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name type description prerequisites prerequisite_febenefit

Acrobatic General You are skilled at leaping, jumping, and flying. You get a +2 bonus on all Acrobatic
Acrobatic Steps General You can easily mDex 15, Nimble Nimble Moves Whenever you move, you may mov
Agile Maneuvers Combat You've learned to use your quickness in place You add your De
Alertness General You often notice things that others might miss. You get a +2 bonus on Perception a
Alignment Channel General Choose chaos, evAbility to channel energy. Instead of its normal effect, yo
Animal Affinity General You are skilled at working with animals and mouYou get a +2 bonus on all Handle An
Arcane Armor Mastery Combat You have mastere Arcane Armor Tra Arcane Armor TrAs a swift action, reduce the arcane
Arcane Armor Training Combat You have learnedLight Armor ProfLight Armor ProAs a swift action, reduce the arcane
Arcane Strike Combat You draw upon yAbility to cast arcane spells. As a swift action, you can imbue yo
Heavy Armor Proficiency Combat You are skilled Light Armor ProLight Armor ProSee Armor Profic
Light Armor Proficiency Combat You are skilled at wearing light armor. When you wear a
Medium Armor Proficiency Combat You are skilled Light Armor ProfLight Armor ProSee Armor Profic
Athletic General You possess inherent physical prowess. You get a +2 bonus on Climb and Sw
Augment Summoning General Your summonedSpell c Focus (conSpell Focus (conEach creature you conjure with any
Bleeding Critical Combat Your critical hi Critical Focus, Critical Focus Whenever you score a critical hi
Blind-Fight Combat You are skilled at attacking opponents that you In melee, every
Blinding Critical Combat Your critical hi Critical Focus, Critical Focus Whenever you score a critical hi
Brew Potion Item Creation You can create mCaster level 3rd. You can create a potion of any 3rd-l
Catch Off-Guard Combat Foes are surprised by your skilled use of unor You do not suff
Channel Smite Combat You can channelChannel energy class feature. Before you make a melee attack rol
Cleave Combat You can strike t Str 13, Power AtPower Attack As a standard action, you can make
Combat Casting General You are adept at spellcasting when threatened orYou get a +4 bonus on concentratio
Combat Expertise Combat You can increaseInt 13. You can choose to take a -1 penalty
Combat Reflexes Combat You can make additional attacks of opportunity. You may make a n
Command Undead General Using foul poweChannel negative energy class feAs a standard action, you can use o
Craft Magic Arms and Armor Item Creation You can create mCaster level 5th. You can create magic weapons, arm
Craft Rod Item Creation You can create mCaster level 9th. You can create magic rods. Crafting
Craft Wand Item Creation You can create Caster level 5th. You can create a wand of any 4th-le
Craft Staff Item Creation You can create mCaster level 11th. You can create any staff whose prer
Craft Wondrous Item Item Creation You can create wCaster level 3rd. You can create a wide variety of ma
Critical Focus Combat You are trained iBase attack bonus +9. You receive a +4 circumstance bonu
Critical Mastery Combat Your critical hit Critical Focus, aCritical Focus When you score a
Dazzling Display Combat Your skill with Weapon Focus, pWeapon Focus While wielding the weapon in whic
Deadly Aim Combat You can make exc Dex 13, base attack bonus +1. You can choose to take a -1 penalty
Deadly Stroke Combat With a well-placDazzling DisplayDazzling Displa As a standard action, make a single
Deafening Critical Combat Your critical hit Critical Focus, Critical Focus Whenever you score a critical hi
Deceitful General You are skilled at deceiving others, both with t You get a +2 bonus on all Bluff and
Defensive Combat Training Combat You excel at defending yourself from all manne You treat your total Hit Dice as you
Deflect Arrows Combat You can knock arDex 13, ImproveImproved Unarm You must have at least one hand fre
Deft Hands General You have exceptional manual dexterity. You get a +2 bonus on Disable Devi
Diehard General You are especialEndurance. Endurance When your hit po
Disruptive Combat Your training mak 6th-level fighter. The DC to cast spells defensively in
Dodge Combat Your training anDex 13. You gain a +1 dodge bonus to your
Double Slice Combat Your off-hand wDex 15, Two-Wea Two-Weapon FigAdd your Streng
Elemental Channel General Choose one eleme Channel energy class feature. Instead of its normal effect, yo
Empower Spell Metamagic You can increase the power of your spells, caus All variable, numeric effects of an e
Endurance General Harsh conditions or long exertions do not easilyYou gain a +4 bo
Enlarge Spell Metamagic You can increase the range of your spells. You can alter a spell with a range of
Eschew Materials General You can cast many spells without needing to uti You can cast any spell with a mater
Exhausting Critical Combat Your critical hi Critical Focus, TCritical Focus, TWhen you score a critical hit on
Exotic Weapon Proficiency Combat Choose one typeBase attack bonus +1. You make attack
Extend Spell Metamagic You can make your spells last twice as long. An extended spell lasts twice as lon
Extra Channel General You can channelChannel energy class feature. You can channel energy two addi
Extra Ki General You can use yourKi pool class feature. Your ki pool increases by 2.
Extra Lay On Hands General You can use yourLay on hands class feature. You can use your lay on hands ab
Extra Mercy General Your lay on handLay on hands class feature, mercSelect one additional mercy for w
Extra Performance General You can use youBardic performance class featurYou can use bardic performance
Extra Rage General You can use yourRage class feature. You can rage for 6 additional ro
Far Shot Combat You are more accPoint-Blank ShotPoint-Blank ShoYou only suffer
Fleet General You are faster than most. While you are wearing light or no
Forge Ring Item Creation You can create mCaster level 7th. You can create magic rings. Crafting
Gorgon's Fist Combat With one well-plImproved Unarme Improved Unarme As a standard action, make a single
Great Cleave Combat You can strike mStr 13, Cleave, Cleave, Power AAs a standard action, you can make
Great Fortitude General You are resistant to poisons, diseases, and otherYou get a +2 bonus on all Fortitude
Greater Bull Rush Combat Your bull rush aImproved Bull Ru Improved Bull RYou receive a +2
Greater Disarm Combat You can knock wCombat ExpertisCombat ExpertiYou receive a +2
Greater Feint Combat You are skilled Combat Expertise Combat ExpertisWhenever you use
Greater Grapple Combat Maintaining a grImproved GrapplImproved GrappYou receive a +2
Greater Overrun Combat Enemies must diImproved Overrun Improved Overru You receive a +
Greater Penetrating Strike Combat Your attacks penPenetrating StriPenetrating Str Your attacks made with weapons se
Greater Shield Focus Combat You are skilled aShield Focus, ShiShield Focus, ShIncrease the AC bonus granted by a
Greater Spell Focus General Choose a schoolSpell Focus. Spell Focus Add +1 to the Difficulty Class fo
Greater Spell Penetration General Your spells breaSpell PenetratioSpell PenetratioYou get a +2 bonus on caster level c
Greater Sunder Combat Your devastatingImproved Sunder, Improved Sunder You receive a +2 bonus on checks m
Greater Trip Combat You can make freCombat Expertise Combat ExpertisYou receive a +2
Greater Two-Weapon Fighting Combat You are incredibDex 19, ImproveImproved Two-W You get a third attack with your off-
Greater Vital Strike Combat You can make a sImproved Vital SImproved Vital St When you use the attack action, yo
Greater Weapon Focus Combat Choose one typeProficiency withWeapon Focus You gain a +1 bonus on attack r
Greater Weapon Specialization Combat Choose one typeProficiency wit Greater WeaponYou gain a +2 bonus on all dama
Heighten Spell Metamagic You can cast spells as if they were a higher level.A heightened spell has a higher spe
Improved Bull Rush Combat You are skilled Str 13, Power AtPower Attack You do not provo
Improved Channel General Your channeled C ehannel energy class feature. Add 2 to the DC of saving throws m
Improved Counterspell General You are skilled at countering the spells of othersWhen counterspel
Improved Critical Combat Attacks made wiProficient with weapon, base at When using the weapon you selec
Improved Disarm Combat You are skilled Int 13, Combat ECombat ExpertiYou do not prov
Improved Familiar General This feat allows Ability to acquire a new familiarWhen choosing a familiar, the creat
Improved Feint Combat You are skilled Int 13, Combat ECombat ExpertiYou can make a B
Improved Grapple Combat You are skilled Dex 13, ImproveImproved Unarm You do not prov
Improved Great Fortitude General You can draw upo Great Fortitude.Great Fortitude Once per day, you may reroll a Fort
Improved Initiative Combat Your quick ref lexes allow you to react rapidly toYou get a +4 bonus on initiative che
Improved Iron Will General Your clarity of Iron Will. Iron Will Once per day, you may reroll a Will
Improved Lightning Reflexes General You have a knackLightning ReflexLightning ReflexOnce per day, you may reroll a Ref l
Improved Overrun Combat You are skilled Str 13, Power AtPower Attack You do not prov
Improved Precise Shot Combat Your ranged attaDex 19, Point-BlPoint-Blank ShotYour ranged atta
Improved Shield Bash Combat You can protect Syhield ProficiencShield ProficienWhen you perform
Improved Sunder Combat You are skilled Str 13, Power AtPower Attack You do not prov
Improved Trip Combat You are skilled Int 13, Combat ECombat ExpertiYou do not provo
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Combat You are skilled Dex 17, Two-Wea Two-Weapon FigIn addition to t
Improved Unarmed Strike Combat You are skilled at fighting while unarmed. You are conside
Improved Vital Strike Combat You can make a sVital Strike, ba Vital Strike When you use the attack action, yo
Improvised Weapon Mastery Combat You can turn neaCatch Off-GuardCatch Off-GuardYou do not suffer any penalties for
Intimidating Prowess Combat Your physical might is intimidating to others. Add your Strength modifier to Intim
Iron Will General You are more resistant to mental effects. You get a +2 bonus on all Will savin
Leadership General You attract foll Character level 7th. This feat enables you to attract a lo
Lightning Reflexes General You have faster ref lexes than normal. You get a +2 bonus on all Ref lex sav
Lightning Stance Combat The speed at whiDex 17, Dodge, Dodge, Wind St If you take two actions to move or a
Lunge Combat You can strike f Base attack bonus +6. You can increase the reach of your m
Magical Aptitude General You are skilled at spellcasting and using magic i You get a +2 bonus on all Spellcraft
Manyshot Combat You can fire multDex 17, Point-BlPoint-Blank ShoWhen making a full-attack action w
Martial Weapon Proficiency Combat Choose a type of martial weapon. You understanYou make attack
Master Craftsman General Your superior cr5 ranks in any Craft or Profession Choose one Craft
Maximize Spell Metamagic Your spells have the maximum possible effect. All variable, numeric effects of a sp
Medusa's Wrath Combat You can take advImproved Unarmed Improved Unarme Whenever you use the full-attack a
Mobility Combat You can easily Dex 13, Dodge. Dodge You get a +4 dodge bonus to Armor
Mounted Archery Combat You are skilled Ride 1 rank, MoMounted CombaThe penalty you take when using a
Mounted Combat Combat You are adept a Ride 1 rank. Once per round when your mount i
Natural Spell General You can cast speWis 13, wild shape class featureYou can complete the verbal and so
Nimble Moves General You can move acr Dex 13. Whenever you move, you may mov
Penetrating Strike Combat Your attacks areWeapon Focus, 12 Weapon Focus Your attacks made with weapons se
Persuasive General You are skilled at swaying attitudes and intimid You get a +2 bonus on Diplomacy a
Pinpoint Targeting Combat You can target t Dex 19, Improved Improved Precise As a standard action, make a single
Point-Blank Shot Combat You are especially accurate when making rangedYou get a +1 bonus on attack and da
Power Attack Combat You can make exc Str 13, base attack bonus +1. You can choose to take a -1 penalty
Precise Shot Combat You are adept atPoint-Blank ShotPoint-Blank ShoYou can shoot or throw ranged wea
Quick Draw Combat You can draw weBase attack bonus +1. You can draw a w
Quicken Spell Metamagic You can cast spells in a fraction of the normal ti Casting a quickened spell is a sw
Rapid Shot Combat You can make anDex 13, Point-BlPoint-Blank ShoWhen making a full-attack action w
Ride-By Attack Combat While mounted Ride
an 1 rank, MoMounted CombaWhen you are mounted and use the
Run General You are swift of foot. When running, yo
Scorpion Style Combat You can performImproved Unarm Improved Unarm To use this feat, you must make a si
Scribe Scroll Item Creation You can create mCaster level 1st. You can create a scroll of any spell t
Selective Channeling General You can choose Cha 13, channel energy class feaWhen you channel
Self-Sufficient General You know how to get along in the wild and how tYou get a +2 bonus on all Heal chec
Shatter Defenses Combat Your skill with Weapon Focus, DWeapon Focus, DAny shaken, frightened, or panicked
Shield Focus Combat You are skilled aShield ProficienShield ProficienIncrease the AC bonus granted by a
Shield Proficiency Combat You are trained in how to properly use a shield. When you use a s
Shield Slam Combat In the right pos Improved ShieldImproved ShieldAny opponents hit by your shield b
Shot on the Run Combat You can move, fiDex 13, Dodge, M Dodge, Mobility,As a full-round
Sickening Critical Combat Your critical hi Critical Focus, Critical Focus Whenever you score a critical hit
Silent Spell Metamagic You can cast your spells without making any so A silent spell can be cast with n
Simple Weapon Proficiency Combat You are trained in the use of basic weapons. You make attack
Skill Focus General Choose a skill. You are particularly adept at that You get a +3 bonus on all checks
Snatch Arrows Combat Instead of knockDex 15, Deflect Deflect Arrows, When using the Def lect Arrows fea
Spell Focus General Choose a school of magic. Any spells you cast of A t dd +1 to the Difficulty Class fo
Spell Mastery General You have mastere 1st-level wizard. Each time you ta
Spell Penetration General Your spells break through spell resistance more You get a +2 bonus on caster level c
Spellbreaker Combat You can strike a Disruptive, 10th-Disruptive Enemies in your
Spirited Charge Combat Your mounted chRide 1 rank, MoMounted Combat When mounted and using the charg
Spring Attack Combat You can deftly mDex 13, Dodge, M Dodge, MobilityAs a full-round
Staggering Critical Combat Your critical hi Critical Focus, Critical Focus Whenever you score a critical hi
Stand Still Combat You can stop foeCombat ReflexesCombat Reflexe When a foe provokes an attack of o
Stealthy General You are good at avoiding unwanted attention and You get a +2 bonus on all Escape Ar
Step Up Combat You can close thBase attack bonus +1. Whenever an adjacent foe attempts
Still Spell Metamagic You can cast spells without moving. A stilled spell can be cast with no s
Strike Back Combat You can strike a Base attack bonus +11. You can ready an action to make a m
Stunning Critical Combat Your critical hi Critical Focus, Critical Focus, SWhenever you score a critical hi
Stunning Fist Combat You know just wh Dex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarm You must declare that you are us
Throw Anything Combat You are used to throwing things you have on hanYou do not suff
Tiring Critical Combat Your critical hi Critical Focus, Critical Focus Whenever you score a critical hi
Toughness General You have enhanced physical stamina. You gain +3 hit points. For every Hi
Tower Shield Proficiency Combat You are trained Shield ProficiencShield ProficienWhen you use a t
Trample Combat While mounted,Ride 1 rank, MoMounted CombaWhen you attempt to overrun an op
Turn Undead General Calling upon higChannel positive energy class feYou can, as a standard action, use o
Two-Weapon Defense Combat You are skilled Dex 15, Two-Wea Two-Weapon FigWhen wielding a double weapon or
Two-Weapon Fighting Combat You can fight w Dex 15. Your penalties o
Two-Weapon Rend Combat Striking with boDex 17, Double Double Slice, I If you hit an opponent with both yo
Unseat Combat You are skilled Str 13, Ride 1 Mounted Combat, When charging an opponent while
Vital Strike Combat You make a singlBase attack bonus +6. When you use the attack action, yo
Weapon Finesse Combat You are trained in using your agility in melee c With a light weapon, elven curve
Weapon Focus Combat Choose one typeProficiency with selected weapoYou gain a +1 bonus on all attac
Weapon Specialization Combat You are skilled Proficiency withWeapon Focus You gain a +2 bonus on all dama
Whirlwind Attack Combat You can strike oDex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise When you use the full-attack action
Widen Spell Metamagic You can cast your spells so that they occupy a laYou can alter a burst, emanation, or
Wind Stance Combat Your erratic movDex 15, Dodge, bDodge If you move more than 5 feet this tu
Additional Traits General You have more traits than normal. You gain two character traits of you
Ability Focus Monster One of this creatSpecial attack. Choose one of the creature's spec
Awesome Blow Monster, CombaThis creature caStr 25, Power Attack, Improved B As a standard action, the creature m
Craft Construct Item Creation You can create cCaster level 5th, Craft Magic A You can create any construct whose
Empower Spell-Like Ability Monster One of this creatSpell-like ability at caster level Choose one of the creature's spel
Flyby Attack Monster This creature caFly speed. When flying, the
Hover Monster This creature caFly speed. A creature with
Improved Natural Armor Monster This creature's Natural armor, Con 13. The creature's natural armor bo
Improved Natural Attack Monster Attacks made byNatural weapon, base attack bo Choose one of the creature's nat
Multiattack Monster, CombaThis creature is Three or more natural attacks. The creature's s
Quicken Spell-Like Ability Monster This creature can Spell-like ability at CL 10th or h Choose one of the
Snatch Monster This creature caSize Huge or larger. The creature can start a grapple wh
Wingover Monster This creature caFly speed. Once each round,
Allied Spellcaster General With the aid of aCaster level 1st. Whenever you are adjacent to an al
Arcane Blast General You can convert Arcane spellcaster, caster level As a standard action, you can sacrif
Arcane Shield General You can convert Arcane spellcaster, caster level As a immediate action, you can sacr
Arcane Talent General Magic is in your Cha 10; elf, half-elf, or gnome. Choose a 0-level spell from the sorc
Aspect of the Beast General Whether by magic wild shape class feature, see SpeYour bestial nature manifests it
Bashing Finish Combat You follow a po Improved ShieldImproved ShieldWhenever you score a critical hit w
Bloody Assault Combat Sacrificing accu Str 13, Power AtPower Attack You can choose to take a -5 penalty
Bodyguard Combat Your swift strik Combat ReflexesCombat Reflexe When an adjacent
Bouncing Spell Metamagic You can direct a failed spell against a different taWhenever a bouncing spell targetin
Breadth of Experience General Although still y Dwarf, elf, or gnome; 100+ yearsYou get a +2 bonus on all Knowledg
Bull Rush Strike Combat Your critical hit Str 13, ImprovedImproved Bull RWhenever you sco
Charge Through Combat You can overrunStr 13, ImprovedImproved Overru When making a ch
Childlike General Your resemblancCha 13, halfling. You can take 10 on Bluff checks to c
Cloud Step General Your tread is of Spider Step, monSpider Step As a move action, you can air walk
Cockatrice Strike Combat With a single st Improved Unarme Improved Unarme As a full-round action, you can mak
Combat Patrol Combat You range acrossCombat Reflexes,Combat ReflexesAs a full-round action, you may set
Cooperative Crafting General Your assistance 1 rank in any Craft skill, any ite You can assist another character in
Coordinated Defense Combat You are adept at working with allies to avoid be Whenever you are adjacent to an al
Coordinated Maneuvers Combat You are skilled at working with your allies to Whenever you are adjacent to an al
Cosmopolitan General Living in large, exotic cities has put you in touc You can speak and read two additio
Covering Defense Combat You are skilled aShield Focus, baShield Focus When you use the total defense act
Crippling Critical Combat You are able to Critical Focus, Critical Focus Whenever you score a critical hi
Crossbow Mastery Combat You can load croDex 15, Point-BlPoint-Blank ShotThe time required for you to rel
Dastardly Finish Combat You can take advSneak attack +5d6. You can deliver
Dazing Assault Combat You can daze foeStr 13, Power AtPower Attack You can choose to take a -5 penalty
Dazing Spell Metamagic You can daze creatures with the power of your sp You can modify a spell to daze a cre
Deep Drinker General You draw greater Con 13, monk level 11, drunken Whenk you gain temporary ki from d
Deepsight General Your senses are Darkvision 60 feet. Your darkvision
Disarming Strike Combat Your critical hit Int 13, Combat Combat ExpertiWhenever you sco
Disrupting Shot Combat With a well-placDex 13, Point-Bla Point-Blank ShoIf you ready an action to shoot an o
Disruptive Spell Metamagic Your magical energies cling to enemies, interferiTargets affected by a disruptive spe
Diviner's Delving General Your keen magica Spell Focus (divSpell Focus You gain a +2 bonus on caster level
Dreadful Carnage Combat Slaying an enemStr 15, Power AtPower Attack, F Whenever you reduce an enemy to
Duck and Cover General Your allies assist you in avoiding certain attacks.Whenever you are adjacent to an al
Eagle Eyes General Your vision is esWis 13, keen senses racial trait. You ignore up to -5 in penalties due
Eclectic General You have a talenHuman. Choose an additional favored class
Ectoplasmic Spell Metamagic Your spells breach the gulf between dimensions,An ectoplasmic spell has full effect
Eldritch Claws Combat Who needs magic Str 15, natural weapons, base atYou natural weapons are considere
Elemental Fist Combat You empower you Con 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarm When you use Elemental Strike pi
Elemental Focus General Your spells of a certain element are more difficultChoose one energy type (acid, col
Elemental Spell Metamagic You can manipulate the elemental nature of yourChoose one energy type: acid, col
Elven Accuracy Combat Your sharp eyesiElf. If you miss due to concealment whe
Enforcer Combat You are skilled aIntimidate 1 rank. Whenever you deal nonlethal dama
Expanded Arcana General Your research haCaster level 1st, see Special. Add one spell from your class's s
Extra Bombs General You can throw mBomb class feature. You can throw two additional b
Extra Discovery General You have made aDiscovery class feature. You gain one additional discovery
Extra Hex General You have learnedHex class feature. You gain one additional hex. You
Extra Rage Power General You have unlocke Rage power class feature. You gain one additional rage pow
Extra Revelation General You have discoveRevelation class feature. You gain one additional revelatio
Extra Rogue Talent General Through constant Rogue talent class feature. You gain one additional rogue tal
Fast Drinker General You swiftly guzzlCon 18, drunken ki class featureDrinking strong alcohol to gain tem
Fast Healer General You benefit greatCon 13, DiehardDiehard, Endur When you regain hit points by resti
Favored Defense General Your cunning is Favored enemy class feature. Choose one of your favored ene
Fight On General You can keep figCon 13; dwarf, half-orc, or orc. Once per day, you can gain a numbe
Focused Shot Combat Your anatomicalInt 13, Point BlaPoint Blank ShotAs a standard action, you may ma
Focused Spell Metamagic When you cast a spell that affects more than oneWhen casting a spell that affects or
Following Step Combat You can repeateDex 13, Step Up.Step Up When using the S
Furious Focus Combat Even in the midsStr 13, Power AtPower Attack When you are wielding a two-hand
Gang Up Combat You are adept atInt 13, Combat ECombat ExpertiYou are consider
Gnome Trickster General Your arcane taleCha 13, gnome, gnome magic raci In addition to your normal gnome s
Go Unnoticed General Your small size lDex 13, Small size or smaller. During the first round of combat, fl
Greater Blind-Fight Combat Your enemies caPerception 15 r Improved Blind-Your melee attacks ignore the mi
Greater Dirty Trick Combat When you pull aInt d 13, Combat ECombat ExpertisYou receive a +2
Greater Drag Combat Foes that you drStr 13, ImprovedImproved Drag, You receive a +2
Greater Elemental Focus General Choose an energy Elemental FocusElemental FocusAdd +1 to the Difficulty Class f
Greater Reposition Combat When you repositi Int 13, Combat ECombat ExpertisYou receive a +2
Greater Shield Specialization Combat Your masterful sProficiency withGreater Shield FChoose one type of shield (buckle
Greater Steal Combat You have a knacInt 13, Combat ECombat ExpertisYou receive a +2
Groundling General You can speak wCha 13, gnome, gnome magic raci You can use speak with animals as
Heroic Defiance General You struggle on Diehard, Enduran Diehard, Endur Once per day as an immediate actio
Heroic Recovery General You can throw off Diehard, Enduran Diehard, Endur Once per day as a standard action y
Improved Blind-Fight Combat Your keen senses Perception 10 raBlind-Fight Your melee attacks ignore the mis
Improved Dirty Trick Combat You are skilled aInt 13, Combat ECombat ExpertiYou do not provo
Improved Drag Combat You are skilled aStr 13, Power AtPower Attack You do not prov
Improved Ki Throw Combat Your enemies arImproved Bull RImproved Bull RWhen using the Ki Throw feat, yo
Improved Reposition Combat You have learnedInt 13, Combat ECombat ExpertiYou do not provo
Improved Second Chance Combat You can turn a mInt 13, Combat Combat ExpertisWhen you reroll
Improved Share Spells General You can share spSpellcraft 10 ranks, ability to a Any non-instantaneous spell (but n
Improved Sidestep Combat You are adept a Dex 15, Dodge, M Dodge, Mobility,After sidesteppi
Improved Steal Combat You have a knacInt 13, Combat ECombat ExpertiYou do not provo
Improved Stonecunning General Your sense for sWis 13, dwarf, stonecunning racia You receive a +4 bonus on Percepti
Intensified Spell Metamagic Your spells can go beyond several normal limitatAn intensified spell increases the m
In Harm's Way Combat You put yourselfBodyguard. Bodyguard While using the aid another action
Ironguts General You have an espeCon 13; dwarf, half-orc, or orc. You gain a +2 racial bonus on savin
Ironhide General Your skin is thi Con 13; dwarf, half-orc, or orc. You gain a +1 natural armor bonus
Keen Scent General Your nose is as sWis 13, half-orc or orc. You gain the scent special ability.
