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For all non-technical questions & requests: Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or

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a leadership role, and work in partnership
  with universities, secondary schools, business
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For all technical questions:
to design and carry out model workforce
Michael J. Kocurek, PhD development initiatives. 
Director NPT2, Alabama Southern Photographs generously provided by:
Alabama River Cellulose LLC
Alabama Southern Community College
Funded under a Grant from
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Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Pulp and Paper
e-Learning Courses
© 2011-2013 NPT2

Hosted by Alabama Southern.

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Our network of community colleges and other
partners has enabled us to develop and deliver
the curriculum that works.
Today, the opportunities for careers in the pulp and paper industry are
significant. Due to the move to more automated technologies and intelligent
production systems, combined with the impending retirement of a generation
of seasoned workers, there are jobs open in mills across the country. And an
extremely efficient and effective way to prepare for these jobs is through the
training provided by NPT2.

NPT2 is a nationally recognized leader in pulp & paper training, educating

future and current process & maintenance technicians in a broad array of
subjects. Here are just a few of the reasons NPT2 works:

• NPT2, along with our network of community colleges, offers a full

curriculum to make certain employees receive a well-rounded
education. Program participants can progress toward accredited
certificates, diplomas, and degrees.

• You can select from a number of training options, from classroom to

e-learning, providing flexibility to meet your needs.

• NPT2 e-learning courses are led by renowned experts in the area of

pulp & paper science.

• We can also customize material from our course portfolio for your
specific organizational needs, including integration of our educational
material with your in-house training.

The following classes offered by NPT2 have been developed in cooperation

with the following distinguished faculty:

Dr. Martin A. Hubbe

Professor, Department of Forest Biomaterials
North Carolina State University

Dr. Margaret Joyce

Professor, Department of Paper Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Imaging
Western Michigan University

Dr. Michael J. Kocurek

Professor Emeritus, Paper Science & Engineering
North Carolina State University

Dr. Roman Popil

Senior Research Scientist
Georgia Tech
Institute of Paper Science and Technology

4 1
NPT2 Pulp Manufacturing Technology

Pulp Manufacturing Technology Module Title Objectives Subject

1 Introduction Course Introduction Course Introduction • Learning Objectives • Overview of
Course Description: and Overview of Pulp Mill Operations • Overview of Paper Operations •
Course Technical Resources
The overall objectives of this course are to provide participants with the following:
2 Overview of U.S. A review of the U.S. and global pulp U.S. Paper and Paperboard Production • CFS Markets •
1) an improved understanding of pulping processes, and Global Pulp & & paper industry, and the factors that UFS Trade • Global Paper and Paper Board Consump-
Paper Industry drive industry trends. • Awareness tion • Forces that Drive Industry Trends • Raw Material
2) the ability to interact more knowledgeably with process engineers, operators, and technicians, and of global supply and demand factors Influences • Paper Machines • Major Production Expense
and the variables associated with Categories • Cost Curves • Global Implications • Pulp &
3) the skill and ability to optimize mill performance. cost and competitiveness. Paper Mill Strategy

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will have gained: 3 Wood and Fiber An understanding of: • U.S., Canadi- Papermaking Fibers • Global Forest • Wood Require-
Supply an, and global wood & fiber sources. • ments • Wood Supply Trends • Fiber Lengths • Fiber
• A comprehensive overview of pulping, pulp processing & bleaching technology, process variables, Non-wood fiber sources. Comparisons • BSKP Wood Costs
equipment, and terminology. 4 Wood and Fiber Recognize the characteristics of Wood Chips • Softwood and Hardwood • Softwood
Structure and Hardwoods and Softwoods. • An Fiber • Hardwood Fiber • Fiber Coarseness • Strength
• Increased knowledge of how one part of the mill affects another, and an increased awareness of thinking Properties understanding of important wood Comparisons • Wood Structure • Cell Wall • Cell Wall
on a mill-wide basis. and fiber properties that affect pulp Microfibrils • Fiber Properties That Affect Paper Struc-
& paper quality. ture and Properties
• Increased knowledge of how the pulp mill processes affect pulp properties, thereby increasing the ability 5 Wood and Fiber To learn about the chemistry of wood Wood Chemistry Components • Hemicelluloses • Lignin
to maintain product quality metrics, and how to troubleshoot variations in quality. Chemistry fibers, including cellulose, hemicel- Structure • Wood Terpenes • Wood Phenols • Wood
luloses, lignin, and the extractives in Resins and Fatty Acids • Pitch Deposits • Properties of
• Increased awareness of the complex environmental challenges associated with pulp manufacturing. order to assimilate the reactions that Extractives • Wood & Fiber Quality and Control • Soft-
occur in pulping and the effect of wood Compression Wood • Comparison of Mature and
chemicals on pulp properties. Juvenile Wood • Fiber Characteristics of Juvenile Wood
Textbook: • Paper Characteristics of Juvenile Wood
NPT2. The Pulp and Paper Technology Advanced Workforce Training and Education Series, 6 Fiber Bonding in To learn about hydrogen bonding Fibers in Paper Structure • Interfiber Bonding • Bonded
Volume 1: Pulp Manufacturing. Tappi Press, 2006. ISBN: 1-59510-133-0 Paper and how it is achieved; the concept Area • Page Equation • Troubleshooting Strength Varia-
of inter-fiber relative bonded area tions • Mill Overview
Smook, G.A. Handbook for Pulp & Paper Technologist, 3rd Edition, 2002. ISBN: 0969462859 and variables that influence bond-
ing. • An understanding of how fiber
properties and bonding predict
tensile strength as shown by the Page
7 Wood Preparation An understanding of the function and Harvesting • Wood Delivery • Woodyard Overview •
importance of a pulp & paper mill Woodyard Equipment • Wood Handling • Wood Storage
Woodyard operation. The examina- • Quality Control • Bark • Bark Organics • Wood and
tion of the Woodyard includes how Chip Preparation
wood arrives and is stored; bark re-
moval equipment, and variables that
affect debarking.
8 Chip Preparation Attain an increased knowledge of Chipping • Chip Screening • Chip Characteristics •
the chipping process, chip screening, Chip Quality • Chip Storage • Chip Degradation • Chip
chip storage & recovery, and to learn Reclaim
about variables that comprise a chip
quality program.
9 Overview of Pulp- Describe the categories of pulp- Overview • Pulping Processes • Pulp Grades • Pulp Pro-
ing ing, including chemical and cooking duction • Pulp Testing • Yield vs. Kappa • Shive Rejects
conditions. • An understanding of • Brightness • Pulp Cleanliness • Pulp Viscosity • Tensile
terminology used in pulping opera- Strength • Product Properties
tions. • Analyze the most common
pulp properties and tests.
10 Kraft Pulping To become familiar with the major Pulping Equipment • Digesters • Batch Digesters • Con-
Equipment types and functions of equipment uti- tinuous Digesters • Batch Cooking • Chip Filling • Heat-
lized in pulping operations. • Examine ing Options • Heating and Cooking • Blowtank • Blow-
and gain an increased understanding heat Condensate Accumulator • KAMYR Continuous
of batch and continuous digesters. Digester • Chip Bins • Chip Meter and Steaming Vessel •
High Pressure Feeder • KAMYR Top Section • Standard
Top Separator • Steamphase Digester • High Pressure
Impregnation of Chips • Cooking Zone • Extraction Zone
• High Heat Washing • Low Temperature Blowing • M&D
Continuous Digester • Horizontal Tube Digester

