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Polymer Testing 32 (2013) 447–454

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Polymer Testing
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Test method

Accelerated creep testing of polymers using the stepped

isothermal method
Frédéric Achereiner*, Kurt Engelsing, Martin Bastian, Peter Heidemeyer
SKZ – Das Kunststoff-Zentrum, Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 22, 97076 Wuerzburg, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The increasing use of polymers in engineering applications requires suitable accelerated
Received 19 December 2012 test methods for predicting their long-term behavior. The stepped isothermal method (SIM),
Accepted 31 January 2013 originally developed for product testing of geosynthetics, was successfully applied in the
presented work to characterize the long-term creep behavior of polypropylene up to
Keywords: approximately 100 years. Based on the time-temperature superposition principle, this
Long-term creep behavior
method can be described as a short-term creep experiment during which the temperature
Stepped isothermal method
is elevated stepwise. It is shown that the temperature steps can be rescaled and shifted to
Accelerated testing
Time-temperature superposition principle
generate a master curve matching the prediction of long-term creep resulting from the
conventional approach of the time-temperature superposition principle (TTSP). This com-
pliance with established test methods and its good reproducibility suggests that SIM might
be a useful tool for accelerated testing of long-term creep behavior, especially for com-
parative purposes such as quick screening of material formulations during the early
development stages, or the at-line assessment of resins as part of quality assurance.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 50 to 100 years, which is not compatible with tight product

development schedules.
The increasing use of polymers in engineering applica- Increasing the temperature is a common way to accelerate
tions usually requires a minimum guaranteed service life of the time-dependent creep response [1]. Based on the time-
10 to 15 years. In the case of plastic parts relevant to security temperature superposition principle (TTSP) [2,3], short-term
or difficult to replace, such as pipes and geomembranes creep experiments at various temperatures are sufficient to
for landfills, these requirements may reach up to 50 or 100 generate a master curve, which describes the long-term
years. Therefore, the long-term creep behavior of the ma- deformation at a reference temperature [4]. This method is
terial needs to be considered in the early stages of product well established for the accelerated creep testing of polymers.
development. The construction of a master curve involves shifting the
However, polymers are viscoelastic materials. Their timescale of the measured creep curves to match the creep
mechanical behavior strongly depends on time and is still behavior at a reference temperature. The corresponding
difficult to extrapolate over more than one decade (log shift factor aT was described by Williams, Landel and Ferry
scale). Hence, estimation of the long-term deformation [5] as:
under static load requires conventional creep experiments  
over a long period of 5 to 10 years for product lifetimes of t
ε0 ðT0 ; tÞ ¼ ε T; (1)
where ε0 is the strain at reference temperature, T0 the ref-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ49 931 4104475; fax: þ49 931 4104717. erence temperature, t the time, ε the strain at the elevated
E-mail address: (F. Achereiner). temperature T.

0142-9418/$ – see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
448 F. Achereiner et al. / Polymer Testing 32 (2013) 447–454

They also defined the WLF equation, which enables an

empirical description of the shift factor aT for amorphous
polymers above the glass transition temperature Tg:

C1 ðT  T0 Þ
logaT ¼ (2)
ðC2 þ T  T0 Þ
where C1 and C2 are empirical constants.
However, the WLF equation is not valid for semi-
crystalline polymers well below their melting points.
Seitz and Balazs [4] showed that in this case the description
of the shift factor aT follows an Arrhenius equation:
DH 1 1
logaT ¼  (3)
2:303 R T T0
where DH is the activation energy and R the universal gas
The present work introduces a further development of
TTSP, the stepped isothermal method (SIM), which was
originally introduced for product testing of geosynthetics.
Fig. 1. Principle of the SIM procedure: (a) correction of measured data due
to thermal expansion, (b) determining virtual start time t0 (c) rescaling, (d)
2. Principle of the stepped isothermal method curve shifting according to TTSP.

