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PgMp® Exam Preparation

Study Guide &

220 Practice
Questions & Answers

Second Edition

Jean Gouix, PMP, PgMP

Martial Bellec, PMP, PgMP

© Jean Gouix and Martial 8ellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
© July 2013 by Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec.

All rights reserved. These pages contain information about program management motericl
that is protected by copyright lows. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, mechanic';
photocopying, recording or any other, without the prior written permission of Jean Gouix one
Martial Bellec.

Project Management Institute The Standard for Program Management - Third Edition, Project
Management Institute, Inc., 2013. Copyright and all rights reserved. Material from this
publication has been reproduced with the permission of PMI.

Project Management Institute PgMp® Examination Content Outline, Project Management

Institute, lnc. 2011. Copyright and all rights reserved. Material from this publication has been
reproduced with the permission of PM!.

If you feel you have discovered on error when reading this study guide, please forward your
remark to:

Depot legal France, July 2013.

ISBN: 978-2-9546078-0-1

Printed in France by 10 clic, 25. Place Duguesclin. DINAN, FRANCE. July 2013


© Jeon Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution, sole or reproduction
.. ,.


Preface " , VI

The First Edition ,.., , " " , ,,, ,' , "" VI

Thanks and Acknowledgments , VII

Author Biographies VIII

Rationale of this Book- Second Edition , , 1

Introduction 4

What is a program? , 4

Role of the program manager , " 4

The Day-to-day work of the program manager: 5

'Do level' skills of the program manager 5

'Be level' skills of the program manager 5

Project vs. Program 5

Portfolio vs. Program and Project , ,.. , , 6

The Standard - Third Edition in a nutshell , 8

Example Practice Questions 10

Example Practice Questions - Answers 13

Domain I Strategic Program Management 15

Introduction , 15

Example Practice Questions , ,. _ ' 17

Example Practice Questions - Answers , 19

Domain II Program Life Cycle , ", 20

Domain II Program Life Cycle / Subdomain Initiating 22

Introduction 22

Example Practice Questions , 24


© Jean Gouix and Martial Beliec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Example Practice Questions - Answers 27

Domain II Program Life Cycle / Subdomain Planning "",, , 29

Introduction 29

Example Practice Questions ,..... : 2

Example Practice Questions - Answers 35

Domain II Program Life Cycle / Subdomain Executing " 37

Introduction 37

Example Practice Questions 39

Example Practice Questions - Answers .42

Domain II Program Life Cycle / Subdomain Controlling " " 44

Introduction 44

Example Practice Questions 47

Example Practice Questions - Answers 50

Domain II Program Ufe Cycle / Subdomain Closing "" " ""." " " ..~

Introduction 52

Example Practice Questions 54

Example Practice Questions - Answers 56

Domain III Benefits Management 58

Introduction .: 58

Example Practice Questions 62

Example Practice Questions - Answers 65

Domain IV Stakeholder Management ,,,.,,, ,, ,,, ,.., 6.7

Introduction " ,.. , , , ,.. , , 67

Example Practice Questions " , 69

Example Practice Questions - Answers ,.. ,.. , ,.. , , " .. n

Domain V Governance " , 74


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. nat for distribution. sale or reproduction

Introduction < : 74

Example Practice Questions 77

Example Practice Questions - Answers """", .,""'" .,.,' ,.,"", .. ,'" "'"','".,, """""""'" .,,"".' ,,' .80

Practice Test of 170 Questions 82

Guidelines, .. , , ,.. , ,.,.".,.,',." .. , " .. ,"", .. ,.,."., .. ".,',."., .. ,", " , , , ,." ,", .. , 82

Practice Test of 170 Questions - Answers 162

© Jean Gauix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
The First Edition

While studying to take the PgMP®1certification, we were faced with many doubts and questions,
and often suffered from a lack of solid and up-to-date material. Of course, PgMP@candidates can
obtain from the Internet or from professional trainers, a wealth of outstanding material, but after
having finally gone through this long certification process, we came to the conclusion that
something was missing.

In fact, when taking the exam, we were quite surprised to see that we were not really well
prepared to tackle most of the questions. Many of them are scenario-based, some quite lengthy
with several valid answers. We finally concluded that we passed the exam not only because we
studied hard the above mentioned material, but also answered "instinctively" from our past
professional experience. Our intimate belief is that the exam is really about program
management. not only from the PMI®2standards perspective but also from the point of view of
practical experience.

Program management is very different from project management. and much confusion is still
present in several areas; where we teach, give conferences, manage our programs in our
organization, or simply informally meet project and program practitioners, upper or executive

Why a second Edition?

The first Edition of the book generated much encouraging feedback from our readers, as most of
them reported that it helped them significantly to pass the exam. All really opprecioted the first
sections, whose aim was to demystify program management. and to enable them to try and
answer initial sample questions. Many of the questions were indeed an occasion to approach
actual exam conditions, to clarify concepts, to understand the tricks, to learn "subtle" differences
between terms or situations, and to transform doubts into certainties.

ThisPgMP@Exam Prep Study Guide 2nd Edition primarily aims at aligning the book to the Standard
for Program Management - Third Edition- (the standard). We believe that this Third Edition of the
standard is a big step forward, as it mainly emphasizes and clarifies the five major domains of a
program: strategy alignment, benefits management, stakeholder engagement, governance, and
life cycle management. This approach is very much in-line with the Examination Content Outline
(ECO)4,April 201 1. which we already took as a reference document for the first Edition of our study
guide. We are now certain that it was the right editorial approach!

Who should read this book?

This book has 10 sections related to domains and program life cycle phases. Each section is a
rather short tutorial that a reader in a hurry may refer to: project practitioners, PMP®5credentialed
practitioners, executives, consultorits in project and program management, teachers,
entrepreneurs or salesmen in the field of project management, etc. The book is primarily written for
experienced practitioners in program management whose goal is to become PgMP®
credentialed. The book's 170 questions are mostly scenario-based and can be seen not only as an
exam preparation in "live" conditions for the candidates, but can also be for all readers, an
inspiring source of examples of a program manager's day-to-day experience.

1 PgMP is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

2 PMI is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.
3 The Standard for Program Management - Third Edition, Project Management Institute Inc., 2013
c Program Management professional {PgMPj Examination Content Outline, Project Management rtJstitute Inc., 2011
5 PMP is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.


© Jean Gouix and Morlial Bellec. not tor distribution. sale or reproduction
Thanks and Acknowledgments

First of all, we want to thank our wives Mireille and Isabelle for their patience and support
while we spent many long hours working on our computers.

We would also like to thank all the readers of the First Edition of our Study Guide, for their
comments, recommendations and very positive feedback! We ore glad that our Study Guide
could help many candidates to take and pass the difficult PgMP®exam!

Joy Austin spent a lot of time reviewing our English, and making sure that it is at an
appropriate level for International readers!

Joy is an English native living in the South of France. Joy teaches English as a foreign
language to adults and children.

Finally, we would like to thank Olivier Gouix, Jean's son, for the design of the Study Guide
covers. Olivier is an expert in professional video end graphics design. (

Jean and Martial


© Jean Gouix and Manial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Author Biographies f
Jean Gouix, PMP, PgMP I-

Jean joined IBI'/\'s telecommunication products development F

laboratory, La Gaude, France, in 1968. During his work with IBM, he had
the opportunity to hold several telecommunication project and
program management positions, internally to IBM, and also externally
with customers such as Michelin and AT&T in France and other European
countries. He became IBM Senior project manager. In 2000, Jean
became an independent consultant and professional trainer in project
and program management. He has coached and taught several
hundred Junior and Senior project management practitioners in all
aspects of project management (fundamentals, cost and time, risks,
PMp® exam preparation, etc.). Jean now also teaches program
management fundamentals and prepares candidates for the PgMP@examination. N

Jean has held several positions as a volunteer with PMI: board member of the PMI France-Sud n
chapter, leader of the French Translation verlflcotion Committee (French TVC) for the te
PMBOK® Guide - Third Edition, member of the same committee for the PMBOK® Guide - Fourth
and Fifth Editions, reviewer of the Standard for Program Management Third Edition exposure u
draft, member of the PMI Leadership Institute Advisory Group (L1AG) for three successive Ec
years, and in 2007, he graduated from the PMI Leadership Institute Master Class. Jean sr
received an engineering degree from Ecole Superieure d'Electricite [Supelec]. Paris, France. al
Jean received PMp® and PgMp® certifications in 1999 and 2010 respectively. m

Martial Bellec, PMP, PgMP Tr

Martial joined OI·ange Labs in 2005. He currently manages an innovation o
program in wireline access networks, whose total budget raises to 10
M$. He supervises several R&D multidisciplinary projects in the area of
fiber and copper access systems, from anticipation down to providing
operational support for systems rollout. Martial also provides customized
coaching services in Program Management and PgMP® certification.
Previously, Martial was head of the Digital Home Networking Research
program and project Manager of 1ST FP7 Omega funded by the
European Commission. He also pioneered the standard for convergent
digital home networks, IEEEP1905.1. Prior to France Telecom, Martial was
technology manager with Renesas Semiconductors, an Hitachi Mobile
Phone semiconductor subsidiary, where he acted as system engineer
for 3G platforms from a core technology perspective. Martial has also managed R&D projects
focused on satellite set top box technologies, DECT radio, and radio local loop systems within
Philips Research and Sodielec Telecom.

He holds several patents in digital communications and has published numerous papers for
IEEE,ETSI,and 3GPP. In 2008, he was granted the Orange Labs Research Award and is now
"Future Networks" Orange expert. Martial received an Engineering Degree from Ecole
Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications, in Brest, France. Martial is board member of
the PMI France Atlantic branch, and volunteer organizer of several PMI events. He received Nc
PMp® and PgMP®certifications in 2010 and 2011 respectively.


@ Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Rationale of this Book- Second Edition
How is our Study Guide structured?

For each domain/subdomain, we provide (where applicable):

• The list of tasks described in the ECO

• The supporting processes related to this domain, as described in the standard
• A summary list of important notions (highlights)to remember about the domain
• The 'posture' that the program manager should have with respect to this domain,
and which should help them answer correctly the exam's scenario questions. By
'posture' we mean not only the body position, but also the mental attitude, the
mind-set, etc. of the program manager
• Frequently asked questions (FAQs) often supplement the above information

More about the Examination Content Outline (ECO):

The ECO is the result of a Role Delineation Study (RDS) which was conducted by PM!, in order
to specify the role of the program manager.

The ECO comprises five domains/subdomains of practice as described below in table 1.

Each domain is associated with tasks, knowledge and skills that the program manager
should apply or possess. The Examination Content Outline has identified a total of 72 tasks
and 126 knowledge and skill statements which are considered to be critical for program

The Multiple Choice Questionnaire (MCQ) comprises 170 questions essentially scenario-
based, which address the five domains defined by PMI in the current Examination Content
Outline (ECO), dated April 2011 as summarized in the following table:

Domain Subdomain % of the exam Number of questions

I Strategic Program Management 15 25
II Program Life Cycle (44) (75)
Initiating 6 10
planning 11 19
executing 14 24
controlling 10 17
closing 3 5
III Benefits Management 11 19
IV Stakeholder Management 16 27
V Governance 14 24
Total 100 170

Table 1 : The 9 (sub-) domains of the Examination Content Outline

Note: The number of questions has been rounded to the closest integer number

© Jean Gouix and Martial 8ellec. not tor distribution. sale or reproduction
What about the Standard for Program Management - Third Edition?

The objective of the standard is to offer information related to the good practices in program
management. Supporting processes and related activities are documented. The supportino
processes/activities are mapped onto the program life cycle phases when the work toke'

The structure of the standard is identical to the structure of the ECO: both are based on the
same five domains (also called performance domains).

The THREAD that leads from the ECO, via the standard, to the exam questions:

Let's toke an example: You are a program manager engaged In stokehold; i

management/engagement activities for your large program.

1- Domain IV (Stakeholder management) Task 1 of the ECO says that you

should ... "Identify stakeholders, including sponsors, and create the stakeholder matrix,
2- The good practice (section 5.1) documented in the standard recommends that you
perform the activities related to the 'Program stakeholder identification' in order to
create the stakeholder register and develop a stakeholder map to visually represent
the stakeholders' interaction
3- Our Study Guide provides several scenario-based questions related to progrmn
stakeholder management, such as Q 120 and Q 145

The 220 questions of this study guide have been designed as follows:

5 tutorial questions for an introductory chapter about program management

45 tutorial questions directly related to domains/subdomains defined in the PgMp:fi;
Examination Content Outline 2011 (we call it 'the ECD' in this study guide) and to The
Standard for Program Management - Third Edition (we call it 'the standard' in this
study guide)
170 questions which are mostly "scenario-based" and capture the essence of the
exam. These questions have been inspired by our professional experience as program
managers, coaches and teachers.

In chapter 1, a general presentation reviews the fundamentals of a program from the point of
view of both the standard and proctical experience. The other chapters simply follow the
(sub-) domains as described in Table 1 and include a short summary, 5 tutorial questions and
their answers.

The 170 questions are found at the end of the book and candidates are invited to attempt
them in a single 4-hour session, under actual exam conditions. The 170 answers are then given
and for each of the possible answers (1 correct and 3 incorrect answers), a clear explanation
is given, based on either the Standard for Program Management or on the PgMp®
Examination Content Outline, or both.

© Jean Gouix and Martial Beilec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
We encourage you to read the following PMI®publications:

[I]. The Standard for Program Management- Third Edition. Project Management Institute, Inc.
We also call it the standard in our book.

[2]. PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. Project Management Institute, Inc.

[3]. Program Management Professional (PgMP)® Examination Content Outline. Project

Management Institute, Inc. April 2011.

[4]. The Standard for Portfolio Management - Third Edition. Project Management Institute, Inc.

[5]. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®Guide)- Fifth Edition6
Project Management Institute, Inc.

Throughout this book these publications will be referred to by their number in brackets. For
example, [4, page 12] means "The Standard for Portfolio Management - Third Edition, page

6 A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK® Guide) - Fifth Edition,
Project Management Institute Inc., 2013
PMBOK is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction

What is a program?

"A program is a group of related projects, subprograms and program activities that oro
managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits not available from managing ther
individually" [1, section 1.2].

A program must contribute to the strategic VISion, goal, and rrnssion of the performing
organization. It is often seen by the executive management as an efficient manner to
implement key parts of the strategy and transform them into tactical goals.

A program fulfills its tactical objectives thanks to an integrated, balanced and optimized
coordination approach. A collective pool of human resources, procurement sources, facilities
or equipment is monitored by means of a centralized Program Management Information
System (PMIS). Disagreements are smoothed out with the use of smart resource sharing; while
decisions, management and control follow the same rules and policies by means of a well-
established governance structure.

A program needs a strong collective vision so that its numerous stakeholders all commit to
the realization and adoption of the projected outcomes. While program performance is
assessed by means of pre-established metrics. communication towards stakeholders is
planned and carefully tailored to the available media (ranging from interpersonal
relationships through to modern internet tools). Thisis the minimum requirement to ensure a
smooth transition to operations.

Special attention is paid to risksthat may jeopardize the targeted benefits. Program level risks
must be explicitly identified; their impacts must be adequately evaluated and mitigated.

Role of the program manager

The role of the program manager is not to replace the project manager, either entirely or in
part. The program manager's natural authority will be gained through their senior experience,
setting up clear escalation procedures while addressing whatever issues occur with
professionalism.When agreeing to abide by The Project Management Institute Code of Ethics
and Professional Conduct [2], theproqrom manager additionally commits to obligations of
responsibility, respect, fairness and honesty. As a manager, their responsibilitiesare large and
numerous, and a solid strategic perspective is needed to accommodate the day-to-day life
of the program; their motto is "think STRATEGY, not TACTICS".

Program managers are responsible for the definition of the overall vision and of the prograrn
scope, in coherence with the strategic objectives. They have to define a comprehensive
roadmap explaining key program events and how and when the individual benefits may
contribute to those strategic objectives. The overall program budget is under their control
according to governance rules, which will clearly state the delegated level of their authority
within the program. Most of the time, they will be responsible for preparing major decisions or
arbitrations to be taken by the governance board. Program managers guarantee that
changes are managed fairly and uniformly throughout the program. In order to maximize
program outcomes, they always keep in mind the informal as well as clearly defined ink'
dependencies between projects. Program level risksand issuesare carefully registered and
monitored while project level ones are left to project teams.

© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Their primary goal is to ensure stakeholder satisfaction and ultimately to make sure that
benefits are transferred to operations in a sustainable manner.

The Day-to-day work of the program manager:

The program manager should constantly maintain contact with people, both internal and
external to the program. The well informed program manager should be aware of program
level risksor issuesand assessthem appropriately. They should put in place reliable reporting
methods to constantly assessthe performance of projects and report on the probability of
achieving the program benefits. On a periodic basis, time and energy will be spent on
collecting, analyzing and preparing program reviews: milestones, budget, changes, risks,
expenditures, procurements, and crossproject issues.

'Do level' skillsof the program manager

Generally, the program manager should be an experienced and recognized project

manager, and possessionof a global certification such as those delivered by PMI@is often a
requirement. Theirgeneral understanding of the technical domain of the program is vast, and
they should have sufficient knowledge to understand underlying key questions or issues."The
devil is in the detail" should largely leave room for the "one mile wide, one inch deep" way of
accommodating the day-to-day life of the program. Very often, the program manager has a
comprehensive experience of the performing organization, not only in terms of practices or
knowledge but also in terms of networking with people. They should have a good knowledge
of existing PMIS internal factors, as well as a good comprehension of external factors that
may affect program targets. Above all, the program manager is an excellent communicator
and they are always in a position to promptly and effectively communicate the "necessary-
to-be-said" things, whatever the hierarchical position of the person they are addressing.

'Be level' skillsof the program manager

A good program manager is a talented person who tends to have numerous behavioral skills.
The skillslisted below are rarely all possessedby a program manager, but a good subset is:

Be dynamic, self-minded, rigorous, and optimistic

Show leadership and charisma
Be able to convince a large number of people to follow a complex vision
Be able to negotiate face to face or with a group
Understand and influence the political stakes of the program
Always be in a closed loop with stakeholders
Possessexcellent communication skills
Have a good understanding of risksto be taken or not
Challenge preconceived ideas
Be excellent in building sustainable relationships

Project vs. Program

The difference between a program and a project is simply depicted in Figure 1.

While projects are well known to be characterized by a TACTICAL triangle:

cost/schedule/quality, the program may be symbolized by a STRATEGIC triangle:

© Jean Gouix and Moniol Belle c not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Benefits: they may be tangible (e.g. businessor profit increase) or non-tangible (cultural
change, acquisition of a new technology, or change of a "century-old" process) and
are always defined with respect to the strategy of the performing organization.

Governance: programs are complex in nature and they focus the interests of several
diverging entities or people. Smart governance is necessary to make sure thot
decisions are fair, appropriate and committed to by all.

stakeholders: must be identified, ranked in terms of influence and adherence to progr

benefits, or their ability to produce benefits.

Stakeholders Schedule

Figure 1 : Program vs. Project

The relationships between a program and a project are iterative and cyclical. While
program provides direction to projects in the program initiation phase, projects report
performance to the program when progressing, escalating risksand issues.Based on this
performance evidence, the program redirects the project if necessary.

Portfolio vs. Program and Project

A portfolio is a component collection (i.e.. projects, programs, subprocrorns. or operations)

managed as a group to achieve strategic objectives [4, section 1.4.2].

A portfolio does not need to have interdependencies between its constituent components.
These components may be projects, programs or operations. They may be linked in severo!
ways, ranging from a same background technology, same businessunits,same geographical
areas or same lines of products.

However, the portfolio implements the strategic orientations of the performing organization
by allocating resources to these components. Thus,the portfolio is a powerful tool used to
meet the strategic objectives of an organization.

© Jean Gouix and Mortiol Beliec, not for distribution, sale or reproduciron
Fundamental differences between a program and a portfolio:

Program Portfolio
Interdependencies Made up of constituent components that have Thereare not necessarily
interdependencies dependencies between

Strategic goals, create benefits, not necessarily to

I components within a portfolio
Businessdriven only
make money: skillacquisition, operation
transformation, public welfare improvements,
public research, line of products, management of
major organizational changes, etc.


© Jean Gouix and Martial Beliec. not for distribution, sale or reproduction



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Figure 2Figure 2 shows how the standard is organized into 5 domains.

1. strategy alignment (chapter 3 of the standard) is about making sure that the expected
benefits of the program are identified and realized according to the organizational strategy.
The question is not to elaborate this strategy but rather to initiate and guarantee the delivery
of sustainable benefits that serve this strategy.
2. The next essential domain is called benefits management (chapter 4) which follows a rather
classical approach: identification, analysis and planning, delivery, transition, and
3. Programs are complex in nature and most of the time, stakeholders (chapter 5) are not only
numerous but they also disagree about the directions to give or to update. A complete
domain is devoted to this aspect, covering stakeholder identification, planning, and
engagement. It is important to note that the standard refers to stakeholder "engagement"
rather than to stakeholder "management". Indeed, the question is not to manage the
stakeholders themselves but preferably their "expectations", thus their engagement to the
4. Governance (chapter 6) is about the program management systems, processes or
procedures. A clear governance structure needs to be established and individual roles must
be well identified in order to avoid potential conflicts or clear them. The responsibilitiesof the
Governance board must be clearly defined, including decision taking rules, and issue
escalation processes. Components which compose the program are not under the direct
authority of the program (Governance) board because they fall into the local management
of the program itself. Sometimes, the Governance board has the power to approve the
passage of components from one life cycle project phase to another. Thisis to make sure
that the projects' outcomes or deliverables will clearly contribute to the realization of the final
benefits, thus to the strategic goals of the program.
5. Program Life Cycle (chapter 7) has been extensively simplified in the third edition of the
standard. Of course, a program, like a project, has a beginning phase - namely definition
phase - and an end - namely closure phase. The benefits delivery phase lies in between and
isan essential period of the program.

Please note also that chapter 8 is a structured collection of supporting processes. In the standard,
the word "process" is indifferently replaced by the word "activity" or "activities". Thiscollection of
processes act on a list of 'topics' which recall pretty much the former knowledge areas of the
second edition; which isstilla strong 'structuring' notion in the 5th Edition of the PMBOK®Guide.

ITTOs(Inputs, Tools and Techniques and Outputs) of Processesare not strictly listed in the standard
whose major emphasis is on the "artifacts".

The word "artifact" may sound unusual at first, as its classical definition is "object fabricated by a
human being". In the standard, artifacts should be understood as any formal, oral, written or informal
program management document, piece of work, action, study. etc. Thisterm "artifact" is rather
generic but all program "artifacts" are defined in the Table X5-1 pages 149-16,appendix X5 and
may be subject to exam questions as well.

© Jean Gouix and Martial 8ellec. not for distribution, sale or reproduction
The following list of sample questions will help you prepare for the exam. G

Example Practice Questions A

Question 1
Embracing the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct is a requirement for PMp® and ;:jar! p,
certifications. The code specifies the behavior that project and program managers should h,
themselves and the behavior they can expect from other project and program rnonoqerner+
practitioners. From the following lists, what are the essential obligations of the Code?

a- Responsibility, respect, fairness, accountability

b- Responsibility, respect, fairness, honesty


c- Responsibility, leadership, fairness, honesty

d- Responsibility, leadership, power, honesty

Question 2

A program is made up of a number of projects or discrete components. These components mainly

consist of activities organized to produce specific deliverables. Aggregation of these deliverobles ot
the program level serves the strategic benefits of the performing organization. Proglc;li
management targets the global optimization of its resources. This needs a spe:::lfk: lY"~"':: r :jOi
effort. Among the following choices, which one BESTdescribes this management effori?

a- The management effort of a program is only made by the program manager


b- The management effort is ultimately the responsibility of the PMO

c- The management effort often resides outside the scope of the discrete components
d- The management effort always requires a specific infrastructure ane

d- 1




© Jean Gauix and Martial Be/lee, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 3

A program is made up of a number of projects or discrete components. These components mainly

consistof activities organized to produce specific deliverables. Aggregation of these deliverables at
the program level serves the strategic benefits of the performing organization. Program
management targets the definition and production of strategic benefits. According to the following
choices, which one BESTdescribes how the discrete outcomes produced by the projects will be
organized at the program level?

0- The unitary deliverables produced by all discrete components should have a one-to-one
relationship with the benefits of the program. Then, it is easy to justify the budget for each of them

b- Each project outcome is targeted in order to be directly transitioned to the operations

c- The interdependent components are integrated, controlled and monitored in order to deriver
program's strategic benefits

d- All the unitary deliverables produced by the discrete components will be justified in front of the
SAME business objective as their hosting portfolio

v Question 4
n Even though a program may be composed of a number of different projects; program and project
,t domains are really different. Among the possible choices below, which one is WRONG when
describing their relationships?

0- The interactions between a program and its projects tend to be iterative and cyclical

b- At the beginning of the program, the program identifies candidate projects, defines objectives
and dotes

c- When the program is in the execution phase, the project reports to the proqrorn for monitoring
and controlling purposes

d- When the program is in the closing phose, all projects are scheduled to terminate at the same


© Jean Gouix and Martial Beliec, not tor distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 5
Even though a portfolio may be composed of a number of different programs or projects; portfolio. ~:;
program and projects domains are really different. Among the possible choices below, which one is
WRONG about portfolios, programs and projects? Q

0- The portfolio authorizes only components that have a direct contribution TO the business 0-
objectives of the performing organization cl
b- The portfolio directs the program objectives n(
~ is
c- The portfolio directs the program and the projects' objectives
d- The portfolio and the program have a gated life cycle







0- I



© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, nat for distribution. sale or reproduclion
Example Practice Questions - Answers

Question 1

a- No! Accountability only means responsibility for a specific octivity. It is often used in matrix-based
charts of human resource management, especially the Responsibility Assignment Matrix or RACI
table, to assign responsibility for a specific activity to one person. b- Correct! c- No! Leadership is
not part of the code but responsibility is. d- No! Power is much too focused on the practitioner and
1\ is somewhat pejorative in this context.

The standard page 4, section 1.1 and PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

Question 2

a- No! It is mainly a joint effort between project managers and the program manager. b- No! The
PMO assists the program manager in the program's day-to-day activity. The program manager is
ultimately in charge of management. c- Correct! d- Not always! A periodic program review and
informal day-to-day synchronization of contacts may be sufficient in certain cases to implement the
management effort.

The standard page 5, section 1.2

Question 3

a- No! High level benefits often aggrega1e discrete components deliverables, and benefits are far
less numerous than deliverables. b- No! Not necessarily. For example, a validation process could
be an essential requirement to qualify products before transition. However, this process is not
transitioned to operations that only care about the results of the final qualification report. c- Correct!
d- Not necessarily! Oeliverables may target several different business objectives from the same

The standard page 7, section 1.3

Question 4

a- No! This is correct; at the beginning, the program directs the projects and afterwards, projects
update performance and status, and based on this information, the program redirects them. b- No!
This is true: the program is in charge of giving clear goals to projects. c- No! This is especially true in
big programs. d- Correct answer! In fact, the program may deliver incremental benefits. In this case,
projects providing early benefits may be terminated while some others are still being executed.

The standard page 9, section 1.4.1, 3rd paragraph


© Jean Gouix and MartIal Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction


Question 5
0- No! This is correct. If there is no business goal. the component is removed from the portfolio.
b- No! Thisis true. The portfolio is in charge of giving clear goals to programs. c- No! Thisis true. The
portfolio is in charge of giving clear goals to components. Indeed, projects and programs may
directly report to portfolio management. d- Yes! In fact, the program has a gated life cycle but the NI
portfolio does not.
The standard page 9, section 1.4.1, 3rd paragraph and page 10, section 1.4.2, 2nd paragraph

[: r

It I






© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Domain I Strategic Program Management

Number of questions in the exam: 15% = 25/26 questions out of a total of 170 questions

The Examination Content Outline (ECO) describes "Strategic Program Management" as:").,.~",,,opportunitiesand benefits that achieve the organization's strategic objectives through

.. entation 3].

It describes 11 tasks:

• Perform an initial program assessment (objectives, risks,requirements) to ensure alignment to

the strategic goals of the organization
• Establish a high-level roadmap/milestones which must be approved by the sponsor
• Define the high-level roadmap in order to set a baseline for the program
• Define the program mission statement
• Evaluate the organization's capability to achieve the program objectives and alignment to
the strategic plan
• Identify program benefits that will be created
• Identify financial and non-financial benefits
• Evaluate program objectives relative to outside constraints
• Obtain organizational leadership by obtaining a formal approval of the charter and then
proceed to program initiation
• Align and integrate benefits across the organization to make sure that they will be
transitioned to operations
e Exploit strategic opportunities typically arising from the market environment

The Program strategy Alignment Performance Domain is part of the program management
framework, and is detailed in chapter 3 of the standard.

Please note that the term' strategic Program Management' used in the ECO and the term' Program
Strategy Alignment' used in the standard relate to the same Performance Domain.


The Strategic Program Management domain seeks to ensure that the program outcomes will be
aligned with the strategic objectives of the performing organization; this will be verified by the
Governance board throughout the lifetime of the program. As such, strategic management is
considered by company executives as a guarantee that the strategy of the organization will be
understood and implemented down to the lowest level of component projects, related activities,
and by all contributing individuals. strategic management also ensures that the impact of the
benefits will be positive, sustained, and that the associated costs are acceptable.

Thus,for simplicity's sake, we can claim that strategic management targets a clear and sound high
level and comprehensive description of the program objectives and explains how they refer to the
more global strategic objectives of the organization.


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellee. not for distribution, sale or reproduction
, ?";

Your posture as a program manager regarding the strategy alignment domain: T

• Strategy: Don't get it wrong! You have to align the program objectives to the performing
organization's strategy, but as a program manager, it is not your job to define the strategy of
the performing organization.

• Be clear and simple: You always have to clearly show that progress in the delivery of benefits
is aligned with the strategic goals of the organization. The program roadmap and the TI
benefits realization plan are powerful tools to clearly inform and convince executives, ~
sponsors, program and project team members that the program direction is sound and
clear. (

Key outputs of strategic program management: t

The outputs of strategic management should be easy to communicate, discuss and adapt. In other c
words, the outputs come together to form a compacted resume of program basics. d

The Program Business Case is the justification (business impact, expected benefits, risk, etc.) for C

authorizing the program. Sl

The Program Roadmap describes when major program events, such as major outcomes, benefits
and milestones will occur as well as when major decisions will have to be made. It may also describe
how they will happen, especially when referring to relationships between secondary outcomes or Q
constraints such as available funds, contract notifications or market surveys.
The Program Plan defines WHAT the program's goals and objectives are, and includes: thl

" Program Vision describes the 'to be ' state of the program ('where are we going to?') one: a-
guides the development of the program plan over its life
• Program Mission Statement is a list of actions beginning with an infinitive form of a verb: "To b-
verb xxx". It summarizes 'what needs to be done' in order for the program to succeed. It
serves as a basis for listing all the actions that have to be carried out for ultimate program c-
success. It also describes the values and the purpose of the program.
• Program Goals and Objectives describe what the program is expected to deliver d-
• Expected benefits pic
• Metrics for success

Various studies help assess the program's ultimate chance of success, such as environmental
analyses (comparative advantage, SWOT. feasibility studies, assumptions and historical
capitalization) .







© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not ior distribution. sale or reproduction
The following list of sample questions will help you prepare for the exam.

J Example Practice Questions

)f ~.
Question 1

The main objective of portfolio management is to achieve organizational strategic objectives.
What is NOT a true statement with regard to portfolio management?
0- Portfolio management is concerned with managing portfolio components

b- Portfolio management interacts with operational management

c- Portfolio management is a process with regular, repeated activities for the management of
decisions related to portfolio components

or d- The portfolio manager participates in key program and project reviews to reflect senior level
support. leadership and involvement

or Question 2

The program plan is the overall document by which the program will measure its success. What are
the KEY components of the program plan?

ld a- Program vision, program mission, program goals and objectives, and program management plan

To b- Program vision, program mission, program goals and objectives, and metrics for success
irn c- Program vision, program mission, stakeholder analysis, and program management plan

d- Program goals and objectives, metrics for success, program charter. and program management

Question 3

Among the following answers, which one BESTdescribes why organizations initiate programs?

a- To optimize resource usage

b- To comply with regulation

c- To group several projects

d- To deliver benefits


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sole or reproduction
Question 4

In strategic program management, an important task is establishing the program direction. In this
context, among the following options, which one BESTfits the role of the program manager?

0- To define key performance indicators for measuring and monitoring the value of the orqonizotion

b- To ensure that the program is aligned with the portfolio strategic goals

c- To evaluate stakeholders' concerns and expectations

d- To elaborate the strategic plans of the performing organizations a

Question 5 a
An important task of 'strategic program definition' consists of ensuring that the program objectives rr
will be delivered and will meet the stakeholders' expectations. A number of criteria serve to evaluate rr:
this. Which of the following lists BESTdescribes these TYPICAL criteria?
, P~
a- Staff capability, seniority of organizational leaders and program manager, knowledge of p<
stakeholders, and level of resources needed to be acquired

b- Regulatory and legal constraints, social impacts, sustain ability, cultural considerations, and
political climate a-
c- Regulatory and legal constraints, financial climate, ethical concerns, cultural comiderations, and
political climate PfJ
d- Regulatory and legal constraints, financial climate, local ecological concerns, cultural
considerations, and political climate Ql







© Jean Gouix and Martial Sellee. not for distribution, sole or reproduction
Example Practice Questions - Answers
lis Question 1

a- Correct answer! Portfolio management is NOT concerned with managing components. This is the
responsibility of the program and project managers. b- Wrong answer! This is a true statement.
portfolio management interacts with a number of organizational activities (functional groups,
production, manufacturing, finance, IT,HR, etc.) c- Wrong answer! d- Wrong answer! Thisis port of
the portfolio manager's responsibilities.

The Standard for Portfolio Management - Third Edition page 7, section 1.4 and page 11, section 1.7
and page 15,section 1.8 and page 24, section 2.1.4

Question 2

a- No! The program management plan is not on element of the program plan. It is developed later.
b- Correct! This is the list of program plan elements. c- No! Stakeholder analysis and program
res management plan are not elements of the program plan. d- Not Program charter and program
rte management plan are not elements of the program plan.

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 2011 / Strategic program Management - Task 2 and standard,
of pages 28-29

Question 3
a- No! Thisis not the primary reason. b- No! Thisis not the primary reason. c- Not Thisis not the
primary reason. d- Correct! This is the primary reason to initiate a program.
PgMp®Examination Content Outline 2011 / Strategic program Management (Part of the definition of
'Strategic Program Management' page 3) and standard page 18,section 2.1 (first phrase)
Question 4

a- No! This is the portfolio manager's role. b- No! Thisis the portfolio manager's role. c- Correct!
d- No! Thisis the portfolio manager's role.

PgMp® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Strategic program Management - Task 4 and The
Standard for Portfolio Management - Third Edition page 14

Question 5

a- No! This has little to do with this list. b- Correct! This list belongs to Task 8 of the Examination
Content Outline. c- No! Financial climate is not part of this list. d- No! Local ecological concerns and
financial climate ore not port of this list.

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 2011 / Strategic program Management - Task8


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Domain II Program Life Cycle c<

Number of questions in the exam on program life cycle 44% = 75 questions (approximately) out of a
total of 170 questions. These 75 questions are spread over five subdomains which are examined in
the study guide.

Programs, like projects, have a life cycle which is composed of sequential, and sometirr-es
overlapping. phases. The breakdown of the life cycle into phases provides better control over :iie
program management activities. The standard breaks down the program life cycle into ;c:_ee Th
phases: [1, page 19J.

1. Program definition
2. Program benefits delivery
3. Program closure
The main objectives of the Program definition phase are to: ph
• progressively elaborate how the program will be aligned with the strategic objectives of the
performing organization. Thi
• define the expected program outcomes, and sut
• obtain approval from the Governance board. ',~

The Program definition phase is divided into two overlapping subphases:

1. Program formulation in which the program sponsor and the program manager are assigned.
During this subphose. the program charter and the program roadmap are developed
2. Program preparation. The program charter is formally approved before entering in+::' ,.
Program preparation subphase, in which the program management plan is developeo ;0
organize the delivery of the desired benefits. During this subphase, the program governance
structure is established, and the initial program organization is deployed.

The main objectives of the Program benefits delivery phase are to plan, authorize and perform
component activities in order to deliver planned program benefits. Proper integration of component
activities into the program is a key ingredient for the program success. Components will iterate
through three component-level subphases:

1. Component planning and authorization, which primarily aims to adapt the components
scope to changes and guarantee their integration
2. Component oversight and integration, to ensure always-on consistency between
components in order to deliver planned benefits
3. Component transition and closure, which makes sure that the necessary transition of each
component to operations, customer services, training, etc. is performed adequately before

The main objective of the Program closure phase is to execute a controlled closure of the program.
The Governance board will agree with program closure when all benefits will be realized, or when all
outcomes are in place to transition the program to a receiving organization. On some occasions,
the program may be terminated early, when it becomes evident that it will not achieve its

At the end of each phase, a gate review should take place under the authority of the steeling
committee (also called Governance board), and a go/no-go decision should be made about
moving on to the next phase or stopping the program.

@ Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Please note that Domain " (Program Life Cycle) of the Examination Content Outline (ECO) is
composed of five subdomains, which address program management tasks related to:

a 'j 1. Initiating
in 2. Planning
3. Executing
4. Controlling
es 5. Closing
!e The subdomains are mapped onto the program life cycle phases:

• 'Initiating' and 'planning' tasks ore mainly performed during program definition
• 'Executing' and 'Controlling' tasks ore mainly performed during program benefits delivery
• 'Closing' tasks ore mainly performed during program closure

It should be noted that initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing tasks occur in EACH
phase of the program life cycle. Any given phase must be initiated, planned, executed, controlled
and closed!
Thisstudy guide addresses each of the five performance domains and each of the five life cycle
subdomains, as described in the Examination Content Outline dated April 2011.

Your posture as a program manager with respect to the program life cycle

Do not confuse the life cycle of a program and the life cycle of a project. A project has a
.d. beginning and an end. This is very 'structuring', especially for gate reviews which authorize
the project to continue to the next phase. For a program, the gate reviews ore more focused
he on performance and strategic alignment and may not be directly related to the life cycle
to itself. For example, a high level gate review may be specifically planned for sign-off by the
ce final customer of an important interim benefit.
Concentrate your efforts on defining and closing the program. A program is complex in
nature, with many diverging opinions between stakeholders, especially at the beginning;
rm and benefits will not be sustained if you do not put in place a smooth transition to operations.




1 all



© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Domain II Program Life Cycle / Subdomain Initiating kn:
Introduction pre

Number of questions in the exam: 6% = 10 questions out of a total of 170questions.

The Examination Content Outline describes activities related to 'Initiating the Program' as:

Defining the program and constituent projects, and obtaining agreement from stakeholders
[3, page 3].

It describes 6 tasks:

• Develop the program charter to initiate program and benefits

• Develop a high-level scope statement
• Develop a high-level milestone plan (high-level roadmap)
• Assignroles and responsibilities for the core team and develop an accountability matrix
• Define success criteria
• Obtain adherence from key stakeholders to program objectives (kick-off meetings, etc.)

