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FAIRIES At the bottom of my garden under the Apple Tree there is Fish pond about 6 feet long and 5 feet wide, in it are several Gold Fish and several Roach, their Silver bodies and Red fins make a pretty picture. Last week J purchased some Water Lily Plants,they are in flower nor, large white flowers with yellow centres, and large green leaves, There is also a large Frog in that pond I have seen him sitting on one of the leaves but when I approach him he dives in the water and just disappears, I wish he would stay because I am quite friendly toward hin. Last night in the Moonlight I saw 5 Fairies flitting from flower to flower, and T am sure Y heard singing, Lonight J am going to place my cassette recorder down there hoping it will record something. 2 PART ONE "Hi Tom ! Do you believe in Fairies ?! ‘Nope [' Tom is married with two kids, he has a low paid job , broke most of the time,bank balance NIL. ‘Hello Henry, do you believe in Fairies 7 ‘Neh’ Henry is a garage mechanic, single no girl because he can't afford one, bank balance again NIL,in fact I believe he owes money to several men ! ‘Hello Harry, haven't seen you around lately tell me do you believe in Fairies 7! ‘No so don't go asking damn fool questions’ ! Well can you lend me a couple of Quid ?° ‘No I would if I could but to tell truth 1 am skint meself.' Bank balance NIL. Was at the club the other night asked about a dozen blokes the same question,none of them believed in Fairies,and the funny thing is , all of them are short of money. Met young Dorothy ( Well she is about 19 years,and ‘that is young to me,) she was coming home from work, ' Hi there Dot: do you believe in Fairies,?' she thought about then, ‘Yes I think so, yes I'm sure there are Fairies the country’ ' Good, now tell, me, how do find things these days,you know, is money short or’ ‘Good lord no I have quite a bit put bye!’ Wondered how Susan was getting on,asked her Do you believe in Fairies ? No hesitation ‘Of course I do, seen them lots of times in the Summer ' ' Bye the way Sue, I may need some cash shortly to swing a deal could you lend me a bit of cash ?' ‘Sure how much will you be needing ?' Old Walt: Carver must have a bit of cash tucked away, ‘Hi Walt: Do you believe in Fairies ' ‘Now that's a damn funny question, don't rightly know but I used to see them when I was fishing in yon river but aint seen none lately but reckon I do believe in "em"'. Yes old Walt is a rich man,owns his house and a few other nice Properties in the village. And what about old Sam another old timer ‘Hey Sam,how goes it, tell me do you believe if Fairies 2 ' He thinks for a while then taking his Pipe from his mouth he says , ‘Nope, they aint no. such things,Tis all rubbish I tell thee, just so much rubbish ,' bank balance never had one and never had a Penny to spare. June Somers lives in a converted farm house,nice garden full of flowers many tourists visit our village and in the summer months she sells armfuls of flowers to lady visitors. ‘Tell. me "June" do you believe in Fairies ? ‘Why certainly I do, I love the little creatures »you can see them on = any Moonlight night dancing on my flowers ' ‘Tell me “June” in these hard times do you have a job making out. I know you don't have much coming in!’ ‘Oh you don't hey ! Well let me tell you I have more than cnough money, I may not be well off like some; but I have Plenty for my needs and I can save money,and in the Summer months I am rich with selling flowers and other garden produce ' . ‘Well that's nice for you but tell me when did you last see a Fairie?‘ ‘Hom now you ask I haven't seen one for ages now.' ‘Fact is old Mother Moggs ,you know the one that some says is a witch, which she isn't but she does know about Herbs and weird cures for things, we were talking about Herbs and she suddenly said "You know I haven't seen a Fairie for such a long time J wonder where they have ail gone",that reminded me I haven't seen one either ' PART TWo Now jusr WHAT are Fairies 7? Well in fairy land we have a lot of funny creatures some good and some bad, and some very bad, every body knows about Gnomes those quaint little fellows who always seem to be fishing. Then there are the Elfs or sometimes called Kives, and there are the Pixies and the Brownies, the Trolls and the Fays and the pretty little Ladies that haunt flower gardens, and of course the Water fairies that haunt rivers and pools of water that are known as Undines, and lastly there are Toltegs who really are Demons and very bad. Now from very old Manuscripts we that Fairies are very often the Spirits of People who were good people when they lived on earth and now they enjoy another form of life as pretty little Fairies, in our Fairy Land we have Frogs,now aie, old stories say that when mucked people die they are changed into Frogs ang they must live as Frogs for ten thousan years, as their punishment, after that time they can be born again as children in very poor miserable families. is is there chance to become good people nat the