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Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

Herbs and medicinal Plants in June are Elderberry, Mugwort, Meadowsweet and St. John's Wort

Since ancient times, true Herbalists knew that even the simplest, most common Herbs have their
value and that even a handful is enough to heal all ailments.
It is essential to know the Plants to the core, to regard them not only as containers of chemical
substances, but as personalities with their own Nature and their own long History.

'Man owes it to the food of Plants that he can look up and see the great contexts of the world'.
- Rudolf Steiner

There is infinite healing power in the Herbs !

Medicinal Herbs are often very frugal Plants that grow inconspicuously along the way, in the
garden or simply around the house - unnoticed, unrecognized and unused.
But when used correctly, they can lead to relief and profound healing of many ailments.

So why wander far away when so many healthy herbs are growing right on your doorstep ?
I advise all people who are interested in 'Superfood' to get involved with Native Plants with
healing properties:
Because the best medicinal Herbs grow right on your doorstep!
And they are for you the best because they live where you live, within the same conditions.
They have adapted to the environment to survive and persist and, in very many ways, have
adapted their qualities to it.
Medicinal Herbs from distant lands may also show their qualities and advantages, but they are
not specialists in Native areas.
Various influences that prevail in your field of Life are accepted and mastered above all by the
Native Plant World through adaptation and natural selection.
They can thus pass on their ingredients, their specific characteristics and strategies in order to
emerge and develop naturally, specifically to your field of Life AND to your metabolism.

1 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

In our gardens and along the way, a wide variety of delicacies thrive without human intervention.
It is worth paying more attention to these Wild Herbs, as they contain concentrated energy in the
form of cell-available Vitamins, Minerals and Trace Elements, 'Secondary' Plant substances,
which are indeed available free of charge.
It is the coexistence, the cooperation of the Plant's own ingredients that REGIONAL produces
these extraordinary benefits !

Our medicinal Herbs on the doorstep, often perceived only as 'Weeds' on Meadows, Fields or at
the edge of the Forest, belong to the pharmacy of Nature, which is YOUR Nature and you are an
aspect, a facet of Mother Nature.

So go out into your Nature yourself, collect, try it out - just start.
(And not buy stuff from the 'Super'markets or order online).

parsifalrain, June 01
please note:
Always consult a doctor before using healing remedies and read disclaimer at the end of my abstract.

Elder Tree - The Tree of the Goddess Holla (Sambucus nigra) Family of Honeysuckle family
- [Caprifoliaceae], reclassified as Adoxaceae [genus Adoxa] Holunder, Holler
The Elderberry has always been considered a sacred Tree.
He protected the house and court and was so curative that he was also called 'Our dear Lord's
It was said that one gets well, if one only falls asleep in his shadow.
Even the peasants knew that one should doff the hat in front of the Elder.
For them, Elderberry was sacred like no other Tree.

2 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

In the late Spring, the Elder blooms beautifully.
The Woods put on their wedding dresses.
The Elder flowers with its white, wonderfully fragrant inflorescences blossom on all edges of the Forest.
Its magic is hard to resist, and even people with little knowledge of medicinal Herbs are familiar with the
delicious syrup (Elderberry juice) and sparkling wine produced from Elderflower.
It is also especially nice when I collect Elderflowers together with children on my Herbal Educational
They love the Elderberry juice that we make together and they are also happy to listen when I tell them the
old myths and fairy tales of the Elder Tree during the hike to the Plant.