The link between the Examination Content Outline and the Standard for Program Management:

"Initiating" tasks are mainly performed during the program formulation subphase of the Definition
phase. The standard does not clearly identify the list of supporting processes and activities related to
this subphase, but we consider that at least, the following two processes directly relate to initiating
tasks: Program financial framework establishment process and Program initiation process. Their key
outputs are mentioned below:

• Program financial management

o Program financial framework establishment
• Program financial framework (describes the funding flows)
• Business case updates (if needed)
• Program integration management
o Program initiation
• Sponsor selection
• Secured financing
• Program manager assigned
• Program charter developed and validated
• Key benefits
Program roadmap
Estimates of scope, resources and costs
• Initial risk assessment
Business case update (if needed)


The tasks related to "initiation" aim to define the program direction, the needed resources
envelopes, and the financial framework (funding sources, flows of money, etc.). An initial risk
assessment needs to be performed. An initial list of benefits must be identified and documented in
the initial benefits realization plan. The benefits' timeline is illustrated by means of a high level
roadmap. Two key persons sholl be assigned at the end of the formulation subphase: the sponsor
that brings the strategic guidance and the funds in coherence with the first cost estimates, and the
e., program manager. The program manager will then structure the initial program core team and

@ Jean Gouix and Martial Sellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
move forward with an approved charter. The list of the most important stakeholders should be
known at this stage as well as their major expectations. The governance structure should be defined,
but will not be operational yet. The delivery of the benefits shall wait until formal approval of the
program management plan, which is the purpose of the following "planning" tasks.

Your posture as a program manager performing "initiating" tasks:

• First key - your sponsor: It is important to understand that most of the time, the decision to
run a program will come from the top of your organization. Your sponsor is a very important
person (or group of people) to work with. They provide the program rationale, its ultimate
direction, in-line with the more global strategy of the performing organization. Do not forget
that the sponsor provides the needed resources and that you must convince them that the
benefits will be realized with the allocated amount of resources, during this time frame, with
an accepted level of risks.
• Second key - the stakeholders: You cannot ignore the fact that some discrepancies in terms
of approaches, phasing, and objectives may exist, for instance between functional
managers, who will provide resources, and the program clients. You need to know them well
and build good working relationships with them.
• Third key- YOUR personal vision of the program: you have to mentally imagine what and how
your program will deliver. You need to have a clear idea of the major benefits, when they
should occur, and a good idea of the way you will deliver them. In other words, you already
have the headlines of the battle plan in your head before moving forward.


j in

© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
J ~,;

The following list of sample questions related to 'Initiating the program' will help you prepare for the QUE
Example Practice Questions run
Question 1
in v
You are initiating a program for a catering company. This program is responsible for introducing a
new process to improve the production of a complete set of products. This program covers 12
nations, 4 regional head-offices and 6 business units. What is the MOST likely number of persons you
should invite to the kick off meeting?
0- [
0- 12
b- [
b- 24

c- 48
c- [
not I
d- 72
d- fl

Question 2
Program X has obtained the authorization to proceed. Resources are scarce in your company, but
the program is vital to the organizational success. In order to be successful, it is clear that the You
program will need to subcontract a major portion of the work, and outside vendors will participate in uto
the execution part. At this moment, the sponsor has asked you to develop the program charter in Can
order to present it to the steering committee and obtain approval to proceed with the next phase of that i
the program. You prepare the program charter and present it to the steering committee that not s
disagrees with what you present, asks you to modify the charter and does not give the OK to whic
proceed to the next phase. From the options below, which one contains the BESTlist of program
charter ingredients?

0- Program justification, strategic fit, initial identified risks, estimate of cost and resources,
recommended governance structure, in scope and out of scope elements, key benefits, key
milestone dates

b- Program justification, strategic fit, initial identified risks, estimate of cost and resources, planned
RFPsand RFls,key benefits, key milestone dates, recommended governance structure

0- c.
c- Program justification, strategic fit, initial identified risks, screening and scoring options for vendors,
key benefits, key milestone dates, recommended governance structure, estimate of cost and
b- 0

d- Strategic fit, initial identified risks, recommended governance structure, planned contract types, c- C<
key benefits, key milestone dates, estimate of cost and resources, in scope and out of scope
elements d- C<


© Jean Gauix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 3

Your construction company has run many programs during recent years, and almost all programs
run so far are very similar in nature. In your company, lessons learned have been captured, and
many standards (quality, regulations, success, etc.) have been developed and repeatedly re-used
in various programs. You have been nominated as program manager for construction program X
which is composed of three component projects: A, Band C. You are in the definition phase of
program X and you are in the process of identifying success criteria for the program and for the
a component projects. According to the following options, what will be the MOST appropriate way to
12 handle this situation?

a- Define standard measurement criteria for success for program X and for the three component

b- Define standard measurement criteria for success for program X but let each project manager
define the success criteria for their project. They have enough experience

c- Do not use standard measurement criteria for the success of program X. "Similar programs" does
not mean they are identical

d- Ask the PMO to define those measurement criteria. They are the experts

Question 4
the You are a portfolio manager in a very profitable company which manufactures spare parts for the
~ in automotive industry. You observe that the car market is increasing dramatically in 4 continents: A, B,
r in e and D. You have performed initial business studies that are based on the Net Present Values (NPV)
~of that these continents could generate. This business has to be sustained for several years and you are
hat not sure how the financial global instability will affect these studies. Based on current studies, select
. to which continent seems to be the BEST?

NPV (M€) at Continent A Continent B Continent C Continent D

1.5 % 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.4
3% 1.1 1.2 1.15 1.25

led 5% 0.9 0.95 1.02 1.3

a- Continent A
b- Continent B

oes, c- Continent C
d- Continent D


© Jean Gouix and Martial Beliec, not for dislribution, sale or reproduction

Question 5
The concept of initiating Program X has been accepted by a group of company executives who ask
you to prepare the documentation to formalize the acceptance of the program, and to present it at
the next steering committee meeting. With a group of experts, you initiate feasibility studies, conduct
a series of SWOT sessions on risk identification, lead comparative analyses with compet!': :'11, and
also perform cost/benefit analyses to define the expected benefits. What are you trying to CREATE? te
a- The program scope statement
b- The program roadmap ",:"

c- The program mandate

d- The program charter


i2 ea









© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not lor distribution. sole or reproduction
mple Practice Questions - Answers

0- No! The answer assumes that there is one invited person per notion, which is not mentioned in the
text. b- Correct! You should have 4 regional head-offices, managing 6 business unit managers. The
number of nations is a trap. c- No! You assume that all notions are represented in the 4 regional
h~od-offices, which is either not very likely or not clearly stated in the text. d- No! You assume that
all. nations are represented in the 6 business units, which is neither very likely nor clearly stated in the

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Initiating the program - Task 6

Question 2

c- Correct! This is a list of items you should include in the program charter (plus some more)
b- Wrong answer! The program charter should not include planned RFPsor RFls.Too early! c- Wrong
answer! The program charter should not include screening and scoring options for vendors. Too
early! d- Wrong answer! The program charter should not include planned contract types. Too early!

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Initiating the program - Task 1 and standard page 84,
section 8.3.1 .6

Question 3

~, c..Correct) Standards exist in your company: use them for the program and for the projects. This will
ease their monitoring and controlling. b- No! You should try to define standard criteria for all
projects. c- No! You should try to define standard criteria for all projects. d- No! The text says that
standard criteria have already been defined in your company. No need to define them again. Most
importantly: try to define STANDARD criteria for the program and for components!
. PgMp® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Initiating the program - Task 5

, Question 4

NPV (M€) at Continent A Continent B Continent C Continent D

1.5% 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.4

3% 1.1 1.2 1.15 1.25

5% 0.9 0.95 1.02 1.3

0- No! Continents C and D outperform continent A. b- No! Continents C and D outperform

continent B. c- No! Continent D outperforms continent C. d- Correct! Continents C and 0
outperform continents A and B. Continent 0 is preferred because it gives superior results when
interest rates are higher, which is the MOST probable case because of the global business

PgMp® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Initiating the program - Task 1


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 5
a- No! The program charter is the correct answer. b- No! The program roadmap which is also an i~

output from the "Program initiation" does not formally authorize the existence of the program. The Nu
program charter does! c- Nol A program mandate may be issued by the program governance
board, but it only addresses the strategic objectives and the planned benefits for '-;8 :c:;Jram
(standard section 4.1). The program charter comes after the program mandate and is more
complete. d- Correct! All are activities performed with the "Program initiation" process in order to
create the program charter which formalizes the existence of the program.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 I Initiating the program - Task 1 and standard page 31, It d
section and page 84, section



© Jean Gouix and ."Aartial Beliec. nol lor distribution. sol, r rc. ·"~,d'.
Domain II Program Life Cycle / Subdomain Planning
an Number of questions in the exam: 11 % = 19 questions out of a total of 170 questions
The Examination Content Outline describes activities related to 'Planning the Program' as:
. to ;fu6fining program scope and developing the program, including all constituent projects, and all
!~1t1YJ'fi~Hh(]toccur within the program [3, page 3]. .

31, It describes 9 tasks:

• Develop a detailed program scope statement

• Develop the PWBS
• Develop the program management plan
• Optimize the program management plan (resource leveling, etc.)
• Define the PMIS
• Establishescalation procedures to resolve issues
• Define exit criteria related to transition/integration and closure
• Develop KPls
• Identify opportunities to develop team motivation to achieve program success

The link between the Examination Content Outline and the Standard for Program Management:

"Planning" tasks ore mainly performed during the preparation subphase of the Program definition
phase. The standard identifies the list of eleven supporting processes and activities related to this
phase with following key outputs:

• Program communications management

o Communications planning
• Communication plan
Stakeholder register and communication reguirements
• Program financial management
o Program cost estimation
Program cost estimates
o Program financial management plan development
Program financial management plan
Program funding schedules
Component payment schedules
Program operational costs
Program financial metrics
• Program integration management
o Program management plan development
Program management plan
Program roadmap updates
Program transition plan
o Program infrastructure development
Core team assignments
Program organization


© Jean Gouix and Martial Sellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Program resource plan (resources to manage the program)
Program management activity (selection of program management activities
and supporting processes)
Program Management Office (PMO)
Program Management Information System (PMIS)
.. Program procurement management
o Program procurement planning
Program procurement standards
• Program procurement plan
• Program budget/financial plan updates
• Program quality management
o Program quality planning
Program guality plan (quality policy, quality standards, quality estimates :A
cost, quality metrics, quality checklists, QA and QC specifications) ,"
• Program resource management
o Resource planning
Program resource reguirements (at program and components' level)
Program resource plan
• Program risk management
o Program riskmanagement planning
Program risk management plan
• Program schedule management
o Program schedule planning
Program schedule management plan
Program schedule standards (to be applied to all components)
Program master schedule
Inputs to the program risk register
program roadmap updates
• Program scope management
o Program scope planning
• Program scope statement
Program scope management plan
Program work breakdown structure (the PWBSdefines the TOTALprogram


"Planning tasks" are mainly performed during the program preparation subphase of the definition
phase. In this subphose. the program management plan is developed by the program
management team and approved by the Governance board. Thismanagement plan contains all
the subsidiary plans which are needed to proceed to the delivery phase of the program. Thislist is
rather similar to that of a project. However, the plans are all developed at program level even if
some portions of the plans may be generically applied to all components (for instance quality
standards, risk checklists or procurement processes and templates). At the end of the definition
phase, the Governance board is working with a finalized structure and clearly established rules and
processes, However, the components are not yet formally authorized; this will be done in the next


~'Jean Gouix and Mortial 8ellec, nat for distribution, sole or reproduction
~6urposture as a program manager regarding "planning" tasks:

• Elaborate every plan in detail: the program management plan is rather similar, in terms of
exhaustive content, to the project management plan. It contains all the details explaining
how you plan program's activities in order to organize, realize, transition and sustain the
strategic benefits. During this phase, you will need the help of several program team
members (including the PMO) that will support you during work decomposition (PWBS) and
fi specify how to do the work.
t=: • Keep flying high: it is rather obvious that you will have to go into very specific details quite
"Ee often, but your role is to back off from time to time, in order to guarantee consistency
between all the plans, to understand interactions, and to compensate for negative side
t effects from one plan to the next. It is exactly the same as building a complex house of
cards, stay patient, but always think in terms of your program's global balance.


IS all
list is
sn if


© Jean Gouix and Martial Beliec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
The following list of sample questions related to I Planning the program I will help you prepare for the Qu

Example Practice Questions

Question 1

You are involved in planning activities for program X. This program is composed of four projects A, B,
C and D. Projects Band C already existed as standalone projects before being regrouped in a p
program. Projects Band C have their own Project Management Information System (PMIS). You f rc
wonder if program X and projects A and D should have their own PMIS defined. You discuss this with ;)":
the program PMO and with the project managers. What is the BESTway to handle this situation? r
a- Programs do not need to have access to a PMIS, projects do

b- Projects do not need to have access to a PMIS, programs do

c- Program X needs to have access to a PMIS. Projects A and 0 do not need to have access to a
PMIS, because projects Band C already have a PMIS

d- Program X, projects A and D can use the existing PMIS structure of projects Band C and adapt it ~.:
for the new environment
Question 2

You are managing a program which is now a candidate for closure. All components have been
properly closed, and all planned deliverables have been created. A steering committee meeting is c-
planned for the end of next week, and you prepare yourself for the meeting. You want to convince
the steering committee members that the program is actually ready for closure. You look at the
documents you developed during the planning phase of the program. From the list of arguments,
whic h is the MOST important you should use to convince the steering committee that the program
can be closed?

a- Show that all contracts' closing conditions are met

You I
b- Show that the exit criteria are met
will I
c- Show that all Customer expectations are met
.. the v
d- Show that your program closes on schedule, within budget limitations, and produced the and
planned benefits described in planning documents perfa
to tee


~" b- Te

c- Trc



© Jean Gouix and Martiol 8ellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction

Question 3

Program Space

Project Project Ground
a Project Booster Project Crew Project Energy
Telecoms Facilities

I- Casting - Design Microwave

- Test ~ Test
.. Antennas

... Prototype

)t it

In this PWBS, how many program packages are depicted?


b- 7
g is c- 12

Question 4

You are conducting planning activities for a major program which will cover several countries and
will last several years. Four projects 'have been identified as part of the program, and due to
resource shortage in your company, you will need to subcontract part of the work, in various parts of
the world. You know that most of the project members will be junior technicians who have never
worked on a project before. You have discussed the necessity to improve members' competencies
the and to be ready to develop their project teams, in order to maximize project and program
performance, with the potential project managers. In this situation, which option will contribute LEAST
to team development?

0- Co-location

b- Team building activities

c- Training

d- Team rewords

© Jean Gauix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Question 5

You are developing the schedule for your program. The program is composed of three component '
projects: A, Band C. Project managers A and B are familiar with the critical chain method and plan ~~
to use it on their projects. Project manager C plans to use the critical path method. In parallel, you ~.,,!
have started to develop the program master schedule and you have prepared a Gantt chart '.'chich
shows the major activities and program milestones. You have set-up a meeting with your project she
managers in order to choose a scheduling tool for the projects and for the program. What is t p q:ST l
option for it? pre

0- Impose Gantt 05 the common scheduling method, because Gantt charts are very popular Pgl

b- Impose the critical chain method because the method is well known by two project managers

c- Impose a common scheduling tool

d- Let each project manager decide which tool she is most comfortable with o- r
r: ene




0- W
as "tt

: 25-1


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not tor distribution, sale Or reproduction
mple Practice Questions - Answers

0" Wrong! Programs and projects should have access to a PMIS. b- Wrongl Programs and projects
should have access to a PMIS. c- wronql Programs and projects should have access to a PMIS.
d- Correct! You can use the existing PMIS as a base and extend it for the program and the two other

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Planning the program - Task 11

Question 2

a- No! This is not enough to ask for program closure. b- Correct! If all exit criteria are met, you can
t, ask for program closure. c- No! This is not enough to ask for program closure. d- No! This is not
f:: enough to ask for program closure.
m PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Planning the program - Task 13
ri. Question 3

Program Space


Project Project Ground

Project Booster Project Crew Project Energy
Telecoms Facilities

- Casting - Design Microwave

.... Test ~ Test


... Prototype

a- Wrong answer! b- Wrong answer! c- Wrong answer! d- Correct! Program packages are defined
as 'the lowest level of the PWBS'. And there are 9 of them!

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Planning the program - Task 8 and PMBOK® Guide page
125-126,section 5.4 and page 150, section 6.2


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Question 4
r .


~ [
a- Correct answer! Because of the worldwide coverage of the program, co-location should not be
considered as a team development option. b- Wrong answer! This should be applicable. c- vvronq
i.-- In
answer! Because they are junior technicians, training may be a good option. d- Wrong onswerl

Team rewards should help to develop team spirit! ~, Nl


PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Planning the program - Task 15 and PMBOK® Gu,:::e i~-
pages 275 and 277, section 9.3.2 .~

Question 5 '.~. It c
;.. ,

a- No! Although Gantt charts are very popular, you should not impose them. There may be more t
appropriate scheduling tools accepted by all. b- No! This is not a valid reason. Try to have a F'
common tool. The critical chain method may not be adequate for project C or for the whole Ii'

program. c- Correct answer! Whatever scheduling tool is chosen, it should be the same for projects "~
and program scheduling. At least, for the sake of simplicity, you should try to only have one i,'.
common scheduling tool. d- No! Try to impose a unique scheduling tool. Thiswill ease your job! I
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Planning the program - Task 9 r.i




© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Domain II Program Life Cycle / Subdomain Executing
Number of questions in the exam: 14%= 24 questions out of a total of 170questions.

The Examination Content Outline describes activities related to Executing the Program
I I as:

t6~H.Ormingwork necessary to achieve the program's objectives and deliver the program benefits
'fipage 3].

It describes 9 tasks:

)re .. Initiate component projects and assign proper resources

; a • Establishstandards to facilitate control
me ,

Establishadequate communication channels
Lead human resource functions to improve team engagement
Maximize project managers contribution to program objectives
Execute program management plans to meet stakeholder expectations

• Consolidate and report performance reports
= Evaluate program status for better control
• Approve closure of components

The link between the Examination Content Outline and the Standard for Program Management:

"Executing" tasks are mainly performed during the Benefits delivery phase of the program.
The standard identifies the list of supporting processes and activities related to this phase with
following key outputs:

• Program communications management

o Information distribution
Status information on the program and components
Notification of change requests
Lessons learned
Data archiving
Other informatio,n
e Program financial management
o Component cost estimation
Component cost estimates
o Program cost budgeting
• Program budget baseline
Program payment schedules
• Component payment schedules
" Program integration management
o Program execution management
• Component initiation
Change requests
• Component transition
e Program procurement management
o Program procurement
Proposal evaluation criteria

© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not tor distribution, sale or reproduction
Selected sellers and internal service providers The
• RFPs/RFQs/RFls/IFBs exc
Contracts management plan (for large contracts)
• Program quality management

o Program quality assurance (OA)
QA audit findings QUE
QA standards reports
QA change requests You
• Program resource management reci
o Program resource prioritization mar
Program resource plan (updates) indi(
• Program resource priorities ~{
• Program risk management corr
o Program risk identification :'" shot
Program risk register ~
o Program risk analysis (qualitative and quantitative risk analysis) t
'l: a- Y
Risk register (updates) :'
Reports on risk KPls trends
o Program risk response planning ~;. b- Y
Risk register (updates) t' a pre
Risk response plans (contingency and fallback plans)
Contingency reserves ~
c- Y,
Change requests proje

Please note that some of these processes, such as cost estimation, cost budgeting, risk identification, d- Y(
risk analysis, and risk response planning, are also heavily evoked during the Program Planning phase
(Program definition)


The majority of the tasks related to "executing" are carried out during the benefits delivery phase of ,
You (
the program life cycle. This phase is essential to the benefit creation. Many processes are run in
parallel. The components ore initiated ('chartered') once their interfaces have been carefully '..
revisited in order to maintain a consistent program architecture. They are then executed, and their
closure is approved (but not performed yet; see closure activities). Resources are prioritized and rejecl
reallocated to meet program needs, procurements are conducted according to prior resource comp
allocations, appropriate sellers ore selected, contracts are signed, and payments are made. The
budget is refined and broken down to the component level. In order to keep stakeholders engaged,
a- Th.
the necessary and sufficient information is distributed to them.

b- Th:
Your posture as a program manager regarding program execution

c- ThE
• Deliver! Your goal is to deliver the benefits; you are running a benefit factory, you have to
make sure that all processes are running in parallel, by ensuring with or without the program
d- ThE
team, that every single piece of work is duly defined AND delivered.
• This is not monitor and control: When focusing on delivery, you assume by default that the
interactions between processes ore working satisfactorily. Clearing potential unbalance or
negative dependencies (delays or unsatisfactory outcomes) ore activities which do not
belong to "executing" but more to "controlling".


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Thefollowing list of sample questions related to 'Executing the program' will help you prepare for the

Example Practice Questions

Question 1

You are managing a software development program that includes three projects and a set of
recurring testing activities which are common to these three projects. Testing activities are not
managed as a project, but as a non-project component. In the program roadmap, you have
indicated the key milestones to initiate and close components. Two projects are late because they
are shortof resources. Testing activities have been completed and now you would like to close this
component in order to release the resources and dispatch them into the delayed projects. What
shouldbe the IMMEDIATEACTION with regard to closing testing activities?

0- You should close the testing activities because they are not managed as a project and do not
require governance board approval

b- You should issuea component transition request to the governance board, even though it is not
a project

c- You should issuea component initiation request to the governance board, even though it is not a

ion, d- You should close the testing activities because they are completed
.ose .

Question 2

;e of
You are managing a program that is composed of three component projects: A, Band C. You just
In in exited the definition phase and you start the execution of the program in order to generate planned
~fully deliverables and to create expected benefits. You understand that in order to initiate the program
their components, you will have to issue component initiation requests which will be accepted (or
and rejected) by the program governance board. Which DOCUMENT indicates the timing of the
urce components to be initiated?
0- The program roadmap

b- The program businesscase

c- The program benefits realization plan

Ie to
d- The program charter
It the'
:::e or
) not


© Jean Gouix and Martial Beilec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
, '(

Question 3

You are managing a program that is composed of three component projects: A, Band C. You just


exited the definition phase. Project managers are identified and you start the execution of the c
program in order to generate planned deliverables and to create expected benefits. Project A will C'
provide two deliverables, project B will provide three deliverables, and project C will provide four F Ie
deliverables. Projects Band C are more critical for the program success than project A. You ~ pi
understand that, in order to initiate program components, you will have to issue component initiation ~;
t" CI
requests which will be reviewed by the program governance board. According to the plan, you ~

have issued a request to initiate component project A. This request has been rejected by the board. a
What is the MOST probable cause for the board refusal?
. b
a- Project A does not have a sponsor
b- Project A does not have an identified manager

c- Project A does not have a business case

d- Project A only provides two deliverables and project C provides four deliverables, so project C

should start first



Question 4
You are managing a program that is composed of three component projects: A, Band C. You just
exited the definition phase. You start the execution of the program in order to create the planned
deliverables and to create expected benefits. You have previously developed a common .uo..
plan which gives all details about the methods used to distribute accurate and useful intonnation 1'.-

regarding the program status to program stakeholders. From this list of distribution methods, whic h ~;:

one is NOT considered a valid list of methods used to formally communicate the program status to Ie
stakeholders? r

a- Face to face meetings, hard copy distribution, and shared-filing systems


b- Face to face meetings, hard copy distribution, electronic tools for program management such as
scheduling tools l

c- Hard copy distribution, electronic tools for program management, conferencing tools such as ~-

voice mail, telephone, and video f

d- Electronic tools for program management, informal meetings, conferencing tools such as voice
mail, telephone, and video


© Jean Gouix one Mortial Bellec. noi for drsniout.on, sale or reproduciion
Question 5

1St Best practices in project and program management recommend using lessons learned in order to
Ie capitalize on good and bad things that have happened in past projects or programs, and to take
rill corrective actions for future endeavors. In addition, the program manager must organize lessons
ur learned sessions to inform key stakeholders. Lessons learned will be compiled and archived at
iu program closure time and a final report will be issued and distributed. When is the BEST time to
on conduct stakeholders' lessons learned sessionsin a program?
d. 0- During all phases of the program life cycle

b- During the execution phose of the program life cycle

c- At program closure

d- Only when a major event (good or bod) occurs

s to

1 as


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sole or reproduction
Example Practice Questions - Answers

Question 1 ,

a- No! You need to obtain governance board approval to close them. b- Yes! When you want to ~
i or~
transition a component of your program, you need to send a request to the steering committee }~ pre
which wilt then approve or disapprove. c- NOI You need to issue a component transition; eouest,
not a component initiation request. d- No! You need to get approval from the steering cc: ':8 ,':
to close this component. ~;.

PgMP® Examination Content Outfine 20 II I Executing the Program - Task 24 and standard page 60, Pgl
section 6.2.12 and page 87, section

Question 2 i;-:

a- Correct answer! The program roadmap (which is part of the program management plan) provides ~
this information. b- No! The program business case does not contain this detailed information. i;
c- No! The benefits realization plan provides all details about the realization of the planned benefits s-

but it does not specify when projects should be initiated. d- No! The program charter does not ~.
contain this detailed information. ;

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 I Executing the Program - Task 21 and standard page 29, r'-'
section 3.2 r~

Question 3

a- Wrong answer! By default. YOU are the project sponsor! b- No! The text says that all component
project managers are identified. c- Correct answer! This is the most probable cause for the board
refusal. The standard says that 'the program manager frequently acts as the sponsor for components.
d- No! This is not a valid reason. The text says that the request for initiation is issued according to the

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 I Executing the Program - Task 16 and standard page 61,
section 6.2.12

Question 4

a- Wrong onswer! All are valid methods to communicate program status. b- Wrong onswerl All are
valid methods to communicate program status. c- Wrong answer! All are valid methods to
communicate program status. d- Correct answer! Informal meetings are not considered a valid
method for communicating program status.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 I Executing the Program - Task 18 and standard page 76, k:;.
section 8.1 .2.3 i:


© Jean Gouix and Martial Beltec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 5

a- Correct answer! Lessons learned should be collected, and information sessions should be
organized with key stakeholders throughout each program life cycle phase. Lessons learned
updates are an output from the "Information distribution"activities. b- Wrong! Lessonslearned should
mt to be collected, and information sessions should be organized with key stakeholders during each
ilitee program life cycle phase. c- No! Lessons learned should be collected, and information sessions
luest, should be organized with key stakeholders during each program life cycle phase. d- No! Lessons
iittee learned should be collected, and information sessions should be organized with key stakeholders
during each program life cycle phase, not only when a major event occurs.

Ie 60,' PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Executing the Program - Task 18 and standard page 77,
section 8.1 .2.4 (top of the page)

ation ..


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© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
r, ·_ .

Domain II Program Life Cycle / Subdomain Controlling
Introduction ~

Number of questions in the exam: 10% = 17 questions out of a total of 170 questions.
The Examination Content Outline describes activities related to 'Controlling the Program' as:

I Monitoring progress. updoting progrom plans as required. managing change and risk [3. page _c', ] ,.~...•••.
It describes 6 tasks: . r
• Compare actual trends and variances to plans and identify corrective actions F_
• Apply corrective actions il\.
• Manage program issues
• Manage changes
• Assessimpact of changes and get approval from governance
• Manage risks ~"

The link between the Examination Content outline and the Standard for Program Management: ~'-

~ 1:!ig
"Monitoring and Controlling" tasks are mainly performed during the Benefits delivery phose of the t
program. The standard identifies the list of supporting processes and activities related to this phose f'
with following key outputs: ft'· ThE
( Vet
• Program communications management
o Program performance reporting
Contractually and/or sponsor required data reports
In c
• Customer feedback requests
Periodic reports
• Program financial management
o Program financial monitoring and control The
Contract payments tak
• Component budgets closed
Program budget baseline updates The
Approved change requests
• Program integration management
o Program performance monitoring and control
• Program performance reports
• Program procurement management The
o Program procurement administration fee,
Performance /Earned Value reports fore
Progress reports by
Performance/KPls reports from vendors/contractors sto]
.. Program quality management pay
o Program quality control rQC)
Quality change requests
• QC checklists and reports
QC test reports or measurements results


© Jean Gauix and Martial Bellec. nol for distribution. sale or reproduction
• Program resource management
o Resource interdependency management
• Program resource plan updates
• Program risk management
o Program riskmonitoring and control

Timely execution of risk responses

Monitoring the effects of risk responses
\ Lessons learned
• Risk register updates
• Program schedule management
=:JI ti
o Program schedule control

Program master schedule updates
Program risk register updates
• Roadmap updates
• Program scope management
o Program scope control
Program scope statement updates
• PWBS updates
Approved/rejected change requests and related documentation

The program is now executed according to "what is documented in the program management
pian", in order to deliver benefits in-line with the strategic objectives of the performing organization.
Very often, the complexity of the factors influencing the delivery of benefits make things happen
differently from what was originally planned.

In other words, according to Murphy's Low". "It is found that anything that can go wrong generally
does go wrong sooner or later".

Therefore, the "Monitoring and controlling" activities simply target monitoring these deviations and
taking the right decisions with respect to the strategic outcomes of the program.

Theseactivities may consist of either:

mitigating the reasons for deviations in order to keep the objectives unchanged or,
if it is not possible, updating the program objectives to take into account the factors outside
the control of the program

These updates are the result of decisions taken at program level, and take into consideration
feedback such as: performance reports, risk register and related preventive actions, program
forecasts, or benefits realization reports. Actual deviations from the original plans are documented
by means of: change requests to the program management plan, budget, master schedule or
stakeholder strategy. Decisions are taken according to the governance rules in several ways:
payment approvals, plan updates or go/no-go decisions.'s law

© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Your posture as a program manager regarding "controlling" tasks

• Watch and stay tuned! In order to make subsequent corrections, the first step is to always
have a clear view of what is going on. Stay informed in all aspects of the program by
soliciting and collecting information from those"who know", This flow of information is the
basis of a sound, accurate and detailed understanding that legitimizes these changes.
.. Define and share the changes: The second step is to define the necessory changes in all

aspects of the program. If you are the initiator, make sure that all interested partie.' --;r,:+
to the decision (program change control), If not, clarify the intention; do not forger I fiOT a if Yo
brilliant idea is only valid when it is understood and applicable by all. ,r....,.'.;",.'(,.:.:.'
• Implement the changes: track what, when, who, how to perform the changes. Make sure .
that what has been decided is implemented as agreed; if not, the program's credibility will
suffer, as this reflects your own capacity to keep the program on track.


t:~ cus
c- t
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b- F

c- F



© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellee, not for distribution, sale or reproduction

following list of sample questions regarding 'Controlling the Program' will help you prepare for
the exam.
)y Example Practice Questions
Question 1
You are managing a program under a firm fixed price contract for an important customer. Up to
now, this program was progressing well but suddenly, an unforeseen major risk appears that may
severely impact the program. The mitigation plan for that risk implies a significant program budget
increase. Your organization has serious financial issues during the coming months. According to the
following options, what will be the MOST appropriate way to handle this situation?

0- Formally ask the board to authorize you to obtain additional budget from your customer

b- Ask for permission to use the management reserve and ask for no additional funds from the

Cr Modify the contract type because the conditions have changed significantly

d- Ask for the authorization to close the program, as the conditions have changed significantly.
There is no need to continue.

Question 2

What should be the FIRST STEP in implementing a change originating from a project which is
integrated into the program you manage?

0- Follow the management procedures of the work package change control board

b- Follow the management procedures of the integrated change control board

c- Follow the management procedures of the component-level change control board

d- Follow the management procedures of the governance change control board


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bel/ec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Question 3

Your program has an estimated budget at completion of 40000. As of now, 6400 has been consumed COlT
to complete 10% of the work. You have a contingency reserve of 8000. What should be your NEXT portf
action? com
a- You have already consumed 2400 from the contingency reserve. You have to ask the .
governance board for 16000 more to be sure of finishing qual

b- Perform a program review with all project managers to assess the reason for this cost overru
f a- n

t b- n

c- Allocate the remaining contingency reserve immediately to the other projects, to make sure the
program won't be delayed any longer

~" c- n
d- Perform a detailed review of the components which are delayed

d- n

Question 4

You are managing a program which has four component projects: A, B, C and D. During the
definition phase of the program, with the help of the PMO, you have defined several rules for your
project managers, such as: all issues must be logged in a project issues register, with a predefined
code, in order to be able to track them easily. You request that the status of those issues be reported ,
and discussed during your weekly status meetings with the project managers. During today's ~.
meeting, project manager C reports a high severity issue which has a major impact on the delh';"ry t.
of a project outcome which is urgently expected at program level. During the meeting, project r'
manager A says that he encountered a similar problem, and it took him a long time to de
correction which works. The correction is documented. Project manager A proposes to provrde v..,» ;
fix to project manager C. What IMMEDIATE action should be taken? ('
a- The program manager immediately brings the meeting to a close and asks project manager C to 1£
apply the fix right away r<:

b- Project Manager C reads the documentation related to the correction, and then decides
whether or not to apply the fix ~

c- Project manager C applies the correction to project C with the assistance of a person from
project A ~
d- The program manager spends the necessary time to understand what the similarities between
projects A and Care


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
ed Company XYI has decided to launch a program which has a strategic position in the company
:XT portfolio. A high number of change requests are expected to impact the program, and your
company has decided to have a dedicated change manager for the program. You are the change
manager for the program. In your position, you review all change requests, and recommend
accepting or rejecting them. Your main focus is on reviewing changes on scope, but also on time,
quality, costs, risks, contracts and rewards. Which DOCUMENT will you base your decisions upon?

a- The program scope statement

b- The program scope management plan

c- The change management plan

d- The program management plan



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© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Example Practice Questions - Answers G

Question 1 de
I; G
G- NOI The contract type with your customer is "firm fixed price", so you should try othe: .lutions
before this one! b- Yes! The management reserve can be used to mitigate unknown risks. ~>i"jo!
You cannot modify the contract type without proper justification and approval from nil >ortiesl
d- No! This is not the best option. The customer is important for your organization, and they expect P~
you to deliver the results as stated in the contract,

PgMP'8J Examination Content Outline 20 II/Controlling the Program - Task 30 and PM BOl('o, C;uide
page 211, section

Question 2

a- NOI Not in PMI vocabulary. b- Nol Do not escalate to program level something which hos not
really been considered at project level. c- Correct! d- No! Do not escalate to governance level
something which has not really been considered at project level.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Controlling the Program - Task 28 and standard pages 21
and 22, section 2.3.2 (program vs. project change) and PMBOK® Guide page 96, section 4.5
Question 3
a- No! You cannot ask for further contingency if you do not explain beforehand the reasons for it. r

b- Correct! The program is in bad shape, you have consumed more than 10 % of the budget to K
produce lessthan 10 % of the work; you have to do something immediately at program level. c-~'
No! Are you really sure that this will stop the delay? d- No! Maybe some dependencies
delayed projects will cause delays to other components. ALL projects should be reviewed
from non- ~
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Controlling the Program - Task 25 ~

Question 4 ~

a- No! This is a program review; you have many other items for today; please go on wi .he ~,
meeting. b- Correct! Project manager C should first carefully read the existing doc urrk';'L .ion f;
before deciding to apply it or not. c- No! Project manager C should first read the documentation .
before applying it. d- No! This may take too much time, and is not very productive.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Controlling the Program - Task 27


@ Jeon Gauix and Martial Be.lee. not for distribution, sale or reproduction
ion 5

a- No! The correct answer is the 'change management pian'. b- No! The correct answer is the
'change management pian'. c- Correct! In order to correctly manage changes, you base your
'decisionsupon the change management plan which should detail rules for accepting or rejecting
changes. The Standard for Program Management does not explicitly mention it. but the PMBOK®
Guide and the Examination Content Outline do. d- NOI The correct answer is the 'change
ms management pian'.
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Controlling the Program - Task 28 and PMBOK® Guide
page 77, section and page 138, section


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© Jean Gouix and Martial Beliec, not for distribution, sale or reproduclion
Domain II Program Life Cycle / Subdomain Closing
Introduction rep
Number of questions in the exam: 3% = 5 questions out of a total of 170questions. cor
The Examination Content Outline describes activities related to 'Closing the Program' as: tun.
Finalizing all program activities, including all constituent components, executing transition pions.
.~:' .
archiving, obtaining approvals, and reporting [3, page 3].
It describes 5 tasks: Ace
• Complete a final report of actual trends and variances to original plans to determine The
program performance alor
• Obtain stakeholder approval for closure
• Execute the transition to operations in order to maximize the sustainability of the program
• Conduct the post review meeting and elaborate lessonslearned YOUI
• Disseminate lessonslearned, best practices and recommendations for future programs

The link between the Examination Content Outline and the Standard for Program Management:

"Closing" tasks are mainly performed during the Closure phase of the program. The standard
identifies the list of supporting processes and activities related to this phase with following key

• Program Financial management ":'.


o Program financial closure •

Input to final performance reports ~.

Input to the knowledge repository r

Documentation of new tools and techniques t'

Financial closing statements
Closed program budget
• Financial management plan updates
Program Integration management
o Program transition and benefits sustainment

Immediate benefits
Benefits transitioned to another organization

Benefits sustained through operations, maintenance, new projects, etc. ~.

o Program closure ~:

Final reports i.r

Knowledge transition ~'
Resource disposition (release of program resources) t:;
Program closeout
• Program Procurement management t.
o Program procurement closure
Closed contracts ~f
Contract closeout reports
Lessons learned updates


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, noi for distribuiion, sale or reproduction
a program is very similar to closing a project, with some additional specific activities. A final
is issued,so that performance is assessedwith respect to the original intention; this intention

mainly in delivering benefits aligned with the organizotion's strategy. The final report
contains lessonslearned which are consolidated, documented, disseminated and archived so that
future management initiatives can benefit from them.
component projects as well as procurements must be closed BEFOREprogram closure. At each
component closure, program closure activities should be performed to capture information which
".may impact the program, such as redeployment of component resources within or outside the
:program, reallocation of unused budget, capture of lessons learned, etc. Disbandment of the
resources is organized, and most importantly human resources are returned to their functional
teams, except those who are needed to support operational transition.
Acceptance of the results is generally confirmed by receiving sign off from the sponsor, client or
ine The program manager may close the program only AFTERthe steering committee (or the sponsor
alone) has delivered a formal closure acceptance.

Your posture as a program manager regarding "closing" tasks

• Be sure of the final acceptance! Do things in the right order. It is essential that your program
has reached a sufficient level of delivery before beginning program closure. The
governance, and often the customer, must have accepted the major outcomes or benefits
beforehand. Even if a number of actions are performed under your strict authority, never
forget that they always have the final word, do not coerce them into going through
acceptance, and stay tuned to their expectations until the final formal acceptance.
• Be sure of a sustained transition! Operations must have been engaged quite early, up to the
moment when they can take over the program benefits.
• Close all program management subsidiary plans! You have to trigger a rather exhaustive list
of actions to close them, one by one. Disband the teams except those which are strictly
necessary for transition and support.