2 3
Pulp Manufacturing Technology NPT2 NPT2 Pulp Manufacturing Technology

11 Kraft Pulping Delineate the primary reactions oc- Kraft Pulping Chemicals • A, B, & C Test • Concept of 19 Oxygen, Peroxide, An understanding of the technology, Bleach Sequence • Oxygen Delignification • Oxygen
Chemistry curring in the digester between wood Expressing all Chemicals as Na2O • Simplified Kraft and Ozone Bleach- equipment, and operating variables in Decomposition • Oxygen Conditions • Lignin Reac-
and the pulping chemicals. • Demon- Pulping Reaction • Lignin Molecule Reaction • Carbohy- ing oxygen, peroxide, and ozone bleach- tions • Typical Operating Conditions • System Aspects
strate the relationship between %AA, drate Peeling and Stopping Reactions • Consumption of ing. • Assess the chemical reactions • Effects on Recovery System • The High Consistency
Sulphidity, and %EA. Chemicals during the Kraft Pulping • Phases of Lignin between the chemicals and wood. Process • O₂ Reactor • The Medium Consistency Pro-
Removal • Total Yield cess • Two-Stage System • Process Variables • Effect of
Temperature • Effect of Caustic • Viscosity Reduction
12 Kraft Pulping Vari- Identify and discern the most com- Kraft Pulping Variables • Chip Dimensions • Effects of
• Factors Affecting Selectivity • Peroxide Bleaching •
able and Trends mon and important variables in the Lignin on Rejects • Effect of Chip Thickness • H-Factor
Peroxy Forms • Peroxide Variables • Pressurized Perox-
pulping process, including the impact • Kappa vs. H-Factor • G-Factor • Sequence of Events
ide Bleaching • Mechanical Pulp Brightening • Peroxide
these variables have on pulp quality. in Pulping • Pulp Yield vs. Pulp Strength • High Kappa
Bleaching System • Ozone Bleaching
• Understand significant trends that vs. Low Kappa • AQ Reactions • Polysulphide Pulping
have occurred in Kraft pulping. • Low-Solids Pulping • Effects of Dissolved Organics 20 Chemical Recov- An overview of chemical recov- • Chemical Recovery Overview • Black Liquor Recovery
on Pulp Strength • Four Commandments of Extended ery: Black Liquor ery operations. • Gain knowledge • Black Liquor Compounds • Black Liquor Composition
Delignification • Low-Level Heat Recovery • Isothermal Evaporation with regard to the composition and • Heating Values • Recovery Definitions • Evaporators
Cooking • Control Capabilities • Distributed Control Sys- properties of black liquor. • Analyze • Black Liquor Evaporation • Black Liquor Evaporator
tem • Kappa Control • Reduced Reject Levels the technologies associated with Scaling • Falling Film Evaporator • Tube-type Falling
evaporators. • Examine environmen- Film Evaporator • Plate-type Falling Film Evaporator •
13 Sulfite and Bisulfite Knowledge of sulfite liquor chemistry, Chemical Pulping Processes • Woodpulp Production
tal aspects of the chemical recovery Forced Circulation Crystallizer • Tall Oil Recovery • Con-
Pulping chemical reactions in the digester, • Chemicals • Pulping Liquor Preparation • Reactions
process. centrated NGC Typical Analysis • Total Reduced Sulfur
and chemical recovery. in the Gas Absorption Towers • Sulfite Liquor Analysis
(TRS) • Types of NCG Systems • NCG Collection • Ther-
• Decomposition of Sulfite • Quality Control Testing •
mal Oxidizer • Condensed Condensate Segregation •
Simplified Sulfite Pulping Mechanisms • Lignin Reactions
Blowheat Condensate Accumulator • Recovery Furnace
• Hydrolysis • Sulphonation • Carbohydrate Reactions
• Chemical Reaction Goals • pH Effect on Chemicals • 21 Chemical Recov- Familiarization with Recovery process Recovery Furnace • Water Treatment • Black Liquor
Sulfite Liquor Recovery • Fluidized Bed Recovery ery: Combustion equipment and operating variables. • Combustion • Black Liquor Spraying • Black Liquor
An understanding of the path of hot Droplets • Generation of Steam • Turbine • Tube Bank
14 Mechanical and An understanding of mechanical Mechanical and Hybrid Pulping Overview • Family of
gases to create steam and electricity. • Tube Wall Construction • Gas Flow • Cascade Evapo-
Hybrid Pulping and hybrid processes. • Discuss the Mechanical and Hybrid Pulps • Groundwood Mechani-
• Knowledge of reactions in the base rator • Recovery Boiler Emissions • Nitrogen Oxides
primary variables affecting stone cal Pulp • Groundwood System • Types of Grinders •
of the furnace to create smelt, and •Electrostatic Precipitator • Char Bed • Smelt • Control
groundwood and thermo-mechanical Grinding Variables • Thermo-Mechanical Pulp (TMP) •
safety considerations in dealing with Room • Dissolving Tank
pulping. • The differences in me- TMP Variables • Pressurized Groundwood Pulp (PGW)
water and smelt in the furnace.
chanical vs. chemical and hybrid pulp • Semi-Mechanical Pulping Processes • Major Chemical
properties. and Semi-Chemical Methods • CTMP and Semi-Chemical 22 Chemical Recov- An understanding of how pulping Recausticizing Overview • Causticizing Reactions •
Hybrid Pulping ery: Recausticizing liquor is generated in Recausticizing. Slaker • Slaker and Dissolving Tank • Causticizing Tank •
• Discuss and discern the technology Mud Washer • Lime Kiln • Calcining Reaction • Lime Re-
15 Pulp Processing: Examine the different operations in Pulp Processing Overview • Pulp Processing Operations
of Recausticizing and lime kiln opera- burning Kiln • Rings, Ball, and Refractory Coating • Lime
Washing fiberline pulp processing, including • Pulp Processing: Market Pulps • Pulp Processing: Lin-
tions, variables, and environmental Energy Balance • TRS Resulting from Poor Mud Washing
fiberizing, washing, screening, and erboards • Pulp Processing: Kraft • Pulp Processing with
considerations. • Main Sources of TRS
cleaning. • An overview of major Oxygen • Brown Stock Washing • Washing Pulp Sam-
equipment types and key operating ples • Pulp Water Mixtures • Counter-Current Washing • 23 Recycling: Over- Knowledge of recycled paper and Recycling Overview • Secondary Fiber Source and
variables in Brown Stock washing. Vacuum Washing • Cylinder Washing • Internal Struc- view and Raw board categories. • Awareness of Use • Secondary Fiber Grades • Recycled Fibers • Ef-
ture of Rotary Cylinder • Factors Affecting Brown Stock Materials contaminates and related issues as- fect of Repeated Recycling on Strength Properties of
Washing and Displacement • Showers • Atmospheric sociated with recycled paper. Unbleached Kraft Pulp • Effect of Recycling • Optical
Diffusion Washer • Horizontal Belt Washer • Pressure Properties • Contaminants
Washer • Compaction Baffle Filter Washer
24 Recycling Evaluate and assess the factors, con- Recycling Operations • Recycling Sequence • Pulper
16 Pulp Process- To increase knowledge about the Shives • Pressure Screen • Rotating Foil Action • Design siderations, variables, equipment, and • Contaminate Removal • Pulp Conditions • Cooking
ing: Cleaning and equipment and operating variables of Pressure Screens • Cascade Screening System • processes associated with removing Formulas • Deinking Aids • Dispersion • Medium Density
Screening associated with screening and cen- Variables Affecting Screening Performance • Screen contaminants from recycled paper. Cleaner • Reverse Cleaner • Theory of Operation • Side-
trifugal cleaning. Designs • Screening Accepts and Rejects • Centrifugal hill Washer • Screw Extractor • Cylinder Washer Thick-
Cleaner • Theory of Operation • Forward and Reverse ness • OCC Quality • Flotation
Cleaning • Horizontal Cleaners in Canister Housing •
25 Summary of Pulp Applied knowledge of pulp mill op- Course Review
Primary and Secondary Canisters • High Density Pulp
Mill erations.
17 Overview of Distinguish and recognize the most Bleaching Overview • Bleaching Sequence Symbols
Bleaching common terminology related to the • Multi-Stage Bleaching • Bleach Plant • Bleaching
bleaching process. • Analyze bleach- Objectives • Simplified Bleaching Reactions • Dam-
ing sequences. • Review and evaluate aged Low Viscosity Pulp Fiber • Process Conditions •
recent trends. Bleaching Costs • Oxidizing Equivalents • Bleach Plant
Effluents • Major Path for TCSS/TCDF • Dioxin in Pulp
• CI2 Reaction with Lignin • Absorbable Organic Halide
(AOX) • Impact of CIO2 Substitution on Effluent • Final
Treated Effluent AOX • Bleach Plant Effluent 2378-TCDF
• Bleach Plant Effluent Chloroform • TCF or ECF • TCF
Sequences • Final Bleach Plant Washer • Decker for Pulp
Thickening • Disc Thickening • HD Pulp Storage
18 Chlorine Dioxide Identify and evaluate the chemical Bleaching Sequence • CIO2 Plant • CIO2 Generation •
Bleaching reactions between chlorine dioxide CIO2 Generation Reactions • Oxidizing Equivalents •
and the wood components, including Kappa Factor • Lignin Reactions • Kinetics of Brighten-
side reactions of chlorine dioxide that ing • End pH in the D1 Stage • CIO2 Bleaching • Caustic
determine effectiveness of CIO2. Extraction • Brightness Development

4 5
NPT2 Paper Manufacturing Technology

Paper Manufacturing Technology Module Title Objectives Subject

1 Introduction and Introduction Learning Objectives • Paper Mill Overview • Technical
Course Description: Course Overview Resources

The overall objectives of this course are to provide participants with the following: 2 Overview of U.S. & An understanding of the factors that U.S. & Global Paper and Paperboard Consumption •
Global Industry drive industry trends. • A review of U.S. & Global Paper and Paperboard Production • Paper
1) an understanding of papermaking processes, U.S. and global industry statistics Machines • Manufacturing Expense Categories • Cost
regarding the major grades of paper Curves • Paper Mill Strategy
2) the ability to interact more knowledgeably with process engineers, operators, and technicians, and and board. • Increase awareness of
industry information and resources.
3) the skill and ability to optimize mill performance.
3 Paper & Board An understanding of paper and pa- Paper Properties • Structure of Paper • Fiber Orientation
Upon successful completion of this course, participants will have gained: Structure: Part 1 perboard structure and properties. • Basis Weight • Caliper • Density • Formation • Reten-
• A comprehensive overview of papermaking technology, process variables, equipment, and terminology.
4 Paper & Board Knowledge of tissue and multiply pa- Tissue • Tissue Properties • Corrugated Containerboard
• Increased knowledge of paper and board structure, properties, and tests. Structure: Part 2 per structure, properties, and tests. • Paperboard Grades
5 Paper & Board An understanding of printing pro- Printing Papers • Printing Papers Nomenclature • Paper
• Increased knowledge of how paper mill processes affect paper and board properties; the ability Properties and cesses and properties influencing Grade Properties • Printing Processes • Ink Penetration
to maintain product quality metrics, and how to troubleshoot variations in quality. Tests: Part 1 printability, including smoothness, • Lucas Washburn Equation • Cobb Size Test • Hercules
rate of liquid penetration, and optical Size Test • Paper Properties Affecting Print Quality
• Ability to apply analytical concepts and systems-approach thinking on a mill-wide basis. properties.
6 Paper & Board To increase knowledge of mechanical Tensile • Stiffness • Stretch • Tear • Burst • Compression
Properties and strength properties. Test • Ring Crush • Short Span Test
Textbook: Test: Part 2
NPT2. The Pulp and Paper Technology Advanced Workforce Training and Education Series,
7 Wood and Fiber Examine the distinctions between Softwoods • Hardwoods • Oak Vessels • Bark Fibers
Volume 2: Paper Manufacturing. Tappi Press, 2006. ISBN: 1-59510-157-8 Properties hardwoods and softwoods. • Learn • Fiber Lengths • Fiber Coarseness • Juvenile Wood
how the wood and fiber character- • Softwood Compression Wood • Hierarchical Wood
Smook, G.A. Handbook for Pulp & Paper Technologist, 3rd Edition, 2002. ISBN: 0969462859 istics of hardwoods and softwoods Structure • Cell Wall Structure
affect pulp and paper properties.
8 Bonding in Paper Understand hydrogen bonding and Fibers in Paper Structure • Hemicelluloses • Interfiber
related bonded area in paper. • Ana- Bonding • Surface Tension • Page Equation • Trouble-
lyze the importance of cellulose and shooting Strength Variations.
hemicelluloses in bonding
9 Stock Preparation: An intermediate level understanding Stock Preparation • Mechanism of Refining • Effects of
Refining of the refining process, equipment Refining • Fibrillation • Refining Control • Optimization
used in the refining process, and the of Refining
effects of refining on paper proper-
10 Optimization of Understand the key variables related Optimization Goals • Process Variables • Refining Vari-
Refining to optimizing the refining process. ables • Refiner Maintenance • Energy Use • Net Refining
Power • Refining Theories • Specific Edge Load (SEL) •
Rate of Bar Edge Crossings • Strength Variation
11 Additives Over- Examine the primary additives used Dry Strength Additives • Wet Strength Additives • Pig-
view in paper and board production. ments • Dyes • Sizing • Retention • Foam Control
12 Additives: Adhe- Fundamental and applied knowledge Fiber Bonding • Strength Additives • Adhesive Bond-
sives of dry strength adhesives, the chemi- ing • Latex Adhesives • Starch • Amylose • Amylopec-
cals used in wet strength and how tin • Polyacrylamide • Epichlorohydrin • Wet Strength
these chemicals function. Requirements • Strength Resins • Covalent Bridges •
14 Additives: Pig- An understanding of pigments and Concept of Pigments and Fillers • Effects of Filler/Pig-
ments, Fillers, and fillers. • To learn about the proper- ments • Concept of Opacity • Effect of TiO₂ • Clay •
Dyes ties of pigments. • Knowledge of the PCC • Alumina Trihydrate • Talc • Brightness • Refractive
categories and function of dyes. Index (RI) of Fillers and Pigments • Properties of Dyes •
Factors Affecting Dyeing Results • Optical Brightening
Agents (OBA) • Process Control
15 Additives: Reten- To increase knowledge of • Wet-End Retention • First Pass Retention • Mechanism of Reten-
tion chemistry and retention mechanisms tion • Zeta Potential • Cationic Demand • Properties •
• Zeta potential and cationic demand Cationic Polymer • Retention Aid – Large Flocs • Reten-
• The chemicals used to achieve tion Aid – Small Flocs
16 Additives: Depos- Describe the categories, sources, and Deposits • Deposit Analyses • Consequences of Depos-
its, Foam Control control of mill deposits and foam. its • Bacteria • Fungi • Yeast • Application Points for
Biocides • Pitch Control Agents • Air Entrainment and
Foam • Cause of Foam • Antifoam Classes