3 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

Stories and myths

The name of the Elder (Holunder) returns to the Germanic Mother Goddess of Holda with many
interesting characteristics – maiden, mother, hag, spinner, stormbringer, ruler of the Wild Hunt or
It was she who could protect the lives of Plants and animals and even cure people of illness.
As a protective House Spirit she lives in the Elder and in her honor, offerings were often made.
The name of the Goddess Holda goes back to the german word 'Hold' (lovely, propitious).
The real meaning of her name was 'The Shining, or the Radiant'.
She is a light-bringing Mother Goddess, a wise and kind Woman, who brings to the people of the Earth the
kindness of Mother Earth and the radiant Light of the Heavens.
The Goddess is also known by the fairy tale of Frau Holle (Mother Hulda), who rewarded the diligent girl
who comes to Her in the Underworld, with gold, but the lazy girl punished with bad luck.
In the imagination, people who lived by the laws of the Goddess and went the way of the Light were
rewarded, while the bad and lazy people were punished.
It is also sometimes forgotten that the Goddess Hulda is a powerful Goddess of both: the Upper and Lower
World, who helps shape the destiny of humans.
In the Tradition of our Ancestors, the Elder Tree was therefore also considered a Tree of the Ancestors and
as a Threshold-Tree.
Under the Elder tree, the doors to the Otherworld are opened quite easily.
People could come into contact with their Ancestors or visit beings from the Lower world.
It has also been said that in the Elder Tree the earthly creatures, such as dwarfs and gnomes, can come and
go, which is why it is very common to dream of dwarfs taking a nap under the Elder Tree.

The Heathen Frisians buried their dead under the Elder Tree that stood by the house.
Deceased were bedded on Elderberry brushwood.
The coffin carpenter had to measure the coffin with an Elderberry Rod.
In England, morticians carried a piece of Elderberry Wood to protect themselves from dubious spirits.
At the wake, the sermon drunk Elderflower tea so she would not 'fall asleep'.
As Threshold Tree next to the house he connects us with the deceased Ancestors.
Of course, a bowl of milk, porridge or bread was placed under farmyard Elders again and again.

4 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

Hair, teeth, fingernails were buried under the Elderberry so that no sorcerer could connect with the body
parts and cause damaging, black magic with it.
In the Nordic countries, the Elder is also worshiped as a Birth Tree - he helps all pregnant and
The pregnant Woman, who touches the branches of the farmyard Elder, secures the help and kindness of
the Goddess and her own Ancestors.
The Bush can also attract negative forces and disease - so he has never been cut, because cuttimg releases
these negative energies.
That would bring bad luck.
'He who burns Elderberry Wood, to whom comes the devil'.

(learn more about Myths and Customs of this sacred Tree: Wheel of the Year-Celebration
Samhain and Autumn Berry Liqueur and my Plant portrait which goes more into detail about
Elderberry: Tree of the Goddess Holla)

properties and effect

blood cleansing and hemostatic,

medicinal purposes
colds and flu infections
catarrh, rhinitis

flu and flu infections
lack of concentration and learning disability


5 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

Elderberry occurs throughout Europe and western Asia.
He prefers to grow on Forest edges, but also in the vicinity of the house and farm.
The Elderberry grows mostly on soils with a high nitrogen content.
However, he is not generally affected by soil type or pH level and will virtually grow anywhere sufficient
Sunlight is available.
Elderberry is often planted by people wishing to support native butterfly and bird species.

collecting tips
The Flowers of the Elderberry are collected from May to June.
They must be dried quickly and carefully in a shady place.
The dark, healing berries of the Elderberry are collected in Autumn.
However, they must never be eaten uncooked, as they have a slightly laxative effect in the raw state.
Before picking parts of the Elderberry you should always contact the Plant Spirit and ask if it is
desired to take something from the Plant.

in the Flowers:
flavonoids (especially rutin) - expectorant, antibiotic
glycosides - stimulate perspiration
essential oils
in the Berries:
Vitamin C family

6 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

TIP: due to these valuable ingredients the Elderberries have a strengthening effect on our immune system.
In Autumn, it is therefore recommended to make a cure from Elderberry juice.

The Elderberry as a smudging Plant

For smudging, especially the dried Flowers are used, or the white Marrow from the cut Wood.
Neither Flowers nor Marrow spread a special scent, so it is recommended to mix the Elder with other
Plants or resins.
It is particularly good for smoking together with Juniper and spruce resin (galipot).

the effect of smudging

He lets us know the right time.
He helps us if we want to find our Life mission.
He protects us.
He supports us when we ask for healing.
He promotes contact with the Ancestors and beings from the Lower World

recipes for medicinal use

Elderflower tea
Dried Elderflowers are used as tea for flu and flu infections.
They expel the sweat when the patient is feverish.

