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Manhattan Project

Goals & Objectives

Students will learn about the creation of the atomic bomb and the events leading up to its final
development. Students will be able to effectively describe the ethical dilemma of using this bomb on Japan, and
why the United States ultimately decided to drop it. Lastly, students will be able to effectively choose a side of
the ethical dilemma to drop the bomb and be able to effectively defend that viewpoint.
Students will determine the stance on using the bomb and their reasoning for this of the major players in
the Manhattan Project. They will also identify their role and a major contribution of theirs

Students will identify the major events that took place throughout the development of the atomic bomb
and will place them on a timeline.
Content Delivery
Students will use the information in their text, in the attached readings and the Documentary.
Content Standards
HS.1.1 Students compare the present with the past, evaluating the consequences of past events and decisions
and determining the lessons that were learned.
HS.3.2 Students recognize the complexity of historical causes and effects, including the limitations on
determining cause and effect.
HS.3.3 Students understand the meaning, implication, and impact of historical events and recognize that events
could have taken other directions.
Key Players Major Contribution and Position Did They Want to Drop the Bomb? Why?
Albert Einstein

Robert Oppenheimer

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Leo Szilard

Enrico Fermi
Date Event







April 1945

July 1945

August 1945

September 1945

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