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If my colleagues said that our main target are women between 25 and 45 years old, I make an

exception, for I have discovered healthy ingredients and nutrition habits after following a diet that showed
extraordinary results after 3 months.

We have started our financial analysis, after establishing a business model and marketing
campaign, from an accurate estimation of goods sold. We have found more than 3 suppliers for each
component of the box (ingredient, paper box, printings, paper bag, stickers) and the cost of goods sold
vary from 0.8 to 2 euro. The only variable cost of the box is the ingredient itself. We had long discussions
with the delivery suppliers (FanCurier, UrgentCurier, DPD) for getting a fair price for delivering the box,
but they require accurate data for negotiating the price, therefore, if the normal price for 1 delivery is 3.5
euro/box, we projected the delivery price to 3 euro.

After 4 months of intensive marketing campaign, we will start selling in September 2018, with an
estimated number of 300 subscribers after spending 15 000 euro on marketing campaign. We will
continue our marketing campaign, and we forecast a 10% monthly growth of subscribers for the first year.
For the 2nd and 3rd year we estimated a monthly growth of 6% and for the 4th and 5th year a monthly
growth of 2 %. We will end-up with 400 subscribers in 1st year and grow until 4.800 in 5th year.

An initial investment of 26 000 euro will assure our start-up expenses and initial marketing costs,
providing at the same time a positive cash flow for the incipient period until we will reach the break-even
point at the beginning of the 2nd year when we will make our first 400 euro profit.

Revenue will grow with 100% annually, and the profit margin will be between 20% and 50%. From
our estimation Return on Investments will be between 25% in the 2nd year to 102% in the 5th year.

Regarding market share, we will start with a 0.07% from a total market of 20 000 000 euro up to
2.5% in the 5th year.

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