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Inspection [Module # 3]

1. Inspectors should always make as many DFT measurements as possible in the

time allowed…? False

2. Minutes of pre-job meetings should be distributed to…?

a. project engineers only
b. all parties except the contractor
c. all parties including the contractor (answer)
d. all parties except the inspector

3. When using a Wet Film Thickness gauge, the reported WFT is the last coated
tooth…? True

4. The word ‘may’ is used in specifications where alternatives are acceptable? True

5. Inspection records may provide valuable information related to management of

coating projects…? True

6. Quality Control is an essential part of any coating application project…? True

7. Quality Control is not required on a project when the painters have been trained
according to ASTM D4228…? False

8. When DFT measurements are made in accordance with SSPC-PA2, a ‘spot’

measurement must be equal to or more than the specified minimum
DFT…? False

9. Base metal reading is a large adjustment factor, often in the range of

75 to 100 um (3 to 4 mils)…? False

10. Instrument calibration reports do not show…?

a. a record of formal calibration
b. date of last calibration
c. DFT measurements (answer)
d. Serial number of each instrument

11. The AC holiday detector does not require the use of a ground wire…? True
12. Specified inspection procedures may include…?
a. Contractor’s warranty period
b. Pass/Fail criteria for all measurements (answer)
c. Reference standards list
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

13. Quality Control may be performed by…?

a. The paint inspector
b. The operator
c. A third party inspector
d. All of the above (answer)
e. None of the above

14. Selection of coatings (for specifications) by performance criteria requires

test results to confirm coating performance…? True

15. Specifications that refer to ‘good workmanship’ should not define the term
because it depends on local working practice…? TRUE

16. Minutes of pre-job meetings are not generally recorded…? False

17. Steel surface temperature may be measured using a thermocouple…? True

18. The ‘Surface Preparation’ section of a specification should define…?

a. pre-inspection
b. pre-cleaning
c. cleaning operations in accordance with referenced standards
d. all of the above (answer)
e. none of the above

19. US guidelines for setting high-voltage holiday detector test, voltage

should be…?
a. 100 volts per mil of coating thickness (answer)
b. 125 volts per mil of coating thickness
c. 10 volts per mil of coating thickness
d. 12.5 volts per mil of coating thickness
20. When a contract requirement is mandatory, the specification uses the word…?
a. shall (answer) c. will
b. may d. should
21. Inspectors’ responsibilities should be determined as the job progresses, on a
case-by-case basis…? False

22. BMR means…?

a. Bottom mechanical register
b. Basic method of regulation
c. Base metal reading (answer)
d. Blast metal reaction

23. Inspectors should check to ensure masking is in place…?

a. before blasting work begins
b. throughout the job
c. before coating application begins
d. all of the above (answer)
e. none of the above

24. When retained samples are collected, the inspector should take samples at
random…? True

25. Which of the following is not generally part of an inspector’s job…?

a. monitoring environmental conditions
b. locating & reporting defects in the applied film
c. compiling accurate reports of the work performed by the project
d. supervising set-up of abrasive blasting equipment (answer)

26. If not specifically defined in the specification, inspectors should determine

their authority at the pre-job meeting…? True

27. High voltage holiday detectors may be used to find discontinuities, voids,
inclusions, or areas of low film thickness…? True

28. According to SSPC-PA2, the type II gauge is…?

a. a constant pressure probe non-magnetic gauge
b. a constant pressure probe magnetic gauge (answer)
c. a pull-off magnetic gauge
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
29. When DFT is measured on a soft or tacky film, the DFT measured may be more
than or less than the true DFT…? True

30. When DFT measurements are made in accordance to SSPC-PA2, a ‘spot’

measurement must be equal to or less than 120% of the specified
minimum…? False

31. Daily inspection reports are important because…?

a. they may aid in arbitration (answer)
b. they are useful time-keeping records
c. they are the only form of regular information provided by the inspector
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

32. Safety training at a facility often focuses on site-specific safety

issues…? True

33. Offshore coating inspectors should attend the contractor’s daily safety
meeting…? True

34. Wet Film Thickness measurements should be made only by the inspector,
working closely with the painter…? False

35. When using a Wet Film Thickness gauge, the reported WFT is the first
uncoated tooth…? False

36. NIST calibration standards are used to calibrate…?

a. Holiday detectors d. All of the above
b. Wet film thickness gauges e. None of the above (answer)
c. Sling psychrometers

37. For coating application, good specifications should always define…?

a. target wet film thickness
b. target dry film thickness
c. acceptable range of allowed dry film thickness (answer)
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
38. When a schedule of work is required by the specification, it should include…?
a. inspection intervals & hold points (answer)
b. names of workers, with evidence of training
c. safety contact information
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

39. Which of the following is most likely to occur as a result of high relative
humidity during or shortly after coating application…?
a. pinholes in the coating film
b. poor film build with reduced thickness
c. rough coating thickness
d. film blush (answer)

40. The pencil pull-off gauge is more accurate than other types of magnetic
DFT gauge, and therefore frequently used…? False

41. The inspector never has to record the quantity of materials used at a
job site…? False

42. When non-compliant work is judged to be acceptable, the decision should

be made by…?
a. an arbitrator c. the owner (answer)
b. the inspector d. the contractor

43. When retain samples of coatings are collected & labeled, the label should
always contain…?
a. Product batch number (answer) d. all of the above
b. MSDS details e. none of the above
c. Name of the project engineer

44. ISO means…?

a. International Safety Organization
b. International Organization for Standardizations (answer)
c. Internal Safety Officer
d. Imperial Standards Office

45. DFT of individual coatings in a multi-layer coating system cannot easily be

determined using non-destructive measurements…? True
46. To calculate the Dry Film Thickness of an applied coating, you must know…?
a. wet film thickness only
b. wet film thickness & volume solids (answer)
c. wet film thickness & spreading rate
d. volume solids & VOC

47. Holiday testing is performed to find only pinholes in the coating film? False

48. Specified inspection procedures may include…?

a. where, when & how many measurements to take
b. Pass/Fail criteria for all measurements
c. What inspection tools to use
d. All of the above (answer)
e. None of the above

49. Inspection is not a substitute for adequate supervision and proper

specification…? True

50. Inspectors’ reports should be…?

a. accurate d. all of the above (answer)
b. objective e. none of the above
c. focused on the compliance with the specification

51. Well-written specifications will define a range for surface profile? True

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