7 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) family of daisy family - Asteraceae, Chrysanthemum Weed, common
Artemisia, Felon Weed, French Tobacco, Mugweed, wild Chrysanthemum, wild Wormwood, Beifuß

The Mugwort was very popular with the Anglo-Saxons and the Druids, because it was one of the
Nine Herbs that was effective against mischief and poisons, but also the Teutons knew this
medicinal Herb already and for them, Mugwort root was of great importance.
Artemisia was already mentioned in the 1st Century by Dioskurides and Pliny.

Mugwort is considered the Mother of Herbs and has been associated with Witchcraft and fertility rituals.
In the Middle Ages it was used as a sitting bath against infertility and, in very high doses (almost toxic) as
an abortifacient.

Like Yarrow [Achillea millefolium], she is one of the oldest medicinal Herbs.
Mugwort is probably one of our strongest and most powerful protective healing and magic Plants.
I even think that she is one of the most important domestic 'Witch Plants'.
Once you know all of her special properties and effects, it seems incredible that this Herb in today's Herbal
medicine hardly more importance.

8 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

The Mugwort is also called 'wild Wormwood' (Vermouth) because she can exert similarly beneficial
properties on the stomach and intestinal system.
However, it seems much more important to mention that Mugwort is one of our most important smudging
Fumigations with dried Mugwort have a cleansing, protective and blessing effect.
The Mugwort got its name (Beifuß), as tied to the foot while hiking, her carrier never becomes tired.

History and myths

Artemisia has been used in flavoring drinks at least since the early Iron Age.

Anglo-Saxon Herbal Blessing from the 11th Century:

'Keep in mind, o Mugwort, what you made known,

What you laid down at the great denouncing.
Una your name is, oldest of Herbs,
Of might against three, and against thirty.
Of might against venom and the onflying,
Of might against the vile foe who fares through the land'.

This Herbal Blessing indicates that Mugwort has always been a very significant Plant.
In the Anglo-Saxon Nine Herb Blessing she even comes first.
The Mugwort is also a very important Plant of the Summer Solstice, a so called Johannis Herb.
A belt of Mugwort roots braided into the Fire should transmit the suffering of the sick to the Fire:
Before the Festival, Women wove wreaths of Mugwort, which they wore as a belt around their hips during
the evening dance around the Fire.
When jumping over the Fire, the cleansing, fertile and energizing effect unfolds for the coming Wheel of the
Before the Women left the Feast, they threw their Mugwort belt into the Fire to destroy all the mischief and
disease of the past Year.
The botanical name 'Artemisia' got the Mugwort awarded, derived from the Goddess Artemis.
Artemis is a Greek Goddess and is considered the protector of wild animals and Goddess of the hunt.
In addition, she is the guardian Goddess of the Woman giving birth.
She is responsible for healing and fertility.
The naming already indicates that Mugwort was a significant Plant for women, but especially for Women
giving birth.
A popular epithet of Mugwort is 'Mugwurz' (Mug-root), from the Germanic mug = warm.
This name indicates that the Mugwort can develop strong warming properties.
Her heat penetrates deep into the cell tissue, which is why it is used in pressed form in Chinese medicine as
a Moxa Plant.
A Chinese proverb reads: 'The Leaves of the Mugwort can cause hundreds of Blessings like flags'.
Another surname of the Mugwort is 'Women's Root' (Cohosh) or 'Machtwurz' (Power root).
As a remedy for Women and childbearing, she relaxes and warms the abdomen, thereby relieving multiple
Women's complaints.

9 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

Venus and Lunar forces are effective in Mugwort, which can strengthen female intuition and feminine
feeling of pleasure.

The Mugwort juice gives great strength and power.

She also appeared in Love spells.
It was believed that Mugwort gave friendship and Love.
Women who were eager to get married always carried Mugwort with them.
She also plays an important role in fortune telling.
Girls could see their future groom with her.

People also swore on the Mugwort for disease.

