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Process for Submitting Special Education Purchase Order Request

Revised 10.24.17

1. Click on the link below to open purchase order document

2. Save a copy to your Drive for editing by selecting File → Make a copy

3. Save the copy to your own Drive, call it something you will remember (suggestion:
a. This will now be in your Drive and is a document you can type into for current
and future PO Requests
4. Complete the PO request from your Google Drive
5. When complete go to File → download as Word document
6. Attach this document in an email to either coordinator (building budget) or Barb Franks
(itinerant budget only), also attach any relevant order information such as snapshot of
shopping cart or purchase order details
a. Coordinator will review building budget items and forward to Barb Franks for
processing (email from coordinator will indicate acknowledgement to use building
7. Barb Franks will seek supervisor signature/ approval, and Kerri Whitney will code and
document accordingly
8. Barb Franks will submit approved POs into Google Forms data entry system
(coordinators will have access to data entry system to see approval status)


Follow Above Process

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