In order to predict the long-term creep behavior of

geogrids in soil reinforcement applications, Thornton et al. The SIM data now correspond to a family of virtually
[6,7] made some adjustments to the TTSP procedure. SIM independent creep tests, which can be shifted to a master
exploits a specificity of geosynthetics, the high surface-to- curve the same way as in conventional TTSP (Fig. 1d). The
thickness ratio of which allows very fast heating. Due to start temperature is usually employed as the reference
measurement scatter caused by the use of many specimens, temperature for curve shifting.
the conventional implementation of TTSP requires many The applicability of SIM was investigated for many dif-
experiments to determine a master curve for one load level ferent geosynthetics [8–10]. Due to the good agreement
(at least 3 short-term creep tests per temperature for sta- with conventional long-term creep tests, SIM meanwhile
tistical validation), implying long overall duration and high becomes a well-established method for the accelerated
costs. By contrast, SIM requires only a single test specimen, product testing of geosynthetics; standards have been
which is tested under a constant load, but at a sequence of published for both tensile creep (ASTM D 6992) and com-
stepwise increased temperature levels. This approach pressive creep (ASTM D 7361).
minimizes both scattering effects and testing time, which Despite the advantages of SIM, only sparse attempts
makes SIM a very attractive testing method. have been made to extend the scope of this method to
TTSP and SIM both involve shifting creep curves using other polymeric products. Alwis and Burgoyne [11] applied
the temperature-dependent shift factor aT. However, due to SIM successfully to creep testing of aramid yarns. Like
differences in the experimental approach the analysis of geosynthetics, high-performance yarns mostly feature
SIM data implies some additional steps prior to this shifting a very small cross-sectional area and can, therefore, be
procedure. Fig. 1 describes schematically these adjustments. rapidly heated. More recently, first attempts were made
First of all, the temperature changes during the creep with thicker samples: Thomas et al. investigated HDPE
experiment, which means that the measured deformation under tensile load with respect to plastic pipes [12];
does not exclusively account for the creep behavior. Thus, Bozorg-Haddad and Iskander focused on compressive
a vertical shift is required to remove the deformation loading of HDPE [13].
caused by thermal expansion while heating the sample The present study aims at determining whether SIM can
(Fig. 1a). be generalized to material characterization of polymers and
According to the Boltzmann superposition principle [1] investigated for possible restrictions to the use of SIM.
the creep curves at different temperature steps can be
treated as individual tests starting at the virtual start time 3. Experiments
t0 . When the temperature step T2 starts at time t2, some
creep has already taken place at the previous temperature Due to its widespread use in engineering applications
T1. Therefore, a creep experiment corresponding to the susceptible to long-term creep, polypropylene serves in the
behavior measured between t2 and t3 would have started at present work as an example for the investigation of SIM.
a time t20 < t2 (Fig. 1b). This virtual start time t0 is empiri- The material used was a commercially available PP homo-
cally determined; the details of this procedure will be polymer. Tensile specimens were injection-molded and
discussed in section 4. The rescaling of each temperature stored for some months under standard climate conditions
step is handled iteratively and the results are all plotted on (23  C/50 % relative humidity) before testing. Since not all
the virtual time scale (t-t0 ) (Fig. 1c). samples can be tested simultaneously, this should prevent
F. Achereiner et al. / Polymer Testing 32 (2013) 447–454 449