way back is hard, now that makes me wonder, how often to we see people whe come from a poor family grow up to be goo well liked and are wealthy folk, Hmm now I came from a poor family and Row IT am well off and liked by many people 2 could it be I was a Frog ? I wonder must ask Tammy my cat about that ! ur Fairies can be Spirits of the Dead and ‘they live in Trees and Bushes and, an Rocks by the Water, and they can elp people, and those who believe in them can become wealthy, but if you dislike or are bad towards them they can inflict curses and illnesses on you. All over the world people believe that Fairies live in Trees or Jarge mounds of earth, in England children used to sing. “Fairy Folks live in Oaks"and so Oak trees became sacred trees, For many years people in many parts of the world thought that Fairies inhabited standing Stones, and circles of stones were said to be Fairy. Castles. If a person were buried and a large stone Was erected over their Brave it thought that the spirit of the person would live on in the stone and at night when the Moon was full they could be seen as a Fairy figure sitting on top of the stone. was In Ireland, the Orkney Islands, and in Scotland stone monuments were known as Palse Men and that Fairy Spirits lived in them , the same thing happened if a tree were planted on a grave, for it is thought that the soul of a departed person will inhabit a stone or tree. Pairies can also live in Corn Fields,they are said to protect the crop if the Farmer gives them a bowl of fresh milk each day, and in many parts of the country that ritual is daily performed, the first milk from the Fairy Cow is Placed in a shallow Pan and placed in the Corn Field. C One cow is named ‘ Fairy ' she is the first to be milked and it is her milk that's placed in the field for the Fairy folk } Fairy spirits often inhabit Corn Dollies, at harvest time country folk make Corn dollies,almost every house has at least one Corn Delly for a Fairy Spirit to reside in during the cold winter months. And Fairies can change shape, and at harvest time they change into a Hare or a Quail and in country houses you will often find a picture of a Hare or Quail and if possible they will have an ornament of 2 Hare which they speak to every morning and so ensure good luck for the day. Fairies are as old as mankind there have always been fairies, in every country since the dawn of time Fairies have been with us, I will just quote from a very ancient Manuscript from Ireland, the M/s known as the ' Tuatha De Danann'. Fairies were known as a mythological folk whose history has been known for thousands of years as corn spirits they were aiso called the children of the ‘Goddess Danu’ and were of two kind. Going wuch farther back in the Irish M/s "Tain Bo Cualnge “,a tale is told of the two classes of spirits ,we have the Dee or Gods and the An dee or non Gods. the Dee being wee folk who have magical powers. Water Fairies or Undines. These pretty little Fairies live mainly on or near Water, like our land Fairies they are small, very pretty and some have gauzy Wings like Dragon Flies, and some have wings like coloured Velvet more like our pretty Butterflies. They are said to haunt the Loch Isle Maree and the Island Suthain, and we have the Loch Shiant in Skye where folk leave coins and articles of clothing to the Fairies, We find them again at St Mungo's Well at Huntly, Fairies were supposed to guard the Well at Tober Bhile na Beinne, and people who drank from the Well were always careful to teave some thing for the Pairies. People who drank from Fairy Wells had to be careful because there was the chance of upsetting a Gurcha, a Fairy in the form of a Fish or Worm. and the Worm coutd be deadly, for it could enter the body and breed in the body, the young in the form of Worms would eat the insides away causing a very painful death. 10 The swimming Worms in the shape of a Leech could enter any opening of the body and bathing in waters inhabited by these worms would invariably bring on a lingering painful death being eaten away from inside the body, there has never been a cure from this awful death. Let us look at some Wells that are protected by Fairies, we have, Brayton, Harpham, Holderness, and Atwick in Yorkshire , and Wooler in Northumberland. In Peebdleshire the country girls go to the Cheese Well and ask the Fairy for favours and there are strange stories from here of what the girls and the Fairy got up to to Bain power over their lovers. fest not to enquire too deoply about that! them there is the famous Fountain at Raranton, that lies in the haunted forest of Broceliande in Brittany, it is said that the Fairy Vivian resides there, she was the one who bewitched the magician Merlin. Another Well Spirit is Korrigan the Breton Fairy, and at the Fount of the Fees we have Melusine who appeared out of thin air to her future husband Raymond of Toulouse, another man to encounter his Fairy sweetheart at a fountain was Gracient. tuner WW Joan of Arc used to talk to Fairies ata fount beneath the foot of a tree at