over the means and methods by which the hired party is to perform his
second, which address both the result and the means used to achieve daily exercises over its employee’s conduct" on the other. work, which is absent in this case. The continuous rehiring by PBA of
it.22 petitioner simply signifies the renewal of the contract between PBA and
petitioner, and highlights the satisfactory services rendered by petitioner
Yonan asserts that the Federation "closely supervised" his performance
warranting such contract renewal. Conversely, if PBA decides to
We agree with respondents that once in the playing court, the referees at each soccer game he officiated by giving him an assessor, discussing
discontinue petitioner’s services at the end of the term fixed in the
exercise their own independent judgment, based on the rules of the his performance, and controlling what clothes he wore while on the field
contract, whether for unsatisfactory services, or violation of the terms
game, as to when and how a call or decision is to be made. The referees and traveling. Putting aside that the Federation did not, for the most
and conditions of the contract, or for whatever other reason, the same
decide whether an infraction was committed, and the PBA cannot part, control what clothes he wore, the Federation did not supervise
merely results in the non-renewal of the contract, as in the present case.
overrule them once the decision is made on the playing court. The Yonan, but rather evaluated his performance after matches. That the
The non-renewal of the contract between the parties does not constitute
referees are the only, absolute, and final authority on the playing court. Federation evaluated Yonan as a referee does not mean that he was an
illegal dismissal of petitioner by respondents.
Respondents or any of the PBA officers cannot and do not determine employee. There is no question that parties retaining independent
which calls to make or not to make and cannot control the referee when contractors may judge the performance of those contractors to
he blows the whistle because such authority exclusively belongs to the determine if the contractual relationship should continue. x x x WHEREFORE, we DENY the petition and AFFIRM the assailed decision
referees. The very nature of petitioner’s job of officiating a professional of the Court of Appeals. SO ORDERED.
basketball game undoubtedly calls for freedom of control by
13 Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. On Saturdays, he was was entitled only to 20% of the net profit, and not of the gross sales of
required to work half-day only, but most of the time, he still rendered the album, and that the salaries he received and would continue to
eight hours of work or more. All the employees of petitioner, including receive as studio manager of Celkor would be deducted from the said
Republic of the Philippines respondent, rendered overtime work almost everyday, but petitioner 20% net profit share. Respondent objected and insisted that he be
SUPREME COURT never kept a daily time record to avoid paying the employees overtime properly compensated. On March 14, 2002, petitioner verbally
Manila pay. terminated respondent’s services, and he was instructed not to report for
THIRD DIVISION Respondent stated that a few days after he started working as a studio
manager, petitioner approached him and told him about his project to Respondent asserts that he was illegally dismissed as he was terminated
G.R. No. 169757 November 23, 2011 produce an album for his 15-year-old daughter, Celine Mei Lirio, a former without any valid grounds, and no hearing was conducted before he was
talent of ABS-CBN Star Records. Petitioner asked respondent to compose terminated, in violation of his constitutional right to due process. Having
and arrange songs for Celine and promised that he (Lirio) would draft a worked for more than six months, he was already a regular employee.
CESAR C. LIRIO, doing business under the name and style of contract to assure respondent of his compensation for such services. As Although he was a so called "studio manager," he had no managerial
CELKOR AD SONICMIX, Petitioner, agreed upon, the additional services that respondent would render powers, but was merely an ordinary employee.
vs. included composing and arranging musical scores only, while the
WILMER D. GENOVIA, Respondent. technical aspect in producing the album, such as digital editing, mixing
Respondent prayed for his reinstatement without loss of seniority rights,
and sound engineering would be performed by respondent in his
or, in the alternative, that he be paid separation pay, backwages and
DECISION capacity as studio manager for which he was paid on a monthly basis.
overtime pay; and that he be awarded unpaid commission in the amount
Petitioner instructed respondent that his work on the album as composer
ofP2,000.00 for services rendered as a studio technician as well as moral
and arranger would only be done during his spare time, since his other
PERALTA, J.: and exemplary damages.
work as studio manager was the priority. Respondent then started
working on the album.
This is a petition for review on certiorari of the decision of the Court of Respondent’s evidence consisted of the Payroll dated July 31, 2001 to
Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 88899 dated August 4, 2005 and its March 15, 2002, which was certified correct by petitioner,2 and Petty
Respondent alleged that before the end of September 2001, he
Resolution dated September 21, 2005, denying petitioner’s motion for Cash Vouchers3 evidencing receipt of payroll payments by respondent
reminded petitioner about his compensation as composer and arranger
reconsideration. from Celkor.
of the album. Petitioner verbally assured him that he would be duly
compensated. By mid-November 2001, respondent finally finished the
The Court of Appeals reversed and set aside the resolution of the NLRC, compositions and musical arrangements of the songs to be included in In defense, petitioner stated in his Position Paper4 that respondent was
and reinstated the decision of the Labor Arbiter with modification, finding the album. Before the month ended, the lead and back-up vocals in the not hired as studio manager, composer, technician or as an employee in
that respondent is an employee of petitioner, and that respondent was ten (10) songs were finally recorded and completed. From December any other capacity of Celkor. Respondent could not have been hired as a
illegally dismissed and entitled to the payment of backwages and 2001 to January 2002, respondent, in his capacity as studio manager, studio manager, since the recording studio has no personnel except
separation pay in lieu of reinstatement. worked on digital editing, mixing and sound engineering of the vocal and petitioner. Petitioner further claimed that his daughter Celine Mei Lirio, a
instrumental audio files. former contract artist of ABS-CBN Star Records, failed to come up with
an album as the latter aborted its project to produce one. Thus, he
The facts are as follows: decided to produce an album for his daughter and established a
Thereafter, respondent was tasked by petitioner to prepare official
recording studio, which he named Celkor Ad Sonicmix Recording Studio.
correspondence, establish contacts and negotiate with various radio
On July 9, 2002, respondent Wilmer D. Genovia filed a complaint against He looked for a composer/arranger who would compose the songs for
stations, malls, publishers, record companies and manufacturers, record
petitioner Cesar Lirio and/or Celkor Ad Sonicmix Recording Studio for the said album. In July 2001, Bob Santiago, his son-in-law, introduced
bars and other outlets in preparation for the promotion of the said
illegal dismissal, non-payment of commission and award of moral and him to respondent, who claimed to be an amateur composer, an
album. By early February 2002, the album was in its manufacturing
exemplary damages. arranger with limited experience and musician without any formal
stage. ELECTROMAT, manufacturer of CDs and cassette tapes, was
musical training. According to petitioner, respondent had no track record
tapped to do the job. The carrier single of the album, which respondent
as a composer, and he was not known in the field of music.
In his Position Paper,1 respondent Genovia alleged, among others, that composed and arranged, was finally aired over the radio on February 22,
Nevertheless, after some discussion, respondent verbally agreed with
on August 15, 2001, he was hired as studio manager by petitioner Lirio, 2002.
petitioner to co-produce the album based on the following terms and
owner of Celkor Ad Sonicmix Recording Studio (Celkor). He was conditions: (1) petitioner shall provide all the financing, equipment and
employed to manage and operate Celkor and to promote and sell the On February 26, 2002, respondent again reminded petitioner about the recording studio; (2) Celine Mei Lirio shall sing all the songs; (3)
recording studio's services to music enthusiasts and other prospective contract on his compensation as composer and arranger of the album. respondent shall act as composer and arranger of all the lyrics and the
clients. He received a monthly salary of P7,000.00. They also agreed that Petitioner told respondent that since he was practically a nobody and music of the five songs he already composed and the revival songs; (4)
he was entitled to an additional commission of P100.00 per hour as had proven nothing yet in the music industry, respondent did not petitioner shall have exclusive right to market the album; (5) petitioner
recording technician whenever a client uses the studio for recording, deserve a high compensation, and he should be thankful that he was was entitled to 60% of the net profit, while respondent and Celine Mei
editing or any related work. He was made to report for work from given a job to feed his family. Petitioner informed respondent that he Lirio were each entitled to 20% of the net profit; and (6) respondent

shall be entitled to draw advances of P7,000.00 a month, which shall be 3) To pay him moral and exemplary damages in the combined and SET ASIDE. Accordingly, the decision dated October 31, 2003
deductible from his share of the net profits and only until such time that amount of P75,000.00. of the Labor Arbiter is REINSTATED, with the modification that the
the album has been produced. awards of commission and damages are deleted.11(Emphasis supplied.)
Other monetary claims of complainant are dismissed for lack of merit.7
According to petitioner, they arrived at the foregoing sharing of profits Petitioner’s motion for reconsideration was denied for lack of merit by
based on the mutual understanding that respondent was just an amateur the Court of Appeals in its Resolution12dated September 21, 2005.
The Labor Arbiter stated that petitioner’s denial of the employment
composer with no track record whatsoever in the music industry, had no
relationship cannot overcome respondent’s positive assertion and
definite source of income, had limited experience as an arranger, had no
documentary evidence proving that petitioner hired respondent as his Hence, petitioner Lirio filed this petition.
knowledge of the use of sound mixers or digital arranger and that
petitioner would help and teach him how to use the studio equipment;
that petitioner would shoulder all the expenses of production and provide Petitioner states that respondent appealed to the Court of Appeals via a
the studio and equipment as well as his knowledge in the use thereof; Petitioner appealed the decision of the Labor Arbiter to the National petition for certiorari under Rule 65, which will prosper only if there is a
and Celine Mei Lirio would sing the songs. They embarked on the Labor Relations Commission (NLRC). showing of grave abuse of discretion or an act without or in excess of
production of the album on or about the third week of August 2002. jurisdiction on the part of the NLRC.13 However, petitioner contends that
the Court of Appeals decided the case not in accordance with law and
In a Resolution7 dated October 14, 2004, the NLRC reversed and set
applicable rulings of this Court as petitioner could not find any portion in
Petitioner asserted that from the aforesaid terms and conditions, his aside the decision of the Labor Arbiter. The dispositive portion of the
the Decision of the Court of Appeals ruling that the NLRC acted without
relationship with respondent is one of an informal partnership under Resolution reads:
or in excess of jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion amounting
Article 17675 of the New Civil Code, since they agreed to contribute
to lack or excess of jurisdiction. Petitioner submits that the Court of
money, property or industry to a common fund with the intention of WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Appeal is GRANTED. Accordingly, Appeals could not review an error of judgment by the NLRC raised
dividing the profits among themselves. Petitioner had no control over the the Decision appealed from is REVERSED and, hence, SET ASIDE and a before it on a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the 1997 Rules of
time and manner by which respondent composed or arranged the songs, new one ENTERED dismissing the instant case for lack of merit.9 Civil Procedure. Moreover, petitioner contends that it was error on the
except on the result thereof. Respondent reported to the recording
part of the Court of Appeals to review the finding of facts of the NLRC on
studio between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon. Hence, petitioner contended
The NLRC stated that respondent failed to prove his employment tale whether there exists an employer-employee relationship between the
that no employer-employee relationship existed between him and the
with substantial evidence. Although the NLRC agreed that respondent parties.
respondent, and there was no illegal dismissal to speak of.
was able to prove that he received gross pay less deduction and net pay,
with the corresponding Certification of Correctness by petitioner, Petitioner’s argument lacks merit.
On October 31, 2003, Labor Arbiter Renaldo O. Hernandez rendered a covering the period from July 31, 2001 to March 15, 2002, the NLRC
decision,6 finding that an employer-employee relationship existed held that respondent failed to proved with substantial evidence that he
between petitioner and respondent, and that respondent was illegally It is noted that respondent correctly sought judicial review of the
was selected and engaged by petitioner, that petitioner had the power to
dismissed. The dispositive portion of the decision reads: decision of the NLRC via a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the
dismiss him, and that they had the power to control him not only as to
Rules of Court filed before the Court of Appeals in accordance with the
the result of his work, but also as to the means and methods of
decision of the Court in St. Martin Funeral Home v. NLRC,14 which held:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, we find that respondents CELKOR accomplishing his work.
have illegally dismissed complainant in his status as regular employee Therefore, all references in the amended Section 9 of B.P. No. 129 to
Respondent’s motion for reconsideration was denied by the NLRC in a
and, consequently, ORDERING said respondents: supposed appeals from the NLRC to the Supreme Court are interpreted
Resolution9 dated December 14, 2004.
and hereby declared to mean and refer to petitions for certiorari under
Rule 65. Consequently, all such petitions should henceforth be initially
1) To pay him full backwages from date of illegal dismissal on Respondent filed a petition for certiorari before the Court of Appeals. filed in the Court of Appeals in strict observance of the doctrine on the
March 14, 2002 until finality of this decision and, in lieu of
hierarchy of courts as the appropriate forum for the relief desired.15
reinstatement, to [pay] his separation pay of one (1) month
pay per year of service reckoned from [the] date of hire on On August 4, 2005, the Court of Appeals rendered a decision10 reversing
August 15, 2001 until finality of this decision, which as of date and setting aside the resolution of the NLRC, and reinstating the decision The Court of Appeals stated in its decision that the issue it had to resolve
amounts to full backwages total of of the Labor Arbiter, with modification in regard to the award of was "whether or not the public respondent [NLRC] committed grave
145,778.6 (basic P7,000.00 x 19.6 mos.=P133,000.00 + 1/12 commission and damages. The Court of Appeals deleted the award of abuse of discretion when it declared that no employer-employee
thereof as 13th month pay of P11,083.33 + SILP P7,000/32.62 commission, and moral and exemplary damages as the same were not relationship exists between the petitioner and the private respondents,
days=P214.59/day x 5=P1,072.96 x 1.58 substantiated. The dispositive portion of the Court of Appeals’ decision since the petitioner failed to prove such fact by substantial evidence."16
yrs.=P1,695.27);separation pay of P22,750.00 (P7,000.00 reads:
x 3.25 yrs.); Errors of judgment, as distinguished from errors of jurisdiction, are not
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED and the assailed resolutions within the province of a special civil action for certiorari, which is merely
2) To pay complainant's unpaid commission of P2,000.00; dated October 14, 2004 and December 14, 2004 are hereby REVERSED confined to issues of jurisdiction or grave abuse of discretion.17 By grave

abuse of discretion is meant such capricious and whimsical exercise of and clients, proven by his receipt for this purpose from said respondent The elements to determine the existence of an employment relationship
judgment as is equivalent to lack of jurisdiction, and it must be shown a fixed monthly compensation of P7,000.00, with commission of P100.00 are: (a) the selection and engagement of the employee; (b) the payment
that the discretion was exercised arbitrarily or despotically.18 per hour when serving as recording technician, shown by the payroll of wages; (c) the power of dismissal; and (d) the employer’s power to
from July 31, 2001-March 15, 2002. The said evidence points to control the employee’s conduct. The most important element is the
complainant's hiring as employee so that the case comes within the employer’s control of the employee’s conduct, not only as to the result of
The Court of Appeals, therefore, could grant the petition for certiorari if
purview of our jurisdiction on labor disputes between an employer and the work to be done, but also as to the means and methods to
it finds that the NLRC, in its assailed decision or resolution, committed
an employee. x x x. accomplish it.28
grave abuse of discretion by capriciously, whimsically, or arbitrarily
disregarding evidence that is material to or decisive of the controversy;
and it cannot make this determination without looking into the evidence Respondent Lirio's so-called existence of a partnership It is settled that no particular form of evidence is required to prove the
of the parties.19 Necessarily, the appellate court can only evaluate the agreement was not substantiated and his assertion thereto, in existence of an employer-employee relationship.29 Any competent and
materiality or significance of the evidence, which is alleged to have been the face of complainant's evidence, constitute but a self-serving relevant evidence to prove the relationship may be admitted.30
capriciously, whimsically, or arbitrarily disregarded by the NLRC, in assertion, without probative value, a mere invention to justify
relation to all other evidence on record.20 Thus, contrary to the the illegal dismissal.
In this case, the documentary evidence presented by respondent to
contention of petitioner, the Court of Appeals can review the finding of
prove that he was an employee of petitioner are as follows: (a) a
facts of the NLRC and the evidence of the parties to determine whether
xxxx document denominated as "payroll" (dated July 31, 2001 to March 15,
the NLRC gravely abused its discretion in finding that no employer-
2002) certified correct by petitioner,31 which showed that respondent
employee relationship existed between petitioner and respondent.21
received a monthly salary of P7,000.00 (P3,500.00 every 15th of the
Indeed, we find credible that what caused complainant's dismissal on
month and another P3,500.00 every 30th of the month) with the
March 14, 2002 was due to his refusal to respondent's Lirio's insistences
Respondent raised before the Court of Appeals the following issues: corresponding deductions due to absences incurred by respondent; and
on merely giving him 20% based on net profit on sale of the album
(2) copies of petty cash vouchers,32 showing the amounts he received
which he composed and arranged during his free time and, moreover,
and signed for in the payrolls.
I. RESPONDENT NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION that salaries which he received would be deducted therefrom, which
COMMITTED GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION IN SHIFTING THE BURDEN obviously, soured the relations from the point of view of respondent
OF PROVING THAT EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS EXISTED BETWEEN THE Lirio.23 The said documents showed that petitioner hired respondent as an
PETITIONER AND THE PRIVATE RESPONDENTS TO THE FORMER, IN employee and he was paid monthly wages ofP7,000.00. Petitioner
VIOLATION OF ESTABLISHED PROVISION OF LAWS AND wielded the power to dismiss as respondent stated that he was verbally
Hence, based on the finding above and the doctrine that "if doubt exists
JURISPRUDENCE. dismissed by petitioner, and respondent, thereafter, filed an action for
between the evidence presented by the employer and the employee, the
illegal dismissal against petitioner. The power of control refers merely to
scales of justice must be tilted in favor of the latter,"24 the Court of
the existence of the power.33 It is not essential for the employer to
II. RESPONDENT NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION Appeals reversed the resolution of the NLRC and reinstated the decision
actually supervise the performance of duties of the employee, as it is
COMMITTED GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION IN HOLDING THAT NO of the Labor Arbiter with modification. Even if the Court of Appeals was
sufficient that the former has a right to wield the power.34Nevertheless,
EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP EXISTED BETWEEN THE remiss in not stating it in definite terms, it is implied that the Court of
petitioner stated in his Position Paper that it was agreed that he would
PETITIONER AND THE PRIVATE RESPONDENTS. Appeals found that the NLRC gravely abused its discretion in finding that
help and teach respondent how to use the studio equipment. In such
no employer-employee relationship existed between petitioner and
case, petitioner certainly had the power to check on the progress and
respondent based on the evidence on record.
PETITIONER'S PAYROLL AND THE PETTY CASH VOUCHERS AS AN We now proceed to the main issue raised before this Court: Whether or
On the other hand, petitioner failed to prove that his relationship with
INDICIA OF EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS BETWEEN PETITIONER AND THE not the decision of the Court of Appeals is in accordance with law, or
respondent was one of partnership.1âwphi1 Such claim was not
PRIVATE RESPONDENTS.22 whether or not the Court of Appeals erred in reversing and setting aside
supported by any written agreement. The Court notes that in the payroll
the decision of the NLRC, and reinstating the decision of the Labor
dated July 31, 2001 to March 15, 2002,35 there were deductions from the
Arbiter with modification.
Between the documentary evidence presented by respondent and the wages of respondent for his absence from work, which negates
mere allegation of petitioner without any proof by way of any document petitioner’s claim that the wages paid were advances for respondent’s
evincing their alleged partnership agreement, the Court of Appeals In petitions for review, only errors of law are generally reviewed by this work in the partnership. In Nicario v. National Labor Relations
agreed with the Labor Arbiter that petitioner failed to substantiate his Court. This rule, however, is not ironclad.25Where the issue is shrouded Commission,36 the Court held:
claim that he had a partnership with respondent, citing the Labor by a conflict of factual perceptions by the lower court or the lower
Arbiter’s finding, thus: administrative body, in this case, the NLRC, this Court is constrained to
It is a well-settled doctrine, that if doubts exist between the evidence
review the factual findings of the Court of Appeals.26
presented by the employer and the employee, the scales of justice must
In this case, complainant's evidence is substantial enough to prove the be tilted in favor of the latter. It is a time-honored rule that in
employment relationship that on August 14, 2001, he was hired as Before a case for illegal dismissal can prosper, it must first be controversies between a laborer and his master, doubts reasonably
'Studio manager' by respondent Lirio to manage and operate the established that an employer-employee relationship existed between arising from the evidence, or in the interpretation of agreements and
recording studio and to promote and sell its services to music enthusiasts petitioner and respondent.27 writing should be resolved in the former’s favor. The policy is to extend
the doctrine to a greater number of employees who can avail of the
benefits under the law, which is in consonance with the avowed policy of
the State to give maximum aid and protection of labor. This rule should
be applied in the case at bar, especially since the evidence presented by
the private respondent company is not convincing. x x x37

Based on the foregoing, the Court agrees with the Court of Appeals that
the evidence presented by the parties showed that an employer-
employee relationship existed between petitioner and respondent.

In termination cases, the burden is upon the employer to show by

substantial evidence that the termination was for lawful cause and validly
made.38 Article 277 (b) of the Labor Code39 puts the burden of proving
that the dismissal of an employee was for a valid or authorized cause on
the employer, without distinction whether the employer admits or does
not admit the dismissal.40 For an employee’s dismissal to be valid, (a) the
dismissal must be for a valid cause, and (b) the employee must be
afforded due process.41 Procedural due process requires the employer to
furnish an employee with two written notices before the latter is
dismissed: (1) the notice to apprise the employee of the particular acts
or omissions for which his dismissal is sought, which is the equivalent of
a charge; and (2) the notice informing the employee of his dismissal, to
be issued after the employee has been given reasonable opportunity to
answer and to be heard on his defense.42 Petitioner failed to comply with
these legal requirements; hence, the Court of Appeals correctly affirmed
the Labor Arbiter’s finding that respondent was illegally dismissed, and
entitled to the payment of backwages, and separation pay in lieu of

WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The Decision of the Court of

Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 88899, dated August 4, 2005, and its
Resolution dated September 21, 2005, are AFFIRMED.

No costs.


14 to oversee BCC’s finances and business operations and to look after record, the private respondent was not included in the petitioner
SFC’s interests or investments in BCC.5 company’s payroll during the time of his alleged employment with the
former. True, the name of the private respondent Charlie Jao appears in
Republic of the Philippines the payroll however it does not prove that he has received his
Although Labor Arbiter Felipe Pati ruled in favor of petitioner on June 24,
SUPREME COURT remuneration for his services. Notably, his name was not among the
1996,6 the NLRC vacated the ruling and remanded the case for further
Baguio employees who will receive their salaries as represented by the payrolls.
proceedings.7 Thereafter, Labor Arbiter Jovencio Ll. Mayor rendered a
Instead, it appears therein as a comptroller who is authorized to approve
new decision on September 20, 2001, dismissing petitioner’s complaint
FIRST DIVISION the same. Suffice it to state that it is rather obscure for a certified public
for want of an employer-employee relationship between the
accountant doing the functions of a comptroller from September 1995 up
parties.8 Petitioner appealed the September 20, 2001 decision of Labor
to December 1995 not to receive his salary during the said period. Verily,
G.R. No. 163700 April 18, 2012 Arbiter Mayor.
such scenario does not conform with the usual and ordinary experience
of man. Coming now to the most controlling factor, the records
CHARLIE JAO, Petitioner, On July 31, 2002, the NLRC rendered a decision reversing Labor Arbiter indubitably reveal the undisputed fact that the petitioner company did
vs. Mayor’s decision, and declaring that petitioner had been illegally not have nor did not exercise the power of control over the private
BCC PRODUCTS SALES INC., and TERRANCE TY, Respondents. dismissed. It ordered the payment of unpaid salaries, backwages and respondent. It did not prescribe the manner by which the work is to be
13th month pay, separation pay and attorney’s fees.9 Respondents carried out, or the time by which the private respondent has to report for
moved for the reconsideration of the NLRC decision, but their motion for and leave from work. As already stated, the power of control is such an
DECISION reconsideration was denied on September 30, 2002.10 Thence, important factor that other requisites may even be disregarded.
respondents assailed the NLRC decision on certiorari in the CA. In Sevilla v. Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court emphatically held,
BERSAMIN, J.: thus:
Ruling of the CA
The issue is whether petitioner was respondents’ employee or not. "The "control test," under which the person for whom the
Respondents denied an employer-employee relationship with petitioner, On February 27, 2004, the CA promulgated its assailed services are rendered reserves the right to direct not only the
who insisted the contrary. decision,11 holding: end to be achieved but also the means for reaching such end, is
generally relied on by the courts."
Through his petition for review on certiorari, petitioner appeals the After a judicious review of the records vis-à-vis the respective posturing
decision promulgated by the Court of Appeals (CA) on February 27, of the contending parties, we agree with the finding that no employer- We have carefully examined the evidence submitted by the private
2004,1 finding no employee-employer relationship between him and employee relationship existed between petitioner BCC and the private respondent in the formal offer of evidence and unfortunately, other than
respondents, thereby reversing the ruling by the National Labor respondent. On this note, the conclusion of the public respondent must the bare assertions of the private respondent which he miserably failed
Relations Commission (NLRC) to the effect that he was the employee of be reversed for being issued with grave abuse of discretion. to substantiate, we find nothing therein that would decisively indicate
respondents. that the petitioner BCC exercised the fundamental power of control over
the private respondent in relation to his employment—not even the ID
"Etched in an unending stream of cases are the four (4) standards in issued to the private respondent and the affidavits executed by Bertito
Antecedents determining the existence of an employer-employee relationship, Jemilla and Rogelio Santias. At best, these pieces of documents merely
namely, (a) the manner of selection and engagement of the putative suggest the existence of employer-employee relationship as intimated by
Petitioner maintained that respondent BCC Product Sales Inc. (BCC) and employee; (b) the mode of payment of wages; (c) the presence or the NLRC. On the contrary, it would appear that the said sworn
its President, respondent Terrance Ty (Ty), employed him as comptroller absence of power of dismissal; and, (d) the presence or absence of statement provided a substantial basis to support the contention that the
starting from September 1995 with a monthly salary of P20,000.00 to control of the putative employee’s conduct." Of these powers the power private respondent worked at the petitioner BCC as SFC’s representative,
handle the financial aspect of BCC’s business;2 that on October 19,1995, of control over the employee’s conduct is generally regarded as being its major creditor and supplier of goods and merchandise.
the security guards of BCC, acting upon the instruction of Ty, barred him determinative of the existence of the relationship. Moreover, as clearly pointed out by the petitioner in his Reply to the
from entering the premises of BCC where he then worked; that his private respondent’s Comment, it is unnatural for SFC to still employ the
attempts to report to work in November and December 12, 1995 were Apparently, in the case before us, all these four elements are absent. private respondent "to oversee and supervise collections of account
frustrated because he continued to be barred from entering the premises First, there is no proof that the services of the private respondent were receivables due SFC from its customers or clients" like the herein
of BCC;3 and that he filed a complaint dated December 28, 1995 for engaged to perform the duties of a comptroller in the petitioner petitioner BCC on a date later than December, 1995 considering that a
illegal dismissal, reinstatement with full backwages, non-payment of company. There is no proof that the private respondent has undergone a criminal complaint has already been instituted against him.
wages, damages and attorney’s fees.4 selection procedure as a standard requisite for employment, especially
with such a delicate position in the company. Neither is there any proof Sadly, the private respondent failed to sufficiently discharge the burden
Respondents countered that petitioner was not their employee but the of his appointment nor is there any showing that the parties entered into of showing with legal certainty that employee-employer relationship
employee of Sobien Food Corporation (SFC), the major creditor and an employment contract, stipulating thereof that he will receive existed between the parties. On the other hand, it was clearly shown by
supplier of BCC; and that SFC had posted him as its comptroller in BCC P20,000.00/month salary as comptroller, before the private respondent the petitioner that it neither exercised control nor supervision over the
commenced with his work as such. Second, as clearly established on
conduct of the private respondent’s employment. Hence, the allegation Here, the findings of the NLRC differed from those of the Labor Arbiter 3. Despite such admission of an arrangement, or agreement
that there is employer-employee relationship must necessarily fail. and the CA. This conflict among such adjudicating offices compels the insofar as BCC-checks were delivered to, or turned over in
Court’s exercise of its authority to review and pass upon the evidence favor of SFC, Mr. Terrance Ty, in a desire to blemish my
presented and to draw its own conclusions therefrom. reputation or to cause me dishonor as well as to impute unto
Consequently, a discussion on the issue of illegal dismissal therefore
myself the commission of a crime, state in another public
becomes unnecessary.
instrument executed therefor in that:
To prove his employment with BCC, petitioner offered the following: (a)
BCC Identification Card (ID) issued to him stating his name and his
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is GRANTED. The
position as "comptroller," and bearing his picture, his signature, and the "3. That all the said 158 checks were unlawfully appropriated by a
assailed Decision of the public respondent NLRC dated July 31, 2002 and
signature of Ty; (b) a payroll of BCC for the period of October 1-15, certain Charlie Jao absolutely without any authority from BCC and the
the Resolution dated September 30, 2002 are REVERSED and SET
1996 that petitioner approved as comptroller; (c) various bills and same were reportedly turned over by said Mr. Jao to a person who is not
ASIDE. Accordingly, the decision of the Labor Arbiter dated September
receipts related to expenditures of BCC bearing the signature of an agent or is not authorized representative of BCC."
20, 2001 is hereby REINSTATED.
petitioner; (d) various checks carrying the signatures of petitioner and
Ty, and, in some checks, the signature of petitioner alone; (e) a court
xerox copy of which document (Affidavit) is hereto attached, duly
SO ORDERED. order showing that the issuing court considered petitioner’s ID as proof
marked as Annex "B" and made integral part hereof. (emphasis supplied)
of his employment with BCC; (f) a letter of petitioner dated March 1,
After the CA denied petitioner’s motion for reconsideration on May 14, 1997 to the Department of Justice on his filing of a criminal case for
estafa against Ty for non-payment of wages; (g) affidavits of some and that the affidavit constituted petitioner’s admission of the
2004,12 he filed a motion for extension to file petition for review, which
employees of BCC attesting that petitioner was their co-employee in arrangement or agreement between BCC and SFC for the latter to
the Court denied through the resolution dated July 7, 2004 for failure to
BCC; and (h) a notice of raffle dated December 5, 1995 showing that appoint a comptroller to oversee the former’s operations.
render an explanation on why the service of copies of the motion for
extension on respondents was not personally made.13The denial petitioner, being an employee of BCC, received the notice of raffle in
notwithstanding, he filed his petition for review on certiorari. The Court behalf of BCC.18 Petitioner counters, however, that the affidavit did not establish the
denied the petition on August 18, 2004 in view of the denial of the absence of an employer-employee relationship between him and
motion for extension of time and the continuing failure of petitioner to Respondents denied that petitioner was BCC’s employee. They affirmed respondents because it had been executed in March 1996, or after his
render the explanation as to the non-personal service of the petition on that SFC had installed petitioner as its comptroller in BCC to oversee and employment with respondents had been terminated on December 12,
respondents.14 However, upon a motion for reconsideration, the Court supervise SFC’s collections and the account of BCC to protect SFC’s 1995; and that the affidavit referred to his subsequent employment by
reinstated the petition for review on certiorari and required respondents interest; that their issuance of the ID to petitioner was only for the SFC following the termination of his employment by BCC.21
to comment.15 purpose of facilitating his entry into the BCC premises in relation to his
work of overseeing the financial operations of BCC for SFC; that the ID We cannot side with petitioner.
Issue should not be considered as evidence of petitioner’s employment in
BCC;19 that petitioner executed an affidavit in March 1996,20 stating,
among others, as follows: Our perusal of the affidavit of petitioner compels a conclusion similar to
The sole issue is whether or not an employer-employee relationship that reached by the CA and the Labor Arbiter to the effect that the
existed between petitioner and BCC. A finding on the existence of an affidavit actually supported the contention that petitioner had really
employer-employee relationship will automatically warrant a finding of 1. I am a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) by profession but worked in BCC as SFC’s representative. It does seem more natural and
illegal dismissal, considering that respondents did not state any valid presently associated with, or employed by, Sobien Food more believable that petitioner’s affidavit was referring to his
grounds to dismiss petitioner. Corporation with the same business address as abovestated; employment by SFC even while he was reporting to BCC as a comptroller
in behalf of SFC. As respondents pointed out, it was implausible for SFC
2. In the course of my association with, or employment by, to still post him to oversee and supervise the collections of accounts
Sobien Food Corporation (SFC, for short), I have been receivables due from BCC beyond December 1995 if, as he insisted, BCC
entrusted by my employer to oversee and supervise collections had already illegally dismissed him and had even prevented him from
The petition lacks merit. on account of receivables due SFC from its customers or entering the premises of BCC. Given the patent animosity and strained
clients; for instance, certain checks due and turned over by relations between him and respondents in such circumstances, indeed,
The existence of an employer-employee relationship is a question of fact. one of SFC’s customers is BCC Product Sales, Inc., operated or how could he still efficiently perform in behalf of SFC the essential
Generally, a re-examination of factual findings cannot be done by the run by one Terrance L. Ty, (President and General manager), responsibility to "oversee and supervise collections" at BCC? Surely,
Court acting on a petition for review on certiorari because the Court is pursuant to, or in accordance with, arrangements or respondents would have vigorously objected to any arrangement with
not a trier of facts but reviews only questions of law. Nor may the Court agreement thereon; such arrangement or agreement is duly SFC involving him.
be bound to analyze and weigh again the evidence adduced and confirmed by said Terrance Ty, as shown or admitted by him
considered in the proceedings below.16 This rule is not absolute, in a public instrument executed therefor, particularly par. 2 of We note that petitioner executed the affidavit in March 1996 to refute a
however, and admits of exceptions. For one, the Court may look into that certain Counter-Affidavit executed and subscribed on statement Ty himself made in his own affidavit dated December 11,
factual issues in labor cases when the factual findings of the Labor December 11, 1995, xerox copy of which is hereto attached, 1995 to the effect that petitioner had illegally appropriated some checks
Arbiter, the NLRC, and the CA are conflicting.17 duly marked as Annex "A" and made integral part hereof. without authority from BCC.22 Petitioner thereby sought to show that he
had the authority to receive the checks pursuant to the arrangements In addition, petitioner presented no document setting forth the terms of
between SFC and BCC. This showing would aid in fending off the his employment by BCC.1âwphi1 The failure to present such agreement
criminal charge respondents filed against him arising from his on terms of employment may be understandable and expected if he was
mishandling of the checks. Naturally, the circumstances petitioner a common or ordinary laborer who would not jeopardize his employment
adverted to in his March 1996 affidavit concerned those occurring before by demanding such document from the employer, but may not square
December 11, 1995, the same period when he actually worked as well with his actual status as a highly educated professional.
comptroller in BCC.
Petitioner’s admission that he did not receive his salary for the three
Further, an affidavit dated September 5, 2000 by Alfredo So, the months of his employment by BCC, as his complaint for illegal dismissal
President of SFC, whom petitioner offered as a rebuttal witness, lent and non-payment of wages25 and the criminal case for estafa he later
credence to respondents’ denial of petitioner’s employment. So declared filed against the respondents for non-payment of wages26 indicated,
in that affidavit, among others, that he had known petitioner for being further raised grave doubts about his assertion of employment by BCC. If
"earlier his retained accountant having his own office but did not hold the assertion was true, we are puzzled how he could have remained in
office" in SFC’s premises; that Ty had approached him (So) "looking for BCC’s employ in that period of time despite not being paid the first salary
an accountant or comptroller to be employed by him (Ty) in [BCC’s] of P20,000.00/month. Moreover, his name did not appear in the payroll
distribution business" of SFC’s general merchandise, and had later asked of BCC despite him having approved the payroll as comptroller.
him on his opinion about petitioner; and that he (So) had subsequently
learned that "Ty had already employed [petitioner] as his comptroller as
Lastly, the confusion about the date of his alleged illegal dismissal
of September 1995."23
provides another indicium of the insincerity of petitioner’s assertion of
employment by BCC. In the petition for review on certiorari, he averred
The statements of So really supported respondents’ position in that that he had been barred from entering the premises of BCC on October
petitioner’s association with SFC prior to his supposed employment by 19, 1995,27 and thus was illegally dismissed. Yet, his complaint for illegal
BCC went beyond mere acquaintance with So. That So, who had earlier dismissal stated that he had been illegally dismissed on December 12,
merely "retained" petitioner as his accountant, thereafter employed 1995 when respondents’ security guards barred him from entering the
petitioner as a "retained" accountant after his supposed illegal dismissal premises of BCC,28 causing him to bring his complaint only on December
by BCC raised a doubt as to his employment by BCC, and rather 29, 1995, and after BCC had already filed the criminal complaint against
confirmed respondents’ assertion of petitioner being an employee of SFC him. The wide gap between October 19, 1995 and December 12, 1995
while he worked at BCC. cannot be dismissed as a trivial inconsistency considering that the
several incidents affecting the veracity of his assertion of employment by
BCC earlier noted herein transpired in that interval.
Moreover, in determining the presence or absence of an employer-
employee relationship, the Court has consistently looked for the
following incidents, to wit: (a) the selection and engagement of the With all the grave doubts thus raised against petitioner’s claim, we need
employee; (b) the payment of wages; (c) the power of dismissal; and not dwell at length on the other proofs he presented, like the affidavits
(d) the employer’s power to control the employee on the means and of some of the employees of BCC, the ID, and the signed checks, bills
methods by which the work is accomplished. The last element, the so- and receipts. Suffice it to be stated that such other proofs were easily
called control test, is the most important element.24 explainable by respondents and by the aforestated circumstances
showing him to be the employee of SFC, not of BCC.
Hereunder are some of the circumstances and incidents occurring while
petitioner was supposedly employed by BCC that debunked his claim WHEREFORE, the Court AFFIRMS the decision of the Court of Appeals;
against respondents. and ORDERS petitioner to pay the costs of suit.

It can be deduced from the March 1996 affidavit of petitioner that SO ORDERED.
respondents challenged his authority to deliver some 158 checks to SFC.
Considering that he contested respondents’ challenge by pointing to the
existing arrangements between BCC and SFC, it should be clear that
respondents did not exercise the power of control over him, because he
thereby acted for the benefit and in the interest of SFC more than of

15 engaged to provide live music at Legend Hotel’s Madison Coffee Shop for On February 11, 2002, the CA set aside the decision of the
three hours/day on two days each week; and stated that the economic NLRC,6 holding:
crisis that had hit the country constrained management to dispense with
Republic of the Philippines his services.
On December 29, 1999, the Labor Arbiter (LA) dismissed the complaint
Applying the above-enumerated elements of the employee-employer
for lack of merit upon finding that the parties had no employer-employee
relationship in this case, the question to be asked is, are those elements
FIRST DIVISION relationship.3 The LA explained thusly:
present in this case?

G.R. No. 153511 July 18, 2012 xxx

The answer to this question is in the affirmative.

LEGEND HOTEL (MANILA), owned by TITANIUM CORPORATION, On the pivotal issue of whether or not there existed an employer-
and/or, NELSON NAPUD, in his capacity as the President of employee relationship between the parties, our finding is in the negative.
Petitioner Corporation, Petitioner, The finding finds support in the service contract dated September 1,
vs. 1992 xxx. Well settled is the rule that of the four (4) elements of employer-
HERNANI S. REALUYO, also known as JOEY ROA, Respondent. employee relationship, it is the power of control that is more decisive.
DECISION In this regard, public respondent failed to take into consideration that in
petitioner’s line of work, he was supervised and controlled by
Even if we grant the initial non-existence of the service contract, as
respondent’s restaurant manager who at certain times would require him
BERSAMIN, J.: complainant suggests in his reply (third paragraph, page 4), the picture
to perform only tagalog songs or music, or wear barong tagalog to
would not change because of the admission by complainant in his letter
conform with Filipiniana motif of the place and the time of his
This labor case for illegal dismissal involves a pianist employed to dated October 8, 1996 (Annex "C") that what he was receiving was
performance is fixed by the respondents from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm,
perform in the restaurant of a hotel. On August 9, 1999, respondent, talent fee and not salary.
three to six times a week. Petitioner could not choose the time of his
whose stage name was Joey R. Roa, filed a complaint for alleged unfair performance. xxx.
labor practice, constructive illegal dismissal, and the This is reinforced by the undisputed fact that complainant received his
underpayment/nonpayment of his premium pay for holidays, separation talent fee nightly, unlike the regular employees of the hotel who are paid
As to the status of petitioner, he is considered a regular employee of
pay, service incentive leave pay, and 13111 month pay. He prayed for by monthly xxx.
private respondents since the job of the petitioner was in furtherance of
attorney's fees, moral damages off P100,000.00 and exemplary damages
the restaurant business of respondent hotel. Granting that petitioner was
for P100,000.00.1
xxx initially a contractual employee, by the sheer length of service he had
rendered for private respondents, he had been converted into a regular
Respondent averred that he had worked as a pianist at the Legend employee xxx.
And thus, absent the power to control with respect to the means and
Hotel’s Tanglaw Restaurant from September 1992 with an initial rate of
methods by which his work was to be accomplished, there is no
P400.00/night that was given to him after each night’s performance; that
employer-employee relationship between the parties xxx. xxx
his rate had increased to P750.00/night; and that during his
employment, he could not choose the time of performance, which had
been fixed from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm for three to six times/week. He xxx xxx In other words, the dismissal was due to retrenchment in order to
added that the Legend Hotel’s restaurant manager had required him to avoid or minimize business losses, which is recognized by law under
conform with the venue’s motif; that he had been subjected to the rules Article 283 of the Labor Code, xxx.
WHEREFORE, this case must be, as it is hereby, DISMISSED for lack of
on employees’ representation checks and chits, a privilege granted to merit.
other employees; that on July 9, 1999, the management had notified xxx
him that as a cost-cutting measure his services as a pianist would no
longer be required effective July 30, 1999; that he disputed the excuse, SO ORDERED.4
insisting that Legend Hotel had been lucratively operating as of the filing WHEREFORE, foregoing premises considered, this petition is GRANTED.
of his complaint; and that the loss of his employment made him bring his xxx.7
Respondent appealed, but the National Labor Relations Commission
complaint.2 (NLRC) affirmed the LA on May 31, 2001.5
In its defense, petitioner denied the existence of an employer-employee Respondent assailed the decision of the NLRC in the Court of Appeals
relationship with respondent, insisting that he had been only a talent (CA) on certiorari. In this appeal, petitioner contends that the CA erred:

I. XXX WHEN IT RULED THAT THERE IS THE EXISTENCE OF The appeal fails. and re-evaluate the factual issues and to look into the records of the
EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE case and re-examine the questioned findings.13
Procedural Issue:
A review of the circumstances reveals that respondent was, indeed,
II. XXX IN FINDING THAT ROA IS A REGULAR EMPLOYEE AND petitioner’s employee. He was undeniably employed as a pianist in
Certiorari was a proper recourse
THAT THE TERMINATION OF HIS SERVICES WAS ILLEGAL. petitioner’s Madison Coffee Shop/Tanglaw Restaurant from September
THE CA LIKEWISE ERRED WHEN IT DECLARED THE 1992 until his services were terminated on July 9, 1999.
REINSTATEMENT OF ROA TO HIS FORMER POSITION OR BE Petitioner contends that respondent’s petition for certiorari was improper
GIVEN A SEPARATION PAY EQUIVALENT TO ONE MONTH FOR as a remedy against the NLRC due to its raising mainly questions of fact
First of all, petitioner actually wielded the power of selection at the time
EVERY YEAR OF SERVICE FROM SEPTEMBER 1999 UNTIL and because it did not demonstrate that the NLRC was guilty of grave
it entered into the service contract dated September 1, 1992 with
JULY 30, 1999 CONSIDERING THE ABSENCE OF AN abuse of discretion.
respondent. This is true, notwithstanding petitioner’s insistence that
respondent had only offered his services to provide live music at
The contention is unwarranted. There is no longer any doubt that a petitioner’s Tanglaw Restaurant, and despite petitioner’s position that
III. XXX WHEN IT DECLARED THAT ROA IS ENTITLED TO petition for certiorari brought to assail the decision of the NLRC may what had really transpired was a negotiation of his rate and time of
BACKWAGES, SERVICE INCENTIVE LEAVE AND OTHER raise factual issues, and the CA may then review the decision of the availability. The power of selection was firmly evidenced by, among
BENEFITS CONSIDERING THAT THERE IS NO EMPLOYER NLRC and pass upon such factual issues in the process.8 The power of others, the express written recommendation dated January 12, 1998 by
EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE PARTIES. the CA to review factual issues in the exercise of its original jurisdiction Christine Velazco, petitioner’s restaurant manager, for the increase of his
to issue writs of certiorari is based on Section 9 of Batas Pambansa Blg. remuneration.14
129, which pertinently provides that the CA "shall have the power to try
cases and conduct hearings, receive evidence and perform any and all
2001 IN NLRC NCR CA NO. 023404-2000 OF THE NLRC AS Petitioner could not seek refuge behind the service contract entered into
acts necessary to resolve factual issues raised in cases falling within its
WELL AS ITS RESOLUTION DATED JUNE 29, 2001 IN FAVOR with respondent. It is the law that defines and governs an employment
original and appellate jurisdiction, including the power to grant and
OF HEREIN PETITIONER HOTEL WHEN HEREIN RESPONDENT relationship, whose terms are not restricted to those fixed in the written
conduct new trials or further proceedings."
ROA FAILED TO SHOW PROOF THAT THE NLRC AND THE contract, for other factors, like the nature of the work the employee has
LABOR ARBITER HAVE COMMITTED GRAVE ABUSE OF been called upon to perform, are also considered. The law affords
DISCRETION OR LACK OF JURISDICTION IN THEIR Substantive Issue No. 1: protection to an employee, and does not countenance any attempt to
RESPECTIVE DECISIONS. subvert its spirit and intent. Any stipulation in writing can be ignored
Employer-employee relationship existed between the parties when the employer utilizes the stipulation to deprive the employee of his
security of tenure. The inequality that characterizes employer-employee
relations generally tips the scales in favor of the employer, such that the
PETITION WHICH ROA FILED IS IMPROPER SINCE IT RAISED We next ascertain if the CA correctly found that an employer-employee employee is often scarcely provided real and better options.15
QUESTIONS OF FACT. relationship existed between the parties.
Secondly, petitioner argues that whatever remuneration was given to
VI. XXX WHEN IT GAVE DUE COURSE TO THE PETITION The issue of whether or not an employer-employee relationship existed respondent were only his talent fees that were not included in the
FILED BY ROA WHEN IT IS CLEARLY IMPROPER AND SHOULD between petitioner and respondent is essentially a question of fact.9 The definition of wage under the Labor Code; and that such talent fees were
HAVE BEEN DISMISSED OUTRIGHT CONSIDERING THAT A factors that determine the issue include who has the power to select the but the consideration for the service contract entered into between
PETITION FOR CERTIORARI UNDER RULE 65 IS LIMITED employee, who pays the employee’s wages, who has the power to them.
ONLY TO QUESTIONS OR ISSUES OF GRAVE ABUSE OF dismiss the employee, and who exercises control of the methods and
DISCRETION OR LACK OF JURISDICTION COMMITTED BY results by which the work of the employee is accomplished.10 Although
THE NLRC OR THE LABOR ARBITER, WHICH ISSUES ARE NOT no particular form of evidence is required to prove the existence of the The argument is baseless.
PRESENT IN THE CASE AT BAR. relationship, and any competent and relevant evidence to prove the
relationship may be admitted,11 a finding that the relationship exists Respondent was paid P400.00 per three hours of performance from 7:00
The assigned errors are divided into the procedural issue of whether or must nonetheless rest on substantial evidence, which is that amount of pm to 10:00 pm, three to six nights a week. Such rate of remuneration
not the petition for certiorari filed in the CA was the proper recourse; relevant evidence that a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to was later increased to P750.00 upon restaurant manager Velazco’s
and into two substantive issues, namely: (a) whether or not respondent justify a conclusion.12 recommendation. There is no denying that the remuneration
was an employee of petitioner; and (b) if respondent was petitioner’s denominated as talent fees was fixed on the basis of his talent and skill
employee, whether he was validly terminated. Generally, the Court does not review factual questions, primarily because and the quality of the music he played during the hours of performance
the Court is not a trier of facts. However, where, like here, there is a each night, taking into account the prevailing rate for similar talents in
conflict between the factual findings of the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC, the entertainment industry.16
on the one hand, and those of the CA, on the other hand, it becomes
proper for the Court, in the exercise of its equity jurisdiction, to review
Respondent’s remuneration, albeit denominated as talent fees, was still petitioner, through its manager, required him to play at certain times a Validity of the Termination
considered as included in the term wage in the sense and context of the particular music or song, the music, songs, or arrangements, including
Labor Code, regardless of how petitioner chose to designate the the beat or tempo, were under his discretion, control and direction; (d)
Having established that respondent was an employee whom petitioner
remuneration. Anent this, Article 97(f) of the Labor Code clearly states: the requirement for him to wear barong Tagalog to conform with the
terminated to prevent losses, the conclusion that his termination was by
Filipiniana motif of the venue whenever he performed was by no means
reason of retrenchment due to an authorized cause under the Labor
evidence of control; (e) petitioner could not require him to do any other
xxx wage paid to any employee shall mean the remuneration or Code is inevitable.
work in the restaurant or to play the piano in any other places, areas, or
earnings, however designated, capable of being expressed in terms of
establishments, whether or not owned or operated by petitioner, during
money, whether fixed or ascertained on a time, task, piece, or
the three hour period from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm, three to six times a Retrenchment is one of the authorized causes for the dismissal of
commission basis, or other method of calculating the same, which is
week; and (f) respondent could not be required to sing, dance or play employees recognized by the Labor Code. It is a management
payable by an employer to an employee under a written or unwritten
another musical instrument. prerogative resorted to by employers to avoid or to minimize business
contract of employment for work done or to be done, or for services
losses. On this matter, Article 283 of the Labor Code states:
rendered or to be rendered, and includes the fair and reasonable value,
as determined by the Secretary of Labor, of board, lodging, or other A review of the records shows, however, that respondent performed his
facilities customarily furnished by the employer to the employee. work as a pianist under petitioner’s supervision and control. Specifically, Article 283. Closure of establishment and reduction of personnel. – The
petitioner’s control of both the end achieved and the manner and means employer may also terminate the employment of any employee due to
used to achieve that end was demonstrated by the following, to wit: the installation of labor-saving devices, redundancy, retrenchment to
Clearly, respondent received compensation for the services he rendered
prevent losses or the closing or cessation of operation of the
as a pianist in petitioner’s hotel. Petitioner cannot use the service
establishment or undertaking unless the closing is for the purpose of
contract to rid itself of the consequences of its employment of a. He could not choose the time of his performance, which
circumventing the provisions of this Title, by serving a written notice on
respondent. There is no denying that whatever amounts he received for petitioners had fixed from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm, three to six
the workers and the Ministry of Labor and Employment at least one (1)
his performance, howsoever designated by petitioner, were his wages. times a week;
month before the intended date thereof. xxx. In case of retrenchment to
prevent losses and in cases of closures or cessation of operations of
It is notable that under the Rules Implementing the Labor Code and as b. He could not choose the place of his performance; establishment or undertaking not due to serious business losses or
held in Tan v. Lagrama,17 every employer is required to pay his financial reverses, the separation pay shall be equivalent to one (1)
employees by means of a payroll, which should show in each case, month pay or at least one-half (1/2) month pay for every year of service,
c. The restaurant’s manager required him at certain times to
among others, the employee’s rate of pay, deductions made from such whichever is higher. A fraction of at least six (6) months shall be
perform only Tagalog songs or music, or to wear barong
pay, and the amounts actually paid to the employee. Yet, petitioner did considered one (1) whole year.
Tagalog to conform to the Filipiniana motif; and
not present the payroll of its employees to bolster its insistence of
respondent not being its employee.
The Court has laid down the following standards that an employer
d. He was subjected to the rules on employees’ representation
should meet to justify retrenchment and to foil abuse, namely:
check and chits, a privilege granted to other employees.
That respondent worked for less than eight hours/day was of no
consequence and did not detract from the CA’s finding on the existence
(a) The expected losses should be substantial and not merely
of the employer-employee relationship. In providing that the " normal Relevantly, it is worth remembering that the employer need not actually
de minimis in extent;
hours of work of any employee shall not exceed eight (8) hours a day," supervise the performance of duties by the employee, for it sufficed that
Article 83 of the Labor Code only set a maximum of number of hours as the employer has the right to wield that power.
"normal hours of work" but did not prohibit work of less than eight (b) The substantial losses apprehended must be reasonably
hours. imminent;
Lastly, petitioner claims that it had no power to dismiss respondent due
to his not being even subject to its Code of Discipline, and that the
Thirdly, the power of the employer to control the work of the employee power to terminate the working relationship was mutually vested in the (c) The retrenchment must be reasonably necessary and likely
is considered the most significant determinant of the existence of an parties, in that either party might terminate at will, with or without to effectively prevent the expected losses; and
employer-employee relationship.18 This is the so-called control test, and cause.
is premised on whether the person for whom the services are performed (d) The alleged losses, if already incurred, and the expected
reserves the right to control both the end achieved and the manner and The claim is contrary to the records. Indeed, the memorandum informing imminent losses sought to be forestalled must be proved by
means used to achieve that end.19 respondent of the discontinuance of his service because of the present sufficient and convincing evidence.22
business or financial condition of petitioner20 showed that the latter had
Petitioner submits that it did not exercise the power of control over the power to dismiss him from employment.21
Anent the last standard of sufficient and convincing evidence, it ought to
respondent and cites the following to buttress its submission, namely: be pointed out that a less exacting standard of proof would render too
(a) respondent could beg off from his nightly performances in the Substantive Issue No. 2: easy the abuse of retrenchment as a ground for termination of services
restaurant for other engagements; (b) he had the sole prerogative to of employees.23
play and perform any musical arrangements that he wished; (c) although

Was the retrenchment of respondent valid?

In termination cases, the burden of proving that the dismissal was for a
valid or authorized cause rests upon the employer. Here, petitioner did
not submit evidence of the losses to its business operations and the
economic havoc it would thereby imminently sustain. It only claimed that
respondent’s termination was due to its "present business/financial
condition." This bare statement fell short of the norm to show a valid
retrenchment. Hence, we hold that there was no valid cause for the
retrenchment of respondent.

Indeed, not every loss incurred or expected to be incurred by an

employer can justify retrenchment.1âwphi1 The employer must prove,
among others, that the losses are substantial and that the retrenchment
is reasonably necessary to avert such losses. Thus, by its failure to
present sufficient and convincing evidence to prove that retrenchment
was necessary, respondent’s termination due to retrenchment is not

The Court realizes that the lapse of time since the retrenchment might
have rendered respondent's reinstatement to his former job no longer
feasible. If that should be true, then petitioner should instead pay to him
separation pay at the rate of one. month pay for every year of service
computed from September 1992 (when he commenced to work for the
petitioners) until the finality of this decision, and full backwages from the
time his compensation was withheld until the finality of this decision.

WHEREFORE, we DENY the petition for review on certiorari, and AFFIRM

the decision of the Court of Appeals promulgated on February 11, 2002,
subject to the modification that should reinstatement be no longer
feasible, petitioner shall pay to respondent separation pay of one month
for every year of service computed from September 1992 until the
finality of this decision, and full backwages from the time his
compensation was withheld until the finality of this decision.

Costs of suit to be paid by the petitioners.


16 necessary and desirable in the trade or business of petitioners and under The petitioners' motion for reconsideration having been denied in the
their direct control and supervision. In support of his claim, he Resolution11 dated December 15, 2009, they filed a petition for
submitted, among others, copies of his time cards, Official Business certiorari12 before the CA raising the following errors:
Republic of the Philippines Itinerary Slips, Daily Attendance Sheets and other documents prescribing
SUPREME COURT the manner in which his tasks were to be accomplished under the control
(1) the complaint should have been dismissed against
Manila of the petitioners and acknowledging his status as a regular employee of
petitioner Jennifer M. Eñano-Bote absent any showing of bad
the corporation.
On the other hand, petitioners, in their position paper,8 asserted that
(2) respondent Dakila is not a regular employee;
G.R. No. 199547 September 24, 2012 respondent Dakilawas a consultant and not their regular employee. The
latter was not included in petitioners' payroll and paid a fixed amount
under the consultancy contract. He was not required to observe regular (3) respondent was not illegally dismissed as it was the
THE NEW PHILIPPINE SKYLANDERS, INC. and/or JENNIFER M. working hours and was free to adopt means and methods to accomplish respondent who resigned; and
ENANO-BOTE, Petitioners, his task except as to the results of the work required of him. Hence, no
vs. employer-employee relationship existed between them. Moreover, (4) theLA’s monetary award has no basis.
FRANCISCO N. DAKILA, Respondent. respondentDakila terminated his contract in a letter dated April 19, 2007,
thus, negating his dismissal.
Ruling of the CA
Ruling of the Labor Arbiter
In the Resolution13 dated August 31, 2011, the CA dismissed the petition
for failure to show that the NLRC committed grave abuse of discretion in
On May 28, 2008, Labor Arbiter Thomas T. Que, Jr. rendered a affirming the LA's Decision. It found the factual findings of the LA and
The Petition for Review on Certiorari1 assails the August 31, 20112 and Decision9 finding respondent Dakila to have been illegally dismissed and the NLRC to be supported by substantial evidence and thus, should be
November 23, 20113 Resolutions of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. ordered his reinstatement with full backwages computed from the time accorded respect and finality. Petitioners' motion for reconsideration
SP No. 113015 which affirmed the September 10, 2009 Decision4 and of his dismissal on May 1, 2007 until his actual reinstatement as well as therefrom was likewise denied in the Resolution14 dated November 23,
December 15, 2009 Resolution5 of the National Labor Relations the payment of his unpaid benefits under the Collective Bargaining 2011.
Commission (NLRC) finding respondent Francisco N.Dakila (respondent Agreement (CBA). He declared respondent Dakila to be a regular
Dakila) to have been illegally dismissed. employee on the basis of the unrebutted documentary evidence showing
that he was under the petitioners' direct control and supervision and Hence, the instant petition reiterating the arguments raised before the
performed tasks that were either incidental or usually desirable and CA.
The Factual Antecedents necessary in the trade or business of petitioner corporation for a period
of ten years. Having been dismissed without cause and notice, Ruling of the Court
Respondent Dakila was employed by petitionercorporation as early as respondent Dakila was awarded moral and exemplary damages in the
1987 and terminated for cause in April 1997 when the corporation was amount of P 50,000.00 each. He is also entitled to avail of
thecorporation's retirement benefits upon his reinstatement. The issue of illegal dismissal is premised on the existence of an
sold. In May 1997, he was rehired as consultant by the petitioners under
employer-employee relationship between the parties herein. It is
a Contract for Consultancy Services6 dated April 30, 1997.
essentially a question of fact, beyond the ambit of a petition for review
Ruling of the NLRC on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court unless there is a clear
Thereafter, in a letter7 dated April 19, 2007, respondent Dakila informed showing of palpable error or arbitrary disregard of evidence which does
petitioners of his compulsory retirement effective May 2, 2007 and On appeal, the NLRC sustained the Labor Arbiter's (LA) finding that not obtain in this case. Records reveal that both the LA and the NLRC, as
sought for the payment of his retirement benefits pursuant to the respondent Dakila was a regular employee and that his dismissal was affirmed by the CA, have found substantial evidence to show that
Collective Bargaining Agreement. His request, however, was not acted illegal. However, it noted that since he was already beyond the respondent Dakila was a regular employee who was dismissed without
upon. Instead, he was terminated from service effective May 1, 2007. retirement age, his reinstatement was no longer feasible. As such, it cause.
ordered the payment of his retirement pay to be computed from 1997
Consequently, respondent Dakila filed a complaint for constructive illegal until the date of the decision. Moreover, it found respondent Dakila Following Article 279 of the Labor Code, an employee who is unjustly
dismissal, non-payment of retirement benefits, under/non-payment of entitled to reinstatement wages from the time petitioners received a dismissed from work is entitled to reinstatement without loss of seniority
wages and other benefits of a regular employee, and damages against copy of the LA’s Decision on July 7, 2008 up to the date of the NLRC's rights and other privileges and to his full backwages computed from the
petitioners, The New Philippine Skylanders, Inc. and its President and decision. Thus, it ordered the petitioners to pay respondent Dakila the time he was illegally dismissed. However, considering that respondent
General Manager, Jennifer M. Eñano-Bote, before the NLRC. He averred, additional amount of P 278,508.33representing reinstatement wages and Dakila was terminated on May 1, 2007, or one (1) day prior to his
among others, that the consultancy contract was a scheme to deprive retirement pay.10 compulsory retirement on May 2, 2007, his reinstatement is no longer
him of the benefits of regularization, claiming to have assumed tasks feasible. Accordingly, the NLRC correctly held him entitled to the

payment of his retirement benefits pursuant to the CBA. On the other
hand, his backwages should be computed only for days prior to his
compulsory retirement which in this case is only a day. Consequently,
the award of reinstatement wages pending appeal must be deleted for
lack of basis.