If someone had a toothache, the Roots of the Mugwort were placed under the pillow.
Likewise one had to put Mugwort quietly and secretly under a patient's pillow, if he falls asleep
immediately he becomes healthy, if he then finds no sleep, he will die.

Even the deceased were burned together with Mugwort, because the Plant helps the dead to reach the

As an amulet and talisman was used the Mugwort to get protection from 'bewitched' illness, 'witchcraft'
and the whammy.
In order to get help with soul journeys, Mugwort was placed next to the sleeping place.

Until the 20th Century, Mugwort was intensively used in Folk Medicine against epilepsy.
The Root, which is collected in October, was used for this.
The fibrils were used, the small thin fibres that come off the main roots.
These were dried and pulverized.

Before or after a seizure, adults were given a teaspoonful of her to eat.

Teething infants were given the Roots to chew on.

10 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

properties and effect
soporific (promoting sleep)
in case of poor menstruation
stimulating stomach and bile
labor stimulating (oxytocic)

medicinal purposes
Mugwort is a typical female Plant - it is used in menstrual disorders for relaxation and recreation, but is
also used to promote contractions during childbirth
menopausal symptoms
Has a very relaxing effect on feet (foot bath made of Mugwort, or mugwort oil for massaging)
Cramps, sore muscles
In all stomach and intestinal complaints - because it stimulates digestion and increased digestive juices are
formed by her
sleep disorders
anti-herpetic effect

Unfortunately, the Pollen of the Mugwort is the cause of allergies.

Therefore, allergy sufferers should have their allergies tested before taking the Pollen.
Mugwort flowers from July to September, Seed is set from August to October.

other uses
Foliar extracts have also been used in the development of insect repellents.
The Plant is said to be good for deterring moths.

using Mugwort as a local smudging Herb

In addition to Sage [Salvia officinalis], Mugwort is probably the most important fumigant for cleaning.
In contrast to Sage, however, the Herb is native to us, which additionally strengthens its mode of action.
Because the Mugwort in Nature grows very often in stress-laden places, it is also used during smudging
for stress relief.
In the past, it was even one of the important weather Plants that were smoked when farmers wanted to
protect themselves from an approaching thunderstorm.

further effects of smudging

Protective, blessing, cleansing
Supports the feminine, the intuition and the dream consciousness
Helps in the process of letting go, even when mourning
Warms, above all, the chest, which has cooled over in pain

11 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

Open us to our spiritual powers
Bring a clear view - also into the future

Whole northern hemisphere from North America to Eurasia, but you can also find her in South America
and Africa.
However, the Mugwort is a native of Europe and is actually a Weed, as it grows on roadsides, walls and
hedges and sometimes even proliferates.
Sometimes it can be difficult to find the Mugwort in sheltered areas as ... she likes to grow alongside roads
and along roadsides.
She can grow up to 340 cm tall (in our garden up to approx. 300 cm) and forms semi-shrubs, rarely
shrubs with dense stands that smother other vegetation.

12 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

In the vegetative state she has the appearance of a garden Chrysanthemum, hence some of the common
Her inconspicuous appearance is certainly the reason why he is sometimes not perceived as a significant
healing and magic Herb.

collecting tips
From the Mugwort, the flowering Herb is collected from the end of June.
For seasoning food, the cook uses only the Flowers of Mugwort.
The Roots are not excavated until Autumn.

Essential oils

recipes for medicinal use

Fresh Mugwort collected before flowering is placed in a sealable jar and topped up with high quality
organic vegetable oil (e.g. Sunflower oil).
All Plant parts should be well covered.
Close the jar and leave in a sunny place for about 3 weeks.
Shake several times.
After three weeks, filter off, fill up and store cool.
This oil is wonderfully warming and relaxing when you massage your feet after a long hike or after long
periods of rest.
An abdominal massage with this oil has a soothing effect on stomach discomfort, but also on menstrual

recipe for a Mugwort sleeping pillow

The essential oils, which are contained in Mugwort, not only have a relaxing effect on the muscles, but also
soothe the nerves and help to fall asleep.
For a 'sleeping pillow' you can therefore fill a pillowcase with dried Mugwort Leaves and Flowers.
Of course you can also fill the sleeping pillow with other sleep-promoting Herbs, such as Hops [Humulus
lupulus], Lavender [Lavandula angustifolia], Chamomile [Matricaria Chamomilla] or Lemon Balm [Melissa
officinalis]. (page 16)
Your imagination will know no limits.

