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Geriatrics and Their Thoughts on the Aging Process

Geriatrics and There Thoughts on the Aging process

Belinda Stevens

ECPI College of technology

NUR117 Foundations of Nursing 111


Two separate interviews where conducted. One was on a 71 year old African American male

living alone. He has been married twice and his latest wife passed away 8 years ago. The other

interviewee is a divorced, 70 year old African American female living with her older daughter

and her daughter’s husband. The following contains the questions that where asked and the

answers that where given in interview style. Below are the potential nursing diagnoses for

problems that where discussed. A plan for and expected outcome and possible intervention that

could be implemented to achieve the therapeutic outcome is also included. We will first start

with Clyde Stevens the male interviewee. Please be advised that no editing of the answers given

by the interviewed persons was performed, so as to keep the integrity of the interview. Please

excuse inappropriate language.

When you where a teenager what where your views of getting older?“I thought that a

person 45 was old and I tried to be in a better position by the time I got that age but by the time I

got 45 I saw 60 as old. It don’t seem like it’s been but just a few years, although its been a

bunch, that I thought 45 was old. At 15, a thousand dollars was a lot of money but then at 20 I

realized that a thousand dollars is nothing, then by 49 I have seen ten thousand a few times over

and realized that aint nothing. Now I want a hundred thousand and at 45 I would have never

thought I needed a half million to get me through my old age when I retired but it’s true. The

average person doesn’t think that so you spend a lot of money doing things you wanted to do not

thinking about your future.”

What are your views now? “I know that I lived a lot longer then I thought I would and age is

only in the eye of the beholder. Some people are old at 55 and some are not quite so old at 80

and it boils down to what you did in life and how you took care of yourself.”

How do you feel your views on dating changed from when you where 20? “16 to 23 I never

dated my age, I let women date me and they where almost always older. Now at 71 I realize that

nobody is honest and you learn to role with the punches, you compromise, do some of the things

you want to do and some they want to do.”

Do you fear death and what are your feelings about death? “Nobody wants to die. I know its

coming and I hope it is no time soon. I fear suffering most of all, but don’t really fear death.”

How is your health what are your current medical problems? “My general health is great,

but my current medical problem is Prostate cancer. My Doctor feels that after surgery

everything will be fine.”

Besides documented medical issues, what other changes have you noticed that are a part of

your aging such as hearing, vision, mobility, pain, appetite and physical activity? “My

hearing normal; no problems and hasn’t gotten any worse I always wore glasses but vision is

decent, I get around but I can really tell my mobility is decreasing. I have arthritis but not bad

enough to need medicine, when I exercise it is better. I have some pain that is there all the time

but I just ignore it, it does not stay on my mind all the time. Now as far as my appetite, it comes

and goes but it is less then normal. I don’t want as much anymore but I eat what I want. I

wanted to loose my stomach, so I started eating less, now it is hard to go back to eating more. I

loss more weight then I wanted to.”

Do you feel that age plays any role on your current health issues? “Yes. Age and neglect,

neglect being the greatest role but age played a hand, and lifestyle.”

How is your self image compared to when you where younger? “When I was younger I

thought I was the smartest thing alive, now I just feel that I am smarter then the average person.”

Do you feel that your age has affected your self image? “Yes”

Do you feel that people treat you differently at 71 then they did at 41? “Yes”

In what ways? “At 41 they treated me like I was just one of the guys doing whatever, whenever,

but now I am just an old man to them just someone in the way.”

Do you feel you are treated differently in the hospital or Dr,s Office now then you did when

you where 30? “Yes”

How so? “I feel I am treated better. I think it is because they see me as a person that deserves

their respect and when young I was just another knuckle head.”

What are the advantages of being your age? “I know what I want to do when I want to do it

and how I want it done.”

What do you feel is a disadvantage? “Not really being able to do it.”