© Jean Gouix and Martial Be/lee. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
The following list of sample questions regarding 'Closing the Program' will help you prepare for the
Example Practice Questions Yo
is (
Question 1 me
A program may be closed under various conditions. Among the following choices, which or.c :, iVYf
a condition to close the program?

a- The program has been cancelled


b- The sponsoring organization has approved the program closure


c- All program objectives have not been achieved yet


d- The program has become unnecessary


Question 2

You are the program manager of a new line of breakfast cereals to be sold worldwide. The program
is organized in several projects, one per line of products which are each adapted to their targeted
market. This year, you have successfully completed the commercial launch of a number of new
products. Your governance board asks you to initiate close-out activities related to these projects so
that operations can start working. Among the following reasons, which one is NOT a typical reason to
the j
invoke the "Program closure"activities?

a- t'
a- Only one out of several projects released its products onto the market

b- t
b- Several projects released their products onto the market

c- TI
c- The new product lines have been released according to the benefit plans, and the governance
board needs a formal sign-off from the operations

d- You have not fully convinced the board that benefits will be realized, but lessons learned have
been thoroughly collected and documented

© Jean Gouix and Mariial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reprooucnor,

. You are the program manager of a new line of breakfast cereals to be sold worldwide. The program
7 is organized in several projects, one per line of products which are each adapted to their targeted
market. This year, you have successfully completed the commercial launch of a number of new
products. Your governance board asks you to initiate close-out activities related to these projects so
that the operations can start working. Program performance has been analyzed and proven to be
lOT .:high, and according to the survey of the stakeholders' opinion, they seem to be very satisfied.
Among the following choices, which one is NOT a probable end of this program?

0- The program has performed satisfactorily and is fully closed

b- The program is transitioned to the operations

c- The program is cancelled

d- The program has partially realized benefits and you will have to propose new benefits to the
governance board

Question 4
~ted Program X has three component projects: A, Band C. All three component projects have been
closed with the agreement of the steering committee. One month later, the program is still not
ls so closed. Generally, the final decision to close a program is under the sponsor's responsibility. What is
In to
the MOST probable cause for NOT closing program X?

0- Not all of the expected benefits have been realized

b- The program closure recommendation was not formulated by the steering committee

c- The steering committee has been disbanded


d- The program sponsor has left the organization


Question 5

Program X has three component projects: A, Band C. As of today, projects A and B are closed, but
project C is due to close in one month. Three months later, the program remains open. The steering
committee requests that the program be closed as soon as possible. What is the MOST probable
cause for the steering committee to ask for the closure of program X?

0- Program governance does not recommend the program closure

b- All contracts are not formally closed

c- The program has been cancelled

d- All component projects are not formally closed


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Example Practice Questions - Answers

Question 1 a-
b- Wrong! The s: . ,g
a- Wrong! The program has been cancelled, so now it may be closed.
organization has approved program closure, so now it should be closed. c- Correct! .':',!: i :"~ .im
objectives have not been achieved yet, so keep the program open! d- Wrong onswerl The
program has become unnecessary, so it may be closed.
The standard page 88, section 8.3.7 and page 89, section

Question 2

a- No! The "Program closure" process is invoked each time (non-) project activities are closed. For
instance, component resource disposition and lessons learned need to be evaluated by the
program manager. b- No! The "Program closure" process is invoked each time (non-) project
activities are closed. For instance, component resource disposition and lessons learned need to be
evaluated by the program manager. c- No! This is an essential reason to invoke the "Program
closure" process. For instance, component resource disposition and lessons learned need to be
evaluated by the program manager. d- Correct! You have to first convince your governance
board that benefits will be achieved, before asking for program close out. Gathering lessons learned
is neither a valid nor typical reason to invoke "Program closure" activities.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Closing the program - Task 32 and standard I ""

section 8.3.7

Question 3

a- No! This is probable because benefits have been delivered satisfactorily. b- No! This is probable
because benefits have been delivered satisfactorily. c- Correct! Benefits are delivered and
stakeholders are satisfied (see text) so why cancel the program? d- No! Stakeholders may ask you
to close some activities. After this, they may come back with more requests that you will have to
take into account for potential new benefits.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Closing the program - Task 31 and standard page 89,

Question 4

a- No! All expected benefits may not occur before the program ends. b- Correct answer! This is the
most probable cause for not closing the program. c- Wrong cnswer: It may be true, but it is not the
most probable cause for not closing the program. d- No! That may be the case, but it is not a valid
reason not to close the program!

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Closing the program - Task 32 and stonoota c oc 1,
section 6.2.13

© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Question 5

0- No! Program governance has requested that the program be closed! b- No! All contracts must
be closed before formal program closure, but this is not the most probable cause. c- Correct
answer! Among all options, this must be the most probable cause. d- NOI The text says that two
19 projects ore closed and project C is due to close in one month. Three months later, there is a high
1m probability that the program will be cancelled!
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Closing the program - Task 32 and standard page 61,
section 6.2.13



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[ © Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction

Domain III Benefits Management
Number of questions in the exam: 11% = 19 questions out of a total of 170 questions.

The Examination Content Outline describes activities related to 'Benefits Management' as:

Defining, creating, maximizing, and sustaining the benefits provided by programs [3, pcqe

It describes 8 tasks:

• Develop the benefits realization plan

• Capture benefits opportunities throughout the program life cycle
• Develop a benefits sustainment plan
• Monitor the metrics to maintain/improve benefits realization
e Manage the projects/program realization in order to maximize benefits
• Maintain the benefits register and report benefits to stakeholders ThE
• Manage risks in relationship with benefits management, and take the necessary preventive del
or corrective actions pro
• Develop transition plans to deliver and sustain benefits sigr

Both the Examination Content Outline and the Standard for Program Management address the
Benefits domain.

The standard describes the relationship between the program life cycle and pi '~j' S
management [1, page 35, figure 4-1]. It is important to note that activities related 10 oenelits W" mel
management ore performed during severol program life cycle phases. For instance: tr;-

'Benefits identification'
'Benefits analysis and planning'
starts in the' Program definition'
is part of 'Program
definition' phase and overlaps 'Program

benefits delivery' phase,
'Benefits delivery' is port of the 'Program benefits delivery' phase,
'Benefits transition' is part of Program closure while 'Benefits sustainment' begins during the
'Program closure' phase.

Highlights: The,
Programs are undertaken to create BENEFITS.This is the PRIMARY reason to create and also
programs. Benefits will provide VALUE to the program beneficiaries that will utilize them. cons
Your posture as a program manager regarding benefits whic
i argo
The benefits are defined and scheduled in order to provide strategic progress to the performing
organization. As a program manager, you have to make sure that the benefits realization plan has
the following characteristics: •

• Have a clear big picture: you have to always be in a position to clearly and simply show the' ': Becc
rationale, progress, performance, aggregation, even sublimation of the major corr.por.ents F majo
that contribute to the expected benefits. If your messages are complex, confusing, unclear; t, F."~

© Jean Gouix and Iv',ortial Bellec. no; for distribution. saie or reproduction I



there is a high probability that a number of stakeholders will not understand their share of
Prove the promise: the big picture described above is your "passport", enabling you to cope
with barriers and reluctance. It is a convincing set of documents that efficiently shows the
power of your approach; you do not just promise, but you prove that the benefits will be
there, and be sustained.

• What is a benefit?
The standard defines the word 'benefit' as:

~l outcome of actions, behaviors, products, or services that provide utility ('value') to the
~PQrisoring organization as well as to the program's intended beneficiaries' [1, glossary, page 165].

• Do component projects also create benefits?

The answer is clearly 'yes'. Project benefits are usually produced in the form of deliverables. These
rive deliverables may be raised up to program level "as is", or aggregated together to produce a
program-level benefit. In most cases, programs are undertaken to produce benefits which are
significantly larger than those coming from projects alone [1, page 34, second paragraph].

• Are all benefits measurable?

The answer should be 'yes'. However, it is sometimes difficult to measure certain non tangible
benefits, such as: company image, morale improvement. In these cases interviews, polls, public
sfits opinion, etc. should help to provide metrics. There should be an effort, in any program, to define
efits metrics for the planned benefits, such as '10% increase in revenue', 20% workload reduction', etc.

• Are all benefits created 'at once'?

The answer is 'no'. In some programs, benefits may be incremental. For instance, an increase in
revenue may occur step by step during the life of the program, and the targeted benefit may be
realized at the end of the program, or even after the program is over.

• Are all benefits delivered before the end of the program?

, The answer is 'not always'. In most programs, benefits will be realized before the end of the program.
, but in some cases, all or some benefits will only be realized after the program is concluded. Please

Jge: also note that, in some cases, all benefits may be delivered at the same time (for example, the
r' construction of a big building). The program manager should develop both a transition plan which

r:". describes how benefits will be transitioned to the receiving organization, and a sustainment plan
which will detail post-transition activities related to the benefits realization within the receiving

• Who identifies benefits and when?

Because programs are undertaken to provide benefits to an organization, planned benefits, at least
major ones, should be identified very early on during the program's life cycle: the program business
case which 'puts the program on track' when it is accepted, should contain these expected


© Jean Gauix and Manial Bellec. not for distribution, sale or reproduction
benefits. The program mandate issued by senior-level people, the program charter and the program •
management plan should then be developed to prove that these identified benefits will be
delivered. Proje
During program formulation, the program manager is usually not yet known. Therefore, planned outc
benefits will generally be identified by other persons close to the company strategy (executives,
portfolio managers, sponsors,etc.). The 5
During the life of the program, new opportunities may appear and new benefits may emerge (Ex:
new customer request, market change, environmental opportunities, new organizations, etc.). After •
endorsement by the Governance Boord, the program manager should make every possibleeffort to
transform those opportunities into positive resultsfor the performing organization. Durin
by th
be d:
• How do we manage benefits?

First,benefits need to be identified and recorded in the benefits register which is developed during
the benefits identification phase. KPls are identified for each benefit and are also recorded. The
benefits register will be updated during follow-up phases.

Then, benefits should be qualified (intangible benefits) or quantified (tangible benefits).

Projects that contribute to program benefits must be identified and the responsibility for realizing
those benefits must be clearly assigned. Additionally, metrics should be defined for each benefit.
Programs generate outcomes (results), and intermediate benefits which contribute to the final
expected benefits. The program roadmap indicates the major events related to the creation of the
benefits (intermediate or incremental, and final). The program roadmap is on input to the creation
of the more detailed program schedule. (see the standard, sections 3.2 and 8.8.1). Benefit models
such as benefit mapping tools can help the program manager to ensure that final benefits,
intermediate benefits, program outcomes, project deliverables, etc. remain satisfactorily
interdependent and 'aligned' during the program's life cycle. The benefits realization plan details
when and how planned benefits will be achieved.

The major goal of program management is to make sure that benefits are realized as expected.

• How do we make sure that planned benefits are realized?

Program governance provides the right structure to track benefit realization over the life of the
program, through day-to-day program and project management activities, phase-gate reviews,
health checks, audits, etc.

Toolssuch as reviews and benefit realization analysishelp to manage program benefits.

• How do we measure benefit realization?

Monitoring and reporting on benefits metrics defined in the benefits realization plan make it possible
to understand the extent of the realized benefits.

In addition, it is of primary importance to make sure that benefits remain aligned with the business.
case content. Thisis 0150 true at program closure.


© Jean Gouix and Martial 8ellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
rm • Who is accountable for benefit realization?
project deliverables contribute to benefits. Therefore, project managers have their shore of
responsibility! Additionally, the program manager is responsible for making sure that program
ed outcomes contribute to the realization of the benefits.
The standard considers that the sponsor is often ultimately responsible (accountable) for delivering
('transitioning') the benefits to operations or to the Customer [1, page 47, section 5.1].
ter • Benefits sustainment
. to
During the program life cycle, the program manager must make sure that benefits will be sustained
by the receiving organization, after the end of the program. The program sustainment plan should
be developed to make sure that benefits will actually be delivered as planned.






© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution, sale or reproduction
The following list of sample questions related to 'Benefits management' will help you prepore fOi the
Example Practice Questions }