Mugwort foot bath

2 handfuls of dried Mugwort Leaves and Flowers are doused with boiling Water.
Let cool and bathe the tired, tense feet in it.
This bath is wonderfully relaxing and soooothes tired legs.

Mugwort tincture
Fill a jar with one third of freshly ground Mugwort Root.

13 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

Pour with strong alcohol.
Put the sealed glass in the Sun for 2-3 weeks.
The liquid is then strained and stored in a dark bottle.
Three times a day you should drink a glass of Water with 5 drops of the tincture.
This helps very well with stomach and intestinal problems.
Diluted 1:1, this tincture provides a good liniment for tired legs, sore muscles or neuralgia.

recipes for the kitchen

Mugwort used to be present in every fat dish.
Especially for a goose roast the Mugwort was indispensable.
This is understandable if you know how well Mugwort supports fat digestion.
Mugwort is also very popular as a condiment for potato and bean soups.

Meadowsweet - the vegetable aspirin [Filipendula ulmaria] Rosaceae family - Rosaceae,

The Meadowsweet dominates in early Summer with her delicate, white inflorescences all other
meadow Plants and is therefore also called 'The Meadow Queen'.
Again and again I find it wonderful, when walking on streams or near a river, the beguiling scent
of Meadowsweet acts enchanting on me.
Her scent is sweet and pleasant.
In the past, Meadowsweet was also used to spice up the honey wine (Met), so much appreciated is her

14 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

The many names of Meadowsweet also reveal that this Plant is much appreciated and much used from an
old age.
We also know the Meadowsweet under the name Meadwort [Filipendula ulmaria], Spier flower, Goatee
beard or Queen of Meadow.
It is also worth mentioning that Meadowsweet contains natural aspirin in the form of salicylic acid.
Tea from the Plant is therefore often used for pain relief, especially in joint complaints.

From the roadside it still shines bright and radiant.

The wonderful Meadowsweet - the Meadow Queen - and one of the most valuable medicinal Plants that
Mother Earth has provided to us.
Meadowsweet is the natural aspirin from the Plant World.
It contains the valuable ingredient salicylic acid, which has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic
She is next to the Willow Bark [cortex genus Salix] one of our most important pain-relieving Plants.
I had painful neck tension again and again some time ago.
Fresh and very strongly boiled down Meadowsweet tea relieved my discomfort very quickly, as I hung it
up as a salutary wrap or added it together with St. John's Wort [Hypericum perforatum] oil and some
essential oils to the bathwater.
Of course, I also took a sip of this delicious drink.
Since I am just starting my first attempts to make (Mead) Met (honey wine) myself, I am experimenting
with Meadowsweet, which was formerly used to sweeten the Mead.
In Nature, I appreciate the Meadowsweet, because it is such a delicate, high-vibrating Plant.
As a Meadow Queen she helps us to get in touch with the Fairies and Elves of the Meadow.
As a Flower Essence, the Meadowsweet helps us to wonderfully let go of all the tensions and fears
associated with a lack of basic trust in Life.
Existential fears, righteousness, fear of disease, or simply fears of being as we (truly) are are gently
dissolved by Meadowsweet.
It helps us release the tension and insecurity within us that are related to all these fears.
As a smudging Plant the Meadowsweet has a very special power.
Sh can wonderfully liberate places from all that is negative, and helps to bring Light, Peace and Harmony to
It helps us feel the ground under our feet and get into a contented and grateful attitude.
It makes us accept the Flow of Life and strengthens us inwardly, so that we can find our middle again and
courageously go our way.
Collect the Meadowsweet as long as it blooms so beautifully along the way.
At some point you will be very grateful for that.

attention: Meadowsweet should not be used in case of known allergy to salicylic acid !