6 7
Paper Manufacturing Technology NPT2 NPT2 Paper Manufacturing Technology

17 Overview of Paper To identify the major parts and Paper Machine Overview • Fourdrinier vs. Twin Wire 27 Drying: Part 2 Increase understanding of how dry- Effect on Drying on Sheet • Source of Paper Strength •
Machine and Ap- operation of paper machines, and Forming • Simplified Approach System • Approach Sys- ing and sheet shrinkage affect paper Surface Tension • Mechanism of Bonding • Sheet Shrink-
proach System to increase understanding of the tem with Deculator • Basis Weight • Stuff Box • Dilution and board properties. • The role of age • Two Tier Drying Restraint • Single Tier Dryers •
approach system, including basis • Approach System Detail • Headbox Screen • Centrifu- felts, draw, and sheet restraint. • An Dryer Section • Moisture Profile • Moisture Profile Con-
weight control, dilution, air removal, gal Cleaner Canisters overview of Tissue Machine Yankee trol • Steam Shower • Sectionalized Drive Control • Tis-
and cleaning & screening prior to the Drying and Creeping Operation. sue Machine with Yankee • Yankee Condensate Removal
Headbox. • Through Air Drying (TAD) • Creping • Calendering
18 Headbox Opera- Discuss the types of Headboxes. Headbox Overview • Types of Headboxes • Headbox 28 Calendering and Increase understanding of the dif- Calendering & Winding Overview • Machine Calendering
tion Demonstrate the internal operations Assembly • Inside the Headbox • Formation • Formation Winding ferent types of calenders. • Examine • Effects of Calendering Smoothness • Effect of Temper-
of Headboxes. Variables • Process and Design Variables • Process Vari- what happens to sheet properties by ature • Calendering Application Areas • Calender Types
ables Affecting Machine Performance & Sheet Quality reviewing major calendering vari- • Soft Nip Press • Soft Nip Calender Configurations
ables. • Briefly describe Winding and •Supercalender • Supercalender and Soft Nip • Gloss
19 Sheet Forming Examine Headbox slice operations Slice • Forming Board Drainage and Sheet Forming •
roll finishing operations. Calender • Wet Stack • Calendering Variables • Effect
and the initial forming of the sheet, Mechanisms of Fiber Deposition on Wire • Velocity For-
of Dwell Time • Effect of Moisture • Caliber Control • Air
including jet/wire velocity ratio and mation • Pressure Formation • Jet Impingement Position
Cooling • Backtender Caliber Control • On Line Control
its effect on fiber orientation and • Microturbulence • Jet Streaks • Jet Wakes • Slice Basis
• Reel • Winder • Slitting • Breaks • Roll Handling • Roll
formation. • Analyze basis weight CD Weight Control • CD Basis Weight Control • Ultrasonic
Wrapping • Roll Shipment
profile control strategies, including Measurement of Modulus (TSI) • Dilution Headbox •
dilution Headbox operation. Effects of Stock Jet Velocity/Wire Ratio • Effects of 29 Size Press Opera- Evaluate size press operations, Size Press Overview • Surface Sizing • Surface Sizing
Headbox Pressure tions including equipment, types, and vari- Chemicals • Starch during Cooking • Starch Sources •
ables that affect starch pickup in the Properties of Modified Starch • Synthetic Surface Sizes •
20 Wet-End Opera- Distinguish dewatering elements Wire Drainage • Table Rolls vs. Foils Vacuum Profiles •
press size. Size Press Operations • Inclined Size Press • Puddle Size
tions: Drainage used to remove water from the sheet, Foil Mechanism of Dewatering • Effect of Angle
Press • Metering Blade Size Press • Metering Head • Size
including foils and tables.
Press Variables • Starch Penetration
21 Formation: Micro- Discuss and analyze the ways micro- Microturbulence • Scale of Microturbulence • Coarse
30 Coating: Part 1 Increase understanding of the cat- Coating Overview • Off Machine Paper Blade Coater
turbulence Control turbulence is generated to create Microturbulence • Medium Microturbulence • Fine Mi-
egories of coated papers and board, • Coated Publication Grades • Coated Boards • Coat-
and/or maintain good sheet forma- croturbulence • Intensity Scale • Microturbulence Profile
their primary components, and the ing Components • Adhesives • Pigments • Dispersion •
tion, and the strategy of optimizing • Activity Profile • Dandy Roll, Suction Boxes, Couch •
processes of coating operations. Coated Free Sheet • Light Weight Coated Paper • Coat-
scale and intensity of microturbu- C-Former • Sheet Transfer
ing Preparation
31 Coating: Part 2 Increase awareness of the differences Comparison of Coaters • Air Knife/Blade and Air Knife
22 Twin Wire Gap and Define the varieties of twin wire gap Two Wire Gap Overview • Twin Wire Machine “Gap
between Roll, Air Knife, and Blade • Roll Coater • Film Splitting • Air Knife Coater • Blade
Hybrid Machines machines, and the differences in Formers” • Gap Blade Former • Blade Shape • Forming
Coaters. • Describe the various meth- Coater • Short Dwell Blade Coater • Blade Dynamics
dewatering mechanisms, sheet form- Elements • Twin Wire Dewatering • Hybrid Machine •
ods of drying coating. • Roll Coating • Cast Coater • Drying Coater • Hot Air
ing operations, and paper properties Top Wire Former
Impingement • Shrinkage of Coating • Supercalendar •
of Fourdriniers, Twin Wire Gap, and
Finished Roll Storage
Hybrid formers.
32 Corrugating and Increase knowledge of various Corrugating and Converting Overview • Converting •
23 Linerboard and Describe and recognized the varieties Multiply Forming • Brown Linerboard • White Top Lin-
Converting converting operations. • A general Corrugated Medium • Quality Characteristics • Corru-
Multiply Machine of board, and configurations of liner- erboard • Solid Bleached Board • Folding Boxboard •
understanding of what occurs in gated Board Defects
board and multiply machines. Liquid Packaging Board • White Line Chipboard • Cylin-
the corrugating process. • Examine
der Machine Vat • Roto Former • Linerboard • Primary/
the types of flutes. • Examine qual-
Secondary Headbox • Multiple Former Top Fourdrinier
ity issues associated with liner and
• Linerboard Machine • 3-ply Machine • Comparison of
Forming Methods
33 Effluent and Air Increase awareness of the materials Characterization of Mill Effluents • Water Usage • Waste
24 Forming Fabrics, Explain the importance and design Paper Machine Clothing Materials • Forming Fabric
Treatment present in pulp & paper mill efflu- Discharge Amounts • Overview of Primary and Second-
Wet Press, and of forming fabrics (wires), wet press Design Parameters • Metal Wire – 4 Shed Single Layer •
ents and to increase understanding ary Treatment • Activated Sludge • Aerated Lagoons
Dryer Felts fabrics (felts), and dryer fabrics Plastic Wire Weaves • Single Layer Designs • Two Layer
of primary and secondary effluent Water Permitting Criteria • Characterization of Air Emis-
(felts). Designs • Triple Layer Fabric Designs • Weaving Com-
treatment. • Increase awareness of sions • TRS Compounds • Air Treatment Methods • Lime
ponents • Finishing • Seamed Fabrics • Shower System •
materials present in pulp & paper mill Kiln • Recovery Boiler • Thermal Oxidizer • Air Quality
Saveall Operation • Needled Wet Press Felt • Felt Design
emissions, and examine various col- Permit Criteria
Parameters • Felt Conditioning • Dryer Felt • Dryer Fab-
lection and elimination methods.
ric Design and Materials
25 Pressing Gain an overview of the different Pressing Overview • Straight Through Press • Two Nip
types of press section configurations, Press • Three Nip Press • Press Configuration • Mecha-
and what happens in the nip press. • nism of Pressing • Double Felted Press • Pressing Vari-
Visualize what happens to the sheet ables • Roll Defection • Crowning • Controlled Crown
during pressing. • Examine several Roll • Controlled Crown Nipco Roll • Nipco Roll • Effect
pressing variables and trends. of Pressing on Smoothness • Shoe Press • Conventional
Press • Press Conparisons
26 Drying: Part 1 Discuss the fundamentals of drying Overview of Drying • Dryer Details • Temperature Profile
operations, and describe variables • Drying Cycle • Moisture Removal • Condensate • Air
that affect the rate of drying. Handling • Dryer Fabric • Effect of Felt • Top and Bot-
tom Felt Run • Unirun or Serpentine

8 9
Chemical Recovery & Environmental Control
Course Description:
The overall objectives of this course are to provide participants with the following:

1) an improved understanding of Chemical Recovery Operations,

2) an improved understanding of Environmental Control Operations,
3) the ability to interact more knowledgeably with process engineers, operators, and technicians, and
4) the skill and ability to optimize mill performance.

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will have gained a comprehensive overview of:

• Chemical recovery operations and terminology • Water treatment options

• Equipment and process variables • Activated sludge and aerated lagoon operation
• By-product recovery • Air emission compounds and sources
• U.S. Environmental laws and regulations • Air treatment options

NPT2. The Pulp and Paper Technology Advanced Workforce Training and Education Series,
Volume 1: Pulp Manufacturing. Tappi Press, 2006. ISBN: 1-59510-133-0

Smook, G.A. Handbook for Pulp & Paper Technologist, 3rd Edition, 2002. ISBN: 0969462859

Module Title Objectives Subject

1 Introduction and Introduction Recovery Overview
Course Overview
2 Evaporation I Increase understanding of overall Simple Six-Effect Evaporator Set • Long Tube Evapora-
evaporation operations, including tor • Black Liquor Evaporation • Black Liquor Evapora-
types of evaporators, what occurs in tor Scaling • Falling Film Evaporator • Plate Type Film
an evaporator, multi-effect evapora- Evaporator • Tube Type Falling Film Evaporator • Forced
tor, tall oil recovery, and environmen- Circulation Crystallizer • Tall Oil Recovery • Total Re-
tal challenges. duced Sulfur • Types of NCG Systems • NCG Collection
• Thermal Oxidizer (Direct Fired) • Condenser Conden-
sate Segregation • Blowheat Accumulator • Recovery
3 Evaporation II Gain a more in-depth awareness of Falling Film Multi-Effect Evaporators • Rising Film Evap-
the advantages and disadvantages orators • Evaporator/Condensator Combination • Direct
of evaporator types and operations, Contact Evaporators • Falling Film Lamella Evaporator
performance factors, equipment, • High Solids Technology • Reynolds Enhanced Crystal-
black liquor properties affecting per- lizer (REX) • Forced Performance Factors • Black Liquor
formance, causes and prevention of Evaporation • Performance Factors • Surface Condenser
scales, fundamentals of heat transfer, & Vacuum System • Two-Stage Condenser Systems •
and operating efficiency calculations. Condenser and Vacuum Problems • Liquor Preheating
• Mist Elimination • Evaporator Scaling and Fouling •
Basics of Heat Transfer • Impacts of Viscosity • Concept
of Evaporator Economy • Steam Economy
4 Recovery Boiler I Increase understanding of recovery Recovery Furnace • Water Treatment • Black Liquor
boiler operations, including equip- Combustion • Generation of Steam • Turbine • Tube
ment and terminology; what oc- Bank • Gas Flow • Cascade Evaporator • Recovery Boiler
curs in combustion of black liquor; Emissions • Nitrogen Oxides • Electrostatic Precipitator
environmental challenges; and smelt • Char Bed • Smelt Reduction • Smelt Water Explosions
interactions. • Dissolving Tank
5 Recovery Boiler II Gain a more in-depth look at modern Recovery Boiler Designs • Black Liquor Guns and Spray
recovery boiler equipment and op- Variables • Spray and Droplet Characteristics • Black
erations, including black liquor spray Liquor Spray Nozzle Designs • Effect on Droplet Size
and droplet variables, air distribution, • Effect of Firing Temperature • Droplet Swelling • Ef-
flue gas flow, modern electrostatic fect of Gas Velocity and Droplet Size on Burning • Air
precipitator operations, and variables Distribution • Primary Air • Secondary Air • Tertiary Air
affecting char bed. • Air System Variables • Flue Gas and Water/Steam Flow
• Screen, Superheater, Boiler, Economizer • Low Odor
Recovery Boiler • Electrostatic Precipitator Components
• Sodium Balance in Kraft Recovery Boiler.