Question 1 ber
You have managed a program and all planned benefits have been realized when the p "g,om
ad, f
~~~ ber
ends. At the start of the program, you developed the benefits realization plan whk. h ',,~ r

for ~
baseline for the management of benefits. The board wants to ensure that the program delivered ~!'e ~ -(;_

full benefits for which it was created. At the end of the program, benefits should ALIl-':t...,;; i..)e ,
compared against those promised in:
a- The benefits realization plan
" b-

b- The program charter

c- ~

c- The program business case


d- The portfolio objectives


Question 2
The main purpose of a program is to realize benefits that are aligned with a company's strategic
objectives. Identified benefits mayor may not be easily measurable, but benefits should be defined
with a clear notion of improvement that can be tracked and analyzed. As an examr'" r- ' -am
benefit for a commercial company could be identified as 'bigger profits'. j:rorn .he ,;: ,jns, "
which one is LEASTclearly stated as a benefit? t;·
r\ bene
k for y

a- Increased market share ~

f:' a- Y

b- Lower manufacturing

c- Foster product delivery

I ·


b- y

c- YI

d- Better administrative support


d- Y
~; oppc




© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
e stion 3

:\yOU manage program X which is composed of four projects: A, B, C and D. From the beginning of
:'[;~yourprogram, you have been extremely sensitive to the fact that program outcomes must generate
\'o/i)enefitswhich are in line with the strategic objectives of your company. The program is well
:;Underway, but you realize that several opportunities have emerged that your program could take
)iddvantage of. You believe that with a few more resources added into the component projects, more
lm ,>benefitscould be generated. You think about what you should do in order to seize the opportunities
'he for your program. What will be the LEASTuseful action to take?
0- You start interviewing new people with the objective of increasing the sizeof your project teams

b- You talk to your sponsor about these opportunities in order to have his position

c- You update the benefits realization plan and distribute it to all key stakeholders for advice

d- You ask that the business case of your program be updated and re-evaluated with the new

Question 4

You manage program X which is composed of four projects: A, B, C and D. From the beginning of
your program, you have been extremely sensitive to the fact that program outcomes must generate
!gic benefits which are in line with the strategic objectives of your company. The program is well
led underway, but you realize that several opportunities have emerged that your program could take
'am advantage of. You believe that with a few more resources added into the component projects, more
ons. benefits could be generated. You think about what you should do in order to seize the opportunities
for your program. What is the IMMEDIATEaction you should take?

0- You start interviewing new people with the objective of increasing the sizeof your project teams

b- You tell your sponsor that your program will be updated to seize these opportunities

c- You inform key stakeholders that your program will include these opportunities

d- You ask that the business case of your program be updated and re-evaluated with the new


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 5

You work for construction company ABC for which you have been managing a program over the
last four years. The main product generated by the program is a hospital which will bring lots of
benefits to the community. According to the plan, most benefits will occur only after the program is
completed. You are currently in the closing phase of the program. In order to request formal closure
acceptance from the program steering committee, you prepare the program transition olen, The .'
steering committee wants to understand what type of guarantee will be included in ;":0 ;G"sition
plan in order to make sure that benefits will be sustained when the hospital is operationaL Vv hai type
of guarantee is NOT related to benefits sustainment?

a- The Customer has an appropriate support organization for the hospital

b- Company ABC support organization is well trained to understand hospital support

c- Company ABC support organization understands when and how updates should be made to the

d- Company ABC program resources ore properly redeployed when the program is over





© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellee, not for distribution, sale or reproductor.
Example Practice Questions - Answers
1 is
Question 1
0- No! The benefits realization plan describes when and how planned benefits will be realized.
b- No! The program charter itself is based upon the business case. The businesscase is an input to
the "Initiate program" process, and the charter is an output from this process. c- Correct! Expected
benefits are derived from the program business case and must remain in line with that business case
until the end of the program. d- No! Portfolio objectives do not describe planned program benefits.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Benefits Management - Task 1 and standard page 42,
section 4.4 and page 153,Table X5-1

Question 2

0- Wrong answer! 'Increased market share' is a benefit which can be measured and tracked.
b- Wrong answer! lower manufacturing costs' is a benefit which can be measured and tracked.
c- Wrong answer! 'Faster product delivery' is a benefit which can be measured and tracked.
d- Correct! 'Better administrative support' does not mean that much. It will actually be difficult to
track and analyze. You need to be more-specific. Other answers can be tracked and analyzed.

The standard page 150,Table X5-1 and page 36, section 4.1

Question 3

a- Correct answer! Thisis the worst option. Much too early! b- No! Thisis a valid action. It is always
good to inform, and get advice from your sponsor. c- No! Thisis a valid action. It is always good to
inform, and get advice from key stakeholders. d- No! Thisis a valid action. In fact, the businesscase
of your program will need to be updated and validated with the new opportunities, before deciding
to proceed or not.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Benefits Management - Task2

Question 4

0- Nol You are going too fast! You don't yet have the agreement to get new people. b- No! You
are going too fast! You should discuss it with your sponsor, but don't tell them yet that your program
will be updated; it's too soon! c- No! Thisis too early. You may inform key stakeholders about the
possibilityof including these opportunities, but it is only a possibility. d- Correct answer! Thisis the best
action to take. The business case of your program will need to be updated and validated with the
new opportunities, before deciding to proceed or not.

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 2011 / Benefits Management - Task2


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellee, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 5

a- No! There should be an appropriate customer support organization at transition time. b- No!
Support staff must be well trained at transition time. c- No! Support staff must be able to l iderstono In1
what the planned changes to the product ore in order to make sure that the Customer 'vviii be able
to support the updated product. d- Correct answer! Redeployment of program resoi.rc 2$ is not
related to benefits sustainment.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Benefits Management - Task 8 and standoru page 43,
section 4.5

It d

for I

is us


• Pre

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© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not fOI distribution, sale or reproduction
Stakeholder Management

ber of questions in the exam: 16%= 27 questions out of a total of 170questions.

It describes 7 tasks:

• Identify stakeholders and document their position relative to the program

• Create the stakeholder management plan
• Negotiate stakeholder support and set clear acceptance criteria
• Confirm stakeholder support to achieve program objectives
• Communicate properly with stakeholders
• Evaluate and manage risksidentified by stakeholders
• Develop relationships with stakeholders

The Examination Content Outline addresses the Stakeholder Management domain and the Standard
for Program Management addresses the Stakeholder Engagement performance domain. In fact,
these domains are identical. The standard prefers to use the word 'engagement' rather than the
word 'management'. The program manager does not directly manage stakeholders, but rather
needs to manage their expectations. The important point is that all stakeholders must remain
'engaged' throughout the program life cycle!


Because of program characteristics (scope, length, cost, etc.), the number of program stakeholders
is usually much larger than on a given project. For this reason there is an emphasis on program
stakeholder management (engagement.

Thestandard defines 3 activities:

• Program Stakeholder Identification: This Lists all stakeholders, creates the stakeholder register and
the stakeholder map.

• Stakeholder Engagement Planning: Thisdevelops the stakeholder engagement plan that contains
stakeholders' engagement metrics.

• Stakeholder Engagement: This measures and ensures that all stakeholders remain adequately
engaged throughout the program's life cycle. The program manager often utilizes strong
communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution skillsduring this period.


© Jean Gouix and Martial Sellec. not for distribution. sole or reproduction
Your posture as a program manager regarding stakeholders The f
you 1
You have to make sure that the relevant information is always given on time to your stakeholders. "
You have to constantly update the stakeholder register, and really "keep in touch", through phone
calls, planned meetings, or simple courtesy visits.
When a stakeholder is losing engagement, e.g. non-attendance or non-participation in an
important meeting, or not preparing an expected presentation as previously agreed-upon; simply ~'

t You (
find out what's the matter and propose a sensible way forward. L
Save your energy for the most important stakeholders, whether they are 'positive or negative' about work
the program. Don't waste much time on a degrading relationship that has little impact on your
~:' mane
program. Engagement is not about maintaining good social relations; but merely about the positive C an
impact on your program. deter

• Who do we call 'program stakeholders'?

a- C
Program stakeholders are the people and organizations that can positively or negatively impact
the program outcomes, or be impacted by the program outcomes. Because of their
~ b- Di
importance, the program manager should identify them as soon as possible and develop a plan

to 'manage' their expectations. deck

New stakeholders may join the program and others may disappear over its life time, and
stakeholders' attitudes may evolve. c- 0

d- C,
.. Who are the main program stakeholders?
The main stakeholders should be identified very early on, even before program initiation. During
the program definition phase, the program manager will continue to identify stakeholders, build
categories (internal, external, etc.) and then sort them into smaller categories. Stakeholder Ques
identification should occur throughout the life of the program. The stakeholder register contains
the list of all stakeholders, their expectations and the degree to which they support the program. You r
A stakeholder map can be developed to visualize their expected influence on the proqrorn. of the
The main program stakeholders usually are: vcrlot
o The program sponsor who provides program resources and is 'ultimately responsible admir
for delivering the benefits' critice
o The program Governance board members (or steering committee members) PMO,
o The program manager PMOs
o The program team members
o The component managers and components team members
o The PMO
o Customers, vendors, suppliers, competitors, etc.

• What tools or sources can be used to identity 'Program stakeholders'?

Brainstorming sessions, historical information, focus groups, questionnaires, interviews, surveys, c- Th,
d- Th,
e How does the program manager track and measure stakeholders' engagement?
In addition to the stakeholder register, the program manager will need to develop a
stakeholder engagement plan which describes HOW the stakeholders are engaged, and
contains metrics to measure stakeholders' activities, such as attendance at and participation in
key meetings, amount of communication with the program team, engagement in program
activities, etc. The stakeholder engagement plan is a subsidiary plan of the program
management plan.
An issue log will also be created in order to track and help solve stakeholders' issues.


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
following list of sample questions related to 'Stakeholder management/engagement' will help
you prepare for the exam.
Example Practice Questions
Question 1
Youare managing a program which is composed of three projects: A, Band C. Thethree projects ali
work with different subcontractors, but they also have the same subcontractor X in common. Project
managers A and B have no problem with subcontractor X, but you are aware that project manager
C and subcontractor X have difficulties in their relations, and that the work climate tends to be
deteriorated as a result. Project manager C has already spent a lot of time with you explaining the
situation. One day you receive a phone call from subcontractor X who complains about project
manager C's attitude towards him. Subcontractor X plays a key role in the program and you do not
want him to leave! What is the BEST action you should take to handle the situation?

0- Call a meeting between subcontractor X and yourself

b- Discuss the problem with project manager C in order to understand the situation better, and then
decide whether or not to talk to subcontractor X

c- Call a meeting between project manager C, subcontractor X and yourself

d- Call a meeting between project managers A Band C, subcontractor X and yourself

jer Question 2
You manage the PMO of a large program in your company. You understand that the main purpose
of the PMO is to support and help the program manager to make the program a success. There are
various types of PMO, depending on the need of the organization. Some PMOs provide mainly
administrative support; some may have more responsibilities such as providing expertise in certain
critical areas of the program. There are some characteristics which are common to any type of
PMO,as far as program support is concerned. What is a COMMON characteristic of all program

0- The PMO is accountable for the success of the program

b- The PMO is a member of the steering committee

c- The PMO is responsible for assigning component project managers of your program

d- The PMO is a program stakeholder

) a
'l in


© Jean Gauix and Martial Beliec. nai for distribution. sale or reproduction
Question 3 QUE

You are managing a program in a construction company. You know that many stakeholders will be The
impacted by the results of the program. You have performed an in-depth analysis of the pro]
stakeholders and you have developed the stakeholder engagement plan. Key stakeholders have Resl
been identified and recorded in the stakeholder register. A detailed communication plan specifying goo
key meeting dates has been distributed to all stakeholders. Your program is progressing well, but pro.
your project managers report the fact that more and more key stakeholders do not show up at key shoi
meetings. Your project managers do not know if this non-attendance is really impacting their
projects or not. You realize that, in the stakeholder engagement plan, certain information is missing 0- ')
with regard to stakeholder engagement in program activities. What did you forget?
a- You did not develop stakeholder metrics in order to help track stakeholder attendance at key
meetings, and identify potential riskscaused by their non-participation c- )

b- You developed stakeholder metrics but you did not identify who the key stakeholders are, and c- )
what their expectations are

c- You did not develop a stakeholder register with the list of key stakeholders and their expectations

d- You did not communicate to key stakeholders the fact that they should attend those meetings

Question 4

You are leading the initiation phase of a new program for your company. A list of key stakehOlders;
has been established, and you now want to understand what their attitude is with regard to the
program and you also want to build a preliminary strategy to manage them. Many stakeholders '

come from the same businessunit of your organization. You have started to interview some of them,
but you find out that this is very time consuming. You think about other possible methods you could
use to speed up gathering information from this specific group of stakeholders. Among the following
tools or methods, which one should be MOST efficient to collect information regarding stakeholders' "
attitude towards the program?

a- Questionnaires and surveys

b- Stakeholder checklists

c- Interviews

d- Focus groups




© Jean Gauix and Martial Bellec, not Ior distribution, sole or reproduction
ion 5

'ThePMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct describes what is expected from program and
. c·~,projectmanagement practitioners. PMI has identified four sections in that code: Responsibility,
Ie TY;Respect, Fairness and Honesty. You are a program manager and you want to develop and foster
19 . good relationships with your stakeholders, internal and external to your organization. As a
ut practitioner in the global project management community, what is NOT an appropriate attitude to
!y show towards your stakeholders?
19 0- You conduct yourself in a professional manner, even when it is not reciprocated

b- You take ownership for the errors you make

c- You make decisions and take actions only in the best interest of your program

d- You only file ethics complaints when they ore substantiated by facts




© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Example Practice Questions - Answers

Question 1 a-I
0- No! You need to involve project manager C as well, in order to make sure that all aspects of the
problem will be discussed. b- No! Project manager C has already spent a lot of time explaining
things to you! c- Correct! The best attitude is to have a three-party meeting with project manager C,
subcontractor X and you in order to take corrective actions. Project manager C has already spent a
lot of time with you regarding this problem, so you are well aware of the situation. d- No! You do not Pgll
want project managers A and B to be involved in the discussion which only concerns project C. Ethi

PgMPC&Examination Content Outline 20 II/Stakeholder Management - Task 5

Question 2

a- Nol The PMO is not accountable for program success, but the program sponsor is. b- No! In most
cases, the PMO is not a member of the steering committee although they could be on some
programs. c- No! The PMO is not responsible for assigning project managers. d- Correct! As an
entity, the PMO is a stakeholder of the program.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Stakeholder Management - Task 1 and standard page
48, section 5.1

Question 3

a- Correct! The fact that your project managers do not know if the non-attendance of key
stakeholders is impacting their projects means that you forgot to develop adequate stakeholder
metrics. o- No! The text says that you have performed an in-depth stakeholder analysis. c- No!
The text says that you have performed an in-depth stakeholder analysis. d- Nol A detailed
communication plan has been established and distributed.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Stakeholder Management - Task 5

Question 4

a- Wrong answer! This method may take a lot of time and may not be the most efficient. b- Wrong
answer! This method may take a lot of time and may not be the most efficient. Also, existing
checklists may not be appropriate for your needs. c- Wrong answer! You have already started to
interview some of them and you ore looking for a more efficient tool. Individual interviews usually
take a lot of time! d- Correct answer! Focus groups with open-ended questions sessions allow
participants to interact with each other. Where groups are concerned, focus groups are known to be
more efficient than other methods. The text specifies that 'Many stakeholders come from the same
business unit'.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Stakeholder Management - Task 2 and standard page
48, section 5.1


72 f
@Jeon Gouix and Martial Bellec. not ior dstrrbutior-. soie or reproduction

stion 5

.:a- No! Thisis valid behavior (Respect section 3.2.4). b- No! Thisis valid behavior (Responsibility section
2.2.4). c- Correct answer! You should not ALWAYS make decisions only based on the interest of your
program. The code says that 'you should make decisions and take actions based on society, public
e safety and the environment' (Responsibility section 2.2.1). d- No! This is a valid behavior
,g (Responsibility section 2.3.4).

a PgMpEJ Examination Content Outline 2011 / Stakeholder Management - Task 7 and PM! Code of
Ethics and Professional Conduct





© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Domain V Governance

Number of questions in the exam: 14%= 24 questions out of a total of 170 questions.

The Examination Content Outline describes activities related to 'Governnnce ' as:

Establishing processes and procedures for maintaining proactive program management oversight
and decision-making support for applicable policies and practices throughout the entire program
life cycle [3, page 4J. --------:
It describes 11 tasks:

e Develop program and project management standards and structure

• Select a governance model in line with the organizational governance requirenlents
• Passgate reviews to obtain formal authorization to proceed further
Develop and maintain KPls(Key Performance Indicators)
• Develop and utilize a PMIS(Program Management Information System)
• Regularly evaluate riskson strategic objectives
• Establishalerts and escalation procedures so that issuesare handled at the right level

Contribute to the collection of lessonslearned within the organization
Apply existing lessonslearned
Monitor the businessenvironment, evaluate opportunities
Make sure that operations ale in line with program strategic objectives
Both the Examination Content Outline and the Standard for Program Management address the [......•
Governance domain. t
A program is often much more complex to manage than a standalone project: it typically has
numerous stakeholders, complex risk management requirements, internal interdependencies
between components, and dependence upon external factors, etc. This makes decision-making
and following-up benefit realization highly complex, with many contradicting factors.
As a result, the governance plan aims mostly at properly rnanaging the program by providing:

Rulesand procedures that provide efficient and fair decisions across the entire program, c
stored in a decision register, in order to support:
o initiating ar closing a component,
o approval of changes, T
o approval of gate reviews, requiring performance oversight by program
management, and which allows the program to proceed
A planned and uniform standard level of quality, riskmitigation and change control, all of
which are subject to review or audits,
A guarantee that effort isefficiently and unambiguously made, through usage of metrics and •
accountability tools, in order to ultimately deliver benefits in-line with the strategiC objectives It
of the performing organization. c


© Jean Gauix and Mariial Bellec. nai for disiribuiian sale or repradl'ciian
. t organizations establish a program Governance board (or steering committee) whose main
.'activities are to:

oversee program management activities,

make decisions according to pre-established rules

.Y9ur posture as a program manager regarding Governance:

• Procedures: You have to make sure that the procedures for decision making processes are
clearly stated, shared and known by all stakeholders. These procedures should always be
referred to when there is a conflict.
• Decisions: You definitely need to make make decisions, but not ALL of them! Some decisions
must be made by the Governance board. You should consider the Governance board as a
single individual in charge of approving or rejecting top level decisions, scenarios, and
directions, etc. Your job is to clearly explain the possible choices and alternatives, assessing
them by means of multi-criteria grids if needed, but the Governance board always has the
final WORD.
• Power: The Governance board is a committee where various powers and interests may
compete. Your role is not to impose your personal views and fight, but rather to create the
conditions so that the power, and the interests of all stakeholders are considered when an
important decision is taken. This may range from simply making sure that a consensus is
reached, to collecting relevant opinions when documenting a decision. Once the decision is
taken, you are empowered by the Governance board to ensure its pre-agreed, effective
implementation. Manage to win over opposition with explanations, and reserve the right to
say: "This is a decision taken by the members of the Governance board, and if you do not
agree with it, I can ask them to consider your alternative."

• What does 'Program governance' mean?
The standard defines 'Program governance' as 'Systems and Methods by which a program is
monitored, managed, and supported by its sponsoring organization'. Sound governance
creates and manages the necessary and sufficient conditions to make sure that the decisions
will be made clearly, and shared by all stakeholders. Obviously, we can also include the people
in charge of 'governing' the program. (Governance board members, program manager and
program team members, component project managers, etc.)

• What is the role of the Governance board?

The Governance board (also called Program board or Steering committee) is responsible for
providing appropriate support for the conduct of the program, approving appropriate program
governance systems and methods, providing and securing proper program funding, endorsing a
decision-making body for approving and supporting recommendations (for instance, the
program quality pian), as well as monitoring and tracking the progress of the program through
phase-gate reviews, health checks, reviews and audits.
The Governance board will usually authorize components initiation and closure. In addition, the
Governance board will approve program closure.
During the Program definition phase (program preparation subphase), Program governance will
issue a 'Program governance plan 'which defines HOW and also who, when, etc. the program
governance will be conducted.

nd • Who are the members of the Governance board?

/es It varies according to the size and nature of the organization. This Governance board is usually
composed of senior-level persons, change manager, sponsor organization, functional managers,


© Jean Gouix and Mariiol Bellec. no! for dis!ribulion. sale or reproduc!ion
etc. For small organizations, the program sponsor can be the sole member of the Governance ThE
Please note that the program manager IS NOT a member of the program Governance board.
The program manager reports to the Governance board during the program's life cycle.
" What are the main Program board initiatives and approvals?
The board should ensure that a mandate has been issued by senior-level people to initiate the
program. The board should also ensure that the program is correctly funded. Qu
Then, during the program definition phase, the Governance board will approve the prcgiom
charter and the business case. In I

The Governance board will approve the passage from one phase to another. pro
The Governance board will approve component initiation and component transition or closure, The
based on pre-defined criteria. ass
The board may also be involved in decisions related to changes and issues (escalation process). pro
The board will also approve recommendations for the program closure. ma

• Are there any other governance activities? a- :

The Governance board often establishes supporting activities such as:
o A Program Management Office (PMO) b-I
o A Program Management Information System (PMIS)
o A Program Management knowledge system
o Program Management audit support
o Program Management education and training activities
d- f
c How is the governance of program components organized?
The program manager and the program team often have a sirnilor governance function for
program components. The relationship between the program Governance board and the
program is usually similar to the relationship between the program management team and the QUE

component projects even if, in some rare cases, the Governance board may like to have direct
control over components. You
is 01
European 'cultural differences' proc
In Continental Europe, program managers have a cooperative role: they are often only in charge of
asking for decisions to be made by the Governance board and executing the program according
to the guidance provided. This posture is often due to a weak balanced weighted matrix of
responsibilities within Continental European organizations, where functional managers and 0- TI
respective directors have much more power than the program manager.
b- T
In US and UK management cultures, the program manager is often seen as THE boss throughout the prog
whole of the performing organization. In this case the program managers are supervised by
executive management (or by the steering board) which empowers them to set-up, execute, c- TI
control and close the program in order to drive the ultimate delivery of targeted benefits. prog

Please keep in mind that most exam questions refer to the second type of organizations. o- n


@ Jean Gauix and Martial Sellee. not lor distribution, sale or reproductior-
e following list of sample questions related to 'Governance' will help you prepare for the exam.

Example Practice Questions

Question 1

In order to assess program performance against expected outcomes and planned benefits, the
program manager will prepare phase-gate reviews to be approved by the steering committee.
e, These phase-gate reviews are formal reviews. Periodic health checks are an additional means to
assessprogram performance. Also, on many programs, audits will be conducted to ensure that the
;). program delivers the expected results. What is NOT an appropriate action from the program
manager in preparation for the audits?

a- Impose a date for the audit

b- Document deviations from the approved processes

C> Document decisions that show how the program is managed

c- Follow the organization's approved processes for program management

1e Question 2
You are the program manager of a new line of breakfast cereals to be sold worldwide. The program
is organized as several projects, one per line of products which are adapted to their targeted
markets. This year, you have successfully completed the commercial launch of a number of new
products. You are asked by the governance board to initiate close-out activities related to these
projects so that operations can start. When performing program closure, an important activity is
documenting the lessons learned. According to the following statements, what BESTdescribes this
activity from the governance board point of view?
1d a- Thisis used by governance board members to refine their opinion of the program's performance

b- Thisis used by governance board members to compare your program with other programs in
1e progresswhich are similar to yours
e, c- Thisis used by governance board members to compare your program with other programs in
progresswhich are different from yours

d- Thishelps to support organizational best practices


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 3 QUE

A uniform set of program and project standards needs to be developed at program level in order to You
enforce efficiency and consistency throughout the program. According to the following options, pro!
which one MOST accurately describes these standards? effie
a- These standards shall be based on organizational standards only the,

b- These standards shall be based on industry standards only a-

c- These standards shall be based on both industry and organizational standards only
b- T
d- These standards shall be based on PMI® standards only
c- T
of y(
to fl
Question 4
try t<
There are several factors that may influence benefit realization: quality, stakeholders' engagement,
financial sourcing, market conditions, the political climate, etc. Another important factor is related to
risks. As a program manager, you have to regularly provide updated information related to program
risks to your governance board. Among the following choices, what BEST describes this updated

a- It provides all details on project risks and on component risks. It allows the governance board to
make decisions based upon the severity of the risks that are affecting the program and the

b- It gives the minimum but sufficient information related to existing and new risks so that the
governance board can understand whether or not strategic benefits are jeopardized within this

c- It mainly consists of program and project risk register updates

d- It mainly consists in updating the risk register and the stakeholder register


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution, sale or reproduction
) you have recently been appointed as program manager, and during the definition phase of your
program, you need to produce the detailed program management plan that will be needed to
efficiently provide strategic benefits to your organization. Your governance board also expects that
your program will enhance the performing organization's lessonslearned. According to you, what is
the MOSTefficient mean to maximize this enhancement?

0- To ask your sponsor what is already going on in the organization; after all, they know the
organization well enough to provide you with this overview

b- To perform a physical survey among key stakeholders and members of the governance board

c- To identify and apply existing lessonslearned; monitor how they perform throughout the life cycle
of your program, so that, after program closure, the board will really know how they are applicable
to future programs or as organizational improvements

d- To identify existing lessonslearned that could serve your program but, rather than applying them,
try to change and adopt them now. If these changes perform satisfactorily, then they could replace
the existing lessonslearned. Your efforts for improving the lessonslearned from scratch will make the
governance board very proud of you




© Jean Gouix and Marlial Bellec, not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Example Practice Questions - Answers
a- t
Question 1
b- Wrong answer! Before the
a- Correct answer! Imposing an audit date is rarely the best option!
audit. the program manager should document any deviation from the approved processes. c-
Wrong answer! For the audit. the program manager should document decisions that show how the
program is managed. d- Wrong answer! The program manager must follow the organization's
approved processes for program management (including processes for audit monoqernentl}.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Governance - Task 2 and standard page 65, section Pg/v

Question 2
a- I
a- No! The performance report that has been provided BEFOREprogram closure initiation is a better lesse
document for that, and should already contain all the performance information. Lessonslearned are con:
then extracted from the final performance report. b- No! The performance report that has been cnv:
provided BEFOREprogram closure initiation is a better document for that. c- No! The performance just (
report that has been provided BEFOREprogram closure initiation is a better document for that. you
d- Correct! This is the goal of this activity.
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Governance - Task 8, and standard page 88, section and page 76, section

Question 3

a- No! Industry based standards can also be considered. b- No! Organizational standards can also
be considered. These standards are defined internally to the organization and are a result of
organizational assets that may be applicable to this program. c- Correct! Industry and
organizational standards already include PMI® standards. d- No! Even if PMI®standards are good
practices, they may not fully reflect the organizational and industry standards that may be
applicable to this program. Therefore, they cannot be the only source of applicable standards.

PgMP® Examination Content Outfine 20 II/Governance - Task 1


© Jean Gouix and Martial Sellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
on 4

No! As program manager, you have to provide PROGRAM LEVELinformation to the governance
rd. You cannot only provide details but must also provide a proven analysis showing how risks
y impact the strategic objectives of your program. b- Correct! This is the only purpose of this
_c.",lJu, .... ument at governance board level. c- No, as program manager, you cannot provide details
=: only but must also supply a proven analysis showing how risksmay impact the strategic objectives of
Ie .vour program. Even if the riskregister provides an exhaustive description, it does not explain how risks
impact altogether the strategic benefits of your program. d- No! As program manager, you
Ie cannot only provide details but also must supply a proven analysis showing how risksmay impact the
)'S strategic objectives of your program. Even if the riskregister provides exhaustive descriptions, it does
not explain how risksimpact altogether the strategic benefits of your program.

m PgMf>® Examination Content Outline 20 1/ I Governance - Task6

Question 5

a- No! The sponsor will only give you incomplete information, please consider the repository of
er lessonslearned to do this. b- No! These people will only give you incomplete information, please
re consider the repository of lessons learned for this. c- Correct! d- No! Please do not change
::n anything which has been already proven to work for previous programs in your organization. You are
:e just creating the program management plan; do not reinvent the wheel at this stage, this will cause
at, you to waste time and will upset the governance board.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20/ I I Governance - Task9



© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Practice Test of 170 Questions
This practice test intends to put the PgMp® candidate in conditions as close as possible to +hose in
the actual PgMp® exam. You have 4 hours maximum to complete all the questions.
While doing this practice test, please note each answer on a separate blank sheet. inv.


Question 1 b-

One of the key responsibilities of any program manager is to correctly manage program berof s. In c- ,
order to do this, it is highly recommended that they identify metrics which will help the management
of benefits during the life of the program. Benefits management has a life cycle with phases that run
in parallel to program life cycle phases, with a close relationship between the two. During which
PHASEshould benefits metrics be defined and recorded?

a- During the benefits identification phase

b- During the program initiation phase

c- During the benefits analysis and planning phase
on c

d- During the benefits delivery phase

J struc

ii tele<
Question 2 abo
f pers
One of the key responsibilities of any program manager is to correctly manage program benefits. In
order to do this, it is highly recommended that they identify metrics which will help the management a- IV
of benefits during the life of the program. Benefits management has a life cycle with phases which
run in parallel to program life cycle phases, with a close relationship between the two. During one of
these phases, the program manager will identify benefits metrics in order to be able to measure the
r I b- IV
benefits when they will occur. Which DOCUMENT specifies the benefits metrics?

I c- tv

a- The program roadmap you \

b- The benefits realization plan f o- M

c- The governance plan

d- The benefits report


© Jean Gouix and Iv'.ariial Bellec. noi for distribution. sole or reproduction
stion 3

On your program, one key stakeholder is very active, participates in all planned meetings, provides
. needed inputs, on time, and with high quality data. The involvement of this stakeholder is very
'. important for the success of the program. Everything looks perfect, except the fact that he is very
In . negative with regard to the program itself. From the beginning this stakeholder has been against the
program. You discussed this fact with your program sponsor, but her reaction is more or less:"Don't
worry about hisattitude, he is known to be that way, there is nothing we can be do about it. Also, his
involvement in the program is a must." What is the IMMEDIATEaction you should take?

a- Talkto that stakeholder and ask him to change his attitude

b- Accept the sponsor's comment and pass the same information on to your project managers

In c- Accept the sponsor's comment and do nothing else. Thingsmay improve in the future
In d- Thinkabout the action you could take, step by step, to move him from an 'enemy' attitude to a
:h 'champion' one. Thismay not be easy, but you should at least try

Question 4

Your company is a major player in the field of telecommunications. Your company has embarked
on a major reorganization, and has decided to manage this initiative as a program. The program is
structured with three project managers and a PMO with four experts. The program iswell underway,
but for some reason, the program manager has left the company. Because of your experience in
similar programs in the past, management has selected you as the new program manager. You will
start working Monday morning to take over the program. You have a lot of experience in the field of
telecommunications and in managing restructuring programs, but you lack a lot of information
about this specific program. In order to start properly, you first want to meet the most appropriate
person or entity. What is the IMMEDIATEaction you should take?
nt a- Meet the PMO manager. After all, the PMO has a key role in the management of the program
of b- Meet the Customer. After all, they are the best positioned to tell you what they expect from the
1e program

c- Meet telecommunication experts. After all, you are also an expert in telecommunications and
you will understand one another

d- Meet the program sponsor. After all, they champion the program initiative


© Jean Gouix and Manial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Question 5 Qu

Your company is a major player in the field of telecommunications. Your company has embarked YOI,
on a major reorganization, and has decided to manage this initiative as a program. The program is bel
structured with three project managers and a PMO with four experts. The program is progressing prc
well, but for some reason, the program manager has left the company, Because of your experience Wh
in similar programs in the post, management has selected you as the new program manager. You
will start working Monday morning to take over the program. You have a lot of experience in the 0- I
field of telecommunications and in managing restructuring programs, but you lack information
about this specific program. You know what benefits the program is supposed to generate, and you
b- I
also know what metrics have been defined for each of the planned benefits. What is NOT an
appropriate tool to monitor those metrics and take corrective actions if necessary?

c- Y
a- Variance analysis

d- Y
b- Development of 'what-if-scenarios'

c- Critical chain

d- Simulation tools

its a
Question 6 initio
Your company is a major player in the field of telecommunications. Your company has embarked
on a major reorganization, and has decided to manage this initiative as a program. The program is 0- y.
structured with three project managers and a PMO with four experts. The program is well underway,
but for some reason, the program manager has left the company. Because of your experience in
similar programs in the past, management has selected you as the new program manager. You will
start working Monday morning to take over the program. You have a lot of experience in the field of
c- Yc
telecommunications and in managing restructuring programs, but you lock much information about
this specific program. At this moment, you only want to understand what the planned benefits of the
d- Yc
program are, regardless of when they may occur. Which DOCUMENT should you read in order to
answer that question?

a- The benefits realization plan

b- The program initiative

c- The benefits register

d- The benefits log


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellee, not for distribution, sale or reo:oduetion
stion 7

j You are the program manager of program X. Your program has been running for two years. All
IS benefits have been realized except one, but you believe that the conditions are met to close the
9 program. You prepare a presentation to the next board meeting in order to obtain their agreement.
e What is the BESTconvincing argument you should use?
e a- All benefits have been realized, so the program may be closed
u b- All benefits have not been realized, but you can prove that all necessary outcomes have been
n created to ensure that the missing benefit will be realized later on

c- You have developed a sustainment plan with the receiving organization

d- You can prove that all the closure conditions are met according to the program plan

Question 8

You are a program manager within a humanitarian organization. The program's target is to expand
its activities to new geographical regions. One of your project managers made the suggestion of
including a local small air line company in the program to optimize freight in his sub region. This
initiative could result in adding one more project into the existing program. What is the IMMEDIATE
action you should take?
is a- You accept and mandate the project manager to initiate this project
in b- You request the project manager to create a change request
c- You propose this to the next governance board meeting
d- You do nothing because this is a small project


© Jean Gouix and Manial Beliec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 9

You are a program manager within a humanitarian organization. This program targets to expand its
activities to new geographical regions. One of your project managers made the suggestion of
including a local small air line company in the program to optimize freight in his sub region. This
initiative could result in adding one more project to the existing program. The governance board pro;
rejected initiating the new project. What is the MOST probable cause of the board's refusal2 mon
a- One of the key sponsors was not consulted previously man
b- There are already too many projects in your program selec
c- The outcomes of this project were not sufficiently validated with respect to the organizational
strategy a- S
the r::
d- You did not sufficiently argue that this new project coherently impacts the architecture of the
program b- S1

c- Br
Question 10
d- In
Among the following options, in which order during the program life cycle are the following help i
approved: the charter, the program management plan, the mandate and customer sign off?

a- Charter, mandate, program management plan, customer sign off

b- Mandate, charter, program management plan, customer sign off
Your r
c- Customer sign off, mandate, charter, program management plan delive
d- Customer sign off, charter, mandate, program management plan

a- Me

b- Up,

c- Del

d- Ass
X, r or:


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellee, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
You are in charge of developing the program stakeholder engagement plan for your company's
program XYZ.As of today, only a few stakeholders have been identified, but you know that many
more are stillto be identified, including approximately ten subcontractors who will be involved ill the
execution of the program. You have previously worked on another program where the
management of stakeholders was poorly performed, and you do not want to see this happen
again. In order to develop the 'best' stakeholder engagement plan for your program, you want to
select the most appropriate tool. Among the following options, which one is the tool MOST
recommended for the development of the stakeholder engagement plan?

a- Stakeholder metrics, which is the preferred tool to track stakeholders' performance throughout
the program

b- Stakeholder analysis, which helps to gain a thorough understanding of stakeholders' needs and

c- Brainstormingsessionswith the initial program team members and identified stakeholders

d- Interpersonal techniques such as: negotiation, conflict management, and communication which
help resolve any issueimpacting upon the program's progress

Question 12

Yourprogram is made up of six projects: A B, C, X, Y. Z. Project Y is the most important, project X

deliversessential outcomes to project Y while project Z is of secondary importance. You have been
recently asked by your governance board to reduce your overall budget. You propose to group
projects A, Band C in one single project in order to reduce your infrastructure costs, making project
leader A take over the responsibility of project leaders Band C. Several board members disagree.
Whatisthe IMMEDIATEaction you should take?

0- Make sure that project leaders Band C are redeployed within the organization

b- Update the businesscase

c- Demonstrate that projects A, Band C have strong interdependencies

d- Assessto what extent merging projects A, Band C will impact upon the three remaining projects
X,Yand Z.


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for dislribution, sale or reproduction
Question 13 Quesl

Your program is made up of six projects: A B, C, X, Y, Z. Project Y is the most important, project X Your I
delivers essential outcomes to project Y while project Z is of secondary importance. You have been delivE
recently asked by your governance board to reduce your overall budget. You know that the skills epide
needed by project Z are quite similar to those needed by project X. According to following options, delay
what will be the MOST appropriate way to handle this situation? at pre
a- Reduce resources of project Z and reallocate them to project X
0- Or,
b- Reduce the overall resources and reallocate them evenly across the six projects
b- As:
c- Reduce resources of projects X and Z have i

d- Announce a delay during the next board meeting c- An

d- As~

Question 14

Your program is made up of six projects: A B, C, X, Y, Z. Project Y is the most important, project X Questi
delivers essential outcomes to project Y while project Z is of secondary importance. As project Y is
generating cash flow, the governance board asks you to accelerate it. What should be your next Appro
action? goverr
a- Transfer some resources from project Z to project Y goverr
b- Transfer some resources from project Z to project X goverr

0- ProG
c- Transfer some resources from project X to project Y
to ens.
d- Perform resource leveling across projects X, Y and Z

b- Pro~
to ensi,

Question 15
c- ProG
Your program is made up of six projects: A B, C, X, Y, Z. Project Y is the most important, project X
delivers essential outcomes to project Y while project Z is of secondary importance. There is a flu
d- Prog
epidemic in project team X and the project leader informs you that next the deliverables will be
to ens:
delayed by 2 weeks. What is the IMMEDIATEaction you should take?

a- Evaluate the impact of project X's delay on project Y

b- Close project Z and reallocate the resources to project X

c- Announce a delay during the next board meeting

d- Ask project manager X to issue a change request


© Jean Gouix and Martial Sellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
,your program is made up of six projects: A, B, C, X, Y, Z. Project Y is the most important, project X
essential outcomes to project Y while project Z is of secondary importance. There is a flu
epidemic in project team X and the project leader announces that the next deliverables will be
s. .• delayed by 2 weeks. These deliverables are part of outcome 1234 which is a major interim outcome
at program level. A gate review to authorize delivery to customer sign-off is scheduled within one
week. What is the IMMEDIATEaction you should take?

a- Organize an extraordinary board meeting to announce this delay

b- Assessthe impact of this delay on outcome 1234 against go/no-go decision criteria you already
have in place with your PMO

c- Announce a delay at the next board meeting

d- Ask project manager X to issuea change request

X Question 1 7
.xt Appropriate governance is a necessary ingredient in program management. Without proper
governance, it is highly probable that the program will fail. Would you like to sail across the Atlantic
Ocean without a skilled skipper and without adequate assistance in the case of difficulties? Program
governance may have various meanings and interpretations, but it covers several aspects
accepted by the majority of program management experts. What is the BESTdefinition of program

a- Program governance covers the tools, processes, procedures, roles and responsibilitiesnecessary
to ensure proper management of change requests and to achieve program goals in-line with the
planned benefits

b- Program governance covers the tools, processes, procedures, roles and responsibilitiesnecessary
to ensure proper delivery of planned and unplanned benefits

c- Program governance covers the systemsand methods by which a program and its strategy are
defined, authorized, monitored, and supported by its sponsoring organization
d- Program governance covers the tools, processes, procedures, roles and responsibilitiesnecessary
to ensure proper decision-making and delivery of management activities to make sure that
customer requirements are met


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Question 18 QUI

Your program has performed very well and all benefits are delivered. It delivered an important IT Pro!
component for the marketplace. You are preparing for the closure of the program with the program ber
team, as all outcomes have been signed off by the customer. However, in one of your customer's tho
business units, a bug is reported that may affect the yearly back up process. It is agreed that reiease ger
maintenance is done every 3 months. Your program close out meeting is in one week. According to
the following options, what will be the MOST appropriate way to handle this situation? 0- B

a- You delay the closure until the bug is fixed b- B

b- You keep the closure date as it is, report the bug to operations for the next release, and ask one c- B,
of the remaining experts to document a possible solution before the closure date
d- n
c- You keep the closure date as it is but negotiate with the functional managers that the team in
charge of correcting the bug will not be released until the bug is fixed

d- You delay the closure until the bug is fixed. You create a new release, and you insiall and Que
perform non regression tests in the business unit
Question 19 whic
the t
You are managing a program that is going well. The customer would like you to launch a new bene
project for an additional feature requested by one of their overseas affiliates. This feature is an
extension to the core product of the program but the customer has estimated the additionai cost a- T
and is ready to pay for it. The analysis you have made with the program team indicates that it is ecce
better to keep this feature in the existing component project A. According to the following options,
what will be the MOST appropriate way to handle this situation? 0- TI
a- You have authority over the architecture of your program, so you simply explain to the customer
that deciding to launch a project or not is your job c- n
b- Assess in detail whether a specific project is needed or not. propose this analysis to the
governance board and formally ask for more funds d- n
c- Initiate a new project and ask for extra funds to pay the project manager

d- This request was not stated in the core contraci, simply refuse it!


it· Jeon Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
tion 20

programs are undertaken to contribute to a company's strategic objectives and to generate

>ebenefits.In many situations, a well managed program helps to obtain benefits and a level of control
>thatare not available when projects are managed individually. What isTRUE about benefits that are
generated by a program?

0- Benefitsalways contribute to more than one company's strategic objective

b- Benefitsmust be tangible and measurable in financial terms

1e c- Benefitsneed to be sustained after the program is finished

d- The PMO is responsible for delivering the benefits


ld Question 21

Programs are undertaken to contribute to a company's strategic objectives, and to generate

benefits. In many situations, a well managed program helps to obtain benefits and a level of control
that are not available when projects are managed individually. Assume you manage a program for
which benefits have been identified and recorded in the benefits register. Now it is time to develop
the benefits realization plan which will guide benefits realization. Which answer isTRUE regarding the
3W benefits realization plan?
ost 0- The benefits realization plan is developed by the sponsor because they are ultimately
t is accountable for the program success
b- The benefits realization plan ensures that all the planned program outcomes are achieved
before the close of the program
c- The benefits realization plan ensures that all the planned benefits are realized before the
program finishes
d- The benefits realization plan identifies which processes and procedures should be used to
manage the program


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 22 Que

The identification and engagement of key stakeholders are necessary for the success of any you
program. Among the list of key stakeholders are the program sponsor and the program manager. rnor]
What is the CORRECT answer with regard to the prime responsibilities of the sponsor or of the cour
program manager? in cr
a- The progra m sponsor's prime responsibility is to provide resources and often ultimately .i char
delivering the benefits. The sponsor is also responsible for ensuring program success
a- D
b- The program sponsor's prime responsibility is to provide resources and to manage the program varia
gate reviews
b- VI
c- The program manager's prime responsibility is to manage the program according to the plan del iv.
and to keep stakeholders happy
c- A
d- The program manager's prime responsibility is to manage the component project managers and local
to make sure that they remain on time and within their allocated budget fundi

d- C
and \
Question 23

You are managing a program that will deliver a series of home automation sensors for the consumer
market. Your organization is a worldwide leader in the consumer industry, has R&D in several Ques
countries, marketing and sales in 52 countries and subcontracts their manufacturing. This program is
in charge of adapting the existing product line for customers in emerging and promising markets on You c
another continent. Your senior management thinks that this region will generate an approximate mark,
total increase of 50 M€ in cash flow during the next 5 years. You are now in the program formulation couni
subphase, defining the strategic objectives. What is the IMMEDIATE action you should take? in chc
a- Define the objectives, requirements and risks of the program according to the program mission, follow
the intended 50 M€ increase, the transformation limitations of your mganization, and the global
vision of the market a-Pe
to cd.
b- Assess how the Enterprise Organizational Factors and Organizational Process Assets can help your
program or need to be adapted to this new continent b- Cc
c- Elaborate on the business case received from the governance bomd by further estimating
mmket sales, costs and gross margin. Obtain agreement with sales and manufacturing c- Est