Ki Throw Combat Your physical c Improved Trip, Improved Trip, On a successful unarmed trip att
Leaf Singer General Your songs recouCha 13, bardic performance class When
f you use bardic performance
Light Step General You pick your wAcrobatic Steps,Acrobatic Steps You can ignore the effects of difficu
Lingering Performance General The effects of y Bardic performance class featurThe bonuses and penalties from yo
Lingering Spell Metamagic You spell clings to existence, slowly fading from You may cause an instantaneous sp
Lookout Combat Your allies help you avoid being surprised. Whenever you are adjacent to an al
Low Profile Combat Yours small statDex 13, Small size or smaller. You gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC ag
Lucky Halfling General You bring luck t Halfling. Once per day, when one of your alli
Major Spell Expertise General You can cast a siMinor Spell Exper Minor Spell ExpChoose one spell that you know of
Master Alchemist General Your mastery of Craft (alchemy) 5 ranks. You receive a +2 bonus on Craft (alc
Merciful Spell Metamagic Your damaging spells subdue rather than kill. You can alter spells that inf lict dam
Minor Spell Expertise General You are able to ca
Ability to cast 4th-level spells. Choose one 1st-level spell that y
Missile Shield Combat You are skilled aDex 13, Shield FShield Focus You must be using a light, heavy, or
Mounted Shield Combat Your defensive tMounted Combat, Mounted Combat You may add your base shield bonu
Mounted Skirmisher Combat You are adept atRide rank 14, MMounted Combat, If your mount mov
Outflank Combat You look for ev Base attack bonus +4. Whenever you and an ally who also
Paired Opportunists Combat You know how to make an enemy pay for lax defWhenever you are adjacent to an al
Parry Spell General You can throw an Spellcraft 15 ra Improved Counte Whenever you successfully counter
Parting Shot Combat You are an experDex 13, Dodge, M Dodge, Mobility,Once per encoun
Pass For Human General You're easily m Half-elf, half-orc, or halfling (se You receive a +10 bonus on Disg
Perfect Strike Combat When wielding aDex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarm You must declare that you are usi
Persistent Spell Metamagic You can modify a spell to become more tenacious Whenever
w a creature targeted by a
Point Blank Master Combat You are adept atWeapon SpecialiWeapon SpecialiChoose one type
Practiced Tactician General With only a few Tactician class feature. You can use your tactician abilit
Precise Strike Combat You are skilled aDex 13, base attack bonus +1. Whenever you and an ally who also
Preferred Spell General You find it very Spellcraft 5 rankHeighten Spell Choose one spell which you have t
Punishing Kick Combat Your kicks are s Con 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarm You must declare that you are us
Pushing Assault Combat A strike made wStr 15, Power AtPower Attack When you hit a creature your size o
Racial Heritage General The blood of a nHuman. Choose another humanoid race. You
Raging Vitality General While raging, youCon 15, rage class feature. Whenever you are raging, the mora
Ray Shield Combat You can even defDex 15, Missile Missile Shield, You must be using a light, heavy, or
Razortusk General Your powerful jaHalf-orc. You can make a bite attack for 1d4
Reach Spell Metamagic Your spells go farther than normal. You can alter a spell with a range of
Rending Claws Combat Your claw attac Str 13, two claw natural weaponIf you hit a creature with two claw a
Repositioning Strike Combat Your critical hi Int 13, Combat ECombat ExpertisWhenever you sco
Saving Shield Combat You deflect atta Shield ProficiencShield ProficienWhenever an adjacent ally is the ta
Second Chance Combat Quick ref lexes Int 13, Combat ECombat ExpertiWhen making a full attack, if you m
Selective Spell Metamagic Your allies needSpellcraft 10 ranks. When casting a selective spell with
Shadow Strike Combat You accurately sBase attack bonus +1. You can deal precision damage, suc
Shared Insight General You deftly direc Wis 13, half-elf. As a move action, you can grant all
Sharp Senses General Your senses are Keen senses racial trait. You receive a +4
Shield of Swings Combat A wild frenzy ofStr 13, Power AtPower Attack When you take a full-attack action w
Shield Specialization Combat You have mastere Proficiency withShield Focus Choose one type of shield (buckl
Shield Wall Combat You form a unifiShield ProficiencShield ProficienWhenever you are wielding a shield
Shielded Caster General Your allies cover you while you cast complicatedWhenever you are adjacent to an al
Sickening Spell Metamagic You can sicken creatures with your spells. You can modify a spell to sicken a c
Sidestep Combat You can repositiDex 13, Dodge, M Dodge, MobilityWhenever an opponent misses you
Smash Combat You overcome obPower Attack, haPower Attack When you attack an inanimate, u
Smell Fear General You can catch thKeen Scent, half-Keen Scent You receive a +4 bonus on Percepti
Sociable General You have a way oCha 13, half-elf. As a move action, you grant all frien
Spell Perfection General You are unequale Spellcraft 15 ranks, at least thr Pick one spell which you have the a
Spider Step General Your physical maAcrobatics 6 ranks, Climb 6 rankAs a move action, you can move up
Stabbing Shot Combat You can clear thRapid Shot, elf. Rapid Shot When adjacent to an opponent and
Steel Soul General You are especialDwarf, hardy racial trait. You receive a +4
Step Up and Strike Combat When a foe triesDex 13, FollowinFollowing Step, When using the S
Stone-Faced General Rocks show more Dwarf. You receive a +4 bonus on Bluff che
Stone Sense General You can feel mo Improved StonecImproved StoneYou gain tremorsense to a range of
Stone Singer General Your songs are iCha 13, bardic performance class When you use bardic performance
Stunning Assault Combat You powerful buStr 13, Power AtPower Attack You can choose to take a -5 penalty
Summoner's Call General Whenever you sum Eidolon class feature. Whenever you summon your eidolo
Sundering Strike Combat Your critical hi Str 13, ImprovedImproved Sunder Whenever you sco
Swap Places Combat You are skilled at changing places with your allyWhenever you are adjacent to an al
Swift Aid Combat With a quick butInt 13, Combat ECombat ExpertiAs a swift actio
Taunt General You may be small Cha 13, Small size or smaller. You can demoralize opponents usin
Team Up Combat When you are gan Int 13, Combat ECombat ExpertisWhen you and at
Teleport Tactician Combat You are highly aCombat Reflexes,Combat Reflexes,Any creature using a teleportation
Tenacious Transmutation General Your mastery ofSpell Focus (tra Spell Focus The DC of caster level checks to dis
Thundering Spell Metamagic You can conjure your spells into existence with You can modify a spell to deafen a c
Touch of Serenity Combat With a single to Wis 18, ImproveImproved Unarm You must declare that you are us
Trick Riding Combat You are not onlyRide 9 ranks, M Mounted CombaWhile wearing light or no armor, yo
Tripping Strike Combat The force intrin Int 13, Combat ECombat ExpertisWhenever you sco
Under and Over Combat You can slip undAgile Maneuvers, Agile Maneuver If an opponent larger than you atte
Underfoot Combat You slip under aDodge, Mobility,Dodge, MobilityYou receive a +4 dodge bonus on Ac
Vermin Heart General You have a speciaWild empathy class feature. You may target vermin with spells a
War Singer General Your songs drawCha 13, bardic performance class When you use bardic performance
Well-Prepared General Somehow, you alw Halfling. Once per day, when confronted wi
Adder Strike Combat You can quickly Poison use classImproved Unarm As a swift actio
Adept Champion General You can alter yoSmite evil class feature, base at While using your smite evil class fe
Amateur Gunslinger Combat Although you are You have no levels in a class thatYou gain a small amount of grit
Arc Slinger Combat You can twirl yoPoint-Blank Shot, Point-Blank ShoWhen using a sling or sling staff, yo
Back to Back General Your ally's eyes Perception 3 ranks. While you are flanked and adjacent
Betrayer General You can charm pe Quick Draw, PersQuick Draw, PerWhen you succeed at a Diplomacy c
Binding Throw Combat You can strike yImproved GrapplImproved GrapplAfter you succes
Bludgeoner Combat You can knock foes out cold with just about any You take no pena
Boar Ferocity Combat Your flesh-rippi Improved Unarmed Improved Unarme You add piercing damage to the dam
Boar Shred Combat The wounds youImproved
i Unarmed
Improved Unarme You can make an Intimidate check t
Boar Style Combat Your sharp teethImproved Unarme Improved Unarm You can deal bludgeoning damage o
Body Shield Combat With a sly maneu Dex 13, ImproveImproved GrappAs an immediate action while you a
Bolstered Resilience General You can dramatic Damage reduction. As an immediate action, you can do
Bonebreaker Combat When your oppon Dex 13, ImproveImproved GrapplWhen you make a successful Stunn
Branded for Retribution General You brand an ene Bane class feature. As a standard action, expend 3 roun
Break Guard Combat You can use oneDex 15, Int 13, Combat ExpertiWhile wielding two weapons, when
Broken Wing Gambit Combat You feign weakne Bluff 5 ranks. Whenever you make a melee attack
Cartwheel Dodge General You use your knaEvasion class feature, improved When you successfully use improve
Cavalry Formation Combat You are skilled Mounted CombaMounted CombaYou and your mount can overlap th
Channeled Revival General You can expend Cahannel energy 6d6 (positive enAs a full-round action that provoke
Channeling Scourge General Your zeal for hu Channel energy class feature, inqWhen you use channel energy to de
Charging Hurler Combat You know how tPoint-Blank ShotPoint-Blank ShoYou can use the charge rules to mak
Chokehold Combat While grappling,Improved GrapplImproved GrappWhile you have an opponent up to
Cleaving Finish Combat When you strikeStr 13, Cleave, Cleave, Power AIf you make a melee attack, and you
Close-Quarters Thrower Combat You are agile e Dex 13, Dodge, Dodge, Weapon Choose a type of
Clustered Shots Combat You take a momen Point-Blank ShotPoint-Blank ShotWhen you use a full-attack acti
Combat Medic General You know the urg Heal 5 ranks. Whenever you use Heal to provide
Combat Style Master Combat You shift betweeImproved Unarmed Improved Unarm You can switch yo
Contingent Channeling General You can imbue ot True healer clasSelective ChannYou can use a standard action to tou
Coordinated Charge Combat You are an expert You have at least two other tea When an ally with this feat charges
Crane Riposte Combat You use your defCrane Style, Cr Crane Style, Cr You take only a -1 penalty on attack
Crane Style Combat Your unarmed fig Dodge, Improved Dodge, ImproveYou take only a -2 penalty on attack
Crane Wing Combat You move with th Crane Style, Do Crane Style, Do Once per round, when fighting defe
Crusader's Fist Combat You pour divine Lay on hands claImproved Unarm When you attack with an unarmed
Crusader's Flurry General You learned to uChannel energy W c eapon Focus You can use your deity's favored we
Crushing Blow Combat Your focus allo Improved Unarme Improved UnarmeYou can make a Stunning Fist attem
Deadly Finish Combat Your attacks donBase attack bonus +11. When you hit with a melee attack a
Death from Above Combat You allow gravity to add extra force to your charWhenever you charge an opponent
Death or Glory Combat Even when facing Str 13, Power AtPower Attack Against a creature of size Large
Deathless Initiate Combat For you, impendiStr 13, Con 13, Diehard, Endur You are not staggered while using t
Deathless Master Combat Even if you suff Str 13, Con 15, Deathless Initia When you are at 0 or fewer hit poin
Deathless Zealot Combat Only the most s Str 13, Con 17, Deathless Initia Whenever a creature rolls to confir
Deceptive Exchange General You trick an advInt 13, Combat ECombat ExpertisIf you successfully feint an opp
Defensive Weapon Training Combat You know how to Int 13, base attack bonus +5. Choose a weapon group from the f
Deft Shootist Deed Grit You keep an eyeGrit class featu Dodge, MobilityAs long as you have at least 1 grit p
Destructive Dispel General When you dispelAbility to cast dispel magic or g When you successfully make a targ
Devastating Strike Combat Pitting all of yo Vital Strike, bas Vital Strike Whenever you use Vital Strike, Imp
Dimensional Agility General Teleportation doAbility to use the abundant stepAfter using abundant step or castin
Dimensional Assault General You have been trAbility to use t Dimensional AgiAs a full-round action, you use abun
Dimensional Dervish General You teleport witAbility to use t Dimensional Agil You can take a full-attack action
Dimensional Maneuvers General Your rapid telepAbility to use t Dimensional AgiWhile using the Dimensional Dervi
Dimensional Savant General You flash into anDimensional Agil Dimensional AgiWhile using the Dimensional Dervi
Discordant Voice General By singing out aBardic performance class featureWhenever you are using bardic per
Disengaging Feint Combat You can feint to Int 13, Combat ECombat ExpertisAs a standard action, use Bluff to fe
Disengaging Flourish Combat Distracting yourInt 13, Combat ECombat ExpertisAs a standard action, make a Bluff c
Disengaging Shot Combat You make one las Int 13, Combat ECombat ExpertisWhenever you use Disengaging Fei
Disorienting Maneuver General Your erratic mo Dodge, AcrobaticDodge If you successfully use Acrobatics to
Dispel Synergy General By tearing awaySpellcraft 5 ranks. If you successfully dispel an ongoin
Dispelling Critical General Your blows attacArcane Strike, bArcane Strike If you have dispel magic prepared o
Dispelling Fist General By focusing on yImproved Unarmed Improved Unarm If you have dispel magic prepared o
Disposable Weapon General You ignore the l Base attack bonus +1, proficien Whenever you use a melee or throw
Disruptive Recall General You can disrupt Spell recall class feature, SpellcrWhen you use a melee attack to suc
Distance Thrower Combat You are accurat Str 13. With a thrown weapon, you reduce
Djinni Spin Combat You can surround Con 15, Wis 17, Djinni Style, Dj While using Djinni Style, as a stand
Djinni Spirit Combat By calling upon Con 15, Wis 15, Djinni Style, El You gain one additional Elemental F
Djinni Style Combat Your hands sheat Con 13, Wis 15, Elemental Fist, You gain one additional Elemental F
Domain Strike Combat You unleash a d Domain class fe Improved Unarm When you gain this feat, choose
Double Bane General You extend yourBane class feat Two-Weapon FigYou can apply your bane to a secon
Drag Down Combat When you are knInt 13, Combat ECombat ExpertisWhenever an opponent successfull
Dragon Ferocity Combat You attack with Str 15, ImprovedImproved Unarme While using Dragon Style, you ga
Dragon Roar Combat The spirit of th Str 15, ImprovedImproved Unarme You gain one additional Stunnin
Dragon Style Combat You call upon thStr 15, ImprovedImproved Unarm While using this
Dramatic Display Combat Your skill with Dazzling DisplayDazzling Displa When you spend a swift action to m
Earth Child Binder Combat Even the greatesWis 13, dwarf orEarth Child Styl You can trip a c
Earth Child Style Combat Your martial traWis 13, dwarf orImproved Unarm While using this style, your defensi
Earth Child Topple Combat Your mastery ofWis 13, dwarf orEarth Child Sty You can trip a c
Efreeti Stance Combat Calling upon theCon 15, Wis 15, Efreeti Style, E You gain one additional Elemental F
Efreeti Style Combat Your mastery of Con 13, Wis 15, Elemental Fist, You gain one additional Elemental F
Efreeti Touch Combat Your knowledgeCon o 15, Wis 17, Efreeti Style, E While using Efreeti Style, as a stand
Elusive Redirection General You can redirectElusive target c Combat ExpertisWhen you successfully use your elu
Enfilading Fire Combat Your ranged attaPoint-Blank ShotPoint-Blank ShotYou receive a +2 bonus on ranged a
Escape Route General You have trained to watch your allies' backs, co An ally who also has this feat provo
Expert Driver General When driving a cSkilled Driver wiSkilled Driver You can make an accelerate, decele
Extra Bane General You can use yourBane class feature. You can use your bane ability for 3
Extra Grit General You have more gr Grit class feature or the AmateuYou gain 2 extra
False Opening Combat When you makeDex a 13, Dodge, Dodge, Close QuChoose a ranged weapon or a throw
Feint Partner Combat A little diversio Bluff 1 rank. Whenever an ally who also has this
Felling Escape Combat Through the useInt 13, Combat ECombat ExpertisWhen you break an opponent's gra
Felling Smash Combat You commit all yInt 13, Str 13, Combat ExpertisIf you use the attack action to make
Feral Combat Training Combat You were taughtImproved
a Unarme
Improved Unarm Choose one of your natural weapo
Field Repair General You can repair yCraft 4 ranks. If you are train
Final Embrace Combat Your coils are p Str 13, Int 3; naga, serpentfolk, You gain the con
Final Embrace Horror Combat Your constrictinStr 15, Int 3; na Final Embrace A creature that takes damage from
Final Embrace Master Combat Few creatures caStr 17, Int 3; n Ability Focus, F Double the number of damage dice
Flanking Foil Combat Fighting multiple foes is easy for you. Whenever you hit an adjacent oppo
Fortified Armor Training Combat You have learnedProficient with armor or shield. If an opponent scores a critical hit a
Furious Finish General You channel all Rage class featurVital Strike While raging, when you use the Vit
Gory Finish Combat By drawing uponDazzling Displa Dazzling Displa When you use the attack action, yo
Greater Channel Smite General You empower your Channel energy Cchannel Smite Before making any melee attacks o
Greater Rending Fury Combat When your claws Improved Rending Improved Rendin Whenever you rend an opponent, y
Greater Snap Shot Combat You can prey onDex 17, Improved Improved Snap SWhenever you make an attack of op
Greater Whip Mastery Combat You can use a wImproved Whip Improved
M Whip You are so quick with your whip th
Guided Hand General Your deity blessChannel energy Cchannel Smite With your deity's favored weapon,
Gunsmithing General You know the secrets of repairing and restoring If you have access to a gunsmith'
Hammer the Gap Combat You repeatedly sBase attack bonus +6. When you take a full-attack action,
Harmonic Sage General Your thorough un Bardic performance class featurWhile inside an
Haunted Gnome Combat You use your gnoCha 13, gnome magic racial trai You add haunted fey aspect (page 2
Haunted Gnome Assault Combat Discharging your Cha 13, gnome m Haunted GnomeYou gain one use of your gnome ma
Haunted Gnome Shroud Combat Your disturbing Cha 13, gnome m Haunted Gnome,You gain another independent use
Hero's Display Combat With a dramaticDazzling DisplayDazzling Displa When you spend a swift action to m
Hex Strike Combat Chanting and cur Hex class featu Improved Unarm When you gain this feat, choose
Horse Master Combat You blend horseExpert trainer class feature (Ad Use your charact
Impact Critical Shot Combat With a series of Dex 13, Point-BlPoint-Blank ShoWhenever you sco
Impaling Critical Combat Your critical hit Critical Focus, Critical Focus, Whenever you score a critical hit w
Improved Back to Back General After much practBack to Back, PeBack to Back While you are adjacent to an ally w
Improved Charging Hurler Combat Every muscle inCharging Hurler,Charging Hurler,When you use Cha
Improved Cleaving Finish Combat You can cut down Str 13, Cleave, Cleave, CleavingYou can use Cleaving Finish any nu
Improved Devastating Strike Combat The fury and pow Devastating StriDevastating Strik Whenever you use Vital Strike, Imp
Improved Feint Partner Combat Knowledge of you Bluff 1 rank, Co Combat Reflexes,Whenever an ally who also has this
Improved Impaling Critical Combat When you impale Impaling CriticaImpaling CriticaWhile you are using Impaling Critic
Improved Rending Fury Combat Honing the deadl Rending Fury, baRending Fury Whenever you successfully rend an
Improved Snap Shot Combat You can take advDex 15, Point-BlPoint-Blank ShoYou threaten an
Improved Stalwart General You can roll wit Diehard, Enduran Diehard, EnduraDouble the DR you gain from Stalw
Improved Two-Weapon Feint Combat Your primary wea Dex 17, Int 13, Combat ExpertiWhile using Two-Weapon Fighting
Improved Whip Mastery Combat You are able to Weapon Focus (w Weapon Focus (While wielding a whip, you threate
Instant Judgment General Your hastiest c Second judgment class feature. You can spend a
Intimidating Bane General Your bane weapo Bane class featuDazzling Displa Whenever you use Dazzling Display
Janni Rush Combat When you leap to Improved Unarmed Improved Unarme While using Janni Style, you are alw
Janni Style Combat Your whirling fi Improved Unarme Improved Unarm While using this style, you take only
Janni Tempest Combat Your gale of att Improved Unarmed Improved Unarme While you are using the Janni Style
Jawbreaker Combat You deliver a poImproved Unarmed Improved Unarme When you make a successful Stunn
Kirin Path Combat You turn knowled Int 13, Kirin St Kirin Strike, Ki Whenever you make a Knowledge c
Kirin Strike Combat You have read thInt 13, Kirin St Kirin Style, Im You gain a +2 insight bonus on Kno
Kirin Style Combat Your study and yImproved Unarmed Improved Unarm While using this style, you can spen
Knockout Artist General You can throw dSneak attack claImproved Unarm When you use your unarmed strike
Landing Roll Combat You have learnedDex 13, Dodge, M Dodge, MobilityIf you are tripped, you can spend an
Leaping Shot Deed General You leap throughDex 13, grit cla Dodge, MobilityYou gain a +2 bonus on Acrobatics c
Mantis Style Combat You have learnedImproved Unarmed Improved UnarmeYou gain one additional Stunning F
Mantis Torment Combat Your knowledgeHealo 9 ranks, I Improved Unarme You gain one additional Stunning F
Mantis Wisdom Combat Your knowledgeImproved
o Unarmed
Improved UnarmeTreat half your levels in classes oth
Marid Coldsnap Combat You can summonCon a 15, Wis 17, Elemental Fist, While using Marid Style, as a stand
Marid Spirit Combat You can manipula Con 15, Wis 15, Elemental Fist, You gain one additional Elemental F
Marid Style Combat You conjure tendCon 13, Wis 15, Elemental Fist, You gain one additional Elemental F
Master Combat Performer Combat You are a masterPerforming Combatant or at leasYou can make performance combat
Master Siege Engineer Combat You are significaSiege Weapon En Siege Weapon EIf you are the c
Masterful Display Combat You craft a spec Dazzling Display, any two perfo Choose the effects of any two perfo
Maximized Spellstrike General You deal brutal Maximized magic magus arcana,When you make a melee attack and
Menacing Bane General You are deadly wBane class feature. You can use your bane class fea
Merciful Bane General You can use yourBane class feature. While a weapon y
Mocking Dance Combat You do a little Acrobatics 4 ranks or Perform ( When you spend a swift action to m
Monastic Legacy Combat Your formal unarStill mind class Improved Unarm Add half the levels you have in class
Monkey Moves Combat You scramble aro Wis 13, ImproveImproved Unarme While using Monk
Monkey Shine Combat You combine acro Wis 13, ImproveImproved Unarme While using Monk
Monkey Style Combat Your unarmed fig Wis 13, ImproveImproved Unarm You add your Wis
Moonlight Stalker Combat You are adept atInt 13, Blind-FigBlind-Fight, Co While you have concealment from a
Moonlight Stalker Feint Combat You strike throuInt 13, Blind-FigBlind-Fight, ComOnce per round,
Moonlight Stalker Master Combat You leave your oInt 13, Blind-Fi Blind-Fight, ComWhile you have concealment, your
Murderer's Circle Combat After savaging yoDodge, AcrobaticDodge When you spend a swift action to m
Neckbreaker Combat With a quick jerBonebreaker, GrBonebreaker, GrIf you have an opponent your size o
Net Adept Combat You have trainedExotic Weapon Pr Exotic Weapon PYou can treat a
Net and Trident Combat Your skill with Dex 15, Exotic Exotic Weapon PYou can treat a
Net Maneuvering Combat With sweeping mo Exotic Weapon Pr Exotic Weapon PIn melee, you can use a net to trip o
Net Trickery Combat You have become Exotic Weapon Pr Exotic Weapon PIn place of one of your melee attack
Nightmare Fist Combat You are even moImproved Unarmed Improved Unarm While fighting within an area of ma
Nightmare Striker Combat Your faerie fire Improved Unarmed Improved UnarmeWhile a faerie fire you have cast (no
Nightmare Weaver Combat You can use yourImproved Unarmed Improved UnarmeBy spending a full-round action t
No Name General You don't need aGrit class feature or Amateur GunYou often rely on surprise and misd
Opening Volley Combat Your ranged assault leaves your foe disoriented Whenever you deal damage with a
Pack Attack Combat You are skilled Base attack bonus +1. When you are adj
Panther Claw Combat You unleash a raWis 15, Combat Combat ReflexesWhile using Panther Style, you can
Panther Parry Combat Your vicious str Wis 15, Combat Combat ReflexesWhile using Panther Style, your ret
Panther Style Combat You can strike Wis 13, Combat Combat ReflexesWhile using this style, when an opp
Passing Trick Combat Slipping past a fInt 13, Combat ECombat ExpertisWhenever you make a successful
Performance Weapon Mastery Combat You wield all your weapons with the flair of a p You treat all weapons you are profi
Performing Combatant Combat You treat every Dazzling DisplayDazzling Displa You can make performance combat
Pin Down Combat You easily bloc Combat Reflexes,Combat Reflexe Whenever an opponent you threate
Pinning Knockout Combat An opponent you Dex 13, Greater Greater GrappleWhile you have an opponent pinne
Pinning Rend Combat You tear flesh Dex 13, Greater Greater GrappleWhile you have an opponent pinne
Pinpoint Poisoner Combat You deftly use s Poison use classAdder Strike, I When you use Add
Planar Wild Shape General You can infuse yWild shape class feature, KnowlWhen you use wild shape to take th
Prone Shooter Combat While prone, youWeapon Focus (cWeapon Focus (If you have been prone since the
Prone Slinger Combat Your sideways sling release allows you to launchWhile prone, you
Quick Bull Rush Combat You can barrel i Str 13, ImprovedImproved Bull ROn your turn, yo
Quick Dirty Trick Combat You can perpetraInt 13, Combat ECombat ExpertisOn your turn, yo
Quick Drag Combat You drag your e Str 13, ImprovedImproved Drag, On your turn, yo
Quick Reposition Combat Your opponent be Int 13, Combat ECombat ExpertisOn your turn, yo
Quick Steal Combat You are adept atInt 13, Combat ECombat ExpertisOn your turn, yo
Raging Brutality General You expend some Str 13, rage cla Power Attack While raging and using Power Attac
Raging Deathblow General Every killing bloGreater rage class feature. While raging, whenever your attack
Raging Hurler General An opponent canRage class featuThrow AnythingWhile raging, you can throw a two-
Raging Throw General You expend some Str 13, Con 13, Improved Bull RWhile raging, when you attempt a b
Rapid Grappler Combat You are a quick Dex 13, Greater Greater GrappleWhenever you use Greater Grapple
Rebounding Leap Combat Your riding and Leaping lance class feature, Acr When you succeed at the Acrobatic
Rebuffing Reduction Combat Your damage redStr 13, damage rImproved Bull RWhenever an oppo
Rending Fury Combat You easily tear Base attack bonus +6, rend speciYou deal rend damage if you hit wit
Revelation Strike Combat Your unarmed stRevelation classImproved Unarm When you gain this feat, choose
Rhetorical Flourish General You rapidly chanCha 13, PersuasiPersuasive When using the Diplomacy skill to
Ricochet Shot Deed General You can ricochetGrit class featu Blind-Fight You can fire a shot at a wall or piece
Righteous Healing General Your healing speJudgment class feature. If you cast a cure spell while you ha
Sap Adept Combat You know just wh Sneak attack +1d6. Whenever you use a bludgeoning w
Sap Master Combat You knock the seSneak attack +3Sap Adept Whenever you use a bludgeoning w
Savage Display Combat With your victorDazzling DisplayDazzling Displa When you spend a swift action to m
School Strike Combat You focus the seWizard school cImproved Unarm When you gain this feat, choose
Sea Legs General You have a sailoProfession (sailor) 5 ranks. You gain a +2 bonus on Acrobatics,
Secret Stash Deed General You are so skill Grit class feature or Amateur Gun Spend 1 grit point while in combat
Seize the Moment Combat You and your allCombat Reflexes,Combat ReflexesWhen an ally who also has this feat
Shaitan Earthblast Combat With a forceful Con 15, Wis 17, Elemental Fist, While using the Shaitan Style feat, a
Shaitan Skin Combat You can manipula Con 15, Wis 15, Elemental Fist, You gain one additional Elemental F
Shaitan Style Combat You strike with Con 13, Wis 15, Elemental Fist, You gain one additional Elemental F
Shake It Off General You support your allies and help them recover frWhen you are adjacent to one or m
Shapeshifter Foil General Your command of Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks or KA creature you deal damage to has
Shapeshifting Hunter General You blend your kFavored enemy class feature, wilYour levels of druid stack with your
Shared Judgment General You extend the bSecond judgment class feature. You can pronounce a single judgme
Siege Commander Combat Under your leade Craft (siege weapon) 5 ranks, K When you lead a siege engine assem
Siege Engineer Combat You are proficie Knowledge (engineering) 5 ranks You are consider
Siege Gunner Combat Aiming outsizedSiege Engineer, Siege Engineer You take no size
Signature Deed General You are known fo Grit class feature, gunslinger levPick a deed that you have access to
Skilled Driver General Choose a type a type of vehicle (either air, land, You gain a +4 bonus on driving che
Slayer's Knack General You know how to Favored enemy class feature, baWhen you take this feat, choose
Sling Flail Combat You can use yourWeapon Focus (sl Weapon Focus (sYou can make melee attacks using
Snake Fang Combat You can unleashCombat Reflexes,Combat ReflexesWhile using the Snake Style feat, w
Snake Style Combat You watch your Improved Unarme Improved Unarm You gain a +2 bo
Snap Shot Combat With a ranged wDex 13, Point-BlPoint-Blank ShoWhile wielding
Snapping Turtle Clutch Combat Your unarmed sty Snapping TurtleSnapping TurtleWhile you are using the Snapping T
Snapping Turtle Shell Combat Your guarding haSnapping TurtleSnapping TurtleWhile you are using the Snapping T
Snapping Turtle Style Combat Your deft unarme Improved Unarme Improved Unarm While using the Snapping Turtle St
Sneaking Precision General Your knowledgeSneak
o attack clasCritical Focus Whenever you successfully sneak a
Sorcerous Strike Combat The power flowiSorcerer bloodliImproved Unarm When you gain this feat, you cho
Spell Bane General While your baneBane
w class feature. While your bane class feature is aff
Spinning Throw Combat You whirl your fCombat ExpertisCombat ExpertisOn a successful unarmed trip com
Splintering Weapon General Your fragile weaBase attack bonus +1, proficien Whenever you use a melee or throw
Stage Combatant Combat You are a masterWeapon Focus, bWeapon Focus When you make a
Stalwart General You adopt a defeDiehard, EnduraDiehard, Endur While using the total defense action
Stealth Synergy General Working closely with an ally, you are able to mo While you can see one or more allie
Strangler Combat Throttling the l Dex 13, sneak a Improved GrappWhenever you successfully maintai
Strong Comeback General You learn quickly from past mistakes. Whenever you are allowed to reroll
Stunning Pin Combat You can render aImproved GrapplImproved GrapplWhenever you pin an opponent, yo
Sure Grasp General Your quick ref l Climb 1 rank. Roll twice while climbing or when m
Sword and Pistol Combat You effortlessly Dex 13, Point-BlPoint-Blank ShoWhen you use th
Tandem Trip Combat You know how to work together to trip your foesWhenever you attempt a trip comb
Target of Opportunity Combat You and your allPoint-Blank ShotPoint-Blank ShoWhen an ally who also has this feat
Team Pickpocketing General You distract a mBluff 1 rank, Sleight of Hand 1 r Whenever an ally with this feat suc
Tiger Claws Combat You can sacrific Improved Unarmed Improved Unarme While you are using the Tiger Style
Tiger Pounce Combat Your unarmed str Improved Unarmed Improved Unarme While using the Tiger Style feat, you
Tiger Style Combat Your unarmed fig Improved Unarme Improved Unarm While using this
Trapper's Setup General You have an instCraft (traps) 5 ranks. When you manually trigger a trap a
Twin Thunders Combat When you fight gDwarf or gnome,Weapon Focus Once per round, when wielding a b
Twin Thunders Flurry Combat Your dual bludgeDwarf or gnome; defensive trainYou can trip a creature with the gia
Twin Thunders Master Combat With thunderousDwarf or gnome; defensive trainWhenever you deal an opponent ex
Two-Handed Thrower Combat You hurl weaponStr 15. Whenever you us
Two-Weapon Feint Combat You use one weap Dex 15, Int 13, Combat ExpertiWhile using Two-Weapon Fighting
Vicious Stomp Combat You take advantCombat ReflexesCombat ReflexesWhenever an opponent falls prone
Wave Strike Combat You present a seWeapon expertise class feature oIf on your first turn of combat you d
Whip Mastery Combat Your superior e Weapon Focus (w Weapon Focus (You no longer pr
Abundant Revelations General You can plumb th Mystery class feature. Choose one of your revelations t
Accursed Critical General Your spells carr Critical Focus, aCritical Focus When you confirm a critical hit wit
Accursed Hex General You can make a sHex class feature. When you target
Advanced Ranger Trap General Your ranger traps Trap class feature, ranger level 5Add +1 to the Difficulty Class on all
Antagonize General Whether with biting remarks or hurtful words, yYou can make Diplomacy and Intim
Blighted Critical General With a critical hCaster level 5th. Whenever you confirm a critical h
Blighted Critical Mastery General You control the tBlighted CriticalBlighted CriticalWhenever you apply a spellblight b
Burning Spell Metamagic You cause creatures to take extra damage when The you acid or fire effects of the affecte
Channeled Shield Wall General You draw on your Channel energy, 3d6 prof iciencyAs a swift action, you can spend a u
Concussive Spell Metamagic You cause creatures to be disoriented when you With a sonic damage comes a concus
Create Reliquary Arms and Shiel General Your magical creCraft Magic Arms Craft Magic Ar When you craft a magic weapon, m
Create Sanguine Elixir General You can condense Cha 15, Brew PotBrew Potion Once per day, when you clear your
Defending Eidolon General You have trainedShield ally feature. Whenever you are adjacent to your
Deny Death General Your ki is so str Ki pool, Endura Endurance As long as you have 1 ki point in yo
Detect Expertise General You can detect thInt 13; ability to cast detect cha When you use any of the spells liste
Die for Your Master General Your tumor familTumor familiar alchemist discovIf your tumor familiar is attached, a
Divine Interference General You can convert Divine spellcaster, caster level 1As an immediate action, when an e
Dragonbane Aura General Those within yoAura of courage class feature, casWhen fighting dr
Echoing Spell Metamagic You have learned how to release most, but not all, When you cast an echoing spell, it d
Eldritch Heritage General You are descende Cha 13, Skill Focus with the classSelect one sorcerer bloodline. You m
Ensemble General You can create aPerform 5 ranks When you are performing, allies
Evolved Familiar General Your familiar is Int 13, Cha 13, familiar class fea Select an evolution from the list
Exploit Lore General You can use yourMonster lore class feature, base Once per day, when you successfull
Extra Arcana General You have unlockMagus arcana class feature. You gain one additional magus ar
Extra Arcane Pool General You have learneArcane pool class feature. Your arcane pool increases by 2.