the creep behavior from being too much influenced by

differences in physical ageing condition. The geometry of
the dumbbell specimens complies with ISO 527; the
thickness is 4 mm.
In order to assess the applicability of SIM, a reference for
the tensile creep behavior of polypropylene was determined
by means of long-term measurements, and indirectly with
creep master curves, which were generated according to
conventional TTSP. The long-term creep experiments were
performed for up to one year at 23  C using a dead-weight
loading setup.
Short-term creep tests for both conventional TTSP and
SIM were performed on a universal testing machine with
closed-loop load control. The tests were conducted in an
insulated chamber with an external temperature control
unit. Compared to conventional temperature chambers, this Fig. 2. Raw SIM data.
setup not only guarantees a stable temperature (0.5 K) over
many hours but also a quick heating (>5 K min1). Due to
regulating the sample loading dynamically, the thermal
the high air flow, the heating is evenly distributed, so that no
expansion was directly measured by repeating the SIM
temperature gradient occurs in the chamber. Both the
procedure with a controlled load of 0 N, as shown in Fig. 3.
chamber temperature and the temperature at the surface of
This procedure considers the thermal behavior of the
the test samples were recorded. The creep strain was
whole experimental setup.
measured with a clip-on extensometer.
The second analysis step considers the creep behavior
According to conventional TTSP, short-term isothermal
for each temperature step as if the measured deformation
creep tests were performed for up to 10 hours at various
results of an independent creep test at constant tempera-
temperatures. By contrast, SIM experiments lasted up to 3
ture. According to the Boltzmann superposition principle, the
days but the temperature was gradually increased in 10 K
sum of these independent tests would form a creep curve
steps while the sample was still loaded. Between two
corresponding to the raw SIM data. Strictly speaking, the
heating steps the temperature was maintained constant for
Boltzmann superposition principle only applies to small
a dwell time of at least 10000 s. All SIM experiments were
strains since it describes linear viscoelastic behavior.
started at 23  C, which was also chosen as reference tem-
However, investigations on the validity of SIM for geo-
perature for the construction of the master curve according
synthetics [7–10] indicate that an extension of this princi-
to TTSP.
ple to larger strain leads to an approximation, which can be
assumed as appropriate for engineering purposes.
4. Results and discussion
One reason for this may be the empirical procedure
used to determine the virtual starting time t0 of the inde-
Using an appropriate experimental setup, the actual test
pendent tests. The procedure is based on the specificity of
procedure is rather simple and was fully automated. First,
SIM: using a single sample, the physical state at the junc-
the sample is fixed in the setup and the temperature is
tion between two temperature steps is unique. Assuming
regulated. Then, a constant load is applied and the time-
that both steps correspond to independent experiments is,
dependent deformation is recorded. After each dwell time
therefore, only possible when both curves reflect this
the temperature is rapidly elevated to the next level. The
unique physical state. This means that the creep rate at the
raw data of an exemplary SIM test involving a poly-
propylene dumbbell sample loaded with a constant tensile
stress of 10 MPa (i.e. 30 % of the yield stress) are displayed
in Fig. 2.
The specific characteristic of SIM testing lies in the
analysis steps which are required to obtain a smooth
master curve. To illustrate the procedure, the analysis of the
SIM data shown in Fig. 2 will be described in detail.

4.1. Detailed analysis of SIM data

The first analysis step aims at correcting the SIM data in

order to account for thermal expansion. Starting with the
first heating step, the measured deformation of the sample
comprises both creep deformation and thermal expansion.
The latter has to be removed. Thornton [6] determines the
value of this vertical shift empirically; it is also possible to
use the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) when
available. However, since the experimental setup allows Fig. 3. Overview of vertical shifting and rescaling.
450 F. Achereiner et al. / Polymer Testing 32 (2013) 447–454

end of a temperature step should be identical to the creep

rate at the beginning of the next step when the two steps
are considered independently.
Since the heating does not take place instantaneously,
there is a small transition region with undefined creep
behavior at the beginning of each temperature step. As
a result, the data from this transition region should be
excluded from the analysis but the time scale is kept in place.
However, if the heating is quick enough, the assumption of
identical creep rates can still be used. Beginning with an
arbitrary value, the starting time t0 is, therefore, iteratively
varied until the slope at the beginning of a temperature step
matches the slope at the end of the previous step in the
logarithmical time scale (t-t0 ), as shown in Fig. 4. This pro-
cedure is repeated iteratively for all temperature steps until
the SIM data rescaled in the virtual time scale (t-t0 ) is
equivalent to a set of independent isothermal creep curves.
These can be used to generate a master curve by means of Fig. 5. Horizontal shifting according to TTSP.
horizontal shifting according to TTSP (Fig. 5).
However, the curves do not overlap since SIM data
correspond to continuous creep deformation. The creep temperature has to be quick enough so that the transition
curve of a temperature step can, therefore, be appended phase with undefined creep behavior can be considered as
directly to the curve of the precedent step, hence building negligible. This is the case for thin products like geo-
a smooth master curve. synthetics. However, heating 4 mm thick tensile specimens
may not be as fast due to the poor thermal conductivity of
4.2. Assessment of the method polymers. Therefore, investigations were performed with
thermocouples in the sample’s bulk as well as at the sam-
The construction of the master curve according to TTSP ple’s surface. The results are shown in Fig. 7 for tempera-
directly provides a tool to evaluate the quality of the creep ture steps of 10 K.
prediction. The empirically determined shift factors just A closer look at the first heating event (Fig. 8) reveals
have to be displayed in an Arrhenius plot as shown in Fig. 6. that the bulk temperature increased more slowly than the
Since Eq. (3) describes the shift factors aT for semi- surface temperature, but the time delay is not very pro-
crystalline polymers, a linear correlation indicates that nounced. More than 80 percent of the required tempera-
the shifting procedure was appropriate; lack of linear cor- ture increase can be achieved in only 150 s; the target
relation suggests false rescaling. If the creep mechanism temperature is reached within 600 s. Hence, compared to
changes within the temperature range used in the SIM the dwell time at constant temperature, the heating of the
experiment, the Arrhenius plot displays two partial linear sample can be considered as stepwise.
correlations with different slopes, which reflects the SIM does not specify how to define the transition
change in the activation energy. This can be used to region. The only requirement is to maintain the specimen
determine the maximal temperature which still leads to temperature within 1 K of the target temperature, which
meaningful results for a given start temperature. is achieved in less than 300 s. This leaves some scope for
Due to the specific analysis approach of SIM, the heating
of the sample requires special attention. The change of