If you could go back to any age in your life..Without taking into consideration family

friends children or past marriages what age would that be and why? “It would have to be

40, because at the age of 40 I was at the prime of my life. My health was great. My ideas were

strong and I could work and do whatever I wanted to do, old enough to know what I wanted to

do and strong enough to do it.”

When you where a teenager what where your views of getting older? “I felt like they

couldn’t remember couldn’t sleep good or walk well.”

What are they now? “I feel like they can’t remember can’t sleep good and don’t walk well.

Their minds are not as sharp and they loose all of their teeth.”

How do you feel your views on dating changed from when you where 20? “Scary.”

What about now at 70? “Your cootie dries up, and you get a weak bladder.”

What does that have to do with dating?“You don’t want to date if you are pissing all over


Do you fear death or what are your feelings about death? “I don’t like to think about it.”

How is your health what are your current medical problems? “I have gum disease, and a

weak bladder and I know that is a part of aging.”

Besides documented medical issues, what other changes have you noticed that are a part of

your aging such as hearing, vision, mobility, pain, appetite and physical activity?“My

hearing is worse then when I was younger my vision is worse, I don’t know what mobility mean

but if you mean driving a car I haven’t had my license since I’m 30 but I still drive. I am stiffer

and can’t get around as good but I feel I am good for a 70 year old women. I have no pain other

then my gums and I have a good appetite.

Do you feel that age plays any role on your current health issues? “Yes, because I am getting

older and slowing down”

How is your self image compared to when you where younger? “When I was younger my

self image was poor, I didn’t have the clothes, didn’t go to school like I wanted to, I wasn’t

happy with myself. Now I am happy with myself much better, because I don’t give a damn now.

Do you feel that your age has affected your self image? “Yes”

Do you feel that people treat you differently at 70 then they did at 41? “Yes

In what ways? I had a boyfriend at 41 I was strewing everyday I ain’t strewed nothing at 70 at


Do you feel you are treated differently in the hospital or Dr,s Office now then you did when

you where 30? “I didn’t really go to the doctor unless I was having a baby and I had five so

that is five times, but they do better now they are much kinder when I do go.”

What do you feel is a disadvantage of being your age? “My grandchildren don’t pay me any
attention. What are the advantages? You can tell them to kiss your ass because I don’t care

If you could go back to any age in your life..Without taking into consideration family
friends children or past marriages what age would that be and why? “42 or 43 when I met
Yahweh Ben Yahweh and discovered my true nationality and religion and my life changed.”

Nursing Diagnosis: Anxiety related to Prostate cancer diagnosis

Planning/Implementation: Patient will demonstrate positive coping mechanisms by discharge.
Acknowledge awareness of patient’s anxiety. Acknowledgment of the patient’s feelings validates

the feelings and communicates acceptance of those feelings. Maintain a calm manner while

interacting with patient. The health care provider can transmit his or her own anxiety to the

hypersensitive patient. The patient’s feeling of stability increases in a calm and nonthreatening

atmosphere. Assist patient in recognizing symptoms of increasing anxiety; explore alternatives to

use to prevent the anxiety from immobilizing her or him. 

Nursing Diagnosis: Impaired Urinary Elimination - Stress Incontinence

Planning/Implementation: Patient will be continent of urine or verbalize satisfactory

management by discharge. Determine parity. Childbirth weakens pelvic muscles. Explore

menstrual history. Postmenopausal hypoestrogenism causes relaxation of the urethra. Weigh the

patient. Obesity contributes to increased intra-abdominal pressure. Encourage weight loss if

obese. Teach patient to perform Kegel exercises. 


Works Cited

"Vanguard University of Southern California." Vanguard University of Southern California.

N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Aug. 2010. <>.

"The process of aging (gerontology)." Essortment Articles: Free Online Articles on Health,

Science, Education & More... N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Aug. 2010.


"US Elsevier Health Bookshop." US Elsevier Health Bookshop. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Aug. 2010.



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