Similarly, the Court finds no basis to hold petitioner Jennifer M. Eñano-

Bote, President and General Manager of The New Philippine Skylanders,
Inc., jointly and severally liable with the corporation for the payment of
the monetary awards. The mere lack of authorized or just cause to
terminate one's employment and the failure to observe due process do
not ipso facto mean that the corporate officer acted with malice or bad
faith.15 There must be independent proof of malice or bad faith which
was not established in this case. Perforce, petitioner Jennifer M. Eñano-
Bote cannot be made personally liable for the liabilities of the corporation
which, by legal fiction, has a personality separate and distinct from its
officers, stockholders and members. Moreover, for lack of factual and
legal bases, the awards of moral and exemplary damages cannot also be

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is PARTLY GRANTED.

The assailed August 31, 2011 and November 23, 2011 Resolutions of the
Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 113015 are MODIFIED as follows:

(1) petitioner Jennifer M. Eñano-Bote is ABSOLVED from

liability for payment of respondent Francisco N. Dakila's
monetary awards;

(2) the awards of reinstatement wages pending appeal as well

as the moral and exemplary damages are ordered DELETED;

(3) the computation of backwages should be limited only for a

day prior to his compulsory retirement.

The rest of the decision stands.


17 them. Consequently, Bandag terminated their respective SFA. different parts of the country, they knew that this substantially changed
their former relationships. They were to cease working as Bandag’s
Aggrieved, petitioners filed a complaint for constructive dismissal, non– salesmen, the positions they occupied before they ventured into running
payment of wages, incentive pay, 13th month pay and damages against separate Bandag branches. They were to cease receiving salaries or
Bandag with the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC). commissions. Their incomes were to depend on the profits they made.
Petitioners contend that, notwithstanding the execution of the SFAs, they Yet, petitioners did not then complain of constructive dismissal. They
remained to be Bandag’s employees, the SFAs being but a circumvention took their chances, ran their branches, Gregorio Sharp in La Union for
of their status as regular employees. several months and Ashmor Tesoro in Baguio and Pedro Ang in
Pangasinan for over a year. Clearly, their belated claim of constructive
For its part, Bandag pointed out that petitioners freely resigned from dismissal is quite hollow.
their employment and decided to avail themselves of the opportunity to
THIRD DIVISION be independent entrepreneurs under the franchise scheme that Bandag It is pointed out that Bandag continued, like an employer, to exercise
had. Thus, no employer–employee relationship existed between control over petitioners’ work. It points out that Bandag: (a) retained the
G.R. No. 171482, March 12, 2014 petitioners and Bandag. right to adjust the price rates of products and services; (b) imposed
minimum processed tire requirement (MPR); (c) reviewed and regulated
On March 14, 2003 the Labor Arbiter rendered a Decision, dismissing the credit applications; and (d) retained the power to suspend petitioners’
ASHMOR M. TESORO, PEDRO ANG AND GREGORIO complaint on the ground that no employer–employee relationship existed services for failure to meet service standards.
SHARP, Petitioners, v. METRO MANILA RETREADERS, INC. between Bandag and petitioners. Upon petitioners’ appeal to the NLRC
(BANDAG) AND/OR NORTHERN LUZON RETREADERS, INC. the latter affirmed on June 30, 2003 the Labor Arbiter’s Decision. It also But uniformity in prices, quality of services, and good business practices
(BANDAG) AND/OR POWER TIRE AND RUBBER CORP. denied petitioners’ motion for reconsideration. Undaunted, petitioners are the essence of all franchises. A franchisee will damage the
(BANDAG), Respondents. filed a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 with the Court of Appeals franchisor’s business if he sells at different prices, renders different or
(CA) ascribing grave abuse of discretion. On July 29, 2005 the CA inferior services, or engages in bad business practices. These business
DECISION rendered a Decision,1 dismissing the petition for lack of merit. It also constraints are needed to maintain collective responsibility for faultless
denied their motion for reconsideration on February 7, 2006. and reliable service to the same class of customers for the same prices.
ABAD, J.: This is not the “control” contemplated in employer–employee
Issue of the Case
relationships. Control in such relationships addresses the details of day
This case concerns the effect on the status of employment of employees The only issue presented in this case is whether or not petitioners to day work like assigning the particular task that has to be done,
who entered into a Service Franchise Agreement with their employer. remained to be Bandag’s salesmen under the franchise scheme it monitoring the way tasks are done and their results, and determining the
entered into with them. time during which the employee must report for work or accomplish his
The Facts and the Case assigned task.
Ruling of the Court
On various dates between 1991 and 1998, petitioners Ashmor M. Tesoro, Franchising involves the use of an established business expertise,
Pedro Ang, and Gregorio Sharp used to work as salesmen for trademark, knowledge, and training. As such, the franchisee is required
Franchising is a business method of expansion that allows an individual
respondents Metro Manila Retreaders, Inc., Northern Luzon Retreaders, to follow a certain established system. Accordingly, the franchisors may
or group of individuals to market a product or a service and to use of the
Inc., or Power Tire and Rubber Corporation, apparently sister companies, impose guidelines that somehow restrict the petitioners’ conduct which
patent, trademark, trade name and the systems prescribed by the
collectively called “Bandag.” Bandag offered repair and retread services do not necessarily indicate “control.” The important factor to consider is
owner.2 In this case, Bandag’s SFAs created on their faces an
for used tires. In 1998, however, Bandag developed a franchising still the element of control over how the work itself is done, not just its
arrangement that gave petitioners the privilege to operate and maintain
scheme that would enable others to operate tire and retreading end result.4
Bandag branches in the way of franchises, providing tire repair and
businesses using its trade name and service system. retreading services, with petitioners earning profits based on the
The Court held, in Tongko v. The Manufacturers Life Insurance Co.
performance of their branches.
Petitioners quit their jobs as salesmen and entered into separate Service (Phils.), Inc.,5 that, results–wise, the insurance company, as principal,
Franchise Agreements (SFAs) with Bandag for the operation of their can impose production quotas upon its independent agents and
The question is: did petitioners remain to be Bandag’s employees after
respective franchises. Under the SFAs, Bandag would provide funding determine how many individual agents, with specific territories, such
they began operating those branches? The tests for determining
support to the petitioners subject to a regular or periodic liquidation of independent agents ought to employ to achieve the company’s
employer–employee relationship are: (a) the selection and engagement
their revolving funds. The expenses out of these funds would be objectives. These are management policy decisions that the labor law
of the employee; (b) the payment of wages; (c) the power of dismissal;
deducted from petitioners’ sales to determine their incomes. element of control cannot reach. Petitioners’ commitment to abide by
and (d) the employer’s power to control the employee with respect to
Bandag’s policy decisions and implementing rules, as franchisees does
the means and methods by which the work is to be accomplished. The
At first, petitioners managed and operated their respective franchises not make them its employees.
last is called the “control test,” the most important element.3
without any problem. After a length of time, however, they began to
default on their obligations to submit periodic liquidations of their Petitioners cannot use the revolving funds feature of the SFAs as
When petitioners agreed to operate Bandag’s franchise branches in
operational expenses in relation to the revolving funds Bandag provided evidence of their employer–employee relationship with Bandag. These
funds do not represent wages. They are more in the nature of capital
advances for operations that Bandag conceptualized to attract
prospective franchisees. Petitioners’ incomes depended on the profits
they make, controlled by their individual abilities to increase sales and
reduce operating costs.

The Labor Arbiter, the NLRC, and the CA, are unanimous that petitioners
were no longer “route salesmen, bringing previously ordered supplies
and goods to dealers, taking back returned items, collecting payments,
remitting them, etc. They were themselves then the dealers, getting
their own supply and bringing these to their own customers and sub–
dealers, if any.”

The rule in labor cases is that the findings of fact of quasi–judicial

bodies, like the NLRC, are to be accorded with respect, even finality, if
supported by substantial evidence. This is particularly true when passed
upon and upheld by the CA.6

WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED. The Decision dated July

29, 2005 and Resolution dated February 7, 2006 of the Court of Appeals
in CA–G.R. SP 82447 are AFFIRMED.


18 January 1 to December 31, 2003 where he held the position of Division 5 threw a despedidaparty in his honor and, subsequently, appointed a new
Vice-President-Sales.8 independent contractor. Two months after herelinquished his post,
however, Alcantara appeared in Royale Homes and submitted a letter
Republic of the Philippines claiming that he was illegally dismissed.
Proceedings before the Labor Arbiter
Ruling of the Labor Arbiter
On December 17, 2003, Alcantara filed a Complaint for Illegal
Dismissal9 against Royale Homes and its President Matilde Robles,
Executive Vice-President for Administration and Finance Ma. Melinda On September 7, 2005,the Labor Arbiter rendered a Decision11 holding
Bernardino, and Executive Vice- President for Sales Carmina Sotto. that Alcantara is an employee of Royale Homes with a fixed-term
G.R. No. 195190 July 28, 2014 Alcantara alleged that he is a regular employee of Royale Homes since employment period from January 1 to December 31, 2003 and that the
he is performing tasks that are necessary and desirable to its business; pre-termination of his contract was against the law.Hence, Alcantara is
ROYALE HOMES MARKETING CORPORATION, Petitioner, that in 2003 the company gave him P1.2 million for the services he entitled to an amount which he may have earned on the average for the
vs. rendered to it; that in the first week of November 2003, however, the unexpired portion of the contract. With regard to the impleaded
FIDEL P. ALCANTARA [deceased], substituted by his executive officers of Royale Homes told him that they were wondering corporate officers, the Labor Arbiter absolved them from any liability.
heirs, Respondent. why he still had the gall to come to office and sit at his table;10 and that
the actsof the executive officers of Royale Homes amounted to his
The dispositive portion of the Labor Arbiter’s Decision reads:
dismissal from work without any valid or just cause and in gross
DECISION disregard of the proper procedure for dismissing employees. Thus, he
alsoimpleaded the corporate officers who, he averred, effected his WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered
DEL CASTILLO, J.: dismissal in bad faith and in an oppressive manner. ordering the respondent Royale Homes Marketing Corp. to pay the
complainant the total amount of TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY SEVEN
THOUSAND PESOS (P277,000.00) representing his
Not every form of control that a hiring party imposes on the hired party Alcantara prayed to be reinstated tohis former position without loss of
compensation/commission for the unexpired term of his contract.
is indicative of employee-employer relationship. Rules and regulations seniority rights and other privileges, as well as to be paid backwages,
that merely serve as guidelines towards the achievement of a mutually moral and exemplary damages, and attorney’s fees. He further sought
desired result without dictating the means and methods of accomplishing that the ownership of the Mitsubishi Adventure with Plate No. WHD-945 All other claims are dismissed for lack of merit.
it do not establish employer-employee relationship.1 be transferred to his name.
This Petition for Review on Certiorari2 assails the June 23, 2010 Royale Homes, on the other hand, vehemently denied that Alcantara is
Decision3 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 109998 which its employee. It argued that the appointment paper of Alcantara isclear Both parties appealed the Labor Arbiter’s Decision to the NLRC. Royale
(i) reversed and set aside the February 23, 2009 Decision4 of the that it engaged his services as an independent sales contractorfor a fixed Homes claimed that the Labor Arbiter grievously erred inruling that there
National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC), (ii) ordered petitioner term of one year only. He never received any salary, 13th month pay, exists an employer-employee relationship between the parties. It insisted
Royale Homes Marketing Corporation (Royale Homes) to pay respondent overtime pay or holiday pay from Royale Homes as hewas paid purely on that the contract between them expressly statesthat Alcantara is an
Fidel P. Alcantara (Alcantara) backwages and separation pay, and (iii) commission basis. In addition, Royale Homes had no control on how independent contractor and not an ordinary employee. Ithad no control
remanded the case to the Labor Arbiter for the proper determination and Alcantara would accomplish his tasks and responsibilities as he was free over the means and methods by which he performed his work.
computation of said monetary awards. to solicit sales at any time and by any manner which he may deem RoyaleHomes likewise assailed the award of P277,000.00 for lack of
appropriateand necessary. He is even free to recruit his own sales basis as it did not pre-terminate the contract. It was Alcantara who
personnel to assist him in pursuance of his sales target. chose not to finish the contract.
Also assailed in this Petition isthe January 18, 2011 Resolution5 of the CA
denying Royale Homes’ Motion for Reconsideration,6 as well as its
Supplemental7 thereto. According to Royale Homes, Alcantara decided to leave the company Alcantara, for his part, argued that the Labor Arbiter erred in ruling that
after his wife, who was once connectedwith it as a sales agent, had his employment was for a fixed-term and that he is not entitled to
formed a brokerage company that directly competed with its business, backwages, reinstatement, unpaid commissions, and damages.
Factual Antecedents and even recruited some of its sales agents. Although this was against
the exclusivity clause of the contract, Royale Homes still offered to
In 1994, Royale Homes, a corporation engaged in marketing real accept Alcantara’s wife back so she could continue to engage in real Ruling of the National LaborRelations Commission
estates, appointed Alcantara asits Marketing Director for a fixed period of estate brokerage, albeit exclusively for Royale Homes. In a special
one year. His work consisted mainly of marketing Royale Homes’ management committee meeting on October 8,2003, however, Alcantara On February 23, 2009, the NLRC rendered its Decision,13 ruling that
realestate inventories on an exclusive basis. Royale Homes reappointed announced publicly and openly that he would leave the company by the Alcantara is not an employee but a mere independent contractor of
him for several consecutive years, the last of which covered the period end of October 2003 and that he would no longer finish the unexpired Royale Homes. It based its ruling mainly on the contract which does not
term of his contract. He has decided to join his wifeand pursue their own require Alcantara to observe regular working hours. He was also free to
brokerage business. Royale Homes accepted Alcantara’s decision. It then
adopt the selling methods he deemed most effective and can even WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the instant PETITION is Royale Homes contends that its contract with Alcantara is clear and
recruit sales agents to assist him in marketing the inventories of Royale GRANTED. The assailed decision of the National Labor Relations unambiguous −it engaged his services as an independent contractor.
Homes. The NLRC also considered the fact that Alcantara was not Commission in NLRC NCR CASE NO. 00-12-14311-03 NLRC CA NO. This can be readily seen from the contract stating that no employer-
receiving monthly salary, but was being paid on commission basis as 046104-05 dated February 23, 2009 as well as the Resolution dated May employee relationship exists between the parties; that Alcantara was
stipulated in the contract. Being an independent contractor, the NLRC 29, 2009 are hereby SET ASIDE and a new one is entered ordering the free to solicit sales at any time and by any manner he may deem
concluded that Alcantara’s Complaint iscognizable by the regular courts. respondent company to pay petitioner backwages which shall be appropriate; that he may recruit sales personnel to assist him in
computed from the time of his illegal termination in October 2003 up to marketing Royale Homes’ inventories; and, thathis remunerations are
the finality of this decision, plus separation pay equivalent to one month dependent on his sales performance.
The falloof the NLRC Decision reads:
salary for every year of service. This case is REMANDED to the Labor
Arbiter for the proper determination and computation of back wages,
Royale Homes likewise argues that the CA grievously erred in ruling that
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Decision of Labor Arbiter Dolores separation pay and other monetary benefits that petitioner is entitled to.
it exercised control over Alcantara based on a shallow ground that his
Peralta-Beley dated September 5, 2005 is REVERSED and SET ASIDE and
performance is subject to company rules and regulations, code of ethics,
a NEW ONE rendered dismissing the complaint for lack of jurisdiction.
SO ORDERED.19 periodic evaluation, and exclusivity clause of contract. RoyaleHomes
maintains that it is expected to exercise some degree of control over its
SO ORDERED.14 independent contractors,but that does not automatically result in the
Royale Homes filed a Motion for Reconsideration20 and a Supplemental
existence ofemployer-employee relationship. For control to be
Motion for Reconsideration.21 In a Resolution22 dated January 18, 2011,
Alcantara moved for reconsideration.15 In a Resolution16 dated May 29, consideredas a proof tending to establish employer-employee
however, the CA denied said motions.
2009, however, the NLRC denied his motion. relationship, the same mustpertain to the means and method of
performing the work; not on the relationship of the independent
Issues contractors among themselves or their persons or their source of living.
Alcantara thus filed a Petition for Certiorari17 with the CA imputing grave
abuse of discretion on the partof the NLRC in ruling that he is not an
Hence, this Petition where Royale Homes submits before this Court the Royale Homes further asserts that it neither hired nor wielded the power
employee of Royale Homes and that it is the regular courts which have
following issues for resolution: to dismiss Alcantara. It was Alcantara who openly and publicly declared
jurisdiction over the issue of whether the pre-termination of the contract
is valid. that he was pre-terminating his fixed-term contract.
Ruling of the Court of Appeals The pivotal issue to be resolved in this case is whether Alcantara was an
WHETHER THE COURT OF APPEALS HAS DECIDED THE independent contractor or anemployee of Royale Homes.
On June 23, 2010, the CA promulgated its Decision18 granting Alcantara’s
Petition and reversing the NLRC’s Decision. Applying the four-fold and
economic reality tests, it held thatAlcantara is an employee of Royale
Homes. Royale Homes exercised some degree of control over Alcantara The Petition is impressed with merit.
since his job, as observed by the CA, is subject to company rules,
regulations, and periodic evaluations. He was also bound by the
The determination of whether a party who renders services to another is
company code of ethics. Moreover, the exclusivity clause of the contract
an employee or an independent contractor involves an evaluation of
has made Alcantara economically dependent on Royale Homes, B.
factual matters which, ordinarily, is not within the province of this Court.
supporting the theory that he is anemployee of said company.
In view of the conflicting findings of the tribunals below, however, this
WHETHER THE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED A SERIOUS Court is constrained to go over the factual matters involved in this
The CA further held that Alcantara’s termination from employment was ERROR OF LAW IN DISREGARDING THE EN BANCRULING OF case.24
without any valid or just cause, and it was carried out in violation of his THIS HONORABLE COURT IN THE CASEOF TONGKO VS.
right to procedural due process. Thus, the CA ruled that he isentitled to MANULIFE, AND IN BRUSHING ASIDE THE APPLICABLE
The juridical relationship of the parties based on their written contract
backwages and separation pay, in lieu of reinstatement. RULINGS OF SONZA VS. ABS CBN AND CONSULTA V. CA[.]
Considering,however, that the CA was not satisfied with the
proofadduced to establish the amount of Alcantara’s annual salary, it The primary evidence of the nature of the parties’ relationship in this
remanded the caseto the Labor Arbiter to determine the same and the case is the written contract that they signed and executed in
monetary award he is entitled to. With regard to the corporate officers, pursuanceof their mutual agreement. While the existence of employer-
the CA absolved them from any liability for want of clear proof that they WHETHER THE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED A SERIOUS employee relationship is a matter of law, the characterization made by
assented to the patently unlawful acts or that they are guilty of bad faith ERROR OF LAW IN DENYING THE MOTION FOR the parties in their contract as to the nature of their juridical relationship
orgross negligence. Thus: RECONSIDERATION OF PETITIONER AND IN REFUSING TO cannot be simply ignored, particularly in this case where the parties’
CORRECT ITSELF[.]23 written contractunequivocally states their intention at the time they

entered into it. In Tongko v. The Manufacturers LifeInsurance Co. attendance of which shall be a condition precedent for their accreditation and engagement of the employee; (2) the payment of wages; (3) the
(Phils.), Inc.,25 it was held that: by us. power of dismissal; and (4) the employer’s power to control the
employee with respect to the means and methods by which the work is
to be accomplished.29 Among the four, the most determinative factor in
To be sure, the Agreement’s legal characterization of the nature of the That as such Division 5 VICE[-]PRESIDENT-SALES you shall be entitled
ascertaining the existence of employeremployee relationship is the "right
relationship cannot be conclusive and binding on the courts; x x x the to:
of control test".30 "It is deemed to be such an important factor that the
characterization of the juridical relationship the Agreement embodied is a
other requisites may even be disregarded."31 This holds true where the
matter of law that is for the courts to determine. At the same time,
1. Commission override of 0.5% for all option sales beginning issues to be resolved iswhether a person who performs work for another
though, the characterization the parties gave to their relationship in the
January 1, 2003 booked by your sales agents. is the latter’s employee or is an independent contractor,32 as in this case.
Agreement cannot simply be brushed aside because it embodiestheir
For where the person for whom the services are performed reserves the
intent at the time they entered the Agreement, and they were governed
2. Budget allocation depending on your division’s sale right to control not only the end to beachieved, but also the means by
by this understanding throughout their relationship. At the very least, the
performance as per our budget guidelines. which such end is reached, employer-employee relationship is deemed to
provision on the absence of employer- employee relationship between
the parties can be an aid in considering the Agreement and its
implementation, and in appreciating the other evidence on record.26 3. Sales incentive and other forms of company support which
may be granted from time to time. It is understood, however, In concluding that Alcantara is an employee of RoyaleHomes, the CA
that no employer-employee relationship exists between us, ratiocinated that since the performance of his tasks is subject to
In this case, the contract, duly signed and not disputed by the parties,

that of your sales personnel/agents, and that you shall hold company rules, regulations, code of ethics, and periodic evaluation, the
conspicuously provides that "no employer-employee relationship exists
our company x x x, its officers and directors, free and element of control is present.
between" Royale Homes and Alcantara, as well as his sales agents. It is
clear that they did not want to be bound by employer-employee harmless from any and all claims of liability and damages
relationship atthe time ofthe signing of the contract. Thus: arising from and/or incident to the marketing of our real estate The Court disagrees.
January 24, 2003 Not every form of control is indicative of employer-employee
We reserve, however, our right to terminate this agreement in case of relationship.1âwphi1 A person who performs work for another and is
violation of any company rules and regulations, policies and code of subjected to its rules, regulations, and code of ethics does not
ethics upon notice for justifiable reason. necessarily become an employee.34 As long as the level of control does
not interfere with the means and methods of accomplishing the assigned
13 Rancho I tasks, the rules imposed by the hiring party on the hired party do not
Your performance shall be subject toperiodic evaluation based on factors
which shall be determined by the management. amount to the labor law concept of control that is indicative of employer-
Marikina City employee relationship. In Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd. v. National
Labor Relations Commission35 it was pronounced that:
If you are amenable to the foregoing terms and conditions, please
Dear Mr. Alcantara, indicate your conformity by signing on the space provided below and
return [to] us a duplicate copy of this letter, duly accomplished, to Logically, the line should be drawn between rules that merely serve as
constitute as our agreement on the matter.(Emphasis ours) guidelines towards the achievement of the mutually desired result
This will confirm yourappointment as Division 5 VICE[-]PRESIDENTSALES without dictating the means or methods to be employed in attaining it,
of ROYALE HOMES MARKETING CORPORATION effective January 1, and those that control or fix the methodology and bind or restrict the
2003 to December 31, 2003. Since "the terms of the contract are clear and leave no doubt upon the party hired to the use of such means. The first, which aim only to
intention of the contracting parties, the literal meaning of itsstipulations promote the result, create no employeremployee relationship unlike the
should control."28 No construction is even needed asthey already second, which address both the result and the means used to achieve it.
Your appointment entails marketing our real estate inventories on an
expressly state their intention. Also, this Court adopts the observation of x x x36
EXCLUSIVE BASIS under such price, terms and condition to be provided
the NLRC that it is rather strange on the part of Alcantara, an educated
to you from time to time.
man and a veteran sales broker who claimed to be receiving P1.2 million
as his annual salary, not to have contested the portion of the contract In this case, the Court agrees with Royale Homes that the rules,
As such, you can solicit sales at any time and by any manner which you expressly indicating that he is not an employee of Royale Homes if their regulations, code of ethics, and periodic evaluation alluded to
deem appropriate and necessary to market our real estate inventories true intention were otherwise. byAlcantara do not involve control over the means and methods by
subject to rules, regulations and code of ethics promulgated by the which he was to performhis job. Understandably, Royale Homes has to
company. Further, you are free to recruit sales personnel/agents to fix the price, impose requirements on prospective buyers, and lay down
The juridical relationship of the parties based on Control Test the terms and conditionsof the sale, including the mode of payment,
assist you in marketing of our inventories provided that your
personnel/agents shall first attend the required seminars and briefing to which the independent contractors must follow. It is also necessary for
be conducted by us from time to time for the purpose of familiarizing In determining the existence of an employer-employee relationship, this Royale Homes to allocateits inventories among its independent
them of terms and conditionsof sale, the natureof property sold, etc., Court has generally relied on the four-fold test, to wit: (1) the selection contractors, determine who has priority in selling the same, grant
commission or allowance based on predetermined criteria, and regularly
monitor the result of their marketing and sales efforts. But tothe mind of Neither does the repeated hiring of Alcantara prove the existence of WHEREFORE, the instant Petition is hereby GRANTED. The June 23,
this Court, these do not pertain to the means and methods of how employer-employee relationship.41 As discussed above, the absence of 2010 Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 109998 is
Alcantara was to perform and accomplish his task of soliciting sales. control over the means and methodsdisproves employer-employee REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The February 23, 2009 Decision of the
They do not dictate upon him the details of how he would solicit sales or relationship. The continuous rehiring of Alcantara simply signifies the National Labor Relations Commission is REINSTATED and AFFIRMED. SO
the manner as to how he would transact business with prospective renewal of his contract with Royale Homes, and highlights his ORDERED.
clients. In Tongko, this Court held that guidelines or rules and satisfactory services warranting the renewal of such contract. Nor does
regulations that do notpertain to the means or methodsto be employed the exclusivity clause of contract establish the existence of the labor law
in attaining the result are not indicative of control as understood inlabor concept of control. In Consulta v. Court of Appeals,42 it was held that
law. Thus: exclusivity of contract does not necessarily result in employer-employee
relationship, viz:
From jurisprudence, an important lesson that the first Insular Lifecase
teaches us is that a commitment to abide by the rules and regulations of x x x However, the fact that the appointment required Consulta to solicit
an insurance company does not ipso factomake the insurance agent an business exclusively for Pamana did not mean that Pamana exercised
employee. Neither do guidelines somehow restrictive of the insurance control over the means and methods of Consulta’s work as the term
agent’s conduct necessarily indicate "control" as this term is defined in control is understood in labor jurisprudence. Neither did it make Consulta
jurisprudence. Guidelines indicative of labor law "control," as the first an employee of Pamana. Pamana did not prohibit Consulta from
Insular Lifecase tells us, should not merely relate to the mutually engaging in any other business, or from being connected with any other
desirable result intended by the contractual relationship; they must have company, for aslong as the business [of the] company did not compete
the nature of dictating the means or methods to beemployed in attaining with Pamana’s business.43
the result, or of fixing the methodology and of binding or restricting the
party hired to the use of these means.In fact, results-wise, the principal
The same scenario obtains in this case. Alcantara was not prohibited
can impose production quotas and can determine how many agents,
from engaging in any other business as long as he does not sell projects
with specific territories, ought to be employed to achieve the company’s
of Royale Homes’ competitors. He can engage in selling various other
objectives. These are management policy decisions that the labor law
products or engage in unrelated businesses.
element of control cannot reach. Our ruling in these respects in the first
Insular Lifecase was practically reiterated in Carungcong. Thus, as will be
shown more fully below, Manulife’s codes of conduct, all of which do not Payment of Wages
intrude into the insurance agents’ means and manner of conducting their
sales and only control them as to the desired results and Insurance Code The element of payment of wages is also absent in thiscase. As provided
norms, cannot be used as basis for a finding that the labor law concept in the contract, Alcantara’s remunerations consist only of commission
of control existed between Manulife and Tongko.37 (Emphases in the override of 0.5%, budget allocation, sales incentive and other forms of
original) company support. There is no proof that he received fixed monthly
salary. No payslip or payroll was ever presented and there is no proof
As the party claiming the existence of employer-employee relationship, it that Royale Homes deducted from his supposed salary withholding tax or
behoved upon Alcantara to prove the elements thereof, particularly that it registered him with the Social Security System, Philippine Health
Royale Homes’ power of control over the means and methods of Insurance Corporation, or Pag-Ibig Fund. In fact, his Complaint merely
accomplishing the work.38 He, however, failed to cite specificrules, states a ballpark figure of his alleged salary of P100,000.00, more or
regulations or codes of ethics that supposedly imposed control on his less. All of these indicate an independent contractual
means and methods of soliciting sales and dealing with prospective relationship.44 Besides, if Alcantara indeed consideredhimself an
clients. On the other hand, this case is replete with instances that negate employee of Royale Homes, then he, an experienced and professional
the element of control and the existence of employer-employee broker, would have complained that he was being denied statutorily
relationship. Notably, Alcantara was not required to observe definite mandated benefits. But for nine consecutive years, he kept mum about
working hours.39 Except for soliciting sales, RoyaleHomes did not assign it, signifying that he has agreed, consented, and accepted the fact that
other tasks to him. He had full control over the means and methods of he is not entitled tothose employee benefits because he is an
accomplishing his tasks as he can "solicit sales at any time and by any independent contractor.
manner which [he may] deem appropriate and necessary." He
performed his tasks on his own account free from the control and This Court is, therefore,convinced that Alcantara is not an employee of
direction of Royale Homes in all matters connected therewith, except as Royale Homes, but a mere independent contractor. The NLRC is,
to the results thereof.40 therefore, correct in concluding that the Labor Arbiter has no jurisdiction
over the case and that the same is cognizable by the regular courts.

19 31, 2009. The contract also provided that the parties release each other of the National Labor Relations Commission, both parties filed separate
from liabilities and responsibilities under the employment contract.12 petitions for certiorari27 before the Court of Appeals. The Court of
Appeals consolidated the petitions and considered the following issues
Republic of the Philippines for resolution:
In consideration of the non-renewal contract, Arlene "acknowledged
receipt of the total amount of US$18,050.00 representing her monthly
salary from March 2009 to May 2009, year-end bonus, mid-year bonus, 1) Whether or not Espirituis a regular employee or a fixed-
and separation pay."13 However, Arlene affixed her signature on the term contractual employee;
SECOND DIVISION nonrenewal contract with the initials "U.P." for "under protest."14
2) Whether or not Espiritu was illegally dismissed; and
G.R. No. 204944-45 December 3, 2014 On May 6, 2009, the day after Arlene signed the non-renewal contract,
she filed a complaint for illegal dismissal and attorney’s fees with the
3) Whether or not Espirituis entitled to damages and attorney’s
FUJI TELEVISION NETWORK, INC., Petitioner, National Capital Region Arbitration Branch of the National Labor
vs. Relations Commission. She alleged that she was forced to sign the
ARLENE S. ESPIRITU, Respondent. nonrenewal contract when Fuji came to know of her illness and that Fuji
withheld her salaries and other benefits for March and April 2009 when In the assailed decision, the Court of Appeals affirmed the
she refused to sign.15 National Labor Relations Commission with the modification
DECISION that Fuji immediately reinstate Arlene to her position as News
Producer without loss of seniority rights, and pay her
Arlene claimed that she was left with no other recourse but to sign the
LEONEN, J.: backwages, 13th-month pay, mid-year and year-end bonuses,
non-renewal contract, and it was only upon signing that she was given
sick leave and vacation leave with pay until reinstated, moral
her salaries and bonuses, in addition to separation pay equivalent to four
damages, exemplary damages, attorney’sfees, and legal
It is the burden of the employer to prove that a person whose services it (4) years.16
interest of 12% per annum of the total monetary
pays for is an independent contractor rather than a regular employee awards.29 The Court of Appeals ruled that:
with or without a fixed term. That a person has a disease does not per In the decision17 dated September 10, 2009, Labor Arbiter Corazon C.
se entitle the employer to terminate his or her services. Termination is Borbolla dismissed Arlene’s complaint.18Citing Sonza v. ABS-CBN19 and
the last resort. At the very least, a competent public health authority WHEREFORE, for lack of merit, the petition of Fuji Television Network,
applying the four-fold test, the Labor Arbiter held that Arlene was not
must certify that the disease cannot be cured within six ( 6) months, Inc. and Yoshiki Aoki is DENIED and the petition of Arlene S. Espiritu is
Fuji’s employee but an independent contractor.20
even with appropriate treatment. GRANTED. Accordingly, the Decision dated March 5, 2010 of the National
Labor Relations Commission, 6th Division in NLRC NCR Case No. 05-
Arlene appealed before the National Labor Relations Commission. In its 06811-09 and its subsequent Resolution dated April 26, 2010 are hereby
We decide this petition for review1 on certiorari filed by Fuji Television decision dated March 5, 2010, the National Labor Relations Commission AFFIRMED with MODIFICATIONS, as follows:
Network, Inc., seeking the reversal of the Court of Appeals’ reversed the Labor Arbiter’s decision.21 It held that Arlene was a regular
Decision2 dated June 25, 2012, affirming with modification the employee with respect to the activities for which she was employed since
decision3 of the National Labor Relations Commission. Fuji Television, Inc. is hereby ORDERED to immediately REINSTATE
she continuously rendered services that were deemednecessary and
Arlene S. Espiritu to her position as News Producer without loss of
desirable to Fuji’s business.22 The National Labor Relations Commission
seniority rights and privileges and to pay her the following:
In 2005, Arlene S. Espiritu ("Arlene") was engaged by Fuji Television ordered Fuji to pay Arlene backwages, computed from the date of her
Network, Inc. ("Fuji") asa news correspondent/producer4 "tasked to illegal dismissal.23 The dispositive portion of the decision reads:
report Philippine news to Fuji through its Manila Bureau field 1. Backwages at the rate of $1,900.00 per month computed
office."5 Arlene’s employment contract initially provided for a term of one from May 5, 2009 (the date of dismissal), until reinstated;
WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered
(1) year but was successively renewed on a yearly basis with salary GRANTING the instant appeal. The Decision of the Labor Arbiter dated
adjustment upon every renewal.6 Sometime in January 2009, Arlenewas 19 September 2009 is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE, and a new one 2. 13th Month Pay at the rate of $1,900.00 per annum from
diagnosed with lung cancer.7She informed Fuji about her condition. In is issued ordering respondents-appellees to pay complainant-appellant the date of dismissal, until reinstated;
turn, the Chief of News Agency of Fuji, Yoshiki Aoki, informed Arlene backwages computed from the date of her illegal dismissal until finality
"that the company will have a problem renewing her contract"8 since it of this Decision. 3. One and a half (1 1/2) months pay or $2,850.00 as midyear
would be difficult for her to perform her job.9She "insisted that she was
bonus per year from the date of dismissal, until reinstated;
still fit to work as certified by her attending physician."10
4. One and a half (1 1/2) months pay or $2,850.00 as year-
After several verbal and written communications,11 Arlene and Fuji
Arlene and Fuji filed separat emotions for reconsideration.25 Both end bonus per year from the date of dismissal, until
signed a non-renewal contract on May 5, 2009 where it was stipulated
motions were denied by the National Labor Relations Commission for reinstated;
that her contract would no longer be renewed after its expiration on May
lack of merit in the resolution dated April 26, 2010.26 From the decision

5. Sick leave of 30 days with pay or $1,900.00 per year from Aggrieved, Fuji filed this petition for review and argued that the Court of interested to work for Fuji.59 For Fuji, Arlene’s e-mail showed that she
the date of dismissal, until reinstated; and Appeals erred in affirming with modification the National Labor Relations had the power to bargain.60
Commission’s decision, holding that Arlene was a regular employee and
that she was illegally dismissed. Fuji also questioned the award of
6. Vacation leave with pay equivalent to 14 days or $1,425.00 Fuji then posits that the Court of Appeals erred when it held that the
monetary claims, benefits, and damages.39
per annum from date of dismissal, until reinstated. elements of an employer-employee relationship are present, particularly
that of control;61 that Arlene’s separation from employment upon the
Fuji points out that Arlene was hired as a stringer, and it informed her expiration of her contract constitutes illegal dismissal;62 that Arlene is
7. The amount of P100,000.00 as moral damages;
that she would remain one.40 She was hired as an independent entitled to reinstatement;63 and that Fuji is liable to Arlene for damages
contractor as defined in Sonza.41 Fuji had no control over her work.42 The and attorney’s fees.64
8. The amount of P50,000.00 as exemplary damages; employment contracts were executed and renewed annually upon
Arlene’s insistence to which Fuji relented because she had skills that
This petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 was filed on February
9. Attorney’s fees equivalent to 10% of the total monetary distinguished her from ordinary employees.43 Arlene and Fuji dealt on
8, 2013.65 On February 27, 2013, Arlene filed a manifestation66 stating
awards herein stated; and equal terms when they negotiated and entered into the employment
that this court may not take jurisdiction over the case since Fuji failed to
contracts.44 There was no illegal dismissal because she freely agreed not
authorize Corazon E. Acerden to sign the verification.67 Fuji filed a
to renew her fixed-term contract as evidenced by her e-mail
10. Legal interest of twelve percent (12%) per annum of the comment on the manifestation68 on March 9, 2013.
correspondences with Yoshiki Aoki.45 In fact, the signing of the non-
total monetary awards computed from May 5, 2009, until their renewal contract was not necessary to terminate her employment since
full satisfaction. "such employment terminated upon expiration of her contract."46 Finally, Based on the arguments of the parties, there are procedural and
Fuji had dealt with Arlene in good faith, thus, she should not have been substantive issues for resolution:
The Labor Arbiter is hereby DIRECTED to make another recomputation awarded damages.47
of the above monetary awards consistent with the above directives. I. Whether the petition for review should be dismissed as
Fuji alleges that it did not need a permanent reporter since the news Corazon E. Acerden, the signatory of the verification and
SO ORDERED.30 reported by Arlene could easily be secured from other entities or from certification of non forum shopping of the petition, had no
the internet.48 Fuji "never controlled the manner by which she performed authority to sign the verification and certification on behalf of
her functions."49 It was Arlene who insisted that Fuji execute yearly Fuji;
In arriving at the decision, the Court of Appeals held that Arlene was a fixed-term contracts so that she could negotiate for annual increases in
regular employee because she was engaged to perform work that was her pay.50
necessary or desirable in the business of Fuji,31 and the successive II. Whether the Court of Appeals correctly determined that no
renewals of her fixed-term contract resulted in regular employment.32 grave abuse of discretion was committed by the National
Fuji points out that Arlene reported for work for only five (5) days in Labor Relations Commission when it ruled that Arlene was a
February 2009, three (3) days in March 2009, and one (1) day in April regular employee, not an independent contractor, and that she
According to the Court of Appeals, Sonzadoes not apply in order to 2009.51 Despite the provision in her employment contract that sick leaves was illegally dismissed; and
establish that Arlene was an independent contractor because she was in excess of 30 days shall not be paid, Fuji paid Arlene her entire salary
not contracted on account of any peculiar ability, special talent, or for the months of March, April, and May; four(4) months of separation
skill.33 The fact that everything used by Arlene in her work was owned by III. Whether the Court of Appeals properly modified the
pay; and a bonus for two and a half months for a total of National Labor Relations Commission’s decision by awarding
Fuji negated the idea of job contracting.34 US$18,050.00.52 Despite having received the amount of US$18,050.00, reinstatement, damages, and attorney’s fees.
Arlene still filed a case for illegal dismissal.53
The Court of Appeals also held that Arlene was illegally dismissed
because Fuji failed to comply with the requirements of substantive and The petition should be dismissed.
Fuji further argues that the circumstances would show that Arlene was
procedural due process necessary for her dismissal since she was a not illegally dismissed. The decision tonot renew her contract was
regular employee.35 mutually agreed upon by the parties as indicated in Arlene’s e- I
mail54 dated March 11, 2009 where she consented to the non-renewal of
The Court of Appeals found that Arlene did not sign the non-renewal her contract but refused to sign anything.55 Aoki informed Arlene in an e- Validity of the verification and certification against forum shopping
contract voluntarily and that the contract was a mere subterfuge by Fuji mail56 dated March 12, 2009 that she did not need to sign a resignation
to secure its position that it was her choice not to renew her contract. letter and that Fuji would pay Arlene’s salary and bonus until May 2009
as well as separation pay.57 In its comment on Arlene’s manifestation, Fuji alleges that Corazon was
She was left with no choice since Fuji was decided on severing her
authorized to sign the verification and certification of non-forum
shopping because Mr. Shuji Yano was empowered under the secretary’s
Arlene sent an e-mail dated March 18, 2009 with her version of the non- certificate to delegate his authority to sign the necessary pleadings,
Fuji filed a motion for reconsideration that was denied in the renewal agreement that she agreed to sign this time.58 This attached including the verification and certification against forum shopping.69
resolution37 dated December 7, 2012 for failure to raise new matters.38 version contained a provision that Fuji shall re-hire her if she was still

On the other hand, Arlene points outthat the authority given to Mr. Shuji shall constitute indirect contempt ofcourt, without prejudice to the In Loyola v. Court of Appeals,79 petitioner Alan Loyola submitted the
Yano and Mr. Jin Eto in the secretary’s certificate is only for the petition corresponding administrative and criminalactions. If the acts of the party required certification one day after filing his electoral protest.80 This
for certiorari before the Court of Appeals.70 Fuji did not attach any board or his counsel clearly constitute willful and deliberate forum shopping, court considered the subsequent filing as substantial compliance since
resolution authorizing Corazon orany other person tofile a petition for the same shall be ground for summary dismissal with prejudice and shall the purpose of filing the certification is to curtail forum shopping.81
review on certiorari with this court.71 Shuji Yano and Jin Eto could not re- constitute direct contempt, as well as a cause for administrative
delegate the power thatwas delegated to them.72 In addition, the special sanctions.
In LDP Marketing, Inc. v. Monter,82 Ma. Lourdes Dela Peña signed the
power of attorney executed by Shuji Yano in favor of Corazon indicated
verification and certification against forum shopping but failed to attach
that she was empowered to sign on behalf of Shuji Yano, and not on
Section 4(e) of Rule 4574 requires that petitions for review should the board resolution indicating her authority to sign.83 In a motion for
behalf of Fuji.73
"contain a sworn certification against forum shopping as provided in the reconsideration, LDP Marketing attached the secretary’s certificate
last paragraph of section 2, Rule 42." Section 5 of the same rule provides quoting the board resolution that authorized Dela Peña.84 Citing Shipside,
The Rules of Court requires the that failure to comply with any requirement in Section 4 is sufficient this court deemed the belated submission as substantial compliance
submission of verification and ground to dismiss the petition. since LDP Marketing complied with the requirement; what it failed to do
certification against forum shopping was to attach proof of Dela Peña’s authority to sign.85 Havtor
Management Phils., Inc. v. National Labor Relations Commission86 and
Effects of non-compliance
General Milling Corporation v. National Labor Relations
Rule 7, Section 4 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure provides the
Commission87 involved petitions that were dismissed for failure to attach
requirement of verification, while Section 5 of the same rule provides the
Uy v. Landbank75 discussed the effect of non-compliance with regard to any document showing that the signatory on the verification and
requirement of certification against forum shopping. These sections
verification and stated that: certification against forum-shopping was authorized.88 In both cases, the
secretary’s certificate was attached to the motion for
[t]he requirement regarding verification of a pleading is formal, not reconsideration.89 This court considered the subsequent submission of
SEC. 4. Ver if ica tio n. — Except when otherwise specifically required by proof indicating authority to sign as substantial compliance.90 Altres v.
jurisdictional. Such requirement is simply a condition affecting the form
law or rule, pleadings need not be under oath, verified or accompanied Empleo91 summarized the rules on verification and certification against
of pleading, the non-compliance of which does not necessarily render the
by affidavit. forum shopping in this manner:
pleading fatally defective. Verification is simply intended to secure an
assurance that the allegations in the pleading are true and correct and
A pleading is verified by an affidavit that the affiant has read the not the product of the imagination or a matter of speculation, and that For the guidance of the bench and bar, the Court restates in capsule
pleading and that the allegations therein are true and correct of his the pleading is filed in good faith. The court may order the correction of form the jurisprudential pronouncements . . . respecting non-compliance
knowledge and belief. the pleading if the verification is lacking or act on the pleading although with the requirement on, or submission of defective, verification and
it is not verified, if the attending circumstances are such that strict certification against forum shopping:
compliance with the rules may be dispensed with inorder that the ends
A pleading required to be verifiedwhich containsa verification based on
of justice may thereby be served.76 (Citations omitted)
"information and belief," or upon "knowledge, information and belief," or 1) A distinction must be made between non-compliance with
lacks a proper verification, shall be treated as an unsigned pleading. the requirement on or submission of defective verification, and
Shipside Incorporated v. Court of Appeals cited the discussion in Uy
noncompliance with the requirement on or submission of
and differentiated its effect from non-compliance with the requirement of defective certification against forum shopping.
SEC. 5. Certification against forum shopping.— The plaintiff or principal
certification against forum shopping:
party shall certify under oath in the complaint orother initiatory pleading
asserting a claim for relief or in a sworn certification annexed thereto 2) As to verification, non-compliance therewith or a defect
and simultaneously filed therewith: (a) that he has not theretofore On the other hand, the lack of certification against forum shopping is therein does not necessarily render the pleading fatally
commenced any action or filed any claim involving the same issues in generally not curable by the submission thereof after the filing of the defective. The court may order its submission or correction or
any court, tribunal or quasi-judicial agency and, to the best of his petition. Section 5, Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure provides act on the pleading if the attending circumstances are such
knowledge, no such other action or claim is pending therein; (b) if there that the failure of the petitioner tosubmit the required documents that that strict compliance with the Rule may be dispensed with in
is such other pending action or claim, a complete statement of the should accompany the petition, including the certification against forum order that the ends of justice may be served thereby.
present status thereof; and (c) if he should thereafter learn that the shopping, shall be sufficient ground for the dismissal thereof. The same
same or similar action or claim has been filed or is pending, he shall rule applies to certifications against forum shopping signed by a person
3) Verification is deemed substantially complied with when one
report that fact within five (5) days therefrom to the court wherein his on behalf of a corporation which are unaccompanied by proof that said
who has ample knowledge to swear to the truth of the
aforesaid complaint or initiatory pleading has been filed. signatory is authorized to file a petition on behalf of the
allegations in the complaint or petition signs the verification,
corporation.78 (Emphasis supplied) Effects of substantial compliance with
and when matters alleged in the petition have been made in
the requirement of verification and certification against forum shopping
Failure to comply with the foregoing requirements shall not be curable good faith or are true and correct.
by mere amendment of the complaint or other initiatory pleading but
shall be cause for the dismissal of the case without prejudice, unless Although the general rule is that failure to attach a verification and
4) As to certification against forum shopping, non-compliance
otherwise provided, upon motion and after hearing. The submission of a certification against forum shopping isa ground for dismissal, there are
therewith or a defect therein, unlike in verification, is generally
false certification or non-compliance with any of the undertakings therein cases where this court allowed substantial compliance.
not curable by its subsequent submission or correction thereof, Quoting the board resolution dated May 13, 2010, the secretary's Shuji Yano executed a special power of attorney appointing Ms. Ma.
unless there is a need to relax the Rule on the ground of certificate states: Corazon E. Acerden and Mr. Moises A. Rollera as his attorneys-in-
"substantial compliance" or presence of "special circumstances fact.100 The special power of attorney states:
or compelling reasons."
(a) The Corporation shall file a Petition for Certiorari with the
Court of Appeals, against Philippines’ National Labor Relations That I, SHUJI YANO, of legal age, Japanese national, with office address
5) The certification against forum shopping must be signed by Commission ("NLRC") and Arlene S. Espiritu, pertaining to at 2-4-8 Daiba, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, 137-8088 Japan, and being the
all the plaintiffs or petitioners in a case; otherwise, those who NLRC-NCR Case No. LAC 00-002697-09, RAB No. 05-06811-00 representative of Fuji TV, INc., [sic] (evidenced by the attached
did not sign will be dropped as parties to the case. Under and entitled "Arlene S. Espiritu v. Fuji Television Network, Secretary’s Certificate) one of the respondents in NLRC-NCR Case No.
reasonable or justifiable circumstances, however, as when all Inc./Yoshiki Aoki", and participate in any other subsequent 05-06811-00 entitled "Arlene S. Espiritu v. Fuji Television Network,
the plaintiffs or petitioners share a common interest and proceeding that may necessarily arise therefrom, including but Inc./Yoshiki Aoki", and subsequently docketed before the Court of
invoke a common cause of action or defense, the signature of not limited to the filing of appeals in the appropriate venue; Appeals asC.A. G.R. S.P. No. 114867 (Consolidated with SP No. 114889)
only one of them inthe certification against forum shopping do hereby make, constitute and appoint Ms. Ma. Corazon E. Acerden and
substantially complies with the Rule. Mr. Moises A. Rolleraas my true and lawful attorneys-infact for me and
(b) Mr. Shuji Yano and Mr. Jin Etobe authorized, as they are
my name, place and stead to act and represent me in the above-
hereby authorized, to verify and execute the certification
mentioned case, with special power to make admission/s and stipulations
6) Finally, the certification against forum shopping must be against nonforum shopping which may be necessary or
and/or to make and submit as well as to accept and approve
executed by the party-pleader, not by his counsel. If, however, required to be attached to any pleading to [sic] submitted to
compromise proposals upon such terms and conditions and under such
for reasonable or justifiable reasons, the party-pleader is the Court of Appeals; and the authority to so verify and certify
covenants as my attorney-in-fact may deem fit, and to engage the
unable to sign, he must execute a Special Power of Attorney for the Corporation in favor of the said persons shall subsist
services of Villa Judan and Cruz Law Officesas the legal counsel to
designating his counsel of record to sign on his behalf.92 and remain effective until the termination of the said case;
represent the Company in the Supreme Court;

There was substantial compliance ....

The said Attorneys-in-Fact are hereby further authorized to make, sign,
by Fuji Television Network, Inc.
execute and deliver such papers ordocuments as may be necessary in
(d) Mr. Shuji Yano and Mr. Jin Etobe authorized, as they are furtherance of the power thus granted, particularly to sign and execute
Being a corporation, Fuji exercises its power to sue and be sued through hereby authorized, to represent and appear on behalf the [sic] the verification and certification of non-forum shopping needed to be
its board of directors or duly authorized officers and agents. Thus, the Corporation in all stages of the [sic] this case and in any other filed.101 (Emphasis in the original)
physical act of signing the verification and certification against forum proceeding that may necessarily arise thereform [sic], and to
shopping can only be done by natural persons duly authorized either by act in the Corporation’s name, place and stead to determine,
In its comment102 on Arlene’s manifestation, Fuji argues that Shuji Yano
the corporate by-laws or a board resolution.93 propose, agree, decide, do, and perform any and all of the
could further delegate his authority because the board resolution
empowered him to "act in the Corporation’s name, place and stead to
In its petition for review on certiorari, Fuji attached Hideaki Ota’s determine, propose, agree, decided [sic], do and perform any and all of
secretary’s certificate,94 authorizing Shuji Yano and Jin Eto to represent 1. The possibility of amicable settlement or of the following: . . . such other matters as may aid in the prompt
and sign for and on behalf of Fuji.95 The secretary’s certificate was duly submission to alternative mode of dispute disposition of the action."103 To clarify, Fuji attached a verification and
authenticated96by Sulpicio Confiado, Consul-General of the Philippines in resolution; certification against forum shopping, but Arlene questions Corazon’s
Japan. Likewise attached to the petition is the special power of attorney authority to sign. Arlene argues that the secretary’s certificate
executed by Shuji Yano, authorizing Corazon to sign on his behalf.97 The empowered Shuji Yano to file a petition for certiorari before the Court of
2. The simplification of the issue;
verification and certification against forum shopping was signed by Appeals, and not a petition for review before this court, and that since
Corazon.98 Shuji Yano’s authority was delegated to him, he could not further
3. The necessity or desirability of amendments to delegate such power. Moreover, Corazon was representing Shuji Yano in
the pleadings; his personal capacity, and not in his capacity as representative of Fuji.
Arlene filed the manifestation dated February 27, 2013, arguing that the
petition for review should be dismissed because Corazon was not duly
authorized to sign the verification and certification against forum 4. The possibility of obtaining stipulation or A review of the board resolution quoted in the secretary’s certificate
shopping. admission of facts and documents; and shows that Fuji shall "file a Petition for Certiorari with the Court of
Appeals"104 and "participate in any other subsequent proceeding that
Fuji filed a comment on Arlene’s manifestation, stating that Corazon was 5. Such other matters as may aid in the prompt may necessarily arise therefrom, including but not limited to the filing of
properly authorized to sign. On the basis of the secretary’s certificate, disposition of the action.99 (Emphasis in the original; appeals in the appropriate venue,"105 and that Shuji Yano and Jin Eto are
Shuji Yano was empowered to delegate his authority. Italics omitted) authorized to represent Fuji "in any other proceeding that may
necessarily arise thereform [sic]."106As pointed out by Fuji, Shuji Yano
and Jin Eto were also authorized to "act in the Corporation’s name, place
and stead to determine, propose, agree, decide, do, and perform anyand

all of the following: . . . 5. Such other matters as may aid in the prompt Corazon’s affidavit111 states that she is the "office manager and resident Appeals correctly determined the presence or absence of grave abuse of
disposition of the action."107 interpreter of the Manila Bureau of Fuji Television Network, Inc."112 and discretion and deciding other jurisdictional errors of the National Labor
that she has "held the position for the last twenty-three years."113 Relations Commission.119
Considering that the subsequent proceeding that may arise from the
petition for certiorari with the Court of Appeals is the filing of a petition As the office manager for 23 years,Corazon can be considered as having In Odango v. National Labor Relations Commission,120 this court
for review with this court, Fuji substantially complied with the procedural knowledge of all matters in Fuji’s Manila Bureau Office and is in a explained that a petition for certiorari is an extraordinary remedy that is
requirement. position to verify "the truthfulness and the correctness of the allegations "available only and restrictively in truly exceptional cases"121 and that its
in the Petition."114 sole office "is the correction of errors of jurisdiction including commission
of grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
On the issue of whether Shuji Yano validly delegated his authority to
jurisdiction."122 A petition for certiorari does not include a review of
Corazon, Article 1892 of the Civil Code of the Philippines states: Thus, Fuji substantially complied with the requirements of verification
findings of fact since the findings of the National Labor Relations
and certification against forum shopping.
Commission are accorded finality.123 In cases where the aggrieved party
ART. 1892. The agent may appoint a substitute if the principal has not assails the National Labor Relations Commission’s findings, he or she
prohibited him from doing so; but he shall be responsible for the acts of Before resolving the substantive issues in this case, this court will discuss must be able to show that the Commission "acted capriciously and
the substitute: the procedural parameters of a Rule 45 petition for review in labor cases. whimsically or in total disregard of evidence material to the
(1) When he was not given the power to appoint one; II
When a decision of the Court of Appeals under a Rule 65 petition is
(2) When he was given such power, but without designating Procedural parameters of petitions for review in labor cases brought to this court by way of a petition for review under Rule 45, only
the person, and the person appointed was notoriously questions of law may be decided upon. As held in Meralco Industrial v.
incompetent or insolvent. All acts of the substitute appointed National Labor Relations Commission:125
Article 223 of the Labor Code115 does not provide any mode of appeal for
against the prohibition of the principal shall be void.
decisions of the National Labor Relations Commission. It merely states
that "[t]he decision of the Commission shall be final and executory after This Court is not a trier of facts. Well-settled is the rule that the
The secretary’s certificate does not state that Shuji Yano is prohibited ten (10) calendar days from receipt thereof by the parties." Being final, it jurisdiction of this Court ina petition for review on certiorari under Rule
from appointing a substitute. In fact, heis empowered to do acts that will is no longer appealable. However, the finality of the National Labor 45 of the Revised Rules of Court is limited to reviewing only errors of
aid in the resolution of this case. Relations Commission’s decisions does not mean that there is no more law, not of fact, unless the factual findings complained of are completely
recourse for the parties. devoid of support from the evidence on record, or the assailed judgment
is based on a gross misapprehension of facts. Besides, factual findings of
This court has recognized that there are instances when officials or quasi-judicial agencies like the NLRC, when affirmed by the Court of
employees of a corporation can sign the verification and certification In St. Martin Funeral Home v. National Labor Relations Appeals, are conclusive upon the parties and binding on this Court.126
against forum shopping without a board resolution. In Cagayan Valley Commission,116 this court cited several cases117 and rejected the notion
Drug Corporation v. CIR,108 it was held that: that this court had no jurisdiction to review decisions of the National
Labor Relations Commission. It stated that this court had the power to Career Philippines v. Serna,127 citing Montoya v. Transmed,128 is
review the acts of the National Labor Relations Commission to see if it instructive on the parameters of judicial review under Rule 45:
In sum, we have held that the following officials or employees of the
kept within its jurisdiction in deciding cases and alsoas a form of check
company can sign the verification and certification without need of a
and balance.118This court then clarified that judicial review of National As a rule, only questions of law may be raised in a Rule 45 petition. In
board resolution: (1) the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, (2) the
Labor Relations Commission decisions shall be by way of a petition for one case, we discussed the particular parameters of a Rule 45 appeal
President of a corporation, (3) the General Manager or Acting General
certiorari under Rule 65. Citing the doctrine of hierarchy of courts, it from the CA’s Rule 65 decision on a labor case, as follows:
Manager, (4) Personnel Officer, and (5) an Employment Specialist in a
further ruled that such petitions shall be filed before the Court of
labor case.
Appeals. From the Court of Appeals, an aggrieved party may file a
In a Rule 45 review, we consider the correctness of the assailed CA
petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45.
While the above cases109 do not provide a complete listing of authorized decision, in contrast with the review for jurisdictional error that we
signatories to the verification and certification required by the rules, the undertake under Rule 65. Furthermore, Rule 45 limits us to the review of
A petition for certiorari under Rule 65 is an original action where the questions of law raised against the assailed CA decision. In ruling for
determination of the sufficiency of the authority was done on a case to
issue is limited to grave abuse of discretion. As an original action, it legal correctness, we have to view the CA decision in the same context
case basis. The rationale applied in the foregoing cases is to justify the
cannot be considered as a continuation of the proceedings of the labor that the petition for certiorari it ruled upon was presented to it; we have
authority of corporate officers or representatives of the corporation to
tribunals. to examine the CA decision from the prism of whether it correctly
sign the verification or certificate against forum shopping, being ‘in a
position to verify the truthfulness and correctness of the allegations in determined the presence or absence of grave abuse of discretion in the
the petition.’110 On the other hand, a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 is a NLRC decision before it, not on the basis of whether the NLRC decision
mode of appeal where the issue is limited to questions of law. In labor on the merits of the case was correct. In other words, we have to be
cases, a Rule 45 petition is limited toreviewing whether the Court of keenly aware that the CA undertook a Rule 65 review, not a review on