History and myths

'Queen of the Meadow
where small streams are flowing,
What is your kingdom

15 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

and whom do you rule?
"Mine are the places
where wet grass is growing,
Mine are the people of marshland and pool".

swift-flashing, beautiful,
Dragon-flies, minnows,
are mine one and all;
Little frog-servants who
wait round me, dutiful,
Hop on my errands and come when I call".

Gentle Queen Meadowsweet,

served with such loyalty,
Have you no crown then,
no jewels to wear?
"Nothing I need
for a sign of my royalty,
Nothing at all but my own fluffy hair!" '

image by

The Meadow Fairies are all related and connected to the 'Meadow Queen'.
Especially Flower Elves, which children use to see, but are barely visible to the adult eye, dance in their
bewitching scent, in their delicate colors and in their gentle movements.
In the time between Day and Night, the Flower Elves hover over the Meadows, talk to the Plants, feed them
and sing songs for them.

16 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

When Night falls, the Elves lie down in the Flowers of the Meadowsweet and sleep peacefully.

properties and effect

blood purifier

Meadowsweet shows us where the Water is.
Preferential she finds us at streams, river banks, but also on wet Meadows and roadsides.

collecting tips
From this Plant are primarily used the Flowers, which are collected on sunny Days and dried in dark, cool


17 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

Salicylic acid compounds - the natural Aspririn, which can have an analgesic effect
Tannins - make the Plant astringent
Flavonoids - work sweat-inducing
vanilin causes the sweetish scent

Healing purposes - recipes for medicinal use

In case of flu - to reduce fever and as a sudorific remedy
joint pain
gout and rheumatism
migraines and headaches
stomach and intestinal problems

muscle-relaxing oil bath

50 ml St. John's wort (Amber) [Hypericum perforatum] -oil
150 ml whipping cream
5 drops each of pure, natural essential Marjoram [Origanum majorana] -oil, Juniper [ Juniperus] -oil and
Cedar [genus Cedrus] -oil
250 ml strong Meadowsweet tea
Add the essential oils to St. John's wort oil and mix with whipped cream and tea.
The whipped cream serves as a natural emulsifier and causes the oils to dissolve in the Water.

Meadowsweet flu tincture

Flowering Meadowsweet herb, Watercress [Eupatorium cannabinum], Thyme [Thymus vulgaris], Sage
[Salvia officinalis] and Angelica root [radix Angelica archangelica]
A jam jar, 40% grain (vodka, cognac, fruit schnaps)
Chop the Plant parts and fill in the jam jar.
Basically, all Plants can still be collected now.
Cover the Plant parts with corn schnapps so that everything is covered.
Put the glass on the windowsill for at least 4 weeks.
Then the tincture can be strained and filled into small dropper bottles.
If a flu-like infection or cold is approaching, drink 10-20 drops several times a day in a glass of warm

flu tea with Meadowsweet

2 parts Meadowsweet

18 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

image by Heike-Rau –

2 parts Lime blossom [flos genus Tilia]

2 parts Elderflower [flos genus Sambucus]
2 parts of Quendel (creeping Thyme) [Thymus serpyllum]
1 part rose petals
Meadowsweet tea ablutions can be a wonderful energetic cleansing.
Also foot baths with the tea from Meadowsweet help to release restlessness and tension.

the Meadowsweet as (native) incense plant

As a smudging Plant, the Meadowsweet helps us to let go of the old and to start something new.
It used to be smudged as a ritual Plant in the past, when young girls crossed into womanly age.
In addition, smudging with Meadowsweet promotes intuition and dream-awareness.