10 11
Chemical Recovery & Environmental Control NPT2 NPT2 Chemical Recovery & Environmental Control

6 Recovery Boiler III Gain a more in-depth look at safety Black Liquor Recovery Boiler Terminology • Case 14 U.S. Laws & Regu- Increase understanding of U.S. envi- Laws and Regulations • Clean Water Act Pollutants •
and maintenance operations, includ- Studies • Deposits and Plugging • Deposit Chemistry • lations ronmental laws and regulations by re- Terminology • Effluent Regulation Summary • Boiler
ing case studies from the Black Li- Deposit Composition • Superheater Deposits • Boiler viewing the history of environmental MACT • Air Regulations Summary • NPDES • Permit
quor Recovery Advisory Committee; Section Deposits • Economizer Deposits and Plugging • legislation in the U.S.; summaries of Writing Criteria • TMDL’s Under NPDES Permits • Permit
tube bank designs, deposits, corro- Sootblowers • Steam Sootblowers • Recovery Tube Con- air and water discharge regulations; Case Study • BACT Review Process
sion, and cracking. struction • Risk of Critical Leaks • Tube Leak Causes • and the permitting process.
Types of Corrosion • Boiler Tube Corrosion, Pitting, and
15 Pulp & Paper Pro- Increase awareness of Pulp & Paper Wood Chemistry Components • Cell Wall • Lignin •
Cracking • Reducing Tube Cracking • Thermal Efficiency
cess Review I process effects on air and water Hemicelluloses • Properties of Extractives • Wood
7 Recausticizing Learn about the conversion of green Recausticizing Overview • Causticizing Reaction • Slaker emissions. This module will provide Resin & Fatty Acids • Wood Terpenes • Wood Phenols
Overview liquor into white liquor. • Examine • Slaker and Dissolving Tank • Causticizing Tank • Mud an overview of: Wood chemical • Woodyard Overview • Pulp & Paper Mill Overview •
Caustisizing equipment and reac- Washer • Typical Lime Mud Composition • Lime Mud components that are at the core of Chemical Kraft Pulping Chemistry • Air Emission Com-
tion. • Understand environmental and Composition • Lime Mud Washer and Kiln • Lime Kiln • understanding the source of emis- position • Odor Compounds
energy challenges. Calcining Reaction • Lime Kiln Energy Balance sions; Woodyard operations; pulping;
and pulping processing.
8 Recausticizing II Gain a more in-depth look at Recaus- Causticizing Reaction • Recausticizing Cycle Recausti-
ticizing operations, including green cizing Equipment Loading • Green Liquor Preparation 16 Pulp & Paper Pro- Increase awareness of pulp & paper Brown Stock Washing • Screening and Cleaning • Bleach
liquor clarification equipment types; • Raw Green Liquor Stabilization Tank • Green Liquor cess Review II process effects on air and water Plant • Bleaching Stages • Bleaching Reactions • Bleach
slaker equipment and operation; Clarification Options • Clarifier Problems • White Liquor emissions. This module will focus on Plant Effluent
causticizers and causticizing effi- Preparation • Slaker • White Clarification Efficiency • Re- an overview of pulp processing and
ciency, white liquor clarification and causticizing Process Control • Density Control bleaching.
filtering equipment; lime mud wash-
17 Pulp & Paper Pro- Increase awareness of pulp & paper Recovery Overview • Black Liquor Combustion •
ing equipment and composition.
cess Review III process effects on air and water Evaporators • Black Liquor Oxidation • Tall Oil Recov-
9 Lime Kiln Gain a more in-depth view of lime kiln Lime Kiln Equipment • Kiln Refractory Brick • Kiln In- emissions. This module will focus on ery • Wood Terpenes • Non Condensable Gases • Total
operation, including internal con- ternal Operations • Cooling of Reburned Lime • Chain an overview of chemical recovery. Reduced Sulfur • Recovery Furnace • Black Liquor
struction; lime quality characteristics Systems • Lime Quality Characteristics • Lime Kiln Combustion • Recovery Chemical Reactions • Recovery
and variables, kiln operating vari- Operating Problems • Reburned Lime Chemistry • Ring Boiler Emissions • Lime Kiln
ables; and kiln operating problems. Formation • Lime Balls • Recarbonation • Hard Ring •
18 Pulp & Paper Pro- Increase awareness of pulp & paper Papermaking Additives • Strength Adhesives • Dyestuffs
Lime Ball Prevention • Dusting • Forms of Total Sodium •
cess Review IV process effects on air and water and Pigments • Deposits • Bacteria • Fungi • Biocide
Sodium Build-up in Kiln and Lime • Lime Kiln Fuels • Air
emissions. This module will focus on Additives • Air Entrainment and Control • Deinking •
Supply • Heat Rate • Optimized Energy Efficiency
stock preparation wet end additives, Flotation Chemicals • Water Recovery • Coating
10 Sulfite Recovery Increase awareness of sulfite pulping Major Chemical and SemiChemical Pulping Methods • recycling, and coating.
Systems chemical recovery, including NSSC NSSC Spent Liquor Properties • NSSC Recovery Boiler
19 Air Emissions Increase understanding of the cat- Categories of Air Pollutants • Dust Explosion Particu-
and bisulfite/acid sulfite spent pulp- • Magnesium Bisulfite Chemical Recovery • Magnesium
Control I egories and sources of gaseous emis- late Characteristics • Process Sources of Air Emissions
ing liquor; the different approaches Base Chemical Recovery • Ammonium Bisulfite Chemi-
sions: gas collection methods and • Process Sources of TRS • Source Sampling Protocols
to dealing with sodium, magnesium, cal Recovery • Sodium Base Recovery Systems • Tam-
standards; monitoring requirements; • Gas Stream Source Sampling • Particulate Sampling •
calcium, and ammonium bases; and pella Sulfite Recovery Systems • NSSC Liquor Recovery
and disposal methods. Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Sampling • Visible
what occurs in a SO₂ gas absorption from Green Liquor • Rauma Process Sodium Base Chem-
Emission Detector • Air Pollution Control Equipment •
system. ical Recovery • Fluidized Bed Reactor • Bisulfite/Acid
Gas, Vapor, and Particulate Removal Equipment • Con-
Sulfite Pulping Starting Chemicals • Bisulfite Pulping
tinuous Monitoring System • Dilute Gas Collection and
Liquor Preparation • Reactions in the Gas Absorption
Control • Thermal Oxidation.
Tower • Sulfite Recovery
20 Air Emissions Con- Increase awareness of air pollution Categories of Scrubbers • SO₂ Scrubbers • Dry Absorp-
11 By-product Re- Gain a more in-depth understanding Wood Chemistry Components • Wood Resin & Fatty Ac-
trol II control equipment, including variet- tion Particulate Scrubber • Wet Scrubbers • Impinge-
covery of tall oil soap recovery and process- ids • Tall Oil Soap • Tall Oil Soap Yields • Loss of Extrac-
ies of wet and dry scrubbers, cyclone ment & Venturi Scrubbers • Combination Scrubber •
ing; turpentine recovery and process- tives • Tall Oil Soap Recovery • Evaporator Tall Oil Skim-
separators, fabric filters, dust settling Particulate Cyclone Separator • Baghouse Fabric Filter •
ing, and lignin recovery and process- mers • Weak Liquor Soap Skimmers • Soap Separation
collectors, and electrostatic precipi- Dust Collection Tubes • Dust Settling Chamber • Recov-
ing. and Skimming Variables • Conversion of Soap to Raw
tators. ery Boiler and Electrostatic Precipitators
Tall • Crude Tall Oil Distillation • Turpentine Recovery •
Lignin Recovery • Lignin Recovery from Black Liquor • 21 Effluent Treat- Increase awareness of the com- Effluent Definitions and Measurements • Oxygen Deple-
Kraft and Sulfite Lignin Processes and Products • Lignin ment I pounds present in effluents, defini- tion Tests • Dissolved Oxygen • BPT Effluent Restric-
Product Applications tions, discharge limitations, and treat- tions • Effluent Limitation Guidelines • Regulated
ment options including an overview Compounds • Dissolved Solids vs. BOD • Water Quality •
12 The Forest Biore- Increase awareness of the biorefinery, The Forest Biorefinery • Biorefinery Concept • Pulp
of clarification, flotation, and filtra- Effluent Treatment Methods • Solids Screening • Clarifier
finery including biomass sources, composi- & Paper Mill Biomass Utilization • Biofuels Legislation
tion. Components • Flocculation Clarifier •Flux • Loading of
tion and scope of biofuels and bio- • Biorefinery Roadmap • Biomass Sources • Biomass
Clarifiers • Overflow Weir • Clarifier Sludge Collection •
products; thermochemical platforms; Chemical Composition • Cellulosic Biomass to Biofuels
Arm and Scrapper Design • Flotation Treatment of Efflu-
biochemical platforms, and pulp mill • Biofuels Classifications • Fischer-Tropsch (FT) Pro-
ent • Aerobic Treatment Reactions • Anaerobic Treat-
conversion options. cess • Biorefinery Technology Pathways • Gasification •
ment Reactions • Activated Sludge • Terminology
Thermochemical Platform Gasification • Bioconversion
Platform • Biochemical Platform • Biochemical Platform 22 Effluent Treat- Increase understanding of activated Activated Sludge Effluent Treatment • Primary and Sec-
Enzymatic Hydrolysis • Hemicellulose Structure and ment II sludge operations and variables; ondary (Activated Sludge) Treatment • Activated Sludge
Enzymes • Value Prior to Pulping • Biorefinery Potential bacteria growth factors; nutrient Flocs • Terminology • Nitrification and Denitrification •
Impact on Value of Wood management: anaerobic treatment Aerobic Biological Treatment • Activated Sludge Treat-
options, and sludge solids manage- ment/Operational Control Variables • Aerator Flow
13 Environmental Introduction Environmental Control Overview
ment and disposal. Patterns • Secondary Clarifier Performance Factors •
Ammonia/Urea Ammonium Nitrite Addition • Anaerobic
Treatment Plant • Anaerobic Pretreatment Reactor •
Biofiltration • Sludge Drying • Sludge Disposal and Uses

12 13
NPT2 Tissue Manufacturing Technology

Tissue Manufacturing Technology Module Title Objectives Subject

1 Introduction & Course Introduction Tissue manufacturing terminology • Industry trends and
Overview statistics • Technical resources
Course Description:
2 Tissue Structure Increase awareness of the tissue Product properties • Tissue Structure manufacturing
The overall objective of this course is to increase a participant’s understanding of tissue properties and
properties consumers evaluate in processes • Commercial tissue structure • Creped tissue
manufacturing performance. The course is designed for participants who desire an introductory to intermediate their selection of a specific tissue • Dry crepe technology • Through Air Dying (TAD) • Wet
level, comprehensive, and structured course on tissue manufacturing technology, including performance products. • Examine the basic differ- Molding technology • Toweling • Fibers and Bonding
ences in sheet structure and manu- in tissue • Formation • Formation Analysis • Formation
properties, manufacturing technology, raw materials, equipment, and processes. Upon successful completion facturing processes that influence variables
of this course, participants will have gained a comprehensive overview of: tissue properties.
3 Tissue Properties – Increase understanding of the factors Tissue Properties • Softness Panel Exercise • Softness
• Tissue properties, including softness, absorbency, and strength.
Softness that define “Softness.” • Provide an and Physical Property Correlations • Handle-O-Meter •
• Fiber properties and effects on tissue. overview of how Panel Softness Tests Tissue Softness Analyzer • Stylus Profilometer •Softness
are performed. • Gain an overview Modeling & Analysis Techniques
• Stock preparation, including refining & refining variables, and the effects of refining on tissue properties. of other tests conducted to measure
and predict “softness.”
• Tissue chemicals—dry & wet strength, debonders, retention aids, deposits, and foam control.
4 Tissue Properties – Increase understanding of factors Liquid Penetration • Rate of Liquid Penetration • Con-
• Tissue machine technology, including headboxes, forming, drying, molding, creping, Absorbency that influence the rate of absorp- tact Angle • Surface Tension • Absorbency • Absor-
tion of liquids by tissue and toweling bency Aids
calendering & converting. products.