appeal, of the NLRC decision challenged before it.129 (Emphasis in the If the facts of this case vis-à-vis the four-fold test show that an a plain reporter for Fuji, unlike Jay Sonza who was a news anchor, talk
original) employer-employee relationship existed, we then determine the status of show host, and who enjoyed a celebrity status.146 On her illness, Arlene
Arlene’s employment, i.e., whether she was a regular employee. Relative points outthat it was not a ground for her dismissal because her
to this, we shall analyze Arlene’s fixed-term contract and determine attending physician certified that she was fit to work.147
Justice Brion’s dissenting opinion in Abott Laboratories, PhiIippines v.
whether it supports her argument that she was a regular employee, or
Aicaraz130 discussed that in petitions for review under Rule 45, "the Court
the argument of Fuji that she was an independent contractor. We shall
simply determines whether the legal correctness of the CA’s finding that Arlene admits that she signed the non-renewal agreement with
scrutinize whether the nature of Arlene’s work was necessary and
the NLRC ruling . . . had basis in fact and in Iaw."131 In this kind of quitclaim, not because she agreed to itsterms, but because she was not
desirable to Fuji’s business or whether Fuji only needed the output of her
petition, the proper question to be raised is, "Did the CA correctly in a position to reject the non-renewal agreement. Further, she badly
work. If the circumstances show that Arlene’s work was necessary and
determine whether the NLRC committed grave abuse of discretion in needed the salary withheld for her sustenance and medication.148 She
desirable to Fuji, then she is presumed to be a regular employee. The
ruling on the case?"132 posits that her acceptance of separation pay does not bar filing of a
burden of proving that she was an independent contractor lies with Fuji.
complaint for illegal dismissal.149
Justice Brion’s dissenting opinion also laid down the following guidelines:
In labor cases, the quantum of proof required is substantial
Article 280 of the Labor Code provides that:
evidence.136 "Substantial evidence" has been defined as "such amount of
If the NLRC ruling has basis in the evidence and the applicable law and relevant evidence which a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to
jurisprudence, then no grave abuse of discretion exists and the CA justify a conclusion."137 Art. 280. Regular and casual employment.The provisions of written
should so declare and, accordingly, dismiss the petition. If grave abuse agreement to the contrary notwithstanding and regardless of the oral
of discretion exists, then the CA must grant the petition and nullify the agreement of the parties, an employment shall be deemed to be regular
If Arlene was a regular employee, we then determine whether she was
NLRC ruling, entering at the same time the ruling that isjustified under where the employee has been engaged to perform activities which are
illegally dismissed. In complaints for illegal dismissal, the burden of proof
the evidence and the governing law, rules and jurisprudence. In our Rule usually necessary or desirable in the usual business or trade of the
is on the employee to prove the fact of dismissal.138 Once the employee
45 review, this Court must denythe petition if it finds that the CA employer, except where the employment has been fixed for a specific
establishes the fact of dismissal, supported by substantial evidence, the
correctly acted.133 (Emphasis in the original) project or undertaking the completion or termination of which has been
burden of proof shifts tothe employer to show that there was a just or
determined at the time of the engagement of the employee or where the
authorized cause for the dismissal and that due process was observed.139
work or services to be performed is seasonal in nature and the
These parameters shall be used in resolving the substantive issues in this
employment is for the duration of the season.
An employment shall be deemed to be casual if it is not covered by the
Whether the Court of Appeals correctly affirmed the National Labor preceding paragraph; Provided, That, any employee who has rendered
Relations Commission’s finding that Arlene was a regular employee at least one year of service, whether such service is continuous or
Determination of employment status; burden of proof broken, shall be considered a regular employee with respect to the
activity in which heis employed and his employment shall continue while
Fuji alleges that Arlene was anindependent contractor, citing Sonza v.
In this case, there is no question thatArlene rendered services to Fuji. such activity exist.
ABS-CBN and relying on the following facts: (1) she was hired because
However, Fuji alleges that Arlene was an independent contractor, while of her skills; (2) her salary was US$1,900.00, which is higher than the
Arlene alleges that she was a regular employee. To resolve this issue, we normal rate; (3) she had the power to bargain with her employer; and This provision classifies employees into regular, project, seasonal, and
ascertain whether an employer-employee relationship existed between (4) her contract was for a fixed term. According to Fuji, the Court of casual. It further classifies regular employees into two kinds: (1) those
Fuji and Arlene. Appeals erred when it ruled that Arlene was forcedto sign the non- "engaged to perform activities which are usually necessary or desirable
renewal agreement, considering that she sent an email with another in the usual business or trade of the employer"; and (2) casual
This court has often used the four-fold test to determine the existence of version of the non-renewal agreement.140 Further, she is not entitled employees who have "rendered at least one year of service, whether
an employer-employee relationship. Under the four-fold test, the "control tomoral damages and attorney’s fees because she acted in bad faith such service is continuous or broken."
test" is the most important.134 As to how the elements in the four-fold when she filed a labor complaint against Fuji after receiving
test are proven, this court has discussed that: US$18,050.00 representing her salary and other benefits.141 Arlene
Another classification of employees, i.e., employees with fixed-term
argues that she was a regular employee because Fuji had control and
contracts, was recognized in Brent School, Inc. v. Zamora150 where this
supervision over her work. The news events that she covered were all
[t]here is no hard and fast rule designed to establish the aforesaid court discussed that:
based on the instructions of Fuji.142 She maintains that the successive
elements. Any competent and relevant evidence to prove the relationship renewal of her employment contracts for four (4) years indicates that
may be admitted. Identification cards, cash vouchers, social security her work was necessary and desirable.143 In addition, Fuji’s payment of Logically, the decisive determinant in the term employment should not
registration, appointment letters or employment contracts, payrolls, separation pay equivalent to one (1) month’s pay per year of service be the activities that the employee is called upon to perform, but the day
organization charts, and personnel lists, serve as evidence of employee indicates that she was a regular employee.144 To further support her certain agreed upon by the parties for the commencement and
status.135 argument that she was not an independent contractor, she states that termination of their employment relationship, a day certainbeing
Fuji owns the laptop computer and mini-camera that she used for understood to be "that which must necessarily come, although it may
work.145 Arlene also argues that Sonza is not applicable because she was not be known when."151 (Emphasis in the original)
This court further discussed that there are employment contracts where and desirable in the usual business ofrespondent company, they were contracting and job contracting as well as differentiations within these
"a fixed term is an essential and natural appurtenance"152 such as employed temporarily only, during periods when there was heightened types of contracting and determine who among the parties involved shall
overseas employment contracts and officers in educational institutions.153 demand for production. Consequently, there could have been no illegal be considered the employer for purposes of this Code, to prevent any
dismissal when their services were terminated on expiration of their violation or circumvention of any provision of this Code.
contracts. There was even no need for notice of termination because
Distinctions among fixed-term
they knew exactly when their contracts would end. Contracts of
employees, independent contractors, There is "labor-only" contracting where the person supplying workers to
employment for a fixed period terminate on their own at the end of such
and regular employees an employer does not have substantial capital or investment in the form
of tools, equipment, machineries, work premises, among others, and the
workers recruited and placed by such person are performing activities
GMA Network, Inc. v. Pabriga154 expounded the doctrine on fixed term
Contracts of employment for a fixed period are not unlawful. What is which are directly related to the principal business of such employer. In
contracts laid down in Brentin the following manner:
objectionable is the practice of some scrupulous employers who try to such cases, the person or intermediary shall be considered merely as an
circumvent the law protecting workers from the capricious termination of agent of the employer who shall be responsible to the workers in the
Cognizant of the possibility of abuse in the utilization of fixed term employment.157 (Citation omitted) same manner and extent as if the latterwere directly employed by him.
employment contracts, we emphasized in Brentthat where from the
circumstances it is apparent that the periods have been imposed to
Caparoso v. Court of Appeals158 upheld the validity of the fixed-term In Department Order No. 18-A, Seriesof 2011, of the Department of
preclude acquisition of tenurial security by the employee, they should be
contract of employment. Caparoso and Quindipan were hired as delivery Labor and Employment, a contractor is defined as having:
struck down as contrary to public policy or morals. We thus laid down
men for three (3) months. At the end of the third month, they were
indications or criteria under which "term employment" cannot be said to
hired on a monthly basis. In total, they were hired for five (5) months.
be in circumvention of the law on security of tenure, namely: Section 3. . . .
They filed a complaint for illegal dismissal.159 This court ruled that there
was no evidence indicating that they were pressured into signing the
1) The fixed period of employment was knowingly and voluntarily agreed fixed-term contracts. There was likewise no proof that their employer ....
upon by the parties without any force, duress, or improper pressure was engaged in hiring workers for five (5) months onlyto prevent
being brought to bear upon the employee and absent any other regularization. In the absence of these facts, the fixed-term contracts (c) . . . an arrangement whereby a principal agrees to put out or farm
circumstances vitiating his consent; or were upheld as valid.160 On the other hand, an independent contractor is out with a contractor the performance or completion of a specific job,
defined as: work or service within a definite or predetermined period, regardless of
2) It satisfactorily appears that the employer and the employee dealt whether such job, work or service is to be performed or completed
with each other on more or less equal terms with no moral dominance . . . one who carries on a distinct and independent business and within oroutside the premises of the principal.
exercised by the former or the latter. undertakes to perform the job, work, or service on its own account and
under one’s own responsibility according to one’s own manner and This department order also states that there is a trilateral relationship in
These indications, which must be read together, make the Brent doctrine method, free from the control and direction of the principal in all matters legitimate job contracting and subcontracting arrangements among the
applicable only in a few special cases wherein the employer and connected with the performance of the work except as to the results principal, contractor, and employees of the contractor. There is no
employee are on more or less in equal footing in entering into the thereof.161 employer-employee relationship between the contractor and principal
contract. The reason for this is evident: whena prospective employee, on who engages the contractor’s services, but there is an employer-
account of special skills or market forces, is in a position to make In view of the "distinct and independent business" of independent employee relationship between the contractor and workers hired to
demands upon the prospective employer, such prospective employee contractors, no employer-employee relationship exists between accomplish the work for the principal.162
needs less protection than the ordinary worker. Lesser limitations on the independent contractors and their principals. Independent contractors
parties’ freedom of contract are thus required for the protection of the are recognized under Article 106 of the Labor Code: Jurisprudence has recognized another kind of independent contractor:
employee.155 (Citations omitted)
individuals with unique skills and talents that set them apart from
Art. 106. Contractor or subcontractor. Whenever an employer enters into ordinary employees. There is no trilateral relationship in this case
For as long as the guidelines laid down in Brentare satisfied, this court a contract with another person for the performance of the former’s work, because the independent contractor himself or herself performs the work
will recognize the validity of the fixed-term contract. the employees of the contractor and of the latter’s subcontractor, if any, for the principal. In other words, the relationship is bilateral.
shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of this Code.
In Labayog v. M.Y. San Biscuits, Inc.,156 this court upheld the fixedterm In Orozco v. Court of Appeals,163 Wilhelmina Orozco was a columnist for
employment of petitioners because from the time they were hired, they .... the Philippine Daily Inquirer. This court ruled that she was an
were informed that their engagement was for a specific period. This independent contractor because of her "talent, skill, experience, and her
court stated that: unique viewpoint as a feminist advocate."164 In addition, the Philippine
The Secretary of Labor and Employment may, by appropriate
Daily Inquirer did not have the power of control over Orozco, and she
regulations, restrict or prohibit the contracting-out of labor to protect the
worked at her own pleasure.165
[s]imply put, petitioners were notregular employees. While their rights of workers established under this Code. In so prohibiting or
employment as mixers, packers and machine operators was necessary restricting, he may make appropriate distinctions between labor-only
Semblante v. Court of Appeals166 involved a masiador167 and a It shall guarantee the rights of all workers to self-organization, collective The level of protection to labor mustbe determined on the basis of the
sentenciador.168 This court ruled that "petitioners performed their bargaining and negotiations, and peaceful concerted activities, including nature of the work, qualifications of the employee, and other relevant
functions as masiadorand sentenciador free from the direction and the right to strike in accordance with law. They shall be entitled to circumstances.
control of respondents"169 and that the masiador and sentenciador security of tenure, humane conditions of work, and a living wage. They
"relied mainly on their ‘expertise that is characteristic of the cockfight shall also participate in policy and decision-making processes affecting
For example, a prospective employee with a bachelor’s degree cannot be
gambling.’"170 Hence, no employer-employee relationship existed. their rights and benefits as may be provided by law.
said to be on equal footing witha grocery bagger with a high school
diploma. Employees who qualify for jobs requiring special qualifications
Bernarte v. Philippine Basketball Association171 involved a basketball The State shall promote the principle of shared responsibility between such as "[having] a Master’s degree" or "[having] passed the licensure
referee. This court ruled that "a referee is an independent contractor, workers and employers and the preferential use of voluntary modes in exam" are different from employees who qualify for jobs that require
whose special skills and independent judgment are required specifically settling disputes, including conciliation, and shall enforce their mutual "[being a] high school graduate; withpleasing personality." In these
for such position and cannot possibly be controlled by the hiring compliance therewith to foster industrial peace. situations, it is clear that those with special qualifications can bargain
party."172 with the employer on equal footing. Thus, the level of protection
afforded to these employees should be different.
The State shall regulate the relations between workers and employers,
In these cases, the workers were found to be independent contractors recognizing the right of labor to its just share in the fruits of production
because of their unique skills and talents and the lack of control over the and the right of enterprises to reasonable returns on investments, and to Fuji’s argument that Arlene was an independent contractor under a
means and methods in the performance of their work. expansion and growth. fixed-term contract is contradictory. Employees under fixed-term
contracts cannot be independent contractors because in fixed-term
contracts, an employer-employee relationship exists. The test in this kind
In other words, there are different kinds of independent contractors: Apart from the constitutional guarantee of protection to labor, Article
of contract is not the necessity and desirability of the employee’s
those engaged in legitimate job contracting and those who have unique 1700 of the Civil Code states:
activities, "but the day certain agreed upon by the parties for the
skills and talents that set them apart from ordinary employees.
commencement and termination of the employment relationship."179 For
ART. 1700. The relations between capital and labor are not merely regular employees, the necessity and desirability of their work in the
Since no employer-employee relationship exists between independent contractual. They are so impressed with public interest that labor usual course of the employer’s business are the determining factors. On
contractors and their principals, their contracts are governed by the Civil contracts must yield to the common good. Therefore, such contracts are the other hand, independent contractors do not have employer-
Code provisions on contracts and other applicable laws.173 subject to the special laws on labor unions, collective bargaining, strikes employee relationships with their principals. Hence, before the status of
and lockouts, closed shop, wages, working conditions, hours of labor and employment can be determined, the existence of an employer-employee
similar subjects. relationship must be established.
A contract is defined as "a meeting of minds between two persons
whereby one binds himself, with respect to the other, to give something
or to render some service."174 Parties are free to stipulate on terms and In contracts of employment, the employer and the employee are not on The four-fold test180 can be used in determining whether an
conditions in contracts as long as these "are not contrary to law, morals, equal footing. Thus, it is subject to regulatory review by the labor employeremployee relationship exists. The elements of the four-fold test
good customs, public order, or public policy."175 This presupposes that tribunals and courts of law. The law serves to equalize the unequal. The are the following: (1) the selection and engagement of the employee;
the parties to a contract are on equal footing. Theycan bargain on terms labor force is a special class that is constitutionally protected because of (2) the payment of wages; (3) the power of dismissal; and (4) the power
and conditions until they are able to reach an agreement. the inequality between capital and labor.176 This presupposes that the of control, which is the most important element.181
labor force is weak. However, the level of protection to labor should vary
from case to case; otherwise, the state might appear to be too
On the other hand, contracts of employment are different and have a The "power of control" was explained by this court in Corporal, Sr. v.
paternalistic in affording protection to labor. As stated in GMA Network,
higher level of regulation because they are impressed with public National Labor Relations Commission:182
Inc. v. Pabriga, the ruling in Brent applies in cases where it appears that
interest. Article XIII, Section 3 of the 1987 Constitution provides full
the employer and employee are on equal footing.177 This recognizes the
protection to labor:
fact that not all workers are weak. To reiterate the discussion in GMA The power to control refers to the existence of the power and not
Network v. Pabriga: necessarily to the actual exercise thereof, nor is it essential for the
ARTICLE XIII. SOCIAL JUSTICE AND HUMAN RIGHTS employer to actually supervise the performance of duties of the
employee. It is enough that the employer has the right to wield that
The reason for this is evident: when a prospective employee, on account
.... power.183 (Citation omitted)
of special skills or market forces, is in a position to make demands upon
the prospective employer, such prospective employee needs less
LABOR protection than the ordinary worker. Lesser limitations on the parties’ Orozco v. Court of Appeals further elucidated the meaning of "power of
freedom of contract are thus required for the protection of the control" and stated the following:
Section 3. The State shall afford full protection to labor, local and
overseas, organized and unorganized, and promote full employment and Logically, the line should be drawn between rules that merely serve as
equality of employment opportunities for all. guidelines towards the achievement of the mutually desired result
without dictating the means or methods to be employed in attaining it,
and those that control or fix the methodology and bind or restrict the Application of the four-fold test The test for determining regular employment is whether there is a
party hired to the use of such means. The first, which aim only to reasonable connection between the employee’s activities and the usual
promote the result, create no employer-employee relationship unlike the business of the employer. Article 280 provides that the nature of work
The Court of Appeals did not err when it relied on the ruling in Dumpit-
second, which address both the result and the means used to achieve it. must be "necessary or desirable in the usual business or trade of the
Murillo and affirmed the ruling of the National Labor Relations
. . .184 (Citation omitted) employer" as the test for determining regular employment. As stated in
Commission finding that Arlene was a regular employee. Arlene was
ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation v. Nazareno:204
hired by Fuji as a news producer, but there was no showing that she
In Locsin, et al. v. Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company,185 the was hired because of unique skills that would distinguish her from
"power of control" was defined as "[the] right to control not only the end ordinary employees. Neither was there any showing that she had a In determining whether an employment should be considered regular or
to be achieved but also the means to be used in reaching such end."186 celebrity status. Her monthly salary amounting to US$1,900.00 appears non-regular, the applicable test is the reasonable connection between
tobe a substantial sum, especially if compared to her salary whenshe the particular activity performed by the employee in relation to the usual
was still connected with GMA.199 Indeed, wages may indicate whether business or trade of the employer. The standard, supplied by the law
Here, the Court of Appeals applied Sonza v. ABS-CBN and Dumpit Murillo
oneis an independent contractor. Wages may also indicate that an itself, is whether the work undertaken is necessary or desirable in the
v. Court of Appeals187 in determining whether Arlene was an independent
employee is able to bargain with the employer for better pay. However, usual business or trade of the employer, a fact that can be assessed by
contractor or a regular employee.
wages should not be the conclusive factor in determining whether one is looking into the nature of the services rendered and its relation to the
an employee or an independent contractor. general scheme under which the business or trade is pursued in the
In deciding Sonza and Dumpit-Murillo, this court used the four-fold test. usual course. It is distinguished from a specific undertaking that is
Both cases involved newscasters and anchors. However, Sonza was held divorced from the normal activities required incarrying on the particular
Fuji had the power to dismiss Arlene, as provided for in paragraph 5 of
to be an independent contractor, while Dumpit-Murillo was held to be a business or trade.205
her professional employment contract.200Her contract also indicated that
regular employee.
Fuji had control over her work because she was required to work for
eight (8) hours from Monday to Friday, although on flexible However, there may be a situation where an employee’s work is
Comparison of the Sonza and time.201 Sonza was not required to work for eight (8) hours, while necessary but is not always desirable inthe usual course of business of
Dumpit-Murillo cases using Dumpit-Murillo had to be in ABC to do both on-air and off-air tasks. the employer. In this situation, there is no regular employment.
the four-fold test
On the power to control, Arlene alleged that Fuji gave her instructions on In San Miguel Corporation v. National Labor Relations
Sonza was engaged by ABS-CBN in view of his "unique skills, talent and what to report.202 Even the mode of transportation in carrying out her Commission,206 Francisco de Guzman was hired to repair furnaces at San
celebrity status not possessed by ordinary employees."188 His work was functions was controlled by Fuji. Paragraph 6 of her contract states: Miguel Corporation’s Manila glass plant. He had a separate contract for
for radio and television programs.189 On the other hand, Dumpit-Murillo every furnace that he repaired. He filed a complaint for illegal dismissal
was hired by ABC as a newscaster and co-anchor.190 Sonza’s talent fee three (3) years after the end of his last contract.207 In ruling that de
6. During the travel to carry out work, if there is change of place or
amounted to P317,000.00 per month, which this court found to be a Guzman did not attain the status of a regular employee, this court
change of place of work, the train, bus, or public transport shall be used
substantial amount that indicatedhe was an independent contractor explained:
for the trip. If the Employee uses the private car during the work and
rather than a regular employee.191 Meanwhile, Dumpit-Murillo’s monthly
there is an accident the Employer shall not be responsible for the
salary was P28,000.00, a very low amount compared to what Sonza
damage, which may be caused to the Employee.203 Note that the plant where private respondent was employed for only
seven months is engaged in the manufacture of glass, an integral
component of the packaging and manufacturing business of petitioner.
Thus, the Court of Appeals did not err when it upheld the findings of the
Sonza was unable to prove that ABS-CBN could terminate his services The process of manufacturing glass requires a furnace, which has a
National Labor Relations Commission that Arlene was not an
apart from breach of contract. There was no indication that he could be limited operating life. Petitioner resorted to hiring project or fixed term
independent contractor.
terminated based on just or authorized causes under the Labor Code. In employees in having said furnaces repaired since said activity is not
addition, ABS-CBN continued to pay his talent fee under their regularly performed. Said furnaces are to be repaired or overhauled only
agreement, even though his programs were no longer Having established that an employer-employee relationship existed in case of need and after being used continuously for a varying period of
broadcasted.193 Dumpit-Murillo was found to have beenillegally dismissed between Fuji and Arlene, the next questions for resolution are the five (5) to ten (10) years. In 1990, one of the furnaces of petitioner
by her employer when they did not renew her contract on her fourth following: Did the Court of Appeals correctly affirm the National Labor required repair and upgrading. This was an undertaking distinct and
year with ABC.194 Relations Commission that Arlene had become a regular employee? Was separate from petitioner's business of manufacturing glass. For this
the nature of Arlene’s work necessary and desirable for Fuji’s usual purpose, petitioner must hire workers to undertake the said repair and
course of business? upgrading. . . .
In Sonza, this court ruled that ABS-CBN did not control how Sonza
delivered his lines, how he appeared on television, or how he sounded
on radio.195 All that Sonza needed was his talent.196 Further, "ABS-CBN Arlene was a regular employee ....
could not terminate or discipline SONZA even if the means and methods with a fixed-term contract
of performance of his work . . . did not meet ABS-CBN’s approval."197 In
Clearly, private respondent was hired for a specific project that was not
Dumpit-Murillo, the duties and responsibilities enumerated in her
within the regular business of the corporation. For petitioner is not
contract was a clear indication that ABC had control over her work.198
engaged in the business of repairing furnaces. Although the activity was Moreover, the Court of Appeals explained that Fuji’s argument that no Whether the Court of Appeals correctly affirmed
necessary to enable petitioner to continue manufacturing glass, the employer-employee relationship existed in view of the fixed-term
necessity therefor arose only when a particular furnace reached the end contract does not persuade because fixed-term contracts of employment
the National Labor Relations Commission’s finding of illegal dismissal
of its life or operating cycle. Or, as in the second undertaking, when a are strictly construed.222 Further, the pieces of equipment Arlene used
particular furnace required an emergency repair. In other words, the were all owned by Fuji, showing that she was a regular employee and
undertakings where private respondent was hired primarily as not an independent contractor.223 Fuji argues that the Court of Appeals erred when it held that Arlene was
helper/bricklayer have specified goals and purposes which are fulfilled illegally dismissed, in view of the non-renewal contract voluntarily
once the designated work was completed. Moreover, such undertakings executed by the parties. Fuji also argues that Arlene’s contract merely
The Court of Appeals likewise cited Dumpit-Murillo, which involved fixed-
were also identifiably separate and distinct from the usual, ordinary or expired; hence, she was not illegally dismissed.231
term contracts that were successively renewed for four (4) years.224 This
regular business operations of petitioner, which is glass manufacturing.
court held that "[t]his repeated engagement under contract of hire is
These undertakings, the duration and scope of which had been Arlene alleges that she had no choice but to sign the non-renewal
indicative of the necessity and desirability of the petitioner’s work in
determined and made known to private respondent at the time of his contract because Fuji withheldher salary and benefits.
private respondent ABC’s business."225
employment, clearly indicated the nature of his employment as a project
With regard to Fuji’s argument that Arlene’s contract was for a fixed With regard to this issue, the Court of Appeals held:
term, the Court of Appeals cited Philips Semiconductors, Inc. v.
Fuji is engaged in the business of broadcasting, including news
Fadriquela226 and held that where an employee’s contract "had been We cannot subscribe to Fuji’s assertion that Espiritu’s contract merely
programming.210 It is based in Japan211 and has overseas offices to cover
continuously extended or renewed to the same position, with the same expired and that she voluntarily agreed not to renew the same. Even a
international news.212
duties and remained in the employ without any interruption,"227 then cursory perusal of the subject Non-Renewal Contract readily shows that
such employee is a regular employee. The continuous renewal is a the same was signed by Espiritu under protest. What is apparent is that
Based on the record, Fuji’s Manila Bureau Office is a small unit213 and scheme to prevent regularization. On this basis, the Court of Appeals the Non-Renewal Contract was crafted merely as a subterfuge to secure
has a few employees.214 As such, Arlene had to do all activities related to ruled in favor of Arlene. Fuji’s position that it was Espiritu’s choice not to renew her contract.232
news gathering. Although Fuji insists that Arlene was a stringer, it
alleges that her designation was "News Talent/Reporter/Producer."215
As stated in Price, et al. v. Innodata Corp., et al.:228 As a regular employee, Arlene was entitled to security of tenure and
could be dismissed only for just or authorized causes and after the
A news producer "plans and supervises newscast . . . [and] work[s] with observance of due process.
The employment status of a person is defined and prescribed by law and
reporters in the field planning and gathering information. . . ."216 Arlene’s
not by what the parties say it should be. Equally important to consider is
tasks included "[m]onitoring and [g]etting [n]ews [s]tories, [r]eporting
that a contract of employment is impressed with public interest such that The right to security of tenureis guaranteed under Article XIII, Section 3
interviewing subjects in front of a video camera,"217 "the timely
labor contracts must yield to the common good. Thus, provisions of of the 1987 Constitution: ARTICLE XIII. SOCIAL JUSTICE AND HUMAN
submission of news and current events reports pertaining to the
applicable statutes are deemed written into the contract, and the parties RIGHTS
Philippines[,] and traveling [sic] to [Fuji’s] regional office in
are not at liberty to insulate themselves and their relationships from the
Thailand."218 She also had to report for work in Fuji’s office in Manila
impact of labor laws and regulations by simply contracting with each
from Mondays to Fridays, eight (8) hours per day.219 She had no ....
other.229 (Citations omitted)
equipment and had to use the facilities of Fuji to accomplish her tasks.

Arlene’s contract indicating a fixed term did not automatically mean that LABOR
The Court of Appeals affirmed the finding of the National Labor Relations
she could never be a regular employee. This is precisely what Article 280
Commission that the successive renewals of Arlene’s contract indicated
seeks to avoid. The ruling in Brent remains as the exception rather than ....
the necessity and desirability of her work in the usual course of Fuji’s
the general rule.
business. Because of this, Arlene had become a regular employee with
the right to security of tenure.220 The Court of Appeals ruled that: It shall guarantee the rights of all workers to self-organization, collective
Further, an employee can be a regular employee with a fixed-term bargaining and negotiations, and peaceful concerted activities, including
contract. The law does not preclude the possibility that a regular the right to strike in accordance with law. They shall be entitled to
Here, Espiritu was engaged by Fuji as a stinger [sic] or news producer
employee may opt to have a fixed-term contract for valid reasons. This security of tenure, humane conditions of work, and a living wage. They
for its Manila Bureau. She was hired for the primary purpose of news
was recognized in Brent: For as long as it was the employee who shall also participate in policy and decision-making processes affecting
gathering and reporting to the television network’s headquarters. Espiritu
requested, or bargained, that the contract have a "definite date of their rights and benefits as may be provided by law.
was not contracted on account of any peculiar ability or special talent
termination," or that the fixed-term contract be freely entered into by
and skill that she may possess which the network desires to make use
the employer and the employee, then the validity of the fixed-term
of. Parenthetically, ifit were true that Espiritu is an independent Article 279 of the Labor Code also provides for the right to security of
contract will be upheld.230
contractor, as claimed by Fuji, the factthat everything that she uses to tenure and states the following:
perform her job is owned by the company including the laptop computer
and mini camera discounts the idea of job contracting.221 V

Art. 279. Security of tenure.In cases of regular employment, the Art. 284. Disease as ground for termination. An employer may terminate Whether the Court of Appeals properly modified
employer shall not terminate the services of an employee except for a the services of an employee who has been found to be suffering from the National Labor Relations Commission’s decision
just cause of when authorized by this Title. An employee who is unjustly any disease and whose continued employment is prohibited by law or is when it awarded reinstatement, damages, and attorney’s fees
dismissed from work shall be entitled to reinstatement without loss of prejudicial to his health as well as to the health of his co-employees:
seniority rights and other privileges and to his full backwages, inclusive Provided, That he is paid separation pay equivalent to at least one (1)
The National Labor Relations Commission awarded separation pay in lieu
of allowances, and to his other benefits or their monetary equivalent month salary or to one-half (1/2) month salary for every year of service,
of reinstatement, on the ground that the filing of the complaint for illegal
computed from the time his compensation was withheld from him up to whichever is greater, a fraction of at least six (6) months being
dismissal may have seriously strained relations between the parties.
the time of his actual reinstatement. considered as one (1) whole year.
Backwages were also awarded, to be computed from date of dismissal
until the finality of the National Labor Relations Commission’s decision.
Thus, on the right to security of tenure, no employee shall be dismissed, Book VI, Rule 1, Section 8 of the Omnibus Rules Implementing the Labor However, only backwages were included in the dispositive portion
unless there are just orauthorized causes and only after compliance with Code provides: because the National Labor Relations Commission recognized that Arlene
procedural and substantive due process is conducted. had received separation pay in the amount of US$7,600.00. The Court of
Appeals affirmed the National Labor Relations Commission’s decision but
Sec. 8. Disease as a ground for dismissal.– Where the employee suffers
modified it by awarding moral and exemplary damages and attorney’s
Even probationary employees are entitled to the right to security of from a disease and his continued employment is prohibited by law or
fees, and all other benefits Arlene was entitled to under her contract
tenure. This was explained in Philippine Daily Inquirer, Inc. v. Magtibay, prejudicial to his healthor to the health of his coemployees, the employer
with Fuji. The Court of Appeals also ordered reinstatement, reasoning
Jr.:233 shall not terminate his employment unless there is a certification by a
that the grounds when separation pay was awarded in lieu of
competent public health authority that the disease is of such nature or at
reinstatement were not proven.241
such a stage that it cannot be cured within a period of six (6) months
Within the limited legal six-month probationary period, probationary
even with proper medical treatment. If the disease or ailment can be
employees are still entitled to security of tenure. It is expressly provided
cured within the period, the employer shall not terminate the employee Article 279 of the Labor Code provides:
in the afore-quoted Article 281 that a probationary employee may be
but shall ask the employee to take a leave. The employer shall reinstate
terminated only on two grounds: (a) for just cause, or (b) when he fails
such employee to his former position immediately upon the restoration
to qualify as a regular employee in accordance with reasonable Art. 279. Security of tenure. In cases of regular employment, the
of his normal health.
standards made known by the employer to the employee at the time of employer shall not terminate the services of an employee except for a
his engagement.234 (Citation omitted) just cause or when authorized by this Title. An employee who is unjustly
For dismissal under Article 284 to bevalid, two requirements must be dismissed from work shall be entitled to reinstatement without loss of
complied with: (1) the employee’s disease cannot be cured within six (6) seniority rights and other privileges and to his full backwages, inclusive
The expiration of Arlene’s contract does not negate the finding of illegal
months and his "continued employment is prohibited by law or of allowances, and to his other benefits or their monetary equivalent
dismissal by Fuji. The manner by which Fuji informed Arlene that her
prejudicial to his health as well as to the health of his co-employees"; computed from the time his compensation was withheld from him up to
contract would no longer be renewed is tantamount to constructive
and (2) certification issued by a competent public health authority that the time of his actual reinstatement. (Emphasis supplied)
dismissal. To make matters worse, Arlene was asked to sign a letter of
even with proper medical treatment, the disease cannot be cured within
resignation prepared by Fuji.235 The existence of a fixed-term contract
six (6) months.237 The burden of proving compliance with these
should not mean that there can be no illegal dismissal. Due process must The Court of Appeals’ modification of the National Labor Relations
requisites is on the employer.238 Noncompliance leads to the conclusion
still be observed in the pre-termination of fixed-term contracts of Commission’s decision was proper because the law itself provides that
that the dismissal was illegal.239
employment. illegally dismissed employees are entitled to reinstatement, backwages
including allowances, and all other benefits.
There is no evidence showing that Arlene was accorded due process.
In addition, the Court of Appeals and the National Labor Relations
After informing her employer of her lung cancer, she was not given the
Commission found that Arlene was dismissed because of her health On reinstatement, the National Labor Relations Commission ordered
chance to present medical certificates. Fuji immediately concluded that
condition. In the non-renewal agreement executed by Fuji and Arlene, it payment of separation pay in lieu of reinstatement, reasoning "that the
Arlene could no longer perform her duties because of chemotherapy. It
is stated that: filing of the instant suit may have seriously abraded the relationship of
did not ask her how her condition would affect her work. Neither did it
the parties so as to render reinstatement impractical."242 The Court of
suggest for her to take a leave, even though she was entitled to sick
Appeals reversed this and ordered reinstatement on the ground that
WHEREAS, the SECOND PARTY is undergoing chemotherapy which leaves. Worse, it did not present any certificate from a competent public
separation pay in lieu of reinstatement is allowed only in several
prevents her from continuing to effectively perform her functions under health authority. What Fuji did was to inform her thather contract would
instances such as (1) when the employer has ceased operations; (2)
the said Contract such as the timely submission of news and current no longer be renewed, and when she did not agree, her salary was
when the employee’s position is no longer available; (3) strained
events reports pertaining to the Philippines and travelling [sic] to the withheld. Thus, the Court of Appeals correctly upheld the finding of the
relations; and (4) a substantial period has lapsed from date of filing to
FIRST PARTY’s regional office in Thailand.236 (Emphasis supplied) National Labor Relations Commission that for failure of Fuji to comply
date of finality.243
with due process, Arlene was illegally dismissed.240
Disease as a ground for termination is recognized under Article 284 of
On this matter, Quijano v. Mercury Drug Corp.244 is instructive:
the Labor Code: VI

Well-entrenched is the rule that an illegally dismissed employee is I WAS SO SURPRISED . . . that at a time when I am at my lowest, being
entitled to reinstatement as a matter of right. . . . sick and very weak, you suddenly came to deliver to me the NEWS that
you will no longer renew my contract.1awp++i1 I knew this will come
but I never thought that you will be so ‘heartless’ and insensitive to
To protect labor’s security of tenure, we emphasize that the doctrine of
deliver that news just a month after I informed you that I am sick. I was
"strained relations" should be strictly applied so as not to deprive an
asking for patience and understanding and your response was not to
illegally dismissed employee of his right to reinstatement. Every labor
RENEW my contract.252
dispute almost always results in "strained relations" and the phrase
cannot be given an overarching interpretation, otherwise, an unjustly
dismissed employee can never be reinstated.245 (Citations omitted) Apart from Arlene’s illegal dismissal, the manner of her dismissal was
effected in an oppressive approach withher salary and other benefits
being withheld until May 5, 2009, when she had no other choice but to
The Court of Appeals reasoned that strained relations are a question of
sign the non-renewal contract. Thus, there was legal basis for the Court
fact that must be supported by evidence.246 No evidence was presented
of Appeals to modify the National Labor Relations Commission’s decision.
by Fuji to prove that reinstatement was no longer feasible. Fuji did not
allege that it ceased operations or that Arlene’s position was no longer
available. Nothing in the records shows that Arlene’s reinstatement However, Arlene receivedher salary for May 2009.253 Considering that the
would cause an atmosphere of antagonism in the workplace. Arlene filed date of her illegal dismissal was May 5, 2009,254 this amount may be
her complaint in 2009. Five (5) years are not yet a substantial subtracted from the total monetary award. With regard to the award of
period247 to bar reinstatement. attorney’s fees, Article 111 of the Labor Code states that "[i]n cases of
unlawful withholding of wages, the culpable party may be assessed
attorney’s fees equivalent to ten percent of the amount of wages
On the award of damages, Fuji argues that Arlene is notentitled to the
recovered." Likewise, this court has recognized that "in actions for
award of damages and attorney’s fees because the non-renewal
recovery of wages or where an employee was forced to litigate and,
agreement contained a quitclaim, which Arlene signed. Quitclaims in
thus, incur expenses to protect his rights and interest, the award of
labor cases do not bar illegally dismissed employees from filing labor
attorney’s fees is legallyand morally justifiable."255 Due to her illegal
complaints and money claim. As explained by Arlene, she signed the
dismissal, Arlene was forced to litigate.
non-renewal agreement out of necessity. In Land and Housing
Development Corporation v. Esquillo,248this court explained: We have
heretofore explained that the reason why quitclaims are commonly In the dispositive portion of its decision, the Court of Appeals awarded
frowned upon as contrary to public policy, and why they are held to be legal interest at the rate of 12% per annum.256 In view of this court’s
ineffective to bar claims for the full measure of the workers’ legal rights, ruling in Nacar v. Gallery Frames,257 the legal interest shall be reducd to
is the fact that the employer and the employee obviously do not stand a rate of 6% per annum from July 1, 2013 until full satisfaction.
on the same footing. The employer drove the employee to the wall. The
latter must have to get holdof money. Because, out of a job, he had to
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The assailed Court of Appeals
face the harsh necessities of life. He thus found himself in no position to
decision dated June 25, 2012 is AFFIRMED with the modification that
resist money proffered. His, then, is a case of adherence, not of
backwages shall be computed from June 2009. Legal interest shall be
computed at the rate of 6% per annum of the total monetary award
from date of finality of this decision until full satisfaction.
With regard to the Court of Appeals’ award of moral and exemplary
damages and attorney’s fees, this court has recognized in several cases
that moral damages are awarded "when the dismissal is attended by bad
faith or fraud or constitutes an act oppressive to labor, or is done in a
manner contrary to good morals, good customs or public policy."250 On
the other hand, exemplary damages may be awarded when the dismissal
was effected "in a wanton, oppressive or malevolent manner."251

The Court of Appeals and National Labor Relations Commission found

that after Arlene had informed Fuji of her cancer, she was informed that
there would be problems in renewing her contract on account of her
condition. This information caused Arlene mental anguish, serious
anxiety, and wounded feelings that can be gleaned from the tenor of her
email dated March 11, 2009. A portion of her email reads:
20 denominated as Corporate-wide Rightsizing Program (CRP) from 1999 to
2000, and retrenched forty-seven (47) employees of its Tanauan Plant SO ORDERED.9cralawred
on July 31, 1999. cralawlawlibrary

On September 24, 1999, twenty-seven (27) of said employees,5 led by

PCPPI appealed from the Decision of the Labor Arbiter to the Fourth
Anecito Molon (Molon, et al.), filed complaints for illegal dismissal before
Division of the NLRC of Tacloban City. Meanwhile, the NLRC consolidated
the NLRC which were docketed as NLRC RAB Cases Nos. VIII-9-0432-99
all other cases involving PCPPI and its dismissed employees.
to 9-0458-99, entitled “Molon, et al. v. Pepsi-Cola Products, Philippines,
On September 11, 2002, the NLRC rendered a Consolidated
Decision,10 the dispositive portion of which
On January 15, 2000, petitioners, who are permanent and regular
THIRD DIVISION states:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
employees of the Tanauan Plant, received their respective letters,
informing them of the cessation of their employment on February 15,
2000, pursuant to PCPPI's CRP. Petitioners then filed their respective WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered:
G.R. No. 176908, March 25, 2015
complaints for illegal dismissal before the National Labor Relations
Commission Regional Arbitration Branch No. VIII in Tacloban City. Said (1) DECLARING, in NLRC Certified Case No. V-000001-2000 (NLRC NCR
PURISIMO M. CABAOBAS, EXUPERIO C. MOLINA, GILBERTO V. complaints were docketed as NLRC RAB VIII-03-0246-00 to 03-0259-00, CC No. 000171-99), Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Incorporated, not
OPINION, VICENTE R. LAURON, RAMON M. DE PAZ, JR., entitled “Kempis, et al. v. Pepsi-Cola Products, Philippines, Inc.” guilty of union busting/unfair labor practice, and dismissing LEPCEU-
ZACARIAS E. CARBO, JULITO G. ABARRACOSO, DOMINGO B. ALU's Notice of Strike dated July 19, 1999;ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
GLORIA, AND FRANCISCO P. CUMPIO, Petitioners, v. PEPSI-COLA In their Consolidated Position Paper,6 petitioners alleged that PCPPI was
PRODUCTS, PHILIPPINES, INC., Respondents. not facing serious financial losses because after their termination, it (2) DECLARING, in the subsumed NLRC Case No. 7-0301-99, LEPCEU-
regularized four (4) employees and hired replacements for the forty- ALU's strike on July 23, 1999 ILLEGAL for having been conducted
DECISION seven (47) previously dismissed employees. They also alleged that without legal authority and without observing the 7-day strike vote
PCPPI's CRP was just designed to prevent their union, Leyte Pepsi-Cola notice requirement as provided in Section 2 and Section 7 of Rule XXII,
Employees Union-Associated Labor Union (LEPCEU-ALU), from becoming Book V of the Omnibus Rules Implementing Art. 263 (c) and (f) of the
PERALTA, J.: the certified bargaining agent of PCPPI's rank-and-file employees. Labor Code, but DENYING PEPSI-COLA's supplemental prayer to declare
loss of employment status of union leaders and some of its members as
This is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of In its Position Paper,7 PCPPI countered that petitioners were dismissed identification of officers and members, and the knowing participation of
Court, assailing the Court of Appeals (CA) Decision1 dated July 31, 2006, pursuant to its CRP to save the company from total bankruptcy and union officers in the illegal strike, or that of the officers and members in
and its Resolution2 dated February 21, 2007 in CA-G.R. S.P. No. 81712. collapse; thus, it sent notices of termination to them and to the illegal acts during the strike, have not been
The assailed decision denied the petition for certiorari filed by petitioners Department of Labor and Employment. In support of its argument that established;ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
Purisimo M. Cabaobas, Exuperio C. Molina, Gilberto V. Opinion, Vicente its CRP is a valid exercise of management prerogative, PCPPI submitted
R. Lauron, Ramon M. De Paz, Jr., Zacarias E. Carbo, Julito G. audited financial statements showing that it suffered financial reverses in (3) DISMISSING in the subsumed NLRC Injunction Case No. V-000013-
Abarracoso, Domingo B. Gloria and Francisco P. Cumpio, seeking a 1998 in the total amount of SEVEN HUNDRED MILLION 99, LEPCEU-ALU's Petition for a Writ of Preliminary Injunction with
partial nullification of the Decision3 dated September 11, 2002 of the (P700,000,000.00) PESOS, TWENTY- SEVEN MILLION (P27,000,000.00) Prayer for the Issuance of Temporary Restraining Order, because Pepsi
National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) in NLRC Certified Case No. PESOS of which was allegedly incurred in the Tanauan Plant in 1999. Cola had already implemented its Corporate-wide CRP in the exercise of
V-000001-2000.4 The NLRC dismissed petitioners' complaints for illegal management prerogative. Moreover, LEPCEU-ALU had adequate remedy
dismissal and declared the retrenchment program of respondent Pepsi- On December 15, 2000, Labor Arbiter Vito C. Bose rendered a in law;ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
Cola Products Philippines, Inc. as a valid exercise of management Decision8 finding the dismissal of petitioners as illegal, the dispositive
prerogative. portion of which reads:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary (4) DISMISSING, in subsumed case NLRC RAB VIII Cases Nos. 9-0432-
99 to 9-0459-99 (Molon, et al. vs. PCPPI) all the complaints for Illegal
The facts follow. Dismissal except that of Saunder Santiago T. Remandaban III, for having
WHEREFORE, premises duly considered, judgment is hereby rendered
been validly and finally settled by the parties, and ORDERING PEPSI
finding the dismissal of the ten (10) complainants herein illegal.
Respondent Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc. (PCPPI) is a domestic COLA Products Phils., Inc. to reinstate Saunder Santiago T. Remandaban
Consequently, respondent Pepsi-Cola Products Phils., Inc. (PCPPI) is
corporation engaged in the manufacturing, bottling and distribution of III to his former position without loss of seniority rights but without
ordered to reinstate them to their former positions without loss of
soft drink products, which operates plants all over the country, one of backwages;ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
seniority rights and to pay them full backwages and other benefits
which is the Tanauan Plant in Tanauan, Leyte. reckoned from February 16, 2000 until they are actually reinstated,
(5) Nullifying, in NLRC Consolidated Case No. V-000071-01
which as of date amounted to NINE HUNDRED FORTY-SEVEN
In 1999, PCPPI’s Tanauan Plant allegedly incurred business losses in the (RAB VIII cases nos. 3-0246-2000 to 3-0258-2000; Kempis, et
total amount of Twenty-Nine Million One Hundred Sixty-Seven Thousand al. vs. PCPPI), the Executive Labor Arbiter's Decisions dated
CENTAVOS (P947,558.32) inclusive of the 10% attorney's fees.
and Three Hundred Ninety (P29,167,390.00) Pesos. To avert further December 15, 2000, and DISMISSING the complaints for illegal
losses, PCPPI implemented a company-wide retrenchment program dismissal, and in its stead DECLARING the retrenchment
Other claims are dismissed for lack of merit.
program of Pepsi Cola Products Phils., Inc. pursuant to its CRP, decision of the NLRC via a petition for certiorari [docketed as CA-G.R. SP REVERSE THE DECISION OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS
a valid exercise of management prerogatives; Further, No. 82354 and raffled to its Twentieth (20th) Division], the CA rendered COMMISSION, FOURTH DIVISION, DESPITE PRIVATE RESPONDENT’S
ORDERING Pepsi Cola Products Philippines, Inc. to pay the on March 31, 2006 a Decision15 granting their petition and reversing the FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUISITES OF A VALID
following complainants their package separation benefits of 1 & same NLRC Decision dated September 11, 2002, the dispositive portion RETRENCHMENT.chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
½ months salary for every year of service, plus commutation of of which states:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
all vacation and sick leave credits in the respective amounts C.
hereunder indicated opposite their names: IN LIGHT OF ALL THE FOREGOING, the instant petition
3. GILBERTO V. OPINION – 31,799.74 Declaring the strike conducted on July 23, 1999 as legal, it falling under FOURTH DIVISION, DECLARING AS LEGAL THE ILLEGAL DISMISSAL OF
4. PURISIMO M. CABAOBAS – 165,466.09 the exception of Article 263, Labor Code;ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary PETITIONERS AND DISMISSING THEIR COMPLAINTS FOR ILLEGAL
5. VICENTE P. LAURON – 167,325.86 DISMISSAL.17cralawlawlibrary
6. RAMON M. DE PAZ, JR. - 109,652.98 Declaring the manner by which the corporate rightsizing program or
7. ZACARIAS E. CARBO – 160,376.47 retrenchment was effected by PEPSI-COLA to be contrary to the The three issues raised by petitioners boil down to the legality of their
8. JULITO C. ABARRACOSO – 161,366.44 prescribed rules and procedure;ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary dismissal pursuant to PCPPI's retrenchment program.
9. DOMINGO B. GLORIA – 26,119.26
10. FRANCISCO P. CUMPIO – 165,204.41 Declaring that petitioners were illegally terminated. Their reinstatement The petition has no merit.
(6) DECLARING, in NLRC Injunction Case No. V-000003-2001, Pepsi- to their former positions or its equivalent is hereby ordered, without loss
Cola's Petition for Injunction and Application for immediate issuance of of seniority rights and privileges and PEPSI-COLA is also ordered the During the pendency of the petition, the Court rendered a Decision dated
Temporary Restraining Order, moot and academic, and DISMISSING the payment of their backwages from the time of their illegal dismissal up to February 18, 2013 in the related case of Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines,
same; Further, DECLARING moot and academic all incidents to the case the date of their actual reinstatement. If reinstatement is not feasible Inc. v. Molon,18 the dispositive portion of which
of Kempis, et al. vs. PCPPI (NLRC Case No. V-000071-2000 relating to because of strained relations or abolition of their respective positions, reads:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
the execution or implementation of the nullified Decision dated the payment of separation pay equivalent to 1 month salary for every
December 15, 2000, and likewise, nullifying them. year of service, a fraction of at least 6 months shall be considered a WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The assailed March 31, 2006
whole year. The monetary considerations received by some of the Decision and September 18, 2006 Resolution of the Court of Appeals in
All other claims and petitions are dismissed for want of merit. employees shall be deducted from the total amount they ought to CA-G.R. SP No. 82354 are hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE.
receive from the company. Accordingly, the September 11, 2002 Decision of the National Labor
SO ORDERED.11cralawlawlibrary Attorney's fees equivalent to 10% of the amount which petitioners may Relations Commission is hereby REINSTATED insofar as (1) it dismissed
recover pursuant to Article 111 of the Labor Code is also awarded. subsumed cases NLRC-RAB VIII Case Nos. 9-0432-99 to 9-0458-99 and;
Petitioners and PCPPI filed their respective motions for reconsideration of (2) ordered the reinstatement of respondent Saunder Santiago
the consolidated decision, which the NLRC denied in a Resolution12 dated No pronouncement as to costs. Remandaban III without loss of seniority rights but without backwages
September 15, 2003. Dissatisfied, petitioners filed a petition in NLRC-RAB VIII Case No. 9-0459-99.
for certiorari with the CA [docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 81712 and raffled SO ORDERED.16cralawlawlibrary
to the Eighteenth (18th) Division]. On July 31, 2006, the CA rendered a SO ORDERED.
Decision, denying their petition and affirming the NLRC Decision dated Aggrieved, petitioners come before the Court in this petition for review cralawlawlibrary
September 11, 2002, the dispositive portion of which on certiorari assailing the CA 18th Division Decision dated July 31, 2006,
reads:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary and its Resolution dated February 21, 2007 on these Subsumed cases NLRC-RAB VIII Case Nos. 9-0432-99 to 9-0458-99
grounds:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary pertain to the dismissal of the complaints for illegal dismissal filed by
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition filed in this case is Molon, et al., the 27 former co-employees of petitioners in PCPPI. On the
hereby DENIEDand the decision dated September 11, 2002, and the A. issue of whether the retrenchment of the petitioners' former co-
resolution dated September 15, 2003, promulgated by the National employees was in accord with law, the Court ruled that PCPPI had validly
Labor Relations Commission, Fourth Division in NLRC Certified Case No. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS, SPECIAL FORMER EIGHTEENTH implemented its retrenchment program,viz.:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
EARLIER DECISION OF THE TWENTIETH DIVISION ON THE SAME Essentially, the prerogative of an employer to retrench its employees
SO ORDERED.13cralawlawlibrary FACTUAL AND LEGAL ISSUES.chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary must be exercised only as a last resort, considering that it will lead to the
loss of the employees' livelihood. It is justified only when all other less
On February 21, 2007, the CA 18th Division issued a B. drastic means have been tried and found insufficient or inadequate.
Resolution14 denying petitioners' motion for reconsideration. Corollary thereto, the employer must prove the requirements for a valid
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS, SPECIAL FORMER EIGHTEENTH retrenchment by clear and convincing evidence; otherwise, said ground
In contrast, when Molon, et al. earlier questioned the consolidated DIVISION, COMMITTED AN ERROR OF LAW WHEN IT REFUSED TO for termination would be susceptible to abuse by scheming employers

who might be merely feigning losses or reverses in their business
ventures in order to ease out employees. These requirements are: (3) Contrary to the CA’s observation that Pepsi had singled out members In view of the Court's ruling in Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc. v.
(1) That retrenchment is reasonably necessary and likely to prevent of the LEPCEU-ALU in implementing its retrenchment program, records Molon,20 PCPPI contends that the petition for review on certiorari should
business losses which, if already incurred, are not merely de minimis, but reveal that the members of the company union (i.e., LEPCEU-UOEF#49) be denied and the CA decision should be affirmed under the principle of
substantial, serious, actual and real, or if only expected, are reasonably were likewise among those retrenched. stare decisis.
imminent as perceived objectively and in good faith by the employer; Also, as aptly pointed out by the NLRC, Pepsi’s Corporate Rightsizing
(2) That the employer served written notice both to the employees and Program was a company-wide program which had already been The Court sustains PCPPI's contention.
to the Department of Labor and Employment at least one month prior to implemented in its other plants in Bacolod, Iloilo, Davao, General Santos
the intended date of retrenchment; and Zamboanga. Consequently, given the general applicability of its The principle of stare decisis et non quieta movere (to adhere to
(3) That the employer pays the retrenched employees separation pay retrenchment program, Pepsi could not have intended to decimate precedents and not to unsettle things which are established) is well
equivalent to one (1) month pay or at least one-half (½) month pay for LEPCEU-ALU’s membership, much less impinge upon its right to self- entrenched in Article 8 of the New Civil Code which states that judicial
every year of service, whichever is higher; organization, when it employed the same. decisions applying or interpreting the laws or the Constitution shall form
(4) That the employer exercises its prerogative to retrench employees in part of the legal system of the Philippines.
good faith for the advancement of its interest and not to defeat or In fact, it is apropos to mention that Pepsi and its employees entered
circumvent the employees’ right to security of tenure; and into a collective bargaining agreement on October 17, 1995 which In Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Incorporated v. Pagdanganan,21 the
(5) That the employer used fair and reasonable criteria in ascertaining contained a union shop clause requiring membership in LEPCEU- Court explained such principle in this wise:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
who would be dismissed and who would be retained among the UOEF#49, the incumbent bargaining union, as a condition for continued
employees, such as status, efficiency, seniority, physical fitness, age, and employment. In this regard, Pepsi had all the reasons to assume that all The doctrine of stare decisis embodies the legal maxim that a principle
financial hardship for certain workers. employees in the bargaining unit were all members of LEPCEU- or rule of law which has been established by the decision of a court of
In due regard of these requisites, the Court observes that Pepsi had UOEF#49; otherwise, the latter would have already lost their controlling jurisdiction will be followed in other cases involving a similar
validly implemented its retrenchment program: employment. In other words, Pepsi need not implement a retrenchment situation. It is founded on the necessity for securing certainty and
(1) Records disclose that both the CA and the NLRC had already program just to get rid of LEPCEU-ALU members considering that the stability in the law and does not require identity of or privity of parties.
determined that Pepsi complied with the requirements of substantial loss union shop clause already gave it ample justification to terminate them. This is unmistakable from the wordings of Article 8 of the Civil Code. It is
and due notice to both the DOLE and the workers to be retrenched. The It is then hardly believable that union affiliations were even considered even said that such decisions “assume the same authority as the statute
pertinent portion of the CA’s March 31, 2006 Decision reads: by Pepsi in the selection of the employees to be retrenched. itself and, until authoritatively abandoned, necessarily become, to the
extent that they are applicable, the criteria which must control the
In the present action, the NLRC held that PEPSI-COLA’s financial Moreover, it must be underscored that Pepsi’s management exerted actuations not only of those called upon to decide thereby but also of
statements are substantial evidence which carry great credibility and conscious efforts to incorporate employee participation during the those in duty bound to enforce obedience thereto.” Abandonment
reliability viewed in light of the financial crisis that hit the country which implementation of its retrenchment program. Records indicate that Pepsi thereof must be based only on strong and compelling reasons,
saw multinational corporations closing shops and walking away, or had initiated sit-downs with its employees to review the criteria on which otherwise, the becoming virtue of predictability which is expected from
adapting [sic] their own corporate rightsizing program. Since these the selection of who to be retrenched would be based. This is evidenced this Court would be immeasurably affected and the public’s confidence in
findings are supported by evidence submitted before the NLRC, we by the report of NCMB Region VIII Director Juanito Geonzon which the stability of the solemn pronouncements diminished.22cralawlawlibrary
resolve to respect the same. x x x x The notice requirement was also states that “Pepsi’s] [m]anagement conceded on the proposal to review
complied with by PEPSI-COLA when it served notice of the corporate the criteria and to sit down for more positive steps to resolve the issue.” In Philippine Carpet Manufacturing Corporation v. Tagyamon,23 the Court
rightsizing program to the DOLE and to the fourteen (14) employees further held:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
who will be affected thereby at least one (1) month prior to the date of Lastly, the allegation that the retrenchment program was a mere
retrenchment. (Citations omitted) subterfuge to dismiss the respondents considering Pepsi’s subsequent
Under the doctrine of stare decisis, when a court has laid down a
hiring of replacement workers cannot be given credence for lack of
principle of law as applicable to a certain state of facts, it will adhere to
It is axiomatic that absent any clear showing of abuse, arbitrariness or sufficient evidence to support the same.
that principle and apply it to all future cases in which the facts are
capriciousness, the findings of fact by the NLRC, especially when
substantially the same, even though the parties may be different. Where
affirmed by the CA – as in this case – are binding and conclusive upon Verily, the foregoing incidents clearly negate the claim that the
the facts are essentially different, however, stare decisis does not apply,
the Court. Thus, given that there lies no discretionary abuse with respect retrenchment was undertaken by Pepsi in bad faith.
for a perfectly sound principle as applied to one set of facts might be
to the foregoing findings, the Court sees no reason to deviate from the
entirely inappropriate when a factual variant is
same. (5) On the final requirement of fair and reasonable criteria for
determining who would or would not be dismissed, records indicate that
(2) Records also show that the respondents had already been paid the Pepsi did proceed to implement its rightsizing program based on fair and
Guided by the jurisprudence on stare decisis, the remaining question is
requisite separation pay as evidenced by the September 1999 quitclaims reasonable criteria recommended by the company supervisors.
whether the factual circumstances of this present case are substantially
signed by them. Effectively, the said quitclaims serve inter alia the
the same as the Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc. v. Molon
purpose of acknowledging receipt of their respective separation pays. Therefore, as all the requisites for a valid retrenchment are extant, the
Appositely, respondents never questioned that separation pay arising Court finds Pepsi’s rightsizing program and the consequent dismissal of
from their retrenchment was indeed paid by Pepsi to them. As such, the respondents in accord with law.19cralawlawlibrary
The Court rules in the affirmative.
foregoing fact is now deemed conclusive.
ended June 30, 2000 and 1999 are still incomplete.33 They also insist
There is no dispute that the issues, subject matters and causes of action that PCPPI failed to explain its acts of regularizing four (4) employees The statements of assets, liabilities and home office account and the
between the parties inPepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc. v. and hiring sixty-three (63) replacements and additional workers. related statements of income of the company's Tanauan Operations are
Molon26 and the present case are identical, namely, the validity of not intended to be a complete presentation of the company's financial
PCPPI's retrenchment program, and the legality of its employees' Petitioners' arguments are untenable. statement as of end for the year ended June 30, 2000 and 1999.
termination. There is also substantial identity of parties because there is The letter of SGV & Co. was accompanied by a consolidat[ed] statement
a community of interest between the parties in the first case and the At the outset, the issues petitioners raised would entail an inquiry into of Income and Deficit (supplementary schedule) showing a net loss of
parties in the second case, even if the latter was not impleaded in the the factual veracity of the evidence presented by the parties, the P29,167,000. in the company's Tanauan Operations as of June 30, 1999,
first case.27The respondents in Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc. v. determination of which is not the Court's statutory function. Indeed, and P22,328,000 as of June 2000. This illustrates that the income
Molon28 are petitioners' former co-employees and co-union members of petitioners are asking the Court to sift through the evidence on record statements and the balance sheets pertaining to the Tanauan Plant
LEPCEU-ALU who were also terminated pursuant to the PCPPI's and pass upon whether PCPPI had, in fact, suffered from serious Operations as prepared by Rodante F. Ramos were audited by SGV & Co.
retrenchment program. The only difference between the two cases is the business losses. That task, however, would be contrary to the well- This situation would have been avoided had the persistent requests for
date of the employees' termination, i.e., Molon, et al. belong to the first settled principle that the Court is not a trier of facts, and cannot re- ample opportunity to present evidence made by the respondent were not
batch of employees retrenched on July 31, 1999, while petitioners examine and re-evaluate the probative value of the evidence presented persistently denied by the Executive Labor Arbiter.
belong to the second batch retrenched on February 15, 2000. That the to the Labor Arbiter, and the NLRC, which formed the basis of the
validity of the same PCPPI retrenchment program had already been questioned CA decision.34cralawred At least the Income Statements and the Balance Sheets regularly
passed upon and, thereafter, sustained in the related case of Pepsi-Cola prepared and submitted by AVR-Asst. Controller Rodante Ramos to SGV
Products Philippines, Inc. v. Molon,29 albeit involving different parties, At any rate, the Court finds that the September 11, 2002 NLRC Decision & Co. for audit are substantial evidence which carry great credibility and
impels the Court to accord a similar disposition and uphold the legality of has exhaustively discussed PCPPI's compliance with the requirement that responsibility viewed in the light of the financial crisis that hit the country
same program. To be sure, the Court is well aware of the for a retrenchment to be valid, such must be reasonably necessary and which saw multinational corporations closing shops and walking away, or
pronouncement in Philippine Carpet Manufacturing Corporation v. likely to prevent business losses which, if already incurred, are not adapting their own corporate rightsizing programs.35cralawlawlibrary
Tagyamon,30 that:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary merelyde minimis, but substantial, serious, actual and real, to
wit:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary The aforequoted NLRC ruling also explains why there is no merit in
The doctrine though is not cast in stone for upon a showing that Commissioner Enerlan's contention that the incomplete financial
circumstances attendant in a particular case override the great benefits More pertinent would have been SGV & Co.'s report to the stockholder. statements as of and for the year ended June 30, 2000 and 1999 are
derived by our judicial system from the doctrine of stare decisis, the It says: inconclusive to establish that PCPPI incurred serious business losses.
Court is justified in setting it aside. For the Court, as the highest court of The accompanying statement of assets, liabilities and home office Given that the financial statements are incomplete, the independent
the land, may be guided but is not controlled by precedent. Thus, the account of Tanauan Operations of Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc. auditing firm, SGV & Co., aptly explained nonetheless that they were
Court, especially with a new membership, is not obliged to follow blindly ('company') as of June 30, 1999 and the related statement of income for derived from the PCPPI's accounting records, and were subject to further
a particular decision that it determines, after re-examination, to call for a the year then ended, are integral parts of the financial statements of the adjustments upon the completion of the audit of financial statements of
rectification.cralawlawlibrary company taken as a whole. In 1999, the Company's Tanauan Operations the company taken as a whole, which was then in progress. The Court
incurred a net loss of P29,167,390 as reported in such plant's financial thus agrees with the CA and the NLRC that the letter of SGV & Co.,
However, abandonment of the ruling in Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, statement (ANNEX I) which forms part of the audited consolidated accompanied by a consolidated Statement of Income and Deficit showing
Inc. v. Molon31 on the same issue of the validity of PCPPI's retrenchment financial statements as of and for the year ended June 30, 1999, to a net loss of P29,167,000. in the company's Tanauan Operations as of
program must be based only on strong and compelling reasons. After a which we have rendered our opinion dated October 28, 1999, attached June 30, 1999, and P22,328,000 as of June 2000,36 is sufficient and
careful review of the records, the Court finds no such reasons were hereto as ANNEX II. convincing proof of serious business losses which justified PCPPI's
shown to obtain in this case. retrenchment program. After all, the settled rule in quasi-judicial
On the other hand, the accompanying financial statements as of and for proceedings is that proof beyond reasonable doubt is not required in
Even upon evaluation of petitioners' arguments on its supposed merits, the year ended June 30, 2000 of the company's Tanauan Plant determining the legality of an employer's dismissal of an employee, and
the Court still finds no reason to disturb the CA ruling that affirmed the operations, which reported a net loss P22,327,175 (ANNEX III) not even a preponderance of evidence is necessary, as substantial
NLRC. In their petition for review on certiorari, petitioners argue that areincluded in the financial statements of the company taken as a evidence is considered sufficient.37 Substantial evidence is more than a
PCPPI failed to prove that it was suffering from financial losses, and that whole as also hereto attached (as ANNEX IV). The financial statements mere scintilla of evidence or relevant evidence as a reasonable mind
its financial statements were perplexing. In support of their argument, were accordingly derived from the Company's accounting records, with might accept as adequate to support a conclusion, even if other minds,
they cite the observation of the Labor Arbiter that the alleged losses certain adjustments and are subject to any additional adjustments as equally reasonable, might conceivably opine otherwise.38cralawred
amounting to P1.2 billion in PCPPI's audited financial statements may be disclosed upon the completion of an audit of the financial
included those of two subsidiaries that were not yet in commercial statements of the company taken as a whole, which is currently in There is likewise no merit in Commissioner Enerlan's dissenting opinion
operation, interest payments on short-term and long-term debts, and the progress. Since the audit of the company's financial statements as of and that the majority decision ignored the previous financial statement and
adverse effect of the peso devaluation.32 They also cite the Dissenting for the year ended June 2000 has not yet been completed, we are relied on the new document presented by PCPPI during the appeal
Opinion of Commissioner Edgardo M. Enerlan that the Majority decision unable to express and we do not express our opinion on the statement stage. Such act of the majority is sanctioned by no less than Article 221
ignored the previous financial statement and relied on the new of assets, liabilities and home office account of Tanauan operations of of the Labor Code, as amended, and Section 10, Rule VII of the 2011
document presented by PCPPI during the appeal stage, and that the the company as of June 30, 2000 and the related statement if income for NLRC Rules of Procedure which provide that in any proceeding before
accountant admitted that the financial statement as of and for the year the year then ended. the Commission or any of the Labor Arbiters, the rules of evidence
prevailing in courts of law or equity shall not be controlling and it is the Cola, in the selection of workers to be retrenched, did not take into
spirit and intention of the Code that the Commission and its members consideration union affiliation because the unit was supposed to be
and the Labor Arbiters shall use every and all reasonable means to composed of all members of good standing of LEPCEU-UOEF#49 there
ascertain the facts in each case speedily and objectively and without being a “UNION SHOP” provision in the existing CBA. In the conciliation
regard to technicalities of law or procedure, all in the interest of due conference, PEPSI COLA expressed its willingness to sit down with
process. unions and review the criteria. When this was suggested by the
conciliator, the idea was then and there rejected by the unions, giving
On PCPPI's alleged failure to explain its acts of regularizing four (4) the impression that the real conflict was inter-union. There being no
employees and hiring sixty-thee (63) replacements and additional cooperation from the unions, PEPSI COLA went on with the first batch of
workers, the Court upholds the NLRC's correct ruling retrenchment involving 47 workers. It bears stressing that all 47 workers
thereon,viz.:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary signed individual release and quitclaims and settled their complaints with
respondent Pepsi Cola, apparently with the assistance of LEPCEU-ALU. It
Let Us squarely tackle this issue of replacements in the cases of the is awkward for LEPCEU-ALU to argue that a serious corporate-wide
complainants in this case. We bear in mind that replacements refer to rightsizing program cannot be implemented in PEPSI-COLA Tanauan
the regular workers subjected to retrenchment, occupying regular Plant because a nascent unrecognized union would probably be busted.
positions in the company structure. Artemio Kempis, a filer mechanic Even the Executive Labor Arbiter did not take this issue up in his
with a salary of P9,366.00 was replaced by Rogelio Castil. Rogelio Castil Decision. The issue does not merit consideration.40cralawlawlibrary
was hired through an agency named Helpmate Janitorial Services.
Castil’s employer is Helpmate Janitorial Services. How can a janitorial Significantly, the foregoing NLRC ruling was validated in Pepsi-Cola
service employee perform function of a filer mechanic? How much does Products Philippines, Inc. v. Molon,41 thus:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
Pepsi Cola pay Helpmate Janitorial Services for the contract of service?
These questions immediately come to mind. Being not a regular Mindful of their nature, the Court finds it difficult to attribute any act of
employee of Pepsi Cola, he is not a replacement of Kempis. The idea of union busting or ULP on the part of Pepsi considering that it retrenched
rightsizing is to reduce the number of workers and related functions and its employees in good faith. As earlier discussed, Pepsi tried to sit-down
trim down, streamline, or simplify the structure of the organization to the with its employees to arrive at mutually beneficial criteria which would
level of utmost efficiency and productivity in order to realize profit and have been adopted for their intended retrenchment. In the same vein,
survive. After the CRP shall have been implemented, the desired size of Pepsi’s cooperation during the NCMB-supervised conciliation conferences
the corporation is attained. Engaging the services of service contractors can also be gleaned from the records. Furthermore, the fact that Pepsi’s
does not expand the size of the corporate structure. In this sense, the rightsizing program was implemented on a company-wide basis dilutes
retrenched workers were not replaced. respondents’ claim that Pepsi’s retrenchment scheme was calculated to
stymie its union activities, much less diminish its constituency. Therefore,
The same is true in the case of Exuperio C. Molina who was allegedly absent any perceived threat to LEPCEU-ALU’s existence or a violation of
replaced by Eddie Piamonte, an employee of, again, Helpmate Janitorial respondents’ right to self-organization–as demonstrated by the foregoing
Services; of Gilberto V. Opinion who was allegedly replaced by Norlito actuations–Pepsi cannot be said to have committed union busting or ULP
Ulahay, an employee of Nestor Ortiga General Services; of Purisimo M. in this case.cralawlawlibrary
Cabasbas who was allegedly replaced by Christopher Albadrigo, an
employee of Helpmate Janitorial Services; of Vicente R. Lauron who was Finally, this case does not fall within any of the recognized
allegedly replaced by Wendylen Bron, an employee of Doublt “N” exceptions42 to the rule that only questions of law are proper in a
General Services; of Ramon M. de Paz, who was disabled, and replaced petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court.
by Alex Dieta, an employee of Nestor Ortiga General Services; and of Settled is the rule that factual findings of labor officials, who are deemed
Zacarias E. Carbo who was allegedly replaced by an employee of Double to have acquired expertise in matters within their respective jurisdiction,
“N” General Services. x x x39cralawlawlibrary are generally accorded not only respect but even finality, and bind us
when supported by substantial evidence.43 Certainly, it is not the Court's
On petitioners' contention that the true motive of the retrenchment function to assess and evaluate the evidence all over again, particularly
program was to prevent their union, LEPCEU-ALU, from becoming the where the findings of both the CA and the NLRC coincide.44cralawred
certified bargaining agent of all the rank-and-file employees of PCPPI,
such issue of union-busting was duly resolved in the September 11, 2002 WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The Court of Appeals Decision
NLRC Decision, as follows:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary dated July 31, 2006, and its Resolution dated February 21, 2007 in CA-
G.R. SP No. 81712, are AFFIRMED.
The issue of union busting has been debunked by Us in the Certified
Notice of Strike Case No. V-000001-2000. We said in that case that Pepsi SO ORDERED.chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary

21 While specifically providing that nothing therein shall be deemed or ostensible fixed periods, this situation had gone on for years since TV
construed to establish an employer-employee relationship between the Patrol Bicol has continuously aired from 1996 onwards.7
parties, the aforesaid Talent Contracts included, among other matters,
Republic of the Philippines provisions on the following matters: (a) the Talent’s creation and
In refutation of the foregoing assertions, on the other hand, respondents
SUPREME COURT performance of work in accordance with the ABS-CBN’s professional
argued that, although it occasionally engages in production and
Baguio City standards and compliance with its policies and guidelines covering
generates programs thru various means, ABS-CBN is primarily engaged
intellectual property creators, industry codes as well as the rules and
in the business of broadcasting television and radio content. Not having
FIRST DIVISION regulations of the Kapisanan ng mga Broadcasters sa Pilipinas (KBP) and
the full manpower complement to produce its own program, the
other regulatory agencies; (b) the Talent’s non-engagement in similar
company had allegedly resorted to engaging independent contractors
work for a person or entity directly or indirectly in competition with or
G.R. No. 199166 April 20, 2015 like actors, directors, artists, anchormen, reporters, scriptwriters and
adverse to the interests of ABS-CBN and non-promotion of any product
various production and technical staff, who offered their services in
or service without prior written consent; and (c) the results-oriented
relation to a particular program. Known in the industry as talents, such
NELSON V. BEGINO, GENER DEL VALLE, MONINA A VILA- nature of the talent’s work which did not require them to observe normal
independent contractors inform ABSCBN of their availability and were
LLORIN AND MA. CRISTINA SUMAYAO,Petitioners, or fixed working hours.3 Subjected to contractor’s tax, petitioners’
required to accomplish Talent Information Forms to facilitate their
vs. remunerations were denominated as Talent Fees which, as of last
engagement for and appearance on designated project days. Given the
ABS-CBN CORPORATION (FORMERLY, ABS-CBN renewal, were admitted to be pegged per airing day at P273.35 for
unpredictability of viewer preferences, respondents argued that the
BROADCASTING CORPORATION) AND AMALIA Begino, P 302.92 for Del Valle, P 323.08 for Sumayao and P 315.39 for
company cannot afford to provide regular work for talents with whom it
VILLAFUERTE, Respondents. Llorin.4
negotiates specific or determinable professional fees on a per project,
weekly or daily basis, usually depending on the budget allocation for a
DECISION Claiming that they were regular employees of ABS-CBN, petitioners filed project.8
against respondents the complaint5docketed as Sub-RAB 05-04- 00041-
07 before the National Labor Relations Commission’s (NLRC) Sub-
PEREZ, J.: Respondents insisted that, pursuant to their Talent Contracts and/or
Regional Arbitration Branch No. 5, Naga City. In support of their claims
Project Assignment Forms, petitioners were hired as talents, to act as
for regularization, underpayment of overtime pay, holiday pay, 13th
reporters and/or cameramen for TV Patrol Bicol for designated periods
The existence of an employer-employee relationship is at the heart of month pay, service incentive leave pay, damages and attorney's fees,
and rates. Fully aware that they were not considered or to consider
this Petition for Review on Certiorari filed pursuant to Rule 45 of the petitioners alleged that they performed functions necessary and
themselves as employees of a particular production or film outfit,
Rules of Court, primarily assailing the 29 June 2011 Decision1 rendered desirable in ABS-CBN's business. Mandated to wear company IDs and
petitioners were supposedly engaged on the basis of the skills,
by the Fourth Division of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. provided all the equipment they needed, petitioners averred that they
knowledge or expertise they already possessed and, for said reason,
116928 which ruled out said relationship between the parties. worked under the direct control and supervision of Villafuerte and, at the
required no further training from ABS-CBN. Although petitioners were
end of each day, were informed about the news to be covered the
inevitably subjected to some degree of control, the same was allegedly
following day, the routes they were to take and, whenever the subject of
The Facts limited to the imposition of general guidelines on conduct and
their news coverage is quite distant, even the start of their workday. Due
performance, simply for the purpose of upholding the standards of the
to the importance of the news items they covered and the necessity of
company and the strictures of the industry. Never subjected to any
Respondent ABS-CBN Corporation (formerly ABS-CBN Broadcasting their completion for the success of the program, petitioners claimed that,
control or restrictions over the means and methods by which they
Corporation) is a television and radio broadcasting corporation which, for under pain of immediate termination, they were bound by the company’s
performed or discharged the tasks for which their services were
its Regional Network Group in Naga City, employed respondent Amalia policy on, among others, attendance and punctuality.6
engaged, petitioners were, at most, briefed whenever necessary
Villafuerte (Villafuerte) as Manager. There is no dispute regarding the regarding the general requirements of the project to be executed.9
fact that, thru Villafuerte, ABS-CBN engaged the services of petitioners Aside from the constant evaluation of their actions, petitioners were
Nelson Begino (Begino) and Gener Del Valle (Del Valle) sometime in reportedly subjected to an annual competency assessment alongside
1996 as Cameramen/Editors for TV Broadcasting. Petitioners Ma. Cristina Having been terminated during the pendency of the case, Petitioners
other ABS-CBN employees, as condition for their continued employment.
Sumayao (Sumayao) and Monina Avila-Llorin (Llorin) were likewise filed on 10 July 2007 a second complaint against respondents, for
Although their work involved dealing with emergency situations at any
similarly engaged as reporters sometime in 1996 and 2002, respectively. regularization, payment of labor standard benefits, illegal dismissal and
time of the day or night, petitioners claimed that they were not paid the
With their services engaged by respondents thru Talent Contracts which, unfair labor practice, which was docketed as Sub-RAB 05-08-00107-07.
labor standard benefits the law extends to regular employees. To avoid
though regularly renewed over the years, provided terms ranging from Upon respondents’ motion, this complaint was dismissed for violation of
paying what is due them, however, respondents purportedly resorted to
three (3) months to one (1) year, petitioners were given Project the rules against forum shopping in view of the fact that the
the simple expedient of using said Talent Contracts and/or Project
Assignment Forms which detailed, among other matters, the duration of determination of the issues in the second case hinged on the resolution
Assignment Forms which denominated petitioners as talents, despite the
a particular project as well as the budget and the daily technical of those raised in the first.10 On 19 December 2007, however, Labor
fact that they are not actors or TV hosts of special skills. As a result of
requirements thereof. In the aforesaid capacities, petitioners were Arbiter Jesus Orlando Quiñones (Labor Arbiter Quiñones) resolved Sub-
this iniquitous situation, petitioners asseverated that they merely earned
tasked with coverage of news items for subsequent daily airings in RAB 05-04-00041-07 in favor of petitioners who, having rendered
an average of P7,000.00 to P8,000.00 per month, or decidedly lower
respondents’ TV Patrol Bicol Program.2 services necessary and related to ABS-CBN’s business for more than a
than the P21,773.00 monthly salary ABS-CBN paid its regular rank-and-
year, were determined to be its regular employees. With said conclusion
file employees. Considering their repeated re-hiring by respondents for
found to be buttressed by, among others, the exclusivity clause and
prohibitions under petitioners’ Talent Contracts and/or Project third complaints were primarily anchored on their termination from Not having filed their own petition for certiorari to take exception to the
Assignment Forms which evinced respondents’ control over employment after the filing of their first complaint, the CA nevertheless liberal attitude the NLRC appears to have adopted towards its own rules
them,11 Labor Arbiter Quiñones disposed of the case in the following discounted the existence of an employer-employee relation between the of procedure, petitioners were hardly in the proper position to raise the
wise: parties upon the following findings and conclusions: (a) petitioners, were same before the CA or, for that matter, before this Court at this late
engaged by respondents as talents for periods, work and the program stage. Aside from the settled rule that a party who has not appealed is
specified in the Talent Contracts and/or Project Assignment Forms not entitled to affirmative relief other than the ones granted in the
WHEREFORE, finding merit in the causes of action set forth by the
concluded between them; (b) instead of fixed salaries, petitioners were decision19 rendered, liberal interpretation of procedural rules on appeal
complainants, judgment is hereby rendered declaring complainants
paid talent fees depending on the budget allocated for the program to had, on occasion, been favored in the interest of substantive justice.20
which they were assigned; (c) being mainly concerned with the result,
MA. CRISTINA V. SUMAYAO, as regular employees of respondent
respondents did not exercise control over the manner and method by
company, ABS-CBN BROADCASTING CORPORATION. Although the existence of an employer-employee relationship is, on the
which petitioner accomplished their work and, at most, ensured that they
other hand, a question of fact21 which is ordinarily not the proper subject
complied with the standards of the company, the KBP and the industry;
of a Rule 45 petition for review on certiorari like the one at bar, the
Accordingly, respondent ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation is hereby and, (d) the existence of an employer-employee relationship is not
conflicting findings between the labor tribunals and the CA justify a
ORDERED to pay complainants, subject to the prescriptive period necessarily established by the exclusivity clause and prohibitions which
further consideration of the matter.22 To determine the existence of said
provided under Article 291 of the Labor Code, however applicable, the are but terms and conditions on which the parties are allowed to freely
relation, case law has consistently applied the four-fold test, to wit: (a)
total amount of Php2,440,908.36, representing salaries/wage stipulate.17
the selection and engagement of the employee; (b) the payment of
differentials, holiday pay, service incentive leave pay and 13th month
wages;(c) the power of dismissal; and (d) the employer's power to
pay, to include 10% of the judgment award as attorney’s fees of the
Petitioners’ motion for reconsideration of the foregoing decision was control the employee on the means and methods by which the work is
judgment award (computation of the monetary awards are attached
denied in the CA's 3 October 2011 Resolution,18 hence, this petition. accomplished.23 Of these criteria, the so-called "control test" is generally
hereto as integral part of this decision).
regarded as the most crucial and determinative indicator of the presence
or absence of an employer-employee relationship. Under this test, an
The Issues
Moreover, respondents are directed to admit back complainants to work employer-employee relationship is said to exist where the person for
under the same terms and conditions prevailing prior to their separation whom the services are performed reserves the right to control not only
or, at respondents' option, merely reinstated in the payroll. Petitioners seek the reversal of the CA’s assailed Decision and Resolution the end result but also the manner and means utilized to achieve the
on the affirmative of the following issues: same.24
Other than the above, all other claims and charges are ordered
DISMISSED for lack of merit.12 1. Whether or not the CA seriously and reversibly erred in not dismissing In discounting the existence of said relationship between the parties, the
respondents’ petition for certiorari in view of the fact that they did file a CA ruled that Petitioners' services were, first and foremost, engaged thru
Notice of Appeal at the NLRC level and did not, by themselves or through their Talent Contracts and/or Project Assignment Forms which specified
Aggrieved by the foregoing decision, respondents elevated the case on
their duly authorized representative, verify and certify the Memorandum the work to be performed by them, the project to which they were
appeal before the NLRC, during the pendency of which petitioners filed a
of Appeal they filed thereat, in accordance with the NLRC Rules of assigned, the duration thereof and their rates of pay according to the
third complaint against the former, for illegal dismissal, regularization,
Procedure; and 2. Whether or not the CA seriously and reversibly erred budget therefor allocated. Because they are imbued with public interest,
nonpayment of salaries and 13th month pay, unfair labor practice,
in brushing aside the determination made by both the Labor Arbiter and it cannot be gainsaid, however, that labor contracts are subject to the
damages and attorney’s fees. In turn docketed as NLRC Case No. Sub-
the NLRC of the existence of an employer-employee relationship police power of the state and are placed on a higher plane than ordinary
RAB-V-05-03-00039-08, the complaint was raffled to Labor Arbiter
between the parties, despite established jurisprudence supporting the contracts. The recognized supremacy of the law over the nomenclature
Quiñones who issued an Order dated 30 April 2008, inhibiting himself
same. of the contract and the stipulations contained therein is aimed at
from the case and denying respondents’ motion to dismiss on the
grounds of res judicata and forum shopping.13 Finding that respondents’ bringing life to the policy enshrined in the Constitution to afford
control over petitioners was indeed manifest from the exclusivity clause The Court's Ruling protection to labor.25 Insofar as the nature of one’s employment is
and prohibitions in the Talent Contracts and/or Project Assignment concerned, Article 280 of the Labor Code of the Philippines also provides
Forms, on the other hand, the NLRC rendered a Decision dated 31 March as follows:
The Court finds the petition impressed with merit.
2010, affirming said Labor Arbiter’s appealed decision.14 Undeterred by
the NLRC’s 31 August 2010 denial of their motion for ART. 280. Regular and Casual Employment.— The provisions of written
reconsideration,15 respondents filed the Rule 65 petition for certiorari Petitioners preliminarily fault the CA for not dismissing respondents’ Rule agreement to the contrary notwithstanding and regardless of the oral
docketed before the CA as CA-G.R. SP No. 116928 which, in addition to 65 petition for certiorari in view of the fact that the latter failed to file a agreement of the parties, an employment shall be deemed to be regular
taking exceptions to the findings of the assailed decision, faulted Notice of Appeal from the Labor Arbiter’s decision and to verify and where the employee has been engaged to perform activities which are
petitioners for violating the rule against forum shopping.16 certify the Memorandum of Appeal they filed before the NLRC. While usually necessary or desirable in the usual business or trade of the
concededly required under the NLRC Rules of Procedure, however, these employer, except where the employment has been fixed for a specific
matters should have been properly raised during and addressed at the project or undertaking the completion or termination of which has been
On 29 June 2011, the CA rendered the herein assailed decision,
appellate stage before the NLRC. Instead, the record shows that the determined at the time of the engagement of the employee or where the
reversing the findings of the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC. Ruling out the
NLRC took cognizance of respondents’ appeal and proceeded to resolve work or service to be performed is seasonal in nature and the
existence of forum shopping on the ground that petitioners' second and
the same in favor of petitioners by affirming the Labor Arbiter’s decision. employment is for the duration of the season.
An employment shall be deemed to be casual if it is not covered by the employee, this Court has not hesitated in striking down such similarly situated as petitioners in ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation v.
preceding paragraph: Provided, That, any employee who has rendered arrangements as contrary to public policy, morals, good customs or Nazareno.37The following distinctions were significantly observed
at least one year of service, whether such service is continuous or public order.31 The nature of the employment depends, after all, on the between employees like petitioners and television or radio personalities
broken, shall be considered a regular employee with respect to the nature of the activities to be performed by the employee, considering the like Sonza, to wit:
activity in which he is employed and his employment shall continue while nature of the employer’s business, the duration and scope to be done,
such actually exists. and, in some cases, even the length of time of the performance and its
First. In the selection and engagement of respondents, no peculiar or
continued existence.32 In the same manner that the practice of having
unique skill, talent or celebrity status was required from them because
fixed-term contracts in the industry does not automatically make all
It has been ruled that the foregoing provision contemplates four kinds of they were merely hired through petitioner’s personnel department just
talent contracts valid and compliant with labor law, it has, consequently,
employees, namely: (a) regular employees or those who have been like any ordinary employee.
been ruled that the assertion that a talent contract exists does not
engaged to perform activities which are usually necessary or desirable in
necessarily prevent a regular employment status.33
the usual business or trade of the employer; (b) project employees or
Second. The so-called "talent fees" of respondents correspond to wages
those whose employment has been fixed for a specific project or
given as a result of an employer-employee
undertaking, the completion or termination of which has been As cameramen/editors and reporters, it also appears that petitioners
relationship.1âwphi1 Respondents did not have the power to bargain for
determined at the time of the engagement of the employee; (c) seasonal were subject to the control and supervision of respondents which, first
huge talent fees, a circumstance negating independent contractual
employees or those who work or perform services which are seasonal in and foremost, provided them with the equipments essential for the
nature, and the employment is for the duration of the season; and (d) discharge of their functions. Prepared at the instance of respondents,
casual employees or those who are not regular, project, or seasonal petitioners’ Talent Contracts tellingly provided that ABS-CBN retained "all
employees.26 To the foregoing classification of employee, jurisprudence creative, administrative, financial and legal control" of the program to Third. Petitioner could always discharge respondents should it find their
has added that of contractual or fixed term employee which, if not for which they were assigned. Aside from having the right to require work unsatisfactory, and respondents are highly dependent on the
the fixed term, would fall under the category of regular employment in petitioners "to attend and participate in all promotional or merchandising petitioner for continued work.
view of the nature of the employee’s engagement, which is to perform campaigns, activities or events for the Program," ABS-CBN required the
activity usually necessary or desirable in the employer’s business.27 former to perform their functions "at such locations and Fourth. The degree of control and supervision exercised by petitioner
Performance/Exhibition Schedules" it provided or, subject to prior notice, over respondents through its supervisors negates the allegation that
as it chose determine, modify or change. Even if they were unable to respondents are independent contractors.
The Court finds that, notwithstanding the nomenclature of their Talent
comply with said schedule, petitioners were required to give advance
Contracts and/or Project Assignment Forms and the terms and condition
notice, subject to respondents’ approval.34 However obliquely worded,
embodied therein, petitioners are regular employees of ABS-CBN. Time The presumption is that when the work done is an integral part of the
the Court finds the foregoing terms and conditions demonstrative of the
and again, it has been ruled that the test to determine whether regular business of the employer and when the worker, relative to the
control respondents exercised not only over the results of petitioners’
employment is regular or not is the reasonable connection between the employer, does not furnish an independent business or professional
work but also the means employed to achieve the same.
activity performed by the employee in relation to the business or trade of service, such work is a regular employment of such employee and not an
the employer.28 As cameramen/editors and reporters, petitioners were independent contractor. The Court will peruse beyond any such
undoubtedly performing functions necessary and essential to ABS-CBN’s In finding that petitioners were regular employees, the NLRC further agreement to examine the facts that typify the parties’ actual
business of broadcasting television and radio content. It matters little ruled that the exclusivity clause and prohibitions in their Talent Contracts relationship.38 (Emphasis omitted)
that petitioners’ services were engaged for specified periods for TV Patrol and/or Project Assignment Forms were likewise indicative of
Bicol and that they were paid according to the budget allocated therefor. respondents’ control over them. Brushing aside said finding, however,
Aside from the fact that said program is a regular weekday fare of the the CA applied the ruling in Sonza v. ABS-CBN Broadcasting Rather than the project and/or independent contractors respondents
ABS-CBN’s Regional Network Group in Naga City, the record shows that, Corporation35 where similar restrictions were considered not necessarily claim them to be, it is evident from the foregoing disquisition that
from their initial engagement in the aforesaid capacities, petitioners were determinative of the existence of an employer-employee relationship. petitioners are regular employees of ABS-CBN. This conclusion is borne
continuously re-hired by respondents over the years. To the mind of the Recognizing that independent contractors can validly provide his out by the ineluctable showing that petitioners perform functions
Court, respondents’ repeated hiring of petitioners for its long-running exclusive services to the hiring party, said case enunciated that necessary and essential to the business of ABS-CBN which repeatedly
news program positively indicates that the latter were ABS-CBN’s regular guidelines for the achievement of mutually desired results are not employed them for a long-running news program of its Regional Network
employees. tantamount to control. As correctly pointed out by petitioners, however, Group in Naga City. In the course of said employment, petitioners were
parallels cannot be expediently drawn between this case and that of provided the equipments they needed, were required to comply with the
Sonza case which involved a well-known television and radio personality Company's policies which entailed prior approval and evaluation of their
If the employee has been performing the job for at least one year, even performance. Viewed from the prism of these considerations, we find
who was legitimately considered a talent and amply compensated as
if the performance is not continuous or merely intermittent, the law and so hold that the CA reversibly erred when it overturned the NLRC's
such. While possessed of skills for which they were modestly
deems the repeated or continuing performance as sufficient evidence of affirmance of the Labor Arbiter's finding that an employer-employee
recompensed by respondents, petitioners lay no claim to fame and/or
the necessity, if not indispensability of that activity in the relationship existed between the parties. Given the fact, however, that
unique talents for which talents like actors and personalities are hired
business.29 Indeed, an employment stops being co-terminous with Sub-RAB-V-05-03-00039-08 had not been consolidated with this case
and generally compensated in the broadcast industry.
specific projects where the employee is continuously re-hired due to the and appears, for all intents and purposes, to be · pending still, the Court
demands of the employer’s business.30When circumstances show, finds that the reinstatement of petitioners ordered by said labor officer
moreover, that contractually stipulated periods of employment have Later echoed in Dumpit-Murillo v. Court of Appeals,36 this Court has
been imposed to preclude the acquisition of tenurial security by the rejected the application of the ruling in the Sonza case to employees
and tribunal should, as a relief provided in case of illegal dismissal, be
left for determination in said case.

WHEREFORE, the Court of Appeals' assailed Decision dated 29 June

2011 and Resolution dated 3 October 2011 in CA-G.R. SP No. 116928
are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Except for the reinstatement of Nelson
V. Begino, Gener Del Valle, Monina Avila-Llorin and Ma. Cristina
Sumayao, the National Labor and Relations Commission's 31 March 2010
Decision is, accordingly, REINSTATED.


22 December 15, 1999. From December 16, 1999 to May 15, 2001, she was performance of functions outside of the nature provided in the
assigned to the Membership Section as Data Encoder. On December 16, appointment and receiving salary way below that received by regular
2001, she was transferred to the SSS Retirees Association as Processor SSS employees amount to an abuse of rights; and that her cause of
at the Membership Section until her resignation on August 26, 2002. As action is anchored on the provisions of the Civil Code on Human
Processor, she was paid only P229.00 daily or P5,038.00 monthly, while Relations.
a regular SSS Processor receives a monthly salary of P18,622.00 or
P846.45 daily wage. Her May 28, 1996 Service Contract Agreement with Ruling of the Regional Trial Court
DBP Service Corporation was never renewed, but she was required to
work for SSS continuously under different assignments with a maximum On October 1, 2003, the RTC issued an Order10 dismissing respondent's
daily salary of only P229.00; at the same time, she was constantly complaint for lack of jurisdiction, stating that her claim for damages "has
assured of being absorbed into the SSS plantilla. Respondent claimed a reasonable causal connection with her employer-employee relations
SECOND DIVISION she was qualified for her position as Processor, having completed with the defendants"11 and "is grounded on the alleged fraudulent and
required training and passed the SSS qualifying examination for malevolent manner by which the defendants conspired with each other
G.R. No. 200114, August 24, 2015 Computer Operations Course given by the National Computer Institute, in exploiting [her], which is a clear case of unfair labor practice,"12 falling
U.P. Diliman from May 16 to June 10, 2001, yet she was not given the under the jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter of the NLRC. Thus, it
proper salary. Because of the oppressive and prejudicial treatment by decreed:cralawlawlibrary
SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM, Petitioner, v. DEBBIE SSS, she was forced to resign on August 26, 2002 as she could no longer
UBAÑA, Respondent. stand being exploited, the agony of dissatisfaction, anxiety,
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the aforementioned Motion to
demoralization, and injustice. She asserted that she dedicated six years
Dismiss the complaint of the herein plaintiff for lack of jurisdiction is
DECISION of her precious time faithfully serving SSS, foregoing more satisfying
hereby GRANTED. The above-entitled complaint is hereby DISMISSED.
employment elsewhere, yet she was merely exploited and given empty
and false promises; that defendants conspired to exploit her and violate
civil service laws and regulations and Civil Code provisions on Human
Relations, particularly Articles 19, 20, and 21.8 As a result, she suffered Respondent moved for reconsideration. On March 6, 2007, the RTC
This Petition for Review on Certiorari1 assails: 1) the July 29, 2011 actual losses by way of unrealized income, moral and exemplary issued another Order14 granting respondent's motion for reconsideration.
Decision2 of the Court of Appeals (CA) denying the Petition damages, attorney's fees and litigation expenses. The trial court held:cralawlawlibrary
for Certiorari in CA-G.R. SP No. 110006 and affirming the March 6, 2007 Section 2(1), Art. K-B, 1987 Constitution, expressly provides that "the
Order3 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Daet, Camarines Norte, Respondent prayed for an award of P572,682.67 actual damages civil service embraces all branches, subdivisions, instrumentalities, and
Branch 39 in Civil Case No. 7304; and 2) the CA's January 10, 2012 representing the difference between the legal and proper salary she agencies of the government, including government-owned or controlled
Resolution4 denying petitioner's Motion for Reconsideration of the herein should have received and the actual salary she received during her six- corporation[s] with original charters." Corporations with original charters
assailed Decision. year stint with petitioner; P300,000.00 moral damages; exemplary are those which have been created by special law[s] and not through the
damages at the discretion of the court; P20,000.00 attorney's fees and general corporation law. In contrast, labor law claims against
Factual Antecedents P1,000.00 appearance fees; and other just and equitable relief. government-owned and controlled corporations without original charters
fall within the jurisdiction of the Department of Labor and Employment
On December 26, 2002, respondent Debbie Ubana filed a civil case for Petitioner and its co-defendants SSS Retirees Association and DBP and not the Civil Service Commission. (Light Rail Transit Authority vs.
damages against the DBP Service Corporation, petitioner Social Security Service Corporation filed their respective motions to dismiss, arguing that Perfecto Venus, March 24, 2006.)
System (SSS), and the SSS Retirees Association5before the RTC of Daet, the subject matter of the case and respondent's claims arose out of
Camarines Norte. The case was docketed as Civil Case No. 7304 and employer-employee relations, which are beyond the RTC's jurisdiction Having been created under an original charter, RA No. 1161 as amended
assigned to RTC Branch 39. and properly cognizable by the National Labor Relations Commission by R.A. 8282, otherwise known as the Social Security Act of 1997, the
(NLRC). SSS is governed by the provision[s] of the Civil Service Commission.
In her Complaint,6 respondent alleged that in July 1995, she applied for However, since the SSS denied the existence of an employer-employee
employment with the petitioner. However, after passing the Respondent opposed the motions to dismiss, arguing that pursuant to relationship, and the case is one for Damages, it is not the Civil Service
examinations and accomplishing all the requirements for employment, civil service rules and regulations, service contracts such as her Service Commission that has jurisdiction to try the case, but the regular courts.
she was instead referred to DBP Service Corporation for "transitory Contract Agreement with DBP Service Corporation should cover only a)
employment." She took the pre-employment examination given by DBP lump sum work or services such as janitorial, security or consultancy A perusal of the Complaint filed by the plaintiff against the defendant
Service Corporation and passed the same. On May 20, 1996, she was services, and b) piece work or intermittent jobs of short duration not SSS clearly shows that the case is one for Damages.
told to report for training to SSS, Naga City branch, for immediate exceeding six months on a daily basis.9She posited that her service
deployment to SSS Daet branch. On May 28, 1996, she was made to contract involved the performance of sensitive work, and not merely Paragraph 15 of her complaint states, thus:ChanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
sign a six-month Service Contract Agreement7 by DBP Service janitorial, security, consultancy services, or work of intermittent or short
Corporation, appointing her as clerk for assignment with SSS Daet duration. In fact, she was made to work continuously even after the xxx. Likewise, they are contrary to the Civil Code provisions on human
branch effective May 27, 1996, with a daily wage of only P171.00. She lapse of her 6-month service contract. Citing Civil Service Commission relations which [state], among others, that Every person, must in the
was assigned as "Frontliner" of the SSS Members Assistance Section until Memorandum Circular No. 40, respondent contended that the exercise of his rights and in the performance of his duties, act with

justice, give everyone his due and observe honesty and good faith The petition is devoid of merits. not seek refuge from the Labor Code in asking for the award of
(Article 19) and that Every person who, contrary to law, willfully or damages. It was the transgression of Article[s] 19 and 20 of the New
negligently [causes] damages to another, shall indemnify the latter for The rule is that, the nature of an action and the subject matter thereof, Civil Code that she was insisting in wagering this case. The primary relief
the same. (Art. 20) as well as, which court or agency of the government has jurisdiction over sought herein is for moral and exemplary damages for the abuse of
the same, are determined by the material allegations of the complaint in rights. The claims for actual damages for unrealized income are the
"Article 19 provides a rule of conduct that is consistent with an orderly relation to the law involved and the character of the reliefs prayed for, natural consequence for abuse of such rights.
and harmonious relationship between and among men and women It whether or not the complainant/plaintiff is entitled to any or all of such
codifies the concept of what is justice and fair play so that abuse of right reliefs. A prayer or demand for relief is not part of the petition of the While it is true that labor arbiters and the NLRC have jurisdiction to
by a person will be prevented. Art. 20 speaks of general sanction for all cause of action; nor does it enlarge the cause of action stated or change award not only reliefs provided by labor laws, but also damages
other provisions of law which do not especially provide their own the legal effect of what is alleged. In determining which body has governed by the Civil Code, these reliefs must still be based on an action
sanction. Thus, anyone, who, whether willfully or negligently, in the jurisdiction over a case, the better policy is to consider not only the that has a reasonable causal connection with the Labor Code, other labor
exercise of his legal right or duty, causes damage to another, shall status or relationship of the parties but also the nature of the action that statutes, or collective bargaining agreements. Claims for damages under
indemnify his or her victim for injuries suffered thereby." (Persons and is the subject of their controversy. paragraph 4 of Article 217 must have a reasonable causal connection
Family Relations, Sta. Maria, Melencio, Jr. (2004) pp. 31-32.) with any of the claims provided for in the article in order to be
A careful perusal of Ubana's Complaint in Civil Case No. 7304 unveils cognizable by the labor arbiter. Only if there is such a connection with
Wherefore, all premises considered, the Motion for Reconsideration is that Ubana's claim is rooted on the principle of abuse of right laid in the the other claims can the claim for damages be considered as arising
hereby GRANTED. The case against defendant Social Security System New Civil Code. She was claiming damages based on the alleged from employer-employee relations. In the present case, Ubana's claim
represented by its President is hereby reinstated in the docket of active exploitation [perpetrated] by the defendants depriving her of her rightful for damages is not related to any other claim under Article 217, other
civil cases of this court. income. In asserting that she is entitled to the damages claimed, [she] labor statutes, or collective bargaining agreements.
invoked not the provisions of the Labor Code or any other labor laws but
SO ORDERED.15 [Italics in the original] the provisions on human relations under the New Civil Code. Evidently, All told, it is ineluctable that it is the regular courts that has [sic]
Petitioner moved for reconsideration, but the RTC stood its ground in its the determination of the respective rights of the parties herein, and the jurisdiction to hear and decide Civil Case No. 7304. In Tolosa v.
June 24, 2009 Order16cralawrednad ascertainment whether there were abuses of such rights, do not call for NLRC,18 the Supreme Court held that, "[i]t is not the NLRC but the
the application of the labor laws but of the New Civil regular courts that have jurisdiction over action for damages, in which
Ruling of the Court of Appeals Code. Apropos thereto, the resolution of the issues raised in the instant the employer-employee relations is merely incidental, and in which the
complaint does not require the expertise acquired by labor officials. It is cause of action proceeds from a different source of obligation such as
In a Petition for Certiorari17 filed with the CA and docketed as CA-G.R. SP the courts of general jurisdiction, which is the RTC in this case, which tort. Since petitioner's claim for damages is predicated on a quasi-delict
No. 110006, petitioner sought a reversal of the RTC's June 24, 2009 and has the authority to hear and decide Civil Case No. 7304. or tort that has no reasonable causal connection with any of the claims
March 6, 2007 Orders and the reinstatement of its original October 1, provided for in Article 217, other labor statutes or collective bargaining
2003 Order dismissing Civil Case No. 7304, insisting that the trial court Not every dispute between an employer and employee involves matters agreements, jurisdiction over the action lies with the regular courts not
did not have jurisdiction over respondent's claims for "unrealized salary that only labor arbiters and the NLRC can resolve in the exercise of their with the NLRC or the labor arbiters." The same rule applies in this case.
income" and other damages, which constitute a labor dispute cognizable adjudicatory or quasi-judicial powers. Where the claim to the principal
only by the labor tribunals. Moreover, it claimed that the assailed Orders relief sought is to be resolved not by reference to the Labor Code or WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant petition is DENIED and
of the trial court were issued with grave abuse of discretion. It argued other labor relations statute or a collective bargaining agreement but by the Order dated March 6, 2007 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 39 of
that the trial court gravely erred in dismissing the case only as against its the general civil law, the jurisdiction over the dispute belongs to the Daet, Camarines Norte in Civil Case No. 7304 is hereby AFFIRMED.
co-defendants DBP Service Corporation and SSS Retirees Association and regular courts of justice and not to the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC. In
maintaining the charge against it, considering that its grounds for such situations, [resolution] of the dispute requires expertise, not in SO ORDERED.19
seeking dismissal are similar to those raised by the two. It maintained labor management relations nor in wage structures and other terms and Petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsideration,20 but the CA denied the
that DBP Service Corporation and SSS Retirees Association are legitimate conditions of employment, but rather in the application of the general same in its January 10, 2012 Resolution.21 Hence, the present Petition.
independent job contractors engaged by it to provide manpower services civil law. Clearly, such claims fall outside the area of competence or
since 2001, which thus makes respondent an employee of these two expertise ordinarily ascribed to Labor Arbiters and the NLRC and the Issue
entities and not of SSS; and that since it is not the respondent's rationale for granting jurisdiction over such claims to these agencies
employer, then there is no cause of action against it. disappears. Petitioner simply submits that the assailed CA dispositions are contrary
to law and jurisprudence.
On July 29, 2011, the CA issued the assailed Decision containing the It is the character of the principal relief sought that appears essential in
following pronouncement:cralawlawlibrary this connection. Where such principal relief is to be granted under labor Petitioner's Arguments
Hence, petitioner seeks recourse before this Court via this Petition legislation or a collective bargaining agreement, the case should fall
for Certiorarichallenging the RTC Orders. For the resolution of this Court within the jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC, even though a Praying that the assailed CA dispositions be set aside and that the RTC's
is the sole issue of:cralawlawlibrary claim for damages might be asserted as an incident to such claim. October 1, 2003 Order dismissing Civil Case No. 7304 be reinstated,
WHETHER OR NOT THE RTC HAS JURISDICTION TO HEAR AND DECIDE petitioner essentially maintains in its Petition and Reply22 that
CIVIL CASE NO. 7304. The pivotal question is whether the Labor Code has any relevance to the respondent's claims arose from and are in fact centered on her previous
principal relief sought in the complaint. As pointed out earlier, Ubana did employment. It maintains that there is a direct causal connection
between respondent's claims and her employment, which brings the P18,622.00, or P846.45 daily wage. In its pleadings, petitioner denied Since there is no employer-employee relationship between the parties
subject matter within the jurisdiction of the NLRC. Petitioner contends the existence of an employer-employee relationship between it and herein, then there is no labor dispute cognizable by the Labor Arbiters or
that respondent's other claims are intimately intertwined with her claim respondent; in fact, it insists on the validity of its service agreements the NLRC.
of actual damages which are cognizable by the NLRC. Moreover, with DBP Service Corporation and SSS Retirees Association - meaning
petitioner alleges that its existing manpower services agreements with that the latter, and not SSS, are respondent's true employers. Since both There being no employer-employee relation or any other definite or
DBP Service Corporation and SSS Retirees Association are legitimate; parties admit that there is no employment relation between them, then direct contract between respondent and petitioner, the latter being
and that some of respondent's claims may not be entertained since there is no dispute cognizable by the NLRC. Thus, respondent's case is responsible to the former only for the proper payment of wages,
these pertain to benefits enjoyed by government employees, not by premised on the claim that in paying her only P229.00 daily - or respondent is thus justified in filing a case against petitioner, based on
employees contracted via legitimate manpower service providers. Finally, P5,038.00 monthly - as against a monthly salary of P18,622.00, or Articles 19 and 20 of the Civil Code, to recover the proper salary due her
petitioner avers that the nature and character of the reliefs prayed for by P846.45 daily wage, paid to a regular SSS Processor at the time, as SSS Processor. At first glance, it is indeed unfair and unjust that as,
the respondent are directly within the jurisdiction not of the courts, but petitioner exploited her, treated her unfairly, and unjustly enriched itself Processor who has worked with petitioner for six long years, she was
of the labor tribunals. at her expense. paid only P5,038.00 monthly, or P229.00 daily, while a regular SSS
employee with the same designation and who performs identical
Respondent's Arguments For Article 217 of the Labor Code to apply, and in order for the Labor functions is paid a monthly salary of P18,622.00, or P846.45 daily wage.
Arbiter to acquire jurisdiction over a dispute, there must be an employer- Petitioner may not hide under its service contracts to deprive respondent
In her Comment,23 respondent maintains that her case is predicated not employee relation between the parties thereto.chanrobleslaw of what is justly due her. As a vital government entity charged with
on labor laws but on Articles 19 and 20 of the Civil Code for petitioner's x x x It is well settled in law and jurisprudence that where no employer- ensuring social security, it should lead in setting the example by treating
act of exploiting her and enriching itself at her expense by not paying employee relationship exists between the parties and no issue is involved everyone with justice and fairness. If it cannot guarantee the security of
her the correct salary commensurate to the position she held within SSS. which may be resolved by reference to the Labor Code, other labor those who work for it, it is doubtful that it can even discharge its
Also, since there is no employer-employee relationship between her and statutes or any collective bargaining agreement, it is the Regional Trial directive to promote the social security of its members in line with the
petitioner, as the latter itself admits, then her case is not cognizable by Court that has jurisdiction, x x x The action is within the realm of civil fundamental mandate to promote social justice and to insure the well-
the Civil Service Commission (CSC) either; that since the NLRC and the law hence jurisdiction over the case belongs to the regular courts. While being and economic security of the Filipino people.
CSC have no jurisdiction over her case, then it is only the regular courts the resolution of the issue involves the application of labor laws,
which can have jurisdiction over her claims. She argues that the CA is reference to the labor code was only for the determination of the In this jurisdiction, the "long honored legal truism of 'equal pay for equal
correct in ruling that her case is rooted in the principle of abuse of rights solidary liability of the petitioner to the respondent where no employer- work'" has been "impregnably institutionalized;" "[p]ersons who work
under the Civil Code; and that the Petition did not properly raise issues employee relation exists. Article 217 of the Labor Code as amended with substantially equal qualifications, skill, effort and responsibility,
of law. vests upon the labor arbiters exclusive original jurisdiction only over the under similar conditions, should be paid similar salaries."27 "That public
following:ChanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary policy abhors inequality and discrimination is beyond contention. Our
Our Ruling Constitution and laws reflect the policy against these evils. The
1. Unfair labor practices; Constitution in the Article on Social Justice and Human Rights exhorts
The Court denies the Petition. Congress to 'give highest priority to the enactment of measures that
2. Termination disputes; protect and enhance the right of all people to human dignity, reduce
In Home Development Mutual Fund v. Commission on Audit,24 it was social, economic, and political inequalities.' The very broad Article 19 of
held that while they performed the work of regular government 3. If accompanied with a claim for reinstatement, those cases that the Civil Code requires every person, 'in the exercise of his rights and in
employees, DBP Service Corporation personnel are not government workers may file involving wages, rates of pay, hours of work and other the performance of his duties, [to] act with justice, give everyone his
personnel, but employees of DBP Service Corporation acting as an terms and conditions of employment; due, and observe honesty and good faith'."28cralawrednad
independent contractor. Applying the foregoing pronouncement to the
present case, it can be said that during respondent's stint with petitioner, 4. Claims for actual, moral, exemplary and other forms of damages WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED. The assailed July 29, 2011
she never became an SSS employee, as she remained an employee of arising from employer-employee relations; Decision and January 10, 2012 Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-
DBP Service Corporation and SSS Retirees Association - the two being G.R. SP No. 110006 are AFFIRMED. The case is ordered remanded with
independent contractors with legitimate service contracts with SSS. 5. Cases arising from any violation of Article 264 of this Code, including dispatch to the Regional Trial Court of Daet, Camarines Norte, Branch
questions involving legality of strikes and lockouts; and 39, for continuation of proceedings.
Indeed, "[i]n legitimate job contracting, no employer-employee relation
exists between the principal and the job contractor's employees. The 6. Except claims for Employees Compensation, Social Security, Medicare SO ORDERED.
principal is responsible to the job contractor's employees only for the and maternity benefits, all other claims, arising from employer-
proper payment of wages."25cralawredcralawrednad employee relations, including those of persons in domestic or household
service, involving an amount exceeding five thousand pesos (P5,000.00)
In her Complaint, respondent acknowledges that she is not petitioner's regardless of whether accompanied with a claim for reinstatement.
employee, but that precisely she was promised that she would be
absorbed into the SSS plantilla after all her years of service with SSS; In all these cases, an employer-employee relationship is an indispensable
and that as SSS Processor, she was paid only P229.00 daily or P5,038.00 jurisdictional requisite x x x.26
monthly, while a regular SSS Processor receives a monthly salary of
23 to cover 150 days. In the job application form that was furnished her to labor arbiter, including the order for the reinstatement of private
be filled up for the purpose, she indicated in the portion for civil status respondent in her employment with PT & T.
therein that she was single although she had contracted marriage a few
Republic of the Philippines months earlier, that is, on May 26, 1991. 3
The subsequent motion for reconsideration filed by petitioner was
rebuffed by respondent NLRC in its resolution of November 9, 1994,
It now appears that private respondent had made the same hence this special civil action assailing the aforestated decisions of the
representation in the two successive reliever agreements which she labor arbiter and respondent NLRC, as well as the denial resolution of
SECOND DIVISION signed on June 10, 1991 and July 8, 1991. When petitioner supposedly the latter.
learned about the same later, its branch supervisor in Baguio City, Delia
M. Oficial, sent to private respondent a memorandum dated January 15,
1. Decreed in the Bible itself is the universal norm that women should be
1992 requiring her to explain the discrepancy. In that memorandum, she
regarded with love and respect but, through the ages, men have
was reminded about the company's policy of not accepting married
G.R. No. 118978 May 23, 1997 responded to that injunction with indifference, on the hubristic conceit
women for employment. 4
that women constitute the inferior sex. Nowhere has that prejudice
against womankind been so pervasive as in the field of labor, especially
PHILIPPINE TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE COMPANY, * In her reply letter dated January 17, 1992, private respondent stated on the matter of equal employment opportunities and standards. In the
petitioner, that she was not aware of PT&T's policy regarding married women at the Philippine setting, women have traditionally been considered as falling
vs. time, and that all along she had not deliberately hidden her true civil within the vulnerable groups or types of workers who must be
NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION and GRACE DE status. 5Petitioner nonetheless remained unconvinced by her safeguarded with preventive and remedial social legislation against
GUZMAN, respondents. explanations. Private respondent was dismissed from the company discriminatory and exploitative practices in hiring, training, benefits,
effective January 29, 1992, 6 which she readily contested by initiating a promotion and retention.
complaint for illegal dismissal, coupled with a claim for non-payment of
cost of living allowances (COLA), before the Regional Arbitration Branch
The Constitution, cognizant of the disparity in rights between men and
of the National Labor Relations Commission in Baguio City.
REGALADO, J.: women in almost all phases of social and political life, provides a gamut
of protective provisions. To cite a few of the primordial ones, Section 14,
At the preliminary conference conducted in connection therewith, private Article II 8on the Declaration of Principles and State Policies, expressly
Seeking relief through the extraordinary writ of certiorari, petitioner respondent volunteered the information, and this was incorporated in recognizes the role of women in nation-building and commands the State
Philippine Telegraph and Telephone Company (hereafter, PT & T) the stipulation of facts between the parties, that she had failed to remit to ensure, at all times, the fundamental equality before the law of
invokes the alleged concealment of civil status and defalcation of the amount of P2,380.75 of her collections. She then executed a women and men. Corollary thereto, Section 3 of Article XIII 9 (the
company funds as grounds to terminate the services of an employee. promissory note for that amount in favor of petitioner 7. All of these took progenitor whereof dates back to both the 1935 and 1973 Constitution)
That employee, herein private respondent Grace de Guzman, contrarily place in a formal proceeding and with the agreement of the parties pointedly requires the State to afford full protection to labor and to
argues that what really motivated PT & T to terminate her services was and/or their counsel. promote full employment and equality of employment opportunities for
her having contracted marriage during her employment, which is all, including an assurance of entitlement to tenurial security of all
prohibited by petitioner in its company policies. She thus claims that she workers. Similarly, Section 14 of Article XIII 10 mandates that the State
was discriminated against in gross violation of law, such a proscription On November 23, 1993, Labor Arbiter Irenarco R. Rimando handed down
shall protect working women through provisions for opportunities that
by an employer being outlawed by Article 136 of the Labor Code. a decision declaring that private respondent, who had already gained the
would enable them to reach their full potential.
status of a regular employee, was illegally dismissed by petitioner. Her
reinstatement, plus payment of the corresponding back wages and
Grace de Guzman was initially hired by petitioner as a reliever, COLA, was correspondingly ordered, the labor arbiter being of the firmly 2. Corrective labor and social laws on gender inequality have emerged
specifically as a "Supernumerary Project Worker," for a fixed period from expressed view that the ground relied upon by petitioner in dismissing with more frequency in the years since the Labor Code was enacted on
November 21, 1990 until April 20, 1991 vice one C.F. Tenorio who went private respondent was clearly insufficient, and that it was apparent that May 1, 1974 as Presidential Decree No. 442, largely due to our country's
on maternity leave.1 Under the Reliever Agreement which she signed she had been discriminated against on account of her having contracted commitment as a signatory to the United Nations Convention on the
with petitioner company, her employment was to be immediately marriage in violation of company rules. Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). 11
terminated upon expiration of the agreed period. Thereafter, from June
10, 1991 to July 1, 1991, and from July 19, 1991 to August 8, 1991,
private respondent's services as reliever were again engaged by On appeal to the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC), said Principal among these laws are Republic Act No. 6727 12 which explicitly
petitioner, this time in replacement of one Erlinda F. Dizon who went on public respondent upheld the labor arbiter and, in its decision dated April prohibits discrimination against women with respect to terms and
leave during both periods. 2 After August 8, 1991, and pursuant to their 29, 1994, it ruled that private respondent had indeed been the subject of conditions of employment, promotion, and training opportunities;
Reliever Agreement, her services were terminated. an unjust and unlawful discrimination by her employer, PT & T. Republic Act No. 6955 13 which bans the "mail-order-bride" practice for a
However, the decision of the labor arbiter was modified with the fee and the export of female labor to countries that cannot guarantee
qualification that Grace de Guzman deserved to be suspended for three protection to the rights of women workers; Republic Act No. 7192 14 also
On September 2, 1991, private respondent was once more asked to join months in view of the dishonest nature of her acts which should not be known as the "Women in Development and Nation Building Act," which
petitioner company as a probationary employee, the probationary period condoned. In all other respects, the NLRC affirmed the decision of the affords women equal opportunities with men to act and to enter into
contracts, and for appointment, admission, training, graduation, and Contrary to petitioner's assertion that it dismissed private respondent as unforgivable is her concealment of that marriage yet, at the same
commissioning in all military or similar schools of the Armed Forces of from employment on account of her dishonesty, the record discloses time, declaring that marriage as a trivial matter to which it supposedly
the Philippines and the Philippine National Police; Republic Act No. clearly that her ties with the company were dissolved principally because has no objection. In other words, PT & T says it gives its blessings to its
7322 15 increasing the maternity benefits granted to women in the of the company's policy that married women are not qualified for female employees contracting marriage, despite the maternity leaves
private sector; Republic Act No. 7877 16 which outlaws and punishes employment in PT & T, and not merely because of her supposed acts of and other benefits it would consequently respond for and which
sexual harassment in the workplace and in the education and training dishonesty. obviously it would have wanted to avoid. If that employee confesses
environment; and Republic Act No. 8042, 17 or the "Migrant Workers and such fact of marriage, there will be no sanction; but if such employee
Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995," which prescribes as a matter of conceals the same instead of proceeding to the confessional, she will be
That it was so can easily be seen from the memorandum sent to private
policy, inter alia, the deployment of migrant workers, with emphasis on dismissed. This line of reasoning does not impress us as reflecting its
respondent by Delia M. Oficial, the branch supervisor of the company,
women, only in countries where their rights are secure. Likewise, it true management policy or that we are being regaled with responsible
with the reminder, in the words of the latter, that "you're fully aware
would not be amiss to point out that in the Family Code, 18 women's advocacy.
that the company is not accepting married women employee (sic), as it
rights in the field of civil law have been greatly enhanced and expanded.
was verbally instructed to you." 21 Again, in the termination notice sent
to her by the same branch supervisor, private respondent was made to This Court should be spared the ennui of strained reasoning and the
In the Labor Code, provisions governing the rights of women workers understand that her severance from the service was not only by reason tedium of propositions which confuse through less than candid
are found in Articles 130 to 138 thereof. Article 130 involves the right of her concealment of her married status but, over and on top of that, arguments. Indeed, petitioner glosses over the fact that it was its
against particular kinds of night work while Article 132 ensures the right was her violation of the company's policy against marriage ("and even unlawful policy against married women, both on the aspects of
of women to be provided with facilities and standards which the told you that married women employees are not applicable [sic] or qualification and retention, which compelled private respondent to
Secretary of Labor may establish to ensure their health and safety. For accepted in our company.") 22 Parenthetically, this seems to be the conceal her supervenient marriage. It was, however, that very policy
purposes of labor and social legislation, a woman working in a nightclub, curious reason why it was made to appear in the initiatory pleadings that alone which was the cause of private respondent's secretive conduct
cocktail lounge, massage clinic, bar or other similar establishments shall petitioner was represented in this case only by its said supervisor and now complained of. It is then apropos to recall the familiar saying that
be considered as an employee under Article 138. Article 135, on the not by its highest ranking officers who would otherwise be solidarily he who is the cause of the cause is the cause of the evil caused.
other hand, recognizes a woman's right against discrimination with liable with the corporation. 23
respect to terms and conditions of employment on account simply of sex.
Finally, petitioner's collateral insistence on the admission of private
Finally, and this brings us to the issue at hand, Article 136 explicitly
Verily, private respondent's act of concealing the true nature of her respondent that she supposedly misappropriated company funds, as an
prohibits discrimination merely by reason of the marriage of a female
status from PT & T could not be properly characterized as willful or in additional ground to dismiss her from employment, is somewhat
bad faith as she was moved to act the way she did mainly because she insincere and self-serving. Concededly, private respondent admitted in
wanted to retain a permanent job in a stable company. In other words, the course of the proceedings that she failed to remit some of her
3. Acknowledged as paramount in the due process scheme is the she was practically forced by that very same illegal company policy into collections, but that is an altogether different story. The fact is that she
constitutional guarantee of protection to labor and security of tenure. misrepresenting her civil status for fear of being disqualified from work. was dismissed solely because of her concealment of her marital status,
Thus, an employer is required, as a condition sine qua non prior to While loss of confidence is a just cause for termination of employment, it and not on the basis of that supposed defalcation of company funds.
severance of the employment ties of an individual under his employ, to should not be simulated. 24 It must rest on an actual breach of duty That the labor arbiter would thus consider petitioner's submissions on
convincingly establish, through substantial evidence, the existence of a committed by the employee and not on the employer's this supposed dishonesty as a mere afterthought, just to bolster its case
valid and just cause in dispensing with the services of such employee, caprices. 25 Furthermore, it should never be used as a subterfuge for for dismissal, is a perceptive conclusion born of experience in labor
one's labor being regarded as constitutionally protected property. causes which are improper, illegal, or unjustified. 26 cases. For, there was no showing that private respondent deliberately
misappropriated the amount or whether her failure to remit the same
was through negligence and, if so, whether the negligence was in nature
On the other hand, it is recognized that regulation of manpower by the In the present controversy, petitioner's expostulations that it dismissed
simple or grave. In fact, it was merely agreed that private respondent
company falls within the so-called management prerogatives, which private respondent, not because the latter got married but because she
execute a promissory note to refund the same, which she did, and the
prescriptions encompass the matter of hiring, supervision of workers, concealed that fact, does have a hollow ring. Her concealment, so it is
matter was deemed settled as a peripheral issue in the labor case.
work assignments, working methods and assignments, as well as claimed, bespeaks dishonesty hence the consequent loss of confidence in
regulations on the transfer of employees, lay-off of workers, and the her which justified her dismissal.
discipline, dismissal, and recall of employees. 19 As put in a case, an Private respondent, it must be observed, had gained regular status at
employer is free to regulate, according to his discretion and best the time of her dismissal. When she was served her walking papers on
Petitioner would asseverate, therefore, that while it has nothing against
business judgment, all aspects of employment, "from hiring to firing," January 29, 1992, she was about to complete the probationary period of
marriage, it nonetheless takes umbrage over the concealment of that
except in cases of unlawful discrimination or those which may be 150 days as she was contracted as a probationary employee on
fact. This improbable reasoning, with interstitial distinctions, perturbs the
provided by law. 20 September 2, 1991. That her dismissal would be effected just when her
Court since private respondent may well be minded to claim that the
probationary period was winding down clearly raises the plausible
imputation of dishonesty should be the other way around.
conclusion that it was done in order to prevent her from earning security
In the case at bar, petitioner's policy of not accepting or considering as
of tenure. 27 On the other hand, her earlier stints with the company as
disqualified from work any woman worker who contracts marriage runs
Petitioner would have the Court believe that although private respondent reliever were undoubtedly those of a regular employee, even if the same
afoul of the test of, and the right against, discrimination, afforded all
defied its policy against its female employees contracting marriage, what were for fixed periods, as she performed activities which were essential
women workers by our labor laws and by no less than the Constitution.
could be an act of insubordination was inconsequential. What it submits or necessary in the usual trade and business of PT & T. 28 The primary
standard of determining regular employment is the reasonable declared void, it being violative of the clear mandate in Article 136 of the Sec. 9. The State shall afford protection to labor,
connection between the activity performed by the employee in relation Labor Code with regard to discrimination against married women. Thus: promote full employment and equality in
to the business or trade of the employer. 29 employment, ensure equal work opportunities
regardless of sex, race, or creed, and regulate the
Of first impression is the incompatibility of the
relations between workers and employees. The
As an employee who had therefore gained regular status, and as she respondent's policy or regulation with the codal
State shall assure the rights of workers to self-
had been dismissed without just cause, she is entitled to reinstatement provision of law. Respondent is resolute in its
organization, collective bargaining, security of
without loss of seniority rights and other privileges and to full back contention that Article 136 of the Labor Code applies
tenure, and just and humane conditions of work . . .
wages, inclusive of allowances and other benefits or their monetary only to women employed in ordinary occupations
equivalent. 30 However, as she had undeniably committed an act of and that the prohibition against marriage of women
dishonesty in concealing her status, albeit under the compulsion of an engaged in extraordinary occupations, like flight
unlawful imposition of petitioner, the three-month suspension imposed attendants, is fair and reasonable, considering the Moreover, we cannot agree to the respondent's
by respondent NLRC must be upheld to obviate the impression or pecularities of their chosen profession. proposition that termination from employment of
inference that such act should be condoned. It would be unfair to the flight attendants on account of marriage is a fair and
employer if she were to return to its fold without any sanction reasonable standard designed for their own health,
We cannot subscribe to the line of reasoning
whatsoever for her act which was not totally justified. Thus, her safety, protection and welfare, as no basis has been
pursued by respondent. All along, it knew that the
entitlement to back wages, which shall be computed from the time her laid therefor. Actually, respondent claims that its
controverted policy has already met its doom as
compensation was withheld up to the time of her actual reinstatement, concern is not so much against the continued
early as March 13, 1973 when Presidential Decree
shall be reduced by deducting therefrom the amount corresponding to employment of the flight attendant merely by reason
No. 148, otherwise known as the Women and Child
her three months suspension. of marriage as observed by the Secretary of Labor,
Labor Law, was promulgated. But for the timidity of
but rather on the consequence of marriage-
those affected or their labor unions in challenging
pregnancy. Respondent discussed at length in the
4. The government, to repeat, abhors any stipulation or policy in the the validity of the policy, the same was able to
instant appeal the supposed ill effects of pregnancy
nature of that adopted by petitioner PT & T. The Labor Code state, in no obtain a momentary reprieve. A close look at Section
on flight attendants in the course of their
uncertain terms, as follows: 8 of said decree, which amended paragraph (c) of
employment. We feel that this needs no further
Section 12 of Republic Act No. 679, reveals that it is
discussion as it had been adequately explained by
exactly the same provision reproduced verbatim in
Art. 136. Stipulation against marriage. — It shall be the Secretary of Labor in his decision of May 2,
Article 136 of the Labor Code, which was
unlawful for an employer to require as a condition of 1976.
promulgated on May 1, 1974 to take effect six (6)
employment or continuation of employment that a
months later, or on November 1, 1974.
woman shall not get married, or to stipulate
In a vain attempt to give meaning to its position,
expressly or tacitly that upon getting married, a
respondent went as far as invoking the provisions of
woman employee shall be deemed resigned or It cannot be gainsaid that, with the reiteration of the
Articles 52 and 216 of the New Civil Code on the
separated, or to actually dismiss, discharge, same provision in the new Labor Code, all policies
preservation of marriage as an inviolable social
discriminate or otherwise prejudice a woman and acts against it are deemed illegal and therefore
institution and the family as a basic social institution,
employee merely by reason of marriage. abrogated. True, Article 132 enjoins the Secretary of
respectively, as bases for its policy of non-marriage.
Labor to establish standards that will ensure the
In both instances, respondent predicates absence of
safety and health of women employees and in
This provision had a studied history for its origin can be traced to Section a flight attendant from her home for long periods of
appropriate cases shall by regulation require
8 of Presidential Decree No. 148, 31better known as the "Women and time as contributory to an unhappy married life. This
employers to determine appropriate minimum
Child Labor Law," which amended paragraph (c), Section 12 of Republic is pure conjecture not based on actual conditions,
standards for termination in special occupations,
Act No. 679, 32 entitled "An Act to Regulate the Employment of Women considering that, in this modern world, sophisticated
such as those of flight attendants, but that is
and Children, to Provide Penalties for Violations Thereof, and for Other technology has narrowed the distance from one
precisely the factor that militates against the policy
Purposes." The forerunner to Republic Act No. 679, on the other hand, place to another. Moreover, respondent overlooked
of respondent. The standards have not yet been
was Act No. 3071 which became law on March 16, 1923 and which the fact that married flight attendants can program
established as set forth in the first paragraph, nor
regulated the employment of women and children in shops, factories, their lives to adapt to prevailing circumstances and
has the Secretary of Labor issued any regulation
industrial, agricultural, and mercantile establishments and other places of events.
affecting flight attendants.
labor in the then Philippine Islands.
Article 136 is not intended to apply only to women
It is logical to presume that, in the absence of said
It would be worthwhile to reflect upon and adopt here the rationalization employed in ordinary occupations, or it should have
standards or regulations which are as yet to be
in Zialcita, et al. vs. Philippine Air Lines, 33a decision that emanated from categorically expressed so. The sweeping
established, the policy of respondent against
the Office of the President. There, a policy of Philippine Air Lines intendment of the law, be it on special or ordinary
marriage is patently illegal. This finds support in
requiring that prospective flight attendants must be single and that they occupations, is reflected in the whole text and
Section 9 of the New Constitution, which provides:
will be automatically separated from the service once they marry was
supported by Article 135 that speaks of non- all accounts inheres in the individual as an intangible and inalienable
discrimination on the employment of women. right. 38 Hence, while it is true that the parties to a contract may
establish any agreements, terms, and conditions that they may deem
convenient, the same should not be contrary to law, morals, good
The judgment of the Court of Appeals in Gualberto, et al. vs. Marinduque
customs, public order, or public policy. 39 Carried to its logical
Mining & Industrial Corporation 34considered as void a policy of the same
consequences, it may even be said that petitioner's policy against
nature. In said case, respondent, in dismissing from the service the
legitimate marital bonds would encourage illicit or common-law relations
complainant, invoked a policy of the firm to consider female employees
and subvert the sacrament of marriage.
in the project it was undertaking as separated the moment they get
married due to lack of facilities for married women. Respondent further
claimed that complainant was employed in the project with an oral Parenthetically, the Civil Code provisions on the contract of labor state
understanding that her services would be terminated when she gets that the relations between the parties, that is, of capital and labor, are
married. Branding the policy of the employer as an example of not merely contractual, impressed as they are with so much public
"discriminatory chauvinism" tantamount to denying equal employment interest that the same should yield to the common good. 40 It goes on to
opportunities to women simply on account of their sex, the appellate intone that neither capital nor labor should visit acts of oppression
court struck down said employer policy as unlawful in view of its against the other, nor impair the interest or convenience of the
repugnance to the Civil Code, Presidential Decree No. 148 and the public. 41 In the final reckoning, the danger of just such a policy against
Constitution. marriage followed by petitioner PT & T is that it strikes at the very
essence, ideals and purpose of marriage as an inviolable social institution
and, ultimately, of the family as the foundation of the nation. 42 That it
Under American jurisprudence, job requirements which establish
must be effectively interdicted here in all its indirect, disguised or
employer preference or conditions relating to the marital status of an
dissembled forms as discriminatory conduct derogatory of the laws of
employee are categorized as a "sex-plus" discrimination where it is
the land is not only in order but imperatively required.
imposed on one sex and not on the other. Further, the same should be
evenly applied and must not inflict adverse effects on a racial or sexual
group which is protected by federal job discrimination laws. Employment ON THE FOREGOING PREMISES, the petition of Philippine Telegraph and
rules that forbid or restrict the employment of married women, but do Telephone Company is hereby DISMISSED for lack of merit, with double
not apply to married men, have been held to violate Title VII of the costs against petitioner.
United States Civil Rights Act of 1964, the main federal statute
prohibiting job discrimination against employees and applicants on the
basis of, among other things, sex. 35