cooking recipes with Meadowsweet

Meadowsweet syrup - cold solution
1kg granulated real, unrefined sugar (i.e. raw cane sugar)
1 liter of Water
1 untreated lemon sliced
15 grams of citric acid
3-4 handful of Meadowsweet Flowers
Put all ingredients in a glass jar and let stand for 48 hours in a cool place.
Stir several times to allow the sugar to dissolve.
Strain the juice and store cool in dark bottles.
This syrup is stable for a maximum of half a year.
If you want to cook a syrup that is more durable, you have to boil the juice in addition.
Tip: (broadly speaking) B Vitamins and the whole raft of the various C Vitamins are among the most heat-
sensitive Vitamins.
Especially from 100 degrees on, these Vitamins show severe losses of up to 50 percent.
Although this is a high loss, it also means that half of the original amount of Vitamin remains.

ice cream from Meadowsweet Flowers


19 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

100 ml of milk
100 g real, unrefined sugar (i.e. raw cane sugar)
500 g organic yoghurt
250 g whipped cream
80 g Meadowsweet flowers
500 g wild Strawberries [Fragaria ... ananassa] or Raspberries [Rubus idaeus]
Boil the milk with the Meadowsweet Flowers and the sugar, then set aside and allow to steep.
Remove the Flowers, add the yoghurt and put everything in a shallow dish.
Place for two hours in the freezer, then remove and finely puree with Strawberries or Raspberries.
Fold in the whipped cream.
Decorate the ice cream with Berries, Meadowsweet Flowers and whipped cream to taste.

20 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

Amber - The Sun of Our Soul. (St. John's Wort) [Hypericum perforatum] Family of St. John's
Wort – Hyperiaceae Johanniskraut
St. John's wort is a Plant that carries the forces of the Sun.
The red oil that is contained in the Leaves is considered transformed Sunlight, which can transmit
its power to us even in Winter, if we can use the 'Sun in the Heart' well.
Amber is the best support for our soul in the dark Season, so that we keep a sunny mind.
It works against depression and nervous moods.
He is one of the few Plants that has been scientifically well studied and whose use has also found its place
in pharmacy.
He blooms most beautifully around the Summer Solstice.
At this time, he also develops its highest healing power.
Traditionally, the herb is also collected between Summer Solstice ( June 21) and St. John's Day - Johanni
( June 24).

Amber has always been closely associated with the annual Festival of the Summer Solstice.
When the Sun reaches its highest point on the 21st of June and the longest Day of the Year takes place, St.
John's Wort spreads its power and might.
'Witches' and healers then collect it and process it into tea, elixirs or the well-known 'red' Amber oil.

Folklore terms
Witch Herb, Bloodwort, Dear Lady's Herb, St. John's blood, Hole- (or perforated) Herb

21 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

Stories and myths
In the Middle Ages, Amber was a highly valued Plant.
It was already worshiped by Paracelsus and used as a medicinal Plant due to its wound-healing and blood-
purifying properties.
Amber was a Panacea for Paracelsus.
He believed that this Plant was 'given to Man by God'.
Amber was also known as a Plant that could ward off demons and spirits.
So he was hanged by peasants for protection in the barn.
In people's homes, Ambers were hung from the window to ward off evil spirits.
With the St. John's wort the altars were decorated for the celebration of the Summer Solstice.
Women tied wreaths from the flowering cabbage on their heads which they wore as they danced around the
fire, symbolizing their attachment to the forces of Light.
The Christians made of the Festival of the Summer Solstice a St. John's Day, which was celebrated on 24th
of June.
The legend goes back to the early Christians that the red oil of St. John's wort arose from the blood of John
the Baptist.
The 'devil' has stabbed angrily on the Plant and so has the holey perforation that St. John's wort has to this
Thus, John the Baptist was modern eponym of our wonderful Plant.

properties and effect

nerve-strengthening and nerve-stabilizing
wound healing

medicinal purposes
nervous states of exhaustion
nerve pain from injuries
sciatica and lumbago
burns and sunburn

image by

22 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

In very dry and sunny locations.
Preferably on roadsides, embankments and Forest edges.

collecting tips
The Herb is collected from June to August.
However, the best time to collect is between the Summer Solstice on June 21st and St. John's Day on June
Preferably, the Herb is also collected with increasing Moon, since he has the most valuable ingredients in
this Moon phase.
All upper parts of the Plant are collected - Flowers, Leaves and Stems.