• Tissue machine technology including approach systems, modern tissue machine headboxes, types 5 Tissue Properties – Increase understanding of the prop- Product Properties • Tensile Failure Strength of Paper •
Strength erties of Tensile, Stretch, Stiffness, & Page Equation • Tensile Measurement • Tensile & Stiff-
of tissue formers, forming variables, machine forming and press fabrics, pressing, Yankee dryer, Elastic Modulus. ness Terminology • Tensile & Stretch • Physical Proper-
Through Air Drying (TAD), Yankee coating, creping, calendering, and converting. ties Correlated to Softness • Manufacturing Processes to
Increase Strength
6 Fiber Properties Increase understanding of fiber prop- Fibers & Pulps for Tissue Grades • Softwoods • Hard-
and Effects on erties, including length, coarseness, woods • Fiber Lengths • Fiber Coarseness • Fiber for
Tissue and flexibility. This module will also Premium Grade Tissue • Non-wood Fibers • Fiber
examine the various sources of fiber, Comparison • Fiber Properties • Wood and Fiber Quality
and analyze variances in wood and Variation
non-wood fibers
7 Chemical and Me- Increase knowledge of the differ- Wood Components • Lignin & Hemicellulose • Chemi-
chanical Pulps ences between chemical pulp and cal Pulping Processes • Pulping Yield vs. Pulp Strength •
mechanical pulp properties. This High Lignin vs. Low Lignin Kraft • Chemical Kraft Pulp •
module will also examine the effect of Groundwood Mechanical Pulp • Pulp Processing • Wash-
pulp processing (washing, screening, ing • Screening • Bleaching
bleaching) on pulp properties and
8 Recycled Pulps: Increase understanding of the prop- Recovered Paper • Recovered Paper Grades • Contami-
Part I erties of recycles pulps; the major nants—Sources and Problems • Recycled Operations
contaminants present in recycled
pulps, and the processes utilized to
remove these contaminants.
9 Recycled Pulps: Increase understanding of the prop- Screening Processes • Variables Affecting Screening
Part II erties of recycled pulps; the major Performance • Screen Designs • Cleaners—Theory of
contaminants present in recycled Operation • Deinking • Dispersion • Deinking Processing
pulps, and the processes utilized to Aids • Flotation • Pulp Testing
remove these contaminants.
10 Stock Prep Refin- Increase understanding of the mech- Effects of Refining on Tissues • Pathways to Optimizing
ing for Tissue anism of refining, refining variables, Refining • Fibrillation and Hydration • Enzymatic Treat-
and the effects of refining on fibers ment in Tissue • Influence of Refining on Tissue Proper-
and tissue properties. ties • Principal Refiner Factors
11 Overview of Tissue Gain an overview of the various Chemicals—Pulping and Pulp Preparation • Chemicals—
Chemicals chemicals used in the manufacture of Fiber Modification and Pulp Preparation • Chemicals—
tissue. Tissue Manufacturing • Coating & Creping Chemicals
12 Dry & Wet Increase understanding of dry and Dry & Wet Strength Definitions • Dry Strength Additives
Strength / wet strength additives, including their • Sheet Bonding and Strength from Additives • Adhe-
Debonders categories and function. sive Bonding • Latex Adhesive • Chemistry of Additives
• GPAM • SPAM • PVAM • Liquid Starch • Wet Strength
Additives • Categories of Wet Strength • Debonders •

14 15
Tissue Manufacturing Technology NPT2 NPT2 Tissue Manufacturing Technology

13 Chemicals – Reten- Increase awareness of the terminol- Mechanism of Retention • Methods of Absorption • 25 Creping Opera- Increase understanding of creping Creping Process • Creped Sheet Characteristics • Blade
tion Aids ogy, categories, and mechanisms of Polymer/Fiber Surface Interactions • Classes of Reten- tions operations on the Yankee, including Geometry • Creping Blade Wear • Effect of Blades on
retention aid chemicals. tion Aid Polymers • Wet-end Optimization—On Machine creping blade variables that affect Softness • Blade Change Analysis • Properties Affected
Testing the type of crepe produced. by the Creping Process
14 Deposits and Foam Increase awareness of the categories, Types of Deposits • Chemical Deposits • Biological De- 26 Calendering & Increase understanding of the opera- Finishing and Converting • Finishing Processes • Crep-
Control sources, and control of mill deposits posits • Controls of Deposits • Microbiological Control • Converting tions of calendering, embossing, and ing Shoe Calender • Calender Pressure and Nip Widths
and foam. Biocides • Defoamers • Defoamer Chemistry • finishing. • Reel • Parent Roll Handling • Winders • Slitting •Roll
Defects • Embossing and Engraving • Folders • Die Cut-
15 Overview of Tissue Increase awareness of the four major Creping Technology • Through Air Drying (TAD) Tech-
ters • Lotion Applicators • Packing Lines, Bundlers, and
Machines types of tissue/toweling machines nology • Wet Molding Technology • Dry Forming Tech-
and technologies. nology • Tissue & Toweling Forming Configurations
16 Tissue Machine Increase understanding of the types Approach System • Influence of Air Content on Sheet
Headboxes and internal operations of Headbox- Formation • Deculator • Headbox Designs • Headbox
es, including balanced pressure/flow Performance • Tissue Formation • Formation Analysis
to maintain uniform basis weight and • Formation Variables • Microturbulence • Optimizing
fiber orientation, and microturbu- Headbox Turbulence
lence for improving sheet formation.
17 Sheet Forming and Increase awareness of 1) Headbox Phases and Mechanisms of Forming Roll Drainage on
Wet-End Opera- slice operations and the initial form- Twin Wire Gap Former • Mechanism of Fiber Disposi-
tions ing of the sheet, including jet/wire tion on Wire • MD/CD Fiber Orientation Ratio • Effect
velocity ratio and its effect on fiber of Stock Jet Velocity/Wire Velocity Ratio • Challenges
orientation and formation, 2) basis to Optimizing Jet/Wire Velocity Ratio • Variations in Jet
weight CD profile strategies, includ- Velocity • Controlling Edge Flow Effects • Fabric Effect
ing dilution Headbox operation, and on Fiber Orientation • Tissue Machine Forming Configu-
3) the mechanisms of dewatering rations • Tissue Machine Forming Variables
with twin wires.
18 Tissue Machine Increase understanding of the impor- Role of Forming Fabrics • Fabric Selection • Form-
Forming Fabrics tance and design of forming fabrics. ing/TAD Fabric Terminology • Forming Fabric Design
Construction • Fiber Support • Fiber Support Index •
Caliper/Void Volume • Drainage – Air Permeability •
Draining Index • Surface Open Area (SOA %) • Machine
Design Considerations
19 Pressing and Press Gain an overview of what occurs in Mechanism of Pressing • Pressing Variables • Effect of
Fabrics: Part I a press nip and to the sheet during Roll Cover • Roll Deflection • Controlled Crown Roll •
pressing, and increase understand- Nipco Roll •Shoe Press • Yankee Pressure/Press Rolls •
ing of the importance and design of Yankee Dryer Pressure Roll Shoe Press • Hydrodynamic
press fabrics. In addition, this module Shoe
examines several pressing variables
and trends.
20 Pressing and Press Gain an overview of what occurs in Requirements of a Press Fabric • Press Felt • Press Felt
Fabrics: Part II a press nip and to the sheet during Impact on Tissue Properties and Runability • Needled
pressing, and increase understand- Felt • Seamed Felt • Basic Structure of a Press Fabric •
ing of the importance and design of Tissue Machine Considerations • Base Fabric Compari-
press fabrics. In addition, this module son • Press Felt Cleaning & Conditioning
examines several pressing variables
and trends.
21 Through Air Drying Increase familiarity with the basic Through Air Drying (TAD) Process Flow • TAD Operating
(TAD) concept of Through Air Drying (TAD), Variables • TAD Modeling • Sheet and Exit Air Tempera-
and the importance and design of ture During Drying • Effort of Air Flow and Basis Weight
TAD fabrics in creating structured on Drying Rate • Drying Rate Variables • TAD Fabrics •
tissue. TAD Product Properties • TAD Machine Configurations •
TAD Fabric Designs • Fabric Design Optimization
22 Wet Molding Provide an overview of the wet Wet Molding Technology • Dimensionally Shaped Prod-
molding technology used to create uct (DSP) Weaves • DSP Weave Variables • Forming
structured tissue.
23 Yankee Drying Increase understanding of Yankee Machine Dryer Configurations • Yankee Dryer Design
dryer operations, and examine the • Temperature Profile • Air Cap/Hood • Yankee Steam
effects of drying on the sheet. Profiles • Tissue Yankee Pressure Roll • Sheet Adhesion
and Creping
24 Creping Chemicals Increase understanding of the chemi- Adhesion and Crepe Structure • Yankee Coating Feed
cal coatings and their purpose in System • Coating Chemistry • Yankee Dryer Coatings •
protecting the Yankee dryer, and how Crepe Adhesive Chemistries and Characteristics • Crepe
these coatings affect the creping Releases • Calculation of Creping Aids Add-On Value •
process. Evaporative Load • Spray Boom Water Parameters

16 17
NPT2 Wet-End Chemistry

Wet-End Chemistry Module Title Objectives Subject

1 Introduction and Introduction to course Why wet-end chemistry matters • Brief introduction to
Course Overview fixed and variable costs • Brief introduction to the mate-
Course Description: rials used to make paper • Course goals
The overall objectives of this course are to provide participants with the following:
2 Paper Properties Increase understandings of how pa- Functional additives • Hercules size test • Cobb size test
1 ) an understanding of papermaking wet-end chemistry, Affected by Wet- per properties can be modified using • Hydrogen & covalent bonds • Cellulose fiber surface •
End Chemistry chemical additives. • Introduce the Hydrophobic sizing agents • pH ranges of sizing agents
2) the ability to interact more knowledgeably with process engineers, operators, and technicians, and subject of sizing.
3) the skill and ability to optimize paper mill performance. 3 Keeping Properties Increase understanding of paper This module will use a case study to examine the
within Specifica- properties. • Focus on one type of problem-solving approach to brightness quality issues.
Upon successful completion of this course, participants will have gained a comprehensive overview of:
tion property: paper’s brightness. Topics include: • Brightness • Fixatives • Quantifying
• Papermaking materials, including fillers and chemical additives variability • Sources of variability