Further, it is not relevant that the rule is not directed against all women
but just against married women. And, where the employer discriminates
against married women, but not against married men, the variable is sex
and the discrimination is unlawful. 36 Upon the other hand, a
requirement that a woman employee must remain unmarried could be
justified as a "bona fide occupational qualification," or BFOQ, where the
particular requirements of the job would justify the same, but not on the
ground of a general principle, such as the desirability of spreading work
in the workplace. A requirement of that nature would be valid provided it
reflects an inherent quality reasonably necessary for satisfactory job
performance. Thus, in one case, a no-marriage rule applicable to both
male and female flight attendants, was regarded as unlawful since the
restriction was not related to the job performance of the flight
attendants. 37

5. Petitioner's policy is not only in derogation of the provisions of Article

136 of the Labor Code on the right of a woman to be free from any kind
of stipulation against marriage in connection with her employment, but it
likewise assaults good morals and public policy, tending as it does to
deprive a woman of the freedom to choose her status, a privilege that by

24 in a non-counterchecking position" or preparation for employment During the pendency of the grievance proceedings, Tecson was paid his
outside the company after six months. salary, but was not issued samples of products which were competing
with similar products manufactured by Astra. He was also not included in
Republic of the Philippines product conferences regarding such products.
Tecson was initially assigned to market Glaxo’s products in the
Camarines Sur-Camarines Norte sales area.
Because the parties failed to resolve the issue at the grievance
machinery level, they submitted the matter for voluntary arbitration.
Subsequently, Tecson entered into a romantic relationship with Bettsy,
SECOND DIVISION Glaxo offered Tecson a separation pay of one-half (½) month pay for
an employee of Astra Pharmaceuticals3(Astra), a competitor of Glaxo.
every year of service, or a total of P50,000.00 but he declined the offer.
Bettsy was Astra’s Branch Coordinator in Albay. She supervised the
G.R. No. 162994 September 17, 2004 On November 15, 2000, the National Conciliation and Mediation Board
district managers and medical representatives of her company and
(NCMB) rendered its Decision declaring as valid Glaxo’s policy on
prepared marketing strategies for Astra in that area.
relationships between its employees and persons employed with
DUNCAN ASSOCIATION OF DETAILMAN-PTGWO and PEDRO A. competitor companies, and affirming Glaxo’s right to transfer Tecson to
TECSON, petitioners, Even before they got married, Tecson received several reminders from another sales territory.
vs. his District Manager regarding the conflict of interest which his
GLAXO WELLCOME PHILIPPINES, INC., Respondent. relationship with Bettsy might engender. Still, love prevailed, and Tecson
Aggrieved, Tecson filed a Petition for Review with the Court of Appeals
married Bettsy in September 1998.
assailing the NCMB Decision.
In January 1999, Tecson’s superiors informed him that his marriage to
On May 19, 2003, the Court of Appeals promulgated its Decision denying
TINGA, J.: Bettsy gave rise to a conflict of interest. Tecson’s superiors reminded
the Petition for Review on the ground that the NCMB did not err in
him that he and Bettsy should decide which one of them would resign
rendering its Decision. The appellate court held that Glaxo’s policy
from their jobs, although they told him that they wanted to retain him as
Confronting the Court in this petition is a novel question, with prohibiting its employees from having personal relationships with
much as possible because he was performing his job well.
constitutional overtones, involving the validity of the policy of a employees of competitor companies is a valid exercise of its
pharmaceutical company prohibiting its employees from marrying management prerogatives.4
employees of any competitor company. Tecson requested for time to comply with the company policy against
entering into a relationship with an employee of a competitor company.
Tecson filed a Motion for Reconsideration of the appellate
He explained that Astra, Bettsy’s employer, was planning to merge with
This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari assailing the Decision1 dated court’s Decision, but the motion was denied by the appellate court in
Zeneca, another drug company; and Bettsy was planning to avail of the
May 19, 2003 and the Resolution dated March 26, 2004 of the Court of its Resolution dated March 26, 2004.5
redundancy package to be offered by Astra. With Bettsy’s separation
Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 62434.2 from her company, the potential conflict of interest would be eliminated.
At the same time, they would be able to avail of the attractive Petitioners filed the instant petition, arguing therein that (i) the Court of
Petitioner Pedro A. Tecson (Tecson) was hired by respondent Glaxo redundancy package from Astra. Appeals erred in affirming the NCMB’s finding that the Glaxo’s policy
Wellcome Philippines, Inc. (Glaxo) as medical representative on October prohibiting its employees from marrying an employee of a competitor
24, 1995, after Tecson had undergone training and orientation. company is valid; and (ii) the Court of Appeals also erred in not finding
In August 1999, Tecson again requested for more time resolve the
that Tecson was constructively dismissed when he was transferred to a
problem. In September 1999, Tecson applied for a transfer in Glaxo’s
new sales territory, and deprived of the opportunity to attend products
Thereafter, Tecson signed a contract of employment which stipulates, milk division, thinking that since Astra did not have a milk division, the
seminars and training sessions.6
among others, that he agrees to study and abide by existing company potential conflict of interest would be eliminated. His application was
rules; to disclose to management any existing or future relationship by denied in view of Glaxo’s "least-movement-possible" policy.
consanguinity or affinity with co-employees or employees of competing Petitioners contend that Glaxo’s policy against employees marrying
drug companies and should management find that such relationship employees of competitor companies violates the equal protection clause
In November 1999, Glaxo transferred Tecson to the Butuan City-Surigao
poses a possible conflict of interest, to resign from the company. of the Constitution because it creates invalid distinctions among
City-Agusan del Sur sales area. Tecson asked Glaxo to reconsider its
employees on account only of marriage. They claim that the policy
decision, but his request was denied.
restricts the employees’ right to marry.7
The Employee Code of Conduct of Glaxo similarly provides that an
employee is expected to inform management of any existing or future Tecson sought Glaxo’s reconsideration regarding his transfer and
relationship by consanguinity or affinity with co-employees or employees They also argue that Tecson was constructively dismissed as shown by
brought the matter to Glaxo’s Grievance Committee. Glaxo, however,
of competing drug companies. If management perceives a conflict of the following circumstances: (1) he was transferred from the Camarines
remained firm in its decision and gave Tescon until February 7, 2000 to
interest or a potential conflict between such relationship and the Sur-Camarines Norte sales area to the Butuan-Surigao-Agusan sales
comply with the transfer order. Tecson defied the transfer order and
employee’s employment with the company, the management and the area, (2) he suffered a diminution in pay, (3) he was excluded from
continued acting as medical representative in the Camarines Sur-
employee will explore the possibility of a "transfer to another department attending seminars and training sessions for medical representatives,
Camarines Norte sales area.

and (4) he was prohibited from promoting respondent’s products which effecting the reassignment, it also considered the welfare of Tecson’s Specifically, this means that employees are expected:
were competing with Astra’s products.8 family. Since Tecson’s hometown was in Agusan del Sur and his wife
traces her roots to Butuan City, Glaxo assumed that his transfer from the
a. To avoid having personal or family interest,
Bicol region to the Butuan City sales area would be favorable to him and
In its Comment on the petition, Glaxo argues that the company policy financial or otherwise, in any competitor supplier or
his family as he would be relocating to a familiar territory and minimizing
prohibiting its employees from having a relationship with and/or other businesses which may consciously or
his travel expenses.15
marrying an employee of a competitor company is a valid exercise of its unconsciously influence their actions or decisions
management prerogatives and does not violate the equal protection and thus deprive Glaxo Wellcome of legitimate
clause; and that Tecson’s reassignment from the Camarines Norte- In addition, Glaxo avers that Tecson’s exclusion from the seminar profit.
Camarines Sur sales area to the Butuan City-Surigao City and Agusan del concerning the new anti-asthma drug was due to the fact that said
Sur sales area does not amount to constructive dismissal.9 product was in direct competition with a drug which was soon to be sold
b. To refrain from using their position in Glaxo
by Astra, and hence, would pose a potential conflict of interest for him.
Wellcome or knowledge of Company plans to
Lastly, the delay in Tecson’s receipt of his sales paraphernalia was due
Glaxo insists that as a company engaged in the promotion and sale of advance their outside personal interests, that of
to the mix-up created by his refusal to transfer to the Butuan City sales
pharmaceutical products, it has a genuine interest in ensuring that its their relatives, friends and other businesses.
area (his paraphernalia was delivered to his new sales area instead of
employees avoid any activity, relationship or interest that may conflict
Naga City because the supplier thought he already transferred to
with their responsibilities to the company. Thus, it expects its employees
Butuan).16 c. To avoid outside employment or other interests
to avoid having personal or family interests in any competitor company
for income which would impair their effective job
which may influence their actions and decisions and consequently
deprive Glaxo of legitimate profits. The policy is also aimed at preventing The Court is tasked to resolve the following issues: (1) Whether the
a competitor company from gaining access to its secrets, procedures and Court of Appeals erred in ruling that Glaxo’s policy against its employees
policies.10 marrying employees from competitor companies is valid, and in not d. To consult with Management on such activities or
holding that said policy violates the equal protection clause of the relationships that may lead to conflict of interest.
Constitution; (2) Whether Tecson was constructively dismissed.
It likewise asserts that the policy does not prohibit marriage per se but
only proscribes existing or future relationships with employees of 1.1. Employee Relationships
competitor companies, and is therefore not violative of the equal The Court finds no merit in the petition.
protection clause. It maintains that considering the nature of its Employees with existing or future relationships either by
business, the prohibition is based on valid grounds.11 consanguinity or affinity with co-employees of competing drug
The stipulation in Tecson’s contract of employment with Glaxo being
questioned by petitioners provides: companies are expected to disclose such relationship to the
According to Glaxo, Tecson’s marriage to Bettsy, an employee of Astra, … Management. If management perceives a conflict or potential
posed a real and potential conflict of interest. Astra’s products were in 10. You agree to disclose to management any existing or conflict of interest, every effort shall be made, together by
direct competition with 67% of the products sold by Glaxo. Hence, future relationship you may have, either by consanguinity or management and the employee, to arrive at a solution within
Glaxo’s enforcement of the foregoing policy in Tecson’s case was a valid affinity with co-employees or employees of competing drug six (6) months, either by transfer to another department in a
exercise of its management prerogatives.12 In any case, Tecson was companies. Should it pose a possible conflict of interest in non-counter checking position, or by career preparation
given several months to remedy the situation, and was even encouraged management discretion, you agree to resign voluntarily from toward outside employment after Glaxo Wellcome. Employees
not to resign but to ask his wife to resign form Astra instead.13 the Company as a matter of Company policy. must be prepared for possible resignation within six (6)
months, if no other solution is feasible.19
Glaxo also points out that Tecson can no longer question the assailed …17
company policy because when he signed his contract of employment, he No reversible error can be ascribed to the Court of Appeals when it ruled
was aware that such policy was stipulated therein. In said contract, he that Glaxo’s policy prohibiting an employee from having a relationship
The same contract also stipulates that Tescon agrees to abide by the
also agreed to resign from respondent if the management finds that his with an employee of a competitor company is a valid exercise of
existing company rules of Glaxo, and to study and become acquainted
relationship with an employee of a competitor company would be management prerogative.
with such policies.18 In this regard, the Employee Handbook of Glaxo
detrimental to the interests of Glaxo.14
expressly informs its employees of its rules regarding conflict of interest:
Glaxo has a right to guard its trade secrets, manufacturing formulas,
Glaxo likewise insists that Tecson’s reassignment to another sales area marketing strategies and other confidential programs and information
1. Conflict of Interest
and his exclusion from seminars regarding respondent’s new products from competitors, especially so that it and Astra are rival companies in
did not amount to constructive dismissal. the highly competitive pharmaceutical industry.
Employees should avoid any activity, investment relationship,
or interest that may run counter to the responsibilities which
It claims that in view of Tecson’s refusal to resign, he was relocated The prohibition against personal or marital relationships with employees
they owe Glaxo Wellcome.
from the Camarines Sur-Camarines Norte sales area to the Butuan City- of competitor companies upon Glaxo’s employees is reasonable under
Surigao City and Agusan del Sur sales area. Glaxo asserts that in the circumstances because relationships of that nature might
compromise the interests of the company. In laying down the assailed The policy being questioned is not a policy against marriage. responsibility, all in the same Bicol Region, renders the conflict
company policy, Glaxo only aims to protect its interests against the An employee of the company remains free to marry anyone of of interest not only possible, but actual, as learning by one
possibility that a competitor company will gain access to its secrets and his or her choosing. The policy is not aimed at restricting a spouse of the other’s market strategies in the region would be
procedures. personal prerogative that belongs only to the individual. inevitable. [Management’s] appreciation of a conflict of
However, an employee’s personal decision does not detract interest is therefore not merely illusory and wanting in factual
the employer from exercising management prerogatives to basis…31
That Glaxo possesses the right to protect its economic interests cannot
ensure maximum profit and business success. . .28
be denied. No less than the Constitution recognizes the right of
enterprises to adopt and enforce such a policy to protect its right to In Abbott Laboratories (Phils.), Inc. v. National Labor Relations
reasonable returns on investments and to expansion and The Court of Appeals also correctly noted that the assailed company Commission,32 which involved a complaint filed by a medical
growth.20 Indeed, while our laws endeavor to give life to the policy which forms part of respondent’s Employee Code of Conduct and representative against his employer drug company for illegal dismissal
constitutional policy on social justice and the protection of labor, it does of its contracts with its employees, such as that signed by Tescon, was for allegedly terminating his employment when he refused to accept his
not mean that every labor dispute will be decided in favor of the made known to him prior to his employment. Tecson, therefore, was reassignment to a new area, the Court upheld the right of the drug
workers. The law also recognizes that management has rights which are aware of that restriction when he signed his employment contract and company to transfer or reassign its employee in accordance with its
also entitled to respect and enforcement in the interest of fair play.21 when he entered into a relationship with Bettsy. Since Tecson knowingly operational demands and requirements. The ruling of the Court therein,
and voluntarily entered into a contract of employment with Glaxo, the quoted hereunder, also finds application in the instant case:
stipulations therein have the force of law between them and, thus,
As held in a Georgia, U.S.A case,22 it is a legitimate business practice to
should be complied with in good faith."29 He is therefore estopped from
guard business confidentiality and protect a competitive position by By the very nature of his employment, a drug salesman or
questioning said policy.
even-handedly disqualifying from jobs male and female applicants or medical representative is expected to travel. He should
employees who are married to a competitor. Consequently, the court anticipate reassignment according to the demands of their
ruled than an employer that discharged an employee who was married The Court finds no merit in petitioners’ contention that Tescon was business. It would be a poor drug corporation which cannot
to an employee of an active competitor did not violate Title VII of the constructively dismissed when he was transferred from the Camarines even assign its representatives or detail men to new markets
Civil Rights Act of 1964.23The Court pointed out that the policy was Norte-Camarines Sur sales area to the Butuan City-Surigao City-Agusan calling for opening or expansion or to areas where the need
applied to men and women equally, and noted that the employer’s del Sur sales area, and when he was excluded from attending the for pushing its products is great. More so if such
business was highly competitive and that gaining inside information company’s seminar on new products which were directly competing with reassignments are part of the employment contract.33
would constitute a competitive advantage. similar products manufactured by Astra. Constructive dismissal is defined
as a quitting, an involuntary resignation resorted to when continued
As noted earlier, the challenged policy has been implemented by Glaxo
employment becomes impossible, unreasonable, or unlikely; when there
The challenged company policy does not violate the equal protection impartially and disinterestedly for a long period of time. In the case at
is a demotion in rank or diminution in pay; or when a clear
clause of the Constitution as petitioners erroneously suggest. It is a bar, the record shows that Glaxo gave Tecson several chances to
discrimination, insensibility or disdain by an employer becomes
settled principle that the commands of the equal protection clause are eliminate the conflict of interest brought about by his relationship with
unbearable to the employee.30 None of these conditions are present in
addressed only to the state or those acting under color of its Bettsy. When their relationship was still in its initial stage, Tecson’s
the instant case. The record does not show that Tescon was demoted or
authority.24 Corollarily, it has been held in a long array of U.S. Supreme supervisors at Glaxo constantly reminded him about its effects on his
unduly discriminated upon by reason of such transfer. As found by the
Court decisions that the equal protection clause erects no shield against employment with the company and on the company’s interests. After
appellate court, Glaxo properly exercised its management prerogative in
merely private conduct, however, discriminatory or wrongful.25 The only Tecson married Bettsy, Glaxo gave him time to resolve the conflict by
reassigning Tecson to the Butuan City sales area:
exception occurs when the state29 in any of its manifestations or actions either resigning from the company or asking his wife to resign from
has been found to have become entwined or involved in the wrongful Astra. Glaxo even expressed its desire to retain Tecson in its employ
private conduct.27 Obviously, however, the exception is not present in . . . In this case, petitioner’s transfer to another place of because of his satisfactory performance and suggested that he ask
this case. Significantly, the company actually enforced the policy after assignment was merely in keeping with the policy of the Bettsy to resign from her company instead. Glaxo likewise acceded to his
repeated requests to the employee to comply with the policy. Indeed, company in avoidance of conflict of interest, and thus repeated requests for more time to resolve the conflict of interest. When
the application of the policy was made in an impartial and even-handed valid…Note that [Tecson’s] wife holds a sensitive supervisory the problem could not be resolved after several years of waiting, Glaxo
manner, with due regard for the lot of the employee. position as Branch Coordinator in her employer-company was constrained to reassign Tecson to a sales area different from that
which requires her to work in close coordination with District handled by his wife for Astra. Notably, the Court did not terminate
Managers and Medical Representatives. Her duties include Tecson from employment but only reassigned him to another area where
In any event, from the wordings of the contractual provision and the
monitoring sales of Astra products, conducting sales drives, his home province, Agusan del Sur, was included. In effecting Tecson’s
policy in its employee handbook, it is clear that Glaxo does not impose
establishing and furthering relationship with customers, transfer, Glaxo even considered the welfare of Tecson’s family. Clearly,
an absolute prohibition against relationships between its employees and
collection, monitoring and managing Astra’s inventory…she the foregoing dispels any suspicion of unfairness and bad faith on the
those of competitor companies. Its employees are free to cultivate
therefore takes an active participation in the market war part of Glaxo.34
relationships with and marry persons of their own choosing. What the
characterized as it is by stiff competition among
company merely seeks to avoid is a conflict of interest between the
pharmaceutical companies. Moreover, and this is significant,
employee and the company that may arise out of such relationships. As WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED for lack of merit. Costs against
petitioner’s sales territory covers Camarines Sur and
succinctly explained by the appellate court, thus: petitioners. SO ORDERED.
Camarines Norte while his wife is supervising a branch of her
employer in Albay. The proximity of their areas of
25 1. New applicants will not be allowed to be hired if in case Respondents later filed a complaint for unfair labor practice, constructive
he/she has [a] relative, up to [the] 3rd degree of relationship, dismissal, separation pay and attorney’s fees. They averred that the
already employed by the company. aforementioned company policy is illegal and contravenes Article 136 of
Republic of the Philippines the Labor Code. They also contended that they were dismissed due to
SUPREME COURT their union membership.
2. In case of two of our employees (both singles [sic], one
male and another female) developed a friendly relationship
during the course of their employment and then decided to get On May 31, 2001, Labor Arbiter Melquiades Sol del Rosario dismissed the
SECOND DIVISION married, one of them should resign to preserve the policy complaint for lack of merit, viz.:
stated above.3
G.R. No. 164774 April 12, 2006 [T]his company policy was decreed pursuant to what the respondent
Simbol resigned on June 20, 1998 pursuant to the company policy.4 corporation perceived as management prerogative. This management
STAR PAPER CORPORATION, JOSEPHINE ONGSITCO & prerogative is quite broad and encompassing for it covers hiring, work
SEBASTIAN CHUA, Petitioners, assignment, working method, time, place and manner of work, tools to
Comia was hired by the company on February 5, 1997. She met Howard
vs. be used, processes to be followed, supervision of workers, working
Comia, a co-employee, whom she married on June 1, 2000. Ongsitco
RONALDO D. SIMBOL, WILFREDA N. COMIA & LORNA E. regulations, transfer of employees, work supervision, lay-off of workers
likewise reminded them that pursuant to company policy, one must
ESTRELLA, Respondents. and the discipline, dismissal and recall of workers. Except as provided for
resign should they decide to get married. Comia resigned on June 30,
or limited by special law, an employer is free to regulate, according to
his own discretion and judgment all the aspects of
DECISION employment.9 (Citations omitted.)
Estrella was hired on July 29, 1994. She met Luisito Zuñiga (Zuñiga),
PUNO, J.: also a co-worker. Petitioners stated that Zuñiga, a married man, got
On appeal to the NLRC, the Commission affirmed the decision of the
Estrella pregnant. The company allegedly could have terminated her
Labor Arbiter on January 11, 2002. 10
services due to immorality but she opted to resign on December 21,
We are called to decide an issue of first impression: whether the policy 1999.6
of the employer banning spouses from working in the same company Respondents filed a Motion for Reconsideration but was denied by the
violates the rights of the employee under the Constitution and the Labor NLRC in a Resolution11 dated August 8, 2002. They appealed to
Code or is a valid exercise of management prerogative. The respondents each signed a Release and Confirmation Agreement.
respondent court via Petition for Certiorari.
They stated therein that they have no money and property
accountabilities in the company and that they release the latter of any
At bar is a Petition for Review on Certiorari of the Decision of the Court claim or demand of whatever nature.7 In its assailed Decision dated August 3, 2004, the Court of Appeals
of Appeals dated August 3, 2004 in CA-G.R. SP No. 73477 reversing the reversed the NLRC decision, viz.:
decision of the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) which
affirmed the ruling of the Labor Arbiter. Respondents offer a different version of their dismissal. Simbol and
Comia allege that they did not resign voluntarily; they were compelled to WHEREFORE, premises considered, the May 31, 2002 (sic)12 Decision of
resign in view of an illegal company policy. As to respondent Estrella, she the National Labor Relations Commission is hereby REVERSED and SET
Petitioner Star Paper Corporation (the company) is a corporation alleges that she had a relationship with co-worker Zuñiga who ASIDE and a new one is entered as follows:
engaged in trading – principally of paper products. Josephine Ongsitco is misrepresented himself as a married but separated man. After he got her
its Manager of the Personnel and Administration Department while pregnant, she discovered that he was not separated. Thus, she severed
Sebastian Chua is its Managing Director. (1) Declaring illegal, the petitioners’ dismissal from
her relationship with him to avoid dismissal due to the company policy.
employment and ordering private respondents to reinstate
On November 30, 1999, she met an accident and was advised by the
petitioners to their former positions without loss of seniority
The evidence for the petitioners show that respondents Ronaldo D. doctor at the Orthopedic Hospital to recuperate for twenty-one (21)
rights with full backwages from the time of their dismissal until
Simbol (Simbol), Wilfreda N. Comia (Comia) and Lorna E. Estrella days. She returned to work on December 21, 1999 but she found out
actual reinstatement; and
(Estrella) were all regular employees of the company.1 that her name was on-hold at the gate. She was denied entry. She was
directed to proceed to the personnel office where one of the staff
handed her a memorandum. The memorandum stated that she was (2) Ordering private respondents to pay petitioners attorney’s
Simbol was employed by the company on October 27, 1993. He met being dismissed for immoral conduct. She refused to sign the fees amounting to 10% of the award and the cost of this
Alma Dayrit, also an employee of the company, whom he married on memorandum because she was on leave for twenty-one (21) days and suit.13
June 27, 1998. Prior to the marriage, Ongsitco advised the couple that has not been given a chance to explain. The management asked her to
should they decide to get married, one of them should resign pursuant write an explanation. However, after submission of the explanation, she
to a company policy promulgated in 1995,2 viz.: On appeal to this Court, petitioners contend that the Court of Appeals
was nonetheless dismissed by the company. Due to her urgent need for erred in holding that:
money, she later submitted a letter of resignation in exchange for her
thirteenth month pay.8

1. x x x the subject 1995 policy/regulation is violative of the The Labor Code is the most comprehensive piece of legislation protecting policies requiring an employee of a particular sex to either quit,
constitutional rights towards marriage and the family of labor. The case at bar involves Article 136 of the Labor Code which transfer, or be fired are facially discriminatory. For example, an
employees and of Article 136 of the Labor Code; and provides: employment policy prohibiting the employer from hiring wives of male
employees, but not husbands of female employees, is discriminatory on
its face.22
2. x x x respondents’ resignations were far from voluntary.14 Art. 136. It shall be unlawful for an employer to require as a condition of
employment or continuation of employment that a woman employee
shall not get married, or to stipulate expressly or tacitly that upon On the other hand, to establish disparate impact, the complainants
We affirm.
getting married a woman employee shall be deemed resigned or must prove that a facially neutral policy has a disproportionate effect on
separated, or to actually dismiss, discharge, discriminate or otherwise a particular class. For example, although most employment policies do
The 1987 Constitution15 states our policy towards the protection of labor prejudice a woman employee merely by reason of her marriage. not expressly indicate which spouse will be required to transfer or leave
under the following provisions, viz.: the company, the policy often disproportionately affects one sex.23
Respondents submit that their dismissal violates the above provision.
Article II, Section 18. The State affirms labor as a primary social Petitioners allege that its policy "may appear to be contrary to Article The state courts’ rulings on the issue depend on their interpretation of
economic force. It shall protect the rights of workers and promote their 136 of the Labor Code" but it assumes a new meaning if read together the scope of marital status discrimination within the meaning of their
welfare. with the first paragraph of the rule. The rule does not require the woman respective civil rights acts. Though they agree that the term "marital
employee to resign. The employee spouses have the right to choose who status" encompasses discrimination based on a person's status as either
xxx between them should resign. Further, they are free to marry persons married, single, divorced, or widowed, they are divided on whether the
other than co-employees. Hence, it is not the marital status of the term has a broader meaning. Thus, their decisions vary.24
employee, per se, that is being discriminated. It is only intended to carry
Article XIII, Sec. 3. The State shall afford full protection to labor, local out its no-employment-for-relatives-within-the-third-degree-policy which
and overseas, organized and unorganized, and promote full employment The courts narrowly25 interpreting marital status to refer only to a
is within the ambit of the prerogatives of management.16
and equality of employment opportunities for all. person's status as married, single, divorced, or widowed reason that if
the legislature intended a broader definition it would have either chosen
It is true that the policy of petitioners prohibiting close relatives from different language or specified its intent. They hold that the relevant
It shall guarantee the rights of all workers to self-organization, collective working in the same company takes the nature of an anti-nepotism inquiry is if one is married rather than to whom one is married. They
bargaining and negotiations, and peaceful concerted activities, including employment policy. Companies adopt these policies to prevent the hiring construe marital status discrimination to include only whether a person is
the right to strike in accordance with law. They shall be entitled to of unqualified persons based on their status as a relative, rather than single, married, divorced, or widowed and not the "identity, occupation,
security of tenure, humane conditions of work, and a living wage. They upon their ability.17 These policies focus upon the potential employment and place of employment of one's spouse." These courts have upheld
shall also participate in policy and decision-making processes affecting problems arising from the perception of favoritism exhibited towards the questioned policies and ruled that they did not violate the marital
their rights and benefits as may be provided by law. relatives. status discrimination provision of their respective state statutes.

The State shall promote the principle of shared responsibility between With more women entering the workforce, employers are also enacting The courts that have broadly26 construed the term "marital status" rule
workers and employers, recognizing the right of labor to its just share in employment policies specifically prohibiting spouses from working for the that it encompassed the identity, occupation and employment of one's
the fruits of production and the right of enterprises to reasonable returns same company. We note that two types of employment policies involve spouse. They strike down the no-spouse employment policies based on
on investments, and to expansion and growth. spouses: policies banning only spouses from working in the same the broad legislative intent of the state statute. They reason that the no-
company (no-spouse employment policies), and those banning all spouse employment policy violate the marital status provision because it
The Civil Code likewise protects labor with the following provisions: immediate family members, including spouses, from working in the same arbitrarily discriminates against all spouses of present employees without
company (anti-nepotism employment policies).18 regard to the actual effect on the individual's qualifications or work
performance.27 These courts also find the no-spouse employment policy
Art. 1700. The relation between capital and labor are not merely invalid for failure of the employer to present any evidence of business
contractual. They are so impressed with public interest that labor Unlike in our jurisdiction where there is no express prohibition on marital
necessity other than the general perception that spouses in the same
contracts must yield to the common good. Therefore, such contracts are discrimination,19 there are twenty state statutes20 in the United States
workplace might adversely affect the business.28 They hold that the
subject to the special laws on labor unions, collective bargaining, strikes prohibiting marital discrimination. Some state courts21 have been
absence of such a bona fide occupational qualification29 invalidates
and lockouts, closed shop, wages, working conditions, hours of labor and confronted with the issue of whether no-spouse policies violate their
a rule denying employment to one spouse due to the current
similar subjects. laws prohibiting both marital status and sex discrimination.
employment of the other spouse in the same office.30 Thus, they rule
that unless the employer can prove that the reasonable demands of the
Art. 1702. In case of doubt, all labor legislation and all labor contracts In challenging the anti-nepotism employment policies in the United business require a distinction based on marital status and there is no
shall be construed in favor of the safety and decent living for the laborer. States, complainants utilize two theories of employment discrimination: better available or acceptable policy which would better accomplish the
the disparate treatment and the disparate impact. Under business purpose, an employer may not discriminate against an
the disparate treatment analysis, the plaintiff must prove that an employee based on the identity of the employee’s spouse.31 This is
employment policy is discriminatory on its face. No-spouse employment known as thebona fide occupational qualification exception.

We note that since the finding of a bona fide occupational qualification of a reasonable business necessity. The burden was successfully As to respondent Estrella, the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC based their
justifies an employer’s no-spouse rule, the exception is interpreted discharged in Duncan but not in PT&T. ruling on the singular fact that her resignation letter was written in her
strictly and narrowly by these state courts. There must be a compelling own handwriting. Both ruled that her resignation was voluntary and thus
business necessity for which no alternative exists other than the valid. The respondent court failed to categorically rule whether Estrella
We do not find a reasonable business necessity in the case at bar.
discriminatory practice.32 To justify a bona fide occupational qualification, voluntarily resigned but ordered that she be reinstated along with Simbol
the employer must prove two factors: (1) that the employment and Comia.
qualification is reasonably related to the essential operation of the job Petitioners’ sole contention that "the company did not just want to have
involved; and, (2) that there is a factual basis for believing that all or two (2) or more of its employees related between the third degree by
Estrella claims that she was pressured to submit a resignation letter
substantially all persons meeting the qualification would be unable to affinity and/or consanguinity"38 is lame. That the second paragraph was
because she was in dire need of money. We examined the records of the
properly perform the duties of the job.33 meant to give teeth to the first paragraph of the questioned rule39 is
case and find Estrella’s contention to be more in accord with the
evidently not the valid reasonable business necessity required by the
evidence. While findings of fact by administrative tribunals like the NLRC
The concept of a bona fide occupational qualification is not foreign in our are generally given not only respect but, at times, finality, this rule
jurisdiction. We employ the standard ofreasonableness of the company admits of exceptions,42 as in the case at bar.
policy which is parallel to the bona fide occupational qualification It is significant to note that in the case at bar, respondents were hired
requirement. In the recent case of Duncan Association of after they were found fit for the job, but were asked to resign when they
Estrella avers that she went back to work on December 21, 1999 but
Detailman-PTGWO and Pedro Tecson v. Glaxo Wellcome married a co-employee. Petitioners failed to show how the marriage of
was dismissed due to her alleged immoral conduct. At first, she did not
Philippines, Inc.,34 we passed on the validity of the policy of a Simbol, then a Sheeting Machine Operator, to Alma Dayrit, then an
want to sign the termination papers but she was forced to tender her
pharmaceutical company prohibiting its employees from marrying employee of the Repacking Section, could be detrimental to its business
resignation letter in exchange for her thirteenth month pay.
employees of any competitor company. We held that Glaxo has a right to operations. Neither did petitioners explain how this detriment will happen
guard its trade secrets, manufacturing formulas, marketing strategies in the case of Wilfreda Comia, then a Production Helper in the Selecting
and other confidential programs and information from competitors. We Department, who married Howard Comia, then a helper in the cutter- The contention of petitioners that Estrella was pressured to resign
considered the prohibition against personal or marital relationships with machine. The policy is premised on the mere fear that employees because she got impregnated by a married man and she could not stand
employees of competitor companies upon Glaxo’s married to each other will be less efficient. If we uphold the questioned being looked upon or talked about as immoral43 is incredulous. If she
employeesreasonable under the circumstances because relationships of rule without valid justification, the employer can create policies based on really wanted to avoid embarrassment and humiliation, she would not
that nature might compromise the interests of Glaxo. In laying down the an unproven presumption of a perceived danger at the expense of an have gone back to work at all. Nor would she have filed a suit for illegal
assailed company policy, we recognized that Glaxo only aims to protect employee’s right to security of tenure. dismissal and pleaded for reinstatement. We have held that in voluntary
its interests against the possibility that a competitor company will gain resignation, the employee is compelled by personal reason(s) to
access to its secrets and procedures.35 dissociate himself from employment. It is done with the intention of
Petitioners contend that their policy will apply only when one employee
relinquishing an office, accompanied by the act of abandonment. 44 Thus,
marries a co-employee, but they are free to marry persons other than
it is illogical for Estrella to resign and then file a complaint for illegal
The requirement that a company policy must be reasonable under the co-employees. The questioned policy may not facially violate Article 136
dismissal. Given the lack of sufficient evidence on the part of petitioners
circumstances to qualify as a valid exercise of management prerogative of the Labor Code but it creates a disproportionate effect and under the
that the resignation was voluntary, Estrella’s dismissal is declared illegal.
was also at issue in the 1997 case of Philippine Telegraph and disparate impact theory, the only way it could pass judicial scrutiny is a
Telephone Company v. NLRC.36 In said case, the employee was showing that it is reasonable despite the discriminatory, albeit
dismissed in violation of petitioner’s policy of disqualifying from work any disproportionate, effect. The failure of petitioners to prove a legitimate IN VIEW WHEREOF, the Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R.
woman worker who contracts marriage. We held that the company business concern in imposing the questioned policy cannot prejudice the SP No. 73477 dated August 3, 2004
policy violates the right against discrimination afforded all women employee’s right to be free from arbitrary discrimination based upon
workers under Article 136 of the Labor Code, but established a stereotypes of married persons working together in one company.40
permissible exception, viz.:
Lastly, the absence of a statute expressly prohibiting marital
[A] requirement that a woman employee must remain unmarried could discrimination in our jurisdiction cannot benefit the petitioners. The
be justified as a "bona fide occupational qualification," or BFOQ, protection given to labor in our jurisdiction is vast and extensive that we
where the particular requirements of the job would justify the same, but cannot prudently draw inferences from the legislature’s silence41 that
not on the ground of a general principle, such as the desirability of married persons are not protected under our Constitution and declare
spreading work in the workplace. A requirement of that nature would be valid a policy based on a prejudice or stereotype. Thus, for failure of
valid provided it reflects an inherent quality reasonably necessary for petitioners to present undisputed proof of a reasonable business
satisfactory job performance.37 (Emphases supplied.) necessity, we rule that the questioned policy is an invalid exercise of
management prerogative. Corollarily, the issue as to whether
respondents Simbol and Comia resigned voluntarily has become moot
The cases of Duncan and PT&T instruct us that the requirement of
and academic.
reasonableness must be clearly established to uphold the questioned
employment policy. The employer has the burden to prove the existence

26 rule: that is for excessive absence without permission on August 15-18, in the instant case; that while it is not disputed that the respondent
29-31 and September 1-10, 1994. The hearing was set on September incurred absences exceeding six (6) days within one employment year –
23, 1994. a ground for dismissal under the company rules – the petitioner actually
Republic of the Philippines admitted the fact that the respondent had been pregnant, hence,
SUPREME COURT negating petitioner’s assertion that the respondent failed to give any
Respondent having failed to appear on September 23, 1994 hearing,
Manila explanation of her absences; that the records bear the admission of
another notice of hearing was sent to her resetting the investigation on
petitioner’s officer of the receipt of the hospital record showing the cause
September 30, 1994. It was again reset to October 5, 1994.
THIRD DIVISION of her absences ("RIQ advice" or "rest-in-quarters") for August 19-20,
1994 which, in turn, could already serve as reference in resolving the
On January 10, 1995, after hearing, the petitioner terminated the absences on August 15 to 18; that the petitioner further admitted that
G.R. NO. 153477 March 6, 2007 services of respondent effective January 16, 1994 due to excessive the respondent was under "RIQ advice" on September 2-3, 1994 and yet
absences without permission. insisted in including these dates among respondent’s 16 purported
DEL MONTE PHILIPPINES, INC., Petitioner, unexplained absences; that it is sufficient notice for the petitioner, "a
vs. Feeling aggrieved, respondent filed a case for illegal dismissal against plain laborer" with "unsophisticated judgment," to send word to her
LOLITA VELASCO, Respondent. petitioner asserting that her dismissal was illegal because she was on the employer through a co-worker on August 15 to 16, 1994 that she was
family way suffering from urinary tract infection, a pregnancy-borne, at frequently vomiting; that the sheer distance between respondent’s home
the time she committed the alleged absences. She explained that for her and her workplace made it difficult to send formal notice; that
DECISION respondent even sent her child of tender age to inform her supervisor
absence from work on August 15, 16, 17 & 18, 1994 she had sent an
application for leave to her supervisor, Prima Ybañez. Thereafter, she about her absence on September 5, 1994 due to stomach ache, but her
AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ, J.: went to the company hospital for check-up and was advised accordingly child failed to approach the officer because her child felt ashamed, if not
to rest in quarters for four (4) days or on August 27 to 30, 1994. Still not mortified; that respondent’s narration that she had to bear pains during
feeling well, she failed to work on September 1, 1994 and was again her absences on September 21 to 27, 1994 is credible; that she dared
Before this Court is a Petition for Certiorari under Rule 45 seeking to not venture through the roads for fear of forest creatures or predators;
reverse and set aside the Decision1 dated July 23, 2001 of the Court of advised two days of rest in quarters on September 2-3, 1994. Unable to
recover, she went to see an outside doctor, Dr. Marilyn Casino, and the that the petitioner is guilty of unlawfully discharging respondent on
Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 56571 which affirmed the Decision dated account of her pregnancy under Article 137(2) of the Labor Code; and,
May 27, 1999 of the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC); and latter ordered her to rest for another five (5) consecutive days, or from
September 5 to 9, 1994. She declared she did not file the adequate leave that petitioner’s reference to the previous absenteeism of respondent is
the CA Resolution2 dated May 7, 2002 which denied the petitioner's misplaced because the latter had already been penalized therefor.
Motion for Reconsideration. of absence because a medical certificate was already sufficient per
company policy. On September 10, 1994 she failed to report to work but
sent an application for leave of absence to her supervisor, Prima Ybañez, Petitioner’s Motion for Reconsideration was denied on September 30,
The facts of the case, as stated by the CA, are as follows: which was not anymore accepted.3 1999.

Lolita M. Velasco (respondent) started working with Del Monte On April 13, 1998, the Labor Arbiter dismissed the Complaint for lack of The petitioner then appealed to the CA. On July 23, 2001, the CA
Philippines (petitioner) on October 21, 1976 as a seasonal employee and merit. The Labor Arbiter held that the respondent was an incorrigible promulgated its Decision the dispositive portion of which states:
was regularized on May 1, 1977. Her latest assignment was as Field absentee; that she failed to file leaves of absence; that her absences in
Laborer. 1986 and 1987 were without permission; that the petitioner gave the
respondent several chances to reform herself; and that the respondent
DISMISSED, the Resolutions, dated May 27, 1999 and September 30,
On June 16, 1987, respondent was warned in writing due to her did not justify her failure to appear during the scheduled hearings and
1999 of the National Labor Relations Commission in NLRC CA No. M-
absences. On May 4, 1991, respondent, thru a letter, was again warned failed to explain her absences.
003926-98, are hereby AFFIRMED in toto.
in writing by petitioner about her absences without permission and a
forfeiture of her vacation leave entitlement for the year 1990-1991 was Respondent appealed to the NLRC. On May 29, 1999, the NLRC issued
imposed against her. SO ORDERED.5
its Resolution, the dispositive portion of which reads:

On September 14, 1992, another warning letter was sent to respondent In affirming the NLRC, the CA held that absences due to a justified cause
WHEREFORE, foregoing considered, the instant decision is hereby
regarding her absences without permission during the year 1991-1992. cannot be a ground for dismissal; that it is undisputed that the
VACATED and a new one entered declaring the dismissal of complainant
Her vacation entitlement for the said employment year affected was respondent was pregnant at the time she incurred the absences in
as ILLEGAL. In consonance with Art. 279 of the Labor [Code], her
consequently forfeited. question; that the certification issued by a private doctor duly
reinstatement with full backwages from the date of her termination from
established this fact; that it was no less than petitioner’s company doctor
employment to her actual reinstatement is necessarily decreed.4
who advised the respondent to have rest-in-quarters for four days on
In view of the said alleged absences without permission, on September account of a pregnancy- related sickness; that it had been duly
17, 1994, a notice of hearing was sent to respondent notifying her of the The NLRC held that, under the company rules, the employee may make established that respondent filed leaves of absence though the last had
charges filed against her for violating the Absence Without Official Leave a subsequent justification of her absenteeism, which she was able to do been refused by the company supervisor; that the dismissal of an
employee due to prolonged absence with leave by reason of illness duly Marilyn M. Casino stating that respondent had sought consultation on Discharge Summary. It can be safely assumed that the absences that are
established by the presentation of a medical certificate is not justified; September 4, 2002 because of spasm in the left iliac region, and was not covered by, but which nonetheless approximate, the dates stated in
that it is undisputed that respondent’s sickness was pregnancy-related; advised to rest for five days (from September 4, 1994 up to September the Discharge Summary and Medical Certificate, are due to the
that under Article 137(2) of the Labor Code, the petitioner committed a 8, 1994), due to urinary tract infection, all in all establish respondent’s continuing condition of pregnancy and related illnesses, and, hence, are
prohibited act in discharging a woman on account of her pregnancy. sickness only from August 23, 1994 up to August 30, 1994 and from justified absences.
September 4, 1994 up to September 8, 1994. In other words,
respondent was absent without permission on several other days which
On May 7, 2002, the CA denied petitioner’s Motion for Reconsideration. As the CA and the NLRC correctly noted, it is not disputed that
were not supported by any other proof of illness, specifically, on August
respondent was pregnant and that she was suffering from urinary tract
15, 16, 17, 18, 31, 1994 and September 1, 2, 3, 9, and 10, 1994, and,
infection, and that her absences were due to such facts. The petitioner
Hence, the instant Petition raising the following issues: hence, she is guilty of ten unjustified absences; (b) Per Filflex Industrial
admits these facts in its Petition for Review.8 And, as the CA aptly held, it
and Manufacturing Co. v. National Labor Relations Commission
was no less than the company doctor who advised the respondent to
I. (Filflex),7 if the medical certificate fails to refer to the specific period of
have "rest-in-quarters" for four days on account of a pregnancy-related
the employee’s absence, then such absences, attributable to chronic
asthmatic bronchitis, are not supported by competent proof and, hence,
The court of appeals seriously erred In considering respondent’s they are unjustified. By parity of reasoning, in the absence of evidence
Excessive aWOPs as justified Simply on account of her pregnancy. indicating any pregnancy-borne illness outside the period stated in On this note, this Court upholds and adopts the finding of the NLRC,
respondent’s medical certificate, such illness ought not to be considered thus:
II. as an acceptable excuse for respondent’s excessive absences without
leave; (c) Respondent’s latest string of absences, taken together with In this jurisdiction tardiness and absenteeism, like abandonment, are
her long history of absenteeism without permission, established her recognized forms of neglect of duties, the existence of which justify the
THE COURT OF APPEALS SERIOUSLY ERRED IN NOT CONSIDERING gross and habitual neglect of duties, as established by jurisprudence; (d)
THAT RESPONDENT’S LATEST STRING OF ABSENCES INCURRED dismissal of the erring employee. Respondent’s rule penalizing with
The respondent was dismissed not by reason of her pregnancy but on discharge any employee who has incurred six (6) or more absences
WITHOUT ANY PRIOR PERMISSION, AND AS ABOVE SHOWN, WITHOUT account of her gross and habitual neglect of duties. In other words, her
ANY VALID JUSTIFICATION, TAKEN TOGETHER WITH HER DAMAGING without permission or subsequent justification is admittedly within the
pregnancy had no bearing on the decision to terminate her employment; purview of the foregoing standard.
awop history, established her gross and habitual neGlect of duties, a just and, (e) Her state of pregnancy per se could not excuse her from filing
and valid ground for dismissal. prior notice for her absence.
However, while it is not disputed that complainant incurred absences
III. exceeding six (6) days as she actually failed to report for work from
Petitioner’s arguments are without merit. August 15-18, 23-26, 29-31, September 1-3, 5-10, 12-17, 21-24, 26-30,
and October 1-3, 1994, her being pregnant at the time these
The court of appeals seriously erred in holding that respondent’s First. The Filflex Industrial and Manufacturing Co. case is not applicable, absences were incurred is not questioned and is even admitted
dismissal was in violation of article 137 (prohibiting an employer to principally because the nature and gravity of the illness involved in that by respondent. It thus puzzles us why respondent asserts complainant
discharge an employee on account of her pregnancy). case – chronic asthmatic bronchitis – are different from the conditions failed to explain satisfactorily her absences on August 15-18, 29-31,
that are present in the instant case, which is pregnancy and its related September 1-3 and 5-10, 1994, yet reconsidered the rest of her
IV. illnesses. absences for being covered with "rest-in-quarters" (RIQ) advice from its
hospital personnel when this advice was unquestionably issued in
consideration of the physiological and emotional changes complainant, a
The court of appeals seriously erred in awarding full backwages in favor The Court takes judicial notice of the fact that the condition of asthmatic
conceiving mother, naturally developed. Medical and health reports
of respondent notwithstanding petitioner’s evident good faith.6 bronchitis may be intermittent, in contrast to pregnancy which is a
abundantly disclose that during the first trimester of pregnancy,
continuing condition accompanied by various symptoms and related
expectant mothers are plagued with morning sickness, frequent
illnesses. Hence, as to the former, if the medical certificate or other
The essential question is whether the employment of respondent had urination, vomiting and fatigue all of which complainant was
proof proffered by the worker fails to correspond with the dates of
been validly terminated on the ground of excessive absences without similarly plagued with. Union official IBB Lesna’s observation on
absence, then it can be reasonably concluded that, absent any other
permission. Corollary to this is the question of whether the petitioner complainant being [sic] apparently not feeling well during the
proof, such absences are unjustified. This is the ruling in Filflex which
discharged the respondent on account of pregnancy, a prohibited act. investigation conducted by respondent on October 5, 1994 even
cannot be applied in a straight-hand fashion in cases of pregnancy which
remains in the records of said proceedings. For respondent to
is a long-term condition accompanied by an assortment of related
isolate the absences of complainant in August and mid-
The petitioner posits the following arguments: (a) The evidence illnesses.
September, 1994 from the absences she incurred later in said
proffered by the respondent, to wit: (1) the Discharge Summary month without submitting any evidence that these were due to
indicating that she had been admitted to the Phillips Memorial Hospital In this case, by the measure of substantial evidence, what is controlling causes not in manner associated with her [ ] condition renders
on August 23, 1994 and discharged on August 26, 1994, and that she is the finding of the NLRC and the CA that respondent was pregnant and its justification of complainant’s dismissal clearly not convincing
had been advised to "rest in quarters" for four days from August 27, suffered from related ailments. It would be unreasonable to isolate such under the circumstances.
1994 to August 30, 1994, and (2) the Medical Certificate issued by Dr. condition strictly to the dates stated in the Medical Certificate or the

Despite contrary declaration, the records bear the admission of supervisor refused to receive them; that she could not have filed prior
respondent’s P/A North Supervisor, PB Ybanez, of her receipt of leaves due to her continuing condition; and that the petitioner, in the
the hospital record showing complainant’s RIQ advice for last analysis, dismissed the respondent on account of her pregnancy, a
August 19-20, 1994 which could already serve as respondent’s prohibited act.
reference in resolving the latter’s absences on August 15 to 18,
1994. Respondent further admitted complainant was under RIQ
Third. Petitioner’s reliance on the jurisprudential rule that the totality of
advice on September 2-3, 1994, yet, insisted in including these
the infractions of an employee may be taken into account to justify the
dates among her 16 purported unexplained absences justifying
dismissal, is tenuous considering the particular circumstances obtaining
termination of her employment.10 (emphasis supplied)
in the present case. Petitioner puts much emphasis on respondent’s
"long history" of unauthorized absences committed several years
Petitioner’s contention that the cause for the dismissal was gross and beforehand. However, petitioner cannot use these previous infractions to
habitual neglect unrelated to her state of pregnancy is unpersuasive. lay down a pattern of absenteeism or habitual disregard of company
rules to justify the dismissal of respondent. The undeniable fact is that
during her complained absences in 1994, respondent was pregnant and
The Court agrees with the CA in concluding that respondent’s sickness
suffered related illnesses. Again, it must be stressed that respondent’s
was pregnancy-related and, therefore, the petitioner cannot terminate
discharge by reason of absences caused by her pregnancy is covered by
respondent’s services because in doing so, petitioner will, in effect, be
the prohibition under the Labor Code. Since her last string of absences is
violating the Labor Code which prohibits an employer to discharge an
justifiable and had been subsequently explained, the petitioner had no
employee on account of the latter’s pregnancy.11
legal basis in considering these absences together with her prior
infractions as gross and habitual neglect.
Article 137 of the Labor Code provides:
The Court is convinced that the petitioner terminated the services of
Art. 137. Prohibited acts. – It shall be unlawful for any employer: respondent on account of her pregnancy which justified her absences
and, thus, committed a prohibited act rendering the dismissal illegal.
(1) To deny any woman employee the benefits provided for in
this Chapter or to discharge any woman employed by him for In fine, the Court finds no cogent reason to disturb the findings of the
the purpose of preventing her from enjoying any of the CA and the NLRC.
benefits provided under this Code;
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED for lack of merit. The Decision
(2) To discharge such woman on account of her dated July 23, 2001 and the Resolution dated May 7, 2002 of the Court
pregnancy, while on leave or in confinement due to her of Appeals are AFFIRMED.
pregnancy; or
No pronouncement as to costs.
(3) To discharge or refuse the admission of such woman upon
returning to her work for fear that she may again be pregnant.
(Emphasis supplied)

Second. The petitioner stresses that many women go through pregnancy

and yet manage to submit prior notices to their employer, especially if
"there is no evidence on record indicating a condition of such gravity as
to preclude efforts at notifying petitioner of her absence from work in
series."12 But it must be emphasized that under petitioner’s company
rules, absences may be subsequently justified.13 The Court finds no
cogent reason to disturb the findings of the NLRC and the CA that the
respondent was able to subsequently justify her absences in accordance
with company rules and policy; that the respondent was pregnant at the
time she incurred the absences; that this fact of pregnancy and its
related illnesses had been duly proven through substantial evidence; that
the respondent attempted to file leaves of absence but the petitioner’s

27 The weight problem of petitioner dates back to 1984. Back then, PAL informed of the PAL decision for him to remain grounded until such time
advised him to go on an extended vacation leave from December 29, that he satisfactorily complies with the weight standards. Again, he was
1984 to March 4, 1985 to address his weight concerns. Apparently, directed to report every two weeks for weight checks.
Republic of the Philippines petitioner failed to meet the company’s weight standards, prompting
SUPREME COURT another leave without pay from March 5, 1985 to November 1985.
Petitioner failed to report for weight checks. Despite that, he was given
one more month to comply with the weight requirement. As usual, he
After meeting the required weight, petitioner was allowed to return to was asked to report for weight check on different dates. He was
THIRD DIVISION work. But petitioner’s weight problem recurred. He again went on leave reminded that his grounding would continue pending satisfactory
without pay from October 17, 1988 to February 1989. compliance with the weight standards.5
G.R. No. 168081 October 17, 2008
On April 26, 1989, petitioner weighed 209 pounds, 43 pounds over his Again, petitioner failed to report for weight checks, although he was
ARMANDO G. YRASUEGUI, petitioners, ideal weight. In line with company policy, he was removed from flight seen submitting his passport for processing at the PAL Staff Service
vs. duty effective May 6, 1989 to July 3, 1989. He was formally requested to Division.
PHILIPPINE AIRLINES, INC., respondents. trim down to his ideal weight and report for weight checks on several
dates. He was also told that he may avail of the services of the company
On April 17, 1990, petitioner was formally warned that a repeated
physician should he wish to do so. He was advised that his case will be
DECISION refusal to report for weight check would be dealt with accordingly. He
evaluated on July 3, 1989.2
was given another set of weight check dates.6 Again, petitioner ignored
the directive and did not report for weight checks. On June 26, 1990,
REYES, R.T., J.: On February 25, 1989, petitioner underwent weight check. It was petitioner was required to explain his refusal to undergo weight checks.7
discovered that he gained, instead of losing, weight. He was overweight
THIS case portrays the peculiar story of an international flight steward at 215 pounds, which is 49 pounds beyond the limit. Consequently, his
When petitioner tipped the scale on July 30, 1990, he weighed at 212
who was dismissed because of his failure to adhere to the weight off-duty status was retained.
pounds. Clearly, he was still way over his ideal weight of 166 pounds.
standards of the airline company.
On October 17, 1989, PAL Line Administrator Gloria Dizon personally
From then on, nothing was heard from petitioner until he followed up his
He is now before this Court via a petition for review on visited petitioner at his residence to check on the progress of his effort
case requesting for leniency on the latter part of 1992. He weighed
certiorari claiming that he was illegally dismissed. To buttress his stance, to lose weight. Petitioner weighed 217 pounds, gaining 2 pounds from
at 219 pounds on August 20, 1992 and 205 pounds on November 5,
he argues that (1) his dismissal does not fall under 282(e) of the Labor his previous weight. After the visit, petitioner made a commitment3 to
Code; (2) continuing adherence to the weight standards of the company reduce weight in a letter addressed to Cabin Crew Group Manager
is not a bona fide occupational qualification; and (3) he was Augusto Barrios. The letter, in full, reads:
discriminated against because other overweight employees were On November 13, 1992, PAL finally served petitioner a Notice of
promoted instead of being disciplined. Administrative Charge for violation of company standards on weight
Dear Sir:
requirements. He was given ten (10) days from receipt of the charge
within which to file his answer and submit controverting evidence.8
After a meticulous consideration of all arguments pro and con, We I would like to guaranty my commitment towards a weight loss from 217
uphold the legality of dismissal. Separation pay, however, should be pounds to 200 pounds from today until 31 Dec. 1989.
awarded in favor of the employee as an act of social justice or based on On December 7, 1992, petitioner submitted his Answer.9 Notably, he did
equity. This is so because his dismissal is not for serious misconduct. not deny being overweight. What he claimed, instead, is that his
Neither is it reflective of his moral character. From thereon, I promise to continue reducing at a reasonable violation, if any, had already been condoned by PAL since "no action has
percentage until such time that my ideal weight is achieved. been taken by the company" regarding his case "since 1988." He also
claimed that PAL discriminated against him because "the company has
The Facts not been fair in treating the cabin crew members who are similarly
Likewise, I promise to personally report to your office at the designated
time schedule you will set for my weight check.
Petitioner Armando G. Yrasuegui was a former international flight
steward of Philippine Airlines, Inc. (PAL). He stands five feet and eight On December 8, 1992, a clarificatory hearing was held where petitioner
inches (5’8") with a large body frame. The proper weight for a man of Respectfully Yours,
manifested that he was undergoing a weight reduction program to lose
his height and body structure is from 147 to 166 pounds, the ideal at least two (2) pounds per week so as to attain his ideal weight.10
weight being 166 pounds, as mandated by the Cabin and Crew F/S Armando Yrasuegui4
Administration Manual1 of PAL.
On June 15, 1993, petitioner was formally informed by PAL that due to
Despite the lapse of a ninety-day period given him to reach his ideal his inability to attain his ideal weight, "and considering the utmost
weight, petitioner remained overweight. On January 3, 1990, he was leniency" extended to him "which spanned a period covering a total of
almost five (5) years," his services were considered terminated "effective On June 23, 2000, the NLRC rendered judgment24 in the following tenor: employee’s position.34 The failure to adhere to the weight standards is
immediately."11 an analogous cause for the dismissal of an employee under Article
282(e) of the Labor Code in relation to Article 282(a). It is not willful
WHEREFORE, premises considered[,] the Decision of the Arbiter dated
disobedience as the NLRC seemed to suggest.35 Said the CA, "the
His motion for reconsideration having been denied,12 petitioner filed a 18 November 1998 as modified by our findings herein, is hereby
element of willfulness that the NLRC decision cites is an irrelevant
complaint for illegal dismissal against PAL. AFFIRMED and that part of the dispositive portion of said decision
consideration in arriving at a conclusion on whether the dismissal is
concerning complainant’s entitlement to backwages shall be deemed to
legally proper."36 In other words, "the relevant question to ask is not one
refer to complainant’s entitlement to his full backwages, inclusive of
Labor Arbiter, NLRC and CA Dispositions of willfulness but one of reasonableness of the standard and whether or
allowances and to his other benefits or their monetary equivalent instead
not the employee qualifies or continues to qualify under this standard."37
of simply backwages, from date of dismissal until his actual
On November 18, 1998, Labor Arbiter Valentin C. Reyes ruled13 that reinstatement or finality hereof. Respondent is enjoined to manifests
petitioner was illegally dismissed. The dispositive part of the Arbiter (sic) its choice of the form of the reinstatement of complainant, whether Just like the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC, the CA held that the weight
ruling runs as follows: physical or through payroll within ten (10) days from notice failing which, standards of PAL are reasonable.38 Thus, petitioner was legally dismissed
the same shall be deemed as complainant’s reinstatement through because he repeatedly failed to meet the prescribed weight
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, judgment is hereby rendered, payroll and execution in case of non-payment shall accordingly be issued standards.39 It is obvious that the issue of discrimination was only
declaring the complainant’s dismissal illegal, and ordering the respondent by the Arbiter. Both appeals of respondent thus, are DISMISSEDfor invoked by petitioner for purposes of escaping the result of his dismissal
to reinstate him to his former position or substantially equivalent one, utter lack of merit.25 for being overweight.40
and to pay him:
According to the NLRC, "obesity, or the tendency to gain weight On May 10, 2005, the CA denied petitioner’s motion for
a. Backwages of Php10,500.00 per month from his dismissal on June 15, uncontrollably regardless of the amount of food intake, is a disease in reconsideration.41 Elaborating on its earlier ruling, the CA held that the
1993 until reinstated, which for purposes of appeal is hereby set from itself."26 As a consequence, there can be no intentional defiance or weight standards of PAL are a bona fide occupational qualification which,
June 15, 1993 up to August 15, 1998 at P651,000.00; serious misconduct by petitioner to the lawful order of PAL for him to in case of violation, "justifies an employee’s separation from the
lose weight.27 service."42

b. Attorney’s fees of five percent (5%) of the total award.

