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Ways to Improve Discipline in Schools

Nowadays, there are many complaints about bad discipline in schools. As we leaf the
newspapers, we can see gang fights in school, smoking among students, truancy or
bullying. There are many aspects we should consider when we take actions against bad
discipline in schools. There are many salient ways we can craft to improve discipline in
schools. It also does not cost an arm and a leg for the schools and personals in charge
to implement it.

One of the way is by counseling problematic students. By counseling the students

regularly by an experienced counselor, students can be galvanized to air their bad
disciplinary actions and then get to the root of the problem. Most of the students
engender disciplinary actions are those who are emotionally unstable. Counselors play
an important role in building self-confidence and self-worth in them and make their
emotional more stable. This can cause the students to see things from a more
disciplined and mature perspective.

For the students who are ‘hard-core’, school rules must be tightened and strictly
enforced to curb bad behavior in students. If the students committed serious offences,
they should be given severe warnings and put on surveillance. If this method is like
when a pig fly to the school authorities, expulsion from school is needed to curb bad
behaviors from incorrigible students. This can also reduce problems related to habitual
truancy or drop out of school.

Other than that, schools should encourage students to take part in the extra-curricular
activities. This can ensure the free time for students after school is well-used to gain
many good values. By participating in sport activities, clubs and societies, students can
gain a good sense of togetherness and good moral values like honesty, leadership and
good communicating skills. This can prevent students from causing disciplinary actions
and take pride in their school. It will be also a piece of cake issue for students when
entering into working life with those good moral values that they had gained in school life.

Parental participation is also a salient way to improve discipline in schools as they are
the close one to their children and get to know more than others about their children and
get to know more than others about their children. School authorities should work
together with parents to instill good moral values in students. This can reduce the bad
behavior in students and disciplinary action engendered by the students. As students
spend more time at home and school, teachers and parents can give either good or bad
influences on them, so it is essential for this two group of adults to be a good role model
for them.

School authorities must also conduct a disciplinary campaign to allow students to

participate and get more knowledge about god behavior and good discipline in school.
Talks like “how to be a good role model” should be given to students so that they can
employ it as a guideline in life. This can automatically decrease the disciplinary problem
such as vandalism of school property and bullying from happening.
Lastly, although all these ways may look like biting of more than we can chew matter,
a firmly and fairly implementation can improve discipline in schools. This will allow
students to be safer and comfortable to hit the books at school. Ways of improving
discipline in schools are very salient to craft a suitable studying environment for the

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