• How some chemicals are used to control product attributes 4 Water – Some Key Increase understanding of water us- Geometry of the water molecule • Hydrogen bonding in
Concepts age and chemical additives. • Exam- water • High surface tension • Chemical equilibrium in
• How some chemicals are used to improve process efficiency ine the effect of chemical additives water • Acidity • Alkalinity • Conductivity • Hardness
• Case studies and practical examples on papermaking optimization.
• Wet-end chemistry applications in a variety of paper mill situations 5 Fibers and their Increase understanding of cellulose Paper structure • Fiber wall sublayers • Wall thickness
Surfaces fibers & fiber surfaces, and their ef- vs. species • Lignin breakdown • Bleaching • Fiber
fect of papermaking processes. shearing & compression in refining • Recovered fibers
Textbook: 6 BBC Boxboard and Increase understanding of internal This module will use a case study to examine a customer
Hubbe, M.A., and King, K. Cost Saving Strategies in Papermaking Chemistry, TAPPI Press, 2009, their Urgent Sizing sizing. complaint regarding “soggy boxes,” and evaluate prob-
Product code: 0101R325, ISBN: 15951018374, Source: Needs lem solving solutions. Topics include: • Alkaline sizing •
ASA sizing • Factors that affect sizing performance
7 From Lab Re- Increase knowledge of planning lab Equipment used to make a test sheet • Running a lab
sults to the Paper tests, utilizing lab results, defining test to estimate an addition rate • Canceling units to
Machines—Cal- “basis,” calculation chemical additive check your work • Calculating flow rates for commer-
culating Addition amounts, and calculating a flow rate cial-scale addition
Amounts to the machine.
8 More Ways to Increase understanding of different The most common lab tests for sizing • Rosin sizing •
Make Paper Resist sizing agents and their applications. Rosin soap vs. rosin emulsion products • Surface sizing •
Water and Other Case study for a TMP mill • Case study for an ONP mill
9 FPC Fine Paper Co. Examine expense categories of mate- How filler use can affect variable costs to the mill • How
Wants to Reduce rial used in papermaking. • Consider fillers affect paper’s strength • How the choice of filler
the Costs of Ma- the proportional balance of materials can affect paper’s apparent density • Case study involv-
terials used in papermaking to lower costs. ing the cost of materials, brightness goals, smoothness
• Understand the consequences of goals, and caliper specifications in a printing grade
material proportion and its affect on
product quality. • Analyze results of
material proportion adjustments.
10 What Mineral Gain a greater understanding of Clay (kaolinite) • Calcium carbonate (calcite) • Titanium
Products (Filler) strategies for selecting the most ef- dioxide • Bonding • Tensile strength • Air penetration •
Should Be Chosen fective mineral product (filler) for a Bulk • Brightness • Opacity • Smoothness • Costs • Par-
For What Product given grade of paper. ticle size distribution • Particle shape • Blend ratio
11 Retention Ef- Increase understanding of the con- How fine materials can be lost from the paper machine
ficiency—Why it cept of retention of fine particles system • Definitions of “fines” • How fines can run
Matters and How during the manufacture of paper. • “around and around” in the paper machine system • The
it’s Determined Explain how retention efficiency is distribution of fines in paper’s thickness dimension •
related to yield losses. • Show how Function and use of a save-all system
retention efficiency can affect the
structure of the sheet.
12 Selecting and Eval- Increase understanding of retention Lab evaluation of a retention aid • Alum • Cationic starch
uating a Retention aid use, including process control on • Acrylamide retention aid • Calibration and metering •
Aid System a paper machine. Dosage-response tests • Online control of retention
13 How Retention Increase understanding of how reten- Retention aid mechanisms • Polymer bridging • Charge
Aids Work tion aids work. • Gain insight into the patch mechanism • How retention aids can affect drain-
relationship between retention aids age • Why fiber flocs often increase initial drainage, but
and drainage. they often result in a wetter sheet at the couch
14 Balancing the Wet- Increase understanding of concepts Origin of the surface charge of fiber • Effect of pH on
End Charge related to charge and zeta potential, fiber’s charge • The positive or negative charges of
which can be the key to optimizing different additives • Zeta potential • The role of high-
the performance of a range of chemi- charge cationic additives • Alum’s charge • Titration test
cal additives. to determine charge demand • Balancing the charge to
improve the efficiency of other chemical additives

18 19
Wet-End Chemistry NPT2 NPT2 Wet-End Chemistry

15 Dry Strength is Understand various options that a Refining and dry strength • Dry strength additives • Why 29 Alkaline Paper- Review some of the advances in Alkaline papermaking strategies for good retention,
Low on the FPC papermaker has to increase the dry wet-end starch typically has a positive charge • How making retention, drainage, and formation drainage, and formation • Charge balancing as a drain-
Paper Machine #2 strength of the product. flocculation of the fibers can hurt paper strength • Using uniformity that can be achieved with age strategy • Microparticle retention & drainage sys-
the size press to improve strength and stiffness • Case an optimized alkaline papermaking tems • Colloidal silica • Bentonite
study: saving costs at the size press system.
16 ONP Old News Pa- Illustrate how papermakers and lab The relationship between downtime and paper mill pro- 30 Dealing with Foam Understand the various causes of Ways that foam hurts sheet properties • Case study
per Co. Can’t Get technicians can work to overcome ductivity • Causes of spots & web breaks (Pareto chart) foam problems in papermaking involving foam: • Defoamers • What stabilizes foam
Quality Product to various causes of lost production on • Wet-web strength • Troubleshooting (two brief case systems and to understand different bubbles • Foam control • Deaeration equipment
the Reel paper machines. studies dealing with deposits) ways of dealing with them.
17 Making the Paper Illustrate some strategies that pa- Incorrect addition of a chemical additive • Ways to 31 Steps in the Justi- Understand some key steps that can Reasons why a papermaker buys chemical additives •
Machine Run permakers can employ to make the successfully inject chemical agents • Ways to combat fication, Selection, help in making good decisions about Reasons why justifications are needed before making
Cleaner machine run cleaner, which can mean scale formation • Ways to combat tacky and sticky Optimization, and whether to implement a new wet- changes • How wet-end chemistry can impact the costs
fewer process interruptions. substances • Talc use • Slime and holes • Felt cleaning • Marketing of Wet- end chemistry program on a paper of operations • Ways to minimize risk • Safety labeling •
Case study end Additives machine, including the marketing of Encouragement of students to continue their reading
wet-end chemical products.
18 Making Paper with Introduce the concept of “paper Strategies to reduce the amount of fresh water used
Less Water machine water system closure” and on a paper machine • Enrichment of non-retained
outline some strategies of coping substances when water reuse is increased • Kidney
with the consequences in terms of strategies • De-aeration equipment • Dealing with high
wet-end chemistry. electrolyte (salt) levels
19 Dealing with Introduce the most common unit op- Total suspended solids (TSS) • Biological oxygen
Wastewater Issues erations in the treatment of wastewa- demand (BOD) • Color • Turbidity • Primary wastewa-
ter from a paper mill. ter clarifiers • Activated sludge secondary treatment
• Sludge thickening • Alternative uses for sludge from
paper mills
20 “Please Match this Introduce the basics about what Brightness test equipment • Brief introduction to theory
Pastel-Colored determines paper’s color, how to of color • The function of dye additives • Classes and be-
Sample” evaluate color, and how to control it havior of different dyes • Color matching • Fluorescent
with dyes and whiteners. whitening agents or “OBAs” • Mottle issues
21 Minimizing Waste Introduce some issues related to ef- Transition time between paper grades • Adsorption, a
When Making Mul- ficient operation of a paper machine key requirement for an additive to be effective • Selec-
tiple Grades on a making several grades of paper, using tion of an addition point • Process control delay • Case
Paper Machine a wet strength grade as an example. study: using a high-charge cationic additive to make a
wet-strength additive work more efficiently
22 “If It Ain’t Broke… Illustrate a problem-solving approach Case study: low size test results on a fine paper ma-
It Must Be our as papermakers work to figure out chine, including: • Causes of moisture streaks on paper
Product” what is causing low sizing test values, machines • Dewatering on the Fourdrinier • Pressing •
which turn out to have an unexpected Drying • Additional causes of web breaks
23 Rita Book Paper Illustrate how papermakers can use Calendering • Refining and smoothness • Fiber selec-
needs Higher a variety of approaches to achieve tion to increase bulk • Filler shape relative to paper’s
Smoothness and product specifications in an economi- bulk and smoothness • Using cationic starch to maintain
Higher Caliper cal way. strength of filled paper • Starches used at the size press
24 Bringing Value to Introduce some basic concepts that Building your skill base • Team effectiveness • Cus-
your Company by can help a papermaking professional tomer focus • Commodity vs. specialty manufacturing
Addressing the succeed both for themself and for • Supply-demand effects and market entry • Use of
Needs of Your Cus- their company. statistics to gain credibility • Example of a confidence
tomers interval calculation
25 PB Paper Bag Co. Work through a case study with a Case study: how to meet customer expectations for
has Wet-End Toler- surprise ending: In this case to make paper bags under challenging conditions • Wet-strength
ance Problem paper bags stronger when wet; the agents and their strategies of use • How wet-end sizing
key was to keep them from really get- can be used to help meet wet-strength test require-
ting wet. ments
26 The Optimization Illustrate some concepts related to Multi-ply paperboard • The folding of boxboard • Opti-
of Multi-Ply Board paperboard development and manu- mizing the choice of fiber type • Strategies to achieve
Products facture by considering a case study. strength and stiffness in paperboard • Coating
27 Recycled Pulp: Understand the basics of a fiber re- Quality attributes of recovered fiber • Key challenges to
Getting the Ink covery operations. • Understand how overcome in paper recycling • Loss of fiber strength •
Count Down and why recovered fibers are often Embrittlement due to drying • Some hidden advantages
different from virgin fibers. of recovered fibers • Some unit operations in deinking
28 Acidic Papermak- Review basic concepts of acidic pa- Why calcium carbonate is incompatible with acidic
ing permaking, with emphasis on acidic conditions • Acidic sizing systems • Mechanisms of rosin
sizing and the use of alum products. sizing • Alum chemistry and usage • Aging of paper