Like the Labor Arbiter, the NLRC found the weight standards of PAL to Issues
be reasonable. However, it found as unnecessary the Labor Arbiter
SO ORDERED.14 holding that petitioner was not remiss in the performance of his duties as
In this Rule 45 petition for review, the following issues are posed for
flight steward despite being overweight. According to the NLRC, the
The Labor Arbiter held that the weight standards of PAL are reasonable Labor Arbiter should have limited himself to the issue of whether the
in view of the nature of the job of petitioner.15 However, the weight failure of petitioner to attain his ideal weight constituted willful defiance
standards need not be complied with under pain of dismissal since his of the weight standards of PAL.28 I.
weight did not hamper the performance of his duties.16 Assuming that it
did, petitioner could be transferred to other positions where his weight PAL moved for reconsideration to no avail.29 Thus, PAL elevated the WHETHER OR NOT THE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN
would not be a negative factor.17 Notably, other overweight employees, matter to the Court of Appeals (CA) via a petition for certiorari under HOLDING THATPETITIONER’S OBESITY CAN BE A GROUND FOR
i.e., Mr. Palacios, Mr. Cui, and Mr. Barrios, were promoted instead of Rule 65 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.30 DISMISSAL UNDER PARAGRAPH (e) OF ARTICLE 282 OF THE LABOR
being disciplined.18 CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES;
By Decision dated August 31, 2004, the CA reversed31 the NLRC:
Both parties appealed to the National Labor Relations Commission II.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, we hereby GRANT the petition. The
assailed NLRC decision is declared NULL and VOID and is hereby SET WHETHER OR NOT THE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN
On October 8, 1999, the Labor Arbiter issued a writ of execution ASIDE. The private respondent’s complaint is hereby DISMISSED. No HOLDING THATPETITIONER’S DISMISSAL FOR OBESITY CAN BE
directing the reinstatement of petitioner without loss of seniority rights costs. PREDICATED ON THE "BONA FIDE OCCUPATIONAL QUALIFICATION
and other benefits.20 (BFOQ) DEFENSE";
On February 1, 2000, the Labor Arbiter denied21 the Motion to Quash III.
Writ of Execution22 of PAL.
The CA opined that there was grave abuse of discretion on the part of
the NLRC because it "looked at wrong and irrelevant considerations"33 in WHETHER OR NOT THE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN
On March 6, 2000, PAL appealed the denial of its motion to quash to the evaluating the evidence of the parties. Contrary to the NLRC ruling, the HOLDING THATPETITIONER WAS NOT UNDULY DISCRIMINATED
NLRC.23 weight standards of PAL are meant to be a continuing qualification for an AGAINST WHEN HE WAS DISMISSED WHILE OTHER OVERWEIGHT

CABIN ATTENDANTS WERE EITHER GIVEN FLYING DUTIES OR Petitioner, though, advances a very interesting argument. He claims that offering a valid explanation. Thus, his fluctuating weight indicates
PROMOTED; obesity is a "physical abnormality and/or illness."46 Relying on Nadura v. absence of willpower rather than an illness.
Benguet Consolidated, Inc.,47 he says his dismissal is illegal:
IV. Petitioner cites Bonnie Cook v. State of Rhode Island, Department of
Conscious of the fact that Nadura’s case cannot be made to fall squarely Mental Health, Retardation and Hospitals,52decided by the United States
within the specific causes enumerated in subparagraphs 1(a) to (e), Court of Appeals (First Circuit). In that case, Cook worked from 1978 to
Benguet invokes the provisions of subparagraph 1(f) and says that 1980 and from 1981 to 1986 as an institutional attendant for the
Nadura’s illness – occasional attacks of asthma – is a cause analogous to mentally retarded at the Ladd Center that was being operated by
them. respondent. She twice resigned voluntarily with an unblemished record.
Even respondent admitted that her performance met the Center’s
legitimate expectations. In 1988, Cook re-applied for a similar position.
Even a cursory reading of the legal provision under consideration is
Our Ruling At that time, "she stood 5’2" tall and weighed over 320 pounds."
sufficient to convince anyone that, as the trial court said, "illness cannot
Respondent claimed that the morbid obesity of plaintiff compromised her
be included as an analogous cause by any stretch of imagination."
I. The obesity of petitioner is a ground for dismissal under ability to evacuate patients in case of emergency and it also put her at
Article 282(e) 44 of the Labor Code. greater risk of serious diseases.
It is clear that, except the just cause mentioned in sub-paragraph 1(a),
all the others expressly enumerated in the law are due to the voluntary
A reading of the weight standards of PAL would lead to no other Cook contended that the action of respondent amounted to
and/or willful act of the employee. How Nadura’s illness could be
conclusion than that they constitute a continuing qualification of an discrimination on the basis of a handicap. This was in direct violation of
considered as "analogous" to any of them is beyond our understanding,
employee in order to keep the job. Tersely put, an employee may be Section 504(a) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,53 which incorporates the
there being no claim or pretense that the same was contracted through
dismissed the moment he is unable to comply with his ideal weight as remedies contained in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
his own voluntary act.48
prescribed by the weight standards. The dismissal of the employee Respondent claimed, however, that morbid obesity could never
would thus fall under Article 282(e) of the Labor Code. As explained by constitute a handicap within the purview of the Rehabilitation Act.
The reliance on Nadura is off-tangent. The factual milieu in Nadura is Among others, obesity is a mutable condition, thus plaintiff could simply
the CA:
substantially different from the case at bar.First, Nadura was not decided lose weight and rid herself of concomitant disability.
under the Labor Code. The law applied in that case was Republic Act
x x x [T]he standards violated in this case were not mere "orders" of the (RA) No. 1787. Second, the issue of flight safety is absent in Nadura,
employer; they were the "prescribed weights" that a cabin crew The appellate Court disagreed and held that morbid obesity is a disability
thus, the rationale there cannot apply here. Third, inNadura, the
must maintain in order to qualify for and keep his or her position under the Rehabilitation Act and that respondent discriminated against
employee who was a miner, was laid off from work because of illness,
in the company. In other words, they were standards that Cook based on "perceived" disability. The evidence included expert
i.e., asthma. Here, petitioner was dismissed for his failure to meet the
establish continuing qualifications for an employee’s position. In this testimony that morbid obesity is a physiological disorder. It involves a
weight standards of PAL. He was not dismissed due to illness. Fourth,
sense, the failure to maintain these standards does not fall under Article dysfunction of both the metabolic system and the neurological appetite –
the issue in Nadura is whether or not the dismissed employee is entitled
282(a) whose express terms require the element of willfulness in order suppressing signal system, which is capable of causing adverse effects
to separation pay and damages. Here, the issue centers on the propriety
to be a ground for dismissal. The failure to meet the within the musculoskeletal, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems.
of the dismissal of petitioner for his failure to meet the weight standards
employer’s qualifying standards is in fact a ground that does not Notably, the Court stated that "mutability is relevant only in determining
of PAL.Fifth, in Nadura, the employee was not accorded due process.
squarely fall under grounds (a) to (d) and is therefore one that falls the substantiality of the limitation flowing from a given impairment," thus
Here, petitioner was accorded utmost leniency. He was given more than
under Article 282(e) – the "other causes analogous to the foregoing." "mutability only precludes those conditions that an individual can easily
four (4) years to comply with the weight standards of PAL.
and quickly reverse by behavioral alteration."

By its nature, these "qualifying standards" are norms that apply prior to In the case at bar, the evidence on record militates against petitioner’s
and after an employee is hired. They apply prior to Unlike Cook, however, petitioner is not morbidly obese. In the words of
claims that obesity is a disease. That he was able to reduce his weight
employment because these are the standards a job applicant must the District Court for the District of Rhode Island, Cook was sometime
from 1984 to 1992 clearly shows that it is possible for him to lose weight
initially meet in order to be hired. They apply after hiring because an before 1978 "at least one hundred pounds more than what is considered
given the proper attitude, determination, and self-discipline. Indeed,
employee must continue to meet these standards while on the job in appropriate of her height." According to the Circuit Judge, Cook weighed
during the clarificatory hearing on December 8, 1992, petitioner himself
order to keep his job. Under this perspective, a violation is not one of the "over 320 pounds" in 1988. Clearly, that is not the case here. At his
claimed that "[t]he issue is could I bring my weight down to ideal weight
faults for which an employee can be dismissed pursuant to pars. (a) to heaviest, petitioner was only less than 50 pounds over his ideal weight.
which is 172, then the answer is yes. I can do it now."49
(d) of Article 282; the employee can be dismissed simply because he no
longer "qualifies" for his job irrespective of whether or not the failure to In fine, We hold that the obesity of petitioner, when placed in the
True, petitioner claims that reducing weight is costing him "a lot of
qualify was willful or intentional. x x x45 context of his work as flight attendant, becomes an analogous cause
expenses."50 However, petitioner has only himself to blame. He could
under Article 282(e) of the Labor Code that justifies his dismissal from
have easily availed the assistance of the company physician, per the
the service. His obesity may not be unintended, but is nonetheless
advice of PAL.51He chose to ignore the suggestion. In fact, he repeatedly
voluntary. As the CA correctly puts it, "[v]oluntariness basically means
failed to report when required to undergo weight checks, without
that the just cause is solely attributable to the employee without any
external force influencing or controlling his actions. This element runs In Duncan Association of Detailman-PTGWTO v. Glaxo Wellcome On board an aircraft, the body weight and size of a cabin attendant are
through all just causes under Article 282, whether they be in the nature Philippines, Inc.,70 the Court did not hesitate to pass upon the validity of important factors to consider in case of emergency. Aircrafts have
of a wrongful action or omission. Gross and habitual neglect, a a company policy which prohibits its employees from marrying constricted cabin space, and narrow aisles and exit doors. Thus, the
recognized just cause, is considered voluntary although it lacks the employees of a rival company. It was held that the company policy is arguments of respondent that "[w]hether the airline’s flight attendants
element of intent found in Article 282(a), (c), and (d)."54 reasonable considering that its purpose is the protection of the interests are overweight or not has no direct relation to its mission of transporting
of the company against possible competitor infiltration on its trade passengers to their destination"; and that the weight standards "has
secrets and procedures. nothing to do with airworthiness of respondent’s airlines," must fail.
II. The dismissal of petitioner can be predicated on the bona fide
occupational qualification defense.
Verily, there is no merit to the argument that BFOQ cannot be applied if The rationale in Western Air Lines v. Criswell76 relied upon by petitioner
it has no supporting statute. Too, the Labor Arbiter,71 NLRC,72 and cannot apply to his case. What was involved there were two (2) airline
Employment in particular jobs may not be limited to persons of a
CA73 are one in holding that the weight standards of PAL are reasonable. pilots who were denied reassignment as flight engineers upon reaching
particular sex, religion, or national origin unless the employer can show
A common carrier, from the nature of its business and for reasons of the age of 60, and a flight engineer who was forced to retire at age 60.
that sex, religion, or national origin is an actual qualification for
public policy, is bound to observe extraordinary diligence for the safety They sued the airline company, alleging that the age-60 retirement for
performing the job. The qualification is called a bona fide occupational
of the passengers it transports.74 It is bound to carry its passengers flight engineers violated the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of
qualification (BFOQ).55 In the United States, there are a few federal and
safely as far as human care and foresight can provide, using the utmost 1967. Age-based BFOQ and being overweight are not the same. The
many state job discrimination laws that contain an exception allowing an
diligence of very cautious persons, with due regard for all the case of overweight cabin attendants is another matter. Given the
employer to engage in an otherwise unlawful form of prohibited
circumstances.75 cramped cabin space and narrow aisles and emergency exit doors of the
discrimination when the action is based on a BFOQ necessary to the
airplane, any overweight cabin attendant would certainly have difficulty
normal operation of a business or enterprise.56
navigating the cramped cabin area.
The law leaves no room for mistake or oversight on the part of a
common carrier. Thus, it is only logical to hold that the weight standards
Petitioner contends that BFOQ is a statutory defense. It does not exist if
of PAL show its effort to comply with the exacting obligations imposed In short, there is no need to individually evaluate their ability to perform
there is no statute providing for it.57Further, there is no existing BFOQ
upon it by law by virtue of being a common carrier. their task. That an obese cabin attendant occupies more space than a
statute that could justify his dismissal.58
slim one is an unquestionable fact which courts can judicially recognize
without introduction of evidence.77 It would also be absurd to require
The business of PAL is air transportation. As such, it has committed itself
Both arguments must fail. airline companies to reconfigure the aircraft in order to widen the aisles
to safely transport its passengers. In order to achieve this, it must
and exit doors just to accommodate overweight cabin attendants like
necessarily rely on its employees, most particularly the cabin flight deck
First, the Constitution,59 the Labor Code,60 and RA No. 727761 or the petitioner.
crew who are on board the aircraft. The weight standards of PAL should
Magna Carta for Disabled Persons62 contain provisions similar to BFOQ. be viewed as imposing strict norms of discipline upon its employees.
The biggest problem with an overweight cabin attendant is the possibility
Second, in British Columbia Public Service Employee Commission of impeding passengers from evacuating the aircraft, should the occasion
In other words, the primary objective of PAL in the imposition of the
(BSPSERC) v. The British Columbia Government and Service Employee’s call for it. The job of a cabin attendant during emergencies is to speedily
weight standards for cabin crew is flight safety. It cannot be gainsaid
Union (BCGSEU),63 the Supreme Court of Canada adopted the so-called get the passengers out of the aircraft safely. Being overweight
that cabin attendants must maintain agility at all times in order to inspire
"Meiorin Test" in determining whether an employment policy is justified. necessarily impedes mobility. Indeed, in an emergency situation,
passenger confidence on their ability to care for the passengers when
Under this test, (1) the employer must show that it adopted the standard seconds are what cabin attendants are dealing with, not minutes. Three
something goes wrong. It is not farfetched to say that airline companies,
for a purpose rationally connected to the performance of the job;64 (2) lost seconds can translate into three lost lives. Evacuation might slow
just like all common carriers, thrive due to public confidence on their
the employer must establish that the standard is reasonably down just because a wide-bodied cabin attendant is blocking the narrow
safety records. People, especially the riding public, expect no less than
necessary65 to the accomplishment of that work-related purpose; and (3) aisles. These possibilities are not remote.
that airline companies transport their passengers to their respective
the employer must establish that the standard is reasonably necessary in destinations safely and soundly. A lesser performance is unacceptable.
order to accomplish the legitimate work-related purpose. Similarly, Petitioner is also in estoppel. He does not dispute that the weight
in Star Paper Corporation v. Simbol,66 this Court held that in order to standards of PAL were made known to him prior to his employment. He
The task of a cabin crew or flight attendant is not limited to serving
justify a BFOQ, the employer must prove that (1) the employment is presumed to know the weight limit that he must maintain at all
meals or attending to the whims and caprices of the passengers. The
qualification is reasonably related to the essential operation of the job times.78 In fact, never did he question the authority of PAL when he was
most important activity of the cabin crew is to care for the safety of
involved; and (2) that there is factual basis for believing that all or repeatedly asked to trim down his weight. Bona fides exigit ut quod
passengers and the evacuation of the aircraft when an emergency
substantially all persons meeting the qualification would be unable to convenit fiat. Good faith demands that what is agreed upon shall be
occurs. Passenger safety goes to the core of the job of a cabin
properly perform the duties of the job.67 done. Kung ang tao ay tapat kanyang tutuparin ang
attendant. Truly, airlines need cabin attendants who have the necessary
strength to open emergency doors, the agility to attend to passengers in
In short, the test of reasonableness of the company policy is used cramped working conditions, and the stamina to withstand grueling flight
because it is parallel to BFOQ.68 BFOQ is valid "provided it reflects an schedules. Too, the weight standards of PAL provide for separate weight limitations
inherent quality reasonably necessary for satisfactory job based on height and body frame for both male and female cabin
performance."69 attendants. A progressive discipline is imposed to allow non-compliant
cabin attendants sufficient opportunity to meet the weight standards. Here, the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC inexplicably misappreciated Petitioner cannot take refuge in the pronouncements of the Court in a
Thus, the clear-cut rules obviate any possibility for the commission of evidence. We thus annul their findings. case97 that "[t]he unjustified refusal of the employer to reinstate the
abuse or arbitrary action on the part of PAL. dismissed employee entitles him to payment of his salaries effective from
the time the employer failed to reinstate him despite the issuance of a
To make his claim more believable, petitioner invokes the equal
writ of execution"98 and ""even if the order of reinstatement of the Labor
III. Petitioner failed to substantiate his claim that he was protection clause guaranty86 of the Constitution. However, in the
Arbiter is reversed on appeal, it is obligatory on the part of the employer
discriminated against by PAL. absence of governmental interference, the liberties guaranteed by the
to reinstate and pay the wages of the employee during the period of
Constitution cannot be invoked.87 Put differently, the Bill of Rights is not
appeal until reversal by the higher court."99 He failed to prove that he
meant to be invoked against acts of private individuals.88 Indeed, the
Petitioner next claims that PAL is using passenger safety as a convenient complied with the return to work order of PAL. Neither does it appear on
United States Supreme Court, in interpreting the Fourteenth
excuse to discriminate against him.79We are constrained, however, to record that he actually rendered services for PAL from the moment he
Amendment,89 which is the source of our equal protection guarantee, is
hold otherwise. We agree with the CA that "[t]he element of was dismissed, in order to insist on the payment of his full backwages.
consistent in saying that the equal protection erects no shield against
discrimination came into play in this case as a secondary position for the
private conduct, however discriminatory or wrongful.90 Private actions,
private respondent in order to escape the consequence of dismissal that
no matter how egregious, cannot violate the equal protection In insisting that he be reinstated to his actual position despite being
being overweight entailed. It is a confession-and-avoidance position that
guarantee.91 overweight, petitioner in effect wants to render the issues in the present
impliedly admitted the cause of dismissal, including the reasonableness
case moot. He asks PAL to comply with the impossible. Time and again,
of the applicable standard and the private respondent’s failure to
the Court ruled that the law does not exact compliance with the
comply."80 It is a basic rule in evidence that each party must prove his IV. The claims of petitioner for reinstatement and wages are
affirmative allegation.81 moot.

V. Petitioner is entitled to separation pay.

Since the burden of evidence lies with the party who asserts an As his last contention, petitioner avers that his claims for reinstatement
affirmative allegation, petitioner has to prove his allegation with and wages have not been mooted. He is entitled to reinstatement and
particularity. There is nothing on the records which could support the his full backwages, "from the time he was illegally dismissed" up to the Be that as it may, all is not lost for petitioner.
finding of discriminatory treatment. Petitioner cannot establish time that the NLRC was reversed by the CA.92
discrimination by simply naming the supposed cabin attendants who are
Normally, a legally dismissed employee is not entitled to separation pay.
allegedly similarly situated with him. Substantial proof must be shown as
At this point, Article 223 of the Labor Code finds relevance: This may be deduced from the language of Article 279 of the Labor Code
to how and why they are similarly situated and the differential treatment
that "[a]n employee who is unjustly dismissed from work shall be
petitioner got from PAL despite the similarity of his situation with other
entitled to reinstatement without loss of seniority rights and other
employees. In any event, the decision of the Labor Arbiter reinstating a dismissed or
privileges and to his full backwages, inclusive of allowances, and to his
separated employee, insofar as the reinstatement aspect is concerned,
other benefits or their monetary equivalent computed from the time his
shall immediately be executory, even pending appeal. The employee
Indeed, except for pointing out the names of the supposed overweight compensation was withheld from him up to the time of his actual
shall either be admitted back to work under the same terms and
cabin attendants, petitioner miserably failed to indicate their respective reinstatement." Luckily for petitioner, this is not an ironclad rule.
conditions prevailing prior to his dismissal or separation or, at the option
ideal weights; weights over their ideal weights; the periods they were
of the employer, merely reinstated in the payroll. The posting of a bond
allowed to fly despite their being overweight; the particular flights
by the employer shall not stay the execution for reinstatement provided Exceptionally, separation pay is granted to a legally dismissed employee
assigned to them; the discriminating treatment they got from PAL; and
herein. as an act "social justice,"101 or based on "equity."102 In both instances, it
other relevant data that could have adequately established a case of
is required that the dismissal (1) was not for serious misconduct; and (2)
discriminatory treatment by PAL. In the words of the CA, "PAL really had
does not reflect on the moral character of the employee.103
no substantial case of discrimination to meet."82 The law is very clear. Although an award or order of reinstatement is
self-executory and does not require a writ of execution,93 the option to
exercise actual reinstatement or payroll reinstatement belongs to the Here, We grant petitioner separation pay equivalent to one-half (1/2)
We are not unmindful that findings of facts of administrative agencies,
employer. It does not belong to the employee, to the labor tribunals, or month’s pay for every year of service.104 It should include regular
like the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC, are accorded respect, even
even to the courts. allowances which he might have been receiving.105 We are not blind to
finality.83 The reason is simple: administrative agencies are experts in
the fact that he was not dismissed for any serious misconduct or to any
matters within their specific and specialized jurisdiction.84 But the
act which would reflect on his moral character. We also recognize that
principle is not a hard and fast rule. It only applies if the findings of facts Contrary to the allegation of petitioner that PAL "did everything under
his employment with PAL lasted for more or less a decade.
are duly supported by substantial evidence. If it can be shown that the sun" to frustrate his "immediate return to his previous
administrative bodies grossly misappreciated evidence of such nature so position,"94 there is evidence that PAL opted to physically reinstate him
as to compel a conclusion to the contrary, their findings of facts must to a substantially equivalent position in accordance with the order of the WHEREFORE, the appealed Decision of the Court of Appeals
necessarily be reversed. Factual findings of administrative agencies do Labor Arbiter.95 In fact, petitioner duly received the return to work notice is AFFIRMED but MODIFIED in that petitioner Armando G. Yrasuegui
not have infallibility and must be set aside when they fail the test of on February 23, 2001, as shown by his signature.96 is entitled to separation pay in an amount equivalent to one-half (1/2)
arbitrariness.85 month’s pay for every year of service, which should include his regular
allowances. SO ORDERED.

28 canteen.5 The termination of the concession contract caused the The respondents brought their case, on appeal, to the National Labor
termination of the respondents’ employment, prompting them to file a Relations Commission (NLRC).
complaint for illegal dismissal, with money claims, against SIP and the
Republic of the Philippines spouses Pablo.
The NLRC Ruling
The Compulsory Arbitration Proceedings
In its Decision of August 30, 2007,7 the NLRC found that SIP was the
respondents’ employer, but it sustained the labor arbiter’s ruling that the
The Parties’ Positions employees were not illegally dismissed as the termination of SIP’s
concession to operate the canteen constituted an authorized cause for
G.R. No. 192473 October 11, 2010 the severance of employer-employee relations. Furthermore, the
The respondents alleged before the labor arbiter that they were SIP
respondents’ admission that they applied with GMPC when it terminated
employees, who were illegally dismissed sometime in February and
S.I.P. FOOD HOUSE and MR. and MRS. ALEJANDRO SIP’s concession is an indication that they were employees of SIP and
March 2004. SIP did not implement Wage Order Nos. 5 to 11 for the
PABLO, Petitioners, that they were terminating their employment relationship with it. As the
years 1997 to 2004. They did not receive overtime pay although they
vs. labor arbiter did, the NLRC regarded the closure of SIP’s canteen
worked from 6:30 in the morning until 5:30 in the afternoon, or other
RESTITUTO BATOLINA, ALMER CALUMPISAN, ARIES MALGAPO, operations involuntary, thus, negating the employees’ entitlement to
employee benefits such as service incentive leave, and maternity benefit
(for their co-employee Flordeliza Matias). Their employee contributions
ARWIN MIRANDA, LOPE MATIAS, RAMIL MATIAS, ALLAN STA. were also not remitted to the Social Security System.
INES,Respondents. For failure of SIP to present proof of compliance with the law on the
minimum wage, 13th month pay, and service incentive leave, the NLRC
To avoid liability, SIP argued that it operated the canteen in behalf of
DECISION awarded the respondents a total of P952,865.53 in salary and 13th
GMPC since it had no authority by itself to do so. The respondents were
month pay differentials and service incentive leave pay.9 The NLRC,
not its employees, but GMPC’s, as shown by their identification cards. It
however, denied the employees’ claim for overtime pay, holding that the
BRION, J.: claimed that GMPC terminated its concession and prevented it from
respondents failed to present evidence that they rendered two hours
having access to the canteen premises as GSIS personnel locked the
overtime work every day of their employment with SIP.
place; GMPC then operated the canteen on its own, absorbing the
We resolve the present petition for review on certiorari1 which seeks to respondents for the purpose and assigning them to the same positions
nullify the decision2 and resolution3 of the Court of Appeals (CA), they held with SIP. It maintained that the respondents were not SIP moved for, but failed to secure, a reconsideration of the NLRC
promulgated on November 27, 2009 and May 31, 2010, respectively, in dismissed, but were merely prevented by GMPC from performing their decision. It then elevated the case to the CA through a petition
CA-G.R. SP No. 101651.4 functions. For this reason, SIP posited that the legal obligations that for certiorari charging the NLRC with grave abuse of discretion in
would arise under the circumstances have to be shouldered by GMPC. rendering the assailed decision. Essentially, SIP argued that the NLRC
The Antecedents erred in declaring that it was the respondents’ employer who is liable for
their money claims despite its being a labor-only contractor of GMPC.
The Labor Arbiter’s Decision
The facts are laid out in the assailed CA Decision and are summarized
below. The CA Decision
Labor Arbiter Francisco A. Robles rendered a Decision on June 30, 2005
dismissing the complaint for lack of merit.6 He found that the
The GSIS Multi-Purpose Cooperative (GMPC) is an entity organized by respondents were GMPC’s employees, and not SIP’s, as there existed a In its Decision promulgated on November 27, 2009,10 the CA granted the
the employees of the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS). labor-only contracting relationship between the two entities. The labor petition in part. While it affirmed the award, it found merit in SIP’s
Incidental to its purpose, GMPC wanted to operate a canteen in the new arbiter, however, opined that even if respondents were considered as objection to the NLRC computation and assumption that a month had
GSIS Building, but had no capability and expertise in this area. Thus, it SIP’s employees, their dismissal would still not be illegal because the twenty-six (26) working days, instead of twenty (20) working days. The
engaged the services of the petitioner S.I.P. Food House (SIP), owned termination of its contract to operate the canteen came as a surprise and CA recognized that in a government agency such as the GSIS, there are
by the spouses Alejandro and Esther Pablo, as concessionaire. The was against its will, rendering the canteen’s closure involuntary. only 20 official business days in a month. It noted that the respondents
respondents Restituto Batolina and nine (9) others (the respondents) presented no evidence that the employees worked even outside official
worked as waiters and waitresses in the canteen. business days and hours. It accordingly remanded the case for a
Arbiter Robles likewise denied the employees’ money claims. He ruled
recomputation of the award.
that SIP is not liable for unpaid salaries because it had complied with the
In February 2004, GMPC terminated SIP’s "contract as GMPC minimum statutory requirement and had extended better benefits than
concessionaire," because of GMPC’s decision "to take direct investment GMPC; although they were paid only P160.00 to PP220.00 daily, the Finding substantial evidence in the records supporting the NLRC
in and management of the GMPC canteen;" SIP’s continued refusal to employees were provided with free board and lodging seven (7) days a conclusions, the CA brushed aside SIP’s argument that it could not have
heed GMPC’s directives for service improvement; and the alleged week. Neither were the respondents entitled to overtime pay as it was been the employer of the respondents because it was a mere labor-only
interference of the Pablos’ two sons with the operation of the highly improbable that they regularly worked beyond eight (8) hours contractor of GMPC. It sustained the NLRC’s findings that SIP was the
every day for a canteen that closes after 5:30 p.m. respondents’ employer.
SIP moved for reconsideration, but the CA denied the motion on May 31, We now consider the merits of the case. The CA ruled out SIP’s claim that it was a labor-only contractor or a
2010.11 Hence, the present petition. mere agent of GMPC. We agree with the CA; SIP and its proprietors
could not be considered as mere agents of GMPC because they exercised
The employer-employee relationship issue
the essential elements of an employment relationship with the
The Petition
respondents such as hiring, payment of wages and the power of control,
We affirm the CA ruling that SIP was the respondents’ employer. The not to mention that SIP operated the canteen on its own account as it
SIP seeks a reversal of the appellate court’s ruling that it was the NLRC decision, which the CA affirmed, states: paid a fee for the use of the building and for the privilege of running the
employer of the respondents, claiming that it was merely a labor-only canteen. The fact that the respondents applied with GMPC in February
contractor of GMPC. 2004 when it terminated its contract with SIP, is another clear indication
Respondents have been the concessionaire of GMPC canteen for nine (9)
years (Annex "A" of Complainants’ Sur-Rejoinder…., Records, 302). that the two entities were separate and distinct from each other. We
It insists that it could not be the respondents’ employer as it was not During this period, complainants were employed at the said canteen thus see no reason to disturb the CA’s findings.
allowed to operate a canteen in the GSIS building. It was the GMPC who (Sinumpaang Salaysay of complainants, Records, p. 156). On February
had the authority to undertake the operation. GMPC only engaged SIP’s 29, 2004, respondents’ concession with GMPC was terminated (Annex The respondents’s money claims
services because GMPC had no capability or competence in the area. SIP "C" of Respondents’ Answer and Position Paper, Records, p. 77). When
points out that GMPC assumed responsibility for its acts in operating the respondents were prevented from entering the premises as a result of
We likewise affirm the CA ruling on the monetary award to Batolina and
canteen; all businesses it transacted were under GMPC’s name, as well the termination of their concession, they sent a protest letter dated April
the other complainants.1avvp++i1 The free board and lodging SIP
as the business registration and other permits of the canteen, sales 14, 2004 to GMPC thru their counsel. Pertinent portion of the letter:
furnished the employees cannot operate as a set-off for the
receipts and vouchers for food purchased from the canteen; the
underpayment of their wages. We held in Mabeza v. National Labor
employees were issued individual ID cards by GMPC. In sum, SIP
We write this letter in behalf of our client Mr. & Mrs. Alejandro C. Pablo, Relations Commission15 that the employer cannot simply deduct from the
contends that its arrangement with GMPC was one of
the concessionaires who used to occupy and/or rent the area for a employee’s wages the value of the board and lodging without satisfying
contractor/subcontractor governed by Article 106 of the Labor Code.
cafeteria/canteen at the 2nd Floor of the GSIS Building for the past the following requirements: (1) proof that such facilities are customarily
Lastly, it submits that it was not registered with the Department of Labor
several years. furnished by the trade; (2) voluntary acceptance in writing by the
and Employment as an independent contractor and, therefore, it is
employees of the deductible facilities; and (3) proof of the fair and
presumed to be a labor-only contractor.
Last March 12, 2004, without any court writ or order, and with the aid of reasonable value of the facilities charged. As the CA aptly noted, it is
your armed agents, you physically barredour clients & their clear from the records that SIP failed to comply with these requirements.
The Respondents’ Comment
employees/helpers from entering the said premises and from performing
their usual duties of serving the food requirements of GSIS personnel On the collateral issue of the proper computation of the monetary
Without being required by the Court, the respondents filed their and others. award, we also find the CA ruling to be in order. Indeed, in the absence
comment to SIP’s petition on August 3, 2010.12 They question the of evidence that the employees worked for 26 days a month, no need
propriety of the petition for review on certiorari raising only questions of exists to recompute the award for the respondents who were "explicitly
Clearly, no less than respondents, thru their counsel, admitted that
fact and not of law as required by Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. This claiming for their salaries and benefits for the services rendered from
complainants herein were their employees.
notwithstanding, they submit that the CA committed no error in Monday to Friday or 5 days a week or a total of 20 days a month."16
upholding the NLRC’s findings of facts which established that SIP was
the real employer of Batolina and the other complainants. Thus, SIP was That complainants were employees of respondents is further bolstered
by the fact that respondents do not deny that they were the ones who In light of the foregoing, we find no merit in the petition.
liable to them for their statutory benefits, although it was not made to
answer for their lost employment due to the involuntary nature of the paid complainants salary. When complainants charged them of
canteen’s closure. underpayment, respondents even interposed the defense of file (sic) WHEREFORE, premises considered, we hereby DISMISS the petition
board and lodging given to complainants. for lack of merit. The assailed decision and resolution of the Court of
Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 101651, are AFFIRMED.
The respondents pray that the petition be dismissed for lack of merit.
Furthermore, these IDs issued to complainants bear the signature of
respondent Alejandro C. Pablo (Annexes "J", "K", "M" to "M-2" of SO ORDERED.
The Court’s Ruling
complainant’s Reply. . ., Records, pp. 285 to 290). Likewise, the
memoranda issued to complainants regarding their absences without
We first resolve the alleged impropriety of the petition.13 While it is the leave were signed by respondent Alejandro C. Pablo (Annexes A, C, E, &
general rule that the Court may not review factual findings of the CA, we G, Ibid., Records, pp. 274, 276, 279, 282). All these pieces of evidence
deem it proper to depart from the rule and examine the facts of the case clearly show that respondents are the employer of complainants. (Rollo,
in view of the conflicting factual findings of the labor arbiter, on one pp. 87-88.)
hand, and the NLRC and the CA, on the other.14 We, therefore, hold the
respondents’ position on this point unmeritorious.

29 amount of P145.00, the minimum prescribed daily wage for Region VII. Lastly, petitioners alleged that since the workplaces of private
In July 1997, the amount of P145 was increased to P150.00 by the respondents were all in Manila, the complaint should be filed there.
Regional Wage Board (RWB) and in October of the same year, the latter Thus, petitioners prayed for the dismissal of the complaint for lack of
Republic of the Philippines was increased to P155.00. Sometime in March 1998, Zuñiga and Cañete jurisdiction and utter lack of merit. (Citations omitted.)
SUPREME COURT were engaged again by Lagon as project employees for its PLDT
Manila Antipolo, Rizal project, which ended sometime in (sic) the late
On January 18, 2001, Labor Arbiter Reynoso Belarmino (LA) rendered his
September 1998. As a consequence, Zuñiga and Cañete’s employment
decision5 declaring that his office had jurisdiction to hear and decide the
SECOND DIVISION was terminated. For this project, Zuñiga and Cañete received only the
complaint filed by private respondents. Referring to Rule IV, Sec. 1 (a) of
wage of P145.00 daily. The minimum prescribed wage for Rizal at that
the NLRC Rules of Procedure prevailing at that time,6 the LA ruled that it
time was P160.00.
G.R. No. 172161 March 2, 2011 had jurisdiction because the "workplace," as defined in the said rule,
included the place where the employee was supposed to report back
Sometime in late November 1998, private respondents re-applied in the after a temporary detail, assignment or travel, which in this case was
SLL INTERNATIONAL CABLES SPECIALIST and SONNY L. Racitelcom project of Lagon in Bulacan. Zuñiga and Cañete were re- Cebu.
LAGON, Petitioners, employed. Lopez was also hired for the said specific project. For this,
vs. private respondents received the wage of P145.00. Again, after the
NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION, 4th DIVISION, As to the status of their employment, the LA opined that private
completion of their project in March 1999, private respondents went
ROLDAN LOPEZ, EDGARDO ZUÑIGA and DANILO respondents were regular employees because they were repeatedly hired
home to Cebu City.
CAÑETE, Respondents. by petitioners and they performed activities which were usual, necessary
and desirable in the business or trade of the employer.
On May 21, 1999, private respondents for the 4th time worked with
DECISION Lagon’s project in Camarin, Caloocan City with Furukawa Corporation as
With regard to the underpayment of wages, the LA found that private
the general contractor. Their contract would expire on February 28,
respondents were underpaid. It ruled that the free board and lodging,
MENDOZA, J.: 2000, the period of completion of the project. From May 21, 1997-
electricity, water, and food enjoyed by them could not be included in the
December 1999, private respondents received the wage ofP145.00. At
computation of their wages because these were given without their
this time, the minimum prescribed rate for Manila was P198.00. In
Assailed in this petition for review on certiorari are the January 11, 2006 written consent.
January to February 28, the three received the wage of P165.00. The
Decision1 and the March 31, 2006 Resolution2 of the Court of existing rate at that time was P213.00.
Appeals (CA), in CA-G.R. SP No. 00598 which affirmed with modification The LA, however, found that petitioners were not liable for illegal
the March 31, 2004 Decision3 and December 15, 2004 Resolution4 of the dismissal. The LA viewed private respondents’ act of going home as an
National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC). The NLRC Decision found For reasons of delay on the delivery of imported materials from
act of indifference when petitioners decided to prohibit overtime work.7
the petitioners, SLL International Cables Specialist (SLL) and its Furukawa Corporation, the Camarin project was not completed on the
manager, Sonny L. Lagon(petitioners), not liable for the illegal dismissal scheduled date of completion. Face[d] with economic problem[s], Lagon
of Roldan Lopez, Danilo Cañete and Edgardo Zuñiga (private was constrained to cut down the overtime work of its worker[s][,] In its March 31, 2004 Decision, the NLRC affirmed the findings of the LA.
respondents) but held them jointly and severally liable for payment of including private respondents. Thus, when requested by private In addition, the NLRC noted that not a single report of project
certain monetary claims to said respondents. respondents on February 28, 2000 to work overtime, Lagon refused and completion was filed with the nearest Public Employment Office as
told private respondents that if they insist, they would have to go home required
at their own expense and that they would not be given anymore time by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Department Order
A chronicle of the factual antecedents has been succinctly summarized nor allowed to stay in the quarters. This prompted private respondents No. 19, Series of 1993.8 The NLRC later denied9 the motion for
by the CA as follows: to leave their work and went home to Cebu. On March 3, 2000, private reconsideration10 subsequently filed by petitioners.
respondents filed a complaint for illegal dismissal, non-payment of
Sometime in 1996, and January 1997, private respondents Roldan Lopez wages, holiday pay, 13th month pay for 1997 and 1998 and service When the matter was elevated to the CA on a petition for certiorari, it
(Lopez for brevity) and Danilo Cañete (Cañete for brevity), and Edgardo incentive leave pay as well as damages and attorney’s fees. affirmed the findings that the private respondents were regular
Zuñiga (Zuñiga for brevity) respectively, were hired by petitioner Lagon employees. It considered the fact that they performed functions which
as apprentice or trainee cable/lineman. The three were paid the full In their answers, petitioners admit employment of private respondents were the regular and usual business of petitioners. According to the CA,
minimum wage and other benefits but since they were only trainees, but claimed that the latter were only project employees[,] for their they were clearly members of a work pool from which petitioners drew
they did not report for work regularly but came in as substitutes to the services were merely engaged for a specific project or undertaking and their project employees.
regular workers or in undertakings that needed extra workers to the same were covered by contracts duly signed by private respondents.
expedite completion of work. After their training, Zuñiga, Cañete and Petitioners further alleged that the food allowance ofP63.00 per day as
Lopez were engaged as project employees by the petitioners in their The CA also stated that the failure of petitioners to comply with the
well as private respondents allowance for lodging house, transportation, simple but compulsory requirement to submit a report of termination to
Islacom project in Bohol. Private respondents started on March 15, 1997 electricity, water and snacks allowance should be added to their basic
until December 1997. Upon the completion of their project, their the nearest Public Employment Office every time private respondents’
pay. With these, petitioners claimed that private respondents received employment was terminated was proof that the latter were not project
employment was also terminated. Private respondents received the higher wage rate than that prescribed in Rizal and Manila. employees but regular employees.
The CA likewise found that the private respondents were underpaid. It On November 29, 2006, the Court resolved to issue a Temporary such facilities. In such cases, the employer may deduct from the wages
ruled that the board and lodging, electricity, water, and food enjoyed by Restraining Order (TRO) enjoining the public respondent from enforcing of the employees not more than 70% of the value of the meals and
the private respondents could not be included in the computation of their the NLRC and CA decisions until further orders from the Court. snacks enjoyed by the latter, provided that such deduction is with the
wages because these were given without their written consent. The CA written authorization of the employees concerned.
added that the private respondents were entitled to 13th month pay.
After a thorough review of the records, however, the Court finds no
merit in the petition. Moreover, before the value of facilities can be deducted from the
The CA also agreed with the NLRC that there was no illegal dismissal. employees’ wages, the following requisites must all be
The CA opined that it was the petitioners’ prerogative to grant or deny attendant: first, proof must be shown that such facilities are customarily
This petition generally involves factual issues, such as, whether or not
any request for overtime work and that the private respondents’ act of furnished by the trade; second, the provision of deductible facilities must
there is evidence on record to support the findings of the LA, the NLRC
leaving the workplace after their request was denied was an act of be voluntarily accepted in writing by the employee; and finally, facilities
and the CA that private respondents were project or regular employees
abandonment. must be charged at reasonable value.20 Mere availment is not sufficient
and that their salary differentials had been paid. This calls for a re-
to allow deductions from employees’ wages.21
examination of the evidence, which the Court cannot entertain. Settled is
In modifying the decision of the labor tribunal, however, the CA noted the rule that factual findings of labor officials, who are deemed to have
that respondent Roldan Lopez did not work in the Antipolo project and, acquired expertise in matters within their respective jurisdiction, are These requirements, however, have not been met in this case. SLL failed
thus, was not entitled to wage differentials. Also, in computing the generally accorded not only respect but even finality, and bind the Court to present any company policy or guideline showing that provisions for
differentials for the period January and February 2000, the CA disagreed when supported by substantial evidence. It is not the Court’s function to meals and lodging were part of the employee’s salaries. It also failed to
in the award of differentials based on the minimum daily wage assess and evaluate the evidence provide proof of the employees’ written authorization, much less show
of P223.00, as the prevailing minimum daily wage then was how they arrived at their valuations. At any rate, it is not even clear
only P213.00. Petitioners sought reconsideration but the CA denied it in whether private respondents actually enjoyed said facilities.
all over again, particularly where the findings of both the Labor tribunals
its March 31, 2006 Resolution.11
and the CA concur. 16
The Court, at this point, makes a distinction between "facilities" and
In this petition for review on certiorari,12 petitioners seek the reversal "supplements." It is of the view that the food and lodging, or the
As a general rule, on payment of wages, a party who alleges payment as
and setting aside of the CA decision anchored on this lone: electricity and water allegedly consumed by private respondents in this
a defense has the burden of proving it.17Specifically with respect to labor
case were not facilities but supplements. In the case of Atok-Big Wedge
cases, the burden of proving payment of monetary claims rests on the
Assn. v. Atok-Big Wedge Co.,22 the two terms were distinguished from
GROUND/ASSIGNMENT OF ERROR employer, the rationale being that the pertinent personnel files, payrolls,
one another in this wise:
records, remittances and other similar documents — which will show that
overtime, differentials, service incentive leave and other claims of
workers have been paid — are not in the possession of the worker but in "Supplements," therefore, constitute extra remuneration or special
the custody and absolute control of the employer.18 privileges or benefits given to or received by the laborers over and above
their ordinary earnings or wages. "Facilities," on the other hand, are
items of expense necessary for the laborer's and his family's existence
THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT (DOLE)[,] AND THUS, In this case, petitioners, aside from bare allegations that private
and subsistence so that by express provision of law (Sec. 2[g]), they
THE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN AFFIRMING WITH respondents received wages higher than the prescribed minimum, failed
form part of the wage and when furnished by the employer are
MODIFICATION THE NLRC DECISION IN THE LIGHT OF THE RULING IN to present any evidence, such as payroll or payslips, to support their
deductible therefrom, since if they are not so furnished, the laborer
THE CASE OF JENNY M. AGABON and VIRGILIO AGABON vs, NLRC, ET defense of payment. Thus, petitioners utterly failed to discharge
would spend and pay for them just the same.
AL., GR NO. 158963, NOVEMBER 17, 2004, 442 SCRA 573, [AND the onus probandi.
VS.NAGAKAKAISANG EMPLEYADO NG WELLCOME-DFA (NEW –DFA), ET In short, the benefit or privilege given to the employee which constitutes
Private respondents, on the other hand, are entitled to be paid the
AL., GR NO. 149349, 11 MARCH 2005], WHICH FINDS APPLICATION IN an extra remuneration above and over his basic or ordinary earning or
minimum wage, whether they are regular or non-regular employees.
THE INSTANT CASE BY ANALOGY.13 wage is supplement; and when said benefit or privilege is part of the
laborers' basic wages, it is a facility. The distinction lies not so much in
Section 3, Rule VII of the Rules to Implement the Labor the kind of benefit or item (food, lodging, bonus or sick leave) given, but
Petitioners reiterated their position that the value of the facilities that the
Code19 specifically enumerates those who are not covered by the in the purpose for which it is given.23 In the case at bench, the items
private respondents enjoyed should be included in the computation of
payment of minimum wage. Project employees are not among them. provided were given freely by SLL for the purpose of maintaining the
the "wages" received by them. They argued that the rulings in Agabon v.
efficiency and health of its workers while they were working at their
NLRC14and Glaxo Wellcome Philippines, Inc. v. Nagkakaisang Empleyado
On whether the value of the facilities should be included in the respective projects.1avvphi1
Ng Wellcome-DFA15 should be applied by analogy, in the sense that the
lack of written acceptance of the employees of the facilities enjoyed by computation of the "wages" received by private respondents, Section 1
them should not mean that the value of the facilities could not be of DOLE Memorandum Circular No. 2 provides that an employer may For said reason, the cases of Agabon and Glaxo are inapplicable in this
included in the computation of the private respondents’ "wages." provide subsidized meals and snacks to his employees provided that the case. At any rate, these were cases of dismissal with just and authorized
subsidy shall not be less that 30% of the fair and reasonable value of causes. The present case involves the matter of the failure of the

petitioners to comply with the payment of the prescribed minimum

The Court sustains the deletion of the award of differentials with respect
to respondent Roldan Lopez. As correctly pointed out by the CA, he did
not work for the project in Antipolo.

WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The temporary restraining order

issued by the Court on November 29, 2006 is deemed, as it is hereby
ordered, DISSOLVED.


30 After a series of mandatory conference, both parties partially settled with supplement being enjoyed by the employees cannot be reduced,
regard the issue of merit increase and length of service.9 Subsequently, diminished, discontinued or eliminated by the employer.15 The principle
they filed their respective Position Paper and Reply thereto dealing on of non-diminution of benefits is actually founded on the Constitutional
Republic of the Philippines the two remaining issues of SMI entitlement and illegal deduction. mandate to protect the rights of workers, to promote their welfare, and
SUPREME COURT to afford them full protection.16 In turn, said mandate is the basis of
Manila Article 4 of the Labor Code which states that "all doubts in the
On September 30, 2003, the LA rendered a Decision10 in favor of
implementation and interpretation of this Code, including its
petitioner, directing respondent to reimburse the amount illegally
THIRD DIVISION implementing rules and regulations, shall be rendered in favor of
deducted from petitioner’s retirement package and to integrate therein
his SMI privilege. Upon appeal of respondent, however, the NLRC
G.R. No. 176985 April 1, 2013 modified the award and deleted the payment of SMI.
There is diminution of benefits when the following requisites are present:
(1) the grant or benefit is founded on a policy or has ripened into a
RICARDO E. VERGARA, JR., Petitioner, Petitioner then moved to partially execute the reimbursement of illegal
practice over a long period of time; (2) the practice is consistent and
vs. deduction, which the LA granted despite respondent’s
deliberate; (3) the practice is not due to error in the construction or
COCA-COLA BOTTLERS PHILIPPINES, INC., Respondent. opposition.11 Later, without prejudice to the pendency of petitioner’s
application of a doubtful or difficult question of law; and (4) the
petition for certiorari before the CA, the parties executed a Compromise
diminution or discontinuance is done unilaterally by the employer.18
Agreement12 on October 4, 2006, whereby petitioner acknowledged full
DECISION payment by respondent of the amount of PhP496,016.67 covering the
amount illegally deducted. To be considered as a regular company practice, the employee must
PERALTA, J.: prove by substantial evidence that the giving of the benefit is done over
a long period of time, and that it has been made consistently and
The CA dismissed petitioner’s case on January 9, 2007 and denied his
deliberately.19Jurisprudence has not laid down any hard-and-fast rule as
Before Us is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules motion for reconsideration two months thereafter. Hence, this present
to the length of time that company practice should have been exercised
of Civil Procedure assailing the January 9, 2007 Decision1 and March 6, petition to resolve the singular issue of whether the SMI should be
in order to constitute voluntary employer practice.20 The common
2007 Resolution2 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA .. G.R. SP No. included in the computation of petitioner’s retirement benefits on the
denominator in previously decided cases appears to be the regularity and
94622, which affirmed the January 31, 2006 Decision3 and March 8, ground of consistent company practice. Petitioner insistently avers that
deliberateness of the grant of benefits over a significant period of
2006 Resolution4 of the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) many DSSs who retired without achieving the sales and collection targets
time.21 It requires an indubitable showing that the employer agreed to
modifying the September 30, 2003 Decision5 of the Labor Arbiter (LA) by were given the average SMI in their retirement package.
continue giving the benefit knowing fully well that the employees are not
deleting the sales management incentives in the computation of covered by any provision of the law or agreement requiring payment
petitioner's retirement benefits. We deny. thereof.22 In sum, the benefit must be characterized by regularity,
voluntary and deliberate intent of the employer to grant the benefit over
Petitioner Ricardo E. Vergara, Jr. was an employee of respondent Coca- This case does not fall within any of the recognized exceptions to the a considerable period of time.23
Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc. from May 1968 until he retired on January rule that only questions of law are proper in a petition for review on
31, 2002 as a District Sales Supervisor (DSS) for Las Piñas City, Metro certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. Settled is the rule that Upon review of the entire case records, We find no substantial evidence
Manila. As stipulated in respondent’s existing Retirement Plan Rules and factual findings of labor officials, who are deemed to have acquired to prove that the grant of SMI to all retired DSSs regardless of whether
Regulations at the time, the Annual Performance Incentive Pay of RSMs, expertise in matters within their respective jurisdiction, are generally or not they qualify to the same had ripened into company practice.
DSSs, and SSSs shall be considered in the computation of retirement accorded not only respect but even finality, and bind us when supported Despite more than sufficient opportunity given him while his case was
benefits, as follows: Basic Monthly Salary + Monthly Average by substantial evidence.13Certainly, it is not Our function to assess and pending before the NLRC, the CA, and even to this Court, petitioner
Performance Incentive (which is the total performance incentive earned evaluate the evidence all over again, particularly where the findings of utterly failed to adduce proof to establish his allegation that SMI has
during the year immediately preceding ÷ 12 months) × No. of Years in both the CA and the NLRC coincide. been consistently, deliberately and voluntarily granted to all retired DSSs
Service.6 without any qualification or conditions whatsoever. The only two pieces
In any event, even if this Court would evaluate petitioner's arguments on of evidence that he stubbornly presented throughout the entirety of this
Claiming his entitlement to an additional PhP474,600.00 as Sales its supposed merits, We still find no reason to disturb the CA ruling that case are the sworn statements of Renato C. Hidalgo (Hidalgo) and
Management Incentives (SMI)7 and to the amount of PhP496,016.67 affirmed the NLRC. The findings and conclusions of the CA show that the Ramon V. Velazquez (Velasquez), former DSSs of respondent who
which respondent allegedly deducted illegally, representing the unpaid evidence and the arguments of the parties had all been carefully retired in 2000 and 1998, respectively. They claimed that the SMI was
accounts of two dealers within his jurisdiction, petitioner filed a considered and passed upon. There are no relevant and compelling facts included in their retirement package even if they did not meet the sales
complaint before the NLRC on June 11, 2002 for the payment of his "Full to justify a different resolution which the CA failed to consider as well as and collection qualifiers.24 However, juxtaposing these with the evidence
Retirement Benefits, Merit Increase, Commission/Incentives, Length of no factual conflict between the CA and the NLRC decisions. presented by respondent would reveal the frailty of their statements.
Service, Actual, Moral and Exemplary Damages, and Attorney’s Fees."8
Generally, employees have a vested right over existing benefits The declarations of Hidalgo and Velazquez were sufficiently countered by
voluntarily granted to them by their employer.14Thus, any benefit and respondent through the affidavits executed by Norman R. Biola (Biola),

Moises D. Escasura (Escasura), and Ma. Vanessa R. Balles 1-30 days, which is again, way below the required 90%. For receivables
(Balles).25 Biola pointed out the various stop-gap measures undertaken aged 31-60 days during said year, petitioner’s collection efficiency was at
by respondent beginning 1999 in order to arrest the deterioration of its an average of 56.17% per month, which is approximately half of the
accounts receivables balance, two of which relate to the policies on the required 100%. Worse, for receivables over 60 days old, petitioner’s
grant of SMI and to the change in the management structure of average collection efficiency per month was a reprehensively low
respondent upon its re-acquisition by San Miguel Corporation. Escasura 14.10% as against the required 100%.29
represented that he has personal knowledge of the circumstances behind
the retirement of Hidalgo and Velazquez. He attested that contrary to
The above data was repeatedly raised by respondent in its Rejoinder (To
petitioner’s claim, Hidalgo was in fact qualified for the SMI. As for
Complainant’s Reply) before the LA,30Memorandum of Appeal31 and
Velazquez, Escasura asserted that even if he (Velazquez) did not qualify
Opposition (To Complainant-Appellee’s Motion for
for the SMI, respondent’s General Manager in its Calamba plant still
Reconsideration)32 before the NLRC, and Comment (On the
granted his (Velazquez) request, along with other numerous
Petition),33 Memorandum (For the Private Respondent),34 and Comment
concessions, to achieve industrial peace in the plant which was then
(On the Motion for Reconsideration)35 before the CA. Instead of frontally
experiencing labor relations problems. Lastly, Balles confirmed that
rebutting the data, petitioner treated them with deafening silence; thus,
petitioner failed to meet the trade receivable qualifiers of the SMI. She
reasonably and logically implying lack of evidence to support the
also cited the cases of Ed Valencia (Valencia) and Emmanuel Gutierrez
(Gutierrez), both DSSs of respondent who retired on January 31, 2002
and December 30, 2002, respectively. She noted that, unlike Valencia,
Gutierrez also did not receive the SMI as part of his retirement pay, since WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The January 9, 2007 Decision and
he failed to qualify under the policy guidelines. The verity of all these March 6, 2007 Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No.
statements and representations stands and holds true to Us, considering 94622, which affirmed the January 31, 2006 Decision and March 8, 2006
that petitioner did not present any iota of proof to debunk the Resolution of the NLRC deleting the LA's inclusion of sales management
same.1âwphi1 incentives in the computation of petitioner's retirement benefits, is
hereby AFFIRMED.
Therefore, respondent's isolated act of including the SMI in the
retirement package of Velazquez could hardly be classified as a company SO ORDERED.
practice that may be considered an enforceable obligation. To repeat,
the principle against diminution of benefits is applicable only if the grant
or benefit is founded on an express policy or has ripened into a practice
over a long period of time which is consistent and deliberate; it
presupposes that a company practice, policy and tradition favorable to
the employees has been clearly established; and that the payments
made by the company pursuant to it have ripened into benefits enjoyed
by them.26 Certainly, a practice or custom is, as a general rule, not a
source of a legally demandable or enforceable right.27 Company practice,
just like any other fact, habits, customs, usage or patterns of conduct,
must be proven by the offering party who must allege and establish
specific, repetitive conduct that might constitute evidence of habit or
company practice.28

To close, We rule that petitioner could have salvaged his case had he
step up to disprove respondent’s contention that he miserably failed to
meet the collection qualifiers of the SMI. Respondent argues that −