Domremy, it was there that her accusers said she communicated with Fairies which were always bathing in the waters. T will not dwell on the bad Fairies except to name a few so that you will know them young maidens, and There are many many more, , ut they a best left alone, to invoke them 7s to bring trouble down on your head uniogn you have the necessary power tg control them. PART THREE The Cottingley Fairies 13 Way back in 19/17 two little Sirls were wont to play near a stream which ran close to the cottage in which they lived, One day the elder of the two girls borrowed her Father's camera to take a Photo of her friend, to the amazement of the man who developed the film it showed the little girl surrounded by Fairies ! Now an amazing thing like that could not be kept secret and under test conditions other Photographs were taken, one of which was taken in this way. The little girl was handed a camera that had been sealed after a film was placed in it, she took the photo and handed back the camera which then was opened = under surveillance and the film developed, Once again the film showed a little girl Playing with Fairies, since that day controversy has raged over these photos nevertheless it has heen proven over and over again that those photographs are genuine, test after test has been made but there is no sign of forgery Several well known figures became interested in these photos and very strict investigation was made into the amazing affair, but no sign of any trickery was ever found, there can be no doubt the photographs are genuinely photos of Fairy olk. The Tittle figures that are reproduced in this book , that you will need if you try out the ritual are copies of the original fairies taken from copies of the photos as taken by the little girls. Extreme care must be taken when cutting them out and assembling them for the ritual which has been designed to release the Fairies from bondage and death at the hands of the Teitorgs A few weeks ago my wife Caroline and . I made a journey to Cottingley with a faint idea that perhaps we might be able to take a photo or two of this enchanted stream. Alas it is a beautiful water way no more, gone are the overhanging bushes where the Fairy fotk played, gone is the trickling stream where Fishes played, all is changed and the brook is now fiithy old pran wheets, part of bicycle and tin cans now fill the stream and there was a bloated sack floating in the water; I sensed it contained the dead body of a Cat or small Dog, we left disgusted at what. is happening to this once beautiful country side of England. 15 No wonder the beautiful things missing, gone are Fairies, lovely Butterflies and The that whizzed up and down the stream are no Tonger to be seen, it was with sad hearts that we turned around and left for home are now gone are the Dragonflies that this once lovely part of country side that was home to the wee folk has been reduced to such straits makes one very sad indeed, PART FOUR September, it's Pouring with rain tonight,rummaging through my chest of drawers, having a general clear out I found one of my Diaries. Last night in the Moonlight I saw 5 Fairies flitting from flower to flower, and I am sure I heard singing, tonight I am going to that Diary is two years old ? Did not see even one Fairy all Summer, wonder why not ? The rain is beating down the window,glad I am in the dry, and Tammy my cat has the best chair as usual, had a lot of fun Playing with her when she was a just a Kitten,but that was 11 years ago. Now Tammy is a wise old Moggy, she has been able to understand to her. last few months I have bee how to understand what she tell going but now. for years all E say nm learning S me, hard am getting pretty good at it 16 ‘Tammy my pretty pussy Cat tell me where are all the Fairies gone ?' ' The Toltorgs have then locked away in underground prisons, they want to know how they do magic,and each month they torture and kill 7 fairies. They will kill them all in time if they do not speak but the Fairy Queen has forbidden them to talk to the Toltorgs ' ‘Can't we do something about it ?° ‘yes if you can find the Lonshi of the Talprg in a Biue Candle then you can release one fairy, but only one at a time, one each day, then you will be rewarded by the Fairy Queen ' "Now why did you keep that to yourself,you™ know I love Fairies 7°. 'Welj you never asked me before !', ' Well what must I do then, I know about the powers of flame but how do I use it, how do I make a start' tell me that O Wise Pussy Cat '. SUGGESTED LAY OUT OF YOUR MODEL POOL, AM C4 re ENP Deon 17 Well you will need tots of things, ,you have to make things here that is like Fairy Land. or perhaps it would work if you Painted a picture of Fairy Land’. ' 0 Great ! how do I know what Fairy Land looks like ? can you tell me that ?' ‘No’ ‘Then how do Y go about it ?' 