Extended Bane General Your dedication Bane class feature. Add your Wisdom bonus to the num
Extra Cantrips or Orisons General You are a masterAbility to cast cantrips or orisonAdd two cantrips to your cantri
Extra Evolution General Your eidolon haEidolon class feature. Your eidolon's evolution pool in
Extra Ranger Trap General You can use rangTrap class feature. You can set ranger traps two additi
Extra Summons General You can summonAbility to cast summon monsterYou a gain 1 additional use of you
Eyes of Judgment General The true motivesDetect alignment class feature, cWhen using your detect alignment
Fast Empathy General Your empathic atHandle Animal 5 ranks, wild emp Using wild empat
Favored Judgment General Your judgment ag Wis 13, judgment class feature. Select a favored race from the r
Fearless Aura General Your aura of couAura of courage class feature, casYour aura of cou
Fire Music General Your ability to Spellcraft 5 ranks, ability to cas When you cast a bard spell that dea
Flaring Spell Metamagic You dazzle creatures when you affect them with The a s electricity, fire, or light effects o
Focused Eidolon General Your bond with Syhield ally class feature. While you are adjacent to your eido
Gliding Steps General You skate acrossDodge, Mobility,Dodge, MobilityIf you have at least one ki in your ki
Grant Initiative General Not only are youCunning initiative class feature. At the start of each encounter, you c
Greater Blighted Critical General Your critical hit Blighted CriticalBlighted CriticalWhenever you confirm a critical h
Greater Eldritch Heritage General Your discoveredCha 17, EldritchEldritch HeritagYou gain an additional power from
Greater Mercy General Your mercy has iCha 13, lay on hands class featurWhen you use your lay on hands ab
Greater Spell Specialization General You can sacrific Int 13, Spell FocSpell Focus, SpelBy sacrificing a prepared spell of th
Greater Wild Empathy General Your natural emp Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks, wilYou gain a +2 insight bonus on w
Implant Bomb General You can attach aHeal 5 ranks, delayed bomb alchYou may implant a bomb in a willin
Improved Eldritch Heritage General The power of yoCha 15, EldritchEldritch HeritagYou gain either the 3rd-level or
Improved Monster Lore General You are obsessed Monster lore class feature. You gain a sacred bonus on all skill
Insightful Gaze General In your personalStern gaze class feature, Sense Whenever you make a Sense Motiv
Intimidating Gaze General There is somethiCha 13+, stern gaze class featureOnce per day, as a free action, when
Judgment Surge General Once per day, thJudgment class feature. Once per day, you can treat your cla
Ki Stand General If an opponent kKi pool. While you have at least 1 ki point in
Learn Ranger Trap General You learn how toSurvival 5 ranks. Select one ranger trap (see page
Life Lure General Your channeled C phannel positive energy class feAs a standard action, you can chann
Moonlight Summons General Your summonedSpellm Focus (conSpell Focus (conCreatures you summon shed light a
Mystic Stride General Enchanted vegetDex 15, Nimble M Nimble Moves You can move at
Oracular Intuition General You are highly s Mystery class feature. You get a +2 bonus on Sense Motive
Painful Anchor General Evil outsiders t Anchoring aura class feature. When an evil outsider uses a calling
Piercing Spell Metamagic Your studies have helped you develop methods tWhen you cast a piercing spell agai
Planar Preservationist General You know how to Preservationist alchemist arche For every summon nature's ally ext
Powerful Shape General Your wild shapeWild shape class feature, druid lWhen in wild shape, treat your size
Prodigy General You are naturally skilled at arts, professions, a Choose two Craft, Perform, or Pro
Prophetic Visionary General Your oracular abiMystery class feature. Once per day, you can enter a deep
Pure Faith General Not only are youDivine health class feature. You gain a +4 sacred bonus to savin
Quarterstaff Master Combat You can wield a Weapon Focus (q Weapon Focus (qBy employing a number of differen
Quick Channel General Your divine enerKnowledge (religion) 5 ranks, chYou may channel energy as a move
Quick Wild Shape General You sacrifice po Wild shape class feature, caster You can wild shape as a move actio
Radiant Charge General When you charge, Lay on hands class feature. When you hit with a charge attack,
Remote Bomb General You can set off Delayed bomb discovery. The maximum delay for your delay
Resilient Eidolon General Your link with yEidolon class feature. If you are knock
Reward of Grace General When you lay onLay on hands class feature. Each time you use your lay on hand
Reward of Life General When you lay onLay on hands class feature. Each time you use your lay on hand
Ricochet Splash Weapon General Even when yourDex 13, Throw AThrow AnythingWhenever your sp
Rime Spell Metamagic Creatures damaged by your spells with the cold The frost of your cold spell clings to
Sacred Summons General The minions of yAura class feature, ability to c When using summon monster to su
Sense Link General When you and yo Bond senses class feature. When sharing the senses of your ei
Shaping Focus General Your powers of sWild shape class feature, KnowlIf you are a multiclassed druid,
Sin Seer General Unlike others whDetect undead paladin class featYou gain the detect evil class featur
Skeleton Summoner General The walking dead Spell Focus (ne Spell Focus (ne Add "human skeleton" to the list of
Sorcerous Bloodstrike General You can regain pCha 13, sorcerer bloodline class Once per day, as an immediate actio
Spell Bluff General You know the priBluff 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks.If another spellcaster tries to count
Spell Hex General You can transformMajor hex class feature. Select one 1st-level spell in the clas
Spell Specialization General Select one spell Int 13, Spell FocSpell Focus Select one spell of a school for
Spellsong General You can blend t Cha 13, bardic performance class Youa can combine your bardic perfo
Split Hex General You can split theWitch level 10th. When you use one of your hexes (n
Split Major Hex General You can split theSplit hex, caster level 18th. When you use one of your major he
Spontaneous Metafocus General You can focus t Cha 13, one metamagic feat, ablePick a single spell that you are
Starlight Summons General Your summonedSpellm Focus (conSpell Focus (conCreatures you summon gain the Bli
Sunlight Summons General Your summonedSpellm Focus (conSpell Focus (conCreatures that you summon shed li
Superior Summoning General You can summonAugment Summoni Augment Summo Each time you cast a summoning sp
Thanatopic Spell Metamagic Your spells can Knowledge (reliSpell Focus (ne A thanatopic spe
Theurgy General You can blend thWis 13, Int or Cha 13, able to casYou can augment the power of your
Thoughtful Discernment General Thinking back, yDiscern lies class feature. Once per day as a free action, you c
Threnodic Spell Metamagic You can convertKnowledge (reliSpell Focus (ne This feat only w
Toppling Spell Metamagic Your spells with the force descriptor knock the The impact of your force spell is str
Tripping Staff Combat You can make a tInt 13, Combat ECombat ExpertisYou treat quarterstaves as if the
Tripping Twirl Combat You can make a tInt 13, Combat ECombat Expertise As a full-round action, while w
Ultimate Mercy General By using lay on Cha 19, Greater Greater Mercy You can expend 10 uses of lay on ha
Ultimate Resolve General Your aura of resoAura of resolve class feature. Your aura of res
Uncanny Alertness General Your research inAlertness. Alertness This feat gives you an additional +1
Uncanny Concentration General You have learnedCombat Casting.Combat CastingYou do not need to make concentra
Undead Master General You can marshalSpell focus (ne Spell focus (ne When you cast animate dead or use
Unsanctioned Detection General You can focus yoDetect evil class feature. As a swift action, you can focus the
Unsanctioned Knowledge General You have searche Int 13, ability to cast 1st-level p Pick one 1st-level spell, one 2nd-lev
Versatile Channeler General You can choose tChannel energy class feature, neYou may make a choice whenever y
Vigilant Eidolon General Your eidolon is Eidolon class feature. While your eidolon is within your r
Voice of the Sibyl General Your voice is st Cha 15. You get a +1 bonus on all Bluff, Dipl
Warrior Priest General Your religion is Ability to cast divine spells, do You gain a +1 bonus on initiative ch
Wild Speech General You speak with Druid level 6th, wild shape classWhen using wild shape to take the
Witch Knife General You empower your Witch class. Each day, when you prepare your sp
Word of Healing General Using the same dLay on hands class feature. You may use your lay on hands to h
Brewmaster General You can concoctCraft (alchemy) 1 rank, Professi You gain a +2 bonus on Craft (alche
Cleave Through Combat You are ferocio Str 13, Cleave, Cleave, Power AWhen using Cleav
Cloven Helm Combat Your helm turnsDented Helm, HaDented Helm, HWhen wearing a helmet, you add +1
Dented Helm Combat Your helm protec Hard-Headed, baHard-Headed When wearing a helmet, you add +1
Giant Killer Combat Your cleaving stStr 13, Cleave, Cleave, Goblin CThis functions as Goblin Cleaver, bu
Goblin Cleaver Combat You are ferocio Str 13, Cleave, Cleave, Power AWhen using Cleave or Great Cleave,
Hard-Headed Combat Your thick skull Base attack bonus +1, dwarf. You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls
Ledge Walker General You negotiate ti Dex 13, dwarf, mountaineer or sta You can move at full speed while us
Orc Hewer Combat You are ferociouStr 13, Cleave, Cleave, Goblin CThis feat functions as Goblin Cleave
Shatterspell Combat Your mighty bloDisruptive, SpellDisruptive, SpelAs a standard action, you can attem
Toxic Recovery General Your system recu Dwarf, hardy racial trait. Whenever you succeed at a saving t
Attuned to the Wild General You share a stroElf. Select one type of terrain from t
Elven Battle Training Combat You have been sp Base attack bonus +1, elf. You have received special training w
Guardian of the Wild General Your mystic conn Attuned to the Wi Attuned to the When you are in a terrain type you
Mage of the Wild General Your mystic conn Attuned to the Wi Attuned to the When you are in a terrain type you
Spirit of the Wild General Your mystic conAttuned to the WAttuned to the WWhen you are in a terrain type you
Casual Illusionist General You can use yourGnome, gnome magic racial traitAs long as you have at least one
Expanded Resistance General You have expande Gnome, illusion resistance racialSelect one school of magic other
Gnome Weapon Focus Combat Your extensive tBase attack bonus +1, gnome, prYou gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls
Great Hatred Combat Your rage burnsGnome, hatred racial trait. You gain an additional +1 bonus on
Vast Hatred Combat Your rage stret Gnome, hatred racial trait. Select two creature types (and s
Discerning Eye General You are not easilElf or half-elf, keen senses racialYou receive a +2 racial bonus on sav
Elven Spirit General Although you are Half-elf. You possess the elven magic racia
Exile's Path General A lifetime spentHalf-elf. Once per day, when you fail a Will s
Half-Drow Paragon General Your drow bloodDrow-blooded and drow magic raci You count as a drow for any effects
Human Spirit General Your blood burnHalf-elf. You receive 1 bonus skill rank.
Multitalented Mastery General You are adept atCharacter level 5th, half-elf, multAll of your class
Neither Elf nor Human General You have removeExile's Path, SeeExile's Path, Se You are not considered elven or hum
Seen and Unseen General Your anonymityExile's Path, charExile's Path You gain a +2 bonus on all saving th
Shared Manipulation General You can subtly bo Cha 13, half-elf. As a move action, you can grant all
Beast Rider General You gain the se Animal companion or mount class Select one of the following creature
Blood Vengeance General Seeing an ally f Half-orc or orc, nonlawful. Whenever one of your allies is redu
Destroyer's Blessing Combat Breaking things Half-orc or orc, rage class featurWhen you are raging and you succe
Ferocious Resolve General Your orc heritagCon 13, half-orc, orc ferocity raciYou gain the fer
Ferocious Summons General Your summonedAugment
c Summonin
Augment Summoni Creatures you summon gain the fer
Ferocious Tenacity Combat You spit in the f Ferocity racial trait, half-orc or Once per day when raging, if you ar
Gore Fiend General Horrible woundsHalf-orc or orc, rage class featurWhen you are raging and you confi
Horde Charge General When you charge Base attack bonus +1, half-orc orWhen charging during the same rou
Improved Surprise Follow-Throu Combat You follow up anStr 13, Cleave, Cleave, Great Cl When using Great Cleave, each opp
Resilient Brute General You absorb puniHalf-orc or orc. Once per day, when a creature conf
Surprise Follow-Through Combat When striking on Str 13, Cleave, Cleave, Power AWhen using Cleave or Great Cleave,
Sympathetic Rage Combat Seeing an ally raHalf-orc or orc, nonlawful. Whenever you are adjacent to an al
Tenacious Survivor General Your spirit ling Con 13, Diehard,Diehard, Endur When you are killed by hit point da
Thrill of the Kill General Killing fuels youHalf-orc or orc, rage class featurWhen you are raging and your attac
Adaptive Fortune General Your luck takes Fortunate One, ad Fortunate One Increase the number of times per d
Blundering Defense Combat Your feverish anCautious Fighter,Cautious Fighte Whenever you fight defensively or u
Cautious Fighter Combat You care more ab Halfling. When fighting defensively or using
Courageous Resolve General Even when otherCraven racial trait or fearless raci If you have the fearless racial trait,
Desperate Swing Combat You land your mo Cautious FighterCautious Fighte Once per day, you can make a single
Fortunate One General You have an even Adaptable luck racial trait, halfliThe number of times per day you c
Improved Low Blow Combat You are adept atBase attack bonus +4, halfling, l Your bonus to conf irm critical hits
Lucky Healer General Your luck allowsAdaptive luck racial trait, halflinSpend a use of your adaptive luck r
Lucky Strike Combat Your luck increaBase attack bonus +5, adaptive luc Spend a use of your adaptive luck r
Risky Striker Combat You can make you Base attack bonus +1, halfling. You can choose to take a -1 penalty
Sure and Fleet General You are both fasFleet of foot racial trait, halfling.You gain a +2 racial bonus on Acrob
Surprise Strike Combat You actually seeCautious FighterCautious Fighte Once per day, when fighting defens
Uncanny Defense Combat Your instinct fo Cautious FighterCautious Fighte While fighting defensively or taking
Bestow Luck General You are extremelDefiant Luck, InDefiant Luck, InYou gain an extra use per day of you
Critical Versatility Combat An open mind and Fighter level 11th, human. Once per day, you can spend 1 hour
Dauntless Destiny General Your ability to aCha 13, FearlessFearless CuriosiYou gain a +1 bonus on saving thro
Defiant Luck General You can sometime Human. Once per day, after you roll a na
Fast Learner General You progress gainInt 13, human. When you gain a level in a favored c
Fearless Curiosity General Your desire to s Cha 13, human. You gain a +1 bonus on saving thro
Heroic Will General Your indomitable Iron Will, base Iron Will Once per day as a standard action,
Huntmaster General You are an experHandle Animal 1 rank; either thIf you have the animal companion c
Improved Improvisation General You are masterfuInt 13, Fast Lea Fast Learner, ImYour nonprof iciency penalty with w
Improvisation General You can figure oInt 13, Fast Lea Fast Learner You gain a +2 bonus on all skill chec
Inexplicable Luck General Others are ofte Defiant Luck, h Defiant Luck Once per day, as a free action befor
Intimidating Confidence General You have boundle Cha 13, FearlessFearless CuriosiYou gain a +1 bonus on saving thro
Martial Mastery Combat You broaden youMartial VersatiliMartial VersatiliEach combat feat you have that app
Martial Versatility Combat You further bro Fighter level 4th, human. Choose one combat feat you know
Surge of Success General Your success driHuman. When you confirm a critical hit or r
Angel Wings General Feathered wingsAngelic Blood, aAngelic Blood You gain a pair of gleaming feathere
Angelic Blood General Your blood is in Con 13, aasimar. You gain a +2 bonus on saving thro
Angelic Flesh General Your skin shinesAngelic Blood, aAngelic Blood You take a -2 penalty on Disguise an
Celestial Servant General Rather than beinAasimar, animal companion, famil Your animal companion, familiar, o
Channel Force General Your channel is Aasimar, channel energy 2d6. When you channel energy to deal d
Greater Channel Force General Your eruptions Channel Force, Channel Force, When using Improved Channel For
Heavenly Radiance General Your heavenly liAasimar, daylight spell-like abiliYou gain one additional use per
Improved Channel Force General You move your eChannel Force, Channel Force When using Channel Force, you can
Metallic Wings General Your wing feathAngelic Blood, AAngelic Blood, AYou gain two wing attacks. These ar
Black Cat General Bad luck befalls Catfolk. Once per day as an immediate act
Catfolk Exemplar General Your feline trai Catfolk. You can take the Aspect of the Be
Claw Pounce Combat You can charge Str 13, Dex 15, NNimble Striker When you make a
Feline Grace General Your innate graceDexterity 13, catfolk. You gain a +2 bonus to your CMD ag
Nimble Striker Combat You were born tDex 13, base attack bonus +1, catf You do not take a -2 penalty to AC w
Blood Drinker General Consuming blood Dhampir. Choose one humanoid subtype, suc
Blood Feaster General Consuming blood Blood Drinker, bBlood Drinker If you use your Blood Drinker feat t
Blood Salvage General You do not needBlood Drinker, Blood Drinker You can use your
Diverse Palate General Your taste for b Blood Drinker, Blood Drinker Choose a humanoid subtype or th
Natural Charmer General You possess somCha 17, dhampir. You can take 20
Drow Nobility General Your blood coursAble to use drow spell-like abilitYou may use detect magic as a spell
Greater Drow Nobility General You have mastere Cha 13, Drow Nob Drow Nobility, Your detect magic spell-like ability
Improved Drow Nobility General Your magical herCha 13, Drow Nobi Drow Nobility You may use your dancing lights, fa
Improved Umbral Scion General You are a masterCha 13, Wis 13, Drow Nobility, You may use dispel magic, divine fa
Noble Spell Resistance General Your ascension iCha 13, Wis 13, Greater Drow NoYour spell resistance is equal to
Shadow Caster General Your command ov Caster level 1st, drow. When you cast spells of the shadow
Spider Step General You tread whereCharacter level 3rd, drow. You can cast spider climb once per
Spider Summoner General You gain the abiAbility to cast summon monsterWhen casting either a summon mo
Umbral Scion General New spell-like aCha 13, Wis 13, Drow Nobility, Select one of the following: dispel m
Natural Jouster Combat Centaur (or any tauric creature You gain proficiency with the lance
Lastwall Phalanx General When battling thBase attack bonus +3, good alig You gain a sacred bonus to your AC
LastwallPhalanx General When battling thBase attack bonus +3, good alig You gain a sacred bonus to your AC
Legacy of Ozem General Your purity is s Base attack bonus +5, good alig When using good-aligned weapons
Peacemaker General Your words of peCharisma 13, good alignment. The DC to resist spells you cast to e
Siphon Poison General You can remove poison from afflicted creatures. As a full-round action, you can rem
Worldwound Walker General Your purity alwa5 or more Hit Dice, good alignmYou can alter the essence of your be
Dark Sight General With further mod Gloom Sight, fetGloom Sight You gain the ability to see up to 15
Gloom Sight General With a combinati Fetchling. You gain darkvision 90 ft., but gain
Gloom Strike Combat Few creatures arBlind-Fight, fetcBlind-Fight When you are within an area of dim
Improved Dark Sight General With further mod Dark Sight, GlooDark Sight, GlooYou gain the see in darkness ability
Shadow Ghost General You can move beFetchling, shadow walk spell-likeYou gain the ability to use shad
Shadow Walker General You can pierce tFetchling, shadow walk spell-likeYou can expend one use of your sha
Burn! Burn! Burn! General You take the gobDisable Device 1 rank, goblin. You deal an extra 1d4 points of fire
Fire Hand Combat Born with a torcGoblin. You can wield a torch as a weapon w
Fire Tamer General You know your w Goblin. You gain a +2 bonus on saves again
Flame Heart General You have masterFire Tamer, chara Fire Tamer You gain fire resistance 5. When cas
Goblin Gunslinger Combat You have learnedGoblin. You can wield M
Tangle Feet Combat Creatures who cr Dodge, Mobility,Dodge, MobilityWhen you successfully make an Acr
Deafening Explosion General Your bombs explBomb class feature, hobgoblin. You may reduce your bomb damage
Demoralizing Lash Combat You cow your ene Base attack bonus +1, IntimidateTo use this feat, you must use a whi
Focusing Blow General You and your allHobgoblin Discip Hobgoblin DisciAn ally who also has this feat can d
Hobgoblin Discipline General The presence ofBase attack bonus +1, hobgoblinWhile you are within 30 feet of at le
Taskmaster Combat You intimidate weDemoralizing Las Demoralizing LaAs a standard action, you spur an
Terrorizing Display Combat Your battle prowDazzling DisplayDazzling Displa When you use Dazzling Display, in a
Blazing Aura Combat An inferno ragesInner Flame, ScoInner Flame, Sc When you use Scorching Weapons,
Blistering Feint Combat Your foes flinch Combat Expertise Combat ExpertisYou gain a +2 bonus on feint checks
Elemental Jaunt General The spirits of y Character level 15th, ifrit, oreadOnce per day, you can cast plane sh
Firesight General Fire no longer bIfrit. You can see through fire and smoke
Inner Flame Combat Your body generScorching Weapon Scorching WeapYour bonus on saves against fire att
Scorching Weapons Combat Elemental fire s Ifrit. You gain a +2 bonus on saving thro
Draconic Aspect General You possess some Kobold. Your scales take on the color and
Draconic Breath General You possess draDraconic Aspect,Draconic AspectYou gain a +2 bonus against slee
Draconic Glide General You possess dracDraconic Aspect,Draconic AspectYou gain a +2 bonus against sleep
Draconic Paragon General You can shrug ofDraconic Aspect,Draconic AspectYou gain an additional +2 bonus ag
Kobold Ambusher Combat You are adept atStealth 4 ranks, kobold. You take no pena
Kobold Sniper Combat You snipe quicklyStealth 1 rank, kobold. When you are sni
Tail Terror Combat You have strengtBase attack bonus +1, kobold. You can make a tail slap attack with
Born Alone General You are so toughOrc. Whenever you kill or knock uncons
Bullying Blow Combat With a simple hiIntimidate 1 rank, orc. As a standard ac
Ferocious Action General You ferocity is qFerocity racial trait, orc. When you fall to 0 hit points or few
Foment the Blood General You can unleashChannel energy class feature, orWhen you channel energy, instead
Grudge Fighter Combat You feel great a Orc. You gain a +1 morale bonus on atta
Orc Weapon Expertise Combat You can do moreBase attack bonus +1, orc. When you take this feat, choose
Resolute Rager General Fear passes quicOrc, rage class feature. While raging, when under the effec
Reverse-Feint Combat You can goad anToughness, baseToughness As a move action, you can leave a ga
Trap Wrecker General You can smash tPower Attack, DiPower Attack You can attempt to disarm a trap by
Dwarf Blooded General You have dwarveOread. Your dwarven heritage manifests in
Echoes of Stone General Your senses are Oread. You gain a +4 racial bonus on Perce
Murmurs of Earth General The earth opensEchoes of Stone,Echoes of StoneYou gain a limited form of tremorse
Oread Burrower General The ground parts Stony Step, charaStony Step You gain a burrow speed equal to 1
Oread Earth Glider General The earth welcoOread Burrower,Oread Burrower,You gain the earth glide universal m
Stony Step General The earth recogOread. Whenever you move, you may mov
Burrowing Teeth General You have teeth aSharpclaw, Tunne Sharpclaw, TunnYou gain a burrow speed equal to 1
Sharpclaw Combat Your nails are l Ratfolk. You gain two claw attacks. These ar
Tunnel Rat General You are a masterRatfolk, swarming racial trait. You count as one size smaller than
Airy Step General The air respondsSylph. You gain a +2 bonus on saving thro
Cloud Gazer General Your insight int Sylph. You can see through fog, mist, and c
Inner Breath General Your body is sufCharacter level 11th, sylph. You no longer need to breathe. You
Wings of Air General The winds lift y Airy Step, characAiry Step Your bonus on saves against effects
Blood Beak Combat Your bleed attacBase attack bonus +5, natural weIncrease the damage of your beak
Carrion Feeder General Like many scaveTengu. You gain a +2 racial bonus on savin
Long-Nose Form General You can shift in Character level 3rd, tengu. Once per day, you can assume the fo
Scavenger's Eye General Your gaze is nat Tengu. You gain a +2 bo
Tengu Raven Form General You can shift intTengu Wings, cha Tengu Wings Once per day, you can take the form
Tengu Wings General You can grow win Character level 5th, tengu. Once per day, you can sprout a pair
Armor of the Pit General Your fiendish traTiefling. You gain a +2 natural armor bon
Expanded Fiendish Resistance General You gain extra f Tiefling. Pick one of the following energy t
Fiend Sight General Your eyes develoDarkvision 60 ft., tiefling. You gain low-light vision and yo
Grasping Tail General Your tail becomeTiefling. You can use your tail to grab st
Aquatic Ancestry General You favor your oUndine. You gain the amphibious special qu
Hydraulic Maneuver General You can use yourHydraulic push spell-like abilityYou may use hydr
Steam Caster General You imbue your Undine.