An examination of the Company’s aged trial balance reveals that

petitioner did not meet the trade receivable qualifier. On the contrary,
the said trial balance reveals that petitioner had a large amount of
uncollected overdue accounts. For the year 2001, his percentage
collection efficiency for current issuance was at an average of 13.5% a
month as against the required 70%. For the same, petitioner’s collection
efficiency was at an average of 60.25% per month for receivables aged
31 operations is finished. Thus, the second shift varies and may end beyond Thus, the process of arbitration continued and the parties appointed the
eight (8) hours. However, the bottling operators are compensated with chairperson and members of the Arbitration Committee as outlined in the
overtime pay if the shift extends beyond eight (8) hours. For Bottling CBA. Petitioner and respondent respectively appointed as members to
Republic of the Philippines Line 1, 10 bottling operators work for each shift while 6 to 7 bottling the Arbitration Committee Mr. Raul A. Kapuno, Jr. and Mr. Luis Ruiz
SUPREME COURT operators work for each shift for Bottling Line 2. while they both chose Atty. Alice Morada as chairperson thereof. They
Baguio City then executed a Submission Agreement which was accepted by the
Arbitration Committee on 01 October 2009. As contained in the
Each shift has rotations of work time and break time. Prior to September
THIRD DIVISION Submission Agreement, the sole issue for arbitration is whether the
2008, the rotation is this: after two and a half (2 ½) hours of work, the
removal of chairs of the operators assigned at the
bottling operators are given a 30-minute break and this goes on until the
production/manufacturing line while performing their duties and
G.R. No. 198783 April 15, 2013 shift ends. In September 2008 and up to the present, the rotation has
responsibilities is valid or not.
changed and bottling operators are now given a 30-minute break after
one and one half (1 ½) hours of work.
ROYAL PLANT WORKERS UNION, Petitioner, Both parties submitted their position papers and other subsequent
vs. pleadings in amplification of their respective stands. Petitioner argued
COCA-COLA BOTTLERS PHILIPPINES, INC.-CEBU In 1974, the bottling operators of then Bottling Line 2 were provided
that the removal of the chairs is valid as it is a legitimate exercise of
PLANT, Respondent. with chairs upon their request. In 1988, the bottling operators of then
management prerogative, it does not violate the Labor Code and it does
Bottling Line 1 followed suit and asked to be provided also with chairs.
not violate the CBA it contracted with respondent. On the other hand,
Their request was likewise granted. Sometime in September 2008, the
DECISION respondent espoused the contrary view. It contended that the bottling
chairs provided for the operators were removed pursuant to a national
operators have been performing their assigned duties satisfactorily with
directive of petitioner. This directive is in line with the "I Operate, I
the presence of the chairs; the removal of the chairs constitutes a
MENDOZA, J.: Maintain, I Clean" program of petitioner for bottling operators, wherein
violation of the Occupational Health and Safety Standards, the policy of
every bottling operator is given the responsibility to keep the machinery
the State to assure the right of workers to just and humane conditions of
and equipment assigned to him clean and safe. The program reinforces
Assailed in this petition is the May 24, 2011 Decision1 and the September work as stated in Article 3 of the Labor Code and the Global Workplace
the task of bottling operators to constantly move about in the
2, 2011 Resolution2 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. Rights Policy.
performance of their duties and responsibilities.
05200, entitled Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc.-Cebu Plant v. Royal
Plant Workers Union, which nullified and set aside the June 11, 2010 Ruling of the Arbtration Committee
Decision3 of the Voluntary Arbitration Panel (Arbitration Committee) in a With this task of moving constantly to check on the machinery and
case involving the removal of chairs in the bottling plant of Coca-Cola equipment assigned to him, a bottling operator does not need a chair
Bottlers Philippines, Inc. (CCBPI). anymore, hence, petitioner’s directive to remove them. Furthermore, On June 11, 2010, the Arbitration Committee rendered a decision in
CCBPI rationalized that the removal of the chairs is implemented so that favor of the Royal Plant Workers Union (the Union) and against CCBPI,
the bottling operators will avoid sleeping, thus, prevent injuries to their the dispositive portion of which reads, as follows:
The Factual and Procedural persons. As bottling operators are working with machines which consist
of moving parts, it is imperative that they should not fall asleep as to do
Wherefore, the undersigned rules in favor of ROPWU declaring that the
Antecedents so would expose them to hazards and injuries. In addition, sleeping will
removal of the operators chairs is not valid. CCBPI is hereby ordered to
hamper the efficient flow of operations as the bottling operators would
restore the same for the use of the operators as before their removal in
be unable to perform their duties competently.
The factual and procedural antecedents have been accurately recited in 2008.4
the May 24, 2011 CA decision as follows:
The bottling operators took issue with the removal of the chairs.
The Arbitration Committee ruled, among others, that the use of chairs by
Through the representation of herein respondent, they initiated the
Petitioner Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc. (CCBPI) is a domestic the operators had been a company practice for 34 years in Bottling Line
grievance machinery of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) in
corporation engaged in the manufacture, sale and distribution of 2, from 1974 to 2008, and 20 years in Bottling Line 1, from 1988 to
November 2008. Even after exhausting the remedies contained in the
softdrink products. It has several bottling plants all over the country, one 2008; that the use of the chairs by the operators constituted a company
grievance machinery, the parties were still at a deadlock with petitioner
of which is located in Cebu City. Under the employ of each bottling plant practice favorable to the Union; that it ripened into a benefit after it had
still insisting on the removal of the chairs and respondent still against
are bottling operators. In the case of the plant in Cebu City, there are 20 been enjoyed by it; that any benefit being enjoyed by the employees
such measure. As such, respondent sent a Notice to Arbitrate, dated 16
bottling operators who work for its Bottling Line 1 while there are 12-14 could not be reduced, diminished, discontinued, or eliminated by the
July 2009, to petitioner stating its position to submit the issue on the
bottling operators who man its Bottling Line 2. All of them are male and employer in accordance with Article 100 of the Labor Code, which
removal of the chairs for arbitration. Nevertheless, before submitting to
they are members of herein respondent Royal Plant Workers Union prohibited the diminution or elimination by the employer of the
arbitration the issue, both parties availed of the conciliation/mediation
(ROPWU). employees’ benefit; and that jurisprudence had not laid down any rule
proceedings before the National Conciliation and Mediation Board
requiring a specific minimum number of years before a benefit would
(NCMB) Regional Branch No. VII. They failed to arrive at an amicable
constitute a voluntary company practice which could not be unilaterally
The bottling operators work in two shifts. The first shift is from 8 a.m. to settlement.
withdrawn by the employer.
5 p.m. and the second shift is from 5 p.m. up to the time production

The Arbitration Committee further stated that, although the removal of bottling operators could efficiently supervise these machineries’ In advocacy of its positions, the Union argues that the proper remedy in
the chairs was done in good faith, CCBPI failed to present evidence operations and maintenance. It would also be beneficial for them challenging the decision of the Arbitration Committee before the CA is a
regarding instances of sleeping while on duty. There were no specific because the working time before the break in each rotation for each shift petition for certiorari under Rule 65. The petition for review under Rule
details as to the number of incidents of sleeping on duty, who were was substantially reduced from two and a half hours (2 ½ ) to one and a 43 resorted to by CCBPI should have been dismissed for being an
involved, when these incidents happened, and what actions were taken. half hours (1 ½) before the 30-minute break. This scheme was clearly improper remedy. The Union points out that the parties agreed to submit
There was no evidence either of any accident or injury in the many years advantageous to the bottling operators as the number of resting periods the unresolved grievance involving the removal of chairs to voluntary
that the bottling operators used chairs. To the Arbitration Committee, it was increased. CCBPI had the best intentions in removing the chairs arbitration pursuant to the provisions of Article V of the existing CBA.
was puzzling why it took 34 and 20 years for CCBPI to be so solicitous of because some bottling operators had the propensity to fall asleep while Hence, the assailed decision of the Arbitration Committee is a judgment
the bottling operators’ safety that it removed their chairs so that they on the job and sleeping on the job ran the risk of injury exposure and or final order issued under the Labor Code of the Philippines. Section 2,
would not fall asleep and injure themselves. removing them reduced the risk. Rule 43 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, expressly states that the
said rule does not cover cases under the Labor Code of the Philippines.
The judgments or final orders of the Voluntary Arbitrator or Panel of
Finally, the Arbitration Committee was of the view that, contrary to The CA added that the decision of CCBPI to remove the chairs was not
Voluntary Arbitrators are governed by the provisions of Articles 260, 261,
CCBPI’s position, line efficiency was the result of many factors and it done for the purpose of defeating or circumventing the rights of its
262, 262-A, and 262-B of the Labor Code of the Philippines.
could not be attributed solely to one such as the removal of the chairs. employees under the special laws, the Collective Bargaining Agreement
(CBA) or the general principles of justice and fair play. It opined that the
principles of justice and fair play were not violated because, when the On the substantive aspect, the Union argues that there is no connection
Not contented with the Arbitration Committee’s decision, CCBPI filed a
chairs were removed, there was a commensurate reduction of the between CCBPI’s "I Operate, I Maintain, I Clean" program and the
petition for review under Rule 43 before the CA.
working time for each rotation in each shift. The provision of chairs for removal of the chairs because the implementation of the program was in
the bottling operators was never part of the CBAs contracted between 2006 and the removal of the chairs was done in 2008. The 30-minute
Ruling of the CA the Union and CCBPI. The chairs were not provided as a benefit because break is part of an operator’s working hours and does not make any
such matter was dependent upon the exigencies of the work of the difference. The frequency of the break period is not advantageous to the
On May 24, 2011, the CA rendered a contrasting decision which nullified bottling operators. As such, CCBPI could withdraw this provision if it was operators because it cannot compensate for the time they are made to
and set aside the decision of the Arbitration Committee. The dispositive not necessary in the exigencies of the work, if it was not contributing to stand throughout their working time. The bottling operators get tired
portion of the CA decision reads: the efficiency of the bottling operators or if it would expose them to and exhausted after their tour of duty even with chairs around. How
some hazards. Lastly, the CA explained that the provision of chairs to the much more if the chairs are removed?
bottling operators cannot be covered by Article 100 of the Labor Code on
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is hereby GRANTED and elimination or diminution of benefits because the employee’s benefits
the Decision, dated 11 June 2010, of the Arbitration Committee in The Union further claims that management prerogatives are not absolute
referred to therein mainly involved monetary considerations or privileges
AC389-VII-09-10-2009D is NULLIFIED and SET ASIDE. A new one is but subject to certain limitations found in law, a collective bargaining
converted to their monetary equivalent.
entered in its stead SUSTAINING the removal of the chairs of the agreement, or general principles of fair play and justice. The operators
bottling operators from the manufacturing/production line.5 have been performing their assigned duties and responsibilities
Disgruntled with the adverse CA decision, the Union has come to this satisfactorily for thirty (30) years using chairs. There is no record of poor
Court praying for its reversal on the following GROUNDS performance because the operators are sitting all the time. There is no
The CA held, among others, that the removal of the chairs from the single incident when the attention of an operator was called for failure to
manufacturing/production lines by CCBPI is within the province of carry out his assigned tasks. CCBPI has not submitted any evidence to
management prerogatives; that it was part of its inherent right to control I
prove that the performance of the operators was poor before the
and manage its enterprise effectively; and that since it was the removal of the chairs and that it has improved after the chairs were
employer’s discretion to constantly develop measures or means to THAT WITH DUE RESPECT, THE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED removed. The presence of chairs for more than 30 years made the
optimize the efficiency of its employees and to keep its machineries and REVERSIBLE ERROR IN HOLDING THAT A PETITION FOR REVIEW operators awake and alert as they could relax from time to time. There
equipment in the best of conditions, it was only appropriate that it UNDER RULE 43 OF THE RULES OF COURT IS THE PROPER REMEDY OF are sanctions for those caught sleeping while on duty. Before the
should be given wide latitude in exercising it. CHALLENGING BEFORE SAID COURT THE DECISION OF THE removal of the chairs, the efficiency of the operators was much better
VOLUNTARY ARBITRATOR OR PANEL OF VOLUNTARY ARBITRATORS and there was no recorded accident. After the removal of the chairs, the
The CA stated that CCBPI complied with the conditions of a valid UNDER THE LABOR CODE. efficiency of the operators diminished considerably, resulting in the
exercise of a management prerogative when it decided to remove the drastic decline of line efficiency.
chairs used by the bottling operators in the manufacturing/production II
lines. The removal of the chairs was solely motivated by the best Finally, the Union asserts that the removal of the chairs constitutes
intentions for both the Union and CCBPI, in line with the "I Operate, I violation of the Occupational Health and Safety Standards, which provide
Maintain, I Clean" program for bottling operators, wherein every bottling that every company shall keep and maintain its workplace free from
operator was given the responsibility to keep the machinery and hazards that are likely to cause physical harm to the workers or damage
equipment assigned to him clean and safe. The program would reinforce to property. The removal of the chairs constitutes a violation of the State
the task of bottling operators to constantly move about in the policy to assure the right of workers to a just and humane condition of
performance of their duties and responsibilities. Without the chairs, the work pursuant to Article 3 of the Labor Code and of CCBPI’s Global
Workplace Rights Policy. Hence, the unilateral withdrawal, elimination or CCBPI is correct. This procedural issue being debated upon is not novel. The Court took into account this exception in Luzon Development Bank
removal of the chairs, which have been in existence for more than 30 The Court has already ruled in a number of cases that a decision or but, nevertheless, held that the decisions of voluntary arbitrators issued
years, constitutes a violation of existing practice. award of a voluntary arbitrator is appealable to the CA via a petition for pursuant to the Labor Code do not come within its ambit x x x."
review under Rule 43. The recent case of Samahan Ng Mga
Manggagawa Sa Hyatt (SAMASAH-NUWHRAIN) v. Hon. Voluntary
The respondent’s position Furthermore, Sections 1, 3 and 4, Rule 43 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
Arbitrator Buenaventura C. Magsalin and Hotel Enterprises of the
Procedure, as amended, provide:
Philippines6 reiterated the well-settled doctrine on this issue, to wit:
CCBPI reiterates the ruling of the CA that a petition for review under
Rule 43 of the Rules of Court was the proper remedy to question the "SECTION 1. Scope. - This Rule shall apply to appeals from judgments or
In the case of Samahan ng mga Manggagawa sa Hyatt-NUWHRAIN-APL
decision of the Arbitration Committee. It likewise echoes the ruling of the final orders of the Court of Tax Appeals and from awards, judgments,
v. Bacungan,7 we repeated the well-settled rule that a decision or award
CA that the removal of the chairs was a legitimate exercise of final orders or resolutions of or authorized by any quasi-judicial agency
of a voluntary arbitrator is appealable to the CA via petition for review
management prerogative; that it was done not to harm the bottling in the exercise of its quasi-judicial functions. Among these agencies are
under Rule 43. We held that:
operators but for the purpose of optimizing their efficiency and CCBPI’s the x x x, and voluntary arbitrators authorized by law.
machineries and equipment; and that the exercise of its management
prerogative was done in good faith and not for the purpose of "The question on the proper recourse to assail a decision of a voluntary
circumventing the rights of the employees under the special laws, the arbitrator has already been settled in Luzon Development Bank v.
CBA or the general principles of justice and fair play. Association of Luzon Development Bank Employees, where the Court
held that the decision or award of the voluntary arbitrator or panel of SEC. 3. Where to appeal. - An appeal under this Rule may be taken to
arbitrators should likewise be appealable to the Court of Appeals, in line the Court of Appeals within the period and in the manner therein
The Court’s Ruling
with the procedure outlined in Revised Administrative Circular No. 1-95 provided, whether the appeal involves questions of fact, of law, or mixed
(now embodied in Rule 43 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure), just like questions of fact and law.
The decision in this case rests on the resolution of two basic questions. those of the quasi-judicial agencies, boards and commissions
First, is an appeal to the CA via a petition for review under Rule 43 of enumerated therein, and consistent with the original purpose to provide SEC. 4. Period of appeal. - The appeal shall be taken within fifteen (15)
the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure a proper remedy to question the a uniform procedure for the appellate review of adjudications of all days from notice of the award, judgment, final order or resolution, or
decision of the Arbitration Committee? Second, was the removal of the quasi-judicial entities. from the date of its last publication, if publication is required by law for
bottling operators’ chairs from CCBPI’s production/manufacturing lines a
its effectivity, or of the denial of petitioner’s motion for new trial or
valid exercise of a management prerogative?
Subsequently, in Alcantara, Jr. v. Court of Appeals, and Nippon Paint reconsideration duly filed in accordance with the governing law of the
Employees Union-Olalia v. Court of Appeals, the Court reiterated the court or agency a quo. x x x. (Emphasis supplied.)’
The Court sustains the ruling of the CA on both issues. aforequoted ruling. In Alcantara, the Court held that notwithstanding
Section 2 of Rule 43, the ruling in Luzon Development Bank still stands. Hence, upon receipt on May 26, 2003 of the Voluntary Arbitrator’s
Regarding the first issue, the Union insists that the CA erred in ruling The Court explained, thus: Resolution denying petitioner’s motion for reconsideration, petitioner
that the recourse taken by CCBPI in appealing the decision of the should have filed with the CA, within the fifteen (15)-day reglementary
Arbitration Committee was proper. It argues that the proper remedy in ‘The provisions may be new to the Rules of Court but it is far from being period, a petition for review, not a petition for certiorari.
challenging the decision of the Voluntary Arbitrator before the CA is by a new law. Section 2, Rules 42 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, as
filing a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, not a presently worded, is nothing more but a reiteration of the exception to On the second issue, the Union basically claims that the CCBPI’s decision
petition for review under Rule 43. the exclusive appellate jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals, as provided to unilaterally remove the operators’ chairs from the
for in Section 9, Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, as amended by Republic Act production/manufacturing lines of its bottling plants is not valid because
CCBPI counters that the CA was correct in ruling that the recourse it took No. 7902: it violates some fundamental labor policies. According to the Union, such
in appealing the decision of the Arbitration Committee to the CA via a removal constitutes a violation of the 1) Occupational Health and Safety
petition for review under Rule 43 of the Rules of Court was proper and in (3) Exclusive appellate jurisdiction over all final judgments, decisions, Standards which provide that every worker is entitled to be provided by
conformity with the rules and prevailing jurisprudence. resolutions, orders or awards of Regional Trial Courts and quasi-judicial the employer with appropriate seats, among others; 2) policy of the
agencies, instrumentalities, boards or commissions, including the State to assure the right of workers to a just and humane condition of
Securities and Exchange Commission, the Employees’ Compensation work as provided for in Article 3 of the Labor Code;8 3) Global Workplace
A Petition for Review
Commission and the Civil Service Commission, except those falling within Rights Policy of CCBPI which provides for a safe and healthy workplace
the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in accordance with the by maintaining a productive workplace and by minimizing the risk of
under Rule 43 is the Constitution, the Labor Code of the Philippines under Presidential Decree accident, injury and exposure to health risks; and 4) diminution of
No. 442, as amended, the provisions of this Act and of subparagraph (1) benefits provided in Article 100 of the Labor Code.9
proper remedy of the third paragraph and subparagraph (4) of the fourth paragraph of
Section 17 of the Judiciary Act of 1948.’ Opposing the Union’s argument, CCBPI mainly contends that the removal
of the subject chairs is a valid exercise of management prerogative. The

management decision to remove the subject chairs was made in good The rights of the Union under any labor law were not violated. There is Workers who spend most of their working time seated may also
faith and did not intend to defeat or circumvent the rights of the Union no law that requires employers to provide chairs for bottling operators. experience other, less specific adverse health effects. Common effects
under the special laws, the CBA and the general principles of justice and The CA correctly ruled that the Labor Code, specifically Article include decreased fitness, reduced heart and lung efficiency, and
fair play. 13211 thereof, only requires employers to provide seats for women. No digestive problems. Recent research has identified too much sitting as an
similar requirement is mandated for men or male workers. It must be important part of the physical activity and health equation, and suggests
stressed that all concerned bottling operators in this case are men. we should focus on the harm caused by daily inactivity such as
Again, the Court agrees with CCBPI on the matter.
prolonged sitting.
Associate professor David Dunstan leads a team at the Baker IDI in
There was no violation either of the Health, Safety and Social Welfare
A Valid Exercise of Melbourne which is specifically researching sitting and physical activity.
Benefit provisions under Book IV of the Labor Code of the Philippines. As
He has found that people who spend long periods of time seated (more
shown in the foregoing, the removal of the chairs was compensated by
Management Prerogative than four hours per day) were at risk of:
the reduction of the working hours and increase in the rest period. The
directive did not expose the bottling operators to safety and health
The Court has held that management is free to regulate, according to its hazards. ● higher blood levels of sugar and fats,
own discretion and judgment, all aspects of employment, including
hiring, work assignments, working methods, time, place, and manner of The Union should not complain too much about standing and moving ● larger waistlines, and
work, processes to be followed, supervision of workers, working about for one and one-half (1 ½) hours because studies show that
regulations, transfer of employees, work supervision, lay-off of workers, sitting in workplaces for a long time is hazardous to one’s health. The
● higher risk of metabolic syndrome
and discipline, dismissal and recall of workers. The exercise of report of VicHealth, Australia,12 disclosed that "prolonged workplace
management prerogative, however, is not absolute as it must be sitting is an emerging public health and occupational health issue with
exercised in good faith and with due regard to the rights of labor.10 serious implications for the health of our working population. regardless of how much moderate to vigorous exercise they had.
Importantly, prolonged sitting is a risk factor for poor health and early
In the present controversy, it cannot be denied that CCBPI removed the death, even among those who meet, or exceed, national13 activity In addition, people who interrupted their sitting time more often just by
operators’ chairs pursuant to a national directive and in line with its "I guidelines." In another report,14 it was written: standing or with light activities such as housework, shopping, and
Operate, I Maintain, I Clean" program, launched to enable the Union to moving about the office had healthier blood sugar and fat levels, and
perform their duties and responsibilities more efficiently. The chairs were Workers needing to spend long periods in a seated position on the job smaller waistlines than those whose sitting time was not broken up.
not removed indiscriminately. They were carefully studied with due such as taxi drivers, call centre and office workers, are at risk for injury
regard to the welfare of the members of the Union. The removal of the and a variety of adverse health effects. Of course, in this case, if the chairs would be returned, no risks would be
chairs was compensated by: a) a reduction of the operating hours of the
involved because of the shorter period of working time. The study was
bottling operators from a two-and-one-half (2 ½)-hour rotation period to
The most common injuries occur in the muscles, bones, tendons and cited just to show that there is a health risk in prolonged sitting.
a one-and-a-half (1 ½) hour rotation period; and b) an increase of the
ligaments, affecting the neck and lower back regions. Prolonged sitting:
break period from 15 to 30 minutes between rotations.
No Violation of the CBA
● reduces body movement making muscles more likely to pull, cramp or
Apparently, the decision to remove the chairs was done with good
strain when stretched suddenly, causes fatigue in the back and neck The CBA15 between the Union and CCBPI contains no provision
intentions as CCBPI wanted to avoid instances of operators sleeping on
muscles by slowing the blood supply and puts high tension on the spine, whatsoever requiring the management to provide chairs for the
the job while in the performance of their duties and responsibilities and
especially in the low back or neck, and operators in the production/manufacturing line while performing their
because of the fact that the chairs were not necessary considering that
the operators constantly move about while working. In short, the duties and responsibilities. On the contrary, Section 2 of Article 1 of the
removal of the chairs was designed to increase work efficiency. Hence, ● causes a steady compression on the spinal discs that hinders their CBA expressly provides as follows:
CCBPI’s exercise of its management prerogative was made in good faith nutrition and can contribute to their premature degeneration.
without doing any harm to the workers’ rights. Article I
Sedentary employees may also face a gradual deterioration in health if
The fact that there is no proof of any operator sleeping on the job is of they do not exercise or do not lead an otherwise physically active life. SCOPE
no moment. There is no guarantee that such incident would never The most common health problems that these employees experience are
happen as sitting on a chair is relaxing. Besides, the operators constantly disorders in blood circulation and injuries affecting their ability to move.
move about while doing their job. The ultimate purpose is to promote Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), where a clot forms in a large vein after SECTION 2. Scope of the Agreement. All the terms and conditions of
work efficiency. prolonged sitting (eg after a long flight) has also been shown to be a employment of employees and workers within the appropriate bargaining
risk. unit (as defined in Section 1 hereof) are embodied in this Agreement and
the same shall govern the relationship between the COMPANY and such
No Violation of Labor Laws employees and/or workers. On the other hand, all such benefits and/or
privileges as are not expressly provided for in this Agreement but which

are now being accorded, may in the future be accorded, or might have Such benefits or privileges form part of the employees’ wage, salary or SO ORDERED.
previously been accorded, to the employees and/or workers, shall be compensation making them enforceable obligations.
deemed as purely voluntary acts on the part of the COMPANY in each
case, and the continuance and repetition thereof now or in the future, no
This Court has already decided several cases regarding the non-
matter how long or how often, shall not be construed as establishing an
diminution rule where the benefits or privileges involved in those cases
obligation on the part of the COMPANY. It is however understood that
mainly concern monetary considerations or privileges with monetary
any benefits that are agreed upon by and between the COMPANY and
equivalents. Some of these cases are: Eastern Telecommunication Phils.
the UNION in the Labor-Management Committee Meetings regarding the
Inc. v. Eastern Telecoms Employees Union,17 where the case involves the
terms and conditions of employment outside the CBA that have general
payment of 14th, 15th and 16th month bonuses; Central Azucarera De
application to employees who are similarly situated in a Department or in
Tarlac v. Central Azucarera De Tarlac Labor Union-NLU,18 regarding the
the Plant shall be implemented. [emphasis and underscoring supplied]
13th month pay, legal/special holiday pay, night premium pay and
vacation and sick leaves; TSPIC Corp. v. TSPIC Employees
As can be gleaned from the aforecited provision, the CBA expressly Union,19 regarding salary wage increases; and American Wire and Cable
provides that benefits and/or privileges, not expressly given therein but Daily Employees Union vs. American Wire and Cable Company,
which are presently being granted by the company and enjoyed by the Inc.,20 involving service awards with cash incentives, premium pay,
employees, shall be considered as purely voluntary acts by the Christmas party with incidental benefits and promotional increase.
management and that the continuance of such benefits and/or
privileges, no matter how long or how often, shall not be understood as
In this regard, the Court agrees with the CA when it resolved the matter
establishing an obligation on the company’s part. Since the matter of the
and wrote:
chairs is not expressly stated in the CBA, it is understood that it was a
purely voluntary act on the part of CCBPI and the long practice did not
convert it into an obligation or a vested right in favor of the Union. Let it be stressed that the aforequoted article speaks of non-diminution
of supplements and other employee benefits. Supplements arc privileges
given to an employee which constitute as extra remuneration besides his
No Violation of the general principles
or her basic ordinary earnings and wages. From this definition, We can
only deduce that the other employee benefits spoken of by Article 100
of justice and fair play pertain only to those which are susceptible of monetary considerations.
Indeed, this could only be the most plausible conclusion because the
cases tackling Article 100 involve mainly with monetary considerations or
The Court completely agrees with the CA ruling that the removal of the
privileges converted to their monetary equivalents.
chairs did not violate the general principles of justice and fair play
because the bottling operators’ working time was considerably reduced
from two and a half (2 ½) hours to just one and a half (1 ½) hours and xxxx
the break period, when they could sit down, was increased to 30
minutes between rotations. The bottling operators’ new work schedule is
Without a doubt, equating the provision of chairs to the bottling
certainly advantageous to them because it greatly increases their rest
operators Ds something within the ambit of "benefits'' in the context of
period and significantly decreases their working time. A break time of
Article 100 of the Labor Code is unduly stretching the coverage of the
thirty (30) minutes after working for only one and a half (1 ½) hours is a
law. The interpretations of Article 100 of the Labor Code do not show
just and fair work schedule.
even with the slightest hint that such provision of chairs for the bottling
operators may be sheltered under its mantle.21
No Violation of Article 100
Jurisprudence recognizes the exercise of management prerogatives.
of the Labor Code Labor Jaws also discourage interference with an employer's judgment in
the conduct of its business. For this reason, the Court often declines to
interfere in legitimate business decisions of employers. The law must
The operators’ chairs cannot be considered as one of the employee
protect not only the welfare of the employees, but also the right of the
benefits covered in Article 10016 of the Labor Code. In the Court’s view,
the term "benefits" mentioned in the non-diminution rule refers to
monetary benefits or privileges given to the employee with monetary
equivalents. WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED.

32 (100% of the value of the property based on current zonal valuation of 1. Residential – ranging from P2,000.00 to P2,500.00 per square meter
the Bureau of Internal Revenue [BIR]) in accordance with Section 4(a) of 2. Commercial – ranging from P2,500.00 to P3,000.00 per square meter
Republic Act No. 89746 (R.A. 8794), and hence the court has the 3. Industrial – ranging from P1,000.00 above per square meter
ministerial duty to place petitioner in possession pursuant to Section 2,
Rule 67 of the Rules of Civil Procedure.7 B. Banks and Financial Institutions

On March 19, 2002, the trial court issued an order granting petitioner’s 1. Residential – ranging from P1,000.00 to P2,000.00 per square meter
motion and directing the Register of Deeds of Pampanga to cause the 2. Commercial – ranging from P2,000.00 to P3,000.00 per square
annotation of the writ of possession on TCT No. 271813–R.8 meter
3. Residential – ranging from P1,000.00 to P1,500.00 per square meter
In its Answer with Opposition to the Motion for Issuance of Writ of
FIRST DIVISION Possession,9 respondent questioned the TRB’s authority to expropriate Appraisal conducted by the Assessor of San Simon, Pampanga for
the subject property and objected to petitioner’s offered compensation various properties within the area, recommended an amount ranging
G.R. No. 192100, March 12, 2014 which respondent deems unjust because the basis thereof – the BIR from P1,000.00 to P1,500.00, Philippine currency, per square meter,
zonal valuation – was an unofficial valuation, being merely based on an depending on their proximity to the national roads, municipal roads, and
internal memorandum issued by BIR Revenue District No. 21, not by the barangay roads, and the improvement/development put in place. The
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, REPRESENTED BY THE Asset Valuation Department of the BIR National Office. Respondent amount of P1,000.00 to P1,500.00 was arrived at by the undersigned
DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS asserted that just compensation should be at P3,036,000.00 or at commissioners due to the conversion of the subject property from
(DPWH)1, Petitioner, v. ASIA PACIFIC INTEGRATED STEEL P1,500.00 per square meter plus consequential damages, considering agricultural to industrial use as evidenced by the Order of Conversion
CORPORATION,Respondent. the fair market value and the industrial classification of the subject dated July 8, 1991, issued by Renato B. Padilla, Undersecretary,
property. Department of Agrarian Reform, a xerox copy of which is hereto
DECISION attached [as] Annex “C”.12
During the pre–trial conference, the parties agreed on TRB’s authority to
expropriate the subject property but disagreed as to the amount of just On September 23, 2004, an ocular inspection was conducted in the
VILLARAMA, JR., J.: compensation. Petitioner offered to pay P607,200.00 for the portion presence of the parties’ representatives and their respective counsels,
taken but respondent made a counter–offer of P1,821,600.00. The during which the trial court noted the
Before this Court is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of parties eventually agreed to submit the issue of just compensation to following:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, as amended, assailing the July 21, three Commissioners composed of the Municipal Assessor of San Simon
2009 Decision2 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA–G.R. CV No. 90539. as Chairman, and the RTC Branch Clerk of Court and the Register of 1. There is an existing toll plaza on the right lane of the expressway
The CA partially affirmed the September 21, 2007 Decision3 of the Deeds for the Province of Pampanga as Members.10 facing the direction of Manila with blue colored roofing.
Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 54, of Macabebe, Pampanga, and
reduced the annual legal interest awarded from 12% to 6% per annum. On June 1, 2004, the trial court granted respondent’s motion to 2. Comprised in the aforesaid toll plaza are three toll booths. The third
Also assailed is the appellate court’s April 28, 2010 Resolution4 denying withdraw the P607,200.00 deposited by petitioner with the LBP as partial booth located on the extreme right facing Manila occupies a portion of
petitioner’s motion for reconsideration. payment for just compensation.11 the expropriated portion of defendant’s property.

As culled from the records, the following are the pertinent On June 9, 2004, the Commissioners submitted their Report with the 3. The expropriated portion which is shown in a sketch which was
facts:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary following findings and recommendation:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary marked as Exhibit H is indicated by its color: green. It has an area of
2,021 square meters. The remaining unexpropriated portion of
Asia Pacific Integrated Steel Corporation (respondent) is the registered The affected lot is within the area wherein the land use are residential, defendant’s land has an area of 15,151 square meters.
owner of a 17,175–square meter property situated in Barangay Sta. commercial, and industrial (mixed land use), as per Vicinity Map hereto
Monica, Municipality of San Simon, Province of Pampanga and covered attached as Annex “B”. The area is along MacArthur Highway, Quezon 4. The unexpropriated portion of the land of defendant is presently very
by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 271813–R.5 Road, Municipal and Barangay Roads[.] much below the level of the expressway because the expressway was
upgraded. It is immediately adjacent to the existing expressway, located
On March 1, 2002, the Republic of the Philippines (petitioner) through In the absence of bonafide sales transaction in the area, the Assessor’s as it is, on its right side facing Manila. It is swampy with little water.13
the Toll Regulatory Board (TRB) instituted expropriation proceedings Office being aware of the actual conditions of subject property decided
against the respondent over a portion of their property. The affected to use opinion values in the determination of the current and fair market In its Decision, the trial court ruled as
area, consisting of 2,024 square meters, shall be traversed by the value for the purpose of payment of just compensation. follows:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
expansion of the San Simon Interchange, an integral component of the
construction, rehabilitation and expansion of the North Luzon OPINION VALUES x x x Although there was no documentary evidence attached to
Expressway (NLEX Project). Subsequently, petitioner filed an urgent ex–
substantiate the opinions of the banks and the realtors indicated in the
parte motion for issuance of writ of possession, stating that it deposited A. Real Estate Brokers/Independent Appraisers/Owners, etc. Commissioners’ Report, the Court finds the commissioners’
with the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) the amount of P607,200.00
recommendation of the valuation of industrial lands at P1,000.00 to
P1,500.00 to be fair, absent any showing that the valuation is exorbitant SO ORDERED.14 However, the CA modified the rate of interest imposed on the amount
or otherwise unjustified. There was no fraud or prejudice that tainted due as just compensation from 12% to 6% in conformity with prevailing
the report. Petitioner appealed to the CA, arguing that the just compensation should jurisprudence.
not be more than P300.00 per square meter and that the correct rate of
The Court finds the valuation of the Republic of the Philippines which interest is 6% per annum. On April 28, 2010, the CA denied petitioner’s motion for reconsideration,
was pegged at Php300.00 per square meter to be very low. The zonal stating that the argument on valuation by petitioner was merely a rehash
valuation of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (Exhibits A and B with The CA upheld the trial court’s ruling, reiterating the principle that the of what the CA had already passed upon.
submarkings) is merely a gauge or is necessary in the assessment of determination of just compensation is an inherently judicial function. It
correct transfer taxes by the said office. Furthermore the Department stressed that any valuation for just compensation laid down in statutes Hence, this petition assailing the CA’s affirmance of the trial court’s
Order No. 23–98 took effect only last February 2, 1998 which was four merely serve as guides or factors and may not substitute the court’s own award of just compensation, the legal basis of which is allegedly
(4) years prior to the filing of the complaint. The same is true with judgment as to what amount should be awarded and how to arrive at insufficient.
Ordinance No. 17, Series of 1994 issued by the Sangguniang such amount.15
Panlalawigan of Pampanga (Exhibit E) which was issued eight (8) years Petitioner argues that the evidence for determining the amount of just
also prior to the filing of the complaint. Further, the CA noted that petitioner itself admitted that the BIR zonal compensation in expropriation cases should be on those factors provided
valuation is only for the purpose of determining the correct amount of in Section 5 of R.A. 8974. Considering such factors and the evidence
Concerning the Deed of Absolute Sale (Exhibit C) notarized on July 19, transfer taxes. It held that while BIR zonal valuation may be a factor in submitted by the parties before the trial court, petitioner maintains that
2002, the same was undated and pertains only to a right of way. An determining just compensation, the same is not a competent basis just compensation for the subject property should be no more than the
easement of right of way transmits no rights except the easement itself. thereof. Citing R.A. 8974, the CA pointed out the distinction between zonal valuation (P300.00 per square meter), and in no case should it
Hence, the just compensation pertaining to easement of right of way provisional value as a precondition for the issuance of a writ of amount to the market value of P1,300.00 per square meter adjudged by
should be lower than that in the Deed of Absolute Sale. x x x possession and the payment of just compensation for the expropriated the trial and appellate courts. Petitioner claims that such huge sum for
property. While the provisional value is based on the zonal value as may only 2,024–square meter portion of respondent’s 17,175–square meter
xxxx be determined by the BIR, just compensation is based on the prevailing property, is unbelievably 433.4% more than the 1998 BIR zonal value for
fair market value of the property. Necessarily, the zonal valuation of an underdeveloped industrial land at the time of its taking.
Using the recommendation of the three (3) commissioners as guide, the properties is not equivalent to their fair market value.16
Court finds the amount of ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED PESOS On the other hand, respondent contends that no reversible error was
(Php1,300.00) per square meter as just compensation for the property After examining the records, the CA found no reversible error in the trial committed by the CA in affirming the trial court’s decision after
subject of expropriation. court’s determination of just compensation and held that the valuation of considering all the arguments raised by petitioner and the evidence on
P1,500.00 per square meter is more in consonance with the concept of record. It asserts that the main issue of just compensation and the
WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is just compensation based upon due consideration of all evidence. findings thereon by the trial court as affirmed by the CA is a question of
rendered:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary Thus:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary fact which should not be disturbed by this Court. Moreover, respondent
asserts that the determination by the trial court is entitled to the highest
1) Ordering the plaintiff to pay the defendant in the amount of TWO It is equally settled that the valuation of a property in tax declarations respect considering that the judge has personal knowledge of the
MILLION TWENTY FOUR THOUSAND PESOS (Php2,024,000.00) cannot be a substitute to just compensation. Elsewise stated, the condition of the subject property, having conducted an ocular inspection
representing the net amount of just compensation after deducting the market value reflected in the tax declaration of the condemned property on September 23, 2004.
partial payment of P607,200.00 based on the valuation of Php1,300.00 is no longer conclusive. Accordingly, we cannot appreciate the herein
per square meter on the expropriated portion of the parcel of land [Lot tax declaration in favor of the Republic. We grant the petition.
329–A of the subdivision, plan (LRC) Psd–246403, being a portion of lot
329, San Simon, LRC. Cad Rec. No. 1316] with an area of 2,024 square Further, it is uncontested that the deed of sale dated July 19, 2002 As a rule, a petition for review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court
meters situated in Sta. Monica, San Simon, Pampanga covered by between San Simon Realty, Inc. and the Republic pertained only to a covers only questions of law. Questions of fact are not reviewable and
Transfer Certificate of Title No. 271813–R plus legal interest of 12% per right of way, hence, the value thereof should be considerably lower. cannot be passed upon by this Court in the exercise of its power to
annum from the time of taking (March 21, 2002) until fully paid less Ordinance No. 17, as correctly found by the RTC, was issued on June 22, review. The distinction between questions of law and questions of fact is
taxes due on the land. 1994 or eight (8) years prior to the institution of the herein complaint. established. Aquestion of law exists when the doubt or difference
Certainly, the valuation of properties therein can by no means be centers on what the law is on a certain state of facts. A question of fact,
2) Ordering the plaintiff to pay the costs and/or expenses in relation to reflective of the current, prevailing and fair value of the subject on the other hand, exists if the doubt centers on the truth or falsity of
the transfer of ownership of the property in its favor from defendant Asia property. The Republic failed to present evidence to controvert he RTC’s the alleged facts.18 This being so, the findings of fact of the CA are final
Pacific Integrated Steel Corporation. finding on the matter. Neither has it shown that the property sold and conclusive and this Court will not review them on appeal.19
thereunder shares the same features as the herein subject property as to
3) Condemning the property subject of expropriation free from all liens warrant a similar valuation. We cannot, thus, yield to the Republic’s For a question to be one of law, the same must not involve an
and encumbrances for the construction, rehabilitation and expansion of submission that its evidence are the proper basis in determining just examination of the probative value of the evidence presented by the
the North Luzon Expressway. compensation for Asia Pacific’s property.17 litigants or any of them. The resolution of the issue must rest solely on
what the law provides on the given set of circumstances.20 In this case,
the only legal issue raised by petitioner is whether the trial court based be mere estimates and unsupported by any corroborative documents, compensation” in expropriation cases.28 As this Court ruled in Leca
its determination of just compensation on the factors provided under such as sworn declarations of realtors in the area concerned, tax Realty Corporation v. Rep. of the Phils.29:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
existing laws and jurisprudence. declarations or zonal valuation from the BIR for the contiguous
residential dwellings and commercial establishments. Thus, we ruled that The Republic is incorrect, however, in alleging that the values were
Section 5 of R.A. 8974 enumerates the standards for assessing the value a commissioners’ report of land prices which is not based on any exorbitant, merely because they exceeded the maximum zonal value of
of expropriated land taken for national government infrastructure documentary evidence is manifestly hearsay and should be disregarded real properties in the same location where the subject properties were
projects, thus:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary by the court. located. The zonal value may be one, but not necessarily the
sole, index of the value of a realty. National Power Corporation v.
SECTION 5. Standards for the Assessment of the Value of the Land We find that the trial court did not judiciously determine the fair market Manubay Agro–Industrial held thus:
Subject of Expropriation Proceedings or Negotiated Sale. – In order to value of the subject property as it failed to consider other relevant “x x x [Market value] is not limited to the assessed value of the property
facilitate the determination of just compensation, the court may factors such as the zonal valuation, tax declarations and current selling or to the schedule of market values determined by the provincial or city
consider, among other well–established factors, the following relevant price supported by documentary evidence. Indeed, just compensation appraisal committee. However, these values may serve as factors to be
standards:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary must not be arrived at arbitrarily, but determined after an evaluation of considered in the judicial valuation of the property.”
different factors.23 The above ruling finds support in EPZA v. Dulay in this wise:
(a) The classification and use for which the property is suited; “Various factors can come into play in the valuation of specific properties
(b) The developmental costs for improving the land; Just compensation is defined as the full and fair equivalent of the singled out for expropriation. The values given by provincial assessors
(c) The value declared by the owners; property taken from its owner by the expropriator. The measure is not are usually uniform for very wide areas covering several barrios or even
(d) The current selling price of similar lands in the vicinity; the taker’s gain, but the owner’s loss. The word “just” is used to an entire town with the exception of the poblacion. Individual differences
(e) The reasonable disturbance compensation for the removal and/or intensify the meaning of the word “compensation” and to convey thereby are never taken into account. The value of land is based on such
demolition of certain improvements on the land and for the value of the the idea that the equivalent to be rendered for the property to be taken generalities as its possible cultivation for rice, corn, coconuts or other
improvements thereon; shall be real, substantial, full, and ample. Such “just”–ness of the crops. Very often land described as ‘cogonal’ has been cultivated for
(f) The size, shape or location, tax declaration and zonal valuation of compensation can only be attained by using reliable and actual data as generations. Buildings are described in terms of only two or three classes
the land; bases in fixing the value of the condemned property.24 Trial courts are of building materials and estimates of areas are more often inaccurate
(g) The price of the land as manifested in the ocular findings, oral as required to be more circumspect in its evaluation of just compensation than correct. Tax values can serve as guides but cannot be absolute
well as documentary evidence presented; and due the property owner, considering that eminent domain cases involve substitutes for just compensation.” (Emphasis supplied.)
(h) Such facts and events as to enable the affected property owners to the expenditure of public funds.25
have sufficient funds to acquire similarly–situated lands of approximate Among the factors to be considered in arriving at the fair market value of
areas as those required from them by the government, and thereby We agree with the trial court that it was not bound by the assessment the property are the cost of acquisition, the current value of like
rehabilitate themselves as early as possible. report of the commissioners and that it had the discretion to reject the properties, its actual or potential uses, and in the particular case of
same and substitute its own judgment on its value as gathered from the lands, their size, shape, location, and the tax declarations thereon. The
In this case, the trial court considered only (a) and (d): (1) the record, or it may accept the report/recommendation of the measure is not the taker’s gain but the owner’s loss.30 To be just, the
classification of the subject property which is located in an area with commissioners in totoand base its judgment thereon. However, the compensation must be fair not only to the owner but also to the taker.31
mixed land use (commercial, residential and industrial) and the decision of the court must be based on all established rules, upon correct
property’s conversion from agricultural to industrial land, and (2) the legal principles and competent evidence.26 The court is proscribed from It is settled that the final conclusions on the proper amount of just
current selling price of similar lands in the vicinity – the only factors basing its judgment on speculations and surmises. compensation can only be made after due ascertainment of the
which the commissioners included in their Report. It also found the requirements set forth under R.A. 8974 and not merely based on the
commissioners’ recommended valuation of P1,000.00 to P1,500.00 per Nonetheless, we cannot subscribe to petitioner’s argument that just declarations of the parties.32 Since these requirements were not
square to be fair and just despite the absence of documentary compensation for the subject property should not exceed the zonal satisfactorily complied with, and in the absence of reliable and actual
substantiation as said prices were based merely on the opinions of valuation (P300.00 per square meter). data as bases in fixing the value of the condemned property, remand of
bankers and realtors. this case to the trial court is in order.
In Republic v. Court of Appeals,27 we held that ––
In National Power Corporation v. Manubay Agro–Industrial Development WHEREFORE, the petition for review on certiorari is GRANTED. The
Corporation,21 the recommended price of the city assessor was rejected The constitutional limitation of “just compensation” is considered to be Decision dated July 21, 2009 and Resolution dated April 28, 2010 of the
by this Court. The opinions of the banks and the realtors as reflected in the sum equivalent to the market value of the property, broadly Court of Appeals in CA–G.R. CV No. 90539 are hereby SET ASIDE.
the computation of the market value of the property and in the described to be the price fixed by the seller in open market in the usual
Commissioners’ Report, were not substantiated by any documentary and ordinary course of legal action and competition or the fair value of This case is remanded to the trial court for the proper determination of
evidence. the property as between one who receives, and one who desires to sell, just compensation, in conformity with this Decision.
it fixed at the time of the actual taking by the government. x x x
Similarly, in National Power Corporation v. Diato–Bernal,22 this Court SO ORDERED.
rejected the valuation recommended by court–appointed commissioners Zonal valuation is just one of the indices of the fair market value of real
whose conclusions were devoid of any actual and reliable basis. The estate. By itself, this index cannot be the sole basis of “just
market values of the subject property’s neighboring lots were found to
33 In his defense,10 David claimed that he started his hog dealer business in paid a fixed amount for the completion of the assigned task, irrespective
2005 and that he only has ten employees. He alleged that he hired of the time consumed in its performance. Since Macasio was paid by
Macasio as a butcher or chopper on "pakyaw" or task basis who is, result and not in terms of the time that he spent in the workplace,
Republic of the Philippines therefore, not entitled to overtime pay, holiday pay and 13th month pay Macasio is not covered by the Labor Standards laws on overtime, SIL
SUPREME COURT pursuant to the provisions of the Implementing Rules and Regulations and holiday pay, and 13th month pay under the Rules and Regulations
Manila (IRR) of the Labor Code. David pointed out that Macasio: (1) usually Implementing the 13th month pay law.18
starts his work at 10:00 p.m. and ends at 2:00 a.m. of the following day
SECOND DIVISION or earlier, depending on the volume of the delivered hogs; (2) received
Macasio moved for reconsideration19 but the NLRC denied his motion in
the fixed amount of P700.00 per engagement, regardless of the actual
its August 11, 2010 resolution,20 prompting Macasio to elevate his case
number of hours that he spent chopping the delivered hogs; and (3) was
G.R. No. 195466 July 2, 2014 to the CA via a petition for certiorari.21
not engaged to report for work and, accordingly, did not receive any fee
when no hogs were delivered.
ARIEL L. DAVID, doing business under the name and style The CA’s Ruling
"YIELS HOG DEALER," Petitioner, Macasio disputed David’s allegations. He argued that, first, David did

vs. not start his business only in 2005. He pointed to the Certificate of In its November 22, 2010 decision,22 the CA partly granted Macasio’s
JOHN G. MACASIO, Respondent. Employment12 that David issued in his favor which placed the date of his certiorari petition and reversed the NLRC’s ruling for having been
employment, albeit erroneously, in January 2000. Second, he reported rendered with grave abuse of discretion.
DECISION for work every day which the payroll or time record could have easily
proved had David submitted them in evidence. While the CA agreed with the LAand the NLRC that Macasio was a task
BRION, J.: basis employee, it nevertheless found Macasio entitled to his monetary
Refuting Macasio’s submissions,13 David claims that Macasio was not his claims following the doctrine laid down in Serrano v. Severino Santos
employee as he hired the latter on "pakyaw" or task basis. He also Transit.23The CA explained that as a task basis employee, Macasio is
We resolve in this petition for review on certiorari1 the challenge to the claimed that he issued the Certificate of Employment, upon Macasio’s excluded from the coverage of holiday, SIL and 13th month pay only if
November 22, 2010 decision2 and the January 31, 2011 resolution3 of request, only for overseas employment purposes. He pointed to the he is likewise a "field personnel." As defined by the Labor Code, a "field
the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 116003. The CA decision "Pinagsamang Sinumpaang Salaysay,"14 executed by Presbitero Solano personnel" is one who performs the work away from the office or place
annulled and set aside the May 26, 2010 decision4 of the National Labor and Christopher (Antonio Macasio’s co-butchers), to corroborate his of work and whose regular work hours cannot be determined with
Relations Commission (NLRC)5 which, in turn, affirmed the April 30, 2009 claims. reasonable certainty. In Macasio’s case, the elements that characterize a
Decision6 of the Labor Arbiter (LA). The LA's decision dismissed "field personnel" are evidently lacking as he had been working as a
respondent John G. Macasio's monetary claims. butcher at David’s "Yiels Hog Dealer" business in Sta. Mesa, Manila
In the April 30, 2009 decision,15 the LA dismissed Macasio’s complaint for
under David’s supervision and control, and for a fixed working schedule
lack of merit. The LA gave credence to David’s claim that he engaged
The Factual Antecedents that starts at 10:00 p.m.
Macasio on "pakyaw" or task basis. The LA noted the following facts to
support this finding: (1) Macasio received the fixed amount of P700.00
In January 2009, Macasio filed before the LA a complaint7 against for every work done, regardless of the number of hours that he spent in Accordingly, the CA awarded Macasio’s claim for holiday, SIL and 13th
petitioner Ariel L. David, doing business under the name and style "Yiels completing the task and of the volume or number of hogs that he had to month pay for three years, with 10% attorney’s fees on the total
Hog Dealer," for non-payment of overtime pay, holiday pay and 13th chop per engagement; (2) Macasio usually worked for only four hours, monetary award. The CA, however, denied Macasio’s claim for moral and
month pay. He also claimed payment for moral and exemplary damages beginning from 10:00 p.m. up to 2:00 a.m. of the following day; and (3) exemplary damages for lack of basis.
and attorney’s fees. Macasio also claimed payment for service incentive the P700.00 fixed wage far exceeds the then prevailing daily minimum
leave (SIL).8 wage of P382.00. The LA added that the nature of David’s business as David filed the present petition after the CA denied his motion for
hog dealer supports this "pakyaw" or task basis arrangement. reconsideration24 in the CA’s January 31, 2011 resolution.25
Macasio alleged9 before the LA that he had been working as a butcher
for David since January 6, 1995. Macasio claimed that David exercised The LA concluded that as Macasio was engaged on "pakyaw" or task The Petition
effective control and supervision over his work, pointing out that David: basis, he is not entitled to overtime, holiday, SIL and 13th month pay.
(1) set the work day, reporting time and hogs to be chopped, as well as
the manner by which he was to perform his work; (2) daily paid his In this petition,26 David maintains that Macasio’s engagement was on a
The NLRC’s Ruling "pakyaw" or task basis. Hence, the latter is excluded from the coverage
salary of P700.00, which was increased from P600.00 in 2007, P500.00
in 2006 and P400.00 in 2005; and (3) approved and disapproved his of holiday, SIL and 13th month pay. David reiterates his submissions
leaves. Macasio added that David owned the hogs delivered for In its May 26, 2010 decision,16 the NLRC affirmed the LA ruling.17 The before the lower tribunals27 and adds that he never had any control over
chopping, as well as the work tools and implements; the latter also NLRC observed that David did not require Macasio to observe an eight the manner by which Macasio performed his work and he simply looked
rented the workplace. Macasio further claimed that David employs about hour work schedule to earn the fixed P700.00 wage; and that Macasio on to the "end-result." He also contends that he never compelled
twenty-five (25) butchers and delivery drivers. had been performing a non-time work, pointing out that Macasio was Macasio to report for work and that under their arrangement, Macasio

was at liberty to choose whether to report for work or not as other The Issue At the outset, we reject this assertion of the petitioner. Engagement on
butchers could carry out his tasks. He points out that Solano and Antonio "pakyaw" or task basis does not characterize the relationship that may
had, in fact, attested to their (David and Macasio’s) established exist between the parties, i.e., whether one of employment or
The issue revolves around the proper application and interpretation of
"pakyawan" arrangement that rendered a written contract unnecessary. independent contractorship. Article 97(6) of the Labor Code defines
the labor law provisions on holiday, SIL and 13th month pay to a worker
In as much as Macasio is a task basis employee – who is paid the fixed wages as "xxx the remuneration or earnings, however designated,
engaged on "pakyaw" or task basis. In the context of the Rule 65
amount of P700.00 per engagement regardless of the time consumed in capable of being expressed in terms of money, whether fixed or
petition before the CA, the issue is whether the CA correctly found the
the performance – David argues that Macasio is not entitled to the ascertained on a time, task, piece, or commission basis, or other method
NLRC in grave abuse of discretion in ruling that Macasio is entitled to
benefits he claims. Also, he posits that because he engaged Macasio on of calculating the same, which is payable by an employer to an employee
these labor standards benefits.
"pakyaw" or task basis then no employer-employee relationship exists under a written or unwritten contract of employment for work done or to
between them. be done, or for services rendered or to be rendered[.]"35 In relation to
The Court’s Ruling Article 97(6), Article 10136 of the Labor Code speaks of workers paid by
results or those whose pay is calculated in terms of the quantity or
Finally, David argues that factual findings of the LA, when affirmed by
We partially grant the petition. quality of their work output which includes "pakyaw" work and other
the NLRC, attain finality especially when, as in this case, they are
non-time work.
supported by substantial evidence. Hence, David posits that the CA erred
in reversing the labor tribunals’ findings and granting the prayed Preliminary considerations: the Montoya ruling and the factual-issue-bar
monetary claims. rule More importantly, by implicitly arguing that his engagement of Macasio
on "pakyaw" or task basis negates employer-employee relationship,
David would want the Court to engage on a factual appellate review of
The Case for the Respondent In this Rule 45 petition for review on certiorari of the CA’s decision the entire case to determine the presence or existence of that
rendered under a Rule 65 proceeding, this Court’s power of review is relationship. This approach however is not authorized under a Rule 45
Macasio counters that he was not a task basis employee or a "field limited to resolving matters pertaining to any perceived legal errors that petition for review of the CA decision rendered under a Rule 65
personnel" as David would have this Court believe.28 He reiterates his the CA may have committed in issuing the assailed decision. This is in proceeding.
arguments before the lower tribunals and adds that, contrary to David’s contrast with the review for jurisdictional errors, which we undertake in
position, theP700.00 fee that he was paid for each day that he reported an original certiorari action. In reviewing the legal correctness of the CA
decision, we examine the CA decision based on how it determined the First, the LA and the NLRC denied Macasio’s claim not because of the
for work does not indicate a "pakyaw" or task basis employment as this
presence or absence of grave abuse of discretion in the NLRC decision absence of an employer-employee but because of its finding that since
amount was paid daily, regardless of the number or pieces of hogs that
before it and not on the basis of whether the NLRC decision on the Macasio is paid on pakyaw or task basis, then he is not entitled to SIL,
he had to chop. Rather, it indicates a daily-wage method of payment and
merits of the case was correct.32 In other words, we have to be keenly holiday and 13th month pay. Second, we consider it crucial, that in the
affirms his regular employment status. He points out that David did not
aware that the CA undertook a Rule 65 review, not a review on appeal, separate illegal dismissal case Macasio filed with the LA, the LA, the
allege or present any evidence as regards the quota or number of hogs
of the NLRC decision challenged before it.33 NLRC and the CA uniformly found the existence of an employer-
that he had to chop as basis for the "pakyaw" or task basis payment;
employee relationship.37
neither did David present the time record or payroll to prove that he
worked for less than eight hours each day. Moreover, David did not Moreover, the Court’s power in a Rule 45 petition limits us to a review of
present any contract to prove that his employment was on task basis. As questions of law raised against the assailed CA decision.34 In other words, aside from being factual in nature, the existence of an
David failed to prove the alleged task basis or "pakyawan" agreement, employer-employee relationship is in fact a non-issue in this case. To
Macasio concludes that he was David’s employee. Procedurally, Macasio reiterate, in deciding a Rule 45 petition for review of a labor decision
points out that David’s submissions in the present petition raise purely In this petition, David essentially asks the question – whether Macasio is rendered by the CA under 65, the narrow scope of inquiry is whether the
factual issues that are not proper for a petition for review on certiorari. entitled to holiday, SIL and 13th month pay. This one is a question of CA correctly determined the presence or absence of grave abuse of
These issues – whether he (Macasio) was paid by result or on "pakyaw" law. The determination of this question of law however is intertwined discretion on the part of the NLRC. In concrete question form, "did the
basis; whether he was a "field personnel"; whether an employer- with the largely factual issue of whether Macasio falls within the rule on NLRC gravely abuse its discretion in denying Macasio’s claims simply
employee relationship existed between him and David; and whether entitlement to these claims or within the exception. In either case, the because he is paid on a non-time basis?"
David exercised control and supervision over his work – are all factual in resolution of this factual issue presupposes another factual matter, that
nature and are, therefore, proscribed in a Rule 45 petition. He argues is, the presence of an employer-employee relationship between David
and Macasio. At any rate, even if we indulge the petitioner, we find his claim that no
that the CA’s factual findings bind this Court, absent a showing that such
employer-employee relationship exists baseless. Employing the control
findings are not supported by the evidence or the CA’s judgment was
test,38 we find that such a relationship exist in the present case.
based on a misapprehension of facts. He adds that the issue of whether In insisting before this Court that Macasio was not his employee, David
an employer-employee relationship existed between him and David had argues that he engaged the latter on "pakyaw" or task basis. Very
already been settled by the LA29 and the NLRC30 (as well as by the CA noticeably, David confuses engagement on "pakyaw" or task basis with Even a factual review shows that Macasio is David’s employee
per Macasio’s manifestation before this Court dated November 15, the lack of employment relationship. Impliedly, David asserts that their
2012),31 in his favor, in the separate illegal case that he filed against "pakyawan" or task basis arrangement negates the existence of To determine the existence of an employer-employee relationship, four
David. employment relationship. elements generally need to be considered, namely: (1) the selection and
engagement of the employee; (2) the payment of wages; (3) the power

of dismissal; and (4) the power to control the employee’s conduct. These In sum, the totality of the surrounding circumstances of the present case these provisions exempt workers paid on "pakyaw" or task basis from
elements or indicators comprise the so-called "four-fold" test of sufficiently points to an employer-employee relationship existing the coverage of holiday, SIL and 13th month pay.
employment relationship. Macasio’s relationship with David satisfies this between David and Macasio.
In reversing the labor tribunals’ rulings, the CA similarly relied on these
Macasio is engaged on "pakyaw" or task basis provisions, as well as on Section 1, Rule V of the IRR of the Labor Code
First, David engaged the services of Macasio, thus satisfying the element and the Court’s ruling in Serrano v. Severino Santos Transit.46 These
of "selection and engagement of the employee." David categorically labor law provisions, when read together with the Serrano ruling, exempt
At this point, we note that all three tribunals – the LA, the NLRC and the
confirmed this fact when, in his "Sinumpaang Salaysay," he stated that those engaged on "pakyaw" or task basis only if they qualify as "field
CA – found that Macasio was engaged or paid on "pakyaw" or task basis.
"nag apply po siya sa akin at kinuha ko siya na chopper[.]"39 Also, personnel."
This factual finding binds the Court under the rule that factual findings of
Solano and Antonio stated in their "Pinagsamang Sinumpaang
labor tribunals when supported by the established facts and in accord
Salaysay"40 that "[k]ami po ay nagtratrabaho sa Yiels xxx na pag-aari ni
with the laws, especially when affirmed by the CA, is binding on this In other words, what we have before us is largely a question of law
Ariel David bilang butcher" and "kilalanamin si xxx Macasio na isa ring
Court. regarding the correct interpretation of these labor code provisions and
butcher xxx ni xxx David at kasama namin siya sa aming trabaho."
the implementing rules; although, to conclude that the worker is
exempted or covered depends on the facts and in this sense, is a
A distinguishing characteristic of "pakyaw" or task basis engagement, as
Second, David paid Macasio’s wages.Both David and Macasio question of fact: first, whether Macasio is a "field personnel"; and
opposed to straight-hour wage payment, is the non-consideration of the
categorically stated in their respective pleadings before the lower second, whether those engaged on "pakyaw" or task basis, but who are
time spent in working. In a task-basis work, the emphasis is on the task
tribunals and even before this Court that the former had been paying the not "field personnel," are exempted from the coverage of holiday, SIL
itself, in the sense that payment is reckoned in terms of completion of
latter P700.00 each day after the latter had finished the day’s task. and 13th month pay.
the work, not in terms of the number of time spent in the completion of
Solano and Antonio also confirmed this fact of wage payment in their
work.45 Once the work or task is completed, the worker receives a fixed
"Pinagsamang Sinumpaang Salaysay."41 This satisfies the element of
amount as wage, without regard to the standard measurements of time To put our discussion within the perspective of a Rule 45 petition for
"payment of wages."
generally used in pay computation. review of a CA decision rendered under Rule 65 and framed in question
form, the legal question is whether the CA correctly ruled that it was
Third, David had been setting the day and time when Macasio should grave abuse of discretion on the part of the NLRC to deny Macasio’s
In Macasio’s case, the established facts show that he would usually start
report for work. This power to determine the work schedule obviously monetary claims simply because he is paid on a non-time basis without
his work at 10:00 p.m. Thereafter, regardless of the total hours that he
implies power of control. By having the power to control Macasio’s work determining whether he is a field personnel or not.
spent at the workplace or of the total number of the hogs assigned to
schedule, David could regulate Macasio’s work and could even refuse to
him for chopping, Macasio would receive the fixed amount of P700.00
give him any assignment, thereby effectively dismissing him.
once he had completed his task. Clearly, these circumstances show a To resolve these issues, we need tore-visit the provisions involved.
"pakyaw" or task basis engagement that all three tribunals uniformly
And fourth, David had the right and power to control and supervise found.
Provisions governing SIL and holiday pay
Macasio’s work as to the means and methods of performing it. In
addition to setting the day and time when Macasio should report for
In sum, the existence of employment relationship between the parties is
work, the established facts show that David rents the place where Article 82 of the Labor Code provides the exclusions from the coverage
determined by applying the "four-fold" test; engagement on "pakyaw" or
Macasio had been performing his tasks. Moreover, Macasio would leave of Title I, Book III of the Labor Code - provisions governing working
task basis does not determine the parties’ relationship as it is simply a
the workplace only after he had finished chopping all of the hog meats conditions and rest periods.
method of pay computation. Accordingly, Macasio is David’s employee,
given to him for the day’s task. Also, David would still engage Macasio’s
albeit engaged on "pakyaw" or task basis.
services and have him report for work even during the days when only Art. 82. Coverage.— The provisions of [Title I] shall apply to employees
few hogs were delivered for butchering. in all establishments and undertakings whether for profit or not, but not
As an employee of David paid on pakyaw or task basis, we now go to
to government employees, managerial employees, field personnel,
the core issue of whether Macasio is entitled to holiday, 13th month, and
Under this overall setup, all those working for David, including Macasio, members of the family of the employer who are dependent on him for
SIL pay.
could naturally be expected to observe certain rules and requirements support, domestic helpers, persons in the personal service of another,
and David would necessarily exercise some degree of control as the and workers who are paid by results as determined by the Secretary of
chopping of the hog meats would be subject to his specifications. Also, On the issue of Macasio’s entitlement to holiday, SIL and 13th month Labor in appropriate regulations.
since Macasio performed his tasks at David’s workplace, David could pay
easily exercise control and supervision over the former. Accordingly, xxxx
whether or not David actually exercised this right or power to control is The LA dismissed Macasio’s claims pursuant to Article 94 of the Labor
beside the point as the law simply requires the existence of this power to Code in relation to Section 1, Rule IV of the IRR of the Labor Code, and
control 4243 or, as in this case, the existence of the right and opportunity "Field personnel" shall refer to non-agricultural employees who regularly
Article 95 of the Labor Code, as well as Presidential Decree (PD) No.
to control and supervise Macasio.44 perform their duties away from the principal place of business or branch
851. The NLRC, on the other hand, relied on Article 82 of the Labor Code
office of the employer and whose actual hours of work in the field
and the Rules and Regulations Implementing PD No. 851. Uniformly,

cannot be determined with reasonable certainty. [emphases and xxxx In short, the payment of an employee on task or pakyaw basis alone is
underscores ours] insufficient to exclude one from the coverage of SIL and holiday pay.
They are exempted from the coverage of Title I (including the holiday
Section 1. Coverage. – This rule shall apply to all employees except:
and SIL pay) only if they qualify as "field personnel." The IRR therefore
Among the Title I provisions are the provisions on holiday pay (under
validly qualifies and limits the general exclusion of "workers paid by
Article 94 of the Labor Code) and SIL pay (under Article 95 of the Labor
xxxx results" found in Article 82 from the coverage of holiday and SIL pay.
Code). Under Article 82,"field personnel" on one hand and "workers who
This is the only reasonable interpretation since the determination of
are paid by results" on the other hand, are not covered by the Title I
(e) Field personnel and other employees whose performance is excluded workers who are paid by results from the coverage of Title I is
provisions. The wordings of Article82 of the Labor Code additionally
unsupervised by the employer including those who are engaged on task "determined by the Secretary of Labor in appropriate regulations."
categorize workers "paid by results" and "field personnel" as separate
and distinct types of employees who are exempted from the Title I or contract basis, purely commission basis, or those who are paid a fixed
provisions of the Labor Code. amount for performing work irrespective of the time consumed in the The Cebu Institute Technology ruling was reiterated in 2005 in Auto Bus
performance thereof. [emphasis ours] Transport Systems, Inc., v. Bautista:
The pertinent portion of Article 94 of the Labor Code and its
corresponding provision in the IRR47 reads: Under these provisions, the general rule is that holiday and SIL pay A careful perusal of said provisions of law will result in the conclusion
provisions cover all employees. To be excluded from their coverage, an that the grant of service incentive leave has been delimited by the
employee must be one of those that these provisions expressly exempt, Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Labor Code to apply only to
Art. 94. Right to holiday pay. (a) Every worker shall be paid his regular
strictly in accordance with the exemption. Under the IRR, exemption those employees not explicitly excluded by Section 1 of Rule V.
daily wage during regular holidays, except in retail and service
from the coverage of holiday and SIL pay refer to "field personnel and According to the Implementing Rules, Service Incentive Leave shall not
establishments regularly employing less than (10) workers[.] [emphasis
other employees whose time and performance is unsupervised by the apply to employees classified as "field personnel." The phrase "other
employer including those who are engaged on task or contract basis[.]" employees whose performance is unsupervised by the employer" must
Note that unlike Article 82 of the Labor Code, the IRR on holiday and SIL not be understood as a separate classification of employees to which
xxxx pay do not exclude employees "engaged on task basis" as a separate service incentive leave shall not be granted. Rather, it serves as an
and distinct category from employees classified as "field personnel." amplification of the interpretation of the definition of field personnel
Rather, these employees are altogether merged into one classification of under the Labor Code as those "whose actual hours of work in the field
SECTION 1. Coverage. – This Rule shall apply to all employees except:
exempted employees. cannot be determined with reasonable certainty."

