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English II English II

Task 1: Task 2:

a. b.

A: WRITING: Look at the photo and answer the questions

1. Where do you think they girls are?
2. Who is she talking to? What is she saying?
3. How do you think she feels?
4. Do you talk a lot in class at ESPOL? c. d.
5. Do you talk a lot when you are with your ESPOL friends? And what
about with your neighbors? A: WRITING: Look at the photos and answer the questions
6. Do you think you should change anything about the way you talk? 1. How are they communicating?
Why / Why not? 2. When was the last time you were in a similar situation?
Word/phrases: “The way you talk” e.g. talk more, less, more 3. Which situations do you enjoy? Which don’t you enjoy? Why?
loudly, more quietly

B: SPEAKING: Practice the questions and the answers

B: SPEAKING: Practice the questions and the answers

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