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From Dean: Final Exam for ObliCon (130 points)

Exam Type: A. True or False (25 Questions, 2 points each: indicate your answer in the questionnaire)

B. Essay Topics Covered:

• Negotiorum Gestio
• Nature and Effects of Obligation (Arts. 1169-1174)
• Cases on fortuitous event (e.g., Jimmy Co., Broadway Motors)
• Joint and solidary obligations in relation to application of payments
• Compensation
• Condonation / Remission
• Res perit domino / res perit creditory
• Effect of conditional obligation as far as novation is concerned
• Relativity of Contracts – tortious interference
• Concept of mutuality of contracts • Aspect of adhesion of contract
• Arts. 1381-1382 vs. Art. 1191
• Incapacity
• Rescissible Contracts vs. Simulated Contracts
• Right of First Refusal vs. Option Contract
• Art. 1382 vs. Art. 1198
• Case on assailability of rescissible contract (contract denying the heir of his / her legitime)
• Case on the Assailability of Voidable Contracts: (Exception)
• Fraud Through Silence
• In pari delicto + exceptions
• Liguez vs. CA

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