d- Meet the potential sponsors to know their program objectives
d- Ch


© Jean Gouix and Marjial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduciion
ion 24

are managing a program that will deliver a seriesof home automation sensorsfor the consumer
rket. Your organization is a worldwide leader in the consumer industry, has R&D in several
untries, marketing and sales in 52 countries and subcontracts their manufacturing. Thisprogram is
:':in charge of adapting the existing product line for customers in emerging and promising markets on
another continent. You are now in the formulation subphase, and you ore developing the program
)r charter. What isthe IMMEDIATEaction you should take?

0- Develop a general scope statement which will contain the program vision, local influences and
'.variables in order to facilitate global planning

b- Write a general scope statement to create the PWBS,in order to determine and plan program
in deliverables

c- Assessto which extent the PMISalready in place in your organization needs to be adapted to
local constraints such as: cost and organization's labor constraints, certification processes, R&D

d- Create a detailed scope statement which will contain the budget objectives, local influences
and variables in order to facilitate global planning

01 Question 25
)n You are managing a program that will deliver a seriesof home automation sensorsfor the consumer
te market. Your organization is a worldwide leader in the consumer industry, has R&D in several
on countries, marketing and sales in 52 countries and subcontracts their manufacturing. Thisprogram is
in charge of adapting the existing product line for customers in emerging and promising markets on
another continent. You are now involved in defining the strategic objectives. According to the
In, following options, what will be the MOSTappropriate way to handle this situation?
0- Perform a market survey of end usersby means of focus groups to properly identify local needs,
to address whether home automation isreally needed in this region, and how?
b- Consider how the local regulations demand an urgent change in the products themselves; the
existing products may have to be completely redesigned as well as the manufacturing process
C> Estimate sales volume, program costs and ROI, in order to obtain an initial approval of your


d- Check to what extent the consumer trends, the local climate in private and public trading and
the local R&D and sales skillsmay direct the new range of products and related benefits


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 26

You are in the definition phase of your program. Key benefits have already been identified, and you Que
are now developing the benefits realization plan which will provide detailed information about how
and when the benefits will be realized. This document will serve as the baseline for benefits You
management. In parallel to the benefits realization plan, you are also developing a risk register to are
capture identified risks,and you would like to link the two documents: the benefits realization plan cons
and the risk register. Which option is TRUEwith regard to the benefits realization plan and to the risk that
register? althc
a- There is no relationship between the two. They are completely separate very
you I
b- There is a strong relationship between the two. The risk register should specify how and when risk.\
component-level riskswill impact benefits
0- y,
c- There is a strong relationship between the two. The risk register may contain riskswhich impact
benefits realization b- y<

d- There is a strong relationship between the two. In fact, they should be merged into a single c- Yc
d- Yc
Question 27

As a program manager in your company, you know that benefits management is a key ingredient
of your program success. Even before your program was initiated, a group of executives from your Ques
company met several times in order to identify the key benefits that your program could produce.
Following those discussions,a list of identified benefits was established and recorded in a program
document. During the life of the program, you will use this preliminary list of expected benefits as the
basis for benefits management. During the program life cycle, what is the FIRSTdocument that I'
contains this preliminary list of expected benefits? .,

a- The program charter

b- The program road map

c- The program businesscase

d- The benefits realization plan

In this
Question 28
0- AB'
An effective program governance structure is a key element of success for any program. What is
NOTan element of an effective governance structure? b- AD

a- Responsibilitiesand accountabilities are clearly defined c- AD

b- Program governance is consistent with the organizational governance requirements d- AB(

c- Strategic alignment isrealized and benefits are delivered

d- All component issuesare resolved at component level


© Jean Gauix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
its '}you are managing a program which is well underway. The four component projects: A B, C and D
to ... '. are creating the required deliverables. The stakeholders at project level are well engaged and
m . consistently participate in the various projects' checkpoint meetings. For some reason. you realize
sk that at the program level, some key stakeholders seem not to attend the checkpoint meetings
although they are aware that their participation is required. Stakeholders have received a calendar
of the checkpoint meetings, but sometimes you have massive attendance, and on other occasions,
. very few stakeholders attend. You have the feeling that they do not attend on a regular basis, but
you really have no proof of that. You are concerned about that situation which puts the program at
risk.What did you overlook?

0- You did not send them an e-mail ahead of time telling them to attend the meeting
b- You did not give them a phone call ahead of time telling them to attend the meeting

lie c- You did not develop a stakeholder register

d- You did not establish stakeholder metrics in the stakeholder engagement plan

)ur Question 30
lot /
) B=15 I
-/~ (=10 I",

1~ F=6
-,t~ '--
\ -,

In this diagram, what are the critical path, critical path length, shortest path and shortest path
length, respectively?

0- ABCG, 53, AHG, 40

t is
b- ADEFG, 54, AHG, 39

c- ADEFG, 55, AHG, 40

d- ABCG, 54, AHG, 39


© Jean Gouix and Martial Sellec, not lor distribution. sale or reproduction
Question 31 Ques

Program planning activities mainly occur during the program definition phase. In reality, planning progr
activities occur during each phase of the program life cycle; for instance each phase must be octiv
correctly planned before being executed. Also, planning (or re-planning) activities should be corre
performed at key milestones of the program, such as gate reviews. Because of the extended perfo
duration of the majority of programs, there are additional milestones where plans should be revisited durat
and updated to ensure ongoing usefulness. This may NOT happen: and
a- At each component initiation
0- W
b- At each component closure
b- WI
c- Each time a new major risk is identified
c- WI
d- Each time the portfolio is modified
d- WI

Question 32
Program planning activities mainly occur during the program definition phase. But actually,
planning activities occur during each phase of the program life cycle; for instance each phase must The p
be correctly planned before being executed. Also, planning (or re-planning) activities should be 5tatin~
performed at key milestones of the program, such as gate reviews. Because of the extended report
duration of the majority of programs, there are additional milestones where plans should be revisited
and updated to ensure ongoing usefulness. You manage a program which spans four years. In What
which situation is it LEASTimportant for you to update the program plans?
0- YOI
a- When the steering committee asks you to release three key resources from your program
b- YOl
b- When a customer request to increase the program scope has been accepted
c- Yo
c- When a customer request to increase the program scope has been rejected inform

d- When the steering committee asks you to include one more component in your program d- Yo


© Jean Gouix and "/lartiai Bellec. not for distribution, sale or reproduction
g program planning activities mainly occur during the program definition phase. But actually, planning
e ctivities occur during each phase of the program life cycle: for instance each phase must be
Ie tly planned before being executed. Also, planning (or re-planning) activities should be
d performed at key milestones of the program, such as gate reviews. Because of the extended
d duration of the majority of programs, there are additional milestones where plans should be revisited
and updated to ensure ongoing usefulness. In which situation is it MANDATORY to update the
program plans?

a- When the Customer requests a major extension to the program scope

b- When the program is over three months late

c- When a program schedule change request has been accepted

d- When the measured quality of the program deliverables is below standard

Question 34
ist The program you are managing IS In good shape. However, your executive sponsor e-mails you
oe stating that you should urgently clear certain serious issues. She explains that a project manager
ed reported problems during an informal discussion. You were not aware of these problems before.
In What is the IMMEDIATE action you should take?

a- You should meet the project manager to understand more about this

b- You request that the sponsor explains the issues in detail

c- You meet the project manager, discuss the point and you ask him to never give this kind of
information again without informing yourself first

d- You should politely meet the sponsor, understand the reported issues, but ask her to never
interact directly again with the people you manage


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 35 Que

You are managing a program which is composed of three projects. You have weekly checkpoint You
meetings with your project managers. With the help of the PMO, you have standardized their city.
reporting format which makes the meetings more effective. Before the checkpoint meeting, you ask 31st.
each project manager to provide you with the status of key elements you have identified. The PMO July
then combines the information coming from the projects and from the program itself. What is the
MOST appropriate list of artifacts you will generate when monitoring and "q "':"0 a- 1i
performance of your program?
b- 0,
a- Program Performance reports and Forecasts
c- 0,
b- Benefits realization plan updates
d- 0
c- Change requests, stakeholder engagement reports, program roadmap and audit reports

d- Change requests, work results, stakeholders' feedback, program roadmap and the status of
team morale Ques

OK tc
Question 36 as its
You are in charge of a program for removing the waste produced in summer by the visitors , : vour I regro
city. The overall cost is 1 M€, Last year you had to remove the waste from June 1 st through August bene
31 st. However, the tourist office extrapolates from current bookings that visitors will only come f~om has it:
July 1st through July 30th, with a 95% probability. What is the schedule variance? BEST c

0- 1 month a- Dc

b- 2 months b- M
c- 3 months
c- Sei
d- Not enough information to answer and tr

d- Do


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
ion 37

are in charge of a program for removing the waste produced in summer by the visitors to your
. The overall cost is 1 M€. Last year you had to remove the waste from June 1 st through August
st. However, the tourist office extrapolates from current bookings that visitorswill only come from
Iy 1st through July 30th, with a 95% probability. What is the expected cost variance?

c- 0.33 M€

d-O M€


Program X has just finished program formulation, which means that the steering committee gave its
OK to proceed to the next subphase. A PMO has just been formed and you have been appointed
asits manager. Your role isto provide support to program X and to the project management teams.
Progr-omX is composed of three projects that were managed independently so far, and are now
)ur regrouped into a single program for better efficiency and convergence towards well-identified
ust benefits. The project managers have many years of experience in managing projects. Each project
)m hasits own way of working, using different processes, tools, procedures and templates. What is the
BEST option for the PMO to approach this situation?

a- Do nothing; project managers have a lot of experience, so why bother?

o- Meet each project manager to understand their rationale for using specific tools. Then you
choose the best tool and impose it on the others

c- Set up a meeting with the three project managers, have each one explain their project context
and then ask them to vote for a common approach

d-.Do everything possible to establish consistent and uniform standards across the program


© Jean Gouix and Martial Beliec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 39 QL

You are managing a program that has about thirty stakeholders, six of whom are identified as 'key ThE
stakeholders' because you need their deep involvement for the success of the program. You are Thi~
developing the stakeholder engagement plan, and you want to make sure that key stakeholders thE
remain engaged during the whole length of the program. In order to avoid a potential crisis, you pre
want to be able to measure their attendance at meetings, measure participation trends and we
identify root causes of non-participation. What is the BESTaction you should take?
a- Develop attendance lists for the meetings, ask that they be filled in by those present 01 each reg
meeting, and create attendance trend curves
b- Develop the stakeholder register which will contain the list of key stakeholders
c- Develop a stakeholder map which will visually represent the stakeholders' interactions
d- 1
d- Develop stakeholder metrics which will allow the tracking of stakeholders' attendance and
involvement in the program


Question 40 You
You are managing a program that has about thirty stakeholders, six of whom are identified as 'key that
stakeholders' because you need their deep involvement for the success of the program. Some of may
the key stakeholders are remotely located, and English is not their mother tongue. You know that 011 Ace
have different expectations. You are aware of the importance of communicating with them, and in
order to properly manage their expectations, you want to make sure you use adequate tools and 0- E
techniques. What is the MOST appropriate list of Tools and Techniques for this purpose?
b- C
a- Negotiation, conflict resolution, meetings, and active listening
c- G
b- Negotiation, conflict resolution, face to face discussions, and active listening
d- Y,
c- Negotiation, conflict resolution, and communication deck

d- Negotiation, conflict resolution, communication, and dispute management


@Jean Gauix and Martial Sellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction

e Executive President of your organization has to assign a program manager to a new program.
. program is spread over several countries and will need to be operated by virtual teams most of
. e time. He will use a matrix of criteria, weighted to compare and choose the most adequate
manager. Among the following options, which factor will receive the MOST important

0- The program manager will speak fluently in at least two common languages used throughout the
.h regionswhere the program operates

b- The program manager will originate from the corporate country

c- The program manager will have advanced interpersonal skills

d- The program manager will have vast experience in program management


Question 42

Youare currently in the definition phase of program ABeD. When establishing the benefits realization
plan, interdependencies between the benefits have been thoroughly analyzed and it is now clear
~y that all benefits will be realized before program closure. However, a key external stakeholder who
of may be positively impacted by the program is not really convinced that this will be the case.
Jil According to the following options, what will be the MOSTappropriate way to handle this situation?
ld 0- Explain the plan again; everything is nicely scheduled and interdependent, so do not worry

b- Go back to your program team and establish metrics that satisfy this external stakeholder

c- Go back to your program team and establish metrics that satisfy all stakeholders

d- You understand that the benefits may be not as positive as this stakeholder would like. You thus
decide to enhance the quality of the intended benefits


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Question 43 Que

You are the program manager of program B which has obtained permission to proceed and has You
successfully passed the program formulation subphase. Resources are scarce in your company, but of y(
the program is vital. You realize that the constraints imposed on available in-house resources are one gen(
of the major problems you will have to face. Most resources in the company are being used for seve
program A which is even more vital than program B. Not only does program A have many more risk II
resources being used on their program. but it also has critical skill sets needed on your program. You requ
are aware of the fact that, because of budgetary constraints, your company will not accept nove
resources from outside. You prepare a presentation to the governance board to explain the therr
situation and you are developing a list of options for the board. Among the following options, which KPls~
one is the BESTfit for your program?
0- \t\
a- Propose that program A subcontracts part of the job in order to release some of the resources
currently on program A which could then move to program B b- 'Iv

b- Propose that you audit program A to see if resources are being utilized efficiently enough. If not, c- E\
program B could get the underutilized resources from program A
d- 0
c- Propose to slow down program A. This could at least temporarily release some resources and
these could move to program B

d- Propose to work with your colleague, the manager of program A. in order to see if synergies Ques
could be identified between the two programs, and whether resources can be distributed differently
between the two programs
You c
of yo
well u
Question 44 you b
You are managing program X which is composed of four projects: A. B, C and D. From the beginning reosoi
of your program, you have been extremely sensitive to the fact that program outcomes must
generate benefits which are in line with the strategic objectives of your company. One KPI you have
defined for the program relates to the component project deliverables which must be produced on
time, and with the required quality level. At one program checkpoint, project manager C reports a b- Tel
potential delay expected on a key project deliverable. If the delay occurs, it will impact one major
program objective. Project manager C says that the expected delay of the deliverable is due to the
c- Re
potential late delivery of a piece of test equipment from an outside vendor. After discussing with
project manager C. you find out that no real commitment was ever given from the vendor on the
delivery date of this test equipment. What is the BESTaction for you to take?
d- Re
a- Ask project manager C to update the contract with the vendor with an urgent delivery date

b- Ask project manager C to immediately contact the vendor and explain to him the critical nature
of the situation

c- Pick up the phone yourself and give the order to the vendor to immediately provide the test

d- Inform the steering committee about the situation


@Jean Gouix and Martial Sellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
JS u are managing program X which is composed of four projects: A, B, C and D. From the beginning
ut your program, you have been extremely sensitive to the fact that the program outcomes must
Ie ,,~""",...n,::>rrtte
benefits which are in line with the strategic objectives of your company. You have defined
or ral KPls which are well known and accepted by your project managers. Those KPls relate to the
re level of the projects, to 'not to exceed costs', to the delivery dates, and also to the minimum
)u 'required quality levels. All KPls are defined with a range or tolerance level. Your project managers
pt have included the KPls in their project management plans and they know they will need to track
Ie ,.them and report to you about their status. WHEN do you expect your project managers to report on
:h ..KPlsstatus?

0- When KPls are not met

b- When KPls are outside their defined tolerance

)t, c- Every week, or once a month depending on the nature of the project

d- Only before meeting the steering committee for a formal review

es Question 46
You are managing program X which is composed of four projects: A, B, C and D. From the beginning
of your program, you have been extremely sensitive to the fact that program outcomes must
generate benefits which are in line with the strategic objectives of your company. The program is
well underway, but you realize that many risks identified on the component projects are reported to
you by your project managers who expect you to handle them. You keep saying that it is not your
responsibility to handle project related risks, but your project managers seem to always find a good
Ig reason to ask you to handle such risks. What is the IMMEDIATE action you should take?
ve 0- Check the project risk registers in order to see if those risks are logged correctly
b- Tell your project managers that you will only accept high priority risks
c- Refuse to handle these risks and tell your project managers that this must not occur again in the

d- Review the risk escalation procedures to see if they are up to date, and reinforce the risk
escalation rules given to your project managers




© Jean Gauix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Question 47 Ques

The local authorities have decided to build a highway between two large cities. Several bridges also
need to be built. A business case has demonstrated the pertinence of the program. A large
construction program is launched and is forecast to last approximately four years. You have been
selected as its sponsor. During the definition phase of the program, and with the help of the local
authorities, you need to define its financial framework. What are the MOST COMMON funding
models used to create the financial framework? .-

a- Funded entirely within a single organization, funded within multiple organizations, funded and
managed entirely from outside the parent organization, and supported only by external sources of

b- Managed within a single organization but funded separately, funded and managed entirely
from an inside organization, and supported with only internal sources of funding

c- Funded entirely within a single organization, managed within a single organization but funded
separately, funded and managed entirely from outside the parent organization, and supported with In this
internal and external sources of funding
a- AB
d- Managed within a single organization but funded separately, funded and managed entirely
from outside the parent organization, and not supported with internal and external sources of b- A[
c- AH

Question 48

The local authorities have decided to build a highway between two large cities. Several bridges also
need to be built. A business case has demonstrated the pertinence of the program. A large GJesti
construction program is launched and is forecast to last approximately four years. You have been
selected as its sponsor. The program will need to have a financial plan, but before that, during the
definition phase of the program, and with the help of the authorities, you need to define its financial
framework. What is the MAIN purpose of a program financial framework?

a- The program financial framework is the only input used to develop the program financial plan
b- It defines and describes the program funding flows in such a way that the money is spent as
efficiently as possible

c- It provides the program manager with a plan to coordinate available funding under known

d- It takes into account the various potential funding sources in order to create a viable financial
plan Forthe

0- ADC

b- ADE

c- Acti


© Jean Gouix and Martial Beilec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
stion 49

(=10 k",
\ ,
D=12 H,___E=___.5 [-1 F=6
1d '. ,


th In this diagram, what is the critical path?

of o- ADEFG

c- AHG


de Question 50

B=15 .~
I~" -,
/ ///

r~ E=5
I i F=6
L~ G=20 }-+

For the above diagram, which statement is TRUE?

0- ADCG is the longest path

b- ADEFG is the critical path

c- Activity C is on the critical path

d- AHG is the shortest path and is the critical path


© Jean Gouix and Maniol Bellec, not for distribution, sole or reproduction

Question 51 you

/1 B=15 1- -.- •. ~
(=10 f, proG

.. 'I
D=12 f(~

E=5 F=6
t~ G=20 l-~

a- H

b- n-
"i H=12 ~//._/
c- H'

In this diagram, if D duration becomes 15, what are the critical path, critical path length, ~hol lest c- Th
path, and float on the shortest path, respectively?

a- ABCG, 53, AHG, 14

b- ADEFG, 54, AHG, 14
You c
c- ADEFG, 55, AHG, 13 bea I

d- ABCG, 54, AHG, 13 huma
Question 52

You have been managing a program over the last four years. All the component projects have
been properly closed. You have monitored the realization of the benefits during the life of the
program. According to the plan, some benefits have produced their strategic expectations during
the life of the program, and some do this much later, after the program is closed. You are now b- YOl
thinking about closing the program. You present the program status to the steering committee, and sustair
based upon your statements, the steering committee recommends that the program be closed- repres
However, you are not certain exactly when the benefits are scheduled to occur. WHERE is this
information documented? c- YOl
a- In the benefits management plan
b- In the transition plan

c- In the benefits realization plan

d- In the program business case


@ Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction

have been managing a program over the last four years. All the component projects have
properly closed. You have monitored the realization of the benefits during the life of the
ram. According to the plan, some benefits have been realized during the life of the program,
nd some will occur much later, after the program is closed. You are now thinking about closing the
ram. You present the program status to the steering committee and, based upon your
',statements, the steering committee recommends that the program be closed, The steering
committee wants to understand how you plan to transfer the responsibilities to operations. Which
document BEST describes this?

a- The benefits transition report

b- The program transition plan

c- The benefits realization plan

'st d- The program transition report

Question 54

Youare preparing a program charged with developing a set of new ITtechnologies that promises to
be a great businessdevelopment opportunity within your organization. Thisprogram is located in the
corporate division that groups together a number of other corporate functions including: finance,
human resources, the strategic board, and corporate marketing. The intention is to spread the
benefits of your program over the entire organization that consistsof 5 businessdivisionsoperating in
more than 50 countries and split into 3 geographical zones. You have created the high level
roadmap but failed to obtain formal approval from your executive sponsor. What is the MOSTLIKELY
reason that the approval was denied?

a- The milestones and high level costs identified all major road blocks but did not contain sufficient
details per country
IW b- You did not identify integration needs and scenarios to make sure that the benefits will bring
1d sustained business development for the 5 businessdivisions and the 3 geographical zones which
d. represent the majority of the countries
c- You did not identify integration needs and scenarios to make sure that the benefits will bring
sustained businessdevelopment for the 50 countries

d- You did not identify the skillsand resources needed by each of the 50 countries


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 55 Qu

You are preparing a program in charge of developing a set of new IT technologies that promises to YOL
be a great business development opportunity within your organization. This program is located in the reti
corporate division that groups together a number of other corporate functions including: finance, pe<
human resources, the strategic board, and corporate marketing. The intention is to spread the red
benefits of your program over the entire organization that consists of 5 business divisions operating in ace
more than 50 countries and split into 3 geographical zones. You have thoroughly evaluated
corporate capabilities to define and validate the benefits with the functional managers. However, a-
there are still board members objecting that this is not yet complete. What did you do WRONG?
a- You did not evaluate whether the individual budgets of the functional managers fit your program sin~

b- You did not spend sufficient time with the managers to gain their confidence c-
c- You did not fully assess the capability of the staff and other necessary resources (test equipment,
software tools) to provide your program's expected benefits d- .
d- The human resource incentive plan is not attractive enough to get resources from the functional


Question 56 YOUI

You are preparing a program in charge of developing a set of new ITtechnologies that promises to peo
be a great business development opportunity within your organization. This program is located in the redt
corporate division that groups together a number of other corporate functions including: finance, ccc
human resources, the strategic board, and corporate marketing. The intention is to spread the choi
benefits of your program over the entire organization that consists of 5 business divisions operating in
more than 50 countries and split into 3 geographical zones. You have prepared an initial charter a- S
that proposes high level costs, milestones and an overall schedule as well as the expected benefits. qual
What is the NEXTaction you should take? proc

a- Propose this charter to the governance board in order to receive formal authorization to further b- Y
proceed with program preparation the il

b- Introduce this charter also to the stakeholders of lesser importance so that all really come on c- Y,
board to join the program

c- Get the governance board to come together and organize a kick off meeting

d- Develop a detailed business case per country


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellee, not lor distribution, sale or reproduction
stion 57

) Your organization operates energy plants in ten countries. You are leading the program in charge of
:; refurbishing the energy-producing plants with the new ABCXYZtechnology. Thiswill address the local
people's important concerns and make your organization more socially acceptable: but it will
::; reduce the overall business profits. Some board members have told you that this profit cut is not
'1 acceptable. What isthe NEXTaction you should take?
r, a- You acknowledge this and try to minimize your budget so that long term ROIincreases

b- You decide to put in place a rigorous earned value methodology to demonstrate that every
'1 single cent spent on your program will be efficient

c- You design earned value metrics that combine both the financial and non-financial metrics of
your program. On this basis, you will be able to show that profit will increase in the long term

d- You design a slide presentation for the next board meeting explaining that if the social aspects
are not taken into account. profit will disappear anyway

Question 58

Your organization operates energy plants in ten countries. You are leading the program in charge of
refurbishing the energy-producing plants with the new ABCXYZtechnology. Thiswill address the local
:0 people's important concerns, and make your organization more socially acceptable: but it will
18 reduce the overall business profits. Some board members have told you that this profit cut is not
e, acceptable and that the resultant social gain is not clearly demonstrated. Among the following
18 choices, what is the WORSTcourse of actions you took that explains this situation?
er a- Social concerns were not really analyzed and mapped against state-of-the-art environmental
ts. quality standards. Therefore you did not really define tangible metrics to show how greatly your
program improves social acceptance

er b- You neglected to rigorously demonstrate that the profit cut is unambiguously compensated by
the increase in social acceptance

)n c- You spent too much effort on technical actions related to refurbishment

d- You spent too little effort on informing the population that your program is good for it


© Jean Gouix and Manial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Question 59 Que

Your organization operates energy plants in ten countries. You are leading the program in charge of GOV(
refurbishing the energy-producing plants with the new ABCXYZ technology. This will address the local exec
people's important concerns, and make your organization more socially acceptable; but it will from
reduce the overall business profits. Some board members have told you that this profit cut is not char
acceptable. What should you say in your reply to them? prole
a- The program is a careful balance of tangible financial results and non-financial benefits. to all
Jeopardizing this balance may break the whole business in the long term tearr

b- I will minimize the introduction of ABCXYZ technology in order to increase profit and I will try to a- Tc
convince the local population
b- Tc
c- I will implement the new ABCXYZ technology to all ten countries because all business, however
small, is good for our company c- T(
d- I will launch a project in order to assess the business increase by expanding ABCXYZ technology
in five new countries d-Tc

Question 60 Ques

Governance of the program you manage is working well and is composed of 13 people: the The p
executive sponsor, the program director, 5 project managers, the PMO officer, 4 representatives progr
from the external stakeholders and yourself. The steering board is reviewing program financials, but have
several questions are raised on the presence of too many constraints that are not explicitly defined prOCE
at the program level. In reality, the program has complex financial sourcing that mixes public and reviev
private funds. Which one of the following is NOT a typical output of the 'Program financial qualit
framework establishment' activity? in ord
a- Program funding sources
b- Program financial framework
b- ThE
c- Business case updates
c- Exr
d- Updates to the communications management and stakeholder engagement plans


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
overnance of the program you manage is working well and is composed of 13 people: the
II cutive sponsor, the program director, 5 project managers, the PMO officer, 4 representatives
-,.sosc, nom the external stakeholders and yourself. The steering committee recently rejected one of the
II .,

t .. change requests that you had submitted for approval. Thischange request has been written by 2
t managers and yourself, to extend the budget to hire new people for the development of an
additional range of products that shows good businesspotential. Thisnew idea was communicated
to all team members and the sponsor agreed with it, but now, disappointment is growing within the
team. What did you FORGET?

a- To include the 3 other project managers in the writing of the change request

b- Tojustify the businesscase for this new range of products

c- To discuss and negotiate with the external stakeholders about their position regarding the
d- To mention this change request as a hot topic on the board's agenda

Question 62

:; The program you are managing spans three years. Phase-gate reviews are recommended to assist
,s program control and management, as well as to facilitate governance. Phase-gate review dates
It have been defined and you are aware that you need to show evidence that the program can
j proceed to the next phase. Your program just finished the program definition phase. Phase-gate
j reviews provide an opportunity to assessthe program with respect to a number of strategic and
II quality related criteria. During the gate review, the steering committee will look at some key criteria
in order to agree or not to proceed to the next phase. What is NOT mandatory when exiting this

a- Component projects are initiated in order to meet program objectives

b- The program governance structure isestablished

c- Expected benefits are in line with the program businesscase

d- The risklevel remains acceptable to the organization


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Question 63 Questi

The program you are managing spans three years. Your program is composed of four projects: A B, Any pr
e and D. A total of six benefits are expected from the program. All projects have generated the progrc
expected deliverables, except project B which only produced one deliverable out of a total of four. PMO,
Because of major technical problems, it is very unlikely that project B will produce its remaining standc
deliverables. During todoy's steering committee, you explained that only four benefits will be neces:
provided out of a total of six expected, and the steering committee has thus recommended 11101 isused
the program be closed. What is the IMMEDIATE action you should toke?
0- De

a- Discuss the situation with the steering committee and convince them not to close the program goverr
until the two remaining benefits ore realized phase-

b- Ask project manager B to accelerate and produce the remaining deliverables which wei '_;' b- De
committed scheot

c- Ask the steering committee the reason for their request to close the program while two benefits c- Def
ore missing govern,
d- Proceed to program closure as required by the steering committee
d- Defil

Question 64

You are managing program X which is composed of four projects: A B, and D. From the beginning e Questio
of your program, you have been extremely sensitive to the fact that program outcomes must
generate benefits in line with the strategic objectives of your company. The program is well In order
underway, but you realize that several opportunities emerge that your program could toke progran
advantage of. You believe that more benefits could be generated if these opportunities ore well These pi
managed. According to your estimate, one of your projects, project C. could handle one checks
opportunity, and a new project could handle three other emerging opportunities. What is the checks?
IMMEDIATE action you should toke?
0- Gate
0- Immediately find a project manager for the new project and propose the name to the steering
committee for approval b- Both,

b- Update your benefits realization plan and show it to the steering committee for approval c- Both
c- Find a way to update the program business case in order to validate these opportunities before
updating the plans d- Healtl

d- Tell project manager e that she will increase her scope of responsibilities by including a new
opportunity in his project


~ Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sole or reproduction

B, program needs to have an appropriate governance structure in order to perform correctly. The
.',OJi~r"',rlrt..,rn governance structure includes people such as the program manager, the sponsor, the
Jr. 0, etc. who will be involved in the various phases of the program using policies, procedures,
Ig ndards that are derived from company assets. The governance plan should provide all the
)e ssary information related to the execution of the governance process. Once defined, this plan
Jt isused during the program life cycle. Which is the BESTlist of governance plan ingredients?

0- Definitions of individual roles and responsibilities, structure and composition of the program
m .;governance board, stakeholder engagement plan, component initiation criteria and planned
phase-gate reviews

re b- Definitions of individual roles and responsibilities, high level governance plan and meeting
schedules, financial model, and periodic "health checks"

its c- Definitions of individual roles and responsibilities, structure and composition of the program
governance board, governance goals summary, planned phase-gate reviews, and periodic "health

d- Definitions of individual roles and responsibilities, PWBS,structure and composition of the program
governance board, governance goals summary, planned phase-gate reviews

Question 66
ell In order to assess program performance against expected outcomes and planned benefits, the
<e program manager will prepare phase-gate reviews to be approved by the steering committee.
ell These phase-gate reviews are complemented by periodic health checks. Gate reviews and health
1e checks are different in nature. What is the MAIN difference between gate reviews and heath
1e checks?

0- Gate reviews are planned ahead of time while health checks are performed when needed
b- Both gate reviews and health checks are formally planned ahead of time

c- Both gate reviews and health checks do not need to be scheduled ahead of time, only when
d- Health checks are planned ahead of time while gate reviews are performed when needed


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Question 67 Que

The program manager should be aware of the Enterprise Environmental Factors (EEF) which may Durir
influence the overall management of the program. What is a CORRECT list of Enterprise repre
Environmental Factors? and I

a- Business environment, funding, program organization, regulatory, ond economy
a- n
b- Business environment, geographic diversity, PMO, and technology,
b- n
c- Legislative, regulatory, industry, and market
c- Th
d- Legislative, program manager, component project managers, and regulatory

Question 68
Environmental Analysis may be used to assess the validity of the business case and program plan.
What is a CORRECT list of Environmental Analyses which may be performed by the program You a
manager? delive
with 0
a- Comparative advantage analysis, feasibility studies, and PMIS in oth.
b- Comparative advantage analysis, feasibility studies, mandate and SWOT analysis
0- Ask
c- Feasibility studies, SWOT analysis, assumptions analysis, and historical information
b- Do
d- Feasibility studies, SWOT analysis, Critical chain, and historical information
c- Ask

d- Infc
Question 69

Programs may be undertaken for a number of reasons. What is the PRIMARY objective of any
program? Questic

a- Coordinate the management of several projects in order to be more efficient You or

b- Manage and optimize project interdependencies 5takehc

c- Generate benefits which are in line with the strategic objectives

0- Ask
when lis
d- Generate benefits which are in line with customer expectations

b- Mee

c- Mee

d- Meet


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bel!ec. not for distribution, sale or reproduction
the program definition phase, you develop the program roadmap, which is a chronological
ion of the program's intended direction. The program roadmap bridges businessstrategy
key program activities. From the list of options, which is the KEY INPUTused to develop the
m roadmap?

The program charter

Thesponsor recommendation

c- The program mandate

d- The program scope statement

Question 71

Youare managing program X which has several component projects. Project A has generated all its
deliverables according to planned EYM values but now has difficulties in closing its procurements
with one contractor, although all contract clauses have been fulfilled. Thiscontractor is also involved
in other components of the program without any problem. According to the following options, as
program manager, what isthe MOSTappropriate way to handle this situation?

a- Askfor project A closure and try to resolve remaining procurement issuesat program level

b- Do not ask for project A closure until all procurement issuesare resolved

c- Askfor project A closure and call your legal department to open a dispute with the contractor

d- Inform your program governance board that a major problem has occurred with one contractor

Question 72

You are preparing for on important governance board meeting. This meeting will review the
performance of the program so for. A board member has informed you that on important
stakeholder XYZ is very satisfied whereas another board member reports that another important
stakeholder ABC is not satisfied at all. What is the IMMEDIATEaction you should toke?

a- Ask XYZto meet ABC and share why she is so happy. You expect that ABC will change his mind
when listening to XYZ

b- Meet ABC and explain why XYZis happy

c- Meet ABC, listen carefully to his concerns, and put on agenda item at the next board meeting to
introduce consistent mitigation of these concerns

d- Meet ABC, listen carefully to his concerns, and provide some answers directly to him


© Jean Gouix and Martial Sellee, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 73 Que

Program governance ensures that benefits are realized in conjunction with the strategic objectives Your
of the organization. Governance is composed of a full range of stakeholders: executive sponsor, plac
program director, project managers, program manager, PMO and project teams. Among the of th
following options, which is the MOST recommended

and progress against the expected

Establishing formal gate reviews

technique to be used in order to assess ongc\ing
outcomes of the program?
, and
you \
key r,
b- Defining

c- Planning

d- Planning
the timing and objectives

of periodic

of periodic


of external audits

that have to be formally

that have to be organized


when needed
in the program roadmap I

a- D,

b- TE
Question 74

Among the following options, which one is the MOST typical planning technique used to guarantee
that all costs of conformance and of nonconformance will be incurred at program level?

d- Tal
a- Cost of Quality (COQ)

b- Earned Value Method

c- Return Oil Investment

You ar
d- Net Present Value
A, Bar
Question 75 may n
Your program deals with many vendors and most of them will be common to several of your now a
program's constituent projects. You have consequently decided to manage procurement at the hondle
program level rather than at project level. You have assigned one procurement expert in your PMO
to manage all procurements on your behalf. This PMO expert has developed the procurement 0- Tak
management plan, and is now conducting procurements, As of today, not all vendors have been months
selected, and no contract has been signed with any of them. When conducting procurements, the
PMO expert will generate several outputs. Which is the CORRECT list of these outputs?
b- Ask
a- Performance/earned value reports, request for quote (RFQ), awarded contracts, program realizat
procurement plan, and quality checklists
c- Imn
o- Performance/earned value reports, invitation for bid (IFB), program budget updates, request for interest(
road map, and program procurement standards
d- Ask r
c- Proposal evaluation criteria, awarded contracts, contracts management plan, and request for Possible
proposals (RFPs) benefit I

d- Request for quote (RFQ), request for proposals (RFP), awarded contracts, and program !(,:<>- m


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproouc tion
ion 76

company is in the process of reorganizing its marketing channels and has decided to put in
r. e a program to manage this major change in the organization. You are the program manager
e this highly strategic program. You have identified the key stakeholders in the stakeholder register
nd you have performed a stakeholder analysis that provides information about stakeholders'
, attitudes with regard to the program. From your analysis, some stakeholders will have a positive
'[>attitude; some will certainly have a negative attitude. Once your program is underway, you find that
you were right in your analysis, as one key stakeholder, a functional manager who provides several
key resources to your program, shows negative attitudes during checkpoint meetings. During the last
.: meeting, this manager said they will soon withdraw their resources from the program, What is the
IMMEDIATE action you should take?

a- Do nothing because you definitely need those key resources, and you do not want them to be
taken off the program

b- Tell this functional manager that because they agreed to provide your program with those key
resources,they can't say anything

e c- Talkto this functional manager and explain the importance of having their support

d- Talkto the program sponsor and explain the situation

Question 77

You are managing a software development program which has four projects: A B, C and D. Projects
A, Band C are in charge of developing various software modules and project D mainly performs test
activities for the other three projects. You have regular checkpoint meetings with the four project
managers, both on an individual basis, and during group sessions.During one checkpoint meeting,
project manager D reports a major riskthat appeared recently on her project. One of her suppliers
may not be able to deliver the test equipment on time; it may be two months later than originally
planned. If this happens, it will jeopardize test sessionsthat are planned to start in one week from
ur now and may delay the creation of the planned benefit by two months. What is the BESTway to
1e handle the situation?
nt a- Take corrective action and modify the benefits realization plan to take into account the two
sn months delay. Plans must reflect reality
b- Ask project manager D to immediately contact the supplier and work on an alternate solution if
possible.You should also inform the steering committee about the two months delay in the benefit
m realization

c- Immediately inform the steering committee about the two months delay. They are most
or interested in benefit realization

d- Ask project manager D to immediately contact the supplier and work on an alternative solution if
or possible.You should also look at the plan to see what will be the consequence of the delay on the
benefit realization


© Jeon Gouix and Manial Bellec, not for distribution, sole or reproduction
Question 78 Quest

You are managing a software development program which has four projects: A, B, C and D. Projects You a
A, Band C are in charge of developing various software modules and project 0 mainly performs test meetir
activities for the other three projects. You have regular checkpoint meetings with the four project Meetil
managers, both on an individual basis, and during group sessions. The meetings with your project argue
managers are going well, but it appears that project teams spend a lot of time discovering already little b
known problems and correcting them. The same problems seem to pop up again and again in You re
each project and across projects, week after week. Each project manager seems to forget who] You in
happened the previous week in their project and in the other projects. You want to understand the discus:
reason for this problem and you want to fix it. What is the MOST PROBABLE source of this problem?
a- There is no proper PM IS database in place in the program, which makes life difficult for the
projects b-Coi

b- The PMO is not playing his support role which involves collecting information from the project c- Infll
d- Act
c There is not a correct feedback process in place to capture lessons learned from the projects

d- Your project managers have neither read nor signed the communication plan

The pre
Question 79 rocket
You are managing a software development program which has four projects: A, B, C and D. Projects what is
A, Band C are in charge of developing various software modules and project 0 mainly performs test
activities for the other three projects. You have regular checkpoint meetings with the four project 0- In th
managers and with the PMO. The projects are progressing with difficulty. Project execution is deliver
complex, more complex than anticipated. Project members have little experience in their jobs and
project managers spend a lot of time helping and counselling them. Two project managers report
the fact that some of their members are showing a lack of motivation. Project managers ask you for
recommendations about what to do to help project team members perform better. The program
c- This i
PMO is experienced in software development. What is the BESToption for you to take?
direct n

a- Ask the PMO to develop a training course on software programming development for the project d- A ro
team members payloac
the tecr
b- Move PMO members to project teams in order to speed up software development

c- Hire an outside consultant to coach, train or mentor according to needs

d- Ask the PMO to perform an assessment of the situation and to recommend an action plan


© Jean Gouix and Martial seuec. no! for distribution, sale or reproduction

are managing a program which has four projects: A, B, C and D. You have regular checkpoint
with the four project managers, both on an individual basis, and during group sessions.
·.····'v'r:r; ings are going well with all of them, except with project manager D who has a tendency to
..' argue and disagree with most of your remarks. Project managers A, Band C have started to be a
little bit nervous with their colleague who is creating a climate of discomfort in the program team.
you realize that the situation has become difficult and you want to understand what is happening.
You invite project manager D for a discussion in your office. You want to get the best out of the
discussion.What skillshould you exercise MOSTduring the discussion?

a- Leadership

b- Conflict resolution

c- Influencing

d- Active listening

Question 81

The program you are managing ISIn charge of designing, building and delivering a new space
rocket to an important government agency. Even if it seems that this is a project, a program is
needed in this case because it belongs to the space industry. According to the following options
s what is the BEST
reason for having a program instead of a project?
:t a- In this industry, it often happens that funds are not all available from day 1.Therefore you need to
is deliver interim benefits to the contractor so that you obtain funds according to major outcomes

·t b- A program is needed because normally a rocket costs several tens of millions of Euros
n c- Thisis a standard request from the contracting companies to have highly experienced people to
direct the program.

.t d- A rocket is the sum of several technologies (boosters, air conditioning, solar panels, telecom
payload, etc.) that require very careful management of interfaces between sub systemsbecause of
the technology complexity


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Question 82 Ques

The program you are managing IS In charge of designing, building and delivering a new space The
rocket to an important government agency. You have a change control board (CCS) at the opere
program level to ossess change requests on a number of criteria: scope, quality, schedule, cost, mterf
contracts, risks, etc. Because the program is quite large, changes that impact earned value less brou;
than 5% are processed at project level, this is an example of: interf
a- Resource leveling
a- A
b- Smoothing
c- Tolerance
c- A I

d- Delegation of governance
d- A ~

Question 83
You a
The program you are managing IS In charge of designing, building and delivering a new space due t(
rocket to an important government agency. You just finished defining the program. It seems that the of this
people working on the program do not really interrelate; meetings are slow, misunderstandings ore your c
numerous, and people quite often remain distant from each other. You would like to increase proqre
cohesion in the team. Among the following options, what is the BESTstatement concerning this decis!
team? you rr

a- The team is in a forming phose a- FOl

b- The team is in a storming phose b- ThE

c- The team is in a transforming phase c- Six

d- The team is in a non-producing phase d-Ter

Question 84

The program architecture is the set of components that define the program and contribute to its Questi
planned benefits. During the development of the program architecture, rules for the inclusion (and
exclusion) of program components should be defined, and the interrelationships between the You ar
components should also be identified. During the program life cycle, the architecture of the to pes:
program is subject to change, but one key responsibility of the program manager is to properly
manage the program architecture. Among all the options, which is the BESTreason to change the 0- Pro.
program architecture?
b- Stal
a- The sponsor has decided to move the program manager to another position
c- Sen
b- The steering board is discussing the possibility of including one more project in the program
d- Pro~
c- The steering board has agreed to close one program component

d- The steering committee has agreed to add one more component to the program


© Jean Gauix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
. '.The program architecture defines the relationships among its components, related to both
.operational and project activities. The program manager is responsible for managing all the
interfaces between these components. During the life of the program, new components may be
. " brought into the program and some may be removed from the program. In order to communicate
. interface changes to stakeholders, guidelines should be developed. In which of the following
situationsisit BEST
to communicate a program interface change to stakeholders?

0- A change request is rejected and the program architecture does not change

o- A change request isaccepted at the component level but has no impact on other components

c- A new PMO member has been brought into the group

d- A scope change in one component has an impact on the program architecture

Question 86

You are managing a program which has three component projects and some other work. Recently,
due to a big shift in the market, the strategic objectives of the company have changed. As a result
of this change, your program has been impacted and management has decided to stop one of
your components, and to initiate two new projects as part of your program. You know that, in your
program, you are responsible for managing component interfaces. As a result of the management
decision to stop one project and to add two more, HOW MANY program component interfaces are
you managing now?

0- Four interfaces

b- There is not enough information in the text

c- Sixinterfaces

d- Ten interfaces

Question 87

You are a program manager attending a governance board meeting and presenting slidesin order
to pass a gate review. What isthe MOSTlikely document to be reviewed in such a meeting?

0- Program Management Plan

b- Stakeholder Engagement Plan

c- Benefits Register

d- Program Procurement Plan


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution, sale or reproduction


Question 88 QUE

Your program X is experiencing severe delays with component project A. Project manager A informs You
you that a possible reason is a resource conflict that still remains between 2 work packages in her rene
project. What is the IMMEDIATE action you should take? orgc
a- Organize a meeting with project manager A and the persons in charge of the delayed work boa
packages to find an appropriate solution proc

o- Organize a meeting with project manager A and the persons in charge of the delayed work a- (
packages to impose your authority and prove that, as a program manager, you can perform better posit
than project manager A
b- Ir
c- Ask project manager A to really assess to what extent this resource conflict is affec: :J .he boar
schedule of her own project
c- R
d- Meet the 2 persons in charge of the respective work packages to find a suitable solution progr

d- Sit

Question 89

You are the newly appointed program manager of company XYZ which specialises in global Ques
humanitarian aid. The board members have expressed dissatisfaction with the program
performance during several board meetings. They state that it is difficult to see from the information You c