f You may increase the casting time o
Triton Portal General You can channelCharacter level 5th, hydraulic pus Once per day, you may expend your
Water Skinned General Your touch extinUndine. As a standard action, you can exting
Mother's Gift General You inherit a sp Changeling. Your dark legacy manifests in on
Giant Steps General When enlarged, Duergar, slow and steady racial tWhen your size increases to Large
Lingering Invisibility General You remain briefDuergar. When your invisibility ends, you ga
Agile Tongue General Your long pink tGrippli. You have a prehensile tongue with
Magical Tail General You grow an extrKitsune. You gain a new spell-like ability
Realistic Likeness General When you are inKitsune. You can precisely mimic the physic
Sea Hunter Combat Your blows knocCombat ExpertisCombat ExpertiWhen you make a successful melee
Spit Venom Combat You have mastere Nagaji. As a full-round action, you can spit
Life's Blood General Your blood flowsSamsaran. At will as a full-round action, you m
Stretched Wings General You strengthen Str 13, Skill FocuSkill Focus (Fly)Your strix racial fly speed increases
Extra Elemental Assault General You have unlockSuli. Your elemental assault ability la
Incremental Elemental Assault General You may activateSuli. You may use your
Stoic Pose General You can hold your Svirfneblin. By spending 5 rounds finding a suit
Tree Hanger Combat You can use yourAcrobatics 1 rank, vanara. You gain a +2 bonus to your CMD ag
Sleep Venom General You can change tVishkanya. As a swift actio
Shadowy Dash General In dim light, yo Wayang. Whenever you are
Belier's Bite Combat Your unarmed stImproved Unarm Improved Unarm When you damage an opponent wi
Cornugon Shield Combat You can use youDex 15, WeaponWeapon Focus (sWhen wielding a spiked chain, you
Cornugon Smash Combat Your terrible at Power Attack, InPower Attack When you damage an opponent wi
Cornugon Stun Combat You are able to Stunning Fist. Stunning Fist You may use Stu
Cornugon Trip Combat You can throw yo Dex 15, ImproveImproved Trip, You may throw your spiked chain (
Fury's Fall Combat You can use streImproved Trip. Improved Trip When making a trip attack, add you
Fury's Snare Combat You entangle yoFury's Fall, Imp Fury's Fall, Imp If you successfully use a whip to tri
Hamatula Grasp Combat You deal terribl Hamatula Strike,Hamatula StrikeWhen attacking an impaled oppone
Hamatula Strike Combat You can catch y Improved GrapplImproved GrappWhenever you da
Hellcat Pounce Combat You attack unsusHellcat Stealth, Hellcat Stealth, Whenever you attack and damage
Hellcat Stealth General You are difficult Skill Focus (SteaSkill Focus (SteaYou may make Ste
Osyluth Guile Combat You are skilled Bluff 8 ranks, D Dodge While you are fighting defensively o
Bounding Hammer Combat You can throw aProficiency with hammer, base aAs a standard ac
Darting Viper Combat When using a dor Base attack bonus +4, proficien You may change
Dorn-Dergar Master Combat You can use a d Two-Weapon Figh Two-Weapon FigYou can use a do
Sliding Axe Throw Combat You may aim youDex 13, base attack bonus +1. You can choose to take a -2 penalty
Stance of the Xorn Combat You have heighteWis 15, base attack bonus +3. Flanking creatur
Arcane School Spirit General You can talk up Bluff 1 rank, arcane school classAs a full-round action, you extol the
Bewildering Koan General You can pose unBluff 1 rank, ki pool class featu As a swift action, spend 1 point from
Blood Ties General Pointing out youBluff 1 rank, bloodline class fea When attempting a Diplomacy chec
Babble-Peddler General Your talent for Appraise 5 ranks, Bluff 5 ranks, Make a Bluff check to praise the val
Caustic Slur General You know exactly Bluff 1 rank, favored enemy clasAs a standard action, you can make
Helpless Prisoner General You can talk youBluff 5 ranks, Escape Artist 1 r When you are restrained or impri
Invoke Primal Instinct General You can use yourBluff 1 rank, wild shape class fe As a standard action, you can panto
Tantrum Combat Your crying, spuBluff 1 rank, rage class feature, You may use the Bluff skill to feint w
Witty Feint Combat Your blending ofBluff 1 rank, weapon training cl When you successfully feint agains
Mounted Blade General You have learneRide 3 ranks, MoMounted Combat When you use the Ride-By Attack fe
Elephant Stomp Combat You deliver a c Str 13, Power AtPower Attack, I When you overru
Jaguar Pounce Combat Your ambushes ar Base attack bonus +4. When making a charge or using Spr
Monkey Lunge Combat You can quickly Lunge, AcrobaticLunge As a standard ac
Piranha Strike Combat You make a combi Weapon Finesse,Weapon FinesseWhen wielding a light weapon, you
Rhino Charge Combat Your charges arePower Attack, I Power Attack, I You may ready a
Boon Companion General Your bond with A y nimal companion or familiar clThe abilities of your animal com
Critical Conduit General You are deadly Deliver touch spells ability, familWhen delivering a touch spell for y
Extra Item Slot General You are able to Non-humanoid body shape. Choose one magic item slot not nor
Familiar Focus General You are closely Familiar. Whenever your master targets you
Familiar Spell Metamagic You can imbue yo Spellcaster with familiar class f You can transfer a prepared spell
Jumper General You are a naturalAcrobatics 1 rank, creature typ You always count as having a runni
Lithe Attacker General Your unmatchedNarrow
g Frame, Es
Narrow Frame You can attack from nooks and cran
Master ofYour Kind General When you speakFamiliar,
t speak with animals of itYour master gains a +2 bonus on H
Narrow Frame General Your excellent c Escape Artist 1 rank, animal or You do not take
Spell Sponge General Your mystical coAnimal companion or familiar, sha Whenever your master targets you
Stable Gallop General You run with a sAnimal or magical beast. Your AC penalty when charging is h
Sure-Footed General Your footing is sQuadruped animal or magical beYou gain a +2 bo
Valiant Steed General Your courage is Animal or magical beast. You gain a +4 mo
Archon Diversion Combat You are able to Archon Style, C Archon Style, C The penalty to AC for using Archon
Archon Justice Combat Your righteous iArchon DiversioArchon DiversioYou no longer take a penalty to AC f
Archon Style Combat You have trainedCombat ExpertisCombat ExpertisWhile using this style, as a standard
Banishing Critical Combat With your combin Critical Focus, aCritical Focus When you confirm a critical hit wit
Blinding Light General You use your imInner Light, aasiInner Light Whenever an enemy unsuccessfully
Consecrate Spell Metamagic You infuse spell Aasimar, able to prepare or castA consecrated spell is treated as a m
Inner Light General Even when yourAasimar,
i daylight spell-like abilitWhenever you cast your daylight sp
Revered Guidance General You were selecteAasimar, must be taken at 1st levSelect one of the following creature
Sunlit Strike General Your melee blows Arcane Strike, abArcane Strike Whenever you successfully hit an e
Supernal Feast General You sup on the bCon 15, aasimar. Whenever you are adjacent to a goo
Ancestral Scorn General The fury you harIntimidate 5 ranks, tiefling. Whenever you suc
Banner of Doom Combat The mere sight oBase attack bonus +8, banner clas As long your banner is clearly visib
Blinding Sneak Attack Combat When you strikeBase attack bonus +5, darkness When spe you successfully deal sneak a
Fiendish Darkness General You can use yourDarkness spell-like ability, tiefli You can use darkn
Fiendish Facade General You are easily mMust be taken at 1st level, tieflinYou gain a +5 racial bonus on Disgu
Fiendish Resilience General You dodge energy Dex 13, evasion class feature, tieChoose one of the following ener
Fury of the Tainted Combat The unstoppableCha 13, rage class feature, tieflinWhile raging, you gain a +4 compet
Improved Fiendish Darkness General Your innate abilFiendish Darkness Fiendish DarkneYou gain a +2 bonus to your effectiv
Improved Fiendish Sorcery General Your skill with Fiendish sorcery racial trait, tiefIf you are a sorcerer and possess th
Improved Fury of the Tainted Combat Your hatred for gCha 13, Fury of tFury of the TainWhile raging, you gain spell resista
Monstrous Mask General Your fiendish phTiefling, must be taken at 1st levYou get a +5 racial bonus on Intimid
Terrifying Mask General Your fiendish vi Cha 13, Monstrou Monstrous Mas Anytime you can make a Sense Mot
Wicked Valor General The fiendish bloCon 15, Diehard,Diehard, Endur When you regain hit points by resti
Reckless Aim Combat Your lack of reg Point-Blank ShotPoint-Blank ShotWhen you shoot or throw ranged w
Conviction General Your actions areCha 13. When you present to a vampire a h
Hymn Singer General Your music is inBardic performance, good alignm When using bardic performance, yo
Life-Dominant Soul General You gain unusualDhampir. You are healed by channeled positiv
Potent HolySymbol General In your pious hanGood alignment, worshiper of a Any round in which you use your h
SchooledResolve General Your intensive coBravery class feature. You add your bravery bonus on Wil
Aversion Tolerance General You have been hu Vampire. You gain a +2 bonus on saves made
Famine Tolerance General You can abide mu Moroi or nosferatu. You can go without feeding for a
VampiricCompanion General Just as your undDhampir or vampire, nongood ali Your animal companion or familiar
Variant Prayer Scroll General You have learnedJiang-shi. You gain the ability to create a
Blinding Flash Combat You can temporar Dex 13, Combat Combat ExpertiAs a move action, you can expertly
Disorienting Blow Combat When you success Stunning Fist, b Stunning Fist You must choose to use this ability
Enhanced Ki Throw Combat You enhance theKi pool class fe Ki Throw When using the Ki Throw feat, you
Feinting Flurry Combat Your subtle flouDex 15, flurry o Combat ExpertiWhile using flurry of blows to make
Hold the Blade Combat You can take youImproved Disarm Improved Disar Whenever an enemy deals damage
Improved Feinting Flurry Combat Your first meleeDex 17, flurry o Combat ExpertisWhile using Fein
Quivering Palm Adept Combat Your quivering pQuivering palm class feature. Add +2 to the saving throw DC agai
Quivering Palm Versatility Combat You can alter th Quivering palm class feature, baAfter successfully using your quive
Sleeper Hold Combat By maintaining aGreater Grapple, base attack bo You must declare that you are using
Stunning Fist Adept Combat Your Stunning FiStunning Fist, b Stunning Fist Add +1 to the saving throw DC agai
Arcane Trap Suppressor General Your magic can sAbility to cast dispel magic or grWhen you target
Close Call General Your nimble fingDeft Hands. Deft Hands Once per day, you may reroll either
Tactical Reposition Combat You excel at movInt 13, Combat Combat ExpertisWhen making a re
Coaxing Spell Metamagic Your charms andSpell Focus (en Spell Focus (en This feat only works with mind-affe
Dampen Presence General Your habitual stSkill Focus (SteaSkill Focus (SteaYou may use the Stealth skill to hid
Cursed Item Detection General Your arcane prow Spellcraft 5 ranks, ability to castYou gain a +2 bo
Ostentatious Display General Your extravagant jewelry and accessories give yoAs long as you are wearing a valuab
TORCH HANDLING General In your grasp, a simple torch becomes a beacon.You gain three benefits upon taking
Arcane Insight General Magical insight Worshiper of Net Arcane Shield Whenever you use the Arcane Shiel
Bloody Vengeance Combat Your retaliatory Worshiper of Calistria, base att If an opponent has damaged you w
Measured Response Combat You believe thatWorshiper of Abadar, base attacWhen you hit an opponent with a m
Riptide Attack Combat You can follow uWorshiper of GoImproved Drag, When you succeed at a trip combat
Spiked Destroyer Combat You can attack wWorshiper of Gorum, proficient When you succeed at a bull rush or
Steady Engagement Combat You can draw onWorshiper of IroCombat Reflexes,If you use the Stand Still feat to pre
Firebrand Combat You can make use Worshiper of Asmodeus You treat a torc
Ordered Mind General Your study of HeCaster level 7th, lawful alignm You are able to modify more of you
Destroy Identity General You are able to Critical Focus, Critical Focus Whenever you score a critical hit ag
Fearsome Finish General When you slay eIntimidating Pr Intimidating Pr Upon reducing an enemy to 0 or few
Reject Poison General You are a carefuDex 13, poison use class featureWhenever a creature attempts to p
Shadow Dodge General You use light anDex 13, worshiper of Norgorber.You are able to use the light around
Merciless Rush General You are a determImproved Bull RImproved Bull RWhen you bull rush a creature and
Squash Flat General You are able to Improved Bull RImproved Bull RWhenever you make a bull rush att
Shatter Resolve General Damaging a foe w Channel negative energy class f When you damage a creature by ch
Bloodletting General When you attackWorshiper of Zon-Kuthon. Whenever you threaten a creature
Aldori Dueling Mastery Combat You have mastere Exotic Weapon PExotic Weapon PYou gain a +2 bonus on Initiative ch
Altitude Affinity General You have hardene Endurance. Endurance You are automatically acclimated at
Andoren Falconry General You know the seCha 13, Animal AAnimal Affinity You improve your affinity with bird
Arcane Vendetta General The mistreatment Spellcraft 1 rank. You deal +2 damage with weapon a
Careful Speaker General The paranoid terWis 13. You gain a +2 bonus on all Bluff che
Cypher Magic General Your intimacy wiInt 15, Scribe ScrScribe Scroll You cast spells from scrolls at +1 ca
Cypher Script General Through research Knowledge (arcana) 1 rank, Lingui Any spell you scribe in your spellbo
Demon Hunter Combat You are well-verKnowledge (planes) 6 ranks. You gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge
Dervish Dance Combat You have learnedDexterity 13, WeWeapon FinesseWhen wielding a scimitar with one
Desert Dweller General Your time spentCon 13, Survival 1 rank. You treat extreme heat conditions (
Desperate Battler Combat Your experiences fighting against numerous foesWhen no ally is within 10 feet of yo
Eye of the Arclord General Your understandi Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks, abili Once per day as a standard action,
Fey Foundling General You were found Y i ou may only select this feat at 1Your strange connection to the Firs
Flagbearer Combat When brandishing Cha 15. As long as you hold your clan, hous
Focused Discipline Combat Familiarity with the military traditions of you You gain a +2 bonus on all saving th
Fortune Teller General As a result of b Ability to cast divination spells. Upon taking this feat, choose a focu
Free Spirit General Your strong beliCha 13, any chaotic alignment. You gain a +2 morale bonus on savi
Godless Healing General You have mastere Cannot have a patron deity. Once per day when you have half
Green Faith Acolyte General You have trainedFollower of the Green Faith. Spells you cast that deal damage, ch
Hamatulatsu Combat You have mastere Improved Unarme Improved Unarme Your unarmed attacks can deal ei
Harmonic Spell General You can weave ba Bardic music ability. Whenever you cast a spell while yo
Harrowed General Numerous Harrow readings early in your life seem You get a +1 bonus on all Will saves
Hermean Blood General You are the descYou may only gain this feat at 1stThough you may not know it, the b
Necromantic Affinity General Long exposure tCon 15. You gain a +2 bonus on saving thro
Noble Scion General You are a member Cha 13, must be taken at 1st leveYou gain a +2 bonus on all Knowled
Rapid Reload Combat Choose a type ofWeapon ProficieWeapon ProficieThe time require
Rugged Northerner General You live a hard lCon 13, Survival 1 rank. You treat extreme cold conditions (
Scholar General You have graduated from one of the many colleges Pick any two Knowledge skills. You
Secret Signs General You are particulInt 13. You gain a +4 bonus on Bluff checks
Shade of the Uskwood General Ordained as oneNeutral evil, patron deity Zon-KAdd the following spells to your
Shrewd Tactician Combat Your dealings wiAlertness, Comba Alertness, CombOpponents do not gain a +2 bonus
Stoic General You know from firIron Will. Iron Will You gain a +1 bonus on all saving th
Storm-Lashed General A life spent enduring gales and storms has hard You can ignore many of the effects o
Survivor General Only the strong Con 13, DiehardDiehard, Endur You gain a +5 bonus on all Constitu
Taldan Duelist Combat You trained at onDex 13, Exotic WExotic Weapon Pr When fighting with the falcata and
Totem Spirit General You are mysticalMember of a Shoanti tribe. The benefit granted by this feat dep
Varisian Tattoo General You bear intricaSpell Focus. Spell Focus Select a school of magic (other than
Wand Dancer General You are trained Dex 13, Dodge, M Dodge, MobilityWhen using a spell trigger item, yo
Slaying Sprint Combat With swift feet Dodge, Mobility,Dodge, Mobility,You can move up to half your speed
Greater Serpent Lash Combat Your ability to Serpent Lash, b Serpent Lash When you make a successful disarm
Serpent Lash Combat You are adept atWeapon Finesse,Weapon FinesseAs a standard action, you can make
Circling Offense Combat You are skilled aDodge, Mobility,Dodge, MobilityYou receive a +1 dodge bonus to yo
Footslasher Combat You are trained to strike at a large foe's feet t If you damage a foe that is of a large
Topple Foe Combat You and your allCombat ExpertisCombat ExpertisIf you attempt to trip a foe that is la
Jackal Heritage General A jackalwere cr Humanoid, must be taken at 1stYou gain a +2 racial bonus on savin
Drunken Brawler Combat You have learnedEndurance. Endurance When you drink a tankard of ale or
Butterfly's Sting General You can forgo a cr
Combat ExpertisCombat ExpertiWhen you confirm a critical hit aga
Divination Guide General Consulting the aThe ability to cast augury or diviWhenever you cast augury or divin
Bullseye Shot Combat You slow your brPoint-Blank ShotPoint-Blank ShotYou can spend a move action to ste
Nimble Natural Summons General Your summonedAugmented
na Summo
Augmented Summo Creatures you summon with summ
Charge of the Righteous Combat You charge undea Base attack bonus +1. When you charge
Protector's Strike General When you smiteSmite
e evil class feature, base at When you choose
Bestow Hope General Upon healing a cChannel positiveImproved ChannWhen you heal a creature by chann
Glorious Heat General When you cast di ability to cast divine spells, cast When you cast a divine spell with t
Spear Dancer General You incorporateWeapon Focus (any twohanded E r ach time you hit a creature with a
Stone Read General Even the faint mKnowledge (dungeoneering) 4 rWhile within a primarily undergrou
Undermining Exploit General Your familiarity Knowledge (dungeoneering) 4 rYou gain a +4 insight bonus on com
Ankle Biter Combat You know how ta Goblin, Escape Artist 1 rank. If you are the target of a comba
Battle Singer General Your battle songGoblin, bardic performance classWhen using bardic performance to
Dog Killer, Horse Hunter General Embracing fear aGoblin, Handle Animal 1 rank. You gain a +2 morale bonus on all a
Lead from the Back Combat You allies depenGoblin, Intimidate 1 rank. During any round in which you gain
Letter Fury General You go wild wheGoblin, rage class feature. If someone reads or writes in your
Roll With It Combat You know how to Goblin, Acrobatics 1 rank. If you are struck by a melee weapon
Saddle Shrieker Combat You sometimes gGoblin, Ride 1 rank. You can choose to take a -1 penalty
Combat Distraction General Anyone who attac Goblin, Acrobatics 1 rank, Escape As a full-round action, you can choo
Vandal General Even other gobliGoblin, sneak attack class featurYou treat unattended objects as if t
Ammo Drop Combat Your coordinatioSleight of Hand 1 rank, proficienYou can load a sling or one end of a
Halfling Slinger Combat You have honed Halfling.
yo You gain a +1 racial bonus on attack
Juggle Load Combat Your fingers areAmmo Drop, Sleig Ammo Drop You can load a sling or double sling
Large Target Combat The larger a creaProficient with sling. Your attacks with all kinds of slings
Whip-Slinger Combat You can use yourProficient with sling. When wielding a
Amplified Rage General When adjacent tHalf-orc or orc, rage class featurWhenever you are raging and adjac
Blood Vengeance General Seeing an ally faHalf-orc or orc, non-lawful. Whenever one of your worthy allie
Brutal Grappler Combat When helping anHalf-orc or orc. When you and an
Destroyer's Blessing Combat Breaking things Half-orc or orc, rage class featu When you are raging and you succe
Ferocious Tenacity Combat You spit in the f Half-orc or orc, ferocity racial trWhen raging, if you are hit by an at
Ferocious Tenacity Combat You spit in the f Half-orc or orc, ferocity racial trWhen raging, if you are hit by an at
Fire God's Blessing General The Fire God rew Half-orc or orc, worshiper of theWhen in combat, if you deal fire da
Gore Fiend Combat Horrible woundsHalf-orc or orc, rage class featurWhen you are raging and you confi
Sympathetic Rage Combat Seeing an ally enHalf-orc or orc, non-lawful. Whenever you are adjacent to an al
Thrill of the Kill General Killing fuels youHalf-orc or orc, rage class featurWhen you are raging and your attac
Warleader's Rage General Your rages are soCha 13, half-orc or orc, non-lawfFeats and abilities that allow an ally
Adept Channel General Some orc adeptsAbility to cast divine spells, sumYou gain the channel energy class fe
Cold Celerity General You are a child Endurance. When you are in conditions of seve
Tribal Scars General You endured theMember of a Mammoth Lords trib You gain 6 hit points. In addition, yo
Witchbreaker Combat Your training anIron Will. You gain a +2 bonus on saving thro
DEADLY DEALER General Your skill with Arcane Strike, S Arcane Strike You can throw a
Thunder And Fang General You have mastere Str 15, Two-WeaTwo-Weapon Figh You can use an e
Chainbreaker Achievement Nothing rouses yOver the course of at least five dWhen in combat with an opponent
Devil's Foe Achievement Once you were ju Face 10 different devils in combYour attacks count as good-aligned
Eagle Knight Candidate Achievement You have provenCharacter level 5th, convince f Choose one branch of the Eagle Kni
Talmandor's Lifting Achievement You felt the powTake at least 10d6 falling damagWhen you cast a healing spell on an
Advanced Defensive Combat TraiCombat You are a maste Defensive Comba Defensive Comba You gain a +4 bonus to your CMD.
Bloodstone Manhunter General You are skilled Bloodstone Swords 10 TPA. You gain a +1 bonus on Bluff, Know
Calm Disposition General You always appea Prophets of Kalistrade 10 TPA. You gain +2 bonus on saving throw
Death's Suitor General You have died anRisen Guard 20 TPA. Once per day, you may reroll a save
Disassemble Magic Item General You can take ap Any item creation feat, Aspis C You can break a magic item down in
Divine Deception General You are skilled Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, UYou gain a +5 bonus on Use Magic D
Fast Crawl General You are skilled at moving while prone. While prone, you
Fearsome Barricade Combat Your wrath is asIntimidate 5 ranks, Ulfen Guard Choose an adjacent ally as a free ac
Grand Master Performer General You grant your aBardic performan Extra PerformanWhen any of your bardic performan
Ki Diversity Combat You have trainedKi pool class feature, Wis 13, K You learn how to channel your ki
Let Them Come Combat You have trainedDwarf, Ninth Battalion TPA 25. You treat all on
Master Performer General When using yourBardic performance class featu When any of your bardic performan
Nameless Servitor General The fact that yo Risen Guard rank, Risen Guard Anyone who attempts to use magic
Old Cults Awakener General You hear the voiOld Cults 20 TPA. You can attempt a DC 25 Heal check
Ominous Mien General Your walk, stancHellknight rank, Hellknight 10 TWhenever you cast a spell or use a
Silent Performer General You can use anyBardic performaExtra PerformanYou can use your audible-compone
Touched By Sacred Fire General Regular contact Endurance, RiseEndurance You gain fire resistance 5 and a +2 b
Verbose Performer General The range of yo Bardic performan Extra PerformanDouble the range of any bardic perf
Whispered Knowledge General You possess secCorporeal undead, Whispering Choose one of the following secr
Blood Of Heroes General You have a senseHero's Fortune. Hero's Fortune Whenever you gai
Hero's Fortune General Even at the start of your career, it was clear t You gain a hero
Luck Of Heroes General To others, it se Hero's Fortune. Hero's Fortune Whenever you spend a hero point t
Celestial Obedience General Your reverence fKnowledge (planes) 3 ranks, muEach empyreal lord requires a diffe
Accursed Story Your curse weigh You must carry a curse that can You gain spell resistance equal to 5
Arisen Story Escaping death sYou must have been slain and brYou don't die un
Battlefield Healer Story In even the fiercYou must successfully cast a conjWhen attempting a concentration c
Champion Story You must prove You must have defeated a singleAs a swift action, you can declare a
Damned Story From your earlieYou must have had friendly conta You gain a +2 bonus on Charisma-b
Deny The Reaper Story The lives you coYou must have witnessed the dea You gain a +2 bonus on Heal checks
Eldritch Researcher Story You seek new app You must have created a new spWhen casting a spell you've created
Fearless Zeal Story You're willing toYou must be ordained as a sacred Once per day, you can add a +2 bon
Feral Heart Story In your chest beaYou must have reverted to savagWhenever you receive a morale bon
Foeslayer Story Your bitter feu You must have been defeated and The save DCs for your spells or abil
Forgotten Past Story A pivotal event You must have suffered permaneThe duration of mind-affecting s
Glimpse Beyond Story You have glimpse You must have faced an undead,You gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge
Innocent Blood Story With their deathYou must slay at least 50 intelli You gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate c
Liberator Story Your time in shaYou must have been enslaved forYou gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls
Lost Legacy Story What once belong Your family must have claim to aYou gain a +1 bonus on Charisma-
Magnum Opus Story You seek to creaYou must either have sold five oChoose a single Craft or Perform sk
Monument Builder Story Your inspired a Knowledge (engineering) 1 rank,When you supervise a construction
Nation Builder Story The land calls t You must have explored and claiWhen in either unclaimed wilderne
Nemesis Story A past enemy seYou must have at least one enemy Having a nemesis drives you to ex
Prophet Story The truth has beAbility to cast divine spells, a If you are nonevil and worship a no
Redemption Story Your past failur You must have lost class featureAs an immediate action, you can ad
Shamed Story A past humiliatiYou must have been publicly emba Being observed drives you to excel.