Hypericin is the main active ingredient of the Plant and responsible for its antidepressant properties.
Flavonoids in the brain ensure that sufficient serotonin (= happiness hormone) can be employed
Hyperforin has germicidal properties
Tannins increase the blood flow of the Heart muscle and also improve its strength

Amber as a smudging Plant

For smudging, the dried Flowers are used.
However, the Flowers have no strong odor when they are smudged.
It is therefore recommended to smudge them mixed with other Herbs and resins.

23 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

Together with Mullein [genus Verbascum], Verbena [Verbena] and Tansy [Argentina anserina, syn.:
Potentilla anserina] (Silverweed), Amber was smudged when protection against an approaching
thunderstorm was necessary.
These Plants can discharge tension-laden air and therefore belong to the classic 'Weather Plants'.
Because of this, Amber is also smudged when rooms are energetically charged after quarrels.
It is particularly well suited for smudging in rooms that are under strong electro-magnetic tension.
In the past, Women in childbirth and their babies were smudged with Amber for protection.
The burning of Amber generally protects against ghosts, fiends, magic damage and other magical

effects of Amber when smudging

protective against dark energies

recipes for medicinal use

Amber oil
Amber oil is a wonderful remedy and belongs in every good medicine chest.
The making of it is very simple.
For this purpose, Amber Flowers are collected on a sunny Day, which are placed in a bright, closable glass
In addition, on a very sunny Day (possibly even after it has been really hot and sunny for a few Days), the
Flower heads, which have not yet fully flowered, are collected.
These are then two-thirds in a large glass filled and doused with an organic, traditionally pressed, virgin
olive oil.
All Plant parts must be well covered by oil.
This jar is placed in a sunny place and allowed to stand for 3-6 weeks until the oil has become the classic
red color.
In between, you should shake the glass several times, 'talk' with the oil and send healing energy into it.
If the oil has assumed its typical red color, it can be poured off.
It is best stored in dark bottles in a cool place.
For rubbing in sore muscles, nervous and joint complaints.
But also with sunburn, stomach pains, menstrual cramps, rheumatic pains and varicose veins.
This oil is also very suitable as a massage oil, as it can solve both physical and emotional tension.

Amber tincture
Leaves and Flowers are filled into a bottle and infused with approx. 45% alcohol.
The Plant Parts must be completely covered.
The sealed glass is left for 3 weeks in a sunny place.
The recovered liquid is then strained and stored in dark vials.

24 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

This tincture is wonderfully suitable for nerve strengthening, insomnia or sleep disorders, but also for
headaches and other states of exhaustion.
For this purpose, 10 drops are added 3 times a Day in glass of Water and drunk in sips.

flower essence
On a very sunny day, the flowers of Amber are collected and placed in a glass bowl, which can be left for
several hours in the sun.
The flowers are removed, the liquid half filled in a bottle and poured with alcohol (Grappa or grain), so
that the essence also remains durable.
As in Bach flower therapy, only a few drops of this essence are used.
Amber essences help against fears and against stress.
Especially with fears of darkness.
Since Amber is also a strong protective Plant, this essence helps especially against 'black magic' of modern
times - also called bullying.

This information is supplied without liability, limit or warranty.
Please note - this healing recipes may be subject to change and are without guarantee – always contact a
Medical doctor before the application !

25 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

The information in this article has been carefully reviewed by me.
However, I decline any liability for any damage or consequences arising from the use or misuse of the
information I have provided.

I do not give any medical advice.

If you have serious health problems, you should refrain from self-medication and seek the advice of a
Medical doctor or alternative practitioner.

Some Wild Plants are protected regionally, consult the nature conservation authorities.
Collect only individual Plants, so that the stock remains !
Remember – you can only harvest something which belongs to you !

all images from Wikipedia, Wikimedia or self-made unless otherwise stated

Plants in the Wheel of the Year - May
Walpurgis – Beltane - Baaltane

Plants in the Wheel of the Year – July
Summer Solstice - Litha - June 21

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26 Plants in the Wheel of the Year – June

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