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The Pisces Sagittarius Square

All aspects in the astrological chart are neutral.

Signs want to combine with other signs and through the supposed hard angles is the only way some can
accomplish this. The friction can add to the dynamic with good results ultimately, although conflict is generally
involved. The North Node and Uranus are in Pisces now, and Jupiter is joining Pluto in Sagittarius. The lessons
of the Sagittarius-Pisces square have been here for awhile and soon the planets depart, while the earth
gradually moves on to other classroom activities.
Both signs are concerned with human spiritual development but in different ways. The broad outlying universe
is sensed for the first time in Sagittarius and the individual starts to establish a relationship with an entity often
called god. This figure resembles the human and is responsible for judgement, so morality, ethics, good, and
evil are questioned while trying to act in a certain way, and for some, seeking passage at death into a promised
paradise as a reward for good deeds.
In Pisces, the outer entity is no longer a recognizable form and the spiritual figure becomes a diffuse universal
element, not at all concerned with right and wrong. All judgement is suspended and the individual is faced
simply with the results of his actions. Cause and effect.
This dichotomy creates problems in understanding events and circumstance, the person's place in the world,
and what one should do, if anything.
The Sagittarian model of religion creates an elaborate system of dos and don'ts, rarely adhered to by mankind
so far. Some are clearly logical and conducive to social harmony, but others are completely nonsensical.
Punishment is threatened if dicta are not followed. It's wrong to kill others, all religions say, yet sometimes
survival says otherwise. Sometimes unconscious drives are motivating behavior and the wrong party is
declared innocent. The problem is that one rarely knows the reality of a situation while one is immersed in it,
and the moral rules can be arbitrary and even useless in some cases, thus the difficulty in establishing a
workable religious order. In Pisces the problem is solved by abandoning the rules altogether and letting the
effects of actions teach the way, sometimes with surprising results. Sometimes what appears to be wrong is
the only path open at the time to what is right.
It's impossible to know the truth of it all.
And the truth is sought after, fought for, abandoned, reclaimed, feared, loved, desired, and never fully grasped
and possessed. How good or bad is anybody or anything? How can anybody really know? Who is the judge?
And what do I believe? What do I know? And so what?

Gemini is the master communicator of the zodiac and they are listeners. This does not mean
that Gemini is talking all the time. Certainly Gemini can talk non-stop without taking a
breath, but Gemini can also sit there and not say one single word and just listen. Gemini
knows that great communication also involves listening. In fact, when a Gemini is quiet
LOOKOUT! because you can literally see the cogwheels churning in their mind.

Gemini rules body language, so not only do they use a massive amount of body language,
they will read your body language and use it against you if they need to. It's funny because
as a Gemini myself, I am a body language expert and I can read a person without them
having even open their mouth. In a debate you can see Donald hanging on every single word
that is being said and you can see the cogwheels churning in his brain. He heard you and
he's loading his weapon, which for Gemini is the mind. Gemini rules the brain, the mind and
mental abilities. Gemini does not need or require every single second of the day taken up
with noisy sounds or words. Gemini is fully capable of comfortable silence even though their
mind is crankin' out thoughts a mile a minute. If you want to bore the hell out of a Gemini,
talk nonsense because that will just be noise to them. If you are rattling on and on then they
have already tuned you out and they are nano-seconds from walking away. No one enjoys
the sound of their own thoughts more than a Gemini.

Gemini is like the Visa tagline, "It's everywhere you want to be and more." Gemini naturally
rules travel and transportation more on a local level, than on a global level. Gemini's are not
known for traveling abroad, that is Sagittarius their opposite sign. Not only is Donald a
Gemini, he is a North Node Gemini. He also has Venus in Cancer. This man most definitely
LOVES his country, his homeland and his family. When he says that he wants to make
America great again, you can believe it. He also has Saturn in Cancer, so he is taking the
protection and success of his home and family very seriously. He is taking his candidacy
personally. He does feel responsible and he will be responsible in the protection of his
home, family and homeland. With a North Node Gemini (local land and travel) and his South
Node in Sagittarius (global affairs and travel) naturally he is going to be so much better at
domestic affairs, than he will be in foreign affairs. If he's smart, which I do believe he is, he
will put in place the most insanely smart and talented people to make up for this hole in his
chart. Keep in mind folks, all of the candidates have a South Node that they will need to
compensate for through their cabinet and staffer choices. His South Node in Sagittarius
conjunct his Moon in Sagittarius does explain why he suffers from 'foot in the mouth
syndrome' or 'hoof in the mouth syndrome'. Sagittarius is ruled by the centaur, which is half
man and half horse. Open mouth, insert hoof.

Donald does have his Sun in Gemini trine Jupiter in Libra. Whenever you see a trine between
the Sun and Jupiter, this person will ALWAYS land on their feet. ALWAYS! This is a very lucky
placement personally and professionally. This also explains his healthy, hefty and gigantic

Gemini is the sales rep of the zodiac. That's because Gemini rules communication and
transportation, so when you combine the two, you get a sales rep, here there and
everywhere. Gemini is the traveling salesman. No other sign can juggle 12 projects at once
quite like a Gemini. In fact, most Gemini's really can juggle. Problems arise for Gemini when
they don't have enough to do, then boredom sets in and nothing will get done and that's
usually when Gemini gets into trouble. Gemini's Love puzzles, brain teasers and mind

Gemini is flirty, flighty and fiesty, which is very playful and silly. Gemini is a very young sign
who doesn't really want any trouble but will rock the boat AND tip it over if they are bored
or if nothing is happening. A bored Gemini is sitting in the boat with one hand on each side
rocking back and forth getting you all wet. In fact, you are getting soaked. Nothing will stay
the same once Gemini has entered the picture and that you can count on. Donald Trump
has changed the dialogue in this bid for the White House and has forced many issues to the
forefront. It doesn't matter if you agree or disagree how he has done it, my job is to point
out the astrology to you. He is fulfilling his role as a Gemini, North Node Gemini, Uranus in
Gemini native. This writing is not to argue or debate with you about what he is doing or
saying, this writing is intended to help you understand the astrology.

Gemini's are known for having a split personality, which can certainly show up from one
extreme to the other. As for me, my 12 year-old grandson calls me "Granny" and he calls the
other me, "HER!" It's hilarious. He knows nothing about astrology but gets that he has two
grannies all rolled into one. You can best believe that Donald Trump has two completely
different personalities as well. You could argue that we all have two people living inside of
ourselves because each sign has its share of duality -- Leo, the lion and the kitten -- Pisces,
the two fishes -- Libra, the two scales -- Taurus, the bull and the cow. When it comes to
Gemini, their counterpart really is their evil twin. Eeeeeeek! I can say this is true for myself
and the more a Gemini is aware of it, the more Gemini can squash the energy like a bug.

Gemini is -- Yes/No. Hot/Cold. Vanilla/Chocolate. Black/White. Male/Female. In/Out.

Up/Down. Go/Stop. Hard/Soft. Fast/Slow. In other words, Gemini is very extreme. Gemini
either is or it isn't. There is no gray area or 'it depends'. You either are or you aren't. Gemini
knows more than any other sign, there is no try because you either will or you will not.
There is no in-between with Gemini.

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