Stronghold Story You seek to builYou must have the Leadership fea You can spend a move action to give
Thief Of Legend Story More than just aYou must have stolen at least 1 Once per day when you attempt a D
Town Tamer Story This town needsYou must have 5 ranks in IntimidChoose a particular settlement. Wh
True Love Story You found love, oYou must have found love with aYou add 1 to the save DC and cast
Unforgotten Story You search for aYou must have a close relative, Your dogged determination reduce
Vengeance Story The need to avenYou must have a close family mem You gain a +1 bonus on saving thro
Ancient Draconic General You empower spe Arcane caster level 5th, speaks You gain a +1 bonus on caster level
Improved Learn Ranger Trap General Your skill with tLearn Ranger Tra Learn Ranger T You learn one additional ranger tra
Kobold Confidence General Your cunning, coCharisma 13, kobold. You use your Charisma, Intelligence
Learn Ranger Trap General You learn how toSurvival 5 ranks. Select one ranger trap (see page
Merciless Magic General Your spellcastingAbility to cast spells, kobold. The DC to resist your spells increas
Merciless Precision General You delight and Sneak attack class feature, kobolYour sneak attack damage increase
Mixed Scales General You have two colDraconic AspectA Draconic AspectChoose an additional color for your
Redeemed Kobold General The purity you hGood alignment, kobold. Your scales take on a metallic sheen
Scaled Disciple General Your draconic heAbility to spontaneously cast divYou gain a +1 bonus to your caster
Small But Deadly General You have learneWeapon Focus or natural weapon, You ignore your Strength penalty to
Kobold Flood Combat You are an experCombat Expertise Combat ExpertisYou can make a grapple combat ma
Kobold Groundling Combat Your small size Combat Expertise Combat ExpertisProne creatures are denied their De
Kobold Style Combat You're able to mCombat Expertise Combat ExpertiYou gain a +4 bonus on combat man
Tribe Mentality General You and your tribemates grant each other mentaWhen you're simultaneously subjec
Wall Offlesh General You swarm withSmall
y size or smaller. When adjacent to an ally with this f
Apotheosis Story You are marked You
by must have had direct contact You gain a +2 bonus on Constitutio
Artifact Hunter Story You seek an artiYou must have come within sightYou gain a +2 bonus on Use Magic D
Blessed Story The repeated not You must have had friendly contacYou gain a +2 bonus on Charisma-b
Damned Story From your earlieYou must have had friendly conta You gain a +2 bonus on Charisma-b
Dynasty Founder Story You will claim r You must have lived in the chosenYou gain followers as if you had
Explorer Story You dream of disYou must have crossed at least You can provide twice as much food
Foeslayer Story Your feud with You must have been defeated and The save DCs for any of your spells
Liberator Story Your time in shaYou must have been enslaved forYou gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls
Planar Traveler Story The confines of You must be related to an outsidYou gain a +2 bonus on Survival che
Prophet Story The truth has beAbility to cast divine spells, a If you are nonevil and worship a no
Truth-Seeker Story A tantalizing secYou must have visited a ruin or fYou gain a +2 bonus on all Knowled
Object Of Legend Story The object of yoYou must have some highly perso When you gain this feat, select
Center Of Power General You have postedLeadership score 13, hold a leadChoose a building in your kingdom
Expert Trainer General You have a special knack for a certain professionChoose three character classes. For
Focused Overseer General Your attention tFocused Worker.Focused WorkerYou can spend a day of downtime
Focused Worker General Your attention to detail provides you with an ex You excel at performing skilled
Fortunate Ruler General Your good luck sHold the Ruler leadership role f During a kingdom's Event phase, on
Fortunate Manager General Your good luck Own at least one building. During the Event phase of downtim
Inspirational Commander General Armies under yoCharisma 13. You or any army that is under your
Natural Ruler General You have a speciaHold a leadership role related t Choose an ability score. Any tim
Precocious Youth General Even in youth, yYoung age category. You lose one of the penalties as
Dog-Sniff-Hate General Unlike many gobl Skill Focus (PercSkill Focus (Per You gain the scent ability, but only a
Dragoncrafting General You have the abiCraft (any) 5 ranks, Knowledge You gain the ability to create a varie
Courage In Numbers General Your allies give Iron Will. Iron Will You gain a +2 morale bonus on save
Overwhelm Combat You can overwhelm large foes with sheer numbeYou are consider
Tandemevasion Combat You and your allDex 13, Dodge. When adjacent to an ally who also h
Covering Shield Combat You can use yourDex 13, Shield FShield Focus, ShWhile using a shield of the type to w
Death Frombelow Combat You have been trBase attack bonus +1. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus a
Dragonheart General Your familiarity Knowledge (arcana) 1 rank. You gain a +1 bonus on all saving th
Dragonslayer Combat You have been trKnowledge (arcana) 4 ranks, basWhenever you confirm a critical hit
Flaying Critical Combat Your critical hi Critical Focus, Critical Focus Whenever you score a critical hit, y
Porcupine Defense Combat You are a threatCombat ExpertisCombat ExpertisWhenever an opponent of at least o
Reach Defense Combat You are prof ici Dex 15 You gain a +2 dodge bonus to Ar
Snoutgrip Combat You can hold anCombat ExpertisCombat ExpertisAs an immediate action, whenever
Wingclipper Combat Your attacks ca Base attack bonus +9. Whenever you confirm a critical hit
Improved Day Job General You learned the Ability to attempt Day Job checkYou gain a +3 bonus on Day Job che
Patient Strike Combat Your training unInt 13. You can choose t
Steadfast Mind General You can concentCha 15, Int 15, or Wis 15 (see spWhenever you fail a concentration
Quick Preparation General Early on in yourAbility to prepare spells. When preparing s
Renown General Word of your pre-Pathf inder accomplishments When in a settle
Versatile Spontaneity General You made a goodInt 13 or Wis 13 (see Special), aWhen you regain spell slots at th
Collective Recollection General You and your allies can quickly jog each other's When an ally who also has this feat
Esoteric Advantage General You're able to diKnowledge (arcana, dungeoneering After identifying an individual crea
Uncanny Activation General You can coax greUse Magic Device 12 ranks. If you exceed the Use Magic Device
Emergency Attunement General You can adapt yoSpellcraft 7 ranks. As a standard action, you can alter
Planned Spontaneity General You have a measu Knowledge (arcana) 9 ranks, abilOnce per day when you prepare sp
Tapestry Traveler General Your many visitsCharacter level 5th. You cast spells of the teleportation
Cut Your Losses General You realize that Str 13, Acrobatics 1 rank. Whenever you withdraw as a full-ro
Improved Underhanded TeamwoCombat You and your al Combat ExpertisCombat ExpertisWhenever an ally who also has this
Underhanded Teamwork Combat You and your al Combat ExpertisCombat ExpertisWhenever an ally who also has this
Atheist Abjurations General Your critical at Divine Defiance.Divine DefianceYou gain a +2 bonus to your caster
Divine Defiance General You distrust, disrespect, or doubt the gods, whicYou gain a +2 bonus on saving thr
Divine Denouncer General You choose to reDivine Defiance.Divine DefianceYou gain a +2 insight bonus on Bluf
Focused Disbelief General So certain is youDivine Defiance.Divine DefianceYou gain spell resistance equal to 1
Iconoclast Combat You know how to Divine Defiance,Divine DefianceWhen you succeed at a sunder com
Seeds Ofdoubt General You have learnedHex class featurDivine DefianceAs long as a creature is subject to o
Animal Ally General Your respect forNature Soul, ch Nature Soul You gain an animal companion as if
Druidic Decoder General You have a naturLinguistics 1 rank, cannot be a dYou gain a +5 bonus on Linguistics
Friend To Animals General You show great rNature Soul, Ha Nature Soul As a standard action you can requir
Nature Soul General You are innately in tune with nature and veneraYou get a +2 bonus on all Knowledg
Weather Eye General Your constant atSurvival 3 ranks, must worship You gain a +4 bonus on Survival che
Bend With The Wind General Meditation allowWis 15, Body CoBody Control, E For 24 hours after you meditate, yo
Body Control General You can directl Wis 11, MeditatMeditation MastFor 24 hours after you meditate, yo
Body Mastery General Meditation allowWis 19, Body Con Body Control, MFor 24 hours after you meditate, yo
Combat Meditation Combat Quick momentary Wis 13, MeditatiMeditation MastYou can meditate as a full-round ac
Meditation Master General When fully focused on your inner self, you can eWhen you meditate for at least 1 ho
Meditative Concentration General Meditation clearWis 13, Combat Combat
M MeditatiFor 1 round per character level afte
Perfect Awareness Combat You can set asidWis 17, Combat Combat
M MeditatiOnce per day, you can take 20 on a
Perfect Center Combat You can ignore aWis 21, Combat Combat
M MeditatiYou can take 10 on any skill check o
Slow Time Combat Meditation allowWis 15, Combat Combat
M MeditatiOnce per day, when you meditate a
Demonic Nemesis Combat You are well acqDemon HunterISWG, KnowledgeWhen ( you take this feat, choose
Exorcist's Rebuttal General You've experiencImproved Iron Wi Improved Iron Wi If you use your Improved Iron Will
Outer Planes Traveler General You have seen thKnowledge (planes) 11 ranks, abili Choose one of the planes below. Th
Vengeful Banisher Story You've witnessed You witnessed at least one fami You gain a +2 bonus on saving thro
Coordinated Distraction Combat When working in tandem, you can make it difficult When you and at least one ally with
Punch Through Combat You and your allBase attack bonus +6. As a full-round action, you may mak
Spell Chain General You help your alSpell PenetratioSpell PenetratioWhenever you make a successful ca
Babau Rogue Talent General Your instinct fo Dex 17, babau. Choose one rogue talent that add
Flensing Strike General Your slashing snSneak attack +3d6, bleeding snea When you successfully inflict sneak
Improved Stench General Your foul odor i Stench universal monster abilityThe aura range of your stench abili
Pungent Stench General Your stench is Stench universalImproved StenchThe first round a creature is affecte
Toxic Stench General Your stench is pStench universaImproved StencThe first round a creature is affecte
Demonic Possession General You can possessDemon or half-demon, Cha 21, You gain the ability to use magic
Improved Possession General Your ability to Demonic Possession or shadow The duration of your magic jar spel
Penetrating Possession General Your ability to Magic jar as a known spell or speThe first time you attempt to posse
Spirit Vision General You retain your Magic jar as a known spell or speWhen you sense life forces while se
Improved Infuse Weapon General When you infuseInfuse weapon special ability, C When you infuse a weapon, you ca
Multiweapon Defense General You sacrifice at Three or more arms, Dex 21 When you make a full-attack action
Multiweapon Specialist General You gain bonuseThree or more arms, Dex 21 When you wield one-handed or ligh
Consume Undeath General You gain the po Nabasu, Con 23 As a full-round action, you can cons
Improved Death-Stealing General Your death-steaNabasu, Ability Focus (death-steWhen you would normally create a
Accursed Hex Mythic Your hexes flareAccursed HexUMAccursed Hex When you use Accursed Hex to targ
Acrobatic Mythic Your grace and fAcrobatic. Acrobatic The bonus on Acrobatics and Fly sk
Alertness Mythic Your powers of pAlertness. Alertness The bonus on Perception and Sense
Alignment Channel Mythic The power of you Alignment Chann Alignment ChanYour channeled energy affects any c
Animal Affinity Mythic You have a greatAnimal Affinity. Animal Affinity The bonus on Handle Animal and R
Arcane Armor Training Mythic You've adapted yArcane Armor TrArcane Armor TYou don't have to spend a swift acti
Arcane Blast Mythic You can manipula Arcane BlastAPGArcane Blast When you use Arcane Blast, you ma
Arcane Shield Mythic You sculpt spell Arcane ShieldAPArcane Shield You add half your tier to the def lec
Arcane Strike Mythic Using your amazi Arcane Strike. Arcane Strike Whenever you use Arcane Strike to
Ascendant Spell Metamagic You have learned how to emulate mythic spells You can modify a spell to imitate th
Aspect Of The Beast Mythic Your blood burns Aspect of the B Aspect of the BeYour bestial nature manifests itself
Athletic Mythic You excel far be Athletic. Athletic The bonus on Climb and Swim skill
Augment Summoning Mythic Your summoningAugment
s Summo Augment Summo Any creature you summon using a s
Bleeding Critical Mythic Your deadliest bBleeding CriticalBleeding CriticalThe bleed damage dealt with Bleed
Blind-Fight Mythic No creature can Blind-Fight. Blind-Fight As a swift action, you can expend o
Catch Off-Guard Mythic In your hands, aCatch Off-Guard.Catch Off-GuardThe damage dealt when you use im
Channel Smite Mythic Your weapon a co Channel Smite. Channel Smite When using Channel Smite, you gai
Charge Through Mythic You can plow thCharge ThroughCharge ThroughWhen charging, you can ignore allie
Cleave Mythic You can cleave aCleave. Cleave Whenever you use Cleave or Great
Combat Expertise Mythic You can dart outCombat ExpertisCombat ExpertiWhenever you use Combat Experti
Combat Reflexes Mythic You strike vicio Combat ReflexesCombat Reflexe You can make any number of additi
Command Undead Mythic Your control of Command Undea Command UndeWhen you command undead, the D
Critical Focus Mythic Your blows unerr Critical Focus. Critical Focus You automatically confirm critical t
Critical Mastery Mythic Your critical hit Critical Focus (mCritical Focus ( When using Critical Mastery, increa
Dastardly Finish Mythic You strike downe Dastardly Finis Dastardly FinishYou can deliver a coup de grace to d
Dazzling Display Mythic You can quickly Dazzling DisplayDazzling Displa While wielding the weapon with w
Deadly Aim Mythic Your aim is trul Deadly Aim. Deadly Aim When you use Deadly Aim, you gain
Deadly Stroke Mythic You can kill withDeadly Stroke. Deadly Stroke When making a Deadly Stroke attac
Death From Above Mythic When attacking Death
f from AboDeath from AboWhenever you charge an opponent
Deceitful Mythic Your power to mDeceitful. Deceitful The bonus on Bluff and Disguise sk
Deepsight Mythic Your sharp eyesDeepsightAPG. Deepsight The range of your darkvision increa
Defensive Combat Training Mythic Your defensive cDefensive Combat Defensive Comba Add half your tier to your CMD.
Deflect Arrows Mythic You deflect projeDeflect Arrows. Deflect Arrows When using Deflect Arrows, you ca
Deft Hands Mythic Your hands are aDeft Hands. Deft Hands The bonus on Disable Device and S
Detect Expertise Mythic You can sense a Detect Expertis Detect Expertis You gain the benefit of Detect Expe
Disruptive Mythic You're a master Disruptive. Disruptive The DC to cast spells defensively w
Distance Thrower Mythic There's virtuall Str 17, Distanc Distance ThrowThrown weapons wielded by you h
Divine Interference Mythic Your divine powe Divine Interfer Divine InterfereWhen you use Divine Interference,
Dodge Mythic When focused, yDodge. Dodge The bonus to AC from Dodge increa
Dreadful Carnage Mythic Your kills are tr Dreadful Carna Dreadful CarnagWhen you use Dreadful Carnage, yo
Drink Is Life Mythic Strong drink fueCon 19, 3rd mythic tier. You never take penalties for consum
Dual Path Mythic You follow two m 1st mythic tier. Select a mythic path other than the
Eagle Eyes Mythic You eyesight rivaEagle EyesAPG. Eagle Eyes You ignore up to -10 in penalties du
Eldritch Heritage Mythic The blood of youEldritch Herita Eldritch HeritagYou gain sorcerer bloodline powers
Elemental Channel Mythic Your power overElemental ChannElemental ChanYour Elemental Channel can affect a
Elemental Fist Mythic Your ability to Elemental FistAElemental Fist The extra energy damage dealt by E
Elemental Focus Mythic Your elemental sElemental Focu Elemental FocusChoose an energy type in which you
Elven Accuracy Mythic Your elven eyes Elven Accuracy Elven Accuracy When you make an attack with a lo
Endurance Mythic Your endurance Endurance.
i Endurance The bonus on checks and saves from
Eschew Materials Mythic You can cast ev Eschew MaterialEschew MateriaYou can cast any spell with a mater
Extra Mythic Power Mythic You can store more mythic power than your tierYou gain two extra uses of mythic p
Extra Path Ability Mythic You can call upo3rd mythic tier. Choose one mythic ability from you
Fabulous Figments Mythic Your illusions arSpell Focus (illuSpell Focus (illuNon-mythic creatures can't identify
Far Shot Mythic You make long-rFar Shot. Far Shot As a swift action, you can expend o
Fast Empathy Mythic You can soothe tFast EmpathyUM Fast Empathy You can use wild empathy as a swif
Fire Music Mythic You masterfully Fire MusicUM. Fire Music When you use Fire Music to change
Fleet Mythic You're fantasticaFleet. Fleet Your base land speed increases
Furious Focus Mythic Your attacks creFurious FocusAPFurious Focus When you are using Furious Focus,
Gnome Trickster Mythic Thanks to your Gnome TricksteGnome TricksteYou gain the following spell-like ab
Gorgon's Fist Mythic Your strikes debiGorgon's Fist. Gorgon's Fist When you hit a creature while usin
Great Fortitude Mythic Your fortitude i Great Fortitude.Great Fortitude Whenever you roll a Fortitude savin
Guided Hand Mythic Attacks made wit Guided HandUC.Guided Hand When making attacks with your de
Heroic Defiance Mythic You ignore harmf Heroic DefianceHeroic DefianceOnce per day as an immediate actio
Heroic Recovery Mythic You can shrug off Heroic Recover Heroic RecoveryAs a swift action, you can expend o
Improved Bull Rush Mythic You push foes a Improved Bull RImproved Bull RYou gain a bonus equal to half your
Improved Channel Mythic As a divine condImproved ChannImproved ChannNon-mythic creatures that take dam
Improved Counterspell Mythic Your innate unde Improved Counte Improved Counte When counterspelling, you can use
Improved Critical Mythic Your critical st Improved CriticaImproved CriticaYour critical multiplier with yo
Improved Dirty Trick Mythic You're a paragonImproved Dirty Improved Dirty You gain a bonus equal to half your
Improved Disarm Mythic You're expert a Improved Disar Improved Disar You gain a bonus equal to half your
Improved Drag Mythic You pull your enImproved DragAImproved Drag You gain a bonus equal to half your
Improved Familiar Mythic Your familiar gaImproved FamiliImproved FamiliFor every 3 tiers you possess, your
Improved Grapple Mythic Your wrestling m Improved GrapplImproved GrappYou gain a bonus equal to half your
Improved Initiative Mythic You leap into th Improved InitiatImproved InitiatThe bonus on initiative checks gran
Improved Overrun Mythic You're an unstopImproved OverrImproved OverrYou gain a bonus equal to half your
Improved Reposition Mythic You put your fo Improved ReposImproved ReposYou gain a bonus equal to half your
Improved Steal Mythic Your light fingerImproved Steal Improved Steal You gain a bonus equal to half your
Improved Stonecunning Mythic If you listen clo Improved StoneImproved StoneYou gain stone tell as a spell-like ab
Improved Sunder Mythic Your mighty smaImproved SundeImproved SundeYou gain a bonus equal to half your
Improved Trip Mythic You're expert atImproved Trip. Improved Trip You gain a bonus equal to half your
Improved Unarmed Strike Mythic Your unarmed stImproved Unarm Improved Unarm You can add half your tier to your d
Intimidating Prowess Mythic Your mythic sta Intimidating Pr Intimidating Pr You gain a bonus on Intimidate che
Iron Will Mythic Your will is incoIron Will. Iron Will Whenever you roll a Will saving thr
Knockout Artist Mythic Your knockout pKnockout ArtistKnockout ArtistWhen you use your unarmed strike
Legendary Teamwork Mythic You and your allAny two teamwork feats. Any fixed numeric bonuses you gai
Lightning Reflexes Mythic Your reflexes a Lightning ReflexLightning ReflexWhenever you roll a Ref lex saving
Lucky Halfling Mythic You share your Lucky HalflingALucky Halfling When you use Lucky Halfling, add y
Lucky Surge Mythic Your surges defyPotent Surge, 3rPotent Surge Whenever you use your surge abilit
Lunge Mythic Your reaching stLunge. Lunge Whenever you use Lunge and hit a
Magical Aptitude Mythic Your understandi Magical AptitudMagical AptitudThe bonus on Spellcraft and Use Ma
Manyshot Mythic You can fire a baManyshot. Manysho When making a full-attack action w
Marked For Glory General You're destined Great Fortitude,Great Fortitude,You can use the surge ability (see p
Maximize Surge Mythic In times of dire 6th mythic tier. Once per day when you surge, yo
Medusa's Wrath Mythic Your barrage of Medusa's WrathMedusa's WrathYou may forgo the two additional u
Missile Shield Mythic Your remarkableMissile ShieldA Missile Shield When using Missile Shield, you can
Mobility Mythic You have perfectMobility. Mobility Whenever you use Mobility, you ga
Monastic Legacy Mythic Every new experi Monastic Legac Monastic Legac Add half the levels you have in class
Mounted Archery Mythic Your skill as a Mounted ArcherMounted ArcherWhen using the Ride skill to use yo
Mounted Combat Mythic Your ability to Mounted CombaMounted CombaYou can negate an additional numb
Mythic Companion General Despite your non You must be non-mythic. You're considered a mythic creatur
Mythic Crafter Mythic You can craft myAny item creation feat. You can create any mythic magic ite
Mythic Paragon Mythic Your mythic power is even more potent than that Your tier is considered 2 higher for
Mythic Spell Lore Mythic You have learneAbility to cast spells. You can learn a number of mythic
Natural Spell Mythic You can speak aNatural Spell. atural Spell When you're using wild shape, you
Nimble Moves Mythic You dance acrossNimble Moves. Nimble Moves For every 2 tiers you possess, you c
Penetrating Strike Mythic You know just ho Penetrating StriPenetrating StriWhen using Penetrating Strike or G
Persuasive Mythic You're a master Persuasive. Persuasive The bonus on Diplomacy and Intim
Pinpoint Targeting Mythic Your attacks ca Pinpoint TargetiPinpoint Target You can use this feat even if you mo
Point-Blank Shot Mythic Your accuracy wiPoint-Blank ShotPoint-Blank ShoThe bonus on attack and damage ro
Potent Surge Mythic Your surge is more potent. Whenever you use your surge abilit
Power Attack Mythic Your attacks arePower Attack. Power Attack When you use Power Attack, you ga
Powerful Shape Mythic The forms you taPowerful Shape Powerful Shape You can apply the giant simple tem
Prophetic Visionary Mythic Your precognitivProphetic Visio Prophetic Visio You can use Prophetic Visionary's a
Quick Draw Mythic You can retrieveQuick Draw. Quick Draw You can use Quick Draw to draw ite
Racial Heritage Mythic Your racial her Racial Heritage Racial Heritage You gain a single racial trait of your
Rapid Reload Mythic You can reload Rapid Reload. Rapid Reload You gain the benefits of Rapid Relo
Rapid Shot Mythic You can fire ma Rapid Shot. Rapid Shot When using Rapid Shot, you can eit
Rhetorical Flourish Mythic You're supremely Rhetorical Flou Rhetorical FlourWhen you successfully use Rhetori
Ride-By Attack Mythic You can make mul Ride-By Attack. Ride-By Attack When you successfully strike an op
Run Mythic You run with pr Run. Run When running, you move seven tim
Saving Shield Mythic Shielding a comrSaving ShieldAPSaving Shield The shield bonus you grant an ally
Scorpion Style Mythic Your unarmed str Scorpion Style. Scorpion Style Whenever you are using Scorpion S
Selective Channeling Mythic When you exclud Selective ChanneSelective ChannWhen you channel energy, the dam
Self-Sufficient Mythic Independence com Self-Sufficient. Self-Sufficient The bonus on Heal and Survival ski
Shatter Defenses Mythic Your dazzling atShatter DefensesShatter DefenseAn opponent you affect with Shatte
Shield Focus Mythic You're a master Shield Focus. Shield Focus Add your shield bonus and your sh
Shield Slam Mythic Your shield bashShield Slam. Shield Slam When using Shield Slam to bull rus
Shot On The Run Mythic With ease, you cShot on the Run,Shot on the RunWhenever you use Shot on the Run
Skill Focus Mythic You mastery with Skill Focus. Skill Focus You can always take 10 or 20 on
Snatch Arrows Mythic You can use the Snatch Arrows. Snatch Arrows When you use Snatch Arrows to cat
Sociable Mythic Your easy natureSociableAPG. Sociable You grant and benefit from the +2 b
Spell Focus Mythic Your magical specSpell Focus. Spell Focus Choose a school of magic you alr
Spell Mastery Mythic You're so famili Spell Mastery. Spell Mastery You can prepare spells you have sel
Spell Penetration Mythic Your mythic powSpell PenetratioSpell PenetratioAdd half your tier to caster level ch
Spellbreaker Mythic You're a spellca Spellbreaker. Spellbreaker Any non-mythic creature you threa
Spirited Charge Mythic Your mounted chSpirited Charge.Spirited Charge When you hit an opponent with a m
Spontaneous Metafocus Mythic You apply metama Spontaneous MeSpontaneous MeYou can change which spell your
Spring Attack Mythic You move acrossSpring Attack, bSpring Attack When you use Spring Attack, you d
Stealthy Mythic Your grace and fStealthy. Stealthy The bonus on Escape Artist and Ste
Strike Back Mythic Your precise couStrike Back. Strike Back When you make a melee attack as a
Strong Comeback Mythic You never makeStrong ComebacStrong ComebacWhenever you're allowed to reroll a
Stunning Fist Mythic With greater potStunning Fist. Stunning Fist The DC of your Stunning Fist increa
Throw Anything Mythic You're so skille Throw AnythingThrow AnythingYou gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls
Titan Strike Mythic Your fists can felImproved Unarme Improved Unarm Your unarmed strike deals damage
Toughness Mythic You have legenda Toughness. Toughness Toughness provides you twice as m
Trample Mythic Your rearing mou Trample. Trample Your mount can make two hoof atta
Tripping Staff Mythic Your staff is val Tripping Staff UTripping Staff You add half your tier to CMD again
Two-Fisted Drinker Mythic You can pound dQuick Draw. Quick Draw You can draw two potions or other
Two-Weapon Defense Mythic Your graceful fl Two-Weapon Def Two-Weapon DeWhen using Two-Weapon Defense,
Two-Weapon Fighting Mythic With deft strik Two-Weapon FigTwo-Weapon FigAs an immediate action, you can ex
Two-Weapon Rend Mythic Your synchronizTwo-Weapon ReTwo-Weapon ReThe damage of your Two-Weapon R
Undead Master Mythic Through your feUndead Master Undead Master When you cast animate dead or use
Unseat Mythic You knock your Unseat. Unseat When you successfully bull rush an
Valiant Vault Mythic Your mount can Mounted Combat, Mounted Combat Your mount is always considered to
Vital Strike Mythic You can strike yVital Strike. Vital Strike Whenever you use Vital Strike, Imp
Voice Of The Sibyl Mythic You overpower w Voice of the Sib Voice of the SibyYou gain a +1 bonus on all Bluff, Dip
Warrior Priest Mythic Your faith speedWarrior PriestUWarrior Priest You gain a bonus equal to half your
Weapon Finesse Mythic You're an expertWeapon FinesseWeapon FinesseWhen using Weapon Finesse, you m
Weapon Focus Mythic You're a master Weapon Focus. Weapon Focus Double the bonuses on your attac
Weapon Specialization Mythic The damage youWeapon SpecialiWeapon SpecialiWhen using your chosen weapon,
Witch Knife Mythic Your witch knifeWitch KnifeUM. Witch Knife You can use your witch knife as an
Demonologist General You have immerse Knowledge (planes) 3 ranks. You gain a +2 bonus on all Knowled
Demon Grafter Item Creation Your studies intDemonologist, He Demonologist You gain a +2 bonus on Heal checks
Demonic Obedience General You physically d3 ranks in Knowledge (planes), Each demon lord requires a differen
Extra Feature General You are an exce Con 13, skinwalker. When you change shape to your be
Fast Change General You can change Dex 13, base attack bonus +6, skYou can assume your bestial form a
Bat Shape General Your powers of Cha 13, werebat-kin. You can take the form of a bat whos
Bloodmarked Flight General Your attunementBase attack bonus +5, werebat-kAs an additional bestial feature, you
Dire Bat Shape General You can becomeCha a 13, Bat ShapBat Shape When you use Bat Shape to become
Bear Hug Combat You can crush y Str 17, BeartrapBeartrap Bite, You can attempt to initiate a grappl
Beartrap Bite Combat You can hold youWeapon Focus (b Weapon Focus (b Whenever you confirm a critical hit
Ferocious Loyalty General You have a powerful sense of responsibility for yYou gain a +1 morale bonus on atta
Swarm Scatter General You have studied the habits of swarming rats forFor each ally who has this feat and
Swarm Strike General You and your allies have trained to overwhelm foWhenever a foe provokes an attack
Motivating Display Combat You can empower Cha 13, Dazzlin Dazzling Displa Whenever you use Dazzling Display
Surprising Combatant Combat You can briefly Improved InitiatiImproved InitiatAt the beginning of combat, after in
Violent Display Combat You never miss aDazzling Displa Dazzling Displa When you land a successful sneak a
Wolf Savage Combat You can savage vWis 17, Improved Improved Unarme Whenever you deal a prone oppone
Wolf Style Combat You can channelWis 13, ImproveImproved Unarm While using this style, whenever yo
Wolf Trip Combat You have studiedWis 15, ImproveImproved Unarme You gain a +2 bonus on all combat m
Bloatmage Initiate General Your introductioSpell Focus (anySpell Focus (anyYou learn the basics of the ancient a
Multiweapon Fighting Combat This multi-armed Dex 13, three or more hands. Penalties for fi
Stable Spell Metamagic You can cast spells in areas of primal magic withIn areas of primal magic, the chanc
Shadow Gambit General You can tap intoSpell Focus (illuSpell Focus (illuAs a standard action, you can draw
Shadow Grasp Metamagic Your darkness sp Tenebrous Spell,Tenebrous SpellWhen you cast a spell with the dark
Tenebrous Spell Metamagic You blend shadow into your spells, increasing thei When you cast a tenebrous spell in
Umbral Spell Metamagic Targets of your Tenebrous SpellTenebrous SpellAn umbral spell gains the darkness
Inscribe Magical Tattoo Item Creation You can craft maCraft (calligraphy, paintings, or You can create magical tattoos, mag
Extend The Bulwark Combat You can bolster a trained ally's defenses by in If you are wearing medium or heav
Quillbreaker Defense Combat You know how to Proficiency with armor spikes. If you are wearing armor spikes, as
Shield Snag Combat You know how to Improved ShieldImproved ShieldAny opponents hit by your shield b
Equipment Trick Combat Choose one piece Base attack bonus +1. You may use any equipment trick
Blowout Shot Deed General By using a speciCraft (alchemy) 3 ranks, grit cl Spend 1 grit point to retrieve a spe
Whip-Shot Deed General You can fire youGrit class feature or Amateur GuWhenever you use your pistol-whip
False Casting General When using a mag Magical AptitudeMagical AptitudWhen you use a magic item or a spe
False Focus General You can use a divKnowledge (religion) 1 rank, abilBy using a divin
Osirionology General You have a broadKnowledge (history) 1 rank, Know Pick one Intelligence-based skill. Yo
Out Of The Sun General Your allies use tBluff 3 ranks, Stealth 3 ranks. When you hit with a melee attack,
Thuvian Grenadier General Training with alcPrecise Shot or Precise Shot or Whenever you hit a creature with a
Undermine General You and your allies take advantage of shifting t When you use a combat maneuver
Horn Of The Criosphinx Combat You end your cha Base attack bonus +6 or monk leWhenever you ma
Wings Of The Androsphinx Combat You can reshapeInt 13, Combat ECombat ExpertisYou gain a +2 bonus to AC against c
Shield Master Combat Your mastery of Improved ShieldImproved ShieldYou do not suffer any penalties on a
Betraying Blow Combat When you breakSoloa Maneuvers,Solo ManeuversWhenever you use a melee attack t
Solo Maneuvers Combat You fight best when you're on your own. Whenever you are the only one thre
Dirty Trick Master Combat You are adept atGreater Dirty TrGreater Dirty TrWhenever you successfully perform
Divert Harm Combat You know how to Int 13, Combat ECombat ExpertiWhenever you are the target of an a
Crisis Of Conscience Story Your internal st Lawful neutral, neutral, or chaotYou are an enigma unto those who
Planar Hunter General After careful st Knowledge (planes) 5 ranks, favo When you are on one of the plane
Practiced Leadership General When you and you Leadership, mem Leadership As long as you and your cohort mai
Fabulist General You enjoy tellin Amateur Gunsling Amateur Gunsli You gain a +1 bonus on Perform (ac
Gun Twirling General You can spin andAmateur Gunsling Dazzling Displa You can spend 1 grit point to make
Named Bullet General You can craft amAmateur Gunsling Gunsmithing Whenever you craft ammunition us
normal special source fulltext teamwork critical grit
u get a +2 bonus on all Acrobatics and Fly skillPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you move, you may move through up PFRPG to 15 Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
You add your Strength bonus to PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u get a +2 bonus on Perception and Sense Motive PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
stead of its normal effect, yo You can gain thiPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u get a +2 bonus on all Handle Animal and Ride PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
a swift action, reduce the arcane spell failu PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
a swift action, reduce the arcane spell failu PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
a swift action, you can imbue your weapons w PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
See Armor ProficFighters and palPFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
A character whoAll characters e PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
See Armor ProficBarbarians, clerPFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u get a +2 bonus on Climb and Swim skill checks PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
ch creature you conjure with any summon spell PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you score a critical hiYou can only appl PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 1 0
Regular attack rThe Blind-Fight PFRPG
f Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you score a critical hiYou can only appl PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 1 0
u can create a potion of any 3rd-level or lowe PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
You take a -4 penalty on attack PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
fore you make a melee attack roll, you can choPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
a standard action, you can make a single attacPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u get a +4 bonus on concentration checks made PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can choose to take a -1 penalty on melee attPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
A character withThe Combat Refle PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
a standard action, you can use one of your usePFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can create magic weapons, armor, or shields.PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can create magic rods. Crafting a rod takes 1PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can create a wand of any 4th-level or lower PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can create any staff whose prerequisites youPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can create a wide variety of magic wondrousPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u receive a +4 circumstance bonus on attack ro PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
You can only apply the effects ofPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
hile wielding the weapon in which you have Wea PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can choose to take a -1 penalty on all range PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
a standard action, make a single attack with PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you score a critical hiYou can only appl PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 1 0
u get a +2 bonus on all Bluff and Disguise skillPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u treat your total Hit Dice as your base atta PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u must have at least one hand free (holding noPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u get a +2 bonus on Disable Device and SleightPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
A character without this feat whPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
e DC to cast spells defensively increases by +4PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC. A conditioPFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
You normally add only half of y PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
stead of its normal effect, yo You can gain thisPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
variable, numeric effects of an empowered spe PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
A character without this feat whPFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can alter a spell with a range of close, mediuPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can cast any spell with a material component PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you score a critical hit on You can only applPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 1 0
A character whoYou can gain ExoPFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
extended spell lasts twice as long as normal. PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can channel energy two addiIf a paladin withPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
ur ki pool increases by 2. You can gain ExtrPFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can use your lay on hands abYou can gain ExtPFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
ect one additional mercy for w You can gain thisPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can use bardic performanceYou can gain ExtPFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can rage for 6 additional ro You can gain Extr PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
You suffer a -2 penalty per full PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hile you are wearing light or no You can take thisPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can create magic rings. Crafting a ring takesPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
a standard action, make a single unarmed mele PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
a standard action, you can make a single attacPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u get a +2 bonus on all Fortitude saving throwPFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
Creatures moved by bull rush doPFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
Disarmed weapons and gear land PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
A creature you feint loses its De PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
Maintaining a grapple is a standPFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
Creatures knocked prone by your PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
ur attacks made with weapons selected with W PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
crease the AC bonus granted by any shield youPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
d +1 to the Difficulty Class fo You can gain thisPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u get a +2 bonus on caster level checks (1d20 PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u receive a +2 bonus on checks made to sunder PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
Creatures do not provoke attackPFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u get a third attack with your off-hand weapon, PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you use the attack action, you can make on PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +1 bonus on attack r You can gain GrePFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on all damaYou can gain GrePFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
heightened spell has a higher spell level than nPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
You provoke an attack of oppor PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
d 2 to the DC of saving throws made to resist P t FRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
Without this feat, you may counte PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen using the weapon you selec You can gain ImpPFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
You provoke an attack of oppor PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen choosing a familiar, the creatures listed b PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
Feinting in combat is a standardPFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
You provoke an attack of oppor PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
ce per day, you may reroll a Fortitude save. You PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u get a +4 bonus on initiative checks. PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day, you may reroll a Will save. You must PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day, you may reroll a Ref lex save. You m PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
You provoke an attack of oppor PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
See the normal rules on the effePFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
Without this feat, a character thPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
You provoke an attack of oppor PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
You provoke an attack of oppor PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
Without this feat, you can only PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
Without this feat, you are cons PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you use the attack action, you can make on PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u do not suffer any penalties for using an im PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
d your Strength modifier to Intimidate skill c PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u get a +2 bonus on all Will saving throws. PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
is feat enables you to attract a loyal cohort PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u get a +2 bonus on all Ref lex saving throws. PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
you take two actions to move or a withdraw a PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can increase the reach of your melee attacksPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u get a +2 bonus on all Spellcraft checks and UPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen making a full-attack action with a bow, yoPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
When using a wea Barbarians, fighPFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
Only spellcasters can qualify f PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
variable, numeric effects of a spell modified PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you use the full-attack action and makPFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u get a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class againstPFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
e penalty you take when using a ranged weapon PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
ce per round when your mount is hit in combat, PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can complete the verbal and somatic componen PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you move, you may move through 5 feet PFRPG
of Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
ur attacks made with weapons selected with W PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u get a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and IntimidatePFRPG sk Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
a standard action, make a single ranged attack PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls wPFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can choose to take a -1 penalty on all mele PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opp PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
Without this feat, you may drawPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
sting a quickened spell is a swYou can apply the PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen making a full-attack action with a ranged P wFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you are mounted and use the charge action, PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
You move four times your speedPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
use this feat, you must make a single unarmed PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can create a scroll of any spell that you knowPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
All targets in a 30-foot burst a PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u get a +2 bonus on all Heal checks and Surviva PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
y shaken, frightened, or panicked opponent hit PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
crease the AC bonus granted by any shield youPFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
When you are usi Barbarians, bardsPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
y opponents hit by your shield bash are also hPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
You cannot move before and aftePFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you score a critical hitYou can only appl PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 1 0
ilent spell can be cast with n Bard spells cannPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