Fig. 4. Determining the virtual start time t0 Fig. 6. Arrhenius plot of the shift factors.
F. Achereiner et al. / Polymer Testing 32 (2013) 447–454 451

Fig. 7. Temperature of the sample during a SIM test.

the choice of data which need to be excluded from the Fig. 9. Repeated SIM measurements with different samples.

analysis. Other analysis parameters, such as the time range

used to determine the slope at the beginning and the end of separately. Due to the good reproducibility of the master
a step, are not clearly defined either, leaving room for curve’s form, only the starting strain level needs to be
uncertainty. checked statistically. This can be done with some short-
Lechat and Greenwood [14] pointed out that the manual term creep tests at the starting temperature, as described
analysis of SIM data by different operators can lead to in ASTM D 6992 using the term “Ramp and Hold”. The SIM
a significant uncertainty and they emphasize the need for master curve can then be shifted vertically, like in Fig. 10, to
an automated processing. Therefore, the data presented in match the average starting level. This study for the stan-
this study were all analyzed using a computer-based rou- dard tensile specimen showed that the scattering of the
tine. Given this, SIM measurements provide creep master starting level can be considered negligible when using
curves with good reproducibility, as displayed in Fig. 9. a electro-mechanical load unit instead of dead weights.
Indeed, master curves resulting from different samples The SIM testing procedure is fairly straightforward but
match nicely. Small differences in the master curve’s form three major parameters can influence the construction of
may still be observed but they can be related to the man- a master curve:
ufacturing process, in this case the cavity of the injection
mold.  the dwell time at constant temperature
The good reproducibility indicates that SIM is a suitable  the magnitude of the temperature step
comparative method which can be applied as a useful tool,  the number of temperature steps
e.g. for quick screening of material formulations during the
development stage or for at-line quality assessment of The third parameter affects especially the maximal
resins. range of predictable creep times: the more steps, the longer
Since SIM master curves always result from one single the master curve. However, due to the iterative analysis
experiment, the specimen variability need to be assessed

Fig. 8. Temperature of the sample during the first heating step. Fig. 10. Variability of the strain level for short-term creep tests.
452 F. Achereiner et al. / Polymer Testing 32 (2013) 447–454

Fig. 13. Raw TTSP data (each curve corresponds to the average of 3 different
creep experiments).
Fig. 11. Variation of the dwell time at constant temperature while keeping
the magnitude of the temperature step DT constant.