Because of this difference, it may be argued that the Labor Code may be The same is true with respect to the phrase "those who are engaged on
interpreted to mean that those who are engaged on task basis, per se, task or contract basis, purely commission basis." Said phrase should be
(e)Field personnel and other employees whose time and performance is are excluded from the SIL and holiday payment since this is what the related with "field personnel," applying the rule on ejusdem generis that
unsupervised by the employer including those who are engaged on task Labor Code provisions, in contrast with the IRR, strongly suggest. The general and unlimited terms are restrained and limited by the particular
or contract basis, purely commission basis, or those who are paid a fixed arguable interpretation of this rule may be conceded to be within the terms that they follow.
amount for performing work irrespective of the time consumed in the discretion granted to the LA and NLRC as the quasi-judicial bodies with
performance thereof. [emphases ours] expertise on labor matters.
The Autobus ruling was in turn the basis of Serrano v. Santos Transit
which the CA cited in support of granting Macasio’s petition.
On the other hand, Article 95 of the Labor Code and its corresponding However, as early as 1987 in the case of Cebu Institute of Technology v.
provision in the IRR48 pertinently provides: Ople49 the phrase "those who are engaged on task or contract basis" in
In Serrano, the Court, applying the rule on ejusdem generis50 declared
the rule has already been interpreted to mean as follows:
that "employees engaged on task or contract basis xxx are not
Art. 95. Right to service incentive. (a) Every employee who has rendered automatically exempted from the grant of service incentive leave, unless,
at least one year of service shall be entitled to a yearly service incentive [the phrase] should however, be related with "field personnel" applying they fall under the classification of field personnel."51 The Court
leave of five days with pay. the rule on ejusdem generis that general and unlimited terms are explained that the phrase "including those who are engaged on task or
restrained and limited by the particular terms that they follow xxx contract basis, purely commission basis" found in Section 1(d), Rule V of
(b) This provision shall not apply to those who are already enjoying the Clearly, petitioner's teaching personnel cannot be deemed field personnel Book III of the IRR should not be understood as a separate classification
benefit herein provided, those enjoying vacation leave with pay of at which refers "to non-agricultural employees who regularly perform their of employees to which SIL shall not be granted. Rather, as with its
least five days and those employed in establishments regularly duties away from the principal place of business or branch office of the preceding phrase - "other employees whose performance is
employing less than ten employees or in establishments exempted from employer and whose actual hours of work in the field cannot be unsupervised by the employer" - the phrase "including those who are
granting this benefit by the Secretary of Labor and Employment after determined with reasonable certainty. [Par. 3, Article 82, Labor Code of engaged on task or contract basis" serves to amplify the interpretation of
considering the viability or financial condition of such establishment. the Philippines]. Petitioner's claim that private respondents are not the Labor Code definition of "field personnel" as those "whose actual
[emphases ours] entitled to the service incentive leave benefit cannot therefore be hours of work in the field cannot be determined with reasonable
sustained. certainty."

In contrast and in clear departure from settled case law, the LA and the Entitlement to 13th month pay
NLRC still interpreted the Labor Code provisions and the IRR as
exempting an employee from the coverage of Title I of the Labor Code
With respect to the payment of 13th month pay however, we find that
based simply and solely on the mode of payment of an employee. The
the CA legally erred in finding that the NLRC gravely abused its
NLRC’s utter disregard of this consistent jurisprudential ruling is a clear
discretion in denying this benefit to Macasio.1âwphi1
act of grave abuse of discretion.52 In other words, by dismissing
Macasio’s complaint without considering whether Macasio was a "field
personnel" or not, the NLRC proceeded based on a significantly The governing law on 13th month pay is PD No. 851.53
incomplete consideration of the case. This action clearly smacks of grave
abuse of discretion. As with holiday and SIL pay, 13th month pay benefits generally cover all
employees; an employee must be one of those expressly enumerated to
Entitlement to holiday pay be exempted. Section 3 of the Rules and Regulations Implementing P.D.
No. 85154enumerates the exemptions from the coverage of 13th month
pay benefits. Under Section 3(e), "employers of those who are paid on
Evidently, the Serrano ruling speaks only of SIL pay. However, if the LA
xxx task basis, and those who are paid a fixed amount for performing a
and the NLRC had only taken counsel from Serrano and earlier cases,
specific work, irrespective of the time consumed in the performance
they would have correctly reached a similar conclusion regarding the
thereof"55 are exempted.
payment of holiday pay since the rule exempting "field personnel" from
the grant of holiday pay is identically worded with the rule exempting
"field personnel" from the grant of SIL pay. To be clear, the phrase Note that unlike the IRR of the Labor Code on holiday and SIL pay,
"employees engaged on task or contract basis "found in the IRR on both Section 3(e) of the Rules and Regulations Implementing PD No. 851
SIL pay and holiday pay should be read together with the exemption of exempts employees "paid on task basis" without any reference to "field
"field personnel." personnel." This could only mean that insofar as payment of the 13th
month pay is concerned, the law did not intend to qualify the exemption
from its coverage with the requirement that the task worker be a "field
In short, in determining whether workers engaged on "pakyaw" or task
personnel" at the same time.
basis" is entitled to holiday and SIL pay, the presence (or absence) of
employer supervision as regards the worker’s time and performance is
the key: if the worker is simply engaged on pakyaw or task basis, then WHEREFORE, in light of these considerations, we hereby PARTIALLY
the general rule is that he is entitled to a holiday pay and SIL pay unless GRANT the petition insofar as the payment of 13th month pay to
exempted from the exceptions specifically provided under Article 94 respondent is concerned. In all other aspects, we AFFIRM the decision
(holiday pay) and Article95 (SIL pay) of the Labor Code. However, if the dated November 22, 2010 and the resolution dated January 31, 2011 of
worker engaged on pakyaw or task basis also falls within the meaning of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 116003.
"field personnel" under the law, then he is not entitled to these monetary
benefits. SO ORDERED.

Macasio does not fall under the classification of "field personnel"

Based on the definition of field personnel under Article 82, we agree with
the CA that Macasio does not fall under the definition of "field
personnel." The CA’s finding in this regard is supported by the
established facts of this case: first, Macasio regularly performed his
duties at David’s principal place of business; second, his actual hours of
work could be determined with reasonable certainty; and, third, David
supervised his time and performance of duties. Since Macasio cannot be
considered a "field personnel," then he is not exempted from the grant
of holiday, SIL pay even as he was engaged on "pakyaw" or task basis.

Not being a "field personnel," we find the CA to be legally correct when

it reversed the NLRC’s ruling dismissing Macasio’s complaint for holiday
and SIL pay for having been rendered with grave abuse of discretion.

34 Alexander R. 2007-2010- Quezon the requirements set under Section 413 of DOLE14 Memorandum Circular
2005 5 years P312.00 No. 215were not complied with.
Canlas City
Republic of the Philippines 2008- Quezon City
Jerry Q. August The respondents pointed out that Our Haus never presented any proof
SUPREME COURT 10 years 2009- Antipolo 2010- P342.00
Sabulao 1999 that they agreed in writing to the inclusion of their meals’ value in their
Manila Quezon City wages.16 Also, Our Haus failed to prove that the value of the facilities it
furnished was fair and reasonable.17 Finally, instead of deducting the
Bernardo N. 2007-2010- Quezon
SECOND DIVISION 1994 16 years P383.50 maximum amount of 70% of the value of the meals, Our Haus actually
Tenedero City
withheld its full value (which was Php290.00 per week for each
G.R. No. 204651 August 6, 2014 employee).18
Sometime in May 2010, Our Haus experienced financial distress. To
alleviate its condition, Our Haus suspended some of its construction The LA ruled in favor of Our Haus. He held that if the reasonable values
projects and asked the affected workers, including the respondents, to of the board and lodging would be taken into account, the respondents’
take vacation leaves.8 daily wages would meet the minimum wage rate.19 As to the other
BERNARD TENEDERO and JERRY SABULAO, Respondents. benefits, the LA found that the respondents were not able to
Eventually, the respondents were asked to report back to work but substantiate their claims for it.20
instead of doing so, they filed with the LA a complaint for underpayment
of their daily wages. They claimed that except for respondent Bernardo The respondents appealed the LA’s decision to the NLRC, which in turn,
N. Tenedero, their wages were below the minimum rates prescribed in reversed it. Citing the case of Mayon Hotel & Restaurant v. Adana,21 the
BRION, J.: the following wage orders from 2007 to 2010: NLRC noted that the respondents did not authorize Our Haus in writing
to charge the values of their board and lodging to their wages. Thus, the
We resolve in this petition for review on certiorari1 the challenge to the 1. Wage Order No. NCR-13, which provides for a daily samecannot be credited.
May 7, 2012 decision2 and the November 27, 2012 resolution3 (assailed minimum wage rate of P362.00for the non-agriculture sector
CA rulings) of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 123273. (effective from August 28, 2007 until June 13, 2008); and The NLRC also ruled that the respondents are entitled to their respective
These assailed CA rulings affirmed the July 20, 2011 decision4 and the proportionate 13th month payments for the year 2010 and SIL payments
December 2, 2011 resolution5 (NLRC rulings) of the National Labor for at least three years,immediately preceding May 31, 2010, the date
2. Wage Order No. NCR-14, which provides for a daily
Relations Commission (NLRC) in NLRC LAC No. 02-000489-11 (NLRC when the respondents leftOur Haus. However, the NLRC sustained the
minimum wage rate of P382.00for the non-agriculture sector
NCR Case No. 06-08544-10). The NLRC rulings in turn reversed and set LA’s ruling that the respondents were not entitled to overtime pay since
(effective from June 14, 2008 until June 30, 2010).
aside the December 10, 2010 decision6 of the labor arbiter (LA). the exact dates and times when they rendered overtime work had not
been proven.22
The respondents also alleged thatOur Haus failed to pay them their
Factual Antecedents
holiday, service incentive leave (SIL), 13th month and overtime pays.9
Our Haus moved for the reconsideration23 of the NLRC’s decision and
Respondents Alexander Parian, Jay Erinco, Alexander Canlas, Jerry submitted new evidence (the five kasunduans) to show that the
The Labor Arbitration Rulings respondents authorized Our Haus in writing to charge the values of their
Sabulao and Bernardo Tenederowere all laborers working for petitioner
Our Haus Realty Development Corporation (Our Haus), a company meals and lodging to their wages.
engaged in the construction business.The respondents’ respective Before the LA, Our Haus primarily argued that the respondents’ wages
employment records and daily wage rates from 2007 to 2010 are complied with the law’s minimum requirement. Aside from paying the The NLRC denied Our Haus’ motion, thus it filed a Rule 65 petition24 with
summarized in the table7 below: monetary amount of the respondents’ wages, Our Haus also subsidized the CA. In its petition, Our Haus propounded a new theory. It made a
their meals (3 times a day), and gave them free lodging near the distinction between deduction and charging. A written authorization is
construction project they were assigned to.10 In determining the total only necessary if the facility’s value will be deducted and will not be
Date Years of Year and Place of Daily amount of the respondents’ daily wages, the value of these benefits needed if it will merely be charged or included in the computation of
Hired Service Assignment Rate should be considered, in line with Article 97(f)11 of the Labor Code. wages.25 Our Haus claimed that it did not actually deduct the values of
the meals and housing benefits. It only considered these in computing
Alexander M. October 2007-2010- Quezon
10 years P353.50 Our Haus also rejected the respondents’ other monetary claims for lack the total amount of wages paid to the respondents for purposes of
Parian 1999 City
of proof that they were entitled to it.12 compliance with the minimum wage law. Hence, the written
2008- Quezon City authorization requirement should not apply.
Jay C. Erinco 10 years 2009- Antipolo 2010- P342.00
2000 On the other hand, the respondents argued that the value of their meals
Quezon City Our Haus also asserted that the respondents’ claim for SIL pay should be
should not be considered in determining their wages’ total amount since
denied as this was not included in their pro formacomplaint. Lastly, it
questioned the respondents’entitlement to attorney’s fees because they cannot be deducted from their wages for failure to comply with the hand, in charging, there is no reduction of the employee’s wage since
were not represented by a private lawyer but by the Public Attorney’s requirements set by law.33 And though the claim for SIL pay was not the facility’s value will just be theoretically added to the wage for
Office (PAO). included in their pro forma complaint, they raised their claims in their purposes of complying with the minimum wage requirement.39
position paper and Our Haus had the opportunity to contradict it in its
The CA’s Ruling Our Haus’ argument is a vain attempt to circumvent the minimum wage
law by trying to create a distinction where none exists.
Finally, under the PAO law, the availment of the PAO’s legal services
The CA dismissed Our Haus’ certiorari petition and affirmed the NLRC
does not exempt its clients from an award of attorney’s fees.35
rulings in toto. It found no real distinction between deduction and In reality, deduction and charging both operate to lessen the actual take-
charging,26 and ruled that the legal requirements before any deduction home pay of an employee; they are two sides of the same coin. In both,
or charging can be made, apply to both. Our Haus, however, failed to The Court’s Ruling the employee receives a lessened amount because supposedly, the
prove that it complied with any of the requirements laid down in Mabeza facility’s value, which is part of his wage, had already been paid to him in
v. National Labor Relations Commission.27 Accordingly, it cannot consider kind. As there is no substantial distinction between the two, the
We resolve to DENYthe petition.
the values of its meal and housing facilities in the computation of the requirements set by law must apply to both.
respondents’ total wages.
The nature of a Rule 45 petition ― only questions of law
As the CA correctly ruled, these requirements, as summarized in Mabeza,
Also, the CA ruled that since the respondents were able to allege non- are the following:
payment of SIL in their position paper, and Our Haus, in fact, opposed it Basic is the rule that only questions of lawmay be raised in a Rule 45
in its various pleadings,28 then the NLRC properly considered it as part of petition.36 However, in this case, weare confronted with mixed questions
a. proof must be shown thatsuch facilities are customarily
the respondents’ causes of action. Lastly, the CA affirmed the of fact and law that are subsumed under the issue of whether Our Haus
furnished by the trade;
respondent’s entitlement to attorney’s fees.29 complied with the legal requirements on the deductibility of the value of
facilities. Strictly, factual issues cannot be considered under Rule 45
except in the course of resolving if the CA correctly determined whether b. the provision of deductiblefacilities must be voluntarily
Our Haus filed a motion for reconsideration but the CA denied its motion,
or not the NLRC committed grave abuse of discretion in considering and accepted in writingby the employee; and
prompting it to file the present petition for review on certiorari under
appreciating the factual issues before it.37
Rule 45.
c. The facilities must be charged at fair and reasonable
In ruling for legal correctness, we have to view the CA decision in the value.40
The Petition
same context that the petition for certiorariit ruled upon was presented
to it; we have to examine the CA decision from the prism of whether it
We examine Our Haus’ compliance with each of these requirements in
Our Haus submits that the CA erred in ruling that the legal requirements correctly determined the presence or absence of grave abuse of
apply without distinction ―whether the facility’s value will be deducted discretion in the NLRC decision before it, not on the basis of whether the
or merely included in the computation of the wages. At any rate, it NLRC decision, on the merits of the case, was correct. In other words,
complied with the requirements for deductibility of the value of the we have to be keenly aware that the CA undertook a Rule 65 review, not a. The facility must be customarily furnished by the trade
facilities. First, the five kasunduans executed by the respondents a review on appeal, of the NLRC decision challenged before it. This is the
constitute the written authorization for the inclusion of the board and approach that should bebasic in a Rule 45 review of a CA ruling in a In a string of cases, we have concluded that one of the badges to show
lodging’s values to their wages. Second, Our Haus only withheld the labor case. In question form, the question to ask in the present case is: that a facility is customarily furnished by the trade is the existence of a
amount of P290.00 which represents the food’s raw value; the weekly did the CA correctly determine that the NLRC did not commit grave company policy or guideline showing that provisions for a facility were
cooking cost (cook’s wage, LPG, water) at P239.40 per person is a abuse of discretion in ruling on the case?38 We rule that the CA correctly designated as part of the employees’ salaries.41 To comply with this, Our
separate expense that Our Haus did not withhold from the respondents’ did. Haus presented in its motion for reconsideration with the NLRC the joint
wages.30 This disproves the respondents’claim that it deducted the full sinumpaang salaysayof four of its alleged employees. These employees
amount of the meals’ value. averred that they were recipients of free lodging, electricity and water,
No substantial distinction between deducting and charging a facility’s
value from the employee’s wage; the legal requirements for creditability as well as subsidized meals from Our Haus.42
Lastly, the CA erred in ruling that the claim for SIL pay may still be apply to both
granted though not raised in the complaint; and that the respondents We agree with the NLRC’s finding that the sinumpaang salaysay
are entitled to an award of attorney’s fees.31 statements submitted by Our Haus are self-serving.1âwphi1 For one, Our
To justify its non-compliance with the requirements for the deductibility
of a facility, Our Haus asks us to believe that there is a substantial Haus only produced the documents when the NLRC had already earlier
The Case for the Respondents distinction between the deduction and the charging of a facility’s value to determined that Our Haus failed to prove that it was traditionally giving
the wages. Our Haus explains that in deduction, the amount of the wage the respondents their board and lodging. This document did not state
(which may already be below the minimum) would still be lessened by whether these benefits had been consistently enjoyed by the rest of Our
The respondents prayed for the denial of the petition.32 They maintained
the facility’s value, thus needing the employee’s consent. On the other Haus’ employees. Moreover, the records reveal that the board and
that the CA did not err inruling that the values of the board and lodging
lodging were given on a per project basis. Our Haus did not show if As part of the project cost that construction companies already charge to case were not facilities but supplements. In the case of Atok-Big Wedge
these benefits were also provided inits other construction projects, thus their clients, the value of the housing of their workers cannot be charged Assn. v. Atok-Big Wedge Co., the two terms were distinguished from one
negating its claimed customary nature. Even assuming the sinumpaang again to their employees’ salaries. Our Haus cannot pass the burden of another in this wise:
salaysay to be true, this document would still work against Our Haus’ the OSH costs of its construction projects to its employees by deducting
case. If Our Haus really had the practice of freely giving lodging, it as facilities. This is Our Haus’ obligation under the law.
"Supplements", therefore, constitute extra remuneration or special
electricity and water provisions to its employees, then Our Haus should
privileges or benefits given to or received by the laborers overand above
not deduct its values from the respondents’ wages. Otherwise, this will
Lastly, even if a benefit is customarily provided by the trade, it must still their ordinary earnings or wages. "Facilities", on the other hand, are
run contrary to the affiants’ claim that these benefits were traditionally
pass the purpose testset by jurisprudence. Under this test, if a benefit or items of expense necessary for the laborer's and his family's existence
given free of charge.
privilege granted to the employee is clearly for the employer’s and subsistence so thatby express provision of law (Sec. 2[g]), they form
convenience, it will not be considered as a facility but a part of the wage and when furnished by the employer are deductible
Apart from company policy, the employer may also prove compliance supplement.45 Here, careful consideration is given to the nature of the therefrom, since if they are not so furnished, the laborer would spend
with the first requirement by showing the existence of an industry-wide employer’s business in relation to the work performed by the employee. and pay for them just the same.
practice of furnishingthe benefits in question among enterprises engaged This test is used to address inequitable situations wherein employers
in the same line of business. If it were customary among construction consider a benefit deductible from the wages even if the factual
In short, the benefit or privilege given to the employee which constitutes
companies to provide board and lodging to their workers and treat their circumstances show that it clearly redounds to the employers’ greater
an extra remuneration above and over his basic or ordinary earning or
values as part of their wages, we would have more reason to conclude advantage.
wage is supplement; and when said benefit or privilege is part of the
that these benefits were really facilities.
laborers' basic wages, it is a facility. The distinction lies not so much in
While the rules serve as the initial test in characterizing a benefit as a the kind of benefit or item (food, lodging, bonus or sick leave) given, but
However, Our Haus could not really be expected to prove compliance facility, the purpose test additionally recognizes that the employer and in the purpose for which it is given.In the case at bench, the items
with the first requirement since the living accommodation of workers in the employee do not stand at the same bargaining positions on benefits provided were given freely by SLLfor the purpose of maintaining the
the construction industry is not simply a matter of business practice. that must or must not formpart of an employee’s wage. In the ultimate efficiency and health of its workers while they were working attheir
Peculiar to the construction business are the occupational safety and analysis, the purpose test seeks to prevent a circumvention of the respective projects.50
health (OSH) services which the law itself mandates employers to minimum wage law.
provide to their workers. This isto ensure the humane working conditions
Ultimately, the real difference lies not on the kind of the benefit but on
of construction employees despite their constant exposure to hazardous
a1. The purpose test in jurisprudence the purpose why it was given by the employer. If it is primarily for the
working environments. Under Section 16 of DOLE Department Order
employee’s gain, then the benefit is a facility; if its provision is mainly for
(DO) No. 13, series of 1998,43 employers engaged in the construction
the employer’s advantage, then it is a supplement. Again, this is to
business are required to providethe following welfare amenities: Under the law,46 only the value of the facilities may be deducted from
ensure that employees are protected in circumstances where the
the employees’ wages but not the value of supplements. Facilities
employer designates a benefit as deductible from the wages even
include articles or services for the benefit of the employee or his family
16.1 Adequate supply of safe drinking water though it clearly works to the employer’s greater convenience or
but exclude tools of the trade or articles or services primarily for the
benefit of the employer or necessary to the conduct of the employer’s
16.2 Adequate sanitaryand washing facilities business.47
Under the purpose test, substantial consideration must be given to the
nature of the employer’s business inrelation to the character or type of
16.3 Suitable living accommodation for workers, and as may The law also prescribes that the computation of wages shall exclude
work performed by the employees involved.
be applicable, for their families whatever benefits, supplementsor allowances given to employees.
Supplements are paid to employees on top of their basic pay and are
free of charge.48 Since it does not form part of the wage, a supplement’s Our Haus is engaged in the construction business, a laborintensive
16.4 Separate sanitary, washing and sleeping facilitiesfor men
value may not be includedin the determination of whether an employer enterprise. The success of its projects is largely a function of the physical
and women workers. [emphasis ours]
complied with the prescribed minimum wage rates. strength, vitality and efficiency of its laborers. Its business will be
jeopardized if its workers are weak, sickly, and lack the required energy
Moreover, DOLE DO No. 56, series of 2005, which sets out the guidelines to perform strenuous physical activities. Thus, by ensuring that the
In the present case, the board and lodging provided by Our Haus cannot
for the implementation ofDOLE DO No. 13, mandates that the cost of the workers are adequately and well fed, the employer is actually investing
be categorized asfacilities but as supplements. In SLL International
implementation of the requirements for the construction safety and on its business.
Cables Specialist v. National Labor Relations Commission,49 this Court
health of workers, shall be integrated to the overall project cost.44 The
was confronted with the issue on the proper characterization of the free
rationale behind this isto ensure that the living accommodation of the
board and lodging provided by the employer. We explained: Unlike in office enterprises where the work is focused on desk jobs, the
workers is not substandard and is strictly compliant with the DOLE’s OSH
construction industry relies heavily and directly on the physical capacity
and endurance of its workers. This is not to say that desk jobs do not
The Court, at this point, makes a distinction between "facilities" and
require muscle strength; wesimply emphasize that in the construction
"supplements". It is of the view that the food and lodging, or the
business, bulk of the work performed are strenuous physical activities.
electricity and water allegedly consumed by private respondents in this
Moreover, in the construction business, contractors are usually faced c. The facility must be charged at a fair and reasonable value Firstly, petitioner’s contention that the validity of Gutang’s dismissal
with the problem ofmeeting target deadlines. More often than not, work should not be determined because it had not been included in his
is performed continuously, day and night, in order to finish the project complaint before the NLRC is bereft of merit. The complaint of Gutang
Our Haus admitted that it deducted the amount of P290.00 per week
on the designated turn-over date. Thus, it will be more convenient to the was a mere checklist of possible causes of action that he might have
from each of the respondents for their meals. But it now submits that it
employer if itsworkers are housed near the construction site to ensure against Roleda. Such manner of preparing the complaint was obviously
did not actually withhold the entire amount as it did not figure in the
their ready availability during urgent or emergency circumstances. Also, designed to facilitate the filing of complaints by employees and laborers
computation the money it expended for the salary of the cook, the
productivity issues like tardiness and unexpected absences would be who are thereby enabled to expediently set forth their grievances in a
water, and the LPG used for cooking, which amounts to P249.40 per
minimized. This observation strongly bears in the present case since general manner. But the non-inclusion in the complaint of the issue on
week per person. From these, it appears that the total meal expense per
three of the respondents are not residents of the National Capital the dismissal did not necessarily mean that the validity of the dismissal
week for each person isP529.40,making Our Haus’ P290.00 deduction
Region. The board and lodging provision might have been a substantial could not be an issue.The rules of the NLRC require the submission of
within the 70% ceiling prescribed by the rules.
consideration in their acceptance of employment in a place distant from verified position papers by the parties should they fail to agree upon an
their provincial residences. amicable settlement, and bar the inclusion of any cause of action not
However, Our Haus’ valuation cannotbe plucked out of thin air. The mentioned in the complaint or position paper from the time of their
valuation of a facility must besupported by relevant documents such as submission by the parties. In view of this, Gutang’s cause of action
Based on these considerations, we conclude that even under the purpose
receipts and company records for it to be considered as fair and should be ascertained not from a reading of his complaint alone but also
test, the subsidized meals and free lodging provided by Our Haus are
reasonable. In Mabeza, we noted: from a consideration and evaluation of both his complaint and position
actually supplements. Although they also work to benefit the
respondents, an analysis of the nature of these benefits in relation to
Our Haus’ business shows that they were given primarily for Our Haus’ Curiously, in the case at bench, the only valuations relied upon by the
greater convenience and advantage. If weighed on a scale, the balance labor arbiter in his decision were figures furnished by the private The respondents’ entitlement to the other monetary benefits
tilts more towards Our Haus’ side. Accordingly, their values cannot be respondent's own accountant, without corroborative evidence.On the
considered in computing the total amount of the respondents’ wages. pretext that records prior to the July 16, 1990 earthquake were lost or
Generally a party who alleges payment as a defense has the burden of
Under the circumstances, the dailywages paid to the respondents are destroyed, respondent failed to produce payroll records, receipts and
proving it.Particularly in labor cases, the burden of proving payment of
clearly below the prescribed minimum wage rates in the years 2007- other relevant documents, where he could have, as has been pointedout
monetary claims rests on the employeron the reasoning that the
2010. in the Solicitor General's manifestation, "secured certified copies thereof
pertinent personnel files, payrolls, records, remittances and other similar
from the nearest regional office of the Department of Labor, the SSS or
documents — which will show that overtime, differentials, service
the BIR".52 [emphasis ours]
b. The provision of deductible facilities must be voluntarily accepted in incentive leave and other claims of workers have been paid — are not in
writing by the employee the possession of the worker but in the custody and absolute control of
In the present case, Our Haus never explained how it came up with the the employer.55
valuesit assigned for the benefits it provided; it merely listed its
In Mayon Hotel, we reiterated that a facility may only be deducted from
supposed expenses without any supporting document. Since Our Haus is
the wage if the employer was authorized in writingby the concerned Unfortunately, records will disclose the absence of any credible
using these additional expenses (cook’s salary, water and LPG) to
employee.51 As it diminishes the take-home pay of an employee, the document which will show that respondents had been paid their 13th
support its claim that it did not withhold the full amount of the meals’
deduction must be with his express consent. month pay, holiday and SIL pays. Our Haus merely presented a
value, Our Haus is burdened to present evidence to corroborate its
handwritten certification from its administrative officer that its employees
claim. The records however, are bereft of any evidence to support Our
automatically become entitled to five days of service incentive leave as
Again, in the motion for reconsideration with the NLRC, Our Haus Haus’ meal expense computation. Eventhe value it assigned for the
soon as they pass probation. This certification was not even subscribed
belatedly submitted five kasunduans, supposedly executed by the respondents’ living accommodations was not supported by any
under oath. Our Haus could have at least submitted its payroll or copies
respondents, containing their conformity to the inclusion of the values of documentary evidence. Without any corroborative evidence, it cannot be
of the pay slips of respondents to show payment of these benefits.
the meals and housing to their total wages. Oddly, Our Haus only said that Our Haus complied withthis third requisite.
However, it failed to do so.
offered these documents when the NLRC had already ruled that
respondents did not accomplish any written authorization, to allow
A claim not raised in the pro forma complaint may still beraised in the
deduction from their wages. These five kasunduans were also undated, Respondents are entitled to attorney’s fees.
position paper.
making us wonder if they had reallybeen executed when respondents
first assumed their jobs.
Finally, we affirm that respondents are entitled to attorney’s fees. Our
Our Haus questions the respondents’ entitlement to SIL pay by pointing
Haus’ asserts that respondents’ availment of free legal services from the
out that this claim was not included in the pro forma complaint filed with
Moreover, in the earlier sinumpaang salaysay by Our Haus’ four PAO disqualifies them from such award. We find this untenable.
the NLRC. However, we agree with the CA that such omission does not
employees, it was not mentioned that they also executed a
bar the labor tribunals from touching upon this cause of action since this
kasunduanfor their board and lodging benefits. Because of these
was raised and discussed inthe respondents’ position paper. In Samar- It is settled that in actions for recovery of wages or where an employee
surrounding circumstances and the suspicious timing when the five
Med Distribution v. National Labor Relations Commission,53 we held: was forced to litigate and, thus, incur expenses to protect his rights and
kasunduanswere submitted as evidence, we agree withthe CA that the
interest, the award of attorney's fees is legally and morally
NLRC committed no grave abuse of discretion in disregarding these
justifiable.56Moreover, under the PAO Law or Republic Act No. 9406, the
documents for being self serving.
costs of the suit, attorney's fees and contingent fees imposed upon the
adversary of the PAO clients after a successful litigation shall be
deposited in the National Treasury as trust fund and shall be disbursed
for special allowances of authorized officials and lawyers of the PAO.57

Thus, the respondents are still entitled to attorney's fees. The attorney's
fees awarded to them shall be paid to the PAO. It serves as a token
recompense to the PAO for its provision of free legal services to litigants
who have no means of hiring a private lawyer.

WHEREFORE, in light of these considerations, we conclude that the

Court of Appeals correctly found that the National Labor Relations
Commission did not abuse its discretion in its decision of July 20, 2011
and Resolution of December 2, 2011.1âwphi1 Consequently we DENY
the petition and AFFIRM the Court of Appeals' decision dated May 7,
2012 and resolution dated November 27, 2012 in CA-G.R. SP No.
123273. No costs.


35 WHEREAS, in view of such irreversible financial losses, the COMPANY will ....
cease its operations on October 10, 2003;
8. The foregoing agreement is entered into with full
Republic of the Philippines
WHEREAS, all employees of the COMPANY on account of irreversible knowledge by the parties of their rights under the law and
financial losses, will bedismissed from employment effective October 10, they hereby bind themselves not to conduct any concerted
2003; action of whatsoever kind, otherwise the grant of financial
assistance as discussed above will be withheld.8 (Emphasis in
SECOND DIVISION the original)
In view thereof, the parties agree as follows:

G.R. No. 202961 February 4, 2015 Solid Mills filed its Department of Labor and Employment termination
1. That UNION acknowledges that the COMPANY is
report on September 2, 2003.9
experiencing severe financial losses and as a consequence of
EMER MILAN, RANDY MASANGKAY, WILFREDO JAVIER, which, management is constrained to cease the company’s
RONALDO DAVID, BONIFACIO MATUNDAN, NORA MENDOZA, et operations. Later, Solid Mills, through Alfredo Jingco, sent to petitioners individual
al., Petitioners, notices to vacate SMI Village.10
2. The UNION acknowledges that under Article 283 of the
Labor Code, separation pay is granted to employees who are Petitioners were no longer allowed to report for work by October 10,
INC., and/or PHILIP ANG, Respondents.
dismissed due to closures or cessation of operations NOT DUE 2003.11 They were required to sign a memorandum of agreement with
to serious business losses. release and quitclaim before their vacation and sick leave benefits, 13th
DECISION month pay, and separation pay would be released.12 Employees who
signed the memorandum of agreement were considered to have agreed
3. The UNION acknowledges that in view of the serious
LEONEN, J.: to vacate SMI Village, and to the demolition of the constructed houses
business losses the Company has been experiencing as seen in
inside as condition for the release of their termination benefits and
their audited financial statements, employees ARE NOT
separation pay.13 Petitioners refused to sign the documents and
An employer is allowed to withhold terminal pay and benefits pending granted separation benefits under the law.
demanded to be paid their benefits and separation pay.14
the employee's return of its properties.
4. The COMPANY, by way of goodwill and in the spirit of
Hence, petitioners filed complaintsbefore the Labor Arbiter for alleged
Petitioners are respondent Solid Mills, Inc.' s (Solid Mills) generosity agrees to grant financial assistance less
non-payment of separation pay, accrued sick and vacation leaves, and
employees.1 They are represented by the National Federation of Labor accountabilities to members of the Union based on length of
13th month pay.15 They argued that their accrued benefits and
Unions (NAFLU), their collective bargaining agent.2 service to be computed as follows: (Italics in this paragraph
separation pay should not be withheld becausetheir payment is based on
company policy and practice.16 Moreover, the 13th month pay is based
As Solid Mills’ employees, petitionersand their families were allowed to on law, specifically, Presidential Decree No. 851.17 Their possession of
occupy SMI Village, a property owned by Solid Mills.3 According to Solid Number of days - 12.625 for every year of service Solid Mills property is not an accountability that is subject to clearance
Mills, this was "[o]ut of liberality and for the convenience of its procedures.18 They had already turned over to SolidMills their uniforms
employees . . . [and] on the condition that the employees . . . would 5. In view of the above, the members of the UNION will and equipment when Solid Mills ceased operations.19
vacate the premises anytime the Company deems fit."4 receive such financial assistance on an equal monthly
installments basis based on the following schedule: On the other hand, Solid Mills argued that petitioners’ complaint was
In September 2003, petitioners were informed that effective October 10, premature because they had not vacated its property.20
2003, Solid Mills would cease its operations due to serious business First Check due on January 5, 2004 and every 5th of the
losses.5 NAFLU recognized Solid Mills’ closure due to serious business month thereafter until December 5, 2004. The Labor Arbiter ruled in favor of petitioners.21 According to the Labor
losses in the memorandum of agreement dated September 1, 2003.6 The Arbiter, Solid Mills illegallywithheld petitioners’ benefits and separation
memorandum of agreement provided for Solid Mills’ grant of separation pay.22 Petitioners’ right to the payment of their benefits and separation
6. The COMPANY commits to pay any accrued benefits the
pay less accountabilities, accrued sick leave benefits, vacation leave pay was vestedby law and contract.23 The memorandum of agreement
Union members are entitled to, specifically those arising from
benefits, and 13th month pay to the employees.7 Pertinent portions of dated September 1, 2003 stated no condition to the effect that
sick and vacation leave benefits and 13th month pay, less
the agreement provide: petitioners must vacate SolidMills’ property before their benefits could be
accountabilities based on the following schedule:
given to them.24 Petitioners’ possession should not be construed as
WHEREAS, the COMPANYhas incurred substantial financial losses and is petitioners’ "accountabilities" that must be cleared first before the
One Time Cash Payment to bedistributed anywhere from. . . . release of benefits.25 Their possession "is not by virtue of any employer-
currently experiencing further severe financial losses;
employee relationship."26 It is a civil issue, which isoutside the
jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter.27
The dispositive portion of the Labor Arbiter’s decision reads: The National Labor Relations Commission affirmed paragraph 3 of the may be revoked any time at its discretion.45 As a consequence of Solid
Labor Arbiter’s dispositive portion, but reversed paragraphs 1 and 2. Mills’ closure and the resulting termination of petitioners, the employer-
Thus: employee relationship between them ceased to exist. There was no more
WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is entered ORDERING
reason for them to stay in Solid Mills’ property.46 Moreover, the
respondents SOLID MILLS, INC. and/or PHILIP ANG (President), in solido
memorandum of agreement between Solid Mills and the union
to pay the remaining 21 complainants: WHEREFORE, the Decision of Labor Arbiter Renaldo O. Hernandez dated
representing petitioners provided that Solid Mills’ payment of employees’
10/17/05 is AFFIRMED in so far as par. 3 thereof is concerned but
benefits should be "less accountabilities."47
modified in that paragraphs 1 and 2 thereof are REVERSED and SET
1) 19 of which, namely EMER MILAN, RAMON MASANGKAY,
ASIDE. Accordingly, the following complainants, namely: Emir Milan,
Ramon Masangkay, Alfredo Javier, Ronaldo David, Bonifacio Matundan, On petitioners’ claim that there was no evidence that Teodora Mahilom
Nora Mendoza, Myrna Igcas, Raul De Las Alas, Renato Estolano, Rex S. already received her retirement pay, the Court of Appeals ruled that her
Dimaf[e]lix, Maura Milan, Jessica Baybayon, Alfredo Mendoza, Roberto complaint filed before the Labor Arbiter did not include a claim for
Igcas, Cleopatra Zacarias and Jerry L. Sesma’s monetary claims in the retirement pay. The issue was also raised for the first time on appeal,
form of separation pay, accrued 13th month pay for 2003, accrued which is not allowed.48 In any case, she already retired before Solid Mills
LINGA, RENATO LINGA their separation pay of 12.625 days’
vacation and sick leave pays are held in abeyance pending compliance of ceased its operations.49
pay per year of service, pro-rated 13th month pay for 2003
their accountabilities to respondent company by turning over the subject
and accrued vacation and sick leaves, plus 12% interest p.a.
lots they respectively occupy at SMI Village Sucat
from date of filing of the leadcase/judicial demand on The Court of Appeals agreed with the National Labor Relations
12/08/03 until actual payment and/or finality; Commission’s deletion of interest since it found that Solid Mills’ act of
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila to herein respondent company.31 withholding payment of benefits and separation pay was proper.
Petitioners’ terminal benefits and pay were withheld because of
2) the remaining 2 of which, complainants CLEOPATRA
petitioners’ failure to vacate Solid Mills’ property.50
ZACARIAS, as she already received on 12/19/03 her accrued The National Labor Relations Commission noted that complainants
13th month pay for 2003, accrued VL/SL total amount Marilou Linga, Renato Linga, IsmaelMata, and Carlito Damian were
of P15,435.16, likewise, complainant Jerry L. Sesma as he already paid their respective separation pays and benefits.32 Meanwhile, Finally, the Court of Appeals noted that Carlito Damian already received
already received his accrued 13th month pay for 2003, SL/VL Teodora Mahilom already retired longbefore Solid Mills’ closure.33 She his separation pay and benefits.51 Hence, he should no longer be
in the total amount ofP10,974.97, shall be paid only their was already given her retirement benefits.34 awarded these claims.52
separation pay of 12.625 days’ pay per year of service but also
with 12% interest p.a. from date of filing of the lead
The National Labor Relations Commission ruled that because of In the resolution promulgated on July 16, 2012, the Court of Appeals
case/judicial demand on 12/08/03 until actual payment and/or
petitioners’ failure to vacate Solid Mills’ property, Solid Mills was justified denied petitioners’ motion for reconsideration.53
finality, which computation as of date, amount to as shown in
in withholding their benefits and separation pay.35 Solid Mills granted the
the attached computation sheet.
petitioners the privilege to occupy its property on accountof petitioners’
Petitioners raise in this petition the following errors:
employment.36 It had the prerogative toterminate such privilege.37 The
3) Nine (9) individual complaintsviz., of Maria Agojo, Joey termination of Solid Mills and petitioners’ employer-employee relationship
Suarez, Ronaldo Vergara, Ronnie Vergara, Antonio R. Dulo, made it incumbent upon petitioners to turn over the property to Solid I
Sr., Bryan D. Durano, Silverio P. Durano, Sr., Elizabeth Duarte Mills.38
due to amicable settlement, whereas, that of [RONIE COMMITTED REVERSIBLE ERROR WHEN IT RULED THAT
Petitioners filed a motion for partial reconsideration on October 18,
2010,39 but this was denied in the November 30, 2010 resolution.40
prosecute. Petitioners, thus, filed a petition for certiorari41 before the Court of
Appeals to assail the National LaborRelations Commission decision of
August 31, 2010 and resolution of November 30, 2010.42
The Computation and Examination unit is directed to cause the
computation of the award in Pars. 2 and 3 above.28(Emphasis in the II
original) On January 31, 2012, the Court of Appeals issued a decision dismissing
petitioners’ petition,43 thus:
Solid Mills appealed to the National Labor Relations Commission.29 It COMMITTED REVERSIBLE ERROR WHEN IT UPHELD THE
prayed for, among others, the dismissal of the complaints against it and WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby ordered DISMISSED. 44
the reversal of the Labor Arbiter’s decision.30 ANNUM IMPOSED BY THE HONORABLE LABOR ARBITER
The Court of Appeals ruled thatSolid Mills’ act of allowing its employees HERNANDEZ ON THE AMOUNTDUE FROM THE DATE OF
to make temporary dwellingsin its property was a liberality on its part. It
FILING OF THE LEAD CASE/JUDICIAL DEMAND ON DECEMBER Respondents Solid Mills and Philip Ang,in their joint comment, argue that 1. Unfair labor practice cases;
8, 2003 UNTIL ACTUAL PAYMENT AND/OR FINALITY. petitioners’ failure to turn over respondentSolid Mills’ property
"constituted an unsatisfied accountability" for which reason "petitioners’
2. Termination disputes;
benefits could rightfully be withheld."65 The term "accountability" should
be given its natural and ordinary meaning.66 Thus, it should be
interpreted as "a state of being liable or responsible," or 3. If accompanied with a claim for reinstatement, those cases
WHETHER OR NOT THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS "obligation."67 Petitioners’ differentiation between accountabilities that workers may file involving wages, rates of pay, hours of
COMMITTED REVERSIBLE ERROR WHEN IT UPHELD THE incurred while performing jobs at the worksite and accountabilities work and other terms and conditions of employment;
RULING OF THE NLRC DENYING THE CLAIM OF TEODORA incurred outside the worksite is baseless because the agreement with
MAHILOM FOR PAYMENT OF RETIREMENT BENEFITS DESPITE NAFLUmerely stated "accountabilities," without qualification.68 4. Claims for actual, moral, exemplary and other forms of
damages arising from the employer-employee relations;
On the removal of the award of 12% interest per annum, respondents
IV argue that such removal was proper since respondent Solid Mills was 5. Cases arising from any violation of Article 264 of this Code,
justified in withholding the monetary claims.69 Respondents argue that including questions involving the legality of strikes and
WHETHER OR NOT PETITIONER CARLITO DAMIAN IS Teodora Mahilom had no more cause of action for retirement benefits lockouts; and
ENTITLED TO HIS MONETARY BENEFITS FROM RESPONDENT claim.70 She had already retired more than a decade before Solid Mills’
SOLID MILLS.54 closure. She also already received her retirement benefits in
1991.71 Teodora Mahilom’s claim was also not included in the complaint 6. Except claims for Employees Compensation, Social Security,
filed before the Labor Arbiter.It was improper to raise this claim for the Medicare and maternity benefits, all other claims, arising from
Petitioners argue that respondent Solid Mills and NAFLU’s memorandum first time on appeal. In any case, Teodora Mahilom’s claim was asserted employer-employee relations including those of persons in
of agreement has no provision stating that benefits shall be paid only long after the three-year prescriptive period provided in Article 291 of domestic or household service, involving an amount exceeding
upon return of the possession of respondent Solid Mills’ property.55 It the Labor Code.72 five thousand pesos (P5,000.00), regardless of whether
only provides that the benefits shall be "less accountabilities," which accompanied with a claim for reinstatement.
should not be interpreted to include such possession.56 The fact that
majority of NAFLU’s members were not occupants of respondent Solid Lastly, according to respondents, it would be unjust if Carlito Damian
would be allowed to receive monetary benefits again, which he, (2) The Commission shall have exclusive appellate jurisdiction over all
Mills’ property is evidence that possession of the property was not
admittedly, already received from Solid Mills.73 cases decided by Labor Arbiters. (Emphasis supplied)
contemplated in the agreement.57 "Accountabilities" should be
interpreted to refer only to accountabilities that wereincurred by
petitioners while they were performing their duties asemployees at the I Petitioners’ claim that they have the right to the immediate release of
worksite.58 Moreover, applicable laws, company practice, or policies do their benefits as employees separated from respondent Solid Mills is a
not provide that 13th month pay, and sick and vacation leave pay question arising from the employer-employee relationship between the
The National Labor Relations Commission may preliminarily determine parties.
benefits, may be withheld pending satisfaction of liabilities by the
issues related to rights arising from an employer-employee relationship
Claims arising from an employer-employee relationship are not limited to
The National Labor Relations Commission has jurisdiction to determine, claims by an employee. Employers may also have claims against the
Petitioners also point out thatthe National Labor Relations Commission
preliminarily, the parties’rights over a property, when it is necessary to employee, which arise from the same relationship. In Bañez v.
and the Court of Appeals have no jurisdiction to declare that petitioners’
determine an issue related to rights or claims arising from an employer- Valdevilla,74 this court ruled that Article 217 of the Labor Code also
act of withholding possession of respondent Solid Mills’ property is
employee relationship. applies to employers’ claim for damages, which arises from or is
illegal.60The regular courts have jurisdiction over this issue.61 It is
independent from the issue of payment of petitioners’ monetary connected with the labor issue. Thus: Whereas this Court in a number of
benefits.62 Article 217 provides that the Labor Arbiter, in his or her original occasions had applied the jurisdictional provisions of Article 217 to claims
jurisdiction, and the National Labor Relations Commission, in its for damages filed by employees, we hold that by the designating clause
appellate jurisdiction, may determine issues involving claims arising from "arising from the employer-employee relations" Article 217 should apply
For these reasons, and because, according to petitioners, the amount of
employeremployee relations. Thus: with equal force to the claim of an employer for actual damages against
monetary award is no longer in question, petitioners are entitled to 12%
its dismissed employee, where the basis for the claim arises from or is
interest per annum.63
necessarily connected with the factof termination, and should be entered
as a counterclaim in the illegal dismissal case.75
– (1) Except as otherwise provided under this Code, the Labor Arbiters
Petitioners also argue that Teodora Mahilom and Carlito Damian are
shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide within
entitled to their claims. They insistthat Teodora Mahilom did not receive
thirty (30) calendar days after the submission of the case by the parties Bañez was cited in Domondon v. National Labor Relations
her retirement benefits and that Carlito Damian did not receive his
for decision without extension, even in the absence of stenographic Commission.76 One of the issues in Domondonis whether the Labor
separation benefits.64
notes, the following cases involving workers, whether agricultural or Arbiter has jurisdiction to decide an issue on the transfer of ownership of
a vehicle assigned to the employee. It was argued that only regular Art. 100. Prohibition against elimination or diminution of benefits. relationship, generally, it shall be included in the employee’s
courts have jurisdiction to decide the issue.77 Nothing in this Book shall be construed to eliminate or in any way accountabilities that are subject to clearance procedures.
diminish supplements, or other employee benefits being enjoyed at the
time of promulgation of this Code.
This court ruled that since the transfer of ownership of the vehicle to the It may be true that not all employees enjoyed the privilege of staying in
employee was connected to his separation from the employer and arose respondent Solid Mills’ property. However, this alone does not imply that
from the employer-employee relationship of the parties, the employer’s However, our law supports the employers’ institution of clearance this privilege when enjoyed was not a result of the employer-employee
claim fell within the LaborArbiter’s jurisdiction.78 procedures before the release of wages. As an exception to the general relationship. Those who did avail of the privilege were employees of
rule that wages may not be withheld and benefits may not be respondent Solid Mills. Petitioners’ possession should, therefore, be
diminished, the Labor Code provides: included in the term "accountability."
As a general rule, therefore, a claim only needs to be sufficiently
connected to the labor issue raisedand must arise from an
employeremployee relationship for the labortribunals to have jurisdiction. Art. 113. Wage deduction.No employer, in his own behalf or in behalf of Accountabilities of employees are personal. They need not be uniform
any person, shall make any deduction from the wages of his employees, among all employees in order to be included in accountabilities incurred
except: by virtue of an employer-employee relationship. Petitioners do not
In this case, respondent Solid Mills claims that its properties are in
categorically deny respondent Solid Mills’ ownership of the property, and
petitioners’ possession by virtue of their status as its employees.
they do not claim superior right to it. What can be gathered from the
Respondent Solid Mills allowed petitioners to use its property as an act of 1. In cases where the worker is insured with his consent by
findings ofthe Labor Arbiter, National Labor Relations Commission, and
liberality. Put in other words, it would not have allowed petitioners to use the employer, and the deduction is to recompense the
the Court ofAppeals is that respondent Solid Mills allowed the use of its
its property had they not been its employees. The return of its properties employer for the amount paid by him as premium on the
property for the benefit of petitioners as its employees. Petitioners were
in petitioners’ possession by virtue of their status as employees is an insurance;
merely allowed to possess and use it out of respondent Solid Mills’
issue that must be resolved to determine whether benefits can be
liberality. The employer may, therefore, demand the property at will.79
released immediately. The issue raised by the employer is, therefore,
2. For union dues, in cases where the right of the worker or
connected to petitioners’ claim for benefits and is sufficiently intertwined
his union to check-off has been recognized by the employer or
with the parties’ employeremployee relationship. Thus, it is properly The return of the property’s possession became an obligation or liability
authorized in writing by the individual worker concerned; and
within the labor tribunals’ jurisdiction. on the part of the employees when the employer-employee relationship
ceased. Thus, respondent Solid Mills has the right to withhold petitioners’
3. In cases where the employer is authorized by law or wages and benefitsbecause of this existing debt or liability. In Solas v.
regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor and Employment. Power and Telephone Supply Phils., Inc., et al., this court recognized this
(Emphasis supplied) right of the employer when it ruled that the employee in that case was
Institution of clearance procedures has legal bases not constructively dismissed.80 Thus:
The Civil Code provides that the employer is authorized to withhold
Requiring clearance before the release of last payments to the employee wages for debts due: There was valid reason for respondents’ withholding of petitioner’s salary
is a standard procedure among employers, whether public or private. for the month of February 2000. Petitioner does not deny that he is
Clearance procedures are instituted to ensure that the properties, real or indebted to his employer in the amount of around 95,000.00.
Article 1706. Withholding of the wages, except for a debt due, shall not
personal, belonging to the employer but are in the possession of the Respondents explained that petitioner’s salary for the period of February
be made by the employer.
separated employee, are returned tothe employer before the employee’s 1-15, 2000 was applied as partial payment for his debt and for
departure. withholding taxes on his income; while for the period of February 15-28,
"Debt" in this case refers to any obligation due from the employee to the 2000, petitioner was already on absence without leave, hence, was not
employer. It includes any accountability that the employee may have to entitled to any pay.81
As a general rule, employers are prohibited from withholding wages from
the employer. There is no reason to limit its scope to uniforms and
employees. The Labor Code provides:
equipment, as petitioners would argue.
The law does not sanction a situation where employees who do not even
Art. 116. Withholding of wages and kickbacks prohibited.It shall be assert any claim over the employer’s property are allowed to take all the
More importantly, respondent Solid Mills and NAFLU, the union benefits out of their employment while they simultaneously withhold
unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, to withhold any amount
representing petitioners, agreed that the release of petitioners’ benefits possession of their employer’s property for no rightful reason.
from the wages of a worker or induce him to give up any part of his
shall be "less accountabilities." Withholding of payment by the employer does not mean that the
wages by force, stealth, intimidation, threat or by any other means
whatsoever without the worker’s consent. employer may renege on its obligation to pay employees their wages,
"Accountability," in its ordinary sense, means obligation or debt. The termination payments, and due benefits. The employees’ benefits are
ordinary meaning of the term "accountability" does not limit the also not being reduced. It is only subjectedto the condition that the
The Labor Code also prohibits the elimination or diminution of benefits. employees return properties properly belonging to the employer. This is
definition of accountability to those incurred in the worksite. As long as
Thus: only consistent with the equitable principle that "no one shall be unjustly
the debt or obligation was incurred by virtue of the employer-employee
enriched or benefited at the expense of another."82

For these reasons, we cannot hold that petitioners are entitled to interest labor and employer have social utility, and the law is not so biased that it
of their withheldseparation benefits. These benefits were properly does not find a middle ground to give each their due.
withheld by respondent Solid Mills because of their refusal to return its
Clearly, in this case, it is for the workers to return their housing in
exchange for the release of their benefits.1âwphi1 This is what they
III agreed upon. It is what is fair in the premises.

Mahilom and Damian are not entitled to the benefits claimed WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The Court of Appeals' decision is
Teodora Mahilom is not entitled to separation benefits.

Both the National Labor Relations Commission and the Court of Appeals
found that Teodora Mahilom already retired long before respondent Solid
Mills’ closure. They found that she already received her retirement
benefits. We have no reason to disturb this finding. This court is not a
trier of facts. Findings of the National Labor Relations Commission,
especially when affirmed by the Court of Appeals, are binding upon this

Moreover, Teodora Mahilom’s claim for retirement benefits was not

included in her complaint filed before the Labor Arbiter. Hence, it may
not be raised in the appeal.

Similarly, the National Labor Relations Commission and the Court of

Appeals found that Carlito Damian already received his terminal benefits.
Hence, he may no longer claim terminal benefits. The fact that
respondent Solid Mills has not yet demolished Carlito Damian’s house in
SMI Village is not evidence that he did not receive his benefits. Both the
National Labor Relations Commission and the Court of Appeals found
that he executed an affidavit stating that he already received the

A bsent any showing that the National Labor Relations Commission and
the Court of Appeals misconstrued these facts, we will not reverse these

Our laws provide for a clear preference for labor. This is in recognition of
the asymmetrical power of those with capital when they are left to
negotiate with their workers without the standards and protection of law.
In cases such as these, the collective bargaining unit of workers are able
to get more benefits and in exchange, the owners are able to continue
with the program of cutting their losses or wind down their operations
due to serious business losses. The company in this case did all that was
required by law.

The preferential treatment given by our law to labor, however, is not a

license for abuse.84 It is not a signal to commit acts of unfairness that
will unreasonably infringe on the property rights of the company. Both

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