provided whether the program needs correction or not. As newly appointed program manager, rene'v'
what is the IMMEDIATE action you should take? orgar
a reSL
a- Meet individually with each project manager to analyze their' performance reports in order to boarc
formalize requests for corrective actions progrc
o- Update the business case you sr

c- Travel to meet the three most important regional CEOs a- Ask


d- Assess the completeness of the information provided in the reports with respect to the concerns
expressed by the board, and share a targeted update of the program report with all project
b- ChE
managers one of

c- Or~
team t

d- Em


© Jean Gouix and Mortiol Bel!ec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
estion 90

You are contributing to the initiation of a program you expect to manage. Thisprogram consists of
renewing the nationwide telecommunication backhaul network of your organization. The
. ' organization has several affiliates around the country and their expenditure costs have to be cut as
. a result of this program. As you introduce the stakeholder register TO the governance board, several
board members express concerns and at this stage. you fail to pass the review to authorize the
program. What is the NEXTaction you should take?

a- Clearly identify the stakeholders list, including the sponsor, and create a matrix to state their
position concerning the program

b- Invite new members to the governance board to be sure that all affiliates are represented on the

c- Recommend a decentralized governance board structure to handle the complexity of the

program which is due to the number of affiliates

d- Simply add the board members to the stakeholder list

Question 91

You are contributing to the initiation of a program you expect to manage. Thisprogram consists of
renewing the continent wide telecommunication backhaul network of your organization. The
organization has several affiliates all over the country and their expenditure costs have to be cut as
a result of this program. As you introduce the stakeholder register to the governance board, severo I
board members express concerns and at this stage, you foil to pass the review to authorize the
program. Some board members even think that the program will face strong opposition from five
stakeholders and that this is not good for the future of the program. What is the IMMEDIATEaction
you should take?

a- Ask your assistant to organize a 10-day trip to meet and convince the affiliates throughout the
t b- Check historical data on the five stakeholders to better understand them. Ask for the support of
one of the veteran board members

c- Organize yourself to quickly obtain historical data on the five stakeholders, and ask your program
team to provide you with their current positions

d- Emphasize the other good parts of the mandate you are elaborating to smooth and
accomodate these concerns


© Jean Gouix and Mortial Bellec. no! for distribution. sale or reproduction
Question 92 Questic

You are planning the activities for your program. The scope of the program is well defined; yOU you an
understand the program requirements and the program architecture is established. You now want recurrin
to decompose the work to be performed in the program and create the program work breakdown prograr
structure (PWBS). You ask your project managers to do the same for their projects and create their executi
WBS. You plan to use the project's WBS as an input to creating the program WBS. You have drafted What is
a program WBS on your own and you also have received the projects' WBS from your project
managers. What is the BESToption now to create the PWBS? a- Incorporate the first or first two levels a- The
of the projects' WBS into the program WBS benefit:

b- Include each entire project's WBS into the program WBS b- ThE
c- Select the projects' work packages and include them into the program WBS
c- The
d- Ignore the projects' WBS because they only relate to the projects and not to the program benefit:

d- The
the sch:
Question 93

You are planning the activities for a complex program composed of three projects. The scopes of
the projects are well defined, but the scope at the program level is still not finalized. You are not sure Questio
if some non-project work will be incorporated in the program or not. You want to move ahead in the
program planning activities and you start creating an initial version of the program work breakdown You ore
structure (PWBS). As of today, what is the BESToption to create a meaningful PWBS? recurrin;
a- Ask your project managers to develop their project's WBS, and consolidate the PWBS with the monoqe
project's ones. If the non-project work is confirmed, you will then update the PWBS with that prograrr
additional piece of work You are
b- Wait for confirmation on the non-project work as it will impact the PWBS
a- Progl
c- Ask your project managers to develop their project's WBS, and consolidate the PWBS with the specitic.
project's ones. In any case, the non-project work will not impact the PWBS
b- Progr
d- The PWBS creation is not under your responsibility. It is the sponsor's responsibility because he is for quali
accountable for the program success
c- Progr

d- Cornr


it Jean Gauix and Martial Sellec. not lor distribution. sale 01 reproduction
ion 94

You are planning the activities for a complex program composed of three projects and some
recurring activities. You are developing the program management plan which integrates the
program's subsidiary plans. The program management plan will be the primary input to program
execution. The program management plan mainly describes how the program will be managed.
What is NOT on appropriate list of plans included in the program management plan?

0- The risk management plan, the schedule management plan, the governance plan, and the
benefits realization plan

b- The procurement management plan, the scope management plan, the stakeholder
engagement plan, and the steering committee management plan

c- The resource management plan, the governance plan, the quality management plan and the
benefits realization plan

d- The quality management plan, the risk management plan, the financial management plan and
the schedule management plan

Question 95

You are planning the activities for a complex program composed of three projects and some
recurring activities. You are developing the program management plan which integrates the
program's subsidiary plans such os scope management, schedule management, etc. The program
management plan will be the primary input to program execution. You are now developing the
program quality management plan which will also be included in the program management plan.
You are aware that most quality planning activities occur at each component level. What is the
MOSTappropriate list of elements you should include in the program quality management plan?

0- Program quality standards, program quality policy, quality metrics, quality assurance and control
~ specifications, and quality control activities required at component level

b- Program quality standards, program quality policy, quality checklists, and roles and responsibilities
s for quality related activities at component level

c- Program quality standards, program quality policy, and program quality estimates of cost

d- Component quality plans, program quality standards, and program quality policy


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
.. :..~.

Question 96 QU(

A portfolio is usually composed of components such as programs and projects. What IS a TRUE YOL
statement with regard to portfolio components? per
a- Portfolios cannot include portfolios For
b- Portfolios always include projects
a- F
c- Portfolios can include non-project work
b- F
d- Portfolios always include programs
c- P

d- P
Question 97

You are managing a program composed of three projects: A, Band C. You want to evaluate the
performance of your program using earned value parameters collected from each individual Que
project. As of today, project A has a CPI of .8, and AC = 100. Project B has a SPI = 1.5 and EV = 200.
For project C, cost variance (CV) = 50 and AC = 150. What is the earned value (EV) at program You
level? infro:
a-200 indic
b- 280 dorr»
this [:
c- 480

d- 400

a- E.><
Question 98

b- As
You are managing a program composed of three projects: A, Band C. You want to evaluate the
performance of your program using earned value parameters collected from each individual
c- Dc
project. As of today, project A has a CPI of .8, and AC = 100. Project B has a SPI = 1.5 and EV = 200.
For project C, cost variance (CV) = 50 and AC = 150. What is the program actual cost (AC)?
d- Cc
a- 100

b- Not enough information to answer

c- 250

d- 150


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
ion 99

You are managing a program composed of three projects: A Band C. You want to evaluate the
performance of your program using earned value parameters collected from each individual
project. As of today, project A has a CPI of .8, and AC = 100. Project B has a SPI= 1.5and EV = 200.
Forproject C, cost variance (CV) = 50 and AC = 150. Which option is TRUEabout projects A Band

a- Project A is under budget

b- Project A isover budget and project B islate

c- Project B isahead of schedule and project C is under budget

d- Project A is over budget and project C isahead of schedule

Question 100

You are managing a space program. You have several projects for handling air and ground
infrastructure. The technologies used are very mature and you must minimize risks,as humans will be
transported by the system you are developing. The most recent governance board meeting
indicated that fewer funds will be made available and you are asked to evaluate the resultant
impacts. You know that due to budget reduction, the schedule may be delayed even if it will cause
damage to the image of the organization when it isannounced. You have recently identified a new
specific technology that can save money for your program but it has several risksinvolved. Indeed,
this technology is very attractive and promises a less expensive alternative to the one already
chosen and developed by one of your projects.

What isthe IMMEDIATEaction you should take?

a- Explain to the governance board that the only solution to reduce costs is to launch a new
project. Risksare clear for this project but should be taken

b- Askfor more time

Cr Do not take this risk,go on with the old technology, and argue for the same level of funding

d- Conduct a deep analysis of the riskson human safety related to this new technology. Design a
transition from the old to the new technology, and then ask the governance board to launch a new


© Jean Gouix and Marlial Beliee, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 101 QI

Many stakeholders participated in your lost program communication meeting. Many of them will sell MI
products and services provided by your program, in their respective geographical areas. pr,
Performance reports have been introduced and are shown to be satisfactory, proving that the Pe
delivery of these results will be done on time and with a good compliance to overall expectations. de
However, some sellers are still not fully convinced by this information. What did you overlookv He
a- You did not spend enough money on the catering, this explains the problems you had durin8
lunch on the first day a-
b- You did not sufficiently explain how the sellers will give the information to their teams
c- You did not sufficiently explain how products and services from you program are related to yOU! wili
internal organization of projects
d- Your program delivers the same products and services to al! sellers without any mention of wit
customization. They come from different regions and your program outcomes are too generic to pie
really meet their specific needs
Question 102

Many stakeholders participated in your lost program communication meeting. The majority of them
will sell products and services provided by your program, in their respective geographical areas.
Performance reports have been introduced and are shown to be satisfactory, proving that the
delivery of these results will be done on time and with good compliance to overall expectations. Ma,
However, at a coffee break, people from continent A tell you that they do not really see the profit pro,
they can gain from your program. They are still skeptical and argue that they are missing information Perl
on this topic. The meeting resumes before you are able to conclude this discussion. You are not deli
chairing the next session and you take advantage of this time off to think about it. The next Hov
opportunity to reopen this discussion will be at lunch-time. What is the BESTaction you should take? whc
a- Avoid them politely, finally concluding that the atmosphere is very positive and that these
concerns will be forgotten soon 0- I
b- Go and socialize with them to speak about the food of continent A compare it with your local bac
habits, it is not often that you have an opportunity to get closer to these people
b- J
c- Ask your PMO to probe them again at lunch and if they express their concerns again, osk the con-
PMO to propose a meeting after the summit to address their concerns
c- E
d- Share lunch with them, socialize and wait for them to reopen the debate; if not, you will reopen it conI
yourself and consider the outcomes
d- A


@Jean Gouix and Martial Beliec. not for distribuiion. sale or reproduction

y stakeholders participated in your last program communication meeting. Many of them will sell
and services provided by your program, in their respective geographical areas.
~rt."'rrnrtnce reports have been introduced and are shown to be satisfactory, proving that the
I ry of these results will be done on time and with good compliance to overall expectations.
owever, some sellers are still not fully convinced by this information. What is the IMMEDIATE action
should take?

a- Take some senior executives from the governance board to one side and discuss with them, one

b- Ask them for their own business plan for their geographical region and convince them that they
will increase their margins with your program

c- Gather the skeptical sellers in a separate meeting to define a specific transition plan. Explain that,
with your program, you will ensure that the outcomes will be transitioned to them, that the training
plans are adequate to their staff and that switching from the previous state will be evident

d- Gather all the sellers to review the transition plan. Explain that, with your program, you will ensure
that the outcomes will be transitioned to them, that the training plans are adequate to their staff
and that switching from the previous state will be evident

Question 104

Many stakeholders participated in your last program communication meeting. Many of them will sell
products and services provided by your program, in their respective geographical areas.
1 Performance reports have been introduced and are shown to be satisfactory, proving that the
t delivery of these results will be done on time and with good compliance to overall expectations.
t However, at a coffee break, people from continent A tell you that they do not really understand
what level of profit they can gain from your program. They are still skeptical and argue that they are
lacking some information related to this. What is the IMMEDIATE action you should take?

0- Agree to elaborate on this with the local criteria of continent A and update the benefits register
accordingly. Agree that it will be updated by your PMO immediately after the meeting and sent
Ii back to them

b- Ask your PMO to explain again the overall benefits and evaluate why they cannot be positive for
continent A

c- Explain what the expected benefits for continents B through G are, and convince people from
it continent A that their benefits will be very similar

d- As all six other continents are happy, simply expect that they will align to them


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 105 QUE

You have been recently appointed to a new program as program manager. This program has Con
received formal acceptance from the board and is now in the definition life cycle phase. One of your
the key tasks is to create the scope statement of the program in order to have a high level view of unre
the business impact and to identify essential aspects that must be accomplished by the program. one
What are the KEYtopics you have to address when creating the scope statement? pro~
a- Scope and limitations, program boundaries, assumptions and constraints, and acceptance
criteria a- L,

b- Scope, PWBS,organizational needs and requirements, assumptions and constraints b- tv

c- PWBS, organizational needs and requirements, charter of each component, assumptions ond c- G
d- Lt
d- Organizational needs and requirements, program charter, scope, assumptions and constraints

Question 106
You are managing a program that is composed of three projects: A B, and C. During a checkpoint have
meeting with your project managers, you find out that projects A and B are both one month 1018, own
and project C is on schedule. From this information, what can you CONCLUDE for your program? their
a- Your program is one month late What

b- Your program is two months late 0-Yc


c- Your program is on schedule

b- Y<
d- You do not have enough information to conclude

c- As

Question 107
d- Asl

You have been recently appointed to a new program as program manager. This program has
received formal acceptance from the board and is now in the definition life cycle phase. One of
the key tasks is to develop consistent escalation procedures in order to raise program level issues at
the Governance board level. Which of the following options is NOT part of an escalation process?

a- Issue

b- Regulation

c- Risk

d- Change request


© Jean Gouix and Martial 8ellec. not tor disiribulion. sale or reoroouctior.
pany XYZis involved in a major reorganization which impacts the program you are managing:
ur program sponsor spends very little time working with you, several issuesescalated to him remain
nresolved, your PMO has been disbanded and its members redeployed to other programs, and
of your project managers is temporarily working on another program. The performance of yOU!
ram really suffers from these major organizational changes. The impact on your program is
.. mainly due to CHANGESin:

b- Management

c- Governance

d- Leadership

Question 109

Your company has decided to regroup four existing projects and manage them os a program. You
have just been assigned as the program manager. For historical reasons, each existing project has its
own Project Management Information System (PMIS).Project managers have a lot of experience in
their domain of responsibility, and their PMIS have an excellent reputation in the company. You
wonder if you should establish a dedicated Program Management Information System (PMIS).
What isthe BESToption to answer this question?

a- Your project managers' PMIShave an excellent reputation. So why bother to establish a PMISat
program level? Usethe existing PMIS"os is"

b- Your program will use a specific set of processes, tools, procedures, data, etc., which are
different from the projects' ones. As a result you should establish a dedicated PMISat program level

c- Ask your PMO to decide since they will eventually be the only entity to use the PMISat program

d- Ask the program sponsor since he provides the resources for the program



© Jean Gauix and Martial BelJec. not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 110 Que

You are managing a program which is well underway. When you meet with your 3 project You
managers, they say that key stakeholders at project level are really engaged and participate well to The
the various checkpoint meetings, except for project C where one key stakeholder does not deve
participate on a regular basis to the various meetings. This stakeholder plays a key role in the project. key
Project C's manager has already tried to understand why this stakeholder does not attend these iden
important meetings. On one occasion she was sick, at another she forgot to attend, and on OilG phos
occasion she thought her participation was not necessary. One day, project C's manager comes to to de
you and really complains about this stakeholder who does noi attend key meetings and puts proje'i
C at risk. What is the IMMEDIATE action you should take? 0- (
a- Pick-up the phone, and talk to this stakeholder in order to inform her that her participation is key
for the program success b- SI
b- Discuss with project C's manager in order to get more information about this stakeholder, to
understand what her exact role in the project is, and why her involvement in the project is so c- C
important then

c- This stakeholder is key for project C. Tell project C's manager that it is his responsibility to manage d- C
this stakeholder. You manage at program level, not at project level! then

d- Ask managers of projects A and B to help project C's manager, because they have no problem
with their stakeholders

You c
Question 111 projee
You have been identified as the potential program manager of a key program for your company. '~UStOI

The program is in the definition phase, a high-level business case has been built, and you know that lechn
the governance board has many concerns about the level of risk for the program. During a recent Recer
board meeting, the board members performed a SWOT analysis, and several riskswere identified as test fo
a result. Most of these risks originate from the external environment, such as strong competition, consic
potential impacts of the economic crisis on the program results, and only a few risks were identified
as internal to the organization. Because the program may bring many benefits to the company, at 0- Re'
the conclusion of the board meeting, the decision has been made to go ahead and start the next
program phase. What is the IMMEDIATE action you should take? b- Co

a- Ignore the majority of the risks identified by the board because most of the risks have been c- Urx
identified as related to 'outside the company' and not under your control
d- Trig
b- Only record the top five risks identified during the board meeting

c- Record all the risks identified during the board meeting in the risk registel. They wil! then be
reviewed for further analysis

d- Record all the risks identified during the board meeting and be ready to pass all of them to your
project managers when they will be on board


© Jean Gouix and Mortial Sellee, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
stion 112

. You have been identified as the potential program manager of a key program for your company .
. The program is in the definition phase: a high-level business case has been built, you have
. developed a high-level management plan, and you are now working on the identification of the
.key stakeholders for the program. You have led a series of brainstorming sessions, and you have
.,.' identified an initial list of six key stakeholders. This number will potentially grow during upcoming
; phases of the program. As a result of your identification of the six key stakeholders, you wonder what
to do next. What is the NEXTaction you should take?

a- Continue brainstorming in order to identify more stakeholders. It is important to have the

maximum number of stakeholders possible during the pre-program preparations phase

b- Send an e-mail to each identified stakeholder in order to start establishing good channels of

c- Create a priority list of identified stakeholders showing the most important one at the top, and
then list by decreasing importance

d- Create a stakeholder register which will contain all the identified stakeholders. This register will
then be updated when new stakeholders will be identified

Question 113

You are in charge of a program which has been running for three years. This program includes six
projects focused on technological subsystems that are subsequently integrated by a seventh
project, namely the "integration project," to deliver a full range of IT software solutions for major
customers of your organization. Not surprisingly, as this program is highly innovative from a
technological point of view, you have regular meetings to update the overall risks at program level.
Recently, one of the six technological projects, the "storage project" failed an essential qualification
test for the data archiving system. You asked for an immediate risk review. What should you MOSTLY
consider during this meeting?

a- Review the existing risks and identify whether new risks may arise

b- Consider whether new risks may be triggered from this failure

c- Update the program risk register

d- Trigger the risk response actions related to the failure


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 114 Ql

You are in charge of a program which has been running for three years. This program consists of six Yc
projects focused on technological subsystems that are then subsequently integrated by a seventh pr(
project, namely the "integration project," to deliver a full range of IT software solutions for major p«
customers of your organization. The program is fueled by internal funds which are submitted for cu
board approval. This process is rather stable now as the financial effort is being tracked, monitored, ou
and controlled according to the program's expenditure. What is the MOST recommended action for is (
successful monitoring and control of the program financials? pre
a- Identify factors that create changes to the program management plan dis!

b- Monitor contract expenditures to ensure that funds are made available before the contract starts a-
c- Communicate changes in the financial baseline to the governance groups and to the auditors
d- Manage the expenditures of the program architecture to ensure costs are within expected levels P05


Question 1 15 d- I
You are in charge of a program which has been running for three years. This program consists of six
projects focused on technological subsystems that are then subsequently integrated by a seventh
project, namely the "integration project," to deliver a full range of IT software solutions for major
customers of your organization. Recently, one of the six technological projects, the "storage project" QUE

failed an essential qualification test for the data archiving system. This project delivers essential
building blocks to the integrated software solutions and you have observed over the last few weeks Ade
that its performance was slowly but surely degrading. As the project team was highly reactive and the
professional, they identified a fix and have already implemented it. According to the following stok.
options, what will be the MOST appropriate way to handle this situation? pro;
a- Congratulate the team for being so reactive by tr

b- Ask for a copy of the change request as well as for the non regression test proof, and record it in a- S
the CCB register s

c- Quote the reactivity of the team as an example for the other projects b- S

d- Accept the fix but on the condition that a specific change request is submitted to the next CCB c- SI
meeting in order to be sure that this change is sustainable for the program stake

d- S1


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for dislribution. sole or reproduction
on 116

You are in charge of a program which has been running for three years. Thisprogram consists of six
projects focused on technological subsystems that are then subsequently integrated by a seventh
project namely the "XYZintegration project," to deliver a full range of ITsoftware solutions for major
customers of your organization. Recently, the XYZintegration project did not accept an essential
outcome from one of the projects, namely ABC. The project leader for ABC claims that the outcome
is compliant with the requirements list which was defined several weeks ago. On the contrary,
project leader XYZclaims that, as such, this outcome cannot interface with another building block of
the whole system. People are now rather concerned and the issueis escalated to you to resolve the
dispute. What is the IMMEDIATEaction you should take?

a- Remind everyone that they ore working on the same program and invite them to organize a
meeting to solve the issueby themselves

b- Organize an issueanalysis meeting in order to assessthe severity of the issue,identify its origin and
possible remedies

c- Askthe quality team to perform an audit and wait for their recommendation

d- Escalate the issueto the governance board and ask for support from management to cool down
some team members

Question 117

s Adequate stakeholder engagement is a key element of program management and is essential for
::f the success of the program. The program manager has the obligation to properly identify the
stakeholders, manage their expectations, and make sure they remain engaged throughout the
program life cycle. The PMI® Standard for Program Management details three activities which
address the stakeholder engagement domain. What is the CORRECTlist of activities recommended
by the standard?

1 a- Stakeholder engagement, stakeholder engagement planning, and manage program


b- Select program stakeholders, stakeholder engagement, and stakeholder engagement planning,

8 c- Select program stakeholders, manage program stakeholder expectations, and program

stakeholder identification

d- Stakeholder engagement, stakeholder engagement planning, and program stakeholder



© Jean Gauix and Martial Beilec. not for distribulion, sale or reproduction
Question 118 QUE

in c

) B=15 ~~~"

, "

/ / con
/ /


• 'I
H -,
D=12 ~.~ E=5 1-1 F=6
J~ G=20 pro!

a- I


What is the correct name for such a diagram? C:: (

a- Box Network Diagram
d- I
b- Schedule Network Diagram ider

c- Critical Path Diagram

d- Milestone Diagram Que

Question 119 inter
You are initiating a program for a food company. This program is in charge of introducing a new
process for accelerating the production of a complete set of products. With the current technology,
you estimate it will take 3 years to make this new process 100% operational, whereas with more
resources it will take only 2 years. This contradicts the sponsor's estimate of 7 years. What is the time a- B
b- B
a- 3.5

b- 3.33

c- 4.16

d- 4.98


© Jean Gauix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduciion
stion 120

In order to optimize various project results and generate benefits, your company has decided to
. launch a program with three existing projects: A, Band C. You have been chosen as the program
manager and you are in the process of identifying the key stakeholders of your program. Each
component project already has its own list of key stakeholders recorded in separate project
stakeholder registers. Among the three component projects, project A is the most important for the
program's success, followed by project B, and finally project C has the lowest priority. You want to
focus on the list of key stakehoders at program level. What is the MOSTappropriate way to handle
the list of key stakeholders who may impact the program?

a- Identify and record key stakeholders who are unique at program level

b- Aggregate the list of key stakeholders identified in the three component projects A, Band C

c- Only focus on project A stakeholder register, because project A is the most important component

d- Identify and record key stakeholders who are unique at program level and key stakeholders
identified in each project

Question 121

A program is composed of several projects which generate outputs used to create benefits which
are in line with the strategic objectives of the company. Usually the program will generate
intermediate benefits which, in turn, will contribute to the final planned benefits. During the planning
efforts of the program, several tools may help to understand the relationship between planned
benefits and projects outputs. Among this list of options, which tools MAKE THELINK between
planned benefits and projects outputs?

0- Benefits mops and benefits modelling tools

b- Benefits maps and the program charter

c- Benefits mops and the benefits payback period

d- Benefits modelling tools and the program charter


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution, sale or reproduction
r .

Question 122 Que

Portfolio management includes processes to identify, categorize, evaluate, select, pnonnzs Any
balance, and authorize components within the portfolio. The organization's strategic plan is a key insta
input to several of these portfolio management processes. What BESTdescribes the content of a its vi:
strategic plan? ft of th
~ to re
a- A vision and a set of objectives, a description of the organizational structure and orqonizc: oboi
areas, and an inventory of all existing components cons

b- A vision and a set of objectives, a description of the organizational structure and organization f
areas, and a description of funding sources and funding constraints

c- A description of the organizational structure, and a description of funding constraints I b-IVI


d- A vision and a set of objectives, a description of the organizational structure and organization
areas, measurable goals and guidance, and allocation funds to different types of initiatives

c- I 'vi.


Question 123
Portfolio management includes processes to develop the portfolio management plan, develop the
portfolio, optimize the portfolio, authorize the portfolio, and provide portfolio oversight. When You c
portfolio components have been identified, categorized, evaluated, selected and prioritized, the from j
"Optimize portfolio" process can be used to optimize and balance the portfolio content. From the list have
of options, what BESTdescribes the purpose of the "Optimize portfolio" process? suppc
the SL
a- To develop the portfolio component mix with the greatest potential to achieve the organization's the fc
strategic objectives

b- To develop the portfolio component mix with an optimized schedule to achieve the
j 0- Yc
organization's strategic objectives

c- To develop the portfolio

strategic objectives
component mix with an optimized cost to achieve the organization's I
b- YOL

c- YOl
d- To develop the portfolio component mix with the minimum number of resources to achieve the f obtair
organization's strategic objectives
d- YOL
the pre


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not far distribution, sole or reproduction
Any company should have a VISIONwhich reflects where it would like to be in x years from now. For
instance, company ABC plans to be the leading businessin men's clothing five years from now. Thisis
itsvision. Once the vision is defined, understood and shared in the company, the strategic objectives
of the company should reflect that vision. From then on, a portfolio of initiatives can be developed
'); to reflect the strategic initiatives. Thisis also true at program level. Any program should have a vision
about 'what the situation will be when the program is complete'. For the sake of simplicity, let's
consider how a vision could be stated by a child. From the below options, which one is the VISION
statement of the child?

0- I want to attend best schools, and best universitiesin order to have a good job

b- I want to become the President of my country

c- I want to learn two foreign languages, travel a lot, make new friends, and help people

d- I want to be more proud of myself

Question 125

You are the program manager of a key program for your company. The program has the go ahead
from the governance board and isin the program definition phase. Key stakeholders of the program
have been identified, and you know that because of internal politics, some of them may not be very
supportive. You have identified three key stakeholders from whom support isabsolutely necessary for
the success of the program. You wonder what to do next in order to get their support. According to
the following options, what will be the MOSTappropriate way to handle this situation?

0- You contact them individually, when possible you discuss face to face, you explain the
importance of the program and you tell them why their support is absolutely necessary

b- You send them an e-mail summarizing the importance of the program and what you expect from

c- You ask the program sponsor to handle this situation, because it is the sponsor's responsibility to
obtain stakeholder buy-in

d- You develop stakeholder metrics which will help you to manage key stakeholders' participation in
the program meetings


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 126 Que~

Your organization has initiated program ALPHA and you have been appointed as the program YOUr
manager. Your organization is now finalizing the acquisition of a competitor who has a similor and
program called DELTA, and which is also a leading initiative in the business you are pursuing. What is man,
of re
the IMMEDIATE action you should take?
two r
a- Meet with DELTA program manager and explain to her that now your organization is taking over
her responsibilities and that you have to close DELTA progl

b- Meet with DELTA program manager and explain to her that now your organisation is taking over
her responsibilities and that you have to merge DELTA with ALPHA, only taking the added value of
DELTA and closing remaining components
~I a- Vv

c- Meet the two executive sponsors of ALPHA and DELTA and ask them to clearly define a sensible
high level series of benefits derived from ALPHA and DELTA b- Be
d- Study the PMIS and lessons learned from DELTA and incorporate them into ALPHA
c- Be
on pr

Question 127

Your organization has initiated program ALPHA and you have been appointed as the proqrorn
I d- Be

manager. Your organization is now finalizing the acquisition of a competitor who has a similar
program called DELTA, and which is also a leading initiative in that business. Management thinks that
program DELTA performs better than program ALPHA and asks you to document the merger based Ques1
on efficient components and the closure of non efficient components. What is the IMMEDIATE action ~
you should take? You a

a- Study the infrastructure

remaining components
of DELTA and copy

b- Assess the KPls of DELTA, identify discrepancies

paste the best components

between the two programs,

onto ALPHA. Close all

and then align them

I and y
of resl
the se
type I
c- Improve the KPls of program ALPHA because from now on, your organization is the head office
to pro
and has therefore high costs that explain the differences

a- Bu)
d- Follow the recommendations of the governance board

b- Try ,
as res(

to be I

c- Loo

d- Pres
will alic


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
You ore planning the activities for a complex program composed of three projects: A, Band C. You
and your team have finished developing what you consider to be the initial version of the program
management plan which integrates the program's subsidiary plans. You now do a thorough check
- of resource utilization per component project. It is evident that on some months, the resources of
projects A and Bwill be underutilized, and on other months, there will be a lack of resources on these
two projects. Project C has no resource utilization problems and project C is the most critical for the
program's success. No project has started yet. You look for a way to improve project A and B's
resource utilization problems. What is the BESTway to handle this situation?

a- When projects A and B have resource utilization problems, you can immediately transfer
resources from project C to projects A and B. In a program, each project must contribute to overall
program success

b- Before looking at other alternatives, you should first try to apply resource leveling techniques on
projects A and B

c- Before looking at other alternatives, you should first try to apply resource dispatching techniques
on projects A and B

d- Before looking at other alternatives, you should first try to apply the Monte Corio technique to
optimize resource utilization on projects A and B

Question 129

You are planning the activities for a complex program composed of three projects: A, Band C. You
and your team have finished developing what you consider to be the initial version of the program
management plan which integrates the program's subsidiary plans. You now do a thorough check
of resource utilization per component project. You find out that the three projects have a need for
the same test station during the same periods of their life-cycles. Your company does not have this
type of equipment which is critical for the three projects. After discussing with your procurement
organization you understand that this type of equipment is very expensive to buy. Your allocated
program budget does not cover the cost of buying three test stations. You want to find the BESTway
to procure the test stations for your three projects.

a- Buy three test stations even though they ore expensive, because they ore critical for the three
projects. You will always find a way to resell them when they are no longer needed

b- Tryfirst to optimize the test station utilization across the three projects by applying techniques such
as resource leveling or smoothing. You may end up with only the need for one piece of equipment
to be used at any given time

c- Look at other alternatives, such as renting three test stations. Thismay solve your budget limitation

d- Present the case to the steering committee. Because of the critical nature of the test stations, they
will allocate a budget extension to the program


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution, sale ar reproduction
Question 130 Ques

You ore managing a program with three component projects: A Band C Project B has created all You c
its planned deliverables and project B's manager now formally reports that he has completed all his identi
project's closing activities. Based on this report, you approve the closure of the project and you ask Public
project manager 8 to release all of his resources. You receive a phone call from the program partie
sponsor asking you to immediately stop releasing project 8's resources. What did you do WRONG2 intere
a- You cannot decide all by yourself to close a component project. The component closure lengtr
decision is a decision taken by the program management team delov:
b- You cannot decide all by yourself to close a component project. The component closure
decision must come from the PMO 0- Yo
c- You cannot decide all by yourself to close a component project. The component closure decision
must come from the governance board b- YOl
that tr
d- You cannot decide all by yourself to close a component project. The component closure the pe
decision must come from the customer progrc

c- YOI
Question 131

d- YOl
You are managing a program which is composed of 3 projects: A B, and C. A steering committee
think it
meeting is planned for this coming Friday, and the board wants to see your program's EVM
parameters. The table below reflects the EVM data reported by your project managers:


I Questic

You ore
Project A 100 1.5 0.8 1000 Public,
Project B 50 2 0.5 500
the MO

Project C 0.7 a-You

30 1.8 800

b- The
What can you conclude for your program? Com pet
0- Your program is late and you spent less than planned
c- You f
b- Your program is ahead of schedule and you spent more than planned
d- You,
c- Your program is on schedule and you performed more than planned exp/aine

d- Your program is ahead of schedule and you performed less than planned


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution, sale or reproduction
ion 132

..•.You are managing a program for a major ITcompany in charge of upgrading the system for the
.:identification of citizens at the borders of your country. Thisis under contract procurement from the
. Public Administration of the Interior's Ministry of Affairs. You are now in a board meeting with all
parties, including your sponsor and the group of public officers representing the Administration's
interests. Your program is rather complex and risky, spread over numerous projects that focus on
several kinds of ITexpertise: database, sensors,border personnel training, etc. When reviewing the
lengthy riskupdates, the Administration claims that several risksare not under control. It anticipates
delays and quality problems, arguing the fact that projects are too numerous and difficult to handle.
According to the following options, what will be the MOSTappropriate way to handle this situation?

a- You acknowledge the concern and propose to concentrate on major risks;these riskswill be
escalated at program level, and project level riskswill not be mentioned at board level

b- You acknowledge the concern and agree that it is your job to master this complexity. You argue
that the Public Administration has chosen your ITcompany because of its excellent achievements in
the past and that there are no evident reasons why this should not be also the case for your

c- You acknowledge the concern and argue that you organized the program in specialized
technical teams for day-to-day efficiency reasons that will be demonstrated at the end of the

d- You acknowledge the concern and update the risk register. Risksare quite numerous but you
think it isthe best way to really show that they are under control

Question 133

You are managing a program for a major ITcompany in charge of upgrading the system for the
identification of citizens at the borders of your country. Thisis under contract procurement from the
Public Administration of the Interior's Ministry of Affairs. You are now in a board meeting with all
parties, including your sponsor and the group of public officers representing the Administration s I

interests. This is the final sign off for all outcomes of the program. Everything works well but, at a
coffee break, your sponsor tells you that the information given during the board meeting is not
sufficient to make the closure of the program easily accepted internally after this meeting. What is
the MOSTprobable reason for this?

a- You forgot to organize an internal meeting to state how internal resources will be released when
transitioning the program to operations

b- The sponsor thinks that, as you succeeded in this program, you are now a dangerous internal
competitor for his own position. He has to find some reasons to delay the closure and discredit your

c- You forgot to organize a governance board meeting before this one

d- You did not document sufficiently the impact of lessonslearned on future projects as you just
explained to the Administration


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Question 134 Que~

You are managing a program for a major IT company in charge of upgrading the system for the You
identification of citizens at the borders of your country. Thisis under contract procurement from the idenl
Public Administration of the Interior's Ministry of Affairs. You are now in a board meeting with all Publi
parties, including your sponsor and the group of public officers representing the Administration's partir
interests. They all recognized the accomplishment of your team. This is the final sign off for all intere
outcomes of the program. The sign off went smoothly and the success was celebrated in due form sever
between some governance board members and the public officers who have daily contacts with
your team. When getting back to your company, you realize that the whole program team is I said j

surprisingly reluctant to perform the remaining necessary day-to-day actions. What is the MOST 0- It
probable reason for that? is so i

a- People are sad to leave the program
b- Yc
b- You neglected to give proper recognition of your team's performance in front of the real c
c- Th
c- The program team thinks that you should have formally invited them to the celebrations with the later
d- Tht
d- People are tired to ens

Question 135 Quest

You are managing a program for a major IT company in charge of upgrading the system for the Your r
identification of citizens at the borders of your country. Thisis under contract procurement from the decid.
Public Administration of the Interior's Ministry of Affairs. You are now in a board meeting with all progre
parties, including your sponsor and the group of public officers representing the Administration's of this
interests. Thisis the final sign off of all outcomes of the program. The Administration reports from their your nr
operational teams that a bug has been identified when they perform the monthly back up.
However, this bug does not impact the daily and weekly back-ups. Your backup teams have 0- Pr
already been partially disbanded. What is the NEXTaction you should take? mono;

a- Create a fix with the remaining program team and propose this will be corrected in the next b- Pre
release because the Administration can live with it progra

b- Perform closure of the program; this minor bug will be corrected by the operational team c- Pro
c- Elaborate a fix with the remaining program team and implement it right away
d- Pro:
d- Create a fix with the remaining program team, assesswhether other people should reintegrate plannir
the program, and negotiate with their functional managers that they reintegrate the program in
order to correct the problem

© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution, sale or reproduction

uestion 136

, You are managing a program for a major ITcompany in charge of upgrading the system for the
;,identification of citizens at the borders of your country. Thisis under contract procurement from the
',".Public Administration of the Interior's Ministry of Affairs. You are now in a board meeting with all
parties, including your sponsor and the group of public officers representing the Administration's
interests. Your program is rather complex and risky, spread over numerous projects that focus on
several kinds of ITexpertise: database, sensors,border personnel training, etc. The Administration has
said that not all border teams will use the new system. What is the MOSTprobable reason for this?

a- It is a really challenging program that will provide a major transformation to the Administration. It
is so broad that the Administration members did not even understand all of the impacts. They will
understand later

b- You think that the program is complex and that this isa normal situation. After proper training and
real deployment, border teams will get familiar with it and adopt it

c- The program is in the executing phase and there is little time to consider details which will occur

d- The Administration has a negative opinion of the program. The transition plan is not clear enough
to ensure that all border teams will use the system

Question 137

Your pharmaceutical company has decided to reorganize some of its business units, and has
decided to manage this major effort as a program. A businesscase has been developed and the
program is approved. Also, it has been decided that two existing projects will become components
of this program. You have been asked to manage the definition phase of the program. What does
your management expect as the MAIN outputs from running the program definition phase?

a- Program mandate, program roadmap, establishment of the infrastructure. component

management plans, and assignment of the program manager

b- Program mandate, program charter, program management plan and assignment of the
program manager

c- Program charter, assignment of the program manager and of the program sponsor, program
roadmap, establishment of the governance structure

d- Program charter, assignment of the program manager and of the program sponsor, component
planning and authorization, establishment of the governance structure


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sole or reproduction
Question 138 QUE

Your pharmaceutical company has decided to reorganize some of its business units, and has You
decided to manage this major effort as a program. A business case has been developed and the pro~
program is approved. Also, it has been decided that two existing projects will become components YOUI
of this program. You have been asked to develop the program charter and the steering committee
has approved it. What is the BESTdefinition of the program charter? a- A

a- The program charter formally authorizes the program and it details ail planned benefits, their b- rr
metrics and their realization plan
c- A
o- The program charter provides the program manager with the authority to apply resources to
program activities, and to start delivering benefits right away d-A

c- The program charter formally authorizes the program and it provides a governance mechanism
with approval and reporting procedures

d- The program charter formally authorizes the program and it provides the program manager v,l'r
the authority to apply resources to program activities
Question 139 sotisf
Your pharmaceutical company has decided to reorganize some of its business units, and has
decided to manage this major effort as a program. A business case has been developed and the a-Th
program is approved. Also, it has been decided that two existing projects will become components
of this program. You have developed the program charter which contains high-level information b- n-
about the program. You now want to develop a document which, among other subjects, addresses befor
the program scope, limitations, expectations and business impact. The objective is to make sure that j
all stakeholders shore a common understanding of the program intentions. What DOCUMENT ore
you creating?
I c- Th.

a- The program scope statement

d- Th
con fie
b- The program scope management plan

c- The program WBS

d- The program stakeholder engagement plan


© Jean Gouix and Martial Sellee, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
You are managing a program which is entering the closure phase. In order to properly close the
program, you read the closure criteria which have been documented, and you compare them to
your situation. From the list below, what is NOTa closure criterion for the program?

0- All benefits need to be realized before program closure

b- The governance board or the sponsor must provide their agreement

C> A sustainment plan must be documented and approved

d- A final report must be issued

Question 141

Your program is a nationwide reorganization of a government based agency. It consists of

centralizing warehouse plants in bigger cities to cut expenditure costs such as gas and vehicles
loans. Thisprogram is now 2 years old and you demonstrated that this program is on track so far. It is
composed of six projects: A B, C. X, Y. Z. Generally, one of the reasons for a program to work
satisfactorily is that the interdependencies between the program and its components are well
managed, which is apparently the case here. What BESTdescribes these interactions?

a- The interactions between your program and its components tend to be iterative and cyclical

b- The interactions between your program and its components are scheduled to happen only
before the governance board meetings

C:: The interactions between your program and its components are strictly limited to when an alert is
escalated to you

d- The interactions between your program and its components are daily, informal and based on
confidence between people


© Jean Gauix and Martial Bellec, not tor distribution, sale or reproduction
... (

Question 142 QUE

You have been designated as the program manager of an international program with stakeholders You
located in five countries in Europe and in Asia. You are developing the program management plan,
and you are now identifying the major risks to your program. The program statement of work is very
clear. You have identified a list of experts from the five countries who understand the program
to rr
context and who can really contribute to identifying the most important risks. You are aware of the ~ on t
Tools and Techniques that can be used to identify those risks, but you want to select the right tOJI. ~ perf
Under these circumstances, which is the BESTtool you should use? i inter,
to th
a- Perform a remote brainstorming session with the experts

b- Perform a root cause analysis (Ishikawa diagramming technique)

I tool ~

a- B(

c- Apply the Delphi technique with the experts b- Pi

d- Interview each expert c- Ec

d- Ec

Question 143

You have developed a program management plan which has been reviewed and accepted by all Quesi
stakeholders of your program. You are currently in the executing part of the program, and you want
to make sure that your four project managers A, B, C and 0 execute according to the program You c
management plan. During a checkpoint meeting, projec1 manager B argues that she has reolize
developed her project management plan which has been accepted, and she thus does not need but p
to follow the program management plan which she does not feel responsible for. This will soon quolif
become a problem because project manager B tends to go her own way, regardless of what others expen
are doing. What is the NEXTaction you should take? to this
a- Remind project B manager that the program management plan takes precedence over her enviro
project management plan the 1M

b- Remind project B manager that she is not alone, but that her project is one element of a whole
program with the objective of delivering the planned benefits a- Up,
c- Remind project B manager that even though her plan was approved, she should now forget
about her project management plan and only follow the program management plan b- Upc
d- Tell project B manager that her plan was approved a long time ago and has now become
obsolete and should be updated c- Upc
of this r

(_. Do r


© Jean Gauix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution, sale or reproduction

You have developed a program management plan which has been reviewed and accepted by all
stakeholders of your program. You are currently in the executing part of the program, and you want
to make sure that your four project managers A B, C and D execute according to the program
management plan. During a checkpoint meeting, you request that each project manager reports
on the progress of their project, to enable you to synthesize the data on the overall program
performance and communicate the result to stakeholders. You know that stakeholders are mainly
interested in knowing, on a monthly basis,what the projected end program cost will be compared
to the planned cost. In order to communicate this information to stakeholders, WHICHcost reporting
tool should be used by your project managers?

a- Bar charts in order to show how costs are distributed per project over time

b- Pie charts in order to show the distribution of the costs per project over time

c- Earned value reports to highlight EAC vs. BAC

d- Earned value reports to highlight CPI vs.SPI

Question 145

You are managing a program which is well underway. Several identified benefits have been
realized. The four component projects are on track and are producing the expected deliverables,
but poor quality is a becoming a problem, because deliverables are not up to the appropriate
quality standards. Overall. your program team lacks quality skills,and you want to hire an outside
expert to take charge of managing quality matters on your program. The steering committee agrees
to this action. The quality expert will report to you. In order to include this expert in the program
team, you spend enough time with him to make sure that he understands the program's
environment. His participation in the program is confirmed. The contract with him is signed. What is
the IMMEDIATEaction you should take?

a- Update the program charter in order to reflect his participation in the program. The program
charter defines all program stakeholders

b- Update the program Gantt chart to include the delivery schedule expected from this expert. The
schedule is key

c- Update the program stakeholder register and inform other stakeholders about the participation
of this new stakeholder

d- Do nothing because this stakeholder will report to you


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 146 Que

The program you are managing is spread over 9 countries, includes 23 external companies and The
generates more than 50 external communications a year. You organize an open event every year in genE
order to distribute the essential information on your program. The objective of this event is not only to orde
summarize and distribute all the available information but also to receive feedback from all parties sumr
about the achieved and future expected benefits. The open event took place last week and you ObOL
discovered that several medium-level stakeholders expressed negative concerns about ': are f
