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Paul Tobin’s importing an existing design file into a new project

This document shows how you may import design files from each of the PSpice
books that are contained in five zipped files in directories as shown in Figure 1. You
will need to download the zipped files available from the site.

Figure 1: Design file directory

The design files have the format: Figure7-015.dsn. We need to create an .obj file,
which is what this document is about i.e. this document shows how to import an
existing design file with the file extension .dsn into a new project.

Start Capture CIS and create a new project file as shown in Figure 2. In this
example, we are using Figure4-001.dsn from the zipped file for book1, so enter, in the
Name box, Figure4-001, and in the location browse box, select the book directory.

Figure 2: New Project

Enter the design file name from the book directory as shown in Figure 2 (no file
extension needed). Remember: no spaces in the name i.e. Figure7-015.dsn and not
Figure 7-015.dsn. This opens a further menu, so press ok. You will be prompted with
the message shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Select ok to insert the design file

We need to create a new simulation profile (using the same name in Name, is fine), as
shown in Figure 4:

Figure 4: Creating a simulation profile

Select the Edit Simulation Setting icon and enter the desired simulation parameters
(Consult the book for these values), as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Simulation profile parameters

If, after carrying out this procedure, you end up with a blank page and no schematic,
then you must not have entered the correct address where the design file is located
(see Figure 2)

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