When using a wea All characters e PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u get a +3 bonus on all checksYou can gain thisPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen using the Def lect Arrows feat you may choo PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
d +1 to the Difficulty Class fo You can gain thisPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
Without this feat, you must use aPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u get a +2 bonus on caster level checks (1d20 PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
Enemies that fail to cast spells PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen mounted and using the charge action, youPFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
You cannot move before and aftePFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you score a critical hiYou can only appl PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 1 0
hen a foe provokes an attack of opportunity due PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u get a +2 bonus on all Escape Artist and Stealt PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever an adjacent foe attempts to take a 5-fo PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
tilled spell can be cast with no somatic compoPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can ready an action to make a melee attack ag PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you score a critical hiYou can only appl PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 1 0
u must declare that you are usA monk receivesPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
You take a -4 penalty on attack PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you score a critical hiYou can only appl PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 1 0
u gain +3 hit points. For every Hit Die you posPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
A character usinFighters automat PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you attempt to overrun an opponent while PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can, as a standard action, use one of your usPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen wielding a double weapon or two weapons PFRPG
(n Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
If you wield a second weapon inPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
you hit an opponent with both your primary hPFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen charging an opponent while mounted andPFRPG wiel Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you use the attack action, you can make on PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
th a light weapon, elven curveNatural weaponsPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +1 bonus on all attac You can gain thisPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on all damaYou can gain thisPFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you use the full-attack action, you can givPFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can alter a burst, emanation, or spread-shape PFRPG Core <link rel="style 0 0 0
you move more than 5 feet this turn, you gai PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain two character traits of your choice (seeAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
oose one of the creature's specA creature can gaBestiary <link rel="style 0 0 0
a standard action, the creature may perform aBestiary <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can create any construct whose prerequisites Bestiary <link rel="style 0 0 0
oose one of the creature's spelThis feat can be Bestiary <link rel="style 0 0 0
Without this feat, the creature t Bestiary <link rel="styl 0 0 0
Without this feat, a creature muBestiary <link rel="style 0 0 0
e creature's natural armor boA creature can gBestiary <link rel="styl 0 0 0
oose one of the creature's natThis feat can be Bestiary <link rel="style 0 0 0
Without this feat, the creature' Bestiary <link rel="styl 0 0 0
The use of a spell-like ability n Bestiary <link rel="style 0 0 0
e creature can start a grapple when it hits witBestiary <link rel="style 0 0 0
A flying creature can turn up to Bestiary <link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you are adjacent to an ally who also has Advanced Player<link rel="style 1 0 0
a standard action, you can sacrifice a prepared Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
a immediate action, you can sacrifice a prepare Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
oose a 0-level spell from the sorcerer/wizard Advanced
sp Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
ur bestial nature manifests it A character thatAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you score a critical hit with a melee wAdvanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can choose to take a -5 penalty on all meleeAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
Aid another is a standard actionAdvanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever a bouncing spell targeting a single creatAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u get a +2 bonus on all Knowledge and ProfessAdvanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
You must perforYou can only appl Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
You must have a clear path towar Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can take 10 on Bluff checks to convince otheAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
a move action, you can air walk (as the spell)Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
a full-round action, you can make a single unaAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
a full-round action, you may set up a combat Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can assist another character in crafting mund Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you are adjacent to an ally who also hAdvanced Player<link rel="styl 1 0 0
henever you are adjacent to an ally who also hAdvanced Player<link rel="styl 1 0 0
u can speak and read two additional languages Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you use the total defense action while using Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you score a critical hiYou can only appl Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 1 0
e time required for you to rel Starting at 6th Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
You can only coup de grace helplAdvanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can choose to take a -5 penalty on all melee Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can modify a spell to daze a creature damaged Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you gain temporary ki from drunken ki, you Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
Darkvision normally extends 60Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
You must perforYou can only appl Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
you ready an action to shoot an opponent castiAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
rgets affected by a disruptive spell must makeAdvanced
c Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on caster level checks with Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you reduce an enemy to 0 or fewer hitAdvanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you are adjacent to an ally who also has Advanced Player<link rel="style 1 0 0
u ignore up to -5 in penalties due to distance Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
oose an additional favored class and gain either Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
ectoplasmic spell has full effect against incorAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u natural weapons are considered both magicAdvanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you use Elemental Strike pi A monk of the foAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
oose one energy type (acid, col You can gain thisAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
oose one energy type: acid, col You can gain thiAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
you miss due to concealment when making a ra Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you deal nonlethal damage with a melee Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
d one spell from your class's sYou can only takAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can throw two additional b You can gain ExtAdvanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain one additional discovery You can gain ExtAdvanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain one additional hex. YouYou can gain ExtAdvanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain one additional rage pow You can gain Ex Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain one additional revelatioYou can gain ExtAdvanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain one additional rogue talYou can gain ExtAdvanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
inking strong alcohol to gain temporary ki, takAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you regain hit points by resting or throughAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
oose one of your favored ene You can gain thisAdvanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
ce per day, you can gain a number of temporary Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
a standard action, you may ma Starting at 2nd Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen casting a spell that affects or targets moreAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
You can only take a 5-foot step Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you are wielding a two-handed weapon orAdvanced a Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
You must be positioned oppositeAdvanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
addition to your normal gnome spell-like abiliAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
ring the first round of combat, flat-footed op Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
ur melee attacks ignore the miThe Greater Blind Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
The condition imposed by a dirty Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
Creatures moved by drag do notAdvanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
d +1 to the Difficulty Class f You can gain thiAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
Creatures moved by reposition dAdvanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
oose one type of shield (buckle You can gain thisAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
Creatures automatically notice Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can use speak with animals as a spell-like a Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
ce per day as an immediate action you can delay Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day as a standard action you may attempt Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
ur melee attacks ignore the mis The Improved Bli Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
You provoke an attack of opportAdvanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
You provoke an attack of oppor Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen using the Ki Throw feat, yo A monk may take Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
You provoke an attack of oppor Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
When using the Second Chance fea Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
y non-instantaneous spell (but not any spell-liAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
If you use the Sidestep feat, you Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
You provoke an attack of oppor Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u receive a +4 bonus on Perception checks to Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
intensified spell increases the maximum number Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile using the aid another action to improve anAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws again Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +1 natural armor bonus due to your uAdvanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain the scent special ability. Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
a successful unarmed trip attA monk may gain Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you use bardic performance with audible Advanced
co Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can ignore the effects of difficult terrain in Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
e bonuses and penalties from your bardic perfo Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u may cause an instantaneous spell that affects Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you are adjacent to an ally who also has Advanced Player<link rel="style 1 0 0
u gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC against ranged Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
ce per day, when one of your allies within 30 A f dvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
oose one spell that you know You of can gain thisAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u receive a +2 bonus on Craft (alchemy) checkAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can alter spells that inf lict damage to inf li Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
oose one 1st-level spell that yYou can gain thisAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u must be using a light, heavy, or tower shiel Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u may add your base shield bonus (including Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
If your mount moves more than Advanced
5 Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you and an ally who also has this featAdvanced
a Player<link rel="style 1 0 0
henever you are adjacent to an ally who also ha Advanced Player<link rel="style 1 0 0
henever you successfully counter a spell, it retAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
You cannot atta Starting at 6th Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u receive a +10 bonus on DisgA half ling may tAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u must declare that you are usi A weapon master Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever a creature targeted by a persistent spell Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
Using a ranged Starting at 6th Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can use your tactician abilitYou can gain Prac Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you and an ally who also has this featAdvanced Player<link rel="style 1 0 0
oose one spell which you haveYou t can gain thisAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u must declare that you are usA hungry ghost m Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you hit a creature your size or smaller witAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
oose another humanoid race. You count as both Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you are raging, the morale bonus to yo Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u must be using a light, heavy, or tower shieldAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can make a bite attack for 1d4 points of dama Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can alter a spell with a range of touch, closeAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
you hit a creature with two claw attacks in th Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
You must perforYou can only appl Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever an adjacent ally is the target of an attaAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen making a full attack, if you miss on your fiAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen casting a selective spell with an area effecAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can deal precision damage, such as sneak atAdvanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
a move action, you can grant all friendly cr Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
The keen senses trait normally gAdvanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you take a full-attack action while wieldi Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
oose one type of shield (bucklYou can gain thisAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you are wielding a shield and are adjace Advanced Player<link rel="style 1 0 0
henever you are adjacent to an ally who also has Advanced Player<link rel="style 1 0 0
u can modify a spell to sicken a creature damage Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever an opponent misses you with a meleeAdvanced at Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you attack an inanimate, uThe benefits of Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u receive a +4 bonus on Perception checks to de Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
a move action, you grant all friendly creatu Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
ck one spell which you have the ability to castAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
a move action, you can move up to half your slAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen adjacent to an opponent and making a full-a Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
Dwarves normally receive a +2 ra Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
You can usually only take one stAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u receive a +4 bonus on Bluff checks to lie or Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain tremorsense to a range of 10 feet. Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you use bardic performance with audible Advanced
co Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can choose to take a -5 penalty on all melee Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you summon your eidolon, you may give Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
You must perforYou can only appl Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you are adjacent to an ally who also ha Advanced Player<link rel="style 1 0 0
Aid another is a standard actionAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can demoralize opponents using Bluff ratherAdvanced
t Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
Aid another is a standard actionAdvanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
y creature using a teleportation effect to enteAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
e DC of caster level checks to dispel or removeAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can modify a spell to deafen a creature damage Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u must declare that you are usA monk of the loAdvanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile wearing light or no armor, you do not need Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
You must perforYou can only appl Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
an opponent larger than you attempts to grapAdvanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u receive a +4 dodge bonus on Acrobatics check Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
u may target vermin with spells and special abi Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you use bardic performance with audible Advanced
co Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day, when confronted wi At the GM's optio
Advanced Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
Applying poison to a weapon or Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile using your smite evil class feature, as a s Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a small amount of grit If you gain level Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen using a sling or sling staff, you reduce youUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile you are flanked and adjacent to an ally wiUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 1 0 0
hen you succeed at a Diplomacy check to change Ultimate
a Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
The grapple comA monk can gainUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
You take a -4 peA rogue with thiUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u add piercing damage to the damage types you Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can make an Intimidate check to demoralizeUltimate
a Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can deal bludgeoning damage or slashing dam Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
an immediate action while you are grappling Ultimate
a Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
an immediate action, you can double your DRUltimate
a Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you make a successful Stunning Fist attemp Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
a standard action, expend 3 rounds of your baUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile wielding two weapons, whenever you succe Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you make a melee attack and hit yourUltimate
op Comba<link rel="style 1 0 0
hen you successfully use improved evasion to Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u and your mount can overlap the space of mou Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 1 0 0
a full-round action that provokes attacks of oUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you use channel energy to deal damage, you Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can use the charge rules to make a thrown we Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hile you have an opponent up to one size categUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
you make a melee attack, and your target dropUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
Making a ranged attack provokesUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you use a full-attack acti If the massive d Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you use Heal to provide first aid, treatUltimate Comba<link rel="style 1 0 0
It takes a swift action to begin oUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can use a standard action to touch an ally anUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen an ally with this feat charges a creature t Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 1 0 0
u take only a -1 penalty on attack rolls for f Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u take only a -2 penalty on attack rolls for f Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per round, when fighting defensively with U a ltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you attack with an unarmed strike and hitUltimate
a Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can use your deity's favored weapon as if i Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can make a Stunning Fist attempt as a full-rUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you hit with a melee attack and reduce your Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you charge an opponent from higher Ultimate
gro Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
ainst a creature of size Large You can combineUltimate
t Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u are not staggered while using the Diehard feUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you are at 0 or fewer hit points, you do noUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever a creature rolls to confirm a critical hiUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
you successfully feint an opp An alchemist who Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
oose a weapon group from theYou f can select thUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
long as you have at least 1 grit point, you d Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you successfully make a targeted dispel che Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you use Vital Strike, Improved Vital StUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
er using abundant step or casting dimension Ultimate
d Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
a full-round action, you use abundant step orUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can take a full-attack actionA monk can use Ultimate
a Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile using the Dimensional Dervish feat, you gUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hile using the Dimensional Dervish feat, you pr Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you are using bardic performance to cre Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
a standard action, use Bluff to feint against Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
a standard action, make a Bluff check agains Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you use Disengaging Feint or Disengagi Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
you successfully use Acrobatics to tumble thr Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
you successfully dispel an ongoing magical ef Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
you have dispel magic prepared or can cast it Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 1 0
you have dispel magic prepared or can cast it Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you use a melee or thrown weapon with Ultimate
t Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you use a melee attack to successfully disru Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
th a thrown weapon, you reduce your penaltyUltimate
o Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hile using Djinni Style, as a standard action Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain one additional Elemental Fist (Advanced Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain one additional Elemental Fist (Advanced Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you gain this feat, choose You can take thiUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can apply your bane to a second weapon youUltimate
a Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever an opponent successfully trips you, yoUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hile using Dragon Style, you gaTaking this feat Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain one additional StunninIf you have the Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
You cannot charge or run through Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you spend a swift action to make a perform Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
You can only trip opponents whoUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile using this style, your defensive training Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
You can trip only those opponent Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain one additional Elemental Fist (Advanced Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain one additional Elemental Fist (Advanced Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile using Efreeti Style, as a standard action, Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you successfully use your elusive target clUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u receive a +2 bonus on ranged attacks made ag Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 1 0 0
ally who also has this feat provokes no attac Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 1 0 0
u can make an accelerate, decelerate, or turn Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can use your bane ability for 3 additional r Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
If you are a gun If you possess leUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 1
oose a ranged weapon or a thrown weapon. Whe Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever an ally who also has this feat successfu Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 1 0 0
hen you break an opponent's grapple with a co Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
you use the attack action to make a single m Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
oose one of your natural weapo If you are a monUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
Improvised tools impose a -2 pen Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
You can grab and constrict creatUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
creature that takes damage from your constrict Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
uble the number of damage dice for your const Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you hit an adjacent opponent with a mele Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
an opponent scores a critical hit against you, Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile raging, when you use the Vital Strike feat Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you use the attack action, you can use a we Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
fore making any melee attacks on your turn, yo Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you rend an opponent, you deal 1d6 ble Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you make an attack of opportunity usin Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u are so quick with your whip that you never Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
th your deity's favored weapon, you can use yUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
you have access to a gunsmith'If you are a gunsUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you take a full-attack action, each consecuUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
A bardic performance lasts onlyUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u add haunted fey aspect (page 230) to your list Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain one use of your gnome magic that is indUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain another independent use of your gnome Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you spend a swift action to make a perforUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you gain this feat, choose You can take thisUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
You use your cavalier level to d Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
You must perform a bull rush c Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 1 0
henever you score a critical hit with the sele Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 1 0
hile you are adjacent to an ally who is flanked Ultimate
a Comba<link rel="style 1 0 0
Using Charging Hurler requires Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can use Cleaving Finish any number of timeUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you use Vital Strike, Improved Vital Str Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever an ally who also has this feat success Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 1 0 0
hile you are using Impaling Critical to impale Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 1 0
henever you successfully rend an opponent, you Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
Making a ranged attack provokesUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
uble the DR you gain from Stalwart, to a max Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hile using Two-Weapon Fighting to make melee Ultimate
at Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hile wielding a whip, you threaten the area of U y ltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
Pronouncing or changing a judgm Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you use Dazzling Display while your ban Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile using Janni Style, you are always considerUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile using this style, you take only a -1 penalt Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile you are using the Janni Style feat, whene Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you make a successful Stunning Fist attempt Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you make a Knowledge check to identify Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 insight bonus on Knowledge checks Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile using this style, you can spend a swift act Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you use your unarmed strike to deal nonleUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
you are tripped, you can spend an immediate aUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on Acrobatics checks made Ultimate
t Comba<link rel="style 0 0 1
u gain one additional Stunning Fist attempt per Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain one additional Stunning Fist attempt peUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
eat half your levels in classes other than mon Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile using Marid Style, as a standard action, y Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain one additional Elemental Fist (Advanced Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain one additional Elemental Fist (AdvanceUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can make performance combat checks as a fre Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
Full-round actions are required Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
oose the effects of any two performance feat Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you make a melee attack and successfullyUltimate
u Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can use your bane class fea If you have the Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
When using a lethal weapon to de Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you spend a swift action to make a perform Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
d half the levels you have in classes other t Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
You climb at one-quarter your s Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
You cannot enter an opponent'sUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
You take a -4 penalty on attack Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile you have concealment from an opponent,Ultimate
y Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
Feinting is a standard action. Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile you have concealment, your opponents' mi Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you spend a swift action to make a performa Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
you have an opponent your size or smaller help Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
A net is a ranged weapon that imp Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
A net is a two-handed ranged wUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
melee, you can use a net to trip or disarm op Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
place of one of your melee attacks, you can u Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile fighting within an area of magical darkne Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hile a faerie fire you have cast (not one cast Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
spending a full-round action T t his feat countsUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u often rely on surprise and misdirection in y Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 1
henever you deal damage with a ranged attack, Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
You can take a 5-foot step only Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 1 0 0
hile using Panther Style, you can spend a free Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hile using Panther Style, your retaliatory unarUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile using this style, when an opponent makesUltimate
a Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you make a successfulIf you have the Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u treat all weapons you are proficient in as i Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can make performance combat checks in any Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever an opponent you threaten takes a 5-foo Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hile you have an opponent pinned, when you suc Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hile you have an opponent pinned, when you su Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
Applying poison to a weapon or Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you use wild shape to take the form of an Ultimate
an Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
you have been prone since theIf you have the Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
Crossbows and firearms are the Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
A bull rush combat maneuver is Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
A dirty trick combat maneuver isUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
A drag combat maneuver is a staUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
A reposition combat maneuver is Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
A steal combat maneuver is a st Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hile raging and using Power Attack, you can spUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hile raging, whenever your attack reduces your Ultimate
o Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile raging, you can throw a two-handed weapon Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hile raging, when you attempt a bull rush comb Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you use Greater Grapple to successfulUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you succeed at the Acrobatics check to jump Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
A bull rush combat maneuver is Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u deal rend damage if you hit with half the norUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you gain this feat, choose You can take thisUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen using the Diplomacy skill to make a request Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can fire a shot at a wall or piece of solid t Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 1
you cast a cure spell while you have a judgment Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you use a bludgeoning weapon to deal Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you use a bludgeoning weapon to deal Ultimate
no Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you spend a swift action to make a perforUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you gain this feat, choose You can take thisUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on Acrobatics, Climb, and Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
end 1 grit point while in combat to recover eiUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 1
hen an ally who also has this feat confirms a cUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 1 0 0
hile using the Shaitan Style feat, as a standar Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain one additional Elemental Fist (Advanced Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain one additional Elemental Fist (Advanced Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you are adjacent to one or more allies whoUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 1 0 0
creature you deal damage to has difficulty usi Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
ur levels of druid stack with your ranger leve Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can pronounce a single judgment and extendUltimate
i Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you lead a siege engine assembly crew, you Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
Each siege engine is an exotic wUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
Direct-fire weapons impose a -2Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
ck a deed that you have access to and that youUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 1
u gain a +4 bonus on driving checks with yourUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you take this feat, choose You can take thiUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can make melee attacks using Any feats you haUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile using the Snake Style feat, when an opponUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
An unarmed strike deals bludgeUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
While wielding a ranged weapon, Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hile you are using the Snapping Turtle Style f Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hile you are using the Snapping Turtle Style fea Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile using the Snapping Turtle Style feat with aUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you successfully sneak attack an oppone Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you gain this feat, you choYou can take thisUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile your bane class feature is affecting a crea Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
a successful unarmed trip com Per the Ki ThrowUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you use a melee or thrown weapon with Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
When making attacks that deal nUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hile using the total defense action, fighting d Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile you can see one or more allies who also hav Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 1 0 0
henever you successfully maintain a grapple an Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you are allowed to reroll an ability che Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you pin an opponent, you can spend aUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
ll twice while climbing or when making a Ref Ultimate
le Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
Making a ranged attack provokesUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you attempt a trip combat maneuver Ultimate
aga Comba<link rel="styl 1 0 0
hen an ally who also has this feat makes a ranUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 1 0 0
henever an ally with this feat succeeds a BluffUltimate Comba<link rel="style 1 0 0
hile you are using the Tiger Style feat and havUltimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile using the Tiger Style feat, you can apply Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
Unarmed strikes deal bludgeon Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you manually trigger a trap against oppone Ultimate Comba<link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per round, when wielding a bludgeoning wea Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can trip a creature with the giant subtype Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you deal an opponent extra damage with Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
You add your Strength bonus onUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hile using Two-Weapon Fighting to make melee Ultimate
a Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever an opponent falls prone adjacent to yo Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
on your first turn of combat you draw a meleeUltimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
Attacking with a whip provokes Ultimate Comba<link rel="styl 0 0 0
oose one of your revelations tYou can gain thisUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you confirm a critical hit with a spell or Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 1 0
You can only target a creature wUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
d +1 to the Difficulty Class on all Perception Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can make Diplomacy and Intimidate checks Ultimate to m Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you confirm a criticalYou h can apply the Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 1 0
henever you apply a spellblight by way of the Bl Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
e acid or fire effects of the affected spell adh Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
a swift action, you can spend a use of your cha Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
th sonic damage comes a concussive wave of Ultimate energ Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you craft a magic weapon, magic armor, orUltimate m Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day, when you clear your mind to regain Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you are adjacent to your eidolon, youUltimate c Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
long as you have 1 ki point in your ki pool, whUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you use any of the spells listed in this featUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
your tumor familiar is attached, and you wouldUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
an immediate action, when an enemy within Ultimate 30 f Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
The aura of courage is a 10-foot Ultimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you cast an echoing spell, it does not disapUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
ect one sorcerer bloodline. You must have Skill Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you are performing, alliesIf you possess oUltimate Magic <link rel="style 1 0 0
ect an evolution from the listYou can gain thisUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day, when you successfully identify all Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain one additional magus ar You can gain thisUltimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
ur arcane pool increases by 2.You can gain thisUltimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
d your Wisdom bonus to the number of rounds Ultimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