program. They claimed that they do not see how it will serve their interests and do not understand the P
why so much money is being spent on it. What is the MOST probable reason to moke them think
this? 0- As

a- The 50 external communications were not appropriate for communicating your results b- [
b- The 50 external communications were not appropriate for communicating your results, but
because they are directly produced by the project teams, you have no other choice than to c- A~
distribute this information occe

c- They think that one event a year is not enough, you should organize an open event every 20 d- Ar
external communications speci

d- They believe that the information provided in the 50 external communications is too detailed.
You should arrange for the information on your program to be better synthesized and not wait for
the open event to distribute it. Then you should ask them for feedback Ques1

Question 147

The program you are managing is spread over 9 countries, includes 23 external companies aile:
generates more than 50 external communications a year. You organize an open event every year in
order to distribute the essential information on your program. The objective of this event is not only to
summarize and distribute all the available information but also to receive feedback from all parties and yl
about the achieved and future expected benefits. The open event took place last week and you about
discovered that several medium-level stakeholders expressed negative concerns about the
program. They claimed that they do not see how this will serve their interests and do not understand 0- Is Y
why so much money is being spent on it. They claimed that information is not distributed as often as
they wish. What is the MOST suitable solution to overcome this? b- Is Y
a- Do not wait for one year to have contact with them. Exploit every contact, even informal to get

c- Are
feedback from them 3
J d- ArE
b- The open event should be complemented by some other visible interim events. You could j object
organize more focused workshops on specific areas where these stakeholders are involved :'1

c- The open event should be complemented by some other visible interim events. You should
develop a plan for that

d- You should ask them to invite you to their events in order to deliver information about top level


© Jean Gouix and Martial Sellee. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
The program you are managing is spread over 9 countries, includes 23 external companies and
generates more than 50 external communications a year. You organize an open event every year in
order to distribute the essential information on your program. The objective of this event is not only to
summarize and distribute all the available information but also to receive feedback from all parties
about the achieved and future expected benefits. The open event took place last week and you
ore facing strong opposition from the program team over-archiving all distributed information into
the PMIS. This PMIS is provided by the corporate ITsupport. What is the FIRSTaction you should take?

a- Ask them to stop everything now and urge them to archive files

b- Develop an understanding of why they ore opposed to the corporate PMIS and use
management reserve to purchase another PMIS in order to archive files

c- Ask your PMO to specify and negotiate a PMIS change with corporate people to make it more
acceptable by all

d- Argue that this is the PMIS corporate tool, used by several other programs and there is no other
specific PMISjust for us

Question 149

You manage a program in company ABC which manufactures and sells electronic equipment. Up
to now, the company was using its own marketing channels, but the company has recently decided
to split them: some equipment will still be sold through existing channels, and some equipment will
be sold through the new marketing channels. This decision has a major impact on the existing
company organization. Some of the strategic objectives have changed, taking into account the
new marketing channels. You do not know if the program you ore managing is impacted or not by
the new strategy, and if it is, to what extent. A steering committee meeting is planned next week
and you will participate. What will be the MOST important question asked by the steering committee
about your program?

a- Is your program still expected to generate adequate revenue?

b- Is your program still in the updated portfolio?

c- Are the component projects of your program still expected to produce the right deliverables?

d- Are the expected benefits generated by your program still in line with the new strategic


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 150 Ques

You (

You are managing a program that is in charge of developing a new set of drills for oil exploration.
There are many constraints because these drills should operate in a large set of conditions: depth, There
underground structure, temperature and location. You have organized this program by project unde
characteristics: one of them consists of the design and manufacturing of the drills, which is located chare
on your corporate premises, while several others test the drillsin their respective regions, ranging from :1
t on yc
polar to equatorial conditions. An important objective of the program is to minimize the overall ~ polar
future operational costs of the drills for your organization. Among the following options, which one I opere
does NOTcharacterize the need of having a program in such a case? ~ test c
" 2100 (
a- The coordination of the logistics needed for the transportation of the drills between the corporate
location and the overseas sites

b- The coordination of human resources among the test projects

I a- C

b- Ge
c- The compliance of the drills to global quality standards
d- The existence of high technical risksin each of the different projects
d- or.

Question 151
You are managing a program that is in charge of developing a new set of drills for oil exploration,
There are many constraints because these drills should operate in a large set of conditions: depth, Congr
underground structure, temperature and locations. You have organized this program by project progre
characteristics: one of them consists of the design and manufacturing of the drills, which is located Severe
on your corporate premises, while several others test the drillsin their respective regions, ranging from
polar to equatorial conditions. An important objective of the program is to minimize the overall
future operational costs of the drills for your organization in order to increase business efficiency.
Among the following stakeholders, which one has MOSTlikely applied this prime objective?
I leader
the pr

a- The executive sponsor of your program a- The

b- The manager of the portfolio your program is part of b- The

c- The CEO of your organization c- The

d- The program director

d- The




© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. noi for distribution, sale or reproduction
, You are managing a program that is in charge of developing a new set of drills for oil exploration.
There are many constraints because these drills should operate in a large set of conditions: depth,
underground structure, temperature and locations. You have organized this program by project
characteristics: one of them consists of the design and manufacturing of the drills,which is located
on your corporate premises, while several others test the drills in their respective regions, ranging from
polar to equatorial conditions. A prime objective of the program is to minimize the overall future
operational costs of the drills for your organization. However, you recently observed that the total
test costs rose significantly when a number of drills of the same model all broke at a depth between
2100and 2550 meters. What is the IMMEDIATEaction you should take?

a- Check that the local drilling processes are understood and applied by the staff on each
respective platform

b- Gather information on what specific conditions exist on each site

c- Request a detailed issuereport from each test project manager

d- Organize a meeting with all test project managers

Question 153

Congratulations! You have been selected as the program manager in charge of managing a large
program which includes five projects, and lots of stakeholders. Thisprogram is key for your company.
Several benefits are expected as a result of this program that should establish your company as a
leader in its field. The program existence has just been approved by a group of company
executives. The fact that the go ahead has been given to proceed with the program means that
the program has successfully exited the first phase of its life cycle: the definition phase. Which
document is NOTan output of this phase?

a- The program plan

b- The program roadmap

c- The program charter

d- The program management plan


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Question 154 QUE

Congratulations! You have been selected os the program manager in charge of managing a large Pro;
program which includes five projects, and lots of stakeholders! This program is key for your company.
Several benefits are expected os a result of this program that should establish your company as a 0- (
leader in its field. The program is progressing fairly well and you are now proceeding with the delivery ted
of planned benefits. The market is changing rapidly; more and more opportunities emerge and from critic
looking at what's happening in the market, you realize that by expanding the program SCope,
several more benefits could be generated. Your company could take advantage of the potential b- C
new benefits, and you think about what you should do to make it happen. You and your team are bOSE
extremely busy with program activities, and you have very little time to spend on other matters. The
next steering committee is scheduled in one month from now. What is the BESToption for you to
c- T

a- Do nothing. You and your team are already very busy. In addition, you are not responsible to
report new opportunities to upper management I.
b- Prepare a presentation and spend necessary time to review it with your team in order to present
it at the next steering committee meeting

c- Talk to your sponsor, inform him about the opportunities and osk him what you should do next
d- Prepare a presentation and osk for an extraordinary steering committee meeting in order to read
explain the new opportunities com
to im
Question 155
0- Y<
Congratulations! You have been selected os the program manager in charge of managing a lorqe
program which includes five projects, and lots of stakeholders. This program is key for your company. b- Yc
Several benefits are expected os a result of this program that should establish your company os a
leader in its field. You are now proceeding in the first phose of the program life cycle, the definition c- Yc
phose. You know that you should develop the program roadmap before the next steering
committee meeting. You have a list of identified key benefits and also a high level schedule of their
d- Yc
planned dates. You are not sure about the difference between the benefits realization plan and the
program roadmap. From the list of below options, what is the BESTanswer?

a- There is no difference between the two. They both relate to the creation of program benefits
b- They are different: the benefits realization plan describes when and how the benefits will be
created, and the program roadmap is more general and provides a high level view of the key
milestones and decision points of the program, including benefits realization
end c
start 1
c- They are different: the benefits realization plan describes when and how the benefits will be case.
created, and the program roadmap does not address at all the creation of the benefits
d- They are complementary: both are outputs from 'Benefits and planning' activities
b- Thi

c- ThE

d- ThE

© Jean Gouix and Martial 8ellec. nOTfor distribution, sale or reproduction

Program management requires a special blend of skillsin:

a- Communication, recognition of the dynamic aspects of stakeholders' expectations, leadership,

technical expertise, conflicts and issuesresolution, program scheduling management tools including
critical chain, and strategic visioning

b- Communication, procurement, leadership, decision making, conflicts and issuesresolution, data

bases and strategic visioning

c- Technical expertise, procurement management, and a solid foundation of human aspects,

excluding project management skills

c- Communication skills, recognition of the dynamic aspects of stakeholders' expectations,

leadership, decision making, conflicts and issuesresolution, management of uncertainties and
complexity, and strategic visioning

Question 157

You have developed the roadmap for your program in which you have indicated the key
milestones to initiate and close components. Now you are certain that one of the components is
ready to be initiated: a business case and a project charter have been developed for the
component, and a project manager is assigned. You inform the project manager that she should
officially initiate her project right now. You communicate this decision to key program stakeholders.
Soon after your notification was sent, you received a message from the program sponsor telling you
to immediately stop this project. What is the MOSTprobable reason for this decision?

a- You did not get an approval from program stakeholders to start this component

b- You did not send a component initiation request to the steering committee

c- You did not send a component initiation request to the sponsor

d- You did not previously discuss this component initiation with your other project managers

Question 158

You have developed the roadmap for your program in which you have indicated the key

I milestones to initiate and close components. Now you are certain that one of the components is
ready to be initiated: a business case and a project charter have been developed for the
component, and a project manager is assigned. A steering committee meeting is planned for the
end of this week, and you prepare a presentation for the governance board about your desire to
start this component as soon as possible. During the governance board meeting, you state your
case. The steering committee disagrees with the component initiation. What did you OVERLOOK?

a- You did not assign a project manager for that component

b- Thisproject does not have a charter nor a businesscase defined

3 c- There is no component sponsor assigned

d- The program governance plan does not show component initiation criteria

© Jean Gouix and Martial Beliec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 159 QUE

You are managing a program which is well underway. Several identified benefits have been realized Proj
and the four component projects are on track to produce their expected deliverables. A large proj
majority of stakeholders are happy with program results, except one who is key for the success of the con
program. This stakeholder insists on the fact that you did not plan to track and manage her disc
expectations. You paid a lot of attention to stakeholder engagement during the program definition 1 stee
phase, and you believe you effectively documented how to track stakeholders' expectations during ..•~
~ MO:
the life of the program. Where did you record HOW you planned to track and rnO!i08,=, ~
stakeholders' expectations? ~

0- The stakeholder

b- The program

charter which describes


stakeholder expectations
b- F

c- T
c- The program business case which gives a high-level summary of stakeholder expectations
d- P

d- The stakeholder register ~


I Que:

Question 160

You are managing an international program with stakeholders located in various countries around "
I You
the world. You are developing the program management plan, and you are concerned

stakeholders' representatives in each location. You are concerned

by the
variety of languages used. In most countries, English is not the mother tongue. You have asked for
by the fact that communications
Ii on a
between you and some of them may be a problem. You would like to select the best option to
communicate. Among all the options, which one is the BESTto communicate? .~

0- Impose English as the only possible language

representatives that there is no other choice
for communicating with you. Tell your stakeholders
i 0-

b- Propose English as the unique communicating language with you as English is the number one
language spoken in the world and wait for comments from the stakeholders' representatives. Then
decide on a common communication language
I b- Ce

c- Make a survey among

all stakeholders in order to decide which language will be most i
c- Cc

d- Cc

d- Ask each stakeholder to use their mother tongue and hire external translators i~ plan t




156 i"
© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec not for distribution. sale or reproduction ~

Projects A, Band C are components of program X. You have just been selected as the manager of
project A. Your project has not started yet, waiting for the 'go' decision from the board. A steering
committee meeting is called today, and the decision to start project A is among the topics to be
discussed. Program manager X comes back from the meeting and tells you that. unfortunately, the
steering committee will not allow project A to start now. From the list of reasons, which one is the
MOSTcritical for the steering committee to refuse to start project A?

a- The businesscase for project A does not exist

b- Project A manager has not been selected yet

c- The total number of resources is not present on the project

d- Project A does not have a sponsor

Question 162

You are managing a program and you want to monitor its performance throughout the entire
program life cycle. According to the collected data, requests and decisions for corrective or
preventive actions will be taken by means of the program governance. You collect this status data
on a regular basis, and you then perform performance analyses. Program performance analyses
cover a set of specific activities, such as cost and schedule variances, probability to achieve
planned benefits, issueand riskstatus. Program metrics may be used to help you assessthe situation.
From the list of options, what is INCLUDEDin the program performance activities you want to

a- Collecting, measuring, dissiminating performance information, and assessing overall trends in

order to create the program transition plan

b- Collecting performance information and store it in the PMISdata base before updating the risk
management plan

c- Collecting, measuring, dissiminating performance information, assessingoverall trends in order to

create program performance reports and forecasts

i d- Collecting, and measuring performance information in order to update the benefits realization
, plan before distributing it to the stakeholders



© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution, sale or reproduction
: ~""

Question 163 Que

You manage a program which is in the definition phase, and you are developing the benefits You
realization plan which describes when and how planned benefits will occur. From the list of planned softy
benefits, you know that some of the identified benefits may not occur before the program ends. In critic
addition, based upon the characteristics of some of the benefits, you are not sure what will happen nove
to them when the program is over. You have heard about sustainment plans, but you are not sure ~ expE
what they are about. From this list of options below, which is a TRUEstatement about benefits? ~
1 get 1
a- The delivery of the benefits
should address this issue
should be sustained after the program is over. The sustainment pian
i fact
b- All benefits must be realized before the program ends
c- The benefits realization plan only addresses the benefits which are generated before the closure
of the program b-Th

d- There is no sustainment plan in program management. This is not a program management c- Th.
d- Th{

Question 164

What is the BESTdefinition of a program?

I You c

a- A program is a group of related projects, subprograms and program activities that are managed five p
in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually the r:
b- A program may include elements of related work outside of the scope of the component
can t
~ projec
c- Programs are composed of various components

d- Most of the components are the separate projects within the program, but another component is I a- WI'

the management effort and infrastructure needed to manage the program
b- Wr

~ c- Wh
~ d- Do
the pre



158 ~

© Jean Gouix ond Mortial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction

'"You manage a program which includes the development of a new software product. This new
software product will be used by hundreds of end users.You are aware that stakeholder support is
critical to program success, and you have performed a detailed analysis of your stakeholders. You
, have put in place a communication plan to address each of the key stakeholder's concerns and
expectations. You meet with them on a regular basis,you distribute summary reports on the program
performance, and you address their issueswith action plans. They seem to be happy with whet they
get from you. Your program is running well, but one day, an end user starts complaining about the
fact that you ignored her expectations. After you have discussed this with her, you disagree with her
statement and you can prove that her expectations are recorded. WHICHdocument contains this

a- The stakeholder log

b- The stakeholder analysis

c- Thestakeholder register

d- The stakeholder map

Question 166

You are the sponsor of a major international program in company XYZ.Thisprogram is composed of
five projects, and it has a huge number of stakeholders spread all over the world. The execution of
the program is well underway and the steering committee has planned to meet soon for the
monthly checkpoint of the program. In order to provide a clear status of the program, the program
manager has prepared a set of slides. In his presentation, he states that three component projects
can be closed as their planned deliverables have been completed. Based on the presentation, the
steering committee agrees with the closure of the three projects. Before accepting to close the
projects, the steering committee should have asked WHICHquestion to the program manager?

a- What was the estimated cost at completion (EAC) for each project?

b- What is the status of the two remaining projects?

c- What is planned for the reassignment of resources from each closing project?

d- Do the three projects satisfactorily meet the criteria as stated in the benefits realization plan of
the program?


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Question 167 Qu

You are in the program formulation subphase of a new program X that you would like to manage. YOl
You have an important meeting with the portfolio manager who will host your program if it is pre
selected. This portfolio consists of a number of programs and projects in charge of marketing a ide
complete range of green cars that will differentiate your organization from the competition. pro
Program X is organized into 4 projects named "class K cars", "class L cars", "class M cars", and "clos, -s pee
N cars" which are customized for 3 continents A Band C. The portfolio manager explains to you that
there is a maximum budget which will impose the prioritization of several programs to be launched
shortly. You really want to promote your program X. What is the MOST appropriate reply to the
I are

portfolio manager's statement?

a- Your program X has the shortest ROI

b- The "class M cars" project is highly expected by continent A customers



c- All projects have strategic value; you propose to cancel some combinations of classes of cars vs.
continents and to assign resources according to the priority of the business opportunity
I d- TI

d- You recommend selecting the program AS IS because you have an outstanding experience in Que
cutting costs afterwards
§ iden
Question 168 to n
You are in the program formulation subphase of a new program X that you would like to manage. that
You have an important meeting with the portfolio manager who will host your program if it is like t
selected. This portfolio consists of a number of programs and projects in charge of marketing a take
complete range of green cars that will differentiate your organization from the competition. Wi ,r)j ~
the MOST important organizational criterion to select a program? ...l:j a- S
I chall
a- Total amount of budget
b- e
b- Required skillsand level of expertise with respect to competition I

c- Innovation strengths with respect to competition c- SE
d- Benefits
d- O


160 ~


© Jean Gauix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction -i"!

You have been nominated as program manager for a program composed of three component
projects: A Band C. You are in the definition phase of the program and you are in the process of
identifying the core team members of the program. You have a list of key roles you want to fill in the
program core team, and you start interviewing candidates. Now you have successfully identified
people and you want to document the link between the roles and identified candidates, as they
are coming into the core team. What DOCUMENT are you trying to build?

a- The RAM or responsibility assignment matrix

b- The OBS or organizational breakdown structure

c- The accountability matrix

d- The RBSor risk breakdown structure

Question 170

You have been nominated as program manager for a program composed of three component
projects: A Band C. You are in the definition phase of the program and you are in the process of
identifying key stakeholders, understanding their expectations, and you start developing a strategy
to manage them. As of today, you have identified six key stakeholders, four internal to the
organization, and two external. Each stakeholder seems to be in favor of the program. You know
that their involvement is key for program success. You have never met them before and you would
like to immediately start building a strong relationship with them. What is the NEXTaction you should

a- Send a welcome note to each key stakeholder, and explain the program context and

b- Call each of the key stakeholders, welcome each one and explain the program context and

c- Send the program management plan to each key stakeholder and add a welcome note to the

d- Organize a welcome kick-off meeting with the six key stakeholders and explain the program
context and challenges


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction


Practice Test of 170 Questions - Answers
a- N
Please find below the answers to the practice test. Cusf
At the end of the formal PgMP® exam, PMI will provide you a qualitative assessment of VOlA exec
performance, per domain: bad
Proficient - indicates performance is above the average level of knowledge in this domain
Moderately Proficient - indicates performance that is at the average level of knowledge in this

Below Proficient- indicates performance is below the average level of knowledge in this domain Ques

Because there is no tangible threshold for this assessment, our recommendation is to take this a- Nc
practice test until you achieve a result of 80%. apprc

Question 1

a- No! Too early. b- No! This is too early, and there is no such 'phase'. c- Correct! d- No! Too late.
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Benefits Management - Task 4 and standard page 37,
section 4.2 a- No
Question 2 c- Co
a- No! There are no metrics in a roadmap, just milestones for key events. b- Correct! The benefits
realization plan, which is a subsidiary plan of the program management plan, describes WHEN PgMF
benefits should occur and HOW benefits will be analyzed and measured (e.g. partially realized,
totally realized, etc.) using metrics identified and recorded (logged) in the benefits realization plan,
c- No! This document mainly consists of procedures describing how governance decisions should be
managed. d- No! There is no such document. Questi

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Benefits Management - Task 4 and standard page 37 a- No!
(first paragraph) and page 38, section 4.2 prove
the pr:
Question 3 closure
plan en
a- No! It will not work! You should first argue about his concerns and then, depending upon his more
or less positive reaction, ask him to change. b- No! You are not the BOSS of the program if you do PgMPrE
so, please solve program issues yourself! This will not help. c- No! When things may go wrong, they sectior
go wrong! d- Correct! You should think about what actions you could take to move him to a more
positive attitude (e.g. face to face discussions, regular communication, ask to review his
presentations before he comes to your meetings, etc.). This may not be easy, but because of his
importance in the program, you should try.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Stakeholder Management - Task 5


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for dislribution. sale or reproduction
a- No! Firstdiscuss with the program sponsor. b- No! You will definitely need to discuss with the
Customer, but you should first discuss with the sponsor. c- No! You lack information about the
program, not about technical elements! d- Yes! You should first meet the sponsor who is usually an
executive representing the company. They should provide you with the proper program
background, and this should help you to then meet with the other entities. All other answers refer to
meetings that can occur later.

PgMp® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Stakeholder Management - Task7

Question 5

a- No! Thiscan be a useful tool. b- No! Thiscan be a useful tool. c- Correct answer! Thisis not an
appropriate tool to monitor metrics and take corrective action. It can be used in the time domain to
optimize the schedule. d- No! Thiscan be a useful tool.

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 2011 / Benefits Management - Task4

Question 6

a- No! The benefits realization plan documents the plan for realizing the benefits. It provides much
more information than just the list of planned benefits. b- No! This is not a program document.
c- Correct! The benefits register should contain all planned benefits. d- No! This is not a program

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Strategic program Management - Task6

Question 7

a- No! The text says that all benefits have NOTbeen realized. b- No! Thisisvery valid information to
prove that the missing benefit will be realized later on. BUT,there may be other reasons not to close
the program, such as procurement closure, financial closure, etc. c- Thisis very useful, but are all
closure conditions met? d- Correct answer! If ALLthe closure conditions defined in the program
plan are met, you can close the program.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Closing the program - Task 33 and standard page 61,
section 6.2.13 [program closure)


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction

Question 8

a- Wrong! The project manager has to justify the initiation of a new project at program level. For this, a- N,
they first need to write a change request. Then this initiation has to be validated by the governance prop,
board. b- Correct! Because it helps the project manager to express this idea in coherence with the case
program infrastructure, it is up to you to then decide with the CCB. c- Wrong! First you have to beca
assess the impact of this new project on the program according to the program management plan. betw
d- No! At least ask "Why is this needed?" proje

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 I Controlling the Program - Task 28 PgM

Question 9 Ques

a- No! It is of course not essential to meet them all before, just good practice, even if it is not always a- Cc
possible. b- NOI This is not a valid reason for rejection. c- Correct! Always exploln the change in a an ev
strategic way to the board. d- Wrong! It is very likely that you showed the coherence of the program that 7.
architecture to the board, could

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II I Controlling the Program - Task 29 PgMf

Question 10 Quest

a- No! Mandate comes before charter. b- Correct! In the program life cycle, the program a- No!
governance board may issue a mandate, supported by a valid business case. The program charter It may
will be issued during program formulation, then the program management plan will be developed, not be
and finally customer sign off occurs at program closure c- No! Customer sign off is last. d- No! correc
Customer sign off is last.
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 I J I Executing the Program - Knowledge Specific to Domain
2 (Phase gate reviews) and standard page 35, section 4.1 (mandate) and page 68, sections
and (charter and program management plan) and page 88, section (customer sign
off) Questi

0- Yes
else. !
Question 11 be the

a- No! Stakeholder metrics are defined in the engagement plan and are used to measure the PgMPu
performance of stakeholders' engagement activities. b- Correct answer! The stakeholder
engagement plan is an output of the 'Stakeholder engagement planning' activity; and during this
activity, the key tool is 'stakeholder analysis'. c- No! Brainstorming sessions are used during
stakeholder identification. d- No! Those are tools used during 'Stakeholder engagement' related

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 I Stakeholder Management - Task 2 and standard pages
49 and 50, sections 5.2 and 5.3


@ Jean Gouix ond Martiol Bellec. not for distribution. sole or reproduction
Question 12

a- No! This is the consequence of project closures but it is too soon at this stage. b- No! The
proposed change concerns architecture reorganization internal to the program and the business
case has already been updated to justify cutting the program costs. c- Yes! It is the correct answer
because, in this particular situation, it is essential to analyze and show the inter-dependencies
between projects in order to justify grouping them. d- No! Thisis part of the process for grouping
projects, but not THEIMMEDIATEaction to be taken. Thisis of secondary priority.

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 20 II I strategic program Management - Task 10

Question 13

a- Correct answer! b- No! You do not optimize your overall resources; there is a high chance that
an even distribution will lead to the wrong outcomes. c- No! You do not take into account the fact
that Z has lower priority. d- No! The consequence of a budget reduction is not only the delay; it
could also impact other criteria such as quality.

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 2011 I Planning the program - Task 10

Question 14

a- No! It may not be adequate, for example if the skillsin project Z are not usable in project Y. b- No!
It may not be adequate, for example if the skillsin project Z are not usable in project X. c- No! It may
not be adequate, for example if the skillsin project X are not usable in project Y. d- Yes! This is the
correct answer because it simply encompasses all the other possible answers.

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 2011 I Planning the program - Task 10

Question 15

a- Yes! Check that the delay on project X deliverables has an impact on project Y before anything
else. b- No! Maybe resources of project Z are not adequate for project X; in this case you have to
evaluate this first. c- No! You cannot go to the governance board before evaluating the impact
internally to the program; maybe there is no need to escalate. d- No! An administrative task cannot
be the first one to perform.

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 2011 I Planning the program - Task 15


© Jean Gouix and Martial Beliec, nof for distribufion, sale or reproduction
Question 16 Ques1

a- No! What do you tell them? You will just make people angry with you if you do so! b- Correct! 0- Wr
c- No! You cannot wait so long; you have to do something about the delay NOW. o- No! Check done
that the deliverables have an impact on 1234 before doing anything else. shouk
is ove
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Governance - Task 3 nothir
Question 17
a- No! Change request management is just a small part of program governance. b- No! The sectio
definition of program governance is wrong: only planned benefits should be delivered I c- Correct!
Thisis an adequate definition of program governance. d- No! The definition is incomplete and the
objective is not only to meet Customer requirements.
The standard page 51
a- COl
Question 18 respor

a- No! You have to transition the bug to operations. b- Yes! An operational team should be already
in place because you planned the close out meeting. c- No! You have to transition the bug to The st.
operations. d- No! You have to transition the bug to operations.

PgMp® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Closing the program - Task 33


0- Cor

Question 19 require
These (
a- No! You will make the customer unhappy. b- Correct! Thisis the best option. c- No! You cannot
initiate a project without formal review by the governance board. d- Nol You have to adapt to 011
customer expectations.

PgMp® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Governance - Task 10


Question 20

a- Wrong! In some cases, expected benefits can contribute to only one strategic objective. b- No!
Although this is desirable, in some cases it is difficult to define tangible benefits that are measurable
in financial terms. E.g. improve the company image, improve reputation, etc. c- Correct!
Delivered benefits need to be sustained after the program is over. d- No! This is not the responsibility
of the PMO which is more a 'support' function to the program. It is the responsibility of the program

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Benefits Management - Task 3 and standard page 43,
section 4.5


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not lor distribution. sale or reproduction
a- Wrong! The sponsor is not responsible for developing the benefits realization plan. It should be
done under the program manager's responsibility. b- Correct! All planned program outcomes
should be achieved before the program ends, but some benefits may occur even when the program
is over. c- No! All planned benefits may not occur before the end of the program. d- NOIThishas
nothing to do with the benefits realization plan. Processes and procedures used to manage the
program should be specified in the program management plan.

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 2011 ( Benefits Management - Task 1 and standard page 39,
section 4.2.1

Question 22

a- Correct! Thisis a description of the sponsor'sprime responsibilities. b- No! Gate reviews should be
managed by the steering committee, not by the sponsor alone. c- No! Thisis a weak answer with
regard to stakeholders! d- No! Weak answer! For instance, one of the program manager's prime
responsibilitiesis to make sure that program goals and objectives remain aligned with the strategic
objectives of the organization.

The standard page 47, section 5.1

Question 23

a- Correct! Think strategy not tactics, you are really in the position of a program manager to obtain
requirements and agreements from stakeholders in order to create the project charter later. This is
correct because it is the most global answer. b- Wrong answer! Strategic but not enough! c- No!
Theseare tactical actions. d- No! Theseare tactical actions.

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 2011 (Strategic program Management - Task1

Question 24

a- Correct! Always take the most global or inclusive answer, plan for sustainability rather than
efficiency. It is the most global answer because the vision of the program may encompass things
other than the budget objective. For example, inter-governmental cooperation projects, or existing
R&Dcenters that may then be part of the organization. b- Wrong! Too focused and more tactically
oriented. c- Wrong! Too focused and more tactically oriented. d- Wrong! Too focused and more
tactically oriented.

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 2011 (Initiating the program - Task 1

I © Jean Gouix and Marjial Bellec. not for distribution, sale or reproduction

Question 25 QUE

a- Wrong! Thinkstrategy not tactics, these are tactical actions. b- Wrong! Think strategy not tactics, a- "
these are tactical actions. c- Wrong! Think strategy not tactics, these are tactical actions. not
d- Correct! These are strategic actions and are more global. inch
PgMp® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Strategic program Management - Task8 mee


Question 26 ~ Que

a- Wrong! The risk register and the benefits realization plan are closely related. b- Wrong! The risk
register does not specify WHEN component level riskswill impact benefits! c- Correct! The :isi~
register may contain risks which impact benefits realization. d- No! This is not the best answer.
Merging the two entities or not is not the issue.

PgMp® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Benefits Management - Task 1 and standard page 98,
8.7.3, a= paragraph

Question 27

a- No! The program charter is issued later. The business case is an input to the creation of the
program charter, b- No! The program roadmap is created during the program definition phase
which is the first phase of the program life cycle. c- Correct answer! Benefits are first documented in a- Cc
the program business case which is developed during the program definition phase. Please note long.
that the standard also mentions the 'program mandate' as another document which may contain
benefits identified prior to the definition phase. d- No! The benefits realization plan is developer'
after expected benefits have been identified and documented.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Strategic program Management - Task 6 and standard
page 35, section 4.1
a- Wr
Question 28 be re\
a- No! This helps assigned people to make the right decisions throughout the program life cycle. progrc
b- No! This may guarantee that specific governance rules are handled appropriately. C> No! is tOO!
Effective governance is about HOW, and WHAT is ultimately delivered. d- Correct answer!
Unfortunately, it might not be possible to solve all component issues at the component level and The s
some need to be escalated. All other answers are elements of an effective governance structure.

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 20 II/Governance - Task 2 and standard page 56, section Questi
~." 0- No!
I c-
b- No!
t' new c:

The sic

© Jean Gauix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 29

a- No! E-mailsore not the best tools to measure attendance at meetings. b- No! Phone calls ore
not the best tools to measure attendance at meetings. c- No! The stakeholder register does not
include a measure of attendance at meetings. d- Correct! Stakeholder metrics must be defined in
the stakeholder engagement plan in order for you to be able to track stakeholder participation at
meetings and identify causes of non participation. Other answers are wrong.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20] ] / Stakeholder Management - Task4

Question 30

8 23 ; 23 33
ji"'- -' C=lO ,- .... --
8 23 : / • 23 33



a- Correct! b- Wrong answer! ADEFGis51 long and AHG is 40 long. c- Wrong cnswerl ADEFGis 51
long. d- Wrong answer! AHG is 40 long and ABCG is53 long.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20] ] / Planning the program - Task9 and PMBOK® Guide page

Question 31

a- Wrong answer! Plans should be revisited at each component initiation in order to evaluate the
potential impact on the program. b- Wrong answer! Plans should be revisited at each component
closure in order to evaluate the potential impact on the program. c- Wrong answer! Plans should
be revisited at the identification of a new major risk in order to evaluate the potential impact on the
program. d- Correct answer! The fact that the portfolio has been modified might NOT impact the
program. So, it may not be necessary to perform planning activities at the program level. 'Each time'
istoo strong.

The standard page 58, section 6.2.10 (need for change) and the Standard for Portfolio
Management - Third Edition page 77, section 5.3.3 (Optimize portfolio)

Question 32

a- No! If three key resources leave the program, plans should be updated to reflect the change.
b- No! If the program scope change request has been accepted, then plans must be updated.
c- Correct! If the change request has been rejected, there is no need to update the plans. d- No! If
new components are coming into the program, plans will need to be updated.

The standard page 58, section 6.2.10 (need for change)


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sole or reproduction
Question 33 Que~

a- No! The Customer may request a major scope change, which may be accepted or rejected. a- N<
b- No! This is a fact. This might not result in a modification to the plan, only a need to catch up, if b- N(
possible! c- Correct! An accepted schedule change request means that the schedule has there
changed. The program plan must be updated. d- No! This is a fact. This may not result in a 'vote
modification to the plan, only a need to be at the right quality standard, if possible! The (
The standard page 58, section 6.2.10 (need for change)

Question 34
a- No! You need to discuss with the project manager, but you also need to show your authority! b-
No! This does not solve any issue at all. c- Correct! You show your authority. d- No! However, the a- N(
sponsor may think that she is paying for everything, including informal discussions with members of volur
YOUR team. stake
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Governance - Task 7 the tr,


Question 35
a- Correct! This is the exhaustive list of artifacts of the "Program Performance Monitoring and Control"
activity. b- No! This is not the good definition of artifacts relative to the "Program Performance a- Nc
Monitoring and Control" activity. c- No! Stakeholder engagement reports are not an artifact of co
generated by the "Program Performance Monitoring and Control" activity. d- No! Stakeholders' is onl~
feedback and status of team morale are not artifacts generated by the "Program Performance help I
Monitoring and Control" activity. stake

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Executing the Program - Task 20 and standard page 87, PgMI
section 8.3.5 50, se


Question 36 a- No

a- Wrong answer! b- Correct answer! The difference is only the time which is needed: 2 months less issues
this year. c- No! July 1st to July 30th is one month for this year. June 1st to August 31st was 3 months nece~
last year. Schedule variance = 3-1 = 2 months. d- Wrong answer! You do have enough information!

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Controlling the Program - Task 25 The sl

Question 37 Quest

a- No! You will spend 2/3 less this year. b- Correct. Total cost = 1000000, this is the value of cleaning
the town. Planned cost per month =cpm= 1000000/3, cost variance = 2*cpm = 666666. c- No! This
is the cost for one month, not the cost variance. d- No! You will only have to remove the waste
during one month this year, compared to 3 months last year. There is a cost variance!

PgMP® Examination
Content Outline 2011 / Controlling the Program - Task 25 I

© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution, sale or reproduction ':i
a- No! This is not a good option. Do everything possible to have common tools across the program.
b- No! This is not a good option. You may not have the skill to decide which one is the 'best' tool',
there may be other options. c- No! This is not a good option. The decision should not be based on a
'vote' decision. The PMO should decide. d- Correct! The PMO should investigate all possible options.
The organization may have a set of options which could be used, regardless of the options already
used by the projects. Investigate as much as possible!

PgMP@Examination Content Outline 2011 / Executing the Program - Task 17

Question 39

a- No! True, but this is a weak answer because the meeting attendance lists are filled in on a
voluntary basis by the attendees! Stakeholder metrics are a far better answer. b- No! The
stakeholder register does not help to track stakeholders' engagement. c- No! The stakeholder map
does not help to track stakeholders' engagement. d- Correct answer! Stakeholder metrics allow
the tracking of stakeholders' attendance and involvement.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Stakeholder Management - Task 4 and standard page
49, section 5.2

Question 40

a- No! 'Active listening' is not a Tool used to check stakeholders' engagement. It is only an element
of communication. b- No! 'Active listening' is not a Tool used to check stakeholders' engagement. It
is only an element of communication. c- Correct answer! This is a correct list of tools which can
help check stakeholders' engagement. d- No! 'Dispute management' is not a Tool used to check
stakeholders' engagement.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Stakeholder Management - Task 7 and standard page
50, section 5.3

Question 41

a- No! It can be true also when selecting a junior project manager. b- NOI It is not really a proof of
success. On the contrary, if the majority of the staff is not from this country, it may lead to cultural
issues or basic resistance by countries who may challenge what corporate say. c- ~Jo! This is
necessary for the program manager, but does not guarantee that the program will be managed
satisfactorily. d- Correct! Because it simply encompasses all previous answers.

The standard page 15, section 1.7.1

Question 42

a- No! Come on, any stakeholder is important enough to be taken into account, and clever enough
to understand what you explained. b- No! Because the metrics should be applicable to all. c- Yes!
This is the correct answer, because the metrics should be applicable to all. d- No! This stakeholder is
not dissatisfied by the level of benefits you are proposing, they just need metrics to sign off.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Benefits Management - Task 1


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction

Question 43 a- W
a- No! As stated in the text, getting resources from outside the organization is not an option. b- No! key E
You should not audit Program A yourself. This could be an option for the steering committee o
pursue, but not by YOU as an ouditorl c- No! As stated in the text, program A is even MORE vital for The s
the company than program B! d- Correct answer! Identification of synergies could allow a DE':'~:
optimization of resources across the two programs. Ques

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / strategic program Management - Task 10

Question 44

a- No! Because it can be done later on. b- Correct! Project manager C is responsible for managing
the issue regarding the delivery of the test equipment, not you. c- No! Let project manager C do
their job first! d- No! This is not the most urgent piece of action! It should be done if necessary, after
exploring all possibilities with the vendor.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Controlling the Program - Task 27

Question 45 ;~ a- Co
'1 longe
a- No! Your project managers should alert you when their KPls are outside the defined control limits.
b- Correct! At the very least, your project managers should alert you when their KPls are outside the
'j 50; it i

defined control limits. c- No! Your project managers should alert you when their KPls are outside
)~ PgMF
the defined control limits. d- No! Your project managers should alert you when their KPls are
:~ 176, Sf
outside the defined control limits.

PgMp® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Governance - Tasks 4 and 7

Question 46

a- No! This has nothing to do with risk logging. b- No! Project related high priority risks should be first
handled by project managers. c- No! Unless you have escalation rules in place, the same situation
will pop up again! d- Correct! Obviously there is a problem with escalation procedures. Review
them and reinforce the rules.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Governance - Task 7

Question 47

a- No! This is not the exact list of funding models, and 'supported ONLY by external sources' is too
strong. b- This is not the exact list of funding models, and 'supported ONLY with internal sources of
funding' is too strong. c- Correct! These are the four funding models used to create the financial
framework. d- This is an incomplete list of funding models.

The standard page 78, section 8.2.2


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec noi for disiribution. sale or reproduction
Question 48

0- Wrong! There ore other inputs such os component payment schedules, operational costs, etc. b·
Correct! This is the main purpose of the program financial framework. c- No! Thisis true but there is a
key element missing: 'How the money will be spent'. d- No! Thisis true, but too restrictive.

The standard page 79, section 8.2.3

Question 49

l 8 20
/ 20 25 S3

"r"---" A=8 D=12 E=5 F=5 G=20
:.8, \~
10 22 22 27 -I :: 1 53

c- Correct! The critical path is the longest (length = 53). b- No! This path length is only 51; it is not the
longest one. c- No! This path length is only 40; it is not the longest one. d- No! This path length is only
50; it is not the longest one.

PgMp® Examination Content Outline 20 1/ / Planning the program - Task 9 and PMBOK®Guide page
176, section


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. nol for distribution. sale or reproduction
,~ ~;.

Question 50 Ques

a- Ne


. #,-,-,---.,~-.----.,,<~
, ''_''---',
/ j IS defi
8 j 8 20 [;/ 20 25 25 31 I 33 53



8 ,\
.- .. -
"I 10
22 22
27 27
33V 33
53 PgMI


how, \
0- No! The path length is only 50. b- No! The path length is only 51. c- Correct! Activity C is on the
critical path ABCG (length = 53) d- No! AHG is the shortest path (length = 40) and is not the critical PgMF
path. sectio

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 201 1 / Planning the program - Task 9 and PMBOK® Guide page
176, section
Question 51
0- No!

I:: I
8 23 33 detol!
B=15 (=10 f--
16 / 24 34 f'\.. sponst
the cc
with tr
. 28

: 28
. 28

\.: 34
54 .

• PgMP


0- No!
L---L.._H_= 1_2...JffirL...:_:...I
-: spent \
a- Not Correct! The float on AHG is 13! b- Correct! c- Not Correct! The float on AHG is 13! d- Not
or not.
Correct! ABCG is 53.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Planning the program - Task 9 and PMBOK®Guide pages
176 and 177, section

174 -
© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, nol for distribution. sale or reproduction
Question 52

a- No! There is no 'benefits management pian', but there is a 'benefits realization plan' The glossary
mentions the 'benefits management pian', but there is no reference to this plan elsewhere in the
standard. b- No! The transition plan outlines the steps needed to move the program from a
development state to an operational state. c- Correct! The benefits realization plan should state
everything about benefits management, including when benefits are planned to occur. d- No! This
isdefinitely not the purpose of the businesscase.

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 2011 / Benefits Management - Task 1 and standard page 38,
section 4.2.1

Question 53

a- No! There is not such report.

b- Correct answer! The transition plan outlines the steps needed to
move the program from a development state to an operational state. c- Nol Thisplan only describes
how, when, etc. benefits will be realized. d- No! There is no such document as a 'program transition

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 20 II/Benefits Management - Task 8 and standard page 41,
section 4.4

Question 54

a- No! You do not need to go into such details at that stage, do not bother your sponsor with the
details. b- Yes! This is the correct answer because you do not give the necessary analysis to your
sponsor about the transition to operations. c- No! You do not need to go into such details with all
the countries at this stage; this is a high level roadmap only. Do not bother your sponsor with the
details. d- No! You do not need to go into such details at that stage, do not bother your sponsor
with the details.

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 20 II/Strategic program Management - Task 10

Question 55

a- No! Thisis strategy, and detailed budget evaluation is premature. b- No! The amount of time you
spent with them is not a valid reason; you may have good interpersonal relationships with them while
being poor at capabilities assessment. c- Correct answer! The abilities of the functional teams
providing resources to the program have to be fully examined in order to determine whether they fit
or not. d- No! The program has little human resources interaction at that stage.

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 20 II/Strategic program Management - Task5


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 56 Que

a- Correct! b- No! This is not needed at that stage, second order stakeholders have minor \I',iei;:;ht a- N
at this stage; try first to convince the most important ones. c- No! This is outside of the procec~\._':eS. the·
d- No! This is too detailed and not really needed at this stage. char
are i
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20) ) ! strategic program Management - Task 9
Question 57 ~
a- No! You admit that your program is weak, and acknowledge that benefits to the organization me ~
financial gains only. still, in essence social, thus non-financial, concerns me also addressed.
Hopefully, it should have been done already, not now. c- Correct answer! Because EVM can
b- No!
a- C
cumulate both financial and non-financial metrics. d- No! This is rather a soft and nice presenlotion .';
exit t
but governance needs hard metrics to decide. gate
PgMPCE'Examination Content Outline 20)) ! Governance - Task 4 ~;'f
/ 7. 1 1
Question 58

a- No! This is plausible, but there is no mention of any profit in this answer. b- Correct! Both social O'1d
a- N(
profit aspects are handled in this answer. c- No! This deals with technical aspects only. d- No! ,IS :-i
deals with communications only. decis
~ comr
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20) I ! strategic program Management - Task 7 -:'
,,~ sectic

Question 59 Ques
'1 .;

a- Correct! b- No! This goes against the non-financial benefits expected by external stakeholders, so id a- No
if you do that, the program will face strong adversity in the future. c- No! Before generalizing you
.~,: apprc
have to calculate
the business case and assess whether generalization is accepted by your
board. d- No! You need to have a strategic business direction from your governance !
board before initiating such a project.
best c
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 I) ! strategic program Management - Task 7 i.1
, PgMF
:i page
Question 60 ::.!
~1 Quest
a- Correct! Program funding sources are an input to this activity, not an output!. b- No! This is an ~
output to this activity. c- No! This is an output to this activity. d- No! This is an output to this activity. ~
a- No!
The standard page 79, section 8.2.2
j ingred
~ goverr



© Jean Gouix and Martial Sellec, not lor distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 61

a- No! These are items of lesser importance. b- No! Thishas to be a big part of the change request;
the assumption which is implicit in the question is that you have justified the business case in the
change request. c- Correct! Thisis correct because it supersedes all other answers. d- NOI These
are items of lesserimportance.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20II / Stakeholder Management - Task3

Question 62

a- Correct answer! At the end of the program definition phase, component projects are not yet
initiated (started). All other answers provide valid phase-exit criteria. b- Nol Thisis a requirement to
exit this gate. c- No! Thisis a valid exit criterion at any gate. d- No! Thisis a valid exit criterion at any

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Governance - Task 3 and standard page 68, section page 69, section 7.1.2

Question 63

a- No! The steering committee must have good reasons to ask for program closure. b- No! The
probability of producing the remaining deliverables is very low. You should therefore follow the
