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International Standard © 8180 Ductile iron pipes — Polyethylene sleeving Canalznions en forte duet ~ Manche on paitviéne First edition — 1985-09-15, Ret, No. 1S0.8180-1985 6) Foreword {50 (the Inratina! Organization for Standen! 9 woldwie federation of ‘ational tanderds bodes 150 member bocea. The work of poring Inerationa_ ‘Stondors is noma carina ot though ISO techical eames. Each meet body mereteg ina subject for whieh tcl common hasbeen etablahed as ‘he rah to be represented on that comtte, iernaonalepanenton, gover ‘marta and non goverment in inson wit ISO, sito take pat nthe work ‘rat interno! Stands adopted by the techrical comme te ccuated the member bode for oprova before thar accoptance a ntnationa Stands by ‘ne 190 Counck. Tey ee epproved In accordance wit ISO proces rang tabs 785 sopraval bythe mare Dodie voting, Internationa Standard 1$0 8180 was prepared by Technical Commitee ISOITC 5, Paros metal pes ond metalic fangs INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 180 8180-1985 (E) Ductile iron pipes — Polyethylene slee 1. Scope and field of application ‘This imernaonal Standard species the characteristics of poletyane fim, commonly cal sving end used 8 9 ‘isona! protection aganetcoreson of duc Hon ppsines paricuty whan din agressive condtons This fim, the sfciony of which has bean proved by ox rence, take he form of ashes or ube ani ited around {he pipes on ste mmedatey belee pipe laying. 2. Referenct 150 1138, Masts — Qeterminaton of the mel fw rate of thermoptestis 'SO/R 1188, Pasties — Methods for determining the deny and relative density (specie gravy) of pases eveuaing flan less 3. Material 3.1. Characteristics ‘Te ater! uses for making the fi is polyetylee F#m ‘ure of povetines and/or atiyena and oti calves. Iu dlerty shot be between 910 ad S80 Kg ‘Tne metod of examining we deny of seyethane sal be in accordance wn S0/R 18 is mat ow index shall be not grote than 2.5 g/600 5 Imeaered in accordance wt ISO 1K. protection apsins weal rays is eauhed, the materi shale stbazed by the edo of Carbon back suse ors purpose the eon shal ben the ‘ange of 2103 % by moss. ‘he addon of entoxidanes is permed but shall be not reser than 0 % by mae, ‘Any impure in the polymer habe estan 01% by mses “The product sha not conn any plastics fers 3.3. Regenerated or reworked products ‘Tho use f regenerate pros snot pied ‘The use of reworked products fre from dit from th fin manufacturer’ own production is permittee long the {me type of egal product used snd thatthe fre ts Imanutacured meet the requeemente of ti Ineations! Stondord 4 Sleeving 1 Appesrance ‘The fm shat ot have hls, sts, punctures, patoraions 0° any ther detent! faut, wach ate te sength 429, wietn ‘The nora lt width ofthe tbe oF Ht set essing in rational standoso inthe manutoctures eatsogues. 422. Thickness ‘The nomi thickness ofthe slaving shal be not less than zum ‘The negative toarance on the namin thickness shall not rcoed 103 ' mecesay, it ia permite to use thicker leving or double seerng. 5 Mechanical properties 5.1. Tensile strength ‘The tense svength of the fim in the longudns) and ‘vanevere recone sal be not ss than 83 MPa, 52 Elongation ‘The elongation s active ofthe fin the ong and ranevere ction shat be not ee han 30 150 8180-1985 (€) 6 Storage and transportation “ne slevng shal be suitably packaged and protected by the rmanutacturer fr tansponation end serge won te sein stored pio 10 se aha be hares trom rect sigh, 7 Conditions of use and fitting Fer cexemicing wen potvetnylene seeving 1 eae sod Go the method ting, te usar =o eto appropriate

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