d two cantrips to your cantri You can take thiUltimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
ur eidolon's evolution pool inThis evolution cUltimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can set ranger traps two additional times peUltimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain 1 additional use of youYou can take thiUltimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen using your detect alignment class feature,Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
Using wild empathy requires 1 Ultimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
ect a favored race from the r You can gain thisUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
The aura of courage affects eachUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you cast a bard spell that deals damage, you Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
e electricity, fire, or light effects of the affe Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
hile you are adjacent to your eidolon, you rec Ultimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
you have at least one ki in your ki pool, whe Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
the start of each encounter, you can either c Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you confirm a criticalYou h can only appl Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 1 0
u gain an additional power from the bloodlineUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you use your lay on hands ability and the U t ltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
sacrificing a prepared spell of the same or higUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 insight bonus on wYou may select tUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
u may implant a bomb in a willing or helplessUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain either the 3rd-level or You may select th Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a sacred bonus on all skill checks to id Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you make a Sense Motive check to oppos Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day, as a free action, when making an In Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day, you can treat your class level for Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
hile you have at least 1 ki point in your ki pooUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
ect one ranger trap (see pageA ranger may use Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
a standard action, you can channel positive eUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
eatures you summon shed light as a light spelUltimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
Woodland stride does not applyUltimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u get a +2 bonus on Sense Motive checks and Spe Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen an evil outsider uses a calling, summoning, Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you cast a piercing spell against a target witUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
r every summon nature's ally extract you know Ultimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen in wild shape, treat your size as one categUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
oose two Craft, Perform, or Pro You can gain thisUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day, you can enter a deep trance to recUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +4 sacred bonus to saving throws agaUltimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
employing a number of different stances andUltimate
t Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
u may channel energy as a move action by spend Ultimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can wild shape as a move action or a swift acUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you hit with a charge attack, you can expeUltimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
e maximum delay for your delayed bombs increas Ultimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
An eidolon is immediately banisUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
ch time you use your lay on hands ability, youUltimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
ch time you use your lay on hands ability to hUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
A thrown splash weapon that mis Ultimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
e frost of your cold spell clings to the target, Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen using summon monster to summon creatures Ultimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen sharing the senses of your eidolon, you gaUltimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
you are a multiclassed druid, This feat has no Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain the detect evil class feature. You may usUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
d "human skeleton" to the list of creatures Ultimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
ce per day, as an immediate action upon reduci Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
another spellcaster tries to counterspell you Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
ect one 1st-level spell in the class that grantsUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
ect one spell of a school for You can gain thisUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can combine your bardic performance and your Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you use one of your hexes (not a major hex Ultimate
o Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you use one of your major hexes (not a gran Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
ck a single spell that you are You can take thisUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
eatures you summon gain the Blind-Fight feat,Ultimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
eatures that you summon shed light as a lightUltimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
ch time you cast a summoning spell that conj Ultimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
Defenses such as death ward nega Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can augment the power of your divine spellsUltimate
w Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day as a free action, you can think backUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
Undead are immune to mind-affec Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
e impact of your force spell is strong enough to Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
u treat quarterstaves as if theIf you are a magUltimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
a full-round action, while w If you are a magUltimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can expend 10 uses of lay on hands to bringUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
The aura of resolve affects each Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
is feat gives you an additional +1 bonus on P Ultimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u do not need to make concentration checks wh Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you cast animate dead or use the Command Ultimate Magic <link rel="styl 0 0 0
a swift action, you can focus the clarity gran Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
ck one 1st-level spell, one 2nd-level spell, one Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
u may make a choice whenever you use your chan Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
hile your eidolon is within your reach, you gaiUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
u get a +1 bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, and PUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +1 bonus on initiative checks and a +Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen using wild shape to take the form in whichUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
ch day, when you prepare your spells, you canUltimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
u may use your lay on hands to heal another cr Ultimate Magic <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on Craft (alchemy) and ProfAdvanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
You may only make additional atAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen wearing a helmet, you add +1 to your AC agai Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen wearing a helmet, you add +1 to your AC aga Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
is functions as Goblin Cleaver, but your addit Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen using Cleave or Great Cleave, if your initi Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and combat Advanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can move at full speed while using AcrobaticAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
is feat functions as Goblin Cleaver, but your Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
a standard action, you can attempt to sunder Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you succeed at a saving throw againstAdvanced
po Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ect one type of terrain from tYou can take thisAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u have received special training with traditi Advanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you are in a terrain type you have selectedAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you are in a terrain type you have selectedAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you are in a terrain type you have selectedAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
long as you have at least one This feat countsAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ect one school of magic otherYou may select th Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls with gnome Advanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain an additional +1 bonus on melee and thr Advanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
ect two creature types (and sYou may take thiAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws ag Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u possess the elven magic racia You can only takeAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day, when you fail a Will save against aAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u count as a drow for any effects that relate toAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u receive 1 bonus skill rank. You can only take Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
Half-elves with the multitalentedAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u are not considered elven or human for the pu Advanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws againstAdvanced
s Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
a move action, you can grant all friendly cre Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ect one of the following creature types: elep Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever one of your allies is reduced to negativ Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you are raging and you succeed at a sunder Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
A half-orc with the orc ferocity rAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
eatures you summon gain the ferocity universa Advanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
ce per day when raging, if you are hit by an a Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you are raging and you confirm a critical hAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen charging during the same round as an allyAdvanced
w Race <link rel="style 1 0 0
hen using Great Cleave, each opponent you attac Advanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
ce per day, when a creature confirms a criticaAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen using Cleave or Great Cleave, the second fo Advanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you are adjacent to an ally who is ragin Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you are killed by hit point damage, your soAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you are raging and your attack reduces anAdvanced
en Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
crease the number of times per day you can use Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you fight defensively or use the total Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen fighting defensively or using total defenseAdvanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
you have the fearless racial trait, your racial Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day, you can make a single melee attack Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
e number of times per day you can use the adap Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ur bonus to conf irm critical hits against oppon Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
end a use of your adaptive luck racial trait to Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
end a use of your adaptive luck racial trait to Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can choose to take a -1 penalty to AC to gai Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Cl Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day, when fighting defensively or makin Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
hile fighting defensively or taking the total d Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain an extra use per day of your Defiant LucAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day, you can spend 1 hour practicing mane Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +1 bonus on saving throws against effe Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day, after you roll a na If you are using Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you gain a level in a favored class, you gaiAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +1 bonus on saving throws against effe Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day as a standard action, you may attemp Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
you have the animal companion class feature, Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ur nonprof iciency penalty with weapons, armor, Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on all skill checks for skills Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day, as a free action before a roll is ma Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +1 bonus on saving throws against effe Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ch combat feat you have that applies to a sp Advanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
oose one combat feat you know You may take thisAdvanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you confirm a critical hit or roll a natural Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a pair of gleaming feathered wings thatAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against effAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u take a -2 penalty on Disguise and Stealth cheAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ur animal companion, familiar, or mount gainsAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you channel energy to deal damage, you may Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen using Improved Channel Force, you can affec Advanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain one additional use per You may take thiAdvanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen using Channel Force, you can affect all crea Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain two wing attacks. These are secondary Advanced
n Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
ce per day as an immediate act If you take this Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can take the Aspect of the BeYou can take thisAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
Charging is a special full-round aAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus to your CMD against bull ruAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u do not take a -2 penalty to AC when you useAdvanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
oose one humanoid subtype, such as "goblinoid" Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
you use your Blood Drinker feat to drain 4 or Advanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
You only benefit from the Blood Advanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
oose a humanoid subtype or th You can take thiAdvanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
You cannot take 20 on any checkAdvanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u may use detect magic as a spell-like ability at Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ur detect magic spell-like ability is now constan Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u may use your dancing lights, faerie fire, fea Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u may use dispel magic, divine favor, and sugges Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ur spell resistance is equal to You receive a + Advanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you cast spells of the shadow subschool orAdvanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can cast spider climb once per day as a spellAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen casting either a summon monster spell orAdvanced
a Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ect one of the following: dispel magic, divine fAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain proficiency with the lance. You can wi AP 69 <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a sacred bonus to your AC against the atChampions Of Pu <link rel="style 1 0 0
u gain a sacred bonus to your AC against the atChampions Of Pu <link rel="style 1 0 0
hen using good-aligned weapons, including thos Champions Of Pu
<link rel="styl 0 0 0
e DC to resist spells you cast to ensure peace Champions Of Pu <link rel="styl 0 0 0
a full-round action, you can remove an injuryChampions Of Pu <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can alter the essence of your being to lesse Champions Of Pu <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain the ability to see up to 15 feet clearly Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain darkvision 90 ft., but gain the light se Advanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you are within an area of dim light or darkAdvanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain the see in darkness ability (Bestiary 2 Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain the ability to use shad You may select th Advanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can expend one use of your shadow walk spell- Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u deal an extra 1d4 points of fire damage when Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can wield a torch as a weapon without takinAdvanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on saves against spells withAdvanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain fire resistance 5. When casting spells wAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
You take a -2 penalty when usinAdvanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you successfully make an Acrobatics check Advanced
t Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u may reduce your bomb damage by one die to Advanced
gi Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
use this feat, you must use a whip (or anotheAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ally who also has this feat can deal damage toAdvanced Race <link rel="style 1 0 0
hile you are within 30 feet of at least two oth Advanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
a standard action, you spur an If you have 10 oAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you use Dazzling Display, in addition to itsAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you use Scorching Weapons, on your turnAdvanced
as Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on feint checks made while Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day, you can cast plane shift as a spell Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can see through fire and smoke without penal Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ur bonus on saves against fire attacks and speAdvanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against firAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ur scales take on the color andIf you have the Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus against sleeKobold sorcerersAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus against sleep If you have the gAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain an additional +2 bonus against sleep a Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
When moving greater than half sp Advanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
You take a -20 penalty on your SAdvanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can make a tail slap attack with your tail. Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you kill or knock unconscious an oppone Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
Intimidating an opponent is a stAdvanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you fall to 0 hit points or fewer, you lose 2Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you channel energy, instead of creating itsAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +1 morale bonus on attack and damage Advanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you take this feat, choose You can gain thiAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
hile raging, when under the effect of a fear eff Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
a move action, you can leave a gap in your defAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can attempt to disarm a trap by striking it wAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ur dwarven heritage manifests in two ways. Fir Advanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a +4 racial bonus on Perception checksAdvanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a limited form of tremorsense. As a movAdvanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a burrow speed equal to 1/2 your baseAdvanced
s Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain the earth glide universal monster abilitAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you move, you may move through 5 feet Advanced
of Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a burrow speed equal to 1/2 your baseAdvanced
s Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain two claw attacks. These are primary naAdvanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u count as one size smaller than normal for t Advanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against effe Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can see through fog, mist, and clouds, withou Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u no longer need to breathe. You are immune Advanced
to Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ur bonus on saves against effects with the air Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
crease the damage of your beak The bleed effectAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws again Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day, you can assume the form of a human Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
Determining the most valuable ob Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day, you can take the form of a Large blAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day, you can sprout a pair of giant blacAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 natural armor bonIf you have the sAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ck one of the following energyYou t can take thiAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain low-light vision and yoYou can take thiAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can use your tail to grab st If you have the Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain the amphibious special quality. Your s Advanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
Hydraulic push can only be usedAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u may increase the casting time of a fire spell Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day, you may expend your racial hydrauli Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
a standard action, you can extinguish a small Advanced
n Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ur dark legacy manifests in onYou can gain thisAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen your size increases to Large or larger, yourAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen your invisibility ends, you gain concealment Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u have a prehensile tongue with a range of 10Advanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a new spell-like ability You may select th Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can precisely mimic the physical features o Advanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you make a successful melee attack against Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
a full-round action, you can spit poison up toAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
will as a full-round action, you may perform aAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ur strix racial fly speed increases to 60 feet Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
ur elemental assault ability laYou can take thisAdvanced Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
You can use elemental assault oncAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
spending 5 rounds finding a suitable location,Advanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus to your CMD against all tripAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
Vishkanya venom deals DexteritAdvanced Race <link rel="style 0 0 0
When moving at more than half Advanced
y Race <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you damage an opponent This wi ability doe Cheliax Empire <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen wielding a spiked chain, you gain a +1 shieCheliax Empire <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you damage an opponent with a Power Atta Cheliax Empire <link rel="styl 0 0 0
You can only use Stunning Fist Cheliax Empire <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u may throw your spiked chain (as if it were Cheliax Empire <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen making a trip attack, add your Dexterity Cheliax Empire <link rel="styl 0 0 0
you successfully use a whip to trip a foe, yo Cheliax Empire <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen attacking an impaled opponent (see Hamatul Cheliax Empire <link rel="styl 0 0 0
You can only attack with an unaCheliax Empire <link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you attack and damage This ability onlyCheliax Empire <link rel="styl 0 0 0
You cannot make Stealth checksCheliax Empire <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hile you are fighting defensively or using the Cheliax Empire <link rel="style 0 0 0
A thrown weapon drops in the squ Dwarves Of Gola<link rel="style 0 0 0
Changing whether a dorn-dergarDwarves Of Gola<link rel="styl 0 0 0
A dorn-dergar requires two hand Dwarves Of Gola<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can choose to take a -2 penalty on a ranged at Dwarves Of Gola<link rel="style 0 0 0
Flanking opponents gain a +2 flaDwarves Of Gola<link rel="styl 0 0 0
a full-round action, you extol the virtues of Gnomes Of Gola<link rel="style 0 0 0
a swift action, spend 1 point from your ki po Gnomes Of Gola<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen attempting a Diplomacy check to influence Gnomes Of Gola<link rel="style 0 0 0
ake a Bluff check to praise the value and worthGnomes Of Gola<link rel="style 0 0 0
a standard action, you can make a Bluff checkGnomes Of Gola<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you are restrained or impri At the GM's discGnomes Of Gola<link rel="style 0 0 0
a standard action, you can pantomime or descri Gnomes Of Gola<link rel="style 0 0 0
u may use the Bluff skill to feint while raging. G
Tnomes Of Gola<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you successfully feint against an opponentGnomes Of Gola<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you use the Ride-By Attack feat, if your attQadira <link rel="style 0 0 0
When your overrun maneuver che Sargava <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen making a charge or using Spring Attack again Sargava <link rel="styl 0 0 0
You take a -2 penalty to your ACSargava <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen wielding a light weapon, you can choose to Sargava <link rel="style 0 0 0
Charging is a full-round action Sargava <link rel="styl 0 0 0
e abilities of your animal comYou may select tAnimal Archive <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen delivering a touch spell for your master, theAnimal Archive <link rel="style 0 0 0
oose one magic item slot not normally availabl Animal Archive <link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever your master targets you with a harmless Animal
s Archive <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can transfer a prepared spellIf you are a spo Animal Archive <link rel="style 0 0 0
u always count as having a running start whenAnimal Archive <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can attack from nooks and crannies, even whi Animal Archive <link rel="style 0 0 0
ur master gains a +2 bonus on Handle AnimalAnimal che Archive <link rel="style 0 0 0
You take a -4 penalty on attack rAnimal Archive <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever your master targets you with a harmless Animal Archive <link rel="style 0 0 0
ur AC penalty when charging is halved. The p Animal Archive <link rel="styl 0 0 0
Moving uphill costs 2 squares o Animal Archive <link rel="styl 0 0 0
The DC to push an animal increaAnimal Archive <link rel="styl 0 0 0
e penalty to AC for using Archon Style to granBlood Of Angels<link rel="style 0 0 0
u no longer take a penalty to AC for using Arc Blood Of Angels<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile using this style, as a standard action, you Blood Of Angels<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you confirm a critical hit with a slashing Blood Of Angels<link rel="style 0 1 0
henever an enemy unsuccessfully attempts toBlood cou Of Angels<link rel="style 0 0 0
consecrated spell is treated as a maximized spe Blood Of Angels<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you cast your daylight spell-like abilitBlood Of Angels<link rel="style 0 0 0
ect one of the following creature subtypes: d Blood Of Angels<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you successfully hit an enemy that is B v lood Of Angels<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you are adjacent to a good outsider tha Blood Of Angels<link rel="style 0 0 0
Demoralizing a foe with a succesBlood Of Fiends<link rel="style 0 0 0
long your banner is clearly visible, all enemi Blood Of Fiends<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you successfully deal sneak attack damageBlood Of Fiends<link rel="style 0 0 0
Tieflings can use darkness once Blood
p Of Fiends<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +5 racial bonus on Disguise checks wBlood Of Fiends<link rel="style 0 0 0
oose one of the following enerYou can take thisBlood Of Fiends<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile raging, you gain a +4 competence bonus on Blood Of Fiends<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus to your effective caster levelBlood Of Fiends<link rel="style 0 0 0
you are a sorcerer and possess the Rakshasa bBlood Of Fiends<link rel="style 0 0 0
hile raging, you gain spell resistance equal to Blood Of Fiends<link rel="style 0 0 0
u get a +5 racial bonus on Intimidate checks mBlood Of Fiends<link rel="style 0 0 0
ytime you can make a Sense Motive check to ge Blood Of Fiends<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you regain hit points by resting, you heal dBlood Of Fiends<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you shoot or throw ranged weapons at anBlood op Of Fiends<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you present to a vampire a holy symbol orBlood o Of The Ni<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen using bardic performance, you may choose Blood
to Of The Ni<link rel="style 0 0 0
u are healed by channeled positive energy useBlood Of The Ni<link rel="styl 0 0 0
y round in which you use your holy symbol asBlood a Of The Ni<link rel="style 0 0 0
u add your bravery bonus on Will saves against Blood Of The Ni<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on saves made to resist aveBlood Of The Ni<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can go without feeding for aThis feat is onl Blood Of The Ni<link rel="styl 0 0 0
ur animal companion or familiar If your animal c Blood Of The Ni<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain the ability to create a You may select tBlood Of The Ni<link rel="style 0 0 0
a move action, you can expertly angle the bladDragon Empires<link rel="style 0 0 0
u must choose to use this ability before making Dragon Empires<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen using the Ki Throw feat, you can expend 1Dragon
ki Empires<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hile using flurry of blows to make melee attacks Dragon Empires<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever an enemy deals damage to you with aDragon me Empires<link rel="styl 0 0 0
A successful feint causes your o Dragon Empires<link rel="style 0 0 0
d +2 to the saving throw DC against your quivDragon Empires<link rel="styl 0 0 0
er successfully using your quivering palm attDragon Empires<link rel="style 0 0 0
u must declare that you are using this feat be Dragon Empires<link rel="style 0 0 0
d +1 to the saving throw DC against your Stunn Dragon Empires<link rel="styl 0 0 0
Dispel magic suppresses an itemDungeoneer's H<link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day, you may reroll either a Disable Dev Dungeoneer's H<link rel="style 0 0 0
You cannot reposition a foe into Dungeoneer's H<link rel="styl 0 0 0
is feat only works with mind-affecting effects.Dungeoneer's H<link rel="style 0 0 0
u may use the Stealth skill to hide from any crDungeoneer's H<link rel="style 0 0 0
Unless the check made to identifDungeoneer's H<link rel="style 0 0 0
long as you are wearing a valuable nonmagical Dungeoneer's H<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain three benefits upon taking this feat. F Dungeoneer's H<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you use the Arcane Shield feat, you alFaiths Of Balanc<link rel="styl 0 0 0
an opponent has damaged you within the pastFaiths m Of Balanc<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you hit an opponent with a melee or rangeFaiths Of Balanc<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you succeed at a trip combat maneuver, you Faiths Of Balanc<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you succeed at a bull rush or overrun comb Faiths Of Balanc<link rel="styl 0 0 0
you use the Stand Still feat to prevent an o Faiths Of Balanc<link rel="styl 0 0 0
A torch used in combat is treateFaiths Of Corrup<link rel="style 0 0 0
u are able to modify more of your spells to useFaiths Of Corrup<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you score a critical hit against an op Faiths Of Corrup<link rel="styl 0 0 0
on reducing an enemy to 0 or fewer hit pointsFaiths Of Corrup<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever a creature attempts to poison you with Faiths Of Corrup<link rel="style 0 0 0
u are able to use the light around you to moveFaiths Of Corrup<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you bull rush a creature and your check exc Faiths Of Corrup<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you make a bull rush attack and yourFaithsch Of Corrup<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you damage a creature by channeling negativ Faiths Of Corrup<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you threaten a creature with a criticalFaiths Of Corrup<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on Initiative checks as long Inner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
u are automatically acclimated at high altitud Inner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
u improve your affinity with birds of prey, su Inner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
u deal +2 damage with weapon attacks made Inner agai Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on all Bluff checks made to Inner Sea World<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u cast spells from scrolls at +1 caster level hi Inner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
y spell you scribe in your spellbook costs halfInner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (planes) check Inner Sea World<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen wielding a scimitar with one hand, you can Inner
u Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
u treat extreme heat conditions (Pathfinder RPG Inner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen no ally is within 10 feet of you and you arInner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day as a standard action, you can openInner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
ur strange connection to the First World and tInner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
long as you hold your clan, house, or party's Inner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws againstInner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
on taking this feat, choose a focus item for y Inner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 morale bonus on saving throws mad Inner Sea World<link rel="styl 0 0 0
ce per day when you have halfYou can take thiInner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
ells you cast that deal damage, channel negativ Inner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
ur unarmed attacks can deal ei Hamatulatsu may Inner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you cast a spell while you are maintaiInner Sea World<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u get a +1 bonus on all Will saves made to resInner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
ough you may not know it, the blood of greatne Inner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on saving throws made to resi Inner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (nobility)Innerc Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
A character withYou can gain RapInner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
u treat extreme cold conditions (Pathfinder RInner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
ck any two Knowledge skills. You gain a +2 bonu Inner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +4 bonus on Bluff checks made to pass Inner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
d the following spells to your As part of this Inner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
ponents do not gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls Inner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +1 bonus on all saving throws againstInner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can ignore many of the effects of severe weat Inner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +5 bonus on all Constitution checks ma Inner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen fighting with the falcata and buckler, you Inner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
e benefit granted by this feat depends on whiInner Sea World<link rel="styl 0 0 0
ect a school of magic (other than divination) Inner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen using a spell trigger item, you can move bot Inner Sea World<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can move up to half your speed instead of taRival Guide <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you make a successful disarm or trip maneu Rival Guide <link rel="styl 0 0 0
a standard action, you can make a disarm or tRival Guide <link rel="style 0 0 0
u receive a +1 dodge bonus to your Armor Class Rival Guide <link rel="style 1 0 0
you damage a foe that is of a larger size cate Rival Guide <link rel="style 0 0 0
you attempt to trip a foe that is larger than Rival Guide <link rel="style 1 0 0
u gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws agaiRival Guide <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you drink a tankard of ale or strong alcohol Faiths Of Purity <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you confirm a critical hit against a creatureFaiths Of Purity <link rel="style 0 1 0
henever you cast augury or divination, you rece Faiths Of Purity <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can spend a move action to steady your shotFaiths Of Purity <link rel="style 0 0 0
eatures you summon with summon nature's ally Faiths Of Purity <link rel="styl 0 0 0
When you charge, you take a -2 pe Faiths Of Purity <link rel="styl 0 0 0
While smite evil is in effect, th Faiths Of Purity <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you heal a creature by channeling positiveFaiths
e Of Purity <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you cast a divine spell with the fire descripFaiths Of Purity <link rel="style 0 0 0
ch time you hit a creature with a two-handed Faiths Of Purity <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hile within a primarily underground or mounta Faiths Of Purity <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a +4 insight bonus on combat maneuvers Faiths Of Purity <link rel="styl 0 0 0
you are the target of a comba You cannot makeGoblins Of Gola <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen using bardic performance to inspire courag Goblins Of Gola <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 morale bonus on all attack and dam Goblins Of Gola <link rel="style 0 0 0
ring any round in which you gain the benefit oGoblins Of Gola <link rel="style 0 0 0
omeone reads or writes in your presence (incGoblins Of Gola <link rel="style 0 0 0
you are struck by a melee weapon you can try Goblins Of Gola <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can choose to take a -1 penalty on all atta Goblins Of Gola <link rel="styl 0 0 0
a full-round action, you can choose to do some Goblins Of Gola <link rel="style 0 0 0
u treat unattended objects as if they were vul Goblins Of Gola <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can load a sling or one end of a double slin Halflings Of Gol <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls made uHalflings Of Gol <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can load a sling or double sling as a free act Halflings Of Gol <link rel="style 0 0 0
ur attacks with all kinds of slings add a +1 b Halflings Of Gol <link rel="style 0 0 0
Slings and double slings are ranHalflings Of Gol <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you are raging and adjacent to a raging Orcs Of Golarion<link rel="style 1 0 0
henever one of your worthy allies is brought to Orcs Of Golarion<link rel="style 0 0 0
When multiple creatures grapple Orcs Of Golarion<link rel="style 1 0 0
hen you are raging and you succeed at a sunder Orcs Of Golarion<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen raging, if you are hit by an attack that w Orcs Of Golarion<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen raging, if you are hit by an attack that wo Orcs Of Golarion<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen in combat, if you deal fire damage to an ene Orcs Of Golarion<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you are raging and you confirm a critical hOrcs Of Golarion<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you are adjacent to an ally who is ragiOrcs Of Golarion<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you are raging and your attack brings an ene Orcs Of Golarion<link rel="style 0 0 0
ats and abilities that allow an ally to rage or Orcs Of Golarion<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain the channel energy class feature, as a clOrcs Of Golarion<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you are in conditions of severe cold (below People Of The N<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain 6 hit points. In addition, you gain an People Of The N<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against the People Of The N<link rel="style 0 0 0
An earth breakerThis is a combatVarisia <link rel="style 0 0 0
An earth breakerThis is a combatVarisia <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen in combat with an opponent that you know Andoran
o Spirit O<link rel="style 0 0 0
ur attacks count as good-aligned for the purp Andoran Spirit O<link rel="style 0 0 0
oose one branch of the Eagle Knights you hope Andoran Spirit O<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you cast a healing spell on an unharmed crea Andoran Spirit O<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +4 bonus to your CMD. Faction Guide <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a +1 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, PercepFaction Guide <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain +2 bonus on saving throws against effecFaction Guide <link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day, you may reroll a save or skill checkFaction Guide <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can break a magic item down into component Faction
p Guide <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +5 bonus on Use Magic Device checksFaction
t Guide <link rel="styl 0 0 0
