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By. Engr. Abdulhay Mohamed Ghanem

Sr. Planning Engineer at Abdullah A. Alkodari Co.

Purpose of this document :

Purpose of this document is to explain and help how to use Primavera

rimavera software to create a
recovery/revised schedule properly by using Primavera tools.

Who should read this document:


This document is for who is concern about Primavera

rimavera and project management such planners,
schedulers, projects controllers and projects managers.

The guys who will read and utilize this document should be conversant the following tools and options in
Primavera software like global changes, export and import in excel format, percent complete type and its
effect on schedule updating and this equation Activity % complete = (Data date – BL start) / (BL finish –
BL Start). i.e A%C = (DD – BLST) / ((BLF – BLST), Which will be used to conclude the used equation in
this document.

Let us start with preparation of recovery schedule.

Firstly we have to know what is the meaning of recovery schedule? . We can simply say that the recovery
schedule is a new baseline schedule to rectify any occurred delay to the project to meet contractual end
whether by using crashing technique or fast track technique.

My example in this document, I am using percent complete type physical, before prepare your recovery
schedule you have to make sure of the following:

1- No activities are out of sequence.

2- No activities with unsatisfied
satisfied relation.
3- Remaining early start of all in progress activities is one day after data date not more.

Data Date is 31.May.15

Regarding point no. 3, I will explain why we should fulfill this condition during explain
lain the global changes
which will be applied.

4- Detach the baseline and separate the current progress.

If the updated schedule has an assigned baseline you shall remove that baseline.
Tip: If this message appeared to you.

It means you have to release the old baseline from assigning to the current project. From project –
assign baselines and change to current project
project in mentioned tow positions, and then you can delete.
5- Delete finish constraint of the project.
In projects layout, select dates label then remove date in cell of must finish by.(highlight it then press delete)

6- Press F9 to run scheduling–– Using retained logic option before scheduling progressed activities (From
scheduling options).
Now you can adjust the remaining duration (remember I am using physical type for percent complete type) of
in progress activities and the relations of not started activities to prepare a proper recovery schedule in
accordance with view of PM & CM and site requirement to close the project on contractual end end.

Tip: If you are using duration

ion type fix duration and units, you will find your budgeted total cost still the same. If
you are using duration type fix duration and unit/time you will find your budgeted total cost is more than you
planned in your baseline schedule before creating the recovery schedule.
sc To solve this issue I will explain at the
end of this
is document how to solve.

Now we will apply the following global change to the current project as follow

a- Original
nal duration of completed activities.. (Original should = actual)

b- Planned start date and planned finish date to be equal actual date for completed
C- Original duration of in progress activities. ((Original = actual + remaining ).

d - Planned start date to be equal actual date for in progress activities.

After complete all steps. Did you asked yourself why EV at Data date (31.May.15) not equal
PV of the new recovery baseline? And how we can adjust it to make EV = PV =
67,528,929.48 SAR in my example?
(remember I am using percent complete type physical)
physical). If
you glanced to the snapshot below
In our example I used budgeted values with current dates (Default option) even you change it
to the others two options it will not affect on the result as shown in previous snapshot.

From - admin - admin preferences

What if you are using percent complete type duration?. if you are using this type from
bingeing in your baseline schedule before creating the recovery baseline, then you applied all
previous global changes then you changed the option of earned value calculation from
default to at completion values with current dates you will find the following:

1- EV = PV but not equal 68,876,923.16 SAR

2- The activities percent complete will be changed as well to values more than the actual
activities % complete at site. Please compare between snapshot No.1 and No.2.

Snapshot No.1

Note: in this example, we are using percent complete type duration the earned value at the
same data date is 68,876,923.16 SAR
Snapshot No.2

Note: The variance between PL and EV in snapshot No. 2 due to condition No.3 in page No. 2 is not

With return to previous example (Physical), and the familiar equation of Activity % complete = (Data date
– BL start) / (BL finish – BL start) which I will use it to adjust EV = PL = 67,528,929.48 SAR but in
deferent formula. (Ghanem
Ghanem Equation)

BLST = DD – (RD / ((1 / A%C) – 1)))

Let us see how I concluded this equation

A%C = (DD – BLST) / (BLF-BLST)

(BLF whereas BLF – BLST = OD

Also OD = ED + RD
Where OD = Original duration of the activity.
ED = Elapsed duration of in progress activity.
RD = Remaining duration of in progress activity.

Then A%C = (DD – BLST) / (ED + RD)

A%C = ED / (ED + RD)

Where ED = DD – BLST for in progress activity.

A%C X ED + A%C X RD R = ED
A%C X RD = ED – A%C X ED
RD = (ED / A%C) – ED
RD = ED ((1 / A%C) – 1)

While ED = DD – BLST and ED = RD / ((1 / A%C) – 1)

Then DD – BLST = RD / ((1 / A%C) – 1)

Then BLST = DD – (RD / ((1 / A%C) – 1)))

Note: DD, A%C and RD are fixed to fulfill the requirement of a proper recovery baseline

If you filtered the completed a

activities you will find EV = PV.
V. while in progress activities, the
problem will arise (EV not equal PV). therefore we will use the previous formula to solve this

Export an excel sheet contain the following to work out the formula.. Before exporting, create
from Enterprise menu – user defined fields tow new fields as shown.
In Primavera Actual
Duration of in progress
activity is the elapsed
duration (ED)

With reference to third condition in page No.2, if you look to the following you will find if the
condition not available the new original duration will be less than the actual + remaining while
vise is correct. So, this availability of this condition is very important to work out formula.

Condition is not
available so 67+30
not equal 103
Condition is available
so 67+30 = 97

Let us complete exporting operation

Only in
n progress
Copy – Past values

Then add comma from option Data – Text to columns

Delete operation area then
save then import to

Apply this global change to calculate the new actual start date.

Data Date
Then apply this global change to make actual start equal to New Act st.

The result will be as shown below.


Reuse global change No. C & D to adjust the original duration, the result will be as the following:
Now EV = PV with variance 122,608 SAR (variance = 0.18% of earned value can be neglected)

Put the contractual end (Must finish by),

by) maintain, assign your new created recovery,
recovery enjoy.

Wait for Rev.3

In rev.3 I will talk exhaustively about revised schedule, How to save actual dates to submit as built
schedule and how to use excel sheet to transfer data from updated schedule to baseline
ba schedule after
apply some changes on that base line schedule as mentioned in page No. 5 about modifying duration
type of the activities.
My contacts informaiton
Skype account : en_ghanem
Email :
Mobile Phone : +966-546810855 , +966-593068907

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