The magnitude of the temperature steps was also var-

procedure, small errors can add up, leading to incorrect ied, showing that larger temperature steps lead to higher
master curves. The number of steps is also limited by the strains. However, Fig. 12 demonstrates that the dwell time
temperature range in which the investigated creep mech- at constant temperature and the magnitude of the tem-
anism is constant. perature step have a combined effect on the master curve:
Thornton claims that poorly chosen testing conditions entirely different test conditions can lead to nearly identi-
lead to master curves with a shorter time range, but the cal creep predictions. Optimal test conditions are in the end
inadequacy of dwell time or temperature step is conser- a compromise between the quality of creep prediction and
vative [6]. The impact of these two parameters on the the practicability of the test method; long dwell times and
master curves has been reviewed in this study. The dwell small temperature steps result in higher accuracy to the
time was varied from 10000 s, which is recommended by detriment of test duration and costs.
ASTM D 6992, up to 45000 s. The resulting master curves
are displayed in Fig. 11. For times up to one year, the creep
4.3. Comparison with conventional test methods
prediction of the three master curves is mainly identical.
More significant differences can be observed in the long-
Creep master curves were also constructed according to
term behavior. Altogether, shorter dwell times lead to
conventional TTSP procedure, hence using many different
higher strains. A comparison with conventional test
isothermal short-term creep tests. The raw data for poly-
methods, as done in 4.3, indicates that the master curve for
propylene under a tensile load of 10 MPa are displayed in
a dwell time of 45000 s best corresponds to the actual long-
Fig. 13. The creep behavior was measured for 7 different
term creep behavior.

Fig. 12. Variation of both the dwell time at constant temperature and the Fig. 14. Comparison of SIM, conventional TTSP and long-term creep
magnitude of the temperature step DT. experiments.
F. Achereiner et al. / Polymer Testing 32 (2013) 447–454 453

polypropylene tensile specimens. Despite their thickness,

the samples could be heated quickly enough to perform
a rescaling of the single temperature steps. Thus, the
measured strain was stripped into a family of virtually
independent isothermal creep curves which were subse-
quently used to generate a master curve according to the
time-temperature superposition principle (TTSP).
SIM proved to have good reproducibility, although the
choice of testing parameters may influence the final results.
Long dwell times and small temperature steps result in
higher accuracy to the detriment of testing duration and
costs, so that a compromise between the quality of creep
prediction and the practicability of the test method needs
to be found.
Compared to the classical TTSP procedure, SIM allows
reducing the experimental effort to a minimum while still
providing the same accuracy of the master curves. The re-
Fig. 15. Arrhenius plot of the shift factors for both SIM and conventional sults suggest that SIM might be a useful tool for accelerated
TTSP. investigations of long-term creep behavior, especially for
comparative purposes such as quick screening of material
formulations during the early development stages, or the
temperature levels using 3 specimens for each tempera- at-line assessment of resins as part of quality assurance.
ture. Altogether, 21 single creep experiments, each lasting However, SIM cannot transcend the limitations for the
at least 10000 s, were necessary to generate a master curve prediction of long-term creep due to the snapshot effect of
using conventional TTSP. short-term tests. A more accurate master curve might
As displayed in Fig. 14, the comparison of this master require some extra consideration of the physical ageing
curve with the SIM master curves presented in Fig. 12 phenomenon. Moreover, the presence of some transition
shows a perfect match. The results of both test methods within the testing range of temperature, which causes
also correspond to nearly identical activation energy, as changes in the creep mechanism, may prevent the use of
shown in the Arrhenius plot of the shift factors in Fig. 15. SIM. Instead of varying temperature, it may help in that
This means that the hypothesis used to split SIM data into case to increase the load stepwise, as recently proposed by
virtual independent creep experiments is indeed appro- Giannopoulos and Burgoyne [18]. This so-called stepped
priate. Therefore, SIM can be regarded as a fully functional isostress method (SSM) is similar to SIM but is based on the
alternative to conventional TTSP procedure. time-stress superposition principle [19].
The actual creep data was measured directly in long-term
experiments up to 1 year (Fig. 14). For comparison purposes,
the data was then extrapolated according to Findley’s Acknowledgements
equation [15]. Both SIM and TTSP master curves basically
match actual creep data; however, long-term comparison We are grateful to the research association FSKZ e.V. for
shows a clear divergence. Physical ageing is presumed to be its financial support to IGF project 15967 N, which was
responsible for this discrepancy, since the short-term creep provided via the AiF as part of the programme to support
tests offer only a snapshot of the ageing state and do not “Industrial Community Research and Development” (IGF),
reflect that the sample continues ageing while it creeps. with funds from the Federal Ministry of Economics and
Brinson and Brinson [16] showed that the continued aging Technology (BMWi) following a decision of the German
during the application of the load leads to a stiffening of the Federal Parliament.
material with increasing time. Creep prediction based on
TTSP is, therefore, distorted to shorter times. References
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