'T would pray if I were you ' , ‘Don't be Silly ' ‘well you asked and I've told you, when I said Pray perhaps I should have said THINK, you know sit quietly and think deeply '. PART FIVE Making a Model of Fairyland First procure a Piece of Cardboard or better still Hardboard about 24 inches by 18 inches, now we have to make this look like water. We can paint it Light Blue or cover it with Light Blue Crepe Paper. Around the edge of the board we need a Green border, Green Crepe Paper again will make a nice border. Now we must make Some Water Lilies, just very small flowers can be cut from White Paper and the centres can be made from Yellow paper. Or you can cut out the Flowers and Leaves from the Patterns at end of this book. 20 Now cut out the Green leaves, and buy a toy Frog to sit on the large leaf you can use more than one Frog but don’t use more than three. Now you must cut from paper some Gold fishes, use white paper and colour them gold or deep yellow , about six will be enough, make them about 2 inches long. The Flowers and Fishes can be cut out from the patterns at end of book. You will need some Plasticine to make a rough model of the Toltorg, make him about thraa dnehen Looe, do not bether with hin tork. Cut out the three Fairies, now glue a Match stick on the back of each fairy leave it a little longer than the Fairy (See drawing ) now use a small piece of the Plasticine to form a base and your fairies will stand up on the Flowers or leaves. You will! need a Blue candle, stand it on a smali plate or saucer, which must stand at one end of the Pool , light the candle after pouring some water in the saucer, this will prevent a fire if you forget to blow out the candle. at the .end of the ceremony. If you cannot obtain a Blue Candle you may use a White one but do PLEASE TRY to get a Blue one. it will bring better results. 21 PART SIX THE FAIRY GOLD CEREMONY Hefore we start Have i : t see you laid t the pieces in the Pool ? Beside. tees Pieces yon need a Knife (€ An ordinary knife will do, 2 Feet of String or Weohey vow peed ebout Light the candle, pour water jn Saucer. Gaze in the candle flame for at least § minutes thinking of What you would like to have or like to h appen, pl a reasonable request. Pease make it a Now rub your hands to, i " gether quite warm, hold them out oer Palms UP . now slowly Paims Down, saying, Mother I offer this p’ the Pool a turn your hands fo you O Fairy God sychic gift’ , Now sit in your chair, S L wait i e say Fairy God Mother take heege y then take heed, I thee wh Take heed IE do stir and Ean the Borin call thee by all the Plants of the Sea,I call th the Fishes in my model Pond. ond 22 I call thee up by the Frog who only sits and listens waiting for the day that the Fairies return to sing to him. By all these things and more: by the Storm and the Rain, by the ‘Thunder and Lightening, By the Birds of the Air, come T have need of thee. I have fashioned an image of the Toltorg "Ukobach” who is a Demon who has imprisoned many Fairies, and I intend to make him disgorge them in the same way that in days Jong past the God Zeus had his “head split open and his daughter Athene sprang forth. Take note, O fairy God Mother as I now cut off the top of “Ukobach's" head and let come forth THREE fairies, let us rejoice at their return to Earth. Take note T now bind him with this atring, Taking away his power to capture more Fairies, I Bind him and Drown him ( Wind the string around the image of Ukebach ) I know he has many more of your subjects chained up below but J will not rest until I have made him release them. Bact Full Moon I wild bring him to justice, 23 Dear Fairy God Mother J would ask of thee & reward for destroying this Demon's Power, please help me to gain ( Here say the thing you need ) NOT WHAT YOU WANT but what you are wishing for. The Fairies will help you get what you need to make you happy but they will not listen to greed, so don't go asking to win the Lottery,. that only brings trouble and sadness. Now say ' T will close this ritual, thanking you O. Fairy God Mother, I will repeat this ritual again, but now I thank you for attending, and now it is my wish that you return to your happy abode above or below the earth, thank you and farewell for now, Bless you, Amen, Now put all the things away out of don't want nosy poopie knowing of your working with the Fairies, This ceremony should be done on three consecutive nights at the Full Moon, start the night BEFORE the FULL MOON, the night of the FULL MOON and the night after the FULL MOON. Do not perform it at any other time, if you place this book under your pillow do not be surprised if the Fairies come to you in your dreams. 24 So let me wish you many, happy dreams and remember your dreams can come true in fact you will find they often do. and now Good Night & Good Luck. When making the image of Toltorg, just make a rough image forget his fork, after making him, ( which you can do any time before the ceremony ) Lay him on your table,now take a smal! glass of water, put in a pinch of salt. Stir it up, now put your fingers in the water and sprinkle a few drops on the image, saying I name thee Ukobach and exorcise thy powers. From new’ on you are under my power.

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