20 21
NPT2 Paper Coating Technology

Paper Coating Technology Module Title Objectives Subject

1 Introduction Gain an understanding of why papers Course Introduction • Why paper is coated • Compari-
are coated and the properties of the son of Coated and Uncoated Surfaces • Porosity • Ink
Course Description: base sheet that affect the quality of Receptivity • Surface Improvement • Controlling Base
This course is designed for coating mill production and engineering personnel, technical service personnel, the coating layer. Sheet Properties
product developers, and research & development personnel employed by chemical manufacturers. 2 Market Overview— Identify the different grades of coat- Grade Terminology • Classification of Coated Grades •
Terminology ed paper and paperboard. • Examine Paper Furnishes • Coated Wood Free Papers • Recycled
The overall objectives of this course are to provide participants with the following: the criteria used in the classification Pulps • Coating Terms • Overview of Coated Papers •
of coated paper grades. Coated Paperboard • Solid Bleached Sulfite • Examples
1) an understanding of coatings for paper and paperboard, of CSBS • Examples of CUBK • Examples of CRB • Sum-
mary of Coated Board Properties
2) the ability to interact more knowledgeably with process engineers, operators, and technicians, and
3 Principles of Print- Describe the four major printing Principles of Printing • Printing Inks • Coating Properties
3) the skill and ability to optimize mill performance. ing processes and examine the most im- Coating Requirements • Types of Processes • 4 Color
portant paper and coating properties Sheetfed Press • Printing Methods • Offset Printing •
Upon successful completion of this course, participants will have gained an understanding of: for each printing method. Flexographic Printing • Rotogravure Processes • Elec-
tromechanical & Director Laser Engraving
• The printing methods used to print coated grades of paper and board, the coating requirements for these
4 Print Properties Increase understanding of the mech- Ink Setting • Absorption Ink Drying • Evaporation Ink
grades, and the methods used to test the print properties of coated papers.
anisms of ink setting and drying for Drying • Oxidative Polymerization Ink Drying • Radiation
• The impact of pigment selection on the optical and surface properties of the coating, the basic criteria each coating process and examine Curing and UV Ink Drying • Coating Structure Influences
how both properties are influences • Porosity Influence on Absorption • Formulation Criteria
used to classify pigments and select pigments for coated grades of paper and board, and the equipment by the structure of the dried coating for Oxidative Drying • Formulation Criteria for Offset
and procedure used to properly prepare a pigment for application. layer. Printing • Formulation Criteria for Rotogravure • Formu-
lation Criteria for Flexo
• The chemistry and properties of starch and protein binders and the processes used to prepare both
5 Print Testing Increase knowledge of techniques Print Testing • Important Properties • Measurement of
binder types. used to measure the optical and Ink Gloss • Ink Density • Measurement of Tobias Mottle •
rub resistant properties of printed Image Quality • Ink Rub-Off Resistance • Factors Influ-
• The chemistry and properties of latex and polyvinyl alcohol binders, the advantages and disadvantages subtrate. encing Ink Rub-Off • Ink Viscosity • Ink Tack
of their use, and the processes used to prepare both binder types. 6 Print Identification Identify the method of printing for Identifying Web & Sheetfed Offset Substrates • Identify-
commercial grade paper & board. • ing Offset Printed Products • Identifying Gravure Printed
• The basic materials within the class of coating additives, including the functional role and general chemical
Gain and increased understanding Products • Identifying Inkjet Printed Products • Identify-
characteristics of each additive. of common defects associated with ing Flexographic Printed Products • Identifying Elec-
each printing process. trostatic Printed Products • Coating Related Problems
• The calculations used to prepare a batch of coating in the lab from a coating recipe. The basic principles • Back Trap Mottle & Color Bleed • Wet Repellency •
learned can be used to scale-up a batch to commercial quantities. Picking • Donuts & Poor Image Quality • Fill-in • Heatset
Web Offset Print Defects
• The equipment and design configurations used to manufacture coated paper and board.
7 Pigments: Part I Gain an increased understanding of Gloss • Brightness • Opacity • Index of Refraction • Op-
Emphasis is placed on the differences in each process and how these differences affect the properties terminology used to describe prop- tical Theory • Mechanism of Light Scatter • Refraction •
of the coated base sheet. erties of pigments. • Study optical Measuring Opacity • Pigmented Coating • Key Pigment
theory. Attributes • Role of Pigments in Paper • Classification of
Pigments • Types of Clays • Structure and Properties of
Textbook: Clays

Lehtinen, E., Pigment Coating and Surface Sizing of Paper, Papermaking Science and Technology, 8 Pigments: Part II Gain an increased understanding of Sources, Production, Structure, and Properties of Cal-
terminology used to describe prop- cium Carbonate • Influence of Particle Size on Glass &
Volume 11, TAPPI Press erties of pigments. • Study optical Opacity • Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) • Ultra
theory. Fine Ground Calcium Carbonate (UFGCC) • Application
of PCC • Application of UFGCC) • Specialty Pigments
• Titanium Dioxide and Plastic Pigments • Classifica-
tion and Properties of Plastic Pigments • Calendering
Response • Properties and Application of Hollow Sphere
9 Dispersing Gain an increased understanding of Dispersing Agents • Mechanisms of Cluster Formation
the dispersion process and problems • Preventing Floc Formation • Magnetic or Electrostatic
associated with the improper disper- Cluster Formation • Resistance to Shear • Mechanical
sion of the coating pigment. and Chemical Dispersion • Machinery for Dispersing Pig-
ments • Requirement for Success
10 Binders Examine the differences in chemistry Overview of Binders • Binder Selection • Binder Demand
& properties of modified and unmodi- • Binder Flexibility • Sources of Starch • Composition of
fied starches and protein binders. Starch • Starch Comparison • Retrogradation • Starch
Cooking • Keys to Cooking Starch • Converted Starches
• Substituted Starches • Introduction to Natural Binders
• Derivatized Starches

22 23
Paper Coating Technology NPT2 NPT2 Paper Coating Technology

11 Protein Gain an increased understanding of Protein Binders • Composition of Proteins • Protein In- 18 Rod & Blade Examine the equipment and design Role of Metering Device • Rheological Properties &
the differences in protein types and teractions • Protein Preparation • Protein Shock • Cause configurations used to manufacture Desired Coat Weight • Surface Smoothness & Coating
the advantages & disadvantages of of Pigment Shock • Commercial Soy Proteins • Unhydro- coated paper & board. Emphasis is Uniformity • Types of Metering Devices • Types of Coat-
using protein binders. lyzed Soy Polymers • Hydrolyzed Polymers • Carboxyl- placed on the differences in each ing Blades • Blade Coaters • Advantages and Disadvan-
ated Soy Polymer • Binder Comparison process and how these differences tages of Blade Coaters • Coating Applicators • Blade
affect properties of the coated base Coater Configurations • Blade Coating Systems • Blade
12 Latex Binders: Examine the different types of syn- Latex Used in Paper & Paperboards • Basic Definitions
sheet. Characteristics • Blade Wear • Changing the Blade • Rod
Part I thetic latex binders and the physical • Properties Impacted by Latex (wet state) • Proper-
Coaters • Traditional Configurations • High Speed Road
& chemical properties that determine ties Impacted by Latex (dry state) • Polymerization •
Coaters • Backing Roll • Flooded Nip Applicator • Wash/
their performance in a coating formu- Emulsion and Latexes • Emulsion and Latexes • Emulsion
Roll Moisture Addition
lation. Polymerization Reaction • Emulsifying Agents • Emul-
sification of Monomer • Key Dimensions for Polymer 19 Contour Coaters Examine the differences between Coating Profiles • Air Knife Coaters • Coating Systems
Dispersions • Common Synthetic Binders • Rigidity • contour (non-contact) & director • Single Roll • Two Roll • Three Roll • Jet Fountain •
Structure of Monomers • Structure of Polymers • Acry- contact coating metering processes, Smoothing Roll • Air Knife Metering • Typical Operating
lates • Binding Strength • Carboxylated Latex • Latex and to understand the special consid- Parameters • Four Air Knife Designs • Air Knife As-
Product Parameters • Role of Modifiers • Blistering in erations given to the formulation of sembly • Setting the Geometry • Coating Sequence •
Web Offset Printing. coatings for these processes. Curtain Coating • Curtain Coating Terminology • Curtain
Coating Applications • Spray Coaters
13 Latex Binders: Examine the different types of syn- Pick Strength • IGT Pick Test • Wet Rub • Varnish
Part II thetic latex binders and the physical Holdout • Binders: Effect on Coated Paper • Binders: 20 Calendering: Part I Understand the properties gained Calender Overview • Reasons for Calendering • Cal-
& chemical properties that determine Comparison • Advantages/Disadvantages of Synthetic and lost by calendering and how endering Parameters • Calendering Influences on LWC
their performance in a coating formu- Binders • Storage and Handling • Stiffness • Smooth- temperature, pressure, and moisture Paper Roughness • Roughness Development in a Super-
lation. ness • Dot Gain • Binder Migration • Mottle • Croda Stain influence the properties of coated calender • Effects of Calendering • Types of Calenders
Test • Drying Conditions • Effect of Butadiniene Level • paper during the calendering pro- and Applications • Effect of Roll Hardness • Types of
Polyvinyl Alcohol (POVH) • Classification of POVH • Ap- cess. • Examine the different types of Calendering Rolls • Moisture Content • Calender Options
plication of POVH • Binders: Summary calenders and understand how they • Advantages & Disadvantages of Off Machine Calen-
vary in the surface finish they impact. ders
14 Additives: Part I Gain an increased knowledge of the Types of Additives • Functional Coating Additives •
purpose and chemistry of coating ad- Batch Coating Make-Down System • Continuous Coat- 21 Calendering: Part II Understand the properties gained Hard Nip & Supercalenders • Off Machine Calender-
ditives used by the paper industry. • ing Make-Down System • Foam Controlling Additives and lost by calendering and how ing • Supercalendered Finish • Applications Coated
Analyze the selection process used in • Skips • Craters • Defoaming Efficiency • Defoaming temperature, pressure, and moisture and Uncoated • Types of Hard Nip Calenders • Soft Nip
determining the best product chem- Mechanism • Foam Control Products • Types of Mi- influence the properties of coated Calendering • Advantages of Hot/Soft Nip Calendering
istry for a given application. crobes • Environments for Growth • Problems Associ- paper during the calendering pro- • Soft Nip Calendering Technology • Calendering Board
ated with Microbial Activities • Water Retention Aids • cess. • Examine the different types of • Shoe Calender • Influence of Moisture • Influence of
Coating Defects Associated with Dewatering • Problems calenders and understand how they Coating Pigments • Influence of Temperature • Types of
Associated with Binder Migration • Factors Influencing vary in the surface finish they impact. Roll Covers • Brush Calendering
Dewatering • Function of Water Retention Aids • Mecha-
22 Barrier Coating Learn about Functional Coated Pa- Defining Barrier Coating • Types of Barrier Coating •
nism of Thickening • Modification of Coating Rheology •
pers, including: • Coating materials Barrier Coating Materials • Tests for Oil & Grease Re-
Hydration • Entanglements • Coating Immobilization.
used to coat these papers • The ap- sistance (OGR) • Kit Test • Ralston Purina Test • Fluro-
15 Additives: Part II Gain an increased knowledge of the Introduction to Crosslinkers • Types of Crosslinkers • plications of Functional Coated Paper ploymers • Wax Coatings • PE Coatings • Water-Based
purpose and chemistry of coating ad- Crosslinker Selection • Glyoxal Reaction Mechanism • • Test methods used to measure their Barrier Coatings • Water-Based Chemistries • Applica-
ditives used by the paper industry. • Glyoxal Dosage Levels • Advantages/Disadvantages of performance tion Concerns • Basesheet Influence on Barrier Proper-
Analyze the selection process used in Glyoxal Use • Zirconium Based Crosslinkers • Advan- ties • Testing of Barrier Performance • Barrier Coating
determining the best product chem- tages/Disadvantages of Zirconium Use • Zirconium Dos- Market Trends • Barrier Coating Market Drivers • OGR
istry for a given application. age Levels • Introduction to Optical Brighteners (OBAs) Drivers • Wax Replacement Markets & Drivers • Cost
• Application of OBAs • OBA Carriers • Factors That Considerations
Affect OBA Performance • Introduction to Lubricants •
23 Barrier Strategies Examine important properties of This module uses the problem-solving method to ana-
Relative Effects of Lubricants on Wet Coating • Relative
coated paper, and review strategies lyze three different strategies for creating a high barrier
Effects of Lubricants on Dry Coating • Relative Effects
that can be employed to produce a coating layer.
of Lubricants on Converting Operations • Lubricant Dos-
good barrier layer.
age Levels • Lubricant Concerns • Introduction to Dis-
persants • Bridging • Classification of Dispersants • Dyes 24 Drying Examine coating drying technolo- Energy Consumption • Dewatering • Three Phases of
and Colorants • Dyes vs. Pigments • Coating Makedown gies, to evaluate methods of minimiz- Coating Consolidation • Factors that Influence Coating
• Order of Addition ing energy cost associated with the Penetration • Dryer Operation • Energy Transfer • Mass
drying process, and to explore ap- Transfer • Mechanisms of Heat Transfer • Drying Sys-
16 Coating Calcula- Apply knowledge of coating compo- This module introduces a laboratory exercise in which
proaches for maximizing sheet prop- tems • Steam Cylinders • Air Impingement Cylinders •
tions nents and formulations. students will perform calculations needed to prepare
erties and quality of coated papers. Air Flotation Dryers • Infrared Dryers • Jet Foil Systems
a coating. The calculations performed can be used to
scale-up any coating formulation to any desired batch 25 Testing Examine various testing equipment Solids Analyzer • Brookfield • Hercules Rheometer •
size. and perform essential tests involved Coating Density • Static Water Retention • Dynamic Wa-
in the coating process. ter Retention • CLC • Dynamic Contact Angle • Image
17 Size Press & Roll Gain an increased understanding of Size Press • Puddle Size Press Operation • Types of
Expert • Deltack • IGT Pick • Parker Print Smoothness
Transfer the various types of size presses and Puddle Size Presses • Operating Parameters • Con-
and Compressibility • Dyne Pen Test • Ink Density • Ink
roll transfer coaters, how the differ, ventional Size Press • Surface Sizing Chemicals • Size
Gloss & Delta Gloss • Dot Gain • Kit Test
the advantages and disadvantages of Press—Pigment Coater • Nip Rejections • Factors Con-
each, and the types of coatings being tribution to Nip Rejection • Transfer Roll Coaters • Gate 26 IMS Point Testing Examine an alternate approach for Dewatering Unit • Measurement and Recording System •
applied by each process. Roll Size Press • Advantages and Disadvantages of Gate the measurement of the immobiliza- Sample Metering & Application • Data & Results
Roll Size Press • Film Transfer • Metered Size Press and tion solids.
Applications • Metered Size Press Applicators • Metering
Elements • Key Factors