You can crawl 5 feet as a move aFaction Guide <link rel="style 0 0 0
oose an adjacent ally as a free action on you Faction Guide <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen any of your bardic performance abilities gFaction Guide <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u learn how to channel your kiYou can gain thiFaction Guide <link rel="style 0 0 0
Only weapons with the brace spe Faction Guide <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen any of your bardic performance abilities gr Faction Guide <link rel="styl 0 0 0
yone who attempts to use magic If you ever choosFaction Guide <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can attempt a DC 25 Heal check upon an uncon Faction Guide <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you cast a spell or use a spell-like abiFaction Guide <link rel="style 0 0 0
u can use your audible-component bardic perFaction Guide <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain fire resistance 5 and a +2 bonus on all Faction Guide <link rel="style 0 0 0
uble the range of any bardic performance abili Faction Guide <link rel="styl 0 0 0
oose one of the following secrYou can gain thisFaction Guide <link rel="style 0 0 0
Whenever you gain a level, you gAdvanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
You can have noNPCs who take th Advanced Player<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you spend a hero point to reroll a dieAdvanced
r Player<link rel="style 0 0 0
ch empyreal lord requires a different obedience Chronicle Of Th <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain spell resistance equal to 5 + your charac Ultimate Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
You die when your negative hit po Ultimate Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen attempting a concentration check caused Ultimate Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
a swift action, you can declare a single combaUltimate Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on Charisma-based checks inv Ultimate Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on Heal checks. If you have Ultimate Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen casting a spell you've created, add 1 to youUltimate Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day, you can add a +2 bonus on any singl Ultimate Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you receive a morale bonus on Strength Ultimate Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
e save DCs for your spells or abilities increa Ultimate Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
e duration of mind-affecting sRestoration of mUltimate Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) Ultimate Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks. If youUltimate Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls, weapon dama Ultimate Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +1 bonus on Charisma- If you manage toUltimate Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
oose a single Craft or Perform skill. WheneverUltimate
y Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you supervise a construction project or doUltimate Campa<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen in either unclaimed wilderness or land unde Ultimate Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
ving a nemesis drives you to exThwarting your U pltimate Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
you are nonevil and worship a nonevil deity, wUltimate Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
an immediate action, you can add a +1 bonusUltimate
to Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
ing observed drives you to excel. When you'reUltimate
i Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can spend a move action to give battle orderUltimate Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day when you attempt a Disable DeviceUltimate
c Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
oose a particular settlement. When you're in Ultimate Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
u add 1 to the save DC and cast At the GM's discUltimate Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
ur dogged determination reduces any nonlethal Ultimate Campa<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +1 bonus on saving throws, attack ro Ultimate Campa<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a +1 bonus on caster level checks to o Kobolds Of Gola<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u learn one additional ranger trap and can noKobolds Of Gola<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u use your Charisma, Intelligence, or WisdomKobolds Of Gola<link rel="styl 0 0 0
ect one ranger trap (see pageA ranger can useKobolds Of Gola<link rel="style 0 0 0
e DC to resist your spells increases by 1 for t Kobolds Of Gola<link rel="style 0 0 0
ur sneak attack damage increases by 1d6 agains Kobolds Of Gola<link rel="style 0 0 0
oose an additional color for your Draconic AspecKobolds Of Gola<link rel="style 0 0 0
ur scales take on a metallic sheen appropriat Kobolds Of Gola<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a +1 bonus to your caster level when caKobolds Of Gola<link rel="style 0 0 0
u ignore your Strength penalty to damage wheKobolds Of Gola<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can make a grapple combat maneuver checkKobolds to Of Gola<link rel="styl 0 0 0
one creatures are denied their Dexterity bonus Kobolds Of Gola<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a +4 bonus on combat maneuver checksKobolds Of Gola<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you're simultaneously subject to the sameKobolds
e Of Gola<link rel="styl 1 0 0
hen adjacent to an ally with this feat, you're Kobolds Of Gola<link rel="styl 1 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on Constitution checks to stQuests and Cam<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on Use Magic Device checksQuestsw and Cam<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on Charisma-based checks inv Quests and Cam<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on Charisma-based checks inv Quests and Cam<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain followers as if you had For groups usingQuests and Cam<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can provide twice as much food and water foQuests and Cam<link rel="style 0 0 0
e save DCs for any of your spells or abilities Quests and Cam<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls, weapon dama Quests and Cam<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on Survival checks when outQuests and Cam<link rel="style 0 0 0
you are nonevil and worship a nonevil deity, wQuests and Cam<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (history) cQuests and Cam<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you gain this feat, select This feat may beQuests and Cam<link rel="style 0 0 0
oose a building in your kingdom as your center Quests and Cam<link rel="style 0 0 0
oose three character classes. For the purposesQuests and Cam<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can spend a day of downtime You may take thiQuests and Cam<link rel="style 0 0 0
u excel at performing skilled You may take thiQuests and Cam<link rel="style 0 0 0
ring a kingdom's Event phase, once an event'sQuests and Cam<link rel="style 0 0 0
ring the Event phase of downtime, if an eventQuests
o and Cam<link rel="style 0 0 0
u or any army that is under your command gain Quests and Cam<link rel="styl 0 0 0
oose an ability score. Any timYou may gain thiQuests and Cam<link rel="style 0 0 0
u lose one of the penalties as You may take thiQuests and Cam<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain the scent ability, but only against can We Be Goblins T<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain the ability to create a variety of drago Dragonslayer's <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a +2 morale bonus on saves against feaDragonslayer's <link rel="styl 1 0 0
You must be positioned oppositeDragonslayer's <link rel="style 1 0 0
hen adjacent to an ally who also has this feat, Dragonslayer's <link rel="styl 1 0 0
hile using a shield of the type to which your ShDragonslayer's <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 circumstance bonus against flyingDragonslayer's <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a +1 bonus on all saving throws againstDragonslayer's <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you confirm a critical hit against an oDragonslayer's <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you score a critical hit, your opponentDragonslayer's <link rel="style 0 1 0
henever an opponent of at least one size categDragonslayer's <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a +2 dodge bonus to ArThis feat countsDragonslayer's <link rel="styl 0 0 0
an immediate action, whenever an opponent Dragonslayer's
up <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you confirm a critical hit against an op Dragonslayer's <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +3 bonus on Day Job checks using onePathfinder
s Soci <link rel="style 0 0 0
Readying an attack is a standardPathfinder Soci <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you fail a concentrationTo gain the benefPathfinder Soci <link rel="style 0 0 0
Preparing all of your spells takePathfinder Soci <link rel="styl 0 0 0
Your Fame score is determined by Pathfinder Soci <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you regain spell slots at thIf you spontaneouPathfinder Soci <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen an ally who also has this feat attempts a t Pathfinder Soci <link rel="style 1 0 0
er identifying an individual creature with a s Pathfinder Soci <link rel="style 0 0 0
you exceed the Use Magic Device DC to activatePathfinder Soci <link rel="style 0 0 0
a standard action, you can alter one of your oPathfinder Soci <link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day when you prepareAspe wizard can sele
Pathfinder Soci <link rel="style 0 0 0
u cast spells of the teleportation subschool asPathfinder Soci <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you withdraw as a full-round action an Pathfinder Soci <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever an ally who also has this feat performs Pathfinder Soci <link rel="styl 1 0 0
henever an ally who also has this feat performs Pathfinder Soci <link rel="styl 1 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus to your caster level wheneve Faiths & Philos <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on saving thr In certain circu Faiths & Philos <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 insight bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy,Faiths & Philos <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain spell resistance equal to 11 + your chara Faiths & Philos <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you succeed at a sunder combat maneuver Faiths
ag & Philos <link rel="style 0 0 0
long as a creature is subject to one of your heFaiths & Philos <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain an animal companion as if you were a dru Faiths & Philos <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +5 bonus on Linguistics checks madeFaiths
t & Philos <link rel="style 0 0 0
a standard action you can require all animalsFaiths & Philos <link rel="style 0 0 0
u get a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (nature) chec Faiths & Philos <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +4 bonus on Survival checks made to Faiths & Philos <link rel="style 0 0 0
r 24 hours after you meditate, you gain cold reFaiths & Philos <link rel="styl 0 0 0
r 24 hours after you meditate, you gain a +1 bFaiths & Philos <link rel="style 0 0 0
r 24 hours after you meditate, you gain damagFaiths & Philos <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can meditate as a full-round action. If you d Faiths & Philos <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you meditate for at least 1 hour after gettiFaiths & Philos <link rel="style 0 0 0
r 1 round per character level after you perform Faiths & Philos <link rel="style 0 0 0
ce per day, you can take 20 on a Perception c Faiths & Philos <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can take 10 on any skill check or concentratFaiths & Philos <link rel="styl 0 0 0
ce per day, when you meditate as a full-roundFaiths
a & Philos <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you take this feat, choose You can take thiDemon Hunter' <link rel="styl 0 0 0
you use your Improved Iron Will feat to reroll Demon Hunter' <link rel="style 0 0 0
oose one of the planes below. The alignment oDemon Hunter' <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against spDemon Hunter' <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you and at least one ally with this feat threDemon Hunter' <link rel="style 1 0 0
a full-round action, you may make a single attDemon Hunter' <link rel="style 1 0 0
henever you make a successful caster level check Demon Hunter' <link rel="style 1 0 0
oose one rogue talent that add You may select tDemons Revisit <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you successfully inflict sneak attack damag Demons Revisit <link rel="style 0 0 0
e aura range of your stench ability increases bDemons Revisit <link rel="style 0 0 0
e first round a creature is affected by your st Demons Revisit <link rel="style 0 0 0
e first round a creature is affected by your st Demons Revisit <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain the ability to use magicYou may take this Demons Revisit <link rel="style 0 0 0
e duration of your magic jar spell-like ability Demons Revisit <link rel="style 0 0 0
e first time you attempt to possess a host underDemons Revisit <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you sense life forces while seeking a host Demons Revisit <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you infuse a weapon, you You ca may take thDemons Revisit <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you make a full-attack action, you may choDemons Revisit <link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you wield one-handed or light weapons inDemonse Revisit <link rel="styl 0 0 0
a full-round action, you can consume the anim Demons Revisit <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you would normally create a ghoul with your Demons Revisit <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you use Accursed Hex to target a creatureMythic
w Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
e bonus on Acrobatics and Fly skill checks from Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
e bonus on Perception and Sense Motive skillMythic
c Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
ur channeled energy affects any creatures with Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
e bonus on Handle Animal and Ride skill checks Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u don't have to spend a swift action to gain t Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you use Arcane Blast, you may halve the da Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u add half your tier to the def lection bonus Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you use Arcane Strike to enhance your Mythic
w Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can modify a spell to imitate the mythic versMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
ur bestial nature manifests itself in one of t Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
e bonus on Climb and Swim skill checks from Mythic
At Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
y creature you summon using a summon spellMythic is Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
e bleed damage dealt with Bleeding Critical inMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
a swift action, you can expend one use of mytMythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
e damage dealt when you use improvised weapo Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen using Channel Smite, you gain a bonus onMythic
yo Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen charging, you can ignore allies in your pa Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you use Cleave or Great Cleave, one ofMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you use Combat Expertise, you gain an Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can make any number of additional attacks of Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you command undead, the DC of the Will sav Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u automatically confirm critical threats againsMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen using Critical Mastery, increase the number Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can deliver a coup de grace to dazed and staMythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hile wielding the weapon with which you haveMythicW Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you use Deadly Aim, you gain a +3 bonus on Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen making a Deadly Stroke attack, you can expe Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you charge an opponent from higher Mythicgrou Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
e bonus on Bluff and Disguise skill checks from Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
e range of your darkvision increases by 10 feet Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
d half your tier to your CMD. Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen using Deflect Arrows, you can deflect an ad Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
e bonus on Disable Device and Sleight of HandMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain the benefit of Detect Expertise immediaMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
e DC to cast spells defensively within your thrMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
rown weapons wielded by you have twice theiMythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you use Divine Interference, the penalty on Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
e bonus to AC from Dodge increases by 1. As aMythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you use Dreadful Carnage, you affect non-my Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u never take penalties for consuming nonmagica Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
ect a mythic path other than the path you selec Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u ignore up to -10 in penalties due to distanceMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain sorcerer bloodline powers of the bloodlin Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
ur Elemental Channel can affect any elementaMythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
e extra energy damage dealt by Elemental FistMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
oose an energy type in which you already have Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you make an attack with a longbow or short Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
e bonus on checks and saves from EnduranceMythic in Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can cast any spell with a material component Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain two extra uses of mythic power each daMythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
oose one mythic ability from your path or from Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
n-mythic creatures can't identify your illusionMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
a swift action, you can expend one use of mytMythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can use wild empathy as a swift action. Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you use Fire Music to change any of the dam Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
ur base land speed increases You can take thiMythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you are using Furious Focus, you don't take Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/ d Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you hit a creature while using Gorgon's Fist Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you roll a Fortitude saving throw agains Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen making attacks with your deity's favored Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
ce per day as an immediate action, you can atte Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
a swift action, you can expend one use of mytMythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a bonus equal to half your tier on chec Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
n-mythic creatures that take damage from your Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen counterspelling, you can use a spell of theMythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
ur critical multiplier with yo You can gain thisMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a bonus equal to half your tier on chec Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a bonus equal to half your tier on che Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a bonus equal to half your tier on che Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
r every 3 tiers you possess, your familiar gainsMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a bonus equal to half your tier on chec Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
e bonus on initiative checks granted by Improve Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a bonus equal to half your tier on che Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a bonus equal to half your tier on che Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a bonus equal to half your tier on che Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain stone tell as a spell-like ability usable Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a bonus equal to half your tier on che Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a bonus equal to half your tier on chec Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can add half your tier to your damage with uMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a bonus on Intimidate checks equal to yo Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you roll a Will saving throw against aMythic
sp Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you use your unarmed strike to deal nonlet Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
y fixed numeric bonuses you gain from teamwork Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you roll a Ref lex saving throw againstMythic
a Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you use Lucky Halfling, add your tier as a M b ythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you use your surge ability, you can roll Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you use Lunge and hit a creature withMythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
e bonus on Spellcraft and Use Magic Device ski Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen making a full-attack action with a bow and Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can use the surge ability (see page 12) onceMythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
ce per day when you surge, yoYou can take thisMythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u may forgo the two additional unarmed strike Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen using Missile Shield, you can deflect an adMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you use Mobility, you gain a +6 dodgeMythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
d half the levels you have in classes other th Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen using the Ride skill to use your mount as Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can negate an additional number of hits agaMythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u're considered a mythic creature for the purpMythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can create any mythic magic item for which Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
ur tier is considered 2 higher for determiningMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can learn a number of mythic You can select thMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you're using wild shape, you can use spel Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
r every 2 tiers you possess, you can move throMythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen using Penetrating Strike or Greater Penetra Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
e bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate skill chec Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can use this feat even if you move this round,Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
e bonus on attack and damage rolls granted by Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you use your surge ability, add 1 to yoMythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you use Power Attack, you gain a +3 bonus Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can apply the giant simple template (quick Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can use Prophetic Visionary's augury abilityMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can use Quick Draw to draw items of any kinMythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a single racial trait of your choice from Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain the benefits of Rapid Reload with all c Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen using Rapid Shot, you can either ignore the Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you successfully use Rhetorical Flourish aga Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you successfully strike an opponent as part Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen running, you move seven times your normal Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
e shield bonus you grant an ally with Saving Sh Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you are using Scorpion Style, you addMythicy Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you channel energy, the damage you heal Mythicor Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
e bonus on Heal and Survival skill checks from Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
opponent you affect with Shatter Defenses isMythic
fl Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
d your shield bonus and your shield's enhance Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen using Shield Slam to bull rush, an opponen Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you use Shot on the Run, you can make Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can always take 10 or 20 onYou can gain thisMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you use Snatch Arrows to catch a thrown w Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u grant and benefit from the +2 bonus on DiplMythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
oose a school of magic you alrYou can gain thisMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can prepare spells you have selected with SpMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
d half your tier to caster level checks to overcMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
y non-mythic creature you threaten provokesMythic an Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you hit an opponent with a mounted charge, Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can change which spell yourYou can gain thiMythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you use Spring Attack, you don't need to m Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
e bonus on Escape Artist and Stealth skill checMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you make a melee attack as a readied actio Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you're allowed to reroll an ability cheMythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
e DC of your Stunning Fist increases by half yMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and damage Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
ur unarmed strike deals damage as if you were Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
ughness provides you twice as many hit points Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
ur mount can make two hoof attacks against an Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u add half your tier to CMD against trip maneuMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can draw two potions or other beverages-mun Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen using Two-Weapon Defense, you apply theMythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
an immediate action, you can expend one useMythico Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
e damage of your Two-Weapon Rend increases Mythic
t Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you cast animate dead or use the Command Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
hen you successfully bull rush an opponent offMythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
ur mount is always considered to have a runnin Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you use Vital Strike, Improved Vital StMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +1 bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, and Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a bonus equal to half your tier both on Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen using Weapon Finesse, you may also use your Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
uble the bonuses on your attac If you have take Mythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen using your chosen weapon, If you have take Mythic Adventu<link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can use your witch knife as an additional focMythic Adventu<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on all Knowledge checks reAP 74 <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on Heal checks regarding evi AP 74 <link rel="style 0 0 0
ch demon lord requires a different obedience,Lords Of Chaos <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you change shape to yourYou be can gain thisBlood Of The M <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can assume your bestial form as a move actio Blood Of The M <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can take the form of a bat whose appearanceBlood Of The M <link rel="style 0 0 0
an additional bestial feature, you can use yo Blood Of The M <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you use Bat Shape to become a bat, you can Blood Of The M <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u can attempt to initiate a grapple against a Blood Of The M <link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you confirm a critical hit against a foeBlood Of The M <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls agains Blood Of The M <link rel="style 1 0 0
r each ally who has this feat and is adjacent Blood Of The M <link rel="style 1 0 0
henever a foe provokes an attack of opportunity Blood Of The M <link rel="style 1 0 0
henever you use Dazzling Display to demoralize Blood
f Of The M <link rel="style 0 0 0
the beginning of combat, after initiative is Blood Of The M <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you land a successful sneak attack or confBlood Of The M <link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you deal a prone opponent at least 10Bloodp Of The M <link rel="style 0 0 0
hile using this style, whenever you deal at lea Blood Of The M <link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus on all combat maneuver check Blood Of The M <link rel="style 0 0 0
u learn the basics of the ancient art of hemot City Of Stranger<link rel="style 0 0 0
A creature withoThis feat replac PFRPG Bestiary<link rel="styl 0 0 0
areas of primal magic, the chance of a stable Wardens Of The<link rel="style 0 0 0
a standard action, you can draw upon energies Inner Sea Magic<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you cast a spell with the darkness descripto Inner Sea Magic<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you cast a tenebrous spell in darkness or dimInner Sea Magic<link rel="style 0 0 0
umbral spell gains the darkness descriptor. As Inner Sea Magic<link rel="style 0 0 0
u can create magical tattoos, magic items inked Inner Sea Magic<link rel="style 0 0 0
you are wearing medium or heavy armor and are Magical Marketp<link rel="style 1 0 0
you are wearing armor spikes, as an immedia Magical Marketp<link rel="styl 0 0 0
y opponents hit by your shield bash are also tMagical Marketp<link rel="style 0 0 0
u may use any equipment trick You can gain theMagical Marketp<link rel="styl 0 0 0
end 1 grit point to retrieve a specially prepa Magical Marketp<link rel="style 0 0 1
henever you use your pistol-whip deed, you can Magical
f Marketp<link rel="style 0 0 1
hen you use a magic item or a spelllike ability Inner Sea Magic<link rel="style 0 0 0
A divine focus has no effect wheInner Sea Magic<link rel="style 0 0 0
ck one Intelligence-based skill. You gain a +3 bPeople Of The S <link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you hit with a melee attack,If you have the IPeople Of The S <link rel="style 1 0 0
henever you hit a creature with a splash weapon People Of The S <link rel="style 1 0 0
hen you use a combat maneuver to move a creature People Of The S <link rel="style 1 0 0
A character wie A monk can use People
t Of The S <link rel="styl 0 0 0
u gain a +2 bonus to AC against charge attacks.People Of The S <link rel="style 0 0 0
u do not suffer any penalties on attack rolls PFRPG Core <link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you use a melee attack to deal nonleth Bastards Of Gol <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you are the only one threatening an Bastards Of Gol <link rel="styl 0 0 0
henever you successfully perform a dirty trickBastards Of Gol <link rel="style 0 0 0
henever you are the target of an areaof- effectBastards Of Gol <link rel="style 0 0 0
u are an enigma unto those who If you've alread Champions Of B<link rel="style 0 0 0
hen you are on one of the plane You may select thChampions Of B<link rel="style 0 0 0
long as you and your cohort maintain membersh Champions Of B<link rel="style 0 0 0
u gain a +1 bonus on Perform (act, comedy, orato Champions Of B<link rel="style 0 0 1
u can spend 1 grit point to make a feint attemChampions Of B<link rel="style 0 0 1
henever you craft ammunition using Gunsmithing, Champions Of B<link rel="style 0 0 1
style performance racial companion_famrace_name note goal
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
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0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Half-elf, Elf, Gnome
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Elf, Gnome, Dwarf
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Halfling
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Human
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Elf
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Dwarf, Half-Orc,Orc
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Gnome
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Gnome
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Dwarf
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Dwarf, Half-Orc,Orc
0 0 1 0 Dwarf, Half-Orc,Orc
0 0 1 0 Half-Orc,Orc
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Elf, Half-Elf
0 0 1 0 Elf
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Halfling
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Half-elf, Half-orc, Halfling
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Human
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Half-Orc
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Half-Elf
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Half-Orc
0 0 1 0 Half-Orc,Orc
0 0 1 0 Half-Elf
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Elf
0 0 1 0 Dwarf
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Dwarf
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Dwarf
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Half-Orc,Orc
0 0 1 0 Halfling
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Half-Orc,Orc
0 0 1 0 Half-Orc,Orc
0 0 1 0 Half-Orc,Orc
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 Dwarf, Gnome
1 0 1 0 Dwarf, Gnome
0 0 1 0 Dwarf, Gnome
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Gnome
0 0 1 0 Gnome
0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Dwarf, Gnome
0 0 1 0 Dwarf, Gnome
0 0 1 0 Dwarf, Gnome
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 This feat only applies to necromancers, neutral
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Dwarf
0 0 1 0 Dwarf
0 0 1 0 Dwarf
0 0 1 0 Dwarf
0 0 1 0 Dwarf
0 0 1 0 Dwarf
0 0 1 0 Dwarf
0 0 1 0 Dwarf
0 0 1 0 Dwarf
0 0 1 0 Dwarf
0 0 1 0 Dwarf
0 0 1 0 Elf
0 0 1 0 Elf
0 0 1 0 Elf
0 0 1 0 Elf
0 0 1 0 Elf
0 0 1 0 Gnome
0 0 1 0 Gnome
0 0 1 0 Gnome
0 0 1 0 Gnome
0 0 1 0 Gnome
0 0 1 0 Half-Elf
0 0 1 0 Half-Elf
0 0 1 0 Half-Elf
0 0 1 0 Half-Elf
0 0 1 0 Half-Elf
0 0 1 0 Half-Elf
0 0 1 0 Half-Elf
0 0 1 0 Half-Elf
0 0 1 0 Half-Elf
0 0 1 0 Half-Orc,Orc
0 0 1 0 Half-Orc,Orc
0 0 1 0 Half-Orc,Orc
0 0 1 0 Half-Orc,Orc
0 0 1 0 Half-Orc,Orc
0 0 1 0 Half-Orc,Orc If this damage still makes you fall unconscious,
0 0 1 0 Half-Orc,Orc
0 0 1 0 Half-Orc,Orc
0 0 1 0 Half-Orc,Orc
0 0 1 0 Half-Orc,Orc
0 0 1 0 Half-Orc,Orc
0 0 1 0 Half-Orc,Orc
0 0 1 0 Half-Orc,Orc
0 0 1 0 Half-Orc,Orc
0 0 1 0 Halfling
0 0 1 0 Halfling
0 0 1 0 Halfling
0 0 1 0 Halfling
0 0 1 0 Halfling
0 0 1 0 Halfling
0 0 1 0 Halfling
0 0 1 0 Halfling
0 0 1 0 Halfling
0 0 1 0 Halfling
0 0 1 0 Halfling
0 0 1 0 Halfling
0 0 1 0 Halfling
0 0 1 0 Human
0 0 1 0 Human
0 0 1 0 Human
0 0 1 0 Human
0 0 1 0 Human
0 0 1 0 Human
0 0 1 0 Human
0 0 1 0 Human
0 0 1 0 Human
0 0 1 0 Human
0 0 1 0 Human
0 0 1 0 Human
0 0 1 0 Human
0 0 1 0 Human
0 0 1 0 Human
0 0 1 0 Aasimar
0 0 1 0 Aasimar
0 0 1 0 Aasimar
0 0 1 0 Aasimar
0 0 1 0 Aasimar
0 0 1 0 Aasimar
0 0 1 0 Aasimar
0 0 1 0 Aasimar
0 0 1 0 Aasimar
0 0 1 0 Catfolk
0 0 1 0 Catfolk
0 0 1 0 Catfolk
0 0 1 0 Catfolk
0 0 1 0 Dhampir
0 0 1 0 Dhampir
0 0 1 0 Dhampir
0 0 1 0 Dhampir
0 0 1 0 Dhampir
0 0 1 0 Dhampir
0 0 1 0 Drow
0 0 1 0 Drow
0 0 1 0 Drow
0 0 1 0 Drow
0 0 1 0 Drow
0 0 1 0 Drow
0 0 1 0 Drow
0 0 1 0 Drow
0 0 1 0 Drow
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Fetchling
0 0 1 0 Fetchling
0 0 1 0 Fetchling
0 0 1 0 Fetchling
0 0 1 0 Fetchling
0 0 1 0 Fetchling
0 0 1 0 Goblin
0 0 1 0 Goblin
0 0 1 0 Goblin
0 0 1 0 Goblin
0 0 1 0 Goblin
0 0 1 0 Goblin
0 0 1 0 Hobgoblin
0 0 1 0 Hobgoblin
0 0 1 0 Hobgoblin
0 0 1 0 Hobgoblin
0 0 1 0 Hobgoblin
0 0 1 0 Hobgoblin
0 0 1 0 Ifrit
0 0 1 0 Ifrit
0 0 1 0 Oread, Sylph, Undine
0 0 1 0 Ifrit
0 0 1 0 Ifrit
0 0 1 0 Ifrit
0 0 1 0 Kobold
0 0 1 0 Kobold
0 0 1 0 Kobold
0 0 1 0 Kobold
0 0 1 0 Kobold
0 0 1 0 Kobold
0 0 1 0 Kobold
0 0 1 0 Orc
0 0 1 0 Orc
0 0 1 0 Orc
0 0 1 0 Orc
0 0 1 0 Orc
0 0 1 0 Orc
0 0 1 0 Orc
0 0 1 0 Orc
0 0 1 0 Orc
0 0 1 0 Oread
0 0 1 0 Oread
0 0 1 0 Oread
0 0 1 0 Oread
0 0 1 0 Oread
0 0 1 0 Oread
0 0 1 0 Ratfolk
0 0 1 0 Ratfolk
0 0 1 0 Ratfolk
0 0 1 0 Sylph
0 0 1 0 Sylph
0 0 1 0 Sylph
0 0 1 0 Sylph
0 0 1 0 Tengu
0 0 1 0 Tengu
0 0 1 0 Tengu
0 0 1 0 Tengu
0 0 1 0 Tengu
0 0 1 0 Tengu
0 0 1 0 Tiefling
0 0 1 0 Tiefling
0 0 1 0 Tiefling
0 0 1 0 Tiefling
0 0 1 0 Undine
0 0 1 0 Undine
0 0 1 0 Undine
0 0 1 0 Undine
0 0 1 0 Undine
0 0 1 0 Changeling
0 0 1 0 Duergar
0 0 1 0 Duergar
0 0 1 0 Grippli
0 0 1 0 Kitsune
0 0 1 0 Kitsune
0 0 1 0 Merfolk
0 0 1 0 Nagaji
0 0 1 0 Samsaran
0 0 1 0 Strix
0 0 1 0 Suli
0 0 1 0 Suli
0 0 1 0 Svirfneblin
0 0 1 0 Vanara
0 0 1 0 Vishkanya
0 0 1 0 Wayang
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Gnome
0 0 1 0 Gnome
0 0 1 0 Gnome
0 0 1 0 Gnome
0 0 1 0 Gnome
0 0 1 0 Gnome
0 0 1 0 Gnome
0 0 1 0 Gnome
0 0 1 0 Gnome
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Aasimar
0 0 1 0 Aasimar
0 0 1 0 Aasimar
0 0 1 0 Aasimar
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 aasimar
0 0 1 0 Tiefling
0 0 1 0 Tiefling
0 0 1 0 Tiefling
0 0 1 0 Tiefling
0 0 1 0 Tiefling
0 0 1 0 Tiefling
0 0 1 0 Tiefling
0 0 1 0 Tiefling
0 0 1 0 Tiefling
0 0 1 0 Tiefling
0 0 1 0 Tiefling
0 0 1 0 Tiefling
0 0 1 0 Tiefling
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Dhampir
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Vampire
0 0 1 0 Moroi, Nosferatu
0 0 1 0 Dhampir, Vampire
0 0 1 0 Jiang-shi
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Goblin
0 0 1 0 Goblin
0 0 1 0 Goblin
0 0 1 0 Goblin
0 0 1 0 Goblin
0 0 1 0 Goblin
0 0 1 0 Goblin
0 0 1 0 Goblin
0 0 1 0 Goblin
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Halfling
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Orc,Half-Orc
0 0 1 0 Orc,Half-Orc
0 0 1 0 Orc,Half-Orc
0 0 1 0 Orc,Half-Orc
0 0 1 0 Orc,Half-Orc
0 0 1 0 Orc,Half-Orc
0 0 1 0 Orc,Half-Orc
0 0 1 0 Orc,Half-Orc
0 0 1 0 Orc,Half-Orc
0 0 1 0 Orc,Half-Orc
0 0 1 0 Orc,Half-Orc
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 Your curse is li
0 0 0 0 You meet in pers
0 0 0 0 Over time, provo
0 0 0 0 Defeat an approp
0 0 0 0 Successfully trad
0 0 0 0 Bring an ally ba
0 0 0 0 Create a new spel
0 0 0 0 Die in pursuit o
0 0 0 0 Woo and then mar
0 0 0 0 Slay an appropri
0 0 0 0 Regain a major p
0 0 0 0 Be killed or dri
0 0 0 0 Slay at least 20
0 0 0 0 Free at least 20
0 0 0 0 Regain your fami
0 0 0 0 Either sell a si
0 0 0 0 Design and const
0 0 0 0 Explore and conq
0 0 0 0 Slay your nemesi
0 0 0 0 Convert an appro
0 0 0 0 Regain any lost
0 0 0 0 You can complete
0 0 0 0 Build or capture
0 0 0 0 Steal a famous a
0 0 0 0 Defeat 10 more t
0 0 0 0 Find a way to be
0 0 0 0 Find your lost l
0 0 0 0 Thwart your cho
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 kobold
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 kobold
0 0 1 0 kobold
0 0 1 0 kobold
0 0 1 0 kobold
0 0 1 0 kobold
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 You must be ackn
0 0 0 0 Claim ownership
0 0 0 0 Thwart or decisi
0 0 0 0 Successfully trad
0 0 0 0 Thwart all rivals
0 0 0 0 Cross through a
0 0 0 0 Slay an appropri
0 0 0 0 Free at least 20
0 0 0 0 Spend at least 2
0 0 0 0 Convert an appro
0 0 0 0 You must discove
0 0 0 0 Attain the objec
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 goblin
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 Convince the lea
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 babau
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Demon|half-demon
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 Nabasu
0 0 1 0 Nabasu
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 shapechanger
0 0 1 0 skinwalker
0 0 1 0 werebat-kin
0 0 1 0 werebat-kin
0 0 1 0 werebat-kin
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 Resolve your con
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
multiples suggested_traits
ies to necromancers, neutral 0
makes you fall unconscious, 0
You lose the spe 0
You gain a +2 bon 0
You automaticall 0
Your bonuses for 0
You gain a +2 en 0
You and each all 0
The save DCs for 0
If you died and 0
Delay the penalt 0
You gain the ben 0
You roll twice w 0
Any sane creatur 0
Any shaken creat 0
You gain the abi 0
You gain a +1 bo 0
You gain a +5 bo 0
The value of any 0
You gain a +2 bo 0
You gain a +2 in 0
Your bonus to AC 0
You gain the abil 0
Your newfound co 0
Your battle orde 0
You gain the abil 0
You gain the abi 0
The inspiration 0
You gain a +1 bo 0
You gain a +1 bo 0
Once per day as 0 Called, Fortunate, Inspiring.
You learn how to 0 Dangerously CuriousAPG, Fortunate, Secret-Keeper.
You gain the bene 0 Indomitable FaithAPG, Inspiring, Memorable.
You gain a +2 en 0 Domineering, History of HeresyAPG, Magical Flair.
You gain control 0 Domineering, Inspiring, Natural-Born LeaderAPG.
You and one ally 0 Grim Optimism, ResilientAPG, Wanderlust.
You gain the ben 0 Dirty FighterAPG, Sworn Enemy, Vengeful.
You gain the abi 0 ReactionaryAPG, Secret-Keeper, Supportive.
Whenever you cas 0 Fey Protection, Scholar of the Great BeyondAPG, Wanderlust.
Your bonus to AC 0 Called, Ease of FaithAPG, Mystery Initiate.
Whenever you pas 0 Avid Reader, Mystery Initiate, SkepticAPG.
You gain renown 0
When a demon dam 0
If your alignmen 0
Section 15: Copyright Notice - Paizo Feats Database
Paizo Feats Database. Copyright 2013 Mike Chopswil,
Issuees? Contact me at
23 Mar 2014: updates for Champions Of Balance
23 Feb 2014: Updated for Bastards Of Golarion. Updated Ultimate Combat from FAQ
28 Jan 2014: updated for Osirion, Legacy Of Pharaohs, People Of The Sands and UC errata
28 Dec 2013: updated for Magical Marketplace,Wardens Of The Reborn Forge
17 Nov 2013: updated for AP 75, Towns Of The Inner Sea, Blood Of The Moon. Fixed speling on performance field
29 Sep 2013: updated for AP 74, Mythic Origins, Mythic Realms
02 Sept 2013: updated for AP 73,Wrath Of The Righteous, Faiths & Philosophies, Demon Hunter's Handbook, Demons Revisited, Myt
28 Jul 2013: updated for Dragonslayer's Handbook, The Worldwound,Pathfinder Society Primer. Fixed misspelling on benefit column
06 Jul 2013: Updated for We Be Goblins Too
29 Jun 2013: updated for
Kobolds Of Golarion & Quests and Campaigns. Added new fields suggested_traits and multiples. If feat can be taken more than once m
02 Jun 2013: updated for ultimate campaign.
27 Apr 2013: Updated for Andoran Spirit Of Liberty, Faction Guide, Advanced Player's Guide Hero feats
24 Apr 2013: updated for Inner Sea World Guide, Rival Guide, Faiths Of Purity, Goblins Of Golarion, Halflings Of Golarion, Orcs Of Gol
21 Apr 2013: updated for Champions Of Purity & AP 69. Updated for Advanced Race Guide, Cheliax Empire Of Devils, Dwarves Of Go
07 Apr 2013 : initial version: Core, Bestiary, Advanced Player's Guide, Ultimate Magic & Ultimate Combat
le Of The North, Varisia
mes Of Golarion, Qadira, Sargava, Animal Archive, Blood Of Angels, Blood Of Fiends, Blood Of The Night, Dragon Empires Primer, Dungeoneer's Ha
Empires Primer, Dungeoneer's Handbook, Faiths Of Balance and Faiths Of Corruption

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