steering committee's recommendation. c- No! You should adhere to the steering committee's
decision. d- Correct! Based on your presentation and on the program's status, the steering
committee recommends program closure. Now is the time to close!

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Closing the program - Task 33 and standard page 88,
section 8.3.7

Question 64

a- No! Thisis not the best option. Much too early! b- No! Too early because 'new benefits' are not yet
approved by the board. Only an updated business case can show if it is true that those emerging
opportunities really bring new benefits or not. c- Correct! This is the best option. It is too early to
update the benefits realization plan, and this should wait until the business case update shows
evidence that these opportunities will really bring 'new benefits' to the program. d- No! Thisis not the
best option. Too early!

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20II/Strategic program Management - Task 11 and standard
page 36, section 4.1.1

Question 65

a- No! The stakeholder engagement plan is not an ingredient of the governance plan. b- No! The
financial model is not an ingredient of the governance plan. c- Correct answer! Thisis a partial list of
ingredients of the program governance plan. d- No! The PWBS is not an ingredient of the
governance plan

PgMPCKExamination Content Outline 20 Ii / Governance - Task 2 and standard page 55, section

© Jean Gouix and Manial Bellec. not for distribution, sole or reproduction
Question 66 Ques

a- Correct! Health checks are scheduled when it is necessary to assess program performance. Gate a- C
reviews are formally defined in the program roadmap. Gate review requirements are developed in close
the governance plan. b- Wrong answer! Health checks ore scheduled when it is necessary to level
assess program performance. c- Wrong answer! Gate reviews must be scheduled ahead of time. shouk
They ore mentioned in the program roadmap. d- Wrong onswerl Health checks ore scheduled esco!
when it is necessary to assess program performance and gate reviews must be scheduled ahead "
time. . ~ PgMf
~ proCl
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 I} I Governance - Task 2 and standard page 56, sections j
~~ and and page 59, section 6.2.11

~ Quest

Question 67 0- Nc
0- No! program organization in not on enterprise environmental factor (factor OUTSIDEthe program). into c
b- No! PMO is not on enterprise environmental factor (factor OUTSIDEthe program). c- Correct! This board
is a portio I list of the enterprise environmental factors. d- No! Program and component managers likely
are not OUTSIDEthe program!. solve ~

The standard pages 30-31, section 3.3.1 PgMF

Question 68 Quest

0- No! PMIS is not on analysis. b- No! mandate is not on analysis. c- Correct list! d- No! Critical a- No!
chain is not on analysis! only a
more (
The standard page 31, section 3.3.2 d- COl
way. I
Question 69 should

0- No! This is not the primary reason to undertake programs. b- No! This is not the primary reason to PgMP
undertake programs. c- Correct! This is the primary objective of any program. d- No! Benefits must
be in line with strategic objectives which mayor may not be different from customer expectations.
The standard page 4, section 1.2
a- COl
Question 70 quality
be ols:
0- No! The program roadmap and the program charter ore outputs from 'Program initiation'
has no
activities. b- No! Their view is important but not sufficient. c- Correct! In this list of options, this is the
key input for producing the program roadmap. It is an input to 'Program initiation' activities. In
addition, an initial business case is usually used as an input. d- No! Too early at this stage. It will
be developed later. sectior

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20}} / Strategic program Management - Tasks 2 and 3 and
standard page 84, sections 8.3.1 .5 and

© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not lor distribution. sale or reproduction
Question 71

a- Correct! All contract clauses have been fulfilled with this contractor, so there is no reason not to
close the project. You will now try to resolve the remaining issues (claims if any, etc.) at program
level before escalating if necessary. b- No! Because all contract clauses have been fulfilled, you
should now ask for project closure. c- No! Try first to solve the problem at program level before
escalating. d- No! Tryfirst to solve the problem at program level before escalating.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Closing the program - Task33 and PMBOK®Guide "Close
procurements" process page 386, section 12.4

Question 72

a- No! There is a chance that ABC will convince XYZ to share their concerns and that they will
become unhappy as well. Control the situation by yourself! b- No! Doing this does not really take
into consideration ABC's concerns. c- Correct! You have to address the concerns at governance
board level because at least 3 persons are aware of the issue (ABC, a board member and you). It is
likely that they will ask you to provide the status of it. d- No! You cannot just informally expect to
solve such serious problems.

PgMp® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Stakeholder Management - Task4

Question 73

a- No! Gate reviews do much more: they also review strategic alignment, risk level, benefits, etc.
only at program gates. b- No! An external audit is not the core method for assessing health; it is
more a complementary one. c- Wrong! Health checks are not scheduled in the program roadmap.
d- Correct! Periodic health checks represent the best way to assess program health in a sustained
way. Health checks are generally held between phase-gate reviews and the governance plan
should specify the metrics used during health checks.

PgMp® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Governance - Task 11 and standard page 56, section

Question 74

a- Correct answer! This is one of the recommended Tools and Techniques mentioned in the "Plan
quality management" process at project level. Quality related tools defined at the project level can
be also used at the program level. b- Wrong! Earned Value Method has nothing to do with Quality
costs. c- Retun on Investment has nothing to do with Quality costs. d- Wrong! Net Present Value
has nothing to do with Quality costs.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Governance - Task 1 and PMBOK® Guide page 235,


© Jean GOUIX and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 75

No! Quality checklists are an output from the "Program Quality Planning" process. b- No! Request
for roadmap is not an output from any process or activity. c- Yes! This is a correct list of outputs
expected from the "Program procurement" activity. d- No! Program roadmap updates is not an QUE
output from the "Program procurement" activity.
a- '"
The standard page 91, section 8.4.2 No!
Question 76 wha
a- No! Always do something when the number of resources decreases! b- No! Thisis an autocratic
attitude, not really desirable for the long term health of your relationship! c- Correct answer! Talk to Pg/\
the functional manager, explain, communicate, and then, if need be, talk to your sponsor. d- l~C: ;::>ag
You should first talk to the functional manager, and then, if need be, to the sponsor.

PgMP@Examination Content Outline 20 II/Stakeholder Management - Task 3


Question 77 "
B Que:
a- No! It is much too early to modify the plan. It is only a riskand not an issue yet. b- No! It is too early
to alert the steering committee. It is only a risk,not an issue. c- No! It is too early to alert the steering
committee. It is only a risk, not an issue. d- Correct! It is a severe risk, but still not an issue. Project
a- Yl
b- N<
manager D should work with the vendor to find an alternative solution, if possible. Also you she. 1 The (
look at what impact the delay has upon benefit realization. It may not be critical. t! all cc
PgMP®Examination Content Outline 20 II/Benefits Management - Task 7


a- Nc
Question 78 a co
a- No! There may be a PMISin place. PMISis only a tool, it does not solve the lack of lessonslearned
being capture. b- No! The PMO is not the source of the problem. You are responsible for mok'nq PgM.
sure that lessonslearned are correctly captured. c- Correct! Thismust be the number one problem.
Make sure that a process is in place (and used) to capture lessons learned from the projects and
from the program. d- No! The problem comes from lessonslearned not being properly captured.
PgMP®Examination Content Outline 20 II/Executing the Program - Task 18
i a- Ye
Question 79
a- No! The PMO may not have the necessary skillsto develop adequate training courses. b- No! The
PMO should first conduct an assessment of the situation. c- No! Thiscannot be the option until the
need is clearly stated. d- Yes! Thisis the best option. And then, according to the findings, you take

PgMP:§Examination Content Outline 20 II/Executing the Program - Task i 9


© Jean Gauix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction

Question 80

a- No! Communication skillsare most important in this situation. It is not a matter of leadership. b-
No! Communication skillsare most important in this situation. There may not be a conflict (yet!). c-
No! Communication skillsare most important in this situation. d- Correct! Pay a lot of attention to
what project manager 0 says, and be really involved in the discussion. Active listening is the most
critical skill in a face to face discussion.

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 20 II/Executing the Program - Task 19 and Core SkillsCS1,
page 19 and PMBOK®Guide Appendix X3 page 515, section X3.4 (Communication)

Question 81

a- Yes! This is correct; financing a program is not straightforward, because of its size and duration.
b- No! Budget at completion is not a criterion for deciding to have a project or a program. c- No!
The choice of the person directing the project or program is not a criterion. d- No! Thisis not true in
all cases because this answer is very 'project/sub-projects oriented'.

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 2011 / Strategic program Management - Task 7 and standard
page 78, section 8.2.2 (last paragraph, bottom)

Question 82

a- No! Leveling means the even spreading of resources between components. b- No! Smoothing is
a conflict resolution technique. c- Correct answer! d- No! Not really used by PM!, this concept
being a hierarchy of issuesand solutions.

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 2011 / Controlling the Program - Task28

Question 83

a- Yes! This is correct. The team is in the first phase of Tuckman's model b- No! Thisphase needs
people to work interactively together; typically people read each others' documents and criticize
them, but they interact. c- No! Not in PMIvocabulary. d- No! Not in PMI vocabulary.

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 20 II/Executing the Program - Task 19


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 84 ,_:>
:1 a- No
a- No! Thisis not a valid reason to modify the program architecture. b- No' The steering committee is ~
only investigating the possibility of including a new project. It is much too early to update the ,~ indivic
program architecture! c- No! Thisis not a good reason to modify the program architecture. Thisis § direct
part of the life of the program. Component projects will close one after the other, until the program "~~ mana
also closes. d- Correct! The addition of the new component may have an impact on the program ,- her to
arc hitecture. what i
- projec
PgMP:& Examination Content Outline 20 II/Executing the Program - Task 17 and standard page 29,
section 4.2.2 ~ The sl
~ Quest
Question 85
i~ a- No!
by thE

a- No! The change request is rejected therefore no program architecture change and no intertoce f::; not ac
change. b- No! The change request has no effect on other components. No interface change. ~ addre

c- No! Thisshould not impact component interfaces. At least, this is not the BESToption. d- Yes! For ill action
sure, this needs to be communicated to stakeholders as it impacts component interfaces.
~ onolv:

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 I) / Stakeholder Management - Task 5 and standard page I
39, section 4.2.2 and pages 58-59, section 6.2.10 (need for change) ®
Question 86 ;~
a- No! There is not enough information to be able to count the number of interfaces. b- Correct! It is ~ Questi

not possible to determine precisely how many interfaces the program manager has to manage. We ~
have no idea about component interrelationships. c- No! There is not enough information to be able ~ a- COl
to count the number of interfaces. d- No! There is not enough information to be able to count the :; a limit(
number of interfaces. ;y: board

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Executing the Program - Task23 ~ PgMP

Question 87 ~
~ Questi
a- Yes! This is correct because b- No! Thisengagement plan
it simply includes all the other plans. W
a- No!
M incorn
could be reviewed but it is not the most likely to be reviewed. c- No! Thisregister could be reviewed ii
but it is not the most likely to be reviewed. d- No! This plan could be reviewed but it is not the most m pass tr
likely to be reviewed. ] ignore

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Governance - Task3 PgMP(


a- Cor
levels f
the PV



© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellee. not for distribution. sale or reproduetiorl
a- No! The program manager coordinates efforts between projects but does not directly manage
individual projects. b- No! The program manager coordinates efforts between projects but does not
directly manage individual projects. c- Yes! This is the correct answer as you ask the project
manager to perform an in-depth analysis of the relationship between resources and delay. By asking
her to look at the project again, you are helping her to find and fix a possible misunderstanding of
what is really happening on the project. d- No! The program manager does not manage individual
projects, not even parts of them.

The standard page 56, section

Question 89

a- No! This option does not take any action at program level even though it seems the board is upset
by the PROGRAM's performance reports not by the project performance reports. b- No! This does
not address collecting, measuring and disseminating the performance report. c- NOI This does not
address collecting, measuring and disseminating the performance report. d- Yes! This is the first
action to be taken to guarantee the completeness of the reports: gap analysis, risk analysis, issues
analysis and trend, probability analysis.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Controlling the Program - Task 27 and standard page 87,
section 8.3.5

Question 90

a- Correct! b- No! The governance board is representative of your environment, but it should have
a limited number of members to be efficient. c- No! This is contrary to the definition of a governance
board that centralizes all program information to take decisions. d- No! Don't be nolvel

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Stakeholder Management - Task 1

Question 91

a- No! Ideal but this is time consuming and expensive, time is running on, and this list of 5 may be
incomplete; you have to make sure that this list is complete first. b- Correct! c- No! You should not
pass this problem to your program team; you need to solve the problem on your own. d- No! Never
ignore a concern coming from a board member!

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Stakeholder Management - Task 2

Question 92

a- Correct! This is typically done when creating a PWBS. b- No! Only include the top one or two
levels from the projects' WBS into the PWBS. c- No! Do not include the projects' work packages in
the PWBS! d- No! Do not ignore the projects' WBS because they are a key input to the PWBS

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Planning the program - Task 8 and standard page 105,
section 8.9_1


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
f ~

Question 93 o- W
J we k
a- Correct! You will update the PWBS with the non-project work when it is confirmed (or not). b- No!
i proje
You should not wait. Consolidate now the PWBS with the data available from the projects at present. K its c(
You will update the PWBS later if needed. c- Wrong! If confirmed, non-project work will impact the
; d- W
PWBS. d- Wrong! The PWBS creation is under the program manager's responsibility, not the spor i, '~. "

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Planning the program - Task 8 and standard page ,_ ;~i

section 8.9.1 ~
Question 94 '"0 Ques

0- Wrong answer! This is a valid list of plans included in a program management plan. b- Correct ;;1
a- WI
answer! There is no 'steering committee management pian'! c- Wrong answer! This is a valid list of ~ greai
plans included in a program management plan. d- Wrong answer! This is a valid list of plans @
~ proje
included in a program management plan. d- Wr

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Planning the program - Task 9 and standard page 85, i~ PgM,
section 8.3.2 :,

Question 95 i
~ Qucs
0- Wrong! The program quality management plan should not include the quality control activities
required at component level. b- Wrong! The program quality management plan should not include o- Ne
the roles and responsibilities at the component level. c- Correct! This is the most appropriate ii"y gives
(although incomplete!). d- Wrong! The program quality management plan should not include the do ne
quality plan of the components. It may be just a pointer to the plans.
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Planning the program - Task 9 and standard page 93, :i

section 8.5.1 ~
~ Quesi
Question 96 ~ 0- No

a- Wrong answer! Portfolios may include portfolios. E.g. a company portfolio may include business
how t
unit portfolios. b- Wrong answer! Some portfolios might not include projects. c- Correct answer! ~
Portfolios sometimes include non-project work, such as recurring activities which are not managed PgMF
as a project. For instance, regression tests, upgrading or debugging activities, maintenance,
ongoing operations, etc. d- Wrong answer! Some portfolios might not include programs.

The Standard for Portfolio Management - Third Edition page 3, section 1.2 (first phrase) -.1

0- No!
not m
Question 97 come
d- COl
0- Wrong answer! Program EV = 480. b- Wrong onswer: Program EV = 480. c- Correct! For project
A, CPI (EV/ AC) = 0.8 and AC = 100. So for project A, EV = 80. For project B, EV = 200. For project C, PgMP
cost variance (CV = EV-AC) is 50, and AC =
150. So for project C, EV 200. For the program, EV = =
sum of the components' EVs 80 + 200 + 200 = 480. d- Wrong answer! Program EV = 480.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Controlling the Program - Task 25


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
· a- Wrong answer! There is not enough information to answer the question. b- Correct! For project B,
we know the SPI (EV jPV = =
1.5) and EV 200. There is no information about the actual cost (AC) for
project B. So, we do not have enough information to calculate the program AC (which is the sum of
its components' ACs). c- Wrong answer! There is not enough information to answer the question.
d- Wrong answer! There is not enough information to answer the question.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Controlling the Program - Task25

Question 99

0- Wrong answer! CPI is lessthan 1. So project A is over budget. b- Wrong answer! For project B, SPIis
greater than 1, so project B is ahead of schedule. c- Correct! For project B, SPI is greater than 1, so
project B is ahead of schedule. For project C, cost variance is positive, so project C is under budget.
d- Wrong answer! We have no information about project C being late or ahead of schedule.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Controlling the Program - Task25

Question 100

0- No! With this option, you are not really managing risksat program level! b- No! Doing nothing
gives the some results so doesn't offer any opportunity to save money. c- No! With this option, you
do not tackle the request mode by the governance board. d- Correct! This is best option.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Executing the Program - Task21

Question 101

0-No! Thisis a minor issue that could not explain the situation. b- No! You do not have to explain
how to do this, sellers must do so. c- No! You do not have to explain this; it is your own private
matter. d- Correct!

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 2011/ Benefits Management - Task5

Question 102

0- No! Thisis not very sociable, b- NOI Hoving good personal relationships with the stakeholders does
not mean that they will be positive towards your program, c- No! They traveled from for away to
come to this meeting, do not send your PMO, but show your empathy by meeting them again!
d- Correct! Conviviality is a good environment for solving program issues.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Stakeholder Management - Task7


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not tor distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 103 QUE

a- No! This puts you in a weak position; senior executives might not be very supportive. b- No! It is a- t
not within the scope of your program to reconsider local business plans. c- No! Could be correct ens:
but not all stakeholders will be engaged in the decisions that will be taken. d- Correct answer! You esc(
also gain credibility from positive stakeholders if you explain other difficulties. Another advantage is esc(
that they can moderate the expectations of the negative stakeholders and help you to minimize the
effort required to obtain a consensus. Pgtv
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Benefits Management - Tasks 3 and 8

Question 104
a- N
a- Correct! A benefits register update is needed to capture specific parameters of continent A. prog
b- NOI This does not solve the issues of adapting benefits to continent 1\. c- NOI This does not hove
update the benefits register to take into account the specific needs of continent A d- No! This does iead
not update the benefits register to take into account the specific needs of Continent A
PgMp® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Benefits Management - Task 6 (Pro~

Question 105

a- This is Correct! b- No! The PWBS is created AFTER the scope statement has been defined Que~
c- No! The project charters are created AFTERthe scope statement has been defined d- No! The
program charter is created before and outlines the scope statement. a- N(
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Planning the program - Task 7 and standard page 104, PMIS
section 8.9 and page 105, section 8.9.1 b- C<
Question 106 proje
use tt
a- No! You do not have enough information to conclude. Projects A and B are late, but you need to provk
understand what is the impact on the creation of the program's benefits, and you do not know if
they are on the critical path. b- No! You do not have enough information to conclude. Projects A PgMI
and B ore late, but you need to understand what is the impact on the creation of the program's sectic
benefits, and you do not know if they ore on the critical path. c- No! You do not have enough
information to conclude. Projects A and B are late, but you need to understand what is the impact
on the creation of the program's benefits, and you do not know if they are on the critical path.
d- Correct answer! You need to collect more information coming from the projects, in order to Quesl
evaluate the impact (if any) on the creation of the program's benefits.
0- No
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Executing the Program - Task 23 (Evaluate the program's Obvio
status) shouk



© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sole or reproduction
Question 107

a- No! Issuescan be escalated if needed (the standard page 56, section b- Correct
answer! A regulation is usually imposed and cannot be escalated to the board. c- No! Riskscan be
escalated if needed (the standard page 96, section 8.7). d- No! Change requests can be
escalated if needed (the standard page 59, section 6.2.10).

PgMp® Examination Content Outline 20 II I Governance - Task 7 and various references to the
standard (see comments)

Question 108

a- No! Thisis not the main reason. b- No! Thisis not the main reason. c- Correct answer! Your
program performance is mainly suffering from major governance changes. Any program needs to
have an effective governance structure in order to be successful. d- NOI It is not a matter of
leadership changes, but of major changes in the governance structure.

PgMprF:,Examination Content Outline 20 II I Governance - Task 2 and standard pages 51-52

(Program governance)

Question 109

a- No! You definitely need a PMISat program level. The projects' PMISmay be outstanding, but
because the program needs to access data other than that of the projects, you cannot use their
PMIS 'as it is'l The program PMIS may use the projects' PMIS as a base, but also with additions.
b- Correct answer! The program manager usesfinancial tools, processes, etc. other than the project
managers' ones. There must be a PMIS dedicated to the program which may be based on the
projects' PMIS, but with additions relative to the program. c- No! The PMO is not the only body to
use the PMISat program level; you, the program manager, will also use it. d- Wrong! The sponsor
provides the resources, but they are not responsible for establishing a PMISat program level.

PgMp® Examination Content Outline 2011 I Governance - Tasks5 & 8 and standard page 64-65,
section 6.6.2 and page 86, section

Question 110

a- No! First discuss with project C's manager, so you understand the situation better. b- Correct!
Obviously, project C's manager has already talked to this stakeholder. He needs help from you. You
should first discuss with project C's manager and then decide whether or not to talk to this
stakeholder. c- Not the correct answer! Obviously project C' s manager already tried to fix the
situation with this stakeholder, with no success. Your role as the program manager is also to help your
project managers. d- No! You should try not to involve the managers of Project A and B in this issue.
One of your responsibilities isalso to protect your project managers!

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 2011 I Stakeholder Management - Task4


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Question 11 1 Ques

a- No! You cannot ignore the identified risks during the board meeting! b- No! Why would you only a- Nc
record the top five risks? During this meeting, a priority list may not have been estoblis: '::'ell there
c- Correct! Identified risks should be recorded in the risk register for further analysis. d- Nol During one,
this phase of the program, it is YOUR responsability to work on the identified risks, and nOT tile ): peop
managers' (also, most of the time they have not yet been appointed). escal

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Benefits Management - Task 7 PgMI

Question 112 Quesl

a- No! During the definition phase it is important to identify key stakeholders and log them into the a- Nc
register, not to identify the maximum number of stakeholders. b- Wrong answer! c- No! You will stoker
do this later on. d- Correct! The stakeholder register is the main output from the "Program Nol H
stakeholder identification" activity. "Selec

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Stakeholder Management - Task 1 and standard page The sf
47, section 5.1

Question 113

a- Correct answer! All answers are valid, no good reason to exclude one of them immediately. This is
correct because it is the MOST inclusive; it encompasses all possible alternatives. b- Nol OK but too
restrictive. c- No! OK but too restrictive. d- No! OK but too restrictive.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Controlling the Program - Task 30 and standard page
100, section 8.7.5

Question 114

a- Wrong! ... to the BUDGET BASELINE. b- Wrong! ... to ensure that funds ARE DISBURSED IN
ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONTRACTS. c- Yes! This is the best answer because it is the only one
which is fully compliant with the standard's wording. d- Wrong! ... the program INFRASTRUCTURE.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Controlling the Program - Task 28 and standard page 2",
a- No!
section 8.2.6
Question 115 dates f
a- No! It is always fair to congratulate the team but please make sure that the change request is
accepted by the CCB before doing it! b- Nol This is only an administrative task; it bears no reference PgMP@
to the decision which is needed. c- No! You may certainly be right to do so, but it is not the most 182, sec
important thing to do at this stage. Please make sure that the change request is accepted by the
CCB beforehand. d- Yes! All answers are valid, no good reason to exclude one of them
immediately. This is correct because this is the only one where you clearly remind the program team
that you are in charge.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Controlling the Program - Task 28


@Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, nol for distribution, sale or reproduciion
Question 116

a- No! Thisis not the best option. You should work on the issue! b- Correct! All answers are valid;
there is no good reason to exclude one of them immediately. Thisis correct because this is the only
one where you clearly remind the program team that you are in charge and in control; you bring
people together to solve shared issues. c- No! Your job is to resolve the issue. d- No! You should
escalate to the governance board ONLYif you cannot solve the issue.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Controlling the Program - Task27

Question 117

a- No! There is no such activity os "Manage program stakeholders". You do not manage
stakeholders, you manage their expectations and you should make sure they remain engaged! b-
No! There is no such activity as "Select program stakeholders". c- No! There is no such activity as
"Select program stakeholders". d- Correct answer! Thisis the correct list of activities.

The standard page 46, section 5.1

Question 118

..1 B=15 ,.
ii (=10

.. ·1
H F=6
r~ G=20 ..
\'i H=12 ,.

a- No! This is not PMI@terminology. b- Correct! This type of schedule network diagram is also
sometimes called a 'precedence diagram'. c- No! The critical path can be identified on any
schedule network diagram, but in this diagram, there is no indication of float, early start or early finish
dates for the activities. d- No! In this diagram, there is no indication of milestones: only activity
durations and activity relationships are identified.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20II/Planning the program - Task9 and PMBOK® Guide page


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellee. not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 119 QU(

a- Correct! Pessimistic = 7; most likely = 3; optimistic = 2; estimate = (P+4Ml+O)j6 = 3.5 (this is known a- ,
as the PERTestimate) b- No! You did not apply the right formula c- NOI You did not apply the sch
right formula d- No! You did not apply the right formula purl
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Initiating the program - Task 3 and PMBOK@ Guide page
170, section Pg/
Question 120

a- No! You should include unique key stakeholders at program level and the key stakeholders in
each project, because they may impact the program. b- No! In addition to the key stakeholders in QUE
each project, you also need to include unique key stakeholders at program level. c- No! You
should also take into account the stakeholders from other projects. d- Correct! This is the best way. ,'" a- N
Identify and record key stakeholders who are unique at program level, and also include key afte
stakeholders at project level. but t

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Stakeholder Management - Task 1 ~
;j d- N,

u11 Pgtv
Question 121 ~:i

a- Correct! Both tools are useful for understanding the relationships between the benefits and project
outcomes. b- No! The program charter is not a tool used for understanding this relationship. c- No! Que~
The benefits payback period is not a tool used for understanding this relationship. d- No! The
program charter is not a tool used for understanding this relationship. a- Cc
ex pic
The standard page 35, figure 4-1 (' map benefits') and other standards in program management verbc
and commercial software applications exorr
of thE


Question 122
a- No! The strategic plan should not contain an inventory of all existing components. This is not ~ Ques
related to strategy! b- No! The strategic plan should not contain a description of funding sources ~
and funding constraints. Thisis too restrictive, and non strategic! c- No! The strategic plan should not ,~
a- No
contain a description of funding constraints. This is too restrictive, and non strategic! r~ b- No
d- Correct answer! This is a correct description of a strategic plan's content. M the bE
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Strategic program Management - Task 1 and The ~~ PgMF
Standard for Portfolio Management - Third Edition page 46, section
" Quest

., a- Wn
_~i comp
~ b- Co
~ wronc
not str

~ PgMP
190 ~

© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 123

a- Correct answer! This is the purpose of the "Optimize portfolio" process. b- No! An optimized
schedule is not the purpose of the "Optimize portfolio" process. c- No! Cost optimization is not the
purpose of the "Optimize portfolio" process. d- No! Minimizing the number of resources is not the
purpose of the "Optimize portfolio" process.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Strategic program Management - Task 1 and The
Standard for Portfolio Management - Third Edition page 71, section 5.3

Question 124

a- No! This is more the notion of 'mission statements' which are very useful but should be developed
after the vision has been defined. b- Correct! You may not become the president of your country,
but at least try and set your expectations and actions to that level! Remember the vision is 'where
you want to be in x years from now'. You may not achieve it, but at least you can try!! c- No! This is
more the set of actions you need to think about for your future career, but it is not a vision statement.
d- No! Thisis more a benefit you want to achieve for yourself than a vision statement.

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 2011 / Strategic program Management - Task 1

Question 125

a- Correct! The best option is to contact them, to have a face to face discussion (where possible), to
explain the program's challenges and why their support is important. b- No! The best option is a
verbal discussion, except where it is not possible (where there are geographical constraints for
example). c- No! It is YOUR responsibility to manage your program's stakeholders. d- No!
Stakeholder metrics will help you to make sure stakeholders remain engaged during the execution
of the program. But you need to obtain their support beforehand!

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 20 II/Stakeholder Management - Task 3

Question 126

a- No! You cannot take this decision on your own and you have ignored the added value of DELTA.
b- No! This has to be examined at governance board level before the merger. c- Correct! This is
the best option. d- No! Thisis a trivial way of handling such a strategic issue.

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 20 II/Strategic program Management - Task 1

Question 127

a- Wrong! You have to think strategically, this option is tactical only. You have to understand the
complementary aspects of both programs in order to merge them in an efficient manner.
b- Correct! There may be performance metrics differences between the two organizations. c-
Wrong! Thisis unfair; The DELTAteam will become an enemy if you do that. d- Wrong! Thisis tactical,
not strategic, act STRATEGICALLY!

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 2011 / Planning the program - Task 14


© Jeon Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sole or reproduction

:.i QUI

Question 128 a- r
0- Wrong! Project C's resources are critical for the success of the project! b- Correct answer! You by (
~ reo
should first apply leveling techniques on the resources of projects A and B. c- Wrong! 'Dispotchir o' is
not a correct term, d- vvronql The Monte Carlo technique has nothing to do with this situotion
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Planning the program - Task 10

Question 129
a- (
0- Wrong! Firstly you do not have the right budget, and secondly you may not be able to resell the hov.
equipment. This option is too risky! b- Good answer! Firsttry to optimize the equipment's usage within mec
and across projects. Techniques such as leveling or smoothing may help you in your effort. c- ~~c~ rnes
This should not be your first option. Try to optimize the resource usage first. d- No! The steerin;J but
committee wonts you to look at optimizing the equipment's usage before budgeting any extra con
money. :;

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Planning the program - Task 10 .~


Question 130
o- N
0- No! The governance board (or steering committee) makes closure decisions based 0: give
component closure requests, not the program management team. b- No! The governance board is no
(or steering committee) makes closure decisions based on component closure requests, not 11',2
PMO. c- Correct! The governance board (or steering committee) makes closure decisions based Pg/v
on component closure requests. d- Incorrect! The governance board (or steering committee)
makes closure decisions based on component closure requests, not the customer.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Executing the Program - Task 24 and standard page 56, Que~
section and page 61, section 6.2.12 and page 87, section (component transition)
a- C(
so de
Question 131 bug \

a- Correct answer! The three projects' SPls are less than 1 which means that all projects are late, and PgM
cumulative CV is positive which means that you spent less than planned. b- Nol The three projects
are late (SPI less than 1), and cumulative CV is positive which means you spent less than plonned.
c- All SPls are less than 1 which means than all projects are late, and all CPls are greater than i
which means that you definitely performed more than anticipated. d- No! All SPls are less than 1 Ques
which means that the three projects are late, and all CPls are greater than 1 means that you
performed well and above what was planned. 0- Nc
b- Nc
PgMp® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Controlling the Program - Task 25 and PMBOK® Guide d- Co
pages 217-219, section


© Jean Gouix ond Mortiol 8e/iec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Question 132

a- Correctl b- No! You are not arguing about your program but about your company; you will
upset your internal sponsor and the Administration, by making them feel they are now linked to you
by default. c- No! You are not demonstrating that risksare under control. d- No! You run the riskof
really boring them and thus losing their interest; they want a high-level plan, not details.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Governance - Task7

Question 133

a- Correctl Thisinformation should not be provided during the board meeting, but it is essential to
have it internally. You have to manage how you release internal resources. b- No! Governance
means politics, but this cannot be solved during a closure meeting. c- No! An internal board
meeting could be a preparation meeting with participants from your organization only. Plausible,
but then the sponsor should have already stated this. d- No! This is more related to external

PgMp® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Closing the program - Task33

Question 134

a- No! Thismay happen, but it is never valid for all people. b- No! Your team's performance was
given due recognition during the meeting. c- Correct! Thisis the most probable cause! d- No! This
is not a valid reason!

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Executing the Program - Task 19

Question 135

a- Correct! Thisoption says that you can provide a fix with the remaining program team members,
so do it! Then close the program. b- No! You do not share the issue with operations, this is too
selfishand there is a better option! c- No! Thisis risky;there is a high chance that it will make the
bug worse. d- No! Thiscan take time and you are not sure that they will reintegrate the program.

PgMp® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Closing the program - Task33

Question 136

a- No! Thisis an "AVOID" and arrogant strategy that is not good for the credibility of your program.
b- No! You are not really addressing their concern. c- No! You should try to understand NOW!
d- Correct! Because you propose a new transition plan for that concern.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 I 1 / Governance - Task 11


© Jean Gauix and Martial 8ellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Question 137 QUE

a- Wrong answer! The program mandate is an input to this phase's activities, and the component :i c- ~
plans are developed during the 'Program benefits delivery' phase. b- Wrong answer! The proqrom cyc
mandate is an input to this phase's activities. c- Correct answer! These are the main outputs from the The'
definition phase. d- Wrong answer! Component planning and authorization is performed during ihe ::=lre
'Program benefits delivery' phase. .nte:
PgMP@ Examination Content Outline 2011 / Initiating the program - Task 1 and standard page 35 ,
section 4.1 (program mandate) and page 68, sections and (program definition phase .. The
and subphases)


~~ Que
Question 138
H a- 1"\
a- Wrong answer! The detailed benefits plan is not part of the program charter. b- No! A minimum "e
:'1 anal
number of planning activities is necessary before starting to deliver benefits. c- Wrong! The program 1 failul
charter does not provide a governance mechanism. d- Yes! Once approved (as stated in the text), risk E
this is the definition of the program charter. In addition to those characteristics, we can add the fact ~
,7. amo
that the program charter links the program to the strategic priorities of the organization. 0
:~1 best

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Initiating the program - Task 1 and standard page 85, ~: Pglv
section 8.3.1 .6
~: pagE

Question 139 Ques

a- Correct! The text refers to a description of the scope statement. b- Wrong answer! The program a- N(
scope management plan describes HOW the program scope will be managed. c- Wrong answer! proqt
The PWBS depicts the total work to be accomplished in the program. d- Wrong answer! The tollov
program stakeholder engagement plan describes HOW stakeholders will be engaged. progr

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Initiating the program - Task 2 and standard page 105, PgMI
section 8.9.1 and page 158, Table X5-1 (artifacts)

Question 140
a- Nc
a- Correct answer! All benefits do not need to be realized before program closure, but the conditions plann
(outcomes) to realize the benefits must exist in order to close the program. b- No! This is a valid at CO!
criterion for program closure. c- No! This is a valid criterion for program closure. d- No! This is a valid recon
criterion for program closure. Index;

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Closing the program - Task 33 and standard page 88, PgMF
section 8.3.7 (program closure) and page 89, section (program closeout) sectio


© Jean Gouix and Martial Sellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction
Question 141

a- Correct! The interactions between the program and its components tend to be iterative and
cyclical. b- No! Interactions will not necessarily be stimulated when preparing the board meetings.
They will occur randomly during the life of the program. c- No! Thisis true but too restrictive. There
are many other reasons for the program to interact with its component projects. d- No! Even if
interpersonal skills are of utmost importance to the program manager, there are other types of
interactions, formal and informal, between the program and its components.

The standard page 9, section 1.4.1

Question 142

a- No! Brainstorming sessions might not be adequate with remote experts. b- No! Root cause
analysis is not the right tool; it is mainly used to identify possible key causes of past problems or
failures you have encountered already; it is also used to identify all the possible triggers of a specific
risk event but not the risk itself. c- Correct! The Delphi technique is a way to reach a consensus
among experts, and it works well when experts are remotely located. d- No! Interviews are not the
best tool with remote experts.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Stakeholder Management - Task 6 and PMBOK® Guide
pages 324-325,section 11.2.2

Question 143

a- No! It is not a question of precedence. b- Correct! Component projects are elements of a

program and each of them contributes to the planned benefits. c- No! Project manager B should
follow her plan but also understand that her project management plan is one element of the
program contributing to the planned benefits. d- No! It is not a matter of obsolescence.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Executing the Program - Task21

Question 144

a- No! Bar charts do not show estimate vs. planned. b- No! Pie charts do not show estimate vs.
planned. c- Correct! Earned value management (EVM) is recommended to show what the estimate
at completion (EAC) is vs. the planned budget at completion (BAC). d- No! Earned value is the
recommended tool, but highlighting CPI (Cost Performance Index) vs. SPI(Schedule Performance
Index) will not help in this situation!

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Executing the Program - Task22 and standard page 81,
section 8.2.6 (implementing earned value management) and PMBOK® Guide page 220, section value formulas)


@ Jean Gauix and Manial Bellec. not for distribution. sale or reproduction

Question 145 a- f'
a- No! You do not have to update the program charter each time you need to add or rerno!':) neVI
stakeholders. b- No! This is a secondary problem. c- Correct! It is key that this new stokehoki, .. ,; que
made known to the other stakeholders, d- Wrong cnswerl This stakeholder is kev for prug!c:. obje
success, and should be registered as such.
PgMP3 Examination Content Outline 20 II I Stakeholder Management - Tasks 1 and 5

Question 146
a- N
0- No! You do nothing to improve the situation. b- No! Stakeholders clearly understand; do (1')\ can
repeat information which bothers them, this will increase their opposition. c- No! You may be Tor' but ti
with lower attendance, and the impact of the open event will also be less likely to genelate to gl
feedback. d- Correct answer! You have to provide synthesized information at program level to quali
receive support from stakeholders. mom
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II I Stakeholder Management - Task 5
The ~

Question 147
0- No! Ok, but how? b- Nol This makes sense, but you should use a systematic approach for all
stakeholders; at the next open event you might discover new opposition from people who o'-e nn1 0- Wr
involved in these workshops. c- Correct! Because you organize a plan at program level ro b- Thi
systematically mitigate the lack of visibility. d- No! You cannot guarantee that this information will buslm
satisfy them at all, they have expressed concerns, and YOU have to answer to them, specifically. exeCl

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II I Stakeholder Management - Task 4 PgMF



Question 148
0- No! A 'forcing approach' is not needed; you are not under time pressure at this stage. b- "I
Investments are already made at corporate level, do not reinvent the wheel. c- Correct answer! To a- No!
escalate concerns to the corporate IT people demonstrates a positive attitude. d- No! You do not simply
have empathy with your team; beware of not damaging your relationship with them. betwe
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II I Governance - Task 5 level.



@Jean Gouix and Martial Bellee. no! for distribution, sale 0' roproouction

Question 149

a- No! Thisis not a concern at this moment. b- No! Thisis a good question, but it is the result of the
decision of the steering committee depending upon the alignment (or not) of your program with
new strategic objectives. c- No! Thisis not a concern at the moment. d- Correct! Thisis the key
question about your program. If the expected benefits are not in line with the new strategic
objectives, your program may be cancelled or at least be re evaluated.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 I Benefits Management - Task5

Question 150

a- No! Cost minimization can be a good reason for initiating a program. b- No! HR management
can be a good reason for initiating a program. c- Correct! The other answers are plausible reasons,
but this answer is better because it only concerns one or several projects. Forinstance, compliance
to global quality standards may only concern the design project. The need to have a "global"
quality standard does not mean that it applies to all projects but to all drills; do not mix program
management and quality management. d- No! High technical riskscan be a good reason for
initiating a program.

The standard page 7, section 1.3

Question 151

a- Wrong! They provide resources and ensure the success of the program, not of the objectives.
b- This is Correct! The portfolio manager makes sure that projects and programs directly support
business objectives. c- No! This is not systematic. The CEO usually delegates. d- No! They have
executive ownership only.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 I strategic program Management - page 7, Knowledge
Specific 11and standard page 10,section 1.4.2

Question 152

a- No! Thisis a local action; project manager's do not need a program manager for that! b- No! You
simply observe local conditions, but in this answer, there is no mention of a consolidated action
between sites. c- No! Thisis a local action; project managers do not need a program manager for
that! d- Correct! Thisis correct because you take the initiative to correlate and resolve at program

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 I Controlling the Program - Task27


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 153

a· Correct answer! The program plan (business case, vision, mission, goals and objectives) is an Que
input used during this phase. b- Wrong answer! The program roadmap is an output from this
phose. c- Wrong answer! The program charter is an output from this phose. d- Wrong answer! The a- N
program management plan is an output from this phose. deci
to th
The standard page 28, section 3.1.2 (program plan) and page 68, section 7.1.1 then

Question 154 The

a- Wrong! Your responsibility os program manager includes the possibility to exploit ne\/
opportunities. b- Wrong! You do not have the time to prepare a presentation with your team. You ~
should first talk to your sponsor. c- Correct! Your sponsor should be able to tell you what to do next, Que:
for instance whether you should present the case to the steering committee. d- No! You should first
discuss things briefly with your sponsor and tell him that you do not have time to go further into the a- N(
opportunities. He should be able to carry on. proje
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Strategic program Management - Tosk 11 corn]
?: The ~

Question 155

a- Wrong! They are different (see other comments). b- Correct! The answer text reflects the Ques
differences between the two. c- Wrong! The roadmap highlights all of the major program milestones,
including dates regarding benefits. d- Wrong! The program roadmap is an outpout from the 0- C
'Program initiation' activities which are performed during the 'Program definition' phose. stake
The standard page 29, section 3.2 and page 38, section 4.2.1 expe
not sc

Question 156 46-47

a- No! Technical expertise is not always necessary, and scheduling management tools skills are
usually not necessary!. b- No! Procurement skills and data boses skills are usually not mandatory. c-
No! Technical expertise is not always necessary, and project management skills are recornmende cl Ques'
d- Yes! This is an exact list out of the standard.
a- No
The standard page 15, section 1.7.1 and page 145, Appendix X4 seek,
that E



© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellee, not for distribution, sale or reoroduetion

Question 157

a- No! Stakeholders do not decide on component initiation (and transition). The steering committee
decides. b- Yes! When you want to start a component of your program, you need to send a request
to the steering committee that will then approve or disapprove. c- NOI Sponsors do not decide by
themselves. It is the steering committee that agrees to initiate (and transition) components and you
must ask for that authorization. d- No! It is the responsibility of the steering committee, not of your
project managers.

The standard page 61, section 6.2.12

Question 158

a- No! The project manager is assigned (see the text content). b- No! The project charter and the
project businesscase exist (see the text content). c- No! The project sponsor is assigned; by default.
YOU are the component sponsor. d- Correct! This must be the only reason not to start the
component, as this is mandatory; and all other answers are wrong (see the text content).

The standard page 56, section (component initiation criteria)

Question 159

a- Correct! The stakeholder engagement plan describes HOW you plan to track and manage
stakeholders's expectations. b- No! The program charter does not say HOW to track stakeholders'
expectations. c- No! The program business case does not say HOW to track stakeholders'
expectations. d- No! The stakeholder register contains the stakeholders' expectations, but it does
not say HOW to track them!

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 2011 / Stakeholder Management - Task 2 and standard pages
46-47, section 5.1 and page 49, section 5.2

Question 160

a- No! To "impose" is not the best choice. b- Correct! This is the best answer. It is always better to
seek consensus than to impose your views. If all key stakeholders representatives agree with the fact
that English is the best choice, it will come from a unanimous decision. c- No! You cannot make a
survey among ALL stakeholders. d- No! Thissolution is too costly.

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 2011 / Stakeholder Management - Task5


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellec, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 161
a- I
a- Correct! From the list, this is the only element which could prevent project A from starting. sta
A business case is needed for each component project in a program. b- Wrong! You have been ext
selected as the project manager! c-.Wrong! Or at least not the best answer. The fact the! all stal
resources are not present should not delay the start of the project. d- Wrong answer! Remember,
most of the time, the program manager acts as the sponsor for component projects.
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Executing the Program - Task 16 and standard page 61,
section 6.2.12

Question 162
a- ~
0- Wrong! The transition plan is not included in the performance activities. b- Wrong! The PM IS is not c- ~
included in the performance activities. c- Correct! d- Wrong! The benefits realization plan is not bes
included in the performance activities. or n
PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Executing the Program - Task 23 and standard page 87, wi"
sections 8.3.5, and
Question 163 sec:
0- Correct! All benefits should be sustained after the program is completed. The sustainment plan
should be developed to ensure the continued realization of the benefits delivered. b- Wrong! SonV?
benefits may occur after the program is closed. c- Wrong! The benefits realization plan should
address ALL benefits. d- Wrong! There should be a sustainment plan. QUE

PgMP® Examination Content Out/ine 20 II/Benefits Management - Tasks 3 and 7 and stonocr: a- ~
page 43, section 4.5 pro;

Question 164

a- Correct! Official PMI® definition. b- No! This statement is true but it does not contain all the
essential notions of a program, i.e. control, common management for better coordination onj Que
benefits c- No! This could also fit as a definition of a portfolio. d- No! This definition says nothing
about benefits.
a- N
b- f\;
The standard page 4 (What is a program?) dep
c- N



© Jean Gauix and Morilol Bellec. not far disiribuiian. sale or repraduciian
Question 165

a- No! The stakeholder log does not exist. b- No! Stakeholder analysis is a Tool used to develop the
stakeholder engagement plan. c- Correct! The stakeholder register should contain stakeholders'
expectations. d- No! Stakeholder maps visually represent the interaction and influence of

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Stakeholder Management - Task 2 and standard pages
46-47, section 5.1

Question 166

a- No! The EAC of each project has little to do with the closure decision. b- No! The status of the
two remaining projects has no impact on the decision whether to close or not the three projects.
c- No! This question is not appropriate for the decision to close the three projects. This should have
been addressed in the various project plans. d- Yes! Thisis the key question to ask before agreeing
or not to close the three projects. The deliverables may have been produced, but according to the
criteria defined in the benefits realization plan, are we certain that expected benefits have been (or
will be) realized as per the defined criteria?

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 2011 / Benefits Management - Task 5 and standard page 60,
section 6.2.11 (second bullet outcomes of program components) and page 38-39, section 4.2.1
(benefits realization plan)

Question 167

a- No! This is part of the portfolio's manager role. b- No! There is no comparison with other
programs, this statement is not appropriate. c- Correct! Thisis the best option. d- No! You have to
show that money spent will be recovered BEFOREselection.

The standard pages 10-11, sections 1.4.2 and 1.4.3

Question 168

a- No! The budget alone cannot indicate whether projects will have to be interdependent or not.
b- No! Requirements on their own cannot indicate whether a program is needed or not: it also
depends on the total amount of work and the way this work is structured and work packaged.
c- No! This is not an essential criterion for eventually structuring a program into interdependent
projects. d- Correct! Portfolio management considers 'benefits' to be the highest priority criteria
when selecting a program.

PgMP® Examination Content Outline 20 II/Strategic program Management - Task 7 and standard
page 11, section 1.4.3


© Jean Gouix and Martial Bellee, not for distribution, sale or reproduction
Question 169

a- No! The RAM (responsibility assignment matrix) shows the link between the work elements and
people assigned to do the work. b- No! The OBS (organizational breakdown structure) shows the
link between the work elements and the organization's existing departments or units. c- You are
Correct! This is exactly what the accountability matrix does. d- No! The RBS(risk breakdown
structure) is a hierarchical representation of the risks

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 20 II/Initiating the program - Task4

Question 170

a- No! Thisis not the best option. It is always better to meet people, when possible. b- No! Thisis not
the best option. It is always better to meet people, when possible. c- No! Thisis not the best option.
Anyway, the program management plan has not been created yet! d- Correct! The kick-off
meeting is the best option in this situation. You will have the opportunity to meet each stakeholder
and all discussthings together. They will also have the opportunity to meet other key stakeholders.
You will really start to build a team whose involvement is vital for the program's success.

PgMP®Examination Content Outline 20 II/Initiating the program - Task6


© Jean Gouix and Martial Beliec, not for distribution. sale or reproduction

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