24 25
NPT2 Technology and Science of Paper Recycling

Technology and Science of Paper Recycling

Dr. Richard Venditti, Professor, Paper Science & Engineering, NC State University
21. Refining of recovered fibers
Course Description: 22. Fiber fractionation
The overall objective is to increase the ability to make decisions to improve the paper recycling process. Specific
23. Stickies: tacky contaminants
learning objectives include the ability to understand and address recycling processes and issues, including quality
24. Stickies: control and removal
of the raw materials; requirements to be environmentally friendly; and strategies to produce pulp at the lowest cost.
25. Stickies: measurement
26. Manufacture of packaging grades from recovered paper
27. Manufacture of newsprint from recovered paper
28. Manufacture of tissue from recovered paper
29. Manufacture of printing and writing papers from recovered paper
30. Mill Tour: Recycling mill producing packaging grade paper
31. Mill Tour: Material recovery facility
32. Guest Lecture: Danny Hayes: Introduction to bleaching recycled pulps
33. Guest Lecture: Danny Hayes: Bleaching systems used for recycled pulps
34. Guest Lecture: Danny Hayes: Case studies for bleaching recycled pulps

Topics include:
1. Paper recycling and technology course introduction and objectives
2. The US paper recycling industry
3. Introduction to papermaking fibers
4. Grades of recovered paper
5. Common contaminants in recovered paper
6. Collection, sorting, storage of recovered Paper
7. Papermaking fiber types and the effect of recycling on strength properties
8. Basic paper recycling process terms
9. Pulping of recovered paper
10. Screening
11. Centrifugal cleaning
12. Wash deinking
13. Flotation deinking
14. Dispersion and Kneading
15. Bleaching
17. Paper recycling system design strategies
18. Paper Recycling Systems
19. Cost to produce deinked pulp
20. Automated image analysis of paper to detect contaminants

26 27
NPT2 Paper Machine Optimization

Paper Machine Optimization

Michael Kocurek, Editor | Chuck Klass, Principal Instructor | Stephen Keown, Director 15. Wet End Starch Addition, Retention & Retention Aids Chuck Klass, Klass Associates
16. Wet End Sizing, pH control, Biological Control Chuck Klass, Klass Associates
This capstone course represents a major advancement in e-learning papermaking courses. It is intermediate in
17. Wet End Charge, Retention & Drainage Measurements Ronnie Skinner, BTG
scope, designed for more experienced operators and perhaps technical. The focus of this 55+ lecture course is
18. Consistency Control Ronnie Skinner, BTG
to cover variables important for optimization. Instructors will be among the best suppliers and consultants in the
19. Process Control of Air, Freeness, Charge & Refining Ronnie Skinner, BTG
Industry. Additional topics will be added as updates.
20. Review of Fourdrinier Wet End Basics Ken Stager, Paperchine QS
21. Fourdrinier Machine Wet End Optimization Ken Stager, Paperchine QS
22. Gap Former Designs and Variables Claes Holmqvist, Paperchine QS
23. Dynamics of Gap Forming and Drainage Claes Holmqvist, Paperchine QS
24. Gap Former Troubleshooting, Shear Levels & Vacuums Claes Holmqvist, Paperchine QS
25. Forming Fabric Types and Applications Daryl Wells, Asten-Johnson
26. Grade Specific Forming Fabric Requirements Daryl Wells, Asten-Johnson
27. Forming Fabric Deposit Control John Schwamberger, DuBois Chemicals
28. Save All Operations Chuck Klass, Klass Associates
29. Pumps and Pump Efficiency Mike Pemberton, ITT Industrial Processes
30. Vacuum Systems John Neun, Albany International
31. Paper Machine Energy Evaluation Considerations Dick Reese, Reese & Associates
32. Summary of Wet End Optimization Chuck Klass, Klass Associates


Lecture Topics Presenters
1. Effect of Dry End Operations on Sheet Properties Mike Kocurek, NC State University
2. Key Variables in Press Dewatering Dick Reese, Reese & Associates
3. Press Rolls & Roll Cover Design & applications Dick Reese, Reese & Associates
4. Wet Press Fabrics Design and Applications Rick Phillips, Asten-Johnson
5. Felt Conditioning & Deposit Control John Schwamberger, DuBois
6. High Pressure Showers & Cleaning Chemicals John Schwamberger, DuBois
7. Drying Optimization Process, Variables, Models Ken Hill, Kadant
8. Dryer Surface Temperatures and Heat Transfer Ken Hill, Kadant
9. Dryer Steam and Condensate Systems Ken Hill, Kadant
WET END OPERATIONS 10. Hoods and Dryer Air Systems Ken Hill, Kadant
Lecture Topics Presenters 11. Dryer Fabrics Design and Applications Blake Farmer, Asten-Johnson
1. Course Overview Chuck Klass, Klass Associates 12. Dryer Fabrics Deposit Control John Schwamberger, Dubois
2. Evolution of Paper Machine Performance Standards Dick Reese, Reese & Associates 13. Conventional Size Presses Chuck Klass, Klass Associates
3. Improving Paper Machine Performance Dick Reese, Reese & Associates 14. Starch Preparation & Handling Chuck Klass, Klass Associates
4. Paper & Board Structure & Properties Overview Mike Kocurek, NC State; Alabama Southern 15. Metering Size Presses Chuck Klass, Klass Associates
5. Wet End Effects on Product Properties Mike Kocurek, NC State; Alabama Southern 16. Calendering Basics, Equipment, Variables Mark Sorenson, Andritz
6. Stock Prep Refining Operations, Mechanisms, Variables Arvind Singhal, J&L Fiber Services 17. Calendering High Finished Papers Mark Sorenson, Andritz
7. Refining Intensity, Freeness Drops, Plates, Systems Arvind Singhal, J&L Fiber Services 18. Calendering High Bulk Grades Mark Sorenson, Andritz
8. Approach System Key Factors, Design, Performance Dick Reese, Reese & Associates 19. Calendering Tissue Mark Sorenson, Andritz
9. Cleaning Operations Dick Reese, Reese & Associates 20. Doctor Blades William Frawley, Coldwater Seals
10. Screening Operations Dick Reese, Reese & Associates 21. Reels Karl Westlund, PaperChine/TBD
11. Review of Headbox Operations I,II Mike Kocurek, NC State; Alabama Southern 22. Winder Operations and Optimization Jeff Brown, Paperchine
12. Headbox Optimization Chuck Klass, Klass Associates 23. Paper Machine Measurements and Control TBD
13. Headbox Optimization Using Ultrasonics Marty Wakefield, L&W 24. Summary & Wrap Up Chuck Klass, Klass Associates
14. Wet End Chemistry Problems and Optimization Chuck Klass, Klass Associates

28 29
Pulping Laboratories Paper & Board Testing Laboratories
Dale Smith, Alabama Southern Community College Roman Popil, PhD, Institute of Paper Science & Technology
Michael Kocurek, PhD, North Carolina State University Michael Kocurek, PhD, North Carolina State University

Scope and Learning Objectives: Scope and Learning Objectives:

These labs and videos demonstrate various procedures used to analyze raw materials such as wood, chips, pulping These labs and videos demonstrate various procedures used to test paper and board. They will also
liquor, bleaching chemicals; and the resulting pulp. They will also illustrate with video demonstrations the pulping provide some Background about the property being tested. The overall learning objective is to increase
process, screening, bleaching, preparation of laboratory handsheets, flotation deinking, microscopes, and others. The your understanding of why and how these tests and procedures are performed.
overall learning objective is to increase your understanding of why and how these tests and procedures are performed.
Topics 1. Introduction and Overview
Introduction and Overview 2. Basic Statistics
3. Laboratory Safety Printability Properties
Laboratory Safety
4. Preparation & Conditioning 15. Sheffield, Emveco, PPS Roughness
Chip Evaluations Analysis & Testing of Pulp 5. Basis Weight, Caliper, Moisture 16. Air Permeability, Porosity
1. Chip Moisture & Density 9. Permanganate Number of Pulp 6. Ash Measurement Optical Properties
2. Chip Classification 10. Viscosity of Pulp
Mechanical Properties 17. Brightness
Pulping Liquor Analysis 11. CSF Freeness of Pulp
7. Tensile, Stretch, Modulus 18. Opacity
3. White Liquor ABC test 12. Consistency of Pulp
8. Elmendorf Tear 19. Gloss
13. Refining of Pulp – Valley Beater
Pulping 9. Mullen /Burs 20. Cobb
14 Refining of Pulp – PFI Mill
4. Pulping Digester Operation 10. Bending Resistance 21. Hercules Size Test
15. Preparation of Handsheets
5. Screening of Pulp 11. Ring Crush 22. Contact Angle
16. Use of Microscopes
Bleaching of Pulp 12. Short Span Compression
Recycling 13. MIT Fold
6. Pulp Bleaching
17. Flotation Deinking 14. TSI & TSO Measurement
7. Pulp Brightness
8. Bleach Liquor Analysis
Introduction & Overview
Introduction & Overview If you are studying these laboratories as part of a training or educational program, it is recommended that you

If you are studying these laboratories as part of a training or educational program, it is recommended that you complete all of the labs, including the thought questions at the end of each lab. Some of the labs will require

complete all of the labs, including the thought questions at the end of each lab. Some of the labs will require analysis calculations and analysis of data, and other labs will provide final data without calculations. The outline you

of data, and other labs are demonstration only, with no data. The outline you should follow for each lab is as follows: should follow for each lab is :

1. Read the Objectives. 1. Read the Objectives.

2. Read the section on Background to familiarize yourself with the topic and test. 2. Read the section on Background to familiarize yourself with the topic and test.

3. Perform the Tasks 3. Perform the Tasks

3.1 View the Testing Video 3.1 View the Testing Video

3.2 Review Instructor directions; and/ or the appropriate Lab Manual instructions; and/or the TAPPI 3.2 Review Instructor directions; and/ or the appropriate Lab Manual instructions; and/or the TAPPI

Standard, or Useful Method for in depth details and instructions. Standard, or Useful Method in for in depth details and instructions .

3.3 Perform the tests and collect the data; or use the video data. Do the Calculations, if required. 3.3 Perform the tests and collect the data; or use the video data. Do the Calculations, if required.

4. Answer the Thought Questions. 4. Answer the Thought Questions.

For additional information on this and other new courses, contact:

Martha Wynn at or Mike Kocurek at

30 31

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